• lure Turfu Michigan State News I" • \||< I f I<; A N. TM i NEWS WILL RETURN TO SEMI-WEEKLY WINTER TERM MUSCOTT PICKSSluarl Chase Declares SCHALLIWO HAS Will VOTING BEGINS GROUPS TO RUN Capitalism Dead in 1929 LEAD IN DRAMA )n NEXT MONDAY GIVEN TONIGHT Tuesday, Friday Writer, P SENIOR AFFAIRS at r a i i e f | cvrlt'w Attitude On | Power Age Wn.hm. Will W Held nn An Id-al Hu.h.nd .. Plav hrrnaaad Advert.,m» H- Marrh 5; ElianaalKHn Plan- Anruiil V»nn PuM.tihr CHci-r tor Premutation by nrd f« Tkariday ActlVlt** I beta Follow in Alpha Phi finals ARE MARCH 15 MMEfARMVAi MFAI) TICKETS ARE 25 CENTS PafclxatiMa Hnda Will b* i f.r.do T> *,11 Hantlr All Pleven Are Featured in Work ( hmra ia All-Cnlle(r f n I An anve.nmts tor of Owrar Wilde; Curtain EIKIIMI. it at Fight P M 11. annual all-ci.lli-yi- . which the heat | a 111| M il 1 |> 11, claim officer • JOURNALIST IS ■ r- .nations for the cla NEXT LECTURER will la* conducted I. ; Mfh ntsW th.- »la — Frederick Snyder W.I Add." Student, nn Art, ourie Tuesday. *U,.h t, SOPHS LAUNCH *"* New Signature* This Term TICKET SALES .• -i u»:.h i, am. Annual Par'v Will Featwrt e W • y serine manage r. <•!,< and Air ORGANIST DIES B*rH Ntm^ering Fourteen Mu»r,»n, * W 8 Home I : W A A nftw w.Ii . OF PNEUMONIA L. L Renwirk Mntir in at M S C Four > Succumbi i •a V* the board Urtk* t<. serv. i -rui PRODY SPEAKS • r Prrahrr.« i. * AT AG BANQUET ... .dent eoun« d m ■u.' ' t . u board •« < c farley and Drake Receive Ac tivitiei and Scholarship Awards. » * '4 the » . ALUMNI MAILING FORMS STARTED Offer Yearbook Refund or* not nvrr*' 'mn to Srniori Thit Mot listed for • r >r I appear * ■ r*i,.j Farwell Has Ingenious Way of Publishing Music Brilliant Profenor DupUvi Re wurkabie Energy and Yer r"i Sphinx Draws Flans For utility in Work FRV TO PLAY SWL zB New Etiquette Classes PARTY TOMORROW > »v .t van *mr r«l by Oeorc *■ Alr-d, Sk«t-~d by Sba. >i.irW! A Clw" - " ' •none en, C >■ - • «-» *r Ewli m**n ■ i . Takrt, ur I " Arr I «r*»M ' ■A 'he xHtaig team* re- * -wed * awtiftrate of aer*** tior. *.■ .• ' »«n Anthor.r mua*r.al POtfervinc tor pr«arnUU(m rA -he pi* v. .'tone tea/r,.* Ar thong announced W . • -* winner* . h Louu - Dr»»e he wrote and . -co * km ! when r>* peopi- er.--. -r "" 1 * ^ '• - — * mi the winner A \hm award «t*en mmj» paper* *.• t faae cat fy.v. ''•» «>*>« V-.ets new wiember* «er» 'he aenior I he Oe« arhol- Tort U« »- * - a*, hr . httt of mai Dc A. *«»*' T, f averse for '.he tow at ax?. - TT.ti\ fna*> TV iawr nwrfc Arodv wat of *nh your corktaii : -f* • nwimrt id the « ate t** heraoe » r*- rarfaat** ;ndoeted were C v *mrd -r »wu onl tAv ilttery '/ :;a . <--«■ UMiiinei WwcwMri W T k tildraaa Of the r'.'U4l !' ww .rfw- dav ._• a n* . a.* y S'* '■ rtiq.y-Thwip AMm jimiars C Bent..r. • •.]> piaiwv^: a.