T uesda Partly cloudy ... .and warmer with a chance We shall. MICHIGAN . . STATE MEWS of occassional light snow have our manhood. We STATE . . . shall have it or the earth will be leveled by our attempts to gain it. -Eldridge Cleavec UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 105 OPPOSES AMENDMENT ar soluti anticipated WIC re-asserts stand by Harriman PARIS (AP) -- Ambassador W. Harriman preparing to surrender signment as chief U.S. spokesman at the Averell his as¬ for selective frosh and if the faculty committee does not. ap¬ man. hours Dickerson said, should be one who Paris talks, urged the American people has completed one term as a full-time prove the new proposal that first term student at the University, not jpon the Monday to keep in mind that U.S. objec¬ freshmen have no hours, there will have to tives in Vietnam are limited and that these number of credits earned. Women's Inter - residence Council be a compromise committee to resolve objectives can be achieved short of total (WIC) again has urged the Faculty Com¬ it." • ;'»» military victory. mittee on Student Affairs to accept their In a letter he presented to the faculty In a farewell address to the Anglo-Amer¬ committee Friday. Dickerson said that he original proposal that all freshman women ican Press Club. Harriman said that after eight months as chief negotiator for Presi¬ dent Johnson, he is convinced that a way be included in a no hours policy._ The no hours policy proposed by WIC last term was amended by the faculty could not approve selective hours for first term freshmen because "the new freshman must make a great many adjustments Dickerson out of the war in Vietnam can be found committee at the urging of Milton B. It may be hard to come by and it may take great patience Dickerson. vice president for student af¬ fairs. to include only second and third upon "I her arrival on campus. place the greatest weight upon the necessity for the student to make a proper rationale the 77-vear-old dele- term freshman women. academic beginning in order to have a I would approve of '^elective hours g a t ion chief Said "WIC will continue to work for no successful college career. Dickerson said. for second and third ;erm freshmen "but I believe that in hours for all freshmen.'' Sue Landers. Dickerson noted that parents when sur¬ women but not for first term freshmen. these negotiations a WIC president, said. veyed voted in a substantial majority to My decision is based? upon the fact solution will be WIC has now presented the faculty have hours for their daughters that a new freshman must make a found." committee with a new proposal that the "Mv own conclusion, after reading and great many adjustment upon her ar¬ The veteran diplo¬ first termers be re-included in the policy rival on campus. I pla<;e the greatest studying survey after survey and talking mat extended his best wishes to the in- Thumbs Before the faculty committee hears the WIC plea, however. ASMSU student board to a number of different girls, is 'hat first term freshman women should still weight upon the necessity for the stu¬ dent to make a proper academic begin¬ coming American Hitchhiking, the long-forbidden practice will consider the amended no hours policy. have the support of having hours the first ning in order to hav<> a successful team and the new "It is my feeling." Miss Landers said coeds as a way to avoid those slippery v ten weeks of this transition period from college career. chief negotiator. Am¬ "that the board will not approve the college." he said. My own conclusion, after reading and hiking soars remarkably high during winte home to bassador Henry Ca¬ State Ne Photo by Vfayne Mu amendments. If it does not accept them The definition of a second term fresh- studying survey after survey and after bot Lodge. talking to a number of different girls, is that first term freshmen women should still have the support of having "Our objectives in Vietnam are limited." hours the first ten weeks of this trans¬ Harriman said, people recognize with such "and I hope the American namic quality" about the peace this and will be satis- limited objectives and not be talking about winning the war . " Harriman said he felt here was a "dy¬ tions whose pressure will be felt by all negotia¬ Board to review MHA The MSU Board of Trustees may rule, The proposed open house policy would closed doors, with each hall assuming plan> of the "societal rules which ition period from home to college. This will be called a crutch by some, or called control by others, but in either case it is intended to be temp¬ orary and will last o-ilv until, hope¬ fully. the student has * acquired study habits and ability to use responsibly on the Men's Hall Assn iMHA) oDen delegate authority for deciding hours, su¬ the responsibility for its decision. those concerned in the talks, implying house proposal at their meeting Thursday pervision. proper attire and open or closed At the committee meeting Friday af¬ her new freedoms. Perhaps I am merely that now that negotiations have been start¬ t ne trustees will receive a copy of the door policies to the individual residence ternoon. Dickerson presented his objec¬ saying that the complete responsibility "Student rooms, whether bedrooms or ed. they will go forward on a momentum MHA proposal a^id the rationale behind halls. tions to the open house proposal in a formal for her own hours wi'l come in two combination living.and sleeping rooms, are of their own until some meeting of minds it. as well as the objections to the pro¬ The MHA proposal was referred to the letter. stages, rather than a\ at once, when still not acceptable quarters for all night is achieved. posal by Milton B Dickerson. vice presi¬ board Friday when the Faculty Committee His main objection to the proposal is she is also struggling with the re¬ on Student Affairs refused to accept Dick- occupancy by unmarried couples. I do not At the moment the talks are stalled over dent for siudent affairs. that it is an invasion on the privacy of sponsibility of doing cc liege level work feel overly hung up on sex in making this Dickerson said Monday that he will erson's amendments to the proposal. each roommate and the right of an in¬ without her parents or high school procedure, largely centered on the insis¬ Dickerson s suggested amendments to dividual to his observation. I am merely stating a fact." tence of the Viet Cong's National Libera¬ present the trustees with information on use own room. the letter states (please turn to pege 7> tion Front to equal status at a conference the MHA proposal along with his rea¬ the proposal include restricting the time for not approving the new policy of open houses to no later than 1 a.m. in prepared to accept the almost ' sons I am not table with the Saigon government, and Sai¬ The trustees may delay their decision men's residence halls and no later than inevitable discomfort and burden which gon's no less determined insistence on with¬ would be placed upon the non-participating on the proposal until their next meeting closing hours in women's halls. holding such implicit recognition. He approves of each student, or each in February to hear reports from more roommate, especially if he or she were not hall, deciding the question of open or (please turn to page 71 people. Dickerson said agressive. if any hall chose to go the limit with 24 hour visitation." the letter states. Dickerson wrote that the desire for co-ed companionship for some would take away Defense attorney admits the right to privacy from a considerable number of students. "The right of an individual to use his own room must be paramount, whether u Sirhan shot Sen. Kenne dy the letter continues. ^ ^ 1-5 p. r Dickerson also objected to the fourth sen¬ tence of the proposed policy dealing with quired to be taken and they are not au¬ used furniture for the ieography under¬ LOS ANGELES «AP > -Defense counsel to the first prospective juror called in the the social regulations to be placed upon after the court denied a defense mo¬ tomatically excluded." He wants the sentence graduate lounge just set up in the Natural Science for Sirhan Bishara Sirhan said Monday case, the open houses. tion to set aside the list of prospective The judge said, he found that no persons reworded "in understandable language" to Building. Can Spartacuss help? there will be no denial that Sirhan fired of any ethnic, sociological or economic Carol Sybinsky. Mt. Pleasant, Pa. senior. the shot that killed Sen. Robert F. Ken¬ trial jurors. Sure can. Spartacuss talked to Nat Hammond of Eden The prospective juror. George Doudle. group had been systematically excluded nedy Roc Apts. who says he'll be glad to donate any of the administrator for*Aerospace Corp . was from the list. It is not the intent of this policy to Grant B Cooper made the statement an The defense contended that the system old furniture he has. excused after he said he would not be able permit or condone premarital sexuai in¬ to give the defendant a fair trial because yielded juries not representative of the tercourse or cohabitation and such actions he kr.ew Sirhan shot Kennedy not expected of responsible people. ruling on the motion the judge are I had an oil portrait done by Delma Snudios. The work¬ War pro Cooper said v/hile questioning him that there would be ' no denial of the fact that After called for the first prospective juror. Dickerson wrote that students are he realized that willing and able to assume manship is poor and I'd like my money. it was delivered w;th a bent frame. our client. Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. fired Sirhan. 24. strode into court briskly for greater responsibility in the organization Robert English, Alma senior. the shot that killed the late senator and the fourth day of the trial, waved to and operation of open-houses of longer set for injured others This was the first time Kennedy's name relatives in the spectator section, ferred with his attorneys then con¬ duration, but students must be willing to Spartacuss called Delma Studios and they that if you return your pictures they will redo assured us them to had been mentioned in court since the your satisfaction and give you a nev frame free of r- charge. Address is 255 Park Avenue. South iu New York. inauguration trial began last Tuesday WASHINGTON groups whose peace e military. Peace Oboist presents like some movement in my time death game. The effect of Corps or V,.STAf Cosa Nostra rituals. movies. Maybe the Mafia does the News )f the amendments eluding everything from stock discuss 'ts business at mara- to the I igher Education Act market maneuvers to fratricide. of 1965. *- hich make the new Oboist Daniel Stolper's solo diverse musical idioms he chose concluded the recital found Also, since even under the the anti-hero (Douglas i loans possible, was released recital in the Music Auditorium to program. violist Lvman Bodman partner¬ best of circumstances the viola's Almost a"Z°ZAHURRY! LAST DAY Sunday afternoon, reminded this Ably partnered by pianist ing his two associates in a less middle range ,on the D and G the latest'report"'bv^hV Car" k A UWU G^D 1-1_ py s 3;00 _ 5;05 _ 7:l0 . 9;15 listener anew what an incredibly David Renner-who was playing dovetailed manner than what strings i is hard to project in negie Commission on High- the concert hall, the beautiful delightful instrument the oboe at the top of his form-Stolper might have been expected, er. Education can be in the hands of a stellar managed to convey the melan- though the performance as a impressionistic harmonies of jn t^e rep()r{ • \ew Levels APPlE FILMS •KING FWURES this work make it a candidate ' cholic, slighty grey musical tone Responsibility <"a"na performer. whole was quite successful. The of Federal could TheGeatles Throughout this recital it was evident that Stolper is a musi- of Alvin Etler's 1952 Introduction and Allegro, real problem here was balance since Mr. Renner in his great probably capture the interplay between oboe and viola Commission Kerr Chairman urges the government to Clark Yellav Submarine cian with both the heart and mind to make the most of the This seems to be one of those works in which Etler had some¬ enthusiams. occasionally drown¬ ed his partners out. NOVELTY "SKY CAPERS" Pink Panther Cartoon SRAM INFORMATION » 482-3905 thing to say, and Stolper spun out the Introduction portion with STARTS WEDNESDAY MICHIGAN especial sensitivity and musical member resigns, r II CAROL CHANNING — II _ oaay . Feature at 1:10 - 3:15 - 5:15 _ 7:25 _ 9:35 P.M. STEVE sincerity. The 1964 Sonatina Berkeley turned out to be a by Lennox The lovely Schumann zen" received gentle, but "Roman- full¬ ASMSU blown romantic treatment. pleasant, if not entirely fascinat- claims Cabinet failing goal FRANKIE AVALON MCQUEEN into the mild. Renner's handling of the dynamic MICHAEL CONSTANTINE melodically dissonant sound of contrasts of Nicht Schnell. being JOHN PHILLIP LAW ^'BULLITT what one might hear from a com- particularly memorable. Stolper PETER LAWFORD poser such as Samuel Barber- though he did manage to convey from the Mass Media committee Another problem Feinberg BURGESS MEREDITH GEORGE RAFT only less inventive. the message of Schumann s po- By ROSANNE BAIME before the student board which The Rhapsodie pour Hautbois <*7 he/e' was ahble '° SUSK State News Staff Writer asked for approval of a $1,000 MICKEY ROONEY (1948) bv Jean-Michel Damase normally bright, rich Student government at MSU budget. The program involves GROUCHO M was less dry' than the Berkeley sound he draws Iron, hismstru- is losing sight of its primary the purchase of a slide projector ^yv- ounaiina. and Sonatina. studded withdiffi- diiu siuuucu wiui uiiii- Hls breathing seemed, to, . uuiuus>e. to purpose, iu serve uie student ve the muulmu -tape recorder combination that ' The problem with the old culties for the virtuoso. Stolper become increasingly labored and ^ his tone more acid. As a result, ice a president Cabine( said recently could provide campus organiz¬ Cabinet jvas the lack of per¬ played it with great flair, a pleas¬ ations. with an effective public sonnel." : Feinberg said. "An the long legato line which I have Richard N. Feinberg. former ing tone, though from this point heard maintained more effort- expanded Cabinet still has this on in the program he did seem = vice president for university relations tool, according to F< personnel problem." (Parental Discretion Advised) lessly by such players as Ray resigned Thursday berg WEDNESDAY IS LADIES DAY - 75c to 6 p.) to have some kind of audible Still or Marcel Tabureau. elud¬ programs, structure i for personal reasons. The difficulty with breath control. ed him. The board postponed action on Nevertheless, he negotiated the Student government is like the program for a week at the ically a good idea, but the timing Leffler's "Deux Rhapsodies a big sandbox, with everyone on it is of;." he said. torturous runs of the piece with request of Banghart. for Oboe, viola and piano which building their own castles and great aplomb. Bangh,-.rt agreed that there is trying to keep them intact. I supported the mass media Feinberg said. program at last Tuesday's meet¬ a personnel problem within the if he Tn any bureaucracy there ing and will ask for its ap¬ Cabinet., but does not see that hollers, is some element of self-inprove- proval this week. Banghart problem*as any reason to cut back onr services it offers to let him ment." Don Banghart. Cabinet said. students president said. ' Everyone tries to build his According to Banghart. the The new post primarily re¬ 'sandbox' and tries to board seemed concerned over own groups existing programs into SHOWN AT 7:25-9:25 whether the fund outlay would secure it. There are always a more efficient organization , actions interpreted as poli¬ be worthwhile to the students. some according to Banghart. while A STUNNING, BEAUTIFULLY tical.'" he said. By asking for the delay gave Mass Media Chairman Gary Banghart creating only three new pro- Tuesday night Feinberg pre¬ MADE FILM-ONE THAT sented a promotional program Klinskv the opportunity to provide board members with YOU WILL NOT FORGET!" more information on purchase and rental costs of the promo- Texas prof to talk tinalunit. The MSI "EXCEPTIONALLY POWERFUL 1:10-3:15 Science and Math IN BOTH CONCEPT AND 5:20-7:25-9:30 Coming Teaching Center will sponsor a talk by David Butts, professor* EXECUTION! A HIGH LEVEL BOB SEGER of education at the University OF CREATIVE CINEMA!" "System" and of Texas at 7:30 p.m. Wednes¬ Neih Diamond day in th? McDonel Kiva His topic will be The A A AS--* KIRK DOUGLAS January 26 Science. A process approach.- "BRILLIANT! REMARKABLE!" ASMSU popular Butts is affiliated with the Uni¬ entertainment versity of Texas Science ami* THE BROTHERHOOD Auditorium 8 p.m. Education Center which is de¬ Tickets on saje Jan 13 veloping i new method for teach¬ THE FIFTH HORSEmnn IS FEKR S2 & S3 ing sci< " the lentai Marshall Music Starring Mirdslav Machacek-Olga Schelnp Flugoya NEXT..."3 IN THE ATTIC" Cambei is ' Unioi Released Prior To November ist-Not Classified SPARTAN TWIfc THEATRE PNDS SOON! You We don't have have to walk a mile to get to a Sunshine Center. 3 convenient locations to make your job easier. HAVE A PROBLEM? "C Js'DY" Shown at 2:00-reat Locations For Your Convenience MIA FARROW 1 2 3 - - - 213 Ann Street Corner of Harrison & Northwind Dr. Facing Wilson Road Yankee Stadium Plaza 355-4560 ROBERT MITCHUM -Cftitesl jxmxjt Morion Brando SECRET I KAorfturton JonesCobum 1 - 5 p.m. 5CEREMONY"! 1 JchnKj*" Kngo ' art —, Ewa Aiin. Candy Tuesday, January lx, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^ Cagers visit Iowa ' By MIKE MANLEY State News Sports Writer MSU's basketball team, * in better shape than in the past.'' Benington Ten's MVP. by Coach Ralph Miller says that considers Iowa 6-7 junior college transfer this year with guards Chris snake pit' graduation but averaging 15.7 this year while Vidnovic is scoring at a 14.7 clip. Iowa has a deep bench For Benington, it is the same season-long problem of try¬ ing to arrive at some kind of a starting lineup, although he John Johnson is even better. the toughest place to play in Phillips, a 12.7 scorer, and says he is closer to one now showing signs of,snapping out Although he has gotten off to a he has been all season. the Big Ten and with 6-7 Ben senior Ron Norman, who is than of a month long slump, will slow start in the conference, \ McGilmer rounding into form also a dependable scorer. Only seven Spartans saw action run headlong into a strong Iowa Johnson still leads the Hawk- after two years in the Army, against Wisconsin. in Iowa City tonight the Hawkeyes should be even eyes in scoring with a 20.6 team The latest NCAA statistics The game is a must for the stronger. average. show that Iowa, 7-4 on the Benington will not name his Spartans if they hope to stay Starting up front along with starting lineup but it is certain in contention for the Big Ten In past games McGilmer season, sixth in the country has been coming off the bench Johnson and McGilmer will that Lee Lafayette, averaging crown. be 6-8 junior Dick Jensen, offensively, averaging nearly reserve and he hasn't 17.9. will man the center "We have to win one on ^Jie as a with Chad Calabria and Glenn 93 points a game, however been playing well but he looked defensively they have allowed spot with Jim Gibbons and road if we want to stay in tie Vidnovic at the guards. Bernie Copeland the probable race," Coach John Bening^in great against Indiana with 27 Calabria, a 6-1 junior who 81 a game, as compared to 71 forwards and Harrison Stepter points."' Benington said. all-Big Ten second last year when they shared jf H said. "We have never Iowa, not many people haie. won at The Hawkeyes lost Sam was an the Big Ten crown. and Rudy Benjamin as the Williams. last year's Big team choice last year, is guards. Lloyd Ward, who twice JOHN BENINGTON but we're going into this garle in a row has picked up the Spar¬ tans with his hustling play after coming off the bench, will see TOM BROWN Frosh icers action for the are Benington Spartans. said the Spartans playing with more confi¬ dence after their win over The vengeance of at Notre Dam According to Terpay, the frosh Wisconsin but this game be the crucial test. will MSU MSU's Overdrive! guard Lloyd Ward drives for the basket during win over Wisconsin last Tuesday. Coach Gary Walkowicz . By PAM BOYCE Roberts (Detroit). the br¬ MSU Doug Rob¬ will use the same basic plays John Benington will hope for a similar type of effort whe-o MSU meets Iowa tonight at Iowa State News Sports Writer other of former that the varsity does to acquaint Jet quarterback, give our boys team The MSU freshman hockey erts. the players with the patterns a pre-game talk on confidence, City. State News photo by Bob Ivins team, after weeks of grueling A1 Laking. Don St. Jean, both they will be using next year. Benington said. Ever since the Yankees went to seed and Giant f; ns practice, will finally see what of Sudbury. Ontario, and Bob took to singing "Good-bye Allie" after every less, is in store for them next year Campbell of East Lansing, whose the world's greatest city has been without a champfon. when thev play their first game brother plays on the Spartan Tankers beatmeter Minnesota Chumps they had: champs, no. of the season today against varsity, make up another fresh- The Mets were always around with their pantheon of Notre Dame. man line. heroes Marvelous Marv Throneberry. Galen Cisco, ad The Spartan freshmen . in the on their dive and Jim Henderson were Don Rauch in the 200 vd nauseum. first of three games And don't forget the New York Knicks that gave up i schedule, meet the hoc- is made up of Gilles Gagnon. wins bv Georee the 500 freestyle with a 5:08.84 . Richardvd. Cri Alwa^d to sweep freestylinethe e,ttenden and Bobin PappH hv 'wn hundred markers to one player. key team of the fighting Irish, who just came to school this Gonzalez in the freestyle events, time. teamed with JudSpartaVi the 50 yd. 200freestyl a Montreal. Bill Fifield Or the New York Rangers. to see why composed of freshman and v term from and Dennis Hogan of Sudbury. the Sparta .1 swimmers Monday The only two losses for the the 3 meter events winners Jones other butterfly. With a background like this, it's not hard sitv players this afternoon Terpay said he will probably captured their fourth dual win swimmers came in the 200 in- the New York victory over Baltimore was a big moment South Bend. of the year by defeating Minne- dividual medley and the 400 in Fun City. The Notre Dame skaters have use the line made up of Jim sota84-ay freestyle relay. The Gophers It was also a big moment for a fellow who's never been traveling around the coun- Rossio. Craig Calvert and Larry MSU lost only two of ll races top swimmer Martin Knight set Jakanovich as penalty killers. seen New York and lives in Memphis. various schools. Hoc¬ his though often swimming one man. a n^w dual meet record with a Memphis, Michigan. try playing key. yet to achieve varsity sta- referring them hich as can really Gonzalez swept to an easy win 2:01.99 mark in medley, Van Dyke Gary Walkowicz. intrepid State News sports writer tus at Notre Dame, is still con- 'scooter line in the 1.000 freestvle event with MSU controlled the diving since the year one, called in hustle." and dedicated Jet fans sidered a club sport by the Irish. On defense Terpay plans to a new dual meet record time events. Bill Scott and Duane sick and then disappeared Freshman coach Alex Terpay Paul Mooney of Sault Ste. of 10:39.40. Gonzalez also won Green finished one-two in the 1 Makers of Fine Portraits For: But with the end in sight on Sunday and the Jets winning, a former Spartan goalie, said use Ontario. Ken Joseph it was only a matter of time before Gary would call. he expects a hard fought game Marie. Lansing. > John Patange FREAKOUT No. 1 i and is pleased with the way With eight seconds on the (East Lansing > and Dave Bosman his team has shaped up in the clock, Walkowicz feverishly dialed the number of the State past two months. (Muskegon). these Terpay said players have "come a featuring Seniors Business "The team has a lot of good News office, his mind and mouth long way . " loaded with vengeance scoring punch and we have some really outstanding. big for¬ In the goalie position hoice of three Terpay players- £ £ (Formerly The Scott Richard Case) Engagements Servicemen wards." Terpay said Our "What've you gotta say about defense is a little less experi- Bill Ravlin. Jim Watt and Joe Willie now. huh. huh0 You enced and could use some im- Dale McCann. got your words written down The goalies have all worked The Maxx provement. but it will be more so yu can eat'em? I got the real hard and the position is than adequate. salt and pepper " One line will be composed of up for grabs." Terpay said. Friday January 17,1969 I would feel confident with 8-12 p.m. 2 doors south If Gary brayed like a drunken Herb Price i Detroit i. Don any one of them in the nets." of State Theater jackass, he felt he had good Thompson (Toronto) and Dave M5U Student Union Ballroom reason. For the last three weeks 209 Abbott Road DOZEN ROSES Admission $1.50 _ ^ Walkowiczwould Joe Willie told maul everyone that Blatimore S ED 2-8889 an(* ever.vone laughed at him. UCLA 3M Cash & Carry SPONSORED BY BROADWAY JOE With the exception of Pam Jon Anthony THE MSU FUND FOR DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN 809 E. Michigan seemed to favor the Bovce who unanimous for vague feminine reason. Walkowicz was GWfiydoes Jets some and In fact. Gary believed to the point the only believer. that he was offering points. cage p SLY the FAMILY a perfect size 7 It is written that a fool and his money are soon parted, but everyone liked Gary too well to take any of his action. If a we didn't lot of bad mouthing. take any of his action however, we did do Teams 1. UCLA (351 2 North 111-0) Carolina 111- STONE CONCERT lookperfect Gary assessed the sins of his antagonists in following 3. Santa Clara (14-01 4. Davidson (lO-li ALBION COLLEGE, FEB. 7, 1969 Mike Manley - He cut* down everyone on the team. He said the AFL couldn t play defense and added that would leave footprints on the forehead of Joe 5. Illinois (11-1) 6 Kentucky (9-21 7. New Mex oSt. ( ON rO'JR OF COLLEGE CAMPUSES ACROSS THE COUNTRY, SLY AND THE 8:00 p.m. only21 day^ Bubba Willie " Don Kopriva He implied that the NFL was a superior 10 Vill 11 Tulsa i (11-2) UO-li FAMILY STONE BRING TOGETHER AN EXCITING BLEND OF PSYCHEDELIA For tickets and information write: everymdntK? 12 New Mexico (11-4 > BRUCE TOBIN AND RHYTHM AND BLUES. Tom Brown- He cut down Joe Willie quite a bit 13 Notre Dame i10-21 TWO HOLR 1004 E. PORTER That Eat at Broadway Joe's' cartoon really showed it." 14 i tie i 14. Wyoming 19-2 > Duquesne 110-1 i IN THIS CONCERT YOU CAN HEAR ALBION, MICH. 49224 On the other hand. Pam Bovce was promoted into the 16. Purdue (9-3. SUCH HITS AS, "DANCE legion of the blessed 17 St Bonaventure (7-5) TO THE MJSIC". AND THEIR She liked Joe Willie's blue eves. Gary recalled. 17 (tie) Colorado (13-2) 19 ! tie i Columbia (ll-li NEW Hrr, "EVERYDAY PEOPLE." In less than 24 hours. Gary had organized the cult of 19 Louisville U0-2 > COUPLES - $4.00 the Jets into a full-blown religion complete with saints, 19 Cincinnati (9-3» TICKETS SINGLES - $2.50 sinners, a good book and 10 commandments The New York writers became saints and the Detroit writers became sinners while Gary collected pictures and stories for a book of lasting significance and call it "One of The As a thse days 1 11 put it altogether Day Good Overcame Evil. Gary announced parting shot. Gay organized the law of his new LEARN °f~- religion into the following FLYING... Makes you wonder where he keeps his lightning bolts It has nothing to do with calories. It's a special female weight gain... stationery caused by temporary water-weight build-up. Oh, you know... that uncomfortable full * AVIATION LANGUAGE AND TERMINOLOGY feeling that sneaks up v AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS on you the week before * RADIO OPERATION AND BASIC AIR NAVIGATION your menstrual period. * FEDERAL AVIATION RULES AND REGULATIONS This fluid retention not * COMPLETE PREPARATION FOR PRIVATE PILOT WRITTEN EXAM only plays havoc with * AVIATION SAFETY, MOVIES, SLIDES, AND MUCH MORE your looks but how feel as well. COME TO OUR SIGN-UP SESSION, WEDNESDAY, 7 P.M., RM. 31 UNION BLDG. you (It puts pressure on IF YOU'VE WONDERED WHAT LEARNING TO FLY WITH THE WINGED SPARTANS delicate nerves and IS ALL ABOUT—THIS CLASS IS FOR YOUI tissues, which can lead to pre-menstrual Winged Sparry Says, "YOU can I CANT ATTEND YOUR MEETING, BUT WOULD cramps and headaches, be your own private pilot I" LIKE INFORMATION ABOUT FLYING WITH THE leaves emotions on edge.) WINGED SPARTANS That's why so take PAMPRIN . gifts many women It gently relieves water-weight gain "When you think of Cards" pre-menstrual puffiness, ] ADDRESS to help prevent I tension, and pressure-caused cramps. CARD SHOP | PHONE_ SEND TO: WINGED SPARTANS INFO, PAMPRIN makes sure a perfect BOX 287, E. LANSING size 7 never looks less than perfect. Across from Home Ec. Bldg. Nor feels less than perfect, either. 30? E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 Tuesday, January 1„ , 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Saje Talks (continued from page one) BICYCLE SALES and Mrvlct. Alio UMd. EAST LANSING CYCLE, 216 East Grand Rlvtr. Call 332-8303. C Nigerian p Last-minute U.S. attempts to get the conference working be¬ fore President Johnson leaves office have failed. The North Biafra key peace Vietnamese and their Liberation Front allies have turned down all initiatives of the Americans seeking to on the ge the talks started lption that two felt it necessary to break away, sovereignty it could not survive assu By DIANE PETRYK sides, and not involved Mrs. Isoun said, because they economically,'' she said. She our, are State News Staff Writer in the had lost a great deal of their said that the oil that has been war. 100 WATT AM-FM stereo, tuner, amplifier and two 3-way speakers; Anxious to get back to her power over the other tribes. so well publicized does not be- also Standel Super Artist, Fender Stratocaster. Call Gary 351-8907. home in Nigeria, Miriam Isoun, The Nigerian government long to the Ibos but is concen- SN corr3ction: biological researcher at MSU, insists the creation of 12 states trated in adjoining provinces that FOUR TRACK cartridge tape record¬ is concerned about the tragic is not a punitive measure the Ibos desire to control, Conyeri talk set 25 tapes included. $135. 351- secession of Biafra from the against the Ibos, but rather a "The Ibos are doing the same er condition for further political thing to their neighbors as they 3310. 3-1/15 Nigerian Federation. Mrs. Isoun and her husband, progress. claim Nigeria is doing to them," for later session AUDIO COMPONENT SERVICE, Am- a Biafran, spent two years in Many Ibos continue to believe she said. The story appearing on page pex, Sony, Scott, Fisher and many 7 of the Jctn. 13 edition of other select brands at MAIN ELEC¬ Nigeria as lecturers^ They they would be in danger if they As they stand now. the Biafrans TRONICS, 5558 South Pennsylvania. were present throughout a remained in the Nigerian Fed- have poor land• for - • agriculture the State NVws. stating that Lansing c major part of the crisisf and eration. and no outlet to the sea. Con¬ Rep. John (onyers, D-Mich., traveled among the people "The Ibos are convinced there sequently they would have to would speak' on "Communi¬ SNOWMOBILE CANADA'S best Boa- ty Expressi jis of Racism" Ski. Buy in the crate-assemble and 7 p.m. support the Biafran secession. tms is not «"• , sum o( money armlng at '^ednesday in Er- save 1659. STASZUKS MOVING Samples on display 1301 Turner 485-2241. & STORAGE, According to 5-1/15 the only way to end the suffer- Mrs^ Isoun. said, insisting that the Federal government of Nigeria is anxious ?hemselves esent againstMrsan threat ever- iS0Un Across the ickson Kiva^ was in error. Conyers wif speak on that ing and relieve the starvation to feed the people, rehabilitate gXpiaine(j Workmen for the Grand Trunk Western Ralnroad are busy erecting a platform by topic Feb 12. s among Biafrans is for Biafra the destroyed areas and bring 'There had been a star¬ the campus railroad tracks. Construction Is being done south of the Natural James \JcKee. professor to give up secession. Biafra back into the Federation vation problem in Biafra," she Resources Bldg. at the Farm Lane crossing. State News Photo by Bob Ivins of sociology.' will speak Wed-' ALL TYPES of OpUcal repairs "This is the only solution for the good of the entire country, said. nesdav on' Black and White Prompt service OPTICAL DIS¬ for the Ibo people." she In fact, she said, the Nigerian Racism. Richard Thomas. COUNT, 416 Tussing Building Phone said. government has been extremely East Lansing senior, and Fran¬ STUDENT CREATION IV 2-4667 C Washington. Mrs. Isoun explained that humanitarian, trying their best ces Thornton. the Ibo tribe of Biafra con- to feed the people who are now DC., graduate student, will trolled the whole Nigerian Fed¬ be reactors tc his speech. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies eration in Lagos, the capital, Tuition fok the Racism and Coeds grace new calendar AKC Seven weeks old. Two male and held the most important the Viet Cong?" she asks, the Black-V* hite Community one female 485-6107 after 5pm 5-1/16 positions in business Ifefore Mrs. Isoun compares the con- Seminar is $12. but anyone • secession. When they lost flict to the United States' Civil desiring to attend a single ses¬ power temporarily, Nigeria's War in that Biafra, like the and the advertising and layout sion may purchase a ticket leaders divided the country American South once did. campus in less than two weeks. at the door fc£ $2.50 into 12 states in order to thinks it has enough internal A calendar coeds, picturing is the work 10 MSU of eight MSU S.C. Hamerand Isle Iomjunior Palms Garyof Brisbee. The settings include the Crazy S riding stables, the cockpit of by Paul Reardon. Troy junior. 10 x 46 GREAT LAKES Two bed¬ rectify the structural imbalance wealth to be self-sufficient. co-chairmen for the calendar, rooms Located in Trailer Haven of the Federation. The Ibos "If Biafra were granted its students. are the originators of the idea a Flying Club plane at Capitol GUEST ROOMS 339-9087 10-1/17 in-profit calendar spon- City airport and the Detroit In- sored by local advertising, stitute of Arts. Backed up by a staff of six The 10 coeds represent each Company Coming? Lost & Found Dickerson's students, during the idea Thanksgiving took and the final printing job was shape vacation school months excluding and August, Besides the co-chairman Ha- Business Associates hue? i/> attempt to have all night would approve of each student, mer and Brisbee, the rest of the 202 Deluxe Rooms (continued from page one) counselors watching over her. even open-houses does not impress or each hall, deciding the completed shortly after the term staff includes Bill Deuel. Detroit e £ Sensible Rates good reason to subject question of open or closed freshman, John Eckerman, Sag¬ • Freshmen women could be Wtlvc olw„„l(.lu O LOST PAIR womens glasses Be¬ repeatedly surveyed. 1 am sure, some students in those few doors, with the assumption of "Cmoresaj5 Beech Authen¬ tic New England colonial 3>/j bed¬ few single rooms and each room rooms. m baths Recreation room is still a bedroom where each A discussion on Model City participation will be conducted First floor utility room Large lot by owner 337-2660 3-1 15 occupant should be able to sleep at a meeting of the Planners for Economic Opportunities a normal portion of each night. t preliminary results of the survey Selectric 353-7922 C meeting 3. I have never yet heard will be available for you later this year PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique any logical arguments for Open rush for positions on the Spring Carnival Weekend publicity and promotion committee is now being held. quality thesis service ing, multilith printing binding 337-1527 IBM typ¬ and hard C extending an open-house beyond approximately 1 a.m., at least Positions available are: executive secretary; advertising BUT ONLY IF YOU HELP NOW none with any connection to copy and layout; and radio, public relations and publicity Take a questionnaire folder provided in the Placement Office for BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing "the basic purposes of the work. There are also openings for hotel and restaurant No job too large or too small Block of campus 332-3255 C university" The probability majors for reservation work. Phone 353-8857 or 351-3099 each interview appointment you make...instructions, an explana¬ that only one or two halls would for appointments. TYPING TERM papers and theses tion and a valuable "Decision Table" will be with each folder. Electric typewriter Fait service. Christian Science Organization will hold its weekly testimony Call 332-4597 O VV anted meeting at 6:45 tonight at the Alumni Memorial Chapel. Every¬ one is welcome. ANN BROWN Typtit and multilith, THANK YOU offMt printing. UiiMrUtioni. theses, Orcheals will meet at 7:15 in room 218 Women's Intra¬ manuicrlpti ftntral typing IBM mural Bldg. 19 yaan experience 332-8384 C DRUMMER DESIRES work New group preferred Inquire by mall TERM PAPERS, theses. manuscripts, or lee Ken Williams at 1704 Beal Tickets for "Oh, What a Lovely War," PAC production general typing IBM seleetric Avenue, Lansing, Michigan after of the musical satire, are available to coupon holders JANET 337=8803 30=10/2 5 p m ends weekdays and all day week M/18 from 12:30-5 p,m, today at Fairchlld Theatre box office On-Campus Representative: The show will run at 8 p,m Tuesday through Sunday in the Transportation BLOOD DONERS NEEDED 17 60 for Arena Theatre Tickets are 75 cents at the door all positive: A negative. B negative IDPHOMORE 01RL from Hressheek, Bancroft Hiili area needs ride to and AB negative 110 00 0 negative 118,00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY Mld'Miehigan ACM Chapter film "The Living Machine" will show the Computer Cinema from 12 noon to 1 p,m today In John Carr and from MIU Will share gas Phone BLOOD CENTER, W7M E Ofand 4N-7W7 River, East Laming Afcove the new the 4th floor Computer Center Auditorium, All are invited Campus Book Store Hwrs 6am RfflERS BREAK-Cheap round trip 3 80pm Monday, Tuesday and Frh Men of Kappa Alpha Pii will have .a pledge ceremony at Flwida Uudirdali, Baylona, Mi= day, Wednesday day, W and Thursday, 18= B tonight in 35 Union Bldg, for all interested in pledging ami 181=1411 C 180pm 887=7118 Tuesday, Janua^V 14, 1969 g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Poetry, revolution examined in Free University courses Free U is party of ASMSU. Free U will help a student asst. professor of English. A By PAT LEWIS The classes can start at the set up a course he would like course entitled "A Peaceful Classes on photography, con¬ to teach, will locate a professor Revolution- Is It Possible?" suggestion of a student or at versational Polish or science for a course a student asks for will meet Wednesday, from 9 the request of an instructor fiction may not exist in the will direct the student to to 10 p.m. in 304 Bessey Hall, who would like to teach a course or University, but a student may which especially interests him. another organization if the Books for the course will be initiate-- and teach-his own The idea is informal students- course is being offered else- "Revolt of Hope" by Erich course in the Free University. directed courses. where. Fromm and "Conquest of Vio- Anyone who is interested in lence" by John Bondurant. seeing a Free U course get a student need call beforehand started should come to the Free if he wished to attend this par- U office, room 326 student Ser- ticular course, vices Bldg between 1 and 4p.m. . Free U needs volunteers to Monday throiigh Friday or call answer the phone and to help 353-8857 interested students or faculty Outside of office hours stu- set up their own courses, dents should call Sue Ellen Krause Wilmette. 111. sophomore and director of Free U, at 351- 7449. Administration If the person who suggests the course does not want to teach it himself, the Free U offices FRESH PR staff will try to find a teacher. FINE M The State News will publicize the course so that anvone else 'the big who is interested in taking it The fac( ^ t|)e Universitv Fresh U.S.D.A. GRADE A Michigan Potato2s 20# ^9 can notify Free U. Five or six people are enough has two Administration WHOLE FRYERS lb. 28c for a class. Students are re- quested to call Free U if they f . ^ confusion among some studen s 4 , * Sa'ad tomatoes 12 oz tray ?9' plan to attend a class that P '° l0Cate Spartan sliced bacon 2 lb. 1" certain offices. has been announced. The format of courses varies. Starr H Keesler. asst. Uni¬ versitv secretarv. said that stu- reg o>* thick Pkg. Spinach 10 oz. pack £9C Free U classes may run for donts told to go to the Admlnjs- Beef Liver lb. several weeks or have only ! coupon 1 meeting. A discussion of tratton Bldg usually o the comeoffices The Harrad Experiment met old have structure, but some moved to the new build¬ l 50 extra stamps w'th 1 lb. pkg. , | 50 extra stamps with 1 once. A science fiction course ing. 3Jt ! 1 dDzen sunkist oranges v met several times and published Offices recently moved into [ of spartan sliced lunchm ^ four issues of a mimeographed the new location are: Admis¬ paper called Chrvsophalax. sions and Scholarships. Institu¬ Other classes included Emerg¬ tional Research. General Uni¬ ing Morality. Foreign Policy, versitv Services. Pavroll and and American Politics. An Arabic class on Irish history Several offices are yet to move were offered. Photography into the new building. Per¬ courses and literature courses iodic announcements will be were also taught. made when other offices make An ESP parapsychology course 1 1 had guest speakers and the students did independent re¬ Boots and blondes 0 /QQa search. As a fashion accessory boots were in long ago Among the courses this term Spartan Peaclies-Cling-Halves or Sliced "/ 03V bit to promote same in- are a modeling course to be Nancy Sinatra did he and 2'/2 size r dustry. Another blonde this one an MSU c^>ed, held on Monday evenings and a or Wednesday poetry work¬ cans may be thankful for thei News Photo by Bob Ivins shop taught by Albert Drake. these days. Stat > Catsup ■ 20 oz. Bottle i /t ASMS' Speaks' a bi-monthly prograr.i WMSN Radio. Cut Green Beans on Peter Ellsworth. ASMfiU 303 size cans chairman: Tom Samet. member - at-large and Brian Hawkins. \1HA president. Were the guest --COUPON-- anelb ?ed that studer DAIRY non-academic GOLD social rules anc The r ules mi YOUR MEDAL SPARTAN and not chang student panel decided. adn FLOUR AMERICAN CHEESE There has the If HUNGRY? 5# Bag SLICES ules the students EH >rth said Christmas shorten it. Try a tai- pizza or one of our 29c were isked it the willing to compromise on students gy great sandwiches. All 24 ct. 1#Png. delivered instantly at linvt 1 the hours proposal, the panelists agreed there would be no com¬ knocked no extra cost. with $5.03 promise I think the students are very much past the point 59 Food Purchase ^ Sai said you for a PIZZA ^ The paneli agreed that "ONESTOP SHOPPING" vising amount of communication in the aca¬ demic areas which in turn help financial * KINGBURGFR IN in the social regulations area Lounge provides loop, CONSOLIDATE * SUBS SPARTAN SHOPPING GOODRICH'S CENTER SPARTAN YOUR BILLS NOW new study area Harrison at Between Trowbridge Spartan Village and The Penthouse, study lounge for geography an informal with Instant Cash CALL 332-6517 Cherry Lane Apartments majors, opened Monday night on the fourth floor ot the Natural Science Bldg The lounge is designed to from your... VARSITY "We Give Gold Bond Stamps' provide an informal gathering place for all students but NOW! SPARTAN SUNOCO (Michigan at Harrison) is in the Gold Bond Stoma family MSl^MPLOYEES specifically geography majors It will be open to students until 10 p.m. on Mondays and Tues¬ days. until 9:30 p.m. on Thurs days, and until 5 p.ni Wed nesdays and Fridays. CREDIT" | UNION | The Student Committee for Undergraduate Majors, a group 1019 Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 of geography students, is spon¬ 9:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. Monday thru Friday soring the lounge