N o rth V ie t d e fe c to rs k e y " in p o litic o I w a r i . -i said. *1I've c o iH iro oalw l w aays v c wanted ix7 to see Paris' English. If som eone made the slightest ors as the key to an extrem ely effective error in translation, it would cast doubt and left the group?” By MITCH MILLER political warfare campaign. There is no question that the sending E xecutive Reporter upon evtv> these rhen said." The possible »sewAvag of North Viet­ •■First.’' Fisb-V • 'j. tfte $?»«•"** News Analysis vphere are . otker. ess-w ,of the defectors would be an outstanding, . w o u ld cowlusivAJv refute NiwVfo V iet­ ‘ m ove fci V»t' v . nam ese defectors to the P aris peace problems that mrtght aw'se. trie talks w as discussed as early^as last May. nam 's claim that" there are no regular reveal that they w ere told that they would such a e o u f c I . *>)are. ■Vk’truftnese might "get " to one or m #re warfare that has gone on sim ultaneously N orllh VieVft'am ese troops in the South. the North V ietnam ese. according_to F is­ ■'ArttMhe‘W£ihing and the.JaTkmg Wesley R. Fishel, professor of politi­ be welcom ed by the South, and when they of the defectors, and tell him his farfiify got there they found the people didn't hel . “ would explode. They would claim But no further- developm ent have oc­ cal science in Jam es Madison College, will be harmed if he speaks against them. "Second, they would illustrate that that they are not true North V ietnam ese, curred. and it may be that Saigon is w ait­ said in a recent interview. want them. "Would he." mused Fishel. "go be­ fact w hile the North has surfaced one or that they have been bought, or that it ing for reaction from Washington, and it The discussed m ove released without A confrontation with Hanoi's negotia­ fore the public and say this had happened’’ defector (a minor official of the Min­ w as an unfair trick." Hanoi before proceeding, or even that the the knowledge of the United States, was tors in P aris would be the ideal situation I don't know ." istry of Agriculture who defected in There arc many questions that rem ain announcement of the possibility of the revealed in an Associated P ress dis­ for the defectors. "Or suppose." he continued in a ligh­ 1960i a great number, including several to be answered about the defectors—who trip of the defectors has already achiev­ patch from Saigon, which appeared in They would also have a great effect ter mood, "one decided to take advantage dozen officers, including a full political w ill sponsor the trip, who w ill pay for it ed its intended purpose. Monday’s State News. on the several thousand expatriate Viet­ of his new status as a tree man. and colonel have gone over to the South. and arrange it. who w ill interpret for nam ese in Paris m ost of whom are sym ­ The recent election has been cited as •Finally, the defectors them selves them. pathetic to the North. the basic reason that the defectors, would challenge Hanoi's propaganda and This. Fishel pointed out. is a crucial "What would happen," Fishel asked, among them many high-ranking officers in the North V ietnam ese Army, have not been sent on a world tour. the beliefs of many people who support the North V ietnam ese side. " The transcripts of the interrogations and press conferences of the defectors "if the defectors said ‘When w e left we w ere heroes. How is it that so soon we are not even persons?"* problem. "There are literally only a handful of people who could do sim ultan­ eous translation between V ietnam ese and Envoys foresee accord The South V ietnam ese see the defect­ on fo u r-w a y talk plans Thursday PARIS i AP »--American V ietnam ese envoys moved toward agree­ and North hostilities between their forces. Lau handed Vanee a note from the ment Wednesday on arrangem ents for Hanoi governm ent accusing the Ameri­ opening the four-way talks to end the war cans of breaking President Johnson's M IC H IG A N in Vietnam. A U.S. source expressed prom ise to halt attacks against North U N IV E R S IT Y STATE STATt hope that full agreem ent would be reach­ ed by the weekend. Ambassador Cyrus R. Vance and Col. Ha Van Lau registered progress. U.S. sources said, but only after accusing Vietnam. He also protested thrusts by U.S. troops into the supposedly neutral de­ m ilitarized zone dividing North and South Vietnam. The U.S. Command in Saigon each other of starting a round of new said Marines went into the southern East Lansing, Michigan D ecem ber 5,1968 half of the zone to drive out invading Vol. 61 Number 97 North V ietnam ese. Vanee countered with com plaints of his own during the three-hour talk. He ’U S E L E S S ’ M E M B E R S H IP blamed the North V ietnam ese for shoot­ ing at U.S. reconnaissance planes and for them selves sallying into the DMZ. After the talk a U.S. delegation source Board considers leaving professed him self hopeful full agree­ m ent will be reached with the Hanoi d elegates by the weekend on all the pro­ cedures needed to get the full-scale Vietnam peace negotiations going within National Student Assn. about the next 10 days. The United States and North Vietnam have been holding am bassadorial m eet­ ing in Paris since May. Now they will at-large. has submitted to the board her (P lease turn to page 11» By DEBORAH FITCH House policy in the form that was passed by the Faculty C om m ittee on Student resignation from that office, effective State News Staff Writer the second cla ss day of winter term. On affairs. The one-tim e love affair between MSU and the National Student Assn. iNSA » The board defeated a motion to amend the All-Campus Radio Station Charter the first class day of winter term , peti­ tioning will open to fill the fem ale posi­ tion until the spring general election. Council plans died Tuesday night as the ASMSU Board which would place responsibility for fu­ mandated its agenda com m ittee to e x -' ture charter am endm ents solely with the Comptroller Jim Will presented the plore the possibility of disaffiliating with NSA. Radio Board. As it stands now. amend­ m ents must be approved by MHA. WIC proposed 1969 ASMSU budget, which the board referred back to the budget com ­ m ittee until it considers the proposal at a to fight public Board m em bers have becom e increas­ and the ASMSU Board before they can be ingly dissatisfied with NSA's apparent implemented. special m eeting the first class day of lack of conern with MSU; Don Banghart. cabinet president said that as far as the cabinet programs and services were con­ The board moved to postpone action on the proposed Ad Hoc Publications Board until potential m em bers of the winter term. Campus Observer Expressing concern over the financial drinking at U ’ cerned. ASMSU s ties with NSA were board can be contacted. inapequacies of the Campus Observer, a useless. Action on proposed traffic regulations w eekly cam pus newspaper, the board Prelim inary plans have been m ade by concerning nnes and parking facilities passed the following motion:— • the Athletic Council to curb on cam pus Chairman Peter Ellsworth acknowl­ "Move to m andate, the chairman of w as also postponed. alcohol consumption by non-students. edged the need for a study of the NSA ASMSU to draft a letter to the MSU situation and announced that 1969 NSA A proposed reorganization of the AS­ Peter Ellsworth, ASMSU Board chair­ MSU Cabinet structure, introduced by Board of Trustees informing them of the man and student representative on the Congress would be held at the University financial plight of the Campus Observer of Texas. El. Paso. Earlier this tall, in­ cabinet president Don Banghart. w as re­ council, said that bo boys are actually from m iddle cla ss back­ unit of six cells, each equipped with a Jordan River, and the city of A1 Marfaq, grounds and. therefore, very few will be raised concrete bench and a toilet. Boys the site of an air base, 30 m iles far­ returning to middle class backgrounds. can be confined to Number F ive for ther east. up to five days without the approval ot the Radio Amman said air raid sirens wailed head supervisor of the department. in Amman. Jordan's capital. 30 m iles The detention facility is supposed to be Early registration used for boys who endanger property or southwest of A1 Marfaq. and King Hus­ sein. as Jordan's suprem e commander, Deck the halls All students who have pre-enrolled may life in his cottage. "H owever. " Grewe pointed out, "if a boy has trouble in school took position at a com m and post. The raid, launched in a heavy rain at register from 8-11 a.m . and 1-4:30 p.m. once in a while, or if he goes AWOL. they 11 noon, w as the third such Israeli aerial in­ Students d e c o r a te the t r e e and lounge o f the Union in a b u r s t of h o l i­ Monday through Friday next week. throw him in Number F ive ior it. cursion this week in a tit for tat exchange 1-5 p . m . day e n e r g y and C h r i s t m a s s p i r i t . One coed a p p e a r s to be s t r a in in g Early registration will be held in the "Som etim es they put a big boy in with a 355-4560 that is ilirciQB^’Kiajor nations to consider f o r the o u t - o f - r e a c h s t a r . State News Photo by Hal C a s w e ll Men’s I.M. Bldg. T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 5, 1968 2 Michigan State N ew s, E a st L a n sin g , M ich ig a n IN G H A M C O U N T Y NEWS ^Harrison wins D$jtkc nom)r«Uft?nv vniii “J fee) 4fr*\r, -but'it/. 3 f £ ? < summary By MARK EICHER ity vote of Lhcw Harrison said during a dis­ w e have to go forward with We are D em ocrats and , all , A c a p s u le s u m m a r y of the events from State News Staff Writer day’s cussion of election procedures. leadership and ambition. We believe in the sam e things." A long cup of coffee m ay have o ur w ir e serv ic e s . “ We hope to com e out of have to run and have to win Hill said his nomination been responsible for the re- here tonight with at least a and I think w e can do this. " showed that “ blacks still have election of Jam es Harrison as sense of unity." Kiersey said “ A chairman cannot be a dic- a place in the D em ocratic Ingham County D em ocratic in suggesting a secret ballot party.” “ We hare to go out and chairm an Tuesday night. vote which w as later passed. “ I like not to think of m y­ try to convince in depen d­ The D em ocratic County E xe­ When the executive com m ittee M S U s o p h o m o r e self as a com prom ise candidate. cutive C om m ittee gave none of I accept the nomination because ents and liberal Republicans the three candidates the needed finally got around to chairman­ m ajority of votes on the first ship nominations, Harrison was people should have a choice," who can't bay the ‘ tricky u s e s fa ls e n a m e , ballot, but because one m em ber nominated by Einar Hardin, he added. I) icky A ixoits' and the Strom Both K iersey and Hill said failed to vote on the second associate director ^nd professor f a c e s a r r a i g n m e n t Thurmonds. " ballot Harrison w as able to of labor and industrial relations, that if they were defeated they who said in his speech that the Robert Craig, Battle Creek would not attem pt any kind of James Harrison attain the m ajority. Harrison, the liberal candid­ D em ocratic party “ needs to sophomore, waived examination walk out. ate, received 28 of the 55 votes dem onstrate that the liberal Monday in the Meridian Town­ Ann Underwood, a precinct w hile Joseph K iersey, the lea­ people have a role and are act­ ship Justice Court and w ill face delegate and editor of the der of the labor faction of the ive in the party" and that there arraignment Friday in Circuit county D em ocratic new sletter, International News county D em ocrats, received 23 are very few liberal pople in Court on a charge of false per­ w as elected to the post of sonation. county vice-chairma*n. • Two American attorneys who helped arrange the release votes and G ilbert Hill, who county positions in the state. of U2 Pilot Francis Gary Pow ers said Wednesday in Moscow som e called a com prom ise can­ In accepting the nomination Craig is charged with giving Mary Devine, a precinct police a false name when he was delegate, w as elected as county they hope to see Prem ier Alexei N. Kosygin to ask him to didate,'received four votes. Harrison said, “ We have to intercede in the USS Pueblo case. The them e of the m eeting w as reach out if w e are going to arrested Nov. 23 on a charge of secretary while Jim Weed, the one of unity as the newly win elections. We have to go being a minor in possession of D em ocratic candidate for pros­ elected execu tive com m ittee m et out and try to convince inde­ liquor, and is currently serving ecuting attorney, was elected • The British governm ent w as urged today to support to choose Ingham County’s new pendents and liberal Repub­ a 20-day jail sentence stem m ing treasurer. N ew c h a irm a n Japan in any claim it m ay m ake against the United States chairman, vice chairman, secre­ licans who can ’t buy the 'Tricky from that. The new D em ocratic county for the return of Okinawa. A m otion in the House of J im H a r r i s o n , the r e - e l e c t e d In gham C ou n ty D e m o ­ tary, and treasurer. D icky Nixons' and the Strom The new charge, a circuit executive com m ittee and the Commons noted that Okinawa is used by the United States court m isdem eanor, carries a county's officers will serve c r a t i c C h a i r m a n , a p p e a r s at M S U . as a m ilitary, naval, air, and nuclear w eapons base and “ The county chairman ought Thurmonds. We have to talk State N e w s Photo by J im C o n k lin about organization." m axim um penalty of one year for two years beginning in Jan­ that Japan should be supported in any claim for its return. not to be the one who receives a sim ple plurality, hut a m ajor­ K iersey. in accepting his in jail and/or a $500 fine. uary. N atio n al News Missiles hit N a vy plane • A new era in astronom y could dawn this weekend if the space agency su ccessfu lly orbits a new $80 million satellite to give man his first clear look at thousands of stars and provides clues to the origin of the universe. Packing a bundle of 11 telescopes, the OAO sa tellite will on reconnaissance flight be able to give scien tists their first opportunity to study thousands of stars above the earth's atm osphere and pos­ sibly lead to new discoveries. SAIGON (APi -- Soviet-m ade pole-sized s u rfa c e -to -a ir m is ­ w e r e u n a rm e d and a rm e d fig h t- SAM m issiles damaged siles had opened up on U .S . e r-b o m b e rs fly in g e s c o rt did • In a bold experim ent, a young Peruvian physician in­ a U.S. Navy reconnaissance planes o v e r th e N o rth . not a tta c k the S A M bases, a jected him self with cancer cells taken from his half-sister, plane and narrowly m issed an­ N a v y spo kesm an said. and later gave her the cancer-fighting antibodies that his F ra g m e n ts fro m an ex p lo d in g T h e p ilo t o f the d a m a g e d V ig i­ other over North Vietnam Tues­ body had created. Dr. Alfonzo Zavaleta Cruzado, 34, said S A M m is s ile slashed 15 holes la n te . L t. C m d r. T o m S u lliv a n . day. the U.S. Command report­ he m ay have cured his sister, Mrs. E lis W enzell, of cancer. in the b e lly o f a N a v y R A 5 C 34. of A lb a n y . Ga . . said the ed Wednesday. Both planes made The cancer apparently has disappeared, he said. But he V ig ila n te but n e ith e r c re w m e n sound of the S A M ex p lo d in g w as it back to their carriers. stressed that less than a month has passed sin ce the ex­ w as in ju re d and th e y land ed “ a v e ry m u ffle d n o is e ." perim ent and five years are required to think in term s of It w as the second tim e since th e ir p la n e a b o a rd the c a r r ie r 1a cure. all attacks on North Vietnam H is n a v ig a to r. L t. j . g. D ic k R a n g e r. ceased Nov. 1 that the telepohne A ffe ld . 24. M a d is o n . W is .. • D ist. Atty. Jam es Boll withdrew obscenity charges T h e second S A M exploded said the p la n e 's e le c tro n ic g e a r Tuesday against two U niversity of Wisconsin students who THE Woolies s e v e ra l hun dred fe e t fro m a w a rn e d th e m th e m is s ile w a s en performed in a nude version of the play P eter Pan. Boll with friend Ron English N a v y R F 8 C ru s a d e r but it es­ ro u te and “ w e s ta rte d e v a d in g ." said he decided to withdraw the com plaints because he caped u nscath ed, m a d e a photo could find no w itnesses, although 1,000 persons saw the two P e a rl H arbor T h e C ru s a d e r p ilo t, L t. j.g . ru n and re tu rn e d to the c a r r ie r perform ances of the m usical production Oct. 1. J a m e s S. O z h irn . 26. San C le ­ e v e . dance C o ra l Sea. m e n te , C a lif, said he had no • P resident-elect R ich ard ' M. Nixon talked taxes with F r i d a y , D ec. 6 B o th re c o n n a iss a n ce .planes tro u b le dodging the S A M m is s ile Rep. Wilbur D. Mills Wednesday, and the chairm an of the at the fire d a t h im w hen he w a s s till House Ways and Means C om m ittee said they agreed, hope­ o v e r the G u lf o f T o n kin . fully, governm ent econom ies m ight m ake possible som e Union " I t w as (a f*S n o u g h a w a v so tax reduction next year. (Sponsored by: The Friends of th a t I had p len tV of tim e to ta k e the Paper) e v a s iv e a c tio n and a v o id i t . " he said. Ir r e g u la r s h o ld m e e t i n g t o n ig h t The Greek Interpreters, the E ast Lansing and MSU scion of the Baker Street Irregulars w ill hold a dinner m eeting at 6:30 p.m. tonight at Brauer’s 1861 House in Lansing. Affiliated or unaffiliated fol­ lowers of Sherlock Holm es who would like to join the Inter­ preters for dinner m ay call George Hough at 355-6567 or Don Y ates at 353-0779. FU N W O R K IN G IN E U R O PE cIftR e o n e GUARANTEED JOBS ABROAD! Get paid, travel, m eet people. Summer and year ’round jobs for young people 17 to 40. For illustrated magazine with com plete details and applications y b u lo v e send $1.00 to The International Student Information Service (ISIS), 133, rue Hotel des Monnaies, Brussels 6, Belgium. is r it lo o k in g a t I” Competition is rough. ydu m aybe y ô u s fio u ld INFLATABLE Maybe it’s time you b e lo o k in g in to LIQUOR BOTTLES. 4 came out from behind C o n ta c t L e n s e s your glasses. Your eyes possess so much For your beauty, so much power You. Natural you. Where d orm , a p t. to express your unique the action is. With it all, o r b a r!! personality. Turn it on. alive. Looking great when he I n fla ta b le V in y l Your mirror knows the real you looks at you. See Pearle NOW. Contact Lenses make it happen Make it happen, Beautiful Eyes. ONLY *250 G r o a t a > a g ilt!! W e S h ip A n y w h e r e ! ! C ash or C heck To: C O L L E G IA T E D E S IG N S Over 15,000 Beautiful People Wear Pearle Optical Contact Lenses P . O . B O X 253 D e K a l b , I l l in o is C H E C K B O T T L E C H O IC E : Pearle S m i r n o lls V o d k a W a l k e r ’s I m p e r i a i C a n a d ia n C lu b Open Daily, inci. form erly CAPITAL A ll Day Saturday OPTICAL STUDIOS Name . . Address C ity State ......... Z ip Dr. M. G. ST0AKES » RsÿiSçrsd Optometrist P le a s e A d d 2 5 c p e r b o t il e io r S h i p p i n g 311 S. Washington, across from Knapp’s • 482-7434 T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 5, 1968 Michigan State N ew s, E a st L a n sin g , M ich ig a n C iv ic g ro u p to fig h t r a c is m V roam iestM iov's of rac­ The- group also showed con­ new housing." Mrs. Choldin ft-GW EGQRY B O Y D * tne University evening cbllgge. il'uF. : V5e p i-o to observe T h e , course will feature var­ ism. black unity, and discrim- cern with new rorvdiix't' ‘ "V >>^y>,>jg^*residen(s e s­ nr$rfjcp.