MICHIGAN Weather STATE NEWS Inside Cloudy & cold today.Light Algeria, pg. 3: Sports, STATE snow and sleet. High in middle 20's. p. 4 & 5; Vitamins May Harm, p. 7: Free Speech, UNIVERSITY p. 8. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 2, 1964 Vol. 55, Number 224 Urgent Consultation Can WarEffonU N. Dodges Russian Issue; Be improved W ASHINGTON f — President ed Ambassador ? termed "the accumulating evi- dence of continuing and increased Avoids Touchy Controversy J J North Vietnamese support of the Maxwell consult D. Taylor Tuesday to urgently with South Viet Nam on measures to "improve" Viet Cong and of North Vlet- namese forces in, and passing Ghanian the war effort against continu- through, the territory of Laos in ing and increased North ' namese support of the Comm Stadium Scandal Declared VieVCong through Laos. about the neutralization of Laos. The presidential directive was The reference to North Viet- btoad enough in its scope to namese forces passing through step up tne fighting within South Laos significantly did not state Involves Baker President WASHINGTON (UPI)--An in- $15,000 in cash to Bobby Ba for by the^ thc^Sen. Lyn use in South Viet isJb.isic vj. policy to provide Citizen Group A Aid For Mississippi GUVS, GALS AND GUIT ARS--T hese are the principal i ngredients of the Folklore Society progr-am, which will be presented Friday at 8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. This is expected to be a really singin' affair. Photo by Tom Pozarycki SriHS Journal and one of the group s Red Rocket SSHrS black African to head the body. Lim ps After Tetg^acuhy m -mbers and Saigon Says Patrol U.S. Mariner Hit By Cambodians rocked the U.S. Air Fore e 1st Lt. Kemp Similrrh Last year 6, of Garfield, nutted th a^milar drive col bl The SovietP news agency TASS mg. ^ money has top priorit African Natio Congo UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Troop ,f-The planes to rescue white hostages Dorm Rooms Warming Up Sunday Is For Caps An Arts Expert Named I hey st.wcd off r supply " "" rs°r"' ' °W"" ^.'"iur'y '/.ond-2'sreduced power Oiu-ic To Packaging Board ,c,'sTo .or fall Congress Tonight In Wonders Kiva Wednesday, December 2, 1964 2 higan State News, East Michiga Lansing, Michigan To Friend And Foe Alike EDITORIALS Observations MSU Housing Rules Around Need Updating -Susan Filson Take-home finals can be Just as burdensome as the usual two- The University's requiremenl er than as 21-year-old children. hour term-end examinations. Moreover, the present housing If a student has more than two consecutive finals in one day, Uni¬ that students over 21 must have versity regulations permit him to re-schedule one of his exams on written permission from their policies are obviously impracti¬ a more convenient date. However, there are no rules governing take- cal for a University with an en¬ home finals. Professors can—and many do—hand out take-home fi¬ parents to live in unsupervised nals of several thousand words to be completed within a week or a rollment of over 32,000. weekend. If a student has two or three such papers to .write, he faces off-»campus residences has a real problem. A good deal more thought and preparation is re¬ aroused justifiable student re¬ quired to write a paper of 3,000 words than to study for a regular The University would have to sentment in recent weeks. final. hire a special police force if it Professors should certainly make an effort to assign topics for a really decided to enforce all the take-home finals at least two weeks before the due date. The State News has received off-campus housing regulations countless protests from students which are on the books. who were irked when the Off- While visiting Chicago over Thanksgiving weekend, 1 was 3Wed by Campus Housing Office mailed the beautiful Marina Towers apartments on Lake Michigan. Chicago's MSU obviously does not have top executives pay rents beginning at $200 a month for suites with letters to their parents request¬ balconies overlooking the