M. 3. C. Library Easr. Lars Eng. Mich. Michigan Stale News PROMINENT FACULTY MEMBERS ARE OUSTED RUSSIAN FILM ABOLISHMENT COLLEGE EXTRASPEAKER ACCEPT RESGNAT'ONS OF OF WILL OPEN ART s*"",,v REI.YOFFICE TEVSCHEDULED SEVOMER FOR COX HASRFLMAN KEH7IE SERIES TONITE = LECTURE SERIES AFTER ST/tTE BQAK'. MEET Former Comul fj*ner*I Talk , «f FoffifP Piriur* on Thp Conflict in I.o / Places Piominent Members of Faculty t Hort BuiMne Manchuria r f AFiT'e • Abolish s Office of College H stor an; •.Ink' CCnares Recent Controvert?. "HEME IS SCIENTIFIC DFC. 6 IS DATE C^r'eFon Baker, Noted f).p!o- mat, Bro'irht to Peoplet -■'iv of 'he Church Tetday. ."Tl - r.f J, lla«-"'lman MeSutt Heads //end f Dept. Xext (irid Team Loses Dos it inn L"ttrrmen P»r». Vllefin Foil- :*i F.l-ve* Education Head Debates H ith DECEMBER 15 IS Id PI I Ln AYI DATEun 1 u P,M(M„ Wlw c* /V«r,, ta Collrfr <1 (Ilk D'ltk Tikn » Holid»v i« B» Nul Pr«Mii*ti«ii »• DrMUtel ( Uu ENGINEERS TO REGISTRATION STAGE PARTY PLANS PROCEED • • T -Ti Bal at Ml son c le W,|l Reolace \*in*iai Kanq j-t SPEAKER CITES PARTY'S STAND isroasm Senator Outlnet Pro Platform trertive Stolen! I.ectnre at niAr|Ty qrup j ! STARTS DRIVE BORGiCLi jiitUO r,.X. O.,., Chnstmas W-ffa'e ONCIT ^ in Tenor to Area. Commun.ty (one-. TELL ADDITIONAL PHI BETA KAPPA CAVALRY MOVES Rr*«»l Mmof Pft Tictwai «nd TO FORM CHAPTER ' *. 0 T C. real Crtmp In Ail In Start Kalaa Or(*MiatMi t dTrarda W I IU . . 1 ... . Mr < • . ,vi K.w. I. * '.msirr it the un« reprsssntsuts East Uusuoc and U» Aremeo iff . p»TfQ*n.*.v ' '.-J* «■/ B.I- "1 tt.r •rrf.t ' r-ceirum ed and new Ro&wy and H sao Uie KiTif f re*en Th# : s/im.r* » r» ipratn'ed • a ttnf in prrfurmsnesa W*"e Ft««r» . D»* -fcttffs ' • *>* -:>d srtUj »: Km .kflumo 'A DacemArr i tUt presrfue ' ICine 1 :»rsd MsrL»eiMrtJ Lsom/v« ' r • 'uruf . .•< .i d MT» t '-1 ' .«As U 'x RoO rjoo . ; dm srta -o jn« • speexsi per- r*wrkhsm f o»r: :*■/»«*.» s•«*>*< erw«ps sr* r/i* ivu !h«tw Are tuuos sad •.id W H ScwJemu' PmriKstMs pw« cmjlth itcu Herts rt Wllisfc !he '"nfiiuasti'ir. and ' mulh pC ■Par. -A lUkiy aKd Prtrxess Jf-Saun perrjr C f.neat. Csro FnM (m :**#nie 1? t»w»e srUl be s =• i-,n .-eatr.:'.'. * n< of RUf't aImisim chafer sod to 1e of Hsab. Rsvmr.s Robert 0toii brtuer^. merman nm-'iAre si the *• LhM Witi t Ws'e theatre for tne cbm the de- r» one ** K ifMt is uuny-«s >**!• • •trfSW ONa;."'. • .f r cart? ax The lncsi < rxapuT m mi n* —"lb. lop of Kotuer wmfiy ^ parte- * Oyw. oca and amor rus T*wt si '>• r^'fT tunmri u to do ** *•■< c- - nsnd en Ff'r the H< !~v" W- ,1,7Hur- ' -.A >rr to I*. IM Vmr* in Ulton ' fr&p on Dee i Or I W Bub* a,u rrur,»f^*n «!