Winter track catltivnl I \rtmiv-inn h\ it orient I Michigan State News EAST LANSINiMHIIH.AN, Till ll.-HVi. I I IlKl'AKV II, I t J Fair and colder tonight with moderate cold wave: Friday fair with moderate SUBSCRIBERS IN "Come to Churcli NEAR SELLOUT Versatile Music Prof. STUART CHASE State Students Get l|EW PLAN GET SEEN IN SENIOR Unfolds Life History JOSPEAKHERE Federal Aid Throutfh YEARBOOK FREE PRfllVi " ixuif! 1 1li\l i Lr TIPKFTC A',hur F,rw'M rwell Composer i* Introduced Author Au,hor end , . mcyt tillidch'v l«UKMJ i Profit-Sharing Policy for Addi Muscott Namr> Marion Bates as lo Students Well Known Economist Will he GOVernmCnt Action tiorrl Subrcriptions is An for Annual it* mi oiiii it Presentation of Art« GI,B 0 Stewart Appointed Serrelary of All S'i nouncrd by Wolvrrinc Cla Formal. In Michigan; F.ach College Allotte .i Courie. Total Enrollment all are eligible programs out friday is famous author plan Rrprrtrnls Third Orifiiul Decorations Remain Secret With Has Had Varied Career; Was 1 Project of Term for Unique Plan Once a Resident of Ynrbook Herds Promised. Mexico. • v LOCAL SOCIETY •a ill U»jrivt-n #1 < additional suhscr: TO GO NATION AL lys in. The title m mediately ami Alpha l.iterarv Will Become ie until Mait ii I Chapter of Alpha F.p (Jabter' a pi a Roadti iter to Make Building of Otreetory Will Stale Hiffcwayt Lets Oa On lalp i-ieaJ Hoabai.d Expensive Prepare Sugarbush For FEHOWSHIP I VNDIDATFS ■bm/ : '">nnt "Ui R.-tber! M Richard O'Dei. e • . #■> u. the Union for and At ah trig (tie book*, The i'jn rsu Ihreetoiy alii tie "ft of r» «e>e ewjrtitny m onlHi* to an announce Annual Maple Syrup Run MUST RFPUK! BY MARt H I «r. Charles K' v ? ao week.. »ftei the begin inrnt from IxmiU Aamua. Mtuden-r P* Merlon Loacocnbr * a,'- tig term the Union wt«i Family D«p t Will A|*ta H«»« .. Omncil preiudrnt Charie* . Ai.Ath of the imioid bonk' tral* an thatributuai <»f the directory u m O.uurn PaUteta Ryan for Use < i rr*ii leering i le-iim fiandied r-, *f»e Y M C A Chai|c •( C«IU|« louiw Ahte The handle** »tll sell for IV 'er.u *rid will br the Prodaction if expertmenu imotvi t in stun* of all local »dverti*er* IdrwUirieK m«y alao be «-t|tiipmcui ahirh it in a t ft. ;»< owner* during 'he aprirur .'urchaaed at the Union dc«* The '»„;»•«<* ugurbuih Will once i»iovc of great value to the produce '> rm aid \m mlti to a wcood hand Inn/yvatfH.A in Un# year a annual tout*- Ucorrw 'in Miter of activity Th»' u" to ho* trust>y bu> i Uxdt deiaier in Ihe tumiwr In** Rchaltmo ,r,g 1 include U>t numbera of all (y ? jitenu and farultv members a mm the #iwfi < ; of maple aap Prep- be kludit ni all praatdenu of honorary uxir- arm'too- »rr ten* made u» tiartg lo fuin« borketa aiv»ut I MM) All mi rpeed -rat :» ■ >! < ».« to Donate Hnsenporlu • Meeting- IxAinte tizard* -at e* and advenmng by «ome tOO buckett .yt tie 'aio tree* ,irr tree in order to fiitrl <*it it Lhete 'Rjen to mem- tne L'oior *r« M C Rather of centtMfcticT; W'i.i> *' of tlie bu*b Althoukh aurne *yrup arc luuutfui reauiu u» U.r tree or if kiuommuon in >u ai. order that Tajorine the 'wo davnporta recent ICTrpp ha* already te*». jiro<]tK««l in Mich- there .