lake and access to indoor swimming pools, the resources to inspect refrig¬ ing that this permission be filed erators in student apartments for sun rooms, exclusive stores, guaranteed parking and laundry facili- with the Office of Student Affairs. If the same e beer every day, even if such ac¬ gan State, the kids would pay rr tion were desirable. The letters, however, are not Lansing. the main issue. They are merely The University cannot post the implementation of a housing sentries outside the doors of The "host family" program sponsored by the University gives policy recommended by Presi¬ apartments to sefe if any mem¬ foreign students a chance to become acquainted with families in the dent John A. Hannah and approved bers of the opposite sex are in East Lansing area. Host families are supposed to invite foreign stu¬ dents to their homes and help them with any special problems which by the Board of Trustees. the vicinity. arise. The program has been an eminently successful one. However, occasionally a family signs up to participate and neglects to con¬ The policy itself is the issue. The present regulations gov¬ tact the student. Other families invitethe student to their home once and then forget him. This type of experience is devastating to a stu¬ It is a policy which regards 21- erning off-campus students are, dent who is bewildered by the customs of a strange land. One stu- year-old students as children in for the most part, unenforcible. This Is Our Dumbwaiter! "I would not want to—how do you say it?—impose. I keep hoping the eyes of the University. It This factor alone indicates a that the family whose name I was given will call." maintains that the University has need for a change in policy. the right to act " in loco parentis" Future letters to parents of (in place of the parent)--even in the case of students who have students over 21 might read: Communism Why, why, why arelf^ many of the best professors on campus doing all of their teaching in the Fee-Akers complex? Many of our hardy forefathers trudged through the snow for miles to attend school in reached their legal majority. "Your son (or daughter) has a one-room log cabin. But they didn't have to make it back to the The present MSU housing poli¬ cies subject students to regula¬ decided term. 21 as MSU mature, to live off-campus this regards students over responsible adults. Lansing Patriotic Berkey for another class the following hour. Many students simply don't have $12 for a bus ticket. tions which are far more restric¬ The group leaders got together the Western hemisphere and then tive than any state or federal laws. We have dents will confidence that our stu¬ conduct themselves By BILL State News PRITCHARD Staff Writer to improve their efforts in the study of communism and formed after Cuba, we would not ate a in the Western toler¬ second Communist nation hemisphere." Letter Policy To inform the community about the society. as adults regardless of whether There are no officers, no reg¬ "There have been no victories Letters should not be longer than 300 words, and should be University rules prohibit stu¬ their living quarters are super¬ "regenerate an understanding of ular meetings and no official, in the Cold War, we have only typed double spaced if possible. Names and address should also members, Russell said. maintained the status quo." be included. No unsigned letters will be printed, but names may dents from having visitors of the vised by the University. the American way of .life" are More people come to the eighth be withheld if we feel there is reason. the declared purposes of a group One of the reasons for not hav¬ session than the first, he said, The State News reserves the right to edit letters to fit space opposite sex in their off-campus called the Lansing Patriotic So¬ ing a formal membership is the because their interest is fired at "There will always be a mi¬ ciety. possibility of a member making living quarters also has no coun¬ a statement embarrassing to the the first