Inside Weather IW S M IC H IG A N Partly cl oudy, sunny and MacAr t hur , p. 3; A U S G elec­ mild. Hi gh in middle 50’ s. tions, p. 6; Church N e w s , p. 4; B a s e b al l , p. 9. STATE Tomorrow' s outlook fair and warmer. U N IV E R S IT Y F r i d a y , Apri l 10, 1964 E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Pr i ce 10« V o i . 55, Number 121 Rom ney P ro p o ses R ed istrictin g P lan S eek s B ip a rtis a n A s s is ta n c e A u t h o r it y L eg isla tiv e A ctio n Hopes To Avoid A id e d 317 At M SU At-Large Election MSU has received by far the have received average loans of loaned to 1,084 Michigan stu­ dents. From Our Wire Services largest number of student loans $721.13. State superintendent of public We fully expect that by the Gov. George Romney offered a congressional reapportionment from the Michigan Higher Edu­ cation Assistance Authority of instruction Lynn M. Bartlett, in end of the present fiscal year, plan Thursday that would leave a difference of only 3,575 persons any college or university in the presenting th e second annual July 1, 1964, the authority will between the sm allest and largest of the state's 19 districts. report of the authority to Gov. have approved more than $1 mil­ Romney urged legislators and other state officials he met with state. George' Romney said that as of lion in loans to Michigan stu­ to consider the plan and see if it could form the basis for bipartisan Three hundred seventeen stu­ dents— 192 men and 125 women— Thursday, $730,416 h ad b e e n dents,” Bartlett said. action needed to immediately redistrict the state in line with a The report shows that as of — ............ .....-■■■ 11 March 27 order from three U.S. the end of 1963, a total of 861 judges. students received loans from the I I I I |W I The federal panel ruled the W allace Refutes authority. Western Michigan University was second to MSU with 114 I. _ _ f ¿ 1 1 0 |^J 1963 congressional reapportion­ ment plan, which left a population gap of 188,084 between the sm all- loans. Central Michigan Uni­ Election C h a rg e s versity had 102. The University n n Q T| Q est and largest d istricts, was un- of Michigan ranked fourth in these l o a n s wi t h 93 applications Je rry Wallace, Cedar Springs junior and candidate for the All- University Student Government He referred to the fact that he was to appear before the Elections Review Board Thurs­ approved. Average loan per student was $699. To Begin presidency, said Thursday, "W e day night to answer charges of At the end of 1963, the report Action begins today for the don’t intend to be railroaded out slander and libel in connection showed, there were 86 partici­ fourth annual Great Lakes Reg­ of this election." with his attack on Elections Com­ pating banks. There are now 102. ional UN Conference as students "T he present AUSG clique is m i s s i o n e r Gary Falkenstein, Under the program each edu­ from the University and visiting using these trumped-up charges Sturgis sophomore. cational institution is allowed schools convene to discuss world in an attempt to destroy me as Wallace had called upon F a l­ to issue loans totaling 19 times issues. a candidate," lie added. kenstein to resign his post be­ the amount deposited in a parti­ The initial session ol the Gen­ cause of "h is interest in the cipating bank in the name of the eral Assembly will begin at 7 campaign of Bob H arris.” educational institution. p.m. in the Erickson Hall Kiva. David A. Booth, assistant pro­ MacArthur D a v id Ha r ri s, candidate Michigan State had $30,000 de­ posited in its name, allowing it to issue $300,000 in loans. fessor of political science, will speak on youth’s role in the for senior class president, Publications T hu r sda y night was di squal ­ Michigan State students had been i s s u e d l o a n s totaling H A N D S O F T H E U N I T E D N A T I O N S - Regional college Un it ed N a t i o ns delegates gather UN and the world, alter which the Assembly’s rules of proce­ ified from next w e e k’ s el ec­ dure will be adopted. Draw Protest tions by the E le c t i o n s R e ­ vi ew Board. H e was found $228,598.25 by the end of 1963. John Porter, authority direc- here today to di scuss world problems of current interest. Meeting in mock generol assembl y, the 250 delegates will also di scuss the role of youth in the U N . Phot o by Patti Prout Booth has long associated him­ self with UN affairs and their WASHINGTON if — British and (continued on page 5) guilty of illegal campaign interaction wi t h the broader American o f f i c i a l s reacted tacti cs. world scene. sharply Thursday to the publi­ T h e board decided to Informal bloc meetings will be GOVERNOR ROMNEY cation, after his death,' of 10-- year-old.interviews quoting Gen. allfflw A U S G presidential candidate J e r r y Wallace to Rail Strike Planned Today held following the opening ses­ sion so that delegates may get constitutional. By a 2-1 majority Douglas MacArthur as blasting acquainted and discuss diplo­ the judges said the districts had run in the elect i ons. to be redrawn at once or the 1964 those he held responsible for matic strategy. thwarting his efforts to win the congressional elections woul d Henning R. Krcke, Cologne, Korean War. " I am being attacked, not for have to be held on an at-large ba­ "Complete n o n s e n s e ” and "pure fantasy” were some of my beliefs or my program, but for revealing facts about the N a t io n F a c e s R a il T ie - U p Germany, senior will preside as the Assembly’ s president. Saturday’s banquet, planned for sis. Romney said at his meeting Thursday, "O f vital urgency here the descriptions applied to one present administration,” Wal­ 6 p.m. in the Union. Ballroom, WASHINGTON' F :— Secretary apparently w i l l have only two gone twice to the Supreme Court, cause " a major disruption in is time. It is our opinion that to interview in which MacArthur lace said. will be the scene of a keynote of Labor W. Willard Wirtz held courses left. twice before presidential boards the nation’s encouraging econ­ adhere to the existing election was depicted as .accusing the "Why am I the only candidate address by former State Depart­ rail and union negotiators in He can undertake directly to and once to Congress. omic advance.” He held them schedule a plan must be in effect British of relaying to the Chi­ being attacked by this group?” ment official Louis Bohmrich. emergency s e s s i o n Thursday, bring an agreement and if that The nationwide strike threat in session until early morning no later than April 24.” nese Reds secret information Wallace asked. Bohmrich’s experience i n ­ while President Johnson stood fails he can ask Congress to erupted swiftly again Wednes­ Thursday, then resumed sessions Such a plan would necessarily about his war plans. David H arris, Benton Harbor enact legislation to cut short day after a surprise walkout at midmorning. cludes s e r v i c e on the U.S. junior and candidate for senior ready for a final effort to block have to have bipartisan support, A high State Department of­ or prevent the tie-up. idled 6,500 employes of the Illi­ The dispute centers on the ra il­ mission to the United Nations, class president, w as also to a nationwide rail strike. Romney qaid, because it would ficial said Secretary of State Meqnwhile, the railroads an­ nois Central Railroad. roads' proposed changes in wage assignments overseas and work The walkout was scheduled for require a two-thirds vote of the Dean Rusk, who was in charge appear before the Elections Re­ nounced t h e y would accept no Wirtz called the top men on both structure, jo b classifications, on the World War II Lend Lease view Board* to answer charges 12:01 this morning. legislature to give a bill "im ­ of Far Eastern Affairs during more freight for shipment after sides to his office Wednesday, length of train runs and other Program. He will be introduced of giving false information about All legal procedures to delay mediate effect” status. B i l l s the Korean War, agreed with midnight and that most lines warning that a walkout could working conditions. by Homer D. Higbee, assistant himself in his campaign. He was the strike have been exhausted passed without immediate effect British leaders that the charge, would s c h e d u l e no passenger dean of international programs to be given a closed hearing at and if Wirtz’s efforts produce do not become law until 90 days of British treachery was "utter trains unable to arrive at their and the Campus UN’ s adviser. his own request. no agreement th e President after the legislature adjourns. nonsense.” final destination before the strike * * * Romney said, "Thus we feel deadline. that an indication of bipartisan Wifetz shuttled between rail and support or lack of support must Fall River Journal Failed union negotiators four f l o o r s apart in the Labor Department, and scheduled joint sessions for R R H e a d S a y s W o rk Rules be in evidence no later than Arpil 14 to permit legislative action to be completed by Arpil 2 J. If bi­ P r ie s t ’s B o y h o o d P a p e r later in the day, but it seemed partisan support is not forthcom­ By J A N I E K N A U E R likely Thursday that ail involved would wind up at the White House in a private session with the N e e d e d Fo r O p e r a tio n ing for this or some other plan by April 14, then those of us who are genuinely committed to fair President by midnight. America’s railroads must put contention that placing the work "T h ere is no question about and effective representation and State N e w s Staff Writer Five operating unions, repre­ the new work rules into effect rules into effect would constitute our legal right to institute new equally committed to avoiding Once there was only one news senting 200,000 w o r k e r s , and if they are to continue to operate a management l o c k o u t of em­ work rules and it is definitely the problems of an at-large elec- paper in Fall River, M ass., but nearly 200 railroads are in­ privately. ployees. (continued on page 3) (continued on page 7) for one day there were two. volved in the dispute, which has That is what Harry Sanders, Father Owen Finnegan, S .J., vice president and general mana­ who is now taking courses here, and " number of his neighbor­ ger of the Grand Trunk Western, Sabin Sunday World News hood friends, decided when they Member Quits told the State News Thursday in a telephone interview. The were about 11 years old, that the one paper in Fall River was Grand Trunk (GTW) is owned A Tasteless, at a Glance not presenting an unbiased pre­ sentation of the day’ s news. Local Human by the Canadian National and runs through c a m p u s f r o m They began plans for a second publication — the F a l l R i v e r Relations Post Toronto and Port Huron toChica- g° " I would hate to seetheeco o- Healthy Dish British E le c t i o n s De l a ye d ’ T i l F a l l LONDON F — Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home Thursday Journal—which was to be printed my of Michigan disrupted by a night deferred a British general (national) election until fall, giving on a hectograph plate. A member of the East Lans­ strike which is n e e d l e s s , ’ Students have an opportunity himself time to maneuver and try to recoup the sagging prospects “ We decided to print 50copies ing Human Relations Commission Sanders said "The problem is to receive the Sabin Oral Polio of his ruling Conservative party. of our five-page paper,” Father resigned Thursday because he that the unions will not listen to Vaccine Sunday at Ol in Memorial Finnegan said, “ and three pages says the commission has "spread reason.” Health Center. Khr ushchev A t ta cks Red China we printed on the hectographs.” falsehood on public records.” He estimated that the GTW The vaccine, to be given at no BUDAPEST, Hungary T—Prem ier Khrushc hev declared Thursday The hectograph is a slab of will lose about $165,000 each charge, will be made available Red China has ‘ 'maliciously split the Communist movement” but gelatin imprinted with the ma­ Dr. H.C. Tien said the com­ day the strike goes on. The line between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The terial to be copied which is mission violated the East Lans­ vaccine, which is nearly taste­ predicted its efforts will end "in shameful failure.” was struck for 10 days in I960 treated with glycerin. less is swallowed on a cube of In a biting attack on Peking, he said the Chinese answered ing city ordinance (sec. 1-8-4) over local grievances. Soviet conciliation efforts by Stepping up maneuvering to seize "The gelatin ran out by the time when it went on record as saying "1 don’t think the railways can sugar. . In addition to being an effec­ the leadership of international Communism. we got to the th rd page, so we there is no conclusive evidence . operate as a private enterprise typed the fourth page and wrote of racial discrimination in East if we must continue services tive vaccine on its own, the Sabin Ma cAr thur ’ s Body Reaches Norfolk the fifth,” he said. Lansing. and employ men that we don’t vaccine is useful to people who “ We even had a picture of need,” he added. have had the Salk vaccine as an NORFOLK, Va. F— The body of General of the Army Douglas Chiang - Kai -Shek on the front "Such an unrealistic position He indicated the main issue added protective measure. MacArthur, nearing the end of a historic funeral trek, reached page,” he said. taken by this commission is. a was over whether firemen would The vaccine is being given as Thursday this old naval town, native city of his mother. Demand for the paper, which flagrant disregard of facts_ and continue to be used on diesel part of a county-wide attack on After 40 .hours of repose in Norfolk's MacArthur memorial, sold for five cents, was great, a blatant denial of reality,” he locomotives. polio. S t u d e n t s d e s i r i n g t h e crammed with mementoes of the 84-year-old w arrior’s career, according to Father Finnegan. said. " I f these new work rules went vaccine should pick up a regis­ he will be b u r i e d Saturday in a crypt in the rotunda of the He said it may have been be­ into effect tomorrow and we laid tration form at their dormitories memorial. cause their paper carried a lot The ordinance says the com­ off all firemen with under two or in any of several stores in the A n t i - L e f t i s t D r iv e Launched J O U R N A L I S T - P R I E S T -- F a t h e r O w e n F in n e g a n , S . J . , of local gossip, such as who was mission is to disseminate authen­ years seniority, we would be able area which are handling them. not getting along with whom. tic and factual data relating to in­ to employ all of them in other For those unable to pick up BRASILIA (Fit—Brazilian armed forces launched a drive Thurs­ whose interest in journalism and communications dates the forms early, they will be day apparently aimed at sweeping extreme leftists trom positions "W e had sold ali of the 50 terracial and other group re­ positions.” back to his pre-teen ye a r s, is a doctoral candidate in com­ of influence they enjoyed under Joao Gouiart s administration. lationships. He disagreed with the union available at Olin Sunday. munications, Phot o by Bob Barit (continued on page 5) %. 2 M ic h ig a n S t a te News, E a s t L a n s in g , M i c h i g a n F r i d a y , A p r il 10 , 1 96 4 P o litic s And P oker Pick A Man, Any Man It is p e r h a p s too e a r l y at this g o v e r n m e n t and the stud en t b o d y ” On A bsen t time to begin m aking judgm ents which can be alleviated by b e tte r on candidates the r e l a t i v e w o r t h o f th e fiv e a n n o u n c e d to d a t e f o r sharing of ideas. L eg isla to rs the AUSG presidency. But from The five also a g r e e on the i m ­ ■By Jack Shea observance of the c a m p a i g n and portance of c o o p e r a t i n g with the from interview s with the c a n d i ­ adm inistration, on the n e e d to All that glitters isn’t gold...State Journal photos notwithstanding. d a t e s at l e a s t one point is b e c o m ­ work with o th e r c a m p u s g ro u p s , Pictured in Sunday’s paper was a session of the house ways and means committee. With only two Republicans present, the commit­ ing painfully c l e a r . on the threat a growing cam pus tee was taking testimony from the director of the Department of So­ p o s e s to s t u d e n t g o v e r n m e n t . cial Welfare. That is, that all of the c a n d i ­ Now what’s going on here? Are Chairman Arnell Engstrom, R - T raverse City, and Rep. Harold Hungerford.R-Lansing, the only two dates sou n d r e m a r k a b l y sim ilar This would seem to i n d i c a t e members interested in getting on with approval of the Governor’s in their argum ents and in t h e i r that t h e r e i s no o u t s t a n d i n g c a n ­ budget? Where are the rest of the committee members? Shouldn’t we expect as much devotion to duty from them as from their col­ manner of presenting t h o s e didate from the standpoint of leagues? opinions b o th in private and in p latfo rm o r concep tion of student The answer is the legislators were in Detroit as official guests of the mayor to study the problems facing Michigan's only metrop­ public. governm ent’s purpose. Nor does olis. any one of the c a n d i d a t e s stand Complex and somewhat uncoordinated, the various services being For instance. Candidate X has out on the basis of p ersonality offered by the state, county and city were in need of closer exami­ nation by the state’s lawmakers. So Mayor Cavanaugh and other said AUSG m u s t ‘‘ g ain b a c k the or experience. Even th e re they civic and business leaders conceived of the plan to invite the legis­ respect that w e ’ve lost in t h e appear quite s im ila r ly qualified. lature to Detroit to get a closer look at why Detroit needs to retain her income tax, and why more state money is needed to combat past two years.” Candidate V So, the q u e s t io n at this point is juveni-le delinquency and other social and economic ills. asked. ‘‘What is student g o v e r n ­ not so m u c h “ Who is the b e t t e r For too long Detroit has had the problem of explaining her needs to outstate representatives who have never lived in a metropolitan ment going to m e a n i f it d o e s n ' t candidate?” as it is ‘ ‘ Who h a s