* Dr tuner* witter »»* nwn«twd ttg, a ■ :> V4-W* r.u*-tu T J vmiah| brveraae serve aa a . . « CHI Aim MAS fltE troop your aoup aw *»*.* is 'js» rj . a', estate u .< *♦ w Ijinge Deiroi forth the word . J5*r. be !R*d* Or Of^ahy and I* * w ha UMH fca Usui11■■ u am, or a k rec^ar*wae»: rear — _ — -— . — —_ ... . _ * TiAipsvini la aSmi root «-w «hro idonuu . .roup ■* tm f u r.p^wa ua. the trij*.*:*». a har. fMttd at Hur.: a wherw the — i*ntm & um peoc^ 4 son mapowtr au- ;a« •r4as Sw *\u P." ,f* nu Cla Amm aw M nm younrif w.ir .»;rnr - ua •»: -mm m to wa* - - norarv tniUate* ease sowerr I«T-Aif flfwrh rwae ' fenacto* taae R-t .m to Boo W:i- oapw:^ aid « • • - uep » so* fta vne x&ac\u?jx y v, 9*. -ua Mtnai or , cixu-md r**n whrr r*' ra ■ m-i - :n »ard» f"»;» DnTwukM ciiihhouae sajwhn/fc — - wf-i "* I fatorthr iarwer ^ and the other* prwarnted pwpers --t« VViapenau Houm ?cli(in Intercut Starts - - h The V.' Spartan Mcrrv-fio-Round Hi Till HI H Hill Mil II II i >t *■;. Too l.ittlv Intrant in Srh clinfi Stmtent tiffin i ,«! l'ollr«ritir Ha- Inr'ttN'w 4Hh.nl \ ETCHINGS hi Jtn CAPITAL PHOTO ENGRAVERS I III r t 1 Ihp/tiiin \t (fieri »t (aoiifis In t'lninh \ih (flint ( I In i A • Teddy's Retreat I J SMliKKS .mil SWEETS • a In lb. mw (>M ru.r * a ••••••«•••• Sugar Huah Retarded iu rani ro* Hll'( OA I: UKAIIV 'V Front 27 links .... ONE STRONG SYSTEM f Cut -;ilrtli Presentsthe NEW on |*n K. • Svvt: ZOTOS i Jpention s »n the hands <»t >4 associated ten phone companies — each amine J to the area and S21MI v rv Scientific research and manufacture »»♦ aj j ai . PIRMANENT 'a** '.icJegoted to Beli ! cir phone l-altontfones a Western Klectnc. C o-ordinal son i»t ail System i!te«w;.vMiwi Kav. ttisrt Stand |k>» 1.,-roM LoOIC! ^ genaiae Kve-nharp at Pern tlf A per.yd th v- fcvtoei it function of the A lekp Hai iiionizinir n«s dm* a Uut it- Him K i t Louie »tni urn. Mar holds 4 inch lead • lasts 4 times s m and lekgraph Company. tHitaom ItstHirmg Hats irpcvts give thr ;1 on itw rteht I hanks to the skiftui teamwork ot these ina: M*. grtp. Made of yet black jft-raLn Heil System units, you can taik to aimpst an. on red ink **U- _ _ p^ .r anywhere, anytime! to fcoid esrr-i m:C» - s.t.y.j - .s"> the only pencil LI Tt «.lOK«.» with special reveruble eraser tea , :w « Wertl w«» rrreitrd UlK im tor*. All in «U. compares with the BHLL TELEPHONE SYSTEM mh1 hearts it! the >nt that t.reur IrHlnklc finest dollar pencil made' M Vi imos. "lilt II.,I V. ,, ,; BAliRER and beauty shop rmghh huuked The little Ud« mo.M til M * t. H(. i» nan In X MinnoAN STATF NFW ; SparlJin U omen s Lesiiriic l*;»rtv Thespian Trot • '#r v-t,:, ' . The Renlor Prnm Featuring Nate Kr>'s Orchestra Interesting Exhibits Seen Societies aft plated ry .• • ».•», /hromnun Is Distinctive . ■iyl . • ,r,. of the Of'h Headlines Week's Social Kvenls In Wolverine Show Case •r-K -,-r' 1 i / *■ r't :e' '.