Inside MICHIGAN Weather Beard Story, p.4; Sports, p.6; Dieting, p.9. UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEW Vol. 55, Number 211 it Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 11, 1964 Medical School Might Be Thwarted End In Sight Complaint Committee For Paper DETROIT I-Detroit's lengthy newspaper strike moved a step closer to settlement Tuesday as tentative agreement on a new la¬ bor contract was reached with News Detroit'sStrike represents the afternoon Detroit and the morning Detroit Fret Press, which have not pub¬ lished for nearly four months. Audit Bureau of Circulation Planned to Mum'sThe Word On A MSU death Key Problem blow may be dealt plans for the fall, 1965, opening of a two-year medical school, University sources in¬ dicated Tuesday. Students doing pre-medical work at MSI' told the State News one of two striking craft unions. figures showed a combined daily Federal and state mediators circulation of ir Wednesday that their academic advisers have indicated that the announced the agreement between lion f°r the r school the Detroit Newspaper Publish- mas not open ne\t fall "tentts la'ion. Local 10 of KMfsKT'Wl KniSely, director the Pfate and Paper Handlers The Plate and Paper Handlers of the Institute of Biology and and the Affiliated Pressmen's Medicine, said that a recom¬ Adoption of the settlement— Union walked off the job last July mendation regarding the opening details of which were not dis¬ 13 over such issues as closed—will be unanimously rec¬ Saturday of MSI"s medical school will be night premium pay at the Fret made at the ne\t Board of Trus¬ ommended a: a ratification meet¬ Press, wash-up time or clothing tees meeting, No\. 19. ing of the union membership Wed- lowance, wage scales and con¬ tract duration and medical and hospitalization benefits. Mediators have disclosed the AUSG Holds reached on all issues except the key question of how many men shall operate new eight-unit Openi House I HOME SWEET HOME —Although 3 reality Instead of a This Week home for Skid cjorm for campus Row bums at pri studenfs nex1 Photos by Dave Sykes A special sub-committee on 0ff_,-f»nn„c O.J *. wTTT report All st Howard R. Neville ai to Onhersit} Student Govern¬ Some observers fee) that if Andrew D. Hunt, dean of College LBJ Starts Study Of Defense Budget ment (AUSG) Congress tonight neither side is willing to budge of Human Medicine, were out of on a new complaint investigation this on major stumbling block, the city Tuesday and could not the strike may continue for some be reached for comment. Anyone having problems of any President Hannah announced nature with approved or un¬ approved off-campus housing will Publishers and the Pressmen's n national security mat- political matters, including South divisions" there, but it 11 be last January that the two-year Viet Nam. medical facility would open in the be able to call a special tele¬ Union are scheduled to return to "many years in the future" be- ing estimates with Robert S. Then there was a follow-up McNamara told repoi defense secretary said fall of 1965. phone intheCongress speaker's the bargaining table Thursday fore the goal of freedom and in¬ McNamara Tuesday and saw a conference with Secretary of the later session—extending over things look a little moi The merits of MSU's proposed office week-day afternoons. morning in the Detroit office of dependence is assured for tha possibility of holding the next State Dean Rusk and presidential the lunch hour—ranged over in- able in Viet Nam, there are "no (continued Complaints will be investigated the Federal Met Far Eastern nation. on page 4) and referred to the off-campus President John: MTchiean defense budget below $50 billion. McGeorge Bundy, a key ternational issues and foreign plans to send further combat In ai news conference it Berg- That would vitally increase housing office. Gov. George Romnev and other chances of strom Air Force Base at \ustin, keeping the entire bud¬ t students to realize that they have the right to co prominent civic leaders h urged a settlement of the pro- get under 5100 billion for thesec- Tex., where McNamara andRusk Construction stopped in turn on the way back plain when something is not IS longed labor dispute—because of it should be." Howie Wilchins, Sj the detrimental effects on then; Congress speaker and Paterson, tion'i fifth largest city. N.J., junior, said. "The Hous¬ ond year in 2 Applicants Tu to Washington, the defense sec¬ retary said the new defense bud¬ get would take due account of the need for economy without sac- At Oakland U on a new ing office is here to help them." A gress has bill to re-apportion Con¬ been introduced into As Enrollment rificing needed national strength and security and even provide for increased spending for some new mitory at Michigan Pontiac. the busii weapons systems. A./. Sh committee by JimGrahma,North WASHING TON cF'-State univer¬ bulge in enrollment, but none of sachusetts is rded the bid I Wonders, and may be introduced sities are growing like Topsy, us has been able to expand rapid- aware of the nei He declined to go into the na- '3orn tonight. but they still are turning away ly enough," President David D. money for publi ture of these systems, calling Seneral Ct Among other business will be thousands of young people as the Henry of t he University of Illi- tion. Massachu them "highly classified." Eames an an appropriations bill for the college crush hits the campus nois, told a news conferei McNamara said, too, that the tiac ^ 'l AUSG organizations bureau, in¬ with full Impact. Tuesday. capita income but 50th in support budget contemplates keeping cal contra cluding funds to print an or¬ The University of Illinois, with "Even if someone walked up of public higher education. manned bombers flying in the na- An e*e' Mo. ganizations directory. ollment of 34,500, turned day and tion's defense as far as can be $''9,000 w ■ gave the University of The meeting will begin at 7 seen into the future. Further- Co•• Po' away 5,000 qualified applicants Illinois all the money it needed Detroit, this fall. The University of Mas- more, he said, research and de¬ p.m. in the International Center for expansion, we couldn't do very contract for 5,222. Con-Con (Constitutional Conven¬ velopment will be continued for a tion) room. It is open to all students. sachusetts had room for 2,600 of the 10,000 who applied for the freshman class. TheUni- only much about it until 1968. It takes that long to build the facilities, Speaker Has possible manned bomber to suc¬ Other ceed the present B52S and R58S costs and equipment. are for site work and find the faculty members we at some future time—if there Two hundred students will versity of Arizona enrolled only 2,500 of the 14,00 who applied In just 20 years, enrollment £ Nerve Attack ever is a decision to go ahead eventually he housed in the pro¬ from out-of-state. the on what he called "a follow-on posed dormitory. Occupancy is University of Illinois ha slated for fall of 1965, All America "We've been expecting this doubled. It has doubled attheUn- Frederick C. Schwarz, presi- bomber." iversity of Massachusetts in dent of the Christian Anti-Com- about five years. st Crusade, suffered To Celebrate President John W. LeSfcne of tack of n e r v e s f o 11 o w i an at¬ n g his Veterans Bishop Says the University of Massachusetts speech at Erickson Kiva Monday, j*1" ' according to a report from Ed¬ Day A-Bombs OK said from his its institution would grow current enrollment of ward W. Sparrow Hospital. 10.500 to 20,000 "in the not too The 51-year-old A u s t r a 1 ia n VATICAN CITY, distant future." canceled an address scheduled Pi-Auxiliary . I br i:.ches of the Bishop Philip Hannah of Wash¬ Lederle said the public in Mas- for Tue -ning in Grand ington, D.C., told the Vatican Rapids •suit, but was Ecumenical Council Monda> a expected to be well enough to nation has a right to defend appear at a Lansing anti-Com¬ munist rally in the evening. itself with nuclear weapons. He argued there mistat es Lansing Lines wer e Campus police said the re- in a council document that would To Reschedule suscitator squad f om East Lan¬ place the Roman Catholic Chin h sing rushed to Erickson Hall on record Students at MSU will be directly about 6 p.m. Monday and ad- as saving that all nu¬ clear arms are'"an enormous affected by the $24,000 subsidy ministered oxygen to the stricken crime" and should be "utte iy voted to theLanslng Suburban Bus speaker. destroyed and banned." Lines Monday night. Police then took Schwarz to A British prelate, Archbisl op Besides the addition of six new sparrow Hospital, where he was George Andrew Beck of Liver¬ air-conditioned buses, service treated and released, pool, backed Bishop Ham 's on the East Lansing-Fisher line [)r> Schwarz is the founder This act was "to honor vet¬ view. He said it was possfi! in will be increased from the pre- 0f the Christian Anti-Communist erans or, the 11th day of Novem¬ a just defensive war to use sent 20 minutes to 15 minutes; Crusade, u- an organization to pro- ber of each year...." day dedicated clear weapons "even of with 30-minute frequencies on the better ast mote understanding to world peace." force" against certain targets. Beal Avenue lines which is now 0f communism. Veterans He defended the balance of power 60 minutes. The speaker waspicketedMon- Dayft is celebrated The South over the United States, the most concept in maintaining wo: Id Cedar-Pennsylvania day by students carrying signs well-known ceremony occuring at route, which now provides only reading: "We protest Schwarz's the Ti.riij of the Unknown Soldier. lhe two spoke in St. Peter's morning service, will operate on stand, not his right to speak," an hourly schedule a/r A-fiT GCv\*fc>.y*fc7 Arlingte; N a : i nal C emetery, FRINGE BEN"EFIT--To some people, driving a ccTm- Basilica during the second md day. * ' aha' -•n&nt vrtng extremism r Washington, D.C. final day of debate on a "50- Special schedule books, com- breeds hate, fear and ignorance." Schwarz, president of the Christian Anti-Communism pus bus might be boring, but, as driver Ronald East Lansing banks and the post J. Sandefer can testify, the job has some interesting word section, about war and plete with maps showing the 10 About 350 faculty members and Crusade, gives an autograph and a bit of advice office will be closed, but city highlights. Like, for example, Pam Kemp, Grand peace, in the council's schema on bus route operation in Lansing, students attended the Monday ad- to a student following his talk Monday afternoon hall offices will -nfld-rr .»orH probJer : are currently being printed. dress. in the Erickson Hall Kiva. Photo by Patti Prout remain open. Ledge sophomore Photo by Do-- Sykor Wednesday, November 11, 1964 *2. Michigan State NVws, Fast Lansing. Mi higa Tc> Friend and Foe Alike- EDITORIALS A Good Campus Conservative's Alibi Die-hard conservatives are 20th century in which a major¬ ;WH0U3Gy4% A Bad B placing the blame for the stun¬ ity of the nation's newspapers en¬ ning Republican defeat in Tues¬ dorsed a Democratic presidential ■ By Susan Filson candidate. day's election everywhere but There does not to be a The new computerized registration procedure isacarefully where it belongs--on the should¬ seem planned, well-meant attempt by the registrar to make the best of a ers of Sen. Barry Goldwater and direct relationship between en¬ 'bad bargain. How do you register 32,000 students for classes without eliminat¬ the right-wing minority which dorsement by the press and a ing all individual attention? helped him win the GOP presiden¬ candidate's victory or defeat in The registrar has made a valiant attempt bypromoting early en¬ election. rollment. Each student supposedly has a chance to plan his program tial nomination in San Francisco an with the aid of helpful, interested professors. last July. The Atlanta Constitution, one Unfortunately, enrollment in some colleges is as much of a farce as it ever was. of the most influential news¬ The alibis for Goldwater's de¬ Last week I sat outside the doors of several departments in the papers. in the nation, strongly College of Social Science and watched secretaries signing the names feat are composed partly of wish¬ advisors to student enrollment forms. If a student supported President Johnson. of academic ful thinking and partly of a stub¬ Much to the chagrin of 'he Con¬ wanted to plan his own program, he did t : eed to darken his ad- born unwillingness to face the stitution's liberal editor Ralph It is perfectly true that m3ny students do not need help in plan¬ politic al facts of life in the United McGii G o 1 d v i e d ning their classes each term. However, there should a; least be a: States of 1964. attempt made to establish some qualifications : r students who write their own schedules. The press is a handy scapegoat The Lansing State Journal en¬ That qualification can only be established by an academic advisor for disappointed Goldwater sup¬ who is well-acquairted with a student and his college record. dorsed Goldwater. Ingham County An advisor who kr.