MICHIGAN STATE MEWS Inside Weather Wilson men elect "first STATE Today: Cloudy and call with the temperature n< lady" P. 5, Football cap¬ tain for '65, P. 8. UNIVERSITY 30 degrees. Vol. 55, Number 220 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 24, 1964 Assassination Testimonies Revealed By Commission Des Moines Bishop Perishes Transcript Discloses 42 Die On Rome Runway Emotions ROME ...f1—Forty- two persons, eight were in cr ll condition. for \thens with Msgr. Joseph erni, head of the airport po¬ including the Roman Catholic One of those o perished Sondag, also of Des Moines. Bishop of Des Moines, perished was Bishop Edward C. Daly, 70, I A \ said six hours after the Aboard the Boeing 7 'ASHING I ON f- Monday in a Trans-World Air- who had been Bishop of Des crash it had been ascertained were employes of TW • lines air liner which hit road s and terror of i year a Moines since May 13, 1948. He that neither prelate was among dependents, in Dallas were disclosed ii grader and exploded into flames had been attending the Vatican the survivors. , after faltering on takeoff. ... The survivors inclut ling detail Monday in the words Ecumenical Council which re- he igures on casualties were of Jacqueline Kennedy, President Thirty persons survived but cessed Saturday and was heading announced by Dr. Giovanni angers and seven c Johnson, Mrs. Johnson and scores of others. The flight was TWA 800, which The grim story of Nov. 22, originated in Kansas City and NDEA Program stopped at Chicago, New York, Paris and Milan before reach¬ 1963, was made public Monday in the Warren Commission testi¬ mony on the Kennedy assassina- ing Rome. It was going on from here to Athens and Cairo. PHILIP A. HART THANK man, GOODNESS—Sally Vyn, East Lansing fresh¬ really has something to be thankful for this More Money Fo Italian civil aviation officials immediately ordered an investi¬ Despu'e urgings of officials afraid the assassination was part Thanksgiving. Those grades up above her head are not fanciful wishes but reality. With those grades, anyone should be thankful. Photo by David Sykes Significant changes have been made in the National Defense Ed- changes in the bill which will ai- provision, feet the loan pr. ; ram: formerly given only elementary and secondary schi gation of the disaster. Authorities said they ruled out Senator of a widespread conspiracy to shatter the government, Johnson ucational A s s i s t a nc e (NDEA) 1. Loan pr sabotage, but immediately set up held up the presidential plane program which will considerably the former bi a special inquiry commision. in Dallas, so that it could To re¬ broaden its application, accord- ing engineeri: nment of the need U.S. federal aviation adminis¬ Speak turn to Washington the body of High Court Keeps ing to Henry C. Dykema, director ematics and • level teachers," the 1'resident and the widow still of financial aids. has now been abolished. trator Najeeb Halaby—in Rome for an international aviation con¬ wearing her bloodstained clothes, Dykema forecast an increase in NDEA loans granted to Michi- This change 3 effective mediately, 2. Teacher lm- felt it r baby boo which v, strongly in elementary ference—rushed to the airport for his o ispect To Grads what Johnson had little chance to see was going on when Oswald's gan State students due to the 'God' In Pledge shots ripped into Kennedy and amendments to the 1958 bill ichial schools are now eligible and secondary schools when the Dr. Nicole Scire, head of Connally, two cars ahead, be- signed last month by President r the cancellation provision ' A program was established Rome's detective squad and main Sen. Philip A. Hart will address le a secret service agent had >w hit colleges and univer- 1,200 MSU graduates during Lyndon B. Johnson. formerly given only to public investigator of the city's crated- over wn himself over the then WASHINGTON --1 he su- schools teachers. he added. fall term commencement exer¬ convictlon of New Orleans Dis- Dykema recently attended a spy mystery, also went to the conference in Chicago to discuss Under the cancellation provi¬ cises Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. in the president. preme Court refused Monday to rlct Attorney Jim Garrison on a sntinued on page 4) airport to inquire about the crash. interfere with the recitation by the bill with representatives from sion, a student who becomes a University Auditorium. charge of defaming ei ht crim_ pupils ,n Public schools of o inal district the U.S. Department of Health, teacher can cancel 10 per cent The Board of Trustees ap- tal judges in the Louisi- of his loan each year he teaches pledge ice containing ana Education and Welfare. proved Thursday the selection of agents rushed the e presid metropolis. the words "under The tribunal God.' broadened t The following the major up to five years, or a maximum of 50 per cent of the total loan. This Committee Petitioning Michigan's junior senator to pre- sent the main address. into a room and j shades. freedom of citizens to critici change, effective imme¬ Graduation seniors will re- At 1:20 p.n Johnson heard public officials without penalty. diately, is also retroactive. This ceive letters today Wednesday the words tin "shocked and Begins For Carnival or It will said statements made are libel unless no ground for criminal they are made with : Undergraduate means teachers in parochial schools who are now private or paying off an NDEA loan at three indicating Hart will be the com¬ mencement speaker and giving instructions for participation in sickened" him: John F was dressed dead. him A Kennedy aide ad¬ for the first time Petitioning starts today for the exercises. "reckless disregard" for the per cent interest can take ad- as Mr. President. Offered Fedee committee membership for the The topic of Hart's address has "It is difficult to convey an winter carnival, to be co-spon¬ "There will be representa not been announced. The refusal to prohibit an sored by AUSG and Union Board accurate impression of the period "under God" pledge 3. Special consideration is now from complexes, rather tha The Democratic incumbent of time in the of allegiance The first federal aid program Students nowenrolledinthe nurs- Feb. 14-20. was we were hospital to the flag seems significant in given to teachers at the college dividual living units," he re-elected earlier this month room. I suppose, actually, that specifically for undergraduate ing program, Petitions are available in 335 plained. "This is so we can to second six-year term in the the only outlet for the grief that light of questions raised when the nursing students will be admin- 'Implications for the program level, Student Services. a U.S. Senate when he turned back , court barred required official istered here Wjnter the final selection on talen shock had submerged was our as a recruiting agent are not very First, graduate students cai n 1962 irobably the challenge of Republi Elly sharp, painful and bitter con¬ prayers in public schools •- The Nursiog Student Loan Pro¬ great, at least not for the imme- borrow a maximum of $2,500 a Executive chairman of the car¬ and 1963. Peterson of Charlotte. and solicitude for Mrs. gram, administered by the U.S. diate future," she said. year, $1,500 more than under the nival will be Bob Borosage, East speaking ability cern The court, however, made no Hart, 51, is chairman of the Kennedy." Public Health Service, was ap- Dykema will make a request for old bill. The total four-year 1 ng sophomore, Warren beauty-"—" comment on the question Monday sed from $5,000 Piatt, powerful Senate subcommittee on Johnson then told of placing in unanimously rejecting an ap¬ proved Sept. 4 under the Nurse funds bY 10 for the remaind- it has beei AUSG vice president for A tentative schedule of events anti-trust and monopoly and of a series of telephone calls from Training Act of 1964. ■ of fiscal year 1964. to $10,000. special the subcommittee on refugees and peal by parents of two children Under the new program, The University must put up Dykema said this provision is gener a i,"announced and is a-s follows-Sunday: ice show the plane to Washington, including in schools of Richmond County, one-ninth of the total amount as designed to encourage students Monday, queen crowning in 'Demon¬ one to Robert F. Kennedy, the dent can borrow N.Y., Joseph Lewis and Alfred stration hall; Monday: special He is a member of the Com- ident's brother and att $1,000 a term for three terms and matching funds, the same as to pursue higher degrees. who L. Klein. to students events such tall tale telling and Judiciary committees an additional $333 for a fourth under the NDEA program. might otherwise start work ini- c omm as and e general who was in Washin The parents said the phrase mediately to pay off their loans. are sPec popular en- and beard growing contests; formerly belonged to the Sen¬ iow grief-stricken he term. "under God" in the pledge re¬ This change is effective ctivities, ice Tuesday: singer Marion Ander- ate Select Committee on National was and I wanted to say some- A maximum of $5,000 may be commended for classroom use by iow, publicity, sr w activities, son (part of the Lecture-Concert Water Resources and the Agri- ;ri- thing that would comfort him," borrowed for four years. September. a New York state regulation "ex¬ "One of the most important Life Science Second, college teachers The queen contest \ I be Unior culture- Forestry Committee. He is the author of the " I ■uth Johnson said. "Despite his shock, presses a religious conception." now eligible for the cancell i o he discussed the practical prob- features of the program is the Its repeated use in the school¬ in Packaging" bill to induce ice lems at hand. He said that the rooms, they contended, "has the necessary effect of advancing cancellation provision," Henry C. Dykema, director of financial Complex Still Wednesday: jaz show with stu¬ dent talent; Thursday: fashion manufacturers to improve pack¬ aging practices and co-sponsor th should be administered to immediately, before taking of the "Truth in religion and thereby appears to show; Friday: popular entertain¬ Lending" bill, off for Washington. On Schedule . . This feature allows a student fail the test of first amendment A dedicated liberal. Hart joined cancel 10 per cent ment in Jenison Fieldhouse, Sat¬ "Mrs. Kennedy cameand stood to of his loan the late Sen. Estes Kefauver in with us during the moments that validit; urday morning: snow statues and each year he dc The s ° rulingfa"""- on cri Plans to const! special events; and Saturday eve¬ 1962 to push passage of the drug the oath was being administered. nurcinp f.pM nn to five vears or t-'ians to construct a »o °f pubilc offlc'als reversed the donkey basketball t designed to lower drug pric 1 shall never forget of'the ning: the ' at ^ maximum