I n s id e W e a t h e r ROTC commissioning, p. 3; MICHIGAN Increasing cloudiness and STATE s TAT W eightlifting, p. 4; All-opp» warmer today with chance of nent cage team, p. 5; Reu- showers by late afternoon. ther press conference, p. 6; High near 50.^ Skating rink, p, 7. UNIVERSITY Vol. 55, Number 114 Monday, March 16, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10« Panam a B ack B a r g a i n i n g T a b le Diplomatic Relations Reuther Urges National Goal Reopened By CHARLES C .W E LLS State News Staff Writer Envoys To Seek America’ s problems of c iv il rights, education, unemployment and moral decay must be solved if this nation is to meet the VOUCH OF IRELAND—K e lli Rudegeair, Kalamazoo junior, is shown planting the Irish Sham­ rock she donated to the Beal-Garfield Gardens to brighten up the place for spring. The g ift New Canal Pact Communist challenge, Walter P. Reuther said in his commence­ ment address Friday. arrived just in time for St. P atrick's Day. Photo by Gary Shumaker WASHINGTON UP)--The United " I t is every American’ s duty to help this country find itse lf," " — — States and Panama agreed Sunday he said. “ We must develop a greater sense of national urgency, to re-establish diplomatic re­ of direction, and of national purpose.” LBJ Denies Rift 6G r e e n F e v e r , 9 lations "to seek a prompt elim i­ The United Auto Workers president spoke to about 4,000 people nation of the causes of conflict" attending winter term commencement exercises. over the Panama Canal. He called for a more positive contest between the conflicting F in a ls A r r iv e The agreement calls for both systems of capitalism and communism. It would be a contest of O n S a m e D a y With Bob Kennedy countries to "designate speciil a m b a s s a d o rs with sufficient powers to carry out discussions improving social conditions in the world instead of the arms race. "O ur system can meet this Communist challenge, but has not yet done so and we are in trouble for it, " he said. An annual craze for green­ WASHINGTON (yP)— President him for the Democratic vice and negotiations with the objec­ "Why can’t our system have full employment in peace time ness is sweeping the nation. Johnson, scoffing at talk of a presidential nomination. tive of reaching a fa ir and just when it can in war?" he asked. “ It can and it must.” In New York an ardent Irish­ r ift with Atty. Gen. Robert F. Referring to speculation about agreement." Since W’orld War II, America has wasted $600 billion because man attempted to paint the line Kennedy, said Sunday Kennedy feud or rift, Johnson said, "A ll Diplomatic relations w ill be of unemployment, he pointed out. This gap could be our margin down the center of Fifth Avenue understands his view that no of this stuff that you read about restored "as soon as possible," of survival in the conflict. green for the St. Patrick’ s Day Democrat should seek the Vice is newspaper talk.” the agreement said. "Today there are 15 million people living in poverty in Amer­ Parade, Sunday. He was stopped Presidency "a t this stage of the Going on to other topics, John­ Panama broke diplomatic re­ ica and we had better face this problem,” he added. "American by a sympathetic Irish police­ son said in connection with the lations with the United States poverty is more destructive than poverty in other areas of the world. man. games.” In a far-ranging television- Senate’ s investigation of Bobby Jan. 10 after rioting in the Canal The poor here are thrust aside and they feel they really don't A group of 137 New Jersey radio interview, Johnson said he Baker, former secretary to the Zone which left 21 persons dead belong to society.” - Irish-Americans, led by Jer­ accepts Kennedy’ s word that the •Senate Democratic majority,that and more than 200 wounded. Khrushchev believes we have no national purpose in the United sey City Mayor Thomas Whelan, Attorney General "has done noth­ he has not seen or talked to Panama requested action by States because of conflicting interest groups, he said. He doesn't paraded through Dublin and then ing to encourage” efforts to draft Baker since his resignation last the Organization of American think we can pull our diverse factions together to meet his challenge. boarded a plane for home, to join October. The Président said that States after failure of an early “ He is counting more on our failures than his successes. 20 thousand more Irish-A m eri­ Baker cannot be called his pro­ mediation attempt by the Inter- He believes in a unity by absolute totalitarianism while ours cans in a Jersey City parade. tege, adding that "he was there American P eace Committee, in a unity by diversity, by consent not compulsion." On campus, however, the craze before I came to the Senate for charging the United States with He said the emerging nations of Asia and Africa are sitting may be contained, or at least Nehru Retirement 10 years.” aggresssion. The charge was de­ in Judgement of the American system. They are judging it not dampened. Saint Patrick's Day is On South Viet Nam, Johnson nied by the United States. on material wealth, but on our social values. the firs t day of winter term Rumors Spreading said decisions faced by the United The OAS set up a special com­ “ It is not what Americans have materially that counts, but final examinations. There w ill NEW DELHI, India (ff)-The In­ States in prosecuting the anti­ mission headed by Ambassador how we translate that material wealth into hum an values.” be no time for celebrating. (This dian capital is buzzing with re­ communist guerrilla war there Juan Plate of Paraguay to look Reuther was presented with an Honorary Doctor of Laws de­ does not necessarily imply there ports that the great mogul who has cannot be compared with those into Panama’ s charge and also gree. It is his ninth honorary degree. w ill be none.) been ■wielding the destinies of made 14 years ago in Korea. entrusted the five-member group Turning to education, he said we are more concerned about A ll is not lost for the Irish, the world's second largest na­ Promising "effective and effic­ with the task of trying to con­ plumbing than our school systems. however. Students might find it tion may name his successor and ient plans” to help the South ciliate the two nations. " I t ’ s time We ended this sterile debate over federal aid and advantageous to adopt shamrocks retire earlier than most people Vietnamese, Johnson said these "The governments of the Re­ federal control in education,” he said. “ The development of MSU to add to their collection of expect. plans do not include carrying public of Panama and of the DIPLOMA TIME—President John A. Hannah is shown award­ ■tnder the M o rrill Act has proven that there can be federal aid rabbit feet, four, leaf clovers, But the one person who can the war into North Viet Nam. United States of America have ing a diploma to one of the graduates at Friday evening’ s cer­ (continued on page 7) lucky coins and assorted good set at rest these buzzingshasnot He also admitted that there agreed to re-establish diplomatic emony in the Auditorium. Photo by Ken Roberts luck charms. It w ill be a day given the slightest indication of is a possibility of a get-acquain­ relations as soon as possible to on which the "luck o’ the Iris h " his intentions. He is ailing Prime ted meeting with Soviet Pre- seek the prompt elimination of the would be well appreciated. M inister Jawaharlal Nehru. (continued on page 9) causes of conflict relative to the Appeal Prevention Worries Belli Panama Canal,” the agreement announced. Reaction To Barbershop Clash The announcement came less than 24 hours before a scheduled address by President Johnson to Lawyers Express Fear For Ruby’s Life the OAS in ceremonies installing DALLAS (fl—Lawyers Sunday into his cell—another prisoner— a jury of four women and eight The jury speedily rejected the Ohio Students Protest Bias the new Inter-American Com­ expressed fears for the life of with a shive (knife) in order to mittee for the Alliance for Pro- Jack Ruby, condemned to death prevent our appeal. Then they gress. Saturday for the Nov. 24 slaying would make it appear as a sui­ men took two hours and 19 min­ utes to convict Ruby and to assess insanity plea of the 52-year-old the maximum penalty of death in' defendant, operator of a Dallas Strip tease joint. XENIA, Ohio OPj-Some 1,000 dents showing interest in human an order limiting picketing at Negotiations w ill be aimed at of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused cide and this vicious city would the electric chair. students circled a two-block area dignity.” the barbershop to three persons a prompt elimination of the cau­ assassin of President John F. have him off their hands.” * * * * * * encompassing the ja il and court­ S in g in g and shouting as the at one time. ses of conflict relative to the Kennedy. Belli said he is asking sheriff house here Sunday in reaction to marchers paraded w e re the The shop and its owner, Lewis Panama Canal and "to attempt Chief defense* counsel Melvin B ill Decker to take every pre­ Saturday’ s clash with officers scores of students arrested in Gegner, have been the object of to resolve other problems exist­ Belli said: at a barbershop whose owner Saturday’ s near riot and lodged controversy and court battles ing" between the United States caution. The lawyer added that he "Ruby is worried, and so am has the utmost confidence in the Student Opinion Split in the Greene County Jail. for four years. * I, that they man slip someone sheriff, who maintained a tight refuses haircuts to Negroes. Marching two-by-two the stu­ Officers used tear gas and dents obeyed traffic signals and water sprays in attempts to dis­ and Manama. guard with 21 deputies of the courthouse where Ruby was tried. On Ruby Sentence were silent. perse the demonstration, but had Beside himself with rage at the Student opinion is split on the junior, said the conviction is jus­ A spokesman for the students little success until Greene County verdict, the normally suave San fairness of Jack Ruby’ s tria l and tified, and that Ruby should re­ of Wilberforce and (Central State Sheriff Russell Bradley threat­ Francisco la w y e r roared in on the jury’ s verdict. The con­ ceive capital punishment. He did Colleges, predominantly Negro ened to enforce the state’ s riot court: victed of s la y in g President not think Ruby would win his schools with campuses near here, act which would have involved "This is a victory for bigotry. Kennedy’ s accused assassin has appeal."~- said the march was “ in protest immediate, arrests. Don’t worry Jack, we’ ll appeal been found guilty of murder with On the other hand, Virginia D. of police brutality in what oc­ The shMttff described the de­ this and take it out of Texas.” malice and is to be electrocuted. Cass, Hamtramack junior, said curred in the village bf Yellow monstrators as "defiant” and Saturday, after a 23-day tria l, Daniel A. Reid, Birmingham she didn’t think Ruby had a fair Springs Saturday afternoon. This s a id numerous officers were tria l, and he should not have is a demonstration by the stu- kicked and struck. Nineteen dem­ been convicted because he was onstrator* w e re treated for mi­ not in control of himself when he killed L e e Harvey Oswald. nor injuries. A ll told, 109 persons were ar­ Students Try V a rio u s However, she also said that he Guerrillas H it rested Saturday. Three juveniles should not have taken it upon U .S . Planes were released and by morning about 20 had posted bonds of A p p ro a c h e s To Finals himself to k ill Oswald. Kay Hanell, Traverse City jun­ ior said it is not more humane SAIGON, Viet Nam l/P)—Com- $500 each. to k ill Ruby th a n it was for The students are charged with MSU becomes tense and solemn pecially when I feel ready to m u n is t g u e r i l l a groundfire Oswald to k ill President Kennedy. contempt of court. LaJt Friday during the eleventh week of every call it quits and go to bed. It dfwned a U.S. helicopter ahd a Speaking along the same line, term. Time to gather neglected peps me right up.” spotter place in separate actions the Graene County Court issued Carolyn E. Black, Grosse Pointe notes, highlighted books, note Drug store sale of pep pills in South Viet Nam this weekend. junior, said, " I can’ t see why cards, pens and paper and find and stay-awake devices show an Six American airmen perished. we are so gung ho to k ill each a lonely, quiet corner for con­ Elsewhere, South Vietnamese Taylor Burton , templation. Time to gather your increase as students prepare for all night cramming. Problems others.” She also says that Ruby forces, in their best operation was guided by his emotions when wits and ignore your friends. have occurred in the past as In months, scored an Important Wed In Montreal Time to study. Finals time. students have reverted tobarblt- he killed Oswald and should not tactical victory near the Cambo­ MONTREAL (UPI)—Elizabeth Off-beat methods of study are1 be executed. uates. dian border, capturing about 300 Taylor and Richard Burton were not unusual, to each his own in Erik D. Goodman, Winston- One student said that he has suspected Communist Viet Cong married Sunday in a simple cere­ this hour of loneliness when only Salem, N.C., sophomore, said tried all kinds of pills to stay fighters, 35 of whom immedi­ mony. you can help yourself. Ruby got a fair tria l in com­ awake, including barbituates. ately asked to join government The bride wore a yellow daf­ " I always go to a motel," pliance with the law, but said "N o more pills for me. They forces. This operation at Cai fodil chiffon dress in the empire Barry M iller, Brooklyn Junior he is opposed to the death sen­ give me the worst after effects, Cai left 17 Viet Cong killed. style made for her by her per­ said. " I Just can’t get enough tence and thinks Ruby should and I find 1 need the rest more An American army sergeant was sonal designer. done around the dorm, so each appeal. anyhow since 1 can’t do well wounded by a land mine. Gov­ A friend of the groom, Robert Agreeing he thinks Ruby’ s con­ day of finals I’ m usually off to if I'm nervous and run-down. ernment