< us his .idvisee can determine whether a student porters. as it was for Goldwater went Democratic for the first is mature enough to plan his own program. himself during the campaign. The College of Communications Arts insisted on an excellent aca¬ time since 1932. demic advising program long before pre-enrollment was required for all departments. Each student must see his advisor every term. John P. Dellera, president of It is equally pre posterous to the MSI' Conservative Club, said suggest that Repu can candi¬ Since I entered the University, my academic advisor has never dates went down to defeat because forced his ideas on me. However, he trusts me because he knows Monday that he regards the Re¬ what I am capable of doing. An impersonal secretary who signs an publican debacle not as a rejec¬ of a hostile press. Inmostcases, anonymous enrollment slip could never give me the kind of help which I have received from my advisor. tion of conservatism, but merely normally Republican newspapers Does a secretary know what my grade point average was last as a reflection of the opinions of which endorsed Johnson were term? Does she know whether I get sick easily or how many hours a a biased press. staunchly behind all of the GOP week 1 work? Can she estimate my academic potential0 Can she de¬ cide whether Um working up to my ability or whether I 3m slough* A«vc oSSice. » .^tUis.coutvtrv ovf ■ "TV ; ~V Will a computer be able to correct the mistakes caused by lazy not as a whole ideologic ally com¬ It hardly makes sense'to sug¬ people who just don't want to be bothered with students1 mitter!." Dellera says. "They gest that Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, University officials who have devised the new registration proc¬ ess deserve credit for their efforts. vote for the candidate endorsed who ran a million-and-a-half But the whole concept is based on a myth—a myth that .32,000 stu¬ by the opinion-makers.' votes ahead of Goldwater in New dents can be educated without sacrificing individual attention. Due To Technical Difficulties, The Test You Received This University has grown so huge that the right hand doesn't know York, was defeated by the press. what the left hand is doing. After all, the registrar can't send spies Moreover. Dellera attributes Last Week Was From A Home Economics Class At to see if colleges .ire really givir : their students academic advice. the defeat of hundreds of Repub¬ It is time for conservatives to So the University will c mtinue to make thebest of a bad bargain. lican candidates to the same bi¬ face the fact that the overwhelm¬ Penn State! Until someone clamps the lid or expanding enrollment", it will re¬ ased which torpedoed main just that—a bad bargain. press ing majority of the American Goldwater. people aren't interested in Goldwater's political philosophy. sheer when Republican Legislators Hopefully See This is nonsense examined in light of the histori¬ Goldwater carried only five cal relationship between t h <■ Deep Vi> -. mod of the votes cast If people merely vote for can¬ tor (joldwater in this election Clair and Emil Lockwood of St. maining in the legislature "are crats who are going to do their didates endorsed by the opinion- were merely the legacy of an em¬ At the height of the state elec¬ going to have to attempt to retain job and for my part, I'm going to tion campaign Republicans start out trusting them," Milliken makers. why was Franklin D. bittered past. sounded an alarm—that election Of a number of legislators some kind of a responsible pro¬ Roosevelt elected in 1936. 194" queried, otjy Sen. Garry Brown, gram and protect the governor of a Democr >' ic legislature could high degree of bipartisanship." wherever possible Lockwood and Beadle said R-Schoolcraft, expressed out¬ from acts and 1944V Why was John F. There is no future for the Re¬ ruin the state. In followup Romney told de¬ while they thought there would be a right suspicion of the way in reaching his desk which would put feated Democratic gubernatorial a certain pitch for liberalizing of Kennedy elected in I960? publican party or for the United But today, after Democrats had which the incoming Democratic hitn in a poor public light by use some programs they did not think won solid control of both houses candidate Neil Staebler he appre¬ majorities may try to operate of his veto power." This election is the first in the States in this sad legacy. the Democrats would run wild for the first time since the elec¬ ciated the promise "Democrats the House and Senate. Taking an almost diametrically either in spending or trying to tion of 1932, most Republicans will support those programs Brown, a candidate for Senate seemed to think GOP Gov, George whose purpose is to build a opposed view was Milliken, who embarrass the governor. minority leader, said, "I think said, "I think clearly we've got "I think if the committee chair- Romney would get better than to¬ stronger, more prosperous there will be every attempt made to cooperate in a bipartisat way. ^ Collective Farms Produce Little Food ken cooperation from the new ma¬ Michigan." jority party. by the Democrats to embarrass Romney said, "we must all the governor or tarnish his shine. If that cooperation is not forth¬ coming the public interest will men to are who I think they're going be—men like Sen. Garland Lane from Flint and Sen, Stanley When the next session of the recognize t h ^ t Michigan will This will be done not only by the not be served. I intend to do Rozycki from Detroit—I can't en¬ s ignii ben g increased in legislature opens Jan. 13 the benefit only when public officials state Democrats but by the na¬ everything 1 can'to work closely vision the Democrats going off oviet Union. This is being Democrats will have a 72 -3H ma¬ approach their public responsi¬ tional Democrats beosuse-there and codperatfe the Demtv- on any wild spending'or taxing : t two re iSons...because jority in the House and a 23-15 bilities on the basis of their obli¬ is no question he is one of the cratic members of both houses, Sprees," Lockwood said. per pic. I'r o; -his .s the • <• quarter of a milli> : collectives. sheer necessity of feeding edge in the Senate. The House gation to the total public and not leading Republicans in the nation as well, of course, as with Re¬ Beadle commented, "Fellows a's in derfedpeople and also lead is four votes short of the to one party or the other." agriculture has /igged and/*r;>.'ed Historically, C onumil iSt C' r- publicans. like Lane and Sen. Raymond ry favor among thepopula- majority needed to override a Individual Democratic legis¬ 1 acr ir d forth since the day- lective agriculture never h s Dzendzel of Detroit, who may be lators, Brown said, may act re¬ "I'r going to operate worked a: ywhere. governor's veto, and in the Sen¬ Among the prominent Republi¬ the majority caucus chairman in neW Soviet leadership al- ate the Democrats are two shy of can legislators willing to assume sponsibly, "but great pressure assumption they will not make the Senate, are not going to go off 1 is rescinded decrees the necessary two-thirds. the Democrats' good intentions will be exercised by the state and attempts to damage the governor. I'm going to operate on the prem¬ wild-eyed. But they are going to limited the size of private • are Lieutenant Governor-elect national parties to strengthen the have to go for some of the liberal i the- Ukraine and Estonia, Romney, who campaigned hard William Milliken, currently a Democratic image and to destroy ise we're going to all do the best Ler i for continued Republican control legislation they have supported in a- action is expected among senator from Traverse City, and or hurt Romney's image." job we can in the public interest. of the legislature, set the tone the past. other republics which make Senators Frank Beadle of St. Brown said the Republicans re¬ cludit g the peas.o • for cooperation when he said m Soviet Union, OP sell their produce < s l 1 a ; v . ■ market. By 192b, Stah: I. More thai ion's half the Soviet Un¬ vegetables, eggs, fruit, jt i it leader all means is that new Leonid deposed Nikita Khrush- Brezhnev 1 " P 1 l e em Letters shi~e'e:T\ • ■ struggle for power poultry and milk h is been pro¬ „h os yet to fii d the magic [o b i Kremlir and was r duced oi. these sm 111 private plots ila to overcome the admitted ACROSS 12 34 Title Rapier ■H|e ■ a T"P|n o ve;l 1|eib! V'e.d ■e clare his war or ' 1. Ilazcs L i who by this time h of i n d. Soviet farm production. Equality A 'Farce At MSU Man Essentially 0 Warning 36. Igorot's nr[e Tv eIr|a|l Mx!cp And now the role of theprivatc - believed that under sound: var. neighbor ?io eme Mm the Soviet agriculture averaging 20 acre s a n ' v am will follow the practical o the Ed A Loving Creature U|on""Pl"'1 MT■e"It h11 els ■HiO r|a live years that Si : i'creased agricultural get Negroes to participate in To the Editor: 14. l'artaker 15. Buckwheat 40. Unclose. poet. ? jotsrfr e. r iltew Why is so much effo to r II ;m||e vii Letter Policy the i ommumst dormitory house reality, Negro participation is e rtainly not t is usually quite obvious that dfeSU'ed but is at best in I disagree* with George 16 trees College 41 Danish island aj itv||r |t |c I a w|k a Mil peai tolerated? Reynold's article that man is the pro in 41 Horsefly 1 .etters should not be longer ituation, don't bother with house, way he is because he lacks love and should be • pre: D'mficant Most Negroes, realizing their 19 Hullabaloo 4') Doctrine Our,' the first thro, years o! than 300 words, ins. This technique usually works not knowledge. "God created man down 7. Permit re>ista;ce, the peasants slaugh¬ typed double spaced if possible. - people - I the world dormitory or all-university lunct anxiety occurs. Periodically, in his own image" and therefore 20 Foxy 4/ More ielieve the C ommunist sys- best for all concerned and little < o 22. Submit capable tered nearly half of their lives Names and addresses should also different fron man is basically loving and good. U nlriemll ill ilored rl" o s better than capital ism. En« Negro freshman believes that he or she 24. Corroded 49 Bestow stock, leading to the famire of be included. No unsigned letters If man did lack love, he wouldn't Rapidity 51. Measuring 1931-32 aid death bystarvatioi of will be printed, but names may private plots is ad- anyone else and.does take part in house activities. be able to acquire it sincg he 26. Make lace instrument ll High elc- oi: the capitalist, tree en- When this happens, as in thecase of exchange dinners, 28, Old siLtilol estimated three-million per- be withheld if we feel'there is couldn't recognize it. Inside of rassing situation can occur. An exchange dinner is t at. Dirk abbr. si system is superior* is a firm and sincere love which a certain number of m.ilcs uid females from two dormitory us 13. Snatch 6. lndig o d 31 Greeting vian houses agree to eat dinner together. Supposedly, the people involved straining to express itself, but 18 Spoil restraints, stemming from a lack 2 1 Aflirmalive are paired by some detached or random method. Assuming this is f 7 6 9 •0 II M true, it is difficult to explain why Negroes are consistently coupled of knowledge, are imposed by ' 2 3 < 1' 23. Existed MICHIGAN j| with other Negroes. It is possible, but certainly not probable that a.i society. IZ * 26 Shinto Friendship seems to be a for¬ for an exchange dinner and STATf UNI VIISITY j#J| STATE MEWS equal number of Negroes weiuld sign up even less likely that they could be randomly paired! What usually happens is that no Negroes sign up in the correspond¬ gotten subject rarely discussed because it is something that's it ^ 15 27* K.'xcavate 29 l'air ing house. Then the social chairman and resident advisers panic. taken for granted not sought Brotherly love is so easily de¬ after. » g?" " % 19 % zs 33 Steal They search frantically around the floor to see if there are just any Zi 24 Member Associated Press, United Press Editor ...John VanGieson ole Negroes lying around. If Negroes do live-on the floor an attempt fined on paper but how loosely W "i" % 37 l eader ot International, Inland Daily Press Associa- Advertising Manager Arthur Langer is made to "persuade" them into attending the dinner and, of course, the terms "homosexual" and ft 29 % 90 Mountain eat with the Negro or Negroes who have signed up for the affair. If tion, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Campus Editor CharlesC. Wells "affair" are used if wetrytoap¬ 34 IS Boys Press Association. Managing Editor Liz Hyman there are no Negroes in the house some resident advisors or social ply it. Wire Editor Hugh J. Leach chairmen are desperate enough to mipori Negroes from other houses The solution to these problems 40 Cult % 42 » Published every class day throughout fall, Sports Editor Richard Schwartz to attend the dinner. is found in enlightenment hot love, because love is the source from * % 4k 44. Male tur¬ this is a 44 winter and spring terms and twice summer term by the students of Michigan weekly Ass't. Advertising Manager ..Ken Hoffman Marcy Rosen All of this goes to prove that social equality on ludicrous farce. There is certainly no logical reason to campus explain why which we gain the desire andpow- %J 45 50 46. keys Boundary er to seek out the truth. Love is 4B State University. Photography Advisor Dave Jaehnig all these elaborate schem® are necessary to pair Negroes. 