Inside Weather M IC H IG A N Fair apd cooler today; high N EW S Mock primary, p. 5; Seniors in mid-70’s; fair and warmer of the week, p. 3; Gifts and Tuesday. grants, p. 3. STATE U N IV E R S IT Y E a st Lansing, Michigan Price 10< T r u s t e e s A p p r o v e R e c o m m e n d a t io n s To Ea se Cam pus D r i v in g P r o b le m s Provisions Include Johnson Asks Nation S ta ff, S tu d e n t Fe e To Fight Poverty, Bias B a n E s ta b lis h e d F o r C ars By G E R R Y H I N K L EY B etw e en 7 A .M .-6 P.M. State News Campus Editor In a semi-political graduation s p e e c h , President Lyndon B. The B o a r d of T r u s t e e s forma lly approved Johnson attacked poverty, racial administration re comm endations designed to prejudice and ignorance and may solve parking and driving problems h e r e . have coined the catch-phrase of his administration. To be Instituted beginning fall term, one of the main provisions It seemed to some of the 90,000 would ban student driving on campus between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. who filled theUniversity of Mich­ on classdays. Fully disabled students certified as such by the health igan stadium Friday that Johnson service will be allowed to drive but must obey the same regulations was christening his administra­ as University employees and pay the same fee. tion "The Great Society” follow­ Another major provision would establish a parking fee for ing the tradition of Franklin D. all employees. President John A. Hannah has maintained that em­ Roosevelt’ s New Deal and John ployees cannot expect the Board of Trustees to pay for them to F . Kennedy's New Frontier. park their cars. Johnson called upon the best minds in the country to help win P a rk in g R e s tr ic tio n s the fight for the Great Society. ANCHOR MAN SHERM LEWI S H EADS HOME-Omego Phi P si broke all Junior 500 records Sat- "The solution to these prob­ urday with a time of 2:58,3 seconds under the existing record set in 1963 by SA E. The student driving ban will Include the area bounded by Michigan lems does not rest on a massive and Grand River Avenues on the north, Hagadorn Road on the east, program in Washington, nor can Phpto by Ken Roberts Harrison Road on the west, and the Grand Trunk Western railroad it rely solely on the strained re­ tracks on the south. Students will be allowed to drive on access sources of local authority,” he said. Sets 2:587 Record routes to their parking areas anytime, however. Resident and commuter student parking west of Farm Lane be­ “ They require us to create new tween West Circle Drive and the Red Cedar River will be re­ O Phi Psi Wins ‘5 0 0 ’ concepts of cooperation—a crea­ stricted at all times. tive federalism—between the na­ Graduate assistants, graduate research assistants, special grad­ tional capltol and the leaders of uate research assistants, departmental graduate assistants, pre- local communities.” doctoral fellows, assistant instructors enrolled for 10 or less While the stadium audience of fraternity queens through East showed their approval with vig­ Ingredients for a Junior 500 the women’ s division with a 3:10.8 credits, resident hall assistants and spouses of students who are winner: take a crack relay team clocking. Lansing, along C ircle drive and full-time employees may park in any legal parking space south orous applause, a dozen dissent­ ending at the stands by the fin­ of track stars, give them a cart Gamma Phi Beta placed sec­ of the Red Cedar. ers marched outside the cement ish line. The queens took turns saucer. to push and set them loose on ond followed by Delta S i g m a They may also drive on north campus, but may not park there. Theta in the women’s run-off. riding in the lead car before each The report also indicated that added parking facilities may even­ The crowd inside, however, C ircle Drive. Also In the final heat were Alpha of the heats. tually be provided on north campus so that spouses of students enthusiastically received John­ Omega Phi Psi fraternity used Gamma Delta and Kappa Alpha employed full time can park nearer their place of work. P R E S I D E N T JOHNSON A T U -M -Flankedby Michigan Gov­ son's four-point challenge to this combination for a record- Theta. The Treblemakers entertained They will park in gated lots in the south campus area or the ernor George Romney and University of Michigan President build a better America. smashing victory in Saturday's T h e afternoon’ s events th e sun-basked spectators be­ parking ramp and will receive key cards to open the gates. Harlan Hatcher, President Lyndon Johnson walks to the “ Will you join in the battle to Lambda Chi Alpha Junior 500 started with a convertibleparade tween the running events. These students will pay a basic fee of $12 per year to drive on U-M stadium where he addressed the graduating seniors. give every citizen the full equal­ before 3,000 spectators. campus. Photo by Jerry Carr ity which God enjoins and the law requires—whatever his belief, Their record time of 2 min. F a c u lty , S tu d e n t F e e s or race, or the color of his skin? S tu d e n t Le a d e rs 58.7 sec. was almost three sec­ Student fees for registration of their cars will be $6 per year. “ Will you join in the battle to onds faster than the previous Students In University residence halls except freshmen and first give every citizen an escape from record set by Sigma Alpha Epsi­ year short course students will continue to register their cars. P r e s i d e n t S p e a k s the crushing weight of poverty? lon last year. Faculty and full-time employees will pay $18 per year beginning “ Will you join in the battle to A d v is e C om m ittee July 1. This can be paid through payroll deductions of $2 per month make it possible for all nations Runners-up in the men’ s final October through June. The fee for those wanting to park Jan. 1 to live in enduring peace—as Alpha Tau Omega. Delta T a u to June 30 is $12. These fees will enable them to park in any gated neighbors and not as mortal ene­ Delta was third. Last year's win­ T o E x c i t e d C r o w d mies? ner, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, had lot facility with key cards. Student government on campus can only be as strong as the Faculty and other employees not wanting to pay the basic fee "W ill you join in the battle to their cart fall apart In the final administration allows, a group of past and present student leaders By B A R BA RA B R A D L E Y slowly past the crowd through a build the Great Society—to prove or use the commuter lot may still use metered and gated areas heat. told the All-University Student Government re-evaluation committee without registering their cars. State News Staff Writer path held clear by police. As he that our material progress Is Friday. Runners combining for the win Those employees wanting an individually reserved parking space The nation’ s quarterback was neared the tunnel he looked up only the foundation on which we All seemed to feel that students should have more voice in with their name on it in a designated area may do so by paying everyone’ s All-American F r i­ Into the crowd packed around the build a richer life of mind and were Sherman Lewis, Louisville, policy which directly affects students, except Gary Wright, president exit, waved and smiled. Ky., senior: John Parker, Rich­ $48 per year. Space is reserved from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday spirit?” of Men’s Halls Association. day. mond, Va., s e n i o r , H e r m a n through Friday and from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday. A crowd of 90,000 in the Uni­ Speaking directly to the grad­ Johnson, Plainfield, N.J., sen­ Wright, Pontiac junior, said Parking fees in gated lots will be increased to 25 cents instead versity of M i c h i g a n stadium The crowd roared and hands uates, Johnson tossed the major greeted President L y n d o n B. and arms shot through the rail­ burden in their laps. Johnson like a football hero who ing toward the President. He " F o r better or worse, your ior; Ed Cotton, New York, N.Y., junior; and James Summers, Orangeburg, S.C., freshman. he thought students should have a way t o make their opinions clearly known rather than having 8 To Be of the present charge of 10 cents. had just licked MSU for the Big shook hands with a young man generation has been appointed by an actual say in matters. A c c o m m o d a tio n s F o r C o m m u to rs Ten title. and a graduating coed, then history to deal with those prob­ The intoxicating fever could moved into the tunnel and outside lems and lead America toward not be restrained by the solemn to four green Marine helicopters. a new age,” he said. Delta Delta Delta sorority won The group met with the com­ mittee as part of the committee’s Honored Any student not living on campus may register his cars as a commuter student. Married students living in married housing apartments are also considered commuter students. They will program of getting opinions from atmosphere of the U-M’s 120th commencement. The shirt-sleeved crowd, sat World News ROTC Cadets many sources concerning student government. The committee hopes to collect In June park in lot ” Y ,” a new commuter lot to be built at Farm Lane and Mt. Hope Road, and planned for accommodation of between 1,500 and 2,000 cars. buzzing in 80 degree morning To Receive and evaluate these opinions to F o u r distinguished a l u m n i Some 3,400 cars were registered winter term, but administra­ temperatures. Outside, traffic jams complete at a Glance help establish an effective student awards and four honorary doctors government next year. of law degrees will be presented tors believe that schedule variations will reduce the number parked at any one time. Some of the total were registered only with dozens of yellow school Commissions Bob Hencken, former speaker to outstanding persons in educa­ for evening classes when the parking regulations will not be in buses from all over the state, of congress, said he thought stu­ tion, government and industry at effect. streamed toward the stadium to P rim a ry Win F o r R o c k y Seen T h e annual spring commis­ dent government should effec­ commencement June 14. Visitors to campus will be able to park in metered or gated fill 3/4 of the seats an hour sioning ceremonies for Army and tively represent students and The award winners were named parking areas from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. SACRAMENTO, Calif. 