Inside MICHIGAN Weather Ingham draft board reorgan* izes, p. 3; Open letter 01 canoes, p. 4. UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS Generally fair and cooler today, butquitehumid. High in the mid-80's. Vol. 55, Number 174 Tuesday, August 4, 1964 Leaders To Talk ) East Lansing Welcomes Its Miss Michigan On Cooperation, | — Farm Business Saliy Jane Noble, a b Michigan for the coming East i ansing Sunday The new Miss Mlchlgai Michigan State will host 3,OCX) arrangements for the national :• Street by a police motor •bo ISO l< farm business leaders August the daughter of Mr. and f 9-12. The American Institute of Governor George Romney will welcome the delegates on August n MSI this fall, captured Cooperation will meet at MSU Mlchl in Muskegon in what has been described as 10. Mrs. Romney will address ■ Frid >\ s I inMr.g, she combined years of one of the nation's largest and the ladies' luncheon the same gymi is ; for her free exercise talent act. most important agricultural day. The keynote address will : a berth on the 1968 Olympic team, be delivered by Brice Ratch- meetings. i srypula is also Sally's personal AIC is the national research ford. Dean of the Extension Di- : vision. University of Missouri. tn •• for four years and ballet since and educational organization which serves the hundreds of Dean T.K. Cowden of MSU's i y.v.T.ast on the horse vault, uneven cooperative associations College" AgricuitKre will wel- | throughout the country. Nearly come delegates to the campus. 2,000 delegates from more than Participating in the three-day : 40 states are expected to attend. session are Jack Barnes, Glenn Sessions will be held in MSU's Lake, Norman L. Peterson and Richard Venne of the Michigan a way to keep up my training," 4,000 - seat Auditorium. i of her home. "The Olympics In addition to the delegates, Milk Producers Association; Walter Wightman, Clarence this (the Miss Michigan title) some 1,000 "youth scholars" will come as guests of coopera¬ Prentice, Elton R. Smith, M.D. Brownlee, J.C. McKendry and tives. They will learn first hand Lester Bollwahn, Michigan Farm how an important segment of the American Bureau; W.J. Brake, Michigan economy operates. State Grange; John Handy, Great ether I'll be able to start school this J.K. Stern of Washington D.C., Lakes Cherry Producers; and p.i .ind 1 haven't had a chance to talk president of AIC, reports that L.A. Cheney, Michigan Associ¬ 1' . . finitely start next fall after my year the scholars will represent fif¬ ation of Armer Cooperatives. teen national youth organizations. Also taking part are Elmer pi education and eventually plans a DOGGONE-Plenty of eligible bachelor gymnastics coach or phys ed teacher. Many Michigan farm and busi¬ Lightfoot and Harry Nesman of ness leaders are taking part in the Michigan Department of Pub¬ ably echo these sentiments when they s • back of a pale blue convertible new Miss Michigan, Sally Jane Noble, the 36th annual convention. The lic Instruction. Along with staff [unior Chamber of Commerce. staff of MSU's College of Agri¬ kisses of her dog to theirs. The picture members of the Department of at the Noble home following a Welc( (continued 2) culture, working with state coop¬ Agricultural Education at MSU, on page erative leaders and the Michigan they will conduct the "Co-op bration for the newly.crowned title-holder. Association of Farmer Coopera¬ Quiz", one of the highlights of tives, are completing the myriad the youth sessions. Four Future Farmer chapters in Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey Workshop and Colorado will receive special awards for cooperative activi¬ ties. Special awards will also His Act Succeeds Without Sound THE tree CROWNING GLORY-The young man is probably the idol of all boys who hove an uncontrollable desire to crown an older sister. But in th e go to other youth leaders at the By DAVE STEWART is trans- Besides performing panto- the sister in this case is Solly Jane Noble, the new annual "V.I.P." salute to youth. State News Staff Writer Performing before the 2"! mine of the more classical sort, Miss Michigan. Miss Noble is expected to enter Spots Kids Another 160 young people will „rt—- on youth programs during Though all the laughter and appiause went largely" uhheard, biennial convention of the Mk t gan Association of the Deaf. I . ttrrKly homan one, whether it vivid and Bragg, who is a deaf mute, out and told with his arms and acted MSU in the foil. Photos by Patti Prout the week. The program will con- there was n0 doubt at the Jack nard Bragg took tils .hi all was (he disconsolate artist hands several poems. Included And Books elude with an address by Jerry Voorhis, Director of the Tar Saturday night that all had witnessed pantomine ai a_bs_t1r*"' "" studio to the park bench—w; suddenly was deciding his pallette after all the better picture, found on untitled and moving piece the body of an American Congress Of Strings Cooperative League. only a white masked face ani soldier killed 20 years ago in quent best. the ridiculous folly of a heart "Making the Most of the Mag¬ sure,eon operating on television, Italy. ical Years" is the theme of a or .i hungry tramp feeding a few lere was an unique 'recital', workshop on children and their Will Speak At Cursillo Meet imploring park pigeons. the silent tale of a man's Faculty Sets Recital ^ f r o books, which will draw more than vehicle! °liragg's facial changing face and posture seemed 70 of Michigan's school and pub¬ expressions managed to drive to challenge the spoken word to lic librarians to the campus this constantly to the core of emo- do better And14.. would be hard Golden To Appear Here tQp_ranklng symphony (Trout)" by Franz Schubert. ^ 114 week. :lon ind understanding. Coupling P • orchestra string instrumental- The program is open to thel The accent will be on the phi¬ the face tn tl,;ht unison with a A specialty of Bragg's Is his ^ comblne their talents public. losophy of work with children, moving body, Bragg made the lack accepting of written challenges )r, Congress nf Strings facultv of Strin(rs faculty Performers will include: Harry Golden, one ofAmer- best-selling books. Among them in the field of human rights,' „ materials for children, and of words and empty stage ln_ from the audience and their sub- chamber music recital at 8:15 — Violinists Frank Houser, ica's best-known authors, will are "Only In America" and "For Froh said. story-telling in the two-day ses¬ ingless; if anything they brought sequent portrayal. this evening in FairchildTheatre. concertmaster of the San Fran¬ sion, planned by the Michigan speak on the moral and social 2$ Plain." Both books are collec- The Cursillo movement origi- focus to the meaning which reign¬ agg succeeded well in They will cisco Symphony; Hyman Good¬ aspects of racial segregation at tions of anecdotes of life in the nated in Mexico several years ed with the matching his wits with this sort State Library and the MSU con¬ man, concertmaster of the To¬ the sixth national Cursillo Con- American Jewish community. ago and slowly spread to Catho- in their wav both tragedy of random imagination, as hebe- "Deuxieme Quintette' by Darius tinuing Education Service. way Dotn trageay ronto Symphony; Rafael Druian, ference in Kellogg Center Aug. lies in the southwest and through- id _ u_ ^ prac_ Milhaud; the <'Sonata for Violin comedy were superb, and Piano" by Paul Hindemith; concertmaster of the Cleveland Mrs. Charlemae Rollins, na¬ 19—22. Golden's newest book deals out the nation. With Bragg the awkward shuffle (continued 7) and the "Quintet in A Major, Op. Symphony: and Mishel Piastro, Chicago chil¬ tionally-known dren's librarian; Mrs. William The conference is expected to wi;,h President Kennedy's role in The Cursillo conferences are ■ bland, rigid smile had that on page former concertmaster of the New attract more than 1,000 Roman m°Ve" Simllar ^ ' P York Philharmonic. Long, East Lansing, former as¬ Catholic men and women from It is entitled "Mr. Kennedy pose being to Inject Christian pathos we all know yet cannot Violist Louis Krasner, for¬ speak of.loud A wife s sarcar- — sistant director of the Ingham the United States and Canada. and the Negroes." principles into the individual almost amidst the abiding mer concertmaster of the Minne¬ lives and social dealings of par- County Library System, and Mrs. Winnifred MoffettCrossley, chil¬ dren's specialist with the Michi¬ Several Catholic priests will also attend. bishops and Golden will address theseeond general session of the conference tic ipants. The conference to be held here silence. And when it came to a woman with a broken armcllmb- Planetarium Starts apolis Symphony, now professor of violin and chamber music at on Aug. 20. His talk is titled "The gan State Library, are among "Cursillo" is lude individual discus- lng Into a girdle, the humor was Syracuse University. Friday Problems of Our Age." Just that which we can only hope New Program Cellists Robert Jamieson, — the speakers. combination of Spanish words slon groups and religlou8 de, David Froh, executive director tions as well as general sessions, the other guy sees half as well. principal cellist with the