losses were put at 4 Wilson, was best man. __ viction was right, Mike Brooks, a motel. I figure I spend about My solution this term is a bottle wounded. $30 each term Just for privacy.” Oak Park sophomore, said there of Seagrams.” Taken to Tan Hiep for inter­ C a th y M c C o y , Farmington was too much pressure on the Whether liquor is the answer rogation, 50 of the men caputred sophomore, has a less expensive or not will remain undecided jury and Ruby should not get the- at Cai Cai denied they were Com­ but equally unusual method for death penalty. to many like Mary Fisher, Adrian munists. getting through finals. Betsy Geller, Cleveland, Ohio, junior. The deaths of the U.S. airmen " I always try to dance a whole freshman, feels that Ruby has BUCKLE U P * *O H ic e r Bryan Mountjoy, of the State P o lic e , shows Linda Becker, Grosse " I t ’ s really great to take long brought to 122 the number of Americans killed in action in the CLO UD Y P oint* Woods freshman, the proper way to fasten seat belt *• See Story Page 9. lot,” she said. " I t ’s really sur­ walks,” she said. “ It kind of no chance for appeal because of adverse public opinion. prising how much it helps, es­ (continued on page 10) Viet Nam war since 1962. Photo by James Hile 2 Michigan State N ew s , East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, I9i Letters To The Editor U-M 's Writers Score Again Views Administration! W it h its usual a r r o g a n c e th e a c t u a lly b e h a r m f u l to U - M ’ s in ­ To the Editor: In recent months it has become fashionable to speak of economy 11 M ic h ig a n D a ily m a n a g e d to f in d te re s ts . government, and correspondingly there has been criticism o| its way i n t o th e h o u s e o f r e p r e ­ And y e t , t h e r e i s s o m e t h in g to financial mismanagement in government: supported institutions, would like to point out that such criticism is entirely unwarranted s e n ta tiv e s jo u r n a l. A n e d ito r ia l b e s a i d f o r th e r i g h t o f th e M i c h i ­ with regard to MSU. c r itic a l of a le g is la t iv e to u r o f gan D a ily to a t t a c k th e l e g i s l a ­ Consider, for example, the fact that while the MSU student bodjl th e u n iv e r s ity ’ s fa c ilitie s w as tu re . has increased by over 25 per cent in the past six or seven years! the faculty has been reduced by about 5 per cent. Furthermore! re a d W illia m in to th e jo u r n a l H . T h o rn e . D -D e a rb o rn . by Rep. by T h e D a ily , a fte r a ll, r e p re s e n ts f a r th e m o s t h i g h l y d e v e lo p e d £ m n n n n n n n n not only do the remaining faculty members have larger classes to teach, but their salaries rank last or next to last ( depending on rank) among the Big Ten universities. JULÜi jULiULlQ T h o r n e s a id , “ W h e n o n e o f o u r in te lle c tu a l and c u ltu r a l c o m ­ Most administrations would be content to rest on such an out-1 u n iv e r s itie s a n d th e n i g h t e d i t o r standing fiscal accomplishment. Not MSU's administration. It haq m u n ity in t h is , and p o s s ib ly any devised means for kickbacks on faculty and staff salaries which of th e ir paper c a n p u t t h is k in d o th e r, s ta te . A sk a n y o n e o n th e would do justice to the craftiest of political bosses. 1— o f th in g in , I t h i n k th e l e a s t w e ?rt(c f r a n k In order to pay for rekeying of locks in its buildings, it has! s t a f f in A n n A r b o r . required a $5 or $2 deposit for new keys to a building or office.il can do is c a l l to t h e i r a t t e n t io n These deposits are forfeited in the event a key is lost. T h e M ic h ig a n D a ily w a s w it h in th a t th e y m ig h t get t h e ir fa c ts More recently, it has announced a scheme whereby faculty anoi its r ig h ts to c r itic iz e th e c o m ­ staff w ill pay parking fees which w ill be used to subsidize improved! s tr a ig h t.’ ’ m itte e w h ic h v is it e d A n n A r b o r , bus transportation for students. At no time has there been a state-jl “ T h is * k in d of t h i n g ’ ’ w a s an ment issued that there are not enough parking spaces on campus fora e v e n p r o b a b l y to c a l l i n g t h e i r s an staff cars (not that charging a parking fee would necessarily alterf] e d ito r ia l w h ic h b e g a n , “ I d id n ’ t “ in c r e d ib le p e rfo rm a n c e .’ ’ such a situation). know w h e th e r to la u g h o r c r y at Unwittingly, one of the most effective aids in bringing admini-l It is also w ith in its r ig h ts stration policy into effect is the presence of a naive press. One! th e a s s o r tm e n t o f s ta te le g is la ­ has only to pick up the morning newspaper and see a glaring head-1 w hen, in n e a r l y e v e r y e d i t i o n , i t line like "Faculty Endorses New Policy.” Since this quite oft,en| to r s w ho ca m e h e re M o n d a y . p u b lis h e s a r tic le s p u r p o r t i n g to disagrees with the views of the majority of the 20 or 30 faculty! “ E ig h t e e n of th e m d e s c e n d e d members of my acquaintance, I read the article only to find that the! s h o w th a t M S U is d e lib e r a t e ly headline is based entirely on the opinion of but one or two people! on A n n A r b o r , p r i m a r i l y to d i s - p la n n in g to r o b U -M o f its r e ­ speaking only for themselves. c u s s th e U n i v e r s i t y ’ s p r o s p e c t i v e s o u r c e s , th a t o u r p ro p o s e d m e d i­ In conclusion, 1 would like to reaffirm my confidence in the! budget fo r th e f i s c a l y e a r 1 9 6 4 - administrative policies of MSU, and 1 look forward to the day when! cal school re p re s e n ts a p la n to 1 see a banner headline proclaiming "Staff to Pay Rental on Offices," j 65 w ith U n iv e r s it y o f f i c i a l s . T h e y d e s tro y t h e ir s b y b lo o d - s u c k in g , and under it, "W ild Enthusiasm Greets New Plan.” d is p la y e d m o r e i n t e r e s t in t h e i r Harold Weinstock or t h a t th e s t a t e l e g i s l a t u r e i s a h u m o r , w h ic h w a s p r e t t y s a d , th a n Assistant Professor of Physics bunch of d r e a m e r s ig n o r in g in a n y t h in g th e U n i v e r s i t y h a d to U -M ’ s c r ie s o f “ I ’ m th e G r e a t ­ s a y .’ ’ e s t ! ” a n d w a s tin g m o n e y o n o t h e r H it S partan Spirit Set U p T h is a p p e a rs a p re tty ir r e ­ An open letter to Spartan Spirit: s ta te s c h o o ls . Concerning the article in the State News about the awarding o f! s p o n s ib le a tta c k on p e rs o n s We s e ld o m fin d sense in it s trophies by Spartan Spirit to the residence halls, we object to the! And I T h o u g h t W e B e a t T h e P a r k i n g P r o b l e m ! w h o s e p o s itio n s d e m a n d r e s p e c t. s t a n d s , b u t w e w o u ld d e fe n d to th e handling of this issue. As members of Spartan Spirit representing Mason Hall, we would J It b e a r s a r e s e m b l a n c e to b i t i n g d e a th th e r ig h t o f th e M i c h i g a n like to know why our dorm was not notified of the meeting held with ] P o in t O f V i e w th e hand th a t f e e d s th e u n i v e r ­ D a ily to m ake a fo o l o f its c o l­ Abbot, Bryan, Armstrong, West Shaw Halls, and the presidents of j Another Parking Idea Men’ s Hall Association and Women’ s Inter-residence Hall Council? ] s ity . le c tiv e s e lf b e fo re th e e n tir e Why were these few dorms attending the meeting when Spartan Spirit 1 I t c o u l d , i f a l lo w e d to c o n t in u e , s ta te . represents all dorms? There should be a clear understanding between Spartan Spirit and the dorms to arouse more enthusiasm. How are we to interest our dorm residents if we do not know what we are working for? ’ — B y R a lp h A . H o x le We feel that Spartan Spirit is a worthy organization, but it cannot I Planning For The Library Rumors have been f i l t e r i n g across campus since early last over 700 parking spaces near be the expansion of bus service. the intersection ofShawand Farm Due to the distance between the function well ui til MSL' dorm residents can understand its purpose! ! Sally Bishop, I June that student driving lim i­ Lanes which are presently not living units and class room faci­ Marlene Katz T he p r e lim in a r y announcem en. but b lu e p r in ts fo r 1972 h a v e no tations were soon to be imposed being used. Other lots both paved lities more buses w ill be needed t h a t th e L i b r a r y S tu d y C o m m i t t e e m e a n in g if th e y m a y be c o n s id ­ at MSU. On Wednesday evening President John Hannah clarified and unpaved are never filled to at more frequent schedulings capacity. Also, elimination of throughout the day and night. O n H e n c ke n ’s Resignation has d e c id e d o n g u id e lin e s by * e r e d m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n th e u s e the persistent rumors. What had driving by on-campus students Also, it would be advisable to To the Editor: the last full measure of their been only "gray” has now be­ during the peak class periods extend such bus service into What a marvelous, forceful devotion" so that we might sur­ w h ic h l i b r a r y e x p a n s io n p la n s c a n of th e lib r a r y b e tw e e n n o w and come "black” and "w hite,” from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. would East Lansing to eliminate the innovation has occurred on our vive, that we "m ight have a new | be s e t p o in ts u p o n e m a jo r b e n e ­ th e n . mostly black, I might add. tend to lessen even more the need of sorority and fraternity campus! A m ove with inter­ birth of freedom.” Their courage f i t a n d o n e m a j o r f l a w i n th e c o m ­ The proposed limitations of burden on present parking faci­ members and the off-campus stu­ national consequences of unheard and insight are astonishi ng4 U A lt h o u g h i t d o e s n o t a p p e a r to lities. driving on campus is inevitable dents driving to class and park­ magnitude, the echoes of which all else fa ils - q u it . When the m i t t e e ’ s p la n s . b e a p a rto fth e s tu d y c o m m it t e e ’ s but the proposed regulations as Faculty parking should be al­ ing on campus. shall still be sounding long after action gets to be a little too L ib r a r y D i r e c t o r R ic h a r d enumerated by President Hannah lowed at no charge as one of constitutional government and its much—resign. What better way to ] p re s e n t agenda, th e re s h o u ld b e I propose that cross-campus were drawn up with complete the privileges commensurate institutions have foundered and protest existing conditions thar C h a p in s a id t h a t t h e c o m m i t t e e ’ s a lis t of p r io r ity n e e d s w o rk e d malice toward the entire stu­ with the position. The Board of driving privileges should not be went down. this negative, inane manner. a w a re n e s s o f f in a n c ia l p r o b le m s u p , so th a t c e r ta in p r e s e n t n e e d s dent body. This is definitely an T r u s te e s should be severely allowed to any student, faculty The local governments as well infringement on the rights and chided for even considering any member of staff employee. Each as the state, national, and even C o n g r a t u la t io n s Messrs. i n v o l v e d i n e x p a n s io n w i l l e n a b le c a n be f ille d as s o o n as p o s s ib le , privileges of the individual, as plan which would further alienate should be required to enter and the other governments o f the Hencken and Henry. You have i t to c o m e u p w i t h a “ g o o d , p r a c ­ b e fo r e e s tim a te d fu tu r e n e e d s a re well as being an definite incon­ the university's under-paid and leave the campus ‘by the most world might well take note of found a new way of combatting over-worked staff. direct route and park in a speci­ ineffectiveness: inefficacy. tic a l re p o rt th a t w e c a n p u t in t o venience. what they did here, for the brave p r o v id e d f o r . Present parking facilities are The crux of the problem lies fied lot only. Students should be men of this campus have “ given Lee AnnRiggle a c tio n n o w .’ ’ not used to capacity. There are in the fact that students who live allowed to drive on campus be­ C h a p in h a s a s k e d t h a t s t u d e n t s on campus and in East Lansing tween 5:30 p.m - 7:30 a.m..Mon­ T h is , o f c o u r s e i s g o o d , s in c e any p la n s m ust be fo r m u la te d a n d f a c u l t y g iv e h i m a n d th e c o m ­ and who are capable of walking day through Friday. or taking a bus to class find it Sees Ta lk , But N o t A ctio n p r a c tic a lly . m i t t e e s u g g e s t io n s f o r i m p r o v i n g th e l i b r a r y , to h e lp t h e m w o rk o u t This Was President Hannah’ s system has much easier to drive across many obviously bad points which campus and park in lots which must be considered before an To the Editor: 1 have been attending classes which tell of some of the problems of our society and its institutions. O n th e o t h e r h a n d , t h e r e i s n o t lik e ly to be any fe e lin g a m o n g th e m o s t s e n s i b l e p la n f o r l i b r a r y d e v e lo p m e n t . The W inter were designed expressly f o r abrupt change is undertaken. Stu­ people who actually commute. dents employed off campus at These students fill our parking times other than 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. An example is in education and sociology, where special help is stated to be needed for deviant and culturally deprived youth. c o m m itte e m e m b e rs a r e s o m e t h in g s th e l i b r a r y n e e d s th a t th e r e T h e f i r s t s u g g e s t io n t h a t s h o u ld b e h e e d e d is th a t c o n s id e r a tio n o f That Was lots, clog campus streets during would be .required to park in so- class breaks, and, in general, called "commuter lots” andtake Yet nothing appears to be happening to promote these programs of special help at MSU. Usually the process of progress involves action after careful now , a p a rt fro m w h a te v e r m a y These top stories broke on make it dangerous and difficult the bus on four occasions if th e l i b r a r y ’ s p r e s e n t d e f i c i e n c i e s for buses and for walking stu­ they wished to have their car thought. I ask the administration what kind of an institution we are— campus this winter term: b e n e e d e d in s e v e r a l y e a r s . Enrollment h it a h ig h of dents to get to their distant parked near their residence hall progressive or stagnant? is m o r e im p o r t a n t th a n i t s f u t u r e classes. D. Rusciolelli 27,316 students. (this feature in itself is com­ E x p a n s io n now is o n ly w o r t h ­ needs, in a p e rh a p s n a rro w but John S. Pingel and Paul D. One of the few beneficial facets pletely ludicrous) for a f t e r - C O L L E G E GRADUATES - w h i l e i n th e l i g h t o f f u t u r e p la n s , im p o r ta n t s e n s e . Bagwell were appointed to the of this proposed regulation w ill hours use. e' _ anded eight-member Board T R A I N I N G PROGRAMS L E A D I N G TO of Trustees. Work on th e Bogue Street I N T E R E S T I N G C A R E E R POSITIONS bridge began. Greek and co-operative liv ­ ACROSS O F F E R E D BY Meeting A Responsibility ing units fought an East Lansing personal property tax, levied for 1. Man's garment 6. Fragrances 31. Gr enchantress 32. Municipal* I H E S T A T E O F MICHIGAN the firs t time. Exemption bills * S T A R T I N G A N N U A L SA L A R I ES-S5.804.64 and 56,117.84. are pending in the legislature. 