> Inside MICHIGAN Weather Cloudy w it h o c c a s i o n a l Pirate costumes, p. 3; U.S. role in Pakistan, p. 4; Ten­ STATE showers and a little cooler today. High in the upper 60’ s. nis, p. 5; Football awards, p. 7. UNIVERSITY E a st Lansing, Michigan Price 10< Cambodian Jets Attack Viet Troops Incident Complicates R u g k jj M T q Anti-Communist War #” . M c N a m a ra R e v ie w s O u tlo o k , M. O ¿ jL S & l& l The HAGUE, Netherlands i.f’)— omic embargo of the island na­ R e a f fir m s A m e r ic a n A s s ista n c e Secretary of State Dean Rusk tion. asked the Western allies Tues­ The United States is deter­ mined to continue aerial recon­ SAIGON, Viet Nam I/PI--A new incident on day to send nonmilitary aid to South Viet Nam and to isolate naissance of Cuba, Rusk said, the Cambodian fron tie r complicated South Cuba to head off a new world pointing out this could lead to as Viet Nam’ s anti-Communist war Tuesday c risis. He also saw potential serious a confrontation as that danger to the West in the Mos- in October of 1962, when the while Defense S e c r e t a r y Robert S. M c N am ara Soviet Union Introduced m issiles cow-Peking dispute. reviewed the general outlook under heavy He urged the isolation of Cuba in Cuba. Foreign Secretary Richard A. se cu ri ty g u a r d i n economically, politically, s o c i­ Butler of Britain agreed with ally and even spiritually to pre­ Saigon. vent Prime Minister Fidel Cas­ Rusk’s proposal for nonmilitary Congress’s Reliable s o u r c e s said two Cambodian tor’ s regime from subverting other Latin American countires. Rusk told the opening session aid to boost morale among ci­ vilians in South Viet Nam, where the United States is support­ J e t fighters zipped of the North Atlantic Treaty Or­ ing a war against Communist Oldest Rep a c r o s s the b o r d e r , ganization (NATO) council of for­ eign ministers that a new c ri­ guerrillas. From briefings supplied re­ porters, however, it appeared bombed and strafe d sis over Cuba would affect the Dies At 85 Vietnamese i n f a n ­ trymen who w e r e whole Western world. This was aimed at such NATO nations as Britain and France who trade Butler sidestepped the issue of trade with Cuba. Washington and London are at odds over the with Cuba despite the U.S. econ- sale of British buses to Cuba. DEAN RUSK WASHINGTON f — Rep. C lar- hunting Communist ance Cannon, oldest member of gu e rr il l a s and t h e n the House, chairman of its appro­ r o ar ed back to C a m- D em s T r o u b le d , D irk sen O p tim istic priations committee and one of N E A R L Y R E A D Y -A s sista n t Band Director B ill Moffit goes over some of the fine points with its most rugged individuals, died bodia under fire from a marching musician during rehearsals for the World’ s Fa ir trip. The band w ill leave Sunday, suddenly Tuesday. and has scheduled a full dress practice from 10-12 Saturday. Photo by Jerry Carr_______________ Death came to the 85-year- the Infantrymen. Wins Government Award old Missouri Democrat at Wash­ ington Hospital Center. He en­ tered the hospital Sunday after There were no Vietnamese ca­ sualties, the informants said, and it was not determined whe- Rights Bill Progress 'N il* an attack of what he thought there either of theplanes was hit. was nausea but which actually There were no Vietnamese cas­ WASHINGTON UPl-Senate Dem­ cloture to shut off further talk, at cesses for the national political was the forerunner of a heart ocratic leaders told President least on the Jury trial issue. Some conventions, to get Johnson’s ualties, the informants said, and wanted outright cloture on the program passed. Telfarm Recognized attack. it was not determined whether Johnson Tuesday that progress on the civil rights bill is "n il." whole bill. Dirksen, in discussing h is The House convened at noon either of the planes was hit. and adjourned 11 minutes later The clash occurred near Tay Then they went before the Sen­ M a jo r it y L e a d e r M ik e more optimistic outlook, would out of respect to the man Presi­ Ninh, 55 miles northwest of Sai­ ate to plead with Southern foes Mansfield, D-Mont., m ade an not say he is certain enough GOP gram. TelFarm is an abbrevia­ dent Johnson described as a par­ gon. It was the latest in a ser­ of the measure to permit some emotion-choked admission that senators would accept his pack­ The Extension farm manage­ banquet Monday night during the he hasn’t tried this before be­ age. He conceded it probably tion for Today’s Electronic Farm liamentarian who "made a unique ies between this U.S.-backed na­ votes. ment section of the department spring meeting of the Michigan cause "in all honesty we did not would require 25 votes from his Records fo r Management pro­ and lasting contribution to the tion and its neutralist neighbor S e n a te Republican le a d e r of agricultural economics has Association of Farm Managers have the votes.” It takes a two- side to attain the 67 needed for gram. functioning of our legislative pro­ stemming from Communist use Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois won a Unit Superior Service c i­ and Rural Appraisers. painted a more optimistic pic­ thirds majority of senators vot­ cloture, if all 100 senators vo­ Since 1928 the Cooperative Ex­ More than 1,125 Michigan farm­ cess.’’ of the frontier zone as a staging tation from the U. S. Department Johnson said in a statement that ture. After the weekly luncheon ing to limit debate. ted. of Agriculture for its work with tension Service has taught farmer ers have paid an average of more area for attacks on Vietnamese than $100 each toward financing Cannon "left a distinguished im­ villages and army posts. of- GOP senators he told news­ "And in my opinion," Mans­ TelFarm . cooperators the principles of field added, "we do not have the Asked if the package would pro­ the program of farm management print upon the decisions and pol­ In Saigon, McNamara opened men he believes a compromise The citation, "for providing record keeping and how to use duce cloture, Dirksen reminded education and handling and proc­ icies of our times” and added: his fifth visit to V'iet Nam with bill could be passed in about five votes now.” distinctive and imaginative lead­ records for farm business anal­ After meeting at the White the newsmen he has been saying essing of records. "We shall miss his counsel, another promise that the United more weeks. ership in developing TelFarm , a ysis. In 1953 through a special House with Johnson, the Demo­ all along that a time would come The Michigan arogram has at­ his candor and the courage with States will provide "whatever Dirksen said full accord was farm management education pro­ Kellogg Foundation grant, an ex­ cratic leader told newsmen he for action and he declared: " I tracted visitors irBVn many other which he held steadfastly to his is required for however long reached on the 70-amendment gram for commercial farmers, perimental intensive educational would keep the senate in session get the feeling that that time is states planning similar enter­ convictions about what was right it Is required” to win the war. package he offered to the Senate making full use of modern elec­ program in farm management ed­ all year if necessary, with re- Just about now.” and best for America.” Then he plunged into heavily leadership and Atty. Gen. Robert tronic business machines," was ucation was started. This showed prises. guarded conferences that a brief­ F . Kennedy last week. He said announced Tuesday. that farmers receiving intensive ing officer descHbed as an audit after "a final look-see” today The seven staff members cited managerial education ad opted of progress made on recommen­ he will put the package before a are Lauren H. Brown, John C. twice as many approved practices • Doneth, E v e r e t t N. Elwood, Richard T. Hartwig, Myron P. and increased their productivity more than non-participators. A "m ail-in" farm account pro­ T w o C a d e t s R e c e i v e dations by McNamara and Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff, at conference of all Republican sen­ ators. His soundings, Dirksen said, Sewage Bonds Sold Kelsey, Leonard R. Kyle and have convinced him the House William R. Tinsley. A ll but Hartwig, who is stationed at the Upper Peninsula Extension Cen­ gram was inaugurated in 1956 which was the basis for the first work with record keeping with N a t ’l M i l i t a r y A w a r d sented the cadets with the So­ their visit here in March. The House Armed Services Committee decided Tuesday to would accept a bill carrying his amendments. And his response To Chicago Company Army cadet David W. Bennett call McNamara in secret ses­ from his Senate GOP colleagues ter at Marquette, are on the fac­ electronic business machines. ciety ¿of American Military En­ The East Lansing City Council mark and a Joke about the Brody and A ir Force cadet David M. sion soon for questioning about has been good, he said. ulty here. After developing the methods, the gineers Award. Monday night sold $3.5 million in group. Grimm shared top honors at the the reported u se of obsolete E a rlie r in tfee day, Southern The men were honored at a staff started the TelFarm pro- This award is presented an­ sewer disposal revenue bonds to The f e d e r a l government ap­ annual Army-Air Force awards planes in South Viet Nam. forces met in caucus and agreed nually to 40 outstanding Army not to permit any voting until John Nuvwen and Co. and As­ proved expenditure of $691,090 parade Tuesday. R e p . Carl Vinson, D-Ga., sociates of Chicago. for the plant which will be a Joint World News John D. Ryder, dean of the College of Engineering, p r e - and Air Force cadets throughout the United States, majoring in Engineering. These cadets must chairman of the committee, said the session was scheduled be­ cause members of the committee they feel they have enough support to write in their version of a Jury trial amendment. They remained The new sewagedisposalplant, to be located a mile west of the venture between East Lansing, MSU and Meridian Township. The grant will provide for in­ at a Glance be in the upper one-fourth of both their ROTC and engineer­ were disturbed by news reports that the use of obsolete planes in unyielding in the face of the pleas for action. present site on Kalamazoo Street near the Brody dormitories, should eliminate odors caused in terceptor sewers, a new activated sludge treatment plant and out­ Robles Wins ing courses. Viet Nam caused the death of two Bennett, East Lansing senior American pilots. All this came amid emotional speeches on the floor with sena­ the aerating process at the old fall sewers for East Lansing. plant. Allocations between the three tors taking their colleagues to Khrushchev On Egyptian V isit Upset Election in civil engineering, is an Army cadet lieutenant colonel. Vinson said McNamara would come before the committee as task for letting the debate drag For several years theoldplant has been overtaxed. This has users are MSU, 3 million gallons per day: Meridian Township, 1.5 Grimm, Springfield, Va., jun­ soon as he returns from his pre­ into its 53rd day. been blamed for the offensive million; and East Lansing, 3.5 CAIRO Premier Khrushchev used a Soviet-built penicillin plant Tuesday as a platform for needling the British in particular In Panama ior, in mechanical engineering sent inspection tour of South is a Air Force cadet captain. Viet Nam. There were demands from sev­ eral for an attempt to invoke odors which have become a trade- million. MSU will pay off 37.5 per cent and colonialism in general. , PANAMA UP)— Governm ent of the bonds and Meridian Town­ Bouncing through the fourth day of his Egyptian state visit which included a folksy visit to the pharmaceutical plant and a c a n d id a t e M a r c o A. Robles ship 18.75 per cent. cultural evening viewing folklore dances at the opera house the 70-year-old Soviet leader continued in evident high spirits. scored art upset victory in Pan­ ama’ s presidential election on Bomb’s Effects Still Felt Completion fo r the eight mil­ lion gallon-a-day plant is sche­ the basis of nearly complete duled for August 1, 1965. These spirits will no doubt rise higher today when hemakes his Tirst visit to the Aswan high dam which is Russia s greatest returns announced Tuesday night. Present plant capacity is be­ foreign aid project and the outward reason for his state visit at The national electoral tribunal tween three and three and one- figures gave Robles an insur­ H i r o s h i m a M e d i c D i s c u s s e s R a d i a t i o n this time. half million gallons dally, but mountable 11,000 vo te margin either immediately or within the several months the plant is now carrying more over twice deposed ex-President Effects are still being felt in Japan from following. Survivors who had not shown effects than four and one-half million Arnulfo Arias. the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima at first developed some skin or internal con­ gallons daily. Greek Retaliation Forbidden Arias had been the slight fa­ which precipitated the end of World War II. ditions after several months. Others developed on Cyprus vorite in most unofficial polls Dr. Fujimoto, chief of internal medicine at The problem has become worse NICOSIA, Cyprus UP—The