1 1 MICHIGAN I Weather Inside 1 Vet med a w a r d s , p. 3; STATE I tii Partly cloudy and warm to- dayand Tuesday, ROTC Field Day, p. 3. UNIVERSITY j Jä s ¡je- Vol. 55, Humber kl__ I___ 147 147 • \ 1H~* East Lansing, Michigan Price 10< R a d io R e p o rts B e a u m o n t B e lls C a s t r o ’s T im e S ig n a l S ta rt O f Ju s t A b o u t U p MIAMI, F la . t'— Periodic short-wave broadcasts telling Cubans that "the hour is very near'* were heard Sunday as a showdown M ich ig a n W e e k approached o r pledges by militant anti-Castro exiles to go into Cuba. T h e refu ge colony buzzed with rumors that revolutionary forces of Manuel Ray, who had set a deadline for Wednesday, Cuba’ s Romney, independence day, already were — -----------------------------— L a n s i n g S c h o o l inside Cuba. Ray’ s headquarters here declined to confirm or deny ^ ( , i 11 ft f l l l t t C C Band Join the re p o rts . Exiles also predicted strikes S e g r e g a t i o n S e e n by other anti-Castro groups this Week. A p p r o v e R e la x e d By SUE JACOBY will fall if a Negro moves into a neighborhood is simply based on At Fair Sharing exiled o m ’ s topic of State Hews Staff Writer the day was a rep o rt that Samuel prejudice, CXinnings said. Two p r o m i n e n t L a n s i n g “ There is no objective decline R o d ile s, C a s tro confidant and E vents B e g in fo rm e r C- 2 , o r military intel­ lig en ce c h ie f, had defected. U.S. s o u rc e s said authorities had a Dress R e g u la tio n s NAACP leaders called tor a con­ centrated citizen effort to com­ bat r a c i a l discrimination in in property values when a Negro moves into a home. The property decline comes only when whites On C am p u s lookout o rd e r fo r him but denied they art accepted, they must go housing and education, Saturday. panic and move out because they d 'h t Men‘ s [ 13 11s A sso cia tio n p e rs is te n t e x ile re p o rts that he to the Faculty Committee on Stu­ T h e leaders addressed the think they are better than human committee oi; dress regulations had a rriv e d at Key West, Fla., dent Affairs for final approval.! Greater Lansing A r e a C i v i l beings of another color." Official Michigan Week kick- has recom m ended a relaxation Dunnings said individual citi­ with 10 com panions. of d r e s s requirements for fall If approved, they would go into Rights Institute meeting at the off took place on campus Sunday Erickson Hall Kiva. zens who believe in racial jus­ when the bells of Beaumont Tower T h e s h o r t-w a v e broadcasts, and winter terms. effect fall term. Stuart J. Dunnings J r., a Negro tice have not done enough to pro­ signaled the opening of spiritual unidentified andwith no indication In a report delivered at Thurs­ Platt said the recommenda­ tions were based on Interviews attorney, said the past 20 years mote open housing. services. day’s MBA m eeting, W a r r e n “ The churches are in a posi- "F o r w a r d , people of Cuba. We P la tt, S t . Jot r •• A, U ., ju nk with >ver 1,000 stud-; i t s . both have seen "little or no progress” S p i r i t u a l Foundations D ay speak to ¡he land enslaved by : ih WoixL rsria u , p e rs o n a l interview s, a n d ques­ toward integrated housing in the (continued on page 2 ) called the religious leaders to­ pre&lde, Communists*• Tin-* hour ol the rg anization to a c - tionnaires, in terv iew s with ad­ Lansing-East Lansing area. gether under the famous MSU called o t r a it o r s is v ery near/ * it t e c ’ s re c o m m e n - ministrators and c o m m i t t e e Dunnings, a past president of symbol at 1:30 p.m. - , cept the c the city NAACP chapter, said E x iit’d guei ■ilia le a d tr Flov •Gut i • c1 z Meitoy o. one of Fidel Castro's top military leaders in datums. The p sed regulations call for le a li.e. ¡hot s of a type *'ac- e v alu atio n s the great majority of area Ne­ groes live in a “ black ghetto” Parents Tuesday is designated Hospi­ tality Day in honor of the state’s recreation and tourist industry. the rev olu tion that toppled Presi- on the city’s West side. On Wednesday, "Our Livelihood dent F u lg en cio Batista In 1959, has promised early start of what ceptable t present—day stand­ ards,” socks to be worn at all meals, dress or ‘‘conventional Says Faith “ Many realtors make no effort to s how Negores homes on the Enjoy Day,” attention will be focused on agriculture, industry, and the he ca lle d " P la n O m e g a ,” warfare wash-and-wear” trousers, and East, North or South sides of the institutions which provide jobs insid e Cuba. The secret o p e r­ ation was not explained. R u m ors that Meiioyo a ir eddy dress or sport shirts with collar s and sleeves. In AUSG city," he said. “ If a Negro does OFF TO THE FAIR-Th e marching band goes through its fi- find a person who is willing to nol dress rehearsal Soturday (upper picture) and left early sell him a home in any of these Weekend and contributeto the state’ s econ­ omy. Thursday is "Education Day.’’ .' M1‘!A will vote on accepting w as in Cuba w ere denied by h is h ead q u arters here. the ret ommendations May 26, If Essentia! Sunday morn in two planeloads. Bandmembers toured New areas, he often, encounters diff­ York Sunday, and are playing in the fair today. Photos by Jerry Carr and Tony Ferronte iculty in financing thepurchase.” The fear that property values Thousands of p a r e n t s and guests thronged the campus over Friday is "Our Heritage” Day, and Saturday is “ Our Youth Day.” Army ROTC units, the Scots the weekend to partake in the ac­ Highlanders, the Spartan Guard The University administration tivities and view the displays and and the Infantry Regulation Drill cannot listen to any student gov­ demonstrations. Week exhibition at L a n s i n g ’ s ernment unless it has confidence B a ll T o p s W eekend in that government and the people Headlining the list of events were Water Carnival, the Engi­ Comstock Park Friday from 7-8 In It, Eldon R, Nonnamaker, as­ O l d e s t A l u m n u s p.m. sociate dean of students, told the A t A g e 9 8 , neering Exposition andprograms M i c h i g a n State’s Marching in Abrams Planetarium. Band will escort Governor Rom­ s t u d e n t government re-eval­ O f S tu d e n t E n g in e e rs uation committee Friday. The ROTC field day demon­ ney today as Michigan Day begins strations featured a r m y ma- Usually known for their work Calkins, Cedar Springs sopho­ There is a need for a new def­ inition or a redefinition of a ll major governing groups in order F i n d s C a m p u s 4 M a r v e l o u s 9 nuevers in capturing the enemy, shooting demonstrations and mu­ at the New York World’ s Fair. The band will take part In the day’ s welcoming exercises and with the slide rule and drawing more. sic and dancing by the Highland­ entertain the Governor at an early to help ‘‘pull them into a more The greatest honor’ conferred board, MSU engineering students The Civil Engineering Depart­ the “ middle ward' for 10 years, e rs, meaningful relationship with one By LINDA MILLER morning hotel breakfast. proved Saturday that they could do ment won the Dean's Trophy for "There wasn’t a single bath on a student in 1889 was the The Air Force division held U n i v e r s i t y Secretary Jack another” and to eliminate the State News Staff Writer appointment by the faculty to equally well in the social area. best over all departmental dis­ tub on campus,’ he said, “ not numerous open houses acquaint­ possibility of their “ working at At the age of 98, the oldest even in the President’s mansion, serve as a commencement ora­ Breslln, along with Romney and plays. ing parents with duties and opera­ cro ss-p u rp o ses,” Nonnamaker the presidents of Wayne State T h e ir Engineer’ s Ball, a dinner living graduate of Michigan State Iii warm weather we bathed In the tor. Pagelson was one of the six tions of the Air Force program. Group winners were American said. and the University of Detroit will dance in K ellogg Center’ s Big fen expects to live 10 more years Red Cedar and when it got cold, in his class chosen for this The various Greek and resi­ society of Civil E n g in e e rs for T* jmmittee, which w as speak at the 8 a.m. breakfast Room , c l i m a x e d a weekend and enjoy every minute of them. we qsed tubs in the barber shops honor. dence halls living units scheduled their exhibit on the "Vai led Spec­ recently given a position In the He is also the oldest living at the Waldorf-Astoria. packed full of engineering edu­ ” 1 don’t feel any different phy­ in Lansing.” open houses Saturday and Sunday trum of Civil Engineering,” with All-University Student Govern­ winner of varsity letters from Television and radio star Ar­ catio n al and social events. sically than I did 30 years ago,” Of course there were no women afternoons for tours for parents second place going to American ment cabinet, invited Nonna­ thur Godfrey will emcee the en­ Educational features included Institute of Chemical Engineers said Edward N. Pagelson, class on campus in those days, and M.A.C. He was the only coach and guests. maker to speak before it as part tertainment portion of the pro­ the E ngin eerin g Exposition and and third place to Tau Beta Pi. of 1889, of Panama City, Fia. Pagelson and his school-mates on campus until he graduated, Also well-attended were the of its program of interviewing and p a r t i c i p a t e d in boxing, gram, which includes the State the Jet’s Club Exposition. Ex­ Pagelson w as on campus F r i­ rarely dated. Graduate Art Display at Kresge people on areas of student influ­ wrestling and horizontal and par­ band and a singing chorus from hibits ranged from Chrysler Cor­ Highlight of the ball was the day to r e c e i v e the “ Kedzie Art Center; .the Women’ s Glee ence. "One or two of the boys had allel bar. the University of Detroit. p oration ’ s turbine car to a soil crowning of the 1964 Engineer­ Cane,” in honor of being the Club performance Sunday after­ Since his college days, Pagel­ The breakfast is sponsored by p r e s s u r e t e s te r for a cherry hy- ing Queen- Some HO MSU student Nonnamaket -aid he sees the oldest living graduate, at the an­ lady friends in Lansing. But we noon and the Engineering Ball the New York Alumni Clubs of d ra co o le r. engineers and faculty members committee, which was formed to nual luncheon of MSU Patriarchs, didn’t have any money for dates.” son has run factqries, done sur­ dinner-dance. Most of the students worked on vey work, worked for the U.S. Michigan State, Wayne and U of Winning exhibits In the indi­ looked on a s Judith A. Dengel, investigate forms and struc­ graduates of 50 years or more. Among athletic events that par­ farms, at eight cents an hour, patent office and finally opened D. vidual category included: a c ir­ Dearborn freshman, assumed her tures, as an Important, neces­ ents attended were a lacross Following the breakfast, the A math and engineering major to get through school. To amuse an o f f i c e in 1902 as a patent game which saw Michigan State cuit transistor tester, first place, reign over the festivities. sary move on campus. For some band will lead the governor and One of her first duties of her at Michigan Agricultural College, themselves, they walked to Lans­ attorney. He retired in 1928 to go down to defeat 12-3; track-- by Jack G. Shepard, Byron sen­ time, he said, several adminis­ his wife from the Amsterdam Pagelson’ s most vivid memory of ing— avoiding the bus fare—and Florida, was called to Detroit Michigan State victorious over ior; fuel cell, second place, by year-long reign was to inititate trators have been disappointed Gate at the Fa ir to the United his college years is dormitory window-shopped. Pagelson re­ in 1943 to supervise contract- the Chicago Track Club, and a Surinder Choudhari, New Delhi, five new members into the and frustrated with student gov- life in old Wells Hall. He and his calls a visit in 1886 to R .E . Olds’ (continued on page 2) varsity-altttnm soccer game. (continued on page 3) India, senior; and digital read­ Knights o f S a i n t Patrick, en­ (continued on page 2) brothers used the same room in one-room machine shop. out, third place, by Joseph L . gineering honorary. ‘ W o r m 's D r e a m ‘T r o p i c O f C a n c e r' W ite ra tu re W in n e rs By OYERS BALCERS State News Staff Writer Freud’ s interpretation of Whitney Worm’s dream won firs^t place for Delta Delta Delta and Delta Tau Delta in Witerature’s, this year’ s Water Carnival, Greek division. "Tropic of Cancer,” won first place in the dormitory revision for Snyder-Philllps as they took advantage of the recent cigaret scare. Nine new members of Excallber, senior men’ s honorary, were tapped at intermission and received roses from a canoe brigade of Mortar Board women. The winning Greek float portrayed Whitney as a bookworm, reclining on a open book being analyzed by a bust of Freud. The cover fell closed, squashing the worm, then reopened again with a page splattered in the shape of a full-winged butterfly. Snyder-Philllp’s float consisted of a presentation of a tropic b N Y D E R V P H I L L I P S isle inhabited by "cigarette men” —extra large cigarette pack . ’ V' * , bodies, cigarette arms and fuming filter heads. Alpha Delta PI sorority and Evans Scholars combined to win second place in the fraternity division with " F o r Whom the Cowbell To lls.’’ Aimed as a slam at the University of Michigan, the com­ J 4 ä |» W k r w ft mentator Insisted "that while we keep our cows in cowbarns, U-M takes thelr*s to parties.” / Proving the axiom that “Give the lady what she wants is trot ffjrd piice went to Kappa Afpha Tlieta and Sigma 0 w Tou may give them perfume, pearls or rings, but S n y d e r-P h illip s Butterfield-Armstrong (continued on page 3) D elta D elta D e lta -D e lta Tau D elta E van* S ch o la rs-A lp h a D elta PI 2 Michigan State News, E a s t Lan sin g, Michigan Monday, May 18, 196 4 This Week: Michigan Week The va ri ety and importance of many of Michigan’ s industries and c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s will be high­ One official of Michigan D a y said, “ Michigan Week pr oc la i m s F a c u lty 'R a id in g ' Com m on the things which make Michigan —that of dependence on legis­ lighted this week in various Mich­ a great state.’’ Editor’ s Note: This is the lative appropriations. first of o four-port series A 1 9 6 3 -6 4 report by the Ameri­ igan Week festivities. The 11th 1 Comparison of avaraga faculty compensation in public and private independent universities. on faculty s a l a r i e s at can Association of University The em pha si s will be on l e a r n ­ I 1963-64 AAUP report. annual celebration began Sunday, Michigan State. Professors (AAUP) indicates that ing about and enjoying the d i v e r ­ public universities are perform­ and will continue through Sat ur­ By SUE JACOBY | Public universities ing very poorly in comparison day. sified f i e l d of entertainment, State News Staff Writer professor associate professor with private ones. assistant professor instructor Around the state and today at wealth, education a n d industry Michigan State University is a 512,507 $9,414 The AAUP has advocated an $7,805 $6,118 prime faculty raiding target to­ average 6 .2 per cent rate of the New York World’ s F a i r r e ­ which this s t a t e p o s s e s s e s . growth in salaries an d fringe day because of its sudden in­ private independent university « presentatives of the s t a t e ’ s a g r i ­ Without being dull and meaning­ crease in size and academic benefits to double faculty salaries stature during the past decade. $14,813 $10,197 by 1970. cultural a n d manufacturing in­ l e s s , Michigan Week will attempt $8,179 $6,423 In his “ state of the university” While more than 34 per cent dustries will be showing off their to point out to the people of the address last January, President of private independent schools John A. Hannah deplored what increased their salaries at a rate products. The s t a t e ’ s un iv ers i­ state and the nation just what it other universities a r e a f t e r resignations this month,” Neville “ MSU has a ruling that a per­ sufficient to achieve the AAUP he termed "faculty c a n n i b a l ­ them.” said. son on sabbatical who decides ties have sent delegations to New is that makes this the interesting ism .” Both public and private univer­ goal, less than 10 per cent of What causes teachers to leave to leave without returning for a place it is , and to make r ea l the public universities were able to York to perform at the fair, and “ It has become a conviction sities use a wide variety of a University? year is obligated to pay back match the performance. in the minds of too many,” he ethical and not-so-ethical means will be presenting other special m e s s a g e that Michigan is a good said, “ that the best way to build E c o n o m i c f a c t o r s are ex­ the money he received from the “ We cannot view with equani­ to lure top faculty members away tremely important, although they University for the sabbatical. pr og ra m s through the week. place to live and work. a department, a college or a mity the prospect that even more from other schools. ■do not tell the whole story. “ Another university wanted university is to bring in from of our students will receive an Neville gave an example of this man so badly that it is going even poorer education—a long afar a limited number of bright “ Unfortunately, there are very one professor who Is leaving to pay MSU the sabbatical money U.S. Losing In Viet Nam lights of established brilliance, paying salaries and fringe bene­ fits that are sometimes fantastic few accepted standards of ethics MSU after receiving an offer in faculty recruiting,” Neville from another university of half­ said. “ About the only standard pay plus a full year of study to get him next year.” Hundreds of offers like these run prospect which the figures clearly portend,” the AAUP re­ port states. It is now obvious that the United t r e a c h e r o u s enemy, the tragedy have been received by faculty If the state university is at in light of the established scales applying to MSU is an agreement abroad on a research project. States is at war in Viet Nam and of once having had a Diem in for men and women carrying the members during the past 1 0 an economic disadvantage to be­ among the Big Ten schools that gin with, it becomes even more bulk of existing work loads.” “ In other words, the first year years. is losing. The news grown more power and an am b a s sa d o r who no offer will be made to a faculty this man is at the other d iv e r ­ It is against the background of important thatMSU compare fa­ MSU has many of the “ bright member after May 1.” ominous daily. lights of established brillance” sity, he will be away and receive i n c r e a s i n g “ facultycannibal- vorably in salaries with other finds it n e c e s s a r y to c a r r y a r e ­ Last year, MSU lost 9 full half of a regular faculty salary.” ism” that salaries assumecriti- public institutions. Ho Chi Minh, president of North on its faculty which universities professors, 16 associate pro­ volver to work. Now we’ re h e a r ­ throughout the country are seek­ Neville told of another faculty cal importance. Tomorrow: How MSU com. Viet Nam recently likened t h e ing m ore of DeGaulle’ s plan f o r ing. fessors, 40 assistant professors member leaving the University MSU shares the common handi­ pares in faculty salaries P r o v o s t Howard R. Neville next year who was on sabbati­ cap of all state universities in U.S. role to that of a fox “ wh o a neutralized Viet Nam and tales and 29 instructors. The Univer­ cal leave this year. with other state universi­ points out that a concerted drive sity has already received resig­ competition with private schools ties. has already got his two hind legs about the g r e a t F r e n c h m ilitary was launched IS years ago to nations this year from 5 pro­ caught in a trap, and by still d i s a s t e r at Diem Bien Fhu. attract outstanding young scho­ fessors, 3 associate professors, jumping around is doing his best lars to MSU. 8 assistant professors and 7 in­ “ These scholars have now structors. to get his front legs caught as That, too, was a long, hard reached maturity,” he said, “ and “ There will probably be more well.’ ' war. It began in 1946 and F r a n c e Whatever metaphor one de­ suffered as she lost support of the v i s e s , the situation is m iserable. Returning from his fifth visit Vietnamese people. Now it is our turn. Viet Nam AUSG Report (continued from page 1) sponsibility to participate in Un­ to that beleaguered land, S e c r e ­ is proving a t e s t - - a test of t h e ernment and hence have lacked iversity government, but added confidence in it. that t h i s should possibly be tary of Defense McNam ara could U.S. c om mi tm en t to wage i t s He explained that each frater­ “ more in terms of students serv­ only m u s t e r desperate words caus e around t h e globe, and a nity, sorority, and residence hall ing on joint boards or commit­ tes t of this country’ s ability to is a student government as well tees organized to form policy.” about stepped-up gue rri ll a t e r r o r as such organizations as AUSG. Nonnamaker also said there attacks, sending ov er m ore U.S. execute this responsibility. We “ 1 would hope that this com­ are areas in which the adminis­ ou rse lv es ar e po wer less to act; mittee will look at the total stu­ tration merely carries out the troops and a general in c r e a s e in dent government and not at a orders of the board of trustees both economic and military aid. It the future lies in Washington and specific student government, and and the voice of the students in the brutal struggle in f a r - o f f seek to relate these student gov­ probably wouldn’t make much would be a “ long, hard w a r , ’ ’ he ernments into a m e a n i n g f u l difference. .said. r i c e paddies and swamps. whole,” Nonnamaker said. Such areas are those concern­ So, gone a r e the pleasant plans Nonnamaker said he thought ing alcohol and members of the P e r h a p s, as adversity mounts, students have a duty and a re- opposite sex in rooms. of r e c e n t months to withdraw a new rea ction will a r i s e equi­ m o s t o f t h e 15,000 U.S. personnel valent to the challenge. However, in Viet Nam^h_y the end of next year. r e g a r d l e s s of the outcome, t h e Viet Nam wa r, if nothing e ls e , Segregation (continued from page 1) tion will not be solved without The s to r ie s these days a re not will be a lesson in r ea li ty , which strong legislation. so much of p r o g r e s s and gains in tion to shock the public con­ is seomthing that has been all science on this subject. They have Dunnings said the same atti­ the field as about the vile and tudes responsible for slavery too often absent on these s h o r e s . been neglectful in the past, and exist today. it is time for them to take lead­ "Without legislation, the prob­ ership in educating their congre­ lems of discrimination will not Good Word From Congress gations to the justice of open housing.” Dunnings urged that citizens be solved, because it takes too long to change attitudes." M r s . Clinton C a n a d y J r., Student C o n g r es s has voted to ships is an example of the type who believe in open housing boy­ chairman of the NAACP subcom­ establish a fund to provide two of new leadership we have been cott realtors known for discrim ­ mittee on education, said Lans­ inatory practices. ing is well on its way to having s cho larships a y e a r , covering the waiting for from student gove rn­ schools which are segregated amount of in -s ta te tuition for a ment. Paying pa r t of .a student’ s However, Dunnings said the. “ as effectively as those in any problem of housing discrimina­ Southern city.” y e a r . Students will be chosen by the Scholarship Office, and must education c o s t s is a worthwhile, p r o j e c t and a plan with m ore G O DFREY be active in e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r a