s Tuesday NEWS Cloudy... Inside today . . . today w i t h the high in MICHIGAN CIA supports fund P.J the m i d - 2 0 ' s . No s n o w is e x - OSU beats c a g e r s P.4 pected. STATE Fre« university popular P.7 Oscar nominations P.10 UNIVERSITY E a s t Lansing, Michigan F e b r u a r y 21, 1967 10c V o l . 59 N u m b e r 131 Me Ñamara Questions Oil Depot Bombing WASHINGTON i.fl — Secretary of De- last summer to have been reluctant to authorize the POL attacks, spelled out his fense Robert S. McNamara has told Con- views to the senators. Asked whether he g r e s s U.S. bombing of North-Vietnam's . . the strikes against the petroleum storage believes the cutoff of oil would have a sig- oil facilities has failed to stem either depots will not have any significant effect on the nificant effect on thewar, he answered this the flow of oil Into North V ietnam or its way: delivery southward. flow of mm and material to the South." "This Is a second reason why I felt last He said also In secret testimony made year and feel this year that the strikes public Monday that there Is no evidence against the petroleum storage depots will that increased attacks on any of the present Despite his report, McNamara insisted not have any significant effect on the flow futile the highly publicized raids last targets in North Vietnam would prove more that the aerial offensive has been success- of men and material to the South. They a r e June 29 against oil-loading docks and successful. ful In terms of its stated objectives. not going to be effective In stopping the storage depots at Haiphong. Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the flow of petroleum, and if they were, the " I don't believe"'that the bombing up to "We In effect, took out the Haiphong Joint Chiefs of Staff, offered the senators enemy would move it by bicycles and Back- the present has significantly reduced, nor docks for unloading of POL — petroleum, an assessment varying from McNamara's. packs." any bombing that I could contemplate in the He said the bombings put a ceiling on BULLETIN future would significantly reduce, the oil and lubricants — and we have had very little effect on the importation level at the the number of troops the enemy can deploy actual flow of men and material to the and support in South Vietnam. South," he told senators at a joint hearing by the Senate Armed Services and Appro- present t i m e , " McNamara said. "1 would think it Isaboutashlghtoday," he added, "and it would have been if we had McNamara's testimony, which came during closed hearings last Jan. 23, 24 ( A p ) __ U . S . A i r F o r c e f i g h t e r - b o m b e r s p o u n c e d on an i n f i l t r a t i o n - Handout priations Committee late in January. and 25, obviously jolted some of the sena- A L F - C I O p r e s i d e n t G e o r g e Meany p r e s e n t s a news r e l e a s e to never struck theHaiphongdocksandlthink bound convoy in North V i e t n a m M o n - the same thing would be true If we took out t o r s . They had ample reason to be s u r - d a y a n d d e s t r o y e d o r d a m a g e d 62 m e m b e r s o f t h e p r e s s at h i s p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e i n M i a m i B e a c h , F l a . McNamara, in his most pessimistic public estimate of the bombing of North the cargo docks In Haiphong, for dry nrlsed. o f t h e s u p p l y v e h i c l e s i n 10 h o u r s M o n d a y . Thé u n i o n ' s e x e c u t i v e c o u n c i l v o t e d unani m o u s l y M o n d a y to Vietnam, singled out as particularly cargo." McNamara, who had been reported early of b o m b i n g and s t r a f i n g , the U.S. replace W a l t e r Reuther f r o m within its ranks. UPI Telephoto command said Tuesday. Headquarters s a i d the convoy, CONNOR SMITH RACE STILL ON m a d e up of 80 l a r g e v a n s a n d s e m i - t r a i l e r t r u c k s , was headed t o w a r d the Mu Gia P a s s . The pass is a main mountain portal through which the North V i e t n a m e s e funnel men and Trustee calls censure Russia boasts new missiles viet news agency Tass were in anticipa- supplies i n t o L a o s o n t o t h e Ho Chi Minh T r a i l for infiItration south- w a r d into South V i e t n a m . H e a d q u a r t e r s s a i d the convoy was political retaliation MOSCOW (jP) — Soviet Military leaders country's territory from an enemy attack resolutions committee Saturday and put on Monday boasted that their country has by a i r . " tion of Thursday's celebration of the moving along Route 1 5 in North V i e t - By J E F F STONE the convention's schedule for action Sun- developed an antiballlstic missile system Gen. Pavel G. Kurochkin, head of the 49th anniversary of the Soviet army and n a m ' s p a n h a n d l e t o w a r d the pass State N e w s Staff W r i t e r day. that will protect It from enemy attacks. Fruze Military Academy, said that m i s - navy. w h e n w a v e s o f F 105 T u n d e r c h i e f s MSL Trustee Connor D. Smith of P i n - It would have denied Smith any party siles fired at the Soviet Union would never Their statements represented an ap- and F4C P h a n t o m s began a d a y - The boasts were accompanied by further conning claims the tabled resolution cen- support In the future if he again refused reach their targets. parent new confidence in Russia's capac- Indications that the Kremlin has no interest long a s s a u l t . suring him at the Democratic State Con- to vote with the Democrats to elect Don "Detecting missiles in time and d e - ity to defend Itself against missiles armed In President Johnson's proposed U.S.- T h e U . S . con? n a n d r e p o r t e d t h a t vention Saturday was the result Of his stand Stevens of Okemos chairman of the board stroying them in flight Is no problem," with nuclear warheads. Soviet agreement to stop development of 42 of the c a r g o • c a r r y i n g v e h i c l e s against trustee interference in Univer- of t r u s t e e s . Kurochkin replied to questions about the P r e m i e r Alexei N. Kosygin 10 days ago antiballlstic missile - ABM - systems. were d e s t r o y e d a n d t h a t 20 m o r e sity business. The convention broke up Sunday before Soviet ABM system. told a London news conference that the Gen. Pavel F. Batitsky, a deputy de- The resolution was passed by a p r e - considering this resolution. It was r e - His r e m a r k s at a news conference and Soviet ABM system is "designed not to were damaged. fense minister, said the antiaircraft troops kill people but to preserve human lives. ferred to the State Central Committee for he commands " c a n reliably protect the Batitsky's interview with the official So- later action. 1 believe that defense systems, which prevent atta&k, a r e not the cause of the Party officers will meet within a few days to schedule a central committee a r m s race, but constitute a factorprevent- ing the death of people." Kosygin did not explicity reject the Viet protest letter gains meeting to deal with the tabled resolu- tions. High court strengthens Johnson proposal to discuss ballistic m i s - sile development. The pre-resolutlons committee's move was a surprise tactic, Smith said. " I The argument used by Washington has been that the sy-tems would waste bil- interest among faculty wasn't eve» aware of It until after It happened," he said. " T h e people who defendants' trial rights lions of dollars on both sides and could still cause catastrophic destruction. Johnson had mentioned an ABM system By L A U R E L P R A T T State News Staff W r i t e r to declare an unconditional halt to the bombings. supported that action didn't think 1 would be at the convention," he said, "but I fooled them." ment to the jury from .beginning to end around Moscow and other reports told of According to Stevens, noneof the Demo- WASHINGTON ¿Pi — The SupremeCourt "We feel confident," the letter says, cratic trustees was in any way "Involved with numerous references to their silence widespread antimissile construction in on Monday s h o r e d up federal constitutional "that the true firmness and -trengthofthe with or dealing with delegates on the p r e - and inferences of their guilt resulting Russia. But there had been no report A letter to President Johnson urging rights of defendants in state criminal U.S. can best be demonstrated to all by resolutlons committee. It was entirely therefrom." in the West that the Soviet Union could an end to bombing of North Vietnam Is trials. wise restraint. World leaders . . . would Teale was sentenced to death and M r s . protect all of Its farflung t e r r i t o r y . receiving substantial Interest from full- the feeling of the 19 district delegates Henceforth, it said In a 7-1 decision, lend more active support to the search for Chapman to life in prison. The position;- taken by Soviet military time faculty members, one of the original on the committee to pass the resolution," when federal constitutional rights a r e a humane and realistic peace In Vietnam In 1965, two years after the trial, the leaders were predicted to add to pressure signers reported Monday. Stevens said. violated the burden will be on the state If our nation, without precondition, stopped Supreme Court ruled in another case, in Washington for the United States-to About 50 copies of the letter a r e being No trustees were even present at the to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" the bombing of the North to underline that references of this nature violate push ahead with its own ABM system. circulated among the teaching and r e - our willingness to negotiate for peace. committee meeting Saturday, Stevens said. that the Infringement "did not contribute federal constitutional rights. The court The Defense Dept. has warned that there search faculty this week. The letter Is to However, Smith said, both Don Stevens to the v e r d i c t . " applied this ruling to the Chapman-Teale would be no alternative if the Soviet Union be sent to the President Friday. and Warren Huff, former board chairman "With faithfulness to the constitutional persisted with the development of its Thomas H, G r e e r , professor and chair- were undoubtedly at the committee meet- case because it was not closed in 1965, Gallery acquires union of the states," said Justice Hugo sy stem. man of humanities and one of the orig- ing, Saturday. but was being appealed. L . Black, "we cannot leave to the states inal 11 faculty members to sign the letter, Stevens's election as chairman seemed the formulation of the authoritative laws, In setting aside the convictions, Black said he expects about 400 signatures by certain in the January meeting where the D a Vinci painting rules, and remedies designed to protect said for the majority that M r s . Chapman Thursday. Democrats had a five to three majority. people from infractions by the states of and Teale " a r e entitled to a trial f r e e Last Friday , Greer said great Interest By siding with the three Republican m e m - the federally guaranteed r i g h t s . " from the p r e s s u r e of constitutional con- had been shewn by Social Science and bers and voting for himself. Smith bolted The doctrine was announced as the WASHINGTON !/P) - The National Gal- ferences." Arts and Letters faculty, but considerably the party, preventing Stevens's election. court set aside the convictions of Ruth lery of Art has acquired Leonardo Da All 50 states have " h a r m l e s s e r r o r less by those in Natural Sciences.Monday " T h e Republican members were voting Elizabeth Chapman and Thomas Leroy Vinci's painting of Glnevra de' Benci r u l e s " that bar setting aside convictions he said he had just received a "good for me because they thought my seniority Teale In the 1962 slaying of a Lodi, from the fabulous, secret collection of for e r r o r s that have little likelihood of l i s t " from the Cheml-try dept. made me the best choice," Smith said. Calif., bartender. Prince Franz Josef II of Liechtenstein changing the result of the trial. He said a number of faculty members He has been a board member for 17 y e a r s . Neither testified and the state p r o - for a reported $5 million or more. The court majority agreed that con- had called since the State News published The gallery, In announcing the purchase " T h e main issue before the board secutor, Black said, took full advantage the letter Monday to ask how they could of his right under the state Constitution victions should not be set aside auto- Monday, was evasive to all questions about now is the future of this policy of inter- matically because of h a r m l e s s e r r o r s . - sign the letter. Some volunteered to c i r - the price, as was the prince's spokesman ference.' When you have a good a d - to comment upon this, "filling his a r g u - culate the letter for signatures. In Liechtenstein. Franz Josef is reported ministration, you don't need to bother About a dozen of the 60 letters first to have turned down a $6-million offer them," Smith said, " a n d I think the p r e s - sent out have been returned. previously, holding out for $10 million. ent administration is doing a good job." Greer said the faculty members signing Speck hears indictments as The noted 15th Century painting of Stevens denies Smith's allegations of the letter are deeply concerned about the a wistful young woman with the beginnings war, and that Individuals have suggested Democratic interference with administra- of a smile - somewhat like Leonardo's tion business, saying that the only Demo- such a letter ince a similar letter signed famous Mona Lisa -becomes the only fully crat to spend any time talking to the multiple-murder trial opens by 462 Yale University faculty members acknowledged and mature Leonardo pa int- appeared In the New York Times Jan. 16. administration last year, was former The MSU faculty's letter asks Johnson ( p l e a s e t u r n to the back page) chairman Warren Huff. PEORIA, 111. OP) ~ Richard Speck l i s - men In a preliminary meeting " t h e eyes GARBAGE, TRAFFIC, PRICES tened impassively Monday while Indict- of the world are on this c a s e , " ments charging him with murdering eight He stood firm generally on coverage student nurses