Inside michigan Weather field head, p. 9. stt state 'li:university STATE NEWS East Lansing, Portly cloudy and turning warmer atures today. High temper* will be in the low Vol, 55, Number 179 Thursday, August 20, 1964 Michigan Bogue Bridge Opens To North-South Traffic Parking Ban Impact Worr East ] O r its theme, The Y i1 i Mu Green Ba: d, White Band and but it follows no literal story. happened to dancing since the The world's troubles are re¬ Charleston. Born in Paris in Chorus will perform at 11 a.m., flected in the conflicts and ex¬ and the Concert Band, Symphonic citement of the music, Harder gay little Bistros for dancing Band and Symphony Orchestra and Marie Himel, a Maryland resident, are shown at 1:30 p.m. Both performances the frug, the surf and the Wa- Richard Snook of Crosse Pointe et. The practii took place in the basementof the will be in University Auditorium. tusi . . .Discotheque is com¬ will conduct the symphony in the f the Youth Musi* Conference now on campus. Several thousand parents, friends, local residents and other pletely at home in Lansing. Photo by Patti Prout Other guest e-onductors for the : student music groups appearing Just say dis-co-tek when you : in the Festival Concert include : come to Knapp's for the new Don Roelofs, Muskeg. n, Gre«n Center Developing Film Clip Program fashion .alive with motion, ; . . Band; Ron Phillips, B elding, ; White Band; George Cripps, ruffled, flounced and bared at j Greenville, N.C., Chorus;- C.irl The tkq tep for dancing or just A unique use of movie film segment pertinent to the teach- structional films now in use. Bjerregarrd, Muskegm , Concert as a more effective teaching ing of a particular point or sub- In a pilot project, 85 high eloped several Band: and Dr. Harry Fegian, De¬ looking absolutely sensation¬ aid is the subject of a two-year, ject." school chemistry teachers methods of clip production troit, Symphonic Band. al. Four in jet black rayon $264,000 film clip project at the A biology teacher, for instance, MSU for a Summer Chemistry projec Page reports, Summer Youth Music Program Audiovisual Center. need not show a 20-minute film Institute have viewed and chosen film clips offer students will also be presented crepe from our lively collec¬ Sponsored by a grant from on cell meiosis if the essential film clip material from 30 in- in a Chamber Music Recital in tion. the U.S. Office of Education, the illustration of the process is, structional chemistry films, Fairchild theater -n the MSU A. Flared skirt, bared back project is limed at providing contained in a four or five-minute Similar cooperative scanning er films. campus at 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. teachers with inexpensive, to- clip. in other fields may result in the Encouraged by techniques aind 21. About 15 ensembles, among enchantingly bowed 19.98. the-poir.t instructional movie These short segments, called selection of as many as 100,000 equipment already developed in them a ten-harp -roup, a per¬ films. single concept films, may be potential film clips, Page esti- other fields of research, Page cussion group and a Madrigal B. Sensuous sheath with lace Film clips rather than lengthy joined with related segments to mates. envisions the day when a teacher singing group, will perform. nlms are the key to the new ap- make larger, more general film In the next two years, the MSL' may dial a code number on a The MSU Summer Youth Music ruching,' satin banding and preach. clips to be used for introduc- researchers will go beyond the .nation-wide communication net- Program, the oldest and largest bow. 19.98. Teachers using movie films tions or summaries to courses, film clip itself and suggest speci- work and have a particular film of any university or college- f r ■;"om instruction today Part of the MSU project, to be fications and standards for film clip broadcast hack over thenet- based summer musical encamp¬ Dazzle C. strapped skimmer have little choice but to show a carried out in cooperation with clips, packages, projectors and work t" the c.-sm-.- i>. ment for high school youth, in¬ with layered skirt to ripple to complete film, most of which educators in the science, social other technical and economic cludes private and class instruct ar€' 20 m 30 minutes long. studies and foreign language variables which might affect the Parking All in junior the rhythm. idm' alternative to show- fields, will be the viewing and ' . . wide-spread application of edu- sizes. 22.98. g t k.-.ger films," says selection of the clips from in- cational film clips. James L. Page, director of the lued fror MSU f .1 P at¬ DRESSES-STREET LEVEL 1 projectio l-l Music Departnunt, its >nts The program, begun 19 continuingeduca- KbIV ACROSS 24 :ars ago, is a Cryptic Engineer 1. Electrical 6 Mien-bear 26. Ragged 28 Reseniblii eraooDiiEi □□ tendant luts. on itm :• 11 41: is ,.t ivity of the MSI' Depart- Music. R. hert G. Sid- direct! : nl the program. ing organ 4 Down DOQE3 0DE3 *OD Harder has heei member of Ag Grads The Univer t a 12 Roman 29 Contrap- QQQ QQI3 QQQQ MSL' faculty 14 Wealthy miin 30. Close □□□□niB aanaa students tathecamp mder- 13 Hydrocar¬ 31. Pigeon p graduate theory andc Move Up bon 32. Curved shopping district. Motto for the camp a His works have been widely in the Midwe' 16. Tidal wave 33 Fast of them in Europe. It appear? that agricultural en¬ 18 Surveyor's 34. Stone 44. Area gineers graduating from the Uni¬ parsley versity have an excellent chance 19. Exist 36. God ol 45. Crippled 5 Delib Welcome Counseling of DOWN becoming head of an agricul¬ 22 Drive tural engineering.department. slantingly 38 Virtuous 1. Marsh 7 Volume" Clinic Students From . . . 23. Goddess of 42. I.azv 2 Ohio col- Twenty-four graduates have „ Maltbre, healing 43. Foil lege town 9 Wedlock already made the grade. 1 he list, recently compiled by 2 J 4 5 6 7 a » II 11. Nee Arthur W. Farrall, professor of agricultural engineering, in¬ 12 13 cludes graduates who head de¬ partments in Brazil, Egypt, South i4 i IS 19. J ehi CAMPUS Africa, England, Canada, Hon¬ 17 /8 duras, Puerto Rico, Surinam and Peru. %% % 16 12 % n BOOK al ' The two most recent A are Isaacs, head of agricul¬ Ger- 19 24 2D w, 25 % 26 % 27 . tural engineering at Purdue Uni¬ 28 %29 An M.S.U. versity and Carl W. Hall, who recently succeeded Farrall as JO %31 31 tradition of chairman of the MSU Depart- W %34 % 35 service for One of the graduates, A.R. 33 36 % 37 Si % %% 39 40 4i Chamberlain, the civil has been head of engineering department, 42 i 43 over two dean of engineering, and is now executive vice-president at Col¬ 44 i 43 decades. orado State \lso University. i r< luded is Jordan H. % Levin, who is head of fruit and v egetable harvesting at the East Lansing unit of the U.S. Depart¬ of Dinner For Two. . . ment Agriculture. For The Price Of One NOWl two class ring companies to serve you. Roberts Ring Co. and Elliott's Ring Co. E. Lansing's Department Stare Far Students • Where East Filet Mignon • Chicken ■ Shrimp Rings 3 include degree, seal, Lansing and MSL Meet engraved initials and a choice of 10 stones. Wondering where to go Friday Evening? May we suggest dinner for TWO. .she'll be delighted Gga& VUe with your taste. CAMPUS % Across From Home Economics Bldg. BOOK STORE ED 2-6753 Caid £ IV *-7179 Closed Sun. ACROSS FROM THE UNION BLDG. 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20, 1964 Name Robertson Chairman Finance On F Of Region's Michigan Week Study Says iversity, A Wirth suggested that Agricultural economists were are limited because research Treater said Rev. Robertson and two daughters in the East urged this week to improve their into typical financial problems researchers modify existing The regional chairman of the will select his five county chair¬ farm account projects so that 1965 Michigan Week for the fi\e Lansing schools. studies of farm finance. of particular types of farming counties of Clinton, Eaton, Ing¬ men by the middle of September Rev. Robertson is the first "We know too little about the are too few, too far between and regional research committees and that they will be expected to can make overall area analyses ham, Ionia and Shiawassee will clergyman to serve as a re¬ financial position of farmers," too narrowly based." be the Rev. Wallace Robertson, have their county Michigan Week gional chairman of Michigan commented M. E. Wirth, USDA Speaking at the annual meet¬ of the changing financial situa¬ councils in operation soon after- Week. There are 16 Michigan tions on farms. pastor of the Peoples Church in agricultural economist working ing of the American Farm Eco¬ East Week regions, from region 1 in out of Michigan State. "Our data nomic Association at PurdueUn- To accomplish this, Wirth rec¬ Lansing. the Western and of the Upper ommended modifying farm ac¬ Rev. Robertson, a native of "Michigan Week has long since Penninsula to region 16 around count projects to obtain the kinds Wisconsin, came to Michigan 11 ceased to be a one-week cele¬ Detroit. This is of information usually contained region 14. years ago from New York City, to the First Presbyterian church in call Grand Haven. He accepted a to the interdenominational bration," Treaster said, "but rather has become a great move¬ ment bringing Michigan people He succeeds George Harris, former Lansing automobile (continued from Telephone pioneered in the use of automa¬ in net worth ments. He and operating state¬ said additional in¬ formation could be obtained from dealer who was region 14 chair¬ page 1) church at East Lansing in 1960. together for months of special man for two tic dialing equipment. outlays on family living, non- years. led by underground telephone and income in 1960. activity each year in the interest farm investments The general chairman of the When, in the early 1920's Cit¬ from nonfarm sources. His appointment is announced While most persons izens' Phone 1965 Michigan Week, heading a associate was bought out by "This includes a great deal of by Lowell Treaster, deputy "This year we hope to enlist committee organization that be¬ telephone use with some sort Michigan Bell, a new two-po¬ financial information," he ad¬ general chairman of Michigan thousands of citizens in the new fore winter will total 10,000 of audio usage, teletype mach¬ sition board was installed in a mitted. "But getting and analyz¬ Week for central Michigan, who Michigan Minuteman