Greek army garrison growths when their scar tissue had healed was ordered by Athens Tuesday to avoid any retaliation for the prior to Sunday’s voting. the Red Cross A-Bomb Hospital in Hiroshima, from the first burns. every year because of the grow­ slaying of two Greek officers by Turkish Cypriots. The electoral tribunal gave told the Men’ s Club Tuesday about some of ing enrollment of the University. He said the fact that leukemia and other Feeling still ran high, however, both in Greece aand on this Robles 124,830 votes to 113,764 the effects he has seen in his work. radiation effects are seen among people who The problem is particularly blood-stained island over the slayings Monday in the Turkish for A rias on the basis of re­ acute during fall term when the In a presentation of charts and graphs, were not affected by the original Hiroshima sector of the east coast port of Famagusta. sults from 1,039 of 1,144 voting student population is the largest. Fujimoto emphasized the higher mortality rates explosion "teaches us we must no more spoil Defense ministry sources in Athens said Greek armored units stations. among survivors of the explosion than among the atmosphere with radiation.” had begun maneuvers in Thrace bordering on Turkey, which has There was no immediate re­ action from the Arias camp. the average Japanese population. Research has Fujimoto reported on the medical research backed the Turkish Cypriot community in the conflict with Greek Robles had claimed victory as shown that leukemia has been up to ten times which has been conducted continuously since Cypriots. more common among the "hibakusha,” as early as Sunday when the first the war at such hospitals as the one run by electoral tribunal figures showed bomb survivors are called, than among others the Red Cross in Hiroshima. These hospitals Britain To Continue Cuban Trade him ahead. At his peak, accord­ at times during the first 17 years following have become symbols of the fight for more LONDON UP—Prime Minister Douglas-Home told the House ing to the tribunal, Robles ran the explosion. information to use in treating radiation ef­ of Commons Tuesday that British trade with Cuba is on the rise about 14,000 votes ahead, fects. and the government does not plan to stop ordinary business deals. Robles, 58, a banker, had the He said the affects from the bombing have Periodic studies of bomb survivors in H ir­ The House cheered. support of outgoing President produced some unusual results among Victims oshima will continue, Fujimoto said, until such C lo u d y Leaders of the Labor Party opposition had pressed him to dis- Robert C h i a r i and inherits who were one or two miles out from hypo- radiation effects as the Incidence of leukemia close his reply to President Johnson’ s appeal to Britain to stop Chiari’s hard-line position on center, or who were sheltered in some way among the hibakusha come down to the average trade with Cuba. Douglas-Home said anything he might have issues affecting theU.S.-control- from the main blast. level of the Japanese population. The explosion killed about 80,000 people FUJIMOTO told the President on the subject was confidential. led Canal Zone. 2 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 13, 1 9 6 4 P o in t O f V iew — N eedless Limitation T h e E v i l O f H a te The MSU B o a r d of T r u s t e e s sta te -s u p p o rt ed sc h oo l— is tak­ limited the choice of June’ s c o m ­ ing advantage of I n c re a s e d in­ me ncement speak er to non-po­ litical figures in this election t e r e s t in politics and g o ve r n ­ ment, with elections six months M ust B e Face d year. away. \ m m m m m m m m m m t m m m m w m m B y Necia BrOWn University policy apparently is Pres id en t Lyndon B. Johnson A couple walks down Grand River Avenue trying to ignore subtle intended to avoid any c o n t ro v e r s y will a d d re s s the U-M graduating reproving glances from fellow-students.HeisaNegro.She is white. and c r i t i c i s m that might result c l a s s F r id ay . "1 think it’s one of your colored friends,” says a coed disapprov­ ingly handing the phone to her tired roommate. if a politican spoke to graduating U-M officials apparently do not There are niggers and there are Negroes,” a former president students at this state-supported of a campus fraternity asserted at a party recently. think their appropriations will school. 1 have met a lot of them and I’d say 99 per cent are no good,” be cut, or that they will have to he affirmed to the coed across from him. During the la s t three pre side n­ face c h a r g e s that they ar e p r o ­ This, then, at MSU, where the president is the chairman of the moting the election of the p r e s i ­ United States Civil Rights Commission, and where students from tial election y e a r s , only one po­ all over the country, from all over the world cloak themselves in -L litical figure has given the c o m ­ dent o r demands to give his p r o ­ RED the mask of Intellect and wisdom and slowly become the leaders ponents “ equal t i m e . ’ ’ of tomorrow. mencement speech. In June. 1960, Youth cannot look to past generations for guidance in this issue. f o r m e r Pr es ide nt H a r ry S. T r u ­ Our ancestors reply with narrow minds and antiquated ideals. Yet MSU would do well to follow the these parents have bred the youth of today, passing on their base­ man spoke. U-M policy and not limit its e l e c ­ less prejudices, and indeed they have done a thorough job. But young minds are not yet sealed, and college students have While MSU w o rr ie s about up­ tion y e a r speak er s to non-con- the best opportunity to stand amidst the crossfire and carefully' setting le g is la to r s downtown and t r o v e r s a l figures and leave i t ­ weigh the reasoning behind each argument. Supposedly blessed with superior intelligence this important generation must then judge a few taxp ayers in rhe state, the self f ree to choose any qualified its fellow man. University of Mi chi gan -- als o a speaker. The youth of today must now decide the kind of world they want to live in, the kind of world they will present to their children. Will it be a world torn between black and white? Will it be a world shrouded in hate for another human being? Will the Consti­ tution of the United States be a meaningless piece of eloquent lit­ University Only, Please erature, denouncing the men who struggled and died for its prin­ ciple of democracy and equality? Or will there be peace, and will the Constitution be a revered, honored and believed document, containing principles practiced An MSU student and his girl, number of non-University people and respected as those which a nation will once again struggle and die to maintain? with blanket, picnic lunch and use the ca no es , an employee at “ It is only in the lonely emergencies of life that our creed is portable radio under a r m, head the sh el te r admitted. Have You Seen The White Whale? tested,” a wise man once said. for the canoe sh elt er, looking With 24 ,8 60 students on c a m ­ forward to a relaxing afternoon pus this te r m and 40 canoes to upriver from te rm papers a n d r e n t . i t is unfair to keep students assigned readings at the li brary . waiting while non-students enjoy M e rit S c h o la rs S tu d y B a s ic s ' V a lu e But chances a re the couple will University facilities at a mini­ Editor's Note: T his is the dent in any course.” He cited the But some students are not anx­ courses is to provide a general even though such requirements have to join a dozen or more mum expense. opportunities for honors and ad­ ious to wait for a change. education to all students, but are waived for them. second of a four-part ser­ other students sitting on the shel­ vancement open to all students. "As long as Michigan State has some students f e e l there are But one Merit Scholar said, ies on Merit Scholars in Carlin, like other administra­ basic courses on the level of A TL other ways of doing this than the “ When 1 declare a major, I t e r steps waiting for ca noe s. Even adding more canoes will the University. and n at sci,” Laurence Tate, basic courses. would like to do as much work as tors, is not in favor of special not solve the problem. As long as advising or waiver permission Kincheloe AFB freshman and a Claude A. Welch, associate possible in it.” The wait might not s eem quite By MIKE KINDMAN for top students. Merit Scholar, said, "it will be director of Honors College and And many students have very non-University people can canoe an associate professor of natural so long if they knew other MSU State News Editorial Writer "Merit Scholars a r e Merit open to the charge of being a little time for general courses at 45 to 65 cents an hour, stu­ Scholars,” he said, "but they ‘Mickey Mouse' college. I hate science, pointed out that teach­ after they meet the stiff require­ students were using the Unive r­ Few educational opportunities to see this, because I don’t think ing an understanding of "the ments of some specialized ma­ dents will be sitting and waiting have been provided for the Uni­ are also students at MSU,” and s i t y ’ s 40 ca noes. must meet the same require­ the University as a whole de­ nature of science” is the goal of jors. on those c em en t shel te r steps. versity's large number of Merit ments others must meet. serves it.” the natural science course. He But seeing local high school Scholars other than those offered "Regardless of where you pitch O th e r* Merit Scholars h ave said that waiver exams allow a Tomorrow: What has been students and others from outside to all students of the University. called basic courses "general student to find an understanding We’ re willing to bet a canoe T h e distinction w h ic h has a course,” Carlin said, "some done to supplement the students are going to find that it and vague,” “ a waste of time,” of this and other basic course program offered to Merit the University community r e ­ ride to the Hagadorn Bridge that marked the performance of the "ridiculous,” "oversimplified,” subject matter on his own. is too difficult or too easy.” He Scholars: undergraduate ^ turning to the dock, the students there are enough canoe enthusi­ first group of MSU-sponsored called A TL a "terrific course,” “ out of date,” "the fill—in—the— Stanley J. Idzerda, director of Merit Scholars has come from dots approach to higher educa­ Honors College, said Honors Col­ research assistantship s, a r e justified in being annoyed be ­ as ts among those 2 4 ,8 6 0 students the fact that many of the students and said that a revision of the natural science course is now be­ tion.” lege students are advised to takc- special advising. ca us e of the wait. to keep the Red C edar fleet up­ have taken advantage of these op­ ing considered. The philosophy of the basic course work in a variety of areas, portunities. They have performed Anyone over 17 y e a r s of age r i v e r , especially in the evenings well above average in most areas. can rent a canoe and a g r e a t and on weekends. Nearly all of the students have taken one or more of theUniver- sity College courses. Many have successfully attempted waiver and acceleration examinations, Overseas Growth as well as honors sections in basic and other courses. As a whole, the students have Negotiations ar e under way for a r e a s help th em s el v es. This will demonstrated "highly superior the establishment of four o v e r ­ make a total of 13 MSU o v e r s e a s academic attainment,” accord­ ing to an evaluation services re­ s e a s p roje cts in MSU’ s growing p r o j e ct s cu rre n tly in operation port of the scholarship students' international p r og ra m . under this philosophy. fall grades. But have basic courses and the Turkey, Argentina, Guatemala chance to do honors or accelera­ and Thailand have been chosen Each step forward in the o v e r ­ tion work in them satisfied these for the pr o j e c t s , three widely- s e a s program is a step forward students? Most are from the top fraction of one per cent of last separ ate d nations with different for the University in helping year’ s high school graduates. needs and different problems. Am e ri ca n prestige and ef fective­ In many cases they have. ness abroad,and is another proof "The basics provide a good background fo r any field,” Michigan State edu cat ors, if of MSU’ s growing in te r e st and Elizabeth Fee, Muskegon fresh­ the plans go through, will have the importance in national and i n t e r ­ man and a Merit Scholar, said. " I ’ve found that the basics have chance to help the people of these national affairs. tied in with my other electives.” Several students commented that they had found the basics R e d C e d a i— quite satisfying, and plan to con­ tinue with the full sequence of ACRO SS basic courses. 