were read at thé opening guidelines that have drawn protests from of his t r i a l . newspapers and broadcasters. But he said he will make some modifications l a t e r . A large police van brought him from_ jail to the heavily guarded Peoria County courthouse. The vehicle backed to within 40 feet of a basement entrance. The back He did relax one rule a bit, but added another - a ban on publication of ques- tions and answers in the examination of MSU - city committee proposed prospective j u r o r s . doors swung wide. Speck, manacled to two o f f i c e r s , emerged. The officers whisked him across the open space so rapidly he almost lost his balance. Speck, 25, wore a blue suit, a white shirt and an intialed pocket handkerchief. When he entered the wood-paneled circuit to investigate mutual complaints Judge Herbert C. Paschen told news- courtroom he stared vacantly,at the 21 students would sit on the committee, with lection and prices are possible a r e a s of newsmen occupying most of t h e f i r s t t h r e e Formation of a Joint committee between exploration by the committee. the University community and East Lan- perhaps one administrator and one faculty rows of spectator seats. member comprising the ASMSU m e m - If established, the committee would He listened without visible emotion sing city government to promote better make recommendations to ASMSU, the Early enrollment for P-S city and campus relations will be proposed b e r s , " Jim Graham, ASMSU chairman, while the judge read the Indictments,each said. University administration or city counciL Students with last names beginning with accusing him of murdering a student Whazzat? at tonight's ASMSU Student Board meeting. "I would also hope that at least two of The committee could discuss any problems nurse July 14, 1966, in their living q u a r t - T h e motion would establish a liaison common to the city and campus. P-S may participate in early enrollment Is it a b i r d ? A p l a n e ? O r w o u l d committee of four representatives a p - East Lansing's representatives would be e r s on Chicago's South Side. He propped city councilmen and also that the p r e s i - A similar arrangement has been estab- for spring term classes today in the you believe a w o r k m a n t r i m m i n g pointed by ASMSU and four r e p r e s e n t a - his chin on his left fist. He toyed with dent of the Chamber of Commerce would lished at the University of Wisconsin. Men's Intramural Building from 8 a.m. a t r e e on F a r m L a n e n e a r the tives appointed by the East Lansing City his sideburns with a forefinger. sit on the committee," Graham con- Graham said he is waiting for student to 4:30 p.m. Kedzie C h e m i s t r y Building? Council with the chairmanship alternat- A total of 57 veniremen were sworn tinued. 1 board approval before taking the p r o - Students should have their class sched- S t a t e N e w s p h o t o by ing between the two groups. by the bailiff. Twelve were seated In the Problems such a s traffic, garbage col- posal to the City CounciL ule books, a list of planned courses and Chuck Michaels " I would hope that no fewer than two a tentative schedule. jury box pending questioning. STATI N E W S Kyle C. Kerbawy Eric Pianin , managing editor jr- ,, > , )at»«s Spanala, campus editor É'cfWani Brilli editorial editor Lawrence Werner, sports editor Andrew Molllson, executive reporter Joel Stark William G. Papciak, a s s t . ad manager advertising manager Tuesday Morning, February 21, 1967 EDITORIALS ASMSU, affiliation, and NSA student o r g a n i z a t i o n s e v e n For o v e r a y e a r , ASMSU has been toying with the idea though these might not of rc affiliating Michigan provide all the s e r v i c e s o r State student government p r e s t i g e that NSA o n c e did. with the National Student A s - Or it can sound out the s o c i a t i o n (NSA). p o s s i b i l i t i e s of a new s t u - Ordinarily, the motion to dent o r g a n i z a t i o n , o n e which rejoin NSA would be a test many student 1 cadet's now of the student b o a r d ' s w i l l - e x p e c t to r e p l a c e a fallen g o v e r n m e n t i n v o l v e m e n t in r e p r e s e n t a t i v e student g o v - NSA. i n g n e s s to s e e k contact with n o n - c a m p u s i s s u e s . Second e r n m e n t , o r those who s t r i v e More than anything e l s e , other u n i v e r s i t i e s ' student they must d e c i d e how to go to thwart ASMSU e v e r y t i m e l e a d e r s , and to express it i s i m p e r a t i v e that the about obtaining this i n v o l v e - it attempts to a c c o m p l i s h views on national and i n - c o n t r o v e r s y o v e r NSA not ment. something. ternational i s s u e s . becloud the intentions of The motion b e f o r e the s t u - ASMSU. F i r s t the student Rut the d i s c l o s u r e last NSA doubts dent board s e e k s to l i m i t board must make e x p l i c i t l y week that the CIA financially ASMSU voting to those i s s u e s Only after ASMSU plainly c l e a r that it d o e s wish to backed NSA has tainted the which d i r e c t l y a f f e c t s t u - d e c i d e s that it w i s h e s to b e - assume meaningful i n t e r - issues involved. The Na- dents. But other u n i v e r s i t i e s c o m e i n v o l v e d , can the s t u - University affiliations. tional Student A s s o c i a t i o n i s have r e a l i z e d that a s i n - dent board then turn to the in the midst of a c r i s i s ; Then it can s e e k t h e s e formed c i t i z e n s , students question of how. its future is in s e r i o u s doubt. a f f i l i a t i o n s , without hitching have not only a right, but Until the cur rent c o n f u s i o n its fortunes to the sinking Two separate problems an obligation, ' to add their . . . When the red red Robin o v e r the CIA c o n n e c t i o n s NSA. v o i c e s to national and i n - - - T h e Editors comes bob-bob-bobbing along along . L o s s of l i b e r a l support at with NSA a r e s t r a i g h t e n e d ternational i s s u e s facing our out, it would s e e m i n a d v i s - c a m p u s e s around the country OUR READERS' MINDS country. able f o r ASMSU to join NSA. could c a u s e m a s s i v e with- drawal from NSA. And even Unsatisfactory compromise If NSA s u r v i v e s , rids i t - if the organization holds t o - To a s s u m e l i m i t e d a f f i l i - s e l f of all doubts o v e r s e c r e t g e t h e r , the d i s c l o s e d s e c r e t governmental support prob- ation would be an u n s a t i s - factory c o m p r o m i s e . Too o f - g o v e r n m e n t a l support, and g e t s on the road towards r e - SN 'sensational' on Carmichael ably has c a u s e d an i r r e - ten ASMSU h a s been afraid building i t s p r e s t i g e then a f - To the Editor: vocable l o s s of r e s p e c t . to extend i t s e l f b e c a u s e of filiation would be p r a c t i c a l By voting not to join NSA a hostile and c o n s e r v a t i v e and valuable. Last year when I heard Martin Luther King speak, I felt that the newspaper at this time, however, student body. T h e r e a r e , in the mean coverage you gave him was adequate, ASMSU would be c o n f u s i n g Partial affiliation i s a t i m e , s e v e r a l other c o u r s e s quite objective, and at least f a i r , I have had no complaints about the coverage the two s e p a r a t e p r o b l e m s h a l f - s t e p that won't s a t i s f y of action f o r the student that you have given other civil rights they f a c e . F i r s t they must e i t h e r those students who board. It can s e e k a f f i l i a - leaders that I have heard speak, but I think that the article that you carried decide the s c o p e of student wish to s e e an a c t i v e and- His speeder's k e e p e r tion with other n o w - e x i s t i n g about Stokely Carmichael was inadequate, rather biased and v«ry unfair. In support of Graham9s trip . It's true that Stokely Carmichael made every statement you sa|d he did, but you To the Editor: their fellow man to do something about It quoted out of context in the sense that (sit-in 1ji front of the East Lansing City you mentioned only his " s e n s a t i o n a l " Another typical day (as reported by the Hall as a protest against racial d i s c r i m i - Two weeks ago Jim statements which were generally used to Feb, 9 State News) In the courts of the s a d o r s to i n s u r e that the p o - a g r e e with h i m would want clinch an idea and not to explain It. With- Capital City—capital for the good citizens nation) contribute a generous $50 each to Graham c h a i r m a n of ASMSU Lansing, alias " W h i t e " Hills. Judge Wil- s i t i o n they take i s in a c c o r d him to act with what they s u p - out explaining more fully his reasons of Lansing, capital punishment f o r the liam K. Harmon, who is an honorable man, f l e w to Washington, m e t with leading up to your quoted statements, your bad students of MSU—Lloyd James B a r n - with m a j o r i t y opinion in. the p o s e i s the m a j o r i t y opinion. article was very misleading. F o r Instance, hart exceeds the speedlimlt in his snow- shows he is a real down-to-earth humani- other student l e a d e r s , and tarian by further imposing a sentence body p o l i t i c s ? The g o v e r n - Whether e l e c t e d r e p r e s e n t a - you quoted Mr. Carmichael a s saying, mobile (a fearsome vehicle lndeedl) and of 72-hours of social work with civil wrote l e t t e r s to a d m i n i s t r a - ment d o e s not have to do that t i v e s ought to a c t o n the b a s i s " W e ' r e fighting against white supremacy. his good spirits yield a fat prize "of rights projects on each of his " c a p t i v e " We're not marching to integrate with $130 to the Lansing community. ("That will tion o f f i c i a l s about what was b e c a u s e d e c i s i o n making i s of c o n s c i e n c e o r c o n s t i t u e n t anyone." While I'm sure he feels this teach those parasitic students who provide audience. Judge William K. Harmon has successfully turned civil rights projects wrong with A m e r i c a n policy v e s t e d in r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s and opinion i s a moot point; one way, he was using this statement in an for u s " I) Also, Lloyd James Barnhart Into the penalty for lawbreakers. A explanation of poor news coverage and a alias Billy Budd, will seriously jeopordize in Vietnam. in the people only i n d i r e c t l y . that h a s b e e n argued without wrong analysis Huntley and Brinkley gave his term at school by languishing for " h a r m o n i o u s " sentence indeedl Get the pun? A great hue and c r y was ASMSU i s s e t up along solution s i n c e John Stuart the marches in the South on two separate 10 days In jail. Let nobody ever break David' E . Kendall occasions. If you had connected this Lansing speed limits 1 r a i s e d on c a m p u s c l a i m i n g s i m i l a r l i n e s , and if the s t u - Mill. statement with his charge of the p r e s s ' s Six students who have enough love of Toronto, Ont., graduate student f i r s t that ASMSU shouldn't dents object to stands taken inability to objectively report racial news, Student involvement you would have lost some of the sensa- have s u b s i d i z e d G r a h a m ' s by their r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s let through ASMSU i s n e c e s - A I D effective, vigorous tionalism of your article. Yet, by con- trip. Graham, they said, had them be voted out of o f f i c e necting these statements, you would have s a r y , and if that m e a n s ap- added to your article's accuracy and in no mandate from the s t u - at the next e l e c t i o n . propriating money then s o be the process have been less guilty of this dents to take the position he very charge of poor news-coverage and To the Editor: talk, the U.S. government hopes that Generally students who it. Instead of letting t h e s e did, and, s e c o n d , that the analysis. universities will become more Involved agree with G r a h a m ' s p o - opportunities fall into G r a - Mr. Carmichael also gave some more Mr. Gates in his article in the State in the future. action was in violation of News, Feb. 13 entitled William Gaud - v s - sition think he was c o r r e c t h a m ' s l a p , ASMSU should very sound psychological and sociological The universally recognized achieve- the ASMSU constitution. reasons why the p r e s s coverage is not L.B.J., displays a typical negative r e - in acting by h i s own c o n - s e e k such o p p o r t u n i t i e s . action about foreign aid based on little ments of the Marshall Plan In Europe Frankly we. a r e not i m - objective which you failed to include, and the successfully terminated aid p r o - s c i e n c e . The o t h e r s who d i s - - - T h e Editors summing up these ideas bv quoting his knowledge. Gates spent most of his article p r e s s e d by the c o n s t i t u t i o n - discussing the costs of aid without any g r a m s to Greece and Taiwan a r e examples clinching statement, " T h e i r 'get-whitey' of achievements in aid about which we can sensationalism leads to superficial and reference to the achievements, and implies ality argument. Student that our government is unintelligent and be proud. In long-run historical p e r s p e c - misleading definitions of such t e r m s a s tive it may be that our aid to Europe g o v e r n m e n t ought to involve i t s e l f in outside p o l i t i c a l a c - tivity and if that involvement A time for anything? black power." I am sure that those who listened to Stokely Carmichael's speech and those who .read only the State News unimaginative in its foreign aid program. I hold no brief for poor performance and foolish programs and recognize the need for much more Imaginative work in and the developing nations will be one of the extraordinary contributions of the United States to the history of the world report have a very different conception In the second half of the 20th Century, v i o l a t e s the constitution then T i m e , s a y s the d e s i g n e r d e c i d e d to admit the Central of what he meant by 'get-whitey' sensa- foreign aid. However the record of s u c - tionalism. cess In aid