U S. C. Library iAralng, Mich. Michigan State News V-'l l,.A\-l\'.. Ml' II I' IAS. I 'li. I V! . II LARGE CROWD Snyder Calls Journalism | n lijrht foi NOTED SPEAKER Appointed by | iiuiuvui mwil.ii.ii bnniiii | hn> n a . . Three Classes Cast M'lihurtiHivJ'rom | PROMISES AID An Art, Not a Profession rilfrp lfiriIIP AtI GIVES VIEWS ON Muscol, IN NEW DRIVE Well K nown Lecturer Staff - That Newspaper held is MODERN NEWS Eliminating Votes Pltnt for Never Crowded. Frederick Snyder Addre*'*-s In Annual Election Publicity Campuigni in Slatr K* i» %\ • <11 w<\ Studerh on Arti Course HifK School* Total ol 11.1 Ballot ! for Oftiret |r, St Program An* A W ASK CO OPERATION DEFENDS NEWSPAPERS HvM Nni IK. Vult Every County Repre- R'iutri Rumor That Journal rrntrd in Me«lin| Wednesday ion it Reins; Defeated Give Opinion! lie hiimlri'il • i.l. nt n.ni iv III < II I night i'> 1,1,11 ..I, il,ij-- JACKSON WILL .I". I., f. Kmnioti- < II oil II ««. HEAR CONCERTS Glee Club Plant for First Off f amput Appearance of CO-ED HOURS TO BANK REPORTS Many Prefer 2 THit Year j £^1 CHANCE AGAIN SHOW HEADWAY Issues a Week j i". > I \» n** ft mil Plant Will He ( ompleted Before •SV///.S Reporter j 11 I hit ««•• • Joint \ . Opemrg Announced Says (on,,,:' Bnnn (onter valor CODE TO RAISE BOARD PRICES W S C Will Svv Incrrai* in 1 Rrtlaurarl Pricri Nv*l Trrut v u.rptiJtn Emm< panned to have ! 'A .dent* send ; Cops Issue Warning To Delinquent Offenders Report Showt County t Suit for Bank Drpotitt to Be Friendly .,<■ r. FALCONE IS GUEST CONDUCTOR AT IT NEW ESSAY PRIZE Band Dirrvlo, M > FACULTY CLUB IS W.I REPLACES LAWSON HOST TO LEADERS T.W PWv »l BratWr 01 vaioo AuMoacrt nt» Cath A«ard ia Lit Cuetftl Prominent Studenft Are Given Draft Horses Replacing Luncheon Wednesday , -nr firorar F Ua-J Gas Machines on Farms demand fur Norm Creates •••- ; -.»• Engluh department V ■*tu¬ n*« PruhlvB 11 Cull'l' r j* * memorial •" M' La* ff . i*e«s*jJrr V! A| Dryartarut , *" ■ ! lata. who died F>; ' •' •' turn, amounting t.- 125 • ftaa.;-. *as bequraii«r<: b> L*»- far* ftors tnn to r hia death to John W STONSOR LCCTVMES ' a father Story tn rT fc*te*uon l • idem of of Prank the arhoni Kedaie tl* Farm Madaztne - . »u uMd to catabitth a K'H.L ■* V « Of radjr, u.M over try * ptv.: howard c rati/ hea* encourage tie tier wrttinf . •«' WKAH at 12 o 'torn *** : wtudenu It w*a iirnu- • i - «*«; Ail of 'he tslka wrr Shortly al'-er 't*> world war doe >■ he author of an lUuatreted act .A to Profeaaor ts> *xcrpiKX\ of the last one are IB part to ad'»aJj •^raer- '4 gaw-i.n ' •* origin*. di- m it : s. »fFanrttng • "•! F*: ■ • v»» * ft<< r- .n* fiven bt Prof H C Ratr-e: U the fartr. fropa departmmt The **»Perior ir. 4 ir.ag*7J»r pitoliAhrfl n Tie- A.-.:.. a : VI ' "* uik is Vi t ■ fi»en by Prof H mm He t«Ua of ha/dv rrops w:., alibur 1ue* rr*-^.M «v■ d aattffa mm effort* of comnor, farm pest* Otfw r ;**M>nt - C tarlea §teii»> ,urnor ciaae - HORTiaiTT RE profs dell PaUrheu b«u>k*UM,U dean bessey writes . .