Pitts- meaning "little course in Chris¬ Visiting librarians will conduct of the Cursillo Conference, said Most Cursillo conferences are Bragg* s pantomine can be de¬ . burgh Symphony. two demonstration story-telling tianity." scribed as an experience in com¬ A close look at starss and and con- con- Stories of the Summer Skies,' __ Warren Benfield, double- Golden, one of the he is "very pleased" that Golden smaller because they are held stellations of the summer sky and begins Friday and continues hours in connection with the munication; one where the simple bassisl with the Chicago Sym- workshop. spoken foes of segregation in accepted the invitation to speak. at local and regional levels. and fleeting vignette were known; the legends they inspired will through August 30. Program ph0ny. America, is the publisher of the "We know that he will give us Catholic clergy have bet ' di- when a picture might have be featured during August at times are 7 and 8:30 p.m. Fri- one The string players will be Seventy-seven local librarians Carolina Israelite in Charlotte, an inspiring talk that will make vided on the value of Cui Abrams Planetarium. days and 2:30 and 4 p.m. Satur- lent doubt and words only pon¬ assisted by pianist Dr. Paul from both peninsulas are en¬ N. c. all of us more aware of our #s the movement originated with The new program, "Stars and days and Sundays. Obert, chairman of music at the rolled for the workshop. He is the author of several duties, private as well as public, the lalety. derous thought. Visitors the planetarium Univers'ry of Minnesota anddean will be taken on a simulated tour of our own galaxy, then be trans¬ Kennedy Exhibit Visits ported into space for a view of the galaxy as it would appear from some 1,000 light-years Clergy Arrive By JOHN VAN GlESON Also included in the program State News Editor will be views of someofthecom- For Sessions mon "double" and "multiple" M the has four drive John focused F. days with the visit library's traveling exhibit. ! The Kennedy exhibit contains fund Kennedy Library on Detroit the last of the These stars, tarium curator pear as a aided eye. escope, explains plane¬ Victor Hogg, ap¬ single light to the un¬ Viewed through a tel¬ however, the light is On dox campus ence Orthodoxy More than 100 Eastern religious in l-.aders Ortho¬ are this week for a confer¬ Kellogg Center. on seen to be two or more stars much of the memorabilia con¬ The first of five sessions was nected with his presidency orbiting each other. held Monday. Clergymen from A photo display picttu < s the Some of the stars and constel¬ six jurisdictions of Orthodox late president's wartn humanity lations whose legends will be re¬ Catholicism are represented. told are Bootes, "the Herder"; They include the Albanian, Greek, lyannisport home wit I ' is love- Corona Borealis, "the Northern Romanian, Russian,Ukranian and lfe and children, Crown"; Hercules, "the Strong¬ Syrian branches of Orthodox la tragic death is : -called man"; Aquila, "the Eagle"; Christianity. in original draft of a speech Lyra, "the Lyre"; Cygnus,"the vered to the Fort Worth Swan or Northern Cross"; Scor- The Jurisdictions of the Ortho¬ Nov. dox church do not differ signifi¬ mber of Commerce on pius, "the Scorpion"; and Sagit¬ 1963, Just a few short hours tarius, "the Archer". cantly in doctrine but in relig¬ ious rituals and forms. They are ,asa si nation. IN MEMORY OF JFK~This display, depicting events in the The planetarium's lobby dis¬ not to be confused with Roman Other fa plays and black-light gallery will" Catholics, who accept the author¬ speeches are displayed inclu life of the late President John F. Kennedy, was one of the be open Tuesdays through Fri¬ ity of the Pope of Rome. The final the handwritten draft ol popular attractions at the Kennedy exhibit in Detroit. days from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Inaugural Address with Photo by Larry Fritzlarr split between the Eastern Ortho¬ Saturdays and Sundays from 1- dox and Roman Catholics oc¬ phrase "Ask what you can dc ountry," yoj Kennedy gave to a native after A model of the PT-109 is also Following the August 30 pro¬ curred in the 11th century. the sinking of the PT-lW is ifr- ty^fc'SfL , . ['he Orthodox leaders * c 1 uded Part of its message. Another item concerned with gram, the facility will be closed -•"Ml after Sept. 10 while prepa¬ viewing theology, history, litur¬ • Native knows posit and reefs the sea is an ivory carved model gies and canon (church) law of "ICH BIN EIN BERLINER"—These people ore shown viewing movies of the speec Nauru Island 11 alive need small of an American whaler presented rations are made for the fall their laith. the late President Kennedy uttered these now.famous words. The water in th# fore progr tv.ns. boat Kennedy," is still vlsiblei (continued on page 2) fountain, through which the picture was shot. Photo by Loi Tuesday, August 4, 1964 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Point Of View- The Swim Rights Ban Protest Timely, Voter Registration Heeded Of Happin By SUSAN J. FILSON State News Staff Writer ent in Harlem and Rochester, N.Y. Goldwater plays skillfully on regarded numerous full occasions that he exercise of the on this confusion with his cam¬ franchise as a primary weapon — — — - — - — — - does the civil By jjm DeForest Where rights paign pitch that "violence in the against discrimination. movement go from here? streets must be eliminated." Never before had a president Some of the answers to this Fine. No one is in favor of The latest event to cause the public eyebrow to raise itself 5/8ths question may be provided by last made such attempts to secure violence in the streets, but there of an inch is that new trend in women's fashion, the topless bathing week's statement from six Negro Negroes in the South the right to is a subtle implication in suit. Its opponents state that it promotes a decline in morals and the vote. It is certain that in this leaders urging a moratorium on Goldwater's campaign state¬ fall of civilization. Let's however, take a closer look at this (that's all demonstrations until after the election year, Kennedy would ments which equates peaceful not meant to be funny). November election. have whole-heartedly endorsed protest with riots. the statement. The plea for a "broad curtail¬ Unjust though it may be, the The swimsuit controversy really boils down to a case of individual ment of mass marches, picketing Under President Johnson, tne "white backlash" could conceiv¬ rights versus the conformity pressure of society. This nation was and demonstrations" was signed emphasis has shifted from voter founded on the principles of the Enlightenment, and, in particular, ably land Goldwater in the White by Roy O. Wilkins, executive House. Civil rights groups are registration to guaranteeing im¬ the priciples of John Locke. In his Second Treatise on Government plementation of provisions in the secretary of theNAACP; Whitney extremely wise in taking steps Locke states'that all men are created freeand equal and may so do new civil rights law. M. Young Jr., director of the to reduce the backlash as much as they please as long as they do not infringe upon the right of Urban League; A. Phillip as possible. A Negro voter registration others. drive sensible than Randolph, head of the American Wilkins' call for a morator¬ seems more Negro Labor Council: and the ium voter registration drive constant demonstrations at the So 1 may play my bagpipes 'till 4:00 a.m. as long as 1 disturb Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., of would have met with moment, for the new civil rights no one. Bodily attacking a person or molesting a duck are in¬ great ap¬ the Southern Christian Leader¬ law may be just so much paper fringements upon others' rights, but is wearing a bathing suit one? proval from the late President ship Conference. if Goldwater is elected. Kennedy, Kennedy made it clear The people who protest the wearing of these suits may find them James O. Farmer, director of wrong by their own value systems, but the wearers of the topless the Congress of Racial Equality garments themselves do not. In other words, does the former group (CORE), and John Lewis, chair¬ Letter To The Editor in clothing to the latter group? The man of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), in the statement but Story Slanted concurred If any group of people can tell others how to dress, then they can could not sign it without ratifica¬ tell them what to read, what to say, and finally, what to think. By my tion by \Yievi organizations. dictionary that's not American. Speaking for the group, Wilkins urged that a concentrated Negro Some people attack the new fashion on religious grounds. Some voter registration drive occupy the energies of all civil rights groups during the coming cam¬ By Omission Therefore, I hope to call this sects consider smoking and drinking a sin, others do not. The paign. Although the statement To the Editor: took pains to refrain from an omission to the attention of the women who wear these swimsuits do not feel that their choice in On July 7 of this year, an un¬ editor so that news coverage on ^apparel is a sin so why must they bow to the beliefs of others? outright endorsement of Presi¬ identified reporter wrote on the the subject of open housing in dent Johnson, its meaning was OK, let's eat bagels and bow to Mecca five times a day. first page of the student paper East Lansing might be guided perfectly clear. In short, I may not agree with what you wear, but I will defend Major civil rights leaders are regarding a letter (not a "peti¬ by a more complete, and bal¬ convinced that defeating Sen. tion") from East Lansing citi¬ anced viewpoint of those who your s right to wear it. Anyway, if you don't like the topless bathing you can always look the other way. Kennedy Exhibit In Detroit and the Pulitzer Prize winning Barry Goldwater is a far more urgent task than continuing dem¬ zens to the East Lansing Mayor are calling for voluntary action and City Council members. One and not punitive ordinances. 