Inside Weather MICHIGAN Cloudy and mild, with scat­ Woodwind Quartet Stars To­ night, p. 3; S t a t e Hosts STATE tered showers likely in the afternoon and evening. High Broncs, p. 5; Netman Face Northwestern, p. 6. UNIVERSITY in the low 70s. East Lansing, Michigan Price 10« Vol. 55, Number 143 Tuesday, May 12, 1964 ‘D o n 't T re a d M e ,' S q u ig g ly F rie n d s U rg e By N EC IA BROWN While students splash and play in the muddy puddles caused by Apparently, the male population is not so cruel to our little State News Staff Writer the unexpected torrents, they are careful to side step their slimy friends. neighbors. “ They make good pets," a junior said. "They’re quiet and they April showers bring May they say. But May showers are willing to give up their life for their the end of a bring worms. “ The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out’ ' they ” 1 get hysterical whe 1 see a worm on the sidewalk," a coed said. “ They’re so ugly and slimy, 1 just stand there and cry. 1 hook, you know." say. But even worms must breathe, and flooded earth is not conduc­ Nonetheless, the concensus seems to be that worms are just rot­ ive to survival. can’t move.” It seems other, more psychological aspects are brought to mind ten clear through. Yet there is always one staunch defender of the when some students view the worm. underdog. * So up pop their tiny heads to seek relief in a cold and unsympa­ "Have you ever petted a worm?” a coed asked. “ They’re not so thetic world. "It's a Freudian sign,’ ’ a coed suggested. "You know, like snakes bad, poor dears. And they have just as much right to live as any­ • " 1 lay awake at night thinking about the revolting creatures,’’ and pencils. That’s why women are supposed to be afraid of them, one else. How would you like someone to step on you?" a coed said, "and how to exterminate all of them from the earth." but I’m not." M SU P re p a re s 4 P ro g ra m s PENDING D IS A S T E R -T h o t squishy feeling under bare feet on a rainy day has led to many a coed s squeal. Photo by Gary Shumaker F o r T e c h n ic a l A id O v e r s e a s Trustees G ra d u a tes T o H e a r H e a d Must Give John W. Gardner, president of Approval the Carnegie Corp. of New York, will be the speaker for spring commencement Sunday, June 14, Redistricting Id e a T u r k is h P r o je c t President John A. Hannah has O ffe r e d To C o u rt announced. Gardner will address the Uni­ versity's graduating class at 4 A lr e a d y S ta r te d p.m. in Spartan Stadium. MSU is planning four technical The noted educator, alsopresi- assistance programs in Latin dent of the Carnegie Foundation From Our Wire Services 10 indicate a likelihood that none America, the Near East and for the Advancement of Teaching, of the apportionment plans now Two Democratic members of Southeast Asia, but three of the is the author of "Excellence; before the court will meet con­ programs await approval by the the bipartisan state apportion­ Can We Be Equal and Excel­ stitutional requirements.” Board of Trustees and the U.S. ment commission Monday asked lent Too," a book which has the Michigan Supreme Court to Brucker refused to call the State Department. a ttra c te d nationwide attention. consider an alternative to their meeting because the new Austin- The C o lle g e of Business is In addition to his service with o n e-m an , one-vote plans now Kleiner proposal still didn’t fol­ planning a five-year program to the Carnegie Corp. Gardner has being considered by the court. low the 80-20 formula for re­ aid four business colleges in been a consultant to two presi­ A Robert Kleiner of Grand Ra­ districting the state senate. Turkey. The project has approval dents, the U.S. delegratiqn in pids and Richard Austin of De­ from the Agency for International the United Nations, the U.S. Air troit filed a petition for consi­ The high court inherited the job Development of the U.S. State Force and the Department of deration of the plan, claiming of deciding which of the several Department (AID) and the Tur­ Defense. it is constitutionally acceptable plans considered by the com­ kish Government. It is already During the Eisenhower Ad­ BA RRY G O LDW ATER NELSON R O C K E F E L L E R for redistricting the Michigan mission, before it dismissed it­ underway. ministration, Gardner contribu­ House of Representatives and self Feb. 7, was most acceptable. “ All of the Turkish college ted to the President’s Commis­ the Senate. presidents involved have been sion on National Goals. He was also a member of the Special Task Force on Education formed Top GOP Candidates Kleiner said the decision to file the supplement came after here to receive general orien­ tation to o u r business pro­ by. the late President Kennedy, unsuccessful attempts at recon­ vening the apportionment com­ Plane Crashes grams,” said Alfred L . Seelye, dean of the College of Business. and edited “ To Turn the Tide,” a book by President Kennedy. He is currently chairman of Eye Primary Contests mission last week. In an exchange of letters with former Gov. Wilber Brucker, In Philippines; E li Cox Jr., and John O’Don- nall, both professors of business, will leave in June for two years the 'J.S. Advisory Committee on WASHINGTON f-Sen. Barry Vice President Richard M. Nixon. head of the Republicans on the of work at the colleges there. International, Education andCul- tural Affairs. Goldwater and Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller seek votes today in Write-in votes are not counted in West Virginia. With no opposi­ commission, Austin asked for the reconvening of the commis­ 73 Lives Lost MSU may send as many as 10 faculty members later, Seelye A native of Los Angeles, Gard­ two primary elections, but their tion there, Rockefeller was busy sion at the request of the co- CLA R K AIR FORCE BASE, added. ner holds A.B. and M.A. degrees eyes are on the test coming up campaigning in Oregon Monday. chairman, Austin and Brucker, Philippine l.f)—A U.S. jet trans­ Goldwater, who cut down his The College of Education is from Stanford University and a Friday in Oregon. because “ the opinions of the port carrying military person­ planning programs in Thailand Ph.D. degree from the Univer­ Oregon campaigning last month, Michigan Supreme Court on April nel hit a taxicab, crashed and Rockefeller, governor of New scheduled a one-day campaign and Guatemala. sity of California. He also has burned while landing here last In Thailand, MSU personnel honorary degrees -from 12 col­ York, is the only entry in West swing in Nebraska Monday. night. The U.S. Air Force said would work with the Thai gov­ leges and universities in theU.S. Virginia’s Republican presiden­ With no major contests between 73 of 83 aboard the plane were ernment in planning a educational tial primary today. presidential hopefuls or candi­ and Canada. Gardner joined the Carnegie And Goldwater, Senator from dates fcr other offices, Republi­ LBJ Pledges killed. One man died and two were injured in the taxi. C A R N IV A L INVITATION-M embers of the Water Carnival system for the whole nation or in solving problems in secondary Corp. in 1946 as executive as­ Arizona, is the only presidential can voter turnouts in both states The four-engine, C135, with 73 Committee invite everyone to buy tickets for the annual education. sociate and became president in 1955. contender on the ballot in Ne­ braska’ s GOP primary. But he are expected to be fairly light. The 14 Republican convention Doubled A id passengers and a crew of 10 , was flying into this base after eventatthe Union. Scheduled for Friday and Saturday even­ ings, carnival tickets are limited. Photo by George Junne “ The G u a te m a la n project would be to develop an inter- could run into trouble s in c e delegates to be chosen in West a stop at Hickam Air Force He is a trustee of the Metro­ politan Museum of Art, and a write-in vote campaigns have Virginia’s primary are 'not bound by the outcome of the preference For Alliance Base in Hawaii en route from university board in cooperation with the University of San Car­ been waged for Ambassador T ravis Air Base, Calif. los” said Richard Niehoff, pro­ director of the Shell Oil Corp. vote, and they are not slated or WASHINGTON UP-P r e s i den t and the New York Telephone Henry Cabot Lodge and, belated­ Some left the plane at Hickam fessor of education. ly, for Rockefeller and former pledged to any candidate. Johnson, announcing the signing near Honolulu, while others boar­ T w o G r a n t s R e n e w e d Co. of 12 new loan pacts and commit­ “ To be staffed by both Ameri­ ded there. The Air Force said cans and Central Americans, it ments for 13 Latin American no w iv e s and children were would supply information with countries, pledged Monday that aboard, but it was possible the F o r L a n g u a g e S t u d y which they can do a more in­ the United States will double its JFK Library assistance activities under the plane carried Alliance for Progress. ses. some flight nur- MSU received no new National signated by the Defense Depart­ telligent job of planning their edu­ cational programs.” Johnson addressed the ambas­ The plane was not destined to Defense Education Fellowships in ment each year. This year they include African languages, Chi­ The MSU program in Argen­ go beyond Clark Air Force Base, the area of "critical languages” Fund Drive sadors from the Alliance for Progress countries and the Latin but it was not known whether this year, but it did get two re­ nese, Japanese, Portugese,Span­ tina would develop a