Weekend MICHIGAN In UNIVERSITY STATE TATE MEWS Sports Eost Lansing, Michigan Friday, October 9, 1964 The' Game~MSU vs. U-M 8y JERRY MORTON "This is always State News intrastate clash which has earned the reputa¬ the biggest game on our Sports Writer schedule." tion of being one of the greatest rivalries In Tomorrow is the day when Michigan residents college football. "Unfortunately," he added, "it's become the will forget about world affairs, elections, and Spartan fans point with pride to their recent biggest game on the Michigan schedule as well." the World Series. Michigan will meet Michigan domination of the Wolverines, but they'd just The Spartans' eight-year domination of the State on the gridiron. as soon forget the early days of the series. series was shaken somewhat in 1958 and 1963 Michigan holds a 35-16-5 edge in the series when the contests ended in ties. Many of the 76,000 fans who will jam Spartan Stadium for the 1:30 a.m. klcitoff will arrive in with the help of 22 wins in the first 24 games. Lansing tonight from throughout the state. Both teams will enter tomorrow's game in While the contest pitting he fourth-ranked good physical condition with the Spartan defense Wolverines and ninth-ranked Spartans will cap¬ geared to stop an explosive offense headed by ture the attention of the entire nation, it's still sophomore halfbacks Carl Ward and Jim basically a neighborhood battle. Detwiler. Some of the spectators at tomorrow's game Spartan defenders will also be attempting to will probably have difficulty remembering the stop the maneuvers of quarterback Bob last time the Maize and Blue defeated the Spar- Timberlake who has distinguished himself as tans.lt happened in 1955 when U-M earned a 14-7 both a competent passer and runner. triumph, and this year most pigskin experts Timberlake leads the Wolverines in passing are giving Michigan a better chance to beat the with 14 completions in 25 attempts for 197yards Spartans than they've had in the past nine years. and is second in rushing with 131. The Wolverines will enter the contest as fa¬ Earlier in the week, Spartan Coach Duffy vorites after posting wins over the Air Force Daugherty labeled Timberlake as the key man and Navy during the first two Saturdays of the in the Michigan offense and the man the Spartans seasons. would have to stop if they hope to trim the Ann Although Michigan will go into the game play¬ Arbor eleven. ing the unusual role of a nationally-rated team, Daugherty emphasized the importance of the it won't be the first time in rte powerful pitching League champions re¬ Bob Gibson, Stottle- four more—against St. when, three runs behind, % of young Mel Stottlemyre, sumes Saturday in New niyre's pitching opponent, Louis relief pitchers—in they put runners on sec- S struck for six runs in the York after an off-day for held the Yankees to a 1-1 the ninth. ond and third with no one last t'—ee innings Thurs¬ travel. standoff for five innings. Phil Linz, who has been out. But only one run scored day, whipped the St. Louis But Tom Tresh, who filling in at shortstop for as Stottlemyre retired the Card ais 8-3 and squared Stottlemyre scatter¬ drove in two runs for a two- the injured TonyKubek, led next three batters. the !<>' 4 World Series at ed seven hits, limiting the game total of five, snapped New York's 12—hit attack Dick Groat tripled in the one victory apiece. hard-hitting Cardinals to the tie with a run-scoring with two singles and his ninth and scored theCardi- The best-of-seven three singles through sev¬ single in the sixth and the first Series home run. nals' third run. ^ :jij Dittrich Calls Harrier Meet rS' Time Trial By MIKE BROOKS State News Sports Writer State's defending Big Ten cross-country champs will get a chance to size up league com¬ petition as they open their sea¬ son against Indiana and Wis¬ consin Saturday 10:30 a.m. at Forest Akers. Fran Dittrich, coach of the harriers, has labeled the meet a "time trial", as it will be the first chance this year to find out the team's strengths and weak¬ nesses. Althougt two of his best run¬ ners will be out because of leg injuries, Dittrich expressed con¬ fidence that his team would win. Dick Sharkey, winner of all— American honors last year will not run this season. He is ex¬ pected tc undergo surgery next week for a persistent knee ail¬ ment. Also on the sidelines will be Keith Coates, an outstanding sophomore prospect. Dittrich indicated that although Indiana and Wisconsin have lost their first meets of the year, they were both up against strong op¬ position. This wiii be the first meet for the Spartans. Besides a strong carry-over team fr.