M n. C. T.l hrory Eon 1. ! 'II :i I ntf, Illch . Michigan State News •-AST I.ANSIS'.. Mil III'.AN. Till I: I • \ N vn\i Ml: TWO THOUSAND ALUMNI TO RETURN SATURDAY INVESTIGATION CLEARS ALL COUNCILPLANS USUAL FEATURES OUTLINED COLLEGE OFFICIALS; JUDGE ASPARTANDAY WHY FOR RECEPTION OF ALUMNI I Shall Volt' For OECLARES CHARGES FALSE AND BARBECUE IK HIV Kit UOOSK\ I I I TIIOM \S RETURNING AT HOMECOMING Is n H. «r.!, A . \|, !, I„ I |„ (•nvirnni Body Will Prlllion n, n.ll n.nii- Footbnll t.Hine. Vanity ( !ub Barque! Memorial ( ereinony. In. Hull HiiliH** *1 (W ol " ' ' Numerous Partiei. Hou»e |l-rorat»or t onfe.t Are ■(ratal 5»*|• ImrfttfctMm i a*...I ha u.-* P I nnlhall Sraion on Schedule of Entertainment for t.r»duate» II." Month. No |,» Viol.I I mind RARBF.CUF. IS NOV. 18 Hiphomnrri Will Rr Ho.Is to . Student Body at Annual Fall Event. SPHINX PARTY SET STAGE FOR IS TOMORROW "s" CLUB MEET Nalr L r ye * Rand In Plav In. Hani" .it Union Lnd.y Nifhi W illie Has Kink in Hack as HchiiII tmpHamiie shio of ( lass Hush, He Tells Ma and Ha AiIii I nil* i In Send Rad Flan anil at laid Wralbri Via la. Stadifi Havr Him Itewa 7-ARTS SOCIETY FETESSPEAKER i rosh to name DEBATE COACH Daniel Fruhman Fntertaired at FROHMAN GIVES officers soon SETS SCHEDULE Banquet Attrnded by Col¬ lege Officials FIRST LECTURE Dean of fheatnca) Caaltili With Many ttl.l W ! I'rtifdf Tells of Stage and Ita Muhifaa Schaoli O.er Slalf Start SPEECH CONTEST SET FOR NOV. 22 Medal. Will Be Awarded to Winner. In All State Malckai. ' * STUDENTS HOLD DEMOCRAT RALLY S. W. L. REVEALS REPUBLICAN CLUB Pretiden! of Battir Creek Col PLANS FOR YEAR MEETS TONIGHT lege Will Address Polical Profiam lr:l»dia| Variety •( Etrait u Drawa Up al Gr*V|> I* H.tr Faculty Mrmbrri : ' an theme speaking Board Mttliaf .. ;ud«e« Ther* will how- L.pUm Many Vding be no *t tempt at determining m. Capital* -ti< Svatvn, P.* ' h.» tune M'chtgan State*, af- women Hm.h'T Education h» a- flrmativir eam will inert thr nega r» wr.d Tiw Far East QueeUdf : from Central State teacher* trt 'hew -v i broad sublett- •oii'gr at Ml Pleasant and the dlK ussiuh In MMh contest the <.» Thurvlay r ,:m* •!. Thunriay Nov uesative team will debate Detroit tr*t«n< ui» '. ' houae on* and -* dining 'mm City college ail phaM" of it (me hour befm object >f The vfcood round erf this tourna¬ lie l'» to pea* he will draw * ment alii he held at Kalamaaoo cm specific subjects on some pha**- Pebruarv 17 when our team* will this topic and .elect one Ol meet the affirmative two a* thn subject for his sper- i publicans are rrpectcd •«, b* pre: SIGMA ECSILON Caiv He ia given one hour »n which On that unit prepare a speech to hear the speaker Member HOLDS MEETING evening we will meet the t-am from The preliminary contest* w... • the faculty will ♦*«*»'•"!" Western State teacher* college. Vld in the afternoon at ment cap..* »..:ut •» Other debate, that have been forestry building and in the 1 peopoau! and it', desired effect Sigrna Kp*;l«»fy - honorary busn vrheduied up to date are one wtth theatre and the be rieid. since the admmuilrat.on fr.terr.jt> field ti ' final* w.tl •** ur.ibl* to av-r.d s.r.