program in people, is Woodward C. Smith, inery such as that found in the 10x12 office in the east end ing these data is not nearly as is director of information ser¬ which they pledge to speak in vice main library, the State News of¬ of the Administration bililding. president of Central Michi¬ ambitious as it seems at first vices at Michigan State Univer¬ behalf of their state when they GETTING PLASTERED The building that is, fice, and Journalism building, gan University at Mt. Pleasant, « . A later move in 1926 to the old sity. meet people from other parts of who has been a leader in the The work is part serve solely to convey written ' Dates of the 12th annual Michi¬ men. of that necessary in rec library building, now the mu¬ 'At present, there are at least the country." activity ior nearly 10 years. East Lansing City Hall. Photo by f messages. seum, brought with it the hiring 34 states carrying out a farm gan Week are May 16-22, but The library's teletype facili¬ of four full-time male operators. A Kiwanian and a civic leader account project of one form or Treaster called it a year-round tates communication with the in the Lansing area, Rev. Robert¬ Again in 1940 a move was another. More and more states program and emphasized that Chicago clearing house for all this one to the original is no stranger to promotional made, are adapting electronic data Foreign Student Trip Successful son the effort to enlist all eight books in Big Ten libraries, which activities. From 1949 to 1953 headquarters, the Power Plant. processing techniques to their million citizens in national and exchange materials under a lend¬ This time, however, a more spa¬ farm account projects. And, to world-wide promotion of the state he was assistant secretary for of the students since Saturday, ing agreement. cious second floor office was the extent that this happens, it in connection with the 1965 cele¬ stewardship and promotion at Last Saturday's foreign student Instead of returning to the fair Campus telephone history used, housing four board posi¬ enhances the prospect of im¬ fbp national headquarters of,the bration wUl bcgivv \t. siarr.cst ;r;p to tfc.2 ! free Fair was after lunch as has been original dates back to 1907 when a 100 Presbyterian church in New termed a big success by For¬ planned, the students separated the three groups is contending tions employing both full-time proving our farm ft\\*.t\ce re¬ immediately after Labor Day. station boar& locyvevS ifl a dmaii York. He graduated from West that it had the most productive operators and part-time student search programs at a relatively Word that the annual citizen eign Student Adviser August G. into three groups. One group vis¬ office adjoining the generator Milwaukee high school in 1931, Benson. ited a large dairy farm opera¬ and interesting tour. help. low cost compared with other campaign to,promote Michigan room in the north campus power Once more, December 28,1955 from Carroll College at Wauke¬ He said approximately 30 stu¬ tion nearby, a second visited the There is a possibility that alternatives." will be world wide this time plant began service for the Mich¬ to be exact, the operation re¬ Wirth noted that over 18,000 was given recently by Gov. sha, Wis., in 1935 ahd from Mc- dents and 10 dependents took ad¬ Ionia State Reformatory, and the such a program may become igan Agricultural College. verted back to the library in an U.S. farmers are now keeping fi¬ Cormick Theological Seminary vantage of the opportunity to get other visited the mental hospital an annual affair, he said. was given recently by Governor Operated by Citizens' Phone in 1938. While pastor of the look at a different phase of Benson also said that the Ionia enlarged setting. nancial records of varying de¬ George Romney, its honorary a Company, the 100 station board In February of 1960, prepara¬ Westminster church in Milwau¬ American life. A luncheon was grees of completeness under chairman, when he announced that Rotary is planning to sponsor a the theme of the 1965 Michigan kee he was president of the provided by the Ionia Rotary Club. "family weekend" fortheforeign First Presbyterian tion was begun for the conver¬ these account projects. Milwaukee Ministerial Associa¬ Ottawa and Chestnut sion to the Centrex system which Week will be "Michigan- students next spring. This will Dynamic in World Progress." tion. The Robertsons have four Benson Plans Closed allow foreign students to spend Worship Service eliminated the need for switch¬ Broadcaster Ends The governor asked firms, or¬ ganizations and individuals to children—a son who graduated from college in June to enter the the Office offices in the Center a weekend living with an Ameri¬ can family and should benefit Cribbery 9:30 a.m. and nursery care board operators. In September of that same year, the proposal Active Campaign The foreign student adviser's to new provided. to change was submitted to the use the theme in correspondence ministry, a son who will be a both parties. office will be closed this after¬ of International Programs. Board of Trustees and many other ways. sophomore in college this fall . and passed Local radio broadcaster Erik The office will handle emer¬ "When Greatness Comes noon and all day Friday. University too Soon" Guest Speaker the same day. O. Furseth has announced that gencies, however, he said. Christian Church From September 1960 to July he has ceased active TRINITY CHURCH campaign¬ University Methodist August G. Benson, foreign stu¬ Benson said he expects the 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. Dr. John M. Vander Meulen 1961, a step-by-step changeover ing for the office of State Rep¬ Interdenominational dent adviser, said the closing office to be open for "business Don Stiffler, Minister took place with the entire con¬ resentative in the 59th district. Church 120 Spartan Avenue is necessary because of packing as usual" Monday in the new Ph 337-1077 A warm and version taking just over a year. friendly welcome The decision was made "be¬ and other arrangements which office at room 110 of the Center Bible School 9:45 a.m. 1120 S. Harrison Rd. MINISTERS awaits you at First Presbyter¬ Telephones were installed in cause of complications brought must be made prior to moving for International Programs. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Wilson M. Tennant, Minister E. Eugene Williams ian. every dormitory room and mar¬ about by provisions of the Fed¬ Norman R. Piersma ried housing unit, putting to an eral Communications Act of and Dr. Glenn M. Frye, Minister Mr. Lloyd R. Bergren Lansing Central Free East Lansing UNIVERSITY Central Methodist end the community telephone sys¬ 1934," Furseth said. tem in dormitories in which two Morning Service-11 a.m. Methodist Church Unity Center Recent interpretation of pro¬ 628 BAPTIST CHURCH Across From the Capitol phones serviced about 15-30 per¬ visions of this act make it im¬ N. Washington, Lansing 11:00 a.m. Worship Service WORSHIP SERVICE "the Unpardonable Sin" (THE AMERICAN BAPTIST sons, and the two-four party lines possible for the candidate to con¬ Sunday CONVENTION) lOsOO a.m. WORSHIP in apartment dwellings. tinue at his job as a radio broad¬ Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor (WJIM 10:30 a.m.) Evidence of the growth is the caster while campaigning for 9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. American Legion Memorial "the Certainty through new 353 exchange which is com¬ Evening service-7KX) Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Center, 1 Block North of East ■nitment" Dr. Dwight S. public office. Wednesday Evening mon to many of the more re¬ Furseth said: "The decision to "Lneasy In the Bleachers" "Message by the Pastor" Lansing Bus Station Large, preaching cent buildings. The old exchange, cease active campaigning could "In Conflict for Another' Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Worship Service 10:00,a.m. Crib Nursery, So Bring The 355, was used until its 10,000 Rev. Wilson M. Tennant 7:00 p.m. Evening service; not be made until this date be¬ Study Class 7:30 p.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Baby. Take home a copy of the capacity was exhausted. No im¬ "The Gospel Hour" cause it was not clear that the Affiliated with Unity School Nursery Provided 10:00- 'What Then Are We To Do?" mediate problems are anticipated Other Services Federal Communications Act ap¬ Church School 9:45 a.m. all For transportation call of Christianity, Lee's Summit, 12:00a.m. sheet for study and appli- with 8,000 of the 353 numbers plied specifically In a case of 9:45 a.m. University Class ED 7-1294 Missouri Campus Bus Service ages & 11:00 a.m. children 2-5 still remaining. this nature." years. nursery Membership Class 9:30 a.m. Olivet Baptist Church First Church of Kimberly Downs Continental 2215 E. Michigan Christ, Scientist Church of Christ Free bus transportation 15 to Call 337-7966 for campus Rev. William Hartman, Pastor 709 E. Grand River 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing °eJtQ 30 minutes before each ser¬ bus schedule SUNDAY East Lansing vice around the campus. (2 blocks \ft of Frandor Sunday School 9:00 a.m. university lutheran church Church Service: Shopping Center on E. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Grand River) X, \ alc-lca Sunday 9:30 Edgewood United All Saints Episcopal MID-WEEK SERVICE IV 9-7130 Subject- William G. Hall and Church Church Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. Gerald O. Fruzia, Sr., " Mind" Interdenominational 800 Abbott Road For church bus schedule Ministers 469 North Hagadorn Road ED 2-1313 call IV 2-8419 8:30 a ii 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: North Central University Students SUNDAY SERVICES Rev. Robert Gardner, East Lansing, Michigan Episcopal Chaplain to the Always a warm welcome at & regular 9:30 a>m> Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. (5 blocks north of Grand River) First Christian Wed. Evening Meeting-8 p.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. University Seventh-Day x\« Ozark Rev. Edward Roth. Rector Reformed Church Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Adventist Church 240 Marshall St., Lansing Wednesday evening Bible SUNDAY SERVICES Temporarily meeting at Uni¬ Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor Study 7:30 p.m. versity Lutheran Church Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Division and Ann St. Open Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 a.m. Sunday, August 23 Evening Service 7 p.m. SATURDAY SERVICES Those in need of transpor¬ -5 p.