Weather Inside MICHIGAN STATE MEWS Sunny and continued hot and Muhammad's birthday cele> humid today with a chance brated, p. 4; Cyclotron com¬ STATE of scattered afternoon thun- pletion nears, p. 5, Weight- dershowers. High in the low lifters plan meet, clinic, p. UNIVERSITY 90's. Thursday, July 23, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 55, Number 171 Building Booms Anew As Strikers Go Back Squeeze Highway Foreseen At Dorms Skirt Iron Labor May Strike above and be used for fall transportation on campus. The buses are now cream Planned Path Parallels The building situation on cam¬ and red, but will be painted pus is looking much better now the familiar green and white. Photo by Ken Roberts South Campus Tracks that the long plumbing strike is over, V. 1. Vandenberg of the new construction department of and Grand River simply can't physical plant said. Hopes are high that buildings set for fall- handle any more traffic." term openings will be ready for Atiaman pointed out that it is at least partial occupancy. Warfare Seen Threatening a usual practice of the Highway Plumbers returned to work The State Highway Department Department to bypass business Monday following settlement of is stepping up plans for a free- districts with connectors lead- a strike that had kept them off way connector which will cut ing from the freeways, the Job for 50 days and had "There is also the fact that Civilization And Humanity aci oss the campus directly south caused some construction proj¬ of Wilson Hall. MSU is a state institution and as ects to come to a near halt. More An engineering study for the such attracts people from all than half the pre-strike force of i would be i oad is expected to be completed over the state. It is not un- plumbers was back to work by by the end of the year. Tarik usual for trunk service to be Tuesday, Vandenberg said. No Attaman, assistant director of provided to state instiutions "Warfare and civili 1920's and 1930's top airforct the Highway Department route which draw large numbers of The biggest problem posed by the strike was the possibility incompatible," a University pro- ^espei officials stressed sti ategit location division, said that con- people for various events." that Fee and Akers dorms would fessor charged I uesday befoi e armed with only spearsgenocidal and bombing - - the selective destruc- struction is not scheduled to be- The new road will probably not be ready in time for the the MSU Men's Club. gin until 1967 or 1968. be a divided, fourlane boulevard affair, he said. tion of key defense productioi scheduled fall-term openings. If l he freeway connecter will run similar to Harrison Road, , He claimed this change in the and supply installations. The of- from the dorms do not open, moire than of warfare was the "great- ficial word remained--mass ci Trowbridge Road tc. the No definite date can be set for art railroad 2,400 students will have to be underpass east )f the the beginning of construction until nd mott far- reaching revo- vilian bombing was barbarous temporarily relocated. Vanden¬ tiin ; Second World Wai put a City of East Lansing on Grand the study is completed and cost berg said it is "very likely" r "What end to this idea. "Now River Ave. It will be built dl- of the project is determined. Greer said it wa: that the student living areas will tion tells this; what 1 know me tion both in impact iole people were the pi i- rectly nortr of and parallel to men the road is completed, GOING UP -• And with full speed ahead, now that the plum- about the history of civilization ber's strike on campus has been ended. Campus officials ar< be completed. speed. target in all oui *aithe raiiioad tracks on campus. traff,c relief at rush hours and Contractors are currently tells me this." Greer described how the ad¬ It began, he asser ted, with the he aid. Theri had-come the Harold Lautner, director of on football weekends may be in optimistic that new dorms like this one will be ready for oc. working out new construction that "the whole nation Is cupancy in September. Photo by Ken Roberts vent of great scientific and tech¬ development of military i physical plant planning, said that store for the University. schedules to plan work so that in 1914. Until then the aim ot our enemy, a road on South campus has been _________________ the most urgently needed parts nological advances had "led to war was defeat of enemy forces Greer saw the "shoulder part of the University's develop-* of the buildings will be ready in the field. shrugging" ih 1945 after the ment plan for more than ten The development was swift, atomic bombing of Japan, as a years. Says USIA Speaker in time. The kitchen facilities will be ready in at least one of Kennedy Aide ver the trenches, the airplane ing of 20 yea: .- befoi e, and a "This road will the tiaffic definitely ease problem on campus," the dorms, and possibly in both. Other areas, such as lounges Make Truth Catch Reds measure of our morality's dras¬ Lautner said, "because it will ,oon was viewed as a means to and classrooms, will be com¬ To Discuss :ircumvent the front lines and tic change and loss of restraint He claimed thi allow cars access in a section pleted during fall term. ;ii the enemy's weak backside-- which has never been used be- The same solution may be nec- SSpi he supply lines. By OYARSBALCERS speech was part of the 37th eludes the competition of ideas," ease the Rights Law Quickly 'advanced theorists' ieized upon the idea of using air tion and wa August, 1945, when the U.S. drop Lautner three expects that two or intersections will enable State News Staff Writer annual "College Week for Women." he said. "We are going to have to open our minds more, our completion of the new chemistry and biochemistry buildings. Each A special assistant to Attorney lower to attack the enemy's ci- ped its two atomic bombs. to reach the new cross- The United States must work "We must make the truth catch hearts more and extend our com- cars is a big structure worth more General Robert Kennedy will dis- ilians who supplied the supply campus connector from 1-96 and out a positive program of d up with tlieCommunists when they munication." than $6 million in the new sci¬ cuss potential effects of the new ► ines from the assembly lines, 1-496. don't live up to their promises," In communicating with other ence complex, and both were set civil rights law on education at in the fui adhered Attaman said the State High¬ ntries we must work within Vetter "Also, the demo- c for fall openings. 11 a.m. Thursday in the Erick- to the need for good experimental tries, if it is to compete success¬ their frame of experience, Vetter ;rable. way Department was sold on The first two floors of the son Hall Kiva. conditions and empirical method¬ fully with the Soviet Union. the project because of the in- Vetter said that the United sa,1?* , . chemistry buildings will be ready Jr.,princi- , ology. Charles T. Vetter, lia between the 1945, Ci creasing traffic problem on States is involved in a Wurld- °nfc ol uUr greatest problems for use by the incoming fresh¬ •ved a -cu access routes to East Lansing. pal lecturer on international is "ndjn2 thfat area in which we man class, Vandenberg said.The . wide competition that involves department and oiti- t out of a "big bomb" communications and communism e vocated the indiscriminate word v "East Lansing is now a com- every aspect of human life. can successfully communicate. remaining three floors and the rince Edward County, is Le May, then com- for the United States Information he said. "We must get the Ameri¬ bombing of enemy cities. He lity of 30,00Q and that does m basement will be finished shortly public school--* wei ^ "We're >alize .anze j i other DeoDlei i pi edicted th l the .1- would rans cans to understand rn understand other people , . . „ afterward, but are not as urgent¬ „„„„ it this be fought ; uong such a basis. on their own terms before we can yea ; In a effort to^ resist in- But war's objective hadn't tell them about us." ly needed. The construction department tegration. completely to the "whole Americans are showing new He is a former president oi shifted is "feeling a lot better" about people behind the army in the teamwork by developing in other the possibility of completing the International Rescue Com¬ Car the people the ability to work to- Sports field." biochemistry building in time, mittee and served as assistant "Ttiere were humane objec¬ gether within one country even to the U.S. Ambassador in Thai¬ though they hate each other. tions," Greer noted. The strike which be_ land. Vetter said. Newtoi. Baker, President Wil¬ gan shortly after the plumbers' speech is one of the sum¬ "Most of the people do not; Be His Fringe son's Secretary of War in 1920, mer convocation series spon said American: would never ac- sored by the College of Educa- (continued on page 6) Four wheels, a fast motor, a quit s loking, dated only about foreign from name and a that chick on longing look the corner once a month—and then some - rent that only to didn't cost any- Work To Commence Dorm Labor Wages may well add up to be a de- thing i go to—and worked as On Giant Parking Lot scription of a sports car. much < ; I could and still go to "Sure there are lots of fringe school, benefits in owning a sports car," "Bui I'm making up for lost To Have New Scale a Detroit sophomore admitted, "Girls like them. It seems easier time n< Spur . cars come in all shapes Construction on expected to start early n the Mt. Hope- parking lot The contract to Rieth-Riley is part of a $218,779.18 < which also includes the construc- to get a date many times." and si But no mattei what, rhf.ii- show according to Michigan tion of parking facilities on Hag- i great pride Comfort is important to many in their charges. Physical Plant engineers, rl , . „. adorn Road just south of the 1 he Board of 1 tees is ex- Grand Trunk Western Railroad people. Though some find get¬ ting in and out of a sports car Saturday mornings find almost pecte(j t0 appr0 the bid of tracks. something of a winding or un¬ all of the cars being washed and $144,639.86 by Rieth-Riley Con- a new coat of polish being ap- struction Company of Lansing The facility, providing stor- winding experience, they admit that few cars give a better ride. plied. Some get at least a dust, when it meets Friday at Oakland age parking for the residents of "It Just looks sporty," a Grand ing almost every day. University, Ralph Sweinberger, the five-dormitory complex near Rapids coed said. "Andyou really landscape engineer, said. srude-.t Jobs of feel sporty driving one." coed complained. e invar- The contract for construction stage of development, will in- partment. It er percentagi How did the students get one? iably 1 getting started. My t'16 1,630-car parking lot \* ,ists thecal be spot- awarded July 9 but is still sub¬ "I guess 1 can'say I was ject to approval by the Board of born on the right said of the "1 he minimum wage hike from tracks," a Grosse Point junior "1 like the idea of a clean Sweinberger said that survey¬ $1.05 t... $1.25 will i tcessitate said. "My parents gave me my ing of the area has already Road Closed a higher wage scale at every Corvette as a high school grad¬ if he'd insist on cleaning the car started. level, Lyle A. Thorburn, man¬ uation present." before using it even if he was Wilson Road, between Spartan Thorburn said that the eval¬ "If the project is approved, ager of residence halls, saicV Others saved their pennies, driving only from the driveway Mon- Stadium and the Red Cedar will uation was not completed. How¬ earth-moving should Students whu started work at ever, he expects that it will be nickels and dimes. into the garage." day," he said. be closed Monday through Fri- $1.05 an hour formerly i eceived for comple- day next week, campus police finished by fall when the min¬ The target dai A rwruxA a<»mec»of %n AlfaRom- Sports cjis are temperamer imum wage 1 tion tut p - nought a spoil will be made for utility con- ;ately $300,000. proved by tin. personnel office oitj. pp.. ing or his cor? The grtjsy girls are Karen Feldman, Oak for'doing what I did," he said. Ca. Just because they enjoyed dation of^»/0 cai* on black- as well as the student's imme¬ When pay s Park sophomore, and Penny Krutschrwski, Troy freshmon. "For those three years I didn't tinkering with the motor—tuning topped surfaces and 760 on gravel diate supervisor. Photo by Ken Roberts have much of a social life. I it or trying some new gimmick, areas. fh< top ''.are for most Stu- Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, July 23. 