;4 t EDITORIAL Cooperation, dollars unlock bureaucracy Bureaucracy is one of those dent groups led to the rescind- the decision to restrict access Maintaining thf University's things that everyone complains ment of the resolution. to the books. academic and political integ¬ about but nobody does much MSU is, legally, a non-pro¬ The preceding is by no rity can be a difficult task when t about. There is hardly a per¬ fit institution; in several re¬ means an exhaustive account the legislature neither under¬ son at MSlT. for instance, who spects. however, it does not of the ways in which bureau¬ stands nor sympathizes with doesn't have his own pet tale live up to that name. Several cracy at MSU is either mal¬ the principle of unf Jersity auto¬ of bureaucratic atrocities en¬ vers ago a bookstore was es¬ functioning or overstepping its nomy and consid' rs the uni¬ countered atj registration, in a tablished on campus to serve proper bounds. versity's main pu pose to be dormitory or while applying for students who had trouble with We cannot place all the indoctrinating ,s jdents with a job or a loan. inflationary prices in East Lan¬ blame for our headaches on eighteenth centur£\ ideas and The existence of such stories, sing. That bookstore, run by perverted and incompetent ad¬ morals and training them for of which are undoubted¬ the University and financed ministrators howev¬ many on campus, jobs. with state money, should be most of the ly true instances of unfairness er; problems con¬ or rudeness, does not necessar¬ able to give students a break sidered above, in fact, stem Caught in a squeeze be¬ here and there, but it charges from the difficulties our own tween the legislature and the a- ily mean that anything in part¬ icular is wrong with the admin¬ the same prices as private administration has in getting cademic community, the Uni¬ istrative system or that a crisis stores off campus. adequate legal and financial versity admii>sfration has is imminent. Once the fact of Prices in campus grills and moved in the di"'e< tion of least cooperation from the legislature. "modern mass society" is ac¬ cafeterias are another perennial resistanee-agairst,the students cepted. the inevitable kinks in issue as the University jacks up Getting money out of the If the future to see any the machinery of "mass soc¬ its prices to keep up with off legislature for more faculty, for improvement if- ie trend at campus establishments and of¬ instance, or for attractive as MSU, at least things will iety.-' such as occasional nasty secretaries and tangles of red ten outdoes them. well as functional buildings, or have to happe the student Most of us are now familiar for adequate facilities for art¬ must develop : n organization tape, must also be anticipated with the story of the restriction istic. musical, and dramatic pro¬ and leadership c exert intel¬ and tolerated to some extent. ted dormitory open houses and fields and a huge football sta¬ When the horror stories are of the Library's east wing ductions. or for a decent lib¬ ligent and effect ' ^counterpres- no hours for freshman women, dium, but there are no decent longer inividual. but in¬ Dickerson explained how facilities for plays or concerts. stacks. Once upon a time, the rary can be very difficult when sure against adn ciistrative tres¬ no his President Hannah is proud of University made a deal with the legislators themselves are passes on theii, interests and volve large numbers of "vic¬ concern for the kiddies' welfare federal and state agencies to anti-intellectual, measure the rights, and tl I public and tims. however, we begin to had led him to the conclusion his gigantic university and wonder whether things are not build a new wing onto the value of everything by cost, the legislature ' does not come now are < nnverging that make through wishing it-that there is possible f<>r the first time, the hope the youth of today I know America's each of us shares in the shaping of no substitute for t^ys and even years youth I believe in them. We can be his own destinv. of patient and prolong ec diplomacy. proud that they are better educated, NOT TRULY WHOLE I also know the pecMe-jf the world. more committed, more passionately Until he has been part of a cause driven I have seen the* *iij nger of a home¬ by conscience than any gener¬ larger than himself, no man is truly ation that has gone before less child, the pair- ct a man wounded whole. in battle, the grif c f a mother who No people has ever been so close As we measure what can be done, has lost her son I 11 iw these have no * to the achievement of a just and we shall promise only what we -know ideology or race. abundant society, or so possessed of we can produce, but as we chart our . KNOWS M ERICA the will to achieve it. goals we shall be lifted by our dreams I know America ' know the