environment and are not acquainted with its problems. do s o m e t h i n g to g a i n t h e r e s p e c t the better cam paign m anager?” The great majority of the legislators reported favorably on thei'- visit. There were cocktail parties, to be sure, but there were also of the s t u d e n t ? ” tours and skull sessions with city leaders. But Arnell Engstrom of T raverse City didn’t go. Instead he called If skill in r e h a s h i n g th e s a m e a committee meeting (which, as chairman, he has the power to do) Candidate A has another idea: statem en ts everyone e lse is m a k ­ to take testimony from an important state official. ‘ ‘I b e l ie v e the stud en ts know v e r y He knew of the invitation to Detroit and he knew most of his com­ ing is all a c a n d i d a t e n e e d s to mittee members would be absent. Devotion to duty in this case can l i t t l e o f w hat i s g o i n g on in A U S G win votes and even confidence, be characterized as that kind of “ gold” that doesn’t glitter. and in the o t h e r governing The whole Detroit project was designed for just such lawmakers b o d i e s . ” H e w o u ld i m p r o v e c o m ­ then student g o v e r n m e n t m u s t be as Arnell Engstrom of Traverse City. As chairman of the commit­ in sad s h a p e and the c a n d i d a t e s tee that approves finance bills, he should have considered it a spe­ m u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e n A USG and the cial obligation to give his attention to the carefully-planned Detroit student body. m ust r e fle c t its condition. presentation. If none of the five c a n d id a te s This kind of leadership on the part of a legislative veteran is not a good example for his "freshm an’’ colleagues. In addition, it pre­ S o w o u ld C a n d i d a t e B , w h o s a i d . . comes up w ith m ore original sents the legislature in its most unfortunate aspect-as a group of ‘ ‘ I ' m p r i m a r i l y i n t e r e s t e d in s e e ­ ideas b e t w e e n now and the e l e c ­ men not as interested in determining the needs of the state as they are in promoting their individual political stock. ing student govern m en t’s im age tions next week, then we can Voters must be careful this fall to determine to just what extent m a d e b e t t e r as soon as p o s s i b l e . ” p r o b a b l y lo o k f o r w a r d to a n o t h e r the "experienced” legislator has been an asset in finding new an­ swers to new problems. Too often in politics "experience” means Candidate C ech oes him , s t r e s s ­ year of m arking tim e in s t u d e n t ing the ‘ ‘c o n f li c t b e t w e e n student government. K o rea n V is ito r T e lls knowing all the cubby-holes in which to hide bills and all of the par­ liamentary tactics that can frustrate the will of a majority of th e people. They must start asking questions. If many legislators are ir. De­ O f S tu d en t P ro b le m s troit on official business, they should ask why one of their important leaders isn’t with them. And they should listen to the answers... Too Much, Too Soon? carefully. tional student leadership. It en­ on promoting s t u d e n t welfare E d i t o r ’ s N o t e : Suk Whan abled the student leaders, pursu­ rather than committing itself to C H A N G was a Kor ean Stu­ ing different aspects of student socio-political issues. One of the d ifficulties of stu ­ p ro v id in g l e s s than two d a y s fo r dent representative at the " W i n d s of C h a n g e " con­ movements, to come up with a new approach to student activ­ The Korean Student National Union will be established March Letter Policy ference F e b . 28 • March 1 ities. 17 with delegates from all uni­ dent g o v e r n m e n t e l e c ti o n s is the the c a n d id a te s who s u r v iv e t h e at M . S . U . Seminars and other cultural versities and colleges in Korea. fact that it’s all a r u s h j o b and p r i m a r y to c a m p a i g n in th e l i g h t events, being nothing but a means Korea looks forward to a prom­ L etters should not be longer than 300 words, and should be B y Suk Whan C H A N G for attaining the end—unity of the ising future with the coming into typed double spaced if possible. Names and address should also is o v er a lm o st b efo re anyone gets of their first victory. students’ world through forma­ being of the national union, which be included. No unsigned letters will be printed, but names may used to the idea of a cam paig n. The period between the Korean will no doubt play an important be withheld if we feel there is reason. Little wonder many s t u d e n t s liberation and the uprising of the tion of a National Union of Stu­ dents—the leaders have so far role in the safeguarding of stu­ The State News reserves the right to edit letters to fit space d o n ’ t b o t h e r w i t h t h e e l e c t i o n s 1960 student revolution is char­ attempted to realize the national dent interests. requirements. C ampaigning was illegal b efo re acterized as the era in which no students' desire to this effect. a n d ‘ ‘co u ld n ’t c a r e l e s s ” how they autonomous and free student ac­ Failure after failure, success the beginning of spring term , c o m e out. tivities were allowed in Korea. after success, it has been indeed April 2. The candidate lists are Logically there existed a union D u rin g R ig h ts D e b a t e Perhaps when e l e c t i o n s t u r n of students in this period, the ups and downs of hopes and fears still not com plete and w o n ’t be as to the final result to be made u p a d i s a p p o i n t i n g s l a t e o f o f f i ­ National Defense Corps. The sys­ out of their unbending efforts to until this afternoon. The prim ary election comes cers next week, as tems and the forms of the organ­ t h e y a r e ization, h o w e v e r , were much establish democratic student un­ l i k e l y t o d o , t h e h a s t y n a t u r e o f against the democratic will of ion in Korea. A considerable amount of time S e n a te Scene Irks Visitors Washington tourists flock to th ere?" A young man of about would call their attention to any­ the students whose membership and effort was put into this cause. only fo u r days from now. T h e the c a m p a i g n will h a v e b e e n one Washington to see and to hear the 15 asked impatiently. "Don’t tell thing important. If anything im­ in the corps was-compulsory and Five years have gone by since actual election will b e A p ril 16, cause. Senate debate civil rights. me that’s what goes on all the portant was going on, the bells automatic. the abolition of the National De­ They look...they listen. And tim e.” would summon the Senators to the The m inister of Education, in fense Corps, which was a non- they leave...puzzled and let down. The newsman had to acknow­ chamber. position of the supreme head of democratic, subordinate student “ I brought my children hereto ledge that it was pretty normal None of th e visitors seemed th e National Defense C o r p s , organization systematically and see Democracy in action. They've at tim es. Attendance in the Senate satisfied with the explanations. eventually led the organization functionally dependent upon gov­ been hearing about it in civics is fragmentary, infrequent and They said they'd seen better at­ An Encouraging Sign in a direction the students, in ernment. To gain the desired end class. Better I should have left fragile...Senators are in and out. tendance at city council sessions most cases, couldn’t agree. cost a sizable sacrifice on the them home in bed.” The newsman explained that on repairing a basketball court. The student revolution was de­ part of the students whose en­ Says a woman from Gastonia, there was really no need for the The teen-aged boy finished with signed to topple the dictatorial deavors continued in vain. North Carolina: Senators to be on the floor...they this remark. “ They only allowed' The Senate A p p r o p r i a t i o n regime of Syngman Rhee, and It is t r u e t h a t the b u d g e t "D oesn’t anyone pay attention would read what was said later us 15 minutes in the gallery. Five marked the end of the National Com m ittee h a s recommended to what’s being said down there? when it was printed in the record. minutes would have been more recom m endation p a s s e d t h r o u g h Defense Corps. T h e students 1 E m b r y o ’ of Union I thought I hear 1 a pretty good Their administrative assistants than enough." adoption of Governor Rom ney’s strongly felt at that moment that But, at last, the embryo of a t h e c o m m i t t e e to th e f l o o r u n d e r speech. But why did the Senator a democratic, autonomous and national student union began to $131 million higher education a p re ssin g midnight deadline. bother? Nobody was listening." free National Union of Students grow when chairmen and leaders Says a third lady tourist: budget. This is an e n c o u r a g i n g B u t w e v i e w t h e c o m m i t t e e ’ s must be formed in order to serve of th e 14 universities' student the legitimate interest of the councils and other participating “ It’s a shame and a disgrace. indication that the legislators action optim istically as m o r e whole student population. I came down to tell my Senator ACROSS student organizations promul­ 1. Pewter coin 24. Cover r e c o g n i z e the u r g e n t n e e d to m e e t than a exped ient m ove. But to our regret, the student gated the birth of a union on Dec. how 1 feel about the bill. Maybe 1 should tell him first he ought 4. Kind of 25. Brought: the classroom crisis with c a s h world divided into hundreds of 27 and 28, 1963. to go to work." light abbr. splinter organizations. T h e s e Shortly thereafter, a series of now. Man, child and woman, th e 7. Account 26. Crate organizations, however, didn’t preparatory meetings took place entry Because t h e c o m m i t t e e m e m ­ actually differ in their ideologies. tourists complained about the 27. One in the capital and provincial c it­ 11. Restorative indefinitely. empty seats in the Senate cham­ When the com m ittee v o t e d to b e r s - - a g r o u p o f i n f l u e n t i a l Instead of unity, an ugly flower ies to discuss the constitution and 14. By oneself 29. Scow: Fr. of s c h i S m and individualism programs of the activities of the ber. The seats in the galleries 31. Black mica 15. Footless give the s t a t e ’ s 10 c o l l e g e s and veterans--recognize the n e e d s bloomed among the students. were usually well-filled. But on national union of students. It was 16. Jap. purple 33. Negative universities every dollar Romney of the . s t a t e educational p ro ­ But one thing that is remark­ the floor, the empty seats out­ seaweed vote at the Feb. 5 meeting in Seoul numbered those occupied by 3 ;; able about student movements in that they decided to hold the na­ 17. Cadmus' 34. Food fish r e q u e s t e d , it r o s e a b o ve the t r a ­ gram s. p e r h a p s t h e r e i s r e a s o n this period was the participation ators 20 and 25 to one. Some­ daughter 35. Plenty: DOWN 6. Common tional student congress on Feb. times more. 1. E c s ta s y swifts ditional legislative g a m e of t o e x p e c t a b u d g e t f r o m L a n s i n g in the ninth and tenth Internation­ 21. More than 50 delegates from 18. Artificial poet. The visitors cotlldn’t believe language 36. Concord 2. Take on 7. Jap. al Student Conference through university centers throughout the c u t t i n g any b u d g e t h a n d e d it, on f o r the c o m i n g f i s c a l y e a r that what they saw. A Senator would be 38. Meaning another admiral which th e student community nation participated in the con­ 19. Deletes the a s s u m p ti o n that the r e q u e s t on his feet making what sounded 21. Observed 39. Uneasiness cargo 8. Made neat will m a t c h t h e G o v e r n o r ’ s r e ­ made vital progress in all stu­ gress. like an important address on civil 41. Deadly 3. Squirrel 9. Sidestep is padded. dent activities, foreign and do­ 22. Man's q u e s t and the s c h o o l s ’ n e e d s . The congress was concerned pale food 1 0 . Cassaba mestic. rights. His voice would rise with nickname with orientating student leaders. 42. Payable 4. Simian 1 2 . Monoceros Major highlights of such de­ A number of s u b j e c t s were emotion as he emphasizes some 23. Sturdy wood 43. Deserter 5. About 13. Army mail­ velopment rested on various stu­ covered giving them a general point....he’d wag his finger up­ ing address dent trials that were made possi­ picture of the international stu­ ward to warn of something. He’d M IC H IG A N STATE U N IV E R S IT Y STATE NEWS ble by introduction of h i g h l y mechanized techniques and meth­ *nd travel. dent movement, press, welfare flail -his arms and go through all the motions of delivering a great 1 // Z 3 % H 4 5 6 77? 7 Y /7 13 8 9 10 1 7 . Sort 20. Take nourishment ods of student movements. Among oration. 21. XVI Member Associated P re ss, United P ress summer term; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ these, was the National Student Seminar, jointly organized by the But his voice would echo with the emptiness of the chamber. 14 % ¡5 2 4 . Old card game International, InlandDaily P ress Association, Associated Collegiate P ress Association, tember. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Coordinating Secretariat of the T h Student M o bi li za t io n e congress strongly sug­ In front of him a stenographer took down each word. And on the /6 % 17 m 13 25 Masculine 2 6 . Offer Michigan P ress Association. Michigan. National Unions of Students, and various student faculty organiza­ gested that the Korean Students' floor were two other Senators, 19 20 % Z! 27. Daughter Published by the students of Michigan Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, tions. Despite some dissention over Union would mobilize every ef­ fort available to organize an in­ paying him little or no attention.* "Did we come at the wrong 22 % Zi % 14 %% of Cyrus 2 8 . Most recent State University. Issued on class days Monday through Friday during the fall, winter and East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable in advance: term, $3; 2 term s, $4; "blind importation" of the so- ternational student seminar in Seoul with a view to acquainting tim e,” one tourist asked. "T h e Senators must be eating %% 25 % 2b % Z7 28 2 9 . The Salientia spring quarters, twice weekly during the 3 term s, $5; full“year, $6. called western devices of student activities, the students and their themselves with the various roles of students in divided countries. lunch," another suggested. It was 19 30 % 3/ 32 30. Repairs chairs Editor. . . . . . %................... Bruce Fabricant Sports Editor.................................Je rry Caplan organizations began to give a nod to the importance of applying Listed on the invitations are the almost four in the afternoon. No, the newsman had to explain, the 33 % 34 % 35 3 1 . Studied hard: colloq. Advertising Manager..................... Fred Levine Campus Editor ; ..............Gerry Hinkley Ass’t Campus Editor........................Liz Hyman Wire Editor.............................. John Van Gieson Night Editor.......................... Leslie Goldstone Asst. Adv. Mgrs.................. Frank Senger J r ., method to the Korean student ac­ tivities. National Unions of Students of Germany, Viet Nam and Korea. The participants also dis­ Senate took no time outforfunch. "M ust be a sudden c r i s i s . . . Cuba? or B razil, maybe?" 36 39 37 % 40 36 3 2 . Internal 3 4 . Mountain pass cussed various internal and ex­ Editorial Staff. . .Barb Bradley, Dave Stewart .........................................................Mike Kindman .........................................................Arthur Langer Circulation Manager...................Bill Marshall News Adviser................................Dave Jaehnig The F i r s t Seminar first National Student Sem­ ternal m atters that affect the life of students. They concluded that No, the newsman said, nothing of an emergency nature was go­ ing on to keep the lawmakers 41 % 42 % 43 3 7 . Pen 3 8 . Compass point inar, held in February 1963, suc­ the Student Union, in the early away. 40. Son of Ra ceeded in coi*tVerging a full na­ days in its life, will lay emphasis "Then what’s going on down M i c h i g a n S t a t e News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic hi g a n Friday April 10, 1964, 3 ■p MacArthur Interview Stirs Ire Strike Would Cripple S p ie s B la m e d F o r L e a k s Michigan Industries A railroad strike would cripple would be available to ship prod­ WASHINGTON IP— Publication have'died in Russia last year of a bassy in Washington. Assertions co m ra d e s-in -a rm s, Maj. Gen. ucts. of two interviews Gen. Douglas heart attack. were made in parliament that Charles A. Willoughby, pointed Michigan industry. Burgess and MacLean fled to to the MacLean-Burgess affair T h e automakers woul d be The mining industry in the Up­ MacArthur gave 10 years ago— And only last year, a third man, one quoting him as accusing the a former British Foreign Office Russia because Philby tipped in his comment on the Lucas h a r d e s t hit, with upwards of per Peninsula could continue to British of betrayal in Korea— employee, took sanctuary in Rus­ them that their part in spying for s t o r y . Scripps-Howard quoted 250,000 Michigan workers laid operate for some time, stockpil­ evoked hot responses on both sia. He was Harold Philby, once Russia was about to be exposed. Wi l l o u gh by ^ who w a s Mac off. ing its ore. However, miners A second of MacArthur’ s old Arthur’s chief of intelligence, The breakfast food industry in have been stockpiling all winter. sides of the Atlantic today and first secretary of the British erri- Battle Creek would have to lay spotlighted anew an old Soviet But the U.P. ports such as Mar­ off about 8,000 workers in a mat­ spy scandal. ter of-days. quette and Escanaba would be hurt Earl Attlee, who has Britain’s The furniture industry in Grand because ore is shipped there by prime minister at the time of the rail and then transferred to Lake Rapids would have to send home Korean war, denounced as "com­ workers because no freight cars carriers. plete nonsense and perfectly r i­ diculous" the accusations of British treachery attributed to MacArthur by James G. Lucas H I G H S C H