1964^ 'Boy' Suppression Hides Truth PR Men Sa The suppression of an edu¬ the North, many whites refer to cational play on race relations Negroes as "damn niggers." For Campaign by an educational television sta¬ Hunter particularly objected tion hardly seems conducive to to the frequency of offending educational enlightenment on words in "Boy," which was this campus or in the State of written by the Hev. Malcolm The election of 1964 promises many things to many people, but one of the happiest groups ought to be the corps of public relations Michigan. Boyd, Episcopal chaplain at men surrounding each of the candidates. Arm and Hunter, director of Wayne State University. With the Senator from Arizona already chosen as the GOP candi¬ date and Texan Lyndon Johnson sure to gel the Democratic nod, this television station WMSB, re¬ Unfortunately, people in our campaign should have a Western flavor that has been missing since . fused to show the drama "Boy," society do make frequent use of the old Rough Rider himself, Teddy Roosevelt, galloped onte-rtle the words "nigger" and scene some 60 years ago. which dealt with the abuse of a ' Goldwater vs. Johnson has all the elements of an election for 'damn." sheriff in a Roy Rogers movie. We can see the PR boys now, sitting Negro shoeshine man by a white We doubt that the people of in air-conditioned splendor in Madison Avenue f:ices contemplat¬ customer, because it used the ing Goldwater cantering on his palomino and Johnso: with his ten- Michigan would be shocked to words "nigger" and "damn." gallon stetsons. hear these words in a play. From all available reports so far, Goldwater seems to have the He said that an educational You just can't sweep naughty edge in horsemanship, although LBJ has proved himself something of a cowboy in the saddle of a four-wheel nag. Besides, the presi¬ television station has a respon¬ names under the rug. dent is slouch when it no comes to animals as Him and Her can sibility to show programs which They are symptoms of a sick¬ testify. An advantage that already seems securely locked in Johnson's are in good taste. ness in our society. Educational grasp is that of good old-fashioned Western hospitality.The famous We agree. Rut we do not think broadcasting media should take barbecues and beer blastsforthepressatLBJ's Texas spread show that he'll prove a hard man for Goldwater to bulldoze. that the truth is in bad taste. the leading in exposing that But if Goldwater's PRcrew can persuade the senator to vercome Let's face it. In the South and sickness. the hostility to the press that has been obvious in previous stages ' of the race, perhaps we can expect to find some reporters taking dips in Barry's pool. We can think of few c ilumnists who we are Morality Has It Rough the sure the senator would like to see in his li'Vct, pool—at the bottom that is. should be a bangup campaign with each man's PR staff Comments that traditional discovery that two Musco¬ jkely tootrying to out-westernize the other, bad the candidates can't sing. vite men had gone so far as to morality will be threatened by a spread of the topless style in appear in public shirtless: ladies'bathing suits may have a "We know the stories of Tar- point. The weakening of moral values can be a serious danger to any country, not only to the zan who hid in the forest and did not appear depths of the in pub¬ Barry's Accession lic; But in the last few days Tar- Puritan-founded United States. Witness the editorial com¬ ment in Moscow which followed zan has changed his way of life." Morality has it rough all over. May Give Green MICHIGAN Light To Rightists STATI UNIVERSITY STATE NEWS Governors Scranton have said Rockefeller and they will sup¬ the party's nominee. They Goldwater Force Waging port It's official n o w—Goldvvy;er will likely join such taciturn ob¬ Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association vs. Johnson. The lon% and con¬ servers as former Vice Presi¬ Associated Collegiate Press Association. Michigan Press Association. dent Nixon and General fusing race for the Republican i'ublis! ed by !he students of Michigan State University. Issued on Tuesdays and Thurs Eisenhower in swinging around War On 'Socialist' Press nomination is over, with d-,ys dun- summer term. ind the o has v Goldwater the winner, and almost Second class postage pa:d at Fast Lansing, Mir ii-ari. over them, even in the face of everyone eise in the field a loser. r.ditoriai and business offices at 341 Student Services Buildi:..;, Miciugan State lini- the threa:ened independent cam¬ of antagonism toward the press Goldwater has proven himself ', Mi. paigns of a moderate such as : -iff: By SUSAN J. FILSON were the numerous attempts to a dedicated party man, a hard Senator Keating of New York. Stote News Staff Writer eject TV commentators from the Since the Goldwater forces worker for himrelf and his prin¬ John Van Gieson More important this year than \rthur Langer convention floor during the plat¬ were firmly in control of the ciples an effective winner of Goldwater's effects on the party, A noticeably antagonistic atti¬ form fight. Major network com¬ convention!, it seems likely that votes and confidence. It is tempt¬ Richard Schwartz however, are the conseqaences Reporter? Oyars Halcers, barb tude toward the press prevailed mentators sent the word to all they were behind the efforts to ing to say "too bad h?'s a con¬ his candidacy has had for tKe at the Republican National Con¬ their men that they would not be eject newsmen from the floor. servative and can't w.n" and , Mike Kindman, Dave Stewart causes of extremism and radical¬ \ss:. Adv. Ken Hoffman vention in San Francisco last able to get back in if they left Gillian , Scrar shrug off his nomination with ism in this country. Goldwater .Bill Marshall week. the floor. his suppor comf.Iete confidence tha: he will has been accused of sympathiz¬ When former president Dwight The order to keep the press ically eager to accommodate the be "whompsd" by President ing with the Birchism. segrega¬ D. Eisenhower took the rostrum off the floor came from the con- press during the Pennsylvanian's Johnson in November. tion and extremist militancy, and id sharply criticized reporters doomed drive for the nomina- Bur Goldwater has done more in spite of the evidence to the d columnists for mishandling strong Goldwater supporter. No in his figh; for his party's nom¬ contrary hg has becom; some¬ facts, he drew the most vocifer- reason was given. ination than win over ma ay party thing of symbol for devotees of bigger nvnyrr °iscount Barry Goldwater finally man¬ a applause of the convention CBS commentator Mike Wal¬ aged to overcome the "Eastern, leaders and an impressive num¬ these causes. with the single exception of Sen. lace was sitting with t h e ber of citizens to the Goldwater, DlKNto socialist clique" in the Republi¬ The Arizona Senator is clearly Goldwater. Alaska delegation when conven¬ t z if no: the conservative, cause. not bigoted segregation is:, and can Parry this year (at least or le unusually blunt attack tion police attempted to hustle temporarily). Now he is appar¬ He has been the basis for a split his vote against the civil rights i "smiling Ike" was largely him out of the hall. He was only ently after any newsmen ,who in the party tha: will cause un¬ bill was mcivated by considera¬ due to his expressed displeasure allowed to remain after an Alaska easiness and at least the symp¬ tions other than an imaginedprej- oppose him. GRAND RIVER AT MAC at the criticism he received delegate grabbed the microphone Fortunately, he cannot strong- toms of formal party desertions udice that has been attributed to from large segmer of the in front of the police, said he arm the entire American public for quite a while, him. This has not stopped white NEWSPAPERS BOOKS "MAGAZINES American press for wanted Wallace there and decried he did the convention. Anti-Goldwaterites such as as supremacist, of the kind who neutral during the race for the an effort by convention authori¬ would support Gov. Wallace for HHHcoupon GOP nomination. ties to keep the American public president if his name were to be Eisenhower felt, perhaps just¬ Sea & Ski I in the dark about what was going placed on the ballot, from sup¬ SUNTAN LOTION 1 CIGARETTES 25< warning ly, that he had been maligned for taking a position which was on Alaska at the convention floor. The delegation is strongly Red Cedar Report porting Goldwater in his place! He may be a champion of individ¬ Ciqarettes may New Plastic Bottles 1 ENGLISH OVAL, Or . be detrimental the only one he could assume as anti-Goldwater. ual liberty and constitutionality, a former president who did not With a wry grin, The University bans the top¬ sweating under the hot sun mak¬ NBC news¬ but he looks for all the world like ,0 health Exp. 7-25*64 HHHBcou P ONHHHH Rey^J BENSON & HEDGES wish to strongarm the party into accepting his choice of a nominee. man David Brinkley reported that a Goldwater campaign aide had less swimsuits MSU, thatpinnacle at the IM pool. of virtue, must ing money. Instead, you're here under a hot sun spending money. a will champion of segregation, and win votes on that basis. The general's criticism was called the press an "Eastern serve as an example of moral Goldwater's insistence on for the nation. OK gang, ■■■HCOUPONHHHH All-Occasion card:s & far less significant thanthedele- socialist clique." stature let's grab dates and have freedom of thought and expres¬ gates' reaction to it. They At any rate, the strong feeling our LAYACOL (plastic bottle] stamped, they shouted, they against the press seemed to stem a grasser. A recent visitor on campus re¬ sion has led him and his support¬ Rubbing Alcohol gift wrap by clapped and cheered for a full from the Goldwater people. The marked Grill on was. howcrowdedtheUnion 1 told him that was ers nation to oppose any open of such far-righ: groups condem¬ Parke Davis & Co. five minuses, displaying a strong Arizona Senator has repeatedly That student-help pay hike because of the air conditioning, as the John Birch Society or the Exp. 7-25*64 29< Reg- 59c AMERICAN GREETINGS current of anti-press sentiment. Another remarkable indication accused the press of misquoting him and repudiated or qualified came just at the right time for this