Inside Weather MICHIGAN Partly cloudy and slightly STATE NEWS Film industry spoofed, p. 3 cooler with scattered thund. Library delays, p. 4; Student h o w e r s ending today. government; p. 6; Football STATE e r s High in the upper 80's. sellout, p. 7. UNIVERSITY Tuesday, July 21, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 55. Number 170 Plumbers Union Ends Long Strike Contractor Homemakers Optimistic On Work For 'College' Says New Dorms More than 900 Mxhijrwborne- j,e on the topic "Modern Dimen- cation — A Family Responsi- makers are expected to attend slons in Family Living Educa- bility" Friday. WW Be Ready MSU's 37thannual"CollegeWeek tion." In " addition to these general for Women," to be held on cam- Thursday afternnon panel sessions, conference enrollees pus today through Friday. consisting of Eugene Petsner, may attend two three-session A ylvunbers' strike that Registration for the home- carol Shaffer, Lennah Backus classes selected from 28 topics, campus building for 50 maker's conference was sche- and Vera Borosage, members The classes will be taught by days ended Saturday, when union duled to begin at 8:30 this morn- o{ the depar _ of home faculty members and authorities members voted to accept an 87- ing in the Shaw Hall Terrace management and child develop- from such agencies as the Mlchi- 1/2 cent wage increase over a Lounge. ment, will "Take a Look at gan State Police, the Michigan three-year period. Work re¬ sumed Monday morning on the Speeches by Mrs. George Rom- Teenage Marriage." Department of Health and the ney, wifeof Michigan's governor, United States Department of plumbing projects at various and Charles T. Vetter, Jr., of sites around campus. Ajso Thursday Walter Free- Health, Education and Welfare, The strike threatened comple¬ the United States Information man, professor of sciology and "College Week for Women" tion of several buildings due for Agency are expected to be high anthropology, will discuss the points in the program. question "After 40-What?" fall-term openings, and some doubts remain as to whether they Mrs. Romney, recently re- The concluding speech of the Improve the quality of living turned from the Republican Con- conference will be a talk by In the home, the community and can be completed in time. The ventlon in San Francisco, will Russell G. Mawby, assistant di- the world, Ruth Peck, general FIRST ICE REVUE WEDNESDAY-lncluding such promising young figure skaters as Mi new Fee and Akers residence speak on "Building Stronger rector of the Extension Service chairman of the program and Picardy, 17-year-old Bay City resident, above, the first of a series of 'Talent on Ice' 5halls are scheduled to house Families" at 7:45 p.m. Thiirs- jn charge of the 4-H club pro- home economics extension pro- begins Wednesday evening at 8:15. Tickets are on sale at the Demonstration Hall lc> more than 1,200 students begin¬ day in the audirorium. gram, who will speak on "Edu- gram s Office. Photo by Ken Rober ning in September. This year's College Weekpro- Joseph Labbancz of Spitzley gram will celebrate the 50th Corp., one of the plumbing con¬ tractors whose work had been anniversary of one of its spon¬ NAACP Leaders To Battle Goldwater held up, said he expected the sors, the MSU Cooperative Ex¬ student living areas of the dorms tension Service. Keynote speaker for the con¬ to be completed in time, and said that at least one kitchen area can ference will be Margaret Browne, and his casual references to the States in the eyes of other coun- be expected to be ready for use. former member of the Extension Leaders o{ the campus and that the NAACP would support the NAACP stand was announced. use of nuclear weapons are equal- tries not only because of Gold- The remaining kitchen, lounge Service and currently director Lansing chapters of the NAACP Johnson. Goldwater has said repeatedly ly disturbing. water's views on civil rights but and academic areas of the dorms of the division of home econo- have announced that their organ!- The Lansing chapter has a that he is opposed to discriml- "1 believe this nomination has because of many other positions will be completed during fall for the Federal Extension mics in all probability" will standing voter registration com- nation in any form, but that most hurt the image of the United lie has taken." term, Labbancz predicted. Service in Washington, D.C. actively support President John- mittee which is alwayf active of the legitimate responsibility Spitzley Corp. is handling the Her speech this afternnon son for re-election this fall, before elections, but 'his would in this area must lie with the plumbing work on both Fee and be the first year it has engaged states. He voted against the civil Akers, and on Dormitory No. 5, i f Shaw Lane Linda M. Miller, secretary ln anV P«tiwi political activity. rlghts bn; because hc believes a new project still in the founda¬ of the campus chapter and act- Ray said that the Lansing that the public accomodations tion stages. ing president this summer, said NAACP chapter would be follow- and fair employment sections Other projects whose work has Closed Today the NAACP will definitely cam- ing the lead of the national or- are unconstitutional. been held up include the biochem¬ Shaw Lane adjoining the site paign for Johnson. ganizationin opposing Sen. Barry Stuart J. Dungings Jr., a Negro istry and chemistry buildings. for dormitory number five, will Goldwater. For the first time attorney and past president of The International Center, already THUMPE R-Setting foot- be closed to traffic today from "We haven't formulatedspeci- ln its hlstory, the NAACP took the Greater LansingNAACP, said about a month beyond its pro¬ a stand against a political candi- that Negroes will campaign jected completion date, should be ° to 4:15 p.m. due to con- {lc pians yet but we will cer- Struction. tainly take part in the political date at lts national convention against Goldwater across the open by the beginning of fall term. Campus police suggest using campaign," she said. Ms summer- country. Douglas Griffith, business either Wilson Road or Grand "We cannot help but be dis- "1 don't believe that Negroes agent for the plumbers local 388, semaker of the expand, River Ave. as alternate routes. Marvin S. Ray, president of turbed at the individual (Gold- can vote for this man." he em- expressed pleasure with the campus continues its Access to McDonel Hall from the Greater Lansing chapter, said water) and perhaps more im- phasized. "1 — ... am sure that Negro strike settlement. He called the k. he was "practically positive" portantly at the people who sur- Republicans will vote for Presi- wage increase a fair one, although Photo by Ken Roberts round him," Ray said. "How can dent Johnson this fall." it is somewhat below the union's he be expected to really enforce Dunnings said Goldwater s original demands. the civil rights act when he voted position that the civil rights act The union had asked a $1.05 in¬ against it?" is unconstitutional will encourage crease over three years, to be Liberties Union Claims Ban white southerners to disobey the divided into four parts, the first Ray said he was not as dis- new iaw, retroactive to June 1, when the turbed over the Republican plat- »in tiie South, we have already form's lack of a strong civil seen compliance with the new The final settlement, which Negro Play ludicrous' rights plank as he is over the iaw. Southern senators who On proposed by labor and man¬ was nomination of Goldwater. opposed the bill violently have agement negotiators last Tues¬ urged obediance because it is the day with the help of federal and In a final analysis, plat- law of the land. And now we state mediators, provides for The Ameican Civil Liberties of the use of such words as lationship of Negro and white in forms really don't mean too have a candidate for president five raises over three years, Union charged the head of the "nigger" damn" ln the segregated states. much. They are what a candidate who says it is unconstitutional." totaling 87-1/2 cents. The first dialogue. "One of the original justifi- and a president make of them, Dunnings said he didn't think University's television station itions for educational TV sta- and it seems unlikely that Gold- ^ part, a 15-cent hike, will be with "shocking lack of sensi¬ Bob Repas, chairman of the - will aid the cause of civil person with Goldwater's effective retroactive to June 1. tivity in dealing with ■- Greater Lansing branch of the tions was the argument that in- views could be considered for THUMBTHING'S WRONG-But what? The actor in the fore- Other raises will come Sept. sial issues" in refusing to tele¬ American Civil Liberties Union, telligent and concerned citizens rights." the presidency in this period of 1, 15 cents; Jan. 1, 1965, 10 cents; called the censoring of the play vfould be able to view more than Goldwater ground seems to have the answer, but the others are paying vise the play "Boy." was a member of American history, attention to him. The scene is from "Boy Meets Girl," June 1, 1965, 25 cents; and June these grounds "ludicrous" just the conventional pap offered the NAACP until it decided to "It is not only his views on no which opens Wednesday night at Demonstration Hall. The scheduled production of because the overall theme dealt commercially," Repas said. The ban imposed by the uni¬ oppose him at its convention, civil rights, antiquated as they Photo by George Junne (continued on page 3) the play was canceled because with the i He resigned immediately after are. His outlook on foreign policy versity was on flimsy grounds, Repas said, because the same words had been used in another production. Mr I Idle's Zany S "We feel that Michigan State Catholics To Discuss should judge the merits of this play by the same standards used for fine arts," he said. Cursillo Movement "The works of Shakespeare as well as the Bible use language All three have television appeared in the series of the same name as the movie since it began at least as objectionable but the A report on theCursilloMove¬ three-day program of Christian -in 1962. Flynn admitted with a ment among America'sCatholics education —prayers, study,dis¬ overall context in which they are The zany sailors of McHale's will highlight a conference which cussion and community living. It used makes them an important Navy put on a ship-shape show grin that he sometimes gets aw¬ will bring more than 1,000 Cath¬ part of these works. in East Lansing Friday for the fully tired of wearing his 'navy was taken from the Spanish uniform for eager fans. olic bishops, priests and laymen "An author or playwright has world premiere of their first "Cursillos de Christiandad" or "After all, we're all over 30. from two rations to campus Aug. the right to see his works pre¬ "Little Courses in Christianity." Sometimes we feel pretty silly 19-22. sented in the form that he feels Joe Flynn, better known as The Cursillo Movement, in these uniforms." The event: the sixth annual na¬ best expresses his ideas. A great Captain Bingamton; TimConway, started in Spain, was brought to university should be particularly who plays the bumbling Ensign Flynn has an unusual back¬ tional Conference on Cursillos in America by Spanish flyers train¬ sensitive to this problem." Parker; and Carl Ballantine, ground which includes show busi¬ Christianity. ing in Texas. It spread swiftly and politics. He was an alias torpedoman