1. T h r o t t le 2 8 D if iid e n t R e p o rt Patrice Keough, Birmingham 4 . F l a x lib e r 3 0 . M a r s h - e ld e r sophomore, said, "I haven't ex­ 7 . G a la t e a s 3 1 . M is t e r actly felt cooped* up.” By Jim DeForest b e lo v e d 3 2 . H a g g a rd She said her academic advisor 11. V eng eance h e r o in e has helped her work out a chal­ god dess 3 3 . P ro g e n y South Wonders had a fire drill lenging program,- with several 1 2 . M o u n t a in 3 4 . P lu c k last night. It took 2-1/2 minutes honors and advanced courses. in A s ia M in o r 3 6 . B u rm e se ES for all the guys to get outofCase 13 A d d it io n a l dem on and Wilson. Miss Keough said, however, "It 14 L e s s i n ­ 3 8 . G u t o l m eat W0 R 5 will annoy me immensely if I v o lv e d 4 0 . M in u t e s t have to take the waivers in social 1 6 . W illo w 4 4 . B u d d h is t science and humanities.” genus s a c r e d d ia le c t 5 2 E t e r n it y 5. Lyric Richard Matthews, Ft. Meyers, 7 E n tre a t 4 6 A s t r o n o m i­ 5 3 . W in d m ill 6 . M in o r One dorm resident never tapes pictures on his wall. He uses Fla., freshman, has had honors 1 8 . G a m in g c a l te rm s a il 7 . W h it e lin e n sections in American Thought and cu b e s 4 8 . W a r g o d DOWN v e s t m e n t glue. 2 0 . S o c ia l 4 9 . A u th o r o l 1. Puff 8 . Set Language, but didn’t take natural lu n c t io ii 1 11c R a v e n 2 Seed c o a t i n g 9 . F u ry science. He "thought it would be 2 2 . G o d d e s s ,1 5 0 . C a v ia r 3. q u a rry 1 0 . B i ll o w kind pf a waste,” and doesn’tplan The administration has just a g iic u l'u r e 51 In t h is 4 D ia c r it ic a l 15. C o u n try to take social science. announced that they’ re going to 2 3 . I ’ n n c ip a l p la c e m a rk la n e " I think possibly the Univer­ make Shaw Hall into a men’s 1 9 . S lip p e r y sity should ha ve replacement dorm next fall. (Touche, Precinct 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 a 9 10 R o w a n tre e c o u r s e s for the b a s i c s , ” 10 1/21) II 1 vA T w ilig h t Matthews s a id . "If you ta k e % 12 13 2 4 . D i s c o n ­ * * * something like chemist ry or math (ravens meeke» s o la t e 14 15 you shouldn’t have totakenatsci. 16 2 5 . q u a d ru p e d 2 6 . L a c e ra te If people had headaches after I think this is more important m thinking, aspirin s t o c k would for Merit Scholars.” 17 16 19 /// 2 7 . F r ie d c a k e 20 21 22 23 24 § 2 9 . F e m a le drop. Paul McQuesten, South Shore, %% % Ky., freshman is more bitter. * lo b s t e r 30 3 2 . Snow He has had one term of basic 25 2 4 27 i t 29 Published by the students 31 32 % 33 ru n n e r 3 3 . R e s is t of Michigan State Univer­ courses, and now is taking only courses in areas in which he is 34 % 35 3b 37 % 3 5 . R acket 3 7 . F o r e ig n e r sity. Issued on class Monday th ro u g h Friday days specifically interested. % %%% 3 9 . S c r u lT during the fall, winter and " I ’d rather keep my poor little 1964 WHO CARNIVAL grade-point and learn some­ 31 39 40 41 42 43 4 1 . E m a n a t io n spring quarters, tw ic e i % 44 45 46 47 % 42. Pack 4 3 . B ib . p ro ­ weekly during the summer thing,” McQuesten said. University College faculty is term; special Welcome is­ 48 i 49 50 noun 4 4 . N . Z e a la n c sue in September. Second c l a s s _ postage aware of the problems of plan­ ning beginning courses. SI '¿à 32 I is fort paid at East Lansing, Mich­ Edward A. Carlin, deanofUni- % % 45. Exist 4 7 . M e n a g e r ie igan. versity College, said, "The last thing we want to do is hold a stu­ Wednesday, May 13, 1964 3 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Hard Bop To Smooth VocqI D e s i g n e r s P l a n C o s t u m e s . S e t s rates’ was originally set in the Jazz Conceit Varies Appeal By JUDY H O P P ER obscures the class in jazz com­ fore takes every possible oppor­ tunity to perform as many orig­ Quartet sang Thad Hegerberg’s By SUZANNE McGRATH position. arrangement of "Stella by Star­ 1860’s, but the crisp styles of State News Reviewer Jazz, “ that little four-letter inals as possible, and to this end, light.” State News Staff Writer the late 19th century, when the word,” as George West, director several of the numbers on Mon­ "1 went to New York and per­ women wore bustles, is more in day night’ s program were by MSU “ Jazz is many things to many of the Lab Band phrases it, is sonally chose the costumes, said Hertha Schulze, Instructor duction.” keeping with our style of pro­ people,” said Joel Leach, com­ kept as much as possible from students. i\. Shall' L a n e mentator of Monday night’s Phi the attention of possibly disap­ There was Joel Leach’s ar­ in speech and in charge of cos­ She sometimes designs her proving alumni. This seems r i­ tuming for ‘‘The Pirates of Pen­ own patterns for the costumes, Mu Alpha Jazz Concert, "Andwe diculous in the face of its long rangement of "This could Be the Start of Something Big,” Eric T o B e C lo sed zance” which runs from May 21- but more often, she works from think we have about everything for you here tonight.” history as an established art Wendlandt’s version of “ Days Public safety officials announ­ 23 in the Auditorium. a basic pattern she buys and ced Tuesday that North Shaw He was right, for the enthusias­ form. of Wine and Roses,” L a r r y Miss Schulze went on to say makes changes on that. Each This disapproval on the part of tic crowds heard jazz styles W o ja c k ’ s a r r a n g e m e n t of Lane, between Power Plant Road that although the costumes for all cast member is expected to re­ “ higher-ups” of jazz music and from the East Coast “ hard bop” "Woody ‘n’ You,” Bruce Early's and Engineering Road, will be of the dramatic productions are port for fittings and alterat­ its exposure makes it difficult for sound of the Radio Quintet to own “ Fatter-Flea:” and his ar­ closed until 8 a.m. Monday. made by her and her crews, lim­ ions. the bands to obtain original pieces the smooth, lush, Four Fresh­ rangement of "Green Dolphin Traffic will be diverted along ite d time and space prevents The scenery for ‘‘The Pi­ for performance. As West said, man vocal style of the Modern Street.’ ’ South Shaw Lane, between En­ making costumes for the larger rates of Penzance” will be two- Jazz Quartet. originals gave first-place bands Each of these was exception­ gineering Road and the circle musical casts. "We just haven t dimensional and will look just an edge over our Lab Band which The two shows of the evening ally good and brought excited at Power Plant Road. enough room to store all the cos­ like what it is—painted scenery. presented good and great jazz, placed 2nd at the Notre Dame murmurs and applause from the Traffic officials also said that, tumes needed for musicals or the Anthony Collins, instructor in and left the listener greatly im­ and Villanova Collegiate Jazz audience. effective immediately, the park­ time to make them, so we have speech in charge of set con­ pressed with the degree to which Festival's this year. The Radio Quintet performed ing spaces in front of Van Hoo- to rent them." struction, commented that he and The “ TV Orchestra” there- sen Hall will be restricted for these musicians have developed piano-player Mike Kull’s “ Some­ For "Pirates,” however, Miss designer Edward Andreasen, as­ skill and talent. thing,” and the Modern Vocal residents only. Schulze has designed and super­ sistant professor in speech, are T h e professionalism of the vised the making of 18 women’s trying to recreate the style of players is perhaps all the more Y ou n g D em o cra ts costumes. She chose her colors scenery prominant at the end to match or compliment those of of the last century. amazing because of the small amount of notice the jazz idiom T o E lect O ffic er s The Living Sound ol the costumes she rented in New "We’re following the D’Oley receives from our university and York. "We want to have a de­ Carte (producer for Gilbert and COSTUM E M AKE.IS-M ary Ellen Finucan, Lansing junior, signed look, not a rented one, Sullivan) tradition and are try­ surrounding community. The Young Democrats will meet tonight to elect officers GREAT FOLK MUSIC was her comment. ing to re-capture some of the The Lab Band, the big band, is for the coming year as well as and Bertha Schulze, costumer, prepare the wardrobe for the As costumer for the Perform- flavor of the 19th century," was upcoming spring musical ‘Pirates of Penzance, | ing Arts Company, Miss Schulze Collins' comment. hidden by the label, “ TVO rches- tra,” and the dubious title of representatives for the state con­ vention. The meeting will be at ON 20TR CENTURY-FOX RECORDS Photo by George Junne confers with the set designer for There are several reasons be­ 7:30 p.m. in 35 Union. “ Arranging for the Mass Media” colors and with the director for sides following tradition fo r 106AS j. styling ideas. She also studies building two-dimensional painted ÎÂ r KÄGMSH ,* MWV the play scripts in order to de­ scenery for "P irates.” One of STABBED BY stags the / y r Soil Judging Team Places sign costumes which will fit an the most prominant is that three- SHAKESPEARE? Hurt WOO0Y ' fumnuE actor’ s characterizationl dimensional, realistic scenery is Third In National Roger Contest Peacock, Twin Lakes She may change the period of more in keeping with the light­ the play if she feels that it will heartedness that prevades the so«^»g A team of MSU soil judges junior, placed third. Taking se­ benefit the production. " P i- entire production. Hamlet -Macbeth placed third in the National Soil Judging ContestinMadison, Wis., venth place was Lyle Linsemier, these and other plays TH E MAGIC OF MAYO LO G AN E N G L IS H IN T R O D U C IN G T H E Galien, senior. The other indivi­ and novels are easier M U IR A re fre s h in g new S IN G S T H E W O O D Y W ELL-RO UN D ED DICK Saturday. Is there an when you have a copy The team, coached by Ivan F. dual winner was Delbert Mokma, Is God Of CLIFF’S NOTES to v o ic e in f o l k m u s ic . M a y o M u ir s in g s a G U TH R IE SONG BAG L o g a n E n g lis h p la y s GLASS T h e re c o rd d e ­ b u t o f o n e o f th e m o s t Schneider of the soil department, H o lla n d senior, who placed the inexhaustible help you study. CLIFF'S w id e s p an o f fo lk songs a n d s in g s a h o st o f th e v e r s a t i le n e w f o l k in h e r f i r s t e n t ir e b e s t so ng s m a de ta ­ a rtis ts o n th e c u rre n t tenth. source of Love? NOUS provide expert a lb u m . rn o u s b y W o o d y scene. qualified for the national con­ Mind of Man? summaries and explanations of more than 60 frequently-assigned TFM 3 122 (TFS 4122) G u th rie . TFM 3136 (TFS 4136) test by sweeping first place team plays and novels. They're designed to give you a better under ^ TFM 3126 (TFS 4126) honors in a recent midwestern Prof To Moderate standing- and better grades, too America's most popular study J regional contest held at the Uni­ Come and hear a aid at only $1 each. ^ versity of Illinois. Accounting Panel GET ’EM HERE Many Other For the A uthentic Sound in Folk G uitars - Besides taking third place team Christian Science lecture honors, three members of the Roland Salmonson, professor of accounting and financial ad­ Titles Available At Your 6RETSCB MSU team also placed amehg the Time The finest name in folk guitars, Gretsch now offers you a chance top ten individuals in the con­ ministration, will moderate a panel of public accountants to­ Thursday, May 14 at 7:15 p.m. Used Book Headquarters CllffS loir. to become a recording star. Win a 20th Century-Fox Records con­ test. A total of 44 contestants tract in the Gretsch Folk Guitar Contest. Mail your best folk representing 11 collegiate teams day at 7 p.m. In 33 Union. Place recording or tape of minimum 2-minutes length to Gretsch Con­ Participants w i l l represent from all parts of the United States participated in the contest. Arthur Young and Company: Parlors A & B, Union S tu d e n t B o o k S to re test, P. 0. Box 1234, New York 17, N. Y. Contest void in areas where prohibited. Price Waterhouse and Company: Across From Berkey Holl Lecture and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company. The panel is sponsored G EIT H A. PLIM M ER, C.S. O ilm an T o T a lk by the Accounting and Finarv of London, England, member of the Board of Lecture­ Shop At Jacobson’s Every W ednesday Evening Until Nine A Club. ship of The Mother Church, The First Church of On G ettin g A h e a d Engineering Christ Scientist in Boston. Lanny L. Miles of the Mara­ T itle thon Oil Company will speak on ENGINEER’ S B A LL "Christian Science: A Friend of “ How to Get Ahead in a Large Saturday 5-16________ the Student.” Corporation~A Practical View­ L a s t 3 days to get point" at the meeting of the Management Club tonight at 7:30 I T ickets at Union! Sponsored by the Christian Science Organization i Parlor C of the Union. 6 1 9 E . G r a n d R iv e r STATE A c ro s s F ro m S tu d e n t S e rv ic e s D IS C O U N T • D a ily 9 a .m . 6 p .m . C o s m e tic s & V ita m in s • W e d . 9 a .m . 9 p .m . I coupon I coupon! coupon! NP 27 reg. 51.00 UVOMS ENDEN Sh ompoo for othletes fc reg. 98* reg. $1.50 imit One imit One IL imit One lace lends enchantm ent to soft sum m er nights i coupon I Icouponl c a s tin g an a u ra Clerasil S u n g la sse s, o f a llu r in g fe m in in ity . . . these tw o ro m a n tic s Foster Grant reg. 51.19 reg. 51.00 fro m o u r d a n c e Limit One it One c o lle c tio n . S izes 5-15. A. R o w -o n -ro w o f Ic o u p o n ] , coupon| coupon I w h ite a c e ta te -n y lo n MENNEN ADORN lastre Creme la c e b a n d e d a n d Stick Deodorant J ar shampoo Hair spray lin e d w ith p in k o r reg. 51.50 reg, $1.59 reg, 8 9 c b lu e c o tto n . 2 5 .0 0 I Limit One I Li mi t One it One B. W h ite ra yo n c h iffo n flo a tin g o v e r p in k , I coupon| m a iz e o r a q u a . 