MICHIGAN Weather Inside Scholarships ships, p. 3: Me Sports, p. 7. Fe I UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS Today: Increasing ness with snow c loudi- late in day. Temperature in rr>;d20's. Vol. 55, Number 223 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, December 1, 1964 Crucial U.N. Session Opens Today Russians Diplomats Unusual E Challenge Dues Issue UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. f- Russia publicly dared tliel i States and other U.N, meml Monda\ tc force the great i or L'.N. financing ■: the 0§| of the General Assembly ses Aircraft Falls Amid Rebel Fire THE WINGS OF AN ANGEL—Or even the wi is one which must be fam of a plane will get you high enough to see this v Winged Spartans who fly ove of is treat for land-lubber; our rapidly growing campus. This type of v a rare Taylor, LBJ Talk On Viet Nam State Dean Rusk in the battle against the Red Vie leave its neighbors alone. And Bel £ i port efugees Ma opening session of has condemned Chinese Com- fn-e U.S. diplomats vver xv Cong, ! i nid of preliminary talks Mon- the U.N. General Assembly's au- The President made clear als> unist encouragement of North ies o and dismayed by the tough. > vic: day be: reportirg directly to ing. Secretary of De> iet Nam in providing direction talk. They had expecndGr rr.yke President , the White fense Robert S. McNamara also nouncement after his meeting id supplies tc the Communist runw to go along with mounti ig pr»8» sure a the I isited Nat :■ :-s : pn House tod a? ngled South is due to attend, together with with Taylor. iet C ong. But the State Depart- "1 ileyville Viet Nam s: There is evidence of some dis¬ other high State and Defense of- Some pres for strong ac- ncluding limited bombing ent traditionally seeks to avert iy head-on confn ib far from bassy spokesman s calm," .S. Em- Reports Doctoral Writing Class off a showdown. Will the Russians suck t. their agreement within both the State inference Saturday, of Red supply routes in Ls >s, is possible to do S" hard line right to the point where reaching Leopoldvi and Defense Departments on the best means to safeguard the inde- Johnson displayed sc tion with speculation the next has come from within the from Viet Nam, Pentagon. nd Advocates of the go-slow policy feel there still is much room for the ally complete control of No Longer Experiment they I >se their vote in the Gen¬ eral Assembly, or are they bar- pendence of beleaguered South course the United States might ates of extending the' improvement in the U.S.-backed ville. Congolese Army- ;rbs frc Viet Nam and meet th< >ration contend the President has the pacificatn program to control held the jungle-edged airport, 30 per nist guerrilla threat. power to do this under a Congres¬ and defeat the Viet Cong. Six of the plane dead were ThiS sional resolution on Southeast iting lck citi major reasons said as he began a private divergence of views is Improved weapons and tactics Belgians—three of them crew- more between individual officials Asia enacted after the Tonking could be oduced into South men—and the seventh was a Con- with the Russian Foreign M in the U.S. government than be¬ Scientists Gulf incident last June. They ar- Viet Nam, > felt.Theeconom- golese. Among the survivorswas an of —the candidates' readiness in ter at Rusk's hotel suite. tween the State and Defense De¬ gue also that Johnson's landslide ic id psychological programs Col. Albert Liegeois, a Belgian taking suggestions and their will¬ At the same time, U.S. s ingness to work. partments and C hiefs of Staff. Official the spokesmen U.S. Joint at State Say Mariner victory in the Nov. 3 election in¬ dicates the him in stronger Public will support action in South- leeded to win the support of populati view, inder constant the re- who is a commander in the Con- g0 government's anti-rebel go gov [is —the close attention given each the Russian snub of a bid by I .N. or candidate's writing. and Defense were under strict Correctable east Asia. The T >r-John meeting On or ng Two doctoral students enrolled Secretary General U Thant r,, stave off a showdown pending fur¬ injuncti ns not to speculate or Rusk -repeatedly has warned probably ar in the course last spring term, forecas: the outcome of the Pres¬ ther financial talks. PASADENA, Calif, f—Guided that Communist China is headed sion of m ' 41 candidates, representing 19 19 Joseph Uhl and G.C. Rossmiller The Americans, on prelimi¬ ident's meeting with Taylor. trouble if it does penditures in Sout Jepartment of Agricultural by a giant, once-worshipped star, departments and all nine colleges The meeting is deemed of suf¬ Ec coope cd < nary information figured that a the Mariner 4 spacecraft in upper school, 'ook the course. ficient importance to call back streaked .toward Mars Monday paper urging that the federal majority of the 112 members in the world organization would vote with designed to send government adopt an integrated Prison cameras Political Turn back that As the best pictures yet of mysterious planet. the windmill-like vehicle System Study hostages he Congoles has already taken it out of the experimental class," Struck said. It is one of the projects urban-rural tension program. The paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American to uphold the charter's Article 19, saying behind ir mained after ments shall havi 1 • pullout of th< dev eloped Unde r the auspices of Farm Economic Association and Disappointing neared the half-million mile mark on its 127-million-mile flight, scientists at Jet Propul¬ Scheduled For Winter Belgians over tli Congolese an y chief Josep! the C ducational Development is ber being published in the Decem¬ J urnal of Farm Economics. General Assemb The Russians Gus Harrison, director of the Handlon, warden at Ionia speak Mobutu ordered To Buddhists sion Laboratory began pondering the best time to ordei change Michigan Department of Correc- to the students. The c vi 11 way f strated to Each student submits a 3,000 5,000 word sample which is curve tions, will teach a special course examine the Michigan pr Rebel srnpei > by at least SO per cent S AIGON, Viet Nam I — Disillu- m course they hope \ in evaluated for general clarity, at MSU on prison systems. The tem, make some observ sionment with the leadership of Ma within 8,600 miles organization and development or class will be conducted during other prison systems, their faith appears to be grow¬ Mars next July. illustration of ideas. ing among many devout buddhists. When launched Saturday rday at the Winter Term in the Depart- look at trends in prison Struck has designed a three- '• Vietnamese Buddhism is fall¬ Cape Kennedy, Fla., the camera- camera- ment of Police Administration, ment. page evaluation of variety and toting spacecraft we into a 1£ wi'l meet in the late after- ing into the hands of self-inter¬ coherence in sentence openings, ested politicians and the Viet ajectory that would ss et Mars Lab no9n and will not interfere with Harrison's responsibilities in the range of verbs and proportion Baker Case Cong itself," one buddhist said by 200,000 department. Harri- scientists, who built Marner 4 Monday. "Last year when master's de¬ Buddhists rose up against Ngo and controlling its flight by iy they can correct any son> who holds gree from' MSU, said he will A five-to the individual's ten-page report of writing is given To Continue Dinli Diem we were united and radio invite George A. Kropp, warden the candidate and his advisor. willing to give our lives. Now 1 or up to one million miles. to am ashamed to be associated They hope to make the mid- of Jackson prison, and Richard He submits a second sample In Hearings with what is going on.