Inside Weather Philbrick on communism, p. 3; MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Modern Folk Quartet visits Mostly cloudy, windy and mild Wonders, p. 5: Gas mask re¬ STATE with a chance of showers. High search, p. 6; Hockey team pre- in the 60's. Clearing andcooler UNIVERSITY tonight. Vol. 55, Number 212 East Lansing, Michigoi Thursday, November 12, 1964 LB J Willing To Talk Over Red's UN Debts Accident Report Answers ' Nigerian Crash Victim Request Is Near Death UNITED President NATIONS N.Y. \/P)— Johnson has expressed willingness to resolve the dead¬ ENGLISH EYE — Two members of the Oxford University debcte team seem to enjoy A MSU junior lies near death end newsman for WJ1M-TV. He lock over U.N. finances "in any the view on campus of American coeds. Tom Steinfatt, (left), Lansing graduate at an Ann Arbor hospital today, was previously with the news number of possible ways" con¬ student and member of the MSU debate team, escorted members of the Oxford Robert Dennis Fraser of Win- staff of radio commentator Paul sistent with the U.N. charter. team on a campus tour, before Tuesday's detate. netka, 111., received fractures of Harvey at VVGN in Chicago. He said the United States is both legs, an arm and the pelvis ~.~M. wttfc Jnyow, av when his car smashed into an 1-% any isi^e on the grave issue con¬ overpass abutment near Brighton fronting the world organization. Atom Sub's Visit To late Tuesday night. Communist The President's chief U.N. del¬ Japan He underwent surgery Joseph hospital immediately upon arrival, and was reported in "ex¬ at St. Conference egate, Stevenson, Ambassador gave position in a letter to the Ni¬ Adlai E. Johnson's gerian U.N. Ambassador, Chief Prompts Demonstrations bor to protect the Sea Dragon, ers, threatened a nationwide tremely critical" condition late Wednesday afternoon. Staie pc'ice theorized th a t Postponed O.S. Adebo. It was the first announced re¬ sponse to letters Adebo sent last Wednesday to Johnson, French : pol; Bards of demonstrators strike "as a last resort" if the Frifer feU asleef the wheel, President Charles De Gaulle, I'.; Naval roamed the city Tuesdav night, conservative liberal-democratic They said u ]ook 45 minutes to MOSCOW -The New Kremlin Soviet Premier Alexei I. Kosy- souther; p \\edne sday Socialist leaders said at least g .vernmert allowed the port call, free the injured student fr..m the leadership has agreed to put off gin and British Prime Minis¬ thousands leftisi 10,000 demonstrators would con- wreckage. BREEZING ALONG—Steve ter Harold Wilson, asking that demonstrations is to u protest the this U.S. 7th Fleet re- In a proposed conference of Com¬ Goodman, Valley Stream, verge Tokyo, 12 police and eight A radio and television major, N.Y., their together first port call by U.S. nuclear munist parties here Dec. 15 on sophomore, appears to have solved the trans¬ governments get fueling and crew recreational students were injured in a clash Fraser had been attending a Na- submarine to Japai the Soviet-Chinese dispute in fa¬ portation problem on campus with a skate board. Icy port before the Sea Dragon Tuesday night. Police tried to tional Association of Broadcast¬ weather The Soviet Union is two years vor of a Peking meeting with winter could be a threat, but then there's The i cle ed Sea docked. break up a sit-down by about ers meeting in Detroit. He was Mao Tse-Tung's regime early always Ice skates. Photo by Patti Prout behind in U.N. dues because of Dragon was scheduled dock at Akira Iwai, leader of the 4.5 1,400 students who snake-danced returning to East Lansing when next year. Communist sources refusal to pay assessments to the base at 6 -Wednesday for million-member left-wing Sohyo up to the front of the Diet (Par- the accident occurred,, eatlonal said Wednesday. support peacekeeping in theCon- a three-day visit. Labwr F'J" *"••«»->«">»)> holding. Nine FAvf.j :: V^r au-r, *,«< ««« •;f20/?«»j£ter«?jjdjng weJjave spring. Official some kind"' and asks to "Many can't afford the $12 for chairman of a 21-nation group longing to different parties, have military regime. Their backing Poned until meet trying to work out a formula for boats were s o Sasebo har- achieved with the parties, the had weapons for years. Their is essential to keep Bolivia at confirmation was lacking. cor|firmatio with Jolman to "work out some¬ just a few trips away from home financing future peacekeeping stocks were increased by looting peace. The sources indicated the ba¬ thing acceptable to both sides." during the term," she said. She indicated that the situation operatmgs. arsenals during last week'smili- sic positions of Peking and Mos¬ L. LyleBornor, superintendent "If the junta keep s itsprom- Stevenson addressed his letter, cow on Communist was worst in Spartan Village tary revolt that ousted Presi- iseSi everything should be all questions re¬ 'Combat Communism to Adebo as Nigerian chief dele- mained far apart. The talks since where the wife without dent Victor Paz Estenssoro. right," said Juan Lechin, Sa,e' All political part ic i except Paz's Nationalist powerful leftist l.-.idcr whose in a Chou arrived-here last have failed to reconcile Thursday disagree¬ Forddy To Speak cannot nearest take an MSU bus Lansing bus stop, over the Stevenson said that 'as far as Revolutionary miners in the south rose against the United States is concerned, With Facts'—Schwarz Forddy Anderson, MSU basket- a mile away, without a $12 pass, SK movement and the Communists ments on such things as de- the current financial difficulties paz ]ast month. "But if the ball coach, will be available to Her letter points out that while gave the military junta tenta- promises are not kept, we will Stalinization, revolution in un¬ can be settled in any number of derdeveloped nations and rela¬ answer questions today from 2 to University Village wives have onebil- -tingTues- fight again." 3 p.m. at the MSU Bookstore in possible ways consistent with the tions with the West. convenient access to Lansingbus lion people, or 50 per cent of the ^ ni2ht. the International Building. lines they would like some con- world's population. He did not elaborate. The Barientos said some parties The promises include calling Agreement was reached to talk Anderson will discuss his new sideration for daily events on The greatest thirf United States has always argued However, he said, only a small gave outright agreement to sur- free elections within six months sver the dispute some more be- book, "Coaching Better Basket- campus. that it would be "consistent with percu'.tn- 6 ■: these pe pie are render arms to the government, to a year to name a civiliai ore the projected world csnfer- One such event is the dancing combat communism is to gain hard-core Commu, ists. the charter" for the Russians Ooviously this did not include government. ;nce of 1965. classes offered to students'chil¬ knowledge about it. That was what He blamed the to forfeit their vote if they did spread of com- —————————————————————————————— dren in the Women's IM Build¬ Dr. Fredrick C. Schwarz, presi¬ munism on apathy, indifference not pay. But it has also said it ing from 4 to 6 p.m. dent and founder of the Christian is flexible as to the method of (continued The University prohibits stu¬ Anti-Communist Crusade, told on page 5) payment, because "the only dent driving on campus from 7 estimated 1,600 people at vitally essential ingredient in PARKING an I a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Lansing Sexton High School any solution is that the funds Friday. This includes the wife of NO 13^1 Tuesday night. New System a student, since his car bears a be made available Nations." to the United "We have the responsibility to acquire maximum knowledge of RESERVED student sticker. > of c Works Fine FOR former rmpr this earth," rW%Rl r^P,™arHdPrWr FBI counterspy rnimtprfim A. Philbrick md songstress Janet Herbert terday *>r prr ancj parking tht' «mPus bus system reglJ 1 ri.,i s h:we had RIGHT UNIVERSITY Romney Asks In Farm Prod the desired effect on u fficprob- Greene, said he hopes to conduct owwto one of his concentrated, week- long anti-communism schools in Michiga: to help cA.c te the Richard Berr.itt, traffic safety director, said »raffic on Farm _ • red by 50 TURN VEHICLES OTHERS!^ Gov. George Romney told members of the Michigan Farm "Today one of the greatest threats to the farmer's livlihood o Bureau Wednesday the greatest is a 8°°d year, a year when he effort to balance supply at a reasonable price.' H00 B re more cars regis- leen conducted throughout and demand. rountry, there has i ever beer, i n Michigan before. tered Student > >n campus than in 1963. cars number 9,188 as of NO PLEASE In a speech here at MSU be¬ fore the convention of the MFB, —"The fact that the American farmers who have laid the founda¬ Nov. 2. More than 6,700 employee tion for society of abudance "If you do not put this into 00 NOT our PARKING governor said Michigan cars are registered. the ion," Schwarz said, "what have not shared proportionately farmers can lead the way toward RMS) The have reduced and equitably in its benefits." The o: an -tar.ip.:c ; I: as allowed increase in speed of cars THIS EAT building a better farm future on Romney said that "the Ameri¬ program opened with a " ihe greatest need of Ameri¬ can farmer's ability to produce, driving on University streets. prayer, followed by the Pledgeto Lyle Bornor, maintenence sup¬ DRINK can agriculture is for creative, which has been a blessing to the Flag and the singing of both of "The Star Spangled ervisee said "We"r; doing what SIDE industry-wide efforts to balance the rest of society, has boom- -NOr. verses Banner." Philbrick, the first speaker on we set out to d> " witi. 