Inside Weather MICHIGAN 1WS Cloudy and much colder to­ New African study course day with a chance of a few to be offered, p. 4; Litw hiler talks baseball to Men’ s Club, STATE snow flurries. The high is expected to be in the low p . 5; Former stars aid Duffy at spring d rills, p. 7. UNIVERSITY 40’ s. 55, Number 119 Wednesday, April 8 , 1964 E a s t L an sin g , Michigan P rice 10< C o lle g e s M a y R eceive $131 M illio n Committee Minister S t e e l G ia n ts I n d ic t e d Approves Killed O n A n t i - T r u s t C h a r g e s Request At Protest NEW YORK if1— Eight of the week between President John F. fix prices in the $3.6 billion nation’ s giant steel companies Kennedy and the industry. carbon sheet steel business.Two A s k $1 M illion H it B y T r a c to r were indicted on federal anti­ The defendants, including the steel executives also were named trust charges Tuesday—an out­ industry’ s no. 1 firm , U.S. Steel, in the federal grand jury indict­ In S tu den t A id growth of the dramatic showdown were accused of conspiring in ment. A t S c h o o l S ite over pricing two years ago this secret hotel room meetings to The government claimed the From Our Wire Services price fixing in sheet steel in­ C LEV ELA N D i- A young P res­ creased the cost to consumers Michigan’s 10 state supported byterian minister was crushed to of such items as auto bodies, colleges and universities passed washing machines, kitchen cabi­ their exams in the state senate death under the treads of a trac­ tor Tuesday during a demonstra­ tion protesting construction of a WALLACE A s k R FK A b o u t nets, refrigerators, office furni­ ture and other products widely appropriations committee Tues­ day with flying colors. T h e legislative c o m m i t t e e new school opposed by integra- in demand. About one-third of all finished steel mill products voted to give the schools every tionist groups. The Rev. Bruce W. Klunder, A n ti-P o v e rty B ill are made of sheet steel. The anti-trust indictment was dollar of the $131,352,836 Gov. Romney requested for their op­ 26, a white man with what his friends described a s "strong feelings" for Negro civil rights, Wallace WASH1NGT0N P— Atty. Gen. of persons who could be helped the latest in a long series of price fixing prosecutions brought eration in the fiscal year begin­ ning July 1. Robert F. Kennedy ran into in­ by the job corps section of the by the government against U.S. As a bonus the committee also had flung himself face down In the dirt. The tread of a front-end loader tractor crushed his chest Early Vote creased Republican opposition to the administration’s anti-poverty bill Tuesday. bill, "there won’t be any white people in it." Rep. Phil M. Landrum, D-Ga., Steel and other producers. The firms and individuals in­ dicted, with their standing as to recommended appropriation of an un requested sum of $1 million for • the state higher education assist­ and neck. "He was dead when we picked him up,” said Leo Sutton, adem- onstrator who helped lift the body Surprises The GOP members of the House education and labor subcom­ mittee, who let other cabinet whose sponsorship of the bill is expected to bring it 40 or 50 Southern v o t e s , c h a l l e n g e d size in the Industry indicated in parenthesis, were: ance authority. The money would be divided equally into sums for loans and officers off fairly lightly in pre­ Ayres’ statement. U.S. Steel (1) and its assis­ scholarships. WATER, WATER EVERYW H ERE—She may be all wet, but from the dirt. MILWAUKEE (IP!-The earliest vious hearings on the program, tant general manager for admin­ The committee’s decision to Mimi Peterson , Pelham, N.H., junior, has certoinly hit on His death stunned a crowd of returns from Wisconsin indicat­ peppered Kennedy wi t h com­ istrative services, J a m e s P. stick to Governor Romney’ s high­ about 500, mostly Negroes, who a novel way to quench her th irst. Photo by Patti Prout ed Tuesday night that Wisconsin plaints about it. Barton. er education budget recommen­ had gathered at the site of a new Republicans were taking advan­ Kennedy, deeply tanned from dations came as a surprise. p u b l i c elementary school at Bethlehem Steel Co. (2) and Lakeview Road on the city’s east tage of the open presidential pri­ a spring skiing vacation, stood its former assistant vice pres­ Republican S e n a t e Caucus side. They were there to pro­ mary to vote for Southern seg­ firmly by the bill and made it ident of sales, W.J. Stephens, Chairman Stanley Thayer of Ann regationist George G. Wallace clear the idea of an all-out attack Arbor had predicted sharp cuts 'Based On No Facts’ test construction of the school in the Negro neighborhood on in his challenge to administra­ on p o v e r t y started wi th his who now is president of Jones would be made in both the MSU and Laughlin Steel Corp. tion Democrats. brother, the late Presient John and University of Michigan bud­ grounds it would perpetuate seg­ F. Kennedy. Republic Steel Corp. (3), Jones gets. regation instead of furthering E lectio n s H e a d classroom integration. More than 50 demonstrators The Alabama governor, who Republicans expressed con - declared during the campaign that cern about the cost of the $962.5- he would "shake the eye teeth million program and raised ques­ and Laughlin (4), National Steel .Corp. (5), Armco Steel Corp. (6), Wheeling Steel Corp. (11), Under the bill reported out by the appropriations committee, U-M would receive the largest were hauled off in police paddy of national leaders in both par­ tions Involving race and religion, budget of all the colleges and un­ D e n ies C h a rg e s wagons, and others threw bricks, bottles and stones. The Rev. Mr. Klunder, from ties" if he attracted 25,000 votes, apparently in an effort to shake was hot on the heels of Wis­ the support of Southern Demo­ and Great Lakes Steel Corp. Named as co-conspirators, but not defendants, and expected to iversities. M i c h i g a n wou l d r e c e i v e consin’s Gov. John W. Reynolds, crats. testify against the others were $44,086,139 for its operation in Ali-L'niversity Student Gov­ accusing G a r y Falkenstein of Baker, Ore., was assistant exec­ the Democratic favorite son Rep. William H. Ayres, R- J i» Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. the next fiscal year. ernment Elections Commission­ being irresponsible as elections utive secretary of the Student pledged to and praised by P resi­ Ohlo, said because of the large (7), Pittsburgh Steel Co. (14) and MSU would get $39,566,833and er G a r y Falkenstein, S t u r g i s commissioner was an unfounded Christian Union, an interdenom­ dent Lyndon B. Johnson. numbers of negroes mired in Granite City Steel Co. (continued on page 3) sophomore, has labeled as "un­ accusation and a reckless charge inational organization serving poverty and the limited number founded charges b a s e d on no The unopposed Republican fav­ (continued on page 3) (continued on page 4) facts" statements made byAL’SG orite son, Rep. John W. Byrnes, presidential hopeful Jerry Wal­ lace, Cedar Spring junior. was tailing the combined Demo­ cratic totals in most of the first Rusk Says Summer Exchange Wallace charged that Falken­ stein, a fraternity brother of Olin To Participate precincts, wh i c h historically would be Republican in a general Allies Still Bob H arris, Bryan, Ohio, jun­ ior, and another candidate for election. With Nigeria Planned the AL'SG presidency, “ can not be an impartial official” as long In Sabin Polio Drive At 9 p.m. In 168 of 3,552 precincts, the vote was: Need NATO A group of students will study this summer in one of the fastest in the geography, sociology and government of Africa, according as he and Harris are in the Olin Memorial Health Center invited to make a donation to help Reynolds (D), 7,681. growing n a t i o n s in emergent to MINEX coordinator Sheldon same fraternity. will be participating in Sabin Oral defray the cost. Wallace (D), 3,137. NEW YORK (P)—Secretary of Africa under a new student ex­ Cherney of the Nigerian Program "There is an obvious conflict Sunday this weekend, the Ingham The vaccine for type 111 polio Byrnes (R), 4,852. State Dean Rusk said Tuesday change program with theUniver- office. of interest here," Wallace was County polio prevention program. will be given May 10 and for type sity of Nigeria at Nsukka. The courses will be offered II on June 7. Each will be offered night the Soviets have "many quoted as saying. “ He ought to T h e five-week international at the junior and senior levels, resign and end any speculation only on its scheduled Sunday. more m issiles" aimed at Wes- The program is designed to study program will begin Aug. 6, with graduate credit available. ern Europe than at the United that there are some secret deals make the Sabin oral polio vaccine Those planning to participate in the program should obtain a Project Gemini States. He .put the total zeroed after the close of the first half Credits earned at the University going on." available to people throughout of the summer term. of Nigeria will be accepted by in on allied countries in Europe Falkenstein s a i d that when Ingham County. There are three registration form which is to be Wallace asked for his resigna­ types of vaccine, one to be given presented at the clinic. Forms Test Flight Set at “ several hundred.” The exchange program will be MSU, Cherney said. He added that field trips will be Rusk made the statement in a r­ the first non-Western overseas tion, he assured him that there on each of three separate Sun­ will be available in dormitories study project open to all stu­ arranged to enhance the content of was nothing underhanded going days. The first clinic will be held and in several Lansing and East C A P E KENNEDY, Fla., (fl- guing that the allies still need dents fronts freshmen to grad­ the academic program. on. He said Wallace told him " I Sunday, when the vaccine for Lansing stores. They will also be Project Gemini, which promises NATO for the purpose for which uates. Some 2* students are expected know that,” but that he said he polio type I will be given. available at the clinic for those a string of manned space spectac­ it was first set up 15 years ago Any student who will have been to be in the initial group which was using it to show how a po­ unable to obtain them beforehand. ulars in the next three years, is this month — protection against scheduled for its maiden test Communist power. Further, he enrolled in the University for six travels to Nigeria this summer. litical machine is built up. Dr. James S. Feurig, director The vaccine is given on a cube months or more during 1964 is All classes are taught in Eng­ Falkenstein said he has the of Olin, said the health center will of sugar and is practically taste­ flight Thursday, an attempt to or­ said, they need "new patterns of collective action’’ from Cuba to eligible to apply for the MINEX lish, the official language of Ni­ backing of three presidential can­ be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. less. Three drops of vaccine are bit an unmanned spacecraft. CAMPUS TRI BUT E-C am pus (Michigan State Llniversity/Uni­ geria. didates who think he is doing a Sunday for those Interested in re­ placed on the sugar cube, which All of the nation’ s 29 astro­ Viet Nam. ‘‘Although the central Euro­ versity of Nigeria Exchange Pro­ Details 011 course content, field good job