struggling scholar. Now I not the food. gun-toting Minutemen. those whose perspective But to and vis¬ IHHHCOUPONHHHI can make the third payment on ion is imp aired by their an'i-red colored glasses, it looks like the ■HHHCOU pon my Rolls Royce. At Counseling Clinic the new senator is favoring their views Johnson & Johnson Band-aid Plastic strips SUNGLASSES freshmen are busy getting their orientation of university life.Or¬ over the calmer and minded programs more open- of in'ernation- ' ientation sounds nicer than brain- al understanding that have been New econ. pak All Types—All Styles followed in recent years. Exp. 7-25-64'54t Reg. 89c The shoot-now, think-later foreign programs he has sug¬ ■■^■■cou PON ■■IHlco u ponBHH 98< - llforno Restaurant gested would seem to support this misreading of his goals, Noxzema Skin Cream even if, as he claims, his ideas 39< Maybelline ~IRi WMK£~tfat mwleT(|6 20 % 2/ At it is times like the Cuban crisis whether we literally "a game of chick¬ enough to handle a new social can become clever % % y4 % 4, % Limits Of Toleration en on a nuclear highway." order in a situation we cannot Forced Into 22 25 24 25 % 24 No other generation has ever adequately conceive? been subjected to the anxiety and 27 28 29 "It will all demand enormous To the Editor: and earned grades (if he can sur¬ Questioned In TV Ban i 3i constant threat of instant anni¬ hilation, and, he said, if you amounts of imagination and rea¬ ism As a member of the Journal¬ 300 class, I'm sure that I vive the heat). To the Institute student, attend¬ To the Editor: ies of Shakespearian productions 30 31 %i % 33 34 35 %% 36 37 have feeling for your fellow man, soning." express ings, not only my own but also those of my col¬ feel¬ ance here in the summer means two weeks of fun at the Union The people in our society want for many things. One of the es¬ in which the Bard was sored. Does Hunter condone the not cen¬ % 36 % 39 40 leagues. Our class is scheduled to Grill, the IM Pool and entertain¬ sential wants, and one which it is ment in the evenings. the avowed purpose of educational language of Shakespeare and not that of Rev. Boyd? If so, why? A> i 42 meet Monday through Friday in Since this is an error in judg¬ television to try to fulfil!, is Could there be a deeper reason? 43 44 i 45 37, Depart room 110 Journalism - Building. For four weeks we have been ment on the part of the Institute dissemination of conflicting and "administrators", I think that controversial issues. I was To my knowledge, Dr. Boyd's trilogy is the only locally pro¬ % % 381RS|). 39. her today meeting in this room. Recently they should seek room facilities elated to learn that for the first duced program on racial prob¬ we arrived only to find that our elsewhere and not at the expense time WMSB, the Michigan State lems that WMSB has ever made room had been taken over by a and inconvenience of the college University educational television or scheduled. National Educa¬ bunch of Communication Arts student. tional Television, on the other Institute students. We were evicted because the In our particular class, most of our grade depends upon the in their station, seemed to be taking a step toward achieving this goal hand, has done much along these Sunday airing of Rev. lines. Racial problems are cer¬ New Building "administrators" of the Insti¬ quality of work which we turn Malcolm Boyd's trilogy of plays tainly our problem here in East (continued from page 1) the building. It should be open tute "goofed" by enrolling more out during the last 10 days of Lansing as well as elsewhere. a week or two, Vanden- on racial discrimination. within walk-out and is still going on students than they had capacity class. This year, thanks to the 1 was then appalled to read that Should the MSU station sit back berg said. The MSU Bookstore for. Institute, we must do this under "Boy", one part of this trilogy, and allow everyone else to deal has affected these two buildings in the center's basement has Room 109 is nothing more than adverse conditions. an oversized oven with typewrit¬ had been banned from presenta¬ Under such conditions as over¬ tion on the MSU campus because, with them in their stead? In a society that is supposedly more than some of the others, he said, because a great deal of been open of summer term. since the beginning WINDJAMMER CRUISES ers in it. The temperature is at crowded, poorly ventilated and as Armand Hunter, Director of dedicated to the open market of expensive laboratory equipment has been left unprotected tem¬ The new power plant under least 15 degrees hotter than our hot classrooms, 1 feel certain Broadcasting at Michigan State, ideas, it appears that Hunter construction for a 1965 opening BAREFOOT VACATIONS TO REMOTE ISLANDS A new va¬ I feel that this is unfair to the that the quality of the work will commented: "The adaptation of has appointed himself a philos¬ porarily. cation idea with complete "barefoot" informality and relax¬ Extensive plumbing work nec¬ was not affected by the absence college students who have chosen be poorer than for previous sum- the play did not fall within rea¬ opher king in his platonic re¬ of ation for thinking people with a "spirit of adventure" who essary for laboratories in both plumbers. to give up their summer leisure sonable limits, and we had public. The right to profess and are tired of being pampered at plush, pretentious resorts and spend it in hot clasrooms. Thank you Communication Arts reached the limit of our tolera- advocate heresy of any character, buildings was completely halted Two of the newest building and would like to leave their cares and clothes behind. To the college student, students and your "overseers." advocate heresy of any char¬ during the strike, and work had projects on campus are threat¬ school means hard work, Disgruntled Senior Officials of Michigan State acter, including the injustices been severely slowed down. The ened by another strike that has said, "it contains too many curse of the Caucasians toward ,the pace has picked up since the been rumored recently. words." If the language usedwas Negroes, is an essential element end of the plumbers strike, which the reinforc¬ Arabs United With Africa essential to maintain the dramat¬ ic honesty of the production (as of our society. The best censor is, in the final analysis, the was settled by a rank-and-file vote of union members Saturday. Other buildings are also pro¬ The contract of ing iron workers union is due To the Editor: the editor of our State News: it was in "Study in Color", one "off" of the remaining two portions of knob on your television gressing. The International Cen¬ to run out July 31. If this group strikes, Vandenberg said, work COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE P.eading about the conference There are three deep channels the trilogy which were allowed ter, originally set to open more on the veterinary medicine build¬ of the thirty-four African lead¬ in which the foreign policy of than a month ago, was Just short ing and on a new dormitory, Res¬ to be aired uncensored) it should ers held now at Cairo; a lot of of completion when the strike idence Hall No. 5, will be severely the U. A. R. runs and which ex¬ not have been squelched. my American and non-American press all her national principles. Walter Littlefield halted work in some parts of slowed. Recently WMSB carried a ser- friends asked me a crucial ques¬ The&e channels are: tion. This question is "How 1. War on imperialism and STORE HOURS- MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 AM TO 5:30 PM could Nasser work and support domination. Fighting against co¬ WEDNESDAY NOON UNTIL NINE PM both of the Arab unity and Afri¬ lonialism with all the country's can unity?" 1 preferred to clar¬ CLOSED SATURDAY THRU AUGUST 8 potentialities and in every pos¬ ify the answer in this letter to sible way, exposing it in all its shapes and masks and waging a battle on it in all its dens. Eyes Suffer 2. Labouring to consolidate 3. International cooperation for In Library the sake of prosperity, since To The Editor: the common prosperity of all 1 was quite interested in the peoples is no longer divisible COLLECTION and to achieve it, collective co¬ brief article explaining the power reduction on campus and Theo¬ operation has now become im¬ dore B. Simon's comment that, perative. While our people believe in until the new power cable is in¬ Arab unity, they also believe in stalled, lighting in corridors and a Pan-African movement and an places where lighting is judged not to be needed will be dis¬ Afro-Asian Solidarity. They be¬ True thoroughbreds right down to the lieve in a rally for peace, that continued. 1 hope you didn't mis¬ quote him—I need a scapegoatl pools the efforts of those whose last beautifully finished seam interests are associated with it. Apparently the MSU Library now in luscious fall-minded colors. There is no contradiction or . . . has been judged a place where clash between all these ideals in lighting could be reduced. This Scotch blue, scotch green, seems wrong to me since every which our people believe. In fact these ideals form links of one person entering the building will scotch gold or cherry heather. be reading. The light reduction chain. Our people live at the northeastern gate of struggling means increased fatigue and eye Africa and cannot be isolated strain. I can't imagine a library ever being a likely spot for less from its political, social and economic development. Left: Antron nylon stretch long lighting. If the library must be treated Our people have faith in peace sleeve turtleneck shirt. Also as any oiher physical building, as a principle. They believe in it, as a vital necessity. Conse¬ in black, navy, white or maybe the air conditioner could be turned off in the evening quently, they spare no effort in and the extra current used for working for it with all those who brown. S,M,L sizes. 7.98 share the same conviction. lights. V-neck wool sweater. 36-40 sizes. 11.98 I await positive actionl Robert Lined wool bermudas. 8-16 sizes. 12.98 Schaibly Matching wool-nylon stretch knee-hi socks. One size fits all. 2.00 Center: Midwale cotton corduroy tunnel shift dress with a waist-adjusting belt. Bright blue, olive or cherry only. 6-16 sizes. 22.98 Right: Multicolor floral print cotton long sleeve shirt with tiny-tuck front panels. 10-16 sizes. 7.98 Wool cardigan sweater. Also in navy, brown, camel, white." 36-40 sizes. 12.98 A-line wool skirt, stitch detail. 8-16 sizes. 14.98 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 23. 