'he bus • SMOKE / IN corridors, classrooms, supply with demand," Romney said. " This is a need which eranged against the farmer year by year he sees the income as The no amount of federal tinkering of his city relatives and friends peak hours for the bus the program, was introduced by system are between ~:30 a.m. IN THIS / lecture halls and can meet—short of total, iron far outstrip his own." . mm 1 Johr, N. Moore, associate pro¬ and 6:30 p.m. or. class days. • control by Washington." fessor of natural science. PhiibrTc'k, other *• f the book,' buses yj.slC Ksjc,;i«,s use :re¬ betweei the -, hours, he ROOM / teachwg laboratory "tedixri ptogt-atiirc.*»•«?«« fully take the place of self help, adm VKWUWMSW: n would "stand "I Led Three Lives," on which local initiative, voluntary action ready to assist you in your ef- the popular television series One bus is used to cover the the and state responsibility." forts through enabling legisla- "Don'ts" and "No's" the about his experiences as a coun¬ whole campus route between 6:30 MORE PEOPLE —MORE RULES—With the large growth result are more negative Romney said the farmer today tion' strengthened market pro- of the terspy within the that Michigan State has beer, experiencing, there ore regu lations—hence the photo is produced is faced with two "tragic motion and research - ocas 3) ir-nnif *or farm products." Thursday, November 12, 1964 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan EDITORIALS ************ I Letters To T All-University Radio: Questions 'Vette' Controls Needed This year's round of the recur¬ over the purposes of the station To the Editor: ring debate over the feasibility of and other difficulties are bound When MSU's first traffic death occurred on campus Oct. 18, 1964, a single all-University radio sta¬ to arise. several police administration students surmised that the car might tion has begun. Prospects of a "It's going to be rough, real be a "Corvette." This turned out to be true. Perhaps the MSU police have already had a talk with the various careful, objective study of the rough." Piatt said. sports car clubs around the city to request their cooperation in abid¬ many problems related to the It is indeed going to be rough ing by the traffic safety regulations on campus. If not, perhaps this is a good time to engage in some "preventive-methods." idea of a station are increased to establish a station. The current It is not easy to avoid the presence of the 15 or so, beautifully by the organization of an All- disagreement within \YB US — in¬ motored-up Corvette Club models that swing thru East Lansing and volving Armstrong Hall's with¬ "gas-up" at MacDonald's. I'm sure the members of these groups University Student Government would appreciate this interest on the part of our campus police and committee to deal with it. drawal from the Brody Radio would readily comply. hook-up--is hint of things to N. VanDerJagt The committee includes repre¬ a Lansing graduate student sentatives from various student come. It will take committee with governing groups, the faculty and a Praise For Block 'S9 the two existing radio stations some ability in politics and prac¬ To the Editor: in the Brody and Shaw dorm tical debate to reconcile the many issues involved and the several I would like to let more people on campus know what a great job groups, as well as technical ad¬ Bob Amsler and Block "S" is doing. visors. Warren Piatt. AUSG vice potentially conflicting views of I'm a freshman and when I first came down to MSU, I didn't think I could ever develop an attachment or feeling of loyalty to a school president for special projects, the groups concerned with the this large. But, after a couple of card section practices and football is chairman. station. games, I knew I was a part of Michigan State and that Michigan State Tlatt is reluctant at present to It must be determined just what was a part of me. What I haven't been able to understand is why more people and discuss specific proposals that its status in the University will organizations such as the State News, don't fully support Block "S" have been made for the station. be. Serious questions must be and try to help it all they can instead of making things difficult for answered concerning the finan¬ everyone involved. The two ideas suggested so far To see such enthusiasm by not only the hundreds of students that are those of Brody's WBRS and cing of the station and the sources participate, but by the chairman and leaders as well is great and I wish more people would take a closer look at the combined card- Shaw's WKME, respectively of talent to staff it. It must be de¬ section cheering club. suggesting an all-University ver¬ cided whether it will be closed It has been said this year's Block "S" is one of the best, despite circuit or broadcast overtheair, the rough start it had. Proof of this is that the first official MSU sion of the closed circuit system Pep Club may be formed as a result of Block "S". used by the two stations and a where its facilities will be If this organization has'the backing of students and organizations housed, whether it will have fac¬ it could really be developed into a fantastic thing. I hope so. network plan based on individual dormitory stations. ulty advisors and Piatt emphasizes the need to staff. study not only these plans but any others which may come up in dis¬ be Piatt said provided some answers by the University may De Gaulle's St Lansing Film Fans Seek Support To the Editor: cussion. Any proposal which may eventually be made, he said, will Publications Board, which super¬ vises the operation of the State Could Hold to In Lansing, we are forming a small living room size be known as the Exploring Cinema Society. Once 9 .month film society we plan come from the committee and not News, the Wolverine and other to screen 16mm. films that are controversial or/and creative. By PHIL NEWSOM sis in NATO. But as far as e Erhard from office evei )e- Our first program will include "Boy," the film that was banned from any other single source. publications, and may have sup¬ United Press International De Gaulle is concerned, he feels next year's elections. from WMSB-TV but praised by the Saturday Review of Literature. The committee must determine ervision over the station as well. It's believed top-level Ameri- that he's operating from a posi- We would like to find a group on campus— a dorm, a club, a fra¬ An uneasy feeling about the fu¬ officials may go to Paris tion of strength and shows no sign how much need there is for such An all-University station ternity or sorority that would be interested in forming a campus ture of the North Atlantic Treaty in an effort to avert a cri- of compromise. n branch of the Exploring Cinema Society. We are an informal, non¬ a station, and must define what could, if successful, serve a ma¬ Organization is again manifest¬ profit organization. Frank Leahey its exact function will be. It will ing itself among nations of the jor function in providing a feel¬ free world. gather information on the opera¬ ing of unity for a disparate Uni¬ The latest developments are Hello, Wrong Number, Want A Date? tion of similar stations on other versity. It could, on the other not hard in the facts at all yet, categov^ but more oW unconfirmed Red Cedar Report To U\e ^cjiitor: r. ca'tnpuses and act as the agent for hand, turn f.n empty a n i\ reports. A rash of reports cir¬ We feel that it is our duty and o»r ' , inform you . The State News staff chipped in and bought me a birthday pre¬ that we are the most popular girls nt campus. Our phone tings ai culating in Paris suggests despite the yroj^osed station in the nego¬ jp.qintle.^, Y_e,pture(in disc-jockey¬ ' oli'icial denials' that Frendl pres¬ sent, a new madras straight-jacket.'fK»> myWt'vnda/a m February! least thirty times a day. tiations which will have to take ing. The gnals and conceptions for ident Charles De Gaulle is about However, since we are not Alpha Gamma Delta. Delta Zeta, ready to pull out of NATO. Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi Delta Thet-a, Phi Kappa place before the start of broad¬ which it is organized will de¬ I'm not saying that the election campaign was dirty, but Mr. Tau, Theta Chi, Triangle, or Zeta Beta Tau, not to mention two It's also possible that France casting. termine its future value. Clean stock went up 300%. taxi companies, Bob, Pete, Bill, or Steve, the fire department, the may leave the six-nation Euro¬ The target date for the estab¬ We will be awaiting significant pean Common Market. police department, Louie's Cleaners, or Phil's Pizza Place, we never have any dates. The word in Washington is that lishment of the station is winter developments from the AUSG Well, we've got a new registration procedure now. The Admin¬ So please, if you're going to dial a wrong number, be 6'3",male, U.S. officials expect a major cri¬ term, but Piatt admits that the committee, and will be ready to sis to erupt about the time of istration says it's perfect—even the IBM computer can't figure well built, and want a date. Thank y^very much. it out. the NATO ministerial council -k it if end of that term may see discus¬ give enthusiastic support to any Two Freshmen & Two Graduates meeting in Paris on December 1. Now that we have the "Meter Maids" to take care of parking sions and planning still going on. workable, intelligent plan which The speculation and rumors all tickets the regular campus police have more time for their im¬ boil down to the same thing. He expected some disagreements may be suggested. De Gaulle is more than ever portant duties, like arresting the guys molesting the ducks. convinced that Britain is not ready for political union with the and that there is an I gave the MSU Development Fund $1.98 so maybe they'll Eternal Revenue Service Continent name a dorm after me. Or there's always the new sewage plant. Anglo-American conspiracy to retain sway over WesternEur- It is difficult not to sympathize fall into line and go along with ope. always opens the paper and looks for this column President De Gaulle is disap¬ with the sincerity of folk singer federal decisions regarding the first; then he goes and reads the rest of the trash. pointed at the results of the Joan Baez in her battle with the use of the tax dollar. Fr.ench-German accord signed Internal Revenue Service. Miss Miss Baez' fight is a courag¬ two years ago and irritated by Baez. an "active" pacifist and a eous one. but one which does not West German refusal to lower grain prices according to the Letter Policy dedicated leader of the college- seem to promise an outburst of Common Market schedule. The State News welcomes all letters to the editor from its De Gaulle continues to oppose age protestors against heavy de¬ the kind of thinking she says she the U.S.-proposed mixed-manned readers. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and typed double fense-spending policies, is re¬ hopes to encourage. Few people nuclear surface fleet for NATO spaced if possible. Longer letters may be considered for publica¬ as inimical to the interests of a fusing to pay that portion of her are willing even to think about united and independent Europe. tion as "points of view" columns. No unsigned letters will be printed, but names may be withheld 1963 income tax which she esti¬ the apparent futility of defense Now is the time to settle these on request. The State News reserves the right to select and edit would be used for defense and related issues once and for mates build-ups and the possible hor¬ all. letters to fit space requirements. spending. rors of nuclear warfare, and few¬ Some observers believe the As a result the "Eternal Rev¬ er still are willing to go to the withdrawal of De Gaulle's 27 air qdeidq niaaaian squadrons and his two army di¬ enue Service'"--using her term¬ lengths to which Miss Baez is visions from the NATO defense □□□□□□ □□□□□ inology-has her in a legal and going to make their views known. shield will not greatly weaken □□a □□□ ma it. It is undeniable, however, that □HO □□□ ana financial bind which could go on such a move would deny French for long as she holds out on bases and communications to the as payments and. we expect, The Strain Was Too Great NATO and that could be serious. □□□ □□□ □□□ A class discussion on the futility of feeling too The Common Market has □HQ □□□ □□□ could seriously hamper the suc¬ great an involvement in the affairs of the world helped to bobm French industry □□□□□□ and there's doubt that De Gaulle cess of her booming career. was interrupted recently when a tape recorder.— used by the professor to keep "notes" on the seriously contemplates pulling 1R1ENT|C|RM3|W|E1P1E| It is difficult not to sympathize discussion—suddenly made a strange noise, out of the trade group. And if with her. but, on the other hand, stopped and started up again, its two reels spin¬ De Gaulle really does seek in¬ ning in opposite directions. creased European economic and it is difficult not to foresee a dim "This discussion must have driven it mad." political unity, he scarcely could 42. W riting abandon the one vehicle set up '"uture for anyone who refuses to the professor said. table to accomplish it. • 44 Vault Pressure from the independ¬ 45. Kettledrum ent-minded French president vastly increases the problems of MICHIGAN West German Chancellor Ludwig 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 STATI « STATE NP Erhard, who is committed to the % UNIVERSITY abolishment of all trade barriers within the six Common Market 10 i " /4 it 4, IS 9. Admon 12. Hidden touch of crochet But the government support for 13 '7 % If 15 Fissile rock 18 J'lus a on brushed MOHAIR Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Associa¬ Editor Advertising Manager John VanGieson Arthur Langer grain prices is higher in Ger¬ many than in France and, with an 16 20 %21 2Z 20. Toper tion, Press Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Association. Campus Editor Managing Editor CharlesC. Wells ,Liz Hyman election coming up next year, % % V/,24 21 2t % 27 Lovely, lovely mohair. scallops here, . . with a dainty circle of and there, and there! And a new g Wire Editor Hugh J. Leach Erhard is not anxious to risk the important farm vote by lowering 23 % 2> 3* 24. Ouudrui 25. Fancied string-tie neckline! The season's prettiest pullover Published every class day throughout fall, Sports Editor- Richard Schwartz /e and Garland skirt and pants colors match. g them. Erhard also has been m — dV// d winter and spring terms and twice weekly Ass't. Advertising Manager ..Ken Hoffman Anger summer term by the students of Michigan Marcy Rosen among ain be those demanding that Brit¬ allowed in the Common 3/ 31 33 % % ^SWEATER $13.00 ^SLACKS $11.00 f State University. Photography Advisor Copulation, Manager Dave Jaehnig ,v.Dill Marshal1 Market, a membership which De 34 35 X b 37 36 39 ^SKIRTS $9.00 to $13.00 Oaurte has iiioci'dci. Night Editor jay Levy 40 41 47 43 35 Raise 203 East Second class postage Michigan. paid at East Lansing, Copydesk Advisor Advisor Henry Price Richard E. Hansen At home, Erhard is under new attack from former Chancellor 44 i 45 37. Chafes 38. Wings Grand River;:;: i News Editorial and business offices at 341 dent Services Building, Stu¬ Michigan State Uni¬ Editorial Editors Konrad Adenauer, who is one of the strongest supporters of close i 46 47 versity, East Lansing, Michigan. Susai. Filson, Michael Kindman cooperation with France. % % Adenauer appears to be trying to Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, N Former Counterspy Attacks Traffic (continued from page 1) From Our Wire Se Indifference To Communism and 11 p.m. passengers use On because only 300 the system then. Saturdays, about 750 stu¬ dents ride the buses between The United States is losing idividuals, non-Com- Viet Guerrillas Shoot Up Helicopters 7:30 a.m. and 11 p.m. The main the battle to the "Communist ho don't realize what VIET transfer points on the bus routes NAM—Communist £Berrillas in South Viet Nam have criminal conspiracy" because of the group actually stands for. are Demonstration Hall and the shot up two U.S. mercy helicopters and fired at dozens of others. the apathy and indifference of They usually think they're in a The aircraft were on rescue missions to aid victims of floods its citizens, Herbert A. Phil- civic, patriotic organization. Library, Borner said. which have drowned an estimated 12-hundred persons and left brick, former FBI counterspy, "The fronts, according to Phil¬ About 2,826 passengers use the one Million homeless. told l,o00 persons attending an brick, serve as transmission commuter lot on weekdays. They At the same time...U.S. military spokesman in Saigon dis¬ anti-Communist rally Tuesday belts for Communist propaganda. average 1.2 passengers per car. closed last week was the worst for the fighting Americans in night. He said they're, the recruiting There are 1,360 parking spaces Viet Nam. Seven were killed and 75 wounded during the week. Philbrick is the man who for grounds for new Communist u the commuter lot. nine years led the three lives members. Democrats To Push Health Bill Through of "The actual organization is John Patriarche, East Lansing everyday citizen, Communist WASHINGTON'—The Democratic leader and FBI counterspy. city manager, told the business¬ majority in Congress, biggest composed of full-fledged Com- the since Franklin D. Roosevelt's days, will push through a health The Communists are suc¬ munists who are members of the men parking regulation on bill before mid-1965, administration supporters predicted campus have also affected East care ceeding according to Philbrick, Communist criminal ccr.spiracy. Wednesday. because not enough people care They're the hard-core party The plan to provide health services for retired persons througl, enough to do anything about it. members who are planning the le said more cars now stay the social security system, a center of controversy for almost "If you attend an anti-Com¬ strategy and t: ger in the city parking lots. a decade, came closer than ever to enactment this year. The munist rally today," he said, e l.; • percentage of those staying Senate approved a variation of the plan, but it died in conference "you're accused of being a right- 1 joi ger than four hours has more between the two chambers. The House Ways and Means Com¬ winger, a radical or an extre¬ n doubled. mittee has consistently backed its chairman, Rep. Wilbur D. mist." MSU Men's Club Mills, D-Ark., in opposing the project. This is false reasoning, ac¬ "he percentage of parking cording to Philbrick. Sets Lobster Feast ces used has also increased, Grenade Explodes In German Playground "Take he "I'm ugh the Valley Court lot is HANAU, Germany—At least 34 school children were injured liberal but l'n also strongly laity only half full. About 40 in Hanau, Germany, SO spacer are not used there, Wednesday when a