ot 50 per cent this LIfe Sciences Complex judging pavilion. d tighten safety regulatio ;ry, nobility and dignity." campus are not in any This provision is the same as way altered by postponement of Speaker granted under the National De¬ opening MSU's two-year medical school, MSU Jack Brgs"mi "%aid Martin Luther fense Educational Assistance Monday. King Praised To Report (NDEA) program for teachers. "Those nursing students now Although no completion date has been established, Breslin on the NDEA will be Jackie Robinson Raps FBI program On Charge switched to the new nursing pro¬ predicted that the building would be ready sometime in 1966. gram because of the cancella¬ Howie Wilchins, Student Con¬ He denied speculation that work tion feature," Dykema said. gress speaker, will report to Isabelle Payne, acting chair¬ on the complex would slow down Former baseball great Jackie The audience of 1,100students, as chairman of the board 1 Congress tonight that he has man of the School of Nursing, since opening of theMSUmedical found insufficent Robinson singled out F.B.I, chief church members and guests, in- reason to con¬ said the new plan will aid those facility, which had been set for tinue an investigation of charges fall of 1965, has been postponed J. Fdgar Hoover and the Federal eluding Mr. and Mrs. John of "rule Bureau of Investigation as con- Hannah, wis told that "theNegro by fear" in the execu¬ to sometime in 1966. tributing factors to the distrust is fed up" with this type of He was recently electedpres tive department of AUSG. A $1 million appropriation to dent of the United Churchm Congress will meet at 7 p.m. in the International Center's Con- Judge *Hails start plex is construction one on the of the primary bud¬ com¬ and fear which the Negro exper- iences in the South. response officials. from government Division of the National Coun< of Churches ofChriSt in Americ Con (Constitutional Convention) get requests which goes before In speech given at theUni- U To The Victors' a R^1S0n, 46, was born in room. beine^ held a day tjje state,l^ftlijslatur^\n January. Breslin said ■t-Y^V'y MetKocfift^hurfU i'%-„ Carl c„. ,;:ooding P;)SS._ • n •. **«.; if.♦ 'S, <». UH*t* . early because of Thanksgiving the University "if*'- Robinson satf that the SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (UPI) deno Ju,)lor t ()llcge a„d L,CL Ai the same hope as King and that would ask for $3 million from ) the South feels tha Wilchins will —A University of Michigan federal agencies including the signed to play baseball "one day, my children will be explain that since is in cahoots with evil Mike Hannah, former congress¬ graduate, whose alma mater National Institute of Health and Kansas City Monarchs, judged, not on the color of their i'distrusted and feared." beat Ohio State Saturday, took Nei'i laseball tearr 1946. skin, but 011 the content of their man who spoke at last week's the National Science Foundation. ful 1 enjoyment of the victory. character." Congress meeting concerning the About $2 million in gifts and Robinson praised Nobel Peace Robinson became the Judge Ben Goldman, of Prize Winner Dr. Martin Luther first resignation for academic reasons grants is expected to complete Negro ever play in the "The Negro," Robin of Diane Ruppe, former National Springfield, Ohio, had been the budget for the building. King for preventing what could major [p.,trues, member of wants only to be your Student Association ribbed by most of the local at¬ have been nationwide bloodshed baseball' Hall of Fame, he led co-ordina- Breslin said that the Life ot your brother-in-law torneys in past years when Sciences Complex will probably and violence. the National Nall, League in batting in tor, has completely retracted his Ohio State beat Michigan. But be 1949 and named the lea¬ charges of coercion in the built on the east side of was as in court Monday, Goldman Hoover had called Dr. King, standing ovation, appeared as executive branch, the investi¬ Bogue Street south of the Grand TURKEY DAY TERRORS—These and other members gue's Most Valuable Player. gation will be ended. ordered everyone to stand and Trunk railroad and across from of Phi Kaqipa.Tau fraternity will be out to strike "the most notorious liar in the part ot the "Man in Mission" Wilchins said that Miss Ruppe, listen to a record of .Vfi'chi- the terror into the heartc of turkeys near and far country" for claiming thatF.BJ. Since his retirement in 1956, series jointly sponsored by.the new Veterinary Medicine several cabinet members, and all gan's fight song. He warned Clinic. Thursday when they participate in the fraternity- agents in Albany, Ga„ would take Robinson has served as a member Wesley Foundation at Michig; that anyone who refused would action on civil rights corn- of the Board of Directors of the State and the standing committee chairmen It will become the first major sponsored turkey shoot. Perhaps those who got the no have expressed their confidence be held in contempt. campus building south of the bird in the Turkey Trot were better off. They can plaints because they (the agents) NAACP, on the Board of the christian SocialCi in the executive policies. railroad tracks. eat their prizes T^o-sday. Photo by TomPozarycki were Southerners. YMCA of Greater New York, and versity Methodist Church. Tuesday, November 24. 1964 . Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Point Of View - ---------------- MedSchool Not 'Private' Affair Housing The postponement last week of Hospitals in the area have to Need Re approve of arrangements for stu¬ By David D. McFarland the opening of Michigan State's medical school points dents at the proposed school to two-vear Editor's Note: David D. McFarland is a Lansing up the fact that the question of observe the actual operation of graduate student majoring in statistics. iled University expansion and devel¬ the medical profession, even About two weeks ago, those of us who live off-campus though students here will be only letters from the University, to be signed by our parents, signify¬ opment is not one whose answers ing their consent to our living off-campus. rest solely with the University's in the first, pre-clinical years of This seems rather silly, since no minors are permitted to live administration and trustees. The medical education. Doctors are off-campus, and parents have no legal control over their sons and daughters who are over 21. answers are not all to be found not produced in an academic vac¬ The letter contains a list of rules. It states that we are bound by within this state. uum, and the medical school's these University regulations, in addition to civil laws. Students must report their correct addresses, and must register A university, particularly one walls do not mark the outside their motor vehicles with theUniversity.Group social functions must the size of MSU, is necessarily boundary of their education. be properly registered and chaperoned. But listen to the rest: involved in affairs beyond the In addition, the difficulty which "A student shall not possess or consume alcoholic beverages, in¬ borders of its home area or state has held up the medical school cluding beer, on any Michigan State University property or at his here at least until 1966 is one place of residence....Members of the opposite sex shall not be per¬ which play a crucial role in its mitted to enter the living quarters of a student." development. peculiar to the medical profes¬ The State of Michigan makes it illegal for minors to possess or sion, and one vitally important for drink alcoholic beverages; theUniversity makes it illegal for every¬ Objections to the original pro¬ one, regardless of age. posal for the establishment of a any medical school. The State of Michigan makes fornication illegal; theUniversity A liason committee of the makes it illegal even to be in the same rpom with a member of the pre-clinical medical education opposite sex. American Medical Association Gill's letter to the editor, Nov. 16. Gill program here held up the Univer¬ One reaction was Dennis and the Association of American likened Patrick B. Smith, Assistant Director of Off-campus Hous¬ sity's planning and scheduling for ing,.. to Sen. Joe McCarthy and to the witch hunters of Salem. f the medical school for quite Medfcai made, a recom-. But after all, the trustees make the rules. Mr. Smith is only the awhile. But the overcoming of, mendation that the medical school man who must enforce them. In her letter of Nov. 17, Marsha Miller complained that she can't those objections, many of them here not open until its curricu¬ take her two-year-old son to watch the ducks without having to possibly "political" considera¬ lum. faculty and physical facili¬ "walk around couples engaged in numerous diversions." She says she doesn't want her boy to learn the facts of life before he is three. tions from those with interests in ties be better prepared. Possibly it is the trustees who need a lesson in the facts of life. the state's two existing medical This recommendation is in ef¬ Do they think that healthy youngpeople are going to ignore fi¬ schools, did not necessarily fect the -'kiss of death" for a bers of the opposite sex for several years while they are in college? signal a full go-ahead for the Uni¬ medical school. Accreditation LETTERS TO Or do they think that a grassy spot to one's own place of residence? behind the bushes is preferable versity. from the AMA and the AAMC Similarly, do they think that students who are old enough to The establishment of a medical gives a two-year school the rec¬ Facts On Cleaners drtnk will abstain completely"1 Or do they think that a bar provides a nicer atmosphere than one's place of residence? school is too expensive a proposi¬ ognition necessary before its Socialist Club Article Misleading Long Overdue In order to preserve a respectable public image and a good repu¬ tion for the University to under¬ graduates can expect to win ad¬ To the Editor: tation, a university must be abletopunish those who commit flagrant To the Editor: Violations of accepted standards of behavior. take out of its operating budget. mission to top four-year schools 1 read with much interest your On the other hand, why should the University's rules be stricter The state legislature must ap¬ for the final two years of medi¬ It is unfortunate that in this country when people see red they los< front page article of Nov. 18 on than the corresponding civil laws? Are students any less mature or their capacity to think. It is equally unfortunate that the State News the price-fixing of East Lansing less responsible than non-students of their same age? prove of the medical school to the cal school. upon seeing the MSU Young Socialist Club, loses its capacity foi cleaners. It is about time some¬ I would like to suggest what I consider to be a