In s id e M IC H IG A N W ea th er G la s s Service, p. 3; Bridge, Partly s u n n y and a little p. 5; T ra ck , p. 7; Baseball, STATE warmer today. High in the p. 7; UN opinion, p. 4. 60’ s. U N IV E R S IT Y Vol. 55, Number 130 Thursday, April 23, 1964 E a s t L an sin g , Michigan P ric e 10« M SU Lead s In F a ll M e rit S ch o la rs Rites, Rights At Fair O v e r 2 0 0 W ill E n t e r N ext Y e a r LBJ Sees P eace R a c ia l P ro te sts In T h is G e n e r a t i o n C au se D is o r d e r Credit Given To NEW YORK .f—The billion dollar New York World’ s Fair NEW YORK (¿Pi-Clamorous racial protests created a Donny- Scholarship Plan opened on schedule Wednesday, with a prophesy by President brook Wednesday at the opening of the New York World’ s F air. Johnson of peace within this generation. A cold rain cut atten­ Disorders erupted, one after another, in the mud and rain. By C H A R L E S C . W E L L S dance, and plans for a massive traffic "sta il-in ” collapsed in A threatened massive traffic blockade floundered ineffectually, the mist and gloom of a dank spring day. but demonstrators swarmed the fairgrounds to proclaim their State News Staff Writer " I prophesy peace is not only possible in our generation, I grievances and demands. At least 131 were arrested sometimes ----------------------------------------------- after angry scuffles For th e second consecutive predict it is coming earlier, ' Freedom now, freedom now,' year MSU leads all other univer­ Johnson told an invited inaugural chanted throngs of Negroes and sities in the number of National gathering of 16,000 persons, who Merit scholars planning to enter huddled in a damp outdoor arena. whites deployed throughout the Temperatures were in the 40’ s. R a il S t r ik e O ff ; array of exhibits. in the fall. Out of some 1,625 outstanding Providentially, the rain let up Their cries muffled the words of President Johnson, as he de­ NO F U R C O A T H E R E - T h i s mink, gently handled here by Richard Aulerich , University animal students named in the program, during his speech, although the more than 200 have designated Chief Executive was shielded by clared that the fair symbolizes research expert, is one o f the many expectant mothers on the MSU mink farm. The mink kittens a red and blue striped awning. R e a c h S e t t le m e n t efforts to achieve “ a world in which all men are equal, in which are due to arrive any day, according to Aulerich. Photo by Tony Ferrante MSU as their first college choice. Harvard ranks second with 144 Johnson’s optimistic forecast planning to enter there. was in harmony with the fa ir’s WASHINGTON, .4’-P re sid e n t Without g o i n g into details, all men are free.” Johnson announced settlement Johnson s a i d the settlement Confronting him across a pool Following MSU and Harvard theme of “ Peace with Under­ Tuesday AUSG Vote are Stanford with 69, Princeton standing” —a theme symbolized Wednesday night of the 5-year- terms are “ just and fa ir.” and police barricades, as he with 52 and Massachusetts In­ by the Unisphere, a giant, stain­ old railroad work rules dispute. "They t a k e account of the opened the U.S. pavilion, was a stitute of Technology with 47. less steel model of the earth, The settlement, which requires modernization n e c e s s a r y for chanting, rain-dampened group, MSU’s program o f offering which dominates the mile square ratification by the five unions railroads to survive and'pros­ holding aloft red-and-white signs from $100 to $1,500 in scholar­ fair grounds in Queens just as involved, removes the threat of per,” he said. demanding a "fa ir share.” ship aid to National Merit win­ the Trylon and Perisphere of a n a t i o n w i d e rail stoppage To Follow New Plan Those arrested included Jam es scheduled to start at 12:01 a.m. “ They take account also of Farm er, national director of the ners through MSU Merit Scholar­ the 1939 fair did. ships is credited with drawing The fair this year runs un­ Saturday. the human needs and human as­ C o n g r e s s of Racial Equality "T h is is a good day for our pirations which are affected by (CORE), which sparked the out­ the large numbers. To be eligi­ til Oct. 18. Next year it will ble f o r the MSU scholarship, be open from April 21 to Oct. country,” Johnson said in an­ technological progress.” pouring° of sit-in s,•stand-ins,’ lie- r t I T I h e re-election fo r A Alll l ­ for a repeat of last week's con­ the decision of the Elections R e­ Merit finalists must designate 17. Wednesday's visitors were nouncing the settlement on a The settlement was reached d o wn s , c a l e - obstructing and . 6 ° .University .. , Student Government fusion. view Board before judiciary in Michigan State as their first col­ the vanguard of an estimated hastily a r r a n g e d nationwide in the oval room of the White picketing. president will be held Tuesday, Precautions are being taken by an open hearing at 8 p.m. in 325 lege choice. 70 million persons expected to radio-television hookup. House living quarters at 5:30 The tide of more than 1,000 but there will be little chance the elections commission to in­ Student Services. •Speaking for the unions, Roy p.m., White House officials said. Even if MSU did not have the visit the glittering exhibition, (continued on page 4) sure an honest and accurate The board declared the secre­ program, however, it would still which r a i s e s on a brackish E. D a v i d s o n of the Railway count. Ballots will be processed tary election null and void be­ rank third in preference by the Queens meadow'eight miles from Brotherhoods said the agree­ and counted at the Data P rocess­ cause of lack of proper security so-called "cream of the high ment was accepted in principle Tim es Square. ing Center by full-time Univer­ precautions during the counting. school academic crop.” There was pageantry of a sort subject to the ratification pro­ sity personnel. These people have Miss Smith is protesting because “ I am pleased t h a t these to mark the 1964 fair’ s opening cedures of the labor organiza­ C u t N u m b e r O f A u to L a n e s donated their time to provide all the tallies showed that she scholars have chosen ,MSU as tions. had a majority of the votes. (continued on page 4) the service. their first college choice,” said "While the agreement falls To register for voting a stu­ short of satisfying all the im­ President John A. Hannah. “ It dent must write his name and is a tribute to the quality and portant d e m a n d s of the em­ T o A id B ik e S a f e t y S t u d y student number on a registration reputation of this University’ s Forum Group ployes,” D a v i d s o n said, "W e recognize that significant gains sheet and his student number on achievements through th e dis­ have been made.” Auto traffic will temporarily his ballot. These numbers will fic study to relieve the bike street will be marked with white be checked to assure the validity M akeb a tinguished work of our faculty.” “ it is pleasing to note that the Sponsors Talk J . E. Wolfe, chairman of the National Railway Labor Confer­ be reduced to two lanes on Farm problem. safety officials said. wash. Lt. Allen H. Andrews said that oi the vote. University is being recognized e n c e and chief management Lane in the near future, campus public safety officials announced Farm Lane will be divided into the study is being conducted to At the close of the polls, the T o S t a r In (continued on page 6) five lanes between North Shaw help increase safety for cyclists ballot boxes will be sealed to On Education spokesman, said the settlement “ Prom ises to restore the morale Wednesday. The reduction is part o fa tra f- Lane and Auditorium Road—two and to see if the two lanes will prevent votes being added be­ lanes will be set up next to the handle auto traffic adequately. tween the polling place and the A LA S e r ie s S i r E ric Ashby, master of of our 700,000 employes to its Clare College, Cambridge Uni­ . highest level and bring a re ­ curbs for bike traffic, two lanes He said the only other solution Data Processing Center in Olds Chester Shuts will be used for north and south to the problem of bikes crossing Hall. Miriam Makeba, South African versity, and internationally re - birth of the spirit of