MICHIGAN PIGSKIN PREVIEW -. All around the country high schools UNIVERSITY STATE STATE- MEWS are about to open, and when they do thoughts of football will crowd into many minds. Currently several high school groups Thursday, August 27, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 55, Number 181 are readying for the coming season on the MSU campus. The girls above are practicing for the cheerleading squads of their schools. The high-steppers at right are students readying for Bus Plans Near the half-time ceremonies of the Grand Haven High School team The girl at the far right seems to be concerned with perfect¬ ing her Photos twirling style. by George Junne, Ken Roberts and Larry Fritzlan Completion; Student Dr 3 Shelters To Go Up Soon Sounding That "boom, boom, boom" which also coordinates the band 19 Drive you hear early in the morning clinic, likened the program to this week is neither the sound a sort of "final exam" for the of more construction work being bands. Each band will present done nor the after-effects of the program it has been working Politics,, Controversy Needed the night before. on all week. For Bu ' It from the now is the sound of the drums high school band clinic going on on campus. There will be no people wishing to watch the pro- gram. In case of rain the pro- charge for Keyed Summer Preparations for the newcam- w- U-.1J t„ The iongt hot SUmmer of 1964 0n an identical quest f< dele- signed a petition which ex- pus bus service are proceeding jenison began in East Lansing with the ied opposition to any open William Moffit, instructor in gfltes# smoothly, according to H. Lyle music and assistant director of political excitement which swept Several MSU students carried ng ordinance on grounds Borner, physical plant mainte¬ across the nation in this election citrrn: whir h rt ad- it would violate the "right engineer. bands, said emphasis in theclin- ... nance _ . , , Coats said the present clinic sl5^Barrywnicnsays reaa.i at- of free decision" of property Construction of the shelters, ic is placed on marching and xperimental one, which, tack~pull the wagon ir- owners. The petition also de- the last preparation phase to get playing. if it proves successful, could Pennsylvania's Gov. William cle" and "All problet m- ■.fended.Jthe right of an owner to started, is to begin later this Negro if week, he said. They are to cost r„djo«lLe.=h p_ vlisr. are two of the MSU Staff _i places „ i;i vnri like YMCA camps and can ^ presidential nomination to lems. $1,500-$2,000 each. and faculty members assisting it In- nicipal bureaucrats" involved. Also expected later this week Lansing the last week in June. appe; Meanwhile, citizens who sup¬ or early next week is the delivery in the training of the bandsmen, He came to offer the Michigan but each band is under the super¬ delegation an alternative to Ari¬ campus' when'lnt ported open occupancy gathered of the last six new buses to com¬ vision of its own director. However, it was felt that with tor Harris F. "Frank" Bee signatures for another petition plete the 12-bus fleet^ zona Sen. Barry Goldwater if the the facilities and staff available announced that topless bat presented to the Council in Au¬ Two of the new, 53-passenger convention was deadlocked after at MSU, many more benefits suits would not be acceptab gust which also bore more than buses which cost about $26,000 On Saturday morning at 9 a.m. a first ballot. could be derived from the outdoor pool. 1,000 names. each, arrived this week, joining the bands will present a two-hour holding it With the tacit support of Gov. Racial controversies The second week in July, con¬ the four used, 51-passenger mod¬ program on Old College Field. on campus. Romney, Scranton asked the made a local appearance dt troversy erupted when a play els which MSU purchased from Moffit said that while the bands Some 555 musicians from six Michigan delegates to support the month of July. In East I dealing with abuse of a Negro the Denver Coach Lines at are performing he will be taping comments high school bands are attending him after their favorite son com- sing there was no rioting i shoeshine man by a white cus¬ $13,600 each and renovated dur¬ icisrr.s which are designed to the clinic. Bands from Grand mitment to the Governor was streets but a quiet battle tomer was cut from a program ing the summer. the University's Construction of the big com¬ help the band learn which areas Haven, Hastings, Jackson Park- ended. the possibility of the City C presented by muter parking lot, turnout lanes it needs to work on. side, Lincoln Park, Muskegon Goldwater, t he front-running cil's adopting an ripe; occup educational television station VVMsB. Lot Y at Mt. Hope Avenue Gordon T. Coats, coordinator and North Muskegon are partici- contender for the GOP nomina- ordinance, near Armand L. and Farm Lane, on Harrison of the Cap and Gown Series pating. tion, arrived the following week Some 1,000 property w Station Director Hunter defended the action by Avenue at Kellogg Center, on saying that the play, written by Farm Lane near Shaw Hall and a Episcopal chaplain at Wayne on East Circle Drive at Student State University, contained an Services Building is underway. excess of profane words. In addition the University is Class Confusion ( After the Republican National o-'veiition e. ded in July, local ENOUGH TO DRIVE THEM BATS -- Dan Womochel, Museum revamping the Kellogg Center parking lot which will have 64 NAAl P officials announced their technician an advanced student in Zoology and Rollin H. Bal. spaces with 25-cent meters, a By JIM STERBA intention to wage an active cam- gated lot for 267 and a turnabout State News Staff Writer cer, Museum director, compare a fruit-eating bat with a vam¬ for cars to pick up passengers paig: igainst Sen. Goldwater this pire bat. Both the fruit-eater and Dracula's cousin were taken It's here at last—the statistics-packed, computer-com- fall. on a recent MSU Museum expedition in Mexico. without charge. piled friend of the MSU student, the Fall 1964 Time Sched- On the campus, a 50-day-long Photo by Larry Fritzlan Parking Lot Y at Mt. Hope and ule. plumbers strike ended and work Farm Lane is to accommodate Filled with codes, schedule sequence numbers, and an was resumed <>n twocampusdor- 1,630 cars, about half on a paved over-abundance of 8 a.m. fall class listings, this 75 page, mitories, the International Cen¬ surface, and provisions are be¬ >•: brown-inked booklet is possibly the only friend a fall stu- dent walks into registration with. But even with this carefully prepared manual the student ter and several academic build¬ ings scheduled for fall openings. Residence hall officials were Mexican Expedition ing made to facilitate a future addition to handle 700 more cars. The original lot is to cost •ij: is liable to be confused. The pages numbers run toward the back of the book: 70, 71, 72, 73. then 95. Freshmen may won- hopeful would be that finished the dormitories in time for Collects Rodents $180,000. To facilitate moving motorists into the lot and out, a traffic- der whether their high school math courses were up to par 2,400 students to move in in when they run into that little misprint. September. traps, guns, and nets to collect actuated signal is to be installed Once inside the front page and past the MSU map, which An MSU biophysicist announced the specimens," Baker said. at the intersection with MSU and by fall will once again be out-dated, a student can ply his /olutionary color vision the- turned from an expedition to cen¬ The group worked in cooper¬ ation with the Mexican govern- (continued on page 5) $ wits with the daze of 14 pages of instruction on how to use tral and southern Mexico Mon- ory July 28 in Oxford, England, truck-load of several ment and the Natio the little book itself, before reaching the section where the comparing the eye to a photo- day v electric cell. nd rodents, bats, iity of Mexico i and snakes to add to the Once to the actual course listings, he can ponder his fate Two enterprising students end¬ $ for minutes, days, and even the entire month before regis- ed the month in unusual style collection* In addition to the particular Today's Issue tration when they buried their car near The expedition, sponsored by rodent, the cotton rat, on which opens. :j| From 094 improvement courses to 999 seminars and re- the 1-96 freeway after it had the National Science Foundation most emphasis was placed, the Last Of Term and private donations, was the brought back a number search projects, students can find a study on almost any broken down. This issue of the State :• subject at almost every level going on somewhere at the Sally Jane Noble, an enrolled first of three trips to Mexico of vampire bats, birds, plant! News is the last of the sum- ;j MSU freshman for this fall, won to study, collect and inspect the snakes (a boa constrictor), liz- S small rodents particular to the ards and a mouse-sizedopposum i mer term. Publication will •: Courses are presented at all ends of the campus, which the Miss Michigan crown in Mus¬ y. of course causes a neat little trauma m the IM building. One area, Baker said. to add to.the university collec- : resume on the first class •; kegon. S must be careful not to schedule classes too distant from "This collection will greatly tion. ■ day of fall term, Thursday, •: The University received a S each other and back to back with only 10 minutes between. The group camped at all alti¬ i Oct. 1. quarter of a million dollar grant enrich the university collection, tudes from sea level to 10,000 A 108-page Welcome j: Natural Science courses offer a unique situation for the from the Ford Foundation to ex- Baker said, Week edition is currently Baker, who is also a professor feet during the field operation, :• basic college student. With 167 sections available students pand its programs in internation¬ under preparation and will al studies in August. of zoology; Michael Peterson, zo- but most of the time was spent :• •ij: shouldn't find it too hard to get one that will fit their sched- high altitudes. j: be mailed to incoming :• g ule. But frogs are dissected at odd hours and at '>dd places Last week, best-selling author ology graduate; Charlti •: freshmen and transfer stu- :• The Mexican people were very on this campus, and it might be better to pick a Natural Harry Golden told an audience Phillips, and Dan Womochel, both the party but seemed ■ dents. The Welcome Week >: Science course first and plan your schedule around it. more than 1,000 Brody zoology students; and Charles helpful mazed at the Ameri¬ : issue will also be delivered From Accounting 201 to Zoology 999, from Brody to : Hall that the threat of 'white Warner, photographer and MSU a little v can's with collecting the : to dorms, married hous- ji ; .backlash" in the November elec- graduate, left for southern Mexi¬ concern £ Bessey, and from 8 in th£ morning until 10 at night, students co last June. animals, Womochel said. : ing units, fraternities, so- •[ 'iHeni cl&ssesat Mictag&r.'StWc. • - th% Unidrf" and They spent "the summer in the In addition to the animals col-' : rorities, Americans. j: How does this happen? Simple. The logistics manual of field trapping, curating and label- lected, Baker and his associates : many other campus build- J; And strangely enough, the fall century the Time Schedule book. also returned with the blood ser¬ : mgs. promised to be hotter than ing the sma11 animals. "We used all sorts of snares, um of over 100 rodents. i pass 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1964 Shop East Lansing Democrats Theme Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 Distorts Reality shop here for the newest... most wanted jSLUE KEY CU The By SUSAN J. FILSON State News Staff Writer principal speakers at the Democratic National Convention this week have outlined a theme for the campaign which pictures Lyndon B. Johnson as the powerful Chief Executive who made a reality of the last President John F. Kennedy's dreams. handy notion needs This recurrent note was sounded in the keynote speech by Rhode Island's Sen. John O. Pastore: "The civil rights law was the dream o"f President Kennedy. It is the fulfillment of President Johnson." 1 he theme has distinct validity in light of the huge load of Ken¬ nedy-conceived legislation which Johnson has pushed through Con¬ gress in the past six months. Chief among Johnson's achievements are passage of the'tax cut and civil rights bills. It is also true that Johnson, the former majority leader of the Senate, has displayed a skill born of long experience in dealing with Congress that Kennedy had not yet mastered when his life was cut short in Dallas last November. In heaping their partisan praise on Johnson, the Democrats are giving credit where credit is due. However, it is possible that the theme may be repeated ad nauseurn, to the point of gross, political distortion. The film "Quest For Peace," shown the first night of the con¬ vention, is a perfect example of the obnoxious lengths to which the Democrats could carry their theme this fall. The 20-minute film was a chronicle of the major crises of the Kennedy-Johnson administration. From it, an uneducated ob¬ server would infer that Kennedy never ventured onto the Capitol steps without Johnson at his side. One would never know that 1 Kennedy made any major public appearances minus his vice- president. Regardless of whether the Democrats want to admit it, Johnson was not Kennedy's closest adviser or confidant. During*!)le Cuban crisis of 1962, Kennedy gathered all of his closest advisers together for consultation over what to do about the Soviet missiles 90 miles from our shores. The Cuban crisis has since been reported in detail by the nation's most respected and responsible journalists. Noneof their reports portrayed Johnson Colorful corduroy as playing a prominent role in the decision-making process. While Johnson was undoubtedly the most active vice-president in the nation's history, it was common bed pillow converters knowledge among Wash¬ Some of these student organizations are getting a little out of hand! ington political observers that he chafed at being on the edges of the Angel Treads scuffs and Kennedy government's inner circle. Easy way to transform reg¬ When Kennedy was shot in Dallas, it became obvious that and booties by Barry; Johnson ular bed pillows into sofa was fully qualified to fill the office of the President of the United States. The fact that he was not Kennedy's closest associate in no Softest things on 2 feet, A. accents. Fine tailored, full way discredits Johnson or the late President. Flower print corduroy zipper openings. Washable. MICHIGAN Before Kennedy won the Democratic presidential nomination in booties, $2. B. Puffy pile scuff of 100(7 acrylic fiber, Gold, blue, moss brown green, and kelly red, STATE UNIVERSITY STATE NEWS 1960, he said that if he could not be president, he would feel best with the country in the hands of was a strong president. After Lyndon Johnson. However, Kennedy they are elected, strong presidents do not want their vice-presidents to be S2. C. Pile bootie, S3. green. 