%. in ’ housing ■ East La ns*y’ on and Will b e Con­ tab lish in g:a new “Task Force ious speakers, who tM .’ifl. are among the subjects to be couple of years. cerned with who's hired and A gainst- White R acism " in stim ulate som e thought on what discussed. “ We should show a great where thev w ill live." cooperation with the Greater programs can be proDosed interest in the new hotel and locally." she said. The task force first decided Lansing Community Organiza­ to affiliate with GLCO to gain The course. "Racism in the tion (GLCO) m et Tuesday night to discuss a program of positive action pertaining to black-white Black-White Community;" is com posed of five sessions and a greater perspective on com ­ munity problems. • We wanted to becom e in­ Fire forces coeds will start Jan. 15._______________ relations in the local com m uni­ ty. volved in an organization with good relations with the black to evacuate dorm Marianna Choldin. convener of the group, said that they have Humanities com m unity. Mrs. Choldin An incinerator room fire, on the sixth floor of East McDonel, said. "We've talked to several caused the evacuation of many pajama-clad fem ale residents jalready prepared a list of ra- m em bers of the black commuo- Tuesday night. ciatly integrated books for chil­ Dept. slates itv and they indicated to us that Chris G eyer. Frankenmuth freshman, went to em pty a waste- dren from pre-school age they would give us every type paper basket in the sixth floor north incinerator room and was Ithrough the third grade, and and have managed to persuade M essiah’ of encouragem ent possible. One m em ber said that they confronted by flam es. Miss Geyer s telephone call brought two fire trucks, a fire Class panel the local book stores to stock them. The Humanities sponsor the only complete Dept, will m ay try to develop an effective chief's car and a police car. coalition force with the NAACP The com bination of frantic girls, flashing lights and sm oke was Students f r o m a c o u r s e on the “‘ ‘ N e g r o nove ' sp e a k on b la c k l i t e r a t u r e In a panel Mrs. Choldin said that they and authentic performance of distracting enough to cause the crowd to take tim e off from study- and other groups. S tate News Photo by M i k e M a r h a n k a have also formulated a course Handel’s "Messiah" in this d is c u s s io n h eld T u e s d a y night. It w as agreed upon that the Jim Lukas. Pittsburgh. P a., freshman, was quick to ask why the scheduled for winter term in area. Dennis Bade. East Lans­ group would like to develop a firemen got to go in the girls' hall even though there wasn't an ing junior and m usic publicity good com m unication network open house. coordinator, said. with other groups around the The com plete recording of sta te "Messiah" by the London Education seminar debates symphony orchestra and choir w ill be played at 7 p.m. Friday in 114 Bessey Hall. Soloists are Heather Harper, soprano. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week and Orientation issues in June and September. Subscription rates are $14 per year. Helen Watts, contralto: Member Associated Press, United Press International. Inland Daily Press minority group counseling Wakefield, tenor; and Shirley Quirk, bass. Colin is conductor. The work has probably Association, Associated Collegiate Press. Michigan Press Association, Mich­ igan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan By DAVE SHORT cepted or not accepted for ad­ should first try to set up a The Wayne State discussion performed more than any other State University, East Lansing, Michigan. State News Staff Writer m ission to MSU. mutual respect with him. involved a recent proposal by sim ilar religious piece, and it the WSU Black Student Assoc, Phones: YPS1LANTI - Representa­ Throughout her discussion. If a counselor wants to do has consistently been performed Editorial.................................................................................................. 355-8252 tives from colleges and univer­ Miss Norrell warned the re­ an effective job in working with that the university admin­ wrong. Bade said. "Traditional" Classified Advertising ...................................................................... 355-8255 sities throughout Michigan at­ presentatives that they could black students, Miss Norrell istration establish a "black perform ances with large orches­ Display Advertising............................................................................... 353-6400 college" within the university B usiness-C irculation........................................................................... 355-3447 tended a higher education sem i­ not counsel a black student advised him to alw ays be hon­ tras and choruses are far from Photographic . 355-8311 nar at Eastern Michigan U niver­ like they counsel a white stu­ est and straightforth, ready to structure. -being anything like Handel s con­ sity Tuesday. dent. help in any way. Eastern Michigan's pre­ ception of the work, he said. The seminar, sponsored join­ ' Gi ven the circum stances sentation concerned its con­ The University Chorus wi The other discussion presen­ certed efforts to recruit dis­ also give a performance of parts tly by the State Board of Ed­ of ghetto life, the black stu­ tations w ere given by the Un- advantaged and minority group ucation and the Michigan Civil dent has to be shown that there of the "Messiah" on Surtdav. versitv of Michigan Detroit students during the past few Rights Commission, w as de­ is one person in a big school Institute of Technology. Eastern years. These efforts by EMU signed to inform representatives who will listen to him," she Michigan. Kalamazoo College. to recruit, finance, guide, and from Michigan's colleges and said. universities about m eans of Miss Norrell criticized sev­ Mercy and Marygrove Colleges. assist, m em bers of poverty- le t Oakland University. Michigan stricken minority groups had identifying and increasing eral counseling concepts, that W h e re minority group education on their cam puses. are being taught in the uni­ versities and colleges today. Lutheran College, the Univer­ sity of Detroit and Washtenaw been hailed by several education bodies as one of the better at­ JA D E E A S T and Oakland Community Col­ tem pts being made to help those With the amount of higher ed­ leges. say th e w o r d in t h e w o r ld ucation among minority groups Criticizing the attem pts by people. failing to increase since 1960 som e m em bers of her field to Of the 11 discussion presen­ The Washtenaw and Oakland fo r y o u in Michigan, the sem inar was tell the students what to do, Community Colleges discussion a r e y o u g o in g n e x t s u m m e r ? tations. four of them, Wayne dealt with both schools exper­ Give him Jade East, an attempt to provipe ways in she argued that a counselor th e classic State, MSU, Eastern Michigan, im ental attem pts in increasing which the opportunities for m in­ should use the “ delayed com ­ g ift o f elegance and the Washtenaw and Oak­ the number of minority group th a t says he’s ority group education could be pliance idea" in which the stu­ H ave you considered Brazil I Chile / D e n m a rk / land Community Colleges, were students attending college at the dashing, excitin g, enhanced in the future. dent is asked to think about your kind o f man. heavily attended. com m unity college level. Ghana I India I Israel / Japan I Poland I T a n ­ Julian Cook. Jr,. co-chair­ doing som ething instead of being Jade East Cologne man of the Michigan Civil Rights told. from $ 3 .0 0 ; z a n ia I T u r k e y I Y u g o s la v ia ? T h is h a r d ly Trust theory A fter Shave from Commission, set the tone of ;2.50; Cologne & A fter scratches th e surface. T h e r e are 2 7 oth e r c o u n ­ the seminar in his opening ad­ M iss Norrell said she de­ M S U FO LK LO R E S O C IE T Y Shave G ift S et, $ 5 .5 0 . plored the "trust" theory that tries to which T h e E x pe rim e n t is p rep a red to dress to the participants. counselors are trained to ac­ J Blacks suffer as an alternate fragrance, try Jade East send you. cept. Instead of trying to im ­ 'With fewer than five of every Coral and Jade East m ediately gain a student's trust, Golden Lime. All are 100 students * in Michigan available In a complete W h a t do you do? Discover one country, one colleges and universities being she stressed that the counselor collection of masculine grooming essentials. people, in d epth. By living as a m e m b e r of a black, one can see that much SWANK, inc.— needs to be done in this state." Sole Distributor host fa m ily you m e e t people, travel with th e m , Cook said. ' The black-white make lasting fr ien dsh ips, find out w h a t really situation in Michigan is not a good one. " makes a country tick. T a lk about b e co m in g in­ “ Education is such an im ­ volved! portant factor in o n e s life: e & c t iS O H H tV A th e re h ave to be greater op­ W rite for details: T he E xperim en t, W e st Hill portunities for all youths to Road, Putney, V e rm o n t 0 5 3 4 6 . attend the colleges and univer­ sities in this state." w / Thirteen colleges and un­ & :G O - / z * : 0 0 iversities. including Michigan State, participated in 11 dif­ ferent discussion presentations Also ♦ FAST ♦ F A S T i♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAS concerning the recruiting, or-, ientation. and counseling m eth­ ods being used to solve the DOC WATSON minority group education pro­ W ill Be Corrvng in January blem . Counseling blacks Gwen Norrell. assistant di­ rector of guidance and counsel­ ing. gave a discussion pres­ entation that em phasized con­ cepts that should and should not be used in counseling black TAKE A BREAK students. Considered as one of the best in her field by many people. Miss Norrell based her remarks on five vears of counseling Paraphernalia primarily black students who were either m arginally ac- Open Finals Week m m w iN 11-9 Mon - F ri 11-6 Sat. m m m mm/mm \mmis m uwin m mm m SPEEDY ;HOT." FREE & S U B S mus MS SÎ77 TO DORMS & O F F -C A M P U S SHJG HTFO O T (O N E N U M B E R T O C A L L ) For Pizza Sake Call The Ace.” 211 M .A .C .--A cross from Knapp’ s--Open 5 p .m .-l a.m . F r l. & Sat. til 3 a.m. United Artists Records I 541 E . G R A N D R ' V E R FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST * FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAS T ♦ FAS T Edward A. Brill ed ito r-in -ch ief James S. Granelli, m anaging editor Trinka Cline, cam pus editor Carol Budrow, Jerry P a n k h u n t, editorial editor advertising manager Tom Brown, sport» editor Patricia A nstett, associate cam pus editor M IC H IG A N STATI N I WS •Î The State N ew s is a free and editorially independent student newspaper. Editorials exprès» the i t. ■x.T'oo"' TreVaSm* «( \H*. rûno*i>*•«Al . t) rider the provisions of «C YUv Hepxsri on Aca­ dem ic Freedom for Students at Michigan State U niversity,” final responsibility for all news and editorial content rests Six-time recipient of the Pacem aker award for outstanding journalism. with the editor-in-chief. EDITORIALS Four-year med school a necessity for state W h i l e m o s t of u s a r e m a k i n g m i t t e e on E d u c a tio n for H e a lth our usual, p riv a te N ew Y e a r's Care, w hich supp orts the pro­ resolutions. Gov. R o m n e v and posal for the n ew fo u r-y e a r p ro ­ t h e l e g i s l a t u r e m a v c o m e up g ra m , have ju st been hanging w i t h a r e s o l u t i o n of g r e a t s ig ­ in t h e l e g i s l a t u r e . P e r h a p s G o v . n i f i c a n c e to M S U a n d t h e s t a t e — R o m n e y 's support previously t h e a p p r o v a l of a f o u r - v e a r d e ­ would h av e been the n e c e s s a ry g r e e - g r a n t i n g p r o g r a m f o r th e r e q u i r e m e n t to p a s s t h e p r o p o ­ C o l l e g e of H u m a n M e d i c i n e . sal. r F o r t h e p a s t 12 y e a r s a s t r u g ­ B u t n o w it is s o l e l y in t h e g le h a s t a k e n p l a c e to c r e a t e a h a n d s of. t h e G o v e r n o r a n d t h e co m p le te m e d ical school at legislature. O nly w ith the p a s ­ Open house proposal- M S U . As f a r b a c k a s 1956 t h e r e w a s ta lk of a n o t h e r m e d i c a l s a g e of t h i s p r o p o s e d , w ill t h e d e f i c i e n c y in m e d i c a l e d u c a ­ “ And for the folks flying to M ia m i-- here's the Hdvana weather report!” s c h o o l in t h e s t a t e , a n d b y 1964. tion b e e l i m i n a t e d . for student responsibility w i t h t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t of the C o l l e g e of H u m a n M e d i c i n e , th e - T h e E ditors f o u r - y e a r p r o g r a m s e e m e d to OUR READERS’ MIND b e on t h e w a y to r e a l i t y . W ith the a p p r o v a l of t h e * it is e n c o u r a g i n g to n o t e t h a t B ut. a s so o f t e n is t h e c a s e , o p e n h o u s e p o li c y c h a n g e b y t h e F a c u l t y C o m m i t t e e on S t u ­ t h e U n i v e r s i t v is a l t e r i n g its p aren tal a ttitu d e tow ard stu­ m o n e y m a t t e r s h a v e p r o v e d to be the g r e a te s t hurdle. The Students not alw ays correct dent A ffairs, and the p a s s a g e # d e n t s . T h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y will p re s e n t tw o -y e a r p r o g r a m has To the Editor: stay out all night and enjoy the gay night minority of students, who having absented t h e n r e s t w i t h s t u d e n t s to d e m ­ There is developing on this campus, them selves for two w eeks or m ore from of t h e p r o p o s a l b y t h e A S M S U h a d its d i f f i c u l t i e s in t h e f i n a n ­ life of E ast Lansing, let them do it. My ob­ class, appear on the day I am giving an among a sm all percentage of the student jection to the attitude that the students are B o a r d T u e s d a v n ig h t , it s e e m s onstrate that we are m ature, cial r e a l m w ith in a d eq u ate population, an attitude that som ehow what­ exam ination and then think it “ unfair" alw ays correct, until proven wrong, is in a p p a re n t th a t MSU m a y w ell r e a s o n a b l e a d u l t s c a p a b l e of f u n d in g a n d in f l a t i o n m a j o r ever a particular student wants, he (she) the realm of that m ajor function of a uni­ that I use their zero as part of the basis for h a n d l i n g o u r o w n s o c i a l lives. determ ining their grade. If students want g e t t h e l i b e r a l i z a t i o n of o p e n problem s. should receive, but for the asking. My versity, nam ely, the cultivation and dis­ objection to this attitude does not in any to play “ Russian roulette" with m y class, h o u s e p o l i c y it h a s f o u g h t for Hopefullv the new fre e d o m N o w . h o w e v e r , t h e four- sem ination of knowledge. Particularly, I that is perfectly all right, but they have no sense pertain to the area of the students' take issue with the idea that anything a so long. w ill b e u s e d d i s c r e e t l y , w i t h year p ro g ram m a y be ap­ personal life, since my thoughts on en basis for crying "foul" when the loaded student does not find to his liking is “ un­ T h e f i n a l s t e p to i m p l e m e n ­ f a i r n e s s t o all r e s i p e n c e h all p r o v e d . T h e M S U B o a r d of locus parentis are that students should be fair.” . chamber com es up. dw ellers. able to live where they wish; if they want to 1. This attitude prevails among a sm all 2. The idea that students m ay count t a t i o n of t h e p r o p o s a l is its T ru ste e s has sent the proposed those exam s in which they do w ell, and dis­ presentation to M i l t o n B. It w o u l d b e m o s t u n f o r t u n a t e b u d g e t to t h e S t a t e B u r e a u of card those where they do poorly, is a D ickerson, vice-president for if s o m e s t u d e n t s h a v e to b e ­ the B udget re q u e stin g over sham e and a disgrace to the educational U’ and me and you process. As an educator, m y function is to s t u d e n t a f f a i r s . If a p p r o v e d b y g in s l e e p i n g in t h e l o u n g e s b e ­ $800.000 for expansiontfsNSof certify whether, in m y professional opin­ D ickerson, open house policy cau se their inconsiderate ro o m ­ the p re se n t p ro g ra m . * ion a student knows a particular body of w ill b e d e c i d e d j o i n t l y b y e a c h m a t e s a r e ab usin g the v isita ­ It is i m p e r a t i v e t h a t t h e r e ­ To the Editor: knowledge. To have to say that a student I went back to the Adm inistration Bldg., pursued a particular line of study, but hall's g o v ern in g council, m a n ­ tio n p r i v i l e g e s . q u e s t b e g r a n t e d . F o r a long The bureaucracy or “ sy stem ” at this Uni­ said that I had checked with m y adviser versity is set up so that if one d eviates from having failed the exam ination is still en­ a g e r and head adviser. p e r i o d of t i m e t h e r e h a s b e e n and that it w as definitely four credits for titled to a certification, is ridiculous. the usual in any w ay endless confusion and T h e n e w p o l i c y w o u l d not the need for in c re a s e d tra in ­ 490. A few w eeks passed. One day I got T h e a m e n d m e n t p a s s e d by bullroar result. A case in point--mine. 3. The latest cry of “ foul" com es from a harried letter from m y m other which in the faculty com m ittee p r o v i d e f o r i m m e d i a t e 2 4-hour ing of p h y s i c i a n s in M i c h i g a n . Psych. 490 is a special studies course. Aft­ essen ce said that I had been reclassified Mr. Pat Terry, who claims- that P rofes­ er you get a professor to sign you on, you sor Richard E. Chapin, director of Librar­ changed the M H A original p ro ­ orgies, but r a t h e r leaves open A l a r g e n u m b e r of q u a l i f i e d 1-A because I w as a part-time student. My ies. should not be able to recom m end that enroll for the course for the number of posal th a t called for p ro c e d u re s h o u s e p o l i c y u p to t h e i n d i v i d ­ students have been denied ac­ credits that you and the professor have de­ four credits for Psych. 