heart Because our strengths are so great, we No man can be fully free while can afford to appraise our weaknesses of America is good , his neighbor is not. To go forward I speak from 1 ■/ own heart, and with candor and to approach them with at all is to go forward together. the heart of my country, the deep This means black and white together, concern we have I Jhose who suffer, Standing in this same place a third as one nation, not two The laws have and those who sorroV s . For the first time, be of a century ago. Franklin Delano caught up with our conscience What^ Roosevelt addressed a nation ravaged oath today in the remains is to give life to what is in I have taken ■- people of the world want | b\ depression and gripped in fear the leaders are afraid of the law to ensure at last that as presence of God id my country¬ He could say in surveying the nation s oat! add this sacred times are on the side of peace all are born equal in dignity before men. To that troubles They concern, thank God. Eight years from now God. all are born equal in dignity only material things will celebrate its 2W)th anniversary Our crisis today is the reverse before man to the peace at a nation Within the lifetime of Let us take as our goal where We have found ourselves rich in most people now living, mankind will goods, but ragged in spirit; reaching President peace is unknown, make it welcome; among nations this be heard by celebrate that great new year which where peace is fragile, make it strong, with magnificent precision for the strong and weak alik comes only once in < thousand years Tho? hav where peace is temporary, make it moon, but falling into raucous dis¬ The peace we vek to win is' the beginning • »♦ 'he Third Millenium simple thing we will trv to bring in. cord here on earth What kind <-l > nation we will be In these difficult years. America Those left behind, we will help We seek an open world open to not victor \ ovei ,a»iy other people We are caught in war. wanting but the peace th«-*t comes with what kind <>t a world we live in peace We are torn by division, has suffered from a fever of words: to catch up ideas, open to the exchange of goods whether we shape the future in the from inflated rhetoric that promises For all of our people, we will and people, a world in which no healing in its wings* with compass¬ wanting unity We see around us ion for those wh 1 have suffered; image of our hopes is ours to de¬ empty lives. wanting fulfillment more than it can possibly deliver; set as our goal the decent order people, great or small, will live in with understanding t those who have termine by our actions and our We see tasks that need doing, wait¬ from angry rhetoric that fans dis¬ that makes progress possible and angry isolation. ( contents into hatreds; from bombastic opposed us with t ie opportunity for ing for hands V> do them NO ONE OUR ENEMY all the peoples of 11 S earth to choose HONOR BECKONS rhetoric that postures instead of As we reach toward our hopes, LOOK WITHIN We cannot expect to make every their own destinv The greatest honor history can be¬ To a crisis of the spirit, we need persuading. our task is to build on what has one our friend, but we can try to We have endure, * a long night of stow is the title of peacemaker This an answer of the spirit. We cannot learn from one another gone before not turning away make no one our enemy the American spi'M »But as our eye* honor now beckons America-the To find that answer, we need only until we stop shouting at one another from the old, but turning toward Those who would be our adversaries catch the dimne- • T.f the first rays chance to help lead the world out of look within ourselves until we speak quietly enough so that the new. let us invite to a peaceful compe- of dawn, let us 1 t icurse the remain¬ the valley of turmoil, and onto that When Jisten to "the better our words can be heard as well as In this past third of a centurv. we tition-not in conquering territory or ing dark. Let us gatt r flie light high ground of peace man has dreamed of our^nature." our voices. government has passed more laws, off 'J i not the cup of of since the-' wn -.t civilization. angels we find that NEW VOICES HEARD spent more monev initiated more extending dominion, but in enriching Our destiny they celebrat^ basic the simple things, For its part, government will the life of man. despair, but the < *al ce of opportunity. and the things-such as As we explore the reaches of space, So let us seize it v;>t in fear but in listen. We will strive to listen in new history. goodness, dedency. love, kindness. In pursuing our goals of full employ¬ let us go to the new worlds together- gladness-and. re-; on the earth x that we mastered our moment, Greatness comes in simple trap- ways--to the voices of quiet anguish, worlds to be conquered, that