1964 Muhammad's Birth Celebrated Editor's Note: The follow, 571 of the Christian era,Muham¬ topsy-turvy, creating a heap dens and released them from the family, being the children of mad, the prophet if Islam, was heri and a heap there, while yokes that are upon them." Adam. ing article on the Islamic Arab had superiority foithwas written by an Iraqi large spaces had been bereft Another section of the book of An no The prophet broke the fetters non-Arab, and he that was student who a s k e d to be He was born at Mecca, the of everything and made com¬ of ignorance and superstition and Isb described raising up of over a chief town of Arabia, and was pletely desolate. The sinful and pr phet Muhammad as to deliver not an Arab had no superiority dentified only as "A Mus- invited men to a servitude that the posthumous son the wicked lived in peace and humanity from darkness into over an Arab. The most honored of Abdulla released them from every other who belonged to the family of enjoyed plenty—the world be¬ light: one was he who was the most The State News doesn't nec¬ form of bondage. He restored to Hashim, the noblest family of longed to them—while the right¬ "A book which we have righteous. essarily agree with the wri¬ and the upright were con¬ them the legitimate comforts of re¬ the Quraish section of the Arab¬ eous life from which they had de¬ vealed unto thee, in order that Prophet Muhammad was a ter's statement, butwelcomes ia# race. demned to privatiorf and suffer¬ preacher of the divine word, a articles of this type which prived themselves under the you mightest lead mankind out warner and bearer of glad tid¬ Muhammad's advent came at a ing. of the depth false ethical and spiritual no¬ of darkness into express viewpoints of var¬ time when the world was like a light—by the leave of the lord." ings. He had come to emancipate ious religious and national Cunning and deceit passed for tions. men from the worship of their house hit by a severe earthquake. wisdom and resourcefulness, Muhammad had demolished all groups on campus. The scholars from the East and The Koran says: "Forhecom- fellow men by calling them up to while wisdom itself was con¬ from the West have given us a mands them what is just and for¬ barriers of blood, color and ge¬ submit to the one and the real On July 20 of this year Mus¬ sidered foolishness. Drinking, precise and complete account of bids them what is evil; he allows ography between men and welded overlord, the Almighty God. lims celebrated the birthday of gambling, usury and blunder had the them as lawful what is good (and mankind into one family. In Islam He did not address himself to prophet Muhammad. In one of the ignoble and degraded moral¬ become the order of the day. all men formed, as it were, a particular country or com¬ darkest periods of human his¬ ity universally prevailing, nay, pure) and prohibits them from any dominating in that period. what is bad (and impure); he re¬ single bouquet of humanity. They munity. He made the whole hu¬ tory, in that period calledtheage the members of the All that was in it had turned lieves them from their heavy bur¬ were same man race his concern. The of ignorance, and precisely in prophet was not one of those re¬ formers who content themselves HER HIGHNESS-- Elaine Sanford, Hart senior, is crown with striving against a few moral National Cherry Queen during a recent festival at Trover abuses of their age and succeed City. Bestowing the honors is comedian Joe E. Brown. Absentee in eradicating them for the time An Recitals Set For Music Aud 18th-century sonata for re¬ P o 1 o n a is" by Chopin - Lis t; Thousands ofMSU students who tors which might qualify a stu¬ a cut-and-dried matter," Balloting she dents who cannot vote here to requirements for presidential being, of depart from the world without having accomplished any¬ thing at all. Never has a man accomplished such a huge and lasting revolu¬ 21 will be eligible to dent as a legal resident of E a s t emphasized. "Each case is con¬ write their hometown city clerks elections passed after the 1960 corder and harpsichord, ard a "Rhapsody in C Major, Op. 11, are over tion in the world, because in vote for the first time this fall. sidered its individual merits, and register. They then vote by election. contemporary work for two No. 3" by Dohnanyi; and "In¬ Lansing. Among them are: on less than two centuries after its troduction and Rondo Alia Bur- In most cases, students will —Several years of continuous and students who want to vote absentee ballot. The odds are against an MSU pianos will highlight a recital student casting his ballot, how¬ appearance, Islam, in faith and lesca for wo Pianos, Op. 23, be requtr-ed to register in their residency. should come in as soon as possi¬ Residence by $aa\L% . Mc.u'v;, requirements in because in arms, reigned over the whole the University music audit ,rium No. 1" by Benjamin Britten. home towns. However, there are —A spouse and family living ble and find out whether they home towns have no bearing on ever, voter registration of Arabia, and conquered in 8:15 p.m. '1 he recorder used in the Han¬ many special instances in which with the student in the city. should register here or in their whether student votes for the throughout the nation is lowest at a God's name, Persia, Khorasan, home towns." in the 21 to 25 age group. del composition is a vertical a student is considered a resi¬ —Ownership of property. presidency, because all citizens Western India, Egypt, Abyssinia, ; Parker, a graduate music stu¬ wooden flute. A precursor of dent of East Lansing, "A student's residency is not It is a simple process for stu- are entitled to cast their ballots all the then known continent of dent at MSI', will be assisted the modern transverse flute, the in East Lansing City Clerk Mary a presidential election if they Northern Africa, numerous is¬ by Carolyr Mawby, recorder recorder was still widely used Slavik advised MSU students to are registered. Bostonian's land of the Mediteranean, Spain soloist, ard Barbara Dixon, •Second pianist. in the I8th century. Both Bach and Harde! wrote solo works clear up the confusion over Senior Plans Clarinet Play The new law regarding voting and part of Gaul. where they should register as The Islamic conception of the ; The recitalists will perform: "Sonata i: A-flat Major, Op. for the instrument. It was revived early in the 20th century for soon as possible. Marion Schrock, a senioi Deorne Orvis, violinist Katherine Lansing Central Free Baton To Aid unity and oneness of God led to Attendance at MSU does not music student at MSU, will pre Derr, and cellist Deanna Methodist Church the various reformations in many 26" by Beethoven; "Sonata in amateur music making. sent a clarinet recital 8:15 p.m Mitchell. other religious denominations 628 N. Washington, Lansing C Major for Recorder and harpsichord" by Har.del; "Im¬ Miss Mawby plays an. alto re¬ corder. make a student a resident of East Lansing, because Michigan law Friday He in will the music auditorium The recital is open to the Sunday String Play and tended to create an atmos¬ maintains that a person does not perform selecte Sunday School 10:00 a.m. phere suitable for better under¬ promptu .in E-flat Major, Op. The recital is open to the from the "Concerto' Richard Burgin, associate con¬ gain or lose residency when he movements standing between the adherents 90, No. 2" by Schubert; "Chant oublic. ductor of the Boston becomes a student. Thus, most by Hindemith, the "Sonata in E Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Symphony,) of the different religions which students remain flat Major" by Brahms, and the University "Message by the Pastor" will direct the 100-member Con¬ accept God as the ultimate power Eastminster legal residents "Clarinet Quintet in A Major' Christian Church 6:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship gress of Strings Orchestra in a over the universe. Peoples Church of their home towns. by Mozart. 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. 7:00 p.m. Evening service; concert today. Let every lover of democracy East Presbyterian Church Most states have laws regard¬ Schrock will be assisted b Don Stiffler, Minister The program, open to the and freedom remember prophet Lansing ing student residency which are Ph 337-1077 "The Gospel Hour" public, is the third in thecurrent Muhammad on this occasion, and similar to those in Michigan. pianist Ruben Droscha, vio For transportation call Interdenomination Bible School 9:45 a.m. summer series by the string Miss Slavik listed several fac¬ linists Anne De Vrot be grateful to him, for he was Worship Service 10:45 a.m. ED 7-1294 congress orchestra. It will be the first to institute and sanctify Minister Central Methodist presented in Fain hild Theatre democracy and freedom, First Presbyterian East Lansing First Baptist Church on the MSU campus at 8:15 p.m. Rev. Robert L. Moreland Across From the Capitol Ottawa and Chestnut Unity Center Burgin will conduct the young (continued on page 11) WORSHIP SERVICE Capitol at Ionia 541 Walbridge Drive Worship Service 11:00 string instrumentalists in a per¬ a.m. Worship Service Lansing, Michigan ED 7-0183 10:00 a.m. formance of the "Divertimento Cribbery and nursery care (WJIM 10:30 a.m.) "Where Faith & Work Meet" in D Major, K, 136" by Mozart; "Micah-Meeting provided. "What Will They Hear?" 11:00 a.m. Sunday School "Variations on a 1 heme of Prof Urges Summer Schedule: "When God is ihe Surgeon" Rev. Scott Irvine, Minister Life's Requirements" David S. Yoh , preaching Tchaikovsky" by Arensky; . 9K)0—Church school forcrib- Re\. Elmer I. Braden, Guest Wednesday Evening "Rounds for String Orchestra" bery through 6th grade 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship Minister from Community Crib Nursery, So Bring The Baby. Take home a copy of the Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Church School 10:00 a.m. by David Diamond; "Fantasia Local Choirs Presbyterian, Flint. Mich. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. on a Theme of Tallis" by Ralph "What Then Are We To Do?" Study C lass ~:30 p.m. A wafm and friendly welcome Vaughn Williams; and the "Octet By Dr. Wallace Robertsor awaits you at First Presbyter¬ sheet for study and appli¬ Aifiliated of with Unity School Christianity, Lee's Summit, coffee fellowship following Worship Op. 20" by Mendelssohn. To Practice cation. The Master's Men: Thomas" ian. Missouri People of all races welcome When you chose a church choir First Christian director, chose a man or woman CHURCH SCHOOL STUDENTS WELCOME Olivet Baptist Church Reformed Church Edgewood United University Methodist OrthodoxPlan who has had experience singing in choral groups in high school 10:00 a.m. Crib room through 2215 E. Michigan 240 Marshall St., Lansing Church Church and in college. Call 355-0941 or 482-8325 for transportation Rev. William Hartman, Pastor utfsunnn nttm HflYLEY MILLS UP, UP AND UUGGHH -- Alth a igh most of the sports clubs on campus are inactive during the still makes frequent use of the IM weightlifting rooms. pounds in Olympic-style lifting. have T . been ' good enough to win would | At High Tid* "ZK summer, the Weightlifting Club the national collegiate title. RICHARD SCHWARTZ Photo by Ken Roberts JOHN MILLS Following the meet, the MSU State News Sports Editor The canoe business is up a creek. team will conduct a clinic, which ROSS HUNTERS -oouco* will Well, er, a river anyway. v begin with a talk on train¬ Playoff Decides Best-Ball Tourney ing for beginners. The first thing At least that's the word from canoe entrepreneur John J. Kennedy explaining the sudden hike in MSU rental fees. "rt>e CHALK, Garden IUMMER Harry Boettcher and Larry Sierra were the student-faculty the congest which saw three two- somes finish even with a 74 which must be done, Espinosa said, is to get the body in shape in Cone the way of courtesy match books and nickel cokes are the and build it up. This usually "bargain" rates of 45 cents a couple for a blissful hour cavorting winners in the Best-Ball golf score. TECHNICOL OR 9mmm on the Red Sewer. IRCLE tournament held at Forest Akers. last Saturday Runners-up were Ken Nagler and Rolland Simonds, and Ernie takes three months to a year. The intermediate stage will First signs that the ebb and flow of inflation had