\}L s. C..Library ■ V. " Action. (imtn Put StMbata to P..n far I mm B* (oinril Po,,t;oni. final Volin;. V...', 100 STUDENTS TO AID Car Coea Over State High School* .... to be (on Harrison Road C«rve. State Men Are Stopped b// Cups AMD A John it k»*d him up. I< C Young and Irarkmen Mittakeri nil Wi-nt «»\i r an f'jr Dillinger Near ••nt at Michig (b.cato JOURNALIST TO SPEAK TONIGHT Alumni WORK ON PROM Making Plans PnilWf II fll/F^ Frrdrrifk Saydrr W,l| Talk For Celebration LUUilLIL 111 V LJ Krnp.n, Ahrad o( thr on ,n Spring NEARS CLIMAX I ...led In vr Ta Headliret SPORT RULINGS Tifkrl S.Im Arr Lv.lv Mol- Frimodig Will Have Final Word lett Announce* Patrons In Inlerfraternity Athletic Eligibility • r «ij M« START WORK ON SCHOLARSHIPS START SPRING Plan* Being Wade to ( boote 32 REGISTRATION <#!' heawfe'elfl High School Seniors ifcori rrttith Trdor With Oth 'A ! U10.Tr f for Awards r*r-'- '■ r owned en to Follow Fees Due April 2 DRIVE TO OPEN LIBRARY SUNDAYS Student Loans MILITARY MEN TO GET NEW CLOTHES bry. Uaifarm to b* lnurd Tk.i Work UNION CUEISTS HUSTON GETS COPYRIGHT FOR VITAMIN INVENTION WIN NAT! CUP 1MB PU'ilS', THI 9 |- ( ONLiI < THJ B1 AT. PPI 'I Phdadelphn Schrrrr it High Mar Statr »Mere ll»r> , B»»t» Purdor h» 10 "joii*. or. turning :n 'I* (LARK GETS REQUEST a EOR CHEM POSITIONS Forestry Exhibit Shows Towne Speaks on Nazi Serious Tree Diseases Militarism at Banquet Three Coaei DtgpUv Wood Rot* AWd and Bbdt fear. BULLETIN SHOWS GAIN and White Pioe Blister at Gtraua Rust ittC&Uon attention ».tn.-r.it * rr,., < IN USE OF FABN POWER "V.* Ut T< fdSdM • iko tali* .»•. nan a rwt C'a:>* vf Hea r •fM* Blade banquet in Urn ere three ti me* * n ai.» a;s bended u, •!>■ Carborur > ^ * 0* Jacitaon K Towiw i**» f1 entuunenr . t.* ^ j t/uijetio announcing (wet thai wit niagara faua n otranar »u the nuwt rw- milie* treaty . .«* mer. * -fw i*r**r power compwrite* otlllM. ™ * » *eriea Of 11 f »*■ or. Oer- about five feet three .r.-r-e. .... a*. tenia J.ve lnfjfnw ap- i«ari report net gains s«t:efatu»M - ■If a* U/ Tom in in* pwu accepted Thu gi*e» -re <«err..... ..tani «' 44 farm :uato ACS CO TO BATTLE CREIK Bvervthtng miUtary :r. Oer- aany Mr Towne s*.d One Stind*. fternnor. I had the opporlur^tv of Foait rnemoer^ ,J the farm man- fear* of the enm* m fartr crop* iraeeieyi tu Creek etwve rtttft, a: caijtar- uwr e W K K-.aea rua 230 •c-.^wn An-.-r- •, 23b CV>,- ipread «.■ s>J*Mt and the Ktn* Heer K K- , =.« r> M ^ .•so.!. :aa «f*l Vr ;?er«.*> ng I 300 farmer* in ft/tv-five roumies > litchwan The t •StkWpUMm tha. m ai jae there , mi Cmm.. llk«x.L_ Lj_ oumattowt* /ram 14-s r Thorn-- i., be aj.u*ArU during the year ^ " 55^n . BROWN TO SPEAK WED •to,Si elulo MBM 2* their 0Ubte r!to.l You cant G.rw ror.tince w »'Tt#e record* year ..th Kuto !^m«« (trowing in ^ "« fftOf. TAULSTAUS TO ' CLUBS ** WtM. M M. . uMliiwm. »kiU.riu« »•! u. i,:"' npt€»U> —rtul 10 ~ kbiM > -- - ■ " .it fh- dirrouiMtinc -*rvulr^n*ti tHT> «-'t-.AiRf o( the in* fefWfefi rale waa lour Ma ma- - »ivi Imnaei . tn Thai autce •-**■? >♦ «xv» the Sd ;er.r^ _» TV rug,ha. wrier* he a... to the Co- twee growrth.1 ..-nowtag the aafexc* af Dlr*« UartetUBf :v)H IImJAN S I A IE NEWS T«ic: «lay. Mulc h C. l!i Mlchle in State News (;[n fl(.jn (f />nrk SHORT COURSE ( ooks Hear °f Colonel Battenberg Saw The n : • t JUDGING ENDS ZZ™ Europ¬ Active Service in War Spartan Name W ,n .