2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan T O E E - M E N D O K G IF T ID E A S vV * ' ^ IMPRINTED STEREO V 4 XMAS RECORD > CARDS V ALBUMS ^ O FFICIAL MSU STATIONERY O FFICIAL * OFFICIAL .V MSU MSU i * O FFICIAL % LOVABLE JEWELRY A C LASS R I N G ^ t ^ MSU STUFFED ; MUGS ANIMALS v s x BERKSHIRE INSPIRATIONAL A L L -P U R P O S E ^ HOSE BOOKS I ATTACHE ^yV* ^ <,//(V w P R O D J C t s ^ T j( . CASES \ TEXTBOOK IMPORTED 5^* CHILDREN’S GAMES Across From the Union--City Parking At Rear Across From Berkey H all— Free Parking At Storeside Y u l e t i m e o p e n f o r s o j o u r n By P H Y L L I S Z IM B L E R Enthusiastic students utilize A different wind than the trop­ ice skating at Rockefeller Cen­ bine tc form a festive day in ho­ F e a t u r e E d it o r crowded cars, busses, trains ical breezes blows on the cold ter. Most local areas have skat­ nor of the birth of Christ. The Although for many people the and planes to sojourn to the mountain tops in popular skiing ing facilities, as do many ski night . gfore carolers have en- Christmas holiday pervades,the lands of the sun. Favorite spots resorts. MSU skiiers will be resorts. tertaipyd their neighbors and entire school vacation, the sea­ for the bathing suit clan range among the skiiers and the lodge- The first night of the eight- friendf Santa Claus has visited son offers many activities for from Biloxi. Miss, and Florida sitters who flood the ski resorts. day holiday of Chanukah is Dec. the*horf>.^% of good children. But vacationing students. to the Bahamas. Skiiers can ski as far away as 15. as the Jewish people light on the -\j5th comes the fruition Switzerland on a ski package an additional candle for each ad­ of all Dinning, baking, prepar­ deal. Others will decorate the ditional day. The eandleholder ing and chopping. slopes in Colorado. Michigan is the menor-ah. with a place for New Year's Eve is often con­ G r e e n fr e e s c e n t and other favorite spots. each of the eight candles and a sidered the big date night of the Snow itself offers a chance ninth special candle used to light year. Dates are frequently made for students to relax and be the other ones. months in advance. Winter fash­ creative. Snow sculpturing is a Chanukah marks the Jews' de­ ions etijqy a big showing at the s p i c e s y u l e s p i r i t popular winter pastime. Even liverance from the Roman in­ gala affairs and many resolu­ sledding is becoming modern­ vasion of the temple when one tions are made-soon to be becomes dried out and the ized with the recent introduc­ Jewish family, the Maccabees, By K A R E N B R IE R broken-such as getting better sharp needles begin to fall. The tion of ski mobiles and ski sleds. led the Jewish people to free­ grades. S t a te N e w s S ta f f W r it e r electric lights placed on the Ice skating and ice hockey dom. And then Jan. 2-registra- Despite a trend toward arti­ tree only add to the fire danger. monopolize the time of many Christmas- Day. . .Dec. 25. tion begins and it is back to ficial Christmas trees, many MSU still uses real Christmas students. Visitors to New York The religious observances and people still follow the tradition trees in its decorations. school.. But until then, a great City may view or participate in the great gift-exchanges com­ holiday season awaits. of decorating a real tree for Christmas. Although the custom of trudg­ ing through the woods on a cold snowy day to chop down a tree has vanished in urban areas, the smell of a live tree still enhances the Christmas spirit. Since the price of Christmas I The Disc S h o p . . . trees ranges from about S4 to $8. some poeple feel that the initial investment in an arti­ ficial tree would be less ex­ Headquarters For pensive. Christmas expenses are us­ ually quite high, and the added expense of a yearly tree is not always welcome. The first artificial trees were silver colored and usuallv dec­ orated with bulbs of one bright color. S O N Y ’ G lF T S Sony A m e rica ’ s f lr s f choice in rape reco rd e rs By wrapping the Christmas presents under the tree in the same colored paper, such as red or shocking pink, it added to the beauty of the tree. A light with a revolving color wheel above it placed under the Sony EASY-Matic Sony Easy-Matic tree gives the impression that CASSETTE- the tree is turning through vari­ Pocket ous color spectrums. CASSETTE-CORDER CORDER Now artificial Christmas trees Model 50 Model 