HT.ATHEK Michigan State News j Mhuwfr* probably lo- | nitbf or Saturda*. Slight- J I* warmer tonight. | HAST LANSING. Ml< 111(1 AN. FRIDAY. SKI'TF.MRK.R 28. l«i:t| M. S. C. HOST TO FROSH ENDORSE Mean School Pots Spirit FERA PROGRAM Spartans to Tangle BOY SCOUTS AT BLUEKEYPLAN In Opinions of StudentsCOMPLETEFOR With Grinnell in ANNUALRALLY ON POT SELLING « ENSUING TERM Opener Tomorrow Collrer Athletic Aisociation Will Class of °38 Favor Pot Transac¬ Unity Jack Warner.' '30: This rt. i Local Administration Headed by should put a lot ot spirit int.. u Enlrrtain far 1 Ith Yearly tion* on Non-Profit , Daniel*. Crowe, and Pioneer* to Preieot Veteran Eleven for Curtain Raiser; Injuries •ndcr- entire student btidv Km Celebration. ii take timf in years **.• might Mitchell. Already Mar Spartan Squad as Suicide wear- Httlo support and hai ku.l Gets Under Schedule Way. WILL WITNESS GAME PRICE SET AT 35 CENTS is the "ports it. you N. M VanDyke. '36: T: HELP 12fr OF STUDENTS of the should result m mote m h. n> TOMMY U MM It Officials to Review Parade of Pot* to be on Sale at Welle Several Employment Applicant* i..ach . ( .. \\ |o;i grid mailum* will Troop* From Platform Be¬ Military Department Succeed in Finding Positions Mn«t th. let • t! t !.-•>• p m t..nt..rro» tween Halve*. Order* U*e. Vtoiir Smith. With its -student quota mm complete and practically all ■ I Mii-liiifitn State t "I available jobs tilled, the Saturday, Sfptomla-i gresstve spirit unique among Krlrhman. '37: Miihiiraii Stat.- mUitfe F\ K rthi- 11th animal B>\ H. A pcirram is rapidly Mri* Mat. ("t.ach Halph II whipped into shape for the uminK school year. >tatf have heen rapid- The local section of the ad¬ 'letinp plans far I heir BULLETIN ministration, designated i\< among trie ire* the. division of part tint*' job enormous gathering composed of scouts, MAY APPOINTED sard t.. tiro fit i d by a faculty committee <#f Y. M. DIRECTOR Immediate!* upon the drop w ilium M.culn *3S: C c, j t i a pint of this arrangement, how Former Student a Take. Over rVer waiter Ei-sier. president * Duties to Succeed Norman ,,h" from the treasurer's off I re to *e DEBATE TEAMS Kunkel rure the pnl* for the freshmen WAA RELEASES BAND TO MAKE %n tsrand order was Rapid* this telephoned to noon b* lis* START SEASON ler earl* and newt the «ap* week will he here The plan of FALL PROGRAM DEBUT AT GAME Professor Mmchhofrr Predict* Helling will continue at Well* — - Hall evarit. a, iiutlineO. mepi fourteen M»|or Spurts Are Of- 81 Students to Plsv for Grinnell Bright Outlook for Com¬ fered for Co-ed Tilt Tomorrow ; Aldrich is ing Year Drum Major rnoon and dec matt funds sury t-» buy I'ledge ( ooperation HONOR SOCIETY SOPH VIGILANCE WILL HOLD TEA GROUP FORMED Tower Guard to Entertain Local Sfudrnl Council Approve* Ap- Co-eds at Mary Mayo Sunday <»fiMiaU Will Review STATE ALUMNI TO Heur F F CHEMISTRY DEPT. v (•rinttrll llsncern aid M F win t'ollege. I MEET WITH RLE. A. The offered by FelUtg B. MINIMIZES COSTS fit of the Helen Amermen as president of Two Groups lo Cooreue in Pe- Tower Guard t* in charge •»f the is allowed to carry more than two major sports a term, and no gxrl •* ''*■ loiirge unit of tlx* Ke- toskey Early in November. with less than ■* < average may Harbor Charles A Go.; Hu Savmi Braofkl About Tbtaufb eral arrangements Mat g a r e t Mass >fl»cer*' Training C'nrpa. How F in and Kathleen Woodlock carry more than one The sport? Buying t Arthur J Clark, head < lasted as major are hockey, mgr.