and the word gets around nority of students who behave as and brings more people in. aaa nnr.1 i terpart in state or federal law. It is a relatively new organiza¬ society that might be understood qqq children. The University cannot tion, only two years old. as the society's official stand. People who come to the ses¬ aaaLinnn atinn Moreover, no parent can le¬ The society implements its sions are provided with litera¬ * - □rannaaa nrann act as a policeman for this type Therefore the news about up¬ communism such as "In¬ nnnm rsnra nan program through study groups in ture on gally dictate the place of resi¬ of student if he lives off-campus. eight weekly sessions. coming study sessions is passed ternational Communism", apub- Baa □□Plt3HEII30 28. 1 10 of a dence of a son or daughter who Most of the material is pur¬ by word of mouth, although lication of the U.S. Government oas □□□□ Your son (or daughter) is com¬ Russell said he plans to put out Office analyzing the epliali is over 21. chased from the U.S. govern¬ Printing 29 Nagged □nan nan pletely on his own when he lives ment Printing Office, the Chris- a newsletter somn. Communist mind, and lists of 33. Afternoon Haaarauan HOQ Russell maintains groups of publications on communism. ana □□□ anna in unsupervised housing. The Un¬ Thus, students over 21 would this sort are being formed □mail ananaaGa All of this is aimed toward a not be subject to any of the above iversity will not interfere with throughout the country because □ana Qanannn of a "grass roots" concern with citizenry better informed on his private life. Neither will the Russell said. nana ran i nna regulations if they were not at¬ The society was a spontaneous Cuban communism close to world communism, There is not much publicity on tending MSU. University protect him if he development, James Russell, the American shores. This was the reason Russell the society because there are 38. Backbone breaks any law of the State of group chairman, said. It grew The University should formu¬ some people who are opposed to 40. Channel from communication between decided to start study groups. a group of this kind, he said, and 41. Wild late social regulations which deal Michigan. In the eyes of MSU, neighborhood study groups with "First we said we would not animal tolerate a Communist nation in who might cause trouble. 19. Braced with students as legal adults rath¬ your child is now an adult." framework 42. Small dose: 43. Surges 12 Lachry- 21 Steep rocky DOWN 22 Babvl. god 1. Kitchen Letters To 23. Wharves 24. Engine 9 20. Turkestan salt lake 21. Wife of 6 7 a MSI Keeps Sparty Painted In Ponce Shadow Mi t 3 4 1 S Ramach- Average College Student Level-Headed, Sedate' 10 1/ It 23. Sticklers 14 Tc, the Editor: when students went mad over "Most regulations of the per¬ Mom Out Oj To the Editor: "riot jp a busters?" They can bust rampant group of "rowdies" )■> lb 'd 17 tb for stvle 24. Theme footbill heroes But behavior of college stu¬ 25. l'resaged After having closely followed •outmoded are gone. regulations inherited sonal dents are arbitrary as well as Generally I read the Letters shouting "Go, State, Go," but IS 'W 26. Puzzle Son's . to the Editor and keep my com¬ they just happen to overlook the the controversy involving Uni¬ from the last century remain: ill-conceived, and some are pos¬ 'Late minutes' for the naughty itively tyrannical. No American Apt. ments to myself, but in last Wed¬ destructive efforts of a couple 19 to 23 27 That girl 29. Lagers versity housing rules 1 would like a* .... nesday's column there were of groups of ND and, for that 30. Siberian to bring to the attention of those girl who was not safely in her judge has the kind of power over enough articles to sufficiently matter, U-M students. t7 forest Concerned the following quote, dormitory by eleven o'clock. accused criminals that a Dean of M 2S 2* 31. White- Probation for the reckless mem¬ Students has over his charges. They haven't even protected % found on pages 201 and 202 of In reply to Mr. Grafmeyer: the ducks very well, as one was 19 30 SI Si tailed sea it From Main Street to the Left bers of the fraternity that held The dean is jury as well as Dear Mom, your hope for America should go * Walter Adams, Michigan ~S t a t e and Dad came to visit me last to the presidency, namely Barry the Meter Maids? room. T'le foolishness of all this trial. Punishment of a group for 4/ University Press, 1959. weekend. 