Inside MICHIGAN Weather Food .gaps tonce study, p. 3; Dis- merry-go-round, p. 4; Weightl ifters, p. 4; Life in. surance costs, p. 5. UNIVERSITY STATE ;tate news fxpected t of the to doy. High begin Vol. 55, Number 180 Tuesday, August 25, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan 4-H Youths Bri Golden Slams Shame To State Show Nearly 3,000 bright-eyed inners to East Lansing." Club leaders will have their day In Threat Of Backlash youths representing Michigan's The event brings many rewards on Tuesday. Leaders with 20,25, the NAACP. The Negro must of 74,500 4-H'ers will bring about beyond prize ribbons and pre- 30 and 35 years of service will have them. He cannot change his at 5,000 exhibits to the campus for miums. Young people get inspi- receive "Clover awards" at an ■ to hide his origin! the 49th annual State 4-H Show— ration and ideas and meet many early evening banquet. All lead- priests and bishops from the color arouses emotions. He must the "Olympics" of Michigan's new friends. Also, this trip to ers will be honored at a special Best-selling author Harry United States and Canada. Golden told an audience of more have legislatio every step of The Cu illo movement began 4-H year. Dates of the four-day the MSL' camous influences many evening program in the MSU au- event are August 31 through Sep- youngsters to seek higher educa- ditorium. than 1,000 here Thursday that the way." in Spain nd was then imported the threat of a "white backlash" America c t fully serve as t0 Lat jn merica and the United tember 3. tion. Mawby notes several new pro- Thousands of parents will be in the November presidential an example of democracy e States. It focuses on injecting cedures and trends in the show election is a national shame. rest of the world until her ra Christian social principles into "The State Show climaxes o on hand to share the experience, this year. "No market livestock Addressing the 6th annual Ro¬ problems are solved, Golden. - public and private life. entire year," states Russi Wednesday has been set aside classes in beef, sheep or swine man Catholic Cursillo Confer¬ phasized. The first cursillos in Lansing Mawby, state 4-H club director, as parents' day t■$"*? Show is filled cause the number of county mar- that resistance to the civil rights English-speaking October and immediately go t ket livestock shows and sales movement is Incompatible with ;asily held. It taVes sacrifice conferences followed. work on projects ranging from with countless examples of fam- America's position as the lead¬ and blood. Cursillo movement has archery to vegetable judging, ilv cooperation. has increased significantly in er of the free world. "America than just a aroused some Counties send only their top proj- The state's 14,000 adult 4-H recent years." "1"" controversy among people, it is a moral idea, "" Educational sessions of inter¬ "We hear of the 'white back¬ Catholic churchmen. It is pri¬ lash' and we are told we must ideal of liberty and justice for est to adults as well as the marily a lay movement. 4-H'ers are growing, Mawby re¬ fear it," Golden said. "We hear this at the very moment we also Golden's talk was the highlight (continued on page 5) Urban Extension ports. Tours to research build¬ ings and crops and soils research plots south of the campus are hear that America is the leader of the free world." Golden emphasized that an planned to keep everyone in¬ T America which would deny Ne¬ formed scientific explora¬ Cursillos Program Urged on tions in agriculture. groes their "lawful and moral More than ever before, con¬ rights" cannot in the same breath call itself the leader of testants will visit with judges ^TSSSiS^IK mproves THE GOLDEN TOUCH bestsellers and a • - Harry Golden, author of several determined foe of segregation, is caught free nations. Golden publishes The Caro- Christian A tension Service"—a proposed Court's problem and, if recent apport: the educational value of i >raI moods as he addressc s the Cui ~ ■ Conference - which lina Israelite, an outspoken anti- Christianity must bend its ef- solving the r ace city counterpart of the Coopera- cision is accelerating the change Mawbv Vavs last week in Brody Hall. Photos by Ken Roberts segregationist newspaper. He is forts toward solving social prob- it can get a lot of people work- tive Extension Service—was an- in balance of power. y the author of two best-selling lems of racial discrimination, ing on it in a Christian spirit, alyzed at Purdue University last "in an likelihood," contendec books, "Only In America" and delinquency and poverty, a Ro- the Cui illo movement certainly week by a pair of Michigan State uhl and Rossmiller, "total re- For 2i Plain." His newest book, man Catholic priest noted for will help." University agricultural econom- search expenditures will contin- 5 work in Detroit's slums said Small Firms' Recruiting Lag "Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes," The first cursillo conference ists. ue to increase in absolute terms deals with the late President's here Friday, in Detroit was held in Msgr. J. N. Uhl and G. C.Rossmiller but the agricultural share wil! influence on the civil right! commented that "immediate Kearn's Holy Trinity Church in ac- decline in relation to the urban tion" should he tak< , , Corktown and spread from there bers attending the 6th National Keeps Graduates Away . . , .. grated urban-rural extension trend discusseJ „ ... „ f __ _ throughoui the diocese. A second by f lirsilln Cursillo rnnferenrp Conference in in Rrndv Brody program. This, they said, would the economists is the changing Hall to become more active in The cursillos in Detroit have pool the efforts of rural and ur- socio-cultural rights legislation an unaccount¬ social reform movements. explored problems of life in the ban researchers to efficiently "The changes in attitude ofrural Proprietors of medium and petitive society on old fashion "They have come to recognize, able fear. The cursillo movement, slums, including race relations, solve the many similar problems and urban sectors have resulted small businesses are failing to employment methods. however, their future depends on "I shameful to founded in believe it is Spain, attempts to pro¬ extreme poverty and juvenile de¬ facing both segments of society. jn similar value systems for lure top college graduates to "Recruiting is so intense, even how well they invest in talent suspect that Americans will vote mote a new awareness of modern linquency. the services of the 'average Furthermore, they added, the both," they said. "The increas- their firms because they have for for the services of the 'average' now. against their own interests out social problems among Catholic "We're looking for some integrated program would pro- ing interaction points up the need not bet recruiters, re- graduate, that an employer is "Smaller employers must first 0f some secret fear, lay; people who c i complementary- ------- ther f0r institutions* that incorporate ports John ' D. Shingleton, direc- being somewhat unrealistic if he recognize the need for a re- "if indeed America is the lead- 'Cursillos are a very modern fiuence," Msgr. Kearn said, than competitive- back and waits for appli- cruiting program. Then they can , the emerging urban-rural value tor of the Placement Bureau ef o{ the free worldi then we approach of making theChristian "We're looking for leadership, lationship between the twc cants to knock on the door. Re- put into play the strong points of his responsibility ro must fear nothing." aware whether it comes from a Negro groups. ^ThTlhird trend, according to Almost all of the 1,300 in- dustrial firms which sent re- cruiting is not just finding an of employment in their busi- Gojden criticized those who the world," Msgr. Kearn said, living in a slum without a Job, President Johnson had sug¬ in.. j n n Uhl and Rossmiller, is the shift . . applicant, but finding the right ness." say that Negroes have not "I think Christianity should be 0r a judge, or a senator. gested the possibility of an "ur¬ from "agrarian idealogy" which employment pro- "earned their rights with a ban Extension Service" in Jun« sought to allocate research funds oinKieion uubei veu nidi uidv.- - . quote from a conversation he had at the dedication of the newUni- to agriculture to'spur the rest tically every MSU graduate who f[fmf for col'eSe S'uden; Shingleton noted, can be used with the late President Kennedy, versity of California campus site the economy. They said that the sought employment this spring Advantages for working in a was hired before he received his testing and training ground for He quoted Kennedy as saying: at Irvine. At that time he pre-* present trend is to stimulate all smaller company were infre¬ diploma at commencement. future executives. Another pos- "All the immigrants had it dieted that the organization would sectors simultaneously—an ef- quently presented to graduates sibility is to offer scholarships tough. But the Irish and Jews be established "within the na- fort which can best be accom- Statistics are currently being because small businesses made as an inducement. didn't need organizations like tion's vast college-university plished and evaluated by an inte- prepared to show where the grad¬ few recruiting missions, Shingle¬ es went. Shingleton said he network to help solve the grow- grated urban-research program, ton said. certain the report will dis- ing problems of urban America." Uhl and Rossmiller concluded The President also envisioned that the Cooperative Extension 'Owners of small and med- close the "vast majority" went Service should re-identify its i size businesses may not be with larger employers, Sho that the urban extension program would do as much for the cities its agricultural counterpart has done for farmers. roles and expand its activities to provide even greater service to urban America. ire out, but they are of bid for survival in a it," Singleton pointed staking theii highly com- While the heads of smaller companies advantages may see the many- around them, they have failed to promote these ad¬ Faculty Uhl and Rossmiller noted that the Cooperative Extension Ser¬ vice is already aiding a large share of the urban economy, par¬ ticularly homemakers and 4-H MSU At Elec vantages, Shingleton said. "Some major national firms were in a similar position dur¬ ing the years immediately fol- Gifts Twenty-two faculty members For exhibition program for the insti- offered by the National Elec- lowing World War II and youth. They said that the develop¬ CHICAGO—Chicago will be in of Michigan State University's tution. ment of an urban. l'rai research the scientific spotlight of the tronics Conference will include mid 50's," Shingleton indicated. art department have donated MSU has administered an over¬ 340 talks covering the lat- and extension program would be works to a special art collection seas advisory project at theOki- much simpler and more econom¬ nu engineer* nuin — theories and developments in which will be given to the Uni- nawan school since 1951 under a ical than allowing the two seg¬ of the earth gather the field, according to