Michigan State News :ast i A\siv«. mm FROSH TO BATTLE SOPHS FOR CLASS HONORS To Install Co-ed Sponsors Colorful Function UNDERCLASSMEN at prepare for ANNUAL competition; PREPARE ELABORATE PLAN ASMUS NAMES .4 Appointment give list of CLASSES TO BE. DISMISSED for MILITARY CEREMONY LIST OF J-HOP party DATES , f i r!i H. Prob- -n. MiuL—TTti-v '"'in AV. i- ! \ V ?^'11 *, .• !• • . i ,! (.* frtprad'* Office Reveal* Fall Nifht Dm. I Colorful Affair; Plaft and ..•v .. |,m, ,f P„ty Mratini medintHv^ ^ ^ curd, 1 Mir* ' u In, "ivmi«i r * T Te.m Social |l •.ifirrir. li Fiaiir'urm Arm.iry; Nrv Iv Appointed Of nn Wadaaidav J ' i mi Will Arl a« Fuorl. Military Rand In Plat MIM Vf— EXPENSES MAY BE CUT RAN NAni fiww Parties ( enter Mainly at lh M Y|„" Forty Mrmberi of Junior < laa . ■ Named or Conunittrr. nf De*ro,t (,a:n ; Social fyrnt ('onu s First it: Lecture Seric .1 II. .1. I.N I * Ml i - Campus Fat lis !t< C( al I si rs m good exodus to syracuse ■ '" Expert Kithiiyiaum lo Inrre Crowd Over Fordhati ': 1 Level .< • ■ Team In Givoii Send Off By Student* frohman will TALK TUESDAY date night is on wednesday till. til. ft* \x I Annul Sw.mining Part. !»- Offered in Colle|f Pool MAY PROHIBIT appoint staff FREE DRAMAS of wolverine '•manrnt Po.it.on. t.ianled Prof Kis| Aoaita Reyly From 22 Alter Three Week, BISHOP TALKS TO K '///V Missi s FoothalT (lame ul Trial. STATE ALUMNUS NFWG. 0. P. CLUB as (iriddcrs Fnrjafje Fordham isprexyin east tn>.( in Hears Srtrral arnia-.i.. i n» oiai.,.-... Alio Cel. Suit From Mother 1 hot SpeaLrr-. ri M-r« nf .i •> t» .f uuOii»ie gy, |(.P p art % a Little fo h Bekrr. 01 Recently T iriday Eyyiinj Namrd at Pre*ident of K^\Z, :,rr£.T*l ■ Hub Water A*nher»t College play* might be pr» wided u> tew ti¬ er* and tchoiar* without the i*«> meat of any royaity foa Taking „.xhi* U> mean *11 vhoiar* and - >M the** two piay* Now a piubien. tweet the t .aa* whether the wl»o|- an» and teacher* mentioned ui the fetter ware thi stogie tit Mir»fr property Har *r» And teachers. or tfcO :r. f-omf" wb».. appi canon* w&.-,e«J,jo may be ' * attend patched lo the New York publish¬ er* sskln* that tht* matter be rua«> Un'49 6en* taw* bunch of -it he -iear If the former meaning is de¬ pi the or«an nied on the general «tm Dakcta Gritiders MM *'*v ui anywkv down Pa ch Up as the d-pwruirnt ftnsiv and I * utrv -cmr . tay Abide W. •Mutne the pretty fair because we did not havr- 'and "> play ! Qu irral royally piay* wouJ I "t Prutrwur uf school a while Monday arid • I ng along ■ - 1 j.' Ofeplayed no . . Are went down to the baru* and stayed now pa onlv I f v »t P»wra state coder and Vttvy near all mcwrunf whkh wa' th? gerieral* tne ti IQG6 he wram •>tided to lite staff of •; v i ni■•••!■ suv of »t '■ >a*ot1 Hetmtytvaoi* Mute roUeaa a hire cttange I got the suit adda. they *» *uppc« invade Rs*t Landing m are to b>> it* concerning **r,t nitr m# but 1 »u?i^ {^»»l a* pa t. CHEM EWPLOYEE HURT -vit is to Baiter m xt oecatne hfMKl of '-he Faculty member* and ed _i» be deferred un- ®w'nt ol ,he "Lbrr *** on* °( u ' 4fkd uuivvrjuty. witich position he main- * &»i cordially I Saturday» fame a-Sh Fordham a« r«« a reply up Ui rr • and he *ay» U ttw ,ou thin* fba¬ Thank^iv »tned for four years From 1412 to the way to do a right face and ' pa while I am l • rrovjrd* >0 Hew York Cttf tier Uru?rr< ity < Oncuuiwh • ne -X' :<2»» tje wa* a sotuied with ft Korut could sec right »»..) Uiat he *;• ihg wny - en vot: t, tr'rtihle was f*u#d betWeei whtrh haee beer placed « diepUr *n Product* tmiiaaiion cam-rrjx m Mew > • liteVir.'