' «Mt uA«tn£"lI«h. Michigan State News 'AST I AVSIV'.. Ml< Till.AN. THt'RM1 \ HKCF1MI1F STUDENTS ASSURED INCREASED FINANCIAL AID Pick Seniors for Outstanding Spartan Honor Section CAMPUS GOVERNING BODIES COMBINE TO INCREASE LOAN EIGHT SENIORS CHOSEN FOR FRATERNITIES' Point System Leading Spartans for Wolverine Used in Selecting PRESENTATION SPARTAN HONOR GROUP IN PLEDGE LISTS OF NOVEL PLAY FUNDS BY LARGE DONATIONS Associated Women Students and Student Council Wake Sum of 1933 COLLEGE YEARBOOK SWELL TO 232 TO BE TONIGHT $750 Available for Borrowing hy Wen and Women Undergraduates. Action Follows Joint Banquet Eighty-seven Wen Pledged Death Takes a Holiday" is rnm R^ing System is Used In Select Three Women and Five Aft„ Firf| Announcement Second Production of Men for Outstandirg Spartan Distinction; Pieturei to 0{ Far|y Total Theta Alpha Phi Appear In Special Wolverine Section. EOUAL 31 RECORD TICKET SALE HIGH Lair Term Signinfi-Up Ars Only Few Ducats Remaining on Morr Than (Jivnl for Eve of Little Theater Fall Qaartrr Drama Showing «-:• K i i11 Mel 'Mf.ali!. I . ,r (ouncil I h ad Tells of Loan Can't Locate tin 'Starring' GIVE LIBRARY SINGERS AID AT STATISTICS TREE LIGHTING Reveal Number of Books Check Music Department Fosters ed Out. Wav Reconstruct 'Christmas Custom On Assigned Reading Room. Camnus. lir «-*• ARRANGE FOR MILITARY BALL HELL-WEEK TO To Be Held at Lansing Wason Temple; Plan Favor* and < BEGINJAN.il END PERIOD OF Decorations Intertraternitv Swimming Wert REGISTRATION Postponed by Council Action Winter Term Classification Set Wonday Night New Record of Speed. Efficiency SET DATE FOR LOCAL CONCERT WELL RECEIVED ENGINEER'S HOP Manv Hear Recital of Press, • Hold Party in Lfniiny Jon Schuster. Patton, W. S. C. Pramue Norrl Staffmen. [iteration. GRAVEURE PUPIL Phi Hot WINS IN AUDITION P. K*|>(« IftXiald . . Armani Normar Peter** « II.. .'.i FW I. U/uW Woudnia i'.. . ; i.... «n.!.* ■ Fwarr Stair *u n Oat iti;U u.1,1 I r'Uffl a h ftusailM Hurt n U, llr*rtd H/a ■•- rm a In y . • National I DETROIT BAND TO a.(I M-ath 34 Lansing Phi Jrlu.inai Kappa T* u CUnton 1, C*«oa £ PLAY IN LANSING I wunk M. Unuva Tfcrator* » " " •w-"1'- « w maw De Wo lay * K.li..n I, tuiMI R T Bui.! II M^r-unn nti.- . Ur.< Ro*»n Mil- T>..r» wrr* r»A l».r Engage Floyd Soy- "•ether with *\mt» id the Co4a*ge Hi..*: BU MiiV A.fnd Dun i Irrnur • '! Uir (Hyart- u« . onaaa ind mot . <> dor s Orchestra for Cbrtsl- Ron: obi Raiiand Hun-M M "■»" rn. t»»: idi iinnrr in.. ■ chir^> • ... Willlan nu-i'TBW urn ir» «nr: -mm. <* r* Atiiwr n,»! r Ol th, r-tiun.- 1 iV mas Party. SPEAKS ON FARM LAW .voiu Paul KindM M HUM/-. *Mit ^ur^-. !.