-m last year, Dittrich said thai he will be using two sophomores Saturday. The two, George lialthrop and Claudell James, showed good progress throughout their reshman track campaign, and C'.^. Id gain places Saturd-- IV Rentals New Admiral DeL jxe Commercial 19" TV Receiver with consoie performance whatever the road, speed or driving bucket seats fully covered with Five minutes behind the wheel will tell you why the 1964 Jaguar XK-E is conditions. genuine leather; completely instru¬ • Lquipped to receive mented dash panel. standard by which all What's more, the 32 unique radio from central the new performance and luxury features of See and drive the Jaguar XK-E. antenna system sportscars are judged. For one thing, it doesn't look like the XK-E are on each car when Roadster: $5,425 P.O.E. Coupe you buy it. With many other sports $200 more. (If you're going •20,000 volt picture any other car you have ever seen. they are added "extras." to Europe, inquire about Jaguar's power And it is capable of phenomenal cars, A few of these features: the money-saving Overseas Deliv¬ speed and acceleration. Yet its handling qualities give you race-proven engine; "Monocoque" ery Plan.) • Full transformer Powered the relaxed confidence of always body; all-around independent The sportscar: 1964 Jaguar XK-E being in complete command, suspension; four-wheel disc brakes; •Volume Limiter Ai Edward's DAVID TV Sports Car Center Sales & Service 1025 N. Pennsylvania IV 7-5049 Phone 489-7596 616 North Howard - Corner E. Saginaw free delivery and service Friday, October 9, 1964 Halfbacks Write Story Spartan The numbers "1948 ' are dear Jones ran 42 yards for a to the hearts of Michigan foot¬ down in the North Carolina ball fans. and currently ranks as the t That was the year the Wol¬ leading rround gainer w verines won the Rose Bowl after yards i: it carries for proving the previous fall that average. they were one of the finest col¬ Dick Gordon will run the other lege teams in recent grid his¬ halfback slot for the Spartans tory. Saturday, and he's nlready es¬ By coincidence, Carl War.: tablished himself as the work¬ wears number "19" forth. Ma:/ horse of the MSl: squad. and Blue this sea sir. ■! Jir. Against USC he s; . : ked a Spar¬ Detwiler wears "48": 'd somt tan drive by carrying the ball Wolverine far, s are already six consecutive times for 33 counting on th> sophomore halt- yards, and he's picked up 89 backs to provide U-M with an¬ yards in 26 carries overall. other trip to Pasadena within the On paper Spartan backfield sta¬ next three seasons. tistics don't comeclose to match¬ The fleet duo will be one. of ing those of Michigan's, but they the major concerns facing the didn't match up to USC's before Spartans Saturday afternoon as last week's game either. they attempt to continue their domination over Michigan. In their first two varsity con¬ BEFORE AND AFTER: Read tests, Detwiler and Ward have sey's and protective gear (sht demonstrated their ability to des¬ BASEBALL ALSO SAT tans such as backfield men h troy the opposition with rushing Cotton (44), Steve Juday (23), ' averages of 6.7 and 5.1 respec¬ will wear is the task assigne CLEAN BILL OF GOODS-- While both football squads spent the week practicing of¬ fensive power sweeps, this tively. So far this year, the Spartan offense has failed to show the explosiveness of the Wolver- Pros To Take By DUANE LANCASTER the fault of three former Mound Michi¬ It was perhaps the wisest deal State equipment manager. Photos by Larry Frit member of the Stadium main¬ ines...but that doesn't mean the State News Sports Writer the Phillies ever made for the gan State pitchers who return to tenance crew did some sweep¬ situatiin may not change. their alma mater Saturday for big righthander led the 1950 MSU Coach Duffy Daugherty You won't find the Boston Red Kids" their first pen¬ ing of his