Weather Inside Today: Partly cloudy with Prof tells of ADA's role, p. MICHIGAN the mid 50's. STATE NEWS temperature in 3. Peter, Poul and Mary come Possibility of light showers to Lansing, p. 7. Leningrad STATE late in the day. Tuesday's Kirov Ballet to perform Swan outlook: Partly cictu.dy and Lake, p. 7. Pregame prank¬ UNIVERSITY little change in temperature. sters wield paint brushes, p. 8. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 12, 1964 Vol. 55, Number 189 Bump's Blueboys Dump Spartans In 7 Minutes Michigan Johnson Triumphs In 'Barry's9 (Finally) LONG BEACH, CaliUiPl-Presl- "Once I dent Johnson staged a stumping, motorcading campaign in the ing for a job," "I am happy Soph Halfback Sunday—Barry Goldwater's ployed full West hometown included—and ser¬ have the be Keys 17-10 Win monized for American morality, up for renewal I hope they will be By JERRY MORTON unity and togetherness. Leaving his Texas ranch early State News Sports Writer today, Johnson stopped off in The game will go down as Goldwater's hometown of "Bump" Elliott's finest hour but Phoenix, Ariz., for about three hours where he spoke briefly, Baker 57 minutes belonged to Duffy L/mUgt1taty. motorcaded through the streets, "I would have to say that this and attended church services with Democratic senatorial can¬ didate Roy Elson. Goldwater was Testimony is my Elliott greatest victory," Coach said after watching his Michigan Wolverines edge the ONE LAST DlP—Charles more, close out the IM Campbell, Ea?: Orange, N.J., junior, and Bob Birr, Mendon sopho¬ outdoorpool's season Friday in 41 degree weather. Looking on are, (left to right) Gretchun Krum, Wantagh, N.Y., sophomore; Kay Donaldson, Mt- Pleasant sopho¬ resting at his home from his own campaign efforts. The President was on his way Requested WASHINGTON OP)—Republican Spartans 17-10. "I couldn't be prouder of the Las Vegas, Nev., by way of things can't last forever, more; and Jamie Kennedy, Mt. Pleasant sophomore. Photo by Bob Barit to members of the Senate Rules Good Long Beach and San Francisco, but all that Spartan fans wanted Calif. Tomorrow he carries on Committee asked Sunday that additional three minutes THAT MAN AGAIN-John Henderson (81), an old spartan nem¬ was an Reno, Nev., Butte, Mont., Bobby Baker and three other key esis, drags Don Japinga (14) across the goal lat e in the fourth Saturday afternoon. at witnesses in political payoff Casper, Wy., Denver, Colo., and But even after dominating the period Saturday with the winning touchdown for the Univer¬ Poor-Rich Gap Increases Boise, Idaho, before flying back to Washington. charges becalledfor public testi¬ mony within the next 10 days. sity of Michigan. Last year Henderson scored the touchdown Michigan series for nine years, three minutes more was Just too Three GOP Senators made pub¬ that enabled the Wolverines to tie State. 7-7. In the West Johnson was in ter¬ Photo by Tony Frrrante lic a letter to rules Chairman B. ritory that was unfriendly to him That was the story as the Wol¬ and John F. Kennedy in 1960. Of Everett Jordan, D-N.C., assur¬ verines captured their first win 'Have-Nots' Need Aid ing him they would be present over MSU since 1955 before a "to hear and examine these im¬ swing, only Nevada went Demo- Spartan Stadium record crowd of big prize, with «i 1960. California is ti.e ie 65 elec- portant witnesses and furnish you with the necessary quorum." In addition to Baker, former 300 Roam Campus; 78,234. It was a frustrating story for ample, corporations, for the poor it is too pa: '7or- ulating toral votes in these states. secretary to the Senate Demo¬ Spartan fans but a Joyous one for next to impossible." So Johnson was looking for con- U-M rooters who saw their team John Kenneth Galbraith, one of Galbraith noted that i perous nation, saving is Pros- —" capital, play a negligible role in yerts gnd doing a lmle pollticai an underdeveloped society. "Every economic change in- evangalizing. jn a Speec^ prepared for de¬ cratic Don B. majority, sworn testimony Reynolds, local insur¬ Charge Police Lines score twice in the final seven minutes to win the game. The final touchdown came with America's most noted econo¬ lice orders was picked up Friday, volves risk, Galbraith said. |ivery at the Municipal recrea- ance agent and former Baker as¬ By JOHN ELMER I 2:33 remaining in the game when mists, told a near-capacity crowd "However the prosperous coun- ti0n Center in Long Beach he said sociate, who brought about reop¬ State News Police Reporter in the Auditorium Friday that for¬ He said the girl repeatedly sophomore halfback Dick Sygar try has a margin of safety to ab- that first day of the week ening of the Senate inquiry with took a pitch-out from quarterback eign aid is the only effective way shouted during the disturbance, sorb risks. The poor country does belongs t0 God." a statement that a $25,000 pay¬ bolster the economies of "Police can't do anything tous." Bob Timber lake and tossed a 31- to off or kickback was channeled An Snruly band of some 300 underdeveloped nations in the students "Just out to raise hell" A handful of girls took part in yard strike to John Henderson. Taxation as an instrument to through Baker into the Kennedy- Sygar was also a hero in Mich¬ forseeable future. roamed campus for two hours the display, he said. force saving in poor nations has Johnson 1960 campaign fund. formed igan's other fourth-quarter "The gap between the "have' Thursday night before MSU po¬ The band of students been over-emphasized, Galbraith McCloskey, Philadel- touchdown effort when he took a and the 'have-not' nations is go¬ Hall about 8:40 p.m., then ing to increase rather than de¬ crease," Galbraith said. "How- said. "Taxation suffers from the Conference fund raiser and Democratic who was appointed lice into dispersed them, custody. taking 24 at Fee went to Akers, McDonel, Shaw and Case Halls in an attempt to five-yard pass from Timberlake with 6:42 left to make the score same limitation as voluntary sav- U.S. ambassador to Ireland by Challenging orders to break the 10-9. Issues Final ; a >r, if v up, the group charged police enlist support. the late President John F. U-M's try for a two-point con¬ age person in a poor country lines and, trying to gain momen¬ The group was repeatedly feel that his life is a little better Galbraith described reliance Kennedy, and who Reynolds said warned to disperse before cam¬ version fell short when Charlie tum, stormed from dormitory to on private capital to aid under¬ made an overpayment of $35,000 Migyanka hit Mel Anthony on this year than it- was last year, pus police took action. t foreign aid is a success." developed nations as "a great Resolution on a performance bond for the $14.2 million District of Colum¬ dormitory. "Get shoulder to shoulder," "We couldn't spend all night the one-yard line. Galbraith, who seved as am¬ chasing 300 kids, "Andrews said. To many fans, it looked like Private i bia stadium contract. ringleaders the end of the game, but the Mich¬ bassador to India under the late CAIRO, ft-The conference of do anything t( is. Let's "When they started charging us William N. McCleod. Jr., for¬ President John F.Kennedy, noted nonaligned nations has published igan team had other ideas. small economic advance ' businesses, he said, mer clerk of the House District (continued on page 8) "We went for two after our that a a final resolution which blasts The entire campus police force of Columbia Committee, Rey¬ first touchdown because we means a great deal to the aver¬ :ontinued on page 8) Western colonialism but affirms became involved in dispersing JOHN K. GALBRAITH nolds said, had knowledge of wanted to win it right then and age impoverished person, who t "peaceful the stadium transactions and the the crowd as all off-duty officers there," Elliott said after the compares his status with that of indivisible whole." asserted overpayment. were called in to aid the regular Three Fans Die game. his neighbor rather than with a The final resolution is a re¬ shift. Jordan's office reported he is confident of Former Governor: "We weren't that students taken into country thousands of miles away. inot import her buff to Indonesia ful of other nations