> STAT E Wednesday Colder. Inside today . . . . and v a r i a b l e c l o u d i n e s s . Selective s e r v i c e , G y m n a s t i c s meet, p. 3 p. 4 i• MICHIGAN High in the upper twenties. Pre- c i p i t a t i o n p r o b a b i l i t y 20 p e r cent. E a s t L a n s i n g m a i l , p. 7 O p e n housing o r d i n a n c e , p. 9 STATE UNIVERSITY F e b r u a r y 1, 1967 10c East Lansing, Michigan V o l . 59 N u m b e r 117 2 AIRMEN KILLED Flames gut space simulator SAN ANTONlO, Tex. (f! — Flames fed on Like the Apollo 1 capsule at Cape Ken- The Air Force sent an investigative Inside pressure about seven pounds per board to determine the cause. square Inch. pure oxygen swept through a space cabin nedy, Fla., the inside of the simulator was The victims were wearing ordinary engulfed by the fierce flames. A spokesman said the airmen were in- simulator at the School of Aerospace Medi- "medical whites," a spokesman said. "Everything inside was burned," said side the space cabin simulator to monitor cine Tuesday, killing two airmen inanac- Glascow said the airmen were taken Lt. Col. T.A. Glascow, public information the activites of 16 rabbits, which were the cident similar to the one which killed from the cabin within five minutes of the officer for the school at Brooks Air Force subjects of an experiment to study the ef- three Apollo astronauts only four days blaze. Base. ' I t was gutted." fects of pure oxygen on the animal's blood. ago. Although not connected with the National One of the airmen died Tuesday within Flames reignited in the simulator four Aeronautics and Space Administration, as The sealed cabin, which bears no resem- an hour after the fire, and the second one hours after the accident but were quickly the Apollo project is, the School of Aero- blance to the size or shape of an actual died five and a half hours later at an Army extinguished. It continued to smoulder. space Medicine has been called the hub spacecraft, was under a pure oxygen envi- hospital here. The names of the two airmen were ronment and had a simulated pressure of of the Air Force's research into the medi- Both men were doing maintenance duty withheld pending notification to next of 18,000 feet altitude. That would make the cal side of space flights. inside the space cabin for an experiment. kin. Student leaders certain U.S. seeks military win By K Y L E C . K E R B A W Y was at the meeting, said, "We weren't State News E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f "There is no doubt that surprised at what happened. There is Johnson and Rusk want no doubt that Johnson and Rusk want peace," he said, "but the question is peace. But the question WASHINGTON—After meeting with Sec. of State Dean Rusk Tuesday, representa- how thev are going about trying to get tives from 37 universities said they were is how they are going it." about trying to get it." convinced this country was dedicated to When questioned whether we are close pursuing a military solution to the Viet- to peace, Rusk indicated that we know nam war. at least that Hanoi realizes it can't take The student leaders were from among South Vietnam by force. the 200 persons who signed a critical letter sent to President Johnson, Dec. draft a third letter, to be sent to Pres- Rusk has said once the North invading ident |phnson. the South, South Vietnam will elect any Protester against protesters 30. "On the basis of what we've been In reply to their .first letter to John- form of government it likes, including told, we are convinced the government son, which was eventually signed by 200 Communism. However he doubts this would is not committed to a political settle- student leaders across the country, Rusk happen. ment," said Ed Robinson of the Uni- suggested that up to 45 of these people P r e s i d e n t Johnson o f f e r s con- A man who i d e n t i f i e d h i m s e l f as Josef M l o t - M r o z of S a l e m , arrange to meet with him. In discussing the problems of bringing versity of Michigan, after the meeting. dolences to M r s . Betty G r i s s o m M a s s , chained h i m s e l f to the White House fence Tuesday and Of the students selected for the meet- about negotiations, Rusk said the admin- "Rusk confirmed many of the mis- i stration ha s already agreed to abide by any d u r i n g funeral s e r v i c e s f o r h e r t a u n t e d c l e r g y m e n who w e r e p r o t e s t i n g the V i e t n a m w a r . P o l i c e ing by heads of an ad hoc committee, a s t r o n a u t husband, L t . C o l . V i r - givings we had when we arrived," he solution the United Nations suggested. cut M l o t - M r o z loose and drove h i m away in a patrol wagon. 