*■ T»la» «•- aut\»t LAMBDA SIGMA ELECTS ml Hi Decatur li; -*t.hr -n '•.•Tecuve dramatti Owomo. Oraveur* at the colli fait in fluhjeru wtil be reoufnrd 'xt be t l*rir n. . V O Broun • ••yer at here ai the culk«r a day -mi\y in WINTER TERM OFFICERS Chin •tHiitv ilr Mfig !«o dirorw. the k _ #_ in® talk or, farm > A B - 'me Man Opera by T order to eUumify in their AtudJ-r- v svaumTTtT «Quai ait> Law during U* Course Htm trim Palmer. U met and haa no* vi>tc«atfully t f«day. 4anuar . the 3rd will t» et Ttw last meeting of launrida Slg-'the I rr»:.j! - .■ ubert. given after hi* first ' U» leaved (or a Wednesday afternoon December ^ su ng*. the second wa* the Yak. Leonard CUf HBdrr. H. Qrtan- rwd tfte o*. Mate and dad wide for those people to retti*:er_ ma for this term »a« held laat night »•, th iixl the past ewcept possibly Uv Ur.uimr (Jit the Hood fo llan- Mr Brs r.Jk. J«t Pritacit If Ota» oimunu Tin* iatur victory ( and daama wtli reaume <»n Wedne*- and Tuofe on the form of a unoker ^ ■1-Koip uxal rush school teacher having John MoCuOmieh. 14. Detroit Wil- rir* a ea*h prur nf »SOO. a p« giv^ii !iglowing the second eifht Officer* for th* winter term were piece fir a, the a,m* bail .J S.i ha* been . taught five year, before taking * A'-cardtng to Prof L C. Kmmori« elected m follow* Max Abraham*. *4derabie. iag>uLarnv iwre I*!» ,j r... pnigram Mr Patton la* course »'• the Lnlverwty at aquady *»ii in Rngiwh. Owr- . •i ng* •«*r> ao at the Maaun.r in "harpe of the registration, tne prewdent. fvm Htafford. vice preal- HnytU-t . 4<.l«v.ira tw- aptwared Uaws TiCSeu *»U Sfkhifan • whole work went through very much dent; Lynn Wickarham. *erreury on thr 'arr.pu* of I>tr a- r.. . 1 * couple and it la paper: Be »*** srrrr* Laurium Jack Walfter H. Oay- Yort where he < ber-ar llrna formerly and that the c cda vui be grafted uhr am^K*. o' c->*e* of larsn a* "*"k applaudtAd be ' ^ -rrrjawn Aceordinn to an have come hefir* rum in • two numbare n-r - by the chturmer. ic* and u>td hoe theae . f:-T* 13 "33 and Wilbur artUed ui-^rest amncur the er.- Prof O I Oreff of the ^jstz The VMfbt Of tod.- O^sarumm the up** y sell Shoe - Courts Hour proe Thursday, Pfct-emb«r 15. 1M2 hfi u .wi« HlliAN SJAlf. .vKttS Wf« "' ••>«» t*rhfcjj# the 'indent n TV lllll Ldtrul UK —| Student Ice Rlnli Michigan State COLLEGE STUDENT PULSE mute.: p.ipr*' tie.r. ■ rf: i the nee •r> ^trt" thi.r thi* drst ol IIK PASSIXli Is Planned For land •nwlhwng a dtprewio How to ... . ur:» '' nn« -tie «ti« I llftjl \ I (tiled Ttlli Hn F»lk» tkf Propet ! rfkaiqur is Gottinf an A Waati Fifty Smacker. ••■•■•••••I J Tcddj's Retreat J ■ ^Ukl* and ■ ii im» 11 %rri\«. ■ It. iKr -.dim Old Mac. '■■■•■eeeeeil (ilKTS TO WEe\K EXHIBIT LUSTER WARE I»I KI I MYKItsm i lliinl lit Ml till IM INK POT \| \\ BHDS llf i l.i* Mi*** ol tin . - M leMBtUI Vrtf I Hill II \l I M (OIK I Kt M.I Its LK.VI III K GOODS STORE aactttifcittex'e'fc'c'rtxxtreitwsr* .... ,'"i" ."""M* .Id. .Ill II LIN. %V|. Ill 1 III li* 1 KM jjf Christmas Gift "V'S'fT; t Suggestions lies/ W ishes eM. S. C. Seal Book Ends j. •: fv Perpetual Calendars with Seal v Christinas and Lockets. Bracelets. Kings, j H. S. MARSHALL ' the \en Year EAST LANSING'S JEH KLEK Compacts, Letter Openers. | '1.I» I" TN % V I %*1 It; I titand Ri ee l*H lea . 4*i all w ith M. S. C. Seal n, M Ki* NA .% .... 1 The Campus Press, Inc. A ,tur itunuii ' •"""• fw Irani* *d tin ,.>!?'>•• ,«< Httklr, Syn»«.i' ilH! tv tit*%u»wtuU ' Iln Camum Miartta CARRY YOUR MONEY IN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT |IA AL L Ttv iW dOTVIGc vllflp . . East Lansing Itattltak . . HO vKCK II* \\* Kirr Kri«|lie« acullv Or. Robert W. I.ane in:? Tourney |,ul,lile« <»f rire thai arOl- • iturday I'. M .ilK I'rnekle ami %rnifi in nnlk or errant. Extra «li'liri)in« »il1i «lit r. Ilrlp* >i»li feel keener ami Id I ttiffl < lasses litter. Try it toinorroH. Madr lit kellumi in Hue laaired to Talent* Itallle t Teek. A Fruit Cake t.r'i • Rodenti Bat Hopa lot '■* .5' Trapi Soon lha iuuoI puplilor araroU •arie.l in itir .linina-r.mma nvuaqtt* HJ.fi for Christmas - K„t|» ftydrr »r VmeaIcon rulla|n, rjiin* alubo ami fratrrniliro «ra '*** H#W> Ryt-r-w ■nolle l>) krllnaa ••• llotlle I reek. I lino inaludr \l I Bhi>. I'M' Broil Hakro, t orn Klake., Wheal Now kniinhlra, an.l krllnaa'. aimtt * lit it Btaruil. Mm. — '*"• CUIUM tmtt>.' Sosxtat. DHfmbr; Christmas Plant hafter Hot <"ll'e — real ri.flrr lhal tela YOU .leap. *r- hdhrc urui. * *4 r*>- . . OUOtR NOW Leav e > our tirder and we will mail it to you H E am TO UVE SPECIALS THIS WEEK ptny sanvrs * T-«* *•- • \ *He\ (w»k rr.tnl* to )Jm» 1 IN PRACTICE HOl'SES tM: lAry ATT W f vi Ihf m wAke ft*** trier d* Tr***. toaalifal Uu- j4*»« Johnson's Candies u* u> (km act. nctooct* fkta a I Iirk tat** Trwt f®» IaMr tlwor*t»wft« Also rcitf' i ' : Iff ourv :■* VI.' B • urtni. r t^rui . Fajw At*#*i Iri* KU'- ; . UtH* faO* «d«. Or»«o OMo .paled tioi «d Uo Ukvh rto Me • • t- - • f" •••• kowt No « «h.vJ. Profiler :l «-ul if*1 „ur.t at. tt» tpo»- t.-op - Pl"« If' A H*nJ- J.parroe-n: rro : Collegiate Flower Shop CW Hunt 3[uub j§l|up -» In- At OB> rota _ Vl>- inojor, art Oaaalupin, W»a uot Q0»mta« of cotm r.iirmr.AN state styv." Thursday. Dnremtwr 15. IMS Or dckcciiw of the . 