- president lot* Ar»iw>).i mixed up and vt I ways you be' ftul if ate » > lien why )u t rv.,.r.„: ...U ptair. i'»«l«l Karri t a » - i • 1 that 1* the way to dtf •* rlgfit tmr foiget aboo f -an .e: . t go Vir, _ . 1h, tuuouu* I ..ul r-ulMU Ul . ;*UU«. «u*in« vcraury of » »ual "?ty . J- 'in gutclur ireiyuxer '-^ough ew»rte*v « Tlwre .s gwing tr> 1* . .«»>:. rrmu«. »~l i 4!^.. I u . Ywwm Reuuhhcan club w*» r- -u*e u done it but I i race after sr rue grewxed fegw th,» ..r. rf h,BbOTM|l m w->. I 'aught that lege hOtplt; y UlW' U-*» is j?ai2 sijfyPjiiii r#\ last Thursday we a* he went and gnuiday pa like wh i D C It numbers One c' J SKI 1 team entndhed lor fOUM-IIUIUII■ tiny ™ nnbers. produ ed ;hrou#I «f ** •khirdhg. the Umm chab * sitliough t.^jidirapiisd by a announced that they would film serwtce she chop the other day and sx. s ftnd out first whether they i» sows y tnabiUty to u*d nti injur¬ ,*it -• t»ch»0d their coach. A J Clark of the chemutry Fordham - dowm« uch are your hair cut* ai d o" not before I go chaaing after hem ** »e have go» enough sow a ed arm. he ha* b oul his regular dull* * HA Waipol*. al the < M five cent* but I say* to my ain't we pa Willie. ► e**hertng al Saginaw Fri- tackled I Hit MAILS 13r FANTS FtkissU, ISr i 22 -tint «u Alii IIICA \ > I A I K NKUS Michljjin S'atr Nrwt jM. S. C. Stationery | : M. S. C. Blankets (HII until) : i M. S. C. Memory Books ;iml We Kent Jig-Saw Puzzles ;i> well an »rll I hem! ; State College Book Store You (loiil .Wed lo I*iii| l a nr.i| hit ;es "fjfn Coned rS'lationewf i? •— 41 i,.u. hi ,;,it \IJ M ^ludtnls h> in jfl", , hi>tn>> >>u /(.'#«./ t'hutofjiophu .Shji,* btn.1 MI (». l» oca uf On.-.. out>nic o{ I V) .Hi,J ,,cf tIDC (4 ftu i Have Your Gift Portraits baigitirt* !Ci Your in im uiuiiMiiuiac ottered packet pruned Add OU »»» * jryu wiituit , * * of revcipt of yu«r *»f ic Made Now! ' utttk»UK>it t ..... ^ua.^ntitd S,.| ; i»y UlAti gill). Ab»> \ii.l Here's Win 50% HiqqvL I iWse Kate* W ill* Special I'remiuiit are \|i|f\,iMniatt'lv Malt Our Kcgular Price THE NEW . : I ... - ' M ;• i >11 l>KM> A lit I'KK IHlZfc.S 450 PACKAGE* I. yut tahuwwf * !'• "',J. i . i iJ,* tlu ii. ,VU P*vk^i' It o uttRi n«*. v<*. <'* -* J\ qmiify t» Utat ttun touud ui uunj bu&« of high- Ucrsluis Studio PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY di< THE AMERCAN STATtONtBY CO. eiuac- early. eioouUKally COPIES - FRAMES 700 OAtK AVINUt <**n l'hnt,^/inpl,rr» lot Ihr l*U N wit mm PERU, IND. mi BtU'tnl i.rilcR* It • ' kxk I be not'on ut tl*e i •ill Miami A r, aili- I 'hoar .M-MS IjMM,. Mm*. •u arh l iu an in "illi l.i'.i n ■ ii 11.'"' Ill I S I I M VOI It !'l WO Budd's Music House M mill!! -1 ill I a oi nil. ,11 I In.Ill 4 YEARS Forty Womt'n al Initial Mtcl of l.ilfsavinif ( lass of opportunity i I DISCUSSES PLAN FOR COIR INI. PROJFI TS HEAICI.K BAKU A IT SIIOK REPAIRING so Mi i II run Im* gained from llie«e undergraduate MIIM> Imupu* lnnli r«lii|/i lui*»roum «>. Kin-ru) ami health art- im¬ portant umrcIn for I lie* mail him houIiI gel tlo- mo-l from ilii'M- yciir*. Extra la.. I oo oflrti roiiftti|»utioii U pi*rmitlt*«l t«» PUMPKIN OF GOLD -.ip $18.75 In allli iiml Uiolcrillillf M'rioim liaoilo ap. \ itnlit>. It ran hrrotiic a MK)D-MH)klNO DANCE lion. A tlt'lirioiiR ccrcnl I mo Hill overcome lalil« -|M»oiihiU of K«-IIoicr'- \I.I.