MICHIGAN Weather Inside Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Dougher¬ ty, p. 6. World News, p. 3. Computer Dance, p. 4. UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS East Lansing, Michig Tuesday, October 13, 1964 Vol. 55, Number 190 Russians Put Up 3-Man Space Ship Crew Is Scientist, Social Scien FOR PRESIDENT Doctor, Engineer (OC Role For be Michigan State University will one of three Michigan insti- tion in elementary schools. and secondary Trio Living In'Earth Comfort9 so Brookover said that he did not 'Space-Suits' I tutions taking part in an effort Without Bulky to improve social ..science edu- know where the survey would be SO cation in Midwestern elementary and secondary schools. taken or when it would be com- pleted. He did say, however, that the work will not begin for at MOSCOW i?)--Three Russians were rock¬ The University of Michigan and least a year, eted into orbit Monday in a space ship re- The joint effort by the Mid- 1 the Merrill-Palmer Institutewill also cooperate in the project western group will be directed pprted to be as comfortable as conditions on sponsored by the Social Science at correcting defects in current earth. They were described as wearing light SO Consortium of Midwest Univer- Included in the Consortium's woolen gray suits and blue jackets. v. list for improvement are such Aboard without the usual heavy space suits A grant of $115,697 from the fauits as overemphasis of facts U.S. Office of Education has been at the expense of critical think- were the pilot, a doctor and a scientist. An awarded to finance the project. tng) iack 0f distinction between official announcement said the world's first Wilbur B. Brookover, head of facts and value judgments, and the Social Science Teaching In- weaknesses in presentation of space ship to carry WY.x&v on campus, will direct new findings. more than one man was MSU's part in the study. A team of graduate students and members will work with jhe Consortium also hopes to faculty increase the use of the modern Brook- theory, attention to the differing Red Ship sent into orbit by a powerful new rocket. 3C over in taking a comprehensive needs of children and under stand- the cabin was not May Mean The size of survey of social science educa- ing of social science careers. given, but views relayed on So- sion indicate* i little crampi Fidel Another Nero Moonshot temperature inside as 61 degrees. WASHINGTON (f)--The Soviet Tass News Agency dispatches laid out its space cards from the ^control C" —- Says Castro's Sister Union where in the interior confirmed Monday, orbiting 1 10th spaceship. Like a the opinion of views that the three wore only pilots' helmets MIAMI, i.fl-Juanita Castro said than once that nothing would be poker player with a potent hand, on their heads, not the bulky all- it seemed to say: "read 'em and Monday that her brother Fidel left standing, that all the build- CAMPAIGN DISPLAY--This Wendell encompassing helmets of U.S. plans to leave Cuba in ashes ings and bridges will be dyna- item in an exhibit from past electic With an already evidenced lead "when he finds himself lost," mited, destroyed." Museuir. A feature of the display i .'.it? United States in the flight and, "the time is ripe for his Raul Castro, minister of the armed forces, is Juanita's experience necessary to shoot for really worked^ har overthrow. "Fidel's plan is as sinister younger brother, the moon, theSovietUnion showed earth comfort in who left Rome Miss Castro went on "they saic no signs of relaxing its space ef- ships, one dispatch said. that of Nero, Another dispatch indicated the Museum's as f,,rr burning," said the cuban dicta- they will convert the island intc year's in- Russians had not put aboard any tor's sister, in exile since June, chaos from one end to the other, Despite n announced equipment to overcome the ill ef- Miss Castro, 32 and four years and only ashes and bricks will younger than the prime minister, continued, "I am absolutely cer- remain. Dynamite been placed in already has prisons," she Recalls Cam manned flight, the Soviet Un- ion's big new Sunrise spaceship fects of weightlessness. It said £be pilot reported the three had tain that he is capable of car- said. aDiiears to be a systematic step not noticed the effect of weight¬ lessness because they were too "Vote and th GOING UP.-Doug Conde>, Lansini nior, and Linda Miller, Bright red, white and blue and an extravagant o Asked whether she heard Fidel — n on Grand River Ave- rying out his plan." bunting will decorate the lobby of East Lansing junior, look over a nue publicizing the United Com ity Chest drive now in Photo by Ken Roberts "Fidel and Raul have » defector added, said n the Cuban speech broadcast over radio Saturday that he the MSU Museum for a display would smash any invasion, Miss of presidential campaign items lection are a campaign ribbon ies'T iceship guess: — wit its "Sunrise" pilot, doctor ^A^ceship.nam^Voskhod was whizzin8 around Castro replied, "sure, at this used during the past 120 years. used in the election of William — would be the earth every 90*{ m,rteS,ln 'This display is more than a Henry Harrison in 1841 and the cigar-shaped orbit, 110 miles nearly double Soviet space ' stage he has to say this to give out to earth to a 1861 campaign ribbons of Lincoln himself courage." show of old campaign buttons," experience in the realm of a^0Ve, altitude of 255 miles. Mini To Count Mock Votes She added, "I am sure that said Val Berryman, curator of and Douglas. weightlessness. The Soviets did Soviet a A voting machine used in 1907 the people of Cuba, who arc —. iong the flight would will also be on display. The ma¬ flight, the first boiling because they cannot stand people of their duty be. One Moscow report said launched by the Russians 'Elect' President chine, operated entirely by hand, Big Ten To more, because they cannot suffer jt wm carry out th< craft might stay up only two days. flOA, more, would back any invasion is perhaps the oldest of its type. But the Russians already have June ^ Berryman said, "The display logged some 16 days of weightless stresses and strains o tr Young Democrats or Young schools except MSU and Purdue, of the island. should be up by Oct. 13 or 14." flight .-- compared to about 54 ™g a long flight. There join Michigan State University will in an all-Big Ten mock Republicans r any other organ- 36,435 students voted. Nixon de- feated Kennedy 20,034 to 15,058. "The port it. Ninety- 3TJ2TS Erickson Hall It will be in the main lobby, across from the receptionist's hours for U.S. astronauts. day mission* by a multi-man So- A 14- official confirmation of P°rt the flight may be presidential election next Tues- ized groups, the Cuban people are against the day, co-sponsored here by Union "We warn elction here to "I hope all the students will vote," Schimp said. "This is an Communist regime. In those 95 Gets Portrait viet crew late 1964 had been forecast for by at least one U.S. ex- one. The commander ions with as little outside influ¬ opportunity to show that today's Per cent are included militiamen An oil portrait of Clifford E. who had talked with Soviet ence as possible," Donn Schimp, students do take an active inter- and members of the army itself, Erickson, provost of MSU at EDP Director pert space doctors. (continued on page 3) Daily Illini, student news¬ AUSG elections commissioner est in politics." (continued on page 4) the time of his death is 1963, The Soviets made the launch The and Coloma sophomore, said. has been placed in the main To Give Report with a powerful new rocket—but paper at the University of Illi- co-ordinating the elec- Union Board is in charge of floor lobby of Erickson Hall on they did not specify size or Results will be telephoned publicity and sponsorship of the campus. John E. Dietrich, ass weight. The orbit—ranging from 4Crawfishing9 Wandering Auto provost and directur c e Edu- tabulated Tuesday night and mock election and will provide The portrait, presented by the 255 to 110 miles in altitude—fits cational Development Porgram, personnel for the polls and count¬ faculty of MSU's College of Edu¬ the standard for a90-minutecir¬ announced through Press and United Press Inter¬ ing. AUSG will provide ballpt cation, was unveiled this week at will present a report on EDP to the Academic Council today at cuit of the earth used in both Label Placed national the following day. There will campaigning boxes and personnel in the resi- dence halls and will adviseUnion Leaves Wonders the college's annual faculty re¬ ception. It was painted by Hubert 3:15 p.m. in the Con-Con Room 115 of the new Center for Inter¬ U.S. and Soviet The flights. longest Soviet flight to date On Goldwater Board on elections procedure. Gallap of East Lansing. has been the June 1963 feat ofLt. Erickson was dean of the Col¬ national Programs. Voting will be in the lunch and a vanishing vehicle tempo- Johnst Coffee will be served 2;50 Col. Valery F. Bykovosky. This McNary's lege of Education from 1953 un¬ SAN ANTONIO, i/P)-As the 30th dinner lines in residence halls rarily befuddled University po- was Just shy of five days in orbit. Barry9 LBJ dining 1 the and in Berkey Hall, the Interna- iice early Sunday morning, but and model til 1961, when he was named annual Southern governors Con¬ it side of Crossroads Cafeter- tional Center and the Union * ' " the Wonders parking lot when po- pr0vost. He died of a heart- med ference got under way Monday, (c< o i poge 10) ID'S 11 be r lice stopped him. attack, March 23, 1963. Mississippi Gov. Paul B. Johnson Slug It Out i. predicted a Republican Presi¬ Schimp asked that anyone will¬ Lee McNary, Marshall sopho¬ dential defeat and said the GOP ing to help with the election con¬ more. left his date at South Won¬ is making a serious mistake in In Campaign tact either Union Board or the ders Hall about 1 a.m. and re¬ campaign strategy. elections office in 330 Student turned to the parking lot to find Johnson also told a news con¬ Services. his automobile missing. ference that he believes Barry From Our Wire Services Goldwater has lost ground in In a similar Big Ten election in 1960, participated in by all After searching the area, Mc | Mississippi and other sourthern Sen. Barry Goldwater said in Nary reported to campus police states because Goldwater is Phoenix, Ariz., Monday the that the car had been stolen. "crawfishing," or modifying, his "Forgotten American" — the previous states rights stand. people — were furnishing the dollars to run the Republican Drop Deadline A bulletin was minutes later, issued and, 10 East Lansing po¬ Johnson, who says he is not endorsing any presidential candi¬ presidential campaign while the date "But I sure am not going lice reported seeing the car drive opposition looked to the "fat cats" for support. Is Wednesday onto campus at the Abbot en- to vote for Lyndon Johnson"— estimated that Goldwater's mar¬ Refreshed after two days of The last day to drop courses gin in Mississippi has dropped relaxing in the sun at his home ithout special permission is MSU police intercepted thecar, form about 90-10 per cent after in the desert, the Arizona the"final Wednesday. and questioned David Johnston, the San Francisco GOP Conven¬ tor today star DropS without a change in fees 21, of Central Michigan College, tion to about 60-40 per cent now. three weeks of his bid to defeat Republicans are not playing it ' are processed in 113Administra¬ Mt. Pleasant. President Lyndon B. Johnson. as cozy as they should," he said. tion Building. Those affecting "The people themselves, 'the fees should be taken to Room 106. Police said that Johnston, too. "I think they are making a ser¬ Forgotten Americans,' are fur¬ After Wednesday, a student had returned his date to South ious mistake in the South. There nishing the muscle and the sinew who wishes to drop a course Wonders Hall, and then had driven are a number of party leaders by which we are carrying forward for such reasons like illness, back to the fraternity house where and former governors who would our fight," he said in a state- family tragedy, overload or fi- he was staying, like to support Goldwater, but nancial problems, must secure, some Republican leaders are in- in addition to a di*d£> cara rrum *" sudatory*Johnston realized that sissdog that jU Alind raising, apd tion placed heavy reliance on big his advisor, a grade of pass or tlje car he had taken from Won- other activities come Through the business for financial support. fail from the course instructor, ders was not the same one he had regular GOP party. This has Meanwhile President Johnson two MSU shows Monday night. Tonight at 8:15 the company suffer some loss." was out to win the West—but not provedTy^the'Iss^tan^an^of charteTRydhoTm.