0P)-A changed outlook marks California’ s before ceremonies began. A ir Force ROTC cadets will be provide services which “ cannot, Friday by the Board of Trustees. Some 92 meters will be installed at seven campus locations. Police from Ann Arbor, two Republican presidential primary campaign as it heads into the final An honorary doctoral degree held Tuesday. are not, or should not be pro­ Students and staff receiving summons for violation of the parking counties and the state troopers noisy round. vided” by the administration or will be presented to John W. regulations will have an on-campus adjudicating body for appeal. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller’s surprise victory in Oregon heartened Maj. Gen. John R. Pugh, com­ joined secret service men on non-government student groups. Gardner, president of theCarne- In the report issued from the Board of Trustees meeting F r i­ his supporters and turned his California contest with Sen. Barry mander of the Sixth Army Corps w&tchful guard—some undoubt­ "They ought to have a voice,” gie Corporation and principal day, no mention was made about the University operated bus ser­ edly remembering why Johnson Goldwater into more of a race than anyone had expected. In Battle Creek, will deliver he said. "They never will, but commencement speaker. Rockefeller’s lieutenants came away from his fast stepping tour the commissioning address. Cer­ vice now being planned. became President another F r i­ they ought to.” Doctoral degrees will also be An express type bus service is tenatively planned from the day, six months before, to the last week declaring he can win the state’ s 86 delegates to the Re­ emonies will begin at 4:30 p.m. Kerr added that he thought stu­ presented to Ralph J . Bunche, commuter lot near Mt. Hope Road to the center of campus, day. publican national convention If enough GOP voters turn out for the on Demonstration Hall Field. In dent governing groups usually re­ U.N. under-secretary for special possibly the auditorium, every five minutes at peak periods. A solemn procession led by June 2 election. case of bad weather, they will flected the opinions of the stu­ affairs; Maurice J. Day, senior An east-west route on Shaw lane is tenatively planned to increase 19 flag bearers emerged from be held In Jenison Field House. dents themselves. vice president of Crucible Steel the coverage of the present campus bus routes and to serve the the dark tunnel onto the bright L a o s M ay J o in C o n fe re n c e Hencken, who along with for­ Co. of America; and Jay L . Lush, new Fee-Akers complex. green turf on the 50-yd line. S e c o n d lieutenant commis­ mer AUSG Bob Kerr, Washington, a member of the Iowa State Uni­ Then th e crowd spotted Mr. VIENTIANE, Laos (i)-Prince Souvanna Phouma said Sunday his sions will be awarded to 71Army N.J., senior, dominated the dis­ versity department of animal sci­ Johnson, h is mortar-board bob­ embattled regime will join in a proposed new 14-nation conference and 20 Air Force cadets. Com­ cussion, said he thought such or­ ence. bing above all the others in the procession. They applauded and cheered a s the loud speakers on the Laotian crisis only if Communist forces cease fire and re­ treat to positions they held before launching a major drive last week. The neutralist premier summoned newsmen to spell out his posi­ missions to 30 other cadets will become effective upon comple­ tion of summer school or sum­ ganizations as MHA, Women’ s In­ Distinguished alumni awards ter-Residence Hall Council, and will be received by J . J oseph Associated Women Students were Cranmore, president of Cromp­ $6 Million Coed Dorm tion as the big powers appeared to be moving toward reopening the mer military training. blared out "Hail to the Chief.” Mr. Johnson sat between Gov­ ernor George Romney and U-M 1962 Geneva conference which guaranteed neutrality for this troub­ led southeast Asian kingdom. Included in the program will be presentation of the Presi­ doomed.' ton and Knowles Corp., a 1935 He said that it is no longer graduate; Doretta Hoffman, dean feasible to divide student govern­ of the Kansas State University Approved By Trustees president Harlan Hatcher during ment by sex. School of home economics, a an hour’s ceremoney before his dent’ s Cups to this year’s out­ The MSU Board of Trustees recreation facilities in connect­ K id n a p e d S o c ia lit e F o u n d standing cadets in the Air Force " F o r example," he explained, 1943 graduate. speech. "South Case has more in common approved Friday construction of ing wings. PhM S ,0>-Two French gendarmes walked into a dft?#rved«iarm.^ ,and Army ROTC unit?., _ a $6.6t>0,(yii'- q.qedjdormitory with T h e unnamed,fermitorv^is After he delivered .the com­ President John A. Hannah Wm ***'"’ NoYYh Case fttijn wich * ’ Thonrfas vt. fLitierit 3 r ., settlor mencement speech—coached by house outside Paris on a routine check Sunday and found Mrs. Marcel t h r e e laboratories located on scheduled for completion Sri sfep’- present the awards to Air Force Bailey. vice president of R. R. Donnelley two telepromters in front of the Dassault, the kidnaped wife of a French millionaire airplane build­ Shaw Lane near Hagadorn Road. tember, 1965. Cadet Col. Charles D. Dobias, He said he foresees either a and Sons .Co., a 1935 graduate; Two, slx-story wings will be The Board cut back the origi­ podium—the President led the e r. A nervous young guard dropped the gun he held on the woman and Scottville, Army Cadet Brig, merger of these organizations or and Clarence H. Shaver, board procession back towards the tun­ meekly put up bis hands. Two other men were seized later. built with a dining area on the nal cost by $200,000 by trim­ Gen. Richard V. Lowe, Birming- a division into complex govern- chairman of the U.S. Gypsum Co., nel. I wasn't afraid,” the 63-year-old socialite said,” butl was ready v ments such as Brody Board. a 1920 graduate. north side and classroom and ming the laboratory facilities. Sm iling , the P re sid e n t w alked for anything.” 2 Michigan State News, E a s t Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 25 , 1964», Point Of View,, Primary Campus Style The f ir s t mock presidential dent Johnson. The p r i m a r y vote One May Hate, p r im a r y election in MSU’s hi s­ tory will be held Wednesday, with total which he gets is likely to in­ dicate how much support “ t h e But Not Impose students choosing between lead­ devil’ s ad v oc ate ’ ’ of integration • . B y Richard Ogar*■ ing candidates from both m aj or has on c am pu s. I hope this won’t come as too great a shock, Mr. Panyard, but par ti es. The election will be an A Democratic vice-presiden­ (sssshl Is anyone coming?)—no one really cares whether or not introduction to election is su es tial co nt est will indicate campus you hate Negroes. No, Mr. Panyard, you are perfectly free to love, like, dislike, strongly dislike, or, yes, maybe even hate the Negro. and procedures as well as an in­ opinion re garding a running-mate But there is one right which you do not have, Mr. Panyard: dication of student opinion. for Johnson, who will surely be you do not have the right to put your personal biases into practice. nominated by his party in July. The C i v i l Rights Movement i s not a popularity pitch; the All major candidates who have Negro is not saying “ Love me, mister, or I’ll picket." Just been considered in the various The election if it c o m e s off as you have the right to hate, the Negro has the right to be free state p r i m a r i e s will be entered, well, will be a worthwhile pr oj ect from the consequences of that hate— and this is what all the fuss Is about. You may maintain—In the face of all evidence to the either with a formal campaign and an answer to c h a r g e s of stu­ contrary—that the Negro Is inferior to you; this in unimportant, and campaign manager or tacitly dent apathy. If students consider even if regretable. But you may not enforce your notion of Negro inferiority by denying to any Negro the free and easy access to through write-in endorsements. the is s u e s and the candidates, public instruction which is presented gratis—who can deny it?