Inside M IC H IG A N Weather Baez C o n c e r t Delightful, p. 3; ‘ P irates Of P e n z a n c e ,’ p. 3; Recruiting, p. 5. STA TE U N IV E R S IT Y TAT Ü EWS Cloudy, w i t h occasional showers through the evening. High in the high 60s. Vol. 55, Number 133 T u esd ay, April 28, 1964 E a s t L a n sin g , Michigan P ric e 10c Jesse, Harris Vie Today For Top Job In AUSG ■'........ ' ~_ ' ; 1 ' ~ F ir s t V o t© Court Decision Cuts Rail Jobs Ca||e1» Sounds like you II be called on to oulder a m onth course tn a t’s open to both men 211 MAC C A S A N O V A # 2 E D 7-1668 a "An Equal Opportunity Employer" good deal of responsibility, doesn't it? But when you come right down ■■ q to it, that’s what your college I I » 0 » M i l J k in and women college graduates. To apply, Fo rce you must be w ith in 210 days of graduation. 4 M ichigan State News, E a s t L ansing, M ich igan T u e sd a y , April 28, 1964 SELL your don’t wants NOW for Spring Term CASH through STUTE NEWS W»NT-A0S ★ A utom otive ★ A uto m o tive _______ ★ E m ploym ent ★ F o r Sale ★ Real E state_______ J . B .'s EXCLUSIVELY Chevrolet 7 YPISTS-STENOS '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA. Sport Coupe. Clean, economical. $1650 Used C ars. ’57 Solid black V-8 E 1C O - OSCILLOSCOPE. Model Many choice temporary jobs to No. 460; tubes and textbooks and HASLETT, 3 BEDROOM ranch. Open beam ceiling. Wooded lot. S e x , A t h le t ic s , S t a t u s or best offer. Call Dave at 332- standard shift. Hardtop. Immacu­ choose from. Top pay; Never a other test equipment. Phone TU Schools within 3 blocks. Offered 5736. 22 late. ‘55 HARDTOP, green and fee. Employers Overload Co. 616 2-5347. by owner. FE 9-8907. 19 MGA - 1958. No rust, excellent white; V-8 automatic, immacu­ Michigan National Tower. IV 7- TUXEDO. COMPLETE o u t f i t . 22 3 BEDROOM CAPE Cod, 5 years O u t O f C ig a r e t t e A d s body. Good rubber, good motor, late. For th e sharpest u s e d 6071._____________ C19 Size 38. Worn 4 tim es. In ex­ old. T.V . room, landscaped. $450 • AUTOMOTIVE Chevys in town, come out to J. $800. Phone TU 2-2286. 19 cellent condition. Call 355-4058. down, $94 month. TU 2-2175. 20 • EMPLOYMENT ALFA ROME 1962. Must sell. Pay B .’ s and browse around. C if F o r Rent . _/ 22 5 B e d ro o m " i n c o m e . F ire - NEW YORK (UPI)—The na­ tion's cigarette m a k e r s an­ cide if advertisements comply with the code. • FOR RENT 'SO^ORWETTDTWVhlteT^Tuelm- off balance- a p p r o x i m a t e l y APARTMENTS MEN’S RING. 51/2 Karat Lindy place. Near all schools and Uni­ nounced they have agreed on an "T h e code establishes uniform • FOR S A L E terior. 2 tops, 4 speed. P ositrac- versity. Large yard. $25,000. advertising code. It divorces the $1,300. Runs well. 135 Haslett, F U R N I S H E D APARTMENTS Star sapphire. White gold, six standards for cigarette advertis­ • LOST & FOUND tion, michelin t i r e s . R a c i n g Phone 337-2753; Floyd Wallace sales pitch from sex appeal, Apartment 21. 21 available for summer and fall small diamonds. $180 or reason­ ing and provides a means where • PERSONAL shocks. Du-coil d i s t r i b u t o r . with Barnhill Real Estate. Shown athletic prowess, social distinc­ 1960 LARK REGAL. Over-drive, terms for 1, 2, 3, or 4 students. able offer. R etailp rice$240.C all compliance with this code can be • PEANUTS PERSONAL Heavy duty clutch. 300 hp. Never by appointment only. 22 tion and success. radio, heater. Excellent condi­ Close to campus. Call 332-0811, 332-6709. 19 ascertained promptly and fairly • REAL ESTATE raced. $2195. 337-0156. 21 The manufacturers said that tion. Phone IV 9-8092. 19 evenings 337-2474. F a b i a n Re­ MOBILE HOME set up. Close to on a consistent basis,” the com­ • SER V IC E THUNDERB1RD CONVERTIBLE, alty. 22 campus. Skyline 1956. 8’ x 35’. ★ Se rv ic e an independent administrator will panies said. • TRANSPORTATION ■59 OLDS CONVERTIBLE. $200, 1959. Black. All . power, super enforce th e code and fine vio­ take over payments. See at Pure DUPLEX APARTMENTS for 3 Reasonable. Immediate posses­ FREE ESTIMATE ON your move tire s. 337-1110 or Lambda Chi • WANTED Oil Station; Michigan and Grand Alpha. 128 Haslett. 22 and 4 girls. Available June 15th. sion. 332-2664. 1/2 block to Berkey Hall. ED ELECTRIC "PORTABLE 21 organ. anywhere in the world. Phone lators up to $100,000 for infrac­ tions. Calendar of D E A D LIN E : River. Phone 337-9886. ^19 1963 CORVAIR MONZA 4-door. IV 5-2241, Bekins Van Lines. Ask The code, which will apply to 1 p.m. one c lo ss day be­ FALCON FUTURA 1962. D a r k Bucket seats, automatic trans­ 2-2495. 