Hurricane Hits Florida After Devastating Cuba isbell Strikes Keys; | Penetrates Everglades MICHIGAN STATE MEWS MIAMI ijP!—Hurricane Isbell smashed into 'the Florida keys and the marthy, sparsely populated Southwest Florida coast yesterday after leaving a trail of death and destruction in Cuba. STATE The savage storm struck a glancing but powerful blow at I f.he keys, then smashed into the Everglades, a wilderness of UNIVERSITY grassy swamps and mangrove thickets on the tip of Florida. Key West, southermost city in the continental United States, was pounded by fringe winds of more than 75 miles an hour and Eost Lansing, Michigan Thursdoy, October 15, 1964 heavy rain as the storm center passed 30 miles offshore. Vol. 55, Number 192 Trees, signs and powerlines Behind her in Cuba, Isbell hundreds homeless, flooded, homes and buildings de¬ stroyed, possible four persons dead and the Communist left vast areas nation's Martin Luther King Wins Nobel Prize Havana Radio said more than 3,000 persons were evacuated from lowlands in the La Colorado region of Pinar del Rio pro- losing their "homes to wind, rain The broadcast said debris from ?nd trees, broken tele¬ Nonviolent Britons Choose houses phone and power poles and lines littered the highway between Guane and Pinar del Rio city. After leaving Cuba, Isbell Leader Principles roared across striats, swept between Key West and the dry Tortugas and the Florida Today Honored slammed into the tip of Florida with highest winds estimated at London ^'--British voters still were giving odds that Labor elect a new 630-seat House of 100 to 125 miles an hour, high Commons today, deciding whe¬ Prime Minister Douglas-Home tides and torrential rain. OSLO, ifi-Martin Luther King ther to keep Prime Minister and Wilson made last-minute About 100 residents ?pA vic¬ Jr.. an American Negro Leader tors were evacuated from Fla¬ Douglas-H o m e' s conservatives pleas for support last night and in the national civil rights move¬ at the helm or to replace them mingo, a tiny resort on the trumpeted conflicting claims of ment was awarded the 1964 Nobel with the Labor Party led by Peace Prize southern, coastal side of Ever¬ Wednesday. Harold Wilson. glades National Park. Rangers The race appeared so close warned others in the wilderness that both parties were worried. to seek shelter. But bookies—legal in Britain- Wilson, 48, one- By midday, exposed coastal MARTIN LUTHER KING University faculty r Douglas-Home, 61, i former park had been almost complete¬ 3 for the ly deserted by humans, leaving the swamps to their perpetual prime ministership. The job goes inhabitants—alligators , snakes HAPPY DAYS-Linda Washington, and brilliantly plumed waterfowl. Mansfield, Oh i. Columnists to the man whose party wins control of the House of Commons. Socialists In routine an Atlanta hospital for a physical checkup King Tides up to 10 feet were pre¬ peratures jumped to the 60's Wednesday. Good n« Either Wilson or Douglas- said: "T'm deeply moved, grat¬ continuing through the weekend. —' Take Turns Home will be the person the ified and honored to be chosen dicted in the Ten lands, a section of the Ever¬ Thousand Is¬ glades which fringes the coast, winner of the U.S. presidential i Nov. 3 vs o deal Postpone for such a significant award. "I do not consider this merely I and the Weather Bureau warned tornadoes might strike out ahead Spending Cats Blamed Expounding with puzzling campaign, Britain's Decision an a honor to me tribute to personally, but the discipline, wise The "MSU Pulse Beat" will restraint, and majestic courage be taking the t disorderly this century, of the millions of gallant Negroes pulse of pus beginning Friday every produced contradictory clues as The MSU Socii Club voted and white persons of good will Space Lag Criticized - :ome of voting. nonviolent day in the State News. Wednesday night to postpone any 28 million men and seeking to establish a Johnson Each day, four it of an eligible 36mil- decision of affiliating with the W. E. B. DuBois Clubs of Amer¬ i reign of justic ica, a group which FBI Director Russians can put a man on the J. Edgar Hoover described as Campaigns Russians in space travel is from cuts in spending and lack of moon now but they need more research on the medical aspects "a Marxist youth organization established by the U.S. Com- King said every dollar of the prize money would be spent on the civil rights n "'upstairs," of the flight, Krzywoblocki said. Party." For Kennedy the Maria right decisions Z. Krzywoblocki, MSU Brian Keleher, East Lansing King is the 12th American and nior and vice-president of the the 3rd Negro to be awarded the professor of research engineer¬ He pointed out that they may be aiming for a moon landing post- peace prize. Ralph J. Bunche, ing, told the State News Wednes- President Johnson drew a in 196", the 50th anniversary illow club members u.N. undersecretary for special warm greeting Wednesday on a of the Russian revolution, nearly themselves with the political affairs, was the first New York trip to campaign with y about the DuBois American Negro so awarded win¬ three years ahead of the planned , Robert F. Kennedy, who is run¬ U.S. landing. ha*e reduced a1^ ning the prize in 1950. He sent ning for the U.S. Senate against rying to push any- Klng a ietler Republican Sen. Kenneth B. Krzywoblocki, who worked with mineralization 5," he said. He immediately a Keating. Dr. Warner von Braun on the Artificial gravity may no ■ evidence he has innounced. Crowds i of from 500 to 5,000 "Trip to Mars," said the probUm. Krzywobl^ki said. indicate that the (l 1 h from LaGuardia $40 billion Apollo project ° * w abJ the US any affili- Communist striking international recognition like throwing money out weightlessy,iess 011 the A' ' * the cause and struggle of the College q{ f the human heart to Qutub is majoring in p . of American Negro for full equality letter sent to U.S. in tj,e American society and for -and possible changes water and geophysics anc He said a to return to Jerusalemafte police departments by the FBI fun participation in the main- Gets Factory vessels or nerve con- many space of American life," Accompanying them was trol of the heart, that might pletion of his studies, on Oct. 1 contained no documen- stream result in black-out, even death, Any suggestions for the i indicate that such Bunche wrote. Kennedy's wife, Ethel, who got a Kalamazoo kiss from the President when he during the stresses of re-entry. Pulse Beat" should be i KALAMAZOO the proud affiliation e The other Negro Nobel Peace Qutub at the State News. College I i become Schiff, New Rochelle, stepped from his plane. $450,000 steel plant. Prize winner was South African Kennedy, running as thecandi- i N.Y., graduate student and pres¬ leader Albert Luthuli, in 1960. The manufacturing facilities ident of the Socialist Club, saic date of the Democratic and Lib¬ and property were deeded to the a statement by club advisor eral parties, had been mentioned No Tuition Raise college by the Ingersoll division Albert Karson which appeared for the Democratic vice presi¬ of Borg-Warner Corporation in the Lansing State Journal was dential nomination until Johnson sity and was awarded the John F. ruled cabinet members out of yesterday. Kennedy Prize by the Catholic Council for Cooperation Between consideration. The 194,000 square foot plant Karson, who was not present For'S' Children the Races, in Chicago. The brother of the late Presi- over a period of years was used ' dent John F. Kennedy has scoffed for production of farm imple- King, 35, had been rumored as at reports of any coolness an award candidate for months. between him and Johnson and has el- portion of the c He will receive the Nobel gold Increased t 3 pays a ing units, heating equipment, endorsed Johnson regularly in ementary and secondary school education in East Lansing o special types of prefabricated The group itself is very small. medal and diploma and the cash campaign speeches. KRZY W0BL0CKI Nixon Visits children outside the East Lans¬ basis of the number ildren wYio attend. of MSU i heavy pro- Schiff s prize, which this year is $53,123, ing district will probably not ducer pects of their lead', Krzywot Former Vice President Rich- affect MSU parents at this time, housing is tax ex- during is I t fair said: two University sources agreed empt," he said, t "If the Russians read the ard Nixon will speak at the Lan- ask the local school board to Wednesday. he thinks will hurt President moon first they will make t a sing Civic Center Friday as part furnish education without a tax MSU, which helps pay con¬ Johnson most—Bobby Baker. colony and forbid any other) un_ of the Republican national cam¬ struction costs of grad schools Lase to levy the cost against." In speeches in Omaha and Kan¬ paign. Pierson and Lamphear try to land tl in the district, the rates for Both sas City, the Republican presi¬ Admission to the balcony will He agreed with Astror kindergarteners through sixth consider the tuition jump part dential nominee said Johnson had Scott Carpenter t h i he free, although the luncheon is of the operating costs of the graders went from $197.31 to forced a delay in the Baker in¬ Russian's latest three-man space act a a $50 a plate event, Alan C. $221.25 and secondary from married housing project. Young Republicans vestigation until after election vehicle Voskhod might be capable Harnisc nd Deckerville junior, $302.64 to $335.69. the East Lan¬ because it would "lead right of acircumlunar mission or could presidei sing B straight into the White House it- be a prelude to a lunar :ed. telf." The Voskhod indicates i The board said the t u i t i o n charge to MSU helps cover costs WhatU of educating children of married "What the heck iB Felch?" Vote On Governor, Too students. Merrill R. Pierson, assistant This question is currently be¬ rg asked in Fee Dormitory. It treasurer, said he doubts that A Michigan gubernatorial elec¬ appears that a group of imagina¬ tion will be included in the mock 'Cupid' Recovers the married students' rent will tive chaps from the fourth floor presidential election to be held of West Fee selected "House of Everything is under control to¬ :o meet the tuition hike. here in conjunction with other Felch" as its official house name. day in the Computer Center. The Ray D. Lamphear, manager of Big Ten schools next Tuesday. 3600 data processsing machine, Customarily, students select The election, co-ordinated by Trustee Meeting better known as "TheCupidCom- narried rent housing, said that the in married housing was house names that begin with the first two letters of their dorm. the Daily Illini, student news¬ puter," underwent scheduled 1(3 increased recently, but "not spe- Recommendations f • i" i in- When these men could find no paper at the University of 111: maintenace yesterday g cifically to pay for this." being sponsored here provements in campus buildings MSU electronic matrhmaki.f; However, one of the reasons adequate name beginning with .by Ur Bovd and AlMJniver- >s °n the agend; . r: **v- 1S ..In- V •»>#»:, .LJWV*™ • "te", tiwiy created their own sity Student Government (AUSG). xord. cmputtr Dar.c "We decided to add the guber¬ immediately, the house divided natorial race here because of The delay w of children from marrie ,r,to pro-Felchists and anti- CANOE CAPERS-Jim Hardee, Detroit junior and West Show Canoe Race chairman, gives some the high interest in it," Dick aid Eldon Gar lock attending East Lansi Felchists. After considerable pointers to Donna Fay, Cheboygan, Wis., sophomore and Pom Poor, New Rochelle, N.Y., soph¬ . Sawdey, Union Board president the e all 600 participating happily matched. schools. Pierson explained t .urmoil, the pro-Felchists won. omore, who will be competing in Saturday's race for West Akers. Photo by Ricki Gilbert and Battle Creek senior, said. Thursday, October 15, 1964 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Point Of View------------------ EDITORIALSpmmm- EDP Help, Not Hindance Barry's F status of Michi¬ and issues which previously had Law Of current gan The State's future growth pros¬ to be decided on an a priori or in¬ Is pects was the basis of the re¬ tuitive base. It can communicate new movements, new break¬ By Terry K. Adams port made by John E. Dietrich to the faculty Tuesday. Dietrich, as throughs and new innovations s Note: Terry K. Adams, L rising sophomore, is a poli- director of the controversial Ed¬ from one segment of the Univer¬ tical :ience major. ucational Development Program, sity to the other. in tJ c of the current presidential