cooperation The only people who will be singer, will perform Wednesday bound auto traffic and the cen­ Farm Lane bridge was to build ‘ nowned as a scientist and edu­ between union and management cator, will give the first in the leaders.” R ed A id e ter lane will be used by cars bike crossings onto it. Physical allowed in the room where the at the Auditorium as part of the counting will take place will be Asian - Latin American-African Schools After for left turns only. plant planning engineers have University personnel, the elec­ series of lectures arranged by th e University Forum Commit­ The experiment will only last said this move would cost approx­ tions commission, one member entertainment series. Miss Makeba, brought to the Rights Protest tee. C a lls C h in a for one or two days and the imately $40,000. of the Elections Review Board attention of the American public Ashby will speak on “ A Com­ Makarios Offers and one State News reporter. by S t e v e A l l e n in 1959, has CHESTER, Pa. I f l - C h e s t e r parison of Higher Education in Ballots will be numbered from appeared with Harry Belafonte. Wednesday closed its 16 public Great Britain, the Soviet Union, Amnesty To Turks I n s i n c e r e 10,000 to 20,000, with certain In addition, she has toured South schools until further notice be­ and the United States” at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Kiva. O ffe r D e p o se d L e a d e r numbers being distributed to c e r­ Africa, Rhodesia and the Congo cause civil rights demonstra­ tain voting d istricts. The number and has appeared as a soloist tions have resulted in violence NICOSIA, Cyprus ^ -Presid ent MOSCOW (4>)-Prem ier Khrush­ Sir Eric is a recognized au­ Archbishop Makarios offered a of the district will also be punched in the musical review, “ African endangering the safety of the chev beamed approval Wednes­ thority on international higher general amnesty Wednesday to on the ballot. Jazz and Variety” and in the 11,000 pupils and 200 teachers. day as a top aide sarcastically education and holds an honorary all Turkish Cypriots. assailed Red Chinese leaders for P r e m ie r s h ip O f Laos The elections commission will jazz opera, "King Kong.” She T h e announcement of th e degree from the University of A statement i s s u e d by the also was featured in the contro­ school shutdown was made by the birthday greetings they sent sort the ballots for the countipg Nigeria. President said he wanted to show to the Soviet leader. VIENTIANE, Laos (ffl-Neutral- ta> who showed obvious concern and the data processing staff will versial f i l m , “ Come B a c k Charles D. Long, Superintendent Members of the faculty and “ not only by'words but also by ist Prem ier Prince Souvanna over the threat of a withdrawal recheck it. Each ballot will then A frica,” which was shown at the of Chester’s schools. He said in Yuri Andropov, a secretary of students are welcome to attend deeds our goodwill and desire for a statement that he was ordered th e Soviet Communist party’s Phouma h a s been invited by of U.S. aid unless Souvanna is be stamped with a number which Venice Film Festival and brought the lecture. to take the action by the school the island's pacification." central committee, denounced the leaders of a rightist coup to restored. will be assigned to each individ­ her to the attention of the Wes­ head a new coalition regime in tern World. board "because there is danger.” telegram as insincere. "Without aid,” Etam told an ual candidate and will be run Laos, a member of their junta interviewer, "L a o s cannot sur­ through a counter, from which Andropov said that on the same said Wednesday. the totals will be taken. vive.” day Peking sent the birthday Write-ins will be sorted, the greetings, the Chinese Commu­ T h i s startling development There was one hitch. Etam said candidates will receive numbers, nist press was publishing “ vile, came as Souvanna and foreign Souvanna must first resign as and they will be processed in W o rld N e w s anti-Soviet m aterial.” diplomats opposed to Sunday’s prem ier, something he has re ­ the same'way. With Khrushchev seated im­ coup conferred on the crisis with fused to do since he was placed mediately behind him, Andropov King Savang Vathana at the royal under house arrest. After re­ Balloting for senior class sec­ retary may not be necessary, de­ a t a G la n c e spoke at a rally in the Kremlin capital of Luang Prabang. signing, Souvanna would resume pending on the decision of Student honoring the 95th anniversary of The disclosure was made by power and try to form a new Judiciary tonight. S u e Smith, Lenin’ s birth. Col. Etam Singvongsa of the'Jun- coalition, Etam said. ' Highland Park junior, will appeal Ngo Dinh Can To Die SAIGON, Viet Nam (¿PI—A nine-man court Wednesday night sentenced Ngo Dinh Can, younger brother of the late President Ngo Dinh Diem, to die on the guillotine. The 53-year-old former overlord of central Viet Nam was con­ F i s h K i l l P u z z l e s W a t e r O f f i c i a l s victed on charges of murder, extortion and misuse of power. M i c h i g a n Water Resources h a v e i s p r i m a r i l y circum­ out negative, he said. This could Purdy, however, said therivee Commission officials are puzzled stantial.” be because the samples were is at lower level for this time P o s s ib le Rights Breakthrough Seen about the killing of an estimated He said the commission was taken later in the day when the of year than normal, but the WASHINGTON, (/P)— A major breakthrough appeared possible in 2,000 fish in the Red Cedar be­ notified about 8 p.m. Sunday and river had dilluted the killing level is still adequate for fish to live. the Senate's marathon civil rights debate Wednesday when Sen. tween the Farm Lane and Kala­ that scientists took samples at effluent. 8:30 p.m. and into the early hours Gordon Guyer, head of the Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., indicated he would go part way in mazoo Street Bridges Sunday. meeting dixie demands for jury trials in contempt cases, / Speculation Tuesday indicated of Monday morning. The tests entomology department h e r e , "Measurements indicate that But with talk on the civil rights bill rumbling on through its that a spray used against Dutch were taken from F o w 1e rv i 11 e said scientists are “ baffled” by about 60 cubic feet per second Sunday's fish kill. He is a mem­ were passing the Farm Lane 37th day, the signs were there would be no voting on amendments elm disease early Sunday may down to where the Red Cedar ber of a committee named by Bridge,” said Purdy. "In the before next week— if then. And the first voting may not be on the have killed the fish. The spray­ empties into the Grand River President John A. Hannah to summer it is not Uncommon for contempt of court trial issue. ing ended about noon and dead at Pennsylvania Avenue in Lan­ fish were beginning to be found sing. study the campus p e s t i c i d e the Red Cedar to reach a level floating belly up shortly after- “ Most of the pesticides are spraying program. of from 15 to 20 cubic feet per Foubus To Run For Sixth Term v&rd. -r%*' ' quite toxic, particularly to fish,” “ We switched to methoxyciilor ' second.” Y E A R BOOK ’64**Wolverine Editor Michele Powers, Grand LITTLE ROCK, Ark (¿P)—Democratic Gov. Orval E. Faubus “ We have not been able to he a dde d. "E xtrem ely small because it was supposed to be Rapids senior, shows off the cover of the new year book safer for wildlife than DDT,' The Michigan Department of announced for a sixth term Wednesday and said it will be "in ter­ definitely tie the spraying to the quantities which may not affect midst samples of past yeors' books. The antique tan cover other wildlife will kill fish.’ ’ Guyer said. “ Everything we read Conservation took a count of esting to see if a poor boy can still beat a millionaire.” fish kill by our sample analyses,’ The millionaire is Winthrop Rockefeller', brother of New York is made by S.K . Smith Company, Chicago, who supplied said Ralph Purdy, chief engineer A n a l y s e s w e r e made for about it says it is safe and this the dead fish, but a detailed Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, and a candidate for the Republican 4,000 covers for the Wolverine. The book is scheduled for for the state pollution control cromium and cyanide wastes, leads us to suspect low water report will not be available un­ and pesticides but these turned as the cause of the fish k ill.” til early next week. gubernatorial nomination in Arkansas. distribution at the end of May. Photo by Ricki Gilbert body. "What Information we do 2 M ichigan State News, E a s t L an sing, M ich igan T h u r sd a y . April 23. 