reached a new follow. This stage consists of high wallet mark came two weeks ago in all the pageantry of a three-1 A sudden death playoff decided Kern and Jim Rae. presents learning the proper lifting form by-four card. Tucked neatly in the most inconspicuous corner of the M5?U and speed. The final stage will BOY MEETS GIRL emphasize power work, proper canoe shelter—along with several years'accumulation of cobwebs— • MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES was the eye-catching public announcement of a new 70 cents charge Tonight thru Saturday exercise, and "training down" for each canoe. TONY RANDALL^ The latter is a process of Pencil "What we've scribbling deluxe! done," said Kennedy, "is something weshould have BURL IVES The Arena Theatre i n Demonstration Hall presents gradually lessening the weight done 20 years ago. Instead of a graduated rate scale of 45 cents an lifted during the week before the hour for two persons, 55 cents for three and 65 cents for four, COLOR JuB • ' - 8:30 u 11 we now charge a flat fee of 70 cents for the hourly rental of the Y0IIMB0 ■ • Admissions ergy." canoe itself. Fri. $1.50 - This, Espinosa said, gives the "And when you think about it," Kennedy added, "that's only Sat. - $2.00 lifter more physical and mental five cents more than before." Tickets sold out for Thurs. strength during the meet. Simple two-plus-two logic. • Box Office Hours Or is it? Espinosa likened weight lift¬ 2-6 p.m. Today Sat. - ing to a sort of chess with mus¬ Pardon the journalistic indulgence of a 4-F arithmetician, but CHILDREN FREE Next Week! Acclaimed by critics as a rare example of film making that will delight art and action fans alike. Stars Toshiro cles, in that each contestant is always trying to out-think the there seems to be a leak somewhere. True, it's only a nickel hike if you're a foursome. But canoeing THE BOY FRIEND if 1 have it right, is not quite the same as golf. Mifune, "Best Actor" Venice Film Festival.Directed other and try to get him to lift Phone 355-0148 by Akira Kurosawa. Unless I've been steered astray, there seems to be a marked^ more than he is capable of. Following the clinic, the MSU tendency for twosomes—the male-female variety. TONIGHT 2 HITS members will demonstrate Then, too, there appears the accidental oversight that 28 of the Fri., Sat., July 24, 25-7:30 p.m. team 38 MSU canoes are constructed to seat two comfortably. That's ^Xwdite EXCLUSIVE Olympic lifts; the press, snatch not saying three persons might not fit. and clean and Jerk. SHOWING! But would you think of sharing your bathtub with two others The Ionia lifters will then be JM- !*«•• Soulhw^t of<* Lansing Lani on M-78 Urn. 1.00 Children Under 12 Free Fairchild given a chance to try their hands at the lifts and the Spartan team persons? If that's the case, maybe we should change the fight song to "rub-a-dub-dub three men in a tub." TONITE THRU SUN. (2) BIG HITS! will serve as instructors, giv¬ Admission: 500 ing suggestions and trying to cor¬ But enough for canoe prices. There's something more pressing at rect flaws in their styles. the moment. EXCLUSIVE FIRST SHOWING ADMISSION a A gentleman from one of the local pizza establishments just made delivery to the State News office where this writer was prepared Thii ENGAGEMENT to cough up a buck-twenty-five for a small pie with coke. You guessed it . . . ADULTS $1.25 {JERKY "Oh I suppose you didn't know we raised our price a quarter," the CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 wry chap said, all smiles. "By God, this is something we should have done 10 years ago." Piogram Information 482-3905 NOW! EXCLUSIVE LANSING SHOWING! ■LEWIS THE NO. 1 ATTRACTION OFALLTIME C00L4*C WHAT AWAY KTHE I AT SPECIAL POPULAR PRICES! starting TOMORROW! Following in the MIS* 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, hilarious fun-steps 7:15, 9:20 P.M. of "Mister Roberts". cJERRY LEWIS The man Friday & Saturday shown at 1:50 , 3:50, 5:55, 7:55, 10:00 P.M. "With the most original "The Patsy" (Look under for lun a tic Frisbees are selling, ant ations to this play. tray," he said. "They fail i "1 think it's kind of ridiculous co»<*e "It's a wonderful game," said U.S. Skating Future Moulded impress me." Pat Wilson, Detroit sophomore. The ultimate object, according c , Some students . , doubt , the social said Carole Flippo, . Royal Oak next? to Miss Wilson, is to perfect "Maybe yo-yos," said Dean your technique in handling a Fris¬ But regardless of what students of students John Fuzak. bee. What benefit this would have On Ice At University Arena she failed to say. "Why did they call it bee?" asked Robert Loree, Mid- a Fris¬ ONLY 800 CAR CAPACITY COME Thru-Fri. Sat. 3 Adult Hits 3y SUSAN J, FILSON ior pair champions. is the Lake Placid free skating The coaches are all on the ice , , State News Staff Writer Both of them received all their champion. for most of theday giving lessons. Malcolm, hV d'dn or 1 a theV_ Sydney, or a EARLY-STAY LATE, CAST IANSINO Box Office Opens p.m The world of figure skating, training at the MSU Ice Arena. Two more ice shows will be Manager of the rin*J« Ralph?" he questioned. ' shattered by a tragic planecrash They started out with individual presented at the arena this sum- Norris Wold, a former show "w"'" Whether or not you play the more than four years ago, is lessons and moved later to pair skater himself. His daughter, Frisbee game isn't important, being rebuilt at the MSU ice skating. Jean Arlen Jordan, was formerly THE MANAGEMENT according to Robert Rice, OLIVIA de HAVILLAND WARNS Approximately 120 skaters are pro with the Lansing Skating YOU: "DO NOT SEE 'LADY IN A WARNS YOU: Because Another top performer was training under four coaches.They The results of arduous work Club. but if I did, Duane Maki, from the Skating are Montgomery Wilson, of the CAGE' ALONE I It is a shocking picture- of its frank nature we also urge were visible Wednesday night Club of Detroit. Maki is the 1964 Skating Club of Boston; Beryl with a terrifyng themel So take somebody you DO NOT SEE'LADY at an ice show which featured Midwestern senior men's IN A CAGE' A LONE I" some of the finest young skaters Will on, Do along and hold on to them-for dear life I" in the nation. runnerup. Nancy Brunnckow, also from the Skating Club of Boston, W.H. Bainbrldge, Jr :ig Skating Club, all of the Ike kcaLlftayf In 1960, a plane carrying most of America's top figure skaters a coffee house crashed en route to the world 3000'2 E. Kalamazoo championships in Europe. The This Week Presenting tragedy struck close to home, DOC.STANLEY AND for many of the young skaters had trained during the summer Summer Fun KATHY ARKINS at MSU. July 21 to Aug. 22 Many of the skaters now tak¬ HOOT EN ANN Sun. Site & Sat. Afternoon ing the places of those who died ★HOLE-IN-1 CONTEST - '"tin the crash are also training * SHOWS at 9:00-10:00-11:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at MSU. and Sunday. The standout performer in last 9:00-10:00-11:00-12:00 Friday and Saturday night's show was Gary Visconti, a flashing performer from the WIN ' Color TV Set For Reservations call 372-4570 after 7:00 P.M. Great Lakes Skating Club. TV Consoles The 18-year-old skater was Program Info. 332-6944 the first U.S. Alternate to the Stereos 1964 Olympics and the first world team alternate in l963.Thisyear 20 prizes in all cooiMti&ifati he won the German International World Championship inGarmish, Ask putting course Durse manager Germany. In 1963 he was the ERNEST BORGNINE French Grand Prix champion. for details •"-JOE FLYNN TIM CONWAY Visconti thrilledthecrowd with his powerful Jumps and tricky Open 10 a .m. 12 p.m. TERRIFIC TWIN-HIT SHOW! jf p - footwork. He will undoubtedly be a strong contender in the 1968 Olympics. a\ ; I rN 1 0L,0 FRIDAY & SATURDAY SCHEDULE Other favorites in the show ,, were Joey Heckert and Gary P>\ 1 r } PUTTING COURSE ^ "Chalk Garden" 1:00 - 4:40 - 8:30 Clark, both MSU sophomores. 'CHAMPION OF ALL MINIATURE GOLF COURSES" "Charade" 2:50 - 6:30 - later Miss Heckert and Clark were 700 MILLER RD AT S. CEDAR 882-7870 SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE the first alternates to the U.S. "Chalk Garden" 3:50 & 7:45 World and Olympic teams this In 1963 they "Charade" 2:00 - 5:40 - 9:35 year. were the Mid- One defied life and longed SUPER BARGAIN DAY! for love... The other defied ALL-DAY SHOWING OF TWO FEATURES TODAY THE DEBORAH KERR GREATEST VIKING HAYLEY MILLS ADVENTURE JOHN MILLS OF THEM ALL! CHAtK QARDEN OLIVIA deHAVILLAND IS THE TRAPPED...DEFENSELESS... Lady in a Cage |fpj| TECHNICOLOR -2nd Hit- 1 Cai-y Audrey . MEM as SADE Written and Produced by LUTHER DAVIS • WALTER GRAUMAN • A LUTHER DAVIS Production ■ ? Gran Hepburn I "Lady In A Cage" Shown Once At 10:08 -3rd Adult Feature LOVE ISLAND ROADHOUSE GIRL "Shown twice 8:27 & Late -Shown 3rd at - 11:50 Sun.-Mon.-Tue. DEBORAH KERR HtfLEY MILLS JOHN MILLS Walter Matthau /James Coburn 2-Top Hits CHILDREN TREE I ChaucGarpen' • technicolor'mm Shown 8:22 & Late Shown 2nd at 10:42 NEW! BLACK TOP DRIVES MILES E. OF MSU » PETER STONE Ma m m i, STANLEY DONEN !jjj RICHARD WTOMARK SIDNEY P0IT1ER RUSS TftMBLVN' ROSANNA SCH1AFF1NQ. OSCAR H0M0LKA HFNRY MANCINI » Uwwal Wwm TtCWC01Q»* B 10 Michigan Thursday, July 23. 1964 State News. East Lansing. Michigan "I couldn't have been happier with the re¬ LOVELY FURNISHED 3-room APARTMENT RENTED FAST apartment. Mahogany paneling, sults of my ad." said this satisfied ad¬ ample parking. Accommodates vertiser. three. Available now. Automotive Automotive . Employment For Sale Real Estate CORVETTE T9S3 Stingray con¬ 1955 Patricia::. New TWO SLEEPING rooms for PORTABLE TYPEWRTTER- 1022 MARIGOLD. Three bedroom PACKARD Auto Service & Parts SECRETARY, LEGAL-Ex- rent. Good engine Near With or without vertible. Black Automatic, Very tires, new battery. perienced only. Wages commen¬ campus. Olympia Precision. Buy the ranch. Two-car garage. 66' x and body. Also Jeep Station ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call surate with ability and exper¬ board. Inquire 311 Stoddard Ave. finest. Technical 180' lot. $15,000. Vacant by Sep¬ good condition. $3,100. Call -keyboards Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. Female only. 11 15 Owosso, "23-4098. 11 Wagon. 194". Good C ndition. ience. Excellent working condi¬ available. HASSELBRING CO/ tember. 332-8602. ED 2-3634. H Small dents to large wrecks. tions. Phone 484-1428. 10 310 N. Grand. IV 2-1219. C19 CORVETTE 1961 Convertible. NEAR CLARE. Large Lakefront American and Foreign cars. Very gi od condition. Reason¬ PLYMOUTH 19f>0 Felve.icre. Six EMPLOYER'S OVERLOAD Co. m. Call 489-4417. SERVIL GAS refrigerator, $75. cabin. Sleeps four. Available • AUTOMOTIVE Guaranteed work. 489-7507. 333 ALBERT. International Stu¬ ably priced. 3418 Forest Rd. cylinder. Two-tone. $540. 487- 1411 East Kalamazoo. For temporary assignments. Hot Point 36" range, $40. Stu¬ August 10. Phone 484-8962. 13 EMPLOYMENT C • Phor e 332-2669 rTU 2-3841.10 3990. 231 N. Fairview. 9 Experienced office help urgently dent House. Two-man rooms. dent desk, $25. Sleeping bag. «. FOR RENT HOLLY 4-bar carburetor with needed. 616 Michigan National Balance of Summer term, $30. Service FM.CON lq60 Station Wagon. 4- PLYMOUTH l95o ~2-ri r stick. manifold and filter for 1956 332-8449. 0 • FOR SALE Tower. Phone 487-6071. C TV available. 484-5496. Nights SEVERAL FASHIONABLE Ma¬ ,:oor. Stick shift. Good condi- Six-cylinder. Mechanically ex¬ Ford. Good condition. Call Al C. N'OLAft BARTOW • LOST & FOUND $4^5. ED 7-7406. 