% enough increar* in the yiakl alumi in foui v«u* upon the beam ! r a crura T effete - Aomotivs \ donated bv the flirma Nw The hi S«>n Hnnr. T.a. . > i ia>t um>. • prews-e upon (Of mrr- •can thia year tlwe de; hopeful that aomc M D Firnle cava an illustrated Qdera it advisable to wait until the load drawl i.« atu.nei Another axperunent u to be run lo touch with the cooimi'.tev at an early f. rm;i;\*rrm* st orient* under o'her fraternity or poantoiv » aid on wild bird life and Mr Hyre< .'jei of J . laat week of Pebrtiary to oomnwnce determine. >f poMuble. Um» beat type *■ d, re-Won of Mr R<"'» "ry ton v.ix-ity, arttl yoen rapenenee a wave the comnuUee of canted r operation* in order '<■> aaaitrt a high of apile A third a« to Dm yield of ~.:r • -d :br- mar hi* - in 'Me roUe«e Ph; Kisrma laM «m My f tpe-cta: * :■■■• :r< neplea with large topa u which Mi' Plant u. chairman are K tarry A B«l l-l WIHV. rharurirriMar of lh« v>li» Irnl in ihr led aml hi I In* hnuI life ol arhool i. tlinr .ilalio I he. hnr fin- abundant turrit, conn • »illi hciillh. j 1 Htl 1, <1. . of *Ut i unit ill!: LA ST UK; PARTY < >F THK SKASON: tour licullli anil Hrll-bt 11141 ran be »IohiiI STILL A TEW lIOvKTS LETT ibn.ii b> common ron.lipalion. Irt lln- j Mi l III 1 1 • i 1»ul»» 1 M%\'N and MluHo | AMU al suir prcalrtil ailment ran lie corrected uaualb •• . I - I i-.-•! .rr Trso CUrl.fU K»r b» ralittfi u tlrliriou, cereal. loo lablr.pootiful, ibill, of hello**'. A1 I SENIOR BALL d*T' (»StlKUt( I1KIN oill \l I -IIK \> iron. In lltr help promote regular babit- furnidtc. "bulk." liunin B and rnbnol^rai package. Made b Kellogg in Balllr Creek. Rhttenix NtM'k* ART KASSEL Jj < ■'■V.r's," 1j 2 I'air lor Jil.lH) STUDENT COUNCIL Tufbdio. 1 thriury 1.1 and his "Kassels in the Air" la Bottle I ill KTUVS I i •. A r . .< *t 7 3" MASONIC TKM I'LL l.« . «.... • ttol »U4,., PEP. n«, toatln. aaW •»n natiliaHi. tUm uFt. V:m«Mnr,f Mo.l-H rNKctlftt Br»>- •- »T* oPo.Ho. WALK-OVER {'•.-* Bu.v ICfllft — V'.tii" S! I .»• Odn I>- - .-IO,. .->• h.HLj ; MirntrfAN STATR SEWS Pw Three Knssel Plays for Senior Ball. Honor Coeds Are «roup Home Keonomics Rodney, nnd Prof and Mr- F TT. Huh Plans Party Last of Season's Bit; Parlies: S W„ L. Entertained By Dean of Women Ti,kts (haw' I'raft of ice Houses For Nexl Tuesday DoroMiv Smith ;■ chairman In SJ5T5 Many Smaller Kvents Follow BULLETIN Hi.- J tome Krttnumn - rjuh hoard Rettv St..v.• Jane Shu-a Anna Virginia Ifurlev. Mav Chllds anil Conrad Fetes 41 Freshman Girls Who Attained "B" v t \ / wh at. no sl'rinc. MR. wkathkrmw? Vearjiiv Coeds First in W. S\\ Immint; A|<»ot .'■V..' ■Vphomrn I'l.• Sfcnni Wit?, Valentine Motif Va:, :V'lV • S*niOM 'IF-H % CX» f. W ill Feature at test Tuesday Garbo May Be Secret Fast Mary Mayo Visitor in East Lansing Co-ed \lhleles '" mjmhvi \m n>« , nkt in sti hem? Pick Teams t or \\ \.A, Activities ,1," '.'I. to Partiripnte ' in ^ ^ ''i" i t.M i .. R"! and Vniiexh.ii . '!