20 3 1/2 octaves. Excellent condi­ ATTENTION F A C U L T Y , fur­ tion. Originally $175, now $75. for Jim . C20 all cigarette advertising includ­ Owning Events fore publ ication. blue interior. Bucket s e a t s , mission. Like new. $1850 or best NO RAISE in prices at WEN- ing radio, television, newspapers offer. 332-2880. 21 nished efficiency a p a r t m e n t . Phone 482-9602. 21 C an cellatio ns • 12 noon one transistor radio. Straight stick. DROW’S ECON- O- WAS H. 32 and magazines, is subject to a Forestry Seminar — 12 noon, 1 KARMANN-GHIA, '57 Black. No Available soon. Quiet atmos­ TEFLON f r y i n g pans, house- c la s s day before publication $1,140, take over payments. Call speed clean washers, 20£- ten clearance under the anti-trust Forestry. rust, Radio, Engine perfect. $550. phere, close to campus. $90. wares and g i f t s . ACE HARD­ owner, 372-1756. 20 minutes drying, 10^. 3006 Vine laws by the Department of Ju s­ MSU Men’s Club Luncheon — PHONE: 822 N. Pennsylvania. 485-7080. Fabian Realty, 332-0811. 19 WARE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand 1963 FORD GALAXIE S t a t i o n St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. tice. 12:10 p.m., Union Parlors. 21 HASLETT APARTMENTS. Beau- River, across from Union. ED 355-8255 Wagon. Cruise-O-M atic. Power tiful four person furnished. Sub­ 2-3212. C C19 The administrator has not been Baseball, Detroit — 3:30 p.m. steering, radio, heater, luggage BUICK 1959 LeSabre, 2-door Se - T.V ., RADIO, PHONO REPAIR named but will be shortly. Statistics Colloquium — 3:30 RATES: rack. $2,200. Sacrifice 676-5973 dan. Stick shift. Good condition. lease summer term. Call C hris, GIBSON 5 STRING, long neck ban- Under the code, no advertis­ p.m ., 218 Berkey. 1 DAY. . , . . S I . 25 $775. Call 627-6778. __ 21 353-1116 or Joan 353-1098. 21 jo; ca se. Records, books, should­ Don’t Search—Call Church _____________________ 23 er strap. $140. Call 337-9621. 23 ing for cigarettes may be used Chemistry Colloquium — 4 3 DAYS_____ $2.50 MG -TD excellent, will sacrifice, J .B T s EXCLUSIVELY Chevrolet IV 2-5608 unless it first has been submitted p.m., 122 Kedzie. 5 DAYS_____S3.75 ENGLISH 3 speed bicycle. $39.77".. $950. Call Dean Dudley, Sigma Used C ars. 1957 and 1959 Con­ Prompt Service-New & Used Sets to the administrator and okayed Entomology Seminar — 4p.m ., ACE HARDWHERE 8t GIFTS, 201 Chi, IV 7-9020, or IV 2-8618 vertibles. V-8 Automatics. New by him. He will be given "co m ­ 401 Nat. Sci. (Based on 15 words per ad) E. Grand River, across from CHURCH T.V. SERVICE after 10 pm. 20 white vinyl tops. For the sharpest plete and final authority” to de- Food Science Seminar — 4 Union. ED 2-3212. C 8080 W. Willow, Lansing There will be a 25c service 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA. S.S. used Chevys in town, come out to p.m., 110 Anthony. BOYS SCHWINN r a c e r . Almost C PEA N U TS and bookkeeping charge if Convertible. All power and ex­ J . B . ’ s and browse around. 2801 M a t h e m a t i c s - P h y s i c s Col­ new. Used Raleigh ra cer. Call JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4.00. , ' ~HiN< Y M ê _ this ad is not paid within tras. Take over payments. Phone S. Cedar. ________ C nA??V jJ5 T 00,’Ai/bc loquium — 4 p.m., 120 p.m. 1960 RAMBLER. Custom 4-door Norm or Bob, 353-1589 after 10 Aldinger Direct Mail advertising. one week. 882-4725 evenings. 21 Metallurgy, Mechanics a .id sedan. 6-cylinger, s t a n d a r d pm. 19 533 North Clippert. IV 5-2213. WÄ£ H A W A II M. G. TD, 1951. Restored A-l W A L K ' M aterials Science Seminar — 4 mechanically. $1695 or best offer. transmission, radio. Reclining LIKE N E W. K i r b y vacuum C p.m., 284 Engineering. The State News does not Phone 882-8285 evenings o r seats. $795. 587-5880. 23 cleaner, $59.95. Phone 485-3191 ACCIDENT P R O B L E M ? Ca l l Microbiology and Public Health permit racial or religious weekends.____________________19 evenings. 20 Kalamazoo S t r e e t Body Shop. Seminar — 4:10p.m., 335Giltner. discrimination in its ad­ 'if E m ploym ent D O N 'T SEWING MACHINE" 1963 zi gzag Small d e n t s to l a r g e wrecks. vertising c o l u m n s . The PONTIAC 1960. Low mileage, I Pathology S e m i n a r — 4:10 State News will not accept owner ca r. Very good condition, model. No attachments needed. American and foreign c a r s . p.m., 346 Giltner. GREAT LAKES Employment for Simply select a stitch to button­ Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 1411 advertising from persons good tires. See at 3000 E. Sagi­ Special Lecture, Ian Barbour discriminating against re­ naw or call IV 2-4320. 