*' course correction sometime this completed after conference and week by triggering a small rocket group sessions, and the process The speaker was among hund¬ WASHINGTON f-A new r. in d reds of Buddhist faithful arrested on board the 575-pound craft Denison Returns is repeated on a smaller scale. in the Bobby Baker probe starts which will drive it closer to Struck"s idea for the course in demonstrations against Diem. here today, this time to explore A number of monks shun the Mars. Still be decided are From Conference originated in work he did for in public hearings allegations of le and duration three summers with managerial Buddhist campaign now seeking to the precise a hidden payoff to the 1960 and engineering personnel at U.S. overthrow the Trs Huong of the direction - changing roc¬ Assistant to the President ket's burn. James H. Denison returns to- Steel to improve their writing Kennedy-Johnson national cam¬ govs At noon Monday Ma: 'as paign fund. In recent night from Topeka, Kan., where The Senate Rules Committee dents have found that many of 425,685 miles from earth, travel- he has been attending the mid- is reopening the politically ex¬ the monks who were prominent inS 7,315 miles an hour, a speed America district meeting of the plosive investigation to look into in the 1963 turmoil are missing from the current campaign. :lowly lessen, through space toward a rendez¬ American Collegiate Public Re¬ lations Association. Stop Signs Go charges linking the names of vous that could help explain such Baker, a former top Senate aide, Among them is thich Due Recently elected president of Nghiep, a Soung monk who ser¬ ancient mysteries as Mars' 'canals" and solve the question the Association, six of the nine Denison visits In Bryan Purge and democratic Matthew McCloskey w ith fund-raiser the pur¬ ved as spokesman for the Budd¬ regional districts exist on the which comprise ported payoff deal. McCloskey, hists last year. of whether life theorgar Bryan hall residents who were a former ambassador to Ireland "I am strongly against all desert-dry planet, Michigan is in the Grea guilty of highway robbery now has denied knowledge of any pay¬ As Mai for centuries have district which will meet demonstrations in Saigon now. appear to be innocent. used the North Star as a off. Whatever their reason is they guide- jry. Those students who had de¬ Sen. John J. Williams, R-Del., can only sap the central govern¬ post, Mariner 4 is using the giant corated their rooms with bor¬ forced the reopening of the hear¬ star Canopus, second brightest ment and only a strong govern¬ ment can make Viet Nam sur- star in the heavens and bright¬ Olive Not Martini rowed highway signs were asked ings with a Senate speech last est in' the southern sky. last week by Head Resident Eric Sept. 1 alleging that McCloskey, Kafka to turn in all their signs "I h ; advocated the organi- Ancient peoples befo zation of mobile ... s of Budd- Africa worshipped Canopus for Monday e or expect to be questioned by the raiser, had made a >35,0110 over¬ 'fust 'm'6n?s to todf'the country- its blue-dia side and speak out against the campus police. payment to insurance agent Don Egyptis B. Reynolds who wrote the per¬ HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHE HE — That's where M ichigan State students come Not too many signs were turned Viet Cong. But this has not been thought it was the herald of the terrible at remembering people's formance bond on McCloskey's done. We Buddhist refugees from sun and built their temples so :. I once introduced a friend from. These I icense plates, affixed tothe rear of trailers parked behind the Married in to Kafka, but most of the contract to build the \\a. ington, Housing Office, prove that all MSU students don't really come from New York. room decorations drifted off with they could watch its blazing path of mine ; D.C., stadium. across the sourthern sky. was actually Olive." Photos by Larry Fritzlan the homeward-bound students. Tuesday, December 1, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Point Of View < »«**« EDITORIALS ***** Social Par Hypocritical Criticism Russia's enraged outcry at the civilians in the square and in ho¬ Political successful U.S. attempt to res- tel rooms. The majority of hos¬ -By Bob Bearman cue several hundred civilian hos¬ tages were saved by the timely tages from massacre by Congo¬ arrival of troops. < "Because of it's pro-integration stand, the National Council of Churches his been branded 'Communist dominated' by many South¬ lese-rebels is thoroughly hypo¬ Russia, and most Communist ern whites. Do you feel there is any substance to this charge?" critical. countries, have taken the posi¬ "Yes, from what I have read I believe it is thoroughly infiltrated... tion that the U.S. aid constituted 1 have many documents so saying. Those documents have been pub¬ Hundreds of civilians from lished the length and breadth of the country. I haven't heard that any¬ Western countries, including unwarranted interference in the body dared bring 3^ libel suit, so I believe the documents." women and children, were held as internal affairs of the Congo. This comment, made by Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace during a recent interview, exemplifies a state of mind that is all too com¬ hostages in Stanleyville by the Strange talk from the country mon among the American people—a state of mind which may be which sent its tanks to crush the termed paranoid. pro-Communist rebels opposing Too many of the American people believe that all of the social the government of Moi se Hungarian revolt in 1956! problems in this country can be traced back to the evils of com¬ Tshombe. Thirty of the hostages The U.S. move was dictated munism or some other element that is both feared and not under¬ stood. The basis of this situation is not unique. During the Middle were Americans. by humanitarian motives rather Ages, the Jews were considered the cause of the problems, later The U.S. was faced with an ag- • than consideration for any politi¬ on it was the Catholic orders, and today it is communism. cal The John Birch Society, the Christian Anti-C ommunist Crusade onizing political dilemma: wheth¬ advantage. Congo Fremier and the Minutemen ;>re all examples of organisations that have arisen er to send military aid to Belgian Tshombe gave full permission for in order to eliminate Communist danger. However, in order to com¬ the rescue mission. bat the internal threat they feel the Communists pose to the country, :ind white mercenary troops who the members and sympathizers of these organizations advocate the were approaching Stanleyville Moreover, U.S. aid was with¬ same methods and aims of the Communists. and risk the charge of imperial¬ drawn as soon as the hostages The manual for action of the John Birch Society, "The Blue Book," urges the use of such tactics as front organizations and the ism, or whether to ignore the were freed, to avoid any impres¬ harassment of speakers at meetings—both Communist techniques. sion that America might be at¬ plight of the hostages and stand And the Minutemen have guns hidden so they will be able to fight the by as they were massacred. tempting to interfere in the in¬ The aims of the extreme right-wing organizations are also sim¬ The U.S. rightly took the latter ternal affairs of the Congo. ilar to those of the Communists. The John Birch Society say? that This nation would have been the United States should stop ali foreign aid and that the United course, which was not dictated States should adopt an isolationist foreign policy. These are the very by political expediency. guilty of an offense against hu¬ decisions the Soviet Union is trying to force us to make. Even as Belgian troops ap¬ manity if it had stood by while in¬ By the employment of such methods, these paranoid people, and 1 mean paranoid in the social sense and not in the medical sense, nocent and children proached Stanleyville, hundreds men, women will destroy the very freedoms they profess to cherish. Their aim of hostages were herded into were murdered because they were is to transfer power from its established holders to themselves. That these people believe unsubstantiated opinions w as shown when Lumumba Square. The rebels unwitting pawns in a political Robert Welch made the statement in "The Politician" that "(Pres¬ opened fire on the defenseless struggle. ident) Eisenhower is a dedicated agent of the Communist conspir¬ acy...and his brother (Milton) is probably his superior within the Communist party." The pardhoid mind thus takes an isolated incident or decision and Are You Sure You're Heavy For This Test? Doctor Answers makes sweeping generalizations from it. Emotions, not knowledge, are the main rationale for reaction. Of Lecture O Letters To pi!;. The second inaccuracy was enough, further in summary, "Even where there is no specif- •M.ditory. Certainly stating that "1 ..nderstand these same in¬ tier alls Death Of Former Student It Says Here Refutes Critics Of Caruso Lecture To the Editor: accurate views are presented as consultants still feel that a couple "scientific facts" in the Pre- who have successfully employed To the Editor: InThis Book As one of the students who attended the lecture by the gynecolo¬ Cana Conferences given by the, same rganization to engaged "(a number of other methods of 1 am writing this letter because of thedeath of my husband. He was gist, Dr. Caruso, on "the effects of the steroid pill," 1 had to ask birth control listed)" may well To the Editor: couples," obviously implys a for two years and knew many people, myself if 1 had heard the same speaker that Mr. Baumgar «ner re¬ think twice before switching to cently wrote about. second! ha-id-information and if going to give you I would like very much the pill." In his religion column last Fri¬ As 1 recall, the speaker stuck to the medical aspects of the use the gentleman in interested in you to pass on in your newspaper so that the people who knew I can only summarize my dis¬ will know of his death. Due to the fact that I was only able to get day, George Reynolds recom¬ of the pill and the essence of his conclusion was that "we do not :'acts I suggest he obtain his 1 sertation on the steroid pill, by mended the reading of the Bible know what effect the long term use of the pills will have on the gland¬ in.formatic r. first hand. me copy of the Kewanee Star-Courier, I am typewriting verbatim "in order to establish faith." 1 as we U: know, the old concept stating that it is a terrific boon "hat appe. -ed ii -tide. ular function of the person." would like to point out that the rhyv. has beer. only fair as 'oner's jury He also stated that the pills were put on the market without any- : . impaneled by Henry County Coroner Ralph N. Bible should also be read as a birth :vt:-,l measure. and tremendous value in the long term, controlled studies being done on humans first. a Cole, Kewanee, at the Creamer Filiueral Home Monday night to in¬ The purpose of the lecture treatment of disease. Whether or supplement to a student's text¬ The August, 1964, issue of Consumers Report similarly stated quire into the death of Gary 1 . James, 23, of 536 E, Uth St., Lock- books. tr..ed "sc.e- .:':c rhythm" waste not it is justified for a normal that the effects of long term use of the pill are unknown. The article port, Illinois, will reconvene o: Wednesday at "p.m. for an inquest. person to take it for an extended A complete list of references stated, as did Dr, Caruso, tha-t blood clotting has been associated acquar; young couples with a Mr. James was fatally injured, apparently late Sunday afternoon, would be too long, but this with the use of the pill but the experimental evidence 011 this point sc.ent.fic method of determining period for purposes of contra¬ (October 25, 19M) in a motorcycle crash on R. 34 at the railroad should do for a start: o\\;l:-'io' ; , mely, theBasal Bod", ception is not known at the pres¬ viaduct one-half mile east of the Kewanee city limites. is still inconclusive. ent state of our medical know¬ When studying the solar sys¬ Dr. Caruso also stated that theuseofthe pill has been associated Temperature Chart and its new His body, with the motorcycle atop it, was not discovered until tem in natural science: Genesis application as a rhythm device. ledge. The short-range effects about 2:30 p.m. Monday (Oct. 26,) when members of a Burlington with the development of breast tumors but that there is yet no con¬ 1:16 and Mark 13:24 show that the clusive evidence that the pill is a direct or indirect cause. Consum¬ Ali the facts presented may be Railroad switching crew observed it in a six-foot deep cement drain¬ found i' the following references. I can only concur as I did in my moon is a light, not just a re¬ ers Report went one step further and stated "... t'nar in animals age trough. It was not visible from the highway. flector of the sun's light. under experimental conditions the contraceptive dru^s hasten the 1. Hartma:: Science and the lecture by quoting Dr. David Coroner Cole said Mr. James, traveling east on the highway, ap¬ Revelation 7:1 tells us that