2 9 . 9 5 Facial Tissue it One reg. 35c Jacobsons Dress Salon Specials Available at East Lansing Store Only F re e P a rkin g At R ear Of Store Coupons Good T h ru . May 18^ 4 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Pakistan Still Seeking Image Pakistan is still a new coun­ tan in 1952 in the form of tech­ into India in 1962, the Ameri­ their problems themselves, the SLP it l a c e m May 18 e n t B u r e a u in, Spanish and English, l.-«--. • Durand Public Schools: Ele­ physical education and gymnas­ try trying to find her image, nical aid. cans rushed to India's aid, and U.S. can still continue their role By 1962, $1 billion dollars had mentary education, senior high tics (B,M) M/F Daniel Sturt, of the agricultu­ the reaction in Pakistan was of benevolence and eventually Imlay City Community Schools: been spent for military aid and math, senior high French and ral economics department, said that India was being favored over get their money's worth out of counseling (B,M). M/F Elementary education, s e n io r Monday. $2 billion for economic aid, said them,” Sturt said. it. Madison Public Schools: Ele­ high math, guidance, English- Sturt recently spent four years Sturt. Sturt found that the Pakis­ Although there is a slight stra­ "One of the biggest problems mentary education, art, vocal speech ( B ) . M/F in Pakistan as a consultant for tanis like to manipulate in mak­ tegic factor Involved in Ameri­ facing the Pakistani government music, mentally retarded, junior May 26 the Academy for Rural Develop­ ing deals. can interests in Pakistan, Sturt and the U.S. is the high illit­ high English, modern math, vocal Package Frontiers: Packaging ment, sponsored by the Ford "If they cannot get something said it is not as great as it was, eracy rate of 85 per cent of the music, senior high general sci­ majors. Foundation, which MSU is help­ from the United States, they will particularly at the time of the ing to operate at Peshawar, West population," Surt said. U2 Incidents. ence, social studies (alsodebate) threaten to get it from Russia,” Pakistan and at Comilla, East Americans get little credit for he said. "Pakistan’s proximity in re­ (B.M) Pakistan. Speaking on "American Policy their contribution to Pakistan because very few Pakistanis are According to Surt, Pakistan is laying everything in the open. lation to Russia is valuable for reconnaissance, but the primary May 19 Dowagiac Schools: Elementary Talk Tonight in Pakistan," Sturt said, "Amer­ aware that aid comes from the interest for the U.S. at this education, junior high math, sen­ icans have taken over the former U.S., according to Sturt. In o th e r words, th e y are asserting themselves and want point is the welfare of Pakis­ ior high math, metal shop, pow­ On Packaging role of the British without the He said that there, have been to run things themselves, said tan,” he said. er mechanic, speech therapist, same finesse.” times when anti-American feel­ Sturt. Spanish (B) M/F Allyn C. Beards ell, executive Sturt said that Americans be­ ing runs high in Pakistan. Americans have not attemp­ Mason Consolidated Schools director of the packaging foun­ gan pouring money into Pakis­ "When the Chinese crossed ted to interfere in Pakistan's government policy, and since Business System in Erie Michigan: Home economics, p h y s ic s , English, dation will speak on "Container Development,” at 7 tonight in special education, speech cor- the forestry cabin. CAMPUS LAST DAY! 1958 Pakistan has tried to re­ store democracy with a new con­ Women Pick rectionist (B,M) M/F Beardsell is helping to co­ ordinate development of the new stitution and the election of as­ May 21 THE SERVANT" semblymen, he said. packaging building, to be open — ••7-0*71 ► —« MU - Shown 1:30 • 5:40 ■9:40 He q u e s tio n e d whether we Club Officers CAR SMASH P R E P A R A T IO N S —Jim Dodds, Del B rick se ra n d Chippewa Valley Schools: Ele­ mentary education (B), ju n io r high science, home economics, by next winter term. His talk is sponsored by the Plus "SW EET BIRD should expect credit for our con­ OF YO U TH " 3:30-7:40 tributions or be satisfied that The MSU Business Women’s Mark Kupperman prepare the 1954 Ford which will be the industrial arts,instrumentalrau- Packaging Society* All are in­ Pakistan is going ahead on its Club installed officers fo r the subi ect of the first all-University ‘cor smash' Saturday, 2 sic, vocal music, senior high Lat- vited. Feature 1:15 - 3.20 • 5:25 • 7:30 • 9:35 own. coming year last Wednesday in p.m. at the Alpha Sigma Phi house, 420 Evergreen. All pro- "More research should be done the Union. Romance and Suspense! ceeds from the event will be given to the Michigan School Installed as new president was in our aid programs, and we Calendar of ones should stop looking at Pakistan M rs. Margaret Abbott, adminis­ for the Blind. Photo by Tony Ferrante P rO T T O T Q Ik " from an American point of view, trative secretary to the dean of he said. engineering. The vice-president A bout Poe, Omiing Evente irazzi Sturt gave an example of what he called a foolhardy scheme will be Mrs. Jeanne Edwards, an assistant in the personnel office. Wins N a t ’l A w a r d geoigesandeis when Americans tried to raise Miss Patricia Riley, agricul­ tural departmental secretary and Mass Culture Phi Beta Lambda—4p.m.,Stu­ dent Services Lounge. georpmil Rhode Island Red chickens in Pakistan to compete with local chickens. current treasurer will be next year’ s secretary, and the new Fo r W h e a t P la n H e y w a rd Ehrlich, assistant Packaging Society— 7 p.m.. professor of American thought ‘ Forestry Cabin. m ichelinepiesle "The American rate for the chickens was much higher than treasurer will be M rs. Nancy Elliott, a principal clerk In the For devising methods to treat grain moving out of the Cereal A year ago it became evident th at the beetle infestation in and language, will speak on the Promenaders—7 p.m., 34 Wo­ relationship of Poe to the origins men’s IM. that for the local chickens, and University Business Office. of mass culture at 8 tonight in Rifle Team—7 p.m., Demon­ Installing officer was retiring L e a f B e e t le infested area of southwest Michigan could spread 34 Union. TECHNICOLOR* shows the lack of foresight by stration Hall. U president Mrs. Carolyn Hughes, southwest Mlch-| nation - wide through harvested The discussion is part of a A GALATEA LYRE BRA/71 BARCLAY HAYUÎI* PROOUCTlOft • A UNIVERSAL RELEASE Americans, so that the Ameri­ Dairy Club—7:30 p.m., 126 executive secretary of the music igan, Robert G. grain being transported to lake- series of informal seminars and Anthony. can chicken lost out,” Sturt said. port, milling and food marketing department. She was assisted by White, assistantl colloquia exploring questions of He said that by allowing the Management Club—7:30 p.m., M rs. Phyllis Wickham, from the p r o f e s s o r oil terminals. White was given the interest in the field of American Parlor C, Union. D R IV E Pakistanis to work out more of agricultural en-| "crash assignment” to develop - IN office of student affairs. civilization which will be held Lansing-East Lansing SANE— T M A T tf gineering Tues-* plans and techniques for treat­ through June 3 each Wednesday 8 p.m., Edgewood United Church, MHm Southw M t of La n sin g a n M-78 day was award­ ing grain so it could be trans­ evening from 8 to 10 p.m. f SH ORTHAND ' W an t M on ey? ed the U.S. De- ported in a condition still suit­ The series will include a dis­ IN H O U R S p a r tm e n t of able for livestock and human cussion by Frederick Feied and NOW! THRU SUN (2) HITS! WITHNEW"ALPHA-HAND* TEACHINGMACHINE TAKE CLASSROOM NOTES J o b s P le n tifu l A g r ic u lt u r e ’s Superior S e r ­ consumption. He set up con­ ferences with entomologists and Gary Groat, Instructors In A TL, concerning the works of J a c k Smith Wins vice Award. officials of the U.S. Pure Food Kerouac and the fiction of the THREE TIMES FASTER • Part-time employment oppor­ HIT NO (1) AT 8:05 HIT NO (2) AT 10:35 Now you can learn this new A- B - C tunities are plentiful for students who need extra money this term. White is a ve-" teran of 30 years Robert White and Drug Administration and then developed a program that enabled ‘50s on May 20; a seminar on Utopian societies with Robert W riting Honor method of short* service as a professional agri­ the movement of five million bus­ Fogarty, instructor in A TL, and hand in less time Tom Rand, director of student Arthur J. M. Smith, poet in than ever before cultural engineer with the U.S. hels— nearly $10,000,000 worth Don Hausdorff, assistant pro­ residence and professor of Eng­ B illy W ild e r’s TWO F u n n ie st H its! possible (and have employment, reports a large sur­ of grain—out of the area. Department of Agriculture and fessor of A TL, on May 27; and lish, has been named Centennial fun doing it) with plus of temporary jobs for men the latest advance i programea learn- three land-grant universities. on June 3, with Connie Williams, Review Lecturer for 1964. ing. and women. Yard jobs for men His citation read: “ For dyna­ instructor in A TL, a discussion Smith will speak in the Erick­ Students, office workers, journalists-* and housework for women are anyone who takes written notes or die* tation canincrease their speed with the Alpha-Hand system. most common. “ One thing students don't us­ mic leadership and skill in de­ veloping an emergency g r a in UB Creates of the sociology of literature. son Hall Kiva at 8 p.m. on May 22 on “ The Creative Process Complete outfit includes programed treatment program allowing or­ teaching machine, workbook, 5000 word Alpha-Hand dictionary, plus two dictation records. Order nowfor only ually think about is the fact that they can dictate their own hours derly marketing from a pest in­ fested area; and for effective Info Center Bomb Survivor in Poetry.” The Centennial Review award ,$9.95 POSTPAID! in these types of jobs,” Rand is given to the member of the THi MBW B B B B B K i nelson — m onem ent 7724W ALNUTAVENUES. W. said. "Most of them pay $1,25 an hour, which is as much as 4-H Club leader training,” For more than 10 years White Union Board will sponsor a new Student Information Center in the To Talk Here faculty who best exemplifies the standards of thought and style MlftiSCHCOMPANY EDWARDl AIPERS0N SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, WHS. has also conducted training pro­ Union next fall term. Shigeto Yanagihara, one of the of the campus literary magazine, MARILYN MONROE most on-campus jobs pay.” grams for 4-H Club tractor pro­ Steve Powers, Livonia sopho­ 30 survivors of the atom bomb Centennial Review. Ä K £ SH1RLEY TONY CURTiS Employment cards are avail­ able at the Placement Bureau. ject leaders in- Michigan and more, said there are three rea­ attack on Hiroshima, will ad­ Smith was choosen by the Board LEMMON MacL3lNE more recently automotive pro­ sons for establishing the Center. dress the Lansing-East Lansing of Directors and editors of the ~ BILLY WILDER'S jA ck IfMMoN Woman Solos gram leaders. The first is to stimulate aware­ chapter of the National Commit­ nagazine. ’ 1 RMB tuD0 U6 E ma ness of student campus activities. The center will also provide a tee for a SANE Nuclear Policy Smith has edited several an­ tonight at- 8~at Edgewood United thologies of poetry and written OAKLAND, Calif.,(/P)—Glowing TECHNICOLOR PANAVISION RCIEASEDTHRUUNITEDARTISTS w e ll-b o rn with joy, Joan Merriam Tuesday Political Scientists centralized area where informa­ Church, 469 N o rth Hagadorn critical reviews in many literary 3 ACADEMYAW ARDNOMINATIONS TSÖME L'kE iT HOT' tion /concerning d a te s , times, Road. journals. His "Collected Poems” neudhgBESTACTRESSShirleyMadame » An ASHTON PICTURE • A Miriteli Company Presentation p ir d + e lu i-fh a completed her trouble-scourged 27,750-mile solo flight around To Honor Finer places and events of activities Yanagihara is on world tour were published by Oxford Press THIS PICTURE IS FOR ADULTS ONLY RELEASEDTHRUUNITEDARTItTt Pi Sigma Alpha honorary, and will be available. to share the knowledge of the in 1962. the world In a 6-year-old light atomic bomb and its aftermath. m o m e n to u s the department of political sci­ The third reason is to encour­ airplane. ence will honor Herman Finer, age greater participation in stu­ He is a shipbuilder in his native She was escorted the last 100 Japan, but was educated in the STARTS p r o b le m ! miles by two coast guard air­ visiting professor of political dent organizations. science, tonight at 7:30 in the Powers asked that interested U.S. B r y a n t T o P la y craft because of a rough-running TODAY! G LA D M E R and overheating right engine. Student Services lounge. students and organization presi­ Finer, from University of Chi­ dents send their names, address­ Serving as the co-ordinator of the Moral Adoption Program, he M u sical S aw cago, is the author of 22 books. es and telephone numbers to him has helped give nearly 1,000 75c to 5:30 T H E A T R E BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS He has taught at Harvard, Yale at the Union Board office in the homeless war orphans financial Joel B r y a n t , Birmingham, and London Universities. Union. aid and educational opportunities. Ala., graduate student, will pre­ 1.00 A F T E R sent a musical saw recital to­ F E A T U R E At 1:00 • 3.40 - 6:25 - 9:15 - P.M. night at 8 in the lobby of Arm­ ¿ ‘ M IC H IG A N strong Hall. •- T H E A T R « - Accompanied by Doug Austin, 4*2-7 3 1 1 „.r.lV.To« * 4 * 2 - 3 * 0 0 - Royal Oak, Bryant will play mu­ sic In the popular vein as well SO N GS TODAY 8, THURS. Presented At. , . NOW SHOWING! as classical selections. Selec­ ImInloveW ith 7:10 • 9:10 tions include "Moonlight Sona­ « Wonderful Guv* M eet ta, " If 1 Loved You," and "Go itexists «oner Bun- -young,, han Sorinntim... 