1.49 ea. 3 for $4. equally strong. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Johnson's stature is such that it does not need to be enhanced Associated Collegiate Press Association, Michigan Press Association. by exaggerating the importance of his role as vice-president. Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on Tuesdays and Thurs¬ By distorting the history of the Kennedy years, the Democrats will not do justice to the memory of the late President. days during summer term. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. But rnaybe that's politics. Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services Building, Michigan State Uni¬ versity, East Lansing, Michigan. Summer Editor term staff: John Van Gieson Letter Discu Advertising Manager Arthur Langer Sports Editor Reporters Richard Schwartz Oyars Balcers, Barb River Proble Bradley, Sue Filson, Hugh Leach, Mike Kindman, Dave Stewart Asst. Adv. The following letter was writ¬ printed here as being illustra¬ Mgr Hoffman ten to President John A. Harfnah tive of the commission's views Circulation Manager Bill Marshall by LoringOeming, executive sec¬ regarding the Red Cedar River. retary of the State Water Re¬ sources Commission. It is re¬ Dear Dr. Hannah: With another year yet to go be¬ fore completion of the new East Lansing sewage disposal plant, GET it occurs to me that some brief observations on the situation by us may be helpful to you in such explaining of the odor nuisance problem to students, parents and Lee Rowan handy Triangle hanging valets others concerned as you may find desirable. closet accessories for shoes, handbags Add-a-hanger skirt hang¬ Basically, thedifficulty is sim¬ ply overloading of the present ers, set of 3, 88: 2 'fdr"$87 cnoice" a* 3 'for' 2.415*. Very truly yours. NOTIONS - SECOND LEVEL EAST LANSING ACROSS FROM THE UNION Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1964 < M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.s.U. Book m' HELP! We Need Your Used BOOKS KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE ROAD .. It looks as though some of the workmen concentrated Sell Your more on the girl in the background than on thei work when they built this curb in front of the Home stop in Management Building, but actually the fall. it's upposed to curve in. The spot will be a bus Photo by Ken Roberts Books For South Korean Movie Maker Studies Film Methods Here CASH® The head of Korea's National actively pursued by the central cial music scores, all of the Film Production Center, Johghae Korean musical style. Jang, is on campus to study Another film looked at live¬ The 35 year old Jang said he latest American documentary stock judging. It was produced made his first documentary film film making methods. with the assistance of the Ko¬ seven years ago. Later he had Jang's visit is part of a world¬ rean 4-H organization. Quality three years of assistance and wide tour. Previous to his arri¬ control in a brass factory was training with LaytonMabrey, who val in this country last week he also a topic. A 20 minute reel is now head of the Audio-Vis¬ spent five months studying film ual Center's film production production in London. Jang is .now .Mabrwy's guest while The top Korean director said on campus. he is responsible for produc¬ Today two Korean universities ing 50 to 60 documentary films have courses dealing with motion each year and a newsreel every pictures. In the future, Jang for- week. The films average 15-20 sees this as a source for more minutes in length, covering a broad spectrum ranging through agriculture, medicine, natural skilled the individuals industry. working From MSU the Korean direc¬ in Take Home A Souvenir science, the army, and culture. tor will head to Vermont where Jang said that some films are he will attend an International of a propaganda nature, but in Film Seminar. Emblematic Jewelry He also plans to visit with Sweatshirts contrast to the Communists, he claimed that both good and bad points were often portrayed officials of the National Film Board of Canada. • * The films coming out of the Korean center are for both local and* international consumption. Herman Finer Jang said that some are pro¬ duced in English and that all Will Lecture Pennants films are available through Ko¬ rean embassies and consulates. Jackets He felt that cultural films and others focusing on rural life were Again In Fall most popular in the U.S. Herman Finer, a political sci¬ In Korea there is a constant entist from the University of demand for Jang's documentaries since the government stipulates Chicago, will join the MSU ulty for the second time fac¬ in a Stop in at our bargain table for real values in tha.t all commercial theaters JOHGHAE JANG year as a distinguished visiting show at least one newsreel and professor this fall. one documentary before the showing of every feature film. showed chest surgery and is Finer will teach European political and a course in institu¬ books and other assorted items Throughout rural and outly¬ being used as an aid in teach¬ tional behavior and a graduate ing regions the Korean movies ing medical students, . course. Last spring term he are shown by mobile units us¬ A picture entitled Nirvana won also taught two classes. ing a rotating film schedule. an award for the best documen¬ Finer is a specialist in com¬ Frequently these showings are tary at the 1964 Asian Film parative political systems. His devoted to instructive pictures Festival. It showed Korea's an¬ prime areas of academic inter¬ related to farming methods and cient temples. A previous win¬ est are international law, polit¬ better living. Jang said that his ner, "The Dike," told of build¬ ical theory and international re¬ in the Fall film production center has put ing an earth dam by villagers. lations. out items relating to mosquito "The Villagers," was a tale control spraying, the use of fer¬ of land reclamation by people His over latest Suez," a work is "Dulles controversial book ... see you tilizer, and even birth control. living along the coast. which deals with the Suez crisis Birth control, he said, is being Many of the movies have spe¬ Special Friday and Saturday On South Campus On North Campus RAINWEAR The exciting new MSU Book Store. The finest Still at the Union Building will be the Including Rain Coats complete book store grill, cafeteria bar¬ services. ber shop, bow ling, bill¬ Weather Coats a GOOD, FULL iards, and browsing -/ SELECTION TO room. l/j OFF CHOOSE FROM The beautiful new Crossroads Cafe. A The Union lobby is ALL SPRING AND SUMMER DRESSES meal or a snack in a delightful new setting. still meet. a nice place to 50% OFF OR SPORTSWEAR 50% MORE OFF! • COORDINATES • COTTON KNITS MSU BOOK STORE . . . AND MANY OTHERS • ODDS & ENDS TABLE KI!FO°«. In The fnferncrrrunCu A DigptfrrmeiifOr mSu' CLEARANCE . . jri . . . blouses, dickies, bras, hose, 203 EdSt Grand R iver e m.S.U. Book Store m.S.U. Bookstore M.S.U. Book M.S.U. Bookstore M.S.U. Bookstore M.s.U. Book e[ and some -sweater-., etc t1 ^ _______ 4 Michigan amte News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1964 Coed Wins Deposit Suit Region's Schools Open Long Before University Against Local Landlady Sandra Feldman, New ,i ork to : earlier this s was charged a $10 deposit for While term isn't istration the to University's fall start until reg¬ Sept. 28, the married the third Red village school through the grade and then go to the Cedar School which hand¬ breakage. 'housiiig residents who are par¬ les all the Cherry Lane, fac¬ City senior, was awarded .i $10 rner. ents of school-age children will ulty housing and University Vil¬ The following day, Miss Feld¬ bn akage deposit Monday in Lan- Miss Feldman agreed to rent man returned and told Mrs. Ful¬ have to be here Sept. 14. lage children. sing Township Justice Court a room on June 22 from Mrs. ler she had decided not to take All of the East Lansing Pub¬ Parents of children who need¬ ifter whe said ai l".,st I .ir.sinc Harold J. Fuller, 418 MAC Ave., lic Schools, including the Spar¬ ed to be registered for the sev¬ the room. landlady had illegally refused for $9 a week. She also said she tan VillageSchool and Red Cedar enth or eighth grades should "I didn't expect to get the School, are to open at 8:30 a.m. contact Principal Neil Winebren- $9 room rent back, but I did ask for the breakage deposit Sept. 14. the junior high school next Grad Student Tq Head back," Miss .Feldman said. "Mrs. Fuller refused to return to Newcomers who have children register for those schools may do so at the schools, s week. not Hlgh school students who have been registered are to con¬ it to me, and told me when I SHADES OF CASEY JONES - In folk l< re, men like John Henry, Joe Magarac and Casey Jones ing Sept. 8. The necessary phy- tact the assistant Overseas Farm Visitors was older 1 would understand principal,Mrs. could drive steel, build rails and drivi trains with little effort, but it takes a little longer to* sical examination reports may Dorothy Lucas, at East Lansing the rules governing deposits bet¬ day, as these men can testify. They ar working on the crossing on Harrison Road, near Spar. High, preferably before Labor • of the alumni association is to ter." A graduate student in agri¬ Miss Feldman contacted the tan Village. Photo by Patti Prout further the interest of IFYE del¬ culture economics has been se¬ lected as vice-president of the egates who have gone to other Lansing Legal Aid Society, and countries andpromoteeducation¬ was assigned a lawyer. Donald International Farm South Ex¬ al leadership at home through Feinstein, East Lansing junior, Causes change Alumni Association of Donald) J. Wissman, rine City, was chosen to repre¬ 26, Ma¬ personal experiences in foreign lands. The more than egates who have had a testified in her behalf 1,600 del¬ trial Monday. Feinstein was with chance Miss Feldman when she returned at the Decision than 1.600 1FY! alum¬ to live the life of foreign neigh¬ the room June 22. sent more Mrs. Fuller testified at he which resulted in regular weekly Sept. 7 in campus dormitories, in a day, the new time clocks from throughout the l'nited bors in 67 countries have brought ni trial that the deposit was just paychecks. Kellogg Center, the International mean they will have to have back numerous ideas and valuable States who met recently, on the for holding the room and not Last year new time clocks Center and the Union. There are three time cards," Kenney said. University of Illinois campus for knowledge which has been useful A small machine can cause a While the new clocks were be¬ to everyone. Michigan has sent for breakage. However, she lost manufactured by the Universal approximately 30 time clocks on The new clocks have much •their annual conference tHe was lot of trouble on campus if it is Time Punch Co. were tried out ing tested last year, data proc¬ 77 delegates to foreign countries. the case and was required to campus. simpler mechanisms than the also elected Michigan's repre¬ suddenly eliminated from a com¬ in two residence halls. Approx¬ essing had not worked out a pro¬ "The numb<->~ />/ time clocks old ones, according to Kenney. Other delegates who attended pay court costs and a lawyer's gram for the new time cards. sentative to the Board of Gov¬ pany'^ production line. in each building varies accord¬ the national conference were* ? as well as the $10 deposit. imately one-third the size of the They have stationary dyes which ernors, the governing body of Mrs. Fuller's room was list¬ More than two years ago, the old time clocks, the new mech¬ "This meant that all of the ing to the building's structure," punch the cards instead of mov¬ Miss Mary Woodward, assistant the organisation. Earlier this ed in the off-campus housing IBM Corporation stopped manu¬ anisms were tested in Gilchrist data on the cards Irom the new Kenney said. ing ones. This is the reason the State 4-H leader; Bill Kissane summer, he was elected pres¬ facturing the time clocks which and McDonel Halls. time clocks had to be trans¬ The new time cards only al¬ new clocks have fewer punches ident of the Michigan in E alum¬ of St. Johns; Jeff Arnold, Itha¬ are used by employees in all William D. Kenney, an office low employees to punch in and Miss Feldman said her ferred to the old IBM cards be¬ on one card. ca; and Mrs. Shirley Gariety lawyer ni association University residence halls and assistant in the Division of fore it taken to data process¬ out one time apiece. On the old of Perry. told her the case should re¬ was Kenney said that the new Ir, 1050, wissman was anIFYF. public food service operations. Dormitories and Food Services, ing," Kenney explained. IBM cards, employees could have clocks will be much easier to ceive publicity to make students deleg i Austr The IF YE program in Mich¬ Officials of the Division of described the problems which three punch-ins and threepunch- more aware of their legal rights. The complete transfer to the keep in repair and maintenance lived and worked among l.irm fam¬ igan is financed by 4-H Clubs, Dormitories and Food Services involved in lower. While the "I didn't really want the mon¬ were transferring to time clocks will be made its will be ilies in an effort to gain a bet¬ the Michigan 4-H Foundation, were faced with the prospect of time clocks. new the new "For student employees who individuals, local merchants, and ey," she said. "It's just that (continued ter understanding of life in a when you're young and a stu¬ being unable to replace worn- might work three different shifts on page 8) business and industrial firms. "In the first place," he pointed East Lansing foreign country. "Being an 1FS E out or broken parts or purchase The Nationwide program is con¬ dent, people think that they can out, "the new clocks do not use delegate taught me the culture new time clocks. Unity Center ducted by the National 4-H Club get away with this kind of thing. cards which are the same-size and way of life of another peo¬ ple and in turn made me a bet¬ ter citizen of the L'nited States," Foundation on behalf of the Co¬ operative Extension Service. No It was the principle of the thing." Employees prospect were faced with the of having no efficient as the old IBM punch This meant that the Division of cards. 