103 are spraved various colors such as pink. blue, or old-fashioned tree green. The green sprayed trees sell well because they are realistic looking, but many people gener­ ally do not like the other colored So small you can carry it on your wrist, but in­ Snap in a Sony Tape Cassette,press a button and sprayed trees. corporating the standard Sony tape Cassette prin­ you’ re ready for business or'pleasure. Push the Some people are reluctant to ciple. Sonymatic Recording Control automatically ejection button and the cassff^e pogs out, ready have a real Christmas tree in adjust recording levels. Push a button for intant to reload. Equipped with buiii-un extended range their home because of the poss­ backspace, rewind, or fast forward. Separate speaker, Cardioid Dynamic Re -?te Control M.cro- built-in microphone and speaker. Complete with phone, Leather-textured case, personal earphone ibility of a fire hazzard. An leather-textured case, personal earphone and one and one Sony 69 Minute Cassette artificial tree is a blessing to Sony 69 minute Cassette. these people. Christmas trees are cut and sent to different dealers around Thanksgiving. By the time the Sony 250-A tree enters the home, it easily Sony 155 “ Copy-Cat” Solid-State STEREO DUBBING TAPE DECK Art Institute TAPE DECK RECORDER features gifts «- If you already own a scero tape recorder, the Medel Connect it to your present sound system and tape 155 is a complete stereo tape duplicating and play­ music directly off the a ir . ' V . make greatly im­ Give Christmas gifts this back deck, specifically designed to be used together proved copies of your favorite discs . . . accumulate year an international accent s i an Incomparable stereo tape library in a very snort with your present stereo tape recorder for tape by shopping at the Museum dubbing (tape copying). time. Complete with a wain it base. Shop of the Detroit Institute of Arts. T h e D IS C S H O P £ Featured in the Christmas gifts section of the shop is a cardboard reproduction of a Victorian theatre similar to the models children of the late 19th century played with. An D IS C O U N T RECO RDS l| old-fashioned script book printed in four different lan­ -e 323 E a s ! G ^ a n d R i v e r A v e . E a s t L a n s i n g 'k 351-53*3.1 guages including French. Eng­ lish. Italian and German can be given with the threatre. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NO SPIRIT J e w s o b s e r v e C h a n u k a h P r i s o n i n m a t e s Jewish people m inHiI overpower the Romans. Antio- found tinI\ enough oil to keep the world celebrate ('h.imik.ih chus tried to subdue Palestine Temple's eternal flame aglow for f o c e d u l l h o l i d a y member the miraculous way by wiping out the Jewish reli­ one (lay. hardlv allowing enough their people have survive <1 tOl­ gion. He forbade -any type of time for a fresh supplv to arrive tors other than immediate fam­ By G E O R G E B l I L A R I) centuries despite wanderr ii and religious worship among the Miraculously, howe'er, the oil State News Staff Writer ily must complete a question­ persecution. Jews and carried Greek gods burned for eight days naire establishing that they know Inmates of Jackson State Cluinukah. which falls Di'c 15- and idols into the Temple. Thus Chanukah is celebrated the inmate before his imprison­ Prison experience little of the 28 this year, commemorate s the for eight days and each night a ment and that their visit is free At first the Jews met op­ Christmas spirit that annually strength and power of the Jc wish candle is burned in a monorail of criminal intent. Aunts and pression with passive resistance pervades the "outside world." people to overcome opprossion icandelabra *. On the last day. sweethearts have no problem The story is told of a woman. Although concessions are and remain an indet*endt’ t na- eight candles plus a shames can­ visiting prisoners, he added Hannah, who together with her made for the Christmas season. tion. dle used to light the others are Abshire said that prisoners seven sons chose to die rather Christmas day is basically just lit. symbolizing the length of may be sent gifts approved by The celebration, one of the than pav tribute to 1lie Greek another no-work day for the time the oil lasted. the prison. The list of approved more important of the minor Jew­ gods. prisoners. William Abshire. ad­ gifts includes clothing, religious ish holidays, recalls