1 O R T H E F IR S T T IM E ON Ja m e s Down, Moses.” T H E G IA N T S C R E E N IN B o n d , his new T O V A y L. and so B L A Z IN G T E C H N IC O L O R ! S e c r e t incredible A g e n t women! “ P O O R W H IT E 0 0 7 ^ his new TR ASH “ incredible enemies! his new «Ti incredible MAURICE adventures! EVANS JUDITH' ANDERSON WEDNESDAYS! nd*GEORGE SCHAEFER product,on THE of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S 4 8 s & DAY P IR A T E S m&cBetti flatter your eyes! T h e r e ’ s an exciting new shape in women’ s Dig into as many golden buttermilk pancakes as you can eat for ju s t... OF ————-FRI!* ———- I AN A L L TIM E G R E A T ! g l a s s e s on the fashion scen e. . .and Wal­ PENZANCE I DARRYL F . ZANUCK'S lace Tias it! Called the Rontrend, it’ s one By W. S. Gilbert and P ro d u ctio n of HARRY SALTZMANwALBERT R BROCCOLI»,».. of the many new styles from our spring IANFLEMING'S collection. See them at either location. Arthur Sullivan ¡ 'TH E GRAPES F R O M R U S S IA M AY 2 1 -2 3 , 1 9 6 4 ! OF WRATH" W IT H l £ V E DñQQAMn PDA77 uU uuM ' ir ii . i. / -' f - -• [V II [ - in M SU A U D IT O R IU M Sponsored by the Departments o MUSIC and SPEECH I I by Jo h n S te in b e c k Sta rring DANIELA BIANCHI WALLACE OPTICIANS - HOME OF 'THE HUYEN D ir e c te d by curtain time 8 p.m. ■ HENRY FONDA TECHNICO LO Features At R UNITEDARTISTS 3040 Vine (opposite Frandor) Ph. IV 9-2774 also offices downtown at 107 N. Woshington. Ph. IV 2*1175 G O O D FOOD” Auditorium Box Office ! JAN E D A R V IE L L I JOHN C A R R A D IN E ^ 2:05 - 4:35 - 7:00 - 9:35 Hours 12:30-5:00 PM doily 2820 E. Gr. Rivet IV 7-3761 RAYViAi JUANITA DSHUA. LOGAN Phone 355-0148 NEXTTHE PINK PANTHER Dr.R. C . Jones and D r.B . C. Bussard, registered optometrists Wednesday, May 13, 1964 5 > Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Stick Club 1 The N E W S In 1 ’ C a ts T o p ‘S ’ Faces BG B a s e b a ll T o d a y State’ s baseball team faces Notre Dame this afternoon The Michigan State lacrosse Charlie Wolff 6-3, 6-3, in first at 3:30 on Old College Field and the Spartans are bent on re­ P ow erful N orthw estern ro lle d umph in 19 dual outings this sea­ club plays host to Bowling Green doubles. venge. S P T S o v er MSU 7-1 y e ste rd a y in a ten­ son. at 3:30 this afternoon on the la­ The Spartans' only win was Dwight Shelton took B ill Rice A week ago the Irish defeated MSU 9-8 at South Bend. nis m atch cut s h o rt by r a in . crosse field. into three sets before falling Coach Danny Lltwhiler plans to send southpaw Bill Collins The defending Big Ten champ­ registered by Laird Warner who ions captured five of six singles defeated Bob White 6-3, 6-2 in 5 - 7 , 6-3, 6-1 in third singles. Veteran Spartan defensemen (3-3) against Notre Dame. Litwhiler announced that injured I rate the Falcons on a par with secondbaseman Dennis Ketcham won’t be in the game. matches and both doubles con­ their number five singles match. Number six singles went to Carver Blanchard who posted Notre Dame and the Spartan Ea rlie r this week Litwhiler said he hoped Ketcham could IM P o o l O p e n in g tests to chalk up their 18th tri- Marty Riessen defeated Tom a 6-4, 6-4 win over Mike Youngs. themselves. Last year State Split 'play today, but Tuesday he said, ‘ 'we’ll be lucky if we have Jamieson 6-1, 6-2, in the top a pair with Bowling Green. him for the weekend.” White and Blanchard topped singles event with Clark Graeb- Over the weekend the Spartans will be meeting Michigan Warner' and Youngs 6-2, 6-4 ner downing Tony O’ Donell 6-3, The Falcons have a fast team twice at Ann Arbor. Next Monday the Wolves come up to S p la s h N ew s 8-6 in second singles. with the second doubles match with plenty of depth. The two : East Lansing for a single game. Michigan currently is tied D e la y e d B y R a in s between Rice-Sheehan andO’ - Riessen and Graebner later Donnell-Shelton being halted in teams are evenly matched, which : with Minnesota for the lead In the Big Ten. Green Splash swim club will should make the game exciting. hold a performing practice to­ teamed to whip Jamieson and the second set by rain. night at 6:30 in the Women’s IM. The opening of the outdoor Rain Monday and Tuesday of swimming pool, scheduled for this week h as prevented the painters fro m getting started Friday morning, has been post­ poned the Intramural department again and hasn’t allowed any HPER Club announced Tuesday afternoon. water to be run into the pool. The men’ s Health Physical Ed­ Intramural Assistant Russell ucational and Recreation (HPER) Last Friday’ s r a in s t o r m Rivet said Tuesday it takes two major’s club will meet at 8 to­ washed off some of the new paint full days for water to circulate night in 215 Men’ s IM. Iggy applied Thursday at the deep end through the pool’s filter system. Conrad, head wrestling coach of the pool requiring a partial ‘‘We can’t start running the water at Lansing’ s Sexton high school, repainting job. through until the paintings done will be the featured speaker. and we just can’t tell wnen that will be,” he commented. Rivet added that the 1M office Engineering ENGINEER’S BALL EVERYDAY LOW PRICES . . . MONDAY THRU SATURDAY! Kobs Taken hopes to be able to set a new opening date today and added, Saturday 5-16 To Jackson ‘ ‘perhaps we’ ll have it open by next Monday, but that will depend L a st 3 days to get tickets at Union! U.S. GOV’T INSPECTED WHOLE largely on the weather. Ann nuns ST O R E HOURS FRYERS CUT UP FRYERS 9 to 10 P.M. Daily MONEY SAVOR H e a d q u a r t e r s ALL WHITE MEAT OR » wwwwwwww C LO S E D SUNDAYS ALL DARK MEAT c h i c k e n IL B . CHUCK POT Complete ROAST » IN LANSING AT * * * Tune Up SHOPPERS FAIR IS*** 3301 EAST MICHIGAN AVE. JOHN KOBS » » Rebuilt » » » NEXT DOOR TO I FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER AND AT [COTTAGE Jo h n Kobs, former Spartan baseball coach, has been strick­ » » * Motors and Transmissions » » MUFFIER TOPPS DISCOUNT k t H R lS l. CHEESE en with a respiratory ailment. Kobs, now administrative as­ sistant to athletic d i r e c t o r » INSTALLATION CITY FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER EBER H A R D ’S lb. 921 WEST HOLMES ROAD "Biggie” Munn, has been hos­ DISCOUNTS TO STU D EN TS AND F A C U L T Y CORNER OF SOUTH LOGAN SW IFT'S PREMIUM P R O TEN pitalized for a week. He was .DAY'S EHGLISH MUFFINS pkg. 19( transferred Monday from a Lans­ IfA IIIA I’C AUT0 PILLSBURY b a L°l a r d BISCUITS pkg . 7 ( | POT ROAST 390 ing hospital to one in Jackson, where his family doctor and his IV A I R I N ) PARTS I MIX OR MATCH! POLLY ANNA FRESH BAKED TROPICANA ORANGE IDICE S i f 79( THOMASMA'S ASS T V A R IE T IE S DUTCH PAN BREAD son both practice. M rs. Kobs says that her hus­ 526 N o rth L a rc h IV 4-4596 band is doing very nicely, but that it will be a while before he Hours Mon. - F ri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 Sun. 9-1 WAYNE GELATIN SALADS 29( LUNCH can return home. POLLY ANNA CORN OIL WHITE BREAD, 1GOOD LOCK MARGARINE 250 MEATS TENDERKRDST WHITE BREAD, OR BYRNES BIGGER DISCOUNT |S A V E 20? A R IS TO C R A T CH O C. MARSHMAL.LOW NEW LOW P R IC E ! EBERHARD'S DONHTS • 1 DOZ. BARGAINS DRUG o" DUTCH CHOCOLATE / A . MAVIS CLUB AT STORE ICE CREAM - M t CANNES POP GRAND RIVER AT MAC O RAN G E, LEMON OR LIM E M AGAZINES FOR NEWSPAPERS' ----------------- B O O K S ------------------- SHERBET - 59( 12 oz. 0 FOUNTAIN YARDLEY s p e c i a l CO U N TRY LA N E V A N IL L A CAN G A L. TEN - 0 - SIX GET ACQUAINTED COMPARE AND SAVE! ICE CREAM ASS'T FLA VO RS SPECIAL LOTION COLOGNES $]00 M g u ia r GW'mD SPECIAL THIS WEEK . . . C H O C O L A T E SUNDAE NEW A T TH E BIG “ E ” MANOR HOUSE - R EG . OR DRIP R O YA L PINK G R A P E F R U IT 19< reg. 3Uc $ 3 ^ plus ,ax reg. $5.00 R ED ROSES LA V EN D ER A P R IL V IO L E T S GELATIN [ if num SPECIAL COUPON J m io r h o u s * SAVE 20( REG. 67( LET US FILL YOUR c o f f e e G IAN T SIZE PKG. PKG. P R E S C R IP T IO N S w FAB DETERGENT C O M P LE T E STOCK - LOWEST PRICES CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE REG. OR LB. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ltd GIANT CÏ6 ARETTES 250 DRIP REG. OR CAN ROYAL KEY LIME S IZ E YUBAN CANNED COFFEE DRIP CAN 7 9 (1 PIE FILLING pkg . PKG . S MPSWS j “ S„ — » [ROYAL INSTANT CARMEL (It 0NLY WARNING New! PLEASE INST. COFFEE CREAM NUT PUDDING pkg . WITH COUPON AND $5 FOOD PU RCH A SE ) 1 lA M E N ’ S - WOME N’ S - C H I L D R E N ’ S C ig a r e tt e s may COUPON GOOD THRU TU ESD A Y MAY 19 be detrimental BA N Q U ET FR O ZEN E B E R H A R D ’ S FR O Z EN E B E R H A R D 'S FR O Z EN »-tyr' r - fw / rm e v m e v g / X to health. reg. $1.49 ■COUPOhP ■COUPON) LEMONADE ORANGE POT PIES E x p i r e s M a y 16, 1964 E x p i r e s M a y 16, 1964 JUICE » C H IC K EN , TU RKEY, B E E F 8 oz. PKG. SPECIAL COUPON GILLETTE STAINLESS i * i BABY OIL BA N TU ETFRO ZEN SAVE 17( REG. 35( STEEL BLADES WATER­ 69é K J Æ Y bottle MELONS DINNERS ASS’ T CO LO RS CHARMIN l i m i t one 5 7< reg. 89e lim it one EACH 8 D ELIC IO U S V A R IE T IE S PKG . TOILET TISSUE ■COUPONi «COUPON« E x p i r e s M a y 16, 1964 E x p i r e s May 16. 1964 NEW AT T H E BIG “ E ” D E L MONTE CHUNK S T Y L E KLEENEX JUNIOR (« 4 ROLL COPPERTONE LOTION BAYER ASPIRIN TUNA l/ 2 'S PAK FACIAL TISSUES 2 *0 P lastic Tube 58( rec|. 83c < o ° '* 56< reg. 79ç D EL MONTE 14 oz. I TOMATO CATSUP 120 [11 ONLY WITH COUPON AND $5 FOOD PURCH ASE l i m i t one DEL MONTE COUPON GOOD THRU TU ESD A Y MAY 19 -' s s s i ' s s t z m L m i OUR 35th YEAR IN EAST LANSING PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRDIT DRINK Ó Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, May 13, 1 964| CALL 355-8255 DEADLINE: ASK FOR THE WANT-AD D E P T STATE NEWS WANT-ADS GET YOU RESULTS 2 P.M. ONE CLASS DAY B E F O R E PUBLICATION Autom otive A utom otive A utom otive E m ploym ent E m ploym ent F o r Rent F o r Rent with a CO RV ETTE 1960. Red and white. BUICK 1951, two-door. Excel­ J. B.’ s EX CLU SIV ELY Chevrolet PART-TIM E WAITRESSES, good G IRLS: IF you think youcansell- Apartments Hows Three speed. Positraction. New lent condition. Phone 484-3171. '¿'•sed'OarS. ''1957, 1958 ana 1959 working conditions. Experience low cost here's your opportunity to let UNSUPERVISED. 123 A l b e r t , battery, brakes. Two tops. En­ gine perfect, body exceptional. 31 Convertibles. V-8 Automatics. not necessary. See Mr. Mitchell your sales ability earn for you. ONE G IRL needed to share lux­ near Union, Cooking, parking. W ANT AD Must sell. IV 2-5488. 31 B U lfk 1959 Electra 225convert- ible. All power, sharp. $900. New white vinyl tops. For the sharpest used Chevys in town, or Mr. Bosheff. No phone calls please. EAT SHOP. 605 E . Grand Part time and full time positions available. For personal Inter­ ury apartment for summer. $45 month. Call 355-6316. 30 Summer, Fall. Singles, doubles^ Reasonable. 332-0716, 48 C h e v r o l e t 1961 station wagon. Cash. 372-2724. 31 come out to J .B .’s and browse River. 36 THE VILLA G E Apartments. Lux- • AUTOMOTIVE view call 355-8255 or come to CAMMA PHI Beta sorority house One owner. Six cylinder, stand­ CH EVRO LET 1963 Impala. 409, around. 2801 S. Cedar. C urious living in the suburbs. • EMPLOYMENT FEM A LE DISTRIBUTORS wanted 345 Student Services Building open for summer school. $195 ard shift. 26,000 miles. $1,000. 4-speed. 400 hp. and extras. FALCON 1963 Convertible. White Wall-to-wall c a r p e t in g .A ir- • FOR RENT for fast moving women's ap­ after 1 pm. 32 for 10 weeks. Meals Monday- Phone ED 7-1802 . 34 Good condition. $2,350. Phone with red. Automatic, six cylin­ parel item. High repeat sales. conditioning. Laundry facilities. • FOR SALE DESOTO 195". 4-door. Automat- 332-3139. 31 C A L L US, we’ ll tell you all about Latest kitchen facilities. Two Friday. ED 2-6426.__________ 34 der. Bucket seats. Excellent No investment necessary. Cali • LOST & FOUND ic. Power steering, p o w e r OLDSMOBILE 1957 sedan, hydra- condition. 485-1189. 30 882-2802. 30 it. Call Mr. Bowdren, 882-6627. bedrooms. E.A. Krause, Real­ Room» • PERSONAL brakes. Rebuilt motor. Call TU matic. 55,000 actual miles. By _________________________ 30 tor. 915 W. Grand River, Wil- SUMMER SCHOOL Coeds~live at • PEANUTS PERSONAL CH EVR O LET 1959 Biscayne, 2 - CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A few REG ISTERED NURSe S, full or 2-2710 after 3:30 pm. 32 original Ohio owner. No rust. liamston. Phone 655-2640. 32 ZTA Sorority house. $195, for • REAL ESTATE door, six cylinder. Stick. Ra­ hours a day can mean excellent part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ EAST SIDE- One bedroom, pos- FORD TVTl Galaxie- Victoria Excellent condition. Can be seen 10 w e e k s . Cool, comfortable dio, heater. Body good. $550. earnings for you as a trained ary and differential plus other • SERVICE hardtop. 