^lso^fCentral DANCE, BALLERINA, DANCE-Performers from the Lenin- n for the first of will perform "Swan Lak«." Photo by David Reed caused pose 5) the department involved. Michigan College. grod Kirov Ballet reheorse at the Audi Tuesday, October 13, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michij EDITORIALS Title VII P The Score Wasn't Job Opportuni The Only Problem Editor's Note: This is the seventh of o ten-port series by Jarr.es Spaniolo, Cassopolis freshman, on the recently enac¬ ted civil rights law. number was some 1,500 less than Saturday's tense game against the number of students who even¬ Title VII, the equal employment opportunity section of the civil the University of Michigan was rights act, covers some 33 pages of the 75-page syllabus law and tually enrolled and got tickets for aroused as much if not more controversy than any other title. disappointing for more reasons the game. In brief, title VII prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, than the final 17-10 score. At color, creed, national origin and some cases sex, where the activi¬ It is regrettable that these stu¬ ties of employers, labor unions and employment agencies affect least two important questions re¬ dents were deprived of the "com¬ •rce. Those included at first are employers and garding the University's admis¬ upwards of 100 members. In the second and third fort" of permanent seats in the n\ takes affect, the minimum number liable under sions policy for football games stadium's stands, but the crowd¬ ! in steps of 25. After four years those employers were brought out. with 25 members or more will also be covered. ing at the U-M game may be an An Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is established to indication of a more serious investigate and settle complaints voluntarily. In states where there Many students, as well as a problem. are state or local laws pertaining to fair employment, those state or local agencies are given priority in any and all cases which may large number of other guests, The possibility of charging stu¬ were delayed at the admission dent admissions to home games is The federal commission and federal agencies will ii when the state or local authorities cannot or will not remedy tl gates and missed the kickoff due one that may be coming closer to problem. When voluntary compliance becomes impossible, the to unnecessary confusion. Gates authorized to file suit to enforce this title. reality for Michigan State. Other federal commission is intended for student admissions Those specifically exempted by title VII are employers who em¬ Big Ten schools already charge ploy aliens, religious associations or societies, where a person's only were not marked as such, admission of students. Doubtless, religion is considered a "bona fide qualification," and educational and thus were not able to handle the charging of an admission fee, institutions* which employ individuals to perform work connected with the institution. efficiently the great rush of stu¬ of whatever amount, would both The title lists a series of acts which are unlawful under its au¬ dents. It is questionable whether thority. All involve employers or labor unions limiting, classify¬ cut down on the number of stu¬ ing, discriminating against, or segregating any person on the grounds enough of Spartan Stadium's 26 dents at the games and help pro¬ of his race, color, creed or national origin. gates are allotted for students,' vide the funds that would be need¬ Also mentioned are acts which are not unlawful employment but the number is definitely not practices. For example, it is not unlawful for a labor organization ed for the installation of more or employment agency to classify or admit an individual on the enough when a crush of non-stu¬ seats. basis of his religion, sex or national origin, if these are a pre¬ dents prevents them from oper¬ requisite qualification in order to function normally in a business Student admission fees are or enterprise. ating at all. something that should be avoided It is also not unlawful for an employer to use different standards of salary, conditions, or privileges when a senority or merit system The second problem was one if at all possible, as they would is applied. This would be unlawful only if the differences were that was predictable by those who be far less pleasant for all con¬ caused because of discrimination on the grounds of the a foresaw the record crowd of cerned than sitting on the field Title VII specifically states that nothing in ii i,. ^jsrrued 78,234 that attended the game. during one game. to mean that any person or persons should receive preferential treatment because of their race, color, creed or national origin. Spartan Stadium's capacity is Nevertheless, if there is an¬ Also stated is that this title was not written for the purpose of cor¬ 76,001, and many of the additional other alternative than these two recting a racial imbalance. The duties of the five-member commission entail reporting each 2,000 admissions were taken up to the question of squeezing more year to the president andCongressconcerning its actions, and prog¬ by the placing of temporary seats fans into Spartan Stadium, it ress made in eradicating discrimination in employment. The com¬ should be sought out and used ex¬ mission is also to suggest new legislation if the need arises. on the field. It seems that when seats were put aside for the pro¬ perimentally by those in positions to decide the policy for future jected number of University stu¬ dents during the summer, the games. Letters To Wheaton Prof Protests Library Question Wherefore AUSG? Just 'Freedom' At Stake? To the Editor: Goldwater Rally Story To the Editor: To the Editor: tions. some Surely, we could combine of these into one or two carried peaceably by Wheaton I would like The current dispute over Lansing's move toward greater Just to set the record straight, Cojlege' fetudants, */ent '-berserk library. 1 am a freshman and I After reading the initial issue "Big" elections per year. school pairing in New York City equality in housing. there were, not 30,000 people at and hurled themselves bodily at have just been there for the first of the AUSG News one wonders The rejection of open-housing those who .carried Johnson signs time for an assignment on a mag¬ i;vTolves the type of artificial .the Goldwater rally here ii or who wore Johnson lapel but- azine article. exactly why he is paying for both Finally, I would tend to blame Wheaton last Saturday evening. it and the State News. the failure of the "Meet Your "individualist" argument which plans and the circulation of peti¬ Because I am new here I had Leader" program on that per¬ Even the Chicago Tribune, has become somewhat familiar in tions opposing statements of slanted as it is in favor of the Although knocked to the ground trouble finding a magazine. When However, it is nice to know fectly dreadful name. My leaders senator from Arizona, found it by frenzied Goldwaterites and 1 approached the Information the AUSG is alive. We can hope must have had more imagination the last few years. freedom in home purchases and called "Communists" by far- Desk and cited my problem I was their newsletter will improve that or they would never impossible to exaggerate beyond than rentals here have frequently been rightists, no Wheaton College not replied to in a very cordial and await the Blue Sheet which, have been elected. a 20,000 estimate. The crowd much smaller than Nixon student retaliated in any way. manner. The librarian seemed at least, sounds like it might be The dispute centers on the in¬ supported by the argument that was drew at the same place in 1960, You may also be interested to very mad and helped me in al¬ interesting. the rights of home-owners would know that a number of people most no way. She seemed to re¬ sistence of some citizens' groups probably somewhere between be infringed upon by such state¬ 10,000 to 15,000. who went to the rally, either as sent my unfamiliarity with this Maybe it is my imagination, but that the city board of education This crowd differed from the Goldwater partisans or as fence- library. it seems these elections creep ments or ordinances supporting does not have the right to trans¬ sitters, came away convinced by I'm glad to say that not all of up a little each year. Isn't the whom I seeked help were like that. eight day of classes a bit soon fer students from one school to them. but in the type of person who at¬ this attack that they must now A Questioo tended. The same kind of closed- vote for Johnson on November I think anyone is entitled to for an election? Consider that another as part of its over-all It is unlikely that the rights of friendly help especially at an In¬ 7,000 freshmen and X transfer mind right-wing zealots who re¬ E ast Lansing home-owners would fused Governor Rockefeller the formation booth. I'm glad I wasn't students have had less than two plan to improve and equalize ed¬ J. Edward Hakes giving any of my friends a tour weeks to become familiar with For Bob Harris be seriously impaired by an or¬ right to speak at the Cow Palace ucation in the nation's largest in San Francisco were here and Chairman, Bible Department of MSU! campus life. dinance requiring them not to for¬ Wheaton College Dear Mr. Harris, 3Chool system. The pairing plan it was they who, infuriated by Wheaton, Illinois MSU Freshman Also, why do we have so many was designed as an experiment in bid Negroes from considering the sight of LBJ signs being elections? Last year's ID card their home for purchase, any Point Of View-- - - - has six holes punched in it which cutting down divisions between means we had six separate elec- more than the rights of New racially - divided residential -if I didn't miss any. Per- Yorkers are seriously affected "ghettoes" with a small number of transfers of students inconvenience to parents. and slight when the board of education puts their children in schools perhaps Who's Whose In Viet Nam? of the protest¬ five or six blocks further from CROSSWORD PUZZLE !□□□ □□□□ aan □□□ The sentiment their homes than the old "neigh¬ ----By Hanh Phung naoaa □□[!□□ ers is wrapped up in the state¬ borhood" schools. ACROSS 29. 1 naaa □□□□□□□ Editor's Note: Hanh Phung, What if South Viet Nam falls? 1. Fr. niedi- 30..' ment of one woman, an officer of What is at stake here is the □□□ *!□□□□ Saigon, Viet Nam, senior, is Can Thailand and Malaysia be eval tale ov a Parents and Taxpayers group: freedom of choice of future gen¬ a journalism major and a icond one? This also saved from Communist claws? 4. Air: comb. 31.. □□□□□ □□□ member of the State News at in the long run Com- If yes, should the U.S. continue □□□!!□□□ □□□□ "I believe in equal rights, but I erations of Americans, and only will be the master of the war in South Viet Nam? 7. Give off 32. Unl □□□□0 □□□□□ reporting staff. fumes will not allow anyone, particu¬ in some tenuous, poorly-defined i. There remains the □an □□□□!!□□□ The course that the Johnson 11. Cactus 33. Cui larly a politically appointed ad¬ the "I'll go to the Antartic to live,' : fight. Bomb the going to adopt 13. Russ. hem 35 Me □□□ □□□□ □□□ sense rights of today's citi¬ administration is polls ministrative body, to steal my ieni, ii North to let them know that the is not very clear yet. For the 14. Rigorous 37. Clock !□□□ □□□□ naa zens. Goldwater wins.' U.S. is not a "paper tiger." 15. 'The 41. Engravi moment it still follows the "stay rights." "Goldwater w good for The U.S. will very likely carry Gloomy 42. Broad- Those who protest such mild the war into the North, that is if still" policy—that is, try to keep minded your country," situation from going worse Dean" The response of these New moves as open-housing resolu¬ friends told Mr. Goldwater wins. It will bomb the 16. Relaxalior 45. Wife 7. Pa. lake- and then, we "will see" where 17. Wild ani- 46. Diaske- "Goldwater will eliminate all the Yorkers to the introduction of tions or school - pairing plans the national interest is. port Viet Cong and there will not be "few" millions of 8 Natural But, said some people, "if only school pairing is an exaggerated should give a second thought to the " will die and the the South Vietnamese people can will be won. That is taking 9. Thankless version of the same symptoms true nature of the "rights" which war will t get united and fight!" What's Yes, t for granted Red China and North cloth thathaveheldupprogress in East they are preserving. wrong with them? Why is it that 10. F.ng. letter Viet Nam will not respond—which win the war over there? 