we helped make the world the voices that speak without words, ment. better housing, excellence in edu¬ not as new together, let us 1 ^forward, firm in ings. cation; in rebuilding our cities and im- but as a new adventure to be shared. our faith, steadf in our purpose, safe for mankind. the voices of the heart-to the in¬ The simple things are the ones ng our rural areas; in protecting With those who are willing to join, cautious of the d? 3<*rs but sustained This is our summons to greatness, jured voices, the anxious voices, the most needed K^iay if we are to sur¬ j i>t. i \rnenean people are voices that have despaired of being nvironment and enhancing the qual¬ let us cooperate to reduce the burden by our confidence * . the will of God mount what divides us, and cement of arms, to strengthen the structure and the promise of f 2 ^ ready to answer i.u> call. ity of life: in pressing urgently forward. what unites us. Tuesday, January 21 < 969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS PARIS Paris talks await (AP)-The speed gotiator could not take place be¬ be required to spend his first Walsh, Lodge's arrival Ambassador who Lawrence is the E. dep¬ to arrangements for press and television coverage of the meet¬ there the were no cc 'iit -ts between higher levels- f i^e opposing summary fore the end of the week be¬ day in Paris talking with Am¬ now new which marked agreement on the ing. delegations Mor ay* Much of cause the South Vietnamese bassador Cyrus R. Vance, the uty delegation chief, arrived the concentratiof *ecause of ism. Since we frequently find "Lili Marlene," and the origi¬ course, the Nazi occupation, a the film's surrealist*- constru¬ ourselves groping for clues to nal material by Jiri Sternwald theme which, because it is a ction, they also become part of time and place, our misinter¬ -all add immeasurably to the "safe" subject, has become an the nightmare world that threat¬ obsession with Iron Curtain ens to envelop eveiy modern pretations of these clues take on film's total effect. added significance, significance Rarely, then, has a film directors. We have seen it in nation, including our own. heroic action does he overcome which is cleverly calculated by earned all those glorious ad¬ everything from i-Ashes and The film's protagonist. Dr. his guilt. the filmmaker. Diamonds" to "Closely Watched Braun, provides tbe perfect jectives which appear in the Yet nothing is so simple Therefore, when we are ads. But Brynych's film de¬ Trains," and another version spokesman for his creator-dir¬ Early in the film a character abruptly confronted by a group serves every one. The book of hardly seems necessary. This ector, who once stated, "My defines a hero as "someone of naked girls being ordered time, however, lightning struck. films deal with questions that Czech director Zbynek Bry- are valid at all times. They con¬ who dies in vain, as opposed to into a mass shower, we natural¬ Revelations horsemen who suggests rule our four lives: From 1934 one who lives in vain." Braiin's ly suspect that what we see is salvation, war, famine and nych took the tale of a Jewish cern bravery and cowardice, doctor who, defying Nazi orders, indecision and indifference." heroism is ultimately in vain. a gas exterminator. By the time death. "The Fifth Horseman Is A Jewish doctor attempts to hide his patient from the Nazi f ; ice in the gripping The film's epilogue shows the we discover that the shower is Fear" proves conclusively that drama "The Fifth Horseman is Fear." This Czechfilm, which • .mbines historical , performs a forbidden operation A Jew himself, Braun works same threat among all of us a very real one, in a whorehouse, modern man has created one nightmares with futuristic ones,is currently playing at the Sto Theatre. on a wounded member of the for the Dept. of Confiscation of today, and the tension and fear the concentration-camp image underground and invests his Jewish Property. Only through evoked in the audience is eased has already hit home, subtly only by the fact that one lonely and memorably. THE FIFTH HORSEMAN IS FEAR SPARTAN TWIN THI FKAMPOWSMOftlWCDfmi• 3100EASTSAGINAW Ptww 3»1«36 man has saved his honor. Brynych permits the chara¬ cters to directly address the The soundtrack of "The Fifth Horseman" reveals yet another facet of Brynych's craftsman¬ Directed Jana by Zbynek Brynych; writte Belehradska and Mr Bryn Bernstein's Bartok ssiines photographed by Jan Kalis; musk camera. These soliloquies technical achievement ship With the exception of Jiri Sternwald; produced by Barrai LAST DAY! may be interior monologues. Studio, Prague. Joseph Losey's work (includ- AT 7:30 & 9:30 P.M. as MSU LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES A newly-released recording colloqi y .between piano, percus- good grief SPECIAL on the the Columbia label features