1964 P oin t Of V ie w - - U n w a rra n te d In v ita tio n The warning of FBI D irector whole movement suspect as a F o r e i g n I n t e r e s t J . E d g a r H o o v e r th a t C o m m u n i s t s C o m m u n ist front. maybe playing a su b v ersiv e part The danger of such an a ttitu d e in the N egro civil rights move­ is g r e a t e r than the p o te n tia l d a n ­ C l u b s V a r y H e r e m e n t is an u n w a r r a n t e d in v ita tio n ger of the C om m unists’ slight to alarm ists to worry about a t h r e a t to the N e g r o movem ent. • By I.C . Shah non-existent problem . O rganizations such as NAACP, It i s g e n e r a l l y a g re e d that, a l ­ CORE and SN CC are working for The Board of Trustees has finally turned down the plea of dents to name the new International Center after the late Pt though there a r e p ro b a b ly s o m e the f u l f i l l m e n t of d e m o c r a ­ Kennedy. avow ed Com m unists i n v o l v e d in tic principles, w ith in th e c o n t e x t Many foreign students and even American students of A m erican t r a d i t i o n s and pointed over the decision. the organized Negro m ovem ent, But in this disappointment we should not forget the c; their influence is s m a l l and th e y A m erican dem ocracy. They are which President Kennedy lived. He pioneered the idea of the Per are largely ignored, reproached not opposed to the fe d e r a l g o v ­ Corps. Why? Because, the late President realized that hat imass: monetary and military aid are not the only means : winning. I or elim in a te d when they b e c o m e ernment or to the com prom ise heart of millions of people of the underdeveloped c jn t r i e s . li too v o c a l . of co n se rv a tiv e and l i b e r a l p r i n ­ the understanding of the other culture and its problem which r brings the people closer. The im plication of Hoover’s ciples which characterizes this Have you ever asked yourself a question about your effort warning is that we sh o u ld b e on nation. ward the cross-cultural understanding and com m unication'1 your answer is, “ 1 don’t have enough opportunities.” Is it r the lookout for Com m unists in so? Let’s think it over. places w h e r e they m a y be hiding Any C om m unist influence on We are fortunate to have on our campus m ore than 700 fu the groups' leaders or m em bers students, representing all the corners of the world. We have : and e x e r c i s i n g a subtle, and p o s - major Organizations on our campus which ofier the opportui siblv im aginary, sway over un­ is incidental, and s h o u l d be of coming in contact with these foreign students: the Internal treated as such. Cooperation Committee, Campus United Nations, and Internat suspecting victim s. Club. It is im plicit that if anyone Playing up the possibility of I.C.C. is prim arily concerned with the orientation of nesv fo: suspected of m ore than slight C o m m u n i s t in f lu e n c e on a m o v e ­ students. It does an excellent job of welcoming the students, he ment of devoted w orkers for them make new friends and thus facilitating their understan leanings toward com m unism is American society. f o u n d in t h e m o v e m e n t , h e s h o u l d dem ocratic principles can only The Campus U.N., on the other hand, discusses the c u rr e n t p harm the im age of the Negro ical problems of the world. It offers an excellent opportunity ! be ostracized and c a s t o u t - - b u t American or foreign student interested in getting t h e f i r s t - h a n this may be done publicly which m ovem ent, which has gained a formation on the current world issues. great deal of re s p e c t, even fro m Between these two organizations, there is the International ( may be out of p r o p o r t i o n to the which performs the unique function of bringing the foreign : problem. T h i s c a n make the its e n e m ie s . and the American students clo ser, by providing an outlet for interest and talents. Dear M om and Dad, H ere I am in m ath class again’ The activities of the club.include the International B all Intei tional Dinner, and International Festival. T h at L o v e ly Red C e d a r In addition to these, the International Club serves an purpose of bringing persons of common interest c l o s e r — It's a m a z i n g what you ca n s e e a m a t e u r p a d d l e r . I t ’ s j u s t th a t fe w Letters To Editor teraction of two distinct cultures! in a single, sunny hour while people c a n paddle s m o o t h l y with We have all these organizations and still we don find mucl the international spirit on the campus. Two Views On Brazil paddling a canoe around on the one h a n d clam ped over their From my experiences with all the three org anizations, n Red Cedar. n o se s e v e r v t i m e they hit a sten ch that the trouble is lack of coordination between them and dup of efforts. Also responsible is the feeling among the A meric Besides the usual tangle of p ock et along the r i v e r . dents that they are regarded as "unwanted” among the inter' arm s and l e g s and b l a n k e t s , that If the sm ell is s i c k e n i n g , the To the Editor: groups and these clubs are the exclusive domain of foreign si was calling everyone who recog­ by the State News was a distor­ Nothing can be farther from truth than this. Maybe the at is. taste is nearly fatal. Ju st ask nized that the Brazilian social tion of facts and was a clear-cut It is not my purpose to present have been of the nature which might havecaused the Americ and economic structure is ob­ example of sensationalism. You can watch fellow c a n o e is ts s o m e o n e w h o p a d d l e s l i k e a b r o ­ to those who are writing and read­ dents to lose interest. But this won’t do any good. solete and claimed for reforms 1 feel that the school newspaper Let us get together and over. This is the month ft chasing down ducks, swinging k e n e g g b e a t e r a n d h a s n ’ t l e a r n e d ing about the Brazilian c r is is a a Communist. Part of the people cannot possibly set a good ex­ complete view on the conditions tion of officers. International Club will hold its elec tio n s paddles like m a c h e te s t o s e e how- to l e t s o m e o n e e l s e c a l l “ h u p , underlying the revolution against are being mislead by such a ample for future journalists to in the Union Ball Room and Campus U.N. will have elec press and are approving the m ili­ follow if it does not reconsider many birds they can sp lit wide hup.’’ the " s o loved” presidentGoulart. May. taries’ action. some of its practices, mainly I do not understand too much Don’t sit and complain- get up and go to the elec tio n s open. It's such a popular sport T h e r e ’ s n o t h i n g l i k e a m o u t h f u l about " c o lo r s ,” however, I be­ But the truth is if Goulart had that of, getting the facts precise to the candidates, their experiences, and their plans for t tried to protect the interests and accurate. There is no senseinhavingelections or officers if we can’t that the poor ducks are seeking o f p a d d l e s p l a s h t o s e n d e v e n t h e lieve you do. If you, Mr. Obits, of the big economic groups he are not able to distinguish be­ the main purpose of international friendship and unders refuge in the bushes--m uch to chicken-hearted r u n n i n g to O l i n still would be the president. When George Taylor III tween "r e d ” and “ non-red," you We have the huge International Center and a large Inter he tried to make the reform s Club with more than 400 members. We have the intere the e m b a r r a s s . m e n t of the for a Red C ed ar innoculation. are far from being able to under­ and when he tried to gain popu­ can’t we set an example in international understanding on th younger, m o r e naive b ird s. B u t ev en if the a t m o s p h e r e is stand th e Brazilian cr is is and even the most important rules lar support for such reforms in Says Driving Ban pus?