the heroics When passive fighting proved ministrative assistant to the Besides lighting the menorah. material, shaving needs and of Mattathias and his five sons ineffective the Jews rose up in warden, said. Jewish families celebrate the candies or nuts sealed at the while leading their people to vic­ arms against Antiochus Judah "Christmas = visiting hours holiday with parties, games and factory. He added that gifts for­ tory over their erstwhile Syrian Maccabee. the eldest of Mat- this year will be the usual for a special foods idairy dishes are bidden include butane cigarette conquerors. tahias sons, led his troops to Wednesday, from 8 a.m. to 8 eaten and latkes — potato pan-1 lighters, glass of any kind, and In those days. Palestine fell Jerusalem where they managed p.m.. " he said. "The immed­ cakes — are a favorite Chil­ home-prepared edibles. under the rule of Antiochus Epi- to establish a new Jewish gov­ iate family ot prisoners and any­ dren receive gifts and money For security reasons.he said, phane. king of the Syrian do­ ernment one approved by a prison coun­ iChanukan gelt' and in syna­ it is advantageous to preclude main to the north. In his efforts When the Jews -reconquered selor may . v i s i t prisoners gogues. the storv of Chanukah is the old s.iw-in-a-e ike routine to build a strong empire and the Temple, the storv holds thev Christmas Day retold by forbidding these edibles. Abshire explained that visi­ "We try to give inmates as much time as possible with visitors." he said, "but because of limited visiting snare, visits G O O D R I C H 'S are usually limited to between an hour mil an hour mil a half. Abshire said that money may be sent to prisoners for Christ­ mas. Money is placed in an ac­ count for the inmate and items SPARTAN from the prison store bought by a prisoner are charged against his account. Inmates at Ingham County Jail are allowed "bunk privil­ S H O P R IT E eges" and are permitted to watch the Christmas Day foot­ ball games. Kenneth L. Pread- more. Ingham County Sheriff, said. "They have a lazy day of it EXTEND S that day." he added. Preadmore said that Christ­ mas dinner is a departure from usual prison fare and usually includes ham. W ARM Like Jackson State Prison, visiting privileges do not differ on Christmas Day at the county jail. Gifts of fruit and candies are not permitted. A chance H O L ID A Y exists that narcotics or* fruits loaded with alcohol will he brought in. Preadmore said. However. Preadmore added that with money from his own W IS H E S pocket and with a few outside donations, he buys Christmas candies and fruits for the pri­ soners STUD ENTS Seasons G r e e tin g s AND to a ll \l‘ l students» We would like to thank ou r new FAC U LTY custom ers fo r th e ir pat­ ronage. We too are taking a vacation from December J5 to Jan. J. O F M .S .U . G o o d r ic h ’s S p a r t a n S H O P R IT E In Spa-ian Shopping Center “ Cl osest to M arried Students" 1 Doors .s. of State Theater ttoooooooooooocooocooi Thursday, December 5, Y968 J CHRISTMAS Sim p le d e c o ra tio n s GIFTS FOR EVERYONE b rig hten up h o lid a y STATE B y ROSA M O R A L E S S t a te N e w s S ta f f W r it e r Another idea to decorate a tree with is making colorful from paper mache can always be used. The paper mache is [DISCOUNT» The most decorative season paper chains in all sizes and made from newspaper strips W e c a s h MSU X of the year is here again with shapes. The paper can be cut dipped into a paste made from its shiny, festive decorations. out towns in Mexico on holidays. flour and water. The strips | p a y r o ll c h e c k s — L D . r e q u i r e d Aside from the typical Christ­ The paper chains are draped are put together until the shape mas tree ornaments. door on the tree and can be ex­ of an apple can be molded. wreaths and table centerpieces, 307 E. Grand River tended to drape over a mantel After the paper mache apples unusual Christmas decorations or doorway. Each individual are dry. poster paint gives the do exist and most of them can chain link can be of a different apples a bright red color and 2 .7 5 6.00 be handmade. color to create a rainbow of spray varnish give a shiny high The number one item that paper. gloss. Hypnotique demands creative decorations is Chanel Aluminum foil can be molded Bright green ribbons attached the Christmas tree. For a bril­ to shape a hollow star, enclosing with a pin at the top of the apple . #5 Spray liantly colored tree, minus tiny tree hangings, for in­ can be used to hang the apples. lights, paper flowers made from Doorwreaths also create a COLOGNE Cologne stance. little elves or reindeer. gift-wrapping paper may be scat­ The shape of the foil decora­ holiday atmospere for the home tered throughout the branches tion is achieved by molding a or hall. $5» and bright little paper balls 2” piece of foil in a soup bowl A Styrofoam circle wrapped strung with colorful yarn can L im it 1 L im it 1 and trimming the edges in star with gold foil and covered with be would around the boughs. points. The foil is hung with red paper pointsettas and green E x p ir e s A f te r 1 2 -7 -6 8 E x p *es A f te r 1 2 -7 -6 3 The flowers are cut out from regular Christmas ball hooks. paper leaves can be made to E a s t L a n s in g S t o r e O nly E a s- L a n s in g S to r e O n ly wrapping paper and lined with Sometimes a single color in hang over a door or adorn a felt-tipped pens to make them all tree decorations gives the stairway.If the wreath is hung 3 .5 0 2 .5 0 stand out. Gold ink can also be tree a unique look. The color on the front door. Plastic poin- applied following the same lines chosen can be the same as the setta blossoms can also be imprevu Hawaiian as- the felt-tipped pens. Spray room in which the tree is placed. used to withstand outdoor varnish is used to give a high For contrast, bright red sets weather. Toilet » Surf gloss and insure durability. Con­ off the green in a Christmas Another idea in unusual trasting colors can be achieved tree. Red velvet bows placed sreaths is to wind green or Water After Shave by painting the colored flowers over the tree and red satin red yarn around a Styrofoam 1.5 oz. with poster paints. balls hung throughout the boughs ring and then pin on yarn pom The little paper balls are will create a Christmas tree poms of ¿1 matching or con­ actually tissue-and-paste beads full of color. trasting color. The yarn pom L im it 1 L im i t 1 painted over with tempera In place of the red satin E x p ir e s A f te r 1 2 -7 - 6 8 E x p i r e s A f t e r 1 2 -7 -6 8 paints. balls, rod shiny apples made (Please turn-to page 28) E a s t L a n s in g S t o r e O nly E a s t L a n s in g S t o r e O nly 5.50 3 .0 0 •9 Brut Tabu cologne Cologne Z a le s N e w for Men 2 oz D ia m o n d D e s ig n s 2<9 w it h th e 4” L im i t 1 . L im it 1 O ld W h r ld E x p i r e s A f t e r 1 2 -7 -6 3 • E x p ir e s A f t e r 1 2 - 7 - 6 8 E a s t L a n s in g S t o r e O nly E a s t L a n s iftg S t o r e O nly L o o k. 2.75 1 .5 0 Chantilly Faberge Spray Cologne Cologne 729 99c L im i t 1 L im i t 1 E x p ir e s A f t e r 1 2 -7 - 6 8 E x p i r e s A f te r 1 2 -7 -6 3 E a s t L a n s in g S t o r e O nly E a s t L a n s in g S t o r e O nly 1.75 2 .5 0 English Leather Ambush Lime Dusting Powder After Shave 2C 9 13’ ¡p L im i t 1 L im i t 1 E x p i r e s A f te r 1 2 -7 - 6 3 E x p i r e s A f te r 1 2 -7 -6 8 E a s t L a n s in g S to r e O nly E a s t L a n s in g S t o r e O nly 1.50 Wind Hai Karate Song After Shave Lotion Cologne 107 1» L im i t 1 L im i t 1 J E W E L E R S C o n v e n ie n t T e rm e E x p ire s A fte r 1 2 -7 -6 8 E x p i r e s A f t e r 1 2 - 7 -6 3 201 S. Washington Illustrations Enlarged E a s t L a n s in g S to r e O nly E a s t L a n s f a g S t o r e O nly 5961 () Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan A C h r i s t m a s C a t h a r s i s ’ By DAVID G IL B E R T "What's goin' on. Iioalt ’ You inu in—what was Mr Redneck s cat play an ugly white man's hang­ Collage Director got a black man playing Scrooge! term" Sermeo'.'-vi scringe up" I mean, they ain't noway you "That's right. Mr Redneck, a beili bolero a black, •Ideriv mis- can lay it on me that any black cat Rumor raced through the studio the Assistant to the Associate er I m. lot s be reasonable. gonna turn mean an' uglv and Disbelief stared out of faces blank Director said. "Orders from the The Advertising Executive fol­ nasiv cause he go! too much as television screens It was in­ boss. lowed him. saving. "Yes. let’s money and not enough soul, dig" credible. The three staff experts "Y all mean t tell me y all consider the angles. 1 think both 1 mean, that's a white iliing- stalked angrily into the acting gonna let a niggah toll a white Mr. Redneck and Mr, Bootlicker die? Thev ain't never been a black area. man what to do? Like in a real have hit the nail on the head, man with too much inonev an’ too Jerry Blanc as Cratchett. and business'.’ Now vou tell me what hammer-wise. Public-image- little soul You dig" I mean, you Marcus Noir as Scrooge, were white man’s gonna scringe down wise. 1 don't think the American just can i tell me!" rehearsing a few scenes from on Ins knees in' any black buck Public is ready for a black man There was dead silence in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol.” The Personnel Manager broke running his own business. Style- the room as everyone stared at Thev wore excellent. Noir was in quickly. wise. if he runs the works, he the bearded dark-skinned stran­ briliiantlv nasty as Scrooge. "Yes. we must take that into has to be a nice guy. accord­ ger in the group. The Personnel While Blanc'Virtually crawled on consideration. 1 mean, does the ing to the memo from the Manager broke in hastily. the floor before his monied mas­ communique indicate that the N. A A.C.P i In a confidential "This is Mr. Supreme. He. uh. ter. When the scene was over, b o o l ) , the what s-lus-name. (’rat­ stage-whisper i I happen to was recently, uh. added to our pandemonium broke loose. chet! follow, is he supposed to be know the Old Man is very big staff as Radical Consultant." The Staff Bigot, imported from black, too? I'm not sure that 1 on integration, color-wise.” "Like .” the Radical Consultant Georgia after a notorious career want to handle that kind of per­ "Hey man. like. 1 mean, cool continued. "You gotta hip your­ in which he had reportedly out- sonality conflict. I mean. 1 it. I'll. like, what gives with this self to the fact that a black cat K .K .K . d the K .K .K .. spoke first. wouldn't want to think of mv hav- idea of havin' a beautiful black don't act. he is. Dig" 1mean, they ain't no way in this country for a black man to be white. An' no way a black man would want to. You oughta scrap the whole thing and do a bit on Huev laying it to the pigs, dig?” IN THE DARK Blanc and Noir looked at one another in surprise, The Radi­ cal Consultant burst out at Noir. "Man. how can you do this? about what to give I mean, you got soul. man. dig? What are you doing with this white man's thing'.’ ” "Hey. man. where are you at" Noir smiled at the Radical Don't you feel any responsibili­ Dad for Christmas? Consultant. ty for the brothers and sisters "Tell me.” Noir said. "What in the ghettos?" do you want to do with your life?" “ Yeah. 1 feel responsible for "Hunh"" other blacks. But I'm not going "What do you want to do with to let it get in the way of doing your life?” what I want to do. When a man "Well. like. I kinda dig acting. " dies, he answers for himself, "Then why don't you do it in­ and for himself only.«Dig” stead of complaining?” He turned to the group of "Now wait a minute, man. staff experts. that's racist, talk, that's- that's " I mean, who gives you the white man s talk You know I right to say what people should ain't got a change to act. unless I and shouldn't have? " Or that suck up to Whitey." Jerry Blanc and I shouldn't act "Man." Noir said, "name- whatever roles we get" Talk calling doesn't change the fact about censorship! Man. all you that I'm doing what I want and vou aren't doing what vou want ." l Please turn to page 71 TREASURES FORCHRISTMAS BROWSE ’ ROUND SHOP 1393 E a s t G r a n d R^vei Brookfield Plaza 332-5979 t . Lansing Thursday, December 5. 1968 7 S ta te in le a d s C h r is tm a s n a tio n tr e e s SAVE TIME HOUSE M ichigan will lead the na­ A m ericans use pines for de­ tion in C h ristm as tre e produc­ coration since in Spain, they AS WELL AS MONEY o f tion this y ea r, accounting for a r e used only a s lum ber. 10 p er cent of all plantation- E ven an cien t Spanish kings grow n C h ristm as tree s. knew the value to be found in Scotch pines, th e m o st pop­ C hristm as shopping is fun, but it can also u la r tre e s sold in M ichigan, a r e recom m ended for grow th in th e so u rth ern p a rt of the the forests. As a resu lt. Span­ ish fo re sts have been under m an ag em en t for sev eral hun­ dred y ears. be gift store very - can tiring. w alking take Searching back all and the for forth holidpy just from spirit the right s t o r e to out of I n d ia State. the C h r i s t m a s season. O ther pine tree s, such as Spanish scotch pines a re those from th e U rals of R ussia C lothing , b edspreads, jew elry, b rass, b ron ze from