U. 6. C. Library bat Lansing, lich. Michigan State News F.Afrr LANSING. MICHIGAN, THURf-'iiAV. FEBRFAin • •••;; ECORD THRONG ATTENDS FARMERS' WEEK Norman Thomas Speaks to Campus REGISTRATION SEEN SOCIALIST LEADER ATTACKS DUCAT SELL-OUT Economics Dep t. Head BARITONE WILL F°R™J™/™""* SYSTEM; OFFERS DOCTRINE SEEN FOR J-HOP Saw Actum War APPEAR MIJCFP fnilDQF NEXT IN CROWDS MASS AT SESSIONS AS ALTERNATIVE OF FASCISM BY TOMORROW IVlUkJlV/ UUUIXJL First Night Meeting of Farmers Week Has Crowd of Eight Thousand: Contests. Music. Speakers. Association Banquets Actual u • Heinrirn • l c li .Vnlusnus, r tierman - Help1 Fntertain Guests at Annual Agricultural * Function. Scarcity of Ticket* Re¬ Times President'*1 Candidate Speak* to Huge ported by Junior Clan Singer, to Perform on \ .,1.1 •oplet Church; Denoun Militarism War; Tells Head. Tuesday. , j. .cultural P n ; lielop. Proliant of Socialist Party. DECORATIONS ALTERED IS POPULAR FAVORITE Favors Given On! in Union To- Concert and Operatic Star Has Been Well Received by Var ' Orleans" to Sinf. ious Audiences. ! i" i. "> ■ Haritoiic Here Tuesday Night Thrills State .1 , With Message . '.-../'.i METZGER WILL SPEAK New Slate Conmhaaiaaer at mi Patinn Agriculture to Addreu "" ' Farmer! Here : ►V .h*- budget inula is kwmrert oewtv sppnifi ed V1riUf*n cwnmin* mi Vr/\RTII HAD (OLORFIL LIFE *J*HE SHOW ASKS STlJDt;,r SUPPOH BULLETIN Beguiles Willie Parents Cculd Not lomc Bill PASSING • Continued from page 1 • it-lv s»*nt Id the drcsfimu ir;i- H'hind the lines. Prom there, he I •cut to tlv Oxford eon*.air- Our Hero Miltti Uf for hospital and he reinnined there ')i) rote dining the summer of Their Absence The death of John Galsworthy ton was marks the passing of one of Eng- assigned land's sjie;.* figure.* contempornn letter: in the world of thstingulshedi 'j7 ' tjcns(. ,,IR both in drnnin nnd novel, his finest bombing j ih.UI: i tut ii \ i «• mios. _ Twldv's Itetreat _ "u» > i »!• w.. \ m. I • I • I ■ I « I I SEE THE NEW State Stationery The CAMPUS PRESS Inc. liAHKA'IT SHOE KKI'AIKIMi ID I INI. >lll\l - .Ml h |l», Mr,l I,r.,i ll MAURIE SHERMAN I'ri'M'nlii Hi* Orchestra with JOE PLOTKE at the SOPHOMORE PROM UNION BALLROOM Saturday, February as 8:30-12:00 FORMAL TAX $2.00 No Service Charge Ls.A.T• f r» < «m H'/io 117// Lead Varsity Party >irn" ll\ n fATL. v. w, on \ ho.1- f Busy Week-end for Dance-goers Farmers' Week , June 10 This w Hwiwmalting 0 e m onitralion, j u , | ' 'i'..,... 'Vn ' Prominent Broadcasting Orchestra and Novel Decorations Feature Lonrhrs. nn Horn* Ec. ..-n.irrii si.,-,- i Formats at Masonic lemple; Woman's Building to Program. r„mm i ■ i-i.... i Hold Formal Dinner Dance Dorothy K .; the apex of tin- vim. •* « u ill irowd in h »th tl formal •• .I-Hop and ^ea-on. the »rsit> part .mil Beaut v Shop fiuaranteed Spiral inH ( r«m|uiirnolr IVrmanent WavCM *.1.50 and £5.00 KPat^odv , in }, Hiin- mid if i( (| Jt ^ - t , / Xever Knew Tilt Xow »ki»!