land-grant ish and some Russian beyond the agricultural college near Bal- newals for the coming year. representatives to the Organiza­ the eventual destination of some (continued on page 2) Starts Today tion of American States, after an aboard was South Viet Nam. hour-long private conference "Critical languages” are de- first year of study. Graduate students are awarded fellowships up to $2,700 for four A student fund drive for the with them at the White House. John F. Kennedy Memorial L i­ brary opens on campus today. He told them the United States has begun its own "all-out war W o rld N e w s terms of study with extensions if approved by the federal gov­ ernment. Students are encour­ Security Tight Funds will be collected at floor on poverty” because a just coun­ meetings this week in residence halls. They will be collected at try "cannot permit a class of for­ saken in the midst of the fortu­ o t a G lance aged to study languages spoken in some of the world’s emerg­ ing nations, and may receive job For A rrival O f house meetings next week in fra­ nate." offers from the government after ternities, sororities and student cooperatives. “ We are also marching for­ ward in our struggle to elimi­ Ex iles See ‘ Zero Hour’ study. Applications are accepted in McNamara Off-campus students can con­ nate racial injustice to permit MIAMI, Fla. t/P)—Cuban exiles said Monday they believe zero hour is near for beginning a long, hard-fought campaign of landings April, but the universities are SAIGON, Viet Nam (#)—Secur­ tribute next week in Berkey and every man, of every race and not notified until October. in Cuba by anti-Communist action groups seeking to overthrow ity was tightened Monday for the the Union. color and belief, to share fully President John A. Hannah in our national life,” Johnson Fidel Castro. Thomas A. McGuire, associate arrival of Secretary of Defense Tuesday became the first contri­ said. For months, various militant organizations of Cuban refugees, professor of foreign languages, Robert S. McNamara after a butor to the library fund. many with guerrilla experience under Castro or training in the indicated MSU’s standing in the Communist agent suspected of Names of all who have con­ U.S. Army, have been planning such attacks. On one thing, ail African studies field probably plotting to kill him tried to break tributed to the library fund will Grosser Decision seem agreed: if and when the attacks come it will be the beginning had much to do with getting the away from police custody. One of three Viet Cong ter­ be pubicly displayed in a spec­ of a prolonged and soul-testing campaign. two renewals. ial room devoted to students in Expected Soon rorists arrested for mining a "Competition between colleges bridge over which McNamara the Kennedy Library when it is Hoffa's Legal Fees Probed The Michigan Attorney Gen­ for these fellowships is quite in­ passed Monday, Nugyen VanTroi built on the Harvard campus. eral's office is reviewing the re­ WASHINGTON P!—The Labor Department added Monday to the tense," he said. leaped from a second floor win­ Jamie Blanchard, Royal Oak port of the arrests and court mounting troubles of embattled Teamsters Union President James "We may get more later, but it dow at police headquarters, po­ senior and chairman of the drive, processing of students caught R. Hoffa, launching, an investigation of his huge union-paid legal is hard to speculate.** lice reported. said full student participation is April 23 at grassers in Shiawas­ fees. He indicated that this year’ s Troi landed on a jeep and was desired far more than money. MEMORIAL L IB R A R Y D O N ATION S-President John Honnah see County, Leo S. Cohen, deputy Secretary of Labor W, Willard Wirtz announced the investigation fellowship awards by the Defense taken unconscious to a hospital. "Even if a student contri­ gives the first campus donation for the John F . Kennedy attorney general, said Monday. into one of the labor world’ s most tightly guarded secrets—the butes one cent, he should sign Department do not compare badly He suffered a broken leg in the Memorial Library to campaign chairman Jamie Blanchard. A decision is expected later amount of money paid to defend Hoffa in his long series of federal fall. his name on the list,” Blan­ with previous years. Photo by Gary Shumaker this week, he said. court battles. chard said. 2 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 12, 1964 * Red Cedar's Struggles SQUISH - Dedicated The staff of Red C ed ar Review, representing the best l i t e r a r y published ent irely by students and with no offical connection to the To Helping Worms efforts of the U n iv e r s i ty , has pub­ University. To the Editor: lished a fine magazine. Their Another idea is to institute a magazine has sold slowly, and is second publication s i m i l a r to Red With the advent of the usual rains this spring, a problem of titan­ ic magnitude has come to our attention. AH have noticed, but few again running into the problem Cedar Review including a r t i c l e s have voiced concern over, the MSU Angleworm Slaughter. which makes University subsidy of political and sociological c o m ­ After a recent rain of .43 inches, a survey was taken on the side­ walk between Giltner Hall and Physics-Math Building. The results necessary. ment. showed that there were .863 angleworms per foot, lying either limp Students do not buy Red Cedar It is unfortunate that in a Uni­ and lifeless or slimily squished under a callous student’ s careless foot. Review and seem to think that a ve rs ity that c l a i m s to be growing Multiply this number by our 30.2 miles of sidewalks and the 20.3 student magazine is either un­ intellectually as well as physi­ inches of rain which annually falls between April 10 and October 20 n e c e s s a r y or hopeless, if they and we find that 6,391,000 angleworms are massacred on the side­ cally a n d financially s t u d e n t s walks of MSU in a single year: more than the number of lives Hitler think anything about it. should have to be shamed into managed to exterminate in 10 years I Those who have anything to do supporting Red C eda r Review or All hope for the worms is not lost! A group of concerned students have raised their voices in protest and organized SQUISH-Society with publication of RCR remain other student publications. Questioning the Useless Injury of Squirming Hermaphrodites. Our convinced that a student l i te r a r y The staff of Red C edar Review study committee has come up with two alternate solutions. One would be to erect one-half inch-high fences along the edges of journal is a good thing, but it does has asked students who ar e in­ our sidewalks to keep the worms off.The second angle of approach, not sell on campus. So Red Cedar te r e s te d in expanding MSU’ s pub­ appealing to the more aesthetically inclined, would be to install a wire at the edge of the walk which would be used as an electric fence Review struggles on, subsidized lication efforts to contact them. during rains. by the University and tacitly c e n ­ They have asked that some en­ We feel fast action must betaken. Informed sources have revealed to us that if no solution is found, a food corporation plans to scrape sored. thusiasm be shown for the plans up the worms after the sun has dried them, package them like potato R ed Ced ar Review editors have outlined above or for some other chips, and sell them under the name of.Krispee Krawleys. suggested s eve ra l alternatives to str ate gy . The future of angleworms at MSU depends on you, the students and faculty of t h is university, to support t h is noble cause. Re­ their present situation. It is hoped they will r e c e i v e member: Don’t Squirm, Save the Worm! One plan, the most promising some r esp ons e to their request To all those who would like to demonstrate their support for the worms by joining SQUISH Or wearing SQUISH T-shirts: Call ED but the least pr ac ti c al, involves and will be able to dig th emselves 2-8635. an off-campus magazine, to be out of their chronic troubles. Walter Willett Ray Sweaney Robert Shepard Jean Funk JFK Library BEST SEATS IN THE HOUSE! Harold Croger A drive is being launched on campus to obtain student support completely s e p a r a te s the individ­ ual from a feeling of participation L etters T o T h e E d ito r Overseas Programs for the Kennedy L i b r a r y in B o s ­ in the g r e a t o c c u r e n c e s of the (continued from page 1) ton. John F. Kennedy personally world can be breached. If in a smal l way it can do this; 'F o re ig n e rs 1 H e lp Business carce, southeast of Buenos Aires and. 30 miles from the coast. the U.S. State Department, this college will be the first of its To the Editor: “ We have received no com­ type ever developed in Latin selected the site by the Char les then the Kennedy L i b r a r y will mot Let's hope that our legislators pendulous bags of water. This mitment from AID,’* said Mau­ America.” River shortly before his death. only be a depository of precious don’t economize-away this al­ formation can be viewed only rice F . Perkins, head of the Perkins indicated MSU per­ I wish that those legislators about twice a year in this area: College of Agriculture’s foreign ready established market. sonnel would help plan buildings, He had planned to make his office m a t e r i a l s , but a symbol of people who would reduce the enrollment it occurs along a squall line, in­ programs. Eliot D. Lltoff develop a library, secure equip­ of out-of-staters for matters of dicating extreme