O O L B U S I N E S S L A W N I G H T - S e x t o n Hi gh School of Scripps-Howard newspapers. Maj. Gen. Courtney Whitney, MacArthur's close friend and Econom ist Sees seniors R ic h e l l e B on dy , center, and P h y l l i s Parry discuss the e v eni ng’ s program with speaker Robert A . Boy I ment speci al i st. nonage- associate, called the statements about the British “ pure fantasy." Whitney also hurled the charge D r o p In Jo b le s s "fictional nonsense” at the re­ port written by Lucas of his in­ terview with MacArthur in Jan­ ANN ARBOR (UP1)— A member downward toward 4 per cent in Railroad Head of President Johnson’s Council 1965. (continued from page i) "The Canadian settlement ha; uary, 1954. This was not a denial of Economic Advisers predicts He said 1964 promises to be: that there had been an interview. not a lockout." he said not been effective because alter that the recent tax-cut will drop —A fourth year of steady eco­ five years, only 4 per cent . f the Whitney was present at it. He said all railway negotia­ unemployment in the U.S. below nomic expansion, marking the trains operate without Bremen,' The other old interview with tions are being handled at the the 5 per cent figures for the first time in peacetime history he added. "And in Canada, you MacArthur, but only now pub­ national level. There have been first time in morelhansixyears. that prosperity w i l l have pro­ must consider that' they have lished, was by Bob Considine of two occassions in the last year Gardner Ackley, professor and ceeded so long without interrup­ compulsory retirement at age Hearst Headline Service, who that a strike threatened, but it former chairman of the Univer­ tion. 60 while here, a man can work said he talked with MacArthur was settled before the deadline. sity of Michigan department of —A year in which the gross as long as he can pass the ir. the same month as Lucas but "Canada settled the firemen economics, said Wednesday night national product will rise by 5 physical examination." not on the same day. Stories on E A R L Y P L A N N E R S — Members of the 1964 Annual Career C a rn i v a l committee di scuss avail issue five years ago, but 1 hope prospects are good that the.un­ per cent exceeding the 3.8 per When asked whether his rail­ both interviews were first pub­ able floor space for this f a l l ’ s exhibit i on at Wednesday afternoon's planning meeting. that type of settlement doesn’t employment rate will continue cent increase of last year. road would operate with so-called lished yesterday. happen here," he said — A year in which more new The Canadian settlement was "scab" or non-union labor, he In their broad sweep of report­ jobs will be created than the num­ on an attrition basis. That is, said: ing MacArthur’s attitudes and feelings, the two interviews had great similarity. However, Lucas SEC Expands Kaplan Plans S tu den ts E lig ib le ber seeking jobs will increase. Ackley said the main tax-cut no new firemen were hired when others either quit or retired. "That is a bridge we'll face when we come to it." | S p a rta n W ives Study At NYU F o r S ta m p S h ow stimulus "Was not felt in the reported many' comments on per­ sonalities to which Whitney took vigorous exception. To Include P la n C lasses Robert Kaplan, instructor in A t C ivic C en ter first quarter-of 1964." Congress h e l d h e a r i n g s on MacArthur’s dismissal. F r o m Adult Aid Spartan W i v e s ' spring term activities will include marketing, h as been awarded a year’ s study at the Ford Foun­ dation’s Workshop in marketing A state-wide stamp exhibit wil be held at the 1 ansii g Civic Cadets Visit A ‘FREE’ CAMERA these and other sources it be­ came well known long ago that MacArthur wanted touseChinese The Student Education Corps, founded to aid socio-economi- classes in beginning sew- ing, sewing for children, at New York University. Kaplan, from Vancouver, Can­ Center April IS and 19 with in­ terested students and faculty e li­ Defense Base F o r U se o n Y o u r cally deprived children, is ex­ Seventy Air Froce ROTC ca­ Nationalist t r o o p s in Korea, £ tennis, flower arranging, ada, did his undergraduate work gible m enter the compel it ion, V A C A T IO N . . . panding its activities into adult dets are touring the Custer Air wanted to bomb what he called advanced bridge, and golf. at the University of British Co­ , The Central Michigan Pin la- education this term. and the A i r National the enemy "sanctuary /ones" in At their open house Mon- lumbia, and the received his ic.lic Society is host i«> the two Just book a trip w ith ua and w e’ll tupp ly you with SEC volunteers will teach at Guard a Kellogg Field in Battle Manchuria and the bridges over day in the Student Ser- master’s degree from Harvard day convent ion the new K o d a k Instam atic cam era fo r use all the the Main Street School in Lan­ Creek today. the Yalu river from Manchuria vice l o u n g e , magician University. Ehree categories ,m . ilered time yo u ’re gone— no strings attached. Y o u have sing Monday and W e d n e s d a y Che cadets will seee the Air to Korea. It was known he wanted Frank Russ performed. S'. in judging—no lAtnembers, mem­ o n ly the film to buy. A n d it's K o d a k ’s newest and nights. They will assist regular Defense Command’s control cen­ bers'» ol the local organ /.att- , to do these things and was re­ instructors in i m p r o v i n g the Anyone i n t e r e s t e d in m o r e information about I j .S. C o m p o sers and members o! tin • tate phil­ ter for defensive operat ions in the easiest cam era to operate. strained by Washington. reading and writing of adults. Detroit sector. Phis center is atelic 'Society It was known, too, long ago Two volunteers who will be £; classes may call Carolyn *: Brown at ED 2-3316. C on cert M o n d a y Stamp c o l l e c t i o n s will be part of an electronic radar, corn­ But— lim ited quantities; first com e, first served,. that MacArthur believed infor­ working with the adult education pu nic ât ions and computer sys- L e t us help you m ake your vacation m em ories per­ mation on his plans was reaching •>|>X»X«X*X»X,X*X,X*X,X ,X,X*X,,X,X ,X,X*X*C The Phi Mu Alpha Wind En­ judged on appearance, complete­ program are Peggy Hunt, Buffalo loin that controls and directs m anent. the enemy through British chan­ semble will present it annual ness, add lay out among other N.Y., sophomore, and Tim Dye, missiles i destroying approach- American composers c o n c e r t things nels. mg enemy 3 ire raft. The Burgess-MacLean affair South Dayton, N.Y., sophomore. SEC members voluntarily do­ Blind Students Monday at 8:15 p.m. in theMusic An awards breakfas Will F o r that trip coming up, com e in o r callt was the big spy scandal—the dis­ Auditorium. held Sunday morning n lie Ma closure thatCommunist spies had nate several hours each week to working with underprivileged Postpone Dance The program, consisting of building guest area, T ;kets infiltrated the British Foreign A m e r i c a n composers’ selec­ $2 and should he ol Ar t i c l e V I I , Section 3 shall children. They do e v e r y t h i n g Due to difficulties, the blind tions , will feature the premiere today.. Office. be ammended by substitution from o r g a n i z i n g recreational students’ dance which was to be performance of Paul Harder’s The exhibit will be IQoaWMHe Donald D. MacLean was chief programs to teaching elementary held in Shaw Hall today at 8p.m., as f ol lows; " E L E G Y FOR HORN" and sel­ uni ay from 9 a.m.-9 p m of the American section in the Spanish and mathematics. has been postponed to a future ections by the Wind Ensemble. Sunday from 2-6 p.m. \ British F o r e i g n Office. Guy Since the Corps was founded dale. The proposed amendment, to­ Francis Burgess had been in the last spring in response to a gether with the parts affected British embassy in Washington. The two of them disappeared from s u g g e s t i o n by David Gottlieb, associate professor of sociology Picture Time For HILLEL FOUNDATION by the amendment, shall be published in the MichiganState Britain in 1951 and later turned up in Russia. Burgess is reported to and anthropology, it has attracted nation-wide attention. Student Teachers 319 H lllc r e s t (a t G ra n d R iv e r ) University Student Newspaper TRAVEL CENTER INC 209 E . M IC H IG A N A V E . P H O N E 482-5591 Several universities have ex­ Students who will be student S a b b a t h S e r v i c e s a t th e H i l l e l H o u s e . pressed interest in founding a teaching fall term may make an F r i d a y , A p r i I 1 0 , 7 : 3 0 P .M . program modeled after SEC. New appointment to have their pic­ Debaters Win York T i m e s correspondant tures taken for the Wolverine James Reston recently devoted beginning Saturday. S a t u r d a y , A p r i I 1 1 , 1 0 :0 0 A .M . Make believe a column to it. Students may make appoint­ S U N D A Y , A P R IL 1 2 , 6 : 0 0 P .M . S U P P E R -F O R U M Three Contests The Corps has an office on the ments at the Union Board desk third floor of Student Services from 9-12 noon and 1 p.m.- ALVIN MAG ID of the Political Science Department you own a Renault MSU debaters participated in and two coordinators. 4 p.m. will discuss "R EFLEC TIO N S ON A YEAR IN NI­ the Bellarmine College National Pictures will be taken from GERIA". Novice Debate Tournament in Louisville, Ky. April 3 and 4. A C hi O P ic k s 9 a.m .-5 p.m. in room 42 of Spaghetti and meatball dinner. the Union M on.-Fri. until April Sharon Vondra, Greensburg, V O ffic C T S Social f ol lowi ng. E v e r y o n e i nvited. 24. Pa., freshman, andI \C Ken NNewton, * »w rn n . Only those who will be stu­ Trenton, N.J., freshman won de­ Alpha Chi Omega r e c e n t l y F o r rides call: E D 2- 1 91 6 dent teaching may have their bates from U.S. Naval Academy, elected new officers. They are: pictures taken at this time. North .Eastern Missouri College President, Cheryl Otto, Miami, and University of Tennessee. Fla., junior; first vice president, Donna Addy, Grosse Pointe jun­ GOODYEARTIRE They lost debates to.Texas Chris­ tian University, Boston College ior; second vice president Sue and Jacksonville College. Howard, Grand Rapids junior; Wayne State and-University of third vice president, Sue Jackson, Georgia advanced to the finals of Drayton Plains sophomore; trea­ the tournament over regional surer, Kathy Bush, D e a r b o r n television. sophomore. Miss Vondra and Newton won Recording secretary, Gretchen Albrecht, Pittsburgh, Pa., junior; the Wayne State National Novice Tournament in March. Harold W. Cook of the speech faculty accom­ corresponding secretary, Mary Herbert, East Lansing junior; Cut out this automatic pushbutton panied the debaters and was a social chairman, Karen Boyajian, critic-judge. Birmingham junior. panel and paste it on your dashboard. reg. 95 Blackwal I price 12 6. 70 - 15 7 . 50 - 14 Now let’s see you try to coax T ♦ tax hat well-fed feeling (whitewoll as shown $2. 00 extra) 40 miles a gallon from your car. COUPON Q< You to o ca n get ..Z ! 2 thatw ell-fed feel­ ing by stop p in g at NO TRADE- 00 OFF M C D O N A L D ’S IN regular price shown above Tasty fo o d , inex­ Some cars offer automatic transmission. Some cars offer great mileage. Renault offers pensively priced you both. Plus 5-wheel disc brakes, comfortable seating for 4 grown-ups and beautiful with the f a s t e s t styling. For a lot less than you think. If making believe won’t really satisfy, you, forget s e r v i c e in to w n about pasting our pushbutton panel on your dashboard. GOODYEAR NYLO N TUBELESS It won’t help. Honest. Come in for a free test ride and a re o u r special­ drive the real thing instead. Then" try making believe " A l l Weather 4 2 " ties. N o limit road hazard & qual i ty guarantee you’ll ever be happy with anything but a Renault. S-5JHU MeDonald's Lansing ..... 401 5 W. Sagniaw E ast Lansing on Grand R i v e - A v e . USKEY’S AUTO SAFETY CENTER SPO R TS CAR CEN TER II EDW ARDS 4700 S. Cedar 1 B l k . E a s t of Campus 124 So. L ar ch I V 4-7346 616 N . H o w a r d - Cor ne r E - Saginaw 489-7596 21 20 N . L a r c h 2 B l k s . West of U n io n! 4 M ic h ig a n S t a te News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M i c h i g a n F r i d a y , A p r il 10 , 196 4 i! Trinity Church Discuss Man Faith0nCampu*— ...... P a sto r C o m b in e s M in is try , % / Views Politics And Change F o u n d a tio n s At Seminar What are the contemporary in­ ternational responsibilities of the S e rv ic e s To C o m m u n ity The annual seminar on C hris­ Church? What is the interaction tian thought, sponsored by the of man and change? Howdoes this young adult cla ss of East Lans­ relate to local congregations and O f T h e Fa ith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B y G a rry Moes By L I N D A M I L L E R ing Trinity Church, will be held individual Christians? Many Negroes and people of in­ a week and counsels both re si­ Churches an d several s t u d y State N e w * Staff Writer Saturday at the church. A series of five weekly pro­ ternational background worship dents and students. groups. Thousands of "pious” Americans have missed the boat as far as Serving as pastor f o r East The topic for consideration this grams will begin Monday with the at Peoples Church, and some are 6. Community services— In Christian faith is concerned. They seem to be caught up in a con­ Lansing Peoples Church, with an year is "T h e Christian and his theme "M an Amidst Change.” members. About 40 per cent of 3. Administration— He is re­ addition to his work on the human fused defense of a religious system known to them as Christianity. interdenominational adult mem­ Political Action.” Participants L a n s i n g A r e a C o u n c i l of the membership is related to the sponsible f o r 18 chruch em­ relations commission, the Rev. To them Christianity is a philosophy, one among many, belief in good bership of 2400, is not the only will be Roland Ebel, professor of Churches is sponsoring the meet­ University. ployees, several committees and Dr. Robertson h a s a morning God, a social order almost equated with western civilization which contribution the Rev. Dr. Wallace political s c i e n c e at Western ings at the Peoples Church. The Rev. Dr. Robertson said church groups. television show (WJIM) entitled should bring about justice and human equality, universal brotherhood Robertson m a k e s to the East M i c h i g a n University; L ester that 600 to 800 students attend "Thought for the Day.” He is a The Rev. Dr. Harold Bosley, and individual freedom, higher moral standards and freedom of con­ DeKoster, director of libraries Lansing community. Peoples Church services. He panelist on Copper Kettle TV science. Evidence of this type of thinking has been printed right here 4. Education—He t e a c h e s at Calvin Col ege, Grand Rapids; author, lecturer and minister of Appointed by th e mayor t o finds it a "wonderful privilege three adult membership classes show every Tuesday, a member in this column, in the form of exhortations against gossip, discrim ­ serve a three-year term on the H. Evan Runner, professor of Christ Methodist Church in New to h a v e both students and resi­ each year, communicant classes of the East Lansing KiwanisClub ination and other eternal and timely evils. philosophy at Calvin College; York, will keynote the conference East Lansing Human Relations dents” in his congregation. and a director on the boardofthe The Christian faith is all these things. But these are merely re ­ for youth and Bible leaders of Garland Wood, director of the Monday with an address on the C o m m i s s i o n , t h e Rev. Dr. In his fourth year of ministry women’ s circle s. County TB Association. sults and can never be realized unless they proceed from the heart Robertson is working in an area Latin America Study Center, “ Four Faces of Man.” at th e C h u r c h , the Rev. Dr. 5. Interdenominational church of the m atter—faith in the good news of the work of Jesu s Christ. where he is concerned and be­ The m inister said he makes MSU; and Charles Orlebeke, as­ Robertson, a Presbyterian, out­ relationships—He is a member sistant to Gov. George Romney Area churches are sending of­ Thousands of others, who consider themselves free from religion, lieves he can help. lines six areas of concern for of th e L a n s i n g Council of special addresses close to 30 ficial delegates, but individual for program development and have missed the boat just as much. They are caught up in a protest "1 think the climate is pretty the pastor of a church of his times a year. He plays golf and enrollments are available. Ad­ paddleball with University per­ agency liason. against out-moded Christianity, which they believe they have built good in East Lansing, he said of kind. vance registration i s m a d e up with their mighty intellects, but which is really as old as Chris­ human relations in the area. "We sonnel. He is m arried and has The seminar sessions are open through any Lansing area church, have found no evidence of dis­ crimination in employment and 1. Preaching—He g i v e s two sermons on 40 Sunday a year. 2. Pastoral duties—He makes V Class Opens four children. to the public. synagogue or the Council offices. tianity itself. They believe that Christianity is old-fashioned super­ stition, anti-scientific tomfoolery, a conglomeration of ridiculous and simple-minded rules and a crutch for weak-kneed dupes. accommodations.” The university class of East "Housing is a problem,” he ad- hospital calls four or five times Always a warm welcome at U n iv e rs ity St. An dr e ws E as t e r n Or t hodox The only time a Christian feels weak-kneed is when he is con­ Lansing Trinity Church (Inter­ C h ris tia n C hurch Church & Student Center fronted with the power and love of his Creator andRedeemer. denominational) w i l l consider Seventh - Day 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. 