____________________________________________________ the streets, he turned against And you can s S ’e a grasser, of the American foreign policy. a little thick, t h e r e ’s still t h e right on c a m p u s , on the b a n k by Don’t be too worried about him the owners of big compa­ nies, who, using their newspa­ Would Be Unwise the auditorium. B u t at l e a s t you beautiful scen ery and w ild life. "dictatorship,” "fa s c is t” and p ers, radio and TV stations, To the Editor: ORBS T h e r e are a rm ie s of rats darting other “ is ts ” and ” ips.” Don’t started a war against the federal a c r o s s m a g n i f i c e n t 2 0 - f o o t b a n k s be in favor or against any " i s t ” won’t see any l i t t e r le ft aro un d . ACROSS 3 1 . Like bone government. As they control most 1 - There is no major problem or “ ips” without knowing rea­ of the p ress, they are able to 1. Old green 3 2 . Keel-billed T h e c o e d s thoughtfully sin k all the IP with traffic. T raffic on routes film sonably their nature. mislead some people. cu c k o o o f fill d irt that a r e w a s h in g t r u c k ­ to south campus is usually light­ 7 . B re a k fa s t 3 3 . Heel b o t t l e s in the r i v e r . With respect to the Brazilian The indiscipline in the army er than traffic in East Lansing food p ro m in e n ce lo a d s of mud into the r i v e r at the case, those words are just mean­ made s o m e generals s t a n d You can w a t c h the canoes and Lansing. 1 2 . Sidestepper 3 5 . F east ingless. against Goulart. The traditionally Bogue bridge-building site on 2 - However, there are disad­ 1 3 . C h a lce d o n y 3 7 . W hite wabble back and f o r t h across the F irst of all, the President that indisciplined Brazilian generals vantages to the University’s sol­ 1 4 . C h in k y vestm ent east campus. is ruling now was elected can not stand indiscipline when 1 5 . M a la y a n r i v e r . It's not that e v e ry o n e is an ution: 3 8 . Y ou th by the National Congress. the indisciplined are not them­ tree 4 1 . G a rre t It will cause inconvenience as Secondy, he was , during th e selves. They think that sergeants 1 6 . A v ail 4 3 . D o lph in it will take more time to get to Second World War , a command­ and privates are stupid and un­ 1 7 . Scot. riv e r 4 5 . Stringed cla ss. The 8 a.m. rush will crowd 2. Feminine 8. Seasoned er-in -ch ief of the Brazilian Ex­ able to ask for economic reform s. 1 9 . D ia m o n d in stru m en t ‘M o r e T o M o r a l i t y T h an S ex ’ peditionary Force (F .E .B ), fight­ For thinking that discipline is buses. Also, a student will have to move his car before leaving State: a b b r. 2 0 . G ran t 4 6 . G lossy p ain t name 3. Uninterest­ 9. Lists 10. Earache ing at the side of the American more i m p o r t a n t than giving for home on a Friday afternoon. 2 2 . G oes with 7 4 7 . H a v in g an ing 11. Catnip By SUE JACOBY soldiers in Italy against the so- house, food, and land to those There will be no bus service A c ro ss estate 4. Internation­ 18. One Stote News Staff Writer M o re o ve r, the emphasis on individualism may called N azi-Fascist Axis. who have nothing, they are stu­ al language addressed late at night. 2 4 . GlrafTellke 4 8 . B e s o r ry mean that today’ s youngpeople a r e thinking about Mr. Humberto Castelo Branco pid. a n im a l 5. Young bird 20. Himalayan It’ s [ time for people who prattle about There will still be traffic due tration of our vouth” to include some-: t h e ir standards instead of blindly' following the is also supposed to provide mea­ Now the army is imprisoning 2 7 . M u se o f DOW N 6. Of a surface mountain to buses coupled with the unplea­ ■ their definition ol morality. crowd. A ca re fu l personal exam in atio n of stand­ sures strong and adequate enough state governors, city mayors, a s tr o n o m y 1. H o m e o f 7. Flying 21. Wind be si i 1 sant diesel odors. 'jf parental a la rm has greeted a rd s can only lead to a f i r m e r b a s is fo r the in­ in o r d e r to prevent the bank­ c o ngr e s s me n, newspapermen, 2 9 . H o ly the In c a s mammal instrument zerer Besides, most traffic tie-ups dividual’ s moral code. T h e " w h y ” of b e lie f is ruptcy of the Brazilian economy, 23. Four ons in I ime and Newsweek of m ilitaries, students, laborers occur at campus outlets. ju st as important as the “ w h a t ." which was having, in Goulart’s / 2 3 4 5 •6 7 ¡8 9 10 l i quarts: abbr. iie sec-: 1 revolution” or. c o l l e g e c a m - and everyone brave enough to dis­ The new policy will increase 24. Harem Enough said about s e x . T o read the m agazin es, administration, an unpublished uses. Ai ho has spent most of his life ag with stude: its in a p ro fe ssio na l and p e r - one would never believe that t h e r e a r e other i s ­ and negative rate of economic approve a F a cist government. In name of freedom they ex­ costs, especially if students have It 1 room to pay. It will entail the cost of 25. Pert, to capacity suz gested to me r e c e n tly that all sues which a re equally important to human b e ­ growth. In addition to that, the words tinguish the freedom itself." building of new parking lots. 14 1 15 motion may be slightly misplaced, setrual revolution” as b a s i c - ings. What about honesty? T h e r e haven’t been any “ fascist” and "dictatorship” do 3 — The problems that do exist 16 n %18 19 26. Expert fiver are lack of parking space and ac­ ra ther than a behavioral phe- c o v e r s t o r i e s on the " h o n e s t y rev olution” on c o lle g e ca m p u se s . not have a unique meaqing for all people, but they have been Weimar Figueiredo cess routes. % 20 % 2/ 21 % 23 28. Peer Gynt’s mother ad a y s te m s from the And re lig io n ? T h e re latio n sh ip between man used by those who are "le ftis ts ” Accuses 'S’ News 4 - Possible alternative solu­ tions are the building of new lots §24 i 25 i 26 27 % 28 30. Utmost hyperbole tieri :100 p e rs o n s fro m the L an sin g in Los Angeles early this term . An African panel meeting will Hance W ins m o s, s e n io r ; E rw in T o p p e r, De­ tro it ju n io r ; John R en n ie, B e r e a , area. ' H e rb e rt J . O y e r, re c e n tly p ro ­ serving you a be sp o n so red by the Young De­ m o c r a ts at 4 :3 0 today at 21 Union. Debate Prize Ohio, ju n io r ; Dave B a u m g a rtn e r, m oted to c h a irm a n of sp e ec h , D rayton P la in s ju n io r; L in coln s a id , “ It is th is dep artm ent that Gregory Appears genuine pleasure. S p e a k e rs will be William Hanna Kenneth G. H ance, p r o fe s s o r Ruhinen, San F r a n c is c o , C a lif., is re s p o n s ib le fo r the screening In SNCC Show and Jam es Hooker, both members and d ir e c to r of gradu ate stu d ies ju n io r , and Gordy Hoyt, P inckney of freshmen in sp eech and hear­ of the A frica n Stud ies C e n te r , in sp eech h as been aw arded one ju n io r. ing. Dick Gregory, Negro comedian and Godwin O kurm e, p re s id e n t of of the f i r s t fiv e D istinguish ed E v ery o n e is w elco m e to the " O u r c lin ic a lso w orks with and civil rights worker, will th e MSU A frican Students Associ­ Alumni A w ards by D elta Sigm a ev en t. T h e r e is no ad m ission students who have p ro b le m s with perform on campus Monday to R h o-T au Kappa A lpha, national c h a rg e . c le f t p a la te , c e r e b r a l p a lsy , a r t i ­ raise money for the Student Non- ation. When you bring your date to A ll a r e invited to attend . honorary fo r e n s ic s o c ie ty . cu latio n , v o ic e and s tu tte rin g .” Violent Coordinating Committee H ance re c e iv e d the aw ard dur­ The " d o c t o r s ” who see the (SNCC). DINES you can be assured of ing the so c ie ty ’ s r e c e n t n a tio n a l_____ Talk On Africa patients are students in training All - U n i v e r s i t y Student co n fe re n c e at B u tle r U n iv e r s y » W B k T h e Young D e m o cra ts w i l l f o r d e g r e e s . L o c a l m e d ica l Government will assist Alpha N O W ! There are He w as cite d fo r " o u t s t a n d l l ^ T ^ o n s o r ia d iscu ssio n on A fric a s p e c ia lis t s c a lle d oto laryn g o lo ­ Phi Alpha fraternity in spon­ the finest because food c o n t r i b u t i