M. s. c. Library Bast Lansing. Mi oh. Michigan State News ilr.ir broaden'.(>( I iB'-'l: MILITARY UNITS ANNOUNCE CORPS SPONSORS Classes Choose New Officers at Special FLORENCE HESS IS ELECTED I Villi*' Tell$ lli> Folks PI AN Tft ntPCP CORPS SPONSOR; HONORARY VOTING IN FINAL ELECTION fl ASS RUSH TO IU SHOWS MARKED DECREASE OPERATE UNDER That ( Onr Hero Write. Ar.oth.'r allege Life Is Cruel Pa- O a ; In' diversetalks d,visi0n heads are ch08en Mi f On ht'on, Siii 'ev. Stockton aid Whitman are Elected thetic Epi.tle to the in arts series liuncU" by Military Students; Installs FROM FIGURES OF WEEK AGO CHANGED RULES * Farm Home nr111 fty at. yestrnliiy , , , * final- il- rial .U-t ' i.-n. |>. l.| BRUTALITY BANNED November I in Be Date Wh.-n A'pha lit ire fi .. I ntmi hiiil.litiir |i ■ ■■Traditional Black Friday, Ha/ Alpha ! "f t«At \\«'«'K - fliniinMl' V • , ■ . I ■ . ■ i ' «... a, T , l)«:»n of American Produr- i. i • I Last by mi-mberc of the . I i, ,B* Wl" No1 ,ake er Spe'iks H?i.* • .1 .1 -!'• t ..! Ofll 1 • 'Iff I • • ' . ffic» Place. k 1:1..-1 mi. Mil 'utchtHin, , 1 r \lpha 1 III Omega. id II. O. T. ('. Dicks 11 t wan Mi.-m . , ,•*, Meehan. Canning, a Language Dept. ('orgs Sponsor, 1 in poaition nf "li.'iitenant Mds Officials .11,1 '.ii i lif infantry vent , M: J• r Shipley. a I.an- In 'fLc'ors Trarslat? Missive* Ft on* Many Foreiyn underclasses flan for rush ■ Soph Presdrt A ipoints €3 m'tte;-. Frosh Lcadrr* At.' Selected at Meeting. ballo tug u» fill t» • f- w students -i>.. <0 »twee of representativ* Brphon wf Htuftem t< itt-t :■ gotD'fordham Krimn.li. S"ll. Only Small Number ol Ticket,; Ahan Hon Caravan Idea 1.100 enrolled societies plan for languages cn decorating Stali.lici no Depailment of 'nler f at loontil Will Af.in Mi.ilr n l.jn.ua.ei Aie ()tl»r Cnp at Homerom Cited hv lluvh". in. Time 1 ANNOUNCE LIST PLANT SPEAKS OF BANDSMEN Falroao Make. Kaowa Name, TO GR AD MEET uf Men Wkn Have Become Continued on page «» Mathematics Head Talks em 1 af Bard Subject of Scholarship* at 1 d PUrone .State dcWtf band ■«-1. ■ ■ These Four Co-eds Named For Honorary Costs Kerrs (iatbennf. the name* of w.--a ^»r:» V I*i' a . d itm- ■ - ' '■ *k Aidf < h Th» (■ ■■>>' " ^ '■'* W* »•r* 11 B Forms Alien, John Avery Eari' ■ . r. -m ■ Auten, Donald Bard, n Ban y-*,i.« • di*ru'-tuon of rt« (labid Cwr*. Carl I MM WtilMi Cuburn John , Harr;. Wfttrn ; b : "»< h hou* .^grtdaon Ductal <1 lUxvtcm Garret >h,. air,p.u abrvuid entertain litiaeyer Una kn$r. Harold F.:*.- fTom one * the o'.twr ho- »•» Hartley fUiMiic.tr, ^ one rugM s PWaar. Tom Oileon T>an dould ae. ided to di.v uot.nue f e prac Hoaaru Jennutfs Vaugfrn HUi aT?JUft4, for- itus decUwo 1 HuJiard Blue. Marry L-\ Jaows . 