10 cellent. 44,000 miles. $ 0. 355- HOUSEKEEPER (MIDDLE 372-0330. 19 ternity wear. Size 9-16. Also • PERSONAL I960 2-dO" . Standard 9806. after 10 pm. 355-9449. 1 1 AGED) to do all houseclean- ROOMS FOR rent across from maternity bathing suit. Phone CUSTOM VIOLIN MAKER • PEANUTS PERSONAL iO.OOO actual miles. Ex- ing and care for one small child Kellogg Center. Call 337-2319.9 ED "-7872. U Viola, cello, bass, guitar,bows, • REAL ESTATE i. Employment Must have excellent references. FOR SALE, Large toboggan, strings, accessories. , t c ndition. Steel grey. Six-cylinder, 225 i • SERVICE R 2-882". drive. NURSES AIDES. Experienced MarMoor, Waverly Road $750. Girls light weight bicycle, 306 1/2 N. Washington , man). Quiet, comfortable room " • TRANSPORTATION preferred, but will train. Must Lansing. Air conditioned home. in which to study. Good location, $10. Phone 48"-3117. g IV 7-5607. 9 4-door deluxe. • WANTED PLYMOUTH 1958 Stat: - Wagon. have own transportation. Apply Salary $140 monthly- 5 day parking. Phone IV 2-8304. 9 ; al Jet black finish. Auto- EXPERT REPAIRING of Violins, in person, 10 am.-4 pm. Capital week. 487-3626 before 5:30 pm. fish. $"5. Also water skies.Sell transmission. Radio, Take over payment s, $18.85 violas and cellos. Bowrehaired. DEADLINE: ic City Convalescent Center No. 10 UNSUPERVISED, FURNEHEB". together or separately. IV ter. rew whitewall tires. A monthly. Phone 4*9-1 >94. 11 Near Union. 123 Albert. Rare and new insgruments. Bows 11 a.m. one class day be¬ 3. 1313 Mary Ave. 9 PART-TIME Secretary. I pm- Single 9-7446; 339-2611. 11 quality car throughout!' PONTIAC 1952. New !• ritery, ex- room. Cooking, parking. Avail- for sale reasonable. LOUIS VIO¬ fore pub:1 cation SALESMEN. A National Company 5 pm. For construction firm. 5. AL EDWARDS CO. (Lin- haust system, points r•e^rulator. able Call 332-0716. CAMPER. LIKE new. Sleeps six. LIN SHOP. 1301 Taft. IV 4-7248, has openings for two salesmen now. 11 Cancellations .12 noon one ■, Mercury, Comet dealer, Rebuilt engine. Very 1 ittle rust. Typing, bookkeeping. Own Inner spring mattress bunk Lansing. 9 KAPPA SIGMA Fraternity House. class day before publicatio i i in Lansing office. Working Ionia transportation. 484-4762. 9 beds. Priced low. Go-Kart, $85. . Sag:"aw.(North of Fran- $95. 882-4428. 11 Room and board. Supervised. DIAPER SERVICE, three types C8 and Clinton Counties. Must be NURSE-REGISTERED. Exper- FE 9-2259. 10 PHONE: PONTIAC 1959 Convert::ble. Has New beds, excellent food. 715 of diapers to choose from. Bulk of good character, have late ' KNOV at just ten min¬ I960 engine with tri-p ienced. Responsible position. Grove. 332-0413; 332-5092. 10 BEAGLES. FIELD Champion wash for cleaner, whiter dia- 355-8255 IV model car. You will be trained Top pay. Give complete partic¬ Hardtime Hubert at Stud. Pups t utes 1 ast of Last Lansing, you tup. Whitewalls. P1 , ne WANTED ONfe OR~two pers, fluff dried and folded. Use, in local office and sent to Com¬ room- RATES: ulars in application. Write Box and grown dogs, $25 up. AKC ,\i: r o tic best personalised 5-8547. 11 mates to share four fur¬ yours or rent ours. Containers pany Training School in 60 days. No. A-l, State News. 347Student man registered. Phone 641-6623. 9 1 DAY si.25 st-r-.'.cc I'vow a small friendly nished furnished. No deposit 25 yex.~" Commission is very liberal. apartment. Call 48 ~ 3 DAYS S2.50 i .•:v/ - 1 Wa feature a fine Services BUl^.,Eas\ Lansing. 20 HcVeCEs SALES, service and experience. By-Lo Diaper Ser¬ Call Mr. George Herrick, IV 7080. $25 monthly. 9 5 DAYS. .S3.75 j-viveno: of used cars. SIGNS rentals. East Lansing Cycle, vice. 1010 E. Michigan. IV 2- . . • o,;;D S \Lf:S, Williamston, 2-1283 or write P.O. Box 5323 For Rent 1215 East Grand River. Call 0421. C 484-4875. 11 Lansing 5, Michigan. triple, one double, one single. 332-8303. (Based on .15 words per ad) Ml:.. 055-2191. C C PAR-MOR GOLF Course and RENAULT 195'. 4 cu. Rebuilt CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A few Apartments Call IV 4-5201 after 6 pm. 9 P'RD 19' 3 Gniaxie convertible. motor. Blue. 4-door. Good con¬ Driving Range. Regulation hours a day can mean excellent CHESTNUT, NORTH. Lower LOWER LEVEL rooms: One sin- Rich blue finish. Fotd-O-Mttic dition. $195. Phone 4s2-1337. 10 Par-3 Course. Illuminated earnings for you as a trained three Furnished. All gle, ,one double. Private en¬ :■ equipped. Trade or low RENAULT DAUPHIN'!-- '.961. All Avon representative. Write or rooms. Driving Range. Club rentals. trance, parking. Newly fur¬ :i 3 v m £•: ' s. ED "-2218; ED private parking and bus. No BARGAIN JEWELRY.Miscellan¬ Art Prior- Owner and Pro. 2591 vinyl interior. No body rust. call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 children or pets. 484-8196; 372- nished. Gentlemen preferred. 2-0930. 1 1 eous. New and used. Also.high¬ East M-78. East Lansing. ED Like new. $695. Ph me 332- School St., Haslett, Michigan, 1244. 10 Call IV 9-1100 after 5 pm. 10 ^55, 4-du. r. Go d cordi- 2-3432. 11 !■< 'RD 1 >53. 11 or call evenings, FE 9-8483.C9 est prices paid for scrap gold; rh. ::e ED 2-M41 or see at TWO BEDROOM apart t JEROME ST. RO?. Six blocks silver. 485-2900. 11 SPARTAN motors REGISTERED NURSES, full or from Capitol, 2=.-2 i Mt. 11 pe Rd., Okem s. > girl. In Lansing. East. Clean. BIG SALE- $10. Call IV 2-8404. 11 . part time. 11-7 or 3-11. Good Special prices for Preferably graduate student. Everything furnished. Pension¬ COMET 1961 2-door. Automatic salary and differential plus 485-9933; 489-1486. 9 July! Financing. Everything the DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers er, working man or woman. "Karter" needs the Mason returned either yours or ours. transmission. Radi <, heater. other fringe benefits. Flexible AVONDALE APARTMENTS- Phone 487-3597. 11 at Kart With our service, you may in- 23,000 miles. $995. time schedule. Meal furnished. Gunson and Beech. Shop. OR 6-2189. 11 , Walking dis¬ EAST LAN'StNG- Across from elude two pounds of baby clothes Phone ED 2-0801. 19 tance to campus. Now leasing SCUBA TANK; US Divers. One MSU Union. Inquire 211 E.Grand that do not fade. Diaper pail CHEVROLET 1959 Piscayne, 2- COLLEGE STUDENTS, male, for Fall at $50 per person per hour tank, five minute reserve. :"i iRD :9 5; 2-d Excelle::! River or phone ED 7-9951, or furnished. or. door. Six cylinder, stick. $695. Full time summer work. Part Double hose regulator, $75. IV month, 4 to each luxury 2-bed- 337-9171. 9 AMERICAN DIAPFR SERVICE c V- rust. $325. Phone 2-637o. 11 time during school year if de¬ . room apartment. Nylon carpet¬ ; i 2-0942. "0: S. Park Blvd. 10 PRIVATE AREA for two male 914 E. Gier Street sired. Earn enough during sum¬ ENGLISH 3 speed bicycles. ing. GE appliances. Danish students. Near campus. Quiet. IV 2-0864 C !9- 4 JLTVI \R *S. I can't take- mer to pay for entire year of modern furniture. Stop by any¬ $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & me' (Overseas assign- Reasonable. Fall term. 355- THESIS PRINTED a : schooling. Over 15 $1,000 schol¬ time, or call 337-2080 for in¬ GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, - F :hs Id, many DA UP! UNE 1962, 4- 9499. 10 Rapid Service . ..r m : arships were awarded to quali¬ formation. 19 across from Union. ED 2-3212. fied students. On the job train¬ For Sale C Drafting Supplies, WANTED, GIRL to share attrac- XEROX COPIES ing for practical use of your tive apartment. Second 5 weeks ELECTRIC DRYER. Kelvinator. 3000 E. Michigan education during the summer SEWING MACHINE, Singer in Good condition, $35. Phone CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT f Summer school only. 332- IV 7-3715 months. An while you beautiful wood console; features 221 South Grand earn learn --455. 11 332-1014. 9 cvii:-.der. Leather uphuUttry. sTU'Ol'ftAKTR m\ V-». 4-door program designed by this multi- zig-zag dial control. This one MOVING - BABY furniture, book Lansing, 482-5431 or 482-5038 WANTED, ONE girl to share 4 control can be used for button¬ •A.cka seats. Ph' ne 372-0368.9 sedan. Body good. All systems million dollar Corporation that shelves, toys, and miscellan- iirl apartment in Cedar Village holes, blindhems, monogram- calls-$S BUK K (. ve;-: Iv.-. I victa. MERCURY 1955 2-door hardtop. go. $250 or nearest. Call 355— hundreds of students have taken for the last 5 weeks in Summer eoute items. Call 332-6600. 10 0223 or 355-7913. 9 ing, and many decorative de¬ discounted 25%, except picture White, red r -er; r with bucko: Sta;:%urd. V-8. $75. Local trans- advantage of. Many of whom are School. 337-2641. 11 ITOOKCASES- SECTIONAL.Used tubes. Estimates on shop ser¬ signs. Also has three needle , seats. P- wer. Gc d c< d.tio-. tati . I one 337-9921. THUNDERBIRD 1961. Red, white still with our Co. in key execu-1* 401. Downstairs, Ideal for law or other offices. will sacrifice. 332-1758. MC.A T959. W ire wheels. Radi< hardtop. Automatic:, $2,000. tive positions. For arrange¬ FAIRVIEW, S. positions for sewing on zippers. vice. ACME TV, IV 9-5009. C of personal interview, ground floor. Four rooms and This machine needs a respon¬ Bargain' Before 5- IV 4-5335. Very good conditioi. Owned by ments teacher. Owosso, 723'-4098. 11 time, schedule and city you wish bath. Furnished, including util¬ ities. sible owner who will take on 11 lish horses. For instructi^li' THUNDERBIRD 19'". ExcelTem to work, call Grand Rapids, _Phone 882-5763. JO the responsibility of only nine Mobile Homes and rent. 10 minutes from cam¬ GLendale 9-5079. Also Lansing, THE VILLAGER Apartments. payments of $7.56 per month. ROWE RIDING RANCH. condition. Two tops- pus. SiG A :$59 Roadster. Wire wheels, 921 West Grand River. Luxur¬ Call OL 5-2054. C9 LANCASTER, 50" x 10" 1961. Front ible and hardtop, c all IV5-0181. 485-3146. South Bend, CEntral 372-2325. 9 whitvwalls. Radi ,. Turquoise. ious two-bedroom apartments. STUDIO COUCH, new slip cover, kitchen. Two bedrooms. A-l CHEVRON : 195- 9 4-9179. Kalamazoo, call Grand FURNACE CLEANING. Includes 332-0844 af:er ~:30 pm. E. Dishwasher, disposal, refriger- condition. On lot near campus. Station War :.. 4- TRIUMPH TR4, 1 »o2. British Rapids number. good condition, $20. Call 332- chimneys, registers, and ducts. McKir.ley. 11 Carpeting, drapes, 1773. 9 337-1277. 11 "Power cleaning is our racing green. Wire wheels. ! EldRP ITS TOO late, signup air conditioned. All utilities ex¬ Good condition. Rad io. Must therapist for staff position in Lost & Found specialty." IV 5-9439. 15 for MUSI \NG CLUB. SPECIAL sell. TU 2-0^92. 10 modern rehabilitation cept electricity. $160 monthly. center. CuLI.I.GE DIVISION now being E. A. Krause, Realtor. 655- LUbl NEAR Men's 1M Build¬ Triumph i95<> tr-3 . Body- Attached to 350 bed general hos¬ Don't Search—Call Church •mc 3. (.'.ill Don, 355-9896! 10 engine in excellent icondition. pital. Salary commensurate with 2640, Williamston. 9 TEFLON FRYING pans, house¬ ing, gold Omega wrist watch IV 2-5608 ELM E. 218. Six large r with black band. Reward of¬ MUSr-XNG!! 19 65 con'.ertibTe. Best offer. California car. 332- experience, Contact Mrs. R. ms, wares and gifts. ACE HARD- Prompt Service-New & Used Sets modernized. fered. Call Gil. 355-8255; 332- 289 V-8. 4-speed transmission. 0241 between 10 am-■2 pm. 9 Julian, Rehabilitation Medical Completely redec¬ WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand CHURCH TV SERVICE orated. $100 would sell. Phone 0508 after 5 pm. 9 Immediate delivery. Call 655- Center. 