campaign, "freedom" is the man whose office will help "Finally, it is hoped that it can seems to be Senator Goldwater's catchword and highest goal. It crops up innumerable times in both of his major books, in his news¬ determine the pattern of the Uni¬ help stimulate faculty thinking paper column, and one laudatory biography is subtitled "Freedom about academic and curricular is His Flight Plan." versity's growth for a number of word as a symbol makes desirable a improvement throughout the Uni¬ the Senator and his fans intend it. years. Dietrich's report included a versity." eems that the Goldwaterites aspire to There can be little question at philosophical anarchism. The term is-synonymous with the absence summary of the program's his¬ of all federal governmental activity. To Barry and his ilk, the en¬ tory, which has been one of slow¬ this point, in a time of the great¬ larging role of national government has been destructive of funda¬ mental American liberties. Social Security, Medicare, TVA, and ly overcoming the objections of est growth in the University's Aid to Education are viewed as intolerably oppressive. faculty members and of making it history, that such work is need¬ In fact, there are few Americans who feel themselves so op¬ clear that EDP is necessary and ed, and that continued innova¬ pressed. Rather, these programs provide a tions must be made. Enrollment is here to stay. The goals of EDP But here i : of the "oppression": to pay for these pro¬ --finding ways of making better is going to continue to increase. grams, taxes must be levied, and thus the sanctity of the pseudo- conservative wallet is broken. Horror of Horrors! Remove Holy education available to more stu¬ Only careful planning such as this Money? Neverl... dents in the University even with report indicates is now going on When speaking on the national level, of course, they argue that, will enable all these things to take being good federalists, they only want these programs carried out the possibility that expenditures on the state level. Hah! Watch their performance on the state level. per student may be decreased-- place without a decline in the There tocr, they .demand a minimum of action. All, of course under value of an education here. the banner of '"local responsibility." have sparked much hot discussion In the cities, they oppose municipal government expansion (note Education at MSU is improv¬ record on the Phoenix City Council), crying "individual among people who felt that the B. G.'s initiative." Down, down, down the rabbit-hole we go.... value of study here will be com¬ ing with growth, and will continue This policy of opposing all effective governmi activity aimed promised by such growth. to improve as more and more at the general welfare clasifies Goldwater as a " Dietrich's report makes it areas of the University's func¬ in the basest, most selfish sense of the word. In e be called a laissez-fare Manchester liberal. tions come under close scrutiny plain that MSU is not about to be¬ But the Manchester liberals (James Mill, young JohnStuart Mill) come an education factory. Rath¬ and undergo whatever revisions were ardent champions of civil liberties for all men, and laissez- may appear to be advisable. And That, Ladies and Gentlemen, Was Senator Goldwater's fare economics was only an integral part of their doctrine. Perhaps er, the quality of education is this is where Barry stands? Hardly! ^vxnvhf.T and diversity of the Military Policy He and his '^'r <"■- euu (or per¬ likely to improve specific study projects which haps the end is not yet in Sight). You c an today find Barry's Boys the careful study of objectives and manning any number of witch-hunting cc mmittees, "investigating" methods which has gone on since have been undertaken office give an indication of the by the EDP —^Letters To The Editor supremacist orthodoxy, showing their nationalist, white- respect whatever for the Bill of before the official establishment Passes? Rights as applied to their victims. of the Educational Development potential scope of the program. 'Meet Your Leaders' To the Editor: Barry exhorts the "majority" of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants All areas of teaching and admin¬ Far deep in the night, to overthrow the "minority groups" that conspire to oppress them. Program office last April. To see that all The rights of Negroes must be left to the discretion of Bull Connor, istration here are likely to be ex¬ Just a short note congratulat¬ The report Tuesday said of the Our affairs are just right." ing the team spirit. They really George Wallace, or any other racist who happens to be in power. amined On a cold Tuesday night, EDP office: in the same manner, as played their hear This, then, is the essence of Barry's ideal of "freedom": we are Of October the 6, free to be poor, free to be unemployed, free to have no medical this limited number of courses "And we've had our problems, ' It can help to facilitate the de¬ Our dear student leaders Wr jUjt £Ot a bad break, expert" to the coach, comes the care in our old age, free to be driven out of business by the eco¬ and departments are now being Were in quite a fix. oligarchy, free to hold the opinions and beliefs passed down velopment of new academic ideas, 1 o tell you the truth, question, "Why so few passes?" nomic examined, as the University I made a mistake." Is Sieve Juday so terrible that by our masters, and last but not least, free to be beaten, bombed, procedures and methods. It can In the bottom of Shaw, enslaved by. any of the self-proclaimed Master Race braces and builds for its future They awaited a crowd, and local governmental power who dislikes our race, reli- develop research data for a more Not a person they saw. But Bobby, dear Bobby, plausibly, does Mr. Daugherty scientific resolution of problems role. I've a comment to make, like to see us stopped every gion, i ideology. But two guys from East, Perhaps we, last Spring, time we run through the middle? Social Darwinism is declared supreme: survival of the fittest is And three more from West. declared the first and only law of life. Made the biggest mistake. We've gqt a good team, why not They - use it? Come on Duffy, let the The- Law of the Jungle offers the only true freedom' Let us pro¬ In v n for tl claim it with joy from the treetops! And quarterback call a few. Bobby was missing, ... And You Take Your Choice From AUSG, He was sick in a bed, House Springs, Mo., sophoi "Lao Tzu" As sick as could be. The voter registration polls morning in dormitories, Berkey Hall, the International Center and "Oh, well," said a leader, To the still waiting five, Minister Acclaims Mississippi Workers n of that are closed and any students eli¬ "Come to McDonel, It was my privilege to be in Mississippi and to attend a Fourth While in Canton, I met and talked with men •the Union. area of Mississippi who are persons of great stature, men and wom¬ gible to vote Nov. 3 who are not That should be quite alive." Congressional District voter registration rally near Canton, Miss, en of deep faith and courage who are struggling for a just society, registered will have to wait until In addition to giving students a on Oct. 3, the day that the FBI arrested Sheriff Rainey and Deputy threatened in every moment of their existence by the whole power But o'er in McDonel Price along with three other officers of the law in Meridian (which next time. But there is still a chance to make their choice of a is in the 4th Congressional District). structure of that community and state with nowhere to turn for pro¬ tection because the normal source of protection against violence chance for students both over and presidential candidate, the ten- There was our Bobby, There is not much hope that they will be sentenced, although the and death, the police force, is for them the source of physical beat¬ Feeling just fine. maximum penalty for the crime for which they were indicted is only under 21 to put in their vote for university vote may act as a bar¬ So again they all waited, 10 years (abridgement of the rights of a citizen) because recent ings and even death. ometer of opinion in the Midwest. For a crowd to appear, On this same week-end sixteen United States Congressmen wrote the best man, whoever that may Mississippi legislation requires unanimity by the jury in all jury They needed some people, trials; one dissenting vote hangs the jury and in effect, acquits the a letter to President Johnson requesting the establishment of some With a potential voting populace of branch offices of the FBI in Mississippi and a branch office of the be. Their wisdom to hear. well over 200,000 students in sev¬ "But why," said those present, Civil Rights Commission. Some further Federal actii Union Board and All-Univer¬ There were some 350-400 Negroes and about 20 civil rights work¬ A scant eight or nine, I say that it was a privilege to be in Mississippi at that en states, the mock election may ers at the rally. Many of the civil rights workers were students who sity Student Government are par¬ "was there no information came this summer and stayed on despite living in continual dangers cause of the hope of justice which these arrests stirred in t give a good idea of who is strong meeting so fine?" of these people. For the first time someone with the powi ticipating in an all-Big Ten mock, On a of bodily harm and death. violence and to punish its perpetrators was acting. in this part of the nation. "It's this way," said Bobby, For example, the COFO headquarters in Meridian was shot into at presidential election next Tues¬ With a look of dismay, 2 a.m. Sunday after the rally. Fortunately the workers had chosen to The most amazing thing about the Mississippians whom I met is This is an opportunity to make "Warren and I have not their courage, as great as that is, but their faith and hope, their day. All students should consider remain in Canton for the night instead of driving back to Meridian confident willingness to risk all for freedom and justice despite the their choice and register their a choice, and not be satisfied to after dark. At the same time the COFO Freedom House in Vicksburg was bombed. Vicksburg is 68 m great odds which are arrayed against them. I was forced to wonder vote when the polls open Tuesday be an echo of national opinion. how many of us would persist in any fight for a just cause with such odds against us. John S. Duley Tickets Vot Presbyterian University Pastor Title VIII Makes To the Editor: □□□nnoEi enema and national origin and deter¬ mining the extent to which per¬ the South by threatening to en¬ Supporters of the title state to a United States Court of Ap- igan Why should a student at Mich¬ State stand at any home EBE1E3 □□□□□□□ □□□nana □□□ □□□□ □□DB □□□n nan that the purpose of this section peals. football game? ACROSS 23 Heavy m articles on the 1964 civil sons are registered to vote and force section 2 of the fourteenth is to protect the right to vote Title IX further states' that if The University is supposedly 24. Existed □B annnan 1. Transpor- amendment. from unjust restrictions. Though a case is deemed of generalpub- for the students, and certainly 25. Sack L1G3QCOEJD E3DDB rights bill. It is written by □□□□ □□□□□an A survey similar to this one can In effect this clause gives Con¬ this section would provide the lie importance by the attorney there can be no University with¬ 4' Constella- James Spaniolo, Cassopolis be made again in connection with gress the right to reduce the data to help enforce all of the general and is in relation to the out the students. □□anno □□ freshman. the 1970 census and at any other representation in the House of fourteenth amendment, the main denial of equal protection of the This being true, how can the 7. Snakes □□□ bbqb aaa Title VIII, the registration arid times Congress decrees. Representatives to those states objective is not to threaten or laws on account of race, color, 11. Discordant □□□□ □□□□□□□ Title VIII concludes that no deny eligible citizens the harass any state, but to assist religion or .national origin, he 14. Daughter □aoQ □□□□□□□ voting statistics section, author¬ person will be made to divulge •ight t< in bringing about suffrage for may intervene on behalf of the of Tantalus izes the secretary of commerce te.) in line for a place to stand? □□aa □□□□□□□ his race, color or national ori¬ Uni 15. Store in a to conduct a survey compiling pointed out It could be mentioned that there silo registration and voting statistics. gin or be questioned about his of t