grenade exploded in their playground. A boy—described as "feeble mined" by his "There are two kinds Diwali Festival parents —had found the gr^iade on the wav to .school and brought munist groups operating it with him. It exploded 450 children playing during he explained. "The among a Tickets Available Romney's Press Secretary Resigns Post chased their ticket LANSING—Richard Milliman, press secretary for Gov. George Festival or have not TORE HOURS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 5:30 PM WFDNESDAY NOON UNT Romney, resigned Wednesday to become editor and publisher oi bership in the Ii.d the Mount Pleasant Times-News. IFC Sponsors can still purchase tn Search Conducted For Missing Girl dinner. They should ST. JOSEPH—Civilians and police agencies are conducting a Orientation Wold 5 p.m. n. the Lnioi today for r L search in Berrien County for a 11-year-old girl who disappeared Inter-fraternity Council IFC near her home about 10 miles east of St. Joseph Tuesday# will sponsor the first of three Ttw ^cUr-Ann Zelenak—has been missing for 24-hours. rush, conclaves tonight from 7-10 for STie was last seen walking along a road near her iii-XUtxi D of Brody A small plane, a sheriffs posse on horseback and other persons on foot and horseback are searching the Pipestone Township area where the girl lived. Hall. The orientation program is HOT PIZZA designed to acquaint freshmen country conve r tibIt;, the Wives Respond to Hen-Pecked Husbands with campus fraternity life, but DELIVERY STOKE ON TRENT, England—Twenty local wives announced members of all classes may suede jacket with Wednesday the formation of a club in answer to the Hen-Pecked call Husbands Club. The wives called their organization the Domineers. Each fraternity house will be Their represented, and students will zip-out pile lining bfl,pict 'res a hefty woman sl, filing a plate over the have an opportunity to ask ques¬ ED 2-0864 head of a man. Asked why they chose such a militant title as the Domineers, tions and talk informally with one wife replied: members. a "I.cgk. No man who's really ben-pecked is going to belong to club that calls itself the hen-pecked husbands. First of all their wives wouldn't let them join it." THE PIZZA PIT 203 M.A.C. Tighter Court Practices Needed LANSING—The Association, president of the Michigan Justices of the Peace George Hutter, said Wednesday tighter auditing Paper Slated practices and higher fidelity bonds could help prevent irregularities from occu:*.;g *'.« • For Study See KRAMER'S for Among the irregularities found were cases where persons paid Joseph Waldmir, assistant traffic fines, but court records indicated they served jail sentences professor of American thought LARGEST DISCOUNTS instead. Saginaw County officials said at least $1,000 is involved. and language, will discuss "Two Heavy Snows Mean Early Skiing Contemporary American Novels of the Absurd: Joseph Heller's IN TOWN! SAN FRANCISCO—California's Sierra Nevada Mountains are 'Catch-22' and KenKasey's 'One being lashed by heavy snows and gale force winds. Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest' " COMPLETE LINE The San Francisco Weather Bureau reports snow depths up tonight at 8 in 34 Union. to 40 inches blocking mountain passes. Waldmir's paper, the second NEW & REBUILT AUTO PART S Drifting snow is hindering travel on all the major trans-Sierra in the current series of Ameri¬ highways. can Studies Seminars, was de¬ Major ski resorts said they'll open this weekend—the earliest livered this past spring at the University of Helsinki and is to SERVICE be published in the autumn issue New British Government Raises Taxes of 'Wisconsin Studies in Con¬ LONDON—Income tax has gone up for about two- temporary Literature." and-one-half percent,. The new Labor government initiated the Next Wednesday, Virginia Rock WINl ER-CGNDIMON GUARD increase to pay for a "social justice" budget giving more bene¬ will discuss "Conservatism in YOUR CAR KOR LLSS! fits to widows and the jobless. The government says the higher Southern Literary Agrarian- income taxes "fall on the shoulders of those-wt.o cafi best bear them." Drum And Bugle Corps Breaks Things Up HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORWICH, Conn.—A drum and bugle corps was tuning up for Martin Luther! Veteran's Oay festivities in Norwich when the vibration from the corps drums shattered the glass office doors of a local Chapel Service Change "SERVING CREATED I ANSING FOR 48 to Wholesale & Retail attorney—who was guest speaker at the patriotic exercises, after — the parade. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. AUTO KRAMER PARTS Phone IV 4-1335 warm up to winter in nylon fleece lined SNOW BOOTS New from Bostoniar The traditional penny-strap moccasin superbly crafted in Golden Scotch Grain. Here the rich, textured grain leather has been lightly antiqued to give it a deep, lasting underglow ... helps to make this fine leather soft and -::pple. And the front scam is sewn entirely by hand for extra comfort and long, lasting fit. This is the Bostonian Ficx-0 Moc that you shouldn't be B. '-Everest" mid-call »><>..t. black without! Seeing is believing! Come see 'em! or bronze wax calfskin. 15.00 "FAMOUS BRANDS for DAD & LAD C. "Sky Boot" in i 1 i rry -look boot in black or bronze wa\ call ' mi i/.OQ HOLDEN in the Frandor Shopping Center Thursday, November 12, 1964 Michigan State Nrws, Kast Lansing, Michigan For the Bes Air Force ROTC Initiates in Italian Closed-Circuit TV Teaching By BUD CHAPMAN struction techniques available in logue system Is similar to the State News Science Writer presenting current and vital ma¬ graduate seminar. terial to the student." He said that there are three The Air Force ROTC started In each of the three presen¬ different forms that are usually using closed-circuit television used: for instructions Wednesday, and, tations eight or nine students HOME-MADE LASAGNA ironically, the topic covered was the organization and mission of gave talks on bat branches the various com¬ of the Army, 1. The teams class is divided into and each team is assigned according to Ma j. Edwin J. Scarff, a subject which it must research the United States Army. and present to the class. SPAGHETTI Teams of Air Science mors, sopho- working from the MSU instructor for the class. After the talks were give the 2. Round-table discussions are class was opened for a question conducted in which each student closed circuit television studios session in which the student lec¬ studies all the subjects presen¬ T BONE STEAK in Giltner Hall, briefed their fellow classmates in BesseyHall turers answered their class- ted to the class in order to talk on any matter discussed. classrooms. Air Force officials called the 3. The class is divided into And many other Italian-American Dishes The Instructions were pre¬ two groups and each must be pre¬ first try at the new system a pared and presented by the ca¬ pared to debate one side of an Air Conditioned-Open for Lunch at 11 Daily, 4 Sun. dets as part of their study of large success. Capt. Allan M. Jokela, Air Issue such as the unification of FIRST STEP—Students fill out new registration forms for winter term in the military doctrine and the armed Science forces of the United States. associateprofessor, said the armed services. Union, which is the first step in procedures for the early sign-up. Photo by Larry Frltzlan that this new program is part Capt. Jokela said that the value An ideol place for your noontime meol. Lt. Col. George A. Davies, of a new teaching idea developed of the new teaching system was chairman of the Air Science. De¬ partment, introduced each of by Headquarters AFROTC. the interest shown by cadets. Correction The new dialogue system was Capt. Jokela said that because *2 throe nesday. He presentations made Wed¬ said, "the use of tele¬ experimented with at 15 schools last year and early reports have indicated that it is very suc¬ the use of closed-circuit tele¬ vision lends itself to this type of instruction it would probably Alpha Hawkins" Kappa Alpha's "Sadie dance was held last Saturday. It will not be given Composer T vision by the Air Force was in 211 M.A.C. ACROSS FROM KNAPP'S ED 7-1668 keeping with AFROTC efforts to utilize the most progressive in¬ cessful. Capt. Jokela said that the dia¬ be used more and more in the future. this Saturday as reported in the States News. His Electronic The electronic laboratory is as a tape-recording. There is nc intermediate written score. giving birth to the' newest mus¬ ical form; a form that has no The music had its origin ir written score. experimental work of the 1950's, Market conducted chiefly in Germany. explain the new world of Spartan Shop-Rite To electronic music Mario Davidov- Interest in the electronic sky, Argentine composer and ex¬ approach to composition has since spread to most other Wes¬ ponent of the advanced form, tern European countries and the will give a lecture-concert 7:30 Americas. p.m. Friday in the Auditorium. Davidovsky will discuss the Davidovsky is currently assis¬ tant director of the electronic technical and artistic aspects of electronic music and play music center of Columbia and ANNUAL WHOLE SALE!! tape - recordings Two of his of the new "studies' on rape have recently been issued or long-playing records. Princeton Uni Hvs. sponsored lecture-concert Natural Science by is co- the Colleges of and Engineer¬ ing and the Department of Music. Electronic music is an ad¬ by which com¬ vanced technique posers work with sounds prduced Slate Finance electronically under laboratory conditions. Talk Tonight These sounds are then re¬ corded on tape and the "musi¬ Current problems in inter¬ cal" work is composed directly national finance willbediscus ed tonight by Harry G. Brainard, professor of economics. Slated for 7:30 in the Union artroom, the programis spon¬ sored by Delta Phi Epsilon, the professional fraternity for inter¬ national affairs and foreign trade. Brainard has worked exten¬ sively with the federal govern- . He joined the MSU faculty in 1946. Books he has written include: "International Economics and Public Policy," "ABC's of In¬ ternational Economics" and "Economics in Action." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 12, 1964 S NAACP Membership 6Did They Really Come?9 Continues To Climb this The majority of recruits in week's campus NAACP dieted the drive would chapter's membership from 195 bring tne Folk Five Calls On Wonders As sort of a "feeling out" plan, "For example, an informal sit¬ to 225 by Friday. The goal by By PAM JAMIESON The Modern Folk Quartet membership drive are white, uation like this," she said, "is State News Staff Writer (MFQ) and Judy Collins had ac¬ they are also releasing 12 singles President Melvin M. Moore said the end of winter term is 300. to find out what the public wants. a fine time and way to express Wednesday. Moore said he was surprised The men of Woodbridge in cepted Woodbridge's invitation to South Wonders had five exciting come to North Wonders after Miss Collins, who is touring your personal attitudes." In the first three days of the during the drive by the number with the A1 Curtis, North Wonders visitors their concert in Fairchild MFQ but appears in con¬ week-long drive, 45 students, of students who do not under¬ drop in at midnight Tues- Theatre Tuesday night, attended cert as a single, discussed com¬ graduate assistant, left the meet¬ over half of them white, joined stand the objectives of NAACP. by nearly all of Woodbridge bining politics and folksinging. ing to make coffee for the guests, the iMSU chapter, he said. "Many of them think all we do "You're kidding," said Dave The temptation to influence an but by the time it was finished, The National Association for is picket," he said. Albery, house president. "Did audience with your personal po¬ the five had to leave. They went the Advancement of Colored The membership drive is un¬ they really come?" Albery and The MFQ. Tad Diltz, Chip litical views is great, said Miss back to their rooms in Kellogg derway in the Union Concourse about 10 other men dashed out of Douglas, Cyrus Faryar and Jerry People has increased its white Collins. But she disapproves of Center for a few hours' sleep from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through their rooms and down the hall to Yester, have been together since membership on the national campaigning while entertaining, before hitting the road again for the lounge. they met in Faryar'scoffeehouse, level considerably in the past Friday. and said that there is ample other a concert in New York City to¬ "Greensleeves," in Honolulu two few years. time to let your views be known. night. years ago. The group puts their Moore, Inkster senior, pre- Photograph Russian Club four-part blending ability to use in many different kinds of songs. Meets Tonight "We'll sing whatever sells," A PARTNER YOU Schwarz Misleading TASTY COLLINS—The pensive side of folk sing#r Judy All students interested in the future of the MSU Russian Club said Diltz, short, surfur-haired banjo player of the group. CAN BANK ON. A student who had no part in Collins is displayed before the concert sponsored by All four of the singers men¬ the student protest against Dr. Senior Council. Photo by Patti Prout are being urged to attend to¬ tioned frequently their new al¬ (continued from page I) "and complacency on the part of Fredrick C. Schwarz, president of the Christian Anti-Communist nights Union. meeting at 7:30 in 33 bum coming out in the spring. East Lansing Crusade, but was shown in the The business meeting will con¬ State Bank free people. Many people, he said, say that picture on page three of Wednes¬ "the only people who would waste day's State News, called the State Scholar To sist chiefly of electing officers. Students interested in running Yearbook Picture News Wednesday tocomplainthat attended a pre-election caucus The International Club year¬ CORNER ABBOTT ROAD an evening listening to Philbrick and Schwarz are the nuts, are the extremists, are the right-wing he was being accused of taking part in the protest. About Shakespe Wednesday. Following the business meet¬ book picture will be taker p.m. today in the fourth :45 floor par¬ AND GRAND RIVER AVE. Convenient Branch Off/ces At ing, everyone will have the op¬ lors of the Union. radicals." Only the students carrying Harry Levin, a distinquished A reception for Levin will be portunity to learn some popular All members of the Interna¬ •OKEMOS "HASLETT "Well," he told the audience, signs wereactuallyprotesting.he said. None of the others were ac¬ American literary scholar, will held in the Kiva following his Russian folk-songs. Refresh¬ tional Club are requested to b« it Insurance Corporation "welcome to the club." present a special lecture on lecture. ments will be served. present. About 15 pickets were on hand tively involved in the protest Shakespeare Friday in the Ki demonstration. to protest, but both Philbrick of Erickson Hall. M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book and Schwarz made light of them. The lecture, which is open "I'd like to thank the picket line for advertising my book," A TL Professor to the public, is one of a series scheduled this month to cele¬ Philbrick said, but he empha¬ brate the 400th anniversary of Voting Talk Set NEW NICE sized that he did not pay them to Shakespeare's birth. «»» Levin is chairman of the De¬ Albert Karson, associate pro¬ Schwarz said he was always fessor of American Thought and partment of Comparative Litera¬ grateful for the pickets. He told ture at Harvard University. He how they had appeared when" he Language, will discuss recent local and national elections at is the author of nine books"of spoke, at MSU Monday, and said -t -ou up arid tap November 13, 1964 The good-looking economy car-with sports you down. They're roUe ar car engineering and features. Over 75 mph. mobile and absolutely authi 4-wheel independent suspension. At your placement office tic. Neat belt loops CTam but-not-too-narro/. < uf Or write to Work Your Way And Save AL EDWARDS Shaped on-sean t uld force the Spartans. Left halfback Bill Wolski, tackle Jim Carroll and guard Jim Lynch are still listed as "questionable" participants for the MSU contest. Wolski, whopulled a leg muscle in the Pittsburgh game, is ND's leading ground gainer. Carroll, who leads the Irish in tackles, suffered a knee in¬ jury against the Panthers. Lynch missed Saturday's game after sustaining a bruised knee in the Navy game. The Spartans will enter the good physical and men¬ tal condition. They have been undergoing hecvy workouts all week but will up tonight. The Green and White will leave J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 12, 1964 9 The Mystery Cliff OfI Intramural Coppe News MEN'S 9:00—Sigma Nu-S.A.E. 9:45—Theta D. Chi-Phi Sig. D. Hockey Time Touch Football Field 1 All Deadline paddleball entries are due Team 6:00—-Psi Upsilon-A.T.O. 6:45—L.C.A.-S.A.M. in The the 1M office at 5 p.m. residence hall and all- 7:30—Delta Upsilon-Phi D. The- university field hockey final has Answer ta 8:15—Casopolis-Carleton been rescheduled for 5 p.m. at Monday Old College Field be¬ at 9:00—Vets-Thelma Thigs tween Case and Gilchrist. By BOB KAMINSKI 9:45—Blu Waves-Eagles (short State News course) Results Sports Writer Field 2 K.K.G defeated K.A.T. 15-1 and 6:00—Phi K. Psi-Phi G. Delta 13_8; Sig. Tau D# defeated A> The 6:45—Cache-Caribbean Sudbury, Ont., suburb of O.Pi 4-12, 15-6 and 15-13; A. Copper Cliff may be unknown to 7:30—Fee 4-6 D.Pi defeated Alpha Phi (2) 15- most people around MSU, espe¬ 8:15—B.T.Pi-Pi K. Phi 7 and 15-6; Alpha Phi (1) de¬ cially since it is over 500 miles 9:00—Triangle-Sig. Phi Ep. feated Z.T.A. 15-1 and 15-3 while from East Lansing. But, around 9:45—Phi K. Sig.-A.E.Pi A. Chi O. won by forfeit over the MSU Ice Arena, it is quite Field 3 the C.Z.'s. the familiar town. 6:00—Wordsworth-Worcester WOMEN'S Hockey Coach Amo Bessone 6:45—Condottieris-Generals Schedule Change has been tapping members of the 7:30—Phi K. Tau-Sigma Chi The women's 1M student fac¬ Copper Cliff High School 6ntry 8:15—Phi Sig. K.-A.B.T. ulty family swim will not be in the Northern Ontario High DRESS REHERSAL — What may seem like half the battle to members of the 9:00—D. Sig. Pi- A.G.R. held tomorrow evening due to Spartan School League for the MSU var¬ hockey team is the tedious preparation necessary for each practice. With checking 9:45—Whites-Rangers (sho 't the women's varsity swimming sity on many of his recent re¬ a prime tactic in the sport, players must don protective gear to cushion the blows. course) cruiting trips. Photo by Tony Ferrante Field 4 Notice This year anentire line ofCop- 6:00—D.T.D.-Farmhouse All badminton and handball per Cliff sophomores, Mike Bessone i the injury of Doug 6:45—Akers 2-6 players still in competition shape for their Thanksgiving Day Hargreaves, Mike Coppo, last Jacobson, Tom Mikkola and Sandy opener against St. LawrenceLIni- season's sophomore scoring sur- 'Roberts, Detroit senior. 7:30--Kappa Sig.