as elections commis­ ceiving the vaccine. Feurig said is in a small paper cup.Thecube nauts and many key space offi­ flag s, like th is one near gram) s u m m e r s e s s i o n at trips, travel arrangements and sioner. Harris, James Jesse, Olin’s function is mainly to give is tipped into the mouth from the cials are here to witness the pean front remains quiet,’’ he Demonstration H all, will fly Nsukka. cost of the program can be ob­ Buchariar sophomore, and Tom the vaccine to campus students, cup and swallowed after the sugar planned 11 A.M. (EST) blastoff of said in a speech prepared for at h a lf-sta ff until Saturday Classes will begin on the Ni­ tained from Sheldon Cherney, Partridge, Swartz Crfeek junior, employees and officials, and to has dissolved. the Titan 2 rocket, a powerful the Overseas Press Club, "Mas­ os MSU joins the nation in gerian campus Aug. 10 and con­ associate coordinator of the Un­ all have voiced support/for Fa l­ students in married housing. It i§ urged that even those who military weapon making its de­ sive Soviet ground and nuclear honoring t h e memory of forces are still arrayed against tinue through Sept. 15. iversity of-Nigeria P r o g r a m , kenstein. There is no charge for the vac­ have had the Salk shots take the but as a space booster. General Douglas MacArthur. Students will take course work Wells Hall A, Room 2. "The statement by Wallace cine, but those receiving it are oral vaccine. Exams - state senate app. com. Europe. A ll T h e S ig n s S a y S p r i n g ’s A rriv e d mM 4 2 M ic h ig a n S t a t e News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M i c h i g a n We dn e s da y , A p ri l 8, 1 96 4 The Publishing Imperative “ P u b lis h o r p e ris h ? ’ ’ p u b lis h do not “ p e ris h ” in the R e s e a rc h V ita l T o F a c u lty T h is is n o t the q u e s tio n w h ic h sense th a t p u b lic a tio n of o rig in a l m u stb e fa c e d , as s e v e ra l fa c u lty w ork keeps th e m “ a liv e ” in the Editor’ s Note: Thi s is the la s t of a three-part se rie s on the m em bers have s a id in th e S tate U n iv e rs ity . Some m ay not fe e l professor and the publishing im perative. News s e rie s e n d in g to d a y . th e n e e d to p u b l i s h th e ir w 'o rk and By LINDA M ILLER The p ro b le m fa c in g U n iv e rs ity w ill not lo s e th e ir e ffe c tiv e n e s s State News Staff Writer in s tru c to rs is w h e th e r o r n o t to as te a c h e rs because o f th is . The scholar-teacher image— is this definition inherent is the do o rig in a l re sea rch in th e ir University professor ideal? But a ll U n iv e rs ity p ro fe sso rs Robert E. Brown, professor of history, believes that it is. “ By fie ld s , th u s in c re a s in g the s to re who w is h to k e e p a b r e a s t o f the very definition, theUniversity implies that its faculty are both teach­ of k n o w le d g e a v a ila b le and i m ­ e r s and scholars, for this is where the research and publication d e v e lo p m e n ts in th e ir areas of are done.’ ’ p ro v in g th e ir ow n a b ility to te a c h s p e c ia liz a tio n m u s t e ith e r do re ­ Students should be trained to do research. It is better, said Brown, the m a t e r i a l. P u b lis h in g is m e re ­ if the professor has his own method than to pass on others’ . search of th e ir own o r do e x ­ ly the best w a y o f a id in g co m ­ Simeon E. Leland, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at te n s iv e re a d in g in the w ork of Northwestern University, backs up Brown’s statement: "R esearch m u n ic a t io n s b e tw 'e e n m e m bers of is necessary for good teaching. The man who knows teaches b est." o th e r re se a rch ers. sep a ra te fa c u ltie s . The th o u g h t “ The University professor should be a scholar of real standing," that p ro fe sso rs who spend th e ir The U n iv e rs ity cam pus is not Russell B. Nye, professor of English, said. "Teaching and schol­ arly research must go together, but publishing is a separate ques­ tim e d o in g re se a rch and w r itin g an e d u c a tio n a l f a c t o r y as m uch as tion.” can not d e vo te s u ffic ie n t tim e to it is the c e n te r of th e la te s t Nye defines teaching as a research function, for the professor does not solely transmit knowledge, but also hopes to discover it. th e ir te a ch in g d u tie s is not v a lid . th o u g h t in a ll areas o f in te re s t M arjorie E. Gesner, associate professor of history, -ecalls that W ith o u t the o p p o r t u n it y to ta k e to the m e m b e rs o f the com m un­ the professors for whom she had a scholar-teacher image do not stand out in her mind because of their publishing. p a r t in the in t e lle c t u a l g i v e - a n d - ity it s e rv e s . R esearch and p u b ­ "They published, but in a limited specialized a re a ," she said. ta k e in th e ir own fie ld s , fa c u lty lic a tio n are m e re ly tw o o f the Laurence S. Cooke, associate professor of social science, ob­ m em bers are le s s a b le to h e lp ways in w h ic h the U n iv e rs ity ’ s serves that students seem to think that the good professors are the "tough” ones. th e ir stu d e n ts. T im e fo r te a ch in g le a d e rs g iv e it the c h a r a c t e r it “ The teacher’s product is a well-enlightened student," he said. is n o t the o n ly fa cto r. m u sth a ve as an in t e lle c t u a l c e n ­ How can this be measured? "T h e best quantitative evidence of a professor’s worth is his publishing.” F a c u ltv m em bers who do n o t te r. If the scholar-teacher ideal is what University professors should strive for, then does it not mold to a large extent the reputation of the University? Buford L. Stefflre, professor of education, says that the larger the school, the more' value placed on publishing. "MSU was not as conscious of its public image 20 years ago as College Not An Orgy it is today,” he said. " I t is changing to a national University, and there tends to be a research transition.” Faculty members generally admit that publishing upgrades the T h is week’s Newsweek m aga­ in g my v irg in ity ,” saysoneV as- University and determines, in part, its reputation. And the better sar redhead. “ Many g irls fe e l the school’s reputation, the more valuable is the student’s degree. zin e o ffe rs its re a d e rs a s ix - "O ver the past ten years anyone who came here should have r e ­ page spread on “ The M oral Re­ in a d e q u a te because th e y ’ re not alized that research and publication are part of his jo b ," Brown v o lu tio n on the U .S . C a m p u s , ” h a v in g a ffa irs .” ’ said. " I t is a deadly proposition not to publish here.” T h is q u o te --th e e n tire a rti- Brown pointed out that there are “ plenty of places” where a man g u a ra n te e d to p a n ic p a re n ts and can make as much money and just teach. On this campus, there is add to a d e g ra d in g s te re o ty p e of c le --c a n e a s ily d i s t o r t the pub­ Do You Alw ays Take The C ourses W ith the University College: off campus there are high schools, junior the c o lle g e stu d e n t. lic ’s im a g e o f the m oral sta n d ­ The S hortest W a itin g Lines? colleges, community colleges, teacher’s colleges and small liberal arts colleges. A fte r q u e s t i o n i n g stu d e n ts ards of the m a jo rity o f c o lle g e Stefflre finds that although the University is attracting those who want to research , MSU is a state-supported land-grant school and across the N e w s w 'e e k im p li e d c o u n try 's cam puses, th a t c o lle g e is stu d e n ts. m ake c le a r Newsweek th a t th e f a i l e d “ new m o­ to Letters ToThe Editor “ cannot be a Harvard or aChicago” with exclusive emphasis on re­ search. one grand orgy. ra lity ” sta n d a rd s it d e s c rib e s "T h e re is room here for different kinds of p ro fesso rs." Brown said that the real reputation of the University rests with F o llo w in g c irc u la tio n - r i v a 1 in the ste p s T im e o f its m aga­ are n o rity the l o w e r and are s ta n d a rd s g ro s s ly of a m i­ unre p re ­ U-M V ie w Is 'So u r G r a p e s 1 not more than 250 of its members. These men do research and pub­ lish. If the professor at Michigan State must research and publish his z in e , w h ic h p u b lis h e d a s im ila r s e n ta tiv e o f the g r e a t m a j o r i t y of To the'Lditor: winner, not the slim promise of Lansing Playhouse met under the findings to avoid being crushed by the competition, and if the Uni­ money. a rtic le la s t te rm , Newsweek im ­ c o lle g e students. title of the East Lansing Human versity’s ideal and milding force is the scholar-teacher image, it Regarding U of M’ s complaint Of the 30 to 50 colleges that Relations Board. A full house at­ is yet wise to consider the words of Miss Gesner: "Staying alive p lie s th a t stu d e n ts spend m ore about Michigan State’s luring Na­ contact all National Merits with a tended the performance, probably in your profession depends on how well you do what you are sup­ In a le tte r to th e S tate News, tional M e r i t w i n n e r s wi t h selling pitch, many offer money tim e in p u rs u it of a bad p a rtn e r one of the best of the current sea­ posed to do.” scholarships. in a more generous and promising Newsweek b ills the s to ry as a son. than an a c a d e m ic e d u ca tio n . “ Sour g rapes." manner than does MSU, but they Although billed as a m o re s e r-' “ s e rio u s probe in to a s o c io lo g i­ As a National Merit winner do n o t receive th e record num­ The a r tic le q u ie tly q u a lifie s its ious play, in reality, it was more who has been given no financial bers of National Merit winners. a c c u s a tio n s . .c h a s tity e a rly re m a in s in the sto ry: a v irtu e cal phenomenon e s ,, in th e ir o w n w ith way, consequenc­ as g r e a t as assistance from Michigan State, 1 can assure you that money is If the University of Michigan wants to attract top scholars they of a comedy. The cast, suave and intellectual, generally g a v e a poor performance. There were, Views Brazil Take-Over not the reason that I am here. will have to offer a program com­ a d is a rm a m e n t n e g o tia tio n s or a however, adequate performances fo r m o s t o f to d a y ’ s 4 1 /2 m illio n Quite the contrary. The high out- mensurate wi t h the student's To the Editor: to be an unanswerable argument by one or two members of the P re s id e n tia l c a m p a ig n .” of-state t u i t i o n operates as a abilities and needs or they will and to silence all critics , but 1 c o lle g e stu d e n ts. . cast, but this was not sufficient great deterrent to those like my­ continue to lose out to more for­ It will never be known whether wonder how much different the to offset the general poor qual­ Then it adds a co n fid e n tia l “ . . . To us it appears th a t N e w s ­ self who must leave ample schol­ ward looking universities. or not the Brazilian m ilitary’s present take-over looks to the ity of the cast. b u t” and s lip s its readers six arship funds in his own state, and National M erit winners have ouster of President Joao Goulart Latin-American people. week d e c id e d to boo st its s a le s The plot centered around an at­ consequently, pay out of his own shown that they agree with the represents the will of the people, pages o f c o lo rfu l q u ip s fro m psy­ w ith an e xa g g e ra te d and sensa­ tempt to get the Human Relations