47 Circulation Manager Bill Marshal' a means to an end. Only when it is This not only should ne>t be necessary—it is insulting! It also says totally realized do**Uhecotijeao SI 1*1 4K|r IveuT Second class postage paid ac'Last Lansing, a great deal about a university whose president is on the President end in itself. This ultimate truth 54 Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 341 Stu- News Advisor p . Richard E. Hansen of the United States' Civil Rights Commission. tinge of hypocrisy permeating the halls of MSU? Could there be a is found in God of which our in¬ herent love is a partial know¬ i 50 abbr. Unused dent Services Building. ,, Michigan State Uni- ,. Editorial tauor Susan ! ils i . Michael Kindman ledge. 5ursr versity. East Lansing, Michigan. James Poldt Mil- big an State News, East Lansing, Mich: g a n Wednesday, November 1 1, 1964 3 Ambassador Speaks In Forum Series » Our Wire Services Malaysian Tells Of Struggle Labor Government Survives Second Test As Country Works For Unity LONDON—Britain's new Labor government has survived its sec¬ By HANH PHUNG British in August 1957. In the But ond challenge in two days. The House of Commons has defeated a diplomatic relations with vote of censure by a vote of 315 to 294. The Kellogg Center Reporter meantime Malaya was also fight¬ the Philippines were broken in opposition Conserva¬ tive party brought the vote of censure, charging that the program ing against the communists. 1963 when the new Federation In strong and bitter terms outlined by the Labor parry was unworkable. "Through negotiation and the of Malaysia was formed, Dato the Ambassador of Malaysia, formation of political parties we Ong said. Polish Communist Leader Leaves For Home Da to One, charged the Sukarno were able to obtain democratic 1 he Conference of Manila was government of communistic, im¬ elections from the British gov¬ to set up MOSCOU'-Polisr. Communist Leader Wladyslaw Gomulka .eft the differences between perialistic and "evil" purposes ernment, and since 1952, we have the for home luesaaj night amid indications that secret community Philippines. Indonesia and o\ er Malaysia. held national elections." the am¬ Malaysia. unity talks here were making no substantial progress. "We are innocent victims of bassador added. Dato It was understood Gomulka tried to mediate in the continuing so¬ Ong said that the govern¬ the Indonesian government," Dato viet-Chinese quarrel. Reliable sources said Gomulka met separ¬ Ong said that through, ment of Indonesia is leaning to¬ Dato On: said. "All we want democratic ately Tuesday with Soviet Premier Alexei N. kosygin and Chinese means, Malaya had ward communism. It has the is "o live in peace with our obtained her Premier Chou Ln-Lai before heading back to Warsaw. The Soviet independence, whic: News Ta«s confirmed only Gomulka's meeting withKosygin. helped her in her struggle against Southeast Asia. He spoke for the Forum Ser¬ the Communists. By mid-1960, Gomulka was se-.n off by Leonid Erezt.nev, the new Soviet Commu¬ "Sukarno has been persuing THE VOICE OF PROTEST--Seven students, , ho apparently don't think communisrr ies at the Cor. Con room Tues¬ nist Malaysia—the name of the neu military and propaganda attacks is bad as Dr. Fred C. Schwarz claim if to be, staged a protest outside the party leader. day. as federat ion—had been able to Dato Kiva Monday afternoon as Schwarz talked J students andfacultv on the dangers Huong Government Sparks Cautious Optimism Ong said that the Indo¬ drive out the Communists from laysia with, -abotage and sub¬ of communism. Photo by Patti Pro'ut nesian government attacked con¬ her territory. WASIIINGTi'N-There is cautious optimism in official quarters version," the ambassador said. tinuously on the borders of the "We now sought cooperation "But we are confident that here that south Vie: Nam's new Premier Tran YanHuor.g and his Federation of Malaysia. with our neighbors in Southeast we will be able to stand and veek-old civilian government will be able to survive internal polit¬ "We have exercised tremen¬ ical stresses and provide effective I t.1 '.S. attitude of support was leadership. made know:: a: a time wner. stu¬ dous patience toward the unex- cusable acts of Sukarno regime. Asia," Dato Ong said. In 1959, the Malayan govern¬ push back attacks from Cor nists with whom the mu- Sukarno Female PopulaDouble ment proposed to form an Asso¬ dent leaders in Saigon have threatened a new series of street dem¬ government is joining ' ands." We have not sent a single troop ciation of Southeast-Asian States onstrations by Friday if the Huong government does not meet its Dato Ong said that he hoped demands for a cabinet reshuffle. across hope that the border one because we day, good sense (ASA) with the object of eco¬ nomic and cultural co-ope.ration. that the people of Malaysia will come out of this struggle more Census Forecast Boom will come to the Indonesian gov¬ This National Guard Hearings Scheduled proposal was immediately ernment." the ambassador said. welcomed BUDDY CHAPMAN LANSING-Gov. George Romney indicated today that formal hear¬ by the Philippines and "For. in this struggle we had > children could be exce: The conflict between Indonesia ing- for two suspended National Guard generals will probably be joined by Thailand. the support of many countries i News Science Write. terms of the national and Malaysia started in 1^63 in the world, especially of Amer¬ He says held in mid-Dectmber. when the new federation of Ma¬ that the "Ideal" futui Romney said charges for the hearings before him for Maj. Gen. ica, the champion of the free family might be barely mori laysia was formed, joined by the Ronald McDonald, state adjutant general, and Brig. Gen. Carso. states of Singapore and Borneo Power Lines Cut world," Dato Ong said. philosophy may cause popula than two to foui Neifert, the quartermaster general, are being prepared by Auditor hildre since the (North and South), Dato Ong ex¬ Power lines leading to the the male set when predicts General Blllie S. and the office of Atty. Gen. Frank J. plained. construction site of the new Vet¬ Kelle^. come up with a talh like t Indonesia objected to this for¬ erinary Clinic were cut Monday. Cook sa\s thatacomparac U.S. Won't Reply To Chinese Summit Plan mation and refused to recognize Campus police said someone mir.or reduction in fertility the new federation op the ground i.\ad crawled onto a construction >' Vi/'iW&VOK'- A^'cate Department spokesman said Tuesday uie tha't it was no iess a disguised i . '-the 19oO's nucht: sp^ L'nited States lus no intention of replying to Chinese Communist shanty and severed the thret &.:(rrers* r-eniee. i:\1t-r, \ type of British colonialism. 200-volt* line i before the powei chaotic population growth. Premier Chou iln-Lai's prlposal for a world summit conference on "This Judy is not true. The pur¬ was turned on. nuclear disarmament. Septeinbi pose of this political associa- Ironworkers Local 25 has Bulleti Chou made the proposal last month simultaneously with Commu¬ struck the job in a jurisdictional nist China's nuclear explosion, and followed it with, direct commun¬ ications to the West. Malaya is to decolonize these dispute with Carpenters Local Fashion Frolic states, in harmony with the winds 1449, The Ironworkers Press officer Robert say car¬ J. McCloskey in response to questions said of change." Dato One ? penters are continuing work. no reply has been made and "I know of no Intention to do sc." M a! a y: Police are Investigating the To BoostFund U.S. officials have said :hey regarded the Chinese Communis: ?ved independence from thi incident. A fashion frolic to boost the isarmament a smoke screen to divert attention ,T. A c ntury a Sigma Alpha lota scholar.^-hip fund fro n - eir own nuclear test, with no intent. pri plac | Staebler Named Head of Policy Group More Emphasis Placed . t-o;iaI million; in 2010. it sda\ Maii Fash! LANSING—Neil Staebler, lameduck congressman and defeated v •raged about five eh Democratic candidate for governor, has been named chairman of be 4.C million. dorrla says 11 at the The frolic will open at 7 p.m. the State Democratic Policy Committee. On Technical Schools \11 of this taking placi and members of the sorority will cause of a "half-Child," assist. A percentage of all sales Michigan Democratic Chairman Zolton A. I erercy announced the appointment Tuesday. The importance of jui cording to Robert Cook, e I'oung, dev. made will be turned over to the TO SPEAK—George Na¬ of Population Bulletin, eded nd could e v?e; !cr, who currently holds the post of congressman-at-large leges and technical ins scholarship fund. J '.-was defeated Nov. 3 will increase as the stuc it pop- der, labor relations con¬ i. ook s.u-^ that marriedwi by Republican Go\. George Romney by sultant, will discuss "Be¬ ulati ands, •tv.rely an expenditure/' Jam* HAPPY BIRTHDAY ^ in \ote<, will hold a meeting of the policy committee sometime hind the Scenes in Collec- dear ot the College of Educa- U.S. population Martin Luther Jamrich predicted that the John X. Jamrich told the today in Eppley Center's Chapel Service Change Romney Names Republican Michigan Regent nual an¬ changes occurring in education first floor Teak Room. The meeting of the Michigan will "drama ically" alter its L \ .\SING-Gov. George Romney named Robert P. Briggs ofJack- Association of Collegiate Regis¬ structure in Management Club meeting coming decades. sor. as a regent of t! e University of Michigan. trar, and Admissions Of'ice "We must anticipate these Briggs, an unsuccessful Republican candidate for a six-year term (MACRAO) that post-high school changes and be willing to relate on the State Board of Education in the Nov. 3 election, will fill the educational opport.unties must our institutional eiforts so that vacancy caused by the death of Democrat William k. Mc Inallv. be provided for the maximum the changes wnich oc.'ur will be number of youths and adults. the most appropriate to the ed- Speaking at Dearoorn branch of needs of the state and thi University of Michigan Jam- nation," Jamrich said. Internships UnderWay "We need to 1 )ok do>vn the William W. evolutionary path to dev'Sing the kelly, assistant Thirty-two internships have professor of American Thought been awarded tflrough the Phillips and Language here and winner of institutions through proper co¬ program since it was begun in ordination into a,, aggregate of an Internship in Academic Ad¬ 1962. units provirfi.ig exi^nsiv? and high ministration, has begun a year of internship-at Rutgers I'niver- A study of the present position? quality ed.-y.:-:ioi and service to the state of previous award winners shows andjiation." Robert E. Lorish, chairman of that two have been named deans. Jamrich said the future growth One of education will depend on. th? the department of politics and a vice-provost,oneanassist¬ Government Ohio ant dean, four assistants to pres¬ public and government leaders. at Wesleyan "Those resp nsible for deter¬ idents, one assistant to vice pres¬ ident and two directors of admis- mining the course of higher ed¬ ucation development mustbepro- Thi i M.S.U. Book .-tore M.>.T. Book -lore M.S.U. Rook Store n internships have been awarded in the United States this year in the third annual Intern-, ships in Academic Administra¬ tions awards sponsored by the Ellis L. Phillips Foundation. Preview The purpose of the awards is to provide a period of time and experience at a host institutions giving the intern an opportunity Basketball to work with college officers and observe their academic proced- With * Fordily A GOING OUR WAY? WEDNESDAY'S If you're mapping out your career destination, Ling telemetry and tracking • reconnaissance systems 49'ra DAY Dig into as many MSU's Ba, 1 coach Temco-Vought offers a wide choice of exciting and challenging routes to your personalized goal. • amplifier and computer design • electromagnetic interference control • technical administration . . . Forddy Anderson starts of Here at LTV, young, alert engineers are "going places" among others. golden buttermilk pan¬ the season by autographing copies of his book cakes as you can eat "COACHING BETTER B\SKETBALL" in the author in the fields of aircraft, missiles, space, mobile surface In addition to a rewarding professional environment, corner of the new MSU Bookstore. Stop in tomornov vehicles, weapons systems, ground and airborne com¬ LTV offers engineers the opportunity to earn advanced between 2 and ■> and have a cup of coffee with Coacl munications, electronics, and range services. Support degrees through company financed graduate education Anderson. ing these activities is an excellent engineering climate programs. 4ft Forddy is the first of the many on that will be presenting their books at campus authors informal coffe< providing the opportunity to contribute and profes¬ Before selecting your industrial home, investigate the hours at the MSU Bookstore. sional advancement which is a direct function of the career avenues available with Ling-Temco-Vought. Get contribution. Assignments are diversified and stimu¬ complete details from your Placement Office or write lating in such areas as: aerodynamics • avionics and College Relations Office, Ling-Temco-Vought. P. O. Box MSU instrumentation • dynamics • systems design • propul¬ sion • stress analysis • communications design • 5907, Dallas, Texas 75222. LTV is an equal oppor tunity employer. 