c ­ meaning and value than the empty Alumnus C A M B R ID G E tivities. p h r a s e s we grow to ex pe ct from The awarding of these s c h o l a r ­ c a m p a ig n e rs . (continued from page 1) ing of material by the war com­ He is surprised by the beauty of the campus and the enroll­ IS H E R E IN A pany.., H^elson has visited MSU for ment. .When he graduated, there were only 400 students and 12 H IL A R I O U S Men Talk As NATO Grumbles the lafet 20 years on alumni week­ ends. He believes that President John A. Hannah is “ the m ost faculty members. Pagelson finds the students "extremely well-dressed” and NEW A LB U M ! marvelous man in the United most of the buildings on campus Fo reign m in is te r s of such pe­ However, t h e g r o u p really States. I’ve known him since "marvelous” c u li a r NATO allies as Turkey, didn’t have much to say about the he took care of the chickens Pagelsoii’s wife was with him here." on campus Friday. G r e e c e , Portugal, F r a n c e and the ‘ north Atlantic’ region. Nor was United States have been meeting the Soviet Union looked at with in The Hague. p a r ti cu la rl y convincing animos­ Proceedi ngs began with F r a n c e ity. M aybe all the kings’ and p r e s ­ ACROSS 24. baseball hit c l e a r l y playing a role DeGaulle idents’ men couldn’ t p er ce ive 1. Attempt: 25. Syllable of did not want. One wonders at his much of a threat. colloq. the scale 5. F.xtra- 26. Drinkable patience. Maybe it is propriety Y e t an older man might r e ­ ordinarv 28. Train 8 . Shoe-' 29. In reierence which leads him on in acting. m e m b e r that NATO’ s original maker s tool to But Dean Rusk wanted to play. formation c a m e as the re sul t of 11 . Residence 31. Main 12. Adversary 33. No He wanted his ‘ all ie s ’ to a s s i s t a g r a v e Communist th re at to 13. Compete 34. Sunburn . his ca us e in Viet Nam. Maybe he s om e m em be r s ta te s . Maybe the with 35. Hairy FLM 13101 14. Store up 37. Pea f o r e s a w potential e m b a r r a s s ­ organization i s * now crumbling 16. Carden 39. Cenus of 47. Aviate 4. "Good With wickedly pungent satire and wit, mignonette rails 48. Salver Queen ment as l e s s with m or e vi ct im s . as men forget and tr y new gam es . 18. Liegeman 41. Gossip 5. For Cambridge hits the funny bone—and 20. Ancestral 42. Anglo- DOWN 6 . June bug more! He dramatizes vital issues... spirits ol Saxon king 1 . Cuts close 7. judge he brilliantly uncovers “moments of gods 43. Small lie 2. Love apple 8 . Thorough­ fare truth" of the fads and foibles of our STATE N EW S 2 1 . Cr. long F. 45. Canticle 3. Rib. char­ M IC H IG A N 22. Cistern 46. Jutting rock acter 9. Make tim es... he comments, with disarm­ STATI broader ing innocence, on the after-effects of U N IV E R S IT Y 10. Slightest 2 3 4 5 è 7 » 9 10 the Negro revolt. Godfrey Cambridge 15. Wooden li i 12 i 13 shoe is uproarious. Godfrey Cambridge is P u blished by the students of M ichigan su m m e r te rm ; sp e cia l W elcom e Issu e in Sep­ te m b e r. 14 %15 16 % 17 17. Rich fur 19. Dead a name to remember. “Ready or Not, S ta te U n iv ersity . Issu ed on c la s s days Monday Here’s Godfrey Cambridge" is an through F rid a y during the f a ll, w inter and Second c la s s p o stage paid at E a st L an sin g , 18 %19 20 language 23. Erie or album to own. sp rin g q u a r te r s , tw ice w eekly during the M ich ig an . E d ito ria l and b u sin e ss o ffic e s at 341 Student 21 22 %23 Suez M e m b e r A sso ciated P r e s s , United P r e s s S e r v ic e s Building, M ichigan S tate U n iv ersity , % 26 % 27 26. Leaf ol a corolla * In te rn atio n al, Inland D ally P r e s s A sso ciation , A sso cia te d C o lleg ia te P r e s s A sso ciatio n , E a s t L a n sin g , M ichigan . M all su bscrip tion s p a y a b le in ad vance: te r m , $3; 2 te r m s , $4; 25 % 20 %% 29 30 27. Purchaser 28. Hair curler M ich igan P r e s s A sso cia tio n . 3 t e r m s , $5; fu ll y e a r , $6.. 31 31 % 33 % 34 29. Jackson heroine E d ito r ................................................B ru c e F a b ric a n t A d v ertisin g M an ag er.........................F r e d L ev in e » W ire E d ito r................................... John Van G ieson 35 436 37 %3B 30. Vitality 3,1., ^ . V » RECORDS N ight E d ito r............................................ T om W inter 3 2 . -Spinet • “EMC", Marc« Bag T.M. MINTED IN y.SA. C am pus E d ito r.................... .G e rry Hinkley A s s t. Adv. M g r s ...................... F ra n k Senger J r . , 39 y40 41 34. Neoplasm A s s 't Cam pus E d ito r........................... L iz Hyman E d ito ria l S ta ff. . .B a r b B ra d le y , D ave Stew art , , . ....................................................... A rth u r L an g er 41 43 % 44 45 36. Sandpiper 38. Squall . .. ......................... ..........................M ike Klndm an C irc u la tio n M an ag er......................B ill M a rsh a ll 40. Yellow 46 i S p o rts E d ito r........................................J e r r y Caplan News A d v ise r.................................... Dave Jaeh n lg %47 %4t ocher 44. Close to Monday, May 18 , 1 9 64 3 * Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan A w a r d e d $ 1 0 0 s c h o l a r s h i p s V e t M ed A w a r d s P re se n te d Several awards were presented Award. The fund, established by professor of surgery and medi­ Award was presented by the stu­ dent chapter of the American Vet­ dent; Gordon W. Fish, Spartan Village 4th year student; George to Veterinary Medicine students the College of Veterinary Medi­ cine. who received the Outstand­ Linda G i l m o r e , E . Lansing and faculty during the College of cine, is given to financially de­ ing Teacher Award for a faculty erinary Medicine Association to E. Malarney, Spartan Village 4th those serving major roles on the year student; Linda Siefert, sen­ sophomore, Johanna Smith, Rich­ Veterinary M e d i c i n e Honors serving third and fourth year member who has taught at least mond, M i c h , sophomore, and Convocation Friday. students with a 2 .8 or better av­ one course to students now In staff of the MSU Veterinarian, a ior; John L . Snell, Detroit 4th quarterly publication. year student; Robert C. Schmidt, M rs. Carol Ross, Peoria, 111. The Ken-L-Ration Division of erage. their fourth year. Dr. Roger E. Other awards were given to Trenton, Mich, third year stu­ sophomore, have been awarded the Quaker Oats Company was Brown, anatomy department, re­ Thomas G. Easton, Franklin, William C. Haefner, Decatur dent; Martha T. Thomas, East $100 scholarships by the Faculty host. ceived the $100 Norden Annual Ohio senior; Lauralee Sherwood, junior, got the Pfizer Award for Lansing s e n i o r ; Charlene E. Women’ s Association. Vincent DiLella, Spartan Vil­ Teacher Award for a faculty Pontiac sophomore; Arthur I. students entering their fourth The girls were selected on the lage, received the Dr. Gall member who has been judged by Hurvitz, U n i v e r s i t y Village Graves, Ingalls senior; Mardie year showing scholarship, lea- basis of grades, extra-curricu­ Hawley Scholarship for a third ership and financial need. The the students as outstanding in fourth year med/vet student; Swenson; William A. Freitag, lar activities, and financial need y e a r s tu den t , scholastically award brings $400. teaching ability, leadership and Richard H. McFarlin, St. Johns- Spartan Village fourth year stu­ out of more than 50 girls sub­ above average, most deserving Faculty award recipients were high moral character. bury, Vt. 4thyear student; Martin dent; and John E . Lund, Spartan mitted by faculty and staff mem­ financially and who is likely to W. O, Brinker, c h a irm a n and T h e M.S.U. V e t e r i n a r i a n G. Martinsen, Posen 4th year stu- Village fourth year student. bers. make outstanding contributions F a c u l t y women volunteers to veterinanry m e d i c i n e . The helped with this year’s fund rais­ ing event which was an aeble- scholarship award is $500. Wallace E . Voeks, Lansing jun­ one answer skiver luncheon. An aebleskiver ior; and Sandra Karn, Howell is a round D a n i s h pancake senior, each received $300 from according to Miss Mabel Peter­ the Dean Clark Memorial Fund sen who worked on the luncheon 4 and also helped select the girls. Miss Gilmore is majoring In Bio-chemistry; Miss Smith is in the honor’s college program Police Talk SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS-Dorothy Kerth, Faculty Women’ s and is no preference; and Mrs. Ross is majoring in foreign lang­ Association president, left, and Edith Doty, Scholarship Committee chairman, presented three $100 awards to Mrs. At Kellogg uage. The 10th annual National In­ Carol Ross, Johanna Smith, and Linda Gilmore for scholas­ stitute on Police and Community tic achievement in their majors. Photo by Jim Hile. Relations is being held at Kellogg Center this week. ROTC Cadets The conference started Sunday Show Skills Michigan Week and will continue through Friday. Nearly 300 people from 27 (continued from page 1) the coffee are food products de­ states, the District of Columbia At Field Day States’ Pavilion, where the wel­ coming exercises will take place. veloped or improved through MSU and seven foreign countries have research. registered. The Army ROTC cadet bri­ Bernard S. Schweigart,profes­ Speakers from law enforce­ gade performed for almost 1,000 Later the band, under the di­ sor and chairman of food science, ment and other segments of the DELIVERY Parents Weekend visitors Satur­ day at the second annual Armed Forces Day Field Day. rection of Leonard Falcone, will lead the Romneys and other dig­ nitaries to a luncheon at the is to speak on “ The New World community will talk on “ Achiev­ of Processed Foods” at the lun­ ing Ordered Liberty and Justice cheon. for A ll,” the institute’ s theme. 211 M A C ED 7-1668 CASA NOVA # 2 EVERY NIGHT Combat and drill skills were F a ir’ s Belgian Village. demonstrated and modern army Both the MSU and the U-M k S to r e u n i o n Book Store Uni on B o o k S t o r e Uni on B o o k S t o r e weapons were displayed. bands will appear at different D r i l l demonstrations w e r e times at the General Motors Fu­ U given by the Scots Highlanders turama and at the Rockefeller drum and bugle corps, Spartan Center ice plaza. Guard trick drill team and the As part of Michigan Week pro- Pershing Rifles Company. Mem­ bers of the Counter-Guerrilla Company demonstrated hand-to- hand pombat maneuvers. Also included in the program grans in Michigan, an “ All Mich­ igan” luncheon will be served to the MSU Men’ s club in the Union Tuesday noon. Everything on the menu except S to re A n n o u n c e s w as a competitive drilldown among representatives of the bri­ gade’ s six basic companies. The competition was won by the hon­ or squad from Company A-l. Carny (continued from page I) new Dennis Kim, Honolulu, Hawaii, giving Margret Chase Smith what senior, and Martin E h r l i c h , books by she wants is another thing,” the Springfield Garden, N.Y., senior, continuity read. were project officers for the field A reading from Rubaiyat of day, which was sponsored by the Omar Khayyam which eventuated National Society of Scabbard and in a dissertation on “ Shiawassee on campus Blade. County and Sheriff Potted” won second place for Butterfield and Armstrong in the residence halls division. u S p r in g F estiv a l McDonel gained third place by W in n ers C h o sen A production of the comedy “ The Tender Trap” and an art “ researching the facts that led the author of ‘Lord of the F lie s,’ to write the book.” The float con­ cluded that the Michigan State sanitation department w as re­ authors.. . o n and literary contest highlighted the first McDonel Hall Spring sponsible. Festival this weekend, sponsored B by the East and West cultural committees. The new members of Excaliber are juniors: Gary Wright, of Fettered Freedom by R u s s e l B . N y e , o D istin g u ish e d P ro fe s s o r o f E n g lis h First place wlnner^'included Pontiac