turbulence. there after he retired from the united in co nc er n. "The I N T A, their govern­ ment and set up a curriculum. good business would realize that The sight of it kept my atten­ ment's research and extension Later they would help with the presidency. It only re ma in s for pe rs on s, the education of ‘‘foreigners” is Things Aren’t tion on the sky, since itpresages organization, has been very re­ research and extension program. itself good business. tornado weather sometimes. The ceptive to our offers of assis­ Now the site has been selected students in our c a s e , to respond While in Michigan, the out-of­ A decision by AID should be by the Kennedy family as fitting appropriately. stater eats Michigan food; he Tough All Over reward for window watching in tance. made sometime this yeafT’he” this case w as the sight of the “ If we receive approval from added. buys clothes from Michigan mer­ for this mem or ial li bra ry. chants, and he drinks at Michi­ To the Editor: multiple rainbow, an incredible layercake of color over the trees Ostensibly the effort aims at gan, if not East Lansing, bars. Things a r e tough a l l over. around Owen Hall. collecting mcney for a special Not only does the state govern­ There are wars and rumors of Things aren’t all tough. ment collect taxes on these pur­ student room within the L i b r a r y . Red Cedar Report chases, but the state as a whole wars, there is the parking situa­ tion: there are mass arrests; Anne Garrison ACROSS 25. Remove the This would house m a te ri a ls r e ­ gains hundreds of dollars per there is always the legislature. 1. Barge hat student per year as a contribu­ lating to the late P r e s id e n t’ s in­ By Jim DeForest tion to the Michigan "balance of paymeiits.” There a r e also occasional goodies and amenities to redress Letter Policy 5. Cite as an example 11 . Parent 26. Hebrew lawgiver volvement with youth. the balance. Those of us who Letters should not be longer 27. Smell Times change. Madras shirts are guaranteed The out-of-state student in­ 12. Defeating 29. Skillful looked out the east windows of than 300 words, and should be But actually it is an attempt to to do everything conventional shirts »aren't. dustry should be worth at least overwhelm- 30. Acrid Eppley at 4:30 Wednesday after­ typed double spaced if possible. ingly the same investment as the more 31. Statue make the Kennedy L i b r a r y - - o n e noon were treated to an extra­ Names and address should also 14. Faultily 32. Anent I used to wonder why some students wore sun­ transient out-of-state tourist in­ ordinary sight: a quadruple rain­ be included. No unsigned letters 1-6. Conven­ 34. Unrefined which will belong to A m e r i c a n s - - glasses at night, but now I see the light. If you dustry. If the University comes bow. will be printed, but names may ience metal dressed the way most of them do you'd want to even near to splitting even on the a li b r a r y which will also be made cpnceal your identity too. cost of educating the out-of­ It followed, by about an hour reason. be withheld if we feel there is 17. Astronaut's 35. jujitsu word 36. Repair 15. Cause to 5. Land meas­ by them - - m any of them. stater, then the State of Michi­ and a half, another unusual sight: 18. Collection 37. Word of deteriorate ure Caught a view of the construction on Fee and gan is making quite a bundle the cloud formation known as The State News reserves the 19. Jap. sea­ choice 46. Bumper 6. Suspicion Perhaps in this way the cold mammato-cumulus, which h as right to edit letters to fit space rAkers dorms last week. It’s amazing what sci­ in the peripheral market for port 38. Poker stake nick 7. An incubus awesome b a r r i e r which almost ence can do with a little mud and straw. Michigan goods and services. the appearance of an array of requirements. 21. Body of 39. Scandi­ DOWN 8. Western rules navian 1. Shatter Indian 22. Westward 41. Ital. mag­ 2. Gem carved 9. 101 istrate in relief 10. Obligate 23. Hoist 44. Annealing 3. Leave out 13. Frocks 24. Presage oven 4. Existed 15. Light craft M e rit P ro g ra m H e r e C o m p le te s F irs t Y e a r / 2 3 4 s 6 7 9 9 10 20. Away 21. Catalog 2 3. Gallery sponsored Merit Scholars has been named as II i 12 13 2 4. Pliable Editor’ s Note: T h is is the first of a four* ment opportunities at MSU, summer counseling sections and courses, and a large number have part of next year’s class of entering freshmen. % 2 5. Dreadful part series on Merit Scholars in the Univer* clinics and other advisory programs. taken waiver exams and other advancement of­ 14 15 14 17 26. Mesial In addition, about 60 Merit Scholars with schol­ Sabine explains, "The Merit Scholar gets ferings. % plane * ,ty' By MIKE KINDMAN arships sponsored by outside sources will be treated just like everyone else at Michigan “ There is an opportunity for the superior stu­ 19 i9 20 21 27. Porch State News Editorial Writer freshmen here. State, except that with his ability he is capable dent to do work above the ordinary,” Michael % % 28. Limited in This year, 149 Merit Scholars were MSU- of taking greater advantage of the educational Hartman, Pontiac, 111., freshman and a Merit 22 23 24 scope Michigan State University’s sponsorship this sponsored, and 46 others entered here with opportunities here.” Scholar, said, “ But the responsibility rests with % i 29. Unexplod­ year of 149 scholarships through the National 25 26 ed shell "other-sponsored” scholarships. him rather than with the University. You can get Merit Scholarship program has been a contro­ Responsibility And Challenge % % % 31. Isolated With the end of the first year in MSU’s exten­ a good education in any school, but it’s up to the 17 26 29 versial move in higher education circles. mountain sive National Merit program approaching, it is The key word in the faculty view of the pro­ student.” % % % The National Merit program, which recently 30 31 Ì32 33 32. Ascended fitting to measure the progress of this year's gram is "responsibility.” ‘It’ s Up To Individual’ 33. M ake an announced its ninth group of Merit Scholars almost 200 Merit Scholars freshmen, and see % % among the nation’s high school seniors, has “ It seems to me that a Merit Scholar bears Barbara Eltzroth, Coloma freshman, ‘‘came to. Ì4 35 36 effort how Michigan State has measured up to their ex­ some responsibility for his own education,” State because it could o f f e r special opportun­ 35. Chin, become one of the most respected testing de­ pectations. % % Sabine said, “ and should be alert to the oppor­ ities.” But. Merit Scholar or not, she said, “ it’s 37 36 39 40 household vices designed to seek out the most talented ‘ Remarkable Record’ tunities open to him.” all up to the Individual to take the initiative. % divinity high school graduates in the nation. 41 42 i 43 44 3 6. Unrestricted The second key word to consider is challenge. Nobody’s going to hold your hand and tell you MSU, through its unique honors program, is The group as a whole has shown a "rem ark­ i 38. Apiece Stanley J. Idzerda, director of HonorsCollege, what to do.” 45 46 40. Antique one of the most promising campuses in the able record of success,” Sabine said. He cited Most of the students contacted in the Merit said the University offers to all its honor stu­ % % 42. Perform country for the student in search of a flexible fall term grades as one measure of the group’s group are generally pleased with the opportuni­ dents, including the Merit Scholars, “ an in­ 43. One undergraduate program. The decision to spon­ performance. ties offered them at MSU, and the University Approximately three-fourths of the entire teresting and challenging education, if they are sor Merit Scholarships was made in order to appears delighted with the students' over-all group had grade-point averages over 3.0 that willing.” attract more top-level students to East Lansing. performance. T he sponsorship program, said Gordon A. Sabine, vice president for special projects, is term. The University has made every effort to aid the Merit Scholar group in its academic ad­ The University catalogue reads: “ The flexibility of the Honors College program has been provided to insure that Honors students But some students do question the program: “ I wonder whether Honors College in prac­ WATER CARNY “ a very gootj way to identify a top brain-power tice is all it is cracked up to be.” are constantly challenged by the most advanced pool that's nationwide. “ It permitted us to take our out-of-state scholarships and distribute them through this vancement, but has done so primarily through the ordinary channels used for all beginning students; advance information on procedures for work for which each is ready." Idzerda explains, “ We promise something to " I ’m not too fond of the idea of basic courses.” “ I wouldn’t mind if the atmosphere were a little more intellectual." SPECIAL students and, with a reasonable degree of coop­ brain-power pool,” he said. A new group of about 150 Michigan State- waiver and comprehensive examinations, ex­ planations to students and parents of advance- eration from them in fulfilling the promise, we fulfill it, too.” “ We should have been told more of the meth­ ods and prcedure involved in getting advanced or accelerated courses.” FROM Most of the students appear willing to take the challenge, and have found rewarding academic experiences here this year. Tomorrow: Merit Scholar's reactions to re* quired and basic courses, and faculty view s UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATI STATE N EW S The entire group has participated in honors of honor student's general needs. BEAUTY Member Associated Press, United Press summer term; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ SPARTAN STAN D AR D Y tember. 