pocket just to come here. 1 know recent i s s u e of “ Hovv'toFind as suggested in the interviews Board to pass a resolution that c h ia tris ts , s o c io lo g is ts , and c o l­ tio n a liz e d “ p ro b e ” try in g to lu r e of several National Merit winners Your College’ ’ : “ Michigan State with Brazilian students at MSU Russell Allen there was evidence of housing in the same straits. offers the superior student the reported April 3, since it took Associate Professor le g e a d m in is t r a t o r s and students. back readers it m ay have l o s t to discrimination in East Lansing. Granted Michigan State’s se ll­ finest under-graduate education place without benefit of election. School of -abor 8i Industrial R e- It was clea r even before the end To q u o te a Newsweek qu o te : T im e m a g a z in e and T im e ’ s w in ­ ing pitch is extensive and very in die United S ta te s." It is no service to the cause of lations. of the play that this attempt would effective, but money is not th e constitutionalism, h o w e v e r , to ‘ “ I t ’ s a lo a d o ff my m in d lo s ­ te r-tim e v ie w o f U .S . m o ra lity . lure. A National Merit winner Fred Westcott. fail. talk as the newspapers have been balances the possibility of great­ er curriculum enrichment with T h a t the Human R e l a t i o n s Board would not go on record as doing of Mazilli as the “ consti­ tutional” successor to a man de­ Letter Policy acknowledging the existence of posed unconstitutionally. that of prestige, flexibility and Human Relations housing discrimination in East It was sad that none of the stu­ Letters should not be longer Riot Squad, Take Note diversity against rigid course requirements and pre-requisites and cannot help but choose the Meeting 'A Play’ Lansing was a farce and an insult to its very existence. dents was quoted as expressing any reservations about military than 300 words, and should be typed double spaced if possible. Names and address should also former. Little more need be said about takeovers. Supposing Mazilli had A short n ote to those who e v a lu a tin g the re s u lts o f its s u r­ the play, but I would encourage be included. No unsigned letters It is the Honors College and To the Editor: not been acceptable to the gener­ w o u ld preserve the p re s e n t fa ll vey of m en’s o p in io n s on d re s s anyone who enjoys rare comedy will be printed, but names may the faculty-student relationship als? What then? On the night of April 1, a very to be sure to catch the next per­ be withheld if we feel there is and w in te r te rm m en’s dress regs taken la s t te rm . that the Honors College inspires appropriate date indeed, the East formance. It will undoubtedly be The excuse in this instance, as reason. that attracts the National Merit re g u la tio n s , and to those who even more hilarious. in many others, was that it was The j State News reserves the done “ to prevent a Cuban-style right to edit letters to fit space fe e l th a t b e tte r dress means T he E a sy W ay Samuel M. Hall, J r . takeover.” 1 know this is meant requirements. b e tte r m anners: S p rin g te rm is here and w ith T h e re are a lo t of good ways to A C R O SS 25. Mass. cape becom e a fa ilu re , b u t never ta k ­ 1. Welded it the re la x e d dress fo r w h ic h we have been c a m p a ig n ­ re g u la tio n s in g a c h a n c e is the m ost success­ 6. Exchequer 0. Heroine of 26 "The J airite" 28. Nurse GRADUATES in g , and we h a v e n ’ t n o tic e d any fu l. —The Hamilton (T e x a s) Herald-News "Bohemian sharks in c r e a s e in the num ber of “ mess Girt" 1. Pigment 32. M asculine pronoun IF YOUR MAJOR IS IN THE FIELD OF: h a ll” rio ts or in th e b a r b a r i s m used in 36. Civil injur; w h ic h was s u p p o s e d ly h e ld in T he S earch paints 3. Hoot 37. Bolivian Indian CLINICALPSYCHOLOGY 38. Good check of dress s o le ly by ru le s . the e n f o r c e m e n t If you c a n ’ t fin d it in th e d i c ­ 4. Eagle s nest portion CLINICAL SOCIALWORK tio n a ry , the a tla s , o r e n c y c lo p e ­ 5. Yale 40. Kind of . 47. Emboss 4. Eve s M en’s H a ll A s s o c ia tio n may d ia , ask fo r it at th e d rug sto re . 6. Thailand 18. Gums coffee 41 Oriental 48. Cubic meter g ran d so n 5 . R esign SPEECHANDHEARING w is h to keep th is in m in d when —The H utsonville (III.) Hi !a 19. Minute 21. Part of a flower 43. Trading DOWN 1. G am b o l 6 . Lathered 7 . C o n creted SPECIAL EDUCATION rifle • 23. Indian stamp 45 Anoint 2 . L a s t s y lla ­ ble o f a w o rd sugar 8 . Shaw l PHYSICALTHERAPY trophy 46. Knobbed 3. C on ven e 9 . A nc. Irish M IC H IG A N STATE NEWS OCCUPATIONALTHERAPY STATE U N IV E R S IT Y 10 2 3 4 5 i 6 // 7 6 > ' 12 ten an t 1 0 . Secon ds 1 2 . B rin g up 17. M acaw SALARY RANGES: $5,220 to $10,795 with anticipated increases as of July 1, 1964. Member Associated P ress, United P ress International, InlandDaily P ress Association, Associated Collegiate P ress Association, summer term ; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ tember. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, u 15 16 i n /4 18 2 0 . A n c. G r. c o u n try 2 2 . M id ge There are many new positions and opportunities available at Michigan’s outstanding Plymouth State Home and Training School located between Ann Arbor and Detroit. • Michigan P ress Association. Michigan. 2 4 . Iro n ed Editorial and business offices at 341 Student 19 20 21 22 2 7 . T o ta l Energetic and dynamic individuals in any of the above fields relating to the mentally retarded are invited to apply. Opportunities to participate in research, teaching, community Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on class days Monday Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions 23 24 Û 25 % 2 9 . A p ath y 3 0 . M elo d ic education, inservice training and program development. Salaries depend upon education through Friday during the fall, winter and spring quarters, twice weekly during the payable in advance: term, $3; 2 term s, $4; 3 term s, $5; full year, $6.. i dm 32 33 34 26 27 m 35 26 36 29 ‘ 30 31 3 1 . Pebble 3 2 . H aw . d a n ce and experience. Michigan civil service job benefits include: An outstanding retirement plan, plus Social Editor................ . . Bruce Fabricant Sports Editor. , , . . . . . . , .... . J je r r y Caglan % . 3 3 . G olf clu b s Security, state contributory health and life insurance plans, longevity pay, and liberal Advertising Manager..................... Fred Levine Campus Editor............................. Gerry Hinkley .Wire Editor. . . . . , . , , ■-.•.John Van Gieson Night Editor......................................Hugh Leach 3t 41 42 3¿ 39 %4o 3 kop, E a s t L on s in g S e r v in g E a s t L a n s in g and C a m p u s s in c e 1926 Spartan Center l coupon] R a r ^ o ll- O n C a x Foster-Grant I Deodorant juÇ (Sunglasses (jJJÇ I ____________ Reg. $ 1 .0 0 Reg $1.00 AUTHENTIC HANDW OVEN COTTON S e#* & AP1 f INDIA MADRAS SPORT SHIRTS e x c e p tio n a l a t J T ra d itio n a l b u t t o n - d o w n c o lla r s h o r t sleeve s p o r t shirts in a g r e a t r a n g e o f m e d iu m a n d g ? * — * - lig h t to n e s fo r s p r in g a n d s u m m e r ... rich hand- coupon] w o v e n s t r i p e s a n d p l a i d s , g u a r a n t e e d to Ic o u p o n | Uncle John’s (Tabu Spray Mennen Spray b le e d a n d b e c o m e m o re h a n d s o m e w ith e v e ry w a s h in g a n d b l e n d in g o f c olors. Sizes S,M,L,XL. THE HOME OF Cologne Deodorant GOOD FOOD Reg. $ 3 .0 0 Reg. $1.00 f 2 8 2 0 E . G ran d Rnrer IV 7 - 3 7 6 1 Jacobsons N ear Fran d or O p aafto U D afly Friday S a.m. ta 3 a n . Sat. 1a.m . t o t a ja . Specials Available at East Lansing Store Only MEN’S SHOP F re e P a rkin g A t R ear Of Store Coupons Good T h ru . A p r il 13 210 ABBO TT ROAD M ic h ig a n S t a te News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M i c h i g a n W e d ne sd ay , A p r il 8, 1 9 6 4 I Piacerne,,! Bureau I rÑ Z ^ T h rZ o l'^ cd "eM ‘" S',ri',g Pmgr<“" Apri l 10 The H 8; S Pogue Co.: Market­ ing and all m ajors of the College of B u s i n e s s Administration, m u s i c , instrumental m u s i c , speech, senior high: (BM) Eng­ lish, German, history. M/F. Texaco, Inc.: All majors of the College of Engineering with To Attend Institute Three MSU co-eds have been spring term of next year at the In te rn a ti S tu d y M e e tin g s S e t Home Economics (TCRA) (B). selected in competition with stu­ Institute. A series of spring term dis­ Field Staff, will compare politi­ will be the theme ot the tra ter- emphasis on mechanical engi­ Other new officers of Delta Phi dents from 65 colleges and uni­ The M errill - Palm er Insti­ cussion meetings on International cal systems of the new African nity’s exhibit at the annual Inter­ M F. neers. (B). Epsilon include Robert Hul l , Remington Office Equipment versities throughout the country tute is a unique collegiate in­ relations and business, open to all nations on May 16. national Festival on May 9. Thomson-National Press Co., Grayling graduate student, exec­ Div., Sperr*y Ra n d Corp.: Ac­ to spend a quarter term studying stitution which, through compre­ interested persons, has been an­ The final program on June 4 , According t o Robert Herr, Inc: Packaging, graphic arts (B). utive v i c e president; Richard at the M errill-Palm er Institute. hensive programs of teaching, nounced by Delta Phi Epsilon, na­ w i l l feature an examination of Southgate senior, who was in­ counting (B). M F. Willow Run Public Schools: Holmes, East Lansing graduate School District of the City of Sherlyn O. Beldlng, Lansing research and community service, tional professional foreign se r­ trade unionism In developing na­ stalled as fraternity president Kindergarden (B), elementary is a center for the study of student, projects vice president; Pontiac: Elementary educatfbn, junior, Patricia A. DeKay, Mt. vice fraternity. tions by Kenneth Robinson, r e ­ last Thursday, open rush coffee education, math and high school B i l l Somers, Southgate sopho­ English, mathematics, art, vocal Clemens senior, and Sandra L. human growth and development, The program begins Thursday gional director of theUnited Auto hours are scheduled for men in­ English. M/F. more, secretary; Larry Parnell, Pittsford, N.Y., jun­ family life and community or­ with an examination of American Workers - Congress of Industrial terested In ca reers in interna­ Thronton, Muskegon s e n i o r , ior have been chosen to spend ganization. foreign policy and presidential Organization. Opportunities for tional relations and business, at CAMPUS LAST DAY Shown 1 : 4 0 - 5 : 0 0 - 8 : 2 0 election year politics by Warren students to work and study abroad the April meetings at 7:30 p.m. treasu rer: and Peter Solomon, Buffalo, N.Y. senior, pledge mas­ /T H E A T H E- UMKHANS I—in i DRIVE Cohen, assistant professor of history, and Joseph Schlesinger, in the Union Art Room. ter. .- • 3 * 7 - 0 2 7 1 .„ IK S iS « ► 9 3 2 -2 *1 4 — ANURiCA Call V2 Miles Southwest of Lansing on M-78 - ITHIANTIV professor of political science. On April 16, the fraternity’s Minister A M R R iC A 1/1- 241« NOW! E X C LU S IV E 5HQWING1 adviser, B aljit Singh, assistant professor of political science, will consider guerilla warfare as (continued from page 1) college campuses. He joined the New Course To Probe Union here in September, 1961, a shown ot 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:05 - 7 : 1 5 - 9:20 L O A D E D W I T H L A U G H S . R O M A N C E and F U N ! ^ lfflffl) A T T 2 5 -liP M I^ H I^ O WANTED!