and new president of 0 Charles WagonlandoT, Flushing Men’ s Halls Association; Ron 1 junior, for oils; Oarwin Davis, Walter, of Clarkston and presi­ Lapeer j u n i o r , sketches and drawing; Sarh Stuart, Grand Ra­ dent of the Inter-Fraternity Council; Bruce Osterink, Grand Americans In Polynesia by w. P a t r ic k S tra u ss, tr pids juniqr, sculpture; R ickiG il- Rapids and former president of A s s i s t a n t Professor of A m e rica n n Thought and Language bert, Norfolk, Va., junior, pho­ the sophomore class; Dave Jack­ i tography. Other divisions are son, of Detroit and chairmen of still to be judged. the 1965 Water Carnival. o "The Tender Trap" was pro- sented Friday and Saturday nights Phil Frank, of Holland and State N e ws cartoonist; A.J. & Foreign Policies of the Founding Fathers n in the McDonel Kiva. It starred by P a u l A . V a r g , Jim Sollo, Kankakee, 111., sopho­ Harris, of Walled Lake and presi­ B more, and Sue Jackson, Drayton dent of next year’ s senior class; Dean o f A rts and L e tte rs football captain Charles Migyan- o Plains sophomore. Chairman of the entire event ka, of Conemaugh, Pa., and new were Bill Woehrle, Jackson soph­ president of Excaliber; D i c k omore and cultural committee president, and Sara Stuart, com­ Sawdey, ofBattleCreekandpres- ident of Union Board; and Mike Virginia 1705-1786; Aristocracy or Democracy mittee vice-president. Kelly of Holt. by R o b e rt E . and B . K a t h e r in e B ro w n Professor of H i s t o r y Discovering English bY v . e . L e ic h ty , A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r of E n g l i s h New Essays by A rth u r M u rp h y E d ite d with an In tro d u ctio n by A rth u r S h e rb o , P ro fe sso r o f E n g lish The Muddy Chuckle; A Fantasy by R o b e rt F . M o rg an , R e s e a r c h F e l l o w D epartm en t o f P s y c h o lo g y "Michigan State, The First Hundred Years by Madison Kuhn A n E x t r a S p e c ia l Book A t A n E x t r a S p e c ia l P r i c e r e g . $ 5 .0 0 NOW O N L Y $2.95 u n pizz by ■v UNION BOOK STORE R ig h t O n C a m p u s - A D e p t. Of M SU R IC A R D O nion Book St or e U n i o n B o o k St o r e U n i o n B o o k S t o r e IV 2-1554 l Uni o n Bookstore U n i o n B o ok S t o r e U n i o n B 4 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 18, 196^ C A LL 355-8255 D EA D L IN E : ASK F O R T H E W A N T-A D D E P T STATE NEWS WANT-ADS GET YOU RESULTS 2 P .M . ONE C L A S S DAY BEFORE PU B L IC A T IO N A uto m o tive A u to m o tive A u to m o tive A u to m o tive E m p lo y m e n t F o r Rent F o r Rent AL F A ROMEO 1960 c o n v e r tib le , M E R C U R Y 195b hardtop. Stand­ BUICK 1957. B lu e and white S c o o te rs -C y c le s Apartments white. New engine, b a t t e r i e s , IMMEDIATE Apartments ard shift, o v er d r iv e . E xcellent Centu ry. E x c e l l e n t f o r long OPENINGS H A R LEY DAVIDSON 125; new UNIVERSITY EM PLO YEES: At­ t i r e s , top. $1,495. Phone 3 3 2 - engine and body, $ 350. Phone hau ls. V ery good engin e, battery, We are taking applications to fill GIRLS FURNISHED duplex apart­ b attery. 8 0 - 9 0 M PG . Rebuilt last tention! Efficiency apartment 2645. 35 355-9795. 32 ru b b e r. $325. 3 3 2 - 3 5 6 8 . 34 vacancies in this area. Job con­ ment for four girls opposite! W ANT AD O LDSM OBIL E Î95? sedan, h y d r a - FO RD 1^5$ F a i r l a n e . Six c y lin d - C H E V R O L E T I960 con v ertible, s u m m e r . $125. C a ll R u ss , ED 2-4562. 36 sists of servicing existing ac­ close to campus, bus and shop­ Berkey H a l l . Summer term, m a t i c . 55 ,0 0 0 actual m i l e s . Bv ping. B e a u t i f u l l y furnished. utilities paid. $165 month. 332- e r , stick shift. 2 - d o o r sedan. red with white top. Good t i r e s counts and establishing new • AUTOMOTIVE o riginal Ohio owner. No r u s t . $ 225. IV 9-1895; 412 H aze. 34 and body. E x c e lle n t Condition. H A R L E Y DAVIDSON 1963 P a c e r , ones. Applicants must be 24 or Ideal for one. C a l l F a b i a n 2495.____________________________ 37 • EMPLOYMENT 175 c c . P r i c e $ 395. Phone 627- Realty. ED 2-0811 or evenings E xc elle n t condition. Can be seen FO RD i960 Ranch wagon. 4-door, Phone IV 2-6911. 33 over, have car and be interested Houses • FOR RENT at 5007 Tenny. $550. 882-1119. 6048. 33 ED 7-2474. 32 standard shift. Must s e ll at once. C H E V R O L E T 1959 cmiveTnble, in $150 weekly income. For ap­ MODERN HOME on Lake Lansing • FOR SALE 32 VE SPA 1962 m otor s c o o t e r . Runs SU B LET FOR summer, tw o- Phone 4 8 2 -9 0 3 5 evenin gs. 34 bro n ze . Stick shift, rebuilt en­ pointment call Mr. Long, IV fo r Summer t e r m . Married • LOST & FOUND OLDSM OBIL E 1963 ’98* c o n v e r t - and looks like new. Windshield bedroom, 2 -bath apartment for KÂRMANN-GHIA 1959 c o n v e r t - gine, 348 cubic in c h e s. $950. 7 - 3 6 6 3 , Monday-Friday. 32 couple or three-four students. • PERSONAL ible . All white. B lu e in t e r i o r . Phone IV 7-3412. 35 wipers , buddy-seat, re a rv ie w four. Rivers Edge Apartments. ibie. B la c k $695. Must s ell! SALES P O S I T I O N AVAIL­ 339-2597. 35 • PEANUTS PERSONAL Also, S foot truck c a m p e r . Phone m irr o r . 355-5829. 32 337-9559. Apartment 306. 32 ■Ca.ll TU 2 -7 3 9 8 e venin gs. 33 CORV AIR I960 Deluxe ' 7 0 0 ' . 4- A B LE - M ALE High starting Unsupervised h ou s e . Summer • REAL ESTATE OX 9 - 2 9 4 3 . 36 J A M E S 2 5 0 c c . Good condition SUMMER TERM . Close to cam- C H E V R O L E T 1956 B r a k e linings door, automatic. Rad io, he a te r, s a l a r y , plus commissions, in term. Easy walking distance • SERVICE CÛRVAIR 1962 Monza. Radio and 6,000 m i l e s . $ 2 5 0 . C a ll Bob 355- pus on MAC. First floor apart­ and light body. Work needed. new t i r e s . E x c e lle n t condition. an i n d u s t r y with a future. to campus. Comfortable. Util­ • TRANSPORTATION h e a t e r , 102 hp. 4 -s p e e d , 2 -d o o r 0594 between 6 and 9 pm . 32 ment for four men. Air condi­ T h a t ’ s all $310. Must s e l l . 3 5 3 - $750. 6 27-631 4. 32 T ra in in g p ro g ram and fringe ities paid. 332-2769. 33 coupe. C all 3 5 5 - 9 3 3 6 . 32 tioned. $125 each for full term. •WANTED 1424. 33 C O R V E T T E i960. VVhite, 4 - MOTOR S C O O T E R , i960 C r u i s - b e n e fits. W rite C.B. Gould, NEfib TWO cooperative guys to a i r . E x c e lle n t condition. Phone Call Ford S. LaNoble, IV 2-1637 S P R I T E 1961; P e r f e c t through­ FO R D l 9 5 ~ , 2 - d o o r , V - 8 , s tick. speed,. ipjositraction. Two tops. P.O . B o x 127, F lin t , Michigan share furnished house. TV, D E A D L IN E : out. Many e x t r a s . L a s t of the $1,995. 337 -01 56. 33 FE 9-8768. 34 or 337-1276. 32 Radio, $165. Pontiac 1955, 2 - parking. Near Frandor. $35 1 p.m. one class day be­ original Mark I ’ s . C a l l Bi l l BSA 500 c c . Very good condition. DO YOU lik e g i r l s ? Want to have EAST LANSlNC. C'lose-in. Sum- door hardtop. Radio, $90. 3 3 7 - VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Good t i res, month.'IV 9-0767, 6 - 8 pm. 34 fore pub! i cat ion. 355-2528, 32 Reconditioned w i t h all n e w s om e fun and can stand to use mer term. Women only. Space 9142 a fter 8 p .m . 32 good condition. Red c o l o r . Rea SM ALL HOUSE. Ideal for couple Cancellations - 12 noon one O i l V R O lT f 1954 c o n v e r tib le . p a r t s . $575 or best o ff e r. 3 5 5 - $1,200 - $1,500 this su m m e r? for three girls, furnished. $10 FO R D 1960 C ountry Squ ire , nine- so n ab le . C a ll 4 8 2 - 2 0 0 0 after 5 or Grad students. Walk to cam­ class day before pubhcatior E xcellent t i r e s , b a tte ry , top. 0 930. 32 C a l l J e a n at 8 8 2 - 6 6 2 9 . 32 per person; also rooms with p a s se n g e r. New whitewall t i r e s . p.m . • 32 pus. $30 weekly. Phone 332- L it t le ru st. Heater, ra d io, low cooking, $7 per week. Phone ED PH O N E: C r u i s e - O - M a t i c . Radio, power OLDSM O BIL E'1 9 6 2 ‘ 9 8 ’ Holiday-. E m ploym ent W A IT R E S SE S WANTED. G re en 8866. 34 m ileage, $90. 3 5 5 -8 8 2 4 . 32 2-5988 after 6 pm. 34 s tee rin g and b r a k e s . A sharp 4 -d o o r , full power. Fiv e new Meadows G olf C o u r s e . Phone 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 TO SU BLET beautifully decor- SUMMER TERM house. Seven FORD 1963 FaTrTaiie 500, Sport one owner, new c a r t r a d e - in . A1 t i r e s . 18,000 m i l e s . $ 2 ,395. 3 3 2 - P A R T - 1 IME W A IT RE SSE S, good 4 8 5 - 7 2 3 7 o r IV 9 - 5 2 7 0 . 35 ated o n e-bedroom furnished rooms, four bedrooms.Aircon- RA TES: c o u p e . Bucket s e a t s . 16,000 Edwards Co., 3125 E . Saginaw 1348. . 34 working conditions. E x p e r i e n c e EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an apartment fo r summer. $20 ditioning. Suitable for up to six m ile s , still guaranteed. Must (North of Fran d or). C32 not n e c e s s a r y . S e e M r . M i t c h e l l 1 DAY.......... SI.25 MORRIS MINOR Í 9 6 L B la c k with Avon r e p r e s e n t a t iv e T u r n your week. 355-1721, Walt Busby. 36 men. Also available for Fall s a c r i f i c e . Phone IV 2 - 0 2 0 9 . 32 re d s e a t s . 40 M PG . Radio. E x ­ o r M r . B o she ff. No phone c a l l s 3 DAYS. ... .52.50 J . B . ’ s E X C L U S I V E L Y C h e v r o le t f r e e tim e into $$. F o r appoint­ GIRLS- three or four. Unsuper- term. Call Ford S. LaNoble, IV C H E V R O L E T 195S B is c a y n e . Six c e l l e n t condition. Phone 4 8 4 - p l e a s e . E A T SHOP. 605 E , Grand 5 DAYS. . . .53.75 Used C a r s . 1957, 1958 and 1959 ment in your home, w rite o r vised. Furnished, close to cam­ 2-1637 or 337-1276.__________ 32 cylin der, stick shift.Good t i r e s . 7 00 4. 32 R iver. 36 C o n v e rtib les . V- 8 A utom atics. c a l l : M r s . Alona Huckins, 5664 pus. Summer and/or Fall. ED COTTAGE AT Stoney Lake and (Based on 15 words per ad) E xcellent condition. Phone 6 2 7 - R A M B L E R 19607 1960, 4 -d o o r idan. WANTED - HORTICULTURAL New white vinyl tops. F o r the School S t ., Haslett, Michigan, 7-9412, ED 2-3617. 36 Lake Michigan. Sleeps six. June 6497. 33 'Six cy lin d e r. E x c e lle n t c ir.di- student to work on shru bbery at There will be a 25c service sh a rp e st used Chevys in town, o r c a ll evenings, F e 9 - 8 4 8 3 . E A S T LANSING. Deluxe fur­ 1st. - June 20th. $40 weekly. AUSTIN HEALEY IÓÓ-6. Looks ,tion. V e ry good t i r e s . $775. E a s t Lansing r e s id e n c e . Phone and bookkeeping charge if c o m e out to J J 3 . ’ s and b row se C33 nished or unfurnished. For col­ ED 2-4748. 37 and runs good. Wire wheels, Phone 4 8 7 - 5 8 8 0 . Can be seen 332 - 4 0 9 0 . 33 this ad is not paid within overdrive. 3 3 7 -065 6 days. 4 8 9 - around. 2801 S . C e d a r . C SUMMER O F F I C E J O B S lege or professional personnel. SUMMER MODERN home. Fur- on cam pus. 33 C O L L E G E S T U D E N T S, m a l e . one week. 6048 after 6. 34 T y p is t s , s t e n 0 s , t r a n s c r i b e r s ; Three rooms. Phone ED 2-3505, nished, unsupervised. Built-in RAiVlBLER 1963 C l a s s i c 2 -d oo r C ADI I. LAC 1954 sedan. V ery Full tim e s u m m e r work . P a rt e x c e lle n t pay. Apply now. E x ­ 9:30 am-5:30 pm; or E D 2-3135. kitchen. Double bath. Accom­ FORD 19 61 Galaxie V ic to r ia with a c c e s s o r i e s . S m all equity time during school y e a r if de­ good condition. New t i r e s , e l e c ­ p e r i e n c e n e c e s s a r y . No f e e s . The State News does not hardtop. 2 -door automatic. E x ­ and take over p ay m ents. Phone s i r e d . E a r n enough during s u m ­ 32 modates five. Please call 332- tro nic e y e , tinted g l a s s . $295. E M P L O Y E R S OVERLO AD CO. perm it r a c i a f or relig iOUS cellent condition. 30 ,0 0 0 m i l e s . IV 5 - 6 7 0 6 . 34 Phone 641-6317. 32 m e r to pay for e n t i r e y e a r of EIM'HAM WOODS, EYd Ea L 0340.____________________________ 35 discr imination in its ad- 616 M ichigan Nat. T o w e r SI.2 85. Phone 4 8 7 -5 8 8 0 . 