- Vaughn?. I! invitations. Betty Lou Zeigler and ra-r. track, swimming, fencing, .1 lla.r. Wi.n.r. orrai.lrl.l ..f allege chemistry depart- Michigan Educational avm* H Hubbard the w»ph«»rni»re class, to be respim- ■*r»d chairman of the coi- the M S alumni will convene, Virginia Thomas, contact. Marilyn basketball, baseball, bowling, vol¬ Radford and Johanna Sandham. warn. Pontiar «"hletbc council in Petoskey Thursday evening ley bail, arrhery. rifle dancing and refreshment.*. Agnr» Rodney and tint. W.ltrr of the athletic depart- Nov 4 Among the speaker* a» golf and tennis Thoer in the »n- L Job. Thc ptiasiFiility r>f reviving the able flan nave beer designated the meeting will be B A Waipolc divtdual classes are hiking, roller Rich..'. < John*.-.., i.'at Hi ■ old tiaditf.n which requires all Fa- A:lilt • g officials feu* the day of the educational department and The tea is given not only to a< - canoeing and rid- Eai»t :-J'l ■ or tee skating KtrbW-i rr. Nr..:: W ■ sophomore men ti» wear hat* was M.ry «Mh ««. T>k„ d« th. -Won D Burba general R V Dunn of the economics e*- quaint the girl* with each other, _ but to acquaint the girls with the s.nt A'1" 1 Knoll. Gr»n, Ijin»in«. G-.v for football games until the neat college that use < hem leal* T» * ReplatemenU for Heavelv and •t the pprade between the Michigan State college Alum¬ Guard is an honorary for having the quaiiflca- E Laufhlin. Drlruil William H meeting method of buy tng chemicals was /At^i wgj be Brakem in and Den- association is at present en , I'endley B Coll in*, dir- ni I.yiH'h Ea»t* Rotor.. O Inasmuch as Wesley Hurd. pres¬ used last summer and brought the (lU !h. I.rushetl v III %KD IS I I ' \ IIIONI/I. Till. AllVIKTM Hs IWst IWer in Town i; -.nfaEt'fliWi' 3t-ot. on draught lSc RED DRENNAN S BAND He,11 I Lilian Spaghetti MAYiBttOS. "Tin- Hut Store cf Uie T..UII and liver ( \l.l. (. It. SI'KNCKR I mil DeMart o Lansing Phone 3008 Phylean House Leave Your Kodak Films with NATE FRY ONl/.K OL'K THE and His Orchestra WKMOMF TO STATE FROSH Rex Camera Shop 123 I.. I.rand River Ave. Campus Barber Ph. 5-1497 - 540 Shore Drive Shop Ail work is finished right in our Own Shop .*nd must h* the Imsf In-fore leaving the shop. I! ;»P co rd curlew It SMOKE SHOP IliliiaitU Snooker Pocket llilliard-. Ihe new junior transfer Da* nl UrionDance - tlcar* who as the Clear* of l.n.jti> i (iaine on Our \ewl> llaming red thai luft cushions IM|iii|i|»t'(l 'laities WE WISH- II Mai W\s Dl « Kit ion Johns*)ui. former D» %\ ll join < % MI'I s (.IKI s \ss» v I It I Y With italism iits11 ii« lor at Ihe t'uivcr nit* o| Minnesota found his RED DRENNAN fusion to fa* ull* and student bodies That The His limil wa* reached when he reerUed a note from llie dean morning situation, she of course. Ihltigiitk lltal he was a female AND HIS ORCHESTRA lie countered with Ihts little Mil 1114. VN STATK ( (H I.Kt.i Ma ,pei icnces c "Dear Deanie I ai In Ihe men's dor l! O What's lira*en Thw 'a.k a. tv f-ui»>w*d b> .» SAT^ SEPT., 29 *»*er i.i.vq.. .» ho>» are Jusl darling " F.n"" dJucuMion on live vital question: I (Mi l I!\l I. TKAM MAY HAVK l'!»s Sotkia* murninc. .«» order "What *> . , ?»>.- w*.i»d Conrad and ll.igrn !! that new «?utWnta nun better un- *'*spuig kod of the monk*. «»r .*,! >eat biought Jan derstand the complete program of the challenge* on.- t > \ MOST SI'CT'KSSKI'Ij YKAR. IVoples * hurrl- a< a c'.immunity plunge mto the most interne acta* - . center, and an intcidenoimnauattal of life'" Sid Caswell will Ihe wa*. their s a l * >»uu h i^tojeci. and or. life. Dr institution he chairman of the meeting which tuiutToiw to the whole of. McCuiir wilt take IhciCDLLKCE ENTERTAINS Union Ballroom I event ruining off I group .Ml a tout of the church j VISITING BOY SOR TS end it'rtd*** under I plant The tour will »tait from ! 