27. Crusader we cannot 12. Adrift If Mr. Goldwater wins... is very unlikely. North Viet Nam headquarte: Why? 17. Stainers There are three alternatives might respond by throwing a few 28 New. Zea In its ten years of experience 19. Like ale to the war in South Viet Nam. bombs in Saigon and a "few" land tribe in South Viet Nam the U.S. has 20. Cake First, carry out the war into more people will die, in South forgotten only one minor detail: STATE ME' North Viet Nam by using some of the "conventional" nuclear Viet Nan> Would the Free World stay m 21. Woody 23PlHu'morist bombs. The is to second alternative negotiate with the North still, watching silently this mass human "barbecue"? If not, what The U.S. has been is still following and following thepolicy of sup¬ i 24. Robot government. For, as will happen if Mr. Johnson porting one "strongman." First Vietnamese wins it was Mr. Diem who was "the" 25. Sister of one high official said, "all wars Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Associa¬ Editor Advertising Manager John VanGieson Arthur Langer finish at the table." This course the November election. In last August's crisis, the man for South Viet Nam. For 11 Orestes 26. Fish-eating is described by some as "sur¬ tion, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association. Campus Editor Managing Editor CharlesC. Wells Liz Hyman render", by others as the wisest shown Communist North Viet¬ to the silent and then tumultuous revolt of the people in South Viet I II 34. Let it stand Wire Editor Hugh J. Leach The third one will be to pull out nam U.S. and the Free World that the really "means" what it Nam. It was then, "sink or swim 1 36. So 38. Feather Published every class day throughout fall, winter and spring terms and twice weekly Sports Editor Richard Schwartz Ass't. Advertising Manager ..Ken Hoffman from South Viet Nam and let the said. And to the surprise of with When Diem." the people finally did 1 i 39. Female summer State term University. by the students of Michigan Photography Adviser Marcy Rosen Dave Jaehnig South Vietnamese people worry about their own problem. But this everyone—a good surprise—Red China and North Viet Nam did not make themselves heard, when both Diem and Nhu were killed, 1 im 40. Lohengrin': wi will look in the eyes of the Free the challenge. wife Circulation Manager Night Editor Bill Marshall Jim Sterba World as if the U.S. is incapable answer to But how about the war in South the U.S. decided that Big Minh the " strongman," 1 41. Newt Sec oral«lass passage paid J,Rising, of protecting "its friends ariii a£- Viet Nam?" It costs theU.S. a mil¬ was ,T * 42. Part .the ( opy8esk" Advisor i..Henry Price ^Now Premier Khanh is "the" Michigan. News Advisor Richard E. Hansen lion and a half dollars a day, and Editorial and business offices at 341 Stu¬ man. Premier Khanh has also a 43. Moui Editorial Editors lot of trouble with dent Services Building, Michigan State Uni¬ thepeople. But versity, East Lansing, Michigan. Susan Filson, Michael Kindman Goldwater adopt if he American lives. It is a very ex¬ pensive war. The question is now, he is "the man" right now. Who will the U.S. support m "is it worth it?" next? Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. Octobec 'Spaceship' NSF Applications (continued from Vladimir Komarov, pa ge 1) 37, an engi¬ Due By December 11 Applications for National Sci- • m h neer and fighter pilot. The doctor who went along to check the ef¬ ence Foundation graduate and Jpr "... ['J % ! , fects of the flight on the human postdoctoral fellowships must be submitted by Dec. 11. ^ both- is Boris Yegorov, 2". The The fellowships are epen to Supreme Court Blueprints New Term scientist is Konstantin E. ^j. awarded Feoktistov, 38, an engineer whose college seniors, gradual* stu- • ...v.' dents working toward a degree, WASHINGTON-The Supreme Court agreed Monday to rule on specialty was not disclosed. tl-c ^ -ticii sc validity of the ban on American travel to Communist :j'_t>a, Virgin¬ The three had lunch on the postdoctoral students ar.d others with equivalent training and ex¬ o^J ard 'sc'- ' v ia's unique poll tax plan, reapportionment of Georgia's senate, and first orbit and dinner on the a score of other issues. perience. fourth and by night presumably But in fashioning the blueprint for its new term which began last were asleep. All applicants must be citizens ^ man week the high court tossed out some 600 appeals while accepting only They told Premier Khrushchev of the United States and will be ■ *tJln^-roin -e I e. 25 new cases. An additional 1,200 requests for heari.igs are await- by radio that they felt fine and judged solely on the basis of xe' : Acac'e ability, according to a recent everything was going according National Academy of Sciences ei'ce9S~" R?se ~ l" s' 'r'"' Two FALN Members Arrested In to plan. "I'm very happy," bulletin. Washington, Kidnapping Khrushchev replied, and prom¬ D.C. CARACAS, Venezuela-Two Spanish-born members oftheCastro- ised them a big welcome when Wrecker Service-Wheel Service-T.re Trui ite-Communist Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN) were they landed. Brake Service-Muffler Service arrested in a police raid Monday or. a charge of helping to kidnap The man or. the street in Mos¬ Lt. Col. Michael Smolen, Interior Minister Gonzali Bargios an¬ cow seemed to take the news Complete General Repair - Tone Up nounced. QUEEN SCREENING—Candidates for Homecoming Queen are screened by a group of student leaders Monday night. The Queen and her court will be announced later this week. casually as it came over loud¬ Phone 484-7663 AMC Proposes End To Profit-Sharing speakers on a gray, chilly morn¬ ing. But a crowd gathered in DETROP-American Motors Corp., Monday proposed to drop Red Square and tossed military profit shaving with the United Auto Workers Union and to match pat¬ men jubilantly into the air. GROVE'S tern-setting economic packages reached with the automotive indus¬ try's big three—Ford, Chrysler and General Motors. Science-Minded MS "Sunrise" was sent aloft at AMC Vice President Edward L. Cushmar. said both the union and 10:30 a.m. Moscow time (2:30 ALL CAR the company believe profit sharing is "a sound concept", but had To Attend Symposium a.m. EST) Monday by "a new- SERVICE been unable to work out its mutual application tc a new three-year powerful launch vehicle," an of¬ ficial announcement said. Four MSL' coeds have been se¬ Elly Charges 'Character Assassination' lected to attend a symposium on The various announcements 600 N. CEDAR St. WINTERIZE NOW DETROIT-Mrs. Elly Peterson, Republican Candidate for theU.S. American Women in Science and gave no clue to the weight of the Hubert Wade and Dave Albaugh are now with us Senate, Monday accused Sen. Philip A. Hart and Democratic state Engineering at the Massacusset- three-passenger vehicle. officials of attempted "character assassination." tes Institute of terested in in science Technology Oct. a career Mrs. Peterson, obviously aroused by Democratic attempts to 23-24. The event will be spon¬ or engineering with the mythical link her husband, Lt. Col. W. Merritt Peterson, with irregularities sored'by the Association of Wo¬ and actual difficulties they may- uncovered in the administration of the Michigan National Guard, men Students. encounter, to bring together out¬ charged Democrats with "gutter politics." The MSU representatives are standing men and women active Mrs. Peterson told a news conference riv.i when she accepted the Anne Greenawalt, Wilmette, 111., in these fields and to attract GOP nomination, "1 did not count on 'eeing rotten politicians at¬ senior and first vice president the favorable attention of indus¬ of Associated Women Students; try, educational institutions and tempt to ruin my husband's career. This is a price 1 will not pay." Karen Heffner, Redlands, Calif., the public to the present contri¬ Chairman Seeks To Stop Election 'Fraud' senior and mechanical engineer¬ bution of women in these fields. WASHINGTON-The Republican national chairman, claiming fraud ing major; Carolyn Burk, Bay Speakers will include Julius A. and chicanery i.a the I960 ►****><», V^tNndav announced City senior and mathematics Stratton, president of M.I.T.; a "ballot security program" for next month's election. major; and Virginia Shires, Flor¬ Mary i. Bunting, president of Chairman Dean Burch said the massive program to check voting ence, Ala., junior and biochem¬ Radcliffe College and member of and vote counting in everyprecinct is designed to prevent "any rep¬ istry major. They will be ac¬ the U.S. Atomic Energy Com¬ etition of the voting fraud scandals and irregularities" of 1960. companied by Laurine mission; Rita McCabe, director Pattern Makers Strike Ford In Detroit DETROIT-Some 400 members of the Pattern Makers League went on strike Sunday midnight against Ford Motor Co. and both union Take a break and company sources said it was possible for this walkout to shut Some sources predicted the walkout could model cuppie Ford's 1965 production within 24 hours. The company, however, declined from your studies. to speculate on how long it could operate. Johnson To Make Visit To Dallas Monday load the gang RENO, Nev.—President Johnson will visit Dallas Monday for the first time since John F. Kennedy was assassinated there last Nov, into a car 22. George E. Reedy, White Housepress secretary, said Dallas would and head for be one of six Texas cities where Johnson will make campaign ap¬ pearances Sunday and Monday. Johnson was with Kennedy in Dallas when Kennedy was assassi¬ the tastiest nated. Evacuations Stepped Up As River Overflows bargains in town KINGSTON, N.C.-Evacuation of families and property was stepped at. . . up Monday as swirling flood waters from the Neuse River reached their highest level in 19 years in the Kinston area. Hundreds of residents have moved away from low-lying areas along the river's snake-like'path around Kinston's southwestern bor¬ der since the river exceeded its 14-foot flood mark late last week. Observers said property damage to this agricultural city of 25,000 would be heavy. When In Tokyo, Foreigners Don't Go Thirsty TOKYO-Thirsty sports fans at the Olympic Stadium in Japan can Lansing McDonald's East Lansing get their drinks served in three different languages. A sign in Eng¬ 4015 W. Saginaw On Grand Riv« lish outside a Tokyo bar says it has pretty hostesses who speak 4700 S. Cedar 1 Blk. East of Campu 2120 N. Larch 2 Blks. West of Unii English ..'. French ... "and' RujSSianv The sign reads further that this is "an opportunity too good for a foreigner." STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 5:30 PM . WEDNESDAY NOON UNTIL NINE PM authentic handwoven Jitdia M button-down sport shirts Fiercely Independent SPECIAL COLLEGE Campus pre-requisites, the traditional OFFER! 