Inside Weather MICHIGAN Fair and not much change in STATE NEWS Campus NAACP to hear GOP temperature today, with the officials, p. 4; Aid to India, p. 6; Cherry Crop big pro* STATE high in the mid-80's. Indica - tions for Friday are warm and blem, p. 7; What it takes to scattered thundershowers. keep Forest Akers Green, p. 8. UNIVERSITY Vol. 55; Number 175 Thursday, August 6, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Workshop Plan In Final Stage ial fa 1; lead- a,ld stress the future, par- ation Services will role in the program. play a large ward the thinks they setup, nr< hi : u er.ter- ticularly as it applies to Michi- Bruce Osterink, Grand Rapids served "a very tage, Eldon K. gar, State. ^ciate dear, of One thing that will be different senior and director of the divi- Roughly 600 :•< this year, Nonnamaker said, will sion, and his associates will ex- pected to att<: !, ns year's work- be t!iat All-University Student plain the progress they have shop, No: : < pi •- Ri-sJ \l.ead," Government's division of Evalu- made in attempting to re- these, 284 wiii! . evaluate the role of student gov- ants. About I "ft ernments on campus and are ex- will attend, a.- > pected to give some indication of mately 150 •.■'! er Fiiidl (on< i>ri the conclusions to which their Those research has led them. Wonders Hall. The workshop is designed t Under the da- Alessandro Leads bring together students and staff members, such as resident as¬ sistants and housemothers, be¬ dent leaders ,ctt of major goven cers of inter: fore the beginning of the school clubs and hon String Congress year to acquaint them with past V""" al'u developments and future plans of which they should be aware, Tkis, NaitmiMfctf--'. * \ : • cms " eaj-'1 - News ^ an F' repreSe! : ° ' • ""v ihe American them with greater insight Attenda.c; 1 Jeiation of Musicians. into the University and higher ed- Nonnamaker S" I he Congress of Strings pre- ucation in general. comes and :s s. ted concerts under the direc- Nonnamaker, who is program club or or.: r tlfii of Mishel Piastre, Alfred director for the workshop, said come. Uallenstein and Richard Burgin, t^e evidence gathered from past The work?) . arlier this summer. workshops is very favorable to- 22 and will ■ owners to coll the State News office to have a picture token | WHO" S NUMBER ONE ON CAMPUS - The for print in a future issue. Photo by Patti Prout I two vehicles can both lay claim to the title. In ; the real number one, ihe State News i< Miss Michigan Crowns For her talent in tht Miss Michigan papeant, Sally c> mhmc-J ■ er ballet and gymnastics training in a free exercise. "1 am sure 1 will be able to keep up my sally said, "because the really intensive work w ^ldi't start until a ye..:- be¬ Sally Jane Noble, the blonde beauty who will represent Michigan fore the Olympic tryouts." in the Miss America pageant next month, turned over her "Miss In the hectic days since she was cmwned Miss Michi, at' Frt.- , I Lansing" crown to a Michigan State coed Monday. Sally has had little chance to relax. Suzanne Poursine, who was the first runnerup it: the Miss Lans- "I sat around most of the day Sunday," aid. "Pe..pit ling contest, will take over all the local personal appearances which coming in all day, buf I was just sitting I Sally would have made if she had not won the Miss Michigan title. sloppy shirt and bare feet. It was just me." There is only one disadvantage to being Miss Mic r SalK Sue, who lives in Lansing, is a sophomore majoring in art. She — { a member of Orchesis, a dance honorary. Her talent in the Miss the strict restrictions on male companionship. I Lansing pageant was modern dance. During the Miss Michigan pageant, Sally could Sally crowned Sue at a reception attheLansing Press Club spon¬ unless her official chaperone was present.Her cho sored by the Greater LansingJuniorChamber ofCommerce. Among Barry Christy, was one of the few men she could taU t. , "No believed he was really my coact: anc not my [the officials attending the reception were East Lansing Mayor one said the new Miss Michigan. "When my real boyfrien.-. s:n »e: [Gordon L. Thomas and Lansing Mayor Willard I. Bowermar. Jr. The new Miss Michigan planned to enter MSU as a freshman this F riday night, everyone, including my chaperone, was su-prisec I fall, but she may have to delay her education for a year due '. her Although she carries her state's hopes in the Miss America con¬ test this fall, Sally's main goal lies four years away—the 1968 Olym- Her coach is MSU gymnastics coach George Szypula, who says Late Voter Registration BOUND FOR AFRICA - Eight Michigan State University students get last minute instm. tions [ that Sally has a good chance to make the Olympic team if she de¬ from Dt. Sheldon Cherney, (at right), associate coordinator of MSU's Nigeria Program, befoie Swamps E.L. City Clerk velops a wide repetoire of gymnastic tricks to match her form. leaving the East Lansing campus Tuesday (Aug. 4) for the University of Nigeria. They, and Sally credits her coach with much of her success at gymnastics. 23 other MSU students, will study for the next five weeks in Nsukko, Nigeria, under the U S stu¬ dent exchange program at an African university. The students are (standing left tu •'cjHt) Su Still counting voters in the the evening some pei le ■ Mich., Ernest F. Dunn of East Lansing, Mich.; and Delbert Rector of Belmont, Mich. Scat, d clerk and her staff. down the stairs, out of 'I c l-uii t- f"! ""er i ...-• I .. is Margaret Wynn of East Lansing. Uith the help of two volun- ing and along Abbott Rosrt. I ! Lai teers, the clerk Miss Mary Sla- rhose who registered Monday te d voter: I vik, and her deputy. Mrs. Jen- o: earlier or ' »d o i l nette Tinker, handled 415 last- day n gistrations Monday. Despite their efforts and the during the past two years will be eligible to \ote m ti.e sc;r. 1 primary, 414 Monday so it I now. MSU Group Leaves For Nigeria assistance of Mrs. Nancy Shim- Just how many will be on the ;istration chat A group of 31 MSU students of foreign languages, advisers Nigeria mid we mm and Mrs. Dorothy Rail during rolls hei for the p "imai y won't nut iti ins of the for the pioneer exchange program eral. left from New York Tuesday for live-week with an African university. a stay in Nigeria, Sheldon Chert studying at the University of Nigeria, MSU's affili. The students will study in a ordinator of the special of sociology, said the stude ' Army Captain's Body Nsukka. Ihe students were s program compan'ied by" Mr. and Mrs. Political science and geography Nigeria at 1 ; Charles Kraft of the department designed to acquaint them with Nigeria time. Returned To Lansing The body of an army captain killed last week in South Viet Nam arrived in Lansing yester¬ Mount Hope cemetery. The 1st Battalion of the 119th day afternoon. Capt. James H McClain, 29- Field Artillery of the Michi,:'.: National Guard will assist it year-old father of our, died in a Viet Cong ambush 21 miles services. McClain was a mem¬ south of ber of the National Guard be¬ Saigon. In i letter received by fore going into active service McClair's widow, a roommate with the army three years ago. said the ambush came along a road which had just recently been cleared of Viet Cong mines. Hannah To Talk The Lansing officer had gone to check on some of the road work On Radio Sunday and was returning to the main President John A. Hannah,will Driving a jeep trailing several be guest on the ABC Radio pro¬ dump trucks, Mct_lain was forced gram "Exploring Higher Educa¬ to stop when the vehicle hit a tion" Sunday to discuss "Higher Viet Cong electrical mine. Imme¬ Education and World Affairs." diately a guerrilla platoon lying Panelists who will question in ambush opened fire and Hannah are C. Worth Howard, McClain and two other Ameri¬ president of Ricker College, Ho'- cans leaped out and sought cover ton. Me.; Hardy D. Berry,direc¬ along a roadside ditch. tor of public information ser¬ vices of the Norm Carolina State- All three Americans, although College at Raleigh; and Alfred they returned the fire, were 1. Hill, executive secretary of killed in what was desc: .bed as the Council For Ad\ "SPEAK INTO THE MIKE These are word; which Saliy a "furious assault." of Small Colleges. Jane Noble, East Lansing' victorious Miss Michigan entry, Ihe body will, lie at the "Explaining Higher Ldu- a is likely to hear a lot of > the^eitfJew weeks. .. Here she is Gqgsline-Runciman funeral t.ion" is a production ,'-lay- ON THE R>5£~ .jjK/.tl-t.' unnotr«d,. iv.ixwlly . plex which include. and -Alters Halls, <• / interviewed following here triumphal return home fast Sunday. home, 1200 E. Michigan "Aveir public affairs department of Al C getting off the md Port of the new East Campus com- background, the dorm is scheduled to be in ui. Ph^to bv Patti Prout . • ;l tirncr-c'.\ rutrri ig. Funeral Thursday, August 6.19 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Letters Shop East Lansing Friday Forced To Decide, U.S. Fights and Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 to The time for the United States fight or get out of South Viet came The grave consequences Tuesday after the Maddox Negro Nam finally arrived this week, and President Johnson has ap¬ and tacked the USS Joy were at¬ again by communist Protests parently decided to fight. The vacillating U.S. policy in North Viet Nam's naval forces. Our announced intentions to Essential the Far East crystallized Wed¬ defend southeast Asia from To the Editor: nesday with retaliatory air communist aggression would This letter is being written in strikes on gunboats and sup¬ have rung pitifully false if we response to Mrs. Filson's column of August 4th. porting naval installations in had patted North Vietnam's It is obvious that Mrs. Filson North Viet Nam. The U.S. air leaders on the head for launch¬ is white and seems only to know resulted in the destruc¬ discrimination as an intellectual action ing an unprovoked attack on our exercise. I would suggest she tion or crippling of 25 Com¬ ships. get down into the streets to see munist PT boats, 4 torpedo boat The U.S. air action has what the problem is like In all aroused the fear that Com¬ its dirty glory. bases and 1 oil dump. She talks of voting registra¬ President Johnson's order munist China might take a tion as more sensible than dem¬ for the air strike should set the stronger hand in the war. This onstrations. How do you tell a mother to go down and register possibility must be acknow¬ pattern for the future U.S. mil¬ to vote when she is bleary eyed itary posture in Viet Nam. He ledged. However, it is certain from staying awake all night trying to prevent her daughter could hardly have chosen any that if we had stood for at¬ from getting bitten by rats? The other course of action. tacks on our ships, the Com- white politicians say they can mun'sts could have relaxed and only exterminate rats in the North Vietnamese PT boats streets, not in private buildings made their first attack on a looked forward to an even swif¬ (Chicago). ter erosion of the Western po¬ How do you tell a man that he U.S. ship, the USS Maddox, Sun- should go and*vote wher st Ucn to the F"&t Svast. vJUvy the international- waters just beaten up by a couple of The United States accepts the white guardians of the law and of the Tonkin Gulf. The Maddox then arrested for public intoxi¬ retaliated by crippling the three principle that it is desirable to cation as he is walking home? For that majority of whites attacking boats with torpedoes. prevent the spread of Commu¬ that doubt such things can happen, President Johnson then is¬ nism throughout the world. We it happened to a Negro marine will in civilian clothes last January sued an order for U.S. ships to betray that principle if we in Syracuse, New York. When he sink any attacking vessel and ignore naval attacks and stand complained that he was beaten warned North Viet Nam that any helplessly by as the Commu¬ by a "fuzz," the D. A. filed second degree perjury charges further attacks would have "the nists extend their control against him. throughout Asia. At his trial the judge would gravest consequences." only permit medical testimony from the "fuzz" that beat him and an ambulance driver who Art up only spent a year in medical MICHIGAN STATi UNIVERSITY SB STATE NEWS school. Testimony from a neuro¬ surgeon and hospital records could not be admitted as evi- Member Associated Press. United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, For whom can a Negro grad¬ ssociated Collegiate Press Association, Michigan Press Association. uate student vote when he is ar¬ Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on Tuesdays and Thurs¬ rested by the police for taking days during summer term. notes and badges numbers of Second class postage paid at F.ast Lansing, Michigan. officers questioning another per¬ Editorial 3nd business offices at 341 Student Services Building, Michigan State Uni¬ son in an Albany, N.Y. bus termi¬ versity, East Lansing, Michigan. nal? He is arrested on disorder¬ Summer term staff: ly conduct charges, then denied Editor John VanGieson his right to be released on bail Advertising Manager Arthur Langer by being held for a sanity hear- Sports Editor Richard Schwartz Reporters Oyars Balcers, Barb For whom can a Negro vote, Bradley, Sue Filson, Hugh Leach, Mike Kindman, Dave Stewart another white politician who is Asst. Adv. Mgr Ken Hoffman as lily white as the next? A Circulation Manage;- Bill Marshall white man who Insists that we must maintain law and order to permit the white society to ig¬ nore the problem of equal rights for non-whites so that it can pre¬ BIGGER DISCOUNT serve its own lily white status BYRNES quo. BARGAINS DRUG I would suggest that it is not a moratorium we need on peace¬ ful demonstrations, but more AT STORE massive ones. If whites are afraid of racial riots let them GRAND RIVER AT MAC remove the problems that cause NEWSPAPERS- BOOKS -MAGAZINES How can one draw the atten¬ tion of whites in the North to the acuteness of the problem when peaceful demonstrations produce no results? I use its As massive a member of CORE I abhor violence and condemn those that it, but yet I can understand causes. Must one create a 200,000 person sit in, in New York City to block all transportation and food arrival in the city? Perhaps only then the whites cf New York and Insnlin will rea¬ Rise Instant lather Gillette Glue Glades other lize Northern the acuteness areas of the prob¬ pkg of 20 Ml U 40 990 lem. It might be interesting to 590 see how one could arrest 200,000 people. 