programs, as well a s some the constitution should be of the c l o c k that s p r a y s a Intelligence A g e n c y ' s link failures, make such wholesale attacks on Robert D . Stevens changed. b r i e f m i s t of p e r f u m e o n - with NSA. I found Stokely Carmichael's speech to foreign aid unwarranted. The article r e - associate professor be well-documented, accurate, and in- flects a lack of serious investigation Into agricultural economics It is c r u c i a l for students t h e - h o u r , i s of the e s s e n c e . T i m i n g . Well, one Instance the history of aid problems and shows formative. His speech built upon facts to have an active v o i c e , No doubt the ASMSU Student i s n ' t bad. But then there was that I knew, explaining new points logically little perspective about where we a r e in through their e l e c t e d r e p - B o a r d , having had s e v e r a l that • situation l a s t winter. and with sufficient evidence. He didn't 1967 In our foreign aid program Letter Policy interject points without giving an adequate Our aid program today Is more e f - r e s e n t a t i v e s , in national po- awkward embarrassments interpretation of his reasons f i r s t . I feel fective and vigorous than it has ever At a m e e t i n g , the student litical d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g ; and with t i m e f a c t o r s , would that he was more than deserving of the been. The universities and highly c o m - The State News welcomes all letters. board voted to g i v e i t s m e m - standing ovation he received from a p - petent professionals a r e much more Please be brief and type all l e t t e r s triple the only way f o r them to do agree. proximately one-fourth of the audience. involved in advisory and operational spaced, if possible. Please, also, include b e r s financial c o m p e n s a t i o n . that i s through ASMSU. The basic problem i s When did they make their Carol Gilchrist capacities with AID than at any time In name, address and university standing. Union Lake senior the past. And as Gaud mentioned in his No unsigned letters will be printed* s o m e t i m e s that of chronic d e c i s i o n ? The s a m e day their Representative government Akers Hall - Arts and Letters Series bad luck. F o r o v e r a y e a r , comptroller announced a MSU SKI CLUB The argument that Graham Jim G r a h a m h a s been c o n - $9,000 l o s s f r o m Winter has no mandate from the s t u - dents isn't valid e i t h e r . Does s i d e r i n g r e - a f f i l i a t i n g with the National Student A s s o - Carnival and Popular E n t e r - tainment. MEETING TONIGHT! Winter Term 1967 the U.S. g o v e r n m e n t hold a c i a t i o n (NSA). When did he Now about that mist.... j t L Religious Trends in the Comtemporary World r e f e r e n d u m b e f o r e giving i n - c h o o s e to make the motion? UNION ROOM 32 structions to o u r a m b a s - The s a m e day the State Dept. --The Editors / WT^ III. R E L I G I O N I N M I D D L E ASIA Feb. 21 7:30 p.m. « PEANUTS VAX Islam & Modernism SHE TOOK THIS CKMÛU FROM SCHOOL, THAT'S A 600D QUESTION...NOlO, IM THINKIN6 OF RE-PAlNTlNG O r . Fauzi N a j j a r S££, And her teacher saip/dip '/OU I HAVE A QUESTION FOR VOU... THIS BOOTH.. 00 VÖUTHINK I T w o Warren Miller TAKE A CRAMON HOME ?" AND SAllV should RMNT it blue or kind 5AlD."N0,1 DIDN'T TAKE A CRAVON OF A PALE 6REEN ? Movies HOME'.'....SHE LlEP...UJHAT DO W IV. R E L I G I O N I N T H E WEST March 7 DO liXTH A BABY 56TER UiHO LIES ? "Spills and Thrills" m plus Come and sign up for our last weekend trip. W e ' r e going to Boyne Feb. 25 Churches - Church - o r No Church? D r . F r a n c i s M . Donahue "Ski de France" and 26. 7:30 p.m. - Tuesday Evenings -137 Akers 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTSTuesday,February 21, 1967 HADV A Q Q C O N N E C J I O N S , World News r , «t. a »«.««.. % •,„<»,»" K at a Glance Wilson pressed to make European troop cuts CIA source of dean's fund Records on file at the M a s s a - from himself and 512,000 from William Pinkerton, spokesman its Middle Eastern and North LONDON F. - Prime Minister Harold Wilson was under heavy chusetts Attorney General's o f - other s o u r c e s . for Harvard University said that African review, the Maghreb Di- p r e s s u r e Monday to make big cuts in B r i t a i n ' s troops in West fice indicate that a Philadelphia a faculty member can make his gest. Germany. Some of his Labor supporters accused Bonn of bad educational fund received money T h e disclosure that the H a r - own decisions about the use of his vard dean heads an organization time. Records also show numerous faith in canceling an offer to share in the a r m y ' s upkeep. from a foundation identified a s grants for studies abroad and in Informants said Wilson was making every effort to play down a channel of the Central Intelli- which received money f r o m an Tax r e c o r d s show that In 1963 the United States, including a the developing c r i s i s between the two governments to ward off gence Agency (CIA). intelligence agency conduit foun- $10,000 grant to the Kenya Fed- any consequent threat to B r i t a i n ' s efforts to join the European The J . Frederick Brown dation was the latest in a s e r i e s and 1964 the Hunt organization eration of Labor for construc- Commor: Market. Britain counts on West Germany to support its Foundation of Boston, the CIA of revelations about the channel- made grants of $17,000 and 55,000 tion of an educational center in attempt to join the Common Market. channel, granted the fund f o r ing of CIA funds to private o r - to the University of Southern ganizations. California f o r the publication of 1964. International Social and Econom- Sukarno prepared to step down ic Education $25,000 in 1965. The National Student Associa- JAK ART A (AP) - - Authoritative mi litary sources Number without a name tion (NSA) has named the Brown said to to Monday surrender Gen. Suharto, ,.ight h i s full President Sukarno was presidential t h e Indonesian powers strong man, in ex- prepared shortly T h i s telephone i s s o f a r the o n l y occupant o f one o f f i c e - t o - b e o n t h e second f l o o r o f the new South Kedzie H a l l . S e v e r a l d e p a r t m e n t s are i n the p r o c e s s foundation as one of their sources for ClA funds and its t r u s t e e , Paul Hellmuth, as one of their the "swinger agency contacts. M. C. Schrank's newest change for not b e i n g d i s m i s s e d b y C o n g r e s s . of m o v i n g into the r e c e n t l y - c o m p l e t e d addition to the The Philadelphia educational old chemistry building. fund i s directed and partially State Newso photo b y Chuck Michaels Talks resume on non-proliferation treaty financed by Richard M. Hunt, GENEVA f. — World disarmament leaders meet here Tuesday a s s t . dean of the Harvard Uni- shift seen in Seventeen 7 SAE versity Graduate School of A r t s with hopes that in the next six months they will be able to hammer and Sciences. out a treaty to bar the spread of nuclear weapons. Optimistic predictions that it could be completed in the spring or even presented at the opening session, havebeen dampened. Now, According to it s brochures, the fund finances workers' education $ IFC concludes . many delegates will be happy if the drafting can be finished by projects, scholarships and r e - the end of September, whei. the U.N. General Assembly meets again. search wo r V f or trade unionists and social study scholars f r o m Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Cut out for the cool s e t , darling tent-shaped Gains against hazing study Hunt would not disclose the na- ture of the work financed nor the o f f i c e r s of the Brown founda- s w i n g e r s with matching bikini b r i e f s . Hot pink, s h o c k i n g blue or s l i c k e r y e l l o w in Sheer Heaven tion. batiste,the b r e e z y blend of D a c r o n ® p o l y e s t e r and pollution cited [ntcrfraternity Council may Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledge relay month-long investigation of an parently placed a towel soaked num Company of America, said Hunt, the son of the late Roy release today its findings in a r a c e . A fraternity member a p - A. Hunt, president of the Alumi- cotton that's permanent p r e s s . See t h e s e delights by M. C. Schrank in the c u r r e n t i s s u e of S e v e n - DETROIT . .4 - The nation s devices have- failed to meet Cal- incident involving a fraternity in chemical varnish stripper on his oreani/ationreceives$75,000 t e e n , s e e them again with i c i n g of white Val l a c e pledge who was- severely burned Bonus's neck to prevent him from four major automakers Monday ifornia s t a n d a r d s . " « at Knapp's. S i z e s P, S, M. California i s the only state during pre—initiation games in seeing from sick' to side. told a Senate subcommittee on a i r " W H A T A B U N C H OK pompous. humor- early January« Bonus's attorney, Irving B u r - pollution they have made much which currently p r e s c r i b e s the less. sell-righteous bigots, these ideo- p r o g r e s s in eliminating a i r pol- maximum amount of pollutants IFC President Larry Owtn, dick of Detroit, said J a n . 25 logues' How they must be preening LINGERIE EAST LANSING GARDEN LEVEL lutants from c a r exhaust-. allowable from c a r s sold in the Detroit senior, said Monday the that his client would seek legal themselves on their latest triumph delying the Dragon Apartheid in state. report would be submitted a s a action in the m a t t e r , Burdick his native lair' Just too bad it 3,800 Sen. Edmund 5 . Muskie, Li- recommendation to John A . said he would not specify what the ot their tellow cilitent on the carrier Maine, chairman of the subcom- Fuzak, vice president for student charges woulc. be and against Franklin D Rounevell on their way mittee, said the hearings in De- troit were tu give the auto in- Chinese rip affairs. Fuzak's office will whom they would be filed until consider the statement before the conclusion of the IFC investi- home work trom detending eight months' the kind ot grim world dustry an opportunity to respond that permits such ideologues to keep taking disciplinary action against g a t i o n c o m f o r t a b l y to te-timony made in Los Angeles last week, which Muskie said peace folk: the fraternity involved. The IFC investigation included yakkmg were For a tree copy of I M The f o r m e r pledge, Joseph A. interviews with all persons i n - among their c u r r e n t i t i u * ot N A left some doubt whether there volved in the incident, including TOKYO 1' —Communist China Bonus, Detroit junior, suffered victims " 1 I O N A I « V I E W , writ» a r e any benefit- flowing from lo D t p l CP 9. ISO E declared its opposition Monday to third degree acid burns to his Bonus, fraternity members, the emission controls put in 1966 police and doctors. 35 St N Y. 16, N Y. what it said was a U.S.-Soviet back and neck J a n . 6 during a model c a r s . effort to " s t a m p out the raging Lead in u off the li-t of five in- revolutionary f i r e in Vietnam." dustry witnesses, Thomas C . I he statement, apparently Mann, president of the Auto- aimed at bolstering North Viet- mobile Manufacturers Associa- n a m ' s determination to c a r r y on tion, said, " T h e industry has TODAY the war, denounced the recent already been able to eliminate London meetings between British entirely emissions of pollutants P r i m e Minister Harold Wilson from the crankcase on new and Soviet P r e m i e r Alexel N. models. Kosygin a s a "U.S. - Soviet- " I t has also beer, able to r e - British tripartite intrigue to p r o - duce emissions of hydrocarbons mote the U.S. ' P e a c e talks' • and carbon monoxide from the f r a u d . " exhaust systems by between 60 and SO per cent, depending on the Published by t h e student* of Michigan particular survey of vehicle State University e v e r y claaa day throughout e m i s s i o n - conducted by.the Cal- the y e a r and a special Welcome Week Edition in S e p t e m b e r . Subscription rate $10 p e r y e a r . ifornia authorities which one Authorised by the B o a r d of Student Publica- elects to use a s the base for cal- tion». M e m b e r Associated P r e s s . United P r e s s culation," Mann said. International. Inland Dally Press Association Muskie's subcommittee on air Associated Collegiate P r e s s . Michigan P r e s s Aasoctation. Michigan Collegiate P r e s s As- a.\a water pollution heard t e s t i - mony last week from C a l i f o r - Isss postage paid at fca t Li Mich nia and Los Angeles County of- Editorial and b u s i n e s s offices at 341 studen> S e r v i c e s Building. Michigan Mate U n i v e r s i t y . ficials on the effects of exhaust East Lansing Mich. control devices in that a r e a , Phones: Editorial 355-S282 A November report by the Los. C l a s s i f i e d Advertising 355-8255 Angeles Air Pollution Control Display Advertising 53-MO. B u s i n e s s - Circulation 355-8299 District stated " t h a t the exhaust Photographic 355-93!! EARN YOUR MASTER'S DEGREE The MSI Bookstore OR PhD WHILE YOU WORK and The Asian Studies Center cordially invite you to a coffee hour in honor of Dr. Han Suyin on Tuesday, the twenty-first of February 3:00 - •J:00 p.m. MOTOROLA Author's Comer, MSI' Bookstore IN PHOENIX Center for International Programs Motorola offers the student at »he BS or MS level an op- portunity to advance his career and education concurrently. Work and achieve a Master's or PhD Degree in an environ- ment of constant challenge and tremendous growth. T H E ENGINEERING TRAILING PROGRAM Open t o BS or MS g r a d u a t e s in E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , Chemical Engineering or Physics with a B average or better. While pursuing an MS or PhD degree at Arizona State Uni- versity each trainee is placed in a rotational program cov enng four engineering activities at Motorola. THE MARKETING TRAINING PROGRAM Open t o BS graduates in Electrical Engineering or Physics with a B average or better. Marketing trainees may work toward an MBA or an MS or PhD degree Rotational assign ments are in the marketing area. D i r e c t P l a c e m e n t a t »11 D e g r e e Levels for . . . Electrical Engineers • Organic & Physical Chemists Physicists • Chemical Engineers • Metallurgists R e s e a r c h a n d Development, Quality Control, L. Marketing, and Production. If y o u a r e u n a v a i l a b l e f o r a n i n t e r v i e w a t t h i s t i m e write directly to Director of College Relations. M o t o r o l a Inc.. S e m i c o n d u c t o r P r o d u c t s Division, 5005 Cast M c D o w e l l . Phoenix. A r i z o n a 85008 % MOTOROLASemiconductor INC. Products Division Shop t o d a y 9 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 . W e d n e s d a y 12:00 - 9 : 0 0 A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y E M P L O Y E R T u e s d a y , February 21, 1967 SPORTS 4 Michigan State N e w s , East Lansing, Michigan .