1215 E. Michigan Ave., River, across from Union. ED 808 W. Willow, Lansing CHE VROLl! 1 ' TRIUMPH 1963 TR •1. Export HONDA 50 blue, ripped seat 2191. 10 Phone IV 9-1276. 11 2-3212. C C wheels and brakes. Michlien Lansing. IV 4-"701. 10 Sharpie' ! xc Mich. lie. 1999", engine number tires. British racing treen. WANTED: LICENSED practical SYCAMORE, N. 403. Three MOVING TO California. Make STUDENT TV Rentals. New 19" V-S, automate. v ol DSMOP-II E 1959, 4-d. .or. Hy- rooms furnished. Utilities paid. C100E,21332, missing from 225 Call 482-5358. 11 nurses. Full time and part time. offer on $300 Laminating ma¬ portable, $9 per month. 21" sonable. See 103 dramatic. *88' Holiday. Original Ladies preferred. Phone IV Division Street, East Lansing. Attractive surroundings. Good chine, used less than one month. table models, $8 per month. wner. Good second car. Phone Reward for info, leading to re- 2-3150. 10 332-3815. 9 17" table models, $7 per month. ED 2-^266. 10 condition. Low mileage. working conditions. ApplyCapi- covery. Call 332-0505. 10 tal City Convalescent Center. DACHSHUND. SIX weeks. Black All sets guaranteed. No service Trouble-free motoring for Ol.DSMOBILE 1953 Black. Two- Buildings. Three modern rooms d sports car enthusiasts. 372- No. 3. 1313 Mary Ave. Phone and tan male. Champion breed¬ Personal or delivery charges. Call Nejac p I ,r hardtop. Hydramatic. Ra- 882-3096. Must have own trans¬ and bath. Unfurnished except ing. Call 337-2127. 9 TV Rentals, IV 2-0624. di whitewalls. Very good con¬ for stove and refrigerator. Call AIR BOUND FOR accents conti¬ , VAU XHAI .I, 1 H 0. Economical portation. 9 dition. Call 355-9381. 10 IV 2-1301 or ED 2-417". 9 nental? Air accident insurance transportation. Very cheap— WAITRESS AND SALAD girl. RIES, vine ripened tomatoes, APARTMENT FOR SUB-LEASE from BUBOLZ costs less, can OL DSMOPILE 19 5" Station Dining room experience pre¬ and farm fresh eggs. Also other will bargain. 4-door sedan. August 1-September 26. Call fresh fruits and vegetables daily be arranged in advance and for \U. '. Very good condition. Stick shift. C all ED 2-5446. 9 ferred. Own transportation. Call Mr. Pierson. Walnut Hills after 7 pm. Single person. 332- at reasonable prices throughout higher limits. Bubolz, 332-8671. EXTERMINATING CLEAN, CORVAIR :9o3, '500' series. $325. Phone IV 7-3551. 324 VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Black. Good C9 - 6738. 209 Abbott. 11 the season. ROADSIDE FARM Howe St., Lansing. 11 Country Club. 332-8647. 11 modern methods. Lowest possi¬ Radi .', floor mat. Exceller.t con¬ condition. New motor. White- STUDENTS! WHY leave your ATTENTION STUDENT wives or MARKET. 2 miles East of East ble prices. No need to vacate dition. Must go! Ph r.e 4K4- Ol.DS MORI EE 1955 Black. Two- wall tires. Radio, heater. Call Houses dorms, when BIMBO'S will de¬ 9281. I 355-5962 after 6 pm. 10 Coeds I If you like to talk on the Lansing on Grand River atOke- home. Mosquito spraying. 882- door hardtop. Hydramatic. Ra¬ mos Road. Open 9:30 a.m. to 8 liver your pizzas to you! Call 10 CORVAIR ',963 M :./a. 4-d r, di whitewalls. Very good con- VOLKSWAGEN 1961 Convertible. phone and enjoy working in WANTED: ONE or two male 484-7817. 10 19 , A-l coi.ditiov. f. <:!er older diti Blue. Radio. 1962 motor conver¬ pleasant surroundings, come up roommates to share two bed¬ P-m. APACHE STABLES. Horses and n. Call 355-93!Sl. 11 trade-in. Ph :.e IV 5-40". < sions. Best offer. Call 355-1213. to Rm. 345 Student Services room house. Starting Fall term. PORTABLE STEREO system. FOR REAL savings ask this ponies for hire and sale. Lo¬ 01.DSMOPll E 1960 Super '88' 4- Best offer. 135 State Farm agent about financ¬ cated between Amusement Park CORVETTE 195S. Rid. 270 hp, Building between 8 and 5. Ask Less than $50 monthly. Contact Brand new. 1 nrdtop. New tires, origi- 4-speed. P<.sitructi . New!;, r for. Barbara. 11 P.O. Box 388, East Lansing. 12 Bogue St. after 5 pm. Jack, 332- ing your next car through the and M78. Open Wednesday :,a! owner. Excellent condition. 3072. State FarmCarFinancePlann— through Sunday. 339—8187. 11 repainted. New leatherette DARKROOM WORKER- Photo- FURNISHED HOUSE. Near Fran- Ph' ne TU 2 -3725. 10 HONDA 1964. Three months old. Ask for JIM RYAN, IV 5-7267, TREE SERVICE. Removals our white top. 355-9"~2. 9 graphic, some experience. dor. Three students needed. RIFLE-MARLIN Remington 35 ' OL DSMOB1LE 1959 900 miles. Excellent condition. in Frandor. C9 specialty. Also trimming and CORVETT E 19 5 4 . :■ :nr/ed Holiday. 4- Good working conditions. Air Summer and Fall. IV 9-0767 aft¬ caliber, gun case, shells. Per¬ 1956 Buick engine. d or hardtop. Power steering Never raced. Phone IV 4-7151. fect condition. Call 355-6011. 11 stump removal. Insured. Rea¬ Packar.: > conditioned. Male or female. er 6 pm. Tuesday - Thursday. 9 ROOM AND BOARD in exchange a: d brakes. Hydramatic. Radio. 12 sonable. Free estimates. Gable' speed. New top. t:res, battery Phone 487-6284. 11 HOLIDAY RAMBLER travel for minimal cooking and clean¬ MOTORCYCLES AND BICY¬ MARBLE LAKE. Modern cottage IV 4-9170. 10 CLES. New and used. Shep's for rent. Sleep four. $50 per trailer, 17 foot, sleeps eight. ing. Holt, OX 9-2729 10 am-3 Tree^ervice^84-5780. 19 Reese axel hitch. Best offer. pm. All day Saturday or Sunday. Motors. 2460 N. Cedar. South accurate. Apply Education Sub¬ week. Phone IV 7-0964. 11 ED 2-5776. 11 2069 Dean St. 11 Get Out of the of Lansim-. U.S. 127. OX 4-6621. scription Service. 927 E. Grand NOW IS THE TIME for taking Call For 10 River, East Lansing. 11 those pictures we dreamed about Peanut Personal SUMMERS PRIMA 195*. Electric starter. NICE SINGLE corner room. great LAKES Employment for last winter. Come by and look Good condition. Needs batter¬ Cross ventilation. Across from The Finest ies. Call 337-2716 after 5 pm. permanent positions in office, sales, technical. Call IV 2- campus on Harrison Rd. Call at our vast supplies, including 50 cameras. Also Press HOT, HOT SUN Best offer. 337-0650. 12 1543. C , type, 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 SpeedGraph- B.F.B. NO letter, n and enjoy the fresh WOMEN- NO experience neces- ic. WILCOX SECONDHAND Apartments sary. $1.25 per hour to start. Capitol. Clean, furnished. Girl, boy or couple. Private entrance. STORE. 509 E. Michigan Ave. coolness of one of our IV 5-4391. C10 THREE BEDROOM lovely tri- Moving? Will train. Please call 655- 487-3597. 10 Swimming Pools 1936. 10 CAMPER-62". Chevrolet pick- level. Near campus. Two full (itc ore) Get this up. Bed over cab. Deluxe model. baths. Low down payment. BOOKKEEPER-5 E t R E T A ft Y. ROOM. 123 Albert. Kitchen fa- cilities. Parking. $10 a week. Phone IV 2-1705. 9 $21,500. 332-6680. You're farther away Free Permanent position, downtown Law firm. Five days. Bookkeep¬ Call Humphrey's, ED 2-6521. 9 EXCELLENT FOUR burner gas no than UNIVERSITY TERRACE your phone in finding the Book ing and shorthand proficiency MEN1 ONE block to campus. range, 40 inch. Buff color, bar¬ 444 Michigan Avenue finest student apartments required. Age 21-35. Call Mrs. Doubles and singles. Cooking, gain. Phone 332-1622. 1 1 Res. Mgr. Office 235 Delta available. From Boehm and Gives the tacts about moving. VanTassel, 489-5753. 9 parking. Summer rates. After SEWING MACHINE 1963- 7ig- Bowerman, you'll find the DELTA APARTMENTS Explains the moving estimate. CAROL LEE NURSERY 5:30, 332-2195. 10 zag makes buttonholes, blind- Cedar Village largest apartments, clos¬ 233-235 Delta Street Shows how charges are deter- LADIES AND girls coats, hems, overcasts a 11 with one ^0 FEET Experienced Personnel We still have a few est to campus and shop¬ Res. Mgr. Apt. IB dresses, blouses. Man's suit. dial control. This machine has TO CAMPUS ping. You get five room lux¬ Some boys clothes. Other items. apartments available to Care For Your small freight damage but did not HASLETT APARTMENTS 2-7943. 11 for Summer and Fall. ury and privacy that costs Call IV affect sewing ability. Yours for no more than many single rooms. See for youself! 135-145 Haslett Street Res. Mgr. Apt. 15 484-1421 ChiJdren FALL- MEN. Approved, new, at- tractive and spacious living. only $49.95 or small monthly NOW Renting BURCHAM WOODS Ages 2 1/2 to 5 years. Full payments. New machine guaran¬ Call Boehm and Bowerman Completely private. Call ED Phone' OL 5-2054. C9 and for an appointment today. EVERGREEN ARMS 341-345 Evergreen Street day programs-~:30-5:30 well-balanced noon meals. 7-9794. U tee. LOOI4 B-4-U-BUY. Any furni- I for FALL I EYDEAL VILLA Make your reservation for Res. Mgr. Apt. 3 $15 per week ROOM AND BOARD at Tri Delta ture, TV, Stereo, floor cover- the 1964-65 school year. Sorority for last 5 weeks of CALL jV- „ tai pr wplianQes, Stgra^j Fur¬ 'O f H M ( JVmntef niture Sales.' IV 7-tJr/~ itodar OWERMAN CAROL LEE DUNN C *332-5051' ED 2-5041 or ED 2-0565 Director Put "Result Ringing" Montmorency. Pick your own. IV 4-1571 Want-Ads To Work Will pick orders.Bringcontair.- Stop At Our Model PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 235 Delta Phone: CO. 332-0838 1321 W, Kalamazoo Corner of Huron ers. 4695 Live ranee St., 252 Cedar Ejflp ror better living Qkemos. ED 2-5616. 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 23, 1964 Service AN, LIKE LOUIS. State Egg 500 HS Musicians Sign Up For Summer Youth Work M IT'S THE WORLD'S Largest moving and storage organization. rights in 50 states. Contact your Operating Potential More than 500high school mus¬ icians from 10 states and Cana¬ COUIEST! da enrolled in Michigan harp, organ and the various band college representative, Jim are State Excellent instruments, There's never University's 1964 Summer Youth any sweat Barrett, IV 5-2241. C19 trom tne ivou music department, when you let us Music Program Aug. 2-22. do the job. its graduate and undergraduate We specialize in keeping Typing Service The three-week program of in¬ students, will staff the program. Although some of the state's you satisfied. Just bring it struction will provide private farmers aren't convinced that Professional music teachers "I YPING. THESES, term papers, music lessons for the four out to Louis. Your clothes de¬ etc. Fast efficient service. Kay Michigan is a good place to from Michigan's public schools serve a clean s of five participants who desire Ralston, 372-1391. C produce eggs, a pair of Michigan State University poultry special¬ them, plus the opportunity totake TYPtSlG 6oNE irTrny home. Ex- part in a variety of music >1 ag¬ Organization conductors for ists think otherwise. perienced. Fast service. 2114 gregations—four bands, an or¬ \p r-vent mcludeiGeorgeCripps, The two, Charles Sheppardand Colvin Ct. Call IV 4-6728. 