the safe period, 1*62. Williams and Danforth, Ph.D. andM.D., North¬ parently struck loose gravel, causing him to losecontrol of the mo¬ earth is square, or at least that growth of some existing cancers..." \\ilk;ns. Doctor Hartman is a western University, in his presi¬ torcycle and plunge off the road. As one who is also concerned about the biological eftects of many it has four corners. Matthew 4:8 Ph.D., professor of zoology and dential address to our Society Death was believed to havebeen instantaneous from a frontal skull drugs obviously being "pushed" by the pharmaceutical companies, shows that the earth is also flat, phvsi. i gy at the University of of Fertility and Sterility on May fracture. He also suffered other fractures and burns from the cycle's 1 suggest that Mr. Baumgardner write us another lette,". If vague ac¬ since there is a mountain from 111' 17, 1964. cusations are all that can be supplied, and the two "facts" which he escaping gasoline although there was no evidence:of fire. Marshall: The Infertile Per- "The recent Thalidomide trag¬ which a person can view the en¬ he was misled on cannot be supplied, then I suggest that he do Members of Mr. James' family informed authorities that the tire world. says t • possible ioq, Helicor Press, 1963. edy may be a case in point, young man and his father, Lester Ray James, the latter a mainte¬ the little outside research he has so wisely asked others to do. •i ns res.-r.i- 3. Marshall: Transactions of the since it demonstrated so neatly When studying specific gravity nance man in Kelvin Grove School, Lock pert, left Friday for Glad¬ • ilvat -• v. John's International Symposium op that a drug may have effects in in physics: II Kings 6:5-'Cproves stone, near Burlington, Iowa, to hunt squirrels.The father traveled addition to those that were orig¬ that iron is lighter than water. m presenting Rhythm, Oct. 20. 1964, in press. in his own automobile and the son on the motorcycle. 1..: cover any The latter part of the lecture inally intended. It is curious that When studying evolution in bi¬ give: o-T-can: at .'teat- the had t< d- with ;he steroid pill. Again, 1 onsumers Report is -n our horror over this disaster has given way to a certain indiffer¬ They left Gladstone early Sunday afternoon to return home, but were not traveling together. The family presumes that young James went through Kewanee about 4:30 p.m. Sunday. ology: Genesis 2:7 stiows that man didn't evolve in nature. He Letter Policy and that we continue topre- came about one day when God was Letters should not be longer than 300 words, and should be ns Reports" excellent source for refrigera- ence When the father returned home early Sunday evening, but the son scribe drugs of enormous potency making mud pies. typed double spaced if possible. Names and address should also did not, the family became alarmed. At 2:00 a.m. Monday, an all ve to reiy tlfic data relating to human be- without exact knowledge of their When studying mental dis¬ be included. No unsigned letters will be printed, but names may . n points bulletin was issued on young James by the state police. orders in psychology: Mark 5:1- be withheld if feel there is \ public - i: gs we look to the universities possible secondary effects. we reason. Mr. James was a shipping clerk for Texaco, Inc., at Lockport. 13, and Luke 11:14 show us that The State News the e: t:fic ' -cts. of medicine for truth and Facts, "If this address could be said reserves right to edit letters to fit space Surviving are his parents, his wife, Marilyn, whom he married about "neurosis" and "psychosis" are is depe-dert \, j^tice to Consumers Report, to contain a message, it must take a year ago, a two-month-old son, and a brother, Lee, all of Lockport. fcept. , 1 f 1 th it this 1 the form of a plea for caution in only names that psychologists in¬ Funeral services will be held at the Goodale Funeral Home, 912 vent because they don't know the • - - oce^t ! .ppraisal, ir lay terms the use of new and wonderfully po¬ •c.d:> inter- .|u se controversial issues: tent preparations that have such Hamilton St., Lockport, Thursday morning. Interment will be in a real problems. Of course, the inaccurate further I find nothing contrary apparently desirable effects on the reproductive apparatus. Pen¬ cemetery at Oquawka. real is evil cause spirits. of mental disorders 1I& t inaccuracy to good factual reporting in this pic f the article. From a physician, scien- etrating inquiry must be made Gary was buried at the Oquawka cemetery in Oquawka, 111., on I hope this partial list will help ACROSS into their exact effects on all Thursday, Oct. 29. If you would please print this information, I Mr. Reynolds to do well on a few 1. Writing • J-''"* us: st .ndpoint, where the respon- know that Gary would be indeed proud to know you did. Please send tests. As for me, the fact that I 1. ■ ct the sibility of prescribing these systems, and answers provided me a copy of this article, also. Thank you so very much. have read the Bible thoroughly c vestibule drugs 'lies, I only can quote the to the question whether all the 7 Samlarac 5 not q.. 'ed ( or.sumers Report itself regard- effects are reversible, and if so, is one of the biggest reasons that Mrs. Gary L. James I am not a Christian. rdner.ltwas 1Mg the prem >ture FDA approval how promptly. 11 licks cts ind e f the steroid pill for four years, "But our full acceptance of David D. McFarland t.t.c Rhythm "There hs been some dissent drugs that are to be prescribed . ". This is from this conclusion by physi- for perfectly normal people with Can i Display Emotions In Private 34 Youngsti 35 Dossier thc- lecture cians, some of them prominent the view to setting up a derange¬ 36. Mud divided, the and respected researchers who ment of function however small, To the Editor: Death In 17 H.1M ).K 38 1 il 44 Mark 4 Cost; must be held in abeyance until tific. rhythm feel that the FDA report did not t.-ke the .injies t the we have full knowledge of their i\fter reading several complaints about love-making on campus, with 4(1 War goll (>' Irish the s iod ' long r safely s 1 -irr. about fed up. November sugar 41 Wind 7 Rom ill these complainants please advise the unmarried students of " 2(1 light •Hor se DOWN the "proper place" in which to "apply" our sexual instincts? In¬ DEATH IN NOVEMBER Harry 42 S11.111 1 Junto 8°Dilat stead of displaying our emotions publicly, should we rent a motel 21 Valui 43 Man 2 Astute 9 Well- Dallas lay waiting; 23 Demi uickimi 3 Receiver bird room one night a week and vent our "passionate" love behind closed MICHIGAN doors, beyond the knowledge and sight of parents or other adults? Expecting momentarily the 1(1. .Wei STATE NEWS ' 2 3 4 S 4 7 3 9/o 12 Oper Arrival. STATE Or should the staff allow the residence-hall rooms to be used on i§ H 18. l.iglil UNIVERSITY weekends for the discretion of the unmarried students living on cam¬ Thrilling to a moment in " 12 /J pus? History. 