9 to 12 o'clock tax, 35c per person ®I|c Jiiuit Sjuoit jstyop Last t ic chapel on flut floor. »fI'ULKT CHRISTIAN INION The Student Christian Union u tOonUniMd from 1» til 1:50. and will be the honorary twnd aMt^ned to Gunnel' daring I ktisln;. Mich. | t^e derve an organuation for both men and \ Fnita which will parade are 1. ; women student* meeting each Sun- vJnckaon VFW drum and bugle J Friday. September 28,1984 MICHIGAN 8TAl>J NEWS Lutheran Students Blue Key and Football Party Head Social Activities for Will See Action Tomorrow To Held Mixer to Friday . for the BLUE KEY PARTY Second Week-end on Campus James P. Hansen, president of the Lutheran Student club, an¬ See Beverly's Collection of nounces that the first meeting of the club for the year 1934-35 will Lovely New Smartest Styles in Sigma Alpha Epailoa, Sigma Nu, Eclectic, Kermians. and Phi be held on Friday evening of this Tan to Eoterteia With Opea Hoaaea; Numerona week in the faculty dining room Coats and DRESSES . of the Union building at o'clock. Sororitiea to Hove Boffet Supper a. • The meeting will take care of the necessary business and there will Swappers The Blue Key Fall Term party in the Union liallmom 01 " be short talks by members of the $395 $695 $995. $2395 executive committee and members ,.l(rh'. featuring Nate Fry and his music, will he the hiy of the welcoming committee. The attair .'f the second week-end on campus.' Red Drennan's Lutheran chaplain, Rev. George rch-stra tvill plav for the Football Party at the Union C. Bubolz, will have charge of de¬ p.,' irday nisrht and seven fraternities are holdinir open 1 votions. The Bethlehem Luther Sizes 11 In ."iff ,, — And then the freshman girls will la- entertained at leaguers are helping to sponsor Hcverlv's New Httse :»le. Pure Silk Iwtre Top ■ i. -raditional Friday night buffet suppers, this special program i olonel and Mrs. Dorsey R. Rodney and Mr. and Mrs The Lutheran Student associa- ea Bachman will be patroni for the Blue I! . Kc\ guests will be Acting Dean anil Mrs. I.. C Fmmnr- Key party Latest Creations in Millinery in 1922 Through this associa- I I. \TCRINf and Mrs. II II. Halladay. President and Mrs. R s. Shaw • M Lutheran students become , ,1 i . Mean Elisabeth Conrad. Pi Kappa Phi fraternity wd rutin nt a radio party to- Chatham Walk Cigarette Girl and Sijrvna Nu, Delta | jack iv-dmp at - . , V Mia I'hi. Sigma Alpha El Hermian Open limine Mi-* Kdith Kel $195 - *295 - $5°° .. . Hermian, Eclectic, and Jark iwamp ami H - Lit?:. < >i |»! Kappa Tan arc enter- Band are playing at'tin* Htinuru taming tomorrow evening. • • • j "pen house Saturday night I trons for the evening will he Mi Beverly Dress Shop «irma Nu Plan and Mrs. L. N. Field "Where the Thrifty College Miss Shops and Saves" 194 South Washington Avenue Lansing, .Mich. Id Ferguson's orchestra will . a. r the Sigma Nu ..pen hi t\ night Dr and Mrs I patrons for the affair Mi Room I • llirks Apt . after School Iff A. M. Ditine Service 11 A. M. Ray VickerstafT AND HIS (iR(lirsTK\ %ll lit rowrd Holy Communion Oct. 7th. SORORITIES.. Barrett's Shoe Repairing TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE AFTER THE GAME Mary Stewart's po with the crowd to WOLVERINE ECONOMY PLAN Hrief Cases A meeting : A • « etak ri blotters Loueel Prtre tfuuled Ktsslcr replied all CLASSIFIED Fountain fens had been consulted recently I new members from the junior and senior claxse* of the agricultural . / at the the pjbe of d«> - 33 ienU meeting. The Grange meeting jioatponed from tomorrow night until next week WANTED— A woman over 2 » 1" hare Ira rid ATion- apartment Call at 1304 River at noon or at six Swift Nehart. 1304 Dd Sign up now with •.?-*riiy non-profit Lasix. Eisaier Saturday. OIK INK POT ON ABBOT stated. the difference between the River. purchasing price of 33 cents and the ante price of 35 cent.