Lester Gruber, ness Cursillo is the name for a Spanish-speaking people in to were all on hand for the opening unsuccessful candidate for the Texas and Arizona. The first Ohio legislature in 1950. of "McHale's Navy" at theCam- Cursillo for English-speaking Americans was held in 1961. Green And White pus Theatre. "Actually, I have a Democratic Wallace Quits Since that time more than 50,000 They were presented keys to philosophy," said Captain Bing¬ amton. "But I had to run on the Americans have "made" Cursil¬ Going On Buses the City of East Lansing, signed GOP ticket because there wasn't Presidential Race los, conference planners report. Spartan green and white countless autographs for wide- - - eyed little boys, and put on a any room for another Democra¬ Alabama Gov. The MSU Committee on Church colors are being painted on four candidate." George Wallace comedy routine for hundreds of tic announced Saturday he is with¬ Related Programs, the Catholic used buses which will provide In their movie promotion tour, youngsters at the theatre. drawing from the presidential archdioceses of Detroit, Chicago student transportation on cam¬ Then they took off by car for th^ three show business sailors and Cincinnati, and the dioceses pus this fall. are in a different city every He said he had "made the of Lansing, Saginaw, and Grand The paint job is being finished Saginaw, where they were sche¬ night. duled to appear on the stage of campaign," which Rapids are sponsoring the con¬ the MSU garage at Spartan "The best thing about this 1 at point of his a drive-in movie the same night. was to "arouse some thought ference which will be held in Stadium. The buses were for¬ touring," Ballantine said, "is about the decline of states' Brody Dormitories. At least two merly used by Denver Coach Mayor Gordon L, Thomas pre¬ that we get fed everywhere." rights." bishops and other nationally AC.-.,. sented the keys to the trio of He was in the process of gobbling Wallace said he would not de- known figures will take part. Eight new buses purchased comedians. corned beef sandwich at the CAST—McHole's Navy stars Joe Flynn.^Tim Conway, and Carl Ballantine auto- a s-tffDp'Vt •■5-" ~:p< CfST SIGNS *V' cicfe «rYo -u rnr me pres¬ or other type of coordinating due to arrive by Sept. 1. Total graphed Tony Lent's casr Friday whife appearing in f^e area on tfperw<-,«, . (t- <«,- * . idency until after the Democratic promoting 'McHale's Navy,' first full length feature starring the nutty novy PT Boat crew. (continued on page 10) civil rights plank is written in body is expected to result from cost of the bus system is approx¬ Photo by Patti Prout the conference. imately $250,000. Atlantic City next month. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 21, 1964 For The Sake Of Liberty Miller Seen "Fxtremism in the defense of the pursuit of justice, we deny liberty is no vice, and modera¬ tion ' n the pursuit of justice is no - one of the basic American doms—freedom from fear. free¬ Tough Cam virtue." for he is nearly as conservative There must be limits to the Sen. Barry Morris Gold- as Goldwater himself. Liberal methods used in pursuit of lib¬ Republicans in the northeastern water, Republican nominee for Rep. William E. Miller, chair¬ states have expressed the belief erty, for a desirable end does of the Republican National the presidency of the United man that Miller will be no help at all not justify scurrilous means. Committee since 1962, will be the ticket. States, used these words in call¬ Sen. Barry Goldwater's running on Little men will always defend But he is Barry Goldwater's this fall. ing Americans to an Old Fron¬ mate choice, and that is enough. extremism because they do not Miller, a congressman from tier last week. One of Miller's first state¬ upstate New York for 14 years, have the imagination and cour¬ ments after he was selected for . They are typical of the glib, is a conservative of the same the No. 2 spot on the GOP ticket age to fight for liberty by other stripe as Goldwater. He has a does seem to indicate that he is glittering campaign oratory reputation as ahard-hittingcam- methods. a hard-hitting campaigner. which tarnishes quickly upon paigner and a relentless organiz- "Barry is a Jew and aProt- A real Republican once told careful examination. estant and I am a Catholic," he the nation the only true way to As chairman of the national said. "Anyone who doesn't like True dedication to the cause committee, he managed to trans¬ that ticket is a damn bigot." guard its freedom. form a debt of several thousand of liberty and justice is insep¬ "With malice toward none, dollars into a modest surplus. arable from moderation. Ex¬ The GOP is undeniably in better and charity for all. ..." tremism destroys the very lib¬ And he wasn't soft on com¬ shape at the local and state level than it was two years ago. (Some Letter erty it purports to defend. 300 new Republican state legis¬ munism, either. If we abandon moderation in lators were elected in 1962.) an However, Miller is basically unknown in the best American Policy tradition of bland vice- Letters should not be longer presidential candidates. He is a than 300 words, and should be Roman Catholic, and as such was typed double spaced if possible. probably selected to provide a Names and addresses should also religious balance for the ticket. be included. No unsigned letters The moderates in the party will be printed, but names may were not placated by the selec¬ be witW""'J " feei there is tion of Miller as vice-president, reasdn. Letters To The Editor Police Praised For Tackle Of Suspect To the Editor: should be complimented for their people could resist the urge to ment 0f public Safety has earned forcement agencies too often fail exemplary behavior both during get in a few licks of their own the reSpect of many for their to publicly express their feelings, Near the end of the previous and after the capture and arrest. after being deliberately run into term (Spring, 1964) 1 witnessed marVelous Job of maintaining while those who are occasionally Let me grossly describe the by some kook riding full speed order ln our community of ap- mistreated are always ready to the capture of a suspected bicy¬ scene. The capture of the suspect cle thief by the universitypolice. took place just east of the foot¬ on a bicycle. proximately 30,000. find fault with the police. I feel that the officers involved I feel that the officer who made bridge over the Red Cedar River, deserve some personal recogni- Unfortunately, those who ap- Clifford E. Tiedemann the actual capture deserves rec¬ between Jenison Field House and ognition for his bravery, and that tion, and that the entire Depart- predate the efforts of law en- 1547-1 Spartan Village both of the arresting officers Kellogg Center. The suspect was riding a light-weight bicycle westward, with a chasing police car a short distance behind. The SIDEWALK SALE-10..00 AJH.-9..00 PH. officer who made the capture was standing in the middle of the walk, and accomplished the cap¬ Barry Goldwater as the Republican can¬ Column individual. As such it should be To the Editor: ture by tackling the suspect right didate for president in 1964. placed in its proper perspective- Selected Items From Every Department off the moving bicycle. Supposedly the State News as an editorial. At this point, 1 might add that In response to the article by represents the feelings and be¬ Elliot Glicksman, the three or four witnesses stand¬ Hugh J. Leach, concerning Sena¬ liefs of the students at MSU. Graduate Student tor B. Goldwater, these are our If these are indeed the political ing nearby were as horrified as I was that the suspect made abso¬ feelings and we hope the feelings feelings and beliefs of the stu¬ of many others. lutely no effort to stop. Indeed, dents, then Mr. Leach has dras¬ he made We are under the impression, tically ignored the results of the no effort even to miss the officer, who was on foot, de¬ and it may be, however, a fallac¬ presidential student election Editor's Note: Hugh Leach's ar¬ ious one, that the responsibility which was held this spring. ticle, like all signed columns on spite the fact that he was proba¬ of the press is to report political the editorial page, reflects his bly travelling at about thirty If the State News does repre¬ events of the day with clarity, ob¬ personal opinion. Unsigned edi¬ miles per hour. sent the feelings and beliefs of After the tackle, I feel that jectivity, and with no degree of those at MSU, then an article of torials only reflect the official both officers showed marvelous bias. However, in reading this this nature represents not objec¬ positions of the State News. This article one must assume that the tive news reporting, but is, rath¬ is the difference between an edi¬ restraint in their handling of State News is favoring and even torial and a column. their prisoner. I doubt that many er, the personal opinion of one endorsing Senator Barry P8M STATE NEWS MICHIGAN ACROSS STATE 1. Handles UNIVERSITY clumsily i □□□ acme ana 5. Conical □□a aaas nan mass of 28 Dogmatis □kb anaSn 32. Work uni Member Associated Press, United Press International, 8. Wand 35. Brown Inland Dally Press Association, Associated Collegiate Association. 12. Sandy' Published by the students of Michigan State Univer¬ 14. HighWay sity. Issued on Tuesdays and Thursdays during summer songbird 41. Nickname 6. Made Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. 43. Site of the Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Ser¬ 7. Corral raj Mahal DOWN vices Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 44. Amber fish 8. Astronaut' Michigan. 45. Make a 2. Worships word Summer term staff: 19. See-sawi 9 Editor John Van Gieson 22. Beam 46. Compass Dd°f S Advertising Manager Arthur Langer 23. Ancient 10 Disorder: dial. Sports Editor Richard Schwartz 13. Siesta Reporters Oyars Balcers, 17. Broom Sue Filson, Hugh Leach, Mike Kindman, Dave Stewart ' 2 3 4 5 6 ' 8 9 10 20 Big casino Asst. Adv. Mgr Ken Hoffman 21 Account n 12 13 Circ ulation Manager Bill Marshall \ 14 15 16 n 10 iU 20 21 22 30. Genus of 19 21 1 25 23 31. llebr lll§lll household 26 27 20 29 30 31 god | 32 Obliterate 32 33 34 35 36 33. 