more reasonable set extent of appropriating substan¬ Recognition from these groups responsible journalism. one looked into these "money of rules. is necessary for any med school, hungry" businesses. Alcohol would be prohibited only where it is already prohibited by tial funds for it. Even this does I refer to the hopelessly misleading article, "Si Club Merg- law. in the same way that recognition The prices charged by these not promise to be enough, how¬ er," prominently displayed on page one of Friday's State News. be too hard Student couples would be permitted to meet in their places of resi¬ from similarly established First, the Socialist Club did not "merge" with the DuBois Club, cleaners wouldn dence, instead of being forced to resort to the banks of the Red Cedar ever. and the University is hoping A group can either "affiliate" or "associate" withthe DuBois Clubs; swallow if the returned product River. Of course, this would innowaynegate the Michigan law pro¬ for federal funds to match state groups in other professional ar¬ the Socialist Club has taken the latter alternative. was of now hiSher quality, but as it stands, these prices are ri¬ hibiting fornication. eas is needed for accreditation Finally, for students who are not minors, the rules would be sent and University allotments for the It is not a DuBois Club, but merely an associate of the DuBois diculous! to the students themselves, not to their parents. of certain educational facilities. Clubs. As an associate, the club retains full local autonomy; its ac¬ Just think, a person can pay up school. to 30 cents to have a shirt cleaned Would the Board of Trustees consider such a set of rules? This is just one of the complex tion may conflict with the national organization on any number of is¬ and starched and then folded (or Faculty members in the spe¬ sues—the only requirement is that the club agree with just one of should 1 say pressed) into a small cialized area of medical educa¬ problems with which the Univer¬ the whole battery of national policies. container. Or how about a real tion have to be recruited from sity must deal in its plans to ex¬ Second, the article intimated that the resolution to associate was bargain? You can pay 10 cents around the country. pand into new areas and to be¬ passed without the knowledge of most of the club. This is untrue; extra and have your shirt re¬ MICHIGAN The proposed medical school come a greater center for divers¬ ified education. The University's most active club members were at the meeting, and those that did not attend had been misled on the date of the meeting by an error in turned I on a four-cent hanger! certainly would enjoy speak¬ who made the UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS has to offer an attractive enough the State News events column. ing to the owner program for prospective faculty expansion plans are commend¬ Third, the State News used Don Potts as an authority to report following statement: I m glad them away from able in themselves, but Univer¬ that "a small clique" had forced the resolution through; it also prices went up. Now 1 can use Associated Press, United Press International, members to lure Socialist but a Commu- better equipment and do a finer Member Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate other medical schools, and must sity J expansion 1 is not something quotedClub. nist him as saying the club is no longer Who is he trying deceive? I Inland Press, Michigan Press Association. promise to become an established planned and motivated entirely Don Potts is not a reporter, did not announce himself as one at the have yet to finer job" from Published every class day throughout fall, winter and facility with, a good standing. in E ast Lansing. club meeting. y cleaners in two years. It is spring terms and twice weekly summer term by the students rather disgusting to pick up your of Michigan State University. Nor is he a Sociafist Club member or qualified to speak for the shirts and find a crooked collar Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. club. I myself am a club member, and opposed the resolution to as¬ sociate. This resolution was reasonably discussed andpassedby an and cuffs, numerous pressed Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services Readers Commemor overwhelming majority. The DuBois Clubs are not a Communist group. Even if they were wrinkles, and pressed-in dirt. College cleaners have always Building, Michigan State University, Editor East Lansing, Michigan. John VanGieson been, are now, and probably al¬ Arthur Langer Kennedy's Dreams Remain With Us Advertising Manager the Young Socialist Club is not bound by their decisions. Even if it were boundbytheirdecisions.no bound club member is mbers ways will be charging absurd Campus Editor Charles C. WSIls 80 millior Americans wer suspended—and by the policies of the club. The club embraces a group of n prices for half cleaned shirts, but Managing Editor Liz Hyman with varying beliefs: it itself has none. it's about time these cleaners Wire Editor Hugh J. Leach shocked, bewildered, and v. 20, i9M. It is 'he Fri- nourned the death ot a m? i named Kennedy, I am a democratic socialist: 1 accept the club's democratic de¬ tic de- cease sacrificing quality for Sports Editor Richard Schwartz ii c and every re is anx- cision on this matter. The club remains what it has been—a group quantity and give the Ass't. Advertising Manager j. Ken Hoffman Today, one year Marcy Rosen r -heholidays.Tomorrow day as if it were yesterday, devoted to free investigation and careful inquiry. what he pays for. :vents of th; Time has ; •aled the pan • >r sense of empti¬ Photography Advisor Dave Jaehnig es picture or hearing Douglas Lackey ' Circulation Manager Bill Marshall ness I feel his name. Wayne, N.J., sophomore Night Editor Larry Norton I don't k: w if John Kennedy was a "good" Copydesk Advisor Henry Price News Advisor Richard E. Hansen president and neither does anyone else. A man cannot be judged oi three years' work. 1 do know 'BicycleThiefs' MS Elementary School Editorial Editors Susan Filson, Michael Kindman i November now that the go;,K lie set forth for America's future To the Editor: To Whom It May Concern: • Friday before •g of a perfect that his dreams and hopes Isn't it wonderful that we are all allowed to attend Michigan State R [olTl R T E c] A E will influetc< ■■■■•■actions, and every other Amer- It is time for our University Elementary School? Also isn't it quite amazing we are able to com¬ ol V A, f| E] A £ ON J_ 5 ; gun.a t" bede- wel • one day someone can say John to revise its bicycle parking reg- mute to and from our off-campus residence's to the campus without ok E. icans as . A H RjD : d we w. : v. Dad said Eleven Fitzgerald Kennedy did not die in vain; becaute ulations. They should not be '! :!eAmericans have asked what strictly enforced unless asuffic- notes pinned to our jackets? ACROSS ik_R 1 [A] f B A cT lo I R I look forward to the day when they fence in the University! . of his life ifterward 1 was Creat Gyp i T ■r A A L| ir country and have done it! ient number of bike racks are a|n 7 . they can J f r My parents and neighbors had many pleasant hours of laughter ,. I'repositioi A c An :: D T Y over the permission slip. Possibly someone would like to hold my t| E c E T 1 T z. Mary Skrocki ■t O w hand as I cross the street. ■: E E. S no str uegically Saginaw junior s, and hopes of My ideas are prejudiced for I sincerely feel that this is a serious infringement of my basic E. L All R I & I E|R R ■ rights as a human being and a legal American "adult" citizen. A 0 N ■ [A R 0 A R last Thursday my bicycle was c All merica Mas Lome — Ot Age . As a college student and as a future prospective leader it's satis¬ 12. Word of & E. trucked off for a "parking regu¬ A T TO ri e: r o u lation." fying to know that I have been given the opportunity to accept respon¬ k lA 15 S e: S Boundaries Of Grief E. R 13. Malaria D Hp I o the Editor: sibility. With the University doing all my constructive and mature 14. Jap. city As hasbee: suggested by notable philosophers, It would not be so bad if I was thinking, I should be a great contribution to society. 15. Jackets They in -\ forget the pomp, the muffled beat sociologists, md politicians of this era, America guilty—but I am not. The rack was We are all to be flattered, we all receive unnecessary parental 17. Epoch 4t» Wild ox 2. Honor Of drums, the caisson's cla: g, or restless gait has ttnally come of age. America is not declin- full, and 1 sinned and parked in domination and at no extra cost. 18. Mr. Musi, 39. I'nit 47 i. Discount of riderless horse: but not the- • -gic fate fish Eng. riv ingjout responding with ever greater vigor to the an out of the way, but illegal, spot, 19. Nume. - 40. Vast 48. Hone 4 Si„Klet.„ Yours by bondage, abbr great stimuli ot our time. I beg forgiveness for this sin; 5. Arterial ■ somber thro: gg ar.d endless marching feet. The lates' proof? Note the fact that the Amer- but I may also end up begging for Larry Loiselle 20. Vacation trunks They recall a father forced from those who wait lean people now have national celebrations on the the $3 to get my bike out of the Cold Springs, Colo., junior 6. Regal i- days of birth of George Washington, and Abraham police's pound. letter strikes at self and,a 11 that life holds sweet. n: Lincoln, and n the day of the death of John Let me tell you a bit about my Pat Smith Dedicated Worker 8 Middlen Fitzgerald Ke: t edy. bicycle, Mr. Editor. 9 Dawn It was bought during the auction 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 2 10. Abate . A, Rrent..Uawkins lethal weapon to society— It, Kntrap irr ,r stri-lnes V..touches gre : a: d < ,12 •5 t Peoria, 5M. s ophomore .but it was cjieap trori^ortation. i<( Mlfinn toll'iii* , the range of dreaded Now my Sike is again destined In the past, enforcement of housing regulations on the Michigan 15 16 ee men also know should one sta to be auctioned, unless I scrape State campus has been an example of lackluster efforts in coping "* icrld still moves while galaxies rei up the exhorbitant fine of $3. My w,th the rising tide of student enrollment. Not too long ago, Pat 19 Terressa C. Prescot Letter Policy bike isn't even worth $3 to any- one but myself. smith assumed the title of off-campus housing director and has since set a fine example of administrative ability and dedication to 17 20 Zi 18 2Z The State News welcomes all letters to the The overly strict enforcement responsibi'ities. 