• iat M IV »'«>• "» ^ " R Officerr at V 7*t* «..* be set for the F W C W -iw t me ta the c**t »•» ot «ad «< the ftm rener*. tw'- -C committees sa orctpMr-' jcj .MH IIUirt> M X11. ti-.W. Michigan State News STUDENT PULSE college ! Willie Worried BULLETIN I liu l)can Calls Fir is Thai Things at School Are In An Awful Mrs* ' AFT < > A 1 t; TWO NAMED TO >«i iSfa |C<1 ATTEND CONVO |PIC? HWttW \ 1/ Christmas 0.*itI»t fur itur ♦♦€ unr Fitk and Dick mar Will Kepre pte Suggestions srrt Malr at Lrdrration Meet • Ls r v p (btH» till ihtllt ^ \ |\ IhHNkl'Oi <>n AIUMU I . * 1>P |MEV I EAT l>MKEpprr WHEAT H KVIiKAIT SIIOK KKI'AIKIMi » thai M r.«ldtd XX ' I I > ) |M. -MINI- 1 XI I *• T&za is? «r XI I thi *ht altu ■ I! rln-«'• r »»t NiirnJiinJ XX Just One Week Left Ideal i on Christmas Gifts Christmas Photos Waterman Ideal Fountain Fens Conklin Nozac Fountain Fens Michigan State College Jewelry DerJuis Studio 1«V INK SUNDAY DINNERS Our I ,.^h KuM* l ui « k xiu*x XkMi u | State Colege Book Store • «»#u-W » lor Ih, l%i,i H atitiim Mi Mr.tna»l»i Btmf jggfc . . WO tONK ISX 1,1 V. Pcpoml 'i i i ion MIi tlM \N ft ATtf VI" Pncrn Threu X Y. \\ SIII'MA Al PUA I AT A SPHINX snciF.TY l-0 HOLD i'» MOM) PRACTICES FOR o< i:il Lull Follows Thauksmvm- WOMEN'S PROM w Vr.i'.iiiiwais; M.IIII IIIHs Mi.JVIA ALPHA MIA mmm Al nN|I)N S1MASH mmm Willi Vcry Lew Ihirlies Scheduled On l)at»* Calendar This Week-end TO BE B!G EVEN^ JV S,Tf Vi""ls • GIVES MUSICAI.R Alumni. Patron* Hold luim.il ' l»! I* I til U Pal I I Parly Heark I til A* Most Important Dame I hnrefl let SYAr".11 Apprnarr Approach \ A * '• Reception t! R t Old* Residence Vlrrl. Frtl; Four Fralernilin ami Snrnrrtre* Knlert No Other Fumtion< Air Planner! In Memoriam Dr. ittar.i :- C. l:A \ ;> .TV i rid i> - ; hi '.Or Snlurday Public Weu ii « Dec,_9th Ueliifious ( oiiiii i' Presents 'Siin-I p' in ( hiircli. Dee. 7 Plav i« Drama ot Krntuck* , . . ,, MonoO.nc. Tirkrtc Sell DnitOCS It. !<»l < (>,. •:i \nnual ' outcsf (hi( ani|MisS<>i!ii p.iilicipalf in State Or tin, real M- ' *Ipha < hi siifina. ( hem Krutcrnit*. I'h'llvtCn 'TWfll Vr-t7ntea OUmoft f'*!roca for the pari. Hurler. Mi .1 VI 1 hi at A r n ' i and Mr and M Ol*«U UI+ M! A. t H *rhins. Dran Ma ■ Vtr* w W Lon< Tl# M •*■<■»»» will furtuoh mns. PAN Hi t IKNM » k • |i telling yni about -tounr No 4 mil ftiu - -ram 4 JO p rr. .. . I in < h. -icrlu DK ir. • * * day Decembrr 2 art to Be Droit Oue*t> Corruei ■ , .»>•'n!A.. Uuf aii.-nir.4e . lint |*lr4M- brut ibia in nuy«J. !l i* crtMMF-hlrmluig rH* VII . Ixxau.-c they ci •' ToN- The rptmnn r'. ??