2820 E. Graryd Rivef IV 7-3761 Hours; Sun,- Thurs 6 AM-12 Friday Saturday 24 Hrs BOOKSTORE M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store Wednesday, November 11, 1964 Michigan State \* a-, Last I.ansing, Michigan I Seniors Of The Week ?OLIN AUSG Holds AUSG Department sf HOSPITAL (continued from page 1) Open House \Pair Adding S K \ =REPORT '.or::. :.t, : s include: William 111., graduateSHi» This Week two-year medical program have been the target of heated debate among state versity of Michigan legislators and Uni¬ medical au¬ To Wide Range r:o •; Warret Molica, Jackson ju: i r; Mark Thomspon, All I: iversity me- • ope' ' Student Govern- (AUSG) is sponsoring ar. use afternoons this week thorities. U-M Vice President, Willaim N. Hubbard, Jr., told the legis¬ Detr r ju. ' r; Kay Bennett, from : - 5 p.m. on the third floor lature in February that neither K al O.i. juni-r; and Robert of ->tude;t Services. Free c :fee K • a , C oatesville, Pa., sen- U-M nor Wayne State can handle the two-year MSU graduates. Both Knisely and Hannah eri- ously questioned Hubbard's com¬ School ments at the time. iarles Stoddard, Last An academic structure for the Installments sophomore a: d director ■ 1 affairs, Said. new the College of Human Medicine, school's official name, was HARBOR (UPl)— approved at the Sept. 17 board ION Y'ALL COME SEE US-Chris Hawkins, Cincinnati of T rustees meeting. In: ti. prosldent of the 5pons< rs events divided Ohio, sophomore, and Chuck Stoddard, East Lans n9 It will consist of 13 depart¬ Community Col- -oupn gs of academic af« i-r^n 1:t, jdent government ser- sophomore and director of AUSG Internal Affairs ments, 12 of which operate in renounced Tuesday the in- fa more active divisions o ,. iti'jt al Studert Associa- point out some of the other areas of the University's r. will give up its pay-as- vice AUSG for the benefit of visitors. This vveek thi academic structure. The new de¬ ,rn plan. tion, AUSG offices are open for the inspection of stu- partment is the Department of •i,o installment pro- garl dents. Free coffee will be served. Photo by Pa ut Medicine. students pay 40 per cent tl0, Hunt, who began duties as dean nu :he remainder of their of the College in August, is en¬ in three 20 per cent in- a: gaged in organizing t: e curri¬ i said the plan will be Spir AUSG To Be Sponsors culum and hiring new staff neces¬ sary to start the program in fall, 1965. s (. hest, inter: co- Sample Book Sale? A $1,250,000 grant from the Of Kellogg Foundation to be used by the Institute of Biology and Medi¬ cine in support of the new col¬ All University Student Govern¬ The savings are possible be¬ merchants hope to intro¬ lege was announced Sept. 10. (AUSG) Congress will con- Victory la ment cause Barry's side r tonight should sponser the whether AUSG sale of Stu¬ duce students to the products and services they are selling through dent Sample Books. direct advertising. Staff Needed .4 Doabtjul 2-Party now The books have been sold until by merchants and a group A similar project has been op¬ erating successfully at the Uni¬ For Overseas of students who solicited mer¬ versity of Michigan for several Analysis of Sen. harry Cold- reconstruction which had never chants during the summer. years, whe: e a pp r o x i ma t el y . Ke ' veep of five Southern deserted the Democratic parry, Backers of the plan, headed by 10,000 books were sold this year. Qualified elementary and sec¬ s: i:es o'.'.i ed little evidence that There, were Negroes are re- Paul Murray, East Lansing It has helped to lower prices in ondary teachers are needed to ::ic-a: in. ful two-party system presented in the state legislature Ann Arbor by increasing com¬ staff the Department of Defense junior. iy that they hope AUSG ;.A t... . ... "... p Dixie. and make up 23 per cent of the petition among tj,e merchants. rHifve vJ\e registered voter's, the rapial will sponsor the books to lessen skepticism. Books will xvbpsnlA . ics wiiK-fi - — • v »<••«/• About 1,000 of the books which at the participating stores r it ic traditions in 1948 Then was, primarily, the broad Iceland, Korea, Labrador, Libya, sell for $5 and offer a possible through the end of November. ii,e States Rights party contest between liberaliam and If AUSG agrees to sponsor the Midway Island, Newfoundland. of $150, have been sold. and for the sime basic conservatism. Georgia, espec- Okinawa, Philippines and Tur- project, the books will also be , « opposition to civil rights. i»lly its Old South agricultural available through campus repre¬ hoti. cases the bolt was area^ where Goldwater gained Te: for •ally a political party much of his support, traditionally NSA Seeks sentatives. ar. Mini ti ,r. toward one. has ' een recognizer! as much for quirements include a bachelor's southerners' dilemma now its conserving a; for its peaches. Travel Guide Local Professor degree, 18 semester hours in education courses, two school Vili the Republican party, An analysis of the Southern 1 e National Student \ssocia- ToTalk AtWMU f;. e- a long winter of votes show- that Negroes threw tior. -s looking for a student to last five years and at least 21- ■tment after Goldwater's more than 91 per cent of their act as campus travel director KALAMAZOO (UPl)—Dr. years old. Single applicants are LOOKING BACK-- For th,<: eek's seniors of the ng defeat, accept them? support to the once-despised for overseas tours. Ernest O.Melby, professor of ed¬ particularly needed. ■•■eek, Steve Sirk and Edie freeman, there is a 2. If not, will the vote-rich Democrats, and whites in the In a letter to Diane Ruppe, ucation at MSU, will be the prin¬ Qualified persons may obtain of to 'oo1, bo^- . oon in <•{.. ' of MSU activities smocratic party take them rural areas joined the newcomers to the urban South who voted Re- NSA co-ordinator, the organiza¬ cipal speaker Saturday afternoon additional information from Ma- when Sangren Hall, a new Place¬ and c;complishn-e-*s. Ye', '^''e looking back is tion said it is looking for some¬ jorie M. Fuller, Overseas for, *re ooen road of the f.' "-e oeckons. Thi.s time Georgia joined in publican. one who has traveled abroad or $3,500,000 education building at ment Officer, Civilian Personnel pho^c by Larr/ Fritzlan Steve likes the "excltemer e "election with the original In Alabama and Mississippi, wishes to do so, but the ability Western Michigan University, Office, Selfridge Air Force Base, and challenge in workir. wit ur — Alabama, Mississippi, where state political machinery to promote the idea of travel will be formally dedicated. Mich. to Goldwater • people" n his / •*<«?! ouisiana and SotKfc Carolina— was turned o abroad is its primary concern. id surely it is the Georgia forces, the Dt The travel director must set virtually complete. tory which Goldwater savi office hours each aside definite Bearded Boy Shaves Same . t(ji week-day and will receive com¬ Laasiag Meeting missions on items sold such as other. So Gnad did the only thing general tours and study tours, iy WILLIAM H. KRASEAN sold abroad and NSA left to do he snaved off hisbeard. On Club Awards new cars State News Staff Writer In the first act we find Gnad Hon' Prayer Can Help Yon Presidents of civic, religious NS A will provide posters, fold¬ sadly staring into a mirror, tear- ers, brochures and information Alan Gnad's version of "What {ully bidding good-by to his fuzzy A Free Leetare Eat it led... and charitable organizations of on how to promote student travel. To Do When the Beard Comes companion. the greater Lansing Area will Off" "The Art of Frozen through the first and se- meet at the Holiday Inn at 10 Anyone interested in the posi¬ or "HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE a.m. Johnson. Thursday to hear Robert tion should contact Miss Ruppe in 308 Student Services any after¬ Whisker Stubs" was fore a played be- full house Friday night COnd act a large crowd gathers around Gnad attempting to cheer noon this week from 1 to 5 p.m. in the men's room on the second ^im Up j0kes and side re- DESTROYS FEAR" Johnson, nationally known wo¬ men's club speaker, is to out¬ floor of Snyder Hall. marks. But none succeed. by Otto G. Ziegenhagen. C.S.B., of Chicago, tMinois line a fund-raising concept called 3,500 Students Community Club Awards. Member of the bo n d of. Lectureship of the Mother Chur-h, The-fwi^st Ghu<" h of Qferist, Scientist, in A CCA program ducted is to be con¬ by radio statltfri WSVVM, To Register Daily sponsor of Thursday's meeting. About 3,500 students were ex¬ The program will open in the pected to register for winter Thursday, November 12, 1964 at 8:15 p.m. Lansing area in January. term courses Tuesday, the regis¬ indicated. Hast Lansing Junior High School, Last Lansing,. Michiga According to Rackllne Perry, trar CCA director at WSWM, every Horace King said that 4,074 organization that particapateS signed up for course sections in will share in the cash awards. the Union 'lounge Monday. He expects about 3,500 each day In the all important third ac?t Gnad, a Homer, Alaska, sopho¬ M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store through Nov. 18. Students are registering in more, starred in the feature role Gnad sadly shaves off his beard of Superstition House's famous that drops into the sink with a two-day blocks according to a flood of tears. listing on the Winter Term Time soccer goalie who worked for ET Schedule for Courses. six months to grow the most famous beard on campus only to find that In the final dramatic Gnad comes to the realization continual plucking on his face is no longer covered with unsightly hair and that he scene that • Have Coffee Tomorrow one side of his face was creating left-cheek baldness. As in all true tragedies, Gnad can be an active member of society again! Tears of sorrow found that he could no longer face turn to tears of joy as Gnad his friends knowing that one side leaves the men's room to the With of his face was hairier than the Gnad's preformance drew a large crowd, active audience participation and several pints of 'mc'1 *'"'e,s<"1 1 n\v\\U; Wednesday Surprise! starting thursday MSU's Basketball coach Forddy \nderson starts off autographing copies of Ins book, 1 Cotton by I* •: e reason "COACHING LET 1 I K 1 \SKI 1 BALL" in the authors VELVETEEN salt* corner of the new MSI I 00k tore, stop in tomorrow between 2 and 3 and have a cup of coffee with Coach Anderson. authors i 1.98 yd. 2.98 jumpvrs l-orddy is the first of the many 011 campus ]laiv v blueli *fi while tl at will be presenting their books at informal coffee - houi at the MSU Hook' 'ore. S^U7 reg. Ail wool jumpers, £(xx1 new look See them now . r each boasting the in shape anil details. sizes MSU 1 100% Cotton 36" Wide r ' r ' frandor shopping center BOOK STORE S.U. Bonk Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store ^ \ Imported From Italy Michigan State New East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. November 1 1. 1 964 S*N On Campus Until Friday Sig Eps, AXO Lead Microscope Exhibit Spartan Spirit Open Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity Zeta Race Beta Tau and Beta and Alpha Chi Omega sorority Thetjf * .'orthu, Pi, tied for 12; Triangle, 14£ are presently leading in the re¬ and Phi Kappa Phi, 15. •sity. vised off-campus Spartan Spirit There are three electron mi¬ Sororities and religious living trophy award competition. units: Alpha Chi Omega, 1; Al¬ croscopes on campus used by Sharon Waters, off-campus pha Omicron Pi. 2; Zeta Tau professors and graduate students of various sciences tor research. Spartan Spirit director, asks that Alpha, 3; Asher Student Foun¬ anyone interested in serving on dation for Men. 4; Phi Mu. 5; Costs of electron microscopes the judging committee contact range from $1~,000 to $25,000. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha M Delta and Sigma Kappa, tie for Standings in the fraternities 6; Delta Zeta, 9; Delta Delta Splash Pictures and as co-operative living units are follows: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Delta, 10; Alpha Delta Pi, 11; and Asher Student Foundation !; Delta Upsilon, 2; Delta Chi, for Women, 12. will have their yearbook picture 3; Phi Kappa Sigma, 4; Phi The judging committee is taken today at 6:30 p.m. pre¬ Gamma Delta and Lambda Chi This will be followed by try- sently composed of Miss Waters, outs for numbers and an \lpha. tied of 5; Phi Kappa Tau chairman, Judy Kihm. Marcie open and Sigma Nu, tied for Alpha Heifer. Judy Dallaire, Beth practice at 7:30 for the tryouts Tau Omega. Phi Sigma Delta and Bur eh, Ron for membership in Gr< Splas Keithley, Bob Baker which will be held Nov, Upha Gamma Rho, tied for 9; and Sandy Sohnetzky. Phi Mu Adds, Moves Ahead A new addition is being made "GIFT BINGO' - - * to Phi Mu sorority fu>use and is expected to house members at the beginning of winter term. When completed, the house will Play TOP VALUE STAMPS face Charles Street instead of Ann Street as it does now. Facu Ity Mem her v livir •oom with f place and slate hearth is planned for the first floor, and the base¬ Speaks In \ Y. > WIN 1000 or 100 Top Value Stamps tfroqer ment will include a new dining J.A. Strelzoff, professor of room with fireplace and com¬ electrical engineering here will pletely remodeled kitchen. Phi Mu's expect to celebrate present a series of four lec¬ tures to a group of General El¬ ; WIN CHRISTMAS GIFTS of Your Choice the 10th anniversary of their ectric Co. engineering managers O founding at MSL in the com¬ at Saratoge Springs, N.Y., Nov. pleted house. 