24 good friend of Pat, I can only describe him as a person ol Z1 To JFK editors from any members of the MSU com- munity or non-University readers. of the University parking regula- tions has the makings of a fine Asa fine character who will not let adverse criticism keep him from 27 %26 :9 30 3' Letters should be no longer than 300 words money-making project. Pick up thoroughly and comprehensively getting his job done. He has dem- /// }(, 37 •u„ ..u u.i™ .L-. . words, that he has backbone, something 34 It is called "Great and typed double spaced if possible. Longer all the old bikes that onstrated with actions, 31 13 A play it was and n< letters may be considered for publication as claimed and then sell them atthe so obviously lacking 3? Beside a ticking bo; "Point of View" columns. Correspondents auction. Dennis Gill has shown in his letter an obvious lack of sound judg- SB , : J? >£. Greai tvr.it is. Our shouid include name and, if applicable, Uni-r But ,of course if ^hey are and commoff sense. What person of base maturity would choose 43 i 41 42 Did he not say versity standing (Detroit freshman, professor claimed you still gain $3. 9 to ignore or flog our laws ancf criticize its ponceftien «art swr-casm rather than to take a stand based on fact and logic and defend it? 4i Help me? If i lost my husband i of forestry, etc.) This information may'be withheld upon request, but no unsigned let- It does beat having a police- man's ball! As long as such immaturity exists, perhaps we should consider Pat 44 45 46 ft. I( i lost my father ters will be printed. Smith a blessing. 47 i did. The State News reserves the right to select Larry R. Kohler Fugere T. Buckley and edit letters to fit space requirements. Rochester, N.Y., freshman Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 24, 1964 3 Socialists Explain In a communication to the State specific beliefs of club mem- and even friendly non-socialists." News, the Socialist Club charges bers," the club's statement said. It was also explained the club a number of mistakes were made "Membership is open, as it al- has not asked the AUSG's per- in an article stating that the ways has been, to Marxist;. non- mission to bring a Communist Our Wire Services club had merged with the W.E.B. Marxists, independent social- speaker to the campus, but has DuBois clubs. ists, members of any organized uked AUSG to co-sponsor such Congolese Attack Force Nears Capital They explained this is not a socialist and Communist group i speaker. merger, but an association with LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo—A Congolese army attack force the DuBois clubs. moved to within four hours driving time of the rebel capital of "Don Potts is not a member Sta: It-yville Monday. The rebels were reported demanding that of the Socialist Club, and has the column be halted as a condition for the safety of 1,000 white never been one," the letter stat¬ ed. Potts was quoted in the State Rebel leader Christophe Gbenye announced in a broadcast he News story. He had attended the ! .ui delayed—apparently for 24 hours—the scheduled Monday last club meeting, Socialist Club execution of American medical missionary Dr. Paul Carlson uf TOSS-UP—Throwing knives has qotten to be old stuff, but throwinq rifles is some¬ officers said. thing new for most people. Anyway, it could be effective if the ammunition gives Rolling Hills, Calif., pending the outcome of negotiations with "There is nothing in the So¬ out. It seems to be a good thing for these members of the Spartan Guard Drill the L'mted States in Kenya. cialist Club constitution that de¬ Team to know, however. Photo by Tom Pozarycki fines socialism, and thus the Bank Discount Rate Raised By Board WASHINGTON—The Federal Reserve Board raised the bank discount rate Monday from 3 1/2 to 4 per cent. The Federal Reserve said the action was taken in order to Flying Club To Buy Two Planes The end of Fall term marks most modern equipment in the Big GOP T ing for their commercial li- counter "possible capital outflows that might be prompted by There will be a meeting of the any more than grade-receiving and Ten. censes. widening spread between interest rates in this country and the Christmas vacation to members A student pilot can gain a pri- "The rest are student pilots," Young Republican Club tonight at higher rates abroad." MSU's Flying Club. ":30 in 22 Union. of vate license by accumulating 40 he said. Britain's bai.k rate was raised Monday from 5 to 7 per cent. That's also the time the'hours of flying time and passing The discount rate is the interest charged member banks for "Winged Spartans" will purchase a written exam plus a one and- borrowings from the Federal Reserve. two new Cessna 150 trainers from a-half hour flight test, dealers in Wichita, Kan. "We have yet to have an appli- Blue Cross Requests Policy Shift The planes arebeir.gpurchased cant fail," Popp said, for $9,-60 each and will add With 160 additional hours of fly- LANSING—Michigan Blue Cross-Blue Shield Monday announced greatly to the club, already third time for a total of 200 air- n has filed a request with the State Insurance Department re¬ largest of its kind in theBigTen. borne hours, the passage of President Jim Popp, secre- another written exam and a two- garding a major policy shift that could affect the rates of some 2.5 million customers. "lai^ Ktir^ia ami tkii, Keil, and-a-half hour f Laurir.e E. Fitzgerald, assist¬ IAWS can help stimulate col¬ This provision is also effec¬ ant dean of students, called In¬ lege women though honors and Sigma Alpha Eta, 39 Auditor¬ by Your Cleaners? \c. v irding to Les Drew, exhibit r at the MSU Museum, the tive 4. next September. Beginning winter term part- ium — 7 p.m. American Baptist Student Fel¬ tercollegiate Associated Students Women (IAWS) "the voice of all recognition programs and by en¬ couraging continuing education, she added. sorymobile is on campus to time students will have the same lowship, 332 Oakhill Drive, East college v.omen" Friday night in •1 '-'iStrate its usefulness as a opportunity for NDEA loans as an address to more than 75 IAWS Lansing — 7:30 p.m. Workshops were held Friday on from all over Try chmg device. full-time students. representatives AWS activi'ties, judiciaries, Sailing Club, 3rd floor Union — \hile here, the Dykema-said the University's 7:30 p.m. Michigan. group decision-making and par¬ Historymobile loan committee will have to re¬ The women were on campus Orchesis Dance Club, 218 liamentary procedure. 1 be oper to the public from 9 for the annual two-day State Day- solve a conflict in the definition Women's I.M. Building — 7:15 1. to 6 p.m. Admission is free. whose theme this A three-member panel dis¬ of a part-time student. conference, LOUIS p.m. According to the federal gov¬ year was "The Freedoms." cussed Freedom and Feminine Christian Science Organiza¬ LOW COST TRAVEI ernment, a part-time student is tion, 31 Union — 7 p.m. Miss Fitzgerald said one pur¬ Foibles Saturday, and James B. STUDENTS CAN AFFORD! one who is taking half the amount Pi' Sigma Alpha, 33 Unior. pose of IAWS is to induct women McKee, professor of sociology, — of credits needed to graduate in students into the uniqueness of gave the final address on "The ,K.NKR \l. TOl'KS STl'DY PROGRAMS 7:30 p.m. Freedoms." Florentine villa four years, or 7.5credits a term. college education and to help Fastest. If est Service in Town. i,'..is. An in a ntander . . . . French . . At MSU a student who is tak¬ Cafe Les Gourmet, - Kellogg Center a them find their own identity. Jan Seidman, Brookly, N.Y., he Sorbonne . . . ing less than 12 credits a term is Inte side "The word 'intercollegiate' junior and conference chairman, iils and Economics considered part-time. Council, S. Wonders — 5:15 p.m. usually connotes competition, yet termed the meeting successful, Those last minute cleaning jobs on 5. Limits on the amount of it should mean cooper.-ti on," she although poor weather prevented mo:.ey alloted to a university for explained. delegates from attending. clothes you want to wear for Thanks¬ the administration of the NDEA Police Hit many giving can be done in ONE DAY at program have now been abol- Louis. At Accidents In 1958 the maximum granted to a university was amounted East Lansing roads were so For the Bes $250,000-. Last year the total was slippery Friday that even police CLEANER AND raised to $600,000. Beginning fiscal year 1965 cars Two collided at accident scenes- patrolmen,Robert B. Fos¬ in Italian SHIRT LAUNDRY there will be no limit, but a uni¬ ter, 28, 1474 W'ilshire Ave., Has- versity must be able to justify lett, and Norman Adams, 28, its request for funds. Laingsburg, received po s s ib 1 e U S. NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION "The new provisions for part- whiplash injuries when their pa¬ Educational Travel. Inc . Dopt CN time and graduate students will trol car was struck by the auto Madison Avenue. New York.N.Y 10018 of Joseph G. Faber Jr., 14861 265 mean that a university will need MUrray HJ11 6 6431 mor? funds," Oykema said. The loan committee will also Thomas St., Lansing, at the Trowbridge exit from 1-496. HOME-MADE LASAGNA have to make a decision on the Police said officers were in¬ M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Mori M..-..U. H<>>;k Store M.S.U. Book grade point requirements. When the University's operat- vestigating an earlier accident at the scene when Faber lost con¬ SPAGHETTI trol of his car and skidded side¬ g limit was $250,000, the grade lint requirement was 2.6. When ways into the patrol car. T BONE STEAK MICHIGAN STATE SWEATSHIRTS the amount lowered to 2.2 was $800,000, the grade point was raised to for students majoring in priority subjects and 2.6 for others. at Foster and Adams Edward W. and released after were treated Sparrow Hospital, X-rays were Faber was ticketed for exces¬ Air And many other Italian-American Dishes Conditioned-Open for Lunch at 11 Daily, 4 Sun. sive speed, police said. Later Friday another patrol ® OLIN car investigating an accident was An ideal place for yeur noontime meal. of Hospital struck in the 200 block of Ce¬ dar Street when driven REPORT an auto Admissions include: Dobbins, South Wales, N.Y., jun- David by it. an MSU student backed into Police said Richard W. Bly- ler, Southfield junior, was tick¬ DELIVERY M*2 Mary Jo Gagliardi, Ishpem- eted for improper lane usage. ing sophomore; Jean Nardin, 211 M.A.C. ACROSS FROM KNAPP'S ED 7-1668 There were r.o injuries in the Middletow;;, Ohi-,, freshman; Jo Ellen Levall, Grand Ledge soph- e; and Sylvia Nowlin, Bloomfield Hills freshman. Also admitted were Janet McCollogh, Grosse Isle sopho¬ more; Paula Wright, Alma fresh- freshman; Grand Karyn Arnold, Kalamazoo and Michael Griffin, Rapids senior. Does NoodleNibbler -v X Breathing Better Where she got a raw noodle at this \ i \ . . . A way to make 30 Monday morning no one seems to know, but a Fee Hall Also check the NEW items in the coed is under observation inOlin Health Center today as a result. Campus police and the East Lansing Fire Department's re- spot Bargain Center. New books, bulletin susitator squad rushed to the