o n s to and throijlh at 7:3CjWnlght in 21 Union, g is ts a r e on the s ta ff donating soring the benefit in the Audi­ e ffe ctiv e and re sp o n sib le public ThiPralk en titled " A f r i c a : An their services. torium at 4 p.m. P rice is $1 two class ring U rg e to C e n tr a liz e w ill feature for students and $2 for adults. is our specialty. companies to serve a d d r e s s .” " O u r p ro g ra m 'e x te n d s beyond H ance, Sen . Edmund S. M uskie analyses by Jam es Hooker, MSU the U n iv e rs ity c li n i c ,” explained Gregory will bring the SNCC of M aine and L eR oy C o llin s , h is to ria n ; W illiam Hanna, p ro ­ Oyer. “ We h a v ë c l i n i c s in freedom singers with him. He you. p re sid e n t o f the N ational A s s o c i­ f e s s o r of p o litic a l s c ie n c e ; a n d Sparrow, Ingham Medical, Ing­ has appeared on television and 0 Complete banquet fa c ilitie s radio, in Playboy Clubs and has Robert's Ring Co. ation of B r o a d c a s te r s ad d ressed Godwin O karu m e, p re s id e n t of ham County, and Howell State for groups from 20 to 200! the convention. the A frica n Students A ss o cia tio n . hospitals." several recordings on the m ar­ and The university laboratory was ket. Elliott’s Ring Co. the center of recent expérimen­ Gerald Bray, Detroit junior Anyone for Tennis? w Dinner for two Mon. & F r i., tal work for the United' States and chairman of the benefit, said 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Department of Defense. Directed that Gregory is giving a month by Oyer, the research involved of performances all over the i t >*• i i a u d i t o r y warning in case of country to aid SNCC. He will HOURS: 11 a.m. - 2 o.m. C lo sed Sundays enemy attack.___________________ perform in Detroit Sunday. IV 5-7179 ~T <*»4", .i Tennis fans, check these items from LARRABEE’S: V ? OB HUNTING? S ir Perior® C ord S uits: Classic C oolers b y H aspel R in g s inclu de d e g re e , s e a l, 3 engraved in itia ls and a c h o ic e o f 10 ston e s. SPECIAL! Bancroft Wimbledon Racket I SEE LOUIS FIRST V h e, Reg. $15.00 X X..- Interv iew ing has n e v e r been the Now only $9.9 5! Ga/uL S Jtfrp sa m e s in c e L o u is c a m e along. We A c r o ss From make clo th e s jo b -g e ttin g c le a n . T r y it an d s e e . You ju s t p re s e n t you r­ Home Econom ics Bldg. Bancroft rackets, from $3.95 up; s e l f , L o u is w ill w o rry about your E D 2-6753 D avis -Imperial, our best racket; c lo th e s . F o r the fa s te s t s e r v ic e in Pe n nsylv an ia , Dinlop & Tretorn town, stop in today. G a/id c$Jt& a balls. Jantzen tennis shorts, and many other a c c e s s o r ie s for the f\i r well-dressed tennis player. A cm ea ¿ ■W ; * •; — Sp artan C e n te r r t k r il , - J \ ‘. . V C LEA N ER AND "t \ k• SHIRT LAUNDRY 15POPT SHOV. " 623 E. Grand River ED 2-3537 Across From Student Services Building 325 $. Washington, L a n sin g IV 5-5729 A îf V Everything’s available at Todd’s . . . N o w is t h e t im e t o s li p i n t o s o m e th in g c r is p , c o o l an d c o m fo rta b le . W h a t c o u ld b e b e t t e r th a n Everything th a t is , e x c e p t pert o u r c la s s ic c o r d s u it Patty Burns, Pontiac Junior, who t a i lo r e d b y H a s p e l obviously has the com plete a tte n ­ o f 7 5 % D a c ro n *-2 5 % c o tto n . tio n of Tom R o o t, Owosso Sopho­ REGULARS PIZZA m ore. T h e y ’ r e th e p e r f e c t c o u p le in t h e i r • SHORTS t a p e r e d f o r m - f i t c o tto n s h i r t s at o n ly Sizes 34 to 54 • LONGS OTHER SUITS p lu s ta x a n d d e liv e r y $2.98 , $6.98. and Levi S tre tc h denim s L e v i ’ s a n d s h i r t a v a i l a b l e in at F ree Alterations • EXTRA LONGS 59 « to 25500 a v ariety of c o lo r s and s i z e s . fo r 12” Pizza w ith Pepperoni Todd’s JL ^ H O LD EN '¡HOPS Pizza by FRANDOR • Ann Arbor • Northland E A S T L A N S IN G RICARDO ■'Birmingham * Detroit M ich igan State News, E a s t L a n sin g , Michigan T hu rsd ay . April 2 3 . 1964 5 . . . . , .T » D ru ry O n B r id g e C o n s e r v a t iv e H it s L B J ’s V i e w s C lu b Handel Piece Due Sunday N It’s always a thrill to be able A n ew sletter sponsored by the not long ago. Som eone e ls e said to bid a grand s la m — but even M ichigan S tate C o n serv ativ e Club it m o re sim p ly in 1845: F r o m S none m o r e thrilling to f i nd, a fte r and c irc u la te d in cam pus c l a s s ­ e a ch ac co rd in g to h is a b ilitie s , H K5 you've bid it, that you have only ro o m s, has equated President to e ach a cco rd in g to h is n eed s. D K '6 12 sure trick s—and then there’ s Joh n so n ’ s view s on poverty with A uthor, K a rl M arx , in the G e r ­ “ S am so n , a n o ra to rio b y god, Dagon, in this actio n-filled C none the supreme thrill when you m an­ th o se of K arl M arx. man Id eolog y.” G eorg e F r e d e r ic k Handel, will d ram a . age the "im possible” by squeez­ D e scrib e d as a "H y d e P a rk in G affin said the n e w sle tte r was Handel wrote " S a m s o n ’ ’ im­ be p e rfo rm e d by the com bined ing your opponents so they have S none S none p rin t” by club p resid en t John in itiated to stim u la te d iscu ssio n U n iv e rsity C h orus and O rc h e stra mediately a ft e r finishing the fa­ to yield that 13th trick you r.eed! H 9 8 H Q4 G affin, " C o n s c ie n c e ” is a b i­ and ad van ce the view s of co n ­ at 8 :1 5 p .m . Sunday in the Audi­ mous “ M e s s i a h ” oratorio in Look at this hand as a fine ex­ D 10 9 D Q J8 w eekly p u blication carry in g n ew 's s e r v a tiv e s . toriu m . th re e weeks. It took him approx­ ample: C none and e d ito ria l com m ent rep rin ted “ Any re a c tio n we get about The d ir e c to r will be G om er imately a month to write " S a m ­ CQ from other new spapers and m ag­ our n e w s le tte r being on the e x ­ L . Jo n e s , p ro fe s s o r of m u sic, s o n ,” at f irs t the m o re s u c ­ N azin e s. tre m e rig h t is the r e s u lt of a com p letin g h is fir s t y e a r in that c e s s fu l of the two. S 9 T h e A pril 20 edition c a r r ie d g e n e ra l o rie n tatio n tow ard s the Adm ission to the c o n ce rt will cap acity with the two groups. S AQ 54 H 10 6 the follow ing rep rin t fro m the le ft in the c la s s r o o m ,” G affin S o lo is ts fo r the event w ill be be f r e e . H K5 3 D A 5 Richm ond N e w s-L e a d e r: sa id . J . L o ren Jo n e s , ten o r, a s S am ­ D K7 6 C none We a re going to try to take “ W e’ r e not questioning fa c ts son; E th e l A rm elin g, c o n tra lto , C A 8 4 all of the money that we think p re se n te d in c l a s s . We ju s t want is u n n e ce ssa rily being spent and to point out that th e re a r e other a s Nlicah, h is friend ; Rudolf S tr u - koff, b a rito n e , as M anoah, h is Carnival Head W take from the ’h av e s’ .and give s id e s .” ---- ---- CROP P LA N T IN G T I M E —Part of the work of the Univer­ to the ’ have n e ts’ that need it T h e la te s t is s u e of the new s­ fa th e r; Je a n Ann H ey er, so p ra ­ no, a s D a lila , his wife; and Harold Petitioning A ow s 6 S 72 sity 's Agriculture College includes crop experimentation. le tte r c o n s is ts e n tire ly of r e ­ South p lays h is la s t trum p. so much, P r e s i d e n t Johnson P r ic e , b a s s , as H arapha, ch am ­ P etition the c h a i r - H 9 8 “2 H QJ 4 W est throw s away the w orth less Here employees prepare a field on South Campus for spring p rom ised a group of e ld e rly c it ­ p rin ts fro m o th e r m ag azin es in­ pion of G ath. m an ship of the 1965 Water D 10 9 4 3 D Q J 82 queen of c lu b s; North throw s h is experimental crops. Photo by Ken Roberts izen s m eeting at the White House cluding Human E v e n ts, C h r is ­ T h e continue will be provided Carnival a re available in C Q J 10 6 C "532 tian E co n o m ist and N ational R e ­ by R ita F u sz e k . 