— 77 (2) A T 9 : 1 ( T 1 a lever for political change in the developing n a t i o n s . C a r r o l l Hawkins, professor of political few months before he was or­ dained into the Presbyterian min­ istry. He lived with his wife and Sub-Saharan Africa HATED! S Holden Hepburn ■ ■ W it-U A M M M * c D P ir FPARFnI / science, is to discuss L a t i n tw o children in C l e v e l a n d American ideologies on April 23. A study of sub-Saharan Africa from 7 to 9:30 Wednesday nights. in Heights, a suburb near the place from an interdisciplinary ap­ <30 a b s o l u t e l y a p e Eight professors are slated to P A R iS ÆGkfcar Victor Du Bois, specialist in West African affairs visiting MSU from the American Universities where he died. John White, 33, of Mentor, Ohio, driver of the tractor and proach featuring lecturers from several departments is being of­ deliver lectures. De B lij will lecture on geog­ W H EN IT fered this term . ¿IZZLES f& fm MGM a white man, told police he was harassed by demonstrators and did not see Klunder throw him­ “ The course is designed to in­ troduce the student to a study of raphy. Other lecturers include Hans Wolff, professor of sociol­ ogy and anthropology; Jam es R. T e c nn k m m ' Africa from a number of disci­ Hooker, assistant professor of Delta Sigma Pi .¿,4: •* j l\ IPL Q AMk'rt-W. * i'J w t nulnl I t, SV-K„4! gkku u i.« [ NE XT ATTRACTION "TO M JO N E S’ ] Elects Officers self in a ditch behind the tractor. Several witnesses s a i d the tractor had stopped because three plines,’’ Charles C. Hughes, di­ rector of the African Studies Cen­ ter, said. history; and William Hanna, as­ sistant professor of political sci­ ence. men had prostrated themselves "W e have felt that a course of Delta Sigma Pi international Hughes, an associate professor SAVINGS . . . P U » PLAID STAMPS! business f r a t e r n i t y recently on the ground In front of it. this nature could develop student of sociology and anthropology, Klunder and another man jumped interest in the middle undergrad­ elected new officers. will lecture on culture and per­ into the ditch behind it. When the uate years, so that they may pur­ They are president, Philip R. sonality. Linguistics and lite r­ big machine began backing, the t I ■* SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 29* ft > Granger, Jackson junior; senior v i c e - p r e s i d e n t , G l e n n W. Erickson, Morley junior; vice- other man moved to safety, but Klunder was run over. sue studies in the area through other departments.” T h e course catalogued a s ature will be discussed by Jack B erry, professor of foreign lan­ guages. p r e s i d e n t , William Robbins, Geography 411, is being coordi­ Jackson junior; secretary, R. Optical Exhibition nated by Harm J . de B lij, asso­ " I t is hoped that as guest lec­ mm SUPER RIGHT V) > Thomas Riggle, Lansing junior. Treasurer, Robert D, Ward, An optical exhibit featuring microscopes and accessories of ciate professor of geography. "B ecau se of its Interdisciplin­ turers visit the campus, they will be able to address the c la s s ," Hughes said. "W e may use a panel 1 LB. East Lansing junior; and chancel­ the American Optical Co., will ary nature," Hughes said, " s tu ­ of experts as a means of presen­ D PORK SAUSAGE ROLL 29* 1 lor, Keith A. Poling, St. Joseph be held today and Thursday in dents m ay get credit f o r the tation, if this proves successful.” I O vi junior. Giltner Hall. IN FO R E IG N FILM S course in geography, history, political science or sociology and anthropology.” A lp h a O m icro n P i VI D PORK LOIN SALES ITODAY . ■ and THURSDAY: The class is scheduled to meet E lects E x ecu tiv es RIBROAST 25‘ LOINPORTION 39V B. c From 7 :0 0 P.M. 90tf Officers for Alpha Omicron Pi sorority were recently elected. They include Marty Kown, Dear­ V» D R I V E 'I N . V) COLBYCHEESE WHOLEPORKLOIN ¡ilb.avl. 39 L3. Jl Presented 7:35-9:40 P.M. MICHAELCRAIG MARY PEACH IAI1 UNJINft OWUAIfi born junior, president; Sue Smith, Petoskey junior, first v icep resi­ O dent, and Kathy Walder, Mason Z M ILD 4 9 ( % £ BRENDA DE BAN;t E JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE W ed.,Thors., Fri., Sat., junior, second vice president. Other new officers include > < VI S UPER RIGHT L IV ER S A U SAG E SMOKED OR 39e ÿ “ CARRY ON 3-Features-3 Jackie Lowe, Dearborn junior, SULTANASALAD FRESH 43e P ETTIFO G G ER recording secretary; D o l o r e s T irabassi, Niagara F alls, N.Y., X V) < u DRESSINGcn. ALL GOODBACON 1 L B . PKG. 2 L B . PKG. 79e w ith A PAIR OF B R IE F 5 ” junior, corresponding secretary; and Barbara Moore, Southfield sophomore, treasurer. QT. JAR M { ■ F R ID A Y : “ARobust Showof Razzle-Dazzle. AWonderfully . . :MICHIGÂN: EngagingMovie!” M A« FROZENA&PWHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 L B . BAG 39e il ‘" “ i: T « STAMlfy MM tMNCeR r a c y M _ _ WIOWC a r c h — N e w York M irro r . - K OKMC e l l y p f-H «»■■■•4S2-7311 E À T R E- T on►4(12 3903 .... NOWSHOWING £ CAL-IDAFROZENFRENCHFRIES 29e X t h e m SHOWS TODAY & THURS. at eansensationalP TRIFFIDS 2 L B . BAG m m M : H ID EO U S • C RA W LIN «! is“Sensational,and I m ■ TERROR! 2:00-5:00-8:05 3 a ANNPAGECORNOIL MARGARINE 1 L B . CTN. 4 for89e iZ — N e w Y ork D o ily N ew s N C O L O R and C IN E M A S C O P E 8 NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY 10e o O AW ARDS —j Shown 1 st at 7 :3 2 a. ANNPAGETOMATOSOUP 10 1/2 OZ. CAN • v» G LA D M CR PAULNEWMAN INCLUDING BESTPICTURE « » mi ANNPAGEPEANUTBUTTER 24 OZ. JA R 59e • H - j~~A ~ f — R - -E- JOANNE ■WDOUWARD OFTHEYEAR! 3 for89e e jS 75< to 5 :3 0 1:00 A F T E R 482-9831 iNroaMATlON►483-6485 — * 24 METRO-GOLDWYN MAYER* IONIAUNPEELEDAPRICOTS 1 L B . 12 O Z. CANS SUPER BARGAIN DRV! Î GREAT í STARS! V) z O ALL-DAY SHOWING OF TWO F E A T U R E S m w i ft MÉttoW* — * * 3 HOW! 5 e THEY TAKE THE PEACE-TIME ARMY... NEW TOP DIRECTORS! THEj a JANE PARKER BAKERY FEATURES V) TO PIECES!!! KIND OF LOVE TECHNICOLOR’ WEST; X 2nd at 9 :4 6 3 •» WAS; CHERRY PIE -490 The wildly cn w onderful story JerryLewis WON; o f two s e r g e a n t s in M ETRO CO tO R ' * £ POTATOBREAD COFFEECAKE FRENCHBREAD ft > V» who d r e a m e d o f an island Rock-A-ByeBaby 3 rd at 11:46 P rices for this engagement Eves. & Sun.-Adults $1.25 Weekday Mats. $1.00 < 1 LB. LOAVES X w h ere Children 50 < everything tilts up... Next!‘SEVEN DAYS INMAY < m i o. §VI including AUDITIONS for 1/1 3 FRESH ASPARAGUS LB. 29c The Country Playhouse, Inc. Theatre-in-the-round FRESH SWEET CORN 5 EARS 39c G VI South Bend, Indiana Phone BL 9-4637 HEAD LEnUCE 30 SIZE 2 29‘ FOR APRIL 18. 1964 PL A C E : South Bend Publ ic Library Auditorium PASCAL CELERY 30 SI ZE EA. 25( VI J* TIME: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. E .S .T . RUSSET BAKING POTATOES 20 LB . BAG 99' Season Includes M êâ- OKLAHOMA_______________ UNDER THE YUM-YUM TREE PYGMALION___________________COME BLOW YOUR HORN THE G R E A T A TLA N TIC A PA C IFIC T E A C O M PA N Y. IN C . WHERE’S CHARLEY ................... -SEE HOW THEY RUN li > ROOM & BOARD Your A&P Super Market Sfi Term s of Contract: corner of Hagadorn & E ast X Grand River, E ast Lansing TRAVELING EXPENSES from East Lansing to South Bend paid II! I STOREHOURS:9AM -9PM > . < for tjibse accepted into resident company. Company will be in residence from June 7, to Aug. 17 -f M ondaythruSaturday All prices in th is ad e ffe c tiv e thru S a t. April T l, 1964 in all five L an sin g A&P Super M arkets. in John S. Johnson, President 212 N. Wenger, Mishawaka, Indiana CASH SAVIN GS . - . PLUS W.AID STAMPS! CASH PLAIQ / : 'A 1 JT&MPS!: > M i c h i g a n S t a t e News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic h ig a n We dne sda y, Ap ril 8, 1 9 6 4 5 Pageant Frat Initiates It’s Rush! Interested? ( 'a l c i i f l a r o f “ L itw h iler T ells M e n ’s C lub Needs (¿ m itity g E v e n t i New Members THE SKULLS A b o u t B a se b a ll E x p e rie n c e s Recently initiated members of Alpha Kappa P si fraternity in­ Beauties Baseball, Albion (2) — 1 p.m. clude: Andy C arroll, St. Clair resentative beauties to partici­ Provost’s L e c t u r e , P r o f . D a n n y Litwhiler, Michigan Cincinnati Reds and the form er The search for a group of rep­ Alfred Meyer — 4 p.m., Kiva. State’ s new baseball mentor, r e ­ Boston Braves. Sigma X i Annual Business frained from his coaching duties Litwhiler also demonstrated The veteran coach concluded his speech with an invitation to those present and to the student Shores, sophomore and pledge captain; Dick Goodrick, Lansing, junior; DaveGriem, Warren, jun­ PHI KAPPA SIGMA pate in the Miss Lansing Pageant Meeting—4 p.m., 116 Nat. Sci. briefly to speak at the Men’s some of h i s special coaching body to come out and view as ior; Bill Holcomb, Jacksonville, begins today. Physiology S e m i n a r — 4:10 Club luncheon Tuesday in the innovations that have made him challenge you to look many Spartan baseball games as F la ., sophomore; Chris Jording, Tom N orris, entries commit­ p.m., 335 Giltner. Union building. one of the most successful base­ possible this spring. Greenville, s o p h o m o r e ; and tee chairman for the Miss Lans­ Promenaders — 7 p.m., 34 But that didn't keep the 4 6 - ball pilots in the country. State opens its season at lp.m . Roger M iller, Dearborn, fresh­ 236 N. HARRISON ED 7-1611 (or rides ing Pageant to be held May 23 in Women's IM. year-old skipper from talking Among those demonstrated was today, entertaining Albion Col­ man. Everett High School auditorium, MSU Dairy Club — 7:30 p.m., about baseball as he related sev- his famous one-sided bunting bat lege in a double header at Old Barry R. M iller served as said the entries committee will Small Aud., Anthony. which is now used by at least College Field. pledge master. “Once APhi Kap, Always APhi Kap” choose 15 g irls from those sug­ Ho me Economics Education four major league clubs. gested to appear in the finals. Club — 7 p.m., 115 Erickson Hall, Since the technique of bunting A contestant must be between Film : Ag and Home Economics involves hitting the top half of Fraternities To End WHAT DOES the ages of 18 and 28 by Sept. 1. in the Peace Corps. the ball with the bottom half of She must never have been mar­ Fisheries and Wildlife Club — the bat, Litwhiler had a bat sawed ried, and possess talent which 7:30 p.m., Forestry Cabin. lengthwise to force the hitter to Rush Tonight K may include playing a musical in­ Ag Education Club — 7 p.m., meet the ball with the lower por­ strument, dramatics, singing, or 237 Erickson. any of the fine arts. Pershing Rifles Open Smoker tion of the bat. He also revealed his pocket- All fraternities will hold final open rush tonight from 7 to 10 appa Interest coeds may secure an — 7:30 p.m ., 11 Dem. H all,Class less fielder’s glove which allows p.m. entry blank by writing to th e ‘‘A " Uniforms. the infielders to only knock down All men other than first term Spartan Guard Drill Team — a batted ball rather than field it freshmen are eligible to rush. S Lansing Jaycees, Box 451, Lans­ ing. 4 p.m., Dem. Hall. cleanly, so that the infielder can learn how to recover should he boot one. A rushee must have at least a 2.2 all-University a v e r a g e to pledge. ig m a REALLY MEAN? Intramural News LAKE MICHIGAN COLLEGE Kappa S ig m a sta n d s f o r many th in g s m ore than ju s t a M E N 'S just as well for Wiquassett. Other --B e n to n H a rb o r, M ic h ig a n -- results were as follows: Casino 7 p in , a house, a nam e. We of Kappa S ig l i k e to f e e l S o ftb a ll S c h e d u le Cambridge 4; Cachet 4 Cabana2; t h e r e ’ s an id e a , a s p i r i t in h e r e n t in o u r f r a t e r n a l i s m . Field 5:20 p.m. Bailey(3) 14 Bailey(l) 4; Brinkley It’s tim e to s ta rt th in k in g about su m m e r 1 — Windsor-Wivern 1 Brandy O(forfeit); Six Pak 5 And w e’d lik e to share th is life w ith those of you who 2 — Wight-Wilding DANNY LI TWHI LER s c h o o l a g a i n . S o , th in k a b o u t L a k e M ic h ig a n Bristol 0: Woodward 16 Worthing­ fe e l th a t fra te rn ity life o ffe rs th is re w a rd . A trip to 3 — East Shaw 9-7 ton 6 Caravelle 9 Cache 6; Wol­ C o lle g e in s c e n ic B e n to n H arbor. F or in ­ 4 — West Shaw 4-5 4 eral amusing experiences he had th e house th is T h u rsd a y m ay d is c o v e r th is s p i r it in fram 8 W orcester 6; Cameron 11 fo rm a tio n w rite : D ire c to r of S um m er Ses­ 5 — West Shaw 2-3 Casopolis 8; Bailey(5) 13 Bailey during his 12-year career in the you! 6 — West Shaw 9-10 (7) 9; Brougham 11 Brannigan 9; major leagues with the St. Louis s io n ‘ 64. 