1216 G reencrest East Lansing The first step a man must take in realizing the power and love "Christianity in Action” each Don Stiffler, Minister of God is to admit his own complete helplessness in sin, his inca­ A d ve n tist C hurch Sunday Lansing Senior Wins Sunday this term. An analysis of Christian per­ sonal and social ethical respon­ Temporarily m e e t i n g at University Lutheran Church Ph 337-1077 Bible School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy Confessions Every Sat. 9:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. pacity to do any good. So great is his helplessness, the Bible says, that he cannot even bring himself to admit it without the influence of God’s Spirit. This is a hard thing for modern man to admit. Division and Ann St. Chicago Study Grant sibility began with the opening session Sunday. Speakers during the 10 sessions SATURDAY SERVICES 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School Lansing C e n tra l F re e F ir s t P re s b y te ria n Never before have men felt so powerful. But the Bible is very ex­ plicit on this point. . The second step is a recognition of the fact that God.was willing ond C o n g r e g a t i o n a l Church, include Leroy Augenstein, chair­ 11:00 a.m. Worship Service M e th o d ist C hurch Ottawa and Chestnut Stephen Davidson, L a n s i n g to "humanize” His Son to receive the death penalty for some of Grand Rapids. 828 N. Washington, Lansing senior, has been awarded the man of the department of bio­ Sunday Worship Services the world’s people, who He in His good pleasure decided to love. first Michigan State Honor Schol­ T h e scholarship w as estab­ physics and Dr. Francis Steele, For information or transpor­ Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. (Check Romans 9 for an explanation of this point of God’s selectiv­ arship by the Chicago Theological lished this year to call to the at­ a missionary. tation call 485-9273 ity or election of His "T ru e Church,” as it has been called.) Cradle Roll Sunday Cribbery and nursery Seminary. tention of midwestern candidates God says through the pen of St. Paul, "B u t God, who is rich in ca re provided. for church vocations the facili­ UNIVERSITY E ast Lansing Communion Service 11:00 a.m. mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we ties f o r theological education B A P T IS T CHURCH Rev. Dale Woods, Speaker Dr. Morrow, preaching were dead in sins, made us alive together with C hrist.” (Ephesians He plans to work toward his available through the semihary. (THE AMERICAN BAPTIST U n ity C e nter 2 :4 -5 .) The benefit of C hrist’s taking the penalty falls to men and Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. bachelor of divinity degree in Winners will receive up to CONVENTION) 11:00 a.m. Worship Service women who simply believe that He did it for them. It’s as simple preparation for the parish minis­ $1,500. The exact amount in each Guest Pastor, Evening Service 7:00 p.m. "M an 's place in God’ s A warm and friendly welcome as that. Again, the Bible emphasizes that faith is not something that try. He is a member of the Sec- case is determined by need. "R ev. Robt. White" For transportation call awaits you at F irst Presbyter- a man can conjure up by himself, but that it is the free gift of God. American Legion Memorial Kingdom” ED 7-1294 How a perfectly good God can choose to love and save anyone who C e n tra l M ethodist Center, 1 Block North of 11:00 a.m. Sunday School bus nursery by nature hates Him and doesn't even want to be saved, is more Across From the Capitol East Lansing Bus Station 11:00 Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening F lr s t B a p tis t C hurch than even the greatest theologian can understand. His only reaction WORSHIP SERVICES Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. can be awesome respect and love in return. He knows he can never Church School 11:00 a.m. C a p ito l at Ionia 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. Study C lass 7:30 p.m. L a n sin g , M ichigan repay God for the favor, for that would take all eternity, but out ol Nursery Provided 10:00- (WJIM 10:15 a.m.) Affiliated with Unity School Rav, Scott Irv in o , M in iste r gratitude he struggles every day to live his life in a way God asked 12:00 a.m. of Christianity, L ee’s Summit, him. "Two Saints. . .Almost” Campus Bus Service Missouri Plym outh Church School 9:45 a.m. Here is where the Christian life comes in. Here is where some university Dwight S. Large C ongregational Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. sense can be made out of life. All the noble aspirations mentioned lutheran church preaching F ir s t C h ris tia n O liv e t B a p tis t C hurch "T h e Spirit of a Growing in the first paragraph now fall into place. God’s love is something alc-lca C hurch Crib Nursery, So Bring The Baby R eform ed C hurch 2215 E. Michigan Church” that permeates into every tiny corner of the grateful Christian’s Take home a copy of the "What Rev. William Hartman, Pastor Rev. Scott Irvine, life, molding his every action, whether it be his entertainment, 240 Marshall St., Lansing Then Are We To Do?” sheet SUNDAY preaching his grooming, his conversation or his major decisions. Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 for study and application. Anything the Christian does is out of gratitude, not out of a duped Morning Service 9:00 & Morning Worship 9:00 and 6:30 Youth Groups bondage to any set of rules or laws. The Christian doesn’t have to 11:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Across from Capitol on Allegan People of a ll races welcom e obey laws, Christ did that for him; he wants to obey. LU TH ER A N WORSHIP Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Baptist Youth Fellowship Recognizing God’s sovereign will in the matter of salvation, the Alumni Memorial Chapel Missouri Synod Evening Service 7 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Those in need of transpor­ T R IN IT Y CHURCH Peoples C hurch true Christian does not try to cram anythingdown anybody’ s throat. Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. Interdenominational He only wants to share his blessing with everyone he meets. Start 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist tation call: MID-WEEK SERVICE E ast Lansing reading the Book of Romans and the Book of Ephesians and the rest 120 Spartan Avenue 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship M r. B. Swagman at TU 2-2570 Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. Inter denomination. of the whole wonderful story. Experience for yourself the almost MINISTERS For church bus schedule 200 W. Grand River unbelievable peace and freedom of a life in the hands of a Loving or Rev. Hofman at IV 5-3650 E . Eugene Williams call IV 2-8419 at Michigan and Almighty God. Alumni Memorial Chapel Norman R. Piersm a Free bus service and nursery provided Daniel E . Weiss FIRST CHURCH OF TH E N A ZAR EN E SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Service - 11 a.m. Genesee at Butler Streets L ib r a r y G r o u p Rev. THteodore K. Bundenthal, Pastor ED 2-0778 "AN ACT OF INTELLIGENT 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES Supervised nursery provided WORSHIP" Church School...............................................9:45 a.m. Morning Worship....................................... lijOO a.m. Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. "Man & M orals” Youth Groups............................................... 6:00 p.m. "SUPREMACY OF GOD’S by U n iv e rs ity M ethodist C hurch Edgewood UNITED C hurch Evangelistic Hour.......................................7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY EVE H.T. Stanley - M inister Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Tom Thompson - Music Dir. SOVEREIGN SON” 8:15 p.m. Trinity Collegiate Fellowship—Stimulating Dr. Wallace Robertson CHURCH SCHOOL S ta rts S tu d y Some 100 deans, directors and 10 y ears,’ Chapin added. "How­ Interdenominational Tr an spo r tat io n A v a i l a b l e Program and Buffet Supper 1120 S. Harrison Rd. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Crib room department chairmen are being ever, we must know how impor­ 469 North Hagadorn Road Call Church Office IV 5-0613 Other Services Wilson M. Tennant, Minister through Adult Classes questioned on how the library can tant this will be so we can East Lansing, Michigan If No Answer, Call IV 2-6994 9:45 a.m. University C lass meet the specific needs of their plan for academic and research Dr. Glenn M. Frye, Minister (5 blocks north of Grand River) & International class areas in the next 10 years. needs in the years ahead.” MINISTERS St. Johns Student ’UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN The President’s Ad Hoc Com­ Another question i s , " h o w A ll Saints Episcopal 7:00 p.m. Wed. Evening FELLOWSHIP" mittee on Library Needs is send­ many courses in your depart­ Rev. Truman A. Morrison WORSHIP P a ris h C hurch Prayer and Bible Study ing out the 14- p a g e questionnaire. ment have a requirement that Rev. R. Paige Birdwell, J r . F r. R. Kavanaugh College House 5:30 PM 800 Abbott Koad D irector of L ib raries Richard u n d e r g r a d u a t e s write term 9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICES F r. T . McDevitt ED 2-1313 Call 337-7966 for campus Supper & Film Chapin stressed that answers papers and will this pattern 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. 327 M.A.C. "Burden of Truth” should reflect the thinking of change in the near future?” Rev. Robert Gardner,Episcopal bus schedule "C hrist & Campus Morals” Sunday, April 12 Sunday Masses the whole department, not just " I f more term papers are Chaplain to the University Rev. Wilson M. Tennant Sermon by 7:15-8:30 - 9:45 (high) the department heads. going to be required, the library Rev. Edward Roth. Rector F ir s t C h u rch of Rev. Truman A. Morrison One of the most important will have to have enough avail­ 11:15 & 12:30 Rev. George Tuma, Curate E a s tm in s te r Church School Babysitting at 8:30 - 9:45 - 11:15 SUNDAY SERVICES C h ris t, S c ie n tis t questions, C h a p i n said, con­ able reference material to take Church School 9:45 a.m. all P re s b y te ria n C hurch cerns the amount of independent 9:30 &11:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion at 709 E. Grand River care of this d e m a n d , ” s a i d ages & 11:00 a.m. children Youngsters Religion Class All Saints Parish 1315 Abbott Rd., E ast Lansing study required in- the coming Chapin. " I f there will be only 2 -5 years. Crib room thru Senior High 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion at East Lansing Church Service: years by the department’s cur­ assigned reading required, then Junior High Fellowship 4:30 p.m Senior High Fellowship Chapel of Apostles, Wesley Minister Sunday 11A. M. riculum. we will place more emphasis Sunday April 5 7:30 p.m. _ President John A, Hannah has Membership Class 9:30 a.m. Foundation Rev. Robert L. Moreland on the concept of operating a 7:00 p.m. Subject - stressed that independent study Sunday Forum: 541 Walbridge Drive large study hall.” Affiliated with United Church 9:30 - Holy Communion ED 7-0183 "A re Sin, Disease, and Death away from the lecture hall will He indicated t h a t if m o r e Of Christ, Congregational- & Sermon "In ter-ra cia l Dating” R eal?” grow in importance. papers and independent study will Free bus transportation 15 to Christian, Evangelical and 11:00 - Morning prayer 9:00‘ & 11:00 a.m. “ The question on independent be required, the library will be 30 minutes before each serv­ & Sermon Church School Reformed. Sunday School: study is tough because it asks used much more than it now is. ice around the campus. Daily Masses 5;30 p.m. Canterbury Meeting for Cribbery through WELCOME University Students 9:30 a.m. for a prediction for the next 8:00 a.m. - 12:10 p.m .- 8:30 a.m. Monday thru Friday Third Grade. 4:45 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Church School Regular 11:00 a.m. Daily Office Sat. Masses Tues. - 10:15 a.m. Fourth Grade - Adults SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 8:00 & 9:00 a.m. Confession daily at 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion Wed. - 7:00 a.m. 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Wed. Evening Meeting-8 p.m. • • •**•• *• **«***« S e e K R A M E R ’S L A R G E S T D IS C O U N T S fo r 1518 S, Washington Church Services Reading Room located at 134 12:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Holy Communion W. Grand River. IN T O W N ! Thurs. - 5:15 p.m. Phone ED 7-9778 Sermon Open Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 a.m. INVITES YOU Holy Communion -5:00 p.m. COMPLETE LINE "T h e Offers of Christ” NEW & REBUILT AUTO PARTS Mon., T u es., Thurs., & F r i­ days 7:00-9:00 p.m. M A X KRAM ER B e good to your car, 9:45 a.m. B IB L E SCHOOL College C lass Taught by Dr. Ted Ward SPECIAL LECTURE SERIES STUDENTS WELCOME All- are welcome to attend “ Y o u 'ro c o r d ia lly in ­ v ite d t o s m us f o r t h e best va lu e s f o r IT ’S TIM E T O A R R A N G E FO R A SPRING CHECK-UP y o u r m o n e y !" Call 337-9336 or 332-6903 Church Serv ices, and visit and ,■.& WÊÊÊ&m Lecturing on ¿I for transportation use the Reading Room. 11:00 a.m. “ When The T id e Comes In” rr By o u r s k ille d s ta ff of A .M .D ’ s PACTICAL (AutoMobiIe Doctors) 7:oo p.m. “ When God Shuts H is E a rs !” CHRISTIANITY" ‘M yths and R e a litie s In W o rld A ffa ir s ” S EE T H E H EA D SURGEON, MAX KRAM ER, TODAY A**’ 8:3 0 p.m. A dults Youths F e llo w sh ip P rofessor Thomas G reer, Dept, of H um anities Barbara Hunt-"Student MSU” 7:30 p.m. Daily Pictures on Australia April 1 2 4 9 , 1964 U n ita ria n -U n iv e rs a lis t C hurch in Pastors: Dr. Howard F. Sugden, . Time: 11-12:00 “SERVING GREA TER LANSING FOR 4» YEARS" Dr. Ted Ward and Date: Sunday, April 12 — W h olesale & R e ta il — Rev. Alvin Jones * Place: Holmes & Prospect, Mr. Je r ry H i ll of « r n A 1 I V 1 I auto Lansing Col umbia, T en ne s s e e F re e inis service morning and evening I k l l A f t l l b l l PU TS 8 0 0 E . K a la m a z o o P h o n o IV 4 - 1 3 3 5 Call 482-0754 for information 1007 Ki mber l y D r . , L a n s i n g , Michigan * t, M i c h i g a n S t a t e News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic hi g an F r i d a y , April 1 0 , 1 9 6 4 5 A m endm ent Journal (continued from page 1) i .a lr iiiitir o f ‘H a m s ’ M a k e copies and were still receiving ( / » m im i E v e n t * requests for the paper," he said, P r im a r y Is s u e "so we called on the people who had bought them and paid two cents to buy the paper back. Horticulture S e m i n a r — 12 noon, 204 Hort. 4 7 4 C o n ta cts Physiology Seminar — 12 noon, In a world-wide contest two 48 hour weekends of almost con­ Then we sold the papers to our 101 Giltner. Student Congress Wednesday to AUSG. members of the Amateur Radio tinuous operation. new customers for five cents." S o i l Science Seminar - - 1 2 night approved the placing on K err called Wallace’ s attack on Club broke their own record Some of the unusual places con­ In spite of their efforts, the noon, 312 Ag. Hall. Tuesday’s primary ballot of an Elections Commissioner G a r y last week when they made 4_4 tacted during the contest were “ business f a i l e d financially, Foods and Nutrition Seminar — amendment to the All-University Falkenstein “ an attack on the contacts ,n 90 different coun­ Kuwait, located on the Arabian and the "publishers" decided to 4 p.m., 101 Home Econ. tries. Student Government constitution. entire system,’’ and added that coast, Ivory Coast of Africa, issue stock in the "company." Horticulture S e m i n a r - - 4 The amendment provides for he thought the attack was “ de­ They are Don Karvonen, Mass. dozens of S o v i e t stations and "My mother, somehow, got p.m., 204 Hort. future amendments to the con­ finitely malicious.” freshman, and Jim Frisbie, Novi numerous Pacific Islands. wind of what was going on and Metallurgy, Mechanics & Ma­ sophomore. stitution to be printed in the “ I can’t see whey he says Valuable assistance was also put a stop to it," he said. "That terials Science Seminar — 4 M ic h ig a n State U n iv e r s it y Stu­ Falkenstein is not im partial,” The object of the contest was given by John Cooper of Birm ­ was the end of the Fall River p.m., 284 Engineering. dent newspaper for an unspeci­ K err said. He explained that to establish contact with as many ingham, C h a r l e s Hutchinson, Journal. Microbiology an d Biochemis­ foreign stations in as many coun­ fied amount of time. The parts television cameraman, Rober t Falkenstein has not been in a Six colleges and universities try Seminar — 10 a.m ., Sat., 114 tries as possible during the con­ of the constitution affected would Rose of East Lansing, Sue Sellers position to favor any candidate, after the closing of the Fall River Bessey. also be published. test period. Karvonen and F ris - of L'nionville and Thomas L. including his fraternity brother, Journal, Father Finnegan came to Baseball, Hillsdale (2) — 1 The move is a change from the bie’s total points for the contest Drake, instructor in electrical Bob Harris, Bryan, Ohio, junior. MSU to work on a dual doctoral p.m ., Sat. reached 300,000, the best known engineering. p r o v is io n r e q u ir in g the p ro p o s e d Wallace said his purpose was program in philosophy and com­ World Travel Series, "N ew changes to be published on four score for this area. Scores from munications. Authority separate days during the two to end s p e c u l a t i o n about the Portraits in Italy,” Curtis Nagel other countries will not be in honesty of the election, but in His thesis area is "Freedom — 8 p.m., Sat., Aud. until October. weeks prior to the time the of Information and the Right to amendment would be voted upon. reality he was creating specu­ Hillel Foundation Sabbath Ser­ The contest took place over lation K err said. Know: A Framework for Com­ vices — 7:30 p.m., Hillel House. This is designed to reduce a 96 hour period spread over two (continued from page 1) All of the other AUSG presi­ munications Ethics." Hillel — 6 p.m., Sun., Hillel the cost of advertising. Father Finnegan studied for A U S T R I A T O A U S T R A L I A -- T r a v e l i n g vi a radio wav e s, It was decided to place the pro­ dential candidates have indicated House. tor, has issued an appeal for the Jesuit priesthood and pur­ J i m F r i s k i e , N o v i sophomore, and Don K a r v on en , Mass posed amendment on the primary that they have confic^ence in