18 were designated to meet earlier this said. Hanoi has categorically rejected two of gil " G u s " G r i s s o m at A r l i n g t o n UPI Telephoto weekend at Dunbarton College, At that The students were convinced the gov- three proposals made by UN Secretary N a t i o n a l C e m e t e r y T u e s d a y . Be- rime, the 18 drew up a second letter t;jri/-=*-«> in -with the U)HAT ARE VOI) 60IN6 TO DO AFTER WORLD 0)AI? I 15 OVER? LITTLE BARNSTORMING..., personalized service nQ O of Louis e LIGHTERS • KEYCHAINS Q I 623 E. Grand River E . Lansing Plus Other fine Jewelry JEWELRY m ART CENTER 319 E . G R A N D RIVER 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Wednesday, February 1, 19 REPORTS DISAGREE I > A I > \ *• I }/\ i) Rebels' citadels Peking 0 . I v> \ ¿vu r TOKYO U P ) — R a J b Peking said Tuesday Mao Tse-tung's threatened to seize Red China's nuclear base at Lop Nor In the south If Maoists try to take tion, and like all reactionaries, they will never lay down their butcher knives." through sabotage and stikes In Tsingtao. With Tsingtao's reported fall, Mao's propaganda machinery called for the formation of revo- lutionary committees of peas- forces " a r e taking by storm one after another the citadels" of his over the provincial government. Mao's forces now claim to con- ants, students, workers, soldiers Nttül These enemies, supposedly led enemies, but so far Maoists claim Quoting "reports reaching the trol four cities. The others are and intellectuals to take over by President Liu Shao-chi, ap- Creative writing control in only four cities. And Star," the newspaper said Wang Peking, the big port of Shang- city governments in the power 53tofiB8#SifiMHI broadcasts admitted trouble in made his statement at a meet- parently were striking back In hai, and Talyuan, the capital of struggle. the northeast port of Tsingtao two of these. ing with Gen. Liu Chang-ching, Shansl Province next door to on the Yellow Sea, which earlier Resistance has also been re- Far from Pricing's control, the political commissar of inner Peking. broadcasts said was firmly ported building up in the country- The u r g e to w r i t e in all that s m o o t h white snow p r o d u c e d such notices as t h i s such areas as Slnklang Prov- Mongolia who also is believed to seized after a battle Jan. 22, An official New China News Agency dispatch reported re- side. Quoting Chinese arriving one all o v e r c a m p u s . T h i s a p p e a r s on south F a r m L a n e . ince, Inner Mongolia and parts be bucking Mao's purge. sistance in Shanghai. It said pub- from Canton, the Hong Kong New State News photo by Bob B a r i t of Manchuria are still In a state Radio Peking, quoting an arti- A Chinese-language broadcast lishing houses and print shop Life Evening Post said 100,000 of rebellion against Mao, and cle in the party theoretical jour- said that despite more than a workers In Shanghai, at the in- armed peasants had been re- resistance is reported wide- nal Red Flag, assertedthatMao's week "since power was seized stigation of a "handful of reac- cruited In rural areas near that spread elsewhere. enemies are being "battered Into in Tsingtao, a handful of per- tionaries within the Shanghai mu- South China city. It said Mao's sons In authority are continu- LBJ and courts differ The Hong Kong Star In a re- port unconfirmed elsewhere said Gen. Wang En-mao, anti-Mao confusion." But it added; " L i k e all reac- tionaries, they will never be ously attempting to counterat- tack." The broadcast Indicated nicipal party committee," sabo- taged the publication of Mao's pictures and books were being destroyed in the villages near Canton. on droft boss of Slnklang Province, had reconciled to their own extinc- Mao's foes were striking back works. reclassification The Selective Service System order permitting men convicted Government lawyers argued ANNOUNCING INVENTORY of violating the Selective Service that the students had not appealed grabbed national attention Mon- law to be paroled for duty in the within the Selective Service Sys- day, as the Judicial and executive armed forces or civilian work. tem, which, they said, includes branches of government took . The appeals court expressed channels for appeal and review. somewhat different approaches to a similar problem. reluctance to intervene in Selec- In its decision, the court said The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled tive Service matters but said that the local boards involved had de- that the punitive reclassification this policy must give way when clared the students "delin- SALE of war protestors by local draft allegations are made that the quents" without authority and boa/ds constitutes a threat to draft boards have "unlawfully that the students had not been freedom of expression. suppressed c r i t i c i s m . " indicted, tried or (.uiivlCTed of this The unanimous decision by a offense in a district ecnrt. three-judge panel reinstituted a The students involved, Peter lower-court action by two Uni- Wolff, 29, and Richard Shortt, 22, The case now goes back to Fed- versity of Michigan students both of New York City, took part eral Judge Edward C. McLean, seeking to block their induction in a 1965 sit-in outside an Ann who last July dismissed the stu- into the service. Arbor draft board. Their student dents' bid for an injunction deferments were later changed against indictment and their ac- At the same time President Johnson signnd an executive ro the classification 1A. tion to void their reclassification. At Campus Book Stores Today, Thursday And Friday Shop Tonight Until 9 P.M. Not Picked-Over Or One-Of-A-Kind Items ... But An Inventory Reduction Of Our Most Popular Merchandise BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS AT OUR 507 EAST GRAND RIVER STORE Entire Line of Fill Your Shelves With Paperback And GENERAL ELECTRIC Hard-Cover Books NOW! • Tape Recorders Our Entire Stock • Clock Radios • Stereos (except textbooks) • Radios