33 FORD 1962 5 6 0 X L . scho o ling. Over 15 $1,000 s c h o l ­ VILLA APARTMENTS. P o ol . TH REE BEDROOM; five people, P r i v a t e own- VOLKSWÄGEFT 1 9 S T SïdïïiT 4 8 7-6 071 C34 verti sing c o l u m n s . The OL DSMOBILE Ï T 6 3 S t a r f i r e 2 - e r . Exceptionally c le a n . S e e at a r s h i p s were awarded to quali­ A ir conditioning. Summer and ?20 week, i /2 mile fhom fam- Stare News will not ac :ept door. All power. Low mi l : 2008 M arcus St. 34 c e lle n t condition. $1,000. Phone fied students. On the jo b t r a i n ­ MANAGEMENT~POSrnONS Fall term leases available. ED pus. 484-2674.________________ 37 adverTlsing from persons G o o d Condition. P h o i 4 8 4 - 4 2 0 9 op 3 3 7 -7 6 1 8 . 33 av a ila b le for S um m er 2-5041. C32 d is cr im ina ting against r e - 4-5777, 35 C H E V R O L E T 1958 4 -d o o r B i s - C H E V R O L E T - 1961, 2 - d o o r B i s - ing f o r p r a c t i c a l use of your M a le and F e m a l e - $ 5 2 0 month Rooms c a y n e . Sm all V- 8 engin e. Radio, education during the s u m m e r EAST LANSING. Five” minutes GAMMA PHI Beta sorority house ligior , r a c e , c o l o r or O L D S Ni O B I L F . 1956. Pow er ca y n e Six cy lin d e r, standard m inim u m . E x p e rie n c e not n e c ­ walk from Union. Two rooms h e a t e r. Pow er glide. Whitewall m onths. An earn while you learn open for summer school. $195 natío:lai origin. b ra k e s , radio, exce lle nt body, tra n s m i s s i o n . Low m ile a g e . E x ­ e s s a r y ; p r e f e r p e rs o n e x p e r ­ t i r e s . New two-tone blue finish. p ro g ra m designed by this multi­ and bath, furnished $65. Prefer for 10 weeks. Meals Monday- engine, t i r e s . $350. John C . c e l l e n t condition. Phone 3 7 2 - ienced in c o o k w a r e - s i l v e r - o r S h a r p throughout!! $ 6 85. A1 million d o llar C o rp o ratio n that graduate student or employee Friday. ED 2-6426. 34 3 3 25 . 34 china s a l e s . P e r s o n s e le c te d A utom otive 3 3 2 -5 0 3 9 after 2 pm . 33 Edwards C o ., 3125 E . Saginaw hundreds of students have taken will manage s u m m e r employed of MSU. Available June 1st. BUICK T939 L ie c t r a ~77 22 5 c o n - O L D SM O B IL E 1962 c o n v e r tib le . advantage of. Many of whom are Phone ED 2-5988 after 6 pm. 34 SPARTAN HALL has everythingl Î T f T RÔJMEO !95S C (North of F r a n d o r .) C32 students. World’ s l a r g e s t c o m ­ Singles, d o u b l e s , bachelor ftp X fer. O r i ( US, v e rtib le . / wer, s h a r p . $900 C H E V R O L E T ¡9 56. New motor, Red le a th e r, power, radio and s till with our C o. in key e x e c u ­ EAST LANSING. Fall term. Close c a sh . 372-_'"24. 34 t i r e s , battery, t r a n s m i s s i o n . h e a t e r . Lady’ s c a r . $1,950. tive p o sitio n s. F o r a r r a n g e ­ pany in field. W rite M r . New- in. Unapproved, unsupervised, apartments, $7-10 w e e k l y ; W 4 W J m i l e - . New top. tunneau, land, 3519 S. Divisio n, Grand lower summer rates. Large fur­ 1 1NCOLN 1.957 P r e m i e r e 4-d o o r Must s e l l , best o f f e r . C a l l after Phone ED 2 - 6 6 8 0 . 32 ments of personal interview, men (21). Three man apartment $1,195. “ c 355 -90 26. Rapid s, Michigan. 33 nished rooms with sinks; Fre« hardtop. New two-tone blue fin­ 5:30. 332-8093. 32 CORV AIR MONZA 1961. 2 -d oo r. tim e , schedule and c it y you wish and two man apartment. Alsc C o h V A IR 7 9 0 2. W h i t e r 2-door TV and phone. Approved, super­ ish. Whitewall t i r e s . E x c e lle n t DE SOTO I95~. 4 - d o o r . Automat- E x c e l l e n t upholstery. P o w e r - to work, c a ll Grand Rapids, F o r R en t rooms with cooking. ED 2-5988 wi 1 hie in te rio r, 3-speed OLendale 9 - 5 0 7 9 . A lso Lansing, after 6 pm. 34 vised housing for men; Womens motor and alt power f e a t u re s , ic . Power s t e e r i n g , p o w e r glide, seat b e lt s . $1,175. Phone ti ai S; i Radio and white­ 4 85 -31 46. South Bend, C E n t r a l Aoartments wing summer only. 215 Louis, w alls. L ow m ileage, Owner must A -l condition throughout. $685. b r a k e s . Rebuilt m o to r. C a ll TU TU 2 -6 162 . 33 TH R EE ROOM apartment. P ri- C L O S E IN, cle an ap artm e nt. Sub­ 1 block from campus. 332-2574. A1 Edwards Co., 3125 E . S ag i­ 2 -2 7 1 0 after 3 :3 0 pm . 32 CADILLAC 1959 c o n v e r t i b l e . 4 -9 1 7 9 . Kalamazoo, c a l l Grand vate bath and entrance. Park­ S e ll, E xcellent condition,' B e s t ____________________________ 33 naw (North of F r a n d o r ). C32 Rapids nu mber. 48 l e a s e fo r S u m m e r. T w o people. ing for two cars. Available o ffer. Phone 4 8 9 - 0 6 7 7 afte r 5:30 VOLKSWAGEN 1 9 6 1 s u n r o o f , Fu ll power, unusually fine con­ pm. 48 FORD l95d. V-8 C a la x ie . 4-d oo r, E V E N 1N G S A NDS a t u r d a y s . $85 plus u tilitie s. P hil 332-3331, May 15th. 339-2606. 34 STUDIO SINGLE for man. Re­ windshield w ipers, rad io, good dition, C a ll f o r appointment, C r u i s e - O - M a t i c . Pow er s t e e r ­ Needed immediately, t h r e e c o l ­ 300 MAC. 33 TWO BEDROOM a p a r t m e n t . frigerator, parking. 549 Grove. SUNBEAM ¡963 blue con v ertib le. condition. $1,000. M u s t S e ll. 485-2392. 33 T O S U B L E T T h r e e - r o o m fur­ ED 7-0830 evenings. Summer 2 - a o o r . Low m ileage. Good con­ ing, new t i r e s , radio. Clean P h il, 3 3 2 - 3 3 3 L 300 MAC. 33 lege students, men o n ly .C h a n ce Swimming pool, television, fully nished apartment f o r Sum m e r, term apartments, rooms, cook­ dition. Phone 3 3 7 - 9 2 4 5 . 33 throughout. $675. Phone 35 5 - SPARTAN MOTORS OLDSMOBILE 1957, 4-d oor to e a rn e x t r a $$ for your v a c a ­ furnished. Barbecue pit. Sublet N o students. C a l l 332-347/ i n g - _________________________ 35 ■RIUMPH T R 4 . E xcellent condi- 3123. 32 C H E V R O L E T 1962 Super Sport hardtop. Fu ll power, $300. 1955 tion, n e w c a r payment, e t c . for Summer term or longer. mornings o r e venin gs. 35 SUMMER SCHOOL Coeds live at tion, B lac k; red in te rio r. Wire C H E V R O L E T 1954 black 2 -d o o r . Studebaker, 4 -d oo r sedan. $150. Could work into full tim e dur­ Call 332-4640.________________ 35 C o n v e rtib le. 327 s traig h t s tic k . ECONOMICAL L U X U R Y - s u b - ZTA Sorority house. $195, for Radio and h e a te r, good body, 6 2 7 - 7 5 1 1 ______________________ 37 ing s u m m e r vacation. Dial IV w h e e l s . RS H, tonneau, etc. White, red i n t e rio r. le a s e J o e ' s C e d a r V i l l a g e EYD EA L VILLA 10 w e e k s . Cool, comfortable t i r e s and motor, standard shift. V O L K S W A G E N 1961 rebuilt 4-9793. 34 Phone 3 5 3 -1 5 ~ 0 -T ra d e ? 32 apartm ent. Cheaper than d o rm s , The best deal in furnished apart­ rooms. Sun deck. Meals Monday \ Ol.KS'A AGEN 1962 Sedan. Gulf $150. 355-5961 a fte r 5 :30 pm. 33 m o to r. Real c le a n . Owner leav­ R E G I S T E R E D NURSES, full or Tri um ph 1959 4 -d o o r Sedan. 4- infinitely b e t t e r . $55 month. ments with ample parking space. through Friday. ED 2-5318. 33 VALIANT 1960 red 4 - d o o r . F lo o r ing town must s e l l . B e s t o ffe r p a rt t i m e . 11-7 or 3-11. Good s a l ­ blue. 9,800 m i l e s . L ik e new, in­ speed t ra n s m is s io n . $195. 337-0488. 34 One and two bedrooms, central shift, t r a n s i s t e r rad io, white­ over $900. C a ll 3 3 7 -0 5 1 9 or a r y and differential plus other LARGE COMFORTABLE room side and out. 3 3 “- 2 2 0 3 . 36 AIR CONDITIONED C e d ? r V I I L rec. room, laundry facilities, w alls. E xc elle n t condition. Must O LDSM O BILE 1 9 6 3 F - 8 5 Cut­ 3 3 2 - 0 2 0 3 a fte r 4 p .m . 32 f rin g e be n e fits. F l e x i b l e t im e with desk and easy chair. Near F AI ( ON' i9S3 con v ertib le . B u c k - la ge apartment fo r four to sub­ swimming pool and barbecue s e l l . 33 2-5413. 33 sched ule. Meal furnished. Phone Union. Professional or student. e t s , 4 -s p e ed . Radio. B lack with l a s s Con vertible. 4 - s p e e d , like MOTOR B IK E . Top speed 40 mph. l e a s e fo r s u m m e r t e r m . C all pits. Choice of interior colors. ED 2 - 0 8 0 1 . 48 ED 7-1598. 35 white top, C all 4 8 4 - 6 5 0 9 after FALCON 1960. S t ic k . New e n - new, low m ileage. 125 m ile s p e r gallon. Good c o n ­ 3 3 7 - 0 5 3 8 evenings.___________ 33 Call FID EL IT Y R E A L T Y , E D 2 - gine last fa ll. $5 95. C a ll ED CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A 5041, GEORGE EYD E, ED 2- MEN. COOL. unsupervised, two ^ P11^__________________________ 34_ dition. C all J i m A. 3 3 2 - 5 0 3 9 . 31 SUM M ER R E N T A L S nicely fu r­ 2 - 4 6 9 4 a fte r 7 pm . 32 C H E V R O L E T 1959 Impala. 2 - M ER C U R Y 1954 hardtop. Stick few hours a day can mean e x ­ 0565. C33 double rooms. Parking, phone, MG A 195S, supercharged, wire nished apartm ents o r r o o m s . door hardtop. Automatic t r a n s ­ c elle n t e arn in g s for you as a refrigerator, private entrance. w heels. A - l m echanically, very BLj TCK 1951, two-door hardtop. shift. Good engine. E x t r a s t i r e s . All c lo s e to cam pu s. R e a s o n ­ STUDIO APARTMENT for two. trained Avon re p r e s e n t a t iv e . BD 2-1317 before 9 am or after c le a n . Must s e l l . 3 3 7 - 1 8 3 2 . 32 New b rak e linings and exhaust . m is sio n . A r e a l sharp c a r , $995. $50. 3 5 5 - 6 1 0 9 . 35 a b le . Must be 21 o r o v e r . 3 3 7 - Will rent to one, nicely decor­ F o r appointment in your home, 4 pm. 34 BL'lC K ¡9 5 ” R o a d m as ter con­ s y s te m . Good t i r e s , s t a r t s apd 3000 E. Michigan 2345. 34 ated, furnished. Six blocks from TRIUM PH i960 Herald 2 -d o o r write or c a l l : M r s . Alona v e r t ib l e . All power; six-way runs well. Phone 3 5 5 -7 9 5 8 . 32 IV 7 - 3 7 1 5 C FURN ISHED A PA RTM ENTS for campus. 332-1792 after 5. 35 SORORITY HOUSE open for sum- sedan. V e r y good condition. Huckins, 5664 School S t ., H a s- mer school. $195 for 10 weeks. seat and windows. P e r f e c t con­ C H E V R O L E T 1958 Impala h a r d - th r e e 0 r four p e r s o n s . N ear SU BLET FOR Summer. Newly $595. Call OL 5 -1 8 1 5 a f t e r 5 :3 0 lett, Michigan or c a ll evenings, Meals Monday through Friday. ditio: . S600. Phone 655-2413. t o p . Automatic tra n s m is s io n , c a m p u s. Re aso nab le , c le a n .S u m decorated one bedroom apart­ C H E V R O L E T 1962, 2 - d o o r . Six p .m . 37 FE 9-8483. C32 ED 2-5114. 36 33 V - S . Pow er s t e e rin g , b ra k e s . m e r o r f a l l. U nsuperv ised . 3 5 5 - ment, garage, full basement. c y 1 i n d e r, 1 autom atic. 38,0 00 O L D SM O B IL E 1962 W 4 -d o o r MEN, HAVING trouble fitting a New t i r e s . Good condition, $725. 42 1 0. 32 Enormous back yard. Full kit­ STORYS m i l e s and new t i r e s . Phone IV hardtop. Turquo ise and white. p a r t - t i m e job into a rigo ro u s B r u c e Fox, 332-1414. 33 M EN WANTED im m ed iately to chen, many luxuries included. 4-4997. 34 P ow er s tee rin g , b ra k e s , win- s ched ule? Work s e l e c te d e v e ­ THLNDE R B IRD T 3T M 2 -door s h a r e two bedroom apartment Married couple or grad studens OLDSM OBIL E 1960 ’ 9 8 ’ beige dows, s e a t s , e tc. $2 ,200. Phone nings and Saturd ays only. C a ll t h' hardtop. C an ary yellow. A l l c lo s e to c am pu s. U t il i ti e s paid. only $85 month. All utilities in­ c o n v ertib le with new top. All 627-5203. __________________ 37 M r . Bowdren at 8 8 2 - 6 6 2 6 . 33 power. 44,0 0 0 m i l e s . Excellent Phone 3 3 7 - 0 7 6 7 . 33 cluded except electricity. 332- C O N V E R T IB L E power. Tan and brown i n t e rio r. BUICK 1956, Good condition, good S MA L L BUSINESS m an ag e r. E x - condition. No r u s t . S ell or trad e. EAST S I D E - One bedroom , p o s - 1770. 35 river's e d g e CAPERS $1,695. Phone IV 2 - 8 8 7 5 . 35 transpo rtatio n. B e s t o ffer. Call c e lle n t opportunity. M u s t be Phone OX 9 - 2 9 1 3 . 36 s ib l e 2nd. Fu rnished l o w e r . FO RD 19S8 con v ertib le . C lean, 3 3 2 - 8 0 9 2 a f t e r 12 noon. 37 a v aila ble t h r o u g h s u m m e r . OKEMOS two bedroom duplex; J E E P S T E R 1949. Com pletely r e - t T tilitie s paid. G a r a g e . Couple. new m otor, good top. $500 or O LD SM O BILE 1957 con v e rtib le . P a rt/ full tim e. Apply B o x 22, Nice, clean, garage. $115 a Summer & Fall built. Call 3 3 2 - 3 9 0 7 . 