F a l- kenstein's honesty. sued his interest in communi­ Hillel Foundation Sabbath Ser­ vices — 10 a.m ., Sat., Hillel freshman, contact short-wave stations throughout the world Apparel Seminar more uncommitted funds to be placed with the authority. This, b a llo t in s te a d o f on the regular as a part of a global cont est. Photo by K en Roberts cation at the University of V ir­ ballot because “ the final day of He explained that he foresaw ginia, B o s t o n . College, Holy House. Graduate Inter-Varsity Chris­ Set For Tuesday he said, would permit Michigan balloting is confusing to the voter something being made of the fact students to use the loans to Cross, Western College, Wood- tian Fellowship — 6 p.m., 146 Out - o f - this - world fabrics, attend any university or college because of the many issues and that Falkenstein and Harris are candidates and the counting of ballots on the day of final ballot­ f r a t e r n i t y brothers, but that Bucholz recommended Falken­ stock College, and the Univer­ sity of Detroit. During this time he became Kenberry Dr., East Lansing. Court Rules Against such as modacrylices, polyesters and acrylics, will be brought down to e a r t h at the third annual that they choose—in-stateor out- state. The report shows that almost ing would be facilitated by fewer stein and Kerr had and still has issues being decided. The statements made by AUSG confidence in Falkenstein’ s in­ tegrity. affiliated wi t h the Catholic B r o a d c a s t i n g Assoc., the National Assoc, of Educational India Slides Pennsylvania Law Women’s A p p a r e l Seminar at Kellogg tTenter Tuesday. Stephania Winkler of the de­ all of the money placed with the authority carries with it the stip­ ulation that it be used by stu­ p r e s i d e n t i a l hopeful Jerry B r i a n Walsworth, Muskegon Broadcasters, the Assoc, for M rs. E. S. Nasset, wife of S C R A N T O N , Pa. (UP1)— A Thë judges said that there is partment of textiles, clothing and Wallace, Cedar Springs junior, E.S. Nasset, professor of physi­ dents planning to attend a par­ junior and one of Wallace’ s early Professional Broadcasting Edu­ three-judge federal court Thurs- sufficient time before the Novern- related arts, ' W i l l speak on “ F i ­ also came under attack by con­ ology a t th e U n i v e r s i t y of ticular university or college. supporters, defended Wallace’s cation, Sigma Delta Chi, men's day struck down Pennsylvania’s ber general election to revise bers, Fabrics—Facts and Fa l­ gressmen, AUSG President Bob Rochester, will show slides taken “ At the present time the au­ actions by saying Wallace’ s point professional journalism frater­ newly-enacted legislative reap- the reapportionment acts to make lacy." K err, Washington, N .J., senior, on their recent tour of duty in thority has but $3,000 in the was not to criticize anybody, but nity and Phi Kappa Phi. portionment acts and declared them conform to the court's rul- and from Louis Hekhuis, direc­ uncommitted category,” Porter merely to point up the possibility Father Finnegan also served India. the state constitution in con- ing. tor of student affairs and adviser of such things happening. in the Arm y-Air Force for 39 Nasset served as a nutrition f1ict with the U.S. Constitution. Dance Scheduled said. months during World War II, advisor to the Indian government T we n t y - s e v e n colleges and The slides will be shown in 101 The ruling meant Pennsyl­ All students are invited to a universities have had money de­ working in public relations at vanians, would not vote for state Home Economics building at 1 tree dance at Case Hall Satur­ posited in t h e i r names with various bases around the United senators or assemblymen in the | S u m m er S tu dy day from 8:30 p.m., to 12 mid­ m v& States. p.m. today. April 28 primary election. Deputy Atty. Gen E d w a r d | O f C a n a d ia n s night wi t h disc jockey Todd Sherry. It is sponsored by WKME Michigan banks. Michigan is one of 13 states which has a student loan pro­ Friedman said the state will Shaw radio. gram. Seniors Of Week Find file an appeal to theU.S. Supreme Court. College students mayen- •;•: roll now in a three-week ¡x Canadian Studies Institute FOURTH ANNIVERSARY Bond In Sl^mo Chi Dynamic Systems X; at Wisconsin State College from June 15 to July 3. Canadian social, econ- RECORD SALE Seniors of the Week Mary Jane she h a s a 2.8 all-university To Be Topic omic, political and geo- F a n ta stic B argains on L P s Walker and Jim Morton will agerage. She was a member of graphic lile will be studied always have a special fondness the Homecoming court in 1962. Arthur E. Bryson Jr. of Har­ x in classroom lectures and for Sigma Chi fraternity. Morton was executive vice- vard will speak on "Optimization * seminars. Miss Walker is the present president for AUSG and is now and Control of Dynamic Systems" For further information, International Sweetheart of Sigma on Senior Council. He is also today at 4 p.m., in room 284 write to Dean of Faculty, Chi and Morton is president of chairman of the reorganization Engineering Building. Wisconsin State College, the chapter here. committee in In ter-Fratern ity Solutions to several aerospace Superic", Wisconsin. / After be i ng selected Sweet­ Council. He has a 3.4 all-univer­ mechanics problems and optimal heart of t h i s chapter, Miss sity average and is a member of programming, estimation and Walker p a r t i c i p a t e d in the Blue Key and Beta Gamma Sigma control p r o b l e m s Using high­ national c o n t e s t in Houston, honoraries. speed computers will be dis­ Texas, and won. She went to the After graduation this spring, cussed as well as the relation national workshop in Knoxville, Miss Walker plans to teach. Mor­ of calculus of variations to the Tenn., later in the summer to ton p l a n s to attend graduate maximum principle and dynamic Paperback Cl a s s i c s begin her reign. school in business or law. programming. Morton is a marketing major. Vox C la s s ic s Miss Walker was secretary of Junior Pan-Hel and is now C O O L A I R F O R S U M M E R B O O K - L O V E R S -- Work on the secretary of the senior class. She Cleaning Cloth and L i b r a r y ' s new air - conditioning unit is nearing completion. was social Chairman for her Record Brush Com­ T h e cool air will also help to preserve the volumes which sorority Chi Omega and was on bination - Reg. 1.25 previ ously were subjected to temperatures in hot weo- J-Council. She worked on com­ thyr. Ph o t o by L a r r y F r i t z l a n mittees for the J-Hop and Water Carnival. You must bring th is ad for prices. Good through A p ril 11. An Elementary Education ma­ IOTI Barb Stanton Speaker jor from New Bedford, Mass., lir a Chamber Music At Matrix Luncheon Concert Sunday 323 E . Grand R i v e r en E v e n in gs Experiences of a beginning re­ V i r g i n i a Gunsolus, B e r k l e y Chamber music for clarinet porter on a metropolitan daily junior; treasurer, Beryl Bens- paper will be discussed by B ar­ chop, Royal O ak j u n i o r ; and bara Stanton, a reporter for the keeper of the archives, Sunshine and flute by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Bartók will be per­ formed at 4 p.m. Sunday in the W H iT E TOP DOWN TIME Detroit Free Press, Saturday Janda, Chatham, Ont., junior. M u s i c Auditorium by L e o n with these great T R I U M P H performers at Theta Sigma Phi s Matrix luncheon. Brooks, Lansing graduate stu­ dent. \hrr The MSU c h a p t e r of the women’s journalism honorary is TV Orchestra He will be assisted by vio­ linist Anne De Vroome, cellist sponsoring the annual luncheon which will be held at Holiday To Compete Lurinda F o r d , pianist - harpsi­ TR-4 chordist Kenneth Medema and Inn at noon. The program also includes the The TV Orchestra, composed pianist John Gleason. The r e c i t a l will i n c l u d e : C ite *2849 p. o. e, presentation of the Outstanding of 20 students, will compete in "Sonate VI for Flute and C la ­ ^ jjo r t s it m s t c r Journalist Award and the in­ the fifth annual Collegiate Jazz vier" by J.S. Bach; "T rio for stallation of officers. Festival, today and Saturday at Flute, Violincello and Piano" by Winner ofl963SCGA National Racing New officers are president, the University of Notre Dame. Beethoven; "Sonata, Op. 120, No. op T h e orchestra, directed by Championship—Class D Production N a n c y B a u m h a r d t , Owosso 1 for Clarinet and Piano" by . 110 mph. Synchromesh on all for­ junior; vicepresident, L iz Hyman George West, graduate assistant, Brahms; and "Contrasts for Vio­ ward gears. Roll-up windows. Baldwin, N.Y. junior; secretary, appears at high schools and col­ lin, Clarinet and Piano" by B ar­ 213 E. G ra n d R iv e r 332-21 14 lege campuses in the state. At tók. the Villanova-Jazz Festival Feb. 7 it placed second in the com­ G ilch rist P la n s 4B a li H aV P a r t y petition. Two members also won soloist awards. Organized in 1959 by M. Eu­ gene Hall, the orchestra took Gilchrist Hall will hold its first place at the 1962 Colleg­ term party, entitled “ Bali Hai," iate Jazz Festival under his di­ at 8:30 pm Saturday in G il­ rection. West became director AUTOMATIC SKI JACKET SALE HERE' S H O W IT W O R K S : The first day of the sale all jackets will be $15. SPITFIRE *2199p . o . e . The second day $14, the third $13 and so on, until all jackets are sold. The sports car sensation of the year. christ Hall. when Hall left the faculty in Deocations will include palm September, 1962. Nothing held back. All sold, first come, first sold. Over 90 mph. 24 ft. turning circle. trees and a pond. Roll-up windows, 4-wheel indepen­ At Notre Dame a total of 26 Entertainment w i l l be pro­ groups will compete for awards dent suspension. vided by Jim Cot and the Modern- for the best big band, best com­ 5ALE S T IL L GOING - CON’T MISS OUT aires and dorm residents. bo and best individual artists. FRI. SAT. MON. TOES. WED. THURS. FRI. Qcuid $8 $7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 fe a tu rin g Out they go . . . o u r e n tire stock of fin e, HERALD n ation ally a d ve rtise d ski ja cke ts. R e g u la rly FRATERNITY to $35.00. Sale a lso includes many The good-looking economy car-with sports car engineering and features. 1200 CONVERTIBLE SORORITY re g u la r w in te r ja cke ts. Over 75 mph . 4-wheel, independent suspension. *1999p . o . e . Come In today and take a te s t d riv e • R E C O G N I T I O N PINS CRESTS y • RINGS .• P A R T Y F A V O R S PADDLES LAVALIERS 21 1 E . G R A N D R I V E R AL EDW ARDS O ffic ia l G reek A c r os s From EAS T LANSING (O pe n Wed. ‘ til 9 p. m. ) SPORTS CAR CENTER 616 N . Howard I V 9-7596 Home E c o n . Bldg. J e w e lry \ / Ho me o f the L i t t l e L i v e l y O n e s E D 2-6753 F r i d a y , A p r il 1 0 , 1 9 6 4 6 M ic h ig a n S t a t e News. E a s t L a n s i n g . M i c h i g a n i, Candidates To Wallace, Harris Main Targets Tell Platfoims Students in the Case-Wilson- W .S h a w H it s A U S G H o p e f u ls Wonders complex have an oppor­ tunity to “ Meet the Candidates” Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in the Won­ :a:.didaies :r Dtr er three card dates are Harris himself apologized for of the most important things jr. dealing with the administration ders Kiva. Student G V- Ja tes Jesse, Buchar. in junior. “ the absence of my partner in The program, sponsored by the crime, the elctions commission­ was a kn iwledge of how and u ; sg •esidency took He ■b, Bucham : sopho- Frosh-Soph Council, will feature at West Shau re, and Tom Partrid :e, Swartz er where to go to accomplish the desired results. He added that AUSG and class officer candi­ ght, while the eek junior. The other candidates all gave dates, who will briefly present Ted relatively Wallace was criticized : >r his Falkenstein a vote of coi fidence he thought his exper ence had given him this knowledge, and their platforms for the coming arges against Elections Éorii- Wallace a l s o said that he election. iss i ner Gary Falke: ste I He would not support an all-Univer- c.ted as proof the fact that he nace, s dema; ded that .stein sity radio station. He favored had obtained lighting for the ten­ nis courts. I'T A M I S Cedar i Bob sign because "his interest the type of radio that Shaw has, "R A B i£ 5 ..,A N the campaign Bob H arris.” but said he would "see what I Partridge s a i d he thought NFcCTiOl'^ ViR05 can do" to get loans for a radio At SG needed more contact with l>I$£A$£ Of T H E station which desired to expand students. He said he proposed CENTRAL NERVOUS Cartoons aimed against Harris moving congress meetings to SYSTEM IN D O S S L were circulated through the aud­ various dorm complexes to give ience while he was asked ques­ students a greater opportunity to tions concerning the S p a r - an see congress in action. He also proposed suggest on H I S T O R Y O N D I S P L A Y — T h e W om e n' s Ar my Co r ps e x hi b i t of over 20 years of hi stor y as Sp.rit trophy. Harris is director a part of the regular armed forces will close this weekend. T h e novel d i spl ay is located in Central Michigan’s Favorite Playground' boxes in dorms and awards to of Spartan Spirit be given for the best sugges­ the Un i o n Buil di ng lounge. Feeling against Harris seemed LAKE LANSING ~~ to run high in West Shaw, which was runner-up to Bryan Hall in tions YÖU SHOULDN'T BE FÜSS1N6 AMUSEMENT PARK Reunion Scheduled ABOUT 6E TÎIN 6 TH A T SHOT... ta le n t E x h ib it the Spartan Spirit trophy contest. Harris admitted that he had V0Ü SHOULD BE 6R A T E F U L ! done "a bad job” on the trophy OPEN WEEKENDS cohtest but added that he though' In Home Economics F ri & Sat. 7 p.m. ' Weatht Sun at 12-00 N O O N i.e had learned from the exper­ ience. He said the person he ap- poi. ted as head of the trophy A t C ivic C e n te r than Invitations went out to more 4,000 Michigan graduates "What Is •Happening to Our Children," with Martha Dale and EASTER EGG HUNT committee had continual y as­ sured him that things were going Ingenuity, creativity and origi­ to the 12th, may enter their nality are presently displayed at displays in th e various cate­ of the College of Home Econ­ omics to attend a 15th annual JoAnne Lifshin, also in home management and child develop­ Sunday April 12 at 2:30 p.m. Children 12 smoo hly ü "¡1 repors from the Youth Talent Exhibit at the gories. They include biological Alumnae Day at Kellogg Cen­ ment. years and under 2 free free tickets for dormitories told him otherwise Civic Center in Lansing. and physical science, creative ter Saturday. WELL,IF YOU’REHOTGRATEFUL, Youngsters from the Central w r i t i n g , clothing construction, all participants ' f o l l o w i n g S u n d a y in c a s e o f rain; Jesse, chairman of the finance committee of congress, w as Michigan a r e a , from the 6th grade handicrats, painting, ceram ics, The returning alumnae will "Today's Challenge— Feeding the World” will be the luncheon <&u SHOULD be II metalwork, photography,musical have a chance to brush up on the E A S T on old US 16, follow the signs asked hov, AL'SG funds could be top, with George Borgstrom, pro­ latest developments in four areas better uti; zed He sa d he thought compositions and graphic arts. fessor o f food s c i e n c e , as Judging is based on originality, of home economics: REDUCED RATES i‘ was unnecessary for AUSG to have pa,d secretaries and that Physicist Talks On skill and purpose, but each ex- "Obesity — F a c t s and Fal­ speaker. A widely known resear­ cher on food production and con­ Plan a picnic for your hibit is not judged against Che la c ie s ," with Dena Cederquist,t sumption, Borstom s e e s the organization. F E 9-8221 some of the phones could be re­ moved from AL'SG offices. Space Radiation other. Rather each is judged byN chairman of MSU department of world’ s production of food as foods and nutrition, and Adelia He said this would amount to R.G. Alsm iller, Jr., Neutron its individual standard of ex- becoming more and more inade­ cellence. Beeuwkes, University of Michi- nearly $1,000 savings per term Physics Division, Oak Ridge quate as world population climbs. He added that further investiga- National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, "T h is exhibition is done each gan. He is frequently called upon to "T extiles for the Home,” with fon on where the money goes Tenn., will speak on "Space Ra­ year in recognition of the skill present his views at national and Stephania Winkler, department could result in more savings diation and the Shielding of and ability of young people in international meetings concerned of textiles, clothing and related Wir.go said that he thought one Manned Space Vehicles” at 4p.m. order to counterbalance what is with food. arts. Monday in the Engineering Aud­ so often heard about the rate Returning alumnae will also "R o le of Values in Manage­ itorium. of juvenile delinquency,’' Dave ment and Family L ife,’’ with hear Thelma P orter, dean of the ■ H i STARTING WEDNESDAY, AP R IL 15th. Alsm iller will emphasize the Martins from the Lansing State B eatrice Paolucci and Lennah College of Home Economics, as nature of radiation in space and Journal said. she describes the advancements Winners of the Grand Awards Backus, department o f home LANSING the physical processes wh i c h made within the college over the management and child develop­ occurs when a high-energy par­ in the arts and crafts receive past year. ticle interacts with matter. a chaperoned trip to Washington, ment. D.C. Winners in the sciences CAN SEE THE NO. 1 ATTRACTION OF Mixer Potluck receive a chaperoned trip to the National Science F a ir, and the opportunity to show their exhibits S u m m e r C a m p J o b s O p en ALL TIME AT SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES! 30, single, widowed or divorced, with other Science F a ir winners Mixers Club for people over from across the nation. More than 1,000 summer camp on the list of openings because of The Youth Exhibit will be on jobs are available for qualified lack of education and/or exper­ ervisors are camp or cottage Most of the teachers and sup­ NOMINATED FOR 9 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING"BEST PICTURE Of THE YEAR" will hold a potluck dinner Sat­ display at the Civic Center Sun­ urday at 6:30 at the Women s day. The hours are: Monday- Clubhouse, 603 S. Washington Saturday, 9-9 p.m. and through applicants, Thomas Roumell, di­ ience. One year of college is the counselors, and each of them is rector of the Michigan Employ­ minimum requirement. expected to have a specialty, as ment Security Commission said. Summer jobs in 856 camps and in archery, rlflery , arts and Activities have been planned. Sunday, 9-6 p.m. TWO SHOWS DAILY • MATINEES 2 P.M . EVENINGS 8 P. M. Although 400 applicants for resorts throughout Michigan us­ crafts, canoeing or life saving. Members are asked to bring The Exhibit is presented and jobs are listed at the Profession­ ually require 35,000 h e l p e r s , Wages are typical for the camp­ Box O ffice Opens 1:15 and 7:15 P .M . theiw own dish to pass and table sponsored by the Lansing State al Placement Center of the Com­ mostly collegians or school and ing industry, basically $150 to service. Those unable to bring Journal, Oldsmobile and the mission in Detroit, where the jobs college teachers, and the esti­ $200 a month and room and board, NO SEATS RESERVED dish may buy their dinner. Lansing Recreation Department. are listed, they won’t make a dent mated 30,000 youngsters unem­ with extra pay for specialities, ployed in the state between the as listed above. ages of 18 and 23, are not qual­ Applicants throughout the state Uip t ADMISSION ified to fill the positions. who can qualify for camp work DRIVE $ 1 .0 0 Jobs are also available for may obtain additional information - I N Children Under 12 Free nurses, registered and practical; ^ writing or telephoning Melba TMMTU___ . 