1 hope you didn't think G. and Billy Miller. "Actually, aside from an occa¬ is exposed by the rapid increase the 'crime' of an unknown mem¬ There are very few points on 40 37. Jap. salad I was doing anything wrong in 43 sional riot or 'panty raid' (which in campus marriages, which have ber of the group-the principle of created a double standard for guilt by association-is frequent there, or that I was ashamed of The Fisheries Club and Miss Dall both share my opinion as which I can completely agree with the administrators of U-M, ;7;:« 39Pl Bakery ■isually take place only because where I live. supply but their realistic view on hous¬ they are against the rules), the judging students. A deventeen- to the saving of the fast-fading modern Americancollege student year-old coed with a husband is can campuses. Such powers are It's not that at all, Mom. 1 hope woodlots. In the last three years, ing regulations has my complete is remarkably level-headed and a free adult according to the au¬ unheard of at European univer- I've seen the trees fall three admiration, and I'm wondering you'll understand. You remember sedate. Campus pranks have be¬ thorities; a twenty-one-year-old that piece of paper you. signed times, for McDonel Hall,Holmes how long it will take MSU to catch come rarie; freshmen live out without one is treated as an ir¬ about a month ago? The one you Hall, and for the addition to up with them. their brief hours of naivete un¬ responsible and probably evil- mailed to the Off-Campus Hous¬ Owen Graduate Center, while I realize that Rome wasn't built Totfi Treuhaft noticed and unhazed: the days minded child. ing Off ice open land sits idle across the in a day, but some progress should be shown if our adminis¬ Well, one of the rules on it said tration is to show as much mod¬ members of the opposite sex Just what were the campus po¬ ern thinking as the leaders of our aren't allowed in our apartments. lice doing while invaders were Remember now? painting Sparty, a lighted statue collegiate cousins do. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY STATE ME' no more than 400 yards from the Well, you wouldn't want me to headquarters of those famous Martin Sarouski get kicked out of school just to let you in my apartment, would you? Editor John VanGieson After how hard I worked to save Declares War On Pedestrians Member Associated Press, United Press my money to come totheUniver- International, Inland Daily Press Associa¬ Advertising Manager Arthur Langer sity? To the Editor: to pedestrians using the bike tion, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Campus Editor CharlesC. Wells I'm sure you wouldn't, so you Press Association. Managing Editor Liz Hyman must understand. Whereas: the parties of the I, for one, have spent the term Wire Editor Hugh J. Leach I will admit the rule doesn't second part; i.e., Agents Levin, dodging, swerving, swearing and Published every class day throughout fall, Sports Editor Richard Schwartz make much sense, though. Next Sanchez, Finucan and Kyburz, generally having my tires ruined winter and spring terms and twice weekly Ass't. Advertising Manager ..Ken Hoffman time I'll visityou instead. At least acting for the parties of the third by being driven off the rather summer term by the students of Michigan Marcy Rosen the University allows metoenttr part, i.e., the pedestrians of sharp and often high edges of the State University. Photography Advisor Dave Jaehnig your place. MSU, have declared a state of bike paths, by strolling zombies Circulation Manager Bill Marshall. I'll see you "sometime during1 "war on flffcyclists using the side¬ who respond to nothing, it seems, Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Night Editor Leslie Goldstone Christmas vacation. walks; therefore: be it known that short of screeching handbrakes. Michigan. Copydesk Advisor Henry Price the party of the first part; i.e., You can keep the sidewalks! Editorial and business offices at 341 Stu¬ News Advisor Richard E. Hansen But stay off our bike paths! Agent Cox, acting for the bicy¬ Editorial Editors We shall not be stoppedl dent Services Building, Michigan State Uni¬ clists of MSU, has reciprocated Susan Filson, Michael Kindman in kind, and that hereafter no versity, East Lansing, Michigan. Charles Cox quarter sh..ll be asked or giver Mii'hignn State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December . 1964 3 Algeria Sympathetic Campus U.N. Backs Ben Bella Says fOLIN Hospital REPORT Formosa VetoPower From Our Wire Services As the : ];>re of ? debate subsided, 12 member Security Council France, the United the Soviet Union—no Kingdom and : Rebel Movements Congolese Rebels Want Sudan As Base the Campus U.N. Monday night been viewed illeg.il due to the ie n Sudan went or. to vote down amove to de- popular nature of the rev ainst the pnve the Republic of China its which initially installed th The official tally *as f I'S; SrjfflL' Raises For State Employes Authorized i \s|NC-The-State Civft Service Commission has authorvzi Home Rates tarts. The cost to : « %; -?.whic: .r- asU-d. It was bev t e\ were Seen Stable Belgian Paratroopers Arrive Home , A Farewell Message I SS! I S, Pelgium-Belglan paratroopers who dropped on The powerful v ice i: pay for their money, e United States hadcut rescue Chiang Kai Shek's repre»enta- c.C. Cameron of Raleigh, N.C., tive returned with charges at- spoke at KelloggCenter inaeem- nesrif the U.S. Air F< i d the 680 tacking the legality of the main- i„ar of is president of the as- t airport the para- 12 Scientists Ousted Since Fuchs Scandal majority. Byrnes Drug Store 1929-1964 Aid To Church Colleges ht Iron C nrt.nin ->r uptp fnrpian-horn. or fnr horh reasons. Dave Beck Granted Parole From Penitentiary Challenged By Lawyer For Maryland Residents ? and the serving n five-yer-r ti King, Hoover Meet To Discuss Differences WASillNGTON-The Rev. Martin Luther King, who has been at oc Bryan, North Case Spirits Win First Pierce Awards West Vlavo and West \.ikt!ey,ue for 5; West Alters, GUchrist.and Phillips, tie for 8; Bmtorfield, SUBSCRIBE N RECEIVE THE Vol. XII November 1964 IN THIS ISSUE . . . □ MARRIAGE—NOW OR LATER? □ ACADEMIC ALL AMERICAN □ FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES □ CAMPUS FASHIONS FOR 65 □ BASKETBALL—WINTER KING STUDENTS AROUND THE WORLD Pg. 36 "The Only National Magazine For College Men & Women" XMAS SPECIAL - INTRODUCTORY OFFER ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2.75 \eir campus classic Evening ENJOY MANY FINE ARTICLES EACH MONTH Women's Reversible THE PENGUIN BOOK OF PLUS REGULAR FEATURES • mirror on campus • this months academic all-american • campus fashions • book reviews • laws PARKAS m AMERICAN FOLK SONGS of success • campus humor • questions & answers • letters to the editor • sports u.s.a. Cut Out and Mail Today "5" COLLEGE LIFE INC. 919 18th ST. N.W. ^ fZciV c ,A WASHINGTON, D. C. ' t .s y*\Jl H Send me COLLEGE LIFE MAGAZINE at your Xmas Special Offer. . / ;pper pocket. Fully My □ Cash Q Check Q M. O. for $2.75 is enclosed. able. Small (8-10). Send To: ii;ni (12-14), Iarge(16- NAME ADDRESS CSt' when a news conference was shortly before 4 p.m. when about Across From Student Services led police ? forced to asonS- called by Rev. Britt to announce Joseph A. Foley con- that the school had can Jium in search of the ' amp was "and we could be fairly , :ie demonstrators and 1965 football schedule ulposts. The John I Daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m. posts football • m o return to their dropping the sport. M.S.U. Rook Store