2 0 VALUE FOR * 1 0 550 7 International, Inland Daily Press Association, C O M PLETE Associated Collegiate Press Association, Second class postage paid at East Lansing, 50 750 Michigan Press Association. Published by the students of Michigan Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services Building, Michigan State Qplverslty, T U N E -U P SIXES W E EIGHTS A PERMANENT, STYLING, State University. Issued on class days Monday through Friday during the fall, winter and East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions payable in advancd; term, $3; 2 terms, $4: • IN STALL PLUGS AND PLU S P A R T S AND HAIRCUT spring quarters, twice weekly during the 3 terms, $5; full year, $6 .. • POINTS ADJUST CARBURETOR GOOD MON., TUES. & WED. ONLY Editor...................................... Bruce Fabricant Wire Editor............................ John Van Gieson Advertising Manager....................Fred Levine Night Editor............................ . . . .Lee Brown • SET D W E LL AND Campus E d ito r,........................ Gerry Hinkley Asst. Adv. Mgrs..................Frank Senger J r., TIM IN G * cfc U N I V E R S I T Y Ass't Campus Editor..................... L iz Hyman .................. ......................... Arthur Langer MSU o: BEAUTY SALON < Editorial Staff. . .Barb Bradley, Dave Stewart • CHECK COMPRESSION CAMPUS Q UJ > Ui ............ ...................... Mike Klndman Circulation Manager................. Bill Marshall U ct 2 doors East of Campus Theater Sports Editor............................... Jerry Caplan News Adviser ..................Dave Jaehnlg 1100 E. GRAND R IVE R ________ _ 337-0790 Parking A v a i l a b l e ------------- ED 2*1116 i >e Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 12, 1964 3 F a c u l t y W o o d w i n d e r s S t a r ( a l vertibles. V - 8 Automatics. New sonable. Call 482-2000 after 5 VOLKSWAGEN 1962 c a m p e r . ury apartment for summer. $45 campus. 336 Grove. Approved, compartments. Can be locked. white vinyl tops. For the sharp­ p.m. 32 (Chicago Area) See at 229 Shepherd. $20. IV Fully equipped Westphalia. In­ month. Call 355-6316. 30 supervised. Call 489-9210 be­ est used Chevys In town, come CH EVRO LET 1959 Biscayne, 2- Will you be returning to the tween 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. week­ 2-4514. 30 cludes two tents, etc. $1,985. out to J.B .’s and browse around. door, six cylinder. Stick. Ra­ ONE BEDROOM in two bedroom • AUTOMOTIVE 337-2520 or 335-4498. 29 Chicago area this summer? Na­ apartment. $50 single; $35 doub­ days. 29 SAILBOAT, T9 ft. with trailer. 2801 S. Cedar. C dio, heater. Body good. $550. tional Corporation w i l l have • EMPLOYMENT CHEVRO LET 1959 "Six” . 4- le. Summer term. Miriam 337- ROOMS FOR men beginning sum- Nylon sails, aluminum mast. SUNBÉAM1563 blue convertible. Phone 355-9760. 30 SPECIA L need this summer, • FOR RENT door. Radio, heater, and white­ 2137, 355-0173_. 30 mer term. Whole house avail­ Used two years. Phone 484- 2-door. Low mileage. Good con­ DODGE 1961, V-S sedan. Auto- from June 1 to October 1, for WANTED ONE girl (o r modern able, two blocks from campus. 8909, 1814 Sunnyside. 30 • FOR SALE walls. Good condition. One own­ dition. Phone 337-9245. 33 matic transmission, radio, hea­ approximately 10 men. There two bedroom apartment across Phone 332-4738. 32 TWO OVAL loop rugs. 9’ x 12’ • LOST 8. FOUND er. $675. 669-9289. 29 CO R VETTE I9 60 . White, 4- ter, power steering and brakes. will be an opportunity for you from campus. Phone 337-0297 SUMMER. M E N . Clean, quiet. and 12’ x 15’. Call 372-1599 • PERSONAL FORD 19 6 1 Galaxie Victoria speed, positraction. Two tops. Nylon whitewalls. Tinted wind­ to earn from $1,000 to $1,500 after 5:00._____________________29 Two blocks from Berkey. Park­ after 5:30 pm. 33 • PEANUTS PERSONAL hardtop. 2-door automatic. Ex­ shield, b a ck -u p lights, snow during this period. No exper­ $1,995. 337-0156. 33 EAST LANSING deluxe furnished ing, cooking. 532 Ann, after i'REES, Six to eight feet Sugar • REAL ESTATE cellent condition. 30,000 miles. tires included. Excellent con­ CHEVRO LET 1963 Biscayne ience necessary. Any resident or unfurnished. For college or 6 p.m. 332-2276. 32 Maples, $4.50. Three foot Eng­ • SERVICE $1,285. Phone 487-5880. 33 4-door. Powerglide, radio.Bal­ dition. $950. See at 1232 Old of Will County, Cook County or professional personnel. Three • TRANSPORTATION CHEVROLET I95S tmpala hard- MEN. ROOM for three available lish Birch, $2.00. Birch clumps, ance of new car w a r r a n t y . Hickory Lane, (Whitehills). ED Northern Indiana will be con­ rooms. Phone ED 2-3505, 9:30 top. Automatic transmission, now. Close to campus. Kitchen, $3.50. On Round Lake Rd., 1/10 •WANTED $1,750. 485-7620. 31 2-4969. 30 sidered. Write: a.m.-5:30 p.m.; or ED 2-3135. V-8. Power steering, brakes. bath and living room shared. mile East of Chandler. 669- D E A D LIN E : VOLKSWAGEN 1959, with sun- MGA 1958, supercharged, wire G. A. Buckley __________ 29 $10 weekly. Also room for four, 9117. 29 New tires. Good condition, $725. roof, radio, whitewalls. V e r y wheels. A -l mechanically, very 456 North Chicago Street ONE GIRL wanted to share apart­ Fall term. 337-7885, 337-0059. t E L E S C O P E - 600X power. Like 1 p.m. one c lass day be* Bruce Fox, 332-1414. 33 clean. Must sell. 337-1832. 32 good condition. Phone 332-3138. Joliet, Illinois ment for summer term. Call 31 new. Not a toy. Sell or trade. fore publication. CORVE t Y e 1963. FaiYEack 340 29 ________________ 30 FORD 1960 red convertible. V - 8 , Lynn 355-7065 or Gerry 355- Call TU 2-5311.______________ 30 Cancellations - 12 noon one engine, four speed. Call after 5 VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Sunroof. stick, good engine. No rust. REGISTERED NURSES, full or F o r Sale 7052. 30 DINING ROOM table and buffet, class day before publication pm, IV 7-0040. 30 Sharp! 1219 Victor. Phone IV $1,085. Phone 337-0367 after part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ EYD EA L VlLLA MOTORS: EVINRUDE 1963, 3 four chairs. Walnut. Good con* CMC 1957 furniture van. Hydro- 9-3472. 30 7 p.m. 30 ary and differential plus other dition. 1117 E . High. Call IV ’ PHONE: matic, dual wheels. Move your MORRIS MINOR 1958 Gonvert- fringe benefits. Flexible time The best deal in furnished apart­ hp., $125. Johnson 28 hp., $325. S c o o t e r s - C y c le s ments with ample parking space. Electric start, 35 hp. $245. 5-2790. ________________________ 30 355-8255 furniture, then convert to cam­ Ible. Radio, heater. See at 514 schedule. Meal furnished. Phone One and two bedrooms, central FIRESTONE 25 hp electric start- per or resell. 355-8155. 31 HONDA 305, 1963. Well cared for. ED 2-0801. 48 Mercury, 20 hp., $145. Will RATES: Spartan Ave. anytime. $295. 30 Dick at 332-8641. 29 rec-ro o m , laundry facilities, trade. ED 7-9524. 29 er Outboard Motor. Brand new. FIAT 1$59 Sports Car Convert- BUICK 1957 Roadmaster coñ- WANtED BUSBOYS. Contact Ste- swimming pool and barbecue Trade or sell. F E 9-8859, after 1 DAY.......... $1.25 HONDA 1963. 30Ö cc. Excellent H1F1 A M PLIFIER, Pre-ampDyn- ible. Swing out bucket seats vertible. All power; six-way ward, Theta Chi. ED 203581. pits. Choice of interior colors. 6:30 pm. 339-2676. 30 3 DAYS____ $2.50 and other extras. Like newcon- shape. Extras included in price: aco, 40 watts. Phone 337-7167 5 DAYS____ $3.75 seat and windows. Perfect con­ windshield, cover, helmet and 32 Call FID ELIT Y R EA LT Y , ED or 355-7679. 33 L IK E NEW EICO Stereopreamp- dltion. Cost $2,800 new, sell dition. $600. Phone 655-2413. HOW TO change a dime into many 2-5041, GEORGE EY D E, ED lifier and walnut case, $45 and for $950 cash. PhoneTU 2-0934. carrie r. Phone 355-8918. 31 WEDDING GOWN, size 14. f*rin- (Based on .15 words per ad) 33 dollars: Call us, we’ ll tell you 2-0565. C29 cess style, chapel length train, power amplifier p lu s metal 30 case, $35. RJ speaker, $60. There will be a 25c service CORVAIR 1962. White, 2-door SPARTAN MOTORS --- Em ploym ent about It. Contact Mr. Wilson at TWO GIRLS over 2l to share lace over satin, long sleeves, CH EVRO LET 1962 Super Sport 882-6629. 30 apartment with two next year. 332-1911. 31 355-8988. 29 and bookkeeping charge if w ith blue interior. 3-speed PART-TIM E WAITRESSES, good B IC Y C LE SALES, service and Convertible. 327 straight stick. TYPISTS-STENOS Julie 353-0550, Donna 355-6243. this ad is not paid within transmission. Radio and white­ working conditions. Experience DALMATIAN P U P P I E S . Seven! rentals. East Lansing, Cycle, White, red interior. Keep busy on temporary jobs 31 one week. walls. Low mileage. Owner must not necessary. See Mr.Mitchell weeks old. AKC registered. Call 1215 East Grand River. Call 332- sell. Excellent condition. Best or Mr. Bosheff. No phone calls with National Temporary help FURNISHED APARTMENTS for OX 9-2850. 31 8303. Triumph 1959 4-door Sedan. 4- service. Many excellent immed­ three o r four persons. Near C The State News does not offer. Phone 489-067” after 5:30 please. EAT SHOP. 605 E . Grand .2/0 - WEATHERBY MAGNUM, P O R T A B L E T Y P E W R lfE R - speed transmission. »$195. iate jobs. High pay. Never a fee. campus. Reasonable, clean.Sum permit racial or religious pm. 48 River. 36 R .C.B.S. dies and 100 rounds Olympia Precision. Buy the fin­ Apply today. mer or fall. Unsupervised. 