1 regret very much that this (continued from page 1) this exhibit shows the President onstrations against discrimina¬ paragraph of the letter was FINAL SUMMER to him by Russian Premier Ni- kita Khrushchev. at work while his son, peeks out a John-John door in the front of "Profiles in Courage." Other exhibits recall both the finest hours of Kennedy's short tion throughout the country at the present time. quoted in part in the ninth and omission went undetected. I, tenth paragraph of the news story on page one under a many column along, with hundreds of other the desk. Wilkins himself said that the citizens of East Lansing, would Two of the largest items in the CLEARANCE display known. are also two of the best One is the stiff black Kennedy's are many other talents reflected in the display of term in the White House gravest crisis. A and his color movie vividly shows the tumultous emo¬ action to had been taken reduce the "white partially backlash" two ant line headline. However, another very import¬ paragraph of the letter was feel ment more assured of future treat¬ of this subject in the Mich¬ an oil painting he did of a scene which Goldwater is banking on igan State News if we could hear rocking chair which Kennedy tional welcome given to the omitted from the news story, as made in southern France and the five for a large percentage of voter directly from the editor in this so popular. Cushions for the president by a million West Ber- follows: matter. A printed comment from chair were presented to him by books that he wrote. The books support. liners when he uttered the famous "On the other hand, should the him or a letter addressed to my¬ "As We Remember Joe," The temporary curtailment of Savings to the Pacific Fleet. are words, "Ich bin ein Berliner." demonstrations could have some decision of the seller of real es¬ self, as representative of many The other item is the Presi¬ "Why England Slept," "Strategy His gravest crisis, the Bay of tate in this community be that of who signed the letter to the Coun¬ dent's desk. A picture alongside of Peace," "To Turn the Tide," far-reaching effects on the ranks Pigs invasion, is recalled by the selling to a member of a minor¬ cil, might be ways of attending of the "Negro Revolt." and ]/imore □ESBEIEID □□□naQ annua □□□□!! display of a bhie.apd gold flag presented to him in Miami's First, it will foster greater unity among civil rights groups ity group, we will defend with equal vigor that man's right so to do, provided only that it be to error some repair of damage by an of omission. iMIIlMt Orange Bowl by the returning at the local and national level. John N. Moore ' V hhkhiejd anmara survivors of that his decision and not that of some attempt to over¬ Louis E. Lomax, a noted ACROSS 0313 BEKS □□□ Castro's regime. Editor's Note: The State 1. Be in 26. Merrv- throw Fidel Negro author, points out that municipal bureaucrat." QEMfot mma Crowds at the exhibit on Satur¬ This was given as one of the News regrets that the para* andrew civil rights groups, particularly 4. Soft food 28. Assist □aann □□rnacsii day were large and filed slowly in the South, are sometimes principles upon which the 1010 graph mentioned by John 29. Behold □□Hasan Qoana past the many displays. They signers stood and wer<. prepared Moore was left out of the at 7. Vegetable 11. Fact 31. Nephrite BSD naanQ were almost entirely silent as more credit concerned with who gets for an accomplishment to defend. This omitted para¬ story. We apologize to the 14. Answer the 32. Trading □as ana BQB they shuffled along, the tragedy rather than whether the Job gets graph was an important factor in 1010 signers of the letter of last November still- their purpose liHKiao nraaacan on my own signing of the letter and who's views were appar* 15. Worthless 33CXDamfge 34. Western aouan laapanra minds. done. Lomax suggests that amal¬ gamation of existing civil rights important in regards to similar ently somewhat misrepre- leaving action of many another citizen. 16. Com pan v: Indian □anao Banana groups is a primary hope of the sented by 4ie article. abbr. 35. Conserve Negro Revolt. Corner 17. Food staple 36. Caste Letter Compliance with this call for 18.Snoop 37. Nickel moratorium on demonstrations Miss a Of 19. 20. 21. Side arm Fr. island Legume s\ inbul 38." Scotch toi Policy may pave unity of action. Second, the way for further the curtailment of Michigan (continued from 1) Fashion 22. Fades 39. Fr. Letters should not be longer demonstrations during this per¬ page 23. Roman physicist than 300 words, and should be A sparkling crown was perched in front of her blonde chignon, numeral 40.. Gift typed double spaced if possible. iod of heightening racial ten¬ and she wore a pale pink shirtwaist dress with smocking on top. 24. Genus 43 Burden Names and address should also sion could indeed reduce the Neighbor children had decorated all the trees and street signs 44. English "white backlash" which Wilkins on Sally's block with grcen-and-white crepe paper. Signs reading be included. No unsigned letters 25. letter "Sally's Alley" pointed to the new Miss Michigan's house. Jap. will be printed, but names may 45. Emmet Unfortunately, there is a ten¬ A huge brown-and-white sign proclaiming "Congratulations, be withheld if we feel there is dency among whites to confuse Sail" was draped across the length of the Noble home. T 8 9 10 / % 4 5 6 % The first thing Sally did was to gather the family's pet dog STOP! 2 3 The State News reserves the orderly demonstrations against racial discrimination with the Penuche in her arms. Sally has two brothers, David, 13, and II 12 13 right to edit letters to fit space kind of violence recently appar¬ Gary 10, and a sister, Wynne, 21. requirements. IS 16 A journey to the Miss America 14 % 19 pageant in Atlantic City lies ahead 17 % ie % for Sally the second week in September. ^STATE 22 70 % 2i % MICHIGAN STATE MEWS Sally said she "is awfully ex¬ cited" about competing in the *3 % 74 % 25 % UNIVERSITY Miss America pageant. Ji 26 Z7 d32 26 % 35 29 30 .? If coveted she should win the most beauty crown in the na¬ % w 36 Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Associated Collegiate Press Association, Michigan Press Association. tion, Miss she wouldn't America whose be the first entrance 34 % 3f % Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on Tuesdays and Thurs¬ to MSU had been delayed by a 31 4i 41 3» 442 39 days during summer term. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services Building, Michigan State Uni¬ Nancy America of Ann Fleming, Miss 1961, also had to com¬ plete scheduled engagements pri¬ 43 45 versity, East Lansing, Michigan. % 44 % Summer term staff: Editor. John Van Gieson or to cation Arts enrolling major. as a Communi¬ Advertising Manager Arthur Langer Sports Editor Richard Schwartz WHAT'S See KRAMER'S for Reporters Bradley, Sue Filson, Hugh Leach, Mike Kindman, Dave Stewart Oyars Balcers, Barb NEW Asst. Adv. Mgr Ken Hoffman LARGEST DISCOUNTS Circulation Manager Bill Marshall IN THE AUGUST ATLANTIC? IN TOWN! ' J:; COMPLETE LINE Fleur" by Fra*ncois« Gilot and Carlton Lake: A 20-page Atlantic Extra tells of NEW & REBUILT AUTO PARTS the affair between Pablo Picasso. 61. and Francoise Gilot, 21 which began , Enjoy new-car performance at low cost with in Paris in 1943. a guaranteed remanufactured "Bomb Shop in the Nile: T.rj.t Israel" by Terence Prit MOTOR Egypt has imported 500 From KRAMER'S! program^oWockeJs, CO to destroy Israel. POCKET the DIFFERENCE! "What Do They Get f rom Rock 'N' OR WE CAN REBUILD YOURS Roll?" by Jeremy Why has il teen-agers? Term Paper Needs Poems by Freer, the Younfl 1 Greg Kuzma. Valentine. Rosemary Ji Da The pursuit of excel ^ UoQk 5tai 1 editors be it in fie- "SERVING GREATER LANSING FOR 48 YEARS" increasing numbers. tu tot Wholesale wholesale & Retail— — —" Ketail — Across From Berkey Hall KRAMER PARTS Phone IV 4-1335 Free Parking At Rear Of Store Get your copy today. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 4, 1964 3 Canadians, Cars, Add To Fair Camels, cars, Canadians and cowboys are the highlights of the Ingham County Fair, which opened Monday in Mason. The fair, which will continue through Sunday, is billed as the "biggest and best. . .ever." ' < - . .... ; In addition to the usual rides, exhibits and contests, several specific shows are being held. Monday, Gene Holter's Ani¬ mal Show appeared, featuring l"fc . BITING THE DUST-Thot is i er, its just a part of the day's work in constructing park- racing ostriches, racing camels, chariot races and other animal machine must be doing unlesi 9 lot Y at the corner of Farm Lane and Mt, Hope. Today's program willbedomi- NAACP Chapter JUST HORSING AROUND-But, after a||, that's what fairs are for. This picture, taken at the Ingham County Fair which Photo by Ken Roberts nated by Canadian talent, headed by Paul Bunyan, a young strong¬ Unclear On Ban opened Monday, shows but a small part of the activities go¬ ing on. In addition, horses, camels, chimpan zees, ostriches man who is said to be able to Meeting last week, the campus and other animals will appear. There will also be an auto lift automobiles, pull 10 - ton chapter of the NAACP voted to thrill show and a rodeo to thrill the fair-goers. For those who Ingham Draft Boards Reorganizing trucks with his teeth and toss send a letter to the national of¬ would rother have other kinds of entertainment, the usual car- utility poles around like match fice requesting further clarifica¬ nival rides and games are offered, as well as special con¬ tion of the recently requested tests. The fair will run through Sunday. i civil rights dem- 31,000 reg¬ board. New members include Also on the program will be Three new draft boards will be boards with more than East Lansing. Donald G. Foxwill Photo Lester R. Hansen, O. Jay Canadian folk singers and Cana¬ by Gary Shumaker organized early next week in istrants. These smaller boards serve as goverrvmeiit appeal Munson and Rolland H. Siebert dian beauties. Members expressed doubt over Lansing to meet-the expanding are designed for operation under agent. Medical advisors include Drs. Lawrence A. Drolett and of Lansing. Mrs. Shirley M. Pope Wednesday will be the "Frosty what might be considered a sig¬ population needs of Ingham all types of emergency condi¬ nificant demonstration and thus continues clerk of Local Follies Ice Show," and Thursday WEDNESDAYS as C ounty. tions. Anthony V. Smith. Mrs. Jeri L. Board No. 34. will be the day for 4-H and FF A in line with what national secre¬ The new local boards will be In addition to Local 13oard No. Bixler of East Lansing will serve established as a result of the 34, the new local boards will be as clerk. All registrants will be advised and FHA floats and displays as tary Roy Wilkins sought to hold subdivision of Ingham County Lo¬ cal Board No. 34, previously one designated No. 262, No. 264 and No. 267. All local boards will be housed Board No. 34 will continue to by mail of the new local board have Jurisdiction over the balance having Jurisdiction over their of the city of Lansing and Lans¬ draft status. All males subject well as fireworks. Friday's show will feature off until after the November el ec- This week the NAACP will 49'niDAY of the largest Michigan local in present quarters at Danny Fleener's Auto Thrill sponsor a discussion with two 1120 May St., Lansing. ing Township north of Kalamazoo to registration on their 18th Board No. 267 was to hold its Street. Stephen A. Partington and birthday will continue to register Show. cane Fleener 69< National Is For Your complete Your Favorite l*tre, Lean, Chuck Ground Beef ' BP 591 meat selection, satisfaction with or double your money every back guarantee. Chicken Parts! National Is Against Disappointing you with any meat selec¬ tion at any time, regardless of circum¬ ALWAYS FRESH AT stances. NATIONAL! From the Finest Flocks Available Whole Ham Plump, Tender Butt Portion or The Finest Fruits and Vegetables Whole Legs Full Shank National Is For Tender, Meaty The finest grades of fresh fruits and Half vegetables at the lowest possible prices Thighs . . . everyday. Everyone's Favorite National Is Against Selling any fresh fruits or vegetables Drumsticks other than the very finest grades, at any With Rib Portion price. National Is For Breasts . . Keeping a complete selection of all varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables Vine-Ripened, Sweet Plump Delicious TRY ALL 3 HYGRADE'S FEATURES in all seasons National has it! ... if it is available. Ball Park Franks National Is Against Cantaloupes Stale Fair Polish Sausage Black Forest Smoked Sausage . . 65! Out-of-stock special or not. conditions, or limited selections, of any fresh fruit or vege¬ table item, whether it is an advertised *• Delicious with National Is For 2-49" TOP TASTE DELICIOUS LIVER SAUSAGE Ice Cream Braunschweiger . '39 The freshest of the fresh fresh fruits and vegetables, picked at their our peak of perfection and stores for your selection. . . . Dawn Dew rushed to Mich. Grade 1 Hillside Franks • • 49' National Is Against Displaying any over-ripe, low grade, or NATIONAL MONEY-SAVER BUYS! otherwise undesirable fruits or vege¬ tables, regardless of price. Woiidw-fvl Evaporated, for Baking and Coffee Pet Milk Natco, All Purpose, Baking and Cooking 6 89 Soft, Strong Bathroom Tissue NORTHERN TISSUE . i p0j 4Pk* 37 Handy in the Kitchen or the Bathroom pQ| zS 39 Shortening 3 49. NORTHERN TOWELS Handy for Picnics or Cookout, Northern ]()0-Ft Golden Gem Slices in Heavy Syrvp or WAXTEX WAX PAPER . R°" 23 STAMPS WITH COUPONS BELOW! 25 EXTRA I 6RIEN Jl»n With The Purchase of IS-Ft. Roll Easy Life ALUMINUM FOIL Redeem Thla Coupon a" Peach Halves 19* Keep Sandwiches Fresher with SANDWICH BAGS Famous Aluminum Foil, 12-Inch Waxtex . . p^g °"s 25-Ft 25 Stores. Cou; —1— Orchard Fresh, Red Soar Pitted for Pies REYNOLDS WRAP R°" 33' .2-35' . . Cherries FREE WITH THIS COUPON FREE WITH THIS COUPON For Cooking in or Cooking Out, 12-Inch 50 EXTRA STAMPS With The Purchase of ) lbs. or men With The Purchase ef Any » I: .. REYNOLDS WRAP . . Ro" 79 THERM-O TUMBLER ALL-BEEF HAMBURGER Redeem This Coupon et National Food Save Money ea Year Milk Bill with Top Taste Redeem This Coupon •« National " 99" 1 HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS SALE 1 Stores. Coupon ■«»!— With The Pur With The Purchaee ef a Eole Instant Milk . Holds Your Hair in Place All Day $1.50 SIZE TUMBLER CADDY Top Taste Creamy or Cranchy 1 Thli Coupon a AQUA NET shp*:ry B 13-OZ. CAN Jf FREE WITH 50 EXTRA ^ STAMPS THIS COUPON With The Purchase of 10-et Deal Pack Peaaut Butter 39' Gives Your Hair That Well Groomed SCORE HAIR CREAM Keeps You Fresh All Day Look . ,I 7,c 3-OZ. $1.00 SIZE SIZE TUBE 60C # ~ ICC With The FROZEN Purchase of Any J Pkgs SEAFOOD Chase ft Sanborn INSTANT COFFEE Wesson Is Oollclon la Salads BAN ROLL-ON deodorant l'/l OZ. BTL. Redeem This Coupon at National Fa®d Mayonnaise ~ 39* 1 This Coupon .1 National Food For Quick Headache Reli«f Stores. Coupon »«F'— size BUFFERIN TABLETS . . BTL. OF 100 7 m . Reduces Cavities For All Ages! 83c SIZE CREST TOOTHPASTE . . I FAM. TUBE V m Double Green Stamps ^Wednesday Delicious Dessert Topping 25 Lucky Whip National Food Store 305 N. Clipped West ol Frandor IV 9-7074 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 4, 19644 I "You SOFA BED. Serviceable but sad meet the nicest people through condition. Broken arms, worn the State News Classifieds. And I al¬ seat. Buy it for recreation SOFA-BED SOLD TO FIRST PERSON or so sold the sofa after only one in¬ kid's room. For only $5 the sofa PLUS 50 green stamps are sertion," said this classified user. yours! Automotive Automotive Employment For Rent For Sale Personal CHEVROLET 1960 Impala 4- FORD 1958. Almost new motor. VOLKSWAGEN 19 60. Sunroof. TOY PARTY demonstrator. No ROOM" AND BOARD for two in- door, hardtop. Sharp car in ex¬ Runs well. $200. 6062 Hardy Original Moonstone gray finish. delivering, collecting or invest¬ exchange for minimal cooking ment. TOPS IN TOYS, Barbara NORTHEAST. NICE double room and cleaning. Holt, OX 9-2729 cellent condition. Call 489-1109 Ave., East Lansing. Phone ED High-tread whitewall tires. Ra¬ PHlLCO ELECTRIC Range. Dou- for two males. Parking. Call IV after 5 pm. 12 7-7012. 12 dio and heater. Spotlessly clean Hernly. Phone IV 5-3707. 12 ble oven. Automatic timer. Ex¬ anytime. 2069 Dean St. 14 9-3176 before 3 or after 7 pm. CHEVROLET 1954, 2-door, six FORD 1961 FairlaneSOO. 352 v-8. throughout and priced to save cellent condition. Call ED 14 OPEN SATURDAYS cylinder, stick. Good transpor¬ Immaculate condition. 29,000 you money. $985. AL EDWARDS Import Car work. Volkswagen 2-6468. 14 FREE ROOM and board to middle Barber • • AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT tation. Good running condition. Phone 332-3978. 12 miles. Fordomatic transmis¬ sion. Radio, whitewalls. IV CO. Lincoln, Mercury, Comet dealer. 3125 E. Saginaw. (North experience preferred. CAM¬ ERON'S IMPORT MOTORS. aged lady who will live in. Phone HI FI records, STEREO. New, with 450 $80. Complete set of TOM'S BC IV 5-3523. 12 484-8844 • FOR RENT CHEVROLET 1963 Impala hard- 5-1198. 12 of Frandor). C12 Phone 482-1337. 13 encyclopedias, $10. Phone 489- MEN, WOMEN, students, non- 3 Barbers to ser • FOR SALE top. 4-speed. Floor shift. Ex¬ -ORD 1954 Station wagon, dood Scooters-Cycle: EMPLOYER'S OVERLOAD CO. students. Singles, doubles. One 0585. Lansing. 