aid boards, posters, prints and much more of Jean Nardin, Middletown, Ohio, freshman, after getting a report that the coed was choking and couldn't breathe. feel sticky? ilice said Miss Nardin, who all at reduced prices. had choked on a raw noodle, re¬ gained consciousness after oxy¬ gen was administered. NEITHER DOES OLD SPICE STICK DEODORANT She was reported in good con¬ Dries as it applies in seconds. And stays dry! Gives dition Monday afternoon. ... you fast comfortable dependable deodorant Fall Term Grads . . . Canadian Club protection Lasting protection you can trust Try it Old Spice Stick Deodorant for Men 1.00 plus tax. A Canadian Club organizational It's Time To Order Your MSU Class Ring. meeting will be held at 8 tonight in 108 Center for International rge Ring Man'» large Ring Programs. If there are enough interested 134 00* Medium Weight $29.00* Canadians present, a Canadian Club will be formed. * 39.Q0 Heavy Weight ^34.00* *44.00 Extra Heavy Weight S39 00 $47 00 Closed Bark Weight *42 00' Lady's Ring *,24.00* On South I gents For The Campus The Following Publishers exciting new MSU Book Store. The finest Academic Press complete book store W.A. Benjamin Co. services. Blaisdell American Elsevier Holt, Rinehart The beautiful new & Winston Crossroads Ccrte. A . ■ • - International • - T-r-? meal or a snack in a ■ : delightful new setting. T extbook MacMillan McGraw Hill Van Dervoorfs MIT Press VanDervoorts "Ski Haus" puts the skier first in its most complete in the Central Michigan area. Our brand ALL NEW shop. names include Head, Fischer of Austria, Alu Steel, Kastle Prentice Hall Fiber-plast, Yamaha Epoxi, Dartmouth, Northland, and a Our new enlarged chalet, built inside the store, has John Wileg full range of safety bindings. Open Tues. & Wed. 8:30 ■ 5:30 styles from Aspen, McGregor, Beconta, Silton of Cali¬ fornia, and Mermaid of Austria in outer ski wear; swea¬ VanDervoo. s ha: traveled to the tar for shows and Harper Torchbooks ters from .Austria. France, Italy, and Canada. clinics to better serve your skiing. We feel our combined Closed Thur. & Fr. Our complete line of skis, we feel, is the largest ana experience is the best'in Lansing-; 232 N. Washington Across from the Gladmer In Lanttog M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.i .Bookstore M.S.t' Bookstore M.S.U. Book Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 24, 1964 5 Enthusiastic Wilson Men Elect, NEW FROM Brubeck, Orchest Play Serenade 'First Lady' Live television coverage was The serenade outside of West provided with a Wight House fiJorelco By LEON WHEELER Brubeck and Desmond were heard Wilson Hall Thursday evening man as escort at the place of State News Reviewer given Tchaikowsky's "Capriccio in several eight-bar solo pas¬ was in honor of the "First Lady the judging. East Wilson's Ter¬ ltalien and the Dave Brubeck ap¬ sages. The orchestra's brass of Wight House." race Lounge. The judging by the The Lansing Symphony Or¬ pearance. and drums were good with Ted men was based on beauty, poise, Lucy Smith, Grosse Pointe chestra, featuring the Dave The question could be raised, Small, the orchestra's drummer, freshman and home economics and personality. Brubeck .Quartet, initiated it's why wasn't the Gershwin number, providing adequate dialogue for major, was elected honorary fe¬ The actual election rook place Philharmonic Series Sunday nigh! which the orchestra played so the Joe Morello solo cut. The male representative by men of in Wight House after the intro¬ in the Lansing Civic Center be¬ well not televised instead of the chord changes in the orchestra the East Wilson House of Wight. ductions in the lounge. fore an enthusiastic audience. Tchaikowsky, whose interpreta¬ score were fast and Brubeck re¬ The election was the first of Miss Smith's serenading was The orchestra under the bator. tion suffered from both dragging marked after the concert that he kind Wilson. The . its in men two days after the election as of it's musical director Gregory and transitional tempo changes? had wanted Wright to conduct the of Wight asked each of the 12 the men of Wight stood outside Millar opened the program with The orchestra did, however, houses the women's side of the doors of West Wilson before piece at the 1964 Berlin Festival. on Robert Russell Bennett's ar¬ complete the piece, the last the dorm to select one repre¬ a throng of curious onlookers rangement of "Symphonic Pic¬ presto and tarantella, with pyro- The Brubeck Quartet came sentative to "run" for the new singing, "Tell Me Why" and "Let ture of Porgy and Bess," by back to play several cuts from Me Call You Sweetheart." George Gershwin. The arrange¬ e ducting the orchestra for their recordings after theor- Each of the candidates was then She was then officially pro¬ ment i eluded such all-time fav¬ the "Brubeck Plays Brubeck" chestra had cleared the stage. claimed "First Lady of Wight orites as "Summertime," "1 Got portion of the program was Morello broke a couple of drum House" and presented with a RECORDS Plenty o' N'uttin'," "Bess, You Is Rayburn Wright, an adopted"son FOR AN My Woman Now," "It Ain't Nec¬ of Lansing," nd chief music ar¬ sticks, but never once broke the spirit which bound the audience. Library Lists Hours bouquet of roses. Wight House members agreed HOUR essarily So," and ether themes ranger of New York's Radio City Gene Wright spoke loud and clear that the event was successful from "catfish row." Music Hall. First was "Branden¬ on the bass, and he sangthepart, ForThe Holidays to the extent that the ritual will The orchestra for the most part burg Gate: Revisited," which too, if you were close enough to bee. .ual e did a highly creditable job. 1 here were a few weak places, but the presented lected a cool, calm and col¬ manneristic style, with have heard it. The library will be open over the Thanksgiving Holiday Brecht CARHY Desmond's "Take Five" during Change good spots far outweighed the bad. Some of the first chair perform¬ Paul Desmond on alto saxprovid- ing that emotional floating sensa¬ the second and suposedly the last number on the program, but the was the following hours: Wednesday-will close .itop.m, The lecture by Hans Joachin CORDHH ers, such as trumpet, oboe, violin tion, with Gene Wright on bass Thur sday-c losed. Schrimpf on "Lessing and Ber- lf)0 ' and clarinet did fine solo work. and Joe Morello on drums add¬ audience's clamor brought the tolt Brecht" will be held Nov. Friday-open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. CORDLESS It was pleasure to hear the ing their fair share of communi¬ quartet back to end the concert 30 8 p.m. in 137 Akers Aud¬ a Saturday—open 9a.m. to5p.m. at mellow sounds of the saxophones cative dialogue. with Duke Ellington's "Take the BIG BOY TO BIGGIE —Bill Morgan of Elias Bro¬ itorium, not last Monday night CARTRIDGE TAPE RECORDER *A' Train," which turned into a Sunday-open as usual-2p.m.to in "Bess, You Is My Woman The last number for quartet thers Company, left, presents a $1,000 contribu¬ as stated in Monday's State News. and orchestra was "Elemental." medley of great dialogues be¬ tion to the Ralp^ H. Young Scholarship Fund for tween BruBeck and Morello. athletes to Athletic Di rector C lorenc e i B i ggie) M ^nn. Of the total, $500 came from the company's East for Lansing Big Boy restaurant and $500 from the Lan¬ French Opera sing restauranf. Photo b/ Toni Pozary-ki HOI PIZZA E IT! TRY IT! BUY IT Here Tonight Student Employment Opportunities MALE: Full DELIVERY 'lape Recording* call A reception will be held for Industries the New York City Opera at FtMALE: C vork Dough;;; Shop; part-time today in the 1964 Room, ^ lift E. Grand R v. ^ cashier. ED 2-0864 noon Akers Hall. ED 2-0897 f MALH/FEMALl : Part-timebusdr.w itchb'>r>rd operator for part-time work; biographical si As part of Lecture-Concert OPEN Mon. - Fri. Series B, the company will pre¬ Students the Office interested in part-time employment : THE PIZZA PIT 9:00 5:30 from the staff of Student Employment, Placement Bi - sent "Die Fledermaus" by Jo- floor Student Services. 203 M.A.C. Sat. 12:00 noon hann Strauss at 8:15 p.m. in the Auditorium. The Series A pro¬ at duction was presented Monday night "Faust" by Gounod. AFL-CIO Speaker SI . * caw savings .g.J^j|AMj§j ff|H §|Mngs .. j- Pius August (Gus)Schollf ,president Julius Rudel is the conductor of the Michigan AFL-t IC for tonight's performance. "Die Fledermaus" is a light opera speak on "The Future of the Labor Union" at 7:30 tonight at Super Right Semi-Boneless University performed in French. It deals with taken a humorous identity. case of mis¬ 33 Union. ma The talk, sponsored by Pi Sig¬ Alpha, political science hon¬ Beauty- The Fledermaus" Donn cast for Strauss's "Die includes: appearing in the role of Carol orary, will be followed by an open question-answer period. Rosalinda with Anne Elgar as Life Meeting Salon Adele andBeverly Evans as Sally. Others in the cast are Jon Crain There will be a meeting of the as Alfred, John Stamford as Ei- College Life group tonight at 7 in the Alumni Chapel lounge. senstein, David Smith as Orlof- sky, William Ledbetter as Falke and Spiro Miles as Frank. Block And Bridle The Block and Bridle Club STANDING RIB ROASTS will Initiate 40 new members at its Anthony. meeting at 7 tonight in 110 4 & 5th Ribs 69< Dr. James Rooker, a veteri¬ narian, will speak on soundness In horses. Dr. Rooker, an MSU 1st 5 Ribs 75< graduate, is former president 1st 3 Ribs a of the club. 79< Away-Game Film Whole A & P 1 lb. ( Maraschino Victory Brand A color film of the MSX_i—Illi¬ nois football game in 8. the Union will be shown Ballroom tonight Potatoes P 1 lb. 2 oz. can 4 49$ Cherries Mandarin Salad 10 1/2 07. jar 3 r $1 The program, which is open to LOOKING FOR 49$ Oranges the public at no charge, will be the last of a series of film showings of this year's away games under the sponsorship of SOMETHING Potatoes Sweet Dalley 2 A & P Grade A 11 oz. can 1 lb. 4 89$ the Union Board. M 4% A & P Gtade A 1 Pkg. Lessons Tonight DIFFERENT? Choosing Christmas cards Pickles A & P Grade A 49$ Strawberries 2 69$ — Libbys is fun again - as you'll ....49$ Squash.. Union Boarddance instructions will begin again tonight the Union ballroom. at 7 in soon discover when you browse through our Peas 11$ Double lessons will be given Hallmark Albums bright Mai vel V nulla this week and next to make up for with new ideas Here you'll the lessons missed. find the cards to match your personality-cards worthy of your name Do Ice Cream 49$ Fudgesicles 49$ What's so great about come in soon and select A & P Grade ade A Hallmark cards to be STA-PREST Sportswear? imprinted with your name, "When you care enough to Tomato Juice — 3« 79$ mm send the very best" ■"Jane Parker Bakery Features can wash'em We can personalize 39C your Christmas PIE ■ ^ mT! 490 YOU can dry'em cards within In the line, dryer, or on on the clothes¬ your room- 24 hours Banana Twin Loaf 790 i' bedpost! choose from Stuffing ffll) e«if wear 'em And watch the wrinkles fall 4 type styles -29c Bread 290 - out - the creases stay in I 7 colors at THF GREAT ATIANTIC & Your A8.P Super Market CAMPUS *A5P Super Markets corner of Hagadorn & East Grand Kiver, East Lansing STORE HOURS: 9 AM 9 PM BOPS BOOK AMERICA'S DiPINDABli FOOD MIRCHANT SINCE ll$« Monday thru Saturday J All price* in this ad effective thru Sot. Nov. 28, 1964 V STORE JgR w.v.v.v>h*k-:vX-- w in oM fsv* Lonsing A&P Super Wafers. Northland 211 E. Gr. Riv( wmmmmmmmmsfmsmm Tuesday, November 24. 