R.J. Na- MflAfP Tft versity of the Ryukyus on Oki- with the U. S. Army. ments to develop independently, -i- in McCormick Place Oct r>i— m politan, general manager. i iw Iwao Ishino, professor of anthro¬ "For the first time in NEC Speaking before the annual 20, and 21, the 20th anni¬ history future engineers and sci¬ Discuss Housing A preview showing of the col¬ pology at MSU, is the present MSU chief of party there. meeting of the American Farm entists—the outstanding exhibi- conCerted effor li again lection at Kresge Art Center will Economic Association, the MSU versary National Electronics A The Okinawan gift collectii of electronics displays at agricultural ec( Conference, the leading forum on be made by the campus chapter continue in the first floor corri- was organiZec| by William S. the National Science Fair—will three general trends which make research, development, applic 0f tbe naaCP i bring about dor of the their displays at the the development of separate ur- tion and education of the con- the passage 0f open housing when the collection will be ban and rural services tion's $15 billion electronics in- ference," he said. "Also in keep- ordinance by the East Lansing shipped to the Okinawan univer- wije 0f R0bert J. Geist, inworkable. ing with our educational City Council. professor of English currently First, rural policies (continued on page 7) Plans call for the presenting The 31-piece art collection in- assigned to the MSU/Ryukyus AND IN THIS CORNER •• State Senator John Smeeken and of recommended legislation and eludes paintings, drawings, project. Gamble is scheduled to serve Supreme Court Justice Thomas M. Kavanaugh are introduced points for discussion to the Oc- prints, ceramics and enamels to those attending last week* s Cursillo Conference on cam¬ tober meeting of the Council, valued at more than $4,000. as a visiting art consultant for pus. The two were honored guests at the conference, and, The NAACP will also request three months this fall at theUni- from the looks on the faces of the nuns in the lower picture, the Council to urge 'the -.ate Of the works, five will be on versity of the Ryukyus. they obviously met with the approval of the group Civil Rights Commission to make '°*n 25 will be outright gifts The ^ international art exchange a clear, definite statement on to. the University of the Ryukyus. was arranged by ErlingBrauner, what constitutes illegal housing They will form the basis for a chairman of the MSU art depart- discrimination. permanent collection and gallery ment> gnd Matayoshi Adeniya of the Ryukyus fine i Local Dems See ment. Artist-contributors to the gift Pakistan Ambassador collection include: Robert S. Alexander, Noah Alonso, Owen Anti-Barry Trend unfair and Brainard, Howard Church, John Area Democratic candidates tax one "graduated S. de Mar telly, William S. seem to feel that the Republican Honored On Campus Gamble, Alma Gotsch, Claire Hammer, Ralph Henricksen, nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater will help their cause. sent Griffiths also attacked the pre¬ property tax system. This, Allen Leepa, John Lewandowski, At a meet-the-press luncheon he claimed, pushed the burden of Pakistan's ambassador to the :rn region and at Comilla in the Clifton McChesney, James Mc at party headquarters in Lan¬ tax support on thse whose in¬ United States, Ghulam Ahmed, Connell, Jens Plum, Stacey sing most expressed optimism, come was often fixed and who visited the campus Saturday as The University's interest has Proffitt, Louis Raynor, David saying that the victory lay in the in many instances, like with part of a tour of midwestern the rapid schools, gained no benefit. also been extended to Routon, Tom Wallace, Robert swinging of perhaps only ten to universities. Ahmed was the development of a large resource Weil, Irwin Whitaker, Kathrine fifteen per cent of the voters This also r esults in areas with guest of associate dean of inter- - „ Jf_„ a wealth of real estate getting Winckler and Karl Wolter. away from the GOP camp. national programs, 6 R a 1 p h H. °f material The for Pakistan studies. library has led the move. expensive schools while poorer Smuckler. Meridian Township was seen as outlying areas are kept with in¬ Since 1957 Michigan State has ma,kirlg graduate studies ir Pakistani Club a key "swing" area by several adequate facilities. Griffiths cal - been participating with the gov- Pakistan affairs .possible now. candidates. Others saw the whole led this a "vicious thing." ernment of Pakistan in the de¬ This fall will see the teaching Elects Officers state producing a Democratic He added that during the state's velopment of two rural acad¬ legislature, especially now that of Bengali for the first time. The Pakistan Club elected new financial crisis much of the rev¬ emies. At the academies mem¬ The language is spoken by the reapportionment leans towards a enue providing responsibility was bers of the MSU faculty and grad¬ officers at its last general meet¬ one man-one vote policy. majority of the people in the shifted to the counties. Much of uate students have been assist¬ ing Aug. 19. country. this has yet to be returned to WELCOME, NEIGHBOR -• Ghulam Ahmed, second from left, ambassador from Pakiston, is ing in an education program Those chosen to run affairs for George Griffiths, ca»didatefor ehe 24th, dis¬ ttue state, leaving many areas shown arsewsitrtg- marrers a? Utorest >. bit Wuk>i Biological Sciences at the Uni¬ with governments' power. These matters are too far-reaching to be tacked onto the end of a versity of Colorado. session of Congress when everyone is already sniffing next fall's Their research, supported by campaign trail. the Atomic Energy Commission, involves the use of radioactive materials to trace the movement of nutrients in plants. For their study, they have been chemically "dismantling" the leaves of tomatoes, onions and other plants to discover how they absorb and retain substances. Yamada, Wittwer and Bukovac reported on the ability of or¬ ganic compounds to penetrate a cuticle, which is a noncellular membrane covering all leaf sur¬ faces. Through an enzyme digestion process they removed the cuticle from the leaf in a method simi¬ lar to the way in which a water- Chem Profs GgaA Q Across from the Home Economics Bldg. Attend Meets In Europe MOVING DAY •• Liadiyu Asseez of Nigeria lends a hand to Gga& Jane Ross of the foreign student adviser's office as she and Two members of the chemistry Susan Green make preparations for the move to the Center Atwejc discover department will be taking part for International Programs. Theoffice is now located in room in international scientific meet¬ 110 of that building. ings in Europe during the Spartan Center Photo by Larry Fi few weeks. Alexander I, Popov, chairman See KRAMER'S for of the department, will attend, by invitation, Chemistry of Aug. 24-27 at the Conference on Metal Complexes Bressanone, Italy, LARGEST DISCOUNTS world woolof organized by the University of Padova. IN TOWN! In Wool new lightweight fashions by Koret of California. holds a fluid fold, never clings, shakes off On Sept. 13 and 14 he will COMPLETE LINE be at the University of Pavi.a, wrinkles and takes color brilliantly. And, the new¬ NEW & REBUILT AUTO PARTS Italy, to deliver a guest lecture est wrinkle in wool is pleats, that promise to last. on "Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Solvents." Let Us Popov and Carl H. Brubaker, Jr., will preside at sessions of Air Condition Yoor Auto pleats now in for keeps the Eighth International Congress Koret of California's classic campus costume has on Coordination Chemistry, Sept. 7-11, in Vienna, Austria. Wirt, Climate Ai,-P,ic.d $275 pITt.'','' a skirt of swinging stay-sharp pleats in grey, red, Brubaker will present re¬ black, blue or purple. 8-18. 14.98 . Blazer, red only, search reports at the Symposium 8-18. 17.98. Novelty knitwhite sweater, 36-40. 12.98 8 on the Structure and Properties of Coordination Compounds, Sept. 2-4, in Bratislava, Czechoslo¬ vakia, and at the Symposium on color bright in sportswear Coordination Chemistry, Sept. 14-17, in Tihany, Hungary. New fashion impact for leisure moments in Koret of Brubaker's paper at the Czech California's Botany wool slacks in red, black, blue % meeting Is on "Group Theory "SERVING GREATER LANSING FOR 48 YEARS" or grey. 12.98 Layered - look contrast - color and Isomerism" and is coauth- Wholesale & Retail-™ ored by Barbara A. Kennedy and lllTfl sweater, J2.98 "Donald 'A. McQiiarrle. The Mier report is "The Acceleration of the Uranium (1V)-(VI) Exchange Reaction by Tartaric Acid," co- KRAMER ™V 800 E. Kalamazoo Phone IV 4-1335 SPORTSWEAR - STREET LEVEL EAST LANSING authored by Ernest P. Benson. 4 Michigan Stite News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1964 Distance There Merry-Go-Round: 75 Miles A Week is also miles of tor¬ again. And these are the ques¬ Bowen, Alma senior, asks through pain and long lonely your body. You can't build your You want to be dedicated, yet for the pleasures of the. turous pace running, blisters, tions training schedules in an almost jeg muscles up too much by run- you yearn aching legs, pre-race emptiness himself as he runs mile after animalistic passion to defy pain ning short distances at top "good life." Something drives mile, day after day, and year itself. speeds, only to have them tear you on, mile after mile through i; your stomach, and a painful mid-race throb of blurred agony after year, while getting in shape Bowen wants to run a 4:05 and pull apart when they tighten, the woods, along the river, and You run sprints of 220 and 330 in 4:12 and ran a two-mile in for the cross-country season to mile this year, if his leg muscles Yet you have to condition your- around the track; but you con¬ yards to develop an end-race 9:12 Just one hour later. when your legs feel like rubber start each fall. don't tear from a training mis- self for speed so you will have tinually think of the things you kick for the finish. But the im¬ It has taken Bowen six years and you wish you'd never started the whole business. Distance running has no real take. a final sprint kick at the end of are giving up merely to run a portant thing is that you run and to lower his time in the mile almost the year roi In the fall you run cross¬ race and to knock yourself out run and run, starting slowly and from 5:20 to 4:11. Whether he will What does it take to be a good season. Training is a giant plot against the race. But what do you distance runner? What does it country; in the winter, indoor for short distances at the begin¬ succeed in his goal of 4:05, a a distance runner? track; in the spring, outdoor Bowen started when he was ning of the training season; in¬ quite respectable college mile, yVaVc ', i t. ... mg for take to run a race that tires you track; and in the summer you 15, running around his six mile creasing distances and speeds will depend on how maify lonely ces ,,, . u, , co- so much that you pass out when the whole process over morning paper route» He ran his and hours of running, panting, and start repetitions to two workouts the 19M NW- crvss- it's over1 What does it take to first high school mile in five again. Most runners take only a day before the season starts in mental torture he can endure. am ha* ru:. nKut ',",000 rur. a mile in four minutes and minutes and 20 seconds. about 30 days off at the end of the fall. at'a his reward? five seconds? What does it take the spring season. Four years and about 70 cross¬ "During the regular season, c i*1-1 ' glory of t. win the National Collegiate Distance runners run to win. country and mile races later, we run an average of 75 miles first, Athletic Association Cross- Bowen had been beaten 13 times. They run to turn in a good time. a week, fall, winter, and spring," c our . v,;r. the country championship? But they also run to battle them¬ Eleven defeats came in the mile. Bowen said. r ' . . a small These are but a few of the He lost the selves; to push themselves cross-country two Cross-country races are run , .