11:00 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Complete he says. tax funds are expended in sup- •machine to punch the IBM cards Data Processing had to write a.m. Sunday School Sabbaticals Wissman says that the job Richard H. Schwendeman and EAST LANSING FRIENDS MEETING University Christian Church Wednesday Evening SALE Eastminster (Quakers} Edgewood United Har.y A. Erick associate pro¬ 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. Presbyterian Church Church fessors of chemistry at MSU Worship: Basement Apt. Peoples Church, 200 W. Grand Don Stlffler, Minister Prayer Service Study Class 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Of All will be on sabbatical leave for River 3:00 p.m. Ph 337-1077 Affiliated with Unity School Interdenominational 469 North Hagadorn Road a be year starting Sept. 1 and doing research in Sweden. will Peter Stettenhein, Clerk, ED 2-1998 Bible School Worship Service 10:45 9:45 a.m. a.m. of Christianity, Lee's Summit, Missouri Blazers East Lansing, Michigan Always a warm welcome at Minister Rev. Robert L. Moreland. (5 blocks north of Grand River) Seventh-Day First Christian Reformed Church First Baptist Church 11:00 Sunday s24'5-s35°° Capitol at Ionia 541 Walbridge Drive Adventist Church 240 Marshall St., Lansing Lansing, Michigan Temporarily meeting at Uni¬ Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor versity Lutheran Church Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Plymouth Division and Ann St. Evening Service 7 p.m. Rev. Scott Irvine, Minister Summer Schedule: Sunday, August 30 Congregational 9:00—Church school forcrib- SATURDAY SERVICES bery through 6th grade Church School 10:00 a.m. Church Sermon by 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. 9:00 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Worship Service For information or Mr. Jack Vander Slik at coffee fellowship following Rev. R. Paige Birdwell transpor¬ 355-3030 Mr. Melvin Woell tation call Pastor Ainsley Worship or Rev. Hofman at 5-3650 Guest Blair, 485-3997. People of all races welcome Across from Capitol on Allegan Speaker Church School STUDENTS WELCOME 9:30 A.M. through 5 year nursery Lansing Central Free All Saints Episcopal olds Methodist Church Kimberly Downs 828 N. Washington, Lansing Church Church of Christ Affiliated with United Church Call 355-0941 or 482-8325 800 Abbott Road 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing Of Christ, Congregational- Sunday for transportation ED 2-1313 Christian, Evangelical and Sunday School 10:00 a.m. (2 blocks W. of Frandor Reformed. university lutheran church Rev. Robert Gardner, Episcopal Chaplain to the Shopping Center on E. Grand /V River) University IV 9-7130 University Methodist Peoples Church Rev. Edward Roth. Rector 7:00 p.m. Evening service; William G. Hall and Church East "The Gospel Hour" SUNDAY SERVICES Gerald O. Fruzia, Sr., Lansing 1120 S. Harrison Rd. For transportation call Ministers Interdenominatlon ED 7-1294 Wilson M. Tennant, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Dr. Glenn M. Frye, Minister UNIVERSITY Olivet Baptist Church Bible Study 1 IKK) a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH 2215 E. Michigan (THE AMERICAN BAPTIST Re». William Hartman, Pastor Wednesday evening Bible WORSHIP CONVENTION) 1:30 a.m. Monday thru Friday Study 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor 9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. American Legion Memorial Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Morning prayer (Holy Communion) "Fingers Toward the Sky" Center, 1 Block North of East Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. " I HE HE THAT BINDS" Lansing Bus Station Tuesday.-10:15 a.m. Rev. Wilson M. Tennant Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion Church School 11.00 a.m. Thurs.-5:15 p.m. Rev. Nursery Provided 10:00- Holy Communion Roy J. Schramm 12:00 Church School 9:45 a.m. all a.m. ED 2-1960 or ED 2-2434 ages S; 11:00 a.m. children 2-5 Campus Bus Service years. Membership Class 9:30 a.m. Central Methodist TRINITY CHURCH First Church of St. Johns Student Across From the Capitol Interdenominational Christ, Scientist Parish WORSHIP SERVICE Free bus transportation 15 to Crib room through 120 Spartan Avenue 30 minutes before each ser¬ 10:00 a.m. Fr. R. Kavanaugh MINISTERS vice around the campus. Sixth grade. (WJ1M 10:30 a.m.) Fr. T. McDevitt E. Eugene Williams "The Religion of Our 327 M.A.C. Norman R. Piersma Church Service: Enemies" or. Dwight S. Mr. Lloyd R. Bergren Large, preaching Sunday 9:30 "God Is Not Small" Crib Nursery, So Bring The Baby. Take home a copy of the 'What Then Are We To Do?" Morning Service-11 a.m. "Mobile Ministers "Christ Jesus" TOP Pastor Howard And Portable Pulpits" Sugden sheet for study and appli- Sunday School: Cash For University Students First & regular 9:30 a.m Dally Masses SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. Presbyterian Wed. Evening Meeting-8 p.ir 6:45 a.m.-8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Ottawa and Chestnut "A String of Perils" BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. Worship Service Cribbery and provided. 9:30 a.m. nursery care Other Services 9:45 a.m. University Class Used Books "What It Takes To Be A Open Mon. thru'Sat. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 A.M. God and Your Job Christian Today." Guest speaker, Rev. Theodore A. Blunk -5 p.m. Mon., days Tues., Thurs., & Fri¬ 7:00-9:00 p.m. Buy Your B For The . Call 337-7966 for campus All are welcome to attend 8:30 P.M. Adult Youth--"the A warm and friendly welcome Phone ED 7-9778 Scriptural awaits you at bus schedule Church Services, and visit and First Presbyter¬ the Reading Room. View of Marriage." use ian. 5-Weeks Or HOUR OF REFRESHMENT FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Lutheran Worship AND FELLOWSHIP FOLLOWING. Genesee at Butler Streets Student Sook Alumni Memorial Chapel SUNDAY SERVICES Supervised nursery provided SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Church School 9=45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups P-m* SOUTH WASHINGTON AT MOORES RIVER DRIVE-LANSING Evangelistic Hour • • .7:00 p.m. *•- ' v- - w 7-.30 JJ\- , , PASTORS: DR. HOWARD F. SUGDEN. DR. TED WARD H.T. Stanley-Minister Dean Waldfogel-Music Dir. Across From Berkey Hall REV. ALVIN H. JONES Transportation Available the LUTHERAN CHURCH Call Church Office IV 5-0613 Free Parking At Rear Of Store CALL 482-0754 FOR TRANSPORTATION Missouri Synod If No Answer, Call IV 2-6994 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1964 5 Water Works Car Registration May Bring Faculty On Thesis Prize The American Water Works Registration of faculty and staff no longer be issued. vehicles will begin Monday. Association, a scientific and pro¬ Applicants may register more than vehicle fessional society serving the pub¬ Representatives of the Vehicle one at no extra Office will handle the registration charge. Each person registering lic water supply field, has an¬ between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at a vehicle will receive, upon re¬ nounced annual prizes, of $500 various campus locations quest, a parking gate "key card," and $250 for the best and se¬ The schedule is as follows: which will allow free use of the cond-best master's or doctoral thesis or dissertation in any area Aug. 31, 106 Eppley Center: Sept. gated parking lots. Registered vehicles may be of study related to public water 1, main outer lobby of the Li¬ parked anywhere brary; Sept. 2-3, 106Natural Sci¬ on campus except in spaces rent¬ supply ence: Sept. 4, first floor con¬ ed to individuals. Required for consideration by the judges will be the publication course of the Union: Sept. 8, Those desiring to use metered new South Campus Grill, main manuscript based on the thesis spaces must pay the meter fee. or dissertation. This should be lobby; Sept. 9-10, meeting room Registrants may rent an in¬ dividual reserved space in es¬ submitted to the Senior Member of the Physical Plant Building; tablished rental space areas Prize Committee, American and Sept. 11, northeast lobby by Water Works Association, 2 Park Brody Hall. paying an additional annual fee of $30. Trespassing vehicleswill Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. Each vehicle registrant will be towed 10016, during the calendar year need to know his Social Security away upon the com¬ in which the thesis is submit¬ number and the color, year, plaint of the rentor. ted. The first competition will make, style and license number A fully-disabled student, as be for the calendar year of 1965. of his vehicle. certified by the Health Service, or a full-time employee having MABEL, CALL THE PLUMBER -- This picture shows partof the inte The name of the author, school Copies of the "Faculty, Staff a student spouse enrolled for istry Building, which is almost ready for use despite several strike delays during the con- and department, degree sought, and Visitor Parking Regula¬ struction period. The building will open fall term as scheduled. Photo by Ken Roberts major professor, and a statement 0-6 credits is eligible to pur¬ tions," implementing the May of the relationship of the work chase a Faculty-Staff Permit. 22 action of the Board of Trus¬ to the public water supply field An employee having a student tees, will be sent to all Uni¬ spouse enrolled for seven or versity departments and agen¬ more credits is covered behind the and Journalism, Forestry Conservation Buildings and Brubaker Chemistry Editor should be included. Manuscripts submitted during cies about Friday. Additional copies will be available at the Vefovifc V»uvjSioiis of the Student Motor by the Marshall Hall, Lot B behindBer- key Hall, Lot. H between the. Carl H. Brubaker, Jr., pro- of chemistry, has been The position which is in ad- dition to his tec''"' 't'f/T a -sn calendar year will be judged the basis of their value to . DAWNDONUTS Vehicle Office in Quonset 103. Regulations. Horticultural and Student Ser- named assistant editor for in- MSU, includes responsibility for the public water supply field. Rental parking area locations vices Buildings and between the organic chemistry of the Journal all manuscripts in Inorganic Announcement of winners will The new regulations will go into are West Circle Drive at the effect Sept. 15. At that time vis¬ Women's Intramural Building, Food Science and Natural Sci- o: the American Chemical So- chemistry submitted for publi- be made on or before March 1135 E. Grand River ED 2-2541 ence Buildings. cieiy, effective Sept 1. cation. 15 of the following y< itors may park only in gated bays north of Wells and Olds lots or metered parking spaces Halls, behind the Music Build¬ between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on ing, Lot M behind the Home weekdays. Visitor Permits and Economics Building and Morrill Spartan Shop-Rite Market Conference Guest Permits will Hall, the west side of Lot A Bus Plans (continued from page 1) Another*preparatory detail be¬ Ingham County sharing the ing done this week is the print¬ $5,000 cost. Changes of t h e sig¬ ing of the bus schedules which • Wheaties •Gheerios • Twinkies m of 34 qq SPARTAN ... FROZEN nal are to be triggered by mech¬ anisms buried in the Bornor is road sur- confident that the are to be distributed at regis¬ tration. A map of the is included with the bus routes schedules. Two of the routes which are or ALL FLAVORS Country Corn Flakes . . -ROYAL Tew I Strawberries 4 FLYING JIB . . . FROZEN 10-Oz. Pkgs. S1 bus system will be ready to go Sept. 28, the first day of regis¬ still referred to as Spartan Vil¬ lage-Shaw Hall and Brody ~"c SHRIMP BITS 59' 7 tration, but the busses will be Group-Fee-Akers are to have seen about campus the preced¬ service at 12-minute intervals ing week. from ":30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. OVEN FRESH Ten full-time and nine part- weekdays. ft time drivers are to be hired in Service from the commuter time to make practice runs around the three bus routes dur¬ ing the pre-registration week. lot will be with buses adjusted to the demand leaving there at in¬ tervals of five minutes or less, Square Cakes OVEN FRESH BAVARIAN Each 29 They are to be working under Borman said. GRAND PRIZE the direction of Henry Jolman who has been named general foreman of the bus system, ser¬ Weekday evenings, 6:30-11, and from 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Satur¬ days and Sundays the campus BEEF BLADE RYE BREAD . 43 vice garage andUniversity motor service is to be hourly. OR GRAND PRIZE SPARTAN "T CHUCK BEEF ROAST MARGARINE ROAST CUTS 5590. 