■ n u Sphinx Formal 'RED' DRENNAN AND 1IIS ORCHESTRA ATI IM>.\Y. I'l l: "I LEO BROW WELL BARKER \\I) BEAI H SHOP 11i'• 11 Ballroom !&* r1 The best tobacco for pipes comes from Kentucky.. and it's called "White Barley" WrF(•ranger use White Hurley in making Rough Cut. It comes troni the Blue Crass region of Kentucky ripe, milii leaf tobacco that just about — tops them all for fragrance and flavor. From the right place 011 the stalk we select the kind that's best for pipes. Then wc make it into Cirangcr by Wellman's Method and cut it up into big shaggy Hakes. White Butlcy tobacco—made the way old man Wellman taught us how to nuke it - that's Granger. "Cut rough to smoke cool" is the uay pipe smokers describe Granger—try it rangertobacco the pipe Rough Cut that's MILD the pipe tobacco that's COOL $ iW4, Lwotr' «r M>»» f >> _folks seem ia his # f)j MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Thursday, February 15,19?* Page Fo\i,- at the Union desk at $3 i>er couple.. ILL REQUEST CO-ED DEBATERS and Mm Plnfell. Art Department Master of Manv Trades REVEAL SPHINX The military department wishes to Coach O. J. Drake ' ~ 8. T. C. has announcer! Entertains AAIIW announce fhnt the co-ed riding that a negative team of Miss Blair WIN, LOSE TWO class will begin on Feb 17. at 9 u. FEDERAL HELP FORMAL PLANS m The faculty riding class cart¬ ed Feb 10, at 3:15 p. m. Williams and Miss Doris Reber w. meet Central State Teachers' n lege at Mt Pleasant on Thursda- •A" All students interested in entering Affirmative and Negative Teami Feb. 15, at 7:30 in the evening. Com i FOR STUDENTS Patriotic Theme to be Carried the interpretative rending contest Drake has also announced that or. Tuesday. Feb 20. a negative team • &d' Out at Affair Set for February 24. should communicate with C. II Nicklo of the speech department Cash prizes will be awarded the win¬ Split Honon Ypiilanti. at Miss Claudine Burkhardt and Mis Viva Richardson will engage a tean Plan Widespread Campaign In ners in both men's and women's con¬ from Michigan State Normal coll.-;. , in the Little theater in the home tests which will take place simul¬ National Education At the intercollegiate debate tour¬ economics building. The propor¬ taneously. nament staged at Ypsilanti last Fri- tion for discussion will be Resolve.; Project. 1 W V will I da\ a Michigan State college wom¬ That substantial gran'- be giver, r Jt' TO HEI.P PAY Tl'ITION en's debate squad broke even In de¬ cisions won and lost In this con- the federal government for the pur poses of elementary and secondh: education as a settled policy. Th# IV Committee Proposes I Jar of ■ Wa bmcton th' The Offl.ers rlub. V n • the of opiwsing squad met only No. 1 teamr colleges The ufTirma- debate will begin at 7:30 p. m nr.: will last one hour. Hie public tr.e team composed of Miss Lela invited free of charge Government Fund* to Operate Mulligan State rollegt white and blue eol Keener and Mis.