— Even this aspect of the election and make intelligent judgments to even the most dull-witted of whites. You may personally feel that the Negro Is most properly considered as a drum-beating will m i r r o r the actual procedure. with t h e s a m e conviction they cannibal, but you cannot therefore deny him his right to eat at Gov. George Wallace of Ala­ would w e r e this an actual e l e c ­ Joe's Greasy Spoon if he so desires. In short, you may feel that tion, Horizons ‘ 64 can be a s u c ­ the Negro is lowlier-than-thou, but you may not treat him as bama h a s been entered in the though he were. * presidential r a c e against P r e s i ­ c e s s and a model for the future. No, Mr. Panyard, no one cares about your biases; no one wants to abrogate your right to hate. Let's face It—you’re not that im­ portant. But there are people who are going to insist that the Negro’ s rights are as important and as binding as your own. No one is trying to legislate public or personal taste, nor brother- Strike's End Assures Home nood, nor intermarriage, but legislation is being utilized to_secure for the Negro those basic rights which he, as a member of the human race (you will grant me that, will you not, Mr. Panyard?) and the c o n t r a c t o r ’ s offer, n e c ­ If for no other reason, has full title. The 2 1 -day br ickl aye rs strike You may rest easy in your historic sleep, for when that morn­ has been settled, and local con­ e s s a r i l y limited due to the Uni­ ing comes when the Negro has the full freedom to seek employ­ struction workers are now back v e r s i t y ’ s inability to pay m ore ment where he chooses, at a living wage; when he is able to educate himself as much or as little as he pleases, through on a full work schedule on c a m ­ than was originally agreed. public facilities; when he is granted social mobility and allowed pus construction pro jects. The dispute was settled out­ to eat, shop and live where he pleases; on that morning, Mr. Panyard, you will wake to find yourself as free as ever to hate The strike was averted in time side t h e r e a l m of University them and their children, unto the third and fourth generation. to av er t a delay in the opening of affair s, and we have no way o f You can even hate their family dog, if it pleases you. the most essential buildings un­ knowing whether t h e needs o f the University prompted the s e t ­ Well, If It Isn't The Bluebird Of Happiness! der construction, notably the new The Continuing E d u cation S e rv ice , Departm ent of F e e - A k e r s dormitory complex. tlement. But fortunately for the R e l i g i o n , and H ille l p r e s e n t o n e of A m e r i c a ’ s out» B a r r in g further complications, University and for the m o r e than L etters T o T h e E d ito r standing scholars and educators the new buildings will be able to 2,000 people expected to live in the new do rm s the strike is ov er, M O R D EC A I M .K A P L A N H a te F o r Entire R a ce open on time in September. The w o r k e r s ’ 4 2 - c e n t - a n - h o u r and facilities here can continue (founder of the Reconstruction!st Movement) i n c r e a s e was a c om p r om is e be­ to expand at the c a m p u s ’ s t a r - To the Editor: which I cannot here explain, lim­ has enabled me to explore my tween the demands of the union tlingly fast growth r a te . Mr. Panyard, you have the ited as I am to 300 words, Mr. chosen area of interest, but also right to hate anyone you want, T U E S D A Y , M A Y 2 6 , 4 :0 0 P . M . Panyard’s Hate Doctrine estab­ to prepare to teach. but I seriously doubt that your lishes a philosophy not at all It is my hope as a teacher to Room 114 BESSEY (Auditorium) motives are justifiable for in­ part of ' civilization,’ ’ of which stimulate in others the thirst for ferring that Negroes are an in­ he makes such noise, but of a knowledge that will carry them ÀUSG—Right Direction ferior race. You say that the Negro, as a group, has contributed little or primitive nature, far surpassed by the mythical Negroes he has imagined. far beyond the end of mere for­ mal schooling as a number of teachers have done for me. “Authentic Religion“ nothing to society. It seems that Finally, I accuse Mr. Panyard Joann Witteried All University Government has in the p r i m a r i e s but illegal in the in reality it is individuals with­ of two blatant lies. The first is Students, Faculty, and Friends revamped its rules of voting p r o ­ final run-off. In this way, the ob­ in the group who really move the that his bias has a basis; the are cordially invited. cedure. The action follows in the taining of a c l e a r maj ority by society ahead. Have you ever second that the basis he presents O nw ard — heard of George WashingtonCar- Is not really his at all. wake of a hecti c, and in many one candidate (two running) of all ver, or Ralph Bunche? Of course Brett J. Wakefield It’s Fun To Hate you will say that these men are ways, m is er ab le ordeal by the votes c a s t will be as su re d . a result of western civilization Loudonville, N.Y., Freshman To the Editor: ballot. Still, all this is only one small and that the Negroes have/done Hooray for Joe Panyardandhis nothing to develop themselves. "point of view’’I I nominate him Such prompt action on the part act. Much m o r e of the sa m e will The Challenge to run for vice president on Gov­ You s a y that other primitive of Student C on gr es s warre nt s be needed if students, long con­ groups (races other than Negroid) ernor Wallace’s ticket. Let's get strong approval and appreciation: tent to view AUSG as a f a r c e , are have raised themselves above Of Pursuing’ this country moving again—right their primitive states, and so back to 1861. On with that un­ it is the type of efficient and to change their song. the Negroes should have done To the Editor: finished war! Isn't it fun to hate, pointed action which is sore ly likewise, were they not possibly Bored—The article in Wednes­ hate, hate? inferior. day’s paper gave this as myrea- In all fairness though, I must needed if AUSG is to establish Perhaps the same supersti­ son for going to college. This admit that I won’t be here to any s o r t of r e s p e c t amongst the R ed C e d a r R e p o rt tions that kept “ civilized" men was my reason for starting, but fight. I am moving my family to from entering the ‘ ‘dark conti­ I attempted and apparently failed Antarctica, where we can keep student body. nent” kept the Africans from to get across the fact that long cool heads, at least. L a s t month’s student election venturing from their jungles. In ago this reason was replaced Jean Poleszak By Jim DeForest any case, I hardly think you can by a much better one. It was c le a r ly pointed to faults and o v e r ­ sights in the old voting r egu la ­ tions. These failed to provide for a sharply defined and efficient It's spring terml And if you don’t know what that means you do need a college education. * * * sweepingly blame this lack of development upon a supposed in­ feriority of the Negro. And s o t o y c u . M r . Panyard, I say that you can hate anyone through a terrific program at the University of Chicago called ‘‘The Basic Program for a Lib­ eral Education” that 1discovered the challenge and excitement of LetterPolicy Letters should not be longer position of responsibility for the The Brody Group celebrates its tenth birth­ you care to hate, but to hate pursuing an education. than 300 words, and should be day this year. What a shining example of human an entire race seems senseless. While learning for its own sake typed double spaced if possible. overall procedure. There was al­ courage and endurance. I personally prefer to love or hate is fun and worthwhile, I also be­ Names and address should also so a lack of c la r ity on the ques­ * * * an individual rather than a group. lieve that some depth of under­ be included. No unsigned letters Hate o r love of an individual standing is important and have will be printed, but names may tion of write-in ballots and an in­ 1 didn’t realize the Passion Patrol was inter­ comes from personal contact, now embarked on a more formal be withheld if we feel there is ested in botany, but everytime I see them, they’ re flexible attitude to the unpredic­ examining some bush. whereas hate of a whole group course of study. This not only reason. is more likely based o n mere table role of campaign ta c t i c s . * * * prejudices and half-truths. Now the rules of procedure for The experiment of carpeting the f l o o r s of Sure, I’ ll admit that many Ne­ » campus votes will be able to classrooms has met with an interesting and un­ groes are really no great asset mÊË<êêmm expected outcome. About three professors a week to society, but the same could be account for all for ms of c a m ­ said of ma ny people of other ACRO SS are electrocuted by static electricity. 