Reduced from 20% 2 0 % - 50% REDUCED AT OUR431 EAST - GRAND RIVER STORE This Means Everything 2 5 % SAVINGS BEST SELLERS MODERN LIBRARY REFERENCE CURRENT & CLASSIC FICTION ON SELECTED CHILDREN'S NON - FICTION TYPEWRITERS Last year, thousands To Write With of lawyers, bankers, SWEATSHIRTS & SURF SHIRTS accountants, engineers, Buy an ARROW Cartridge Pen doctors and businessmen at $2.95 and NOW SLASHED TO went back to college. receive a FREE $1.70 value ARROW ballpoint 1/2 PRICE And not just for the To Write On football games. SHIPMATE RAPIRASE ALL SIZES - POPULAR COLORS W e ' d like to clear u p what appears to be a Center in Princeton, N . J . Selected employees are sent there from all typing paper - misunderstanding. It is somewhat popular Yi OFF on campus to decry a business career on over the country for a year's concen- B A R R A C U D A JACKETS ( b u » & Beige) the grounds that you stop learning once t r a t e d s t u d y l e a d i n g t o a master's you start working for Cliché Nuts & Bolts. degree. That idea is groundless. Y o u get the idea. We're for more learn- REG. $14.72 - NOW ONLY $9.71 Selected EATON'S W e can't speak for Cliché, but we can i n g i n o u r business. A f t e r a l l , W e s t e r n for ourselves—Western Electric, the man- Electric doesn't m a k e buggy whips. W e stationery stock - 40% OFF ufacturing and supply unit of the Bell Sys- m a k e a d v a n c e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s equip- tem. 6 out of 10 college graduates w h o have ment. A n d the Bell telephone network will Many More Item» Too Numerous To List joined us over the past 10 years, for exam- need even more sophisticated devices by The Department Stores For Students ple, have continued their higher education. the time your fifth reunion rolls around. How're these for openers: T h e state of the art, never static, is where W . E . ' s Tuition R e f u n d Plan lets em- the action is. ployees pursue degrees while work- CAMPUS BOOK STORES A t Western Electric, what's happening ing for us. Over 6 thousand have at- is the excitement a n d satisfaction of con- tended schools in 41 states under tinued doing and learning. I f this happens this plan. W e refund more than $1 to appeal to you, n o matter what degree million in tuition costs to employees you're aiming for, check us out. A n d grab a year. a piece of the action. 131 EAST GRAND RIVER 507 EAST GRAND RIVER T o name another program: advanced engineering study, under the direc- tion of Lehigh University, is con- Western Electric MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY UNIT Of THE BELL SYSTEM (Across from the Union) (Across from Beikey Hali; ducted at our Engineering Research Wednesday, February 1, 1967 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS BASEBALL Jordan may start Top authorities tonight ogoinst Irish for MSU clinic By G A Y E L W E S C H gram as will two MSU students now competing in professional By D E N N I S C H A S E S t a t e News S p o r t s W r i t e r ball. his sophomores this year, and it was a wise Associate Sports E d i t o r decision. Forward Bob Arnzen (6-5) leads the Mike Marshall, MSU graduate The weather outside is hardly team with a 22.8 per game average. 6-8 Center assistant, who has competed for If Richie Jordan starts in tonight's basket- conducive to thoughts of baseball, Bob Whitmore is second with 14.6, and 6-2 six years in the minor leagues, ball game at Notre Dame, the Spartan lineup but that will be the one and only Guard Dwight Murphy is third with 11.9. The is scheduled to give a presenta- is going to look like Johnny Puleo and his topic for discussion when an es- rest of the lineup consists of forwards Tom tion on certain aspects of hitting. harmonica gang. timated 200 high school and little Caldwell and J i m Monahan. Larry Jaster, who tied a major Benington, who lately has been experiment- league coaches congregate at league record in 1966 by throwing « lng with his Spartans to get more scoring punch, Leading rebounders on the team are Whit- Kellogg Center for the MSU Base- six consecutive shut-outs against has indicated that he may start the 5-7 more ar.d Arnzen with 224 and223. Also,George ball Coaches Clinic Saturday. the Los Angeles Dodgers while sophomore. Jordan has seen action in all 12 Restovich is a possible starter at guard. This is the third such clinic pitching for the St. Louis Car- Notre Dame has held opponents to an average for Spartan Baseball Coach Danny games the Spartans have played and has scored dinals, will give his presenta- of 77.8 points per game. The Irish use a zone Litwhller, the second which has 27 points. tion on pitching. or man-to-man defense, depending on the team featured guest coaches from out- Jordan's height, of course, is his chief dis- they play. The Irish have scored an average of side the MSU organization. Join- Karow's speech will be on advantage, but Benington is counting on Jordan's 81.3 points per game. ing Litwhiler on the program will baserunning and offensive play, be OhioState's Marty Karow, col- while Wren will discuss "The Little Richie speed, deft ball handling, and an accurate out- side shot. The Spartans, winners in three of their last legiate baseball coach of the year Keystone Combination" and as- four games, will start Matthew A itch at center, after