16 through IS. Project Hope has been adopted Strelzoff will J1 s c u s s "Con- as the sorority's new social ser¬ tinua." progatmdeveloped COMING a new vice project. The hospital ship at MSL over the pa--, ever, scans S.S. spreads medical know¬ to unifv te»cl,.n\?. of ,#.ous en¬ ledge rwKlgood will to underdevel¬ gineering subjects. ' oped nations around the world. The professor is director of FULL SHANK HALF Another great, new Kroger the MSL' modern Store to serve the growing engineering Students Get Talks seminar program, in which, en¬ gineers from industries through¬ SMOKED city of East Lansing at 2825 E. Grand River (com¬ HAMS out Michigan attend a series of or.-campus, week-end classes I in Tele-Lecture bined with Yankee Dept. in year. MSL students several wil "tele-lec This two-way communica¬ ■ part :epts. ib. 39c Store. tion ures system enables leadi:v_- fig¬ throughout the country :o EL CHARRO lecture FRESH r*con GROUND vjkv^lmnu - 3-lbs. o-ids. or more Patrick Cudahy to MSL' student? without- RESTAURANT actually coming to campus. in Thirty-five graduate students MSL's School of Hotel, Res'a- Hamburger n> 39c*«s/ Canned Picnics 3 lb Chunk < $1.69 urant ment and Institutional Manage¬ will: ear Frederick Turner, FRESH FROZEN BRAUNSCHWEIGER b 39/ vice Corp. president of the McDonald restaurant chain, Nov. 18. Several other prominent busi¬ gI » ;• Reservations IV 4-18MS <(U'—McRae-McF adden The residence hall swimmi' corekeeping and would coached by Danny Peterson. The biggest fear confronting kickoff<■, varsity. )—McGregor-McBeth finals will be held Thursday eve "For -i/e, talent and depth, Peterson and his freshman is follow all Big I en rules of play Seven men will share the bulk 5—St. Johns-Fink Panthers ing at 7 in the Women's IM po< exception free sub¬ action but Peterson said all the possibility of losing their CLOSE OUT There will be a scratch meeti wit t: e of e\«vsaid Peterson £,R.'s-Hunters stitution will be allowed. mar. ream the freshman will get a chance poise and falling apart. at 4 p.m. prior to the fina In describing the squad with a "I've seen many freshman >—Montie-Hedrick I he ;: ;me will go a long way to prove what they can do in starting line-up averaging nearly teams become unglued because determining the starters for their first game-situation scrim- ON '64 in the following encounter with the 6 1/2 feet per man. Despite the awesome height they could not maintain their poise." he said. varsity members not going to John Bailey, a six-foot guard, advantage the frosh hold over The freshman coach also point¬ MERCHANDISE itig squad. Anderson's unit Peterson is not extremely optimistic when his is expected to see action along with 6-6 pivotman Art Baylor, ed out that his men do not know State's system of basketball yet Wednesday the squad will break 6-6 forward Heywood Edwards, giants take on the varsity Friday and would have to adjust to game up into the two unit;- and prac- situations if they are to make a 2 HARMAN-KARDON 30 good showing. Fans have the opportunity to view the game free of charge "But if we keep mistakes at W ^ 2 HARMAN-KARDON Ste r< FN' 559.50 NOW plete 400.00cc with AM/FM Stereo, Garrard record and will be able to watch such future stars as Bob Spisa, a fullback from Hawaii; Ear. Lan¬ Trot Strictly For Birds a we minimum and utilize our teat," he said. height, will give the varsity a real NOW 139.95 changer & 6 Jensen sing .quarterback Chris ^ombs, Want a turkey to chew on tomorrow? For the birds, you say? The game will be played under and end James Juday from North- Get with it. Grab your old track shoes. Put on your sweatsuit,and Olympic rules but Peterson said Mew. Jim is the younger brother head over to Old College Field today for the annual "Turkey T rot." he felt this would have no effect HARMON-KARDON 50 y ; watt amplifier kits, r^g, If. Al! I.ICO KITS IN STOC K of varsity qua ut.erba ck Steve on the outcome of the game. 20% OFF It starts at 5 p.m"., and if ycreaiitnk'you can run a fast mile and an "It'll still be American Dtsfcet- 129.95 NOW 99.95 eighth—faster than 200 other expected runners- -get on your mark. ball despite some rule changes," Admission will be $1 with pro¬ \ roast turkey would taste mighty good to rrow night, and that's he said. ceeds going to the Ralph Young Peterson's 13-man crew will cross the finish line. Scholarship Fund. The game is : prize offered to the first three men be outnumbered by three as jointly sponsored by the Down¬ Anderson sends his 16-man var¬ town Coaches Club of Lansing, irkeys to chomp o the MSI.' athletic department, and goose egg. sity into a game that has to be ss—up. 1101 E. Grond River ED 2-0897 Admission to the game, a high¬ Don't worry about too much competition, men. All varsity athletes ■e banned from the race. All entrants will be average run-down light of the 12th annual Basket¬ M.S. U. Book Store M.S.U. Rook Store M.S.!'. Book Store M.S.U. obese blobs like yourself. So join in the fun, get trampled and have ball Coaches Clinic, will be $1. Tickets are now on sale by good time. bers of the sponsoring V: night—oi Club and at the Athletic Ticket Office n Jen.s Talk Basketball With CHEMISTS - 3.S. M.S. & Ph.D. Kxpanding utilization research program has created challenging Spartan Head Coadt— career opportunities for basic and applied chemical research and development in diversified fields. Forddy Anderson ORGANIC- Structure, synthesis, derivatives; basic and applied research PHYSIC A L- Polvmer structure; solution and solid state properties. BIOCHEMISTRY- Proteins, enzymes, natural products; isolation, structure, MSI."s Basketball coach Forddy Anderson starts off and properties. the season by autographin copies of his book, "COACHING BET It R B\SKI I B M.l." in the authors corner of the new MSB' Bookstore. Stop in tomori ow ANALYTICAL- between 2 and 3 Anderson. and have a cup of coffee with Coach Development and application of instrumental methods. Forddy is the first of the many on campus authors that will be presenting their books at informal coffee Sign up for an interview with our representative on hours at the MSB' Bookstore. November 13, 1964 \t your placement office Or write to MSI) Northern Regional Research Laboratory 1815 North University Street BOOK STORE l .S. Peoria, Illinois 61604 Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.s.r. ^ook Store M.S.U Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. November 1 1, 1964 7 Hip Operations Negro's Re-E Stores Hold Food An Astonishing For All Campus BOSTON f-Long ago. Edward gressional and state elections in W. Brooke said that the Ameri¬ 1966, and to get ready for 1968. can Negro's best path to the sta¬ The type of platform he has in tus he seeks is through accom¬ mind would take a stand against The food stores, in its new lo¬ distributed through this depart¬ plishment, that he must contrib¬ extremism, for civil rights, and cation near the married housing ment. ute as well as receive. lay down specific planks to meet office across the railroad tracks The MSL' food stores Is one of Brooke has just accomplished the needs of the people. from Wilson Hall, opened this the largest institutional housing an astonishing political feat—he Without the battles among can¬ past summer. and feeding operations in the won re-election to a second term didates for nominations, Brooke The MSI' Central Food Stores world. as Massachusetts attorney gen¬ says such a convention could work is patterned to operate as an The eral by 750,000 votes, the highest new building which costs out a program that "would be un¬ outside commercial jobber. The $1.57 million to build is entirely margin the state's voters ever derstood and accepted by the University buys directly from self-liquidating and no tax money have given a Republican. great majority of Republicans growers, processors and manu¬ was required in the construction across the nation." facturers in quantities required of it. It is designed and engineered He did it in the face of a Dem¬ Unlike some hesitant Republi¬ to take advantage of discount.c for still further expansion if nec- ocratic turnout which piled up can candidates who opposed the and other savings. For instance pluralities of well over 1 million nomination of Sen. Barry Gold- frozen and canned items for President Lyndon B. on most Approvimately 65,000 meals Johnson water, Brooke withheld any en¬ the and Sen. Edward entire year's supplies are will be preapred and served on M.Kennedy, LV dorsement of the national ticket. bought at the peak of the packing the M>1 campus every day begln- He said he couldn't support season to Insure the best and Goldwater, because "his prin¬ most consistent quality available That accomplishment has fo- Space is required to handle all ciples are incompatible with and eliminate extra handling and ! ' e food and other supplies neces¬ cussed national attention on storage charges, according to sary to be able to serve this many Brooke, a Negro, the first of his Brooke says the Negro can and Robert F. Herrow, Food Store meals. The new food stores has race to win a statewide office in should win full equality under the the space, ENGINEERING STUDENTS?—If that's what these the nation in modern times. 78,000 square feet, Constitution, but he should do it The f with IS Toot youngsters are, they don't go to MSU. The engi¬ ctually ceilings in the heavy by legal means, not "the fire single operation combining thre neering school here seems to be seriously lacking Brooke won the office of at¬ in that it does not have separate departments: suples, a single course in train torney general the first time in meat and product. It is the driving. However, with the University expansion, 1962 when he was the only Re¬ only pies about 15,000 square feet of sourer of supply for MSl"'s feed¬ maybe it will by the time they are ready for col¬ publican to win statewide. the space d has a capac !ty equal ing units ^ to that of 50 railroad cars: The lege. The train, incidentally, is located on the tracks near Case Hall. Brooke has some ideas on how All foods consumed Photo by Ricki Gilbert on cam¬ staples arid dry storage area oc¬ the Republican party can revive pus plus all related items sue!, cupies about 10,000 square feet itself—by calling a national con¬ as paper supplies, china, glass all located in one room with no vention nest summer, not to nom¬ F LUT E-T 00 T E RS- - " A tutor *ho 'ooted a flute tried to tutor two footers to toot." Those two footers and siiverwaru, plies, candy, fountain sup¬ gum and cig.irettes The meat-processing room is Ingham County On WK inate soul candidates, but to do some could have been Eileen Ross, Shepard graduate searching and draft a new student, and Kathy Keifer, Wasau, Wis., senior. are purchased, warehoused and fully equipped with grinders, Drive Opens 10:05 ajn.— Concert Republican platform on which patty machines, power hoists, au¬ Serenade for Harp and Orchestra. candidates can run in the con¬ They bought the flutes at the museum, and are now tomatic feeders, power saws and More than 50,000 envelopes of learning the fine arts of tooting, photo by Patti P rout Sorority Initiates a fisi. scaler. Light full time cut¬ ters handle this part of the Christmas seals have been mailed to residents of Ingham 2 p.m.—LISZT: Piano and op¬ Concerto No. 1; TCHAIKOVSKY: Seven Members eration which amounts to about County as part of the 58th an¬ Violin Concerto; DEBL:SS\ : Fan¬ 80,000 pounds a week. nual campaign to raise funds for Student ShopUHp* The Alpha Delta Pi Sorority In addition to handling suppM** WWWM.. -y tasy for Piano and Orc.V.esvra; ttusii Starts has recently announced seven members. ror meals on the main campus, other respiratory diseases. .forOrches- PaysForCrime new initiates include: Bev- F ood Stores handles supplies for The 1964 campaign goal has been set at $42,000, t: e grills compared 8 p.m.