who worked and a hand¬ in North Monday. Carolina but will return None of the custody resisted and there were Of Heart Attacks scoring again." c system to a poor coun¬ hard during the week-long con¬ no injuries during the outbreak, Three football fans died of Daugherty had his own ideas The Joint letter was signed by 'Nothing' Achieved heart attacks on campus before about the two-point effort. try, Galbraith emphasized. ference to win acceptance of Pe¬ Sens. Carl T.Curtis of Nebraska, police said. and after theMSU-Michigan game "It looked like the turning point "A general rule of economics king's view that force is nec¬ Of those held for identification Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania and Saturday. is that economic advance re¬ essary to defeat imperialism. at campus police headquarters, John Sherman Cooper of Ken¬ Almond T. Norton 59,ofGrawn conversion try. Maybe Michigan quires investment which can only hard at the Mass Though the final resolution is 19 were referred to the dean of Former Gov. John B. tucky. It marked another step in fell victim an hour before the should have made it. We at least be provided by saving from cur¬ which Michigan vo markedly unsympathetic to the GOP efforts to force hearings be¬ students for disciplinary action. rent consumption. But the poor told a Democratic gathering Sat¬ game time near the Sparty Sta- would have had more time to try Nov. 3, calling "strongly Western world, it is evident that never save appreciable amounts, urday night that he is intrigued on such states as Yugoslavia, India fore the Nov. 3 election. to come back." with what hasn't happened in part bystanders picked up in the con¬ because they are too pressed to lamented and President Nasser's United fusion and were cleared of any Peter Harig, 70, of Wyoming, Unfortunately for the Spartans, He said Romney ha Michigan after the promises and Paul V. Miller, 46, of Pon- they were unable to make a first having Democrats in ie offices Arab Republic succeeded in "Saving is always painful, but made in 1962. by Gov. George W.Romney of attorney general, a eral and secretary of litor gen- blunting proposals by such na¬ tions as Indonesia and Cambodia. Petitioning An unidentified coed who urged tiac succumbed to heart attacks upon leaving the stadium. down after Michigan scored its (continued on page 4) The former governor, now released Democratic man, national committee¬ addressed the 6th Congres¬ "Why does he now support the Massachusetts ballot?" he asked. As the resolution was at Cairo University, kings, pre¬ Ends Today sidents, premiers, foreign min¬ Chris Sailed sional District Dinner honoring Boyd K. Benedict, candidate for "Voters must of necessity vote isters and lesser delegates of the Opportunities to petition for member states and 10 All-University Student Govern¬ Congress, in the Lansing Civic away the right (to vote a straight Ocean Blue Center. party ticket) enjoyed by citizens nations began returning ment congress representatives since Michigan became a state." close today in 7 residence halls. Swainson, who was defeated by Just before dawn 472 years These halls include East Mc- ago today, a look-out onthePinta Romney when he ran for re¬ Donel, Abbot, Rather, East and called out the news: "Tierra, election two years ago, asked West Fee, and East and West Tierral" Christopher 'Columbus the group what Michigan's chief Akers. and his crew of 90 had found :complistied to Petitions may be served at res¬ new world, specifically Wat- merit him a second a idence hall desks and in the elec¬ lings Island. On the 400th anniversary of the Nov. "Nothing, in my opinion," Medical Insurance tions office in vices 330 Student Ser¬ from 1 to 5 p.m. today. landing, Congress took the first Swainson answered. Candidates must be at least third- Romney' s 1962 Remains Available He outlined step toward making Columbus term freshmen and have a min¬ Day a national event. President promises for an improved medi¬ imum 2.2 all-University grade Benjamin Harrison made a pro- care program, civil defense point average. structure and greater attention to postponed in The MSL' student insurance the exception of Workman'sCom- Elections were "Let there be expressions of mental health. these halls to give residents gratitude to divine Providence "Have you heard anything of program sponsored by All- pensation benefits.nd time to become acquainted. Fee premiums for the devout faith of the dis- this?" he asked repeatedly. University Student Government Applications at the Student "Romney has benefited only by is still available and applica- may ntil Thursday, insu Office, room 337, Stu- was converted from a women's our histroy and so abundantly what was proposed during a Dem- 5 p.m. blessed our people." The plan offers 24-hour cover- dent Services, from 3 age, on or off campus, for any on Monday and Wednesday and and many coeds from Abbot President Franklin D. Roose¬ Swainson asserted that Romney moved to East McDonel. Rather velt proclaimed Oct. 12 a national s claiming credit in 22 months enrolled MSU student carrying 7 from i to 3 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday this week. had no hall government at the holiday, which is now r'tat• • honored • -v5b»:-4^st for IXm^ths o^cov- Application; beginning of the year. IT'S BEEN A LONG, LONG TIME--But victory was swe.t for these Michigan fans Saturday as only non-religious holiday ' erage is $18. The'planpayfcibene- m a lied to tfie s The- elections commufSiOn has they whoopeSitup during Aefr tWs 17-VJ ^.s.oh ov^'State. U was th» W the recognized by all the Pan-Amer- fits regardless of any other cov- c requested that voting be held by Oct. 22. Wolverines in 'The Game* since 1955. b* Bob Ba^,,• Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 1?, 1964 3 Nye Defends ADA Russel! B. Nye, described > OLIN (•HOSPITAL > REPORT Jhe Saturday Evening Post editorial During this period ADA mem¬ Americans tor Democratic Ac¬ said that the ADA had voted bers felt that President Harry S, Admissions include: Russians Said Ready to Launch Spaceship tion (ADA) as being greatly mis¬ against free enterprise. Truman was unable to cope with Sarah Crafton, Okemos sopho¬ represented in the past, in a talk However, Nye said thatnoADA domestic problems and many left more, Sally Winegardner, Uan- MOSCOW—Informed sources in Moscow say Russia will launch here recently. records show such a vote and his cabinet because they did rot sing freshman; Alice Page, Toms history's first space passenger ship within the next few days...per¬ The history and origin of this that the organization's platform think he was the man to lead the River, N.J., graduate student; haps today. The informed sources say the launching may involve controversial group was pre¬ affirms their belief in freeenter- liberalism of the New Deal. Nye Terrie Phillips, Grand Rapids, one or two space ships each carrying more than one man. sented by Nye, a Pulitzer Prize prise and their opposition to com- said. junior; Mary Ellen Novak,Cedar, winning MSU professor of Eng¬ There were several organiza¬ i Parke Two Arrested as Johnson Visits Phoenix lish, to theUniversity Volunteers He also said that one of ADA's tions with liberal outlooks in 1946, Evanst 111., freshman; Janice- PHOENIX, Arizj-Two young men were arrested as President for Johnson, a group of Republi¬ primary goals, first mentioned at Schian, Reese sophomore; Ernest Nye said, but there was a need Johnson arrived at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Sunday. cans, Democrats and mdepen- its original convention and for a more anti-Communist lib- Richardson, Dowagiac, freshman; One was arrested when two policemen saw him swing a political endorsed at every succeeding Edward Macuga, Dicksonville, sign which hit the President on the head as he walked along a re¬ Nye said in his speech Thurs¬ convention, is to work for the The Union for Democratic Ac¬ Pa., junior; Herbert Kehlstrom, taining fence shaking hands. The other was charged with carrying day that the organization's liberal nomination and election of liberal tion. a ClO-backed and strongly St. Joseph freshman; and Harry a concealed weapon. goals have made it particularly