15 $1 LB. Boneless Rolled Grand Prize Beef Easy to Roast Easy to Carve — Lb. 79 Chuck Roast BANANAS SHOP-RITE'S FRESHLY GROUND il, 10® 1 Beef, 1 Meat Loaf 69c j Pork and °°r Veal GRAND PRIZE BEEF Stew Meat Boneless Diced 69 f POTATOES 10,-59" I FRESHLY GROUND li PRUNE PLUMS »19" l| i| Seedless Grapes *19*1 GRAND PRIZE BEEF 1 - Boneless Rolled Brisket,, 89* SHURFINE SPARTAN A PRUNE JUICE SPARTAN 0 * 32-Oz. Bottles SI 00 CORN n U ATSUP 4£ 1 WHOLE KERNEL GRAPEFRUIT SECMENTS OR CREAM STYLE MAYONNAISE r~ 59' c i 17 ■ Bottles 1B Solid-looking TUNA Chicken O'The Sea 4 Cans ^ 0 1 Individual Wear a very Fall '64'ish brighter hue solid-tone worsted that has a very individualistic reverse twist . . . styled in the solidly traditional Madisonaire manner that carries an aura of authority STAMPS (R-7) in every slim, trim line |= with your purehasi of any bottto $69.50 il HEINZ VINEGAR a jkr_«L.ui* fc-o- , |= 32". AT ANY SHOP-RITE MARKET ~v- Sspi-Kget,. 13*.«- = -fr.i]05iibricrvfnw» , 2301 E. GRAND RIVER 2416 N. EAST STREET LOGAN AT JOLLY ROAD LANSING ; Thursday, August 27, 1964 University Grass Research Plots Where The Grass Is Always Greener By RICHARD SCHWARTZ stems, leaves and roots of grasses which develop Stote News Sports Editor between the green vegetation and the soil surface. Some of the factors under evaluation are cutting heights, the raking up or distribution of clippings, and the use of six nitrogen rates in all combinations of 144 treatments. ocated just off Mt. Hopi A shadegrass ecology study, initiated in 1961, in investigating the relative degree and the Chai ces art', though, the only g mechanism of the shade adaptation of different grasses. of classroom buildings, residence halls or pri¬ Conducted under vate houses. However, much of what someday extrmely heavy natural shade in a wooded section of the crop farm may adorn these same lawns and others like V (five cent light), were eighteen grass mix- J-4*"-- them are the subject of year-round studies by per a team of MSI' crop and soil specialists. The main conclusion from this study was Home-owners, golf clubs, parks, sod and that disease, not light competition, was the major stolon growers, cemeteries, athletic grounds, factor influencing the heavy shade adaptation and ski clubs, airports, seed suppliers, lawn equip¬ culture of turfgrasses. ment dealers, highway departments, manufac¬ Other turfgrass research currently in pro¬ turers, landscapers. These ar, but a few of gress include a highway vegetatopm study, the many persons and organizations who have northern Michigan turfgrass investigation, and a stake in the turfgrass research and educa- a fairway renovation-improvement study. In'answer t< The highway study, a three-year investiga¬ tion supported by a $10,500 grant from the trends and •ffSaaiK., av is Michigan Highway Department, is aimed at paralleled 1 analyzing seeding mixtures, establishment pj-o- turf, select st istantatthe turfgrass plots at Mt. Hope and Beaumont Roads cedures.and mulching practices'ior we i7 sproy fungicide on different varieties of bentgrass, commonly u«>«;d on golf greens. Matching of turf that line every HOT ITEM Beard, si stant^profevsor of crop sc il conditions.- • acres mile of intra¬ « omes as plots, left untouched, are compared to check the spray's effectiveness. le endurance of different turfgrass samples b > section of the i is devoted solely Photo by Ken Roberts state highways. ^liich is commonly The northern Michigan project, a turfgrass ing subjected o high temperatures Photo by Ken Robert i Michigan's golf formation on the chemical effects that might Current studies indicate that certain com¬ variety, mixture and management study being binations of freezing and thawing, especially in conducted at Traverse City, is concerned with a produce a healthier turf. teen commercial varii ■ieties and thirty Another area of study isbluegrass, redfescue, association with high tissue moisture contents soil containing 91 per cent said, six per cent DRIVING RANGE 3ns, under two levels of refully scrutinized by James f management, arc ard, assistant a staff which ryegrass and tall fescue varieties—54 in all— which are mainly under evaluation forlawnpur- during the thawing of ice covers, plays a signi¬ ficant part in the winter injury of turfgrasses. In other phases of experimentation, the effects silt, and three per cent clay which is typical of much of the turf growing in areas of upper Michigan. profe: pses. NOW OPEN include fror and several graduate Experimental selections of the same grasses account for another 72 entries. These are of reel mowing, the scissors-like current of conventional hand-pushed mowers, and that of The fairway renovation study involves mech¬ anical and chemical methods of reducing the " Hit game of golf demands close-cut greens rotary-type mowers, where beating action levels annual bluegrass population and encouraging developed from the grass breeding and selection 10 A.M.-12 P.M. which means a limitedphotosynthetic-producing program under the direction of red Elliott, the grass, are compared. bentgrass sod formation under close mowing and area," Heard explained. " This in turn results From such study, it has been determined irrigation conditions. professor of crop science. in a reduction in the root system. Factors such as the indicence of leafspot that the reel treatment, at all mowing heights, In addition to the field plot research under¬ Along with our "With the numerous varieties of bentgrass and powdery mildew in bluegrass and red was significantly superior to the rotary in terms way, important basic research projects con¬ presently under observation," he said, "we art fescue, which can be of serious proportions, of visible turf quality. A browned appearance was cerning the effects of the environment on the able to compare the quality, density, disease come under intensive investigationand labor¬ noted on the rotary plot for four to five days biochemical and physiological processes in miniature putting course resistence, and general vigor so as to determine atory examination. following each mowing. carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism are the most adaptable type for Michigan and the A long-term investigation of the best methods under way in the laboratory. The susceptibility of various turfgrasses to midwest i Lgion." of turf care which might minimize thatch for¬ A chemical laboratory is presently being extremes in temperatures are studied with the -OPEN- I he use of fungicides on one set of a particular strain and not on the other yields valuable in¬ aim tence of producing varieties with higher resis¬ levels. mation, is presently underway. Thatch is the tightly intermingled layer of living and dead remodeled to provide modern facilities for this As Long A s If eather Permits Keystone In Finals Practice either Driving or putting now at- f ship title ball ;d summer tournament champion- in the intramural soft- was the stake Keystone s a cW Block 1 competit Larry Thoma 5-0 slate i with two out Lifters Six members of the Michigan of Joe Puleo to the squad this In Return equalled the national press rec- lifts, a rarity in weightlifting. State weightlifting club will hold last winner night when Keystone Kids, and Tim Griffii in first on an of the July competition, error, smashed riple to score a return match Friday at Ionia ^Puleo, who lifts in the 165 ZL°\£rs "\TZTLl NANIO GOLF & RECREATION took on Ag. Engineering in the Griffin. On th finals of August play. Thomas himself scored. throw home, ored. Reformatory at 7 p.m. Attempting to improve upon a pound class, totaled 898 in the Olympic trials recently held, to proved capable of the double body press. P ' J61" an Cleveland, n an c ean from the Univer¬ 700 L. Miller Road s. S. Cedar TU 2-7870 I Keystone hurler A1 Schafer "aiirrow victory in the July 25 gain an alternate position on the In qualifying in the 148 class, A two-run rally in the final fanned 14 batters while walk- will be Jack Harney and U.S. squad that will compete in Garcy broke four national rec¬ sity of Minnesota, totaled 958 to coi ords and made all of hi! earn his berth. inning of Tuesday's semi-final ing only one. John Mathews, who Sai Pierce in the 148 pound Tokyo this fall. battle with Scholars gave the took the mound for the Scholars, cl Leonard Espinosa 165 During the competition which was held under unusually warm eight, pounds, Jim Rasmusson ing a «lk. Gilbert Demeglio 198, id Gordon temperatures, Tommy Kono, In the other semi-final game, Ruehs, heavyweight. holder of 26 national and Olym¬ Ag. Engineering pounded i 14 hits wt ■ Uowing in the Since this will be the lastcom- petition of the summer, clul members are casting an eye to¬ pic titles, lost '17 pounds in the final two days which caused him to miss all of hisclean and jerks. BLAZER 5lant only 1 CASH Kono is a three-time runner- five-inning contest. UEBERMANN'S: ward the future and the additioi up for the Sullivan award pre¬ sented to the most outstanding SPECIAL weightlifter. Other persons qualifying for ::j: A GOOD BRIEF CASE Olympic berths are Isaac Berger in the 132 featherweight class, $35.00 BLAZERS ! Tony Garcy, 148 pounds, and .. keeps you organized Gary Cleveland, 181 pounds. Berger is no newcomer to championship competition with NOW 39" a number of Olympic and nation¬ al titles behind him. To qualify for the upcoming Olympics, With any pair of Pants up to 16.98 FOR Berger lifted 809 pounds and Kellogg Meet An estimated 125 campus min¬ iij: 1 olive 1alue black red shorts3 regulars jij: isters and student leaders are ;amel green large to converge at the Kellogg Cen¬ ter Saturday for National Coun¬ BOOKS cil of United Campus Christian | Fellowship conference. During their stay for discus¬ sions on "The Work of the Uni- 1 TEtoger Stuart Frandor Shopping Center NOWl two class ring companies to serve you. STEREO Roberts Ring Co. and TAPE TOP PRICES FOR ALL YOUR TEXTBOOKS Elliott's Ring Co. WE BUY ALL BOOKS AT ANY TIME SALE ALL NEW SELECTIONS GIBSON'S Rings include degree, seal, 3 engraved initials and a choice of 10 stones. 3.77 each VUe GoacL BOOKSTORE Across From LANSING'S LEADING TAPE DEALER Home Economics Bldg. ED 2-6753 MJ a>hxpfi " T) CORNER EVERGREEN & W. GRAND RIVER DOWNTOWN--107 S. Washington EAST LANSING-209 E. Grand Ri> Atwi&x, 323 E. Grand River Avenue Spartan Center Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1964 7 Final Data Awaits Games Gym Clink Well|deGrjd vieceR Summer Job Sally J charge fifty c r their pro- grams." One Of 200 In another month MSU's Green When the football season ar¬ rives, the Sports Information De¬ and White will take to the field partment is a bustling opera¬ At Jeniso before thousands of ball fans. Spartan foot¬ tion. In addition to the remain¬ ing up-to-the-minute program Behind the scenes, through the By SUSAN J FILSON pages to be completed, fact sheets summer, the MSU Sports Infor¬ State News Staff Writer on all the fall sports are pre¬ mation Department prepares it¬ pared. self for the fall sports season. A "Night of Stars" gym¬ The Sports Information De¬ Stabley and his assistants: nastics show Wednesday partment, headed by Fred Nick Vista; Morrison and Mike night climaxed a national Stabley, spends a great part of McBeigh, student assistants; clinic which brought some the summer planning the fall and Ruth Curtis, secretary, keep 200 gymnasts to the cam¬ football programs. the press informed on MSU pus this week. "We prepare all but about A featured performer four pages of the programs dur¬ was Sally Jane Noble,Miss ing the summer months," said "We provide data on all sports Michigan of 1965, who put Mike Morrison, a student as¬ and publish a weekly newsletter on a free exercise gymnas¬ sistant from Battle Creek. in the fall," Morrison said. tics routine at Jenison All the The department is also in Fieldhouse. Sally's routine player backgrounds and feature articles are preapred in charge of the press box at Spar¬ emphasized gymnastics, the summer, Morrison said. tan Stadium. It provides any in¬ unlike the mainly ballet act formation and statistics by writ¬ The cover design is plannec. which helped win her the and all the art work is com¬ ers and broadcasters. Miss Michigan title in Mus¬ pleted, he said. The Sports Information' De¬ kegon. Staff artist Barb Brown iiv— partment is a part of the MSU Sally's most -cterished eludes Information Services Depart¬ Sparty on all cover de¬ goal is a Berth on the ment which provides informa¬ 1968 U.S. Olympic team. signs. He has been on the cover of the program for more than tion on all phases of the Michigan MSU gymnastics Coach 12 years, he said. State Unversity operation. George Szypula is her The MSU football program has COVER-UP STORY •• Inspecting proofs of the covers that Also featured in the show won many awards for excellence will adorn each football program this fall is Miss Barbara "INFORMATION •• Football may be around the corner, but in the meonwhile, qymnasts in design, composition, and art More Sports were several members of Brown. This is but one of the many summertime preparations were the center of attention this week os the seventh annual clinic qot underway at Jen- g On Page 12 the MSU varsity and fresh¬ necessary for the annual football clashes ison Fieldhouse. Miss Michigan, Sally Jane Noble, was one of the many participants. "It's a good buy for a quarter," man gymnastics team. Photo by Ken Roberts Morrison said. "Most schools They included sophomore Photo by George Junne Ron Aure, juniors Ted Wil¬ son and Dave Arnold and senior tain of The show Dave the Price, cap¬ varsity team. featured tumb¬ for judges. ""This clinic gives youn^ kids an idea of how to per¬ :j:| \ we're proudour ling, trampoline and tram- form. botli for judges and polette acts, adagio, clown¬ for an audience. It gives 1 9 a ing and performances on coaches and physical ed¬ CLEANER AND the balance beam and par¬ ucation teachers an idea SHIRT LAUNDRY allel bars. of what kinds of help to Szypula, who directs the clinic, said the participants come from throughout the give try i you ied." t/V4j United States. One man is from Mexico. The gymnastics clinic through seventh 30. This is the yea1' it has beei. FLAWLESS.,, work