own in anticipa¬ the first Old-Timers baseball "Whiz to tion of the record turnout pre¬ cites halfback Clinton Jones as Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers or game. nant since 1915. the most likely to put the Baltimor e Orioles in the 1964 The Phillies went nowhere dicted for Saturday. man Robin Roberts, Ron Perranoski threat in the Spartan offense. World Series but it will not be after that but Roberts continued and Dick Radatz, three of the best Photo by Larry Fritzlan pitchers in major league baseball winning and-in 1952 was named today, will be on the mound for the Sporting News Player-of-the- John Kobs* Old Timers against Year. MSU's varsity squad. Still, the Phils gave up on Robin -Jlle/tfuu/ Comet The trio, which posed a 33-23 record among them this past season, all received their tute¬ lage under Kobs who retired last and to more dealt him to the New York Yankees who in turn sent him his present club, the Balti¬ Orioles, where he compiled year after 29 years as head of a 13-7 record last season. Spartan baseball. Roberts was no real surprise Roberts throws for the Balti¬ to the major leagues as he was more Orioles and moved 13 games one of the most sought-after closer this season to becoming college players in the nation. the only active righthander with His record at Michigan State 300 victories. shows why. The Phidade lphi a Phillies Although he had a mediocre signed Roberts right off the MSU 5-4 mark in 1947 for the Spar¬ campus in 1947 for the then tans and his earned run average fantastic bonus price of $25,000 was an unglamorous 2.88, the 6- when Robin still had a year of eligibility left. (continued on page 6) Breakfast at COMET CYCLONE 2-DR HARDTOP Uncle John's A Before-Game Tradition M at MSU. We serve Gc a complete line of sandwiches f and complete meals. Stop in Strong new, sleek new, all new T edltioril 11 models in all - Comet's before every Spartan power roster for 1965 lets you set your own pace to perfection. home game Ccme in and meet the CHAMP at: 2820 E» Grand River IV 7"3761 Hours: Al Edwards Sun„«Thurs 6 AM-12 Friday Saturday 24 Hrs. 3125 E. Saginaw Lincoln - Mercury - Comet 489-7591 ° O « m 'H. c » n;§ O *• 2 - 3 " " Q> »-• A 3 " „"3 3 Michigan State News; East Lansing", Michigan Job Of Equipment Manager Unsung, But Not Unnoticed By BOB KAMINSKI ment Manager Hill F ■ : and five :-n; ir . " • iec'de how to than money," Earley says, "It's State News Sports Writer student workers. spend ■ J alloted for the fine association that I've had While football may bethought . Jir i each year, with all the coaches and players Most people tliink Coach ! >uXI■ of as a fall sport, to Far!.' ' or l-.arley, eac». r.umbered that keeps me returning every Daugherty and i.is team spend ti. it is a year around profes'on. jersey has it: own per r.wal story year." most time of yjiyoiif dm ir» the week pr-. pa ring for •• ?» T 5 5 ^ 3 E ^ • =tn t? S ® Z -.4 c/> Friday, October 9, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FACE WHEATON AFTER THE Booters O By TEKRY GOMOLL State News Though claiming a seemingly unimpres¬ Sports Writer GAME While the colorful Michigan State foot¬ sive history of only one victory and seven defeats in previous contests with the Spar¬ ball squad begins its league play this tans, Wheaton ranks with the always out¬ Saturday with thrills, noise and excite¬ Ri'fiesh your¬ ment, the undefeated Spartan soccer team standing St. Louis University squad as the only teams that have ever defeated the MSU I'aietly seeks its fourth conference victory bossters. bid to retain the top spot in the self with in its Midwestern CollegiateSoccerConference. Nevertheless, in Saturday's contest, the Saturday afternoon the MSU booters fact Spartans will still be the odds makers Glazed Domits an undefeated Wheaton College on the choice even though the Crusaders have the Crusaders home field in Wheaton, 111. additional advantage of the home field. Called the darkhorse of t''e Western While setting back three- conference only I iusion of the MCSC by Spartan Coact foes, the speedy and powerful Michigan Gene Kenney, Wheaton has put an out¬ State kickers have left an impressive standing veteran forward line together record. 