11! NT HOARDS fix. cm,.,,. A '.' t.'iIll r,JjR Grippe Epidemic li Sway on STUDENTS HELP RADIO COURSE ■kohr. atk monkv f. J the week tollsobl* Christ He Mil omcnt low paper, J'w[AIDS SCHOOLS mis Campus oath .0:2. #ffl. TERM; IN AIDING NEEDY H.I net: i hum ituind.: I out in one on hu wark hoon iMaal rnd the other on hi- work ti$, celery yellows contracted mainly <1' '— TO ADOPT COOPERATIVE PLAN Michigan Stale People Take In- Mu,lr" Bein« Dl'"'>,ed Lecture, Are Bmadca,. d (leiTutndft S,< warJ >. lereit in Red Stocking ™yt Once . *eek to Hiih School, Club ir Thi, Di»t,-ict. (Ciftn fur Srr commimf >■ 1 ' • * h..- •' tn f stimatrs 1 hat Board Can Bp Offered IIuikI Hun - ?;|i| Mm it Rate of Not Mo»e Than $2.50 Per Week; Student Bern I Buy a M - • • . N ?ht U Further Coniider Plan A till less Books Diaries Maiiiiuri- Set. liaimciH f Oveniiyht ("ones Zi|i|> Brief Cane i Desk Set •] S Hockey Expert to Sneak at Annual . II \V. A-A Luncheon •!;. R 11 (tiifta< ;iadft< fur Wtm g B— • >1( Hilda Burr H 'l Deicrihe Devel- ^ Dressing ( ust* opmrnl "♦ Thin Sport From COLLEGE CLUB lis v V y miifoids Brief ( «1> • y /ip|t Portfolios OFFERS AWARD CLUB CONSIDERS ' ' w r- < iicaietu' l'a*«s ToIihca«» i'ouches Sixty Dollar Pro- Be Given NEW ANTH0L0GV Itt: ASONAHLt: Undergraduate Writing Beit Spver-Arts Committee In Neap'» I'KICKS I'REVAII. Short Story. of Literary Work Done FARMERS' WEEK bv Student DATES REVEALED FROSH FENCERS " Annual Feature to Be Held Jan i .1 iT 30 to Feb 3 Taper I ti.OOtl START PRACTICE Agriculture*!, at Meet Sandy's Sandwich Shop W is!ids Michigan State Students A Merry Chrismas and Mil I'ht l'.|isilon Will I'nlcrtiiin a Very Pleasant Vacation I'ill runs Trillin Ffslr til til Music •Hun ( atelt ria lu l(i Feature at Vitii- \ev Mining; < Itureli On Stiiiil.i Ii»• • 111 Fcutiirt LEW DAt'KFK I Hiil U KIR> 1 >*IM IiaM IKYU! I l ll'tllllllls all Meets a I I ttiiiii r Siiiulii> CASKEY HIS KADIO BKOAIM ystim; BAM) ( hrislni.ts t amis Stilt u 111 Ilk elll alt thf Durnnturi (itrT Woman's Kuililinv ( tt-tsls ( eleltrule < Itrikliniih r«rl- Ml \I TICK U S MIDWAY Aiumnu* V mil- Friday, Saturday and Sunday Alma Mater: I- BOARD B> WW K PLAN l.ait. . >. l.idKUi II. Vrln tltes Trumnleil Chemist sin i \ i ||| i > v si im. I hi linhi uluals (Brarr ii. £ittitt LtatV tHK1 iM.lv miM! ink' BUY YOUR v AM"l » i ifti '■ \sM Ml'.l ' lh.iti IS IUIUKU) ON tONlUT* PHOUAM WOLVERINE vm rcfi i m NOW Price advances January 15 SUIT IHTATRT Wlu MAliT HOLIDAY CUJtt Bab Wnadraff mt Orchestra ★ Brtly Jane W«IC#0w HnyWa J^tewrgie DaiW AU men can buy their Wolverine through their military depart Inns., r.l MOl »B». %\t ami M v Everyone's picture is in the year Nth pia>»H by Brine law ral Ire* I; • *.