355- brass with or without Bear Cub. est. Terms available. Hassel- discrimination in its ad­ TEM PEST 1962 Sport C o u p e . OLDSMOBILE 19 63 F - 85 Cut­ ’ FEM A LE DISTRIBUTORS wanted vertising c o lu m n s . The EM PLOYERS OVERLOAD CO. 4210. 32 2X to 7X variable scope. 882- bring C o . 310 N. Grand. I\i White, spotless maroon inter­ lass Convertible. 4-speed, like for fast moving women’s ap­ 616 Michigan Nat. Tower FURNISHED NEAR campus, one 9026. $250. 30 2-1219. State News will not accept ior. 18,000 miles. Excellent new, low mileage. parel item. High repeat sales. C30 487-6071 C29 or two man apartment. Living advertising from persons dition. Phone 482-9497. 3o No investment necessary. Call T EFLO N frying p a n s, house­ STEREO TAPE deck; beautiful discriminating against re­ 882-2802.___________________ 30 GREAT LAKES Employment for room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. wares and gifts. ACE HARD- CHEVRO LET 1962 Super Sport CHEVRO LET 1960 Impala. 2- mahogany enclosure. Self-con­ ligion, r a c e , c o lo r or E V E N IN G S ANDS a t u rd ay s. permanent positions in office, Call 332-5374. 33 WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand tained amps and preamps, $175. Convertible. Excellent condi­ door hardtop. Automatic trans­ national origin. Needed immediately, three col­ sales, technical. Call IV 2- FURNISHED APARtMfeNT fo r River, across from Union. ED tion. Call 332-8465. . 29 mission. A real sharp car, $995. Matched pair of stereo speaker lege students, men only.Chance 1543. C30 three or four girls. Close to 2-3212. C OLDSMOBILE 1962 ‘ '98’ ’ Holi- systems, $45. Call Jerry 355- to earn extra $$ for your vaca­ campus and shopping. Parking. YOUNG LADIES’ dresses, skirts, 9967 afternoons and evenings A utom otive day. 4-door. Full power. Five 3000 E. Michigan F o r Rent 332-2495._________________ 29 C tion, new c a r payment, etc. blouses, bermudas, sizes 7-8-9. after 9 p.m. 30 CO RVETTE 1960. Red and white. new tires. 18,000 miles. $2,395. IV 7-3715 Could work into full time dur­ A p artm en ts Houses Name brands; near Frandor. Three speed. Positraction. New 332-1348. 27 PONTIAC 1961 Bonneville. Stand- C A PITA L STEREO portable re- ing summer vacation. Dial IV SUMMER RENTALS nicely fur­ SUMMER TERM house. Seven 487-3267 after 5:30 pm. 31 batterv. brakes. Two tops. En­ CHEVRO LET 1957 '210', ¿-door ard shift, 4-speed. New trans­ cord players. Four months old. 4-9793. 34 nished apartments or rooms. rooms, four bedrooms. A ir con­ APARTMENT SIZE s p in dry gine perfect, body exceptional. V-8, Automatic. Car exception­ mission. New rear end. Take $80. Phone IV 7-3546 . 30 CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A few A 11 close to campus. Reason­ ditioning. Suitable for up to six washers. Use it for the family Must sell. IV 2-5488. 31 ally clean. Call 337-9540 after over payments. IV 9-4870. 30 ENGLISH 3-speed b ic y c le s . hours a day can mean excellent able. Must be 21 or over. 337- men. Also available for Fall wash. Cheaper than using Coin FALCON 1963 Convertible. White 6 pm. 31 KARMANN-GHIA 1959 convert- $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & earnings for you as a trained 2345. . 29 term. Call Ford S. LaNoble, IV Ops. See the Hoover Spin Wash­ with red. Automatic, six cylin­ CH EVRO LET 1958 4-door. 348 ible. Black D695. Must sell! GIFTS, 201 E . Grand River, Avon representative. F o r ap­ WANTED: TWO bedroom air con­ 2-1637 or 337-1276.__________ 32 er at Storage Furniture Sales. der. Bucket seats. Excellent engine, automatic transmission, Call TU 2-7398 evenings. 33 across from Union. ED 2-3212. * pointment in your home, write ditioned apartment to sub-lease Rooms______________________ Term s available. 4601 N. U.S. ____________________________________ r condition. 485-1189. 29 positraction, new tires. Phone DOEIGE 1^63 Polara Convertible. 27, IV 7-0173. . C29 RO TOTILLEft. HEAVY duty. IV 7-0336. 29 or call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, for summer quarter only. Fu r­ UNSUPERVISED. 123 A lb e r t , OLDSMOBILE 1955 Super '88’ . Automatic, six cylinder. White. 14 FOOT BOAT, 30 hp. Mercury $195. On Round Lake Rd. 1/10 VALIANT i960. Red, 4-door. 5664 School St., Haslett, Michi­ nished or unfurnished. 355-7913 near Union. Cooking, parking. Good engine and tires. Fair Like new. Call 882-6626 after and trailer. $600. C a l l IV mile East of Chandler. 669- Floor shift. Transistor radio. gan or call evenings F E 9-8483. 5 - 9 pm. 31 Summer, Fall. Singles, doubles. body. Power brakes, steering. 5 p.m. 29 4-3592. 1604 Blair. 30 9117. 29 Whitewalls. Excellent condition. ________ C29 ECONOMICAL L U X U R Y -s u b - Reasonable. 332-0716. 48 Hydramatic. One owner. Phone OLDSMOBILE 1962 Convertible. Must sell. 332-5413. 30 R E L IA B L E F U L L and part-time lease Joe’ s C e d a r Village SUMMER SCHOOL Coeds live at 7-10 pm. ED 2-2626. 31 Power steering, power brakes. men and women, choose your apartment. Cheaper than dorms, ZTA Sorority house. $195, for RAMBLER i960, 4-door sedan. VOLKSWAGEN 1956, convertible. Automatic transmission. New Six cylinder. Excellent condi­ tion. Very good tires. $775. Blue. New paint job, whitewalls. Good condition. Ask for George, tires. Phone 882-0000 evenings. hours. Call between 3-6 pm infinitely b e t t e r . $55 month. weekdays. 332-3417. 38 337-0488. 29 10 w e e k s. Cool, comfortable rooms. Sun deck. Meals Monday J a c k D y k s t r a 's 29 MALE CO LLEG E students, $50(1) UNIVERSITY EM PLOYEES: Xt- throueh Fridav. ED 2-5318. 33 Phone 487-5880. Can be seen 337-1721 or 332-3018.________ 31 on campus. BUICK 1956, 4-door hardtop. Ex- salary for 50 days work this tention! Efficiency apartment SUMMER ROOMS for girls. With USED 33 CORVAIR 1963 Spyder Coupe. 150 hp, positraction. $260 un der cellent mechanical condition. $175. ED 7-7175.______________31 summer in our order depart­ close to campus, bus and shop­ ment. We also offer scholar­ ping. B e a u t i f u lly furnished. cooking. Close to campus and shopping. Ample parking. 332- F ir s t T e a m CAR book. Immaculate. $1995. 373- FORD 1959 Country sedan sta­ ships as an incentive for good Ideal for one. C a l l F a b ia n 2495. 29 S P R IN G 0327; IV 9-4522, evenings. 29 JUNE 15th until September 15th, tion wagon. V - 8 Cruise-O- work. Call IV 9-5561 for an ap­ Realty. ED 2-0811 or evenings BUiCK 1959 Electra 225converN- $50 or $5 a week. After 5 pm S A V IN G S ible. All power, sharp. $900. Cash. 372-2724. 31 matic. Good mechanical condi­ tion. $575. IV 4-3297. 29 pointment or write Keystone ED 7-2474.____________________ 32 Readers Service of Michigan, EAST LANSING. Completely fTu*- Inc., 945 Stoddard Building, nished studio apartments. C a r­ call 337-2523. Also an apart­ ment. 31 B A R G A I N S ! FORD 1959 2-door, six cylin- CHEVROLET 1963 Impala. 409', der. S ta n d a rd transmission. Lansing, Michigan. Include your peted and air conditioned. For HATE THE DORM? Want to save r . « W IT H LO W ER P R IC E S ! 4-speed. 400 hp. and extras. Good condition. Original owner. phone number and date you get two. Call Fabian Realty, ED money? Board and room $155 F R O M Good condition. $2,350. Phone 332-3T39.’ 31 484-3386._______________________30 out of school for summer. 30 2-0811 or evenings ED 7-2474. per term. Must be male Sopho­ more, above two point. C a l l r 1r s t ♦ W I T H H IG H E R .T R A D E - IN S ! FORD 1957, 2-door, V - 8 , stick. C O LLEG E STUDENTS, m ale. __________ 37 RENAULT 1959. New transmis- Full time summer work. Part TWO BEDROOM a p a rtm e n t. Murphy, 332-1440.____________ 32 Radio, $165. Pontiac 1955, 2- slon and motor recently over­ time during school year if de­ Swimming pool, television, fully TH R EE PRIVATE rooms and one door hardtop. Radio, $90. 337- '5 8 F O R D STO RY hauled. Phone 332-4483 or 355- 8229. 29 9142 after 8 p.m. 32 sired. Earn enough during sum­ mer to pay for entire year of furnished. Barbecue pit. Sublet for Summer term or longer. double. N e a r campus. Clean. Summer or fall. Unsupervised. Station Wagon with Standard trans­ mission, R & H. Red & White. $390 FORD 1963 Fairlane Station wa- CH EVRO LET 1954, b f a c k , 2- 355-4210. 32 door. Radio and heater. Good schooling. Over 15 $1,000 schol­ Call 332-4640. 35 gon. Standard shift. Radio. To body, tires and motor. Standard arships were awarded to quali­ THE VILLAGE Apartments. Lux­ ' 5 9 F O R D trade or sell. 705 Downer. Phone fied students. On the job train­ S w im m i n g P o o l urious living in the suburbs. O L D S M O B I L E IV 5-0150. FORD 1963 Fairlane Station wa- 30 shift. $150. 355-5961 after 5:30 p.m. 30 ing for practical use of your Wall-to-wall c a rp e t i n g. A ir- 2-door. Grey. Fa ir looker and an excellent runner. $390 education during the summer conditioning. Laundry facilities. *57 Oldsmobile Super 88 gon. Standard shift. Radio. To MORRIS MINOR 1061. Black with months. An earn while you learn B a r b e q u e A r e a s Latest kitchen facilities. Two '61 C O R V A I R 2-door h a rd to p , power trade or sell. 705 Downer. Phone red seats. 40 MPG. Radio. Ex­ program designed by this multi­ bedrooms. E.A. Krause, Real­ steering, power brakes, ra­ dio, h e a t e r , hydramatic IV 5-0150. VOLKSWAGEN 19 61 Sedan. Ex- 30 cellent condition. Phone 484- 7004. 32 million dollar Corporation that tor. 915 W. Grand River, Wil- at 700 Coupe. 4-speed transmission. R & H, black with blue interior. $1,190 cellent condition. $1,000. Phone hundreds of students have taken liamston. Phone 655-2640. 