2 M ile s S o u th w e s t o f L a n s in g o n M -7 8 Gates Open 8:31 cooks with institutional exper- prosky or Frank Calandrino of COME EA R LY I ience, (not restaurant); English tj,e college recruitment section, and Western Style horseback rid- m .E .S.C ., Room #9, 7310 Wood- ers with know-how in grooming, warc) Avenue, Detroit 2, by tele­ F R I. • SAT. •SU N .'» E xclu sive Engagement! feeding, saddling and general phoning TRinity 2-4900, Exten- care of horses. ____________sion 235 or 288. r SHOW T I M E S • • ■ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents A Seven A rts- Bcbs on the road M I C H i a l H E m * SAT „ 12:00-3:00-6:05-9:05 SUN at 1:40-4:40-8:05 MON thru THURS at 2:00-5:00-8:05 2a Hall B a r tle tt Production Starring to*paternity now 01963650 .. . ~~ ..a n d t h e g lo b a l g ir ls m m m w a n t tP s h o w h i m IT ’S H ERE! TH E M IG H TIEST ADVEN TURE EV ER FILM ED ! th e w ay ! U S H O W N A T 7 : 3 0 - 1 2: 2 0 NOMINATED FOR 8 ACADEMY AWARDS CO STARRING AS THE GLOBAL G'RlS including “ DEST PICTUDE OF THE YEAR!” ^Global iffl'tigdMlffi MmO'GOIMYN-MMER c GirfSin tòrio•«uto* and CINERAM A present Í Global ALSO CO STARRING taítSteílino 7 nahte y kJacquesBergerac•M i H I T N O (2) ( F I R S T R U N C O - F E A T U R E ) O N C E A T 9 : 1 0 ta L N M M i JA C K SL A D E , T H E D ALTO N S, ATfcA BILL Y TH E K I D . . . n o n e o f th e m c o u ld h a v e s t o o d u p t o t h e m a n ca lle d ... Only this woman ever 2Wc I got under his skin! W SMART ■TAemnt EU1MCH 4.SO STARMI Rod Lauren, wild kid the Hawk wanted to tame ROD CAMERONIEUUREN RUTA ROD J PAMELA BROWN / 6E0RGF COLE / HUME CRONYN / CESARE DANOVA / KENNETH HAIGH / RODDY McOOWALl »«■in * *» * I ÍPOOUttO •» O'MTCYfU IV SCMCCNPIAV 6» MU**C fV COLOR EV IIIIMS1linci JIM111(11.1119MOIILMMNMM«MU-« EDWARD CRITCHFIELD RICHARD BERNSTEIN EDWARD LUDWIG JO HEIMS• RICHARD BERNSTEINandMAX STEEBER p R) BOLD. BARBARIC. BREATH TAKING! a a A D M IS S IO N P R IC E S : lA D U L T S E V E S . & SUN A D U L T S M A T IN E E S 1 .5 0 1 .0 0 GLADMER TH E A TR E SAT. L A T E SHOW at I0-.50 “ TH E LAST PARADISE*’ t e c h n ic o l o r ..e IN m e t r o c o l o r N e x t! " S E V E N D A Y S IN M A Y ” ••• *r M i c h i g a n S t a t e New s, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic hi g a n F r i d a y , April 10, 1964 f L a t e s t D is t r ic t P l a y Placement Bureau April 14 and general sc ience. Senior high: ies: Police admintstration (B social studies, English, Math, all majors of the College i Aetna Life Insurance Com­ business education, industrial Business. pany: C o l l e g e s of Arts and M a y S t ir D . C H o w l Letters, Business, Communica­ tions Arts, Social Science, and arts (metal), guidance counsel­ lor (M), Spanish, special edu­ cation, teaching interns, French Sage Food Service: HR1 ma­ jors "(B). M/F Seidman K Seidmanj Account­ others interest (B). (B,M). Administration and de­ ing (B,M) Reaction was slowly swelling A l l e g a n , B a r r y , Van Buren, A m e r ic a n M o to r s Corporation: partment heads: assista"! prin­ S t o c k b r i d g e C o m m unity the Romney plan would split Flint up in the Michigan legislature Berrien and Cass. to weaken the power of the city's MBA w ith u n d e rg ra d u a te degree cipal ( M ) , department head for Schools: all elementary, elemen­ Thursday to Gov. George Rom- Under the Romney plan the 4th heavy Democratic vote. But in­ in b u s in e s s of e n g in e e rin g (M), foreign languages (French and tary vocal music, special edu­ ney’s congressional reapportion­ would take in Kalamazoo, Alle­ fin a n c e and a c c o u n tin g , market­ Spanish), s p e c i a l education: cation, junior high, mathematics. stead Romney proposed only to ment proposal, but there might gan, Van B u r e n and Berrien chop off one rural township from in g , m e c h a n ic a l e n g in e e rin g school psychologist, speech con­ English, senior high, English, soon be some anguished howls Counties and a few townships in the northwestern c o r n e r of (B,M). sultant, teacher for emotionally math (B). M, F from Washington. Cass County. Genes see County. Carling B r e w i n g Company: disturbed, teacher aids (B,M). Louche, Ross, Bailey \ Smart: It was believed by most law­ One Republican l e g i s l a t o r Food technology, chemistry, bac- M/F Accounting (B.M). m a k e r s that Republican con­ looked at the Romney map and While most politicians s a i d t e r i o l o g y , microbiology and Nationwide lr.surar.ceUompan- gressmen August Johnasen of said, "This could put both these they would have to study the others of the College of Natural B a t t l e C r e e k and E d w a r d guys (Hutchinson and Johansen) Romney maps to tell what it Science (B), marketing and all F rid a y Hutchinson of Fennville would sharply protest the governor's out of their jobs." Surprisingly, some Democrats woul d r e a l l y do to the con­ gressional elections in Michigan, others of the Colleges of Busi­ ness, Arts and Letters, Com- f R E S T and districting ideas. Both men, staunch Republican, conservatives, would be placed felt there appeared to be no effort by the governor to dampen state highway commissioner John most seemed agreed it would probably not upset the current representative balance in Wash­ munication Arts, Social Science (B). Alexander Grant and Company: V in r u ’j EAST IANSINO y TONUSI« £ Saturday in sharply altered districts by C. Mackie’s congressional hopes. ington of 11 Republicans and eight Accounting (B,M). the Romney plan and might have Many Democrats had predicted Democrats. Catholic Schools Diocese of 3 - Big C o lo r Features 3 trouble hanging onto their seats Lansing: Elementary education, A N O T H E R T E M P O R A R Y B U I L D I N G R A Z E D - M aintenance secondary' education (B,,\l). M/F in a GOP primary fight. Johansen is already the target of several challengers, but both of them live in Kalamazoo, a R eapportionm ent buildings behind the Computer Cent er have been torn down now that their usefulness has been out li ve d, leaving the area free for future parking lot expa nsi ons. E v a n s t o n T ownship Hi gh School: Administration (D), coun­ selor, E n g l i s h , mathematics, city that would no longer be the (continued from page 1) planning the campaigns for the chemistry, social studies, school third district if Romney's plan congressional candidates and psychologist (M), s p e c i a l edu­ tion of all 19 congressmen must is accepted by the legislature. outstate it may be hard to in­ cation (B,M). M/F re -a sse ss our approach and de­ Kalamazoo County, however, has always been a bulwark of strength for Johansen and he termine alternate courses of ac­ tion that will permit us to achieve form the people of county line cuts,” Younger said. 333 To Attend Ford Motor Company: SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: lor MBA’s with openings on the Ford the ends of orderly elections and would probably not want to lose it. The present districting law fair representation." The Romney plan would cut USIA Plans Year Book Day Summer Fellowship Program in marketing (M). Kelsey-Hayes Company: Me­ POCK-A has a 3rd district consisting of i E a t o n , K a l a m a z o o , Calhoun, across c o u n t y lines in seven c o u n t i e s —but would still go a long way toward preserving pres­ Interviews Nearly 300 students and ad­ visers from 40 Michigan high duction. It will be held in the Student Union Building. chanical engineering, metallur­ gical, electrical (B), all majors Bye St. Joseph and Branch Counties. The Romney proposal would ent congressional district bound­ aries. Students i n t e r e s t e d in the schools will gather Saturday on United States Information Agency campus for MSU’s annual High Saturday morning s session, divided into three programs, be­ of the College of Business Ad­ ministration (B). BABY make it Calhoun, Jackson, H ills­ dale, Branch, St, Joseph and all As with the 1963 apportionment (USIA) should contact Richard School Yearbook Day. plan onl y two congressmen— McCarthy at the P l a c e m e n t The day-long event, sponsored gins at 9:30 and will include presentations by two guest speak­ Lakeview School District: Ele­ mentary education, junior high S^ECHWCOLOR J of Cass County but a string of U p p e r Peninsula Republicans Bureau April 15 to 16. by the school of journalism, will social science and science, Eng­ ers, Edwin J . Hackleman and townships r u n n i n g along the John Bennett of Ontonagon and Students applying for the USIA include a series of meetings and lish, math, general math (B, M). round-table discussions devoted Jack Bundy, both of Chicago. Berrien County border. Victor Knox of SaultSte. Marie— should be 21 by Dec. 5. Salaries Senior high: English, social stud­ ^R ock¿A ¿B£eJÍ£¿Z ll wi ce 7 - 4 2 • 1 1 : Hutchinson’s district Thurs­ range from $6,185 to $7,710. to yearbook planning and pro- ies, Latin, math, French and would wind up in the same dis­ - 2 n d Hi lar io us F i l m F ar e — day consists of Allegan, Barry, The afternoon program begin­ Spanish (6,.M). trict. Whereas last year’ s plan Van Buren, Berrien, Cass and would make the U. P. a single dis­ ning at 2 p.m. will include round­ Mineoia Public Schools: Jun­ St. Joseph Counties. Last year’s table discussions • ior high: English, vocal music, act would have made it Ottawa, trict, the Romney proposal would also tack on the Lower Peninsula counties of Emmet, Cheboygan, First Prize Of $500 Audio-Visual Presque I s l e , Charlevoix, An­ trim , Otsego, Montmorency and Alpena. This would give the dis­ In Chemistry Contest ■ a n s m g NBMIIIAH JOANNE Conference trict a population of 413,880, A national contest for either research reports or review essays compared to the 305,984 it would in the field of colloid and surface chemistry Is being adminis­ ■ D r iv e - In T h e a t r e * ^ SouMi Cedar at Jolly Road TU2-2429 WÊÊÊÊM m •N WOODWARD '»S John Barson, director of In­ have without the Lower Peninsula tered by the University of Southern California for all undergrad­ appendage. uates in accredited United States and Canadian colleges and uni­ F R I-S A T -(3) COLOR HITS! TH E structional S y s t e m s Develop­ ment, will speak on learning House speaker Allison Green, versities. R-Kingston, and state Sen. Paul The papers are to be on "T h e contribution of W.D. Harkins to the H I T N O (1) S H O W N A T PICTU RE throueiyMuning at the Michigan Younger, R-Lansing, asked at theory and experimental technique in the field of monolayers on the meeting whether the federal liquids." The deadline is July 1, 1964. PAULNEMnUN•JOANNEWOODWARD TH A TTA KES Aud H M V u a 1 A s s o c i a t i o n (MAVA) conference ¡today and court would accept as practicable Top prize for essays and reports is $500, $200 second and $50 AN EW TECHNICOLOR’1 Saturday in Mustnfon. Discussion will center around the topic "T h e New Media Ap­ a districting plan that deviated honorable mention. Prizes will be distributed August 30, 1964. more t h a n the governor's pro­ Entry blanks and further information can be obtained by writing posal from population equality but Prof. Karol J , Mysels, Chemistry Department, University of South­ TH EPICTURETH ATTAKESAN EWATD TU D F ATTITU D E proach" and w i l l i n c l u d e adhered to county lines. ern California, University Park, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007. speeches on audio-visual educa­ “ You have the problem of the tional facilities. c o u n t y organizations actually N O W thru T u e s d a y 75« to 5 ^ 3 0 -$ ^ C ^ fte r ; 0 L A DM E JF JQQQQQED- B E S '^ l E l E T E l E i E ENTER NOW ! At 1:10-3:15-5:25-7:30-9:40 P.M. ...r 5*5“-■..'i.rVT?” T H E Y ” L L H A V E Y O U R O L L I N G IN T H E A I S L E S ! pduclionol A u. j aa cc M K iee _ _ S le v E S P R IN G OuaSON A NEW K IN D O F LO V E  N E W LEA G U ES TWO HIGHLY ■ ■ IRREGULARS IN THE ¡U «MAHEiMMl-MAURICE MAUER K IN D O F \ VERY REGULAR ARMY! BLAKE EDWARDS PRODUCTION if M É M iH llllM a ta«■«*88«»«K l» âWR««M LO V E J Hear Chevalier serenading i his favorite girls, among J them ' Mimi and ' Louise'' A LL HANDICAP fej Mixed (2 men, 2 ladies) —Tues. & Thurs. I « THC "McLINTOCKI K M H R ÍM M E - 3 man — Wed. Father and Son — Mon. All S p r i n g Leagues start R a fN An ALLIED ARTISTS Presentation, XT n r s rrvnr^rNnnr^nrToranNntrpn Imaurige chevalier AsHimsdt the last we ek in April, M n * Uraicd h MflVlllf SHAVEISON I Newlimes CMRStf h (MOU MANÍ# I A PAfWMUNl RtliASE finish in June. " A N e w Ki nd O f L o v e " 2nd A t 10:02 B E S T IN F O R E IG N F IL M S I TODAY... - 3 r d Col or " H o r r o r " A t t r a c t i o n - SUDDENLY THE TR IFFID S ARE EV ERYW H ERE! ■ T h ru Thursday: h id e o u s , m a n - k illin g HOLIDAY LANES From 7 ; 0 0 P . M . Sat. from 1:00 P . M . 90C T h e a tre P tu n tt 3 3 2 - 2 8 1 » D t h in g s ... m u ltip ly in g » o b e s tia l h o r d e s ‘ F randor Is J u s t South O f U s " I V 7 - 37 3 1 W AITING TO DEVOUR " V R M E M IE W M W " ’ HE HUM AN RACE I . NOW! 65c to 5:30 A ‘T " K ' T " Eve. & Sun. 90« Fe at ur e T o d a y "One of the most R O B U ST THEIIAYOFTHE k — 8*7-0071 uSSSSiyteK ► eee-ee«* — L o a d e d With L a u g h s , Romance and F U N ! BRILLIANT displays of acting Showof Razzle-Dazzle... AWonderfully IT R IF F ID S ever witnessed!" Engaging Movie!” PATRiK WAYNE /STEFANIE POWERS JACK KRUSCHEN CHIILWILLS O LO R -Hi C IN fc M A S r O P F Holden Hepburn GO A BSO LU TELY A P E -New Vork Timet --N ew York Mirror WONNE OECARLO james edward grant, andrewvmiaglen TECHNICOLOR- PANAVISION' *UU*C“ °~C"0' — — michäelwayne In ALLIED ARTISTS Release " D a y O f Th e T r i f f i d s " 3rd A t 1 2: 02 S ta rts Sunday M is ‘R E S O U N D I N G L Y T R I U M P H A N T ! WHENIT, R O U S IN G E N T E R T A IN M E N T ! SIZZLES PRINTSBV « E M P H A S IZ E S M I R T H !” T echnicolor IIP , STANLEY - SPKNCCR W KRAMER T r a c y M a r c h K e l l y A in a f fS F o fl "Imhwrvt T m b W i n d * [ m a u m w km « KIDDIE CARTOON SHOW SATURDAY 1:00 to 3:00 35 Minutes of Bugs B un n y Car toons P l us • Friday 7:10 - 9;30 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:45 - 4:20 - 6:55 -9:30 • mrovuotai'w w ieviwdoren — iHALW ALUS- F e at u r e “ MY DOG BU D DY” P.M. URSULA ANDRESS ■ELSA CARDENAS ; RAUL LUKAS RICHARDTHORPE äiJkM-SS K id d ie Show adm ission not good for *'P A R IS S IZ Z L E S M APARAMOUNTRELEASE ¿tarts T h u r s . A C A D E M Y AWARDS NIGHT D riv e Out - Meet Y o u r F rie n d s HEXT '"O SC A R " NOMINATION " B E S T F O R E IG N F I L M " 1963 Paul Newman M O N D A Y A P R . 13 O nly 4 M ile s East On US 16 a s “ HUD” Channel 12 at 10:00 PM FR I j# F e d ric o F e llin i's “ 8 1 /2 “ _______ d M ic h ig a n S t a te News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M i c h i g a n F r i d a y , Ap ril 10, 1 9 6 ^ ’ CARSOLD IMMEDIATELY “ We’ re v e ry happy w ith the re s u lts & if we have anything else to s e ll w e’ ll c e rta in ly a d ­ v e rtis e it in the State News” it A utom otive it A u tom otive _______ if F o r Rent jF F o r Rent if F o r Rent ★ Personal ★ Real Estate witha MOTOR S( (TOTE K. Good condi­ FORD COUNTRY sedan. 1960 APARTMENTS ROOMS___________________ IN T H E VILLAGE. Charming M l lowcost tion. $135. Call 485-3916. 1] " V -8” . 9 passenger. Automatic: I9t 3 MG 1160 White sports sedan. .good condition.$895. After 6 call Excellent gas mileage. Top con­ ED '-2236. 8 OPEN HOUSE WOMEN OVER 21, SUMMER- FAL L . 100 yards to Berkey or SINGLE R6bM for men. $ min- utes from campus. Phone 33 2- 4261 evenings and Sunday. 8 THINKING OF a Pizza Party? Contact Bimbo’s Pizza first.C all 484-7817. C7 older large home with extra' lot. View of lake. Right in Haslett. Bogue St. entrance. Furnished, Excellent for home or business»» W A N T A D test offer takes. 332-1770. KARMANN-CFilA T9b3. Original c l e a n , utilities. 1-2-4-6- girl • au to m o tiv e owner. Top shape. Blue body, white top, with matching interior. At apartments. ED 2-2276. NEEDED ONE male to share 4 11 ★ F o r Sale Coming SUNDAY, APRIL26-7:30 p.m. at the Lansing Civic Center, J O A N B A E Z .--T ickets—M ain A rare buy. Owner is leaving country. Clarence Oberst, Walter Neller Co. ED 7-9437. •E M P L O Y M E N T C AMERAS: HASSELBLAD1600F, IV 9-5570. 9 man Lansing apartment. C a l l with 80, 135 and 300 mm lens. Floor $4.00, $3.50, $2.75 and A VACATION HOME in the heart • FOR R EN T • FOR SALE •LO ST & FOUND '59 C o r v e t t e . 3 speed. 2-4 barrels. Soft top, trailer hitch, new battery. Call IV 7-3181 after THE 484-4033 after 5 p.m. 3-STUDENT apartment. Cedar 8 Carrying c a s e , filters, etc. LEICA M3, 90,135 telephoto lens, $2.25 -Mezzanine- $4.00, $3.50, $2.75 and $2.25-Balcony-$2.25 and $1.75. of the Shenandoah Valley of V ir­ ginia. Near Hot Springs and Lex­ Village. Reduced rates for sum­ ington for $8,000 ? TRUE. Has . personal • PEANUTS PERSONAL 6 pm. 1963 BLUE S P lt -FIR E Triumph. Excellent condition. 