-rr term the affirmative team from the Uni¬ plane In the Little theatre at 7 talk* arc intend* d primarily Un 'he d nner m-ei n; Tuesday evening , ' .k ,. a Tie program for spr.ng term will Cftllghtcnmeru ol Uie sUuicr.u Fa - the Ur.«on porch versity of The E* tempore contest* r. e'K TFor ■' • v>'ih« *-rtn party tl* tra- and ulty megibrrb. who wll' vpeak are After an interesting discussion w.r.a. j uuor and vemor prom, the jreat deal of interest i ran^rihcnta Include Ma y n.orpe. February at On ihie date the local the Mate in tte paat few years ar Dean Ryder Dean Cos. Prof ewe various current economic top Robert Mallov Ri.ymorid McMuhan a: ;..r K.v,*;iat»rm ot new oj- team* will meal thoee from Detroit It la expected that there wil be See , Caswell and Profensr>r fledrba plans were made for trips 'o be Robert Nllr >rki Rarrv Martin and a-.-.-.r,- t.v fas: *.< rm which --er* a treasure hunt, and a neat Institute ot Technology Detroit City rcmpelti<'ii this war Conch O At this mwimg 'he Republican taken to various plants dnr* . fcr.-w?i Class Rush and pre- ' : • >fa'rr Carnival Drake of the local speech depart club will alv> d";ide wTwuhcr .' is renting year The data for a trip to Thad Kabnoshl "*hc eommltto* on __ _ ' ' Or Sophcmor? Barb* cue »: ii.cnt u in full charge of the stal disband after election or to fon- Detroit was unUUvciy "il "lor WK'™ **■'> New Tort university 1 i wtth it* activities. •Nov. U TWlrULLI Mlclurl »nd J Hutchimoii rf hi. r•.%*.< »t th- "burjwy n:-*" hi illi.A.\ r \: I MAX: linn .1.1' . Ni.u'inl'i Michigan State New* I COI.CMJK STUDENT PULSE SCHEDULE TWO Michigan BULLETIN DRAMAS TO BE Stutter OFFERED SOON lid IIUMI I t»MIVt. v Is IliiMH « Hit TkrU Alpha Phi lo Prr.Mil J'"'r'' Philip Rarry'i 'Hnlidav" NnvemltPf I t |„ pomp ami ril i hmifTi'lll ll '!»•• CLUB CHOOSES VEHICLE I right- III' Iriiglh "I Th» Tialh A hoi. I Rladri In ','Zl R» Pint Proilnrlinn ol mvvrts () INK Sfv.n Aril ("Ink •trlii I In- ( h s i of Utirlrtll • I- hrtil I ji^^* rtnitf priuliu-lHUI • POT i.wni. 1 ■ • i Min: HOOK rn.u;i Thfln Alpha 1*1 Hk- Itcgular Theme I'lip. i Ilk- I III INK i -I ' I. |>N AI: I ;< TIKTI.H-NKCh SWK VTKKS I oitni ito> 'lilt II \TS TeddvV Kilri al " Nf AN IIIU)S. *1* vV.f "llu* I Ifil Still r t»l 111«* hiun ?.■ All MM WELCOME! Cacalibur Inili. i Three Senior I \ltl>S l <>|< ALL (M ( \S|M N'.rtt'r1' > ! ■ ,i»*d (MR : IV .%rv % BOOTS -rev - -rV - jsil; .« »<1 IM.n •■ * . 98c «li' •"* - rvKUiJth ' Kill MI N • WllMKN ("UfiTX* V .1- ! 'V'N :<*4« ' i • for Home Coming " ' • ' • M. K N. > - ■ w • . K»r *.»•• a ... a- v• i - "FRIENDLY FIVES" . ■« mi* i ..in Use !u»'• .'iC • < e Lentiu-r Hevl> • • • 1 .. . •" •re ^.T ' k» Mr is* :.«Vo rs-'.»« ■ -w .1 ■ <*;*J Uor itrt*iniMn - • CORDUROY COATS Decorating , 1 * » .».• :.w Ue mm J llefr.v • *rvi »;■ «3t ntijegr mt*er Stick*r Inlrrimni ILrighteu up >our room witfc a bo* f 1* A; 1*'' M. & <. ^ • . OMKK !|W I* <*M l*<(%| ;.*»» 4 »5.»5 Pilb«, Haaaer $1.98 ' •>* a.Aimt w:r.. »* '"urfc.ht** I w Pcaaaat rr . yn Bljah *•«<» ..«! Low In. CWh|« SUp eii.'i U* mu il* t*» ettmaor » **.