13 1 blk. N. c • LOST & FOUND tras. Private owner. IV 7-0669 running condition. $75. Phone For temporary assignments. x Curtis Ford. 3007 Vim block from campus. Spartan PERSONAL 627-5870. 14 BMW 500 cc. Like new, in excel¬ Experienced office help urgent¬ STATE FARMTS HOMEOWNER'S • weekdays. 837-0940 evenings, Hall. ED 2-2574. 12 PEANUTS PERSONAL lent condition, with full dress. policy gives home • weekends. 14 FORDS 1957 and 1933. Best offer. ly needed. 616 Michigan Nation¬ MEN you more REAL ESTATE $595. Call TU 2-9920. 12 QNLY. Two blocks to • CHEVROLET 1959 Convertible, Phone TU 2-1139. 12 al Tower. Phone 487-6071. C protection, saves $$. Ask your • SERVICE HARLEY DAVI0S6N 1959 'V. Berkey. Cooking, parking, air State Farm agent about it today. or 1961 Impala 4-door. Real DO YOU KNOW that Just ten min- FULL TIME woman grocery CROSLEY SHELVADOR, 11 cubic 1963 Harley Davidson Scoot away conditioning. Singles and dou¬ ED KARMANN, IV 5-7267, in • TRANSPORTATION sharp. Must sell. JIM'S GA¬ utes East of East Lansing, you cashier. Must be neat and plea¬ ft. Automatic refrigerator. Ex¬ bles. Call 332-3792. 16 •WANTED RAGE. 1603 Turner. 12 and side car. One Go-Kart 610 cellent condition. Frandor. C12 can have the best personalized sant. Call in person. Prince 521 High St. modified and starter. 339-2558. LADIES ONLY.Cooking, parking, 655-1134. service from a small friendly Bros. Shop Rite Market. 555 E. 12 Peanuts Personal DEADLINE: 16 Grand River. 13 air conditioning. Singles and Wagon. Radio, heater. Full pow¬ Ford Dealer? We feature a RCA WASHER-DRYERCombina- 11 a.m. one class day be¬ HONDA 50 1963 model. 6,00(1 doubles. Call 332-3792. 16 STINGY VlNGE:Love is not blind! er, positraction. Phone ED fine selection of used cars. EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an tion. Excellent for small family fore publication miles. $150 as is. Huron Smith 333 ALBERT. International Stu¬ only broke. Tell your expensive 2-5993. 12 SIGNS FORD SALES, William- Avon representative. Turn your and small space. Good condi¬ si latio 12 332-3591. 16 dent House. Two-man rooms. friend. Signed, Daddy Warbucks. 5 • n CHEVROLET 1959 Biscayne. Six ston, Michigan. 655-2191. C free time into $$. For appoint¬ tion. ED 2-3310. 14 Balance of Summer term, $30. class day before publication vlERCURY 1957. 4-door. Full MINI BIKE, One month old. ment, in your home, write or BOOKCASES-SECTIONAL. Used cylinder, stick. Radio, heater, TV available. 484-5496. Nights white side wall tires. 2-door. conditioned. Black Phone 882-1718. 12 call: Mrs. Along Huckins, 5664 Ideal for law other offices. PHONE: power. Air 372-0330. 19 or Phone IV 9-7626. 13 and white. $250. 412 Haze. IV School St., Haslett, Michigan, or Bargain! Before 5- IV 4-5335. to trouble ZUNDAPP 1959. 250 cc.Excel- private ftOOM for gentleman. 355-8255 9-1895. 16 call evenings, FE 9-8483. C12 After. IV 7-0177. 12 J 15 charlie CHEVROLET 19 59 Belair. 4- lent condition. $200. Phone 372- Two blocks from Union. Pri¬ RATES: door. New car condition MERCURY 1957 Montclair. 4- 1985. 13 GREAT LAKES Employment for vate entrance. Call ED 2-1441 ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE 1 DAY $1.25 throughout. New tires. Auto¬ door. Good condition. New tires, permanent positions in office, (Famous Brand Name). Late ' 3 DAYS $2.50 matic. Radio. Must sell for tui¬ battery. Automatic. Power Auto Service & Ports sales, technical. Call IV2-1543. C after 5 pm. FOR MEN, last six weeks of Sum- 13 model in good condition. Makes £ tion purposes. Best „C5i.r <:: ?. • irdzz=. C55- ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call buttonholes, sews on burrnns, mer school. Single and Double. $650 wins. Don, 355-9896. Ap¬ 0789. 12 WANffcD: MEDICAL TECHNOL- blind hems and does many fancy Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. Close to campus. Parking. Also (Based on .15 words per ad) pointment showing only. 13 MGA 1959. Wire wheels. Radio Small dents to large wrecks. OGISTS (ASCP), or elibible. available for Fall. 332-6405. 12 designs just by dialing one con¬ CHEVROLET 1961 Impala Con- and heater. California cai and Also, degreed Chemist for re¬ trol. No attachments needed. There will be a 25< service American Foreign cars. FOR MEN. Last six weeks of and bookkeeping charge if vertible. 348. Four speed. cellent condition. $1,100. — nteed work. 489-7507. cently expanded laboratory in Will also darn and embroider. Summer School. Single and 3273. 600 Cornell Ave, 250 bed general hospital. Three Only $48.57 small monthly this ad is not paid within $1,200. Phone 337-0054. 14 1411 East Kalamazoo. C double. Close to campus. Park¬ or full time pathologists. Excellent payments. For information, CHEVROLET 1952. Six cylinder, OLDSMOBILE 1959. White cui- one week. ing. Also available for Fall. ED stick shift. Green and rust. vertible. 54,000 miles. New Employment personnel policies. Salary com¬ 2-6405. 12 PHONE OL 5-2054. C12 mensurate with training and ex¬ DINING ROOM SET. Magnificent The State News does not Good transportation. Low cost- tires. Must sell this week. TU MANAGER TRAINING PRO- $70. ED 2-5255. 14 2-8238. 12 perience. Apply to: Director of For Sale 8-piece mahogany, $150. 2011 permit racial or religious GRAM open to young men 21 to Laboratory, James Decker, CHEVROLET 1963 Mist Goldlm- OLDSMOBILE 1960 Super '88'. Cumberland Rd. IV 5-4781. 14 discrimination in its ad¬ 35 who can meet employee re¬ Munson Hospital, Traverse GUITAR- HARMONY mahogany vertising columns. The pala. Air conditioned, hydra- 4-door hardtop. New tires. One quirements of new stereo divi¬ ANTIQUE EDISON Console City, Michigan. 15 Spanish with reinforced neck. State News will not accept matic, dual 90's. All accessor¬ owner car. Beautiful condition. sion of Reader's Digest Sales phonograph. Excellent condi¬ Like new, with case. Phone 641- advertising from persons ies. New spare. Radio rever¬ TU 2-3725. 13 and Service, Inc. Due to rapid For Rent tion. Should be seen to be ap¬ 6244. }2 discriminating against re¬ berator. 327 hp. Very excellent OLDSMOBILE f>-85. three growth we urgently need man¬ preciated. Phone 485-4643. 14 ttPhdS FftYlNC pans, house- ligion, race, color or condition. $2,500. Will bargain. seat wagon. Dark maroon and agement people with potential TRAVERSE DRAPES and rods. wares and gifts. ACE HARD- national origin. Call Gil, 355-8255. 13 white. Fully equipped. $1,575. Suitable for married housing to fill key positions. Integrity ABOVE AVERAGE apartment. WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand DO M3U UNDERSTAND COMET 1963 2-door. Attractive 1514 Osborn. IV 2-4852. 12 and personality more important River, across from Union. ED living room and bedroom. White. The mean in s of life? blue finish. Whitewall tires. Ra¬ $36 per month plus little do¬ Automotive PLYMOUTH 1955 i-door. V-6. than past experience in sales. mestic work. Foreign couple 2-3212. C Phone 337-7607 after 5 pm. 14 dio, heater. Economical stand¬ 53,800 miles. Condition good, Excellent salary and commis¬ TENOR SAXAPHONE. Excellent AUSTIN HI'AI.rV 195 8. Wire ard shift. Top quality compact. welcome. Call ED 2-5977. 15 ENGLISH 3 speed bicycles. motor excellent. New tires. sion arranged for men who qual¬ condition. Must sell. Call Jack, wheels. Electric overdrive.Call Nl WALNUT completely fur- $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & Priced for immediate sale. IV 5-7595. 513 W. Barnes. 14 $179. ED 2-1724. 13 ify. Apply Mr. Renckens, 882- nished five rooms. Parking. GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, 332-5676. 13 $1,435. AL EDWARDS CO. Lin¬ 6629, 10 am. to noon only. 12 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite. New! PONTIAC 1959 Convertible. Has Four men or four girls. Unap¬ across from Union.ED2-3212.C coln, Mercury, Comet dealer. Fitted with heater, whitewalls. FREE RENT, wages, exchange 3125 E.Saginaw. (North of Fran- 1960 engine with tri-power.New proved. 372-1108. 16 Tonneau cover. Ir. blue. $100 for little work. Bedroom, liv¬ RIES, vine ripened tomatoes, LANCASTER 50' x 10'. 1961. Front dor). C12 top. Whitewalls. Phone IV AVONDALE APARTMENTS- off lift. One only. BROOKS IM¬ 5-8547. 14 ing room, kitchen. Foreign girl Gunson and Beech. Walking dis- and farm fresh eggs. Also other kitchen, two bedrooms. A-l con¬ CORVAIR 1961 Monza Coupe. 4- welcome. 332-5977. 12 PORT CARS. 5014 N. Grand to campus. Now leasing fresh fruits and vegetables daily dition. On lot near campus. 337- IV 9-5568. 13 speed. 332-6300. 15 BABYSITTER. Live in. Perma- River. Deluxe. 4-door. Excellent rub¬ for Fall at $50 per person per at reasonable prices throughout 1277. 14 ulIERE NOT TALK1N6 ABOUT ME CORVAIR 1961 Lakewood fiUlCkS (2) LeSabres 1963. 6ne ber. Used as 2nd car. Dr. Dyer, nent position. Prefer someone month, 4 to each luxury 2-bed- the season. ROADSIDE FARM 32* x 8' trailer. One bedroom. l/UE'RE TALKIN6 ABOUT VOt/' convertible and one 2-door wagon. Equipped with power- who can drive. 882-6597. 14 room apartment. Nylon carpet¬ MARKET. 2 miles East of East Carpeted, air conditioned. Lot glide, radio, heater, whitewalls 355-0180 or 676-2154. 