conductor Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic, certo The jijiure lyrical Third Con¬ ® • JERRY BOCK ASMSU Popular Ent. This clarifying appn the 1 be'»iL fc. The last movement, Ttain for iple. which is a spicy ■ SHELDON HARNICK. music-particularly the fugato folk J u.fic rondo in 3 8 time^ with episodes of the third Concerto's piUFUJi last movement and the Adagio- was ,er assigned a tempo Susah LAST DAY Presto-Adagio night music indicf tic n by Bartok. so the edit v - called it ' Allegro PETER SUSAN WCHARD STUART l:15-3:20-5:25-7:25-9;30 9:30 sequence in the second move¬ vivace One can agree with ment of the Number Two. JOHL GOEPPINGER BALIN HOWARD Jackie Gleason the \4egro. but why not STARTS TOMORROW!|STARTS TOMORROW , The emphasis on structural LIU RENEE ANDREA LEWIS qualify H con fuoco. or "ap- M G M presents j TEIGH SEMES EDEN JACOBSON pasion;rt i" just as well. the John Frdnkenheimer- MGM PRESENTS \ rifice much of the white-hot In SANFORD GEORGE SIDNEY JOFL excitement, and motoric vehe¬ addition the movement was Edwdrd Lewis Production of SEEGER EMCH BRUCE FREDRICK. mence these works can gener¬ giveri i% metronome indication if of 92 to.tts per minute to the ate played less self-consci- the fixer JEROME ROBBINS dottedfjrarter-note. Approaching he bry rd theme at bar The Second Concerto comes n chord Based on the Pulitzer STARTS TOMORROW! th changed off best. Entremont s metallic Prize-winning novel by BORIS ARONSQN PATRICIAZlPfTOT JEAN ROSENTHAL tone has less tendency to be¬ o 8( ^ats per minute i for the monotonous here since value. At this point. Bernard Malamud MILT0NGR?ENf GIeTclUQSTON gETTy"WALBERG come who adhere to the the piano part is savagely per¬ [XmVALKER VVILUAWLYTTERS cussive to begin with. The apt¬ i to grind into slovft * ness of his sound is most pro¬ lporarily and all the Spic/tI PtmisiionffArnold fieri momentum of the nounced in the first movement American Air lines, Off leal Airline of National louring in which Bartok completely elim¬ Company inated the string sections in ly one example, Tour Management Theater Now1, Inc. Othe favor of an ingeniously acrid as Gvorgy San- Tour "Direction American Theatre Productions, Inc. r. ' 1 proved that disregard- ; ■ . f of these editorial" TONIGHT ;eiy, >ts in favor of quicker ind less fussy phrasing COLUMBIA PICTURES and ilize this last movement University Reserved Seats: HORIZON PICTURES Presents Burt Lancaster I rly I pea for the ;ant dance it swirling. really $6.00, $5.00, $3.00 with DIRK BOGARDE HUGH GRIFFITH CUAOEttlT $1.00 reduction to MSU students with validated I.D. The Swimmer Oh ELIZABETH HARTMAN, Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office TECHNICOLOR^ Hj) and CAROL WHITE OZZIENELim Union Building - ;«60B SEGER vPlume 332-281^) < "SYSTEM" NE IL DIAMOND Tonight from 7:15 o.m, J \>f 26th AUDITORIUM Theta Xi THE FIFTH HORSEmnn ASMSU Popular Ent. | ICHIGAN IS FEHR re at 1:1- - 3:15 - 7:25 - 9:35 p.M. NEXT STEVE COLONIZATION mhmum WCOUEEIM °FS£M-MuL __ BULEITT MAW mretsfw MLUH'fcmmx OPEN RUSH TUESDAY, JANUARY 29,1969 UHbtk MbktCfU W/MllgVIS' ' tmjdif » from mm bros seven mis w No/. 1st-- Not classified (Pa fn 'al Discretion Advised) 8-11 P.M. CASUAL DRESS TODAY "MAN" at **oer ; ■.roxt.AT.oN*485-6483 1:30-5:30-9:40 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER p.m. G! ADMER ' i TtLtn ALSO FOR RIDE CALL A MAN I at 3:30 HBH FOR ALL ',Z SEASONS ***" OF THE SHREW 351-0665 OR 351-8377 nOBKKT liOLT technicolor* C technicolor NEXT! "3 IN THE ATTIC Christopher jones Tuesday, January 21, 1969 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Student teachers Black city follow new steps for A new application procedure student teaching recently went into effect for winter term, Center reservation cards are non-transferrable, and are sub- ject to the condition that placement can be made in the the supports se 1970, and succeeding terms, ac¬ area the student desires. By DAVID GLADFELTER omic and political ability. How¬ for a moc [ city is fine in it¬ To be eligible for student ever, the problem of starting a self. We * • I have a chance for cording to W. Henry Kennedy, Slate News Staff Writer director of student teaching, and teaching, a student must have a "The black man has been new, viable community is an identity i? r» sr O. a virtually all black popula- linkages with the major soc¬ some type if enforcement, then iety," Manning said. I'm agai>-»t it. But I don't giving tentative eligibility clear¬ If a student is not eligible Vifl take place," he ance and allowing students to "McKissick is an extremely think this at the time he applies, he will Ever since black leader Floyd bright fellow. He realizes many said. ,i select their student teaching cen¬ be referred to an interviewer B. McKissick, who will speak ters from thos^ available at who will help with