* going for postage and handling charge* The, WORK WITH ANNUAL STAFF vour representative or it> will be on *ale at Wells Hal! nd senior student* of a* soon 0* they arrive. bout the commercial art department are a weakening of the pot wear¬ In the past, freshmen have been j at the Wolverine Office ing tradition at Bute Cognuani cooperating with the art editor of forced to pay from 50 to 75 rent* of this, the Student Council and the Wolverine in preparing the for their cap* A* a result, many j Blue Key decided tins year U art I or the 1934-35 Wolverine. member* 0/ the clas* have refused eliminate duce the price tary department s policy of mak¬ spending two at the Alpha figure. Under ing fruah poU a netessar y pait of • , is reasonable to freshmen will be able to a ith regulations. In their drive 1 expect that con» uniform equipment. arrive, After the pots all freshmen who come to clasg without them will be marked absent Howe..-. no action will CLibraryJ ; be taken until after the pots have been put on sale at Wells. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, September 28, IP?,} Green lier ART DEPARTMENT TO OPEN Cross-Country Men FROSH GRIDMEN NATIONAL record fni ning the? NEW CLASS FOR CHILDREN BEGIN WORKOUT SPORT SUMMARY Begin Early Work Yearling, (o be Managed •' st.igr By JACK W ARNER mg of 'he Children's Creative a With Nine Veterans at Separate Team Under New Syitem. foarh Brown l ooks Forward to Another National Champion- Bv TOMMY WARNfR With IM ambit lout fhwh arid- in, ship Team: Porgrare Only Member Missing From d>r< at their dlipoaal, Conrhea Last Year's I. C. A. A. A. A. Winners. . John Kohs, Bon VnnAlstvne and •.>•• reason to predict a successful sea- II\ i \(% u MINI K son for the Spartan yearlipijs The t' t Let This Be a Lesson record turnout depleted the fresh- ft.,, man stork room and started a drain *. „ To YOU 'lit, fall . i !!•:;! '( , f.,„k " WKARTnCARRY HI 'I I Tl'< FOOTBALL DOPE Play-by-Play Arcourt of Games to he Broatlrasterl hv SI ITS IN THE NEW j QQD I College Station. I5c| f ast I ansing Phone .*» HOC Toll % I \N|i HATI Rim ROUGH FABRICS g ROHf RI MAI'RYIN I WONTROMEItt and O'SI I.UVAN $30 - $35 SIACES «/> Ken Hick's S \ TOGGERY I OR SM MM MIA /atiriiuiar, I Eal to ji t into the i TENNIS TOURNEY GETS UNDER WAY lltin'l Wait I ntil It RAINS Get ;t tickrf for the Rain Coats. Trench Coals $3.95 up U ill \H I >n. Is t i Grinned I * SWANKY whith per man ayrragr* .tround the old punt forms INS ll»s The m wi s. Rubber thm In the harkfirlrf. si times \\ ta|i shifting into s box formation V round similar to the orthodox Notre \" let,, A . Ikame system and as the old timers among the fans recall $7.95 also has some wierd trick that seem th start from a plays simple line smash or an qff tackle pow \ er drlyr . last year we thought MV/RI7S asp (Mr i ^ the tram had gone wild on one play as It started around the field line lime rtckey to spread stains on a new tie when sudden¬ Ttylatik, 3et&k ly this lad Kingerv went raring off lo the left in a wide are. apparently wlthoul interference hut ask Ihe ho»s who slopped S I* EC I A I. PRICES that play he gained some ?• to sthiknts on , Yes. C oach Halt* All Type Midyet Radio Sets tl'bks hai.k i'rick his have sleeve, lost start* agr.nst SUIe loo. both The their ... Muweers previous but think Naturally, they taste better—because He Her vice All Radio* hack and recall who was playing Luckies use "The Cream of the Crop"—only EAST LANSING PWLCO SALES hard playing pigskin pushers the clean center leaves—these are the mild¬ IIS W. Grand River Phone S-44II , P ATKON17.F OUR ADVltRTI8KRfl est leaves—they cost more—they taste better.