1'lural of Hex 37 38 39 40 34. Tainting c 41 41 43 44 45 4k 47 40 ■ East Lansing9s Department Store For Students On Grand River Ave. Where East Lansing and M.S.U. Meet BEST work in town GoaJ, FASTEST job in town CAMPUS BOOK STORE LOWEST PRICES Across from the Home Economics Bldg. in town Gga& CLEANER AND SHIRT LAUNDRY (ACK EUNION HTMOkTitsO BUILDING) J Spartan Center Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 21, 1964 3 Strike (continued from page 1) Expert Says 1, 1966, 22-1/2 cents. The pres¬ ent contract will run until June Crucial For 1, 1967. Decision-making is thecrucial men to make decisions that they Other provisions of the new element in developing a "richer, did not have to make before, and contract include increased travel national life," according to noted they are not prepared to make allowance from eight to ten cents American designer Charles per mile for workers driving to The transformation of ugliness a Job, seniority provisions and Eames spoke last week during direct check-off of union fees, MSU's fine arts festival. into beauty, Eames believes, in¬ and better pay for show-up time, volves every person making con¬ He told a campus audience that scious Judgments about the sim¬ on days when work is called off. the key to esthetics isthemaking Plumbers who arrive at work and of deliberate choices even in such plest acts of everyday life. cannot work will be paid two small matters how "Since we can produce nearly as a postage hours time. stamp is placed on an envelope. anything we want today," he said, Any work done during a morn¬ The California architect and "we must now decide what is ing will provide four hours pay designer pointed out that in the worth producing." for them; any work done through also last 75 years "we have had the He urged schools and the morning and into the after¬ teachers take the lead "in opportunity to shape our physical to noon will require full eight-hour surroundings to suit ourselves." putting a keen edge of sensibility pay for the day. The purpose is "But," he added, "much of on all the educational disci¬ to prevent workers from being what we have created and built plines." called to jobs where they are not PROBLEMS OF 'BOY MEETS GIRL'«Socializatii of the American male calls for all the is either trivial or revolting." Eames is a designer for the to the point of social dancing. The fourth needed, and to help lessen losses Eames said the ugliness sur¬ Herman Miller Furniture Com¬ genuity and assistance friends can muster, due to weather conditions. rounds men not because they pany of Zeeland, Mich. He de¬ •esentation, 'Boy Meets Girl* opens Wednesday at 8:30 at Dem. Hall. Both labor and management Photo by George Junne don't care, but "because we can signed the science pavilion for leaders said they were pleased no longer rely on the traditional the Seattle World's Fair, and he to be able to return to work. restraints and rules ofthepast." has also executed design projects "We're glad the strike is over for IBM and theU.S. government. This freedom, he said, forces Film Industry Gets Spoofed and we can get back to business," Labbancz said. He said the strike has "seriously struction here in affected con¬ Lansing; there's no question about that." RALPH'S CAFETERIA By'Boy Meets GirPQuandry Work at many building sites, both on campus and in other parts of the Lansing area, came to a virtual standstill during An Ideal Spot To Dine John Clifford, Dan Fleisch- "Boy Meets Girl" will be the fourth production of the Univer¬ played by Maureen Feder, Detroit freshman, who comes into the of¬ hacker, Anthony Kadlec, Dr. E.C. the worst Another part of the strike. strike which has af¬ Lightning Fast Service sity Theatre's Summer Circle. fice of C.F., a big-shot producer Reynolds, H. Ted Busch, Mark fected building here, that of local FOLKSINGER AT THE KIVA-Alan Mills, noted Canadian Pensler, Marilyn Steegstra, Nan SPECIAL FOR THE STUDENT This amusing spoof of the Holly¬ played by Patrick Ford, pro¬ glaziers, has come to a partial folkswinger, entertained as a part of the Summer Fine Arts wood movie industry and its ducer-director at VVKAR,andan- Herrick, and Pat Binge. settlement. One contractor, Festival, at the Education Building Kiva last week. nounces that she is expecting a Roast Chicken Baked Meatloaf formula for successful produc¬ "Boy Meets Girl" is the fourth Koertz Glass and Paint Co., Inc. Photo by Patti Prout Rice or Potatoes Mashed Potato tions will be presented Wednes¬ production of the season. Thefin- of Flint, has agreed to pay glass Hot Tossed Salad Vegetable day through Saturday, July 22- al play will be the musical workers the full demands made script writers, portrayed BE A NON CONFORMIST Two Roll & Butter Roll Si Butter 25 at 8:30 p.m. at Demonstration by graduate students Lawrence comedy, "The Boy Friend," by the union, and has eight to ten Coffee Hall. R. Sexton and Leeds B. Bird, which will be presented next men working on the chemistry The plot centers around Susie happen to be in the office at the week, July 29 to Aug. 1. Tickets and biochemistry buildings. Seabrook, a studio waitress, time discussing plot ideas with are available at the box office in Other contractors are still C.F. They get the ingenious idea front of Demonstration Hall, bargaining with the union, which of starring Susie's as-yet-unborn Monday through Saturday, 2 to 6 has been on strike since June 10, MSU Deans infant with Larry Toms, cowboy p.m. The number to call for according to Ernie Fox, business film hero, played by Robert L. phone reservations is 355-0148. agent for the union. Learn good ballroom dancing the To Observe Smith, instructor of M.S.U. speech at DeMellio way. It's for the young ATTENTION CAR OWNERS in spirit, forget your age. ROTC Camp Complications arise as the writers are done out of the man¬ Richard U. Byerrum, dean of aging contract of the baby. Bent the College of Natural Science on revenge, they decide to dis¬ complete front end repair and alignment and Eldon R. Nonnamaker, asso¬ credit the infant by hiring some¬ • brakes » suspension FOX TROTS-WALTZES ciate dean of student affairs, one to claim to be his father. POLKAS-SWING will participate in "Educator's This scheme is finally foiled ♦ wheel balancing » steering corrections CHA-CHA-RUMBAS Day" at the Fort Riley, Kansas 1964 Reserve Officer's Training when the mother married Rodney Beven, the son of an English lord, » motor tune ups SAMBAS-BOSSA NOVA Call IV 2-2259 11 a.m About Our Ral On Your Way, Wherever You Go Corps Summer Camp on July played by Anthony Heald.Massa- 19th and 20th. pequa Park, New York, sopho¬ More than 56 educators from 34 central United States univer- more, and eventually everything is worked out and everyone lives LISKEY'S AUTO SAFETY CENTER sities some and 1600 colleges cadets will visit during this happily ever after. Others appearing in the cast 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 TODD'S Gentry Shops are Karen Mathis, Bill Terry, period. Who Says "Nobody Gives You Something For Nothing"?? STORE HOURS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Todd's Does Here's How It Works: Buy any summer item at it's regular price WEDNESDAY NOON UNTIL NINE P.M. and get the second like item FREEH Yes, CLOSED SATURDAY THRU AUGUST 8 you get two for the price of one. Buy one sport shirt, slacks, suits, sport coats, swim trunks, etc, etc. AND GET THE SECOND FHEE SALE FREE. Jacobson's Of All Summer Merchandise Ithas neverbeeti Todd's policy. . .to carry merchandise over from season to season. The reason is simple: Todd's will only carry the newest, the latest styles. . .and its a known fact that tomorrows styles are here today. So bring a friend . . .split the cost. . .and share the savings. Don't Miss The Values During This Sale !!!! c-o-o-l Extraordinary SUMMER BRAS Madras. . .Sets Pace!!!! The for every figure type SHIRTS BURMUDAS SPORTCOATS from the most talented MADRAS MADRAS MADRAS shapemakers . . . white bras that combine comfort with 98 beautiful figure A. control. Olga's cloud-light padded Genuine 6 Imported Indian 6 Plenty of Hot Weather A- 29! Your Choice. . Three But¬ Models With Natural bra of dacron polyester, Madras Shirts And Shirt head To Enjoy These Cool ton Favorites'. A Variety of Shoulders. Crisp, Cool. . Jacs In Button Front Mo¬ nylon and cotton blend. dels With Button Down Col¬ Colors, Styles And Plaids Easy to Care For. lars, A Host of Muted Sizes 32 to 36; A,B cups. 3.95 Plaids B. Warner's stretchbra of cotton broadcloth with Lycra stretch straps, low back. Wednesday, July 22, One Day Only Sizes 32 to 38; B,C cups. Hollywood-Vassarette's cotton 2.50 Todd's JL ^ 44 Where The C. Style Is ~^Sops . whirlpool-stitched bra with featherweight foam pads. "Size's 32 fo SO; *,-o'tvps. Z.-7C * 2fl EAST GRANU K-ivlT? 1 ON CAMPUS 4 Tuesday, July 21. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Instructors Promote Long Library Delays If you've had trouble obtain¬ and Stoddard, cited the special Stoddard, was lower than nor¬ ing assigned reading materials challenges presented by the type mal, although still highest in the in the library, it may be because of clientele on campus in the building. your instructor delayed in turn¬ summer. ing his reading lists to divisional He described his staff's sum¬ Miss Muhlbach found a striking librarians. mer work as "almost a vaca¬ change in the greater demand Social science librarian tion." for personal help. "The great William S. Stoddard says that number of older people return¬ 60 As a result they are able to per cent of the lists his ing to school for the summer, division handled in give more extended individual came on or she said, "are not at all re¬ assistance. after the last day of registration. luctant in asking for help." This allowed some students to This she attributed to their Stoddard said that the new check the would-be reserved out general maturity and the fre¬ air conditioning system has materials, necessitatingthecall- quent lack of familiarity with boosted usage, especially that ing in of the books, and delays library workings. of the rooms. of 10 days or more In their And this was fine, she said, "entire staff looks for¬ In the past, he said, some availability. for the Along with the College of Edu¬ ward to summer school and the professors had even refrained from assigning library work due cation, the social science and stimulating work with people education divisions of the library who've been out in the field." to the building's extreme heat. face an especially intense and Stoddard found the older stu¬ MAKING WAY FOR YOUNG BLOOD-A young stripling when MSU was first founded, this forest different summer. dents "more interested in what in Due school to the and need to be back attend orien¬ giant recently prominent position at the Abbott Street Entrance after old age an ■ Both divisional librarians. they're doing." They're also tation sessions, to he finds that Photo by Ken Roberts Catherine Muhlbach in education more serious than the regular most teachers leave after the students, he said. first five weeks. This he said, Their problems are the same leaves August as the ideal time as those of the average fulltime to study at Michigan State. Cir¬ undergraduate, he added, but 'BAN THE culation for the whole month in B0MB'»High School students met in enthusia there are more of them. He his division will probably only tic demonstrations as a part of a seminar on the Atomi c also felt that some older stu¬ equal that for a regular week at Bomb during the current Communications Institute being dents encountered difficulties in held on campus. Photo by Ken Roberts having to ask the aid of the some¬ times teen-aged library help. Total enrollment intheCollege of Education for the first five Nancy Ann To Assist week session stands at 3,175 graduate students and 1,200 un¬ EAST LANSING dergraduates. Miss Muhlbach said that the second session should see this drop to only 1,000 graduates, with the under¬ Miss Michigan Choice Nears be telecast over WJIM from 9:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The winner of graduate figure remaining the parK°! , ® n of 1964 on Friday, July 31, the state finals competition will in Michigan? SIDEWALK BAZAAR same the L. C. Walker Auditorium represent the state at the Miss At the present time, she said, Ten finalists in the Miss Muskegon. The will America Pageant in Atlantic City her division's circulation has M'chiga, State Pageant for the — program in September. changed little from spring term, while assigned reading is up. Nancy Anne Fleming, MSU Ready WEDNESDAY at Knapp's! East Lansing are Those books most in demand professional works on Grant Given graduate and Miss America of 1961, will be co-MC with Bob methods of teaching.The verticle Johnson, a favorite radio-TV Shop Bargains Galore 9:30 to 9:00 file—miscellaneous pamphlets— performer with Michigan au¬ is another area being heavily Aids Butterfly diences, who has MC'd the Miss Michigan Pageant for the past 15 years. Kathleen McLaughlin, One the other hand, the pro¬ The Society of the Sigma Xi dlan butterflies, their discrimi¬ Miss Michigan of 1963, will crown EARLY BIRD DOOR OPENER SPECIALS! curement of new books is little changed in summer. Miss Muhl- w , , «..d its associated organization, nation, distribution, variation and her successor. Dom Axtim, the The Scientific Research society abundance. present Miss America, is a guest while they last . ... be an early bird and save nounced award In making this announcement star on the telecast with Bruce Grant, local TV star, and Jan total an to Julian P. being approximately 6,0C an official stated "Sigma Xi and Somers Donahue, graduate student in en¬ Johnson, Miss Michigan 8 MSU Blankets Sweater Bags titles for the division. Circulation in the socii tomology. RESA each year make a number of 1954< Jan Somers was first award is to asSlst in of grants t it promising This runner-up in the Miss America ... 