14 P IS and Mr. or Mrs. Withheld, that Please do not forget, Mrs. Miller you are married, and you possess the privacy of your own home in "Insane? Perhaps, we'll never 17 fi 19 22 ( our Editor John VanGieson /6 >8 Member Associated Press, United Press Interi a'ti r.al, Inland Daily Press Associa¬ Advertising Manager Arthur Langer which you may display your emotions secretly. For the most part, know for Not even sure. the rifle is proof enough m n tional 1 the students living on this campus do not have access to their own 20 21 21 g u age tion, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Campus Editor CharlesC. Wells homes every weekend, let alone every night. Yet the sex instinct is but we can guess." 25 With. Managing Editor Liz Hyman still present just as strongly among the students residing on campus. 23 24 20 Turk Published every class day throughout fall, Wire Editor Hugh J. Leach As for Mrs. Miller, 1 am sure your parents understand what was Nodding, smiling, waving. 26 27 P 27 Adv. Sports Editor Richard Schwartz taking place along the banks of the Red Cedar, and 1 am also sure Onward the cars, not knowing 2S WmMmk winter a d spring terms and twice weekly Ass't. Advertising Manager ..Ken Hoffman your two-and-a-half year old child neither asked nor cared. And Mr. Vengeance waited in a sixth floor 29 30 3/ 32 by the students of Michigan 2.1 brolhei summer State term University. Marcy Rosen or Mrs. Withheld, in answer to your rhetorical question: I, person¬ window. m Photography Advisor Dave Jaehnig ally, would like to come home and see some "demonstration" of Edging closer to infamy, 33 34 J5 .. class postage paid at East Lansing, Circulation Manager Bill Marshall love among my "parentsand their friends" inside my home or any Murder. m law 37 38 39 Michigan, Night Editor i'.T."?. ~*rry Norton place else they may go. Do not forget that they love each other, and Beginning the tragedy of a na¬ 3i (2 ( heel Copydesk Advisor Henry Price by getting married proclaimed this fact to the world. tion at war with itself, which 40 4! Editori al and business offices at 341 Stu- News Advisor Richard E. Hansen Ending never, fills us always with \ 3r Cure Why restrain love when there is such a lack of it among the hu- ices Building, Michigan State Uni- Editorial Editors Regret and shame. 42 43 44 ■rsity, East Lansing, Michigan. Susan Filson, Michael Kindman 11 3*\r:::1( .H'jward Finnk Carol A. Tyler Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. December 1, 1964 3 Scholarships, Are Available From Our Wire Services Student scholarships and fel- To be eligible candidates must Dame, lnd. Application deadln Army Stands Off Viet Cong, Buffalo ayailable^through various com- June 1965, with a major in either NDEA Title IV Fellowshij surpirfe ic p'.t-r-hi ,-e swoop 365 miles north of Saigon New York" fe! I 34 r.trr-:; s killed N-I::rce ';h - •••• th •! snatched $1,219,000 froi e petitior flattery in fashion shades. Just 1.65 a beautiful pair. f.£ €• olin CfHoSPi PITAL COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC INSPECTION Other proportioned Hanes hosiery, 1.35. z 3b REPO RT HOSIERY - STREET LEVEL EAST LANS/NC Bradle>, Pontiac jun Art Gallery Opens Sale ..iifc-h Dec. 23. Twenty per cent of t LISKEY'S AUTO SAFETY CENTER 124 SO. LARCH OFF MICH. AVE. - Do for art scholar- Kreeger, Tacoma, Wash., grad- ases for the Uni- uate studt.r; and Colleen Kresge gall. Christmas '0 to 5 p. E a.m. ■ffiyTwo w. .s designed to acquai To Be shopping Traditional Prints Framed in H a I nut at Knapp SMILE £ ^ uC open every night until 9:00 BOSTON College except Saturdays 9:30 to 6:00 Libraries (2) SUBSCRIBE Going home for the holiday? Then plan to save every An appointment at precious minute to spend with your family and home HOW town friends. Do all your shopping before you go. AT Knapp's in Kast Lansing, and take your gifts HALF UNIVERSITY at home already wrapped and ready to set under the PRICE tree. Knapp's is indeed a Christmas Wonderland, Beauty Salon decked out in holiday finery and featuring gifts for 2 Doors East of Campus Theater Mom, for Dad, big brother, little sister and your special guy or gal. Campus Book Store Parking Availabl ED 2-1116 'across from Union) Tuesday, December 1, 1964 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mexico Inaugurates Leader; Tragedy To O Promises Closer U.S. Ties MEXICO C ITY t -Mexico i tough administrator with a half of Mexico's 38 r augurates its 58th preside! ous grin that delights car- dents. Some obser\ lists Diaz Ordaz has pledged the Mexican peasant today, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, a le; and wiry lawyer who won a mar work toward closer ties be- nual per capita Incc en Mexico and the United offers a fertile field largest nation for the ne States. try ; fragmented Communists. "Bonds of friendship unite our To complicate the problem, great people," he said during a Mexico stards to loM >40 mil- visit to President Johnson'sTex- as ranch in mid-November. "The bilateral agreement permitting border does not divide, but rath¬ Mexican farmhands of braceros Party of Revolutionary !. He succeeds Adolfo er brings us together." Diaz Or Jaz takes over at a time renewed. Because the agreement Lope? Mateos, under whom he of almost unprecedented pros- has nearly expired, Mexico faces perity but poverty still afflicts a 200,000-man increase in its "Our i ; dedi- Okinawan 4Sister University9 cated to the needs < Swaps Profs With MSU professors from the Uni- sity" program begun between of Ryukyus atNaha, Okin- MSU and the University of Ryuk- professors yus. Contracted by the U.S. Depart¬ ment of Army on Okinawa the pro¬ gram was designed by the two the philosophy of education, and Toshio Akamine, former dean of where desired and needed. students at the University of Mexico's 'r ss The University of Ryukyus be- duct ls expected t0 tl Ryukyus, who is teaching, doing gan the program in 1951 and jion this Vear. an research and observing MSU ad- chose MSU as an advisory "sis¬ ve procedures, learly $2 billi. ter" for the land-grant philoso- In Mexico's ofessors who arrived jnited States, families Sept. will be MSU presently ha fessors working at s the only sity at Ryukyus in \vith this program. Irish Poet To Read Works Mexico's relations cool under Diaz O irphy, young Irish 8: i.m. Wednesday in the Lin- has been no indie; Room at Kellogg Center. change in policy t Murphy has published four lid ige Uni" bo< etry and has appeared Cuba, told President Johns, n the "Yale Review" and"Po< Who's Thief Scared Whose (Chicago). Born in County Gal way, their get-acquainted meeting th "I fully respect and abide by" t Mexican government's dec is lot By Student lard, he lived in Ceylon his seven years. He graduated Magdalen College, Oxfori sing MSI' police student today with He received the Gui: Talk Slated e attempted burglary Award in 1962. apparently Christian Talk By Socialists Dannv R. it i Have it when