taking his Buckeyes to the pects of the double play. Pellerin Jordan has a good jump shot and quick re- Lee Lafayette and John Holms at forwards and NCAA championship last season, will discuss bunting. actions. His passing skill makes him dangerous Steve Rymal, John Bailey, or Richie Jordan at " F r o m what we heard from and Bob Wren, highly respected on drives toward the basket. He'll look oneway, the two guard spots. Benington said he may R i c h i e J o r d a n d r i v e s a r o u n d a W e s t e r n M i c h i g a n d e f e n d e r . O n l y 5-7, J o r d a n m a y head coach at Ohio University. those who attended the clinic last fake a shot and bounce-pass the ball to an open shuffle some players, and, judging by the per- s t a r t in the S p a r t a n - N o t r e D a m e g a m e tonight at South B e n d . MSU's Assistant Coach Frank year, they wanted to hear more man. formances of Shannon Reading and Rymal last St med to, accomplishments, you'll have the satisfac- tion of knowing that you used your head to •jir get ahead. wía.'Me iifßdiejUue. netítÁsmefyi ^ír«És> jiutdjunes For her most i m p o r t a n t rings . . . one lovely tf*í art síwr-Utfh M¿catikn*itk «¿¿ht trúklf*. iM. d i a m o n d held high in a magnificent The McDonnell recruiter will show you how à míLj xírmt- De amtíf— m o u n t i n g of boldly textured 18 karat gold. W i d e , dramatic w e d d i n g ring to match. A b o v e , your degree in science or engineering can JméuijUtímif! flaired design to wear as a p y r a m i d help you get where you're going. Be sure to or hourglass, $475.00. Below, chat with him when he's at your campus tailored pair $430.00. placement office on February 8 and 9. A hot lunch or dinner at the M a t c h i n g man's ring available UNION CAFETERIA Convenient Terms MCDO/V/Vi is a necessity! P.O. Box 516, St. Louis, Missouri 63166 A Y e a r To P a y JEWELERS An Equal Opportunity Employer basement of the UNION A.S.M.S.U. Spring Break Trip 121 S. W A S H I N G T O N GRAND BAHAMA HOTEL AND COUNTRY CLUB GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND $ 00 86 ROUND TRIP FLIGHT DETROIT TO WEST END GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND $13050 FLIGHT, HOTEL, and transfers GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND 3 in a room $ 2 o i 0 0 FLIGHT, HOTEL, transfers, tips and gratuities 3 in a room Overshirt $15 FLIGHT, HOTEL, transfers, tips, gratuities Field Ponts $18 $ 2 5 0 ° ° and MEALS Further information contact BRAD MILLER Cardigan $18 DIRECTOR STUDENT TRAVEL Stalk Skirt $15 ii^ji^M 355-8269 or 332-0866 Lansing East Lansing or come to 335 STUDENT SERVICES 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 1, 1967 Here's your application for the 13th Annual National College Queen Contest I w o u l d like to submit the f o l l o w i n g name for The N a t i o n a l C o l l e g e Q u e e n c o m p e t i t i o n . Kindly mail full details a n d a n official entry blank. MY NAME AGE (or, my candidate's name) ATTEND (or, my c a n d i d a t e attends) (name of c o l l e g e or university) AM ( I FRESHMAN I I SOPHOMORE I I JUNIOR I I SENIOR MY MAILING ADDRESS (or, my candidate's address) (no. a n d street) (city) (state) (zip code) I o b t a i n e d this a p p l i c a t i o n w h e n it w a s p u b l i s h e d in:. (write in n a m e of c o l l e g e n e w s p a p e r in w h i c h this a p p l i c a t i o n a p p e a r e d ) If y o u a r e n o m i n a t i n g s o m e o n e other than yourself, p l e a s e sign your name in the space o p p o s i t e . The entry blank w i l l be m a i l e d to her. MAIL THIS APPLICATION T O D A Y T O : N A T I O N A L COLLEGE Q U E E N C O N T E S T C O M M I T T E E P.O. Box 9 3 5 , N e w York City, N . Y . 1 0 0 2 3 Deadline: This newspaper application must be received in N e w York City within 10 days from the date of this issue. You can win more than $ 5 , 0 0 0 in prizes a n d earn recognition for your school. It's n o m i n a t i o n time a g a i n ! C o l l e g e s in all 5 0 states d i d a t e s a r e j u d g e d on their a l l - a r o u n d a b i l i t i e s . . . from London to Paris to Rome. She'll w i n a w a r d - a r e n o m i n a t i n g their c a n d i d a t e s in the 13th A n n u a l t h e y ' r e q u e s t i o n e d on current events, fashion, h o m e r o b e of the newest styles, w o r t h $ 5 0 0 — and her N a t i o n a l C o l l e g e Q u e e n Contest. A n d the time is e c o n o m i c s , c a r e e r g o a l s a n d the like. o w n car, a b r a n d n e w sports convertible. She'll right now—the nominations close soon. discover A m e r i c a — t r a v e l l i n g from N e w York City to 5 0 state winners D i s n e y l a n d , including f e a t u r e d a p p e a r a n c e s at the Send in your name—nominate a friend Rose Bowl G a m e a n d the t r a d i t i o n a l Tournament of Every state elects its o w n C o l l e g e Q u e e n in A p r i l . Roses Parade. Lots of girls send their o w n names, so d o n ' t be shy! As a state w i n n e r , y o u ' l l c o m e to N e w York City ( a l l Freshmen, S o p h o m o r e s , Juniors, Seniors — all a r e expenses p a i d ) for a 10 d a y visit a n d the N a t i o n a l Enter Today eligible.. A n d a n y o n e can make a n o m i n a t i o n . . . Finals. You'll a p p e a r on a N a t i o n a l Television Spe- campus g r