12. Norse gods tty ' J u d g in g b y a ll th e n e w f a c t s a t s i b i l i t i e s - - t h e o b l i g a t i o n a s a d u lt 13. Second 33. Read Admission quotas were set on S U B S T A N T I A L I N C R E A S E S A T E N D O F 6 MONTHS AND th e lo c a l p u b s , i t s e e m s a lo t o f c itiz e n s to r e g is te r a n d to v o te students from New York, New selling carefully 14. Fawn 35. Tangle 1 YEAR. s tu d e n ts have c e le b r a te d th e ir t h is e le c tio n y e a r . Jersey, Massachusetts, Connect­ 16. Name 37. City in icut and Pennsylvania for fall Michigan * E X P E C T E D 4% I N C R E A S E AS O F July 1, 1964 2 1 s t b i r t h d a y s s in c e th e t e r m be­ W it h sum m er p r im a r ie s and 17. Makes pies term- Gov. Romney asked for an 19. Peruse 39.Journey gan. N o v e m b e r e l e c t i o n s a p p r o a c h in g , AREAS: MSU budget of $39.6 million, 20. Twofold 42. Spud W h ile th e s e new m e m b e rs o f t h e s e s t u d e n t s s h o u ld a d d “ r e g i s ­ a $7.3 m illion increase but $.9 22. Very cold 44. Each Administrative Analysis Mathematics 4. Competitor 9. Paired m illion less than asked by the 24. Re 45. Less fresh Agriculture Parole and Probation th e a d u l t c o m m u n i t y a r e u n l i k e l y t e r to v o t e ” t o t h e i r l i s t s o f t h in g s 5. Tedious 10. In the University. mistaken 46. Suiting Budgetary Control Personnel Methods trip iashiun ot to fo rg e t th e ir new p r iv ile g e s , th a t m u s t b e d o n e a t h o m e d u r in g 25. Shines material Chemistry Personnel Technical Processing MSU received $691,090 from 6. Land 11. Ovule 26. Bone DOWN Economic Research Physics th e y m ay o v e r lo o k n e w r e s p o n - s p r in g v a c a tio n . the federal government towards measure 15. Ambassa­ 28. Nickel 1. Droop dors Employment Counseling Property Appraising the new sewage disposal plant. symbol 2. Possessive 7. Steep Student Congress called for 18. Arc of 60 Highway Planning Psychology 29. Dull finish pronoun 8. Egypt, housing rules changes to allow degrees Institutional Management Purchasing 30. Take a 3. Barometric underworld Right of Way Buying students under 21 with parental god 20. Cub scout Insurance Examining light meal line STATE N E MICHIGAN permission to livelnoff-campjis, unit Library Science Vocational Rehabilitation STATI unsupervised housing. / 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 1 0 II 21. Site of Tell U N IV ER SIT Y Peace Corps personnel spent legend Michigan Civil Service is now recruiting applicants for its a week on campus, talking to 12 13 23. Famous current examination program. Trainee positions involving pro­ students and giving Corps tests. $ general summer tern., special Welcome lastie in Sep­ IS 16 gressive on-the-job development programs w ill be filled from Member Associated Press. United Press Robert Hencken resigned as 14 25. Stuff International, Inland Daily Press Association, tember. speaker of Student Congress, and 17 % 26. Not in style this examination. Associated Collegiate Press Association, Second class postage paid at East Lansing, 16 19 27. Secret Sanford Henry quit as AUSG % Write to the M IC H IG A N CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, Michigan Press Association. Michigan. . 20 2 / 22 % agent LANSING, MICHIGAN, 48913, for examination applications. An Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Public Relations Director. 23 29. Servile T h e University announced a % //( % equal opportunity employer. Published by the students of Michigan Services Building, Michigan State University, 24 25 777 2 b 27 30. Money East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions plan for next ‘ year to restrict Benefits Available To State Of Michigan Employees; State University. IssuedonclassdaysMonday the driving of cars on campus % 31. Horse Pay rates well in line with those of other employers. through Friday during the fall, winter and payable in advance: term, $3; 2 terms, $4; from 6 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2 6 29 30 blanket Regular salary increases. spring quarters, twice weekly during the 3 terms, $5: full year, $6. % d 32. Hunger for P r e s id e n t Hannah rejected 31 32 33. Tastes T r a n s f e r and promotional opportunities. suggestions that he run for Sen­ é % d State contributory group health and life insurance programs— 34. Hail bird Sports Editor...........................Jerry Caplan ator Philip A. Han’ s job this 33 34 35 Sé State pays major share. Editor................................. Bruce Fabricant Wire Editor.........................John Van Gieson fall. % % 36. War god Longevity pay. Advertising Manager................ Fred Levine Howard R, Neville was named 57 30 39 40 41 38. Devoured Night Editor...............................Hugh Leach Liberal annual and sick leave provisions. (Payment of 50% of Campus Editor.....................Gerry Hinkley University provost. % 40. Work unit Asst. Adv. Mgrs................ Frank Senger Jr., 42 43 44 earned sick leave on retirement or death. No lim it on sick Ass’t campus editor................ Liz Hyman The Board of Trustees voted 41 Caustic .......................................... .....Arthur Langer solution leave accrual.) Editorial Staff...Barb Bradley,Dave Stewart Circulation Manager...............B ill Marshall against naming the new Inter­ \4 * Ës 4b 43. Word of Unemployment com pensatio n. ................ Mike Kindman, Karen Gilliland News Adviser..........................Dave Jaehnig national Center building after the \ % E x c e lle n t r e t i r e m e n t plan including s o c ia l s e c u r ity benefits. late President Kennedy. choice I Michigan State Ne ws, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, 1964 3 Ceremony Honors Self-Perception Determines AF-AROTC Seniors Quality Of An Individual "Personnel are our primary, Jerome E. Hoffman, Ironwood, One’ s self-perception deter­ Walsh s a id that there are most valuable resource,’ ’ Lt. received his degree in physical mines his quality as a person, there is a condition in which it many persons who are inedu­ Col. George A. Davies,professor education; agreed three professors in an is better to be stupid. cable in respect to society. of air science, said. ‘ ‘They can­ Commissioned Army c a d e ts informal Humanist Society dis­ Crane said that ¿hepure scien­ not be salvaged, retrofitted, re­ were: Idzerda said that most of the cussion. tist has the function of turning paired, or stockpiled for future Darryl E. Apps, Milford, in the time there is a tendency to say Maurice C ra n e , associate knowledge into function. use." Armor division; that since so many people are professor of humanities, Stanley "The man who gives us a tech­ D a v ie s and C o l. J a m e s David J. Benson, Canandaigua, subordinate, nobody is respon­ Idzerda, director of the Honors nique often enables people with F. Skells, professor of m ilitary N.Y., Adjutant General Corps, sible. College, and Harold Walsh, pro­ immoral d e c is io n s to do it science, expressed this opinion receiving recognition as a Dis­ better,” he said. fessor of philosophy, spoke on Idzerda concluded the dis­ at a joint A ir Force-Army com- tinguished M ilitary Graduate: The question was raised as “ Communications in the Social cussion saying that knowledge m is s io n in g c e re m o n y F ri­ Alan K. Borkenhagen, Toledo, Sciences.” to who to blame for immoral is helpful when someone has to day a fte r n o o n when fo u r Ohio, Corps of Engineers; conduct in soceity. Idzerda asserted that reading make a moral Judgment. A ir Force ROTC and ten Army William L. Crouch, Lansing, second-rate poetry and listening ROTC s e n io r s received their Signal Corps; c o m m is s io n s as second lieutenants. Bryan G. Minor, L a n s in g , Medical ServiceCorps, alsocited to fourth-rate music is dangerous because we often call it firs t rate, which is erroneous. When studying gets "In this atomjet age onlytech- nically competent, mentally alert individuals with sound charac­ as a Distinguished M i l i t a r y Graduate: H a r r y V. R y e rs o n ,G ro s s Walsh said that there are three positions in respect to the re­ you down COMMISSIONING CEREMONY- James Austin, Highgate Center, Vt., senior, is shown as his lation of knowledge to virtue. ter and tough moral fiber can do Pointe, Army Intelligence Ser­ mother pins on his new bars following Friday’ s combined A ir Force-Army ROTC commission­ “ The firs t,” Walsh said, " is the job required in leading our vice; ing ceremony. Photo by Gary Sykes that manypeoplebelievethatwis- armed forces,’’ Davies said. Four graduates with the Ordi- dom is virtue and virtue is wis­ J a m e s A. A u s t i n, Highgate nace Corps were: dom, which is the strongest po­ Center, Vt., was designated a Douglas M. Davidson, Milwau­ sition.” Distinguished AFROTC Graduate "The se co n d is that many kee; Stuart D. Hallock, Ithaca, for his outstanding performance N.Y.; Tucker L. Wiard, Lansing; M a jo r Policy Speech Today people have adopted one of many in the AFROTC program and and Jerry M. Zimmerman, St. weaker positions concerning this his high academic achievements relationship; and the third that Johns, who also received recog­ in his A ir Science and University nition as a Distinguished M ili­ many think of knowledge as either courses. Austin received his de­ tary Graduate. J o h n s o n T o A d d r e s s O A S morally irrelevant or even dan­ gree in law enforcement. CASAN O VA#2 gerous to morality. No one has Neil G. Guiles, East Lansing, ‘ ' We p la c e o u r s ta m p of Washing to n l - - President situation, an accusation against officials wished to talk about. C ALL managed to prove satisfactorily 211 received his degree in business approval on the graduates and Johnson is to make a major the Communist Fidel Castro dic- They are to meet with Secre­ NOW! that the latter persuasion is in MAC administration; wish all of them well in their policy speech on Latin American tator-ship by an OAS committee tary of State Dean Rusk, Assis­ e rro r.” M a rk F. St in s k i, Menasha, m ilitary assignments during the affairs today to a special ses­ that the Havana regime com­ tant Secretary of State Thomas W.is., received his BS degree in c h a lle n g in g years to come," sion o f th e Organization of m itte e re p e a te d a c ts of C. Mann, and David Bell, head micro-biology; Skells said. American States. aggression against Venezuela and of the U.S. foreign aid program The OAS is inaugurating a other countries, and any o th e r today before the OAS meeting new inter-American agency to topic the U.S. diplomats and aid begins. push the Alliance for Progress. Carlos Sanz De Santamaria, who recently served as Colombia’ s Eclipses To Be Discussed finance minister, is to take office W. N. Arnquist, assistant di- in the engineering auditorium, today as president of the new rector, a d va n ce d research, Arnquist w ill talk on a re- agency. Douglas A ircraft Company, Inc., cent DC-8 eclipse expedition, In a speech prepared for the Santa Monica, Calif, w ill give a pointing out the advantages of occasion, Sanz De Santamaria talk on "Jet Aircraft For Eclipse such observations from a large said that only heroic measures Observation," today at 4:00p.m., jet and including some’ of the by the Latin American govern­ results that were obtained. ments themselves can give that RECORDS area the impetus it needs to achieve true progress and pros­ perity. Foreign aid can’ t do the job, he added. Attending th e extraordinary session w ill be U.S. ambassa­ dors and foreign aid chiefs from the 19 Latin American nations where Washington has diplomatic missions. They were summoned DISCOUNT to Washington by President John­ son for a full scale review of U.S. diplomatic, m ilitary and econo­ mic relftiom s with Latin Ameri­ ca, and a discussion of all aspects of hemisphere affairs. For That Spring P R IC E S ** HAPPY EASTER—“ Will the real Easter bunny please hop?” U.S. officials said this would Pamela G illespie seems to be asking. She is shown trying of necessity include the Cuban to identify him at the judging held at the Livestock Pavilion Saturday. TO FLY Vacation? UN ForceCalms Cyprus AMERICAN NICOSIA, C y p ru s Fi--Two more Canadian planes landed at Nicosia Sunday morning with 64 men and six jeeps and trailers. in December, a fe w tipsy re­ vellers weaved around the cen­ tral square in song. Finland, Sweden and Ireland CALL C O L L E G E • G u it a r s - B a n jo s • F o lk s o n g B o o k s S.B.S. F o rty -tw o Canadians arrived have promised to send troops to • Study G u i d e s Saturday as an advance contin­ f ill the 3,500 man quota the Travel Office Always Pays M ARSHALLM USICCO . gent of the 1,150 troops Canada United Nations needs to replace half the 7,000 British troops has committed to th e United that have been trying to keep 332-8667 Nations peace force. This island, torn by fighting peace on the island._____________ between feuding Greek and Tur­ kish-speaking communities since Christmas, seemed to relax im­ mediately after their arrival. G re e k Cypriots who manned fortifications F r id a y night ex­ TOP CASH pecting an invasion of Turkish troops, gathered in bars and tav­ erns Saturday night to celebrate until the early hours of Sunday For morning. And for the firs t time since the outbreak of fighting y o u r m o n o g r a m m e d d u s te r Alpha PhVs Hold b y Bou tique . . . of USED BOOKS Ice Cream Party K O D EL* Members of Alpha Phi sorority were guests of their pledge class p o l y e s t e r fib er at an ice cream parlor party Sunday. The pledges decorated the din­ a n d p i m a cotton Good Luck ing room as an old fashion ice ...wonder fully wrinkle -resistant cream parlor with a.green and white stripped canopy covering the serving tables. Apothecary and easy to care for on jars filled with licorice, pretzel sticks, and candy were on the tables. The pledges presented a skit ...button-on top pocket tab Final Exams depicting some of their pledging will be personalized at no experiences and activities. Plans are now being made for additional charge. Blue or pink the Alpha Phi term party Friday at the Walnut Hills Country Club. with white piping and buttons. 