66 x 90", green with white . . . clear plastic with colored science division, according t scientists at critical points in his t the year she reigned as MSU printed emblem. 3.98 binding. Zipper closing. Many uses 1CX study of the taxonomy of In- their research careers. We Mss Michigan." recognize that many needs are The ten finaiists in theMiss 400 Misses' Sportswear Bath Shelves relatively too small for the large Expert Seeks Tax Cut Michigan Pageant are the girls foundations to consider and it wh0 Wjn jn skirts, bermudas, blouses. competitions in . . . . . . attractive decorator designs is to meet these needs that our tj,e days preceding the finals, knit top. Odds and ends, reduced straight and corner shapes. Save maintained.' $1 in 2.88 research funds are For Work Retraining to go. Founded in 1886, the Society contests, Skirts and Blouses 2 Theatrical Mirrors now has 145 chapters and more Preliminaries, than 127 clubs !n the major col- Prizes for Miss all-round lighting. Ideal for A New York tax expert pro¬ Michigan it pleated . . . A r n e 1 jersey white leges and universities in the elude a $1,000scholarship, a $500 bedroom. Special at. . . ' a liberal tax a credit skirt, print sleeveless blouses. Mis¬ 1.99 bath or $9 poses as an incentive for industry to ■ Robinson is an attorney with United States and Canada. Its faShion award, a $500 jewel chest, ses'. . . « Men's Raincoats undertake the task of retraining the firm of Chadburne, Parke, industrial counterpart, RESA, and a $1,000 wardrobe, in addition workers who have lost their jobs .. Whiteside & Wolff of New York, established in 1947, has 88 to many other valuable prizes 27 Summer Dresses ONLY 5. . . wash and wear. Dacron through automation. "An author of tax articles, Robin- branches in major governmental from Michigan businessmen and assorted styles, colors. Cool, » polyester-cotton shells.Natural, Writing in "BusinessTopics," son served as a special attorney ®nd industrial laboratories, merchants. The opportunity to $2 publication of the MSU graduate in the office of the Chief Counsel These two organizations with a compete for the Miss America . . . olive fabrics. Street Level $5 a school of business administra- of the Internal Revenue Service f°n}bined actlve membershiP o£ title is another prize for which 57 Daytime Dresses tion, attorney Gerald J. Robinson for four years. 90'000 scientists jointly sponsor the girls work very hard, 1 Galaxie Typewriter contends: Robinson says the Manpower ?Zht national lectureships, pub- Smith-Corona with . . . cottons, acetates. Assort¬ "Using the tax credit as a Development and Training Act, Hsh the American Scientist, and The Miss Michigan State . math . . famous keyboard. Great buy. Hurry. $60 ed styles, colors, sizes. Second $l-$2-$3 stimulant places the financial burden for retraining where it which has been the most ambi- tious program for worker re- are currently making annual Pageant is sponsored by the awards jn suPPort °f research Greater Muskegon Junior Cham- totaling $100,000. fairly belongs-on the entire na- training to date, is a ' 'disappoint- totalln8 $100,000. ber of Commerce, 150 Linen lea Towels Famous Name Hose tion. The credit also has the ment." attractive prints. Extra ab¬ virtue of allowing industry to do Very few states have passed LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS . . . sorbent. 16 x 32". Lint-free. 10< . . Assorted . fine quality ladies' nylons. sizes and popular shades. 50< the retraining itself. Thus it is twice blessed, by equity and by enabling legislation (Michigan is one which has), and the necessity efficiency." for states to match federal funds in the future has not registered Italian Flats 2 Robinson asserts that industry well in view of pressing state 264 pr. Plaid is far better equipped than financial problems, Rcbinson government to retrain the grow- 3.00 Blankets gays. Men's Socks ing force of workers who have While a tax remedy might be Straw Casuals been displaced by automation, open to criticism, it is the best "It knows its own needs, has the retraining job Nylon, banlon, cotton and way to get blends. Solids and fancies. the essential know - how," he done, Robinson said. It will cost says, "and has many of the the nation less because industry (Gooseneck Desk facilities needed." will use its existing facilities, 39< Just with 18. 14-inches high. Bullet style vinyl shades. Special low price. . 9 8 So Fr»»h Pre Cooked Shank Half y |b EE] Armour Canned Picnic Viz-Lb. 3 si«$0'^$1" Shrimp 'plr59'(Fish Sticks 89 Slice It Lik f of Bread Armour's Star, Just Heat & Eat 2 National's U.S. Choice, Corn Fed Beef, Lean Cube Steak 99c WBar-B-Q Back Ribs , Can OrZ ... Lb. Armour's Star, Oven-Ready /ZC)C Hygrade's New Taste Sensation, State Fair Stuffed Turkeys ... Lb • Armour's Star, Vacuum Packaged — Polish Sausage ... Lb 65c I Skinless Franks 9S'Braunschweiger New From Hygrade, Try This One Too, Black Forest ... Lb J7 Armour's Star, Summer Taste Treat - Smoked Sausage . . Lb 65c . . . Lb or Petit's Fully Cooked, Serve Cold or Heat Gr Eat BR9 Armour's Star, Chunk Style ^ Bologna Lb. 07. Bar-B-Q Fryers . . . Lb.59° Orchard Fresh, Testy Tengy Garden Fresh, Cr. Style or Wh. Kernel Applesauce Golden Cora White or Asst'd Colors, Strong and Absorbent Jumbo Scoff Towels Roll 50 EXTRAS STAMPS Keep Foods Fresher Looser with Scott a this coupon Plastic Wrap i 50 EXTRAS STAMPS The Pur Peanut Butter eem This Coupon At Notional A wot Jane's Delicious, Crispy Sandwich 3^ ^ | Coupon Expires Saturday, July 75th mammrrtuAinmiAinnTwm 24-0*. Pickles Jars I | free with this coupon i 50 EXT RAci.n STAMPS i The Purchase of V,Cal. 8tl. Easy Life Freieo Chicken, Beef, Turkey or Salisbury Fabric Softener Morton Dinner 2 ° 89c m This Coupon /U National FREE WITH THIS COUPON ^ Food^Storei Fine Quality, Have Plenty for Indoors or Out 50 EXTRAsG,&e.HnSTAMPS Scott Hapkins 2"'.^^MHMSoUhwMlalLani of Lansing on M-78 ADMISSION THIS ENGAGEMENT ADULTS 51.25 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE STARTS TOMORROW! •2 FIRST RUN HITS- WHATI AWAY P>ATfrA I STARTS FRIDAY JERRY LEWIS Following in the hilarious fun-steps of "Mister Roberts". asTHE J ^Ensign -tJB HTSV PUD^eR WALTER TOMMY "The biggest thing in the realm of movies in many a l'year!" (t JERRY LEWIS Mem) Program Information 332-6944 LAST 3 DAYS You may not TO 5,30 eve find it in your dictionary. But you're sure to find it on your funnybone. (Look under F as in Fu-n-n-ee. - INABALIN' EVERETT SLOANE■ PHIL HARRIS KEEN AIM WYNN ■ PETER LOR RE'JOHN CARRADINE ERNESTO'; m-JERRY LEWIS BILL RICHMOND-JERRYLEWIsIS*^ HIT 7(2) SHOWN AT 10:45 Starts vm# Grant ^ nMi|i wi FRIDAY Hepburn Twin-Hit Show! ®PAMELA BROWN/GEORGE COLE/HUME CRONYN/CESARE DANOVA/KENNETH HAICH/ROOOY McMMLL Ill in JEM l'lint! JISEPHIIBK MdHll.Slfl lltlil DAN DURYEA PATRICIA OWENS Willi ill s£'" r, ' b A ENDS TONITE»"VIVA LAS VEGAS" ill I ENDS TONITE-"GOOD NEIGHBOR SAM" | Tuesday, July 21. 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan A DECADE UM Football Ga Former Champions State's Oct. 10 home game football with the University Michigan is a sellout, ticket seen of years. Spartan Bill Beardsley the contest the last "Ticket sales so 16 far have been books, for the which include tickets Michigan game and the three other outings slated for Spartan Stadium, may still be State will engage in calling for five or affairs each season. scheduling six home Sept. 26 at North Carolina, play Indiana Oct. 17, Wisconsin, Oct. 31, Notre Dame Nov. 14 and Illinois, Nov. 21. Reflect On Years manager qUjte encouraging," Beardsley purchased. Attendence at Spartan games announced Monday. said. ' 'It is conceivable that we for the last three seasons has Coach Daugherty's gridmen will return to campus Sept. 1, Allotments of tickets for the may surpass last year's record In addition to Michigan, State been second highest in the nation. will be host to Southern Cali¬ the target date for Big Ten pre¬ game at both East Lansing and total of 310,000 for a season." Ohio State leads both the nation Ann Arbor have been exhausted fornia, Oct. 3, Northwestern, Oct. and Big Ten in this category. season practices. instructor, a professional foot¬ Richard Idzkowski, pitcher — Accounting for the general up¬ What .iappens to members of to guarantee a crowd of 76,000 '24 (homecoming), and Purdue, ball player, a parks and recrea¬ Okemos, insurance agent. surge in sales have been season The Spartans completed a five- a Big Ten championship team for the annual clash between the ticket books, which Beardsley Npv. 17. Average Saturday crowds last tion superintendent, a real estate Charles Mathews, first base¬ week series of spring workouts in a decade following their ath¬ traditional state rivals. reports are selling 12-15 per year at Spartan Stadium, which development agent, and a college man— Greenville, high school The '64 schedule will be the last June with the second annual letic success? It's one of the earliest sell¬ seats 76,000, was 61,000. dean of men. baseball and wrestling coach. cent ahead of last year. Green and White intrasquad Answers about Michigan outs for the game in a number last four-game home fare for Below is a rundown of the Don Moffatt, catcher—Tecum- On the road, State will open State's 1954 Big Ten champs of years. Capacity crowds have A limited number of these the Spartans. Beginning in 1965, game. squad members attending the re¬ seh, parks and recreation super¬ came to light recently when squad members decided to hold a ten- union, current with team positions, residence and occupa- intendent. Earl Morrall, shortstop-Dear¬ M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.I'. Rook Store M.S.U. Rook Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book year reunion back at the scene born of their triumphs. Heights, Detroit Lions quar¬ Charles Bodary, outfielder— terback and industrial sales en- Now averaging 30 years of Mason, construction company en¬ New For You From John 16 of them gathered with Wiley age, gineer. their now retired coach, John Dan Brown, catcher—Dimon- John Polomsky, outfielder — H. Kobs. East Lansing, faculty member dale, employed in real estate in engineering at Michigan