14 hardtop. Both one owner cars. HAIR STYLIST - Experienced, ing. GE appliances. Danish Lansing on Grand River atOke- 210 Trailer Haven. Call 332- Priced to sell. BILL RICHARDS and 102 hp engine. Sharp, low mos Road. Open 9:3 PONTIAC 1963 Tempest LeMans. dependable. Call 9:30 - 5:00. modern furniture. Stop by any¬ 442!. INC. Out South Cedar between mileage, one owner, new car Automatic transmission. Will Phone IV 9-2519. Mr. Glazier. time, or call 337-2080 for in¬ Holt and Mason. Dial OR 7-3541. trade-in. $1,085. AL EDWARDS 1958. One bedroom. One owner: consider trade. Phone 627-2248. formation. 19 ENGLISH POINTER pups, regis- CO. Lincoln, Mercury, Comet One owner. Exceptionally clean. at Trailer Haven. Complete. dealer. 3125 E. Saginaw. (North REGISTERED NURSES, FULL UNSUPERVISED, FURNISHED. istered. Six weeks old. Good BUICK 1958 Century 4-door. One 16 Call 487-5621. 15 OR.PART TIME. 11-7 or 3-11. Near Union. 123 Albert. Single hunters. Call now for best se¬ owner. 39,000 miles. Power of Frandor). C12 627-2792. 12 27' x 8', all aluminum mobile PONTIAC 1938 Antique Georgia Good salary and differential plus room. Cooking, parking. Avail¬ lection. steering, brakes. Good tires. CORVETTE 1960 Convertible. 4- home. Excellent condition. Ideal car. No rust, original condition. other fringe benefits. Flexible able now. Call 332-0716. speed positraction. Quads. dft60D SOWS- bue September. Come and see itl 882-8802. 14 time schedule. Meal furnished. 1^09 StANLY CT. Lansing. Second litter. Cork. Also boar. for couple. Phone 332-1146. 14 SAGINAW SP0RTSLAND Black, white top. Radio, heater, Phone ED 2-0801. 19 EXPERIENCED whitewalls. Good shape. Muse sell. Make an offer. Phone 676- PONTIAC 1964 Catalina 2-door hardtop. Power, sharpl $2,650. CHILD CARE in hiy" Haslett Apartment for three students. Two bedrooms, study, kitchen. Phone NI 6-2884 after 6 pm. ANTIQUE EDISON Console 12 LOST: Lost & Found IRANIAN passport. No. Golf Driving Range 5071 after 5 pm. Phone IV 9-5955. 14 home for pre-school child. Be¬ IV 4-8233. 12 Miniature Golf phonograph. Excellent condi¬ 20248 in the name of Fatemeh Personnel Will CORVETTE 1961. Fuel Many extras. Make an offer. injection. RENAULT 1962. A real eye catch- ginning September. FE 9-2292. 12 JgFFEfcSON W. 119. Upper fur- nished community living. Newly tion. Should be seen to be ap¬ preciated. Phone IV 5-5012. 12 Ghorashi. If found please for¬ Baseball Batting Range er with original maroon finish. ward to 466 W. Forest. Detroit, • WANTED: LICENSED practical decorated. $10 week, each girl. Phone 6ICYCLES SALES, service and Help You Write 882-7297^ ^ 14 New Michelin tires. Radio, heat¬ er and vinyl interior. Like new nurses. Full time and part- time. Attractive surroundings. Utilities paid. IV 9-3034. 14 rentals. EAST LANSING Michigan. LOST, ONE pair men's glasses. 13 speed positraction. Quads. in every detail. Accept our low CYCLE, 1215 East Grand River. Good working conditions. Apply Black with silver temples. Bi¬ Black, white top. Radio, heater, bedroom apartment. Modern Call 332-8303. C price- $985. AL EDWARDS CO. •Result-Ringing'' whitewalls. Good shape. Must sell. Make an offer. Phone 676- Lincoln, Mercury, Comet deal¬ Capital City Convalescent Cen¬ ter. No. 3. 1313 Mary Ave. throughout. Mahogany paneled. Accommodates three at $40 PtoDLfe, F£MALfc. Apricot. focals. Please call 355-9844. Lost Wednesday. 12 er. 3125 E. Saginaw. (North of Five months old. Paper trained. Phone 882-3096. Must have own each. 337-0650. 15 LOST, VICINITY of Lake Lans- 5071 after 5 pm. 13 Frandor). C12 Shots. Registered. Phone 339- 372-3083 WANT ADS DODGE 1961 condition. Take Pioneer. over Perfect payments. SPARTAN MOTORS transportation. BABYSITTING, LIGHT house- 13 NEAR CAMPUS. Small 2-man furnished living room, bedroom, 2321. 14 ing. blue Lady's glasses with light frames, gray case. Re- PORTABLE TYPEWRITER- ward. FE 9-8635. 12 2 of the LARGEST Phone IV 5-5095 or TU 2-6003. keeping. Two pre-schoolers. kitchen, bath. ED 2-5374. 14 CHEVY II 1962. 4-cylinder. 2- Olympia Precision. Buy the fin¬ . . . Today . . . ENGLISH FORD, 1.9$7. 4-door. door. Standard transmission. Steady weekdays, beginning mid-August. Phone 484-4082.13 Houses est. Technical keyboards avail¬ able. HASSELBRING CO. 310 N. LOST: ONE bike. English racer made in France. Rust-colored and lovliest Courses 53,000 miles. Will dicker. Phone Only $995. WANTED! ONE or two male chrome. Red-bars tinted with in the Country.. When you want to lOLLEGE STUDENTS, male. Grand. IV 2-1219. C19 355-2285 or 372-1979. 12 roommates to share two bed¬ erosion white. Salt deposits in sell rent in RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962. 2- Full time Summer work. Part FOR SALE. Electric guitar with chain. Dangling black pouch or a room house. Starting Fall term. door. Standard transmission. time during school year if de¬ amp. V-M Hi-Fi Stereo. Port¬ vertible. $2,595. Radio, heater, Less than $50 monthly. Contact strung with thread-bare red hurry, a trained Very clean. $895. sired. Earn enough during sum¬ P.O. Box 388, East Lansing. 12 able. TU 2-9196. 13 string. Fully equipped with non- power steering. V-8 engine. and courteous to pay for entire year of LOOK B-4-U-BUY. Any furni- Phone TU 2-2727. 12 mer 675 Abbott Rd. Four bedroom, operating generator light. Flat schooling. Over 15 $1,000 ture, TV, stereo, floor cover¬ tires and broken reflector. State News ad- FORD i960. Red convertible. unfurnished. Available August Moving? scholarships were awarded to ing or appliances. STORAGE Brakes in good sound condition. Get this Very good condition. Low mile¬ 5th. Graduate students welcome. taker will help you qualified students. On the job FURNITURE SALES. IV 7-0173. Mostly sound. Call 355-8252. 13 age. All power accessories. Call $200 per month. 332-3304. 14 C word yours most ED 7-9266. 12 training for practical use of 160 GUITARS. USED and new. All LOST: MSU CLASS ring. Has Free your education during the sum¬ ZBT on stone. Is wanted very FORD 1964 Galaxie. '500' con- room house. Cherry paneling. effectively. vertible. $2,495. Radio, heater, 3000 E. Michigan Ave. mer months. An "earn while Dishwasher. Call 332-3660 aft¬ styles. Rhythm, Western style, much by owner. Huge reward. Book you learn" program designed classics, electric models. 353-1650, 8 am.-5 pm. 19 power steering. V-8 engine. er 5 pm. or 337-0650 anytime, Call her fodoy Phone TU 2-2727. 12 IV 7-3715 by this multi-million dollar 15 Prices start at $16.95 and up. LOST: &LACk WALLET. Men's. Gives the facts about moving Corporation that hundreds of C13 Explains the moving estimate. WANTED,~WOMAN graduate stu- Area of Epply Center. Lost Wed¬ FORD 1961. 2-door stick shift. students have taken advantage STAMP Collection, from Shows how charges are deter¬ 355-8255 Six cylinder. Good shape. Phone of. Many of whom are still with dent to share last five weeks house near MSU Summer School, U.S. 1860 to 1950. Others foreign. nesday. Reward. Please call Collect ALBION, 629-4849. 14 mined it's FREE , call IV 4-5704. 12 our Co. in key executive posi¬ Books 1828 to 1960. Phone IV tions. For arrangements of per¬ IV 9-5503. 13 9-7255. 13 Get Out of the sonal interview, time, schedule and city you wish to work, call NICELY FURNISHED three bed- room house at Lake Lansing. POODLE PUP, brown male. Won- derful with children. Champion THINKING OF a Pizza Party? 484-1421 Can sleep 5, but prefer 4. Large Contact BIMBO'S PIZZA first. SUMMERS Grand Rapids, GLendale9-5079. lot. Three-car garage. $200per bloodline. AKC. $75. Phone 339- Call 484-7817. 13 Also Lansing, 485-3146. South 2446. Bend CEntral 4-9179. Kalama¬ month, plus utilities. Call 339- LITTLE NUGGET BAR, DeWitt, HOT, HOT SUN zoo, call Grand Rapids number. 8544 for appointment to see. 14 Michigan. Don Ev serving you atrical costumes. ED 7-7731. 12 19 chicken, shrimp, fish baskets and enjoy the fresh 1963 MAYFA1R 5 portable tran- Also play shuffle board. NURSE-REGISTERED. Exper- 14 sistor tape recorder, plus many coolness of one of our ienced. Responsible position. 1/2 DOUBLE ROOM in house accessories. Asking $35. Call BUBOLZ MAKES no claims about with graduate men. Kitchen, insurance. It settles them. Swimming Pools Top pay. Give complete partic¬ parking. 207 Milford. 337-1041 355-5867 after 7 pm. 14 its ulars in application. Write Box GRUNDIG TK40 tape recorder. Auto, life, homeowners and trip No. A-l, State News. 347Student evenings. 12 accident. 332-8671. 220 Albert. Excellent condition. 15 reels of UNSUPERVISED. MEN. Re- Our Apartments are Services Bldg., East Lansing. 20 mainder of Summer only. 317 tape, accessories, $130. Also six 2,500 ft. 10 in. metal reel Linden. Inquire 815 Linden. Off- If you ^RIVERSIDE S parking. Cooking. 332- tapes. New. $30. IV 9-0620. 12 live at Closest To Campus street 2769. SEWING MACHINE, men's Eng- lish bike, 10 gal. aquarium and CEDAR VILLAGE and Shopping Albert ' supplies. Funk-Wagnal ency¬ From Boehm and Bowerman. . .you get five room luxury We still have a few Apartments the clopedia, and guitar. Phone 355- 8081. 