34 $110. C a ll IV 5 - 0 3 3 6 . 32 b est o ffe r. C a ll IV 9 - 4 3 9 3 or Good ru bb e r, no rust. New top. E a s t Lansing, M ichigan . 32 month. Phone 332-2633 or 332- ALVAYS STORY QUALITY F O R D T 9 S 7 C o n v e rtib le. 8- c y l - s e e at 4034 Sweet Rd. 35 TH E V ILL A G E A p artm e n ts. L u x - 8763. 35 Leases Available T a k e trad e . $495. Phone OX 9 - WANTED FOUR d eliv ery boy^ inder, F o r d o m a tic . Sharp con­ C H E V R O L E T 1963 Impala h a r d - urio us living in t h e suburbs. F A L L T E R M student teacher 2009. 35 with c a r . S a la r y plus bonus. AT LOW STORY dition. C all after 4 pm. Phone ED 7 -9 5 3 6 . 34 top. 4-d oo r, V - 8.Sta n d ard shift. R E N A U L T 1 9 6 0 C a r a v e lle , V a r s it y D r i v e - I n . C a l l 332-6517. W a ll-to -w a ll c a r p e t i n g. A i r - conditioning. Laundry f a c i l i t i e s . wants to share apartment winter ED 2-4432 P r o f e s s o r must s e l l , moving. s p o rt s c on v ertible . R e d and 34 and spring terms. Judy, 355- PRICES' 337-7824. 35 white. Two tops. 4-sp e ed . 3 5 5 - W A N T E D -D R IV E R S . “P a r t - t i m e , L a t e s t kitchen f a c i l i t i e s . Two 8698 after 10 p.m. 37 261 River Street OLDSM OBIL E 1963 S ta rfi r e con­ 5773 a ft e r 4 p.m. 35 m o rn in gs, afternoons, nights, b e d r o o m s. E .A . K ra u se , R e a l ­ PARDON OUR B L O OP E R . . v e r t ib le . Midnight m i s t with t o r . 915 W. Grand R i v e r , W il- t) 3 O R V A IR T h e State News was so HONDA 1953 50 Sport. E xcellent weekends. Apply V a r s i t y Cab white in te rio r. 16,000 m ile s . Company. 122 Woodmere, E a st liam sto n. Phone 6 5 5 - 2 6 4 0 . 32 excited about the weekend condition. Call Dick, 3 3 7 -1 2 8 4 Monza C onvertibie, 4 on the Cal l NA 7-5153 after 6 pm . 33 L an s in g . 33 FURN ISHED NEAR cam pu s, one THE FINEST c a r s p e cials we printed afternoons and evenings. 37 floor, radio, he ate r, white OLDSMOBILE ¡964 wagon. WE HAVE an ad m inistra tiv e po­ o r two man apartm ent. Living the wrong info in Bud K out's C H E V R O L E T 1957 4-d oo r, stick w a lls. Story se lls C o n v e r- Loaded with e x t r a s . White with sition for a male graduate who ro o m , bedroom , kitchen, bath. In Student A p artm en ts ad. s hift. V - 8, Yellow and white, iibU'S fo r $ ] 9 9 5 blue i n t e rio r. Will take trad e . can re c o g n ize the opportunity Call 332-5374. 33 1959 C H E V R O L E T needs v ery little fixing and f u s s ­ IV 2 - 6 2 9 0 . 34 fo r an interesting and rew ard ­ 6- c y lin d e r, sedan, automa­ ing. Und erpriced at $495 as i s . DELTA APARTM ENTS C H E V R O L E T 1960 Impala c o n - EDEN ROC tic tra n s m is sio n , radio and ing c a r e e r , who has not l e s s than 233-235 Delta Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 1 B) v e r t ib le , V - 8, s t ic k . White with Sol C o re y ’ s Auto S a le s . 1923 h e a t e r .............................. $495. a middle-ground academ ic r e c ­ blue top. Lo.w milgage, V ery E . M ichigan . IV 4 - 0 2 1 2 . 37 6 2 O L D S M O B IL E (T h is is th e c o r r e c te d ad) ord and, who is strongly m o ti­ HASLETT APARTM ENTS c l ean. 332-6815. 33 M O T O R C Y C L E AJS ¡ 9 5 9 . 650 BUD vated to rem ain in L a n s in g .T h e 3 C o n v e r t i b l e , power C H E V R O L E T 1961 station wagon. twin. $450. Call T U 2 - 3060 a f t e r APARTM EN TS 135-145 Haslett Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 15) work is in our bank’ s tru st de­ stooping, p o w e r b ra k e s, K0 UT S One owner. Six cy lin d e r, stand­ 6 p.m. 35 M C H E V R O L E T _________ p artm e n t a n d will lead to ap­ radio, he ate r, hydramatic, ard shift. 2 6,0 0 0 m i l e s . $1,000. COR VETO ! i960 wh 11e hardtop. N ow U N IV E R SITY T E R R A C E pointment as a s sista n t tru st of­ white w a lls . A Story Con- Phone ED 7-1802. 34 2 90 , f u e l inje ction. 4 - s p e e d , f i c e r . Startin g s a la r y is open 444 Michigan Avenue (Office 235 Delta) v e r t ib l e s p e cial. J J 1 9 5 C H E V R O L E T 1961 con v ertib le . p o s itra c tio n . Phone 3 5 5 - 5 5 9 2 . L e a s in g and com petitive. We want a man Red. V - 8, autom atic. Radio. 35 in his middle to late 2 0 ’ s , whose EVERGREEN ARMS M o v in g ? Fin e shape. Phone IV 4-8179. fo r BUICK 1957, 4-door S pecial. Call p e rs o n a l c ir c u m s t a n c e s suggest 341-345 Evergreen Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 3) G et th is S e e 2825 Mildred Ave. 32 TU 2 -2771. 35 t h a t m ilita r y s e r v i c e is n o t 6 3 O LD S CU TLA SS p ro b ab le , and whose p e rso n al S u m m e r & Fall TPC ALFA ROMEO 1962. Low m i l e ­ Convertible, radio, he ate r, F ree age, good condition. Call IV 7 - c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s w i l l command » ■>$? the r e s p e c t of c lie n ts and a s s o ­ f e a tu r in g wliite w a l l s . Story s e lls c o n v ertib le s for l e s s . Book WALK' DON’ T DRI VE 5449 o r 694-883 1 after 6 p .m . 37 c i a t e s . Telephone M r. Bodell at A m e ric a n Bank and T r u s t Co. Gives the facts about moving. FO RD 1962 Fa lco n, 2-door de­ 487-6141, ext, 291. . 32 2 double bedrooms $ 2 2 9 5 luxe. L e a th e re tte s e a ts , e x c e l ­ Explains the moving estimate. M ALE STUDEN T to a s s i s t handi­ Double bathrooms Shows how charges are deter­ lent shape. Must sell or trad e mined I ts E R E E .. call im m ediately. 6 2 7 - 5 2 5 7 . 37 capped attorney in r i s i n g m o rn­ Walk-in closets Summer & Fall ings a n d r e t i r i n g evenin gs. Air Conditioning Leases Available FO RD 1956 convertib le. White. C om pensation, room and board. Featuring The New University Terrace W all-to wall carpeting 484-1421 • Completely furnished • Wall to wall carpeting V - 8 , autom|tic. Power stee rin g , c le a n , good condition. $ 3 0 0 . Call Evenings between 7 and 10 pm. 4 8 4 -1 9 3 8 . 34 Fully equipped Make your selection now . . . today . . . for the new University Terrace. Reservations for leases 3 3 7 -1 6 1 1 evenings. 37 G I R L S : I F you think y o u c a n s e l l - Full size kitchen • 4 car parking here’s your opportunity to let are being made for the 1964-65 school year. Choose • Air conditioned O LDSM O BIL E 1961,- ‘98’ con­ your s a l e s ability earn fo r you. Elevator while you have a selection. 1 and 2 bedroom apart­ • Snack bar v e rtib le . E xcellent condition. Laundry facilities ments available. /V C JG T M À» /V T E & /C A /V P a r t tim e and full tim e positions • Private Balcony Full power. All other e x t r a s a v a ila b le . F o r p e rs o n a l i n t e r - The Largest Apartments. . .Closest To Campus And Shopping (¿ 4 /1 / i - / ñ J £ G eifteui a i r - conditioning, J V 9 - 5* j a *vi«ft' l l 335-8¿¡55<,oj: c o n c io ( Call zr/S P * Y " ' " « 6 '# ' Ato s Student Stucfe .‘ ¡‘e fviceS- -R-Uiidnig V V rie fe T h e M ay • Dishwashers a ft e r 1 ________________________ pm. : r r j c N r o c ¡ÈHAI C' 32 252 River Street I Cat I or Stop at the Model C H E V R O L E T 1955 V -S .A u tom a ­ R E L IA B L E F U L L and part-time (1 min. from Bogue ? V O WER MAN A c tio n Is t i c , radio, h e a t e r . Whitewalls, 252 Cedar men and women, choose your Street Bridge) i ■■■/ 235 Delta Ph. 332-0838 clean throughput. No ru st. $245. hours. Call between 3-6 pm 3165 E . MICHIC.AN IV 2-1311 332-5051 332-5051 Appliances PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. J im , 355-8965. 37 weekdays. '332-3417. 38 332-8488 332-8488 Monday, May 18, 1 96 4 5 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan ASIN THE 6000 0L'DAYS. ‘Non-White 1*1 A M I S EVERYTHIN^ is ju s t like i t F o r R en t F o r S a le F o r S a le R e a l E sta te S e r v ic e IT5ÖOOD , THE SUN 15 5HININ6.AND W Rooms MEN. ROOM and board. Sum- Call 3 3 2 -3551, ask for Carolyn. SELM ER PARIS wood clarinet. WEDDING DRESS, size 10. White B E A U tlF U L WOODED lot near PICTURE FRAMES-fast service. Excellent condition. Best offer. lace over taffeta. Also four MSU, shopping, schools. Ideal We will make any size you de­ TO BE BACK ON THE MY AI?M FEELS; 6 REAT ! Job Picture formals, sizes 9 and 10. ED home site. O w ner. Phone 3 3 7 - sire . ROBERTS WALLPAPER mer and Fall terms. $155. 525 MAC. ED 2-5555. 34 NEWT SAYLES SEX : "Money 34 2-4052. 37 2 3 4 5 . 34 and PAINT CO. 2513 S. Cedar IV 2-0723 and Two locations, MOUND A6MN Still Poor9 ROYAL PORTABLE typewriter T H R E E BEDROOM Rambler. While the hiring of non-whites UNSUPERVISED. 123 A l b e r t , talks and I ain’t hard of hear­ Large lot, finished basement, E . Michigan IV 5-0882. 37 has increased, there is a need with case. Good condition. Call near Union. Cooking, parking. ing.” Unclaimed diamonds and 355-8213 after 12 noon. 37 attached two-car garage, near STUDENT TV rentals. New 19” for qualitative improvement in Summer, Fa ll. Singles, doubles. watches. Buy them for balance. Mt. Hope- Hagadorn. $15,500. portable, $9 per month. 21” Negro employment, William W. Reasonable. 332-0716. 48 Cash only. C a ll I V 2 -1 4 3 5 . Busch T R O P H IE S - P L A Q U ES 3 3 7 -2 4 9 8 evenings. 34 table models, $8 per month, 17” Layton, director of education for F o r A l l O c c a s io n s table models, $7 per month. All ' 333 A LB ER T St. Two-man room Inc., 201 S. Washington and ask C u s to m E n g r a v in g EAST LANSING - Look at what the Michigan Civil Rights Com­ for balance of term, $25 each. for Mr. Sayles. 33 you can buy for only $18,900: sets guaranteed, no service or mission, said Saturday. 2 4 H o u r S e rv ic e Summer term, six weeks, $30. WILSON G O L f clubs and bag. Twelve weeks $50, includesTV. $55. Tennis sweater, size 40. L A R R Y C U S H IO N S P O R T IN G G O O D S ' 4 bedrooms, f o r m a l dining room, fireplace, attached ga­ delivery charges. CallN ejacTV Rentals. IV 2-0624. C « £ -q . ! (; .U N FO RTU N A TELY Addressing the Human Rights Insitute in Erickson Kiva, Layton International House, 337-2448 Call 355-1009. 34 3 0 2 0 V i n e ....................IV 5 -7 4 6 5 rage, f u l l basement, wooded +V, RADIO, PHONO REPAIR stressed the need to deal with or 372-0330 nights. 36 1 B lo c k N . o f M ic h ig a n A v e . landscaped lot, completely car­ Don’t Search—Call Church recruitment and promotion of STEREO - VOICE of Music. Four peted. Near schools and MSU. IV 2-5608 RESPONSIBLE GIRLS over 21. J u s t W e s t o f S ears on V in e employed non-whites. speakers, wood cabinets. Best Contact Mike Halstead 489-6561, Prompt Service-New &Used Sets A t t r a c t i v e r o o m available! ‘‘The promotional picture in offer. Call 355-2928 after 5:00 AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG-Demon- e v e n i n g s 694-7361. W a l t e r CHURCH TV SERVICE Another next term. Some cook­ employment is not good,” he said. pm. 33 strator sewing machine. Button­ Neller Co., Realtors.________ 33 808 W. Willow, Lansing C ing. Close in. 337-1598. 34 "In many places, Negroes are MfeN’S 3-speed English bike. holes, sews on buttons, mono­ EAST LANSING, by owner. Very T y p in g S e rv ic e working far under their poten­ F o r S a le New baskets, chain, lock, $30 grams, makes beautiful designs, desirable a r e a . Three bed­ TYPING. Term papers, theses, tial.” EIGHT FOOT pram with oars. or best offer. 355-6101. 34 etc. Only $48. 20 or small rooms, study, recreation room. stencils, etc. Experienced. 337- MAN'S ENGLISH bicycle, full monthly payments. Still carries $27,000. Phone 337-0223. 36 $50. Call 669-9602. GENUINE" HORSEH1DE br own 34 size. Also, Super " K ” Go-Kart. Call after 4 pm. ED 7-9536. 34 original guarantee. Will accept 1054 LlLA C . Just off campus. Two trade-ins. Call OL 5-2054. C35 1527 or 332-6855. 48 ‘ In d e c is io n ’ U.S. A fric a n P o licy briefcase. 