• tjj8t y, u mat y questions any distance run- mile race only twice. in the fall over hilly, winding, up . V case, ner asks himself over and over He cut his time in the mile from 5:20 to 4:26. He also tore and down golf courses for a dis¬ Intramural his stomach open sprinting up¬ tance of four or five miles. Bowen thinks the MSU team can win the hill at the finish of one of his I News cross-country wins. One year and a hernia opera¬ Big Ten, 1C4A, and even the NCAA championships this year— if they train hard enough, long Softball Semi.Finals tion later, Bowen came to MSU, along with a fine crop of other enough, and if no one gets in- Winner of Paperbacks-Ag. Econ will meet Dairy Plant on distance men, including Mike In the winter, distance men Field 5, tonight at 6. The win¬ Kaines, the other cross-country run around and around the dirt ner of Vikings-Scholars will take co-captain. track in Jenison Fieldhouse. on Keystone Kids at 7:15. Field "When we run together around When spring comes, they move campus in over-distance work¬ back outdoors to the cinder track Tuesdoy's Results outs, we talk and tell jokes so we can keep our minds off running by Spartan Stadium and continue Ag. Engr. 6, Paperbacks 4 their Journey in circles. Nimrods 7. Schlits 0 and getting tired," Bowen said. Bowen ran a 4:19 mile his The training schedule is a Dairy Plant 7, P-13 0 freshman year, 4:11 as a sopho¬ little more strenuous here at Tonys Boys 6, Lushwells 0 more, and 4:12 last year. Wheth¬ HI 1 NO (2) ELVIS PRESLEY IN P-13 7, Villains 0 MSU than it was back jn high er or not he hit his goal of 4:05 "IT HAP PI NED AT THE WORLD'S FAIR" school, Bowen said. Keystone Kids 5, Butcher Boys 4 GOT THE BENDS? •• Ho, this is just part this year will depend on how hard starts" Thursday's Results of the limbering-up exercises which Jan Bow- Some he trains. Keystone Kids 6, Agnuts 0 nights you run over- en does before starting his actual running. Once a distance man is in distances of 10 to 12 miles. Then Lushwell A.C. 7, Butcher Boys Loosening up before running is necessary you run pace work—10 quarter shape it is not uncommon for 4 for a track man to do his best, and there's him to run both the mile and the miles at the same speed you'd P-13 8, Village Peasants 3 What noplace like practice tO( find out the truth of in race, with only 220 two mile races in one after- » run a Tonys Boys 4, D-Bags 0 that statement. Phaios by George Junne yds. of jogging to catch your Paperbacks 14, Ag. Econ. 4 Ag. Engr. 6, Schlits 0 P-12 7, Villains 0 £ breath in between. Last year Bowen ran a mile DEAN 3 M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S U VAe fycd HlocJz a coffee house PuAAyccd Pan Am Cham Martin GENP SELL YOUR 3000'2 E Kalamazoo This Week Presenting To Join State rnt r The Beaver Basin Two BOB. \ 4T 3 BOOKS FOR also Ed Henry August 25-30 This year's weightlifting out- fit should be even stronger last year's championship squad. than is Joe Puleo of Detroit, a mid- dleweight. He said Puleo is Pan- American Champion andNational o\c* Leonard Espinosa, a member Champion in his division, and CASH HOOTENANNY - Sun. Nite & Sat. Afternoon SHOWS at 9:00-10:00-11:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of the team who is on campus also holds two junior world re- and this summer continuing his work- cords. Sunday. 9:00-10:00-11:00-12:00 Friday and Saturday outs, said three champion lifters At presenti Espinosa said, Pu¬ A J. LEE THOMPSON ■ • ARTHUR P. JACOBS - Directed by J. LEE THOMPSON For Reservations call 372-4570 after 7:00 P.M. leo is seeking a berth on the * BETTV CQMDM . iOOLPH GREEN •.......w. GENE KELLY U.S. Olympic Team, and, if he makes it, his admission will Program Info. 482-3905 [ hit palil newman.jackie gleason 75C to be delayed until winter. [ no (2) at 10:15 in "THE HUSTLER' NOW. 5:30 P.M. AMU Puleo is one of the top ten lifters in his class in the world, Espinosa added. Program Inform?!; 332-6944 POSITIVELY Sellers the Sleuth. . .and there's nothi vo n't do to track down a body dead or Also joining the team, he said, ENDS TODAY will be Gilbert DeMegelio, also COQlAiiCM&faMc/ THE MIRISCH CORPORATION presents from Detroit. He was National FEATURES AT A BLAKE EDWARDS Collegiate Champion in the 198- 1:45 4:20 6:50 9:20 PRODUCTION - - - pound class last year and Mid- PETER ELKE State Champion in 1963. DeMeg- MSU BOOK STORE _ lio is transferring from Detroit 111 BIB SOMMER^ SELLERS Institute of Technology. Espinosa said he recently re¬ ceived word that Matt Neiszfrom Right On Campus - A Dept. Of MSU Monroe will enter MSU this fall. Neisz, he said, has totaled in M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book StoreM.S.U [COLOR DeLUXEj excess of 35 pounds more than STARTS WEDNESDAY PAN AVIS10N the weight lifted by the winner of the National Collegiates in his Wednesday COMING: Sandra Dee, Robert Goulet ii "I'd Rather Be Rich." class last year 0ER£S Returning to the squad will Thursday be Cordon Ruehs, the state heavy¬ What . KA*T ohosi# ^ Friday Saturday weight champion. Ruehs, who was second in the national collegi¬ ates in 1962, recently won first place in his division at lift meet at Linden Park. a power- Way ^ To , Robert m faul New Dean Bene Keltt and * Y Dick Van Dm i EATURES A T 1:00 - 3:10 - 5:20 - 7:30 - 9:45 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1964 5 Water Mold Provides Prof Says Less Tumor Inhibiting Test Can Cut Life In The job of testing some 50,000 lata" and "Olpidiopsis varians." chemicals annually produced as The chemicals had been tested Preferred usually has a fixed Total life insurance costs could Justifiable place in the invest¬ possible cancer cures may be¬ on mice, so the MSU scientists be decreased if some investment ment portfolios of life insurance dividend rate. It may have prior faster and easier, thanks able come were to compare their as¬ restrictions were eased by states companies," Olson said, "and claim against a company's assets to a simple fungus known as say results with the earlier find¬ on life insurance companies, re¬ the existing regulations should over common stock. water mold. ings. The important item, ports an MSU finance specialist. be revised to recognize and en¬ most This When chemical tumor inhibi¬ was reported here Mon¬ a Alden C. Olson, assistant pro¬ courage such investments." Olson said, is that dividends on day by a University botanist, tor was applied to a water mold, fessor of financial administra¬ Preferred stocks are preferred stock have remained Everett S. Beneke, and an MSU the mold's spore formation was pur¬ tion, said existing regulations chased as long term investments, graduate research assistant, stopped or slowed, similar to concerning valuation and re¬ Olson pointed out. Consequently, Quality, Olson emphasized, is Paul A. Volz. the inhibiting action that would serves for preferred stock hold¬ not at issue. Insurance compa¬ After using two species of occur in an actual tumor. short-term price fluctuations, he nies generally purchased pre- water molds as agents to test Beneke and Volz emphasized, ings should be changed. said, are not material to an in¬ Unnecessarily large reserves surance company's financial po¬ ferreds which are of much higher chemical tumor inhibitors, the however, that a chemical's abil¬ are required, Olson stated, to sition at a particular time. quality than the minimums pre¬ two found their screening method ity as an antitumor agent cannot scribed by regulations. closely matched the accuracy of be judged solely by its success back up the historically stable Even so, Olson said, regula¬ Preferred stocks were com¬ testing the same chemicals on in inhibiting the growth of water preferred stocks. *■ tions require companies to have Some of these reserves could a comparatively sizeable reserve pared, in Olson's study, with the laboratory mice. molds. be released in the form of divi¬ to cope with these market price supposedly more stable corpo¬ And, they added, the water "Assay methods using tumor dends to existing policy holders fluctuations. rate bonds. mold method requires only about transplants in animals also are and lower rates on new policies, From the period of 1929 six hours, while it takes from needed, as well as other tests," Life companies place their in¬ Olson reported. through 1958, preferred stock one to two weeks to test a chem¬ they concluded. vestment funds in government ical inhibitor held by 18 companies surveyed on mice. Olson reports his findings in a bonds, corporate bonds, mort¬ returned 4.65 per cent, Olson Study published by MSU's Bureau gages, real estate, direct loans, noted, as compared to 3.55 per WATCH THE WINDOWS -- This is one of the buses which will be used to transport students They noted that their screen¬ of Business and Economic Re¬ and stocks. search. The study (111 pages) is Statistics indicate, Olson cent for corporate bonds during the same period. in the fall when the new driving regulations go into effect. The buses, which were purchased from a Denver, Col., company, were originally red and cream-colored, but when this workman ing method applies only to puri¬ fied chemical substances. Golden entitled, "The Impact of Valua¬ noted, that life insurance com¬ He added that preferreds have finishes, they will be the familiar green and white hues like the other campus buses. . Beneke and Volz described (continued from page 1) tion Requirements on Preferred panies have about 4.6 per cent Photo the water mold assay process at been as stable as good quality by Patti prout While some bishops have re¬ Stock Investment Policies of Life of their holdings invested in a meeting of the Mycological fused and medium high grade corpor¬ to allow cursillos in their .Insurance Companies." stock. Roughly one-third of this Society.of America, held during ate bonds since 1920. Moreover, dioceses, others have warmly en¬ "Preferred stocks have a is in preferred stock. the annual convention of the since the end of World War 11, preferreds have been more Export Demand Lower American Institute of Biological dorsed them are the movement. the Most Rev. Among Joseph Sciences. stable than high grade bonds, he H. Albers, bishop of the Lansing said. They tested some 40 chemi¬ diocese. cals, all possible tumor inhibi¬ "Nevertheless," writes Olson, "preferred stocks have been and currently are burdened with valu¬ Wheat Crop Ab tors. by the Most of them National were supplied Institutes of A special cablegram from Pope Paul VI which of the Cursillo praised the work movement was Health. Their testing agents were ation requirements based on April, are somewhat different. year high enough to draw on Com¬ water molds, "Achlya flagel- read at the conference. fluctuating market prices as con¬ Although Michigan's wheat The loan rate of $1.30 per modity Credit Corporation (CCC) trasted to stabilized values per¬ M.S.U. Book Store crop will be about the same as owned wheat," he added. The CCC M.S.U. Book Store mitted for corporate bonds." last year's, growers can't expect bushel, 52 cents per bushel be¬ can sell wheat at the higher Corporate bonds are valued on another strong commercial ex¬ low the 1963 level, is near the of the market price or 5 per world price level on wheat and SELl YOUR port demand to boost grain cent over the loan rate plus sheets at amortized cost. just slightly above the feed value "Market valuation of wheat. carrying charges. This would put (for pre¬ Crop prospects inWestern Eu¬ a ceiling on wheat of $1.36 at ferreds) is shown to be indefensi¬ rope are fairly good and Russia "Of course the U.S. market and harvest ^about $1.45 next ble and both on on the basis the basis of investment experience," Olson points out. of logic will not likely draw as much wheat from woridmarkets as they price could drop well below the March. world price since exporters must did last year, points out John pay for thQ 25 cent certificate,' "In all likelihood, the CCC would sell at these prices since BOOKS FOR Insurance Ferris, assistant professor of adds the economist. "This would regulations vary the government has assured mil¬ from state to state. They are the agricultural economics. How¬ put about a $1.10 per bushel lers that costs to the milling ever, Public Law 480—the Food lower limit on wheat prices at outgrowth however, of policies industry would be about the same formulated by the National Asso¬ for Peace program allowing for¬ harvest, although prices will not as in recent years. Under the ciation of Insurance Commis¬ eign countries to buy our sur¬ likely move this low." 1964 wheat program, millers sioners, a voluntary association plus products with their own With the prospect of sharply must pay a 70 cent certificate of state insurance commission- currency—may fill part of the reduced market prices for the in addition to the markey price." gap left by a shrinking commer¬ 1964 crop, Although Michigan wheat producers are won¬ cial export demand dering whether to store or sell prices generally increase by 15 Another large midwestern soft wheat. Ferris says a general cents per bushel from harvest wheat crop has started but it and wide-spread tendency to hold to Christmas time, growers FoodGaps may crop, average. not quite match the 1963 yet will still be above wheat would hold prices near the $1.30 loan rate at harvest. Such prices would then raise ques¬ watched last a more prices soar by 40 cents year. Yet Ferris believes normal seasonal increase Is Topic Such means a situation normally market prices for wheat tions about the profitability of storage. can be expected this year allow¬ ing only modest storage profits. But the picture could brighten are low relative to the govern- "If wheat prices are well be¬ For Study low $1.30 at harvest, entries Into the loan program will pickup and considerably Russian crops are if European and smaller than force prices later in the crop expected. Michigan State University MSU BOOK STORE A "Storage prospects look best agricultural economist has been if harvest prices are below $1.30 awarded a research grant of $124,040 to "gain insight into the scope of future food gaps" and For the Bes in Central Michigan," says ri. "Harvest Fer- prices above the Right On Campus - A Dept. Of MSU $1.30 mark would probably mean to develop a master plan of re¬ search on world food programs in Italian small gains from storage." M.S.U. BQok Store M.S.U. Book Store and Food for Peace. IT'S A BOY ~ And Howard Kellogg of 1530L Spartan Village Lawrence L. Witt received the STORE HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. is anxious for everyone to know he has a son. To this young¬ grant from the Agency of Inter¬ style-setting college men prefer 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. ster, the sign means that he will soon have a new playmate. national Development of the U.S. WEDNESDAY NOON UNTIL NINE P.M. Photo by Ken Roberts State Department. The work will be done by a team of scientists TAPERED-BODY SHIRTS which will consider the technical and nutritional aspects of food PIZZA supplies, as well as the social, with button-down collars economic and political problems HS Marching Bands which program in face the Food for Peace the years ahead. SPAGHETTI for their busy casual and Witt points out that this will social life, because they know Attend Campus Clinic be the first in ies under the a series of stud¬ new Economics T BONE STEAK and Agricultural Development In¬ And many the neat, trim, tapered Six of Michigan's top high for the coming football season, stitute, designed to investigate other Italian-American Dishes school marching bands will pre- In addition, several high school processes of internati look is important to view the sounds of this fall's pig- string sections will be on hand opment. Air Conditioned-Open tor Lunch at 11 Daily, 4 Sun. skin parade on the campus Aug. to improve their skills. concerned about the the man on campus 24-29. The event is Michigan State's potential for expanding food pro¬ Some 555 musicians from duction in developing countries, An ideal place for your first marching bandclinic, aeon- Grand Haven, Hastings, Jackson and for raising levels of nutri¬ who is going places this fall. tinuipg education program of the Parkside, Lincoln Park, Muske- department of music. tion," comments Witt. gon and North Muskegon high "Such research will help gauge A. Cotton oxford dress , f, schools will drill arid rehearse the future role that the Food for Peace program will play mhelp- shirt. Bottle green, navy, f Z panding world population." 211 M.A.C. ACROSS FROM KNAPP'S ED 7-1668 tor of bands and 0 chocolate or burgundy Prof Reports MSU's famed "Patterns in Mo- tion" precision marching shows, Witt points out that U.S. food shipments ^ lllclllo ^ '^'of'eloTomic abroad produce impacts. The stripes on white. Sizes 14 to and Joel Leach, percussion sty- For Active 'is1, program can reduce inf)atloriar7 pressures as food is distributed, 16'/2, 32 to 35. 5.98 Army Duty in After five the classrooms days of hard work and on drill fields, the bands will stage a simulated halftime show Sat- the and can add to inflation as coun- terpart funds are expanded. Food shipments can retard or stimu- iate the development process, or Paperbound B. Solid color end-on-end cotton sport shirt. Navy, red, Book Specials Col. William H. Haight, as- urday morning Aug. 29, display- they - can mainly reduce hunger t professor of advertising, ing some of the formations and malnutrition, has reported to Headquarters learred during the week. "These and other economic chutney, oxblood, black or Fifth U.S. Army, Chicago, for weeks active Army duty. Thg marchlng band clinic is issues* need to be understood if only one of a series of events Food for Peace programing is to bronze. Sizes S,M,L,XL. 5.98 A veteran Reserve officer of 29 which are filling the campus with do the job," says Witt, years, he has been assigned t the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence to write music this summer. clude a Others in- church music workshop, The research effort will out- line problem areas, suggest ap- MYSTERIES 2/25C q teachers clinlC( Congress propriate priorities and indicate ai history c of the Fifth Army In- ctrin„, and vouth music con- agencies capable of participating telligence School at Fort Sheri¬ WESTERNS 2/250 n this research. dan, Illinois. In civilian life Colonel Haight is also Coordinator of Contin¬ uing Education in the College of Communication Arts. He has been faculty member the past eight FICTION AND 2/25C a Before joining the MSU staff Col. Haight was editor, publish¬ er and owner of several Wis¬ NON-FICTION consin and Michigan newspapers including the Bronson Journal and Jacobson's BOOK SPARTAN the Lake Orion Review. Col. Haight was graduatedfrom Acf « A; A ' a bachelor of arts degree in journalism and holds a master of arts degree in sociology from 623 E. Grand Rive. CORNER MAC & ANN EAST LANSING Michigan State- 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1964 CHEVROLETS EXCLUSIVELY. LINCOLN 1959 Premiere 4-door VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Blue. Radio, L A D1E S-PLEASANT telephone RUMMAGE SALE. August 28-29. 1955-1962 Convertibles, hard- hardtop. A sharp one-owner, whitewalls. Seat belts. Excellent work. $1.25 per hour with regu¬ 9 am. - 9:30 pm.Clothes, snow- lar increases. Call 332-1321 for FURNISHED HOUSE tor two or tops, and sedans. 6 and V-8's. new car trade-in. Absolutely condition. Call 353-0299. 19 suits, dishes, furniture, etc. CLEARANCE SALE on used lawn three weeks. $35 weekly. ED For the biggest selection of like new in every detaill! Fully VOLKSWAGEN l961, like new. interview. _19 7-0922. 19 5672 Nichols. 677-2175. 19 mowers, walking and riding. used Chevys in town, stop out at equipped and priced to go. AL Turquoise hardtop. Transistor HELP WANTED babysitter in my CONSORTONE PROFESSIONAL Also new mowers at discount EDWARDS CO. Lincoln, Mer¬ home beginning September 7. FITTING AVE? i)07 (Edgemont J. B.'s Exclusively Chevrolet radio. Good tires, motor. $1085. tape recorder. Four 10" reels. prices. VOSS SALES AND SER¬ • AUTOMOTIVE Used Cars. 2801 S. Cedar. TU cury, Comet Dealer. 3125 E. Okemos area. Phone 337-1113.19 Shopping Center). Two-bedroom Perfect condition. Phone Holt, VICE. 2041 E. Grand River, or offer. 332-2276. 19 unfurnished home. $150 monthly. • EMPLOYMENT 2-1478 or TU 2-6721. C Saginaw. (North of Frandor.) C GREAT LAKES Employment for 694-0173. 19 Okemos. Phone ED 7-1711. 19 VOLKSWAGEN Ml Sedan. Ivory Call IV 4-1697. • FOR RENT MGA WHITE. Wire wheels. 4- permanent positions in office, PERMANENT REGISTERED REFRIGERATOR PHONO- white. Top appearance. Care¬ - • FOR SALE speed, stick. New tires, engine. sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. 3oynton. and heater. Little rust. Runs fully maintained. White side- Three-bedroom ranch. Brick quarter horse stallion. Two GRAPH, puritron, antique oak • LOST & FOUND Low mileage. $850. ED 2-6150. well. New battery. Must sell. walls. 332-5712 after 5 pm. 19 front. Full basement. Low years old. Sired by Iron Hand. secretary, camera, kitchen SALESMEN MOBILE home. !. Part • PERSONAL 19 Phone IV 5-9208. 19 $125. Call 332-4655. taxes. $14,900. Call IV 4-3582. table, men's clothing, etc. Phone MUSTANGS 196$. Some available or Full time. Selling experience • PEANUTS PERSONAL Scooters-Cycles 19 CAMPUS CLOTHES: Formal, or- IV 2-0236. 