4kl (n]{IOWMr to make Loary. Id ward Moota«ue Frank rosined Kheduie due ic Wort an Thayer liarwr. Clare Htnnt activitie* Bu or'i.nahly «*art at an « Umm a—— Michigan State New* Fordhani Game to COLLEGE STVDEHT PVI.SE '•* PLACE PLAQUES Michigan Sbr (tritir Be Heard in BULLETIN Union li.t UNDER STATUES Stutter K> ANDRKW BISHOP Ilk. M' Mrt: In-rtiplion: «rr FatlrnH Under rilfm . iim in rriKi Pnrtrail Burl. of Coll.*! ronaii. The rollf»tM«ir i»«>> w.o nvi> w Pioneers. -j.iirm • arr v» \ • hum. hi 11 BARRATT SHOK RKIVVIRINt. iii" I>\ t IM. • n|||M - I Vi I pllvlili.fv .innflll ||. • .in II In attraction UK III ItM I A Well Balanced Mean is >nur Ik--i proUsft»>r. against flu anil colds. Our .i >>■ Kin • Plate Men! is planiHil with Ihis m mind i si i iii hi• s|i tlljl Hut.! Soob ^ntibel's tt Mil III* IISM I Desert air is . . . by comparison! Silver and Gold Rings j INK Compacts 1 rim i.'l < V* I tu loppir fllC r POT Knives |sprf ' Wrst.- I jr.-i,. , ' ,k- '"'J,. "• a rr«drv I « fh» crwl. uu arvitii Sandy's Sandwich Shop ! I» > I v \ SUtmnrr) I* r r so n a I Cigarette Cases -* " " Sr"' i". nt* Piotub^iUKM go ialn •'sr.: r.'IrpfvHirs, swucfi- iiii>ihi.iI. sl.lr ItHwIr. WM i i ' a. m4 i (M .• teJ and Lighters '•"•m* MMt i U . 4 .ri ihpWMMIi •• Itm... . r. BELL SYSTEM . Pimm ii. I... I K.I tin irluri lumh lilt, if"' - it . k |m s j,,, WE DELIVER EYEMNGS l-huM M4llUh.*IM I ———————iii——ur assss avtflM of (Nlia tOMilClUlW '"II* tostucnw fmpwti*I UUlf* I No Service Charge f ARRLY.°.uVir.Y.LN No Check Tax vrrmcAN state news ~Th„r«cto?, October 20. 1022 I'nion Dance In He Major Feature VtM PT \ i'Ol.H I'M \ V RELATIONS CLUB STUDENT GRANGE ot I nusually Quiet \Veek; Marked PICKS OFFICERS HAS OPEN MEET laill in Social Schedule Noticed Waldo Speak# on South Amenta (ani/ation Plan# to do Decree WlioftB you've 13,1, lit Fialrrnity Partir* Makri Prn.prrt i.l Week End li.uk Btfore International Kela Work A^ain This |i..ill Willi Only Two Sororilv D.inm li.lrd. Si-.,rial trnns (.roup Winter Smorilie. Kntntain fiui-*t< i Viroiigli s.rii'ly i" nppKmilh "ii il • • •> •,<, n.j .. ., 1 , . i ,,,, i .... : i > i1. mimbri' hi nil.'in' It i'i... , kl'nsl V.M.C. A. OPENS ANNIIAI. CAMPAIGN W ' a V \ N 11 sun vml -«»in •-1 It • r» «j| Mt-mhenhip Drhr is H« ^nn With !«■'/' rjiiit U itnI until i-lii!|o — tr\ .iiul full Irrni pmi. ■ Waffle Supper nl ,.i K. iit..».' i: HI during the term n - People# ( hurrh krUpi. >• ill- mill " noI -lio-.l lailfliltill-. I In • • i '■> Ii 'I i '•'< liolilili ii. ii rri.|i lit. \ . . .. KI. \...I II.. . in ,I, in < li. r>!