State. Coming from such scattered licensing. Robert Powell—outfielder — points as California, Nevada and Charles Gorman, pitcher- Las South Carolina, they include en¬ Grand Ledge, high school base¬ Vegas, Nev., structural gineers, salesmen, a college coach, high school coaches, in¬ surance justers, agents a and claims ad¬ college engineering ball, football and wrestling coach. William Hopping, outfielder — Detroit, insurance claims adjust- engineer in Mercury missilepro- gram. Robert Reising, catcher- Columbia, S.C., baseball coach At The New MSU Bookstore at the University of South Carol¬ ina. John Risch, outfielder—West Allis, Wis., high school teacher and basebali coach at Hales Technical Books From John Wiley Cttrners, Wis. James Sack, outfielder--Lan¬ Coritvol System Design sing, sales engineer for heating by S.M.Shinners: A unified presentation of the classical and manufacturing company. Ron Stead, second baseman— modern phases of control system theory and application. Delaware, Ohio, dean of men NUCLEAR Pool Guests Need Proof at Ohio Wesleyan. Michael Wallace, pitcher — HUNK II l» The Dynamics Of The American Presidency INTERACTIONS faculty Beeman, intramural director HMUINESKI Guests of students or SERGIO DE BENEDETTt Guelph, Ont., insurance agent desiring to use the intramural said. and manager of Stratford base¬ pool facilities are reminded that Youngsters who are not ob- ball team. they must show proof of age be- viously 13 years of age must Robert Williams, first base¬ fort- being admitted, Harris F. present their birth certificates man—Hillsborough, Calif., real The Rulers And The Ruled; Political Power And photostatic copy along with — or a • the student or faculty ID card. estate development agent. Importance In American Communities; by RJE. Agger, D. Goldrich and B.E. Swanson: An intensive Radio Station, theoretically-guided analysis of the American political sys¬ tem. Eddie Fisher Nuclear Spectroscopy Aid Olympics by B.J. Verhaar: Th The U.S. Olympic Fund is rich¬ er by $1,000 today—thanks to the generosity of radio station Electron Density Distributions In The Ionosphere WJR in Detroit and famed singer And Exosphere by E. Thrane. Eddie Fisher. In receipt of the station's check for the amount is Biggie Munn, Michigan State athletic director Macroeconomics, Fiscal Policy, And Economic and chairman of the NCAA Olym¬ Growth by N.F. Keiser. pic Fund raising. The check was presented to «$ the rolers ft the ruled him by Sports Director Bob Rey¬ i nolds of WJR on behalf of the Extrusion Of Plastics station, its sports department me and Fisher. by E.G. Fisher. for The famed crooner appeared several days recently on a rtiied Collision Theory WJR morning show. He stipu¬ lated that his fees be donated to by Goldbereger and Watson. a fund of the station's choice. The station and its sports de¬ Nuclear Interactions partment also contributed and selected the Olympic Fund for by DeBenedetti. the donation. Fisher is chairman of the en¬ Introduction To The Use Of Mathematics In Ec¬ tertainment division of the U.S. onomic Analysis by Huang Olympic Committee for the games in Tokyo this fall. Collision Phenomena In Ionized Gases for one-stop family shopping and saving! New MSU Bookstore Summer School Hours Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. VISIT OUR GIGANTIC SIDEWALK SALE Merchandise At Fantastically Low Prices Wed. July 22 9:30to9:00 ALL DAY On South On North Campus TRIANGULAR BIKINI Campus Doll Dresses Headscarfs VALUES TO SI .98 Still at the Union VALUE TO 58c The exciting new MSU NOW 50< Book Store. The finest Building will be the NOW V? grill, cafeteria bar¬ complete book store Assorted Stuff ber shop, bow I ing, bill¬ Delicious Jelly services. iards, and browsing Beans Toys REG. 29c LB. room. The beautiful new Now 10< LE Vi Price Crossroads Cafe. A meal or a snack in a The Union lobby is LARGE DECORATIVE still a nice place to Pole Lamps delightful new setting. meet. Beach T owels VALUED AT $6.88 I/2. Price Now 3.88 While Browsing Thru These Bargains Enjoy! A Hot Dog And Pepsi MSU BOOK STORE BOTH FOR ONLY 17< In The International Center- A Department Of MSU KRESGE'S CAMPUS STORE .U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M#S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Tuesday, July 21, 1964 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Sold to first customer, first day in BUICK 1960 Convertible. Invicta. White, red interior with bucket CAR SOLD FIRST DAY paper. this satisfied Couldn'thave been better said advertiser. seats. Power. Good condition. Owner will sacrifice. Automotive Automotive Employment For Rent For Sale For Sale "SECRETARY, LEGAL-Ex- House* PORTABLE TYPE WTTTT E R- MOVING - BABY furniture, book CHEVROLET 1V5V 2-door. Six OLDSMOB1LE 1962 Super '88*. Scooters-Cycles Standard shift. New motor. Good perienced only. Wages commen¬ FIVEHBT?DROOM home in Eaton Olympia Precision. Buy the shelves, toys, and miscellan¬ Airconditioned. Power brakes rubber. No rust. Phone OX 9- HONf5A~I963 Super HawKT305ck surate with ability and exper¬ Rapids. August 1964 to June finest. Technical -keyboards eous items. Call 332-6600. 10 and steering. New tires. Sunset 1700 miles. Medium handlebars, 2009. 8 mist. 489-3513. 8 ience. Excellent working condi¬ 1965. Attractive grounds, neigh- available. HASSELBRING CO. SOLID CHERRY nine piece din- scrambling tires. $600. HONDA 310 N. Grand. IV 2-1219. C19 CHEVR6LtT 1958. 4-door. 1964, 50 cc. 850 miles. $250. tions. Phone 484-1428. borhood. Near shopping, ing room suite. Also solid schools. $125 per month. 355- LOOKS AND works like new. 21 cherry 4-piece bedroom suite. Sharpie! Excellent condition. shape. 4-door sedan. Hydra- Both excellent condition. 372- EMPLOYER'S OVERLOAD Co. • AUTOMOTIVE V-8, automatic. New tires. Rea¬ matic. Automatic transmission. For temporary assignments. 8359 or Eaton Rapids, 4-6241. 8 Inch used RCA Lo Boy TV, ED 2-3888. 8 4944 after 6 pm. 8 . • EMPLOYMENT sonable. See 1035 Andrus. 487- Call 337-2317 for information. Experienced office help urgently Room: $89.95. MODERN TV CENTER. MOTORCYCLtS ANbfeiCV- • FOR RENT 6285. 9 8 needed. 616 Michigan National NICE SINGLE corner room. 2017 E. Michigan. IV 4-1393. 8 from $34.95 up. HANK'S TV, CLES. New and used. Shep's • FOR SALE CHEVROLET 1954, 4-door. 6L0SM6B1LE 1953 Clack, lwo- Motors. 2460 N. Cedar. South Tower. Phone 487-6071. Cross ventilation. Across from now is the Time for taking Phone 337-7631. 8 , • LOST & FOUND Standard shift. 6-cylinder. door hardtop. Hydramatic. Ra¬ of earnings are unlimited as an campus on Harrison Rd. Call those pictures we dreamed about ENGLISH 3 speed bicycles. Lansing. U.S. 127. OX 4-6621. • PERSONAL Transportation Special. $60. dio, whitewalls. Very good con¬ 10 Avon representative. Turn your 337-0650. 12 last winter. Come by and look $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & • PEANUTS PERSONAL Tom Otto. 482-1287 or ED dition. Call 355-9381. 10 free time into $$. For appoint¬ 807 JEROME. Six blocks from at our vast supplies, including GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, PRIMA 1958. Electric starter. REAL ESTATE 2-3701. 8 ment in your home, write or 50 35mm cameras. Also Press across from Union. ED 2-3212. • Good condition. Needs batter-, Capitol. Clean, furnished. Girl, • SERVICE COMET 1963 Convertible. Like er. 52,000 miles. Excellent con¬ ies. Call 337-2716 after 5 pm. call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 boy or couple. Private entrance. type, 2 1/4x3 1/4 Speed Graph¬ TRANSPORTATION School St., Haslett, Michigan, or WILCOX SECONDHAND DINING ROOM furniture. Daven- • new. V-8. Power steering.Take dition. $475. Call Phil, ED 2- Best offer. 10 487-3597. 10 ic. •WANTED over payments. After 6, phone 1385 after 10 pm. TRIUMPH 1961 TR 6.650cc. Good call evenings, FE 9-8483. C8 ROOM. 123 Albert. Kitchen (a- STORE. 509 E. Michigan Ave. port and matching chair. In fair C10 condition. ED 7-9536. 8 TU 2-9153, ,n OLDSMOBILE 1^60 Super '88' 4- condition. $675. Phone IV B OAKKEEPer-s ecretary. cilities. Parking. $10 a week. IV 5-4391. DEADLINE: CORVA1R 1963, '500' series. Permanent position, downtown Call Humphrey's. ED 2-6521. 9 CAMPER-62". Chevrolet pick- BICYCLES SALES, service and door hardtop. New tires, origi¬ 5-0957. 8 i.m. one class day be¬ Law firm. Five days. Bookkeep¬ up. Bed over cab. Deluxe model. rentals. East Lansing Cycle, Radio, floor mat. Excellent con¬ nal owner. Excellent condition. ZUNDAt3^ MOTORCYCLE, 200 MEN' ONE block to campus. fore publication dition. Must go! Phone IV Phone TU 2-3725. 10 cc. 1958. Good condition. Very ing and shorthand proficiency Doubles and singles. Cooking, Phone IV 2-1705. 9 1215 East Grand River. Call 12 10 required. Age 21-35. Call Mrs. SLIDE 332-8303. C Cancellations - noon one 7-5758. reasonable. Blue. 70 MPG. Call parking. Summer rates. After PROJECTORS. Largest class day before publication CORVETTE 1963 Stingray c... 2-6846. 8 VanTassel, 489-5753. 9 5:30, 332-2195. 10 selection ever. Also used slide DRYER (fRIGIDaIRE) $35. May- door hardtop. Power steering TU vertible. Black Automatic. Very and brakes. Hydramatic. Radio. Auto Service & Ports PART-TIME Secretary. 1 pm- 333 ALBERT. International Stu¬ projectors, from $14.50 up. tag gas range, $30. Both excel¬ PHONE: Van's Camera lent condition, IV 4-3778. 9 good condition. $3,100. Call Sharp! Phone IV 4-9170. 5 pm. For construction firm. dent House. Two-man rooms. Shop. 1615 E. 355-8255 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call Owosso, 723-4098. rust. Typing, bookkeeping. Own Balance of Summer term, $30. Michigan. IV 5-4369. 8 MONTMORENCY CHERRIES. Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. > RATES: transportation. 484-4762. 9 TV available. 484-5496. Nights GUNS EQR SALE, trade or rent. Sprayed. Bring containers. Pick chanically perfect. 15 MPG. No Small dents to large wrecks. Very good condition. Reason¬ appreciate. NURSE-REGISTERED. Exper- 372-0330. 19 Brownings, Remingtons, and your own.20£a quart. IV 7-0643. 1 DAY SI.25 oil. Must see to American and Foreign cars. 3 DAYS $2.50 ably priced. 3418 Forest Rd. 337-0488. G ua ranteed work. 489-7507. ienced. Responsible position. ROOMS FOR rent across from Winchesters. 12-16-20 gauges. 401 E. State Rd. 8 Phone 332-2669 or TU 2-3841.10 Top pay. Give complete partic¬ Kellogg Center. Call 337-2319.9 Doubled Parkers- L. C. Smith, 5 DAYS $3.75 1411 East Kalamazoo. C bathing suit, size 14. Worn ulars in application. Write Box Ithicas, LeFevers, Fox Ster- matic. V-8. Good condition. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call once. ED 2-1871. 8 No. A-l, State News. 347Student (Based on .15 words per ad) 1956 Buick engine. Packard 3- $350. ED 2-4158. 8 Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. man). Quiet, comfortable lingworths, Stevens, 12-16-20 TRAILER. Two bedrooms. Al- speed. New top, tires, battery, Services Bldg., East Lansing. 20 gauges. Deer Rifles, 22-30-32- There will be a 25< service PLYMOUTH 1962 Savoy. Stick. Small dents to large wrecks. in which to study. Good location, ready placed. Bank finance for and bookkeeping charge if paint. $1,295. 332-0712. 10 Six-cylinder, 225 engine, 4- American and Foreign cars. AMBITIOUS WOMAN who needs parking. Phone IV 2-8304. 9 35-300-270-280-348 ( 30.06 ), $1725, $300 down. Immediate Second income. Retirement plan 308-243. All makes and models this ad is not paid within FALCON 1960 Station Wagon. 