« r, • • u Morwtav Mart h > -<,*rurln of the • -•' < lvob. toitmsxn hmr* Cmmeow attend state meet WWd STATt MAM STEAKS Mvruninrv eadAAc Winter Orain Varieties Heier. *r» OBrai Uarea. , m ----- '0 CHEMISTS WIDHUDAT -- " „ BOOK ON MYCHOLOGY «. ou a » « i.ncm, j*.. h-.-, „ Iwewday Marrh U Oat VartaUe* tmmrndou.* tUMl, and a de-Jsn* decrraue of *ireed.:^c about It **" •* Hcr*» and Muie Amix and Sarvdharr. ' _ Curt a ftoter.i ^ " — Dr E A srhoci and heaul *Be«aey dean of graduate Jen* of e rwuaiy de- Wo.v«nne ThurwSar Marrh a Hardy Al¬ HWiu. • ' AUSTIN AMD SITt HELL partmer.t ha* been working !'* sev- • < alia in 1M» and ICM age. U*^n dlfftcwh straw*-■*»-**> or -ug ATTENDED MEETINGS at I • c of Mycnotoey *n n former state students Pnday March » A*w PMato* dau aauw— MUMi Mr a M HuiRlMtp . / >T..* every year- to iwfriaoe rij- ^ivoemwi, • *.* own p-,,; y r •k to the Dubli«tv*r» ■ -,r -.v. . • .rA i-'r: few month.* Mycftok**" hurt in auto accident assistant mre •w*t aturu dgru-Aduarau are erring w »er « Orand K*;ad> Twradwi X * • j - H , • • amu Mr bouwae a*>* r^re are owl iwauah pirtd of b »«/■■ . a^«r. •. *>: »»• Or*--) Rap dy of funm turh •* muth- . idure O S u» Villi the..- >m*nd» Pur Ma bu-ct -e r equ:ne «s* r «a um'V ' -4i:oev nuta rusu and moles that Three former Mirr. msdueuu eta - oiia«e farm . research ijured Sunday niehi. efeurtagr u to ba t- uim abmw dsn - law •-♦* tatw and Pro- as^uemwe .:n | hat- wheat drn*.s were i up^ de-avuut wood toll or acme other living or March 4 bofm dMMUtnwM ihi* ooDdCUrao praduautf a trvs« ; mUhni sng u«r near fuiur" Uuua- will rema-r. high for ffte nea: few i'.uo 00 honr, !'-**«< of lie M.tcr# Sat^aru. * "nded Eduratmu a wset.rw aokcia- «cr> *arch aasori*'.-- ••rofrwor and rw- t.: Uvma orianunu drtver ran i 10 a car driven by ttftiUgmf bv the dkvjUiKm tittm a yeart Prom a «;.ue«r*ace of the twia in c - tvsji oewasua- o Par'd ie puh!lcat:or of thi* work will Harna Mach UamuMt of horna h the »«a$e jm«n letup it a* -aid doh- una a an aawrxiatA-ri :-ocopowd ci anotogy amuuMMUttu w bead wJuje lan haa given notice to the tractor leading eAtuoMoca of tiae rtudv of couatry tu mr U ttu OMlMd Sum owe* me Name and truck dealers A -.ne tact thta who arc :neerc«x«i in the Owtat 13d aj-tix-anaw toe- " ~ ^ * * bmves waSaJj- be » (till able to hold nia pomucn and intettectwal taper 0f «dura- * crwn Aoutherr. CMlJormu tand. irsssrsTt «- cnijr 1:0 if mil mr;an state news Friday, March V j ■■ i ape Two Michigan State The Large Crowd Promises STATE ORATORS COLLEGE HOLD STUDENT DRAKE instructs Spartan Aid in Publicity Drive PLACE IN MET • Marlr Mncom* bulletin Michigan stale rnllpgr ON NEGLIGENCE Six Seniors horse and Seven show Juniors Merry-tio-Round Hrhmnn, Wf M«r- Two « Senior Speaker! Enable an a*. a 1 "H ,f,( ■ Johnson Waiting Further Action Receive Additional Work Mate to Enter Finals From Prosecuting Attorney