32 BURCHAM WOODS transmission, white walls. F a l c o n i% 3 1/2 sprite con­ advantage of. Many of whom are SUMMER TERM . Close to cam­ Story priced................ $495 484-4209 or 337-7618. 33 vertible. Black, V - 8 , 4-speed. and 6 3 C H E V R O L E T still with our Co. in key execu­ Convertible, R & H, standard trans., CHEVROLET 1960 Impala con- vertible, V - 8 , stick. White with Full power, all accessories. Dwight, ED 2-4248, 8-5. 30 tive positions. F o r arrange­ pus on MAC. First floor apart­ ment for four men. Air condi­ EYDEAL VILLA ' new spare, white with red interior. $ 2 ,4 7 5 blue top. Low mileage. Very ments of personal interview, tioned. $125 each for full term. Call: PLYMOUTH 1955, 2-door. Au- time, schedule and city you wish Call Ford S. LaNoble, IV 2-1637 61 C H E V R O L E T D O D G E clean. 332-6815. 33 ED 2-5041 or ED 2-0565 tomatlc transmission. Reliable to work, call Grand Rapids, *62 Dodge 4-door sedan, power s t e e r in g , power JOIN transportation. $45. 355-6933. GLendale 9-5079. Also Lansing, or 337-1276. 32 Impala, 2-door hardtop, V - 8 , auto­ matic trans., R & H, black. $ 1 ,4 9 0 MacGILLIVRAY __________________ 30 485-3146. South Bend, CEntral b r a k e s , radio, h e a te r , VOLKSWAGEN '61 rebuilt motor. 4-9179. Kalamazoo, call Grand TH E F IN E S T automatic transmission, CHEVROLET 6 2 T H U N D E R B I R D Real clean. Owner leaving town Rapids number. 48 V-8 , white walls. Local IN HIS 7TH ANNIVERSARY Convertible, light blue, white top, N/ ) ( I must sell. Best offer over $900. one owner tr a d e . Story SALE Call 337-0519 or 332-0203 after SMALL BUSINESS manager. Ex- In S tu d e n t A p a rtm e n ts ffull ui 1npower, n w p r . ssharp ham a all l l rthe h p way. w av. ^ ■■ / sells Dodges for less. $1495 cellent opportunity.. Mu s t be 1958 CHEVRO LET, 6 -cy­ '4 p.m. 32 available th ro u g h summer. DELTA A PARTM EN TS '6 2 F O R D linder, standard shift, Del Part/full time. Apply Box 22, Galaxie 500, 2-door sedan, big mo­ 233-235 Delta Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 1 B) P L Y M O U T H Ray, radio, heater, white walls...............................$595 S P R IN G East Lansing, Michigan. 32 H A SLETT A PA RTM EN TS tor, R & H, Hurst floor shift, light blue, exceptionally sharp. $ 1 ,5 9 0 GIRLS: IF you think youcansell- *59 Plymouth 9-passenger 1959 CHEVROLET, 6 -cy­ 135-145 Haslett Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 15) S p o rts C a r here’ s your opportunity to let s t a t io n w ag o n , power linder, standard shift, Bis- your sales ability earn for you. ' 6 0 T H U N D E R B I R D steering, p o w er brakes, r a d io , heater, automatic c a y n e 2 - d o o r , radio, heater, white walls. .$695 Part time and full time positions available. For personal inter­ U N IV E R S IT Y T E R R A C E Convertible, red with white inter ior and top, full power. Sharp. : $ 1 ,8 9 0 transmission, white walls. S P E C IA LS ! 444 Michigan Avenue (Office 235 Delta) 1957 OLDSMOBILE, con­ view call 355-8255 or come to Story sells Plymouths for '5 7 F O R D 1963 Austin Healy Mark II. 345 Student Services Building EVERGREEN A RM S- less............................... $595 vertible, hydromatlc, po­ w e r s t e e r i n g , power 11,000 actual miles. Like after 1 pm. 32 341-345 Evergreen Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 3) 4-door sedan, V - 8 , automatic trans., R 8t H, power steering, Real nice. $490 brakes, a real nice little new inside and out . .$2885 C A L L US, we’ll tell you all about F O R D car................................. $495 it. Call Mr. Bovydren, 882-6627. < 5 7 F O R D 1963 Triumph TR IVRoad­ *59 Ford Galaxie 500 , 2- door hardtop, power steer­ 1960 CHEVRO LET, Con­ vertible, V- 8 , power glide, ster. S h a r p . Blue One owner c a r ................ $2485 30 2 -door sedan. 6 cylinder, standard shift. A real buy $240 ing, power brakes, radio, power s t e e r i n g , power 1963 Triumph S p it f i r e . 61 O L D S M O B IL E <+•■, l n ~ heater, automatic trans­ brakes, r a d i o , heater, Like new. Baby blue fin­ F-85, standard transmission, R&H, j h I I ) mission, 2 -tone, w h ite white walls. . . . $1,395 ish ............................ $1985 red. An exceptional little car. * / ' walls. Story sells Fords 1962 CO RVETTE, 250 hp, — MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE F R O M - for less........................ $795 1963 Capri Sports coupe, 4-speed, r a d U l, heater, one owner car. Like new white walls, positraction. . inside and out, brilliant Featuring The New University Terrace O R S A IY R - L A M C D V O ’E $3,095 STORY navy blue finish $1585 Make your selection now . . . today . . . for the N -E -W 1963 CO R VETTE, S tin g ­ ray, coupe, fuel injection, 4-speed, p o s it r a c t i o n , 1959 MCA Bright fire en­ gine r e d ....................$1185 new University Terrace. Reservations for leases are- being made for the 1964-65 school year. Choose J A C K FO R D D EALER I while you have a selection. 1 and 2 bedroom apart­ radio, heater, white walls, ments available. OLDSMOBILE chrome wheels. . $3,895 M any N e w and U s e d C a r s Al Edwards The Largest Apartments. . ^Closest To Campus And Shopping D Y K S T R A to c h o o s e fro m a t SPORTS C A R W h e r e T h e M a y OEHM (V OFHN M O N D A T MacGILLIVRAY C EN TER T H U R S D A Y . F R ID A Y A c tio n ts CHEVROLET 1510 Haslett Road 616 N. Howard O W E * M A N 235 Delta Ph. 332-0838 X V S N D fO S H L ■ P .M . F O R D 3165 E . MICHIGAN IV 2-1311 IV 9-7596 Appliances Phone 339-8226 Haslet^Mich, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. M rF PAR AT GRAND RIVER IV 2-1604 Tuesday, May 12, 1964 5 > Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan S ta te H o sts B ro n cs U n d e r L ia n ts F o r W a n t - A d In fo rm a tio n CALL 355-8255 nue, is 8 p .m . S ta te , lo s e r of th re e stra ig h t D ick G ln te at .381 and s h o r t- M ike Boedy and Dave P lta n te M ichigan S ta te 's f i r s t attem pt tonight at M unicipal P a rk In at night b a seb a ll p its the S p a r - L a n sin g . G am e tim e on the lighted B o th clu b s a re in s im ila r situ a ­ o v er the weekend, dropped to 5 - 4 stop D ennis M ehling with a .267 have been the top h u rle rs th is F o r S a ie R eal E s ta te tan s against W estern M ichigan fie ld , located on K alam azo o A ve­ tio n s th is sea so n , with outside but in th e B ig T e n and holds little av erag e and th re e hom e ru ns give sea so n and M aher is expected to fading ch an ces fo r th e ir r e s p e c ­ hope fo r its f i r s t cham pionship the B ro n ch o s a m enacing hitting s ta r t one against S tate s John SPRIN G S P E C IA L S T H R E E BEDROOM RANCH tiv e league t itle s . s in c e 1954. a tta ck . K ra sn a n . B e l l s te r e o tape d eck s, re g u la rly All b ric k fir e p la c e in carp eted T h e B ro n c o s have a v eteran $ 3 1 9 .9 5 , s p e cia l $ 2 2 9 .9 5 . Ken­ C oach C h a rlie M ah er’ s B ro n ­ living ro o m . D elightful kitchen c o s , 4 -2 in the M id -A m erican team paced by th ird b asem an wood 60 watt s te r e o a m p lifie r and A M -F M s te r e o tu n e rs, now $ 9 9 .9 5 e a ch . A lso Sym phonic and d in ette. C e ra m ic b ath , pan­ eled re c re a tio n ro o m , en clo se d p a tio . P ric e d to s e ll now. C a ll C o n fe re n ce , have to re m a in un­ d efeated in league play the r e s t of the season to c a p tu re th e ir Don P re d v ic and rlg h tfie ld e r F r e d D e c k e r. P re d v ic and D e ck e r a r e h ittin g .3 6 5 and .3 3 9 r e s p e c ­ Student Tickets 50( c o n so le s at a s p e c ia l p r ic e . M unicipal P a r k , s ite of to­ A th letic Ticket M anager B ill W illiam G . M artin C o . 3 3 2 -4 0 7 2 . fou rth co n secu tiv e c o n fe re n c e tiv e ly and have led W e ste rn to B & R HOUSE O F S T E R E O night's game is one of the finest Beardsley has announced ticket 32 c ro w n . an o v e r a ll 13-3 r e c o r d . 1152 W. Grand R iv e r , layouts of its kind anywhere. p r i c e s as follows: R e serv e d W llliam ston THREE BEDROOM ra n ch , la rg e 1 o t . 1639 A n n . Reduced to Given good weather, a crowd of $1.50, adult g en eral ad m ission $1, H o u rs: 4 - 9 p .m . d ally , 9 - 9 S at. up to 5 ,0 0 0 is anticipated. general admission for students 6 5 5 -1 7 2 7 BEDROOM FURNITURE. L ik e 29 $13,300, 4 1/256 m o rtg ag e. C on­ s id e r r e n ta l. ED 2 -8 7 6 4 . 31 Intramural News M ejer, B e n s o n L e a d and ch ild ren $ .5 0 . new . Will sell separately or S e rvice G e n era l adm ission tic k e ts will MEN’S Handball Dinner complete. Call 372-1599 after 5 :3 0 . SISiC E R 21G -Z A G 0M A T IC con- 33 F R E E E STIM A T E on your move anyw here in the w orld . Phone Field Softball Schedule 6:30 p.m. 6 :3 0 7 — Gym II (C t. 6) — M cF ad den-M cLean M cB eth -M cC o y ‘S ’ L i n k s t e r s I n I o w a be available at the gate the night Robert Kendler, president of of the gam e. R e serv e d tick e ts the U.S. Handball Association may be bought today at the J e n i - IV 5 -2 2 4 1 , B e k in s Van L in e s . 7 :3 0 — W ild cats-W ight State’s Bob Meyer and Ken and finished seventh in a ten team sole sewing machine. Dial a 1 — Atom Smashers-Delta S.gma and publisher of Ace magazine, son ath le tic tick et o ffic e . A sk fo r J i m . C 30 8 — W in d sor-W in sh ire Benson lead Spartan golfers in fie ld . design. Completely equipped to Pi (Open) will be the featured speaker at FO RM A L WEAR re n ta l serv ice”. 8:30 — W est Shaw 4 - 6 Saturday's ten-team play at Iowa M ey er had rounds of 7 6 -8 2 buttonhole, monogram, blind- 2 — S.A.M.