-impon rharv- fly JIM <|l I I I II Projertt Worked in Conjunction I'll! m I I % I lit t % With I pp»r I L«e» and smaller alt' r evers pipe. *1 hat makes rr hands to < arrs. And I put in a want to word • eirO'cn < o-c«U for the fohatio while Im at it. \r<■ loHurO'il Into firangcr ktips A pipe clean as a W. \. Thur-fl;i\ whistle, and man, it is tool. , jJ(,( "I u,nit to ut) GntNgtr /> //as/ iihfjut thf but lobtjno I iltr imokid." ranger Rough the pipe tobacco that's MI LI) Cut the pipe tobacco that's COOL -fiH' seem to tike it filancing Hack Programs In Spartan Annul* Attend the lehmarr 1%*.'. - Crowley, will ■benwtti tit Hotel »rr.\f Slate cttrr.(< «- • Bhrrnui i. i • : «*• ;tie» *C SOPHOMORE PROM ... ■u! plav for the Qobstuuvd '-nctkon of tlu- vmk-n .! more Prom on 8a'.u:d.. the L'ruon Irfceman 2J 1*4 with | The Fxawtai so.t'1 •ntertaioed friends Solaria - •••/*- % rr M-*. -t >•«' CHARLIE AGNEW roruuderabie amusement The wjiwa *.tc weil recessed and ehcare* fre- (.ar:.' Between *b» a- % fcUBrr.; menu were iersed by the usher* r<>j x ta Sherburne rom- The rr.dVefe t»A- f «e*erai cl«e frtun f*m:w At f*ne * the Michigan Slate col- time an hour more lattuld have de- JV '' t c ion unor \m n - ,.r-fd 'tie r-n' f-rmM. Laa*. ; -o Thursday army heaa,— *•11 be truuferred in Aug' . ;-.oal was hauled froen the e4l? tr. of- and His Band IMday and tem;>»nirn>- re¬ ^ w»r college at Washing- came on lieved t/.e -utuatjon Masonic Temple "-■ ■" JUlf and drawn* up thr ,"*4.' • auulity lor parucipafiot Mi Pin I>1 acts Tkr« March 9 actlrtuea th* special lac- ttoautg* appointed by Prwi- Decorations . 1 * R 8 Shav announces that Tfcrsa nrs nsambrrs * r. r -a: - Tax $2.50 . rigidly enforced Ruling ed x.'o Us Hbi Ipallun oaiaaial t J':/* * Will be enf-arced nus. .'a :• aar, :;u.i Fr.uar »vnr.- ary l«. Th« S'.ris^ inducted C»wer«dUyn M J Thursday, March 1, p»r: MICHIGAN ST A'I i NKW3 Ha'hawny Hanes. n Rrftdnnh- . SHORT COURSE "'!! r<"k*!:' A EM INITIATES State Theatre College Paper Asserts C/ub on Russia Students Are Not Lazy STUDENTS GET FOURTEEN MEN Prediewi. [fit! DIPLOMAS FRI. Formal Ranqiirl 11 Given in By Firil Niehter Penn Blame State on Collegian Place American Lduca Union (or New Member* of Mutrc Honorary. • mvhtkhv tn mk v V JI Graduation Extrciatt to Bo Hold R'tj Tomorrow in Little Theatre. PrfHenlinR . varied speaker* , one , of the most H title (,'tv Montgomery and theatre. Friday and Ratur- I .ending Robi-I-I I..! Pli/aheih Allan rd r Spartan program* of mml,. „r,f, 118 CLOSE TERM WORK the year. national Alpha Kp«ilon Mil. honorary musical fral. rnilv. Mil n'fnrmnl in Mvierv at the Dead police comes r,w mate theatre rot i»■ nrst inn **iehi«..., n,, ,inrV it- tin Women's , .. . . . t B'*I I I- very inlrlKuiriK full of pn itiation lind liHIiqind for mv(rry and ha n Mirpriw ending ,if. Pro® ram Cln*r Tv1 Ha v to League i fourteen new members in the which defies comparison unh other f;ii With Baronet and Party main dining room of the myaterv play- i»»» ' nitrlil .J^'l* lY".,",".