is like, which is provides training in four held on the campus, and major areas, Szypula ex¬ it will be held again next only surprising because we're the FASTEST plained. It includes gymnastics summer "Tliis Aug. -'-'--'7. clinic has been IN BY 10 OUT BY 5 r*T" performance training for wire'3© very, very well-received boys and girls, practical here," Szypula said. "It's experiences in helping hard work, but it's a young gymnasts for phy¬ really rewarding experi- sical education i IM Building To Close The men's intramural build- ers by 5 p.m., August 31. Locks ing will be closed from Sept. 5- mUst be turned in at the cage. 24, Russ Rivet, assistant intra- The 1M pool will be the only mural director announced Wed- athletic facility remaining open, nesday. hmwk39 STORE HOURS Students are requested to re- No locker facilities will be ■gmove all belongings from lock- available. IN LANSING AT 1 to 10 P.M. DAILY CLOSED SUNDAYS last three days ... SHOPPERS FAIR ) beef CHUCK 3301 east michigan ave. fresh ground t next door to and at STEAK Ifrandor shopping center topp* s discount city SEMI-ANNUAL SALE JACOBSON'S GROUND MEAT L0A^_ OWN HOSIERY 3 PAIRS. REG. 3.30 Aristocrat SHERBETS Eberhard's Quartered ** Quartere All Flav. wr^msw' ■ hase & Sanborn " I 2.85 6 p.. 5.50 FROM REVLON S NATURAL WONDER -LAND MARGARINE ^ 1.1b. ctns. 490 COFFEE I Plain Seamless And Seamless Mesh Reg. 39< Eberhard's frozen a CUT CORN' I Peos & Carrots, 29CI g ie first total collection of JUICE 3 PAIRS, REG. 3.60 " ox. Can medicated cosmetics designed 3 Prs. 3.15 6 Prs. 6.10 especially for young complexions.. METRECALr ^nte Ha/ves Non-Run Seamless Mavis Club lA I "■'2°n'*H°,ves Or 5lices Or S,iC) 3 3 P.,...3.45 PAIRS, REG. 3.90 6Pr> 6.70 Iskin TURAL WONDER core program that begins, nportantly, with the basis of all ever CANNED POP " LIQUID STARCH LIUUIV u . n.iun • JV V IflI PEACHES F m y Fo * ^ SPREAD Agilon Stretch Seamless skin beauty...immaculate cleanliness Sale ends August 29--just three utifies as it cleanses by refining Bpores, medicated reducing oiliness greaseless . makeup helps rid skin of STA PUF RINSE8 g 69C| OQaI Sco To,et ^ more days to take advantage of this opportunity to buy beautiful seam¬ less hosiery at a savings! Mesh, bacteria, helps prevent blemishes. CHARCOAL LITER ' m^ Ass't Colors TIS agile stretch, plain seamless or non- run styles, all with reinforced heel Iomplexions become visibly lovelier, radiant and natural-looking. U.S. No. 1 Michigan Roll Pale { and toe, and in the season's favorite Blemish stick. 1.65 Cake makeup 1.65 shades. Sizes 8 1/2 to medium or long. 11; short, Cleansing pads. 1.25 Liquid makeup. 1.65 Pressedpowder compact. 1.65 Lotion, 16 oz 4.50 POTATOES HONEY SWEET MELONS < Kingsford 100% Hardwood sssses oo CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1 964 Fee-Akers Boast UniqueFeatures w;t corner of dormitories of their type to be uniqueness, the design of indi¬ Students will be served their his > Shaw Lane ! Hagadorn Road built on campus. vidual living uuites meals, attend classes and hold students living in the Fee-Akers stands MSI Av-t dormitory The uniqueness of the six- Each suite, which will house their activities in the central Peter Eckel will manage Fee complex. complex, 1 . Akers Halls, story structures lies in their out- four people, has four rooms-- area of each dorm. A similar program will be Hall and Donald M Ullan will Dormitoi : i: dly the word, ward appearance and in their two sleeping areas, a study area The basement floor of this under operation by the College manage Akers. educ.monal com- individual room design. and a private bath. coi"v area contains snack shops, of Social Science in Fee Hall. The Board of Trustees named tlu.i; to an The gigantic dorms, which face Each suite has one entrance lounges and conference rooms. the dorms, formerly referred to A student will be able to se¬ Micl - each other, look like cross-sec- which leads to both sleeping 1 he first floor is for classes. as No. 2 and No. 3, last winter. lect bat-ic and upper level cours¬ of.. tions of birds, with wings jut¬ rooms and the study areas. These Six classrooms, two laborator¬ Fee Hall was named in honor es in all the social sciences in ting from a huge three story areas are not separated by doors, ies, and a 300 seat auditorium >f businessman will this dorm. Some of the depart¬ Harry A. Fee only wall partitions. The ends of fill this main level. ment offices will also be located and his Jes The two wings of each dorm each area are open and lead to On the second floor men and The pair donated "Hidden Lake ue the residences areas, men an entire wall of storage area. women will eat in a semi-cir¬ Gardens" in the Irish Hills near McDonel Hall will house parts iving in one wing and women Chests of drawers in the sleep¬ cular co-ed dining room. The of the natural science curric- Tipton, Mich. i\ ing in another. ing rooms are built into the wall. entir<. food service operation will Akers Hall wa.- named after In these residence wings is They hold the same amount of be contained on this floor. benefactor Forest H. Akers and mother reason for the dorm's articles as conventional chests Connecting the central area In effect, a student may be his wife, Alice. Akers is a form¬ but do not take as much room to the residence wings are two- able to get all his classes in er trustee of Michigan Sta'e. He story connecting wings. one of these' three areas and served as a rtjember of the Board Continental The suites were constructed by The first floor contains the not have to travel to any other of Trustees from 19-lj to 1958. residence hall officials after part of the cmpus. However, °e/fo much consultation with students, main student lpunges, and the apartments anaT offices of the a student can still elect to take the Akers also donated funds for Forest Akers Golf Course. to find their needs. Students ex¬ hall advisors. pressed difficulties and weaknes¬ Faculty and dorm management ses in other dorms and sug¬ % \ the Dilemma office i X. * gested improvements for the new floor. With students living this arrangement, in the dorm will % 60^ *>' % Brody Mock rooms Hall were set and students were just invited to suggest improvements. up in have academic a advisors living floor or two away, and they will easily be available for (continued from initial time-clock switch will cost page The new- 4^ Nor*Central Several suggestions by students used in the final planning discussions of academic prob- the University several thousand only ones ki dollars, costs expected to be ir of r n design. lems. In the basement of these con- are Jess than under the old system tion today. K they r Among the 612 suites in each wings will be typing when the initial expenditure is looks like N / necting Ozark dorm are numerous study loung¬ rooms, conference rooms and in- absorbed. efficient mr es and pressing rooms. Each formal wi include: Meyer Garber, Frank J. Blatt, Union of Pure and Applied Phy¬ also members of the I oarcl are:I sics 'Harold Weinstock, Jerry A. '"uSR FIRST w-m® 'v"im , Whata .way X) HOOTENANNY Ed Henry August 25-30 Sun. Nite & Sat. Afternoon Frank Corser; Delta, Em> Ohl; DeWitt, William A. J Lansing, Jay C. Ackerma: Cowen and Harold Forstat, all of the department of physics are Co-hosts Ohio for State the conference^ University anc color; SHOWS at 9:00-10:00-11:00 - Watertown, Syver Thingstac and astronomy: graduate assis- Battelle Memorial Institute. r to Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. 9:00-10:00-11:00-12:00 Friday and Saturday Prof Invited For Reservations call 372-4570 after 7:00 P.M. Shirley ' By Japanese Madame For Lectures CQd An associate professor of pack¬ aging has been invited to Japan ivii€HS&Ari to and present a series of lectures, rminars on America's pack¬ Newman aging industry. rd BIG Try a Harold J. Raphael will visit Japan from Aug. 30 until Sept. 21 to address packaging prac¬ titioners in the cities of Tokyo,; Kelly WEEK! TRIUMPH Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka. His visit will be-sponsored by the Japan Packaging Institute. and BOh Raphael's lecture - seminar- topics:! Cummings the screen commits the perfect comedy! AL EDWARDS series will include four packaging material and tech¬ and DICK nology in the U.S., packaging de¬ van Dike ' ul SPORTS sign concepts, packaging educa¬ tion in the U.S., and packaging exports Raphael will describe MSU's whflta ! CENTER packaging school, which offers the nation's only four-year pro¬ Way To* 616 N. Howard-Corner E. Saginaw IV 5- gram In packaging. It helps serve a national industry with an es¬ ERNEST ►i" v fr OVERSEAS DELIVERY timated billion. He also annual will volume of $25 confer with the BORGNINE ARRANGED Japanese minister of defense on concepts of military packaging. # STARTS WED. < JOE FLYNN TIM CONWAY Academy Award Winn m CARL BALLANTINE GARY VINSON BILLY SANDS EDSON STROLL G L A D M I It A BLAKE EDWARDS GAVIN MacLEOD • JOHN WRIGHT YOSHIO YODA BOB HASTINGS poitJer ^ PETER ELKE CLAUDINE LONGET JEAN WILLES $ lllic SELLERS SOMMER • , t, FRANK GUI IR. * G CARLETON BROWN SI ROSE P'&W, EDWARD I. MONTAGNE • *7 M J AiiooateP'Oduce. SI ROSE • A UNIVERSAI oirT"or " ■ - -2nd Color Hit- Elvis Presley in XI PWEMINGER Fl GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS. Coming Sept. 23 & 24 2 Days Only Shown 4th 10:37 at JC0L0H-D«LUXE] Today at 1:10-3:15-5:25-7:40-9:50 P.M. ' ICrJArtS ,..:.P«MV(SIUr' : • 7m. Sun, Mon. Tues. 2 Bit; Pictures BURTON SEPT. SANDRA D^E • KOBEKI COULET The "Hamlet" 4th in • i d RATHER BE RICH" Patsy plus The Birds Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27, 1964 9 -OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE- Over 5,900 Incoming Frosh -• Attended Counseling Over 5,900 incoming freshmen September especially for trans- Clinic clinics paid all enrollment fees fer students. Most transfer stu- SHOP, SAVE! attended this year's Summer and were registered for fall term Counseling Clinics, according to dents are usually entering their classes, clinic coordinator Thomas A. junior year after two years of Goodrich. study at a junior or commun- Goodrich said that the whole 80 Each of a total of 21 three ity college. per cent of the freshmen the clinics are now common at COMPARE! class which attended the sum- most schools, Goodrich said, but clinics a year ago. at MSU particular stress is put ^ hiring" At the clinics students took on academic counseling and in- Prices effective thru Sunday, Auqust 30. academic placement tests, were dividual attention, This marked the second year Rights reserved to limit quantities. introduced to campus organlza- Of those here this summer, Wilson served as site for the tions and activities, and met Goodrich estimated that 1,500 clinics, previously students at- with a counselor. With the coun- had declared no preference ma- tending the Summer Counseling selors students discussed and jors. This could be indicative of clinics lived in Campbell and tried to evaluate their back- an awareness that in the past May(i halls near the Union ground and college academic po- over half of all students at the tential. University have changed their A fee of $10 was charged for Besides the 21 freshmen clin- declared major at least once attending the clinics and $15 ics three sessions are being before graduating. covered room and board for the Assorted Gelatin Flavors 8■ 3-oz. held in late August and early Those students who attended three days and two nights. Pkg. ADMISSION Jell-O Dessert THIS ENGAGEMENT Mel-O-Crust Sliced Hi! 19' ^ 20-ox. Loaf $1.00 White Bread CHILDREN UNDER 1 2 FREE Chef's Delight Processed Spread Now Thru Ti>*sJ Cheese Loaf 59' (2) Hits! Kool Krisp Iceberg SHIRLEY MacLAINE and PAUL NEWMAN and ROBERT MITCHUM HEAD LETTUCE and DEAN MARTIN and GENE KELLYand BOBCUMMINGS THE RISE BEFORE THE FALL -- In all of East Lansing's book stores, scenes similar to this are going on. Here text books are being raised to the top shelf where they can be found when fall students come looking for them. Photo by Ken Roberts WHATA SHOWN At 8-Late I 2 25' Professor Visits Fermi Plant John E. Nolan, a mechanical ate practices in the management WAY TO What a engineering instructor, was of a large electric power busi- cast! among educators visiting Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant Besides the visit to the Fermi What a- Go"^ near ROAST Monroe, Michigan, as part of project, the conference included past! ^ CHUCK Detroit tours of other Edison facilities a Edison-sponsored In¬ dustry - Education Conference and meetings on research and Vv ** P What a held The August 17-20 in Detroit. developmental activities of the company. show! * four-day conference, the 14th annual meeting of its kind, Twenty-nine faculty members offered members of the college representing 20 different educa¬ tional institutions took part in teaching profession a special op¬ this year's meeting. portunity to examine and evalu¬ COLOR BY DlLUXE • CINEMA8COP A J. LEE THOMPSON Production • ARTHUR P.'JACOBS • J. LEeThOMPSON • BETTY COMOENmdADOLPH GREEN ^ 1 d Track Score by Nelson Riddle on 20th Century Fox *sc& Paul Newman - Jackie Gleason U.S.D.A- Choice ¥ Last Chance Before Hit No. (2) Summer Term Is Shown at 10:15 in 'The Hustler" Over!!! Boneless TONIGHT 2 HITS Hickory Smoked Sugar Cured Cooked SWEATSHIRTS Mtwllte ^^5 MM* SoulhWMf of <* Lansing Lara on M-78 EXCLUSIVE SHOWING! Admission $1.00 Children Under 12 Free SMOKED New Shipment Has jm. PKNKS *'CWlcs NOW tllfll TUB. • EXCLUSIVE SHOWING Just A rrived ALL COLORS - ALL SIZES FEATURE AT 8 - 12:06 Short Shank 3 b ADVENTURE ON A LOST ISLAND! ... Iphins Chase Cr Sanborn Reg. or Drip Grind COFFEE Light Meat Chunk Style CELIA KAYE • LARRY DOMASIN • ANN DANIEL.*"R0NTU" wiSrUmr „b,ted sherdeman jane klove o,james b.clark- fa***«»robert b. radnitz Star-Kist Tuna 23' Pure Granulated A Universal Picture • A robert b. radnitz Production C HIT NO (2) ENCORE SHOWING IN COLOR AT 9:55 Pioneer Sugar Whole Kernel ^ rc TAMARACK ROOM Niblets Corn 17* Parties up to 240 people can be easily served in elegance. Assorted Popular Brands 5c Size LUNCHEONS SERVED DAILY CANDY BARS -NOW OPEN- WC Save up to 6c RELAX IN CAREFREE ATMOSPHERE of the >n. 4 Pak With This Coupon After the Purchase of $5.00 • Coupon Expires Tuesday, August 25. 