the P y re n ee s M ountains and S iberia, cannot be used in and h a n d c a rve d wooden fu rn is h in g s , candles, 101 E. GRAND RIVER and the plains above M adrid. the U nited S tate s a t C hrist­ incense and b u rn e rs — e ve n toys and stocking Spain. m as. S cien tists studying these stuffers. DOWNSTAIRS G abriel C atalany B achiller. types of tre e s have found them BETWEEN K ESEL’S AND Give y o u r s e lf som e th in g too — a little e x t r a an MSU g rad u a te, is in charg e re sis ta n t to an in sect known as CUNNINGHAM’S tim e. of handling d istribution of the E ucosm a. As a resu lt, th e ir pine seeds to the U nited S tates. S painards think it stra n g e th a t needles have tu rn ed to a ripe : ' 332-8403 yellow shade by C h ristm as tim e. Catharsis (continued from page 6) can do is make sure that you do what you want without cutting out somebody else from doing what they want." HI-FI BUYS "But it isn't fair, what happens to us blacks in this white man's world! Whitey says spit, and we slobber. ' The Assistant to the Associate TV Director spoke up. "No one can tell you why things . . . T H I S Y E A R aren't fair. No one really knows. No one can explain why a miser like Scrooge should turn over a new leaf: lots of old men go to their graves without a kind thought in their heads "It's the goddam white man's system, that's what it is." the S A N TA SAYS SO N Y S O N Y T A P E R E C O R D E R S T h e P e r fe c t G ift F o r E v e ry o n e Radical Consultant yelled. "No. the system does vorv lit­ tle to men. It s men who do things to themselves. And for themselves, too." The SONY® "Mr. Sinclair. Tiny Tim is Ths SONY ® ready.“ the secretary said. The Solid-State Assistant to the Associate Direct­ Model 255 or smiled. "Bring him in please." Model 230 A boy of about seven years was Stereo Tape led in by the secretary. He looked Tape Center around curiously at all the people Qeck Recorder staring at him. The Staff Bigot, the Personnel Manager, the Ad­ vertising Executive and the Radi­ cal Consultant broke out: A complete ready-to-go stereo tape system with lid All of Sony's latest design Iti proyemeats have been But he's black! " speakers—handsomely encased for rugged usel The combined into the remarkable ,ew Solid-State Me del "A black Tiny Tim and a white Sony-exclusive Stereo Control Center will add con­ 255. It has no less than etgly new professional type Cratchett? Never! " venience and versatility — whatever, wherever the Sony “ Tape-lt-Easy” features that yoa would expect "Nobody would ever believe occasion. Complete with two Sony F-45 Card Joid to find only In more expensive equipment. that! " Dynamic Microphones. Mr. Blanc walked over to the boy and to o k his hand. "I'm sorry to disappoint you gentlemen, but this is my son. Bobby Blanc. I'm afraid some­ body is going to have to believe it." The SONY® Ths SONY ® An incredulous silence settled on the studio. Bobby Blanc hold Model 355 Model 560 his father's hand quietlv and waited. He wasn't waiting for the 3-Head Stereo with system to make him free. He was waiting for the four staff ex­ Tape Recorder Auto-Tape Reverse P perts to accept him as his father's son. Audio perfectionists 1 The professional quality of the Sony Model 355 three-head stereo tape deck will The complete ha sis for » stereo »sound system with P IZ Z A satisfy your most exacting demands. It's the first a main component stereo v E IS PRICE IS PRICE IS $ ]9 9 DIS( (a NT $389 PRirf is PRICE IS Sells everywhere for $4.00 The Price *n Set Is $5.50 Compare at $3 50 Compare anywhere at $3.00 It's designed to ,e*l for $5 I' e “ewest "OSt ev it’OE Warn ►nr t~>b'- ■ :arefui hr As Scottish as .1 bùrr AH she needs for purse com • Bi, e1treas uses 't i untains ,. my birthday before, added. "This vear. with the exception of our son who is in Ger­ dors and an endless confusing hall. He is stroking the whis­ thaujtt, many. all of our children and grandchildren will be here for the holidays." Mrs. Hannah said that with the possible exception of a short trip to their property in Good Hart, she and Hannah will spend their holiday vacation at Cowles House. Both the president and Mrs. Hannah are late shoppers and tra­ ditionally keep the gifts a secret, she said. G if t "Because we re such late shoppers, it's easy to keep the gifts a secret.” she added. » . The Hannah household traditionally uses a green-flocked Christ­ G iv e a u s e