10 to 20 sizes. 10.98 S tu d y in ♦Eastman registered trademark G u a d a la ja r a , M e x ic o /YY! Study G uides-C ourse O u tline s e tc. The Guadalajara S u m m e r ■School, a fully accredited Uni­ versity of Arizona program, Student conducted in cooperation with professors from Stanford Uni­ versity, University of Cali­ BOOK fornia, and Guadalajara, w ill offer, June 29 to August 8, art, folklore-,-geography, his­ STORE tory, language arid literature courses. Tuition, b o a rd and A c r o s s F r o m B e r k e y H a ll room is $265. Write Prof. Juan B. Rael, P.O. Box 7227, F r e e P a r k i n g in L a r g e L o t a t R e a r of S t o r e Stanford, Calif. » 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, 1964* U U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io U SELL YO U R Spartans B ig Shots Take Lift, BOOKS FOR 148 Titles The weightlifting te a m cap­ R iflem en T o p s The varsity riflemen captured 572, L arry Lindner 561, and CASH tured the national collegiate lif t ­ ing title Saturday afternoon at the 13 awards, including the Big Ten’ s Russell Wile Trophy, at Lewis Arends, 561. In individual competition in sented with team awards. In the running for the Swan­ son Trophy given to the team' IM Sports Arena, defeating de­ the Western conference champ­ the morning, a pair of MSU with the highest aggregate score fending champion South Western ionships at West Lafayette, Ind., shooters grabbed two honors. for three previous matches, State Louisiana, 28-21. Saturday. Harding took the "top riflem an" took third. Purdue was the win­ Ted B egem an was the only The Spartans outshot entries award with a 577 and Steen took ner with Michigan runnerup. Spartan lifte r to capture an in­ from the University of Michi­ a fourth place with a 571. In Steen and Cone also figured dividual title. Begeman won the T IT L E TAKER—State's Ted Begeman strains his way to the gan, defending champions, Pur­ addition to a team trophy, each for individual aggregate honors. 148-pound class with lifts total­ 148.pound class title during Saturday's national champion* due, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois Spartan team member was pre­ Steen was firs t and Cone fourth. ing 695. and Ohio State. The total field ships at IM Building. Photo by Jerry Carr M illersville Pa., State College numbered 48. finished third in the meet. Uni­ Ford posted a 555, while Bovel fourth in the 181 class, with a For State, It was only the se­ versity of Detroit's Bob Daigle had a 645. 685, and Tim Greening's lift of U set the only new meet record, with a 340-pound clean and jerk in the 181 class. The old record Bernie Kutchinski added to the State point total, with a second place in the 165-pound class. 750 took fourth in the 198-pound class to round out the State scor­ ing. cond championship-title since its inception in 1926. MSU also won in 1961. State posted a 2,844 score out Golf Coach Sees UNION BOOK STORE was 330, set during last year's championships which were also held here. Kuthchinski missed two of his three clean and jerk lifts, but s till managed to score735. Class S outh Western Louisiana's Gene Herbert won the 123 title, Gilbert DeMegilo, of the Detroit of a possible 3,000 points. Pur­ due was next with 2,837, followed by Michigan with 2,824. Lead­ Better Year Coach John Brotzmann be­ After an April 25 meeting with ■ The S p a rta n s ' Nick Ford winner Richard Thomas, of the Institute of Technoligy, was the ing the Spartans was Nick Steen, lieves ’ the ’64 State team w ill Purdue at Lafayette, the Spar­ R ig h t On C a m p u s - A Dept. O f MSU grabbed second place, behind Ho­ University o f Maryland, lifted 198 champ and M ille rv ille ’ sTom firing a S81 total out of a pos­ move up in the league standings tans w ill come home to Forrest B ward U n iv e r s it y 's Howard 750. Suggs grabbed the heavyweight sible 600. Robert Harding tal­ this year but he's not sure how Akers to play host to Indiana, Bovell, in the 132-pound class. Jim R a s s m u s s o n finished lied a 579 score, John Cone, far they'll advance. Michigan, Northwestern and Wis- < l io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o Last year the Spartans finished consin May 2. seventh In the Big Ter. meet. The four-way match w ill be With most of the lettermen re­ their only home appearance this turning and a few new boys added, season. May 9 they travel to Iowa Bretzmann thinks State should SHAHEEN? City for an eight-team affair and attain a firs t division finish. then face Northern Illinois and Six men compete in the Nassau then Michigan in single matches system used in scoring meets before heading to Minneapolis for (one point for firs t nine, one the Big Ten meet. fo r se c o n d nine and one for C o a ch Brotzmann considers total.) Michigan and Minnesota the top Bob Myers, Dick M arr, Doug teams in the league this year. Schwartz, Phil Martson and Seep Minnesota swept the conference STEAK SALE Richard are the returning letter­ men who w ill go down south with the Spartans to train at Coral Gables, Fla. Sophomores Doug Hankey, Fred Mackey, Ken meet last season, ousting defend­ ing champion Indiana. 6 Mermen Benson and Dennis McDonal are Round the newcomers who w ill try to land a position on the squad. In NCAA In dual matches last year the Spartans finished above .500, but Swim Test Sirloin the Big Ten meet was a dif­ ferent story. The Spartans lacked a good fifth and sixth man, which A young six-man delegation w ill carry MSU swimming hopes was one of the reasons for the into the NCAA meet beginning Swiss unexpected seventh place loop f in is h . T h is y e a r C oach March 26 at Yale University. Five sophomores and a jun­ Brotzmann hopes to solve that io r comprise the NCAA squad Rib problem. The Spartans w ill be in train­ ing beginning M a r c h 22 in F lo r­ whose strongest bid for honors should come from its 400-yard freestyle relay team. Mon. ida. They w ill come back A pril Junior Dick Gretzinger and SHAHEEN'S SPECIALS Tue. W ed . 4 and start their regular season play A p ril 11 at Columbus against. Ohio State. A pril 13 they face Northern Illinois and Notre Dame at South Bend, Ind. s o p h o m o re s Jim MacMillan, Darryle Kifer, and Bob Sherwood gave the Spartans the Big Ten 400-freestyle crown at Minnea­ polis a week ago. Soph Mark Hun:, sixth in league 4 Carrots Z 2/19$ L ittle Boy Blue wesîern m MEATS Tuna 1/2' TO F L Y b r e a s t r o k e competition, and T e rry Hagen, whose specialty is the butterfly, round out the M argarine UNITED Spartan squad. F re s h G round Head Coach Charles McCaffree Hamburger 3 LBS. PotatoChips Brussel S p r o u tsl9 $, CALL C O L L E G E said he intends to utilize his men in as many events as possible. Last season, MSU tallied 15 points in the national meet to tie for eighth place. Giant Size Travel Office This year the Spartans com­ Pork Steak Calumet SIiced LB. IceCream 1/2 gal. assorted flavors 5< off (with $5. or MORE purchase excluding cigarettes) 332-8667 piled a 6-2 dual record and scored a fifth-place finish in the loop meet. Bacon 3 LBS. CountryCornFlakes F R O Z E N F O O D S Cherrios Grade ’A’ Large DELIVERY SERVICE 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. BANQUET MEAT PIES W heaties EGGS WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN . . . ORE IDA later tots Tuna Turkey Trix 3-79$ Foot-Long Not Dogs - Hamburgers • Subs h , , « i j i g Chicken Golden Fries pk„. ■ # ” ■ Beef doz. Phone VARSITY DRIVE-IN ED 2 -6 5 T7 C h a se & Sanborn MADE FRESH DAILY Instant Coffee $1.19 B a rb e c u e d Chicken E X O T I C F O O D S FROM THE MIDDLE EAST C a rn a tio n Coffee-Mate Spar-Ribs • Halvah Tahini Corn T o rtilla s D o n u ts • Homade Baklawa • Baklawa Dough Flour T o rtilla s Crushed Wheat at SAVINGS ! (Borgul) in 3 grinds S H A H E E N ’S Plain • Turkish Coffee We reserve the right Fancy • Homemade Yogurt Complete line of Food From India X «i 1.98 1.15 CL to limit quantities CLASSICS (MONO) -------------------- j ) r u g N e e d s S a le Reg. I Special M ennenSkinBracer h I „ ■ CAPITOL L P ’ s Alka-Seltzer 590!410 2 77(re®- 3-77) DEUTSCHE 1 nn PepSOdent GRAMMOPHONI . I N I OFT' 521E. GRAND RIVER OPEN 7 DWS 830! 490 Fluoride Or Reg. Have a pleasant vacation 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. W aldorfCastileSham poo ; 990j 690 D is c f Michigan State New s, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, 1964 5 | Intram ural | Trackmen V A C A T IO N New s Third In MEN’ S Uncle Tom’ s Cage Champ uncle Tom's defeated Sigma KC Meet The mile relay team, the only Nu 74-62 in the final of the Spartan entry in the Cleveland All-U niversity Basketball Play- Knights of Columbus track meet Offs. Saturday, grabbed a third place Holly Collins was high man for finish behind frontrunners Cen­ Uncle Tom’ s with 25 points, fol­ lowed closely by Ray Jurczak, with 24, and Ron Hohman, with 13. Sigma Nu also had three play­ ers in double figures, one of whom tral State and Western Michigan. The quartet of George Thomas, Dick Mather, Ron Horning and Mike Martens turned in a 3:23.8 p e r fo r m a n c e . Central was w ith M o n e y in was high point man in the game. clocked in 3:20.0 and Western in Dave Willauer hit for 31 points 3:21.0. in a losing cause, while Pat The only other Spartan slated Byrne had 14 and Jim Kennedy 11. The turning point in the game came when Sigma Nu was unable to grab any significant number f o r competition, high jumper F red M c K o y , suffered a leg bruise in pre-meet warm-ups and was forced to withdraw. y o u r p o c k e t. of rebounds and seemed to lose a little bit of desire as a re­ Ferraris Favorites ;|3 f sult of their frustrations. The annual 12-hour Sebring auto race w ill be held Saturday Bowling Roll-Offs and experts agree that the cars Emmons Hall reigns as the ov­ to beat once again are the Fer­ G ET CASH "H e r-a ll Residence Hall Bowling raris. Champion. T he Emmons Hall Ferraris have dominated this teams were Embers and Embassy oldest of U.S. sports car races with a total pin-fall of 5163. for the past decade, winning six .S k t ' Embers rolled a 2708 series, of the last eight. while Embassy had a 2455. Wol­ Figured to give the Ferraris fram had the high team series their stiffest competition is the for the tournament with a 2813 Ford-powered Cobras of Carroll but had to settle for second place BACKBOARD BATTLE**Sigma Nu’ s Dave Williams (12) Shelby. as Worship slumped to a 2248. battles lor rebound during IM Championship game with Uncle A crowd of over 50-thousand is Incidentally, Jack Piedmonte of Tom's Thursday night in the Sports Arena. Game story is in expected to be on hand for the Wolfram rolled a high tourna­ IM column. ment single of 287. Vacation Hours race. for your Building Hours: NCAA 'Hoop’ Field Narrows W Mon-Thurs. and Sat.—10 a.m.- ..SW »!»#- 6 p.m. Take your pick—UCLA, Michi­ versity, while Duke captured the meets NYU in one semi-final Sunday—1-6 p.m. gan, Duke or Kansas State. These Eastern Regional with triumphs Thursday n ig h t and second- TEXTBOOKS Friday—10 a.m.-10 p.m. (6-10 four teams w ill battle it out over Villanova and Connecticut. p.m. Co-Rec) seeded B r a d le y takes on the next weekend in Kansas City, The Wolverine-Blue Devils game Duquesne - A r m y victor in the JS&-: Gymnastics Rope Climb—Russ Clark Parallel Bars—Ted Kinkel Trampoline—B ill Springett Missouri for the NCAA basket­ is a rematch of a regular season other contest. The final w ill be ball crown. contest p la y e d on Michigan’ s held Saturday afternoon. UCLA, which finished the reg­ court and won easily by the Wol­ ular season undefeated with 26 verines, last December. victories and wound up firs t in the TO F L Y & Side Horse—John Poet * * * final United Press International High Bar—B ill Glaysher Poll, had to battle back for a T he N a tio n a l Invitational S till Rings—Russ Clark 76-72 win over San Francisco Tournament in New York City DELTA pool hours: Mon-Thurs—11:30-3 p.m. in Saturday night’ s finals of the continues the second half of its Far West Regionals. q u a rte r-fin a l round, Tuesday CALL Sell y o u r used books b e fo re « F r i.—11:30-3 p.m. and 6:30-10 p.m. (Co-Rec) night. Sports Editor Jerome Caplan, Battling it out in the double- C O L L E G E Sat.— 11:30-6 p.m. who picked Loyola to defeat header w ill be fourth seeded New le a v in g . B u y y o u r b o o ks fo r Sun.