19 • REAL ESTATE now. See Don Balasky at Jack preferred but not necessary. IV door. 509. 4 speeds on the floor. chid. Windows, frames, water DRUMS, LESS than three weeks • SERVICE Dykstra Ford for prompt de¬ C U S H M A N 1964 Motorcycle. 5-2289, IV 2-0529. 19 FOR RENT, seven room, fur¬ 519 Beech St. 337-0940evenings heater, white brocaded wall¬ old. Three piece with cymbals. • TRANSPORTATION livery, or call 355-9896. 19 Super Eagle. 765. 7900 Lange SALES TRAINEES. Friden, Inc. nished house. Two baths, four weekends. paper, bridge table, furniture. $165. IV 9-9452. 18 Rd., Fowlerville. CAstle 3-9991. has openings for men with col¬ bedrooms. Men or women stu¬ • WANTED CHEVROLET i960 4-door. V-8. (M-DSM661LE IW2 Star fire IV 2-1906. 19 19 lege and math background in dents only. Available September Power steering. Automatic. Ex¬ TRUMPET, MARTIN committee DEADLINE: cellent condition. Phone OL 5- TRIUMPH i"V62 Thunderbird sales of electronic calculators 1. ED 2-3792. 19 model. Excellent condition. Its not too late to get your tents, 11 a.m. one class day be¬ 650cc 4,000 actual miles. Call and adding machines. Call PARTLY FURNISHED ranch tarps and all your camping 2856. OLDSMOBILE 1964 Red Jet Star $150. Phone 355-2909. 19 fore publication 337-9522. 18 Friden, Inc. for interview, 482- house on year lease. Three bed¬ equipment. Cooking and heating CHEVROLET 1956. Black and 1. Sport Coupe. 3700 miles. 8917. LABRADO RETRIEVER puppies. bottle gas stoves. Also lanterns. rooms, two baths. Atractively Cancellations - 12 noon one white. 4-door. Clean, good tires. $3300. Phone TU 2-3366. 19 Three months. Shots, ready to Our low prices will amaze youl $190. Phone 355-5806. 19 situated on acre of ground. Fac¬ class day before pubiicatior 355-1081 after OLDSMOBILE 196l 'SS'. 4-door tronic organist and piano player train. Top field and bench stock. WILCOX SECOND HAND VES PA 1964 '150'. Perfect for ulty tennants preferred. $150 PHONE: CHEVROLET 19i9 Belair, four- hardtop. 20,000 miles. Like new for Friday, Saturday nights. monthly. Available late Septem¬ ED 7-7213. 18 STORE. 509 E. Michigan. IV with power brakes, steering. campus. Buddy seat, book rack. SCUBA door, powerglide, radio, good JOLLY INN. 882-7641. 18 ber. Phone 332-8408 for addi¬ EQUIPMENT. Complete 5-4391. C 355-8255 4-speed. Manufacturers war¬ condition. Reasonable. Phone $1,550. TU 2-6334. 19 tional information. 19 outfit. • Wet suit. Plus many ex¬ LADIES' SUMMER and Pall ranty. 372-4925. 19 RATES: 882-6675. OLDSMOBILE 1958.2-door hard- phone miscellaneous tvp- TWO LOVELY furnished houses tras. $150. Call ED 2-3077. 18 clothes. Sizes 9-13. Aug. 25, 1 DAY 51.25 THEVROLET 1957 Convertible. top. Black and white. Runs well. A«to Service & Parts ing.- Candidate must be high near Frandor. Accommodates 11-4. 4571 Arrowhead Rd., Oke¬ 3 DAYS $2.50 New top, new tires. Good con¬ $250. 412 Haze, Lansing. 19 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call school graduate, 21-35 years old 3-6 single students. Call 337- model. Double keyboard. Also mos. 332-8741. 18 5 DAYS $3.75 dition. $650. Willing to com¬ OLDSMOBILE'1961 '98'. 4-door Kalamazoo Street with pleasant personality and 0650. 19 port-a-crib. Baby clothes. m-M-m EaIcEdCOOdS .cookies, Body Shop. promise. 314 Evergreen, East hardtop. 39,000 actual miles. Small dents to large wrecks. telephone manners. Many em¬ Phone IV 4-2652. 18 cakes, pastries. Prepared fresh (Based on 15 words per ad) Lansing. ED 2- Full power. Rear defrost. Won- American and Foreign cars. ployee benefits. Call 482-1479 to BUGGY, CAR BED, maternity daily. K WAST BAKERIES, derbar radio and 6-way seat. Guaranteed work. 489-7507. apply. 18 clothes. Baby, children's and Brookfield Plaza at Hagadron & There will be a 25$ service 333 ALBERT. International Stu¬ cayne. 327 engine and 4-speed Best offer over $1,795. Also 1411 East Kalamazoo. LADIES- for very pleasant tele- adults clothing. Draperies, Grand River. 19 and bookkeeping charge if C dent House. Two-man rooms. positraction. Heavy duty sus¬ 18 ft. Thompson BOAT with 75 BOUND? Cet aPREE phone work. Start at $1.25 per Balance of Summer term, $30. lamps, golf bag. Sectional, snow STOVE- MONARCH, deluxe. Fine this ad is not paid within VACATION pension. 372-2952 or IV 7-5218. hp Evinrude motor and 1957 In¬ Lube with oil hour with regular increases. TV available. 484-5496. Nights tires, 800x14. 16" TV. 332-3440. condition. Also two chairs. 19 change and fill- ternational Metro Van. Best of¬ Call 332-1321 for 372-0330. 19 19 Swivel rocker, a matching otto¬ up and this ad, at MEL'S AUTO The State News CHEVROLET 1957 Stationwagon. fer. Phone IV 7-0173 or IV EXCLUSIVE STUDENt repre- ROOM AND BOARD for two PORTABLE tYPEWRITER- man. Phone ED 7-2411. 18 does not SERVICE, 315 W. Grand River. co- Four-door, 283 cubic inch, V-8, 9-2059. C 19 sentative wanted to work in eds in exchange for cooking, Olympia Precision. Buy the fin¬ VEGETABLES. Corn, cucum- permit racial or religious automatic. $495. 1304 Masachu- OPAL 1961 Record. $600. Very spare time selling quality men's est. Technical keyboards avail¬ bers, beets, summer squash. discrimination in its ad¬ cleaning. Holt. OX 9-2729, any¬ vertising columns. The setts, IV 4-2219. sharp. Radio, heater. Good Employment and women's hosiery lines on time. 2069 Dean. 19 able. HASSELBRING CO. 310 N. Phone ED 7-7609. 18 State News will not CORVAIR 1963 4-door. Stand- tires. Phone 332-1440, ask for campus. High profits. Contact 660 and 672 VIRGINIA AVENUE. Grand. IV 2-1219. C19 WEDDING DRESS, size 11. Chan- accept SECRET ARY FOR Law office for advertising from persons ard transmission. Radio. Ex¬ Jim. 19 CGE, Box 223, Burlington, N.C. Double and single rooms. Pri¬ FREEZER REVCO 26 cubic "feet. tilly lace. Floor length. Also PLYMOUTH 1947 2-door. Im- part-time work during Septem¬ 19 discriminating against re¬ cellent condition. CHEVY 111963 vate entrance with or without Sale price, $150. Phone IV 5- hoop. IV 4-4931. 19 ber, becoming full time in Nova Convertible. Four new maculate condition throughout. EARNINGS ARE unlimited as an 1975. 18 DE-HUMIDIFIER, and portable ligion, race, color or October. Must be accurate kitchen privileges. Parking. national origin. whitewall tires. Radio. Call N1 No rust. Good motor. 482-1337, Avon representative. Turn your typist, good speller. Write stat¬ Completely new. Between $10 LARGE CHROME kitchen table washing machine. Both excel¬ 6-3841 after 5:30 pm. ask for Paul. 19 free time into $$. For appoint¬ and $15 per student per week. with four chairs. Very good lent condition. Phone IV 2-3832. ing qualifications, experience. CORVAIR 196 4 Monza Club PLYMOUTH 1964. 426 Street ment in your home, write or Call 332-5818. 19 condition. 18 Automotive Willingham, Learned, Cote. 220 call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 Hollywood bed, head¬ Coupe. Demonstrator. 4-speed. package. White Savoy with de¬ UNSUPERVISED DOUBLE board, and springs. 482-0905.19 MATCHING MAHOGANY drum Albert, East Lansing, Mich. 19 SENSATIONAL NEW 'Sunbeam luxe trim. Headers. 410 gears. School St., Haslett, Michigan or and coffee 110 motor. Whitewall tires. rooms. Private entrances, kit¬ 1J NICE TYPE hlolstein Heifers. tables. Mersman. Imp' Sports sedan with the BIG Tach. 8,000 miles. New car call evenings, FE 9-8483. C18 Like Pushbutton radio. $2,125. 485- chens, parking; $10 a week for Also two registered Holstein new. $30 for both. 627- performance comfortable 80 warranty. $2400. 332-4310. 18 SALESLADY TO work in Dairy 5570. 4669. 19 men per term. 485-7673. 19 Cows. Hershell Head. 3320 E. 19 mph and fuel consumption up to PLYMOUTH 1958 Convertible. EMPLOYER'S OVERLOAD CO. Store. 18 years or over. Call CORVAIR 1964 2-door, with ac- PRIVATE AREA for two. Near Holt. 655-2871. 19 40 mpg. Rear mounted engine New top, good tires. Power For temporary assignments. IV 4-7711 for appointment. 19 cessories. $1,695. Low mileage. campus. Quiet, unsupervised. IDEAL COUNTRY home seven long. Electric refrigerator and plus four-speed synchormesh steering and brakes. $325. Experienced office help urgent¬ Phone 355-9499. 19 brakes. Good condition. Phone One owner. 6921 W. St. Joseph. miles from college. Three bed¬ transmission. Deluxe, only Phone 332-8063. 19 ly needed. 616 Michigan Nation¬ IV 4-2462. 19 372-0127. 19 IONIA WEST 423. Modern fur- room, $16,000. By owner. Phone $1,613. USED CARS IN STOCK. al Tower. Phone 487-6071. C KITCHEN SET. Excellent CORVAIR 1962 MonzaCoupe.Au- i-speed. Apartments nished room. Tiled bath and 655-1615, Williamston. 19 condi- 196 3 MG 1100 Demonstrator, tomatic transmission. White ex¬ Positraction, sun tack, power shower. Gentlemen. Phone IV tion. Black oak formica. Four $1,750. ienced. SPACIOUS SIX room, H/2 baths, TEFLON FRYlNC pans, house- steering, push button radio and Responsible position. 9-2580. 18 chairs. $75. Phone IV 4-7877. 1962 MG Roadster, $1,895. terior, red trim. Bucket seats. duplex apartments. Attractively wares and gifts. ACE HARD- New whitewall tires. Radio, heater. Exceptional car. Can be Top pay. Give complete partic¬ MEN. SUMMER rates. One block 18 1962 Hillman Sedan automatic. furnished. Parking. Near cam¬ WHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand at 4914 Walnwright Ave. ulars in application. Write Box Original owner. Phone ED seen to campus. Parking. Kitchen, ORGAN- MAGNUS with bench. $1,295. pus. Four girls each side. 332- River, across from Union. ED 882-4638; 484-8401. 19 No. A-l, State News. 347Student 1960 Hillman Sedan automatic, 2-4604. 19 8903 after 5:30 pm. 19 living room. Singles, doubles. 2-3212. C $100. Paid $275 for it. Excellent Services Bldg., East Lansing. 20 CORVAIR 196 3 Monza, black PONTIAC 1964 two-door hard- TWO UPPER apartments. Avail- After 5:30, 332-2195. 19 ENGLISH 3 condition. Phone 882-4665. 19 $265. speed bicycles. 1964 MG 'B' Roadster Demon¬ four-speed, bucket seats. Must top, power, low mileage and ex¬ COLLEGE STUDENTS, male. able within three weeks. Just ROOM FOR girl for Fall term. $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & tras. 2808 S. Catherine. Phone Full time Summer work. Part being completed. 660 and 672 Prefer Graduate student. 1 1/2 strator, $2,530. seli^JBargain at $1,595. Phone GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, ED 2-0683. 882-8568. 19 time during school year if de¬ Virginia Ave. $180 monthly. Call blocks campus. 238 Oakhill. ED from Union. ED2-3212.C BROOKS IMPORT CARS, 5014 across N. Grand River, Lansing. IV Corvette I960 Convertible. PONTIAC 1963 Grand Prix. 4- sired. Earn enough during sum¬ 332-5818. 19 2-8498. 19 245 hp. 4-speed. Two 4-barrel speed. Radio, whitewalls. Sharp! mer to pay for entire year of LARGE THREE or four-room CAPITOL NEAR. Refined ladies cowhide leather in 9-5568. 19 or GREAT BOOKS OF THE good shape, carburetors. Newly uphol¬ Call IV 4-5654 after 5 pm. 18 schooling. Over 15 $1,000 furnished apartment. Two or home. Lovely new furniture. WESTERN WORLD. Your hardly used. $15. 229 Shepard, BUICK 1954. Excellent n stered. IV 5-0303. 19 SPARTAN MOTORS scholarships were awarded to three men. Approximately $8- Kitchen privileges. $50 monthly. choice. New sets. Not out of Call IV 2-4514. 