eligibility on campus at 7:30 p.m. Wednes¬ white politicians would be in Concern g the premise of the time the student applies." favor of this 'clearing out of premedit^ d segregation. problems. day, made this announcement the cities'," he continued. Thornton iid, "Yes. there is Kennedy said. earlier in the month all of his If students return the up-dated going to e some segregation According to West, "Students other activities for the Metro¬ "On the surface a black con¬ begin the application process by eligibility and personal infor¬ as well a integration for this mation sheet, the student will politan Applied Research Cen¬ trol might seem nice, but white obtaining an application packet ter have taken a back seat. His plan. But ou have to consider receive confirmation of his cen¬ America runs the society and the final ;utcome of the pro- at the Student Teaching Office. plan, not the first of its kind, ter reservation card and other you must have these white ties 253 Erickson Hall, completing is to synthesize an industrial to exist as a viable community." information by mid-term of the "It seer i to me they're wan¬ it, and returning the packet before the deadline date for term immediately student teaching. precceding »■ Moving town on a 1,810-acre tract of land in Warren County, N.C. "Sociologically, in Ameri¬ can society I see it as highly un¬ dering of of Warref into the boondocks County by attempt¬ the term the student wishes to Secretary of Agriculture Or- Application packets for W inter Boxes, dollies and laundry carts aid the moving men as they transfer the likely to succeed. Personally, ing such proposal. The prob¬ teach. is in its ville Freeman expressed "de¬ I hope it can succeed," Man¬ The application packet con¬ term, 1970. may be obtained at of the old Administration Bldg. to the new. The gradual shift of residence light and excitement" with the lem of tK ^ country is integra¬ the Student Teaching Office and Caswel I ning said. tains instructions for applying final stages. State News Photo by Hal proposal and McKissick said tion, and i,s is just an attempt for student teaching, a brochure will be accepted beginnin^Feb. 3 Bill Franklin, Pontiac soph¬ at more segregation, Kathy spokesmen for the Nixon Admin¬ omore, said he liked the idea. Stone, Ea? Lansing senior,said. "Questions and Answers for Stu¬ istration "have promised us "This'll break down the ste¬ Francis Holland, grad. asst. dent Teachers" which answers continuing support." DEPLORES SEGREGATION reotype idea that so much of in sociolo y.said the plan was many common questions of stu¬ McKissick's plan is similar dents preparing to student teach, to the Black Muslims ideology America has had about Negro "not goin to solve anything. I inferiority. Hopefully, this will can't see < hanging the funda¬ an eligibility sheet, an applica¬ of separation or Vice President give the Negro a chance to mental ar\ rfgement of a white tion card, and two personal in¬ Spiro T. Agnew's strong support knocks dominated 5 ociety." Wilkins formation forms to support a of any such venture as a par¬ prove himself in all phases of business, and give them the op¬ "Sure it's a step, but they're request for student teaching tial solution to the nation's placement. urban overcrowding. portunity that they haven't had. kidding themselves if they think he said. it's going- to better the Negro "The personal information and Records after failing to Faculty and students view the forms provide an introduction about separatism and apart¬ black students and more full Dozier Thornton, professor problem »r general." Holland NEW YORK (CPAi-While reach agreement over demands planned city differently. of the student to his supervising heid. We have suffered too much scholarships for blacks. Peter Manning, professor of of psychology said, "The plan black student protests raged on with University President Mal¬ fighting the evil of racial seg¬ The Brandeis administration teacher, school building princi¬ at least five major campuses colm Moos. sociology, said "You have to suspended 65 of the pro¬ VETERAN'S ASSOCIATION regation." has pal and University coordina¬ this week, with no end in sight, The students want university look at it two ways. There are Even as Wilkins spoke in New testors (who were both black tor," West said. the militants received a slap in two grounds of evaluation. There "This is the first information York, black students were wag¬ and white) who staged a five- subsidy of a black conference, the face from a black leader. is the ideological content and establishment of an Afro-Am¬ a teacher receives about a stu¬ ing battle on five major college day sit-in in the campus com¬ also the reality of operation as Roy Wilkins of the National As¬ erican studies dept.. and con¬ dent and it should be with said. that prepared in mind." Kennedy