•' ■ "■ *- *» Hal littppPO* b/wP I be IaImco ftten are ibuijt* tb.u rount. l the ir feature* . . '» r.w ur.ee! .are. at < In In ft. M" .*;• o.iM - ! .• uOi. this ma* (him* that mailer* mo si. The (en-fat ..-rue March. better. IV..*. • r -nir*< it... .!.»,| «umtwr< : • ;n» J ;» "e Kolbnc ami pj< ka^iu^ are uufiurtaii!, Variety and Gift Shop >21 Eat* (.rial Kiirr THEY'RE MILDER bul not nearly u important a* the •election, blcadutR au*l treatment of try a pa. huge. jj*_. mB" M Strta'jsi Ml 1u>1 ssr* THIY TASTE BETTIR MtcmoAN s1 Thursday. Drrembcr 1, ift.w «»•«•" - Freshmen Women ALD friib ! i lire time Thrw mm four years and worn- Every Tuesday uftrrnnot Drpartment "Rarord" PukliihriNfciitl of .tudent in! to co-ordinate five to mx. all freshmen girl .inner ii\ .lfTairx with those out aide import in the nuditoriuin of th. Imrrnalional'st (o Sprak on ed Bo»ln" S»mptl«ny Sinyt With Datroil Book, Rarommendad for . r« u■•>';>!me '■< i themselves n hatv- building for. a lecture rotipn. European Halation in Town OrdiMtra Samphonv Alumni Raadari. \ MM VII l(>\ *1 tv I IIF.M •1, .ji.ihtit .e i t- itottM* so wrapped Physical Education depot• Hall Series. : . i , : is; tn. i lav; that This m-rlr.s of Irrturpn has bee, ,, ■, aim-i'u n - t vented to tlir girls lot the pa ,lIt The original name for th. (i. mi.,n , i ,, . •».. tin; «sx life Idea la and Charm;-' ,. , , tI!,j rirntut ism veloptrant This vrar ho«>v i • i. ,, ,. ,. ,1 i,lev.,tun "Au-S dreldmt that flu- title wot, '...,1,wi:, • • , i,:tn Stopped fot something stmpk ' . m tM ,,| lecture course for freshman it , t,»,i* ""mmi/ 1 »'».*•..ii\'• h \ufenr. hygiene and miiiUm- . t, nil,..'.' ,. 'innii'i'ii a ti,! tvn» «"rk continuing and «!-.• I • •, '' •' general ptlnrtpie ! Mill » V «• |M il|> \ f.ltflK II IffN RfNItl \T» fe lo lie deatred f»n»t hers or son SENIORS CAPTURE . u W. A. A. CONTEST' hvmg with hix mne . id have the interna •• • hotter i nulling • o srn-. Cnokini! ( la««<>" tcw-d, Turr .« Saaond W. A. A. Practice StlOll riia/ Mctl H„ba,t Am.,...n Bowl,., Hotkfy w TMrM|nnl, w Hup|N>it the advetttaera l.llw tllf hitcln'U ompa i ion Mav Ha Poatponad Baconia • Mulligan sute Ne»s. the> I no your io||ege neaHpuper , | lit Bad Waithei dltrialmas (Earhs Selections of beautiful numlters are complete. Iluy earl>! DtTlaun Attends t ommemoralion of ,. , , The Campus Press, Inc. Spinn/a's Itirth * J;*. Vliss f!! Man/er hi .. Ik IIMi » . (.rand Koer Ave. \( Sunday Session III \ ' /OVIItlt • l'lan to take home A Fruit Cake tin anil Swam for Christmas > 'Ititi Ui Vttend • a hi; u.i »j MoetllU: Now »f 'iiirll "i |*i.l K Leav e > our order and we w ill mail it Id you on I'nurram <>l I I i . Meet Schul/ Speaks On Furniture to Also Johnson's Candies Forestry (Tub IM P \IHI\t. \M» IM HNhMIMi Ml IIP YK- vLlic Hunt iTuuii I I l,(,\l.