490 had been over­ undergraduates should enjoy only limited looked som ewhere. to b e d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e g o v ­ u a l hall, l e t t i n g e a c h m a k e c o m m o d a t i o n s in e x i s t i n g p r o ­ cided on. I enrolled for the course first and A trip to the Administration Bldg. and a ccess to the library stacks. Professor Chapin is reported to be professionally erning council u n der the a d v ise ­ it s o w n r u l e s . T h e c o n t r o l t h e n gram s. A nother unfortunate then got a professor. My punishment has a lot of discussion with the bureaucrats com petent but his opinion should not be been severe. Not knowing the number of m e n t of. r a t h e r t h a n a g r e e m e n t w o u l d r e s t c l o s e r to t h e s t u ­ o c c u rre n c e has been the ris­ credits when I enrolled I absently put down m et with som e su ccess, it seem ed. At first perm itted to prevail because Mr. Terry ing in flu x of o u t - s t a t e - t r a i n e d they insisted that I would have to m ake out of. t h e m a n a g e r a n d h e a d a d ­ d e n t s . e n a b l i n g t h e m to g o v ­ zero credits. F atal m istake! I also had nine a drop card for zero credits and an add card thinks he and his follow ers should control. p h y s i c i a n s into t h e s t a t e . After all, the argum ent goes, they are un­ v i s e r . T h e r e r e m a i n s n o w o n ly e rn th e ir own social lives at other credits so I covered m yself by pay­ for four credits. But after I informed them dergraduate students and they should pre­ With Gov. R o m n e y 's sup­ ing for 15 credits. I found a professor and t h e d o u b t of h o w m u c h th i s l e a s t to a g r e a t e r e x t e n t . decided on four credits giving m e a total that I already had the course they said vail, for they know what is best for the Uni­ a m e n d m e n t will a f f e c t t h e li­ W i t h a littl e m a t u r i t y w e p o r t f o r t-he n e w p r o g r a m , in that m aybe they could take care of it for versity. But I too am a part of this Univer­ of 13 credits. Shortly thereafter I got a m e (W ow !). sity and I will be using the Library long beralizatio n. P r e s u m a b l y , the ca n all en jo y the p e rs o n a l f re e ­ early J a n u a ry , the proposal letter from the Administration Bldg. They They assured m e they would tell my wanted m e to tell them the number of after Mr. Terry has gone his way. For too head a d v ise r could veto any d o m t h a t is d u e a n v a d u l t , be w o u l d a l m o s t b e a s s u r e d of p a s ­ draft board im m ediately. About a week long, I have put up with books with several credits I was taking in Psych. 490, but first p r o p o s a l p a s s e d b y t h e h all he a U n iv ersity student or any sag e through the legislature. I m ust check with my adviser. A trip t o later I got another letter from m y mother pages removed, books m isplaced, stolen saying that the draft board had not been g o v e r n i n g c o u n c i l. o t h e r c i tiz e n . F o r a lm o s t tw o y e a r s now the Olds hall revealed that she knew nothing notified and that I w as still 1-A. and m arginal com m ents inserted. The Li­ -T h e Editors r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s of t h e C o m - about it. brary is the m ost single important part W i t h l i b e r a l i z a t i o n in s i g h t . Also enclosed in m y m other’s letter was of this cam pus and books deposited there a form from the Psychology Dept, which are expected to be used over tim e. The they had sent to m y home address (?). Library on this cam pus would continue to be They wanted to know my instructor’s name HOWARD GABE and the number of credits. After a little very “ open" to undergraduate students if the new rule prevails, and by com parison talk with them they assured m e that every­ to m ost universities the facilities would thing w as OK and the situation would be continue to be excellen t for the use by rectified. undergraduates. If I believed the educa­ A couple of days later the Psychology Do’s and don’ts on dealing tion of the undergraduates on this campus Dept, changed its mind (if you can call could be improved by perm itting one and it that) and decided that I did indeed need all to have open a ccess to all the stacks, to fill out a drop card for zero credits and then I would be in favor of such a policy. - ,5 5 1 an add card for four credits. Each card In my professional opinion, closed stacks jr -p v 1 »ôyrtA/ requires the instructor’s signature, the pagne, candlelight and hot chicken soup, w ill not lower the achievem ent level of the A strange thing happened to m e the was too much for any senorita to resist. adviser’s signature, and the dean’s signa­ undergraduate students on this campus, weekend before the Thanksgiving Day There are a few tricks of the trade that ture because it is late. No amount of protest­ nor will it dull the great “ thirst- for knowl­ vacation. In an effort to obtain that so­ experienced men--such as m vself--have ing and explanation could convince them edge which Mr. Terry alludes to. What cial phenomenon so graciously referred acquired over the years. In modern that there w as another way, so I’m doomed. it will do is raise the probability that the to as a “ date. " I received an affirm a­ tim es, m ost wom en can be successfully The system wins again. I have to wade next tim e I request a book it m ay be in the tive response on the first telephone con­ seduced with: candlelight, champagne, through all this muck because autom ation proper place, and that it w ill have all versation. I am used to affirm ative re­ soft m usic, liquor, rom antic lines, more cannot change a zero to a four in the Admin­ pages in tact. plies. since I receive one every now and booze, poetry, and then plenty of booze. istration Bldg. John P. Henderson then, but never have -I ever received a However, som e girls are just naturally Bob Ivins yes on the first try. In fact, it w as such Professor of Econom ics m ent a “ real date" on both her choice fearful of any type of sexual relationship. N iles, senior a surprise that I had answered. “ Well, When out on a “ real date“ it is very of attire and perfume. Those gentlemen, The other night, for exam ple, no sooner m aybe next week." before realizing that important to rem em ber that you m ust open 1 had the date. The one thing good about receiving up all doors for your date. The only tim e a girl will m ake an effort to open a door, who are truly suave and debonair, prove their worldliness by m em orizing the popu­ lar essen ces and then incorporating this had I given m y date the first kiss that she suggested going to bed. I have learned through experience never to argue with Dorm policy outmoded negative replies is that you never have is at the end of the date, right after knowledge into clever quips such as: a m em ber of the- opposite sex. So even To the Editor: I feel that it is tim e that this insulting to worry about which dealing techniques you stop the car in front of her dorm, “ Isn't that Channel Five?" though it was only 11:15, 1 took her im ­ The following w as m y response to (Ques­ and outdated policy be dropped and be re­ to use. One has to rem em ber that the and right before you have a chance to Don Juan Casanova Goldman, a four­ m ediately back to her dorm so that she tion 16 of a West McDonel Hall question­ sam e techniques one uses at the Case turn the ignition to “ accessory." In ad­ placed by 24-hour visitation with closed and Shaw m ixers do not work on an “ac­ teenth century aristocrat, had tackled could go to bed. naire concerning open house. The ques­ doors. dition to opening up doors, it is alw ays his d eficiencies to becom e the world's Here at MSU, the freshm en “ m overs" tual date. ' A dating companion acts a good idea to hold on to a “ real date s" tion reads: William C. Wells greatest lover. Lacking the ability to be­ who have neither car nor apartment, “ The present University policy on Open D etroit junior differently than a “ m ixer girl.'' When hand, just in case she suddenly realizes com e either a doctor or a lawyer, Don search endlessly for places to take House states that the doors of the rooms one asks a “ real date to dance, she that she got you confused with the other Juan Casanova Goldman had to rely on their dates. Out of desperation, one in­ with guests m ust be left open wide enough says yes. In comparison, "the mixer Chuck, whom she really wanted to go his m other's hot chicken soup. For som e genious young man belted a cam pus po­ to perm it unobstructed entry. What do girl" would rather talk to her girl out with. obscure reason, known only to this great licem an in the mouth just so he and his only friends, lean against the wall, and stare you think of this policy?" You m ust also rem em ber to com pli­ Spanish lover, the combination of cham- date could enjoy the squad car as they 20 at the couples dancing. “ I feel that the University policy con­ were driven to the police station. cerning open doors is an invasion of my PEANUTS To those faithful readers, who have dili­ MY DAP SAYS THAT WHEN privacy and a PERSONAL INSULT. I am IT SNOUJS, YOU SHOULD gently followed the advise given in the adult enough (as is the average MSU stu­ ALWAYS TAKE A SLICE OF first three articles on college dating tech­ dent ) to conduct m yself in a proper manner days left BREAD OUT FOR THE BIRDS... niques and criticism s, you w ill have to behind a closed door. It is expected that wait until winter quarter for the rem ain­ we are responsible adults when we enroll 1 ing portions of the series. The Christ­ here, and our parents believe us respon­ Christmas m as break should give you am ple tim e sible adults or they would not have sent to practice what you have learned thus us away to college. Why, then, does the tudent Book Store far. U niversity feel it necessary to treat us 421 at Grand River • Happy holidays! like babies???" T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 5, 1968 ____ 5 Michigan State N e w s, E ast L a n sin g , M ich ig a n S H A K E S U P C A M P U S ASMSU Travel Organization is offering charter flights to Europe over Christmas vacation for $190. Call 355-8857 if inter- WSU paper ,Tìù.%,tyf>e oí .honkie b eing'silly, join block and the editors feel that the r’tnf t - .... « KJ V. . X .. h -*■ ».... SB ■Stan Putnam, term er D etroit m ajorityrights — -- :,r .Jf . -V '" The MSU Dairy Club Cheese Sale will ing black panther is'printed in* hand.” vorce itself from the urban run from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. today through each corner. F ree P ress staff writer who ‘‘They condemn white racism “ One of the practitioners of com m unity. Dec 13 in 122 Anthony Hall. Christmas The slogan, “ The Year of the has been The South End’s ad­ so much that they becom e black gift boxes can be picked up or can be ‘Greek Culture’ w as heard to Clark defines the paper’s Heroic Guerrilla." appears be viser for just a little m ore than ra cists.” mailed. Orders may be placed at the of­ mutter, ‘L et’s go get a gun and viewpoint, stating: We are neath the nam eplate. a month, explained that John “ A lot of what they say is true, fice or by calling 353-9092. kill this black bastard.’” anti-oppression, anti-racism , • • • Watson, editor-in-chief, and it’s a student paper and they The front page in recent issues “ Enter the White Knight, anti-im perialism , but pro- Paul Brainard, University of Chicago. has been devoted to Black Pan­ Harry Clark, co-editor, are con­ should be able to w rite what they Dept, of Economics, will speak on "R e­ Don Quixote from the Public people - and that’s, all peo­ ther leader Eldridge C leaver’s cerned black students who recog­ w ant.” cent Political and Economic Develop­ Safety D ep t.” ple. * m ents in Ciechoslovnkln” at a meeting a ctivities at Berkeley, eulogies nize the need for change in our “ I think the paper is finally Allen said the incident ,of the Russian and East European Stud­ for slain revolutionist Che society, and who are attem pting becom ing relevant. They treat awakened fraternity m em bers ies Group at 8:30 tonight in 35 Union. Guevara, and an anonymous in­ to startle the readers into aw are­ the important issues instead of * • • to the fact that they have tra­ terview with a person who was ness and action. the trite.” SDS will hold a chapter meeting at 7:30 ditionally segregated them ­ Bruce Allen, vice-president of An article which particularly tonight in 31 Union. • • '• F o n d f a r e w e ll involved in the widespread D e­ troit area bombings. public relations for the WSU angered the IFC called “ In Black selves as a status symbol. Fashions from the Sportsmeister Shop “ But, w e ’re not a racist S a lly S im o n s , A S M S U f e m a l e m e m b e r - a t - l a r g e , ac­ Inter-Fraternitv Council (IFC), and W hite” appeared on the front will be featured at a meeting of the En­ This is The South End. Wayne group,” Allen added. cepts a re c o g n itio n c e r t i f i c a t e and plaque f r o m P e t e r claim s that “ The South End" page October 30. It w as w ritten gineering Wives Club at 8 tonight in 110 State U niversity's student news­ South End editors say that Engineering Bldg. All wives of engineer­ E l l s w o r t h b o a r d c h a i r m a n . M i s s S I m o n s r e l in q u i s h e s paper which has recently been is neglecting student rights and by Mike Hamlin, m anaging edit­ they are glad to have stirred ing students are invited. causing controversy among stu­ putting everything into the con­ or, and dealt with a fight in the * • * h e r post w i n t e r t e r m and le a v e s MSU to a ttend the up their readers. dents, faculty and groups on text of black or white. cafeteria involving a black Gamma Theta Upsilon, geography pro­ U n i v e r s i t y o f H a w a ii . Oh y e s — s h e ’ s g e ttin g m a r r i e d , “ Traditional journalists make campus. Henry Cohen, a WSU senior, worker and fraternity m en which fessional fraternity, will elect officers, too. State N e w s Photo by Joe T y n e r their stories subtle so the pub­ said “ They don’t give both sides. occurred the day after the Tigqrs accept new members, and plan winter term activities a t 7 tonight in 406 Natural I’m tired of hearing about a black won the World Series. lic is not aw are they are being ' Science Bldg. The meeting is open to all brother being arrested in New Attacks Greeks upset. If w e are going to dis­ students. Refreshments will be served. York, or a black brother doing The South End described the turb them, le t’s really do it, / All coeds with a 2.0 GPA not sponsored by an organization may enter the Miss MSU Pageant by paying a registration Stadium depository hoards som ething in California. But, it is better than reading nothing but fraternity and football incident as follows: “ The honkies w ere celebrat­ ing the victory as befits the Clark said. Less than 10 per cent of W ayne's 33,000 students are fee of $15. Applications are available occasion anytim e a great white Negro, but Wayne is located in n ew s.” a t the Union Board office. Friday is the deadline. • • * opium pipes, heroin burner Student com m ents Other students made such hope (the Tigers) triumphs over a black opponent (Bob the heart of D etroit’s ghettoes SOX(ASTERNTHCATRIS•SUBSIDIARYOFNATIONALG(N£RAl COR* College Life, the weekly meeting com m ents as: Gibson and the St. Louis Cards^. SPARTAN TWIN THEATRE of Campus Crusade for Christ, will be held at 9 tonight at 544 Abbott Road. • • • While concerned students are burner com plete with alcohol protesting the overt alcoholic- consumption lamp and overhanging, w ire-at­ dem onstrations tached spoon. A Japanese opium iod in which he w as attem pting to establish the Japanese national police system . TOMORROW Starting * FAANDON SHOPPING CENTER • 1 1 0 0 EAST 1AOINAW • Phoiw S I M M S ENDS TUESDAY Jerry Long from Newsreel will speak ALL COLOR PROGRAM “ Y ours, m ine, and ours'1 at Dally at 1:30 - 3 - 5:30 - 7:30 on “ Cinema for Our Time*“ at 8 p.m. that have accom panied five foot­ pipe is historically intriquing. and 9:30 P.M. Saturday in 35 Union. Films from News­ reel will be shown. The presentation is being sponsored by SDS. • • • ball Saturdays, little mention has It can be traced back to the year been m ade of the array of 1947 when Harold Mulbare ob­ hypodermic needles, opium tained the article during the per­ N ow for the first time NTASTIC-JBOND’SALE 6:00 and 9:40 p.m . ‘‘ Fitzw llly” at 8:00 BAQUEL WELCH and “Neitzscheism Versus Objectivism" pipes and heroin burners that NFORMATION ►332-6044 at popular prices. l b u r s . M l n e will be the topic under discussion at a meeting of the MSU Students of Objec­ tivism at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Oak »'Room of the Union. Donation for non­ members will be 50 cents. lie in storage in a cubicle directly under Section 6 of Spartan Stadium. The cham ber, however, c NOW1 Exciting Western 1:00 - 3:15 - 5:20 - 7:30 - 9:40 s Utuäm Direct from its reserved-seat and O C R S I « » COLORby D*luia * . ... UNITED ARTISTS I • • * (situated on the east side of AND The IsraeliClub of MSU willsponsor a the stadium ) is an MSU Mus­ engagem ent. Hanukkah party at 4 p.m. Dec. 15 in the Union Ballroom. Singing and dancing are eum artifact deposi tory whose shelves hold a U niversity SEAN SEANCONNERY D ie t v a n D J fc e planned and a film on Israel will be shown. Traditional Israeli Hanukkah re­ freshments will be served. Donations to authorized collection of Oriental and American “ head-type CONNERY C & M E & Q T in " F if z w COLO*D n_i nnt urn M u.a illy » . . MURARMI L. H cover the expenses involved will be $1 per family. For reservations, call Esther Kessler (332-6120) or Gaby Kende (351- stuff." Among the more fascinating of BRIGITTE THUNDERBALL" jURjáRAPEURR JOHWkkMR-l ^ 6640) by Dec. 10. • • • Anyone interested in forming a Spartan the compilation area's articles is an elaborate homemade heroin BARDOT^ PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR N o w B o o k s Spirit booster section for home basket­ ball games should call Bernard Carver (353-00341 or the Union Board (355-3355), or sign up on the sheets posted in the [ SHALAKO W inner of 3 Re-released thru United Artists Shown Once Only fro m P E G A S U S residence halls. Academ y Awards! at 9:30 • * * TECHNICOLOR® COLOR CARTOON STARTS AT 7:00 'The Rush'' will play at an all-Unlver- FRANSCOPE T h e H i p p i e T r ip — ** ENDS TONIGHT slty mixer sponsored by East Shaw and TECHNICOLOR' PMUVISIOIT0 L e w is Y a b l o n t k y , S a n F e r n a n d o V a l l e y S t a t e C o l l e g e Phillips Halls from 9-12 p.m. Friday. S ï£ P Ü & N J ? O Y D ^ u _ _ _ A x/ At 1:00-3:40 ERIC SDYAG “ 17” A g r a p h i c a l l y e x p l i c i t a c c o u n t o f l i f e , d r u g » a n d »e x a m o n g A m e r i c a ' s h a l f - • • ‘• 1 m il l io n h i p p i e s b y a n o t e d s o c io lo g is t w h o e x p lo r e d H l p p l e d o m c o a s t to Spartan Spirit will meet at 8 p.m. Jan. HONOR B L A C K M A N * TODAY . . 6:25-9:15 p.m c o a s t f r o m B i g S u r to G a l a h a d ' » P a d , l i v i n g w i t h t h e h i p p i e » , » h a r i n g t h e i r MOORAM INFORMATION►4 8 8 -8 4 8 9 6 in 35 Union. N e x tl Rod Taylor In 491 liv e s an d th eir th ough t» , q u e stio n in g their o u tlo o k s , a sp iration » a n d attl- tudea. C o m b i n in g the h ippie» ' » elf-revelation» w ith Y a b l o n s k y 's s k ille d ONCY ONLY 8:35 o b s e r v a t i o n s , T h e H i p p i e T r ip i s a d e f i n i t i v e a c c o u n t o f A m e r i c a ' » n e w d r o p ­ THE HJ3H COMMISSIONER G L A B M E R o u t a u b c u l t u r e w h i c h , a s it g a t h e r » f o r c e a n d m o m e n t u m , p o r t e n d * a d r a s t i c c h a n g e i n A m e r i c a n m o r a l i t y . ' ' T h e H i p p i e T r i p s h o u l d b e r e q u ir e d r * a * ' n t o n c o l l e g e c a m p u e e t . . .