•, , »l V.rioi ean Dishes Told to Home M"l John Sargent Noted Artist. Merry-(Jt>-KtiuncI Er Cluh. in'War-torn Ypret. ny Ills III II HOI Mil K. II F.vrnt* Sponnored by Ag iileliiilil-. I !»#»»•*- I• rtk Division I ... llMr.M I ' IHI »« I UIIIIM I R 11 \Ui lilgart Mfittr I r C..n\lR. h.,ll. h ptfO lhrn«vts \|.«ui Httl ill • atitlllar* hand mrt< l> m fIt* il Grad Student* Leave School For C. C. C. Position* au youas for Uttnriuli'' (fctlllilinli' pi JUNIOR UTS OKI IAI ACS IN Mill CONTEST STIIDFNT rill.St .mii,,,..,,- i. to r.elv Ai t tlo «> tco.1 rtvrrtiWe i iii i *> CAMPUS PRESS, Inc. ■ % I it ) Baker Brothers Cleaners laidies' Plain Dresses ami Mt< n\ I'|,\h \ I C oals Cleaned and Pressed 50c i*1(1 S\1 Men's Suits and Overcoats Cleaned and Pressed Or 50c An> Two l.arments 7.V "km i okkh.n i ii Its Baker Brothers cleaners "*i; originate. others eoi.wtw last Itmdni M»« h lira*, from >Lair Thraer IKOM.II .. and ready to make The last big Formal of the season you sivagtivr! SOPHOMORE PROM ft attmtivr CHARLIE AGNEW and his Band Masonic Temple WALKOYEH March 9 ^ colkvt* vaT brine - *hv a:v • m *■ :-'d i •.Tie «at urns phMGK«»r»i Oi Che rquRl bovUx • o:dr; Tax $2.50 He atrvjouung that then are the . ■day, March W, 11VAA irffClllfJAN STA'l k NEWa Page Three fw« Hundre d (nupks Present At Spartan Women Id-aRtie Formal; GRANGE DRIVES Went Mary Mayo I'resenfH Formal The Seven s Dances Held by Societies mD ^UK ' pC MbmDEKj I'arty Friday Nitc Passing Show W s r.' >nur.< i; (iff < > ■. nominatwl The on twelve the A. followtri* flrbt , it too hundred nm|.li>-< urri- pp. .. I (ontnl Between l.trli and Men By First Niflrter ■ . . II. v .vr.e Allen SouK Hte in Wumtn' I.iiu'iii formal n t-n I, Mnri" Mari'm Andrm, LoruUn«: 1 " (or New M on hen Kadi Charlotte HRene Anxs lava Wll- pi, I In mm nl tin- Mil-,,,,, f, H, | | ••]<■ tt.en'/T ifT rv."cgr r rr.a W»«err.'eir'l, Tanning; Carolyn irht. Nut' It.' nn In -I m, April 7. . • plnvuip In, Hi. Helen Anthony. urronnded in palm and ti n" fKitted tree I,a run rig Margaret. 1,1,1,VI' lli"iii, nil th. I.H' k limp, won l«rtn - \V I. A I'm ml i !•. nl. . i,| Hi, :>*«inaw Jean . Pe!«rtm. Tra- r-t J**n ftgr.ford. college in \V«-i tif Muck. v.ii.' in«»iimI«-«| (ir&ml Khi»m| j I BULLETIN . . ml numbt t * ith •- Carolyn Umb J' < r>'Tlrteri Ltn- i Imv-M i n il ii'l nt one t irn< • > I.anMng will • ey,)ryr OfflWfl On '• ' Tne field Wl!l ' elimination" . • ■•«•*•• mmm aP OVIATT RHI'RNs fROM BFI.T f.ROWf.R EVERT 25c PAL NITE MEETING , TUES. " - "IwrfiiirBII World LADIES GUEST NITE , Smalieil I nun. all ladies fnee FRI. PAUL NE1L8EN f.AI LV.HI.R V»i|.L sPl.AK ' A Studeoti Are Freak\ the pipe tobacco that's MILD the pipe tobacco thats COOL Ml* f.M lilt I. \ h - The method of fire/taring Granger Adcnr Chapit: 7 ohaao for ftifte smoking is not • thfl» like an> other method note in nse. M. {..*»• So far is we know, it ,v— is fragranic and mildneai to the best was ever found of \X cllman's Method. taking out of tolunos the The w Granger Tobac¬ DANCE oils that don't smoke ay right co is tut fug Bakes — — in Wait* Ore -up or tute right in a pipe. helps it to smoke tool and rtartlM Tor* *a March k 7 M p as Granger owes its extra last longer. Try it. in.HI Lfc*wo**t—ataa Virgiline Simmon* School of Dancing ' held tr. if* Wis- .s inrta> at *5 s see*** 'he Hotel old* S«utr- t* us . *:*?«!•■ M Patron* will be Mr and Ka't-e: •.(>• Ltsn^nw iu it Better Position Ten Can Get It Hundred- ..f IokUhb. eKadad ai •» fimlred dollar* or more ;h, -umrm-r. Sot AN \ OL Hniiiirvn- "I iiihiT- '*II M0! 