are 76,000 seats in our stadium, 16. Hartebeest The Civil Rights Commission political affiliation or how he since its adoption in 1868. Another ivill grant special privi- and that 32,000 students should 17. Tibetan has the responsibility of recom¬ voted. Finally, everyone partic¬ complaint is that this survey is i "civil rights" litigants sheep language mending the specific geographic ipating in this survey is to be to be taken only in the areas effect, stultify the state Should there be 76,000 stu¬ 18. Write a 6. Concernln areas for the surveys to be taken. informed of his right not to dis¬ prescribed by the Civil Rights civil rights law, but did not pass dents, the entire stadium should 7. Donkey ourts In addition, they say it close this information. Commission, instead of being without controversy. The title be reserved exclusively for the 8. Peduncle :he right of the federal Opponents of this section of amends the United States Code, strlPs o judge whether a "civil student body. 10. Redolence the law claim that it is an at- Chris Gage, '68 rights" longs in state 12 Honest - Dale Knab, '67 13. Girl's nam or Federal court, Proponents of William Albert, '67 17. Hang t previously read a state 7 2 3 4 3 * 6 9 " federal that in many cas referred back to the federal judge r MICHIGAN ;n 13 STATE NEWS " e Th< " STATE ap- . UNIVERSITY pealed. The code now reads that this title, they say, is No More IBM 14 15 23. Remote a "civil rights" case, after be- "civil rights" litigants a 24. Gossamc IB appeal their cases ft 17 25. Suit Editor John VanGieson ing back to the original state court, can be appealed directly to hostile Southern state To the Editor: /A % to % 21 26. Purchase Sheen Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Associa¬ Advertising Manager Arthur Langer I have recently heard that be¬ ginning next term, the Univer¬ 19 % % 27. Wide* tion, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Campus Editor Managing Editor .CharlesC. Wells Liz Hyman sity will replace the type of registration it has been using by n % 23 % ** 27 % 20 29. Letter Policy ts Published every class day throughout fall, Wire Editor Sports Editor Hugh J. Leach Richard Schwartz a new method involving IBM. %% % J/ :• winter and spring terms and twice weekly Ass't. Advertising Manager ..Ken Hoffman Marcy Rosen Is this true? If so, this would mean, I under¬ Z1 30 % %35 summer State term University. by the students of Michigan Photography Advisor Dave Jaehnig all letters I stand, that students could no longer arrange their schedules 33 %37 34 % Bill Marshall Circulation Manager 1 34 WO " individually. Night Editor ..Jj* J. 40' Second c'ftss postage paid at East Lansing, Copydesk Advisor Henry Price W spaced if possible. Longer letters it nor any real advantage to this 37. Michigan. News Advisor Richard E. Hansen 43 Kitty 41 Editorial and business dent Services offices at 341 Stu¬ Building, Michigan State Uni¬ Editorial Editors Susan Filson, Michael Kindman No unsigned letters will be printe Mary Letts % colloq. 38 Morsel on request. The State News reservi versity, East Lansing, Michigan. letters to fit space requirements. Lansing sophomore Thursday, October 15, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Calendar Detroit Industrial Vote OLIN •HOSPITAL of Coming Events REPORT I Encourages Romney Genetics-Botany a n Retailing Club Meeting — 7 Pathology Seminar — Dn, 304 s.m., 34 Union. Admissions include: Janet Nat. Sci. Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club Langland, Grandville senior; Biochemistry Seminar — 4 — 7 p.m., 146 Giltner. Enroute With Romney, (UPI)— Romney said in answer to a Romney also said yesterday Nancy C. Lewis, Detroit senior; p.m., 101 Biochemistry. Gov. George Romney indicated listener's telephoned question, the award of the Nobel Peace Joanne Greenstein, Algonac Crop Science Seminar — 4 Threat to Johnson Results in Arrests Wednesday he was greatly en¬ "I have made it clear I will not Prize to Dr. Martin Luther King couraged about his chances of endorse Sen. Goldwater. I have "was a tribute to him and to sophomore; and Linda Kerley, Birmingham sophomore. p.m., 300 Ag. Hall. Hunting To Open Entomology Seminar —4 p.m., CORPUS CHRISTI-A reported death threat against the President making inroads on the Demo¬ made it clear I will not vote for those courageous Negroes whose 401 Nat. Sci. has resulted in raids and arrests in Corpus Christi, Texas. But cratic industrialized areas Johnson. non-violent protest aroused the On Private Land authorities say the man who made the threat is still on the loose. Sheriff Johnnie Mitchell says he believes a death threat was made around Detroit. I am entitled to determine my "The abuse and violence they Coed Giv Psychology O'loquium p.m., Ill Olds Hall. — 4 The governor visited the High¬ At least 100,000 acres of pri¬ endured without retaliation was Delta Phi Epsilon Lecture — by a former mental patient. He said the man being sought wanted a "fully automatic weapon." land Park Chrysler plant and stayed 20 minutes longer than he cast it as I see fit." One woman criticized him for an epic story in the struggle for NSA Du 7:30 p.m., 33 Union. Lecture-Concert Series (B) — vate are lands in southern Michigan going to be open to public had planned. not supporting Goldwater and freedom and the inalienable hunting by special arrangement Publishers, Unions Asked to Reconsider Later, he said many of the called him "selfish." rights endowed to each person Dianne Ruppe, Grosse Pointe 8:15 p.m., Warsaw Philharmonic, senior, has been appointed during the region's small game DETROIT-Detroit's newspaper publishers and two striking craft workers told him they were go¬ "My position is not selfish," by h season starting next Sunday. unions have been urged to reconsider their basic positions in end¬ speech before the Repub¬ National Student Association co¬ Engineering Wives — 8 p.m., ing to split their ticket—voting he said. "It is based on princi¬ 110 The conservation department lican Club of Wayne State Uni¬ ordinator here. Engineering. ing the city's 93-day-old newspaper strike. Democratic in the presidential ple." Carribbean Club — 9 p.m., 35 says that is the amount of land A three-man special commission appointed by Governor Romney race and Republican in the gub¬ At the Chrysler plant, Romney versity Tuesday, Romney alien¬ Miss Ruppe has been a mem¬ enrolled under this fall's cooper¬ ated considerable support from ber of Student Congress where urged labor and management to take up bargaining again and if no ernatorial contest. talked to a number of plant stew¬ ative hunting club program. Un¬ the youth of the GOP, according she was on the Congress Busi¬ Tri-Beta -- 7:30, Old College agreement is reached by Oct. 26th, submit all their unresolved is¬ "I was very encouraged by the ards who said they wanted Presi¬ ness Organizations Committee Hall Union. der that plan...l6-hundred far¬ sues to some neutral person or persons. warmth shown me by the Negro dent Johnson at the national level to club president Bill Macintosh. mers have volunteered to make but hoped to see Romney retained Romney's statement that he ie Election Re- Pershing Rifles Pledge Meet¬ workers," he said. He credited it easier for city-dwelling Soviet Cosmonauts Ready to Go Again their feelings to the fact that at the state level. would not endorse Republican ing — 7 p.m., Dem Hall Ball- sportsmen to find places to hunt. MOSCOW-The three Soviet cosmonauts from the world's first Democrats fought the new con¬ Romney's schedule Wednesday Presidential nominee Barry group space flight met with scientists Wednesday, went through stitution and labeled the document called for visits with workers at Goldwater "because the Repub¬ medica) checks, and said later they were ready for another cosmic "a snare and an illusion" in the major factories in the Detroit lican Party is not a party of STORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 trip. area, including the Jones and goose-stepping conformists' WEDNESDAY NOON UNTIL I Speculation swelled, however, that one of the passengers felt ill, "But it wasn't," Romney said. Laughlin Steel Co. and Chrysler. was not fair, said Macintosh. cutting short the flight of space ship Voskhod (Sunrise) after 16 orbits "It was the 'real McCoy'." of the earth. In a radio broadcast from Dallas FBI Agent Transferred to Seattle Garden City (WERB), Romney Student Employment Opportunities again raised the possibility he DALLAS-The Times Herald said Wednesday that FBI Agent Ken would not vote for GOP presi¬ MALE: Dormitory custodians, public address system announcer, Howe, in charge of the security section in the Dallas FBI office dential candidate Barry Gold- V and survey work for engineers, kitchen work in Kellogg Nov. 22 when President Kennedy was assassinated, has been trans¬ ferred to Seattle. The newspaper in its copyrighted story gave no reason for the transfer. Earlier, the Times Herald said Howe had been reassigned from his supervisory position to the routine jobs of an agent. Andresen Has spend your Military Rule to Remain in Viet Mam New Position leisure hours in soft SAIGON-Prospects for the pledged quick switch of South Viet Nam John W. Andresen, a member from military to civilian government went glimmering Wednesday. of the MSU Forestry Department Bertlyn casuals... This development followed a week of unusually heavy casualties in the U.S.-backed war against the Communist Viet Cong. for four years, has been appointed chairman of Southern Illinois For the Bes Reliable sources disclosed that, through a complicated deal worked the smart, good- University's Forestry Depart- out with the 17-man High NationalCouncil, the military triumvirate which supposed to step «3cmii Oct. 2? in Italian was <■, A /ratire of Sew York City, (oo*my feather ecutive power until some time next year. Andresen received his bachelor's degree with high honors from the slip-ons that Senator Hits Postponement of Baker Probe New York StateUniversitySchool WASHINCiTON-Sen. John J. of Forestry a t Syracuse. H e Williams, R-Del., who helped pre¬ cipitate the Senate' Bobby Baker investigation, said Wednesday the earned his doctorate in forestry pamper your feet. from the State University of New postponement of further hearings until after the election shows a "careless disregard for any semblance of moral integrity." Jersey at Rutgers. He currently Is doing research HOME-MADE LASAGNA Sizes S,M,ML,L,XL. President Johnson, by his determined refusal to repudiate Baker and !;is associates, has injected the question of morals and cor¬ in taxonomy and ecology of pines A. Vamp overlay. ruption into this campaign as a major issue," Williams added in a of southwestern North America. He is the newly-elected s SPAGHETTI Black, white, tary of the silviculture s Ike Probably Won't Head Viet Nam Mission of the Society of American Fores- T BONE STEAK wine 4.00 GETTYSBURG, Pa.-Former President.Dwight D. Elsenhower, And many other Italian-American Dishes B. Perforated vamp. on his 74th birthday to comment on the prospect he might go asked Wood Structure to Viet Nam, said they probably would want a younger man for the Air Conditioned-Open for Lunch at 11 Daily, 4 Sun. Black, job. The question referred to a recent proposal by Republican Presi¬ Finally Explained g dential Candidate Barry Goldwater that if elected, he would ask For the curious onlookers who honey. 4.00 head up a mission to seek peace in Viet Nam. An ideal place for your noontime meal. Eisenhower to have speculated about wood structure Just we Meningitis Claims 14th Victim at Ft. Ord International Center (corral? missile site? gladitorial arena?) FT. ORD, Calif.-Meningitis at Ft. Ord has claimed its 14th victim the mystery's been solved. this year. It's a storage place for i Pvt. Gordon H. Baker Jr., 22, of Whittier, Calif., died Tuesday of workmen's machinery still the type of meningitis that has killed 12 other army trainees at Ord 211 M.A.C. ACROSS FROM KNAPP'S ED 7-1668 needed for the completion of the and the infant daughter of a soldier stationed at the camp. Baker center's basement. was Ord's 85th meningitis case this year. and in the Iniititinnal manner Ph.D. Sport Coats —soft in line— WKWiM soft in a wide variety of colors JM W&L and patterns and in a great I collection of fabrics. If you want if ' the natural look in sportswear }M (and you should), see our Ph.D.1 take it lively- go long, lean and leggy in our s-t-r-e-t-c-h mates Live the active life in stretch-with-you and Zesty • • • rayon pi.