M.S.r. Rook Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book • Wed. 9 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. for Your Wednesday and Thursday Until COHVEHJEKCE ST Flash Bulbs * Press 5, AG1 or M2 89$ VE'Ll 9 h 6-1 Sill reus John Shick. Curtis (6-4) will be at Sanders (6-3) and Grand team. looks comer couponHIH ■■ coupon ■■ BE msubook MSU Two-Lettermen Old Spice Listerine STORE OPEtf Stick Deodorant Reg. S1.0C Reg. 98c Located in the Center Spell Double Trouble 690 sports fans may MSU winter 690 for International Relations think they're seeing double when they watch Spartan teams per- team during the fall. Halfback Jim Garrett \ Limit One Limit one M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book Store M.S.U. Book It's a perfectly norm • 1 renc- key man in Spartan trac this yeir as he attempts t ■■ COUPONMH ■■ COUPON Hi ball players display their talents championship. n other sports during the winter. Wisk Polish Other griddersexpecte TIME'S RUMMHS OUT! One of the most prolific of Aqua Net Remover part;in double-duty men is str- or end Doug Roberts, who will Reg. S2.00 ie counted upon to lead the MSU Reg. 29c The sophomore trio all e freshman numerals last s Roberts paced the Green and 590 160 White in goals last season with 21 Washington andJones as hu and Summers as a dash SENI0P5!! GET YOUR added 14 assists to place Limit One ond in team scoring behind The wrestling squad \ Mac Orme. ■■ COUPON ■■■ ■■ COUPON IHi Breck Cream Rinse lergens Lotion PICTURE CONTACTS will 5 play at center on the first the Spartans this for the Spartans this year. Richardson is i rhe track team can always from Johnstown, I int on goodperformancesfrom Reg. SI.00 Reg. 51.00 IN TO BOOM 42 OF 690 690 Limit one THE UNION BY THIS IH COUPON ■■■ ■■ coupon Tender Touch Mi FRIDAY-THE LAST DOT! Contact Bath Powder Reg. $1.50 Reg. $1.50 990 990 Limit one Limit one ■■ coupon HH ■■ COUPON Alka Seltzer Personna Stainless Steel Blades Reg. 59c Reg. 79c 360 Limit 490 ,Limit one one MB coupon HI ■■i COUPON ■■ Head & Shoulders Ban Deodorant Shampoo Reg. $1.00 Reg. SI.00 690 690 HHHCOUPONHUH IHHi c o u p o n HB Ambush Spray lade Cologne East Cologne Yes, 'tis the season for well-dressed cheer. And Sherry Johnston, East Lan¬ $2.69 $4.25 sing junior, is right in the swing of the festivities in seasonal separates by Junior House. Shown here ribbed black Ottoman skirt with shocking pink velvet sash $15. Specials Ava White lace blouse $13. East Lansing Only Coupons Good Thru Dec. 7 Free Parking At Rear of Store Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 2, 1964 5 SPARTAN COACH SPECULATES f • O . I7» Gent Named Jim Gym Gem ( J Joe Casey at outside left. ■ the final meet of s as Mel Stout. 1951 NCAA ed the greatest number of 100 EXTRA TV STAMPS with $5 or more Meat Purchase and Coupon IM News IffllOO FREE MM EXTRA TOP VALUE STi titles respectively, WEDNESDAY'S soundly defeated West 47-25 to capture the fli title and wrap up the re 49'sn DAY CLEARANCE SALE • hall crown. Carthage had Fascination Dinnerware edged Brandy of Bryan I Units 1 thru 6 I 100 Extra Top Value Stamps I" 19. 4-pc Place Setting Vegetable Serving Bowl with the purchase of a pkg. of 100 Sugar Bow! Creamer son Hal! topped their CeH-i Companion Set Serving Platter ^KROGER TEA BACS^j The Satans of their dorm a Snyder hndgivei chance for seco:i< BUY 1 - 1^50 Extra Top Value Stamps'] place when they squeezed past Si: Pak of Bryan 12-7. Bryan Hal finished fourth and West Shav GET 1 FREE! LE STOCKS LAST with the purchase of a pkg of 48 I fifth. KROGER TEA BAGS 1 All-Universf>y Play-Offs 2820 E Grond River Tenderay Arm Cut [^.d^o^er^u SunJJ.^6. Time Field 4 6:45—Winners (A.T.O.-BrutusV IV 7 3761 SWISS STEAK lb 59/ Ho StampT^ * (Bacon's Hams-Cache) Sun, Thurs 6 AM--12 Tenderay Blade Cut Tenderay English Cut Extra Top Value 7:30—Winners (Sigma Chi- Snar.