o u p s , fraternities, sororities, friends. Just cial, a n d a t t e n d a reception at the U n i t e d N a t i o n s , It's easy t o enter, fun to nominate. Take a minute fill out the a p p l i c a t i o n blank. theatre trips, b a c k s t a g e visits with B r o a d w a y stars, right n o w to fill out the a p p l i c a t i o n yourself. A n d a n d the f o r m a l C o r o n a t i o n Ball. h o w a b o u t y o u r club, fraternity or sorority nomi- Not a "Beauty" contest nating s o m e o n e ? Remember, this is not a t y p i c a l M o r e than $5,000 in prizes " B e a u t y C o n t e s t . " It's for the real g i r l , the all- Those w h o entered last year will tell y o u that this is neither a " g l a m o u r " nor a " g e n i u s " contest. C a n - The n e w N a t i o n a l C o l l e g e Q u e e n w i l l tour Europe a r o u n d girl—it's for you! The National College Queen Contest is sponsored by Best Foods: M a k e r s of: Bosco M i l k A m p l i f i e r , Best Foods / Hellmann's Real M a y o n n a i s e , Best Foods / H e l l m a n n ' s Dressings, Karo C o r n Syrups, Knorr Soups, M a z o l a C o r n O i l , M a z o l a M a r g a r i n e , N u c o a M a r g a r i n e . Sk p p ^ Peanut Butter, N i a g a r a Spray Starch, N u S o f t Fabric Softener, Rit Tints a n d Dyes, Shinolo Shoe Polishes a n d W a x e s . Best Foods is a d i v i s i o n o f the C o r n Products C o m p a n y . • 1 H • 1 1 w o u l d like to submit the following name for 1 The N a t i o n a l College Queen competition ] I • Kindly mail full details a n d an official entry blank, i 1 I MY NAME AC*f • 1 ." ATTEND _ • I 1 AM 1 1 FRESHMAN 1 1 SOPHOMOtE 1 1 JUNIOt 1 1 SENIO« • • 1' MY MAIIINT. AnntFU 1 • h H • 1 • n • • • • 1 1 ( c o u p o n for bashful girls ) I I Wednesday, February 1, 1967 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan N U T H S U l à m IM»* (J_J Asia said havmç tx E. Lansing mails still snowed' cultural renewal selecting the university of their newspapers are again able to be An American Universities m Handicapped postal delivery sible to get to the mailboxes." own choice. critical. Field Staff member who recently caused by last week's 24-inch Krider said that several of the /IP CSBÍ returned from two years In Sing- "Indonesia is in the midst of an Ten years ago Indonesia was snowfall may continue until early city's trucks are still snowed apore stressed economic and cul- intellectual renaissance," Hanna producing really distinguished next week, according to an East in, and the small snow removal tural conditions In Singapore, In- said. He has spent a number of works, and now she is on the Lansing postal official. equipment the post office owns is donesia and Thailand as he spoke years In Indonesia, but left eight point of revival, Hanna said. »hongs " B u t there is going to be " W e have only four trucks out not sufficient to dig them out. here last week. years ago when there was a " W e ' r e asking for a contractor add®' i Vs shake-up in the Sukarno regime. serious trouble there," he added. today, instead of our usual 19," William A. Hanna touched on said postmaster A. Ray Krider. to do the job, as soon as pos- Many of the artists and intel- Indonesia Is a wreck. It is ap- military matters as well, saying, " W e don't have any in the rural s i b l e , " he explained. lectuals were thrown Into pri- palling and tragic, he said. "Even Mail from other parts of Mich- "Singapore views American under a good government Indo- areas where roads have only one sons. strength in Vietnam as Insurance Most of these men have since nesia will deteriorate. " T h e 3 lane cleared, because it's impos- igan and the midwest has been slow since Thursday, Krider against Communist Chinese economy ha s been reduced to total been freed, he said. The writers overflow into the Malay region of said. ' T h i s is lucky for us, or have begun writing again and Incoherence." we could really be in serious Southeast A s i a . " Students trouble," he said. " A s it is, we don't have much of a back- While there was some opposi- tion to the American presence, Neither rain, nor snow.... Hanna said, the Slngaporlans log y e t . " F r e e U. p l a n s c o u r s e plan TR Most of the mail is sorted and realize someone must substitute ready for delivery, Krider ex- for the leaving British whose plained. Anyone whose mail has military base protected the port not been delivered to his home since Thursday is welcome to . n o r a n y t h i n g e l s e can keep the U.S. m a i l f r o m c o m i n g through e v e n t u a l - r e s u m e d and t h e s i t u a t i o n s h o u l d be back to and provided approximately 10 per cent of the Island nation's a b o u t m e n t a l illness honorary pick it up at the East Lansing Post Office at 327 Abbott Rd. l y . R e g u l a r d e l i v e r i e s have been n o r m a l soon. S t a t e N e w s photo by Bob B a r i t Income. A course concerned with the most convenient to those inter- There has been a rapid and theoretical and practical prob- ested in attending these sem-1 With the pending establishment impressive buildup of American lems of mental Illness will be inars. Any Interested student of an honorary Television and air bases and m i l i t a r y forces and offered this term by the Free should notify Linden In writing Radio dept. organization, every