©. THE EXCITING helanca nylon separates. Blue, evergreen, SPORT COATS FROM 39" DISCOTHEQUE beige, biack U-neck top. S,M,L. 12.98 Suits and Overcoats 69" to 255™ COIFFURE Proportioned stretch Wash and Wear Slacks 5" to 8" pant. 8-16 sizes. 12.98 Sweeping the country . . . the graceful movement and Cotton knit turtle lively tempo of^the Discotheque dance characterizes Drew Slack? W*4 this delightful new hair style. It is a c hic and shining neck shirt, in 12 "do" designed to dance the night away. For your most lors. S,M,L 3.00 important appointment with beauty, and the Discoth- que, call ED 2-2369 'FAMOUS BRANDS for DAD & LAD" Jacobso HOLDENfgREID! BEAUTY SACON IN "RANCOR SHOPPING CENTS* j| Thursday, October 15,1 964 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan To Har GUY'S 'N GAL'S Optimism Endangers Health Bouquet LEVI'S*! Diseases Don't Discriminate cal well-being is dangerous when being coupled with a lack of Feurig said the necessary in¬ be presented in By Bar STA-PREST® it causes a person not to seek medical attention during the early educational programs and informational discourage people formation must a clear cut, logical, and une¬ KANSAS Truman, CITY liPrHar sporting blue-! | The idea that a serious disease stages of a disease. This opti¬ from following a program of dis¬ quivocal form to do any real pajamas and a slight shiner, | will always strike the other fel- mism is most pronounced re¬ smallpox and tetanus up in his bed yesterday apparent^ AT . . . ► low first is an attitude held by garding cancer, a disease is using as examples, he said that people He cited the case of tobacco ly taking a philosophical view o | many Americans, according to which early detection is of su¬ with a complacent attitude and a the bathtub fall that put him ii ► results of a servey conducted by preme importance, he added. saying that the information re¬ lack of knowledge think that these the hospital. leased to the public regarding | the University of Michigan School "This attitude causes people to (Ehf ► cf Public Health. neglect having routine physical diseases cannot be found in this the predisposition of cancer to Hospital personnel - President They feel that these of tobacco was incon- iO-year-old for [ This finding stands out in the examinations which might un¬ country. the use r despite two • 18-i.ionth long, nation-wide study cover a condition that should be diseases only occur in "other ^'pitrtsmristrr | jf hwlth attitudes and behavior. treated promptly," said Feurig. self-assurance people places" and neglect to have a con¬ tinuing program of immunization. broken ribs and s ne congestion | Dr. James S. Feurig, director "The "However, the situation is After the initial scare caused TRIP PLANNING-Bennett Sondefur, professor of geoloyy, Ironically, he I d picked yes- » of Olin Health Center, agreed with have regarding their health also a decrease in the use of to¬ has serious implications when changing," he said. "A lot of discusses upcoming plans for a tour of the iron and copper terday for his first formal speech | the results of the survey, and time and effort is being consumed bacco, the program lost momen¬ in the Upper Peninsula, during the Men's Club Lunch* in the presidential campaign. It applied to the present age of areas • said: tum. The use of tobacco is slow¬ toward the dissemination of Tuesday. photo by Oave Sykes was expected that the taped J "Complacency of this type is preventive medicine. health information." ly reaching its old heights again. eon, speech would be broadcast last ► dangerous." "The feeling of physical weli- The optimistic feeling of physi¬ night as scheduled. The first flowers to be de¬ CIC Announces "HETMMP livered to Truman's $33-a-day suite came from the target of that political broadside—Sen. Barry Goldwater. Grad Program A card "Get accompanying the dozen well. No campaign is MSU graduated students are gineering are among those who worth the namfe without you." have traveled to other schools eligible to apply for admission Truman's comment: "That's to the Traveling Scholar Pro¬ to supplement their studies. one for the books." The plan also crosses disci¬ gram, sponsored by 11 univer¬ Go-Id water, the Republican sities, the Committee on Insti¬ plinary as well as institutional presidential candidate, was tutional Cooperation (CIC) has boundaries. A student majoring speaking in Kansas City about announced. in comparative literature used the same time the flowers were Through this program, the stu¬ the program to get special train¬ delivered. His opening remarks dents will be enabled to study ing in Romance languages; three were that he had a cold and "if at the University of Chicago, Uni¬ medical students had the oppor¬ my old friend Harry didn't have Never Needs versity of Illinois, Indiana Uni¬ versity, State University of Iowa, the University of Michigan, Mich¬ tunity to take science courses available at the graduate school of a nearby university but not so much trouble wish it on already, 1 might him." He quickly added: "1 wish him my prayers for a offered by their home medical Ironing! igan State University, University of \ecatty, Omo State Oniversity, V>>- - "The plan has attracted nation¬ wide attention," said Stanley F. speedy were Truman recovery." and the family maid alone in the big oldTruman Purdue University an'l the Uni¬ home in Independence when he versity of Wisconsin. ?!awak, director of theCIC, "and fell Tuesday afternoon, striking The Traveling Scholar plan applications indicate that the pro¬ his head and chest against the makes the procedure for crossing gram will be used even more in the coming year." institutional lines as simple as MSU was host to three Travel¬ possible. A student requests per¬ mission from his graduate ad¬ ing Scholars last year in the field of agricultural education. Distribution visor to study for a semester In addition, two Michigan State or two quarters on another cam- Service Set Do a-SWdeyiSampler9 Necessary arrangements are students attended other CIC uni¬ versities as Traveling Scholars. Spartan Spirit is now offer- Shopper Swapper-? Dopt/T&nt tb have then made by the graduate ad¬ visor and an appropriate pro¬ They were Salvadore I-ajardo, who studied romance languages at to any organization sponsoring the wid en a string? Doyovfavearwd de- fess r at the host university, the University of Chicago, and with the approval of the deans Richard B. Sturgis, who studied an all-University event. "We will get out signs and pub¬ Sireto grttltag Well tupt 94 of their respective schools. sociology at Michigan. Any graduate student inter¬ licity through representatives in botiops tbm niiey's cm cm to Super fees The student registers, pays his and receives credit at his ested should obtain approval of the dorms and will also help plan publicity," Jim Tanck, Spartan vmder or if you m x&j enou<&; b ctfich home university, yet is enabled Milton E. Muelder, vice presi¬ Spirit director and Waterford, Wis., Junior, said. one 01 %erSawipfer3 little mperj at tkir would not be available to him dent for research development Distribution will be on Mon¬ dean of the School for Ad¬ days, Wednesdays and Fridays. &2&on&wid Aim iront on his own campus. Under the Traveling Scholar vanced Graduate Studies. Organizations having material to be distributed should bring it to plan, work undertaken at the host 9-5 dmy ^ Gie&w- university is tailored to fit in¬ the Spartan Spirit office in 318 day before. dert omtier litydixk even wrttoi dividual needs, a fact under¬ Students Services the 5Z ! O.Kl I Go 'm scored by the diversity of fields in which the program has been Block9 Bridle "We're doing this to pqpmote attendance at all-University employed. events," Tanck explained. Students in political science, anthropology, veterinary medi¬ Org,anizes "We're not just a group to put on pep rallies. We're concerned cine, physics and mechanical en¬ The MSU Block and Bridle with anything that will help to Club formalized activities for the bring the student body closer to- coming year at their first meeting Tuesday night. Introducing Activities will include Student- Faculty Night, Oct. 27, an in¬ Proof Return formal get-together featuring a steak dinner. Informal initiation, Nov. 4, and Set Monday formal initiation Nov. 10, will Seniors can return their proofs be followed by a convention in for the '65 Wolverine to Room Chicago. The Fall Judging Con¬ 43 in the Union Monday through test will cortclude this term's Friday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Those who have not yet had Carl Mensing, president, said their pictures taken may still the club directs special effort make an appointment by coming to the Spring Round-Up, a horse to Room 43 or by calling 355- show judged to be one of the 7676. best in Michigan. The Lansing Fire Fighters' l Association Invites You To IVY TRIMCUTS ENJOY A SUNDAY EVENING OF GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! NO puckered seams-NO baggy Knees-NO wrinkled seat... but a crisp, fresh iooK you never lose! The . . AT THE LANSING in to stay, .washing after crease arid press are washing, wearing after wearing! Licensed under Civic Patent No. 2S7J432. Center SUNDAY, OCT. 18 7:30 P.M. New standard of road han¬ In Person Germany's finest entry in to the U.S. automobile dling ability and safety. market. There is no other Quite truly it sets new MICKEY SHARP car like it. '' A car with¬ automotive standards. and out parallel." JOHNNY GINGER Johnny Ginger See it and drive Buy Your STA PREST LEVIS $3.50 - $2.50 - $2.00 - $1.50 - $1.00 from our complete selection . . Al Edwards THIS COUPON WORTH $1.00 In exchange of purchase of a Reserved Sec¬ a style and size for you. tion Seat for Lansing Firefighter Fun Concert, ToddVl> ^ SPORTS CAR Sunday, October 18, Civic Center, Lansing. EXCHANGE THIS COUPON AT 616 N. Howard-Corner E. Saginaw 489-7596 CAMPUS MUSIC SHOP ARBAUGH'S - ■ East Lansing 401 S. Washington - Lapsing OVERSEAS CIVIC CENTER^ DELIVERY _ ARRANGED BENEFIT LANSING FIRE FIGHTERS' ASSN. Thursday, October 15. 1964 5 * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Agriculture Research Placement Bureau News-Strike Improves Efficiency Those companies Oct. 21 lnterview- and M). M Metallurgical Engineers (B, Radio Corporation of America Given To David Sarnoff Resear h Labs: DETROIT (UPI) Romney called it an "excellent MSU is living up to its repu¬ gress on the MSU campus and A special Douglas Aircraft Company Electrical, Mechanical Engi¬ report" and said the members tation as a pioneer in the field 12 outlying stations. governor's study committee has Aircraft Division: Civil, Elec¬ neers, Physics (D). M of agriculture, according to L. These projects, which are recommended procedures for unanimously recommended pro¬ trical and Mechanical Engineers, United State Steel Corporation: cedural methods for settling the M. Turk, dirctor of the Univer¬ aimed at improving agricultural settling Detroit's three-month- Physics (B.M.D), Applied Me¬ Metallurgical, Mechanical, Elec¬ old newspaper strike. strike. The governor said the sity's Agricultural Experiment efficiency, include the develop¬ chanics, Chemistry, Math, trical, Chemical and Civil Engi¬ methods had his unanimous en¬ Station. ment of new soil and forestry Governor George Romney said Chemical and Metallurgical En¬ neers (B). dorsement. There are about 350 agricul¬ conservation programs, newfeed Tuesday he would submit the re¬ gineers (M,D). M Fitzgerald Public Schools: port to the striking unions and As for the two sides in the dis¬ tural research projects in pro- processes and new pest controls. Douglas Aircraft Company Elementary Education K-6 (B) Romney said,—"the public Improved agricultural technol¬ representatives of the Detroit pute, Missile and Space Systems Di¬ (December and March Grads On¬ News and Detroit Free Press to¬ good will be served by their ogy has enabled farmers to make more profit while giving con¬ vision: Civil, Electrical and Me¬ ly). M/F day and make the study public agreeing to the procedures rec¬ Flreproofing Twelve Men sumers high-quality products at a relatively low cost. The aver¬ chanical Engineers. Physics (B, M.D), Applied Mechanics, Chem¬ The The General General Fireproofing this afternoon. ommended in this report." Romney said the commission istry. Math, Chemical Engineers, Company: All majors of the Col¬ made "a devoted effort" to settle Activated age Michigan farmer produces enough for himself and 28 other Metallurgical Engineers (M.D). leges of Arts and Letters, Bus¬ Metallurgical Engineers, all ma¬ the strike but the effort failed. M