„ H'T "" Speakers Shaw, Prof on incliifled President Robert S the program mtivles slne< Ralph Youhk. 1 "o* •erlenrc Minard I heme from the Mlrh CENTER LEAVES I OR f""1 A. A A DEMANDS MORE SEEDLINGS Nursery Methods Revamped h\ NfH Srfd Drill I ((IM V i i ilh I MO.SLN i turn IttiikUin: fainted *• i*'j- :*Uw> of t&t Gt:*.Ken*:- Co: imitation l»ttkCi v - i. 1>: C'oodt'insad twitwd Lui. Ph.D. titr:in choOUb- I Mil sclav, Mali li 1, 1ll.'td Mll llKiA". MAlK .NhvVS r*g* five INDUCT TWELVE COLLKCJK RESULTS GIVEN nikDestroys S*etaR BULLETIN Bacteria OFFER TWO NEW MILITARY GROUP INTOBANDCLUB ON FEED TESTS According to Prof. Bryan SHORT COURSES HONORS INITIATES Ba.krlhill Coach G*t. ;r nation Followed by Formal Heatmi and Sewage Will I!" Ordeal nf Informal Induction Hor.e Department End. Three ,or B,« Til" l n"' »•"'»»'•«»« Cain. Re Banquet in Dinini Room Year F.iperiment Tried W A Evan.' Studied During Varatinn End. With Banquet. on 24 Colt. Column i.av. < iunt Ili'la .hill i Chi HLSriN A Sit fEWART SPrAK Af PORT HURON Ant tin r mill, I it,Mil ... GRIZZARD RESIGNS Dietit ian to to Home l Talk i ( loli Wells ENGINEERS TEST TO GO TO VIRGINIA League INTEREST I.AtjtilNti NEW RAILWAY TIES Kesearrh Assistant Will Work at University t A Miller finds Re-erforced Concrete Tin Safer. CttV ( (HM'K'ITK I uther.in odeni- BILLIARD MEET Baker Brothers Cleaners OPENS TONIGHT l.adify' Plant I): . - i • ..rirl r Stale Men Entered Ir In lerrolleiiate Tourney I Kill ( In.nicd and I< 50c HOII) HORSE SAI L HERE M< n'- >uil«. and Ow'frn.tt. hurt birr NO 1934 peach crop mums ( leaned and 1 *r«—• I I «<> t>arm< 111- 50c I I a ml' i i «>lb*rl and t lark ir«hl« AG ENGINEERS out to Baker Brothers Cleaners at it. -uixlac V|..imU« and fwr d. DISPLAY SKILL lunch LIBERALISTS PLAN VA K OKU.IN A I E La*I Uaunf OTIIE.K^ f o| I.OVA Short Courte Men Put Knocel M A e., . r,.m rv.lrr TO ORGANIZE HERE edge to Practical lie In CAPONE BEST KNOWN Conleat. Idea Outgrowth of Stuart "WHEN A FELLER is AT 10 p.m. ( base Lecture ' k. to eat at night. Only ' ■' *. Don't burden s««»ir with bran fa ,.e-. • e. , Always frr.h Ah u re t.n.t ? IK Csa "polar. Wade hv k' o in Battle W tiumiii »f Indwi. a L-rofrMM at Barratt's Shoe Repairing I>eJaware They will hold tu. wt> a gaper SHOEH DYKI) ANY COLOR j t re SHINES — LACES — POLISH *w vrtry atv*.t A da an Upwuiur RKL4IW HI mrs Better Position « V Ym Caa Get It Iowa Has Portable ScUol Ifuruirndn I.f tiiOben. ntuduiiK nad cidkfe qrncuoie. *u! e*m '.»