¡.v.;.;.;v.;.;.;.;v^y/^^ ,• i 'i* ^ ^ ,vf' y ^ 80—64 Mot lineup steady OSU tops cagers for U-M fi noi exam' By G A Y E L WESCH Despite a comeback try, the welght," Peninger said. "We'll COLUMBUS — The Ohio State B\ickeyes about 15 points up most of the half, Spartans lost out when Michigan State News Sports Writer be favored at 130, 137, 167 and romped over the Spartan basketball team and late in the game broke into a 71-53 heavyweight Dave Porter de- 177. It looks like 145 will be a Monday night, as they beat first-place margin a s substitute forward Steve Howell His team has been doing " A " cisloned MSU's Jeff Richardson. toss-up. We've got to win it MSU 80-64. hit for six points, and Ron Sepic added work so far this season, but The next week, however, MSU If we expect to win and it's the two more. Spartan wrestling Coach Grady Pending the outcome of the Illinois- got revenge by edging the Wol- same for them." Lee Lafayette lead the Spartans with Penlnger feels about the same as verines In the Big Ten meet Indiana game, the Spartans could either a probationary student during C a r r will be going for MSU be in second place, or tied for first 20 points, and Matthew Altch had 15, using the same line-up as in the although he could hit for only one foul finals this week. dual meet. at 145 against Michigan's Burt in the Big Ten. MSU is now 6-3, and the Peninger's squad has a 9-0-1 Merlcal. C a r r was the Big Ten Buckeyes upped their record to 5-5, good shot in the second half. Even though the weight class dual meet record this season, Juggling worked In the Big Ten champion at 137 last year and for a three -way tie for fifth place In the Ohio had a balanced scoring attack, and is ranked No.l in the nation, has a 12-5-1 record this season, conference. meet last season, and despite the with Jeff Miller getting 14 points, Alan but they have to face powerful fact that this will be MSU's Rowley scoring 13, and Ron Seplc, 12 Michigan this weekend in their Merlcal won the Midlands toughest meet since they faced The Spartans were never in this one. along with Hosket's 20. final and most Important test Tournament championship at 145, Oklahoma (Jan. 21), Penlnger is The closest they got was five points, before the Big Ten and NCAA while C a r r was third, but the The Spartans were beaten on the boards not expected to Juggle the line- 22-17, early In the first half, but the championship meets. pair have not faced each other and at the foul line, as the Buckeyes were up. Buckeyes were never seriously threat- Passing this final test would in a bout yet. obviously " u p " for this one. " B a r r i n g injury, I'll be using ened. OSU held a 40-32 halftime margin. give the Spartans their first un- the same line-up as against Il- Michigan finished fourth in the Northwestern, with a 5-3 record, plays .defeated season since 1948. If the linois," Peninger said. "With Ohio's 6-7 center, Bill Hosket, scored Midlands Tournament while MSU at Wisconsin, and Iowa, 5-3 is at Min- MSU matmen fall it would give the exception that Anderson will 20 points and his rebounding, along with took the tournament champion- nesota, in games tonight. Michigan an edge in the Big Ten. be back at 137." a zone defense, were important factors ship. The Midlands tournament The Wolverines a r e 9-0 this Anderson missed the Illinois in the Ohio victory. The Spartans will face Wisconsin at was held in late December. season. meet due to a touch of the flu, Madison next Saturday, and then will have a rematch with the Buckeyes next Mon- Dale Carr There was almost equal p r e s - but will be back to shoot for a Both teams took on Illinois The Spartans could never get close in C a r r ' s m a t c h a t 145 p o u n d % w i t h M i c h i g a n ' s B u r t s u r e on in the MSU-Michlgan perfect season's record when last weekend with Michigan s c o r - the second half. The Buckeyes stayed day, at Jenison Fieldhouse. match last year, when the Wol- M e r i c a l m a y p r o v e t o be t h e d e c i d i n g f a c t o r i n S a t - he wrestles In Saturday's meet. ing a 26-2 victory and MSU a urday's meet. M i c h i g a n is f a v o r e d in f o u r weight verines took a 16-11 victory. Anderson has won 16 straight 32-3 win. Illinois scored its c l a s s e s , MSU in f o u r , with the C a r r - M e r i c a l m a t c h Last year MSU was 10-1, Michi- this season. points against Michigan by draw- a t o s s up gan 8-1, going into the final dual "Michigan will be favored over ing at 152, and their three points meet. In a move to strengthen the us at 123, 152, 160 and heavy- against MSU with a win at 152. club Peninger moved three men down to lower weight classes for the meet, but the move back- Senate could intervene fired. Don Behm was moved from his regular 130-pound spot to 123, Dale Anderson from 137 to in N C A A - A A U battle 130, and Dale C a r r from 145 to 137. Behm recalled the move as being a good one on the coach's ANN *ROBR, MICH. (UPI) - - and the AAU over control of amateur athletics," Plant said. part but for some reason it Newly-elected NCAA President amateur athletics. "What we don't need,however, didn't work. Marcus Plant, a University of " T h e Senate Commerce Com- is an athletic c z a r , " he empha- TONY FERRANTE type of legislation would be totally At 123 for the first time since ineffective for the purpose In- Michigan law p r o f e s s o r , p r e - mittee has shown an interest in sized. "We alreacjy have too Talk to a sportsman about hunt- high school, Behm "blackedout" tended, namely, keeping guns dicted Monday that it may take the controversy, and it Is likely much czarlsm In this a r e a . " ing, shooting, target practice or in his match with Michigan's Bob awav from criminals. federal legislation to resolve the we may get some sort of na- Plant said that some AAU o f - gun collecting and he'll generally F e h r s >' and was pinned, while With the many avenues of p u r - lingering feud between the NCAA tional commission to oversee ficials also shared his feeling show some interest, if not enthu- Anderson was decisloned and chase open to criminals, ob- of concern with the top bureau- siasm. But talk about legislation C a r r drew. taining f i r e a r m s would merely which would deprive the s p o r t s - THE PIZZA PIT cratic officials who rule amateur athletics in this country. man of his pursuit, and the be inconvenient. The law would be UPI Poll "What the United States Track response is too often passive. effective, however, in unjustly and Field Federation and the Anti-firearm legislation Is un- hampering lawful sportsmen NCAA are seeking is a more derway again, and this year sup- from pursuing their interest. Featuring democratically-oriented voice.in p o r t e r s of such measures a r e According to Dodd's proposal, TEAM POINTS the bill would "ban the o v e r - t h e - the administration of amateur confident of success. The Dodd • Pizza athletics in Ameica," Plant 1. UCLA (33) (21-0) 348 Bill, S. 1592 last y e a r , is now counter sale of concealable f i r e - said 2. Louisville (2) (22-2) 312 recorded in the 90th Congress as a r m s to per -oils/wTio are not Submarines Plant, who said the current 3. North Carolina (18-3) 225 S . 1. Due to the Interstate com- residents of t h V y t a i e . . . • Sandwiches where the purchase f>tt*-be made. controversy between the AAU 4. Kansas (17-3) 185 m e r c e aspects of the bill, it will For and NCAA is not a war, claims 5. Western Kentucky (20-1) 164 be taken up by the Senate Com- A substantial number of legiti- the trouble stems from three 6. Princeton (20-2) 153 merce Committee, chaired mate handgun sales a r e inter- Hot Delivery Issues: 1) Arrangement of open 7 . Houston (19-3) 139 by Senator Warren Magnuson,ID- state, which makes the conse- 78 quences of this proviso ominous. Call: and international jneets in which 8. Tennessee (17-4) Wash. 69 Local gun s>hops would have carte all competitors must be AAU 9. Texas Western (17-5) The voice of American s p o r t s - 203 MAC ED2-0863 members; 2) The AAU action In 10. Boston College (15-2) 61 men, The National Rifle Associa- blanche to r a i s e prices to exorbi- passing on the eligibility of all tion, will be heard louder than tant levels; the quality of avail- athletes; and 3) The "weak AAU Second 10— 11, Syracuse 49; ever. But alone, even this great able used f i r e a r m s would be r e - development p r o g r a m . " 12, Utah State 32; 13, Vander- organization may not be enough duced; and, in some instances, •«-*•- t^Xfttioa tjo^rd appointed bilt 27; 14, Providence 17; 15, to insure defeat of the reprehen- unsafe weapons could be sold to by Vice President Hubert H. Duke 12; 16, Toledo 11; 17, St. sible features of S. 1. people vKho wcwld .have literally Humphrey is currently studying John's 10; 18, Brlgham Young 8; Dodd's crusade against law- no choice of dealers. the situation. 19, Florida 7; 20, Virginia Tech 6. breakers is based on false sup- The status of S. 1 at this time positlons. In all probability this is formidable. With conscientious A REWARDING CAREER IN attacks by clubs, organizations and Individuals, however, the bill's far-reaching effects and the visions of a few misinformed men in power do not have to be- AEROSPACE/ELECTRONICS? come law. If this type of legis- lation can be passed under the very noses of complacent hunters, the future may well bring about laws banning the use of You can go forward, go fast, go other weapons such as r i f l e s , FIELD E N G I N E E R I N G ENGINEERING WRITING air-guns and bows. far . at Hughes Field Service & Support Division Fourteen million licensed The Field Engineer's job ranges S p e c i a l i s t s in p r i n t e d c o m m u n i c a - hunters took to the field l a s t y e a r , If you are seeking a stimulating from c o m p l e t e c o n t r a c t o r mainte- tions convert complex engineering which is quite a testament to the assignment where you can get in on nance of electronic systems to tech- data i n t o s i m p l e , a c c u r a t e , illus- interest in the great outdoors. the ground floor of the rapidly-ex- nical assistance. His primary func- trated support publications, includ- A simple letter, just a note to panding aerospace electronics field, tion is to help the customer become ing technical manuals, orders, bro- Senator Magnuson or to your own capitalize immediately on your back- s e l f - s u f f i c i e n t Responsibilities in- chures, sales proposals, etc. Fields senator o r representative will go g r o u n d and training, and p r o g r e s s clude: providing maintenance, oper- of interest include: digital comput- a long way in per serving the sport quickly toward your career goals — ational and technical assistance; for- ers, digital and voice communica- of hunting and the right to bear H u g h e s Field S e r v i c e & S u p p o r t mal and informal on-the-job training; tions systems . . . and many others arms. Division in Southern California will welcome your inquiry. logistic assistance and the investi- g a t i o n and s o l u t i o n of e q u i p m e n t Requires a B.S degree in E E. or Physics. UNIVERSITY t í Al/TV SALON ¿íi';,? z n y ì j problems experienced in the field. S o m e of our c u r r e n t f i e l d s of Domestic and overseas field assign- interest include: ments are available. Requirements CAMPUS INTERVIEWS DESIGN ENGINEERING include: B S. degree in E E. or Phys- ics and experience with military fire February 28 Openings exist for Electrical and control, radar or c o m m u n i c a t i o n s Mechanical Design Engineers in the systems. development of Trainers & Simula- For additional information on the Announces AMLEC • European Study/Travel Program tors and in the design of checkout TECHNICAL TRAINING career opportunities available at and test equipment for large missile Hughes Technical Training pre- Hughes Aircraft Company—and to and aerospace systems. These re- pares both civilian and military per- make arrangements for a personal sponsible positions require interest s o n n e l to e f f i c i e n t l y o p e r a t e a n d interview appointment with repre- and 'or e x p e r i e n c e in such design sentatives of our Technical Staff, areas as: a n a l o g c i r c u i t s , d i g i t a l logic, switch relay logic, electrome- maintain advanced electronic sys- tems. Technical Instructors conduct please contact your College Place- Language Study Abroad-Credit And Non-Credit "Holding hands in the training classes at Hughes California ment Office or write: Mr. B. P. chanical packaging, infrared testing, moonlight is fine, espe- i n e r t i a l g u i d a n c e and C o m m a n d ' sites and domestic field locations . . . Ramstack, Hughes Aircraft Com- pany, P.O. Box 90515, Los An- 7 Weeks Language Study • 10 Days Travel cially if you're holding both and work directly with customers to of them. - ' says Sassy. C o n t r o l systems. Responsibilities geles, Calif. 