1**4 Uiir.it One GAY NINETIES FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER - CEDAR AT JOLLY 321 E. Michigan CLOSED Sunday Thursday, August 27, 1964 rhigan State News, East Lansing;, Michigan WANT-ADS REALLY WORK Automotive Automotive Automotive - SEE YOU THIS FALL, OCT. 1 Employment Employment FORD 1957 stationwagon; P.S., TRIUMPH 10. Excellent motor DIES-PLEASANT telephr MALE. WATERING golf course. RUMMAGE SALE. August 28-29. CHEVROLETS EXCLUSIVELY. \ and body, 32 mpg. Good car for Night work. 6-7 hours. Prefer 9 am. - 9:30 pm.Clothes, snow- 1955-1962 Convertibles, hard- P. B.. R&H, W.W., automatic work. $1.25 per hour with regu¬ married student. 485-8870. 19 Call 332-1321 for married man. For particulars, FOR RENT, seven room, fur¬ suits, dishes, furniture, etc. tops, and sedans. 6 and V-8's. V-8, clean inside and out. $100. lar increases. 332-8969. 19 interview. 19 call ED 7-9306. 19 nished house. Two baths? four 5672 Nichols. 677-2178. 19 For the biggest selection of SPARTAN MOTORS bedrooms. Men or women stu¬ used Chevys in town, stop out at DO YOU KNOW that just ten min- CHEVY II 1962. 4-cylinder, 2- HELP WANTED babysitter in my LA DIES- for very pleasant tele- CONSORTONE PROFESSIONAL home beginning September 7. phone work. Start at $1.25 per dents only. Avail able September tape recorder. Four 10" reels. J. B.'s Exclusively Chevrolet utes East of East Lansing, you door. Standard transmission. Okemos area. Phone 337-1113.19 hour with regular increases. 1. ED 2-3792. 19 Perfect condition. Phone Holt, • MJTOMOTIVE Used Cars. 2801 S. Cedar, TU can have the best personalized Only $995. • EMPLOYMENT 2-1478 or TU 2-6721. C service from a small friendly BABYSITTER. IS or over. White. Call 332-1321 for interview. 19 694-0173. 19 • FOR RENT Ford Dealer? We feature a RAMBLER AMERICAN 1962. 2- Care of one school-aged child. BABYSITTER every other month. PERMANENT REGISTERED CHEVROLET 1955 Stick. Radio 2-76. 333 ALBERT. International Stu¬ • FOR SALE and heater. Little rust. Runs fine selection of used cars. door. Standard transmission. Light housekeeping. Transpor¬ Full days and other half days. quarter horse stallion. Two dent House. Two-man rooms. • LOST & FOUND well. New battery. Must sell. SIGNS FORD SALES, William- Very clean. $895. tation. 372-2278. 19 Beginning September 8. IV 5- years old. Sired by Iron Hand. Balance of Summer term, $30. • PERSONAL ston, Michigan. 655-2191. C EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS. 9511. 19 Phone IV 5-9208. 19 $125^Call 332-4655. TV available. 484-5496. Nights PEANUTS PERSONAL FORD 195" 4-door sedan. V-tt Needed immediately, three em¬ • CHEVROLET 1958 Impala. Hard¬ For Rent 372-03 30. 19 .REAL ESTATE stick. ployed men or college students matching crown veil, size 8. top. Automatic. Radio, heater. SPACE. ROOM AND BOARD for two co¬ • SERVICE FORD 1940 4-door sedan. V-8 to replace those promoted to PARKING One minute .Like New. Only $60. IV 2-6304. Power steering, power brakes. walk eds in exchange for cooking, 19 stick. Runs very good. full time. Chance to earn extra to campus. Small cars • TRANSPORTATION 283 Y-s. Sharp. New tires. 655- cleaning. Holt. OX 9-2729, any¬ WANTED 19 PLYMOUTH I960 4-door sedan. $$ and learn profitable busi¬ only. Near Bogue St. ED 2-2276. ELECTRIC STOVE Frigidaire, • 1555. time. 2069 Dean. 19 Six. Stick. Body and engine in ness. Promotions are rapid for CHEVROLET I960 Impala 4-door 660 and 672 VIRGINIA AVENUE. very good condition. Phone 641— DEADLINE: perfect condition. Needs wind¬ right people. Car and phone 6083. 19 hardtop. Power steering and Apartments Double and single rooms. Pri¬ doss day be- shield. Very reasonable. necessary. Dial 1V4-9793 to ar¬ DINING ROOM set blonde ma¬ brakes. >950. Ph< ne IV 5-9930. vate entrance with or without e pub11 cation 19 DODGE 1956 4-door sedan. V-8 VALIANT 1963 convertible. range personal interview. 19 SPACIOUS SIX room, 1 1/2 baths, kitchen privileges. Parking. hogany, buffet, china closet, six Stick. Runs good. N U R S E-REG1STERED. Exper- duplex apartments. Attractively :el latic s - 12 n CHEVROLET 1957 Convertible. 16,000 miles. Excellent condi¬ Completely new. Between $10 upholstered chairs. Table ex¬ CHEVROLET 1948 2-door sedan. ienced. Responsible position. furnished. Parking. Near cam¬ tends, seats 14. IV 4-2232. 19 pub I i c tion. Three new whitewalls. and $15 per student per week. Stick. Motor just overhauled. Top pay. Give complete partic¬ pus. Four girls each side. 332- Stick. White. Call 332-1603. 19 Call 332-5818. 19 CAMPUS CLOTHES; Formal, or- PHONE: diti . ' j- 50, Wilting t com- Body in good condition, ulars in application. Write Box 8903 after 5:30 pm. 19 chid. Windows, frames, water 355-8255 pr misc. 314 Evergreen, East ill ED 2-5319 and ask for No. A-l, State News. 347Student TWO UPPER apartments. Avail- Lar.si 19 ible. Red exterior with white keeping room. Everything clean. heater, white brocaded wall¬ Bri Services Bldg., East Lansing. 20 able within three weeks. Just RATES: CHEVROLET 1963 2-do- interior. Radio. White sidewall Maiden lady or couple. Private paper, bridge table, furniture. % LINCOLN 1959 Premiere 4-door being completed. 660 and 672 tires. 9,700 actual miles. Ex- COLLEGE STUDENTS, male. entrance, parking. 487-3597. 19 IV 2-1906. 19 1 DAY. . .SI.25 cayr.e. 327 engine nnd hardtop. A sharp one-owner, Full time Summer work. Part Virginia Ave. $180 monthly. Call cellent condition. TU 2-8158. 19 JEROME 807. Seven blocks from 3 DAYS. .S2.50 car trade-in. Absolutely 332-5818. 19 new time during school year if de¬ . r IV : LARGE THREE Capitol. Cle^i. Everything fur¬ model. Excellent condition. 5 DAYS. . .S3.75 like new m every detail!! Fully sired. Earn enough during sum¬ whitewalls. Seat belts. Excellent nished. Parking. Private en¬ $150. Phone 355-2909. 19 ad' equipped and priced to go. AL condition. Call 353-0299. 19 mer to pay for entire year of trance. Phone 487-3597. 19 EXTENSION TABLE. Ideal for ; Based on 15 r CHEVROLET 1962 Super Sport. EDWARDS CO. Lincoln, Mer- three men. Approximately $8- schooling. Over 15 $1,000 Power steering, brakes. 32". Dealer. 3125 E. VOLKSWAGEN 1961, like new. $11 each weekly. Parking. $35 ROOM FOR male or female stu- apartment; air conditioner, , e w111 be a 25c servi te scholarships were awarded to 4-speed. Take over payments, deposit. Available September dents. Clean. Parking. 1514 small portable dishwasher, ma¬ 2nd bookkeeping charge if Saginaw. (North' of Frandor.) C Turquoise hardtop. Transistor qualified students. On the job TU 2-5209. radio. Good tires, motor. $1085. 10. IV 9-2389, 4-7 pm. 19 Drexel Rd. Phone IV 5-8488. 19 ternity clothes, sectional. Phone ad is not paid within MERCURY 1960 Wagon. Power training for practical use of CORVA1R 1963 4-d.or. Stand¬ offer. 332-2276. 19 UNSUPERVISED DOUBLE 372-1691. !9 steering, brakes, rear window. or SINGLE EMPLOYED girl wishes your education during the sum¬ ard transmission. Radio. Ex¬ share furnished apartment rooms. Private entrances, kit¬ DINING ROOM suite. Hepple- CHEVY II1963 9-passenger. Excellent shape. VOLKSWAGEN 1961 Sedan. Ivory mer months. An "earn while to cellent o ndition. 7-0459. 19 white. Top appearance. Care¬ with graduate student or teach¬ chens, parking; $10 a week for white period furniture, nine Phone IV you learn" program designed Nova Convertible. Four new fully maintained. White side- by this multi-million dollar er. 601 W. Shiawassee. IV 5-7467 men per term. 485-7673. 19 piece fruitwood finish. $400 MGA WHITE. Wire wheels. 4- wt.i'ewa;! tires. Radio. Call NT PRIVATE AREA for two. Near cash. Phone 655-2474. 19 walls. 332-5712 after 5 pm. 19 Corporation that hundreds of h-3841 5:30 pm. 19 speed, stick. New tires, engine. ,i:tc-r Low mileage. $850. ED 2-6150. VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Turquois students have taken advantage FURNISHED TWO room apart¬ campus. Quiet, unsupervised. BUGGY, CAR BED, maternity 'ews will not accept M • 19 of. Many of whom are still with and bath. Gas heat, pri¬ Phone 355-9499. 19 clothes. Baby, children's and sedan. Excellent shape. White- ment sing from persons Coupe. Demonstrator. 4-speed. our Co. in key executive posi¬ EAST SIDE. CLEAN, front room, adults clothing. Draperies, MUSTANGS 1965."Some available walls. Radio. Many extras. Sac¬ vate entrance $45 monthly. 110 m o 11 r. White wall tires. tions. For arrangements of per¬ Phone 655-1609. 19 near the bath. Neat and polite lamps, golf bag. Sectional, snow now. See Don Balasky at Jack rifice at $900. 355-2987. 19 Pushbutton radio. $2,125. 485- sonal interview, time, schedule MATURE GIRL to share large gentleman. Call IV 5-5956. 19 tires, 800x14. 16" TV. 332-3440. , Dykstra Ford for prompt de¬ 19 4669. 19 Scooters-Cycles and city you wish to work, call bedroom, living room, kitchen. MEN. SUMMER rates. One block livery, or call 355-9896. 19 CORVAIR 1964 2-door, with ac¬ OLDSMOB1LE 1964 Red CUSHMAN 1964 Motorcycle. Grand Rapids, GLendale 9-5079. $2 plus little am. work. ED to campus. Parking. Kitchen, Jet Star cess ries. $1,^95. Low mileage. Also Lansing, 485-3146. South 2-5977. 19 living room. Singles, doubles. Olympia Precision. Buy the fin¬ 1. Sport Coupe. 3700 miles. Super Eagle. 765. 7900 Lange est. Technical keyboards avail¬ One owner. ^921 W. St. Joseph. Bend CEntral 4-9179. Kalama¬ A VON D A L E APARTMENTS- After 5:30, 332-2195. 19 $3300. Phone TU 2-3366. 19 Rd., Fowlerville.CAstle3-9991. L NEW 'Sunbeam 372-0127.' 19 zoo, call Grand Rapids number. ROOM FOR girl : able. HASSELBRING CO. 310 N. Gunson and Beech. Walking dis¬ sedan with the BIG OLDS MOBILE 1961 '88'. 4-door 19 Grand. IV 2-1219. C19 CORVAIR 1962 Mon/a Loupe. Au¬ tance to campus. Now leasing ? comfortable 80 transmission. Whiteex- hardtop. 20,000 miles. Like LARGE CHROME kitchen table 1 c nsumption up to tomatic with power brakes, steering. $190. Phone 355-5806. 19 SPIEGEL,' INC. Opening for for Fall at $50 per person per teri r, red trim. Bucket seats. VESPA 1964 '150'. Perfect for sales-credit clerks.Goods month, 4 to each luxury 2-bed- with four chairs. Very good whitewall tires. Radio. $1,550. TU 2-6334. 19 CAPITOL NEAR. Refined ladies condition. Hollywood bed, head¬ New ing wages plus commissions. room apartment. Nylon carpet¬ OLDSMOBI LE~ 195872 -door har d- campus. Buddy seat, book rack. Call Mr. Johansen. 485-1781. 19 ing. GE appliances. Danish home. Lovely new furniture. board, and springs. 482-0905.19 De top. Black and white. Runs well. 4-speed. Manufacturers 19 BABYSITTER TO Live in. Two modern furniture. Stop by any¬ Kitchen privileges. $50 monthly. 12 NICE fYPE Holstein Heifers. $250. 412 Haze, Lansing. 19 ranty. 372-4925. CORVAIR 1963 M nzav BlacK, children. 2 years and 8 months. time, or call 337-2080 for in¬ MI 5-8930. 19 Also two registered Holstein OLDSMOBILE 1961 '98'. 4-door Auto Service & Parts formation. 19 APPROVED SUPERVISED rooms Cows. Her shell Head. 3320 E. four speed, bucket seats. Must References. 484-9712. 19 > sell. Bargain at $1,595. Phone hardtop. 39,000 actual miles. ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call REGISTERED NURSES, FULL ATTRACTIVE BASEMENT for men. Fall term. Doubles-$7 Holt. 65i-2871. 655r28 19 ED 2-0683. 19 Full power. Rear defrost. Won- apartment. One or two quiet per week. Large quiet, fully COLLIER'STETT5 ENCYCLOPEDIA Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. OR.PART TIME. 11-7 or 3-11. derbar radio and 6-way seat. graduate students. $85 monthly. furnished rooms. Wash bowl in with year books and dictionary. CORVAIR MONZA. Late 1961. Small dents to large wrecks. Good salary and differential plus Best offer over $1,795. Also No smoking, no cooking. 332- each. Large lobby with tele¬ Phone 351-4006. 19 4-speed. Red. Most extras. American and Foreign cars. other fringe benefits. Flexible 18 ft. Thompson BOAT with 75 1894. 340 Wildwood Dr. 19 vision. Laundry. Parking. One PIANO. LARGE WHITE upright. Good care, original owner. Guaranteed work. 489-7507. time schedule. Meal furnished. 1 MC 'B' Roadster Denv,n- $995. IV 4-7681. 19 hp Evinrude motor and 1957 In¬ 1411 East Kalamazoo. C Phone ED 1- CAPITOL NEAR. Newly decor- block from campus. SPARTAN Just refelted, tuned. Beautiful* ternational Metro Van. Best of¬ ated, well lighted. Parking. Very HALL. 215 Louis. ED 2-2574.19 sound. Excellent condition. Must t r, $2,530. CORVETTE 1960 Convertible. MANAGER TRAINING PRO- fer. Phone IV 7-0173 or IV Clean. Call IV 9-3271 or 487- Sell Now! $65. ED 2-0971. 19 >OKS IMPORT L ARS, 5014 245 hp. 4-speed. Two 4-barrel Lube with oil change and fill- GRAM open to young men 21 to MEN APPROVED supervised 9-2059. C 19 carburetors. Newly uphol¬ 35 who can meet employee re¬ 3354. housing. Room and board, $155 DIAMOND RING, new,. $75. List Grand River, Lansing. IV OPAL T961 Record. $600. Very up and this ad, at MEL'S AUTO stered. IV 5-0303. 19 EAST LANSING, newly furnished per term. Supervision by stu¬ price, $100. Call ED 2-1658. 19 19 sharp. Radio, heater. Good SERVICE, 315 W. Grand River. quirements of new stereo divi¬ DODGE 1961, automatic, six cyl- 19 sion of Reader's Digest Sales compact apartment for two dents themselves. No house¬ TEFLON FRYING pans, house- tires. Phone 332-1440, ask for' inder, four-door. Good condi¬ WE HAVE a complete line of and Service, Inc. Due to rapid girls. Near MSU. Phone 337- mother. Two to three hours wares and gifts. ACE HARD- Jim. 19 1018. 19 WHERE & GIFTS. 201 E. Grand tion. $800, Ph ne 482-2320. 19 used automotive parts in good growth we urgently heed man¬ work per week. Unregimented PLYMOUTH 1947 2-door. Im- EASY LANSING deluxe furnished atmosphere. Approximately River, across from Union. ED I ST IN HEALEY I960 Sprite. DODGE ' 1955. 2-do.,r hardtop. maculate condition throughout. condition, at the lowest possi¬ agement people with potential 2-3212. C R -dster, with hard t"p. Good V-8 automatic. 