II> llll Oi l) ROINRLK, II ' iii prrpHitRtuin f' it Following Inquest. hnrw- slum which tut. . fit \ Mllo M j:ts' nf gprlnK term It icallnn «• all ut»!»er« I ' '' *F°r' M'tllnnd on FHdnv Mnrrli Arin-i R, • W S Maalll olid Mhrlnn KiO» • m -. *»« •; ' ' w rv>bl ' s- •••>, MlcWown Iragu. Tnterrollegi . thereb\ qualify > , p | . in to pnrlinimli- tti the -'aN coii . , 1" which will take plan »' Hill Ig wer« Hoix- whirl plan-n .. t nntl it womnn ("aim. wh ■: ,%:i i .. trtMii MmviI; himI Mi- K iMtini alrrariv Wr. ' ' lyou Without a Machine ■Inrtcil Mrinil.!' llis LsiIpsI Picture Without Electricity I ^Morint-'d (follroin alpha zeta will ask for the NFV honor scholars ZOTOS Dean Anthonv Will Speak PERMANENT lo Frosh. Soph Leaders. Quick, comfortable and , Leo Browne!! Hoard inq Club 1 Barratt's Shoe Repairing Han Vacancies SHOES DYED ANY ( OLOIt SHINES — LACKS — POLISH Fifteen Placet Arc Open Due hi.i ou hi mrs to Short Course State Theatre Graduation. Frwii®wf State College Book Store SI»M IAI I'HIi I MI muii until v t»\ I. Itil M» IM»\ M S. t . >1 \ I MiM.I'N london magazine honors farwell "Town and Country RoqvotU Biofraphv ot Muucun Till IIA i ill ) relations club WAKE UP will hear talks thai hibernating Hinner to Attend League Meet i*l at Ann Arhor appetite! TIKI II of winter and linl. Ittuxy (imi.U? h«-e;- |»arr- Willi -prill;:! Ir* Kellopu'- Torn l ink< PROF R V GUNN SPF.AKS lor hri-akldM loinorrow. I n«p. liylil. drliriou-. vorii STUDENT PULSE ON ECONOMIC PROBLEM Ju-i ill. limit: •<> l.rintt a willler-wpary upprlil. TOIVOA! of il- den. One un.l ot the ftHlttss rti old la-le you'll Im- "liunpr. nteni program 11 ii- n In-ur." h.-lliiiui'- (.urn I lake- make a yran.l **uijtiit' cap" lo«i. Kuju. tin in after an even ill* ol i-iilrrlainniriil. or a heavy -iwpe with the hook Civic burea.. « hellop'. are mi i-awy lo diqrwt. lliey rnroiirua' UK- eighth ir tl quirt, rr-lfnl deep. remaining L it i tlK-r Mi. h j ml.e-ge tie* super Alway* ovrn-frr-h in the red-anil- m v: ihu>8. preen parhapr. Made by ki-llufqi in Hat lie (reek. * "1tn-ll.it t,„, , ■■ ,-mT 'a. k much LkUlgOl—-Riif- V**- K Baker Brothers deaners . - a Kathcru* I(Crural Sn-lth; tliUabrlh Muur: i* Plain Drt'Mtc* and oi u m;\\ location IVI " A;.: Dearborn- Jauir Arbor—IQmu.o: Chelsea ~ Harold Umaki »l««i Hi.(«llord INMlrt Htv R KiniJ Coatn Cleaned and Pressed 50c CORN Rex Camera Shop '• nunc U ret la R UrLWe. Men's Suits and Overcoats FLAK6S 50c •t ta-.wti.rt.wer. lutaard Loth- f CWlM WISH f H. iv M Mwrteivv Harriett Mai Wardli Paul leb- Cleaned and Pressed Tew., a -Jar Ik fciklit/. x Run Heir I: b»»tU>ti IY»n» . K... .. HwmursUhck K<|. I'iill'itM.K (I'HIt SI ITI.it. -. SOU (h- KHiftltiMisi I'atk - Or Any Two Garments 75c CiKKfcTTM. I ARUS. I'llTI lit. I UAIIO. ( AMI'I S Ruli laa.\.:w ri Bn NurUi- .v • ,u« (uu.. ipk JU.. a*.-. C.K. —lYavi. M. ..outcer yrt d V«n •%—k .M r an - —.