\ lll.ll - .jiiii til. ill?;, -il .1! .1 I., i ( nl I,. • <• 1 late of I >ij.i\ Kill K'i jii. - I'ii In itci'-a! f ;ue- ( \. Drive filler. I in. Iih ■ I ii' "nl- around In*, "Sv!',. Ii Ih. Hii limn lit .n * In. ' m, IVofessit ••■iii'iership Mn Phi l|>*ilnn lino . So mm Ni Honor t■ uc>i «li»lir«. Ml rr»l. ill.", oil Ii.iw It in- Kri-|iii J Cla»» Market •« ■ HI \\ i ili Itit cnlion Al.ol.. I.. K. ll..»« iii i: .nl. i. k. - Dorothy K Itc;nils Shop Shampoo anil Finger t*9# Wave ."die lYrmanrnt Wave* ! > !.*ll anil Sa.lltl First Delegates \rrive Todas for Home Kc. Meet .ml Will Hi ; in vv ih p. I.lltl? IE ill" 'l| S\ I'I Vf M S i l ANS i.i" i Mi I'IVI p\Kn Did you any {(fc ? " " "Yes. i 7.dias -tfid IIU'II .• • l> :i« huuu. H'i 1. I • « Iieone Sctrtlei .. i i < THAT'S M i. I! COSTS ■HibiUr 1 '' . Stephen Rogers prominent member pon...;^ Every Saturday Night Mat ion at Ra«t M* - '•rf.and was on the campus I •• "--J WedneMia). 110th F. \. Ah.umi 't.e .ltur*l staff meir.ts • - lhe expennvr u. ■» .a •: I In* rornrr .mil ' I. IV. n vour wav he will. In- mellow aet-ordiou ... .1 -nng on ht.» li|w ARMORY romps ami the lovi' of «.>ng in Iii4 tirurt, like .1 wumlrrinif ln.iilia.iour of old. Increasing Patronage of the I.iclit up your Choilcrlirld. fling wide vour radio - Grarr E. Cynu (£at> NATE FRY window and listen . . . for In- ha* many taJr* to tell you! Pro.rs tkr I'opularii. of Our and his Ck—ltrfirU Hntho /Vur«ii.-»tra ami Nueaun L TNI Atmosphere! Htokenah.i • 10 p. mu i t . dancr here every once* FAIL TERM PARTY i; a of lloni'' Ft'. Club Sunday Musicale 0!M SALE NOV. 10 while which T would like to •, MAKES SHIFT IN BE HELD SOON The Mplm Lambda chapter > Hard Times Theme to Be Car -non as you get While I wa it fln.fched ).• not hurry- mn Just take your • •. writing hcj* • atamn Alpha lotn nut tonal profr Directories Nov. ir, Hauls ot Itokcd on thr floor under fi. t CONCERT DATES Plowing Canted. mill S»lc «t Animol. Will Future lonal women's music fratrmitj v nnfrrtninrd by a mimicnlc Itomt I.i Mrr, H Mrrtnn Clufk m c • ried Out at Student Clnb's Dance. Printers; Will Not Mode Sunday More Information." Carv»f»t Prex^nt 'Btftgnri Oper.t' Annual Event Thr program included two wh-:. •w>kv and one piano anlo iv <• 1 Until Aftrr Christina* llnlbeck tonjj VtllnnMIr' by TV cTlx and "The Cradle Hymn 1 Holiday*. IOW plOVUHK Octchcnin«>(T Haydn'.; "Mv M > Bids Wc IIIud My Hair • war «. PROFS AT COMFERENO hy Jeanrtft I nwhrl Mrs If- •' PIANIST PLAYS FIRST Rrdicrt'. Hhttil plavrd an "IJnprotr: Keiital nf Gitta Gradova !o B Prfienlrd on Novfinbcr Tenth. HEAR MASTERS ORCHESTRA GIVES RECITAL SUNDAY ATMOZARTEUM l aniinf Symphony Open. Senei *'i S ( Musician* Trarh at With Cnncert at Pratt Saltrhurg Conservatory I hiring Summer I \ l> s/.,"' l< /.' Farm Crops IVp'l LEO BKOWNELL DANTE Will Send Kxhihit o1 to chkHifo show Barber & Beauty Shop i is i no i not pm.issi i noon nasi is,. lllfMU1 and I tinr .fi4V p U'lhat !'