■;k ><>i •: < i\i.k »ok tiii: i-line «•»? v wtsrn • ik«»m thi; Collegiate Flower Shop -ii M>ik.I Kil l (INK DOLLAR AND IT OA rh OA! MA TP Council Junks Ll>"L(- Jlju. it- 1 J Another Old 1933 MFTt JAPT \D£iTradi,io" FROSH FROLIC Feat irinsj Billy Minor and his Melodians \ Del DelhriHve • Rav (iorrell Ml ruction February 18—Union Ballroom SI.511 PER COUPLE INFORMVI. 9-12 Picture Dati s For Ii olr( t int 'ISl II I I \oil ihal^ Chcstcrtiikl is the I : i"»nl cigarette . . thai the maker* M Cigarette* arc tin only ones i in I ii v hi hi J tobaccos ami mamtfac* muri-ltis scicnlihcully . . . would he ii.in! shnrt ill foolish. I ■ all tobacco is sold in open auction* where anyone can buy if he will pay the pruc. I-veil the machine* on which differ- ml cigarette* arc made arc alike. S A I HOLDS MUSICAL Thi* much, however, i* true: By using the light kmds of Turkish and Domestic to¬ bacco* in just the right proportions . . . by blending and cross-blending them together in the most careful way ... we make Chest¬ erfield what smokers say it i* ... a cigarette that's milder, that tastes better. Just try them. Ckestrrfutd Hadio Program — Every night is- ccpl Sunda), (iolumbi. kmsMd-cumI Network. ' Hen Heftw PARTIES fust M ». •"' * rj n«- ■ j Hgur?Uh.»» -furrl and ^-'-o'^TirSi *»'""« "~"r' ' r- . • * 'm pet nrn4 .• > •>» v> •«T.j»r ai ti : . . - V ,-t cent feline ;k*maU> UcmrW gfrtmCfli in a SANDY'S ,, ,;i c*! : ■+■**<* Ii*' <«*?» , ^nw !•*%> about That Ram; MflXmaid a SANDWICH SHOP johany A»iar*f ■ so «o«l in pnat *** mttch in i *»n« tr- That Roten S v-<. and That Mo* Heaia «fld Voortw* w* «u*i getting Brearfey are i Mknit#.V\ - it. t.v\3 Planing Pa:BRALT LECTURES TO HOLD STATEWIDE COLLEGE WILL PRESENT 4 story SELECT FAMED Saph Dance0N EXPEDITE AND HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE ON MILNE COMEDY BANDFORSOPH Ciopaneue Heats Report TAX QUESTION HERE TOMORROW ON WEDNESDAY : ! ^ FORMALPARTY Trip Thro'ijjb Western Country. February 8 to be Date of Seven- U..-II•«»'. Maarie Sherman i Well Known Debater.. From Twelve Colle(»e» and Savon Hifh Schools to Con¬ sider Subject of Replacement of Property Toa at Arts Club Sponsored Broadcasting Orchestra to Stale Forensic Tournament. Drama. Play Here 1 ffini Michigan coliwifon an.. On Tour Dur¬ ing Sprinv Vacation CO-ED SWIMMERS l'r> the HOLD MEET SOON l ;ixhinii \tithcrrit> Talk- l.i tlllllK' I . BUT; PLAIT EINCHEON tireen Sulasb to bpoaMr Doal t 'litis Thur-. Nile Meet With Team Rattle Crack From AT 25c itlsti (he \\. A A. Kevoals IMans for Novel Affair al (hnr«h SPEC!AI. DINNERS AT NKill I Will Honor Mi.