79( Reg, S1.0 All U 80 $1.89 such I shall do my best to prevent a situation from occurring, LET US FILL YOUR but it is a white responsibility to see does that you it doesn't will find occur. me If it in the Exciting B As for my race, some lighter, and some whites are Negroes read about the new Dacron®fill PRESCRIPTIONS are darker. Richard Trilling Owen Hall So new. so soft, so cool, so discreet! You can literally feel COMPLETE STOCK DISCOUNT PRICES the difference in these famous make bras, pre-shaped in varying degrees of fullness with a new lightweight fill of Arab Student spun Dacron polyester between layers of soft tricot for CIGARETTES 25< y2 PRICE SALE Views Unity softer, subtler shaping. ENGLISH OVAL, /jr. Bonne Bell A. Hollywood Vassarette lifts and rounds D. Bali-lo Beaucoup with feather-light BENSON & HEDGES JJV Moisture Lotion Within History with nylon lace cups, stretch nylonbody. boning to hold the deep plunge, wide set straps. White. 32-36 A, 32-38 B, C. St: i tch straps. White. 32-36, A, B, C. To the Editor: $5 6.95 M Cigarettes friay $3.00 p|us ta* Those who see the broad scene B. Youthcraft all cotton bra with ad- E. Warner's stretch strap bandeau wit; be detrimental nylon sheer sides. Alencon lace cups, Reg. $6.00 get the capability to evaluate, jur '.iMc stretch straps, center and back to health elastic inserts. White. 32-36, A, B, C. power net back. White, 32-3e A. Lj. explain, and predict direction. I 32-38 C. $5. found, as an Arab, that I should 3.95 project some light upon the his¬ tory of Arab unity. C. Formfit Figurine bandeau with nylon F. Youthcraft bra for average cup sizes. I believe that this will help body, lace top cup, stretch band. Black Nylon lace fiber-fill contour cups. White, the non-Arabs to understand this or white. 32-36 A, 32-38 B, C. 3.95 beige. 32-36 A, B, C. 3 95 important part of the globe and strengthen and enhance interna¬ tional peaceful coexistence. Arab Unity is not a new event EAST LANSING, GARDEN LEVEL in history. It was realized more than once in various forms and under different names: empire, federation, confederation, union - OUR 35TH YEAR IN EAST LANSING the Arab people (continued on speaking the page 6) Thursday, August 6, 1964 i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan The Many Services Provided In Dorms organization most rt spon¬ is to provide housing and food unnamed Dorm Five will be ready affairs, or the Saturday night and food service at present is not completely perfect, but added that sible for the actual operation of service facilities to hall resi¬ for use, to be followed the next party. constant effort is being made for MSU's dormitories is the De¬ dents. This includes providing year by Dorm Four. The prices charged in these However, Thorburn explained, improvement and any student partment of Residence Halls. such things as sleep and study snack shops are comparable to suggestions are welcome. Lyle Thorburn, manager of the facilities, lounges, cafeterias and the department of Residence those charged by East Lansing recreation areas for each hall. Halls can not possibly provide department, said his office heads merchants for like items. all the facilities for all of the the business operations for resi¬ dence halls, is resonsible for All undergraduate halls with the execption of VanHoosen Hall for women have dining rooms. students. He added that his department The food service in halls is all cafeteria residence style. Thor¬ Foreign Film housing and feeding students, and works in related areas, such as The aim of the department, Thor¬ strives to provide a wide variety burn said one of the aims of burn said, is to provide board of accommodations for students. his department is to provide Series Ends building new halls and maintain¬ and room for students at the Some halls are new, some are as much food as possible for the • ing the present ones. All residence halls are built lowest possible cost. old. So have semi-private money. Students are offered two With Comedy with borrowed funds, which are About half of the student body bathrooms, others have one large or three choices on each entry the menu. "Schools for Scoundrels," a will live on campus, Thorburn bathroom for an entire floor. on repaid with the earnings from British comedy, is the final For¬ student room and board fees. said, and his department will As part of the service, every Thorburn added that special at¬ eign Film Series presentation of Thorburn's department mist try to maintain this figure. When room has a telephone. Also, resi¬ tention is given to providing a the summer season at Michigan also work with other University increased enrollments are ex¬ dents are issued a weekly packet variety of foods and serving them State University. departments in obtaining some pected, new dorms are built so containing two sheets, a pillow as pleasingly and appetizingly as It will be shown Friday and of the facilities needed by dor¬ the percentage of students who case and two large bath towels. possible. Saturday in Fairchild Theatre at can live on campus remains about Thorburn said he believes MSU mitory residents, such as He admitted that the housing 7:30 p.m. the same. is about the only school in the grounds maintenance, telephone Subtitled "How to Win Without Two new co-ed dorms, Fee service and utilities. country to issue towels, but he Actually Cheating," the film However, Thorburn said, the and Akers, will be put to use feels this is necessary because stars comedian Terry Thomas basic function of his department this year. Next fall the still- of the difficulty in washing and drying them. Rotary Hears with Sim and Ian Carmichael, Alistair Janette Scott. Actor and author Peter Ustinov Program Talk The department also works to did the screen adaptation of keep up the older buidings. Dur¬ "School for Scoundrels" from ing the summer the lounges in Landon Hall were refurnished. the Stephen Potter books on New lighting was installed in the dining rooms in Mayo and By Students '-'Lifemanship," "Games¬ manship" and "Oneupman- IN A BIND—The lists signed by those who contributed to the John F. Kennedy Library fund ship." last spring have been bound and are ready to be sent to the library. Headed by the signature Campbell halls, and, Thorburn The Ionia Rotary Club last week Tickets will be available at ofMSU's number one citizen, President Hannah, the lists will become a permanent part of the scicf^ the same is planned for Photo by George Junne was given a look at MSU's for¬ the theatre box office. Yakeley, Landon and Gilchrist eign student program. Halls. The department also provides dent August G. Benson, foreign stu¬ adviser, and three foreign CASH SAVINGS . . W-* M-AID STAMPS! CASH . mmm*. snack shops in all the newer students spoke to them concern¬ and larger halls. There students ing the University's program. CHOICE BEEF SALE or students and professors can get together over cokes or cof¬ Benson said he outlined the na¬ fee and discuss studies, world ture of MSU's foreign student body to the group, pointing out that many of them are graduate Local Students Get CAI Honors students, many are married and have families and many are ma¬ joring in areas such as nology and agriculture. tech¬ Chuck Roast cut 390 l Four dents Lansing high school stu¬ have received journalism, debate and theater awards in He said he. also explain the nature and of the program and attempted to objectives relate them Arm Cut Roast 490. at the Communications Arts In¬ English Cut Roast 590 to the total foreign student pro¬ stitute. gram on a national as well as an Marilyn Donohue received hon¬ individual basis. ors in journalism, and Jann The students who assisted him Fitzgerald earned high honors in were Mehdi Behzad, Iran; Mu¬ students at 290 theater. Both are A. Mughal, Pakistan; Pork Loin Roast hammad Eastern High Scho. 1. Kathy Billings of Everett High and Ishwer C. Shah, India. ribend lb and Roger Chard of Sexton both earned honors in debate. The institute for high school students drew 556 students from Snyder Mixer Pork Loin Roast lonend 390 lb 16 states to the three sessisns. Snyder Hall will hold a mixer 41 Ridt gurd i The final section by 204 students coming from was attended 12 8-12 p.m. Friday in the Snyder lounge. Everyone is welcome and dress is casual. Pork Chops center cut 790 B 42 Me. 3/M.00 590 lb Relax! Let Flash FRYERS CORNISH HENS WATERMELON CUT UP 330 LB. Welcome Counseling Clinic Students From . . Solve Your Problems 17-20 LBS. 79C WHOLE 29C LB POLISH SAUSAGE 490 LB That's right FLASH will FEATURE- CAMPUS solve all of your summer cleaning and laundering JANE PARKER BAKERY Blueberry Pie 490 ea. BOOK problems. CO CO ■0 An M.S.U. We have same day ser¬ Pineapple Pie m> tradition of vice every Saturday on dry day including clean¬ PEACHES Angel Food Cake 39( ea service for ing, pants. shirts and wash !ED HAVEN | Jc Gmamon Breakfast Rolls 33c pi Chocolate Brownies all butter 49C ea. Cherries RSfcNAE„wsPACK 5/99° Cheerios Ice Cream Bars pack 59° Asparagus NE"PACK ALL GREEN CUT 4/991 Ice Cream CRESTMONT FINEST QUALITY Vi GAL. 79c A&P Whole Potatoes 10c Sliced Cheese MEL.O.BIT AMERICAN l'/jLB. PKG 89c 14 oz V70c Instant Potatoes 3d^:KG 10c Vine Ripe Catsup BOTTLES J/ I 7 Triumph Spitfire— French Fries C$u'ltahaC 9 OZ. PKG. 8C E. Lansing's Department Store The Fastest Selling 6 0Z. CAN |QC Murch Grape Drink For Students ■ Where East Sportscar in America Murch Cherry Drink 6 OZ. CAN 1QC Lansing and MSI Meet -* $2199 P.o,. P.GKEAT ATIANTIC I PACIT,FIC TEA COMPANY. CAMPUS Sports AL EDWARDS Car KCS jSx m corner of Hagadorn & Eost B.n | Grand River, East Lansing STORE HODRS: 9 AM-9 PM O1H (/I < ~j «T Monday thru Saturday All prices in this ad effective thru Sat., Aug. 8, 1964 2 BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. (OVERSEAS I DELIVERY I ARRANGED| Jp?? , •. in all five Lansing A&P Super Markets. yj 4 Thursday, August 6. 1964 i Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Orthodox Leaders Discuss Visual Aids A week - long, conference of aid materials can be used to fur¬ Eastern Orthodox religious lead¬ ther religious instruction. The ers winds up tf^day and Friday entire conference is aimed at in Kellogg Center. fostering ways to improve re¬ Today's activities begin with ligious education. a worship service at St. Andrew's Another assembly at 1:30 p.m. Orthodox Church in East Lansing. will feature a film on the de¬ A general assembly in the Lin¬ velopment of effective religious coln Room will follow the morn- education facilities. A special feature of today's Ihe general-assembly will deal session is a teenage retreat which with the question of how visual begins at 2:30 p.m. It will fea¬ ture seminars on the history of the Orthodox faith, improving Study Set methods of religicas study and what constitutes an Orthodox archdiocese. A barbecue will be held at On Telstar 6:30 p.m. The and Vespers at 8 p.m. day's activities will wind up with a film, "God's War," NOW HEAR THIS While lis audience seems wrapped up in though, the Rt. Rev. Feodor To- valchuk leads them in a i iscussion on "The Externals In Orthodoxy." From the expressions Problems The legal problems and regu¬ to be shown at 8:30 p.m. Friday's prografti again begins with religious services at St. DROP DEAD •• And if the bugs that like to eat roses don't die, they are likely to be awfully of their faces, it looks as though the group had a very informative discussion. Photo by George Junne lations governing theTelstar sat¬ Andrew's. Four seminars be¬ sickfor a while. This soldier from MSU's grounds maintenance crew is using deadly chemical ellite and other intercontinental ginning at 9:30 will be held in warfare to cut off the insects' food supply in the horticu Itural gardens behind the Student Ser broadcasting systems will be the Kellogg Center. vices Building. Photo by Ken Roberts subjects of a year-long study by Topics include Orthodox a Michigan State University pro- NAACP theology on sacraments for the Campus Bfeginning this September, Prof, Walter B. Emery of the dying, catechism instruction for adult converts, a survey of the Orthodox press, how Canon law Court Post Candidacy Declared MSU Department of Television relates to the Holy Eucbarist, William Ross, an attorney counrel for the city of Roseville. comb County^-—the Amer¬ with Four GOP Officia and Radio will research the his¬ torical, legal and regulatory as¬ pects of European and intercon¬ and St. Gregory Palatnos. A general assembly and panel discussion will follow. 