iness, Communication Arts and jors of the Colleges of Business, The commission's Members of Phi Kappa Tau people. recommen¬ General Aniline & Film Corp¬ Social Science (B) (December and Arts and Letters, Communica¬ dations in his words--"merit the recently activated t w e ' v e pled¬ The farmer's efficiency will oration: Chemistry (D). M/F M March Grads Only). M tion Arts, Social Science (B) ges. The new pledges are: John save the average American about highest public confidence." Gene: ' Motors Corporation General Motors Corporation (December and March Grads The governor emphasized the Andrews, Homer sophomore; $285 or a total of $15, billion in Central t-oundry Division: Met¬ AC Spark Plug Division: Elec¬ Larry Becker, Albany, N.Y. groceries this year alone. Only). M recommendations were on pro¬ allurgical, Mechanical, Electri¬ trical Engineers (B.M.D), Elec¬ Chevrolet Motor Division De¬ cedures and not issues and hei sophomore: Barry Brown, Lan¬ trical, Mechanical Engineers, cal Engineers, all majors of the troit Gear & Axle Warren Plant: sing sophomore: Bill DuComb, Birmingham sophomore: Jim International College of Business (B) (De¬ Physics (B). Electrical Engi¬ Mechanical, Electrical, Metal¬ said he would reveal procedures were at a news what the < con-] cember and March Grads Only). neers, Physics (B,M). M Eckl, Catskill, N.Y., sophomore; lurgical, Chemical Engoneers, ference in his Detroit office at) Don Karlson, Garden City, N.Y., Dance Slated M Detroit Diesel Division: Me¬ Chevrolet Motor Division: Me¬ chanical, Electrical, Metallurgi¬ Chemistry (B). M Chevrolet Motor Division Flint 1:30 p.m. today. j sophomore: Tom Kaulukukui, Romney announced results of{ The International Club will hold chanical Engineering (B), Math, cal Engineers, all majors of the Assembly: Mechanical, Electri¬ the commission's work after' Honolulu, Hawaii, sophomore; Thomas Pozarycki, Franklin its first mixer in the Union Ball¬ Accounting (B.M),Accounting Colleges of Business, Arts and cal, Math, all majors of the Col¬ meeting for more than two hours) SUMMER TRIP-Virginio Rock, assistcnt professor of Ameri- Letters, Communication Arts and room at 8 p.m. Friday. (B).M lege of Business (B) (December with commission chairman) can Thought and Language, stands in front of her Polish Square, N.Y., sophomore; Ma. tin Disc Jockeys from radio sta¬ Truck and Coach Dvision: Me¬ Social Science (B) (December and and March Grads Only). M Russell Smith, professor of law J painting and poster she collected while touring Europe. Roach, Morton Grove, 111., sopho¬ tion WBRS will be on hand, re¬ chanical Engineers (B). M March Grads Only). M Students must register at the at the Photo by Lorry Fritzlan more; Gareth Smith, Home University of Michigan,; freshments will be served, and Olin Mathieson Chemical Chevrolet Motor Dvision Flint Placement Bureau in person at and Clarence sophomore; Tony Wisniewski, Enflne & Metal Fabricating Hilberry,president\ Newport sophomore; and Bob a folk-singing group will enter¬ Corporation: Chemistry (M,D), least two days prior to date of of Wayne State University and a 1 tain at the dance, which is free Chemical Engineers, Mechanical Plants: Mechanical, Electrical, interview. zagorin, Lakewood, N.J., sopho- commission member. ATL Professo for all 1C members. Spartan Shop-Rite Market Back From America's good will ambass¬ ador to Poland has returned the V. \ Ci< c bringing with her a new under¬ standing of our differences and in English. Like American stu¬ -DAIRY DEPT.- a new respect for Polish-Amer¬ dents, they had difficulty organ¬ ican similarities. izing ideas, but Polish students GREEN GIANT LARGE . . . FRESH . . . GRADE A Miss Virginia Rock of the are better spellers. •Cr. Corn 303 45* "Like Americans, they enjoy American Thought and Language • Peas Department has recently re¬ a party. Some of them were turned to the United States after superb twisters, and knew much a two-year teaching and cultural exchange assignment in Poland. more "I am about jazz than I did." sure," said Miss Rock • NIBLETS CORN 303 o, EGGS Sponsored by the U.S. State when speaking of her Polish Department and selected by the friends and their hospitality, •Cut Green or Wax Beans CHEK ICE MILK 39° Fulbright-Hayes program, Miss "that we have both gained a Rock taught courses in American deeper and wider respect and Skim Milk H"—F%:G„llon 25" literature and culture at appreciation for each other. This 00 6!L Jagiellonian University in foundation, I am convinced, is BLUE BONNET ... QUARTERED necessary for peace." 2-45c Krakow. Lectures on a survey of Ameri¬ CHOICE ■ can literature and lectures on a series of American back¬ Conservative Club All interested students are in¬ MARGARINE grounds were her main topics. vited to attend a general organ¬ "Practical classes" stressing ization meeting of Conservative Nescafe AA |A Campbell's Mushroom, Vegetable- essay writing, drama reading and bibliography and research club tonight at 8 p.m. in Room 32 of the Union. Plans'for theyear's Instant Coffee 99* wUUl Beef or Chicken Noodle 0 Cans 89* which instructed fifth-year stu¬ activities including "Com- dents in techniques for writing science," the club newsletter, Food King n CAMPBELL'S their "magister" emphasized. thesis were and study groups will be made. PLUMS 4 $|00 9C also Kraft—Mac. & Cheese A /ioftnaJ DINNER 2 29' Green Giant :oods Frozen Foods Heirloom Honey 'n Spice Stoneware •Peas J )uCL^ •Mixed Vege¬ 4iJ1 a , BEAUTIFUL SALEM HIGH GLOSS CHINA, OVEN PROOF AND DETERGENT PROOF AT JUST A FRACTION OF ITS COST tables •Carrot Nuggets COUPON NO. 4 . . . 3-PIECE PLACE SETTING . . . lAV •Niblets Corn 10" Dinner Plate Reg. $1.90 Value 5V Salad Dish Green Giant 11-oz. Coffee Mug Coupon Worth $1-00 •Wh. Mushrooms WATCH FOR BONUS COUPON IN NEXT WEEK'S NEWSPAPER •Italian Green 3S1 ■LwrmmspMni AD . . . *Lk $079 EXTRA BONUS COMPLETER PIECES AT CANNED HAMS Over 50% Savings SWIFT'S 1 Tendergrown Chicken Parts Swift's Tendergrown Swift's ... Tendergrown ... Whole Fryer Legs & Thighs Ll.49* Swift's Tendergrown w 25 2-21/2 LB. FRYERS SWIFT'S TENDERGROWN AVERAGE Fryer Breasts S:b Swiffs Tendergrown Fryer Wings Lb Lb 19" Whole — 3 Lbs. and up Swift's Tendergrown i Fryer Backs & Necks JP •aking * ing • Frying Chickens ^» 290 Pullover $10.00 £ Swift's Tendergrown — FRYER Swift's — Tendergrown SWIFT'S BUTTERBALL JArf Hearts & Gizzards 39" Cardigan $12.00 Broiler Turkeys^ 4»c Lb Skirt $9.00 FRYERS CUT UP Brown & Serve Sausage APPLES LB. 39° Bananas 2 »- 25" LIBBYS 40 oz.Box TOMATO Carrots Bisquick Cucumbers each ,b Ba9 JUICE 203 East Grand River Green 0nwnsbch Radishes B.g Yams Nou1" ib. YOUR CHOICE 10 3««{$Qc ci: Ou 390 Prices In 2416 N. EAST STREET LOGAN AT JOLLY ROAD This Ad Are Good At 2ia1 E".' GRANCJ' fci'VER 2519 S. CEDAR All Shop Rite C££.*;5> 2401 W. ST. JOSEPH _ Markets . _ GRAND RIVER "09 1GRAND RIVER 555 • Thursday. October 15. 1964 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. NTvhiftan Britain Votes Thursday Parallels Ballet, Ath Wilson Prepares For Victory LONDON f]-U Harold Wilson perch at the point of balance be¬ voters resentful of the Influx of intellectual brilliance. He led Touring the Leningrad Kirov tween the party's left and right Britain's wartime Political War¬ Ballet is like touring an enor¬ becomes Britain's second post¬ nonwhite commonwealth immi¬ war labor prime minister after wings. grants. He comes from an upper fare Executive, authored labor's athletic team. 6 mous the nation votes Thursday, his The general impression among middle class family and a top social security plans, thought up The entire troupe—the corps cabinet is likely to reflect a Wilson's circle of confidantes is English school. the compromise that reconciled de ballet, orchestra, and stage tactful balance among the right, that he expects a labor govern¬ His long experience in inter¬ labor's feuding left and right hands—numbers 170 people, six Gershunoff said. "Tin left and center factions of the ment would take a year or so to national affairs began as a his¬ wings over defense policy. baggage cars, and a mass bus shake down. The reshaped cabi¬ Gunter, 55, started out being Labor Party. tory tutor at Oxford, continued transportation system to hotels. The Leningrad Ballet requires Eight key men who would flank net of 1965 or so might more during the war in key posts that cool toward Wilson but now is him—assuming they survive the truly reflect an administration brought him into touch with anti- regarded as the party leader's at least one banquet a day. The Gershunoff describe in Wilson's valued adviser labor election—are: own image. Hitler Germans and hit its peak most on corps consumes large amounts of as a highly refined c member of Clement (now union affairs. He is likely of protein—a huge bowl of cottage George Brown and Patrick .The sense of driving urgency as a a cheese at each table, meat, soup, of athletics, music r Gordon Walker, both rightwing- Wilson has sought to inject into Lord) Attlee's first postwar labor labor minister. dancing. Touring a ers; Richard Crossman and Ray his campaign and program un¬ cabinet. He then was in charge The S. Hurok Co., of New pany requires pro Gunter, both with leftish reputa¬ derlines what he has privately of commonwealth relations. Unclaimed Items people who arc at om tions; James Callaghan, Denis told friends: Crossman, 56, perhaps has York, which is touring the ballet through North America, must Healey, Michael Stewart, and He was profoundly impressed been closer to Wilson than any To Be Auctioned Lord Gardiner, all middle- by the methods of the late Pres¬ other laborlte. He has been one of arrange facilities for daily exer¬ the More than 60 unclaimed bicy¬ roaders. ident John F. Kennedy and the party's key campaign strat¬ cises, practice, classes and re¬ cles will go on the auction block From the erudite Wilson down¬ philosophy of the "new frontier." egists. He seems destined as hearsals at each stop. Provision for interpreters, co¬ Bond Buying ward, a labor cabinet built around As an example, Wilson is labor's minister for science and Friday at 1:30 p.m. Watches and rings will also be auctioned ^ these leaders would give an im¬ pledged to inaugurate a number education. ordinates, and administraters The auction will be held in pression of technical compe¬ of changes in British home and Crossman's political talents also be made. Multiplies the must Salvage Yard, which is out DOSV EDON Y A--Members of the Leningrad Kirov Bollet troupe tence, intellectual achievement foreign policies during the first have often been questioned even Yet the enormous logistics m- Farm Lane past the first rail¬ bid farewell to East Loniing offer a two-day engagemen. as and a gritty strength forged in "one hundred days" of a labor by friends but none disputes his voled do not court as the tour¬ road tracks. ing company's chief problem, part of the Le' r>1 ■ e-Concert Scries. The group left by a spe- years of labor union or national £ i a I New York Central tram from Lansin,. Photo by Jim Mile Another example is in the sort Maxim Gershunoff of the Hurok politicking. But there would be little of the of men he wants around him and Co. said. socialJtt "The most difficult thins is old fiery radicalism the sort of jobs they would do if Britain Awa squeezing troupe to in tHe turn. : r the absorb cultural in¬ University Officials left. For more than a year, the 48- labor wins power. Brown, 50, deputy leader of fluences," he reported. The corps is in the graphic interested mainly and performing Will Fly To Nigeria year-old Wilson has been shap¬ ing his so-called "shadow cabi¬ net" in the belief it will be called the rival party, as was successor Wilson's chief to the late Hugh Gaitskell. Now he seems Minister, C on to govern. slated as a sort of overlord of LONDON (#)-Facts and figures ting parlors make Labor thefav. arts, Gershunoff said. Theymi'St .* university for At least 30 labor topnotchers the home front, at the head of a on today's election: orite, at around 1-2. often request to visit museums Present lineup— have been groomed for posts in new ministry of economic affairs and art collections. To be elected—all 630 mem¬ s. AID (Agency The election in 1959 gave Con¬ If their schedule of .met sr.e a government which will require and planning, with the special bers of the House of Commons. Development). 