-Theta Chi should contact the 1M office for McAndrew, will be leading Roberts is still hampered from 8:15—Blitzers-Shieks round pairings. versity. prise, and Mac Orme, last year's next Bessone's crop of new players a football knee injury and will not "Our biggest problem is in the leading scorer who will be eli- as they will be trying to improve be ready for body contact for at nets," Bessone said. "We are gible until January, on last year's mark of 1-12-1 in the Western Collegiate Hockey very shallow in goaltending ex- perience." After this combination, Bessone will be forced to counter least two Roberts led the weeks. Last team in season goals Which field will offer Association. Alex Terpay, a convert from from with with all all sophomore sophomore lines. lines. scored as he split his time on de- "This is certainly going to a rebuildingyear," Bessone said. be center ice last season, is cur- rently number one in line for "Due to heaviness of the squad this season we are going to change fense and on a forward line, This season the Spartan puck- 100,000 high-paid jobs "We have only two veterans back our style of play," Bessone said, steers will face their largest in 1965 ?.. the starting job in the nets, but on defense, Don Heaphy, who's he is hen.p. pressed hard by soph- "In the past we used to use our home schedule in the past eight . Send for booklet. also from Copper Cliff, and John omore Carl Howell. speed more. Thisyear we arego- years. "This season's schedule WET PAINT FOR WET ICE —The freshly-painted Ford. The other four defense pos¬ lines the first Jerry Fisher, who has the most ing to throw more of our weight should be the strongest \ new booklet, published by a This Opportunity booklet was on protective layer of ice are being itions will all be filled by soph- experience of the three, will not around." r faced," Bessone ion-profit educational tounda- published as a service to YOU b> protected by John Duncan, as he gets the rink ready < c dwv wnvl winter The hardest .VCKAwchwu- ion, answers these quesr.v«is jv\S»Vu.-spirited American bus for hockey action u , — practice this year has been Bob PIon Micrrrgart, xCvng frich Cotb- 1. Which career held will offer water will prevent the paint from being smeared when is is not perieticed defenserr.en, Up front oi the forward lines, Brawley, a rugged new defense- rado College, Minnesota, Duluth (X),(X)0 high-paid jobs in l'X>V< the ice machine lays the successive protective layers. the greatest of Besson s prob- from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. ar|d Michigan Tech." Bessone pla s to lead with his n 2. Which career field produces Photo by Jim Hile lems as he whips the an line of Rich Another question mark facing "The only weak t : top corporation presidents be facing is the University of any other.' J A Folder AI.L:19^ Oldsinobile. Pull Scooters - Cycles 332-2144. 35 PERSONAL Grand River (across from the . cylinder. New Shown by appointment at pew jnditio VESPA, 1963. Top condition.Call EXPERIENCED SINGLE man to fashioned couch, bunk beds, • PEANUTS PERSONAL offer over *31 McCLINTOCK CADILLAC at puW .11 Road. modern Union). ED 2-3212. C32 floor lamp. IV 9-6998 after 9pm 355-9851 after 6 pm. 33 work on dairy farm. • REAL ESTATE 372-3890. 2400 E. Michigan Ave. 31 7.7, BICYCLE SALES, service and 32 VESPA, 1963. Clean, sharp.Book References required. 641-6128. rentals. East Lansing Cycle, • SERVICE 1 1-lDi A! ALASKAN MA LAMUTE GALAXlE, i962 2-d; or. Original Puppies. • i 35 . TRANSPORTATION ab^e CORVAIR MONZA l9ol. 4-speed, rack, buddy-seat, windshield. 1215 East GrandRiver.Call 332- AKC. 5 months. Male and Fe¬ radio, hot-air heat $300. Phone 355-5813. 31 C • wanted Price: $1,095. Ph.' For Rent 8303. male. Very gentle, good with Must sell. 211 t BARLEY - DAVIDSON Chopped TWO block's from CLARINET. Boosey and Hawks. 32 4638. 35 31 PARKING. children. 332-0213. California racing bike. Must Berkey Hall. By the term. For Excellent condition. $80. Call CORVAIRS, 191-0, -1962, 1963. JAGUAR 19S7 \K 140. 4-speed. GROMMES 15-watt amplifier, I HFVROLLT N"- sell. $150 or best offer. 337- information, phone 489-3347. 32 ED 2-5707. 31 Mon/a's and ~00's. Three to Wire e 1--. Dual overhead, $20. Walnut speaker cabinet for "026 between 5-7 pm. 34 choose from at J.B.'S USED J/4 full cams. $500.Trade? $39.77 buys a new English 3-. 12 or 15 inch speaker, $25. Call Apartment* CARS, 730 E. Michigan. IV 4- 641-6591. 33 JJONOA MOTORGYCLE 1961 speed bicycle. Used bicycles and 355-9888 after 6 pro, 31 4501. 32 MLRt URY, l"60 ■y hard¬ 50cc. Model 110. Good condi¬ ONE MALE roommate wanted to rentals also available. ACE WEBCOR 'IMPERIAL' console tion. Runs well. $175. Phone 337- share luxury apartment. Block HARDWHERE AND GIFTS, 201 record player. Harman-Karden CORVAIR, 19K 1'ip-top condi- top, 2-door. Flashy red and PHONE ED white finish. Merc -matic. Ra¬ 2456 after 6 pm. 34 from campus. Winter, spring E. Grand River across from the AM-FM tuner. New condition. tion. $900. C all ; 351-4637. 34 ED 2-3212. C 355-8255 2-6914. 33 dio, heater, power Steering and $95. 355-9568; 33"-9483. 35 sell at J.B.'S JL SED CARS, "30 brakes, white wall tires. A real KENMORE AUTOMATIC washer, RATES L. Michigan. 1\ 4-450i. 32 CORVAIR MONZA 62. 4-dc Credit balance. Two months old. aut $1,050. 355-2318. Aft buy at our low price. $"75. al ACCOUNTING CLERK part-time suds-saver, regular and deli¬ 1 DAY SI.50 CHEVROLE i 19'>2 Enpala. 32" . EDWARDS Lincoln, Mercury, 25-hour, live-day week, 9:30 to NEAR FRANDOR- One bedroom, Excellent condition. $75. 351— cate wash cycles. Very good "< DAYS. 53.03 5 pm. call 332-4968. 3125 E. Saginaw (North of Fran- 4646. 33 . ■ • c,. Stick. Radio, heater. Must 3:15. Two years clerical exper¬ unfurnished, except stove, re¬ condition. Phone 337-1125. 35 DAYS >4.50 CORVAIR, 1960 4-d< rT007 5 . . . sell or trade do dor), Ope;. Midday, Thursday, ience and typing required. frigerator. Ample parking. $110 35 Radio, he.iter, new white wall Shorthand desirable. Call Mony Popular Sci- 5-sed on 15 words per ad^ 372 Vfcr y \l .red finish. Ecu- Friday--till 9 pm. C33 month. Also: More available 1961; dictionaries; . to:i vertible. 289 464-2535. 31 November 15 and DecpnV.v' V. w-i," ' Ti-,oc wil be a 50c service numicaf star.dardshift.Sharpest V-8, 4-speed. Most factory op¬ BABYSITTER WANTED for three Phone 627-6352. 33 value for $250. Exceffent con¬ 34 ji-.t h -.-okkeeping charge if hi town!! $797. AL EDWARDS dition. 485-3749. 33 ad not paid withi" tions. Cascade green. Save over year old, in my Spartan Village ONE BEDROOM deluxe apart- AUCTION EVERY Saturday at 1 Lincoln, Mercury, 3125 E. Sag¬ ■■ » is $500. ED 2-3123. 33 apartment. Monday-Friday. ment. Carpeting, stove, refrig¬ HEAD SKIS-6' 9", Cubcobind- inaw (North of Frandor). Open pm. Automobiles, antiques, fur¬ CHEVROLET 19d 4 Oreenbriar 11 OLDSMOBIL E, 19 6 3. 4-speed Call 355-0902 after 5:30. 34 erator. 230 Cedar St. $125 per ings. Boots-size 10 1/2.Togeth¬ niture, appliances, arts, etc. Monday, Thursday, Frid: month. Professor or married er $55. Call Chuck, 489-1577. 33 it»tionw»gon bus. Nine passen¬ 9 pm. MEN GRADUATING - A small Buy and Sell. CAPITAL CITY 20,000 miles. Power steering. students. 33 POLAROID 800. Photo electric ger. Likt- new, Will consider psychoanalytically oriented AUCTION, 621 Hazel. Call 482- Radio. Call 372-4889 after 5pm. ONE MALE roommate to share shutters 440. Wink Light 250. trade. Phone 882-5825. 31 >r. Excel- treatment center for disturbed 1476. £32 luxury apartment immediately. Plus other accessories and children is looking for two grad¬ PLYMOUTH '1957 2- our. Six. Block from campus. 351-4716 leather carryingcase. $100.Call Lost & Found uating students to be part of its after 6, 351-4637. 31 ED 2-2755 after 6. 33 Stick shift. Local tt ansporta- treatment team as child care LOST: bARK ferown glasses in t ORVAIR, 1962 Gre ti 1 . Call 355-9916 ifter 6:30 counselor. An opportunity to DELUXE TWO man furnishedef^ LOOKING FOR good used equip¬ .nth : il'eed. 3 seat,'. Mus' ment? 30-watt Harman Kardon learn ebou' fir.-urbtd behavior ficiency. 125 Burcham Drive. and Gilcrest. 355-0410. ■8826 ; stereo amplifier. Like new. $65. PLYMOUTH-19 5'9."190 cubic and to start pre-professional Available, December 1. $130per LOST: SILVER watch. Front, Stu- AM-FM tuner, $40. VM conso- New ti ?nd. $625. 355- inch, 400 h.p. Reasonable. Good training in treatment methods. month. ED 2-6863. 33 dent Services. "Love, Gene CORVAIR- 1963 2-door coupe. Living-in positions also avail¬ lette, only $50. Here you will 8958. 32 runner. $300. Very little rust. VACANCY: NEED person imme¬ 12-29-62" engraved on back. Radio and heater. 3-speed. also see the world's smallest able. Write Ralph Abvamowitz, C HEVROI L 1 1963 Impala Supir Call IV 9-1091. 33 diately or for Winter and Spring Reward. 355-8113 after 5. 31 , R u s t-proofed. Manufacturer's THE ORCHARDS, 31885 W. 7- speaker system. Many other term. Cedar Village. $60 month. Spert. 2-door hardtop. Solid warranty. 627-6011. 34 PONTIAC, 1955. Excellent con- Mile Rd., Livonia, or call 474- 351-4496. 35 bargains. B&R HOUSE OF Red. This immaculate car is a STEREO, 1152 W. Grand River, Turquoise - one Side. Cran¬ 409 c:, 4-speed. See at J.B.'S ORVETTE, 1960 convertible. 4- ^ "r"plet1._0V"!lau1, ertC' 9025. 32 WANTED- TWO girls for Winter Williamston. 4-9 daily: 9-4Sat- berry and black - other side. I SED CARS, 730 E. Michigan. speed, positraction, good shape. ' Barb, 3o5-6590 or ED SECRETARY TO auditor. Hours, and Spring term. One girl for urday. Phone 655-2293. Desperate. Reward. 