fu l mas tree and opens gifts early Christmas morning. Hannah has no particular preference for any traditional Christmas dish on Christmas day. she added. g if t th is y e a r! In addition to their son David who lives at Cowles House, the Hannah's son Robert and daughter, Mrs. Myron Curzan. will visit through the holidays. * Christmas Gift Certificates B a r n e s F l o r a l * Batteries * Battery Chargers i * Stereo Tape Players * o f E a s t L a n s in g i * Car Radios * T ire Chains * Power Tools * Paints •* Car Wa * Hand Tools * Snow Brushes VISIT OUR CHRISTMAS DISPLAY ROOM FOR * Spotlights * T ire Chains YOUR DECORATIVE NEEDS « * Auto Burglar Alarms * T ireC K T n s 1 * Seat Belts And Retractors. PINE AND CEDAR ROPING * Spotlights * Compasses OUTDOOR WREATHS LOOK FOR HOME BEAUTIFUL WINTER GARDENS vVE T E L E G R A P H F L O W E R S WORL D-WI D A U T O G IF T CENTER 800 E. Kalamazoo > 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I m a g i n a t i v e g i f t i d e a s (continued from page 8) consists of an engine, a tender train tor Christmas tins year. track to make a complete oval combination record plaver-radio foot model of Tyrannosaurus Rex A "Turbo Train" model set Without the power-pack which and two cars that projects moving psychedelic for Christmas. The model con­ is a graphic representation of makes the train move it sells Also on the market is a 28- light patterns when played. sists of thirty "bones" which what the real thing will look for $22.98. The power-packs ineh long. 12-inch high trollev A complete home sound sys­ can be assembled in any con­ like when it begins running in are available for $8.50 and up. car made of solid birch wood. tem consisting of a tape re­ figuration including the anatom­ the near future between New Memories of the old days of It can serve as a home decor­ corder. tuner, amplifier, rec­ ically correct one. This dino­ York and Boston at 170 mph. travel can be evoked by another ation or as a toy for children. ord player and stand is avail­ saur model is priced at $10. The set contains a powered lo­ model train-the only standard Model Planes able for $1,564.60. All the com­ Bring out the little boy in comotive. two passenger cars, gauge model train being pro­ Snoopv and the Red Baron ponents are completely trans­ someone by giving him a model a dummy locomotive and enough duced today. For $.'150 the train fans might want to find World istorized and can be bought War 1 model planes under their separately. trees on Christmas morning. The models are 1 72 scale models and are made of hand-painted Stock watchers plastic. Each plane costs $80. For the person who’s inter­ Bring back memories of Sun­ ested in finance and the deal­ days and sailboats on the park ings of Wall Street, a personal lake by giving a remote con­ ticker machine would make an trolled sailboat this Christmas. ideal gift. The home ticker The 65-inch long boat can be prints transactions of 20 or operated by the owner from shore more of the stocks of one s by a transmitter. Already a- choice. The machine can be ssembled the model sells for leased tor a two-year period $240. In kit form the price is at $75 a month plus line charges. $199. However, all of these expenses Covert someone's home into are tax deductable. Orders can be a discotheque bv giving him a placed through a stock broker. S tu d e n ts a n tic ip a te C h r is tm a s v a c a tio n By RICH BERNARD • State News Staff Writer For many MSU students. Christmas vacation means heading for home, perhaps to a job in a post office or a department store, away from classes and exams. To others, it means three weeks to get some extra work done on a master s thesis or a doctoral dissertation. But to another percentage ot MSI' students, this Christmas vaca­ tion means anything from engagement to beachcombing. James W. Davidson. Jackson freshman, plans to spend four weeks skiing in Glenwoad Springs. Colo. An engagement ring and working with oil paints and charcoals promises to provide an interesting Christmas for free-lance artist G. J . Wojchihoskv. Lincoln Park senior. Wojehinosky. an adver­ tising major, also hopes to be substitute teaching salesmanship, marketing or retailing in his community's junior or senior high school. For JanisC. Goldman. Maywood. 