M S U C h r is tm a s S h o p p in g G u id e BOOKSTORE In the Center fo r International Programs hhi 2 T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 , 1968 G if ts fo r Ev A. Large Assortment Of MSU D. Prints Of Famous Paintings G. Paintings To Decore Stuffed Dolls And Toys E. Briefcases-To Protect Books, Your Room O r Some B. Gigantic MSU Candle Papers, Class Notes H. MSU Blankets C . Room Posters-Many different F . Parker Pen Sets !. Many Different Typei Subjects MSU Drinking Mugs I M ic h ig a n S t a te N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ich iga n 3 E v e ry o n e is To Decorate J. Desk Supplies-A Perfect G ift M. Sporty -With The Tipsy Head om O r Someone Elses K. MSU Toy Bull And Drinking N. MSU Marching Band mkets Mug Albums —Also Many Others pfjre n t Types Of L . Gigantic Inflatable G ift Ideas To Choose From nking Mugs MSU BOOKSTORE i N. 4 T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 , 1968 M ich iga n State N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ich iga n WMMSBStKSKSSÈ^^iSSSKSM ìaÈÉÈÈti T h e C la s s R i n g ---------- a n in d iv id u a l g ift! The MSU class ring will make a per­ fect Christmas gift for the fall, win­ ter o r spring grad. For men or w o­ men—you’ ll always be proud of it. And with the letters or emblem of y o u r fraternal organization on the ring's stone, you can be recognized by fellow members wherever you go. Stop in this week and order your i n - stant identity. HOURS THIS WEEK Mon. thru F r i. 8:30 - 5:30 In theCenter fo r International Programs