4- drive. Low mileage. Perfect Guaranteed work. 489-7507. UNSUPERVISED, FURNISHED. possession. 694-0186. 8 door. Stick shift. Good condi¬ condition. Call 655-1816. 0 1411 East Kalamazoo. C if you qualify. Call IV 5-7852. 8 Winchesters, Model 1873, 1894 -ek. Near Union. 123 Albert. Single SECTIONAL, TWO piece and tion. $495. ED 7-7406. 10 PONT I AC T961 2-door hardtop. (32.20), (38.55), (44.40), (45.90), chair. Good condition. Reason¬ room. Cooking, parking. Avail¬ FALC6N 1960, 4-door deluxe. Automatic. Sharp! Honduras Employment able now. Call 332-0716. 11 Springfields (45.70). Muzzle able. Call ED 2-3158. 8 The State News does not Loaders, 12 gauge. 40 lb. Bow Original Jet black finish. Auto¬ maroon. $1600. Phone IV 5-5582. NURSES AIDES. Experienced Aoartments permit racial or religious FOR RENT graduate student or and Arrows. Pistols and revolv¬ FOR SALE, Stove, 40". General transmission. Radio, 8 discrimination in its ad¬ matic preferred, but will train. Must CHESTNUT. NORTH. Low e r professional man. Attractive Electric. Excellent condition. ers. Over 275 guns to choose heater, new whitewall tires. A PONTIAC 1963 Catalina, 4-door. have own transportation. Apply vertising columns. The three rooms. Furnished. All room in area of beautiful homes. from. Terms. KENNEDY'S Call ED 2-5293. 8 State News will not accept top quality car throughout!!1 Power brakes, steering. Low in person, 10 am.-4 pm. Capital 8 private parking and bus. No 332-1176. HOBBY SHOP. 1420 Woodbine. NORGE REFRIGERATOR, auto¬ advertising from persons $735. AL EDWARDS CO. (Lin¬ mileage. 3120 Sablain. Phone City Convalescent Center No. children or pets. 484-8196; 372- WANTED ONE OR two room- IV 9-1165. 8 matic defrost. 6 1/2 cubic feet. discriminating against re¬ coln, Mercury, Comet dealer. TU 2-0684. 8 3. 1313 Mary Ave. 9 1244. 10 mates to share four man fur¬ $100. Clean. Good condition. , 3125 E. Saginaw. (North of Fran- RENAULT 1959. 4 cu. Rebuilt SALESMEN. A National Company ligion, race, color or TWO BEDROOM apartment to nished apartment. Call 485- Montmorency. Pick your own. Phone 332-2025. 8 national origin. dor^ C8 motor. Blue. 4-door. Good con¬ has openings for two salesmen ford WS8 Fairlane. 2-door, V-8 share with one girl. In Lansing. 7080. $25 monthly. Will pick orders. Bring contain¬ cherries, currants and dition. $195. Phone 482-1337. 10 in Lansing office. Working Ionia Fordomatic transmission. One Preferably graduate student. ers. 4695 Liverance St., raspberries. Save 1/3. Pick your and Clinton Counties. Must be Automotive 655-1568 after 1 pm. SPARTAN MOTORS 485-9933; 489-1486. 9 Okemos. ED 2-5616. 9 own or order now. Perkins Fruit owner. of good character, have late AVONDALE APARTMENTS- Farm. Five miles East of Has- 3925 Zimmer. Williamston. 8 model car. You will be trained CAMPER. LIKE new. Sleeps six. austin hIaLEY l958Hondoras. lett. 655-1965. COMET 1961 2-door. Automatic Gunson and Beech. Walking dis¬ LOWER LEVEL rooms: Onesin- Inner spring mattress bunk Maroor., wire wheels, over¬ DO YOU KNOW that just ten min- in local office and sent to Com¬ transmission. Radio, heater. tance to campus. Now Leasing beds. Priced low. Go-Kart, $85. drive. Radio. Call 355-3106. 8 utes East of East Lansing, you pany Training School in 60 days. gle, one double. Private en¬ 30-day warranty. Portables too. 23,000 miles. $995. for Fall at $50 per person per trance, parking. Newly fur¬ FE 9-2259. 10 buick i960 Convertible: Invicta. can have the best personalized Commission is very liberal. TROTTERS TV. 3811 N. U.S. month, 4 to each luxury 2-bed- nished. Gentlemen preferred. red Interior with bucket service from a small friendly Call Mr. George Herrick, IV 27. IV 2-4750. 8 White, CHEVROLET 1959 Biscayne, 2- room apartment. Nylon carpet¬ $5. Five for $10. Phone Ford dealer? We feature a fine 2-1283 or write P.O. Box 5323 Call IV 9-1100 after 5 pm. 10 Two for seats. Power. Good condition. door. Six cylinder, stick. $695. ing. GE appliances. Danish STOVE - ELECTRIC. Apartment selection of used cars. SIGNS Lansing 5, Michigan. 10 EAST LANSInC- Across from IV 2-0403. 8 Owner will sacrifice. 332-1758. modern furniture. Stop by any¬ size, $45. Clean, good condition. 9 FORD SALES, Williamston, ACTUARIAL CLERK and typist. MSU Union. Inquire 211 E.Grand Phone 332-2025. 8 FORD 1961 4-door, six cylinder, time, or call 337-2080 for in¬ Mich. 655-2191. C Permanent, part-time em¬ River or phone ED 7-9951, or CHEVROLET 19bb Nomad V-il stick. $695. formation. 19 Mobile Homes Station Wagon. 4-door. Blue and FORD 1955, 4-door. Good condi- ployee. 16-20 hours per week. LOVELY FURNISHED three 337-9171. 9 tion. Phone ED 2-6141 or see at LANCASTER. 5(Tx 10' 1961. Front white. Automatic transmission. RENAULT DAUPH1NE 1962, 4- Hours to suit your home re¬ PRIVATE AREA for two male room apartment. Mahogany pan¬ CLOSING OUT- On archery, kitchen. Two bedrooms. A-l 2572 E. Mt. Hope Rd., Okemos. quirements. No actuarial com¬ students. Near campus. Quiet. Power steering. Good condition. door. $795. eling. Ample parking. Accom¬ condition. On lot near campus. 10 putation experience required, Reasonable. Fall term. 355- clothing, boots, fishing tackle. Original owner. $595. 339-8764. modates three. Available now. HIAWATHA SPORT SHOP. 4500 337-1277. 11 FORD 1953. V-8 automatic. Two 3000 E. Michigan but above average mathemati¬ 9499. 10 Call 337-0650. 11 S. Logan. 8 ROYCRAFT bELUxE. 8' x 36'.* CHEVROLET 19 59 El Camino new tires. Nice interior. Very IV 7-3715 C cal aptitude needed. For Infor¬ 1958 Model. One bedroom. One pickup. Very good condition. dependable. $125.1515Congress. STUDEBAKER 1960 Lark. mation and appointment, call TAIRV1EW, S. 401. Downstairs, For Sale SEWING MACHINE 1963- zlg- 37,0fo ground floor. Four rooms and owner. Parked at Trailer Haven. Can be seen at 2176 Hamilton Phone IV 9-7751. IV 4-2001. 8 zag makes buttonholes, blind- miles. A-l mechanical condi¬ bath. Furnished, including util- SEWING MACHINE, Singer in To see call 487-5621. 8 Rd., Okemos. ED 2-8206. FORD 19 58 2-door. Excellent hems, overcasts all with one tion, no rust. Four door. Phone itles. Phone 882-5763. 10 beautiful wood console; features condition. No rust. $325. Phone dial control. This machine has 482-4663. 8 part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good TWO BEDROOM furnished or un- zig-zag dial control. This one Get Out of the TU 2-0942. 701 S. Park Blvd. 10' STUDEBAKER 1 small freight damage but did not V-B. 4-door salary and differential plus furnished to share with one stu¬ control can be used for button¬ affect sewing ability. Yours for J.B.'s EXCLUSIVELY Chevrolet sedan. Body good. All systems other fringe benefits. Flexible dent. Utilities paid. Phone after holes, blindhems, monogram- only $49.95 or small monthly SUMMERS Used Cars. For the sharpest go. $250 or nearest. Call 355- time schedule. Meal furnished. 5 pm. TU 2-4164 or IV 4-4058. ing, and many decorative de¬ payments. New machine guaran¬ Cedar Village used Chevies in town, stop at 0223 or 355-7913. 9 Phone ED 2-0801. 19 signs. Also has three needle tee. Phone OL 5-2054. C9 50 FEET HOT, HOT SUN J. B.'s. 2801 S. Cedar. 882- THUNDERBlftD Wl. Red, white 1478 or 882-6721. C ATTENTION STUDENT wives of positions for sewing on zippers. This machine needs SERVIL GAS refrigerator, $75. TO CAMPUS hardtop. Automatic, $2,000. Coeds! If you like to talk on the 921 West Grand River. Luxur¬ a respon¬ sible who will take on Hot Point 36" range, $40. Stu¬ MERCURY 1955 2-door hardtop. Very good condition. Owned by phone and enjoy working in ious two-bedroom apartments. owner and enjoy the fresh dent desk, $25. Sleeping bag. Standard. V-8. $75. Local trans¬ teacher. Owosso, 723-4098. 11 pleasant surroundings, come up Dishwasher, disposal, refriger¬ the responsibility of only nine coolness of one of our Rm. 345 Student Services Carpeting, drapes, payments of $7.56 per month. 332-8449. 0 NOW Renting portation. Phone 337-9921. 9 THUNDER BIRD "1957. Excellent to ator, stove. conditioned. All utilities ex¬ Call OL 5-2054. C9 LOOK B-4-U-BUY. Any furni- Swimming Pools MERCURY 1956 Convertible. !J- condition. Two tops- convert¬ Building between 8 and 5. Ask air ture, TV, Stereo, floor cover¬ for FALL speed on floor. Continental kit. ible and hardtop. Call IV 5-0181. for Barbara. 11 cept electricity. $160 monthly. VM HIFI Console with AM-FM 9 E. A. Krause, Realtor. 655- tuner. $75. Excellent condition. ing or appliances. Storage Fur¬ $225. Call 372-4198. niture Sales. IV 7-0173. C MODEL A. 1930. 4-door. $2C!XJ. TRIUMPH TR4, 1962. British Full time summer work. Part 2640, Williamston. 9 355-9874 after 6 pn. . 8 CALL E. 218. Six large rooms, MOVING. BABY furniture, book PACKARD 1941, $325. Phone IV racing green. Wire wheels. time during school year if de¬ ELM ACC0RD16N - PROFESSIONAL Good condition. Radio. Must shelves, toys and miscellaneous 7-0175 mornings. 8 sell. TU 2-0992. 10 sired. Earn enough during sum- modernized. Completely redec¬ size. Selling for half price. items. Call 332-6600. 10 332-5051 pay for entire year of orated. $100 would sell. Phone Phone 332-2457. 9 BEFORE ITS TOO late, sign up schooling. Over 15 $1,000 schol¬ Phone IV 9-1276. 11 house- for MUSTANG CLUB. SPECIAL arships were awarded to quali¬ BETWEEN LANSING and East >ans, Hardtime Hubert at Stud. Pups Stop At Our Model COLLEGE DIVISION now being and gifts. ACE HARD- 252 Cedar fied students. On the job train¬ Lansing. Apartment, five rooms WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand and grown dogs, $25 up. AKC formed. Call Don, 355-9896. 10 We still have a few ing for practical use of your and bath. Furnished. Three or River, across from Union. ED registered. Phone 641-6623. 9 TRIUMPH 1963 TR 4. Export education during the summer apartments available 289 V-8. wheels brakes. Mlchllen four boys or girls. All utilities 2-3212. C for Summer and Fall. 4-speed transmission. and months. An earn while you learn paid. Call now for special sum¬ BASE FENDER Precision Con- Immediate delivery. Call 655- tires. British racing green. 11 program designed by this multi- mer rates. IV 2-8114. 8 cert amplifier. Phone IV 4-3052. 2191. 10 Call 482-5358. million dollar Corporation that BURCHAM WOODS TWO BEDROOM Unfurnished. OLDSMOBILE 1959, 4-door. Hy- TRIUMPH 1963 Spitfire-4. Mint hundreds of students have taken and Utilities paid. $90 monthly. EYDEAL VILLA dramatic. owner. '88' Holiday.Original Good second car. Phone condition. Low Trouble-free motoring for mileage. advantage of. Many of whom are still with our Co. in key execu¬ Basement, 1st floor apartment. Married couple preferred. IV 40". Good condition, $40. Double bed with Simmons box springs I HIRED IT ED 2-8266. 10 sports car enthusiasts. 372- tive positions. For arrange¬ 4-0645. 326 W. Main. 8 and mattress, $35. Couch and OLDSMOBILE 1958. Fiesta Sta- of personal interview, 10 THROUGH THE 0487. ments Hurry, Call Today tion Wagon. Power steering and time, schedule and city you wish SYCAMORE, N. 403. Three chair with covers- $35. Avail¬ ED 2-5041 or ED 2-0565 VAUXHATL. T9 60. Economical rooms furnished. Utilities paid. able late in July. Call IV 2-1952 brakes. Excellent condition. to work, call Grand Rapids, transportation. Very cheap— Ladies preferred. Phone IV evenings. 8 $500. Phone 882-4417. 8 GLendale 9-5079. Also Lansing, will bargain. 4-door sedan. 2-3150. 10 fcfcl for better living OLDSMOBILE 1962 5tarfire Stick shift. Call ED 2-5446. 9 485-3146. South Bend, CEntral 4-9179. Kalamazoo, call Grand Buildings. Three modern rooms NEW BURGUNDY TRIO Album is now on sale at Marshall Music. 