18 transmission. Will always CHEVY II 1962. 4-cylinder, 2- qualified students. Oh the job $11 each weekly. Parking. $35 MI 5-8930. 19 the box. Bookcase. $298 each. SWAP 23" Philco TV for anOut- $150. Phone IV 2-2295. 1405 N. training for practical use of deposit. Available September WAVERLY ROAD. S. 3485. Near ($100 below list.) Not Jenison. 19 door. Standard transmission. a sales¬ board Motor not over 7 1/2 your education during the sum¬ 10. IV 9-2389, 4-7 pm. 19 Jolly Rd. One girl or woman 355-2966. 18 BUICK 1955 Super. Fair condi- Only $995. mer months. An "earn while man. horsepower. Phone Bath 641— FURNISHED TWO room apart- with child. 882-6353. 18 YEAR OLD WASHER. Four year 6625. 18 tion. Must sell. Call Dave, ED DODGE 1955. 2-door hardtop. you learn" program designed ment and bath. Gas heat, pri¬ 2-3563 after 7 pm. 19 V-8 automatic. 1108 A Univer¬ RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962. 2- MEN APPROVED supervised warranty remaining. $125. Elec¬ GUNS FOR SALE, trade, or rent. by this multi-million dollar vate entrance $45 monthly. NOW BUYING. We have expanded sity Village. Best offer. 355- door. Standard transmission. housing. Room and board, $155 tric dryer, $50. ED 2-8026 after All makes, models, and cali¬ Corporation that hundreds of Phone 655-1609. 19 out lot and need more cars. 5828. 19 Very clean. $895. students have taken advantage per term. Supervision by stu¬ 5 pm. 19 bers. Also 1873 model Winchest¬ 1955 to 1961 models. Bring your FALCON 1960Deluxe, Fordom MATURE GIRL to share large dents themselves. No house¬ ers HEX. Terms. KENNEDY'S of. Many of whom are still with •bedroom, living room, kitchen. mother. Two three hours title, have cash waiting ic. Radio, heater. Whitewall to Child-proof and litter trained. HOBBY SHOP. 1420 Woodbine. we for our Co. in key executive posi¬ $2 plus little am. work. ED tires. Excellent condition. Low work per week. Unregimented 14540 Wacousta Rd. 627-7055.19 IV 9-1165. 19 your car. POWERSUSEDCARS, tions. For arrangements of per¬ 2-5977. 19 1328 S. Washington. IV 9-2845. mileage. $695. Phone days, 489- sonal interview, time, schedule atmosphere. Approximately BICYCLES SALES, service and POODLE STUD SERVICE. Black 0158. After 5 pm., CAPITOL NEAR newly decor¬ 489-9738. 19 twenty men. Need only two point. rentals. EAST LANSING 10 inch Toy. Tiny features. and city you wish to work, call ated, well lighted. Parking, very Chevrolet 195* four-door FALCON 1963. 8,500 miles, 4- Call 332-1440. 413 Hillcrest. 19 CYCLE, 1215 East Grand River. se- Grand Rapids, GLendale 9-5079. clean. Call IV 9-3271 or 487- Champion stock. AKC regis¬ dan. Excellent condition. 1941 door, radio, standard, 24 miles JEROME 807. Seven blocks from Call 332-8303. tered. Phone 484-6647. 18 Also Lansing, 485-3146. South 3354. 18 3000 E. Michigan Ave. Capitol. Clean. Everything fur¬ i. New. FORD sedan. Typewriter, elec¬ per gallon. Spotless. 351-5005. Bend CEntral 4-9179. Kalama¬ POODLES (2). One white male, tric range, 19 IV 7-3715 C nished. Parking. Private en¬ $86. addingmachine.Call zoo, call Grand Rapids number. Toy. Apricot female. Miniature 489-4361. 18 FORD 1957 stationwagon: P.S., apartment for college or pro¬ trance. Phone 487-3597. 18 19 19 AKC. Registered. Phone Dimon- vertible, red. Wire wheels, fessional personnel. Three BREAKFRONT, FOUR Chevrolet i«4. Cood trans- P. B., R&H, W.W., automatic dining dale 646-5911. 18 V-8, clean inside and out. $100. whitewalls. Like REGISTERED nOrsES, fuLl rooms, ceramic bath. Phone ED For Sale portation. $120.Call 355-4166.18 new; $1695. room mahogany chairs; hall OR.PART TIME. 11-7 or 3-11. 2-3505 9:30 am. - 5:30 pm. or 16 ft. STARCRAFT boat with 70 332-8969. 19 Phone 372-0074. 19 table; mirror; two new pairs months old. Black and silver. CHEVROLET 1970 Impala 4-door Good salary and differential plus ED 2-3135. 19 DO YOU KNOW that just ten min- THUNDERBIRD" 196 0" hp Mercury. Holsclaw trailer. drapes, 42 inches. 485-3179. 19 hardtop. Power steering and Fully other fringe benefits. Flexible APARTMENT. SINGLE employed All ski equipment included. AKC Registered. $75. Phone utes East of East Lansing, you COLLIER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. brakes. $950. Phone IV 5-9930. equipped. White. One owner. time schedule. Meal furnished. girl wishes to share furnished 882-1043. 18 can have the best personalized Phone 882-3622. 19 With Beautiful condition. Less than Phone ED 2-0801. 19 yearbooks and dictionary. POODLES EOR sale. One black apt. at 601 W. Shiawassee with LUGGAGE TRAILER 6' x 8'x6". service from a small friendly 35,000 miles. Reasonable. ED Phone 351-4006. 18 MANAGER TRAINING PRO- girl. (Age 25-30) Phone IV 4- small miniature male. One black green, 2-door. Standard shift. Ford Dealer? We feature a 2-6016. 19 Completely enclosed. Excellent BAKERY-RESTAURANT equip¬ GRAM open to young men 21 to 1357 day, IV 5-7467 evenings. 18 for long distance moving. $100. small toy female. TU 2-9163. 19 Like new inside, out. Family fine selection of used cars. ment. Mixers, back bars, show¬ THUNDERBIRD i960. Full power, 35 who can meet employee re¬ EAST LANSING, newly furnished Call 355-9971 after 5:30 pm. DIAMOND RING, new. $75. List car. IV 4-4735. 19 SIGNS FORD SALES, William- 19 cases, miscellaneous. Phone ED new tires. Sharp! Phone IV 4- quirements of new stereo divi¬ compact apartment for two HOME GROWN Red price, $75. Call ED 2-1658. 19 Chevrolet 1958. Deiray, six- ston, Michigan. 655-2191. C sweet corn. 2-8769; ED 7-2381. 19 9694. 19 sion of Reader's Digest Sales girls. Near MSU. Phone 337- TRUCK CAMPERS for rent. J. Haven peaches. Honey Rock FISHING BOAT fibreglass, 121/2 cylinder. Floor shift. Good con¬ MERtU*Y i960 Wagon. Power and Service, Inc. Due to rapid 1018. 19 melons. Tomatoes and farm C. Higgins camp trailer for dition. $350. 882-1507. 18 TR 10 1959. Excellent motor and foot, 15 hp outboard motor, like steering, brakes, rear window. growth we urgently need man¬ ALSDORF 1114. Upper four rooms fresh eggs. Also other fresh sale. $295. K & M Campers new, $300. Phone 627-5038. 18 CHEVROLET 196 3. 409. Like 9-passenger. Excellent shape. body, 32mpg. Good car for mar¬ agement people with potential fruits and vegetables daily at Sales. 1251 N. Cedar, Mason. new. Phone ED 2-1180. 18 Phone IV 7-0459. 19 ried student. 485-8870. 18 to fill key positions. Integrity USED ElCYCLES for sale or OX 4-0212. 19 reasonable prices throughout and personality more important rent. ACE HARDWHERE & AVONDALE APARTMENTS- the season. ROADSIDE FARM than past experience in sales. GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, Gunson and Beech. Walking dis¬ MARKET. 2 miles East of East from Union. ED 2-3212. Get Out of the Excellent salary and commis¬ across tance to campus. Now leasing Lansing, on Grand River at C sion arranged for men who qual¬ ify. Apply Mr. Renckens, 882- for Fall at $50 per person per Okemos Road. Open 9:30 am. to WATER HEATER 86 gallon elec- SUMMER'S August 24 - 31 cellent condition. Three new 6629, 10 am. to noon only. 19 month, 4 to each luxury 2-bed- room apartment. Nylon carpet¬ 8 pm. C tric Hotpoint, good condition. whitewalls. Convertible. Stick. BABYSITTING AND light house- ing. GE appliances. Danish WEDDING GOWN with train and veil, size 8. $50. Phone IV 9-5876. 19 HOT, HOT SUN Pre-Register For Fall Term White. Call 332-1603. keeping beginning September 14. modern furniture. Stop by any¬ matching Like New. crown Only $60. IV 2-6304. MERCURY MARK, 20 hp, and and Responsible adult. Five-day time, or call 337-2080 for in¬ 19 controls; two beagles, male and enjoy the fresh B & B Apartment Living week. Own transportation. Wil- formation. 19 NEW TELEVISION seven months female. Phone IV 9-7954. 18 roolness of one of our liamston. Call 332-0682. 19 ATTRACTlVEBASEMfeNt old. Must sacrifice to graduate. FRESH SWEET CORN. Excellent Swimming Pools !FOR STUDENTS FROM A'Z) Moving? BABYSITTER OKEMOS area, one apartment. One or two quiet 14 inch Panasonic. Special fea¬ for freezing and eating. $1.25 a Get this child in kindergarten. Live in graduate students. $85 monthly. tures. ED 2-8635. 18 bushel. 35£ a dozen. ED2-2900. (optional). Close to Campus. No smoking, no cooking. 332- DINING ROOM SUITE refriger- Free 1894. 340 Wildwood Dr. ator, stove, sofa, chairs, lamps, the largest apts, closest to campus chest, single bed, headboards. & shopping. Get five room luxury Book If you live at Half finished sailboat, drapes. r RIVERSIDE"~3 at approximate dorm prices. Call IV 5-6618. Gives the facts about moving. 332-0838 and register today. Open Explains the moving estimate. CEDAR VILLAGE sr.'EAST / evenings this week for your con¬ Shows how charges are deter¬ Albert —— venience. mined. Its FREE call you can - the Apartments We still have a few apartments available LFT THE OTHERS' for Summer and Fall. UNIVERSITY TERRACE 444 Michigan Avenue 50 FEET TO CAMPUS eden roc Now offering: 9 month leases. DELTA APARTMENTS DO THE WALKING BURCHAM WOODS New low rates. 233-235 Delta Street Now Leasing £oehm (V NOW RENTING | Furnished | fOWERMAN for Fall term 1 [or FALL | Model open i JATt* citafTtr Daily River Hurry^Call Today ED 2 5041 Ci'ED 2-0565 CALL ED 2-8488 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 355-3157 - 332-5051 - 337-0256 APPLIANCES 235 Delta Phone: 332-0838 Stop at our model from 1-8 daily at 252 River Street ED 2-0255 for bettei living 252 Cedar Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1964 7 For Sale Lost & Found Real Estate Service Transportation CXRGE WHITE upright-tust re- felted. tuned. Beautiful sound. LOST. GOLD Omega wrist watch. Self-winding, shock proof with MAGNOLIA S. 218. Four large bedrooms with closets. Car- TREE SERVICE. Removals our specialty. Also trimming and RIDE WANTED to New York City September 2 or after. Call 332- New US. Turmoil Excellent condition. Must Sell black band. If found please call peted living and dining rooms. stump removal. Insured. Rea- 02013 from 6 pm. to midnight. 19 Now! $65. ED 2-0971. 19 Gil at 353-1650. After 5pm, 332- 12' x 12' kitchen with dishvyash- sonable. Free estimates. Gable RIDERS TO share driving to V-M TURNTABLE. Fine com- ponent for Hi-Fi condition with lus. new bug. Excellent *30. ED 7-9358. VIOLIN GOOD, student. diamond sty¬ 19 $55. 0508. IF" YOU Reward Personal need offered. help, get some somewhere. If you need insur¬ 19 er, Family heat, and NORTHWEST and lots of cupboard space. public room, garage. 1 1/2 baths. Gas schools. Near parochial 906 372-3951. 19 Durant. Two Tree Service. 484-5780. TV RENTALS for students. l£co- month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT- ALS. 484-9263. 19 Nebraska, Denver area. Leav- nomical rates by the term and Mcti gcMinR i™«l ing August 31. Call 332-4967. 19 ^r c^ * either car to drive KI 18 ride to San Francisco. Leave ^ Sugar Sugar? Or artificial, non- drinks and thus get away with Or use of such foods Sw by diabetics Phone 489-4730 or see at 419 ance. buy from BUBOLZ INSUR¬ bedrooms, garage. Patio, base- AUCTION EVERY Saturday at 1 September 12th or 14th. Arrive caloric sweetener? Which is for eating something else that fills is supported by medicine and ob¬ I So. Fairview. 