7 ISSUES button down, back loop shirts FOR ONLY $4! of share the independent imported India plaid madras...hand opinions of ramparts: dyed, handwoven cotton that's OTHER RECENT RAMPARTS CON¬ The Editors invite you to j. TRIBUTORS: Conrad Aiken. Allen Tat ing number of Americans < guaranteed to bleed and become even more day-political, literal rother Antoninus. Terence Prittie, Karl covering the vigorous, une We take sides. And na voice of ramparts Subset- handsome with every washing. tributors are Jews. Pi Shapiro. Peter Viereck, Louis Kronen- receive this special college Agnostics- or what have you.Our r berger, John Berryman, St. John-SU ramparts for only $4 00. Act See our collection. Sizes S,M,L,Xl. 6.98 are just as catholic. The only faith Leslie Fiedler. Wallace Fowlie share is a passionate devotion to trc t the special Goldwater issue responsible discourse. We at ramparts a ARTICLES: Faulkner on Race; mparts, College Dept X - 2 committed to our times and our society , >nlo Park, California Baron Corvo Legend; The Case for Con- Catholics and citizens. We don't see ai Check Enclosed Pie; eption; Catholics and the Radical copflict in this. Maybe that's why we'- been the center of controversy since oi Right; The Jew as Mythic Amerii liit Education-a layman's vi Harlem Diary; Sayonara. Ian Flemir Jacobson's 210 ABBOTT ROAD Tuesday, October 13, 1964 Michigan Stat<- News, East Lansing, Michigan Washington-Moscow Professor Says Industry ''Perfect Linked By 'Hot Line'; Dance Wed Coming Back To Michigan Male ticket-holder for "Mr. Dance are being made by SOC of this trend. Daisy left Michigan bring industry back and is stra¬ Michigan economists and de¬ Electro Swing", student's off- now. Those who did not get tickets few years ago but has since tegically located amidst great Possibilities For TV mographers , who became a- a campus first annual Computer tius year (it was sold out in bodies of water a precious larmed by the fact that Industry returned. , Dance must come to the SOC two days), are urged by SOC was "More industries moved into resource for industry. leaving the state for greener Lounge, Room 44 in the Union; to start planning for next year's "Michigan would be the last CHAPEL HILL, N.C., f-Sec¬ dance which will be in the MSU pastures, can relax, indicated Michigan last year than moved by Wednesday so they can get J. F. Thaden, MSU professor out and we are now reaching an state to suffer a permanent in¬ retary Of State Dean Rusk sug¬ and phone numbers of Auditorium becuase of the ex- the names emeritus and population expert. equilibrium in the Industrial in¬ dustrial lag," he added, "since gested today that Moscow and their dates to contact them by the wages have always been rel¬ "Michigan's lagging industrial flux," Thaden said. Washington may someday be midnight. economy in recent years has been "The state of Michigan is ex¬ atively higher here and the re¬ linked by a "hoi line" television Girls who do not hear from sources for industry are avail¬ circuit for consultati n crisis the principle factor for extensive erting a tremendous effort to their dates should contact SOC lounge, at 355-7520 by midnight. Who's Whose out-mlgratlon and a relatively slow population growth," said able." Thaden also noted that, with formed judgmer' PENELOPE SKELLS Couples are matched electron¬ Thaden, "but the trend is re¬ industry coming back to the state, instant exchange of messages be¬ Pinnings tween the U.S. president and the Soviet premier was opened last shot push forward MSU Coed ically by MSU's "3600" data processing computer to provide a Pam Martin, ior at Mosherville jun¬ Central, to Terry Weston, versing." "Industry began moving out of Michigan during the 1957 re¬ Castro a 1963 census showed an increase of 526 in the migration after several years of figures decline year. Rusk, recalling that devel¬ knowledge," he said. The Union Ballroom and Par¬ (continued from page 1) Neckerville senior and Theta cession to seek the cheap labor in a speech on the >d- The speech was written last opment B and C, will, be used week, before the Soviet Union orbited a three-man spacecraft. Takes To Air lors A, by 300 "perfect couples". Bob Delta Chi. Barabara F^hrney, Dearborn of the Southern states but found it to be unskilled," he said. Their total and be counted upon at absolute help can the decisive "Since the people involved in industry are comprised mostly Rjsk said mar "is reaching Penelope S. Skells, an MSU Carey, W1LS disc jockey, will junior and Delta Zeta, to Tom "Michigan has skilled labor," of people of child-bearing age, possibilities of ou; from his earthly abode to graduate, has completed training provide the music. Dress is shirt Smoke, North Branch senior and he said, and industry is finding Miss Castro, visiting this exile this is related very closely to for i the- moon and the planets" and for the position of flight stew¬ Farmhouse. this out and is moving back." center, continued, "Thepeople of the population question," he said. such as those jr. the t Soviet L'r- ardess with Pan American Air¬ ir.d for i He cited the Daisy Air Rifle Cuba are ripe, as we say, very ion and Red China. for ways. S ] Engagements plant in Plymouth as an example ripe for definite action. What we deaths decreased as did the im¬ "Through a co Miss Skells is the daughter of need is that the Cubans who are migration figures. Because of Colonel James F. Skells, chair¬ Sharon Smith, Morenci senior organized here in different "Th< ingenuity ar.dpersiste man of the Department of Mili¬ Kappa Delta Pi and Delta Zeta, to Wayne Watters, groups join forces and go into this births will be on the increase as more and more industrial tary Science. The Epsilon Kappa Chapter Morenci senior and Phi Kappa Marksmen Hold Cuba. workers move back to Michigan, attended "We Cubans don't want blood¬ matched by wii in ordering Miss Skells also of Kappa Delta Pi, National Ed- Sigma. predicted Thaden. at the human schools in Virginia and Hawaii. ucatior-. Hontfrary, will meet Wed- Mary Ellen Walters, Three Meeting Tonight shed. But there is no other way, 'species survivi d can benefit She majored in interior design nesday at 7 p.m. in the Faculty Rivers junior and Delta Zeta, to since they (the Castro Regime) from these acc at MSU and was a member of Lou: ge on the 5th floor ofErick- John McElwain, Jackson grad- The Spartan Pistol Club will are disposed to fight." ledge. Delta Delta sorority. open to new members at its Kansas City Star's meeting at.7 tonight at the range —* in Demonstration Hall. Angel Flight Poetry Test Set 1965 Composed of the Varsity, ROTC and women's pistol teams, Rush Scheduled The second annual running of INSTANT CASH! IT Engineering and Accounting the and club women is open to both men students. Varsity the Kansas City Poetry Contests, Angel Flight, a woman's hon¬ offering $1,500 in cash prizes orary, will hold open rush from and one book publication, has members provide marksman¬ 6 to 9 p.m. .Wednesday in Quon- been announced ship instruction for beginners. by the Kansas I set 69. The teams travel to Big Ten City Star. S3 Graduates schools for com¬ Angel Flight is an auxiliary to Si*. Hotvnr Kwaxta nvAYbe of¬ WHEW petition. The Varsity members Arnold Air Society, men's hon¬ fered to college students for orary of the Air Force ROTC. single poems. An advance royalty are defending 1964 sectional The Flight acts as hostesses household expense- — unexpec championships and are runners- payment, publication, and dis¬ bills and emergencies. YOU in national competition. for University functions and the tribution will be awarded for the Air Society. winning book-length manuscript. The Inland Steel Company, East Chicago, Indiana, in¬ Openings on all three teams They assist at various func¬ More information may be ob¬ will be filled from the club mem¬ INSTANT CASH is off ere,d at your NEED vites you to investigate our many career opportunities. bership. tions such as the ROTC Blood Drive. They are to form also tained by sending a self- CU's low interest addressed, stamped envelope to a drill team which will march Contest Directors, Box 306, IT Consult the specific job descriptions in the pocket of in parades this spring. Kansas City, Mo., 64141. charges, and fully protected by loa; > OLIN All MSU coeds welcome brochure. Our representative will be on your cam¬ are insurance at NO EXTRA CHARGE our 5* HOSPITAL pus on Friday, October 23rd. Shingleton for an appointment. Contact Mr. John D. H. * REPORT Admissions Brown, include: Galveston, Tex., freshman; Roger Davis, New William transportation will be provided to dormitories and the surround¬ ing area. Evening College INSTM NEW HOURS ,9:30 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. INLAND STEEL COMPANY aworks Brunswick, N.J., graduate stu¬ dent; Linda Elliott, Dayton Plains, freshman; Laufence Jenseni .\^ir.istee junior;' X nyjr Offers Program " ' vffBU evening college is now MILDNESS offering a computer program¬ EAST CHICAGO. INDIANA Leather, "Mifilani sophomore; Michael Us her, F armi ngt on ming course for all interested yours with Employees' Credit Union freshman; Gary Wright, Pontiac senior; and Deborah Somes high school students. Meetings are held Monday evenings and YELLO- Grosse Point Shores, freshman. Saturday mornings. Special offer for men BOLE who have not yet chosen a career ( (ind for some campus ac He CURRENT FACTS 1 drivi icial attainment. —and helping—people. Above all, he ilv. academic training in many wants personal and financial success just * >vides excellent background for as soon as possible—and is willing to outstw ,, Journalism, Business Admin- axe/iis Agriculture, l aw. I.ngineering. Here is our offer to you! The free MBA' in, and Science to mention a few . book shown below contains actual case n who s of y :ompany. Read what n academics, ath- Aristocrat, Billiard Shape, $5.95 and $6.95 ZSrNORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE /nsurance Company bowl so completely, it's guaran- find out if this opportunity is for you! toef^^inst burn out for life. Why not change your smoking habits the easy way - the Yello-Bolc 3 hours in the rain - and these slacks still stay pressed! Tailored in SOV^ Dacron polyester-50Vt Orion acrylic. THEY'RE NEW "DACR0N"^-"0RL0N"*'! New, Ultramatic slacks by Haggar! Even in the rain, they never lose that knife-edge crease . . always stay in great shape! They won't bag at the knees . . . wrinkle behind the knees, at the waist or other points of stress. Wash or dry clean them . . . they're beauti¬ ful either way. And wear? We wonder if it's possible to wear them out. And Haggar Slacks just fit better . . . naturally. 10.95 U /1T B tTI Bt / c Du Po-f, Reg. T.M. BUY HAGGAR ULTRAMATIC SLACKS AT: e: YELLO BOLE BROOKS MEN SHOP, LANSING PIPES. INC.. N y 22. N Y Dept 100 . By the makers oIKAYWOODIE STOP BY OLR BOOTH AT THE CAREER CARNIVAL Tuesday, October 13, 1964 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Nixon OpensTour Campaign (continued from page 1) Placement Bureau "with Oct 19 a quick draw and a shot the College of Business (B,M) chanical Engineers (B), Physics In Michigan Friday from the hip." The Detroit Edison Company: December and March Grads (B,M), Electrical Engineers, "We here in the west," said Electrical and Mechanical Er.gi- ' Mechanical Engineers, Chemis¬ Only). M Johnson, "aren't about to turn neering (B,M), All majors of the General Electric Company: try or Physical Chemistry, Me¬ in our sterling silver heritage College of Business, Genera! Chemistry, Math, Statistics, chanical Engineers (B.M), Elec¬ LANSING (UPI)—Former Vice for a plastic credit card that Business, Accounting and Mar¬ Electrical, Chemical, Mechani¬ trical Engineers (B). M President Richard Nixon will try reads: 'shoot now, pay later.'" keting (B,M) December and cal, and Metallurgical Engineers Guide Lamp DivisiontCivil En¬ to boost the Republican campaign The President took up this line March Grads Only), All majors gineers, Electrical, Mechanical, !',M,D), Physics (D). M/F Elec¬ in Michigan with speeches in in a speech at Reno in the Silver of the College of Arts andLetters trical and Mechanical Engineer¬ Chemical Engineers, Accounting At Lansing Nixon is scheduled Stevensville, Lansing, Negaunee, State of Nevada. and College of Business (B,M) (B). M to hold a news conference and ing (B,M), Mathematics, Chem¬ Marquette and Ishpeming this Hoarse from oratorical ef¬ December and March Grads Inland Manufacturing Division. be the featured speaker at a fund- istry, Chemical, Metallurgical raising luncheon at the Civic forts, producing up to 30 talks Only), Electrical Engineer!;.: Engineers (B,M). M Mechanical, Chemical Engi¬ The Republican state central Center. a day, he picked up where he left (M). M neers, Chemistry, Accounting, committee announced Monday— From there he will fly to the off last night at Las Vegas, Nev. General Motors Corporation All majors of the College of Bus¬ Oct. 20 Nixon will arrive at Benton "One candidate," he said, "is Engineering Staff: Mechanical iness (December ana March Harbor from Marion, Ind., late Upper Peninsula. roaming around the country say¬ Engineer (B). M General Motors Corporation Grads Only) (B). M Thursday night and stay in A rally is planned in Negaunee ing what a terrible thing the gov¬ Proving Ground Division: Me¬ Buick Motor Division: All majors Saginaw Steering Gear Divi¬ Stevensville. when Nixon lands at the Marquette ernment is. He seems to be run¬ chanical and Electrical Engi¬ of the College of Business (B,M) sion: Mechanical and Electrical He'll start his Michigan cam¬ County Airport. He will also hold ning against the office of Presi¬ neers (B,M), Physics (M). M December and March Grads Engineers (B). M paign work Friday at a break- a live news conference on tele- dent instead of for it. Somebody Radiation Incorporated: Elec¬ Ternstedt Division: Mechani¬ Only), Mechanical and Electrical better tell him." trical