21 permanent positions in office, • D R IV E hole, mbnogram, applique, over­ East Kalamazoo. C — 4:15 p.m ., Kiva. sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. cast, automatically also decor­ kEN’S CARBURETOR SERVICE ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or FORD 1956, 2-door,_ 6-cylinder, .Minutes to.Everywhere: ative designs, etc. Want respon­ Kellogg Center Series — 8:15 C20 New and rebuilt Carburetors ulEUL. -iÀPr’ Ncrr léNT d c .S c national origin. stick. Radio, heater. Runs per­ p.m., Kellogg Aud. C A M P COUNSELOR positions sible party to make $6.56 pay­ Member I.O.O. rUtW All ~nâ ' d e ...hAPPiNc$ ¿ fectly. $160. 355-1039. 21 Student Chamber Music En­ available for men and women. ments or only $47.14 cash. Call CHEVROLET 1962 Biscayne " 6 ” . Motor tune-up specialists. 3r.N o - A ? TOO! semble — 8:15 p.m., Music Aud. ^ A u to m o tiv e CAMP RAKIN. For information, 332-5051 OL 5-2054. C20 1100 S . Washington 489-5346. 22 T ri-B e ta A n n u a l Banquet — Stick shift, good condition, new call Mr. Mezger, 337-2293. 20 CORVAIR ‘62, white 2-door 3 tire s. 1232 Parkdale after 5. IV MUST SACRIFICE 30’ X 8’ mo- PROMPT D E L IV E R IE S ^ h r e e 7:30 p.m., Wed., Wesley Founda­ RELIABLE FULL and part-tim e EYDEAL VILLA bile home. G o o d c o n d i t i o n . types of diapers to choose from. tion. speed transmission. Radio. Ex­ 7-7815. 19 men and women, over 18 to train 1 or 2 bedroom apartments com­ Parked 1 mile East of campus. Bulk wash for cleaner, whiter Christian Science Organization cellent condition. Save by buying FALCON FUTURA 1962. D a r k as aids and orderlies. Transpor­ pletely and excellently furnished. Phone 337-0747. 19 diapers, fluff dried and folded. — 7 p.m., 31 Union. direct from owner. Phone 489- blue, light blue interior. Bucket tation necessary. Apply 9:30 - Choice of interior colors, cen­ Use yours or rent ours.Contain­ 0677 evenings after 5:30. 21 seats, transistor radio. Straight TEFLON f r y i n g pans, house­ 10:30 a.m. w e e k d a y s . Ingham tral rec-room , laundry facilities, e rs furnished. No d e p o s i t . 25 stick. $1,140, t a k e over pay­ wares arid g i f t s . ACE HARD­ BL'ICK Ï958 2-door hardtop. Good County Hospital. Dobie R o a d , barbecue areas and swimming years experience. By-Lo Diaper tires and good running condition. ments. Call owner, 372-1756. 20 pool. GE appliances.Call FID EL­ WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand A real buy. Call OX 9-2751 7 am - ’62 FORD CONVERTIBLE. Blue Okemos. 19 COLLEGE STUDENTS",' m a l e . IT Y R E A L T Y ED 2-5041, River, across from Union. ED S e r v i c e , 1010 E. Michigan. IV 2-0421. C if '/OLÍRE.áAO 5 OMETIME5 ,THcN Pistol Club 5 pm. 19 and white. Power steering, low Full time summer work. Part GEORGE EYDE ED 2-0565. C19 2-3212. — C HJCRErlAr’?" A ll THE TIME ! T5§" CHEVY B el-air, hardtop. No mileage, excellent condition. I SI’E time during school y e a r if de­ WOMEN OVER 21: Summer- one e le c tri™ s t e a m i r o n s . ACE r ^ p rice- on DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers returned either yours or ours. Invites Dates rust, perfect mechanical. 283, owner. 337-7134. 22 sired. Earn enough during sum­ 2 -g irl, one 4-g irl, one girl to HARDWHERE & O p T S , 201 E. With our service, you may include 4 barrel. Radio, ww. 337-1851. ALLSTATE SCOOTER 1959. Good mer to pay for entire year of share with 3, two g irls to share The Spartan Pistol Club is Grand R iver, acroSs from Union. two pounds of baby clothes that sponsoring a " G i r l F r i e n d 19 condition. $130.Call Bob 332-1114. schooling. Over 15 $1,000 schol­ with 2. Fall- winter - spring- ED 2-3212. C21 do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. Night,” tonight at 7. All members 21 arships were awarded to qualified one 2 -g irl, one 3-g irl, one 4- SPRING SPECIALS: KARMANN- GHIA Convertible. students. On the job training for girl. ED 2-2276.__________ 21 FORMAL-Full length; Evening AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE to bring their dates and let them Black. $35 trailer hitch and seat practical use of your education HOUSES_______________________ d resses; and wedding gown. All 914 E. G ier Street shoot free. ’62 F O R D convt., chestnut belts. Must sell. $795.TU 2-7398 during the summer months. An WANTED MALE roommate to sizes 15-16. Reasonable. Phone Regular membership charges IV 2-0864. C color, R & H, automatic trans­ evenings. 21 earn while you learn program de­ share 9-room house for 4 imme­ 882- 8749.____________________ 20 have been reduced to $1.50 for GOOD C A M P U S and summer Contact Lens SPECIALIST for the rest of the term, with no mission, PS..................... $1,"90 BUICK 1961 LeSabre, 4-door Se- signed by this multi-million dol­ diately. $30 per month. Parking. transportation. Cushman deluxe Invisible Beauty. 