7 — West Shaw 7-8 Wooster 12 Woodbridge 5; C arel- Cardinals, Philadelphia Phillies, 8 — East Shaw 1-5 9 — East Shaw 4-2 ton 10,Caribbean 5; Winchester 12 Wildcats 11; Embassy 1 Emerald OPENRUSHWEDNESDAY7-10 p.m. 10 — East Shaw 6-10 6:30 p.m. O(forfeit); Embers 11 EMU 1. WOMEN’S Beta Theta Pi Invites You To Spring Rush 1 — Snyder 10-13 2 — A rsenal-A ristocrats 3 — Snyder 15-16 Clini c There will be a Blooperball — - f ■g 715GROVE ST. 332-5092 7:40 p.m. 1 — Snyder 11-12 Clinic held in 127, Women’ s In­ tramural Building tonight at 7. Mon & Wed 2 — Snyder 17-18 All sports managers and stu­ 3 — Carthage-Cavalier S o ftb a ll R e s u lts dents not fam iliar with the game are invited to attend. Rules and 7 to 10 p.m. OPEN Intramural Softball got under method of pitch will be demon­ way Monday wi t h the help of strated. RUSH Mother Nature. Several of the t e a m s , after looking at th e L a cro sse 255 Bogue 7-10 Wed. Night scores, need more than a little All women /interested In play­ help from Mother Nature or Lady ing or in learning to play La­ Across from Snyder L u c k . Windjammer smothered crosse are invited to meet at on the Red Cedar River Wiquassett 32-3 in a game that 4:30 in 137; Women’s Intramural lasted only two innings, probably Building. PEA N U TS . jJE'Rt A COJPlc H tV H A D A R A B iE S SH O T. A N D I'V E 501 L I T T l c l E A o J E R S c L K W . . . Call EB 7-1498 O F S O ß E - A R M BVDDlES, Not just ahouse but ahome DiO VOI) EVER 'HINK OF THAT? T H A T 'S K IN D O F FUN N V IS N 'T IT ? For a Ride Drawing of New B eta House, nearing completion on Mature men meeting mature men-that’s rush âL the Red Cedar River, three blocks e a s t of Campus. at Phi Kappa P si. But it doesn’t stop there- Phi Kappa Psi serves its men and the uni­ versity with innovation and is proud to an­ nounce a UNIQUE PLEDGE PROGRAM of * SHOWER OF VALUES AT great interest to all rushees. Before choosing -see PHI KAPPA PSI BIGGER BARGAINS AT Two pharm acists BYRNES GRAND RI VER AT MAC DISCOUNT DRUG STORE PHI KAPPA PSI 522ABBOTT ROAD- ED2-5039 CALL FOR RIDE The Brothers of al ways avai l abl e to fill your. . . . P R E S C R IP T IO N S PHI SIGMA DELTA c o rd ia lly in v ite C O M P L E T E STOCK - LOWEST PRICES M ENNEN LAST CHANCE FOR you to o u r open RUSH QUINSANA TO N IG H T: Wednesday, A p r il 8, 1964 98« SI ZE 720 FRATERNITY 7 -1 0 p.m . CREST 1234 E ast G rand R iv e r Call 332-0875 or 3 3 2 -0 8 7 6 for rides TOOTH PASTE 83* SIZE OPEN RUSH 590 Are Fraternities Worthwhile? DESERTFLOW ER A ll H o u se s COLOGNEICE $1.00 CLEARASIL O pen T o n ig h t for PI MPLES AND ACNE S T .>9 SIZE We ol PHI SIGMAKAPPA 790 710 P M think that ours is. . . REVLON Look us over HI&DRY For Rides Or Information TONIGHT Deodorant 2 .3 5 SI ZE April 8, 1964 SI.35 Call Any House 207 Bogue St. Rides ED 2-8696 35 YEARS IN EAST LANSING W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 8, 1 9 6 4 M i c h i g a n S t a t e News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M i c h i g a n BUSBOYS HIMD IMMEDIATELY ' £ N t S 7 8 ". $20. Call days, 332-3767. 6 Plan Dance m o t o r . Light b l ue , 4 b rl., 1183 after 5 pm. 6 your convenience. For appoint­ Village. Reduced rates for sum­ OVER 21. Spring term $87.50; 2 FORMALS. Size 8. Goodcondi- P .S .P .B ., radio. $580. ED 2-2861 1958 CHEVROLET Bel Air? 2 ment, call ED 2-3369. mer. Call 337-2361. 7 summer term $ 5 0 .2-man rooms, The Burgundy Trio folk group T .V . and cooking available. P ri­ tlon. $8 each. Call after 4 pm. will perform at a spring dance between 4 and 8 pm. door hard-top, V -8 , Automatic, YOU'RE THE BOSSI Choose your A P P R O V E D , S U P E R V I S E D vate entrance. 337-2448, 372- ED 2-0407. 7 Friday, sponsored by The Blind • A U T O M O T IV E '61 CORVETTE 4-speed, posi- A-l. Many extras. $595. 337- own hours. This is the highest apartment. Cooking, daily clean­ AMERICANA E N C Y C L O P E - Student Organization. paying part-tim e job in Lansing. ing. Use of T .V . Extremely neat 0330. 7 •E M P L O Y M E N T traction fuel injection. New top. 9414. 8 DIA 1964 Deluxe Edition. 30 vol­ The dance will be in Shaw Excellent condition. Low m ile­ CHEVROLET i959 lmpala hard We are looking for three men to and clean. IV 4-5014. IV 2 - BOYS: 2 large rooms with com - umes. $250 or best offer. C a l l Hall from 9 p.m. to midnight. • FO R R E N T work during Spring term . C a l l 5053. ? fortable twim beds, plus study age. Michlin tire s. FE 9-2273. top 2-door. A top quality car with 485-7744 after 7:30._ 8 Admission is 25 cents. • FOR S ALE 8 completely rebuilt 6-cylinder en­ 882-6626, Mr. Bowdren. WANTED: 1 male roommate over room and bath. Good parking. IS THERE a creative genius at Bus goes by door. $7 week. 1112 REMINGTON noise-less type­ Proceeds w i l l be used for • LO ST & FOUND 1963 SUNBEAM ROADSTER. Ex^ gine. Radio, heater, power-glide. 21. 1 block from campus. Call Ron N. Hagadorn. 332-3215. 7 writer wi t h stand. ED 2-6322. maintenance and purchasing of • Personal cellent condition. Radio, heater, White wall tires. An eye-catching MSU who spends his time In class at 332-4786. 8 Call evenings. 6 equipment for the blind reading • PEANUTS PERSONAL wire wheels. 1519 K. Spartan two-tone finish!! Only $985. A1 thinking up r e a l wild greeting GRADUATE S T U D E N T S. F u r- SINGLE OR DOUBLE, for men. room at the Library. • R EAL ESTATE Village. 355-2818. 8 Edwards Co. Lincoln, Mercury, card ideas? We pay TOP prices nished, just completed. The M ar- Four blocks from Berkey. 515 ★ L o s t & Found Formed last term , the Blind Comet Dealer. 3125 E. Saginaw for ideas or art aimed at college max. 225 Division.Close in. Quiet • S E R V IC E SIMCA MONTEREY 1962. Blue Division. ED 2-0097. 7 Student Organization will act as Corporation car. 13,000 m iles, (North of Frandor). C7 market. W r i t e : College H a l l Apply now. 482-5589. 8 LOST: DARK SUIT from car • T R A N S P O R T A T IO N Cards, Hickory Dr. Larchmont, M E N ; cooking, living room. a coordinating body to help blind excellent condition. For sale by 1961 BORGWARD wagon. O ne GIRL TO share 3 girl apart- trunk in Cherry Lane. Lost April students adjust to university life. •W A N T E D N.Y. 5 ments. Reasonable. 332-2195. 7 Approved, 1/2 double and dorm 3rd. Call 355-1205 or 355-8060. owner. 332-8767. 5 owner, e x c e l l e n t condition. D E AD LIN E: 1 p.m. one c l ass day be­ CHEVY II, 1963 Nova. 2-door 30 mi./gallon. $495. Will take trade. 332-3314. _____ ___ hard top. 6 cylinder engine, ■58 STUDEBAKER. Good T ran s­ 5 days a week. Must be able to WANTED. YOUNG LADY for of- EYDEAL VILLA 6 fice work 1-5 pm, afternoons. FURNISHED APARTMENTS: F a ­ 332-2195. room. Close to campus. Phone _______ 7 LOST SATURDAY afternoon be- A P P R O V E D S I N G L E S and tween Union and Olin. Black Onyx 7 ★s e rv ic e fore publication. cilities for 3 or 4persons.Choice DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA­ economical s t a n d a r d trans­ portation. Good tires. Reason­ type. Contact J.C . Vignola 332- doubles. Clean, reasonable. O ne C lass R'itjg 1959, gold band. BHHS. C ancellations -12 noon one of furnishings and colors. C a l l TIONS, button-holes made and c la s s day before publ¡cation mission. Good dark green paint, able price. Phone 337-2/ Ask 2557._________________________ 7 George or Sam. ED 2-5041 or block from everything. 332 MAC. Return to’ Sandra M cCaster, Case buttons covered. 332-2949. 6 matching interior. White tire s. 6 ROUTE SALES, d r y cleaning ED 2-0565. ED 2-1017 after 5. 5 Hall. 355-7110.________________7 for Je rry . C PHONE: One owner. Actual mileage. Still 2 MEN. Mature serious students. LOST. Black plastic wallet, be­ PROMPT DELIVERIES, t h r e e j V.W. i960. Clean, excellent con- work. Married student. Guaran­ types of diapers to choose from. 355-8255 under new car warranty. 48 hour Quiet studying, congenial. Kit­ 332-2395. 6 teed wa ge , commission, f u l l ­ tween Agriculture Hall and Nat­ mo n e y back guarantee, $1,745. dition, black. Cal time, 8-5:30. Savant Cleaners, chen. Parking. $9. Wolfanger. ural Science, morning of April 6. Bulk wash for cleaner, whiter RATES: Max Curtis Inc. 2900 block, E. '59 CORVETTE. 3 speed, 2-4 IV 4-7441. 5 939 Burcham. ED 2-2788, ED Reward. Call Tom 337-9901. 7 diapers, fluff dried and folded. 1 D A Y .............. ST. 25 Michigan. Open Mon .-T h u rs.- barrels. Soft top, trailer hitch, BUSBOY - 2 meals furnished 7-0881. 8 Use yours or rent ours. Contain­ F ri. evenings.. 5 new battery. Call IV 7-3181 after EAST LANSING. 1 double on first e rs furnished. No d e p o s i t . 25 3 D A Y S ______$2.50 6 pm. _________________ 7 for serving 1. Call Stewart 332- ★ P e rs o n a l years experience. By-Lo Diaper 5 DAYS $3.75 T jF } ■4 1963. Private owner. E x- 5053. 7 floor. Share kitchen, living room, celle nt condition. Wire wheels, J. B .’S USED CARS Summ er-Fall dinette. Unsupervised. $10/week. LAST CHANCE to rush triangle S e r v i c e , 1010 E. Michigan. IV GREAT LAKES Employment for (Based on 15 words per ad) radii ), ABARTH exhaust system. Exclusively Chevrolets SHORT TERM LEASES 337-7885, 337-0059. 7 this year; Wednesday April 8. 2-0421. C permanent positions in office, 5 There will be a 2 5 * service Whit 2 with black interior. Call ‘ 5 5 -‘60 Chevrolet Hardtops and sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ? C a l l and bookkeeping charge if JV | >-7819. 1 6 = = = ___________ Convertibles. All in excellent C5 Modern Fully Furnished ★ F o r Sale Coming SUNDAY, APRIL 26-7:30 Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. this ad is not paid within Air Conditioned-Dlshwasher p.m. at the Lansing Civic Center, Small d e n t s to l a r g e wrecks. KARMANNjGHIA 1963. Original condition. OPPORTUNITY F O R th e non- MAN’S 3-speed Schwinn Bicycle. one week. owner. Top shape. Blue body, J O A N BAEZ.—T ick ets—M a in American and foreign c a r s . 2801 S. Cedar Corporation man. Better -than- WALK! DON'T DRIVE With mounted knapsack. More Floor $4.00, $3.50, $2.75 and Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 white top, with matching interior. TL 2-1478 or TU 2-6721 average income prospects for the 50 ft. to Bogue St. Bridge functional than beautiful. Reason­ $2.25 -Mezzanine- $4.00, $3.50, East Kalamazoo. C The State News does not IV 9 -5570. 