5 of h e a rts and E a st is stu ck. 315 Studeht S e r v i c e s from view . T h e c h o r u s p re se n ts a lt e r ­ If he throw s the h e a rt 4, the 3 to 5 p.m . today, Frid ay h e a rt 10 b e co m e s the 13th tr ic k ; nately the I s r a e lite s and the P h il­ and Monday. The event is if he throw s the diamond 8, the is tin e s , sym bolizing light and sponsored by S enior Coun­ S K J 10 9 8 3 H A 10 6 diamond 6 w ill b ecom e the 13th M u s i c a l V i e w p o i n t s V a r y NAACP Meet d a rk n e s s , Jehovah and the pagan cil. D A 5 tr ic k . Cam pus NAACP w ill m eet at T h e fin al taping s e s s io n of a s m a ll knot of in te re ste d on­ C K 9 In settin g up a squ eeze, two 8 tonight in 32 U nion. M eetings g e n era l ru le s apply. C oncede any the T r i - S t a t e O rc h e s tr a l C o m ­ lo o k e rs watched h is s c o r e . w ill be held e v e ry T h u rsd ay night lo s e r s e a rly as p o ssib le ; play out p o s e r s Sym posium W'ednesday E v e ry p e ic e was m odern in E dealer; N-S vulnerable. The v ein, but each co m p o ser used bidding: your squeeze c a rd s as soon as m orning, pointed out once again you can in o rd e r to keep e n tr ie s the am azing v a rie ty of m ean­ d iffe re n t tech niqu es and co m b i­ in both of your hands. ings and e x p re ss io n a com p o ser n ations of fo rm s to ach iev e his E S_ W N p u rp o se. In today’ s e xam p le, the r e a l can give to a p ie c e of m u sic. E ach of the p ie c e s played by Szabo’ s "T w o P ie c e s fo r O r ­ P 1s P 3S squ eeze was in the play of the c h e s t r a ” w ere v e ry d ifferen t in P 4C P 4S fin al two tru m p s at the eighth the o r c h e s tr a m ade up of p lay­ c o lo r . T h e f ir s t was fan cifu l, P 4 NT P 5H and ninth t r i c k s . Of c o u rs e , you e r s fro m the D e tro it, L an sin g , w hile the second p ie ce , which P 7S P P have to keep tra c k of the num­ and MSU o r c h e s tr a s , and MSU opened with an ex citin g build to b e r and' sp o ts of all d is c a rd s facu lty , re p re s e n te d e n tire ly d if­ The bidding was possibly a played by everybody o r a ll the fe re n t view points and e m o tio n s. a b r a s s y s e t of ch o rd s and a grand pau se, then proceded with a | c o f f e e .......................... little optimistic, but South knows work is w asted. It was s t r ic t ly an MSU m orning, bouncy, s ta c c a to m elody which the spades fit and the G e rb e r N otice that if South ru ffs a with c o m p o s e rs B u rt Szabo, J e r e moved fro m s ectio n to se c tio n . an d d o n u ts . . .. , convention shows him that the diam ond, he w ill have to lo se a H utcheson, and John Donahue, H utcheson’ s “ N eutrons” w as partnership has all the a c e s and h e a rt tr ic k a s he w ill have no all gradu ate stud en ts, p re se n tin g th e ir w orks fo r r e h e a r s a l and an excitin g p ie c e , fro m its in­ th e p e r f e c t c o m kings. A small slam is a lay- squeeze a v a ila b le . down but if the third heart can taping. te n s e , s h r ill beginning to its be taken care of, there’s a grand T h e sym p osium , held e v ery p ie rc in g , d riving final ch o rd . b i n a t i o n f o r stu d y b r e a k o r slam possible. When the dummy went down, South realized that Prof Named other y e a r , c r e a t e s opportunity fo r young o r c h e s tr a l c o m p o se rs Jo h n Donahue’ s “ P ie c e fo r O r ­ c h e s t r a ” u tilizin g syncopation in a f t e r d ate s n a c k and the p e r ­ only a squeeze could save h im . The queen of clubs was opened For Position fro m M ichigan , Ohio, o r Indiana, to h e a r h is own w orks played intertw ining m e l o d i e s , began fect place to e n j o y it. and taken by South's king. He H arry G . B ra in â rd , p r o fe s s o r p u b licly by a top -qu ality o rc h e s ­ Indian Film led four rounds of trump, on of e co n o m ics, has been; named t r a . The Indian , f i l m, " Jh a n a k which West had to throw off p re s id e n t-e le c t of the M idwest D ire ctin g the sym posium o r­ Jh an ak P ay al B a je ” (The Dancing T h is Week’ s Special: three cards. He elected one from E co n o m ics A sso cia tio n . c h e s tr a w as V incent P e r s ic h e tti, Q ueen), w ill be p resen ted by the each suit. East had two d is ca rd s B ra in a rd was chosen fo r the fro m t h e Ju illia r d School of India Students A sso ciatio n at 7 :3 0 D eliciou s Glazed Donuts and made them clubs. post d u r i n g the a s s o c ia tio n ’ s M usic, New Y o rk C ity. Monday in F a irc h ild T h e a te r . re g. 66C - now only 57C doz. The club 9 was played and re c e n t annual m eeting in C h icag o . T h e c o m p o s e rs f i r s t w ere r e ­ T ic k e ts a re av ailab le fo r $1.00 taken by the ace in dummy. The He w i l l beco m e p resid en t in quired to subm it th e ir s c o r e s to p e r p e rso n at the Union tic k e t heart 3 was played from dummy and East played his queen, taken by the ace in South. A p ril, 1965. B ra in a rd has also ju d g es K a rl A hrendt, d ir e c to r serv e d as f i r s t v ic e -p re s id e n t of of the sch o o l of m u sic at Ohio the a s so c ia tio n . U n iv e rs ity , and T h o m as B e v e r s - o ffic e . 4,h DAW N DO N UTS T h e M idw est E co n o m ics A ss o ­ d o rf, of the U n iv e rsity of Indiana, 1135 E . Grand River 332.2541 Now South starts the s e r io u s business of a squeeze. He plays a trump. West throws a diamond, North throws his last club and ciatio n inclu d es som e 1,500 m em ­ p re lim in a ry s cre e n in g . b e r s fro m c o lle g e s , governm ent T h e sym posium w as the f i r s t ag e n cie s and b u s in e ss e s in 40 opportunity m ost of the com po­ FOLK ^FESTIVAL JUNE 8)2/ GROSSINGER. N Y W n te fo i t a lo i e d broch u re LIEBE«MANN’S = " = East throws his last club also. s ta te s and the D is tr ic t of Colum ­ s e r s had to h e a r th e ir w orks, GO YA GUITAR COM PANY 53 W 23rd St , New York. N Y The hands now look like this: b ia . and e ach te n se ly listen in g as NOW . . . SA VE 2 0 % on O U R LEA D ER. SHOPS AT a rm rt SPARTAN D MAvBE IT WiLl TAKE HER MIND OFF ThE FACT THAT I DIDN'T SET MV MATH DONE HOuJ DO V0D THINK OF THIN6S l i k e T h a t ? > 7 ^ 7 I M AluJAVÇ INTERESTED IN ANVTHIN6 THAT LüILL CLOUD THE ISSUE ! all under $20. The Veil Shop. c ) Where The April Action Is 489-3882. C16 w BABY GRAND piano. Apartment size, antique white gold stressed. ' J L-i ~ l 3165 E. MICHIGAN 1 pair 144 X 90 living room drapes. IV 2-1311 332-5856. 16 I M ich igan State News, E a s t L an sin g, Michigan T hu rsd ay. April 23. 1964 7 Predict 440 Relay Repeat The State track team is sitting of Sherm Lewis, John Parker, able of doing better. Other 440- pressed to repeat that time. But even if it takes them a few for victory seem slim. Despite a pretty good Four-mile relay back and enjoying a bus trip to Bob Moreland and W a l k e r squads with a chance to win are Philadelphia today, while sports- , Beverly back in the 440, last Maryland State and Purdue. tenths of a second more, the Spar­ team, State probably won’t be able writers are doing the running season’ s crown should remain on In the 880- relay State has still tans should be able to win the to catch Villanova (17:16.8 last around. the Spartans’ heads. State took the to be tested. Rain knocked out the event again. week) o r defending champion The scribes are trying to figure relay in 19tv with a 41.5 second race last week at Columbus and Morgan StatejJias a 1:26.1 posted Fordham. out what State’ s chances are when clocking and turned 41.9 during so the team’s chances appear already this season and should be In the discus and shot put Dave the thinclads start doing the run­ the Ohio Re lays last weekend, questionable. Lewis, Beverly, the leading challenger. Manhattan Mutchler’s chances of beating ning Friday and Saturday in the Morgan Su te, MSU’ s top rival, Moreland and Parker won at and Maryland State also figure NYU's Gary Gubner are almost “Oth annual Penn Relays Carni­ also has do: e 41.9 this season, Penn with a 1:25.1 in 1963, but in the fight. non-existent. val. but th Spartan 5 get the nod be­ with Ayo Azikiwe running in The Spartans are entered in 12 Fred McKoy has an outside The Spartans, defending cham­ cause :hey are suppose lly cap- Beverly’ s place they may be hard other events, but their chances (continue.d on page 8) pions in the 440- and 880-yard relays and the 100-yard dash, will O V E R T H E F I R S T H U R D L E •• Spartan Fred McKoy cle a rs a practice hurdle at Ralph Youn F ie ld . McKoy wi 11 have more than one hurdle to jump Frid ay an^l Saturday when he competes probably be