| \N|» I | \IHMt t.tM»i>v Debaters .Meet I ol M. Team on . Taxation Issue Ht M.I ".US' I I VTHI R f.t M > OS STORK Sljup Patronize Nairn i inn toil lees tot \niiit.ii (lam,net I tinr>iiu> i n-i'tl liwuuvJal.t » Michigan State News Stutz Anderson's Advertisers They have faith in College Students Direct from tira>stone liallroom and WJK Any I'ersons Desiring to Subscribe or Register Delivery Complaints Gag or Write MIDWAY BALLROOM MICHIGAN STATE NEWS OFFICE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, DKCluMUhR i. A, 4 SOCLAL PL.VN. 33c PHONE COLLEGE EXTKN8I0N 37S ■FegmffiKieei ' W then ;»*! «*• :s!•••■. mnpardinf w tM MicJa*sa OsUr 1'hurj»da>. Dt c< ml ' 10 ! %1|« MM .AM MTA'T- MKWS NATIONAL CONSFYVAT!OV resume of football season z'^zrir" grapplers are daubert points grid award to faculty yoicfs EXPECTED BY FO TERS reveals thai team's record c' go,"i'" 10 hold bouts 0ut tank neeik be given soon fmt8uiv!tw is best in nineteen years ^ All-Collegi 1 (Wiley Will R Stage f On December )(i KYund'ottf sJ"(Committrf Man of '32 D«idfWas Will Squad ; Which Qu,,t(0„r„rr on Snort, 14. 15 and 16. Val.tahlr J2 Squad Lo»« Onty Out Game During Moil SiiccpmIuI Season | Since 1913: Defeats Powerfai Eastern Teams io Wir National Recognition Reats Ancient Rival Detroit. v h I mil * remained until I : :n • harriers close li'.im wi-ariny thr %• successful year Ottiy Chosen as Cnphin f?r Informal Snapsho'r. Nr ;t Year's Cross Country To Be Favored In Coolest .1' IN KK<>M \ M V\'S SToKK YI LFGE PAPERS state men fete iHPW NOVEL ITEMS u. of m. alumni Publication* hist Peculiar lon>um Poha ( omp.ui Eveiit.i of Intel est at Other Mir iine Banoui*' lor Fcl It a Employes take prizes at HOLD Mtf IINC of restock show speech honorary Students Furnish Program tor Colligr Etkiktlt Plarr «t Inlrr Regular Mil ol ni'ional Ln.tcck E< Lambda Sigma m \\ Vor a rigcs to attend national meft ..nivusitv 1'ii.t.n <«ris|» Isile at bvtUimv A Necktie Slutlcnts Low Man if Article* From Kurd's UNION Lmat Vainly i.| Tkmt' lurnrj I* io Stcrclt'y't OHn I -I HI III. t W W \ * ' • |«i ft I \ IM• • t VI\\ A. PARTY I'Mt itir Hurlil', rrin|M'u| i rri-.il. h. ll«>a« • (tire (i Tie at the Kin- kri-.|iii >. I ua^tril rin ImiImiIi tluil from Haul's arliialK -11.14,1. 1 i.uklt .mil |iu|i in milk or rri-nin. union \i»il I In Im--I ol il !