you want student, av Tonight Botany Meeting the Christian mes- editor of theW.E.B. Dubois Clubs Tom played football ands< jnight will be J. Edwin ith the children and gave Lloyd j;ic n Standard Ser- scturer and Christ- surge ut." piggyback rides. He took c.1 and River Ave., •. College Life invites Miss Rosebury will discuss the t 121 background of the Dubois Club : 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Union inity v Building Tower Room. The Dubois Club, organized He has written a score of books been described by FBI c f J- theology, travel, history and g^gar Hoover as Comr biography. He has sold a million I'm Archy copies in 15 languages. At England's Oxford Unive McDonald ■, 100 VV. Gier St., sity he earned his Ph.D. it Club v nor of the station, is Bachelor of Divin- set off a controversy withn HUNGRY? could find nothing of Divinity and Doc- MSU Socialist Club. )f Theology degrees at North- Have a they found pry Theological S.min.ry in Chicago. Treat! d the burglar could -"Per trot EconomicsTalk Computer's Value "The New Europe Experiments The Accounting and Finance With Free Enterprise" will be Club, the Marketing Club and ihe the topic of a talk to be given Management Club will hold a joint Missionary Talk today at 3:30 p.m. in 33 Union, meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Go to formf student and The speaker is ErnSt Mest- fo 33 Union. A MSU maecker, a professor from the Purpose of this meeting is to McDonald's j The Congo will University of Muenster, Ger- give the members of these clubs many. an opportunity to hear Richard American Baptist Student Center, Mestmaecker is currently vis- Baily, vice president of the Bur¬ 336 Oakhill, East Lansing. ning professor at the Univer- rough's Corporation, " McDonald's Lansing East Lansing-"1I nd River Ave. On Grand I out Miss Miss of Madelyn Albrecht, from Saginaw, has served two terms in Africa as an Albrecht The educational mis- was airlifted Congo along with sity of Michigan Law School and is a leading European authority on antitrust, competition and monopoly. s sponsored by the eco- Depar Baily's topic for the meeting will be "Computers as a Manage- ment German Tool", Meeting 4015 W. Sag in many other white workers dur¬ The MSU German Club v 1 Blk East of Campusl Christmas meeting 8 Complete selection of styles and colors, 2 Blk " West ofUnionl ing last summer's anti-white Honorary Meets hold a Friday in 102-104 Morrill H p rioting. priced from $3.95 to $24.95. eetat8:30 All members are invited lonalCen- bring guest 307 E. Grand Riv MARSHALL MUSIC CO. Mary Jane Allshouse, Bay City ing i ? Germ acuity r n Deparl sophomore and Tower Guard r) ordinator for blind students, > - JAZ] Why Pay many other top This Man Knows HOT! t, /• The Pleasure of 1.67 It-si Hi-Fi & Stereo I'ZM Opening Up A LOUS 3 DAYS ONLY h *1 i! r * ■ CARMY BALLATO tote News Staff Wr|fei- 2. To provide a laboratory for gram —offcrm* innuallyi university ,r 1 r-t, , t. an article to Jalfe, in recognition versity under the government ex- choi>si:.g^texts and lecturing in Change jaffe is pre gram. 48-year-old Bucharest. This appears to be full of praise for his host* part of the new 1 >ok in Rumania, Ice Skating NEW AFROTC CADET STAFF—New AFROTC Wing Staff positions . "The 0< EduCaUon ^l'lrtesiv1?,Moc?e,U^'Ur8e recently. Cadet Lt. Left to right, front row; Cadet Col. David Grimn-, Wing C Col. Stephen Canovara, Executive Officer. Second row: C Special Student Rates The U nited States g t, Aronold Air Society Commander; Cadet 1st Lt. Evenings: Tues. thru Sat. 8-10 PM sud. This'included come extended a warm wel- jaffe, his wife ljis reported, would like to see the.exchange program expanded. nel. Cadet ]sf Lt Thomas T ubbs, Group 383 Commander; Cadet 1 st Lt. James prederiCk, Administration; Cadet 1st Lt. Darrel I Fuller, Accounting and Finance: cafeteria I he Mn ■ nt« Admission 50C -- Skate Rentals 25<* and two children by local officials Jaf-e -rees «i;h this viw and Cadet 1st Lt. Lawerence Ciminelli, Wing Inspector. Third Row: Cadet 1 st Lt. of fi\e K.elU i aid eighbors alike, and a new adds that he.believes manycoun- Anthony peirnick, Group 381 Commander; Cadet 1st Lt. John Temple, Group 382 r.S. Other.- are apartment, complete with wash- tries would profit from such a Commander; Cadet 1st Lt. Joseph Heywood, Information; Cadet- 1st Lt. Charles University ot Gee MSU ICE ARENA Keep it in mind.... Traditional Prints jt[ Framed in W alnut TUESDAY,DEC.8 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. for a job," open Teacher Lectures Robert Brown, projessor ot Old College Hall, t ^ also gives referral slips to ' ' at ,' ' '• 081 '1 history, will speak on ' Prob- _ A™J«|*adLI,. ther extraa. »2,Cf5. i;.llets. Ph'ne 489-9"2. 46 ^ and 21 table mod- Consumer demand for "built eis $ ind $8 per month. jn maid services" will increase IV 4-4i". 43 • employment REMINGTON, MODEL W, New Zenith 19 portables for the OLbSMOPILE 551 4-a. or. Hv- processing trend in the potato , . for rent , terms. Cedar pump, 30-06, scope, strap. New $9 per month. Call 484-0624 industry, saidQuentinOstrar.der, dramatic. Ful.y equipped. ~,s00 Over $160 value. Take best offer, . for sale FREE delivery. C district marketing agent for the lost 8. found miles. R- i. Spi tless conditio!.. IV 5-46 >8. 4 • White tide : share apart >:,• a P e Tl 2-42j« 44 . • ■ PAYS TO KNOW your State Cooperative Extension Service at • personal . ar.d, Spring CHESTS of dr-i*ers; desks with r rm agent for low rates on Bay City. • peanuts personal OP i L k MM. H L, 1964 Stan- : campus. 33"- glass tops. r 50. 307 N. Wash¬ insurance. Call orseeyour There are more than 300,000 • real estate ington. Call 484-3713. LEON'S ate Farm Agent today. Ask acres of potato cropland lr. the .• service USED FURNITURE. 42 LD KARMANN, IV 5-7267, state which have been take; out - • transportation PlANO-Wur Spinet. Excel- C42 of potato product .0 ? pas: • wanted HASLEIT, 2-REDROOMw lent condition complete/, re- 30 years. This land may once THREE CUP bras-padded. Full- finished. New keys etc. Owner DEADLINE must sell. Will t.ike anv reason¬ "that"specuTchVistrnas aSaul flnd itsel£ P!anted t0 Pota" LD 2-0841 toes' Particularly \arietiesadap- 11 a.r. one c'ass day be- able offer over $250. Call 485- ted for processing. . 4-' r, p \ : . . T. I C : C 2669 after : A housewife can ha\e a box of Cancellations 12 noon one C42 LIVING, DINING Eedi Service dehydrated potato flakes out of 5, 532- gine. G d t res. Many extrai • Walni Danish : .odern. the box and on the table in mashed IV 5-16 • "903. P( i.M'I.K", potato form within five minutes, PHONE orv Ik - M • 34< Call 372-1845. 50 and her husband won't be able to . 4-speeJ stick. Radm, txce lent c r.daio .Reasonable 42 DIAPER SERVICE, three types of tell that they came from a box, 355-8255 •. -v.i .... i ws. $1,695. tu.-s vvepted. Ph , I\ Employment Mi YC EES, Jcr: diapers t, choose f.om. Bulk Ostrander said. TV, radio, hono combina- wash for cleaner, whiter di¬ RATES oner. Development of a new potato ' RAMBLtk. 