***• t!w OMI A Kint- r.utii- # Kline's 1 H. S. MARSHALL T I Ummk. MhHucan :r^frT2Z ... Ihr tl* thJufr.ni rtudrw. ui And n . T.,; | KANT L V.NSl>r. < jkweijck UbUAVUL KU AIKIM. | StateCilacMiStMV ^ | NoSenriceCharge fTOSVBS&r No Chock Taa Mb TIT*; AN C< \ - t , ■ 1 - * " \ My Hoy ! I MA Kill | ION io. A Wf t K! IIOM' ( OMIN • ^ : NATE FRY Beau Monde Shop Old M Cm- i • ul;n i) KT-HOW. fiP \i v»rr co ci «. 5s' \ -I, "J Vrvi* n C row h/an/i ny: ME? I ETAl ^HRET»Ptf> | lW'HFAT[/^^\ an Dorothy k L rf% indeed, Shred I. I Wheat Itcnuty Shop 1 hit been drow m*l in cream ■sh.imiMMi .inrl l'ini;!-i M'fiie (,i the biggi st K..m i * .. \Y ;i\ v .'.He !i"t» in this broad land' It has * hat < ■!' they need Its ••d, l(H)% whole . nature- e . . nun . U u h.«t (Ml In 11 v u . S 1 il, i m 'ill nl \\ :i\ <-s Hill S.'i.lHI mit'll t O Nothing it added ... taken a may. Nature's lull s IV* Mend and rron-Wend llic*c energy building clen « « • • < ktd away in c\-r\ g"!-h tolin.di* until they get the *pr« lal hrowo fthrcddtd %U.C lUs, tone the\ want— in oilier word*, the • . yours fur the can: g! blend eerlairi roMim i he*lerfield flavor. WELCOME r/«>«"/> until o.i Hop into the Shred led \X I Altering section! I.al tun bis- • i.in a day for the nest *(- Dr. Robert W. Lane USIUMTIK rHVOCUN Ilje ^Hunt JFuob CJross JQ/endcd— that's u'/u t/iea'rc in in to re MILDER fiats who then TASTE IETTEI ly iiivy \ M. < . V Open* SECnNP ANNUA! IMTE NIGHT FIRSTCONCERT « THI STm: SMALL GROUP -l id. nl-Kirulty * r.Mi|> McHini; SPONSORED BY GREEN SPLASH WILL FEATURE, OF FRESHMEN IN NATATORIUM WEDNESDAY GITTA GRADOVA WIN IN RUSH Stunt* >rd hrti.nDi; furnish fntrrtu Wnmnti Ptum*t t« f.ivp First of I'. Mi'.ti Mfnihois «it (on! Swimming five Numbers On Mum (tivr ()t*mnn«l ration OFFER RF.f.<;ARS OPERA ONIY 200 TURN fti.l faculty Conrprl, Lrrman Hurt ( r»M Ruin Drive* Spri lain Away IruniN I oote*' lorr. Symphony Orrfllitri . < omplrtp lint I rent Wstli I. Mum May < < l< hratr v. I.I \min crsary ol National Y.YN. v h Twelfth Hill MarI l.rnh I.I.I, Yr», ..I Or n am 'alinn * I .itc* \ <- • • iui:°vit simi; ickivmuim.1 hdim. •HiM-A i.m i:s n \ \ i I N r. fonda I i.ilire flub I , M-mUi Nlfhl at > tU IIOMM OMIW; (AMI. I'., YAI V»M*. Colli'uialc h lower Shop fv - v <- Hard I 'inn-* I i.iii. • k • SU A EK sl .11*1*1 IC I! ALLIUM t.M ' - ,% ! 1 r " THE INDIAN RAID ^ ' t • Nui.re m *, |tmm rrnwii K> dM ceh-hvand emit, - «. pm- Pen4 ■ 1 Mod** ->r-w.d Uv ihmt ■ k..i /R..»«M« f fwiriuaieM ■ Welcome r-f ILc. - "X mm* m p| u vrikw VI.W —d rwsi aw ^ Alumni haearas Kami w pfaeC <« c igp^Ctars ^ V -. >t.— * — - Trade Revival Sale Now in lYugrr** > C\ I. ON IWI l.OOUM-UftMKtoi \MI.NO\l III No raw tobaccos in Luckies East Lansing Dry Goods Store —that's why they're so mild "the Home of I tetter MerehandiM- \V/i I1") 'hi finest, the aging and mellowing, arc ** vers finest tobaccos then given the benefit of MIDWAY BALLROOM in .ill the world—hut that docs that Lucky Strike purify¬ not explain why folks ing process, described by featuring everywhere regard Lucky- the words— It s toasted". ... 1 Johnny Everts.a, - IMII mm<> -» r . m • i ■■■ *t She S«ili • Strike as the mildest ciga¬ rette. The fact is, w e uevcr That's why folks in every city, town and hand* Iay lln^k Oh*. ,wt Mun mi. ariid . rr.m • mrtt m*, , ..n MRU I. K. i—on, MkkMaa. w.i kaaaa Mm. overlook the truth that that Luckies ate such IKIDAY AND SATURDAY. THIS WEEK "Nature in the Raw- is cigarettes. Seldom Mild"—so these U,u*aH«, ruin (MuO riMaOa;. Hcd.wdak u*4 TkarUa. No. *«k Krtr villi ncr< admi.