18 ANCE- upstairs next to Spudnut. ment. Fireplace. New kitchen. pm. Automobiles, antiques, fur- by the 18th. References. TU you? Are artificial sweeteners that 105-calorie gap. served the growing trend of use C18 Lovely landscaped yard. $14,100. niture, appliances, arts, etc. 2-1396. 19 safe? How effective are they in There are two kinds of arti¬ by obese persons and persons TYPEWRITER OFFICE model. Also electric adding machine. THINKING OF a Pizza Party1} 485-3678. 19 Buy and sell. CAPITAL CITY DRIVING TO helping you reduce or maintain ficial sweeteners commonly in who want to prevent weight gains. California August Contact BIMBO'S PIZZA first. EAST LANSlNC. Marble-St. AUCTION. 621 Hazel. Call 482- 24. Take a rider. Phone ED weight? use, according to Mrs. Dean. The board acknowledged argu¬ | Call 489-4361. 18 Call 484-7817. 19 Thomas School. Three bed- 1476. Physicians, nutritionists and Saccharin, the "daddy" of non- ments pro and con regarding the | SEWING MACHINE. Electric. FOR REAL SAVINGS ask this li, tri-level. Two full baths. DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers 2-8498 or write Box 186, State industry spokesmen are some¬ nutritive sweeteners, has beer use of sugar. It recognized that Deluxe Hallmark zig-zag. Fully returned either yours or ours. Journal. 17 their used for over 50 years authorities praised sugar State Farm agent about financ¬ Carpeted living room, dining what divided in answers by dia¬ some automatic. Brand new with all ing your next car through the room and hall. Mahogany pan¬ With our service, you may in- RIDER TO Los Angeles. Refer¬ to these questions. betics. More recently in the pic¬ as a "quick energy" food and as attachments. Phone 372-3048.18 eled recreation room with fire¬ :lude two pounds of baby ences needed. Leave September A bit of humor is added to ture are the cyclamate additives, an appetite depressant, while State Farm Car Finance Plan— Typewriter, l. c. smith, clothes that do not fade. Diaper 1. Call Judy, 332-8518. which Ask for ED KARMANN, IV place. Call ED 2-8939. 954 Bel- the sugar versus artificial sweet¬ are only one-thirteenth as others attacked sugar as "empty Standard. In good repair. Others saccharin and which 5-7267, in Frandor. C18 ridge. 19 pail furnished. RIDE WANTED for two or three. ener turmoil by Anita Dean, sweet as calorie" food and a danger to available. Phone TU 2-8691. 18 be used LAFAYETTE ST. 634. Six-room New York City or vicinity. Michigan State University Coop¬ must in much greater the teeth. BELL TAP^ recorder. Five Peanuts Personal house. Two bedrooms and bath. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE Available Sept. 8. Phone 355- erative Extension Service nutri¬ concentration in foods in order Caught in the middle, the board 914 E. Gier Street tionist, who says of the mount¬ achieve the tapes with reels. Must sacri¬ TO YE Old Completely remodeled. $10,500 5806. 19 to same sweetness said, "Regardless of viewpoint, Dragon--Glad to hear fice. Phone IV 5-4069. 19 the show was a success. Sorry with 1/2 down. TU 2-3298. 19 IV 2-0864 C ing craze for no-calorie foods: as saccharin. the fact remains that sugar is a I WHITEHOUSE 14 ft. Boat with we missed the premiere per¬ FOREST HILLS, 4382 Elmwood THESIS PRINTED Wanted "Only in America would we Most of the low-calorie bev¬ source of energy, whereas the 75 h.p. Scott motor, trailer. pay a top price for zero!" erages contain a combination of artificial nonnutritive sweeten¬ formance. Maybe next time! The Dr. Owner being transferred. Rapid Service WILL PAY 15% interest on $500- She points out that low-calorie saccharin and cyclamate pro¬ Complete with skiis and acces¬ Motly Crew. Four-bedroom ranch.Twocom- Drafting Supplies, XEROX COP- $10,000. Phone 694-5811 or 332- ers are not. sories. Phone IV 9-7078. 19 soft drinks are expected to ac¬ ducts. And, like other artifically "There is plete baths. Two-car garage. jES 3081. 19 no clear justifica¬ Real Estate count for 15 per cent of U.S. sweetened foods, they carry the of artificial DOUBLE LAUNDRY tubs, lawn CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT tion for the use HOME, LARGE" four-bedroom. soft drink sales this year—double statement required by law that mower, maternity, baby and ltf ACRES. East. $2,500." $800 221 South Grand Prefer East sweeteners by the general public Lansing area. last year's percentage. It's ex¬ they "should be used only by women's clothing. Stroller and 'oom as a weight-reducing procedure, Equity. Balance $20 per month. Lansing. 482-5431 or 482-5038 C Lease with option to purchase. pected to double again by 1970. persons who wish to or must re¬ even though sweet-tasting food laundry hamper. IV 5-6696. 19 Consider car or horse as trade. brick ranch, recreation References. 487-3749, 9-5. 18 TV SERVICE call: $5. Tubes Representatives of the artifi¬ strict their intake of ordinary HARDY MUMS 1720BoolidgeRd., Priced below FHA at $15,000. is recognized as giving psycho¬ 645-0247. 19 cial sweetener industry main¬ discounted 25%, except picture logical 'lift' to many individuals East Lansing. 35 new colors, 90 LOOKING GLASS RIVER. Three Owner. Phone 484-6864. 18 "r" HOUSE TRAlLl-A, 58' or IV x8'. tain that non-caloric sweeten¬ .varieties. Monday - Saturday. or call Albert Glassford, A few years ago, the American and even though the substitution bedroom ranch home. River OKEMOS N'0 down payment. ers -mn, ■» to those who of 'iwwtewr for I is view, large lot. Redecorated, r~z :*>&.! tri-level, three bed¬ must avoid excess calories be¬ Medical Association issued a a nohirtflr DISHWASHER KENMORE "600" statement that said, "There is sugars does decrease thecaloric spotlees, recreation room. rooms, two baths. Five cause of a need to reduce or be¬ or thorough cleaning, 19 no evidence that the continued content of the foods in question." $150; Underwood reconditioned Owner. 627-2477. 19 from campus. ED 2-6680. 19 cause of disease. They point out business typewriter, $50; TV small offices to clean i CHILD CARE in my East Lans- use of either saccharin or cy¬ "Indiscriminate use of one of BEAUTIFUL LARGE wooded lot that sweeteners provide a means 17" floor model, $30. 339-8458. $25,400. PRICED RIGHT on the TU 2-4581, IV 7-5713. ing home. Near Frandor. Pre¬ clamate sodium has any harmful the nonnutritive sweeteners, on near MSU, schools, shopping. of reducing caloric intake with¬ 19 lending institution's appraisal school children, babies. Begin¬ effects." But AMA went on to the assumption that less atten¬ for loan purposes! Exceptional 90' 130'. All utilities included. CHILD CARE. Excellent out "intolerable denial of sweet¬ ning anytime. Call 332-3485. 19 point out that the unrestricted tion needs to be paid to the total | BLUEPRINT MACHINE Repru- fax Viking, 20". Good condi¬ 4-bedroom, center hall Colon¬ . ED 7-2345. 19 for your pre-schooler, licensed home. References. ED HONOR STUDENT desi hous- ness." What's more, they say use of cyclamate could result caloric intake, is wrong," the the sweeteners remind the indi¬ tion. Call ED 7-9516. 19 ial. The fireplace adds warmth in the formation of "soft stools," board declared. and luxury to 20 ft. living room. ing, cooking facilities. Near vidual to watch his diet and may Mrs. Dean notes that there are although it probably would not SECRETARIAL FILE cabinet. Formal and separate dining proved. By owner. TU 2-7924~j9 ALTERATIONS DONE reason- ably and quickly. Save this ad campus. Write Dr. O. E. Getts, Box 205, Okemos, Mich. 19 help him to become permanently interfere with other intestinal a host of "probablys" connected Good condition. Phone 337-2525. room next to planned work- adjusted to lower levels of calor¬ with whether or not to use arti¬ for furtl functions. 19 BABY- SITTING JOBS wanted in ic intake. saving kitchen. Newly built on In 1954, the Food and Nutrition ficially sweetened foods. BOOKS-5000- All subjects. Re- corner lot in excellent location, Service 9330; East Lansing area. Call Sheila. Meanwhile, the cane and beet She points out that some arti¬ ED 2-2257. 19 Board of the National Academy | stocked monthly. Always open. almost in East Lansing, very FREE ESTIMATES Typing Service segments of the sugar industry ficial sweeteners are sodium of Sciences-National Research 100 per book. Garage, rear of close to of best grade COUPLE WANT to sublease have united to present a pro- one on all your painting JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4. Council proposed that artificially products and are not advisable 348 E. High St., Ovid, Michigan. schools. TAYLOR SPENCE, apartment from September 20- sugar front to the American pub¬ for persons on low-sodium diets. ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL Ad¬ sweetened foods be labelled and 18 337-2084 or ED 2-3583. MUS- and decorating problems. December 1. Furnished.355- lic. Typical of recent advertise¬ But again, there is probably no vertising. 533 N. Clippert. IV sold as "special purpose" foods. | CLOTHING. RUMMAGE Sale. SELMAN REALTORS. 19 JIM MELTON ments is one—meant to pique The board pointed out that the danger to the normal person. Women's 9-10-11. Men's-Small. MODERN FAMILY home (owner). 484-2613 iS typist w.,h Mom's conscience—that tells parents they do their youngsters Boys and girls 4-6. OX 9-2435. 19 Three or four bedrooms. Gas pic.. Call Merrily,, Vau8h„. 'f ^ • favors when they stock the Special College Issue no heat. Full basement. Large lot. MSU b grad. 339-8751. 19 - CAMPER- w'-" LATE model ^ . u Volkr- refrigerator with diet drinks. It Garage. 655-1615. BEV TALI.MAN. Your t< n pa¬ Box springs and mattresses, wagen or comparable vehicle. equates sugarlessness with pow- bookshelves. Call ED 2-4107. three-bedroom house. Large WORLD'S Largest moving and pers, reports, theses and dis¬ Fully outfitted. References. erlessness and states, "Sugar A Hipster's Guide to the New College Underground 19 storage organization. Operating sertations typed in my home. Wanted for September 4 for 2-3 puts the musclepower in sweet- living room and master bed¬ IBM Electric. Call 372-3849. C weeks. 355-1243. 19 Featuring NEW DANISH walnut furr.iture. room. Formal dining room. New rights in 50 states. Contact your Used in apartment building as representative, Jim TYPING. THESES, term pap< TWO GIRLs want apartment Fall The sugar people contend that J Classified information on quitting, cheating and integrating kitchen with eating space, dish¬ Living-room, bedroom Barrett, IV 5-2241. etc. Fast, efficient service. IBM substituting a sweetening tablet model. washer, disposal. Two bath¬ only. Near campus. Call □ How to fake mononucleosis and enjoy Daytona Beach weekends sets. Call 337-0634. 19 CHILD CARE. Near University Electric typewriters. 337-1527. Kathy, ED 2-6471. 19 for a teaspoon of sugar as a rooms, half basement. Shady, in licensed home. Pre-school means of reducing is mere self- □ A trio of college lovelies living it up in Paree fenced back yard. Garage. Land¬ Mobile Homes or infant. Excellent references. TERM PAPERS done quickly and WANT TO RENT garage. Vicinity delusion. For the averageAmer- □ Well-dressed college men: a 12 page fashion preview scaped. Dead-end street. Call Phone ED 2-4307. 