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri¬ >^C Sermon by- 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School tation call: days 7:00-9:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service All are welcome to attend Jack Vander Slik at Rev. R. Paige Birdwell J:30 a.m. Monday thru Friday For information or transpor¬ tation call Pastor Ainsley Mr. 355-3030 Church Services, and visit and You Choose The Airline or Rev. Hofman at 5-3650 use the Reading Room. Blair, 485-3997. Church School Morning prayer We Represent Them ALL 9:30 A.M. through 5 year olds First Baptist Church St. Johns Student Eastminster Tuesday.-10:15 a.m. Peoples Church Affiliated with United Church Of Christ, Congregational- Holy Communion Thurs.-5:15 p.m. Capitol at Ionia Lansing, Michigan East Lansing Parish Fr. R. Kavanaugh Presbyterian Church COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE Holy Communion Christian, Evangelical and Interdenomination Fr. T. McDevitt Reformed. 200 W. Grand River 327 M.A.C. Rev. Scott Irvine, Minister Minister at Michigan Church School 10:00 a.m. Rev. Robert L. Moreland Up To The Minute Report On The Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. 541 Walbridge Drive Situation In South Africa f including Rev. Lewis Wood, colored pictures) Missionary South Africa coffee fellowship following Worship People of all races welcome Summer ED 7-0183 Schedule: Opera Sale! "God's Chosen People" Daily Masses 9:00—Chlirch school for crib¬ SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. 11:00 Sunday 6:45 a.m.-8KX) a.m. 12:10p.rr All Operas On Angel, bery through 6th grade .9:00 a.m. Morning Worship BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. Dr. Duane N. Vore Dr. Thomas Green London, RCA Victor, Plymouth Guest Speaker Congregational Soria, Victoria, STUDENTS WELCOME 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lewis Wood, Missionary Church South Africa Richmond And Vox Crib room through Call 355-0941 or 482-8325 Phone ED 7-9778 8:30 P.M. Singspiration with Pastor & for transportation Sixth grade. Mrs. Jone« at 711 Sparrow. Across from Capitol on Allegan HOUR OF REFRESHMENT FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Lutheran Worship AND FELLOWSHIP FOLLOWING. Genesee at Butler Streets Alumni Memorial Special Orders Taken Chapel SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES Supervised nursery provided At Sale Prices Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Youth Groups 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Through August! SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE-LANSING Evangelistic Hour 7:00 p.m. 1 WFDNRSi )AV RVh service }:*j Kev. tieoadre K. £?u'ncii*ntrraY prayer ViAt i PASTORS: DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN, DR. TED WARD ( H.T. Stanley-Minister Dean Waldfogel-M'usic Dir. REV. ALV1N H. JONES Transportation Available the LUTHERAN CHURCH Call Church Office IV 5-0613 323 E. Grand River Avenue CALL 482-0754 FOR TRANSPORTATION If No Answer, Call IV 2-6994 Missouri Synod Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20, 1964 . Debaters Show Improvement Although the MSU debate team intercollegiate forensics. with 105 the previous year. Of the forensics program. Others were Ken Newton, 85 per cent of his 20 debates. did A total of 15 events were held these, 23 were non-decision de¬ Some of the questions debated Trenton, N.J., freshman, with Second was Miss Simpson, 83.3 not experience ar. outstand¬ the MSU campus and the num¬ bates. Of the 199 decision de¬ in competition included "What 68.9 per cent of 45 debates; per cent of six debates, followed ing season last year, it showed on marked improvement over the ber of events attended totaled bates, the MSU team won 111 and should be the role of the Federal James Hudek, Cedar Rapids, by Miss Vondra, 80 per cent of lost 88, for a winning percentage Government in guaranteeing an Iowa, sophomore, with 65.6 per 20 debates. previous season. 37. This represented a sizable increase the total of 19 of 55.8. opportunity for higher education cent of 64 debates; Harlan Newton, Miss Vondra and Miss The entire forensics program over events attended in 1962-63. Highlights of the season in¬ to qualified high school grad¬ McGhan, Flint senior, with 62.3 Simpson were selected the three was bigger last year. A recent Of the total, 31 of the events cluded participation in the Mil¬ uates?", "What should be done per cent of 61 debates; and novice debaters with the best summary of the 1963-64 MSU forensics program showed that were debate events. MSU team waukee Yearling Debate Tourna¬ to minimize friction among ra¬ Kermit Terrell, Derby, Kansas, speaker rankings. ment, the cial groupsin theUnited States?", sophomore, with 53.5 per cent of Hudek and McGhan received the a total of 48 students partici¬ members faced representatives University of Michigan "What should the Federal Gov¬ 43 debates. forensics squad's Outstanding pated in some phase of the for¬ from 101 different schools rep¬ Warm-up Debate Tournament, the MSU Invitational Debate ernment do to alleviate poverty?" The six debaters with the best Debate Team Award. They also ensic program on either a local resenting 27 states and Canada. Schools debated included the Tournament and the Husky In¬ and "Should Congress be re¬ speaker ratings in open compe¬ received a scholarship award. basis or with other schools, com¬ tition who were entered in ten Newton and Miss Vondra were pared with 32 in the 1962-63 University of Michigan, Purdue, vitational Tournament. organized?" West Virginia University, Uni¬ During the course of the year In open competition, Sharon or more were Hudek, presented the Outstanding Novice eight students were initiated into Vondra, Greensburg, Pa., fresh¬ Newton, McCnan, Miss Vondra, Award. The summary also showed that versity of Utah, St. Louis Uni¬ 29 students participated in inter¬ versity, Notre Dame, Northwest¬ Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Al- man, had the best won-loss rec¬ Terrell and AndrewKramer, De¬ Clark Davis, Pontiac senior, Pha, the national honorary fo¬ ord. She won 70.8 per cent of troit sophomore. received the Outstanding Senior collegiate forensics, represent¬ ern, Cornell and Colorado Col¬ rensic fraternity. Also initiated her 24 debates. Connie Simpson, In novice competition Newton Forensic d, ing the University in activities lege. . The team participated in a into the fraternity was Jerry M. Lansing freshman, was second had the best won-loss percentage. Simpson was prest with other schools. In the pre¬ vious year 18 participated in total of 22 debates, compared Anderson, faculty adviser for with 69.2 per cent of 13 debate. He compiled a victory total of Versatility Award. VunhuM bINDES SOUTH SIM STORY - No, thesi "West Side Story." They are incoming students who are at¬ tending the counseling clinic in Wilson Hall on South Cam. krc GLASSWARE ^ pus. Wednesday ic staged a skit night several of the partici pants in the clin. from which this scene was taken. River s Photo by Ken Roberts Decline TO A Free 12-oz. Class Each Week! One Beautiful Embassy 12-oz. beverage glass absolutely FREE each week with newspaper coupon and purchase of "complexity of campus programs to (continued from the presence of page a very 1) hot, and facilities and the utilization of the river both above and be¬ Play Super Bingo $5 new or more. coupon Start your set today! Watch this paper for a each week. alkaline effluent which flowed low campus makes it very diffi¬ from a drain near the library cult to pinpoint the exact origin bridge the afternoon of Sunday, and severity of much of the river * Win $100 CASH April 19. pollution." It was decided that the possi¬ The report; issued after the bility that the fish kill was caused kill made several observations * Win TV STAMPS by insecticide spraying was un¬ and recommendations regarding likely. It was concluded that "the rapid influx of a very toxic con¬ "It is apparent thatthecampus taminant on the afternoon of April use and disposal of possible toxic * Win A Family Trip To 19 was directly associated with wastes, including pesticide pro¬ the rapid and serious mortality." Gordon grams should be reviewed with The New York World's Fair Guyer, professor and the possibility of over all super¬ chairman of entomology, said the vision and responsibility resting in a single office." Michigan Red Haven "A decision must be made KROGER — Instructor as to whether the pollution of To Get Ph. D. the river will be allowed to con¬ tinue and this of campus significant symbol architecture be rele¬ Peaches In Colorado gated to problem." a major campus health Robert Dale Trautmann, in¬ "It is the hope of all the re¬ structor at Michigan State, will searchers that have addressed the immediate GUARANTEE Pork Chops receive his doctorate in educa¬ themselves to . 50 Extra Top Value" Stamps tional administration at summer problem that this report will 1 a We take unusual care from farm and I with the purchase ot 2 hedds ol clarify this situation, but that field to bring you only the finest, orado State College. more significantly it may serve ICEBERG LETTUCE . freshest produce For faster, please g.vr cash.e. I He has served as coordinator as a stimulus for major action in renovating this important na- coups- before your order is rung * of student teaching in Pontiac, Saginaw and Bay City. At Cen¬ 2 • Every Perishable fruit and vegetable ^^edeem at Kroger thru Su , Aug I96^J tral Michigan University he is picked at its peak of freshness and taught in the school of education from 1960 to 1963. State Coed Named flavor-rich in vitamins and minerals His public school experience Democratic Page 3. If you are not completely satisfied includes teaching in the Phillips I with the purchase of 3 lbs or more ol County High School, Holyoke, A 19-year-old Michigan State with any Fresh-Dated Produce from Colo, and LaMoure Schools, LaMoure, N.D. Public University senior, Jams Elyse Peckham, is among 20 pages as¬ Kroger, we will replace it or refund | VINE RIPE TOMATOES your money-plus 50 Free Top Value He holds a bachelor of arts de¬ signed to the Democratic Nation¬ al Convention in Atlantic City Stamps for your trouble gree from Jamestown College, Jamestown, N.D. next week. LIEBERMANN'S. VALUABLE COUPON | 50 Extra Top Value Stamps . BONELESS POT ROAST Avoid travel stains with Special Label! GIANT GARMENT BAGS SIZE I 25 Extra Top Value Stamps . of Tenderay Blade Cut I with the purchase of a l ib pkg of Frozen | Tide Chuck Steaks» 49* a | Blackport Hamburg Patties For faster service, please g,ve cashier coupon before your order is rung , I NYLON or I I Ionia Brand ■ Redeem at Kroger thru Sun. Aug 23, 1964 | For faster service, please give cashier Tenderay 4th and 5th Rib order Wl,h c°uP°n & $5 or more purchase ■ coupon be'ore your is rung RIB ROAST lb 59^ SLICED BACON 2 »>. 