• ittanenl Waving I onipk'te I lea u I v Service Social 1*1(111 Dancing I I ud. v v. III.,.! i 11 (til iiiul Hiitnrdio >i«M \ llti.il INK StMMpN M HOIII or D.I.V IX. at ih< ill til Mratttl triad* BM. t'lia.ue 40-17I Silver Slipper Ballroom I \»MV ' X\El~ H%fl RDM ' I Vlirtiiifiin Avenue i • - i it v N M II \| IK> HAND i ;i«lu I ' Att n i (talking .'»? Honorary (.roup Makes Plana for Annual Awards PUBLISH RANDALL STORY OIL* (it me AMI SPECIAL -una, I MdMVW OMA SUlU laidieo Men h I'liin Hre-wex tl*t «mI> 40® l-idn • I * i.t i it i «».i t - |/AMPIIS •a>K(iM I n ■ILEA] iNEM —and raw tobaccos have no place in cigarettes Patronize 1 hey arc nut present in LyVrf the milJtst cigarette these fine tobaccos, after proper aging and mcilowrmg. . .. Michigan State News you ever, smoked that Lucky Stoke-puctfyfa* YY/IW hunt buy tobaicoj the finest, the very process, described bp (be in ail die words—"It's toasted". That'* Advertisers world—but that docs not explain why folk* every- where why folks iaeeaep dtp, town and hamlet say due Luetics regard Lucky Strike a* The> have faith in College Students the nuldctt cigarette. is, wc never The fact overlook the Any IVrsons Ik-siring to Subscribe or KcgiMer Delivery Complaints Call o Write truth that "Nature ia the Raw- is Seldom Mild "—so MICHIGAN STATE NEWS OFFICE PHONE COLLEGE EXTENSION 376 J Tbursdax. >u« of "Soil Scicrce , ->f!hy ■ 'F k,LlC IT »> * SURLES ATTENDS < h, „, KOnhifNEKIFS ACKINf, I'rorr I oif (I RESEARCH MEEr IN GOLF CONTEST ;fling I - • i t ' t| i r i! intim-ei tng kxpenmml Station Unl, il M i ft,,, J BARNYARD GOLF Plan Work on I hei r i •iurnrfni'-nt fn Hi Hrlii TOURNEY BEGINS m Sii-tng S|)ili'!ail I.IMU'IM' M . i. • T I) • Pliv (Ml Kbsmnat'ni in ( el More Mm ^eee Merseilv" CAR REGISTRATION MOUNTS 5 TEADIIY IS" Slnij-n' Aulm ' iggi'f! In tf.r Nr. ( n-fd N*)»l«tr^ Stirfctn Spnnxtr ~Date-\»ti '>»un TRY US- I jSHREDOCO TIIK t KlJaiWS' I.IKK iiii M: OIIh kasil* \ll-( ollt'Kf Run: W ( LARK GOf.S TO SAGINAW CITY CAFE iWHEAT Next !'» Stall' 'IT alii' W is«ni r i» Second LHRYSt.FR < ABORAIORIE:, i 1' • WENED TO tNGINEERS ————n ■■ —n i m ... -»rr UnetiHa Bailors ' • ■•■■•*<■1111*., II. lylllljll < ' 93*45 Olympic-Kainltow Recreations Kll.1,1 \HI)S HOW IJ SO I HURRY! ihkrhiatm. too m Smart fVautk- » *U8 emit ll.eri * ? Buy Your <•*»*/ "'» n li)« half brllro Ht* to ' * tliex'rr warm .w*i — > >' I1S.7S *V, .<0* H 41 ST j»! I N. '!