—DEDL'SSY: Sirenes; Thursday campus, Kellogg on A former MSL' student paid v Clark, Laclaire. Iowa, soph- Center and MSL"s Oakland with 541,543.91 contributed by MOZART: "Lxsultate, Jubilate," $54.30 in fines and court costs e; Mary Hargrave, Wayne branch. county residents last year. BALAKIREV: Islamey, Oriental after pleading guilty to charges of shoplifting in East Lansing MSL coed- will begin form, junWr; Elaine Krajenke, Cros-e Point sohpomore; Susar. Kut- The Ingham County campaign Fantasia; CHAL'SSON: Symphony 8 sorority rush at 7 p.m. Thursday is part of a $1,150,000 Municipal Court. goal set in B-Flat; ROSSIN-RESPIGHI:La p vith "Sneak Pre\ iews"--short chins, Haslett junior; Mary for Michigan. Seventeen tons of 11 S(, Boutique Fantasque; BEETHO¬ East Lansing police said Rob¬ Schwab, Grand Rapids seniors Appoints ert E. Carman, 24 S. Reuter St., Lansing, was accused by a rep¬ ;ties on campu-. Laura Spedding. Mar. <. lona soph¬ omore; and Jill Walcott, Flint Representatives Christmas seals are being mailed VEN: out across the state. Fantasy for Piano, Chorus MASONIC * resentative of the Greater Lan¬ sing Detective Agency of taking book and a pen from the Stu¬ junior. All University Student Govern¬ CAMPUS LAST DAY! 1.00-3:10-5:20-7:30-9:40 TEMPLE i Injured Chief Still a dent Book Store, 421 E. Grand ment (AL'SG) has appointed Jim "BRILLIANT TICKETS River Ave., at about 1 p.m. Tanck, Spartan Spirit director T H E A T R E ~ 1.50 2.50 3.50 4SO Monday. He was arraigned before Judge Hospitalized AfWr and its Milwaukee, Wis., junior, as representative to Men's Halls *7^ SEDUCED William Wise day. at 3 p.m. the same and 4. Convocations gave each coed a chance to meet her rush counselor and learn something Fire Friday Tanck's duties will be to attend MHA meetings and be able to in¬ -1 and flBflflDQflED JPOkiomt IX, *- about the Pan, Hellenic Council form them of AL'SG activities, Shown at 1:00-3:10-5:20-7:30-9:40 enclose stamped and MtcvsvicaTi State's sorority as well as to bring Information self -addressed en¬ Services Praised system. with injuries suffered at Fri¬ day's fire at the Music Practice back to AL'SG. TOGETHER' the most rib iicklingteam since aoam and eve1 velope for mailing Building. Winners of awards from the outstanding service Michigan As- Panhel advisor Mabel Peterson said that over 1 870 ,-oeds signed Crow, 62, was reportedly in¬ jured while attempting to aid SOPH* -&N .K sociation of County Agricultural Agents have been announced. Up for rush. Delighted with the a firefighter who was overcome response this'year, Miss by smoke. > (THEATRE MICHIGAN Y, '- mm V vr They are: Harry S. Wilt, Shi- y M Peterson said: It is expected that he will be awassee County director; Robert able to leave Sparrow Hospital in mastroianni J. Van Klompenberg, Ottawa County agent; Leo W. Dorr, La- peer County extension director; and Albei-t H. Nickels, Alpena "I feel that sorority life has much to offer in the way of an active, well-rounded life. One often finds that the busier one is, 3:15-5:15-7:20-9:25 ROCK ] R-f^>).RV«VII10RI0DiSICA Jungle Cat With "BEAVER VALLEY" , County director. the more one can accomplish." is ready to make love yesterday, especially to CARLO PONTI in COLOR Soon' Richard Burton in "BECKET" DAV ( Dow tkat it WELCOME! MSU STUDENTS A. DEAN WATKINS CO. 1209 E. Saginaw St. Lansing, Michigan (Between Lansing And East Lansing) Thurs., Fri., Nov. 12, 13 National Headquarters For: 7 & 9 p.m. Fairchild Admission; 50C •Party Favors And Decorations • O M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.s.U. Book Store M.S.U. nook Fraternity And Sorority Gifts For Your Wednesday and Thursday Until • Trophies And Plaques convenience • Ideas For Term Parties VFLl 9 • • Custom Designed Gifts Fur Any Occasion Campaign Buttuns, Ideas And Supplies / A. DEAN WATKINS t tf MSU BOOK STORE Free TransportationToOur Display Rooms May Be Arranged OPEN Located in the ismtet. for International Relations By Student Committees Or Representatives For Making Your Selections By Phoning 489-5764. SAVE THIS AD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book| Wednesday, November 11, 1964 For Sale personal PLC1AL CLEARANCE on Elec- HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Westing- JUST FOR THE RECORDS? Not CHEVROLET :°K. Sv " White FlAt 1^60 Goi id . ndit' :. Must tric "Drowse Alarm" Clocks. house Roaster. Duncan Pliyfe primarily. Just for you. Always! , sell. Best ciffer takes it. IV with unity I Lighted and luminous dials. ACE coffee table. Kitchen cabinet - That's us here at BUBOLZ 1N- Biscayne. 6-cyli d er,! am mat- 30 Phoi ■ 372-2294. 32 r 25" x 24" x 36". Sun lamp. SL'RANCE - car, home and bus- ic. r'his beautiful ttie 1961 2-260". manization. Specialised train- HARDWHERE & GIFTS, 201 E. has p. wer steering and FORD, 1959 C. luntrv Sedan. V-\ DO \ or KNOW that just ten Grand River (across from the Other miscellaneous items. IV iness. C30 m. del pr< grama. MC f II L EM- t Lansing, Union). ED 2-3212. C32 2-8319. 30 STUDENT'S: WHY leave y.~ would make a ben Utiful second radio, heater, automatic, pow¬ 'L.OVMENT, 710 Bank ofLans- e the best personal¬ $39.-7 English 3- dorms when BIMBO'S will de¬ car. J^.'S USED C ARS, "30 E. er steering, low mileage. Ex- -,g Building. 39 BICYCLE SALES, service and ized service from a small speed bicycle. Used bicyi liver your pizzas to you! Call Michigan. IV 4-451 il. c 30 Ceptionally <~1 ean. ED 2-0696.33 [['AT LAKES EMPLOYMENT rentals. East Lansing Cycle, 484-7817. • AUTOMOTIVE -\i.:-:ible friendly Ford Dealer? We fea¬ 1215 East GrandRiver.Call 332- rentals also available. ICE CHEVROLET, FORD, 1962 i slirlane. 6-cylir,der r permanent positions in of- • EMPLOYMENT condition. ture a fine selection of used 8303. C HARDWHERE AND GIFTS, 201 ARE YOU PAYING n Bel Air. Excelledit 4-door sedari. Standard trans- ce, sales, technical. Call IV . FOR RENT cars. SlON'S FORD SALES, Wil— need to for auto insurance?Call V-8, automatic, r. idu , ht ater. mission. White with blue inter¬ -1543. C30 C LARINET. Bo. sey and Hawks. FOR SALE I:.-, mst.-n, Michigan. 655-2191. or see your State Farm agent $595. 655-251", Wil lliamst n. 30 $1,045. Excellent condition. $80. Call . Low nail e a - e. • LOST & FOUND ior. C30 EMPLOYERS OVER LOADCOM- 31 ELECTRIC ADDING Machine. and compare prices. Ask for ED CHEVROLET, N63. 6-cylir der, HAROLD PLETZ, ) L.Grand PANY needs girls for temporary ED 2-5707. • PERSONAL Credit balance. Two months old. KARMANN, IV 5-7267, in Fran- itick, 2-doc r, : Air. Very River, Willia -,sMgnmentS. Office experience • PEANUTS PERSONAL Excellent condition. $75. 351- dor. C30 all IV 9-7hl3. FORD, I960 convertible. Rod- equired. 616 Michigan National T.V.'s as is. You fix, $7. Phone • REAL ESTATE clean. By wner. c 4646. 33 FREE! A thrilling hour of beauty' 30 heater. Black . Glass paks. Baby lower. Phone 487-6071. C30 484-8657. 30 • SERVICE ,, MERICANA, For appointment, call 484-4519. i hubcaps. $750. 355-1485. , wait- CLOTHING - MEN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA • TRANSPORTATION Popular Sci- MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS 33 women's. Shoes, hats, and mit¬ • WANTED welding. 215 S. Larch. lildren s books. $400 STUDIO, 16ft) E. Michigan. C32 Retractable hard- tens. Bedding. Men's hockey and DEADLINE FORD, 1959. i Lodge, Boyne Falls, figure skates. IV 2-' icellent con- HAYR1DES, PONY-DRAWN for ' top. Immaculate* Low mileage. 33 small groups, tractor for larger Also, 1936 5-windoW coupe. Show HEAD SK1S-6' 9", Cubcobind- ■ar tuned up first BOYS wa By reservation only. COLTS¬ fore publication 332-6995. 33 DELIVERY ings. Boots-size 10 1/2. Togeth¬ Lost & Found FOOT PONY' RIDES, Laings- O SERVICE, 315 Varsity Dr h ive car. er $55. Call Chuck, 489-1577. 33 Conceptions - 12 noon one FORD 1960 332-3255. C41 burg, 651-5637. br< glasses ,-r. i class day before publicatior cylinder, d shift. Radio, E. Grand River. ^ POLAROID 800. Photo electric LOST: DARKtai case. Between Anthc HEARD ABOUT McDonel Coro¬ Rea. ble. Must seli. Scooters Cycle! GAS STATION wanted. shutters 440. W ink Light 250. . - 60 hours, $75. and (Merest. 355-0410. nation Dance this coming Sat¬ PHONE Call 485-58<>o. VLSPA, 1963. lop For night woi ;. plus other accessories urday? Music by the "Brav¬ Stand- IV 9-8831. 30 leather carrying case. $100.Call LOS 1 : SILVER watch. Front, Stu- 355-8255 FORD I960 Station wagon. 33 ados", World's Fair Band. 30 ard shift. "6". Like new tires. r 7 — ED 2-2755 after 6. 33 dent Services. i back. FRESH BAGEL and lox delivery. RATES est people for only LOOKING FOR good used equip- 12-29-62" engraved $400. IV 4-2660. 230 Brynford. Honda for sale, 5. 31 further 33 cc ment? 30-watt Harman Kardon Reward. 355-8113 aft For 1 DAY SI.50 ition. Guy's and 9. Norm at 337-0800, 3 DAYS. S3.03 stereo amplifier. Like new. $65. los1 NOVEMBER Letter . . . FORD, 195o. V-8.AutMmatK-.Ex- i, saddlebags, and AM-FM tuner, $40. VM conso- from fr, Bogota, Columbia ad¬ 5 DAYS . . • S4.50 cellent running condition. New included.Call THE WORLD'S Greatest Band! :ras lette, only $50. Here you will dressed to Helen Netheway. brakes. Reconditioned. $175. At The Dells- This Saturday B."5sed on 15 words per ad •r at 353-2750. 30 Apartments also see the world's smallest Finder welcome to stamps. 355- t :it't 355-1*852 after 6 pmr 31 , jr. ted speaker system. Many ot!«Jv ar-d bookkeeping charge if FORD 195" Convertible". fftree- windshield. shar< ilock bargains. B£R HOUSE OF LUKT: RI'VLRSIBLL ski jacket. ♦hi ad is not paid within way pov ;r. New exhaust system, $300. I ' 355-5813. 31 Win ipring STEREO, 1152 W. Grand River, Peanuts Personal s mpus Turquoise - one side. Cran- V-8 automatic. Only $245. Dave, 34 Williamston. 4-9 daily; 9-4Sat- 482-1680. 30 HARLEY DAVIDSON C hopped terms. 351-4637. berry and black - other side. G-24 EAfrustrated and inhibited imia racing bike. Must VACANCY - 3-man ut3ern urday. Phone o55-2293. 32 Reward. 355-8865. FORD 1957. Ib:\itop.4-door. V sell $150 best offer. 337- Ap- SIAMESE KITTENS. Very cheap. and nobody loves us. 30 or apartment. Need one rr i. tomatic transmission. Goo Call OR 7-2504. 30 026 between 5-7 pm. 34 proved. 520 Park Lar LOST: BLACK framed glasses tires. Like new inside. Phone 30 Real Estate MOTORCYCLE 19 6 3. LD 2-0249. VACUUM CLEANERS in A-l con¬ green case. Shaw Lane or intl 4S--0667. 30 EAST LANSING Glencairi: 50cc, Model NEAR I RANDOR- One bedroom, dition. $10 and up. Phone 332- chemistry building. Call 351 FORD, 192 S Model A. 2-door se- 7008. School. Colonial, 4 bedrooms, unfurnished, except stove, re¬ 0932. 30 dan. Good condition. 4023 North 2 1/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, central 2456 after pm. 34 frigerator. Ample parking. $110 SONY STEREO tape recorder. LOST: CLASSES with clip-on a Turner St. Phone IV 4-4875.30 hide c rryin hallway. Phone ED 7-0708. 32 month. Also: More available Model 300 Stcrecorder. Slightly 5618 after 6 pm 34 WILDWOOD 4505. Three bed- •Ftible. New top. Employment November 15 and December 1st. used. Call Daon, 332-6522 after 34 — room home, almost new. Full 1-:>0' J" Phone 627-6352. 33 MALE STL'DENT, experienced sized basement. All modern. ins good. ONE BEDROOM deluxe apart- 16" CONSOLE T.V., mahogany, in installing ski bindings. Part- $9,000 cash. IV 5-2935. 30 excellent picture, $47.Reuphol- 1965 Wolverine—Dorm residents >r see it time. Apply downtown store. ment. Carpeting, stove, refrig¬ 412 H i/e. 30 Personnel office. J. W. Knapp erator. 230 Cedar St. $125 per stered tubular aluminum canvas relax. Your yearbook sales rep- 9520 Harding. V -3 bedroom is coming. 33 A. SPRITE, 19V). rxce- month. Professor or married chair, $8. Octagon; older type house. Carpeted. Full GALAME, 1962 2-dt • >r. Original Co. 30 hit basement. Oil heat. Fully insu¬ Conditi n - price, $350 or trade owner. Excellent condition. ACCOUNTING CLERK part-time students. 33 ing 1 table, $8. Round reed LIKE A REAL bargair I r laer car ar.d cash. 355- . $5. Size 10 golf records? Call me after 9pm. to¬ lated. Garage. Very good neigh¬ Price: $1,095. Phone IV 2-9778. 25-hour, five-d iy week, 9:30 to ONE MALE roommate to share shoes, $3. Size 42 man's gray night. 337-0909. The Robot. 30 borhood. $12,900. FHA approved 31 3:15. Two years clerical exper- luxury apartment immediately. UV.1N i.l ALLY SPRITE. > BliftiV from campus. 351-4716 summer suit, $6. 180 Mil-ford with $1,300 down. 484-2269. 33 M u v extras. First time ad- JAGL'AR 1957 XK 140. 4-speed. lence and typing required. after 6, 351-4637. 31 St., East Lansing. 30 Winter Rentals GARDEN SUPPLY CENTER, Shorthand desirable. Call Mony ■ Wire wheels. Dual overhead. vertised. ' C all Bill, 353-2535.34 greenhouse and nursery. Old " VROLET, 19 r> 3/4 full race cams. $500. Trade? 484-2535. 31 DELUXE TWO man furnishedef- SEWING MACHINE, 1964 ZIG¬ Available at established business on busy- AUSTIN HEALEY, 19 58. H ndard shift, radi' 641-6591. 33 BABYSITTER WANTED for three ficiency. 129 Burcham Drive. ZAG. Has small freight damage duras. Maroon. Wire wheels, on, ED "-9665. Available, December 1. $130per but does not affect sewing abil¬ EYDEAL VILLA & main street in Jackson, Michi¬ MGA, 1956 Red. Wire wheels, year old, in my Spartan Village overdrive, radio. $795. Phor.e month. ED 2-6863. 33 ity. Fully guaranteed...Only BURCHAM WOODS APTS. gan. Real Estate includes fully CHEVROLET, 1953. Go-id con¬ radio, heater. Mechanically apartment. Monday-Friday. 355-3106. 34 $49.95 Cash or terms. Phone OL for information call equipped store, two homes on dition. $45. 3-2 BBLcarburetor Call 355-0902 after 5:30. 34 TWO GIRLS to share apartment perfect. $400 or best offer. 5-2054. C30 ED 2-5041 ED 2-0565 four acres. Illness forces sale. ElKK LIMITED convertible, off 195". Oldsmobile - com¬ Phone 332-556". 30 MEN GRADUATING A small four blocks from campus, for ■ Owner will carry contract. 1958. Big, luxurious, full pow- plete with manifi Id. 882-5017. 32 MUSTANG- 1965 convertible.289 psychoanalytic ally winter term. Phone 332-0143. 