«• N.sF A I m* h "*I*Ae 4/ed oidmre or n or* thinnummer. SO CAN VOL'. ... * • ill Hundnvl. of,. -.her, ~U Offering tkiiiur<'r -School ure • better :»mtl„n urnl i Wiieri* * on Urgar nnLry fop neat year A Hi I AS . i •* f'T .' a- weriLs next July 1H5 ONL '»r THF.V *•. Credit t» ui-.rr f k :ie« course bn maileiI « rwni1 of a thru* ,»nt Cmnphrte ' Iwrmutkm a/ ,| helpful yupaee* a > iv;, otutc rmtacie* * io tfpuai All other, add ran* l*»! s.» eta** tTcaahota tMrr-- Orf T 191' exjtrr.fi*>. :*.«><* c'md of rltrfpAUk »A»4 Ji>«»tej--k ir»>® a* ite a; j art ttmted CONTINENTAL TEACHERS ACENO Inc. , i "7.t» Oreai Wa*ii» atlajit-ua-i OUkrr rugfcU*oi> Co«r."tkl*E.\TIRE Unitai Sblee ' SuhMl OMaln You may »ir* ua your vacancia* at our if «p«cd U urgent. V-u a 01 meise umpfeu, free air mail within M iwur*. vvolkkoLial rauut. : , "Spartans Wind Up Great FENCERS CLOSE To Play at TANKERS WILL SOUTHERN TRIP SOME DRUBBING GAMES LISTED MlfHIflAN Basketball Season; Win GREAT SEASON Rninbow HOLD BANQUET I AT I-. Twelve, Lose Five Tills ,, nd Bristol Have Fine Ska inn Winds up Willi Defeat Games Scheduled for Slate Y'-t on Stat at Hands of Iowa Baseball Nil"* in Buystc's >hol l.nvnln Saturday Nighl in Chicago; Mar Swimmers. quell'- Hangs Drtibhinv! on I ravelling Stale Five in W»s ronsin. 411 to 1 ll: Close Season Saturday FRATLOOPIS UPPER CLASS MEN NEARING CLOSE NATIONAL FAILING IN LOOP Sigma Nu, Erlcrtin. S A. E SPORT SUMMARY Frosh and Sophs Have Better Are Winner* I a*l Attendance. Week TOM O ltltll N Patche'.t Honored msB •1III THI«TR> HOI SE OK I'RKVIEWS" I KHIAY AND SATI RIMY Firs! Showing in Michigan! BOTANY DEPARTMENT DISCI AYS MISTLETOE ROBERT MONTGOMERY RAINBOW RFCRFATION Mystery of Mr. X Sl.irrin;* l-.'h/;ihrlh Allan -! ' I• \A Mn\|l\\ \Ml H KM»\\ BlIV • r I r •Nlll VIDUA' 1 V You hear a lot today about balanced diet .. and there s something too in the wav Waac> arc bal- anctd that makes a cigarette milder and makes it taste- better. (iftktud Onell((jkt( I keep coming back to that statement on the hack j MM tiHiNKMHE ENHTHIRSDAV ' of the Chesterfield package— Flaming Y outh Dances! ©fSTERFIEtD V- warm and human a »t«r» a. ha. roar In thr mm f imily »>th ultram.idrrn idea*—and a father Gga*ettf.S »hu a mii-l ua* Ik* piper' Neter in hi. career— am a balanced bond including "Kaipalio " OF tHt fine;" a*c\<*' c ••Stranger'. Return" and TuteiSH tobacco and Dinner at Etchl" — ha. tme choicest of seveial l.uwiel Karryawrr |hn ame«:can VaRi( (S .urh a mari rtnux perform L AS I Ml M IES bonded in the COBBtCT f«cfo»tion to bung out the iin.tR quauties oe each tobacco. Chesterfield IS SIM- Wc believe you'll enjoy Chesterfields and we ask you to try them. IEAVD rti pt rr THKLMA TODD --- PATSY KELLY —the cigarette that's MILDER -the cigarette "SOUP AND FISH" that TASTES BETTER CARTOON AND TRAVRUMH't