candidates for public office, re¬ anti-Communist group, took the Ammon, Holt junior. susceptible to attack from all gardless of their party label. lead in the formation of the GM, UAW Say Local Key to Strike Settlement quarters. Although the official political new organization, he said. DETROIT-The emphasis on ending the 17-day-old strike by the tself: role of the organization is non¬ Vice presidential candidate United Auto Workers Union against General Motors is on various partisan, Nye said that it hascon- Hubert Humphrey served n the locals of the union around the Country. As of late Saturday night, ..rgar sistently supported Democratic 92 of the union's 1301ocalsstil!hadto agree on new contract terms. ic a ted to the presidents. ganization. The first resolution Mary Hunsberger, Ionia, soph¬ However, a speed up in the negotiations was evident Saturday achievemen reedom andeco- In describing the origin of the of the ADA was to exclude all omore, to Stanley Durst, Brook¬ when nine of the lucals reached agreement. Both G-M and the un¬ nomic security for all people ev¬ ADA, Nye said that two events totalitarian beliefs, either left lyn, N.N., graduate student. ion say the strike will not end until all plant-levels demands on the erywhere, through education and precipitated their foundation: the •ight. local level have been reached. dem icratic political action." death of Franklin D. Roosevelt Sen.. J seph McCarthy charged and the Republican Congress of Goldwater Relaxes Before Final Three Weeks HOMECOMING ATTRACTION-On. in 1953 that they had given sym¬ 1946. tions of the homecoming festiviti PHOLNIX, Ariz.-Republican presidential Candidate Barry pathy and comfort to the Commu¬ Goldwater relaxed at his desert home Sunday before heading into Gateway Trio. nists. An eanlier charge the final three weeks of the campaign. The Arizona Senator had a blank schedule for today, only con¬ NAACPTo Hold ferences with intimate staff members scheduled to plans. plot last minute Folk Artists Planning Session Humphrey 5ays Goldwater 'Poses Threat' The campus NAACP will open fall term activities with a plan¬ WASHINGTON-Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey said,Sunday Sen. Barry Goldwater's views "pose a grave threat to leadership in science, technology and medicine." America's continued In 'Homecoming ning session tonight fortheexec- utive board and all persons in¬ terested in committee work. "But, with your active help," he told a meeting of scientists and ' 'Homecoming Hootenanny ,' The And thanks for your fine pationa Tickets for the dance are on Tickets will also go on sale meeting will start at 7p.m. engineers in a prepared speech, "his importance will drop below will be presented Oct. 23 in Jen- in the Oak Room, Union. take advantage of this offer, sale now in the Union ticket of- Monday in the lobbies of Wilson, the threshold of detection in early November." ison Field House with the Gate¬ Students may and get a FRIE 8-PAK of COKE. fice and in the lobby of the Inter- Akers and Brody dormitories, apply at the meet¬ Romney Accuses Ferency of 'Dirty Polities' way trio and the Village Stom- pers providing the entertainment national Center. Newcomer said. ing for chairmanships and mem¬ p- coupon berships on the program and re¬ LANSING-State Democratic Chairman Zolton Ferency has called Tickets to the h* the search, membership, press and i for a full investigation autte--v-A•vx'.-c? it of the scandal which centers around the un- property at Camp Grayling to private indi¬ second 1 publicity, newsletter and enter¬ FREE 8-PAK viduals, including the husband of Mrs. Elly Peterson, Republican The $1 hootenanny is scheduled to Board and AUSG tainment committees, president Mevin M. Moore, said. candidate for the U.S. Se-iate. begin at 9 p.m. The first general meeting will Gov. George Romney responded to Ferency's demand by saying, "Not only is he guilty of dirty politics in trying to frame an attack The Gateway Trio will also appear at intermission during Sponsor Mock Election be held Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. in Union. Open meetings will the be COCA-COLA on Mrs. Peterson through her husband, but he is also guilty of ques¬ the Homecoming Dance, Oct. 24 A mock presidential election dancing and bridge lessons, a held every other Monday during With One Oil Change tionable political judgment." at the auditorium. will be co-sponsored by the Un¬ duplicate bridge tournament, co- fall term, with executive board Maynard Ferguson and his or¬ ion Board and AUSG Oct. 29. sponsorship of the International and committee sessions during Labor Party Favored in Thursday's Election chestra will provide the music Voting will be in the Union, Ball oil Nov. 7, extension of the "UNIVERSifY" alternate weeks. for the dance. International Center, Berkey Hall information booth services and Officers for the next two terms UONDON-The pollsters, the bookies and the stock markets point films of football games' Wednes- to a likely Uabor victory in Thursday's British national election. This year's theme for home- and the residence halls between are: President Moore, Inkster t -ming is "MorriKs Yesterday, 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. dav evenings in the Union Ball senior; vice-president, Sandra Reinforcing these signs were Uaborite reports of heavy support from the grass roots and admissions of possible defeat appearing Today, and Tomorrow." "The The Union Board is a service Room. Jenkins, Birmingham, Ala., jun¬ STANDARD SERVICE decorations, entertain- organization which promotes the Registration for bridge and ior; secretary, Uinda Miller, eve:^ in sections of the press inclined toward the Conservatives. facilities of the Union. In the dancing lessons will begin next Okemos junior; treasurer, Carol "A very big victory," said Harold Wilson, the Uabor Party lead¬ tation promise to be quite dif¬ past it has sponsored the ride week. The board is also making Hoskins, New York senior; par¬ er, "is possible." ferent," John Newcomer , Har¬ board and an information booth. plans for a variety show in No¬ liamentarian, Hartford Jennings, Eddie Cantor Dies After Heart Attack pers Ferry, W. Va., junior, said. Plans, for this year include vember. Greenfield, Ohio, junior. HOUUYUOOD—Comedian Eddie Cantor died in his Hollywood home Sunday morning following a heart attack. He was 72 years old. C^EPICJ Communist China Again Blasts Khrushchey TOKYO-t ommilmst China issued another bitter blast atPcerrtier 'Khrushchev Sunday, describing him as a "big conspirator, career¬ Can't Find RECORDS ist and double-faced hypocrite in all his ugliness.' The anti-Khrushchev statement was issued in a publisher's ex¬ AN EXCITING DIMENSION planatory note in connection with publication of the second volume in Chinese of a collection of Khrushchev statements from 1942 to 1953. The criticism was broadcast by the New China News Agency, That Book? IN NOVELTY official mouthpiece of the Peking regime. ENTERTAINMENT DeGaulle Dream Seen to be Unsupported RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil-President Charles de Gaulle's dream A large shipment of of some sort of third world force linking Uatin America and France is expected to find as little support in Brazil as it did elsewhere on his visit to South America, political sources said Sunday. out-of-stock books Two Americans Die in Viet Nam Explosion SAIGON, Viet Nam-Two American soldiers and a Vietnamese of¬ ficer were killed in South Viet Nam Sunday in a land mine explosion. just arrived. The three, men were riding in a jeep when the incident occurred 28 miles northwest of Saigon. The Americans, an officer and an en¬ listed man, were advisers to a Vietnamese infantry-battalion. Is Banking Your Career? LN 24110/BN 26110* Rolf Harris, the King of Novelty, per¬ Uearn about the advantages and forms such happy songs as "Click Go opportunities awaiting you in today's the Shears," "The Farmer Went Out for banking £ield. Some Beer," "The Wild Rover" and others. At the MSU Career Carnival "Hor¬ izons '64" October 12-13 Union Building. OUTDOORS 'Banking Thai Is Building Core DESIGNED Michigan National Bank FULL-ZIPPER CLOSURE Judie Proulx and LN 24106 BN26106* Darlene Marks Enjoy the Ragtime Era with specialist Max Morath. He romps through such colorful tunes as "Cakewalkin' Shoes," W elcome You "Dorianna," "Hello, Ma Baby" and others. all beauty care 50< off with I.D. Free Transportation Just Call 484-9342 FLM13101 BOOKSTORE Parsons' With wickedly pungent satire and wit, Cambridge dramatizes vital issues and ONE BLOCK WEST OF THE UNION comments wi'th disarming innocence on Beauty Solo ■MU«ie OF PERSONAiJZED SESViGE.'