When a student returns sn. for the Advancement of Colored People i N AACP i campuses. At San Francisco State and munications center. At New York City's Queens San Fernando State Colleges in College, where black and Puerto trol of the Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund switched from a growing concern." "Ideologically it looks to be Mee'ing Wilkins. who was known to a fine community for the Negro the university to a black com¬ his application packet, it is re¬ California, violence was the Rican students enrolled in a to control and develop his econ- disagree with black student order of the viewed. The Student Teaching Office then issues a center reser¬ vation card in whatever center militants on the issues of sep¬ aratism and black power." and is considered an. Uncle both day as strikes at special remedial and counsel¬ schools continued and ing program. SEEK, have been police continued to occupy both asking for the firing of the SEEK director and autonomous munity group BOB SEGER "SYSTEM" TONIGHT T0-filGHT the student selects from those Tom" by many for hfe views campuses. Both schools' blacks Union Board Bridge 7:'C control of the program by p.m. available at the time the student are demanding more black stu¬ NEIL DIAMOND and his acceptance of the White Lessons Begin dent admissions and autonomous blacks, the militants ransacked applies. Establishment, said la>t week JAN 26th AUDITORIUM CoiTl ^Gables black studies. the office of the white director. 6 lessons for $3 "Early filing insures a wide selection of centers,-' West said, he is strongly opposed to all- black studies departments and At Brandeis. administration Joseph Mulholland. No demands ASMSU Popular Ent Sign-up in Union Board Office si ; •' Bar "however, all greater Lansing officials and student protesters have yet been settled. all-black dormitories or. college area assignments are reserved were still trying to reach a At the University of Minnes¬ campuses. settlement on demands for an ota, in Minneapolis, about 50 for married students. all veterans welcome ATTENTION CAR OWNERS He said the NAACP will take "We encourage students to to court, if necessarf. black independent African Studies black students iast Tuesday oc¬ live away from home during stu¬ students' demands for depart¬ Dept.. more recruitment of cupied the Office of Admissions dent teaching, and although liv¬ ments autonomously enrolled ing at home is more convenient * Complete front end repair and by blacks and dormitories where Panty Pair® by Hane- . all for most, it deprives students of important experiences which are available only to those who white students are not allowed He said such departments and Texas Basket alignment the benefits of panty r ) e With housing, which are h$*ing ^e- * Brakes * Suspension teach in a new community." manded on many campuses by Kennedy said. militants, are simply another Texas Burger * Wheel balancing * Steering replaceble parts in th &ew version of segregation and Jim French Fries Only 99" Dept. of Public Wilkins NAACP's lawyers said he jnd the wfcre sure Cole Slaw IISKEY'S Auto Safety Center merger of a no-garter g, afe that such departments and'such all- 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Safety to hire black control would oe found holds the stocking secur ly. flatly unconstitutional by thip courts. He said he considers it illegal 006 o SUDS 2 dispatchers "to use public tax funds to set up segregated facilities." un¬ 2755 E. Grand River with elasticized leg t irds The Dept. of Public Safety der the same laws that found has announced that two posi¬ Together now slimming segregation by whites illegal tions are open as radio dis¬ in 1954 and said schools which patchers at the police desk. Lt. David Stormer. asst. com¬ provide separate facilities are nylon/spandex panty girdle | ^ mander of the University po¬ inherently unequal - Of the black militan^ students lice. said applicants must be at least 18 years old, be able who have been in the^forefront and hip-high sheer of this season's campus agita¬ to type, speak clearly and be a tion. Wilkins said. Tney ought high school graduate. to be in the library studying to Cantrece II stocking They must also pass a char¬ acter investigation. get a degree, so thevS could do some good He said pay ranges from $100 Beige panty with He said. It would '>e suicide to $130 per week and employes for a small minority like are entitled to University staff black people to start talking stocking in Barely ^ benefits. If There shade or PORTRAIT COMPOSITES: • Fraternities Christmas white with South • Sororities • Organizations knocked Pacific stocking ft 2 doors south of State Theater Set. 5 00 209 Abbott Road you for a Additional stockings financial GO BAHAMAS pair 2 00 s179°° let me ama$eatfor yjm ' loop, CONSOLIDATE March 16-23 Freeport