(II — MtWs. FLAIN ANU lUUIKHi Hit ;Uf! ot UlC cMtriCUaluml At a r.vu. ; Will A K.rkfMt Nlaiton ol the cuiicgr Ik-Uiai BakerBrothersOeaners i.ti.t ...» tnaviwei)- Redtuvd- , lull Do Dttli Ibr Brtln (.udi t>( ' a uhIhuc.*i article Jamo « Heitfti KeiHinrluHin; u-»ue ol lh< Journal o' C.a.i MaUJr, KODAK FINISHING M i. .to i» Society ol AfrotKtnr "Available Ptiowphoru d..ue -M*u •w* ouGiNATt; omans follow- . . i Uwiwc. Neil Vait •net Phosphorus CuuleiP Dvkf llk*lM oil lU\ Trini^ Ii.JLkuwtH b> ft*lk»piivqt VVoxlcwh c i; WU«H 11 :,la>. March 'J, 19.'t4 PfTCHIGAN STATE NEWS Page ThfM Sophomore Prom ('loses College Chi Omegas Win contestant* Jiltert Joes" Formal Season This Evening; Four Co-ed Swimming ,/ rii'#*• Jnes who Societies to Hold Parties Saturday For Fourth Time Charlie A»»«w Will End Highly Sneernfiil Formal Yaar, BrU Gamma, Drlla Alpha. Kappa Kappa Gamma h .. and Ar-Throni Girt Formal. th«- Sophomore Prom tonight at th<- Mae. me the formal season of the colleg. «om. Specials Each Day It has been a crilorfiil term with man .,t the country playing for the parti. . (ienerous ."><• Cuts of Cake for That i kinds as those of Toil Weems C|v«|» Master-. have adder] much to the > e "1 O'clock Snack" . while th«- decorations for them all h. |> well done. The attendance at all ughly pleasing ami it i almost a certain!v that this rm will hi- rememhc■ml for th»- wonderful •. ucce■ — Baked Fresh Each Day irties that have hem party tonight bring A. Basket ha 11 COOKIES, TARTS, ETC. 1Teams Meet I. M. Th. ri.,..ra Airncw Co-eds Saturday Try the Noon hunches Frhln.v. Mnrch f). 10", 1 mtptttoan statk news L'AN FRANCWCO-Anril manager «.f M.ix P..in phi delts win in Outfield and Pitching track men go ! «h is NATIONAL pfcit'tl to know within tm Staffs Loom as Tough to collegiate [ i hat tank tourney SPORT SUMMARY lt\ TOM O'BRIEN 1*1 Problem 'for Coach Kobs championships Lambda Chi* and Hermiani pomt*iiu:ks Place Second and Third in it mow iii Preparations * Going Ahead Rapidly for Spruit* Training Jaunt; TL, _ • u j » 1 • " n,m john ko Clow hleet Thirteen Spartans Named to ,... hart A E? STATE . , t» / tx u; .. u tx U u Only Seven I eftermen Return for Outv With No Outfielders , . I ompete in Annual Noutn . , « .. .. ,, <.t portaid* Bach; Mound Corps Riddled by Graduations. Bend Indoor Events. A ' |<: |lv IKll (. (ilt All % M NOTRE DAME FAVORED TV.:: T«»11 \ X \MI SA'I'I Itlt.kk Kcl.s ilh.l Marqueltr and Michigan Normal Other Teams Rated Highly Still by Doprsters. KISSING AND CLOUTING AGAIN! the S'pni i It kn it Com h llalfdt Y. Now th«y'r« citing htt-M Nit 11 • -OPHs HII) IDlr trill TIIHI I slats* Mill niislnuhls'dlv nrrd a il forty folhomi IH't this ii • .nil •■ml. IikI tn • <>n l,!' ft mil Ihi* Irtt-handn on the mound year and *•• Ihi* loathing under the tea...' Prep Tankmen to . Meet Saturday in m • KM* *t..r state Pool r~., • 1 hertt I hen • U| Mob la ril ' trs iii W v.indiitli* The best of V fTx* tin* lot thr* tell mi-, i* oilman Mho Inm a fork