98/ VINYL Redeem at Kroger thru Sun. Aug 23, (Excluding Beer, Wine & Tobacco ProductsJ Herrud's 25 Extra Top Value Stamps VALUABLE COUPON I 1 ib 99^ Skinless Fraiks Mb pkg I Kroger Graham Crackers Kellogg . | Kroger Potato or I _ For faster service, pleasejjive cashier ,„u, „ ,u„y | MEN'S 42" LENGTH 59/ ITALIAN BREAD »« m 19/ Lrr u $1.95 Hunt Clllb V n . . IMlfiJVI uianv . . 5.95 ICECREAM gal 20^ off BUR6ERBITS25u>bag*1.99 ^ 50 Extra Top Value Stamps LADIES' 54" LENGTH Vinyl $2.50 Nylon 6.95 Light, strong and waterproof, rflfy keep extra clothing secure and clean when you travel by car. Excellent for storage, too. DOWNTOWN--107 S. Washington " EAST LANSING--209 E. Grand Riv Thursday. August 20. 1964 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Soccer: Most Su By RICHARD SCHWARTZ State News Sports Editor What could be more beautiful than 60-7-3 "While we won't have many of the problems This should givq, both teams, regarded as of last season in measurements? Well, in soccer, anyway. the one-two powerhouses in the United States, finding the men to fill start¬ ing positions," Kenney said, "we still may be Perhaps with the exception of St. Louis, no greater opportunity to engage in out-confer- short on depth. This has always been a problem other collegiate team in the nation can match ence contests. At any rate, it will give a with us and probably always will be." these figures which tell the success story of clearer picture of the national position of each the young sport at Michigan State. Kenney said he plans to try everybody at "Everybody's to back into the different positions to see whether there And certainly no other team In the Mid¬ eager get might swing of things this fall," Kenney said. "I be some versatility to compensate for the west Collegiate Conference can match the 9-0 slate which gave Coach Gene Kenney's Spar¬ think they all realize that it's a long row to shortage of reserves. tans the league title last season. hoe if we are to repeat the championshp Defense work will probably center around and go on to the NCAA playoffs again." What says even more for the Spartans is junior Turgud Enuston, who will be making his First game for the Spartans will be the sea¬ debut as a starter at fullback, and seniors the fact that it was the effort of an almost A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A GOALIE •• Art Dworkm, gool.e son opener with Earlham College. The game, Louis Eckhardt and Dennis Checkett, who will all-rookie team that produced the results. for MSU's soccer teom, is easily one of the bus.est men on slated for September 26,, should produce the hold down the halfback sports. the team, as thi s picture and the two on the left sideofthe poge Now; go one step farther and it's 1964: first yield of the 1964 crop before students show. He certainly earns the opplousr his fascinating stops And that's exactly what the Spartan outfit On the line State will have five of its six will have an opportunity to witness the Spar¬ of shots draw from the crowd. Photos by George Junne plans to do—go one step farther, which means top scorers from 1963 back: George Janes tan reaper in action. a determined bid for national prominence. (14 goals, 11 assista); Van Dimintrious (9 * Last season, State took a 4-3 comeback de¬ the Graduation Startan took a lot of finesse away from backfield. State will be without goals, 1 assist); John McLane (4 goals, 3 as¬ sists): and Larry Christoff (4 goals, 3 as¬ SOCCER SCH Hor cision over eventual NCAA champion St. Louis the services of halfback Sam Donnelly, 1963 sists). September 26 Earlham College in the season's final game to capture the captain, and fullbacks Stan Stelmashenko and Purdue University Aw Other returning forwards are Clare DeBoer October 3 conference crown. Hor George Rendon. and Karl Thiele. October 7 Calvin College Awi Back for his second season as Spartan goalie October 10 Wheaton College In a later meeting in the opening round of The Spartans will also be missing the scoring is Charlie Dedich. Hor October 17 Akr9n University the NCAA eliminations, however, State suffered punch of Bill Schwarz, who lead the Spartans Top sophomore prospects include Terry Bid- Hor fl *./.■ "2 Bo) 1 State a 2-0 blanking which eliminated it from any in goals with 14 and in assists with 11. Awi iak, Boscoe Dittrich and Manny Ruscheinski, Indiana University Kenney will be working with 11 returning October 24 further contention for runner-up berths. all forwards. Back after being sidelined last Ohio University Hon lettermen. A year ago this time the MSU October 31 Following howls from both team's coaches, season with a leg injury is halfback John St. Louis Umversity the NCAA decided to prevent future meetings skipper was faced with a major rebuilding job November 7 Pierre Diane. . Pt PLAIO STAMPS! CASH •S WIX GOUT W Pork Loin Sale Rally Kicks Off Grid Season first home game of the "Swingout with Spirit" will be Rose Bowl which they so nar- parade which is set eiiulec! to garni-. ? the theme of the first pep rally rowly missed out on last year, bevin its trip aroui d campus at 2 seaso of the 1964 football The team will already have p.m. Southern California. 7 Rib Portion season. 290 - the The rally is •planned to give Spartans a rousing sendoff played one game before the .ally, so students will have some idea Sigma the Delta Phi Epsilon's, sparry, Upsilon bell, the cheer¬ ail I'ep rallies are planned before home football games, with in their quest for the Big Ten of how their team will fare, leaders. Mr. and Miss MSI! and a special rally expected before championship and the trip to the The rallV wiil beSin wlth a the marching band will be fea¬ the Homecoming game with Loin Portion 390 lb tured in the 1 he pep parade. rally will feature talks Northwestern. possibility of 1 heri is also a rally before the a team leaves for the Illinois game. by Athletic Director Clarence Participation in the rallies is Center Cut Rib Chops 790 lb- "Big/ie" Munn, head football coach Duffy Daugherty, \11-Uni- rude Cove also a good way to earn points toward the Spartan Spirit trophy. President Bob Harris, the cheer¬ Trophies will be given to the 5 leaders and Mr. andMiss MSU, fraternity, sorority and men's Bruce Osterlnk and Judy Smith. and women's residence hall which 19C LB Ducks 4.o6 b< 39c - "This freshmen is to a good chance for get to know more does the most to promote spirit about the school and to meet The trophy is not based solely CHOICE BEEF Watermelons the rector team." said Jim Ianck, di¬ of Spartan Spirit, who is on son, spirit during the football sea¬ however. Participation in 790 Rib Steaks 89c - in charge of planning and or¬ such events as the blood drive ganizing pep rallies. and student government elections "I guarantee this will pgt them are considered in awarding the in a mood for the coming foot¬ trophies as well as work in sup¬ Head Lettuce ball season," Tanck said. Pork Sausage 49c" Die football opponent for this port of the many varsity athletic 190 ea. Carrots BolOQDa SLICED Mb. pkg. 49c Saturday Afternoons, 290 Set For Hoop Games Pascal Celery Halibut sliced 45c - A switch to afternoons for Sat¬ and JANE PARKER BAKERY FEATURES urday home contests features State's 1964-65 basketball sched¬ Minnesota. 190 EA. ule of 23 games announced by Additional non-conference Tomatoes Apple Pie ,.ls8oz 39Uj Athletic Six scheduled Director Saturday games Biggie Munn. away opponents have been Michigan, Butler and Notre for 2:30 p.m. starts. Dame. There also include Western will be the In the past all Spartan games usual seven league games away. 190 LB Apricot Pie < lbsoz. 390 e*. Started at 8 p.m. will c. tr ue to Weekday games get underway at The complete schedule: Dec. 3, Northern Michigan home: Dec. 5, at Western Michi¬ Danish Pecan Ring 39c tA C •) a c h Forddy Anderson's gan: Dec. 8, at Notre Dame; Dec. 12, Drake home: Dec. 19, at But¬ ler: Dec. 22, Loyola of New Or¬ leans home: Dec. 28-29-30, at Potato Bread 2 for 390 EA Los Angeles Classic. Potato Chips Variety Is The at Jan. 9, Iowa home: Jan. 16, home; Iowa: Jan. 23, Northwestern Jan. 26, Michigan home; 1 lb. bag 590 EA- 1 edule highlight i« the ap¬ Jan. 30, at Northwestern. Feb. 6, Minnesota home; Feb. Blue Berries Rye Bread n-.' •lb. loaves 190 EA. Spice Of es will t lassie Dec. 28-29- play three games 8, gan; 22, at Indiana; Feb. 13, at Michi¬ Feb. 20, Illinois home; Feb. at Ohio State; Feb. 27, at 3 J] Angeles sports Arena, SWEATERS .t! Utah Dec. 2«. Other mpeting are defending ANN PAGE ,mpi..i UCLA. Southern Northern Tissue sj°o Peanut Butter 2< 02. JAr 59c 12roM, SULTANA 3 LB. Buy Now!! Relax! Let Flash Scotties Tissues 400 ct. pkgs. 4 for 89^ Strawberries Preserves JAR WHITE HOUSE •and we have the largest of sweaters in town!* selection Solve Your Problems Instant Dry Milk 79c Ice Milk mo,v»i h gal. 49c That's right FLASH will "Style and quality that give you a SULTANA look of fine taste and distinction.