500 Creative ’62 F O R D Galaxie XL, hdtp., dan. Full power. White side­ lar Corporation that hundreds of 485-2538.________ 19 motor scooter. Phone 355-0243 Fashions in G lasses. CapitalOp- ANODONTYoufOR6ETn! charge for coeds. The club meets at the rifle range in the base­ walls. Lots of extras. Phone Ml students have taken advantage of. NEW 2-bedroom furnished. Two tical Studios, 115 E. Michigan, R & H, automatic transmis­ between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 20 ment of Demonstration Hall. 5-9612. 20 Many of whom are still with our fireplaces, basement, parking. IV 2-7434. C sion, PS, bucket s e a ts .. $1,790 MOBILE HOME, 42’ XlO’ .T r a il- AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite. Red. Co. in key executive positions. Up to 4 adults. $160 per month. COMPLETE COLLISION SER- er Haven Lot 113. See from 7pm - '63 VOLKSWAGEN red, bar­ Body and engine in excellent con­ For arrangements of personal IV 5-4917 a f t e r 5 pm. (629 9 pm. 23 VICE. Bumping and painting. Courses Opened gain priced at.................. $1,390 dition. Hard and soft top. 482- interview, time, schedule and Mifflin.) 20 SPECIAL. DISCOUNT price or Fram e straightening. Valley Auto 2068. 22 city you wish to work, call Grand STUDENTS- 2 bedroom home in electric s t e a m i r o n s . ACE Body. 4711 N. East, or call IV At Nigeria U. '61 CHEVROLET Impala, 2- 1963 AUSTIN-HEALEY Sprite. Rapids, GLendale 9-5079. Also quiet suburban area. Furnished, HARDWARE & GIFTS, 201 E. 5-8547. 22 dr hdtp, V -8, standard trans., Lansing, 485-3146. South Bend, utilities extra. $125 monthly.Call Grand River, across fromUnion. STUDENT TV RENTALS. New Courses have been announced \lkll. Excellent condition. Origi­ R t. H, red color inside and CEntral 4-9179. Kalamazoo, call 332-3311._____________________23 19” portable, $9 per month. 21” for MSU students planning to par­ nal owner. 11,000 m iles. Phone ED 2-3212. C21 out.......................................$1,590 ticipate in the new exchange pro­ 355-3146. 20 Grand Rapids number. 48 ROOMS__________ ________ ___ table models, $8 per month, 17” ★ S ervice 1963 10 X 50’ RICHARDSON MO- gram at the University of Nigeria ’59 ENGLISH FORD Lt. blue FORD 1958, 4 door, V-8 stan- WAITRESSES: Good working con- MEN- CLEAN and comfortable BILE home. An excellent oppor­ table models, $7 per month. All this summer. color, white vinyl interior, dard transmission. R and H. ED ditions. Must have some exper­ rooms. Private entrance and tunity for student. Call 641-6604 sets guaranteed, no service or TYPING SERVICE Sheldon Cherney, MSU coordi­ R & H, exceptionally clean. . . 2-8971 after 7 p.m. 20 ience. See Mr. Mitchell or Mr. bath. Parking available. Close to after 6 pm. 21 delivery charges. Call Nejac TV EDfE STARR, TYPIST, Theses, nator of the five-week summer $490. MERCEDES-BENZ 220B I 9 6 0 . Bosheff. No phone calls please. campus. Available f o r spring, Rentals, IV 2-0624. C dissertations, term papers, gen­ EAT SHOP- 605 E. Grand River. summer and fall term s. 337- SEWING MACHINE SINGER con- EL CHARRO Mexican Restaurant eral typing. Experienced, IBM session in Africa, said course Black 4-door with red leather. A C K DYKSTRA Original mileage. Good condition. 26 7 4 3 8 . ____________ 20 sole automatic zig zag. Equipped and Bakery- formerly T o rre s. E le ctric. OR 7-8232. C work will be concentrated in with control for lovely designs. three broad areas of African $1,700. Call 332-2810. 21 REGISTERED NURSES, full or APPROVED ROOM for Male stu­ Buttonholes, appliques, o v er­ R o lls- sweet rolls-frenchbread - studies: comparative govern­ FOR D OLDSMOBILE 1$$5. S u p e r 88 part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ dent. University YMCA. Cooking, tortillas baked fresh daily. Mexi­ ★ T ra n sp o rta tlo n ary and differential plus other parking. $7.50 weekly, 314 Ever­ casts and all general household can Foods ready to serve. Open ment, Nigerian society and the (Open Mon, Thurs, F ri ’til 9 ) Holiday Sedan, all power. New green. ED 2-3839. 21 sewing. Make only seven pay­ daily, Friday and Saturday 11 am- WANTED: RIDE for two, NYC. world, and economic development N. Cedar at Grand River brakes, fuel pump and battery. fringe benefits. Flexible time ments of $6.84 per month. Guar­ and resources of Nigeria. Runs well. One owner. Phone 484- schedule. Meal furnished. Phone 3 am. 724 E . Grand R iver. Call Leaving Thursday May 7, 5:30. IV 2-1604 anteed. Phone OL 5-2054. C20 21 ED 2 - 0 8 0 1 ._________________21 ★ F o r Sale for reservations or take-out. Returning following Sunday. Call The overseas study program 1949. APARTMENT SIZE spin d ry OLDSMOB1LE 1963, F85 Cutlass IV 4-1861. We also sell Mexican B ill 332-8060. 