30 SLIDE PROJECTOR, Minolda MEMO TO: THE SMOTHERS Write or call Ethel Anderson, e htlVROLET 194J treatment center ! turbed ROOMMATE WANTED. One man mini 35. Vinyl case. Portable. BROTHERS. Don't forget that Statewide Real Estate Service, , V-8, 4-speed. Most factory op¬ c r.a.n ;rg. Must sell, verv Dual quads, cam, children looking for two grad¬ Just new. Call 355-7542 or 351- next Thursday, November 12, is 3519 S. Cedar, Lansin ■fr. tions. Cascade'green. Save over is for luxury apartment. Winter as able. Ph ne 482-7988. 30 -s. Immaculate naug- 4029. 32 the date for your Lansing Civic 32 $500. ED 2-3123. 33 uating students to be part of its and Spring terms. Near campus. !-5737. . AV-D1AN CHEVROLET, 193". ! Steve N irjberc, 351- 351-5388. 30 DINETTE SET and 6 chairs. Old- Center concert. Tickets now on OLDSMOBILE, 196 3. 4-SDeed Price $225. 4>°-9691 before 5 32 counselor. An opportunity to fashioned couch, bunk beds, sale at the Civic Center and the Service 1128 Piatt Street, Lat.s- Jetfire. Excellent cond rion. ONE MALE roommate to share :■ see at hard- learn about disturbed behavior Paramount News in Lansing and jy RENTALS f< >r students. Eco¬ CHEVROLET 1958 Bel Air 20,000 miles. Power stet ring. luxury apartment immediately. floor lamp. IV 9-6998 after 9pm. i-e. 32 and to start pre-professional East Lansing. C31 nomical rates by the term and top. V-8. Standard shift. Very Radio. Call 372-4889after 5pm. Block from campus. 351-4717, UNIVERSITY TV RENT¬ " * !!: \"R■ 'L; 7, '.a'-3 Impal- S_; - clear.. No rust. 351-435" after 34 training in treatment methods. after, 351-4637. 30 ALASKAN MALAMUTE Puppies. FLY HOME TO N.Y.C. CHRIST - month. c- v- rt'. 2-d* r -rdtop. S-Ud 6 pm. - 33 Living-i:; positions-also avail¬ AKC. 5 ffioTirtis. Male and Fe- MAS. $55, round trip, ^e.r-in-; ALS. 484-92 63. C PLYMOUTH 1957 2-door. Six. ALBER T APARTMENTS one Red. This immaculate car is : able. Write Ralph Abvamowitz, L ORVAIR, 1961. Tip-top condi- Stick shift. Local transporta¬ block to campus. One or two Very gentle, good with 409 ci, 4-speed. See at jte.'S tio: . $900. c all after 4, ED tion. Call 355-9916 after 6:30 THE ORCHARDS, 31885 W. 7- males now through Spring. Call children, 332-0213. 32 33 discounted 25% except picture ■ Si D '•«>, "30 E. Michifin. Mile Rd., Livonia, or call 474- tubes. Estimates on shop ser¬ 2-6914. 34 351-4646. 31 PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, WATCH YOUR FAVORITE PRO¬ 9025. 32 vice. ACME TV. IV 9-5009. C GRAMS on NEJAC TV set. Rent CORN'AIR MON7A, 1962. 4- l'LYMOUTH-19 5 9. 390 cubic SECRETARY TO auditor. Hours, I louses Olympia, Precision. 6uy the fin¬ a TV from NEJAC TV Rentals. speed, 2-door. Good conditio: . inch, 400 h.p. Reasonable. Good est. Terms available. HASSEL- 9 4:30. Half-hour for lunch. RENT, HASL1 T. 3 bed- 17" and 21" table models, only - FOR 310 N. $1,200. Phone 372-3391. 50 runner. $300. Very little rust. $1.25 per hour. Monday through BRING COMPANY. rooms, bath and 1/2, Grand, IV 2-1219. C30 $7 and $8 per month. New Ze¬ i ORVAIR, :9.-2. 4 new tires. Call IV 9-1091. 33 Friday. Apply in person. See garage, finished ri nith 19" portables for $9 per White with red interior, LxceT- PONT1AC, 1955. Excellent con- Mr. Whitney, Albert Pick Motor room. Will lease un PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, pica month. Call 484-0624 for FREE IF YOU CAN WRITE, YOU lent gas mileage. 332-8015 after dition. Complete overhaul, etc. Hotel, 142" W. Saginaw, East $160. Call after 6. F1 9-2393. type, $40. Phone 337-0722. 936 delivery. C CAN MAKE MONEY WRI¬ *:30.~ 32 Call Barb, 355-6590 Lansing. 32 33 >od Rd., East Lansing. FOLK SINGERS nted. Girls TING PUBLICITY IN YOUR 32 34 v ORVAIR^, 1^0, 1962, 196 3. 2-1782. HOUSEWORK, Monday, Wednes- UNSUPERVISED. ONE or two a< singing SPARE TIME. Professional and guys needed for n day and Friday. You may bring girls over 21 in exchange mini¬ AUCTION EVERY Saturday at 1 group. For inform; ion. call course, personal coaching, PONTIAC, 1962 Catalina. Stand- one child. Call ED 2-6400. 31 mum house cleaning, cooking. pm. Automobiles, antiques, fur¬ 353-1561. 31 only $25, Trial lesson $2. ard transmission with regular niture, appliances, arts, etc. Call 8 am.-5 p.m. 699-272". 30 Free details, Bulletin MS, -ARNINGS ARE unlimited as ai gas engine. Many extras. Per- nd National Institute of Pub¬ Avon representative. Turn youi Buy and Sell. CAPITAL CITY WESTERN WEAR, lect condition. $1,300. IV 5-1698. 19^2 Greenbrier 4^- free time into $$. For appoint. AUCTION, 621 Hazel. Call 482- saddlery. Stetson - Acme - Lee ■ licity Writing, Box 1056, 3-BEDROOM BRICK ranch-style a'.s. Must sell. Make Ne 1476. C32 The West from the West Albany, N.Y. 12201 !2-**26 after 5:30. RAMBLER, 1958. Full power, , 5 Alona Huckins, 5664 ROBERTS 4-track stereo tape C OLTSFOOT WESTERN MER¬ Radio. Good tires. Autoi built-in oven, counter-t<>p st 30 School St., Haslett, Michigan, or GROESBECK SUBDIVISION. CANTILE, 11380 Peacock Rd. Phone 485-1216. jndi- call e nings, FE 9-8483. C30 484-1821. 32 Laingsburg. 3: IT-.LP WANTED, pa FURNISHED NEW two-bedroom. ion. Pampered by fuddy-dudd\ mngs. Ralph's < 1, 325 E. Fireplace. Basement. Parking. professor. Handsome. Al IFC Mandelstamm, 372-0078 after 6. Grand River. 34 629 Mifflin. Up '0 4 adults. $150 J.B.'S . - veruble.4- JJ0 SAL E S WOM A N-A P P LI A NC E and otography department. Salar- monthly. IV 5-4917. 34 SPARTAN MOTORS For Sale .Exclusively Chevrolet OR6-5071 aft — i. Age 25-30. Experience irking with general public. RUSH CONCLAVE MG-1955, TF roadster. F FIREPLACE WOOD 11 Mr. Grant TU 2-0036. 32 motor. New side curt Well Seasoned Maple Sharp. 699-2867 , 2-door hardtop. SEWING MACHINE, SINGER, Moving? ZIG-ZAG, with beautiful w o o d Get this cabinet. Has three needle posi- s for: zipperi with¬ Thursday November 12 1957 2-jJoor 210. Red ar.d Free out attachments. Al; white. Priced week. $445. Special this Book buttons, hems skirts and dresses. This machine can be Brody Multi-Purpose 710 P.M. yours for only nine payments of 1964 lmpab Super Sp rt. $7.06 per month. C all OL 5- 2054. C30 Rooms C & D ibles. Standard shift atd PIANOS AND ORGANS. Used I RIl'MPH HERALD, 1963 con- Spinet piano, $350. Also several used Spinet organs from $695 5' 8" Kimball grand recon¬ All fraternities wil 195" 9-passenger wagon. Blue and white. Make an ENGLISH FORD, 1958 coi id it i' n. . 30 m.p.g. $150. Mus- Excellent vertible. Will sell or Excellent condition. trade for cheaper LD 2-8424 after 6 pm. 31 ^ 484-1421 up. ditioned, $795. Terms Mac LAUGH LIN'S PIANO MART, RUSH CONCLAVES NEXT WEEK exc Ilent 2nd car. Priced sell. Leavi; , L.S.A. C all Chee, car. 1606 E. Michigan. IV 2-7356. 30 at ■ ly $395. 355-6608. 34 I R3- 195 7 Over-drive, wire EXECUTIVE STEEL case desk. Wed., Nov. 18 Conrad Hall FALCON, 1964 Sprin t Convert- Low price. ible. Ford-O-Matic 260 V-8. wheels, top shape. 1 all 355-8266. 32 WORTH AMEB/CA/V Good condition. $75. Call 332- Thurs., Nov. 19 Wilson Hall VA/V L//VE0 Whitewalls... Wh,;e top. 5,500 - .195-7. Unking for a new o«fl yv/am ntavrt . miles. IV 9-0783. id owner. Call Jim Nothoff, 337- HEELS, 7 1/2 B and S AA. V-. nccuJ, 9921 after 2 pm. 3< ious colors. 3 cocktail dresses, Sponsored by Inter-Fraternity Council FALCON 1960 Superb. No rust. size 12. Fur-trimmed parka. Best offer over $400. Mustsel!. VOLKSWAGEN 1961 black sedan. Sweaters. Excellent 730 E. Mich. Call Fowlerville- 223-9002 aft- Excellent condition. $925. Call 332-1089 after live. 484-4501 <94-0296. 30 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. November 1 1, 1964 9 Service WHY PAY MORE? For prufes- Good sional Placement Bureau |/fy CAMPUS PULSE ,a/| dry cleaning. WEND- ROWS. Pants, skirts, sweaters, 65tf. Plain dresses, suits, coats, Needed STATE $1.29. 3006 Vine St.. 1/2 block Placement Bureau interviews Nov. 18 & 19, west of Frandor. scheduled for Nov. 18-19 include: C30 By Musa Qutub DIAPER SERVICE, three types of diapers to choose from. Bulk For Fig Nov. 18, Wednesday Wednesday & Thursday The BoeingCo.:Civil, Mechan¬ <„>. What was your first im¬ He added, "Khrushchev wash for cleaner, whiter dia¬ pression of the shift of ical, Electrical Engineers, -\p- power seemed to lean toward the West, The mos; important step in Armour Food Service Co.:Ho¬ Jlied Math, Physics (B,.M,D) pers. Fluff dried and folded. Use in the Soviet Union? as opposed to his Chinese com¬ achieving and keeping a pleasing tel, Restaurant and Institutional Male yours or rent ours. Containers rades In his views. figure is to acquire better eating Management (B), Marketing, all Bendix Systems Division: DISCOUNT furnished. No deposit. 25 years "But because of the circum¬ habits, says Miss Mary Coleman, majors of the Colleges of Busi¬ Electrical Engineers,,(B,M,D), experience. BY-LODIAPER The new leadership in the So¬ stances under which Khrushchev MSU foods instructor. ness, Social Science, Arts & Mechanical Engineers, Aen - SERVICE, 1010 E. Michigan. IV viet Union brought a new era in was relieved of power, I can only Weight loss can be accom¬ Letters, Communication Arts lautical (M.D), Physics, Mathe¬ 2-0421. the Soviet diplomacy and feel that a tougher a ma¬ policy toward plished s iif v o-,d comfortably (B), (December and March ^ C jor concern to the rest of the the West will be in the offing," without starvation methods or grads). matics (M,Di. Male 1 male Carnegie Institute of Tec!-.: 1- Cosmetics & Vitamins Presswork and world. It is premature to judge Williamson concluded. drugs, she said. It's not what Bindery service. Carthage College: Accounting, Dgyi All majors of th« College You furnish typed stencils or the new leadership. But it should you eat but what you don't need Business Law, Marketing, Man¬ be of interest to all to observe Engineering, Math, Physic USci- finished typed copy. We do the Anthony Javoroski, Dearborn that causes the extra pounds. 619 E. Grand River agement, English, French, Ger¬ ?nce (B,M). Male rest. Phone 372-2011. 31 carefully the path It will take, be¬ junior, was not disappointed in Well-planned an d wall- man, Spanish, History, Sociology, Students must register at the cause doubt it will influence the shift of power in the Soviet balanced metJs help the person no ALTERATIONS - SLIPCOVERS. the world peace. The Psychology and Physics (D). Placement Bureau in person i Excellent work, best of refer¬ exit of Union. As he put it, "It was to resist between-meal snacks. Male/Female least Nikita Khrushchev as two days prior to date ences. Prices reasonable. Pick up and delivery, 465-7366. 31 a leader expected and Krushchev men- She a stressed the good breakfast in importance of a diet reg- t City of Milwaukee: Civil Engi- eers. (B.M). Male Across From Student Services City of Milwaukee: Civil Engi¬ ACCIDENT Kalamazoo PROBLEM^ Street Call Body Shop. Though calories duced, the essential must be re¬ nutrients neers. (B,M). Male Cleveland Board of Education: W omen Eligible • Daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Small dents large wrecks. such protein, vitamins and to as All majors interested in teach¬ For Scholarships American and foreign cars. Guaranteed work. 489-7507.1411 mi erals ficed. should not be sacri¬ ing in the Cleveland Public Schools. (December and March Two national scholarships an • Wed. 9 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. t East Kalamazoo. C Vegetables such as asparagus, grads) (B,M). Male/Female being offered by the Katherint DAY CARE - For pre-schoolers broccoli, carrots, green beans, C utler-Hammer, lnc: Electri¬ Glbbs School to senior college in my home, Colonial squash, spinach, turnip greens, cal and Mechanical girls interested in bt-com;n: Village. Williamson Javoroski uthers Engineers. Phone 484-0734. 32 lettuce, tomatoes, celery, cu¬ (B) I Union has. Khrushchev will be re¬ tioned his retirement in several cumbers, beets, cabbage, onion, Detroit Edison Co.: Electrical This scholarship will pay ful Aqua Net Net DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers membered by the historians as a of his ru'abagas and cauliflower were Engineers. (B.M) tuition of $1,200 for the winner; returned. Either yours or ours. speeches. listed as good diet foods. With our service, you great leader who led his people "As I visualize it, theproblem P.R. Mallory 8. Co, Inc.: Met¬ to one of the four Gibbs school,- may in¬ A pint of milk, either whole, al iurgical Engineers, clude two pounds of baby clothes in crises which tpould have re¬ is who will take power next, he Chemistry, plus a cash award of $500. skim or non-fat dry milk should Each sulted in World War III! added. Physics (B,M,D), Electrical En¬ uhiversity may 1 that do not fade. Diaper pail fur- recom- be included in a low-calorie, 00 At MSU, the students showed gineers. (B), Accounting, and Me- 59$ "My Impression was that of well-balanced diet. 1 interest in what is happening in ch.inical Engineers. (B,M). Male the basis of college ' w anxiety. 1 wondered what is hap¬ . ■ the Soviet Union. Among the foods that should Owens-Corning Fiberglass AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE pening in the Soviet Union," re¬ be eaten sparingly are bananas, 914 E. Gier St. "My first impression was one ported Gloria" lwinl ell, Lansing Corp.: All majors of the College of disappointment. 