"" C. R. Bkrnett VW I!' Itllborn tAMMl*)*. Mloh Michigan State News MAST I W IN'. M|i llftiAN, Tt I SI»\ \ » m I«»p.| Parllv rliitidv tonight. SORORITY PLEDGES SET NEW RECORD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CARDINALS MAUL TIGERS IN SERIES F/iVALTwelve Sororities |)i//y Dean Subdues FROSH PLEDGES Spartan NOTED AVIATRIX Pins Celebration Tlnlrsdav Day Detroit as St I ouis TO ATTEND ALL * I Jwll In rilirC1 HI nAIW Speeches Heighten* RoariNgS/uniio BE SPEAKER „ by Coaches and, B. Player*. |,_ Union ,» Dairing and, „„ , Whole UpDp TUIIDCftAV lotal Number ■■nvwi maaa9m9 1 ,ns 1 nurst,dy is \I Mnrr Ihan l.asl Year, Kappa Kappa Alpha Alpha Theta PoundsOut 11 Runs "AMES IN BODY l.eadn With 28, Followed hy ( hi Ome|(a with 2fi In-arteil ( lirrrint Feature Annual Demmislratinn llCliC I llUl\ijl//\ I and Alpha ( hi Omega With 22 l irikmrn In Mfrl .1 llmnn .1 iryy in < I I t is y Amelia Farharl In Appear at Atilie' Row-P, Hog nil Bridget, Marbeits. and ( tnwdei Fail I 111 P M on (itininu Firtl Number on Student ,, ,,,., 11, | i|,.,i | stop Onslaught at Cardinals Pnnrd Out 17 Hit* and Win S.twdav Lecture Course. I in »• *■ <•». U I'll I. ■ S! I .M.I I n MORF. NEW MEN LISTED BF.LINS AT 7:3ft ft CLOCK d Ihe l«*: t Will I.I held ill NiH I I.I l...l;i\ IItnmmnring Fral Men (iuett* at Othet Firtl Woman (rant Allanto III n Klilmt !■»! Hirer run m the third iiininv. thrv I thell |" "illlili'd Houses to he Continued In..* Kmii-. it In. I. ll.M'd Allkel I log-sett timk up the Tiger's hiirde Tim Year "xr- NEWS HEADS TO ATTEND CONVO i , | , , Palmer and Montgomery Will ( ochratte till mi Infield fit In Ih * iii nrpir I rlvrh lui llir flr«| mil I hnrln .11 ■. i • I it \ ,n • < • tier»• l inn «l.i• Repretenl Stale al Meet lirtirlncer Miulnl In right fo ld fnr , ,h, t |.• i.I i|..v ihe Tiger* fir*l hit nl Ihe *flrt imtv im l.nslin filed mil In llrWuii l. hit ini etinp hi : Irfl firlil l(n«.11 grnuoil dell I IIS * 1 IN MM . I II III INNIM. i« tth nl ti fir*l I mltrane nminded In n i 'h lield mhn threw him mil al flr*l inger hll He a ««*• Inng mil fowl nul In nn * Inng nil a one Inng fl* In deep left In i advanced In third and I nv wenl I SENIORS TO PAY OFFICERS WILL light field \n nnd nn Ihe |iU. Itridge* *ln»e S2F0R ANNUAL PICK SPONSORS in r In run* nn nis iv nn error* nul and White enlered Ihe halter Clat* Vote* for Plan a ew System Will Be lined In V* hr>bt>lts1 Ihe lit. ' N|\TH INNIM. irg in Physic* Flection Thursday in Lihoralot v Armor y ■ fO*l hall In ( . Kngell Nn run* I'endrll Named llelegale IIIIKII INNINI. smashed i fit In rig nl field fnr the firnl mil f.ehringrr grounded In lluriM'hrr at «hnrt < nlllu* grahlied (.nalln * high flv fnr the third nul No run*, no hit* no error* HI y I NTH INNINI. Has I'uhllsried H....ks CHANGES LISTED .