19 is open to any student who has FEM ALE- daytime supervision BICYCLE SALES, service and washers. Use it for the family been enrolled here for six months convertible. White walls, auto­ SPARTAN MOTORS of private swimming pool. Room rentals. East Lansing Cycle, 1215 wash. Cheaper than using Coin products. 19 WANTED: RIDE to Lbs Angeles, matic floor shift, console, bucket or more. Credits earned at the and board in summer resort area. East Grand River, call 332-8303. Ops. See the Hoover Spin Washer TYPING SERVICE on or around the 21st of June. seats. $2250. 337-2202. 22 CHEVROLET 1963Monza 2-door; University of Nigeria will be 355-1431. 19 __________________________________C at S t o r a g e Furniture S a l e s . TYPING. Term papers, theses. S e n d postcard to M i s s S. ro4 CHEVY - 2-door. Radio, 4-speed transmission. Low mil­ accepted by MSU. heater, new tires. Body average, eage. Two to choose from. W A I T E R S , LIFEGUARD, and DINING T A B L E - Walnut with one T erm s available. 4601 N.U.S. 27, S.M.C. E le ctric. Wo r k guar­ A n d e r s o n , Stockbridge Hi gh Deadline for student applica­ interior excellent, engine excel­ Social d i r e c t o r (with musical leaf and pad. $35. Phone ED IV 7-0173. C19 anteed. 337-1527. 48 School, Stockbridge, Michigan. 21 tions is Thursday. Selections will lent. $195. IV .2-6925._______ 23 1957 MERCURY MONTEREY 2- talent preferred) at Weinstein’s 2-2642. 1412 North Harrison. 19 JOB RESUMESTOO copies, $4.00. WANT 2 riders to Lincoln, Ne­ MOTOR- Gale Buccaneer, 1957. be announced May 8. ★ L o s t & Found Aldinger Direct Mail advertising. VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Excellent door, hardtop. Automatic trans­ Resort, South Haven, Michigan. 12 H.P. with tank and 2 p ro ­ braska. Leaving Friday, May 8; Interested students may con­ 533 North Clippert. IV 5-2213. returning Tuesday. Call Sue 353- condition. Original owner. Call mission. Power steering and Call 353-0339._____________. 20 tact Cherney at the Nigeria Pro­ pellers. Excellent c o n d i t i o n . HORN RIM glasses in leather _________________ C. 485-6792. ' 19 brakes. No rust. Extra sharp. EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an Avon representative. Turn your $125. Phone IV 9-0482. 23 case with clip. Vicinity of MAC. ANN BROWN typist and multi- 1150. 22 gram office, Wells Hall "A ” . 1963 FORD GALAXIE S60- 406 CHEVROLET 1962 Corvair. 4- lith offset printing (black & white free time into $$. For appoint­ LUCOR 1200 STEREO tape re- Reward. 655-1160. 20 cu, inches. Four speed, 405 hp. d o o r , 3 - s p e e d transmission. & color). IBM. General typing, ★ Wanted Je t black finish. Very few made. Sharp. Immaculate condition. $2,550. ment in your home write or ca ll: corder. $260 new this t e r m . Lake M rs. Alona Huckins, 5664 School best offer, must sell. 355-6899. ★ P ersonal term papers, thesis, disserta­ FREE ROOM and board for Grad­ Religion, Physics tions. ED 2-8384. C uate girl student in exchange for Phone 355-6081.___________ 19 1960 FORD FALCON, 2-door. St., Haslett, Michigan, or call ; 20 IF YOU ARE a careful driver, CORVAIR 1962. Red, sharp, onc- Clean, economical transporta­ evenings, FE 9-8483. C19 TABLE MODEL T.V. metal c a b- you may qualify for State Farm ’ s TYPING in my home. Shirley getting evening meal for 2 school Decker, Forest Ave. Lansing. children. ED 7-0241. Prof To Speak owner. 500 , 3-speed. Like new. tion. BABYSITTER WANTED "in my inet. Good condition. Call 332- top-notch p r o t e c t i o n at rock- 19 Phone IV ?-7208. C BABY SliTING wa n t e d . Hot Low price. Must sell. 482-0067. 3000 E. Michigan home 8 -5. References. Call 355- 6250. 21 bottom ra tes. Call or see your Ian Barbour, professor of phy­ 21 IV 7-3715 r 9840, after 5 pm.___________ 21 F R E N C H TOURING " b ik e . 8 State F a r m agent t o d a y . ED TYPING IN rny homeT'15 years lunches, many toys, lots of love sics and head of the department speeds. Front and rear luggage KARMANN, IV 5-7267, in F ran - secretarial experience. E lectric and attention. Call 355-3133 soon. of religion at Carleton College, racks, l i g h t s . 484-9679, 355- dor. C19 typewriter. IV 7-0619. C20 21 Northfield, Minn., will discuss 3438. Steve Platt. 21 "S cien ce and the Humanities: An GOYA FOLK guitar with c a s e . WHITE BIRCH stables. B est in Examination of Methodologies,” Like new. Call Paulette 355- riding, E n g l i s h or W e s t e r n . in the Erickson Hall Kiva at 4:15 S T O R Y S p r in g B a rg a in D a y s 7226. 19 H orses, tack, havrides, parties p.m. today. HONDA 1963. Show room condi- and riding lessons. Quarter horse Barbour is appearing through tion. 3,400 m iles. Enjoy benefits stud. OR 7-3007. 