Engineering (E,Nf>. M Engineers, Industrial Adminis¬ cal, Electrical, andChemical En¬ Standard Oil Company of Tex¬ attend a reception and dinner at tration (December and March gineers, Math, Accounting (B).M as: Geology (M.D). M The ProcterandGambleCom- Mason Blaze; the national Ishpeming. guard armory in Employment L.S. Air Force: All majors, All Colleges (B,M,D). M/F Grads Only), Accounting, Trans¬ portation (December and March pany Engineering Division: Me¬ Grads Only), Packaging Tech- chanical, Electrical, Chemical Coeds Scram to Nixon's itinerary calls for him fly on to Detroit Friday night Opportunities EYES RIGHT-Eye* on campus will be focused on 1 week's Seniors of the Week, PHil Frank and Liz Hyman. Oct. 19-20 ology (B.M). M and Metallurgical Engineers (B, Delco Radio Division:Physics, M). M "Leaves in the eaves" caught and stay at Metropolitan Airport MALES: Used & newctrclean- Frank is the State News cartoonist and Miss Hyman is State Caterpillar Tractor Company: Accounting, Financial Adminis- Electrical, Metallurgies! and (continued fire early Monday morning, rout¬ before flying on to St. Peters¬ up work close to campus, part- managing editor, but both are also active in many cam* on page 9) tration (B,M) and Ml majors , ; Chemical Engineers (B.M), Me¬ ing Mason Hall residents from burg, Fla., Saturday. time mechanical engineering pos fonctii Photo by Larry Fritzlon work, sorority busboy ' Dorm residents stood outside tender, grocery s t de- for nearly 20 minutes while fire¬ partment work and sales repre¬ men extinguished the blaze. Apparently caused by sparks Correction sentatives FEMALE: positions. Drug & cosmetic Seniors9 Does from the incinerator, the fire Mary Ann Shupenko received saleslady, telephone work (any did only slight damage to the $100 for her hours), afternoon stenographer, slate roof, Fire Safety Officer Wade Flannery said. Two fire trucks from Shaw ippi from Ma ion Hall rather than McDonel State News. as was stated in the and babysitters. or Students interested other in these positions should visit Journalism, station answered the 7 a.m. call. the Student Employment Office Miss Hyman was Secret«rj this (' Liz Hyman, of Baldwin, N.Y., in the Placement Bureau. South Campbell last year, anc and Phil Frank, of Holland, have a member of the Senior Coui ATTENTION CAR OWNERS AFS Organized; been named Seniors of the Week by Senior Council. Both are active on the State this year. • News. Miss Hyman is presently at Papert, Koenig, Lois. It complete front end repair and alignment Help Is Sought managing editor, and Frank is a New York advertising a^en ♦ • brakes wheel balancing » suspension » steering corrections an viit.w.Held Service, organization that sponsors re¬ lations between foreign students and Americans, is forming a staff artist and cartoonist. Miss Hyman, ajournalism major with a 2.7 all-university average, previously served as the Frank, an art practice n\a< >een of a nd d Homecoming display spot v _ • motor tune ups n and special events paper's editorial assistant, night feel sticky? chapter here. This group is de¬ n of Phi Delta Theta signed to offer opportunities for editor, and assistant to the edi- informal discussion groups and ffaternity. LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Trip chaperones and a bus for She also persues her journal¬ istic interests as vice-president of Theta Sigma Phi, national He is a member of sever,il Blue Key, and Bailey Hall Pin stops in the East Lansing area Club. are needed. Anyone interested professional women's journalism His activities also have in¬ may contact Rosemarie honorary, and hopes to make cluded intramural tennis. Jagodzinski, 355-8658. newspaper work her career. NEITHER DOES OLD SPICE STICK DEODORANT Miss Hyman still finds time Pre-Election to enjoy photography, reading, Dries as it applies in seconds And stays dry! Gives and music, especially Irish folk * you fast comfortable . dependable deodorant Poll Shoplifters Total 12 Frank enjoys art, humor automobile restoring, and one article on automobile Ola Spice St; k Deodorant tor Men 1.00 plus tax P~y After 4 More Arrests r- >Hto-fvMure zine advertising. plans indued n Miss Hyman resides .t Everyone for Everyone for Four University students South Lyon junior, and pleaded W. Grand River, Frank a pleaded guilty to shoplifting guilty in her behalf. Cowley GOLDWATER charges in East Lansing Munic¬ ipal Court Monday. Charges of simple larceny were brought against the students Jonathan P. Callender. 22, by representatives of the Great¬ Spend your money Spend your money Charlotte senior, Michael J. er Lansing Detective Agency, at GOODWIN'S at GOODWIN'S Biber, 19, Kalamazoo sophomore, who made the arrests. and Jerry L. Lerman, 21, Mount Items allegedly stolen from Vernon, N.Y., senior, each paid the Student Book Store, 421 E. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY $50 fines and $4.30 court costs. Grand River Ave., and the Cam¬ An attorney fourth student, appeared for the Judith L.Brengle, pus Bookstore, 555 River Ave., were pens E. Grand and books. In each case the items report¬ If Your're Not Sure, Spend Your edly taken were valued at less Money Both Days And Be Safe. oaie. * Award Winning than $5. Twelve students have pleaded Film Scheduled guilty to shoplifting charges since registration began, and havepaid GOODWIN'S The award Making of a winning film, "The President," will be fines totaling nearly $600. shown at today's meeting of the FABRICS MSU Men's Club in Room the Union. 21 of Women's Council The Woman's Inter-Residence The film will be shown imme¬ 218 ABBOTT OPPOSITE STATE THEATER Council will hold an "Officers diately following a luncheon at 12:10. Workshop," from 7 to 9 p.m. oct. 21 in Parlors A and B in Based on Theodore H. White's the Union. FOLK Pulitzer Prize book, the film No spe won the television "Emmy" for t is held the best documentary and also the grand prix at the Cannes In¬ Many of the reasons for Odetta' ternational Television Festival. acclaim by knowledgeable folk SONG PF1I11T1 Tl Vf |W| I ^/1 k! and music fans are evident in her latest Dynagroove Here-in a cross-section £reat songs-her pure voice emotional power extract album. of 12 -K— the essential meaning of such » ballads as "Troubled" and "Way-farm Stranger" as well as the humorous flavor of "Froggy Went A-Courtin'" and "Sea Lion Woman." If you could'own the albums of just one folk singer, Odetta is the one you should choose. Donna Pettit, graduate of Beauty Schools in Lansing, Chicago, and Hollywood, is always ready to help you with your What every graduating engineer hairstyling problems. (and his professors) should know about ac-milwaukee Sure, everybody's got a career program. But we think you'll find Physics, we invite you to inquire about the opportunities at any of MILWAUKEE-our main research, develop¬ COED SPECIAL DAYS- ours a little more stimulating, more rewarding, and at least in¬ our three locations. AC in ment and manufacturing facility. AC in BOSTON—our Research and triguing enough to spend the next minute or so reading about it. Development Laboratory specializing in advanced inertial compo¬ every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday We call it our "Career Acceleration Program." In it, you'll work on nents, spacecraft and avionics guidance/navigation systems. AC in such advanced projects as an avionics system for supersonic aircraft, LOS ANGEl.ES-our Research and Development Laboratory special¬ Permanent a guidance/navigation system tor the Apollo Command Module and izing in advanced airborne computers; ballistic missile and space Styling LEM.and a newguidance system for theTitan III space launch vehicle. guidance/navigation systems. For further information, see only booster Haircut Seven hours a day you'll work on a specific project. You II spend one your college placement office regarding a hour each day in formal class work. These'classes include courses in General Motors/AC on-campus interview, Inertial Instruments, Inertial Guidance, Digital Computer' Advanced or write directly to Mr. G. F. Raasch, Transistors, Advan^d Setvomechamw., l-.tn-ratml Circuits. Space Director of Scientific and Professional Mechanics, plus other mathematics and undergraduate disciplines Employment, Dept. •• 5753, General Motors ( UNIVERSITY as required. Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201. We also have a Tuition Refund Plan that pays all of your tuition costs PhDs. please note: Positions are available BEAUTY SALON in all three AC locations for PhDs, depend¬ upon satisfactorily compHmj.; roll^gt-level courses of study under¬ 2 Doors East of Campus Theater take upluntarily,. Our "in-pjanr evening educational program ing on concentration of study.and area, offers additional opportunities'to? fechmcal ifW^ro^ament. of intefot yml are invited' ft coatact Parking Availt Mr. Raasch for additional information. RCAVICTOR# @The most trusted ED2-1116 If you are completing your BS or MS degree in EE, ME, Math or CAMPUS INTERVIEWS ■ F RID AY - OCTOBER 23, 1964 Tuesday, October 13, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mrs. Daugherty: Duffy As Daddy \Just A Happy Guy7 ence between 'Duffy the Coach' and 'Duffy By ROBERTA YAFIE Stote Nfws Sports Writer the Family Man'." Sitting on the screened porch of their The end of the season does not mean victory or loss can bring different end of activity for him. There may i form different people. Disap¬ home, this reporter was introduced to the the He lives in grey house pointment is only natural when a game is on^ Sou: a other side of Duffy. be a post-season bowl game and there's lost, but Duffy isn't one to show it. The room itself reflected their experi¬ always the banquet circuit, which is de¬ houses which line the block, although t ences. On the walls are hanging Samoan finitely a chore in itself. s'.c'.ewalk a more sparkling white. tapestries which the couple picked up on Before you know it, spring drills roll a visit to the Islands. around. The adjoining garage is filled w: old footballs, and several catchers' mii Football is never off the Daugherty The Daugherty name is a well-known hang on the wall; a basketball n»t stan agenda. one in East Lansing, but Mrs. Daugherty feels that there is no special recogririor The summer months are when the family ' igi-s given to them. Although football runs for only ten can get together for some fun. This past fulltime job. During summer, the Daughertys spent ten days in "We have our fiiends, and they treat ie to devote to his New York, touring the city and seeing the us as they would anyone else," she stated. ' People don't make much of Duffy'sposi- tion. We're (ust an ordinary family. "Football has provided u "During t Duffy's up 'til eleve ful travel opportunities," Mrs. Daugherty ' 'I've always maintained my own ident¬ every night Daugherty went or remarked. "We went to Hawaii in 1959 ity. In fact, when we're not together, no : usually manages t when Duffy was chosen to coach the col¬ one recognizes me as Duffy's wife." home around eight-thirty. But one lege All-Stars in the Hula Bowl. The Air When you are speaking of the Daugherty mday roles around, it's back to the ol Force picked him to go overseas to con¬ duct football clinics. That in itself was family, you cannot omit Bella, the Siamese cat. This fat. blue-eyed feline is a a wonderful experience." family favorite; she often sleeps with the children, A broad smile crosses her face at the who especially fuss over her. mention of Michigan States 1954 Rose When the kids are around, she usually Bowl victory. It's difficult to choose any ignores Duffy; but when he copies home one game as particularly thrilling, for each t people k MRS. DAUGHERTY WIN 5-2 FOR SERIES LEAD High-Flying C7 w Cards *** Home Run Surprises 'iff Stottlemyre, sec- McCarver Bobby Richardson Intramural News in rt Flood's grounder NEW YORK (UPI) Tim trying for a force play. Lou McCarver says his 10th inning homer was the biggest thrill of Brock then singled to score MEN'S 9:00—Woodbridge-Woodward his life and it must have been Gibson with the first run. Flood id he scored as Bill 9;45—Vikings-Trojans for his parents too, who were in ernity Bowling Field 4 the stands., ruined a brilliant pitching per- White beat Phil Linz's hurried, .6 p.m. —C.arlton-sCa rav«Ua».. formarice by t fc e C. a r d»' fewkr* iow throw to fir6t after Brock. . 