1108 A Univer¬ ble prices. Come on in and look to fill key positions. Integrity apartment for college or pro¬ twenty men. Need only two point. No rust. Good motor. 482-1337, fessional personnel. Three Call 332-1440. 413 Hillcrest. 19 ENGLISH 3 speed bicycles. c iitli n. Before 5 call 337- sity Village. Best offer. 355- ask for Paul. 19 around, and I'm sure you will and personality more important 2r 95. 19 5828. 19 find what you want. than past experience in sales. rooms, ceramic bath. Phone ED MEN. WOMEN. Stay at Spartan $39.77. ACE HARDWHERE & PLYMOUTH 1953 4-door, run- 2-3505 9:30 am. - 5:30 pm. or GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, Call ED 2-5319 and ask for Excellent salary and commis¬ Hall between terms. Doubles, ' ;■ K '.954. i.'xcille-1 m tor and DODGE 1964 Dart GT. 4-speed ning condition. Body and t sion arranged for men who qual¬ ED 2-3135. 19 singles. 215 Louis. ED 2-2574. across from Union.ED2-3212.C smissi n. Will always start. Hurst. Black and white.Rotunda fair. $65. TU 2-3931. 19 ONE GIRL to share big apart- 19 $ SO. P' • fc IV 2-2295. 1405 N'. tach. Sharp! 489-7596. 19 TIRE RIOT. All sizes, black- ify. Apply Mr. Renckens, 882- PISTOL. .22 Luger Bearcat, Sin- PONT1AC 1964 GTO, 4-speed. for two within walking dis¬ GRADUATE MALE student. walls and whitewalls mounted 6629, 10 am. to noon only.'19 ment gle 6 revolver with leather hol¬ J '"; I9 FALCON 1960Deluxe, Fordomat- Positraction, sun tack, power : no extra charge. BABYSIT"! ING AND light house- tance of campus. Call 332-1894. Quiet, comfortable room in ster. Excellent condition. Best Super. Filr condi- heater. Wh i tew a 11 ' : -v ic. Radio, steering, push button radio and 19 which to study. Good location. offer. 355-0761. 19 . Must sell. Call Dave. ED tires. Excellent condition. Low heater. Exceptional car. Can be Call Bruce at ED 2-5319. keeping beginning September 14. Near campus. IV 2-8304. 19 Responsible adult. Five-day WOMAN OVER 21. Fall term. TELEVISION. 21" Console. Odd 2-35'3 after 7 pm. 19 mileage. $695. Phone days, 489- at 4914 Wainwright Ave. 0158. After 5 pm., 489-9738. 19 seen 882-4638; 484-8401. 19 Employment week. Own transportation. Wil- One minute walk to campus. ED For Sale tables. Rocking chairs, drapes. FALCON 1963, 8,500 miles, 4- SECRETARY FOR Law office for liamston. Call 332-0682. 19 _J9 Clothes, toys, etc. IV 4-4821. 19 • PONTIAC 1964 two-door hard- 16 ft. STARCRAFT boat with 70 ■ 1961 m dels. Bring your door, radio, standard, 24 miles part-time work during Septem¬ BABYSITTER OKEMOS area, one Houses top, power, low mileage and ex¬ hp Mercury. Holsclaw trailer. CAROL LEE NURSERY !>ave cash waiting for ber, becoming full time in child in kindergarten. Live in ue per gallon. Spotless. 351-5005. tras. 2808 S. Catherine. Phone All ski equipment included. FURNISHED HOUSE tor two or Experienced Personnel :ar. POWERS LSED CARS, 19 882-8568. 19 October. Must be accurate (optional). Close to Campus. Phone 882-3622. 19 332-6808. 19 three weeks. $35 weekly.- ED i. Washington. IV 9-2845. FORD 1962 Sunliner Convertible. SUNBEAM "ALPINE 1963 Con- typist, good speller. Write stat¬ LUGGAGE TRAILER 6' x 8' x6'. to Care For Your V-8. Standard transmission. vertible, red. Wire wheels, ing qualifications, experience. CHOOSE YOUR own hours. A few FITTING AVE. ^ 7-0922. 807 (Edgemont L9 Completely enclosed. Excellent Oxford blue with white top. Im¬ whitewalls. Like new; $1695. Willingham, Learned, Cote. 220 hours a day can mean excellent for long distance moving. $100. Children Shopping Center). Two-bedroom Phone 372-0074. 19 Albert, East Lansing, Mich. 19 earnings for you as a trained Call 355-9971 after 5:30 pm. 19 Ages 2 1/2 to 5 years. Full maculate throughout. Call IV unfurnished home. $150 monthly. 9-2162. ~ 19 IHUN1JERBIRD 1960. LADY TO care for 16 month old Avon representative. Write or Call IV 4-1697. 19 HOME GROWN sweet corn. Red day programs-7:30-5:30 Fully girl in our home. IV 9-4436. 19 call: Mrs. Alona Huckins, 5664 well-balanced meals. FORD 195- e orvair. Good camp- equipped. White. One owner. EDGEMONT PARK. 1108 Boynton. Haven peaches. Honey Rock noon Beautiful condition. Less than School St., Haslett, Michigan or melons. Tomatoes and farm $15 per week mg car. Many new parts. Phone EMPLOYER'S OVERLOAD CO. Three-bedroom ranch. Brick call evenings, FE 9-8483. fresh eggs. Also - ED 2-0741. 19 35,000 miles. Reasonable. ED For temporary assignments. front. Full basement. Low other fresh 2-6016. 19 Experienced office help urgent- GREAT LAKES Employment for taxes. $14,900. Call IV 4-3582. fruits and vegetables daily at reasonable prices throughout \ CAROL LEE DUNN THUNDERBIRD 1960. Full power, ly needed. 616 Michigan Nation- permanent positions in office, 19 Director new tires. Sharp! Phone IV 4- al Tower. Phone 487-6071. C sales, technical. Call IV 2-1543. the season. ROADSIDE FARM MARKET. 2 miles East of East IV 4-1571 9694. It You Live At BABYSITTER IN my apartment while 1 teach. Start September SALESMEN MOBILE home. Part bedroom house at Lake ing. Can sleep five but prefer Lans¬ Lansing, on Grand River at 1321 W. Kalamazoo 913 B Cherry Lane. 355- or Full time. Selling experience Okemos Road. Open 9:30 am. to Corner of Huron four. Large lot. Three-car ga¬ preferred but not necessary. IV 8 C_ CEDAR VILLAGE 7957. PRACTICAL NURSE. Licensed 19 5-2289, IV 2-0529.' 19 rage. $200 per month plus ities. Call 339-8544 for appoint- util¬ pm. Get Out ot the nursing home. Call IV 9- SALES TRAINEES. Friden, Inc. for ment to see. ^ has openings for men with col¬ You Can Let The SUMMER'S 6421. BABYSITTER, light housekeep- 19 lege and math background in PARTLY house on FURNISHED ranch year lease. Three bed¬ August 24 - 31 sales of electronic calculators ing. Two children. 5 1/2 day rooms, two baths. Atractively Others Do The Walking HOT, HOT SUN week. Call IV East side. 4-5905. References. 19 and adding machines. Call Friden, Inc. for interview, 482- situated on acre of ulty tennants preferred. $150 ground. Fac¬ Pre-Register For Fall Term 8917. 19 monthly. Available late Septem¬ SALESLADY TO work in Dairy Store, 18 years or over. Call ber. Phone 332-8408 for addi¬ B&6 Apartment Living tional information. 19 NOW IV 4-7711 for appointment. 19 TWO LOVELY furnished houses (FOR STUDENTS FROM A-Z) Exclusive Student rePre- Frandor. Accommodates RENTING sentative wanted to work in near 3-6 single students. Call 337- This week, have the best apt. se¬ spare time selling quality men's 0650. '9 lections for Fall term. Choose from hosiery lines on the largest apts, closest to campus campus. High profits. Contact S ' CGE, Box 223, Burlington, N.C. RIVERSIDE & shopping. Get five room luxury at approximate dorm prices. Call 332-0838 and register today. Open evenings this week for your con¬ Albert venience. Apartments Now offering: UNIVERSITY TERRACE 444 Michigan Avenue 9 month leases. DELTA APARTMENTS New low rates. 233-235 Delta Street HASLETT APARTMENTS 135-145 Haslett Street .Sr- O WE K MAN ' PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. APPLIANCES 235 Delta Phone: 332-0838 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 27. 1964 11 For Sale For Sale For Sale Real Estate Service Transportation Wanted THREE PIECE matched luggage. POODLE STUD SERVk Black SILVERWARE. Holms and Ed- SETTLE ESTATE-Small home. Typing Service RIDE WANTED for two or three. WANTED: TWO girls over 21 . Typing Servic New Pullman case, 21", weekend 1 10 inch Living room, kitchen, bedroom, York City vicinity. to share modern four-girl Toy. Tiny features. wards Deep Silver. Service for or bath. Enclosed porch, garage. JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4. TYPING IN my home. Shirley Available Sept. 8. Phone 355- train case 13 1/2 x 9". $25. Champion stock. AKC regis- 12. Chest. Perfect condition, apartment. East of campus. ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL Ad¬ Decker, 2654 Melville, East 5806. Phone 485-4466. 19 tered. Phone 484-6647. 19 $55. 332-5963. 19 Large lot. IV 2-3025. 19 19 337-0118. SCUBA GEAR, Sportsways. Tank GUNS FOR SALE, trade, or rent. EAST LANSING. Marble-St. vertising. 533 N. Clippert. IV Lansing. 332-0721. C ^ 19 Mobile Homes 5-2213. c TERM PAPERS, theses, exper- Wanted and Roll group. Need lead gui¬ and regulator. Must sell, bad All makes, models, and cali- Thomas School. Three bed¬ EXPEK'I lYPlS'r with electric ienced. IBM Electric. Marianne WILL PAY 1*595 interest on $500- tarist, drummer, organist. Call ear. Best offer. 355-0761. 19 bers. Also 1873 model Winchest- BEAUTIFUL 1960 Star Trailer, room, tri-level. Two full baths. pica. Call Merrilyn Vaughn, Harrington. 372-3280. C $10,000. Phone 694-5811 or 332- IV 4-9844. 19 MAN'S ENGLISH bike. Veryguod ers HEX. Terms. KENNEDY'S 55' x 10". Two bedrooms, center Carpeted living room, dining MSU grad. 339-8751. 19 BARBI MEL, experienced typing 3081. 19 DO YOU have a *56-'64 Ford? HOBBY SHOP. 1420 Woodbine. kitchen, dining room, 15' living room and hall. Mahogany pan¬ condition. $15. 355-6106. and Multilith Service. Block off HOUSE trailer 28' <>r M'xS'. Want rebuilt 292 T-Bird en¬ , —- IV 9-1165. 19 room. Excellent condition. eled recreation room with fire¬ BEV TALLMAN. Your term pa- Write or call Albert Glassford, $150. place. Call ED 2-8939. 954Bel- pers, reports, theses and dis¬ campus. No job too large or too gine. Call R..ss or o 1 KOI WOOD Travel trailer. 19ft. *2,949. 882-3428. 19 332-3255. 19 1217 W. Ann Arbor Trail. Ply¬ Surinder. portable. Has tabulation. Pica long. Electric refrigerator and ridge. 19 sertations typed in my home. small. ED 2-8635. 19 TRAVELO TRAILER 8' x 38' on mouth, Michigan. 313-G13-0628. type. $29. 355-0729. brakes. Good condition. Phone excellent location close to cam- BEAUTIFUL 200' x 140' home- IBM Electric. Call 372-3849. C TYPING DONE in my home. LBL COUPLE WANT to rent apart¬ 19 from YEAR OLD WASHLR. WASHER. Four F< year Iv 4-2462. 19 pus. Readv for 0CCUDancv at sites located by small pictur¬ TYPING. THESES, term papers, training. Call OL 5-2876. 19 CHILD CARE ment September 20-De- in my East Lans- cember 1. Furnished. 355-9837. warranty remaining.$125.Elec- .viatch1ng mahogany drum Trailer Haven Lot 127. 19 spring-fed lake. 10 min¬ etc. Fast, efficient service. IBM trie dryer, $50. ED2-8026 after iffee tables. Mersman. esque utes East of M.S.U. to Cedar Electric typewriters. 337-1527. Transportation ing home. Near Frandor. Pre¬ school children, babies. Begin¬ 19 5 pm. 32' x 8' trailer. One bedroom. TWO MALI 19 Like $30 for both. 627- Vale Estates. Plot plans avail¬ 19 RIDE WANTED to New York City ning anytime. Call 332-3485. 19 .-m inmates m share Carpeted. Air conditioned. Lot Siamese Kittens iO weeks. 5570. able. Call 372-2942. Ralph PAPERS done quickly and September 2 or after. Call 332- Cedar Village apartment.Pack¬ 210, Trailer Haven. Call 332- HONOR STUDENT desires hous- Child-proof and litter trained. accurately by experienced 0203 from 6 pm. to midnight. 19 aging and Education major es¬ . WEDDING DRESS, lze 11. Chan- 4421. 19 Opper, of the Walter Neiler Co. ing, cooking facilities. Near 14540 Wacousta Rd. 627-7055.19 Realtors. 19 thesis typist. Two blocks from RIDERS TO share driving to pecially welcome. Call ED 2- tilly lace. Floor length. Also MOBILE HOME. General. 1958. Union. 337-2737. ■ 19 campus. Write Dr. O. E. Getts, 6710. 19 hoop. IV 4-4931. 19 10 ACRES. East. $2,500. $800 Nebraska, Denver area. Leav¬ rentals. EAST LANSING 46' x 10*. Immediate occupancy. _jlex 205. Okemos. Mich. 19 ing August 31. Call 332-4967. 19 WANTED, 4th male f.,r Avofi- LEAF SWEEPER. Child swing Good condition. Near campus, Equity. Balance $20 per month. BABY- SlTTlS'G JOBS wanted in CYCLE, 1215 East Grand River. stencils, etc. Experienced.332- dale apartment. Nine month Brass TV stand. Colonial Consider car or horse as trade. MSU SENIOR (male) desires East Lansing area. Call Sheila. Call 332-8303. C set. $2,100. 372-2640. 19 ^855. 19 lease. $50 per month.Cal! Jack, 645-0427. 19 either car to drive one way or ED 2-2257. 19 ROLL-A-WAY SINGLE bed. New. TRAILER. AIR CONDITIONING. ANN BROWN typist and multi- 355-4601. 19 19 1961 Lancaster, 10' x 50'. New $25,400. PRICED RIGHT on the lith ride to San Francisco. Leave WANTED, BOY'S bicycle in good Excellent condition. IV 9-3386. offset printing (black and STAMP September 12th or 14th. Arrive condition. Under $20. Cal COLLECTION. Dupli- 19 KEL VINA TOR AIR conditioner. carpeting. Two bedrooms. Near lending institution's appraisal white and color). General typ¬ 2-7728. 19 cates or accumulations, cash Five room capacity, used one campus. Phone 337-1277. 19 for loan purposes! Exceptional ing, term papers, theses, dis- by the 18th. References. TU BREAKFRONT, FOUR dir CAMPER- LATE model Volks- available. Pony Express 4-bedroom, center hall Colon¬ 2-1396. 19 m nth. Phone ED 2-1860. 19 senations. ED mahogany chairs; hall 2^8384.^ room Stamps. Phone 484-9394. table; mirror; two new pairs irBY VACUUM cleaner. Ej Lost & Found ial. The fireplace adds warmth and luxury to 20 ft. living room. C WANTED, RIDERS to to New York share driving and expenses. wagen or comparable vehicle. Fully outfitted. References. GIRL TO 19 LOST. GOLD Omega wrist watch, dissertations, term papers, share t w o-bedroom drapes, 42 inches. 485-3179. 19 t- Formal and Leaving September 4 at 5 am. Wanted for September 4 for 2-3 separate dining general typing. Experienced, apartment Fall term. Five min¬ HAM GEAR, G^nset. C-"(\ witl tachments. Available to respon- Self-winding, shock proof with 337-1890. 19 wpeks. 355-1243. 19 room next to planned work- IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. utes from campus. $55 monthly. AC and DC power supplies, sible party fur 8 final payments black band. If found please call C TWO GIRLS want apartment Fall saving kitchen. Newly built on SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Rider 332-5567. 19 etc. Best offer. 355-0761. 19 of $6.07 per month or discount Gil at 353-1650. After 5 pm, 332- corner lot in excellent location, ATTENTION! OUTLINING, writ¬ term only. Near campus. Call wanted. Leaving September 2, "I'LL BUY anything of for cash. 1 rade-ins accepted. 