9 se lf-sta rte r who wants an oppor­ able. 332-8824. 7 $2.75 and $2.25-Balcony-$2.25 STUDENT TV RENTALS. New permit racial or religious A U S T I N-H E A L Y- 1955. Over^ 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA. 2 - tunity to progress at his own pace. Call or Stop At Our Model LOST LAST term . M.S.U. class and $1.75. 19" portable, $9 per month. 21" discrimination in its ad­ drive, wire wheels, $700. ED d o o r hardtop V -8. S t a n d a r d 66 year old Lansing Corporation Ask for ring in Berkey bathroom. Initials Mail orders only-Make checks table models, $8 per month, 17" vertising c o l u m n s . The 7-94“9. 7 transmission. Phone IV 4-9971. with Dun-and-Bradstreet rating. Mike or Mel S.H. If found call 355-4950. 7 or money order payable to and table models, $7 per month. All State News will not accept CORVETTE STINGRAY, 1 9 6 3 . 225 N. Clemens. 6 Largest and fastest growing gen­ 252 Cedar m a i l to M orris Richman Con­ sets guaranteed, no service or . advertising from persons 300 hp, positraction, 4 speed, ’ 59 FORDhard-top. Power steer­ eral Insurance Agency in Lans­ BICYCLE SALES, service and ce rts, Lansing C i v i c Center, delivery charges. Call Nejac TV daytona blue convertible. Match­ rentals. East Lansing Cycle, 1215 discriminating against re­ ing and brakes. New trans­ ing. Lansing, Michigan. Enclose self- Rentals, IV 2-0624. C ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or ing interior. White top. IV 9 - mission. Real clean. $575. 412 This is account development pro­ 332-5051 332-5051 East Grand River, call 332-8303. addressed stamped envelope. 17 DIAPER SERVICE, samediapers C national origin. 9723 or FE 9-8606. 7 Haze. ___________________ 5 gramming. No t r a v e l i n g . P re ­ WANTED: Two g irls to share FOR TOP-NOTCH protection at returned either yours or ours. MONZA 900. 1962 Sports Coupe". FORD 1959 Convertible. Solid ferred clientele. T r a i n i n g in apartment with third. Over 21. WALNUT STEREO console. AM- rock-bottom r a t e s , its S t a t e With our service, you may include Radio, heater, whitewalls. Take Lansing (on the job) by su ccess­ Call Ruth, 332-5167 orSam Eyde, FM radio, push button controls. white finish. White vinyl top. jf Autom otive over payments. Phone IV 5-0369. C rulse-O -m atic. Radio, heater, ful producers now active in th e ED 2-0565. 7 New diamond needle, speakers, Farm Mutual, the world’s largest two pounds of baby clothes that auto insurer. Call or see your do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. business. ONE-THIRD of 3 room, men's good tone quality. Attractive cab­ SPARTAN MOTORS OLDSMOBILE 1962 Cutlass con­ white wall tire s. A-l condition Equity ownership will be avail­ apartment. 3 blocks from B e r­ inet. L ess t h a n half original State Farm agent today. Ask for FORD 1956 T Bird, white body, vertible. Radio, heater, hydro- and priced to go! 1 A1 Edwards able. This company is owned and key. Parking, 308 Charles St. price. 332-2769.______________ 5 Ed Karmann. IV 5-7267, in Fran­ AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE black hard top, 3 speed. Very matic with consul. Low mileage, Co. Lincoln, Mercury, Comet operated by L a n s i n g people. dor. C5 914 E. Gier Street - 7 KAY E L E C TR IC 'G uitar- dua l IV 2-0864. sharp. A classic $1,395. one owner. 485-9340. Dealer. 3125 E. Saginaw (North WE SPEAK with Japanese and Broad form benefits for hospit­ 2 MEN to share 4 man apartment. pick-ups. Call Mac anytime after _____________________________ C TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLE: 500 of Frandor). C7 Indians about auto insurance in alization, pension, profit sharing One block from Campus. Utilities V,W. ¡9r3. Radio, heater, 10,000 cc. Perfect condition. Call Steve CHEVROLET 1962 lmpala Con- are included. Liberal salaryplus paid. Parking. $35 mo. 337-0767. 7 pm. 337-2056._____________ 6 English. Wanna buy sum? Bubolz T .V . RENTALS f o r students. Economical rates by the term and actual miles. Just like new. Two or Jay at 353-0225. 8 vertible. 409 engine with 4-speed commission. 6 TENTS, all sizes. $39.95 and Insurance - Two Twenty-A lb e rt- to choose from $1,595. floor transmission. Radio, white up. Sleeping bags $4.95 and up. 332-8671. C5 month. UNIVERSITY T .V . REN­ MOTORCYCLE 1956. BSA50(5cc. This is an opening for one or two 5 I UDENT HAD to leave. 3 fur- tire s. Yellow paint. Good black Lay-away plan. IV 9-3242. 7 THINKING OF a P'izza Party? TA LS- 484-9263. C All chrome. Also 1958 Chevy B el- young men who want to be their nished rooms and bath. Private DINNER JACKET” and trousers FORD 1961. 6 cylinder, stick. A air hardtop. 646-5273. 6 top, black interior. Extra clean Contact Bimbo’s P iz zafirst.C all T.V ., RADIO, PHONO REPAIR own ‘‘b o s se s". Your income and entrance. U tilities paid. Park­ by "A fter Six” . 38R. Like new. good runner at a low price, $795. I960 AUSTIN-HEALY. ‘‘3006" throughout. Lots of power. 1 year responsibilities w i l l progress ing, IV 5-1641. 6 3 3 9 - 2 1 6 6 . __________________ 7 484-7817. C7 Don’t Search—Call Church GW warranty, $2.095. Max Curtis Wire wheels, good top. 4 seats. just as fast as you develop your UNSUPERVISED F U R N I S H E D . SCOOTER-CHEAP. Looks bad: IV 2-5608 ALFA ROMEO 1958 Roadster. Excellent condition. $1,695. 355- Inc. 2900 block, E. Michigan. abilities. Cooking, parking. Near Union. runs like a watch. Equipped. $150 ★ Real E state I Clean inside and out. Runs like Open Mo n . - T h u r s . - F r i . even­ Prompt Service-New & Used Sets 8950._________________________ 6 Lansing Insurance Agency P er­ Call 355-3021 or 332-0716. 5 or best offer. 355-5812 evenings. IN T H E VILLAGE. Charming 3 top, $995. ings. 5 HONDA - 1963 Super Sport 300. sonnel will interview at M.S.U. HOUSES ___________ 5 older large home with extra lot. CHURCH T.V. SERVICE 3000 E. Michigan JAGUAR. 1956 Mark VII. 4-door, Excellent condition. $550. 355- Placement office on April 13. FURNISHED C A B I N at L a k e TEFLON f r y i n g pans, house­ View of lake. Right in Haslett. 8080 W. Willow, Lansing IV T-3T15 automatic, power brakes, sun­ C 1224. 7 Please contact Placement Office Lansing for 2 male students. $14 wares and g i f t s . ACE HARD- Excellent for home or business. C roof. $530. Phone 339-8500.»r DODGE 1961; 2-door sedan. 8 for an appointment. 7 weekly. U tilities paid. Phone 332- WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand A rare buy. Owner is leaving FREE ESTIMATE on your move 1963 FAIR LANE 500. S p o r t 355-7569. 8 Coupe. Bucket s e a t s . Black. c y l i n d e r , automatic t r a n s ­ UNDERGRADUATE ASSISTANTS 8932. 7 River, across from Union. ED country. Clarence Oberst, Walter anywhere in the world. Phone 15,000 miles. Still guaranteed. mission. Power steering, radio, if E m ploym ent wanted in Engineering Labora­ ONE PROFESSIONAL man or Neller Co. ED 7-9437. 7 IV 5-2241, Bekins Van Lines. Must sell. 482-0209. 8 1 owner. Actual low mileage. tories as draftsman, machinist graduate student to share three E N u L I S H , 3 - s p e e d bicycles, A VACATION HOME in the heart Ask for Jim . C5 MEN: HAVING TROUBLE fit­ and radiation worker. Approx­ bedroom, 2 bath home. Ideal $10.00 down, t i m e p a y m e n t s of the Shenandoah Valley of V ir­ 1959 CHEVROLET convertible. A real fine used ca r. 1 year through Spring term . ACE HARD- ginia. Near Hot Springs and Lex­ TYPING SERVICE ~ GW warranty, 48 hour money back' ting a part-tim e job into a rigor­ imately 1/2 time. High grade, home for bachelor. Call J e r r y Black. VS automatic. Excellent ANN 6 ROWN typist and multi- ous schedule? Earn $80 a week average points required. Call Nilson 332-3534 or 332-5231. 7 WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand ington for $8,000 ? TRUE. Has condition, $950. 355-1005. 8 guarantee, $1,095. Max Curtis lith offset printing (black & white Inc. 2900 block, E. Michigan. working selected evenings and 355-3444. 5 UNSUPERVISED, 2 Coeds, 1/2 River, across from Union. ED 8 rooms, bath, oil heat and spring & color). IBM. General typing, 1959 MOTORCYCLE B SA ,650cc. Open M o n . - T h u r s ,- F r i. even­ Saturday. For further informa­ double and single available. 3 2-3212. C water. Stream and 3 acres. 332- term papers, thesis, disserta­ Excellent condition. $5“5. Call ings. 5 tion, call Mr. Kennedy at TU ★ F o r Rent blocks to campus. Call 332-1242. IF APARTMENT rent is strangl- 5227 after 5 pm.____________ 7 tions. ED 2-8384. C LD 2-1183. Ask for Brian. S 2-6629. 7 ing your purse, consider the pur­ F9ÏÏ3 MG 1¡00'.white sports Sedan. 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500. 2- 5 NEAR MSU, clean attractive 2 TYPING in my home. 15 years GARAGE. One b l o c k f r o m chase of my 30 x 8 mobile home. Excellent g a s mileage. T op door, hard top. Red-black top. Berkey. $7 monthly. C a l l ED FURNISHED, NEW 2 bedroom. 4 years at M.S.U. has proved bedroom home, carpeting, fenced secretarial experience. E lectric condition. Best offer takes. 332— Loaded with a ccesso ries, 4,000 17-0. 5 m iles. 332-3123. H A W A 7-0626 after 5 pm. GARAGE, ROOM for one small 6 Fireplace, basement, p a r k i n g , that 2 students can cut costs yard, washer/dryer. $9,500. ED typewriter. IV 7-0619. (629 Mifflin).. Up to 4 adults. to $25 month. Includes rent, util­ 2-6748.________ 5 5 IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Theses, MOTORCYCLE- 1951 Jawa. 250 FORD 195$ retractable hard top. c^. All rebuilt. New transmis­ Full power plus air-conditioning. sion, new clutch, new wiring. We sold the car new, have com­ JOBS and one large car. Ten minutes from campus. IV 9-2593. 5 $180 month. IV 5-4917. NEED MALE over 21 to s h a r e house near campus. Excellent 5 ities, phone. Day 355-4720; night 337-0196. Bruce R. 7 Rapid Thesis Printed Service Drafting Supplies, XEROX Copies etc. E l e c t r i c typewriter. 355- CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT 1246 after* 5:30 p.m. 6 S I NGE R " PORTABLE SEWING Re-spoked wheels, $190. 372- plete service record. One owner. SUMMER 8 PERMANENT APARTMENTS furnishings; k i t c h e n facilities. MACHINE will do zig-zag sewing 221 South Grand JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4.00. IS anytime. 8 Actual mileage. 2-tone yellow AVONDALE APARTMENTS at 337-1041 evenings.. 6 jobs, buttonhole, sew on buttons, Lansing, 482-5431 or 482-5038 Aldinger Direct Mail advertising. and white paint. 1 yr. GW war­ STUDENTS— MALE & F E ­ Gunson and Beech, about 4 blocks UNSUPERVTSET5; FURNISHlEb. C7 533 North Clippert. IV 5-2213. I960 FALCON 4-door sed blindhem, and many fancy de- as­ ranty. 48 hr. money back guar­ MALE Work on one of the from campus. For students. Two Have double, single available. __________________________ C Radio, heater. Good gas mile: 26. signs. Need reliable party to ' ★ ' 5 e r V I C 6 antee, $1,095. Max Curtis Inc. fabulous romantic tropical is­ bedroom luxury apartments at Parking, cooking and T.V . Close make t e n payments o f only TYPING in my home. Shirley 55—10"9 10_9 after 5 pm. 2900 block, E. Michigan. Open lands of Hawaii—Sun—Sand— $180 per month, or $45 per stu­ to campus. 337-2319. 7 Decker, Forest Ave. Lansing. CORVAik 1962 Coupe; 25,000 M on.-Thurs.-Fri. evenings. 