*■ a Smart Pumps | Wolverine •4*. . a r.i. «w Ai<$ Thiit it vn«—lh« I tbmia— •»! rtdp* <«V P» ■ • onMtx v«u. Earta* «■«+. U«". Tl»ir ft: •••« '« .i"l rich, velvety •kjzc. lined IhrnuKh- *•1* ttml -ArwnfO. v" O;" "j-t. ■<$.. t JackrU Tuitlr ■ .tit « atxvtai ' i mil w ilh soft kidskin. This pump ^iitlui in irur Varsi! is a W \Lk-OX KM, w» it w ill not .style. " • *.*•* %•£: -lip at the heel, nor pinch at the ifar Urge* W*«i * NOW iMASX ri HI Tiw {«t tor ti«e aflwr a tm vw toes. Ifai* in Onlral Mirtn*»J. •ruit - c«up*- all w Hrowntto'i * of tor par • «ui be I**, Mr Bali* »l Yoti««. UanU7 J*m Partrr bL * Aiu Burton's Walkarnri a»«o 221 8. WashMglMi .A>«. $4.75 at the Union Desk KAT8LR HIM1ERV TUO! 75t «B4 1109 THunuUv. Oi'tnlnT 20, 1922 M'lTfKIAN ST \TI' \TW n s-RfShmtN KOBS WATCHES jvi. J ^ 1 Michigan State Eleven tc tWR.* W.% Play Fordliam at New York; A'W SEAS'- ! immwms II. '. x. FRESHEN WIN V- Hi A ill I n ." HlilflnL J W:llt VI." I ,. i ir M ATI NICKS (daily) at 2:.T0 Coach Entrains With 31 Men nit i W'fh Virtory On- •«i S Norr %cf iv*i«*v lot* 2lli' KVKMNliS al 7:00 and 9:0(1 - ,• Rrrnarrl MrNiitt. Fullharlt. Sl\l>\YS, Continuous from 2:00 Rvlurit fo Active Only; S^-axin 4o(» S« If Kin* look f.w I'pnH Kill I > \ V M l HD.tY lii! 'nil.:'' Fairbanki Ai hn b»«t' In a MOPfIN COM- .. (i y LitAMA tbat WT tHTMfS j \ | «. || | \ 4. AdlON and YNtlllSI « ..... • *' t ; ! • -J . ' u ( FACE BUTLER U , Hrswn Bi*i I With v S: MBinson Qjcaf A nightmare wkrMM • mang tli* kmrn *k«m« «l h i I III hiluii-t'o tluil i« ■ ill Im -I Itn- |ii|»■» ini|>lil j If " un.NKwIi'N vmi tiii Ksiian a In It i ii Hi I >.Iiilli. rnl" nr AfillSS "iiilifili in I I i 1% i I *i iiii^i i. Il ii ijiiin » ii It |ii ii| IiiInii-i'ii • I a Hi ii-iil limn l In - iiiliiiii'ii ll-.'.l llll illinium : illllll'll !' iir i i|iiirrUi-. I In■ 11 ii|*iiin, l.iaui>. r i> iiiaili- lit i ll- A SUCCESSFUL CALAMITY Wlll'i >li 1111 ii I WASlim R>S annua. (.raupr luii a Il i« uluu jili-a-in:! Iuiiiiiiic -/tUhfityet! anil i'imiI. Jii-I irt il! Decrease Shown I! 111. MT.I in iji: .illnu'iit St hiail Siiiip'i. ■ H. fih.-4 fail- o! i' K. Majors 6 ore lo find real .r'ht-n <"ft trad in Njrtl - nf SMOKi: SHOP ll.tpptnews . . . • '. R-t.'.-r ' I What a witaa • Hon for thr Corduroy Coats| \ Scram'* Ma-! |.f Nrtor! Slicker 1.trust • «5» • •.*" Vt". K h Oif\% >11 .1 « (■luvos, >1.95 up — Wool Tie*. $1.00 : — BXTBA — ; !*- la ft »>rt:d* Jones ticn hii dtfYerepi •<*' o the exu* t*Mnt from ptwre- ?*cme wish ;o wcri it- *choiTi> LAURAL and HARDY camps. wofvn in MtUrmen! hwusm j Lewis Bros. College Shop! in and tK*re w on* firl hem who hojv»« to be .mm" a cvnrsrt darcer. o ;3-J? New In the physical partment this year is toperr education de¬ M "H»r Clark. Mrr. j -coiavtl JAieiTW — lii- vVf"ifv«r: 0 Might in the general.course vol? min iiotkd os 4 a mvi:rs whim rr