U S. C. Library it Lansing, Mich. ;rpgj^Michigan State News PALMER NAMED EDITOR IN RECORD VOTE noted briton Mystery of Name Plates argues 0nu.s. I Incoveredl>\ pricebalance r'" lilinct Price Level With Pro- durlion Colli. Says I rn Smith [WES BANK CHANGES jpprovM of A. A. A., C. W A Attacks Soundnes. of N. R A. Code H< l>IVI. (I.F4RV Irvcl* must In l,s,|. ,sl with prrwlut-1 is •lump*, mill liaiikiiu', h it h '..IT rivilit, is th.. Hist nil v til. It must nmitit.i ,ii I, Wis, till. Uiirlit II,.11 , . II l: I,.-i s Smith t. I.I I,.- ■i.-r. • lust uiitht at fi.i.|,|. s unsiI.iutc till thu "Pmlili-ms easer* 4-actdrama is Of Parties ApiM.int.-iI II.Mtl of last for term fublicat ions*' I k-pt. Ihi.n . Hrdda Go birr" Will F.od Successful Season lor Th-I, Alpha Phi Late Permission Poll "I- nrt'fl..- iin. Trade Tim. , Display W ood /{lack ('ills in IJlira if/ ('rises alpha lits to PEANUT SCORE ag board has '«r. Ranking I march session change april 8 W|J Receive (barter From Butim-ss Include* Appoirtment Alpha Epulon P. Will 0c of Offiriala and Action On Recommendation* home ec. s. w. i.. name officers hen'- Xmk Elected (hairman of OHNSON WINS AS Spartan Women to LieHerman Head Home Ec flub V. A. A. PRESIDENT Alblrlrt Alio Chooir t oouaittre Hridt • I'Kdl lit SI .olrs !-• off (I ers of • • Wf.'.; Iter off we •Iir 10 ballot* Marian ivh ■ • . be vlce.preaider.1 Fni - LAWSON AWARD TO •Mint ti* 12 vole* Wealed Ruby Burner 40 VI* nan *PPrrVPfl Howard AW* t: BE PAID IN FULL * Cnwhgw won tiw r*<* vim r '-*ry am Hamet Kurt* 33 Arr*f*rmei - Are * -idn.tWf-' lime aa»i*t*nf in Home raor . » Of the SJphi» Later *r. • . )ud*e Krs SAaw- Agreev to CraatiBf o( their-' L * Fern*!. a* vm^w»r. *«"»<« ALPHA ZETA ELECTS Historic P-emium nuttee »n 't* department <*, Hortn .iti.rr OFFICERS FOR YEAR # i: M 4 M. . - «et» . row Herbert W.o^ .rt., a» 1uil tint. wa- The piewnt rewdrtK* t • fr* ternny * at 4!T Lit kit .-er.we A request for l he Election of officer* for >xten*ion ol e appointment of in* year we* - main .'em Many Plctura* in I H< me new st Tuenda. • meeting Atiiha Announce dates ton ^ Julia Fond June 30 i. Maw Boolilat Zeta honor*/> •* fralrrn.1 v hichicam chick show On idetit-elect if Walter Hertkier treas¬ Campus Newirt Speak, at Ann Arbor urer Harr-. Lots ehonicle Richard Rome «rnb»- Alien Hie* and <*r>- ' n: •<* ma a Ma ftei - Edwin Jamew » •eventh annual M. •; B • r new Chirk Ahowr will be held at Mm-tug* t* • now »t State college CU»-e» are to or be out tr. ! riwd for chicks, turkey* duck.* »«*•• whv ceeee. and pheasant* of >.i *sr»te« «• pufciirat*» avh each enuy being limited to - * nag" «n Wmm March 26 to 26 and Conference >»f birds. The Entriea rloae before May iJ ; irturw* and fcnrev at of Mich wan Sewaee Works Operator* fudging ta to be earned out r oirtgr - by O 8 Ftckerv Arid imnager of ScudenU wtw> wiU nil help on p* Association March 29 ard 30 _ The Forced Warm Air Short Course Other organisetKir.v ar - the Ohio 'Poultry Improvement a*- r.gtb *chool gMWicitv icampaign W.J VI.. r.bc* bv th and J A Davwon. Rekl o« able to get *.;.eir coptee of F-T>R "ALB—• I buu- .. Foundry Short vited to follow suit in this move¬ . at fratenu- March 26 to a 12 canoea Jo- vale 112 to »IV Fr Fbrthe- - msi of the Michigan FWuhr* <*x* ~ ' L C Em- ne** h—A while Couree April 19 to 21 School of !n- ment and may express their inten¬ th* old library build- each