12” x 15” ; t h r e e bedroom brick Cape Cod. Tw o EXPERT compartments. Can be locked. BOOKCASE BED, plus springs SEWING’ MACHINE Singer con- fireplaces, screened porch, ga­ • Diss ert ati on We should be surprised that layed recognition for some time. Thus they have been the only and mattress. Double dresser, rage. Spacious shadedyard.Call Communism did not come ear­ DeBois called this an example party to "consistently champion See at 229 Shepard. $20. IV sole automatic zig-zag; equip­ •Manuscript night stand, and bookcase. Call ped with dial control for lovely Major Hollway 355-2182 or 337- lier to Africa, a member of the of the overriding characteristic the cause of Africans.” They 2-4514. 33 •Thesis typing A m e r i c a n Universitites Field of U.S. policy in Africa—“ per­ have always been able to speak 487-0101. 33 designs. Buttonholes, appliques, 1164.__________ 34 USED 16 mm Sound projector; out for social justice DuBois STEVENS COAX 15", $130 pair; overcasts and all general house­ 503 CORNELL-Attractive two- 332-5545 Service said recently. sistent indecision.” A-l condition, $65 and up. Van’s bedroom. Walk to MSU.Carpet­ Speaking before the profes­ Communism has made gains said. Electro Voice 15” Trlax, $45; hold sewing. Make nine pay­ ’ Camera Shop. 1615 E . Michigan ing, washer, dryer. By owner, DISCOUNT TO students and fa­ sion international affairs frater­ in Africa because it has many VM amplifier, $15; Tuner-am- ments of $6.84 p e r mont h. Still, Communism has not made IV 5-4369. 36 ED 2-6748. 36 culty. Complete typing service, nity, Delta Phi Epsilon, Victor appeals, he said. To a continent a s e r i o u s advance in Africa. pllfier, $45; VM changer with PHONE OL 5-2054. C35 FORMICA TA BLES“(8), $75. Re- stereo cartridge, $22; Stereo 27' Ho u s e trailer. Call TU 2- theses our specialty. IBM Ex­ DuBois c i t e d Africa’s racial urgently requiring g r e a t ad­ S e r v ic e Toure found it necessary to expel frigerator, $50. Call 332-5402. amplifier, $45. All 90 day guar­ ecutive o r Selectric typewri­ problems, chronic poverty and vances it offers a revolutionary 2771. 35 the Soviet ambassador, as did ___________34 ters. Superior offset printing economic disparity as factors in­ philosophy, one that appeals to the Congo regime. antee. Also, special prices on PORTABLE TYPEVVRITER-Oly- WHY PAY MORE? For profes­ ARMY TW uniform, size 36-38; Kenwood, Fisher, Scott equip­ In black and white or color. viting Communism. students and offers the promise mpia Precision. Buy the finest. sional d r y cleaning, WEN- miscellanous khakis, fatigues. B .J. Press, ED 2-2961 or ED Communism’ s principle foot­ of change. The tendency, he said, is for ment and Argos speakers. H i-Fi Term s available. Hasselbring DROWS. Pants, skirts, sweat­ Excellent condition. 355-3224. 7-0971 after 5:30 p.m. C33 hold in Africa was gained in 1958, The Communists have a great the new leaders to seek out an Buys (Disc Shop). 323 E . Grand Co. 310 N. Grand IV 2-1219. ers, 60£ Plain dresses, suits, 34 "entirely new philosophy of gov­ River. 9-9; Saturdays 9-6. 30 C35 coats, $1.19. 3006 Vine St. 1/2 TYPING IN my home. 15 years he s a i d , when Guinea’s Sekou advantage as they are not asso­ POODLE PUPPIES A.K.C.Phone BEDROOM FURNITURE. L i k e block west of Frandor. C33 secretarial experience Electric Toure sought assistance from ciated with the former colonial­ ernment, using ideas from many SHERWOOD 64 watt Stereo am- sources." IV 9-9668. Will sacrifice. 36 new. Will sell separately or Typewriters. IV 7-0619. C35 the East. ist regimes. plifier, $175. Viking Stereo tape LANSING RADIO and TV is now ENGLISH 3-speed b i c y c l e s . complete. Call 372-1599 after making service calls to thecam- TYPING in my home. Shirley This was the result of virtual deck, $175. Ensign changer $25. $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & 5:30. 33 332-4121. Ken Roberts. 35 pus. 9 am to 9 pm. Call us IV Decker, 2654 Melville, E . L. ostracism of Guinea by France G IFTS, 201 E . Grand River, MENS SUITS and Sports Coats, 4-0921. 205 N. Cedar. 36 Phone 332-0721. C and the subsequent impossibility D R I V E QUILTED INSULATED u n de r- of obtaining urgently needed aid - IN across from Union. ED 2-3212. size 41 long, $3-$8. 16 mm Re­ C vere Movie Camera, $19. Heavy wear. Never worn. $12' (save JÓB RESUMES 10Ö copies, $4.00. in the West. The U.S. even de­ TH R A Ttf $6.) Also heavy bike, $10. 355- types of diapers to choose from. Aldinger Direct Mail advertis­ MHm Southw est L *n of Lansing Oft 1 * 7 8 DOBERMAN P 1 N C H E R 1 Vh leather gadget bag, $7. Plastic Bulk wash for cleaner, whiter years. AKC Championship blood gadget bag, $1.50. Ladies golf 2581. 35 ing. 533 N o r t h Clippert._ IV diapers, fluff dried and folded. 5-2213. ‘ C • line. Color; blue-black. 332- clubs, 4 irons, two woods, bag, WHITE WEDDING gown, silk or- Use yours or rent ours. Contain­ N O W ! E N D S T U E S . (2) H IT S ] 4083 between 5-7 pm. 33 ganza. Chapel train, veil. Size $8. 24” barbecue grill, $3. T - B IC Y C L E SALES, service and square, $1.75. ED 7-1840. 34 rentals. East Lansing, Cycle, TV T A B LE model Zenith. Good 12. For rent or sale. 337- 0317.____________________________ 37 ers furnished. No years experience. By-Lo Diaper deposit. 25 ED lE STARR, typist. dissertations, t e r m papers, Theses, Swedish ). (1) AT 8 : 1 5 l I HIT NO. (2) AT 10:40 | 1215 East GrandRiver.Call 332- picture. 3/4 roll-away bed. Best Mobile Homes 8303._________________ C HOUSE T R A ILER . __________ 50* x 1U\ 1964 Service. 1010 E . Michigan. IV 2-0421. C general typing. Experienced, IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C Economist Billy Wilder's TWO Funniest Hits! offer. Call 484-4009. 34 probL em ? Commander. F r o n t kitchen. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? C a l l SH1RLEÏ M A R ib rt T O N Y J A C K PISTOL: 22 Ruger Bear Cat, 100 F E E T 3/4” 800 pound high single six, with leather holster. pressure spring hose. John Bean Take over payments. IV 4-6207. Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. TERM PAPERS, theses, and re- Small dents to large wrecks. ports done in my home. Exper­ To Ta lk ja é n Q LEMMON MaeLdtNE M O N * * C U R T IS iPM M Q ff Excellent condition. $35. Call 34 Ragnar Bentzel of the Stock­ gun. 72 cubic feet Aqua Lung RICHARDSON 1963T 10' x 50'. American and foreign c a r s . ienced. Phone IV 5-7591. 33 355-0761. 34 holm School of Economics will blUY WILDER'S Buh WILDER tank. 15 foot Chris Craft ski Bedroom at e a c h end. Lo w Guaranteed work. 489-7507.1411 fl’oduCfiO,t T EFLO N frying p a n s , house­ speak to faculty and students wares and gifts. ACE HARD­ boat with 95 hp Chrysler in­ board. Call after 7 p.m. 489- equity. Must sacrifice. Phone E a st Kalamazoo.______________ C W a n t e d Monday on "Economic Planning ”IRM8 SbMEÜRE 641-6604 evenings. 36 DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers WOULD LIK E general housework in Sweden.” WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E . Grand River, across from Union. ED 1644.____________________________ 35 193T AMERlCAN 36TT T 0 ” One returned either yours or ours. His talk is scheduled for 34 Dote" iT H d T APARTMENT S I Z E spin dry With our service, you may in­ and ironings. Also cleaning. IV TFCHNICOIOR' 2-3212.____________ C washers. Use it for the family bedroom. Very good condition. clude two pounds of baby clothes 5-6216. 35 Union at 3 p.m. PANAVISION* ..1F1 AM PLIFIER, Pre-amp Dyn- Located on lot near campus. wash. Cheaper than using Coin that do not fade. Diaper pail fur­ WANTED, GARAGF to rent In [THISPICTUMISroí »PULTSOHRT]8 aco, 40 watts. Phone 337-7167 ED 7-2379. 33 nished. or 355-7679. 33 Ops. See the Hoover Spin Washer East Lansing area. Phone 337- Frame Speaks On MLEASEDTM »UUNHIDARTISTS at S t o r a g e Furniture Sales. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE E L E C T R IC DRYER 1960 Coro- P e rso n al 914 E . Gier Street 9669 after 5 pm. 33 Matrix Functions rS T A R T S W EDNESDAY! I nado. Also Capital cabinet sew­ Term s available 4601 N. US 27. IV 2-0864 C SENIOR LOOKING for apartment ing machine. Very reasonable. IV 7-0173. C33 JAMES BROWN SHOW featuring J. Sutherland Frame, profes­ F IR S T L A N S IN G SH O W IN G ! the Famous Flames, Johnny and Contact Lens SPECIA LIST for In- and roommates for Summer and • Call Ml 5-7620. 34 T Y P E W R I T E R , PORTABLE sor of mathematics, will talk on I d M i i i iiiH iQ y g r DR. LAO’S COMING TO TOWN! Remington with case. Excellent B ill, Bobby Byrd, Anna King vislble Beauty. 500 Creative Fall terms, near campus. Kathe, "Functions of a Matrix with Ap­ E L E C T R IC PORTABLE type- condition. Very reasonable. Call and a big orchestra. Lansing Fashions in Glasses. Capital 332-3465. 36 writer, stereo turntable, ampli­ plications” at 4 p.m. today in the fier, H iFi speaker, adding ma­ chine, tools, single bed. Phone Judy E . after 5 p.m. ED 2- 0851. 35 Civic Center. June 5th 9-1 p.m. Advance tickets on sale at Cam­ pus Music Shop. Optical Studios, 115 E . Michigan IV 2-7434. 37 T Y P I N G . MIMEOGRAPHING, C WANTED BI CYCL E . A good used woman's English bicycle. Phone Engineering Auditorium. 7 fA C M ft.lA 0 332-6792._________________ TWO OVAL loop rugs. 9’ x 12l 35 B IC Y C LE , GIRLS, 26.” Lock, basket included. Must sacrifice 1 IF YOU ARE a careful driver, P u b l i c Stenographer, Dicta­ 355-9927. 36 Humanist Leader and 12’ x 15’. Call 372-1599 Call Judy E . ED 2-0851 after you may qualify for State Farm’ s phone and other machine tran­ MALE/ GRADUATE student or Gives Final Talk after 5:30 pm. 33 5 p.m. 35 t o p - n o t c h protection at rock- scripts. D i r e c t mailing ser­ upper classman to share mod­ Tom Steinfatt, Lansing grad­ bottom rates. Call or see your vices. Reasonable rates. Em er­ ern, furnished apartment with uate student and president of State F a r m agent today. ED gency service. WashburnSecre- pool; over 21. 337-1013. 34 the Humanist Society will give CI0RCE UlEin Presents the 11th R n n u n l.... KARMANN, IV 5-7267, in Fran­ tarial Service. 485-1331 day or the third and final lecture in the dor. C33 evenings. 33 15: TuBes T R a d E HI-FI amplifier", iHTwSFt society’s series on Humanism TV SERVICE calls rbvpo&t xMV^Z n m m \ COMESTA? THAT'S Italian for come and stay in our office long discounted 25%, except picture Harmon Kardon, VM turntable Tuesday, at 8 p.m. in 33 Union. for good three or four inch belt The lecture is entitled "God: tubes. Estimates on shop ser­ THURSDAY • FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY JULY 2 • 3 •4 • 5 enough for us to insure your sander, portable. 489-1646. .15 Does He Exist?” and is a com­ vice. Acme TV, IV 9-5009. C Ih* m o l i s i i f Jon 4 MAJOR EVENING CONCERTS home, car, or whatschamacall- prehensive consideration of the Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. at 8:30 F R E E ESTIMATE ON your move it. Bubolz Insurance. C33 TO RENT a garage in East Lans­ major proofs'of God’ s existence. Sunday at 6:00 anywhere in the world. Phone A1RBOUND FOR accents conti­ IV 5-2241, Bekins Van Lines. ing or Lansing. Call Pete after featuring AFTERNOON CONCERTS ¡day A Saturday at 2:00 nental? Air accident insurance Ask for Jim. C35 5 at 332-6727. 33 from Bubolz costs less, can C A M P U S t h e G r e a t e s t be arranged in advance higher limits. Bubolz 332-8671. and for EXCLUSIVE DETROIT TIGER AGENCY S E I3 L I3 B F ^ ^ ■ aenTifniìw r ••__________________________C33 Names in Ja zz R e a l E sta te for LAST 4 DAYS 65< to 5:30 Eve. 90? •S P E C IA L G R O U P R A T E S • EAST LANSING- Marble School, 0 Tickets to Evening and Sunday :20 - 3:20 - 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:35 three bedroom and den, or four Games E V E N IN G CO N CERTS I For Tickets and bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, CapeCod. • Official 1964 Tiger Yearbooks ROMANCE and SUSPENSE! A ll se a ls Reserved Program Information: Carpeting, recreation room, $3.50, 4.50, 5.50 AFTERNOON CONCERTS dishwasher, d i s p o s a l . 1825 M y Jones A ll G e n e ra l A dm issio n $ 2 .0 0 ox Seat Inform ation on Request NEWPORT JAZZ FESTIVAL NEWPORT. RHODE ISLAND Linden. ED 2-6443. 