/ the fads and foibles of our times. Cambridge is hilarious! 2100 E. MICHIGAN ACROSS FROM ABBOTT Monday, October 12, 1964 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Varsity Ties Alumni On Diamond Chilly Air But W By DUANE LANCASTER for six innings, exploded in the State News Sports Writer last stanza to wipe out a 4-0 deficit. Luce then threw out Kilbourn, A fast and unusual double p» ended the first annual Old-Tim¬ Singles by Dick Billings, Bob who was trying to advance to ers baseball game and preserved Speer and Dale Peters, made second on the play, for the final because of an error by Old Tim¬ out. The varsity had-to settle a 4-4 tie for the alumni and er shortstop Jerry Lumianski, for a tie. the MSU varsity at Old College loaded the bases for the varsity Field Saturday. which previously had had no one The Old-Timers opened the Almost 2,000 fans braved 39 past second base. scoring in the third inning when degree weather to view the con¬ test and to watch Robin Roberts, Three successive walks issued Lumianski drew a walk, moved to Dick Radatz and Ron Perranoski second on a free pass to Jim by Larry Foster narrowed the Sack and scored on Frank "Chi pitch against their alma mater. margin to one run. With the bases full and no one Chi" Palamara's second hit of The game-ending play stopped a varsity rally in the last of the seventh that almost produced Lumianski, who fired to catcher Two more runs crossed the a real come-from-behind victory A1 Luce, nipping Peters at the Old Timer plate in the fifth for Coach Danny Litwhiler's plate. on a single by Sack, a double But pinch hitter Dick Kilbourn by Palamara—his third hit of NEW COMBINATION — Quarterback Stev. 'he varsity, held to only one singled across the tying run and the game—and a long sacrafice HEY ROBBY, IT S ONLY A GAME- was prevented from driving home day clicks on poss to Dave McCormick, nn ^ Roberts .... and shut out by Jack Nutter, the winner when Howard Miller fly by Jerry Sutton. alternated as a halfback and si jnal-ca ig inside pitch frorr Roberts, Radatz and Perranoski sets him off bolon ce in Old-Timers' , nded in a 4-4 deadlock. Photo by Dove Sykes. Photo by Larry Fritzlai Spartan US Shows Early Strength SPARTAN STATISTICS MSU U-l FIRST DOWNS 8 20 As Olympic Events Start RUSHING YARDAGE 106 17 old Claudia Kolb of Santa Clara, Calif. U-M Defeats Spartans PASSING YARDAGE 84 15 IOK^O (LP1)—The United States is off (continued from page 1) qualified for the finals. to a great start in the 1964 Olympics. Uncle Sam's cagers won their opening Larry Kristhoff of Carbondale, 111., es¬ first CoLtCitdtowt/, Wolver- on the final play of the half when PASSES INTERCEPTED BY tablished himself as a favorite for the NFL RESUL TS basketball ame, a 78 to 45 thumping ines had ample time to come back. Bob Timberlake booted the ball of Australia. The U.S. started stronger heavyweight freestyle wrestling title with A lcJok at the statistics makes 29 yards, than e\er in swimming and showed sur¬ an upset over defending champion Wilfred the Michigan victory look even The Spartans missed on two Dietrich of Germany in the first round. prising strength in wrestling and rowing. more impressive than it actually field goal attempts in the fourth FUMBLES LOST But the first gold medal went to tiny Rower Don Spero of New York scored was. quarter but finally tallied when Russian Alexey Vakhonin, who smashed a stunning upset over double Olympic The Maize and Blue picked reserve quarterback Larry YARDS PENALIZED a world record in the bantamweight weight- champion Viacheslav Ivanov of Russia to jp 20 first downs and 277 total Lukasik kicked one from 26yards reach the single skulls finals. yards while holding the Spartans lifting competition. . AFL RESULTS The to 8 first downs and 157 yards, Spartans Gary llman of Sar, Jose, Calif., gave Patsy Willard of Mesa, Ariz., closely It was a game of breaks and >rine sophomore standouts J a hint of what can be expected of the trailed defending champion IngridKramer /ho was Harry Ammon with 34yards most respects o at Houston, night of Michigan gave Detwiler and Carl Wi in 12 carries. other Spartan-Mi Germany in the women's springboard MSU ball fumbles three could combine for only ntinued on page 7) pic record while winning his 100-meter ; c diving. And Jeanne Collier of Phoenix and t in 12 tries from their Dave McCormick, usually 3 color, thrills, ar freestyle semi-final. and Sue Gossick of Taezana, Calif., are ball posts. quarterback, picked up 23 yards it will offer fans an opportunity His 53 -nine clocking came just six third and fourth. The first break in the contest Michigan's leading in nine attempts from a halfback to replay the c hours after he first erased the Olympic In over until Oct. 9 1965, when the make mark with a 54—flat clocking in his heat. Mike Austin of Rochester, New York, a first round boxing match, Louis Johnson of Portland, Ore., won a unani¬ !:•: Ed Macuga pounced on a U-M fullback Mel Anthony who carried 21 times for 70 yards. position. MSU fans may have been dis- two teams meet and Don Schollander of Oswego Lake, mous decision over an opponent from the >•: fumble on the Maize and Blue MSU's leading ground-gainer appointed by the outcome, but in once again. like a lion, Ore., also qualified for tomorrow's final 17 to set up the only Spartan ^ Russian wiped out an Olympic n In basketball with 16 Jerry Shipp led all scorers points and teammate Jim Barnes touchdown of the afternoon. Juday eventually scored on a Your Last 4 Days To Save you beast had 13. Coach Hank Iba used all 12 players $ two-yard quarterback sneak and Bobich converted to givtfltha $• Green and White a 7-0 lead •:&! wftlf 3:17 gone of the game." Michigan scored its field goal I ' Tnrr MARSHALL Any Peter, Paul & Mary "VI MUSIC CO. Standard Album . 307 East Grand Riv "IN CONCERT" P, P & M ALBUM only $5.76 Delta Sigma Pi a complete fraternity for the business student in Open Rush Post-Grad Mon. Oct. 12 Wed. Oct. 14 slacks by 8:00 h.i.s STUDENT SERVICES BLDG. LOUNGE For Further Information & Rides Call 351-4219 or 337-0927 jmAT£*GAy - ocJOBER 17- I'PM DELTA SIGMA PI | Sponsored by SHAW HALL , ON THf C &OCR | Monday, October 12, 1964 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan DOWN 2 LOOP FOES Boyer Blast Boon Intramural News MEN'S Time Cym l(Ct. 2) | By MIKE BROOKS State News Sports Writer that each team Bowen would score dual meets their two opponents, and that they would score the totals of the three teams as a triangular against Touch Football To Birds' Chances 6:15 - i'heta Chi-Bower While State's football team was droppirtg its meet. ~:U0 Vets-AYl State's Jan Bowen and Rick Zemper led — Field 1 Evans Scholars and Phi Delta game to the Wolverines Saturday, the cross 6:00 — Cachet-Carthage country team was also being outscored by two throughout the race, with Bowen pulling away to Theta have drawn byes. league rivals. win in the last hundred yards. Bowen, with a NEW YORK P—Third Base¬ of his glove in time to start Ron Taylor, another reliever, 6:45 — West Shaw 1-4 Coach Fran Dittrich was pleased. 