* solve all of your summer Olives 10W 49C Popsicles PKG OF 12 cleaning and laundering problems. VICTORY BRAND 59' Golden Rise Biscuits 3 f0r25c Cream Cheese 8 OZ. PKG. Beans with Tomato Sauce | We vice every have same day ser¬ day including SULTANA Saturday on dry clean¬ 3 lb. 4 oz. Con 29c ing. shirts and wash pants. THE GREAT ATLANTIC I PACIFIC TEA COMPANY. INC. STORE HOURS: 9 AM 9 PM nionaay thru Saturday *£dd*« i+s All prices in this ad effective thru Sat. in all five Lansing A&P Super Markets. Aug. 22, 1964 GEkraBOPS s ptm plaid mmmm Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20, 1964 7 'S' Netter Spartans Have Aching Back RENAULT Jr. Davis Seek DETROIT — Spartan ten- % ■< : ms man standout Tom Jamieson Sunday spearheaded a five- Michigan contingent to Speedy •: victory in the midwest re- gional competition for U.S. Junior Davis Cup honors. Remedy Jamieson, w h o compiled a "One thing that no amount of 13-T singles record last will give a boy is Renault :: spring and combined with coaching speed," said Duffy Daugherty. Dauphine one of :: Charlie Wolff for a 12-5 dou- "He's either got it or he hasn't. i: bles mark, was selected as "Oh, fine conditioning will help the world9s most economical >:ie of three netters n the a little—like it did George :: weekend tourney to compete Saimes a couple of years ago— in national Cup finals in Pou- but basically speed is a God- cars. $149 down. , hkeepsie, N.Y..August 28-29. given gift," the veteran Michi¬ Playing number one singles, gan State head mentor continued. THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME - Football fans were treated 1 3 a preview of the up»com* $49 Jamieson sparked Michigan to "If a team has it, it's blessed. ing grid season at the spring game between the green and white ,quads. Here Dick Gordon, wins in 30 matches. He hasn't, it is in trouble." ■: 28 If it counted on heavily as running replacement (or Sherm Lewis, is shown evading a would-be ■■ defeated Dave Billings, 10-1, Thus he put his finger square¬ tackier as he goes for a gain against the white team. Photo by Gerald Carr and Sam Nutty, 10-5, both of ly on the problem he deems month :• whom were later selected to man fullback at all to step in Big Ten broad jump cham- mos^ critical in the 1964 Spar- up 1,512 of 1,801 yards gained too. A for Lopes. :• join Jamieson as Midwest en- on the ground. Lewis and Lopes pion, he can fly, but he has yet :■ trants in the finals. The great backfield zip repre¬ alone registered 15 of the Spar¬ The best speed available is t0 prove himself in football, AL EDWARDS :j Illinois, which has won the sented by ail-American Sherman tans' 20 touchdowns. Lewis also in the sophomore group. Backs TOM JAMIESON :• midwest competition the past Lewis, Dewey Lincoln and Ron gave the club five great plays Clinton Jones. Jim Summers, jn fau dj-iiis starting Sept. 1, SPORTS CAR > three ystor-3, took second (cl- nei to gattM\ »\vaa. it- H.ubick at halfback last fall and of 84 yards or mare each. Jerry Jones and a couple others any back who can move out a 616 North Howard ;i; lowed by Wisconsin. Chuck Branand, State high big fullback Roger Lopes, who The men most likely to re¬ can Ti\\y»e. dui \Yiey must first step ahead of the pack in wind IV V-7596 OVERSEAS •i: Two years ago, State fin- school champion and Jim No- was much faster than he looked, place the brilliant halfback trio— learn the other chores required sprints will araw a crowd—of DELIVERY i ished third, advancing to se- vitsky, both of Hamtramac lettermen Harry Ammon and of backfield men. coaches, that is. Fast-running ARRANGED cond last summer and first High School, manned the se- g Those four men were the top Dick Gordon—are plodders by Non-letterwinning returnee backs are the Spartans' biggest •: this year. cond and third positions. £: rushers on the team. They rolled i. There is no letter- Jim Garrett could give a lift, need. If anybody was surprised The number four sport was y. about the outcome, it was the held down by John Hanline, :j: Michigan outfit itself, the Catholic Central, Detroit, and £ youngest to enter the tour- fifth, Mark Conie, a 15- Spartan Shop-Rite Market :j the year-old Detroit product who Due to prior commitments will first enter high school •: by many of the top college and this fall as a sophomore. ■: university performers, Jamieson competes regu- £ coaches of the Wolverine re- larly in weekend tournaments. •: presentatives had to go as far This was his only open week- as state high school person- end. Intramural News BAKERY SPECIALS GRAND PRIZE PORK SALE... Softball Schedule Monday MICHIGAN'S FINEST PORK PRODUCTS Field 6 pm. 5 Vikings—Scholars OVEN FRESH DRESSED BY FARMER PEET'S 35' 7 Ag. Field 6 p.m. Econ. Engr.—Paperbacks or Ag CINNAMON 1 Butcher Boys—Lushwell 2 D-Bags—Tonys Boys Monday's Results ROLLS 5 Agr. Eng.—Schlits Skew Fielders 3, Ossicles 2 7 Ag. Econ.—Paperbacks Scholars 3, No-Counts 0 Field 7:15 Vikings 6, Ursa Survivors Nortutisorp 7, Celler D. 0 4 VIENNA BREAD 1 Keystone Kids—Agnuts 4 Village Peasants—P-13 CatalystsJL, E.R.'s 0 OVEN FRESH Agnuts 3,"©-Bags 1 5 Villians—P-12 Sarfers 7, Bio-Inst. 6 DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN 2 49c DAIRY SPECIALS 10 A.M. -12 P.M. HEATHERWOOD Along with our HALF 'N HAL? 19' PORK STEAK miniature putting course FARMER PEET'S LEAN 39° JUST IN- A new line MARGARINE BOLOGNA FLAT BONE ALLSWEET RING of A. Palmer Sports wear Practice either for golfers. 41 Lb. $100 Ctns. I 39 Grand Prize PORK STEAK Grand Prize . . . Brown and Serve Boston Style .49* Boneless & Tied Pork Roost AT . . . Driving or putting now at- Farmer Peet's Ranch Sliced NANJO GOLF & RECREATION PEANUT BUTTER' 59' BACON 2 «99' PORK LOIN ROAST Grand Prize u.89* 700 E. Miller Road & S. Cedar TU 2-7870 Lean Loin End Del Monte DRINK 3s: 791 PORK Shop-Rite's Fresh . . . Bulk QO0 PORK CHOPS u.W Freshly Sliced Van Camp SAUSAGE AR 2401 W. ST. JOSEPH i ^r\r l< f»t s 7709 E. *~DAwn c 555 E- GRAND RIVER RIVER GRANDdiufo Thursday, August 20, 1964 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Churchmen At Kellogg who is educated What can the church contrib¬ Architect Fuller ute to higher education? What Speaks On Work v.e colleges and universities can the UCCF do to further the sc primary purpose is to ed- college in its proper role?These te man, how are rhey^oing? are the ultimate questions. he students, who are they? The UCCF's first national R. Buckminster Fuller, one of its time. In 1933 he produced it have IS years of home and the creative and contro- an automobile that would do 120 "Consultation on Being a Par¬ miles per hour with only a ninety lie j-.fluences made them like0 versial architects of modi ticipant in the Work of Col¬ horsepower engine. In the early are some of the poig- times, is the featured subject leges and Universities" is the absorbing three-program 1940's he published a map that : questi; -is that 125 members on the he 1' ::ed Campus Christian, prelude of a study which lead¬ series, "The Fuller World," for the first time showed the en¬ ers feel will take several years. which began last Sunday on tire surface of the earth in a lowahip hope to .i-swer in a .. ale r.tererce a; Michigan The consultation is sponsored WMSB. single view without distortion. e I versitv's Kellogg Cen- by the MSU Committee on Church In the remaining two programs, The famous Fuller geodesic Related Programs and the na-, viewers will meet the man, see dome is being used for factories • C'.-u: cil of the LCI F. his work, and listen to him dis¬ private homes, exhibition halls, cuss his vision of the future. radar housings, and auditoriums Fuller discusses some of his around the world. In program rchitectural contributions number two viewers see a geo- WHAT'S YOUR BEEF? - It's cattle, sii ind Bennett Roads, opened today. Much wor in terms of his deep concern desic dome actually being c tie Nutrition Research Center, located a to cattle raisers is expected to be done there. for the welfare of "total man." structed. The domes are designed Photo by Larry Fri to be cheap, simple to construct, Fuller has been called and adaptable. They are light "a philosopher-scientist," "the enough to be put together by first poet of technology," "the helicopter and can be put to¬ Television Probes Unity In Kenya most of and "a creative mind in the field architecture," "a mystic," crackpot." His fabuli gether in a matter of hours. Other Fuller designs A probing journey into the shown on WMSB Wednesday, ous African tribes, its Europeans Kenya's emerging political and designs substantiated his the three programs include heart of the newly independent August 26, at noon and Friday and Asians, into a coherent na- social pattern. The unpreteri- philosophical especially dymaxion three-wheeled that Africai nation of Kenya is the August 28, at 6:30 p.m. tion. There emerges in this pro- tious Giriama live off the land his belief ir. the conservation of Fuller invented in his early thir- subject c f this week's"Perspec- The one-hour program docu- gram a perceptive look at this and claim that being Giriama is rgy, materials and time. ties, his DEW Line buildings, tives" program titled "Africa: ments the problems Kenya faces challenge and a revealing exam- patriotic enough. and the Fuller prefabricated ' 7 he H'Men Frontier" •- inat-ion of the contrasting way of The symbol of Kenya's effort By 1927 he had designed and houses in Puerto Rico. "The >ii» mw « s, r..•• ,vne ^oduced £■ J 9 the influence of the European and Asian settlers, and the so- a visit Nairobi, the melting-pot of powered vettical that was rise aircraft by WGBH-TV, Boston's educa- twenty years ahead of tional station. DICK DUNLOP cial progress that has been made ~ DON BALASKY in spite of this mosaic of peoples. The cameras travel through THE MUSTANG TWINS 10% Discount the vast civilized isolated and the more regions of Kenya, Film Showing T sharply tracing the contrasting On Any Purchase Over ways of life among its 8 million • We will not horse around. The supply is short, the demand is high. But we are here to serve. . . With $2.00 people. The struggle for unity is stressed with Prime Jomo Kenyatta's speech to a huge tribal gathering. In several Minister Photograph Miss the service and delivery you de¬ places the cameras dwell on "Lunar Bridgehead," a special on the i by tli end of this Administrator, and William H. serve." significant tribes. film documentary summarizing decade, Pickering, Director of the Jet The Somali are a tribe the dramatic Ranger VII mission The half- film traces the Propulsion Laboratory, discuss > See Us Personally ing as little as possible to do t0 photograph the moon, will be development of the Ranger pro- the success of the mission, with the central government, and shown on WMSB Saturday, August ject and its historic mission -l. ... tribe threatening secede t0 from the of launch at . moment u a{ 1;30 p and Sunday( Jack Dykstra Ford Somalia. The cameras also visit the Kikuyu, farmers who led the AugUSt 23, 3:30. Cape Kennedy to the receiving of close-up views of the lunar Profs Off wars that resulted in Kenya's The highly successful Ranger , surface by the Goldstone track- CEDAR AND GRAND RIVER independence, and the nation's mission was described by Presi- ing s Phone IV 2-1604 strongest and most dominant political tribe. The Masai, once dent Johnson tension of man' as historic ex- knowledge." Many of the nation's leading space scientists and engineers For Meet a great warrior clan, are The success of the flight has involved in the planning, launch- tribe demanding that their iso- lation be accepted as part of contributed '~™~"—~~~—™—™~—~~'~~™ valuable knowledge toward the efforts to place men ing and tracking of space probes appear in the film. Gerald P. On Soils Kuiper, University of Arizona Eight staff members of the de- with this head of a group of partment of soil science will I n? VJte tf-at ULack scientists who evaluated the Ran- attend the 8th Congress of In- coupon PuA&ifcat ger pictures, describes the film and the kinds of information which ternaional Societies of Soil Sci- entists in Bucharest, Romania, a coffee house NASA received from Ranger VII. Aug. 30 thru Sept. 8. 