-Phi Gamma Delta the Lansing YMCA's annual hand­ hem, all without attachments. Step out to th o se fo rm al p ro m s and p a rtie s in our all new p r i­ 3 — Vets-Cubs Track City with two-round totals of 158. and B en so n s co re d 8 3 - 7 5 . Fighting winds up to 60M.P.H., O th er S p artan s c o r e s w ere: ball club banquet Thursday night SAILING CLUB Originally sold for over $ 200. 4 — Phi Kappa Tau-L.C.A. at 6:30. Meeting, 7:30 Will sacrifice for only eight v ate stock of P alm B e a c h fo rm al 5 — Farmhouse-Sigma Phi Ep­ T h e r e w ill be a s c r a tc h m e e t­ S ta te was unable to repeat its per­ Shep Richard, 7 7 -8 2 -1 5 9 ; Doug Dinner reservations must be w e a r. Only at T im e C le a n e r s . formance of the previous week S w a rtz , 81-83-164; P h il M arsto n , I TONIGHT 1 payments of $ 6 .2 0 . For further silon ing in 208 M en’ s 1M fo r a ll r e s i ­ made before Wednesday. Tickets S p e cia l group r a t e s . E venings by 8 2 -8 5 -1 6 7 ; D ick M a rr, 8 5 -8 3 -1 6 8 . Room 32, Union_______ information, PHONE O L 5 -2 0 5 4 . 6 — Phi Sigma Delta-Theta Chi dence h all tra c k m a n a g e rs at 5 are $1 .75 each. appointm ent. C a ll 332-1215 or C o ach John Brotzman said C 30 stop in at 515 W. G rand R iv e r . 7 — D .T.D.-Psi Upsilon p .m . T h e re s id e n c e hall tr a c k and Crew Club News h e’ s not too d is s a tis fie d with h is WRECKER SERVICE - WHEEL SERVICE - TIRE TRUING s i n g e r C o n s o l e sew ing M a- 29 8 — Bacon's Hams-Fyjimos field m eet w ill begin at 5 :3 0 p .m . The crew club varsity shell team ’ s play, although th e re is BRAKE SERVICE - MUFFLER SERVICE ch in e with dial c o n tro l. Z ig - 9 — S.A.E.-Phi Sigma Kappa at the Ralph Young T r a c k . COMPLETE GENERAL REPAIR T V , RADIO, PHONO R E I% IR failed to place in Philadelphia’s s till room fo r im p rov em en t. He Z a g , sim ply dial fo r s ty le . Fan cy 10 — Hustlers-Dairy Notices TUNE UP Don't S e a rc h — C a ll C hurch Dad Vail Regatta over the week­ cited putting as the one thing s titc h e s , s c a llo p s, buttonholes 7:40 p.m. IV 2 -5 6 0 8 E n tr ie s a r e now being a ccep ted end . The Spartans rowed the that s t il l c a u s e s tro u b le . and e m b ro id e rs. .F u ll balan ce 1 — Kappa Alpha Psi-Sigma Nu GROVE'S ALL CAR SERVICE P ro m p t S erv ice-N ew & U sed S ets fo r an i n t r a m u r a l h o rse sh o e 1.31 m ile course in ":25.9. Next week. S tate w ill have two of $ 4 8 .8 7 o r $6.8 7 p e r month. 2 — Kappa Sigma-Delta Upsilon 6 00 N. CEDAR STREET CHURCH T V SE R V IC E tournam ent and a squash to u r­ Georgetown' (Washington, D.C.) dual m e e ts, one with N orthern W ill take tr a d e -in . Phone OL 3 — Delta Chi-Alpha Kappa Psi STEERING SPECIALISTS 808 W. W illow, L an sin g C nam ent. In te re ste d p a rtie s a re won the ’final r a c e , with St. Illin o is and the o th er with M ich­ 5 -2 0 5 4 ._____ C 30 4 — Beat All-C.S.O. igan. T hey w ill play at Ann A rbor AXLE AND FRAME STRAIGHTENING ST U d E N T T V r e n ta ls . New 19’ ’ requ ested to sign up fo r th e se Joseph’ s (Pa.) second and defend­ Mobile Homes 8:50 p.m. p o rta b le , $9 p e r m onth. 21” tou rnam ents by F rid a y . ing champion Marietta (Ohio) Monday, a fte r teein g off at De M O B IL E H O M E-8' x 3 2 ' A nder­ 1 — Alpha Sigma P h i-P h i Kappa Hubert Wade and Dove Albaugh are now with us. ta b le m od els, $8 p e r m onth, 17” E n try c a rd s and g reen fe e s a re th ird . K alb, 111, on Saturd ay._________ son . A ttached 8 ' x 1 2 ' g la sse d Sigma ta b le m od els, $7 p e r m onth. A ll due in the In tram u ral O ffic e by p o rch . P riv a te lo t, two m ile s 2 — Beta Theta Pi-A.G.R. LANSING. MICH. PHONE 48 4-7 6 63 fro m cam p u s. $ 1 ,5 0 0 .3 3 2 -5 2 1 6 . ________________ 29 s e ts guaranteed, no s e r v ic e or d eliv ery c h a rg e s . C a llN e ja c T V R e n ta ls , IV 2 - 0 6 2 4 . C 3 — West Shaw 1-3 4 — Bethel Manor-Movers noon T hu rsd ay fo r a ll fra te rn ity , re s id e n c e hall and independent g olf te a m s . KEEP MOG i L E HOME 1959. 50’ x 10*. F u rn ish e d : w a sh e r, d ry e r.G o o d A C C lD E hn- P R O B L E M ? C a n K alam azo o S tre e t Body Shop. In d e p e n d e n t B o w lin g WOMEN'S SAFE Imported fashion idea! condition. C all 3 3 2-8146 a fte r 5 Alleys 8 p.m. Sorority Blooperball S m a ll dents to la rg e w re c k s . p m .___________________________ 30 1-2 — RCR-Thelma Thigs B lo ck P la y -O ff A m e rica n a n d fo reign c a r s . ’ HOUSE fR A lL E R 5 0 ’ X 10’ . 1964 3 -4 — Sigma Phi Delta-Bowl G u aranteed w ork. 489-7507.1411 6 p .m . — Kappa Alpha T h e ta - C o m m an d er. F r o n t k itch en . Weevils E a s t K alam azoo. C P i Phi T a k e o v er pay m ents. IV 4 -6 2 0 7 . 5-6 — Danfrehowjac-Motts 6 p .m . — Alpha Phi-K appa Kappa ________________________________29 V E T E R A N -W A L L clean in g a n d 7-8 — Dollar 65-Evans Scholars G am m a p ain tin g. P ro fe ss io n a l w o r k . L o s t & Found 9-10 — PinHeads-Castor Canad. N eat, e ffic ie n t. C a ll 4 8 4 -0 5 0 1 . 29 This year L O S T SIGMA Chi tro p h ie s. W ill be w illing to w heel and d eal. NO RA ISE in p r ic e s at W EhJl)- Time R e s id e n c e V o lle y b a ll ONE DAY SERVICE fashionable girls Gym (C t. C a ll 3 3 7 -1 2 5 7 . 29 R O W 's E C O N -O -W A S H . 32 In by 9 * B a c k by 4 7 — Bailey 3-7 on the Continent Personal Speed C lean w a s h e rs -2 0 « ; ten T H E S A F E W A Y to s ta y a le r t m inutes d rying-10^. 3006 V ine 7:30 — East Shaw 2-4 8 — East Shaw 3-S SPECIAL THIS WEEK are wearing MARATHON RA CE fro m P r ic e S t ., 1/2 block west of F ra n d o r. 8:30 — East Shaw 7-9 knit swimsuits with Road to Logan S tr e e t and b ack . C 29 Gym 1 (Ct. 3) Sweaters w ith o u t h a r m fu l s t im u la n ts matching headbands. G ra n d -R -M a rin a . Saturd ay and D IA P E R S E R V IC E , sam e d iap ers 7 — Wollstone-Wolverton Next time monotony makes You can too! Sunday, May 16th and 17th. R e ­ fre sh m e n ts on grounds. 7086 C r ie tz Rd. D iam ond ale. 32 retu rn ed e ith e r y o u rs o r o u rs. With our s e r v ic e , you m ay in­ clu d e two pounds of baby c lo th e s 7:30 — Woodbridge-Wordsworth 8 — Wormwood-Worthington 59< NoDoz keeps you mentally alert with the same safe re­ fresher found in coffee and you feel drowsy while driving, working or studying, do as Beautiful, beautiful patterns in pure 8:30 — West Shaw 5-9 millions do . . . perk up with FO R LOW r a te s on auto in s u r- an ce its S tate F a r m M utual, W orld’ s la rg e s t auto in s u r e r . that do not fad e. D iap er p ail fu r­ nish ed . 7 — Bailey 2-4 Gym II (Ct. 4) Lansing Laundry te a . Y e t N oD oz is faster, handier, more reliable. Abso­ lu te ly n ot h a b it-fo rm in g . safe, effective NoDoz tablets. Anothor tine product of Grovt Laboratories AM ERICAN D IA PER SE R V IC E C a ll o r s e e your S ta te F a r m agent today. A sk fo r G eorg e 914 E . G ie r S tr e e t IV 2 -0 8 6 4 C 7:30 — Snyder 16-Brandy 8 — Aristocrats-Six Pak 8:30 — Bailey 1-8 & Dry Cleaners T o b in , IV 5 -7 2 6 7 in F ra n d o r. PROMPT" DELIVERIES,- t Hr e e 1 12 W est G ra n d R i v e r ___________________ 029 E ast L a n s in g P O O R typ es of d iap ers to ch o o se fro m . Wanted WE S P E A K with Ja p a n e s e and Indians about auto in su ran ce in B ulk wash fo r c le a n e r , w hiter d ia p e r s, fluff d ried and foldgd. _FOUR BOYS desire to rent fur­ S e r v i n g E a s t L a n s i n g an d C a m p u s s i n c e 1926 W H IT E TRA SH ” E n g l i s h . W a n n a buy sum ? nished house starting Fall term. U s e y o u rs o r re n t o u rs. C ontain­ Bubolz In su ran ce-T w o Twenty Phone 3 5 5 -9 0 8 0 or 3 3 7 -9 3 7 2 .3 0 e r s fu rnished . No d ep o sit. 25 A lb e rt-3 3 2 -8 6 7 1 . C 2? y e a r s e x p e rie n c e . B y -L o D iaper G EN ERA L HOUSEWORK and tak- A r e Y o u Real E state B E A U T IF U L WOODED lot n ear S e r v ic e . 1010 E . M ichigan . IV 2 -0 4 2 1 .___________________ C ing c a r e of children. Can go or s ta y . Ironing on Saturday. Call i s c o m i t ig ! C o n ta ct L e n s S P E C IA L IS T fo r In - IV 5 -6 2 1 6 . 31 MSU, shopping, sch o o ls; ideal A S l o w IV T E N I hom e s it e . O w ner. P hone 3 3 7 - v is ib le B eau ty . 500 C re a tiv e F a s h io n s in G la s s e s . C ap ital 2345. 29 O p tical Stud ios, 115 E . M ichigan R e a d e r ? E A ST LA N SIN G -Four bedroom IV 2 -7 4 3 4 . C A noted publisher in Chicago C ape Cod, 9 y e a r s old, e x c e l­ SPRIN G H OUSECLEA N IN G- B y reports there is a simple tech­ L A S T 2 DAYS len t c o n d i t i o n . L o ca te d n ear sc h o o ls, ch u rch e s, and shopp­ the Job o r hou r. Own tra n s p o rta ­ _ _ _ rph*H*m-zm\4‘ _ nique of rapid reading which should enable you to double C A M P U S 65« to 5:30 Eve. 90« Y ' X j ing. A r e a l fam ily hom e and tio n . F r e e e s tim a te s . C a ll OR 6 -5 0 4 7 .___________________ 2 9 • b e s t in fo r eig n films your reading speed and yet re­ -T ffT A T IIF "Adult Entertainment” p ric e d to s e ll. C all Bob E llio t I • • TODAY thru THURS. tain much more. Most people — WT-orrt „fSBSfifc.N — of E ip e r R e a lty . IV 2 -5 5 4 1 o r Typing Service do not realize how much they | 90« P resented At 7: 10 • 9:10 1 :0 0 -5 :4 0 - 9 :4 5 Shown 3 :3 0 -7 :4 0 , ED 2 -5 1 8 9 . 29 T Y P IN G : T E R M p a p e r s and could increase their pleasure, success and income by reading nm IA NOÂU Pau l New m an 5Ô5 C O R N E L L -A ttra ctiv e tw o- th e s e s . E l e c t r i c ty p ew rite r. G era ld in e Page in F a s t s e r v ic e . C a ll 3 3 2 -4 5 9 7 . 