20:30.2 clocking, established a course record man Ken Boyer of the St. Louis what had looked like an inning- then came on the scene to stop 7:30 — Rough Riders-Lepers Notice Sounds rather strange? for the newly re-routed Forest Akers course. Cardinals decided the fourth ending double play. the Yankees without a hit in the 8:15 — West Shaw 3-5 Fraternity Bowling will get Well, in cross country, low score wins, and Zemper's time was 20:33. game of the World Series with Boyer then hit his \omer into last four innings and protect 9:00 — Snyder Snowflakes-Setu- under way tomorrow evening. Mike Kaines finished a stride ahead of Paul by greatly underscoring the opposition, theSpar- swing Sunday as he bashed the left field stands. the Cards' lead. titsorp Wednesday is the deadline for tans won a triangular meet and two dual meets McCollam in the battle for fifth place behind Chinese Slingshots-Thel- one — 9;45 — a home run with the bases full entering open independent soccer two Wisconsin runners. They were timed at 21:18 ma Thigs against Indiana and Wisconsin. in the sixth inning that brought All Volleyball team rosters Time F ield 2 The Spartans won the triangular meet, scoring and 21:18.1. the Cards a 4-3 victory over are due in the Women's IM office Casopolis-Caribbean 23 points against Wisconsin's 50 and Indiana's Jack Amie rounded out the Spartan scoring Kickers 6:00 — the New York Yankees. at 5 p.m. today. 6:45 — Wordsworth-Worship 56. with a ninth place showing in 22:01.5. Field Hockey rosters are due By deadlocking the best-of- 7:30 — West Shaw 6-9 In dual meet scoring, they defeated Wisconsin Dittrich was pleased by the victories, but also tomorrow at 5 p.m. Volleyball seven set at two games apiece, 22-37, and Indiana, 16-41. said he was concerned by the wide spread of the Cardinals made certain that TFT" I a 8:15 — West Shaw 8-10 and field hockey competition will time between his men. There was a minute and the series will shift back to their own park for a showdown after I /II M-J lAsM HI M1/ n -I Wheaton TV h Pfl tfm|/ W ll/C-til/l/f 9:45 ~ Cache-Cameron 9:00 Time -- Bacon's Hams-Hunters Field 3 begin next Monday. Officials Lauren Brown, clerk of the course, explained that the meet could have been scored several ways, depending on how the coaches decided to a half separating the first and fifth State runner. Next Saturday the Spartans will run against Monday's Yankee Stadium Finale. In the final period, State's 6:00 — Windsor-Wivern have it score beforehand. The coaches decided the Minnesota Gophers at Minneapolis. Right-handers Mel Sottlemyer By TERRY GOMOLL bench strength dominated as sub- 6:45 — SOC 1I-MIT1 Officials are needed for volley¬ of the Yankees a'.d Bob Gibson State News Sports Writer ball, field hockey and swimming. stitutes Karl Thiele, Jean Diane 7:30 — McRae-McKinnon of the Cards, -nner and loser, Women that interested should and Van Dimltrlou accounted for 8:15 — East Shaw 4-2 are Michigan State's power-packed pespectively, of the second game, are expectej to face each other again Moniay. The series will soccer teair. blanked league rival Wheaton College Saturday, 9-0, on the Crusaders' home field. all the scoring. Thiele scored at 3:36 assisted jime 9:00 — East Shaw 1-5 9;45 __ cavalier-Casino Field 4 call or visit the IM office. Modern Dance Prospective .ar.. G reconvene in St. Louis on The victory over previously by Dimitriou , who added his __ Wight-Wilding A Modern Dance IM workshop Michigan Civil Service Wednesday. unbeaten Wheaton was MSU's second goal of the game unas- 5.45 __ Road Apples-Machine will be held in the dance studio Sunday's story was told in third shutout in as many games, sisted at 7:45. Diane finished 7.30 Fumblers-Falstuff of the Women's LM building be¬ two innings—the first, when the first five Yankees to come to Only a goal by Earlham College the scoring with two goals, one g.15 £ast §haw 6-10 ginning Thursday, Oct. 15 and in State's first game of the sea- on a pass from Thiele and the 9.00 £ast Shaw 9-7 will continue for the remainder the plate before a topcoated au¬ son keeps its shutout total from other unassisted. 9.45 Kiljoys-Generals of the fall term. dience of 66,312 hit safely for MSU coach Gene Kenney was equaling its four victories. 1 "dependent Volleyboll Commission three runs, and the Card's sixth. with Sate's bal- In Saturday's contest, Spartan well-pleased Two-base hits by Phil Linz Gym I(Ct. 1) bench strength made a big im¬ anced scoring and said that his Time and Bobby Richardson a«d singles team played well despite what he 6:15 Elsworth-D.T.D. pression. Five of the nine goals — by Roger Maris and Mickey were scored by non-starters. considered adverse game condi- 7:00 — Red Trojans-Screaming Mantle routed Cardinal starter tions due to a hard Wheaton field. Eagles Starting forward Nick Krat be¬ Ray Sadecki in the first and drove in two runs. Reliever Roger gan the scoring, booting in a pass from Clare DeBoer at the Craig was greeted by a run- 16-minute t.ark of the first quar- .THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS. Invites You To Visit Its Booth scoring hit by Elston Howard, but thereafter until the end of TODAY . . STATE the fifth he fanned eight and gave DeBoer, the outside right for¬ ward, scored the first of two : t He a t n I - At The up only one more single. second-period goals unassisted His fine effort seemed to no at 11:35. Van Dimitiou, relieving avail as iefc-na/idfc! A5 T>er&i)ir.g Sydney Alozie at the center- "HORIZONS 84" set the Cards down with one hit forward position, added the until the sixth. Then Carl second goal of the period on a Warwick, batting for Craig, pass from Peyton Fuller. banged his third pinch hit of Fuller and DeBoer completed the series. Curt Flood followed the scoring for the starters. with another single and, with one Fuller scored on a pass from out, Richardson drew an error when he was unable to get Dick Groat's grounder to second out George Janes at 11:06 of the third quarter and DeBoer booted Career his second unassisted goal. EXCLUSIVE OCTOBER 12 and 13 University STARTS To Discuss I Theater WEDNESDAY the COMMON LAW WIFE Well-Paying penfoRminQ- ARtS Fonda Huguenv Adams Walley company TO BE JUST LIKE BOX OFFICE OPEN For Coupon Exchange and Cash Sale for MAY Special offer for men MAKE YOU MARRIED 'Taming Of The Shrew' IN THIS STATE! who have not yet Opening Tuesday, Oct. 27 HO ARE COMMON LAW WIVES FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE HOURS chosen a career & 2:30 - 5:00 P.M. DAILY INDIVIDUAL ADMISSION $2.00 ( and for some Fat Black Pussycat, 1 free adm. with 1 paid. peRfoRminq Many of today's most successful life in¬ letics, campus activities, etc. He is a CURRENT FACTS Free--10 complete auto lubrications ARtS surance men did not initially consider man of ambition and drive, with a dis¬ life insurance as a career offering un¬ tinct desire to do well on his own. He company limited opportunity for both personal is personable and enjoys working with 7 U.S. business Free—One game of bowling, once Presents its 1964-65 Season and financial attainment. —and helping—people. Above all, he my is wett-km wants personal and financial success just a month. Actually, academic training in many as soon as possible—and is willing to fields pro\ides excellent background for work to achieve it. including: Lib¬ Michigan State University success in life insurance, Five shirts laundered for $1.00 eral Arts, Journalism, Business Admin¬ once a month for a year. istration. Agriculture, Law, Lngineering, Here is our offer to you! The free Education, and Science to mention a few. book shown below contains actual case TAMING OF THE SHREW The "type"' of man who achieves early histories of young men who have done Dry cleaning, 1/2 price. * Oct. 27 - Nov, 1 success is one who has demonstrated a well with our company. Read what THE MASTER BUILDER sense of responsibility in academics, ath¬ they say. Then you decide! Skis, boots and poles for one week¬ December 1-6 end $5.00. STRAW HAT AN ITALIAN March 2-7 7%eNORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE Zi suranee Company One spaghetti dinner at Casa Nova LONG DAY'S JOURNEY 12 inch pizza with purchase of one April 20-25 FIND OUT IF THIS OPPORTUNITY IS FOR YOU! other. MARRIAGE OF FIGARO May 2J-22 Free — Auto wash. ADDRESS Plus 7 Film Classics A Fraction Of The Over $150 Worth Of Values Available All 12 Events For $7.00 CITY ORDER NOW! SAVE $6.50 COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY In The GRADUATION DATE University Theatre Send Check or Depo rtment Of Speech STUDENT SAMPLE BOOK mm Money ■ ' / k | . Order Michigan State Universit' tso£:ot HOME ADDRESS D YOU LIKE TO WORK? WHAT PART OF COUNTRY W introductory offer by the E. Lansing merchants. On Sale Now At Booths LAST2 DAYS OF On Grand River — Only $5.00 COUPON BOO| STOP BY OUR BOOTH AT THE CAREER CARNIVAL Monday, October 12, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Place your want ads today FALL IS SELLING TIME with our office. Call 355-8255 Automotive Employment For Rent For Sale For Sale Automotive Automotive Cutlas TWO KITCHEN Stools, white HALF- MORGAN weanling colts. CHEVROLET, 1961 Convertible. OLDSMOBILE Rooms reasonable. No Sunday Power steering, power brakes. Loaded with 4 on the floor. Rea- ^ c°°>'rs*^C j'* I'ER time. in our apartment, part- Boy, 4 1/2 months. Call SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen priv- Cosco, never used. Mahogany triangle end table. Automatic Board sales. Bernard Russell. OL 5- Many other extras. Like new. sonable. Phone IV 9-3804. 