13 years of legal experience, has announced he is a candidate for He has served St. Clair Shores as assistant city attorney and is member of the St. Clair Shores ican Bar Association. Helen Ross is married to the former McCoy of Ludington. The tinental broadcasting. An annual judge of Michigan's new Court a Marvin Ray, president of the banquet in the Cen¬ of Appeals, Second District. Civil Service Commission. Rosses have four children personalities, and participation" — Four officials of the Republi- Emery has been a member of tennial Room will wind up the Lansing chapter of the NAACP, A graduate of the University Brendan, Martha, Peter and can party will addres* the cam- as it pertains to the November the Federal Communications of Andrew. will also be discussed. The meet¬ Michigan Law School, Ross pus chapter of the NAACP at election. Commission legal staff, is a also studied at St. The Second Appellate District Prior to thediscussion, a busi¬ ing was called to consider ways Approximately 100 leaders Joseph High 3:30 tonight in room 33 of practicing communications law¬ from six jurisdictions of the School in Detroit, and at the is comprised of the following 16 Union. ness meeting will be held, be¬ of closer cooperation between the campus and Lansing groups. yer and an authority on broad¬ Orthodox church are attending Central Methodist University of Detroit. counties: Macomb, St. Clair, San¬ ginning at 8 p.m. casting law. Along w •esentatives Miss Miller said that word had the conference. They include the Across From the He is an Air Force veteran ilac, Huron, Tuscola, Genessee, A grant from the MSU Inter¬ Capitol < , e Governor's ouice According to acting presidert already been received from na¬ national Communications Insti¬ Albanian, G reek, Romanian, WORSHIP SERVICE who flew 32 combat missions dur¬ •Lapeer, Oakland, Livingston, County Chairman Louis Leggand Linda Miller an attempt will tional secretary Roy Wilkins on tute will enable Emery to inter¬ Russian, Ukranian and "Syrian ing World War II in Europe. He Shiawassee, Ingham, Jackson, 10:00 chairman of the county Young be made to formulate a pro- the chapter's request for further view government authorities, branches of Orthodox Christian¬ a.m. also is a member of the Bar As¬ Washtenaw, Hillsdale, Lenawee clarification on the call for a ity- (WJIM 10:30 a.m.) sociations of Michigan and Ma¬ and Monroe. broadcasters and media critics ban on civil rights demonstra¬ tions until the election. in England, France, Germany, University David S. Yoh preaching Christian Church , St. Johns Student All Saints Episcopal In Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Scan¬ 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. Crib Nursery, So Bring The Secretaries India Club Plans a phone call to public re¬ dinavian countries, Sussia and Parish lations chairman Mrs. Naomi some of its satellites. Don Stiffler, Minister Baby. Take home a copy of the Church 'What Then Are We To Do?" For Lake Picnic Fr. R. Kavar.augh j 800 Abbott Road Vander Jagt, Lansing graduate student, Wilkins said that perti¬ to Emery's study is his preparatory writing one of the field's Ph 337-1077 Bible School 9:45 a.m. sheet for study and appli- To Discuss Fr. T. McDevitt FD 2-1313 information first comprehensive texts. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. The India Club will hold a pic¬ nent was being sent. 327 M.A.C. Rev. Robert Gardner, Episcopal Chaplain to the First Presbyterian First Baptist Church East Lansing Lansing Central Free Leadership nic Brighton. Saturday at Island Lake, Sunday Masses University Ottawa and Chestnut Leadership for the improve¬ Transportation will be pro¬ 7:15-8:30-9:45 Worship Service Capitol at Ionia Unity Center Methodist Church ment of America's schools will vided and the group will leave Rev. Edward Roth. Rector 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 628 9:30 s.m. Lansing, Michigan N. Washington, Lansing be the object of study when exe¬ from in front of the Union at SUNDAY SERVICES Cribbery and nursery care Sunday cutive sec r et a r i e s of school 8 a.m. Youngsters Religion Class provided. "Take time to Live!" 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Sunday School 10:00 a.m. board associations from 14 states Tickets cost 75# and are avail¬ 9:45 a.m. 8:00 "The lnteruptions of Life" a.m. Holy Communion at Rev. Scott Irvine, Minister gather here Aug. 4-7. able from any club member. All Saints Parish Dr. Robert H. Stephens, Worship Service 11:00 Daily Masses Guest-j Wednesday Evening a.m. A roster of MSU professors, Everyone is invited. Minister from Central Presby¬ "Message by the Pastor" headed by Erne-: O. Melby, Church School 10:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m.-S:00a.m. 12:10p.m. 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Si terian Church, Summit, Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Subject (the Erect Christian) professor of education, will ex¬ Morning Worship 10:00 Albion President, ' Sermon New Jersey a.m. Study Class 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening service; plore the recognition develop¬ » A warm and friendly welcome coffee fellowship following Affiliated with Unity School "The Gospel Hour" ment and utilization of local lead¬ Sat Masses Worship of Christianity, Lee's Summit, S:00 S; 9:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Monday thru Friday awaits you at First Presbyter¬ Missouri For transportation call ership in resolving issues related To Preach Here ian. People of all races welcome ED 7-1294 to education. Others will discuss the orien¬ The president of Albion Col¬ Morning prayer Always a warm welcome at lege, Louis N'orris, will preach First Christian UNIVERSITY tation of new school board mem¬ Confession daily at S.-OO a.m. Tuesday.-10:15 a.m. Seventh-Day Kimberly Downs bers and review the role of the at both services this Sunday at 12:10 p.m. Reformed Church BAPTIST CHURCH Church of Christ state school board association. the University Methodist Church. Holy Communion Thurs.-5:15 p.m. 240 Marshall St., Lansing (THE AMERICAN BAPTIST Adventist Church This is the third annual na¬ The services are scheduled 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing - Phone ED 7-9778 CONVENTIONS Temporarily meeting at Uni¬ tional Institute for School Board for 9:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor Association Executive Secre¬ Norris was president of Mc Morning Service 10:00 a.m. versity Lutheran Church (2 blocks W. of Frandor American Legion Memorial Shopping Center on E. taries, held at the Kellogg Center Murray College, Illinois, before Evening Service 7 p.m. Division and Ann St. Center, 1 Block North of East Grand for Continuing Education and assuming his present post at SATURDAY SERVICES River) Lansing Bus Station sponsored by the MSU College of Albion. IV 9-7130 University Methodist First Church of Worship Service 10:00 a.m. 9;30 a.m. Sabbath School Education in cooperation with the Located in Albion, Michigan, Church School 11:00 a.m. William G. Hall and Christ, Scientist 11:00 a.m. Worship Service National Association of School the college is a Methodist liberal Church Mr. Jack Vander Slik at Nursery Provided 10:00- For information or transpor¬ Gerald O. Fruzia, Sr., school. 709 E. Grand River 355-3030 12:00a.m. tation call Ministers Pastor Ainsley 1120 S. Harrison Rd. East Lansing 0r Rev. Hofman at 5-3650 Campus Bus Service Blair, 485-3997. SUNDAY SERVICES Wilson M. Tennant, Minister Dr. Glenn M. Frye, and Minister Church Service: Sunday 9:30 Olivet Baptist Church Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Bible Study Evening Worship 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Something 2215 E. Michigan Wednesday evening Bible WORSHIP Subject- "Spirit" Rev. William Hartman, Pastor Study 7:30 p.m. We'll clean it in one day. Sunday School: SUNDAY Plymouth 9;45 a.m. & 11:00 i.m. university University Students Sunday School 9:00 a.m. "From Mixture to Mastery" lutheran church Morning Worship 10:00 a.m Congregational 9:30 J&L & regular a.m. Dr. Louis Norris, Wed. Evening Meeting-8 p.m. Church CLEANER AND President of Albion College SHIRT LAUNDRY Reading Room located at 134 W. Grand River Church School 9:45 a.m. all ages & 11:00 a.m. children 2-5 -5 p.m. Across from Capitol on Allegan years. Open Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 a.m. -5 p.m. TRINITY CHURCH Eastminster Membership Class 9:30 a.m. Mon., Tues.. 1 hurs., & Fri- Peoples Church Edgewood United davs 7:00-9:00 p.m. Interdenominational Church Presbyterian Church Dinner For Two. . . Free bus transportation 15 to All are welcome to attend 120 Spartan Avenue East Lansing Interdenominational 30 minutes before each ser¬ Church Services, and visit and MINISTERS Interdenomination vice around the campus. use the Reading Room. E. Eugene Williams 469 North Hagadorn Road For The Price Of One Norman R. Piersma East Lansing, Michigan Minister Mr. Lloyd R. Bergren (5 blocks north of Grand River) Rev. Robert L. Moreland Morning Service-11 a.m. THE LORD'S WORK Past - Present - Future' "Spiritual Rebirth" ( Dr. Piersma) 541 Walbridge Drive ED 7-0183 Evening service-7:00 Summer Schedule: Dr. Wilbert Welch, president Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary "Does anybody Care "Encouragement through 9:00—Church school for crib¬ SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. bery through 6th grade . Example" Sermon by 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. (Dr. Piersma) Rev. Truman A. Morrison Other Services By Dr. Wallace Robertson Dr. Douglas Dunham, 9:45 a.m. University Class Guest Church School Speaker 9:30 A.M. through 5 year olds STUDENTS WELCOME 11:00 A.M.'SIX STEPS TO A RICHER LIFE Dr. Wilbert Welch Affiliated with United Church Call 337-7966 for campus Crib room through Call 355-0941 or 482-8325 8:30 P.M. 'I FOUND THE ANCIENT WAY' bus schedule Sixth grade. Of Christ, Congregational- Christian, Evangelical and for transportation Filet Mignon • Chicken • Shrimp Reformed. (A Book Review given by Cas 8; Odetta Wesolek at the Hi: sliman home, 2907 Woodview) Wondering where to go Friday Evening? May we suggest dinner for TWO. .she'll be delighted HOUR OF REFRESHMENT FOLLOWING FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Lutheran Worship with your taste. Genesee at Butler Streets Alumni Memorial Chapel SUNDAY SERVICES Supervised nursery provided SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Church School ^:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups 6^° P-m- . SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE-LANSING Evangelistic Hour ?KX) p.m. WFDNFSOAY EVE prayedSt&rtce Rev. Theodore K. Bundenthal ♦ PASTORS: DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN, DR. TED WARD H.T. Stanley-Minister Dean Waldfogel-Music Dir. REV. ALV1N H. JONES Transportation Available the LUTHERAN CHURCH Call Church Office IV 5-0613 CALL 482-0754 FOR TRANSPORTATION If No Answer, Call IV 2-6994 Missouri Synod Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 6, 1964 5 Taylor Makes His Point Campus Briefs shirt, Taylor sang his way through ballads and blues, con- his audience like a small boy approaches his mother after Ole Miss Professor Heads North ,r \ vincing onlookers and listeners that the MSU area is not Com- committing a household sin. UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, INDIANA UNIVERSITY. llforno Restaurant Five minutes later in dead Chuck Taylor opened attheFat pletely void of culture and authen- Oxford—James W. Silver, pro¬ Columbus—The Ohio State Board Bloomington — The Monroe silence, except for the sounds County Board of Tax Revue has Black Pussycat Tuesday night, ticity. fessor of history here, will teach of Trustees authorized allotment 1h wimetfat of fingers plucking difficult pat¬ of funds for construction of three a ticklish problem as relations fa With a blues guitar style, a Taylor, a graduate assistant at Notre Dame University for a terns on six strings, and a vocal parking ramps on campus. The between "town and gown" begin boyish ethnic voice, and a wilted in physics at MSU, approached hammer at the microphone, the year in order that he "not irri¬ tate" the racial situation in Ox¬ ramps will hold from 600 to to deteriorate. 