355-8865. Must sell. Phone OR 6-5071 aft- 9 4:30. Half-hour for lunch. Winter term only. Albert Apart¬ 32 _ - ALLY SPRUE, TStT. 1-4501. I'URKEYS, FRESH dressed or er 5 ptn. 32 PONTIAC, 1962 Catalina. Stand- $1.25 per hour. Monday through ments 1/2 block from campus. I with c HEVROLET, oTr^] raynesta- ard transmission with regular frozen. Young, tender, juicy, 1952" four-speed gas engine. Many extras. Per¬ Friday. Apply in person. See Reasonable rent. 351-5275. 35 CORVETTE Mr. Whitney, Albert Pick Motor oven-ready. HOWE TURKEY ligator-hide carryingcase. 355- Radii positraction. New top. 26,000 fect condition. $1,300, !v 5-1698. Hotel, 1427 W. Saginaw, East ALBERT APARTMENTS one FARM. Phone 627-5480. 35 5618 after f pm. 34 "IN HEALEY. ! 9 5 S. Ho;-- . miles. Immaculate condition. block to campus. One or two $1,600 . 372-3880. 33 Lansing. 32 HAM GEAR - Gon; G76 with 372-4900 before 4 pm. 31 males now through Spring. Call extras. Auto helper Personal CHEVROLET, 1963 Bel Air. Au¬ SPARTAN MOTORS HOUSEWORK. Monday, Wednes- many CORVETTE, 1$64 Fastback. Sil- 351-4646. 31 tumn geld. 6-cylir.der, straight day and Friday. You may bring springs and Hi-Fi pre-amp. MEMO TO: THE SMOTHERS shifr. radio, new t:res. C lea',. MG-1955. TF roadster. Rebuilt one child. Call ED 2-6400. 31 Houses 355-0761. 35 BROTHERS. Don't forget that AM-FM. Runs beautifully. 300 New side curtains. WAITRESSES AND curb Sale- Fall next Thursday, November 12, is $:,550. 1.23 N. Hayford. 33 motor. girls. NURSES UNIFORM h.p. 4-speed. Bob, 332-0262. 35 3-BEDROOM BRICK ranch-style clearance of 100 uniforms. 35% the date for your Lansing Civic CHEVROLET, I960 convertible. Full and part-time. Evening home. New carpet, drapes, CUTLASS, 1963 1 oupe. 20,200 off. Sale priced from $7.14 up. Center concert. Tickets now on Mus: sell. Take "Ver payments. shift. Several openings avail¬ built-in oven, counter-top stove. Call before 5:30, TU 2-9740. 33 miles. Automatic transmission. able. Good working conditions Rouser Drug Supply Co., 107 E. sale at the Civic Center and the GROESBECK SUBDIVISION. Asking $1,850. Accept reason¬ Allegan at 123 S0 Washington. Paramount News in Lansing and CHEVROLET, 1958 2-door. V-8, and above average pay. Apply 484-1821. ' 32 able offer. Phone 337-2202. 31 Phone IV 9-1405. 33 East Lansing. C31 automatic. No rust. Best offer. daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the FURNISHED NEW two-bedroom. DODGE, 19602-door hardtop. V-8 Elias Bros. Big Boy Restaurant, DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT set. 1965 Wolverine—Dorm residents . IV 2-2396 between 6-9 pm. 33 Fireplace. Basement. Parking. automatic. No rust. Excellent 401 E, Grand River next to Cam¬ Appraised value, $540. Will sell relax. Your yearbook sales rep¬ 629 Mifflin. Up to 4 adults. $150 CHEVROI ET, 196 1 Bel Air. shape. $1,000. Phone 485-0976. pus Theater. 35 at $400. 355-3459 or 332-5522. resentative is coming. 33 Standard shift, radio. Fine con- monthly. IV 5-4917. 34 35 EARNINGS ARE unlimited as,an GIFT HOUSE ■' :\rrn *"K>r ■ ditior.. ' 7-9665: Avon representative. Turn your TODDLER'S CLOTHING, boy's. " the 'Nn WRI- CHEVROLET, 19M. Solid whiti 40,000 rooms, bath and 1/2, attached , 1 free time into $$. For appoint¬ Pram suit, extra large, separate FLORISTS "i 'N YOUR fiiscayre. 6-cvlinder, automat¬ garage, finished recreation boots and mittens. Call ED 3000 E. Michigan ment in your home, write or call: Will lease until June. rofesslonal ic. This beautiful little 1961 332-4630. 35 room. 2-2726. 35 Roses sioii. Mrs. AlonaHuckins, 5664School 1 coaching.! has power steering and IV 7-3715 $160. Call after 6. FE 9-2393. ENGLISH FORD, 1958. Excellent St., Haslett, Michigan, or call MOVIE PROJECTOR, 16 mm. Arrangements ■?sson $2. would make a beautiful second TRIUMPH HERALD, 1963 c condition. 30 m.p.g. $150. Must evenings FE 9-8483. 31 Good condition. Used very Corsages ■u'.ietin MS, car. J.B.'S LSED C ARS, "J( UNSUPERVISED. ONI ;:a of Pub- sell. Leaving U.S.A. Call Chee, HELP WANTED, part-time eve- slightly. Reasonable. Call ED L. Michigar. IV 4-4501. 32 34 Will sell or trade 1 r cheaper girls over 21 in exchange mini¬ 355-6608. 35 Eox 1056. CHEVROLET, 1953. Good con¬ FORD, 1959 C 'Sedan. V-8, car. ED 2-8424 aftt 6 pm. 31 nings. Ralph's Cafeteria, 325 E. _Grand- River. 34 mum housecleaning, cooking. 7-0020. PH1LCO TV, 21". Beautiful ma¬ i Exotic Gifts 2:01 dition. $45. 3-2 BBL carbureri.r Tft3- 1 9S 7 Over-d, Call 8 am.-5pm. 699-2729. 35 radio, heatei SA1 ESWOMAN-APPL1ANCE and EAST LA NSING: 2-bedroom, hogany Low Boy cabinet. $90. off 1957. Oldsmobile - com¬ Call 332-3022. 30 photography department. Salar¬ brick duplex, carpeted. Stove, plete with manifold. 882-5017. 32 ionally'clean. ED 2-0696.33 TR-3, 1957. Looking U ied. Age 25-30. Experience refrigerator furnished. $130 ROBERTS 4-track stereo tape recorder. 3 months old. Pro¬ 11 Jim Nothoff, 337- working with general public. month. ED 2-1797 after 6pm. 35 :. Radio, 2 pm. 34 Call Mr. Grant TU 2-0036. 32 fessional type. $200. 489-1191. 34 Reasonable. Musi sell. DEPENDABLE MAN I'm look- Frosh-Varsity - . Excelli FORD, 1-5860. 1960 convertible. Rod- bar; Good tires. sway bar. Radio, heater. $1,800. 353-0431. 35 ing for someone to assist in sales, service department. Ap¬ Metropolitan Club-New York heater. Black. Glass paks. Baby VOLKSWAGEN, ■97TT ply 515 E. Michigan Ave. 35 Basketball Game moot, hubcaps. $750. 355-1485. 33 ible. Excellent condition. 35,000 ictual miles. Must. sell. Best DELIVERY have car. BOYS wanted, \iuit Varsity Drive In, 1227 Under Olympic Rules CHARTER FLIGHT FORD, 1959. Retractable hard¬ iffer. 332-1204. 35 E. Grand River. 33 FRIDAY top. Immaculate. Low mileage. A lso, 1936.5-win.'owe upe.Show '! KSWAGEV No-l" rfos. TT~W COLLEGE GRADS. All academic majors considered. Numerous United Airlines DC-6 TOURIST ed : 403 Nov. 13, 8 p.m. 332-6995. 33 Phoi t openings with nationally known FORD, 1962 Fair lane. 6-cylinder Somhlawn, Eas organization. Specialized train¬ Men's IM Leaves Wednesday 7:50 p.m. 4-door sedan/Standard trans- VOLKSWAGEN, ing programs. MC GILL EM¬ UNIVERSITY TERRACE.... mission. White with io'r. Low mileage. $1,045. blue inter- Ghia. A-l condii Phone 372-229. PLOYMENT, 710 Bank of Lans¬ ing Building. 39 Admission - $1.00 (November 25) Arrives 10:30 p.m. (Kennedy) 1AROLD PLETZ, 150 E. Gr; River Leaves Sunday 7:30 p.m. NOW COMPLETED FORD 1953 condition. - Exceptionally good With new rebuilt en¬ (November 29) Arrives 10:30 p.m. gine. Call 337-7236. 35 (Kennedy) FORD, 1956 convertible. New top. For the balance of the school Must sell. Call MI 1-6135. 32 Meal Service Each Flight year. ..RENT FOR LESS Non-Stop Want a Bargain? We have nearly- split Reservations Possible new, high quality Leaving from and arriving at Lansing used clothing. All You Do Is Junior League Thrift Shop And Our Ad $60.00 (Tax Included) You Write / Jo EHM College Travel Office OWER MAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR 130 W. Grand River 444 Mich. Ave. Ph. 332-0838. 355-8255 332-8667 5-FOR-3 PLAN Property Management Co. Michigan State News, East Lansing;, Michigan Thursday, November 12, 1964 Personal Real Estate JUST FOR THE RECORDS? Not EAST LANSING Glencairn Service Service Britons Visit Campus - MlME6GftAt>HlNG: ANN BROWN typist and multilith primarily. Just for you. Always! School. Colonial, 4 bedrooms, Presswork and Bindery service. offset printing (black & white & That's us here at BUBOLZ IN¬ 2 1/2 baths, 2 fireplaces, central You furnish typed stencils or Debaters Comment On Girls SURANCE color). IBM. General typing, - car, home and bus¬ hallway. Phone ED 7-0708. 32 finished typed copy. We do the term papers, theses, disserta¬ iness. C30 GOOD HOME for young family. rest. Phone 372-2011. 31 tions. ED 2-8384. C STUDENT'S: WHY leave your Three large bedrooms, 11/2 EDlfe SfARR, ALTERATIONS - SLIPCOVERS. typist. Theses, dorms when BIMBO'S will de¬ baths, family room. 332-8095. "I wish American girls would Excellent work, best of refer¬ dissertations, term papers, Bobby Baker, Clare Booth Luce He explained, "Jonathaa is the . would be "lovely" if they had seen liver your pizzas to you! Call either lengthen or shorten their Adlai Stevenson—in that __ 37 ences. Prices reasonable. Pick general typing. Experienced. and man of action." it. A tour of the campus was 484-7817. C32 2520 Harding Avenue—3 bedroom IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C pants." That was Michael Beloff order. But he wouldn't say why... Michael insisted that their crossed off when Tom Steinfatt's up and delivery, 485-7366. 31 ARE YOU PAYING more than older type house. Carpeted. Full speaking. "With name like Beloff, it's car's you DAY CARE - For pre-schoolers T ransportation a opinion of American girls be re¬ starter broke. Tom is the need to for auto insurance?Call basement. Oil heat. Fully insu¬ in "Preferably shorten." a wonder that they let me tall* corded. MSU Forensics coach. So they my home, Colonial Village. or see your State Farm lated. Garage. Very good neigh¬ NEW YORK HOLIDAY BUS SPE- And that agent Phone 484-0734. 32 was Jonathan Aitken "They are more aggressive were resigned to tour Lansing in and compare prices. Ask for ED borhood. $12,900. FH A approved C1AL. Round trip, $32. Reserve speaking. Michael is a member of the here, but friendlier," he said, an unregistered car. with $1,300 down. 484-2269. 33 DIAPER SERVICE, samediaperi seats now for Thanksgiving and The pair is the Oxford Debat¬ KARMANN, IV 5-7267, inFran- British Labor Party, the left- with a wink for Jonathan. Just so they could have some¬ returned. Either yours or ours. Christmas trip. Phone East C30 GARDEN SUPPLY CENTER, ing team, on campus Tuesday for wing of English government. But "But less feminine," Jonathan thing down about MSU they wanted With our service, you may in¬ Lansing Bus Dept, 332-2813. 