9 TRIUMPH. 1*59 Tiger Cub. Like after 5 pm., 355-9897. 7 ileges if desired. Male, over 21. Sunbeam cooker. TU 2-7318. 8 1015. 2720 Dennis Road. 11 Private owner. 489-7395. 10 OPfcL 1961. Very sharp. Radio, ne w_ condition. Engine com- $10 per week. Call 339-2271. 7 CHflY$LER 1956. Excellent con- good tires. $600. Call 351-5417. Pjetely overhauled. $250. Ca.1 rWO BUS boys to work lunch and dinner. 1234 E.GrandRiver. iTS N. Clemens. Room for one jr. 655-1081. BICYCLE, 26". Perfect condi- tion. Call IV 2-6677 all day dition. Must sell quick. Fully Ask for Jim M. in " • TWIN PORT HEAD with carbs. Call 332-0875. 9 man. $10 weekly. Call IV 5-7960 AUTOMOTIVE Saturday and after 6 weekdays. • PLYMOUTH 1939 Coupe. Excel- AE^IGSRaTAR, 14 cubic feet, EMPLOYMENT _ . BSA 650 cc. Twin. Real per- Wanted, GIRL to prepare d K . . ... • t mechanical condition. Good , SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen re-conditioned, $75. Two pairs • FOR RENT COMtT 1961 Wagon r- it 557 00H formance booster can install, ner, breakfast. Remain ov< made dacron batiste b^y. Call 337-9918 after 6 pm. $14Q> 337_1471> privileges if desired. Male, over custom ,Q night. 2-3 nights per week Bogen presto table. Heath FM, ,• • FOR SALE Economy-six. New condition. 21. $10 per week. Call 339-2271. drapes, 11* x 6 1/2', 5' x 4*. i lady. LD 2-5176. Wolverine speakers, matched • LOST & FOUND "5. Davi 332-8010. 10 components, $170. 337-1471. 10 • PERSONAL tors representative. 353-2053. v Two topS( • ex" ed 2-5107. AUCTION EVERY Saturday at 1 • PEANUTS PERSONAL CORVAIR, 1963 Coupe. cellent condition. Must temporary assignments. beautiful homes for graduate pm. Automobiles, antiques, fur¬ • REAL ESTATE fice. 353-0349 or 353-0327. io Employment Experienced office help urgently student or professional man.ED niture, appliances, arts, etc. SERVICE shift. ^.SOO. needed. 616 Michigan Nationpl 2-1176. 9 • ter'or. Automatic REKAULt CARAVeLLE. 1961 WANfED, r'eL1aBL£ bus l . b-y a: d sell. CAPITAL CITY • TRANSPORTATION Tower. Phone 487-6071. C10 hardtop and convertible. 20,000 ancj substitutes. Delta Gamma. DOU AUCTION, 621 Hazel. Call 482- •WANTED 1476. C10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 12, 1964 7 Personal • THE KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Scores Sincerity Savin . for the latest i ^ 332-2575. (continued from page 5) cider and donuts. Enjoy it here COLLEGE RESULTS For Popular or take • out. Will deliver for parties. M-78 to Potterville, BIG TEN The trio has made its reputa¬ ing of "If I Had a Hammer," turn WestonVermontvilleHigh¬ By MIKE KINDMAN tion as much on its devotion to "Blowing In the Wind," and other the causes of civil rights and songs of this type. way, 3 miles to Otto Road a Michigan 17, Michigan State 10 State News Reviewer turn right. Follow signs. 543- Ohio State 26, Illinois 0 mild pacifism as on its excellent Peter, Paul and Mary's con¬ Seeing the popular trio of harmony and indisputable ability cert at the Lansing Civil Center 2878. Purdue 28, Wisconsin 7 Peter, Paul and Mary in person to enrapture an audience. The Saturday night included a num¬ WATCH FOOTBALL, the WORLD Minnesota 21, Northwestern 18 is in some ways an affirmation show of liberal tendencies has ber of songs of this type, includ¬ SERIES and the ELECTION Iowa 21, Indiana 20 of an improvement in public ing a sor.g in French about a mil¬ CAMPAIGN on a NEJAC TV set- Rent a TV from NEJAC TV Rent¬ STATE tastes, and in some ways a let¬ sion, sloppily sentimental. The itary deserter, and the driving als- 17" and 21" table models down sufficient to sour one on all saving grace has been the appar¬ "newthink" of Bob Dylan's "The popular music. ent sincerity behind their sing- Times They Are A-Changing." only $7.00 and $8.00 per month. Villanova 34, Detroit 0 But the concert also included a New Zenith 19" portables for Northern Michigan 12, Central number of stereotyped non-folk $9.00 per month. Call 482-0624 for FREE delivery. Contact BIMBO'S PIZZA first. , Michigan 7 C Olivet 20, Adrian 7 Hope 21, Alma 8 Albion 24, Kalamazoo 0 •imraBaiK songs and a surprising number of allusions roll and styles. imitations of left with the feeling that Call 484-7817. C7 Bowling Green 28, Western Mich¬ NOW THAT school is underway, igan 8 AND THE oriented ; a sincere, folk music- group in the style of phone BUBOLZ for a short Wayne StateO, Western Reserve 0 many popular artists, then there e and how to John Carroll 7, Eastern Mich¬ is something in their repertoire s dollars. Hon¬ igan 3 that is out of place. If this is not estly, it'^ the best policy! 332- Ohio Northern 33, Northwood 6 that type of group, then there is 4605. C8 Findlay, Ohio 47, Ferris State 0 :omething very discouraging and HORSEBACK RIDING and board Hillsdale 7, Stevens Point 0 hypocritical in the ease s has capital- your horses. A private 160 acre scenic area. 62 acre lake. Shel¬ Service ~ ter. Paths through 65,000 pine trees. Eight ft. fence with deer SS Famo Paul and Mary present Warsaw Philharmonic To Play enclosure. Swimming, fishing, isely enjoyable act and guitar. All styles. After 6, 355- camping. Reasonable, y e a r- are engaging, talented people. Varsaw Philharmonicperformed formed the worl Perform 6034. 12 ? Warsaw Philh round rates. 25 minutes from The apparent sincerity of what TUTORING FOR students of rm at 8;15 p.n i. Thursday ■ ith many of Europe's musical whose music was East Lansing. Phone-882-4863. they are doing comes out in their German, graduate and under¬ ? Auditorium in i: a-Series B rc.'ts, including Ravel, Stra- Nazis, 12 appearances at such events as first graduate. If interested, call The rough and rugged Russian maidens, heroine Odette and vil- the 1963 March < Lecture-Con- insky, Rachmaninoff, Dreisler, The orchestra FOR REAL SAVINGS ask this lainness Odile. as Is and Piatigorsky. major foreign tour in 1958 ii Mrs. Mary Fulk, 355-3191. 9 is considered a fountainhead of s of tl State Farm agent about financ¬ ballet. "The 'Gala Programme'Tues¬ It active as a public concert connection with the Brussel'i of their selection of material. ing your next car through the day with its variety of composers, Paul Stookey, a Michigan State roup during the German occu- World's Fair. In 1961 the War. State Farm Car Finance Plan — Tonight Michigan State stu¬ corps and stars should prove no at.on, the musicians stillplayed saw orchestra completed it; ask for GEORGE TOBIN OR ED dents will be the only university less graduate and the off-stage interesting than a complete Featured soloist will be youi r private Polish homes andper- first N KARMANN, IV 5-7267, in Fran- BABYSITTING DONE in my Spar- students in the United States spokesman for the group, pointed performance of 'Swan Lake,"' out that the trio Is not aiming iolinist Wanda Wilkomirska. dor. 8 tan Village home. 8 am. to5pm. privileged to see one of Russia's Paul commented. Founded in 1900, the Warsa for any specific audience, and is FOR SALE: Pure : Call 355-1069. 10 most legendary ballets: the In "Swan Lake" Prince Sieg- 'hilharmr.nic presented its firs Leningrad Kirov Ballet, to per¬ freid falls in love with a swan entirely sincere in its presenta- delicious apples, Jonathan squash, : form 8:15 p.m. in the Auditorium. maiden put under a curse by the many of its songs. d feat ing the i elax and id enjoy yourself i other fruits and vegetables. Michigan State is the only uni¬ evil magician Rothbart. But if. this is the case, there Farm fresh eggs. All at reason¬ NO RAISE in prices at WEND- ** Wince's lave will is a lamentable able prices. Open 9:30-7 pm. versity that managed to VY*- tendency to waver ROW'S ECON-O-WASH. 32 ballet on this its second North break his spell, Rotfiftart tricks in this sincerity and to include daily. ROADSIDE FARM MAR¬ Speed Queen washers - 20tf; the prince into choosing his i years before WW II tl many out-of-pla< KET, 2 miles East of East ten minutes drying- 10<. 