1U owns several audience awed, listened. Taylor houses which it rents tax-free ford. Silver is the author of the 800 cars each. made his point and made it well. book "Mississippi: A Closed So¬ to faculty members. The t ax | NOW OPEN DAILY 11 AM - 2 AM 1 STATE UNIVERSITY OF revue board must decide whether What point? Well, first, to ciety," which attacked the muzz¬ IOWA, Iowa City—The Iowa City play and sing the blues looks this exemption is legal and appro¬ easier than it is. Next, the MSU ling of moderates in his state. In an exclusive interview inter¬ Board of Realtors went on u- priate. PHONE ED 7-1311 FOR TAKE OUT nanimous record as opposing a CHUO UNIVERSITY, area has its share of talented view with the student daily news¬ Japan — fair housing ordinance designed The English speaking society at performers. Taylor is certainly paper, Silver said he would re¬ to racial discrimination one of them. turn to Old Miss after a year. Silver maintains in his book that prevent in real estate transactions. The this Japanese University is spon¬ soring a hot essay debate over RATHSKELLER-OPEN DAILY 5 P.M. statement maintained that "leg¬ free speech on the racial ques¬ whether Japan should establish islative action attempting to eli¬ unrestricted relations with Red Whatever your pleasure. . .dining. . .dancing. . . tion is practically non-existent minate discrimination and bias day, those who wish the natural in Mississippi and that moder¬ China. or comfortable and casual relaxation, you'll discover pure sounds sung by natural un- may ultimately lead to the de¬ the Hotel Saugatuck to be the perfect spot for those ates are quelled by physical vio¬ Madison Avenueized singers, can struction of individual liberties." lence. friendships formed on the sandy beaches of Lake find them. BALL STATE TEACHERS Ag Engineering Michigan. To hear UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. COLLEGE, Muncie, Ind.,—The You'll love our new efficiency apartments, which Taylor pick and sing is enjoyment enough, but to feel Athens—Campus parking prob¬ Ball State News, student daily Scholarship Given accommodate 4 to 6 people. Each apartment is a his temperament, angers, and lems are prevalent at this sou¬ newspaper, came under fire from separate unit, with its own private entrance, bal¬ thern university. The student a few students because the only A $300 agricultural engineer¬ loneliness as a member of his cony. and sundeck overlooking Kalamazoo harbor. audience is more of a treat. newspaper called for an immedi¬ columnist it carries is Walter ing scholarship for study at MSU For reservations write to Reservations Manager, ate study of traffic congestion Lippman. The students accused has been awarded to Richard CORAL GABLES, Saugatuck, Michigan. Or call UL Another local group, Hap and such as the one recently com¬ the newspaper of carrying only R. Thompson of Blissfield. 7-2162. A $10.00 deposit is required with each Joel, provided well presented wit and rouse in Taylor's in¬ pleted at MSU. It said it did a liberal columnist and slanting Thompson, who plans to enter reservation. not advocate the "drastic" cur¬ its editorial columns against the University in the fall, was terim. They kept the audience tailment of students driving here Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater. selected on th^ basis of scho¬ THE HOTEL SAUGATUCK laughing and singing along. The defended itself lastic achievement leadership Both groups, Taylor, and Hap but urged that a set number of newspaper 220 WATER STREET and a, paper he wrote entitled, SAUGATUCK, MICHIGAN and Joel, will sing at the Lansing parking permits be issued on by saying that it could only afford a first come, first serve basis to carry one columnist, aiylLipp- "The Application of Agricultural cof^Gf$t)piOt itA of the each fall. niw jr- ■? ■y^dy-quoted Engineering to Our Farm.' Spartan Shop-Rite Market QUIT YOUR HARPING-Only a music hater would utter those words to these young ladies while they are stringing along with the conductor. The girls are part of the Michi¬ gan Youth Music Conference, which came to campus olong with 533 young musicians. Photo by Ken Roberts Final Storewide Summer Clearance Sale Now In Progress ' Suits ► Sportswear * Sport coats * Bostonian Shoes ► Slacks » Furnishings SHURFINE FROZEN M «•# SHURBEST £ $4 ORANGE JUICE 4 c?n; 1 1| SHURFRESH MARGARINE w ciJ: I HOLDEN|pREID FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER SPARTAN A MEAT PIESBT„lth k'"P ,0," | CHEESE SPREAD Z Lb!. Mr C4 A BANQUET m C4 LUCKY WHIP Mt%t i S. Washington St. Johns Logan Center CREAM PIES 4,^.1 I TOPPING 9.4.o,. Wp LIEBERMAWNS= = GOLDEN RIPE WEBWAY PHOTO ALBUMS keep photographs secure bananas Fresh 1ios jSi Nectarine Fresh Mich. LB. 190 Peaches 2 29C ^ Pascal Celery ^190 Canteloupe 5- SI .00 TENDER-SWEET SMOKED Heinz Ketchup Vanden - Brink Whole P" Shurfine Stewed 5°$1 picnics .23 Tomatoes Calif. Grated Tuna SLICED & TIED 29' Spartan Peas Boneless, Rolled, Tied Lamb Spartan Applesauce Name Q In Gold Shoulder Roast 69° pnrn bum SHURFINE CREAM STYLE WHOLE KERNEL flfor ft W Uf I I FREE! IHEATHERWOOD'S g| Contadina Tomato Paste Add as many sheets as you need, yet Webway opens Chocolate Milk 19 Shurfine Pork & Beans SPARTAN Dark Red Kidney Beans sh£ " flat because of special patented bindings. And sheets can't rip out: Browrt, Ivory, Blue. SKINLESS FRANKS 2 ib 89f SHURFINE IODIZED SALT 0? W-3 (holds 120 3H * 3Vj") SMALL LEAN BIXMIX BISCUIT MIX 49* ■ W-4 (holds 120 Polaroids) Fresh Pork Spareribs „ W-12 (holds 20 8" * 10") ECKRICH or HERRUD SLICED 29* . . . Fine For Grilling — Lamb Shoulder Chops LUNCHEON MEATS - • Veal •Olive •Pickle •Macaroni & Cheese •Bologna Ground Lamb Patties or Loaf SPARTAN EAST LANSING• 209 E. GrW Riw DOWNTOWN -107 S. Woehington Av«. Lamb Sirloin Steak or Rib Chops SLICED BACON LB. PKG. 43 24)6 N. LOGAN AT JOLLY n EASTDSTREEJ This Ad Are Good At All Shop R ROAD 25)9 S. CEDAR 2401 W. ST. JOSEPH 555 E. GRAND RIVER* '1™EE'SFMD RIVER 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. August 6. 1964 cal Helps India Educate Engineers NFW DELHI. India—The criti¬ shortage of engineers and ledge and modern outlook—an army India didn't have. Development (AID) in India which provides assistance in the form available for engineering educa- system. These technicians work from one to three years. Apart mathematical calculations. day the institutions are encour¬ To¬ engineering educators for India's To meet this crucial need, In¬ of outright grants, commodities At present 35 American engi¬ from thosepresently in this coun¬ aging students to develop initi- industrialization is being met dia increased over three times (laboratory equipment and books) neering educators are working try, 94 U.S. specialists have re¬ ative for design and ability for JGKH with U.S. assistance. the annual turnout of engineer¬ American specialists and train¬ in six Indian technological in¬ turned afte» completing their original work. stitutions to evolve better under¬ assignment. In 1950, India launched its vast ing graduates during the ensuing ing Indian personnel in the U.S. Until $12.5 million and graduate, post-graduate, teacher AID assistance to engineering economic development program 13 years. Today, 9,100 gradu¬ now, training and research programs, education began in 1953. Eleven with emphasis on huge steel mills ates graduate every year from the rupee equivalent of $29 These experts have brought massive irrigation and power the 118 million from the sale proceeds and make them model institu¬ about a change in the attitude colleges were selected for this engineering institutions of U.S. surplus agricultural pro¬ tions with a strong American toward engineering education in purpose. Under the secondphase, projects, heavy machine-building to augment technical manpower. Part of the credit for this ducts supplied to India under imprint. The primary objective India. They have driven home the begun in 1957, five of them wert plants and large industrial com¬ chosen for the Food for Peace (Public Law is to help India revamp its out¬ intensive effort at plexes. This required an army impressive achievement goes to point that there is more to en¬ of engineers with sound know¬ the U.S. Agency for International 480) Program have been made moded engineering education gineering than bluebrints and reorganizing their post-graduate and teacher training programs. 1 hey are: the Indian Institute M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book of Technology (IIT) at Kharagpur in the state of West Bengal, Ben¬ gal engineering College at How- rah, West Bengal, the University of Roorkee in the north Indian state of Madras, and Poona En¬ THE NEW MSU BOOK STORE gineering tra India State. colleee in Mahara- The Government of sets much store by these institutions to produce the much- needed engineering teachers. In The Center For International Programs The five institutions art being assisted under AID-financedcon¬ tracts with three leading Ameri¬ can universities. 1 he University Trulv An International Store of Illinois is developing the > r:\igzr fit. The University of Wisconsin is helping Bengal En¬ gineering College and the Uni¬ versity of Roorkee. Michigan PREVIEW OF THINGS TO C0ME?~The University was ob¬ State University is assisting the viously quite serious when it wa s announced that driving colleges at Guindy and Poona. regulations would be strict next fall if this photo is any indi¬ French; Parlez-vous francais (Do you speak French) Another important facet of AID cation. This MSU parking sticker is in the rear window ofa state police cor. And the students think they have it rough. assistance to engineering edu¬ cation is the training of Indian German; Danke fuer Ihre Kundschaft (Thank you for coming) faculty members in the U.S. Since 1958, 480 engineering educators Arab Unity In History have received advanced post¬ (continued fr >m page 2) graduate training. Today in al¬ Spanish; Estamos Felices de Verlos (We're happy to see you] most all the engineering institu¬ tions in the country American- same language, practicing to a pire at the close of the eleventh great extent the same and havy-.g the customs religion century enabled the first Crusade trained teachers can be founc and the to achieve a tangible result. They established themselves in Syria, Fanti; Memaa wo ana? (May I Help You] imparting their knowledge t o their students. They have helped These people, tion, have at all having times one na¬ enter¬ Palestine and Lebanan.However, less than a century later, the improve the quality of engineer- tained the in;: teaching in the country. " o'grouping or re- Sultan Salaheddine, es- shed : ^"* The Staff Members Of Still another example of AID assistance is the construction and development of the Indian Insti¬ tute of 'I echnology at Kanpur in A swift glance back into his¬ tory is S'.:::";cient to enlighten us unity In the reign of the Ornayad tiie state of Uttar Pradesh. This outstanding institution provides Caliph Walid in Damuscus, at The NEW MSU Bookstore Speak the most modern and effective engineering education possible. the eighth, century A.D., the Arab Empire extended from the Pyren¬ The Turks invaded the Arab ees to the borders of China.This world at the beginning of the Under a unique arrangement, nine immense bloc of eastern and sixteenth century. It was occu¬ One Or More Of The Following American universities are par¬ ticipating in this venture^ Educa¬ western regions was at that time the greatest empire in the world pied until the beginning of the tional Services Inc., a non-profit and one of the greatest empires organization, has brought these of all time. During the World War I, the 17 Languages. universities together under a contract with AID. The nine uni¬ The Ablassides who seized Arabs, hoping to get independ¬ power in the middle of the eight ence, had been allied to England versities are: Massachusetts In¬ and France who divided the Arab stitute of Technology, California century also reigned over a uni¬ fied World as a heritage after they Institute of Technology, Carnegie empire, less extensively certainly than thatoftheOmayds, won the war. Now the Arab world, Institute of Technology, Case In¬ after getting freedom is strug¬ stitute of Technology, the Ohio yet more compact and better or¬ State University, Princeton Uni¬ ganized. The second Arab gling to achieve their identity dynasty made Baghdad the again through unity. 