6 good tires. MAR MAX mer. Call 337-2361. APPROVED, SUPER VISED c a r r y i n g case, f i l t e r s , etc. B r a u n - Hobby elec. f l a s h . Omega B3 enlarger with dark Mail orders only-Make checks or money order payable to and 8 rooms, bath, oil heat and spring water. Stream and 3 acres. 332- •R EA L ESTATE apartment. Cooking, daily clean­ room equipment. 332-2924. 9 m a i l to M orris Richman Con­ 5227 after 5 pm.____________ 7 V. W. 1963. R ¡dic, heater, ¡0,000 4-speed. $ 1 ,8 5 0 . 3 5 5 - 0 8 1 6 . (New Colonial Apt.) • S E R V IC E ing. Use of T. V. Extremely neat TENT'S, all sizes. $39.95 and certs, Lansing C i v i c Center, actual miles. lust like new. Two Lansing, Michigan. Enclose self- ★ S e rvice 225 Division St. and clean. IV 4-5014. IV 2- up. Sleef mg bags 54.95 and up. • T R A N S P O R T A T IO N • w anted if E m ploym ent 5053. Lav-awav plan. IV 9-3242. 7 addressed stamped envelope. 17 NO RAISE in prices at WEN- WANTED: 1 male roommate over DINNER JA CKET and trousers DEADLIN E: 1 p.m. one class day be­ FORD 19' stick. A ice, $795. REGISTERED NURSES, full or part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal- differentia plus ther OPEN 21. 1 block from campus. C all Ron at 332-4786. 8 by "After Six” . 38R, Like new. 339-2166. 7 FOR LOW RATES on auto insur- ance its S t a t e F a r m Mutual, World’ s largest a u t o insurer. DROW'S ECON- O- WAS H. 32 Speed Clean washers, 20c-ten minutes drying, lOtf. 3006 Vine fore publication. ri: benefits. Flexible time GRADUATE S T U D E N T S . Fu r­ REMINGTON PORTABLE type- St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. .FA ROMEO 19oS Rc for inspection Call or see your State Farm agent ,...e c, s -12 noon o n e schedule. Meal furnished. Phone nished, just completed. The Mar- writer. Excellent condition, $30. ear, inside ar : .i.'. Ri like today. Ask for Ed Karmann, IV . c: ' a s s i Qy b e f Dre p u b ! i c a t i o n Saturday - Sunday S99 5. 1.0 2-0S01. 21 max. 2 2 5 Division.Close in. Quiet Super Olds Trumpet, case and 5-7267 in Frandor. C7 T.V ,, RADIO, PHONO REPAIR PHONE: 3000 ! . Mici.iga RE L I ABL E L A D Y would like Apply now. 482-5589. 8 mures; Good condition. Jerry, Don't Search—Call Church RATES: 355-8255 IV '-3 "1 5 ’ 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500. 2- occasional babysitting, ironing or light housework by the hour. IV 5-2134. 7 2-6 PM GIRL TO share 3 girl apart­ ments. Reasonable. 332-2195. 7 EYD EA L VILLA 337-1001 or 355-4618 T EFLO N f r y i n g pans, house­ wares and gi f t s . ACE HARD- 8 BE THE wiserl Vote Judy Keyser, for Junior C lass Vice-President, April 16th” 8 IV 2-5608 Prompt Service-New &Used Sets7 ^ 1 D A Y ..................S I . 25 BUSBOY 2 meals furnished WANTED: Two girls to share WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E . Grand door, l.ard top. Red-black top. THE "B IR D 'S’' the word. Tom CHURCH T.V. SERVICE 3 D A Y S _____ S2.50 for serv: 1. Call Stewart 332- apartment with third. Over 21. River, across from Union. ED 5 D A Y S _____ S3.75 •¡■Based on 15 words per ad) Loaded with accessories, 4,000 onvertible. Solid 5053. \VA N T E D : E X P E R 1E NC E D REALLY LIVE Call Ruth, 332-5167 or Sam Eyde, ED 2 - 0 5 6 5 . 2-3212. S p e c i a l d is c o u n t price on C Partridge for AUSG President. 8080 W. Willow, Lansing PROMPT DELIVERIES, t h r e e C i■ / 959 draftsman to draw 100 diagrams electric s t e a m i r o n s . ACE Brand New. . . . 45823 means if you are in East types of diapers to choose from. There will be a 25c service tor Masters Thesis. Rates open. HARDUHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. 1 rmse-Q-m; Lapsing and walk upstairs atTwo Bulk wash for cleaner, whiter and bookkeeping charge if this ad is not paid within O R* T c ^ X Z - ' 355-3059 after 6 pm. MEN:' HAVING TROUBLE fit- 8 • Completely CAMPUS VIEW Grand River, across from Union. ED 2-3212. C21 Twenty Albert to the end of the hall we’ll sell you insurance in diapers, fluff dried and folded. Use yours or rent ours,Contain­ one week. tv . L it coir Mercery, Comet Do?. 1er. 3125 L. (North ting a part-time job into a rigor­ ous schedule? Earn SSO a week furnished Luxury apartments now renting for IF APARTMENT rent is strangl- irig your purse, consider the pur­ a zip. Bubolz Insurance. C7 ers furnished. No d e p o s i t . 25 years experience. By-Lo Diaper working selected evenings and chase of my 30 x 8 mobile home. state News does not Frandor)# C7 with S e r v i c e , 1010 E. Michigan, IV Saturday. For further informa­ SPRI NG TERM 4 years at M.S.U. has proved ★ P e a n u ts P ersonal permit racial or religious AI LSTATE ( ( iMP.M T 19-3 mo- 2-0421. _____________________r tion, call Mr. Kennedy at TU Colonial Furniture • 5 m in , w a l k fro m l i b r a r y i that 2 students can cut costs T.V . RENTALS f o r students. d: - : inination in its ad- ! -, r scooter, v ith wi;!. Real 2-f.629. 7 to $25 month. Includes rent, util­ Mrs. J : DID YOU know that two Economical rates by the term and .erti.-ing c o l u mn s . The o . It 347. 1!09 in rich maple and State Nev.s will not accept 4 . •0A TFAC HERS WANTED. So.ClOOup. Roommates wanted ities, phone. Day 355-4720; night Theta Chi’s came through rush at month. UNIVERSITY T.V . REN­ 9 337-0196. Bruce R. a r ertisir.g from persons West. juthwest, and ska fruit tones Phi P si? Mrs. L . 7 TA LS- 484-9263. C . 3 i )LDS.M< »F II I C I r L s s 324 Mich. Ave discriminating against re­ 1 R E E registration. Southwest ENGLISH 3 speed bicycle. $39.'7. « vertible. Ken."! mist, white ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or national origin. ;V',1, re : i ter . r. Lise .new. Must se,:, sec 1 jr at 544 Abbott Rd. otter ' pm. I riday. All day Sst- Teachers Agency, 1303 ( entrai Ave. N.L.. Albuquerque, N.M. 7 YOU RE THE BOSS! Choose your • AIR CONDITIONED 332-6246 One Block From Campus AC E HARDWHERE & GIFTS. 201 E-. Grand River, across from Union. ED 2-3212. C THE KO-KO owi hours. This is the highest 102 A l b e r t St., partly fur­ W H I T E GERMAN SHEPHERD ad jacen t to the KWI K- S T 0 P party store ur .lay ar.d ->inday. ★ Autom otive payi: v part-time job in Lansing. • ABUNDANT PARKI NG nished......................................... $30 AKC, 6 months. All shots, $75, '*'1 COR VF r 1 4-speed, posi- 0 \ 4-6276. 9 p resen ts We are looking for three men to 217 B o g u e St., wi t h appli­ traction fuel ir.jec'ior. New top. SPACES N E \Y T A P E recorder. 1963 dilior . 1 ow mRe­ age. Míchllr. tires, FL 9-2273. work during Spring term. C a l l 882-6626, Mr. Bowdren. i AMIT o DISTRIBUTOR (female ances.......................................... $90 Rentals include heat and water. C all Glenn D. H arris, 1\ 5-2261 model. Webcor,Music Man and tapes. $170. Call after 6 pm. The Delta Men student) lor nationally advertised • MAXIMUM COMFORT or evenings IV 2-1009. Edward 355-0980. 8 appearing 19( 3 5UNBFA VI ROADSTER. 1 - PF Y C L E SALES, service and higt volume i'em. No investment G. Hacker C c ., Realtors. (Our ion. Ra ho, heater. in ideally 45th year.) 12 rentals. East Lar.sing Cycle, 1215 required, Call 882-2802. 9 Friday, April 10, 3-7 P.M. ’.vire wheels 1519 K. Spartan East Grand River, call 332-8303. SALARY ($3/hr.) plus commis­ arranged rooms FURNISHED A PAR I MENTS: Fa- Village. 355- 2818. 195' OI DSMOBILE CONVERTI. a sion. F R E E training. Work at your convenience. For appoint- cilities for 3 or 4 persons. Choice of furnishings and colors. C a l l CHRISTY 5 string banjo. Long C Music -Dancing B L E , New top, good body and nient, call ED 2-3369._________7 George or Sam. ED 2-5041 or neck. Perfect condition. $250. . E XT R A L ARGE Your favorite beverages mot or . Light blue,' 4 bri., ED 2-0565. C new. Wi l l accept reasonable GIRLS: If you can sell there’s C A R P E T E D ROOMS P.S.IL E ., radio. $580. ED2-2»6] ar. exclleni money-making oppor­ offer. 353-2823. 8 H O U SES between 4 at d 8 pm. tunity available. For further in­ ROOMMATE NEEDED: S h a r e AQUA LUNG 72 cubic foot tank. Constant reserve, VOIT 50Fath- OPPORTUNI TY C HI. A P. Reliable '$4 I FUTURA C CONVERTIBLE C5. formation, inquire Marcy Roser. furnished house.with three other om regulator. Like new. Call 353- for the mileage. C a l l 355-0243. 14.000 miles. Automatic. Phone 345 Student Services, afternoons. • 1 1 2 CERAMIC TI LE men. Excellent, quality facili­ 332-0609. 7 ties. Near campus. 337-1041. 1397._______________________________ 9 NON- CORPORATION MAN 5 pm call IV 4-1009. 6 ' 12 BATHS 1958 CH EVRO LET, 2-door; six EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an NEW T.V.'S $88 up. Famous Better-than-average income prospects for the self-starter HEVY. Motor overhauled. M A L E S T U D E N T supervised stick shiit. New tires: 67,000 Avon representative. Turn your makes. LOOK B-4-L' Buy Stor­ who wants an opportunity to progress at his own pace. 66 year r e l i n e c l u t c h ti ght, house; o p e n i n g s two double . Lest offer over $100. El; miles. $4'5. I\' 5-2432. 3 iree time imo $$. For appoint­ age Furniture Sales. 4601 N. old Lansing Corporation with Dun-and-Bradstreet rating. rooms, one triple; cooking and Largest and fastest growing general Insurance Agency in 4. '1 V.MOLTfl 4-door Sedan, St and a r d transmission,' 9 HONDA-SU P Ir R S P O R T "CB 92” . Excellent condition. I. : dor 4.000 miles. $385. Call 355-933.1 ment Ir, your home write or call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School St. Haslett, .Michigan or call eve­ SO CLOSE parking privileges. Two blocks from Berkey. Day IV 5-2857 after 5:30 IV 5-8836. East St. U.S. 27. IV 7-0173. C7 WATER SKIERS' complete outfit. 40 H.P. Joh. son Electric, on 14 Lansing. This is account development programming. No traveling. and heater. No rust. Call after 2. nings, F E 9-8483.____________ C!7 225 Division St. ft. fiberglass runabout. Used 20 Preferred clientele. Training in Lansing (on the job) by FURNISHED C A B 1N "at L a k e 353-1373.__________________7 ¡958 CH EVRO LET Bel Air. 2 BABY CARE and light housekeep­ hours. 332-6349. 8 successful producers now active in the business. Lansing for 2 male students. $14 ; ¡939 2-Toor economy ’ . door hard-top, V-8, Automatic, MOBILE HOME, 10’ wide. 2 bed- Equity ownership will be available. This company is owned ing. Mornings. P l e a s a n t sur­ 1 1 2 B lo ck s from weekly. Utilities paid. Phone 332- natic transmission, heater, A-l. Many extras. $595. 337- rooms. Located at Winslow’s; and operated by Lansing people. Broad form benefits for roundings. Own transportation. 8932. 7 . electric wipers. Good cor - 9414._____________ _ _ _______8 Berkey Hall Okemos. Good condition. 332- hospitalization, pension, profit sharing are included. Liberal Salary open. Call ED 7-0127. 8 ONE PROFESSIONAL man or ,, sharp looking. 5 tires, '56 FORD. 2-door hard top. Re­ graduate student to share three 4952 after 5:30 pm. 10 salary plus commission. built motor, good tires. $175. GO LF CLUBS. Men’s 4 woods This is an opening for one or two young men who want to ' o si. tires. $600 cash. ★ F o r Rent bedroom, 2 bath home. Ideal I\ 9-j 449. ' ___________ - >R( YC iTT 1937 Allstate, Rhone 66.9-9652 after 6 .pm. 8 1 1:MPLS 1 ‘62, red convertible. APARTMENTS A PLACE FOR home for bachelor. Call J e r r y Nilson 332-3534 or 332-5231. 7 and complete set of irons. Good condition. Don at 355-5393. 9 be their own " b o s s e s " . Your income and responsibilities will progress just as fast as you develop your abilities. c. Here: tly rebuilt. $200 or Economical, one owner, 27,000 2 MEN TO share 4 man apart­ 2 FORMA LS. Size 8. Good condi­ Lansing Insurance Agency Personnel will interview at oifc-r. 332-5743 after 4 pm. miles. Must sell for trip abroad. 482-8365 after 5. ment. N e a r campus. Utilities paid. Parking. $35, month. 337- EVERYTHING' UNSUPERVISED, FURNISHED. Have double, single available. Parking, cooking and T.V . Close tion. $8 each. Call after 4 pm. ED 2-0407. 7 M.S.U. Placement office on April 13. Please contact Place­ ment Office for an appointment. A L S T I N-H E A L Y- 1953. Over- 0767._______________________________9 to campus. 337-2319. AMERICA NA E N C Y C L O P E ­ drive, wire wheels, $700. ED AVONDALE APARTMENTS at DIA 1964 Deluxe Edition. 30 vol­ 7-9479. CORVLT 'I L S 11NGR AY, 19 6 3~. 7 Cursor and Beech, about 4 blocks from campus. For students. Two SPECIAL ROOMS SINGLE ROOM- Large, plain, quiet. Recreation room and kit­ umes. $250 or best offer. C a l l 485-7744 after 7:30.____________8 bedroom luxury apartments at 300 hp, ’ positraction, 4 speed, $180 per month, or $45 per stu­ SPRING TERM chen privileges. Near campus. 135 mm lens for 35 mm camera. Also, 35mm camera. 1000th of a doctor a blue convertible. Match­ ing interior.,, White tup. IV 9- 9723 or I I. 9-8606. dent, per month, with 4 to an apartment. GE stove, refriger­ PRICE Parking, 489-2334, ED 2-8191. _____________________________________9 SINGLE OR DOUBLE r oom. second. F2 lens plus Weston ex­ posure meter. Together or sep­ PLAY MONZA 90d. 1962 Sports ’Coupe’. ator, a i r conditioner, D a n i s h arate. Best offer. Call Steve, R dio, heater, whitewalls. Take over paymeiits. Phone IV 5-0369. modern furniture. No lease re­ quired. Offstreet, paved parking, storage facilities. Stop in at per student Close in, tiled bath. ED 2-1183. ATTRACTI VE SINGLE, corner 8 337-0665. ★ L o s t & Found 8 BILLARDS apartment 120 and look it over, or room. Across from campus, at ( 11 DSMOBTlE 1962 Cutlass con- LOST: DARK SUIT from car call 337-2080 for an appointment. 908 South Harrison. Reasonable. vertiiile. Radio, heater, hydro- For further information trunk in Cherry Lane. Lost April 10 337-06 5 0 . ________ ■ ________ 7 matic with consul. 1.ow mileage, APPRt )VLD WITH c o o k i n g . 3 3rd. C all 355-1205 or 355-8060. ore owner. 485-9340. HYDE A I. VILLA PHONE blocks to campus. Maid service. T KIL.Mpn M d fO R ( V "L E . ' 500 The best deal in furnished apart­ LOST SATURDAY afternoon be- Enjoy 20 Colorful Brunswick Regulation FA Id <' \ 4-door sed , ¡.eater. Good gas mileage. cc. Perfect condition, t all Steve or Jay at 353-022.5. 8 ments with ample parking space. 1 and 2 bedrooms. Central rec- roo.m, laundry facilities, swim­ 482-5589 $10/week. Call 332-3534 or 332- 5231._______________________________ 7 ROOM FOR girls. One block tween Union and Olin. Black Onyx C lass Ring 1959, gold band. BHHS. Size Tables 355-1079 after 5 om. C h e v r o l e t 1959 :imp a la' hard from campus. Share living room Return to Sandra McC aster, Case Beautiful Surroundings Til VR()1 I I Convertible, top 2-door. A n o quality car with ming pool and barbecue pits. Hall. 355-7110.___________________ 7 and kitchen. Parking. $11/week. at -over pack. F'S/PB. Auto- completely rebui'f e cylinder en­ Choice of interior colors. Call ED 2-1920. 9 LOST. Black plastic wallet, be­ . Many extras. Only 21,000 . Must sell. Pete 332-4915. ' 10 gine. Radio, heater, power-glide. White wall tire s. An eye-catching two-tone finish!! Only $985. A1 F ID EL IT Y RE AL T Y, ED 2-5041, GEORGE EY D E. ED 2-0565. C7 ONE-THIRD of 3 room, men's Built by: Al co Construction Corp. NIC E L Y FURNISHED ROOMS: men o v e r 21. Close in; reason­ tween Agriculture Hall and Nat­ ural Science, morning of April 6, CUSHION N CUE able. Also share apartment. ED Reward. Call Tom 337-9901. 7 :<)NDA 50. Excelle:; cbndi- Edwards Co. Lincoln, Mercury, apartment. 3 blocks from Ber- LOST LAST term. M.S.U. class 5 0 2 4 S. C e d a r At J o l l y Rd. Lansing, Mich. 7-2345. 8 lio; . $235 besi offer. Phone Comet Dealer. 3125 E . Saginaw key. Parking, 308 Charles St. Male STUDENTS. 1/2 of 2 double ring in Berkey bathroom. Initials F o r R e s e r v a t i o n Ph o n e 8 8 2 - 2 7 4 3 ,(.55-0495. 8 (North of Frandor). C7 rooms. Sortie cooking, parking. S.H. If found call 355-4950. 7 & their many fine 525 Albert Ave. 332-1384. 8 subcontractors 535 A LB E R T ST. S T U D E N T S WALK! DON’T DRIVE . . .minutes to everywhere OVER 21. Spring term $87.50: 50 ft. to Bogue St. Bridge summer term $50. 2-man rooms, STORY SPRING WAGON SALE Sold by: T .V . and cooking available. P ri­ Compl et ely furnished NOW TAKING FALL Harold M. Davis Inc. vate entrance. 337-2448, 372- 0330. Wall to wall carpeting 4 car parking APPLICATIONS Summer Subleases Available Realtor BOYS: 2 large rooms with com- 745 Stoddart Bldg. fortable twim beds, plus study room and bath. Good parking. A i r conditioned Snack bar Call 332-5051 or see us at the Model Apt. 60 Plytrloutli Station Wagon, ‘58Chevy S t a t i o n Wagon, '6 0 Falcon Station Wagon, Bus goes by door. $7 week. 1112 P r i va t e balcony 252 Cedar automatic transmission, r a d i o , heater, automatic radio, heater, whitewalls, Lansing, Michigan N. Hagadorn. 332-3215. F o ur large closets Model Open - Fri. - Sun. 1-5 p.m. radio, heater, whitewalls. transmission, t wo - t o n e , s t a n d a r d transmission. Di shwasher s SINGLE OR DOUBLE, for men. Story sells Plymouths for less. $795 whitewalls. S t o r y sells Chevys for less. $595 S j o r y sells F a I c o n sfo r less. $695 THE Four blocks from Berkey. 515 Division. ED 2-0097. MAR MAX M E N ; cooking, living room. Approved, 1/2 double' and dorm room. Close to campus. Phone STORY 0LDSM0BILE *■>. APARTMENT 332-2195. 2 MEN. Mature serious students. '«Quiet studying, congenial. Kit­ 7 chen. Parking. $9. Wolfanger. Where The April Action Is OPEN HOUSE 939 Burcham. ED 2-2788, ED 7-0881. 8 EAST LANSING. 1 double on first Saturday - Sunday floor. Share kitchen, living room, 2 - 6 PM dinette. Unsupervised. $10/week. 337-7885, 33‘,-0059 . 7 M i c h i g a n S ta te News, E a s t L a n s i n g , M ic hi g an F r i d a y , Ap ril 10. 