19 of World’ s best engineered bike. 48823 MEANS IF you are in East PLAY the cooperation of the United Campus Ministry, the Humanities ‘ 0O M er ury Monterey, 4-door 1 5 7Pontiac Station Wagon, pow- ‘ 61 D o d g e P o la ris , 2-door E lectric starter, etc. After 5:30. Lansing and walk upstairs at Two Research Center and the depart­ hardtop, power s t e e r i n g , er brakes, radio, heater, auto­ hardtop, power steering, pow­ 337-1123. - 23 Twenty Albert to the end of the power brakes, radio, heater, matic transmission, w h i t e er brakes, radio, heater, auto­ WEDDING GOWN. Silk organ/a. hall we’ ll sell you insurance in a BILLARDS ment of physics. automatic t r a n s m i s s i o n , walls. Story sells Pontiacs matic transmission , white Chapel train. Size 8-10. Call 355- zip. Bubolz Insurance. C19 2-tone, white w a l l s . Story for le ss. $395 walls. Story sells Dodges for 9970 after 6 pm. 21 sellsM ercurysfor less. $ 9 9 5 less. $1195 PORTABLE T Y P E W R I T E R - VACATION AT beautiful Lake Art Group Honors Olympia P r e c i s i o n . Buy the Michigan lodge two hours from finest. Term s available. Hassel- campus. Reduced rates till June Prof At Reception bring Co. 310 N. Grand. IV 2- 15. W rite: Sea Fever Lodge P.O. STORY OLDSMOBILE Enjoy 20 Colorful Brunswick Regulation 1219. C20 Box 87A Whitehall, Mich. Phone John S. de Martelly, artist- FORK L IF T - MO-TO- Lift. Shop TW 4-4353. 27 Size Tables in-residence at Michigan State Truck Series 3000,capacity 4,000 and his wife, Janet Spaeth, were pounds. Excellent c o n d i t i o n . ★ Peanuts P ersonal Beautiful Surroundings honored at a reception Saturday / Phone 337-2046. 19 at by the Midland Art Association. GRETCH GUITAR with double PUBLIC NOTICE: 2,2,1 is now De Martelly has been conduct­ W h e r e The A p ril A c t io n Is pick-up. 4 channel amp. micro­ 2,1,1. Don’t think twice, it’s al­ phone. Call 332-8641, ask for right. 19 CUSHION N CUE ing an art seminar for the Post Street Workshop in Midland. Mike. 22 d B a r Un c l e s t e v i e , w h a t 5 0 2 4 S. C e d a r At Jo lly Rd. A noted lithographic artist, de 3165 E . M IC H IG A N I V 2-1311 FILTER CLEAN vacuum cieaner. else h a v e the sons of Alladin F o r Reservation Phone 882-2743 Martelly is also a painter, etcher 1 year old. $55. 489-3080. 20 taught you? The Other Four. 19 and illustrator. I M ich igan State News, E a s t L an sin g, M ichigan Tuesday, April 28, 1964 5 Grid Coaches Sway 24 Out Of 26 Recruiting: Spartan Success Story By R I C H A R D S C H W A R T Z he said, "you begin to realize just how success­ ful we feel at this tim e." State News Sports Writer From the standpoint of high school repu­ tation in football, Smith feels the group stands Baseball isn’t the only Big Ten sport where a up well against any in the past. .923 batting average would be something to bring you up out of your seat. "You can never tell how good a boy will When a football coach tosses pitches at26p ro- be until you see him play against college spective high school athletes and 24 take a cut, competition,’ ’ Smith explained. that too is something worth cheering about. "O f what we have to go by in measuring S ig n a tu r e s A p le n ty That’ s the story from 215 Jenison, headquar­ ters for Coach Duffy Daugherty and the Spartan freshmen potential, Smith said, "w e should have as good, if not a better, squad than football team. we had last season." According to Burt Smith, administrative hand­ F o r G r a n ts -In -A id ler for Daugherty and freshman coach, 24 let­ What makes State such an attraction to ters of intent have been received from players these athletes? Here’ s a rundown on players Fullbacks: William Bruce, Da- naming State as their first preference for grants- "A season like we had last year never who have signed letters of intent vidsville, Pa., a 11-conference; in-aid. hurts us,” Smith said. "B ut the over-all foot­ A TENDER S IT U A T I O N : Spartan football Coach Duffy Daugherty talks over plans with v some indicating State as their first George Charlos, Hunkers, Pa., " I t ’ s quite a tribute to the recruiting job done ball climate in a school’s history is by far of ’ the 24 high school athletes who have signed letters of intent to play for the Span artans. an s. •• choice: all-state; Norman Jenkins, West by the assistant coaches,’’ Smith said, thumbing the biggest selling point. Back r ow (I. to r.) are Sterling Armstrong, Detroit Central; Art Deras, Hamtramck; B ill R o s e ,L a n Centers: L a r r y Smith, Chi­ Mifflin, P a., a l l - s t a t e ; B o b through the packet of responses on his