“ —P l a y b o y 336 P p . C l o t h O n l y ( P 1 0 4 7 ) $ 6.93 -T O M O R R O W - MSU LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES T h e N e w M a r x is m * SPECIALS * W h s n in S o u t h s , n C s l i t o r n i s v is it U n i v s 's s l C ity S tu d io s Soviet and East European Marxism Since 1956 R ic h a r d T . D e G e o r g e , U n iv e r t ity o f K an$a$ S i n c e K h r u s h c h e v ' » 193 6 s p e e c h a g a i n s t S t a l i n , s i g n i f i c a n t c h a n g e * n a v e An unsurpassed cast in one a lt e r e d t h e p o lit i c a l c h a r a c t e r o f t h e S o v ie t - E a s t E u r o p e a n b lo c . T h e H ew M a r x itm d e s c r i b e s a n d a v a l u a t e s th e c o r r e s p o n d i n g c h a n g e s in M a r x i s t a n d Counter Sales Open of the great plays of the ages! M a r x l i t - L a n i n l s t t h e o r y a n d t h e i r r e l a t i o n to p r e v i o u s p o s i t i o n s . T h e b o o k m a k e s c l e a r t h a t M a r x i s t I d e o l o g y r e m a i n s a b i n d i n g t ie i n E u r o p e t o d a y , DECEMBER 10 b u t that s o m e h o p e for a n e v e n tu a l E a s t- W e s t d é te n te m a y b e ex p e c te d fro m MHA and WIC CACTUS FLOW ER January 6 the g r o w in g sp irit o f d i v e r s it y b e h in d th e iron cu rta in . 1 7 6 P p . C l o t h ( P 1 0 6 1 ) $ 6.00; P a p e r (P 10 6 2 ) $ 1 .9 3 Present T o p c o m e d y h it of the s e a s o n . $ 5 .0 0 ,$ 4 .0 0 ,$ 3 .0 0 . T h e U n ite d S ta te s a n d th e S p r e a d o f N u c le a r W e a p o n s T H E N A Z IS N E V E R W i l l i a m B . B a d e r , C o n s u l t a n t to th e U . S . S e n a t e F o r e ig n R e la t i o n » C o m m i t t e e F I D D L E R ON T H E R O O F J a n u a ry 20 & 21 In this c ritic a l a s s e s s m e n t o f the U n it e d S ta te s ' p o lic y to w a r d th e p r o life r a ­ B A H G A IN E D F D R W o r l d ' s m o s t a c c l a i m e d m u s ic a l tion o f n u c le a r w e a p o n s , the a u th o r r e v ie w s a n d a n a ly z e s the sh iftin g » o f A m e r i c a n n u c l e a r p o l ic y a n d offers h is o w n r e c o m m e n d a t io n s for s l o w i n g $ 6 .0 0 , $ 5 .0 0 , $ 4 .0 0 T H E D tH IY D O Z E N ! t h e s p r e a d o f n u c l e a r w e a p o n s . T e x t s o f al l t r e a t i e s a n d a g r e e m e n t s s i g n e d to d a te a re in c lu d e d . 1 7 6 P p . C l o t h (P 10 4 9 ) $6.00; P a p e r (P 10 3 0 ) $ 1.9 3 C L E A B A N O F F S T R IN G S F e b r u a r y II presents E x c i t i n g e n c o u n te r with new sound. CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER E x is te n tia lis m UeeUu AKENNETH HYMAN PRODUCTION $ 3 .0 0 , $ 2 .5 0 , $ 2 .0 0 ORSON WELLESand• LILLI PALMER P a tr ic ia F . S a n b o r n , U n i v e r s i t y o f N e w M e x i c o TODAY Feature at 1:00 A c o n c i s e g u i d e to E x i s t e n t i a l i s m a s r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h e w r i t i n g s o f K i e r k e ­ 3:10 - 5:20 - 7:30 - 9:40 RICHARD JOHNSON g a a r d , H e id e g g e r , Jaspers, M a r c e l a n d S artre, w ith e m p h a s is on the w a y s in w h ic h Existen tialists h a v e r efo rm u la ted fu n d a m e n ta l p h ilo so p h ica l q u e s ­ J A C O B L A T E IN E R M a r c h 31 THETRUE t i o n s a n d t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p o f E x i s t e n t i a l i s m to t h e h i s t o r y o f p h i l o s o p h y — E m ln e n t p ia n is t b o t h in t e r m s o f it s i n h e r i t a n c e f r o m t h e c l a s s i c a l p h i l o s o p h e r s a n d o f t h e STORY OP THE $ 3 .5 0 , $ 3 .0 0 , $ 2 .5 0 O C D IP U S T H C K IN G i n n o v a t i o n s it m a k e s . 19 2 P a g e s . C l o t h (P 10 6 3 ) $6.00; P a p e r (P 10 6 6 ) $ 1 .9 3 -------------------------- TECHNICOLOR’ SSLF- CONFESSED ",lh C YR IL C U S A C K • R O G E R LIVESEY C o n te m p o r a r y Russian D ra m a BOSTON FERRANTE & T E IC H E R A p r i l 10 D O N A L D SUTHERLAND S e l e c t e d a n d T r a n s l a t e d b y F. D . R e e v e STRANOLSR. Screenplay byMICHAELLUKEandPHILIPSAVIHE• DirectedbyPHIliPSAVILIE B r i l l i a n t piano duo. P r e fa c e b y V i c t o r R o z o v F i r s t E n g l i s h p u b l i c a t i o n o f f iv e o f t h e m o s t s u c c e s s f u l p l a y s w r i t t e n a n d 20th Csnlury Fo» $ 3 .5 0 , $ 3 .0 0 , $ 2 .5 0 Associate Producer TIMOTHYBURRlll • ProducedbyMICHAIl LUKE s t a g e d i n t h e S o v i e t U n i o n in t he l a s t t e n y e a r s : S h v a r t s ' T h e N a k e d K i n g , ACrossroads FilmProduction/Universal Pictures Production• A‘UNIVERSALRELEASE , ”....... T H E R o z o v ' s A l i v e F o r e v e r P o g o d i n ' s A P c tr a r c h ia n S o n n e t , P a n o v a ' s It » B e e n A x e s l , a n d Z o r i n ' s A W a rsa w M e lo d y . S t r i k i n g e v i d e n c e o f a n e w R u s s i a n BO ST O N spirit a n d style. 304 P p . C l o t h (P 10 4 3 ) $ 7 .5 0 ; P a p e r (P 10 4 4 ) $2.93 STRANG LER U N I V E R S I T Y A U D I T O R I U M — 8:15 P . M . Pftnsvisior* Color Ov DsLua# SMA-* $1.00 re d u c tio n to MSU students and spouses with P o e m s o f O u r M o m e n t Nextl “ BULLITT" Contemporary Poet* of the English Language v a lid ated I.D , E d it e d b y J o h n H o l l a n d e r , H u n t e r C o l l e g e toms UNION TICKET OFFICE m Sophocles’ c la ssic tragedy, more than 2,000 years old, com es to life vividly in this w ell-n lgh | A n e w a n t h o l o g y o f c o n t e m p o r a r y v c r s e - 1 9 5 p o e m s b y 34 p o e t s : A m m o n * , A sh b ery, Corso, D avie, D aw son , D ickey, Feinm an, G in sb erg, G ro ssm an , G u n n , H echt, H ine, H ollander, H ope, H ow ard , H u ghes, K och, M acP h erson , M e r r i l l , M e r w i n , O ' H a r a , I’ l a t h , R i c h , S e i d e l . S h a p i r o , S i l k e n , S n o d g r a » » , Snvder, Strand, Sw enso n, T o m lin so n , W a lla c c -C ra b b e and W righ t. Hours 8-5 fc l perfect movie______________ --T r u e Magazine y ' 336 P p . C l o t h ( P 1 0 2 3 ) $ 7 .5 0 ; P a p e r (P 10 2 4 ) $ 2.45 C r is is o f t h e A m e r ic a n D r e a m A History of American Social Thought 1920-1940 J o h n T i p p l e , C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e C o l le g e a t L o s A n g e l e s B o th a n in terp re ta tiv e so cial history a n d a vital fund o f Im p o rtan t w r itin g * LIVING THEATER a n d d o c u m e n t s o f t h e y e a r s 1 9 2 0 -1 ° io, t h is at. c o u n t i n c l u d e s b o t h f a m o u s a n d s c a rc e e s s a y s b y the m o s t Influ ential an d b rillia n t s p o k e s m e n o f t h e a ge . • » « D ir t y , 3 2 P p . I t lu s . C l o t h (P 1 0 2 7 ) J 6 . M ; P a p s r ( P 1 0 3 I ) I 2 .9 S D o s e n Recent and Still T im e ly P L A N E T A R IU M The Politics of Poverty .« III (811II UMUI JIM C O M E S T O A N N A R B O R Now presents: J o h n C . D o n o v a n , B o w d o i n C o l le g e A b i t i n g a n a l y s i s t h a t t r a c e s t h e W a r o n P o v e r t y f r o m it s g e n e s i s a s a s t u d y c o m m i s s i o n e d b y P r e s i d e n t K e n n e d y t h r o u g h t h e d r a f t i n g , c ° r' 8 * #*’ The Christmas jin noun iiiiii in« M O N D A Y D E C .9 -- A N T IG O N E s i o n a l a p p r o v a l , a n d t h e p o l i t i c a l .m«J b u ’-c.iucrat»»: b a t t l e s f r o m w h i c h J t Star C J M M i l KENNEBY UPEZ •m erg ed b ad ly scarred. h ü Pp. lo t n ■ ” 2 ) f # uira iiiiii iiuf eusi Mini VIETNAM TRIANGLE: M o s c o w , Peking, Hanoi "... combine some astron­ omy with a little imagina­ MEEIE1 RYU M M MKER HUE D o n a ld S . Z a g o r ia , R e se a r c h In s titu te on M o d e r n A s i a , H u n te r C o lle g e tion and speculate as to METR0C0L0R TU E S D A Y DEC. 10 — M Y S T E R IE S in s m a ll p ie c e s " . . . Z a g o r ia u n d erlin e s w ith a c a d e m ic skill a n d p e r s u a siv e d o c u m e n ta tio n w h y t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s is r e a l l y f i g h t i n g a r e s i d u a l s h a d o w o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l com m u n ism .“ - T h e W a s h in g to n P o st what this star of old might 26 8 P a g e s . C l o t h (P 10 0 9 ) 5 6 .9 5 ; P a p e r ( P 10 10 ) $ 1 .7 3 have been.” TONIGHT # O N L Y C H A N C E T O SEE The War Myth D o n a ld A . W e lls , W a s h in g to n S ta te U n iv e r s ity Program Schedule A n a n a l y s i s o f the h u m a n an d s e m a n t ic d i le m m a s t h a t le a d to w a r , thi* FRL ® P,M* 7 & 9:45 p.m. b o o k br ac es W e s t e r n p h i l o s o p h i c a l , t h e o l o g i c a l a n d i n s t i t u t i o n a l j u s t i f i c a ­ t i o n s o f w a r . “ T o m y k n o w l e d g e , t h e b e s t b o o k o n t h e s u b j e c t . . . “ —H e r b e r t M arcuse 288 P a g e s . C l o t h ( P 10 0 3 ) $ 6 .9 5 ; P a p e r (P 10 0 6 ) $ 1 .7 8 SAT. 2:30 P.M. & 8 P.M. P A R A D IS E N O W W E D . D E C 1 1 th SUN. 2:30 P.M . & 4 P.M. BRODY HALL A t Y o u r B o o k s e l l e r 's Information 355-4672 Admission - - 50£ Open o n ly to MSU Student All performances 8:30 p.m. Michigan Union Ballroom Ticket reservation call (313]“665-0606 also available at door. P E <5 A S U Abrams Planetarium , Sci­ a division ok ’Western / ence Rd. and Shaw Lane, and F a c u l t y — I . D . ’ s 850 T h i r d A v e n u e , S e w Y o r k , N . Y . l e u 21 MSU, East Lansing. re q u ire d 0 T h u rsd ay, D e c e m b er 5, 1968 £ M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n In spite of its resem ­ blance to the Brody Group (complete with student numbers), feed­ ing time at the barns is quite an enjoyable proc­ ess. Everyone from newborn piglets to year- old sheep finds his satis­ faction. “ I’m looking through you” . . . whether the University cattle are portholed or not, they, like the students, vary in shapes and in sizes. S i a l i • S a il * /tintili* Ity Itoli li in s T h u rsd ay, D e c e m b er 5, 1968 7 M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M i c h i g a n t h e f o r m . H o w y a e m d o **.■ w n o n search entails examina­ n>r*s h o r n litter’ . tion of cattle. UBP;t in their noses. Several studies are termine whether high- State News Staff Writer Functioning in both currently being conduct­ grain or low-grain feeds "How va gonna keep animals' research and ed with these animals. produce more protein. 'em down on the farm" classroom instruction, An experiment re­ Experimental tec h- after they've seen Poul­ swine research works searching the nature of niques include giving try research? baby pig anemia is one MSU. "Moo U” to with one of the finest the cows all the rough­ herds in the United of these. This anemia, age they want, changing spme-. is multi-populat- States. The herd, all it is now known, 'is one cow from high to e'd in more ways than pedigree Yorkshires or caused by an iron defi­ low grains, and other­ one. Hampshires. contains a ciency. wise varying the feed­ There are sheep with varying inventory of Another research sub­ ing technique. student numbers, pedi­ from500 to600 head. ject concerns swine zinc Experimentation with greed mink, cows re­ Upwards from 90 sows deficiency. Until re­ charcoal in cattle dairy sembling ones rela­ are maintained at one cently. attempts to cure diet arose because in­ tives and of course, the time. These sows farrow the disease which result secticides in cattle feed omnipresent barncats. about 175 litters annual­ from such a deficiency are often passed off in At Swine Research, ly. with an average of 10 have been made with milk. Experimentation the centers of interest penicillin and strepto­ here has indicated that mycin drugs inrations. certain levels of char­ The Food and Drug coal introduced into the Administration, howev­ feed act as a filter. The er. discovered that such charcoal prevents the treatment leaves a resi­ E a s y , g ir l insecticides being due of the drug in the Y o u t o o c a n p l a y m i l k m a n if y o u w a n t . J u s t s h o w u p at passed into milk, and animal's meat. Conse­ the D airy Barn at m i l k i n g t i m e , 3 p .m . daily. yet does not affect the quently. the MSU exper­ State N e w s Photo by B o b Ivins milk itself. iments are attempting to One of the most un­ determine whether such ceives a different litter ached" cows, actually known areas of the MSU drugs are ultimately notch in theright ear. animals with plastic barns is located at the good for animal con­ The medium of ear ta- porthole? in their stom- Poultry Science center. sumption. toos also helps identify achs to permit obser- The University Mink Every sow at the the University's dairy vation of digestive proc­ Farm. in operation barns has her nose cattle. Dairy research esses. since 1949 . experiments A to u ch o f m in k ringed before she is specializes in pedigree Two major experi­ with the nutrition and m e nts. currently taking T h e p a ra d o x of beauty fr o m t h e v i c i o u s Is I l l u s t r a t e d pastured. This is to keep Holsteins with several phvsiology of minks. by this c a u tio u s ly -h a n d le d m ink. Anyone can drop in the sows fromtearing up Jerseys in the herd for place there, involve, The paradox of their h e r e , t o o ,- - b u t w a tc h out f o r the fi n g e r s . the field, and destroying classwork. respectively, urea pro­ beauty is quite startling. State News Photo by Bob Ivins theseeding and surface. One of the most notor­ tein in grain and char­ The animal's luxurious I t ’s A u n t G ertie! ious features of the coal filtering of insecti­ pelts can be admired, It’ s not that she r e a l ly m in d s an a u d i e n c e at m i l k i n g All pigs are tagged tim e, she’s |ust returning all those polite stares. with an identifying num­ dairv research barns cides. but only at a distance: State News Photo by Bob Ivins ber. Each babv pig re- are the "glass-stom- The urea protein re-. mink are carnivores and extremelv vicious. Ev- ervone is instructed to S T R IN G C O N C E R T keep hands away from thecages. Minks are. as noted, B R A U E R ’S W ISH ES YOU fiercely individualistic. A V E R Y M E R R Y C H k iS T M A S Q u a r t e t r o o m Breeding consequently, V IS IT US F Q R A D IS T IN C T IV E PLA CE TO b W E IB rauera is one of the major dif­ 213 S . G ra n d A v en u e 1861 You can hear an orchestra in ficulties encountered in N e x t to N ew P a r k i n g R a m p Rathskeller a symphony hall, an opera in an raising mink at any mink P lio .ie 488-4311 opera house, a musical in a theatre--but when was the last farm. The animals mate Read as Fast as You Think time you heard a professional only once a vear. in At Least 3 Times Faster string quartet perform in a earlv spring. If paired T h o u s a n d s o f c o lle g e a n d chamber'.’ too earlv. *the prospec­ h ig h s c h o o l s tu d e n ts h a v e Even if you’re a devoted chamber music buff (which, tive parents are more , . . Y ou c a n , to o . . . I t ’s g u a r a n t e e d o r y o u d o n 't unfortunately, is statistically likely to kill each other p ayl unlikely, you will probably than mate. If this prob­ • A c h ie v e b e t t e r g r a d e s have a hard time answering that question positively because now­ lem* can be avoided, the • C u t dow n y o u r h o u r s of adays most professional cham­ female produces an av­ s tu d y • I n c r e a s e y o u r in c o m e w ith ber ensembles (particularly erage litter of four string quartets i plav in "big- A brilliant and sensitive en­ g r e a t e r k n o w le d g e i’time" concert halls where large semble. the quartet is composed young which must be • O ur a v e ra g e g r a d u a te audiences mean good box-office of four stellar members of the separated within sever­ r e a d s in 12 m in u te s w h a t MSU Music Dept, faculty- u s e d to r e q u i r e a n h o u r sales, but cavernous acoustics al weeks before thev. in • M o r e th a n 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 g r a d ­ and lack of intimacy make for a violinists. Walter Verdehr and Theodore Johnson. Lyman Bod- turn, kill each other. u a t e s in c lu d in g th e s ta f f less rewarding musical experi­ ence. man, violist, and Louis Potter, Nine of the 15 varie­ C a ll to d a y f o r f u r t h e r I n f o rm a tio n o f th e la te P r e s i d e n t K e n ­ cellist. nedy After all. in the less fren­ ties of mink colors are 3 7 7 -1 2 2 2 etic days of Haydn and Mo­ The quartet's playing is re­ 8 -1 1 a .m . 8 -1 1 p . m . markable for technical security, raised at the University. zart. chamber music was con­ ceived with an eye toward con­ euphonious, homogeneous quality These animals are pelt­ Evelyn N0S. G ill certs in the peaceful parlors of European aristocracy, the gold-gilded chambers of the of sound, as well as for pene­ trating collective musicianship. is playing capable of cap­ turing the delicate proportions ed at about this time of the vear. and their furs are sold to com­ C am p u s R e p re s e n ta tiv e P .O . B o x 342 0 Reading Dynamics Wood royal courts, or simple the cozy atmosphere of someone’s of Haydn's ’ Sunrise" Quartet. Op. 76. No. 4. the tricky met­ MSU music men mercial dealers. E . L a n s in g , 48823 living room. The B e a u m o n t ' S t r i n g Q u a r t e t to o k t h e i r c h a m b e r m u s i c to h e a r t , as they p e rfo rm e d And while in our H-bomb age. rical. dynamic and harmonic it may seem difficult to re-create modulations of Bartok s extra­ in t h e l i v i n g r o o m at a L a n s i n g residence. 11 the genial mood of the musical ordinary Quartet No. 2. or the circles of 200 years ago. that it still can be done was amply dem­ onstrated last Tuesday evening complex thematic threads of Beethoven's Op. 59. No. 1 Quartet. vividly to mind. In honour of Rasumovsky's commissions. Beethoven even went so far as M a c ’s P ip e S h o p Christmas Cheese when the Beaumont String Quar­ The latter is. in fact, the first to choose a Russian theme for tet presented a private pre-con­ of the famous three "Rasum- the final Allegro. W IT H A C O M P L E T E LIN E O F cert performance at the Okemos ovskv" Quartets commissioned The Beaumont Quartet will Assorted Cheeses home of cellist Alexander from Beethoven bv Count P IP ES A N D S M O K IN G S U P P L IE S Andreas Rasumovskv. the one­ perform this Beethoven Quartet and Cheese Spreads "Sascha" Schuster. plus the same Haydn and Bar­ IS N O W L O C A T E D A T Schuster, a cousin qf the other, time Russian Ambassador to tók works previously mentioned in attractive and perhaps better known cellist. Austria, and also the patron of at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Music gift boxes a string quartet said to be the 2 0 3 N . W a s h in g t o n Joseph Schuster, is a fine artist Auditorium. And while the in his own right. He is also an finest in Europe, in which he Auditorium may not exactly be (N E X T DOOR T O PA R A M O U N T N E W S) elderly gentleman of old world himself played second violin! someone's living room, it is Four Different charm and distinctive tastes Indeed, the good count is re­ conveniently on campus and a Phone 487-0670 ported to have taken great Gift Assortments that are reflected in the color­ small enough hall to do justice O P E N 9 -11 D A IL Y ful. yet carefully arranged decor pleasure in participating in to the music and performers, To Choose From yof his front room. performances of this work for while accommodating 400 listen­ C L O S E D S U N D A Y S A N D H O LID A Y S 5550 It is not surprising that the friends at private concerts in ers rather than just four. quartet seemed to especially the chambers of the Russian enjoy plaving--and playing mag­ embassy at Vienna: a fact which nificently at that-to an ’ audi­ the Beaumont Quartet's "living M ic h ig a n S t a t e N e t w o r k ence" of four. room" performance brought " <7*4e Q ijjt ^ h a t EMERGENCY KIT FOR COLLEGE G A LS ON TH E GO S p o r ts . NCAA Soccer championships on: 3 Full Length R A IN C O A T S w ith hood J b e lt iU & e u ih f , Fits Into p o c k e t o r p u r s e . 