-■ Itii«- Kri-jii- air olc.il hIn von'ri liooji' 1.1I1 .il nielli. S«» BALLROOM 11 Lowly Cockrox.Fi "* Objoot •* .i i.i.i, ■ i»i\- i-u-y lu iligr-1 (In, I'lii'oiiru^.' ri'-ltul -Iit|>. War Drive "low 111 in-11 In-llt-r ill.in lira, y . Iioi Looil-. \ny rrnluurtilil l.a- Mm kri~|>n Alaili In | -illltl> M mi it, M.tHI /Holier Ho*. Crlt.. ^(N»l FRIDAY Ki IIukM in Uallli l.rik. . 'lie v » ***!>-•» Slat. tieulutfiM mvrc7s lax Hlk Speaks at Meet 'tgr rHN 'ull*|t.. .iiw ci.w imI InhoHi. an cnn4a I*, K> l|...4t ol (iiiiloKI (Tul> . In ll.nl. i .lark. Tfca-J taaaliaalr 111 line. I'M' ».«. ttaakart lorn tl«*4««. likui KrviuitU-, ami K.IU«cu- aituir. wrixi Birr.... \Uo IkwBr* lla« i r. -I. wBre ilml 1.1, . «m .It.p. Dear el' lumon... t tr m «UM Pwmtv: v.. PM ii- rt (t ilwr» PHYSICS STUDENTS WOtt Hw i. a aew Knirlinh type UN X KAY WITH MACHINE oxfwrd tor wear withh the new I>«hmIwi draper. it'* a irreat Mid • ,4-aI !*»-)«? fUttk, idrarjoaD Pi i »u*J fhoe. Muart, tapered toe, iuk- i '.-ik *!U-, « iwrtuw trrtiitl'. toHi-fit, atyle in every line. ■ f-Uwc vwcfc tort' ,r s. jrifoi h. U* dtfaHlWbt by M B f of ib* fErf-wftf. X-» It*'-,' m- -■* two* tt» l<*n> .at »v"«»« Caajunc latuwi «ui n' K-*'- '"If KtlKi. IV *-ll- '• Wf. It-civ.. • - hi.* t/v Burton'8 Walk-Over Shop ■ua 'tt l» . ,u . .a*, -at U' clout!. C-4U|W0 111 uttmm IvUiv .. ,mt dial .* f.v*. la. U»- »HC v- 71* 1 221 S. Wiuhingluii A»». MI'ilfOAN ST ATI' NTWS Spartan Cagers Play Albion in First Game STATE QUINTET OPENS SEASON s_ HIS iOTTFV STARS IN i iiitrn' S|)'n ! UHHf ] WITH METHODISTS AT LANSING: SIXTFEN TILTS ARE SCHEDULED J and HAT i X-COUNTRY RUN I I'lao- i. THKV I rifl-t\ PARED TO toVl! •i Infer- V, nAI»»>f Will Proliahly Pirlc Co-Captaini Kirrher and Mr ( i Im, MfMi .. Patched and Vnnilrltr to Start Contest; Cor test to Br Played On Vocational Floor SWARTZ WINS HARRIER RACE , .q ' "" iiawa •" _• Mirtiifan Normal Win* Ak*iii lf- Soite of Weiterr'i First I wo Plar \ ANNOUNCE I'OI.O TEAM SCHEDULE \t LANOI |,i,l In Ki' I'l.vil Salni ,|.,V Willi In .1 N.lmnal I,■in I tram INJURIES REMOVE CTTFY FROM RACE i l l MiiisM ! K \I in SuJifut Allaik nl Hrrma Mai II" V Oil I'"Ml 11 III 11 ker|i Hint I mill Spring Track ()lvmnic Kainhow Kmcatioiis UII.I.IAItDS — IIOWI.IM; the Hi|i|n HOCKEY DROPPED AS MINOR SPORT Will Flood Skaters a» Kink Soon Prrnili fot a« W Student rat Her Important! innuiii W.-A. V. \-( ountrs Hike To IU- lli-lil Sal. I run I <4 the hall i from] that SI.»5 up i s.i!'! * , i *J the SI.00 up Ttiia u thr tiunl yrat that Mat • he* been cut . miercvlltaielr hoclwy competition hurra won miMet wrathr: tn im» aectKMi for i u* In- part f«n» * truer* ham made Ute ten mm t aod utMwrU u for a the sport A t