(I li Ripper pitched f Kngell popped nul In l>ll IN ENGLISH DEP'T ng from ihi f.reenherg *lru> k nul D«< grounded nul. I'rhrh to < Ikcrr.ird Enroilm.nl Nrcriu Nn run*, no hit* nn error* Yale tile. N.» II.n Room. I K.HI II INNINI. Will Attend National Convention 11 Knight. Mi. Kisie K< .swell Marberry relieve! Bridge iiitu-n Iff Y..h Franklin H Mar¬ 's,'.. v..n 18 Mulhk.n Hunter L Stockton. 31 Yak- N<* I K Dei. |Ji-|)*<»n. '38. Sarauac Jerry Hdkiga.j 38 Ovid •r. i'n: (iraatti acroa* the lu lut. ..nr hit Hr*p.'i ..n John P KilloU. H. < fumy Bridge* Uie fourth »•« *MII.M «. W^lkrr '• s v 1 • 1 M H l'" •rlei to facr live Cardinal* , (a| I.. " '. P« f.irrt. .t» Buffalo. r.g. 1m cd Bothruck with While .tilHk Ml t orkraa* V lUrtl, , F.nAmm. M. Halt- ioaded Rm brock hit a No rune one :nd* Robert Manning. 31. I-an-< t.< Kogeil who retired sing Rit-hard Edward*. 31. Di-, mondalr Walter Backus. 36. .n* seven hits, no errors NINTH INNINI. Wyandotte. James Carpenter. '36. Cornell us chairman of the Students la* tui e '!.,<• Nr. r .. 36. Hlllodgio: Grand Rapid* F WMir.dt Ciowder pitching for the Tigers i authi Course f<rx*tn Hesperian—John P Kclligg. "38. fl."- Wright, .38, Trenton Blanch m renter tt>M Bridges retired Dean on a long fly t»» Gm- Detroit: ( to Fifth Avenue." February \2. that the first lecture will be given Granville Horton 36. fjcitsr.) George F Sokolsky. authority on October l i. by Amelia Karhart. the 18. Royal r>ak. Huntington. N. Y Albert Theiler. i Rothrix k struck out No runs, no far-East. Jajwin and the Eastern tlrst woman to iK .»< •'«»** the Atb.n- Alpha fJmicron Pi - Dorothy 36. Grand Haven. Charles Sut- * ''..IW.I Urn. 1. nm fck«* Problem.' February 26 and Ar¬ fack.son. Toronto; I-aura Kron- "* terby. 38. East Tensing Robert* thur C Plllabu uralist. "Aviation quist, Newberry ■ • Mn to On* mi to Mafcftag a last futdr slaad but .Shassberver. '36. Laruing; m hita. mm mm "Miracle* in Nature. ' March 7 Atlantic flight. Ero Alphian ( Alpha Xi Delta) — ksplag lu acurv. Ihe Tigers were Rrflor, '38 Ea>:t I at rising Mis* Earhait. vsh'o m private life Rachel Minges. Battle CrPek; Mil- EOUWEB INNING Rngr 36. is Mr* to THSUN AT BOSTON George 'Palmer Putnam, is 3f"l Sfimv. r 1'nrt Hurrm;. Nadine . * grounded to Geh ringer r'Jed lKe b^1 cWmnly and fadk^M *»toj» Dodge*. '38. Flint: Rom E Handy. Spinks. N'ewber i y Beatrice Can- mg the first lecture, it is ante ipat- field, K«canaba ew htm out at first. '38 East Lansing. Donald Hall. Dr. F M. Thrun, profeaaor of Med wick ed that a rapacity rrowd will Uke Delta Alpha Marion Erwina* •38. loosing Donald Geaon. '36. busmen* law. who i* at present deep into right field advantage of the oppo^umty to Farmjngton. Irene Scott ' Fox caught the ball for the Grand Rapub W G Dahlberg. '36. economir advisor for the state tax hear the famous avigtfA. Schlieler. Saginaw r,ut Lansing Hanry E Buell. 38 Lan- commission, is attending a meeting Collins singled to Kappa Alpha Theta—Jane field his third Ha raaa. In k*. mm tnmn. of the National Tax association at single of the l. U. Uiu.n«- There are more tiwn 20,000 'en. Detroit. Virginia Allen, Colto. ww fomd al «ro-; (M M *•*—■! 