*: J thi i Initial, twiurUay,. kiw* Hut* «d (he 25c Us i KNDi KMH Photograph* for the Wolverine Nffe Jamtr) 9 i him i mi" Thursday. December 15, 1932 IM'HTI.A* *TA'I-- W> WW. ARfVt; NT ST ATI! FRIDAY, SATURDAY. SI VHW semi-finals of wrestling MeC.VSl.IN ENGINEERS get LEADS SLORIAG tournament will be held vacuum tubes tonight; finals fri. night Thyra*ron». New Type Bull* Acquired by department Have Many 'Jsei. yieral New Facet Appear in the Ranks of Spartan Gripplers: These Men Threaten to Make the Matches Inter esfing for the Veteran Favorites. ■ the first eounri Hmtche* «»ut of tie* w« i>!' lonteatants ivihneil somewhat. i linjr tourney. umb-r the cliriTtion •! v. av, HuinV"' 'intiV the semi-final round the t'hiimiiioiiship-i Friila e ami time. eal lively buttle* were w no. ,1 te> »omiitK through.0 student labor ■:..."1 ™ TO MAKE SPECIAL v ill V DETROTT^RATES ,s targe item Davenport C i t ? s Numeroir Company Will Ron Round Trip c,mpu> ^ fof w|||(h Bos If Forty Students Re Collrye Hires Men serve Tickets. HARMER SPEAKS AT SOILS MEET Authority on Muck Soils Crop Gives Torn Lectures in Una. I Party Siippeis Half I'r «■ FROSH CAGEMEN HOLD SCRIMMAGE Basketball Practtce» Giv Way 2 Pair for ' to Book a lor Remainder o! leiai SPRAY CALENDAR AVAILABLE NOW POT STUDENT INVENTS tatnmolofi Department Itaoei NEW CIDER FILTER if ok »♦ r 11*|• 111 mil tonne* •». BurtoTi s A . - O Vsluahle Aid to Frnat liriv- - | CMC.' * ers of Michigan Robert Hukok Under Direction Z ',n„ >tw.,.rc, Walk-Over A^hop ,MS>er^ nid IVnviln. ol Pro! Musteimari .>iuplifir» Prwu ol Clarification* ^ , >v...n,,, ■ \ HfcAT Olvmpic-Ramlxiw Recreations llll.MAUDS — IM»V I.INfi 400 CO-EDS ATTEND . .f.., . f tin »v F PAN.HELL BANQUET louir Cooley Dean Cw»d UNION PARTY I "t the I " IIS .Ik! 11». dwJV II v, in! 1 )ciicu>u\ mouth IfltO al .nit* 111 Speak at Dinner !»|*a Kap fiil hv that w< pa Receive* An art!. al I ii hiVc good cat. The Union Ballroom with roOer t j.-up t v. irtoats V t'LKANEH NMMKh>-i:i» Friday, December 16 • T W seal «UI - numrMu "d> <• »<«">» IMIU .u ,«1I> »hu IM I »«« U» lirrv c^nwcuU.-e |c«rt "'in"1 OSS' "* i Hot U* r«anti« »««. t tfi-MKV. -4aMr' \n « W „m*r+uUrri _ WNou ~ *" \ ,Mcmia rnrtUfts Stoda^h .* M*- ***> 107'; K Grand liher Am f-ll Tax 80c NATIONAL WSCUtT COPfDMlY fhtrttlX*. Urcvmbrx • P*« the own MinnCAN PTATF NFWS Thursday, December 15, 1052 ii h ,ipme< It Hr. Fred T Mitchell, depart men edncntlon. ■dwike nt the moot! !> 1933 SCHEDULE I M. S. C. MEMBERS i Men WEEK OF IDLENESS OVERTAKES .,«i, ' I Intrn-murnl Sports ' ' fo.tttu- nt Ilje LivtnjtMotY Count . -H i s V . vill ,.... „ IIhUtII on AT GRAND RAPIDS \ mm,' IVT.nh.