90009. will include all phases of develop- evolve special training devices, plan July 3 - August 18 ment from concept to final fabrica- field training programs and prepare tion and evaluation B S. degree is courses for use at customer bases. French - At P a r i s And Lausanne, S w i t z e r l a n d required in E E , M E. or Physics. Requirements include: B.S. degree in E E or Physics and experience in German - At Cologne preparing and presenting technical Italian - At Florence electronics material in the classroom Spanish - At Madrid And B a r c e l o n a and laboratory. East Lansing's ONLY Political Science in London VISA Beautician Transportation, Housing, Instruction, And Travel At Reasonable Cost. Ask Your Language P r o f e s s o r - C a l l - O r Send Coupon. UNIVERSITY HUGHES Interested? | AMLEC »EAUTY SALON i i I R o o m 58 A , K e l l o g g Center HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY FIELD S E R V I C E ft S U P P O R T DIV. | M i c h i g a n State University I East Lansing, Michigan An equal opportunity employer US citizenship required j Name Call: 3 5 3 - 0 6 8 1 or I • Address (2OOOtS EAST0F (AdPVS TMfAT«) 4 1 3 E CO RIVER EAST LANSING M C M . Tuesday, February 21, 1967 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS 26 SPORTS, 10 CLUBS Big Te» boss * stymied by protest The dust hadn't settled on last understand the situation." Reed The I.M. program of MSU The injury slips a r e recorded the individual would mark said. "So far, it appears to be a . By R O B E R T A Y A F I E Saturday's Michigan State-Min- only if the student involved goes 'NAAGT' on his slip—'not a p - State News S p o r t s W r i t e r First of nesota basketball game, when Big c a s e of an official's judgment." to Olin for medical aid. parent at game time.' " Ten Commissioner Bill Reed L a r r y Sierra, a s s t . director If a student is participating Because r o s t e r s a r e kept at said Monday that he was some- of Intramural Athletics at MSU, Michigan State, leading the Big by himself—"Informally," as it I.M. contests, an "NAACT" case three parts what confused as towhat methods was the official scorer for the Ten in varsity sports participa- is called—he is not covered by can receive the same treatment to use In reviewing the protest game. tion with 13, offers 26 intramural the I.M. program, but as an MSU as if he had gone directly to Olin of Minnesota Coach John Kundla. "What it bolls down to Is a activities and 10 clubs. • student. Although he fills out after the injury was sustained. " T h e r e Is no machinery setup judgment c a l l , " Sierra said. Intramurals touch on every- the injury slip, it is not sent to to resolve protests of this n a - "When the ball went through the thing from touch football to Olin. The same applies in a phys- Under the I.M. program, there t u r e , " Reed said by telephone hoop, 1 said to the official, Ms squash. T h e r e a r e both m e n ' s Injuries in the intramural p r o - ical education class. is no charge for treatment or f r o m his Chicago office. ."There that basket good?' He said It and women's programs, each gram vary from chipped teeth "It is very possible that a stu- medication. Students a r e c o m - Is nothing in the playing rules was. aimed at providing the student to broken legs, and Frank B e e - dent can be injured and not know pletely covered in physical about I t . " "In my own mind, it was Rymal with athletic-recreational oppor- man, director of intramurals, it," Beeman noted. "Inthiscase, education classes a s well. Kundla filed a protest at the that scored the basket. But 1 tunities. considers them of major impor- Big Ten office because of what decided to make sure. I went Comparisons between the i n - tance. he contended was an Illegal last- into the locker room and said tercollegiate and intramural p r o - g r a m s a r e thought by many as in- The department does not have second basket by Spartan Lee L a - to the official, 'I'm giving credit congruous to even venture. They a corps of trainers or physicians fayette that gave MSU the victory, to Rymal.' He said, 'It was the seem, on the surface, as strange on call but has, instead, an injury 67-66. long shot that scored.' a dichotomy a s ever existed. relay system centering around Kundla said Lafayette was "Only after the head official the supervisors and r e f e r e e s guilty of goaltending. He said Looking at budgets, alone, the had concurred with my Judgment differences a r e enormous. present at all I.M. events and the Lafayette tipped guard Steve Ry- did I award the basket to Rymal. University police. m a l ' s long shot into the basket, While this y e a r ' s athletic bud- It was his declaration that I went get is estimated at $1.5 million, although the official scorer gave by." ' T h e s e supervisors and r e f e r - the basket to Rymal. the I.M. budget is-approximately Sierra said he has not yet been $100,000. It is financed through e e s a r e all trained in f i r s t aid "Right now, I am assembling and physical education,"Beeman contacted by the Big Ten Com- student fees. A portion is also information, official's reports said. "With our injury relay s y s - missioner. derived from the intercollegiate and so forth, in an effort to tem, we a r e also able to keep a budget; this, however, is more in the form of a loan. record of these injuries—when they occur, how they occur and There a r e a good many o v e r - how often." Dennis Chose lapping arrangements, according to John A. Fuzak, vice-president The system works something for student affairs. They a r e all like this. All injuries a r e r e - coordinated through Athletic Di- ported on intramural injury slips rector Biggie Munn. provided for this purpose. What- 6 " I t ' s very important to detach Take it easy Casey,9 ever is noticed is written, a c - the intramural budget from the cording to Beeman; it doesn't intercollegiate," Fuzak pointed matter how trivial it may be. 6 out. " T h e I.M. program shouldn't Did that fumble hurt?9 be subject to the vagaries of a "We ask people to Indicate winning football team, nor should how the injury occurred and how it happened—self-inflicted, o f - ANYTHING! the team be pressured into sup- porting the I.M. p r o g r a m . " fense or defense," Beeman e x - Back when the New York J e t s reporter asked Duffy Daugherty Touch football, according to plained. "If we come up with a of the American Football League after the Spartan football team D r . J a m e s Feurig, team physi- field or a particular action in the were called the NewYorkTitans, had fumbled on third down with cian and director of Olin Health activity that repeatedly has Harry Wismer, the owner, was goal-to-go and lost the game. Center, accounts for more i n - caused injury, we will adjust the The only thing w e ' d like to add having a tough time making ends "Do you think the fumble hurt7" meet. The players used to c o m - the journalist wanted to know. Is it legal? juries than the 13 Varsity sports combined. rules accordingly to prevent any further mishaps." at t h i s point i s that o u r o t h e r C o p y plain more about the way the Veteran sportscaster Howard Spartan f o r w a r d L e e Lafayette grabs the ball to S t a t i o n i n o u r 131 E . G r a n d R i v e r GRANDMA'S checks were bouncing than the Co sell was talking to Ralph B r a n - the r i g h t of the basket in t h e M i n n e s o t a g a m e , w h i c h store is well equipped to handle ball. ca, the pitcher who threw the M S U won, 6 7-66. T h i s is not t h e c o n t r o v e r s i a l play, your m o r e mundane copying n e e d s - One day they got fed up. Just home run ball to Bobby Thomp- but if this is w h e r e L a f a y e t t e caught Steve R y m a l ' s b o o k s , p a p e r s , etc-. before a big game, one of the son to give the New York Giants last second shot, then the c o n t r o v e r s i a l basket Titans stood up on a chair and the 1951 National League pennant. gave a pep talk. The New York Mets had just "All right, you guys," he said. blown another ball game as three was legal. If, h o w e v e r , L a f a y e t t e r e a c h e d o v e r the rim to d i r e c t the ball on its d o w n w a r d slope, lahous then the basket was made illegally. fhto/tfb&ht* \ Campus Book Stores "Go out and win one for the men missed a ground ball up the Gypper." middle and the right fielder, who State News Photo b y Dave L a u r a Or what about the football team finally retrieved it, threw it over TAKE - HOME that had a porpoise for a mascot. everyone's head. The team motto: "Win one for the "Tell me, Ralph," Cosell [attention c a r OWNERSl Flipper." Chicken . Shrimpr .fish asked, "Have you ever seen Which brings us to the subject a worse ending to a game than 507 E , G r a n d R i v e r 1 Is. Grand River of quotes. that one?" Across from Berkey MSU basketball Coach John So much for questions. T h e OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Across f r o m the Union Benington tells the story of the doozer comes from none other complete front end repair and alignment 1900 E. Kalamazoo Phone:484-4471 strategy he used when his team than Pete Rozelle, the president went to Illinois for its f i r s t of the National Football League, • brakes • suspension Big Ten game. Benington knew the who was telling the p r e s s why the WOULDN'T Illinois fans would be peeling NFL and AFL champions couldn't • wheel balancing » steering corrections the paint off the seats because play a "Super Bowl" unless a their team had Just had two s t a r t - bill was passed exempting pro • motor tune ups e r s suspended for accepting ille- football from the antitrust laws. gal " s l u s h " money,* and this was LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center its f i r s t home game in four weeks. "We c a n ' t compete a g g r e s - He had to do something to mini- . sively, a s we have, with player mize the effect on the Spartans raiding and all, for the whole of the thunderous ovation which year and then get together for one the Illinois team was sure to get. day and play each o t h e r , " Rozelle 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 "I wanted them to go out on the said. court at the same time that the Think about it. Illinois team went out." Bening- ton said. "So when I saw the Illi- nois locker room door open, I Sample Menu: sent my team out at the same time. Sure enough, the crowd Pizza Burger went wild. 'See,' I told my boys, 'they love ya.' " Club Sandwich Benington, however, had more Italian Beef luck than Casey Stengel. The old New York Mets manager had just Italian Sausage seen his f i r s t baseman, Marv Submarine Throneberry, hit a home run to win the ball game, and then get Ham tagged out because he forgot to Salami touch first base. Casey rushed from the dugout to protest, but Olive Burger before he got far, an opposing Spaghetti player saved Stengel the e x e r - cise. Mostiocoli "Take it easy C a s e y , " the Antipasto player said. "He didn't touch W I T H NO.l'i second e i t h e r . " TRY ONE OF OUR GREAT Consider the question a SANDWICHES TODAY. SPECIAL: 1 Free small pizza with order of 1 family size. FEE HALL IT A LIAN BATTLE T°H E BANDS f (same combination) • Cigar Band v s . • Collectors v s . • Francis X and the • Bushmen v s . • Plain Brown Wrap- If you want a career that really gives you room to grow, we have a suggestion: VILLAGE pers vs. • Road Runners Start with Humble and you start with the company that provides more petroleum energy to this nation than any other domestic oil company. You literally start with No. 1 — America's Leading Energy Company! FEB. 25 Start with Humble and we'll help you grow — w i t h frequent evaluations... development programs... encouragement to gain professional recognition — 8-12:30 because that's the way we grew to be No. 1. Humble and its affiliates need people in practically all disciplines, because our 3 WILS DJ'S work includes oil and gas exploration and production; manufacturing, transportation and marketing of petroleum and petrochemical products — a n d the management of Door Prizes .all these operations. $500 Great Italian Foods Call now: There is almost no limit to the opportunities we offer — at every degree level. So go ahead . . . have a look at No. 1. See us on campus. IV 2-2100 to the Bands Speedy, ^eliu&uf, $ 1 . 2 5 Couple .75 Stag 1101 E. Michigan HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY...AMERICA'S LEADING ENERGY COMPANY B r i n g Student I D ' s A PLANS FOR PROGRESS COMPANY AND AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTSTuesday,February 21, 1967 SECONDARY ED PROJECT MSU aicîs That schoolsThe MSU study has been done The most recent g r o u p o f v i s i t - MSU's contract in T h a i - By S T E V E G A T E S State N e w s S t a f f W r i t e r in cooperation with the education- ing Thai educators left the U.S. land—compared by Wronski to al planning groups within theThai e a r l i e r this month, and will be working with the State Board of Seven new comprehensive s e c - system, and has included sending associated with the seven new Education in Michigan--cur- ondary schools a r e currently groups of Thai educators to the comprehensive s e c o n d a r y rently runs to Aug. 31, 1968, being established in Thailand as U.S. to study schools and attend schools which will open at the and will probably be extended one of the outcomes of an MSU s e m i n a r s and discussions at beginning of the next academic beyond that date, he said. project there. MSU. year, about May 15. By 1969, 20 of these schools will have been established, based in part on a two-year study by a team of MSU p r o f e s s o r s . This study,. completed in August, 1966, was part of an MSU effort to coordinate educational 'U' Head Start center planning in Thailand. IFC-Pan Hel, Jr. Currently a six-man MSU team is in Thailand preparing r e c o m - mendations for an upgrading of does national research R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of f r a t e r n i t y and s o r o r i t y p l e d g e m a n and K a p p a A l p h a T h e t a ; Jan P e t t a p i e c e , A l l e g a n higher education. Research is be studied and information will be c l a s s e s m e e t tfii d i s c u s s p r o b l e m s a n d p r o g r a m s . f r e s h m a n and A l p h a P h i ; Jack G u l i s h , R o c h e s t e r By P A M HICKS development of disadvantaged also beginning in a similar p r o - gathered pertaining to their F r o m ' left a r e John P h i l l i p s , O k e m o s freshman f r e s h m a n and Sigma Alpha E p s i l o n ; Dave B a t c h e l o r , children. gram for