1 R re a k »ijK ’i 28 N o s t r ils paigning, and an election c o m ­ races. S t r a n g e things happen () S t r id i 32 R u le r s * * * when people take it upon them­ 19 I n s t i u n i uli m is si o n er will personally explain selves to hate an entire race. t il p iece 3(> N im b u s to the m em b ers of C on gr ess the No matter how poor a golfer one may be, it There was a man just twenty- 11 l u c i s ili p - Rom an always takes the longest amount of time for the i m in five years ago who hated and 13 Spcaki i mechanics of the contest prio r 19th hole. murdered countless members of 14 ( li 1VU u n i c i 18 ( a p i li o r t i to any election. what he considered an inferior 1 ) ( u it DOW N 5 . W eeds 2 \ \\ id i 45 Iv lic it Had Civilizations To the Editor: aw a ku 2 5 F o llile 49 47 I.ik u n u s s u s T u r r a p in 1 \ urtlicrn 2. Poterle»» (i p r iv a t e e n tra n c e 7 . R iv e r So is this. I would like to present a few 2(> ( 1u iiin u 48 M o re 3. Deserter is la n d STATE N EW S M IC H IG A N i In llk u Y re c e n t 4 I ‘a r k a w a v facts for the record: % 8 . U n e q u iv o ­ STATE U N IV E R S IT Y 1. The African Negro did in­ deed build up an advanced civil­ ization on the African continent. %IO / 2 3 4 5 1 e II 7 8 9 u cal 9. U ncanny: 1 0 C o u in a p n itR O t  ttttfftfa 804 383 S 6 8 ê i 12, Sever I refer those who think other­ summer term; special Welcome Issue in Sep­ >3 14 1 7 . B e lg ia n Published by the students of Michigan wise to Immanuel Wallerstein’ s State University. Issued on class days Monday through Friday during the fall, winter and spring quarters, twice weekly during the tember. Second class postage paid at East Lansing,, Michigan. "Africa: The Politics cf Inde­ pendence.’’ 2. Africans did indeed have IS 19 % % 20 16 21 17 22 18 22 co m m u n e 2 0 . G a e lic K . I n d ia n n u rse ¿y mm« f % Editorial and business offices at 341 Student 's s *:aODD~DDO > £ 8 0 Wí « . Í * S & É i i** a written language: again, I make (.Ù 24. D anced Services Building, Michigan State University, 23 Member Associated Press, United Press reference to Wallerstein’s work. 24 p 25 %% § % 2 7 . | a p . ad - International, Inland Daily Press Association, East Lansing, Michigan. Mail subscriptions 3. The Jews were united by a m i n il payable in advance: term, $3; 2 terms, $4; 26 27 28 29 30 31 Associated Collegiate Press Association, single faith; the Africans were 2 9 . R an sack 3 terms, $5: full year, $6.. / / / 3 0 . ( ’. lic k beetle Toledo, Spain—or Toledo, Ohio—Bank of America Michigan Press Association. more eclectic as a group; this 32 33 34 35 36 explains certain differences in 3 1. le n d e r Travelers Cheques are as good as cash the world, s p o ts Editor......................................Bruce Fabricant 37 39 40 over. And safer than cash to carry—because they Advertising Manager....................FredJ*fi.vJbe Wire Editor. . .................... John Van Gieson reaction to oppression and hate 36 i 3 2 . M a n k in d ¿jam pus Editor............ *.............Gerry Hinkley Ass’t Campus Editor..................... L iz Hyman Editorial Staff. . .Barb Bradley, Dave Stewart MiSLl E iS to r .......................... ... AssS.-Adv. Mgrs............... sPrsnJe-Senger Jr., ....................................................Arthur Langer fcby these,two groups. 1 _ 4. Few intelligent anthropolo­ gists would make a convenient (t w 45 » 42'- % 43' 46 44 .Vi- .S i»d c*icp 3 4 . Irish s a u c e 3 5 . Red ce d ar come wtth a money-back guarantee which as.s.uj^s, prompt replacement of lost or stolen cheques any­ where in the world. Ask for them by name at your .............•...................................... Mike Kindman Sports Editor............................... Jerry Caplan Circulation Manager...................Bill Marshall News Adviser...............................Dave Jaehnig trichotomy of mankind into three neat, pure groups, regardless of the names one gives to each. 5. Through Socratic methods. % i% 47 46 % 3 9 . P r o s a ic 4 2 . S lip p e r y 4 4 . R o ok s crv bank-BANK OF AMERICA TRAVELERS CHEQUES. ê Michigan State News, E a s t L a n s i n g , Michigan Monday, May 2 5 , 1 96 4 3 B o a rd A c c e p ts G ifts, G ra n ts O f $ 9 0 5 M illion tion and redistribution of various The board approved a memo­ Gifts and g r a n t s totaling in the department of physics and and mathematics teaching center, awarded $51,644 to support grad­ workers. Max Bruck is director survive, and the surface inter­ minerals in plants. randum of agreement with Earl $905,029.78 were accepted F r i­ astronomy. They will study the John M. Mason; chemistry, A .I. uate work of 12 students planning of the program. actions of living cells in close Another NIH grant, $36,660, Enterprises, Inc., of Hillsdale to theory of solid-state plasmas. Popov: z o o l o g y , Charles S. careers as psychiatric social A $51,615 grant from the Na­ association. day by the Board of Trustees will support research of the mes­ provide $36,000 for a study of at its monthly meeting held at Anoter NSF grant, $52,220will Thornton; geography, Lawrence tional Institutes of Health (NIH) was accepted to support a study An Atomic Energy Commission senger RNH (ribonucleic acid) artificial insemination of swine. the MSU Kellogg Biological Sta­ be used for instruction and equip­ M. Sommers; psychology, Paul ment in seven undergraduate sci­ Bakan; and physiology, R .F. of the terminal stages in the grant of $39,000 will be used from bacillus subtilis. John AS Jacob A. Hoefer will direct the tion at Gull Lake. Two grants totaling $56,000 ence programs. The programs Johnston. M. Mdnnis, biosynthesis of hemoglobin. A.J. by S.H. Wittwer and M.J. Bukovac Boezi, assistant professor of bio­ project M orris, assistant professor of of the horticulture department chemistry, is the chief inves­ came from the Packaging Foun­ and their directors are; fores­ The National Institute of Men­ is directing the to continue research on absorp­ tigator. A $31,300 grant was accepted dation, Inc., of East Lansing. It represents money donated By try, Donald P. White; science tal Health of Bethesda, Md., Kreke Named biochemistry, research, which includes exami­ * * * from the American Federation of nation of the assembly of the Musicians to support the annual numerous industries to support packaging education at MSU. The Top Seniors hemoglobin molecule from its Congress of Strings at MSU this summer. The grant will be util­ funds will go toward construction Seniors of the Week Mary constituent parts. The National Aeronautics and P ro f H e a d s A d v is e rs ized by Wilson B. Paul, director of the new School of Packaging Mclnnis and Henning Kreke share Space Administration g r a n t e d of the Lecture-Concert Series. Building and for salaries and an interest in learning about $39,986 for a study of NASA- A gift of $25,037.50 was pre­ expenses in the office of A.C. Beardsell, the foundation’s ex­ people in all parts of the world. university relations. Director of A Spanish major from Cedar the study is Donald J. Mont­ A t O k in a w a Sch ool sented by MSU's Class of 1914., The funds, donated by 136 mem­ ecutive d i r e c t o r who is sta­ Springs with a 3.7 point aver­ gomery, professor of physics Iwao Ishino, professor of so­ Ryukytis group joined the Oki­ bers of the class, will be used tioned here. age, Miss Mclnnis, has spent and astronomy, who will be sta­ ciology and anthropology, has nawan university in July, 1963 to provide reception room and A $52,300 grant from the Na­ two summers in Mexico. She tioned in Washington, D.C., for been named the new chief of as professor of sociology and office furnishings for the depart­ tional Science Foundation has spent last summer studying in a year beginning September 1. MSU's advisory group at the anthropology. ment of alumni relations and the been awarded to Michael J. Har­ Switzerland and then touring the Ishino has been a faculty mem­ Development Fund when both de­ Purpose of his investigation University of the Ryukyus in rison and Truman O. Woodruff, rest of Europe for three weeks. is to recommend areas and me­ Okinawa. ber since 1956. In 1958 he was a partments move to the Union. * * * Kreke is an economics major thods of support by NASA-uni­ His assignment was approved Fulbright professor in cultural Also accepted was $13,692 in from Colon, Germany. He has versity relations. Director of the by the Board of Trustees, with anthropology at the University of scholarship g r a n t s , including Director Of be en studying in the United study is Donald J. Montgomery, an effective date of March 26, Tokyo. States for the past four and a professor of physics and astron­ 1964. He will serve as chief of half years. He was vice-presi­ omy, who will be stationed in party until June 1965. $263 for Oakland University. Nursing To dent and then president of the Washington, D.C., for a year Campus United Nations. Miss Mclnnis was vice -pres­ beginning September 1. Ishino succeeds Thomas H. King, assistant registrar, who returned to campus in March. CA LEN D A R o f E V E N T S Leave Post Florence C. Kempf, nationally ident and president of her dorm, R. Neal Band, assistant pro­ MSU has provided advisory a member of President’ s Coufi- fessor of zoology, will continue and technical assistance to the cil and W1C, for which she was study of the means by which Okinawan institution under a con­ ml WÊEK OF MAY 25 __________ prominent nursing educator and co-chairman of Inter-Resident parasitic amoebae might have tract with the U.S. Army since M on da y: Watch for local tournaments director of the School of Nursing, Sing. She was president of Mor­ evolved from free-living forms. 