8 WANT ADS VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Black. <5Sod Rapids number. 19 and bath. Unfurnished except condition. New motor. White- REGISTERED' OCCUPATIONAL for stove and refrigerator. Call PORTABLE STEREO system. wall tires. Radio, heater. Call therapist for staff position in IV 2-1301 or ED 2-4177. 9 Brand new. Best offer. 135 Call For 355-5962 after 6 pm. 10 modern rehabilitation Attached to 350 bed center. general hos¬ L6VELY EURnIshED 3-room Bogue St. after 5 pm. Jack, 3072. 332- 1 0 IT'S EASY TOO! VOLKSWAGEN 1963 Convertible. apartment. Mahogany paneling, pital. Salary commensurate with RASPBERRIES, SVVEET CHER- Excellent condition. Many ex¬ ample parking. Accommodates CALL experience. Contact Mrs. R. Call 337- 11,000 miles. Phone 337- three. Available now. RIES, vine ripened tomatoes, The Finest tras. 2658. 8 Julian, Rehabilitation Medical 0650. and farm fresh eggs. Also other 355-8255 Center. 1215 E. Michigan Ave., GIRL TO share apartment. Con- fresh fruits and vegetables dally Lansing. IV 4-7T". ASK FOR THE WANT-AD TAKER Apartments ^ 10 tact Jan at 489-5721, 8-5. After 5, 484-8351 (Country). 8 at the reasonable prices throughout season. ROADSIDE FARM Full time and part time. STATE MEWS nurses. MARKET. 2 miles East of East Moving? Attractive surroundings. Good Tfoufys Lansing on Grand River at Oke¬ Get this working conditions. ApplyCapi- WANTED: ONE or two male mos Road. Open 9:30 a.m. to 8 (itc roommates to share two bed¬ tal City Convalescent Center. p.m. 19 Free No. 3. 1313 Mary Ave. Phone room house. Starting Fall term. You're no farther away than 882-3096. Must have own trans¬ Less than $50 monthly. Contact UNIVERSITY TERRACE your finest phone in finding the student apartments 444 Michigan Avenue Res. Mgr. Office 235 Delta Book portation. P.O. Box 388, East Lansing. 12 EURNISriED HOUSE. Near Fran- ZlecbucSmith-Corona available. From Boehm and Bowerman, you'll find the DELTA APARTMENTS Explains ihe moving estimate. Shows how charges are deter¬ dor. Three Summer and students needed. Fall. IV 9-0767 aft¬ NOW everyone can afford to GO ELECTRIC largest apartments, clos¬ 233-235 Delta Street mined It's ERI E.. call For Home Juice Co. of Lansing. er 6 pm. Tuesday - Thursday. 9 5 Models to choose From Starting at est to campus and shop¬ Res. Mgr. Apt. IB ping. You get five room lux¬ ury and privacy that costs HASLETT APARTMENTS 3141 S. Logan. Apply Wednesday GALLAGHER'S Starting at $147.50 plus taxes 484-1421 8 3-5 pm. 135-145 Haslett Street no rooms. more than many single See for youself! Res. Mgr. Apt. 15 ^ TYPlNC Work. Must be fast and PAGODA Trade-ins Accepted accurate. Apply Education Sub¬ Call Boehm and Bowerman EVERGREEN ARMS scription Service. 927 E. Grand 1 warranty on parts & service for an appointment today. 341-345 Evergreen Street River, East Lansing. n Make your reservation for the 1964-65 school year. Res. Mgr. Apt. 3 GREATXaKES Employment for Delicious evening One Hour FREE PARKING rear of Store permanent positions in office, dinners-Smorga sbord sales, technical. Call .„w« . con MONDAY 1543. IV » 2- C & Ala-Carte menus. OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. to 5:30 ^ _ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. WOMEN- NO experience neces- sary. $1.25 per hour to start. Will train. Please call 655- 1824 E. Michigan WOLVERINE 117 e. Kalamazoo St. TYPEWRITER Phone 482-1452 235 Delta Phone: 332-0838 1936. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 21, 1964 9 Lost & Found Service LUbl NEAR Men's IM build¬ TREE SERVICfi. Removals our ing, with gold Omega wrist watch black 0508 after 5 pm. band. LOST: ONE pair ladies glasses. Reward of¬ fered. Call Gil, 355-8255; 332- 9 specialty. Also trimming and stump removal. Insured. Rea¬ sonable. Free estimates. Gable Tree Service, 484-5780. 19 Two MSU Two MSU graduates last week re-election to Grads Seek Votes a third term in Michigan and is past president Furseth. an East Lansing res¬ WORLD'S Largest moving and announced that they were candi¬ the Michigan House of Repre¬ of the Ingham County Farm Bu- ident, added that youth Is the Brown frames. 355-1667. 8 sentatives from the district, storage organization. Operating dates for the Republican nomina¬ greatest natural resource we while Erik O. Furseth, announcer Furseth of the have In this nation, state and Personal rights in 50 states. Contact your tion for the office of state ret>- was captain college representative, Jim resentative from the newly re¬ for radio station W1LS will seek 1953 MSU varsity basketball team district. IF YOU ARE ~A CAREFUL Barrett, IV 5-2241. C19 apportioned 59th district. to unseat him. and is a member of the Alumni ' "I would like to apply my DRIVER, you may qualify for Charles J. Davis of Onondaga The 59th district includes East Varsity Club. He has been active wealth of experience and contact State Farm's top-notch protec¬ is seeking the nomination and Lansing and all of Ingham in counseling youth activities for ■with youth and youth activities Don't Search—Call Church tion at rock-bottom rates. Call IV 2-5608 County except the city of Lansing, the State Corrections Depart¬ to this position." or see your State Farm agent Delhi, Alaiedon, Lansing and ment and in the Greater Lansing Prompt Service-New & Used Sets today. JIM RYAN, IV 5-7267, in Frandor. §TUDEP7rS! WHY leave your C8 CHURCH TV SERVICE 808 W. Willow, Lansing C Biophysics Aurelius Townships and includes Springport and Tompkins Town¬ ships in Jackson County. Youth Council. He other has also been active projects, such as the Mich¬ in Flatworms Davis has a background of ex¬ dorms, when BIMBO'S will de- • liver your pizzas to you! Call 484-7817. 10 STUDENT TV Rentals. New 19" portable, table $9 per month. 21" models, $8 per month. Expansion perience in agriculture and busi¬ ness. He owns and operates a igan School for the Blind, March of Lions Dimes, Community Chest, Club and fund-raising (continued from page 6) chopped in half, and some unsuc¬ QUANT06 ANOS TIENE ustectf 17" table models, $7 per month. Biophysics at Michigan State dairy farm and is vice-president drives for cystic fibrosis, can¬ cessfully when raised in the rib- "Wfrl continue of the McDonald Dairy Company. onuclease enzyme. Experiments Viente uno? Let BUBOLZ IN- to grow next year. cer and muscular dystrophy. All sets guaranteed. No service He also served 12 years on the remain to be done with planarian SURYAMOS with mucho good According to Leroy Augen- or delivery charges. Call Nejac "This district is one of the auto insurance. BUBOLZ - 220 stein, chairman of the two year Ingham County Board of Educa- cannibalism. TV Rentals, IV 2-0624. C fastest growing suburban areas Actual evidence of the planar- - Y Delores Tambian. C8 old department, there will be in the state," Furseth said, add¬ CAPITAL CITY Aviation offers five senior staff members as of Davis is also vice-president of ians' learning presents wide im¬ Real Estate the executive committee of the ing that he thought the district plications. Not only does it sug¬ flight training in Piper Colts. Jan. 1. should "not In addition there will be ten American Dairy Association, was only encourage, but gest that the memory function in LORAlNE 13187 "Young family FAA approved. Call IV 9-5000. a delegate to the Constitutional also promote itself as a suburb¬ the brain might be chemical in researchers engaged in post doc¬ needed! Two bedroom expanda¬ Convention, was a member of an area, and therefore should toral work. Augenstein said that nature, but more spectiically re¬ ble. Finished basement. Large have suburban representation in besides the United States, indi¬ the Agricultural Stabilization and lates this to the giant RNA mole¬ kitchen. 489-5756. Evenings, IV Dressmaking. Children's cloth¬ viduals will be coming from Ger¬ Conservation Committee of the state legislature." cules. These in turn are nucleic 7-3145. 8 ing. Low cost. 1406 D Spartan many, Egypt,Czechoslovakia, In¬ acids, merely long chains of 1622 MARIGOLD. Three bedroom Village. 355-0795. 8 dia, England and Sweden. simpler organic compounds from ranch. Two-car garage. 66' x - • 180' lot. $15,000. Vacant bySep- tember. 332-8602. 15 ponies for hire and sale. Lo¬ Studying beneath this echelon will be 20 graduate students, with Farm Meet Discusses which we can relate to the simple proteins and amino acids. SUMMER HEAT ESCAPEE-Grace Strohl, Lansing sopho- cated between Amusement Park 12 or 13 of them actually work¬ It is clear, that to date the more, relaxes in the shade of the Horticulture Gardens, en- DUCK LAKE- Cottage. Dock on and M78. Open Wednesday '..^cthesis of joyingthe cool, lush gross and blooming flowers and escap¬ Safety Habits ing for degrees in biophysics. lake, boat and motor. landing. $3750 or Charlotte $3000. Ml through Sunday. 339-8187. 11 This, he said, was in accord- with the department's en¬ Poor learning has bten. uvc-veasingly substantiated. ing from the current 90 degree weather. Photo by Patti Prout 5-7642. 8 couragement of person's from "Safer American Families Ev¬ farmer operates powerful ma¬ Service other fields to partially engage erywhere." That's the goal of chinery. They should, therefore, i_. NOLAN "BARTOW Rare violins and Bows General Repairing - Graduate modern methods. Lowest possi¬ in are biophysics. At the moment, he noted, there people with backgrounds in the 21st annual National Farm Safety Week, this week, says a follow effective accident preven¬ tion programs to insure their University extension safety en¬ safety. Observing the safety University developed by MSU agricultural To Show - physiology, chemistry, physics rules printed on tractors and re¬ A newly designed once-over violin maker ble prices. No need to vacate and even gineer. mechanical cucumber harvester engineers, could put an end to comparative literature Increased machinery power placing safety shields will reduce 306 1/2 N. Washington home. Mosquito spraying. 882- —e specially developed to re¬ present hand labor which costs actively doing research in the de¬ coupled with poor safety habits tolls substantially. trol. IV 7-5697 8 8969. 10 partment. duce time and expense of hand cucumber growers one-half to is responsible for the major Hardly a rural community three-fourths of their gross in¬ The event, which will begin at TV RENTALS for students. Eco- TRANSMISSION'S AEfiuILT and The major stress on research share t Michigan's farm and exists that is not familiar with picking—will be one of the 1:30 p.m., is being sponsored by nomical rates by the term and installed for less. ACE is a combination of studying how highlights of "Pickle Field Day" come per crop. rural accidents, says Richard the tragic effects of a tractor ac¬ the department of horticulture in month. UNIVERSITY TVRENT¬ MARTIN'S AUTO PARTS. East certain molecules are put togeth¬ G. Pfister. cident, he adds. Tractor over¬ today at the University's horti¬ culture farm. Also featured at the "Pickle cooperation with the Michigan ALS. 484-9263. 8 Lansing. ED 2-5319. 