9 chestra, a choir and a stage Greenville. N.C., chorus; Rich- John Wolford, cite several dis¬ ard\snook, Grosse; Pointe, or- Your Term papers, reports, tinct advantages for Michigan theses and dissertations typed Several radio recitals, various c'lestN^, Harry Begian, Detroit, CLEANER AND egg production including: ir. my home. IBM Electric. Call public recitals and two major symphonic band; Carl BJerre- SHIRT LAUNDRY —surplus corn and soybean S?5s<3849. C concerts are features of the ses- garrd, Muskegon, concert, band, production, two of the main in¬ and Ron Phillips, Belding, and TY PING IN my home. Shirley gredients of poultry feeds. Classes in Don Roelofs, Muskegon, training Decker, 2654 Melville, E.L. —the possibility of cheap theory at f;ve levels Phone 332-0721. C and classes in music literature band. feeds. at three levels will be offered. The Summer Youth Music Pro¬ ANN BROWN typist and multlllth —reasonably priced chicks and There will also be gram is sponsored by the MSI' offset printing (black & white started pullets which are hatched, conducting, accompai Department of Music. ii color). IBM. General typing, grown and are available for sale term papers, theses, disserta¬ tions. ED 2-8384. C within the stare. — availability of reasonably PICKLE PICKER -- Visitors to Pickle Field Day at the Urii- S| CA|H SAVINGS . PI.4 HMO STAMPS! CASH SAVINGS .j. «U» l-'DIE STARR, TYPIST. Theses, priced poultry housing. versity farms Tuesday was treated to a demonstration of the "Our markets have also ex¬ latestmethod of stripping the mouth.puckering vegetables off SUPER RIGHT FULLY COOKED dissertations, term papers, cellent potential since we must the vine. Photo by Ken Roberts general typing. Experienced. import nearly half of the Semi Boneless Ham now IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C eggs consumed in the Deti JOB RESUMES 100copies, $4.00. area," said Sheppa "These ,-*Jdinger Direct Mail adver¬ MSU Experiment Station 59(b tising. 533 North Clippert. IV advantages give 5-2213. C TYPING IN my home. 15 years To Host Fruit Growers secretarial Experience. Elec¬ Sheppard and Wolford recent¬ Corned Beef tric typewriters. IV 7-0619. C MSU horticulturists will dis¬ weed control on young bearing ly analyzed the costs of ! ousnv: TERM PAPERS, theses, exper- and equipping a 5,000 laying hen cuss apple and pear production apple trees, the influence of pes¬ practices with western Michigan ticides and root stock on rus- 49$ lenced. IBM electric. Marianne operation. Costs were figured fruit growers during a special of Jonathan apples and Harrington, 372-3280. Typing. TERM papers, theses, C at a various interest rates and for number of different payment field day at the Graham Experi¬ seting the use of the plant regulator Point Cut lb ment Station located near Grand "Tiba" in inducing fruitfullness stencils, etc. *855. Transportation Experienced.332- |9 up "The thing that made- us stand and take notice wa- the in- Rapids 1'n Growers serve a; July 30. will be able to ob¬ d discuss research pro¬ Dr. A.E. Mitchell, MSU horti¬ culturist, says the field day will AVOCADOS Flat Cut 65$ lb BOSTON BUIl West? per dozen eg-_:s produced," added jects being carried out by MSU start at 10 a.m. and continue un- 35 SIZE 39* WA M A VACATION to the Wolford. "Thecalculations illus¬ Leaving approximately first of September. Call now for infor¬ mal n. 355-1603; ED 7-2471. 10 trated the egg some shocking insults for produce: thinking ofbor- scientists t" the use everything from adequately feeding the apple tree of chemically thin¬ The Graham Static , operated 2for29C Pork Roast WANTED- RIDERS to Los Ange- ning trees for good fruit si/e by Michigan State Un For jheppa: "Cated 29s0 GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE A 1 ake GREEN PEPPERS it Michigan • les via Phoenix. Share expenses. Volford found t!.; 29$.. Other research projects to he Drive, N.W. (MoO) ne..r Grand Leaving August 24. Ph<-ne 332- rowing $25,000 at 6 pcrce " Rapids. FRYERS 10 4for290 3 365. interest for five years :o I cm WANTED, RIDE to New Y Fr:- and equip 5.000 laying 1 er.s vo. day July 24, after 3 pm. Call G;i, 355-3255. PERSON WANTED to drive car q notnical cents <5^00 - per dozen eg> :s o. :bo« produc c The Girl PEACHES ■ 33( San Francisco ar> u n d Sep¬ \e still anotl e tember isi. Phone 355-4709 v r 2 LBS. FOR 49^ Beef Liver 33--0516. Wanted 13 me;r. for to handle 5,000 la; SI5,000 would be . From 39(.. tirely differ. BANANAS WORK pri: ting. At WANTED, commercial Quality work. Anytime. reasonable cost. W1L.LIAM- interest for payment wed ■ 5,000 l0\ea «vould be a IPANEMA 150- Shrimp ^ $3.89 STON ENTERPRISE. Phone OL or about 2.JS ce: 5-2181; OL 5-2182. 9 eg, s produced. — JANE PARKER BAKERY FEATURE— .SECRFi ARIAL ASSISTANCE re- quirei. Sh rthand, typing, man¬ Sheppard and . Stan Getz-Joao 2 WATERMELON uscript work. Part to full time t HOI SI At. ust OR 31. (.'all 355-4460. 9 apartment, tw,. bed¬ figured on the b.. Gilberto 5 790 Ea Cherry Pie 490 a room. Near MSU. Couple. Around $130. Approximately two On Verve Q CABBAGE Raisin Pie 8 n 390 years. Beginning Fall. ED NEW GREEN loans. < ^ ig$s 10 Whole Wheat Bread 2-53o3. "I'LL WILCOX BUY anything of value." SECONDHAND Mono Or Stereo IOC LB Good Drivers STORF. 509 E. Michigan. IV Pullman Bread TWO LB. LOAF 29Q E 5--) 391. BABYSITTING IN return f Need Updating $3.77 CUCUMBERS r<.om and and board. spring Fall, win terms. Interv: LONG GREEN Cinnamon Rolls PKG. OF 9 330e and WANTED and references. 355-1582. one TO BUY, >>ne woman's 3-speed Eng¬ man's 11 stantly update his d 100 Potato Chips one lb. bag 59$E lish type bikes. C all 355-3018.10 ledge and skills. Sx 323 E. Grand River Open Evenings This, Milo D. CI' ANTIQUES-ALL kinds. Good prices for right pieces. Phone of the dri\er imprc tion of the Micniga; of State, told a Colli ;k fo. LIEBERM ANN'S ===== Pineapple Grapefruit Drink 1 QUART A&P 14 OZ. CAN 3/89' WORK WANTED. Painting by two Women class. college students, experienced. One of the nio>t erious pp JL Fruit Cocktail 1 lb 4/99c Reasonable h336. rates. Call ED 2- 10 lems the pressure confronting all drivers of continually NEW from AFRICA SAFARI GRILL 3 creasing congestion, he said. Hamburger Dills 1HRLL BEDROOM HOME. Would prefer the Country. Reasonable New highway desi lone 627-6316. 9 latory controls also require new knowledge and skills in driving. "Driving is a complex acti¬ vity of constantly changing con¬ ditions and problems requiring USES milium. Sweet Mixed Pickles 39c various tasks and many abilities NEWSPAPERS Sliced or Crushed authority said. for The best drivers, he will learn from indicated, experience; from planned, public driver improve¬ FUEL PINEAPPLE 1L„4 4/99c PORK AND BEANS 430ZLBc=n 29° i ment programs andfrom individ¬ ual self-improvement study. Clopps Strained BABY FOOD LIQUID SOAP 29° Muhammad A&P m «I (continued from poge 4) SPANISH PEANUTS Ann Poge 8 days takes her human dignity for granted and enjoys her human right remember on this occa¬ $10.95 MACARONI or PEANUT BUTTER 24- 59c i g SPAGHETTI sion the Prophet Muhammad for he was the first to institute, used by African big game hunters sanctify and make effective such to cook food with delightful char¬ dignity and right. coal flavor. No waiting for char¬ WH1TEH0USE Let every scientist and physi¬ cian who enjoys his work remem¬ ber the Prophet Muhammad on coal to burn. Just use newspapers. It's amazing! Folds into carrying is INSTANT MILK 79^ TOMATO CATSUP *°,l 5 - 79c this occasion for he was thefirst to liberate the human mind from captivity imposed upon it for cen- Your A&P Super Market Wanted corner of Hagadorn & East 1HREE BEDROOM house needed Grand River, East Lansing by teacher's family for'year's lease. Arriving August 10. Send : STORE HOURS: 9AM-9PM ' . repUgg to Bpx B-2. "Student Serviced mdg., East News. ; Monday ttoSaiwiay A it prt tttla fait all five Laming thftf Sof., July 25, >964 A&P Super Markets. Lansing. 9 APARTMENT OR house. Tw: EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand River bedroom. Married couple. DOWNTOWN-107 S. Washington Ave. Walking distance to campus. Phone 332-0716. 13 Thursday, July 23, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan New Dorms Get Extensive Planning Shop Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 Remember, Knapp's is Saturday afternoon (or your open draws the preliminary pirn s.The Staffing the new hall is another department of residence hills concern of the residence hall makes sure the building provides department during the construc¬ shopping convenience Andrews said he wished there adequate educational, housing and tion period, Andrews said. The fuod service facilities. were more opportunities to"live establish food service before with a building" to determine people within it who are ready The physical plant department .<• conceiv ed with structure .1: d its good ana bad points before to take an added responsibility planning had to begin on the and who can do the job in the next, but added that this is im¬ c' tck o be sure adequate safety possible during the present ex¬ academic people ire interested pansion. In July the dorm should be 1 educatio- tl facilities which ready f"r cleaning and moving- The department of residence 11 he said. That leaves about 60 made a 1 Sable, , halls is not ;dle while construc¬ said. ibably days to move in completely and tion are is go;-g ij- , however* They engaged it- the jobs of getting establish food service before the students themselves move in. \l. OtlCe fl year everyone at Knapp's furi.iture specifications, testing equipment and furniture and Despite crippling strikes, An- 1^." gets into the act of promoting our drawing specifications. The pur¬ drfAs said, students have always chasing department then takes bee: able to live in their rooms \1 fabulous "Wonder Value" Hosiery. bids on these items. a: d be served in their own dining n.ims when the time came. He All of tt e equipment a; d furni¬ idded kitchens in both Fee We think they're great, so will you. ture undergoes some testing be¬ Akers will be ready by the fore it is purchased for use. Many times manarers of other needed. Oa1 JTWv Try them and save, when your reside-ce halls art ,• V| run- s said, even though ture to test :: their halls, s built, there is friend or neighbor from Knapp's and their recommendati ns weigh •t nt Job of build- ! that's where the calls on you. «a:j, t'.a* sturie ' Carl Laut/e: ! eiser, desig- er t is their Job to .make the >idence hail m-' c th:, Just place to sleep'aid eat, a-d, dnews said, t! ey have done a M.S.I". Book Stort M.s.U. Rook Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book M annual em Counseling Clinic Students hosiery We Have Required Texts For Fall Term Courses. Stop In Now And Avoid The Rush Next Fall. sale We Have A Wide Selection Of Used Books. ATTENTION EDUCATION MAJORS ... Wide Selection Of Aids For Teachers. Stop In And See What We Found While Moving To Our New Store. Summer Store Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. "Wonder value" Sheer H On Soulli (.ampus On Worth Campus The exciting new MSU Book Store. The finest complete book store Still at the Building will be the grill, cafeteria bar¬ bershop, bow I ing, bill¬ Union Special 8 7< pair services. iards, and browsing 75 Coming Soon! room. 3 pr. 2 50 6pr 4 The beautiful new • stretch sizes The Union lobby is , most wanted styles Crossroads Cafe. A Four groups, designed to fit all sizes: still a nice place to B seamless sheers, plain and mesh meal or a snack in a meet. i 30 denier full fashioned sheers (a) 8, 8 1/2 and 9 delightful new setting. » full fashioned stretch sheers (b) 9, 9 1/2 and 10 • seamless mesh stretch sheers (c) 10, 10 1/2 and 11 » twin thread full-fashioned sheers (d) 10 1/2, 11 and 11 1/2 » 3 most popular shades rosetone, a rosy beige; taupetone, a , sheer flattery MSU BOOK STORE grey-beige and rhumba, a summer sun- tan shade Wonder Value hosiery is extra soft, spvtrFfj^sUttf. s.jpooth, anc} moj^.im¬ » proportioned sizes portant of alf, comfortable. Trim lit In The International Center-A Department Of MSU at calf and ankle. Styles for every Eos' Lansing Streel Leve/ fl.S.y. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book e