<)-(Red Trojans-Wildcats) Friday. Saturday 24 Hrs Ckuck Pot Roasts 49/ POT ROAST •>■ 59/ I with (he purchase of a 6-oz. jar of Whole or Rib Half Spotlight Instant Coffee PORK ROAST >b 43/ SHRIMP .w,99/ ^^Sun^ec^^J Enjoy Loin Half Fres Shore Frozen . _ PORK ROAST 'b 49/ SHRIMP'*ib ptg*1.89 campus delivery of Tenderay Boston Rolled 150 Extra Top ValCovered with the purchase of t pkg. of Choc. Stars or Choc. amps j ue StCherries1 Gold Crest I The New York . Boneless Pot Roast «> 59c Times Center Gut Rib mh IT iTiTn-nitM q PORK CHOPS 59c | 50 Extra Top Value Stamps Ground Hamburg (3-lbs or more) or Fresh Frozen Kroger Salad Dressing CUT-UP FRYERS 39< Gorton's Breaded Cod, 22-oz. pkg. p-50uExtra . ii'ii im-i'itt - Top Value Stamps a Haddock or Perch 99e I with the purchase of a Cinnamon COFFEE CAKE Chunky I fso Extra Top Value StampFj I 1 with the purchase of H gallon of I STA FLO or STA PUFF 1 ^Redeem at Kroger thru Sun. Dec. 6, "64j Frozen Taters , lb- and count Tomato Juice 446 20£ Off! Kroger Banquet yourself among ICE CREAM * ».i 59/ FROZEN DINNER S« ^ _ 39/ the best-informed Reg 250 Kroger Buttermilk BREAD 2 »<■ " people around! F Reg. or Drip Vac-Pac ^ Register for Hrs complete!/ onju^ble course 'Kroger Coffee' now on the off campus world. Mel Stern. The Times representative at Michigan State, offers you con¬ venient delivery every day for only 10c weekdays, 45c on Sundays—a nickel per copy less than the newsstand price. (And no extra charge for deliv¬ ery!) Service for the winter term starts Wednes day, Jan. 6. Sign up today. Call Mel Stern at 355-5859 Wednesday, December 2, 1964 Kast Lansing, Michiga PLACE A WANT-AD toCvotA DEADLINE: 1 P.M. 1 Class day before TODAY 355-8255 publication For Rent For Sale Personal onl GIRL 21 ' L NSU PER VISED. ONE TABLE MODELT.V.-Silver-tone WORLD'S greaie Placement SPARTAN MOTORS • girls over 21 in exchange 17". $25. Call 482-1814. 43 Roll Band-"THE NIGHT SHIFT. FORD o._r. I05h G ~ Convertible. p. . r V-8 . Rivers 0NI. MgW term. Call 351-4o4o. GIRl t,; share lu, minimum housecleaning, cook- CAMERA NIKON S-3 fl.- ing. Call 8 am. - 5 pm. 699- in perfect condition. Money ED 2-8369. FOR TOP-NOTCH pr< 42 Bureau 2T29. 46 needed soon. Phone Chuck, 332- rock-bottom rates, i apartment 5141. Shot •sfrom STEREO TAPE Recorder. Good gest •ampus. $40 month. iv 9-076" condition. Cheap. ed 2-8369.44 ■ State Farm agent today. • automotive A ANTED: TWO girls to share • employment Wednesday, Friday, weeKendS. Tape recorder, 24. Excellent Grundig TK- condition. 332- Ask 1 ; ' r "J*!™!" ' ' pc.e.rgt' tion Type Frandor. grajf grads on)y) only) "A"' NM/f (P'.. (Uec-. . for rent Traverse City Pu . for sale attract1v l, "PY^nished Rooms 2426. WATCH VOIR FAVORITE PRO- lost i found Elementary Educti . personal apartment in Okemos ROOM: Approved, supervised. FLESH EATING large Piranha. GRAMS r a NLJAC I \ set. cember irads • three students. C"a' 1 351—4134.43 q king. in. Phone ED Rent TV from NLJAC TV • peanuts personal a Wyandotte Public.- ANTED: FOL'R students --9566. Rentals. !"" and 21" table mod- mentary Educ.'tk: , • real estate sublease apartment in Cedar ACROSS FROM CAMPUS at 1203 5 STRING Kay Banjo. $5; • SERVICE C43 Village January 1st or earlier. E. Grand River. Two large condition. ' • transportation • wanted before' pubi; cat, o -HONE 355-8255 RATES 1 DAY SI.50 3 DAYS. . . . S3.00 5 DAYS . . . S4.5D Based c- 15 words per ad -e , l^beo 50c service , ad s not paid within ^"EP; share apart" ™nd6 nT'moum 'w^h'X a LOSt & FOUnd ~ Service , SNOW ! IRES. KXi-lS. One piTr !er' term only. L tilu.es paid. drive. One- new, other - home- L0ST. man's Gold feulova watch. metaphysics- instruction. Builders AAeeting Call 372-1845. 50 Th(_ VnT^nal Ass„ . Ml .... Ca 1 i LU 7-2277 after 8 pm. 45 >;][)£ . Uofu-nished 5-roo'm DISHES - ANTIQUE set of 6. Graduation DIAPER SERVICE, th.