1951. will retire September 1. tar Board, historian of Tower A $39,361 grant from the Na­ T h e present agreement in­ T u e s d a y : Family Night. Anyone under 12, may play the Miss Kempf has directed the Guard and a member of Alpha tional lnsitute of Allergy and volves the services of four full first round at 1/2 price, additional rounds nursing program since its begin­ Lambda Delta and C ircle Hon­ Infectious Diseases will support time faculty and staff members free when accompanied by a parent, (parent ning in October 1950. orary. the research. He is studying how f r o m Michigan State and five pays full price) Her retirement was approved Kreke worked on the AUSG a living cell is able to lose its short term consultants. Elections Review Board. With respiratory machinery and still W edn esd ay: Watch for league play to begin Friday by the MSU Board of The new chief of the MSU- Trustees, meeting at the MSU his 3.6 point average he is in T h u rs d a y : Penny Night. Anyone who presents a penny Kellogg Biological Station at Gull Honors College, Excalibur, Blue Lake. Her successor is to be named this summer. Key and Omicron Delta Kappa honoraries. He also received an PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS dated 1955 will be permitted to play one round at 1/2 price. Outstanding Junior Award. Before joining the MSU faculty, she was assistant director of W ILSO N P I C K E T S - A d m in is t r a t io n h e a d s o f W ils o n H a ll w e te c r it ic iz e d by p ic k e t in g s tu d e n ts t h is w e e k e n d b e c a u s e Both Miss Mclnnis and Kreke ELECTRIC & MANUAL F r id a y : Date Night. Your date plays first round free and additional rounds at 1/2 price, J nursing at University Hospitals, o f p re s e n t r u le s u n d e r w h ic h th e d o rm ito ry is run . plan to earn masters degrees Cleveland, Ohio, 1947-50; asso­ P h o to by B ob B a r it at Harvard University. O V E R H A U L IN G o r ciate director of the Hartford (Conn.) Hospital School of Nurs­ Spring • C H EM IC A L CLEAN IN G ing; and assistant principal of YD’s Choose Want-Ad STATE NEWS WANT-ADS the Massachusetts General Hos­ Special . • R E P A IR an (I A l t j l S T M E M lr Nl O ' . O pital School of Nursing; and as­ sistant principal of the Massa­ Tom Gardyko Ring Results. . . :W i i'/ I M ; i p u t t in g course chusetts General Hospital School Tom Gardyko, Saginaw sopho­ more, has been elected chairman V e r y Reasonab le! ‘CHAMPION OF A L L M INIATURE G O L F C O U R SES’ of Nursing, Boston, 1936-45. Turn those old golf clubs, water 24 Hour S e rv ic e She has also held positions with of the campus Young Democrats. skiis, tennis rackets, or any other 700 M IL L E R RD. AT S. CED A R Elected as State Central dele­ A LL JOBS GUARANTEED the nursing schools at Western articles you aren’t using anymore ask for Louis May Reserve University, Vanderbilt gates were Gerry Sell, Bethesda, University and the University of Md., freshman; Joe, Kalo, Flint sophomore; Pete W'hite, Bay City into CASH . . . Michigan. freshman; and Noreen Stanton, C O M P L E T E WORKSHOP IN BASEM ENT OF She has served as chairman of the Michigan Board of Nursing Birch Run sophomore. , and as president of the Michigan Other officers for the coming Spring C A M P U S BOOK STORE-EAST LANSING State Nurses Association and the year a r e Chuck Pettie, Port Want-Ad Massachusetts League of Nurs­ Huron sophomore, vice-chair­ man Sandy Van Strien.GrandRa- Special. Call 355-8255 today C A L L ED 2-0877 ing Education. Miss Kempf’s published works pids freshman, secretary; and include numerous articles in Don Goldbaum, Benton Harbor nursing journals and she is au­ junior, treasurer. thor or co-author of three books The last meeting for this term MONDAY STO R E HOURS on nursing. will be 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. 9:30A .M . TO 5:30 P.M. Union Book Store Uni on Book Union Book Store Uni on Book th is s u m m e r , t r a v e l in c a r e f r e e S T R IP E D J E R S E Y C A S U A L S C re s t C le a n e rs M a rv e lo u s c o m p a n io n s , th e s e FREE STORAGE a r n e l t r ia c e t a t e je r s e y s th a t w a s h a n d d r y in no Don't Haul Clothes Home tim e a n d re fu se to w rin k le . . Save shipping costs by storing your clothes a l w a y s co o l a n d p o is e d . free of charge at Crest Cleaners. The only cost to you will be the usual cleaning charges. A S a i l o r c o l l a r e d f ul l -s ki rt ed dr es s. Bring your clothes in today. B r o wn o r b l a c k with w hi t e . 12 to 2 0 s i z es . 1 4 .9 8 B. F u lly -lin e d shift in b l a c k , b lu e o r red with w hi t e. 8 to 16 s i z e s . 1 4 .9 8 â r ç iiiA N iR S ' 620 Michigan Ave. E D 7-0 0 12 J a c o b so n s C a s u a l D re s s e s 4 Michigan State News. E a s t Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 2 5 , 1 96 4 FO R IN FO R M A T IO N D E A D L IN E : AND A S S IS T A N C E CALL 355-8255 SPRING TERM WANT-AD SPECIAL 2 P .M . ONE C L A SS -D A Y BEFORE P U B L IC A TIO N . Automotive Automotive Automotive Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent get C H E V K O L E T 1963 Impala hard­ CH EV R O LET 1958 2-door Bel- OLDSMOBILE 1962 2-door hard­ GREAT LAKES Employment for Apartments FURNISHED APARTMENT for Room« top. 4-door, V - 8 . Standard air hardtop. Automatic trans­ top. P o w e r steering, radio. permanent positions in office, two men. Entire lower le v e l of ALPHA OMICRON PI House, shift. P r o f e s s o r must s e l l , mov­ TWO B E D R O O M apartments mission. Sharp, b r ow n and 28,000 miles. Excellent con­ sales, technical. Call IV 2- new h o m e . Private entrance, open Summer term. $195 for * available f o r Summer term. ing. 3 3 7 - 7 8 2 4 . 40 cream. 337-1233 after 4 p.m. dition. $1,895. Phone OR 6- 1543. C40 parking. T h r e e blocks from ten weeks. M e a l s Monday- Completely furnished for three W ANT AD AUSTI N HE AI . I Y Ta M . MK II. __________ 42 5981. 42 CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A or four persons. 355-2938. 42 campus at 521 Lexington. $90. Friday. ED 2-5114._________ 41 S p r i t e . $100 down and take over MCA 1958 Supercharged. Wire FORD 1957 Station wagon. Coun- few hours a day can mean ex­ 332-8170. 40 333 Albert St. Two -man room wheels. A-l mechanically. Very try Squire 9-passenger. V-8 A V O N D A L E APARTtotN tS- • a u t o m o t iv e paym ents. C a l l a ft e r 5 pm. cellent earnings for you as a for balance of term, $20 each. clean. Must sell. Phone 337- Gunson and Beech. Walking dis­ FOUR MAN luxury apartment. • EMPLOYMENT 482-8905. 40 automatic. $275. 1707 Park- trained Avon representative. Summer term, six weeks, $30. 1832. 42 tance to campus. $45-$50 per J u ne - September. Riverside • FOR RENT FO RD ECONO-PUS. Radio, h e a t - vale. 332-3601. 42 For appointment in your home, Twelve w e ek s, $50. Includes person, per month. Four to an East, $175 a month. Close to • FOR SALE e r , t h re e s e a t s , c a r p e t e d . E x ­ OLD$MOBILE 1963 Cutlass con- TRIUMPH 1963 TR4; like new. write or call: M rs. AlonaHuck- apartment. Now leasing for fall. TV . International House; 337- vertible. Ra d i o . Hydramatic, Spoke wheels. 28 MPG. $1,850. campus. 332-5392. 42 • LOST & FOUND celle n t condition. Ideal fam ily ings, 5664 School St., Haslett, Furnished. Call 337-2080 for 2448 or 372-0330 nights. 44 • PERSONAL transportation or b u s in e s s v e ­ bucket s e a t s . Midnight blue, Call ED 2-3113. 47 Michigan or call evenings, F E Houses MEN: LIVING r oom, kitchen. more information. Stop by any­ SUMMER TERM Bungalow. Com­ • PEANUTS PERSONAL h i c le . P riv a t e owner. Low m i l e ­ white top. $2,225. Phone 337- TEM PEST 1963 LeMans 2-door. 9-8483. C38 Foreign s t u d e n t s welcome. time. Renting for Summer ses­ • REAL ESTATE age. 3 3 2 - 2 2 2 4 . 39 2660. 41 Automatic. Radio. $1,895. Max C O LLEG E STUDENTS, m a l e. pletely furnished. Four men or Close to campus. After 5:30, sion. 48 women students. Available Fall • SERVICE O T d SMOBTLE 1958 ' 8 8 ' sm all SPARTAN MOTORS Curtis F o r d , 2900 block E. Full time summer work. Part StJMMEft SU B LET. New aircon- 332-2195. 41 • TRANSPORTATION engin e. 2 -d oo r hardtop. Runs Michigan. IV 4-4491. 42 time during school year If de­ term also. ED 2-3289. 40 ANN ST R EET , 539. Men. Cook- dltioned apartment fo r two well, must s ell. $295. 412 Haze. AUSTIN H EA LEY 1960 roadster, sired. Earn enough during sum­ PROFESSOR’S H O U S E . Yhree ing, laundry, TV, phone, park­ •WANTED males. Dishwasher. Close to 39 wire wheels, electric overdrive. ALPHA ROMEO 1962. Lowmile­ mer to pay for entire year of bedroom for summer. Three ing. Doubles, $8 and $10, Sum­ campus. Phone 337-0612. 38 DEADLINE: R A M B L E R 1962 C l a s s i c 4 -d o o r Color black. Tip top condition. age, good condition. Call IV schooling. Over 15 $1,000 schol­ EASY LANSING, furnished first blocks from MSU. Phone ED mer. Fall $10 and $12. 41 1 p.m. one c lass day be­ 7-5449 or 694-8831 after 6p.m. arships were awarded to quali­ 2-8139. 41 ROOMS: MEN and women. Cook- autom atic. R a d i o , re clin in g floor, one-bedroom apartment. fore publication. MG A 1959 roadster. Runs like a 42 fied students. On the job train­ SOUTHWEST OF Lansing, off ing and parking. Summer and s e a t s . Excellent c o n d i t i o n . Utilities included, $135. Faculty, top. S c o o te rs -C y c le s ing for practical use of your Holmes Road. Three bedroom Fa ll. Fall, men only. Call 332- Cancellations • 12 noon one $1,175. OX 9 - 2 8 5 " . 38 University employees, married PLYMOUTH 1*556. Pow er Flite ZUNDAPP B E L L A . In excellent education during the summer home. Call TU 2-4374 after 3792. 38 class day before publication students. ED 2-2025. 