HONORS COLLEGE SPONSORS over 10,000 Americans are sta- University. James Linden, a doc- whether Tuesday, Wednesday or Art rescue drive to begin career discipline on campus will tioned at Udorn, he said. toral candidate In psychology, Thursday at 7 or 8 p . m . Is most have fraternal affiliations, ac- Hanna described as bright the will instruct the course. convenient. Linden can be reach- cording to Mike Meyer, Scott- outlook for the nation which was ed at 1991 Lake Lansing Road, Issues related to this subject, ville senior and public relations expelled from the Federation of such as psychotherapy and the Haslett, or 109 Olds Hall. director of the proposed chapter Malaysia because of its overseas effect of cultural differences on of Tau Alpha Rho. Meyer said an organizational ask W1C (Women's Inter-resi- tatively in classroom and office aged pieces. Chinese majority and difficulties classify, and care for the dam-" between Malaysia's leaders and the form and prevalence of mental illness, will be discussed. Stu- ÍARÑÉSFLORALof EAST LANSING meeting will be held at 8:30 p . m . By D O R O T H Y L A S K E Y Premier Lee Kuan Yew. He cited dence Council) and M-1A (Men's buildings on campus. dents will be expected to have For Flowe-s today in the Tower Room of the Seventy per cent of all the the improvements being made State News Staff W r i t e r Hall Assn.) for project support read Thomas Szasz's " T h e Myth Fresh orvd Union Bldg. Students from around the world 13th century paintings were des- in housing, education and public and possible hall contributions. of Mental I l l n e s s . " Fash -onable He said membership require- Next week Honors College stu- are working for the restoration troyed. The greatest single art health. Other organizations may also be Linden would like to offer the dent board members will begin art masterpieces. loss was Cimabue's " C r u c i - Speaking on intellectual trends ments are a 2.8 grade point contacted. The committee chair- of Italy's course at the time and night 215 ANN ED 2 0871 a two-week student fund drive fixion." in quantity of loss, books in average within the TR Dept., and man also said canisters will be American and European students post-war Southeast Asia, a 2.5 all-U average. for MSL's Committee to Rescue placed in the library, and ten- have gone to Italy to sort, took the highest toll. Hanna said the area is exper- Special For M.S.Ü. Students it's what's happening Mey„er said invitations are be- Italian Art (CRIA). The flood claimed lives, prop- iencing an Intellectual and cul- ing sent out to the 60 students erty, and set back the Italian tural revival. The art group, operating under currently eligible for member- economy. The damage it caused informal affiliation with the Special Offer ship. to art objects not only affected He urged MSU to aim future Michigan chapter of the nation- The MSU Broadcasters, a club the cultural heritage of the Flor- projects In Thailand away from This ad is worth $1.00 on any al CRIA,has not set a specific within the dept, produces and entines themselves, but the heri- the City of Bangkok, to Chieng campus goal. A fund drive among directs Gamut, a weekly variety A n n o u n c e m e n t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d b e f o r e 11 a . m . tage of the cultural world. Mai in northern Thailand near pipe purchase of $5.95 or faculty members ended last week. the d a y b e f o r e p u b l i c a t i o n . The restoration, estimated to the Chinese border. He said the show aired over WMSB Satur- Pictures of the paintings, fres- more. day mornings. take at least 20 years, is aided intellectual ferment Is there, not coes, books and sculptures dam- Meyer said plans for Tau Al- aged by the floods in Venice and MSU Promenaders will hold the graduate school of fisheries by CRIA funds which are used In Bangkok. kWe have the most complete and wildlife. A committee will to train personnel and secure pha Rho include a spring banquet Florence, Italy, last fall will an open square, folk and round be formed for the waterfowl sanc- materials for the projects. The Thai university system has selection of pipes & acces- featuring a name speaker from be set up in the first floor dance from 7-8:15 tonight in 34 been expanded there, he said, T V and radio. display windows of the library. Women's I.M. Tryouts will be tuary project. Refreshments will The Michigan chapter ofCRIA, and Chieng Mai also has a better sories in Central Michigan. be served. reaching toward a $50,000 goal, climate.. Nationally, theTR Dept. ranked The process of restoration and held for all prospective dancers. Stop ini MAC'S • * • • » • Open behind the University of Cal- the work and money needed for was cited recently for contrib- Hanna called the Thai educa- Students for a Democratic Mon. - Fri, nights ifornia at Los Angeles (UCLA) it will be depicted through il- Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" uting a major percentage of the tional system highly centralized. Till 9:00 and Syracuse University in New lustrations in the display. originally scheduled for Sunday Society (SDS) will meet from total funds collected in the United Students are assigned to a par- York. He said the MSU grad will be shown at 7:30 tonight in 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. In 