favorites to repeat two of their victories more on the basis of last year’s perform­ 3 1 — B O r B e t t e r A v e r a g e in the 120-highs at the Penn R e la y s . Photo by Jerry Carr ances than on this year’ s. Porrevecchio, Chicago, 111. sen­ tabula, Ohio sophomore, general Swim m e r Ma rk Hunt and c r o s s With the title-winning quartet ior, television and radio. liberals a rts. country e r Ray P le t c h e r were tl-.e pace s e t t e r s among 31 BASKETBALL — Ron Welch, FENCING — Louis Salamone, Michiga n State v a rs ity athletes Battle Creek junior, sociology' Beloit, Wis. senior, marketing and transportation administra- A c e T a r t a r S a u c e who co npi led .trade av e ra g e s ot and anthropology. ‘ tion. In tr a m u ra l N ew s B or 1 e tt e r 1ast winter t e r m . Hunt, athan, N .Y ., and CROSS COUNTRY - TRACK — Jack Amie, Flint junior, biolog­ FOOTBALL — Bill Gordon, MEN'S S — Wordsworth-Wormwood P letche r , frorr Ashtabula, Ohio, ical sciences; Jay Corrin, In­ DuBois, Pa. junior, physical ed­ ternational F a lls, Minn, sopho­ ucation. A s N e t t e r s W in 9 t h Softball Schedule 9 — Worcester-Wolverlon 10 — Wolfram-Worship each ct mpiled grade point a v e r - age s of 3 . “. more, history; Richard Ford, .GOLF — Dennis MacDonell, Intermural News bd Fra n klin s e n i o r , economics; Kalamazoo senior, accounting; The MSU tennis team had little Drobac was pleased with the 7:40 p.m. T h e list of a h le te s with grades Field 5:20 p.m. Michael Gass, Queens, N. Y. Fred Mackey, Baldwin, N. Y. trouble in posting its ninth win win, but hesitated to make any 1 — Red Trojâris-Thë Runs of B ot b e tte r , listed by sport, 1 — Sigma Phi Epsilon-Phi Sig­ j u n i o r , psychology; K e n n e t h sophomore, physical education; of the season, against three de­ predictions about how the Spar­ 2 — East Shaw 3-4 are as rollows: ma Delta Johnson, Marquette sophonore, Doug Swartz, Farmington junior, feats, at Wayne State Wednesday tans will do when Big Ten com­ 3 — Kappa Alpha P si-Phi Sigma BAS L R A L L — Dennis 2 - - Delta Upsilon-S.A.E. b i o l o g i c a l sciences; D a v e forest products. afternoon. petition gets underway in early Kappa E ric k s o n , Gwii n junio r, .physical 3 — Sigma Nu-Kappa Sigma Mutch. ler, Sparta senior, physi­ GYMNASTICS — R i c h a r d Coach Stan Drobac’ s netters May. 4 — Farm house-Psi Upsilon educati in; Dale P e t e r s , C f e t e , 4 — Sigma Chi-A.T.O. cal education; Ray Pletcher, Ash­ (continued on page 8) won 9 -0, sweeping the six sing­ "W e still have to face a pretty 8:50 p.m. 111. juni o r, soc al s c ie n c e ; Jo se p h 5 — A .E .P i-P i Kappa Phi les matches and all but one of good Western Michigan team on 1 — Terrors-Paperbacks (Open) 6 — Phi Kappa Tau-A.G.R. the three doubles matches in April 28 before we can start 7 — Phi Kappa Sigma-Beta The­ 2 — Harold’ s Club-Orphans 3 tzST IN F O R E I G N FILMS two sets apiece. looking ahead toward the Big ta Pi WOMEN’ S Captain T o m Jamieson de­ Ten s e a s o n , ’ ’ Drobac com­ 8 — Z .B .T .-P h i Delta Theta Sorority Blooperball 1 TOCAY . . . mented. I NOW! 2 HI T S I feated the T a rta rs’ Bob Germain 9 — L.C.A.-Alpha Sigma Phi Field 5-6 p.m. Thru W E D N E S D A Y ; 6-0, 6-2 to run his season mark "T h e boys did all right against 10 — Wimbledon-Wight 1 — Kappa Delta-Alpha Xi Delta From 7:00 P.M. 90c to 9 -3 . Dwight Shelton, playing Wayne State, but the league may Pkm e 332-2814. ADMISSION S I . 25 6:30 p.m. 2 — Zêta Tau Alpha-Kappa Kappa in the number two spot for the be a different s t o r y , ” he cau­ 1 — Delta Chi-Triangle Gamma T H IS E N G A G E M E N T first t i m e this year, bested George Morrow 6-2, 6-3. Charlie Wolff won his match tioned. Last season State took a 17-4 mark into the Big Ten cham­ 2 — Alpha Kappa Psi-S.A.M . 3 — Theta Chi-D.T.D. 3 — Kappa Alpha Thêta-Phi Mu 6-7 p.m. THE MOST SHOCKING A C A D E M Y AWARD WINNER! FILM I’VE EVER SEEN. 4 — McCoy-McFadden 1 — Pi’ Beta Phi-Delta Zeta 6-4, 6-3, while Dave Click won pionships and could do no better than a fourth place, behind Michi­ 5 — McKinnon-McTavish 2 — Alpha Phi-Alpha Omicron Pi "A BEST PICTURE! ' 7-5, 6-4. Mike Youngs topped 6 — McRae-McInnes 3 — Alpha Delta Pi-Delta Delta bold BEST DIRECTION! Mike W i l l n e f f 6-2, 6-3 and Laird Warner sent Greg Bielaw- ski down to defeat, 6-0, 6-2, gan, Indiana and champion North­ western. 7 — Empyream-Emperors 11321885 Delta SER |ES I COULDN’T BELIEVE w ork, E E (1) SHOWN 7:40-11:35¡ to complete the singles sweep. In doubles play Jamieson and 10- i-0 over Mor- Trotters At Fair The Ha r l e m Globe Trotters basketball team will be the first MY EYES! touched "A R O A R I N G E N T E R T A IN M E N T !" Met»o-Goldwyn- ■ pa a a ■ r- Ne* York limes rov and Germain, while Shelton sports attraction at the New York Mayer presents a E a M I a w ith and Click combined to pin a world’ s fair, appearing in Singer defeat on Tom Harrett and John Bowl, A p r i l 27. Owner Abe G A B IN genius !” Jo m Sisson by a 6—2, 4-6, 7-5 count. Youngs and Warner ended the Saperstein says the Globe Trotter cast will be the same one which — T lm t M ag Jo n e s SUNDAY perfect day with a 6-1, 6-2 win opens a European tour in Lon­ over Willneff and Bielawski. don, April 30. EASTMANC0L0R APRIL 26,7:30 P.M. I UNITEDARTISTS Feature Presented OffRTRELÍASE 7:35-9:50 P*M. Lansing I H IT NO (2) A T 10:15 I Civic Center JEAN PAUL JA N U S F IL M S PRESENTS Good ¿eats S till BELMONDO IN G M A R A vai lable directed by HENRI VERNEUIL B E R G M A N 'S At WINNER SWL DISH FilM ACADEMy AWARD BEST FU.M OF THE YEAR, 1063 The D is c Shop, E. Lan sin g M O N KEY IN W IN T E R „„ h I N G R I D T H U L IN G U N N E L U N D B LO M and C iv ic Center “ Acclaimed by c ritics as one of the years best. Box Office ■ T H U R S O N L Y ! ' S U N R IS E AT C A M P O B E L L O ” Newsweek Magozine says it’ s a superb movie- . . one of the greatest film performances ever . ■LAST DAY- THURS., F R I., A P R IL 23-24 M IC H IG A N BURT LAN CASTER KIRK DOUGLAS F R E D R I C MARCH D R IV E -IN . “ SEVEN DAYS IN M A Y ’ ’ 7 & 9 p.m . u n i.hv.b , ►4M >• J F E A T U R E A T 1:45 - 4:20 . 7:00 . 9 : 4 0 ________ 5EE THESE F A IR C H IL D T H E A T R E Thur. Fri. Sat. TO M O R R O W ! S U P E R B A R G A IN D A Y . .2 FEATURES! A d m issio n : 50C 3-Features-3 T H E W H O H O T -L IN E S U S P E N S E C O M E D Y ! PAUL NEWMAN HELDOVER! C A M P U S -T H E A T I I F I ^ 932-0*44 - S t a r t s TO D A Y 6 5 0 to 5 :3 0 ¿ 9 0 C 2ndBIGWEEK! THE SIX MOST EXCITING WOMEN IN THE WORLD! A SHATTERING ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCE! THE N0.1 ATTRACTION OF ALL TIME if Why didU.S.H BombersattackRussia? if WherewastheRed Premit when thehotlinerang? AT SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES! ELKE SOMMER WINNER OF 4 ACADEMY AWARDS EDWARDG.ROBINCOLOR SON TWOSHOWS DAILY. MATINEES 2 P.M. EVENINGS 8 P. M. “ The Prize"’ nt ;49 BOX O F F I C E O P E N S A T 12:45 P.M. D A I L Y 2nd Feot NO SEATS RESERVED ---------------------------- 2o.-------------------------- if Why didDr.Strangelovewant tenwomen foreachman? if Why didU.S.Paratroopers invadetheirown base? (I PETEROUCH ä LHa w m JANEFONDA ANGELALANSBURY < L < f0 M T R A \H T H E CO O L :k O F T H E DAY ' - PANAVISION METROCOLOR 2nd at 10:44 if Whydidthefateoftheworld if Whatwas thedoomsdaymachine? - 3rd Hit hangonaCoca-Colamachine? Released by Peter Sellers • George C. Scott.. Stanley Kubrick’s ALBERT GEORGE MELINA JEANNE Dr. Stran g elo ve VINCENT or. How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb EDWARDS FIN NEY HAMILTON - MERCOURI - MOREAU ROMY ROSANNA . E lKE GEORGE 1 PAMELABROWN/GEORGECOLE/HUME CRONVN/CESARE OANOVA/KENNETHHAIGH/ROOOVMcDOWAU PEPPARD ■ SCHNEIDER - SCHIAFFINO ■ SOMMER ! J M ! UMKliW C!MID UU »SIMHIl M Jii ELI •ndMICHAEL co«terrinsPETER JAMES SENTA ADMISSION P R I C E S : ' ß l Ä D M l f t WALLACH ■ C ALLAN • FONDA • MITCHUM - BERGER as ELDRIDGE . . j . « •**» , ACoèumto SterlingHaydenKeenanWynnSlimPickens^ StanleyKubrick,PeterGeorge&TerrySouthern StanleyKubrick A D U L T S E V E N I N G S & SUN. 1.50 Ï H « A T A * Next! Dirk Bogarde Sarah Miles "THE SERVANT' A D U L T S W E E K - D A Y M A T I N E E 1.00 ma 4sa-*«es - 8 Michigan State News. E a s t Lan sing. M ich ig a n T h u rsd a y , April 