Inquire a- n Prr.n- rr* < m Profewor M lenberg tions by getting in touch witn Alpha in average of wrwetion for Water Work. Opera- star Zeta and the Michigan State (few* are to be void i sylvania. Lanatng cxt Ml. TITCiAN ST.A'i K sf.W ■ Friday, March 1(5, p. an State News Former Spartan in Musical Hit |j"" — ^ The | student council ILll/ll to phi kappa phi Tuesday. M r. h IT And how /'•"'till \ not her \f Spartan ■tminintration .... Merry-tio-Kmiml Fourteen Honor Students Taken they are into Fraternity It. III! Ol I) ROt'NDER, II taking it! THE WRAP Wednesday March 14 STUDENT PULSE SOILS PROF TO SPEAK l'»29 he explained -aus lhit ORHf RV %'I'ION •* Barratt's Shoe Repairing \K i\i KS: \l" 1 mils III.vim; III horrmt hillnt SHOFS DYKI) \NY COLOR SIIINFS .» LACKS POLISH lii.i.ow 111 tins v. s. t . kim;s Silver and (.old m. s. ( pins, lockets ■h bracelets am) cum pacts COLLKfiK bulletin State CollegeBookstore Mnd His Orchestra i lu agger ne» PAL NIGHT EVERY TUES. topcoat lor youn_ men. Here in smart INTRODUCE THE NEW 1934 cheek*. plaids, and ft tweeds. Tans, grc>- and mixtures. SPORTEE OXFORDS Spate" it the f.moui Wondt'l.l Weariny Brand We Ht't feetu-td So Topt, 21 5urctfflbi/y for the P,it f..t Ye.n- SmtSAS SKCTCHIP Twn-Trtiuser CQPHS Of OAADIS > \ ICS IT Y-TOWN SIllINO AT TWO AND TMmi TIMIS FNDKR. I > K.\ I > THIS MICI- several attend SUITS All with Talon arts convention I adored IrtiUHTs Art Faculty Member, Detroit Meet l,o tn -23'" <27 stvij: is rots'OATS SEE ITIE NEW BERG i5E FIk\v pick you up Ail- \merieatt HAT V\ crv SO miles ttw IMTVLii. \ 0. Pelilum rtnebts ol «>S . • who th, 1 !.• 4 ,.i x - iuj rut ton SO witi include wvcial exhibits. ciw bv v- design workshop. the new -u tool r. I'.own grey J red. rii hiy IiiuhI. >t social rearanh New York ii> There will al.«» tv a ur> 4i»el» on prawning « #19.73, #21.75. #22.30 . iWerm-eet ax iliawtiuu. #2.50 Set tiff your Spring Oullil with VAN HLl'SKN Spring liar a new ( oMar Attached Shirts now 'Who t»W* il ii I > aim X. i till' iHTIi'lll < net T slrlprt Wui: | * 'ila'. i >i i inn Sen i,e" ■ iala r al -tile, U'lCtll- the (ulur. are Itriuhi y ihirk nun mk>K #2.95, #3.93, #5, #7 to us for liiol.l. riiLl-.PMOM: SYSI iiM Agtiitv lot l.yitioiift • Hisov llal. Ih, Styles an Kiuht St vie A MAN Small's UKBKKMAXN (THINK (X). 211 8. WaafciastMi An. Are. March 16, l'Jhl titIt iii<;aM STA i c. N>.v\" Paee Three B •.[. Grovcr. and ( lose Formal Season Saturday Frcihmen Rank Second Willi By DOROTHY I.ANODON In Helrmpr. I Juniori Third and memories of brilliant formal parties ami na- tamous dance hands still linprerinp: over the cam- week-end c»f winter term is inspiring a number A survey of the results o M-ities t'» take a final fling before exam- Tun women's niter-class sports to lonei-dames, three open houses, and a radio ment.s places the Sophomore class *-eein that tomplete the list for this winter term. teams highest, with the Fres second. Juniors third and the , (>lds Saturday night the llesperians will . uter- n a formal dinner-dance in the main hall room, and Wisteria room the ; I'hi8 will h"l.i phi sigma symposium th.' win BE held tuesday lisII and riflle. TRAVEL GRAM . I a liammit Kim. and stem* Hie Frevhnr. You Arc Invited7 Alpha fratcrnitiaa \ March If i-:A 'I'O VISIT . nr opm hotuaa, ami UHjciranli'm :->,ian -ik'ii't.v m plan- I' ■ i,* '<> t" cm i n i ior* and third 1 V •. l w;- n .H.