*. Francis Scullin Schools A ho. those respoiiMble for the defeated Michigan State Normal of the millturv ball Ypsilanti, Dr Scott of Wayne uni- ADVANCED RIDING CLASS versitv judging Ti. the second round NI'M YORK (VSFA) TO COMMENCE FEB 15 Reali Kidman and I)r an' The advanced equitation clasc : oral i ■ • r. i Mr 1/ s Kb iv junior and senior advanced cava I.. ,.r M i • students will star- February 15 '! Ml II II IfalladHV following men have been nelec, for the ilas seniors—J Drkke: PROF. TELLS OF Diiwn|x>r R Dickie. A Kircher R. Hari-.s. . D Meinzinger Scherrer H Nelson M Pellegron. iperial ent« Bredahl. F Haas ! MALADY CURE Juniors- W ed Judging i AK1 III It I ARH'KI.I. %T WORK In Till *TI DIM e* 'la. F"rb 11 Mi > Wil - Humphrey t; Underwood R W. s ' Mu-s Richardson m« • an M W et work of Profmior 'hart- n.a-nu ve team from Adrian col- The two or three best riders u.. f)r W I Chandler Publishes Farweil associate pr<>- ful If k» tiaternit. enter jumping rlasses in the R < ■ MOST TICKETS SOLD home economics building T C horse *how Report on Amebic Dysen TO GREEN PASTURES' tery Remedy. Barratt's Shoe Repairing SHOES DYED ANY COLOR SHINES ... LACES — POLISH available for the Frid.r BELOW III KI»*S Patriotic Theme BAY TO SPEAK FOR Meeting Friday FORESTRY CLUR Better Position , , Moving Picture* and Exhibits to I COLLEGE Yon Can Get It Accompany lecture an.I ollffri' ynuliiat. - a ill earn two BULLETIN i . S'X.WYol Hun.liv.l- ..f ..thers -iilan I." next year YOl CAS i I a i a.iffi I• i. rr . . aia! helj.tul xllKIP'-! e»hs will i.i .-tamp (Teurher* a.lrlri -- l.H-pt. T 11 i * i CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY. Inc. V Vj T is 1 > Downing Cmcrs the ENTIRE Cnited States St. Denver. Colo. t l'1 r,: mer .1 ■ .2 tin OF l'l\ I TURKISH TOBACCOS ) ALUMNI OFFICE reason PREPARES LIST Mudonts Whose Parents Al terdrd M. S I Aikrd lo Register Noon whyLuckies taste better, smoother M tn I urkry i only flic finest tobaccos " u ari sclciinl for Lucky Strike—the mtl.l- leases, the delicate, the i c-i next most i .ir.uiutu . Lucky Strike i» the world'* larg¬ est user. 4 fine I'urki.litoliac. os. Then these tender,delicate I urkish lease- are blended ssitli elvnee tt.iecei ■» front our ow n Siuth- Liai— to make your Lucky Strike a ciga¬ fm th* IhtmimJ Unru-Sht* rette that i- fully packed—a. round, so firm *J tkt free fr. lit! I.*we end-.That'* s» livLuc kies Mrtrn$a*ml>prr. ll Allan ^auor J4 fvjoihv ImHU-OOO ikn arv kank'. Aatt* m Miiun M: Mwrmood MtM« - ■« TpjlarihlfiTi 'Ai»: '"aiolvu Murdoch Cream of the Crop Always the Finest Tobacco and ; c it Rtrhur •' OtVtl V* <•>.