lull delivery INHMIItH^ II %VI IXI'FHII SM to Teach at ( amp matmen close \>\ iTf Hurtling. • t , i IOWA STATE MAN WILL DMUND LOWE TALK TO LOCAl GROUP '34 bill here t Kent Slate College Sat VICTOR M'LAbLEN 'Ji urday in Final Go of Season. , ' lumvi. IIHIKS wi %KI i: Though It's *1111 'Mat Ion ear NO MORE WOMEN A Paramount Picture w i t h 'l than la*I Ihi* lot* nt »urh *lut SALLY BLANC They took up ■ MINNA COMBCIL deep-tea diving be- Ki r* a* Kirt her I ami HI (••! cause even a th.p it a 'the'. Two hard Ihrks guyt finding gold ot the bottom of the Speaks at Kalamazoo mom 'trin* thai Mnr*t KlrMitki. ocean ...Ion ng it to waterfront dolli tititrrl tratafrv - AGRONOMY CLUB MEETS filfl TI lilt. *\II.HK I kit |ill|\ _ vflllt I I II.II I — HSIl srelk nredrtl right k kktMlit I'kKkDi: - HKtlklt- kk kk kit Sit kl ( HklKUk s. a. e's defeat $ tics for title *1 Slikk kltlMlkk kNIlTIKSIlkk 3 BIG DAYS 8 Inter fratermtv Championship Goes Basket hall to VNOTIILR DKUXK SHOW I Mi! ijs East Siders. things ( OML I \R|_.\ FOK SI! VIS I'd The Most Beloved Character ■1i III CAPITAL PHOTO ENGRAVERSIrx "WHEN A FELLER iii in American Fiction Better than "SiATE FAIR" ... EDUCATION PROFS. DIRECT PROJECTS DVdtM rXplilitMHl 1 NEEDS A FRIEND" WILL ROGERS \ I milrd \\ hsrt. Mitchell and Austin Work nt Students #■« «t. •» l OWri.l. n. II.. Mole Thr Rlr.i. Iirar.1 ihrr aav intn . J.I.I ... all.. . nirmbnalup an.l .. .. nnal* bi iryumiwc ttir IVIphlc* lhe it»i«i expenditure mxvi each i lor Jui.r loot II upon IrvuiK liar* otnpilina data lo 12 Ri'dL-td i for thr u.f. Ti. : . .... , inatiiutiom lo dot ids num GLACIAL AVTHOKITY Hrdloitl Oitwr mftrirt TO STEAK MATCH 12 CUuk, NOJJIi h;M saikrr bt-\. i'iumnu r Named 4 aptain Gla&t wph M-ornd bsua>nuin. Art IMununrr alar ftpcakmc before the annual lec- YXirnti! isnuihrr nettond ba.Minwji tiir Wolverlnrjk wa* n irr of Sigma Xt Joiutnv Cktimitu M>t>h Khortstop Is^ketbali raptain for t IV tM-miaUs < lector Prrd Zirgr) u third tMwwman and announced fid* anrk by tlw Mid Mundat'"Marth ahoitktop Mar ti*:: Groa' ttvi.t Piank 1- nmm It. at a'p i>r Ptank Leserett _ „ ° h,s formerly of tire U S' naatd Oeorgu*. anotturr puaaibiltty to Survey will chooae for "The Glacial History ot Thoucti all of the vetrratv* and Including the Great recruit:- .ir»* anxtoualy waitum for Dr Leseretf is a •omr baltnv weatirer to get out m that on continental gloclalion Tlw lec¬ the open u will br qmir unUkrly that Khuol will be permuted ture win * Wat lory grt such a chance laai vuut men * doimitory rooms Pr y«ar the team started of! t,» the dent Wilbur who had MUth without a day at open prac- drctved that women would not be JlC. •Ke and turned in • good record allowed in t! r men's dornuv. de« Ooai cidrrt to make a test case of au an- coach nuai formal annoutKtng that the over the job as placed on their bnli next year Tlie only restriction open -out- l»W 11* Sportaoo So • a.—Lni Antfin Ttan. j loot toll