3006 The Kirov Ballet is present¬ daughter, Odile, for a wife. 1 Lansing at Okemos Rd. C10 Vine St., 1/2 block west of ing two programs, a complete Realizing he has been deceived, Peanuts Personal Frandor. C8 performance of "Swan Lake" to¬ the prince searches for Odette TV SERVICE calls- $5. Tubes night under Series A, and a "Gala and begs her forgiveness. Like To Race Sail Boats discounted 25%, except picture Programme" Tuesday under Rothbart, who has overheard isn't so bad. Just think of all tubes. Estimates on shop ser¬ series B. the prince's confession of love, —OrLearn How? the places you could be. Siberia, the South Pole, the L'ofM. TO THE Alpha 7 Delta Jlers; 5 vice. ACME TV, IV 9-5009. C JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4.00. ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL ad¬ "The Kirov Ballet is noted for The challenges the prince to a duel. prince kills Rothbart and its smoothness of technique and frees the swan maiden from the sSLcL You was girls better shape up. I very disappointed Wednes¬ vertising. 533 North Clippert. precision. It specializes in per¬ fection," said Wilson Paul, di¬ The MSU Sailingt 1; A IV 5-2213. C rector of the Lecture-Concert day night. Better be there this afternoon. A Faithful Admirer. TV RENTALS for students. Eco- Folklore Society nomical rates by the term and "This attitude contrasts to the The Folklore Society will meet Real Estate month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT¬ ALS. 484-9263. C flamboyant one of the Bolshoi, tonight in the Union Tower Room. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Cute which tends to reflect the mood Herb David, MSU graduate and WHY PAY MORE? For profes- two-bedroom starter home. Gas of the present Communist state." sional dry cleaning, WEND- antique instrument expert, will heat, nice yard, one and half Contr ary to tradition, the Kirov ROWS. Pants, skirts, sweaters, car garage. $650 down; $70 per ballet is planning to use two bal¬ 6(V. Plain dresses, suits, coats, adjustment of guitars and c month. Owner will carry con¬ lerinas to dance the two swan tract. Call Ann Viculin, IV 9- $1.19. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block 6798 or TU 2-5777. Furman- west of Frandor. C5 Day Realty. 9 Typing Servic- LARGE rt'OME, near campus in TYPING IN my home. Anytime. pleasing community. Has 1,500 Experienced. 315 Bartlett, sq. ft. living area. Large living room with fireplace. Spacious Lansing. Phone 482-7168. 9 dining room. Nice shade trees. TYPING, THESES, term papers, Owner moving out of city. Priced etc. XEROX copy service. IBM to sell quickly at $18,500. Phone electric typewriters. 337-1527. Stager Real Estate (Realtor), C 337-1755. 7 BARBI MEL, Professional typist. No job too large or too small. Cape Cod on nice landscaped lot. Block off campus . . . .332-3255 Huge carpeted living room, fire¬ place and dining room. Extra BEV TALLMAN. Your term pa- large kitchen with dinette. Rec. pers, reports, theses and dis¬ room. Gas heat and garage. Call sertations typed in my home. ' Ann Viculin, IV 9-6798 or TU IBM Electric. Call 372-3849. 2-5777. Furman-Dav Realtv. 9 CIO MAKE AN OFFER on this extra ANN BROWN typist and multi- sharp three-I lith offset printing (black & Full basement, fenced yard, ga¬ white & color). IBM. General rage. Full price, $9,950. Bal¬ typ;.ig, term papers, theses, ance due, $8,450. Call Ann dissertations. ED 2-8384. C Viculin, IV 9-6798 or TU 2-5777. GENERAL TYPING, Furman-Day Realty. 9 EAST LANSING. Lots of home listings for MSUpersonnel.Call ED1E S'T'aRR, typist. Theses, Virginia Spence, 337-2084, dissertations, term papers, Musselman Realty, ED2-3583.7 general typing. Experienced. IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C Service BABYSITTING, days o THE B.J. Press. Expert l.B.M. , Transportation typing. Offset print- id photo copying. Theses, must be furnished. Married woman. Call IV 2-2522. 9 papers, brochures, job s, reports. Reasonable. DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers 332-2961. 8 returned. Either yours or ours. THESIS PREPARATION by elec- With our service, you may in¬ tronic computer. 60% or more clude two pounds of baby clothes time savings on all typing after that do not fade. Diaper pail fur- initial draft. Phone WonchGraf- fic for details. 484-7786. 1" AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE IV 2-0864 C of diapers to choose from. Bulk wash' for cleaner, whiter dia¬ pers, fluff dried and folded.Use T ransportation yours or rent ours. Containers furnished. No deposit. 25 years experience. BY-LO DIAPER SERVICE, 1010 E. Michigan. IV WANTED, RtDE or Bloomington October to any Indianapolis November. weekend in Call OUR FUTURE IN COLOR TV LOOKS ROSY or The Color TV market is in full bloom— "Color Bright 85" picture tube using a As a major factor in all phases of com¬ 2-0421. C Sharon. 353-3240. munication through sight and sound, it PONY DRAWN hayrides or even covered wagon rides available. FLY TO New York City, October 17. Private plane. Call 351-5276. and GT&E along The reason? Our with it. Sylvania subsidiary revolutionary new red phosphor that in¬ creases brightness on the average of 43 is small wonder that GT&E has beyme araflex one of America's foremost corporanons. SLACKS Rides leave at 7 and 9 nightly 10 has made dramatic advancements in the percent ever the industry standard. Our Sylvania Electronic Components If you're looking for a young, aggres¬ (by reservation only). Call 651- performance standards of color TV sets. 5637 to book for your group or Wanted In developing these new receivers, Group is one of the two largest suppliers sive you company with no limit to its growth, may wish to view GT&E in the light FOR COMFORT, only $798 private party now. We're right FULL TIME working girl to share of receiving tubes and picture tubes . . . Sylvania drew upon the vast research fa¬ a fun evening that's different. beautiful apartment. space Parking available. Phone after 5 cilities of GT&E. One result: the Sylvania used by 7 out of 10 TV set makers. of your own future. for S-T-R-E-T-C-H COLTSFOOT PONY RIDES, pm., ED 2-5967. 9 SLACKS GTE 11380 Peacock Road, Laings- burg. Just 5 miles north of M-78 BABYSITTING, 2-6 year old in that hold their shape on Peacock Road. my licensed north side home. Phone 485-3550. 8 Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. DN£ ROOMMATE tn share four ELECTRON ICS W Small dents to large wrecks. American and foreign cars. Guaranteed work. 489-7507.1411 man Cedar Village apartment. Eight months left on lease. 351- GENERAL TELEPHONE & East Kalamazoo Street. C 4427. 