- Docotbs Jan. Arrange llanquel P.ii!,«t Chtt Tale Satui Tt» Honor Foreign I'lmtie tin order in early lor .i lunch a) I ndergniduute* £ Alton la Br Span sored by VALENTINES ninht and try the different assortment* available Monv Groups Will Be Held ic to :>0i- Tuesday Feb 14 Yarietv anil (iift Shop ihr Hutii ihnib ^hop i »• I LMU I UPCB1 TAUS HtKMVI iMiCHLK tKN'VKMK I'K4M;KAMS Al ItvlMi Li MLLIINl. C«-ed (skr Club BE SIRE TO ATTEND THE Nantes (IfTicws I in (itiniitK X ear 1933 1st \!.\ I \M!h t. An ninl VriiHi . «MJ) Mi* Tub- »'.«** to IW" fWkrU AUOda I An nu.ii tfaA\i J•* follow Herbie Kay w? Orchestra 'iwuvt*i i* Utr Uw. CV*H»v Lvudrti id t.lwr )*W I lait.iu K Wirt U bit. rfSHZ. VISIT EDUCATION DEPT fc N (irotdoor vt Mead J iitdiu*.". 1 « i Wrii- rducatam at Omnrli uiuvvr- K Covert ' B > ■ Ticket* from Vanity Club Member.-. In son l»et>h and Use Smoke Shop no-*i. iidjintfrtit Council mulct Mt.v. will r.nvkw on imdruta! fWt to KtrX *I:o H liduk V c i, . iir SKimv Cowgill A the erluoiOokl department Vriday north W (.«*<• I) Lew's w . jk hvjou tmw t* iMootiwrd lor cant pit it and Saturday ol Ud» wvek. • •u« v.sicU. b.dki«tej, uiKi . lie Utr tnhfrUin- •» HwrllaiMl aod Koldiiu*moo wul la K Ht u E. Piocti I FowUn lea- in tl*r Mate (Or a arfleMol tufrttiittw . N awmJ alto JohUMon M M Ber.; SoitstOury tuxill Ift LANSING MASONIC TEMPLE t. will L-oibrtai * t tsdivto and to be Iyttv m (he gueM »* Drw (riaeiurtna .: ikh^an Slxie Ne»» iix:-a tiny in .a uk*ib-ie nuinbrnt wiUi » kilchut AAilrtiwtl oud AuM.it .aWuet orehentin. Aw*opriMtr caU Jut* H«*«lMvaw. tlmd. and bouk tM u lu», Moilon McKc ,«i2: at TAX $4.00 SATURDAY, FEB. 4,1933 Ihunsday. February •>, 19K;j jPARTAN WRESTLERS BOW TO «* "tor rnr ArU LVjl' Aid / Student Grange < rente* rarer t»i\e>» I "v-<» IP hps INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATMEN hell, chair- • HAVE PROGRAM if Found to Be Life .Wond: s Kvening YESTERDAY BY LARGE SCORE M,r» VI* Ea bite of I ri;a- r t.n* Work o( Art The Mar Who D;ed at 12 tao*» W- ' s:f' c»l oXIock" afttf a \fad i.pard Earn Declaim. Ball Geta Draw, to Stere for State; Breakfast" Presented. No Wrealler. Gel Falli Close Indiridual lion; Meet w Okie State Satarday. Competi RA1MK; • . : .n x \T10N t o.M-h Kfirdley Collins' State? wrentling team was «l< - •. 11 i'or the second time in as many starts yes nieon at the collejfe gymnasium when the •i.ma mii\'r-it\ matmen defeated the Spartan* ' " ' A capacity crowd nf over live hundred sp» < }] ■ ■ I the match l.