12 you can - apartments available and privacy that costs no more than many single rooms. for Summer and Fall. SEWING MACHINE SINGER auto- LET THE OTHERS' Just ask the student that knows the score on apartment living... .the student that rents from B & B. . .then call Now offering: 9 month leases. eden roc matic swing needle in floor model cabinet. Just dialer to campus do THE WALKING 332-0838 for the finest in apartment living. BURCHAM WOODS buttonholes, blindhems, appli¬ New low rates. and Now and all other household Leasing ques UNIVERSITY TERRACE EYDEAL VILLA | Furnished | sewing Jobs. Original price NOW RENTING DELTA APARTMENTS £0 €HM (V for Fall term would be over $250. Can be taken care of for $6.45 per HASLETT APARTMENTS , ?. OWERMAN Hurry, Call Today Model „ month or $61.97 cash. Will ac¬ | lor FALL | EVERGREEN ARMS ED Z-5041 or tD 2-0565 1120 E. Grand River cept trade-ins. Guaranteed. ED 2-8488 CALL Call OL 5-2054. C12 355-3157 - 332-5051 - 337-0256 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. FLOOR MODEL humidifier, au- ED 2-0255 Stop at model from 1-8 daily at APPLIANCES 235 Delta Phone: 332-0838 gS) for better living 252 River Street tomatic control. 10gal. capacity, $35. 355-8185. 12 our 252 Cedar 1 Tuesday, August 4, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Real Estate Service EAST LANSING. Three bedroom C, NOLAN BARTOW brick ranch. Close to Marble School. $16,500. By owner. Call IV 5-5391. 1022 MARIGOLD. Three Kedroom ranch. Two-car garage. 66' x 19 Rare Violins and Bows —General Repairing— Graduate Violin Maker 306 1/2 N. Washington Pantomimist always kept taking parts in plays. In further describing panto- Double Bernard Bragg is a watcher, "And yet," he added, ' to 180' lot. (15,000. Vacant bySep- IV 7-5697 for what he sees is his link with appreciate happiness they all go In 1956 he went to a perfor- mine, he said one must "watch ternber. 332-8602. 15 NEED TWO or three bedroom the world__he has been deaf and together.' mance of the famed French pan- every move, feelings, thoughts, NEAR CLARE. house, partly furnished. Utili¬ "It's like two Greek masks— tominist, Marcel Marceau. and attitudes; often telling is Large Lakefront mute since birth. ties included in $80. "1 sat way up in the balcony more than Just talking." cabin. Sleeps four. Available rent. An enthusiastic young man one sorrow and one joy." and watched not just him, but Children seem to enjoy it more, August 10. Phone 484-8962. 13 Mother, four boys. Phone TU from Berkeley, Calif., Bragg Asked how he began to do people and their reactions." it was mentioned, as they "watch 16 FOR Sale or RENT— three bed- 2-4214. spoke in probing and perceptive pantomine, Bragg said that "when RADT0S~&—TV*S servTcedTT^ about what has become real small I couldn't communi- Up until then he'd had sus- more closely at expressions." room home in Clearwater, Flor¬ terms ida area. $90. Optional fur¬ ) all tubes and parts. All i occasion for people to in ti except when 1 did some picions whether people really Bragg felt that the noting of enjoyed pure pantomine without expressions was something that nished. 655-2986. 14 work guaranteed. 24-hr. ser- watch him—pantomine. pantomine." words. But, as he discovered, was gradually lost with increas- .LOT I?6k sale. 67' x 120'. Alpha vice, seven days a week. WEST- as he talked he moved his Through interpreter Mrs. "they enjoyed every minute." ing age. He said that some pan- St. Near Lansing General Hos¬ ERN RADIO LABORATORY. ED arms and hands, sometimes say- Doris Munson, herself the daugh- Later, backstage, Bragg did tominists have had to quit when 2-5558. 19 whole word with one twist ter of" deaf • ' mute parents, he pital. Phone 372-3000. 12 some of his own improvisedpan- they could no longer adequately TV RENTALS for students. Eco- of a wrist, and spelling less noted that "it helped me to gain tomine for the Frenchman and convey expression, Service nomical rates by the term and common words in the deaf alpha- more friends, as otherwise hear- bet. ing children would have left me he then invited Bragg to come to Commenting on how he came month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT¬ FREE~EST1MATES study under him in Paris. uP°n his different acts, heclaim- ALS. 484-9263. 12 "Every act has its own mean- out." Bragg said Marceau taught him ed to first observe "everything on all your painting CHILD CARE in my home. £art ing," he said, "so I try to give Later Bragg went to school and various aspects of life, to give and on to college, where he "control of breathing is vital, in life, ready and go to the decorating problems. or full time. Reasonable rates. in harmony with your move- movies." Often it's just a small an over-all picture of life, of JIM MELTON Call 489-3871. 13 ments." incident that is the trigger, like 19 comedy and tragedy." "If you are handling a dying old men in a park, 484-2613 IRONINGS DONE by bushel or Although he loves to make price rates. Reasonable. Call bird in your hands, breathe like A startling ability Bragg has IRONING IN my Southside home. 15^ Per piece. No starched pieces. Phone IV 9-2037. 14 TRE^'sERVICh. 12 people laugh, Bragg said he felt it "necessary to have deep sorrow and anger and grief. Sound the bird itself, gasping." mastered is that of keeping rhy- "With humans feel as people thym, yet not having ever heard, PAR-M6R C6LF COURSE and specialty. Also trimming and (continued from page 1) do." a sound. He found it hard to ex- stump removal. Insured. Rea- Wanted Still, for Bragg pantomine re- plain how he first grasped the DRIVING RANGE. Regulation 9 ce his violin, a man shaving hole and Par-3 Course. Illumi¬ sonable. Free estimates. Gable mains only a part-time occupa- concept, saying it came gradually greased pig, and even a young- nated Driving Range. Club rent- Tree Service, 484-5780. 19 G,IRLS ,T? share two bedroom furnished in school desperately having tion. Instead, most of his time as he watched singers and apartment. Electr__ 'als. ART PRIOR- Owner and Typing Servic appliances. Unsupervised, to depart the bathroom, bobbing is sPent teaching eighth grade dancers. science in Berkeley. now he "loves to read music" TWO-FACED-He"s got than just two. That's Ber. P'ro. Corner of Park Lake Road Rivers Edge. $62.50 per month, painfully, legs "I feel I'm doing right by my- ho doubles as a teacher. Bragg and East M-78. East Lansing. JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4. Fall term. Write Karen conclusion Bragg 'sang' and enjoys dancing -- someone nard Bragg, a pantomi ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL Ad¬ self teaching full time," he said, just has to indicate to him when ED 2-3432. 19 o his mostly deaf .uijjence. Ac- ed Saturday night before the Michigan Association of Brantley. 5570 Mapieu.vod, De¬ "fc makes life more full than the music has stopped, PtlftNAtE CLEANING. Includes vertising. 532 N. Clippert. IV :ompanied by a vocalij t an&pian- Deaf < nvention at the Jack Tar Hotel. Photo by Ken Roberts troit, Mich. 14 being stuck with one thing for 5-2213. C st, both MSU, tiid with chimneys, register,,, and ducts. LADY TO live in East Lansing "Power cleaning is our ANN BROWN typist and multi- , rhythmic motions in „ „.B.. lang- sign the rest of life, and it wouldn't Regarding Ms specialty-im- pantomine ~ Bragg MSU FOREIGN FILM SERIES mp specialty." IV 5-9439. 15 lith offset printing (black and anH uage he went through ' songs such really be fair to my students to provised white and color). General typ¬ housekeeping, room, board, and - - • leave teaching." likened it "swimming and trying DIALER SERVICE, same diapers $25 weekly. ED 7-9318. 1 ing, term papers, theses, dis¬ ^ i Bragg said workingwith young- not to drown." Sometimes he has returned either yours or ours. sertations. ED 2-8384. C APARTMENT OR house. Tw and talented en- sters helps him to understand all of the ideas before he starts, presents With our service, you may bedroom. Married coupl< his work as a pantominist and and on other occasions he just tertainer, Bragg excelled elude two pounds of baby TYPING IN my home. Shirley Walking distance to campus. wj,ere others may be brash and . v*ce versa, thinks fast as he goes along. it fade. Diaper Decker, 2654 Melville, East Phone 332-07% 13 silent and" Due t0 his handicap, Bragg "A luxurious belly laugh.".n. y. r.m«. Lansing. 332-0721. C blaring he rem TYPING. THESES, term papers, WANTED, RIDER to Ft. Lauder- moving, - -and so doing is claimed he even used a lot "people like t< "Carmichaei, Terry-Thomas and Sim dale. One passenger assist in something far more. pantomine in his teaching. etc. Fast, efficient service. Kay AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE are finely tuned to this kind of Ralston, 372-1391. C driving. Leaving around August 914 E. Gier Street 15. 337-1548. 13 fol-de-rol."- Harold Tribune IV 2-0864 C TERM PAPERS, stencils, gen- THESIS PRINTED eral typing, etc. Experienced. THREE BEDROOM house needed GLADMER Vke tf-at felack PuM^ccd "i "One of the funniest in a Electric typewriter. Call 339- by teacher's family for year's procession Rapid Service lease. Arriving August 10. Send coffee house Drafting Supplies, XEROX COP¬ 2725. TYPING. TERM papers, theses, 14 replies to Box B-2, State News, 345 Student Services Bldg., East a 3000' 2 E, Kalamazoo j of funny movies from England." ies ADULTS 1.00—Children 5 CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT stencils, etc. Experienced. 