18 accurately by ican, they point out, substitution BEAUTIFUL I960 Star Trailer. 337-7880 for appointment. 19 □ Letters from two white northern college students working for 55' 10'. Two bedrooms, center CLOSEOUT SALE - All stock thesis typist. Two blocks from of diet drinks for sugar- x MASON. LARGE five bedrooms. 337-273" STAMP COLLECTION. Dupli¬ civil rights in Mississippi must at 30 to 50% off sweetened beverages, for in¬ kitchen, dining room, 15' living Close to grade and high schools. go . accumulations, cash room. Excellent condition. housewares, paints, tools, etc. TYPING. TERM papers, theses, cates or stance, would affect less than □ Bogart Mystique — F. Scott Fitzgerald Cult Large carpeted living room. available. Pony Express $2,949. 882-3428. 1 1/2 baths, steam heat. Call for Selling out entire stock. stencils, etc. Experienced.332- Stamps. Phone 484-9394. 19 two per cent of one's total intake. appointment OR 7-8793. 18 DUNHAM HARDWARE, 1216 WANTED TO rent, three bedroom They say you can't lose weight All this and more in September ESQUIRE ind multi- this way. excellent location close to cam¬ EAST LANSING. Three bedroom Turner. 19 ANN BROWN typi house in Williamston. Phone * now on sale! "Not synthetic sweeteners, but pus. Ready for occupancy at brick ranch. Close to Marble RAlSE in prices at WEND- ^ °ffsf P™«nS (blaC* a"d (•<55-1795. 19 total food intake, remains the Trailer Haven Lot 127. 19 School. $16,500. By owner. Call ROW'S ECON-O-WASH. 32 wh,te and color>* General t^" STUDENT TV Rentals. New 19" papers, theses, dis- nutritionally acceptable key to $2' x 8' trailer. One bedroom. IV 5-5391. Speed Clean washers-20tf; ~ portable, $9 per month. 21" ta¬ weight control," states Sugar minuts drying time-10^. 3006 ser a lons* Carpeted. Air conditioned. Lot 210, Trailer Haven. Call 332- ranch, near MSU. Beautifully Vine St.. 1/2 block West of EDIE STARR, TYPIST. Theses, Frandor. C18 dissertations, term papers, ble models, $8 per month. 17" table models, $7 per month. All Information, promote the use Inc., organized to of sugar as a mmmxz 4421. decorated and carpeted. Two full sets guaranteed. No service or living. New Moon trailer. 47' x baths,, family room, fireplace. Built-in dishwasher, range. DIAPER SERVICE, three types of diapers to choose from. Bulk general typing. Experienced, IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C wash for cleaner, whiter dia- ATTENTION! OUTLINING, writ- delivery charges. Call NEJAC TV RENTALS, IV 2-0624. C But Americans are hungry, weight conscious- balancing the 105 49'ra 8'. Two-bedroom, carpeted. Double attached garage. One GARAGE RUMMAGE saleThurs- calories in a glass of ordinary Youngstown kitchen. Full length pers, fluff dried and folded.Use ing, typing letters, speeches, awning. Ideal for two people; year old. 80' x 134' lot. schools. Leaving state, Near must yours or rent ours. Containers articles, small announcements day morning 9:00 W. Howe. Phone IV 9-3185. - 2:00. 222 18 soft drink against the less than two calories in the same amount Dig into as many golden couple with child. Excellent con¬ furnished. No deposit. 25 years in your office. Vivian Sim. 337- BUY anything of value." diet drink. Even if they arc sell immediately. 2704 Linden. "I'LL of dition. Priced to sell. Leaving 332-0727. 18 experience. BY-LODIAPER 1488. 19 WILCOX SECOND - HAND not trying to lose weight, they buttermilk pancakes as you 337-0731. 18 SERVICE. 1010 E. Michigan. IV TYPING. THESES, term papers, state. NICELY FURNISHED three bed- STORE. 509 E. Michigan. IV reason that they can substitute 2-0421. C etc. Fast, efficient service. Kay room house at Lake Lansing. "I'LL BUY anything of value." Ralston, 3"2-1391. C 5-4391. C diet drinks for regular soft can eat for just. .. sleeps six. Phone 646-3411. 18 Can sleep five but prefer four. WILCOX SECOND - HAND TYPING IN my home. Shirley COLLEGE GRADUATE TRAILER. AIR CONDITIONING. Large lot. Three car garage. STORE. 509 E. Michigan. IV Decker, 2654 Melville, East small house in country. Phone 1961 Lancaster, 10' x 50'. New- $200 per month plus utilities. 5-4391. C Lansing. 332-0721. C 372-3380 between 5 and 7pm. 18 ' carpeting. Two bedrooms. Near campus. Phone 337-1277. 19 Call 339-8544 for appointment to see. EAST LANSING by owner, three 19 PAR-MOft GOLF COURSE and TERM PAPERS, theses, exper- DRIVING RANGE. Regulation 9 ienced. IBM Electric. Marianne ROOMMATE TO share unsuper- vised apartment starting Fall Electronics Harrington. 372-3280. C Located across from Un- (continued from page 1) Lost & Found blocks to campus, three bed¬ hole and Par-3 Coursf. Illumi¬ term. GERMAN SHEPHERD Female. rooms. Phone 332-4459 or 355- nated Driving Range. Club rent¬ BARBI MEL, experienced typing ion. Call 332-2309 Tuesday. 18 the program will' include inten¬ als. ART PRIOR- Owner and and Multilith Service. Block off sive refresher seminars for per¬ Silver grey. Lost on West side. 518". 19 WANTED, RIDERS to New York Pro. Corner of Park Lake Road campus. No job too large or too t0 share driving and expenses, sons in the field." Answers to Christy. Phone IV HASLETT, NEAR. 15 minutes and East M-78. East Lansing. small. 332-3255. 19 Leaving September 4 at 5 am. Along more than one mile of 4-8612. 18 from MSU. Three years old, 19 TYPING DONE in my home. L^U ED 2-3432. exhibit space the latest products LOST: FEMALE BEAGLE. three bedrooms, bi-level. Car¬ 337-1890. 19 of some 500 electronics firms Black, brown and white. Lost peted. Two-car garage. Fin¬ FURNITURE REF1N1SHING and i>». Call PL 5-287(i.^ 19 0VER 21 to shr.iT t'wo- will be on view. This year, Na- vicinity of College and Willough- ished basement. Landscaped one repair. Experienced Craftsman. bedroom apartment. $45 " nth- 2820 E. Grond Riv politan said, particular empha¬ by Roads. Phone OX 4-2091. 19 acre lot. 655-1683 evenings. 19 Phone IV 4-3815. 19 ly. Call 355-1929. 18 sis will be laid on new products IV 7-3761 WANTED, HUNGRY "j^ and services brought about by try our delicious FRESH na>.<'d the industry's increased atten¬ Sun.-Thurs. 6 AM-12 goods. We also SPECIAI I/.t. in tion to non-military, consumer- Friday-Saturdoy 24 Hrs. beautifully decorated cake ' oriented markets. all occasions. KWAST BAKER¬ IES, Brookfield Plaza at Hapa- Extra exhibit space made dorp and Grand River. i9 available this year will contain G|RL OVER 21 to share j t- university and military electron¬ M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store ment for two. Call ED i i 475 ics displays to emphasize NEC's between 3 and 5 pm. 18 educational - industry military TWO GIRLS to shari a; starting Fall term. Ca1- i :ut .K. at communications theme Participants include the Elec¬ SEll YOUR 355-6253. _ J8 tronic Representatives Associa¬ BOOKS FOR WANTED TO sublet 7, "--nt tion, Iowa State University, Mar¬ or house for period i. .v n quette University, Michigan State Summer and Fall tei • Call University, Purdue University, 484-6726. 18 the Scientific Apparatus Makers CIRL TO apartment share t w~-T. Fall term. Five min¬ Association, the Society of Mo¬ tion Picture and Television En¬ CASH utes from campus. $55 in .i thly. gineers, the University of Michi¬ 332-5567. 19 gan, the University of Notre Dame, the University of Wis¬ WANTED, TWO girls to* share consin, and Wayne State Univer- apartment for Fall term. Call 351-5007 before 3 pm. 19 sity. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS complete front erd repair and alignment • brakes * suspension • wheel balancing * steering corrections • motor tune ups HSU BOOK STORE USKIY'S AatflJaffity Center o Q*V C r,rr>tv Y1^ Qi MS1 J. 124 SOUTH LARCH M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 25, 1964 Here It Is! NATIONAL GIGANTIC ^ FOOD STORIS BABY BEEF SALE! National's Lean, Tender Baby Beef, Value-Way Trimmed to Give Tou More Eating Meat for Tour Money SIRLOIN, RIB or ROUND Mmm Man STEAKS . . . this is steak! These are What for your eating pleasure. Value-Way Trimmed Is Baby Beef with its Naturally Tender Flavor is ful of that young Beef Goodness. Specially Selectee Ba Chef's Choice for that Big-occasion of excess fat and bone to give you more Lean 79 a Cookout... tender, juicy and extra flavor¬ Eating Meat for your money — Naturally at National it's Guaranteed to Please or your money ful. And of course they are cut and Value- back! Way Trimmed to give you more eating meat for your money. lb. u».. »!«•»• ""W,G,Td Chuck Porterhouse Swiss T-Bone All-Beet Steak Steak Steak | | Steak Hamburger For Braising. 1*0n. _ 59*1 Freshly Greuitd, Beef, P.rt" 4 Veal 49' Hillside, Michigan Grade 1 49 New P'89T~-'89 Crop, National's Gov't Inspected, 8-12 lb. Sirloin lip Steak . . 98 b Meat Loaf Skinless Weiners Hygrade. Michigan Grade 1 . Notional'« iatra Lean, Jr. Size Turkeys Lean, Gristle Free, Baby Beef a jk « ma Cube Steaks .... 98 b Ground Beef Chuck . 59 Ball Park Franks . 65'b . . Cliffchar, Slow-Burning wivFTvnjr! jiow'DUrnin^ Northern norrnern Hardwood, nflruWQOQt Charcoal vnircoii Good Thing. From Hie Green Giant A tf c Cream Corn 4<»69< 325 Briquets 20J: . EXTRA FREE STAMPS Brisk, Refreshing, Salada Black M H WITH THESE COUPONS! ... Tea Bags .... -» OD No Dishes to Wash Serve Refreshing Braswell Grape Hula Punch A — Lily, 9-inch White or . . . Paper Plates -fc 69c POTATOES n This Coupcr At Nj Coupon Expires Sal., FREE WITH THIS COUFON Tender, Sweet, Golden Whole-Kernel u Sale, Sweetheart ^ Bath ^ Qt 50 EXTRA lLHn STAMPS Niblets Corn "1K T" 4-69*£m W MAA NotebMk Paper = "-49* $■ 25 EXTRA JOHNSON S KLEAR FREE WITH THIS COUPON |rae,Hn STAMPS SNAPOFF UTILITY BAGS Catsup Morton's Frozen Choc., Lemon, Banana or Neapolitan O^- 1 Syb-T™. 2 s 99' Delicious, Refreshing, But Not Fattening FREE WITH THIS COUPON 50 EXTRA Green STAMPS Lo-Cal 29 Cott's Beverage 10' 14-ox. STOUFFER FROZEN FOODS Pie ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ii^I W ^ w ^ w *** w ^ w ^ ^ ^ ** w w w; FREE WITH THIS COUPON 25 EXTRA Green STAMPS National Has .the Freshest . . Dawn \ Redeem BROMO SELTZER This Coupcr. At Natima! Food Coupon 6»pires Sat., Ai»9. Home Grown, Michigan Honey Sweet, U.S. No. 1 toro. 2»iii FREE WITH THIS COUPON 50 EXTRA J*e" STAMPS Fresh Peaches Towsl, Bath Mat, Bath Sheet 2 Washcloths or Fingsitip Toveis FREE WITH THIS COUPON or For canning, 25 EXTRA |rVn STAMPS for cooking, or for With The Purchase of A Quart Can, Gulf 12 serving fresh! Try them cKilled CHARCOAL LIGHTER and sliced with cereal for break¬ fast, for dessert witS ice Spic * Span or cream . . . sweet, tree-ripened FREE WITH THIS COUPON Michigan Peaches from Na¬ tional. 25 EXTRA |£.Hn STAMPS Pine Fresh Household Cleaner GULF INSECTICIDE Redeem This Col ISpic. Green Beans ; Stern. Coupon Expire. Sat., Aug. »th. 89c Bunch Beets Bartlett Pears Mushrooms s»«» : FREE WITH THIS COUPON frtth M A* 1 25 EXTRA Jnin STAMPS Ttndtr IQf. | f >b B 10,!a &r California |Qc | fib Net Howe, fatten #1 %M J? M lb ; : • With The Purchase of 4 Cans of PUSSY CAT CAT FOOD Redeem This Coupon At National Food • Stores. Coupon Expires Sat., Aug. 29th Double Crfen I National Food Store 305 N. Clippert West of Frandor IV 9-7074