^pard. Slate le-avyweight, was the only n ,m through with a victory u\er the Big Ten «>i• i»> Oi ME : ;i .iiined a decision over i apt tan ley I Excune Office of her points t<* hi* ?.i! when he gained Define* Caw HABER LECTURES ith Hawkins „f lu¬ For lllne**, * Cbrarr lz. K. ll. HMO . \\ IN OHIO THIS WEEK Givri Talk* in Colembus. Das Ion. Yoan(ate«n. ao4 Clerrlaad \ l-'l-V TH Kl.T? I9 3 3 J-HOF I i VIM . ,1 CHEMISTRY GROUP PRESENTS EXHIBIT Herbie Kay and his OrcSiestra Alpha Cbi Si|ina Entertains FRIDAY, FEB. .3 TAX S7.00 Farmers With Ckemislryr Displays I ANSINf. mason : * ' . i Miliar Gets Plenty of Hosing 'tilicrls lit (ii\ v \ «>|jt r Program ( hurt h Sttrirties I'ridav at ('littrch \nnt turns- Kifnt- On Sun. I'rrtKrarn It's fun to be tooled Kills If am llul Match for Itural ...it's more fun to KNOW" (ittrabiThiit Week • •Ul lltRfon whii h h.f, i»ht\. m«i »tf t Ihciip, harsh, raw lohaci os require inHMMMVe piocesMim umk-r high trru- >t it a text, wwM know* t , into aliprffHOft IV* • RECORD Will PRINT rn 'iiturtw. the more evpenar.> t«d» . tool »obft COG/: pwP*» ue «»hfch arc r»t«(uraH> mild. calf f»»i Com* it irw mod® from "in PICTURES OF STL'blNO .hkJ ; aiuy d f»id> .» modi rule afqiliculion «i w t- MOO I IXNNSIVt to bacos *tn I he (itni < ..iitii I cigarette w -in ntttmi- I.very line ttf ihc billxmc of f iinitk ) (HI H'llsc IfilS ifl» »ii: •, II Tit .'.site >N prudttvtil xnee la • received ihu mi* >K- cjl*t»mllVi tiiSIH >M -iittcls. •A tar i uKteeti sites* n Vkirenily toh'.M.eus niM , . ( M«h;e itn m cr»m,»lt>. '■> SNOW INDUCTION RITES m u4 Aiurt iww OmipM'V bit Jil wash niht. • s, Ul| SOMA PI INITIATES hum, t«»r tinlot 4chmJ twite. TWO NEW kc> yutirttfstc ft n't iifivKcAunc tt» Vila fnwh M«*j t'Ari II "ill; Jll '1^,11, WeUed Huuiitior f. k -.v(M dr>IK.»> tA«t^4iic - s. IMMvK. VO TRICKS COMC v. JVST COSTl/KR TOBACCOS A MiTtlllll lia.1l MICHIGAN STATK NEWS STATE TO FACE KALAMAZOO IThis oo THINCLADS ; '33 = Kea*tTrack JoinsTeam TANKERS BEAT SATURDAY NIGHT; SPARTANS j |hat =JS| ARE TO ENGAGE Athlrtr Lrarrs trvotr Raskrtball Squad Timr YPSI SWIMMERS MM* 1 EXPECT TO WIN EASY GAME ,= OHIOWESLEYAN Thindld.. to Down Aggregation by Coll.gr- by a From Near- Voce I,» pact Spartans to Half Stiff . of I tan of 44-.11 Return of Van Fassen, Star (enter, to l.ineup Will Strengthen Rafllc With Rishopi' Cagers' Attach; Victoria Over Xavier and Meiji Tram. Give Team Measure of Confidence. SATURDAY IS DATE Two Trams Will Mrrl in Loral Gymnasium; Ohio (iroup Plans Rrvrnfr. ' Infra-mural Spnrl- FASi ure r. \ *• K i rnui William HAINES Madge Evans • Conrad Nagel ARThUR Byron • Cuff Edwaphs i:\tim | .. r \BU( KFF HEV EOF I'M: \WOl M M '■ - WEEK-END SHOWS ^ V- J1 BIG SPORT LIST > c\ >. 