70 ministers and deputies. mission of reviving and expand¬ servatives 365 seats, Labor 258, There are 1,756 candidates; two Around 20 of these Liberals 6 and Independents 1. ing the economy. opponents in some districts, 1 be n s of t A truckdriver's son. Brown be¬ Later special elections, due to Continental rulty Meeting gan distributing political hand¬ bills when he was 8. He quit Winner—the,leader of the parry 2<3t-'f-£ Wi/er, fir. ;&Q_ was The men and worfien Wilson ^e/fo >end ons of officers and an has in mind are mainly young school at 15, went to night classes, winning control of Commons be- dissolved Sept. 25. Postwar elections—Labor won on session on the oper- and classless in the sense that became a fur salesman, later a c of the station equipment labor union a government. This will be either in 1945 and 1950. Conservatives atlon they would not rely on social, organizer. the present prime minister, Sir won in 1951, 1955, 1959. will highlight the second meet- educational or wealth factors for Gordon Walker, 57, is the for¬ - c <> r ing of the Amateur Radio club their advancement. eign secretary-designate if he Alec Douglas-Home, or the Labor Eligible voters—about 36 mil¬ tonight at 7:30 in Room 284 of With some, Wilson would be is re-elected. He Is having a party leader, Harold Wilson. If lion, with 28 million likely to neither major party wins a ma¬ cast ballots between 7 a.m. and 0/ * the Engineering Building. paying off old debts for past tough electoral fight in a pre¬ in*0 Others would owe their cinct where he has declined ro jority, the liberal party might 9 p.m. hold the balance of power in a The verdict-about 425districts selection to Wilson's need to pander to the prejudices of North Central See KRAMER'S for possible coalition. The odds—Britain's legal bet- report others results Friday. election night, ' LARGEST DISCOUNTS SiilflTMAKERS rvJTL HIEBERMANN'S Ozark IN TOWN! COMPLETE LINE Western ^ NEW & REBUILT AUTO PARTS See the game better with a SERVICE POCKET SPORTS GUSS You Choose The Airline We Represent Them ALL WINTER-CONDITION YOUR CAR FOR LESS! GUARD COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE 130 W. Grand Ri* They fold flat to fit pocket or purse . . . "SERV/NG GREATER LANSING FOR 48 YEARS" snap open to give you a close up view . — Wholesale & Retail— 3-power, coated. KRAMER 300 E. Kalomazc PARTS Phone IV 4-1335 JJ Striped Broadcloth Button Down Great character, this Gant button down— from the inimitable flare of its collar I'arl of the Campus Scene to its silky soft striped broadcloth. Like all Gant shirts, it has elan in a gentlemanly manner. $6.95 Small's nichigan theater building DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING 107 S. Washington 209 E. Grand River MODEL HOME FURNITURE SALE THE EVENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! PROFESSIONALLY SELECTED i BY INTERIOR DECORATORS Kresge's is your _ headquarters lor AT LESS THAN 1/2 halloween ftaV)V*uVh A/jUrie merchandise THE ORIGINAL PRICE! Most Po • candy Casual Varsity styles r<)j) • costumes extra-slim or tapered CANDY BARS • assorted The B. M. O. C. look - whether you chooie Ivy ~]f|=r tapers with stondord belt-loops (30 to 42) or Con ' novelties jlLs A tinental s, western styled with hi pockets, sltmly 10 for 3 7< . party goods lifted to 13V finished bottoms (29 to 34). Both styles have matched trim, are Sanforized SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 IN THE CAMBRIDGE MODEL I IN CRAN BROOK VfLLAGE Kresge's Campus Store s F rom The Union 32235 LRAL'S IUJ.W. mm Located off on Conners Ave. 1/4 mile East of Waverly Jolly Road iW I I Thursday, October 15. 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 20 Days, Meeting Michigan May Be Still No End Of ROTC Sending 2 Negroes Bruce Watson, his opponent, Is The Democratic candidate, who DETROIT (UPI)—When the To Strike Group Set The ROTC Counter-Guerrilla 89th Congress convenes in Wash¬ ington nent January, Michigan will almost certainly be the first a white Goldwater Republican. Michigan's second Negro con¬ gressman will come from the 1st is elor naturally favored, is John Conyers Jr., a 35-year-old bach¬ attorney. The Republican candidate is Robert B. Blackwell, Company, one of the most un¬ state since Civil Wa^ reconstruc¬ District, which Is also in De¬ DETROIT ifi-The United Autc troit. It's population is estimated 41, the executive secretary of the usual groups on campus, will tion days to send two Negroes to Workers Union told American hold their organizational meet¬ the House of Representatives. as being from 45 to 55 per cent Michigan Labor Mediation Board. Motors Corp. yesterday it ex¬ ing in Room 11, Demonstration The state, whose population of Negro and two-thirds or better pected to decide in a matter of Hall, today at about 8 million includes between of its voters are adherents to Running for the tredom Now 7 p.m. hours whether continuing profit the Democratic party. party, the only all-Negro political Since the fall term of 1962, 10 and 12 per cent Negroes, al¬ sharing in a new labor contract the unique military unit has been ready has one Negro congress¬ But no matter which way the party in America to have official is a strikable issue. He is Democratic Rep. voters go in 1964, a Negro will state recognition, is attorney learning and practicing bush-war man. Meanwhile, the strike at Gen¬ Charles C. Diggs Jr. and he is have to be elected to Congress Milton Henry. He lives in Pontlac procedures of the type being put eral Motors Corp. was beginning because the candidates for all in nearby Oakland County and thus to practical use in Viet Nam to- virtually certain of re-election. to make itself felt economically. What cinches Diggs' re-elec¬ three parties on the ballot in Is not even a resident of the dis¬ Negroes. trict in which he seeks election. AMC has proposed eliminating Members of the Counter-Guer¬ tion prospects is the fact that the district are profit sharing on the grounds the rilla Company can be recognized Union wants profit sharing on by their jaunty berets and green top of the economic package it. and white shoulder cords. 1965 negotiated previously with Gen¬ This year, both Army and Air eral Motors Corp., Ford Motor Force ROTC members are eli¬ Co. and Chrysler Corp. gible to join. These packages have been es¬ Military skills to be taught in¬ Engineering and Accounting timated as worth 54 cents an hour clude mountain climbing, jujitsu per worker over the three-year and SCUBA diving. life of the contract. Under the old Graduates contracts UAW workers at the big three made about $3.01 an WORK WE MUST-.Unfinished buildings keep workmen busy but repairs are also necessary-on Auto Strikes hour, plus fringes. The new con¬ older halls. Morrill Hall, one of the oldest buildings on cumpus, is going through an uplifting tracts provide for early retire¬ ment incentives, improved health as workmen repair its roof. Photo by Larry Fritzlan Biking Frosh A RoyaJ Oak freshman was The Inland Steel Company, East Chicago, Indiana , in¬ and insurance benefits, longer struck by an automobile Tues¬ vites you to investigate our many career opportunities. vacations and wage increases. day at 2:20 p.m. while riding a The UAW is insisting on carry¬ Army Utilizing 'Air-Boats' bicycle on East Shaw Lane near ing forward the automotive indus¬ parking lot "O", campus police Consult the specific job descriptions in the pocket of try's only profit sharing plan at said. AMC. A strike deadline of mid¬ The driver of the car, William our brochure. Our representative will be on your cam¬ night tonight has been set. Most McLeod, Chapleau, Ont., grad¬ pus on Friday, October 23rd. Contact Mr. John D. other major issues have been uate student, said he passed Keith cars GM production of 1965 model has been cut off by a na¬ tionwide strike over local-level Against Viet Cong W. Pollok, who was cycling on East Shaw Lane and thought that he was far enough ahead of him Shingleton for an appointment. WASHINGTON l/P)-The water- Heaviest reliance for this is In general, the two designs of to turn into the parking lot. issues in bargaining on at-the- Pollok tried to swerve from skimming "air boats" which placed on helicopters to airlift boats being tested in Viet Nam plant working agreements which carry Florida everglades sight¬ units to engagements in the are simple: a shallow-draft, the path of the auto but was struck INLAND Sim COMPANY supplement the nui'iOui.\zzr'.-r"^ seers- ^ ^ tfie •water-laced delta country of the lightweight hull, with a small broadside as it entered the lot, Approximately 300,000 are idle. Army in South Viet Nam's south. Tacticians have been seek¬ air-cooled motor driving an air police said. George Higgins, a prominent The victim was taken to Olin swamps for hunting down the ing something which would sup¬ propeller. Detroit-area GM dealer, said he elusive and deadly Viet Cong. plant this airlift transportation Health Center where he was <£> sold all the 1965 models GM de- Speed is estimated at 25 to 30 treated for a head cut and re¬ This is the latest effort to in a country where roadways are ' livered and had orders for more. miles an hour—an important leased. Damage to the bicycle was find some workable tactic or de¬ few, primitive and flooded in But he was afraid some of the factor in their military use. By estimated at $15. vice to match the native skill monsoon season. customers would cancel their carrying extra fuel in jerry cans, with which the guerrillas move orders if the strike dragged on. swiftly and silently into attack An Army spokesman said yes¬ the operational range of the air boats might exceed that for heli¬ / CASH SAVINGS ,'pfia HAID STAMPS! and then slip away as quietly terday that a "few" (probably dozen so) air copters, Army experts believe. Forms Asked as they came. Fast reaction has been one of so far about boats of either a mahogany or or fi- For J-Hop the Amerur.MS and Soul purchased and that the first of them are in Viet Nam under¬ lor STEAK SALE Petitions for those interested going evaluation. campus in must working on J-Hop be filled out today to Room committees and returned 318 in the Stu¬ AYBE I SHOULD knights Round Steak 89* M HAYUUiED building. dent Services ..and days If petitions are not available, gtudentg sjiould leave their student addresses, and phone Sirloin 99* numbers* in Room 317 Student LOUIS, HUH? Services building. Applicants are to be notified Did that last cleaners put T-Bone 1.05 of committee positions by Tues- the wrinkle machine to For further information they work on your suit? That can't happen with us. We ALL GOOD may contact Steve Powers at 39t 361-4795 or 337-1721. simply can't afford to make New & Used you unhappy. Just bring it to Louis. Remember... Bacon 2 >bs. 75$ Textbooks 1 1U are out by 5. SUPER RIGHT BACON Paperbacks Thick Sliced 2 ">• pk9- 89t SPARTAN CLEANER SHIRT LAUNDRY AND BOOKSTORE M.S.U. Souvenirs — Jane Porker Bakery Features — CORNER of ANN & MAC Sandwich Bread 2/390 Mr. Thomson... .phase!" Delicious, Fresh Please tell to The make me me how you n look so great only thing I can't pas* now campus. Glazed Donuts 35t DOZ. is a crowd of boys. Those vertical stretch pants follow the sleek line of most resistance. And guarantee the least resistance Potato Chips ,,b B« 490 Ice Milk 490 on campus. Then, total recovery Angel Soft (only the pants. Mr. Tho n, not the boys) Ann Page Pancake & Waffle The rellex action proportioned stretch pants of your I Syrup ■ 390 Facial Tissue 400 ct. boxes 5/990 is second only to the reflex action of that Psych major I've had my e\e i And the fit! Mr. Thomson, how 11•.I >ou u<-t please, them to lit so well? Pink Salmon 590 Bleach Bright Sail 1 Gal. 490 I a.i .re you, Mi. Thomson! Tokay Mac or Jon Post-Grad 290 Apples 490 I ! lit Grosse Pointe, Mich. st & slacks by Ann Page Corn Oil 690 Margarine 290,b- h.i.s Grape lam "m«- Buy Now 1.49 □ W I.N I KK EMKHAI.I) G IIKK.HT BLt E You into re a probably too tail '0 ft! suit of armor out just right for the long and lean Marvel Anti-Freeze THE GREAT ATtANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. GAL. □ M KM Nil HI) GOLD look of these pants Post- Grad". trim you up and taper down They re noble and |£g Your A8.P Super Market *AP SuPer M<"kets you 2 corner of Hagadorn & East MM Grand River, East Lansing but-r «- STORE HOURS: 9 HM-9PM AMIRKA'S DIPINDABtt fOOO MIRCHANT SINCI I8S9 Shaped on-seam pod Ycu can lock better than Monday thru Saturday :• : r fall, Eckhardt lost out for post¬ an English major with his sights BARN THEATRE season honors as a sophomore on a possible teaching c 321 E. MICHIGAN Lindsay Back Friday, October 16 - 7 & 9 p.m. RESTAURANT With Detroit Fairchilcl Theatre HOT PIZZA DETROIT (UPI)--F ormer Detroit Red Wing player Ted Lindsay will come out of re-, tirement today to play for De- Admission; 50C Student Tickets $1.00 Reservations 332.2221 call against the Toronto Maple Leafs J Lindsay , the highest scoring leftwing in the history of the' "Today and Friday" ED 2-0864 National Hockey League, retired' after the 1960 season. He had' G L A DMER THE A T R E THE PIZZA PIT 203 M.A.C. played 13 years with the Wings and three with the Chicago Black Hawks. He scored 365 goals and "WOMAN OF STRAW" 458 assists in 999 games. Detroit General Manager Sid' Starting Saturday! Abel says the 39-year-old player LANSING SYMPHONY has been working out with the- The Greatest Wings since their training camp opened last month. 