40 tra n s m is sio n , F u r y e n g i n e . CH EVRO LET 1963 Monza coupe. running condition. $150. Call months. An earn while you learn 5:30 pm. 39 APPft<5VED ROOMS. Singles, $7; PHONE: Needs r e a r brake lin in gs. $95. Low mileage. Like new. 4-speed 355-0524. 41 program designed by this multi­ 52T No r t h Homer. Furnished apartment. Three rooms and SIX WOMEN over 21. Summer. doubles $5. Summer term. Re­ transmission. R & H. million dollar Corporation that One minute walk to campus. serve now for Fall! One block 355-8255 Phone OX 9 -2 4 4 0 . 38 MOTORCYCLE 1959 BSA. 500cc bath. Parking. Block from Fran­ from Union, close to everything. twin. $500. Phone ED 2-3900. hundreds of students have taken Furnished, utilities, $40 each. RATES: VOLKSWAGEN 1962 Sedan. Gulf blue. 9,800 m ile s . L ik e new, CH EVRO LET 1960 Belair 4-door, 38 advantage of. Many of whom are dor. IV 9-9666. 41 332-2276. 39 C l e a n , parking. Remember, 1 DAY...........51.25 six-cylinder, automatic. R&H. MATCHLESS 1961. 600cc. Single. still with our Co. in key execu­ SYUDENYS OVER 21. Utilities limited driving Fall term. 332- inside and out. 3 3 7 - 2 2 0 3 . 41 EAST LANSING duplex. Two bed- 3 DAYS_____ $2.50 Very sharp! tive positions. F o r arrange­ paid. F u r n i s h e d . S u m m e r M.A.C. Call ED 2-1017 after 5 C H E V R O L E T 1962 B i s c a y n e Lights included. $550.372-3484. rooms, basement, garage, ce­ 5 DAYS_____ $3.75 ments of personal interview, and/or winter. Campus walking ramic bath, carpeting. Couple. pm. 40 V - 8 . T a k e over payments. C a ll 38 3000 E. Michigan distance. 337-9412, 332-3617. 41 T L 2-0041 after 5 pm. 40 time, schedule and city you wish No students. 332-2937 eve­ UNSUPERVISED. 123 A l b e r t , (Based op .15 words per ad) IV 7-3715 c DUCAT1 1959 motorcycle, 200 cc to work, call Grand Rapids, VOLKSWAGEN 1958. Good ra e - scrambler. Excellent condition. S U B L E T SUMMER: furnishec nings. 41 near Union. Cooking, parking. VOLKSWAGEN 19 62 camper. GLendale 9-5079. Also Lansing, There will be a 25c service chanical condition. P r i c e d to Phone TU 2 6896 after 6 pm. 39 apartment fo r two. Garage, WANTED: MALE roommate to Summer, Fall. Singles, doubles. Complete G e r m a n camping 485-3146. South Bend, CEntral yard, close to campus. $85 plus Reasonable. 332-0716. 48 and bookkeeping charge if s e l l - $595. Call 3 5 5 -8 2 3 2 . 41 s h a r e nine-room h o u s e for equipment. Formica interior, MO-PED 1962 maroon, two seat- 4-9179. Kalamazoo, call Grand this ad is not paid within METROPOLITAN 1%0 c o n v e r t i- er. Windshield. Excellent condi­ electricity. ED 7-9533. 3S four , immediately. $30 p e r ROOMS AND apartment, men. tents. A-l c o n d i t i o n . $1,985. Rapids number. 48 Summer. Cooking. Near Post one week. _____ b le. Radio, he a te r. E x c elle n t tion. Best offer. Phone 332-1772 M ILE WEST of campus. Large month. P a r k i n g . Phone 485- Phone 337-2520.______________ 39 Office. Approved apartment for condition, 26,000 actual m i l e s . evenings. 41 RADIO STATION WOAP, Owos- three-room furnished apart­ 2538. 40 DESOTO 1959 beautiful Flredome. F a ll. Call 337-9566. 43 T h e Srnte News does not B e s t offer. Call 3 3 2 - 8 0 9 8 . 38 so, desires part-time announ­ ment, two men. $18.50 plus 2/3 EN TIRE HOUSE, six man com- Original condition. Private own­ TRIUMPH 1963 Cub. Must selL EAST SIDE. Male students. Two perm it ra c ia l or religious PLYMOUTH 1959 Station wagon. Phone IV 2-7407. 42 cer. Some board work. Excel­ electric. Parking, deposit. Call pletely furnished. Close to cam­ er must sacrifice quickly. Phone single be’drooms with adjoining d iscrim in atio n in its ad­ Going o v e r s e a s , must s e l l . $625. lent opportunity radlo-TV ma­ IV 9-2389 after 4 pm. 40 pus. P a r k i n g , unsupervised. 489-6411. 38 MOTOR BIKE 90 cc. Recently kitchen and bath. Private en­ v e rtisin g c o l u m n s . The IV 4 - 2 4 " l . jor. 42 E A S T LANSING- 217 B ogue. Call 332-2449. 39 \LSTIN H EA LEY 1960 Sprite. tuned. Good condition. Excellent trance, private parking. $10.50 P State News will not accept C H E V R O L E T 1 ^ 4 " 2 -door gas mileage. $165 or best offer. ! BABYSITTING AND light house- C l e a n , one-bedroom. Unfur­ SU B LET SUMMÉft, large“ fur- Moving New York City. Must per week. Allen St. IV 4-5898. ad vertisin g from persons a i r sedan. V -8 straig ht ti.iU , 484-5719. 40 work. Prefer mature woman. nished, $90. Call JoyceStrange, nished apartment; two bed­ sell. One owner. Excellent con­ 39 IV 9-1262. Edw. G. Hacker Co. rooms, garage, country setting, dition. $675. 332-1824 nights, H A RLEY DAVIDSON 125. New Own transportation. Call ED d iscrim in atin g against r e ­ Radio, whitewalls. P riv a t e own­ ligion, r a c e , c o l o r or e r . J e f f 332-5011. 40 2-3914. 42 Realtors. IV 5-2261 “ Our 45th close to campus. Couple pre­ SUMMER, F A L L . Men." Clean, weekends. 41 plug, points, battery. Rebuilt quiet, two blocks to Berkey. national origin. W AITRESSES-APPLY 9-6 daily. year.” 40 ferred. 337-2047. 38 PONTIAC 1962 Catalina Station PLYMOUTH 1938 coupe. 27,000 engine last summer; $125. Call Parking, cooking. 532 Ann after All s h i f t s available. 401 E . A VAILABLE JUNE 15th. Fur- UNSÜPERVISED H O U S E . Sum- wagon. Radio, hydram atic, pow­ miles. Original rubber, no rust. 6 pm. 48 Russ ED 2-4562. 41 mer term. Will accommodate A u t o m o t iv e e r s tee rin g , b ra k e s. E xc elle n t $450, or best offer. Phone 487- Grand River. Big Boy Restau­ nished four-room, ground floor. Employment rant. 47 Private. Married couple, two six. Close to campus. Comfort­ ROOMS WlTH kitchen. Private condition. Phone 4 8 5 - 5 7 7 6 . 4 1 3886. 39 telephone, bath, entrance, park­ J . B . ’ s E X C L U S IV E L Y Chevrolet able. Utilities paid. 332-2769. B L K K 1962 custom invicta. White P A R T - T I M E job for Friday, men students. 332-5762. 41 Used C a r s . 1957, 1958 and 1959 FORD 1?61 Galaxie“ r V-8'. No MALE H ELP wanted: Advertis­ ____________ 41 ing and utilities paid. $65 Sum­ Co n ve rtib les. V -8 Automatics. 4-d o o r hardtop. Wild C at engine. rust. Low mileage. Cash or ing Salesman. Some experience Monday, Tuesday. Advertising EAST LANSING- 102 Albert. One EAST LANSlNG, three-bedroom, mer term each student or all Automatic t r a n s m is s io n . R e d sales. Car furnished. Call OR bedroom unfurnished in College New white vinyl tops. F o r the 1955-1958 trade considered. IV necessary. A real opportunity s t u d y . Play room. Beautiful summer $80. 526 Evergreen or genuine leather in te rio r. B e l t s , for reliable, capable producer. 7-9011 for interview. 42 Manor. $75. Call JoyceStrange, sharpest used Cheyys in town, 4-2097. 38 grounds, children and pets. call ED 2-6792. 42 whitewall t i r e s , power b ra k e s , K e h o e Publications, 617 1/2 IV 9-1262. Edw. G. Hacker Co. c o m e out to J . B . ’ s and browse PONTIAC 1963 convertible, pow- MANAGEMENT POSITIONS O.K. $200. Available in July. SINGLE ROOM available for 10 S te e r in g , Radio. $2,250 . Phone West 33rd St., Kansas City, Mo. available for Summer Realtors. IV 9-2261. “ Our 45th around. 2801 S . C e d a r. C er brakes, power steering, ra­ 332-2241. 41 weeks Summer. Men over 21. 337-7261._____________________ 39 64111. 39 Male and Female— $520 month year.” 40 PONTIAC 1*560 Bonneville con­ dio, whitewalls, spare tire nev­ TWO MEN to share furnishec Across from campus. Parking. FO RD 1948 con v ertib le, m i n t c o n - FOURTH GIRL needed for new v e rtib le . P e r f e c t condition. er been used. Phone Tom at IV BUSBOY FOR Sorority House minimum. Experience not nec­ house. East Lansing. Beginning 332-3870. 39 dition. Never driven in winter. apartment for Summer term. F i v e new t i r e s . 332-3177. 40 7-5057 8-5. 38 from now until June. Call ED essary; prefer person exper­ Summer term. Parking.CallEE JNAPPROVED ROOMS for men. C a sh or trad e. OL 5 -2671 o r O L Rent reduced! Call 353-0371. 38 AUSTIN H EALEY 1962, 13,0(50 2-5114. 41 ienced In cookware-silver or 2-1027. 40 2 1/2 blocks from campus. Quiet AUSTIN H EA L EY 19$$ S te el blue 5-2 160 . 40 ro a d ste r, BN6 engine. O v e r­ miles, excellent c a r e . Bob SALES P O S I T I O N AVAIL­ china sales. Person selected WANTED ONE girl to share four S u m m e r cut-rate, $6. 435 C H E V R O L E T 1952 s ix - c y li n d e r , will manage Summer employed LARGE FURNISHED home. 20 d riv e . Good condition. Ca l l ED standard tra n s m i s s i o n . G o o d Brooks 355-6504 days. 489-1737 A B LE - M ALE High starting g i r l apartment fo r Summer. minutes from campus. June 15- M.A.C. 332-5571. 39 V 2-3 581 , $1,200. 40 evenings and weekends. 38 salary, plus commissions, in students. World’ s largest com­ Across f r o m Berkey. Phone t i r e s and radio. Runs well. $55. pany in field. Write Mr. New- September 15th. $100 per month. SIGMA C H I Fraternity House 38 O L DS M O B I L E 1964 wagon. an i n d u s t r y with a future. 337-0267. 40 C H E V R O L E T 1955 Stick shift. 2 92 5 N. Grand R i v e r . land, 3519 S. Division, Grand 655-2934.____________________ 38 open for Summer school. $8 S ix - c y lin d e r, 4 -d o o r . Aqua and VOLKSWAGEN l § 5 7 s e d a n . B l u e Loaded with extras. White with Training program and fringe GIRLS APARTMENT for three. weekly. 337-1257. 42 blue interior. Will take trade. benefits. Write C.B. Gould, Rapids, Michigan. 38 For summer, $135 month. All FOUR BEDROOM furnished. Six white. Call 3 5 5 - 8 2 3 0 a ft e r 5:30. R&H. Good condition. C a ll after UNSUPERVlSED R o o m s for men ________ •____ 38 TU 2-6290. 