-BKA.\ thi* eomli* Mill promote r« uolar ItaltiU. \I I -HK \N -upplie^ HATS A f a r speciaiiartl •: >' 2S Wiar« d;»unrttvc hau J .■ Saturday, Oct. 29 "bulk." %iftaaitiata II anil iron. Ml y our fraternity Ihhim* \-k that it In* «rnnl or ruiupui May Hr" ■ • -- vranuw® coma mica,-*, Mi« I* <«tM> . li. 1'iln'i -'7, III;,j Find Different SHORT COURSES' DAIRY BUILDING Mark Averafjes H»Tfl Marking Coufv*. if! Fill uv. I I.iris' Hockey BEING REPAIRED by l,Hn?e Number rn" Show Tint S imi (lane. \,r Mr v Difficult Than Will Oil • '1 P».. , „| Ago Sor.inlv and Dormitory Or^an )]Z.AIin Proiffl In Br Complrl C«-»* May Pirtiripatr in Morr rulliiit . Manv Oiil.iilr An.i i/alion. to Comprtr for rd Nov Hi; Imprnvrmrnlv Than F.lrvrn " W.ll Add Sparr MH « t \- IN HVIIJKMIM Mr* fimiKhlng I) \ NCI N G Fonda Dunce ( lull ii % 11 (MA i IN runt tf'iii'l m NIf1)1. R W It II Sigma \lpha l-.t ■ 'in I- (•roups to i» Fntcrtainod I'* .o i I'lav Sun I p* Mrs. |<. ( Huston . hi I .11 Iv I tccemhci \ IKMI.INI-; SIMMON- si IHMII OF l»%M'|M. l1n ion Beauty Shop I toil Halls .shampoo and Finger Wave, otic lf> Manicuring, otic llaekvff (inme \|)\ AM Kl) SH()\\|\<, ol I'll- I )iirm»itili' So»p% lip I'm !\ to ( bangr CHRISTMAS CARDS ,• I u • • • • rv BUSINESS DIAL Un.lln.rnl Drr.ra.r Indxalr. SIOlU'llls Inspect Variety and (iifl .Shop U|M it livening* In NpiMiintment Ironomi. Krvual Say* K.m K l urniillliMlS. ton. DEM A KOltAKT GRADUATK MAKFS u ii I...,, Glacial Feature* NEW D!S( 0V€RY Umm I) ... WASIIIH RVS ( igar* Milliards SclllH.I Sll|ipll< s ' .In. .it ii in Stall SMOKE SHOP Member Speak* at City School >1 A Sif I I K V IH Halloween Dance lilMil I A M till ID - IHM' SIIAKK SUI'I'FK Xntilai li. HALI.KOOM ol I acul; > v • null I llM'U> Increasing Patronage u( Ihr (fcrarr E. tyau <£afr —and raw tobaccos frails Ihr I'lipntaiilv »f Our Home Cooking and Atiuosphcrc! Quiet. < ongcnial- have no place in cigarettes ( U.Mt. IN AM) «;i\t-i I J> Al Kl AI TIm.\ art mi present in Luckics these tine tobaccos, after . . . the mildfsl ugarcttc proper aging and mellowing, j.hi ever smoked are tbwi given the bcacit of MIDWAY BALLROOM that Lucky Strike purifying process, described by the Featuring words—"It's toasted". That's w hy toiks in every city, sown W A A Hi At PWNNfcH MARY ELLEN DANIELS and hamlet say that 1 nrfcirs FOR NAVliKDAl NOON BLl US SIM'KK Duwt From the Trianon Ballroom of Chicago FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY ;r» CENTS SOCIAL PLAN DANCING baa dura* ul U» Special Halloween Party Monday Nfeht, October 31 AGERS BEGIN Gririders PlaySpartan Red Makes CHEM. DIVISION M. S. ('. Tram DEPRESSION HITS OFFER STAGE ACT WHLS HAIL MEN Takes Third in Football PICTURES WETAL Swine .Juditin, MIDWEST