«. •Im Jr 7J Ru'li »<#»»* W. lia.: f RoUr - Xiwaii It,it*-. ao AllJ.u: fcvo- .... only the Center Leaves aLmt+mmr tjgT Ac bUtd*^4l«B'm Itkii MuiWo M'. Ivobcrt Track Carnival Will Draw 100 of Stated Athletes Fourteenth Annual Track IPR0MINENT ATML£Tt5» j SPARTAN TRACK The STATE MATMEN In Anual Meet FENCERS BEAT Carnival Starts Saturday1,, ™ - SQUAD SCORES SCOREBOARD Spartan Sports at a filance MEET CORNELL F,6,"ar"27 IRISH. PURDUE Afternoon in State Gym BROiiANT WIN Itv HICK MVILR Iowa School Puti Five Veteroni Against Collin't Sparlam Wir Easily On Trip; Glasi and Bristol \ arhitv sports thcul 100 Athletes From Eight Michigan Colleges In Compete ' Secondi. "*£?"!£?? XE ' SET NEW COLLEGE MARK H ADLININti thinSpartan State wetk-enii' .i sport rant fur Mkhiiran «• ■ • »•:'iw' will 1m» the fourteenth annual indoor track carnival i,. hi in the fymnaaium Snturd.) afternoon chwr jfortooi Prrforoi Well at Wert . h. .... Virginia Relay . veiling with some hundred athletes, representing eight trai inuprroiWia:. r • l • ,gan colleges, here for the competition. ciiamppi i. u. • *:i.> Lanuvai. I ,.ams from Michigan State. Western State. Michigan .. t?*'V 'r'J \ 'rv ,1. Wayne university. University of Detroit, Hillsdale. to. and tlrand Rape r college will he entered, -•lartans head the list of with ahout 25 men Naw Starling Hula FROSH FIVE REATS . v to compete. Western ill send 211 men. w hile Annual Michigan CENTRAL STATERS gan Normal and Wayne . r-itv have entered 11 G' lock Roce-.' Lead State Attack; Entire Squad Sect Servtr- NEW WAY TO WIN NATIONAL SPORT SUMMARY 11% TOM O'BRIKN Order of Events » 11 kmoon i hm* STATE YEARLINGS DEFEAT DETROIT Fro«h Ci|rn Tahr Aacwoi Rivali Srroad Tiar TWit >car (ampus Barber Shop ETCHINGS bv Stoplight WELLS CAGE LEAGUE GETS OFF TO START ARE YOU SELLING OR BUYING? "WHEN A FELLER Or Have You Lost Something? if mi NEEDS A FRIEND" FH 1NTERCLASS LOOP £ GETS UNDER WAY t Faculty Bowllno o... Hold Joist Meeting ill* Mprtiic Fir at light Write a t lavsilied At eav $1 CASH!! When you're handed the raspl hire your honey . . puff av groutl) with genial ttki«.«.s lis s. vory prime tuba* cos ue tempered and for Each New Subscription of MMMinnl h»r years in the wn utm * .jm. . wu La tr. 90. mmtt , of u< a vunu Thaw 01 *"• . .IlllOU be Monday lb. I ptoUadi of Malt V»> i Kac.aert mi lurtKuUd. in thu. imlM rwJLn New. -i rri* AS* Brima rL us 1*1 i» TJI -m - n» feag ***** TV-mS. uy* ftf<& ghfaPBH.w * - . fj Utft*. Thitfdav. Ff4>rtw»ry IS. lOti nrrnTTfiAN STATF VFWS SPARTANS DOWN DETROIT U. Spartans to Meet Titans MICHIGAN BOWS Cage Scoring in Return Engagement TO "STATE FIVE BUYSSF. NEARS 100 MARK at Detroit Saturday Night HERE. 33 TO 36 Mauricn Buvmr and Bob Hrrrirlt like I'id r e Rnlr* In Victory Victory Mark. First Timn Sp»'- 0»rr l»**troit llniversity Mi-n La.t N ■ !• Pi«»n Booted hv |,n, Have Beatm Rflernn for WFH M.-n Arf. Voir Tied at Iti All Wnlvfs T M BOYSSK LEADS SCORING last Five Minute Rally Proves to be Downfall of Visit ing Cagerv FROSH TANKERS BEAT BAY CITY Two New t ieihman Rerords Set by Spartan Yearlings. "Just .i Boxmci Ring' t | STATE TAKES TENTH BUttcTte* thai 5j . *rt * Co the Chesterfield cigarette thtfs milder • the cigarette that tastes better