8 er and studying the organized Farm safety is of prime im¬ turns account for nearly two- The experimental harvester, Field Day" will be the latest re- pickle industry. DIAPER SERVICE, three types molecular basis of the brain and • Typing Service portance in Michigan. Although thirds of the farm deaths. Other • of diapers to choose from. Bulk the Michigan Rural Safety Coun¬ leading factors are falls from wash for cleaner, whiter dia¬ TYPING. THESES, term papers, Among those undergraduates cil points out that the state's tractors, being run over by trac¬ Student AUSG pers, fluff dried and folded. Use etc. Fast efficient service. Kay working in biophysics, Augen¬ farm safety record has im¬ tors and power-take-off acci¬ yours or rent ours. Containers furnished. No deposit 25 years Ralston, 372-1391. C stein said many were scholarship recipients. merit proved significantly in recent dents. This could be prevented by Government YOUR TERM papers, reports, years, there are still more com¬ experience. By-Lo Diaper Ser¬ vice. 1010 E. Michigan. IV 2- theses and dissertations typed parable accidental deaths in following the simple basic rules Services in my home. IBM Electric. Call farming than in any other Michi¬ of tractor safety, says Pfister, 0421. C 372-3849. C State Department gan industry. who urges farm families toprac- pAfc-M0ft 66LP Course and Pfister says farm accidents tice accident prevention at all NOW OPEN Driving Range. Regulation Par-3 Course. Illuminated Appoints Grad happen because people fail to take Youth can become grounded in Colvin Ct. Call IV 4-6728. proper safety precautions. Farm Driving Range. Club rentals. The State Department recent¬ folks need not sit by and watch safety awareness through 4-H Art Prior- Owner and Pro. 2591 M-78. East Lansing. Decker, 2654 Melville, E.L* ly announced the appointment of accidents kill 8,700 and injure programs, FFA and FHA. Areas East ED MSU graduate John Kornblum 800,000 farm residents yearly at of importance to these groups 2-3432. Phone 332-0721. C are safe habits when working on as a Vice Consul and Secretary a cost of $1.5 billion. They can do ANN BROWN typist and multilith the farm or in the home, recrea¬ in the Diplomatic Service. something through a good year- discounted tubes. vice. ACME 25%, except picture Estimates on shop ser- TV, IV 9-5009. C offset printing (black & white & color). IBM. General typing, term papers, theses, disserta¬ Kornblum received his B.A. at State in 1964. round accident prevention pro¬ tional safety, safe driving and gram conducted at the farm level fire prevention. Pfister concludes that the re¬ * Mimeographin Currently he is attending the by every member of the family. tions." ED 2-8384. returned either yours or ours. EDIE STARR, TYPIST. Theses, C Foreign Service Institute in Ar¬ Planning for farm lington, Virginia," in preparation important part of farm manage¬ safety is an sults of farm safety show up in the reduction of rural accidents * Th ermo-Pha With our service, you may in¬ dissertations, term for his overseas assignment. ment, says Pfister. Today's in your home community. clude two pounds of baby clothes papers, that do not fade. Diaper pail general typing. Experienced. * Small Sm!$oL furnished. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4.ofl. C SENSATIONAL 914 E. Gier Street Aldinger Direct Mail adver¬ IV 2-0864 C tising. 533 North 5-2213. Cllppert. IV E. Lansing Sidewalk Stampede 323 Student Services Building THESIS PRINTED Rapid Service TYPING IN my home. 15 years Drafting Supplies, secretarial Experience. Elec¬ Phone 355-8285 XEROX COPIES tric typewriters. IV 7-0619. C CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT TERM PAPERS, theses, exper- 221 South Grand ienced. IBM electric. Marianne Ll^l IDC* 2 P.M. to 5 P.M., Lansing, 482-5431 or 482-5038 Harrington, 372-3280. C n^^wlvOe Monday thru Friday : rYPING. TERM papers, theses, stencils, etc. Experienced. 332- 6855. 19 T ransportation WANT A VACATION to the West? lish horses. For Instruction and rent. 10 minutes from cam¬ Leaving, approximately first of pus. ROWE RIDING RANCH. September. Call now for infor¬ mation. 355-1603; ED 7-2471. 10 372-2325. 9 FURNACE CLEANING. Includes Wanted chimneys, registers, and ducts. "Power cleaning is our WORK WANTED, commercial specialty." IV 5-9439. 15 printing. Quality work. Anytime. At reasonable cost. WILLIAM- STON ENTERPRISE. Phone OL 5-2181; OL 5-2182. RELIABLE 18 year old, High 9 S.B.S. School graduate desires Sum¬ Tomorrow 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. mer work. Phone IV 2-2776. 8 HOUSE OR apartment, two bed- Near MSU. Couple. Paperbacks-^price -Used Text $1.50or2/$2.25 room. Around $130. Approximately two years. Beginning Fall. ED 2-5363. 10 "I'LL BUY anything of value." WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 E. Michigan. IV 5-4391. WANTED: FOURTH man for new C Sweatshirts $1.95 -Greeting Cards h price two bedroom apartment, begin¬ ning Fall term. Phone 337-1466. our goods. delicious Fresh baked We also specialize in Woman's U.S. Keds $2.95 -Chess Sets ^ price beautifully decorated cakes for all occasions. KWAST BAKER¬ compare at $4.95 2 Assorted gomes IES, Brookfield Plaza at Haga- dorn and Grand River. 8 WANTED TO BUY, one man's All The Above Sale Items Will and one woman's 3-speed Eng¬ lish type bikes.Call 355-3018.10 Be Sold Only On A USED air conditioner, 1 ton. Good condition. Call 353-1650 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 19 Student Book Store ANTIQUES-ALL kinds. Good prices for right pieces. Phone IV 7-5684. 9 WORK WANTED. Painting by two Many Many other CORNER OF FASHION college students, experienced. Reasonable rates. Call ED 2- ! great Buys available M.A.C. at ALBERT # ^ Across from Berkey Hall les via Phoenix. Share expenses. INSIDE at ■ 332-3505 Free parking ACKear tit Siure Leaving August 24. Phone 332- 3365. 10 Tuesday, July 21, 1964 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Carillon Concerts The sound of carillon music most effectively. An excellent is in the air again this summer. listening spot, he says, is the MSU carillonneur Wendell area in front of theMSU Library. Westcott, assistant professor of After each recital visitors are music, presents three recitals allowed to tour the Beaumont weekly: Sundays at 4 p.m., and Tower belfrey to view the caril¬ lon. Tuesday? and Thursdays at 8 Beaumont Tower is located on The 45 - minute programs, a knoll overlooking CircleDrive, which will continue thr. ugh July, just across from the University include m isic ranging from the Library. Erected in 1929 on the site of Old College Hall, the Baroque compositions of Bach to the Broadway show tunes of 100-foot tower was a gift of John W. Beaumont, an MSU alumnus. Jerome Kern. Beaumont Tower, In the heart Professor Westcott holds de¬ of north campus, houses the huge grees from MSU and a diploma instrument which from the Carillon School of bell: with sound of Mechelen, Belgium, receiving the highest rating ever awarded range of four octaves. The bells, imported from Eng¬ by that school. land and Holland, vary in siz< Carillonneur at Michigan State from "-1/2 inches to five fee since 1941, Professor Westcott in diameter, and range ir. weigh' has performed on many of the from 20 pounds to three tons historical carillons of Europe Total weight of the bells exceed! and has performed on most of the major carillons in North Th MSU 99 in tfieUnited States, the largest In 1954 he organized the Spar¬ tan Bell Ringers, a student group being that it- Riverside Church, New York City. he directs in performances on The instrument is played by F.rsglish handbells. MASTER MUSICIAN AT CARILLON KEY BOARD"Wendel Wescott, noted waster oi the coril- Professor Westcott also intro¬ means of a keyboard system .if Ion, plays one of his daily concerts from Beaumont Tower despite io» „ narrow stairs duced handbell ringing to the levers and pedals. When struck and boiling summer temperatures. Photo by Loity Fi\1iian Netherlands in 1957. by the fists or feet, the mecha¬ nism pulls clappers against the bells. For the Bes Listeners are advised by Carillonneur Westcott to stay a few hundred feet from the tower to hear the music of the bells Painful Clocks in Italian OVER Bed-Bound McHale 50,000,000 into your pillow. Then with all the strength you can muster, you reach for that lever of relief, Pizza What is the most painful sound push it down, and sink back into in the with an world to an MSU student 8-o'clock class or job? the closest thing to paradise in the world, your warm bed. Baked Lasagna rt, balding man It is the 7 a.m. alarm clock. Frustrating doesn't fit. Unnat¬ Then the day ahead starts haunt you. You dig deeper into to Ravioli ural isn't the word either. Re¬ your pillow but it doesn't help. clo' repor at a luncheon gardless of what TV commer¬ cials say about pain, it sets on You start to think about the as¬ signments that are due in a Spaghetti dress and stealthily ceal her faux pas. trfed to con*' the table by your bed at 6:59 a.m. every morning waiting for a couple of hours. You remember that you forgot T-Bone Steak "I saw that—don't try tocover built-in signal to sacrifice you to get your clothes out last night And many other Italian-American Dishes to the gods of the morning news¬ for today. You think about the it up," said Conway ashepointed paper and black coffee. long walk to your first class. You Air Conditioned-Open for Lunch at 11 Daily# 4 Sun. a finger at the offending journal- Then with a buzz, or a clang, dig deeper into your pillow. Special TUES. coffee hour 2-4 As the trio started to leave for or a ding-ding, or the soft melo¬ Finally, with a grunt, a few their afternoon show at the dious sounds of the local radio hundred blinks, and a hy-o silver Free coffee with Sandwich or theatre, they were already 15 station, it goes off, usually right or two, you get up. Meal - Bring this add in the middle of the greatest From that moment on thru the minutes late. A little boy rushed of the day, your brain will M*2 up breathlessly with a paper to dream you've had to date. rest be autographed. "Well boys, I guess we have time for one more," said Flynn In that millisecond of monium, Zeus points his silver arrows toward your toothbrush, pande¬ be working up to only 10 per cent of its capacity. At least five per cent is spent thinking of ways to will be spent by readers destroy your alarm clock. 211 M.A.C. ACROSS FROM KNAPP'S ED 7-1668 as he whipped out his pen. and you bury your head deeper ■ of the 1964 Welcome SIDEWALK DAYS Store Wide Redwood sRoss Week Edition of the Up To75% Bargain Day MICHIGAN Features: STATE UNIVERSITY STATE NEW; Summer Wednesday, July 22 paperbacks 3°'250 Fabulous Savings On To reserve space in this Typing paper pads Clothing And Furnishings 3<» 73( SLACKS edition and get your share 620 pair imperfects and odd lois, values to 348 Spiral Noteboo 10.95 BERMUDA SHORTS of this vast market... Odd lots of madras and Dacron & cotton, val¬ Special;:: 3 00 ues to 6.95 SWEATERS Call us today for advertising Picture V-necks and Cardigans, wools and orlons, 288 hangers 50%'o off values to 12.95 SHIRTS assistance. Basement Long and short sleeve, sport and dress shirts, I69 grab them up at —Section Deadlines - ■ Real SPORT COATS Wools slashed and to Dacron & Wools, values to 29.95, only 10°° JULY 31 - Living Units Special Beatle pictures""N0T15C SUITS Dacron & Wool all season suits, values to August 1U - University Expansion View picture 69.50 3900 August 17 - Deans and Colleges postcards*'^.*" now 10< Come In MICHIGAN STATI STATE MEWS Alterations Extra All Sales Final UNIVERSITY [•£■ Browse SPARTAN DUulvMUItf 4 \ MwooiURoss *05 EAST GRAND RIVER // ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT CORNER M.A.C. & ANN EAST LANSING d)\ EAST LANSING 355-8255 355-8256