3 Large R AIN B O N N E T S 3 Em ergency S EW IN G K ITS WM5N -640- Students Services # Orders taken thru Dec. 13, 9 a.m . - 5 p.m. I P o c k e t s e c r e t a r y with Pen, Pad, WBRS -820- Brod/ % Mailed anywhere if ordered by Dec. 4. Com b & Nall Act File NOW I D O N ’T D E L A Y G AM ERICAN WKME -820- Shaw WMCD -840- McDonel One Two K it $3.50 P lu s K its $ 6.65 P lu s 25c fo r 35c fo r Hdlg, & Shipping H dlg. & Shipping ENTERTAINMENT RA D IO NETW ORK WEAK -820- Wonders M S U D A IR Y C L U B S e n d c h e c k , C a s h o r M O , To.: Room 122 mthcny Hall 353-9092 Sally Joy CD ¿54 A M idw ood Sta, Brooklyn, Now vork 11230 Thurs. 5:55p.m. Semi-finals £« T h u rsd ay, D e c e m b er 5, 1968 g M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n SPO RTS SRRK M ORR S C O R IN G C a g e r s p a s t o p e n e r ; B a s e b a l l a i d s h i t t e r s ; L1 u- c ce t o u g b w e r k e n d * f r i tirò f f i i A / n ù , i y i i m é Z Ö iV c r B\ M IKE MAM E Y biggest scoring night of his forward had his best shooting SAN FRANCISCO (UPI ■- Hit­ The old strike zone was after an error had prevented State News Spurts Writer career, getting 32. Benington night since he's been at MSI . ters got help in two places loosely defined as covering that the third out. could give up any singled out the 6-6 senior for Bening on said, hitting for 19 Tuesday-on the mound and in space fropi the top of a batter's number of runs without being points. the strike zone-while the poor shoulddrs to his knees. charged with an earned run. With tirsi "amo resting defensive praise. safely in ¡lie win colti in n Coach "Lee did a real good job on "On the whole. I was satis- pitchers got it in the neck. As for the mound, it had been Now. however, a relief pitcher defense; he was one of the few tied with the game for the first The help for the hitters came allowed to be a maximum of w not be allowed to benefit John Bedingt.in now• laces the unenviable task of preparing Ins guvs that did. He was consistent one. V e ran our fast break from the Major League Rules 15 inches and as low as each from an error committed be­ throughout the game. Last year much setter' last night." Ben- Committee, which followed a individual club liked That no fore he entered the game: he team for back-to-bn ek clashes he would have spots where he ington aid. "We didn't get a suggestion set forth by the longer will be the case. will be charged with runs he with two tough Mn.1-American Conference teams Western would tire, but he didn't last chance to use players like general managers and field man­ No mound will now be allowed gives up. night." Benington said. Tom L ick and John Holms be- agers by shortening the strike to be more than 10 inches in The second scoring change Michigan a nd Toledo MSU won the game on the cause it was such a tight game zone and reducing the height height, thus creating a new aid the pitchers will like. The Tuesday night's game. which boards, out rebounding South­ and we had to go with the play­ of the pitching mound from 15 for the hitter since most pit­ "save." which relict pitchers saw the Spartans '.viri a hard ers who were in there.' inches to 10 inches. chers agree they are more able have been credited with, will western 41-29. but Benington fought 90-84 battle a.aamst South- said the Bulldogs' zone defense All this was done at the major- to get more stuff on the ball now become an official part ol western Louisiana. created a minor league meetings here in from a greater height. the rules. A relief pitcher will had an effect on the wide mar­ problem for Bcningl on lie now finds him soIt wdh th.ree guards gin. enabling the Spartans to T ic K e f p o lic y an effort to add more enjoyment for the fans and more runs in One change the pitchers will be credited with a "save" not like ends the "free ride whenever he enters a game in have good position underneath to till two positions the ball games which the pitchers that relief pitchers enjoyed re­ which his team is leading it for offensive rebounds. Rudv Benjamin. sophomore. Benington is not worried that fo r tw in b ill dominated in both the National garding their earned run aver­ he holds the lead until the end ienlaced 5-9 starter 1J, >vd Ward his best outside shooter. Harri­ basketball ticket and American Leagues this past age. Until now. a relief pitcher of the game unless he becomes MSI early in the tu s' had .md played son Steptor. had an off night, season. entering the game with two out the winner of the game. policy requires all students to an impressive game on ol iense. hitting only 3 of 17 shots. show ' .didated ID cards for ad- Baseball C o m m i s s i o n e r scoring 15 poi ri is a;i.d handling ' Stepter shoots better in mittam e. Faculty members William D. Eckert said the two himself like a voterai motion than standing still and new rules go into effect immed­ mu st purchase general admis- The Soul invest en i game was a against the zone he was forced sion ca •ds for $3. iately in as much as the rules S tr ik e o v e r p e n s io n to shoot standing still." Ben­ committee had "The power of tough one tor '.Sard to play m. This rule applies to all Spar- ington said. "I'm not worried decision. So this doesn't have to because he had to.pa ss over their tan heme games except Fri- about him. He's still shooting go through legislative process. " bic men in the zone. Benington dav s doubleheader featuring b a s e b a ll p o s s ib ility better in practice than anyone The committee members dealt said. "He s still a \orv definite MSI' ; nd Michigan. For that. factor in our pi ms." •else. it will be $1.00 for students Rebound pow er with the strike zone first. million, expires in March 1969. While Lee Latove ite had the Bernie Copeland. senior showin i ID cards and $1.00 for The new strike zone will be SAN FRANCISCO «U PI• - defined as that space over home Player representatives from Under it. players Who have faculty ind staff with general Surrounded by a pack of Bulldogs, M S U 's rebounding been in the Major leagues live "I admission cards. These tickets plate between a batter's arm­ the major league baseball ■ College Relations Director I team of Le e Lafayette, (35) a n d B e r n i e C o p e l a n d (45) pits and the top of his knees teams met Tuesday in private years or more receive benetits ■ c / o Sh eraton-Park Hotel, W a sh ing ton, D .C . 2 0 0 0 8 will bt for reserved seats and notch a score against S o u th w e s te rn Louisiana In th e starting at age 50 under an es­ I advanc >d purchases are recom- when he is standing in his nor­ session amid indications a col­ Sp a rta n s' 9 0 -8 4 w in. State N e w s P h o to by Joe Tyner mal stance at the plate. lision with club owners over the calated scale. ■P le a s e s e n d m e I I mende pension program may be shap­ The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Tuesday that owner ing up around New Year's Day. ! a S h e ra to n S tu d e n t I Phil .Wrigley of the Chicago Major league players have Cubs, who lias one of the high­ I I L D .s o lc a n s a v e u p F A C E B R O W N T O D A Y been asked bv letter from the est player pavrolls in the ma­ I Players Assn. not to sign their jor leagues, |u|s informed other I | to 2 0 % o n I 1969 contracts with the various owners he will'simnlv "lock up teams until the association shop until the players come to concludes a new pension agree­ him and talk terms ■S h e r a t o n r o o m s . I I B o o t e r s o l i v e a n d k i c k i n g ment with the baseball owners. I I player. The Jamaican junior Despite the letter sent by j N a m e ------------------------------------- — — ------------- - I B\ PAM BOYCE The Bears. 11-3 this season, Brown, which has outscored received an ankle injury in If the players follow the sug­ the Plavers Assn.. the signing Stt te News Sports Writer deteated Fairlcigh Dickinson its opponents 39-19 this year, gestion and no agreement is ol some players lor 1969 already I Address. - I iN.J. i. 3-0. and Army. 3-1. lost to Pennsylvania. 4-0; Wil­ the NCAA game with North reached, a situation tanta­ has been announced Reservation: with the special low rate are confirmed in advance | The Spartan soccer team at­ Carolina. I (based on availability) for Fri., Sat., Sun. nights, plus Thanks­ tempts to kick another team to advance to the NCAA semi­ liams College. 2-1; and Spring­ Tommy Krelt. senior, is third mount to a "strike" could re­ Among those announced as l giving (Nov. 27-Re:. 1), Christmas (Dec. 15-Jan. 1) and July I out o; the NCAA tournament finals. This marks the first field. 3-1. sult around Jan. 1. The players signing so far is 31-game on the Spartan scoring list with through Labor Day; Many Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns offer | time Brown has passed the The Bears are led in their Assn. is seeking increases in winner Denny McLain of the I student rates durfr.gtther periods subject to availability at time ■ this evening when it faces Brown quarter-finals. The Bears were scoring attack by Co-Captain nine goals and 13 assists to the pension program. The cur­ w o r l d tow ha University. winner of six his credit. Alex Skotarek has champion Detroit l of check-in and may be ronnoctoH requested. " knocked off in 1963 by Army Ben Brewster, senior and 1967 rent program, funding at $4,1 Tigers. I straight Ivy League titles, in five goals and nine assists. and Navy eliminated Brown in All-Ivy League forward with I■ Sheraton S h e raHcte'stoan*>vHjtcro fnns. te lsA woridw.de & M Service o t o ofr i nIn n s © J i Atlanta. Go. 1966. 12 goals and seven assists c u rren tly . Herman Ssebassa. of Uganda, who has three goals and six assists to his credit, G r a p p le r s ’ s e a s o n o p e n s and Co-Captain George Gerdts, m p s t e r o f p a r ís who has scored five goals, give D ro p the Bears additional support. The Bears' defense pivots around center halfback Don w ith M a r y la n d g a m e By GARY WALKOWICZ coming season because we've Smith. S tate N ew s Sports W riter got a bunch of young and hard In The Spartans enter the game M SU's defending Big Ten workers." with a 10-1-2 record, with wins cham pion w restlin g te am gets Don and Dave Roberts, a over North Carolina. 5-0. and an ea rly s ta r t on its 1968-69 pair of identical twins, will be Akron. 1-0. and a 2-2 tie with For season tonight when they take wrestling for MSU at the 115- West Chester in NCAA play. on M aryland in College P ark . pound and 123-pound spots, re­ MSU was allowed to continue to Coach G rad y P e n in g e r's spectively. The two Roberts the semi-finals when they g ra p p le rs re tu rn 13 le tte rm e n are sophomores from Iron scored 10 corner kicks to West F is h Chester's two in four score­ from th e te am th a t won nine Mountain. Mich. of 13 dual m e ets last season, Mike Ellis, another sopho­ less overtime periods. but four sophom ores a re am ong more, will be wrestling at 130. Tony Keyes leads the Spar­ the 11 S p artan s w restling while Keith Lowranee and Ron tan scoring attack with 27 goals a g a in st the T erapins. Ouellet. letterwinning juniors, and six assists. Trevor Har­ "W e'v e got a young and will grapple at 137 and 145, re­ F is h S p e c ia l ris. who has scored 15 goals com ing te a m ." P en in g er said. spectively. and 14 assists, is a doubtful " I 'm o p tim istic about the John Abajace. the fourth 99< NOW S e a s o n 9s G re e tin g s sophomore occupies the 152- pound slot for the Spartans and John Hall, junior college trans­ PAMCaMH fer. wrestles at 160. “r j j j r OPEN fro m The rest of the MSU lineup lists Pat Karslake at 167 and GRADY PENINGER 2820 E, Grand R iv e r Salad 6 9 E G R A N D R IV ER just past Frandor Roll and Butter M r, J o h n 9s Jack Zindel at 177. both jun­ 6 a.m.-IT p.m. 10 A . M 6 P .M . iors and John Schneider at 191 Sur da\ -7 lav F rench Fries H a ir F a sh io n s and Jeff Smith, seniors, at O .J . n a m e d M r. John C a rv er heavyweight. E A S T LA N S IN G 'S N E W E S T B O U T IQ U E . Smith is Peninger's leading M r.. J o h n a n d h.'.s sta rt’ w ish to Chaak t h e i r m a r / f r i e n d s returnee in the won-lost col­ a n d c u s t o m e r s f o r t h e i r lo y a l s u p p o r t a n d p a tr o n a g e .T h e y to p p lo y e r umns. The Bellflower. Calif­ a ls o w is h to ta k e th is o p p o rtu n ity to s a y M e r r y C h r i s t m a s ornia product won 19 of his 20 NEW YORK 'UPI - O . J a n d a H appy N ew Y e a r to a l l I matches last year, excluding Simpson continued his one 332-0904 the NCAA meet, and won the man assault on collegiate toot- 5011/2 E. G rand R iver Big Ten heavyweight title hall honors tor 1968 Wednesday a c ro s s fro m B erkey Hall 24 h r. phone se rv ic e while finishing third in the when the explosive All Amer­ NCAA. ica from . Southern California Smith will meet Maryland's ran oil with United Press Inter­ Ralph Sonntag. a man he de­ national's player of The Year feated in a close mutch in lasl tiWiiril tor the socoiii) consecu­ W h a t b e s ts e lle r d o e s year's NCAA meet. tive' season. Sonntagg is one of four re­ Simpson, the first player in turning champions in Coach the history ol the UPI All y o u r fr ie n d w a n t th is William Krouse's lineup. America team to be selected Maryland haTs won the At­ unanimously, captured 169 of lantic Coast Conference 194 votes of the nation s sports- C h r is tm a s ? champions for 15 consecutive writers and broadcasters, gam­ vears. finishing with a 6-3 dual ine the award virtually uneon- meet murk last season. tested. "Neither team will be com­ The sensational running pletely ready for a match this back, a landslide winner of the G iv e h im a early in th^ year." Peninger Heisman Trophy, scored 22 said. " but we should have a touchdowns in leading South­ real good meet." ern California to a 9-0-1 record. G IF T C E R T IF IC A T E a n d le t h im b ro w s e . ATTENTION CAR 0WNERi| * Complete front end repair and alignment Available at * Brakes * Suspension Community Newscenter * Wheel balancing * Steering In Frandor 351-7562 LISKEY’S Auto Safety Center 124 SOUTH L A R C H IV 4-7346 T h u rsd ay, D e c e m b er 5, 1968 9 M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M i c h i g a n STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASIFIED CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Today is "Student Service Directory” Day. 355-8255 Automotive Ê mpfoxment Fo r Rent T u t x :' t t ■ ^ ' * * ’ 1 ' t t 7 ' ‘ a ; - A- I, g, TY RENTALS G.E. Hf’ Portable, SNOW TIRES Slightly used 6:5Uxr3. BABYSITTER TO live in*Phone 641- T l * S ta te N e w s d o e s n o t FALCON 1960--Excellei $8 50 per month including stand Fits Corvairs. Comets. V aliants.. 6509 or 641-6970 5-12 5 p e r m i t r a c i a l o r r e li g i o u s condition $100 337 1721 Call J R Culver Co. 351 8862 PUT d i s c r i m i n a t i o n In i t s a d ­ Darts $25 pair Call after 6 p.m. 351-8707 . 3-12/6 220 Albert Street. East Lansing C FORD 1967 four door LTD 8 cylinder S e c o n d p r o f e s s i o n - e v e n in g s TO M ile POR YOU v e r tis in g c o l u m n s . T h e 390 engine. One owner 24.000 miles & w eek en d s. M en and w om ­ COLORED TV Rental $8 per week. S ta te N e w s w ill n o t a c c e p t Excellent condition. 332-3135. 5-12 6 CAR $ ASH 25c Wash. wax. vacuum. e n . $350 p a r t t im e m o n th ly U-DO-IT 430 South Clippert. back $24 per month Call J R CULVER a d v e r t is i n g w h ic h d i s c r i m ­ g u a r a n te e i f y o u m e e t o u r A U T O M O T IV E of KoKo Bar C-12 5 COMPANY 351-8862 C in a t e s a g a i n s t r e lig io n , FORD 1960 Six. stick, good trans­ EMPLOYMENT re q u ire m e n ts . S tu d e n ts and portation. New tires. Battery. $125. r a c e , c o l o r o r n a tio n a l o r ­ A v ia t io n t e a c h e r s : $ 8 0 0 fu ll t im e , t e l e ­ FOR R E N T 355-1201. 3-12 5 A p a r tm e n ts ig in . p h o n e : 4 8 4 -4 4 7 5 FOR S A L E /» ■* IMP ALA SS 1965. 327. Excellent con­ FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to ONE GIRL for winter Penthouse in LO S T & FOUND dition. Dark green. 351-3401 after learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE WANTED: MORE students for RENT- River House apartment 351-6895 PERSONAL 4pm 5-12/5 Special $5 offer. 484-1324. C A-STUDENT Call 351-5130 for ap­ 3-12 6 pointment, 7-12/6 PEAN U TS PERSONAL R EAL ESTATE Automotive JAGUAR 1966 XKE Roadster. White. Scooters & Cycles AUTOMOTIVE SALESM/ N : Make ONE GIRL needed winter term only $65 month, close to campus. Call AM-FM radio Nice shape. 332-5619. $1.000 plus ( ^ | \ V f c D experience S E R V IC E 4-12 6 351-3651 3-12 6 BSA 441cc 1100 miles. Six months old necessary \ ' *—..miK you like sell­ T R A N S P O R T A T IO N BUICK 1956 Engine excellent, bodv Like new Call 372-0849 before 7 ing. Call Mr Taylor 372-5234 C-12 6 fair. $65 or best offer 351-08CTI LEMANS CONVERTIBLE 1963 326 PERSONABLE GUY Delta Arms take WANTED p.m. 2-12/6 4-12 6 engine, tachometer, console. New over lease Free months rent 351- FINANCE your education by operat­ 5768 6-12/6 tires. 882-8956. 2-12/6 Em ploym ent ing a small business. If you and sev­ DEADLINE CAMARO 1968 $200 plus payments. eral of your fellow students can pool NEAR COLLEGE: Furnished and un­ Call Karen after 5 p.m. 332-6148. MERCURY COMET 1962. four door your resources and set up a work 15-12/6 sedan. Six cylinder, automatic trans­ TYPISTS-5 evenings per week. 4-10 furnished apartments $125 for two or 1 P .M . o n e c l a s s d a y b e ­ schedule Texaco can provide you with four persons House for four people mission. radio, heater, good white­ 70 wpm with accuracy. Call 337- f o r e p u b lic a tio n . 1651, 3-5 p.m. W an opportunity to be in business and $150. Call 351-5323. 6-12 6 CAMERO, 1968-327 burgundy, black wall tires, good body, no rust. Priced go to school at the same time For C a n c e ll a ti o n s - 12 noon one interior, stick, racing cam. hedders, to sell. 332-6168. 2-12/6 full information call Bob Polen or NORBER MANOR APARTMENTS c l a s s d a y b e f o r e p u b lic a ­ 365 manifold. Holly quad. Mallory BUSBOYS AND busgirls for winter Paul Langenkamp in Lansing at IV 2- 5821 Richwood. Brand new. central tio n . ignition, white ovals. Runs per­ MG-B 1964-5. Excellent mechanical tirm . Theta Chi fraternity. Call 0112 or 351-9061 evenings. 4-12 6 fectly. 353-2147. 2-12 '6 condition. New tires, recently paint­ 332-3581. 2-12/6 alir-conditioning. pool, fully carpet­ ed. One owner-professor. Must ed Two bedroom for $185. 393- BOYS SUPERVISOR Must be 21 42VV O PHONE CHEVELLE 1966 EXS Sport coupe, sell now. Call 351-4139 preferably DENTAL ASSISTANT: Experience Good salary, fringe benefits Must V-8. automatic. 