Inn Grand Bahama Islynd Money. Whether we think of it as life YOUR BILLS NOW itself or as the scourge of man, each of the only Hotel with 100% students us on would room like to save over $100 per term and board. That's what Montie with Instant Cash Internationally known happy hour offers. We even throw good food and weekly unlimited liquor 50C night social our events seats into the deal. cleared, so We've got all why not drop over from your ... during our open house, Tuesday, Wednes¬ price includes round trip airfare day, and Thursday from 7-10 p.m.? Just Hotel, Trans, Transfers & Gratuities MSU EMPLOYEES call 332-8641 for a ride. LIMITED SPACE AVAILABL^! MONTIE Call Mike Irvine or Cheryl Killebrev* 351-6707 or Studentours of call 332-5031 548 MAC Avenue Cooperative Living Unit 1019 Trowbridge Rd. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone 353-2280 Monday thru Friday Jacobs :)ri0 Grosse Polnte 886-0844 S Tuesday, Jant j y 21,-1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Foreign service frat plans annual forum rary foreign service fraternity. The 30 members of Delta As a it sponsors professional fraternity, speeches and forums Phi Epsilon are majors :rom by noted dignitaries and profes¬ An intense interest in interna¬ sors in international areas. various departments sucft as tional affairs and foreign policy "The emphasis is on intel- history, political science: and unites the members of Delta economics, but all have a com- ectual stimulation, although we Phi Epsilon, MSU's chapter of mon interest in international and do sponsor social events for our the national professional hono- WOrld affairs. members," Don Cross, Dear¬ born senior and president of the fraternity, said. 338 Nat. Slippery sid also Membership in the fraternity provides the opportunity to meet informally with leaders in Silent at Resources Corps worker of Recreation if Bldg^tTiarles House. Peace an£k<-turer in Humanities. Tip .Meaning and Practice rderdeveloped Areas lead Beware of icy sidewalks students that lead to Olin Memorial education, government and bus¬ iness who visit the MSU campus. The fraternity annually spon¬ For those of you sunrise who missed it, this was the scene at Wednesday. This view is from the southeast entrance of the Vet Clinic. ' jws Bldg. lookin g toward the Photo by Norm Payea night in 183 & ' Resc urces Bldg All Healty Center. sors a Canadian-American for¬ slides of their Frustration is the over-powering emotion that gnps um with speakers from Canada students as they inch their way to classes on slippery and the United States. Last DORM IRRESPONSIBILITY Chess Club 1 rn sidewalks. Those students who have their annual spills year's speaker was Sen. Ed¬ experience the agony of defeat as they go down. mund Muskie (D-Maine). Pain may also accompany this unpopular form „ of Noted speakers at meetings reaching the ground. A trip to Olin is often a necessity » last term included Wesley R. An example of the students who have injured themselves in a fall this term is Sue Overhalt. Miss Hoosen 7 p.m. taken to Friday. Olin's emergency admitted for observation. entrance. Levering junior Overhalt slipped on an icy sidewalk near Van Miss Overhalt X-rays revealed that she Fishel, MSU professor of pol- oitical science, on the Vietnam situation; John L. Hazard, pro¬ fessor of marketing and trans¬ portation administration, on in¬ ternational trade: and Morde- Paper ulations, protest in manage- chastises privileges when we are so ob¬ viously failing to accept the theft, such of as the nailing down lamps and televisions. > ^programs in Detroit was ment and staff is rising. They chipped a bone fragment off her instep and injured chai Kreinin, professor of eco- The policy paper states that in 517 ErickS' Interview hail hefr heel. the French monetary Irresponsibility of students is f®el,Jtha^ istudents have not present ones." the paper states. During the -middle of last student responsibility is two¬ for all element ^educatioi *1 was required to stay overnight and released the next nomics, on the cause for increasing distrust shouldered their necessary re- fold. information ph» 4:^3-6454 term. Holmes Hall found it nec- morning with borrowed crutches," Miss Overhalt said. crJ^ls\ tiring i s open ru , .. . of student proposals by manage- ment and staff, the position sponsibilities. the report states. This protest of student irres- essary to close the men's upper First, we must know the tude^ Democratic Soc- Costs of such injuries usually include any medication or a is erm. e r y regulations." les ponsibility at Holmes Hall is u.c - paper ffor th Holmes Hall the Holmes Hall leg. leg- lounge for lounge several weeks for several weeks because because the movie "The In- arid anti-biotics received and a $2 overnight fee. sponsored a speech by Fauzi £' £ S primarily directed