1 ii ift Sashrtball Gam Mrrl. Trath and Wrrstling Malchrs Planned ENGINEERS ASKED TO HEAR SPEECHES Michigan Engineering Society Will Sponsor Meetings on Thursday and Ffidty. Ht LEARN[li ABOsJl WOMEN tl vin i:k\vi\ - \? ison skirnoi: ri! j T. ." • Ml .11) N j%|M> m She Dared to Love Her Boss Alti Passes on to Equtn# Hoavon Kathleen Norris' ! i SECOND HAND WIFE .a r Sally EILERS Ralph ficllamy McCASLIN • Continued (rum ixmt* 1* IT.e Na- Special TtlXlSDO in i.o\ k at 9! indist'rket at 12! in bad at 3! thi h.-dm .~t ,k,i,° STILL LEADS SCORERS oasttrial eat editorwlup Uoft *« il known ubrnl joutna. Hu> iuckA' wiNk u mamiv centered ENSEMBLES in jail at 6! What a da> Oerakl BooU' MrCfcai.n at- which he ir dirts i • ItiMV tamed Inw supremacy aver hi* teom-' mate# in individual scoring over «h* HP book.* include >uch n ie* an week-end game* agamst uhiveraitv and Meiji of Japan \a let He ' The Mrnca Cou.'fien'lou* Qfejrcu>- The Ctudkngr ».f War In $22.95 has cored a total ol la Cunacwince a Crime * and 'WTiat pcanU The h.-i <1 lu'tvwd tur-Mw for the • Industrial Democracy , Onr of for J-Hop ami VarWit. Arnold Van Fawn though out of pe**4» ... ... H- t'- ursfd In the chair¬ ■ii later voiuin**. 'America's W«\ tire lineup In Ure two gam*» be- I*arl> The man ot reception a* follow* Oov - Arid a* did hi» and Mr* William It Com church ihia on the second Louor* with M point* Pre*i dent an<1 Mr* R }I Wendell Patchctt a rtgu.ar iw- banquet r.k.i I' ** « wmi hi the Fnoec "WtH+ama, St taw Secret an and Mr* H H $1.95 •. aard dropped out of the B»w F\e '"J **t »' the t«.nn . ' lautMnf which hauled a Natladai and IVan Kll^abrth C«n- nearer* u other tap . improve- MOO il* f»n frwt fur u 'ad !\»uoii.« of lire affair wtH'be paaaed him BUI Voodette regular . i.j .. t at ' l» v.. * ,vll Rf field houwe record hcrr Onlnhel and Mrs I) ft ttodnev guard, furnished the other change 1.50 tlw ln>n>e eco- nod »hieh would lie tiw equivalent Major and Mrs C. Thomaa-Nuhk, r cnistn dining ni mm pulled on the pavement Captain ami III* K O Blwnum rocwn WM: afternoon w»* Boennd and tlurd places warr taken and Mr and Mis C. W Witkins 1.00 s.erai meet- by tiw CVeorge WUco* tram. Often- The lial <4 mnu»IUt« chairmen Sp»n4 Km moat rtcMap 14 k—n of • given or-ei" to g) nr malum and the ft F Utnfkv who hav» bren working .75 four lift in,60 tkiill.criMtf team of rurtt. with pulls of S?no and era! Chairman Aamu* in cvanpletiiMi JQhc pounds, respectively H»d carrying out plans for this J- minutca at Fint NhkhmTi laKw Hop luchides Otto Pongrace favors All-Ac tins hit! B« €•• of the fint to -HOLLYWOiri' Mr libera of Sigma F.juulon hono- Cdwanl Kram an thru noaatioaal in KIN AKOi Ni htudnewsadmir.Mraiton aoclety TTcknor. decoration*: Btuart Mc- mm MM— AVRI7S ran- Pu'ii.r-rs and M iicard Clartnce Bi mrnt preddent Galium finance Carl Mitchelj^ar- JO. M BLONDELL < iutm ik-et Bu-aat AtscK'iatKat ,vf of the Novo 1 Ctty on ' How We Can w»«k general meeting of membc ul- L Austin rrjskzr- WALLACI.FOBP