8 Monday, October 12, 1964 8 Michigan State New?, East Lansing, Michigan Hellraisers Roam Congressman Ford Blasts (continued from 1) Democratic Administration page hell," one officer commented. we decided it was time to enforce Although students charged the police, no officers were bumped, Taking leaders of the group into ive "no Berlin Wall, Communists Rep. Gerald R. Ford, R-Mich„ will be scared to death and no custody at 10:30 p.m., police had in Cuba and that the U.S. was blasted President Uyndon B. every right in the world to broken up the demonstration be¬ Johnson's "lackadaisical Demo- "Republicans can and mu be winning the war in Viet Nam" fore 11 p.m. ter under Eisenhower. cratic administration" at aparty elected, from Barry Goldwater "This is the beginning of my fund-raising banquet in Lansing on down." eighth year and I've never rur. into a group that behaved lr. this recently. Ford indicated that the Eisen- Knot Not Found "Unless we get a better Con- hower administration made much gress than the current rubber headway in foreign and domestic "Usually, when we told them ti break in the past, they would dis¬ Alpha Phi Sigma ^ stamp one," he said, "thepeople problems, saying that there was Strong Enough About 400 members of the Shaw perse." A demonstration and explana- Police said they could find no featured Tuesday during thenrst regular meeting of the National Vet's Assn. Plans Activities of-v The n Police Science Honorary, Alpha A reserved section for veter¬ unsuccessful but zea- at the Lansing Civic Center. ans at the homecoming football The MSU Veterans Association lous attempts i pull the oppos- The r ting will be in Room mud hole behind game was discussed at the MSU is open to any MSU student who he Union Building at the Bio Veterans Association's initial new Chemistry Building. Tuesday Protest Lt. N'aert of the East meeting for the 1964-65 school has completed 21 months active duty with any branch of the U.S. The East-West Shaw contest >lice Department will being completed. The Armed Forces. The club office will be rematched at a later date Cancelled At I -M CAREER CARNIVAL-Preporotions for MSU's ire year. Photo by Ricki Gilbert President Tom Neuton also is located in Room 316 of the Stu¬ Carnival opens tonight at 6:30 in the Union. said the group may send a club- dent Services Building. sponsored orphan group to the 82 Displays Set Purdue game, Nov. 7. Tentative plans for winter term S. 6. S. planned i include sponsoring the winter blood drive and Winterland Opens term fearing tl Block And Bridle MeetsTomorrow Carny :ampus in April state Dental Association, theNa- Whirl to be held late in Pranks-A -Plenty January Carnival—the largest such event were so pleased tional Security Agency, the State in the nation—opens the Union. tonight in 1 that they asked Bar of Michigan, the Reynolds Plague Police Is Your demand for higher student wages, ie term Tuesday at 7:30 Usual and unusual pregame Crews have been working since following year. "We try to have companies to pranks plagued campus police SeminarToday :ub is for anyone mter- Sunday afternoon completing booths for the 82 companies and represent all vocational fields," Although the Placement Bureau Friday. One Stop Shopping Center "Communication Blackout anc Three University of Mich¬ agencies which will bring over McQuitty said. sponsors the carnival, it is or¬ Plasma Diagnostics" will be the r horses. During the year 250 representatives to campus. Some representative organiza¬ igan students were taken into ganized by students. subject of a talk to be given bj '.Villiam Van Camp of the k judging The booths will be open from ight. Tuesday 1 tions this year are Bendix, Chrysler, Detroit Edison, the Last year over 11,000 students custody at 3 a.m. for paint¬ ing the beginnings of an "M" For All Of Your McDonnel Aircraft Corp.. St 1:15 t American Association of Chiefs visited the carnival. Seventy- at the intersection of Chest¬ 10 t 1:30 a Louis, Mo., at 4 p.m. today. I he When student thony, they will will be 0 p.m. There displays on the first and of Police, the Michigan Educa¬ tion Association, the Michigan three were companies represented. and agencies nut Road and Shaw Lane. They were released after School Needs of tt • Engine* g Buildin the meeting too second floors of the Union. cleaning up the paint, and their names are being forwarded "There will be no job inter¬ to the U-M dean of students views at the carnival," John Galbraith Makes Target for disciplinary action, police Calendar of Co McQuitty, a n d East Lansing junior publicity reported. n oppor ity for informal Of Modern Conservatism "IJ of M" was painted on the south entrance to the Monday represenatives : t h Gal— Union, but the culprits were Graduate I .unci! Meeting -- p.d Plant Pathology p.m., 450 Nat. Sci. The event began in 1949 when Senior Class President Ed Pino Galbraith drew a sharp dis¬ Police reported a urinal Research Meeting Physics Colloquium—4 p.m. suggested the idea to the Place¬ tinction between "old-fashioned" found in a campus parking lot, 221 Physics-Math Building ment Bureau. Some 23 organiza- and "modern" conservatives. but have not yet discovered Special Zoology Seminar--4 "The old-fashioned conserva¬ its place of origin. p.m., 304 Nat. Sci. tives sensibly remind us that In a more original caper, Geology 409 Nat. Sci. Seminar—4:10 p.m., Lecture-Concert Series (A)— 2-Car Collision Galbraith technical change is a basic law of life which must never be re¬ said. "The leaflets were dropped on cam¬ pus from a plane about 4:30 Leningrad Kirov Ballet, 8:15 Sci. Biochemistry Seminar--4 Injures Coeds (continued from page 1) sisted, modern Galbraith conservative, however, p.m. The leaflets bore U of M p.m., 101 Biochemistry. Three MSU coeds were injured is in revolt against the world and fraternity lettering, and Philosophy-Computer Institute Crop ScienceSeminar—4p.m., i» which poor countries make the poorest in which he lives." included a verse predicting a when the cars they were for Social Science ResearchCol- 300 markets. that "some Agric. Hall. riding' coVidSTdat Baiiey and Eliz¬ Galbraith noted Michigan victory. loquium—8:15 p.m., Akers Audi- Entomology Seminar—4 p.m., abeth St. in East Lansing Friday "There must continue to be or¬ people view any kind of pro¬ 401 Nat. Sci. afternoon. ganized economic aid from the gress since the cream separa¬ Psychology Colloquium—4 Penna Ann Rose, 21, Fowler- tor as a conspiracy against their Food Science Forum—8 a.m., p.m., Ill Olds Hall. ville senior, received a possible tries," Galbr aithemphasized. pocket books." Delta Sig' Rush Delta Phi Epsilon Lecture— back injury in the accident. "This means that the world will "But it is my hope," he added, 101 Anthony. The fall rush program of Gam¬ 7:30 p.m.. 33 Union. continue to be divided between "that people who hold this view Pamela J. Clark, 20, Dallas ma Kappa chapter of Delta Sig¬ MSU Men's Club Luncheon— 12:10 p.m., 21 Union. Lecture-Concert Series (B)— sophomore, received a sprained aid-giving and aid-receiving of. progress will not be placed ma Pi, professional business fra¬ Student 8 Store 8:15 p.m., Warsaw Philharmonic, ankle while her passenger Sandra countries, causing very touchy in positions of high power." Academic Council Meeting— ternity, will be held at 8 p.m. lUditot Schnetzky, 19, Birmingham soph¬ problems in international rela- In a strong defense of Amer¬ today and Wednesday in the 3:15 p.m., Con Cor. Room, C1P. omore, sustained minor cuts to ica's foreign aid program. Gal¬ Fc i Scie lounge of the Student Services "ridoy : in poor braith said that "we don't hear building. 110 Anthony 1 police they about the successes of our foreign rush coffee hours are ook The open Seminar—3 p.m policy at this time of the year." , 204 H 332 Case Hall. to introduce students to the fra¬ He maintained that America Statistic: Colloquium— Foreign Filr ternity's effort to bring together 112 Berkey That Roared", has earned the respect of many undergraduates with business in- Across From Berkey Hall Free Parking At Rear of the underdeveloped nations . logy-Mycology Fairchild. lision occurred, police said. in the world through foreign aid. Seminar—4 p.m., 450 Nat. Sci. Miss Clark was ticketed for "Military power didn't accom¬ Pathology Seminar—4:10 p.m., plish this," he said. "Nor did not carrying an operator's li¬ 346 Giltner. cense and for displaying an al¬ our bombs, excessively centra¬ Lecture-Concert Series (B)— tered driver's license, police re- lized in management as they are 8:15 p.m., Leningrad-Kirov ballet, Auditorium. thermal blanket, 10.00 Motelosse-textured bedspreod, 10.95 MORGAN-JONES new Varsity Stripes*... coordinates cum laude! Great new idea. Great fun. Lusty terry towels in your school colors. And (WlrtA/V)« I bold new breed of guy. Jam it. Squash it. bjqnkets and,bedspreads to go with! Coordinated. Collegiate. Commotion- Arrow Decton Give it a . pushing . . bold new a^dund—all breed of shirt for a day in class, ail night at a Ejarty. This Arrow Decton oxford-, provokin'i What a way to wow the campus! So go buy yours. And wow em.' «♦m™0**?!™??. n'.V:si'o< fights back. Defies wrinkles. Keeps its smooth composure through a 25-hour day. It's all in the blend of 65% Dacron® polyester, 35% cotton. Best for no m^j4 l4Sm ironing and wrinkle-free wearing. White, solids, stripes. $6.95. j lJ\l\ UW®