desk. "K ids like to know the school they’ll be cago, 111., a l l - s t a t e : Dennis Lange, Chicago, all-state (now “ When you consider that in another year we playing for has a fine background ir. the sport,” sing Sexton. Front row (I. to r.) are: Tony Rutherford, Detroit Central; Joe P r r y b y c k i, Harper M iller, Lansing, all-state; Frank enrolled as a freshman); Willie might have called 55 or 60 per cent a su ccess," he said. Woods Notre Dame; and John Whalen, Battle Creek Central. Olschanski, Detroit, a l l - c i t y ; Ross, Lansing, all-state. Ronald Rapieri, Royal Oak, all­ city; Anthony Rutherford, De­ troit, all-city. Tigers Clash With KC Guards: Anthony Conti, Mt. Clemens, all-state; Joseph R. ' S ’, T i t a n s T ry A g a in T o d a y Prazybycki, H a r p e r Wo o ds , C lu b P r o g r a m (UP1)—The Detroit Tigers will get a chance to fatten their re c­ in the American League stand­ ings with a 6-4 record. Notre Dame, all-Am erica; David Techlin, Essexville, al l - st at e; ord when they begin a th ree- j A fte r R a in D e la y H a lt s B a t s BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS John Wallen, Battle Creek, all­ conference. K eep s P a ce W ith • game series against, th e last place Kansas City Athletics to­ The baseball team gets a de­ bination of seasoned veterans visitors with Doug Dobrei his Tackles: Philip Brittain,Cad­ day at Kansas. layed look at the University of and talented sophomores and po­ counterpart for State. illac, all-state; Edward Wyler McLaud, Fairborn, Ohio, ' all­ E x p a n d in g C am pu s | Detroit today — provided it ses a threat to end Coach Danny Game time is 3:30 p.m. at Old College field. The Tigers are in secondplace Litwhiler’s string of five non­ conference (also plays defensive end and offensive center). Ends: William Grimes, Grand ; T here’ s something for everyone in MSU’s sports club •; ; program. d oesn’ t rain again. The Titans were scheduled league victories. The Titan hitting attack is paced by third baseman-turned- E N T E R S P R IN G L E A G U E S NOW THE AIR-CONDITIONED I T O D A Y _____ T h e a tre Pkosxe 332-2S14. D Ha v e n , all-con ference; J i m ■ Crew, skiing, judo, sailing, weightlifting, bowling, and la - ■; to play State in shortstop Don Deptula, a .349 and W E D N E S D A Y : J u d a y , Northville, a l l - s t a t e j crosse are all available to whet the sporting appetite of stu- > (presently enrolled as a fresh­ man). dents who prefer competition outside the realm of major ; : sport. ; Detroit a week ago but a cloud­ hitter l a s t season. R i c c a Zuc- caro, who batted .309 last year, is back again in center field. HOLIDAY LANES From 7 :00 P.M. 90c "Asexualfranknessthat : Judo, weightlifting, bowling, and lacrosse clubs participate j burst in the Mo­ •40 B ru n s w ick L a n e s .»Snack B a r blazesanewtrail."-«»! Quarterback: Arthur D e r a s, Don’ s twin brother, Dennis, : on an intercollegiate level, but they have not reached varsity j tor City forced Hamtramck, all-state. is the starting second baseman INGM AR BERGM ANS 1 status. ; the cancellation .8 Billiard Tables »C ocktail Lounge H a l f b a c k s : Sterling Arm­ while v e t e r a n Cliff Rothrock : Weightlifters showed that they’re taking their sport s e r- j of the event. A strong, Detroit, all-state; Jam es holds down the first base position. i iously by walking off with first place in a national meet \ cold rainy Mon­ Mixed or 3 man teams Evans, Lyndhurst, Ohio, all-city; Dobrei Sophomore Bill Stanforth is i held here last March. ' j d ay in E a s t Drake G arrett, Dayton, Ohio, all- expected to be on mound for the $1.00 prize fee — F i n i s h in June Presented 7:35-9:50 P.M. :■ Though MSU has no club for such sports as curling or : Lansing cast some doubt on the state; Wade Payne, Garden City, ■ THURSDAY O N LY: :•cricket, there’ s no reason why clubs for those sports— ; probability of paying the return all-state; Mitchell Pruiett, Ben­ ont. from 1:20 P.M. - Feature : or any other—could not be formed. Any sport not part of : engagement at Old College Field. OPEN EVERY DAY AT 9A.M. ton Harbor, all-state. i the varsity or club program may be organized through the ; The Spartans go into the game The Big One 11F r o n d o r i s J u s t S o u t h O f U s " 1:20-3:50-6:15-8:45 P.M. 1M department, which will furnish both individual and team : with a 14-4 over-all record and CHICAGO (UP1)—A crowd of IV 7-3731 equipment to prospective participants. : stand 2-1 in the Big Ten follow­ ing their first weekend of con­ 104,943 paid a record gate of Anyone who doubts the value of the sports club program ■ Intramural News ■:should take a look at the history of