1 Arabic 5Ga, 9 Latin versity, Purdue University, the University of California and the capital of the empire. The division of the Arab Em- Gamal El Ashhab University of Michigan. 2 Classical Greek 6 German 10 Moshi UNIVERSITY SHOP 11 Portugese 3 Fanti 7 Hausa 4 French 8lapanese 12 Sanskrit 13 Spanish 14 Twi 15 West-African Pidgin 16 Ibo 17 English (hi South On North Campus The exciting new MSU Still at the Union Book Store. The finest Building will be the complete book store grill, cafeteria bar¬ services. bershop, bow ling, bill¬ iards, and browsing Coming Aug. 17 room. The beautiful new THE NATURAL SUIT: Crossroads Cafe. A The Union lobby is meal or a snack in a still a nice place to delightful new setting. meet. gentry look on campus The polish of imported worsted sharkskin. . .the authority of lean, natural shoulder tailoring. Combine the two, and you have the university man's "special occasion" suit, and one of our most popular styles. NSU BOOK STORE InThe International Center-A Department Of MSU LANSING I Book M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Thursday, August 6, 1964 i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Big Cherry Crop Brings Problems SHOP HERE! ries for later use in beverages, ing the period from planting to the lower branches of cherry have their SAVE MONEY! TRAVERSE CITY --Some that most growers ice cream, full production—generally 10 trees before they can get the me¬ bakery products and cherry growers in this area— quotas filled by noon and must cherry centered chocolates. faced with a bumper crop and a call pickers out of the orchards." years—the grower has invested chanical shakers under the tree," "The heavy But the answer was found in hundreds of dollars in time and he comments. multitude of problems—may feel Pickers are disgusted with the the purchase of steel swimming money for each acre of cher¬ cherry-laden branches nearly George Washington had the an¬ system and some are considering pools which were lined with plas¬ ries," reports the MSUhorticul- touch the ground and don't allow swer when he took a hatchet to his father's favorite tree. leaving the area which would fur¬ ther complicate cherry har¬ working room for the mechanical tic and filled with sweet cher¬ MORE LOW PRICES ries. McManus And these high costs and low harvesters." "Cherry growers can't be vesting problems. Disgruntled prices are not limited to grow¬ At least one problem caused these tanks would each hold more ON MORE ITEMS labeled as a rags to riches group migratory workers may look for than 50,000 pounds of sweet cher¬ even though they are harvesting work along the west coast in ers who have their crop picked by the 1964 bumper crop has been ries. One processor has 45 of EVERY DAY 1965 when Mexican nationals are by hand. McManus points out that solved with some ingenuity on a gigantic crop compared to last the temporary storage tanks, ii not allowed in the United States. growers using mechanical har¬ the part of processors. They year's small crop," saysGeorge vesters also have their share of didn't know where to store sweet eluding some storage consisting McManus, district extension If they do, Michigan cherry grow¬ of plastic lined pits dug in the problems. cherries which were to be brined will have to look elsewhere Prices Effective thru Sunday, Avq. 9. .horticultural agent for Michigan ers "Some growers must hand pick and turned into Maraschino cher¬ ground. for pickers. State University. Rights Reserved it Limit Quantitits. But increased production isn't Still another headache facing what it appears to be on the sur¬ cherry growers is the cost-price face. This year's estimated squeeze. Paul Larsen, Michigan cherry crop of 425 million pounds State University horticulture from our is 263 million pounds over 1963 specialist, points out thatitcosts yields and 70 million pounds over four to seven cents per pound tc Americana Collection the previous record high crop. raise a cherry crop. Two to three Yet prices dropped from the 9.5 cents must go for harvesting by Youthcraft. . . cents per pound paid in 1963 to while an added two to four cents an expected five cents per pound covers production and orchard The cool and in 1964. maintenance costs. lightweight Furthermore, the recent hot "An average orchard requires white bra and girdle weather which is rapidly ripening 30 to 50 hours of labor per acre all cherries at the same time, annually for pruning, applying up designed for the modern means that processing plants are to seven needed sprays, fertiliz¬ being flooded with more cherries spirited pace all • than they can handle. ing, seeding, cultivating and so Another problem of growers, forth," adds Larsen. "Costs for stretch and easy comfort believe it or-not, i-s> keeping pic Je¬ fertilizer, spray materials, herbicides, cover crop seed and BRA: embroidered ers busy. "Processors have been forced to place cherry mice bait averages $54 per acre. "Operating costs of tractors, cotton and nylon spandex growers on tight daily picking sprayers, disc cultivators and quotas and spread the harvest¬ preshaped bandeau. weed control applicators add ing season over a longer span," another $10 to $15 per acre. Dur¬ Sizes 32-36, A,B,C says McManus. "The result is 3.95 PANTIE: lycra power WMSB Sees Catalyst In net, all-around double inner panels for Community Colleges complete control. Extra long leg length. The far-reaching influences a can benefit from the educational " community college can have on offerings of the college. The Sizes S,M,L. 10.95 all strata of citizens in its com¬ community college reaches into munity is the focus on the ab¬ all layers of society, offering sorbing program, "Catalyst for professional education, technical a Community," to be shown on training, enrichment and recrea¬ tional courses, and continuing WMSB Sunday, August 9, at 3 education for both high school The program shows that "stu¬ dents" ar. many types of peo¬ and college drop-outs. Many times the community col¬ Jacobsons ple in a community, all of whom lege works in conjunction with its own local industries and bus¬ inesses in modeling part of its curriculum to meet the techni¬ cal changes and demands in the Ionia Rotary comminity. The program also STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. stresses the many practical ad¬ WEDNESDAY NOON UNTIL Asks Students vantages of a community college, NINE P.M. CLOSED SATURDAY THRU AUGUST 8 including the fact that it serves as a means of trnsition from To Free Fair high school to college. The half-hour film was pro¬ At the invitation of the Ionia duced by WMSB and shot at var¬ Rotary Club, the foreign student ious community colleges around advisor's office and the Inter¬ the state. Local actors were used national Club are spnsoring a for many scenes, while others trip to the Ionia Free Fair on Saturday, Aug. 15. were recruited from the colleges themselves. ★ Sliced Bacon Any interested student is wel¬ The program was produced in come and should sign up at the Whole or End Piece cooperation with the Michigan foreign student office on the third Education Association and the floor of the student building. A transportation fee services Michigan Association of Junior Colleges. Producer was Bob ★ Slab Bacon of $1.00 will be charged. Rowland. Martin Gal was writer- Foreign student advisor, Au¬ director, and Kay Ingram was All Beef Always Fresh Ground gust Benson, particularly urged associate producer. HAMBURGER 36j foreign students to take advan¬ tage* of this opportunity. He said Medical Company that they are most welcome to bring their families, and noted that children are free. Picks MSU Grad For more information call 355- 8261. NEW YORK Albert J. Svoboda Jr. of 2342 S. 59thCourt, Cicero, 111., has been appointed Minnesota Dean a medical service representa¬ tive by J. B.Roerig and Company, To Give Lecture a pharmaceutical division of Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. E.G. Williamson, dean of stu¬ dents at the University of Min¬ He will bring information on the company's ethical drug pro¬ nesota, will speak at the Kiva ducts and research discoveries at 11 a.m. today in the Col¬ lege of Education's Summer Con- to physicians, dentists, pharma¬ cists and other members of the Williamson's topic is, "Culti¬ health professions in Cicero. Svoboda is a graduate of Mich¬ vating the Urge for Individuality —With Special Reference to the igan State University. He and Culturally Deprived." his wife, Aileen, have two child¬ The talk is open to all stu¬ ren: Albert, 41/2 and Timothy, dents and 4 months. faculty. ALL TOP LPs ON DISCOUNT pebble beads accent the autumn Example: fashion scene. . . NEW BEATLES $2" harmonizing beautifully with dark cottons and knits to effect the total look for '64. . . opaque two-tone beads in TAndDon't Forget an assortment of rich fall colors. Adjustable bib necklace. 4.00 BUY 5 LPs and Bracelet. 4.00 Earrings. 3.00 GET ONE FREE! Not shown: rope necklace. 6.00 t plus fedaral lax VIac Jacobsons 323 E. Grand River Ave, Thursday, August 6, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan What It Takes To Keep FOUR FOR FORE-These four pictures show part of the work which must be done so MSU golfers can continue to knock their little white spheroids around the lot. The process shown at left is called "syringing." Above is pictured the spraying of greens to prevent cutworm damage. Elmo Lowery, assistont foremon of ground* maintenance in charge of Forest Akers Golf Course, is shown at upper right with one of the large mowing machines. At lower right two high school students work trimming weeds around some of the course's 1503 trees. Photos by George Junne DAWN DONUTS 1135 E. Grand River 20,480,100 Gallons Of Water Part Of Course Cere OPEN AT SHOW GLADMER 1^'i# 12:45 STARTS P.M. AT 1:00 P.M. THEATRE It takes more than the money FEATURE AT 1:25 • 3:30 . 5:30 ■ 7:30 . 9:40 of the golfers who play on it to keep Forest Akers Golf Course green. ?»»« wljwst, WfiiMTad joubGaoBWlK -*« scoretyMury(*»CH Each man is expected to take last six weeks have been the watered in one night. Sometimes, if rainfall is heavy, care of fertilizing, syringing and worst of the year for unremoved ball marks on the greens and there is no need to water for mowing his greens. three or four nights, he said, but Two high school students are unreplaced divots. He added that TONIGHT 2 HITS also on the payroll. Their main the students last spring were very little attention is paid to a EXCLUSIVE ^odile job is watering the approximate¬ very good about this. SHOWING! light drizzle. When caring for the course, ly 1,500 trees on the course and Keeping the course green is Admission $1.00 iTr MHm SomhwMi a( Lansing on M-78 at t-ani Children Under 12 Free Lowery said, the greens always pulling weeds around the trees really an all-year job. In the come first. Next in importance and fences. (continued on page 9) WALT DISNEY™ uTHE misadventures OF NOW! LIMITED ENGAGEMENT LOOK WHO'S MOVED TDMMV K3RK ANNETTE ieon ewmn technicolor* TO EAST LANSING... HIT NO (2) (FIRST RUN) ONCE AT 10:20 Hayley And All Of The Wonderful Disney Cast Move East From The Gladmer Theatre S&2 To The COOL Ml 3°10 e 5:20 1:00 - EE ten 7:30 - 9:45 Prices This Engagement MnSw 75^ til 5:30 Evening & Sunday $1.00 Kiddies HAYLEY SETS OUT ON A CAREFREE HOLIDAY. 50C I 'A\ '| - 12:'10 I [MIRE '633SQUADRON' MAHIA PERSCHY HARRY ANDREWS DONALD HOUSTON (lavhi HOWARD KOCH 10 MORROW MADIYN RHUE Iimm iewiS 1RACHMIL ■ **** TCECIl f fORD '«'»«UNITED ARTISTS COLORbyDELUXE PANAVISION SUN. MON. TUES (2) HITS! | HIT NO (2) ENCORE SHOWING ONCE AT 10:35 I HIT NO (1) AT 8:25 HIT NO (2) AT 10:20|'s what goes on when the lights go off! tony RANDALL, ftrtu tim' MkRCii tiSMr-SHI* WADE fjj& IKBMA RIM jf" « an ...< arwin production j/s»iksal ne-neuAse i Eastman COLOR • CINEMASCOPE Thursday, August 6. 