959 Amer.cr, Fx- Fluff dried and folded. —~ "IK; 19? 4 r V Students tion. Baby crit . Mattresses. apers. processing plant at Greenville in 1 day si.50 I se yours or rent ours. Con- 4.spwd. 110 h.p. Radio, beater, cellent condition. Snow tires . Ph. i ? —241%. 235 Hobby horse, eti Montcalm county has greatly Many extras. Priced to sell. Radio. Stick shift, $395. Phom stimulated interest in potatoes, 25 years experience. BY-LO said Leyton Nelson, MSU crop MODERN --bedr. ■ m DIAPER SERVICE, 1010 E. Bcced on 15 words per ad i IRVAIR, . Blue 4- RAMF ! i R 1959 4--! r V--. E\- tnfurnished. Kitchen science specialist, but large ne owner. celler.t c >nditinn. Call OL 5-2731 \DS REPRl SENT A T IVI 351-5 Michigan. IV 2-0421. C ^ amounts of potatoes will be re- There ■■■ ii be a 50c ser. ,ce . stove oven. Can supply u'fer. ( all Ge r. e and bookkeeping ch rge ' 95. IV 2- r st . : .55 'A:-t St.. Wiliiam- TV COLOR, ThT bur;,!ir NO RMSE ~ f WEND- quired for this new processing tor and dishwasher, R(.)\\'S ECON-O-WASH. 32 plant, ment with large fm- $55. TV's $15 and up. SPAR TAN MOTORS 484-8^5". speed Clean washers - 20^; "There has never been a time e nutes drying - lOtf. 3006 in recent yoars when the Michi* ) '■ '5- C onvertible. V- s fror TABLE MODEL I A.-S.iv 17' $25. Vine St., 1,2 bl. ck west of Fran- gan potato industry h~s beer in d sr. C42 as healty a condition as it is this DIAMOND RING - AO IDLVr PROBLEM0 ClTl year," Nelson said. I ALCON FITI.RA )S, THRL L -fc d r o .. n Blue-white - per: K . ma/ Street Body Shop. Nature was Kind to Michigan f- es from campus, large wrecks. potato growers this yea; .vith a tn.r praised, $450. Pr it :: w. 5135 a month. 8042 after 5 prr larger crop than ir. 1963, : esaicl. S-189? or ED 2-4591. 46 BICYCLE SM_LS, About 39 per cent of the Mich¬ blILD FOL.R bedroi-n; igan-grown potato crop was proc¬ lose high school, MSU. essed into a wide variety of pota- JOB RESUMES 100 copies, $4. to products in 1963. Vet 50 to 70 * h, January 65- Septem- \L DINGER DIRECT MAIL ad¬ S200 m. nth. Reply Box per cent of the total U.S. potato vert.sir.;, 533 N. Clippert. IV crop will probably be available Automotive in processed form by 1970. I 1 ANSING, C rner .1 Has- 1 V SERVK L CalTi - $5. Tubes t Rd. and Fert dale. Three discounted 25J7 except picture u.tiful duplex homes. Avail- 1 AMI RA NIKON tubes. cs'.:nates :i shop ser- U. Of Detroit • Dm-. 15 T'w. be j r , $150 ,\( me I'.V. IV 9-5009. C run.'1 t-ree bedroom, $160 Drops Football ■ ... T\ RENTALS for s-uderits. £co- • tn. i,t;i. 332-0091. 46 nomical r-tcs by the term and Ph e IV 7-03*. I PER VISED. ONE r tw . DETROIT (UP1)—The Univer¬ month. UNIVERSITY TV RENT¬ l DSMOEI LE Is over 21 in exchange for ALS. 484-9263. C sity of Detroit announced Monday Power \ ill. ND.'.RT IRD, .^5- it is dropping varsity football, A u! 0 m .11. c. nimum housecltaning, cook- DIAPER SERVICE, same diapers ar.d brakes. Fully lzed. Easy starting. Full[ . Call 8 im, - 5 pm. 699- a sport the school has engaged returned. Either yours or ours. in since 1896. 4,, SPLI.D READING: L\i Mobile Homes With our service you may in¬ Mounting financ.al losses were clude tw. pounds of baby clothes blamed for the decision 1963 10' x 50' New Moon, two *ade. Diaper pailfur- t[ie Sp0rt . In the years dun:',..; Christm For bedroom. Parking place avail¬ football first was put < . able. $3,800. 1'r.o:". 482-1964.42 U of I program vives. No e TRAVELO, I9M. 55' x 10'. Early AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE Titans won 305 games, lost 200 America:- r'ixtures, Oak panel¬ 914 E. G:er St. and tied 25. This season's i N. ttpsr.i: unfurnished. One ing. Carpeted living room. Ex¬ IV 2-0864 C had a poor 3-7 mark and there I L ms 1 ■ r cal 1 372-4150. 50 campus. $85 plus cellent buy. 655-1925. 43 had been talk that Coach John ne ED 2-8247. 46 Typing Servio A ANTED: ELCAR 10' Like new, two Idzik would lose his job. Ikzik' College'girls. A fly 11 bedroom. See at 2831 E. Mt. JROWN typist and multi- teams have won six, lost . to 2 p.m. d : 1 y. All day Hope or call IV 9-4920. 42 lith offset printing (black and and tied one in the three years \pply ROOM: Approved, super- white and color). IBM. General he has been coaching, ur lay. >1.15 p Phone'"ED U'ILL SACRIF ICE- Equity in 1962 typing, term papers, theses, idzik's $ll,000-a-year con- ) 45 Conestoga. 10' x 50'. Two bed- dissertations. ED 2-8384. C HELP \C\NTI.! tract runs through next Sept- front kitchen. Midway and Wash. Call Placement Bur- PLANS') I VANIA NEAR Michi¬ Trailer Court. Lot 2". 699-2750. TYPING " WANTED. Electric ember. eau, Mrs. Ret 355-95210. 42 gan Ave. One room efficiency 4j typewriter. No pick-up or de- The Llniversity said the 1965 | with stove, refrigerator. Good livery. OR 7-8335. 50 schedule had been canceled. For Rent bed. $52.00 monthly. Phone 627- Lost & Found TYPING. THESES, term papers. The football team lost more 6 352. 42 than $65,000 the past season. Apartments LOST : 11 ESDAY, K ... IBM Electric typewriters. MEN. WINTER Term. Approved, Net fame revenue per season neer's slide rule. Needed XEROX Copy Service. 337-1527. TWO MEN to sub-lea supervised. Singles, $10; C decreased from $125,108 in 1961^ finals. $5 reward. Phone 4 pletelv furnished modern apart¬ doubles, $7. Spartan Hall. 215 to only $91,500 for 1964. At the Louis. One block from campus. 4019. EDIE STARR, typist. Theses, same time, average game attend¬ ment. Winter, sprinr terms. dissertations, term papers, ( all Dave, 351-484f 44 42 LOST: CLASS ring in F.essey ance at home dropped from a Hall. 1964-Pirate Emblem.Call general typing. Experienced. | — IBM Electric. OR 7-8232. C peak of 15,000 in 1961 to 11,000 For Sale Kurt Porchert, 355-8767. Re- in 1964. MEN'S SKI boots. 9-M with or ~ ward. 42 Your Ho V ANTED for FEMALE roommate and spring terms. without complete Cubco binding. Anything reasonable. Jeff, 353- LOST: MAN'S Gold BuIo\,a watch. Vicinity of Grand River. Satur¬ BARBI MEL, Professional typ¬ Wanted STUDENT WIFE and mother de¬ '.vii.ter In- 0165. 42 day. Graduation rtft. Reward. ist. No job too large or too small. sires babysitting in. her home. expensiv e, attractive apart- Shopping Call 337-0958. 42 reflecting telescopes, 42 Phone 353-2"16. LOST: LADY'S Gold w 43 Block of! campus Transportation ... 332-3255.C Mrs. Freeman, 482-2213. ( 44 stand and mount with clock 45 NEW YORK direct. Christmas drive. One - new, other-home¬ LOST - BROWN purse contain¬ vacation bus special. Round trip, made. 332-1127. 43 ing driver's license and I„D. $32.20. Call Bus Depot, ED between Mason Hall and Grand 2-2813 for reservations. 45 ANTIQUE set "of T. cabinet. Table, Duncan- River. 355-2097. Ask for WANTED: RIDE to West Coast, 2" x 40. Seats 10. TU Margaret. 42 San Francisco hopefully. Share LOST. LADY'S gold > -istwatch. expenses. Can leave December Between Horticulture Building 18th. 355-5293. 