32.000 miles. After at dinner time. 3-12/6 preferred. Monday through Friday be available at 4 p.m., four days a APARTMENT for two students. Fur­ 5 p.m. 355-9793. 3-12 5 355-8255 MUSTANG 1965-three speed, six. 8-5. Write qualifications to c/o Dental Assistant, 2002 East Sagi­ week. 882-5717. ask for Mr Leo­ nished 12« ^ K \ T t O lve East nard. 3-12 6 Lansing. tR .C .v'* * .mmth. 882-2316 CHEVROLET 11-1966 Blue, six. good condition, green, black in­ naw. Lansing 48912. 2-12/6 RATES automatic, heater, radio, good tires. terior. Must sell. $950. 332-5962. STUDENT-STUDENT wife with trans­ or IV 7-3216 9-12 6 1 d a y .................... $ 1.50 Excellent condition. $1.150. 485- 3-12 6 EARN EXTRA money for Christmas portation. Housework Monday. Wed­ 4027. 3-12 6 FOUR MAN apartment to sublease. 15< p e r w o rd p e r d a y and buv your gifts at discount. VI- nesday. Friday mornings. $1.75 Begin Winter term. Rivers Edge. 3 days . . . . . . $4 .0 0 CHEVROLET six. excel- MUSTANG 1965. 289 engine. Four stick Complete overhaul $999. 641- “ W ell, if you had a chimney in VIANE WOODARD COSMETICS. IV hour. Call 332-8459. 3-12 6 351-7266 7-12 6 5-8351. ' C-12 6 13 l / 2 £ p e r w o rd p e r day lent running i f O L O $65. Call 6408. 4-12 6 5 d a y s .................... $ 6 .5 0 Doug 337-9180 4-12 6 this place, you would’n’t have MALE GRADUATE student to live as DENTAL ASSISTANT - Downtown Specialist. Experienced and ma­ ONE MAN wanted take over lease Burcham Woods starting winter term 13^ p e r w o rd p e r d a y PEUGEOT 403 1963 . 4 door, radio, Resident Advisor at Albion College ture. Resume in writing 1107 Bank CHEVROLET 1965 Impala Sport to go through all this trouble!“ Co-op. Will provide room, board and 351-3273. 3-12 4 heater, good condition. $350 or best of Lansing, Lansing. Michigan 48933 ( b a s e d on 10 w o r d s p e r ad) Coupe. Low mileage, mint condition. offer. 332-2489. 2-12/6 $100 month. Call 629-3142 or write 3-12 6 Stereo, new tires, many extras. $1100 402 East Porter. Albion. Michigan ONE TO three males to share fur­ T h e r e w ill b e a 50 j777 7 Iq Is 10 lb. Bygone p lace. In ofT-road use, th e s ta n d a rd 7 24 2- ! i ! 7. Proceed Int'l Scout 8 8 9 b Ì 11 1 1' i j 20. Smug person s ix e n a b l e s th e L a n d C r u i s e r to Ford Bronco 6 6 10 7 23 1 13 j 1 tt If y o u a r e in v e s tig a tin g a p a r t m e n t l iv in g , a v i s i t o r c a l l r 1 21. Unequaled o u t-p u ll, o u t-c lim b an d o u t-m a n e u - Kaiser Jeep 4 8 5 9 22 to o a r o ffic e d e f in ite ly c a n e li m in a t e : h e ‘ ‘le g w o r k ” of H 15 22. Aromatic seed ver an y o th e r fo u r-w h eel d riv e rig Int’l Scout 4 6 8 7 21 a p a r t m e n t - h u n ti n g . ^ 77 23. At home 16 16 w e 're ev er tested- 17 1 24. Refusal 1 J % VA 'I I 21 ! n 26. Penetrates 1? iù j /' /¿ EAST LANSING M ANAGEM ENT CO. V a Va 27. Alleged force % 24 //y 25 26 27 28 28. From: lat. 30. Vivid display Get the Big Brute from: 351-7880 29 -------- ......"'1 m 30 % 31 of color 33. Note of the 32 33 scale Our New Location: 317 M.A.C P % % % 34. Asterisk I 3V 55 wV» 5/ 36 59 Mo 35 Book palm WHEELS of Lansing % 36. Therefore V: Vi VÎ 44 39. Present © 40. Leftovers 45 42. Adhesive 17 43. For each 44. Topaz hum­ 2200 S. Cedar w t6 ming bird O n ly m in u te s f r o m t h e c a m p u s - - g o w e s t o n M t . H o p e t h e n 2 b l o c k s s o u t h o n C e d a r 46. Concerning 10 M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n T h u rsd ay, D e c e m b e r 5, 1968 For Rent For Rent For Rent V COUPLE-ONE bedroom. Furnished ONE MAN needed for three .man apartment. The Chalet. 351-3874 Student Service Utilities included $135. 332-2803 4-12 6 MAN NEEDED for Delta Arms Apart­ ments Winter term. Call 351-8073 3-12 6 3-12/6 TWO GIRLS wanteg lage Winter-Spring 351-6194 ( . ,!»i Wti m /E MA.Ni nted«l tV '»' V<4t V - f 3-12 6 H DIRECTORY NEEDEIk-TWCy »men •'nCxv* term $55month Calf 332-24/7 «.Lautiit 'v s tp r v 3-r? 6 ^Air ma n apasjF.', ^ ment. Sublet winter, spring and or ONit MAN for two man apartment in private home Quiet, good for studious person SSI-791& „ . *. . tr- IP ! \ ^ dar Village 332-0119 3-12 6 NEEDED: TWO men to sublease win­ summer. 351-0869 3-12 6 T y p e w r i t e r s - - A 11 M a k e s M ic h ig a n ’ s L a r g e s t ter and/or spring Campus Hill. HASLETT APARTMENTS-need one Ita lia n bo x es A u th o r iz e d O ly m p ia D e a le r 351-3529 Dennis or Chet 2-12 6 girl winter term Reduced rent 332- C o r v e tt e D e a l e r NEED ONE girl to share house winter 2735 M2 5 THE U L L A G E S a l e s —S e r v ic e LEE M a c G IL L IV R A Y and spring Good location Cheap FOUR MAN apartment two blocks R e n ta l P u r c h a s e 337-0915. 2-12/6 ONE MAN needed for 4 man apart- SHOPPE CHEVROLET to Berkey $70. 351-5119 after 4 O.fr.fl L. E . L i g h t h a r t & Co. p.m. 2-12 6 » m ent,f $65 month Capitol Villa. 351- 1678 G r a n d R iv e r 1510 H a s l e tt R o a d MSU NEAR: Three or four man fur­ 8309 3-12 6 4616 N . G ra n d R iv e r nished house. $150 plus utilities, O kem os 3 3 2 -1 6 7 8 L a n s in g 4 8 2 -1 2 1 9 O p e n e v e r y e v e n in g t i l l 9 ONE MAN needed for three man also attractively furnished room apartment. Three blocks from WANTED Male graduate to share with private entrance and bath. union. 351-5303 . 2-12 6 large one bedroom apartment. 351 - 3. 0 L A S T T E R M ? FRANCIS AVIATION Phone Mr. Andrews, 4851733, 3709 3-12 6 SAVE M O N E Y C a p ito l C ity A i r p o r t > R O S A R Y after 5.337-2285. 2-12/6 TWO MAN apartment near campus, starting winter term Call 351- ONE GIRL needed winter and spring o n y o u r a u to i n s u r a n c e 4 8 4 -1 3 2 4 BOOK A GIFT SHOPF0 DELUXE, FURNISHED, one bedroom 9403 1-12/5 Haslett Apartments 351-0879 4-12 6 u n d e r S ta te F a r m ’s R e lig io u s g if ts a r e id e a l f o r apartment. Near Frandor 351-3895 " G o o d S tu d e n t" e li g i b il i ty S a l e s , S e r v i c e , F lig h t a l l o c c a s io n s . 2-12 6 COUPLE TO sublet three room Bur­ TWO GIRLS needed winter and spring ru le . I n s t r u c ti o n , A i r c r a f t R e n ta l 5 1 9 W. Io n ia S t. 4 8 9 -0 9 3 0 cham Woods apartment $125. 351- Milford Apartments $60 332-5452 702 A b b o tt R d . E .L . 3 3 2 -2 5 5 4 and C h a r te r O p en T u e s d a y t i l l 9 p .m . GIRL NEEDED-winter, spring and' 3798. 2-12 6 3-12 5 or summer. New Cedar Village. 351- 8560 2-12/6 CAMPUS HILL Apartments: Two NEED ONE girl winter or winter and N O R T O N ’S W HY PAY MORE? bedrooms for sublease starting spring Delta. 351-0097 3-12 5 F r a n d o r S h e ll S ta tio n M eijers Thrifty ONE GIRL Close to campus. $50 winter term. 351-7795. 02-12/6 M a jo r r e p a i r s in c lu d in g month. Take over lease. 220 Charles. A c r e s B a r b e r Shop (Sift Manu SPARROW AREA: Furnished, carpeted. tu n e - u p a n d b r a k e w o rk 337-9706 2-12/6 ONE MAN needed for four man 2 bedrooms, fireplace. Utilities. P e n n s y lv a n ia A v e . apartment. Beginning winter. $40 M e c h a n ic on d u ty . ONE GIRL winter, spring. $60. Across Adults. 332-8704 4-12 6 9 - 9 M o n d a y - F r ld a y 351-6264. 2-12 6 R o a d S e r v ic e . On K. M-71, S M ila s E. of Hagadorn from Mason. 332-6362 3-12 6 3 0 2 4 E . S a g in a w 4 8 9 -8 0 1 0 FE 94391 9 - 6 - S a tu r d a y COMPLETE CHALET apartment on River available winter and spring. 351- CAMPUS HILL Apartments. 2 bed­ ONE GIRL NEEDED winter term. “ Stop worrying about finals, Howard! Near campus. $40/month. 351- 4260 4-12 6 • EYES E X A M 'N E D room for sublease starting winter 3220. 2-12 6 V IR G IL IN E SIMMONS • G L A SS E S BAUTEL'S term. Reduced rates. 351-0614 4-12/6 Study me instead!” WANTED ONE man to sublet apart­ S c h o o l o f D a n cin g Y a r n s —S u p p lie s FOUR MAN duplex, furnished, car­ ment winter term One block from • C O N T A C T LENS DELUXE TWO bedroom apartment to peted, men only. 561 Virginia Street. B a l l e t , P o i n t , A c r o b a tic s h o o k in g , k n ittin g , w e a v in g campus. Evergreen Arms. 351-8103 C . L . C h a se , O p to m e trist share with one girl in downtown Phone 355-9758. 3-12 6 3-12 5 N a tio n a l E x a m in e r o f th e Lansing. 4850147. 2-12 6 C e c e h e t t l C o u n c il o f A m e r ic a Co-Optical Services 2916 T u rn e r GIRL WANTED for Rivers Edge be­ For Rent For Rent GRADUATE OR working girl to share 1128 E . M ic h . 4 8 2 -0 2 7 1 5218 S . L o g a n 3 9 3 -4 2 3 0 IV 5 -9 2 1 2 ONE BEDROOM apartment Jerome ginning winter term, walking dis­ one bedroom apartment 351-6699 Street Lansing. Carpeted, air-con­ tance from campus. 332-0934. 2-12 6 WILLI AMSTON. NINE miles from GIRLS. $50 per month rent. 521 after 5 p m . 4-12 6 R e n tin g a ll new F i s c h e r o r ditioning. Available January 1st. college. One bedroom apartment. Albert. 351-4482 Near Berkey 3-12 6 K l l d e a y ’ s Sunoco 484-6932 after 5 p.m. 2-12 6 ONE OR TWO men for four man H a r t m e t a l s k i s , b u c k le b o o ts Furnished. Utilities included. $115 ONE MAN for two man apartment Station luxury, ranch style home in East NEED ONE girl for 8 girl house Near month. 655-2437 or 655-3071. 4-12 6 winter term. Possibly spring North- OM POLLOCK J i m E a r l ’s NEEDED: ONE man winter only. Uni­ Lansing, winter and spring. Call campus. 351-7969 4- wind apartments. 351-3832. 3-12 6 D o d g e - C h y s le r - P ly m o u th a ll c a r n e e d s a n d Ski & Skate Shop versity Villa. $55. 351-3184. 2-12 6 351-0476 between 12-4 p.m. FACULTY-STAFF. ARBOR FOREST w re c k e r s e rv ic e G ra n d L e d g e o r P r o S ki Shop 2-12 6 APARTMENTS Trowbridge Road. GIRL NEEDED to share house winter TWO MEN for four man apartment 3 g r e a t s h a p e s to b e in ONE MAN for four man. Haslett Deluxe apartments available. Unfur­ term. Call 351-3734. 3-12 6 winter and spring term s $50 month. a t L a n s in g S ki A r e a Apartment, winter-spring. 351-0099. 9 1 8 E . G ra n d R i v e r 3 3 7 -9 3 2 0 ONE MAN needed for three man nished. Party House, pool. 337- 489-2282 3-12 6 D ow ntow n G ra n d L e d g e 6 2 7 -6 8 2 6 2-12 6 apartment. University Terrace. 351- 0634. . C-12 5 NEED FOURTH for well kept four 6176. ' 2-12 6 bedroom house. Grad or working TWO MAN apartment $160. deposit BARGAIN, ONE to two girls. River­ ONE MAN wanted winter, spring girl. Available until June $43.75 plus paid. Call 485-4768. Evenings. 5-12 5 EDWARD'S United Rent-All LANSING KNIT side East. Winter only. 351-4916. terms. Campus Hill. Reduced 332- utilities. 1536 Snyder Road 351 - OKEMOS-TWO bedroom, four beds, SHOPPE 2-12 6 4172. 3-12 5 4023. 3-12 i P h o to g r a p h ic S tudio two baths. Furnished apartment. S e w in g M a c h in e s ONE MAN for two man apartment. Nice for four students. $60 month S till ta k in g f o r C h r i s t m a s E x e r c i s e E q u ip m e n t K n it y o u r ow n C h r i s t m a s WANTED ONE or two men. Capital FOUR MAN luxury apartment. New ONE OR TWO girls to sublease Fur­ CedarGreens. Call351-3094. 4-12 6 utilities paid. 1790 East Grand B la c k & W h ite o n ly . P a r t y G oods g if ts . Villa $48.75. 332-6242. 2-12 6 Cedar Village. Winter-spring. 351- nished. $50 Includes utilities except River. 1 '3 mile east of Okemos. AVAILABLE JANUARY 1st - attrac­ E v e n in g s b y A p p o in tm e n t. Haslett Road at A-Z rental. Call 337- 6194. 4-12 6 electricity. 332-0858; 332-0429 3-12 6 tive three room apartment, air con­ 351-5652 3032 V in e 4 8 9 -2 9 2 8 ST LAWRENCE Hospital area. One 1610o r332-6802 after 6 p.m. 2-12 6 2601 S. C e d a r a t G r e e n la w n bedroom furnished. Utilities includ­ NEED ONE girl winter and spring ditioned. unfurnished except refriger­ ator and stove. One block from A&P ed. One or two adults. Available after Hou ; Beal Street. 337-2636 Cheap. 3-12 6 Shop December 20. Can be seen now 489- REDUCED RATES: Girls, winter store Adults ED 24886. 4-12 6 HEIGHTS W m . H T ho mp s o n COLLEGE TRAVEL 2329. 1-12/S term Rivers Edge Apartment. 351- EAST LANSING: 1231 Femdale. 3 bed­ FOUR MAN Cooking, furnished, park­ 6806. 3-12 6 APARTMENTS ISTUDENTS'. Avail­ AUTO PARTS CO. Y o u r g e m l a b o r a to r y J e w e l e r O FFICE ONE MAN wanted for four man apart­ room duplex. Unfurnished, carpeted, full basement. Nice yard. $175 month. ing. for appointment (¿ill 372-103! able at once Four room furnished. N ew — U s e d — R e b u ilt — D is ­ f o r a l l y o u r C h r i s t m a s n e ed s, LUXURY APARTMENT. Available for 351-7132 after 6 p m 3-12 • $150 ED 2-8531. IV 56581 4-12 6 ment. Cedar Village winter and GOVAN MANAGEMENT 351-7910. c o u n t p r i c e d — I n s ta ll a ti o n s 130 W e s t G r a n d R i v e r B lv d . spring Apartment 241-8 or call 351- nine months or part of-four man After 5 p.m. 332-0091 O C l ip p e r t & V in e S t r e e t s Campus Hill $235 per month. 351- NKEDKD-THREE men lor gigantn NEED TWO girls for winter term. Four A v a i la b l e . 3939 N . E a s t S t. 5308. 2-12 6 unsupervised modern house Infji O p p o s ite F r a n d o r 3 5 1 -6 0 1 0 5776. 3-12 6 blocks from campus 332-0143. 3-12 5 4 8 5 -2 2 7 6 NEED ONE man for three man. three vidua 1 spacious bedrooms Two ONE MAN needed winter and spring. bedroom ranch house. Hagadorn and blocks trom Union $60 month Must Lowebrooke Arms. 332-3752 . 2-12 6 ONE MAN winter and spring Waters Beech. 353-3184. Ask for Ken. 4-12 6 see to appreciate 332-301 ». 351- FURNISHED STUDIO apartment for one or two girls Parking 251 BROOKS I m p o r t e d Cars Edge Apartments. 351-3363 . 3-12 6 8328 3-12 6 Spartan Avenue Phone 332-6078 4-12 6 For Rent ONE FOUR man unit available in Sales and Service 2 REDUCED RATES, two man apart­ ment. Need one man Call 351- 6427 2-12 6 CEDAR VILLAGE-need man to take over lease. Call Pete. 351-9063 3-12 6 FURNISHED TWO bedroom Two miles to campus. From $150. utilities paid. 337-0512 4-12 6 HOUSE FOR five conservative men $60 week. Call nights IV 5-0364 NEED ONE or three winter; winter- spring. Reduced rates. 731. 351- Evergreen Arms and three four- 482-1473 Ils name indicates it character 2-12 5 NEEDED ONE man for large three HOUSE: One to four girls $65 each. 6226 3-12 6 man units available at University L i n c o l n N a t i on a l L i f e man apartment. South Washington. ONE GIRL needed-, p w yinter and 5 0 1 4 N . G r a n d R i v e r , L a n s in g Apartment: Two girls $55 each. ONE] OR two girls needed »«. share Terrace Call State Management. _____________________3 3 2 -5 0 2 5 $60. Urgent. 353-7732. 882-7784 spring -¿e apart­ Both walking distance Furnished GIRL WANTED winter term Luxury 332-8687 C ment. 3 5 1 -* .. 3-12 6 four man house across Irotn Berkey. 2-12 6 Clean. 332-5320 after 6 p.m 4-12 6 351-8744 2-12 5 apartment Reduced rent. Call 351- 0607 3-12 6 NOW LEASING new deluxe one bed­ room aparUjttfnts Corner Burcham For Rent For Rent IC. NEEDED ONE man New Cedar Vil- ONE MAN needed winter, spring. Ri­ verside East. Phone 351-0435. Room­ COMPLETELY FURNISHED two bed­ COOL HOUSE, fireplace Two girls large winter and spring. 351-3412. rooms. fireplace, garage. Eight winter, spring $55 00 351-9109 ONE TOfourmen for luxury, super­ and Alton. January 1st occupancy ONE MAN needed for two man Edge- 2-12/6 m ates MacLaren. Hunter. Gould. 3-12 6 Furnished or unfurnished. 332-3135. APARTMENT TO share. Graduate, minutes walk to Berkey Married vised apartment across from Williams wood Apartments. Reduced rates. 512 6 student. Own bedroom, parking, close ONE OR two girls winter and spring non-smokers. $175. 152 Gunson Dorm. 351-3786. 3-12 6 Close campus. 351-6026. 5-12 6 WANTED YOUNG working man to ED 2-5715 3-12 5 campus. $60. 332-0436. 3-12/5 Eden Roc. 351-6518. 3-12 6 FOUR MAN house needs one man. share furnished, luxury one bed­ Close campus. $55 month plus utili­ TWO OR THREE take over lease. room apartment with same. 351- ONE MAN for four man house. Winter ties. 351-8513 3-126 0986. 2-12/6 ONE MAN for winter and spring Burcham Woods, now. 351-4098. 4-12/6 term. $50. 487-0690 4-12 6 DON’T SIGN THAT LEASE terms. Only $43.75 per month. Call 351-0397. 3-12 6 GIRL. FURNISHED house $60 includes 'N E W L Y M A R R IE D ? FOUR MAN apartment, twc bed­ THREE BEDROOM student house. Fur­ utilities. Judy or Jo 351-7708 3-12 6 rooms. Close campus. $50. 337- nished near Frandor Pay own utili­ TANGLEWOOD 1294. 2-12/6 GIRL NEEDED for quiet two girl apartment. Close to campus, very ties. Lease until June 372-6188 4-12 6 FULLY FURNISHED throii bedroom AFARTMENTS BAY COLONY Apartments. One and convenient. Winter, spring 351- FACULTY-STAFF Three bedroom, house to sublet beginning winter 1 B d r m ., u n f u r .,‘f r o m '1 2 4 .5 0 9457 3-12 6 term. 351-0598 5-12 6 fo r w in ter te rm unless you have 2 B d r m ., u n f u r ,, f r o m 139 .5 0 two bedrooms furnished and unfur­ nished. Call Jack Bartlett. Mana­ unfurnished. I 1a baths. Newly car­ peted. redecorated. Near campus. TWO GIRLS tor house winter-spring ger. 337-0511. Corner Haslett and STUDENT APARTMENTS. We have Y E S NO apartments for ten bovs for win­ $225 month. ED 2-1925. 4-12 6 $55 Easy walking distance to cam­ 3 5 1 -7 8 8 0 Hagadorn Road. 2-12 6 ter term, two through four student pus. 351-6194, 4-12 6 □ □ c o m p le te s o u n d p ro o fin g --b e tw e e n ro o m s and MEN : CLEAN, quiet, cooking, parking. FURNISH* n house. Five ONE MAN for Cedar Village. Free to apartments, one and two , student a p a rtm e n ts Supervised. Close to campus. 487- apartments. From $60 per person. minuti r e nted 189-6358 SUBLET: two men needed, house 5753 or 4858836 O January 15. $65/month. 351-6438. 12-12 6 Furnished including all utilities. close to eampus $50 351-0368. 2-12 6 3-12 6 Inquire 103 Northlawn Corner of □ □ a m p le p a rk in g --C e d a r V illa g e has p a rk in g fo r Abbott between 10 a m -6 p.m.. apart­ EAST LANSING: Two bedroom duplex NEW LUXURIOUS party spot, man Garage, basement, appliances. $165 o v e r 500 c a r s - - 3 s t o r y p a r k in g r a m p needed for six months in 731 Apart­ ment 5. 3-12 6 month. Call evenings 351-7692. 3-12 6 ments. call now and get all the ex­ tras. 351-0780. 2-12 6 EYDEAL VILLA APARTMENTS. c h o ic e o f 6 o r 9 m o n th le a s e s N O R T H W IN D TWO bedroom apartments for $240 FURNISHED THREE bedroom house □ □ Five minutes to campus Call 489- FARMS month. Swimming pool GE appli ONE GIRL now or starting winter 6358 5-12 6 F a c u lty A p a r t m e n ts term. $60. no utilities Two min­ ances, garbage disposals, furnished □ □ c o n v e n ie n t lo c a t io n - - w e a d jo in th e c a m p u s for four man or five man. Call utes from campus 351-9368 2-12 6 3*1-7880 35M275 after fe/* m , C FOUR GIRLS needed for (jftfar Street house $'6b .? monflf m&) n 'rtS i- .□ „a. f u l l - t i m e m a in te n a n c e s t a f f on 24 h o u r c a l l OKEMOS TWO bedroom furnished -F4VE APARTMENT, mil rent. M! p Q erm Cha- 3358 - .V!2*-6v utilities paid One block from cam­ apartment. $175 month. Utilities G1KIo r t Q ì1 4-12 6 let Apartm ... □ □ a ir c o n d itio n in g pus Available now Call NEJAC- furnished. 332-6802 2-12 6 DESPERATE] ONE man winter, spring 337-1300. . C-12 6 ONE GIR» partments Own room Utilities paid Parking AVONDALE COTTAGE APART r e n t e d □ p r iv a t e s tu d y d e s k f o r ea ch s tu d e n t MENTS—One bedroom furnished. winter $* 4-12 6 351-7556 5-12 6 □ RIVERS EDGE: Two o ';1" for luxury $130 month including utilities. d is h w a s h e rs and la r g e r e f r i g e r a t o r - f r e e z e r s apartment Q C M T E D pus. 351- FOUR MAN apartment to sublet. Close WANTED three girls for five girl □ □ Available January 1. Phone 337- 7707. »0-12 6 to campus. 