2-door automatic. Ex­ at 5007 Tenny. $550. 882-1119. sible 2nd. Furnished l o w e r . rooms. Sun deck. Meals Monday Phone 355-9760. 30 Avon representative. F o r ap­ fringe benefits. Flexible time • TRANSPORTATION cellent condition. 30,000 miles. 32 Utilities paid. Garage. Couple. through Friday. ED 2-5318. 33 DODGE l96l, V-S" sedan. Aut - pointment in your home, write schedule. Meal furnished. Phone •WANTED $1,285. Phohe 487-5880. 33 C H EVRO LET 1957 *210’ , 2-door $110. Call IV 5-0336. 32 HATE 1 Hb DORM? Want to save matlc transmission, radio, hea­ or call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, ED 2-0801. 48 CH EVRO LET 1958 Impala hard- V-8, Automatic. Car exception­ SU BLET FOR summer, t”* o - money? Board and room $155 DEADLI NE: ter, power steering and brakes. 5664 School St., Haslett, Michi­ top. Automatic transmission, ally clean. Call 337-9540 after F o r Rent bedroom, 2-bath apartment for per term. Must be male Sopho­ I p.m. one class day be­ Nylon whitewalls. Tinted wind­ gan or call evenings, F E 9-8483. V-8. Power steering, brakes. 6 pm. 31 four. Rivers Edge Apartments. more, above two point. C a l l fore publication. shield, b a c k - u p lights, snow C30 Apartments Murphy, 332-1440. 32 New tires. Good condition, $725. SPRITE 1961. Perfect through- 337-9559. Apartment 306. 32 tires included. Excellent con­ SALES P O S I T I O N AVAIL­ EAST LANSING. Fall term.Close FURNISHED NEAR campus, one SUMMER. M E N . Clean, quiet. Cancellations - 12 noon one Bruce Fox, 332-1414. 33 out. Many extras. Last of the dition. $950. See at 1232 Old A B LE - M ALE High starting in. Unapproved, unsupervised. class day before publication FORD 1962 SÓ0XL. Private own- original Mark I ’s. Call B ill or two man apartment. Living Two blocks from Berkey. Park­ Hickory Lane, (Whitehills). ED salary, plus commissions, in Men (21) three man apartment er. Exceptionally clean. See at 355-2528. 32 room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. ing, cooking. 532 Ann, after PHONE: 2-4969. 30 an i n d u s t r y with a future. and two man apartment. Also Call 332-5374. 33 6 p.m. 332-2276. 32 2008 Marcus St. 34 FORD 1963 Fairlane Station wa- Training program and fringe 355-8255 LINCOLN 1957 Premiere 4-door rooms with cooking. ED 2-5988 m F n . ROOM for three available - CO RVETTE 1963. Tastback 340 gon. Standard shift. Radio. To hardtop. New two-tone blue fin­ benefits. Write C.B. Gould, after 6 pm. 34 ONE GIRL wanted to share apart- RATES: engine, four speed. Call after 5 trade or sell. 705 Downer. Phone ment for summer term. Call now. Close to campus. Kitchen, ish. Whitewall tires. Excellent P.O. Box 127, Flint, Michigan WANTED: TWO bedroom air con- pm, IV 7-0040. 30 IV 5-0150. 30 Lynn 355-7065 or G erry 355- bath and living room shared. 1 DAY...........$1.25 motor and all power features. MÀLÉ STUDENT to assist handi­ ditioned apartment to sub-lease $10 weekly. Also room for four. GMC 195? furniture van. Hydro- VOLKSWAGEN 1961 Sedan. Ex - 7052. 30 3 DAYS. . . .$2.50 A-l condition throughout. $685. capped attorney in rising morn­ for summer quarter only. Fu r­ Fa ll term. 337-7885, 337-0059. matic, dual wheels. Move your cellent condition. $1,000. Phone 5 DAYS______$3.75 484-4209 or 337-7618. 33 A1 Edwards Co., 3125 E . Sagi­ ings and retiring evenings. nished or unfurnished. 355-7913 TWO GIRLS over ¿1 to share _____ 31 furniture, then convert to cam­ naw (North of Frandor). C32 Compensation, room and board. apartment with two next year. T H CH EVRO LET 1960 Impala con- 5 - 9 pm. 31 R EE PRIVATE rooms and one ( B a s e d o n ,1 5 w o r d s p e r a d ) per or resell. 355-8155. 31 Evenings between 7 and 10 pm. Julie 353-0550, Donna 355-6243. vertible, V-8, stick. White with FORD 1959. V^S Galaxie. 4-door, EAST LANSING. Close-In. Sum- double. N e a r campus. Clean. There will be a 25c service FIA T 1939 Sports Car Convert- Cruise-O-Matic. Power steer­ 484-1938. 34 mer term. Women only. Space _____________ 31 Summer or fall. Unsupervised. blue top. Low mileage. Very and bookkeeping charge if ible. Swing out bucket seats ing, new tires, radio. Clean C O L L E G E STUDENTS, ma l e. for three girls, furnished. $10 SUMMER RENTALS nicely fur- 355-4210._______________________ 32 clean. 332-6815. 33 this ad is not paid within and other extras. Like newcon- throughout. $675. Phone 355- Full time summer work. Part per person; also rooms with nished apartments or rooms. ROOMS FOR men beginning sum- dition. Cost $2,800 new, sell FORD 1958 Fairlane. Six cyiind- All close to campus. Reason­ one week. 3123. 32 time during school year if de­ cooking, $7 per week. Phone ED mer term. Whole house avail­ for $950 cash. Phone TU 2-0934. er, stick shift. 2-door sedan. sired. Earn enough during sum­ able. Must be 21 or over. 337- OLDSMOBILE 1962 convertible. 2-5988 after 6 pm. 34 able, two blocks from campus. 30 $225. IV 9-1895; 412 Haze. 34 2345._____________________________ 34 The State News does not Red leather, power, radio and mer to pay for entire year of 6URCHAM WOODS, EYD EA L Phone 332-4738.______________ 32 CORVAIR r9S0 Deluxe J7Ó0\ 4- FALCON 1960. Stick. New en- schooling. Over 15 $1,000 schol­ Houses EA ST LANSING. Five minutes permit racial' or religious h e a t e r . Lady’ s car. $1,950. VILLA APARTMENTS. Pool . door, automatic. Radio, heater, gine last fall. $595. Call ED arships were awarded to quali­ discrimination in its ad­ new tires. Excellent condition. Phone ED 2-6680. 32 A ir conditioning. Summer and SUMMER TERM house. Seven walk from Union. Prefer grad­ vertising c o l u mn s . The 2-4694 after 7 pm. 32 VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Goo"d tires, fied students. On the job train­ uate student or employee of $750. 627-6314. * 32 Fa ll term leases available. ED rooms, four bedrooms. A ir con­ State News will not accept SUNBEAM 1963 blue convertible. good condition. Red color. Rea ing for practical use of your 2-5041. C32 ditioning. Suitable for up to six MSU. Two rooms furnished, $65. advertising from persons C h e v r o l e t 1962, 2-door, 2 -door. Low mileage. Good con­ sonable. Call 482-2000 after 5 education during the summer men. Also available for Fall Available June 1st. Phone ED FCONOMICa L L U X U R Y -s u b - discriminating against re­ c y l i n d e r , automatic. 38, :0t) dition. Phone 337-9245. 33 p.m. 32 months. An earn while you learn 2-5988 after 6 pm.__________ 3“$ lease Joe’ s C e d a r Village term. Call Ford S. LaNoble, IV ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or miles and new tires. Phone IV C O R V ETTE i9 6 0 . White, 4- SPARTAN MOTORS program designed by this multi­ 2-1637 or 337-1276. 32 MEN. ROOM and board. Sum- apartment. Cheaper than dorms, national origin. 4-4997. 34 speed, positraction. Two tops. million dollar Corporation that mer and Fall terms. $155.'525 infinitely b e t t e r . $55 month. NEED tW O cooperative guys to VAIR 1962. White, 2-door $1,995. 337-0156. 33 CH EVRO LET 1962 Super Sport hundreds of students have taken MAC. ED 2-5555.__________ 34 337-0488. 29 share furnished house. TV, wi t h blue interior. 3-speed Convertible. 327 straight stick. advantage of. Many of whom are A utom otive C H EVRO LET 1963- Biscayne '6'. still with our Co. in key execu­ UNIVERSITY EM P L6 Y E ES : At- parking. Near Frandor. $35/ transmission. Radio and white­ 4-door. Powerglide, radio. Bal­ White, red interior. tention! Efficiency apartment month. IV 9-0767, 6 - 8 pm. 34 MERCURY 1956 hardtop. Stand­ walls. Low mileage. Owner must tive positions. F o r arrange­ BUD K O U TS ard shift, overdrive. Excellent ance of new car w a r r a n t y . close to campus, bus and shop­ OLDER FOUR bedroom Home sell. Excellent condition. Best Triumph 1959 4-door Sedan. 4- ments of personal interview, engine and body, $350. Phone $1,750. 485-7620. 31 ping. B e a u t i f u l l y furnished. within walking distance to cam­ offer. Phone 489-0677 after 5:30 speed transmission. $195. time, schedule and city you wish CHEVROLET 355-9795. 32 VOLKSWAGEN 1959. with sun- Ideal for one. C a l l Fa'b ian pus. $135 plus utilities. Deposit pm. 48 to work, call Grand Rapids, OLDSMOBILE 1055 Super *88'. roof, radio, whitewalls. V e r y GLendale 9-5079. A Iso Lansing, Realty. ED 2-0811 or evenings required. ED 2-4748.________34 All OK - Renewed used cars TEM PEST 1962 Sport Co u pe . good condition. Phone 332-3138. OLDSMOBILE 196 3 F-85 Cut­ ED 7-2474. 32 SM ALL HOUSE. Ideal for couple Good engine and tires. Fair 485-3146. South Bend, CEntral are guaranteed for as long White, spotless maroon inter­ 30 lass Convertible. 4-speed, like E”A ST ' LANSING. Deluxe fur- or Grad students. Walk to cam­ body. Power brakes, steering. 4-9179. Kalamazoo, call Grand as you own them. ior. 18,000 miles. Excellent con- VOLKSWAGEN1 1961. Sunroof. new, low mileage. nished or unfurnished. For col­ pus. $30 weekly. Phone 332- Hydramatic. One owner. Phone dition. Phone 482-9497. 33 Rapids number. 48 Sharpl 1219 Victor. Phone IV lege or professional personnel. 8866. _ 3* Can you afford l e s s ? 7-10 pm. ED 2-2626. 31 VALIANT I960. Red, 4-d o o r. 9-3472. 30 CH EVRO LET 1959 Impala. 2- SM ALL BUSINESS manager. Ex- Three rooms. Phone ED 2-3505, JUNE l5th until September 15th, RAMBLER 1960, 4-door sedan. Floor shift. Transistor radio. MORRIS MINOR 1958 Convert- door hardtop. Automatic trans­ cellent opportunity. Mu s t be 9:30 am-5:30 pm; or ED 2-3135. $50 or $5 a week. After 5 pm 2800 E . Michigan Six cylinder. Excellent condi­ Whitewalls. Excellent condition. ible. Radio, heater. See at 514 mission. A real sharp car, $995. available t h r o u gh summer. 32 call 337-2523. Also an apart­ tion. Very good tires. $775. IV 9-6538 Must sell. 332-5413. 30 Spartan Ave. anytime. $295. 30 Part/full time. Apply Box 22, T H R EE ROOM apartment.” P ri- ment. 31 Phone 487-5880. Can be seen VOLKSWAGEN 1958, convertible. C H EVR O LET I96l convertible. 3000 E. Michigan East Lansing, Michigan. 32 vate bath and entrance. Park­ on campus. 33 Blue. New paint job, whitewalls. Red. V-8, automatic. Radio. IV 7-3715 C E V E N I N G S ANDS a t u r d ay s. ing for two cars. Available CHEVRO LET 1961, 2-door B is- Good condition. Ask for George, Needed immediately, three col­ cayne. Six cylinder, standard transmission. Lowmileage. Ex­ 337-1721 or 332-3018. 31 Fine shape. Phone IV 4-8179. See 2825 Mildred Ave. 32 CH EVRO LET 1956. New motor, t i r e s , battery, transmission. lege students, men only.Chance May 15th. 339-2606. TWO BEDROOM a p a r t m e n t . 34 J a c k D y k s t r a 's CORVAIR 1962 Monza. Radio and CH EVRO LET 1938 4-door B is- Must sell, best offer. Call after to earn extra $$ for your vaca­ Swimming pool, television, fully cellent condition. Phone 372- heater, 102 hp. 4-speed, 2-door cayne. Small V-8 engine. Radio, 5:30. 332-8093. 32 tion, new c a r payment, etc. furnished. Barbecue pit. Sublet 3325. 34 coupe. Call 355-9336. CADILLAC 1934 sedan. Very 32 heater. Power glide. Whitewall tires. New two-tone blue finish. FORD I960 red convertible. V-8, Could work into full time dur­ ing summer vacation. Dial IV for Summer term or longer. Call 332-4640. 35 F ir s t T e a m car stick, good engine. No rust. 4-9793. 34 good condition. New tires,elec­ S h a r p throughout!! $685. A1 SUMMER TERM . Close to cam- S P R IN G tronic eye, tinted glass. $295. Edwards Co., 3125 E . Saginaw $1,085. Phone 337-0367 after WANTED BUSBOYS.Contact Ste- 7 p.m. 30 pus on MAC. First floor apart­ S A V IN G S Phone 641-6317. C h e v r o l e t I9 S4 convertible. 32 (North of Frandor.) PONTIAC 196l Bonneville.Stand- C32 O L DS M O B I L E 1964 wagon. Loaded with extras. White with ward, Theta Chi. ED 203581. ___________________________ 32 ment for four men. Air condi­ tioned. $125 each for full term. B A R G A I N S ! Excellent tires, battery, top. ard shift, 4-speed. New trans­ HOW TO change a dime into many Call Ford S. LaNoble, IV 2-1637 blue interior. Will take trade. • W I T H LO W ER PRICES! Little rust. Heater, radio, low mission. New rear end. Take dollars: Call us, we’ll tell you or 337-1276. 32 IV 2-6290. 34 mileage, $90. 355-8824. 32 over u rti p a y 1i i c i n o . iIV payments. v 9-4870. s — iu / 30 about it. Contact Mr. Wilson at FURNISHED APARTMENTS for F R O M BUICK 1957 Roadmaster con- KARMANN-GHIA 1959 convert- VOLKSWAGEN ’61 rebuilt motor. Real clean. Owner leaving town 882-6629._______________________ 30 three o r four persons. Near - ir s t • W ITH HIGH ER,TRADE-IN S! vertible. All power; six-way ible. Black D695. Must sell! R E L IA B L E F U L L and part-time campus. Reasonable, clean.Sum must se ll. Best offer over $900. men and women, choose your seat and windows. Perfect con­ Call TU 2-7398 evenings. 33 mer or fall. Unsupervised. 355- Call 337-0519 or 332-0203 after hours. Call between 3-6 pm dition. $600. Phone 655-2413. BUICK 1956, 4-door hardtop. Ex- 4210. 32 '5 8 FO RD STO RY 33 cellent mechanical condition. 4 p.m. S c o o te rs -C y c le s 32 weekdays. 332-3417, M ALE C O LLEG E students, $506 38 AUTOMOTIVE Station Wagon with Standard trans­ mission, R & H. Red & White. $390 $175. ED 7-7175. 31 World’s Fair Holiday salary for 50 days work this FORD 1960 Country”Squire, nine- JAMES 250 cc. Good condition $—SAVER—$ Student, Faculty, Staff passenger. New whitewall tires. 