—1-6 p.m. Wichita for the NCAA title , and picked only one of the Mexico against Drake in one game, and third-seeded Duquesne Travel Office WOMEN’ S A ll-U n iversity Hoop four teams in the national semi-finals (Duke), now says against Army in the other. The New Mexico-Drake winner 332-8667 n e x t term a n d e n jo y a Butterfield gained revenge by that Michigan w ill win the longer vacation 3m/'> taraifr defeating Abbot in the Final of title . Caplan commented Sun­ day, "T h e only way to be A GEM FROM TODD’ S the A 11-University Basketball PRIVATE COLLECTION P la y - O f f s , 27-14. J e a n n ie sure Kansas State wins is Powers had 12 points. It had been for me to pick M ichigan.” erroneously reported that Abbot THE SELL NOW !! and not Butterfield had defeated The Bruins' opponents Friday Delta Zeta in the All-University night w ill be Kansas State, the Semi-Finals. Butterfield won by Big Eight Conference champion. a lopsided score of 45-2. The Wildcats a d v a n c e d to the DATE BOOK SLACK semi-final round with a 94-86 Badminton win over Wichita Saturday. A rare creation of our de­ for TOP PRICES Linda Wall won the Women’ s The other semi-final tussle signers tailored to our ex- Badminton Singles championship w ill pit second ranked Michigan a c tin g specifications by 11-2 and 11-0. against f o u r t h ranked Duke. G a s lig h t. Slit dropped Michigan to o k th e Mid-East pockets in the front blend The Women’ s IM Building w ill Regional w ith victories over smartly with ir id e s c e n t be closed during vacation. Loyola of Chicago and Ohio Uni­ shades of sharkskin. Trim and slim, in fact the slim ­ mest ever. Yes,everything Cagers9All-Foe List is rare but the price . . . All-Am erica selections Gary highest s c o r e r from Bowling Bradds of Ohio State and Caz- zie Russell of Michigan were Green State, and to Manny New- some, Western Michigan’ s great point producer. a modest 6 .9 8 Bring your Used the top vote-getters as Michi­ gan State’s basketball players Rounding out the quintet picked picked their 1963-64 All-Oppo­ nent team. Bradds, the Buckeye senior by State’ s varsity players was Dave Schellhase, Purdue’ s out­ standing sophomore forward. •D E TR O IT »NORTHLAND Todd's JL TEXTBOOKS who led all Big Ten scorers, Other opponents mentioned in EAST LANSING was a unanimous choice at center. Russell, the brilliant Wolverine the balloting were Rich Falk of Northwestern, B ill Buntin of Michigan, Dick and Tom Van- »ANN ARBOR «BIRMINGHAM To !s E r sophomore, was named on all but one ballot, and was designated Arsdale of Indiana, Lou Hudson (As seen'in Playboy) of Minnesota, Rick Lopossa of as a forward. Northwestern, Oliver Darden of A pair of super-scoring sen­ Michigan, Ron Reed of Notre w CAMPUS BOOK iors were named at guard by Dame, Don Freeman of Illinois, the Spartans. The honors went Dan Wolthers of California and to Howard Komives, the nation’ s W illie Wilson of Oklahoma. * For Top Money U S t o r e U n i o n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o o k S t o r e -áSk* n i ? » STOP IN TODAY o SELL YO U R - ig f n -"fl§§P’ BOOKS FOR a t E . L a n s i n g ’s » d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e CASH B e f o r e you le a v e c a l l u s to f o r S t u d e n t s . . . p ic k up y o u r la u n d r y and d r y c l e a n in g . W e ’ ll r e t u r n it b r ig h t and f r e s h f o r S p r i n g . CAMPUS W e a r e p ro u d of the s e r v i c e we o ffe r. Y o u ’ ll be proud too. UNION BOOK STORE C L E A N E R AND S H IR T L A U N D R Y BOOK STORE B R ig h t O n C a m p u s - A D e p t. O f M S U 623 E. Grand River o Across From The Union Building ED 2-3537 U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o > 6 Michigan State New s, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, 1964 Prof Says French Drama Troupe Music Part To Present 'The Lark’ O f Society i « A French theatre company w ill present Jean Anouilh’ s " L ’Alou- ette” in the original French April since beginning the tour series in 1958. The French department is hop­ mttV To understand African music »W « 2 in Fairchild Theatre. ing that a large turnout for this one must look at it as a pro­ This is the sixth annual Amer­ year's production w ill encourage duct of the society from which ican campus tour ofLeTreteau the company’s future return t*. it comes, an Indiana University de Paris Theatre Company, but East Lansing. professor said here last week. i r - f the firs t time the troupe has The New York Times said, appeared at MSU. following the original American Alan P. Merriam, professor Luce Vincent w ill play the lead production, ‘ “ The Lark’ is the of anthropology and president role in Anouilh’ s version of the work of a master technician. of the Ethnomusicology Society story of Joan of Arc, known in A highly versatile theatre writer, spoke to professors and stu­ English as “ The Lark.” Anouilh manipulates the form of dents as part of the African Stud­ The play w ill be directed by his drama with extraordinary in­ w tr ies Center lecture series. Anouilh and Roland P ietri. genuity and manages to catch the " L ’Alouette," like most of A n -' whole scope of Joan’ s career in Merriam said that the present RETURNED B O O K S —T h e lib r a r y s t a f f is in fo r som e w o r k - f ille d d a ys as and f i l l i n g th e la s t ra c k on th e r ig h t a re b o o k s w a it in g to be c a ta lo g u e d and ouilh’ s dramas, has a general a series of skillful improvisa­ method of “ product” musicology, s tu d e n ts re tu rn b o o k s d u rin g th e f in a l w e ek o f th e q u a rte r. Shown on d e s k s r e tu r n e d to th e s ta c k s . P h o to by G e o rg e J u n n e theme of pessimism, portraying tions.” that is, looking at music itself heroic acts such as Joan’ s de­ Tickets for the presentation, and at the instruments which fense of France as futile attempts which is co-sponsored by the de­ Blames Industry For Student Exodus product it, is inadequate. to reform an unconcerned world, partment of foreign languages and Georges C. Joyaux, professor of the Lecture-Concert Series, are “ Music cannot and w ill not foreign languages, said. available in the Auditorium or stand by itself,’ ’ he said. Joyaux said that formerly many the Union ticket office. Reserved He asserted that music is a A mass exodus of college grad­ to look into the problems and Parisian said the economy of The Corporation hopes to pre­ students made the trip to Ann seats are $2 for students and He called Michigan colleges Arbor to see original French product of society and this must uates from the Midwest and Mich­ make recommendations as to how metropolitan Lansing is based serve and expand existing in­ $2.50 for the general public. exporters of graduate level stu­ productions of well-known plays. be kept in mind when studying it. igan was blamed or. the lack of the situation can be improved. dents, saying that about 25 per p rim arily on industry, state gov­ dustries, as well as trying to Paperback copies of " L ’Alou» Milton Muelder, dean of grad­ ernment, Michigan State Univer­ bring in new industry. The troupe has appeared regular­ ette” in French are available in "We have paid attention to the industry by the Greater Lansing cent of students recieving PhD ly at the University of Michigan uate students and head of re­ sity, distribution and conven­ local bookstores. music rather than the people who Industrial Development Corpor­ degrees and about 75 per cent made it,’ ’ Merriam said. ation Thursday night. search and development, said of the engineering graduate stu­ tions. He said it must be rec­ The newly formed Corporation there is a vast exodus of college dents leave the state for jobs. ognized that further expansion Even basic concepts of what proposes to set up a program trained engineers and scientists of the industrial sector is ad­ R e u th e r D iscusses A u to T a lk s is music and what is not can to make industries aware of the from this area to the east and visable. Scientific resources at d i f f e r in different societies, availability and p o te n tia l of west coasts. according to Merriam. southeastern Michigan industrial Albert Hoffman, also with Re­ R eg ion al U N MSU and related opportunities for research and development are search and Development, said being neglected he said. He added th a t “ product’ ’ sites. P r o f i t s N o t V i t a l I s s u e musicology should be used only Headed by George Parisian, in conjunction with studies of president of the Lansing Chamber Michigan needs more research and electronics industries. Conference To Parisian said the objective of the Industrial Development Cor­ behavior of the people who make of Commer. e, the Corporation poration is to provide more jobs Walter P. Reuther, president “ The UAW does not want any is out to crucify the American and listen to the music. appointed a steering committee Beta Theta Pi M e e t H ere for the increasing labor force and increase the tax base for the of the United Auto Workers, in­ dicated that profit sharing w ill wage increase which w ill raise labor movement.” The Campus UN’ s fourth an­ communities involved. The com­ p r ic e s in th e A m e r ic a n Reuther said that labor is not not be a major issue in up­ For Your Pleasure . Elects Officers nual Great Lakes Regional UN munities would include Lansing, c o m in g labor - management economy,” he said. "This would be self-defeating.” wedded to either party in the next election. The major union Conference is scheduledfcr April Meridan, Delhi, Delta, Dewitt, negotiations in the auto industry. New officers for Beta Theta “ We are not against automa­ drive w ill be to get maximum THE AIR-CONDITIONED 10-12. Approximately 200 dele­ and Watertown townships. “ Profit sharing w ill not be Pi recently have been elected. tion, but we should share in the voter registration. gates from schools throughout The Corporation has set a ten- the key demand in our negoti­ Michael J. McCarthy, B ir­ f r u i t s o f t h is d e v e lo p in g “ President Johnson has win HOLIDAY LANES the Midwest are expected to join ative starting date for their pro­ ations, but 1 think that manage­ mingham ju n i o r was chosen technology.” broad support and is in a strong those from the University in dis­ gram of July 1. ment w ill step up to its logic,” p r e s id e n t; Bradley Lawton, position to be re-elected,” he • 40 B r u n s w ic k L a ñ e s «Snack B a r cussing current international is­ he said at a press conference Speaking on the recent con­ Southfield junior, vice-president; said. John Sterling, Blue Island, 111., sues. Friday. “ Right now American viction of Teamster boss James ,8 B illia r d T a b le s » C o c k t a il L o u n g e sophomore, t r e a s u r e r ; and On the three-day agenda are General Assembly and committee Course V ie w s Motors employees have every Hoffa, he said: "Senator Barry Goldwater ha- about run out of gas. Hfs only Lanes Available For Richard A. Patterson, Birm ing­ benefit that General Motors em­ " I don’ t think Teamster funds effect w ill be to knock Rocke­ OPEN BOWLING Every Day Until 6p.m. ham junior, c o r r e s p o n d in g meetings. A banquet is also planned for Saturday night. M id d le East ployees are getting and they re­ should be used for Hoffa’ s appeal. This is Hoffa’s personal appeal feller out of the running.” secretary. ceive an average of 12 cents "The American p e o p le are And Fri., Sat., & Sun. Evenings Too! Ronald G e le s k o , Bridgeman junior; and Robert Aldinger, A r­ While on the campus, visiting delegates w ill be housed in stu­ Scholasticism an hour more.” ” 1 don’ t see how G e n e ra l and does not concern his union.” He said Hoffa had somewhat about to put this country Into the OPEN EVERY DAY AT 9A.M. Philosophy 302, “ S c h o la s ­ reckless hands that Goldwater lington, Va., junior were elected dent living units. Motors can ignore this.” hurt labor’ s image, but that advocates,” he added. "Frondor is Just South Of Us” recording secretary and alumni A ll inquiries may be directed ticism of the Near and Middle American Motors employees people realize there are both IV 7-3731 secretary, respectively. to the UN office, 308 Studer.i East" w ill be offered spring negotiated a profit sharing con­ good and bad elements in labor Services. term Tuesday and Thursday from tract last year. The Wisconsin, just as in business. 10:30-12 In 321 Berkey Hall. firm ranks fourth in automobile W hen a ske d a b o u t Hoffa’ s C i r c l e P l a n s Sanaullah Kirmani, instructor Debaters Enter of the course, feels that the output. He indicated that automation statement that American labor s h o u ld w a tc h out f o r Robert T o I n i t i a t e 6 7 subject " w ill be of interest to w ill be a key issue, but talks Midwest Contest students not only in philosophy w ill probably center around so Kennedy and the Justice Depart­ ment, he replied: C ircle Honorary w ill tap 67 n.4 9 / Copyright the Kroger S H A N K PORTION F o o t b a ll S t a r s T o S p e a k Company 1964 S m o k e d H a m A t C a m p u s C r u s a d e S n e a k Packer's Fine Quality Bob Davenport, t w ic e A ll '54 when they were beaten by & \merican fullback, and John MSU in the Rose Bowl. He was T O M A T O Flack, A ll American football can­ chosen as most valuable player didate, w ill be the main speakers in a college a ll- s ta r s game C A T S U P lb. during Cam p us Crusade's Col­ against professionals. Later, he lege Life Spring Sneak. played pro-football with the New The program is to be held in Lackson at Camp Storer on April 3 and 4. York Giants for two years. Carol Peterson, a staff worker, is taking reservations. She said Reg. or Drip Vac-Pac n ■'MrmnTi’BH n ■ 2 5 E x tr a T o p V a lu e S ta m p s The theme of the retreat w ill the weekend w ill cost $6.50 a K R O G E R I with the purchase of a 1-lb. pkg. of be “ A Balance for Belief.” person. . USGAK O SCAR M MATtn rKANRd A Y E R FRANKS I This w ill be Flack’ s third and C O F F E E I For faster service, please give cashier | final visit to MSU as national coupon before youi order is rung representative, since he is being TO F L Y ^Redeem at Kroger thru Sat., March 21, married soon. One of his talks at the Sneak w ill be entitled "The G irl 1 M arry.” Bob Davenport, head football TWA CALL Spotlight IN S T A N T 10-oz. M ic h ig a n Pur« r> mnssBsaq . 