the p r i m a r y schools. Most students would like to get facilities, staff members, m e d i - and Phi D e l t a T h e t a ; V a r y W e i r , B l o o m f i e l d H i l l s O w o s s o f r e s h m a n and Alpha Tau O m e g a ; and P a t r i c k The evaluation program will While work on p r i m a r y edu- a 'head s t a r t ' in studiesand there cal services, participation of sophomore and 7 e t a Tau A l p h a ; L i n d a Herman, involve about 150 children in Sherman, Iron Mountain f r e s h m a n and Alpha Tay cation planning is still tentative, is one group on campus that does: parents and p r o g r a m s goals and 10 to 12 Head Start c e n t e r s . Cleveland Heights, Ohio, sophomore and Kappa Omega. S t a t e N e w s p h o t o b y Dav® L a u r a the planning group for higher edu- the Head Start Evaluation and philosophies, said M r s . Hervey, T h e s e children will be tested at Kappa G a m m a ; L i n d a D e m e t r y , A u r o r a , III., f r e s h - cation is expected to have a Research C e n t e r . adding that the parents of the the beginning and at the end of formal proposal prepared within The Joint venture by MSU's children will be interviewed to their experience in order to a s - the next several months, a c c o r d - College of Home Economics and Union s e s s their growth through the determine their response to the SeniorSv •ing-Out plans set ing to Stanley P. Wronski, c o - the M e r r i l l - P a l m e r Institute in holds ordinator of the MSU project Detroit, is one of 10 c e n t e r s year, M r s . Hervey said. program. This evaluation program i s The participating centers will there. financed by the Office of Econom- identical to nine others In the Swing-Out, a c o m - Dearborn senior, co-chairmen of come more than a coffee hour, art sole He said that the MSU group will ic Opportunity through the Insti- tute for Educational Develop- nation from which data will be Peace Corps Senior propose at least a 10-year p r o - pooled to provide a national mencement tradition dormant for the p r o g r a m , and the members to Include a program, and even- gram for training the faculty and ment. Thieves Market, an exhibit a s s e s s m e n t of Head Start. three y e a r s , will return t h i y e a r of the senior council have con- tually a commencement In Itself. staff m e m b e r s of the Thai uni- The national Head Sta'rt p r o - applications up One of the aims of Senior of student a r t work, will be The r e s e a r c h program is the in a new f o r m . tacted the deans of all colleges versities. gram began in the summer of 1965 Swing-Out has always been to held in the Union Ballroom responsibility of the M e r r i l l - President John A, Hannah gave in arranging for a new Senior from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday Although specific details have to help pre-school children f r o m Palmer Institute, closely working formal approval Monday to the Swing-Out. supplement what Stoddard called not yet been worked out, the culturally deprived a r e a s . The a " b i g impersonal commence- in another event of Union with the area center, where s e v - senior council's plan to r e - i n - The plans.now include a coffee training p r o g r a m would involve, MSU center is directed by M r s , WASHINGTON, D.C. (CPS) — ment, aimed at parents and Board week. eral studies a r e being supported stitute the program. hour to be held the afternoon at least Initially, training Thai Sarah Hervey who received her The Peace Corps has received friends and people who come to totally or in part by the Head Senior Swing-Out was a gather- before Commencement in each Displays of student conti- p r o f e s s o r s in U.S. universities, M.A, and Ph. D. in Educational applications f r o m 2.5 per cent of Start funds. ing of -eniors the morning be- college. hear a s p e a k e r . " nental and transcontinental with the expectation that this Research at MSU. It is located the senior c l a s s e s at more than P r o f e s s o r s and alumni of the Studies of children's abstract fore Commencement. They Each college will help publi- travel opportunities will be group could then train o t h e r s in in the Home Management House. 250 colleges — the highest p e r - college will also be invited to thinking, p a r e n t s ' attitude toward marched to Beaumont Tower and cize the event, and the deans will shown at a travelog to be held Thailand. The purpose of the center centage in the agency's history. attend. Stoddard pointed out that social deviancy and nutritional heard Hannah and the ictUor class •serve as hosts« in the Union first floor con- This basic concept for a 10 is two-fold. It will conduct a f o u r - Director Jack Vaughn said that this i> one of few opportunities and physical growth aspects will president -peak. Chuck Stoddard, senior c l a s s course f r o m 8 to lQ p.m. year program to upgrade the f a c - state evaluation of selected Head applications increased over last to me'et p r o f e s s o r s in a social help point to more possibilities Debbie Grant,- Larchmont, president, said the council hopes Thursday. ulty m e m b e r s has been approved Start P r o g r a m s , and it conducts year at 213 of the 263 schools atmosphere. with the Head Start p r o g r a m . N.Y., senior, and Gabriel« Adler, the program may eventually b e - by the Thai cabinet. research in early childhood visited since September. DEE DEE DEE T v e ironed my hair...tried lots of torchery "My bangs! The sides! Curl Free really things to get rid of natural curl." took the curl out." (This is how Dee Dee Dolan looked before using "The bangs-that's the part I'm crazy about. And it's CURL FREE. And these are her own words.) "It's ob- springy.You know...not limp or anything. I love it! It noxious...not so much the ringlets...as the frizzy was simple, too.Mainly, I just applied CURL FREE and ends. I've tried all kinds of things to get the curl c o m b e d it through. Now I w o n ' t have to set it as out but nothing does it. I have to set it in great big much. It won't frizz up-fantastic!"-DEE DEE DOLAN. rollers...and just keep my fingers crossed.Whenever C o m b those natural curls rightoutofyourhairwith it's even a little damp outside...the set comes right cool, creamy CURL FREE. Even if your hair is so curly it out. My hair just hangs sort of bushy. puts up a real fight—it will surrender to CURL FREE. "I've always envied kids who've had straight hair. Just keep using it and you'll I'd really love to wear those straight, collegiate styles. see.Styling Freedom that lasts Do you really think CURL FREE can do that for me?" for months.That's CURL FREE. NEWl \ -TZsr' Tuesday, February 2 t , 1D67 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan MAIN ATTRACTION: LAWLESS Free LI. response enthusiastic write on the paper that It stinks. fered some alternative ideas. By L I N D A G O R T M A K E R Maybe that's why the original He believes the courses could State News Staff W r i t e r Students and faculty members group of 30 dwindled to the p r e s - be offered on a pass-fail basis, ent 15," he continued. with students receiving credit for participating in Wilson Hall's Free University have nothing but Hooker lets the students take their efforts. over the class and brings in Lawless would like to see the praise for the courses and stu- Free University tried on a larger dent response. speakers every week to lecture while he sits back and offers basis with secretarial help so "1 think it should become a occasional comments. " i t doesn't become a one-man meaningful part of the entire " 1 don't prefer this to my operation." educational community," c o m - regular c l a s s e s because this is " I t ' s kind of time-consuming, ments ATL instructor Ken Law- how I always teach," he said. but I'd like to see it tried again," less. Lawless is teaching a poetry Lawless said his Black Humor Hooker concluded. workshop and a class on Black class started at 30 and dropped PRoaU i M Information ^ 4S2-30O3 Humor. to 15 because "many came just Class attendance varies with to look or pick up quotes for the m ' C H I P A N Toward 4intellectual emotion A T L , c o n d u c t s a s e s s i o n o f h i s F r e e U n i v e r s i t y each claSs with the average be- tween 15-20. Lawless draws the largest cocktail h o u r . " His poetry workshop class con- sists of discussing poems con- TODAY . . . Ken L a w l e s s , i n s t r u c t o r i n At 1:10-3:10 crowd with around 25 each m e e t - tributed by all class members, p o e t r y w o r k s h o p w i t h a b o u t 25 s t u d e n t s . He s a i d h e h o p e d t o w o r k w i t h t h e m " t o ing, while other courses attract -5:15-7:15- a c h i e v e i n t e l l e c t u a l e m o t i o n , i. e., p o e t r y . " State News photo by T o n y F e r r a n t e with each poet explaining his as few as three to six. work. 9:25 P.M. Free University materialised All participating teachers r e c - this year through the persistence ommended the continuance of the GHRffSEfiMMKOUIIINESS Placement Bureau of Michael Lopez, New Haven, Conn., sophomore. He contacted teachers, scheduled classrooms, Free University, and Lopez of- NMX VON STDOMV SENTK BERGER • Ciriu"> fm pmt Hs * Students must register in p e r - (M,D) and all majors of the Col- cal), mathematics (applied), and answered phone calls that KEN LAWLESS JERRY WEST "THE QUILLER son at the Placement Bureau lege of Business (M). physics (solid state and plasma) he says, "averaged about every three minutes for the first few Jerry' L. West, associate p r o - "I wanted to get away from New WMSN MEMORANDUM" at least two days prior to the T r a n s World Airlines: a c - and statistics (B,M,D). my roommate." San Diego Unified School Dis- days." f e s s o r of ATL. He is teaching A Funny T h i n g H a p p e n e d date of interview. counting and financial adminis- Next! On The Way T o The F o r u r Friday, Feb. 24: tration (M), accounting (B), m a r - trict (San Diego City Schools): He feels, however, that the the creative prose-writing work- "This course (mental illness) show views Bureau of the Census: statis- keting and transportation admin- early and later elementary edu- Free University has not fulfilled shop. will give me more background campus issues "Once there was a foreign for my summer job in a state BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS tics (B,M,D), economics, soci- istration (M), transportation (B, cation, special education-men- his main hope. exchange librarian and some stu- institution." ology, anthropology, psychology, M), all m a j o r s of the College of tally handicapped, English, girls' "I wanted to promote an in- dent wives have even come." "I've always wanted to take political science, and agricultur- Business (B), and industrial r e l a - physical education, special edu- terest in education by those not J a m e s R. Hooker, associate a course in creative writing, but All-Campus Radio WMSN is al economics, mathematics and tions and mathematics (M). cation, mathematics, and m e n - already really interested. But I tally handicapped (B,M) and a n - haven't yet seen a wild stampede professor of history, holds a I never wanted to risk getting a sponsoring a series of wide- all majors, all colleges (B,M). current events class called bad g r a d e . " ranging news features titled thropology, art, business admin- toward academics." California State Government: Monday, Feb. 27: "Yesterday and the Day After Each student interviewed ex- "Uniscene." E. J. Brach and Sons Candy: istration, chemistry, English, Faculty members have ex- civil engineering (B,M). geography, physical education, pressed satisfaction with the stu- T o m o r r o w . " He calls his call pressed enjoyment for the in- The program, organized by TODAY . . . FROM 7:00 P.M. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway chemistry, and all majors of the "a rather interesting bunch" with both ASMSU and WMSN, began sociology and mathematics (tech- dent?' work and attitudes. formal atmosphere of the classes Co., Baltimore and Ohio Rail- colleges of Engineering, Arts and "an overwhelming preponder- lasr Thursday with a replay of GRAND P R I Z E WINNER nical) (B,M,D). "I've had a wide variety of and the spontaneous discussions. road Co.: civil, electrical and Letters, Business, Communi- ance of women." Siokely Carmichael's speech. 1966 Cannes F i l m F e s t i v a l South Orangetown Central students in my c l a s s e s , " »-ays West said that his course mechanical engineering, eco- cation Arts and Social Science Asked why they attend classes Dave Shinn, WMSN news di- School District: all elementary, wasn't structured enough but nomics, marketing and transpor- . "Spellbind- 34. Theater with experience, differential f o r er" sign that job you want in t o d a y ' s evening and night duties. L i b e r a l T H R E E GIRLS want one r o o m - Soul all the way . . . . . 12. M u s i c Pepper C l a s s i f i e d Ads u n d e r " H e l p plant personnel policies. Easily m a t e spring t e r m only. A p a r t - Featuring the sound of J a m e s drama Wanted". 13. Inter 37 Prick reached f r o m f r e e w a y 127. Well ment 113 Waters Edge. Call Brown, Spyder T u r n e r , Wilson 5 - 2 / 2 2 C H A L E T LUXURY a p a r t m e n t : P i c k e t t . All wrapped up i n t o . . 14. Have relet, 39. P. I negriti lighted, ample parking a r e a . 351-7313. 41 Unimpor- Need four men to s u b - l e a s e . J a mes-DINO-Soul, enee ti» Pleasant working conditions. NEEDED ONE or t w o m e n t o s u b - tant 351.-4275. 10-3/2 Iti. C o n c l u d i n g Apply: Mason General Hospital l e a s e f o r spring t e r m . E v e r y - 17. Prior to 44 Amorous ON E ROOMMATE needed f o r four Available F o r Spring T e r m 800 East Columbia Street, M a - thing you want. 351-5447. 18. Kind of 46 Garland man house. No deposit needed. and r e m a i n d e r of t h i s t e r m . son, Michigan 48854. 10-2/21 S-3-2/21 spar 48 Fatty fruit Phone 351-4549. 5-2/21 H e a r us at the Union,Tuesday 20. Salutation 49. Entertain G R A D U A TES Night, Room 40 9:00 P . M . 