111., freshman, this Christmas vacation means an all-expenses paid trip to Washington. D C . with her father, a "Father of the Year." Miss Goldman's father won the title and the trip in a contest sponsored by the Chieagoland Area Father's Day Council. JMC student Kathy S. Goidich. Pittsburgh. Pa., freshman, plans to spend much of her Christmas vacation in New York City Aside from just "looking around. " she hopes to see a few plays. Florida may be the state in which Tarver Wallace, a Detroit social science major, spends his Christmas. He hopes to find a job in Tampa: otherwise, he plans to "just mess around." c h r is tm a s g ifts - c a rd s d e c o r a tio n s - g ifts u n iq u e - unusual “ W h en you th in k o f C a r d s ” CARD S H O P A c r o s s f r o m H o m e E c . B ld g . across fro m 956 T r o w b r id g e Rd. C ase, W ilson, W onders and 3 09 E . G r a n d R i v e r P h . 3 3 2 -6 7 5 3 Holden Halls Thursday, Decem? è 5, 1968 15 She’s Hoping for a. <. D i a m o n d C h r i s t m a s W e Are Pro; î have been D IR E C T D I A M O N D Chosen t h i ' 'e a ’s O n ly Member ,o< j Diamond Council o f / le a . . . IM P O R T E R S DOWNTOWN FRANDOR 203 5. Washington Shopping Center Both Stores Open Nights 'T il Christmas 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan M a l e f a s h i o n s t o s u i t s e l f ’ wears what pleases and becomes The Gordon and Ferguson Co. iety of fabrics from cordury to By ROSA MORALES him ." makes the Cortina with a spec­ leather. The lining in these State News Staff Writer Ski jackets are no longer the ia l warm lining of Glenoit pile coats is of the warm Orion pile Conformity is no more on the bulky wraps they used to be. of Monsanto's Aerilan acrylic lining in light colors or bright male fashion scene this Christ­ The belted body huggers. tra fibers. checks. mas. dename—Cortina, are very sen­ The male selection of all- Something the man can wear No longer will a man be ruled sibly stain repellant and wind weather coats is styled with a off the slopes is a raincoat bv by previous lashion custom in resistant in oxford nylon The lively sense for the unusual and London Fog called a Maincoat. casual and formal wear. Esquire jacket has a two way zipper, a vibrant. Lakeland makes a line The tailored look of the rain­ very aptly said. In this age he knit turtleneck collar and cuffs. of coats that include a wide var- coat comes from its double- breasted front and sensible con­ struction of shoulders, back and THIS CHRISTMAS, . . MAKE arms. This Christmas. Pendleton has made red the big color in YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS J e w e lry and lounge wear. Red plaids, red A r t C e n te r solids and red checks are seen Leon G . has assem bled fo r y o u r consideration in robes and lounging jackets. some of Am e rica’s finest je w e lry and g ifts, as The eossaek look in lounge w ell as G r e a t e r L a n s in g ’ s fine st c u s to m p ic tu re wear combines style and com­ fram in g. Let us assist you in y o u r gift needs. fort in a unique look Cossack loungewear in nylon tricot is fast drying and compact for tra­ WEDGWOOD vel and easy care. The eossaek shirt comes with embroidery trim at the neck and sleeves. M a le a ttire Shirts for the man this holi­ D o u b l e - b r e a s t e d e v e n in g day season are as colorful as a c l o t h e s a r e in f o r m a l e s , Christmas tree. For the slick in c lu d in g p in —s t r i p e d citv suit a man can wear a dres­ j a c k e t s a n d ja b o t s h i r t s . W e d d ng S in g s sy type shirt without the tradi­ g an t check s and plaids. The • "Pirouette "by tional button-down collar. For ta p ered p an ts a r e accom panied the first time in shirts, the by th e slightly flared bell b ot­ o /W M t/c h i o s s o m V Kings Road collection claims to tom s. have discovered the collar-pin­ T he opinion of m ost r e ta ile rs from $ 145 ned shirt. It s called the ” C- in m a le fashion is th a t th e lag in See O u r Band Collar." fashion for m en has finally Wedgwood Daisy This collar is contoured to caught up w ith w o m en 's fash­ follow the natural slope of the ions. M ale fashion is even m o re Rings aad Pendants "neck. The fabric is a Perma- sp irite d and c re a tiv e th an once Press blend of polyester and p red icted . In fac t, th e house of cotton. The white shirt this D ior w ill be putting out a new Christmas is competing against collection of clo th es fo r m en M anagrari p .n s and the color shirts of the collar- next fall. pinned collection. E vening w ea r (or m en th is jc«Ei