4~-^Says McCarver whose blast 'T "T cirched the game: Gibson. That was only the fifth 7:30—Akers 10-12 ' "*I hit it good. It was a waist hit off Gibson, wM stn**Nj'J# 8:15—Worthington-Wollstone high fast ball, but at first I little difficulty with 13 Yankees as he thrilled a Yan¬ s 5-7 COULD USE A LIFT-Although championship lifter Joe Puleo expei ss 9:00- didn't think it would be a homer. shunned by the Olym- weights, another weight, that of disappointment, is being felt. Pule< > kee Stadium crowd of 65,633. 9:45—Fee 1-2 I didn't think it would carry that Relief Pitcher Pete Mikkelsen 1-2—Sigma Chi'-Slgma Phi Epsi- pic committee despite placing tops in summer trials. Photo by Dave Sykes Deadlir the iOth and Ken Boyer, whose His 'Altar9 Plan Tomorrow is the deadline for McCarver said that winning 3-4—S.A.E.-Theta Chi pitcher, Bob Gibson, used"about homer won the fourth game, beat entering the open independent 5-6—-Beta Theta Pi-L.C.A, fast balls" in strik- Slightly Changed 'Guaranteed' Olympic Trip cent soccer league. All entries are due 13 Yankees. Gibson con¬ ; McC ai Touch Football In the L\1 office at 5 p.m. Wed¬ firmed this and added: ring h MESSINA. SICILY, Pi-Too Time Field 1 nesday. Games will be played on "I just tried to get the ball up fumble by Dick Groat put Tiany wives: Aldo Gino Carlo 6:00— Saturday mornings and Sunday there with something on it. I Mickey Mantle on first in the Donati, 47, was arrested by pol¬ Weightlifter 6:45—Bower-Hedrick Fizzles For'S' t all a bottom of the ninth inning.Gibson ice at the altar of San Clemente 7:30—McCoy-Mc Innes WOMEN' S tired id. I intended t church just as he was about to 8:15—McFadden-McTavish say "1 do" to marry Maria 9:00—Montie-Howland Modern Dance the center field bleachers forthe Pel us a, 24-year-old school Manager Johnny Keane, whose 9:45—Wormwood-Worcester An IM modern future with the cards is still in tying runs. teacher, Saturday. Field 2 workshop ii and picked sev Joe is the number one middle¬ Polide charged him with bi¬ Is term doubt, said: weight lifter in the United States 6:00—Arpent-Argonaughts "That homer by McCarver unhappy young men in East Lans¬ h i s performance of 943f it staples gamy, saying he already had 11 wives scattered about Italy, 7:30—Evans Scholars-Colony beginning Tuesday October 15, in the Dance Studio of the Wo¬ men's IM building. The work¬ should help Tim's career. Paus¬ ing a moment, he added, "and ing. He'd rather be in Japan. "I cain't understand it and pounds in the third trials would have earned him a second-place Yugoslavia and Albania. 8:15—Cedar Village-Mo Fu's Police were put onto the in¬ shop will be informal and all it may also help my career." Puleo is a 22-year-old trans¬ "The Olympic weightlifting medal in the 1963 world cham¬ 9:00—Delta Sigma Pi-SOC I Opposing managers say it will coach offered to pay my way vestigateby Miss Pelusa's without previous exper- fer student from Macomb Com¬ even pionships. relatives, who wondered why 9;45—Snyder C. Dwellers-Se be southpaw Curt Simmons for munity College who spent the to Tokyo as an alternate when he "I believe his membership on Donati established identity by the Cards and righty Jim Bouton summer trying to prove he was heard the committee's decision, the team should have been more WITICla,s for the Yankees in Wednesday's worthy of a berth on the United but the final arrangements could seriously considered." officials are needed for sixth game at St. Louis, States Olympic weightlifting not be made for an eighth man." Two members of the team volleyball, field hockey and chosen by the committee lift in swimming. Good Taste winning three Olympic the 198-pound class. Their best trial ( nts, including a victory performance in the trials would A University coed was recently have been good for no better ce Gold Medal winner recognized as an expert taster His long list of championships than fourth place in the 1963 Tommy Kono, it 16 iked as though of butter, cottage cheese, ice includes the North, world competition. a trip to Tokyo was a sure thing. Cheddar cheese and but- tional YMCA, Senior Although the blow is dis¬ But the judges thought otherwise. Mid-States, and Pan-; heartening to Puleo, he isn't will¬ Marjorie Mueller, food science The Olympic weightlifting Games crown. ing to call it quits. inior from Saginaw, placed fifth He's already looking forward to. MSU Intramural Director judging all products in the Frank Beeman was puzzled about next year's world championships Collegiate Students International and that far-away look in his the Olympic committee's verdict. [Contest in Judging Dairy Pro- "The facts are," he said, "that eye is toward the 1968 Olympics. STATE'S DILLEY ADVANCES First US Gold By Ivy TOKYO, (#!-Don Schollander, an 18-year-old Yale student from League second in the women's 200-meter breaststroke final to Russia's Lake Oswego, Ore., won the first Gold Medal for the United States Galina Prozumenschikova—with the Soviet Union's Svetlana at t'-e Tokyo Olympic games Monday, winning the men's 100- Barbanina third. met ?r freestyle swimming event. The Russian winner set an Olympic record of 2:46.4 for the Schollander, winning in the Olympic record time of 53.4 seconds, distance while Miss Kolb was timed in 2:47.6. finished a strong day of competition for American Athletes. Four America's other medal was supplied by weightlifter Isaac other medals, three in swimming, were won by the U.S. team Berger of Brooklyn, N.Y., who finished second to Japan's Yoshinobu while Russia captured its second Gold Medal and one Bronze. Miyake in the featherweight division. Miyake won with a total Schollander, who is entered in five events and possibly could lift of 874.5 pounds to 841.5 for Berger. win five medals, finished well ahead of England's Bobby McGregor Two other Olympic swimming records were set during the and Hans Joachim Klein of Germany in the 100. McGregor was day's competition. Dawn Fraser of Australia was timed in 59.9 timed in 53.5 and Klein in 54.0. in one heat of the women's 100-meter freestyle semifinals while Americans Jed Graef and Gary Dilley, a sophomore on the MSU Two girls from Arizona, Jeanne Collier of Phoenix, and Patshy varsity, lowered the 200-meter backstroke record within minutes Wiliard ot" Mesa, finished second and third, respectively', D^ind ofefofc-otntfr. . . » Gold Medal winner Ingrid Kramer-Engel in the women's spring¬ Dilley, Huntington, Ind., won his semifinal heat in 2:13.8 and board diving. then Graef went out in his semifinal and trimmed the time to Claudia Kolb, 14, Santa Clara, Calif., finished a surprising 2:13.7. Tuesday, October 13, 1964 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan You Just Can't Beat That National Meat! National's U.S. Choice, Corn Fed Beef NATIONAL Chuck Roast FOOD STORES Select Blade Cuts Na'ional's U. S. D. A. Choice, 39: Saturday. Oct. 17th. Corn-Fed Beef Roasts are really a cut above the ordinary ! This Beef is extra tender, extra fla¬ vorful, a hit for real beef lovers and it's value-way trimmed Pork - - to give you more eating meat for your money . . . less bone and fat. Corn King, Extra Fancy, Solid Lean Meat Chops Cut from Small, Lean ,ean Pork Loins Canned Ham National's U.S.D.A. Choice Beef, Round Bone Shoulder Cut 5-$339 MKT Swiss Steaks * 09 Rib Half, 5? Pork Loin Cut Into ■ ■ Pork Chops Swift's Premium, Finest Flavor, Fancy, Lean Slices Loin Half, Pork Loin Cut Into Pork Chops 69 Swift's Bacon . "• 59 National's U.S.D.A. Choice Mat, Fancy tonelese 5-6 lbs. Average Per Package Grovnd Chuck Beef ]594 Chuck Roast Ib Pra-Diced, Always Loan * Tandor V A< STAMPS v'fbi S'«*d Beef Liver . . 39* 1 Boneless Stew Beef »• #9 Serve Wieners & Kraut! So Fresh, Fancy, Fast-Frozen . . A . , Hickory Smoked. Whole. Halt, or First Cuts Fish Steaks • . 2pkq 99 Slab Bacon « With Coupon Below and Skinless Franks 49* Booth's Famous Fancy, Frozen , Hickory Smoked, Fancy Csnter C«t jm ■ ( $5.00 Meat Purchase or More 43 Lfc Breaded Shrimp . »< 99 Slab Bacon . . • ■,b- AT NATIONAL FOOD STORE! Sauerkraut . °sr 29* TSr iTFYji:ITn'iiViiTi-J'.iT'ts Green Giant, Tender, Golden Whole Kernel Green Giant, Very Tender, Green FREE WITH THIS COUPON Niblets Corn 100 EXTRA a'." STAMPS WITH $5.00 MEAT PURCHASE s Soturdov. Oct. Cans MiWeh Corn. 8 c.°". *1 Sreen Sweel Peas Giont, Handy Buffer Six. . 8 Ml 375 ■ Extra S&H Green Stamps Rich in Vitamin C, Orchard Fresh, Frozen Concentrated ed With These Coupons! $100 Top Toste Top Taste Corned Corned Beef 'if; 49' Beef Hash "cr-37« 5 Cans ■ mE Lunch Meat "c°- 39* 2 Beef Stew 89' Money >weet Brand, in iyrup 4 $|00 ink nAYOtnCHT COOKIE POt'CH Pillsbury's Hungry Jock Bartlett Pears 35*1 jW"a7.:?i PS3$ | Pancake 2 47 Creen Ciant, Tender, Fancy, Kitchen Sliced > Green Beans 5 £$1°° Flour . Stcley's Maple Cane, Waffle & - Pancake .,uCOk/ Green Ciant, Golden, Very Tender Syrup *1 J7 $1®® Deal Pack, Reg. 75c Tub;, Fewer Cavities Cream Corn - California, Sweet, Plump and Juicy, - 6- ■ . Tokay Green <% D ^ ^ Crest Toothpaste keg. 98c, Effective, Peasant Antiseptic Grapes ^4c$1 Listerine Peg. SI.25 Size, for Headache Relief Anacin Tablets • • Reg. $1 50 Size, Hold Your Hair in Placa Aqua Net Spray . Deal Pack, Vaseline Jelly Reg. 89c Size. Reg. 79c Sits. Brylcreem . Wh.te Hoir Care in a Tube . . . . . 10 Gornisk Your Steak witk Hat House Whit. Button All Strained Varieties Garden Fresh, Crisp. Button Red Radishes Gerber Baby Foods Fresh, Mild Tasting, Creen Oniens Crisp, Crunch* . . ££ 10* on green giant brand FR0ZEN vegetables 10 a 99* Fresh. Home-Grown. Bunched Beets. Sweat ft Tender . ^ 10' butter sauce " " Stamps mRY Wednesday Tuesday, October 13, 1964 8 Michigan rhigan State S News, East Lansing, Michiga FOUND: PAIR of glasses in vi- Find It Thru Classified, Where You're Never A Loser, Dial 355-8255 cinity of Mayo, Saturday. Call Employment For Sale For Sale Automotive Automotive Automotive Employment W ATKINS PRODUCTS has part- TALL GIRL'S full length suede PORD TR3 195?. Good New HOSTESS, 10 am. to 1:30 pm. to CHEVROLET, Ml Convertible. 1960. Convertible. Power runner. B-flat, $80. Cleveland alto sax¬ starter, generator. Very clean. service vending machine instal¬ open. Average coat, size 12 - 14. Several cock- ophone, $100. Both with cases. Power steering, power brakes. steering and brakes. Radio and Radio. Wire wheels. Must sell. lation. Applicant should be neat, $2.00 $2.50 per hour. For in- tail ensembles, sizes 10 - 12. Many other extras. Like new. heater. Very good condition. Excellent condition. IV 9-3025. 337-0993. 11 pleasant and able to meet the i, call 882-0058. 9 Call 332-2106. 10 10 Private owner. 489-7395. 10 710 S. Dexter, Lansing, TU 2- public. Call Miss Wilkinson. SIAMESE KITTENS. (4) Seal- Impala Con- 0794. 11 TWO BUSBOYS. Work HALF- MORGAN 1959 CHEVROLET TRIUMPH 1964 Spitfire. 4.000 372-1854 tc arrange interview. two meals point. All male. 882-7074. 11 weanling colts. vertible. Radio, heater, V-8; FORD. 1956 V-8 convertible. actual miles. Radio, heater, and eat three. 236 North Harri¬ Board reasonable. No Sunday • AUTOMOTIVE power-glide drive. No money 58,000 miles. Radio, new tires, whitewalls. Carpeting. Tonneau FEMALE HELP. Ladies, I need son. Call ED 7-1611. 9 AUTOMATIC KEI^MOftE washer. sales. Bernard Russell, OL 5- down. Red Whiting Dependable battery, clean. $300. Call 339- cover. Must sell. Call 337-1407. help. General office help. Good WAITRESS FOR COUOTER, full 1015. 2720 Dennis Road. 11 • EMPLOYMENT Used Cars, 2311 East Michigan. salary, convenient location. For or part-time. No evenings or lined, silk floral: «■ • FOR RENT FOR SALE IV 9-6639. 9 24„97' FORD 1958 Fairlane 500. Good 9 TRIUMPH. 1961. White over black, spoke-wheels, newMich- interview, call 332-8574 from Sundays. Uniforms furnished. DRAPES- 4pair Organdy curtains- 5pair white, RCA T.V. Console, $40. Frigi- daire electric dryer, $65. Both 7-8 pm. only. No exceptions • LOST & FOUND CHEVROLET 1959 impala coupe. first car. $275. Phone 484-3319 eUn tireSi phone jy 9_4290 or Apply, Spudnut Shop, 225 M.A.C. 2 yellow, I pink. Lamps. Elec¬ in excellent running condition. between 10:30 am. and 7:30pm., please. 10 tric roaster with cabiret;pic¬ Call ED 2-5457. 10 • PERSONAL Radio heater, stick shift. A IV 9_os59 before 2 pm. 2826 Cynwood Q BABYSrfltR tO supervise kin- R.N. WITH Bachelor degree to ture frames; portable type- v PEANUTS PERSONAL honey! Red Whiting Dependable R-3 1960 Metallic green. New 1 ANDBERG PROFESSIONAL Used Cars, 2311 East Michigan, FORD, 1931 Model-A Sedan". dergartner, Monday, Tuesday, teach in a school of nursing. writer. Evenings, 3"2-3786. 9 • REAL ESTATE town , Stereo tape deck with two mi¬ 9-6639. 