2 5 E x tr a T o p V a lu e S ta m p s coach at Taylor University at Up­ I with the purchase of a Mb pkg of COFFEE B E E T SUGAR I land, Ind., w ill be relating what God did in his own life while C O L L E G E with coupon 5-lb. bag 4 9 / OSCAR M A Y E R BACO N he was a student at the Univer­ For faster service, please give cashier I I For faster service, please give cashier sity of California at Los Ange­ Travel Office Sava 3 0 / m coupon before your order is rung. I Redeem at Kroger thru Sat., March 21, 1964. I ■ coupon before your , —. order -■ is rung •- | Redeem at Kroger thru Sat March 21, 1964J — . les and what happened at his fraternity house as a result. 332-8667 KROGER Qt Davenport played on UCLA’ s firs t ranked football team in M A Y O N N A IS E * U U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io U 1 0 0 E x tr a T o p V a lu e S ta m p s 1 , 5 0 E x tr a T op V a lu e S ta m p s I with the purchase of five 20-oz loaves I 1 with the purchase of one can of G reen Giant . KROGER W KROGER WHHIT ITEE BREAO BREAO ! | W H IT E R AIN H A IR SPRAY SELL YOUR SW EET 4 ■ For faster service, please give cashier | _ coupon couponbefore beforeyour yourorder | Redeem at Kroger thru Sat., March- 21, orderis isrung.rung. - ■ . « 1~ For taster service, (.lease give cashier ‘ coupon — r - ■before your order is rung a* Kroger thru Sat.. March 21, 1964. I PEAS 303 cans BOOKS FOR » G E E E B B S S B B P S k g I rI Country Club g | ■ 5 0 E x tr a T o p V a lue S ta m p s jj B BEEF STEW 24-oz. can IM A n s ’n ^ n n p r p p VAC PAC C O FFE E a I I I wi,h ,he purchase of 2 pint btls. of kroger s alad d r e s s in g , CASH I ForFortaster 2 lb can 9 9 / tasterservice, service,please coupon before your order is rung pleasegive givecashier cashier I MAYONNAISE or SANDWICH SPREAD | I For faster service, please give cashier coupon before your order is rung | Redeem at Kroger thru Sat., March 21, 1964. | j Redeem at Kroger thru Sat., March 21, 1964. Crispy Ic e b e rg ^ 2 for Pinconning Mild CHEESE Banquet Frozen Complete *■4 9 / nbbbbbboedn S p o tlig h t IN S T A N T C O FFEE | |^ i W ■ VALU ABLE COUPON H it iB e H m i G . 5 0 E x tr a T o p V a lu e S ta m p s vith the purchase of a can or L e ttu c e DINNERS 39/ 10-oz. jar 9 9 / I IL Y S O L D IS IN F E C T A N T SPRAY For taster service, please give washier I " For faster service, please give cashier Kraft Natural . coupon before your order is rung. • coupon before your order is rung | Redeem at Kroger thru Sat., March 21, 1964 J | Redeem at Kroger thru Sat, March 21, 1964. Solid Favorite Sliced Colby 8-oz. pkg. 4 3 ^ V in e R ip e I 5 0 E x tr a T o p V a lu e S ta m p s Brussel Sprouts *<> 2 9 / P zor oh I with the purchase of any 2 cans ot UNION BOOK STORE ( |. with the purchase of 5-lbs. n T o m a to e s I KROGER SPANISH, MIXED, VIRGINIA n I L IV IN G L A U N D R Y POWDER . , PEANUTS or CASHEW NUTS R ig h t O n C a m p u s - A D e p t. O f M SU MUSHROOMS » « 2 9 / I For taster service, please give cashier | coupon w w v |r w .. before w w .w ,w your j wwi order w iw vi is ie erung. e e e e jf . | For faster service, pioase give cashier oupon - ——r —” before —— — — »your order is rung.- B B ^Redeem at Kroger thru Sat., March 21, ^®deem at Kroger thru Sat., March 21, 1964. U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o o k S t o r e U n io n B o 8 Michigan State New s, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, 19f' APARTMENT RENTED 2ND DAT “ Had good r e s u l t s , and m a n y In ­ 3 ROOMS AND BATH. Private q u ir e s ,“ s a i d th is p le a se d a d v e r ­ entrance, utilities paid. Parking tis e r. Married couple preferred. $'0. ★ A u to m o tiv e __________ i t A u to m o t iv e i t E m p lo y m e n t ★ F o r Rent it’ F o r Rent ★ F o r Rent ★ F o r S a le with a KARMANN CH1A (V.w.)coup 1963 SPARTAN MOTORS GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT APARTMENTS HOUSES R O O M S _________________ TEFLON frying pans, house-,j heater, white walls beautiful blue *63 CHEVROLET MONZA Coupe, for p e rm a n e n t positiors in lowcost and white finish. 489-56“ 2 or 4-speed transmission, r a d io , office, sales, technical, Cal! IV A P A R T ME NT: A P P R O V E D housing for men, available Spring LARGE 4-BEDROOM house. 2 blocks from campus, fireplace, APPROVED 2 single rooms for men. Close to campus and park­ wares and gifts. ACE HARD-j WHERE 8 GIFTS, 201 E. Gra:. 4S9-5570 evenings. 48 heater, color red, like new. W ANT AD 1955 CADILLAC, Eldorado en- 2-1543. P O L IT IC A L CAMPAIGN ERS term. Call IV 2-66'7 after 6:00 or weekends. 48 furnished, for 5 or 6 students. Phone ED 2-8191, 489-2334. 48 ing. Phone 332-3151._______ 48S APPROVED ROOM for 2 in new River, across from Union. ,.T 2-3212.______________ Cl • a u t o m o t iv e gire, Worderbar radio, new tires. '63 CHEVROLET COR V AIR wanted at little or no pay to GIRL TO share large bedroom, home. Private entrance. Rec ENGLISH, 3-speed b ic y c le i | WANTED: 1 or 2 men to share •EMPLOYMENT 2 4-barrel carburetors. Call ED M o rz a Cor.vertible, 4 speed assist with campaigns of Repub­ living room, kitchen. $8.00 per room w ith refrigerator. Call $10.00 down, tim e payme:' '-1191. 485 transmission, radio, heater, col­ lican state legislature candidates modern home on Lake Lansing, • FOR RENT or dark green, extra clea: . week. U tilities paid. Phone 332- $30.00 a month. Call 339-2597.. evenings. 332-4518. 48 through Spring term. ACE HA RD j FORD 195?, automatic, agoodde- in K e n t County this summer. 59'7. 48S MEN, SINGLE'“ corns, s h a re WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Gran. • FOR SALE ________________ 48 per.dable car, or.ly 45,000 miles, ‘ 61 LORD'S- 3 to choose from, 6 .Vrite Republican, 924 Beliclaire, L O V E L Y REMODELED fur­ WORKING WIDOW w i l l share study, b a th with one. K itc h e n River, across from Union, E ll • LOST & FOUND all middle aged aliments cured. cylinders, standard transmis­ Grand Rapids if you desire in­ nished 3-room apartment. Ma­ home with responsible couple. privileges. Close to bus. Garage 2-3212. C| • PERSONAL Must sell! 355-6064 after 5:30 sions, the best in gas mileage. triguing summer. 48S hogany paneling. AvailableSpring IV 9-0583._________________ 48 Graduate student or faculty. Ev­ VOIGT LANDER 35 mm camera | • PEANUTS PERSONAL p.m. 4SS You car really wheel and deal in REGISTERED NURSES, f u l l " term. Accommodates three. Call ery convenience. 487-0846 after MEN OVER 21-Single rooms. Brand New. Call 332-3352 afte: •R E A L ESTATE MERCEDES F E N Z 220 Sedan these. or part-time, 11-' or 3-11. Good 355-8014. 48S 3:00 p.m._______________ 48 Private entrance, parking, phone. 10:00 p.m. 48! ■ • SERVICE 19-2; AM-FM radio; vinyl in­ 3000 E. Michigan salary and differential plus other MAI E ROOMMA.T£ needed for M A L E STUDENT supervised 3 blocks from campus. 332-188", IV 7 3715 TROMBONE KING, 3B, excelle" | •TRANSPORTATION te rio r, sharp bargain price. ED fringe benefits. Flexible time modern unapproved apartment. h o u s e ; openings tw o double evenings.__________________ 48 condition. Call 372-2993. 4> C48 • w anted 2-40"1-355-1S_S. 48 schedule. Meal furnished. Plv : e Must be clear: liver and in te lli­ rooms, one triple; cooking and A P P R O V E D , SUPER VISE~D BOYS’ C LO T H E S - " 6 mor.:C S ' FORD WAÓON, Thunder-I;ibd ED 2-0801. 48 gent. Call 332-2338. 48S ,9f 1 CORYAIR MONZA, radio, parking privileges. Two blocks rooms for men. Spartan Hall, to years. Dress suits, s h ir : DEADLINE: engine, m e c h a n ic a lly okay, heater, W.W., '64 plates. Good $169.95. Phone IV 2-2331. EAST I.AN'SING, One;g irl to share from Berkey. Day IV 5-2857 1 p.m . o n e c l a s s day b e ­ 48 WAITRESSES and hostesses, ap- newly ifunushed compact apart- 215 Louis. Doubles, $6.50 per and coats. Phone TU 2-4628. 4.v B condition. $990. Phone 485-3334. plications taker, daily, 10:00a.m.- after 5:30 IV 5-8836._______48 week; singles, $9.00 per week. USED T.V., table model. A ls | fo r e pub i i c a t i o n . _______ 4SS PONTIAC '62 CATALINA 4-door 7:00 p.m. Big Boy Restaurart, mer.t ir.ear M.S.L. Phone 337- ROOMS___________ ________ Large comfortable rooms. H ot blonde coffee table in good co Cancel!af ions •1 2 noon one OLDS. 1957, Super ¿3, P.S., P.E., sedan. 2 tone, power steering, 401 E. Grand River. 4SS 1018. 48 AVAILABLE SPR IN G t e r m. and cold water in each. Lobby dition. Cal! 355-0775 after 6:3(1 :lass day before publication radio, heater. Rebuilt er.gir.e, at r a d io . Low mileage $1900. IV V A C A N'C Y FOR 2 men in ap- Large ro o m in quiet p r iv a t e with T.V. Phone, laundry, park­ p.m. 4S: Hamburger Heaven. IV 4-0513. 4-01S7. 48 SITUATION WANTED: Female PHONE: Babysitting anytime in my home proved apt . close to Ilast campus home. Garage, extension phone, ing, good study atmosphere. 1 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND pup. 5450. 4SS FORD 1958 Station \Vagon, six fall 33'-1 755. 48 private bath. Inspected and ap­ block from campus. 332 -2 574. 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 n e a r college. A ls o Washings. .pies. AKC, 7 weeks old. $40« 11 CARAYELLE COUPE, l93i, with stick shift, R&H, 53,000 Miles. proved. Graduate or upper ciass- ___________________________ 48 882-6127.___________________ 48 females, 1male. PhoneIV2-9703. RATES: removable hardtop. 4-speed, R S. Have complete mainter.ar.ee and YOUNG LADIES to do telephone bedroom apartment, 2, 3 or 4 man. 332-3257.____________ 48S APPROVED s in g le or double _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________4hr 1 D A Y ........... S I.25 H, extracompetitibryexhaust.Re­ service r e c o r d . One o w n e r. girls to share. $55. each, large LARGE RECREATION* ro o m , rooms for males. 2 1/2 blocks EXCEPTIONAL 39 Roycraft 1§ movable ski luggage rack. 900 $450. 355-6521 (S-5), 482-9602. contact work from downtown of­ modern kitchen, air conditioning, approved f o r 2 men students. from campus. Call 332-3794 after Travel tra ile r. Sleeps four. Bes I 3 DAYS_____ S2.50 48 fice. Permanent employment with miles or, new engine, tires and _____________________ close to campus. 332-0255. 48 Private entrance, bath, fire ­ 6:30 p.m. 48S cash offer buys. 641-4354 • March Sale Price................. .$395 Story March Sale Price. . . . . . .$95 EAST LANSING 1 block from type of trade. CALL OL 5-2054. rock-bottom rates, it's State double and single available. 3 2 1/2 blocks from campus. Sin­ Union. 3 rooms, unfurnished ex­ blocks to campus. Call 332-1242. C Farm Mutual, the world’ s larg­ cept for range and refrigerator, gles, doubles, cleaned weekly. 57 DoSoto 2 door hard top with radio and 58 DeSoto 4 door with power steering and _________________________48S ELECTRIC RANGE, Frigidaire, est auto insurer. Call or see 1st. floor. Good storage. Ideal 435 MAC, 332-5571. 48 brakes, radio and heater and automatic HOUSE-room f o r 3 male stu- 30” deluxe. Perfect condition. your State Farm agent today. ater and automatic transmission for MSU employee, no students A P P R O V E D , SUPE R VIS EC transmission dents. Everything furnished. $8 A ls o roll-away bed w ith new Ask for JIM RYAN, IV 5-726', ■ Mart h Sale Price...................... $195 $100 p.m. 332-5988. 48 rooms for men Spring term near glider cushions. 482-6544. 48S Story March Sale Price....................... $295 per week per student. Phone 332- In Frandor. C48 2-BEDROOM NEW, furnished 3-4 Min-a-Mart. $8.00 p e r week. 4541. 48S ASTRONOMER'S TELESCOPE man apartment. $200 to rent Cooking $2.00 per week extra. R e a lly w a n t a b u y ? MAN TO share approved double 332-3634.___________________48 with achromatic lens and prism ’ 57 Oldsmobile 88 4 door with power steering 59 Plymouth Station Wagon with radio and starting Spring term. Call 332- with foreign student. $90 term, finder. B e s t o f f e r . C h u ck and brakes and hydramatic transmission E. MICHIGAN AVE. near. Clean, try heater 6664. 48 527 Elizabeth. 48S Parsons, ED 2-0844 after 6:00 Story March Sale Price.............. $395 Story March Sale Price.......................$445 EAST L A N S IN G , deluxe fu r- furnished living quarters for col­ APPROVED DOUBLE room lor lege students. Also single sleep­ p.m. 48 JUNIOR L E A G U E nished apartment for college or men, pleasant and clean, parking, 8-transistor radios - Special buy professional personnel. 3 rooms ing rooms. IV 5-6128. 48S T H R I F T SHOP 60 (. orvair 4 door with radio and heater 59Chevrolet Station Wagon with radio and one block from campus. No cook­ on a real good 1963 model per­ 332-3505 9:30-5:30 or 332-3135. CAMPUS 2 BLOCKS single and and automatic transmission heater ing. Call ED 2-0664 after 6:00 double rooms with kitchen and mits sale at $12.88. Limited quan­ “ W e s e ll go od 48 p.m. 48S tity. A C E H AR D W H E R E fk Story' Marcli Sale Price.......................$695 Story March Sale Price..................... $595 3 ROOMS and bath, private en­ recreation ro o m . Phone ED u s e d c lo th in g and 7-ROOM FURNISHED house, 4 2-8191, 489-2334. 48 GIFTS, across from Union Build­ trance, utilities paid, parking. bedrooms, 2 baths, pleasant sur- ing. ED 2-3212. C b u y o n c o n s ig n m e n t’ ’ 58chevrolet 2 door with radio and heater Married couple preferred. $70 UNSUPERVISED, n e a r Union, 56 Volkswagen 2 door with radio andheater roundings. Call ED 2-3792. 47S PORTXBLY TYPE WRITER-Oly- Story March Sal«> Price.....................$295 p.m. Call IV 5-1641. 48S pleasantly furnished, d o u b le Story March Sale Price.. . . . . $495 WANTED: 1 studious roommate mpia Precision. Buy the finest. 211 E. MICH. OPEN 10-4 NEAR CAMPUS, furnished 2- rooms, $9 p.w. Cooking, parking. WED-SAT to share cottage and rent with 1 T e r m s available. Hasselbring 485-0865 man apartment. Living room, 355-3021. 48 other. Privacy. E. Lansing. 337- Company, 310 N. Grand. IV 2- '57 Ford Station Wagon with radio and heater bedroom, kitchen and bath. Park-, TWO BLOCKS from campus on A L B E R T SCHWEITZER COL­ 2186. 48 1219. £48 '59 Chev rolet 2 door with radio and heater and automatic transmission ing. Unsupervised. Phone 332- MAC. Nicely furnished room for LEGE, C h u rw a ld e n /G riso n s, UNSOPERVISED, 4-6 men, for LIBERTY, 10 X 45, 2 bedroom, Story March Sale Price.............. $595 Story March Sale Price................... $195 5374. 48S spting term. Entire house one male students. Cooking.Call 332- Switzerland. Year Course on the APPROVED AND supervised 4- 6736. 