38 P.O. Box 127, Flint, Michigan JUNIORS - SENIORS. Accepting u t i l i t i e s furnished. Opposite students. Close to Union. Fire ­ 3 pm. 3 3 7 - 0 7 4 9 . 41 on A b b o t t . 10 weeks Summer PLYMOUTH I960 B e lv e d e re , au- applications for men. Summer Berkey Hall. 332-2495. 46 place. Available summer or fall. C H E V R O L E T l 9 '5 3 automatic. MONZA 1961 four speed, tran- BUSBOYS WANIED, ZBT until 489-2334; ED 2-8191. 46 term. Cooking privileges. Redu­ to m a tic. Pow er s te e rin g , V - 8 . Good body, t i r e s ; mechanically smission. Radio, heater. Red June and Fall. Call 332-1309 employment. Earnings $1,100. GRADUATE CO U PLE with one ced rates. 337-1166. 46 No ru st, good m o to r. Must s e l l . sound. N e e d s b ra k e linings. Whitings Used C ars. 3211 East after 2 pm. 38 City of your choice. Informal child. Two bedroom apartment ENJOY YOUR vacation on a de­ COOL SUMMER rooms in new A ccept any re as o n ab le offer. $100. C all 3 5 5 - 7 9 0 9 ; 3 5 5 - 4 6 9 0 . Michigan. IV 9-6639. 42 interviews at Dean’ s lounge, completely furnished. All utili­ lightful little island in Northern Phone NA 7-2111, E x t. 39. 38 WANTED FOUR delivery boys Student Services, Tuesday,5/26 Ontario. E x c e l l e n t fishing. home. Ceramic showers, patio, 38 CH EVRO LET 1953 automatic.Six with car. Salary plus bonus. ties, $95. 215 Louis, one block MSU approved, close in. Park­ VOLKSWAGEN ¡95! Sedan. Ex- /64 at 4 p.m. sharp! 39 from campus. Phone 332-2574. swimming and boating. For in­ FO RD 1*957 2 -d o o r Stationv.agon. cylinder, two door. Red Whit­ Varsity Drive-In.Call 332-6517. ing. ED 2-1183. 42 c e lle n t condition. $950. O n e ings Used Cars. 2311 E . Mich­ SUMMER O FFIC E JOBS 40 formation call M rs. Scarlett, V - 8 autom atic. Good condition, 39 655-1809 or ED 2-6595. 48 owner. Phone 4 8 4 - 4 2 0 9 or 337- igan IV 9-6639. 42 MEN EARN $1,200 - $1,5(30 this Typists, s t e n o s , transcribers; SPACIOUS APARTMENT with $250. Call OR 6-2241. 39 7618. 40 TRIUMPH 1963 Spitfire roads- Summer. City of your choice. excellent pay. Apply now. Ex­ fireplace. W i l l accommodate FRANDOR, NEAR. Two bedroom KWAST BAKERIES INC. FORD 1961 F a irla n e 5 00. S i x - AUSTIN HEA LEY 1955 Burgundy, four. Parking space. If you are furnished, four students. Neat, cy lin d e r, s tick. New t i r e s , good ter. White. Heater, defroster. 882-6627.______________________ 39 pedience necessary. No fees. clean. Available Summer or THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS: e x c e lle n t condition. C a ll after Red Whitings Used C a rs. 2311 BEAUTICIAN AND shampoo girl. EM PLOYERS OVERLOAD CO. in need of better study con­ condition. Original owner must 9 pm . Can be seen this weekend. ditions and a chance to save Fa ll. 489-2334; ED 2-8191. 42 Monday & Tuesday.'.. East Mich. IV 9-6639. 42 Both licensed. Call 489-8660. 38 616 Michigan Natl. Tower s e l l . C a ll Gail W illiam s OV IV 5 - 7 0 2 2 . 38 money. Call 332-3980. 42 TH R EE BEDROOM: Five people, FORD 1959 Galaxie, 2-door. Ex- NEED M ALE student to work in 487-6071 C 39 Bism arks • .....................« 6 f o r 3 9 $ 2 - 3 5 4 8 , b e fo re 3 pm . o r week­ C H E V R O L E T 1954 B e l - a i r pow- $20 week. 1/2 mile from cam- cellent shape all over. Real warehouse for Lansing whole­ APARTMENTS UNSUPERVISED, Wednesday & Thursday ends. 38 e r glide. One owner. 57,800 actual m i l e s . $85. 33 2-1729. 41 good body. $750. 332-3568. 42 sale food distributing. Fulltime For Rent furnished, two bedrooms car­ pus. 484-2674. R o o m s _____________________ 42 Dutch A pple C offee Coke . 49$ sumrneg, part-time fall. Prefer BUSINESS BUILDING for rent. peted. Four persons, Summer CORVAIR 1964 Monza. 2 -d oo r, DODGE 1957. Fower steering, SINGLE ROOMS for men for Sum­ Friday person interested in foods or 800 square feet. Commercial or Fall. 355-4210. 42 four speed. 110 h.p ., many e x ­ 4-door. R&H. Whitewalls. Be­ mer. Clean, quiet, private. 404 H O T STORY Barbecue B r e a d ............................... 3 5 « fore 5:30 487-5021; after 337- hotel management. Call IV 4- uses such as maintenance, ser­ SUMMER TERM, close to cam­ t r a s . Phone ED 2 - 414 7. 38 Division. Phone 332-5698. 39 2402. 42 5354 for appointment. 39 vices, r e t a i l i n g , repair, con­ pus, on M.A.C. F irst floor Every Day Specialities C H E V R O L E T 1933 con v ertible. SPARTAN H ALL has everything! tractors, sales or business of­ P ow er stee rin g , b r a k e s , R&H. CHEVRO LET 1956 2-3oor. 'fta- WAITRESS. NIGHTS. Apply in apartment for four men. Seven VALUES FOR V - 8 automatic. $ 2 50 . Phone 35 5 - 3054 after 6 pm. 38 dio and heater. Automatic. Body person in good condition. $175. Phone Lansing. 211 M.A.C. at Casa Nova, E a s t 41 fice. Ample parking. Located 3/4 mile North of Frandor at room home for five men. Both air-conditioned. Home and large Singles, d o u bl e s , b a c h e l o r apartments. $7—$10 week; lower Birthday, wedding and Anni­ versary cakes made to order. Southwest corner of Lake Lan­ two-bath apartment for Fall summer rates. Large furnished C H E V R O L E T 1956 fo r sale or 337-0850. 42 FEM A LE H ELP wanted: Some Brookfield Plaza, Hagadorn A COOL trade for m o to rc y c le . Phone ED CHEVROLET 1957, stick shift. experience necessary. A real sing and Coolidge Rds. Will alter. Phone days 482-0681, ev­ term. Call Ford S. LaNoble. IV 2-1637 or ED 7-1276. 40 rooms with sinks; free T V and phone. Approved, supervised and Grand River. ED 7-0832 7 -7 2 7 4 d a y s ; ED 2 5568 eve­ Six cylinder. Runs excellent, opportunity for reliable, capa­ enings, 355-6223. 42 housing for men. Women’ s wing nings and Sunday. 39 ble producer: Kehoe Publica­ EYD EA L VILLA 303 S. Washington, a c r o s s S P R IN VOLKSW AGEN 1959. Good engine body good. Radio, white walls. $450. IV 2-8566. 42 tions, 617 1/2 Kansas City, Mo. 64111. West 33rd St., 39 BU sTÑESS BUILDING for rent. Adjacent to East Main and So. The best deal In furnished apart­ ments with ampleparking space. summer only. 215 Louis, one block from campus. 332-2574. from Knapps, Lansing. 485- 0615 and body. E xc elle n t t i r e s . R e a­ TRIUMPH 1962 TR4. Ready to CAMP JOBS available June 13th. 38 sonable. IV 5-4711. 41 Cedar. 1200 square ft. of space One and two bedrooms, cen­ race. Radio, heater. $1,995 or -July 18th. Cheerleaders, gym­ plus basement. Railroad siding C H E V ROLE f 1958 Impala co n - tral rec-room, laundry facili­ 6 0 OLDS 88, 2 -d oo r, power steering, v e rtib le . 4 - s p e e d , sun tach, offer. 355-9469, Bill after 6p.m. nasts, twirlers. Nurse, and girl g a g e s. A - l condition. New win­ •RENAULT DAUPHINE l963. 4- 42 or boy Interested in publicity available. Ample parking. Many uses possible. Will alter. Phone ties, swimming pool and barbe- cut p i t s . Choice of interior TH E FIN E S T position. (Good photographer power b ra k e s , radio, heat­ e r , h y d r a m a t i c , white dow, gen erator, b atte ry , exhaust +- e x t r a s . Must s e e . 3 3 7 -0 2 9 8 . door sedan. $1095 Max Curtis with own equipment and ability Ford, 2900 block East Michigan. to write newspaper articles.) days 482-0681, evenings, 355- 6223.__________________________ 4 2 colors. Call F ID E L IT Y R EA LTY, ED 2-5041, GEORGE In S t u d e n t A p a r t m e n t s w alls. Sto ry s e l l s sharp 39 Apartments EYDE, ED 2-0565. C38 IV 4-4491. 42 Call immediately for an inter­ DELTA APARTM ENTS Olds for l e s s . CORVAIR 1 9 6 2 . White, 2 -door LARGE FURNISHED apartment RENAULT I960 sedan.Goodcon- view, 646-6709, Miss Hess. 48 233-235 Delta Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 1 B) w i t h blue in t e r i o r . 3-speed 2 1/2 blocks from campus, $90. dition. Low mileage. Economi­ REGISTERED NURSES, full or $1295 t r a n s m i s s i o n . Radio and white­ w alls. L o w m ile a g e . Owner must cal. Radio. Rebuilt engine and part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good sal­ Utilities included. Couples only. Available June 15. 435 M.A.C. EDEN R O C H ASLETT APARTM ENTS new tires. 482-8269. 42 ary and differential plus other 6 2 FORD s e l l . E xcellent condition. B es t 332-5571. 39 A PA RTM EN TS 135-145 Haslett Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 15) o ff e r . Phone 4 8 9 -0 6 7 7 a fte r 5:30 CHEVROLET 1960 convertible. fringe benefits. Flexible time ECONOMICAL LUXURY. Sub- F a i r l a n e , 4-d oo r. V -8 , V-8, 3-speed, on the floor. Take schedule. Meal furnished. Phone pm . 48 lease Joe’s C e d a r Village N o w U N IV ER SITY T E R R A C E o verdriv e, r a d i o , he ate r, over payments. Owe $1595. IV ED 2-0801.____________________ 48 apartment. Cheaper than dorms, white w alls. Story s e lls BUS BOY wanted. Two meals for 444 Michigan Avenue (Office 265 Delta) 5-7094. 42 L e a s in g Fo rds for l e s s . HONDA 1962 300 cc. Black per- working one. Call steward at infinitely better. $45 per month. sonal leather seat. High bars, 332-5053. 41 337-0488. . 41 EVERGREEN ARMS $1295 LUXURY third floor apartment. fo r 341-345 Evergreen Street (Res. Mgr. Apt. 3) M o v in g ? $450. Phone 337-9676. 42 C O L L E G E S T U D E N T S - e s - Available for Summer at re­ How tablished routes for Summer va­ Get th is RAMBLER l958. Clean 4-door duced rates. Delta apartments. S u m m e r & F a ll 58 CHEVY to B u y automatic. R e c l i n i n g seats. cation. Earn $2.10 per hour and up^aH£^2-0058. 39 Call Jeff 337-1403. 