46 FREEMAN $100 size 38, inseatn 30 1/2 for $25. and Prince Brothers. Oval face, Wanted Two pair men's slacks, si/e38, black band. Reward. 351-5242. NEED ONE roommate for four- inseam 34, $4 each. Boy's sport man apartment. Winter and 20, $5. Girl's $50red LOST: HIGH sch. 1 class ring. Spring terms. Riverside East. fleece coat, size 14 for $10. All T uesday 351-5367. 4 3 in excellent condition. Casco Hall. Re :' 355-0509 steam spray iron, brand new, or 355—1 CHILD CARE. Vacancy for child $11. Call 332-4822. 42 over two in my Lansing home. Personal Licensed. Dependable. IV 9- DIETZGEN DRAWING set, $l0; Remington Suburban portable. Excellent condition. $45; U.S. stamps and some specialties; Lincoln cents, $25. 484-4249. Now that you have tr.e theoryhow about the practical applic tion. Such things as captive markets, Outstanding values in fur¬ BUYS a new English 3- nished apartments, if you're price padding, stopping outside speed bicycle. Used bicycles looking for a perfect location of normal distribution channels and rentals also available. ACE HARDWHERE AND GIFTS, 201 so that manufacturer and retail¬ spacious well-appointed acc¬ er both benefit, surpluses. This omodations, color coordinated E. Grand River across from the information based ■ n current built-in Teraza kitchens, tile Union. Ed 2-3212. C methods of operation can make baths, ample closets, beautiful you many extr 1 dollars and save pool, air conditioning, wall- months of valuable time. For to-wall carpets, custom dra¬ free informal.. 11 atn< obligation pes and every feature for your advise what particular occupa¬ comfort and convenience at tion you are interested in pur¬ sensible down-to-earth prices IM TOO FEMININE 0 EVERYTHING FROM trop suing and send along with name - you'll find it all at Eydeal FOR THIS SAME .' fish to ocelots. Complete tropi¬ and address to P.O. Box 9343, Villa and Burcham Woods. cal fish and dog supplies. Lansing, Michigan. 42 We're equipped with the best FOWLER'S FIN, FEATHER NEARLY .EVERYBODY 11 kTs GE range, refrigerator and air AND FUR SHOP, Logan Center. Bubolz Insurance because o>n- conditioning. 882-6364 (open Sunday 1 to 5pm.)- person.nl insurance ser- FIDELITY REALTY vict m, all lines - boat, home, & INVESTMENT CO. FLESH EATING large Piranha. 1'RA C r IV E, FURNISHED apartment in Okemos for two or three students. Call 351-4134. 43 Colorful, vicious. Also 29 gal¬ lon, long aquarium. 335-3132.45 car, business, life - year in and year out can be counted upon. C 42 1350 Haslett Road 332-5041 M, Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday. December 1, 1964 7 AT LEAST TIT No Advance Pick-Up For Basketball Bv JERRY MORTON 'be ,n«- ;v. cy may be changed more complicated every year s Mil play U Rij o: seven h -i V* in J ' • -v. Last year-he^D ad- Jemson Field House was ' : - ere,- f.'me? >nd Last year MfL >:ude: :* use their IDcardt mis>:. •. itcy was effect for used for basketba.! »r. l i\ sports director, is seated to the right of s Gazette sports editor, is at the coach's left. Photo by Dave Syk State Soccer Goalie Nursing Ankle Injury Problems and tension mount St as MSU's soccer team prepares day for its most important journey matt of the season, to Brown L'ni- they versity in an attempt to win the elusive NCAA championship. Goalie Charlie Dedich, who turned in a 4-0 shutout perform¬ ance last Saturday, was confined Stroudsburg a hospital bed Monday nursing an earned hims ankle injury. Payton Fuller, outside left and Ter -y Bidiak right halfback, were ing from Monday's i ty. December 1, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Big Detember Shopping Spree U. S. D. A. Ch The Widest The Freshest Steak of Grocerie Fruits & Ve Heavy with Juice, Pink or White, Fresh Florida U.SVD.A. Choice Beef, Value Way Trimmed Rich in Vitamin C, Orchard Fresh RIB or ROUND Frozen Grapefruit Orange Juice 5„. $100 Cans Hunt's, in Tomato Sauce ■ 549Froth & Crte#y. Pocketed Fresh Daily 10-0*. U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Pork & Beans Spinach Bag Sirloin Diamond, New Crop, Freshly Packed vs Steak Swiss Steaks lSVa-o*. Can 10- Shelled Walnuts Freth, Firm b Fre«h, Rutabagas h Heavy, Flavorful "'5 # Breast-o-Chicken, Light Chunk Garnish Your Steak with Hot House Grown U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Fresh Mushrooms Ib 49* T-Bone, Cube or Tuna Fish . . Porterhouse Calif. Halves or Slices, in Syrup STEAK 4 Cans ■ 00 Peaches Hillside, 1 Lb., 13-0*. Can 29< EXTRA 99: Top Taste, A Favorite for Toast or Grape Jam Sandwichea . . 49' $ Asserted Favorite Flavors S &H Green STAMPS 50 Extra With Coupon I Stamps Purchose of 3 Lbt. Chili with Bieans 4 ISVi-OL Caws |00 Top Treat With Coupons "r\~i I»" "rVgiV»:' ~ in This Ad All-Beef Hamburger Smoked Picnics Hillside, 14-21 Lean, Uniform Slices Wilderness, Ready for the Oven, Cherry Beverage ■ FREE WITH THIS COUPON : P Sliced Bacon U.S.D.A. Choice Boneless Sirloin Beef, Solid, Lean Tip Pie Filling .... 29' 50 EXTRA Iten STAMPS With Purchase of 10-Lb. Bag or More 6%39c U.S. NO. 1 POTATOES pon At National Food Watermaid Long Grain, Serve with Poultry j| 50 EXTRA Oree" STAMPS j ixpires Sat., Dec. Sth. FREE WITH THIS COUPON j "aLl'bEEf' HAMBURGER0' | : Rice 2 37' j S tor**"1 Coupon° E!xp?r/t' sTT, 5th. : Deal Pack, Coffee in an Instant FREE WITH THIS COUPON 50 Extra Stamps Sanka Instant . $|59 Penn Champ. Permanent 25 EXTRA lLHn STAMPS With Coupon & Purchoie of Polish Sousoge Favorite Flavor, Smoked Deal Pack, Assorted Gelatins Anti- Any Beef Roast £■££. Jeii-0 Finest Facial Quality, Assorted Colors 3 5 54' _ FREE WITH THIS COUPON ^ ^ 50 EXTRA Iten STAMPS 4T° Perch Fillets j 50 EXTRA l'„H,SUMPS j Puff Tissues 49 With Purchase of 10-Oz. Jar, INSTANT COFFEE T p Taste *1 . FREE WITH THIS COUPON Fish Sticks Redeem This Coupon At National Food White Storot. Coupon Expires Sat., Dec. 5th. or Colon, for Your Bathroom ^ I W h BEEF "roast ny I; Breaded Shrimp ; : Redeem This Coupon At Stores. Coupon Expires National Food Sat., Dec. Sth. \ j Fillet of Sole ; Charmin Tissue >2 $|00 For Your Finest Baking and Cooking Check Your Spice Rack Fabrics Are Softer and Fluffier With Crisco Shortening . . Lawry's Seasoned Salt Downy Fabric Softener '12 47' Fine Golden Shortening A Glass In Every Package Ammoniated, All-Purpose Liquid Fluffo Shortening . Premium Duz . . . . 79' Top Job Cleaner . . . i£ 39' Duz Does Everything Pre Measured Detergent American Beauty Enriched Duz Giant Detergent 3 Lb Box °z 79' Salvo Tablets .... Egg Noodles ,2p5z 29' Has Its Own Bleach Detergent For Automatics Banquet, All Vaneties Oxydol Detergent . 4"Lbsiz°z 79' Dash Giant Detergent 79' Frozen Dinners . 311-Oz Size $"100 I The Washday Miracle For The Dishwasher Sparkling Cleanser Tide Detergent ^ize8 $3 9 Cascade Detergent . . Comet Cleanser 6 6-0Z. Cans 39* All Purpose Liquid Cleaner GET EXTRA iHRISTMAS GIFTS Mr. Clean 2si« 69' Rich's Frozen Chocolate Eclairs . ^ 49* Kitchen Charm, Keeps Foods Fresh Wax Paper 2lOO-Ft. Rolls oy or\c S&H Green