332-8824 4-12 6 house on Gunson Call 351-0464. 5-12 5 2080 between 6-8 p.m. 2-12 6 □ □ b u i l t - i n b o o k s h e lv e s □ H o o v e r, vacuum c le a n e rs fo r e v e ry 2 a p a rt­ Pre-Xmas □ m e n ts JUST THE THING TO □ □ la rg e w a lk - in s to ra g e c lo s e t WEAR AROUND THE HOUSE □ □ in c in e r a t o r c h u te on e v e r y f lo o r A State F a rm H o m e o w n e rs □ □ □ □ la rg e la u n d r y r o o m s w ith w a s h e rs and d r y e r s h i-p o w e re d T . V . a n te n n a r e c e p t io n Record Sale P o licy. It’s th e lo w -c o s t p a c k a g e policy th a t p r o ­ vide s b ro a d e r c o ve ra g e for y o u r h o m e a n d belongin gs a n d f o r y o u , in c a s e o f l a w ­ F e a tu r in g : □ □ i n t e r i o r d e c o ra te d a p a r tm e n ts w ith w a l l - t o - w a l l At 3 37 -1 3 0 0 s u i t s . Y e t , all t h i s p r o t e c t i o n D a n c in g in th e S t r e e t s N e ja c 543 E . G r a n d R i v e r is y o u r s a t a r a t e t h a t ’ s 1 5 % c a r p e t in g in c lu d in g th e b a th v a n it y to 2 5 % low er th a n th e s a m e This Sat. 12/7/68 All c o v e ra g e w o u ld STATI MIM s n a c k b a r w ith s to o ls cost u n d e r s e p a ­ rate policies. G e t e le c tr o n ic in t e r c o m - - s a fe ty lo c k s y s te m Records will go on Sale as INSUtANCI all t h e f a c t s — ca ll Listed Prices below m e today! n a t u r a l b r i c k d e c o r a t o r w a ll in l i v i n g r o o m open 9:00 to 6:00 A l l th e s e fe a tu r e s a re in c lu d e d a t C e d a r V i l l a g e * A tk Ê Ê Ê L * \ Reg. Sate a tu r i n g : C a li f o r n i a D r e a m in g 1.97 1.79 2 & I Bedroom Apartments 3.84 2.99 JIM RYAN G E O . TO BIN Available January 5th 4.79 3.79 RYAN & TOBIN 6.98 INSURAN CE 9.98 3 3 9 M O RGAN L A N E fran d or P H O N E 332- 5 0 5 1 F e a tu r in g : F o r T h o s e In L o v e 351-0050 T H E W O R L D ’S L A R G E S T P R I V A T E L Y - OWNED STUDENT A PA R TM EN T C OM PLEX F e a tu r in g : P MM " f f l j f f j ! " « * " 0 CASUALTY COMAAMY E n co re F o r those In love HOMC W i l d : sloom Tnbtoh .. ili ILLINOIS Thursday, December 5, 1968 11 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Sale For Sale For Rent Boys Training School FOR CHRISTMAS: Five concerts M o b i le Homes Rooms remaining two series A. Best seat­ allegations he^ made in his res­ are not the least bit familiar eVes or sm- ing. 355-2312. 3-12/6 MARLETTE 10 x 50. 1964 (continued from page one) MEN, LARGE c o rj- ignation request. Grewe had cri­ with ghetto life. gles Clos o Ç ‘ •j£ entrance. $3300. Phone 487-5691. Grewe blames a lot of BTS's CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch Pine, ticized Home Life for failing Paul Spata. head of the Lan­ Parking av “ Te’ 332-0939. 7-12/6 White and Norway Spruce. U.S. problems on staff members who GARDNER 10' x 45' with bedroom to live up to its obligations. He sing BTS division, said that of Number 1 Premium YMCA Abbott- , and den. Near MSU 337-7665 4-126 .are at BTS "to meet their own th e 800 boys in BTS Va*V « a r SPARTAN HALL: Leasing for win- - 78 332-8657 3-12/6 need to assert the.ir authority said he called them to help h i m ter term. Rooms for men and wom- out with a unruly boy, but thev a p p ro x im a tely 5C9 WOL ’Ofip.si,*» heJgnem ,*'46 Bfff&sr /.V /r hoys W v .v • •. ’¿ 4 ^ refused to ^ome arid 'thf-A hw*1"" C * , . i : v- X • s r '* . 4?. - - > . - • ” Kodak color movie nim ‘o nkoaachrome ’ tj&nmfui pat* t-tiwtie needs." thing at BTS that makes guys ONE, TWO and three man rooms 135-20 .with this ad. $1 29 MAREK 2-12/6 "How it turns out." he said, to "beat the shit out of the kid." Carpeted, paneled, furnished Paved REXALL DRUGS C-12/5 Grewes résignation also drew want to run," Grewe said "is that it's not a treatment in­ When a boy goes AWOL. he parking. Cooking and laundry facili­ fire from the administration be­ ties. Two blocks to MSU Supervised SEWING MACHINE clearance sale Lost & Found stitution. it's a punitive insti­ said, he's bound to get into trou­ $45 month. Call Don 351-3432. 5-12/6 Brand new portables-$49 50. $5.00 tution." cause he blasted the school's LOST: CHERRY Hill High School lack of in-service training. Al­ ble. per month. Large selection of recon­ ring Men s IM. Reward. 353-1558 Grewe said that in his two "Because of what AWOL MEN--SUPERVISED singles, dou­ ditioned used machines. Singers. years at BTS he established though occasional staff train­ bles. Cooking. Parking. 327 Hill- Whites, Necchis, New Home and 3-12/6 ing seminars are held, he said, means to the school.'' he said, crest. 332-6118, 337-9612. 4-12/6 “many others,” $19.95 to $39.95. a rapport with the boys that was "that boy is really hustling to Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING FOUND: SMALL FUZZY grey long theoretically sound but offi­ they are voluntary. hair cat. Call 332-1910. 3-12/6 Although Grewe admits there get out of the city." WOMEN STUDENTS: Large home COMPANY. 1115 North Washington. cially discouraged by the Thus, stolen cars and a longer abutting campus. Kitchen, laundry, 489-6448 C-12/5 LOST: MAN'S 'LeCt&llre wrist watch school’s administration. are some highly competent peo­ parking. 332-1918. 4-12/6 ple on the BTS staff, he says stretch in BTS. USED VACUUM cleaners, tanks, cani­ with alarm, leather strap. Reward " It got to the point that I Grewe hired in as a college c .o»H 355-8297 days. 2-12/6 couldn’t really continue feed­ they are in a decided minority. EAST LANSING: Lilac Avenue, rooms sters, and uprights. Prices slashed "Many staff members are student, but he said BTS has a for men $204 a term. Cooking, park­ for quick' sale, $7.88 and up DENNIS ing what the administration policy now which tries to get ing, private entrance. New house. DISTRIBUTING CO. 316 North Cedar Personal wanted me to feed these kids." very racially prejudiced there Call 332-2361. 3-12/6 opposite City Market. 482-2677. C-12/6 and have no qualms about tell­ away from hiring college stu­ TV RENTALS for students. $9.00 he said. "Morally. I just could dents to work directly with the EAST LANSING Virginia Avenue: month. Free service and delivery. not do it." ing others about it," he said. FIRST QUALITY m aterials and work­ He said a lot of the staff does boys. Unsupervised rooms $200 a term. manship. OPTICAL DISCOUNT 416 Call NEJAC 337-1300. We guaran­ The head of Home Life, sort "They had too many good Private entrance, parking, new house. Tussing Building. Phone 372-7409. tee same-day service. C of the police force for BTS, de­ not have much education beyond Call 332-2361. 3-12/6 ■C-12/6 the high school level and most ideas." he said, "and they ran manded that Grewe retract the into trouble with reactionary STUDENTS! Your answer to Nat Sci i i DOUBLE, PARKING, clean, quiet. WANT IMPORTED Christmas pre­ 191 exams is now available at Wallace-supporter types." reasonable. 237 Kedzie. 351-9584. sents? Tanzania, Spain . . . from Paramount News. 2-12/6 BTS is finding itself with an 3-12 6 school project, 351-3373, evenings increasing rate of returnees. SINGLE ROOM. Male student. Linens 337-2366. 3-12/6 FRATERNITIES. SORORITIES, and clubs: make $300 profit for your ASMS!) Spata's figures show that two “ So tell me, what do you think of furnished. Near campus. Phone 332- SAILBOAT 11 used only four times. 'group in just one week. Call 372- years ago. 12 per cent of BTS 1682. 3-12/6 New sail. Very reasonable. V-M tape 0939. 1-12/5 (continued from page one) Muskie. D-Maine. and Con­ boys returned: one year ago deck and tapes. $250 or best offer. gressman Adam Clayton Pow­ Marshall McLuhen?” MALE HOUSING: Double rooms. Block 337-9450. 2-12/6 LET IT BE KNOWN YOU ARE FOR Jeff Zeig, senior member- the figure jumped to 22 per Union. 314 Evergreen. Cooking. 332- PEACE. Stamp on PEACE with a at-large, announced the reor­ ell. the board . voted to raise cent. Currently, the figure is ap­ 3839. 3-12/6 1965 KLH portable stereo. Perfect ■PEACE SYMBOL RUBBER STAMP ganization of the drug study the $1.000 ceiling cost for proximately 33 per cent. working condition. $135. 351-48%. Good for use on books, stationery committee which he chairs; speakers if necessary. BTS' job training program is OKEMOS: ROOMS for two. Quiet 3-12/6 and skin. Reproduces well, half For Rent For Rent home. Private entrance, bath. ED 2- dollar size. $2.25 postpaid. WEAR Panhel representative Jane The board approved for con­ deficient, too. Grewe said. 5175. 2-12/6 VOX AMPLIFIER. New. 45 watts. A PEACE SYMBOL SWEAT SHIRT Lau told the board the Faculty tracting of the group "Smokev "Most of it is based on main­ SHARE ROOMY house with four grad Robinson and the Miracles NEED TWO GIRLS to take over men. Private room. Parking. $50, Cheap. 351-7307. 3-12/6 in black, navy, grey and blue. Small Committee on Student Affairs taining the school." he said. "It s lease December 15th. $60/rr\onth. GIRL STUDENT, near campus. ED medium, large $4.50 postpaid. Both sub-committee on Rules, Regu­ for an April 19 Pop Entertain­ utilities included. Laundry facilities available December 15. 489-3174 menial labor and would give 2-2814. 2-12/6 GOYA G-17 folk guitar. Soft case. From Eli and Ellie, 369 Crescent lations and Ordinances had ment engagement. and dishwasher. Four blocks to cam­ after 6 p.m. 2-12/6 Avenue, Buffalo. New York 14214. them a low wage on the job mar­ Excellent condition $200. 355-0071. pus. CaU Kathie at 332-8289. 2-12 6 SINGLE ROOM for upper classmen. 3-12 6 1-12/5 formed its own sub-committee In appointments, the board ket." FIVE BEDROOM furnished new house confirmed Glenn Lonev. Col­ for rent, East Lansing. Prefer fac­ $10 week. Free parking. ED 2- to make a detailed study of Boys push lawn mowers, carry ONE GIRL furnished house. Beal umbus. Ga . senior, as chief Street. Cheap. 351-5620. 2-12/6 ulty or married students. December 5776. 2-12/6 DINETTE SET, sofa, recliner, ail FREE . . A Thrilling hour of beauty. rules and ordinances. food trays and the like, he said, reasonable. 372-6761. 3-12/6 For appointment call 484-4519. Fred Fry, board ICC repre­ justice of the All-University through June. Rent expected, $250. GIRLS SHARE triple room. Near MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS but very few of the jobs give GIRL NEEDED winter. House near Call 332-0406. 2-12/6 campus. No cooking. $10.332-1771. GERMAN SKI SHOES Women's size STUDIO, 1600 East Michigan. C-12/5 sentative. asked the board for Student Judiciary. the boys any sense of respon­ campus. No lease. Cheap. 351- 2-12/6 7. new $20. Harmony electric guitar careful consideration of four To fill ex-officio student sibility. 0873. 2-12/6 SOUTH LANSING. Married couple preferred. Two bedrooms, gas heat. $100. Fender reverb amp $200 337- amendments to the Academic seats on East Lansing com­ SINGLE ROOM for girl. Now or Jan­ 7883. 3-12/6 Peanuts Personal The state is supposed to inves­ $U0/month plus utilities. Security Freedom Report concerning so­ mittees. the board approved .GIRLS NEEDED for house, $61 a deposit and references required. 882- uary. Parking. 351-7256. after 5:30. tigate BTS periodically. Grewe month. Washer and dryer. 501 3-12/5 TWO KLH six speakers $225 V15-11. CONGRATULATIONS MARY, Kay and cial regulations, now in policy the following: said that as far as he can re­ Lexington. 351-8371. 2-12 6 4097. - 2-12/6 East Lansing City Council- Excellent. $40. 351-0850. 3-12 6 Tex-hope its catching. Love, committee. They are: member. no state official ever FOUR NEEDED to sublet. Four bed­ MEN: QUIET, near campus, super­ Leif. 1-12/5 "1.6 Regulations pertaining Robert Witcop. Traverse City ONE MAN needed for four man, 3 vised, no cooking. Parking avail­ FENDER BANDMASTER amplifier. visited his cottage. bedroom house. $50.351-0368. 2-12 6 rooms near campus. Parking. 351- able. Call 332-3170. 3-12/5 to student social activities and senior. Stratocaster guitar, and Vox Tone- MY FRIENDLY: There's justice in He also said there was an oc­ 0977. 2-12/6 bender. 353-1453. 3-12/6 practices shall be made or Planning Commission- tinseling Christmas trees, even if casion when the Dept, of Health THREE BEDROOM, furnished Plen­ MENS DOUBLE, clean, private they are hot. Who is uninhibited? changed by ASMSU. Mike Slaughter. Kalamazoo tiful parking. Pets. $240 including ONE OR two girls needed. Own bed­ entrance. Parking. Living room. Re­ was supposed to make a routine room. Near campus. 351-0977. 2-12/6 CHRISTMAS TREES--cutyour own Is she Jewish? 1-12/5 "1.6.01 Social regulations are sophomore. utilities. 351-3634. 2-12 6 frigerator. Phone 332-4709. 4-12 6 Beautiful pines, spruce, or fir. investigation of BTS and they characterized as those rules Traffic Commission - Ed $2.88. 4811 Ballentine Rd. (Go north THETA DELTA CHI men: good luck warned the school that they TWO GIRLS winter term Close. $60 MEN: CLEAN, quiet, cooking, park­ on Abbott or Chandler). 3-12 6 which apply only to the stu­ Wernet. St. Clair Shores junior. month, utilities included. 351-7708. on all your finals. Midge and Gerri. were coming two weeks in ad­ ing. Supervised. Close to campus. 487- dents of the community. It is / L / ° WIRE / V ' 2-12 6 5753 or 485-8836. O BIRTHDAY CAKES-7” . $3.64; 8" 2-12/6 therefore inappropriate for C lasses resum e vance. M RIMS LARGE THREE bedroom unfurnished. Block to campus. Many extras. Avail­ $200 PER TERM. Room and board. M.S.U. students, Call 332-3574. or $4.16; 9” , $5.20. Delivered. Also sheet cakes. Kwast Bakeries. 484- DUMBO: WHAT can I say except I love you madly. Thanks for the week­ other groups of the community to comment on the personal a t Frisco S t a t e ; Grewe is currently meeting with Rep. Thomas Brown. R- 1317. O end, Dad. 1-12/5 WE HAVE THEM I able now. Phone 332-0318 after 4 visit Ellsworth Men's Co-op. 711 behavior of another group, 2-12 6 Lansing, who is also interested Rectangle, Round, Oval p.m. West Grand River 5-12/6 EXAKTA 35mm SLR camera, 2 bodies. MERRY CHRISTMAS to the Turk "1.6.02 State and federal law n o s i g n o f strik es in a complete investigation of We F ill Prescriptions for NEEDED TWO girls for furnished 3s lens. 3 teleconverters, case, tri­ without a car. Jeff. tl-12/5 necessarily takes precedence SAN FRANCISCO (AH' - For Sale BTS. Regular & Sunglasses, room, in house. 351-8342. 2-12/6 pod and bellows. $300 355-0090 over any ASMSli decision. 3-12/5 SAVE $30 OWEN HALL. Room to Classes at San Francisco State Frames Repaired St Replaced CHRISTMAS TREES: Table top $1 10: sublet winter, spring. 355-4086 "1.6.03 The Board of Trustees Grewe is working on a paper TWO GIRLS winter and/or spring. College resumed normally to­ Come In And Pick Up $60. 504 Abbott. 351-8066. 2-12; 6 other sizes to $3.25.332-5545. 9-12 6 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding ahd 2-12'6 hereby delegates its authority day with no sign of the student which he hopes to expand in the our FREE Lens Cleaner engagement ring sets. Save fifty for determining social regula­ strikers who battled police in near future to include compre­ per cent or more. Large selection Artm ar Opticians HOLE IN ONE! Maybe not, but check SNOW TIRES, 15” . 1500 mile tread 2-12/6 of plain and fancy diamonds. $25- Service tions to ASMSU. However, if a series of wild disturbances hensive criticisms and sugges­ today's Classified Ads for good buys wear. $30. pair. 487-0762. the Student Faculty Judiciary 203 Ann St. 332-5520 in golf clubs! . __ $150. WILCOX SECOND HAND Tuesday. tions for improvement of BTS. STORE. 509 E. Michigan. 485-4391. RENT-A-STUDENT now back in ac­ finds a social regulation clear­ AVALON BASS guitar with Kalama­ tion. Call 351-5130 for all your zoo bass 50 watt amplifier. Both $320, C ly detrimental to the Univer­ job needs. 5-12 6 new. Best offer. 351-4078. 2-12/6 sity as an academic commun­ ONCE UPON A TIM E SKIS BUCKLE boots size 8. Poles. SKIS: KNEISSEL Black Stars. 210 cm.. $95/offer. Includes bindings. ALTERATION AND dressmaking by ity. it shall rule such regula­ P eace ta lk s Only worn once. Must sell. Debbie 351-3709. 3-12 5 experienced seamstress. Reasonable tion void and inconsistent with charge. 355-5855. 2-12/5 (Continued from page 11 agree on time, place, order of 233 Abbott Rd. 353-5728. 2-12/6 the Freedom Report. " business and other procedural DRY FIREWOOD, seasoned, will de­ be joined by a South Vietnam­ GIBSON MANDOLIN, Call Jeff at livery by the cord. 355-9110. 4-12 6 T y p in g Service In a period of presentations. ese delegation and one from the arrangements for the expanded 351-7443 or 351-8324. 2-12/6 William Kelly, associate di­ Viet Cong's National Libera­ conference. C ustom -M ade Clothing TWO 12" wolverine woofer speak­ DONNA BOHANNON, Professional ers in walnut enclosures and Knight typist. Term papers, theses. IBM rector of Honors College, told tion Front. Vance put several sugges­ SPANISH LACE gown, with madonna. For Men and W o m e n Matching veil. Size 8. $75. 337- AM-FM stereo tuner. Excellent con- Selectric, 353-7922. C the board that the 1969 Pro­ Saigon has yet to announce tions Monday to Lau—all design­ 2424. 1-12/5 ‘ dition. $75. Call 882-2348. 3-12 5 vost Lecture scr.ics, entitled who will be members of i t s J ed to get the conference rolling Now Taking O rd e rs O n EXPERIENCED UNIVERSITY typist. "The Black Experience," delegation. It is expected to be next Monday or Tuesday. AMPEX PROFESSIONAL recorder BICYCLE SALES and service. Also Electric IBM, prefer Ph.D. disser­ Authentic London Bobby Capes tations. Grace Rutherford 337-0138. would be a combination of headed by Ambassador Pham President Nguyen Van Thieu model 970 echo, reverb, etc. Must used. EAST LANSING CYCLE, 1215 Com e In a n d C h e c k It O u t . sell. Diane 353-0349. 2-12/6 E. Grand River. CaU 332-8303. C 2-126 theater, art and music as well Dang Lam. chief of South Viet­ told newsmen in Saigon that as the lectures. nam's observer mission in Par­ South V ietn am 's delegation SNOW TIRES: 8.25x14 white walls on FURNITURE: PERFECT for student SHARON CARR--Experienced Greek would be in Paris by this week­ apartment. Call 351-0309. 3-12/6 mathematical. general. Electric. The board approved a list of is. under the supervision of Plymouth wheels. $35 pair. 393- end. ready to deal with the pro­ 4229. 2-12/6 Pick up and delivery, 625-3603. 17-12 6 potential Great Issues speak­ Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky. BLANK 8 track cartridge tape 300' ers. presented by Great Issues Ky will not be a member, how­ cedural questions before the GUITARS-GIBSON SG, solid body at $2.79. MAIN ELECTRONICS 5558 TYPING TERM PAPERS AND THESES co-director Bob Edwards. For ever. opening of peace talks. and ES330TDC, hollow body cut­ Electric typewriter, fast service. Lau responded Wednesday to South Pennsylvania. C 332-4597. 12-12/6 three of the speakers. Dr. Ben­ The main purpose of the away with cases. 332-5615 or 351- Vance's suggestions and the two 9427. 2-12/6 jamin Spock. Sen. Edmund Vance-Lau session-their sec­ PAULA ANN HAUGHEY. A unique ond since Mondav-was to men agreed on certain unde­ 17 things to check GOODYEAR WIDE tread tires (51 A n im a l s quality thesis service. IBM typing, T ransportation fined points. Others, presum­ "" — >■- - ., »,„ 1 3 tread left Best offer-.