-iitype^? p^/ers^d'th;- U* y Automotive Scooters • Cycles ,r. ,Jerr. .panmeru. Call 2-5718 China cabinet Table, Duncan- Phone 353.2716. T-- —"8 b""e: 10 .. C"3 wS.MAror ' 43 LOST, LADY'S ft Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, December 2, 1964 7 Pills Not All Good Love Blooms In Winter AUSG President Plans 1 JP (Even In Bucket Seats) Changes; Cites Quality Vitamins Harm? Of Oklahoma Meeting PAC Gives Needed w interested TI/ f/ TF F/ITIPAV . S"ite B-flat. MOZART: Practical "The Ptrformlng Arts C >m- 0 . member» hold for the ExperienceScheduled will hiv« priori^ mherl but cess' STRAVINSKY: Suite 1 John D. Ryder, were / By W MSB ^ Through the PAC, the Univer- and will be eligible to compete Sennet provide a variety for this Jamrich Slated , ;«•>»-_; nesday. The sho\ For Nigeria Visit j ' - '£*££ division's repre- ^ jooi. more will be better. m(f and second.it .» ...s^-mi >r ser- don t really know «h.u are needed ,,, st.lfl s ledge's a id7 bufrn^ch of wh a" the T O State StU dentS de^ut /uP;m/t . U°Jamricf wil report tothe Emerging Slated is NaiionS almos^timpossibletobuya^ita- bachelor's^ • r ee. > 5 Topic i-r is seek- Of Internationals Y. .. Programing Talk and preferably single. \vailable te. -hers who arein- will year may obtain additional infer¬ tile- sonnel Office, Selfridge Air by Force Base', TODAY & THURS=il MICHIGAN ELVIS PRESLEY II T H E A T R I "ROUSTABOUT" II Today at 1:00-3:05-5:10-7:25-9:3511 TOMORROW-SUPER BARGAIN CAY! Wednesday, December 2, 1964 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan IN LANSING AT YOU ALWAYS SHOPPERS FAIR 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVE. NEXT DOOR TO FRANDOR PAY LESS! REGULAR DAILY STORE-WIDE LOW PRICES MEAN CASH SAVINGS FOR YOU. I BRAIN ther, TRUST —Neil White, left, and his twin David, right, recently received $200 M< Swift's FINEST BEEF SOLD - Premium ANYWHERE! TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO /eeBP THE BEST! "Yuletide" Scholarships from Marvel Engine< EVERY CUT IS LEAN, SUCCULENT, SUPER TENDER! Co Chicago, III. The scholarships were pres< to 'the twins from Midland as a Christmas pre Marvel is giving Christmas scholarships to t children of 20 employees of their customers. 1 SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN LEAN, TENDER CHUCK POT ROAST 48 father is a chemist at Dow Chemical Co. Free Speech Innovation BATON ROUGE, La. f-Free heads the I'rnon Puildin CHUCK ROAST CENTER CUT c ■? t ew. Marble State I': .vers: New V'irk ve served CHUCK ROAST STANDING RIB ROAST BIG "E" SHOPPING GUIDE MEATY SHORT RIBS TO BIGGER AND BETTER CASH SAVINGS Traffic Safety EBERHARD'S FRESH Conference Slated TENDER RIB STEAKS CREAMERY DUTTER .. 590 soapbox in the To Open Today >nt, got on the COUNTRY FRESH vy rece-tly ;. 390 I (IN'SEC')." Once INS EC gets into power, KNIGHT BAR gited his make- 390 : •. :• !r r ■ believe electorate, "We will pro- ig-r State SafetyC' i m :e either free love and nickel PADDLE POPS 12 F0R GREEN DIAMOND "IT JL IMPORTED 290 FLORIDA SEEDLESS Eye-Appealing GRAPEFRUIT 530 BABY WALNUTS //( PITTED DATES TREESWEET FROZEN ORANGE JUICE PET RITZ FROZEN MINCE OR 210 Christmas COUNTRY FRESH ARISTOCRAT BANQUET FROZEN POLLY ANNA FRESH PUMPKIN PIES »ch 250 WHOLEWHEAT BREAD COTTAGE FRENCH VANILLA POT PIES PET RITZ FROZEN APPLE OR Gifts YOUR CHOICE OF OR PLAIN OR SUGARED CHERRY PIES »c" 290 CHEESE ICECREAM CHICKEN, TURKEY, BEEF ONE DOZ. from FRESH N GOOD 3-$1 HALF YOUR Wallace's 19 69 15 19 GAL. CHOICE ONLY- BLUE DIAMOND >P EC-CHAINS SHELLED PECANS - 990 FRESH WHITE SLICED ■■ B RACH' S CHOC. STARS, PEANUTS, BRIDGE MIX ^ BAG 55( ?. GLASS CASES decorated cloth. i. LORGNETTES bejeweled styling. MAGNIFYING BREAD POLLY ANNA FARM-HOME 2 " 450 5 79 TANGERINES 30 FIRESIDE FIG BARS WYLER' S INSTANT ONION SOUP »K0. «g14( 290 GLASSES in con- 10* OFF LABEL KRAFT SALAD DRESSING DUNCAN HINES SAVE 10* PLANTERS INSTANT FELS » ^8pkc. 670 WHITE, DEVILS FOOD, 15* OpF LABEL MIRACLE Halves or Sliced YELLOW OR DEEP CHOC. PEANUT GIANT SIZE SURF 620 WHIP PEACHES CAKE MIXES BUTTER 6* OFF LABEL LIQUID WISH «• ..S1ZE 630 WALLACE OPTICIANS! s by DR. W. C. JENSEN, r '■"39( 25 29 49 ■■■ NORTHERN TISSUE™" SINGLE ROLL II- ■ 3040 Vine (Opposite Frondor) Phone I V 9-2774 DEL MONTE CHONK TONA 220 CRISC0 011 $1.18 Iso offices downtown at 107 N. Washington Dr R.C. Jones and Dr. B.C. Bussard, registered optomi