1 TONITE THRU TUES. (2) HITS ~~~\ S.S. KRESGE 3000'/2 E. Kalamazc Homer Newell, NASA Associate Ray L. Qook, chairman of the, department, Eugene Doll and ADMISSION 1.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE This Week Presenting James Porter, extension special¬ ists, accompanied by their wives, TONIGHT The Jeffersons FEATURE NO(l) SHOWN AT 8 P.M. - 12:30 THRU TUES. August 11 to 23 Faculty Plan have left by plane for Germany. There an they will take delivery of automobile and tour and visit HOOTENANNY - Sun. Nite & Sat. Afternoon For Confab experiment stations in Italy, The (4) HIT SHOW SHOWS at 9KX)-10.'00-11:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday. Thursday Five faculty members will par¬ Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Roman- and Hungary before return- joy-filled COLOR SHORT AT 8 P.M. 9:00-10:00-11:00-12:00 Friday and Saturday For Reservations call 372-4570 after 7:00 P.M. ticipate in the annual four-day meeting of the American Ac¬ *"2 t0 the United States Sept. story of COLOR CARTOON AT 8:09 counting Association at Indiana University beginning Aug. 29. Earl Erickson, researcher on the MSU staff, now in Germany Americas own James D. Edwards, chairman on study leave, will attend the conference before returning to MOLLY BROWN TWICE AT 8:16 AND 12:30 of MSU's department of account¬ get-up-and-go ing and financial administration, is vice president of the national the United States. Kirk Lawton, returning from gaLall the iVllGMi&AN organization. He will preside at a two-year assignment with the The a luncheon Sept. 1 MSU program at the University way from Other members of the depart¬ of Nigeria, will attend the soils joy-filled, nd BIG ment of accounting and financial meeting before ■turning to the ragamuffin 2 administration who will partici- U.S. to story of pate on panels or in discussion groups are: Gardner M. Jones, Louis A. Wolfanger, accom¬ panied by Mrs. Wolfanger, is X riches! America's own get-up-and-go WEEK! Charles J. Gaa, Roland F. Sai- touring Europe before attending monson, and Floyd W. Windal. Membership in the organiza¬ the conference. Also attending will be Max tion is open to accountants in Mortland, research professor gaLall the THE SCREEN COMMITS THE PERFECT COMEDY! education and professional prac- and Gary Lesman, tice. sistant. graduate as- way from Program Information 332-6944 NOW! 65c TO 5:30 EVE. & SUN. 90e ragamuffin ctioiMfauijM. The Sensational S'oge PI, to 3 riches! Presented at 1:30-3:55-6:40-9:05 BROW" HIT NQ,(2) IN COLOR ONCE AT 10:40 He^ELVlS,'^ ACTION KH. r-'J' [i«» sound nacuibum ol Ihe Unsuitable Molly Blown" m MCM Rttlrtll 4th HILARIOUS COMEDY IN COLOR JERRY LEWIS «ns*[e I in Today at 1:10-3:15-5:25-7:40-9:50 P.M. •-iic. iAfttMENY. SINGLE employed noons. 19 class day before publicatio 7773. 17 automatic. 1108 A University 2-6758. 17 your education during the sum¬ mer months. An "earn while girl wishes to share furnished JfiROME, 50^. Seven blocks or GREAT BOOKS OF THE CHEVROLET 1961. $9S9. Li.rh' Village. Best offer. 355-5828.17 apt. at 601 W. Shiawassee with PHONE: green, 2-door. Standard shift. automatic transmission. Origi¬ you learn" program designed from Capitol. Clean. Everything WESTERN WORLD. Your ENGLISH AUSTIN Sedan. 1957. girl. (Age 25-30) Phone IV 4- furnished. Parking. Private en¬ choice. New sets. Not out of 355-8255 Like new inside, out. Family In good condition. $225. Phone nal owner. Phone TU 2-1104. by this multi-million dollar 1357 day, IV 5-7467 evenings. 18 Corporation that hundreds of trance. Phone 487-3597. 17 the box. Bookcase. $298 each. car. IV 4-4735. 19 Call after 5:30 pm. during week¬ RATES: 882-8860. 17 students have taken advantage ($100 below list.) Not a sales-* CHEVROLET 1958. Delray, Six- FALCON 1963. 8,500 miles, 4- days. 17 For Sale 1 DAY SI.25 of. Many of whom are still with man. 355-2966. 18 3 DAYS $2.50 cylinder. Floor shift. Goodcon- door, radio, heater, standard, TWO COEDS share" double bed¬ our Co. in key executive posi¬ TRUCK CAMPERS for rent. J.C. ENGLISH RIDING boots, size 10 dition. $350. 882-1507. 18 24 miles per gallon. Spotless. Positraction, sun tack, power room and house with others.Un¬ 5 DAYS S3.75 tions. For arrangements of per¬ Higgins Camp trailer for sale. with boot jack. $12. ED 2-4107. 337-1540. 19 steering, push button radio and approved. Available September. sonal interview, time, schedule $295. K&M CAMPERS SALES. 19 ords per ad) 1955-j%? ^—v»rrjbles. nara- FALCON' 1963 8,500 miles. 4- heater. Exceptional car. Can be Call 332-1242. 19 (Based 1.13 < 125V N. \_eaar, Mason.OX 4-u2'i2 BICYCLES SALES, service and tops, and sedans. 6 and V-8's. seen »ainwngfi'i d'oor. Radio, heater. Standard. Grand Rapids, GLendale 9-5079i FITTING AVE. 807 (Edgemont 17 rentals. EAST LANSING There will be a 25< service For the biggest selection of 882-4638; 484-8401. 19 and bookkeeping charge if FALCON 1960Deluxe, Fordomat- Also Lansing, 485-3146. South Shopping Center). Two-bedroom HOME GROWN sweet corn. Red CYCLE, 1215 East Grand River. used Chevys in town, stop out at 1962 PONTIAC- Radio, deluxe unfurnished home. $150 monthly. this ad is not paid within ic. Radio, heater. Whitewall Bend CEntral 4-9179. Kalama¬ Haven peaches. Honey Rock Call 332-8303. C J. B.'s Exclusively Chevrolet interior, economy V-8 with Call IV 4-1697. 19 tires. Excellent condition. Low zoo, call Grand Rapids tuimber, ROLL-A-WAY SINGLE bed. New. L'sed Cars. 2801 S. Cedar. TU standard transmission. Perfect melons. Tomatoes and farm mileage. $695, Phone days, 489- 19 Boynton Excellent condition. IV 9-3386. 2-1478 or TU 2-6721. C condition. IV 5-1698 after five. fresh eggs. Also other fresh The State News does not 0158. After 5 pm., 489-9738. 19 REGISTERED NbftfiES. PULL Three-bedroom ranch. Brick fruits and vegetables daily at 19 19 permit racial or religious CHEVROLET 1^6 3 lmpala 2- DO YOU KNOW that just tenmin- front. Full basement. Low BQaT. RANKER built 14' f'iber OR.PART TIME. 11-7 or 3-11. reasonable prices throughout discrimination in its ad¬ door. 509. 4 speeds on the floor. SPARTAN MOTORS utes East of East Lansing, you Good salary and differential plus taxes. $14,900. Call IV 4-3582. the season. ROADSIDE FARM glass. Evinrude motor and trail¬ vertising columns. The 519 Beech St. 337-0940 evenings CHEVY II 1962. 4-cylinder, 2- 19 Phone TU 2-1104, after 5:30 can have the best personalized other fringe benefits. Flexible MARKET. 2 miles East of East er. State News will not accept weekends. duor, Standard transmission. NICELY FURNISHED three bed- service from a small friendly time schedule. Meal furnished. Lansing, on Grand River at pm. during weekdays. 17 advertising from persons CHEVROLET 1960 4-door. V-a. Only $995. room house at Lake Lansing. Ford Dealer? We feature a Phone ED 2-0801. 19 Okemos Road. Open 9:30 am. to discriminating against re¬ Power steering. Automatic. Ex¬ fine selection of used cars. Can sleep five but prefer four. 8 pm. C With yearbooks and dictionary. ligion, race, color or cellent condition. Phone OL 5- RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962. 2- MANAGER TRAINING PRO- SIGNS FORD SALES, William- Large lot. Three-car garage. New TELEVISION seven months Phone 351-4006. IS. national origin. 2856. d o o r. Standard transmission. GRAM open to young men 21 to ston, Michigan. 655-2191. C $200 per month plus utilities. old. Must sacrifice to graduate. BAKERY-RESTAURANT equip- CHEVROLET 1956. Black and Very clean. $895. 35 who can meet employee re¬ Call 339-8544 for appointment LINCOLN 1959 Premiere 4-door 14 inch Panasonic. Special fea¬ ment. Mixers, back bars, show¬ Automotive white. 4-door. Clean, good tires. hardtop. A sharp one-owner, quirements of new stereo divi¬ to see. 17 tures. ED 2-8635. 18 cases, miscellaneous. Phone ED sion of Reader's Digest Sales SENSATIONAL NEW 'Sunbeam 355-1081 after 6 pm. 18 new car trade-in. Absolutely LOWER 2-bedroom. $110, in- CONSORTONE PROFESSIONAL 2-8769; ED 7-2381. 19 and Service, Inc. Due to rapid Imp' Sports sedan with the BIG CHEVROLET 1964 lmpala. 4- like new in every detail!! Fully cludes heat and water. No stu¬ tape recorder. Four 10" reels. door V-8 stick shift. 6,000 growth we urgently need man¬ dents. 429 N. performance comfortable 80 equipped and priced to go. AL Sycamore. (Lans¬ Perfect condition. Phone Holt, foot, 15 hp outboard motor, like- miles. Will take trade. $2,400. agement people with potential mph and fuel consumption up to EDWARDS CO. Lincoln, Mer¬ ing). IV 5-1918. 17 694-0173. 19 new, $300. Phone 627-5038. 18 to fill key positions. Integrity 40 mpg. Rear mounted engine 489-5596. 17 cury, Comet Dealer. 3125 E. FOR RENT, seven room, fur- and personality more import¬ BRAND NEW drums for sale. plus four-speed synchormesh CHEVROLET 1959 Belair, four- Saginaw, (North of Frandor.) C nished house. Two baths, four Can be seen at 909 e. Jolly, ant than past experience in rent. ACE HARDWHERE & transmission. Deluxe, only door, powerglide, radio, good MERCURY 1960 Wagon. Power bedrooms. Men or women stu¬ sales. Excellent salary and Apartment 16, Lansing. 17 GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, $1,613. USED CARS IN STOCK. condition. Reasonable. Phone steering, brakes, rear window. dents only. AvailableSeptember 196 3 MG 1100 Demonstrator, commission arranged for men SCUBA EQUIPMENT. Complete across from Union. ED 2-3212. 