35th SEASON JEAN HARLOW Frosh Hockey ARENA Station Six- start Freshman hockey*practice next Monday, October 19,; will THEATRE michigan statk imvkksitv Sahara was melting-pot... a GarrollBaker is more sensational Coach Amo Ressone Sessions will in the Ice Arena. announced.^ begin at 2:30p.m. • t European men, American men, More Music for More People ANTIGONE HAY FEVER all desperate Tuesday, Oct. 27--Gyorgy Sandor, inter¬ THE HOSTAGE men-and one nationally known pianist. Gregory Millar conducting. Sexton High School. JOHN BROWN'S BODY man-hungry Sunday, Nov. 22 —Dave Brubeck and his THE DEPUTY woman... quartet. World's foremost Jazz per¬ sonality. Millar conducting. Civic Center. A story both Tuesday, Dec. 8—John Iuele conducting. EXCITING DRAMAS searing and One of the leading musicians of the south. Waverly High School. Learning about a European buffet For SI.00 violent, as the desert Tuesday, Jan. 19—Leslie Pamas. Young American cello virtuoso. Playing 25,000 EUROPEAN ARKNA THkATKK . heat fans Schelomo, Hebrew Rhapsody. Sexton High JOBS School. maddening Sunday, Feb. 14 -Henry Mancini. Leading desire..! TV and movie composer. LanSymphonic Choir. Millar conducting. Civic Center. . Monthly, Sunday, Aoril 25—Orchestra and 300 voice re, fac- choir in Mahler's "Resurrection." Millar •y, farm and shipboard v conducting. Civic Center. pplications and r jorg 7 Groat (-denholm kl a mario peter uni rk/m/,, K looklet whic Concerts lor l^rtmenrofS^ - Dian »uuru v-r11IATT yy.. Ary\nr students may obtain by sending i 5*r fe:-*v ^ ■ •.•r.-.'.-y.hT. Uftiwm LLLiui i i LLmr nt/urtrand roi\ Kramer . Michigan State l!niversit> Reserved Section $15 — Tickets olso available ot Fairchild Box Offici Screenplay by BRYAN PORBESand BRIAN CLEMENS E«ecuhe Producer GENE GUTOWSKI • Product by VICTOR LYNDON ORDER TODAY! ■keeledbySETHHOLT • ftCCC films-ArlutBraunerProd'jclor, RELEASED BY ALLIED ARTISTS Thursday, October 15, 1964 9 Uncle Sam S Hockey Coach Sees Fallacy ine TOKYO. W)-Billy lieutenant from Mills, a mar¬ Coffeyville, Ken est, Sitzberger of River For¬ 111., led a 1-2-3 American sweep in springboard diving. His ing of 4:45.4 in the 400-meter backstroke record with 1:07.7 and a time of the Gold Medal. Kan., scored one of the biggest won In US Olympic Preparation upsets in Olympic history when he won the 10,000-meter run at the Tokyo Games Wednesday for America's first distance Gold winning point total was 159.90. Frank Gorman of New York City finished second and Larry Andreason of Los Alamitos, Ginney Duenkel of West Orange, N.J., took the Bronze. The U.S. men's 400-meter By BOB KAMINSKI who en- alent of $40,000 in : by their definition of the Medal since 1908. Calif., third. freestyle relay team won with a State News Sports Writer interprets- money each year fo playing word. Mills was considered a long world record clocking of 3:33.2 of t regulations hockey, Another problem that our ath- The other U.S. medal winner i shot in the 6.2-mile test but Dick Roth of Atherton, Calif., Our i. Three of the player were of- letes face, according to Bessone, was wrestler Dan Brand of Oak¬ pulled in front near the finish edged Roy Saari of El Segundo, Tokyo Olympic games are facing unCjer arrangement, says fered positions with the New is the relatively little time that in the Olympic record time of Calif., with a world record clock¬ land, Calif., who won a Bronze. more competition than just their gess0ne a luxury for York Range National they can afford to train with 28 minutes, 24.4 seconds. opponents from the other coun- 0f Qur e, but they all re¬ Mills' victory and a sweep of tries, announced Spartan Ho fused to take the necessary Russia i, Olympic teams aney necessary to cut fouqp gold medals in swimming Coach Amo Bessone. n and participate in the Olym- play and live together for years; Olympic events lifted the American medal MICHIGAN They are also competing plcs. In Europe, Olympic athletes total to 20—seven Gold, against an Olympic system that jn t are national heroes comparable ns do not train as a unit until Silver and six Bronze. Russia ^5< A T R §-- 5:20-7:25- has one set of rules for American to many of our professional base¬ weeks before the games TO 5:30 P.M. ~~ 4MT»" 9:35 teur athletes receive government has 12—four Gold, three Silver athletes and another set of rules o remedy the present assistance, they are really pro- ball and football players. and five Bronze. for athletes of other countries, fessionals, Bessone noted. suggests that two Bessone said. before each Olympics, the Bessone singles Qut the top iey endorse sporting equipment, H e singles out Avery Brun- players on the Swedish Olympic just professional ath- top collegiate athletes, and others dager, president of the U.S. hockey team who earn the equiv- ietei be placed in training as a unit. should be paid Seasoned expenses Rug for by the government," Bessone said, "and the total would be $7,000, Answer U-M and Baillou pi ayed the sport in ' By DUANNE LANCASTER State News Sports Writer Europe. "Rugby, the About a year ago , the Urn- football emerged, is not dissimi¬ versity ui Michigan challenged lar to the fall t:ime classic sport Michigan State to a rugby con- lements of soccer test, practically the only sport i;1 addition. MSL' does not list < in its ath- Whereas the participant must letic agenda. The University in >nn Arbor with it in football, rugby rules was surprised and a say the plave>rs can do both, ans" haci to The score iis called a "try" refuse the bo, ' <. -.die rge. and two bonusi points can then This year, howevei be added by readlrs dic.L.M SAL 1 S yr- S-6357. 11 Ready to.train. A 'HFVROLLI. Wt2-d r Be!- ™ ^Dexter, Lansing°l£2- Mjy C"nS,der tradc' 332"6982- _ "■ ' ^ , , , vices. Inc. Need ::ve ambitious SIAMESE KITTENS. (4) Seal- *h..w airsedan. V-8, power steering. 0794> n , - - —. ,1 !„students. Earn $60 per week, p.,int. All male. 882-7074. 11 < HR1STMAS I R! L AUTOMATIC KENMORE Good condition. $75. 337-1125.13 1679. 20 I^TTORl.X, iiKthi flake. 4.%cc. COULD VOL' V:: • >150 : r $5? AUCTION EVERY Saturday a't "CHAMPAGNE ON a b£r bud- get!" 1953 f'acftar ! Clipper.$75 ."I!i.\Rf■!.: ~ , ;3"9i-d.j' rTKcyT^ vehi^L^st"nSr"o^r^isa shift. 351-4656! „or best offer. 332-8736. 13 h JV »■=" ED 2_3317> ' >2 TR3 1961. Entire car goi d tires, little rust. Call 332- ford: ASIAN - LATIN AMERICAN - AFRICAN SERIES night with lady, 2-3 nights per Nick-S Bar and Grill. 505 E. rea: FRIDAY, OCT. 16 - LAST DAY FOR SALE HAWK. SHARP I960i-door.V-S. TRIUMPH 1?M Spitfire. 4,000 week. ED 2-5176. 16 Shiawassee. 4. OF SEASON TICKETS stick shift, for quick sale. ED actual miles. Radio, heater, Parkvale, East whitewalls. Carpeting. Tonneau 12 cover. Must sell. Call 337-1407. Unneeded Items Collecting Dust? Collect Money Instead — Use Classifieds MANUEL LOPEZ RAMOS We give Call 355-8255 SPECI HAZEL CHUNG ATTENTION ' First Lady of Indonesia! April 6 Fairc your Mail Orders for service people or folks back home UNION TICKET OFFICE Student Rate:* $5.00 JJ& General Public: $8.00 Call. . . Single Admission Sales Open Oct. 20 487-3662 or 487-3663 f Thursday, October 15, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Personal Watch professional football ?nd the election campaign Service of diapers to choose from. Bulk New Film Society Olympic wash for cleaner, whiter dia¬ nejac tv set. Rent a tv No M on a from nejac tv Rentals- 17" rh. ' 21" table models only $7.00 pers, fluff dried and folded. Use yours or rent ours. Containers To Begin Season Lose and $8.00 per month. New Ze¬ furnished. No deposit. 25 years nith 19" portables for $9.00 per experience. BY-LO DIAPER Student initiative has resulted Weekly public showings of TOKYO uP)-Visitors here for An official drank unwisely one month. Call 482-0624 for FREE SERVICE, 1010 E. Michigan. IV in the first public film society films, primarily produced from evening and became separated the Olympics are finding that delivery. C 2-0421. C 1920 to 1950, will begin Saturday. from his wallet with hundreds of on campus.. honesty In Japan is not only the hoiv^back '*~>ng and 1 Dedicated to the classic films Before each showing a faculty best policy but seems to be dollars and official badges and yoi/r horses. / priv&'e 160 acre discounted 25%, except picture of the past 60 years, the society member or student will present some sort of state religion. Three tickets. He had no idea where to scenic area. 62 acre lake. Shel¬ tubes. Estimates on shop ser- will begin its showings 8 p.m. an introductory lecture. stories are typical. vice. ACME TV, IV 9-5009. C The admission charge will be ter. Paths through 65,000 pine Saturday with a screening of An athlete reported that he It took two days, but eventually trees. Eight ft. fence with dec- Vittorio de Sica's "The Bicycle the ni:..fmum needed to keep the bougtit an expensive pearl neck¬ a bartender's mother arrived enclosure. Swimmir, fishing, ALDINGER DIRECT^MAIL ad¬ Thief" in Akers auditorium. society functioning. lace tor his £lrl friend at home, with the wallet, money and campinb Readable, year- vertising. 533 North Clippert. Work for the society began last Although no specific theme has and then left h :<< a taxi cab. round rates. 2S minutes from IV 5-2213. when State News film been chosen for the first term of When he returi.ed i" the Olym¬ She and her son had spent the East Lansing. Phone 882-4863. critic Douglas Lackey reported screenings, the society's initial pic village he found his taxi driv¬ time tracing the man through his feet finishing, mending. Buttons that although a number of film programs intend to demonstrate er sitting in the lobby, holding embassy. They said they were included. Private. No pickup outlets were accessible to stu¬ the full ran^e of cinema art. the pearl necklace and looking sorry it took so long. or delivery. TU 2-1952. 15 MORE LiNFS There moy not be a home football gome Sotur- dents, the majority of classic GROUND SCHOOL for student films unavailable. day but students tound a long line in the Union waiting to tHrough the gate so he could give H were CHESS T CU R NAME NT and private pilots every Tues¬ day r.ight. Student flight instruc¬ Further study showed the sit¬ uation could best be remedied by Nazi purchase tickets to the AUSG homecoming dance, Hooten- nanny. Tickets are also available at the International Cen¬ it back to the right man. He wouldn't take a reward. 200,000 Hunters Automated drawings have been Five-round 1964 Michigan Ama¬ tion and rentals. Reasonable creating a new outlet. By spring ter, Wilson, Brody and Akers Hall. Photo by Dave Sykes A lady spectator paid 50 cents set for Oct. 22 to determine the Says B teur event, at Lansing Chess rates. Sheren Aviation, N, term enough students had ex¬ instead of a quarter for a minor Club in Y.M.C.A. In Lansing, 200,000 hunters who will be able Abbott Road, Davis Airport, pressed an interest in a society blouse mending job at her hotel. to participate in the Michigan' Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 17 East Lansing. 15 to obtain a charter from the All— She spent a long day at the antlerless deer season In the Lo 'Prince and 18. Ideal tournament for less open experienced players. Not to experts and Masters. TUTORING - TRANSLATIONS: German by Grad student from Germany. Call 355-3825 befoi Union Student Government. Arthur F. Weld, Jr., associate professor of television and radio, Will Igor' Draws swimming pool and when she re¬ turned she found the Japanese seamstress had been sitting in November firearm period. The Conservation Department $50 bond plus trophy to cham¬ George Lincoln Rockwell-the reports that a record number 15 agreed to advise th e society. the hotel lobby all day waiting Extended 11 Applause of hunters should be in the run¬ pion. $25 bonds plus trophies self-styled leader of the Ameri¬ the 25 cents. SKYLINE DIAMOND SETTERS. to return ning for permits ■ to high class A, B, C. Trophies can Nazi Party—predicted Wed¬ Can offer excellence in diamond or prizes to high woman, jun¬ nesday night at a speech at the ior, 18 or under, young junior engagement rings at cost. Shop University of Michigan that Re¬ The 1 lingrad Kirov Ballet, DAWN DONUTS . and compare. Phone Rocky at under 15, win, youngest family (2 or more) scor¬ ing highest, and for best new un¬ player to ED 2-3507. 