41 Station Wagon, radio, heat­ e r , automatic t r a n s m i s - F ree a M ove Heater, radio. $200. Call 355- 1968 after 5 p.m. 42 CH ERRY LANE Apartment, fur- f e a t u r in g WALK! DON’T DRIVE nished. All utilities, $84 month. sion, 2 -to n e , white walls. Story se lls wagons fo r l e s s . Book VOLKSWAGEN 1959, K a r m a n Available 6-15 thru 9-21. 911C Cherry Lane. 355-7946. 41 2 double bedrooms G i v e s t h e f a c t s a b o u t m o v in g Ghia. Y e a r G.W. warranty. $395 £ x p la m s th e m o v in g e s tim a te . $795. Max Curtis Ford, 2900 TWO GIRLS, three rooms ariB Dduble bathrooms S h o w s h o w ch a rg e s a re d e te r­ block E. Mich. IV 4-4491. 42 bath close to campus. Lease by Walk-in closets m in e d I t 's £ R £ E . . .c a ll Summer & Fall year. After 5:30, 332-2195. 41 Air Conditioning Leases Available Featuring The New University Terrace Wall-to wall carpeting Get Out of the Make your selection now . . . today . . . for the 484-1421 H O T , H O T S U N • Completely furnished • Wall to wall carpeting the Fully equipped Full size kitchen new University Terrace. Reservations for leases are being made for the 1 9 6 4 -6 5 school year. Choose and into one of our • 4 car parking Elevator while you have a selection. 1 and 2 bedroom apart­ O JO n T H A M E F f/C A SWIMMINGPOOLS • Ait conditioned rive r s e d g e Laundry facilities ments available. /V • Snack bar The Largest Apartments. . .Closest To Campus And Shopping Ì/ M / Ì/ i - t M E B at BURCHAM WOODS Summer & Fall - • Private Balcony M'O ft-O w to w « t ìv # » * and W here Thè fifing EYDEAL VILLA » • ' F o u r ta rg e c lo s e ts " LeáSéra AVcn'fótàte' QX Call: • D is h w a s h e rs 252-Ri ver Street 'O W E * M A N A c t i o n Is Call or Stop at the Model ED 2 -4 4 3 2 (1 min. from Bogue .ED 2-5041 or ED 2-05651 Street Bridge) ' 235 Delta Ph. 3 3 2 -0 8 3 8 3165 E. MICHIGAN IV 2-1311 252 Cedar Appliances for better living 332-5051 . 332-5051 261 River Street 3 3 2 -8 4 8 8 3 3 2 -8 4 8 8 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. Monday, May 2 5 , 196 4 Michigan State News, E a s t L a n si n g , Michigan BECAUSE IM N 0R TH IN 6E!TW H EN ALL STUDENT NOW 15 W ORD W A N T ADS M U S T P I ANUTS VOU KNOU) kWY TH A T LI T T LE SH E L O O K SO V E H E R H E RES International Council SAVE $1.25 W AN T ADS A RE RE D -H A IRE D 6 « L N O T H IN G T O S E E ! HO W ¿ A N SH E O N L Y $2.50 FO R 5 DAYS BE ADVANCE. P A I D IN N EVMERE N?O TICES -SEE 50M E0N EW H O ’SN0THIN6?' To Coordinate Clubs A 11-University Student Gov­ ior and administrative secretary ernment President Bob Harris to AUSG, will be chairman of the For Rent For Sale Personal Service has announced the formation of committee. the International Organizations Rooms TRANSISTORIZED P O R T A B L E GO GREYHOUND-World’ s Fa ir PIANO AND organ instruction. Council, a group which will try Fa ll orientation will be one of tours. Prices start $57.40 in­ 2 0 y e a r s experience. M rs. E X C E L L E N T , clean, quiet, ta pe recorder. Westinghouse to bring about greater coordina­ the first areas with which the roaster. Two pieces of red Bo ­ cluding transportation, accom­ Evangeline Street, 4 2 3 Beech. approved, three to four men. tion and cooperation between in­ council will deal. Harris said. hemian glass. ED 2-4232 . 42 modations. Reservations bus Lansing, Phone 4 8 7 - 0 2 0 0 . 4 2 C o m p letely private. Parking. ternational o r g a n i z a t i o n s to depot. ED 2 - 2 8 1 3 . ___________ 47 SKIRTS ÔN hangers or folded Private home. Phone 337-9794. GhlNG TO Europe? 35mm cam- campus. eras. Argus $19.95, Yashica- HOMADE FOOD Shop. Frandor. 26$ each. Kalamazoo Norge Vil­ SPARTAN HALL has everythingl 42 mat $39.50, new/used. Some Homade Potato Salad, 43$ lb. lage. 1918 Kalamazoo at Cle­ H arris said the council will be composed of the vice-presidents Grad Composers Singles, d o u b l e s , bachelor styles from $2. IV 5-4391. 47 Baked beans, 33$ lb. Weisels mens. 47 and s e l e c t e d representatives apartment. $7-$10 week; lower SPORTS AND camping equip- Sausage. 47 STORE your bike for the Sum- from the International Club, In­ Present Music Summer rates. Large furnished ment, golf clubs, archery sets, I F YOU live in McDonel Hall, mer, $10.00. College Bike Shop. ternational Relations Club, Cam­ rooms with sinks; free TV and tents. Gasoline stoves, lanterns, support D i c k Sanderson for 134 N. Harrison. East Lansing, pus United Nations and Interna­ New music composed by sev­ phone. Approved, supervised ice boxes, new/used. IV 5-4391. President. 38 ED 2-4117. 47 tional Cooperation Committee. en graduate students will be pre­ housing for men. Women’s wing 4 7 MOVING? USE an economical NO RAISE in prices at WEN- Jeff Puryear, Dimondale jun- sented at 8:15 tonight in the mu­ summer only. 215 Louis, one SA CRIFICE $300. 14 1/2’ boat. U-HAUL-IT trailer or truck. DROW’S ECON - O - WASH. sic auditorium. block from campus. 332-2574. E . Side Gulf, across from the 32 Speed Clean washers-20$; The program includes works 25 h.p. Johnson motor and trail­ 38 Gables. ED 7-9806. 47 ten minutes drying-10$. 3006 for strings, woodwinds, percus­ er. Ideal for fishing, skiing. GIRLS SINGLE or double rooms. sion, piano and voice. The com­ ED 2-6869. 46 WE FEA T U R E Prime Ribs, N.Y. Vine St., 1/2 block west of Fran­ Cooking f a c i l i t i e s . Opposite 1957 GARDNER. 42’ x 10.’ Com- Strip Sirloin, Seafood, Smor- dor. C38 W a lla c e O n B a llo ts posers a r e Jere Hutcheson, Berkey Hall. 332-2495. 46 gasboard. Pagoda Restaurant. George West, Edward Weiss, DOUBLE AND private rooms. pletely furnished. Call from 5-8 p.m. ED 2-8696. 42 487-3435. 1824 E . Michigan. 47 F R E E ESTIMATE on your move W h o ’s J o hn Donohue, D a v i d Pino, Quiet, close-in. Summerorfall, anywhere in the world. Phone Wallace De Pue and Jan Grady. SPRING CLEANING? Don't throw 355-4210. 42 T R O P H IE S -P LA Q U E S it away. Donate it to he KI- IV 5-2241, Bekins Van Lines. W h ose I I n ^SUMock V o t e The music will be performed Ask for Jim. C40 SUMMER SCHOOL coeds. Save F o r A ll O c c a s io n s WAN1S annual sale. Call TU TV SERVICE calls- $5. Tubes PINNINGS: Alabama's Gov. George C, Edmund Brown, Minnesota Sen. by faculty and student instru­ money, enjoy cool, comfortable C u sto m E n g ra v in g Hubert, Humphrey, Wisconsin mentalists. 24 H o u r S e r v i c e 2-1756. 47 discounted 25%, except picture Sheila Natasha Simrod, Battle Wallace will be listed on the living. Stay at ZTA Sorority. Democratic ballot with Presi­ Sen. Eugene McCarthy, Atty.Gen. L A R R Y C U SH IO N REMOVAL SALE! All diamonds, tubes. Estimates on shop se r­ Creek senior and Delta Delta $195, 10 weeks. Meals Mon- dent Lyndon B. Johnson in Wed­ Robert Kennedy, Secretary of vice. Acme TV, IV 9-5009. C day-Friday. ED 2-5318. 42 S P O R T IN G GOODS 3020 V i n e ............................I V 5-7465 watches, jewelry and silver­ ware must go. Lehman Jew­ Contact Len sSPB tlA LIST for In- burgh, Pa., senior and Zeta Beta Delta, to Seth L . Melhado, Pitts­ nesday’ s mock primary election. D e f e n s e Robert McNamara, Final Day MEN 'AND WOMEN. Summer elers. 235 N. Washington, Lan­ Students will be able to vote Peace Corps director Sargent 1 B lo c k N . of M ic h ig a n A v e . visible Beauty. 500 Creative Tau. Shriver, U. N. Ambassador Adlai Today i s the final day for term at Spartan Hall. One block J u s t W est of S e a rs On V in e sing. 47 Fashions in Glasses. Capital Nancy McLaughlin, Smithtown, for the candidate of their choice Frosh-Soph Council petitioning. f r o m c a m p u s . 215 Louis. from one party only. Stevenson, and New York City RICHARD, HOLD up that “Nile Optical Studios, 115 E . Michigan N .Y., junior, to Whitney Schilling, Mayor Robert Wagner. Petitions may be picked up and Approved and supervised for PIANO AND treadle organ. Large Republican candidates on the oil painting. 484-4602. 42 trip till I get my Indian Mad­ IV 2 - 7 4 3 4 . ________________ C Rome, N.Y., junior and Phi Sig­ presidential ballot are Arizona turned in between 2:15 and 5:30 men. Men; one 4-man apart­ ras at GOODWIN’S. L iz . 2 "DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers ma Kappa. Sen. Barry Goldwater, Maine Sen. p.m. in 317 Student Services. ment $10 each per week. Sing­ UTILITY T R A ILER , 4’ x 5’ . Best returned either yours or ours. Margaret Chase Smith, Pennsyl­ le rooms, $9. Doubles $6. Wo­ offer. 655-2934. men over 21; Double rooms $6. MUST S E L L fine GE "Ameri- 38 23 VIA PO, R o m e is English sepaking insurance office that With our service, you may in­ ENGAGEMENTS: clude two pounds of baby clothes Cheryl Leonard, H a s t i n g s vania Gov. William Scranton, C a le n d a r o f Cool quiet rooms, wash bowl cana” electric range in ex­ will h a n d l e your insurance freshman, to Marv Frey, Battle New York Gov. Nelson Rocke­ in each. Large lobby with TV. cellent condition. Fairly priced. claim. Bubolz. 220 Albert, is that do not fade. Diaper pail fur­ nished. Creek junior. feller, f o r m e r vice-president C o m in g E v e n ts Parking, laundry. 332-2574. Al­ Call ED 7-7036. 42 the one that writes your policy. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE S u s a n J. Murdoch, Holland Richard Nixon and South Viet CAM PUS so renting now for Fall term, EVINRUDE, 35 h.p. Outboard. C38 914 E . Gier Street sophomore, to Martin L . Ehrllch, Nam Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. NOW! 65