48 30 ft. aluminum awning, newcar- block fr o m campus. Cooking, problems of Western culture and man apt. Parking, rec-room, 445 WANT GIRL to share nicely fur- pet, located near pampus. Phone study facilities. 332-8506. 48S society, motivated by the ideals Abbott. ED 2-6375. 48 nished room. Cooking. Call 332- 332-5797. 48 YOU MUST HURRY, 2 blocks to of Albert Schweitzer. Lectures WANTED: 3rd g irl tosh are mod- 6736. 48 VACUMN CLEAbiER Kerby, like in German and English on philos­ Union. Room for 6 or more; fur­ STORY OLDSMOBILE ern lu x u r y apartment S p rin g term. Convenient location. $6C monthly. 337-2285 after 9:00p.m. nished: fireplace; parking. Call 337-9842, 6:00-8:30 only. FURNISHED 2-3 bedroom house 48S LA R G E P L E A S A N T single approved room near McDonald’ s East. Call 337-1755. 48 new with all attachments. $75. Phone 485-3191 evenings. KAY, 5-string banjo; excellent 48 ophy, psychology, history of re­ ligion, political science, modern literature and art. Tutorials. .______ 4SS ROOM and board $155 term - condition, with case. Best offer. Language courses. International near Frandor. Available Spring W h e r e T h e M a r c h A c t io n I s ACROSS FROM campus, com- term. Ample parking. Call 355- Ulrey Co-op. Approved,unsuper­ Phone 355-4950. 48 Community. Possible credit as pletely furnished and air con­ 8014. 48S vised. Call 337-9901. 48S ELECTRIC RANGE 30” RCA Junior Y e a r a b ro a d . WRITE: ditioned, studio apartment for 2 BEDROOM HOUSE near Fran- NICE SINGLE room for men. Whirlpool. Used 4 years. Good Professor John Casparis, Cen­ SHOPPER’S FAIR P A R K IN G LOT 1 or 2 persons. Call ED 2- dor, furnished for four students. Close to campus. Parking. Phone condition. $70. O kem os area. tra l Michigan University, Box 0811 or ED 7-2475. 48 Phone 489-2334, ED 2-8191. 48 332-4613. 48 Phone 332-0926. 48S 320, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. 48S Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, 1964 9 ★ Personal C o n sum ers r e p o r t favoraciy D r iv in g C a u t io n U r g e d Adenauer Urges BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS on insurance from Bubolz. Con­ sume some yourself. 332-8671- 220 Albert. C48 UNCLE FUD’S PARTY Shop. Party supplies and beverages. Kosher sandwiches. Two miles each on Grand River. C NATO Harmony H A N N O V E R , Germany , f - Charles De Gaulle on a French- Death Rate Up 74 Per Cent At a time when tra ffic fa­ as compared to the number of He added that people must actually less traffic on the roads. MlAMI-budget tours arranged. Former Chancellor Konrad Ad­ West German friendship pact and realize the seriousness of traffic The Michigan State Traffic De­ 1 TODAY . . . talities are predicted to be at fatalities in the same months Call Main Travel Bureau, IV enauer sounded a warning Sun­ said he could not understand why mishaps and take action to keep partment said that the increasing an all time high, students w ill last year. There were 141 deaths I Thru THURSDAY: 4-4441. C day for the north Atlantic al­ it should be considered a treaty them down. He says that strict number of traffic accidents is directed a g a in s t the United begin driving to all parts of in February of this year, and 78 SPARTAN FLIGHTS - Spring va- liance to settle its differences traffic enforcement by the police due to greater exposure. There 2 ACADEMY the country for spring break in 1963. cation flights to Daytona, $79 or perhaps see some members States. State police estimate that the departments alone is not enough. are more cars, more roads and AWARD WINNERS! pull out. He said he had told Secretary this week. round trip. Don’ t get left behind; A ll drivers must willingly obey more traffic than ever before. Traffic fatalities increased 74 fatality total on Michigan high­ call now, 332-8563, M -F, l-5p.m. Keynoting the twelfth conven­ of State Dean Rusk in advance per cent in January and February, ways w ill go over 3,000, if the traffic laws and show courtesy ‘ BEST ACTRESS’ i .4 tion of his Christian Democratic of his intention to negotiate a to other drivers. ★ Real Estate Party, Adenauer made no spe­ close relationship with France cific mention of the differences and that Rusk at that time wel­ present rate of increase con­ tinues. There were 1,867 deaths The alarming in c r e a s e o f t r a f f i c fatalities on Michigan Esak W ins Top Rural Youth last year. SPARTAN AVE., East Lansing, between the United States and 2 bedroom with big living room, France on Western policy but comed it. “ The drawing together of Ger­ To G ather Here As a result of this increase. highways began in the last quar­ ter of 1963. From October to Cadet A w a rd Gov. George W. Romney has Cadet Staff Sgt. Joseph Ron carpeted, all this only $95.00 these differences have been the many and France is the only pos­ More than 400 of the state’ s initiated a traffic emergency pro­ D e c e m b e r, 550 persons were with terms. Call Field’ s Realty. most outstanding in recent years sible barrier to a broader spread top rural youth w ill be on cam­ killed. This was an average of Esak, Oakland, N.J., sophomore, gram. As part of this plan, patrol­ IV 9-9086. E v e n in g s Lester within the alliance. of the Soviet Russian sphere of six persons killed per day. has received the Cadet-of-the- 7:05 and 10 P.M. pus from March 24 to 26 for the men are now working six days Fields IV 4-1815. 48 Adenauer spoke proudly of his influence in Western Europe,” 36th annual state Future Far­ a week rather than the previous The types of accidents show­ Month Award for February in the A ir Force ROTC Program. -w PLUS: KIPLING” BLVD., 4 bed Cape a g re e m e n t w ith President Adenauer said. mers’ of America convention. five. ing substantial fatality increases at 8:45 P.M. only Cod - 1 1/2 baths, dining room, As for the N o r th Atlantic during this period were those The award was presented by The delegates w ill take part Corporal Casto of the MSU kitchen, d in e tte , garage, rec- Treaty Organization, Adenauer in a v a r ie d educational and Police Department said, "People occuring from collisions between Lt. Col. George A. Davies, pro­ room. Close to MSU, Frandor, ★ S e r v i c e said: vehicles, up 91, vehicles running fessor of air science. awards p ro g ra m during their don’t take t r a f f i c f a t a l i t i e s etc. FHA approved. IV 4-2204. “ It is high time for all mem­ off road. up 24, collisions with Esak, a packaging major, is a TYPING SERVICE three-day stay. seriously enough. If the same 48S bers of the alliance to set them­ f ix e d o b je c ts , up 20, and member of the Arnold A ir Society Highlights o f the convention number of deaths were due to N E W L Y DECORATED 3-bed­ EDIE STARR, TYPIST, Theses, selves earnestly to r e mo v i n g w ill be the selection of the “ Star murders, people would be quite collisions with pedestrians, up and is First Sergeant of the COLOR Wid«Sewn AnEmbassyftctwrwa*«imm room home, 1 acre, 1 1/2 miles dissertations, term papers, gen­ their differences of opinion.” Farmer of 1964” and the award­ alarmed. All measures, including 18. A ir Police Squadron. ■ F R ID A Y : to MSU, $15,000. Phone 337-2” 53. eral typing. Experienced, IBM He noted that beginning in 1969, Nearly six out of ten or 59 He received the A ir Police ing of 221 state farmer degrees. the national guard, would most _____________ 48 Electric. OR 7-8232. C any member can withdraw from Honorary state farmer degrees likely be enforced. When people per cent of all reportedaccidents Ribbon, the Arnold Air Society “ LADIES WHO DO” NATO with one year's notice. w ill also be presented to c iti­ occurred between the hours of Ribbon, and the Kelsey Hayes -and - OKEMOS, beautiful 3 bedroom, ANN BROWN typist and multilith read about traffic fatalities in “ So members of the alliance dusk and dawn when there was Trophy. “ DAVID and LISA” family room, recreation room, offset printing (black & white L must get together at the latest zens who have made an outstand­ the newspapers, they just shake o f f ic e , w ooded lot, s e w e r. color). IBM. General ty p in g , by the end of 1967 on the ur­ ing contribution to the FFA pro­ their heads and say, ’that’ s too $29,900. Owner, 332 - 4444 . 48 term papers, thesis, disserta­ gently necessary changes in the gram. bad’ .” FREE ESTIMATE on your move tions. ED 2-8384. anywhere in the world. Phone TYPING in my S o m e . S h ir le y IV 5-2241, Bekin’ s Van Lines. Decker, F o r e s t Ave.,Lansing. C treaty,” Adenauer said. MORNING CLASSES If sour ria « Beginningat AFTERNOON CLASSES Your exam If your class Beginningat oneof these Your exam tudnaetean It’s that Ask for Jim. C48 Plione IV 2-"208. one.of these hours timeand date is meets h ou rs ISd C MODERN 3 BEDROOM home; ten EXECUTIVE QUALITY typing. C o lo n y W in s MWF MTThF MTWThF 8 (X) 8 30 Thursday March 19 3 45-5 45 MWF MTThF MTWThF 100 1.30 Tuesday March 17 ft 00-10 00 Time-0-The minutes from MSU. Pleasant new Block o ff campus. Reasonable. No TTh S 0 0 F rid a y TT h 1 O Q T uesday neighborhood. $17,800 by owner. job too large or too small. Phone IFC A p p r o v a l 8W > March 20 ft 00-10 00 1 30 March 17 130-3.30 FE 9-8228. 48 BARBIE MEL... 332-3255. EXPERT TYPING on electric 48 A five-year dream of becom­ MWF MTThF MTWThF 9OO 9:30 Friday March 20 130-3 30 MWF MTThF MTWThF 2 00 2 30 Tuesdat March 17 3 45-5 45 Year W henwegive pica, MSU g ra d . M e r r i l y n ing a fraternity came closer to T Th 9 OO F rid a y TT h 2 0 0 Wednesday ★ S e rv ic e 9 30 March 20 .345-3:45 2 30 March 1ft ft 00-10 00 Vaughn, 339-8751. 48 reality Wednesday night, when M 1000 Saturday MWF 3 00 Wednesday FREE ESTIMATE on your move the Oaks Club, a colony of Theta MWTTFhF 10 30 March 21 MTThF 3 30 March 1ft youm oneyfor DISCOUNT TO STL-DENTS and Delta Chi, had its petition accep­ MTWThF 8 00-10 00 MTWThF 130-3 30 anywhere in the world. Phone T Th 1 0 0 0 S a tu rdav TT h 3 0 0 W ednesday faculty. Complete typing service, ted by a unanimous vote of the 10 30 March 21 3.30 March 1ft IV 5-2241, Bekin's Van Lines. 10 13-12 IS 343-5 45 theses our specialty. IBM execu­ Inter-Fraternity Council Presi­ Ask for Jim. C48 MWF 1100 Saturday MWF 4 00 Thursday tive or Selectric typewriters. Su­ dents Council. MTThF 1130 March 21 MTThF 4.30 March 19 USEDBOOKS perior offset printing in black MTWThF 1 3 0-3 3 0 MTWThF ft 00-10 00 Formal approval rests with the T Th 11 00 Saturday TTh 4 00 Thursday WHY PAY MORE? For profes- and white or color. BJ. Press, 11 JO March 21 4 30 March L9 Faculty Advisers Cabinet meet­ 3 45-5 45 130-3 30 sional dry cleaning, WENDROWS. ED 2-2961 or ED 7-09‘ l after ing Tuesday night. M W F 12 0 0 T u e sda y EVI N 'lN'G C LA SSES Pants, s k i r t s , sweaters, 60<£, 5:30 p.m. C48 M TT hP 12 3 0 M a rch 1 7 Founded in 1959, theOaksClub MTWThF 700-9 00 pm If yourdassmeets 1anddateV isme Plain dresses, s u it s , coats, has 21 active members and five T Th 12 0 0 W e dn esd ay Mafter 5 Tues. Mar. 17. 7-9 p.m. H o w to u se m o n e y $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block ★ p e a n u t s P e r s o n a l 12:30 March 1ft T. TThafter 5 Wed.. Mar. 18, 7-9 p.m. pledges. 7 00-9.00 pm T W\ MWafter 5 Thur . Mar. 19. 7-9 p.m. west of Frandor. C48 hafter 5 Fn , Mar. 20. 7-9 p.m. Sandy Sanders—A re you pinned NOFINAL EXAMINATION MAY BEGIVEN AT ANYTIME OTHER THAN THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED TIME EXCEPT BY FACULTY ACTION. DIAPER SERVICE"! three types of to a Delt or another Greek. Before * F o r a t r ip to F lo rid a diapers to choose from. B u lk you write about other people, wash for cleaner, whiter diapers, THINK twice!! fluff dried and folded. Use yours Boys—Thanks To r the citron I Got Even Johnson • F or E aster G ifts or r e n t ours. Containers fur­ crepe andcake.Itw as the thought. (continued from page 1) 65c to 5:30 ve. 90c E S 3 :S :Ï3 Œ nished. No deposit. 25 years ex­ Dad m ier Krushchev, saying that this — 337-0271 „¿S& K ÌS n ► 332-3044 ~ perience. By-Lo Diaper Service, Mary & Catherine- -It s been a fun has been accepted since his Nov. W ir o T Æ T o T o ^ TWIN-HI SHOW Shown 2:40-5:40-8:40 * • To p a y b ills F or n e x t te rm 1010 E. Michigan, IV 2-0421. C term. Sorry I hav e to leave, but 25 meeting with Soviet Deputy shall return. Descartes Hilarious Comedy!_____ TYPING: TERM p a p e r s aspe- Premier Mikoyan at the time IT’S SHEER BEDLAM * R e p a ir th e c o n v e r tib le cialty, experienced, lowest rates. ★ T r a n s p o r t a t i o n of President John F. Kennedy’ s 882-6259. 48 funeral. But Johnsonsaid no plans FROM MORNING * • F o r a n y th in g th a t JOB RESUM ES - 100 copies, RIDE WANTED to Metropolitan for such a meeting have been TIL NIGHT! $4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail Ad­ Airport, March 21 at approxi­ proposed. vertising. 533 North Clippert. mately 3:30. Call Bob, 355-2599. Johnson was questioned about cost m oney. IV 5-2213. C __________________________ 48S another lively political topic, the ACCIDENT P R O B LE M ? Call WANTED: 2 rides to Virginia w rite-in victory of Henry Cabot Kalamazoo S tr e e t Body Shop. Beach or vicinity, March 21, Lodge in last Tuesday’ s Repub­ Small d e n ts to large w re c k s . late. Call 355-2498 or 355-6903. lican Presidential primary in •American and f o r e ig n cars. ______________________________ ,c c New Hampshire. PsUom SPARTAN Offlge® Guaranteed work. 489-- 507. 1411 NEEDED 2 riders to Daytona, The President said he believes Fla. Leaving Sat. between 5 and Lodge has behaved properly and East Kalamazoo. DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers C 6 p.m. call 337-9842. returned either y o u r s or ours. NEW YORK Spring vacation bus Viet Nam even though his name 48 has not violated his responsibil­ ities as ambassador to South Bookstore special! Round trip, $30. F o r i H E A R -9 GREAT BIS Hirstf C O R N E R ANN & M . A . C . With our service, you may include has been thrust prominently into two pounds of baby clothes that reservations, call East Lansing 48 the political arena. a»,.«.