-.f; Student radio party for Kri- '..y1','"-1 . «r? spar tans '• who '■ " are rrt- r< • >rn Mr uiomist (larratd i» .1 wi for the a*r»rultural and town ll known hall and rifle, and BEVERLY'S | Body and faculty, j '"J*"1 bucmu 1 . .......h ..port . t L i.eina. Mien: basketball third in rifle New DRESS SHOP L Mr. A. idO" »tli b* at the 1 lot South Washington Ave. f.'.w Prices lin.lussive, to help arrange y; j r Must Submit Rolls Hall.' ,,.1 ai, -- Snappy Sty Ic* -- Kiir Stocks for the partv. -.roritiea are requested to mpl'te list . ! 1 hen Hrmilan s«,irtv . II i 111 si opt mil ami Inn r liiimlmts nf thf ! i.olidcy. j .1 pledge* and I- ! a IMd* Radio I'artv Mr and Mrs r-. cutest slicil, spurt ontl ilnncc tires hi-a TICKETS, EXCURSION, CRUISES - -Just n hut i/ou'rc been iiuntinf/. TiiL TRAVEL BUREAU \ itiWl.MI YI 1 \\ AW W I'l.XN. ill t'OI ItSK! Telephone 2-1311 At f. *♦ Knapp's j Frhlny. Ma nil K,, i or* t mthttoan statr vrws Vnpe To:-,- WARD B WINNERS Close Competition For HERM1ANS ARE ' THINCLADS GO OF WARD LEAGUE Jobs on Baseball Team; TRACK CHAMPS '^/atfers 40 tn 22 TO TECH MEET Down Ward C to Win Caje Weather Hampers Kobs Winnrrs Roll 40 Points to W up A- A f'rouP Su*" L*" Chiri|0 Swno of Armour T«h Championship: C and F. Tied. Win Championthip: 13 Frals H»lf Ral|y ,0 Tal" LoP R''«y«: State Will Enter Spartan Mentor f'ndecideH as to Perxonnel of Southern Trip; Enter Rut Only 8 Plate. C,B" Two Relay Tearna. Outfield Still Perplexing Problem; Pitching Staff Shap¬ .l,ri( r% wt.i 11< s itoiisi v : . ndoor tract ing up Well With Allman and fieri? Showing Promise 3 Big Days Our Own M. S. C. Student Returns In His latest M usual Hit! "One of the Rest .Musical Films to Come Out of Hollvwnod!" Baker Brothers Cleaners Presses and Coats Cleaned and Pressed 50c Men's Suits and Overcoats ihc Cleaned and Pressed 50c Churchill pn/e Or Any Two (iarments 7.V "C ash and ( arrv— All tiarmniU Insured LAKEUANl> -Marnn Uttt Baker Brothers Cleaners bin ijiicstuiti mark in th« IJruc i^fJT Wednesday bui hi- appearim "WHEN A FELLER lulled 1 ••Hi's t,. (hat .alluv Mirkn C.rl.rn! • ihp former N«>u.irk • "WE ORIGIN ATE. OTHKKS KOI.UtW fta't lansinc Mirh. Arrow from state Theater ONI \ I. %ll AGO NEED5 A FRIEND" Muilrnl Opera rsf % I trad* J«tMt pir.senlution «•! tumid opera WE'LL COLLECT YOUR BAGGAGE —talee it home... and bring it bade again WKIiNKSIlAl ,\M> I HI HSllAl SENSATION OF SENSATIONS! ' ia a anuple • une saving %u* fc u■.»:. : taw Cafeteria r Uj lUm Etfwru When you ran i draw a pair . . you can lit* km-hen, cafeteria, and dining herrver you nuv live, if it it direct to your fratrr-.n- . . draw pleasure from Aged in wood for a pipeful of IIKIt.t. v yearn IIKh.f.S is tacillUes to be installed in the ITniulF building hit the results of tireless ttudv of the most modern Spring m mt regular vehicle limit*, t^rra will call for your Railway Express has sen mellow, fra&rant. bite-free. twice an much for tobacco . . You . not can pu> half 10 and practicable equipments IIITKEX VB.MS At SuitS and You'll be your Alma Mater for many y«, It provide* fas', depcniablr i »\ - President taft to S|m good. Won't ll» own you mild wax ? let BHIGUS win >ou in 2 Ex-President Taft will the student body WedneMta in the pmtia.Mum Topcoats Shniaii thr new Hi Swum Bath in Sport SuitH StRVMG THE NATION FOR *4 TEARS $29.se.. ST. I'ATRICK TIES RAILWAY NATION-WIOC SERVICE