6,000 miles. $250.Call Bob 355- summer in our order depart­ CH EVRO LET 1958 2-door, 6- 5 9 FORD ment. We also offer scholar­ O L D S M O B IL E and their families June 15-19 Cruise-O-Matic. Radio, power steering and brakes. A sharp 0594 between 6 and 9 pm. 32 HONDA 1963. 300 cc. Excellent ships as an incentive for good cylinder s t a n d a r d trans­ mission, exceptionally clean. 2-door. Grey. Fa ir looker and an excellent runner. $390 $99 includes: work. Call IV 9-5561 for an ap­ ‘57 Oldsmobile Super 88 one owner, new car trade-in.A1 shape. Extras included in price: ONLY $495 • Round-trip flight to N.Y. pointment or write Keystone '6 1 C O R V A IR 2-door h a r d t o p , power Edwards Co., 3125 E . Saginaw windshield, cover, helmet and FORD 1957 2-door, hardtop, steering, power brakes, ra­ dio, h e a t e r , hydramatic • Hotel Accomodations »Admission to Fa ir (North of Frandor). C32 ca rrie r. Phone 355-8918. 31 Readers Service of Michigan, Inc., 945 Stoddard Building, V 8, automatic transmission, 700 Coupe. 4-speed transmission. R & H, black with blue interior. $1,190 FORD 1959 2-door, six cylin- Lansing, Michigan. Include your power steering. In A-l con­ transmission, white walls. • Scenic Boat ride der. S t a n d a r d transmission. E m ploym ent phone number and date you get dition. ONLY $245 6 3 CHEVROLET * r ) , 7 r Story priced.................$495 around Manhattan Good condition. Original owner. •Ticket to Radio City IMMEDIATE out of school for summer. 30 JIM REBEC USED CARS Convertible, R & H, standard trans., Tn / 484-3386. 30 new spare, spare white with red interior. vr / ' ' '^9 Music Hall OPENINGS GREAT LAKES Employment for 3440 N. East St. -LAST CHANCE- FORD 1957, 2-door, V-8, stick. We are taking applications to fill permanent positions in office, (US -27 North) D O D G E Call 355-5465 Radio, $165. Pontiac 1955, 2- '6 1 CHEVROLET vacancies in this area. Jobcon- sales, technical. Call IV 2- IV 9-3580 door hardtop. Radio, $90. 337- *62 Dodge 4-door sedan, power s t e e r i n g , power JOIN 9142 after 8 p.m. 32 sists of servicing existing ac­ counts and establishing new 1543. C30 Impala, 2-door hardtop, V - 8 , auto matic trans., R & H, black. $ 1 ,4 9 0 MacGILLIVRAY CH EVRO LET 1954, b l a c k , 2- b r a k e s , radio, h e a t e r , door. Radio and heater. Good ones. Applicants must be 24 or THE F IN E S T automatic transmission, CHEVROLET over, have car and be interested '6 2 T H U N D E R B IR D & n body, tires and motor. Standard Convertible, light blue, white top, s / 09 ( J V-8 , white walls. Local IN HIS 7TH ANNIVERSARY shift. $150. 355-5961 after 5:30 in $150 weekly income. For ap­ one owner t r a d e . Story SALE p.m. 30 pointment call Mr. Long, IV In S tu d e n t A p a rtm e n ts full power, sharp all the way. vr / sells Dodges for less. $1495 "-3663, Monday-Friday. 32 1958 CHEVRO LET, 6-cy­ MORRIS MINOR 1961. Black with '6 2 FO RD linder, standard shift, Del red seats. 40 MPG. Radio. Ex­ D E L T A APARTMENTS 233-235 Delta Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 1 B) Galaxie 500, 2-door sedan, big mo­ PLYM O U TH Ray, radio, heater, white walls...............................$595 cellent condition. Phone 484- 7004. 32 EDEN R O C H A S LE T T APARTMENTS tor, R & H, Hurst floor shift light blue, exceptionally sharp. : $ 1 ,5 9 0 *59 Plymouth 9-passenger 1959 CHEVROLET, 6-cy- FALCON 1963 1/2 Sprite con- vertible. Black, V-8, 4-speed. APARTM ENTS 135-145 Haslett Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 15) s t a t i o n wa go n , power linder, standard shift, Bis- '6 0 THUNDERBIRD steering, p o w e r brakes, Full power, all accessories. r a d i o , heater, automatic c a y n e 2 - d o o r , radio, heater, white walls. .$695 Dwight, ED 2-4248, 8-5. 30 N ow UNIVERSITY T E R R A C E 444 Michigan Avenue (Office 235 Delta) Convertible, red with white inter ior and top, full power. Sharp $ 1 ,8 9 0 transmission, white walls. PLYMOUTH 1955, 2-door. Au- L easin g Story sells Plymouths for 1957 OLDSMOBILE, con­ tomatlc transmission. Reliable 5 7 FO RD EV E R G R E E N ARMS less................ $595 vertible, hydromatic, po­ w e r s t e e r i n g , power transportation. $45. 355-6933. _________ 30 fo r 341-345 Evergreen Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 3) 4-door sedan, V - 8 , automatic trans., R & H, power steering, Real nice. $490 brakes, a real nice little MGA 1953, supercharged, wire S u m m e r & Fall FORD c a r . .............................$495 wheels. A -l mechanically, very 5 7 FO RD '59 Ford Galaxie 500, 2- door hardtop, power steer­ 1960 CH EVRO LET, Con­ vertible, V-8, power glide, clean. Must sell. 337-1832. 32 featu rin g 2 -door sedan. 6 cylinder, standard shift, A real buy $240 ing, power brakes, radio, power s t e e r i n g , power 61 O L D S M O B IL E heater, automatic trans­ brakes, r a d i o , heater, 2 double bedrooms mission, 2 -tone, w h i t e white walls. . . . $1,395 D ID Y O U GET A Double bathrooms F-85, standard transmission, R & red. An exceptional little car. »• $1,190 walls. Story sells Fords Walk-in closets for less........................ $795 1962 CO R VETTE, 250 hp, —MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. 4-speed, r a d i o , heater, 3 0 OR BETTER Air Conditioning white walls, positraction. . Wall-to wall carpeting Featuring The New University .Terrace $3,095 OlUUTSR-LAltlDfO’S Fully equipped Make your selection now . . . today . . . for the N-I-W 1963 CO RVETTE, S t i n g ­ LAST TERM S ray, coupe, fuel injection, 4-speed, p o s i t r a c t i o n , Full size kitchen Elevator new University Terrace. Reservations for leases are being made for the 1964-65 school year. Choose J A C K FORD DEALER! while you have a selection. 1 and 2 bedroom apart­ ' radio, heater, white walls, If so, and your driving record chrome wheels. . $3,895 is good, we might be able to Laundry facilities ments available. M a n y N e w an d U s e d C a r s t o c h o o s e fr o m a t save you as much as $50 or more on your auto insurance. The Largest Apartments. . .Closest To Campus And Shopping D Y K S T R A * * Ask us about State Farm's EDEN RO C rO E H M ( j f W h ere The M ay MacGILLIVRAY "Good Student" E l i g i b i l i t y 252 River Street oran uoRMT Rule. Call B ill Mitchell or THURSDAY. FRIDAY 2 J o A ctio n Is CHEVROLET 1510 Haslett Road Stan Wilkinson at 332-2554. (1 min. from Bogue Street Bridge) — <' w ER MAN 235 LDelta Ph. 332-0838 rvwntas t i l • r .u . F O R D 3165 E . MICHIGAN IV 2-1311 Phone 339-8226 Haslett, Mich, 332-8488 332-8488 Appliances IV 2-1604 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. N f.EDAR AT GRAND RIVER Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan SELL YO U R D O N 'T W A N T S ” FO R W A N T ED CA SH Intramural S p a rta n CALL 3554255 TO D A Y News F o r Rent F o r Sale Real Estate MEN' S G rid m e n Softball Schedule MEN: YOU owe It to yourself to see Hedrick House. Get out of STEREO COMPONENTS: ard changer, $30. Dynaco pre­ amp, $50. Amplifier, $90. Vi­ TH R EE BEDROOM RANCH Field All brick fireplace in carpeted 1 — A.T.O .- Z .B .T . living room. Delightful kitchen 2 — A.E.Pi-Sigma Chi 5:20 p.m. H o n o re d Feast and flattery were the the dorm and become an individ­ king tapedeck, $130. Electro- and dinette. Ceramic bath, pan­ 3 — Phi Delta Theta-Phi Kappa order of the evening Monday at ual. Economical: very close to Voice speakers, $30 each. Call eled recreation room, enclosed Phi the annual spring picnic of the campus. Call Bruce Baker, ED Jim, 353-1451 afternoons, eve­ patio. Priced to sell now. Call 4 — Bum Set-Thelma Thigs Spartan football team. 2-0844 after 4 pm. 30 nings. 32 William G. Martin Co. 332-40"2. 5 — A .F. ROTC-Agr. Econ. . While gridmen and guests ex­ 333 A LB ER T St. Two-man room B IC Y C L E SALES, service” and 32 6 — Keystone Kids-Dollar 65 pressed their hunger and thirst for balance of term, $25 each. rentals. East Lansing, Cycle, TH REE BEDROOM ranch, large 7 — Elsworth-Motts by digging into 191 pounds of Summer term, six weeks, $30. 1215 East Grand River. Call 332- lot. 1639 Ann. Reduced to 8 — Bower-Montle barbeque chicken and gulping Twelve weeks $50, includes TV. 8303. C $13,300, 4 1/2% mortgage. Con­ 9 — Wolfram-Worship down almost 20 gallons of lemon­ International House, 337-2448 P O R T AB L E TYPEW RITER - sider rental. ED 2-8764. 31 10 — Brutus-Bristol ade and coffee, C o a c h Duffy or 372-0330 nights. 36 Olympia Precision. Buy the fin­ T H R E E BEDROOM Rambler. 6:30 p.m. Daugherty expressed his senti­ est. Terms available. Hassel- Large lot, finished basement, 1 — S.S. Corps-Paperbacks(open) ments about individual perform­ F o r Sale bring C o . 310 N. Grand. IV attached two-car garage, near 2 — Asher-Kiljoys ance in spring drills. G E N U I N E HORSEH1DE brown 2-1219. C30 Mt. Hope- Hagadorn. $15,500. 3 — Dollar 65-Edgers Captain C h a r l e y Migyanka, briefcase. 12” x 15", three HARMONY MAStERS Guitar and 33"-2498 evenings. 34 4 — East Shaw 6 -8 sidelined with a sprained knee for 5 — Movers-Wart and Court the final weeks of drills, was the compartments. Can be locked. case. $35. Medium wet suit, $20. THREE BEDROOM Cape Cod, See at 229 Shepherd. $20. IV Call Byron after 7 pm. 355- five years old. TV room, land­ 6 — Bailey 5-8 r e c i p i e n t of the c o v e t e d 5689. 32 7 — West Shaw 4-7 "Coaches' Award." 2-4514. 30 scaped. $450 down, $94 month­ 8 — Wll'ding-Winchester Halfback Harry Ammon and ENGLISH 3-speed b i c y c l e s . ly. TU 2-2175. 522 W. Willough­ SAILBOAT, 19 ft. with trailer. 9 — Winds or-Wi ldc at s guard Ted Harris were named the $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & by. 30 Nylon sails, aluminum mast. 10 — Carthage-Caravelle outstanding veterans back and GIFTS, 201 E . Grand River, POUR BEDROOM Ranch. Large Used two years. Phone 484- 7:40 p.m. end. Similar freshman honors across from Union. ED 2-3212. recreation room with fireplace. 1 — Cavalier-Cameron 8909, 1814 Sunnyside. 30 went to quarterback L a r r y Breezeway and attached garage. 2 — McBeth-McTavish TWO OVAL loop rugs”. 9* x 12* RO TO TlLTER. HEAVY duty, Lukasik and end Gene Washing­ Two blocks from stores, school, and 12’ x 15’, Call 372-1599 $195. On Round Lake Rd. 1/10 3 — McDuff-McLean ton. bus; 15 minutes from campus. after 5:30 pm. _____ 33 mile East of Chandler. 669- 4 — McRae-McCoy Senior tackle Rahn Bentley won Phone FE 9-8795. 32 8:50 p.m. SELM ER PARIS wood clarinet. 9117. 29 the "hustle" citation and loyalty BEA U TIFU L WOODED lot near 1 — Snyder 12-16 R E C I P I E N T S O F SPRING F O O T B A L L AWARDS - Top row (l.-r.)-Eugene Washington, John Excellent condition. Best offer. SHERWOOD 64 watt Stereo am- awards went to a trio of guards— MSU, shopping, schools. Ideal 2 — Snyder 10-14 John Walsh, Steve Mellinger and Walsh, Larry Luckasi k, Ed Macuga, Steve Mellinger and Coach Duffy Daugherty. Bottom Call 332-3551. 34 plifier, $1"5. Viking Stereo tape home site. Owner. Phone 33.- 3 — West Shaw 2-Winner(West row (l.-r.)-Harry Ammon, Rahn Bentley, Ted Harris and Capt. Charlie Migyanka. PISTO L: 22 Ruger Bear Cat, deck, $175, Ensign changer $25. Ed Macuga. 2345. 34 Shaw 1-3) single six, with leather holster. 32 563 CORNELL-Attractive two- 4 — Arpent-Arsenal Excellent condition. $35. Call MEN’S 3-speed English bike. bedroom. Walk to MSU.Carpet­ All softball games that were # § t i c t ! . : n u s n i | STAM PS! f f c a s * s a v in g s . . , n u s p ^ id 355-0761. 34 New baskets, chain, lock, $30 ing, washer, dryer. By owner, rained out or may be rained out H1F1 A M PLIFIER, Pre-amp Dyn­ or best offer. 355-6101. 34 ED 2-6748.____________________ 36 this week will be played Friday. 11 CHOICE BEEF STEAK SALE aco, 40 watts. Phone 337-7167 SINGER 2l6-ZAGOMATK* con- or 355-7679. 33 sole sewing machine. Dial a S ervice Independent Bowling « WEDDING GOWN, size 14. Prin­ design. Completely equipped to v K t h e s is p r in t e d Alleys 8:00 p.m. cess style, chapel length train, buttonhole, monogram, blind- Rapid Service lace over satin, long sleeves, hem, all without attachments. 3-4 — Bower-Vets Drafting Supplies, XEROX Cop­ 7_8 — Asher-Gutter Dusters 332-1911. 31 Originally sold for over $200. .270 - WEATHERBY MAGNUM, Will sacrifice for only eight R.C.B.S. dies and 100 rounds payments of $6.20. For further ies CAPI TAL CITY BLUEPRINT 221 South Grand Notice Entries are now being accepted ROUND FULL CUT 75$ LB. V» > brass with or without Bear Cub. information, PHONE OL 5-2054. Lansing, 482-5431 or 482-5038 for a n intramural horseshoe So t 2X to 7X variable scope. 882- 9026. $250. T EFLO N frying pans , house­ 30 BEDROOM FURNITURE. L i k e new. Will sell separately or C30 C32 tournament and a squash tourna­ TV SERVICE calls- $3. Tubes ment. Interested parties are re­ SIRLOIN 87$ LB. eft discounted 25%, except picture quested to s i gn up for these wares and gifts. ACE HARD­ complete. Call 372-1599 after WHERE & GIFTS. 201 E . Grand River, across from Union. ED SINGER CONSOLE Sewing Ma- 5:30. 