36 WMAMOUNT NEWS CENTEN rassano brazo leorgesainted 211 Evergreen - Behind Gibsons Bookstore — On Mail Orders, add 25 cants - geonjiam oll FRANDOR ^ X. More Than 50%off BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS | T O D A Y thru D a rb P u rp o s e nichelinepiesle ; THURSDAY T E C H N IC O LO R . Presented At. . . w I Classical Record Offer T h eatre STARTS FRIDAY 7 :0 0 - 9:15 0 k m * 3 3 Z - iB i+ D Twin-Hit Show! DARRYL F. ZANUCK’S Burt L a n c o s t e r Hundreds of C l a s s i c a l r e c o r d s including chi ld re n’ s P r o d u c t io n o f Kirk L a n c a s t e r »» “ Music M a s t e r ’ ’ s e r i e s , George F e y e r and all the g r e a t compositions and a r t i s t s . "THE GRAPES OF WRATH “ SEVEN DAYS IN MAY” by JOHN STEINBECK Starring Henry F o n d a - J a n e D o r w e l I, COMPLETE CATALOG Audrey Hepburn John Carradine-D oris Bowdon-Chorley Grapewm “ BREAKFAST F R I ! “ A P O IN T O F O R D E R ’ AT TIFFANY’S” STEREO and MONO Classical Records D ue to th e 99 A N F P R I S E NTS P O O R NEVER BEFORE AT THESE PRICES!!! ab n o rm al su b je c t m atter W H IT E ' ‘Music Master Series” 1 7 7 ALL OTHER O 7 7 VOX TWINS 0 H of th is T R A S H and selected Reg. 4.98 LP’s L R ,s ' 6 , s u m o tio n no ch ild ren a llo w e d p ictu re SUtting «TER GRAVES -¡M< LUA MILAN DOUGLAS EOWLEY —d TIMCAREY w ith or w itho u t their p a r e n t s """" Auditorium Box Office Hours For MORE INFORMATION or PHONE ORDERS CALL RECORD DEPTS. Starts Wednesday 12:30 • 5:00 PM daily Phone 355-0148 ____ mW 540 Frandor IV 5-7217 GRINNELLS open Mon. T u a * . Fri. to 9 _________ 6 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michig an Monday, May 1 8 , 196 4 Track Depth Begins To Show MSU with a 1:52.8 victory in the MSU's Bob Moreland, injured Herbert, John Robertson, and By JERRY MORTON 880 and by running anchor on the at the Penn Relays, made his Dave Mutchler swept the discus State News Sports Writer victorious m i l e - r e l a y team. strongest showing In r e c e n t with Mutchler winning the shot Spartan track fans had a double Defending c o n f e r e n c e mile weeks when he placed second in put. d o s e of.excitement at R a l p h champion Jan Bowen won his spe­ the 100 behind Chicago’s Henry Other MSU f i r s t w e r e re­ Young Field Saturday. ciality in 4:12.9, and league broad Wiebe. corded by Ron Horning, 660-> They saw the Green and WTiite j u m p champion J i m Garrett Wlebe also captured first In yard run; Ayo Aziklwe, 330-yard defeat the Chicago Track Club, turned in a leap of 23’ 3” in his the 220 with Walker Beverly hurdles; Dennis Radke, pol e N e t t e r s W i n T w o ; 84-53, but they also had a chance first effort since he Joined the placing second. vault; and Fred McKoy, high to watch an Olympic star and an team after spring football. T h e Spartan t r i o of Tom jump. outstanding long-distance runner L e a g u e M e e t N e x t perform for the opposition. The Spartans will make final second singles with Shelton win­ ning over Dave Rosenberg 6-1, The Spartans had litttle trouble gaining the victory with first- place finishes in 10 of 15 events. Golfers Suffer LosPlay T preparations for the BigTenten­ 5-7, 6-1 in third singles. One of Chicago’s firsts was and White was Bob Meyer who ing with the University of Mich­ nis meet Monday and Tuesday Michigan State’s g o l f team Other singles winners for MSU earned by Willie May in the 120- shot a 73-79-152. Runner-up was igan. State won the first meet, after capping two of three con­ dropped a close non-conference w e r e Charlie Wolff, L a b r d yard hurdles. May, who won a Phil Marston with a 78-75-153. at Forest Akers, on May 2. tests in Minneapolis over the decision Saturday, to Northern Warner, and Dave Click who cap­ silver medal In the 1960 Olympic O t h e r scores w e r e ; Shep The match is the final tune- weekend. Illinois, 18 1/2-17 1/2. tured v i c t o r i e s in two-set games, turned in a winning time Richard, 76-81-157; Ken Benson, up for State linksters before the MSU decisioned Minnesota, The loss to last year’s num­ matches against their Gopher of 14.2 to beat MSU’s F r e d 78-81-159; Dick Marr, 83-81-164; Big Ten Championships at Minn­ 8-1, Saturday a f t e r whipping ber two small college team left foes. McKoy. and Doug Swartz, 83-81-164. eapolis next Friday and Saturday. Wisconsin, 6-3, and losing to State with an overall dual meet Hal Higdon, the first American Today, the Spartans will wind Coach John Brotzmann will take Indiana 7-2 on Fridav. mark of 7-11. Their conference T h e doubles t e a m s of Tom finisher in last fall’s Boston mar­ up their dual meet season at Ann ten men to Michigan and will play Now the Spartars have played record stands at 6 - 6 . J a m i e s on-W o l'f f, O’Donnell- athon, won the two-mile event in Arbor with their second meet­ only 18 holes. each team in the conference and Leading scorer for the Green S he It on, and Warner-Mike 9:17.5 fo r C h i c a g o Saturday. will carry a 6-3 loop record and Youngs all recorded victories. OLYMPIC FORM -Silver medal winner in 1960, Willie May, Higdon was pushed most of the 14_e overall mark into this week­ The Spai tans will leave for clears high hurdle in 130-yd. race on way to winning event way by MSU’s E ric Zemper and end’ s Big Ten meet at Evanston. at Ralph Young Field Saturday. May competes for the Chi­ Evanston early Wednesday morn­ Dick Sharkey. The Green and White won the ing and begin play Thursday. cago Track Cluh. Photo by George Junne. Sophomore Mike Martens led top five singles matches and number two doubles against the Batsm en T ry A g a in T o S to p W o lve s Badgers, but they captured only second and third singles against the Hoosiers. MSU won all, hut the first sin­ Despite showing Nsigns of needed as he allowed only five Look. But the Wolverines got it gles, while whipping the Gophers By DUANE LANCASTER hits and one run in the seven back in the fourth on singles w h ite a c c e n ts State News Sports Writer breaking out of a current batting Saturday. s l u m p Saturday, the Spartans inning nightcap. by outfielder A1 Bara and Laslo. Dwight Shelton and T o ny State’s baseball team (18-10) were unable to break out of their The Spartans scored their tally Krasnan relieved Ellward in fo r th e g ra d u a te . . . O’Donnell finished the weekend will t r y to salvage something losing Streak and bowed twice in the second inning on a lead- the second inning and allowed with a sweep of their three sin­ from a dying season this after­ to the Wolverines, 6-3 and 4-1. off double by Sutton and singles only three hits and no runs in chic s c a r a b jew elry gles matches. noon at 3:30 on Old College Field by Billings and catcher Bruce five innings of work.______ U-M h i t t e r s worked o v e r Against Minnesota, O’Donnell when Michigan returns the Spar­ starting pitchers John Krasnan tan's weekend visit to Ann Arbor. a n d a l e a t h e r c lu tc h stopped Mack Lutz ~-5, 6-1 in and John Ellward early in each contest to extend the Spartan win draught to six games and b a g . . . gi fts t h a t a r e Intramural News drop the losers to 5-6 in the Big Ten. Michigan, 9-1 In loop play, DELIVERY SERVICE s u r e to p l e a s e . will be on duty at the east main took over sole possession of A l s o in c o l o r s . MEN’S 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. entrance of the Intramural Build­ first place on the twin win as Softball Schedule last week’s leader Minnesota was ing between the hours of noon and 1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. The upset twice by Ohio State. Fast Curb Service Pi n. 2 . 0 0 Field 5:20. p.m. The pattern of the two U-M 1'— A.E. Pi-Sigma Chi contest ends May 29. Clutch. 3 .0 0 2 — Phi Delta Thera-Pi Kappa Entries aiv now being accep­ State g a me s was the sari':?. Michigan scored in the early Foot Long Hot Dogs - Hamburgers - Subs Phi ted for the f oil Fencing I’our- innings and held un to get the Bracelet 3 .0 0 3 — Bum Set-Thelma Thigs nament. A l l interested parties win. 4 — A .F . ROTC-Ag. Econ. 5 — B ow er-M ontie may sign up iri the Intramural i iffice o the Fencing room. But cards and fees arc a ls o Poi . ever iiio had ttu ee hits t< pace the Spartans 12—tit* attacl VARSITY DRIVE-IN Earrings. 2 .0 0 6 — M o v e r s-W a rt & Court 7 — Asher-Kiljoys being act epted for the Individual and Michigan secoi ct baseman P ric e p lu s fe d ta x 8 — West Shaw 3-8 Golf Tournament. Tom Lasio had four of his team’s 9 — Keystone Kids-Uollar 65 16 safties. WOMEN'S Dave Campbell, who attended 10 — Hustiers-Mo Fu’s 6:30 p.m. Trock and Field Lansing Sexton High School. star­ 1 — Biochemlstry-Atom Smash­ ers All entries for the Women’ s Track and Field Meet are due in ted off the second game with a three run homer off Ellward Jacobsons 2 — Paperbacks-Minrods (Open) the Women’ s Intramural Office by in the first inning. 1 nat was 3 — Wooster-Wolfram 9 p.m. all Wolverine hurler Bill Wahl 4 — Woodward-Worship 5 — East Shaw 4-10 6 — Bailey 8 -Arpent 7 — Six Pak-East Shaw 9 8 — West Shaw 7-Winchester M onday S to re H o u rs - 9 :3 0 A .M . To 5 :3 0 P .M . 9 — Carthage-McTavish 10 — Caravelle-East . Shaw 1 7:40 p.m. 1 — Embers-McBeth 2 — Wilding-Snyder 12 3 — Cavaller-Snyder 10 4 — Brutus-Emperors 8:50 p.m. 1 — Bethal Manor-Movers 2 — Snyder 14-Embassy 3 — Wildcats-Bristol . \ Headquarters ?♦ 4 — McLean-Argonaughts T H E S A F E W A Y to s ta y a le r t Across From Berkey Hall Independent Volleyball Time Gym I (Ct. 1) w ith o u t h a r m fu l s tim u la n ts 6:30 — Vets-Montie 7 — Red Trojans-Elsworth 7:30 — Bower-Thelma Thigs NoDoz keeps you mentally alert with the same safe re­ Next time monotony makes you feel drowsy while driving, Watch Tomorrow’s 8 — Evans Scholars-Ag. Econ. fresher found in coffee and working or studying, do as Notices tea. Y e t NoDoz is faster, handier, more reliable. Abso­ millions do . . . perk up witii safe, effective NoDoz tablets. State News Page 3 The Intramural Sports Skills l utely not ha bi t- f ormi ng . Another fine product of Grove laboratories. Baseball Throw contest begins today. Anyone interested in en­ tering this contest may do so by reporting to the supervisor who Soccermen brisk, bracing livelier lather Trip Alumni for really smooth shaves! the original spice-fresh lotion! 1.26 Rainclouds threatened and the alumni threatened, but neither was able to dampen the perform­ lasting freshness ance of the Spartan soccer team Saturday afternoon. glides on fast, If there was any outburst at never sticky! 1 00 the third a n n u al old-timers game, it was the explosive boot of forward George Janes, who accounted for three goals In a 4-0 varsity wain. Janes, runner-up fo r team scoring honors last fall with 13 goals and 11 assists, took com­ mand at the outset with a first period score. Janes evaded de- to u tu r e g lo v e s fensemen twice more In the final quarter to seal the scoring. d e t if n » < l lo r J a c o b s o n ’s Larry Christoff tallied the only other goal for the varsity on an b y E l a y n e . . . c l e v e r s u m m e r a c c e s s o r i e s o f w a s h a b l e , s tre tc h assist from Jean Pierre Diane. For Diane, It was his first start­ n y l o n ¡ e r s e y with g r o s g r a l n b u t t o n s b o v t s . O n * s i z e fits al l. ing role after being sidelined most of the '63 season with a leg injury. " B u tto n s" in b e i g e / c o f f e e o r w h ite / m u lti- c o lo r . State was not without competi­ tion, however. Bill Schwarz, last Shortie, 4 .0 0 M id - a r m , 7 .9 8 S H U LTO N season’ s l e a d i n g scorer and former captain Sam Donelly were " B o w s " in b e i g e , w h it e o r b l a c k w i t h m u lti-c o lo rs . among the newer additions on the alumni roster, Other ‘63 per­ S h o r t ie , 5 . 9 8 M id - a r m , 6 . 9 8 formers In old-timer togs were ., . ‘ . ; “St**i *.* r. iTI' £1 t >f? George Rendon and Art Dworken. Also on hand for Saturday’s that crisp, clean masculine aroma! contest were former All-Am eri­ can forwards Erich Streder (’59) J (K 'i)h s im s and Reinler "Dutch” Kemeling.