>251-0405. . t ............. - 2-12 6 SIAMESE -KITTENS. Seal Point, Just in lime for Christmas. 372-2142. multilith printing qpd hard binding. Christmas greetings, letters. Typed in script and printed. 337-1527. C-12/6 ROCHESTER. N Y. Riders wanted December 14th. One way. 351-6721 Santa Claus ably touching on matters of de­ legation status, remained un­ HEAD STANDARD ski's plus bindings t / . 3-12'5 * 3-12 5 settled. Good condition. Must sell. $40. TYPING DONE in my home 2Vi blocks In all Lau's exchanges with in a used car. 337-0600 AMP FENDER bassmen and crestwood 2-12/6 KITTF.NS TO give away 332-3171. 2-12/6 from campus. 332-1619. ANN BROWN: Typist and Multilith, O RIDERS WANTED to Los Angeles area. December 14, Stan. 1-313- 342-4977 3-12 6 not welcome Vance since the Nov. 1 bomb­ ing halt, qualified sources re­ ported. he has continued to base both $200. Call 339-8023. 2-12/6 BASSET PUPS for Christmas. AKC. offset printing. Dissertations, the­ APARTMENT SIZE-piano. Call 485- Males only. Good pets or obedience d.ogs. Also black Labrador pups. ses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 18 years experience. 332- RIDER WANTED to Philadelphia. Share driving and expenses. Fiat at meeting stress the front's claims to sep­ arate delegation status. 7846. 3-12/6 Excellent pedigree. Duckweed Ken­ 8384. C 850 Luggage limited. Mitch, 351- nels. 332-4609. 2-12/6 8135 evenings. 3-12/6 WASHINGTON (AP) FURNISHINGS FOR one bedroom MARILYN CARR: Legal secretary 1. Cylinder compression. 14. Light ing system. KITTENS FOR adoption. Box trained. Electric typewriter. After 5:30 p.m. Dressed in a Santa Claus suit. 2 . Leakage on engine, 15. Incorrect tire pressure apartment. For details phone 699- 2748 after 6 p.m. 3-12/6 Call after 5 p.m. 351-8214. 2-12/6 and weekends 393-2654 and delivery. Pick-up C Wanted Yippie leader Jerry Rubin was barred from Wednesday after­ Israel transmission, and rear axle. and loose wheel mounting 3. Ignition timing, spark bolts. NEED ONE MAN, Cedar Village. Win­ noon's public session of a spe- (continued from page one) TERM PAPERS, theses, general ter and spring terms. 351-3132. 5-12/4 ciat subcommittee of the victims of the air and artillery plugs, and contact breaker 16. Road test vehicle. typing. Prompt service. Experienced. 337-2603. 20-12/4 House Committee on Un-Amer­ attacks on Jordanian villages. points. 17. BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all ican activities. That followed up a declaration 4. Valve clearance. positive. A negative. B negative and Chairman Richard Ichord, D- by Pravda Tuesday that there 5. Carburetor and idling CREST LIPPINCOTT'S PROFESSIONAL IBM theses typing including math, chem­ AB negative $10.00. O negative $12.00 MICHIGAN | COMMUNITY BLOOD Mo., conducting the hearings would be "a resolute rebufi to istry. 489-0358.489-6479. 3-12 6 speed. CENTER. 507‘/2 East Grand River. into the disorders in Chicago the aggressors." The Soviet The VW Guarantee.* East Lansing. Above the new Cam­ 6 . A i r f ilt e r . If the car has this, you don't ! IBM SELECTRIC typewriter: Term during the Democratic Na­ Communist party . newspaper, 7. Proper fan belt tension. have to check up on the Laundry & Cleaners papers, theses, dissertations, call Sharon Vliet, 484-4218. 3-12/6 pus Book Store. Hours: 9 a.m .-3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Friday; tional Convention, issued the however, again urged a peace­ 8. Cooling system leakage. Wednesday and Thursday 12 p.m.-6:30 order barring Rubin. ful settlement on the basis of other 16. Because we've al­ p.m. 337-7183. ' C Ichord said he was not trying the 13-month-old Security Coun­ 9. Steering, tie rods, and with c o m p le te la u n d ry and d r y cleaning FAST ACCURATE service on term ready checked. papers. 1156 Burcham. Call 337-2737. to dictate the apparel of cil resolution. toe-in. *We'll replace or repair any of MALE 21 desires apartment or house services 3-12/6 near west circle winter and spring. spectators, but was convinced An Israeli spokesman charged 10. Brake system. these major working parts for 30 days or 1000 miles (whichever 353-7503. 5-12/5 Rubin’s presence in the hearing that big guns of the troops Iraq 11. Shock absorbers. FAST EFFICIENT typing. Call SHIR­ comes first): engine, transmission, LEY MENSE. 339-2069. S'12 6 room under the circumstances has based in North Jordan since 12. Clutch play. rear axle, front axle assemblies, vish e s e v e r y o n e ONE girl winter term. River House $60 351-9279. 3-12 6 would “ add to the probability the 1967 war had shelled at least 13. Battery. brake system, electrical system. BARBI MEL. Typing, multilithing. of disorder." 12 Israeli settlements south of No job too large or too small. BABYSITTER WEEKDAYS 8 to 5:30 Rubin told newsmen in the the Sea of Galilee in the past Block off campus. 332-3256. C corridor outside the hearing three days. He said the regulars A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON Call 332-4927. 3-12 6 room he believed the costume from that Arab nation, an east­ Transportation GIRL OR woman about 10 days after was typical of the committee. ern neighbor of Jordan, also SMALL TWIN engine airplane leaving Christmas 10 p.m. to 8 a m. to sleep The committee, he said “ is a hdve been working closely with W hen back in E a s t Lansing in and prepare retired professor's for Miami Christmas Day returning elderly wife for bed. $30. Phone 337- total circus." Arab raiders. s ta r t the N e w Year rig h t with New Y ear's Day-need four people, 2731. 3-12/4 Rubin is under subpoena to A top-ranking army officer o ur p ro m p t courteous service male or female, to share expenses. 339-2890 : 339-2263 . 3-12 6 testify later this week at a told a Tel Aviv news conference closed committee session. He the Iraqis have been involved in P h il G o rd o n ’s WANTED USED guitar good condi­ W e can solve all y o u r tion not electric. CaU Richard Alban. said he would refuse and in­ past clashes with Israel, "but ASPEN, COLORADO. Riders wanted 372-9730between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. sist on a public hearing. this is the first time they have cleaning p rob le m s.' to share expenses and driving. Leav­ 2-12/6 ing Detroit or MSU December 15, Other witnesses at previous opened up heavy artillery fire, VOLKSWAGEN, INC. returning December 24. 337-0420 BABYSITTER FULL time winter hearings he said, had testified with howitzers and other big 2845 E. Saginaw 1-12/5 term in my home. Call 353-0946 at public hearings in which he guns, simultaneously and on after 5 p.m. 2-12/6 was maligned. such a wide front. " 484-1341 620 M ic h ig a n Ave. 337-0012 FLINT-EAST Lansing and return " I think I should be allowed "When they began shooting." daily winter term. Riders or car MADRIGAL SINGERS needed, sopra- pool. 313-233-7275, collect if nec­ nos. altos, tenors. basses. 353- to present my defense in an he said, "everybody else, Jorda­ essary. 2-12/4 4377, 355-3859, 485-0853. 2-12/6 open hearing,” he added. nians included, chimed in. Thursday, December 5, 1968 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i a l i s t i c s y s t e m B l a c k p a n e l i s t s b l a s t blacks as tokenism He fears it easier to break.1"" he added. thoroughly integrate society and will merely result in the re­ is today," he said. B> JAN E TOPPS values have been perverted to United States. He urged that placement of the white power Overhaul n e e d e d that by giving the "black elite" Black reformation give power to blacks." S t a t e N e w s S ta f f W r it e r SMwUVi* and )vy\Umize the way the United States realize it is stru^ire with a duplicate oli- f e ) t o n expressed the convic­ political position the white com- Felton expressed hope that the Felton suggested "forcing wngle -nation among marly Uw> rJiltnp *. - - : ■■ \ ■ ?-'Sv i ..* C" ‘ “ ......... ^arp^y (¡potlnoHed of blacks. tion that Uri'evonomic-nnlitK^d jet it ' TYrr«* fxtihica) scien ce nations, ano reuis^rdwU' its class, working te make the " A ll r i c h o r p o o r Felton agreed that increasing establishment must ^be ..over negate their own pimple ami to ’Or iing rerèrmaxiontothe system.. majors agreed Tuesday night Lovette cited statistics to income accordingly. black participation in the hauled before true equality is think and act white He urged solidification behind system unworkable, and dividing No starvation the white power structure as that .the downfall of capitalism substantiate his belief that all American system is not the "When sucked into the great competent leaders and the "Foreign people won't starve achieved. expedient in the fight for must precede the establish­ Americans are either rich or answer to its economic ills. "Even if we blacks reach a white marshmallow, the black goal of a non capitalistic, human­ ment of racial equality and poor. while the U.S. sits and eats," istic society. equality. He also said waging "Black cfontrol of black com­ stage where we won't be ex­ elite must be white to fit into economic reforms. "One to 1.5 per cent of the Holland said. munities is being transformed ploited, someone else will of the system. This is not the "A great deal of confrontation this fight for equality should In a panel discussion for Holland cautioned against ex­ can speed up the electoral pro­ lead blacks to procure com­ population — the financial oli­ into a black elite control with necessity be exploited to make path to glory, it is a dead end,' the Undergraduate Forum pecting political integration to cess,” Felton said. "The gov­ promises from the white com­ garchy --.. owns everything,” the help of white communities. the system work." he said. Lovette said. of Political Science. Jason Lov- bring improvement in the ec­ ernment, jn acting in its own munity . and to radicalize its Lovette said. "They’ve got all And so the black elite will come Lovette referred to the re­ "But such political appoint­ ette. East Lansing senior, onomic sphere. He feels that interests, would be forced to the income, assets, and con­ to side with the system as it cent political appointments of ments do bend the twig, making members. expressed antagonism towards business brought into the ghetto trolling interests. They've got the present economic-political all the money, which they loan system. This view was shared out to pacify us. The middle by Ernie Felton, East Lansing class doesn't own a single thing. senior, and Bill Holland. Ok- It would be destitute in three emos graduate student. weeks if its paychecks were "Capitalism must be abol­ stopped. ished. .It is being used to keep Holland predicted that 90 per the middle class down," Lovette cent of the world's capital will said. be controlled by 400 companies "Capitalism in itself is not by 1985, and that 300 of these evil, he added. "But all its companies will be in the 1. 6 0 0 0 LOW EVERYDAY PRICES C o u r s e t o r e v i e w 2 . TOP VALUE STAMPS 3 . U .S .D .A . CHOICE TENDERAY BEEF o f f c a m p u s liv in g 4 . SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE By R O S A N N E B A IM E W« R titrv t Tht Right To Limit Quantifies. Copyright 1968 S t a te News S ta f f W r it e r The Kroger Co. Independent study programs examining the economic aspects of off-campus living will be offered in three departments winter term in cooperation with Off Campus Council (OCC). SPECIAL THIS WEEK' The courses will be offered in economics, sociology and forestry USDA CHOICE TENDERAY products. In a letter to Charles P. Larrowe. professor of economics, OCC proposed the study programs. " The purpose of this study is to make known to students and R I B the broader community the state of student expenses." the letter reads: If a study can confirm a general inequity in student cost of S T E A K living, then the defensible evidence may be used in initiating a change. " Students interested in the course. Economics 400 (independent study), can contact Larrowe. Allan B. Mandelstamm or Bert E. O Beirne. professors of economics, for information about the program in economics. The sociology program. Sociology 400H, will research inequities encountered by off-campus students. \USDA CHOICE TENDERAY 4TH S STHRI l OCC believes "the cause of many of the student grievances R IB R O A S T LB 89< are instigated by attitudes and values held by business and govern­ ment which find their ultimate consequences in inequitable practices." Leon Brenner. OCC president, said. William A. Faunce. chairman of the Dept, of Sociology will di­ ALL MEAT PESCH KE'S RO ASTED OR K WI C K K R I S P R E G . O R T H I C K R E G U L A R O R MI LD rect all eligible students to faculty members for assistance and sponsorship in the program. The program in forest products. Forest Products 418 (special topics). will investigate the physical aspects of off campus dwell­ Sliced Bacon Eckrich Franks...69$ Herrad Franks" 69$ Polish Sausage ings and is of special interest to building construction majors. PESCHKE'S HERRUDS— 6-OZ WT 12-OZ WT William B. Lloyd, professor of forest products, will be faculty sponsor for the program. Juniors and seniors who are majors in the respective fields are 2 ,“ * 1 PKG ■ Ring Bologna...“ 63$ H Ic k o r y H a m 69< $ 1 .2 9 6 9 eligible to sign up for the programs. Social science majors with areas of concentration in either eco­ SPECIAL THIS WEEK' » ^ S P E C I A L THIS WEEK' S P E C IA L T H IS WEEK! nomics or sociology might also qualify and should check with a 1 1 2 5 EXTR A TO P KROGER USDA GRADE A KROGER MEL-O-SOFT S O A K AWAY. DIRT faculty sponsor if they are interested. VALUE STA M PS AND S T A IN S The program has been in the plarning stages since June when WITH ITEMS BELOW B U T T E R M IL K OCC decided to stimulate studies in the off campus situation and help research alleged inequities in off-campus living. "We want to involve people and gather more information on TAKE THIS STRI P TO YOUR FRI ENDL Y KROGER STORE B I Z the student position of off-campus living." Brenner said. Once a student has received permission to enroll in one of the FOR YOUR ADDITIONAL TOP VALUE STAMPS CHECK ITEMS YOU BUY FOR CASHIER B R E A D P R E -S O A K above courses he can do so in the card arena at registration or TO TOTAL during the drop and add period at the beginning of winter term. with the purchase of to a so Country &ven SNACK CRACKERS or ZIPS with the purchase of F i r e r i p s a p a r t m e n t «« II r —% r A LmJ 3 0 ° 1- lb hog of Spotlight or French LOAVES Brand BEAN COFFEE with the purchase of JSba wbm . 2—lbs or more in C h e r r y L a n e a r e a 100 Spotlight or French Brand BEAN COFFEE with the purchase of M U n 50 ony 2 cons of Kroger Rtfiw,” ******™ »y.y, A fire probably started by door casing, plus it was esti­ 99 * VAC PAC NUTS D E L MONTE SPINACH S-eiLUJi VALUABLE COUPON ¡JjjX VALUABLE COUPON careless smoking caused an es­ mated that it would take $100 with the purchose of ony timated $295 damage to a stu­ to renovate the apartment, k jfR J n Cfl 6 pkgs Regular or Instant 6-OZ 500 T o p V e la r « S t o m p s H 500 T o p V a lu e S ta m p s dent's apartment in Cherry which suffered smoke damage u j 3v KRocer P udding C o rn G r Peas 7 WT CANS W IT H T H E P U R C H A S E O P A j f | W IT H T H E P U R C H A S E O P Lane Wednesday morning. throughout the living room and with the purchese of ony TENDER F ie s ta C a rd T abol 2 F ie s ta F o ld in g C h o irs kitchen area. MMS n 50 2 bags 11—oz wt Gold Crest á w Coi-pon Good ThruSun Dec. 8,1968 Coupon Good T K r w S u n .D e C 8 .9 4 0 John Bouwkamp. East Lan­ " CHOCOLATE CANDY sing graduate student, sum­ G re e n G ia n t P e a s W ùm m m m m moned the fire department at ith the purchose of o pint ctn rloin or Chive GRE E N GIANT SPECIAL THIS WEEK' SPEC IA L THIS WEEK! about 9:30 a.m. after he had been awakened by a clicking society KROGER SOUR CREAM 12 - OZ C L O V E R VALLEY FROZEN vith the purchose of a N i b le t s C o rn 4 WT CANS sound coming from the living -kg of 24 POPSICLES room. When he opened his bed­ room door, he found the smoke enjoys music with the purchose of o 2—lb box Chef Delight 9 - L I V E S 5 - V A R I E T I E S 6 - O Z WT C A N C a t Food 7 cans B A N Q U E T so intense that he had to leave CHEESE SPREAD through a bedroom window. Firemen had to break down of all kinds with the purchose of any 3 Pkgs Country Club POT PIES F R E E S C O T C H T A P E WI TH K R O G E R the door to get into the apart­ "Everything from Simon ment to fight the fire. Fire of­ and Gartunkel to rock, blues, with the purchose of any H o t T e a Bags five 10-oz wt pkgs ficials said that until the door jazz and country-western" is Kroger Frozen KROGER was opened giving the fire included in the repertoire of the VEGETABLES ZS'/j- O Z I more oxygen, it was almost Folklore Society, president with the purchase of C o rn e d B e e f H a s h 3 WT CANS < c o m p l e t e l y a* smold^ing Tom Hoerman, Alexandria, ony pkg of SCHICK RAZOR BLADES smoking fire. Va.. junior, said. K R O G ER LIQUID Bouwkamp lost a carpet, with the purchase of The Folklore Society has any 2 pkgs S w e e tn e r o: lamp, hairdryer and sweater been using The Joint, a coffee JIFFY FROZEN MEATS worth a total of $100. Damage house located in the basement with the ourchase of COUNTRY OVEN to University property totaled 2 pkgs of Silver of the Student Service Bldg., Plotter PORK CHOPS $95 and included a couch, Vene­ to carry out its purpose of with the purchase of C re a m S a n d w ic h e s 3 » . ! $ ! tian blinds, and the destroyed "spreading the joy of folk mu­ 3 —lbs or more Pride 0 Michigan Boneless SP E C IA L TH IS WEEK! sic." HAM ROAST S P E C IA L T H IS WEEK! S P E C IA L T H IS WEEK! The group has been organ­ with the purchase of a G R E A T F O R BAKING MICHIGAN EXTRA FANC Y SHELLED W arren a g r e e s ized for about 10 years, al­ 1—lb or more pkg Cube Steaks, Chie Steaks or ALL P U R P O S E though it existed informally to c o m p l e t e term long before that. About 40 members meet reg­ I# 9 4 a Top Round Steak with the purchose of s o any 3 pkgs of BUODIGS R U S S E T M C IN T O S H P E C A N S ularly every Monday night for a CHIPPED MEATS in S u p r e m e C o u r t NEW YORK (AP) -- Rich­ general Afterwards. business meeting. members sing, #97 a with the purchose of 1 or more pkgs Konsas 5 0 City Steaks or P O T A T O E S A P P L E S W A L N U T S ard M. Nixon announced Wed­ listen to each other play and Delmonico Steoks nesday that Chief Justice Earl exchange advice and criti­ with a )2 or More cism. Q J 1 0 0 Purchase of Fresh Warren has agreed to the presi­ ruit & Vegetables dent-elect's request to preside The group opens The Joint Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the purchase of over the Supreme Court through ony Pkg Tom the end of its current term next nights. Thumb Chicken & Dumplings -There are usually about three with the purchase of a Lorry s June. • Nixon said he will choose a 45 minute sets presented each .# 1 0 0 Poor Boy Sandwich successor to the retiring, 77- night. LIMIT ONE P ER CUSTOMER year-old chief justice to take During a set the performer Coupon Strip Good Thru Sun. Dec. 8 office after the completion of or group of performers "sing, the term. tell jokes or just talk.' jT \