1964 Michigan State Nrvvs. Kast I ans;:ig. Michigan "Thank you, I sold it the CHEVROLET, L957 convertible CARS ARE SELLING FAST first day," said this sat¬ Bel Air. Excellent condition. V-8, automatic, radio, heater. isfied customer. For Sale Service Automotive Automotive Employment For Rent LUGGAGE CARRIERS: One KASTLE SKIS 6'11" with Neva- DIAPER SERVICE, three types CONSUL. 1960 End:ish Ford OPEL KADETTE, 1964 Stati. r FOUR PUSBOYS to work lunch WANTED FEMALE roommate waterproof used once; Another da bindings, turntable heels. of diapers to choose from. Bulk 4-d r. 37,000 act Wagon. 4-speed transmissio n. and dinner for meals. Call ED for winter and springterms. In- for Renault. Schwin bicycle. 2 Used one winter. Excellent con¬ wash for cleaner, whiter dia¬ 25-30 miles per gallon. New 7-9734. 41 expensive, attractive apart- large sleds. ED 2-4838. 41 dition. 351-5458. 43 pers. Fluff dried and folded.Use not.. $495. IV 2-2555 a::er 6p.m. condition. White. ED 2-1703. 43 LUNCH COUNTER Waitress. In ment. Call 337-0958. ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICAN'/* yours or rent ours. Containers 41 ' Medical Building across from \NTED: ONE young woman /.tobile Hoi furnished. No deposit. 25 years PONTIaC, 1956 4-d or Good 25 to share Lansing duplex. 30 volume set. 1964 edition. CORVAIR MONZA ! !. 4-speed, tires. Excellent running ri u. Hospital. Full time. over TRAVELO, 1961. 55' x 10'. Early experience. BY-LODIAPER • Sundays. 489-5731. 41 485-8782. 41 Shipping boxes never opened. radio, ho t-air he a :. '. Tach. tion. 2431 Park St. Pho , no American fixtures, Oak panel¬ SERVICE. 1010 E. Michigan. IV • AUTOMOTIVE EAST LANSING studio $300. 355-9890. 39 C • EMPLOYMENT Mus' sell. 2U S. I 1 ward St. 2373. apart- ing. Carpeted living room. Ex¬ 2-0421. 40 LIVING, DINING, bedroom furni- cellent buy. 655-1925. 43 3-2-463?. PONTIAC, 1956. S-cylin . FOR RENT ture. Walnut Danish modern. FOR SALE CORVAIR, iJ"4 r Monza. t.>matic. Power steering, p. Wages better than average. For pletely furnished. Across from ELCAR, 1962, 10' x 55'. 3- Kalamazoo Street Body Shop. . Revere tape recorder, 2-year- LOST 8. FOUND 4-speed. iio n.p. K heater. brakes. $75. Call after 5, 355- appointment, call IV 9-0097. 42 campus near stores.Call Fabian bedroom. Expandable living Small dents to large wrecks. old femaleSchnauzer. 482-8694. , " • .. t sell. 2843. 39 EARNINGS ARE unlimited as. ilty, ED 2-0811. . Ph ne 337-1302. 4747 N. American and foreign cars. • PERSONAL Manv extras. Pn - ■: 42 Oker 40 Guaranteed work. 489-7507.1411 • PEANUTS PERSONAL ED 2—414". 42 ative. Turn your FURNISHED MODERN apart- BARGAIN-HUNTERS PARADISE . • REAL ESTATE CORVAIR, ■ V' . Blue 4- $$. For appoint- ment for three students 1962 - 10 x 50 New Moon. G ood East Kalamazoo. C • SERVICE e owner. proved and supervised. Three BAUSCH LABOR Microscope, jndit! 1/2 mile East of TV SERVICE Calls- $5. Tubes blocks from the Union. Call ED Also Student model, precis • TRANSPORTATION .^5. IV 2- !y|i>L . Graduating Gn this term. discounted 25% except picture 43 2-0249 or inquire 520 Park gram and grain scale. Di 332-4574. tubes. Estimates on shop ser- • WANTED Ot 85, ask : r Pric man tools. Portable and s vice. ACME TV. IV 9-50Q9. C corvur i. ELCAR - ard size typewriters. Record¬ DEADLINE ■ . Radio, ers. Bookshelves, metal cabi¬ bedro" JERMAN STUDENTS. Tutoxmr Riverside-East Apartment 11 o.rr.. one class day be¬ A-. $1,695. and Wash. Call Placement Bur¬ nets and wardr.jbe. Recliners. >. Hope o rail IV 9-4920. for graduates and undergrad¬ 14. Luxury apartment. Close to uates. Call Mrs. Mary Fulk, fore publication Ph : 393-;0". 43 RAMBLER. 1959. Rebel Sta eau, Mrs. Reed. 355-9520. 42 Floor coverings. Portable sew¬ 1963 10' New Moor., two Wagon. Good campus. 337-2297. 43 355-3191. 39 Cance'lotions • 12 noon one EDSEL Nv M ' A . ~ron. V-8 BUSBOYS WANTED to work for ing machines. Chest of drawers. bedroom. Parking place avail¬ $225. 489-1393. meals'. Call Stuart, 332-3565.40 VANTED, GIRL to. share luxury ciass day before publicat'on automatic. G • dc. : n. Baby equipment; strollers, able. $3,800. Phone 482-1984. 42 Phone 337-1412 >fte RAMBLER, 1959 Classic. Stand- apartment. Close to campus. scales, beds, playpens, bassi¬ Typing Servic DRUGSTORE SODA fountain. Day Winter and/orSpring. 332-0330. ATLL SACRIFICE- Equity in 1952 PHONE weekends. 39 ard 6. G"odbody, tires. Mechan¬ r evening shift. Full or part- 42 net, carseat. Hi-fi and stereo Conestoga. 10' x 50*. Two bed- TYPING ses, term ically so und. Best uffer over Uniforms furnished. Dis- record players. Consoles and papers and manuscripts. Car¬ 355-8255 FAl CON . $495, ED 2-4383. 39 time. ONE GIRL fo r Winter and Spring table models. TV's and radios. room, front kitchen. Midway bon ribbon, Greek and technical ' ti n. Le-s th.v N, , lit ; ■ i pure hases. Apply Cam¬ Trailer Court. Lot 27. 699-2750. terms to share apartment with RATES $1,190. Call 655- S Mrs. SI MCA, 1959. Low mileage. Cheap pus Drugst' re, 501 East Grand three others. 332-8400. 40 Many small electrical appli¬ symbols. Wide experience in all 42 to buy, cheap :e run. Call Pete, 40 ances: toasters, broilers, cof¬ phases of typing. WONCH 1 DAY SI.50 Erophy. Riv Easi sing. 351-4659 afrer 6. 40 TWO GIRLS needed to. share fee makers, table service sets. Lost & Found GRAFIC, 484-7786. 39 ?. DAYS. . . .53.00, FORD, rt' . ' 1 sj me- BU V-S. 4- EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COM- and bookkeeping charge if ic wall tapestries, $4.50. Low . . nished near MSU. All utilities TYPING WANTED. Electric ;•; mission, er. Exceptionally fine condition. PANY 'needs girls for temporary cost household furnishings. LOST,- BROWN leather key case this ad is not paid within ! ED Oflic except electric, $125 - $110. For typewriter. No pick-up or deliv¬ rad;. Rl s • able. none between Math Building and Un¬ 41" Large appliances. Nice mahog¬ . week. appointment, 627-6352. . one 40 CHEVROLET II Nova 1962 Con¬ 3nal ery. OR 7-S335. 41 2-8296. ion. Reward. Call 485-9066. 40 NEEDED: FOURTH male mem- any corner china "cabinet. TYPING. THESES, term papeis, vertible. Automatic transmis¬ FORD 19( 0 R W n. Six ber for Apartment 201, Avenue WILCOX SECOND-HAND LOST- LADY'S i scratch. The State News does not . . sion. Rebuilt motor. R:idi'■ and etc. XEROX copy service. IBM cylinder, standard s Radio, GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT STORE, 507-09-11 E. Michigan. Between Horticulture Building perrr.it racial or religious . heater. Very clean. Apartments for Winter and Electric typewriters. 337-1527. heater. Reasonable. for permanent positions in of¬ IV 5-4391. C41 and Prince Brothers. Oval face, discrimination in its ad¬ Spring terms. 351-5478. 41 Call 39 fice, sales, technical. Call IV MEN'S SKI boots. 9-M with or black band. Reward. 351-5242. BEV TALLMAN. vertising columns. The CHEVROLET i960 Impala2-door Y..ur term pa- FORD, .'<62 Raich VL'aj n. Eco- 2-1543. C40 C4° houses without complete Cubco binding. S-ate News will not accept hardtop. Automatic. Like new. pers, reports, theses, and n.omical '. Rad i 1 eat belts. LAB TECHNICIAN. 40 hour week. Anything reasonable. Jeff, 353- GARNET EARRING advertising from persons ■ Color, black. UNSUPERVISED . ONE o in shepe of sertations typed .in my home. $1,095. Phone ED J -J-21. 40 Good salary, fringe benefits. 0165. 42 diamond lost in Music Auditor- IBM discriminating against re¬ girls over 21 in exchange ....... electric. Call 37_'-3849. Lansing General Hospital Per- C 40 ligion, race, color or LINCOLN, 1958. A. : seli to the mum housecieaning, cooking. WEBCOR STEREO tape re- national origin. sonnel Dept. Call IV 5-4311, ext. ANN BROWN typist and multihth 1 highest bidder. Phor. , IV 5-4673. £aj[ g am_ _ 5 pm_ 699-2729. corder. 3-speed. Regent model. 41 ' 41 $100. 332-8503. LOST: MAN'S Gold Bulova watch. offset printing (black & white R- ME RCt RY .1 M ESMAN WANTED. Prefer CHARLES STREET. Unfurnished SILVER MINIATURE poodles. r> Vicinity »f Grand River. Satur- color). IBM. General typing, term papers, theses, disserta¬ v red and redit jewelry 2-bedroom home. Fireplace, weeks old. AKC registered. Call day. Graduation gift. Reward. Phone 353-2716. tions. ED 2-8384. C. FLICK SPECIAL, 2-d whit* finish. Merc • - tic. Ra- store experience. Apply Busch full basement, and garage. 2 1/2 43 Incorporated. Call IV 2-1435.40 blocks from campus. Phone ED HAM GEAR - Gonset G76 w~ EDIE STARR, typist. Theses, 2-0565 or ED 2-8439. dissertations, term bra'• es. Whitewall t mileage, 4-cylinder. $7.: DIAMONDS REPRESENTATIVE, _40 ma,;y extras. Ave, helpe papers, v35C. 332-6323. Phone TU 2-5364. wanted. Liberal commissions. EAST LANSING- Attention springs and Hi-Fi pre-amp. Women's 1M, general typing. Experienced. Friday. Call AL EDWARDS Lin c in, Mer- TEMPEST, 1961 4-door. Whi IBM Electric. OR 7-b232. C Farrell and Reed Co. M.A.C. faculty. 4690 N. Cornell. Nice 355-0751. 4' Kerry, 332-8944. Reward. 41 cury, 3125 E. Sagi naw (North Automatic transmission. C at Albert. 332-2426. 45 brick, three-bedroom. $145 per j^O 6' reflecting telescopes, T ransportation LOST: PAIR Men's dark frame ror.diti Phone ED of Fra: d'.r). Opc r Monday, owner. Call 484-1500 or Morn month plus utilities. 332-0091.40 stand and mount with clock prescription sunglas ses. No 7-7975. 40 Thursday, Friday ti 11 9 pm.C40 625-4423. drive. One - new, other-home¬ case. If found, please call 353- Need two riders. Leave Decer CHEVROLET 195" Convertible. MG, 1964, 1100. 5-passencer 4- I ML NDERBIRD 39 lett Rd. and Ferndale. Three made. 332-1127. 43 1650. Reward. 41 ber 18. Return December F1 r shift. 283. Need rings. d. r sedan. %000 m ; !es. Leath- eater. Two tops. Only beautiful duplex homes. Avail- / GRADUATE STUDENT. Skilled DISHES - ANTIQUE set of 6. Roundtrip, $40. 351-4394. 41 $225. Clear, interior. Between er upholstery. Rac llo, heater. 50,000 miles. One owner. Phone research to set up able Dec. 15. Two bedroom, $150 China cabinet. Table, Duncan- Personal 41 337-2068. 40 RIDE TO CHICAGO needed. Can 6-8, 353-2613. 40 337-1248. school public attitudes survey. per month. Three bedroom, $160 Phyfe, 27 x 40. Seats 10. TU WATCH YOUR FAVORITE PRO- leave anytime after 4 Wedr.es-■ CHEVROLET, 1962 Bel Air. 4- OLDS MOBILE 1964 Sedan with VALIANT 1963 2-door hardtop. 