332- Lansing. This Week Presenting "Vastly amusing comedy." zu„.er, c«. 221 South Grand 6855. Mat.—75 We also SPECIALIZE in cwiMt .. Kiddies. ... 30c ATTACK! 3s the wilp wah>re'' Barrett. IV 5-2241. C19 beautifully decorated cakes for *—* John Fraser Dennis Rice all occasions. KWAST BAKER- 2 ACTION HITS! ATTACKS ROW'S ECON-O-WASH. 32 - 4:45 - 8 ies, Brookfield Plaza at Haga- 2:45 - 6:15 - 9:40 tamahine shown 2nd at 10:47 Speed Clean washers-20tf; ten dorn and Grand River. 19 minutes drying time-lOtf. 3006 WANTED TO rent-house suitable Vine St., 1/2 block west of Fran- for home and dressmaking shop, 2nd GUEST FEATURE .dor. C12 rinse in. A GRIME 80 BIG IT COST A FORTUNE JUST TO COMMIT IT1 Learn To Fly This Summer CUF ROBERTSON GEORGE CHAKIRIS"633 SQUADRON" Winged Spartans uu" w united artists MSU Flying Club | hit no (2) encore showing at 10:35 "| can win ... //£ what goes on when the lights go off! shown first at 8:22 LOOK: WHAT'S COMING Open Meeting it is unlikely that you will experience in a lifetime all that 3rd FEATURE tY Lew 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 14 1 » NEUIffllMffflS .mmimtiis TtCHNICOLOr Pf Old College N ARWIN PRODUCTION No Initiation fees for members A UNIVERSAL RE RELEASE joining summer term. Two planes, -full use of facilities . •..+ DEBBIE REYNOLDS mmn MHRQcotoe HARVE PRESNELL j n Eastman COLOR • Sad* T<*v&&"W**t.Side Story" CINEMASCOPE BRIAN DONIEW HOWARD McNFAR DCK WESSON f« Shown 3rd at 12: to Also "Bye Bye Birdie" 337-9741 or 337-1898 4 MILES E. OF CAMPUS ON M-43 Tuesday, August 4, 1964 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Okinawans Here For U.S. Orientation Twenty three students from tests on Okinawa. Of this num¬ as assistant professor with the American Thought and Language nese control. Since the war it Okinawa began the first leg of ber, 33 were selected for a year English Language Center where are additional program staff has seen U.S. control and is the their college careers here last long special study program on he teaches English as a foreign members. site of a large military estab- week as they arrived for a five- Okinawa and from these came language. Lying in the Ryukyu chain be- lishment. week orientation program aimed the 23 who are now at MSU. Jerry J. West and Thomas F. tween Japan and Formosa, Oki- The Okinawan students study.- at preparing them to enter Amer¬ Uema said he hoped his exper¬ O'Connor of the department of nawa was formerly under Japa- ing here all speak Japanese. ican universities as freshmen ience would be more than just this fall. mastering a major, that he The program, through contract arranged with the Army and the Institute for International wanted to learn American way of life. much As to him immediate impres¬ of the Foreign Students To Aid Training Those interested in the project sion of MSU—he was especially Michigan State's foreign stu¬ they can work effectively aspro- Education, intends :o help "in¬ may call 355-8261 to arrange an struck dents are being offered an op¬ gram leaders in their schools. crease the students proficiency by the large campus. The students are selected by interview with the foreign stu¬ English," according to direc¬ Upon completing the orienta¬ portunity to help in the develop¬ in their schools. dent adviser. tion program, Uema will go on ment of the American leaders of tor William T. Ross, "and to The role of the tomorrow. foreign students familiarize them with some re¬ to study engineering in Iowa. He said five others would remain The students will participate ~will be more than that of just a quirements of American tional institutions." educa¬ to enroll as full time students in activities atCampCopneconic, camper or a staff member. Campus Chemist In a letter to August C.Benson, here fall term. near Flint, at the Junior Red Ross, who is head of the Asian Studies Center, said there would Cross and High School RedCross Snyder and Abbot dormitories Leadership Training Center. foreign student adviser, Mrs. To Note Plastics Evelyn L. Fay, director of the be classes on American culture will meantime serve as home to Genessee County chapter of the An MSU chemist will join two About 90 boys and girls will and society. the 23 students for their five- industrial chemists local be in the Junior RedCross group, Junior RedCross, said, "Webe- on a At a reception for the new ar¬ week stay. lieve that the person-to-person television show Wednesday to and 55 to 60 are expected to rivals held in the Union Friday, At the reception, Matthew H. contact in working, playing and discuss chemical developments of the students, Yasutomi comprise the other. one Epstein, associate professor of living with students from other in this century, with an emphasis Uema, said the trip to the U.S. social science and assistant di¬ The center will operate be¬ on plastics developments. countries does a great deal in rector of the program, said he tween Aug. 24 and Sept. 3. Food, actually began over a year ago promoting international under¬ James L. Dye, professor of when 2"0 took two preliminary hoped that "after five weeks housing and transportation for standing." chemistry; Walter Guyer, chemi¬ everybody will be able to adjust the foreign students will be pro- "W'e know from experience cal engineer with Ren Plastics, to his university more easily. that our students learn a lot from Inc.; and a Mr. Wiard, director Hart Selected "The idea," he added, "is to The purpose of the training foreign students and we feel of market services at Ren Plas¬ prepare the students to fit into center is to provide an opportun¬ equally sure the foreign students tics, will appear at 8:30 p.m. As President their new environment so thev won't be unduly hampered." ity for boys and girls to.develop leadership afcili ties "I S(' ' learn girls." a lot from our boys and on WJIM-TV, Chapnel, Six, with Hugh Brenneman.'hov . . Also assisting with the five- knowledge of the Junior and High Mrs. Fav asked that four to mula for Complacent Com¬ Of Diet Group week session is Shigeolmamura, School Red Cross programs so six students be sent to the camp. pounds." Katherine of the \1. Hart, chairman department of institutional Shop Wednesday Noon to 9:00 administration at the University, has been named president-elect of the American Dietetic As¬ sociation. Announcement was made this week at the Association's meet¬ ing in Portland, Oregon. Miss Hart, who has previously served as secretary of the ADA, joined the MSU staff as an in¬ structor in 1931 and became de¬ partment head in 1950. She received the B.S. degree at the University of Wisconsin in 1929 and the M.S. at the Uni¬ versity of Chicago in 1032. EickTo Address Brighten everything Chem Conference with bows. . . floppy Harry A. Eick, associate pro¬ ones and crisp oijes fessor of chemistry at Michigan in exciting colors. State University, will deliver a paper today at a conference on nuclear reactor technology at the University of Colorado in Bould- Eick will discuss "A Compari¬ son of the Calculated and Ob¬ served Vaporization Behavior of Uranium Dicarbide Phase." The meeting, a Conference on Compounds of Interest in Nuclear Reactor Technology, is spon¬ sored by the nuclear metallurgy committee of the Institute Metals Belts are back in lea¬ Division, an affiliate of the Metal¬ thers and fabrics. lurgical Society of the American Institute of Metallurgical Engi- E specially smart matched to a triangle. Tivo Profs Write Conservation Book Two members of the Univer¬ sity faculty - Robert Edward Brown and G. W, Mouser - are New deep co-authors of a new, field- oriented conservation book. tones for Scheduled for September pub¬ billfolds , to-the- lication by Burgess Publishing Company of Minneapolis,"Tech¬ wrist leather gloves, niques for Teaching Conserva¬ both a must for au¬ tion Education" is primarily de¬ signed as a teacher training tool. tumn. However, it is explicit and sim¬ Hose go to ple enough to be used as a labor¬ the knee and atory manual by high school stu¬ dents of biology or conservation. over in gay Brown is an instructor in the colors, .and natural science department, Mouser an associate professor. n o v e 1 t y w eaves. NOWl You'll a collection. want two class ring Even sheer companies to serve hose are i patterned. you. Roberts Ring Co. and The Young American nods Elliott's Ring Co. approval of "THE TOTAL LOOK" as achieved by Bobbie Brooks Rings include degree, seal, The "total look" in matching The "total look" in matching MSU 3 engraved Initials and a fabrics. Choose this classic colors. Pick navy, red or gray choice of 10 stones. pair in flannel. Brass-burn¬ for tapered wool-nylon slacks, 7Jte ished blazer in red, white or and 7.98 Shetland sweater. Slacks, navy, 14.98. Petite length . Sweater, also in brown, GgaA stitched pleated skirt in navy, 32-40, 7.98 . Fill in the V-neck Across From Home Economics ED 2-6753 Bldg. red, 8.98. shirt brown or grey, 3 to 13. Long with cowl sleeved oxford neck. 5.98 of way, down the sweater with a dicky, 2.98 . . . the Madras button- newest BOOK STORE GoaJ, ' InThelnternational Center-A Department Of MSU YOUNG AMERICAN SHOP • EAST LANSING STREET LEVEL M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U.