882-6675. 18 9-passenger. Excellent shape. 1. ED 2-3792. 19 outfit. Wet suit. Plus many ex¬ C vertible, red. Wire wheels, who qualify. Apply Mr. $1,750. CHEVROLET 195" Convertible. Phone IV 7-0459. 19 HOUSE, THREE bedrooms. Ac- 1962 MG Roadster, $1,895. whitewalls. Like new; $1695. Renckens, 882-6629, 10 am. to tras. $150. Call ed "2-3077. 18 PIGEONS: $5.50 a bird. $5 a pair. New top, new tires. Good con¬ MERCURY 1956. Clean inside. commodates four male students. choice pedigreed 1962 Hillman Sedan automatic, Phone 372-0074. 19 noon only. 17 MODERN HOUSEHOLD furniture Also some dition. $650. Willing to com¬ New starter. Rebuilt fuel pump. Furnished. Six rooms with base¬ birds. Call 489-5153 before 6 TR 10 1959. Excellent motor and NEEDED IMMEDIATELY two and good rummage. Sunday aft¬ $1,295. promise. 314 Evergreen, East V-8 automatic. Phone 882-8861. ment. Call 332-8139. 17 1960 Hillman Sedan automatic. body, 32mpg. Good car for waitresses for three weeks or er 10 am. 429 N. Sycamore. IV pm. 17 Lansing. ED 2-3839. 19 17 until school starts. $10 a day GIRLS TO share furnished house $265. CHEVROLET 1963 2-door. Bis- MGA WHITE. Wire wheels. 4- ried student. 485-8870. on Haslett St. $30 monthly plus __5—1918. . 17 BEAGLE PUPPIES. Nine weeks. 1964 MG 'B' Roadster Demon¬ guaranteed. Contact Manager, AKC registered field champiorj cayne. 327 engine and 4-speed speed, stick. New tires, engine. utilities. Phone 337-0122 after and lace. Size 16. Worn cellent condition. Three new Mackinaw Island Forts. Tea satin stock. Reasonable. Phone 627- strator. $2,530. 5 positraction. Heavy duty sus¬ Low mileage. $850. ED 2-6150. pm. Half price. IV 5-1918. 17 BROOKS IMPORT CARS, 5014 whitewalls. Convertible. Stick. Room. Telephone 847-3741 or once. 6075. 17 pension. 372-2 952 or IV 7-5218. 19 Grand River, Lansing. IV White. Call 332-1603. 18 call ED 7-9510 after 5 pm. 17 LABRADO RETRIEVER puppies. N. MERCURY MARK. 20 hp, and MUSTANGS 1965. Some available houses. Furnished or unfur¬ Three months. Shots, ready to 9-5568. SALESMEN MOBILE home. Part controls; two beagles, male and CHEVROLET 1^57 Stationwagon. now. See Don Balasky at Jack whitewalls. Seat belts. Excellent or Full time. Selling experience nished. College students ac¬ train. Top field and bench stock. female. Phone IV 9-7954. 18 Get Out of the Four-door, 283 cubic inch, V-8, Dykstra Ford for prompt de¬ condition. Call 353-0299. 19 preferred but not necessary. IV cepted. Call ED 7-0922. 19 ED 7-7213. 18 automatic. $495. 1304 Masachu- livery. or call 355-9896. 19 5-2289, IV 2-0529. 19 PARTLY FURNISHED ranch PUMA CAMPER, Top condition, CITIZENS BAND - and business VOLKSWAGEN 1961 Sedan. Ivory IV 4-2219. OTdSMOBILE 1960 4-door hard- house on year lease. Three bed¬ tank, ice two-way radios. New and used SUMMER'S COMET 1961 Station Wagon. Au- top. Power hydramatic. Clean. white. Top appearance. Care¬ GREAT LAKES Employment for rooms, two baths. Atractively stove, sink, water sets. Credit terms available. in office, box, mattresses, and new spare. tomatic. Excellent condition. Owner buying new Oldsmobile. fully maintained. White side- permanent positions situated of ground. Fac¬ Capitol City Speed Shop. Phone on acre White aluminum exterior, $625. HOT, HOT SUN $1,025. Phone 339-2474. Call OX 4-7741. 17 walls. 332-5712 after 5 pm. 17 sales, technical. Call IV2-1543. ulty tennants preferred. $150 Would cost $1,029 to duplicate. 882-7490. 1" CORVAIR 196 4 Monza Club OLDSMOBILE 1962 Starfire Scooters-Cycle! monthly. Available late Septem¬ Call 484-0759. 17 and enjoy the fresh ber. Phone 332-8408 for addi- Coupe. Demonstrator. 4-speed. 110 Whitewall tires. hardtop. Low mileage. Good MO-PED 1964. 600 miles. Call has openings for men with col¬ tional information. 19 MOVING, MUST Sell- Refriger¬ RIVERSIDE £ coolness of one of our m o t o r. condition. Phone IV 4-0737. 18 355-6622 days, or 485-5011 aft¬ lege and math background in ator, Frigidaire 1962 Deluxe Pushbutton radio. $2,195. 485- model; GE "thinette" room air OLDSMOBIL E 1950. 1957 engine, er 5 pm. Ask for Miller. 17 sa- "S of electronic calculators Swimming Pools 4669. Rooms conditioner; tufted chaise • LaSalle transmission, Hurst TRIUMPH i~9 6 2 Thunderbird a r. i adding machines. Call Albert ' CORVAIR 1963 4-d. or. Stand- Friden, Inc. for interview, 482- 333 ALBERT. International Stu¬ lounge, green upholstery; piano, floor shift and mora $200. Phone 650cc 4,000 actual miles. Call ard transmission. Radio. Ex¬ dent House. Two-man rooms. mahagony Baldwin Arcosonic. 337-1451. 17 337-9522. 18 8917. 19 Apartments cellent condition. CHEVY II1963 Balance of Summer term, $30. Available 1816 Glenhaven, East OLDSMOBILE 1959 VESPA "90". Three months old. WAltRESS- PAftt-flMfe. Elec- Nova Convertible. Four new Dynamic '88' TV available. 484-5496. Nights Lansing, between 4-7, Saturday, Now offering: Excellent condition. Lifetime tronic organist and piano player whitewall tires. Radio. Call N1 Convertible. Full pcwer, one 372-0330. 19 manufacturer's warranty on en¬ for Friday, Saturday nights. Sunday. '7 9 month leases. 6-3841 after 5:30 pm. owner. Good condition. 1427 JOLLY INN. 882-7641. 18 RUMMAGE SALE- Aug. 20, 21. Sheldon, Lansing. IV 5-8390. 17 gine, transmission. Owner left ROOM AND BOARD for two co- Use back door at 1327 Christo¬ New low rates. country. IV 9-0620. 17 GENERAL CLERK to answer eds in exchange for minimal OLDSMOBILE 1961 '88'. 4-door pher. Phone IV 9-2987. 17 We still have a few the hardtop. 20,000 miles. Like new with power brakes, steering. VESPA campus. 1964 '150'. Perfect for Buddy seat, book rack. phone and do miscellaneous typ¬ ing. Candidate must be high cooking and cleaning. Holt, OX 9-2729 anytime. 2069 Dean St. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER- | Furnished | apartments available 4-speed. Manufacturers war¬ school graduate, 21-35 years old 17 Olympia Precision. Buy the fin¬ $1,550. TU 2-6334. 19 est. Technical keyboards avail¬ SHIAWASSEE W. 3ll. Nice Model open Daily for Summer and Fall. eden roc OLDSMOBILE 1963. All power. ranty. 372-4925. 19 with pleasant personality and telephone manners. Many em¬ fortable room com- for gentleman. able. HASSELBRING CO. 310 N. 1320 E. Grand River 4-door, tinted windows. '98'. Auto Service & Parts Grand. IV 2-1219. C19 BURCHAM WOODS ployee benefits. Call 482-1479 to Close to downtown. Phone IV Low mileage. Bought late in ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call apply- 18 9-6990. 17 and Now Leasing season. This is a deluxe model. Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. LADIES- for very pleasant tele- 660 and 672 VIRGINIA AVENUE. Sale price, $150. Phone IV 5- ED 2-0255 EYDEAL VILLA S^ai belts. Air cushioned uphol¬ Small dents phone work. Start at $1.25 per Double and single Pri¬ 1975. 18 to large wrecks. rooms. stery. Must sell by owner. for Fall term ' leanest car in town. $2,725. American and Foreign cars. hour with regular increases. Call 332-1321 for interview. 19 vate entrance with or without Hurry, Call Today Guaranteed work. 489-7507. kitchen privileges. Parking. Phone 5-8253. 19 ED 2-5041 1411 East Kalamazoo. C Completely new. Between $10 or ED 2-0565 ED 2-8488 OLDSMOBILE !^r i-door hard- For Rent and $15 per student per week. AFB CARBURETORS, brand new. top. Black and white. Runs well. Magnesium wheels. New full Call 332-5818. 19 Apartments Unsupervised DoUfeLE W& for better living 252 River Street $250. 412 Haze, Lansing. 19 race Chevy cams, $37.50 each. CAPITOL CITY SPEED SHOP. SPACIOUS SIX room, 1 1/2 baths, rooms. Private entrances, kit¬ OLDSMOBILE 1964 with 25' fan Travel trailer. Fully equipped Phone 882-7490. 17 duplex apartments. Attractively furnished. Parking. Near cam¬ chens, parking: $10 a week for NEED men per term. 485-7673. 19 stool, tub and showei, etc. Employment Four girl^feach side. 332- f1 with pus. Call For 619 N. OPAL Waverly Rd. 372-2198. 17 1961 Record. $600. Very EARNINGS ARE unlimited representative. Turn your as an 8903 after 5:30 pm. TWO UPPER apartments. Avail- 19 to campus. Parking. Kitchen, MORE Avon able within three weeks. Just living room. Singles, doubles. ^ sharp. Radio, heater. Good free time into $$. For appoint¬ After 5:30, 332-2195. 19 being completed. 660 and 672 The Finest tires. Phone 332-1440, ask for ment in your home, write or call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 Virginia Ave. $180 monthly. Call 332-5818. 19 PRIVATE AREA for two. Near ROOM? School St., Haslett, Michigan or campus. Quiet, unsupervised. LARGE THREE four-room Phone 355-9499. 19 Apartments call evenings, FE 9-8483. C16 EMPLOYER'S OVfcftLftAft CO. or furnished apartment. Two or IONIA WEST 423. Modern fur- three men. Approximately $8- Moving? For temporary assignments. $11 each weekly. Parking. $35 nished room. Tiled bath and Get this Experienced office help urgent¬ shower. Gentlemen. Phone IV (it c deposit. Available September ly needed. 616 Michigan Nation- 10. IV 9-2389, 4-7 pm. 19 9-2580. 18 If things are getting a little crowded I Free al Tower. Phone 487-6071. C around your place . . . .quickly find ) You're your finest no farther away phone in finding the student apartments than UNIVERSITY TERRACE 444 Michigan Avenue Book If you live at dies ture. home. Lovely new furni¬ Kitchen privileges. $50 the home just right for your grow- ing family by reading our "Real / J ^|TV.(V month. MI 5-8930. 17 Estate" column in the MICHIGAN H available. From Boehm and CEDAR VILLAGE STATE NEWS Classified section. f Bowerman, you'll find the CAROL LEE NURSERY Look now and check through the wide largest apartments, clos¬ selection of East Lansing's best Real est to campus and shop¬ you can - Experienced Personnel F.state values. ping. You get five room lux¬ to Care For Your 50 FEET LET THE OTHERS' ury and privacy that costs no more than many single 484-141 TO CAMPUS DO THE WALKING Children rooms. See for youself! Ages 2 1/2 to 5 years. Full Call Boehm and Bowerman day programs-7:30-5:30 for an appointment today. Make your reservation for NOW RENTING well-balanced noon meals. $15 per week STATE NEWS CLASSIFIEDS the 1964-65 school year. gO EH M < I.tor FAIL L AR O L LEE DUN N APPLIANCES 'OWER MAN 355-3157 - CALL 332-5051 - 337-0256 Director iv 4-1571 SSStS •«" ■ JSH85 ' Stop at our model from 1-8 daily at 1321 w. Kalamazoo Corner of Huron ___ 252 Cedar Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 20, 1964 fl For Sale For Sale Real Estate Service CARPETING 100 square yards, RIFLE- 7mm. Mauser carbine, MAGNOLIA S. 218. Four large WASHING OR Ironing. Perfect Flying Thieves Mohawk sandlewood, new on $20. 