« tunst mm nit am oo* moms niton mo ROD LAUREN • MOLLY K-GENE MCDANIELS do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. Bus Station, ED 2-2813. Johnson said he has had no AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE 1 or 2 RIDERS WANTED to Ft. indication that Lodge “ plans fo » c h u c k c o n n o r » JACK LARSON • THE SHERWOOD SINGERS 914 E. Gier Street Lauderdale. Departing March 19 leave the job at all and if he did IV 2-0864 WANTED: BABYSITTING in my 3727. or 20. Call 355-2026 or 355- I am sure he would let me 48 know.” ►STARTS THURS. 2 GREAT HITS < home. 3 years or over. Colonial Village area. Phone IV 4-6943. SPARTAN FLIGHTS Lodge "has been doing noth­ ing but the job as ambassador... II CaryI Audrey ¡1 ____________________________ as GREEKS GET the Swinglngest band for that Spring rush party. Call Dave 355-6784. 48 DAYTONA to and I have seen nothing that has interfered with that work.” The interview was recorded Saturday in the President’ s office 1Ggmt Hepburn STUDENT TV R E NT A LS. New Only for broadcast Sunday. Johnson sat Everything 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” 4 SEATS in his high-backed cabinet-room you've ever table models, $8 per month, 17” swivel c h a ir while answering left á wanted to table models, $7 per month. A l l questions put to him by William sets guaranteed, n o service or $79 round trip H. Lawrence of the American delivery charges. Call Nejac TV Broadcasting Co., Eric Sevareid Rentals, IV 2-0624. C C a ll N o w of the Columbia broadcasting B uild yo u r ow n T.V., RADIO, PHONO REPAIR 332-8563 M-F 1 to 5 System and David Brinkley of the Don't Search — Call Church National Broadcasting Co. rChara¿? RIDE WANTED from California IV 2-5608 Asked if any particular recol­ Stereo System Prompt Service-New & Used Sets or any Southwestern city. Leave lection of his firs t four days March 28-29. Share expenses - in office was more vivid than CHURCH T.V. SERVICE 808 W. Willow. Lansing C driving. 337-0536. 48 others: £ M I STANLEY DONEN Production STEP 1. Select from complete lines of T.V. RENTALS ' f o r students. 2 o r 3 RIDERS WANTED to "Yes. 1 have rarely been in Florida, leaving Sat., March 21 quality components like Dynakit, Scott, Economical rates by the term and the presence of greatness, but as Fisher, Eico, etc. month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT­ in afternoon. Call 484-6816. 48 1 went through that period, I ALS - 355-6026. Call after 5. RIDERS TO New York City. Will observed Mrs. Kennedy, Jackie W alterM atthau J a m e s C o b u r n lE À ÌP J ftE STEP 2. Choose your preamp, amplifier, r be ready to leave, Monday, March Kennedy. I saw her greatness, Muy ( V ’**Uy In Produced and D m c M by or complete system. TYPING SERVICE_____________ 16. Call 355-1971. her gallantry, her graciousness, HEN RY M ANCINI PETER STONE STANLEY DONEN 48 TYPING IN my home. 15 years WANTED: LARGE used trunk. her courage, and it w ill always TEC H N IC O LO R STEP 3. Buy at Audiophile net prices secretarial experience. Electric Call 355-3890 after 6:00 p.m. be a vivid memory.” “ CHARADE” Winner Academy Award Nomination or LOWER. Avoid shipping charges and typewriter. IV 7-0619. C48 At the end of the program, waiting for missing parts. Johnson said the presidency "is “ BEST SONG” .____________ GENEPAirTYPING - Immediate service. Phone 355-1237. 48 ★ Wanted IMMEDIATE SERVICE, general W ANTED-RIDE to New York the outside.” But he said he en­ a much tougher job from the inside than I thought it was from 2nd BIG HIT! íjm ím STEP 4. Complete your kit and bring it to us. We w ill check it out and correct typing. E l e c t r i c typewriter. City; afternoon March 20. Contact your goofs (if any) at no charge. joys what he is doing and asser­ Phone ED 2-2467 after 5:30 p.m. Michael Bloom 355-6690 before ted: He was hired 48 5, 355-6691 after 5.________48 STEP 5. Plug it in, listen, and brag “ I may not be a great Presi­ to Mate them to your friends. P EAN U TS dent, but as long as I am here, I am going to try to be a good ...but not President.” ■ ^ KJ E N W O O D to Date them! Zeta Tau A lpha Picks Executives K lR K D O U G L A S HI-FI BUYS Zeta Tau Alpha sorority re­ M iïZ I G A Y N O R 323 East Grand River 337-2310 cently elected its officers for * o ROTRON : ; n t ~ £ u u :.\ e ' C m n o ... ÙÜ0CÜI VAJ REAl-T r.A ? jAc the 1964-65 school year. G IG Y O U N G Hours: O##* «."AE DOTTOR ;0i?fccJ7rtER£ rCa A AuXvTc Í The officers are president, Mon.-F ri. 9-9 ,0 PiTCn ■A oJhiuc Ei Marilynn Nowak, Mentor, Ohio Sdt. 9-6 A c A iN ? . junior; v ic e president, Jane U Farrow, Swartz Creek junior; pledge trainer, Barbara Pring, T O R LO VE O R M O N EY Bay C it y junior; secretary, Leonora C irrito, Boston, Mass. junior; and treasurer, Mary Mc­ THELMA RITTER P , C k ^ R IM g LESLIEPARRISH- JULIE NEWMM Universal Donald, Eaton Rapids junior. 10 Michigan State New s, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 16, 1964 T ie s W it h R e d C a m p G r o w M oscow V . S tu d e n t NtCSS SiliCTOC BAR Chinese Help Cambodia Arm PHNOM PENH, Cam bodia f — two a r m ie s have been a b le to help us m ilita r ily without con ­ Khom an i m p l i c i t l y r e je c t o u r H as M a m m o th M eal MOSCOW £)— A M oscow U n iv ersity biology student said Sunday he has eaten m eat from a 5 ,0 0 0 -y e a r -o ld m am m oth. I t’ ll p robably n ev er r e p la c e beef stro g an o ff. T h e student P r in c e N o r o d o m Sihanouk r e ­ fr a te r n a lly extend hands. d itions a fte r th e r e je c t io n of p ro p o sitio n at the fo u r -p a rty con­ sa id the m eat was tough. He didn’t both er to d e s c rib e the ceiv e d Sunday a shipm ent of C o m - fla v o r. tfCH Vf CHANO* »HOW " T h i s aid is not co n ceiv ed , A m e rica n aid , our e n e m ie s would f e r e n c e , fo r e xam p le. m u n i s t C h in ese m ilita r y aid "Prince Souvanna Phoum a W ritin g in t h e C om m unist P a rty youth new spaper, a s T hailand m a in ta in s , to m en­ a lre a d y have stru ck out o ffen ­ which he said " a r r i v e s at a c r u ­ (n e u tr a lis t p r i m e m in is te r of K o m som alsk aya P ra v d a , N. Pugachuk said he ca m e a c r o s s a c e t h e p e a c e a n d e n co u rag e siv e ly a g a in st C am bodia. c ia l m om ent in our national ex­ L a o s) h im s e lf now e sp o u se s an the m eat in 1959 w hile exp loring fo r fro zen m am m oths C am bodia to b eco m e a g g re s s iv e . i s t e n c e ." " W e a r e p re s e n tly liv in g in a g g r e s s iv e p o licy in the n o rth ern in the Y em al pen in su la, at the A rc tic end of the U ral O ur only w orry i s to have su ffi­ POPULAR HABIT--Students make use of campus vending G overnm ent so u rc e s rep o rted the m o st dangerous p e rio d of te r r ito r y ." M oun tains, w here s ix of th e s e "e x tin c t an im als have been c ie n t m ilita r y fo r c e to d issu ad e found. machines for candy, soft drinks, milk and ice cream hund­ Sihanouk’ s a c ce p ta n ce sp eech at our co n te m p o rary h is to r y . T h a i­ Sinahouk s a i d a C am bodian in s tig a to rs of im p e r ia lis tic w ar Pochentong A irport but did not land has said c y n ic a lly th at she A tra p p er brought him a chunk of m am m oth m eat w elch­ reds of thousands of times each month. who m e n a c e the Cam bodian d elegation w ill le a v e soon fo r say what the shipm ent contained. will n e v e r a g r e e to re c o g n iz e Hanoi, N orth V iet N am , to ne­ ing about fiv e pounds. Although it was co v e re d with 13- Photo by Larry F ritzlan peace. " S in c e o u r lib e ra tio n from our rig h t to liv e f r e e , n eu trally g o tiate fr o n tie r a c c o rd s and e s ­ inch long brown h a ir, Pugachuk said , he trie d to m ake it co n d itio n al, A m erican a id ,” the " I t is c e r ta in that if C hina, and in our t e r r it o r ia l in te g rity . ta b lish fr a te r n a l r e la tio n s with p a la ta b le by boilin g . In stead , it got tougher. He did, how­ Candy Machines Are c h ie f of s ta te told the Com m u­ n ist C h in ese a m b a ssa d o r, " o u r the S oviet Union, F r a n c e and Y u g o slav ia had not hasten ed to T h e la s t d e c la ra tio n s of (T hailan d F o re ig n M in is te r) Nai Thanat the P ath e t L a o , the le ftis t factio n in L a o s . e v e r , m anage to sam p le a bit raw . Most Used Vendors U n io n B o o k S to re U n io n B o o k S to re U n io n B o o k S to r e U n i o n B o o k S to r e U n io n B o o k S to re U nion B o o k Cam pus v e n d i n g m achines Nothing can s a s w e e ts - s e r v ic e 'starv in g* student. The minded student > quickly as m ost popular vendors a r e the m achine. Stu­ like Let’s candy m achines. dents a re urged ll re p o rt b r o - Man! Students operate the candy m a­ ken m ach in es an d e lim in a te the chines ov er 110,000 tim e s each g lo rifie d 'o n e -a r: r. band its.* month. The second m ost popu­ "S tu d e n ts a re encouraged to la r m achines or. cam pus serv e rep o rt out-of-on, der m ach in es in soft d rinks over 100,000 tim es t h e recep tio n p er month. Next com e the milk d e s k ," L y le T h o r burn, d o rm ito ry and ice c re a m m achines with s e r v i c e s ’ mar.agi of re s id e n c e over " 0 ,0 0 0 s a le s p er month. h a lls , said. "Th< ;r e they will be refunded fo r an y lo st change, e ith e r d irectly . r by the ver.d- Finals ing m achine c m: T h e vending m; ich in es on c a m - pus a re owned a : :i operated by ( c o n t i n u e d fr o m p a g e 1) fiv e p r i v a t e com p an ies. I n addition to the it em s m entioned c le a r s the fu zzin ess in my mind they provide cig a r e tte s , f r u i t right aw ay ." ju ic e and stam ps, The d o rm ito r- O pinions about the value of ie s a lso have coir i operated lau n - final exam s varied g re atly among d ro m ats. students re ce n tly questioned. M ary students b eliev e the exam i t s e l f c a n be a l e a r n i n g M u s i c G r o u p u e x p e rie n c e . " T h e student can learr. from the fin a l, and the ability to think T o M e e t H e r e through an exam could prove T h e m usic departm ent will be im portant in la te r l if e ,” Diane host fo r a one-day convention of K alin, D etroit sen io r said . the M ichigan M usic T e a c h e r s M ajo rie S i m m e r m a c h e r , A sso cia tio n , M arch 31. C leveland sophom ore, said the Som e 500 p r i v a t e m u s i c final exam is a learning ex­ te a c h e r s a n d c o lle g e m u s i c p e rie n c e only if the student m akes facu lty m em b ers are expected to it so by going back to review' a t t e n d , according t o Jo sep h and evalu ate i t . " E v a n s, p ro fe s so r of m u sic, v ic e - O v er half the students q u es­ p re sid e n t of the org anization and tioned said that they would r e ­ convention prog ram c h a irm a n . view final exa m s if the oppor­ Scheduled events include noted tunity w ere provided. Many said p ia n ist - 1e a c h e r D r. Leopold that they alread y do. P od o lsk y of C h icago in a le c ­ John S to k es, E s s e x v ille ju n io r, tu r e -p e r fo rm a n c e workshop s e s ­ ¿1 said that he usually review s fin als sio n , and the Stanley S trin g Q uar­ with p ro fe s s o rs when they a re te t of the U n iv e rsity of M ichigan h e re w inter and spring te rm and in a ch am b e r m u sic r e c ita l. can often obtain the old final W ilson P au l, d ir e c to r of the fo r h is own file s . L e c t u r e -C o n c e r t S e r ie s , will Som e students said they would p re s e n t a luncheon m eeting ad­ be lik ely to review fin a ls in d r e s s : "B e h in d the S ce n e s in U c o u rs e s only in th e ir m a jo r field . the C o n ce rt B u s in e s s ." O th e rs said they would review a fin al exam only if d is sa tis fie d C ou p on Exchange \ with the grade. M os; students q u e s t i o n e d agreed that e x a m q u e s t i o n s Set For A p r il 2 should be o b je ctiv e o r e ss a y Students m ay exchang e activ ity depending on the natu re of the coupon F fo r A p ril 2 tic k e ts to B \ c o u rs e and that the ideal exam s e e the D etro it Symphony A pril fo r m ost c o u rs e s would have 5 o r the Bayanihan P hilyspine both kinds of q u estio n s. How­ D a n ce rs A pril 6. e v e r , som e students think the sh o rt answ er form of exam is b e st. A WS Officers A ll student questioned thought To Be Chosen y r PfìK the final should not count m ore A« * COKC than half the g rad e. Most of them P e titio n s fo r A sso cia te d Wo­ agreed that the weight of the men Students o ffic e s a re av a il­ final s h o u l d d e p e n d upon able from C om plex B o a r d C h a ir - the c o u rs e and the nature of the men o r at the AWS o ffic e , 339 exam . Student S e rv ic e s B u ild ing. P o s itio n s to be filled a re p r e s i­ dent, f ir s t v ice p re sid e n t, second v ice p re sid e n t, third v ic e p r e s i­ H o o te n a n n y Stars B u r g u n d y T rio dent, s e c r e ta r y , tr e a s u r e r and A ll -U n iv e rsity Student G overn­ ment re p re s e n ta tiv e . Be Ready M an____ S e le c tio n will b e m ade on the MSU’ s Burgundy T r i o will be b a s is of p etitio n s subm itted and th e f e a t u r e d a t t r a c t i o n ' a t in terv iew s by p re s e n t c e n tra l a hootenanny at P e r r y H i g h board m e m b e rs. C andid acy qual­ Sch ool Gym at 8 p.m . Saturday. ific a tio n s include a 2 .2 point We have the makings T ic k e ts fo r the event, spon­ av erag e and p rev iou s AWS e x ­ so red by the P a r e n t-T e a c h e r s p e rie n c e . Club a re $1 fo r adults and .50 P e titio n s must be retu rn ed to for stud ents. the AWS o ffice th is afternoon. ’ Shirts - sweat type, wild colors A U T O R E P A IR S * Pads - towels, that is AUTO BODY WORK DONE • Skivies—t-shirts to some BY EXPERTS OWNERS: GAYLORD NEFF & MAYNARD GUENTHER BEST WISHES-You Bet Man R e g a r d le s s of the dam age to your c a r , we’ ll s tra ig h te n things out in a jiffy and retu rn your c a r with a look of showroom p e rfe c tio n . Our p r ic e s a r e m od est. C a ll IV 9 -6 3 4 4 , fo r a fr e e e stim a te . U N IO N B O O K STO R E OSBAND BODY SHOP R ig h t o n C a m p u s - A D e p a r tm e n t o f M ic h ig a n S ta te U n iv e r s ity 2118 OSBAND ST., LANSING, OFF W. MT. HOPE U n io n B o o k S to re U n io n B o o k S t o f e U n io n B o o k S to r e U n io n B o o k S to r e U ni on B o o k St o r e U n io n B o o k Í