355-3413, Marston. 41 per month. 332-0091. 46 2-7185, 206 Astor. 43 GRAMS NEJAC TV set. Rent day. Call Diane, 355-1679. 39' on d jor sedan. V-8, Powerglide, pojwer. White, b 11 Automatic. Bucket seats. Radio. HELP WANTED, male.Busboyto LARGE MODERN 3-bedroom a TV from NEJAC TV Rentals. Whitewalls. Excellent condition. NEED RIDE to University of 111- Low Mileage. Clean. Excellent 12,000 miks. Ph'.ne 372-0372 or work remainder of fall term. Ranch. Unfurnished. Kitchen 17" and 21" table models, only pump, 30-06, scope, strap. New! inois this weekend. Call Dan condition. IV 5-7044. 43 487-3030. 40 Showroom appearance. 372- Call 351-5039 or 337-1721. 41 built-in, stove oven..Can supply $7 and $8 per month. New Ze¬ Over $180 value. Take best offer. 353-0203. 39 77T- OLDSMOI IL L., 1959. 9- H Jliday 2316. 41 refrigerator and dishwasher. nith 19" portables for $9 per C HEVROLET, 1959 B DELIVERY BOYS with car IV 5-4688. 43 One VALIANT, 1964 convertible. Good basement with large fin¬ door. Automatic, radio, new ' owner. wanted. Make up to $2 per hour. Full CHESTS of drawers; desks with month. Call 482-0624 for FREE Wanted Whitehall tires. Sliarp, excellent 78. '•>82-9588 mileage. Can be re-financed. ished recreation room. Close to delivery. C Married or single. Also, part- glass tops. 1 or 50. 307N. Wash¬ WANTED: GARAGE to rent. Vi- after 5 pm. 40 Call TU 2-5827 after 5 week¬ schools. 4 miles from campus. condition. 641-6747. 43 >WFV a rsity Drive- FREE! A thrilling hour of beauty! days. Any time weekends. 42 time pizza C"' Beautiful lot with mature shade. ington. Call 484-3713. LEON'S cinity Abbott and Albert St. Be¬ OLDSMOB1LE, 19h2 Dynamic - in. ED 2-6517. 40 USED FURNITURE. 42 For appointment, call 484-4519. tween 8 am. - 6 pm. Call 332- CHEVROLET, 1955 2-dwr. Ex¬ $160. 332-0626. 42 4-d' or. P< v.er brakes at d p< w- MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS cellent tires. Reasonable body. PORT A 6 L E TYPEWRITERS, 2566; 655-2100. 41 er steering. Rad1i 0. 26,000 STUDIO, 1600 E. Michigan. C37 Terrible engine. See to DEpre- miles. Good conditioon. Pho;. Ml r . 40-hnur week. Many bene- Rooms Olympia, Precision. Buy the fin¬ TUTOR FOR Natural Science 181. FOR REAL SAVINGS ask this ciate. $60. ED 2-1956. 39 40 est. Terms available. HASSEL- Call 355-4787. 41 1-6020. State Farm agent about financ- BRING COMPANY, 310 N. White. kitchen privileges. Park¬ CHEVROLET, 1958 2-d r. V-S OLDSMUI VOLKSWAGEN 1964. roorn, Grand, IV 2-1219. C40 ing your next car through the BABYSITTING E;Y experienced liable male. Available automatic. White walls. No rust. 1. Dynamic 88. Power steo Whitewalls. Excellent condition. ing. Men only. Phone 351-5066. State Farm Car Finance Plan — 40 SEWING MACHINE ZIG-ZAG from 1 pm. on. Call Thorn, 351— IV 2-2396 between 2 and 9. 39 , bra?v.s, aut'.-matic. $1,1 Phone 655-1693. 42 Ask for GEORGE TOBIN, IV Michi-" SINGER in beautiful new dark 4313. 40 Ph : e NA 7-2813. VOLKSWAGEN, 1964 Bus. Low PENNSYLVANIA NEAR 5-7267, In Frandor. C39 ifood cabinet. One built-in VERSITY STAFF member OLDSMOLjILL , 1962 Star!) mileage. Excellent condition. Are you a Senior who can r gan Ave. One room efficiency hardto.p. Full power. Must ! Phone ED 2-3093. See at 403 classmates? Will you help them with stove, refrigerator. Good •ol 1 11 let you buttonhole, J^'ST^ F0R rily. RECORDS? Not Just for you. Always! desires unfurnished house now. Business sacrifice, t Southlawn, East Lansing. 40 expose their talents, training bed. $52.00 monthly. Phone 627- blindhem, make many decora¬ . 3-bedroom. Garagedesi That's us here at Bubolz Insur¬ able. Phone 355-9515 befor and desires to diversified em- 6352. tive designs. Need reliableparty 332-0976. VOLKSWAGEN 196 3 Karmann- ance - car, home and business. ployers throughout the nation? to make only eight payments of WANTED TO BUY: One se Ghia. White. New whitewall; 0FFER1NG FREE C39 and unique computer- $7.26. Phone OL 5-2054. C40 hand golf clubs. Youth o- ! Radio. Red and brown interioi based reports qualified Phone ED 2-1379. $1,550. Phone 332-0797. 4 service BANJO. VEGA Pete Seegar Peanuts Personal size. students to recruiting employ¬ Term. 355-8054. model. Hardshell case. $290. DO YOU KNOW that just ten min¬ ers—and we need a student agent . . ; Phone 393-1246. 39 MOST PEOPLE get PINNED: NEED ONE roommate utes East in f East Lansing, you to distribute our forms during Only Linda Newall could ha*re »•"-» SEWING MACHINE ZIG-ZAG-O- can have the best personalized early December. gotten shishkebabed. Congrats, MATIC 1964 Model. Close out service from a small friendly Lin! Dee J. 39 sale. No attachments needed to Ford Dealer? We feature a fine Set your own hours. Easy, G-24 EAST SHAW EXPOUNDS: buttonhole, blindhem, etc;Guar- selection of used cars. SIGNS order-taking, ,ney hand- MEN. WINTER Term. Approved, anteed. Full price only $49.95 down with Uncle John's ducks; ' FORD SALES, Williamston. ling, no rep. butveryLUC- supervised. Singles," $10; up with the Pilgrim's turkeys. 39 Michigan. 655-2191, C40 RATIVE. doubles, $7. Spartan Hall. 215 or $7.00 per month. For in¬ Louis. One block from campus. formation. CALL OL 5-2054. Real Estate ED 2-2574. 42 C40 For Sale FIREPLACE WOOD DRYER, KENMORE electric. Nearly new. Phone 482-9426. 43 OKEMOS for East rent. - UNFURNISHED house 1364 Jolly Rd. (Just of Dobie). Professor out of G HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Men's bi- country until August 1, 1965. Your Ho Well Seasoned 699-2867 Maple cycle. Table lamp, swivel chair. Teeter-totter and other items. Carpeting, some drapes. Stove, refrigerator. $175 a month.Call $39.?^ buy lew English 3- Leaving Nov. 28th. 355-2963. 40 Margaret Nerad, ED 2-3534 or speed bicycle.Used bicycles and ED 2-6337. East Lansing Realty Shopping BICYCLE SALES, service and majors considered. Numerous rentals also available. ACE rentals. East Lansing Cycle, Co., Realtors. 41 openings with nationally known VACANCY: NEED female HARDWHERE AND GIFTS, 201 12i5 East GrandRiver.Call 332- organization. Specialized train- diately for Winter and/orSpring E. Grand River across from the Service 8303. C An Entire City At Your Door ing programs. MC GILL EM- term. Cedar Village. $60 month. Union. ED 2-3212. CHILD CARE. Vacancy for child PLOYMENT SERVICE, 710 Bank 351-4496. 40 £ GIRLS' 3-speed bicycle, with over two in my Lansing home. STUDENT BOOK STORE of Lansing Building. 489-6553.41 APARTMENT TO sublet. Ideal TURKEYS, Fresh dressed Young, tender, juicy, oven- or fro- Excellent and saddle$35. light, lock condition. baskets. 332- Licensed. Dependable. IV 9- SPEED READING: Excellent op¬ . Completely furnished. 6479. 4.' Gonial House. Call 351- ready. Howe Turkey Farm. 6841. 40 Go^e The Perfect Gift portunity for students desiring Phone 627-5480. 40 GOT EXCITED, made mistake. tv rentals for students. Eco¬ fter 5:30. 41 part or full-time sales, now and EVERYTHING FROM tropical nomical rates by the term and Bought pair (black leather, me¬ during Christmas vacation. For WANTED, ONE man to share 2- fish to ocelots. Complete tropi¬ dium heels) shoes. Size 7 1/2 A. month. university tv rent¬ siudents, tegchers, business- person luxury apartment. Ex- cal fish and dog supplies. Worn only two hours. Paid $9- als. 484-9263. — - . C men and housewives. No exper- cellent tor studying. Call 351— •ofes- j[ FOWLER'S FIN, FEATHER will sell them to youfor $6.Call WHY PAY MORE? Fo ience necessary. Apply, S.T.I. 5388. 40 AND FUR SHOP, Logan Center. 332-5227 after 5:30 pm. 1 End- Miniature Fruitcakes 114 N. Washingtc WANTED: ONE mile roommat< 882-6364 (openSunday 1 to 5pm.) row's. Pants, skirts, sweaters, ...$1.99 up ising c 11, 372-4150. 40 to sublet Cedar Villafe apart¬ S1AMESE KITTENS" 65£. Plain dresses, suits, coats, Dried F ruit s $3,503 HE HOWARD JOHNSON Res¬ ment. Must be: trustworthy, MA ICO MOTORCYCLE 1958 Very low price. Call OR 7-2504. $1.29. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block ...$2.00 up taurant which is now run by the loyal, helpful, friendly, cour- „ . , Scrambler. 250 cc. Very good . west of Frandor. C39 Howard Johnson Co. desires to teous, kind, obedient, cheerful, ScramblerV, 2™fc\ V„*r„y condition. Call Beal, 332-5555. TAKDOM BlCVCLE. A-l condi- 332-8622 brave, CLEAN and reverent (op. tion. Hand brakes. $65. Phone hire manager trainees, hostess, 41 641-6669. 39 ALD1NGER DIRECT MAIL ad¬ waitresses, cook, counter per¬ tional). P.S. Or someone may not approve. 337-0561, ask for WOLLENSAK MOVIE Camera, 2 1964 Wolverine yearbooks. vertising, 533 North Clippert. Order Your sonnel, busboys and utility. Free Persecuted. 39 model 43 with telescopic lens - Brand new. Never been opened. IV 5-2213. C insurance plan, uniforms fur<- and case. Like new. $75. Bob, nished. Paid vacations, excel¬ 401 FAIRVIEW SOUTH. One bed¬ Call 351-4322 after 6 pm. 40 METAPHYSICS- INSTRUCTION. Class Ring ; ft TOYS* Now lent starting salary. Fringeben- efits. Apply in person between room furnished apartment in¬ cluding utilities. Call 882-5763. 355-0503. REFRIGERATOR, G.E. 10 ft.Ex- cellent condition. $75. Sylvania 41 DO YOU need some white in 1- forms that aren't expensive? Call 372-1845. DtAffeR SERVICE, same diapers 50 43 They're in good condition, but 8 am. and 5 pm. at 3224 E. TV. 21-inch console. New pic¬ returned. Either yours or ours. Fancy Glassware You will receive it Saginaw St., Lansing, Michigan. LUXURIOUS FULLY furnished ture tube. ED 2-1786. 40 were worn for six months. Three With our service, you may in¬ 39 two bedroom apartment near. for only $8. Call 332-5227. 40 clude two pounds of baby clothes registration week- TV COLOR, $165. Slimline TV, Basketware EARN EXTR \ income. Part-t Frandor. Available December that do not fade. Diaper pail fur- $55. TV's $15 and up.. Phone Qcuispey '■seHirtg household items". Com- mission and monthly bonus. 20-March 30, ?S65. Rent $100 per month. Two phones, elec- 484-8657. 43 HART METAL SKIS, 6'7" with 43 nisJraJ.- - :o youth DIAPER SERVICE Ace Hardwhere Jewe.lers Pleasant work, flexible hours. Write: Melvin DeHaan, 251 tricity included. Graduate or faculty couple with or without BABY BED bed. Matching chest. Good Cubco binding. Good *shape for AMERICAN 914 E. Gier St. $50. Call ED 7-0951. 43 ')-r<«64 c I aMar, Kalamazoo. 40 child. Call 332-0406. 39 dition. Phone IV 2-9387. IV ED 2-3212 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, November 24. 