11 Songstress, publican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater would lose this year's presidential election. having . x' it ;ted its great Lake" Monday, captured a near- class- In contrast to the fragile con¬ nomicar rates by the term and However, Rockwell-who called trol of the more classical selec¬ Folk Four rated tournament player. Enter capacity a.idi>net t >r Tuesday's at Y.M.C.A. before 9:15 am. Saturday. $5. ($3 if 18 or under) month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT¬ ALS. 484-9263. C Goldwater a Arizonan good Jew—said the would win election in tions is the robust power of the Polovetzian Dances from "prince Special This FOLK The' glittering variety of dance plus $5 USCF fee if not a mem¬ BANJO LESSONS. Blue 1968 after four years of horror forms, classical and contempor¬ Igor." Week: ber, Sponsored by Michigan Chess Association and Y.M.C.A. grass a specialty. Also Folk guitar. All styles. After 6, 355- In Concert under tion the Johnson administra¬ and bring chaos to the coun¬ ary, presented in the Tuesday The pulsating of Borodin's night "Gala Programme" was in- emphatic rythmn and the virility 6034. 12 try. ADMIT rather arrange IT! Wouldn't you really all of your for¬ SEWING AND ALTERATIONS Judy Collins, an upcoming folk singer, and the Modern Folk He said at that point munist the Com¬ Party would take over. The 32 member ternale corps of the tribal dance brought the audience to an extended ovation. Cinnamon Rolls done at reasonable price. Spar- eign travel insurance right here ballet Village, Call 355-0729. 12 Rockwell, who was heckled by de opened the program Alexander Pavlovsky drew ap¬ 72C tar and be satisfied- now and ai sponsored by the- Senior Class claim time? BL'BOLZ INSUR¬ Council, Nov. 10 in the Audi- the 4,500 students and faculty with "i he Kirgdom of t he plause with fantastic turns and members, was ushered out of the Shades," ,rom "Bayaderka," by leaps in "Gopait." ANCE. CI1 THE COUNTRY MILL. Fresh do- PEP1 AND THE PROBLEMS for Judy Collins, a nativeof vfasfi- university's Hill Auditorium by l.udwig So disciplined is the Lenin¬ The c entered the stage REGULAR 79c doz is considered by Bill¬ police through a back door be¬ . nuts and cider. Enjoy it here or the finest sound in dance and i.igton, fore a crowd c! about 250 per¬ one ai-.:-t;me in a snake-like grad Ballet that even a less-fhan- * take out. Will deliver for par¬ party music. 332-5053. board Magazine, as one the out¬ sons who threatened to beat him ideal stage at the auditorium pattern. T he repeated adagiopat- ties. See Cider made at 4 on standing new folk singers of the could not prevent them from up could they get back on stage. tern is one of the 'ri.'St difficult Sundays. M-78 to Potterville. returned. Either yours or ours. year. She is best known for her Rockwell, without any Na. i in- in rh>: world >f ballet. Kaleria drawing their audiences into the • Over 100 Varieties Turn west on VermontvilleHwy. With our service, you may in¬ rendition of "A Maid of Con¬ Redichev.i and Sergei Vikulcv magical awe of man's most de¬ 3 miles to Otto Road. 'I urn clude two pounds of baby clothes stant Sorrow," which also is signias on his business suit, was were the ;>ri lcipal dancers. manding dance form. that do no; fade. Diaper pail fur¬ the title for one of her alburns. greeted at the auditorium by right. 543-2878. 12 about 200 civil rights pickets • Ideal for Breakfast, Snacks, nished. The Modern Folk Quartet has LEARN HANDWRITING analysis. from the Ann Arbor area. Second-night p i trons got a the Dates or Meetings Basic course, East starting soon in Lansing. 332-5694. 12 AMERICAN IV DIAPER 2-0864 SERVICE C appeared Ed on Hootennanny, Sullivan Show, as well as He suggested sending all the taste o: the lyrict'. lightness of the Monday night "Swan Lake" Men's C on numerous campuses through¬ Negroes in America back to Af¬ ac (Jigfl Meiseyava and Sergei rica and an American take-over • Special Prices Available to HONEST FORESTER needed with "true" Paul Bunyon tale for Typing Service out the country. "This is the first time such of Cuba. Yikulov danced the de Deux" from Act II. "Grand Pas Views F Organizations, Dorms, TERM PAPERS, theses, exper- Many students in the crowd U of M-MSU Lions Feast, Oc¬ program has been sponsored So well-executed were the swan ienced. IBM Electric. Marianne a wore yellow arm bands with the The film "The Making of the Fraternities & Sororities tober 31. Sign up at ultra mod- by the senior class, and we Harrington, 372-3280. C12 Star of David on them. Hitler President" was shown to the Forestry Building before hope the idea will be well re¬ ' ern THESES, term papers, forced the Jews during World pe ired wispy enough to lly, fru- Tuesday. 11 TYPING, etc. XEROX copy service. IBM ceived," A. J. Harris, Walled War Two to wear similar arm , ;'e e-i ougli to be easily crushed. MSU Men's Club at its Tuesday 1135 E. GRAND RIVER 332-2541 FOR LOW RATES on auto insur^ Lake senior and senior class meeting. electric typewriters. 33~-1527. bands. The award-winning rnovle, ance its State Farm Mutual, C president said. The corps de ballet's famed Rockwell also charged that the based on the Pulitzer Prize win¬ World's largest auto insurer. BARBI MEL, Professional typist. Information regarding ticket precision became particularly American Press is being con¬ ning book by Theodore H. White, Call or see your State Farm No job too large or too small. sales will be announced later evident in Tchaikowsky's "Nut- trolled by a group of Jews. told of the late President John F. in the month. agent today. Ask for George Block off campus . . . .332-3255 T rji , IV 5-7267, inFrandor.Cll Kennedy's struggle for the presi¬ The audience laughed with de¬ dential nomination and his battle Peanuts Personal ANN BROWN typist and rnulti- Bell Baffler French Author light at the mincing peasant bal¬ with Richard M. Nixon for the lith offset printing (black & lerinas who danced Aranov's presidency. DO A.T.L. Readers more fun??? T he Mad Bomber. really have white typing, & color). IBM. General term papers, theses, Now Solved To Lecture KHOFEE, TURN back thepillow- but what about Susie? 11 dissertations. ED 2-8384. EDIE STARR, typist. Theses, C The culprits who took the Delta Upsilon touchdown bell have iden¬ A well-known French novelist, M. Alain Robbe Grillet, will lec¬ COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC INSPECTION ture in French on "Le Roman dissertations, term papers, tified themselves, and have made Real Estate Comme Invention du Monde" Fri¬ general typing. Experienced. a recommendation for its future day at 7:30 p.m. in Room 137 THREE-BEDROOM brick ranch. IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C safekeeping. Akers Hall. No garage. 1865 Melrose. Imme¬ THESIS PREPARATION by elec- The fraternity received the • Wheel balancing Prior to the beginning of his diate possession. Phone 485- tronic computer. 60% or more following special delivery letter • Custom brake servict literary career in 1953, Robbe 5391 Wednesday. • Steering correction before*^ pm. 15 time savings on all typing after initial draft. Phone WonchGraf- "Memorandum: Grillet was an agricultural engi¬ COX BLVD. Only $10,500 full neer. By 1958 he had founded a - fic for details. 484-77G6. 17 "To: Delta Upsilon Fraternity new concept of fiction, the "Nou- price on this beautiful mod¬ QUALITY THESIS preparation, Michigan State University veau Roman." ern 2-bedroom ranch with references available. Phone East Lansing Michigan "Nouveau Roman" favors finished paneled family Wonch Graffic, 484-"78^. 17 "Suggest change of bell chair¬ elaborate descriptions of the ma¬ room. All modern throughout. Luxurious, well- decor T ransportation man "Will return after homecom¬ terial world while the conven¬ tional plot, characterizations and LISKEY'S AOTO SAFETY CENTER landscaped, wooded lot in WANTED, RIDE to Bay City Fri- ing - 124 SO. LARCH OFF MICH. AVE. - LANSING point of view can only be sur¬ good neighborhood. Only $590 day mornings. Call Dwyn, 355- "Frc mised. total move-in including costs 1290. 11 Robbe-Grillet's best-known and only $84 a month includ¬ FLY TO New York City, October novels are "Le Voyeur" and ing taxes and insurance. Ph. 17. Private plane.Call 351-5276. Wanted "Le Jalousie." His first novel Rose-Hill Realty, Inc., TU 11 TWO TO three bedroom unfur- was recently translated as "The 2-5722. Office open 9 a.m. to Wanted nished house; apartment. To ., Sundays noon to 8 p. $175. Nov. 1 to July 1. 485- The meeting is open to the MMEDIATE POSSESSION. Cute ELECTRIC GUITAR, bass, -rj;an 8496. 12 two-bedroom starter home. Gas players, also sax. To audition, heat, nice yard, one and half play in versatile rock and roll ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES car garage. $650 down; $70 per combo. Needed for Saturday WITH RADIATION INCORPORATED month. Owner will carry con¬ night party and future. Call tract. Call Ann Viculin, IV 9- Ronnie Esak immediately. ED CANDIDATES FOR BSEE DEGREES 6798 or TU 2-5777. Furman- 2-3591. ' 11 AND GRADUATE STUDENTS Day Realty. 14 TRACTOR, CHI 1.DP with. 2 wheels IN ELECTRONIC DISCIPLINES in front, peddled like tricycle. Service Phone IV 2-6613. 13 ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call October 19, 1964 TO RENT garage w; t h i n two Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. blocks of Shepard and Michigan; Small dents to large wrecks. Lansing. Call 485-9066 after 5 American and foreign cars. Guaranteed work. 489-7507.1411 East Kalamazoo Street. C Imported Tweeds WHY sional DROWS. ers, PAY MORE? For profes- dry cleaning, Pants, skirts, sweat¬ 65£. Plain dresses, suits, WEN- HILD CARE in my licensed RADIATION INCORPORATED is a leader in Advanced. High Reliability Telemetry, High Speed Data Processing, Data Link Systems, Radar, RF Systems, and Automatic Tracking -A-CAR give style-importance to coats, $1.29. 3006 Vine St.. 1/2 home South end. Call TU Systems. Our state-of-the-art research and development TO RENT A GAR FOR LESS THAN New Sport Coats block west of Frandor. Cll 2-8475. 13 programs combined with geographic climate and conditions provide ideal surroundings in which to gain that experience i (Jill demand"across the BOARD ' uu'A6£ INCREASES f0£ CUSTODIANS TEACHERS AMD ALL necessary for todays electronics engineers. Continuing contributions by Radiation to such advanced R&D 25$ AN MILEAGE*! ON A DAILY PLUS hour BASIS Now that Tweed plays the lead in Sport Coat style, Varsity-Town has called ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL! programs as Gemini, Apollo, Saturn, Titan III, Lunar Ex¬ upon the centuries of experience of Scottish Module, Nimbus, Orbiting Astronomical Observa¬ GO DIAL-A-CAR, I cursion and English tweed weavers to make your Sport tory and many others have led to increased needs and un¬ ._M pick Coat a master-work of loomcraft and colorful C W.7 limited opportunities for outstanding engineering graduates. r 'phone — and > sporty. »p«nk- Who «ay« yon CHI hav. convan- I hrv.ler Valiant Dart or ience and economy when you rent • artistry. The modeling is strictly Varsity-Town V y - • SAVE AND GO DIALACAH. and that means comfort, figure-flattery and very of-the-moment style expression. R. W. Underill 45.00 to 60.00 AND Ah#/ LITTLE D06 UjHO HAPPENS TO uJAMOeC ONTO THE An Equal Opportunity Employer Radiation Incorporated Melbourne, Florida 11TB Coordinate Slacks PLAV6R0UND (Jill NOT 06 $14.95 4Coordi ri to $20.00 CHASED AuAV &UT UJlLL B£ u)£L£0M£Q (01 TH OPEN ARMS! Capital Auto sllciigUrc 1422 E. Michigan Lansing Thursday, October 15, 1964 12 Mir-hisjan State \'t ws, Kast Lansing. Michigan mis is PMM! Where you get the finest qual¬ ity name brand merchandise consistantly day after day... plus6000Rock Bottom Prices Yes . . . over 6,000 Rock Bottom Everyday low, low GRADE "A", Tender, Plump prices on brands you know and trust. One visit will U.S. Gov't Inspected, Fresh convince you ... If you are not shopping PACKER, you are not saving money on your food bill. Cold Medal Flour Pancake Mix Mavis Pop Pet Milk" Spaghetti fir Macaroni Miracle Tomato Sauce Progr.uo Domino iiigar 2-L0CATI0NS-5020 SOUTH CEDAR & THE FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER