Romney By WES THORP State News Staff Writei fice, bids farewell to state he said an additional 450,000 jobs have been added for Michigan workers the poor. Aid to Dependent Children-Un¬ employed and Medicaid and the estab¬ lishment of a state housing development these individual candidates sult partisan candidates for educational and as a re¬ boards are swept into office on the coat- and the personal income has grown faster tails of whichever party carries the top Gov. Romney said Monday night in a than ever before. authority. of the ticket. I farewell message that as a member of Romney warned, "We must resist the He said his administration restored About public employees Romney said the Nixon Cabinet he hopes to reverse temptation to spend money we don't that they are entitled to decent working fiscal integrity to Michigan, "by spend¬ have. We must not spend more than we the centralization of government power ing only what we could pay for." conditions and just compensation for and increase the role of citizens and pri¬ are willing to pay for. " State services have improved in qual¬ their services. vate enterprise in solving public prob- "No special talent is required to spend ity and in scope, he said. He said at the same time that the pub¬ | lems. money, but it takes great talent, great Romney said state spending has in¬ lic is entitled to reliable, uninterrupted 1 Romney. Nixon's choice for secretary skill, prudent courage to spend money creased from $1.1 billion in 1962-3 to service from their public employees. He I of Housing and Urban Development, said wisely, particularly other people's mo¬ $2.1 billion this year. said that "increasingly heated disputes" in remarks prepared for television that ney. " Romney said that $951.4 million or He urged a top level study of property between government and their employ¬ "years experience prove that private vol- 93.5 percent of this increase has gone for and sporadic interruption of public tax exemptions to determine which still ees I untary effort can be more effective in education, health, welfare and highway services make it cleaf that new laws are serve the public interest and which should surmounting most human and social programs. needed." problems than government can ever hope be ended. Cites Improvements Stresses Unity I to be." Tax Proposal He recounted the highlights of his admin¬ Romney cited a state minimum wage, He said that the reduction of the num¬ Romney stressed that an overriding construction safety laws, a statewide challenge in the next few years through¬ istration which included the passage of a ber of property tax exemptions would open housing law, a multimillion dollar make our tax system more equitable and out the nation is "improving our human new state constitution which reorganized the executive branch into 19 departments bonding program to combat water pol¬ would provide relief for the majority of and social relationships, strengthening lution and improved recreational prog¬ the social fabric that binds us together I and added the state court of appeals to the property tax payers without requiring an rams and improved unemployment in into one community of shared concepts state judicial system. increase in other kinds of taxes. workman's compensation programs. He and concerns." Since 1963 when Romney first took of¬ Romney recommended that members also included new programs of help for of the state board of education, the "Big He cited crime as one of the big threats Three" university governing boards and to the community. He said that threats the court of appeals should be appointed. come not only from crimes of individual •Candidates for these important of¬ violence and greed but also from the ris¬ fices are overshadowed by those running ing menace of organized crime. He urged that individual cjtizens and for President, senator or governor." Rom¬ Gov. George Group to probe state government play important parts in ney said. "Voters generally do not be¬ come familiar with the qualifications of defeating these "sinister forces." political participation that will be one of the tasks of the com- Tuesday By WES THORP MICHIGAN STATE NEWS State News Staff Writer The commission will study all aspects A commission to evaluate what needs oj- party operations to insure maximum to be done to guarantee full citizen parti¬ citizen involvement in the party. Levin STATE cipation in the nation's political system said. has been appointed by the State Demo¬ cratic party. Sen. Sander M. Levin, state The commission will afso study regis¬ UNIVERSITY tration. voting procedures and campaign Democratic chairman, said Friday. •The role of the commission. Levin financing to see what reforms might be East January 7, 1969 Lansing, Michigan needed, he said. Vol. 61 Number 100 said, "will be to scrutinize every aspect Haber said. "As a citizen I am troubled of the political process to determine what changes need to be made to guarantee by the events of the last year. Every everyone the chance to participate. " citizen ought to be troubled by the discon¬ Dickerson returns proposals William Haber. chairman of the com¬ tent with our procedures that was evident mission and adviser to the executive of¬ in Chicago. " ficers of the University of Michigan, said Every citizen should be concerned the commission will call in experts in when oniy 60 per cent of those eligible to particular political problems from both participate in a Presidential election act¬ the academic and political communities ually do. Haber said. to aid the committee. He said that changes in our living pat¬ for reconsideration by faculty "The 1968 fall Democratic Convention terns and the communications revolu¬ mandated that we establish a special tion demand a thorough study of our poli¬ committee to review and evaluate the tical procedures to see what can be done present system of electing national Pres¬ to insure fair representation and involve¬ idential candidates." Levin said. He said ment for all in our political system. The commission will be composed of At its Friday meeting, the Faculty make them acceptable to Dickerson. the not consider them until Monday as he has By Marilyn Patterson Committee will also consider an Inter- 50 members which will include Congres¬ State News Staff Writer committee and MHA and WIC. been out of town since their approval bv Fraternitv Council iIFCt proposal that smen Charles Diggs. Sen. Philip A. Hart. When contacted for comment. A.L the Faculty Committee The proposals Milton B. Dickerson. vice-president for fraternities be allowed to serve liquor at Secretary of State James M. Hare. Atty student affairs, said Monday that he had Thurman. chairman of the Faculty Com¬ must have his approval before thev Van social functions. |Facu/fy Gen. Frank J. Kelley and Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh. Hart said. "Almost everyone agrees sent both the Men's Halls Assn. (MHAi open house proposal and the Women's In¬ ter-residence Council (WIC) proposal on mittee. said that he had not yet contact with Dickerson. The MHA been in proposal calls for individual go into effect. that our electoral process, like our weat¬ halls to be allowed to determine the hours for restric selective hours for freshmen women back her. could use some reform. The election system's deficiencies, like the weather's have been the target of more talk than to the Faculty Committee on Student Af¬ fairs for reconsideration. Dickerson said that he had "indicated supervision and proper attire for open houses. It also leaves the determination of a closed or open door policy up to the S. Viet official grod st action." Hare said that our present election sys¬ parts of the proposals which I cannot ac¬ cept" and that the Faculty Committee individual halls. The proposal states that the procedures By GEORGE BULLARD State New§ Staff Writer The Faculty Library Committee will re- endorse the principle of limited access to tem "is certainly not in tune philosophi¬ cally with the current concept of one man --one vote. A better, more equitable system, per¬ will consider his changes at its meeting Friday afternoon. He declined to specify which parts of the proposals he did not accept. and policies for open houses agreed upon head adviser proved by the Faculty Committee on should be bv the hall governing body, and manager. It was ap¬ Saigon SAIGON iAP) - The South Vietnamese securit papers that the fatal blast which wrecked haps modification of the present elect¬ Dec. 3. Tri's car could have been something oth¬ the graduate library stacks at today's Aca¬ "I think we will end up as other univer¬ government tightened security for cabi¬ demic Council meeting. Richard E. Chapin. oral college concept, should be studied." sities have in taking these matters to the The WIC proposal would establish sel¬ net officers Monday following the assassi¬ er than a Viet Cong attack, the government * he said Board of Trustees." Dickerson said. The ective hours for freshmen women. The nation of its American-trained education flatly called it "an act of terrorism by the library director, said Monday. We hope and believe that this com¬ proposal, which was made after a refer¬ minister Le Minh Tri. by a terrorist bomb. Communists." The committee prepared the re-endorse- proposals are actively being worked on by French-run Grail Hospi¬ mission is a vital first step in meeting endum of on-campus women indicated Tri died in the ment in a meeting last Thursday and also all the people concerned." Combat police in regular army uniforms our commitment to the youth of this na¬ they desired the change, was approved by were assigned to guard each cabinet mem¬ tal during an operation to remove shrap¬ proposed that the details of a permit sys¬ He said that the Faculty Committee tion for opening the door to greater part¬ the Faculty Committee on Dec. 6 ber and give him an armed jeep escort nel from his head. tem for undergraduates be determined will try to amend the proposals so as to icipation by young people." Kelley said Political developments overshadowed Though both proposals were passed be¬ wherever he went. jointly with ASMSU and the Library direc¬ fore the end of fall term. Dickerson did the military though thousands of American. tor. While there were hints in Saigon news- Vietnamese and other allied troops and Denying that the proposed permit system scores of aircraft hunted the enemy in would restrict the availability of the stacks widely separated sectors. to undergraduates. Chapin labeled closed President Nguyen Van Thiu's govern¬ stacks" a misnomer of the program. The . ment maintained silence on President¬ proposed controls, he explained, primarily determine who uses the and for what purpose Chapin said that under a permit system would stacks N. Viets, NLF reject elect Nixon's bot appointment of Henry Ca¬ Lodge as his chief negotiator in the Paris peace talks. A spokesman turrfed "No comment." proposal aside all questions with: I undergraduates needing research material would apply for a permit on a short form supplied by the library. The signature of a Paris seating ese Unofficially, however. South Vietnam¬ were inclined to view the appoint¬ ment of Lodge, twice ambassador to Viet¬ faculty member would suffice to get a stu¬ PARIS (AP) North Vietnam and the nam. and the retention of Ambassador dent a permit, he added. - Saigon government says is a rebel move¬ Viet Cong's National Liberation Front ment directed and supplied by Hanoi. Ellsworth Bunker in Saigon, as indica¬ Chapin further suggested that the stacks (NLF) have rejected all American propo¬ tions that the Nixon administration would would be "open" during the first 10 days Saigon, backed by the United States, in¬ sals for seating arrangements at the pro¬ sists that the conference must be two- take a hard line in Paris. of a term. During this time mere applica¬ posed four-way conference to end the Viet¬ sided to underscore its claim that the The South Vietnamese army, confirm¬ tion for a stack permit would admit a stu¬ nam war. a Hanoi spokesman announced NLF representatives are really part of ing reports current over the weekend, an¬ dent to the graduate stacks. Monday. the Hanoi delegation. nounced it plans to release 10 Viet Cong After that, he said, a student will hatfe had The spokesman, Nguyen Thanh Le. told (Please turn to page 9) prisoners of war as a humanitarian ges¬ plenty of time to realize his researchWeds a news conference the suggestions ad¬ ture. They are to be turned loose in a and get the recommendation of an instruc¬ vanced by the United States were absurd. ceremony at Bien Hoa. a military base tor. The library committee. Chapin said, will The U.S. delegation immediately deplored this development and blamed North Viet¬ Inaugural 15 miles north of Saigon. Among operations afield: also recommend a broader study of the nam for the deepening stalemate over how -U.S. headquarters said a reconnais¬ .situation than the one proposed last term by Jeff Zeig. ASMSU member-at-large to get the talks started. Until Le spoke up, American negotia¬ protesters sance patrol of the 1st Air Cavalry sion and supporting aircraft killed 38 men Divi¬ Zeig's proposal suggested that implemen¬ tors consistently maintained that none of of an enemy force of undetermined size tation of the closed stacks system be post¬ poned until summ§r of 1970 and that the their proposals had been rejected outright and all were still open for bargaining alternate in a 90-minute flight 70 miles north of Saigon. No American casualties were system then be given a full trial year The Thus President-elect Nixon's nominee By CHRIS MEAD reported. period before the trial year would be used as chief American delegate, Henry Cabot State News Staff Writer -U.S. Marines backed by artillery and as a base year of open stacks for compari¬ Lodge, seems virtually certain to take up While thousands cheer a jubilant Rich¬ fighter-bombers, rooted out a dug-in son purposes. his-post with the 10-week-old deadlock un¬ ard M. Nixon Jan. 20. the National Mobili¬ North Vietnamese unit about 20 miles The proposal also calls for appointment resolved. zation Committee to End the War in Vic! mthwest of- Da Nang. Spokesmen said of an ad hoc committee to implement and U.S. Ambassador Cyrus R. Vance of¬ nam iNMCi is planning ^ peaceful. struc¬ they killed 29 at a cost of one Marine evaluate the comparison. fered Jan. 2 on behalf of the United States tured" alternative to Inauguration Day fes¬ dead and 13 wounded. Leathernecks cam- The library committee had originally ap¬ and South Vietnam to sit down at a round tivities. pagning in the same general area un¬ proved the closing of the stacks: however, table-as Hanoi wants-provided it had Although Students for a Democratic earthed an enemy arms cache that in¬ in the light of the controversy within the some dividing line to show the talks were Society ruled out inaugural protests at its cluded two rocket launchers and 166 council and on campus, the council referred two-sided. national convention in Ann Arbor last rifles. ^ the Zeig proposal to the committee for Le said Hanoi will not sit down at any week. NMC has filed six different propo¬ -Another big arms store was found by study. table unless the NLF is accorded the full sals with the city of Washington. D C. for soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division in a Chapin suggested a "look at the whole and equal status of an independent dele¬ demonstration permits, according to an tunnel complex about 45 miles northeast system." He said that such a study con¬ gation. At the same time. Le said. North NMC staff coordinator. of Saigon. It included 172.000 small arms ceivably could be conducted by the Edu¬ Vietnam and the NLF are ready to accept The spokesman, who asked to remain cational Development Program headed by cartridges. 278 mortar shells and 350 any shape of table provided it John E. Dietrich, asst. provost. Dietrich said that he would "be happy Through rain a virtually does not present the conference as two- sided. anonymous, said the schedule of events is tentative and the various proposals be¬ tween NMC and the city are still in the ne¬ pounds of plastic explosives. Tri was the first high official of the South Vietnamese government to be assassi¬ to entertain a project proposal from Cha- True to the devoted character of MSU students, this brave coed The argument over whether the con¬ gotiating stage nated since President Nguyen Van Thieu . pin," but declined comment until more de¬ trudges through the depths to tackle the first day of classes. ference is two-sided revolves entirely (Please turn to page 9) took office in November 1967. tails were available. State News Photo by Bob Ivins around the status of the NLF, which the ' (Please turn to page 9) Trinka Cline, executive editor Jamet S. Granelli, managing editor Patricia Anstett, campus editor Jerry Pankhurst, editorial editor MICHIGAN Carol Budrotc, Tom Brown, sports editor advertising managei Deborah Fitch, associate campus editc STATE NEWS The Slate News is a free and editorially independent student Fee window newspaper. Editorials express the unanimous opinion of the editorial board of the State News unless otherwise indicated. UNIVERSITY Under the provisions of section 6.1 of the "Report on Aca¬ demic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University," final responsibility for all news and editorial content rests with the editor-in-chief. Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. EDITORIALS An impatient awaits a policy, is certain to bring at Far removed from the prob¬ least his share of granite im¬ lems that they are ostensibly movability to a situation al¬ trying to solve, the delegates ready tragic because of its lack to the Paris peace talks ex¬ of progress. Inauguration changed this week their lat¬ est in a long and wearying ser¬ ies of charges and counter¬ on How far removed is Avenue bombed-out hamlet south of Foch the hotel from a not another charges that augur only fur¬ ther delays in the hopelessly Da Nang? A Paris fountain from a fetid rice-paddy tinted Amidst the cheering throngs Washington, oft the other hand, stalemated talks. red with blood? has demonstrations nearly ev¬ Rather than hope or prog¬ An impatient world watches and coats and tails of Nixon s inauguration this month will be ery day and is better equipped ress, we hear only of intran¬ as the representatives bicker to keep its head in the event of sigence, quarrels and lack of seeming trivialities. But 'Could I have my pen back- some whose ideologies do not over one. Although the permits for agreement. the stakes are so high. correspond to that of the Presi¬ It's in my shirt pocket!' the demonstrations have not In Paris, it is apparently -The Editors dent-elect. been granted yet, they more easier to create crisis than re¬ Students for a Democratic So- than likely will be, although solve it. Having managed to get ciet (SDS) decided against dem¬ onstrating at the inauguration probably not until the last min¬ recalcitrant Saigon delegation DICK GREGORY ute. to the talks, the most recent purportedly because the con¬ roadblock revolves around the sequences for any confronta¬ The coverage that will natur¬ tion which occurred would fall ally be given to the event by the procedural quarrel of seating news media will not help keep the National Liberation Front first, and foremost, on the black people in Washington. The National Mobilization Com¬ the however. situation under control, Audiences are gen¬ (NLF) ment noi delegation. In a state¬ issued Monday, a Ha¬ spokesman announced that The lighter side mittee to £]nd the War in Viet¬ erally more interested in reading and hearing about riots North Vietnam would not sit nam (NMC). however, has cho¬ than ceremonies (for a number down at the peace table until sen to handle the situation dif¬ By DICK GREGORY of reasons), and consequently the NLF was given "equal and Certainly one of the highlight events of ferently. Six separate propo¬ 1968 was the magnificently successful sals for demonstrations have the media could very easily give independent status." Apollo flight. Personally. I Was very glad been filed by the group that also a disproportionate amount of In the most recent flurry of to see the Apollo astronauts make it to coverage to the NMC's activi¬ official statements emanating the moon and back. The flight proved organized the Chicago demon¬ from the talks, we are treated once and for all that it is possible for strations. ties. (One Chicago newspaper something to take off from Florida Nobody is expecting another speculated on violence at the to the spectacle these sup¬ and not get hijacked to Cuba. Chicago, however. Chicago in inaugural before the fires of posedly responsible delegates And I'm really glad the astronauts got back safely. If anything* had happened sunny August is one thing, but Chicago had abated.) acting like miffed schoolboys, each side calling the other "ab¬ to them, the government would be draft¬ Washington in the middle of Meanwhile, Nixon's inaugura¬ ing black cats for space jobs. tion ball will undoubtedly go surd" or "self-righteous," in a snowy January is quite anoth¬ that not but deep¬ To tell the truth, I think it was good that Of course, burning our Vietnam problem: racial understanding. You know how white sons. Let's have dissent but let's not jeo¬ Buyout Ho Chi Miuh. folks are always saying black folks are pardize our very right to it by foolish lazy and shiftless. In New York City, tolerance of needless violence and destruc¬ It's income taxj time again. This year there have been so many strikes that tion. If real progress is to be made, un¬ we have the surtax so, instead of wanting nobody has worked regularly for years. covering and eradicating the cause of our the usual pound, of flesh, the govern¬ And the Columbia University struggle troubles seems infinitelv more important ment is asking for >ur souls. Tuesday, January 7:, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS Final hearings end, summary Sirhan trial to begin Hall of Justice" not far from LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sir¬ ing Kennedy in a kitchen corri¬ A capsule summary of the day's events from han Bishara Sirhan was taken dor of the Ambassador Hotel Sirhan's heavily guarded cell. our wire services. last June 5 as he left a cele¬ The trial will JSe in an armor- from his heavily guarded cell Monday for a meeting with pro¬ bration of the New York Demo¬ plated eighth floor courtroom, crat's victory in the California where windows have been cov¬ secution and defense attorneys presidential primary. ered with sheetslof steel. on the eve of his trial for the murder of Sen. Robert F. Ken¬ Sirhan's chief attorney, San Francisco State College Jury selection is expected to Grant B. Cooper, was called take up the first two weeks of nedy. has to be kept open "at the All indications were that the into federal court to explain how the trial, whicjj may last two trial would open as scheduled he obtained a secret transcript point of bayonet if necessary. months or longer. More than at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday despite of grand jury testimony in 200 witnesses may be called, I don't care what force it takes. another case. the discussions in the chambers including the defendant's That force must be applied." of Superior Judge Herbert V. mother, Mary.: and two Gov. Ronald Reagan Walker, who will hear the Cooper recently defended brothers who |ive in the Los one of five men convicted of lengthy proceedings. Angeles area.' Jlis father lives Judge Walker said the closed conspiracy to cheat members near Jerusalem : of the Friars Club at cards. meeting was called to "clear Court observers did not ex¬ In addition to Cooper, Sirhan up certain pre-trial matters." pect the outcome of this hear¬ will be defended by Russell B. He said that if any motions International News were made they would be dis¬ ing to affect the start of the Parsons, a veteran Los Angeles defense attorney, and Emile • The bureau of Czech lands recommended Monday that Na¬ Out with closed later. Sirhan, 24-year-old Jordanian trial. Monday's pre-trial meeting Zola Berman s of New York tional Assembly President Josef Smrkovsky take the second The Administration Bldg. stands sadly silent in the snow. It will soon be vacated immigrant, is accused of shoot¬ was held on the 13th floor of the City. * ; ranking post of deputy chairman of the new Federal Assembly for the new Ad Building near the Library. State News Photo by Bob Ivins and that a Slovak get the top job as chairman. The controversy over the political future of Smrkovsky, con¬ Move sidered one of the key men in last year's liberalization drive, has prompted widespread public criticism being eased out as a part that Smrkovsky was of a general turning away from the DISCUSS ARAB RAIDS With reforms. KAfPA • A Biafran war communique claimed Monday Biafran for¬ ces in the Owerri sector "have completed the encirclement" of federal Nigerian troops in a section of the town. The report said Biafran forces cut Sunday the last line of communica¬ tions between the Nigerian troops and the federal brigade head¬ Lebanon, By the Associated Press almost certain to embarrass the of the terms of the Israel Students at Beirut's universities struck Saturday to c four SIGMA quarters some 30 miles south of Owerri. Lebanon and Israel moved government in Beirut where armistice Lebanon agreement. claims that the mads' release from custody of support the draft law and to Monday to ease border tensions feeling still runs high over the • A luncheon date has stirred speculation about a possible i frontier meeting to dis- Israeli reprisal raid against guerrillas do not use their Lebanese authorities, budding romance between Canadian Prime Minister Pierre El¬ cuss Israeli charges that Arab Beirut International Airport country as a base for attacks. iphannn's armv was tn snh- For Rides Call liott Trudeau. a wealthy, swinging bachelor, and a blonde so¬ commandos have onerated from Dec 28 Lebanese Defense Minister , - ■ The army announced that cialite of London's jet set. "We met in Canada last August and Lebanon to mount attacks against Hussein Ouweini says Israel mit a draft law to the govern- Lebanon's southern border we immediately became interested in each other." the blonde. Israeli villages attacks against T||e said the turned down a government proposal bv men Monday calling for 12 is being fortified and villagers Eva Rittinghausen said. oTsclosure that d.reet talks <"»lt '"vest,- Beirut to let U.N. observers youths. Cabinet and parliamen¬ given weapons to defend their took place between represent- gatlon of complaints and dis- into Israel to investigate tary approval is required. homes. • U.S. troops began preparations Monday for bit-scale man¬ atives of the two nations was putes ansing trom violations charges that guerrillas came from Lebanon. euvers near the Czechoslovak border and promptly encount¬ ered Soviet charged that they were hatching a "provocative A Beirut newspaper claimed guerrilas North Ireland fortifies that Palestinian plan" to increase tensions. have been rounded up and tor¬ • Three Jordanians, one adult and two children, were killed tured in south Lebanon. It said demonstrators rallied in to maintain law,order and five wounded by Israeli artillery fire Monday on Safi vil¬ lage. a Jordanian spokesman said. The announcement came amid reports that Israeli and Lebanese officials had met to try 1. Brotherhood? and ease tensions between their two countries. BELFAST. Northern Ireland time policemen, members of (AP) -- The government or- the Ulster special constabul- Yes! • Red Flag, a Chinese Communist publication, claimed Mon¬ day that a secret organization has been formed in the Soviet dered a massive police buildup ary. This would free riot-hard- Rush ZBT Union to overthrow the present Kremlin rulers. It identified Monday to forestall further ci- ened regulars to handle civil 332-3565 the revolutionary group as the "Fighters Committee for the vil disorders like the bloody disorders that have swept this Re-establishment of a Marxist-Leninist party in the Soviet rioting in Londonderry over the province of 1.5 million weekend. The government refused, in a three-hour emergency meet¬ The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is ing however, to issue a blan¬ published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week National News SALE.' ket ban on all political par¬ and Orientation issues in June and September Subscription rates are $14 ades and demonstrations. Thousands of students and instructors returned to strife The Cabinet, meeting with • Member Associated Press, United Press IntemaUonal. Inland Daily Press Prime Minister Terence O'¬ rocked San Francisco State College Monday, passing through a Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ Neill, ordered Home Minister United States Student Press Association. line of shouting pickets which grew to about 1,000 as lunch- igan Collegiate Press Association, time approached. Picket lines thickened as striking minority William Long to build up Janizary clearance on groupings of traditional clothing Northern Ireland's constabul¬ Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. students were joined by members of a striking teacher's un¬ Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan and furnishings. All from our regular stock--t£fke ad¬ ary to any level he considered ion. some outsiders and contingents from San Jose State Col¬ State University, East Lansing. Michigan. necessary to maintain law and vantage of these outstanding values. * lege and the University of California at Berkeley. order throughout Ulster's six Phones: Police forced open a corridor for non-strikers and violence Editorial 355-8252 countries. was confined to a few individual scuffles. Picketers yelled, Classified Advertising 355-8255 "Pigs off campus." at the police and "Scab stay out of In Londonderry, action com¬ mittees representing the mino¬ Display Advertising Business-Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 SUITS school, and Reagan lover." at arriving students. rity Roman Catholics were be¬ Photographic 355-8311 • A defeated governor, a space expert and an incumbent Ar¬ ing formed and special vigi¬ to 7800 lante forces were being set up my secretary have been chosen by the Nixon administration of the three armed services. to guard Roman Catholic dis¬ to be the civilian bosses Secretary of Defense-designate Melvin R. Laird made the tricts of the city. to 9800 announcements at a news conference Monday. Rhode Island Nearly 200 were injured in two nights of turmoil in Lon¬ Gov. John H Chafee. 46, will be the new secretary of the Navy. Robert C Seamams Jr.. 50, will leave a professorship at the donderry and Roman Catholics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to become chief charged that riot police went on a rampage in their dis¬ SPORT COATS of the Air Force. §tanely R. Resor, 51, will stay in the job he tricts early Sunday, smashing has held since July 1965 as secretary of the Army. • The Senate upheld as valid Monday a disputed electoral windows systematically and beating up women and chira- 3600 to 3900 vote cast for the third party candidate George C. Wallace by a North Carolina elector who had been chosen as a support¬ Long Cabinet indicated after the meeting that his first 4400 to 4800 Nixon The Senate action, on a division of Report er of Richard M 58 to 3''. defeated a proposal that Congress reject the vote. step in reinforcing the police will be to mobilize more part- from DRESS SHIRTS Why Not Put Yourself in the Picture? Credit Union: Good savings on three groups of permanent A ^A press and oxford stripes, tattersalls, twills, 465 to 765 imported weaves. V.tlued to 11.00 YOUR 1968 SAVINGS EARNED A DIVIDEND OF. 4>9% OUTERWEAR 07 OF THE INTEREST YOU 3200 to 6800 ... 15 /0 PAID ON 1% CREDIT UNION LOANS WILL BE REFUNDED BEGINNING JANUARY 1, your share account TROUSERS dividends will be computed MONTHLY and paid annually. mto 18°° If you're not already an MSU Employees Credit Union member, start the new year right by opening SWEATERS an account and joining nearly 11,000 other people who already know the many advantages of credit union membership at MSU. 121" to 2400 MSU EMPLOYEES Wednesdays 9 9 pm BETA THETA PI am to RUSH UNION I Redwood sRoss 1148 E.Grand River 351-3190 Call for rides 351-3921 1019 Trowbridge 9:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. Rd. Phone 353-2280 Monday thru Friday traditional excellence 205 E. Grand River / Tuesday, January 7, 1969 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ASMSU By DAVE SHORT has a job vacancy, it too fills National Student Association to to pick their own area in which aid Because of industries of the cross-section that work through to live and work. Students can out questionnaire, similar to Coordinator for ASMSU. Re Con students are given a State News Staff Writer a also signify which companies ReCon, Graduate students and seniors the one filled out by students provides several advantages for they do not want to work for on wider variety of jobs from and sends it to ReCon. students. With industry footing which to choose. graduating this year will be re¬ the entire bill, there is no cost the ReCon questionnaire. ceiving questionnaires from the ReCon is a complimentary Both sets of questionnaires involved for students who fill ReCon Co. this term as part of service which is not a suppli- are fed into a computer to de¬ ASMSU's services to University termine which students are best out the questionnaires. The Re¬ IVS at Bureau, ment to University placement- students. Con program also enables stu¬ ment to University placement suited for the company. The ReCon Co. specializes in dents to come in contact with seeks volunteers bureaus. It does not preclude finding job opportunities in in¬ dustry through use of computer¬ The forwarded computer's findings are to the company, more corporations, especially small corporations that usually in overseas work other placement methods. Other Big Ten universities Silent shroud can not afford to recruit on cam¬ ized matching of student and which pays for the number of which are subscribing to ReCon resumes that it receives. Com¬ pus. A representative for Interna are the University of Wisconsin Get used to it; it's here to stay. Lansing weather welcomed in the new term Monday corporation resumes. tional Voluntary Services, Inc with several inches of the wet stuff. State News Photo by Ls a combination of the old. A Parents' Weekend and Alumnae Students interested can phone Weekend into one happening for an appointment at 353-8857. 2. Social Life? State News Staff Writer sPring Gala wil1 incorporate Robert Bicek, Chicago. Ill 353-8858 or 3§ 1-3099 The Best! The newest plan of entertain- Mad Hatter s Midway, Water Bicek said that every activity ment scheduled for spring term Carnival, Thieves Market. senior, promotion and publicity the individual for the festival, said student participation. director invites Rush ZBT that this year's goal is to make Mad Hatter's Midway. May 332-3565 the weekend of May 22-25 22-25. wilP present booths, Final information meeting enjoyable for all students, par¬ ents. alumnae and area resi¬ games and •activities val atmosphere in a carni¬ dents. Water Clrnival. May 23-24. RUSH for applicants for Participation by students and living units is encouraged and necessary to make these plans will include floats by any living units in competition for a trophy The r: Market. ?»ir. 25 Board Thieves' spartan aide successful,-' Bicek said. will enable The Action A travel service is also be¬ bargaining fur student art and KAPPA ing ents organized to assist par¬ and visitors. The service SKULL HUUSE entertainment on Positions for the 1969 will send campus maps, a schedule of events and avail¬ weekend campus with this festival. SIGMA Summer Orientation Program able motel accommodations to interested persons. The University has endorsed it but only participation by "The travel service will everyone can make it a act as a liaison between par¬ success." Bicek said. If you think you can qualify for this important and PHI KAPPA SIGMA For Rides Call influential student service position, come and learn • ents and motels." Bicek said. Bicek gave two major reasons the details. Student positions are open for the change. in publicity and promotion, in¬ First, unlike many other uni¬ 236 N. Harrison 332-5092 cluding executive secretary and versities and colleges MSU has Call; or Call: the areas of copy and layout, no one big spring weekend. 351-4510 351-9787 broadcasting, public relations, Activities in fall term are cen¬ publicity and reservation work. tered around Homecoming Week¬ 6:45 Tuesday night end. but activities in spring term / 3. Sports? are not co-ordinated. Second, there has been a down- $ 'ft Green Room, Student Union V \n9 e Tops! Rush ZBT 332-3565 sloping trend in Water Rather than do away Carnival. with the 46- vear-old tradition, it was decided to reorganize it and make it a '/ part of a biguer event. Brotherhood is: s° Alpha H Eta > 1 ' Friendship and Underspending Growth and awareness Watching the house grow Chipping in when ne^pied Running for offices Developing individually N Nu TT Tau Upsilon ALPHA TAU OMEGA IS Beta Working together M 0 Planning a pledge program A Xi $ Phi J[ ^ Gamma Theta BuiIding a house Talking with brother about proble o X 1 a a Omicron ^ Delta [ Iota Pledging and rushing chi Epsilon K Kappa • • Parties Unity n Pi *P Psi • Pride Z Zeta A Lambda p Rho Omega M Mu Sigma Clip and Save THESE HOUSES RUSH TONIGHT: Alpha C-amma Rho Phi Sigma Delta 332-0834 332-0875 Alpha Kappa Psi Pi Kappa Phi 332-5048 337-9734 Alpha Tau Omega Psi Upsilon 332-0846 351-4687 . Delta Tau Delta Sigma Alpha Mu 337-1721 337-1714 Kappa Sigma Sigma Nu ■ A Serenade-By Kappa 332-5092 332-2501 Competing In I.M. Our Little Sisters Kappa Gam -na Sorority Phi Delta Theta Sigma Phi Epsilon 332-3568 351-4160 Phi Gamma Delta Theta Chi 332-3581 332-5053 Theta Xi Phi Kappa Psi 351-0665 332-5039 T riangle Phi Kappa Sigma 332-3563 337-1611 Phi Kappa Thetc Zeta Beta Tau 332-3565 351-9601 During Rush Call The Houses For Rides RUSH -- 7 to 10 P.M. Winning A Trophy For Chi Omega Sorority Members Of M.S.U. Top Competitor In * Scholastically No. i Nationally Inter Fraternity Council Athletic Teams I.M. Sports • Socially Active Members Members Of Winner Of Community * Members Of Numerous Student Government Service Awards Campus Organizations All Houses Will Rush Wednesday Night Tuesday, January 7.:,196 9 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan A4c Queen score a number of refugees from tele¬ completely devoid of fades and the sequence foi- which "Bullitt" It's hard to find a current vision (including actors Robert dissolves, those transition de¬ will ultimately he remembered- film that can combine kick- vices that used to ease the aud¬ the car chase. Without Cinerama Vaughn, Don Gordon and Nor¬ 'em-in-the-guts reality with the man Fell) "Bullitt" never ience into realizing that "this or even wide^creen. this se¬ skillful interweaving of a mys¬ next scene is happening some¬ quence yanks twe audience into, wastes time on fancy directing tery-murder thriller plot. Peter place else or at some later the action wtjh a stomach- or pretty photography. Instead, Yates' 'Bullitt'' succeeds, not the action just keeps rolling time. Young audiences especi¬ churning power that makes that through any socially redeeming along from the first jolting mur¬ ally want movies that move and historical roller-coaster (in message, but through one good der to the last. quickly grasp a sudden change This Is Cinerama") seem to gimmick and Steve McQueen in location or time. be standing still. McQueen did To be brutally frank. 'Bullitt" his own driving, of course, and The pace of "Bullitt," in fact, But putting aside "Bullitt's" has nothing new to offer. We've I haven't heard such audience points out the tremendous effect technique, which is largely un¬ seen the existential cop in that TV., as well as a number obtrusive, and its themes, with reactions sine* the "Psycho" everything from "The Maltese of foreign films, has had on shower. It isfl't great film¬ pretentions at antiviolence ser¬ Falcon" to "Lady In Cement." Hollywood. The entire film is mons. we must stop to applaud making, but who cares? Wild car chases have been fash¬ Strangely enough, we do. ionable fun ever since the Key¬ "Bullitt" takes all the old stone Cops. cliches, adds Steve McQueen and "Bonnie and Clyde" gave us whumps them altogether into a enough explicit gore to last for grandiose exercise in vicarious of several years. And Hitchcock thrills. Conflict can take care of the "suniit horror" genre on his own. Who. Created by a relatively inex¬ perienced director, Peter Yates BROTHERHOOD IS SHARING YOUR SALAMI SANDWICQ Stete McQueen is up against his fellowpolice detectives as well as a fiendish crim¬ then, needs another existential- (who has previously done only inals, fickle politicians and his own conscience in "Bullitt." Filmed entirely in San sunlit-gorey chase film? two minor British films), with Francisco, the thriller features a climactic chase through the city in which Mc¬ Brotherhood is finding the new Playboy with the center foldout still there. Queen forsakes his motorcycle for a car, taking corners that would wilt a stuntman. Brotherhood Is 30 guys sharing 2 phones on Homecoming weekend. Texas Basket Brotherhood Bortherhood is is recognizing who's snoring by his snore. getting thrown In the shower when you're pinned. Liz, Mia excellent Texas Burger French Fries Only 99' Brotherhood wed. Brotherhood weighs is is not worrying about the soup you spilled on the tie you bor- showing up for you by 30 pounds a man. footbal I against a team that ou most about past exper as Ceremony' chills Cole Slaw Brotherhood is seeing who can shoot the bull the things). - Brotherhood is going out with the guys to study (a Brotherhood is working all night on a float. Basically. crawls with "Ceremony" unpleasant per¬ finesse is his in which Miss paces handling of a scene Taylor restlessly the floor while talking to DOG o SUDS Brotherhood is compromising when you want to study and you mate wants to hear Bob Dylan at full blast. versions. A very neurotic young her "daughter." Instead of sim¬ Brotherhood is staying up until 3 a.m. to shoot the bull. If we need proof that vio¬ lady (Mia Farrow) brings 2755 E. Grand River Brotherhood is everyone cutting classes the next day. lence may take many forms. home a prostitute (Elizabeth ply shooting away. Losey neatly Brotherhood is setting quiet hours. Joseph Losey's "Secret Cere¬ Taylor i whom she has decided divides the action into two an¬ Brotherhood is breaking quiet hours. mony" provides excellent is her mother. During her stay gles, one for each direction, thus evidence. Losey. moving into in Mia s luxurious London man¬ eliminating the edginess that Brotherhood is complaining that quiet hours aren't being observe on the U the cerebral area of thriller sion. Miss Taylor faces the movies, comes up with a hair- scrutiny of two vulturous aunts stage-pacing creates in the audi¬ ence. while gracefully emphasiz¬ FUN WORKING SN EUROPE Brotherhood is going out to paint the fraternity iette Brotherhood is spending the night in jail after getting c ght. raising display of mental cruelty and (surprise, surprise) her ing the action. Brotherhood is cramming 18 gu>?s in a shower!! that is one of the neatest little supposed former "husband" Brotherhood is sharing your salami sandwich. chillers of the year. (Robert Mitchumi. a dirty Losey's camerawork always Brotherhood is what you get at Phi Sigma Delta. Great filmmaking is the best old man of the first degree. illuminates the action, never ob¬ description of "Secret Cere¬ Sound pretty grim? Well, scures it through self-conscious mony." While Losey doesn't yes. And when Mia starts her "artiness." PHI SIGMA DELTA need to provfe his abilities as sexual fantasies, things get even Credit is also due to Miss a director ("The Servant". more so. But Losey unfolds this Taylor, who turns in a beauti¬ "Accident" i. his choice of nightmare with such taste and fully controlled performance. 505 M.A.C. scripts occasionally leaves elegance that somehow the char¬ something to be desired acters never lose their dignity. 4. Memorable 332-0875 These are not the gargoyles of. GUARANTEED JOBS ABROAD! Get paid, travel, meet people, George Tabori's script for say. " Whatever Happened to Times Many SUMMER and YEAR ROUND. 20 countries. 'J paying job cate¬ "Secret Ceremony." however, Baby Jane, gories offered. For FREE cultural program literature including but rather the in¬ Rush ZBT details and applications, write: "ISTC admissions, 866 United is well up |o Losey's standards, habitants of a very special plane Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. A Non-Profit Student Mem¬ and the final film, if a trifle of unreality. bership Organization. inhuman, is a cold and baroque 332-3565 Typical of Losey's endless triumph Tuesday, January 7, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Unbeaten By GARY State News WALKOWICZ Sports Writer The highlight of the meet, which MSU won ill nine events, in grapplers top Indiana a good performance today. They've all been working very Muir when just beat the he final buzzer pinned Marty Rohr- were 8-2 and 7-0 winners, re¬ spectively. Lowrance had over six minutes of riding time in over Paul LangliUe on occasions in their k57 match. several Jack Zindel had little trouble hard." man at 7:51 of their 160 match. The MSU wrestling team was an upset triumph at 145. the eight-minute match. winning his 177 match over In the 123 match, MSU's Gary Spartan senior Ron Ouellet The Spartans notched two pins John Abajace took a 9-3 de¬ Monty McDaniel* son of the kept its unbeaten record intact Bissell decisioned IU's Ron decisioned Indiana's Jack Lentz in the meet. cision over the Hoosiers' Paul Indiana coach. Z&del's winning Monday as it swept all nine Hanna 4-1. events to trounce Indiana. 31- 5-4 in the 145-pount battle. Heavyweight Jeff Smith Langlille in their 152 match, margin was only :>-0 but he was Lentz, the Hoosiers top wrest¬ stopped Indiana's mountainous Spartans Mike Ellis (130) while Pat Karslake came with¬ never in any serious trouble 0. Wertschnig in and Keith Lowrance (137) both For the second straight out¬ ler. was third in the Big Ten (320) Chuck in an eyelash of scoring a pin during match dominated their matches and and reached the semi-finals in 1:23, while the Spartans' Tom ing, however, the Spartans were the NCAA. up against a foe that was phys¬ "Ouellet scored a good up¬ ically under par. The Hoosiers today," MSU Coach Grady like set had four regulars missing from its lineup, all of them down with the Hong Kong flu. Peninger said. "He beat a real good wrestler. Everybody gave Kids wres Keep 2 platoon game coaches tell NCAA ii LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Col- chairman of the Coaches' Rules lege football coaches by an over- Recommendation Committee, shelming majority Monday in- said the American Football formed the 63rd annual NCAA Coaches Association would like Surprising grapplers convention of their opposition to the game to remain as it is. /ith the trophy won at the recent Midlands a return to single platoon or "College football had its limited substitution football. greatest season in the history- ent, are (left to right) John Schneider, Coach and John Abajace. Jack Curtice of the University of the game during 1968.'' Grady Peninger, Jeff Smith of California at Santa Barbara. Curtice said UP1 Telephoto While Coach Grady Peninger watched his Spartan wrest¬ lers demolish Michigan. Eastern Michigan and Miami of Ohio, he missed some of the best matches at the quadran¬ HOST BADGERS TONIGHT gular meet. The new wrestling breed, while young and inexperienced, provided the fans with live entertainment when a Spartan- need dominated match gets a little dull. The energetic youngsters win Slumping By MIKE MANLEY more cagers problems than answers. Marquette by three Wisconsin, which Sherrod notched 20 in dropped its Ten debut Saturday against Pur- his Big appear to view a meet as the perfect time to try out their new holds, which were probably taught by their dads, who are just the ones to coach them. One father is assistant coach and Olympic gold-medal while the spectator on the right winner Doug Blubaugh, is the son of Spartan 191- State News Sports Writer the Spartans must now focus their attention on a surpris¬ Big Ten opener to Purdue, due. pounder John Schneider Unable to shake off a five Lagoni ingly strong Wisconsin squad 86-80. is led by 6-5 senior for- MSU Coach John Benington's State News photos by Lance game slump that has left MSU that invades Jenison Fieldhouse ward Jim Johnson, who is aver- biggest problem is trying to tonight for an 8 p.m. contest. aging 20.1 points a game and is figure who will occupy the other 5. Scholarship? four starting slots around Lee Although the Badgers own an the leading Badger rebounder Johnson poured in 29 points i Lafayette. A!!en re-hired by Rams unimpressive 5-5 record, they In search of a winning com- both of Wisconsin's upsets. High! have notched two of this sea¬ rear bination at Tuesday's basket- son's biggest upsets, beating Chuck Nagle. a 6-5 two Rush ZBT game ball luncheon. Benington con- fifth-ranked Kansas. 67-62. and starter averaging 11.7 New York. R6eves reportedly 332-3565 will start opposite ducted a secret poll, asking all Angeles team which had a 10- final meeting Monday morning then stunning third-ranked Ken¬ George Allen <.vas re-hired as entered the dressing'room and Mh 6-8 junior Craig the writers present to name their 3-1 record in 1968. at which agreement was tucky. 69-65. Wisconsin al¬ head coach of the Los Angeles Flashy own starting team When the re¬ said to Allen:. "Well. George, most upended two other nation¬ Rams football team Monday At the time of Alien s dis- reached, sults were almost a carbon copy Allen had two years remain- how did you £tke the field to- ally-ranked teams, losing to sophomore guard Clarence Sher- of the team he has been starting, after a meeting with Dan Reeves, charge. Reeves, the majority refused to talk Notre Dame by a point and to rod will open at one guard posi the Rams' boss who fired him stockholder. president and ing on a five-year contract with day0'' Allen llv tion along with plavmaker Tom Benington thanked the press and the day after Christmas. general manager of the Rams, a salary of $40,000 a year. It the owner to After returned to his drawing board, his Dye 26 dismissal. Mitchell. Sherrod was one of The Rams did not immediately said it resulted from a "per- was understood one of his de- Allen said he the most sought after high school John Holms looked impressive disclose the terms of Allen's sonality clash." mands before returning to the ^ould swallow his against Northwestern and could ten- pride and reti/n to the club if ■ players in the country two years new contract but said he would A dozen members of the Rams Rams was a new five- get a starting nod but no matter Reeves would# rehire him. At ago and has added new life be back again to head the Los team reacted indignantly to the year contract. who starts it is likely that Ben¬ said his the Badger attack this season, firing of a winning coach and a The Buffalo Bills of the that time, th^ averaging 12 points a game ington will substitute freelv. number indicated they would American Football League had decision was final refuse to play fqr the Los An- approached him about taking Allen said h£ felt "any pub¬ lic airings of this would be geles team in 1969 under any over the coaching job there other coach. The incident directly leading harmful to individuals" and Shortly before New Year to Allen's firing was an open asked to be excused after read- Reeves indicated that he had conflict in the newspapers after second thoughts on the action the Rams' 20-20 tie against and that he was considering San Francisco Nov. 17 Allen have had the last few days. I rehiring Allen. The two men criticized Kezar Stadium as a feel we each unintentionally Allen's state¬ met several times and had a "disgrace to the league with hurt the other. end zones " like quicksand " ment said. "I am very happy to Reeves rebuked Allen pub¬ be returning as Dan's coach. 6. Individualism? licly. saying it was not part Except fop my family. m\ Always! of coach's duties to critize sole interest jn the past three Rush ZBT 332-3565 STEP UP TO AN AMERICAN AIRLINES ®Dtttght... STEWARDESS ir w CAREER gy pizz del iver? sup to $724 per month. Your Sunshine Center staff has just returned from with the following 2 a gala New Year's celebration . . . resolution: "We aim to give you even better service while saving you time and money. 50C Qualifications: □ Single □ High School Graduate □ Age over ?0 □ 5'2" !o 5'9' A big 16" one item Weight 100-140 in accordance with pizza for 32.50. DORM DEL. ONLY MON.-THURS. CALL 332-6517 IN I U<. VIL US Thursday,January 9 Ask about our drop-off service! TM~~ Siarnupr 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. 3 Great Locations For Your Convenience VARSITY Jack Tarr Hotel - Lansing i>ig 3£p (fiountrg i ■-•ricar. Airlines buite iS.0 OINTMENT NEEDED 1 - 213 Ann Street No Ph.-. Calls, Please 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road i 3 Northwind Dr. Facing Yankee Stadiun 8 If) - . 526 Sunset Lane if American A? 5H|pjrip»c For Ride Call 351-4160 join Thos-- Who Expert Moi Tuesday, January 7;1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Colts'Mackey Colt's Shula praises, twin coverage--Jets then raps, Joe Willie BOCA RATON. Fla. (UPI October didn't do it "He has what we call fast Don Shula, coach of Balti¬ either." feet, the ability; to move back Jets' star quarterback Joe "It's all a matter of execution. - from center and the ability to (UPI) -- Coach Weeb Ewbank more's National Football Baltimore beat the Browns. of the New York Jets singled out Namath. A team spokesman said If your men cannot manage their out of the* rushing lanes, men individually, then they have League champion Colts, 34-0, for the NFL title a week "that great giant" John Maekey it was up to the players whether but Shula did not go into certainly - respect him they showed up. the advantage, " he said. praised Joe Namath lavishly ago tremendously." ? of Baltimore Monday for double that. New York's Jim Hudson should Ewbank called the Colts, whom Monday for his fine right arm, Shula, however, said he did coverage in Sunday's third Super he coached to two NFL champ¬ then chided him for his rather Jauntily-decked out in a Bowl game but said his team is draw the assignment of handling white turtle-neck and royal blue not respect he fact that ionships in 1958 and 1959, "A overactive mouth. Mackev. the bull-rushing 6-2. far from awe struck by the Na Shula also advised people cardigan before ushering his Namath had s >id there were tional League Colts 224-pound colt tight end. great football team". Colts out into the field for several better .jyarterbacks in Ewbank said Hudson was up to ^ not to pay too much attention We are in good shape Every the job but added: We have looked at their ^ tn to iho nHrlc the favrwina hie odds favoring his fpam team their first pre-Super Bowl prac- the AFL than Earl Morrall. body will be ready to play and we A man like that great giant, movies but my players have had over the New York Jets by 18 tice session, Shula devoted a who calls signals for Balti- are looking forward to playing Baltimore." Ewbank said nobody's going to cover him one no special reaction different poJ%4 for Sunday's Super Bowl major part of his conversation more. The coach of the American in one You have got to get help from any other film. They re¬ garX? in in Miami. Miami. He he to newsmen to Namath. He said he He said lauded the Jets' quarterback "He can sayColtwhatever wants." the coach he wasn't paying much attention Football League champions said from elsewhere He's just that spect good play and they take profusely. snapped, "but f don't see how to them. good." notes of the things they see his team will prepare for the had games where we "There's no question he's Namath can pap Earl. How Ewbank said there is no quest¬ Bowl as it has prepared for ion that the National League has The Jets had what Ewbank favored and didn't win." he one heck of a thrower." Shula can he rap the NFL player of any game. The Jets had a reg¬ called excellent" workouts said. "He's the one who has the year0 How. can he rap a ular day off Monday, but most the edge in experience. But he made their offense move. We guy who did %all the things said the common player draft Thursday and Friday, worked of the players responded to a has closed the gap and he gives lightly Sunday because of wet land a few years back in that think he has it all. Quick re- Earl did for u£'.' We happen to request to show up in uniform title game (1964) and didn't do lease, he sets up quieklv and he think Earl is a earn fine quarter- his team every chance of being grounds and are scheduled for to talk with newsmen and pose hard work Tuesday Wednesday it, and we were favored to beat doesn t get caught with the back and we rp very happy to for pictures at Ft. Lauderdale the first to take the super bowl football much." have him. and Thursdav before tapering the Browns again this year "Stadium, where closed practi¬ trophy from the NFL. The Jet coach said a point off. ces begin Tuesday with unveil¬ ing of the game plan for Balti- spread of 18 to 20 points against his team 'Doesn't bother me. I pav anv attention to that at Thought On Greek Life: never Missing from the Monday morning press showoff was the all. An Open Two-beginners area $2.00 All-Americas to dual-- The Men s Volleyball Club will hold open tryouts tonight and Thursday at All area ( .50 additional charge 8 p.m. in the Men's I.M. Sports Arena for chairlift i 3.00 Those interested but unable to attend Equipment 2.75 should contact Barry Brown at 393-0782 Lesson (minimum five persons* 2 00 "I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to Illinois (each per hour) if tankers reach be uncommon. I seek opportunity to develop whatever Mount Brighton ski facilities are avail¬ 7. Excellent Food? talents given me--not security. I do not wish to be a The MSU swimming team A battle of All-Americas in the able at special rates Monday through Fri¬ Second to None! attempts to do today what it breaststroke events will high¬ day, 1 a.m.-5 p.m. to all MSU faculty, kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state .wasn't able to do Monday- light the meet The Illini send students and staff upon presentation of Rush ZBT look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to the University I D card. Spouses are fly defending Big Ten champion Kip welcome at special rates when accom¬ 332-3565 dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to Bad weather and hazardous Pope against State's Bruce Rich¬ panied by their husbands or wives conditions at Capital City Air¬ ards in ; the 100 and 200-vard barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of port forced postponing the re¬ events. Both men were All- life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfill¬ scheduling of the Spartans' America choices in the 200-vard TWIN THEATRE % SPARTAN meet lUonday with Illinois for ment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade free¬ breaststroke last year. FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER -3100 EAST SAGINAW • Fhone 351 0030 24 hours. dom 'or the beneficien.ce nor my dignity for a hand¬ "-Q- _ — 2-9-5- 1 '«OG»AM .nfor-ATI ON ►485-6485 out. I will never cower before any earthly master nor ICHIOAN | QLADMER I bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, hpatnrp at ! * 11J - VI.-> - proud and unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the roday'^S^pV. Last rw, i At 1:30 " 4:00 Day 6;30_9:00p.m benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly | STEVE and say -- 'This, I have done'." I*1CQLIEEI\ AS'BULLITT' Winnie I "SHD STARTS 's Time to Speak of WEDNESDAY nspokrn Things . . . This Week Is Rush Week ELIZABETH TAYLOR tflA FARROW Delta Tan Delta Fratern i t y 330 North Harrison Clwles Aznavour-MaHon Brando 337-1721 Richard Burton-James Cobum John Huston-VdterAtatfaj Ringo Slarr JUL* EwoAufeu Candy Tefhnicotor* CTC r«n L5LJ Michigan State University's First Fraternity NOTICE TO STUDENTS DAZZLIM, \M» T0THK POINT!' LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES TICKET DISTRIBUTION OPENS JANUARY 7 Union Ticket Office THETA CHI ■the fifth i HORSEmnn COUPON A ■isferri GREGG-SMITH SINGERS Jan. 13 or LAMP AT MIDNIGHT Feb. 6 >PUS COUPON S HAGUE PHILHARMONIC Jan. 23 or MOSCOW SYMPHONY Mar. 3 COUPON C ROYAL WINNIPEG BALLET Feb. 13 or BALLET AMERICA Feb. 18 COUPON D RITA STREICH Mar. 5 Full-time students (10 or more credits) may secure in advance all their reserved seat tickets to concerts for winter term by paying a convenience fee of 50c per ticket. This plan also applies to part-time students holding validated ID cards and ACTIVITY COUPON BOOKS. One person may pre¬ For Rides: ED 2-3581 453 Abbott sent a maximum of four student coupon books at Union Ticket Office for tickets to one program. Tickets will be distributed at no charge on week prior to the event. A validated ID card plus a reserved seat ticket stub is ary for admittance at the Auditorium. Tuesday, January 7, 1969 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASIFIED 355-8255 Someone is looking for an apartment. Have one? Rent it with a State News Want Ad. 355=8255 Employment Employment For Rent For Sale The State News does noc MALE SALES/stock clerk. 40 hour NIGHT AUDITOR: Full time. 11 pm EAST LANSING. Girl wanted for 3- MEN: NEWLY decorated double room, LARGE SELECTION of frames. Glas¬ 30X15. One block from Grand River OPTICAL DIS¬ permit racial or religious week--$1.60 an hour. Apply in per¬ 7am. Experienced preferred but girl apartment. $65 month. 351-6573 in one of East Lansing's first neigh¬ ses for everyone COUNT, 416 Tussing Building. Phone discrimination in its ad¬ son 9-12. STUDENT BOOK STORE, will train. Call Mr. Winkler, 5-1/13 borhoods Private bath. ED 2-1363 East Lansing. 5-1/10 HORNE'S MOTOR LODGE. 393-2030. IV2-4667. C-l/10 TO WORK FOR YOU vertising columns. The ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment. 3-1/8 5-1/14 State News will not accept CUBAN FOOD $125. month.. $100 deposit. No child¬ • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ PHY ED Major. Seniors or graduates. ren, no pets. 351-5323. C-l/17 BAY COLONY Apartments: One or And Other Food From Most Foreign • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, Part time elementary Phy. Ed. two bedroom furnished and unfur¬ Countries -including U.S. race, color or national or¬ SECRETARY HILLEL Foundation. teaching. 1 man and 1 woman. nished Call Jack Bartlett, Mana¬ SHAHEENS FAMILY • FOR RENT Good typist. Monday through Fri¬ 332-8657. 3-1/9 ger 337-0511. Corner of Haslett igin FOOD FAIR • FOR SALE day. 9-5. $1.75 hour. Phone Rabbi and Hagadorn Road. 5-1/10 UNSUPERVISED SINGLES for men 1001 W Saginaw 485-4089 • LOST & FOUND Zemach 332-1916. 3-1/8 PERSONAL SECRETARY. Must have i NORTH WIND Michigan Bankard Welcome Lovely home. Full privileges Kit¬ • PERSONAL FEMALE SALES CLERK 40 hour shorthand and typing skills, and ( FARMS chen. Parking Block from Campus. experience in general office proce¬ KODAK COLOR Film, 126, 127, 620 PEANUTS PERSONA' week. $1.60 an hour. Apply in per¬ Faculty Apartments Reasonable Lease and deposit. • dure. Legislative background help¬ 99 cents. 13 print roll processed - 9-12 Student Book Store, East 332-0318 3-1/8 ful but will train if highly qualified. • REAL ESTATE son Lansing. 5-1/10 Benefits include excellent salary, 351-7880 $2 90 with tfts ad. MEREK REXALL DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CENTER at • SERVICE ROOM FOR one or two near campus. FORD 1960. New battery, tires de¬ paid Blue Cross, Blue Shield, paid WANTED: TWO girls to share apart¬ Frandor N*w, lower, everyday dis¬ • TRANSPORTATION BABYSITTING THREE afternoons a Life Insurance, paid vacation, holi¬ No cooking Call 355-2312 or 337- pendable transportation Six, stick. week. Own transportation. 1535 Gil- ment one block from Berkey $70 a 0412 after 6 p.m. 3-1/8 count prices, C-l/9 • WANTED $75.355-1201 3-1/9 days. Free parking. For a personal month including utilities. 351-8286. crest. 332-6162. 3-1/8 interview, call Mrs. Kromer. 4-1/10 SEWING MACHINE clearance sale MGB 1963 Fiberglass hardtop. New 487-5436. 4-1/10 Brand new portables - $49.50. $5.00 DEADLINE paint. "Real sharp. Call 372-8330 GLAMOUR, MONEY, and excitement HOLT: NICE 2 bedroom duplex apart¬ per month Large selection of recon¬ or 332-5987 5-1/10 can be yours with VIVIANE WOOD- ASSISTANT FOR biochemical lab¬ ment unfurnished, featuring gas range ditioned uied machines. Singers, 1 P.M. one class day be¬ ARD COSMETICS. Free make-up oratory. Student or housewife Part Whites. Necchis, New Home and disposal, soft water, all carpeted, WOMEN STUDENTS Large MUSTANG 1965 HT V-8 automatic. s. IV 5-8351 C-l/10 or full time. Call 353-0651 for in¬ EYDEAL VILLA Apartments. Two many others," $19.95 to $39.96. fore publication. drapes. Full basement with good Excellent location. Kitchen, Full power Engine perfect. Call terview. 3-1/9 bedroom apartments for $240 month Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Cancellations - 12 noon one storage, shaded yard. $150 plus gas dry, parking 332-1918. Dave. 353-0841 3-1/9 NEED PART-TIME jobs during the and electricity. Swimming pool. GE appliances, COMPANY, 1115 North Washington. 2120 Meadow Lawn. class day before publica- term? Call RENT-A-STUDENT at BABYSITTER NEEDED part Ume 694-0613. 4-1/10 garbage disposals, furnished for 489-6448 C-l/9 DOUBLES, SINGLES, close Clean, . 351-5130. 5-1/10 weekday afternoons. Hours flexible. 332-5945. 3-1/9 4275. After 5 p.m. quiet, reasonable, parking. 237 Ked- PORTABLE - LIGHT weight Olivetti- zie. 351-9584 5-1/10 HOW WOULD YOU like to get paid 528 ALBERT Street Near campus. Underwood * typewriter Very com¬ PHONE to study in comfortable home five Comfortable. 4-girl apartment. Need APARTMENTS FOR rent One bed¬ pact $30 355-3166 3-1/9 afternoons a week from 2:30 until room. Furnished and unfurnished. lor 2girls. 351-0805 2-1/8 4:30? ED 2-5176. 3-1/8 500 block West Ionia. Lansing. 372- 355-8255 EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY 1411. 3-1/8 EVERYONE KNOWS AND VOLKSWAGEN 1966 bus. Excellent LINE UP your winter term job now Experienced secretaries, typists to 10VES RATES Car necessary. Call 351-7319 for work on temporary assignments ONE. TWO and three men rooms. condition $1250 or best offer. Panelled, carpeted, paved parking ENCYCLOPEDIA BRrTANICA 3-1/9 interview. O Never a fee. Phone 487-6071. C-l/9 1 day $ 1.50 484-8770 after 4pm ALBERT, behind Paramount News, Cooking and laundry facilities avail¬ WHY NOT SELL rT. furnished apartment $135, including 15^ per word per day DELIVERY BOYS make $2-$3 GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT for WANTED GIRL to share completely able $45 per month. 425 Ann Street. per utilities. Call 351-3827 3-1/9 FROM LEADS ONLY. Call Don 351-3432 5-1/10 3 days ...... $4.00 hour. Also phone girls and inside permanent positions for men and furnished luxury apartment. Easy help. Part and full time. After 5 in office, sales, technical. walk to campus. 351-5352 . 5-1/10 484-4475 13 l/2£ per word per day . women FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to learn ONE BLOCK from Berkey Clean p.m. THE VARSITY. 5-1/10 IV 2-1543 C-l/9 G.E PORTABLE stereo with AM-FM. 5 days $6.50 in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Special singles and doubles Some with cook 817 North Cedar Furnished Three FM stereo -multiplex radio. Perfect 13£ per word per day $5 offer 484-1324. C MARRIED COUPLE to live in week All utilities paid ing and efficiency apartment. 337- of rooms, garage. 0132. 5-1/10 condition Hs.lf price. 351-4765. 4-1/10 February 1-8. Fifteen minutes OKEMOS 2 bedroom. 2 bath furnished Married couples 485-3848 3-1/8 (based on 10 words per ad) Auto Service & Parts from campus. 694-0734 5-1/10 . apartment. Ideal for married couple EICO ST-96 AM-FM tuner. Scott 121- ROOM FOR rent Close to Campus There will be a 50 21. Place ra awteo iuc If you are Investigating apartment living, a visit or call %% 2? 29 %JO % 31 25. 27 Cnaw Northern Spies 2 & I Bedroom Apartments to our office definitely can eliminate the "legwork" of 27 IB % %% if 28 30. Yacht basin Western Available January 5th apartment-hunting. 33 3M IS WE HAVE THEM I 32. % 40 50 39 31. Baby tender Rectangle, Round, Oval We Fill Prescriptions for % 33. Automaton PHONE 332-5051 EAST LANSING MANAGEMENT CO. Regular & Sunglasses. 41 M2 %V 35. Depart 36. Scandinavian Frames Repaired 81 Replaced MM 4? 46 351-7880 Come In And Pick Up 47 i M8 M9 17. Bum 42. Adjective THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRIVATELY- OWNED STUDENT APARTMENT COMPLEX our Artmar FREE Lens Cleaner Opticians % n suffix Our New Location: 317 M.A.C. 205-Ann St. 332-5520 Tuesday, January 71 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ifk WHAT'S Provost talks focus Mt on The Black black experience Experience in groups as well as professional Sioux City, Iowa senior; Susan entertainers will expand on the Gebelein, Butler. Pa., junior; America, a program designed "Black to concentrate on the cultural Experience" theme. Richard Kouzes, Fairfax Va., contributions of the black com¬ senior; Linda Norlen. Moline, The entire program is jointly 111., senior-and Leo Pocius, St. munity, is the theme of the Pro¬ Johns senior. Barry Partoer, member of the Ame vost Lecture Series slated for sponsored by Honors College and I on "The First Ascent of Mt Kennedy," ASMSU. Responsible for plan¬ Serving as faculty consul¬ I May 5 through 8. iij 116 Natural Science Bldg. tants are Robert: L. Green, as¬ Experts in various occupations ning is the Honors College Stu¬ will offer views concerning dent Committee including Ron sociate professor of James past and future achievements of Bailey. Claxton, Ga., senior; Madison College; Barry E. black citizens. Marcia Day, Grand Rapids jun¬ Gross, asst. professor of Eng¬ LeRoy Jones, playwright and ior; Kenneth Elmassian. Wel- lish; and William W. Kelley, CM Alpha will meet at 9 p.m. tonight in 39 Union. Honors author, has been tentatively lsley, Mass. senior; Allan Falk. College Director. • ■ The Stadeat DvpHcatc Bridge Ctab will hold a qualifying tournament for the scheduled to speak May 5. The I Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 141 Akers Hall. The best I pairs will play in the Regional Tournament in Dayton. Ohio. Call Steve or Mike at following day, the Rev. Andrew- Young, executive director of \ 353-2070 for information. The MSU J ado Club will be holding sessions again every Monday and Wednesday Santa rides the Southern Christian Leader¬ Nixon nam ship Conference in Atlanta, Ga.. I this term from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in 150 Men's Intramural Bldg. for both beginners I and advanced students. Instructors will be Jay Kim, who had a Fourth class black It looks as if the Hong Kong flu took its toll < i Santa's reindeer, too as he boards will present the religious aspect deputy State News Photo by Wayne Munn of black culture. | belt, and also members of the MSU Judo team Lansing bus to complete his rounds. Mortar Board will hold a meeting at 10:15 p.m tonight in 469 East McDonel Hall a The political discussed May 7 angle will be by Charles Ham¬ to ag The MSU Karate Ctab will meet from 6 ilton, professor of political NEW YORK (AP) -- Presi¬ Nixon, conferring with the science at Roosevelt University p.m. to 9 p.m. tonight and Thursday in the dent-elect Nixon named two three appointees in his Hotel Inaugural pro in Chicago. He is co-author of [ "Sports Arena of Men's Intramural Bldg top deputies to Sec. of Agri¬ Pierre Suite, told them: "I Both men's and women's beginning, in¬ the book "Black Power." termediate, and advanced classes will be culture-designate Clifford M. think its very important for all Dr. William Grier, asst. pro¬ held at this time. Hardin Monday, and the farm of us to be thinking in terms of fessor of psychiatry at the Univ¬ NMC expects the participants Court Bldg. and hold a rally on policy leaders said there will how to make life in rural Amer¬ The Off-Cam pai Council Price Study (continued from page one) "They're concerned with the ersity of California Medical to be primarily a hard-core group the steps. be no immediate move to ica more attractive." I Commission will hold an organizational "Everything is tentative." she peaceful kind of stuff." At 8 p.m. that evening. NMC Center, will discuss black ad¬ overhaul agriculture subsidies. meeting at 7:30 pm. tonight in 316 Stu¬ said, "but we haven't been de¬ Counter-inauguration events of anti-war students. "Not too vancements from the medical Hardin disclosed that he and dent Services The meeting is open to will sponsor a counter-inaugura¬ That assurance came from nied anything yet." will be kicked off on Saturday, many people are going to be standpoint. all interested persons tion ball in a circus tent which Hardin, from J. Phil Campbell his deputies will set out shortly She said that NMC expects the Jan. 18, with a series of "work¬ turned-on to coming to the capi¬ These four speakers comprise after the inauguration to talk will include dancing, entertain¬ Jr., his new undersecretary, LeLecke Leagae will meet at 8 p.m. permits to be granted with no shop conferences" throughout tal this time of year," the spokes¬ the basic format of the lecture with farmers and organization Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Michael trouble but that ment and political speeches. and from Clarence D. Palmby. they probably the day at various locations in the man explained. series, and other campus acti¬ Rathke, 2173 Trafalgar Lane, East Lan¬ On Inauguration Day NMC asst. secretary for international leaders, seeking to determine "We don't want anything in sing. "Nutrition and Diet for Mothers will not be confirmed until the city. Workshop participants will vities during the week will be what they consider their real discuss such issues as organizing terms of a Chicago kind of thing." hopes to hold a "peaceful, struc¬ affairs and commodity pro¬ and Babies" will be the topic For rides last minute. related to black culture. Movies, problems. tured movement along the inau¬ grams. call 332-2233 anti-war GIs, high school and col¬ she emphasized. "We don't want "Washington people are not guration route." plays, art shows, discussion a confrontation with the cops." like Chicago people." she noted. lege students. Doc Watson, the country's foremost folk she said. guitarist, will perform Jan. 11 and 12. The expects a lot of /• concert sponsored by the MSU Folklore j Society will be held in the Erickson She said NMC policemen to be around as a mat¬ Alpha Omega INSTANT I Kivaat8p.m Hugo Bohm, past coach of the U.S. Peace talks ter of course, but there would be no provocation from either side. MUSTACHE Army Ski Team and Junior Olympics and public relations head for Boyne (continued from page one) A U.S. delegation spokesman, "Confrontation is sometimes useful." she explained, "but of County, will lecture on the correct way to attack the slopes at 7:30 p.m Wednes¬ President Johnson parley would begin Nov. 6. had hoped commenting on Le's news con¬ ference, accused North Vietnam physical confrontation in this sit¬ & BEARDS Theta Xi one day in 109 Anthony Hall at a meeting of uation is not going to have any of a "self-righteous attitude" for the MSU Ski Ctab. Those going on the political impact." Nixon has named Lodge, for¬ declaring Hanoi is ready to start Aspen Trip and those planning on week end trips to Boyne must attend. New mer U.S. ambassador in Saigon, the talks while the United States Actual demonstrations will be¬ Be a swinger by night...straight memberships will be taken to replace the Johnson-appoint¬ is obstructing them. gin Sunday. Jan. 19. the day be¬ by day around the The Ceatral Michigan Society of tbe ed chief American negotiator, We have presented a varity of fore the inauguration. Demon¬ cordially invites you clock! No waiting for growth, no trimming, no itch...just "the look," Archeological Institute of America will W Averell Harriman. on or arrangements." the spokesman strators will assemble at 1 p.m. as you want it, when you want it! present the lecture "Sardis--1968' to¬ about Jan. 20, when the adminis¬ said. "And it is quite clear where in the elliptical area behind the night at 8 p.m. in the Kresge Gallery. trations will change in Washing¬ the responsibility for lack of to attend See us today! agreement lies. This self-right¬ Capitol Bldg. and march to the John S. Crawford, Harvard Graduate ton. School and 1965 MSU graduate, will speak Capitol. From there the demon¬ He was a member of the Harvard-Cornell Excavating Team at Sardis 1967 and 1968 eous attitude, combined with ab¬ Despite the rebuff. Harriman solute refusal to move one inch strators will move to the Supreme Open Rush and his aides still nursed faint hopes of a breakthrough in the next two weeks. But there was a forward, should give some peo¬ ple pause for thought when they 9. Active Campus Sigourney's There will be a meeting for all those ir for the Jan. 7 & 8 from 7:00 to 10:00 terested in Little International at 7 p.rr tonight in the Livestock Pavilion noticeable lack of conviction in that optimism. try delay." to fix responsibility Life? It's Here! Barber Shop Vice President Nugyen Cao Ky 501 MAC Avenue of South Vietnam W^s identi¬ Rush ZBT Typing Servic fied as the author of a new plan 332-3565 484-9324 RIDES: 351-0665 1712 E. Michigan DONNA BOHANNAN to split the peace-making proc¬ 10 x 46 GREVT LAKES Two bed¬ typist. Term ess. rooms Located in Trailer Haven papers. 333-9087 10-1 17 Selectric 353-7922 At the center of Ky's propo- sals-'hammered out in Paris PARKWOOD 1966 12 x 52 Ten min¬ and taken back to Saigon Dec. 22 utes to campus. Must sell Call collect, Perry. 625-7158. 5-1 10 Itilith printing and for consideration by the govern¬ ment-is the aim to squeeze the Personal NLF out of the Paris negotia¬ BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing No job too large or too small. tions and deprive it of interna¬ PARKING IN East Lansing, across from Morrill, behind Polacheks Block of campus 332-3255 C tional recognition. Snow plowed $25 the term, in ad¬ Questioned on the subject at a vance Call Mark White. 332-3947. news conference, Le said: "All 410 Albert 2-1/7 these subterfuges only serve to sabotage and delay the confer¬ HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS ence." - Wanted PARTTIME BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 3-5 HRS. PER DAY for all positive. A negative, B nega¬ DAYTIME ONLY 484-4475 tive and negative--$12.00 AB negative. $10.00. O MICHIGAN COM¬ MUNITY BLOOD CENTER. 507 1 2 Library E Grand River, East Lansing. Above (continued from page one) the new Campus Book Store. Hours: The Academic Council will 9 a m -3:30 p.m.. Monday. Tues¬ also hear annual reports from day and Fridav; Wednesday and Thurs¬ day. 12-6:30 p.m. 337-7183. C the University Curriculum Com¬ THE MEN of Sigma Alpha Mu Frater mittee and the Business Affairs nity cordially invite you to Open Rush Committee. Tuesday and Wednesday night from Paul M. Hurrell, associate pro¬ 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. For rides call fessor in Justin Morrill College 337-1714. 1-1/7 MOTORCYCLE 250-350cc and met. Skiis. bindings and boots. will present an Educational Poli¬ 8ls. Call 351-3919 1 cies Committee report on pass-no RENT A TV from a TV Companv- credit grading for specific cour¬ ses approved by the Curriculum You've heard about the house on-the hill t 19.00 per NEJAC TV RENTALS. month Call 337-1300 C Committee. The meeting, which is open to Eye catcher LANG SKI boots size 9 1/2 M. $75 the public, is in the Con Con NEW AUDITORIUM COMMITTEE OrganizaUonal meeting, January 7. 7:30 p.m.. 466Berkey. 2-17 Head Standard skiis with bindings size 9*11" $90 351-3248 after 6pm Room of the International Cen¬ ter at 3:15 p.m. today hose sale regularly 99£ pair Psi Upsilon Peanuts Personal Final information meeting 3 prs. is holding open rush so that ABYBA. YOU make me feel like smil¬ ing my way through it all! Welcome A little bird told us you were wa we may give you a closer home handsome! Love M B 1-1/7 for applicants for ing for a stocking value like this, just think. . .famous B2rkshirequal¬ ity and styling at these low prices, look at our "house on the hill." SPARTAN AIDE Single pair, 79£. LEASE OPTION to buy: Ten acres, large rune room home presently rented $125 Second floor Fine barn and at us, the men who live in it. 60X12 Fifteen minutes MSU $450 month Phone IV 5-6128 Joanna Sargeant Broker 1-1/7 Positions for the 1969 Recreation BRIDGE CLASSES starting Certified instructor. Bettie soon Brick Summer Orientation Program ner ED 7-9476 5-1/13 If you think yoj can qualify for this important inj Service influential student service position,comeand learn the details. ALTERATIONS AND dress making 6:45 Tuesday night by experienced seamstress Rea sonable charge. 355-5855 . 3-1/8 Green Ruom, MSU SKI CLUB Wednesday 7:30 P.M, Meets 109 Anthony Hall Student Union Jilawlk^k*icoei,203 E. G^and River Tuesday or Wednesday call 351-4686, 7, 8 for a ride 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Phone operators act as fact-finders Was Chester A. Arthur ever The directories that the op¬ erators use are the same is¬ a president of the United States? Where can a doctor special¬ sued to everyone else, except izing in snakes be found? they are in loose leaf form. It If you can answer questions is this lose leaf book that like these, then you are on your forms the basis for the-opera¬ tors' knowledge. way to handling a job as an MSU information telephone operator. The operators insert blank The information operators are pages in the directories and write down notes of information not really Phi Beta Kappa's or for future reference whenever quiz kids sitting behind switch¬ boards in a room filled with an unusual question arises. reference books. They are or¬ Eight full-time operators work dinary women working at ordi¬ during the day. Three full time student wives, 10 part-time nary desks with ordinary-look¬ students and seven part-time wo¬ ing telephones. men work evenings and week¬ To become an information ends. There is only one opera¬ operator takes about four hours of training on the telephone tor on duty from 1-8 a.m. console with two reference June Schalow, night super¬ visor, said that there are not Dream on books: the student and the fac¬ ulty-staff directories. enough consoles to handle the For some students it a pleasant distraction, for It takes from six months to full load of calls received dur¬ others the "fun-in-thi m" wear display in Jacob- ing a heavy day. a year to gain the experience reminder of the 10-week "When we don't answer right sen's window is a torturoi js necessary to answer the dif¬ wait until spring break. ferent kinds of information awSy, the students think we are out on our coffee or lunch break, State N , Photo by Wayne Munn questions. but that's not true." she said. "We ask that the student be patient. We'll get to him as soon Nude demonstration as it is possible. " The heaviest load, according to Cheryl Mazner. senior oper¬ ator comes at the beginning of morality probe the terms. are "Suprisingly, many students changing rooms during the first three weeks of fall term," SPARTAN BULK FLORIDA JOICE world traveler, too. Last 39'/d, manded that the legislators re¬ of a sponsible for Oakland Univer¬ a "morality year he. traveled in India and Vietnam and submitted a ser¬ she said. i'This means con¬ stantly revising the directories RING BOLOGNA ORANGES Occasionally a student will meet the requirements of a sity institute probe" into the institution. On Dec. 30. 14 legislators, in¬ ies of articles presence in concerning U.S. Vietnam for Col¬ to keep up to date. " 49'/b. 125 size cluding four state senators and lage. 8. Modern class in such a unique way that 10 state representatives, met at But honor student-cosmopo¬ Hickory Smoked it is bound to draw some atten¬ tion-even beyond the class¬ Oakland to discuss the "moral¬ ity problem" there. lite or no. the situation for Lee Elbinger is this: no degree, by Facilities?You BetL MACKINTOSH APPLES; room. order of the University chancel¬ Rush ZBT PICNICS Lee senior at Elbinger. a graduating Oakland University "The general reaction at the hearing was that the Univer¬ lor. until the Student Conduct Committee holds its hearing. 332-3565 37