32 faster and more accurately. ;t h 6 bedroom . Walk to M S U .C a rp et­ According to this publisher “SW EET BIRD 'J t ing, w ash er, d ry e r. B y owner E D IE S T A R R , ty p ist. T h e s e s , b b r u a t it anyone, regardless of his pres­ O F YO U TH ” ED 2 -6 7 4 8 . 36 d is s e r ta tio n s , t e r m p a p e rs, ent reading skill, can use this Scope and C o lo r g e n e ra l typing. E xp erien ced , simple technique to improve World’s Fair Holiday IB M E le c t r i c . OR 7 -8 2 3 2 . C his reading ability to a remark­ able degree. Whether reading ST A R T S THURS. Romance and Suspense! Student, Faculty, Staff TYPING. T e r m p a p e rs , th e s e s . and their families S .M .C . E le c t r i c . W ork gu aran­ stories, books, technical matter June 15-19 te e d . 3 3 7-1527 o r 3 3 2 -6 8 5 5 . 48 it becomes possible to read sen 'stilile) Jones D a r b tenees at a glance and entire $99 includes: TYPING in " my ho m e. S h irley pages in seconds with this rassenot o P a rp a s e • R ou nd -trip flight to N .Y . D e c k e r, 2654 M e lv ille , E . L , method. T E C H N IC O L O R * • Hotel A ccom odations Phone 332-0721. * C ON T H E G IAN T SC R EEN T o acquaint the readers of A'Jit»MAIYRf BRA//I BARIIAt » A d m is s io n to F a i r T Y P IN G IN my hom e. 15 y e a r s ! INTECHNICOLOR ! i this newspaper with the easy- mAtuIiNPRODUCIKM • S ce n ic B oat rid e to-follow rules for developing AUNIVI«SAI RII[ASt s e c r e t a r ia l e x p e rie n c e . E le c ­ around M anhattan rapid reading skill, the com­ t r i c ty p e w rite rs. IV 7 - 0 6 1 9 .C 30 J M A U R IC E E V A N S pany has printed full details MA WA HA MA H A HA HA VAA HA HA HA HA R A R A H A HA H A H A H A H A M A H » • T ic k e t to Radio City JÓB RESUMES 100 c o p ie s , $4.00". M u sic Hall of its interesting self-training A ld inger D ire ct M all a d v e rtis­ ¡Ju d i t h A n d e r s o n ! method in a new book, “Ad -L A S T CH ANCE- Cal) 3 5 5 -5 4 6 5 in g. 533 N o r t h C lip p e rt. IV I in GEORGE SCHAFFER S pioduction | ventures in Reading Improve •fftacBetfi! 5 -2 2 1 3 .________________________ C ment” mailed free to anyone T ra n sp o rto tio n who requests it. No obligation HA EDEN R O C WANTED RID ER S tcTNew Y o rk ■ 'S »M KMlNfNTFUMI. INCHtLtAM I «»«“»“ S T A R T S F R I Simply send your request to • Reading, 835 Diversey Park HA »A C ity . L eav ing T h u rsd ay , May ■D arryl F . Z a n u c k P r o d u c tio n o f | way, Dept. 5025, Chicago 14 MA A PA R T M E N T S 14 at 10:30 am . R eturning Sun­ ! ‘ ‘ G R APJE S o fJfVR A TH _ _ | Illinois. A postcard will do. HA day, May 17. C a ll 3 3 2 -5 2 2 7 a fte r HA N o w HA 5 :3 0 ._____________________ 32 D f t iv e tu L e a s in g Wanted_________ -IN •A HA fo r T E A C H E R WISHES use of fu r­ HA MH m S o U h w M t o f l-a n a ln g o n M - 7 0 nished ap artm en t, f i r s t h alf HA Su m m er & F a ll su m m er s e s s io n . W ill pay to HA HA THE ADVENTURES O f $20 0 . W rite E . Vanspybrook. NOW! ENDS TUES. H ere's deodorant e ro te ctio n HUCKLEBERRY 549 P e a r s o n , F e m d a le , M ich i­ fe a tu r in g HA gan . 29 HA HA HA YOU CAN TRUST| H IT NO (1) AT 8:05 - L A T eI | H IT NO (2) A T 10 PM DO YOU N EED ONE o r two g ir ls HA 2 double bedrooms to f i ll unsupervised ap artm en t HASHIMOTO (A Double bathrooms F a ll t e r m through the next HA HA Walk-in closets school y e a r ? C all 332-122 3 a fte r HA HA HA Air Conditioning Wall-to wall carpeting 6 p .m . 29 F IG H T MA HA By JACK DOUCLAS HA NA •A Old Spice Stick Deodorant.. .fastest, neatest way to a ll­ a t COM ANCHE CREEK HA day, every day p ro tectio n ! It’s the man s deodorant pre­ Fully equipped HA t h e »A author of MY BROTHER WAS AN ONLY CHILD HA ferred by m en...absolutely dependable. G lides on HA Full size kitchen j NA smoothly, speedily... dries in record time. Old Spice Stick ADMISSION SI.00 AnAlliedArtis,s p":ture HA H .H . o f t i t l e h o n o r a b l e 1 7 - m o n t h - o l d s o n o f J a c k a n d HA Elevator HA J a p a n e s e w ife R e ik o — in s p ira tio n fo r lo c o fa m ily p il­ Deodorant — most convenient, most economical deodorant Laundry facilities r i v e r ’s e d g e STARTS V VEDNESDAY FOR (7) DAYS HA g r i m a g e t o T a h i t i , H a w a i i , J a p a n . A ll t o l d i n b e l l y - HA HA HA money can buy. 1.00 plus tax. HA la u g h B a e d e k e r by P a p a Jack . “ H ila rio u s". HA Summer & Fall BILLYW ILDER’S ■ i a Bill-YWUPER HA Photos /2 n d large printing — JA CK PAA R. Leases Available "IR M 8 \ 1 RoduCtrOn HA $ 3 .9 5 At y ou r co lle g e b o o k sto re HA S TIC K EDEN R O C HA HA HA 252 River Street 1 ’S b M E b k C HA HA IM D E O D O R A N T DOUCE" ' furies'- • (1 m in . fro m Bogue . S tr e e t B rid g e ) E D 2 - 4 4 3 2 THISnCTURCISFORADULTSONLY TCCMNICOtO«* PANAVISION* • ¡n u r HA HA HA ® E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY HA NA U l_ T O Nl 261 River Street HAUA HA HA HA HA HA HA MAiHA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAMAMAMA HAIM 3 3 2 -8 4 8 8 3 3 2 -8 4 8 8 Ó Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan T uesday, May 12, 1964 M¡¡¡ ¡S:S::®55SSSí:¿i!:^ : fes N e tm e n F ace N o r th w e s te r n Defeating Northwestern in ten­ and placed t h ir d in the NCAA Marty Riessen, two-time confer­ Graebner is on the squad this MSU will enter the meet in the nis in recent years has been al­ meet. They lost one dual meet in ence singles champion and Davis season to continue his role as wake of weekend victories over most impossible, but that’ s the 25 last season, and this year their Cup team member. •number two man in one of the Illinois and Iowa. The Spartans task the Spartans will be facing record has been blemished only Riessen has been runner-up in most feared 1-2 combinations in stand 4-1 in league play and 12-4 at 2:30 this afternoon on theMSU by ar early-season loss to South­ NCAA singles play for the past college tennis. He was number overall. courts. ern Illinois. two seasons and teamed \yithjim two singles division champion Charlie Wolff remains qn top Erickson and Clark Graebner to in last year’s Big Ten meet and in the Spartan singles standings The Wildcats breezed to the One of the major reasons for share the Big Ten doubles title reached the fourth round of NCAA with a 13-2 mark. Big Ten championship last season the Northwestern success is for the past two years. singles competition last season The Green and White will meet before being eliminated. every conference rival before the The Wildcats don’t have as conference meet. Their last meet much depth as they had last year, before the Big Ten affair will be A U S G To H o n o r C o a ch e s All-University Student Gov­ The award, approved by the names of the winners throughout but they’ll still be favored in the loop meet next week at Cham­ paign. Friday and Saturday at Minneap­ olis where they’11face Minnesota, Indiana and Wisconsin. ernment is initiating an annual Athletic Council, will be given the years. honorary award to be given to to the coach selected by the cap­ AUSG President Bob Harris, the- coach or assistant coach who tains of all varsity teams. Bryan, Ohio, junior, said the has contributed the mosttochar- reasoning behind the award is that acter - building among athletes Under present plans a trophy the winning coaches usually re­ during the year. will be given to the selected ceive acclaim, but others who coach and a plaque, to be placed don’t win because they lack the in either Jenison or the Intra­ material deserve some recog­ Young Fund mural Building, will contain the nition. Nets $1,4 Gate receipts from Saturday’s ATTENTIONCAR OWNERS Moby Dick - Shakespeare’s Plays These and any other plays and novels are easier when you have a copy of CLIFF’S NOTES to help you study. CLIFF'S NOTES provide expert summaries and explanations of more •XT Green-White scrimmage in Spar­ than 60 frequently assigned plays and novels. They're com plete fro n t end re p a ir and alignm ent designed to give you a better understanding- and better tan Statium netted $1,469.50 for grades, too. 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Gold, pink, avo­ 1.19. 2 1/2 lbs. 1.89. cado. 5 7 ” , 2. 98. Jumbo Small c r y s t a l s , 1 - l b . suit s iz e, 2 . 8 9 . Regular 79<* . 2 1 / 2 - l b s . 1.69. 5 - dress, 2.98 lbs. 2.89 C. Vinyl Shoe and Handbag Valets D. Stor-Easy Storage Box Heavy grade gold vinyl P e r f e c t s to ra ge for out- with c l e a r p o u c h e s . o f - s e a s o n cl othes, toys, Keeps shoes and hand­ C h r i s t m a s decorations. bags in view, d u s t - f r e e . D u s t - f r e e , 12 x 14 x 2 0 ” Shoe size holds 18 p r . , c a r t o n s with s e l f - l o c k ­ handbags size holds 8. ing flaps. 2 0 0 -l b . test 2.29 each. 2 for 3.99 board. 88£ ea. 3 for 2.49 E A S T LAN SIN G • SECOND L E V E L Smith Corona G alaxie 9 7 .9 5 A portable with all the features of a standard type­ writer, in handsome c a s e designed for m ax im u m protection for your ma­ chine, and convenience for you. Choose beige or blue typewriter with a case in co ordinating tones. Get all the Smith-Corona features, for dependability. » w Smith Corona Coronet 1 3 9 .5 0 This remarkable S m ith - Corona electric features the famous repeat action underline, dot, crossout and forward spacing keys that will save you time and effort. Complete with trimline case, and automatic lock. Ideal for student, office o.- house­ hold use. Big machine ef­ ficiency. E A S T LAN SIN G • SECOND L E V E L !•?« Ï2&-SBT. (PARENTS' WEEKEND) m 4