soccer at MSU. •: The soccer program began when a group of interested stu- ference action. Detroit Coach Lloyd Brazil $2,658,660 to see Gene Tunney ' defeat Jack Dempsey at Soldier irnisingi H has come up with a winning com- Field, Chicago, Sept. 22, 1927. •: dents organized a club. •: Eventually, interest became so intense that Athletic Director ; ■ i D r i v e - l n T h e a t r e 1^ | M EN ’ S Umlnv1! LargMt m Biggie Munn sanctioned soccer as a varsity sport. D R I V E South Cedar a t J o lly Road TU 7-24291 Softball Schedule Last fall the team was one of the most successful squads - I N L IM IT ED EN GA G EM EN T! Field 5:20 p.m. ■: in the varsity program. It had an undefeated regular season, THIATRf 1 — Nimrods-Terrors(Open) J a first-p lace finish in the Mid-West Collegiate Conference, . 2 M ile s S o u thw e s t o f L a n s in g o n M -7 8 A C A D E M Y AWARD WINNER 6:30 p.m. •i and a berth in the NCAA tournament. B E S T A C T O R ! ‘ ‘S ID N E Y P O I T I E R ’ 1 — Bacon’ s Hams-Beat All •: This year lacrosse became a part of the intercollegiate I NOW! L IM IT E D ENGAG EM ENT! KALPHBhL«LSCAMM Y üKttK bAKbUN H IT NO (1) SHOWN A T 7 :4 5 - 11:40 ADYB.oo.c 2 — Logical Em piricists-M o •: club program. Fu’ s ADMISSION T H IS E N G A G E M E N T $1.25 S U N R IS E A T 3 — Tony’ s Boys-A.F.ROTC 4 — Hustlers-S.O.C. 5 — No Counts-Atom Smashers _________________ C H I L D R E N U N D E R 12 F R E E I A D U L T EN TER T A IN M EN T ! _ q m e s C A M PO BELLO ■FRIDAY: (Open) 6 — NO GAME COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC INSPECTION ¡ H I T NO (1) A T 7:45 & L A T E 11 H IT NO (2) A T 10:30 | o iiX e r ~ _ jg £ th e > “ WUTHERING HEIGHTS” for Am erican-Foreign-Com pacts Liua Skau F ie ld 7 — Vet Medicine-Delta Sigma Phi(Open) featuring TONY'S 8 — Alpha Kappa Psi-S.A.M . , “A R O A R I N G ! GOT F E A T U R E NO (2) ( F I R S T RUN) A T 9:50 C hargers e Wheel bal ancing I E N T E R T A IN M E N T !" ! WOMEN 9 — Psi Upsilon-Sigma Phi Ep­ A —N.w fork tim.i I TROUBLE! SLA C KS silon • Custom brake servi ce 7:40 p.m. • Steering correction T ony C u rtis 1 — Beal-Cubs Tom i P oundsosfitoußie o n E m a rrs m a y - - NORMAN VINCENT PEALE 2 — Movers-Wart & Court We al so do expert tuneup Ja n e s i 3 — Wooster-Worthington work on American and Compact cars I Ä to fllf (im m COtTARRlNQ WILLIAMWINOOM 8:50 p.m. I - ---------------- CAROLOHMART 1 — V ets-Bethel Manor i S T A R T S WED. 2 — Packaging-A g. Econ.(Ag. Council) LISKEY’S AUTO SAFETY CENTER umuncoiofi i IWItSMIISIS I i*wi musi I E L V I S P R E S L E Y IN 124 SO. LARCH OFF MICH. AVE. - LANSING “ KISSIN C O U S IN S ” Resi dence Hall Volleyball Tim e Gym I(Ct.l) 6 — East Shaw 3-4 C A M P U S LAST 2 DAYS! 6:30 — East Shaw 7-8 7 — Woodbridge-Worthington MSU LECTURE - CONCERT SERIES Fun For Everyone! 65 C to 5:30 Eve. 90( 7:30 — Wordsworth-Wolverton T W W F fF Feature 8 — Casino-Caribbean A L A P ro g ra m p i 1:00-3:35-6:20-9:00 w m 8:30 — Casopolis-Cache Gym I(Ct.3) fe a tu rin g at the 6 — Cabana-Cameron 6:30 — Cambridge-Cachet MIRIAM MAKEBA F A IR W A Y 7 — Emerald-Embassy South African folk singerwith remarkable show-stopping talent. 7:30 — E.M .U.-Em bers 8 — Empowerment-Emperors 8:30 — Eminence-Empyrean She provides a truly unique and rewarding musical experience. !ACOLUMBIAPICTURESRflEASf FROM THE MAN WHO FIREO -THE GUNS OF NFMAR0NE". I Bfli Gym II(Ct.4) Wednesday, April 29 8:15 p.m. D R IV IN G • S ta rts T hursd ay • 6 — Bailey 1-7 6:30 — Wisdom-Windsor 7 — Winshire-Wight 7:30 — Bailey 2-8 UNIVERSITY R A N G E They p la y ed the gam e by all the rules that flesh Is heir to... 8 — Bailey 3-5 AUDITORIUM and 8:30 — East Shaw 2-9 Gym II(Ct.6) 6 — West Shaw 4-9 General Admission $2.50 world’s largest 6:30 — McLean-McBeth 7 — Brinkley-Brandy 7:30 — McFadden-McInnes Students $1.00 MNMTVRE GOLF 8 — Snyder 16-Aristocrats On Sale at Union T ic k e t O ffic e 8:30 — West Shaw 5-6 and P aram ount Newshop » ( conti nued on page 6) T h i s W e e k ’s S p e c i a l s WOTEir¿flMNHL Take a date or friend along FR%E to play min­ iature golf, the country’ s fastest growing sport, with this coupon. . . . r e a l g o -m a n -g o trim , ta p ere d styling with th e new * SPECIAL* < A-l pockets and belt loops! Cu sto m tailored with "f it ’’ built-in for j u s t $ 4 . 9 8 t o r ................................................................................. $ 6 . 9 8 in the latest s h a d e s I Good for one free round of miniature golf with one * an d little c a r e fabrics. I paid admission. I At y o u r f a v o r i t e c a m p u s L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — . . . J The LANDAU Company presents store: I This coupon and 75