59C with more returning lettermen than ever before. Offensively, Kenney's team ha' aver¬ Wheaton emerged with three straight aged almost 10 goals a game. The de¬ per dozen fense has been just as sparkling, allow¬ victories, including conference wins over Calvin and the ' University of Illinois. ing only one goal in three games. httrs., Fri.. S< In the three.games, the Crusaders have Last Wednesday's rout over Calvin is )c\, 8, 9, 1(5 the most recent example of the Spartan's proved to be a capable and well-balanced team unlike the Spartans first three op¬ strength. State controlled the ball for DAWN DONUTS ponents who lacked offensive punch. over three-quarters of the game. 113! E. Grand Ri ED 2-2541 Old-Timers (continued from page 4) Cheers leader! foot, a 195-pound junior possessed blazing fast ball and the scouts flocked to Old College Field when "Rapid Robin" was on the mound. His somewhat shortened col¬ lege career was capped by the distinctive honor of being named to the ali-time all-star college team by national sports writers. The team also contained such stars as Lou Gehrig, Lou Boudreau and Mickey Cochrane. Perranoski, who was named the best refiefer in the major lea¬ gues in 1963 when he won 16 games for the Los Angeles Dod¬ gers, lost only three ana was credited with 21 saves. His ERA was a fantastic 1.67 that year. The big fefthander won 21 games while losing only seven 1956-1958 for the Kobsmer- and was named to the all-Big Ten first team his senior year, beat¬ ing out Radatz. Radat.-, better known as "the monster" to Boston Red Sox foes, was the American League's top reliver in 1964, rppear r ;• m re than 70 games while com¬ piling a :5—9 record. At State, Radatz compiled a 17- 4. record from ;°5" to 1959 a?d although losing first team all- conference hor- :v •. Perr"-'•ski in his junior year, the 6-5, 2:>0- pounder was r.amed t< the All- Big Ten and Ail-American teams the next year. Olympics To Begin Saturday .It was anybody's ball game until the Olds F-85 came on the field. And suddenly, from coast , (UPI)—Soviet Olympic offi¬ to coast, there was only one car for the campus crowd. What makes the Olds F-85 such a cials admit the United States may have the best tem in his¬ performer? Well, start with new Cutlass V-8 power, 315 horses of it! (Cheers!) New styling tory when the Tokyo Olympics get underway Saturday. loaded with class! (Cheers!) Glamorous fun-loving interiors! (Cheers!) And much, much more The Russians, nevertheless, besides! (Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!) Find out what all the c-heering's about. Rally on down predict they will capture the un¬ official team championship. One official, Boris Lomakiv, to your Oldsmobile Quality Dealer's . where the adit Oldsmobile D.mion • Ge S The Rocket Action Car or S says, "We think we between 45 and can win with 50 gold medals, maybe more, but anything less will be a surprise." The Russians hope to win the title again with even more gold medals than they captured at Rome in 1960. Michigan State News, Fast Lansing, Michigan Friday, October-9, 1964 If We Don't Beat State, Never Will' By TOM ROWLAND in a bare-footed kicker who boots the entire Michigan attack this two letter winners, Jack Clancy with Timberlake to throw. Associate Sports Editor 49-yard field goals. year: versatile. and John Rowser, were side¬ Henderson, who scored Michi¬ The Michigan band, 190 strong The Michigan Daily He likes to roll—option, pass, lined with injuries. The Ohio gan's only touchdown in the 7-7 this year, can be heard practic¬ tie with MSLi run. He can give to fullback Mel soph responded by bowling over last year, was the ANN ARBOR—There aren't ing at 7:15 in the morning, wast¬ Air Force for 72 yards in 11 Wolverines' Anthony, a 205-pound senior, up leading scorer for very many people around here ing nary a minute in what could the center, and halves Carl Ward carries. the season. who remember it, but back in only be called secret practice and Jim Detwiler are showing Against Navy he played only The Michigan pass defense— 1902 Michigan slipped by the up¬ sessions. that they re tough men to bring half of the time after being side¬ long a Wolverine sore spot— state MAC Aggies with all the For the first time in nine down off tackle and on the sweeps. lined with