9 Motor Wednesday and Friday, 11 - 3:30. Salary dependent on qualifica¬ ONE LARGE size walnut sec- « SERVICE IV recently overhauled, 332-3568 after 4 pm. Ask for crophones. $300. Call 332-8010. Own transportation. Call 337- tions. Write' to 1201 Oakland, retarial desk. $45. Standard -TRANSPORTATION CHEVROLET 1962 Corvette. Jet newly reupholstered, good body. Harry. 12 10 1232. 9 Lansing. 12 WANTED black, extra sharp! Extra Spe¬ Needs minor bumping. Excellent Royal typewriter, manual, VEG^tAfiLfclS % a pound! To- • rR-3, 1961 Roadster. Immaculate HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE in. Care cial! Red Whiting Used Cars, car for restoration as an antique ASSISTANT MANAGER, men's standard carriage, Pica type. condition inside and out. Beauti¬ matoes, Kentucky Wonder vehicle. Best offer over $450. of two children. 1 or 2 children clothing store. Start at once. Used very little. $65. IV 4-0521. 2311 East Michigan. IV 9-6639. ful powder blue. Only tax down, beans, shellouts. 400 Clare on ED 2-3317. 12 welcome. IV 5-1351. 9 Apply, Todds Gentry Shop, 211 10 low monthly pay men ts. Cos- Beltline Railroad. IV 4-3180. 12 PART TIME, S to 10 students E. Grand River. 11 CHEVROLET. 1959 4-d , r hard- FORD. 1955 s groves UsedCars, 2108 E.Mich¬ needed immediately for contact ONE BUSBOY TO work 2 meals 11 1/2 cubic foot. $15. 655-2919. GIRL'S 3-speed English bicycle. top. V-8, automatic. $595. igan Ave. IV 5-3843. 10 Smallwood Auto Sales. Phone 11 or counter work. Guaranteed per day. Call 332-5039 and ask 10 New basket. $28. Girls light¬ VALIANT, 1963. Blue with whi:c LEAVING CITY. Bedding, linens, weight bicycle, $18. Boy's bi¬ IV 9-6204. 9 hourly wage. Call 351-4548. 9 for the steward. 11 top. 25 MPG, new tires, reason¬ dishes, kitchen ware, small cycle, $16. ED 2-8498. 10 CHEVROLET, 195$ Impala Sport GREAT LAKES Employment for GIRLS, HERE'S' your chance" to able. Will consider trading. 332- Cis-8255 Coupe. Sharp. $150 under retail. more, custodian s 8343. 11 permanent positions in office, earn big money in your spare GlBSON ELECTRIC guitar with amplifier. Excellent condition. >*TES: Call IV 2-4662 after 5 pm. 9 Research after 4:30 c ssles, technical. Call IV2-1543. time. Call IV 2-2286. 10 VOLKSWAGEN 1561. Very good. $375 value. Must sell, .$225. CHEVROLET 19^3 Impala con- 9762. C10 BUY, SELL, trade or rent by 1 DAY SI.50 Blue sedanr $1,000. See at 913 WANTED, OCCASIONAL daytime 355-3091 after 5 pm. 10 vertible. V-8 stick. Sharp. Fi¬ MGA, WHITE, Wire wheels, n Dr call 487-3275. 10 day, week or season. Shotguns, 3 DAYS S 3.00 babysitter, in my home. Own rifles, deer rifles, pistols, and TROMBONE KING. 2 B model. 5 DAYS $4.50 nancing. Guaranteed. $100 under tires and engine. Excellent ci transportation. ED 2-4015. 11 VOLKSWA Call 882-6626. 9 revolvers. All makes, calibers Excellent slide. Make good stu¬ market. Faculty member. ED dition. $825. ED 2-6150. ms. 2-5857. 9 roof, low mileage, absolutely and models. Also antiques. Over dent horn. Reasonably priced. = isea o - 15 words per ad) OLDSMOBILE 1955. Good runr For Rent spotless. Only $995. Tax down, Inc. Need 4 to 5 ambi¬ 300 guns to choose from. 489-2709 between 5 and 7. 10 -••e W be 0 25e service CHEVROLET, 193" C, upe. Ex- $38 per month. C'osgroves Useo vices, WANTED, MALE over Jl- to live KENNEDY'S HOBBY SHOP, 1420 tious students. Earn $60 per cellent condition. Just $175 takes bookkeeping charge if it. Call ED 2-4840. Cars, 2108 E. Michigan Ave. week. Two nights and Satur¬ in trailer. 314 Trailer Haven. Woodbine. IV 9-1165. 10 Refrigerator, $50. Electric OLDSMOBILE 1959 2-do-5r hard- "" ">-3843. 10 355-9405, ask for Fritz. 11 BOYS' day. Car necessary. Call 882- TWO suits, casual jac- range, $175. Roaster cabinet top. New paint, tires. Excellent VOLKSwagLN, l9r!> 6<)29. FURNISHED CABIN, Lake Lansl kets, size 10 and 12. Two ladies' table. Call 337-0417. 10 condition. Also, boy's English running condition. $850. Phone ir.g, 3 male students. Utilities cashmere suits. One with mink bicycle. Must sell. Phone after IV 2-7270. 9 paid. $8 per week per student. WHITE POODLE puppies, blood bank work. Regula trim, size 10. One ladies' car 6, 351-4753. 11 OLDSMOBILE 1964 Cutlass. 332-8932. 11 coat, size 12. 489-0751. 9 VOLKSWAGEN No night or weekends. Many CHEVAOLfiT. 1959 tielair. Auto- Loaded with 4 on the floor. Rea¬ GOLF CLUBS, 1964 McGregor Completely rebuilt 1962 Volks¬ fringe benefits. Salary open. Apartments good sonable. Phone IV 9-3804. 9 DX. Like new. 10 irons, 4 woods, wagen sedan. Needs some me¬ Call for appointment. IV4-7461. condition. Must sell. $545. WANTED: ONE male roommate'. WINCHESTER MODEL 70-3 W OPEL 1961, Very sharp. Radio, chanical work. Both reasonable. 1800 E. Grand River, Box 2176. bag and 24 titalist balls. 337- Phone IV 9-1367. 11 Unsupervised. $125 a term plus 1407. 11 H&H, magnum caliber. Weaver good tires. $600. Call 351-5417. 351-4417 or ED 2-1183. 9 phone. Maid. Off-street park¬ K4 Scope and sling. Reasonable. CHEVROLET, 1963 2-d or Bel- Ask for Jim M. 10 VOLKSWAGEN, 1964. Purchased girl, light housekeeping. 5 sedan. V-8, power steering. ing. 7 rooms. 302 M.A.C. 9 TU 2-5150 after 6 pm. 9 air PLYMOUTH 19 59. Standard for summer travel. Only three days per week, 3 or 4 hours each ing students! Student uniforms 6,000 miles left on warrarry. shift 6 cylinder. Radio, heater. months old. Like new. Jim morning. ed 2-5176. 13 in excellent condition. Size 32- SPECIALS FOR hide-a-beds and 355-9810. 11 short. Three dresses and four living room suites. Also roll- Good running condition. Call Corey, ED 2-3581. 10 ChIld Care, v school CHEVROLET 1954 4—d: or.Stand- 485-2669 after 5 pm. 5-day aprons, $45. Call 355-5988 be¬ aways, bunk beds and just plain VOLKSWAGEN. 1958 Sedan. t Jood Automotive ard sir':. Ir 2;oud running condi¬ i9-3403 5:30. fore 3 pm. 11 beds. Get 'em while we've got PONTIAC. 1956 red Coupe;"~H>~ conditio-. J695. Call 355-4S4; a TWO BEDROOM furnished af tion. Best offer over $100. 351- ment for 2 or 3 girls nearc Piano Wurlitzer 'em. VERNICK'S FURNITURE, Good dramatic. Must sell quickly. or JU 9-8228. 10 Spinet. Perfect 4493. 11 1023 S. Washington. 9 . $900. Contact Larry Call 332- THREE MFN pus. Call 337-0217. $50 c condition. Will sacrifice. Call i. ED 2-35S1. ;; CHRYSLFR 19(^3 300Cor 485-2669 after 5 pm. ONLY $20 required for new, PORSCHE. 1959 1.600S Con- Ghia. Green and white hardtop. A LEY' -prite, 1963 Anxious to sell. ED 2-0504. 11 lged app< GOOD MUSKRAT fur coat, size English 3-speed, light-weight vertible. Very good condition bikes. On rental-purchase plan. Engine and body 14. Four good living room tables ^eage. throughout with recently over¬ VOLKSWAGEN, 196 3 green se- ACE HARDWHERE & GIFTS, lien: condition. Phone COMET 1961 Wagon hauled engine. Many extras. and two chairs. IV 2-0582. 11 dan. Excellent condition. Must 201 E. Grand River, across from Economy-six. New condition. 485-4527. 13 BICYCLE, MEN'S English. Very" sacrifice. Call 882-7410. .11 the Union. ED 2-3212. C $795. David Lofliri, Thorp Mo¬ RENAULT CARAVELL£, i960. good condition. Extras. Very BROWN KROEHLER hide-a-bed. tors representative. 353-2053.9 Two QUALITY USED CARS. Reason- ROOM AND reasonable. Call IV2-7774 after tops, white and red. Ex¬ ably priced. Just a short 10 co-eds in exchange for minimal $100. Also, hurricane lamps, cellent condition. Must sacri¬ 4. 11 minutes drive from campus for cooking andcleaning. Dean Ave., foot stools. 355-7810. 9 Chrome wheels. Good condition. fice. 353-0349 or 353-0327. 10 all your driving needs. HAROLD Holt. Bus service. 699-2729. 10 DRAPES - 4 pair lined, silk $1,550. Many extras. 355-5886. HEATH STEREO amp pre-amp. RENAULT CARAVELLE, l9Fl earning! floral. Organdy curtains -5pair PLETZ Motor Sales, 150 E. Bogen presto table. Heath FM, Avon representative. For ap¬ white,. 2 yellow, 1 pink. Lamps, CORV ETTt, l95S. 2 topg. Perfect hardtop and convertible. 20,000 Grand R,ver, Williamston. 655- Rooms Wolverine speakers, matched miles. Excellent pointment in your home, write Electric roaster with cabinet; < mechanical condition. Rebuilt 1870. C9 SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen components, $170. 337-1471. 10 or call: Mrs. Alor.a Huckins, engine. Grey, 6 months guaran¬ $1,100. ED 2-4372. picture frames. Evenings, 372- El.'ICK, 19V. Radio, whitewall 5664 School St., Haslett, Michi¬ privileges if desired. Male, over 3786. 9 TEFL6S; FRYING pans, house¬ tee. Phone 351-5407. 13 TEMPEST 1961 Auto Service & Ports 21. $10 per week. Call 339-2271. Bucket gan or call evenings, FE 9-8483. wares and gifts. ACE HARD¬ seats, 3 speed floor T WO MEN'S 3-speed English dition. Call 355-1113. 11 FORD, 1931 Model-A Tow Sedan. MC CULLOUCH BLOWER C9 WARE & GIFTS, 201 E. Grand shift. 351-4656. bikes. Reasonable. See at Court Motor recently overhauled, adapted for any Corvair, 1960 - CHEMIST, EXPERIENCED River, across from Union. ED 1959 convertible, power beautiful homes for graduate Number 7, Trailer Haven. Call F.U1CK - newly reupholstered, good body. 1964. Excellent condition. $300 routine and special chemistry. 2-3212. C 332-3180. 11 steering, power brakes, radio Needs minor bumping. Excellent value. Best offer over $100. 355- For 315 bed hospital. Prefer student or professional man. ED ENGLISH 3 SPEED bicycles, a r a heater, whitewall tires. car for restoration as an antique 3091 after 5 pm. 10 2-1176. 9 CIDER AT mill. Fresh daily. $39.77. ACE HARDWARE & registered technologist or MSU Good condition. Clean. Phone vehicle. Best offer over $450. SENIOR OR GRAD student to Special price on quantities, GIFTS, across from Union. ED degree. Excellent opportunity. IV 4-0501. 9 12 Also, have apples and honey. ED 2-3317. Cars Painted Write to Pathologist, St. Law¬ share nicely furnished triple. CORDA WEST, 5817 N. Okemos 2-3212. C rence Hospital, Lansing 15, 118 Linden.Cooking, parking. ED TENOR SAXOPHONE with case. Rd., East Lansing. ED 7-7974. $2450 Mich. 10 7-2345. 11 12 Excellent condition. Must sell. Cedar Auto Painting For Sale Call Jack at 332-5676. '9 )W part-time. 11-. or 3—11. Good re-conditioned, $75. Two pairs BABY BUGGY, bathinet, play- ARMY SURPLUS. New Flight jac- salary and differential plus custom made dacron batiste pen, baby clothes. Boy's 20" kets used by U.S.A.F. in Arctic IRE BARGAINS; aTTir— other fringe benefits. Flexible region. Plus other items. drapes, 11' x 6 1/2', 5' x 4'. bike. Mattress and box springs. time schedule. Meal furnished. 332-8010. 10 ED 7-2345. 9 Phone ED 2-0801. 22 Dennis, 353-0129. as $1.00. Martin's Auto Parts, PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, East Lansing. Phone ED2-5319. BABYSITTER WANTED Thurs- 10 : links, etc. Must Olympia Precision. Buy the fin¬ rentals. East Lansing Cycle, day aft< s. Tw sell large collection. $.25 to $5. est. Terms available. HASSEL- 1215 East Grand River. Call 332— DO YOU KNOW that just COMPANY, 310 N. 676-5308. 9 BRING 8303. C minutes East of East Lansing, Grand. IV 2-1219. C10 NOW USED BlCYtL£S for sale or rent. you can have alized service from a small JEWELRY SALESMAN. Full c (Famous Brand Name) late mod¬ ACE 'HARDWARE & GIFTS, part-time. Downtown Lansing. el in good condition. Makes but¬ 201 E.Grand River, across friendly Ford Dealer? We fea¬ Busch Jewelry, 201 S. Washing¬ tonholes, sews on buttons, blind- from Union. ED 2-3212. C ture a fine selection of used ton. IV 2-1435. 11 hems, and does many fancy de¬ cars. SIGNS FORD SALES, Wil- i, Michigan. 655-2191. SfUDENT'S WIFE w signs just by dialing c C10 No attachments needed. Will frigerator; Okemos. 5 days per w also darn and embroider. Only All in excellent condition. Phone NO RAISE in prices at WEND- NOW ROW'S ECON-O-WASH. 32 Speed Queen washers- 20£; ten minutes drying- 10£. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. proximately 0848. TWO BUS ' boys to work and dinner. 1234 EXJrandRiver. lunch $48.57 or small monthly pay- 5-2054. ENGLISH POINTERS - C10 Weirnar- 669-9202. LABRADOR RETRIEVERS. Ready to train. AKC field blood lines. 7213.12 11 fi? .Call 332-0875. 9 aners. AKC, started, finished. BOW AND :. 32 pound Also, trained cross pointers. Scooters-Cycles WANTED, GIRL to prepare din- with 18 arrows, quiv- Cheap. Call 372-3076. 9 ner, breakfast. Remain over¬ NOW 1959 JAWA motorcycled $1001 4816 Ordmore, Okemos. Phone night. 2-3 nights per week for 1 lady. ED 2-5176. 10 $40. 627-7312. 10 ED 2-5107. 10 temporary assignments. Experienced office help urgently NOW needed. 616 Michigan National Chunk 5-6357. and slab. Phone IV 11 Challenging op¬ Tower. Phone 487-6071. C10 SEWING MACHINE SINGER Au- portunities await BSA 650 cc. Twin. Real ( CAR HOPS and waitresses. Ap- tomatic swing needle in floor college graduates plications now being taken. Im¬ cabinet. Just dial for NOW $140. 