1964 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Reporter Speaks ON MSU ARENA ICE 'S' Wrestling Attracts To Ice, Not Icing Frills Gone. Th the Presently under men's way at intramural building sports arena and All That's Needed* Once upon a time, the summer ice shows at MSL' were extrava¬ ganzas with brilliant costuming, numbers for the cluded everyone the show, which in¬ participating in summer clinic. The more the World 1964 German International Champion and 1963 French Grand Prix Champion. Delighting the crowd with his sophomores, put on their usual crowd-pleasing performances to tunes from "Oklahoma." Gary and Joey slated to run through Au¬ By SUSAN J. FILSON painstaking choreography and de¬ accomplished skaters had solos, were the first gust 15 is the second annual Stote News Staff Writer tailed production numbers. and the beginners were placed powerful jumps and tricky foot¬ alternates to the 1964 Olympic Spartan wrestling and Residents of the East Lansing area are missing an opportunity Now they are a simple col¬ in the choruses of production work, Viscounti displayed the form which may earn him a Vera Wang, a tiny, dark-haired coaching clinic. to view some of the nation's top figure skating talent when they lection of individual perfor¬ numbers. mances, but the figure skating For last night's show, most of competitor's berth on the 1968 miss from the Skating Club of Some 250-300 grapplers ignore summer ice shows at the MSL' arena. skaters simply displayed New York, was another show- including some of the top At the past two ice shows, we have observed countless empty talent is just as sparkling. the Olympic team and a chance at prep talent in Michigan, seats. But thousands of residents pack the Civic Center in Lansing The eight-week summer ice numbers which they will use in the most coveted title In figure stopper. Vera was a runnerup in the Middle Atlantic senior will attend the clinic which each year when the tinsely, professional "Holiday on Ice" revue session, which has drawn top competition or tests. Valuably skating. is led by Michigan State is taken away from Gary repres the Grea ladies competition. comes to town. figure skaters from the United time not training for tests or competition, Lakes Skating Club, located rv Vera has trained under Pierre wrestling coach Grady What these people at professional shows don't realize is the States and Canada for the past which is the primary goal of most Detroit. Brunet, who coached Olympic Peninger. fact that they are seeing far less talent f r a far larger price 15 years, used to be climaxed The clinic will be con¬ than, they would at MSL. A show like '/Holiday on Ice" merely by an elaborate three-night per¬ of the skaters. Another outstanding skater in champion Carol Heiss Jenkins. ducted in two sessions, the provides elaborate costumes and choreography. formance in August. The headliners in last night's last night's show was Robert Carol trained at MSL manysum- first running from August At MSL's ice shows, which are sanctioned by the United States New the show has been split show were typical of the type Black, of the Skating Club of Coach Peninger of dedicated skater who spends Boston. Black is the 1964 Na¬ With or with out elaborate 2 to 8 and the second from Figure Skating Association!, most of the performances are in¬ into three separate performances August 9 to 15. Partici¬ Karl Kitt, Air Force Aca¬ dividual ones. separated by periods of several from five to eight hours a day tional Novice Men's Champion. trimmings, MSL's summer ice the MSU ice arena. Joanne "Joey" Heckert and shows feature enough top talent pants will receive instruc¬ demy wrestling coach. However, there is absolutely n.c comparison between, the cali¬ weeks. Last night's show was at Gary Clark, both Michigan State to please any crowd. tion and drill for four hours Two outstanding high ber of skaters in amateur thows such as the cnet at MSL and a the second of the summer. The top performer was Gary each day. school mentors also will pre show like "Holiday ■ n Ice." The skaters who train at MSL Visconti, who was the first alter¬ Assisting Peninger will be on the staff. Ben Water¬ The professionals in this case just can': match the "amateurs." during the summer used to spend nate to the 1964 Olympic team skaters who Join pn feisional ice shows. hour after hour rehearsing their and 1963 world team. Gary was be Gale Mikles, director of physical education at MSL" man Virgil of Ypsilanti High and Milliron of John There are two The first group consists kinds of of amateur champions wh have decided 7/ie tf-cd Ulaok PuAAycai and former NCAA and Marshall High in Oklahoma to cash in on their years of tramtflf. Invariably they swiftly lose NAAU a coffee house champion Doug Blu- rid and Olympic champion¬ baugh, 1960 Olympic wel¬ City. Milliron's last two teams were Oklahoma state the ships. peak form which earned them Intramural News 3000'2 E. Kalamoioo terweight champion; and champions. The secon.J, and by far the most . rner >us, croup of ice show No-Counts—Sarfers This Week Presenting Softball Schedul skaters consists of those .< 5 Keystone Kids—D-Bags thei iark : , To Hap and Joel Monday and Chuck Field 6 p.m. Taylor Many "f the skaters at NI>L, on the ,:her hand, are well on Aug. 3 Aug. Final Reductions their way to becoming championship material. Gary Visconti, from the Great Lakes Skating C lub; Dua:e Mak:, from the Skating Club of Detroit; and. Robert Flack, from the Skating Club of 1 4 5 Schlits—Paperbacks Butcher Boys--Tonys Boys Agnuts—Lushwell A.C. 4 1 Ursa Skew Survivors—Osicles Fielders - Ce HOOTENANNY SHOWS at 9:00-10:00-11:00 - Sun. Nite & Sal. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Boston, all belong in this class. It :s safe : say that at least Dwellers and Sunday. At Todd's Nortutitsorp--Vikings two of these young men are far better skaters than any of the 5 9:00-10:00-11:00-12:00 Friday and Saturday male stars in the major professional ice sh ws. 7 Ag. Econ.—Paperbacks For Reservations call 372-4570 after 7:00 P.M. Even the skaters who are : t ci.-.mpi.: s themselves are better (continued on page 11) than most of the soloists ir professional shows, not to mention Everything For Summer Is Reduced the chorus members. In the world of ice skating, the vtrds "amateur" and "pro¬ Exclusive First Run Showing. Thurs. Fri. Sat. fessional" have opposite meanings than usual. An amateur is Don't Miss It. Come As TERRIFIC B .someone professionals who is too good tc be a professional, and the few top are those wh. vised to K g ,d amateurs. Giant 3-Hit Show Late As 10:15 And See DRIVE Sports Shirts - Bermudas sisals What It lakes All 3 Features EAST LANSING Meet your Friends! Swim Wear Sport Coats - (continued from page 81 ^ , l/ed with spring, the men must get the " .;.e first week ofSeptem- GET A PREV grass growing again, a:d must ber* fertu zmg ceases. The fertilize all greens, fairways coarse ;s hen made ready for and tees. wmttr. M'- FALL MERCHA Every three weeks in summer making the the greens are fertilized with a won't grow under the snow and substance known as Milorjanlte. get si ow m. ild. This is spread at the rate of 30 The gre« ns are also sprayed pounds per thousand square feet. with, a :_ry spray t" prevent In the spring, the fairways arc this from h fertilized with urea, which has The \m: t 45 per cent nitrogen content. This for repair is also done in June and August, equipment. S\ TODAY & FRIDAY HlffllfHM DRIVING RANGE leii'ii'iiiii'Lif MARNIE NOW OPEN — FRIDAY—SUPER BARGAIN DAY 10 A.M.-12 P.M. Along with our miniature putting course Goldwyn- Mayerand JUST IN- A neiv line Seven Arts Productions finding love and kicks and love present of A. Palmer Sports jll and laughs and love and kisses in a Swing-ding of a musical / wear Driving for golfers. Practice either or putting now at- SHOWN 2nd dS the W/LP \/\/dhin€, ISal"1"6 Cinemascope and MetioCOLOR NMUO G01F & RECREATION 10:20 700 E. Miller Road & S. Cedar TU 2-7870 Johfl Fr8Ser' Dennis Price • Denis Cannan • Philip Leacock • John Bryan |~Hook it up in any Tahitian Dictionarv I An Assocutb j Bntish Corporation Production 3rd First Run Feature 2nd Big Hit At 8:22 & Late MSI) FOREIGN FILM SERIES A CRIME 80 MB nam fl FDM1M J1BI ID COMMIT HI presents "A luxurious belly laugh." w«i.r n y. jeRRYieWiS ksy "Carmichael, Terry-Thomas and Sim \~J are finely tuned to this kind of wERftaND V- y fol-de-rol." "One of the funniest in a procession . Boy BREAKS HOLLYWOOD UP AND ^5'jj of funny movies from England." JMk -LAUGH BY LAUGH! f" Vastly amusing comedy. " zUn„r. cu, \ 1 £— JEAN ALAIN URR* tusuiR i«> jMttne > I CABIN-DM. THOMAS SIM CARMICHAEL-SCOTT OcMftrSjwiidrete Susan Oliver Joby Baker Nichols- Jay GFuppen Or how to win without actually F"iSat., Aug. 7, 8 -- cheating. 7:30 p.m. EY:mmEl | "uftrrtu?"■"WTc §WWi Shown 3rd 11:54 Fairchild Theatre 1 mlmieux prentiss Thomas | Sunday W5 WIS WONDERFUL' Carson hamiuoii 1 plus "The Ugly Amei Admission—50C pa N AVISION'METROCOLOR Starts 10 Thursday, August 6, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "It was sold on first call & I then had 20 more calls, I like the way MOTOR BIKE SOLD FIRST CALL the State News satisfied classified operates" said this user. The State News does not Automotive Automotive Employment For Rent For Sale permit racial or religious OLDS MOBILE 1961 '98-. 4-door SILKY TERRIER, male. AKC. discrimination in Its ad¬ CORVETTE 1960 Convertible. 4- SALESMEN- MOBILE HOME. speed positraction. Quads. hardtop. 39,000 actual miles. Part or full time. Selling ex¬ Two championship bloodlines. vertising columns, The ABOVE AVERAGE apartment. MEN ONLY. Two blocks to Three months old, has puppy- Full power. Rear defrost. Won- State News will not accept Black, white top. Radio, heater, perience preferred but not nec¬ derbar radio and 6-way seat. $36 per month plus little do¬ Berkey. Cooking, parking, air shots. 882-9658. 15 advertising from persons whitewalls. Good shape. Muse essary. IV 5-2289; IV 2-0529.15 Best offer $1,795. Also mestic work. Foreign couple conditioning. Singles and dou¬ sell. Make an offer. Phone 676- over MANAGER TRAINING PRO- discriminating against re¬ welcome. Call ED 2-5977. 15 bles. Call 332-3792. 16 5071 after 5 pm. 13 18 ft. Thompson BOAT with 75 ligion, race, color or GRAM open to young men 21 to • AUTOMOTIVE hp Evinrude motor and 1957 In¬ N. WALNUT completely fur- LADIES ONLY.Cooking,parking, national origin. CORVETTE 1961. Fuel injection. 35 who can meet employee re¬ EMPLOYMENT ternational Metro Van. Best of¬ nished five rooms. Parking. air conditioning. Singles and • Many extras. Make an offer. quirements of new stereo divi¬ PHlLCO ELfcCTRIC Range. Dou¬ AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite 1963. fer. Phone IV 7-0173 IV Four men or four girls. Unap¬ doubles. Call 332-3792. 16 • FOR RENT Phone 882-7297. or sion of Reader's Digest Sales ble oven. Automatic timer. Ex¬ White. Fitted with radio and 9-2059. C proved. 372-1108. • FOR SALE and Service, Inc. Due to rapid cellent condition. Call ED heater. Very good condition. ROOMMATES TO share two- For Sale • LOST & FOUND speed positraction. Quads. growth we urgently need 2-6468. 14 PERSONAL $1495. BROOKS IMPORTED Black, white top. Radio, heater, tion. Rebuilt engine and trans¬ bedroom luxury apartment. 4 DACHSHUND PUPPIES. Red. 6 HI FI STEREO. with 450 • CARS. 5014 N. Grand River. mission. Reasonable. Call 332- agement people with potential New, whitewalls. Good shape. Must minutes from campus. Call I.C. • PEANUTS PERSONAL to fill key positions. Integrity weeks. AKC, small. Beautiful records, $80. Complete set of IV 9-5568. 0203 between 6 pm. and mid¬ ED 2-8110. • REAL ESTATE sell. Make an offer. Phone 676- and personality more important Shah, 15 choice stock. Call 372-2521. 15 encyclopedias, $10. Phone 489- • SERVICE BL'ICKS (2) LeSabres" 1963. One 5071 after 5 pm. 13 night. than past experience in sales. A VON DA L E A PARTM ENTS- DIAMOND RING - Flawless 1/4 0585. Lansing. 13 TRANSPORTATION convertible and one 2-door DODGE 1961 Pioneer. Perfect PLYMOUTH 1959 4-door, six Excellent salary and commis¬ Gunson and Beech. Walking dis¬ • carat diamond. 22 carat gold • WANTED hardtop. Both one owner cars. condition. Take over payments. cylinder. Standard shift. Runs sion arranged for men who qual¬ tance to campus. Now leasing mounting. Cost $180. Desperate, Priced to sell. BILL RICHARDS Phone IV 5-5095 or TU 2-6003. good. Only $298. Call IV 5-0398. ify. Apply Mr. Renckens, 882- for Fall at $50 per person per sell. 337- 13 DEADLINE: INC. Out South Cedar between 13 13 6629, 10 am. to noon only. 13 month, 4 to each luxury 2-bed- TEFLON FRYING pans, house- Holt and Mason. Dial OR 7-3541. PLYMOUTH 1959 2-door. Six. VEGETABLES, FRUITS— Order 11 a.m. one class day be¬ DODGE DART G.T. 1963 Hard- BABYSITTER. Live in. Perma- room apartment. Nylon carpet¬ Fresh wares and gifts. ACE HARD- for freezer freshness. fore publication 13 Automatic. New motor and tires. top. Large engine, standard nent position. Prefer someone ing. GE appliances. Danish WHERE & GIFTS. 201 E. Grand collards, sweet hot pepper CHEVROLET 19$7 4-i s ». Phone IV Good salary andfrff"-^ \>ishwa siudio. Private. Clean. and farm fresh eggs. Apsr ?tB»r upace. Good condi-* / 5 DAYS $3.75 CHEVROLET 1959 Belair. 4- offer. Phot'e IV 1-4 ■b-^547. 14 other fripgt.Srrrf/rs. Flexible Utilities, parking. $70. 882- fresh fruits and vegetables daily tion. ED 2-3310. 14 door. New car condition FORD 1936 2-c! 7 PONTIAC 1962 Tempest Wagon. time schedule. Meal furnished. 8282. 15 at reasonable prices throughout (Based on .15 words per ad) tery ED 2-0801. 19 SUMMER VACATIONSUPPLIES! throughout. New tires. Auto¬ Deluxe. 4-door. Excellent rub¬ Phone JEFFERSON W. 119. Upper fur- the season. ROADSIDE FARM Its not too late to get your tents, There will be a 25c service matic. Radio. Must sell for tui¬ work. $225. IV 2-33 13 ber. Used as 2nd car. Dr. Dyer, YOUR OWN hours. A nished community living. Newly MARKET. 