32 the MSU-sponsored International he hastened to say that he isn't greenhouse it known that FREE! A thrilling hour of beauty! and nursery. Old clude two pounds of baby clothes Kellogg t enter was established business NEW YORK SPECIAL. Fly home Debate with Oxford. what we call "Communist," may¬ It had been reported that the "very lovely." For appointment, call 484-4519. on busy that do not fade. Diaper pail fur¬ MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS main street in Jackson, Michi¬ to N.Y.C. for Christmas Vaca¬ "Aren't you afraid of being ac¬ be a little "pink," though. debaters were unaccustomed to "I knew you'd ask that," nished. STUDIO, 1600 E. Michigan. C32 gan. Real Estate includes fully tion. Non-stop flight to N.Y.C. cused of extremism?" Michael On the other side of the fence facing women debaters. Michael Jonathan said, referring to a equipped store, two homes on (LaGuardia Airport) $55 round asked him, referring tohis want¬ is Jonathan, who is president of soon dispelled this idea. question about Britain's Beatles. HAYRIDES, PONY-DRAWN fur AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE small groups, tractor for larger four acres. Illness forces sale. trip. Call now, 337-0089, 3-6 ing shorter shorts on women.The the Oxford Conservative Asso¬ "We will butcher them always, Jonathan is wild about them, and 914 E. Gier St. pm. 332-5973 6-9 pm. 31 two don't especially Owner will carry contract. , care for ciation (quite different than the and show them no mercy," has even eaten with them. "They By reservation only. COLTS¬ IV 2-0864 C Write or call Ethel Anderson, girls' Bermudas. American conservatives, he Michael growled. eat like any other group of ani¬ FOOT PONY RIDES, Laings- Statewide Real Estate Service, Michael, to be sure that the added). One very important thing they mals," he offered. burg, 651-5637. 32 3519 S. Cedar, Lansing. Phone ALDINGER DIRECT MAIL ad¬ MALE ROOMMATE wanted to "typical" British opinion on The two commented on a va¬ didn't have an opinion about was, "American women are suckers share Cedar Village apartment. American politics be presented, riety of subjects, with Mici.ael surprisingly enough, the MSU for British accents," Michael 32 vertising, 533 North Clippert. nation Dance this coming Sat¬ Seven month lease. Call 351— said that IV 5-2213. C personally he preferred doing most of the talking. campus. They were sure that it said, sounding very British. urday? Music by the "Brav¬ Service THESIS PRINTED 4427. 35 ados", World's Fair Band. 30 M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store TV RENTALS for students. Eco- WANTED: TO rent garage. Vicin- m S U. Book Store M.S.U. Book FRESH BAGEL and lox delivery. nomical rates by the term and Rapid Service ity of 400 block Ann St. Call ED M— For further information, call month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT¬ 2-2490 after 6 pm. 35 For YOUR. Open Tonight Until Norm at 337-0800. 34 ALS. 484-9263. Drafting Supplies WANTED: PERSON to teach' IF YOU ARE a careful driver, ^ C fundamentals of poker. Contact you may qualify for State Farm's discounted 25% except picture tubes. Estimates on shop ser¬ XEROX COPIES Sandi, 353-2325, or Donna or Claudia, 353-2324. 31 CONVENIENCE top-notch protection at rock- CAPITAL CITY BLUEPRINT 9 bottom rates. Call or see vice. ACME TV. IV 9-5009. C STEREO RECORDER or tape your VEll State Farm 221 South Grand deck and/or smallportable.Can agent today. Ed Karmann, IVt5-7267-,-in Fran- Call 372-1845. 32 482-5431 C32 -trade new stereo phonograph. dor. C 31 NO RAISE in prices at WEND- ED 2-0119. 35 IF YOU have been ROW's ECON-O-VVASH. 32 Typing Service assigned to a Speed Clean washers - 20tf; ten TYPING. THESES and t low 1961 Triumph at Peterson's new agent, or the company has lost the one it did have, why not minutes drying 10£. 3006 Vine pers. Electric typewri Body Shop. Private party inter¬ BE MSU BOOK - insure with BUBOLZ once and St., 1/2 block west of Frandor. perienced. Fast servi ested in buying. Owner contact forever—since 1896. C31 332-4597. 32 337-0993. 31 C31 DIAPER TWO MEN to share apartment FLY HOME TO N.Y.C. CHRIST- SERVICE, three types ienced. IBM electric. Marianne winter and spring terms. Call MAS. $55, round trip. For in¬ of diapers to choose from. Bulk STORE wash for cleaner, whiter dia¬ Harrington, 372-3280. C32 immediately 351-5459. 33 formation, call 337-0089 3-6 IBM TYPING for theses, term STUDENT WIFE: And mother pm. 332-5973, 6-9 pm. 33 pers. Fluff dried and folded.Use 0?EN . .COAminers papers and manuscripts. WATCH V UUK t-A VUkllb I'ltU- bon ribbon, Greek and technical furnished. No deposit. 25 years GRAMS on NEJAC TV set. Rent symbols. Wide experience in all a TV from NEJAC TV Rentals. experience. BY-LODIAPER SERVICE, 1010 E. Michigan. IV phases of typing. WONCH Located in the Center 17" and 21" table models, only ONE RACCOON coat or jacket. 2-0421. C GRAFIC, 484-7786. 39 $7 and $8 per month. New Ze¬ TYPING WANTED. Electric Call 353-2379 after 6 pm. 32 [ for International Relations nith 19" portables for $9 per ACCIDENT Kalamazoo PROBLEM? Street Call typewriter. No pick-up or deliv¬ WANTED: THREE tickets togeth- I month. Call 484-0624 for FREE Body Shop. er to Notre Dame game. Call f . Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book ery. OR 7-8335. 41 delivery. q Small dents to large wrecks. TYPING. THESES, term papers, J55-6748. FOLK SINGERS wanted. American and foreign cars. Girls etc. XEROX copy service. IBM "OUR TICKETS t and guys needed for new Guaranteed work. 489-7507.1411 CASH SAVINGS . . Pf-j PtAID STAMPS! CASH SAVINGS . . . PIUS PLAIQ,-5T^MP! singing typewriters. 337-1527. game. Call Pete 337-9921 oi East Kalamazoo. C group. For information, call 332-2882. 353-1561. 31 owed to or divorced, are invited The Mixer's Club dance Fri¬ Choice Beef Sale day, November 13, 8:30 pm. Women's Clubhouse, 603 S. Washington Ave. $1.25 donation Round Steak 79< lb. includes refreshments. TU 2-4687; TU 2-5527. 31 ORIGINAL PORTRAITS make Sirloin Steak 89< LB. wonderful gifts! Pastels, $8. Charcoal, $5. Mary Jane Hadwin. OX 9-2987 or OX 4- T-Bone Steak 99< LB. 8641. 35 Winter Rentals Rump or Rotisserie Roast 89< LB. Available • at EYDEAL VILLA & n Ready 25' FRYERS BURCHAM WOODS APTS. LB. WESTERN for information call ED 2-5041 WEAR, ED 2-0565 boots and : 29< LB. saddlery. Stetson-Acme-Lee- The West from the West. Fryer Legs 49C LB. COLTSFOOT WESTERN MER¬ CANTILE, 11380 Peacock Rd., Laingsburg. 32 Fryer Breasts 53' lb. THE WORLD'S Greatest Band!- At The Dells- This Saturday night. 32 Spare Ribs Sr 35< Halibut Steak 45< e Parker Bakery Features — EZ3EEEBz Cherry Pie 39c F , \ STUBBORN! J Potato Bread 21 oR 39c ;l,||l s T*[ Danish Nut Ring 39C EA. Brownies 49C EA. iT £AN RAiN AND £AIN AND Southern Pecan Pie 59< EA. RAIN BUT I'M JU5T 60IN6 TO SlT MERE BECAUSE I'M STUBBORN! French Bread 1 '■<■■■ l°>< 29c,, i lb. 390 Sherbert ' *• 590 Ann Page 6fob$1 .39 Ketchup 3 Fo« 490 Capri 330 Liquid Detergent 1 — 290 the g*fat atiantic & pacific Your A8.P Super Market of Hagadorn & East SuPer Markets j Grand River, East Lansing | STORE HOURS; 9 AM 9 PM w AMIRICA'S DfPINDABlt FOOD MiRCHANT SINCE US* Monday thru Saturday jrices in this ad effective thru SatNov. 14, 1964 I five Lansing A&P Super Markets. .141 mm* c~ * Thursday, November 12, 1964 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan * Packer Has The Meat! Packer Has The Price! Thats Why Packeris Iwiee as Nice! All U.S.D.A. Choice, Lean, Tender, Pre-Diced Fresh, Lean, Meaty L"V Medium «■ F,csh J. Grade A ^ |KA Boneless R Beef Stew 2«»" C . Pork llll Lean, Mea'.y, Small Sixes fffSS Serve Them esh Spare Ribs With Kraut 'lb. y rWith Backs Attached Fresh Chicken Legs Rib Half Pork Loin 5-lbs. to 6-lbs. Avg. Center Rib Cut Table Trimmed With Backs Attached Fresh Chicken Breasts Country Kitchen Tender, Juicy 5 38: 5& Skinless Franks Rich Tomato Soup . GOLDEN RIPE ^ Campbell's Limit Three—No Coupon Needed ^Baiumf* 2 lor \ *%£%(, \ Ask Your theNeigiinest \ She buys hbor. Produce at Packer. i If Regular tcguidr or ur i/rip Coffee "z:2 59' Grind Drip urinu With » Limit One—No Coupon Needed MicSigcr U.S. No. 1 Cooking Yellow Onions fO Disinfects As It Whitens Miracle Whip 39c >/ 'JfJf "Ota fipiT4 ft 39' Roman--29 Krafts Salad £ire^i»a, Quart." iar - Plastic * Pet Milk 14c Bottle Gold Medai Flour. ... 39c Niblets Corn 15c Pillsbury or Robin Ilood, 511). Bat; Vacuum Packed, 12-oz Can Del Monte Catsup 12c Tomato Juice 31c Limit One-No Coupon Needed Campbell's, 46-oz. Can Pioneer Sugar Pure Granulated, 5 lb ...... ban 48c Baby Food, Strained Hetnz-Beechnut Gcrber, Jar .. 3/25c Deans NavyTender, 25c Domino Sugar 15c Chili-wilh Beans Derby. 15-oz- Can 19c : B16, Elbow Macaroni 21b. Pkg 59c Beef - Chicken - Turkey Frozen & Powdered, l ib. F'kt! Broun Morton or m Van Camps Tuna 19c Mushroom Soup .... 16c Bravo. 3-lb. Pkg. take Mixes 13c Pies Campbell's, 10'a-oz. Can Pot Chunk Style. Flat Can Orange Juice 4k Fork & Beans lis -JMly. 9hm. Morton Salt Pkg. 11c Meadowdale Frozen, 12-oz. Can C»mpbeir«. 16-oz Can Sauerkraut 15c * '"W*-PkE - Broccoli Spears.... 2/35c Can > DlMMf ROllS 4A. 19( Meadowdale Frozen, Hut Pkg Silver Floss, Mb. 13 oz Limit Two-No Coupon Noedtd !: A Cauliflower ..... 2/37c IN THE FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER AND 5020 S CEDAR. LANSING . .