5 $5.10. For information call OL WHY PAY MORE? For profes­ Phone IV 2-7208. C Surf—and Sa il—All Employ­ dent, per mo n t h , with 4 to an One male roommate to share un­ Miles. Original owner, excellent 5-2054. 5 sional d r y c l e a n i n g , WEN- TERM PAPERS, theses, exper­ shape, Floor shift. Must s e l l . 1961 RENAULT DALPH1NE $175. ment possibilities listed in the apartment. GE stove, refrigera­ approved, unsupervised house for REMMINGTON ELECTRIC type- DROWS. Pants, skirts, sweaters, Call 355-5952. 5 Must sell. Contact 355-2727. 7 current "Guide to Hawaii Em­ tor, air conditioner, Danish mod­ 3 in Lansing. Eight minutes from w riter with stand. Newly recon­ 60*. Plain dresses, suits, coats, ienced. IBM electric. Marianne OLDSM' )BILE 195”. 4-door pow- CHEVROLET 1958 Convertible. ployment,” Send $1—air mail ern furniture. No lease required. campus. Call 482-2577 after 5 Harrington, 372-3280. C7 ditioned at Remmington plant. IV $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block er steering, brakes, radio. Ex­ V-8 automatic. Power steering 30* e x t r a — Island Publica­ O ffstreet paved parking, storage p.m. west of Frandor. C5 ED1E STARR, TYPIST, Theses, 9-2895 after 6 p.m. 5 cellent condition, $450. C a l l and brakes. Good tires. Real tions, Suite 302 , 26 0 ’F a rrell, facilities. Stop in at apartment 116 ________________________ 5 P O R T A B L E TYPEWRITER - E X P E R I E N C E D B A B Y S I T - dissertations, term papers, gen­ Briar. LD 2-1183.____________ 8 sharp. $695. TU 2-2724. 5 San Francisco, Calif. Don’t and look it over, or call 337- M A L E S T U D E N T supervised eral typing. Experienced, IBM Delay. Act now. State age and Olympia Precision. B u y th e TER desires full time babysitting E le ctric. OR 7-8232. C 98-, IE1GL VOLVO 444, 3 speed tdF " ORD V-8 Stick. New white- 2080 for an appointment. 5 house; o p e n i n g s t wo double finest. Term s available. H assel- in my University Village Home. transmission. Needs minor me­ wail tires, good condition, $175. major. ONE OR 2 g irls over 21 tcTshare rooms, one triple; cooking and For further information call 355- bring C o. 310 N. Grand IV chanical work. Willing to deal. Tom Faulkner, 1408 A Spartan MALE. Select your own hours. apartment. 2 blocks from Bogue parking privileges. Two blocks 2-1219. C5 5835 after 5:30. 5 ★ Wanted Call atter 6 pm. IV 4-0317. 9 Village. 355-0812. 5 Sales experience helpful. Know­ Street. Call 332-8280 after 7pm. from Berkey. Day IV 5-2857 W H I T E GERMAN SHEPHERD THE KNIGHTS OF HARMONY ELECTRIC B A S S player f o r 195> PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan, ledge of dogs and tropical fish. 252 River Street, Apartment 301. after 5:30 IV 5-8836.________7 AKC, 6 months. All shots, $75, For the finest in dance music newly forming rock 'n roll band. \ -£ S t a n d a r d transmission, 1960 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, 4- IV 9-6652. 6 8 ROOMS_________ OX 4-6276. 9 Phone 332-2575. 5 Phone 485-1486 after 7 p.m. 5 rad j and heater. No rust. Call door six. Standard shift, excel­ WE NEED 4 or 5 part-time men. 3 ROOM APT. Utilities all fur- ATTRACTIVE SINGLE, corner NEW P L A T F O R M rockers, Dot , 353-1373.______________ 7 lent condition. Low mileage, TU Now ’till finals. Flexible hours, nished, married couple or men fît D 1959 2-door economy 6. 2-2910. 5 good income. Call Mr. Dickinson Students. 332-8082. Parking. 5 room. Across from campus, at $19.95 - $ 169.95. Large selec­ 908 South Harrison. Reasonable. tion. LOOK B -4-U Buy Storage rnatic transmission, heater, 1957 DODGE Stationwagon. R/H, at TU 2-6627. 6 NICE APARTMENT for 4 men. 337-0650. ' 7 Furniture Sales, 4601 N. U.S. $ 9 9 W O R L D ’S F A I R H O L I D A Y $ 9 9 ele ■ìper .Good co r- ww. C l e a n , good mechanical. RELIABLE L ADY would like Near campus. 132 Beal St. Phone ROOMS-SINGLES", doubles. K it- 27. IV 7-0173.______________ C5 r. 5 tires, $225. 355-1025. 6 occasional babysitting, ironing 332-4017._______ 5 chen and p a r k i n g facilities. NE W T a p e recorder. 1$63 tiri $600 cash. ITA 1 r‘600'’ . 1959 Sunroof, $250. or light housework by the hour. NEEDED ONE male to share 4 A cross f r o m Berkey. 507 E. model. Webcor Music Man and BE PART OF THE FUNAND EXCITEMENT IV 9- S884 Call 337-1093. " 6 IV 5-2134. 7 man Lansing apartment. C a l l Grand River. Information after tapes. $170. Call after 6 pm. OF THE 1964WORLD’S FAIR 484-4033 after 5 p.m. 8 5:00 p.m.____________________ 6 355-0980. 8 ROOM WITH cooking and re cre a - 1960 CITATION MOBIL home 10’ BrandNew. . . . tion room. Available at reduced x 50’ . 2 bedroom. Front kitchen, Leave Lansing 8:00 E.S.T./Monday June 15 Arrive Newark APRIL SPECIALS C A M P U S V IE N A / rate for 2 male students willing carpeted living room. Call 355- to do some cleaning for rent. 5066.___________ 6 Airport 11:30 D.S.T. Luxuryapartments 489-2334. ED 2-8191._________ 6 P L A Y P E N , CARRYING seat, Leave Newark 6:00 D.S.T./Friday June 19 Arrive Lansing SINGLE OR DOUBLE r o o m . bassinette with m attress and lin­ nowrentingfor 8:00 E.S.T. FROM STORY OLDSMOBILE SPRING TERM • 5 min. walk from library Close in, tiled bath. ED 2-1183. e r , $12 all or individually. ED 8 2-8123. MALE STUDENT share double CHRISTY 5 string banjo. Long 6 ROUNDTRIP $99 room plus study room. Phone, neck. P erfect condition. $250. includes: Roommates wanted private bath, kitchen privileges. new. W i l l accept reasonable ’ 61 Chevy 2 door, v -8 , radio, ’ 57 Ford 2 door, radio, heater, ’5 7 Chrysler 4 door hardtop, 332-8913. 6 offer. 353-2823. 8 -Hotel Accommodations heater, automatic transmis­ automatic transmission, white power steering, power brakes, r a i i o , heater, a u t o m a t i c 324 Mich. Ave S U P E R V I S E D , APPROVED, GERMAN SHEPARDS. Akc/ped- -Admission to Fair double room. Cooking and park­ igree. 2 snow white gentle males. sion, white walls. Story sells walls. Story sells Fords For t r a n s m i s s i o n . Story sells 332-6246 ing. 1/2 block from Berkey. $9 Ruth’s, .14645 Airport Road. Call -U.N. Tour Chevys for less. $1195. less. $2 95 . Chryslers for le ss. $195. SUMMER-FALL, women over 21. per man. 332-2495. 5 IV 4-4026.___________________ 6 -Ticket toRadio City 100 yards to Berkey or Bogue APPROVED WITH c o o k i n g . 3 SOLOR 450 enlarger. 4 x 5 to Music Hall St. entrance. Furnished, clean, blocks to campus. Maid service. 35mm. 75mm, f-3 .5 lens. $75. -Manyother extras utilities, yard. $50 monthly. 2- $10/week. Call 332-3534 or 332- Phone 355-1150.______________ 6 -bo whereyou like- STORY OLDSMOBILE 4-6 girl apartments. Loners who 5231. would share if right girls Could ROOM FOR girls. One block ZAG model, makes buttonholes, be located, c a l l anyway. ED from campus. Share living room bllndhems, overcoats, with dial 7 SEWING MACHINE, 1963 ZIG- For F urther Inform otion: your time’s your own 2-2276._________’ 6 and kitchen. Parking. $ll/week. control. This machine has small C o ll 355-5465 Where The April Action Is LARGE 2 bedroom,, upper near ED 2-1920. campus. Unfurnished with stove N IC E L Y~ FURNISHED ROOMS: ing ability. Yours for only $48.95 9 damage, but did not affect sew­ M - F , 1-5 P . M . and refrigerator. $85 plus eco­ men o v e r 21. Close in;reason­ or small monthly payments. New SHOPPER’S FAIR PARKING LOT nomical utilities. No students able. Also share apartment. ED machine guarantee. Phone OL F a c u l t y , S t a f f , and P a r e n t ’ s W elcome ED 2-8247.________ s 7-2345._______________________ 8 5-2054. 5 > M i c h i g a n S t a t e News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic h ig a n W e d n e s d a y , -Aprii e. 7 Ggui Êkop H o m e D eb u t F o r S ta te N in e T o d a y fe a tu rin g back with the squad following a This afternoon’s home opener baseball doubleheader between sive shortstop, and JerryChand- le r, h e a v y - hitting outfielder. year’ s absence. second, P orrit at shortstop and M isner at third base. Chandler FRATER N ITY Michigan State and Albion Col­ Chandler hit .328 last year and F ra ser’ s opening season line­ is joined by Roger Mathews or lege promises to be an inter­ esting one, with both clubs enter­ led the squad with seven home runs and 25 runs-batted-in. up includes Gene Muenchausen at first base, Gary Johnson at Gary Jones in center and Larry Willis in right. SORORITY ing the contest with entirely dif­ F ra ser also has infielder Jim Pete Boroday will handle the Misner, a .355 hitter last sea­ • R E C O G N I T I O N PINS • CRESTS ferent problems. Game time is Michigan State students catching chores, and Colburn and 1 p.m. son, and sophomore pitcher • RINGS • PADDLES ore admitted to all spring Ketrow are expected to be the Although Albion Coach Morley Larry Colburn. Southpaw Colburn starting pitchers this afternoon. • PARTY FAVORS • LAVALIERS sports by presentation of I D F ra ser openly predicts "a b e tte r was the leading Briton hurler cards. General admission State Coach Danny Litwhiler E x -g rìd d e rs A id than average season,” he is pla­ gued with th e lack of players tnat can nit tor the distance. last year, posting a 5-1 record to gain A11-M1AA honors. Gary Ketrow, one of the top seats for baseball are on sale at $1 for adults and 50 will counter with Southpaw John Krasnan in the first game and righthander John Ellward in the O ffic ia l G reek J e w e lry A c r os s From Home E c o n . B ld g . cents for children. E D 2-6753 "T h e team has good speed and collegiate lefthanders in 1961, is nightcap. D u ffy A t P ra ctice strong pitching,” he said, "but a lack of depth in power hitters could give us trouble.” I Spartan football Coach Duffy Saimes, who plays for the Buf­ State, on the other hand, is Daugherty may have his full pro­ falo B ills of the American Foot­ blessed with a team that has hit fessorship in Health, Physical ball League, was all-Am erican at 14 home runs in ten spring train­ Education and Recreation, but it the fullback slot while with State. ing g a m e s and has averaged FRESH, W HOLE, U.S. GOV’T INSPECTED doesn’t prevent him from em­ He is presently enrolled here as better than two bases per hit, ploying some of the disciplines a part-tim e student during the of social science. The jovial MSU head man is off-season. Clark, still a local figure in but has a relatively weak pitch­ ing staff. Prominent among the Briton am FRYING CHICKENS one who recognizes the value of his role as a Detroit Lion end veterans are senior co-captains peer influences, even if it appears is also taking course credits Bob Porritt, outstanding defen- a bit high-sounded for explaining before th e National Football , the presence of several former League begins its pre-season Al Spartan gridders , now in the pro­ workouts. fession ranks, at spring training sessions. Another graduate of recent vin­ tage lending a helping hand on Tigers Cut j n : Attracting the greatest atten­ the practice field is RonHatcher, tion from the handful of onlookers a fullback on the 1961 Spartans. that assembled at the secret On the side lines observing Team To 28 practice field have been George workouts was Herb Patera, a Saimes and Ernie Clark, stal­ teammate of Saimes at Buffalo LAKELAND, F la .. (UPI)—The Detroit Tigers reduced their ros­ CUTUP FRYINGCHICKENS ib. 29c| warts on the 1962 Spartan eleven. and also a former teammate of ter to the prescribed opening day Saimes and Clark while at State. limit of 28 players Tuesday by ALLWHITEORDARKMEAT ib. 39(| Another whose appearancewas sending eight players to their Net Capt. readily