22. Man's 50. Thin crack 3 Pertinent entrance WOULD YOU believe? One a p a r t - and THE " G A B L E S " - F e b - 9. Wine cask IN ment available f o r students, name er 4. Pew ter colli r III Wood r u a r y 27 o r 28, Call now for 23. Aspire > Millinery ACCOUNTING FINANCE LAW completely f u r n i s h e d , all u t i l - auditions and bookings. Ask 26. (>rim DOWN fi Hypotheti- sol rei BUSINESS A b M I N I S T R A T I O N ECONOMICS ities paid. Call Nejac of East for the Supreme L e a d e r . 1 Had on c a l force 11 Unit of 28 Nation And save money on import costs. (You'll save money seeing L a n s i n g . 337-1300. C IV 9-9126 30. Chin, silk 2. Manipula- 7. Purifies electric it V Europe, too. N o taxi, bus, train fares to pay.) W e ' l l arrange WHY NOT tor 8. Mine 1 r> Slencli i \2 l'art of a Take a step in the right direction toward swift personal liniu I European delivery, registration, insurance and licenses for you. And the Volkswagen Station W o g o n you pick up comes and p r o f e s s i o n a l growth by joining the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 II ll> 1'hump completely equipped t o American specifications. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE THE 12 i 13 21 Unit ot eii- encrgy • Excellent training p r o g r a m s 1 UNITED STATES NAVY • Self development c o u r s e s 23. Appetizer IS 16 Free: Please send illustrated brochure and price list. • Standard 40 hour work week 14 % 1* 24. Inlercntial 2f>. Honey PHIL GORDON VW, INC. rift • P e r i o d i c s a l a r y reviews CAMPUS INTERVIEWS IT % >8 y 23 24 '25t i% 2<>. Belg com 2845 E . S A G I N A W ST. NniM AUtHORIZED DEALER M a r c h 2, 1967 OFFICER INFORMATION T E A M % 26 21 27 21 Z8 À 29 illune 27 Windhover AHHrott . S e e your Placement Office and a r r a n g e to meet our R e c r u i t e r s to learn m o r e about our challenging c a r e e r will be located in the Student P l a c e m e n t Bureau Mon. 3« %31 32 29. Fuegi.'ii Indian Citv 7ími» StntA opportunities. through F r i . , F e b r u a r y 20-24, to d i s c u s s opportunities 34 i33 34 31. Son <>l Cad ì!i. Integrateli OR W r i t e : College R e c r u i t m e n t Coordinator available to MSU men and women f o r appointment to c o m m i s s i o n e d status following graduation. 33 è 37 ú 38 3» ' t i 40 37 Soll drink 38. Develop P.O. Box 84 %%è 40. Maple Phil Gordon's Detroit, Michigan 48231 When In Detroit visit us in: NO O B L I G A T I O N - JUST O P P O R T U N I T Y 41 41 43 44 fé 47 44 48 45 genus 41. BlemUlt 42. Anglo-Sax Room 502 F e d e r a l Bldg. - Downtown Detroit Interview appointments not r e q u i r e d . Aviation p r o g r a m s i 50 on king VOLKSWAGEN INC. 2845 E . S a g i n a w St. C o r n e r Washington Blvd. & F o r t Street AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER a r e available f o r u n d e r g r a d s - F r e s h m e n through j u n i o r s . 43 % 43. Scold 45 Palm leal 17 M Vself 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTSTuesday,February 21, 1967 For Sale Personal R e a l £ s t q f o TV RENTAC? iSFstu&eni?, VriiX/ r w t t t i e o k o & i i r ranch "n*ar v ARTS AND IKTTERjS PKAM > * MobiU H o w » month. F r e e service and deliv- campus. $21,000.00. Call ED 7 - Chinese enmity certain: Varg FOR SALE or . rent: Vlndale ery. Call NEJAC. 337-1300. We 0671 after 6 p.m. S-5-2/21 10' x 55', 2 bedroom mobile guarantee same day service. home. Expanding living room, C Service parquet dining a r e a . 517-546- APPOINTMENT FOR passport or ikONING - IN my home, $4.00 0089. 5-2/27 application pictures now being By ROBERT ROUGHLY tion of trade controls, and the per basket. Will pick up and Nations Assn. that the conflict China does provide us with a taken at HICKS STUDIO. 24 deliver. 372-5561. 3-2/22 Future hostility toward the U.S. in China is one of pragmatism limited opportunity to make a other would be to get her Into Lost & Found hour or same day service. ED2- LAUNDRY, CLEANERS, Payless versus doctrine. few unilateral and necessarily the United Nations without s u r - is inevitable no matter what the LOST: BLACK purse. Music 6169. C for the best. Wash - Dry - outcome of China's cultural r e v - He said that President Liu undramatic moves that would be rendering Taiwan," he said. building. Urgently need con- TERM PARTIES and all that 10^. Suits cleaned, pressed - olution, the dean of the College Shao-chi's political strength lies useful In clearing the way for her "Our long-run purpose should tents. Reward-no questions. E l - Jazz. The BUD SPANGLER $1.50. Slacks, sweaters, Sport of Arts and Letters said in a f i r s t in unions and second in the entering the international com- be to Inhibit China from with- len 353-1124. 2-2/22 coats - 75f. WENDROW'S 3006 speech last week. party; all of his attempts have munity," Varg said. drawing from the International GROUP. Call TERRY MAY- FOUND: 1965 class ring, near Vine Street, one block west of been toward strengthening Chi- " T h e most obvious is a relaxa- society," Varg concluded. NARD. 482-4590, 482-4548. Paul A. Varg, recently ap- Washburne T r a v e l Agency. Jay, C Sears. Hours 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. pointed to a 10-member State nese industry and raising the 337-0179. 1-2/21 C-2/23 Dept. Advisory Committee on standard of living. THE SOUNDS and the Sondettes Mao Tse-tung also wants a LOST: G6LD Pendant watch in central campus. Reward! B a r - bara, 355-0014. S-3-2/21 a r e now accepting bookings for DIAPER SERVICE, Lansing's f i - spring t e r m . 351-9155. THERE IS no place like "Home''' C nest. Your choice of three types. Containers furnished, 'no de-# China, told members of the Lan- sing Area League of Women Voters and Lansing Area United strong China "but wants above anything else to perpetuate a puritanical and revolutionary Nation to view LOST: ELGIN watch. Men's IM. or one of 19 other companies posit. Baby clothes washed f r e e , s p i r i t . " He feels that " t o halt Reward. No questions. 353- 8153. " 3-2/22 with which to be insured by BUBOLZ INSURANCE, 220 Al- bert. C Try our Velvasoft process. 25 years in Lansing. BY-LO DIA- PER SERVICE, 1010 E. Michigan | Service Typing Service the revolution at this point and to give way to demands for in- creased material welfare is r e - WMSB programs Personal IV 2-0421. „ C PAULA ANN HAUGHEY, typist. TOM IT A STUDIO, 209 Abbott IBM Selectrlc and Executive. visionism and Is equivalent to Millions of Americans will b e - chestra under the batons of Wil- V-M WEEK is coming February Road (Abbott Building). P a s s - NATIVE FRENCHMAN, exper- falling into the trap into which liam Steinberg, Pittsburg, Pa., Multillth offset printing. P r o - come acquainted with MSU during 20. Watch for special savings port pictures. Three prints for ienced teacher, will tutor all Khrushchev led the Soviet the coming year as two WMSB and Henry Lewis, Los Angeles, fessional thesis typing. Re- on portable and component sys- $3.90. ED 2-8889. C-2/23 levels. 355-8514. S-3-2/21 Union," Varg said. musical television series c i r c u - Calif. The productions include sumes printed — $3.00/100 tems during VM week atNEJAC $1.39 SIZE BUFF ERIN 69^ with DIAPER SERVICE, Diaparene page. 337-1527. C These domestic conflicts have late around the country. behind-the-scenes segments, in- PAUL VARG of East Lansing, 543 E. Grand Franchised Service Approved by a direct relationship to foreign WMSB, MSU's educational s t a - terviews and the musical p e r - this ad. MAREK REXALL River next to Paramount News. Doctors and DSIA. The mast IT'S ¿ 0 EASV to find the work- policy, Varg said. He stated that the U.S. may give to one side tion, Is now distributing 20 video formance. DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CEN- • • C modern and Only personalized e r s you want when you use the pragmatists advocate an a c - of the struggle would only in- tapes to other non-commercial "Young American Musicians" (jUltAR GIBSON J50. One year TER at Frandor. C-2/23 service in Lansing, providing "Help Wanted" Ads in Classi- commodation with the Soviet j u r e that side and there is no stations from Washington, D.C n is a series of 30-minute TV old. Excellent condition. Call THE CIGAR BAND: The sound you with diaper palls, polybags, fied. Dial (Phone) now. Union so that China could get reason to believe that the U.S. to Los Angeles. The two series recitals by gifted young a r t i s t s . 351-7239. S-5-2/23 you can hear. 485-4927. C-2/24 economic and military aid for a would gain anything from the con- programs, "Congress of Strings deodorizers, and diapers, or JOTT RESUMES, 100 copies, The programs a r e designed to THE KNUTTS (from Birming- use your own. Baby clothes $4.50. AL DINGER DIRECT strong drive against the U.S. flict. 1966" and "Young American Mu- encourage the musicians in their THE PERSON to call for bands ham) now open for spring term washed f r e e . No deposit. Plant Varg said that any support "However, the struggle in sicians," will be broadcast In a careers. MAIL ADVERTISING, 533 North -TERRY MAYNARD, 482-4590, booking. 353-2802. 3-2/23 inspection invited. AMERICAN dozen metropolitan areas. The participants are advanced CUppert. IV 5-2213. C-2/23 482-4548. C THE OTHERSIDE . . . T l i e O t h e r - DIAPER SERVICE, 914 E.Gier. "We have done this type of students or graduates of Michigan Albion invites prof THESES PRINTED. Rapid s e r v - THE LOOSE ENDS: The sound side . . . The Otherside . . . Call 482-0864. C thing b e f o r e , " said Thomas L. State r the University of Michi- lce. Drafting supplies. Xerox that makes you want to do It. Triple great rock! 489-7916. Turk, a WMSB producer and gan, Northwestern and Indiana copies. CAPITAL CITY BLUE- Wild! Tom, 485-0761'. C - 2 / 2 3 3-2/23 Typing Service director. "But we have never Universities, the JuilliardSchool BARBI MEL, Professional typist. PRINT, 2 2 S o u t h Grand. 482- LOX AND BAGELS delivered. J e r r y A.Cowen,associate p r o - sist faculty members with c u r - send so many tapes around the of Music, the Curtis Institute 5431. C-2/23 F r e s h from Detroit Bagel Fac- Peanuts Personal No job too large or too small. TYPING IN my home. Academic fessor of physics, will lecture riculum and physics research country b e f o r e . " of Music and Oberlln College. tory. Sunday mornings. 337- ZTA PLEDGES: Five Theta Delt Block off campus. 332-3255. C or general. Experienced, a c - at Albion College Feb. 21-22, as problems. The tapes were made at Michi- 9976. THE ROGUES: We now arebook- S-3-2/21 merits for a clean house plus EXPERT TYPlNC service b y r e - one for a good TG. Too bad tired s e c r e t a r y . Will pick up and curate typist. Call 489-3141. part of a nationwide program to stimulate interest in physics. A National Science Founda- gan State and were first broadcast tion Fellow, Cowen spent 1964 from WMSB. Stokely on WKAR Ask for Sue. C-2/23 pledge raids aren't every week. deliver. Call collect, 243-3116. and 1965 at the center for nu- The "Congress of Strings lng The East Campus sound for TYPING: THESES, term papers, Stokely Carmichael's address next t e r m . Telephone IV 4- Thets. 1-2/21 5-2/24 The National Science Founda- clear studies in Saclay, France, .1966" programs are half-hour Feb. 8 in the MSU Auditorium, general. Electric typewriter. and the summer of 1966 as a visit- television concerts with the 7594. C-2/23 CONGRATULATIONS BETAS on NEED EFFICIENT typing s e r v - tion program, now in its 10th will be rebroadcast this morning Fast service. 351-6135. ing scientist at the Ford Motor American Federation of Musi- t H E NEW YORKER: Student- a fanatically delicious cham- ice? Call 482-3086 or 373-1130. y e a r , will feature Informal d i s - at 10 a.m. over WKAR-FM. S-10-2/24 Co. Research Laboratory. cians Congress of Strings O r - faculty r a t e s . 34 weeks $3.75. pagne party. Only way to fly. M r s . Stevens. S-2/22 cussions with students and a s - Box 133, East Lansing. 1-2/21 Transportation CAREERS TYPING TERM PAPERS AND - S-5-2/21 SIG E P pledges, congratulations theses. Electric typewriter. GOING TO central Florida March GIRL FROM St. John's who took on a chest pledge party. The Fast service. 332-4597. 18. Two riders wanted. 351- quilt and large oval hoops to Brothers. 1-2/21 S-5-2/21 7693. 3-2/22 Engadlne at Thanksgiving call EXPERIENCED TYPING, edit- Barb Patterson, 355-2344 or Recreation ing. IBM Electric. Near campus. Wanted 337-9207. 5-2/23 WEAR THE trademark of the Phone 337-9660 evenings. ¿LOOD DONORS needed, $7.50 Puerto Rican sun. Seven sun- for RH positive, $10, $12 & $14 FREE!II A Thrilling hour of S-3-2/21 fllled days and six fun-filled for RH negative. DETROIT beauty. F o r appointment call nights In exciting San Juan. TYPING DONE in my home, 2-1/2 BLOOD SERVICE, INC., 1427 484-4519. MERLE NORMAN $205 Includes luxury hotel a c - blocks from campus. 332-1619. East Michigan Avenue. Hours: COSMETICS STUDIO, 1600 E. commodations, direct DC-7 air C 9-3:30 Monday and Tuesday; Michigan. C-2/23 service Lansing/San J u a n / L a n - ANN BROWN, typist and multl- 12-6:30 Thursday. 489-7587. C THE LOOSE ENDS - The sound sing. Optional sidetrlp to Virgin lith offset printing, d i s s e r t a - you can feel. Organ, guitar, Islands. $18. Limited space tions, theses, manuscripts, gen- COUPLE WANTS one bedroom, bass, drums. Call Tom, 485- available. Make reservations eral typing. IBM, 16 years ex- furnished apartment spring 0761. C-2/23 now. 355-6364. 4-2/24 perience. 332-8384. C term only. 351-7549. 