17 •' who hold membership in City; Francis ■ Mkncry (roundrd ti.j Am m M IH- • . Ij the Amencan Chemical suciety. < Continued on Tilerolny. OeloW II, IT! I MU I IK; AN S PATi : NKWS I*W Two MteMgan State Various Musical Groups THo ASK FROSH TO Report Marked Increase | spartan FREE AG MIXER j f.rcatrr Intrrmt Sbonn in Rand | Spoofer I Anticipate Crowd of 400 for and Cilrr Clubs This Annual Ar Council * Year. Affair. A*«pcinlrci tfoUrpi. f.«-hinai Sictf (■loiiniip Initihriion .1 it. lit: Mill it SMALL'S i.misinii's St\l< • Uraih/iitirtrt > These are the Itrihir Michigan Slate Men :i new uni. rr*it. fa.nrilc- Fashions Bound M.vloU 1>> ItOIIKKT St Kiti\\ to Win from the tor llart Schaflncr X Mars Sidelines! his hail nothins hut Straight Hack line his i.n\ anil |»l.. Sadrill bag Pockets triple thrr.it foot ha I line SPORT rlsht **rho. -mother prmiic. i* up thri' with hud I nlma SUITS uan iisht thrrr and HIM s30 \t. Hi III K llilS. N thv. jsart duitntl tlw gam. He wa;. tollo«Mi br m-ml rm*»n- av... »x aw - "* u""' lil.uk Hat- I weed Zip-Slack- Thr urattir at thr pmi* w.. - <«l. 10. toulluu .( U.C (!*».. *rw1 WHldburard Th- •.» . I .ludrni virll lh.1 « ~»« U* iM w,t«„ rati nnd env«"»,> Saturd«> night »«• $3.50 $4.95 .Used t iimn abt: It iH ioul of all • >%. tlx* fxtful exp.-.<«»i< n d. - of *thkr-hrartwt artiool loj aitj ...is p.' rf r*t «rnUemn»*m- rn(j) ,s ^ir „ , wn -f ,nj, \ai «»r sadrouad that xrw . «u(Uh and u« *41-1 V mv it uurl .1 thr tad* thought f*o» tkmm Bru»n-(ir« \ (nrdurn. t'uals (iautner Norfolk in nrdrr hut a nitfcant mk 4n H)W€ o1 aiivea »hi ma« , f(>ri grntr. uiv_ Lke .» dog »ith hi* rrm %t «■* rat# Mtrfciaa • Uni 87*85 85 SMALL'S -i' South U*.hiR(t«i A < rnu* — Strand Arradr KLINE'S 214 Smith Vla«hiRgi9n Au Turwlnv. IMnhrr », 11WI Mil IIUiAN SVATK NI'IWS SOKOHII IKS HIIIIMl\ CLASS IN DIVING STUDENT COUNCIL ir.li ton NKW M MIR Hay Virkeretaff AN|» Ilia OHf MKMTRA A t Kant Loaning and A nn A rlmr r ROSH MEETING BULLETIN TOBEOFFERED Open 11.Mliop hrllM o Mpnolslty Pirns# 7112 I'lic flrtl rvrnl Unton Party »»J Fill Oyrmni .( Poyaiar Cw.l (UU« Or.. ,Kr' M,v Wrrkly Mr.1 i ' ,i r iiil'Jr 'on C®11"' I" Br Oplinnal, Mm ,i, J'iV ' liarvir Imlrud Wnmrn Hi| Sflrortlir. RiMxin l.arfr H»mkr, of Gttlt *' Fir»l ¥r«t nrhnit In '" "»• ■ MnnJa v Irratai; Entrrt.m Namrraaa Unli "in mi Tirrf Eini*| . K Just the Thing With Hid Ihvnnnn'* music »t th.- I ! ■ the St,ilr ( nllrn .pi'iiintr of •'oral (Jahlpn lust frill#) rrvv' Mn1 simi:«II> itirl in«»<1 made a ft in* -dan on - v*... v, •?., i>hv» , « i . o i . t , •» , \i . for School iMfk ptula in StHtf History in u hour. i.»r v ' —■» \nd " 1 1 • ' H . iirtiiiv t'vcninif anil far into the mv1" th • M, . o . « . -I, brat l«>HS rtt Aim Arbor wbuh l-iund >, • >« \ !> ' !