1964 Diamondmen Down Albion, 11-3, In Debut Hillsdale JJjjl K r a s n a n , Next Foe P o rre v e c c h io 4-4 Michigan S t a t e ’ s answer to baseball’ s f a m e d ’’Murderers By D U A N E L A N C A S T E R Row” will battle Hillsdale Col­ :y play­ State N e w s Sports Writer lege Saturday in a double header -up as starting at 1 p.m. at Old Col­ N et S q u a d M eets lege Field. The Spartans enter the contest A three-run home run by All American first basema • Jerry Sutton in the first inning Thurs- ubstitu* wi t h a phenomnal .317 team day just about settled mutters : or To ug h L e a g u e batting average after they flexed their muscles for 15 hits and 11 runs in their 1*1—3 victory the day \as Michigan State augur ateo 1 the baseball season M ey I a 1-5 Me MSI Purdue and Ohio State will over Albion College Thursday. with an 11-3 win. ever Albior provide the opposition for the Coach Danny Lirwhiier, whose College at Old College field, Spartans Saturday in what prom­ record in his first season as It appe\ared that would be al ises to be a busy day for Coach MSU baseball coach stands at the sc or:Ing m. the contest ur.t, Star, Drobac’s net squad. 8-3, has an extremely produc­ Joe Porr evecchio dr l i e d hii The Greer and White will play tive ball club this season. The third of four li its into let t tie id Kra a dual meet with each team; Green and White are averaging chasing home two mere Spar­ ir. the fourth : E w. ★ Service the competition begins at 9:30 better than 7 and one half runs tan runs IIX ik e - a game and has scored as many give the winners 5-0 a.m. with singles action again,st \\i IS PRINTED as 22 in one game this season. Albion bounced b ■is Prir.ted Service the Boilermakers. in the fifth, but laic Matches will be determined on J o e Porrevecchio upped his Drain:: ■plies, XEROX Copies twice in their halt the/basis of a 10-game pro set. average to .527 with a four for CAPII M I TV BLUEPRINT four performance against Albion and came up with 99 . South Grand If the weather is inclemdrt, the to lead the Spartan regulars in the sixth to secur orv, in i >2-5431 or 482-5038 contests will be held indoors. S P A R T A N P I T C H E R - S o u t h p a w Jo hn Krosnan, sophomore, is shown in action during T h u r s ­ The Britons. d>ow : 11-1 and that department. F irst baseman able C “ /The Spartans can expect stiff day' s opening gome of the season with A l b i o n . H e allowed only one hit and one run during the held to just two •.its competition from both teams. Je rry Sutton’ s long homer in 1 p. n . at E X P E R I E N C E D B A B Y S I T- the same game tied him with contest. the top of the nir inning, cami Die Prospects at Purdue are good, TER desires full time babysit- backstop Bruce Look, outfielder up with three hit ar.d two run /and Ohio State gave an indication Devereu-x t ting in my University Village Dick Billings, and John Bienden- off reliefer Frt of its strength earlier this sea­ home. For further information/ son with a 9-0 triumph over bach, a third baseman, for the round the scoring You G o tta B e K id d in . call 355-5835 after 5:30. 11 home run leadership with three The Spartars um me *d out JOB RE'suMes ISO copies,54.Ô0. A ld i:ge Direct Ma 1advertising. 533 No :. IV 5-2213. Western Michigan. The iVISU forces rested Monday after their week-long tour of the each. " Because of the heavy action Im p ro ved B u ck s F a ce State fifteen hits in the season opener F o l k s S o n g s t u D a n c e T o ? with Porrevecchio’s four safe­ ties leading the attack. Sutton, A Swingin Harpsichord? South, and Wednesday workouts seen by Litwhiler’s two best / C pitchers, John Krasnan and John who ended the game with four W i t h 1 2 S t r i n g G u i t a r ? were cancelled due to snow. ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ? C a l l Kalamazoo S t r e e t BodyS'hop. Small den t s to l a r g e wrecks. Despite the light practice sche­ dule this week, Drobac is not Ellward, in the Albion game, it is expected that he will go with Doug M iller, a right hander, In G o lf O p e n e r A t C o lu m b u s RBI's/and rightfielder Dick B ill­ ings both added two. & t h e B e s t F o lk S o n g s ? Starter J ohn Krasnan was the You G otta B e K id d in . concerned. American and foreign c a r s . and southpaw Bill Collins for winner of the three-hour mara­ ” 1 don’t think it will matter,” Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 I he Michigan State golf team the team is not as far along as main idle until April 25 when thon, allowing only one hit and (continued on page 10) the twinbill. East Kalamazoo. / C swings into action this weekend it usually is at this time. "We'll they oppose Purdue at West La­ a single run while Larry Colburn STUDE NT TV- RL NT A LS. New with a match at Ohio State Sat­ just have to take things as they fayette, Indiana. T h i s leaves took the loss for the Britons. 19” portable, 89 per month. 21” urday. Following this will be come.” Brotzmann commented. nearly two weeks for practice, The Spartans, now 8-3 for table models, 88 per month, 1*” a trip to Notre Dame and a match After the Notre Dame match. and by that time the squad should table models, $7 per month. All there Monday with the Irish and State will return home and re­ be in pretty good shape. sets guaranteed, no service or Northern Illinois. Gold mentor w h e n a r e delivery charges. Call Nejac TV John Brotzmai r. will go with the same 'i\ Inveì at took 6 5 % a n d 3 5 % Rentals, IV 2-0^4. DIAPER RVk I , same diapers red either/yours or ours, C with hi spring ! i Flc la during the ; Do Hankey, Dick "Track Potential Great9 g o o d m a r k s ? Marr, ! M •sto; , Bob Meyer, wi our service, you may include two pi>ounds of /baby clothes that do not ide. Di,4per pail furnished. shep Richard and Doug Swartz, Meyer fini; led tied for 23rd Says Hopeful Dittrich FOLK SWINGIN’ AMERICAN/DIAPER SERVICE 914 I/. Gier Street and Marston ¡ed for 27th in the University o M iam i-City of Coral Gables tournament. They By R I C H A R D S O N A N D E R S State N e ws Sports Writer champ. Bob Fulcher will join Martens in the 880. Dean Hunt, HARPSICHORD b y T h e S id e w a lk S w in g e r s IV 2-Ö864. had four round totals of 307 Mather. G e o r g e Thomas and This U . if IS Yo Stewh !! __________ /__________________ C and 308 respectively and were Horning add depth to the 880. Btowin' in- the V Green Green Track coach Fran Dittrich be­ The Spartans also are strong if I Had a Hami Cottu.i f te! s TYPING/S ER yiC E the Green and White’s best per­ Don't Think T * : Wj.k Right i •' lieves his team has a good chance in the mile. Jan Bowen, last ANN BjROWN typist and multi- formers during the southern trip. Jamaica Farewf Greenback Dolía to c h a l l e n g e Wisconsin and year’s Big Ten outdoor champ, Hetty and Dup, Freight Ttam lith offset printing (black &white Coach Brotzmann feels that' Michigan for first place in the is returning along with Mike Edujrday Night & color). IBM. General typing, the Spartans have a good chance Big Ten this season "if every­ Kaines, who finished fourth in All in Warner Bros. LP * 1 5 3 2 term/ papers,, thesis, disserta­ in the match with Oluo State, despite the fact that the Buckeyes thing goes right.” the mile. Dick Sharkey, ace run­ tions. ED 2-8384. C "It’s too early in the spring TV Bin g . Term 'paper s .eses. are rated improved over last ner for Dittrich’ s cross country We A re N o t K id d in . to evaluate the team, but poten­ team will be counted on for the year. IBM Electric. 337-152' tially Stale has one of its best Notrt Dame also figures to be mile and two mile. squads in years,” Dittrich said. JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4.00. Aldinger Direct Mail advertising. tough and will provide the Spar­ tans. with some good competition. The Spartans are Strong in E ric Zemper also rates high in the mile and two mile. EUROPE BOUND? '533 North Clippert. IV 5-2213. pi# every event but the pole-vault. In the hurdles, sophomore Fred Still, State has not had enough, ____________________ C time to get ready. Brotzmann Possibly their strongest events McCoy has shown promise in L o o k w here are the 100 -and220-yard dashes. both the high and low hurdles. E XPERT. attributes this to the unseason­ able weather that we have beer, Bob Moreland and Sherrn Lewis Ayo A z i k i w e from Lagos, Ni­ you r a n h e th e •D issertation te n * finished one-two in the Big T en geria, is another highly touted having. •M anu s c r i p t •The sis typing Practice at 1-orest Akers Golf 60 yard dash this winter and both are expected to do well in the performer. In the broad-jump is Sherm NEXTDAY Course has been curtailed and outdoor dash events. 332-5545 Walker B e v e r l y is another Lewis and Jim Garrett both have jumped over 24 feet. G arrett’ s N ew low p r ic e d E.XE ÇUT1W- QUAL II V typing, R O U G H A N D T U M B L E - S p a r t a n l acrosse player takes a spill T h ai's B a s e b a ll? highly regarded senior Dittricn high is 24-7. He won the event T ran s A tla n tic during practice for Saturday' s opener on the lacrosse field is counting on in the 100 and 220. in the ‘64 indoor meet, while Bloc k off catipus. Re asonable. No T h e “ Star Baseball Club In the 440 John Parker, Joe Bar­ job too lar piali. Phone opposite C a s e H a l l . Pho t o by L ar r y F r i t z l a n BARBIE N '8255. 8 * * * * * * first assembled team of at Michigan State, won nett and Chester Harris will add strength to the Spartan’s bid (continued on page 10) AIRFARES PROFESSI >N7-1 TYPING. Rea- pt. IV 2-8892. by a 98-44 score in 186S for the title. Parker’ s best time of 48.3 gave him a third place NOWINEFFECT finish in the L3ig Ten outdoor Tregoning Named TYPING ii home. Shirley You can now Decker, I Phone I\ >09 Ave. Lansing. C Saturday Debut For Lacrosse meet last year. Chester Harris, Beverly, Ron Horning and Dick Mather will be U-M Cage Capt. (DPI)—L a r r y Tregoning of save upto $190.00 T erm pai thes 5, exper- trying to gain points for the Ferndale Monday was elected ienced. 115.M ectric Marianne Harrington, 31 -3280 G7 The Lacrosse club will open its season Saturday afternoon Heywood, AIf Norwood, Phil Iron and Joe Sutschuk will be leading The defense will be led by Jim Robinson, Mike Jolly, John Gaa Spartans in the 660. Mike Mar­ tens, heads the list of 880 hope­ captain of the Michigan basket­ ball team for 1964-65. onyour trip to L Dii STARR,' YPIST,' Theses, the Spartans at the attack posi­ fuls. T regoning, a ('-5 junior for­ dissertations, rm papers, ger.- eral typing. against Notre Dame on the la­ crosse field (behind the practice tion. and Bruce Goodwin. \t goal, v e t e r a n Chet Grabowski will Martens is a former state ward, s u c c e e d s guard Bob C antrell of East Chicago, Ind. EUROPE •perienced, IBM football field) at 2 p.m. The midfield men are respon­ probably start, but Bill Rastete: 880 champion and indoor 1000 E lectric. OR -8232. ‘ C The Green and White will be sible for setting up the scoring is pressing him for the starting chose from5 trying to get off on the right foot plays. They have the most tiring role. A ' W a n te d WANTED ! O sublease sum- in hopes of bettering last sea­ son’ s 3-3 mark. job since they have to move all over "the field while the attackers DESTINATIONS mer: an a :or 4 girls Lacrosse is a rough and ex- and defenders are stationary in Detroit to L o nd on - $347. 40 with reduc 7149. WANTED- C ali 355- OOD CARVER for citying sport played on a lot like hockey. Four defenders, three midfieldmen, t h r e e attackmen a set position on the field. Five men will be alternated in the games at this position. NOW! There are w h e n t h e y ’r e 6 5 % D A C R O N S e e S c o t la n d , Ir e la n d . . . . n o e xtra c h a rg e . one project all M/Sgt. Watson, and one goalie make up the team. They are Bud Schultz, Dave Wag­ two c la s s ring Armv ROT Phone 355-0243 or The attackers are the ones who ner, Don Derfner, Jim Robinson, & 3 5 % c o tto n Det r oi t to P a r is - $389.20 355-2386. 8 do the scoring in lacrosse. Joe and Bill Prahler. com panies to serve S e e T h e B r it is h lie s , to o . in P o s t-G r a d you. s la c k s b y Det r oi t to Madrid - $405.20 DUFFERS: h.i.s. Rooert’s Ring Co. S p a m , P o r t u g a l , th e s u n n y and M ed i t e r r a n e a n . You don’t have to be a p ro to w in in th is El l i ott’ s Ring Co. EV£N 5 SCHOLARS’ indoor to u rn a m e n t. P riz e s fo r handicap sco re s!! 12” PIZZA Detroit to Rome - $492.80 S to p p v e E u ro p e . a lm o s t a n y w h e r e in .F R E E ! T h i s is t h e f a b r i c c o m b o PRO’S: Lansing’s Finest Pizza th a t m a k e s m u s ic w ith sle e k g o o d lo o k s a n d w a s h Detroit to Beirut - $746.40 a b le d u ra b ility . A n d P o s t T h e H o ly L a n d i s y o u r s . . . p lu s a l l E u r o p e , to o ! G ra d s are th e b o n a fid e You can win to o . We a re o ffe rin g low g ross p rize s! Rings include degree, seal, 3 engraved initials and a at Lansing’s Lowest Price p u th e n tic s th a t trim yo u up a n d ta p e r yo u d o w n . Trie r A l l f a r e s v a l i d fo r 21 d a y s o f choice of 10 stones. t ra v e I . a n d -tr u e ta ilo re d w ith b e lt TEAMS: VUe 96t lo o p s , tra d itio n a l p o c k e ts April 11-19 M en’ s and women’ s h a lls , fra te rn itie s , G a u l ¡s h o p ' p lu s to x a n d d e liv e r y n e a t c u f f s . O n l y $ 6 . 9 5 in t h e c o lo rs y o u l i k e . . . a t th e s to re s y o u like . COLLEGETRAVEL S I . 50 per player s o ro ritie s and co -o p e ra tiv e s . A c r o s s From Home E co no m i cs Bldg. Pizza by ’Du Pont’s Reg W IN A T R I P T O E U R O P E OFFICE 1 3 0 W. ED 2 -6 7 5 3 P ic k u p y o u r. " D e s f ir ia t io n E u ro p e ,£ R A N D R IV E R E D 2 -8 6 6 7 T i c k e t s avai loble anytime at G O L F - O - T R O N 341 1 E . Michigan, 332-6565 G a u l ¿ sh o p RICARDO co n te st e n try fo rm at any.s t o r e fea tu r in g the h .i.s la b e l. N o t h in g to buy E a s y to w in! h .i.s o ffe rs yo u v o u r c h o ic e o f se v e n d iffe re n t trip s th EVANS SCHOLARS’ GOLF TOURNEY A w ie x , Spartan Center IV 2-1554 m m e r to y o u r fa v o rite E u ro p e a n City by lu x u r io u s je t. E n t e r now ! mirili»''* M ic h ig an S t a te News, E a s t L a n si n g . M ic h ig a n F r i d a y , Ap ril 10, 1 9 64 •& .<• B O B M O R E L A N D A N D COACH F R A N D I T T R I C H Tennis Track (continued from page 9) (continued from page 9) Lewis won the event in *63. he sa;d. "In (act, the rest could Stan Washington, sophomore help us more- than hurt j s . basketball star, is expected to “ We kept getting better with add depth in the jump. Stan was ever)’ match down South, and Detroit high school champion in we had to play every day. May­ the event. The same trio will be the lay-off will help us compete in the hop, skip and build our enthusiasm." • % jump. I he meets will mark the t-i Dave Mutchler and Tom Her­ for Tom Jamieson as captain. bert add a good one-two punch The Lansing senior, number e in the shot-put. ma on the Sparta:, squad, was In high-jumping, McCoy and elected captai: Monday after­ Bill Berry both have cleared noon by a vote of his teammates. 6-6 and both should do well Jamieson was a member this spring, according to Dit- last year's MSI team that de­ trich. feated'both Purdue andOhioState Pole-vaulting is the weak point in duel meets and then finished of the team, but a trio of sopho­ ahead of them mores could develop into steady meet. performers. The three prospects Tony O'Donnell will hold down are Dick Cramer, Dan Smith t.urnber two position in the Spar­ and Dave Colby. ta:: lineup with Dwight Shelton, The Spartans compete in the Charlie Wolff, Laird Warner, and Ohio and Penn Relays later this Tom Wierman rour.ding out the month. Their first home appear­ squad. ance will be May 2 against Ohio Warner is the only sophomore State. May 9 they travel to Notre in the group with all other regu­ Dame to compete against the lars having earned at least ore Fighting Irish. letter in previous seasons. May 16 the Spartans are host After Saturday’s matches, the to the always tough Chicago Track Spartans will prepare to face Club. The Big Ten meet will be Notre Dame, Wayne State, and at Evanston May 22 and 23, and Western Michigan in non-confer­ the Spartans will be trying to win ence duels before resuming lea­ their first Big Ten championship gue play against Michigan May 5. in 13 years. Wir haben ein Mighty Fine Dinner! •GERMAN—AMERICA j • EUROPEAN TRAINED CHEF SPECI ALTI ES • FRI ENDLY SERVI CE BRAUER'S 1861 HOUSE F R E E P A R K IN G W HILE DINING 213 S. Grand A v e . L a n si n g I V 9- 3411 fashions with a flair Foxs Quality Jewelers Since 1.917 gay, exciting sheaths GLOWING e v e ry th in g coats perpetual beauty— UNIQUE “ contour first class travelers in a 2 2 .9 8 bri l l i ance” design sunny or shower-y climate T h e s e c o l o r f u l p a s t e l s f r o m C a l i f o r n i a s e t a young $$ A. R e v e r s i b l e p r i n t - to —solid t r a v e l c o a t , with mood to c a p t u r e y o u r h e a r t ! T e x t u r e d r a y o n s o r silk |j§: m a t c h i n g u m b r e l l a . All a c e t a t e i n blue o r g r e y . 17.98 b l e n d s have a slub e f f e c t that adds m a t e r i a l i n t e r e s t to st y li n g d as h and v e r v e ! A. C o m p l e t e l y l in ed , t h i s EX TEN D ED TERM S A V A ILA B LE B . C l a s s i c t r a v e l c o a t with 3- bu tto n f r o n t , s l a s h s h e a t h is the p e r f e c t a c c e s s o r y d r e s s with i t s jewe l gg p o c k e t s , c o n t r a s t i n g t r i m . B o n e , white o r bl u e . 17.93 n e c k and c o r d e d w a i s t . P i n k , aqua, o r c e l e r y . B . A t r l - gg tone s k i m m e r t h a t h a s con tinu ing i n t e r e s t in the b o d i c e g*-;. FOX’S C. (r) Modified t r e n c h of w a s h - a n d - w e a r F o r t r e l p o l y e s t e r , to b e l t o r not. N i v y o r o y s t e r . 14.98 d e s i g n . W e a r as you p l e a s e s e l f b e l t. In f l a x , blue and t o a s t . C . M u l t i - c o l o r e d co in do ts c a s c a d e f r o m the top gg Direct Diamond to l o w e r po c k et in f a s c i n a t i n g p r o f u s i o n . Se lt b e l t . In '■$$. D. D o u b l e - b r e a s t e d t r a v e l c a p e with dee p s l i t I MPORTERS b e i g e o r navy. M i s s e s ’ s i z e s . ||| a r m h o l e s , s l a s h p o c k e t s . In navy, b la c k o r white. 19.98 i\ n e x c lu s iv e f o u n t a in * F R A N D O R S H O P P IN G CENTER s t y lin g . S o p h is t ic a t e d , STREET L E V E L EAST LAN SIN G S T R E E T L E V E L - E A S T LAN SIN G gg A N D 2 0 3 S. W A S H . c n a r m in ¿ ly J i f f e r e n t. A complement to the lo v e lie a t h a n d . $275. Dial 332-8622 For Telephone Shopping Service Shop Saturday 9:30 to 5:30