1964 "J 5 STATE 1{ Spartans Finish 16th As Broncos Top NCAA Cross-Country By MIKE BROOKS Thanksgiving yesterday with a try championship on the snow- State News Sports Writei Duck dinner. covered Forest Akers Golf The Broncos had little trouble Course. A title hungry Western Mich¬ with their 22 opponents as they With a team total of 86 points, igan team celebrated an early captured the NCAA cross-coun- Western left the pre-meet fav¬ orite Oregon Ducks far behind in second place with 116. Ohio University was third with Hoiv Teams 120 points, and Notre Dame fol¬ lowed with 122. TEAM PTS. T E AM PTS. Michigan State fell far below recent preformances with a 16th, Western Michiga n 86 P rovidence 308 place finish and 365points.Team 1 16 Harvard 337 co-captain Jan Bowendidnot run, Ohio University 120 M innesota 359 and Paul McCollam and Eric Notre Dame 122 MICH. STATE 365 Zemper, a pair of highly rated runners, were far from their on had a fifty yard lead, and Since two of the top six run¬ Brigham Young 136 Pittsburgh 440 umph for the Mid-America con¬ usual form. \er decreased. He went past from schools which did Georgetown 162 Bowling Green 4 70 ners were ference. In addition to Banton. The individual the wo and three mile mark in tioned as a pre-meet favorite. send complete teams, Gal¬ M iami 219 Oklahoma City 4 78 not Gallagher and Burston, two other Houston 235 William & Mary 500 e Banton, a bandy-legged jun- 9:54 and 15:02 on the way to a Bill Clark, a senior from No¬ lagher and Bruston took fifth and conference athletes were among K ansas 254 Drake 525 ior from Ohio. record establishing 20:07.5 time tre Dame, was second in20:14. ninth in the team scoring. the coveted first 15 finishers Air Force 286 Wayne State 5 76 Banton sprinted to the lead for the newly re-routed course, Western Michigan's title, their \lso in team scoring, Don who automatically become All- 290 So. Illinois 583 when the gun started and was Banton, who had finished see- riark finished 15th, Ste\e Smith Vi 1 lanova 294 never challenged. At the end of ond in the Mid-America confer- ■vas 23rd, and James Carter the mile, which was run in 4:51, ence meet and third in theCes- T.r.-e its 86 Kent State runner Pierson Lor- i; point total he >aid. "The the andeau was 6th, and Jack Bach¬ 311 strength of his 34th place The NEWS In finish. elor of Miami was 10th, the Western has been a spot Spartan All-American Dick All-American cross- of s :ountry power under Dales, fin¬ Sharkey captured last year. left Kalamai ding among the top 10 teams Several inches of snow cover¬ Besides the first and third or the last 10 years, but re- RUNNER SCHOOL TIME place finishes of Western Mich¬ ed the course and made it sl.ip- rent meets did not indicate that ELMORE BANTON pery in spots, but Broncos had ho Broncos would give a igan and Ohio U., another league I. E Imore Banton Ohio University 20:07.5 strong little trouble maneuvering. »team, Miami, took sevenrlt. 2. Bill Clark Notre Dame ight for the title. 2014.2 Seven-eleven 3. James Murphy Air Force proved a lucky Western was third in the Mid- 20:17.5 combination for Mike Gallagher •\merica conference meet behind New & Used State 4. B David W ighton Teams Colorado 2018.3 and Australian Burst or is they }hio University and Miami of 5. Walter Hewlett Harvard 20:24.2 led their team's victory and gain¬ >.io. and had been beaten in Textbooks 6. Pierson Lorandeau Kent State 20:26.2 ed All - American honors for wo other 7. Mike Gal 1 agher Western Michigan 20:29 meets by Notre Dame. themselves. In all, the meet was a tri- Paperbacks 8. Joe Lynch Georgetown 20:30 Of Strong Autum 9. 10, . Mike Coffey Jack Bachellor Notre Dame Miami 20:31 20:32.6 Need SPARTAN One of the milestones in sports activity here came in the fall ference meets, championships seven and six NCAA 1C4A 11. 12. 13, , , . Bruce Burston Harry McCalla Dick Krenzer Western Stanford Michigan Brigham Young 20:33.4 20-35.2 20-36.5 Study Help? BOOKSTORE of 1953 when Michigan StateCoI- 14. titles. . Barry Brown Providence 20:37.e M.S.U. Souvenirs lege entered into Western Con¬ The high mark occured from 15, , David Hyland Vil lanova 20-42.1 ference football competition. 1956 through 1959, when State CORNER of ANN & MAC If there was any hope- by the won 10 dual meets, and lost other nine, schools that there only two. was now at the least one weak sister in the vicious Big Ten schedule, Spartans quickly rubbed it out tories against only 16 defeats. In the process, the Spartans Ten They won four conference consecutive championships and 1C4A meets, NCAA Big titles ATTENTION CAR OWNERS by rolling all the way to Pasa¬ have picked up 11 Big Ten con- during that period. dena and a Rose Bowl football complete front end repair and alignment ♦ brakes » suspension Since that time Michigan State ♦ wheel balancing » steering corrections i has a acquired the official title of University and an unofficial ■ FATEI » motor tune ups one by opposing coaches of "con¬ sistent winners". llS IKE a as State had already football emerged as powerhouse as early 1947, when under Head Coach TODAY & WEDNESDAY Shown ot 1:00-3:05. HUNTER LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center ORIGINAL CAMPUS SUMMARIES "Biggie" Munn, the Spartans rip¬ 5:10.7:20-9:30 124 SOUTH LARCH These study guides are the most complete & ped to a 7-2 record. com¬ By 1950, State's grid schedule THURS! ON A SUPER BARGAIN DAY J prehensive a\ailable. Get yours now. included such Big Ten teams as RESTLESS, RECKLESS, ROVING Completely revised & up-to-date Michigan, Indiana .;rd Minnesota. ^AUPHC MSC beat them all and tossed All Basic ROBERT SHA • MARY URE * College Courses in a victory over Notre Dame A I L. - Nat. Sci. - Hum. - Soc. Sci. for a 9-1 record. Two undefeated seasons fol¬ tlie I of lowed official and State was ready for Big Ten competition. Gri ger MARSHALL MUSIC CO. Even more impressive have Coffey 307 E. Grand River ED 2-6997 been the overwhelming recent . success of State's soccer and cross-country teams. Soccer is a fairly new sport in the Midwest and is not a Big Ten sport as yet. 1956, MSU's first year in soc¬ tfCOUPONi cer, was marked by a 5-0-1 re¬ cord and it was not until 1959 ANY that Green and White soccer a squad tasted defeat—to old-time i COMBINATION nemesis St. Louis. OF A record of 67-7-5 foi* nine years, all under Coach Gene .FREEMAN• ERICKSON-JUHNRICH MEN OR anthony IAWSE; »ILAN wsslBMMUriBUimriAEf WOMEN'S — LAST 2 DAYS SHOWN TODAY AT 1:00 PLAIN GLADMER 3:05-5:10-7:18-9:25 •T H I A I II I SWEATERS Fred MocMurray in AND "KISSES FOR SLACKS TOMORROW MY PRESIDENT" -A-CAR REGULARLY , PETER TO RENT A CAR FOR LESS THAN 75C ea. SUPER BARGAIN DAY Shown Wednesday At 1:35-5:30-9:25 (ME CO DIAL-A CAR OCft AN ' rtkl A HOUR nAMV ON A DAILY BASIS PLUS MILEAGE*! DIG NOW 3 FOR $1.69 SAVE 56C K.PATHECOLOR- Coupon Must Be j Presented When £ r PANAV1SION Clothing Is ■, or how to % Brought In. in paralyzing succeed a parent ■£ars" IBB OFFER EXPIRES jLt without half trying! HALWALLIS' NOV. 28 Capital Auto te.. * ;-.li. -t Thin 1422 E. Michigan IV 9-2931 JooW&COUPONK TOMMY KIRK • ANNETTE FUNICELLO • ELSA LANCHESTER HARVEY LEM3SCK* JESSE WHITE-J0DY McC'REA'BEN LESSY DONNA LOREN-SUSAN HART-BOBBI SHAW-CANDY JOHNSON IMF/ Bud's Mobil Station Dry Cleaners and Shirt Launderers * BUSTER KEATONDOROTHY LAMOUR PETER GLENVILLE EDWARD ANHALT 639 E. Grand River FRANDOR SHOPPING ED 2-0236 CENTER JEAN ANOU1LH Tuesday, November 24, 1964 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Dick Gordon MVP Shop Wednesday Ste\e Juday, Japinga Co-Captains Juday and Don Japinga most valuable player at the MSU tributing humor to the team was ence Award. 148 attempts for 894 yards 9:30 to 5:30 The election by his teammates and nine touchdowns. The com¬ were named te3m captains for football banquet at the Union presented t< Larry Mackey and as co-captain climaxes a great pletion total Is a record and the $?65 and Dick Gordon won the Monday night. Mike McGinn received a newly- yardage mark is third best in Goverr.or of Michigan Award as The Oil Can Award for con- created President's Persever- junior year for Juday, who broke or tied four se.. son records in MSU history. his second season as Spartan Japinga, at 5'-7", was the ICE SEASON TO OPEN quarterback, smallest Spartan but he was one is greate: the biggest In terms of de- his total of 79 completed passes sire. The Wayland junior ii State Looks For c pted t: ree passes as defensive . .Ufback this season and starred winner? returning this season. Gordon this year proved to be replaced by Tom Mikkola. Ja- cobson. Mikkola and Mc\ndrew, Leading the Saints is Junior Bob the third best season rusher In Perani, All-America goalie, who MSU history after carrying the lartan l.ockey team will all sophomores, we: te.mmates chilled sticks to bare ball only eight times as a jun¬ as p: eps at Copper Cliff (On- enenv. a cod par: of Thanks- ior. Due to his lack of offen¬ r- on the ice. when they ta: ;o) High School. Senior center \rnie O'Reilly sive experience, Gordon started campaign against St. The defense will suffer greatly slowly this year with 105 yards , N.Y. from the loss of \i:-\merican and juniors Fmile 'I'herich and rl Lackey ar.d Jim Jicobson. Mike S i \ 1 e Will leu! t . eLar- in 1 if first three games. After topper • mor Jack tordwill ream with ti.Jt, however, he made his mark Hob brawley, a sophomore, on by gaining 741 yards overall, first defer including a 199-yard perform¬ jui lor IX>: Heap: y a -oph Tom ing. against Wisconsin, second best one-game performance in >wley b ickin th« Spartan history. ■;oa.s posi- Mackey helped brighten dark moments with his humor, but he did more than that. The Ak¬ be made up < ron, Ohio, junior was a reliable Roberts a: cc ~ replacement for fullback Eddie , and t: is ye r's line DICK GORDON Cotton. Mike Coppo. w: cer.ter :o lef* * no exception. Senior Vin Egan J junior Dave Snyder, both Backir..: ther :• e Mike J : J-pounders, will direct the seasor.'s bes' prospec"- among a La r ies' defense. Joining them be Al Woodlock, who lettered bountiful sophomore crcp. Highly wli ,1 the forward slot in his sopho- regarded as a ..'oal tender, he at ould be of considerable help mc : l year, and goalie Dick Her- I'm Archy to the Spartans this year. se; ,, returning for his senior IM News St. Lawrence boasts 10 letter ye: McDonald MEN'S HUNGRY? Football P!ay-Offs DID) Have a Treat! WaMSGIWW Go to from McDonald's RICARDOS McDonalds ouse-Cart ;e) originator of the 96< \:" 8:15—Vir.: ers (Road Apples-Ba¬ " Lansing con's Hams)-(Red Trojans-Tin 4015 W. Soginov Mer.) Independent final. 4700 S. Cedar Pizza. For delivery 2120 N. Larch Hoi iday Schedule Call 482-1554. NEED CHRISTMAS CASH? for ci :!drer. under 14 years Delivery Doys Weeded Now. holiday glamour age on the Friday evening > Rec program of Nov. 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White, black, 32-36 A, B, C. 3.95 News for men! Wear Dingos with just about everything you own. They E. Bali-lo Beaucoup of look great. They feel good. Treat delicate nylon lace, with yourself to new footwear pleasure. light - as-air - Dacron (r) FOUNDATIONS-GARDEN LEVEL Come in. sUp on a pair oi Dingoo, polyester fiber fivjfS Szr z EAST LANSING. by Acme. curview look. Black or white. 6.95 MEN' S SHOES ■ STREET LEVEL