observed was 1963 grid Captain Sherm Lewis. Lewis, who gained all-Am erican honors Tigertown farm base for assign­ ment. They also asked waivers on one F R E S H P IC N IC S T Y L E OR RIB P O R T I O N at his halfback spot, is currently of their three first year play­ STORE in training for the outdoor track season on the cinder oval across from the football practice field. e rs, Pete Craig, a 23-year-old right hander signed off the cam­ pus of the University of Detroit 'ÍM 0 Á HOURS 9 to 10 P.M. DAILY PORK ROAST LB. Eighty gridmen were on hand last June. for State’ s second workout. It was another 60-plus Indian sum­ The Tigers also returned Bill Roman, a left handed hitting first C LO SED SUNDAYS TENDERLOINPORTION lb. 39C baseman who had been working IN L A N S I N G A T mer day much like the type the with them this spring, to the ■Spartans encountered in the sta­ dium the early part of last fall. Syracuse farm club. SHOPPERS FAIR HOME S T Y LE OR R EG U LAR THOMASMA’S SLIC ED SW IFT’ S PREMIUM ■ Daugherty continued to stress 3301 EAST MICHIGAN A V E . COLDMEATS PORKSAUSAGE fundamentals with running pat­ terns once again the target of Ice Honors N E X T DOOR TO ¡FRANDOR SHOPPING C E N TE R LEAN SPARE RIBS lb. FAR M ER P E E T ’S SMOKED stress. Practice procedures call for brief sessions with the var­ For Lackey AND AT DRAUNSCHWEIGER ,b. 0% ious a s s i s t a n t coaches until Daugherty toots a whistle at mid­ MSU h o c k e y Captain Carl TOPPS DISCOUNT CENTER CUT FARM ER P E E T ’S . TOM JAM IESON Tom Jamieson has been elec­ field. Lackey has been maed to two The team then assembles for post-season all star teams. CITY LEAN PORK CHOPS lb. ^ # V I ■ ’ LB. RINGBOLOGNA n, 490 ted captain of the Spartan tennis demonstrations by s e l e c t e d 921 WEST HOLMES ROAD The Spartan defenseman was team for 1964. lettermen o f v a r i o u s p l a y CORNER OF SOUTH LOGAN EVERSW EET (IN D A I R Y C A S E ) selected for first string honors LEA N , FRESH A graduate of Lansing Eastern patterns to be run that after­ in the all-Am erican hockey team High School, Jamieson compiled an 8-7 record as number one noon. This, in turn, is followed by selected by Western Collegiate E B ER H A R D ARISTOCRAT -A LL FLAVORS ORANGE JUICE GROUND Hockey Association coaches. .man on last y ear's squad and is expected to hit his peak this season. a b r i e f period of calisthenics after which the men return for more individual instruction. Lackey was also named to the second team of the WCHA All Star squad according to votes ICE CREAM QT. HAMBURG lb. Tony O’Donnell teamed with Winding up each afternoon are compiled by the Denver Post. Jamieson to reach the quarter­ five or ten minutes of contin­ OR SH E R B E TS -P IN T uous 50-y a r d sprints f r o m EXTRA LEAN finals in doubles competition of the NCAA meet last spring. scrimmage positions. EB ER H AR D ’S CREAM ERY, THIS GROUNDBEEF * 490 P ILLS B U R Y OR B A L L A R D FRESH - f t . WEEK BUTTER ONLY! I GROUNDBEEF STEAKib.DSC Grad Student Wildlife Winner ^ 7 BISCUITS PH ILAD ELPH IA B E E F .V E A L PORK . . Stuart A. Marks, Silver Spring, students studying for ca reers in JUSTARRIVED I Md., graduate student, has been awarded an $800 grant by the resources conservation to r e ­ ceive financial aid from the fed­ N EW SUMMER CREAMCHEESE80’ BANQUET GROUNDMEATLOAF b D3p National Wildlife Federation to continue studies for a Ph.D. in wildlife. eration. More than 200 students applied for scholarship assistance, which A FABRICS T H A T. KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ ><•«• POT PIES SW IFT'S PREMIUM P R O T E N Marks was among 14 college amounted to $9,970 for 1964-65. S-T-R-e -T-C-H PKG. K R A F T . N A T U R A L SLICED C H IC KEN IT U R K E Y BONELESSIMPERIAL SPORTSMAN’S BAR we also serve (IN A L L DIREC TIO NS) 7 SWISSCHEESE ib. BEEF ROAST - Home of L a n sin g 's F in e st Steak s a variety of other SHORTS P E T R ITZ A P P L E AND CHERRY SW IFT’ S PREM IUM S L IC ED foods. and S A G IN A W FRUIT PIES EACH EA. BEEF LIVER SLACKS SW IFT’ S PREM IUM P R O T E N $2.98 to $7.98 B A N Q U ET - 6 VARIETIES EMBASSY F R O Z E N RIBSTEAKS 890 a lso CREAM PIES EACH FRENCH FRIES THOMASMA’ S 0 . . . SKINLESS FRANKSlbs^9( BATHING J oi n us for our friendship hours. SUITS NIFTY FROZEN SWIFT’NING SHORTENING K R A FT ’S DOMESTICSWISS M o n - Tu e s . - W e d . 5-6 and 1 0-11 SPORTSMAN’S BAR WAFFLES STOCKUP - 9 oi. 801 E. Saginaw Ph. IV 9-8749 rPO LLYAN N A HOME S TYLE lLAST W EEK ON SALE! 3 . cabn4 7 ( PKG. CHEESE LB. FOR SPRING PUT TOP BREAD SMUCKER’S $ 5SK 7 SPECIAL COUPON • CULOTTES LOAVES GRAPE JELLY m S A V E 23« K R A F T I i « * SKIRTS m . PERTS 10 O Z . w VELVEETA Naturally, I had to brush With JAR m 2 llo8 af 66C Matching Blouses li WITH COUPON AND $5 FOOD PURCHASE her off when I discovered NEW! W ESSON’ S P O L Y - U N S A T U R A T E D COUPON GOOD THRU TUESDAY A P R . 14 N she w asn’t using MAYONNAISE QT. ONLY G O O D W IN ’S FABRICS. MANOR HOUSE GOLDEN YELLOW SPECIAL COUPON BANANAS h S A V E 30 v a :^ .iiT y Pork koj" 3 5 , lb BONELESS CHUCK . . Lb- 0 9 Smoked Beef --------- 3 B u d d ig s H ills id e S lic e d M ic h . G ra d e 1, A ll M eat J'/ l-0 l . $ « P k g s. 59 ■ 50 EXTRA FREE W IT H T H IS CO UPO N STAMPS Lean, DicedGristleFree mr Polish Sausage--------- Lb . i f 1f i ' RoO St " U V BONELESS BEEF STEW. u 0 9 M ic h . G ra d e Hillside Franks-------- 1 Lb . 49c W it h th e P u r c h a s e o f 3 L b s . o r M o re H R ed eem T h is C o u p o n A M B U R G l et E R N a tio n a l F o o d II f t 11 :T f P o in t C u t RoundBoneShoulder Cut ta re s . Coupon E x p ir e u S a t u r d a y , A p r il . : *> / i iTTT.l M um — SWISS STEAK . . . . i5 9 Sliced Bacon sgjPiTEijgggnirgr j’ Ë ras i ; 59 r r r .r f ä 11 C M eatyCenter Cut Bar-B-QBeef * HILLSIDE RANCH STYLE TOP TASTE “ C o rn e d _ FREE W IT H T H IS CO UPO N MEDIUM TOP TASTE WAFER lb Beef Shanks Lb4 9 c Spare Sibs 1‘-49* SLICED 2-Lb. Pkg. SLICED 50 EXTRA STAMPS m à f l o t Cuts . . . W it h th e P u r c h a s e o f A n y I I o r 16-Os. J e r PICKLEDHERRING M B o o th Fam ous nv So F r e s h Cod and M 4 R . Breaded Shrimp ^59 Ocean Perch — Lb.4 9 Ik. Wc 49 98 59 R e d e e m T h is C e u p o n a t N a tio n a l F o o d t o r e s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11. ■ m NATIONAL'S PRODUCE IS ALWAYS FRESHER U .S . N O . 1, C R I S P Y IC E B E R G 50 EXTRA STAMPS I m ) L A W N & G A R D E N NEEDS W it h t h e P u r c h a s e o f l'/ i- L b . T o p T a s t e H EA D LETTU CE ARMOURCANNEDPICNIC C an n e d H am o r 3 lb . S iz e H LAWNFOOD. E a s y - L if e 20-10-5 F o r m u la C o ve rs 3 9 R e d e e m T h is C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l F o o d 5.000 Sq. F t. Bag s t o r e s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11 . ÉÉ 39 c LAWNFOOD S p a rta n 10-6-4 F o r m u la Heads C o ve rs 5.000 Bag ■ For G r e e n - U p , C o v e r s 2,500 S q . F t . Sq. F t. " iw CRABGRASS KILLER *’33 « Ii 50 EXTRAG S„*EEH NSTAMPS s * * '- MICHIGANPEAT. G e n u in e , L o n g L a s t in g 59* W it h t h e P u r c h a s e o f A n y P a c k a g e o f U .S . N o. 1 W a s h in g to n Red F lo r id a Snappy F re sh 50-Lb . DATES DELICIOUS GREEN Bag || R e d e e m T h is C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l Fo o d APPLES | 0 for 4 9 < BEANS .. 2 u>. 3 9 ‘ GRASS SEED. . . P a r k G re o n 5 -Lb . * | 7 9 S to re s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11 D og CHECK THESE SPRING CLEANING BIG BUYS! N A T IO N A L FREE W IT H T H IS C O U P O N CO UPO N m . r -y PRO CTER & G A M B LE G e t s C lo t h e « W h i t e r F e s t e r — D e e l P e c k 100 EXTRAgs„?eh n STAM PS i m C l o r o x B l e a c h ........................... “ 6 9 W it h "ENOZ" M th e P u rch a se o f $ 1 .0 0 OTHPRODUCTS o r m o re | W O R L D 'S F A I R A H o u s e h o ld N e e d ^ R e d e e m T h is C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l F o o d S to r e s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11. ft L ittle B o P e e p A m m o n ia ^ 19 SW EEPSTA KES H e n d y F e r W a s h in g W a l l « N A T IO N A L C O U P O N IÊÈ ip E a s y L ife G ia n t S p o n g e s . .3 9 m HEADQ UARTERS ! S tu rd y M a d e 8 G 09 100 EXTRAG FREE W IT H T H IS s,1Eh CO UPO N NSTAMPS REDEEMALLYOURPROCTER&GAM BLE K itc h e n e tte B ro o m s . mâ M AILERCOUPONSATYOURNATIONALFOODSTORE! e o o . e a c h ! W it h t h e P u r c h a s e o f 2 - L b .. IV o -L b . B o x o r 12-Oz. WOLCH'SCHOCOLATES GIANT TIDE . DEAL A s s o r t e d C o lo r s R e d e e m T h is C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l F o o d PACK B ig W it h M a ile d C o u p o n S c o t T o w e l s ....................... R o ll 2 9 - t o r e s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11. SPIC n' SPAN REG- SIZE W it h M a ile d C o u p o n W h i t e o r A s s o r t e d C o lo r s S c o ttie s T is su e s . . . . P f t i| 2 4z c.: 4 5 * JOY LIQUID e e e 22-OZ. ^ A SIZE c W h it e o r A s s o r t e d C o lo r s FPFE 25 EXTRA¡¡£> STAMPS W IT H T H IS CO UPO N II J® GIANT SALVO W it h M a ile d C o u p o n 48-OZ. SIZE "fQ c S c o tt T o ile t T is s u e . 8 - f1#0 a W it h T h e P u r c h a s e o f 6 GREENMINT -Ox. B it . M o u th W a s h W it h M a ile d C o u p o n S m o o th S p r e a d in g 1-Lb. R e d e e m T h i s C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l F o o d m H^> T op T a s te M a rg a rin e C tn . 15* S to r e s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11. iK A m e r ic o n o r P im e n t o G IA N T SIZ E 80s. * K\ I M : M N a tc o C h e e s e S lic e s S ic e 2 9 FREE W IT H T H IS CO UPO N np G a rd e n F re s h F ro z e n 100 EXTRA¿¿eh n STAM PS mm Cheer F ren ch F rie s . . . . 2 vs- 3 9 W it h ATVSTARBROOM th e P u rch a se o f ÍES Frozen o Beef e Chicken o Turkey B a n q u e t P o t P ie s • • Buy 4-Get 1 Free R e d e e m T h i s C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l Fo o d S to r e s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11 ImRî • 5 8 9 s All PurposeShortening Hawthorn Mellody TpyiEKgp FREE W IT H _______________ T H IS CO UPO N m NOCOUPONNEEDED! Crisco . . . 1-Lb. Can 3 5 Sherbet • • 1/2 G al. 49 50 EXTRA-aa STAMPS 1F W it h JOHNSON'S PLEDGE th e P u rch a se of a 7-Ox. S iz e HEALTH AND, BBAUT'Y AIDS 'SALE C lo t h e s G e t W h i t e r , Q u ic k e r w it h W onderful F a b ric S o ftn er and W h iten er' c R e d e e m T h is C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l F o o d m 83 S to r e s . C o u p o n E x p ir e s S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 11 if-o r GIANT DUZ . . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DOWNY SOFTENER . . ”$* 8 9 ■m i : L a rg e T u b e — Sham p oo HEADandSHOULDERS . . Reg. $1.00 77 S o o p w it h t h e B le o c h in i t ! A | C u ts G re a se F a s t J R A A c N A T IO N A L C O U P O N Si LARGE OXYDOL 3 4 COMET CLEANSER 2 ^ 3 3 FREE W IT H T H IS CO UPO N tilt m BANROLL-ON........ •FTTTf! .V D e o d o ra n t — lV a-O x. B o ttle Reg. 98c 73* P lu s Tax N ew B lu e d R d R _ L i q u i d A l l P u r p o s e C le a n e r 28-Of. c 25 EXTRAg sr‘eeh n STAM PS Wm REGULAR CHEER 3 3 MR. CLEAN.............. 6 9 W it h t h e P u r c h a s e o f ftfe BAYERASPIRIN. . it i F a s t R e ,i* f W it h — B o t tle o f 100 59 BONAM I 15-Ox. S iz e J E T S P R A Y ■ ■ ■ ■ Reg. 79c W o n d e rfu l D e te rg e n t m ■■ F lo o r a n d W a l l C l e o n e r Size R e d e e m T h i s C o u p o n a t N a tio n a l Fo o d »pï