5-2/27 Central Soya offers careers with unparal- the farmer produce livestock and poultry leled rewards and satisfaction in research, more efficiently. The broilers, turkeys, and eggs engineering, marketing, accounting, pro- we produce are providing economical, high- duction, and management, c Who is Central protein food for millio'ns. The grains we market Sova? Actually, we're a young loader in a vital .find their way into an ever expanding array of industry. In just íJá years, we've grown to rank processed foods. • As one of The FOOjH'OW frff as one of America's largest industrial corpora- People, you can help conceive, develop, and tions . . . last year, our sales ex- implement our ambitious plans for ceeded half a billion dollars. Al- continued growth . . . because World War I Ace Snooping Around for a New Car most everything we do is devoteel for a company our size, we to the production of more and have fewer employees than DEAR REB: better food . . . that's why we're you'd expect. This I'm a former W o r l d W a r I Air Ace, a n d w h e n it comes to buy- called The FÓODPOWKR People. means more personal ing a new car, I c a n really fly off the handle. Frankly, the w h o l e opportunity . . . more thing is a d o g f i g h t for me. I'm tired of piloting my present car What is our future potential? Un- a n d have g o t my sights set on a p e r f o r m a n c e model that'll let limited! A hungry world makes it so responsibility, a me strut in style. But its price has got to be solo it w o n ' t shoot me d o w n . I'm b a n k i n g on y o u to help me find one, Reb. Our soybean products are used bigger job . . . faster. MAX, THE RED BARON Sound interesting? Leader- in many types of food . . . in pro- cessed meals and candies . . . ship positions with Central Soya DEAR RED BARON: in margarines, shortenings, are now available. We'd like to consider Don't be blue, M a x ! Tri-winging a r o u n d in a new D o d g e C o r o n e t R / T - R o a d Track. The hottest new p e r f o r m a n c e c a r and salad dressings . . . in baked you for one of these career opportunities. of the year. S t a n d a r d e g u i p m e n t includes a 440-cubic-inch, 4-barrel M a g n u m V8. Front bucket seats. A i r - s c o o p h o o d d e - goods. Our Master Mix feeds help Complete and mail the coupon today. All cou- sign. H i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e Red Streak nylon tires —and m o r e ! pons received will be acknowledged. Join the D o d g e Rebellion in a C o r o n e t R/T—you can d o it for peanuts. A n d as for your present c a r : Junker. Central Soya The FOODPOWER People Fort Wayne, Indiana APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT CONSIDERATION Mail to: Mr. Ronald A. Schutt, Employment Manager, Central Soya, 300 Fort Wayne Bank Building, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 PLEASE PRINT MIDDLE INITIAL LAST FULL TIME EMPLOYER LAST NAME Dodge The '67 C o r o n e t R/T is strictly a d r i v i n g man's car, with a long list of s t a n d a r d p e r f o r m a n c e features designed to give y o u cat-quick responsiveness on the r o a d or the track. Your choice of four-on-the-floor or a three-speed automatic trans- C I T Y A STATE TELEPHONE FROM W H E N EMPLOYED POSITION HELD NO ( ) TES ( ) E A R N I N G S PER M O N T H ô SINGLE ( ^ MARRIED ( ) mission. Heavy-duty brakes. Heavy suspension underneath. M A R I T A L STATUS N O . OF D E P E N D E N T S VETERAN »RANCH , DRAFT S T A T U S Dual exhausts. Full-length paint stripes. All standard. A n d as an o p t i o n , y o u c a n have a d y n a m i c 426-cubic-inch Hemi V8 COLLEGE NAME YEARS C O M P L E T E D TYPE OF P O S I T I O N D E S I R E D A T C E N T R A L SOYA under the h o o d . CHRYSLER Choose y o u r R / T in either a two-door hardtop or convertible model. Check o n e out at your Dodge Dealer's soon. YVRE O F DEGREE MAJOR F I E L D GRADE P O I N T AVERAGE E A R N I N G S EXPECTED M0T0R8 CORPORATION T H E IIOIHPI: k k b b l m o n W A N T S Y O I I COLLEGE N A M E YEARS C O M P L E T E D MAJOR F I E L D GRADE P O I N T SIGNATURE TYPE O F DEGREE AVERAGE 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTSTuesday,February 21, 1967 4 FOR A C T I N G -...»:,-,, Powe ff ffrrrr stymies House Virginia Woolf gets DaVinci painting WASHINGTON (¿1 - Efforts by a select House committee to un- ting Information about the firm The member, who asked that headed by Powell's s e c r e t a r y - his name not be used, said he ( c o n t i n u e d f r o m page o n e ) member of the noted Florentine ravel the mystery of Huff En- traveling companion, Corinne A. Is certain that Huff Enterprises Benci family, when he was in t e r p r i s e s , Ltd., and Its con- Huff, may prevent any detailed is more than a paper f i r m set ing in any U.S. collection. 13 Oscar nominations The report of a price between $5 million and - $6 million came from European sources, accord- his early 20s but was already an established artist in Florence. The painting is on poplar nections with Adam Clayton Pow- ell a r e running into a dead end even though some members b e - lieve the Bahamian f i r m is much disclosure before the Inquiry up by Powell to assume owner- ends Thursday. ship of his properties and p r e - vent them from being attached The committee resumes its to satisfy a New York damage HOLLYWOOD .f — "Who's ing to the Washington Star and the wood, measuring 15 1/2 by 14 1/2 Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Ed- inches. The gallery said a r a r e m o r e than a paper organization. sessions Monday, attempting to judgment. New York T i m e s . A price in this get unanimous support for the ward Albee's searing portra of range would be far beyond the Italian f r a m e from the same The clearest public hint of the "Many of our leads run current viewpoint of a biparti- nature of Huff Enterprises came life, won top honors today in previous high for a museum p u r - period as the painting is being straight to Huff E n t e r p r i s e s , " nominations for the 39th annual adopted for it. san majority that the most severe last Thursday in testimony to chase. This was the $2.3 m i l - said one member of the commit- penalty that could be handed Pow- the committee by C. Sumner Academy Awards. lion paid in 1961 by New York tee looking into the Powell case. ell would be stiff censure, in- Stone, f o r m e r Powell aide who is The Warner Bros, drama won City's Metropolitan Museum of But he added that a shortage of cluding docking some pay and listed as the vice president of 13 nominations including those Art for Rembrandt's "Aristotle Romney hints time and the difficulty In get- loss of seniority. Huff. for the four actors: Richard Contemplating the Bust of Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, George Segal and Sandy Dennis, it also McQueen Taylor Cai ne Homer." Dr. Gustav Wilhelm, chief of of '68 hopes Walter Matthau, " T h e Fortune was named for best picture, best direction, by Mike Nichols, and screen play, by Ernest Lehman. " T h e Russians a r e Coming"; Michael Caine, "Alfie"; Steve McQueen, "The Sand Pebbles"; Cookie"; Robert Shaw, "A Man for All Seasons." the prince's ruling Cabinet, con- firmed the sale and said it came after " v e r y lengthy negotia- SALT LAKE CITY, /Pi — Gov. George Romney of Michigan came Go Go Best supporting a c t r e s s : Miss close to saying today that he is Paul Scofield, "A Man for All BAHAMAS "A Man for All Seasons" and tions." taking dead aim at the Republican " T h e Sand Pebbles" tied for Seasons." Dennis; Wendy Hiller, "A Man "It is already in the United presidential nomination. second honors with eight nomi- For best a c t r e s s : Miss Taylor; for All Seasons"; Jocelyne L a - States," Wilhelm said. ">I can- Romney, on a trip to test sen- nations apiece. Anouk Aimee, "A Man and a garde, "Hawaii"; Vivien M e r - not say what price was paid for timent in the west, said at a Thev were nominated for best Woman"; Ida Kaminska, " T h e chant, " A l f i e " ; Geraldine Page, the painting. Prince Franz Josef news conference In his old home Shop on Main Street"; Vanessa " Y o u ' r e a Big Boy Now." $139 complete picture, along with " A l f i e " and is currently at one of his A u s t r i - town that when Leonard Hall de- " T h e Russians are Coming, The Redgrave, "Morgan!" an estates and is unavailable for cided to set up a Romney for Med profs to Russians are Coming." Best supporting actor; Segal; comment." President committee "I didn't Nominees for best actor of Mako, "The Sand Pebbles"; The portrait will go on view discourage h i m , " . aid Nigeria 1966 were Burton; Alan Arkin, James Mason, "Georgie G i r l " ; March 17, the 26th anniversary Repeatedly today, in answer- of the gallery's opening. The ing questions, Romney used the Two members of MSU's gallery would not reveal who word " w e " as if the decision Round trip a i r transportation it's what's happening medical school faculty left Sun- day for a three-week assignment financed the purchase, except to say the acquisition was made already had been made. 7 night hotel accommodations Round trip ground transfers, including tips A* at the University of Nigeria. through the gallery's purchase 39 Varieties F r e e tickets to Gala opening night get together Announcements must be r e c e i v e d before 11 a.m. Dr. Andrew D. Hunt J r . , dean fund, "which is made up entirely party at " J o k e r ' s Wild." Dancing - Calypso - of the College of Human Medi- of private donations." the day before p u b l i c a t i o n . Limbo - Refreshments »V cine, and Dr. Scott N. Swisher, But art specialists assumed of Pancakes The American Institute of In- 8 sun filled days United Students will meet at professor of medicine, will serve that at least a large share came terior Designers will meet at 7:30 Optional one day sight-seeing in Nassau 9 tonight in 31 Union. Plans for as advisers and consultants in from Paul Mellon, president of tonight in 300 Home Ec. Bldg, 7 days'complimentary breakfast price study and East Lansing the development of a medical the gallery, or his sister, Mrs. boycott will *be • discussed. Morna Kline will ^pcak. school at the University of Alisa Mellon Bruce, or both. * * V 4 0 Departs March 18 Nigeria at Enugu. They a r e the children of the gal- Rev. John Mardon, author of Irving Wyeth, coordinator of l e r y ' s founder, the late Andrew Steaks-Salads The Institute of Electric and " T h e Hungry Generation" will the Nigeria program, said that W. Mellon, and have contributed Electronic Engineers (IEEE)wili speak at the St. John's Student University of Nigeria Vice Chan- heavily to the displays. The gal- Sandwiches-Waffles meet at 7:30 tonight In 146 Center at 8 tonight on "Non cellor Eni Njoku requested the lery is part of the Smithsonian HURRY ONLY 13 SEATS LEFT Engineering Bldg. Tim McDon- Christians and * *the* Divine Plan." assignment to advise the univer- Institution, thus owned by the fed- Shakes-Sundaes ough will speak on "Uses of sity. eral government, but Its major Digital Computers in Engineer- The History Club will meet at The medical program is part of acquisitions usually a r e paid for ing Studies." Refreshments will 8:30 tonight in the Student Serv- a long-range plan of the univer- by private donors. be served. ices Bldg. lounge. T.T.B. Ryder $25 D e p o s i t confirms and secures your spoce » * * sity, Wyeth explained. Plans have The gallery said the picture will speak on "Statesmanship in been accelerated, however, due is believed to be the one Leonardo The Baptist Student Fellow- a Democracy; The Experiences to political tension in the country. painted of Ginevra, a beautiful TRIP IS GUARANTEED Yellow Dog ship will meet at 7:30 tonight of Ancient Athens." in the Baptist Student Center, * * * Contact: 332 Oakhill Ave. Rev. William Donald Baker, asst. professor JIM HOWARD 351-9295 Harrington will speak on "How of history, will analyze U.S. r e - 500 sheets MIKE IRVINE 1712 E . G R A N D R I V E R 351-4694 to Become a Christian." lations with De Gaulle's France TOM PRICE 351-5840 as part of the F r e e University discussions in Room 4, Wilson ('use' paper, 19 OTHER CAMPUS PEG RANDALL REPRESENTATIVES JIM R A N D A L L ^lpha Phi Sigma, National Po- Hall from 7-9 p.m. today. Stu- lice Honorary, will meet at 8:30 dents are asked to review edi- tonight In 34 and 35 Union. Donald torial material in the New York Church will speak on the Lansing Times. canary 2nd 1000 s h e e t s VACATIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 2820 E. Grand River sheets, scratch) VI Boys Training School, * * * $225 20930 M A C K Raimar Richers, visiting p r o - Lansing, Michigan GROSSE P O I N T E WOODS, MICH. Spartan Bookstore fessor of marketing, willpresent 4823¿ 313-886-0822 The N1SU Bookstore and Asian a seminar on his native country, Phone 487-3761 Studies Center will sponsor a Brazil, at 8 tonight In Erickson coffee hour from 3-4 today in Klva. His topic will be "Brazil- the Author's Corner of the MSU Social & Economic Contrasts of Corner of Ann & MAC Bookstore for Dr. Han Suyin, a Restless Nation." author of "Love Is aManySplen- Voice of Music dored Thing." The Christian Science Organi- . zation 'will meet at 7:15 tonight in 31 Union. For rides call 33.2- 3507. * » * The MSU Veterans Associa- WEEK tion will meet at 8:30 tonight at Coral Gables. The meeting will concern the election of one board member anaa new vice president. Coming events # #will * be discussed. The Forestry Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in 183 Natural Second Big Day - Tuesday Resources. "Mechanical Har- vesting of Pulp'' is the title of the program. Slides and a film will be shown by William R. Gabriels of the Packaging * radio. Beautiful! Play some records. Your Stereo amplifier lias power enough to fill a stadiun,. The record changer plays any record, any size, any speed, stereo o r mon- aural. And the speakers(hang them up, stand NOW them up, or build them ic) are technically $199.95 perfected and acoustically matched. And guess what? People think you did it your- self. M o d e l 368 in Sh o r e l i n e G o l d ' •SPECIALS - Model 368 in Shoreline Gold.V-M's " o r i g i n a l . " Portable Component SONATA 1125 TO 1975 System design combines component styling with truly portable utility. Housing a powerful- 20 watt Solid State amplifier, the central unit sits on bookshelf or tabletop. The detachable matching speaker en- closures can be placed up to 16 feet apart for true stereo separa- tion. The "Stere-O-Matic changer plays all four record speeds, stereo or mono In all popular sizes. The lightweight tubular tone a r m c a r r i e s CAROLINE S200 TO 3 5 0 W E D D I N G R I N G 6 2 SO reg. $119.95 NOW $99.95 an ultra-sensitive ceramic c a r t - MAN'S RING 100 r i d g e with a diamond LP stylus. Open I Thompson'S of East Lansing Mon. - F r i . 9-6 Sat. 'Til 5:00 Jewelry 543 E . G ' a n d R i vet Mon. and Wed. M 223 MAC ac 337 1300 Shop until 9:00 p.m.