2 miles East of East and bookkeeping charge if CHOOSE tarps and all ^our camping tion purposes. Best offer over DO YOU KNOW that just ten min¬ 355-0180 or 676-2154. 14 decorated. $10 week, each girl. Lansing on Grand River at Oke¬ few hours a day can mean ex¬ equipment. C ooking and heating this ad is not paid within $650 wins. Don, 355-9896. Ap¬ utes East of East Lansing, you cellent earnings for you as a Utilities paid. IV 9-3034. 14 mos Road. Open 9:30 bottle gas stoves. Also lanterns. one week. pointment showing only. 13 can have the best personalized trained Avon representative. LARCH S. 209. Two-bedroom 19 Our low prices will amaze you! service from a small friendly Automatic transmission. Will CHEVROLET 1961 Impala Con- Write call: Mrs. Alona SCUBA EQUIPMENT. Excellent WILCOX SECOND HAND consider trade. Phone 627-2248. or upstairs apartment. Garage, Automotive vertible. 348. Four speed. Ford Dealer? We feature a condition; used only one season. 509 E. Michigan. IV One owner. Exceptionally clean. Huckins, 5664 School St., Has¬ basement, nice yard. $20 week. STORE. $1,200. Phone 337-0054. 14 fine selection of used cars. lett, Michigan, or call evenings, IV 5-2289; IV 2-0529. 13 Any reasonable offer. 812 Ver 5-4391. C AUSTIN HEALFY 195 8. Wire SIGNS FORD SALES, William- Linden Ave. IV 4-7612. 15 FE 9-8483. C13 NEAR CAMPUS. Small 2-man CARPETING- CHEAP; Small re¬ wheels. Electric overdrive.Call stick shift. Green ston, Michigan. 655-2191. C WEDDING DRESS. Size 10-12. frigerator. It1 ?il for apartment IV 5-~595. 513 W. Barnes. 14 Good transportation. Low cost- BABYSITTING, LIGHT house- furnished living room, bedroom, -ORD 1954 Station wagon. Good Full length skirt with long or cottage. Old chair. Phone keeping. Two pre-schoolers. kitchen, bath. ED 2-5374. 14 $70. ED 2-5255. 14 running condition. $75. Phone chapel train. Call 332-3721 after 882-5647. 13 627-5870. 14 PONTIAC 1964 Catalina 2-door Steady weekdays, beginning CHEVROLET 1962 Impala AIR mid-August. Phone 484-4082.13 5 pm. 15 DINING ROOM ' Magnificent Fitted with heater, whitewalls. CONDITIONED. All accessor¬ hardtop. Power, sharp! $2,650. FORD 1958 Converti! BICYCLES SALES, service and Tcr.neau cover. In blue. $100 14 RABY ROAD - 3 Bedrooms, ies, plus radio reverberator. engine, accessor; ;eds Phone IV 9-5955. COLLEGE STUDENTS, male. rentals. EAST LANSING off lift. One only. BROOKS IM¬ Ready to occupy. Ranch. $125 Hydramatic. Dual 90 tires, new some work. Make i >ffer. SPARTAN MOTORS Full time Summer work. Part CYCLE, 1215 East Grand River. ANTIQUE EDISON Console PORT CARS, 5014 N. Grand per month. Year lease. Phone spare. 327 hp. Any reasonable 2510 Poplar. IV 2-5335. 15 time during Call 332-8303. C River. IV 9-5568. 13 offer over $2,200. CallGil,353- CHEVY II 1962. 4-cylinder, 2- school^ear if de¬ 337-0226. 15 phonograph. Excellent condi- JEEPSTER. FAIR condition. door. Standard transmission. sired. Earn enough during sum¬ ATT ACTIVE THREE room fur¬ i. Should be seer ; be ap¬ 1650 before 5 pm. After 5 call Good tires, motor and top. $395. Only $995. mer to pay for entire year of nished cottage. Pleasantly sit¬ Five months old. Paper trained. preciated. Phone 485-4643. 14 332-0508. 15 Call ED 7-0384. 13 schooling. Over 15 $1,000 Shots. Registered. Phon£ 339- TRAVERSE DRAPES and rods. the CHEVROLET 1963 Impala hard- vlERCURY 1957. 4-door. Full RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962. 2- scholarships were awarded to uated. Suitable for married cou¬ ple. $55 monthly on 9 month 2321. 14 Suitable for married housing top. 4-speed. Floor shift. Ex¬ power. Air conditioned. Black door. Standard qualified students. On the job lease. ED 2-8408. 13 living room andbedro n;. White. tras. Private owner. IV 7-0669 and white. $250. 412 Haze. IV Very clean. $895. training for practical use of Olympia Precision. Buy the fin¬ Phone 337-7607 after 5 pm. 14 eden rcc weekdays. 837-0940 evenings, 9-1895. 16 your education during the sum¬ mer months. An "earn while 675 Abbott Rd. unfurnished. Four bedroom, Available August est. Technical keyboards avail¬ TENOR SAXAPHONt. Excellent weekends. 14 MGA 195. Wire wheels. Radio able. HASSELBRING CO. 310 N. condition. Must sell. Call Jack, 5th. Graduate students welcome. EXCLUSIVELY. and heater. California car. Ex¬ you learn" program designed Grand. IV 2-1219. C19 332-5676. 13 CHEVROLETS $200 per month. 332-3304. 14 Now Leasing 1955-1962 Convertibles, hard- cellent condition. 332-3273. 600 by this multi-million dollar LOVELY FURNISHED, one bed- FOR SALE. Electric guitar with Mobile Homes Cornell Ave. 13 Corporation that hundreds of tops, and sedans. 6 and V-8's. room house. Cherry paneling. amp. V-M Hi-Fi Stereo. Port¬ students have taken advantage LANCASTER 50* x 10*. 1961. Fr~t 1960 Convertible. Wire TU 2-9196. 13 for Fall term For the biggest selection of used Chevys in town, stop out at MGA wheels, tonneau cover. Good top. of. Many of whom are still with Dishwasher. Call 332-3660 aft¬ able. kitchen, two bedrooms. A-l con¬ 3000 E. Michigan Ave. our Co. in key executive posi¬ er 5 pm. or 337-0650 anytime. BRITTANY PUPS tour months dition. On lot near campus. 337- J. B.'s Exclusively Chevrolet Best offer over $1,000. ED 15 old. Registered. Excellent IV 7-3715 c tions. For arrangements of per¬ 1277. 14 ED 2-8488 Used Cars. 2801 S. Cedar. TU 2-4147. 13 WANTED, WOMAN graduate stu- bloodlines. Four males. Will TR3""1962. Blue. Was recently sonal interview, time, schedule 32' x 8' trailer. One bedroom. 2-1478 or TU 2-6721. C OLDSMOBILE 195 8, 4-door. dent to share house near MSU hunt this fall. $35. 484-2375. 13 completely overhauled. Excel¬ and city you wish to work, call Carpeted, air conditioned. Lot 252 River Street CORVAIR 1961 Monza £oupe. 4- -Spotless, 43,000 miles. Will take Grand Rapids, GLendale 9-5079. last five weeks Summer School. OWNER- CUSTOM three bed- 210 Trailer Haven. Call 332- lent condition. 6,800 miles.Call old car in trade. Phone 669- Also Lansing, 485-3146. South IV 9-5503. 13 room deluxe ranch in Pinecrest speed. 332-6300. 15 9671. 355-2838 after 3 pm. 15 4421. 14 Bend CEntral 4-9179. Kalama¬ NICELY FURNISHED three bed- area. Less than one year old. ROYCRAFT DELUX . 8' x 36'. OLDSMOBILt 1959 Super '88'. VOLKSWAGEN 1961. New rebuilt house at Lake Lansing. zoo, call Grand Rapids number. room Dining room, 1 1/2 baths, built- 1958. One bedroom. 'Jne owner; 4-door hardtop. Spotless t-tone motor, radio, heater. Excellent Can sleep 5, but prefer 4. Large ins, dishwasher. Fireplace, 19 at Trailer Haven. Complete. condition. Phone 484-2463 or green finish. Whitewall tires. $200per TORO lot. Three-car garage. carpeted. Double attached ga¬ Call 487-5621. 15 372-1305. 15 Hydramatic. Radio, power month,-plus utilities. Call 339- rage and block to school. 337- 27' x 8'. all aluminum mobile steering and brakes. A real ienced. Responsible position. 8544 for appointment to see. 14 2226. 15 Scooters.Cycles home. Excellent condition. Ideal beauty in every detail!I $935. Top pay. Give complete partic¬ EAST LANSING-Furnished two- 100 GUITARS. USED and new. All for Couple. Phone 332-1146. 14 AL EDWARDS CO. Lincoln, HARLEY DAVIDSON l95?~'74\ ulars in application. Write Box bedroom home. Good location. styles. Rhythm, Western style, 1963 Harley Davidson Scoot away Mercury, Comet Dealer. 3125 No. A-l, State News. 347Student Full basement and garage. $130 classics, electric models. Lost & Found E. Saginaw (North of Frandor.) and side car. One Go-Kart 610 Services Bldg., East Lansing. 20 per month plus utilities. Call Prices start at $16.95 and up. LOST: IRANIAN passport. No. C15 modified and starter. 339-2558. C13 CLAUGHERTY REALTY, Real¬ 20248 in the name of Fatemeh 16 OLDS MOBILE 1960 Super ED 2-0375 or ED 2-5900. U.S. STAMP Collection, from Import Car work. Volkswagen tor. Ghorashi. If found please for¬ 4-door hardtop. New tires. One HONDA 50 1963 model. 6,000 13 1860 to 1950. Others foreign. ward to 466 W. Forest. Detroit, experience preferred. CAM¬ SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE! owner TU car. 2-3725. Beautiful condition. miles. $150 as is. Huron Smith 332-3591. 16 ERON'S IMPORT MOTORS. Books 9-7255. 1828 to 1960. Phone IV 13 Michigan. LOST- SILVER watch a.-id 13 l9<>3 Phone 482-1337. 13 ZUNDAPP 19 59. 250 cc. Excel- gold class ring. Initials H.E.B. NORTHEAST. NICE double room POODLE PUP, brown male. Won- We have the following RIVERSIDE' sz lent condition. $200. Phone 372- EMPLOYER'S OVERLOAD CO. for two males. Parking. Call IV derful with children. Champion Reward. Call 482-2594 after 1985. 13 For temporary assignments. 9-3176 before 3 or after 7 pm. bloodline. AKC. $75. Phone 339- quantities of mowers^ Auto Service & Ports Experienced office help urgent¬ 14 2446. 16 CAROL LEE NURSERY ly needed. 616 Michigan Nation¬ Nicely furnished Albert —— ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call al Tower. Phone 487-6071. C EAST LANSING. Experienced Personnel 2 ea. . 21" TORO Rotary, reg. 99.95 room for one or two girls. Cook¬ Three bedroom home, three Apartments Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. FULL TIME woman grocery ing. Reasonable. Call 332-6736. room apartment. Two bedroom to Care For Your Small dents large wrecks. $139.95 to 15 next door. Cash. Excellent now cashier. Must be neat and plea¬ Now offering: American and Foreign cars. NEAR CREST DRIVE-IN. De- shape. IV 4-6707. 15 Children sant. Call in person. Prince 9 month leases. Guaranteed work. 489-7507. luxe room, bath. Phone, pri- CAMERa:_VOIGTLANDER. Vi- Ages 2 1/2 to 5 years. Full Bros. Shop Rite Market. 555 E. 1411 East Kalamazoo. C 2 ea. . 21" TORO self propelled Ro- New low rates. Grand River. 13 tessa F-2 lens. 35mm. Excel¬ day programs - ":30 - 5:30 tive ranch home on two acres. lent condition. Case, filters, well-balanced noon meals. tary. reg. 149.95 Employment now 89 95 | Furnished | CHILD CARE in my Haslett home GREAT LAKES Employment permanent positions for in office, 332-8913. lens, hood. $55. 355-3009. 13 1965 MAYFAIR 5 portable $15 per week for pre-school child. Beginning sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. mainder of Summer only. 317 sistor tape recorder, plus many (4.7 11 ea. . Yardman 21" 3-speed self Model open Daily September. Phone FE9-2292.15 Linden. Inquire 815 Linden. Off- accessories. Asking $35. Call ^.CAROL LEE DUNN 1120 E, Grand River HOLT 1902 Dean Ave. 1,550 sq. street parking. Cooking. 332- 355-5867 after 7 pm. 14 propelled rotary, reg. 154.98-. 2769. 13 NOW129 99 ft. living area. Two baths, four bedrooms. Will sell on lease OGISTS (ASCP), or elibible. Also, degreed Chemist for re¬ UNSUPERVISED, FURNISHED. ELECTRIC daire DRYER 1959 Frigi- Imperial. Excellent con¬ ED 2-0255 option. Call owner at OX 4-6861, cently expanded laboratory in Near Union. 123 Albert. Single dition. Phone TU 2-1886. 13 for appointment. 250 bed general hospital. Three room. Cooking, parking. Avail¬ 1 ea. . Gilson 25" 4 hp rotary. Locked able Call 332-0716. 14 full time pathologists. Excellent now. axle. reg. NEED COPIES? Get Out of the 239.95 personnel policies. Salary com¬ MEN, WOMEN, Students, Non- N0W 199 99 mensurate with training and ex¬ Students, Singles, Doubles. One perience. Apply to: Director of block from campus. Spartan XEROX COPIES SUMMERS Laboratory, James Decker, Hall. ED 2-2574. 15 1 ea. Gilson riding mower. 32" ro¬ EVERYTHING HOT, HOT SUN . Munson Hospital, Traverse 333 ALBERT. International Stu- tary. 6 hp engine 3-speed trans, reg. City, Michigan. 15 dent House. Two-man rooms. Clean 540,95 Balance of Summer term, $30. Quick and enjoy the fresh NOW529.99 TV availabl 372-0330. Inexpensive coolness of one of our Moving? PftlVA"f E* ftoOM for gentleman. Campus Music Shop Swimming Pools 1 ea. . Gilson 25" 4 hp riding moWer Two blocks from Union. Pri¬ Get this 217 E, Grand River differential type vate entrance. Call ED 2-1441 axle. reg. 259.95 ED 2-4616 Free after 5 pm. 13 now 219.99 Book If you live at lea. Yardman 26" 4 1/2 hp. 5 speeds Our Gives the facts about movin CEDAR VILLAGE Apartments are . Explains the moving esiima! foreward, 2 speeds reverse. Riding Shows how charges are dele Cedar Village, mower, reg. 154.95 Closest To Campos and Shopping mined It's you can - ^3998 From Boehm and Bowerman. . . you get five room LET THE OTHERS luxury and privacy that costs no more than many single 50 FEET NO TRADES rooms. Just ask the student that knows the score on apartment living. . . the student that rents from B & B ^ 464-1421 to campus do THE WALKING BURCHAM WOODS . . . then call 332-0838 for the finest in apartment living. and EYDEAL VILLA UNIVERSITY TERRACE NOW RENTING Robinson s Mower And DELTA APARTMENTS X <*0 E H M (' ' Hurry, Call Today Engine Service HASLETT APARTMENTS EVERfikEEfl'X-RMb' " , I [or falT] CALL EH 355-3157 - 332-5051 - 337-0256 Stop at our model from 1-8 daily at for better living 2126 Hamilton - Okemos - ED 2-8206 JgJsJ APPLIANCES 252 Cedar t Thursday, August 6, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Lost & Found Real Estate Service Service LOST: ONE bike. English racer BEAUTIFUL, LARGE wooded lot c. NOLAN BARTOW Growing Demand For Land Typing Service made in France. Rust-colored chrome. Red-bars tinted with near MSU, schools, shopping. 