SCHOOLS ATSJATETHEATER TOSTAGEPARTY EARLY DRILLS Regc- Collegf! Rrvraii Simmons Danrrri Will Appro: Ft,' Event 01 Men V Dorm Will Depart moot Worht With Only irom Vtunv Veteran! Retnm for Prar dan- Ir'casting on Program of October ? - Meld Tomorrow Machine of Ita Kind in tire« in Conditioning ard Middle Wo«t. Fori. Night. Schooling Di*. ittari INVITE CITIES TO DYE DECIDES ON ASK FORESTRY AID H.E. COMMITTEES Manv Women Named ^n Vaed- ing Finite ttroops tat Home Ec Department Words fail us . . . ' J PisKHBLF I'il\ the i' <». copywriter LIBRARY RECEIVES wIki !»as to flcn'rihi' this UNUSUAL LETTER cliarniinii lit'. Ail W K can fit; is in It'll vail it's new. Askrri lor Information >u when you get the Shredded U ht .it hahit! T hat * hct.au*« Shredded Wheat #.»«# you th< •«i« ryv yrni need l«i nuke every •I tv 4 (Hivh ovt f' It n Nature % t hai means nothinu tost, and nothing added! All the energy- nuildinji elements thai smart old Nature put into wheat arv kept "or M.U|n Shredded W heat Comes This < AfrfxrrtMnita How II you have yours' M.Ik' 4 ream ' Half and halt' Order to Chouse From Ou vhredded Wheat at the lunch LaUii StyU Hiu at II WTTTOAN ST*ATI' NOV Crow'eymen Again invade HARRIERS WILL FROSH ELEVEN | y HIS ltd Intm-muni' ^|><> 17 MEET MICHIGAN n Fmnire State to Engage • | HAT [S IMPROVED „ J ( Country Mm Ft pert Stilt YrniluiK Team !'• ny Syrnrrv n \ li Orange Team at Syracuse: inn \| \ 1 : v 1 ! Plav« Scrimmage; Willi Competition I'rum Univrr- rtv Saturday Varsity Is III \ N t\n M'l; III k rii Nrrnnd Wtoiy ill I a*t nil .rtofit to , Attn Rfiting Stroii!' I"«»rrl vo pl.n iiliu Fath>ni m »m 1 i ! w o it s i: i ll \ \ hi t ANNOUNCE EVENTS OE HORSE EXHIBIT I >pr, 1 1 SO Annn.iN In I nmprlt U« lint ftr Nrl.l No. i .pn ihon to I anil Of & . ; STATE RUNNERS IPWAKt G. DEFEAT BUTLER I « Olli* { Wutt to nmlnrtahli* tiivr Spartan 21 32 ROBIHfOI Victory Momu tl Leads I as n(-Muki r 1Sk It'll II \'.ll MCI I N Spartan ( n ( aptain Ha* !•»!.»' ! ' S Mill \X 1 ot >1 Point* ia. Mifheat Get Ouv/n it KMUBAII MAR C.-.B Of' Your M Rl R A Nit I I r r.l'FSI ' •H k High / i _ Horso/" m mn l KIM MAU'HES FI ATURK HORMSHOt llll'RNAMKNT fiO«RS 1/fex.J; I tu»:h unit I * his DOWS*> EARTH Dorothy Irnnn JORDAN RICH KiRMtK MllllNTA HiRi 3 Ties Free 3 Ties Free Hallowe'en Night VIULIMNK SIMMONS M. S. C. Cleaners, < HIM) DANCING SI AKS Dyers & Laundry V.I r-.iMm |MI Till ll-i'X'i omtsm si mi 1 in:urf _ ( WK CALL AM) DKLIVKK K; Corduroy Coats ANNOt NCIXt; THIS GILBERT R»turn* to Hi* Creatne** wii lined - Slicker InlrrlinH New Coupon Service i alor* tilur and Brown Wf arc Ri**inR ihrrc "re.-e. jaiIi* and one » can job. either *uit. hpcoit or mrrri ,1 for II.IMI pic an additrun a I discount <»f $^9S 20 . aupon. on all other rlrARini to the holder » 1 rheve l i*i' iri adianrinc in hkt Get >our Coat EXTRA now before .mother rat*c ••••■••■••a* |j Tedd - \ Retreat J I 4 i.i r * a t*™;r^iS I St'KDK JACKKTS $5.95 LOOK! """ \ ' W> arr ult.riai: Kai l LuiuinC- awl rxnert tmlurine. i.'~r' CORDt'ROY TROl'SKRS - - - $2.96 Rrlinina. altering and rewiring al Magnate price .. Doa'l lortel our laundrx Serxice. r I umv in it: Okmpic-Kainbow Recreations BILLIARDS— BOWLING jaia U»' Hap*'