>km I ridav fine tobacco*, after proper "ItTB t* 'a* na»« %i%tMxa,u !ur .11* SOC IAL PLAN, 35c; TLESV W ED., AMD THUHS., 25c »l|i HH.A.V STA'li ;KI la'rfiires I<>r FROSH CRIDDERS TO PERFORM Euxtirn f'npcrs GIVE RESULTS Practice Houses x m UNION SCHEDULES SEVEN INDUCTED • Freshman ( o-ed- FOR ALUMNI SAT'DAY MORNING; OF SOPH TESTS MANY FUNCTION! INTO HONORARY Tan Mold; Annual . n- Mivcn Weekly TO PLAY WESTERN FRESHMEN »* "•» «to - ~............ C'nae for Firat H ? a "— Bliay One for Htuifent Fall Term Initiation Syracutr Newapuprra Fill Average in Achieve ( Ink Monte Yeaterrlav Tula E r.. 11 41 lit* | Tram Rated Aa Having Kvrn ( h»nrc With Opponent*. Scrnphnnk Some Outatamling Mntrrntl Hn Ska wit Hp In I .««( Few Wrrka In Spite of Dwindling of Squad 11 ill'lies Iii Speak In( liuri'li(>1111111 Homecoming Sunday Evening S|M*ci;ils f'rxplea (Iiunh to Be Seen" ♦' .Vl.inv Prngmma During f >\ KIM OATS Week end l.artce fern i.i.iv'c Live Recital fur of Student - W < >r1 $25.00 Nat I resident t,„ i ,.u,.V(. \ ill VIu Phi Kpsilnn i itiAt iico vis Doiothv Pattor Entertamerl P. HARRIERS TO RACE — NOTRE DAME MEN ri.' iv kkt's j lea vi". lomnrrow Eoi ng leat Over Stiff l.al 'nfradia Takes Field -I ITS ii, , h,ii Student Members w.i i i-1.ii i in>\| v- On Moek Journey $?1.00 MV/RI7S CORDUROY COATS Olympic Kdinte v Moos H fM»/ / inn/ tin.id vires..ntaiis e. v i e Selei led lor Barber S: Beam v -h- \ n ed I onferenei Morr Student* Start lake (iraduatc S (I L.! It'lXX h h\CK< I I II W >u buy any new -inn.'-, come m. (fcrare E. tyo»» Caff and look over these WALK-OVF.K Every Thursday Night KXTKMlS WKIAOMK oxfords. 'Jack DeCwne'i "Little Old Baud" ALUMNI ANDJPUENDS ,! Burton's Walk-Over Shop Uwur;. PI.WI "*r Pw i No Cox«r Ckarg. t MIC HIGAN STATE COLLEGE ' H L%U*. :i. I B H. Vv \%t. II MICHIGAN T \TI" VIT* S;W Face Dakotans [Shis' ? "<• Vw// Rmmdit • In'o " Top Torm | rrosh s'" FENCING SQUADS ^"'^0 Ov. ""TO HOLD MEET MichitfJiii. .Hi to in fiflmecoming Game With f | hat Largr Numhrr of Yrarltnfi An- .. Pnahlr ... P„. Initial T*'m 0"°" C'u'nce to Set New Record; It Prarlur Mrr! Novrmort Twrlfth t•>' I ». r Arritri I ndav Bent t - . 1,-1 Priorr Old f.rtd* FALL INTERCLASS MEETTOBE HFID la Event* luted In Annual Nando ap I ealurtr Among I It nr lad (.roup ( 'i'XJII nov rov I - . !(« *«*« Ill .111(1 I he MH'rrlN t»f n «>miill l« •.doll when % (Mi we whiil h.i|t|trns THE RIGHT OF JURE 13 ruvi; KK(HIK ... ( HAKMK Kl f.f.l l III \ IIS i.IAK lUOIOMi KRWFNIM i.'ii » %< t\r» wur j rit.«Ki\ t'KiM.Mi sx | ( umrU. I M rtllftet I 1 SI M» W MONO AT II ESUAT WASimiRNS ( i»rars Milliards School Supplies SMOKE SHOP Welcome Alumnae In the rush of hack, don't forget to drop in and sa\ hello— IF KKKDKK MARCH - LESLIE HOW A RI» you've forgotten anything —a "MICKEY'S NIGHT MARE" collar button, clean shirt, or a top¬ ■ W F.PNKtUlAY AND THlBglMY coat. a ItKAKItl RN for instance, we'll be seeing you! Ken Hidks MEN'S SHOP N*M to lira Sarah* Ska* .KAM.IR l«