12-gauge double barrel bedrooms with closets. Car- hand finishing. Shirts a spec ial- roll, 12 foot wide, cost $1,100. shotgun, case, $45. Phone 332- peted living and dining rooms, ty. Simple mending included. Best offer. 372-2496. 17 0102. 17 12' x 12' kitchen with dishwash- Private. TU 2-1952. 17 TYPEWRITER. L. C. Smith, BLUEPRINT MACHINE Repro- er, and lots of cupboard space. blAf»feR SERVICE, same diapers fax Viking, 20". Good condi¬ Family room, 1 1/2 baths. Gas returned either yours or ours. Southwest Michigan farmers of desperadoes—pay Utile atten¬ And the starling damage isn't fect, if any, on controlling bird tion. Call ED 7-9516. 19 heat, garage. Near parochial With service, you may in¬ know the tion to the troubled fruit growers confined to southwestern part of numbers. A Michigan State Uni¬ our culprits destroying and public schools. 372-3951. 19 clude two pounds of baby PUMP, ELECTRIC. Deep water more than $2.5 million worth of as they playfully pluck valuable the state. Farmers in all parts versity fisheries and wildlife cook and tank, $40. Call 372- FOREST HILLS, 4382 Elmwood clothes that do not fade. Diaper fruit annually, but as yet they crops to their hearts content. of Michigan and the Pacific Coast student, Terry Norton, is tend¬ TROLUX like new condition, with all attachments. Available 1323. 17 Dr. Owner being transferred. pail furnished. haven't been able to nab the band Damage to fruit, wheat, field states have been badly hit by the ing the traps during the summer to responsible parry for 8 pay¬ Four-bedroom ranch. Two com¬ of big-time crop thieves. corn, sweet corn and many other birds. months under a $2,500 grant Mobile Homes ments of $6.07 per month or dis¬ plete baths. Two-car garage. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE Thousands of starlings—often crops has increased tremen¬ Worst of all, no satisfactory from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife count for cash. Trade-ins NEW MOON trailer. 1962. Like Carpeting, drapes. Quick pos- behaving like an organized band dously in recent years due to the methods have yet been devised Service. 55* x 10'. Three bedroom. session. Terms. :rms. ED 7-1032. 18 ever-increasing starling popula¬ for controlling starling popula¬ Birds enter the trap by drop¬ accepted. Phone 484-8191. C17 new. 11* x 17' living room, carpeted. THE 6EST BUY IN HOUSING! TRESBTRHSTTED Wanted tion, says Frank Madaski, tions. Farmers have tried a wide ping through a board or wire. VIOLIN GOOD, student. $55. Call owner, 882-8619. 17 Faculty leaving State and sell¬ Berrien county Cooperative Ex¬ variety of control methods— They can't escape, since their Phone 489-4730 or see at 419 Rapid Service WILL PAY 10% interest" on $500- So. Fairview. 18 TRAVELO +RAlL£R §' x 38' on ing seven year old home at $10,000. Phone 694-5811 or 332- tension Service director. aluminum discs, papier mache wings spread wider than the trap great sacrifice. Four bedrooms, Drafting Supplies, XEROX COP- Although most farmers in the owls, rocket-type exploders shot openings when they attempt to TYPEWRITER OFFICE model. excellent location close to cam¬ 3081. 19 T 1/2 tiled baths. Large living IES area have felt some starling dam¬ from guns and traps—all with fly out. Also electric adding machine. pus. Ready for occupancy at MARRIED COUPLE wishes to Call 489-4361. 18 Trailer Haven Lot 127. 19 room, large dining room. Mod- CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT sub-let apartment for Fall term age, fruit growers—especially little success. Madaski visited the Krieger ern kitchen. Utility room. Car- 221 South Grand those raising blueberries and Starling research control got farm at 3 p.m. one day recently SEWING MACHINE. Electric. 32' x 8' trailer. One bedroom. port. Children's room in base- Lansing, 482-5431 or 482-5038 C only. Call 355-5243, or 113 N. cherries—have received the underway this summer through when Norton was emptying a Deluxe Hallmark zig-zag. Fully Carpeted. Air conditioned. Lot Francis. 17 TV SERVICE calls- $5. Tubes brunt of the never-ending attack. the cooperation of the United trap. "i went back the next morn¬ automatic. Brand new with all 210, Trailer Haven. Call 332- landscaping. Located in a " ° COUPLE WAN'Y- to sublease Madaski pointed out that con¬ States Fish and Wildlife Service al discounted 25%, except picture ing and there were 196 starlings attachments. Phone372-3048.18 4421. 19 apartment from pleasant neighborhood at 1276 tubes. Estimates on shop ser¬ September 20- ditions this year are much worse and the Southwest Michigan Bird in the trap in just an 18-hour COMFORT \BLE ECONOMIC December 1. Furnished. 355- VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY, in- Bayshore Drive, Haslett. Six vice. ACME TV. IV 9-5009. C than two years ago when a ran¬ Control Committee, a group of period," he reported. cluding a 11 cleaning attach¬ living. New Moon trailer. 47' x minutes from campus. Easy TREE 9837. 19 dom survey showed 81 per cent farmers, fruit growers and Co¬ The county extension director 8'. Two-bedroom, carpeted. 5ERV1CF.~~ftemovals our ments. Originally cost over financing at several thousand specialty. Also trimming and GIRL OVER 21 to share apart- of the farmers in the area were operative Extension Service also believes the traps can best $200. Balance only $57.30 or Youngstown kitchen. Full length dollars less than actual cost. ment for two. Call ED 2-6375 suffering from starling damage. members interested in finding be used early in the season to stump removal. Insured. Rea¬ $6.50 per month. Trade-ins ac¬ awning. Ideal for two people; For appointment or more in¬ between 3 and 5 pm. 18 Some growers reported losses methods of controlling the curb the starling population. sonable. Free estimates. Gable cepted. Phone OL 5-2054. C17 couple with child. Excellent con¬ formation, contact Joseph TWO GIRLS to share apartment las high as 20, 50 and even 75 troublesome pests. "Trapping 1,000 female starlings Tree Service, 484-5780. 19 dition. Priced to sell. Leaving LaPalombara. FE 9-2447. 17 UPRIGHT frREEZER 16 cubic starting Fall term. Call P.K. at per cent of their crops in that •The research is being con¬ in April and May could reduce foot. Real buy $175. Call state. 337-0731. 18 N6kfHW£ST FOUR bedroom ALTERATIONS DONE , 355-6253. 18 survey. ducted in Berrien andCasscoun- the end of the summer popula¬ 372-1179. 18 Lost & Found brick ranch, recreation room. ablV and SAVE '"f WANTED" TO sublet apartment John Nelson of the Michigan ties where 15 traps are operating tion by as much as 10,000birds," SRlEPCASfc 14" x 16" genuine Priced below FHA at $15,000. AD for further references. 482- or house for period between Blueberry Association in Grand to study the starlings and the ef- commented Madaski. cowhide leather in good shape, LOST: KAPPA Kappa Gamma Owner. Phone 484-6864. 18 /J*3"' , , . . ' Summer and Fall term. Call Junction, estimated 1963 losses hardly used. $15. 229 Shepard. Sorority pin. Reward. If found, HASLETT, NEAR. 15 minutes thorough cleaning. ^*,"1 Wan 484-6726. 18 amounted to over 200.000boxes— Air Force Seeks Teachers Call IV 2-4514. 18 please call Nan at 355-6340. 17 from MSU. Three years old, "r r small offices to clean in p.m. GIRL OVER 21 to share two- well over one-half million dol- LOST. GOLD Omega wrist watch. three bedrooms, bi-level. Car¬ The Air Force has announced areas: guidance counseling, as a EICO T10 V. Citizens Band Ra- TU 2-4581, IV 7-5713. 19 bedroom apartment. $45 month¬ Individual farmer IcsG'.s- see that it still needs teachers for Self-windv?£ pror>f with peted. Two-car garage. Fin¬ teacher-counselor, junior high dio. 3 position transmit, includ¬ ly. Call 355-1929. 18 black band. 1/ found please call ished basement. Landscaped one CHILD CARE. Excellent care also running high. A. W. Krieger the 1964-65 school 'year at its math, and senior high math and ing three crystals, continous desk mike. $50. A-l con- Gil at 353-1650. After 5 pm, 332- acre lot. 655-1683 evenings. 19 *°r your pre-schooler, WANTED, HUNGRY people to of Bridgman estimates starlings schools for dependents in Lab- 19 try our delicious FRESH baked damaged more than 10 tons of , ... , toon. 638 lm"g. mil,™.™. . 0508. Reward offered. NORTHWEST 906 Durant. Two last year with Minimum experience require¬ Individuals interested 655-2361. 17 L0ST; (,eMale BBAtiLfc. bedrooms, garage. Patio, base¬ goods. We also SPECIALIZE in his blueberries in ap¬ beautifully decorated cakes for losses running as high or higher ments have been lowered to one plying may call the Overseas Black, brown and white. Lost ment. Fireplace. New kitchen. SLED- GATE for fenced area. Typing Sei all occasions. KWAST BAKER¬ this year. The "bandits" have full year teaching experience in Placement Officer, Civilian Per¬ vicinity of College and Willough- Lovely landscaped yard. $14,100. Tricycle, combination door, by Roads. Phone OX 4-2091. 19 485-3678. 19 JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4. IES, Brookfield Plaza at Haga- been plaguing his farm for the the appropriate subject.Teach¬ sonnel Office, Selfridge Air lawn roller. Phone 332-1459. 17 ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL Ad¬ dorn and Grand River. 19 past decade. ers are needed in the following Force Base. EAST LANSING. Marble-St. SWAP 23" Philco TV for anOut- Personal Thomas School. Three bed¬ vertising. 533 N. Clippert. IV board horsepower. Motor not 'over 7 1/2 Phone Bath 641— IF you YOU may ARE a careful driver, qualify for State room, tri-level. Two full baths. Carpeted living room, dining 5-2213. Load up for Less During Js/Vty 6625. RANGEU ftOPt-R gas. 30" Excellent condition. Phone 882- 9386. oven. 16 17 FarnTs top-notch protection at rock-bottom rates. Call or see your STATE FARM agent today. GEORGE TOBIN, IV 5-7267, in room and hall. Mahogany pan¬ eled recreation ridge, __ room with fire¬ pica. place. Call ED 2-8939. 954 Bel- BEV TALLMAN. Your term pa- Call Merrilyn MSU grad. 339-8751. pers, reports, theses and dis¬ Vaughn, 19 jT - - HAftDY MUMS l?20Coolidge Rd., Frandor. sertations typed in my home. £17 LAFAYETtt; ST. 634. Six-room East Lansing. 35 new colors, nqrsk for BUND for Ansvars- "hoVsV.*Tw