-r H Tlv i | l*r :.! .it'inim ! I l»U SKI) unci i: • BASKETBALL TEAM AS END OF TO BE HARDEST '1'. -2" ^nI nl-irr. nti.l Snnn- s-](- ||n« rnrr.on High School Football Banqiie' THE FALL TERM APPROACHES I I n<» f K II I EVER PLANNED to Be Attended by Students and Alumni of College. Support the ndvrrttjM III III I » Mirh»(fr»n State Newn; t! Quintet Will Return to Practice* After Christmas in Prepara¬ Home Games Include Contests your college new pa per. tion for Wiicomin Contest on December 3ft With Carregie Tech, Kansas Game With Syracuse State and Syracuse. and January 3 . .. Our Mono ...CVHKTESY A NO S/RVHA I.RAIIAM GRINNEI.L IS FIRST LEO BROWNELL Nullum' a roiiplr e#f chf th. ictu'dnl.- f< mill VnnAUt nu ;■> \! Other Teams on Schedule Are Michigan. U. of I), and Mar Barber & Beauty Shop quette University. Honat Permanent Waving Complete Beauty Service 0|irr.m. Mu. tl.irlin TH V2HO.'t 21.1*. I t Aw POLO TEAM HAS I KM I V It \*l ft % I I BUSY SCHEDULE WANTED llir Spartan Split Double Bill; Meet Lan¬ sing and (lull Lake Teams Soon FIFTY M. S. (. STFDKNTS \ti oppiirtunit\ f«» earn siT. 10 to during the holid;t\ - So | \| Filmnnrfv in I nion lltiildinir, It«w»ni 51. Today and Friday. STATE W nitrrtne>, n I KlltAY— SATI KM A V—SIM) AY William Powell - and - Kay Francis ONE WAY PASSAGE" RIFLE PRACTICE THK TO START SOON 16 MEN MAKE K 0 ] 1 Irani Will Unlet "V >* DEBATE SQUAD Ivlrnuvr Scbrdvlr I'ltnnrd tor College and Stith Corp* Air a t ompetition Michigan State News hi. I ram TKia Yrar. Inlrtrit n'wmia "'«h WISHES YOU PORPOISE GIVES Lota of Luck 'Bumming1 Home PLEDGE TESTS Kllvftrt Uenli Survite In Preliminary a mu 11 yout* tor mine Men • >»i» Honor art Watch That When in Doubt Christmas (ihe SHIRTS Cheer! TENNIS PLAYERS PRACTICE INDOORS *1- u.i'i. sn.«r». And Incidentallv W«lt, N»rrit krrp ,a Sklf, b, *.x«; ;rvm t whi- h :.i< CawUat Wialrr in Dfnaitntmn Hall .uttiiYg u- brine «3> w* i Scarfs $1 to $2.,i0 A MERRY CHRISTMAS . Th. SUvcr S • Alma coheir* tar , Jan IS Jan n,nw iiS- Ties 69c to $1.50 Of ftiae outci.a *>•■'> UBiRMWblf «r»- « *r and llillmtalr Jan 1* Hope I«inu pUv ml Of ttw HI* - Jan 11 Detroit id LaO (iloves $1 to $.150 »r» havr out* tn I* • ,v>*r.s «i».iiv wort- Jan Olivet loUegr Hon Hall to Itrrt: dale tournament in vhlrh the local fVb i a WASHBURN'S in •#»!* and (.<• jai early nurt to¬ teams itww Detroit ward preparing hw the swing «e»- Oasitml State Teachers' i-oilege and Cv > caltefc Handkerchiefs MaiM-ties-ter Wb 11 tie- School Supplic* •uairt W. !. &nd K#» Noma two of tnat TWh Detroit City colW-gr the mrr, win art e\*v*ttwl to tw th* Uttiv«raKv *X IVtroit and Ortrolk 0aam««> < «