31 Un- States for the art restoration ticular university rather than The student drive committee, ion. work. school, ranked first nationally, organized by a group headed by 33 Union. The film is sponsored • • • concentrates on mass com- Candy Schoenherr, Sturgis jun- by the Student Religious • • • Liberals. munication study. " T h e Hush Puppy „»Story" will ior, plans to have an information be discussed at a Marketing Club Meyer said the school will be booth and a contribution can- The Fisheries and Wildlife meeting by John T. Hart of Wol- moving out of the Journalism ister set up In the Union by Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in Bldg. and into the Union Bldg. the Natural Resources Bldg. Club verine World-Wide Inc. 7:30 to- Monday. night at 115 Eppley Center. as soon as the Communications Miss Schoenherr said she will R o o m . The meeting will concern ; fUauruea offices there are moved into Ked- zie. over- D O W rntdj 2j0U0? - night If you're a '67 Grad... 313 E. Grand R i v e r , East Lansing case YOU'VE GOT A DATE ANNOUNCING OUR Feb. 8 & 9 SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF OUR FAMOUS L A B E L CLASSICS IN HOLIDAY PASTEL COLORS with the Man from Dow If you really want to do something, be somebody Available in the following colors: Clover and use your ability, you won't risk Pinil, True Blue, Fresh Green, Peach Fuzz missing this one. and Buttercup. Regardless of y o u r f i e l d — Chemical, M e c h a n i c a l , I n d u s t r i a l , Electrical or other disciplines of Engineering, Chemistry, M a r k e t i n g , Business A d m i n i s t r a - tion, l i b e r a l A r t s — if y o u like d o i n g a n d a c c o m p l i s h i n g , chances a r e there's a unique spot for y o u in our d i v e r s i f i e d research, d e v e l o p m e n t , m a n u f a c t u r i n g , m a r k e t i n g or r e l a t e d areas. SKIRTS This is O N E DATE you'll w a n t to male* — a n d K I E P I Wêîss m SUITS Contact y o u r Placement Office t o d a y . If y o u c a n ' t see the M a n f r o m D o w , c o n t a c t : Director of C o r p o r a t e Recruiting !• wi< SLACKS DRESSES.. THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY You get one with every P.O. Box 6 2 8 Midland, Michigan 4 8 6 4 0 BLOUSES . bottle of Lensine, a l o c a t i o n s in n e a r l y every state in the c o u n t r y a n d t h r o u g h o u t T-TOPS . . . OFF removable contact lens the e n t i r e f r e e w o r l d , w i t h major m a n u f a c t u r i n g l o c a t i o n s in: carrying case. Lensine. by Murine is the new, C a l i f o r n i a • C o l o r a d o • Illinois • I n d i a n a • Louisiana • O h i o • M i c h i g a n • Texas all-purpose solution for complete contact lens care. A n equal opportunity employer SWEATERS It ends the need for separate solutions for wetting, soaking and cleaning your lenses. It's the one solution for all your contact DOW for contacts lens problems. Wednesday, February 1, 1967 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE.NEWS ^ P S^QW MOBILE FOR SHOPPING? C L A S S E E IV * ï*.. CLASSIFIED 355-8256 DO YOUR SHOPPING THROUGH CLASSIFIED! 355-8255 For Rent For Sale Personal Service FURNISHED, DELUXE, near post STUDY DESKS, DESkS, small chests, WHEN THE ALL Farm agents OlAPBft 5Eftvlc£, Lansing's fi- LBJ a s k s with 3 office- Short term rental. roll-a-ways & bunkbeds. New say: "Ours is best." They mean, nest. Your choice of three types. Garage. ED 7-9566. 5-2/2 and used mattresses—all sizes. "This is all we have to offer." Containers furnished, 'no de- low CO'/ Graduate and Married Students Study lamps, typewriters, tape Shop at Bubolz Insurance and posit. Baby clothes washed free. Gl benefit WANT AD recorders, metal wardrobes, choose from 20 companies like Try our Velvasoft process. 25 BAY COLONY portable TV sets, large selec- Central Mutual. BUBOLZ IN- years in Lansing. BY-LO DIA- Employment APARTMENTS tion new & used electric fans. Everything for the home. WIL- SURANCE, 220 Albert. C-2/2 PER SERVICE, 1010 E. Michigan IV 2-0421. ~ C increases • AUTOMOTIVE Automotive 1127 N. HAGADORN LAUNDRY, CLEANERS, Pay less • EMPLOYMENT TEACHER: PART time. World Now leasing 63 units. 1 and COX SECOND HAND STORE, for the best. Wash - 20£, Dry - BRIDGE CLASSES startingFeb»- VOLKSWAGEN 1958. Extras. WASHINGTON UP) - President • FOR R E N T literature. Certified. Reply - 2 bedrooms, unfurnished. 509 E. Michigan, Lansing, Phone 10^. Suits cleaned, pressed - urary 6th. Basic, intermediate, Needs valve job. $125 00 or best Johnson laid before Congress • FOR SALE Okemos High School. 337-1775. Close to campus, shopping IV 5-4391, 8-5:30 p.m. C $1.50. Slacks, sweaters, Sport supervised play, duplicate. offer. 355-1198. 