1 feel that apples, grapes and other of Business with emphasis on IV 2-0864 C sweetened fruits. Potatoes, bread Khrushchev, although being the "The Russians must Accounting, Math, Chemistry/ ■I COUPON^* prove to and cereals should be eaten with ■I COUPON ■ leader of a country which holds the world that they practice de¬ Physics, Chemical, Civil, Elec¬ ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL ad¬ discretion, she said. trical, Mechanical Engineers. vertising, 533 North Clippert. IV ideological views much different than ours, was a very rational mocracy. To do so they should allow Krushchev to explain his Non-calorie sweetening agents and three teaspoons or less of (B,M). All majors of theCoUeges English Leather Ban Deodorant 5-2213. C man when it came to important side of "\e svs.-y ." v j'VVpdu fat or oil per day will also re¬ of Arts & Letters, Communica¬ Home Economics tion Arts & Social Science THESIS PRINTED national issues," said John V*vi£w of the new roj ime, she duce calories. Reg. SI.00 Williamson, Detroit junior, predicted that Russia and the Weight loss m.ght not be ap¬ Sealed Power Corp.: Industrial AgentSefected $1.79 Rapid Service makes us wonder about the sys¬ United States will have a better Administration, Mechanical En¬ parent for as long as one to As Grant Winner 69$ tem of government that the Soviet chance to improve their rela- gineers. (B). Male one and one-half weeks, Miss Drafting Supplies Coleman said. Ann Carruthers, However, after • The Standard Register Co.: Bancroft that you may expect to lose one All majors of the College of Bus¬ XEROX COPIES Union Calendars sophomore, was surprised to hear of the new change in Russia. to one and one-half pounds week¬ iness with emphasis on Market¬ All organizations wishn gtheir ly without endangering CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT "This is a good indication that your ing and General Business, all ■ COUPON® ■1 coupon M events to be in the Union Board health. 221 South Grand tne Soviets satisfied with majors 1 the Colleges of Arts are not One-A-Day Type 482-5431 C32 calendar for winter term must have the information in the Un¬ his policies and felt they need a She suggests writing to the American Die:ic Assn. for a free and Letters, Communication Arts and Social Science (B) (Decem¬ Bobby Pins Typing Service ion Board office by Nov. 20. new dictator," she said. She also believes that it is too copy of its booklet, "The Best ber < : March grads). Male Reg. 25c Vitamins of Health to You." The address TYPING. THESES and term pa- early to know the direction of Reg. S2.98 T ransportation the is: American Dietetic Assn., 620 Stauffer Chemical I o.t L hem- called the 1 lorence Hall iw rd~ pers. tlectric typewriter. Ex¬ new regime, and it will be of N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111., Chemical Engineers. (B, wl" be made at MIDAA's : : ua lit istry, great interest to follow closely 99$ NEW YORK HOLIDAY BUS SPE¬ perienced. Fast service. Call 60611. M>. Male meeting m Washnvio , D. C. CIAL. Round trip, $32. Reserve the patli of the leader. 332-4597. " 32 Stauffer Chemical Co.: C hem- Nov. '5-19. Such awards aremadi seats now for Thanksgiving and istry (D) Male/Female annually to eight N ine ig.eits ii Christmas trip. Phone East Lansing Bus Dept, 332-2813. Si *Intercollegiate' Council Slates Gerber Products Co.: Food recognition ..| anM di: ti #i. -1 t|u. ,ju|, lA-,,.,i"inncs mw rypisG f.. NEW r"ro YORK SPECIAL.. Fly horn" N.Y.C. "forChrlstmas Vaca¬ taps 2 At MSI Two Luncheon, Talk Technology, Chemistry-Bio- family living extension chemistry, Bacteriology or Mi- Mrs> Reinbold's -w. rd h program ■ COUPON ■ papers and manuscripts. Car¬ Michigan State undergrad¬ "Challenges of Today in Men¬ crobiology (B.M), Chemical En- her accomplishments fn the ire; r- bon ribbon, Greek and technical tion. Non-stop flight to N.Y.C, uates have been appointed stu¬ tal Health" is the topic on which gineers, Horticulture, Ag- 0f physical and mental health, Breck Setting Lotion symbols. Wide experience in all (LaGuardia Airport) $55 round dent representatives for Inter¬ Robert A. Kimmich will speak ronomy, Entomology, Pomology phases of typing. WONCH trip. Call now, 337-0089, 3-6 collegiate, a new national stu¬ Wednesday at the YWCA, 21" 60c Value and-Plant Physiology (B). Male pm. 332-5973, 6-9 pm. 31 dent organization being in¬ Townsend St. GRAFlCt 484-7786. 39 ANN BROWN typist and multilith troduced here and at 113 other Reserve Texas Instruments Inc.: Elec- Wanted , (rT(t(III(itIOII (,(ll\) 19* offset printing (black & white & midwestern campuses this week, til Tuesd. tncal, Mechanical Engineers, i by ' GIRL TO share attractive mobile color). IBM. General typing, They are Thomas L. Kelpin, Communit Cil.615 Physics (B.M.D), Math(M,D). Academic apparel for fall tern term home and rent. Call between Brookfield, Wis.,sophomore,and N. Capito] Male papers, theses, disserta¬ graduation Dec. II can be si/ei tions. ED 2-8384. and 4 at 372-1210. 30 John E. Pence, Oconomowoc, calling ti C office, IV he c i.iversity of Michigan - and reserved at the Union desl EDIE STARR, typist. Theses, TWO TICKETS to Notre Dame Wis., freshman. 4-1357. iMMel o-fice:Chemistry,Bi» any time during the term, dissertations, term papers, game. Call 339-2597. 30 itiiiisuy. Bacteriology, Med- Union desk hours are: Monda' ■I COUPON ■■ general typing. Experienced. STUDENT WIFE: And mthet i I eel •" U'l.M). Male/ through Thursday, 7. a.m. to 1 IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C desires tull-time babysi subscribe to the malt p.m., Friday through Sunday, : Jade East Men's TYPING he \\i irginia State Road a.m. to 12:30 WANTED. Electric her Mahlon St. home, a.m. typewriter. No pick-up or deliv¬ Freeman, IV 2-2213. s appar Cologne ery. OR 7-8335. TYPING. THESES, terrfi vipers, 41 Christian Science Monitor Landscape A :t(B,M). Male at the etc. XEROX copy service. IBM Electric typewriters. 337-1527. C WANTED: THREE tickets togetli- er to Notre Dame ^55-6748., game. Call 32 an international daily newspaper $2.89 BEV TALLMAN. Your term pa- FOUR TICKETS t<> Notre Dame pers, reports, theses and dis¬ game. Call Pete 337-9921 or Jim sertations typed in my home. ^■1 COUPON H 1/2 price 332-2882. 32 at IBM Electric. Call 372-3849. 9 Volt C30 low 1961" Triumph at Peterson's TERM PAPERS, etc. Electric typewriter. Accurate. IV 7-0619. Body Shop. Private party inter¬ ested in buying. Owner contact Transistor Battery 337-0993. 31 through the Christian Science Reg. 59c TWO MEN to share apartment Organization contact: Susan mt MISERABLE <£ THAN A FALL J winter and spring terms. Call immediately 351-5459. 33 Alexander. Ed. 2-0379. 19* t Thanksgiving ■I COUPON ■■ Sucrets Lozenges Reg. 45c ■ COUPON Dristan Cold Tablets Reg. $1.00 vfa* Cards 29$ 69$ Special Thanksgiving COUPON ■■■ Edition of Matchabelli Golden Autumn COlDA^D damp A\D There $ n:thiN6 to do except IDEALS Spray Colognt ■ Jl'ST rlAN6 AROUND THE H0l'5c ^ Magazine fashion styling $2.25 plus proper fit $1.50 at Wallace's Not only will Available Now At eyewear at you find an outstanding selec Walla i's, you can also always perfect fit. It's an unbeatable combination! Specials Available At E. Lansing's Department Store for Students East Lansing Store Only Where E. Lansing and M.5.U. meet. CAMPUS BOOK STORE WALLACE OPTICIANS 3040 Vine (Opposite Frandor) Coupons Good Thru Nov. 16 Free Parking At Rear of Store aM (Across from the Union Building) also offices downtown at 107 N. Washington R.C. Jones and Dr. B.C. Bussard, regi steredoptometri sts Phone I V 9-2774 Wednesday, November 11, 1964 10 Michigan State W I.ansing, Michigan ANY DAY ... EVERYDAY .... AT IN AISLE AFTER AISLE, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, THE f BICE" IS ALIVE WITH LOW FOOD PRICES. JOIN THE ** Lf THOUSANDS WHO ENJOY CASH SAVINGS ON THEIR FOOD A BILL EVERY WEEK WHEN THEY SHOP THE FRIENDLY BIG — PORK SALE! SAVE! If I QUEEN'S BONELESS ROLLED - LOIN PORTION / PORK ENTER CUT R0AST69 LB TOM TURKEYS GRADE A HOME STYLE SPARE RIB5 LB. 03^ 35 HOME STYLE SPARE RIBS LB. 11 AM/ 7flA c PORK BONELESS LEAN, FRESH GROUND MO'SSEUM TRUCK--"THe Footloose Moose" really BUTTERFLY PORK BUTTERFLY PORK CHOPSCHOPS LB./Sf- 790 ^OQA gets around. This truck, used by the MSU Museum for traveling, has attracted much attention because FIRST CUT HAMBURG LB. of the grinning moose on its side. Admiring the "mooseum" mascot are exhibit oreparator Va! R. -".yrrian, crouching- Charles ^•" PHnDC PORK CHOPS PORK CHOPS DADTinw TENDERLOIN PORTION TCkincDi dim 490 lb 490 AA ■ _ GROUND BEEF STt'AK " 690 GRADE E A - r< 390 lb • (eft exhfbit Vpsilanti junior, curator Les Dre^ and Lou G^een* who is getting an interior view PORK LOIN ROAST GROUND BEEF CHUCK LB.590 HEN TURKEYS 380 of the "moose." Photo by Larry Fritzlan BREADED 590 59 PORK CUTLETS ''Footloose M GRADE NO. 1 SWIET'S PREMIUM PROTEN 990 99 SAUSAGE SIRLOIN, BONELESS MAHATTAN OR Campus Work LB. GROUND MEAT LOAF BEEF,VEAL & PORK 590 T-BONE STEAK LB. x libits, s.-ud. "The EBERHARD'S LEAN SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN TENDER SHOULDER PORTION :hc h.ibit of rattin g sounds like a boiler SLICED BACON ,490 BONELESS ESSEX STEAK LB. $1.09 BONELESS RUMP ROAST lB. 890 MSU t.-.S VEAL ROAST lB. 490 ROSE BEEF CUBE STEAKS LB. 990 BONELESS IMP. ROAST l B. 790 195? SHOULDER PORTiON mt LB.oW S^/yJwrSSKFY Ct UR STF.AK sir.ce BACON ir/ STEW ^EAN VEAL CHOPS - sac t time you're behind Wells ;t. p and s.iy hello to "Foot- POLLY ANNA FRESH He's just sitting thereby k'cls jb u: 10,000 r d C*dar all alone. ROUND STEAK lb. 990 HONEY WHEAT BREAD °L* Calendar of VEAL RIB CHOPS lb 790 PLAIN OR SUGARED DONUTS DOZ. 190 Coming Evente panish Club - 8 p.m.. Union, POLLY ANNA POLLY ANNA SLICED HUNTERS Management Club - 290 'ark YOUR CHOICE a.m., )airy Club ' C" Wells - Hall. 6:30 p.m., 126 WHITE BREAD LL0BAF 5 F0R 850 CINNAMON BREAD SPECIALS! ECKRICH SMOKY - LINKS. FARMER PEET'S RING BOLOGNA. ROC Plan WMU Student FARMER PEET'S LCE. SLICED BOLOGNA, SAVE 16tf NEW AT THE BIG "E" KING'S 33 Available Robbed By Riders FARMER PEET'S SKINLESS FRANKS. ICE CREAM CAKE ROLL PANCAKE ELOUR k xLAMA/.OO (UP1)—Joseph THOMASMA'S SLICED LUNCH MEATS ROC, the I ,j. Navy's Reserve SAVE 20< Officers c a: didate pr .'ram, is Kleinow, 20-year-old Western HALF Michigan University student, re- 690 39 r w available • MSI students po to; to police that threoyouth.: MINT CHOC. CHIP ICECREAM GAL. 5 LB. 49 robbed him of $2 at the point BAG of a knife early Tuesday after ROC offers students the >pp r- le offered them a ride home. COUNTRY FRESH 2% LO-FAT EBERHARD'S FRESH tLi.ity to partisliy c< mpk-te their Kleinow said I e met the in Bronson Park downtown. T hey three LB. CREAMERY BOTTER 590 MILK through week If Reserve m« ti s asked him for a ride and he MI-CHOICE SOLID PAK obliged. When they got in the FAMILY FARE c~ one of t: em pulled the knife .in.' they took the money and got out of the \ehicle, he said. HERRUD'S HONEY, NEW ENGLAND, MARGARINE 590 SYRUP — 390 ROYAL SCCTT BAKED HAM LOAF < 790 CORNED BEEF »« STARFIRE 33 HALF MARGARINE 5 1-LB. CTNS, Who's Whose GAL. CTN, EBERHARD'S - 390 PINNINGS SWIFT'S PREMIUM Maine Krajemce, Crosse Pon te sophomore and Alpha Del¬ BIG "E" COUPON 12 ASST. VARIETI :S . KUEN'S MARGARINE 890 BEEF STEW ».*< 390 ta :'i, to Carl Meier. Grosse Point, sophomore and Delta Sig- SWIFT'S PREMIUM hi University of Michi- DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES TREESWEET FROZEN MANOR HOUSE-REG. OR DRIP 390 , at e scheduled LUNCH MEAT CAN with : periods, srd pay is give- f re x: E NGAGE ME NTS D UK O 02. ORANGE JUICE ....can 210 COFFEE KRAFT'S 28 SIZE IA or sessr n ^tended. Helen C. Reimann, Saginaw the T: ited States, it least 17- -enior and \lpha Xi Delta, to Ronald R. Schrems, Saginaw sen- | pkg- 0 I CHUNK TUNA BREAST-O-CHICKEN 230 BAR B Q SAUCE 290 3, | :d but under 2" .,2 ye-rs y^.rs old by time of graduation; phy¬ 10 Mary at b e- ris State College. J. Hoexter, Marshall (k on[". p r AM 1 L i l-ANfc WHOLE sic a liy qUdi.tH dvk'.th 20. 20visi raduate. to Brent Willison, SAVE 10< PLANTER CRUNCHY ■ POTATOES — 100 with a w;,vor limit up •' 20,40 correctable to 20/20 each c>e; mentally ar.d morally qualified Lat le Creek junior. GENERATORS !(| WITH COUPON AND $5 FOODPURCHASEMJ N COUPON GOOD THRU SAT. NOV. 14 7i PEANUT BUTTER >«-"« 490 CAN- 20* OFF-TETLEY'S BLACK with definite It idership hilityj FAMILY FARE PLUMS, APRICOTS OR EBERHARD'S BLUE TEA BAGS ioo CT. 790 490 ! 1 Reser e t reshr & STARTERS PEACHES 240 DETERGENTGIANT B0X NORTHERN WHITE fit BIG "E' C00P0N U.B. 13 01. JAR 6 and Rebuilt 12-V.olt 17U REG. $2.00 VALUE! THE AMAZING GOLD SEAL GLASS WAX IUo. 490 TISSUE SINGLE ROLL ]£ f J Guaranteed New & Used Exchai '• Price ■ SNOWY WHITE BLEACH WENDY DOLL 880 RfcU. UK LIVtK Textbooks VOLTAGE REGULATORS 18 BEAUTIFUL WARDROBES - ONLY 79* - $1.29 VINYLWAX ot.C 770 VETS DOG FOOD _B. CAN Paperbacks 25 Rebuilt GAL. 0 FLORIDA NEW CROP JUICE SPARTAN 6 and HUV„It 126 ONLY U.S. No. 1 MICHIGAN f LORIDA No. 80 SIZE BOOKSTORE Exchange Price ABC AOTO PARTS L ORANGES CO M.S.U. Souvenirs ?lIwiTH COUPON ANDTHRU COUPON GOOD $5 FOODPURCHASESj SAT. NOV. 14 f, CORNER of ANN 8. MAC