• :itni"ij»hi'Ti" nu'ans anything. • •« »: «.»» h, rutin* motr popular than ••• • t w»h » ),fi, no w fountain and lap* r"i>m add- d i». ! - ,, , .iTimM-* art' superb and the • i . . Urn , ..my band jurat. and the ,VI;! \,. ; part «»f it all ix that there ' |., diincitlK every niyht / pt Monday and Wednex , 'v*"' ,v. . , ' , -. -••• Tucktite COSTUME BAGS A/ I I M r A I O N /iPPf R $1.00 Vt .mil I rig ton A venue ..ARMORY DANCE TYPE Frosh May Purchase WRITER ••• r«M*i Pola Through I I < .olden % olrr I mm Blue Key / // >/ / ftn vntf ft f h nil niKii m oiis Sllllt 4tttl I lltt • •• Han t Nrwrll I.Ice Clutt /rtA 1 .iu %!».»'. Till: INK POT I Ine II.o until * IK \\ ItOKlON i rootling Troubadour I I N HOI MTOX Rorsarl# Hill jam aii.ii im >nvrllli,a |B# IANIKHII M MHIRt \n Entire I. teniae of ^oi'tiuMiiin * Ihineinu and Kn i it tain • .im t AMI t ,;:s; r menl .... .. U., .. .. v:h ri (.1. a^ini VSSII II I) nS MEEnNCTUESDAY W LWIILH0ID Tilt RX.. » R| . s\T (ir intrd Frrth- bv A W S Si li. %KI ITKS r%NIHi:s{ I And 2 J M\I. V/I\l> J ! Ieddt's Kotreat : How Refreshing / GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIOXS Kiincy I'uckaKc Wr;i|ipinK® and Tit'-Tiaauw REX CAMERA SHOP I-4 I .irnnil Ki.rr |j.l I jnmb, M.H UMonDance With Harper Camp AND HIS ORCHESTRA FRLf OCT., 12 itty 7a&, Befl&i It's the taste that counts—that's Union Ballroom why Luckies use only clean center leaves— D to 12 o'clock tax, 33c per person lor the clean center leaves are the mildest leaves—they cost more—they taste better. IW Anm MTiTnr.AN STATK NKWS !*vscfnv. (\ !ol*>r f»; 10* « Warmbein and Sebo */hc a <■.1 FOOTBALL LADS Star as State Whips oiai aa OUUC f» Ilipa VDPi^ the \ Oopo Chnrt on Michitfnn State'* Opponent* aREFROM AFAR Journeymen Frosh. From Nine Wolverine Saturday ui%i * t \ 11 \ KI •» IXMNl. orroxrvrs State*. Will Taltf to * \Tt Rl» M * Kl Vanity Trip* Mtchican Team \$ Outplaved in Fverv Department o! TOMMt M \R\» R 1 l» '* WeMrrn State f I. * MIS Till* Ml IK Barratt's Shoe Repairing "ll«»l s \\\ | |» \\\ i Ot OK •Mil I rid a* nishl fame K »m* i» MH III*. W I si *T \Tt Benedict U | %R unoi Ml t?» \M IVUI'klN* I ! i»*' v PIGSKIX s| I ( f.OYKS Ml NOT" CORXFR I I P ,'v J ConvTtiHCf hermians defeat dirks will lead tFv- •» -- • iitwvtrr sae's in opener in charity drive AVU9CH MfMS ofCELLINI If Ftloctun Bln.-I.ini Vlmn Fratarr Draa •< Eaiinoonni Depart in ' ft Victor. mrnt Appointed a Viator in if. J I'alWpr Diaitton Here NATIONAL •11.«»ri11 < TIIi" ( oi.i.i:t;i: sport summary It. J U k 1\ \R\FR MIA v\ i: \|{" Congratulations, Spartans (in lutir i itlttrx in or III' I !!l\lT>it> Miilnifan RAINBOW RECREATION LEWIS, Inc. .. . and while we're talking about ci^arettei I don't suf>[me you urrr rtrr I 'niversity Fashions \eck*ear- MPBtr an. <7 qovd CujGtettt Xfou a - i •*« • • Svsduai v • [,ia. it hWujth " •* He uhder punt* .-;*>nrd the that piiym. t « ni 7-uHlrl the fire! who !um» at the mar and ft wh he hole far Mkctu- Sutf t ItfiK touchdown rbe Villi wta *at due to th- but to the a1esterfield . 7 y> / the cigarette that's MILDER with gawd interference and with the cigarette that tastes better dhftring the Iday* before 9P.il. iiLT.i-caaa