1-2/1 Tuesday a package of money- • LOST & FOUND VOLKSWAGEN 1^59. Paneled 2-2/1 center, downtown, and bus BICYCLE SALES, rentals and coats - 75>489-«4M administration, management, will be presented Feb. 16-17. TODAY . . . at least two days prior to the sure the proposed ordinance will economics, and all majors of Both movies will be shown at 7 date of interview. be taken out of the committee of F r o m 1:00 P . M . ADM. SEASON COUPON OR 50* AT DOOR the colleges of Arts and Uetters, and 9 in the Fairchild Theater. Tuesday, Feb. 7: the whole meeting (o be aired for Communication Arts and Social Latin American melodies ar- FEATURE AT 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 Bell Laboratories: all majors public opinion. of the College of Engineering, Science (B,M). The committee of the whole guitarist Alirio Diaz of Vene- rive with young classical LIFE: A S P L A S H Y , S U R F - S O A K E D McDONEL KIVA FEB. 3-4 CURTAIN TIME: 7:15 P.M. physics, mathematics, statistics Raymond International Inc.: Box Office Exchange Dates (Use Conrad Hall) Feb. 1-2 is made up o f ' a l l the members zuela. His concert, at 8:15 Feb. S L E E P E R . . ' . y o u s h o u l d not m i s s i t ! and chemistry (D). civil and sanitary engineering (B,M). of the commission. It meets be- 24 in Erickson Kiva, is spon- J.I. Case Co.: electrical, "BREATHTAKING!" IBox Office Hours 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. and one hour before curtain time on fore each public meeting to dis- sored by the Asian-LatinAmeri- —Newsweek mechanical, civil and agricultur- Square D Co.: electrical and performance nights) mechanical engineering (B). cuss all items that appear on the can-African Series. a l engineering, and management (B), personnel (B,M) and labor Stouffer Foods Corp.: night's agenda. A Faculty Exhibition opens "MAGNIFICENT FILM. and industrial relations (M). hotel, restaurant and insti- tutional management (B,M) and If the commission approves the NOT TO BE MISSED." BROADWAY THEATRE Crane Co.: mechanical, chem- ordinance, it will be recom- ical and electrical engineering, home economics (B), and all mended to city council in time Judges wanted —Harper's Bazaar De i Endelss Slier at MSU metallurgy, mechanics and mat- majors, ail colleges (B). for consideration at its next Union Carbide Corp., Con- Students interested in joining erials science (B). meeting, Monday. sumer Products Division: ac- the All University Student Ju- Environmental Science Ser- counting, business law, insur- " M o s t of the councilmen have diciary can obtain membership vices Administration, Coast and A BRUCE BROWN FILM IN COLOR ance and office administration, seen the ordinance, and while petitions through this Friday Geodetic Survey: all majors of E X T R A ! C O L O R C A R T O O N . NEWS economics, management and I cannot speak for them, I think from 308 Student Services Build- the colleges of Natural Science SAT. "WARNING S H O T " marketing (B). they approve of i t , " Bopf said. ing. and Engineering (B,M). Grand Blanc Community United A i r Lines: all women,i NIOaHAM INFORMATION • 482*3008 » Schools: early and later elemen- all majors (19-26). •CHIPAN tary education, art, music (in- Xerox Corp.: economics, man- I TODAY £*fef¿LADIES DAY fom'i&Sj"'' AM strumental and vocal), physical agement, marketing, accounting, advertising, communication, FEATURE AT 1:00-3:05-5:15 education, language arts/social studies, mathematics, physical speech, journalism, psychology, 7:25-9:40 mathematics, and business law, 3rd Week education, science, music (vocal) (B,M), counseling and Insurance and office administra- ffartrt for " A L F I E " guidance (M), art, business edu- tion (B,M). F e a t u r e presented 1:00 3:05-5:15- 7:25-9:35 cation, English, industrial arts, Yorba Linda School District: BURT LANCASTER THERE IS A ZING IN THE LANGUAGE social studies (B,M) emotionally early and later elementary edu- cation, English and mathematics handicapped, special education LEE MARVIN • ROBERT RYAN • JACK NUANCE I AND A ZIP IN THE PACE...Y0U ARE 991 Type A, nursing (RN), speech (B). and remedial reading (B,M) and Monday - Thursday, Feb. 6 - 9 , RALPH BELLAMY ^„CLAUDIA CARDINALE psychology (diagnostician) (M,D). City of Detroit, Civil Service GOINGTOENJOY'ALOE'VERY MUCH. Naval Investigative Service Of- fice: police administration and all Commission: accounting and all majors of the College of Busi- The PROFESSIONALS IN m a j o r s of the colleges of Edu- ness civil, electrical, mecha- Written for the Screen and Directed by R I C H A R D BROOKS COLOR nical engineering, chemistry (B,- cation, Arts and Letters and 'Michael Came gives a Social Science (B). M), nursing, medical technology, BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS 3 DAYS 6Ä'ALFIE' BUBBLES brViant performance." New Holland, Division Sperry political science, psychology, and WITH IMPUDENT - B e d boo* M i » « ine Rand Corp.: agricultural and statistici (B), urban planning and ONLY! mechanical engineering (with landscape architecture (B,M) and forestry (B). TODAY . . . F R O M 7:30 P.M. HUMOR AND RIPE farm background), dairy, ac- counting and financial ad- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT AT 7:40 P . M . ONLY MODERN WIT!" 3 as ley Crowther, N. Y. Timet ministration, economics, man- Tuesday, Feb.. 7: OROUCHO-CHICO'HARPO agement and marketing and Stouffer Foods Corp.: hotel, transportation administration restaurant and institutional man- A thirty-ring c i r c u s of PARAMOUNT PICTURES presents (B). agement and home economics. laughs, songs, girls, spec- tacle. THE MAD MARX BROTH E I f GENERATION BROTHERS run riot at the by W i l l i a m Goodhart Presenting this Saturday: Opera—mixing a thousand /V NIGHT Tues., Feb. 7 high-jinks with the high O P E R / V ^ H Special r e s e r v e d seat 'Classical Blues of the 2Ts & 30's' C's. a d m i s s i o n to f u l l - t i m e * featuring* AND . . . c¡x rrm -i