33 tubes. Estimates on shop ser­ tournaments by Friday in the In­ vice. Acme TV, IV 9-5009. C tramural Office. TV, RADIO, PHONO REPAIR T-BONE 93$ 2-3212. C chine with dial control. Zig- Deadline YOUNG LADIES' dresses, skirts, Zag, simply dial for style, Fanry Don’t Search—Call Church blouses, bermudas, sizes 7-8-9. stitches, scallops, buttonholes IV 2-5608 Entry cards and green fees are Name brands; near Frandor. and embroiders. Full balance Prompt Service-New &Used Sets due in the Intramural Office by CHURCH TV SERVICE noon Thursday for all Fraternity JU M B O O N IO N S P O R K LO IN R O A S T S 487-3267 after 5:30 p n . 31 of $48.87 or $6.87 per month. 808 W. Willow, Lansing C Residence Hall and Independent DALMATIAN P U P P I E S . Seven Will take trade-in. Phone OL weeks old. AKC registered. Call 5-2054. _________ C30 STUDENT TV rentals. New 19" Golf teams. í. each 7 -R IB P O R T IO N lb . 290 portable, $9 per month. 21" OX 9-2850. 31 L E F T -H A N D E R S Attention- table models, $8 per month, 17’ ’ WOMEN' S in BSA 500 cc. Very good condition. Complete set of Walter Hagen, Reconditioned with a l l new "Haig Model” woods and irons, table models, $7 per month. All Golf The deadline for the 18 Hole D L O IN E N D lb 390 parts. $575 or best offer. 355- perfect condition. A l s o left- sets guaranteed, no service or 5! BANANAS 0930. 32 handed odd clubs, three wood, delivery charges. CallN ejacTV Women’s Intramural Golf tourna­ Rentals, IV 2-0624. C ment has been extended until 5 LB 1 7 c C E N T E R C O T R IB C H O P S LB. 59( T .V .’s, USED as low as $25. At five wood and sand wedge. See the home of Motorola, Sylvania, Joe Brillant at Jacobson’ s. 32 ACCIDENT "PROBt^MT P R O B L E M C a l”l Muntz TV Stereos.Storage Fur­ EL E C T R IC DRYER 196 0 Coro- Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. S ervice niture Sales. Term s available Small dents to large wrecks. Typing Service nado. Also Capital cabinet sew­ BACON SALE! at 4601 N.U.S. 27.Call IV 7-0173. American and foreign c a r s . ing machine. Very reasonable. Guaranteed work. 489-7507.1411 TYPING IN my home. 15 years CARROTS C3C Call Ml 5-7620. 34 BOOKS. NOTE books of Leonardo WEDDtNG GOWN full length with DeVinci, American West, 100 Great Lives, History of the detachable chapel train. Size 13-14. Phone" ED 2-4555 after 5 trr East Kalamazoo. C secretarial experience. Elec- NO R A I S E In prices at WEND- tric typewriters. IV 7-0619. C 30 ROW’S E C ON- O- WA S H. 32 T ra n sp o rta tio n 2 L B . C E L L O BAG 19« 1 L B . PKG. Great Lakes, others. Foreign, pm. 32 Speed Clean washers- 20£; ten A LLG O O D 390 minutes drying- lOtf. 3006 Vine WANTED R”IDERS to New York US stamp collection. Phone IV 9-7255. Mobi le Homes 32 HOUSE TR A ILER , 50' x 10". 1964 St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. C30 City. Leaving Thursday, May 14 at 10:30 am. Returning Sun­ FRESH CORN A LLG O O D 2 L B. PKG. 75 0 1 2 14 FOOT BOAT, 50 hp. Mercury Commander, F r o n t kitchen. DIAPER SERVICE, sameliiapers day, May 17. Call 332-5227 after 5 ears O and trailer. $600. C a l l IV Take over payments. IV 4-6207. 4-3592. 1604 Blair. 30 34 returned either yours or ours. With our service, you may in­ 5:30.______________________________ RANCH S TY LE 2 L B. PKG. 79 0 (A T E L E S C O P E - 600X power. Like M OBILE HOME 1959. 50''x l0\ clude two pounds of baby clothes ______ Wanted________ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ new. Not a toy. Sell or trade. Furnished; washer, dryer.Good that do not fade. Diaper pail fur­ FOUR BOYS desire to rent fur­ Call TU 2-5311. 30 condition. Call 332-8146 after 5 nished. DINING ROOM table and buffet, pm.______________________________30 four chairs. Walnut. Good con­ dition. 1117 E . High. Call IV L o s t & Found AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE 914 E . Gier Street nished house starting Fall term. Phone 355-9080 or 337-9372.30 GEN ERA L HOUSEWORK and tak- NEWCALIF. POTATOES LONG WHITE 10 L B . BAG 890 IV 2-0864 C 5-2790. FIRESTONE 25 hp electric start- 30 FOUND. BLACK and white kitten. er Outboard Motor. Brand new." Cute, clean. 332-5974. Would like a good home for him. 30 PROMPT D ELIVER IES, t h r e e types of diapers to choose from. ing care of children. Can go or stay. Ironing on Saturday. Call IV 5-6216. 31 TOMATOES mt lousi PKG. 390 Trade or sell. F E 9-8859, after 6:30 pm. 339-2676. REFRIGERATOR, DOtjBLE bed, 30 Personal Bulk wash for .cleaner, whiter diapers, fluff dried and folded. WANTED TWO Use yours or rent ours. Contain­ apartment with cooking facili­ girl furnished 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 L B. BAG $ 1 .9 9 movie outfit, chairs, flush door, MARATHON RACE from Price ers furnished. No deposit, 25 ties. Starting Fall term. Call JA N E PARKER BAKERY FEATURES dresser, bookshelves, tape re­ Road to Logan Street and back. years experience. By-Lo Diaper 355-0462. 32 Grand-R-Marina. Saturday and Service. 1010 E . Michigan. IV corder and household furnish­ ings. IV 7-0411. Sunday, May 16th and l"th. Re­ 32 freshments on grounds. 7086 STEREO TAPE deck; beautiful Crletz Rd. Diamondale. 32 2-0421._______________ Contact L e n s§P E tlA L lS T for ln- * visible Beauty. 500 Creative C PEA N UTS LINIJ5 DO ’ fûu think i'm A VERYCRA06Y I DUTCH APPLE PIE 8 IN. 450 *9 U» mahogany enclosure. Self-con­ STUDENTS: ON your "birthday Fashions in" Glasses. Capital PERSON? tained amps and preamps, $175. come down for a free pizza. Matched pair of stereo speaker Bimbo’s Pizza 484-7817. C32 systems, $45. Call Jerry 355- BUBOLZ MAKES noclaims about Optical Studios, 115 E . Michigan IV 2-7434. C LEMON PIE 8 IN. 390 n > F R E E ESTIMATE on your move 996“ afternoons and evenings its insurance. It settles them. after 9 p.m. 30 Auto, life, homeowners and trip anywhere in the world. Phone IV 5-2241, Bekins Van Lines. ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE 490 BROWNIES PKG. 49C X £ CAPI TAL STEREO portable re- accident. 332-8671, 220 Albert. Ask for Jim. C30 V» C30 cord players. Four months old. $80. Phone IV "-3546. 30 FRUSTRATED? ATTEND the Typing Service ITALIAN BREAD ' LB 8 oz L0AF 2 5 0 POTATO CHIPS 1 L B. BAG 59$ > Alpha Sigma Phi car smash TYPING; TERM p a p e r s and To Look ‘‘Special” Saturday, May 16. 2-5 pm. At theses. E l e c t r i c typewriter. 1a 420 Evergreen. Music by The Fast service. Call 332-4597. 32 at on that "Special” Occasion Spartones. SISTERS STYLING SALON. Call 32 ED IE STARR, typist. Theses, dissertations, t e r m papers, JIFFY fe T / Q u i c k - F u # MeaSU- us for complete beauty service. general typing. Experienced, B IS C U IT M IX come to 29« Specialists at high styling for IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C evening occasions. Seven oper­ TYPING." Term papers, theses. * BETTY’ S BEAUTY SHOP 2 L B. 8 OZ. PKG. c 4304 S. Logan ators available. 325 S. Grand S.M.C. Electric. Work guaran­ at Ave. 485-2914. 30 teed. 337-1527 or 332-6855. 48 (M-9 Plaza) IT~PAYS TO know your S t a t e DANISH CHAMP 2 FOR 29c 882-3020 TYPING in my home. Shirley Farm agent for low rates on Decker, 2654 Melville, E . L , 10 OZ. PKGS. Open doily 8:30 - 5 PM auto insurance. Call or see Phone 332-0721. * C LUNCHEON M EAT CUT CORN your State Farm agent today. 4 85c E v e n i n g s by A p p o in tm e n t Ask for George Tobin IV 5-7267, TERM PAPERS, theses, exper- 12 o zfC A N 3 FOR $J00 10 OZ. PKGS. H FOR 39c r In Frandor.___________ C30 ienced. IBM electric. Marianne S T R A W B E R R IE S Harrington, 372-3280. C32 Real Estate______ ANN PAGE JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4.u0. 2 L B. BAG T H R EE BEDROOM ranch.' At- PEAS & CARROTS Aldinger Direct Mail advertis­ CREAM OF M U SH RO O M SO U P & 49< tached garage, large yard. Five ing. 533 Nor t h Clippert. IV 6 for89c minutes to MSU. $16,900. 41/2% 2 L B . BAG 50 FEET mortgage. 337-0976. 32 5-2213. 10h oz. CANS M IX E D VEGETABLES n TO CAMPUS > Sw im m ing Pool THE GKfAT ATIANTIC & PACIFIC TfA COMPANY INC, th e s B a rb e q u e A reas YES, I THINK Your A&P Super Market r i v e r 's e d g e corner of Hogadorn & East at YOU'RE AVERY Grand River, East Lansing CALL CRABBY PERSON! Summer & Fall 3 3 2 -5 0 5 1 BURCHAM WOODS STORE HOintS:. 9AM-9PWI Leases Available and Monday thru Saturday A l l p r i c e s i n t h i s o d e f f e c t i v e t h r u S ot. in a ll fiv e L a n s in g A & P Super .A o rk e tt. May 16 1964 EYDEAL VILLA ED 2 - 4 4 3 2 Stop At Our Model Call: 252 Cedar 261 River Street ED 2-5041 or ED 2-0565 A ' 8 Michigan Michigan Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Y o u J u s t C u n 't B e u t T h a t . . . N A T IO N A L N A T I O N A L M E A T ! 1 ■ f o o d sto r es ! V C E N T E R C U T R IB O R LO IN L E A N M E A T Y Wt Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. Prices effective thru Sat., May ltth. P o r k C h o p s U .m r C u t F ro m Young ¿ 'M L e a n , M e a ty P o rk e rs ! Lean and Meaty. These are perfect • for any outdoor 39 First Cut cook-out! Get sonie Lb. Pork Chops today for the weekend. T e n d e rlo in P o rtio n N A T IO N A L C O U P O N 3-4 lb. FREE WITH THIS COUPON 100 EXTRA 1 “ STAMPS P o r k L o in R o a s t Avg. 3 5 With The Purchase of a 10-Lb. Armour Star CANNED HAM at $ 6 .9 0 Redeem This Coupon At National Food O U R O W N Q U A L lT Y -R IT E , F U L L Y -C O O K E D H a lf o r W h o le Stores. Coupon Expires Saturday, May l*th. S e m i- B o n e le s s HAM S S P E C IA L N A T IO N A L C O U P O N LEA N FREE WITH THIS COUPON T R IM SO EXTRA £ H. STAMPS With The Purchase of 3 Lbs. or More HAMBURGER Redeem This Coupon At National Food H Y C R A D ES W E S T V IR G IN IA or U N C L E T O M ’S Stores. Coupon Expires Saturday, May 16th. S e m i- B o n e le s s H A M S • • • ► N A T IO N A L C O U P O N A R M O U R ’S STA R , T E N D ER T A S T Y FREE WITH THIS COUPON 90 Plus 50 EXTRA S&H Green STAMPS C o n n e d H A M S . 100 Extra Stamps With The Purchase of with Coupon ANY BEEF ROAST 3 Ss. ★ 3 Wise Prices ArmourSlat (iron 0f ya(u , Redeem This Coupon At National Food Stores. Coupon Expires Saturday, May Hth. B A C O N S A U Canned Hams Hillside Top Taste Top Taste N A T IO N A L C O U P O N Medium Sliced Thin Sliced Ranch Stylo c .. 2 69 * * * - 4 29 FREE WITH THIS COUPON ¿ '" ¡ • « r Star 0 .| ieiouf 25 EXTRA STAMPS Lb. c Sliced Armour Sta B acon With Tho Purchase of Any Top Treat CAKE MIX 5 5 ‘ 2 * 9 8 P o rk S a u s aR—g e ? ' Redeem This Coupon At National Food Stores. Coupon Expires Saturday, May ltth. A n ilA M a Ca ... S E LE C T YOUR F A V O R IT E Armour Sta -Mieli. Grado J Franks FRYER PARTS N A T IO N A L C O U P O N Hillside M Mich. im m u m iv n , Grade VjrdOC 1 I m B re a s ts ™ 5 9 1 W in g s . . 2 9 b FREE WITH THIS COUPON SEAFOOD H E A D Q U A R T E R S R in g B o lo g n a Lb- 4 9 c T h ig h s 4 9 ib G iz z a rd s . 4 9 i Fully Ceehed Ocean m m 50 EXTRA G»en STAMPS Hillside Mich. Grade 1 Perch Fillets . . Ik 69e With The Purchase of Any Bag FERTILIZER Redeem This Coupon At National Food ! 49 D ru m s tic k s 4 9 i L iv e r s . . 9 9 i So Fresh m* JA aa Stores. Coupon Expires Saturday, May 16th. ! Lb. S lic e d Top Taste B o lo g n a . . . . Q U A R TER ED FR Y ER S FOR B R O ILIN G LEG QUARTER 39 lb. Fish Steaks . 2». 9 t 39 Booth Shrimp S9< WITH BACK SECTION .............. BREAST QUARTER B r a n s c h w e ig e r . . . . Lb. WITH BACK AND RIB SECTION 35 clb. 10-ox. Pkg. N A T IO N A L C O U P O N FREE WITH THIS COUPON 50 EXTRA I t n STAMPS F A R M - F R E S H F R U IT S AND I V E G E T A B L E S ! LOW, LOW PRICES ON _ With The Purchase of Any Pkg. of BULBS OR ANY ROSE BUSH Redeem This Coupon At National Food F lo rid a T e n d e r, Y e llo w HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS Stores. Coupon Expires Saturday, May 16th. I Daal Pack, Bxtra Large Tuba Bag. CREST TO O THPASTE 64c 5 3 Rafrashes Your Mouth . Daal Pack, Economy Siza N A T IO N A L C O U P O N FREE WITH THIS COUPON C o r n 5 * 2 9 M IC R IN M O U T H W A S H For Quick Relief of Upset Stomach BR 0M 0 SELTZER m Rag. 69c Lga. Siia 8 9 25 EXTRA '« T . STAMPS With The Purchase of a 22-Oz. Pink Lotion o n th e C o b 5 9 For Headache Quick Relief, Bottle of 100 EASY LIFE DETERGENT Rag. Redeem This Coupon At National Food Stores. Coupon Expires Saturday, May 16th. Mild, Tender Green B A Y E R A S P IR IN . . 79c 5 9 Cucumbers 3 fo r 2 5 ' O n io n s . . 2 Bun. 1 5 S Wonderful Hair Spray Escorole, Romaine or Endive AQ U A NET SPRAY. Now, Terrific Shampoo, Daal Pack '% > r W Tropicana Pure, Delicious WE’VEGOTIT! Rag. 91c L e ttu ce . . Lb. 1 9 * O ra n g e J u ic e v2Gai. 8 9 ' HEAD & SHOULDERS Lga. Size 7T Reynolds, Protects Foods N A T IO N A L S B IG D O L L A R D A Y B U Y S ! ALUMINUM FOIL Salerno, Fresh, Tasty 75-Ft. 'R o ll 85c I Vlasic, Tasty with Snacks 9 -O r. Q Q c COCONUT BARS . . . . Pkg. O Û Sunshine— The Kids W ill Love These P o lis h D i l l s _______ . 3 s - $ 1 12-Oz. Franco-American VANILLA WAFERS . . . Chocolate Chip, Tasty Pkg. 35‘ 12-Oz. S p a g h e tti . ................. 8 - * 1 WESTON COOKIES . . . Pkg. 39c G e r b e r 's S tra in e d Slices or Halves in Heavy Syrup H u n t 's P e a c h e s . 2Vi Can 29e Assorted Flavors, M ix or Match 9 3 s/4 - o x . S Pkgs. v I FOODS 10-99 GET YOUR R o y a l P u d d in g s . Sw ift’s Delicious Carden Fresh, Frozen Tender C o rn - mm P e a s o r B e . » — ^11 u ro c c o n w » V ,0 0 Pkgs. . 5 0 I P r e Swift’s, Tasty C o r n e d m B e e f ,, - 4 9 * 3 p a x . 9 NEW GREEN STAMP EVERY Id e a b o o k " S ta m p s W e d n e s d a y Yankee Doodle or Hawthorne Mellody National Food Store 305 N. CKppert West of Frandor IV-97074 Twist Cups . . 4~ 33'