90' x 130". All utilities in. ED Viola- CUSTOM VIOLIN MAKER Cello- Bass- Guitar- term papers done quickly and Intramural chain. i white. Salt deposits in Dangling black pouch 7-2345. Bows- Strings- Accessories accurately two blocks from Union. 337-2737. the 15 News FOR SALE or RENT—three bed- 306 1/2 N. Washington typing, theses, Among Farmers' Problems strung wiM thread-bare red room home in Clearwater, Flor- papers, (continued from IV 7-5697 13 poge 9) string. Fully equipped withnon- etc. Fast, efficient service. Kay ida area. $90. Optional fur- operating generator light. Flat nished. 655-2986. Ralston, 372-1391. C Field 7:15 •es a r broken reflector. THE 6EST feUY iK HOUSING! portable. $9 per month. 21" ta- TYPING IN my home. Shirley hi- IT' One of the chief problems fac¬ mand for more land, according noted that the farm price and Brakes ir good sound condition. ble models, tan.-$8 per month. ^ 17 1 No-Counts—L'>io. Institute Faculty leaving State and sell¬ Decker> 2654 Meivine, E trio of USDA agricultural cost relationships in the future table models, $7 per month. All ing Michigan's ever-expanding to a 4 Sarfet#--Cat.ih--ts Mostly sound. Call 355-8252. 13 ing seven year old home at Lansing. 332-0721. agriculture is the growing de- economists working out of Michi¬ will influence the number of LOST: NISI' CLASS ring. Has sets guaranteed. No service or 5 E.R.'sVsc'.ol great sacrifice. Four bedrooms, ED1E STARR, TYPIST. Theses, farmers that retire delivery charges. Call NEJAC gan State University. or move I'BT on stone. Is wanted very 1 1/2 tiled baths. Large living dissertations, term papers, completely out of agriculture. TV RENTALS, IV 2-0624. " Melvin L. Cotner, Myron E. much by owner. Hu^e reward. room, large dining room. Mod- general typing. Experienced, Thus, the land supply available GRADUAT1NG SENIOR needs Wirth and George D. Irwin drew a50, 8 am.-5 pm, ern kitchen. Utility room. Car- LARGE FAMILY needs home im¬ IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C from farmers who move out of mediately. We *"have no apartment for one from Septem¬ this conclusion after surveying port. Children's room in base- J BfiV TAL'LMAiN. Your term pa- ber 1st to January 1st. Call the business will also depend to Personal ment. Lovely patio. Profession¬ facilities. 484-3249. Suburban 265 farmers throughout the degree on the availability pers, reports, theses and dis¬ kathe. 332-4691. 15 Thumb and South Central areas some al landscaping. Located in a or rent with option. 14 THINKING OF a Pizza Party? sertations typed in my home. of non-farm jpbs. pleasant neighborhood at 1276 of Michigan. And they noted the Contact BIMBO'S PIZZA first. IBM Electric. Call 372-3849. C Bayshore Drive, Haslett. Six bedroom. Married couple. folowing about the future of Call 484-7817. 13 TYPING. TERM papers, theses, "Adjustments to economic in¬ from campus. Easy Walking distance to campus. farming in these areas: are often slow," said LITTLE NUGGET 3AR, DeWitt, stencils, etc. Experienced. 332- Phone 332-0716. 13 centives 6855. the economists. "Many sociolog¬ Michigan. Don Ev serving you There is every reason to ex¬ WANTED, RIDER to"Ft. Lauder¬ ical factors tend to slow dow. chicken, shrimp, fish basketr. storage organization. Operating For appointment or more in¬ Transportation dale. One passenger assist in pect that demands for land for the farm retirement and transfer Also play shuffle board. 14 rights in 50 states. Contact your formation, contact Joseph driving. Leaving around August farm expansion will continue to '.'■YL RBOARD TO EUROPE! Lose college representative, Jim WANTED, RIDER to Los Angeles increase. out of agriculture. LaPalombara. FE 9-2447. 17 15. 337-1548. 13 yourself ii. fur. but if you lose Barrett, IV 5-2241. C19 to share expenses and driving. OK EM OS AREA. 1/2 block to CONVERTIBLE TOP assembly —A higher percentage of "Farming is a special way of y ur baggage or smash the car, Leaving August 24. Call 355- for 1961 or 1962 Corvette. Phone life and is considered a place t. school. 4-bedroom family 1022. 14 younger and better educated BUBOLZ will pay the claims in sional dry cleaning, WEND- ranch. By owner. Phone ED 2- IV 5-8978, ask for Bob. 14 farmers are likely to make up retire by many farmers who U.S. $$. BUBOLZ INSURANCE. ROWS. Pants, skirts, sweaters, continue to farm on a Small scale C13 4681; IV 4-7027. 15 ider. Phone ED K ANTED, HUNGRY people to the farm community. 60tf. Plain dresses, suits, coats, 24. Take in their later years." ROOM AND BOARD for two in BY OWNER— Want a real family $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block te Box 186, State try our delicious FRESH baked home on 15 acres that has a rioods. We also SPECIALIZE in' —There will be more part- exchange for minimal cooking West of Frandor. C13 Journal. 15- The economists added that 1 high potential for development? beautifully decorated cakes for time farming, but large dairy and cleaning. Holt, OX 9-2729 LAWN CUTTING- Rototilling, ONE OR Two young ladies to go part-time fariring is now con¬ Home is modern, 4 bedrooms, all occasions. KWAST BAKER¬ and livestock farms will continue anytime. 2069 Dean St. 14 flower gardens, grass, shrub¬ to Los Angeles August 28. Call sidered "a permanent occups IES, Brookfield Plaza to increase in size and number paneled den which may be used Sandra, 372-0094. 15 at Haga- tion in Michigan, rather than bery planting. All kinds of per- FOR ar.ce LOW rates its State on auto Farm insur- Mutual, as a 5th bedroom, Family and ainials, hardy mums, flatted dorn and WANTED TWO riders, round WANTED TO rent-house suitable Grand River. 19 at a faster rate than other farm stepping stone into or out Ag Coordinator recreation rooms. Three acres World's largest auto insurer. of professionally landscaped flower plants. Vegetable plants trip, San Francisco for Fallva- for home and dressmaking shop. agriculture." They noted th Named To Radio Call r see your State Farm by plant with vine-ripe toma- cation. 337-1048. 17 The agricultural economists part-time farmers will not r< setting for ideal family living. on. Topscv' I.Josp in, I D 2-441". 14 lease much land with which other a cent today. Ask for ED toes p.°.nt moss. WANTED, RIDER to Ft. Lauder- reported that some of the farm Close to schools and shopping AfrtMv^v^S i' V*v» nseT' Two farmers can expand their oper- LEE PERRY. 400 Clare St. land needed for expansion can be KARMANN, IV 5-726" n Fran- centers. This is not onlv a dale> Qne paSsenger~asSiSt in bedroom. Married c o u p J e. CIS home but re'a\ tor - driving. Leaving around August supplied through clearing and a 13 Walking distance to campus. other reclamation measures. But FREE. TWO adorable cats. One the future development. Five Phone 332-0~l<>. 13 "And," they concluded, "re¬ off the bulk of this demand for land adolescent, one full grown. Leavii,1/ next week on vacation room modern home for income work c .a]l^JnLPZtS\*!- guaranteed. 24—hi WANTED, ftlDfeR to help with LARGE FAMILY needs home im- will be satisfied by farmers go¬ tirement and transfer out of ag¬ purpose included. Why are we driving to Virginia. Leaving riculture probably will not be vice, seven days a week. WEST¬ mediately. We have no water ing out of agriculture. aid need a home by that leaving this? Retired and family Aug. 29; returning September 5. rapid enough to avoid upward ERN RADIO LABORATORY. ED facilities. 484-3249. Suburban time. Please call 332-5227. grown. 482-6660. 15 Call 332-5227 after 5:30 pm. 15 pressures in land prices." 2-5558. 19 with option, Cotner, Wirth and Irwin also 10 ACRES. 15 minutes from Uni- Peanuts Personal . three bedroom Wanted versity. Five acres woods.High NEED TWO house, partly furnished. Utili¬ F.J.L Are you still alive? 1 and dry. Just $4,OOO.Call Wayne h""e" ties nart included in rent. $80. GIRLS TO share two bedroom shoehorn for this paper. Pike. K.W. WEAVER REALTY. furnished apartment. Electric ) pages t WW have been dum¬ Mother, four boys. Phone TU TU 2-5551. appliances. Unsupervised. 2-4214. 16 ped. Herbie. EAST LANSING. Like new, Rivers Edge. $62.50 per month. iBY, BABY, where didourlove bedroom, tri-level. Two full CHILD CARE my home. Part Fall term. Write Karen 13 or full time. Reasonable rates. Brantley. 5570 Maplewood, De¬ ceramic baths. Large rooms. Two fireplaces. Beautiful kit¬ Call 489-3871. 13 troit, Mich. 14 Real Estate chen. Built-in appliances. 2- FORD 1955 Wagon. Good motor. EAST LANSING."Three bedroom car garage. By owner, 332-0153. specialty. Also trimming and Swap for furniture, camping Marble deer rifle. Phone IV • .... C' l lose to stump removal. Insured. Rea¬ gear or School. $16,500. By owner. Call sonable. Free estimates. Gabli 5-5518. 13 IV 5-5391. 19 Service Tree Service, 484-5" 19 MALE GRADUATE student 1022 MARIGOLD, Three bedroom married couple to supervise FREE ESTIMATES Typing Service ranch. Two-car garage. 66' x approved housing. Rent free. on all your painting JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4. Phone 485-1413. 15 180' lot. $15,000. Vacant bySep- ' tember. 332-8602. 15 and decorating problems. ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL Ad¬ JIM MELTON vertising. 533 N. Clippert. IV NEAR CLARE. Large Lakefront 5-2213. C 484-2613 19 cabin. Sleeps four. Available August 10. Ph< 484-8962r*13 EXPERT REPAIRING of Violins, violas and cellos. Bows re- HASLET" THREE bedroom haired. Rare and new instru¬ brk . Carpeted living, dining ments. Bows for sale reason¬ . .ace, patio. Two- able. LOUIS VIOLIN SHOP. 1301 ! hone FE 9-2357. Taft. IV 4-7248. Lansing. 13 FURNACE CLEANING. Includes chimneys, registers, and ducts. "Power cleaning is our specialty." IV 5-9439. 15 DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers returned either yours or ours. With our service, you may in¬ clude two pounds of baby clothes that do not fade. Diaper pail furnished. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE 914 E. Gier Street IV 2-0864 C THESIS PRINTED n!£lC ■Vs.> £$J Rapid Service Drafting Supplies, XEROX COP¬ IES CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT e. 221 South Grand Lansing, 482-5431 or IRONING IN my 482-5038 C Southside home. 15tf per piece. No starched -!-V pieces. Phone IV 9-2037. 14 v"A*£AsyTr^N6 PaR-MOR taLF COUASt and •s ~ AdCv.7 . E CR DRIVING RANGE. Regulation 9 ■EN.?E^\£s$ Ch? hole and Par-3 Course. Illumi¬ nated Driving Range. Club rent¬ als. ART PRIOR- Owner and Pro. Corner of Park Lake Road and East M-78. East Lansing. ED 2-3432. 19 DIAPER SERVICE, three types of diapers to choose from. Bulk wash for cleaner, whiter dia¬ pers, fluff dried and folded. Use yours or rent ours. Containers furnished. No deposit, 25 years experience. BY-LO DIAPER SERVICE. 1010 E. Michigan. IV 2-0421. C "I'LL BUY anything of value." WILCOX SECOND - HAND STORE. 509 E. Michigan. IV 5-4391. C DON'T SIT THERE WISHING you had sold all those un-needed items. For helpful and courteous service call... Our Classified ads Department. 355-8255 You will save time and money c 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, August 6, 1964 Campus Previews HS Bands GLASSWARE0**™* 6 Free Glasses of t11- MM department ofMus *3.54 Value! One Beautiful Embassy 12-oz. bever¬ age glass absolutely FREE each week arK.Jc. l-it ■ oli Park, with newspaper coupon and purchase •md Norti. Muskegon, section- f.orr. several of $5 or more, START YOUR SIT TODAY! Watch this paper for a new coupon each week and get a FREE glass every week for the next six weeks of MSI." Play SUPER BINCO Mo:;,: ShOWS, ' ★ WIN $100 CASH! ★ WIN Top Value Stamps! Tenderay T*ib, Swiss or ^ W|N A Family trip to the ROUND STEAKS > W Tenderay Brand Tenderay Brand Beef 'ith Steakhouse flavor and MSU Prof tenderness. It's guaranteed tender, guaranteed fresh, NATURALLY. Plans Year's Study In Italy Ionia Brand 2 SLICED BACON »>. Pig. 98/ Jiffy's Frozen Hamburger Patties3 ib pkg'1.69 s'udy c / tcmpor :ry de- Country Club WEINERS 2"b ph. 98/ Tenderay Boneless Boston Rolled POT ROAST ib 69/ Tenderay Boneless RIB STEAKS ib 99/ mn HS j25 I EXTRA TV with the purchase of a STAMPS* 6-oz. pkg. of MSU Grad Gets New Hotel Post |Hygrade's Chipped Beef L coupon before your order is rung | edeem at Kroger thrUS"n., Aug. 9, 1964 hxpfi | BLUEBERRIES 3 p'"»s $ 1 Across From ITTiTrmwim r Jumbo Home Economics Bldg. ,100 EXTRA TV STAMPS ED 2-6753 CANTALOUPES 3 f°r 89/ I Wi,h « *2 - — °> | Gcuid Tasty II Fresh Fruits* Vegetables For faster service, please give cashier HONEYDEWS each 59/ I coupon before your order is rung.9, 19641 Redeem at Kroger thru Sun., Aug. Spartan Center t