a leg bruise but still was in true form as a veritable offensive might that a 119-0 years Michigan has a football They're tough for different sieve in the opener gained 77 yards, again in 11 tries. against Air score might bring to mind. team too. People in Ann Arbor reasons. Ward is a scatback— And that's seven yards a carry Force, but facing Heisman There also aren't very many are getting a little bit excited 5'9" at 185 pounds who would in anybody's book. Trophy winner Roger Staubach people around here who remem¬ about it. Big wins in the first rather run around than >ver but Michigan is strong through the the secondary jelled. ber it, but back in 1955 Michigan two games—24-7 against the is known to do both—Ahile airways again this fall with seven beat Michigan State, 14-7, and Air Force and a convincing 21-0 Detwiler is a power runner. lettermen back at the ends, in¬ As one alum commented rec- ever since then has been tasting against Roger Staubach's Navy— The latter was a surprise cluding biggrabbersCraigKirby, cently, "If we don't beat Stai defeat with all the sourness that have given Wolverine fans the starter in the first game when John Henderson and Steve Smith, now, we never will." a nine-year straight first chance to cheer on a win¬ span of losses might bring to mind. ner since Cazzie Russell and Bill Sour grapes? Never in Ann Buntin—and that's another Arbor. "I don't think I'll ever sport. be able to look a cow in the face Wolverine Head Coach Bump again," quoth columnist a Michigan back in 1961 Daily Elliott didn't show any surprise after in the locker-room after last WHY PAY MORE? watching the Spartans drub the week's victory over Navy when home team 28-0. To which re¬ told of State's Wig 17-7 upset of plied a semi-sober-at-the-time Southern Cal. He just gritted his Genuine English Michigan State observer: "At teeth a:id said "We'll be ready least when we're talking about for then •" cows we're not talking about our girls." Touche. It's easier for Bump to say this ye; r—he's got more to be Hercules Bicycles This year a group of enter¬ ready w th. prising Michigan dormitory so¬ Vet^pn quarterback Bob cial chairmen have ingeniously Timber.$ke is at the offensive $ devised a "Hate State" mixer for helrn Friday night—presumably to off¬ set any sensationalism that their with ;« fr,f- the third straight and a h'.'^ man at full backinghim Spartan neighbors might boast up. Tilt-lertake'splay anticipates year pair of top Soph halfbacks 3-Speed Gears 39 Compare To Bikes At $59.95 K.D. Hand Brakes Men's & Ladie's GENE'S CYCLE SHOP CALL IV 4-0362 702 W. Barnes Ave. - Lansing Cpen Mon. & Fr Until 9 P.M. Hunting for a good pizza ? Try ours ! C 12 in. Pizza 96 with Pepperoni plus tax & delivery notre homme a ■ I'homme de discernement qui attention du monde entier... voyage Paris la chemise classique a col boutonne par . . . dans le monde entier choisit la chemise qui attire SERO de NEW HAVEN. Suivez RICARDO'S les traces de notre homme a avec Paris en gagnant un passionnant voyage gratuit pour dwx personnes escales en France, Irlande, Italie et Danemark. SERO sera votre hfite ... votre detaillant SERO le plus proche ... votre compagnon de voyage. FOR DELIVERY For a translation of this ad, and an opportunity to win a European trip for two 482-1554 CALL 482-1555 '(TIM)* tarStream Jet. write Sero of New Haven. Dept. C, 95 Hamilton Street. New Haven Conn. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Before the Game ... Stop in and Meet the Old Gang at the New Crossroads Cafe - In The Cente for vwfr before the the game Convenience WEIL Stop OUR ence in and Browse through large collection of refer¬ books. BE We also feature a wide selec¬ tion of MSU encrested, sweat¬ shirts, jackets, souvenirs, mugs, stationery, pennants, rings and many other gifts. OPEN Weekend Special; "Michigan State: reg. $ now on i? $2.95 On South On Shaw Lane Campus Just One Block The exciting new MSU East Of The Stadium Book Store. The finest complete book store services. Stop in after the Oldtimers Baseball Game and Browse. The beautiful new Crossroads Cafe. A meal or a snack in a delightful new setting. H.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S,U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book