337-1471. 10 mediate openiiigs. Apply Sully's model fancy designs, also dial for but¬ as an officer in HONDA - 50 cc 1963. CU0.Sport. Drive-In. 3920 W. Saginaw. 12 tonholes, blindhems, appliques the Women's Ar¬ Low mileage. Black. Call Nancy SERVICE STATION and all other household sewing NOW after 11:30 pm., 355-1359. attendant. my corps. The in¬ Part-time, weekends. $1.00 per jobs. Original price would be hour. Inquire, Zephyr Service over $250. Can be taken care of itial tour is 2 NOW Excellent many of the apartments that for $6.45 per month or $61.97 we manage are just being completed. tioned. New back tire. Beret in- Station, 1127 E. Grand River. Will years and in¬ See John Lee. 11 i cept To rent these units, the owners of cluded. Phone 351-5592. 13 Guaranteed. Phone OL 5-2054. cludes attending DENTAL ASSISTANT for Ortho- the apartments have authorized a Employment the Women's Of¬ REVISED RENT AL SCHEDULE for dontic Specialist. Experienced the balance of the school year. WANTED, RLI.IABT£ bus toy preferred. Shorthand and typ¬ LEADS ficer Basic and substitutes. Delta Gamma. ing helpful. Full time only. IV and There's a deal for you, whether 2-9695. 13 appointments Course. there's three four Call Mrs. Parsons, ED2-3457.9 one, two, or FURNISHED of you. See us now at our new lo- For college students who 444Mi:h. Ave., East have completed their junior Lansing. Triple A Food Co. with year, the Women's Army 10 years in this area Corps has a 4-week orien¬ needs Sales Representa¬ tation and training pro¬ /=5>0 EHM f ' OWER MAN Ballad Of A Soldier tives. other Company car and fringe benefits fur¬ gram. *■ / , J Tues. & Wed. Oct. 13 & 14 nished for those who qua¬ For details visit ♦ lify. * s PROHtkt t MANAGEMENT CO. Rm. 213 Agriculture Hall the Women's Army 8:30 PM Corps display, 12-13 Call. . . October, Student Union 444 Mich. Ave. Phone 332-0838 Contribution 50 birthright." j , Cherubini, Prokofiev, Karlowicz, experience. BY-LO DIAPER surging challenge for power in and Tchaikovsky. 1 SERVICE, 1010 E. Michigan. IV Thursday's election. Rowicki made his debut as a :h. Call 353-2341. 2-0421. C From Land's End to John conductor at the age of 19 in 1933. 12 FOLK BANJO LESSONS. Slue O'Groats, on Hie doorstep and at After the devastation of World Personal grass a specialty. Also Folk public meetings, the conservative War II, he devoted himself to guitar. All styles. After 6, 355- theme to voters was summed conducting and orchestra-build¬ MEMO TO: The Smothers Broth- c.034, 12 up by Douglas-Home and by trade ing. He founded the Polish Ra¬ Don't forget that Thursday, minister Edward Heath: ers. dio Symphony Orchestra in TUTORING FOR students of "Don't support the liberals. November 12, is the date for March, 1945, and made it the best German, graduate and under- There are only two alternatives- your Lansing Civic Center con¬ socialist in Poland. cert. Ticket sales open Monday, graduate. If interested, v In 1950 Rowicki was invited to October 26 at the Civic Center Mrs- Mary F"lk. 355-3191. government," the prime rebuild the ensemble of the War¬ a Maldon, Essex, audience. and the Paramount News in BABYSlTTfFjG—DONE—in my Lansine Lansing and and East Lansing. C31 East Lansine. C31 i home, 8 o e 5 pm. Calln ace 355- told'Tell trust "Tell the voters they the voters they U! :ss, life- year in and TYPING IN my home. Anytime, doubtful voters to support labor n be counted upon. C9 Experienced. 315 Bartlett, rather than liberal candidates in Lansing. Phone 482-7168. 9 | FOR SALE: Pure sweet cider, certain precincts. "This is rightly doing the tory party great harm," Grimmond other fruits and vegetables. etc. XEROX copy service. IBM said in an election broadcast. Farm fresh eggs. All at reason- electnc typewriters. 337-1527. This seemed like "an all- able prices. Open 9:30-7 pm. C low of political dishonesty" daily. ROADSIDE FARM MAR- BARB1 MEL, Professional typist, by the conservatives, asserted KET, 2 miles East of East No job too large or too small. Byers. Lansing at Okemos Rd. C10 Block off campus . . . .332-3255 Wilson made his final appeal GOT YOUR new car figured to c for support from Britain's 3f the penny? State Farm Car Fi- BEV TALLMAN. Your term pa- eligible voters in a nationwide nance Plan may saveyoumoney. pers, reports, theses and dis- television broadcast. Call or see State Farm agent, sertations typed in my home. Britons must decide whether George Tobin, IV 5-7267, in IBM Electric. Call 372-3849. their country should go on trail- | • Frandor. C9 C10 ing others or whether it can, LEARN HANDWRITING anal- ANN fikOWN" typist and multi- as labor believes, "recapture ysis. Basic course, startir.g lith offset printing (black & the lead we once held amongst world," he said. soon in East Lansing. 332-5694. white & color). IBM. General 10 "We are tired of being pushed typing, term papers, theses, dissertations. ED 2-8384. C around and if we are going to Real Estate assert ourselves this means eco- GENERAL TYPING, term nomic strength at home. For i( IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Cute papers, theses, dissertations, we stand stiU at home, we stand «• c»" 9 still abroad." ■ Wilson argued tht Theses, before the people goes far beyor month. Owner will dissertations, papers, the question of "getting Britai tract. Call Ann Viculin, IV 9- j on ^ moVe again" because there 6798 or TU 2-5777. Furman- are deep philosophic differences Day Realty. 9 between the Labor and Conser- CEDARBROOK AREA. Lovely THESIS PREPARATION by elec- Cape Cod on nice landscaped lot. tronic computer. 60%- „ , 'The Labor party, which Huge carpeted living time savings on all typing after from the le> j8 con_ place and dining room. Extra initial draft. Phone WonchGra - ^erned ^ people-people as c for details. 484-7786. 17 indivlduaISi peoples as families, _ large kitchen with dinette. Rec. m. Gas heat and garage. Call lVrculin!aiV 9-6798go^-S or UJ QUALITY THESIS preparation, their references available. Phone health, their opportunities theyhappiness, have to de- the 2-5777. Furman-Day Realtv. 9 Wonch Graffic, 484-7786. 17 vel°P their talents and to live MAKE AN OFFER on this extra a full life. sharp three-bedroom home. ; "Our (conservative) opponents Full basement, fenced yard, ga¬ Transportation approach the problem of govern- rage. Full price, $9,950. Bal- a much more materialist ance aue, $8,450. »o,«u. C un Ann rLy TO New Yorl'City.^tober way. For them, the supreme test Viculin. IV 9-6798 or TU 2-5777. 17. Private plane.Call 351-5276 ,g Y ^ ^ .g Furman-Day Realty. 9 how high is the level of profits. Service WANTED, RIDE to Bay^City Fri- how ?ay mornings. Call Dwyn, 355- doi are stock exchange prices because th believe...... DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers 1290. 11 old Victorian idea that the profit returned. Either yours or ours. ^ loss acc0unt is the sole cri- With our service, you may in- Wanted terion of the national welfare." thafedrn0otPfatdDifa^oCa!l^r! * P P FULL TIME working girl to stare beautiful apartment. Douglas-Home is due tomor- Parking row night to make his own final m8nea' space available. Phone after 5 television appeal to the country. "AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE „ ED 2-5967. 9 IV 2-0864 C Placement Put Your (continued from page 5) On A Bett Sundstrand Corporation: Elec¬ trical, Mechanical Engineers M), Metallurgical (B,M) or Me¬ (B, chanical Engineers (B). M Oct. 20-21 It just figures that your chances of General Motors Corporation: finding the right job are mighty good All majors of the College of Bus¬ when there are so many jobs to point iness (B) December and March Grads Only), Math, Accounting, your finger to. That's why students Statistics (B,M), Mechanical and check the State News Employment Electrical Engineers (B,M). M section first-- Oct. 19-22 The Procter and Gamble Com¬ pany Advertising Department: State Economics, Marketing, Adver¬ tising, Arts or General Communication Journalism and others of the College ofBusi (B,M) (December Grads Only).M ■""tPrawand C.arnble£< t .tassijiea pany Detroit Paper Sales: All majors, all Colleges (B,M) De¬ cember and March Grads Only). M Tuesday, October 13, 1964 10 Michigan State Ne East Lansing, Michigan Teacher Exam Ticket Plan Changes Dates Announced | For Concert Series the Prospective teachers may take National Teacher Examina¬ ion stairs on ticket distribution tions on four different test dates, days," said Wilson Paul, a di¬ the Educational Testing Service rector of the Lecture-Concert announced recently. Series. Dec. 12 is the first testing date. Exams will also be given March According to Paul, it is also 20, July 17. and Oct. 2, 1965. more convenient for students liv¬ Scores on the National Teach¬ Tickets not reserved in ad¬ ing in the newer dorms located ers Examinations are used by vance car. be obtained at the Ur.- i distance from the Union. many large school districts for ,on for no cost or days speci¬ The 50 ce employment of new teachers. fied in the State News. protects loss on student seats, Further information is avail¬ "The new plan has eliminated Paul explained, and in general able in the Counseling Center long lines winding down the Un¬ we have had good student reac- Testing Office, 207 Student Ser¬ vices Building. 'Sunrise' Music Profs Socialist Club Considers Merger Congregate Joseph Evans, MSU professor of music is chairman of theMich- cal problems of returning cosn igan Music Teachers Assn. con¬ vention which opened Sunday and through today at Ann weaken with disuse.. In weie Performing are Romeo Tata, lessness, the heart : lor.i L.vman Bodman, Louis Potter, pumps against theeffects : r; Virginia Bodman, Donald Jones lty, and this l<*>ds to probk ar.vi Else Ludwig, while Paul for spacemen encountering gr. Harder speaks on music theory ity or many times the force and composition and John Rich- gravity ar.ifor. moderates a panel dis¬ U.S. 5—th s > flight cus; ion on piano teaching. HORIZONS UNLIMITED--A r< tative of Chrysler Cor. experience—h a v e encountered porotion puts finishing touche s company's demonstra- such difficulties. 'S' Flags For Sale tion ot Career Carnival. The c will be open todoy and Navy Cmdr. Walter Nl.Schirra tonight. Photo by Ken Roberts Jr. felt the effects after some nine Spartan flags for display at hours in space. games or for use in rooms and offices are being sold by the Of¬ Air Force Maj. Leroy Gordon fice of Alumni Relations, in co¬ talk about i ■: ,per Jr., had :U rr st se . err operation with the InghamCounty hours of weightlessness. Alumr.i Club. The flags, made of green twill "OPTOMETRY - A Career With Vision with a white block "S" on both ened in the weightless period be¬ sides, are 3 feet by 5 feet and at the sell for $10. cause of the lessened work load, A complete kit for $12 includes and failed to pump hard enough Career Carnival a flag, two three-foot sections of aluminum pipe with gilt ball on top, halyard and pole holder. tonight. Student Union Is Banking Your Career? Sponsored by Michigan Optometric Association e MSU Career Carnival " *64" October 12-13 I Michigan National Bank NCE UPON A TIME.. & poor M.5.1/. student sax on the comer of M.A.C. G.R. rats he cursed thi6 unjust world.... In ct word, be hd-rtii up T3i<£ Weekend comfnqf0 up look tA/hdt he needed as advertised "LIFE Clean shirts Brookfield dry cleaning car one <^reased corsage sweater. "Authentic Ivy" a. new two puppies -food 3-Piece Worsted Suit one toothbrush car engine cleaned.. gkiS, boots,e, poles... Wheels ba^noed,.. a tDdttle of He wds about dusptm to f°r cuive up srudy ail when ' ^ And<$p campus sportswear SUPER SAmPt^1 appeared, snean'ncgj heavily Mix and match for instant fashion ' "Who are you ? quoth with rustic colored corduroy our miserable.. "Know r\ot Ywe slacks, easy-care blouses. b© poor forever.. All tnat you need and Proportioned corduroy slacks, custom con¬ more. CII50 wortn in oil!) is yours -for cnly toured and trimly tapered. Fine 4 5.00 in my student Princess corduroy in black, loden, Sample BboKl brown . sized for petite, medium and say53 . . Upon to turned 'into to riches. Madras, guaranteed to bleed. As- all •the way . . . and tailored like $ fcr 5llPF:-R OM &.R. ALU W W£K\ iqrted enchanting colorinzs in misses' 5TUPENT 5AMPUE BOOK, sizes. 5.! i5'3? w oiW >150 \A 5erM\ces, m£rctondi£>6. . an /ftrrodifc-Wy 1o ms.U. stodorts ElANSiNG <\l\af?£HMiri SPORTSWEAR-STREET LEVEL EAST