23, 1964 Fielding Improvement Seen | | A w a rd s S w im | | hits all afternoon, but received measure of a team’ s defensive Litwhiler said he thought that He also pointed out that sev­ By DUAN E L A N C A S T E R the main reason for the apparent eral players are at new positions State News Sports Writer little support on the field with State committing six erro rs in prowness. Bruce Look has been a solid fielding weakness was that the this season and have much to | G iv e n | the second game, backstop this season; center- team has not been exposed to learn. Two weeks ago baseball Coach "John Biedenbach is new at Sophomore Jim MacMillan has "Our defense could be tighter" fielder Bob Maniere is rated a game competition yet. "W e’ve Danny Lirwhiler, with his team been named the Spartan’ s out­ Litwhiler said. "W e’ve continued top flight defensive outfielder, only played in 15 games and con­ third base, and Dick Billings is batting at a .350 clip, conceded standing varsity swimmer for the and the three-year combination sequently have not had enough in his first season in the out­ he was pleased with the hitting to hit well and our pitching is of shortstop Mai Chiljean and game situation p lay s," he said. field ," he said. 1963-64 season. but said the pitching was "ques­ starting to come around, but some second baseman Dennis Ketcham MacMillan, s t a r freestyler improvement in th e field is f r o m Detroit, received th e tionable.” anchor the infield. needed.” Frederick E . Stillman Award for At a twin bill sweep at Cen­ tral Michigan last weekend, Spar­ The S p a r t a n s have looked Ketcham and Chiljean have played together since their soph­ Crew Club Starts Season, being the top performer through­ out the season. He was also given strong up the middle, however, omore year, developing into a tan pitchers allowed only seven and this is a freouentlv used sound double play duo. Hosts Culver, W ayne State the B ill Campbell Award for his outstanding work in the Big Ten The MSU Crew Club will start The Spartans will face this meet. its racing season Saturday after­ week’s o p p o n e n t s again next weekend. On May 1 they race Neil Watts, Monroe senior, was noon at Lake Lansing when it B A v e ra g e plays host to crews from Wayne at Culver and the next day they given the Matt Kaplan Award for showing the most improvement (continued from page 7) State and Culver Military Acade­ face Wayne In Detroit. during the season. He was MSU’s my. top distance freestyler, placing Giliberto, Lombard, 111. senior, All men interested in joining The varsity race over the 1500- mathematics and s t a t i s t i c s ; the club are welcome to attend in two endurance tests in the con­ meter course will begin at 1 p.m ., M i c h a e l N e l s o n , Arlington practice sessions at 4 p.m. any ference tilt. with a pair of junior varsity Heights, 111. senior, English; Monday, Wednesday or Friday at races to follow. Starting point The Senior Scholarship Award Dave P rice, Mt. Prospect, 111. the lake. is the sailing club property. went to diver Jim McCormick j u n i o r , biological s c i e n c e s ; from Highland Park, while the Stephen Wells, Glenview, 111. jun­ tration; Mark Hunt, Lathan, N.Y. junior, mathematics and statis­ Freshman Scholarship Awa r d ior, mathematics and statistics. sophomore, m e c h a n i c a l en­ tics; T o m Jamieson, Lansing went to Rochester, N.Y. soph­ SOCCER — J o h n DeBergh, gineering; R o b e r t Sherwood, senior, physical education; Laird omore Jack Wheeler for his work Andover, N. J . junior, business Grosse Pointe Park sdfjhòmore, Warner, Dearborn sophomore, in the classroom a year ago. law; Payton Fuller, Kingston, hotel, restaurant and institution­ history; Charles Wolff, Cincin­ AND ON T O F I R S T — Spartan second-sacker Denny Ketch- Ken Walsh of Ponte Verde, Jam iaca sophomore, mechanical al management; Jack Wheeler, nati, Ohio junior, accounting. engineering. em illu s tra te s the fine art of the double play as he relays F la. was selected as this year’ s Rochester, N.Y. sophomore, me­ WRESTLING — Jam es Ball, SWIMMING — Dave Curtis, chanical engineering. shortstop’ s throw to first base after stepping on second base most promising freshman by the East Lansing senior, social s c i­ Jackson junior, police adminis- TENNIS — David Click, Niles to force out sliding runner. Photo hy Jerry Carr Porpoise Fraternity. ence. NOW O PEN SP A R TA N D E F E N D IN G C H A M P S — S t a t e 's 4 4 0 -y a rd r e la y te a m c o n ­ SUNDAYS Noon Till 6 P.M. S P A R T A N S H O P P IN G C E N T E R 940 T R O W B R ID G E RO A D S h o p -R ite M a rk e t FRESH u PORK ROAST s i s t i n g o f ( f r o n t t o b a c k ) B o b M o r e la n d , C a p t a i n S h e rm a n L e w i s , W a lk e r B e v e r l y a n d J o h n P a r k e r , w ill b e t r y i n g to BO STO N B U T T « I SNI r e t a i n i t s c r o w n o t t h e r e l a y s in P h i l a d e l p h i a . SCOTTIES STY LE LB. 2S29 P h o t o by J e r r y C a r r Shop-Rite's For F A C IA L YOUR 440 Repeat ( c o n t i n u e d fro m p a g e 7 ) T I S S U E S PORK SAUSAGE Homo Mad* Regular Lb. BEEF PLATE RIBS Boiling Lb. nance in the 120-yard high h u rd - push to get n ear Georgetow n With This Coupon and $5.00 or More Purchase S p a rta n Frtsh Sliced ; s . M cKoy has turned 14.8 and (1 0 :0 8 .9 ), V illan ova o r M ichigan. M a m L im it One Per F am ily—Exp. Sat., A p ril 25,1964 SMOKED BEEF Slicad PORK LIVER Serve With Onions Lb C H O IC E 3-Ox . P k g . ie winning tim e will probably be And in the m ile re la y M organ e a r 14.5, if the tra ck is d ry. S ta te (3:13.3) and O klahom a S tate F rash Fresh — 2$ T h r' Spartan d istan ce m edlev e!ay squad will have to re a lly (3:12.9) should run away fro m the field . BEEF HEARTS D e lic io u s B a k a d Lb. PORK HOCKS Serve With Sauerkraut Lb. SN H EIN Z l4*oz. Braunschweiger or Sandwich Soread Chubs Swift's Premium 8-Oz. Tuba Brightness KETCHUP Bottles With This Coupon and $5.00 or More Purchase L im it One Per Fam ily—Exp. Sat., A p ril 25, 1964 SAUERKRAUT van Hoi,,n'* - sw* p|ts- HYGRADE and HERRUD . . . SLICED A POUND Lightness... T TWUS COUPON SMOKED PICNIC!; LUNCHEON M EAT or ■so With This Coupon and the Purchase of Each 2 One lb. Ctns. of Blue Bonnet 5 to 7 L b . A v e ra g e — Lb. i Choice of Veal-Olive- Pickle-Macaroni ft Cheese or Bologna PACKAGE 'e o 5 » o H D ? MARGARINE Smoked Picnics & “ kd u.32 8-0z. Pkgs. 111 STM** Coupon Exp. Sat. A p ril 25, '64 1ST K ss s s so With This Coupon and the Purchase of Each C O FFEE “ GELATIN RO YAL VII F la v o rs 5 REG. PKGS. 39( EXTRA • o tu > ( 2 Lh. Ja r of Spartan L b . B ag _r * 9 * Spartan Prune Juice — 3 ££..*1 ’g o l d Strawberry J a m Coupon Exp. Sat. A p ril 25, ’64 s c o n TOW ELS 2 R eg. Size ? jL Spartan Apricot Nectar 39‘ Scott Toilet Tissue 1 ,0 0 0 -S h e e t R o ll 111 i B t M i j f c i M n n p i i i o v Oe v ei n Fresh — F R E S H L I K E -------------- RAISIN BREAD Loaf ■29* |C Y Graea tens Cut or French 5 » . $S 1I 0 0 BREAD*™ ' 5 L o a ve s 1 .0 0 F t. 50 e x t r a 3 Lb. Bag of SW EET f a s TINS I lO H D ( O R E IDA C R I N * L E C U T M A D IS O N A l R E andT V ’g o l d ONIONS Freshlike CORN CARROTS FRENCH FRIES \ V 4* I “ thiturmlly Yours" by Coupon Exp. Sat. A p ril 25, ’64 ( V a r s it y - T o w n C lo t h e s V v v' v v - v v v v v v v € a ll k in d s o f fu n ! C R E A M STY LE OR W HOLE t KERK. N EL SLICED 4 K£ SP 0 0 P IL L S B U R Y - 4 V A R IE T IE S _ aaaa . \ 50 7 TURNOVERS 4c, 390 \ 306 TINS $ That’s what awaits you the moment you slip into one 48 Ct. Box of Reg. o r Super OF YOUR CHOICE of our Madisonaire “ Breezer” natural-line tropicweight sport jackets. The original plaids, handsome checks and the handkerchief weight fabrics strongly f c c KSBw i M 0DESS 1 s I l STA M PS reflect the new "light-and-lighter” trend for ’64. Coupon Exp. Sat; A p ril 25, ’64 Obviously, an ideal warm-weather jacket for hosting MUM# 7 at home, visiting friends, vacationing and happy idling anywhere............................ A SOU Pascal Celery Jumbo Stalk 190 Valencia Oranges 113 Si; 590 50 With This Coupon and the Purchase of Each \ì Gal. of Heatherwood’s CHOCOLATE Bananas Golden Ripe 2 Lbs 290 M IkJ P a » IW ^ s ltc h e k lr o s . > Lg t K T £t oo H o l d STA M PS llD D