0508. Reward offered. 19 almost in East ing, typing letters, speeches, Kathy, : ED 2-6471. 19 value." Call OL 5-2054. C19 LOST: FEMALE BEAGLE. Lansing, very articles, small announcements return approximately Septem¬ WILCOX SECOND - HAND TWO MATURE female graduate single lens reflex camera close *o one of best grade in your office. Vivian Sim. 337- ber 6. Share references. IV STORE. 509 E. Michigan. IV students desire small apart¬ accessories. A1 condi ti schools. TAYLOR SPENCE, 5-1436. 19 1488. 19 5-4391. C Phone NA 7-6234. Its nut too late to get your tents, vicinity of College and Willough- 337-2084 or £d 2-3583. MUS- RIDER V?- fU^r- ment within walking distance tarps and all your camping by Roads. Phone OX 4-2Q91. 19 TVfrlKC. THESES, term papers, to campus beginning as soon as BUlCK 1555 radio kit SELMAN REALTORS. 19 ences needed. Leave September Fast, efficient service. Kay Phone TU 2-2065. P 19 equipment. Cooking and heating bottle gas stoves. Also lanterns. LOST: WHITE Siamese cat with blue collar. Lost in Bogue St. MODERN FAMILY home (owner). etc. Ralston, 372-1391. C 1. Call Judy, 332-8518. 19 possible. Call 332-2866. After 5 pm. call 337-0454. (Clo sifieds f 12) BAKERY-RESTAURANT equip¬ Three or four bedrooms. Gas Our low prices will amaze you! area. Call ED 2-1385. 19 ment. Mixers, back bars, show¬ WILCOX SECOND HAND MISSING. All personal wallet ID. heat. Full basement. Large lot. CASH SAVINGS . . PLAID STAMPS! cash savings . . . pius plajq,,«^mps! cases, miscellaneous. Phone ED STORE. .509 Garage. 655-1615. 19 E, Michigan. IV Reward. Jacqui Chmielewski. 2-8769; ED '-2381. 19 5-4391. C 355-1946. 19 GOVT INSP. GRADE A U?ED ^ furi,,tur!:i22",^ Ave. East Lansing, 332-3108. 19 CTTAftANCE SALE on usedlaw^n CHIHUAHUA-Black and tan. Lost three-bedroom living house. room and master bed¬ Large liking and riding. vicinity of Coolidge Rd. Holt. room. Formal dining room. Nevt USEb BtCYCLES for sale or Also at discount Fryers new mowers Answers to "Pepe". Reward, kitchen with eating space, dish¬ rent. ACE HARDWHERE & prices. VOSS SALES AND SER- OX 4-1616. 19 whole pan ready washer, disposal. Two bath¬ lb GIFTS, 201 E. Grand River, VICE. 2041 E. Grand River, ; rooms, half basement. Shady, across from Union. ED 2-3212. Okemos. Phone ED 7-1711. 19 Personal fenced back yard.Garage. Land¬ REFRIGERATOR PHONO- SECURITY FOR sabbatical, here Sl^lb • scaped. Dead-end street. Call cutup WATER HEATER 86 gallon etc GRAPH, puritron, a itique oak and there, from BUBOLZ IN- 337-7880 for appointment. 19 trie Hotpoint, good condition. secretary, camera, kitchen SURANCE and American For- $50. Phone IV 9-5876. 19 table, men's clothing, ;tc. Phone eign Insurance Association, au- Service V-M TURNTABLE. Fine c,m- IV 2-0236. 19 to, baggage, liability, trip acci¬ ponent for Hi-Fi bug. Excellent condition with new diamond sty¬ lus. $30. ED 7-9358. !9 ELECTROLUX VACUUM clean¬ er. Sweeps like new. Complete with paper bags and attach¬ dent. THINKING OF a Pi/za Contact BIMBO'S PIZZA first. C19 Party? and FREE ESTIMATES on all your painting decorating problems. Fryers 'arts. legs or breasts49( lb- BELL TAPL recorder. Five ments. Guaranteed.Take' n only Call 484-7817. 19 JIM MELTON with reels. Must sacri¬ eight payments of $6.07 "per 484-2613 CHOICE BEEF SALE tapes fice. WH1TEHOUSL Phone IV 5-4069. !4 f.. 19 month. Trade-ins accepted.Call OL 5-2054. 19 policy gives you' more home protection, saves $$. Ask your 19_ Michigan U.S. #1 Chuck Roast 45(l _ | State Farm agent about it today. best blade cut 75 h.p. Scott motor, trailer. Complete with skiis and acces- sories. Phone IV 9-7078. 19 SWAP 23'' Ph.lco TV lor an outboard motor. Not over 7 1/2 horsepower. Phone Bath 641- ED KARMANN, IV 5-7267, m Frandor. C19 WORLD'S Largest moving and Potatoes DOUBLE LAUNDRY tubs, lawn mower, maternity, baby and ''625. CLOTHING, RUMMAGE Sale, _19 Peanuts Personal storage organization. Operating rights in 50 states. Contact your 20 lb. bac 89( Arm Cut Roast 550 l women's clothing. Stroller and 9-10-11. Men's-Small. TO THE Phantom,BirdandHose. ollege reprt * laundry hamper. IV 5-6696. 19 Boys and girls 4-6. OX 9-2435, 19 Congratulations on a successful summer. Good luck next year. Barrett, IV 5-2241. CLOSEOUT SALE- All stock C19 Seedless Grapes DISHWASHER KENMORE "MJ0" 19 must go at 30 to 50% off on 190 lb bed. M.E.O.O.K.E. BEDROOM SUITE $150; Underwood reconditioned' Rib Steak i * ROSES ARE Red housewares, paints, tools, etc. business typewriter, $50; IV * bookshelves. Call ED 2-4107. Violets Blue Selling out entire stock. 17" floor model, $30. 339-8458. are DUNHAM HARDWARE, 1216 Peaches 19 Here's my thanks § 19 BLUEPRINT fax MACHINE Viking, 20". Good condi Repro- NEW DANISH Used in wi t apartment building as furni To the Whole Crew at the Zot a cut-up Pork Tenderloin tion. Call ED 7-9516. 1' .del. Living-room, bedroom MARILYN AND Patty: I'm sorry^ of diapers to choose from. Bulk wash for cleaner, whiter dia¬ 3 4 lbs. 49( captain john sets. Call 337-0634. sorry, I'm sorry! Look pers, fluff dried and folded. Use POODLES FOR sale. One black closeout. Save liable. Call IV 50%. Rentals 9-3242. - ----- 19 - To i tent sinner, the SPCA'ers yours or rent ours. Containers furnished. No deposit. 25 years experience. BY-LODIAPER I Yellow Onions Fish Sticks <° small miniature male. One black small toy female. TU 2-9163. 19 HARD\ Ml .MS. 1 20^ ^o^idge j Rd., East Lansing. 35 Real Estate SERVICE. 1010 E. Michigan. 2-0421. IV C 3 lb bag 390 i—jane parker bakery features— ors, 90 varieties. Monday- ORGAN- MAGNUS with bench. "I'LL BUY anything of value?1 Saturday. 332-0975. 19 ol. 39c 218. Four large Pascal Celery MAGNOLIA S. $100. Paid $2"5 for it. Excellent condition. Phone 882-4665. 19 CHICKENS- WHITE Rock roo- sters-40. 17 weeks old. Your bedrooms with closets. Car¬ WILCOX SECOND STORE. - 509 E. Michigan. IV HAND I Lemon Pie a "■ peted living and dining rooms. 5-4391. C ntTX TRUCK CAMPERS f< choice. $1.25. Phone 485-6247. 12' x 12' kitchen with dishwash¬ PAR-MOR GOLF COURSE and 4 30 size 250 Sales. Higgins camp trailer sale. $295. K & M Campers 1251 N. Cedar, Mason. r Y P E W R I er, Family and lots of cupboard space. room, 1 1/2 baths. Gas DRIVING RANGE. Regulation 9 hole and Par-3 Course. Illumi¬ Dutch Apple Pie J 49c Carrots Standard. In good repair. Others heat, garage. Near parochial nated Driving Range. Club rent¬ OX 4-0212. 19 available. Servicing also. Phone ancf public schools. 372-3951. 19 als. ART PRIOR- Owner and 8 NORTHWEST 906 Durant. Two Pro. Corner of Park Lake Road *3 2 lb. cello bag 25( White Bread 1 lb. 4 oz. loaf cakes, pastries. Prepared fresh STOVE. MONARCH, deluxe. Fine bedrooms, garage. Patio, base¬ and East M-78. East Lansing. daily. KWAST BAKERIES, condition. Also two chairs. ment. Fireplace. New kitchen. ED 2-3432. 19 Brookfield Plaza at Hagadron & Grand River. Swivel rocker and matching LoVely landscaped yard. $14,100. 485-3678. 19 FURNITURE REF1N1SHING repair. Experienced Craftsman. and Potato Chips 1 lb. twin pack Phone IV 4-3815. 19 date filled house. Two bedrooms and •■Completely remodeled. $10,500 bath. CHILD CARE. Near University in Licensed home. Pre-school Coffee Cake with 1/2 down. TU 2-3298. 19 or infant. Excellent references. IDEAL COUNTRY home seven Phone ED 2-4307. 19 WHY PAY MORE? For profes¬ miles from college. Three bed¬ A&r n AL V C5 UAILt I room, $16,000. By owner. Phone sional dry cleaning, WEND- 655-1615, Williamston. 19 ROWS. Pants, skirts, sweaters, Yellow Cling Peaches LKi 5/99c Dill Pickles 49< EAST LANSING. Three bedroom 60£. Plain dresses, suits, coats, brick ranch. Close to Marble School. $16,500. By owner. Call $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. AUCTION EVERY Saturday at C19 1 sunny FIELD Frozen Food I IV 5-5391. EAST LANSING by owner, three 19 pm. niture, Automobiles, antiques, fur¬ appliances, arts, etc. 4 Family Flour 5 lb. bag 38° blocks to campus, three bed¬ a&p rooms. Phone 332-4459 or 355- Buy and sell. CAPITAL CITY : i on a 5187. HASLETT, NEAR. 15 19 minutes DIAPER AUCTION. 621 Hazel. Call 482- 1476. SERVICE, same diapers £ Tomatoes lb. cans 4/69c BroccoliCH0PPED ,0 oz PKG 2/29' from MSU. Three years old, f returned either yours or ours. three bedrooms, bi-level. Car¬ With our service, you may in¬ I UN A a&p peted. Two-car garage. Fin¬ ished basement. Landscaped one acre lot. 655-1683 evenings. 19 clude two pounds of baby clothes that do not fade. Diaper Cream Style Corn, 0'zlbcans4/49c Peas '°°ZPKG- 2/35c OKEMOS, LOW down payment. Beautiful tri-level, three bed¬ pail furnished. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE 914 E. Gier Street S Si our own rooms, two baths. Five min¬ utes from campus. ED 2-6680. 19 IV 2-0864 THESIS PRINTED C Tea Bags r. pkg. 79< Cut Green Beans,oz PKG- 2/39' g 5 We Hit The Top CRIETZ RD. Six room ranch. Three bedrooms, 1 1/2 brick Rapid Service Drafting Supplies, XEROX COP¬ IES iona cheerio 19 THIS SUMMER baths. Full basement. fireplaces. $25,500. Call 372- Three CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT 22/South Grand Peas lb i oz cans 4/59' Ice Cream Bars PKC 0P12 59c 2501. 19 482-5038 C BEAUTIFUL LARGE wooded lot Lansing, 482-5431 TV SERVICE or calls- $5. Tubes A&P ZA crestmont l|me.0range Thanks To YOU near MSU, schools, shopping. 90' x 130'. All utilities included. ED 7-2345. 19 discounted 25%, except picture tubes. Estimates on shop ser- Potato Salad 2lb.ct 69c Sherbert pineapple gal. 59c M vice. ACMF. TV. IV 9-5009. C THE G»fAT ATIANTIC t PACIFIC TEA COMPANT, INC. EAST LANSING. Spartan Manor, CENDERELLA SERVICE general Our Advertisers Loree Dr. 75' x 140'. Fully im¬ or thorough cleaning. Want Your A* f Super Morket ,APSuPer M"r^ts proved. By owner. TU 2-7924. small offices to clean in p.m. cc-ner of Hogodorn & East , 19 Grand River, East Lansing I we had more business, PARK LAKE. Three bedrooms. Modern. 1 1/2 car garage. Two TU^2-*581, IV 7-5713. 19 STORE HOURS: 9 AM-9 PM AMERICA'S DiPINDABK FOOD MIRCHAHT SINCi US* ably and quickly. Save t lots. Will sell or trade. 641- satisfied more people, 6117. IS for 9330. further references. 482- Monday thro Saturday All prices in this ad effective thru Sat. Aug. 29, 1964 LOOKING GLASS RIVER. Three TREE a xi til} «// ti Ia a ager SERVICE. Removals our n all five Lansing A&P Super Markets. apex.Mn/i* A iV< ' CL\tV,.mr,£ cAki view, large lot. Redecorated, mn ss»wn* stump removal. Insured. Rea¬ than any previous year spotlees. sonable. Free estimates. Gable «h: 41 m Owner. 627-2477. Tree Service. 484-5780. 19 ) Thursday, August 27, 1964 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Gridmen Converge On Campus Frustrated 'Old Men' tackle from Iron River who saw Angel of Utica, junior tackle Jim Proebstle (senior quarterback just 35 minutes of action last fall, is the man to beat at de¬ Dick Proebstle's kid brother) of May Get New Lease fensive left tackle. Canton, O., a!id junior center Boris Dimitroff of Livonia. senior guard There are others in this group Ed Macuga, a The composite Michigan State football player this fall will not from Dixonville, Pa., failed to whose performances could give be the behemoth commonly associated with big time college foot¬ cut into the top ranks two a great lift to Spartan chances ball. straight years. But last spring he this fall. Among them are sen¬ nt players, coach- The average 1964 Spartan will be just under six feet tall and weigh found himself, won one of the top ior guard Dick Anderson of Riv- a modest 195 pounds. He will be almost 20 years old and beginning awards for improved play and erview, junior tackle Don his junior year in school. now is booked for action at left Bierowicz of Chicago, senior A typical Spartan lineman will weight 202 pounds and a backfield guard on offense and center on guard Jim Copeland of Flint, jun¬ performer 183 pounds. defense. ior halfback Jim Garrett of Co¬ The biggest man on the roster is sophomore tackle Charles lumbia, S.C., junior halfback Smith of Beaumont, Texas, who stands 6-8 and weighs 258 pounds. Others who have shoved them¬ Larry Mackey of Akron, O., jun¬ Three backs—Don Japinga, Jim Hoye and Jerry Jones—tie for selves back into contention are ior tackle Don Weaterhspoon of the honor of being the lightest Spartan at 160 pounds. Japinga, a senior halfback John Tinnick of Vandalia, and junior end Mike starter at defensive halfback, is the shorest of the three, standing Patton, Pa., junior and Tony Whyte of Crosse Pointe. only 5-7. aMu? \ GLASSWARE A Free 12-oz. Class Each Week! One Beautiful Embassy 12-oz. beverage glass absolutely FREE each week with newspaper coupon and purchase of Hurry! Hurry! $5 or more. Start your set today! Watch this paper for a new coupon each week. Play Super Bingo Came Ends Vicinity Sat., Sept. 12,1964 \NT TO rent garage. f 500 block of Grove. Call ED 2-1*92 or ED 7-0830. 19 >\ ANTED, HUNOl SI I .'DENT TV Rentals. New 19' try our delicious FRESH baked portable, $9 per month. 21" ta¬ g( ods. We also SPECIALIZt ir ble models, $8 per month. 17" beautifully decorated cakes ' . table models, $7 per month. All all occasions. KWAST BAKER¬ sets guaranteed. No service or IES, Brookfield Plaza at Hag delivery charges. Call NEJAC dorp and Grand River. 19 TV RENTALS, IV 2-0624. Relax! Let Flash Solve Your Problems TOP VALUE STAMPS That's right FLASH will with coupons below solve all of your summer cleaning and laundering I M M I Peschke's Full Shank Half Center Cut Rib Tenderay Tenderay 4th and 5th Rib Fres-Shore problems. RIB ROAST ib 69/ Fish Sticks 3»<>z $1 125 EXTRA TV STAMPS | SMOKED PORK CHUCK Ionia Thik or Thin Country Club . | CENTER HAM SLICE , We have same day ser¬ Sliced Bacon 2>b ^ 98/ FRANKS 2 "t pt9> 98/ For faster service. Please give cashier | vice every day including HAMS CHOPS STEAKS ^RedeemUat°Kroge°rthru°Sun°r, Aug\ ™0?'1964 | Saturday on dry clean¬ ing, shirts and wash pants. "■ 39 ,b T9 -59? n BS3SBB 150 I EXTRA with the TV STAMPS. purchase of 2 or more pkgs. | | Frozen Fryer Parts '■ Campbell's ■ (Breasts w/ribs, Drumsticks, Legs, Thighs) Redeem at Kroger thru Sun.. 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