'AN Just about the nearest helpful ' >i - will '<• mailed on receipt of a three cent stamp. (Teacher- aildrc,- lirpl I AI others adilrei-- thing to a pouch that a Dept. S. I package could he—it keeps fkc tiikirrii the tP CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY, Int. www trui D»I2 DmMK St. leaser (ok. Covers the ENTIRE I nited States A lcnrikle package—lUc School OfWial.' You oi*>' wire m >"ur sauuitie- at our expense, if 'peed U «*eat. You »U1 receive tompdeU. free amHrtntiol nporta by air tail within 36 hour^ Titosday. March 0, 1 0" 1 mrmoAV STATF NEWS J Marquette Trackmen The No Serious Damage Done FRAT C£GE SEMI- Wolverine Matmen Take m Win, 72 to 37 With SCOREBOARD (ilimrr At Boxing Tournament FINALS ARE TONITE Spartans For Second in Vf Surprise Squad Power Sport an Sports at a llv IHC'K MVIIH Crowd Amused hy Slu* and Season, 15-11, Saturday Miss Tactics of focal wif' ii. Six New (ivmnasium Records Pass by Boohs in Dual Meet at flow Decisions in 11 Class Spells Difference Bet »>.„ c Win and Defeat (or Slate; Reasrely Scnret Only Fill, j! j ; Milwaukee. Wisconsin; Ottey and Jackson Share Scor¬ ing Honors for State; Melcalf Leads Hilltoppcrs. Realm* John Spoden in fi Minutes, 50 Setrada. ( ii;ii 11 I'. o»tl(-% ("«ilIiiis' Michigan State wrestlers <1 r. pJ S11 ' |,<«| a « !#.;«- (|cr i >i< if i t.. Coach Keen's mat men ot the l'i ■ M i i ■. la • Sat unlay, 15 to 11. The score m.Ii i than the actual match (••cuts show as (Jenson, in t II* pound elm dropped a close one »•> Pfero cm a sn linn advautaK'' "f ,v" minute-, twentv-two second-, hnni'e in This iict i-mn would ha\«- jfiven the meet to St., , f. hii.I <|. t.-a' ai th< I, ind ..I Mil hi^an this I minutes, 4f. •■• ••• Rpndrn. M*.i I •• 11 %w*tin M Advantage, 4 mu airs 1 s> Advantage 5 4< :v ( lirnlK 'Si defe . m| >M Advantage 1 18 h Moaier M si Arts ant itge fill l.f %Rf>- RAINBOW RECREATION *»l\ 41 III- tV A d Men and women Jlii/i/Mial l/u/ht say They Satisfy F)R SOMETHING \ i in. means that it "satisfy" topleases you — that it's what sou want. This applies to ligarcttcs or anything. .A i igarrtte has to taste right — not raw or inn sweet. For a ciga¬ ^|irrrv>- rette to "satisfy" it has to be mild not strong, not harsh. — You can prove for yourself whether a cigarette is milder — RflRRYIIIG. SHORT TERM MAT whether a cigarette tastes better. CHAMPS DECIDED lint it'* fwcriiuw *moker* I HIS SIIj ■ Finals Short Course Tournri ran pro re lhe»e thing* /heaven in ulniut Chralrrjielil thai no Decided Lait Thursday many mr-ri anil women — tddi'd lea lures— my they *ati*fy. Try them. TIII I.MA TOI»l> — I'ATSV KKI.I.Y "SOUP AND FISH" AUll l.h P ntmn iMi >»n mi\y g the and final from Grant holm with a full in 2 2* THEY SWEAR OFF DAMES... Wright » unit- through in ihr middle- l»\ taking Kklniirr with 1? nftii Skinner n«d AND AT EACH OTHER eliminated Hetk Lord wuh a (all in S on took Cook in 4 24 with « t»U a* injured in the content aim! Kemp Attil Aldili h were matttied CHAMPS (MUM tor »n exhibit ion the match with a Aldnrh time taking advantage •I digging up awokon gold. » . LOWE CHUMPS v nciai while Co* put Hie s&idx to fYswt with wotorfroot gold diggort. leUGUH wtth A fall in 2 49 Kramr went in take Cox Willi a tall in J 13 .*> AWARD SHORT COURSE MONOGRAMS TO FOUR undo thr oyrtunh ot At Klrthr. titectfare/k (Amli mildbw • tAcciqavelte fJutttastm