against the of the noise and damage there All regulations are listed in eeting at 8 30 tonight pr. James S. Feurig, Olin Health Center director, M. Najjar, professor of social lslalure stales The Holmes Hall Students malicious damage done to the after hours. the room folders, but most are in Brody Aud1 up The movie will stated that 'considering the terrain, students are walking science, on the Middle East. just common sense. followed b iscussion of the pam¬ - for Action drafted the position residence hall. Other measures have been ta¬ Sit-Down v^ry carefully this term. Although we keep no statistics It will host Ellen Mickiewicz. the enforcement of ken in dormitories to prevent 'Elevators are not toys, and phlet Strike' - The eat Flint oif-students we anticipated more injuries due to falls. asst. T of professor political sci- PaPer should be used, not mutilated. f'Fall term had the usual number of incidents: what we ence, or Uir^LUregulations in response to the Last term. Holmes students Signs, although nice souvenirs, MSL' Vetera association will meet had anticipated. " increasing reluctance of MSU caused nearly $1,000 damage to are more useful where they are at 7:30 tonight l U e Coral Gables Thursday. policy-makers to support change. the hall, including damage to Milton B. Dickerson. vice The paper states that stu- the elevators, lounges and Opinion research placed: the same is true of furniture, doors and other hall Sign-up for I' .i t Board bridge lessons president ior presioeni for siuaeni affairs. student anairs, hnn«P« will be held at ) tonight at the Union ALL-UNIVERSITY DANCE . f . j . .• „ will also address the equipment." the paper reports. 3 d ^aternUyof Pleasures thejr obUgatl3one of °)bev^ngPthe regulations of the two-year-old "Students must learn to rea- lize that while living in the posts available The paper also sees obedience Board office C Foreign Assignment in Busi Academic Freedom Report. dormitory, it is their home and of these regulations as the stu¬ featuring ness;" Jan. 30. Cross feels that membership property and should be treat- The ASMSU Opinion Research Dept.. in conjunction with the dent's responsibility. Evervone knows that the ed with respect. Glen. R El- State News, is looking for per¬ Hillel Founditi .n will present Dr m the fraternity is a good back- Academic Freedom The Rationals and Report gave liott, Kansas City. Mo., sopho- sons who would like to conduct "If someone is breaking a Richard L Rub« istein theologian and ground for those interested in adults to more and vice president of Hoi- regulation, he is violating your telephone interviews and work The Sunn System any aspect of international and ^t^ge^sha" mdeier me. Hall, mes Hall. said. said. Damage to the elvators in- in other facets of opinion re¬ rights, and you are the one to tell him to stop," .the paper burgh, at an up, , house at 9 p.m. to¬ night at Hillel Hot Je. 319 Hillcrest search. Saturday, January 25, 1969 • of their community." the paper eluded burned off alarm but- Students can prepare surveys, states. Inter-Cooperat e Council will hold nity continue on after graduation states. tons and stolen switches. Hall Council an open houso nd membership drive in positions of business in the check for validity (i.e.. no The Holmes Yet few acknowledge that Theft was also cited as a ma" from 7-10 tor'ig Wednesday and bias), tabulate results, pre¬ feels that the further expansion international scene, government Thursday Call ie 'houses for a ride 1 MSU Student Union Ballroom work, and foreign service." with this right comes a crucial J°r problem in the dormitory, pare reports or work in sta¬ of student power rests upon the Cross said. reciprocal duty to obey these Five pictures were stolen from tistical analysis, besides con¬ students' acceptance of their w.lft Admission $1.50 regulations and to see that oth- the walls of the Holmes Hall Tickets on sale from 5-7 p m The fraternity meets at 7 p.m. ducting the actual interview. responsibility to gain the confi¬ m NE Brodv for the PAC pro¬ ers obey them. " lounge as well as signs, furni- The amount of time a stu¬ dence of management and staff. ^SPONSORED BY every Thursday in 33 Union. Due to the lack of student ture and other hall property, dent works on the project is up duction f'erformai of ^ What —II be a 7 15 Lovely War.'' tonight in All meetings are open to the |HE MSU FUND FOR DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN responsibility in obeying reg- "Many feel the lounges are no to the individual. The policy paper was passed public. longer suitable for studying or unanimously by the Holmes Interested personsl should visiting. Both management and call Larry Lee at the State News Hall Council and is fully en¬ STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE staff question whether students dorsed by the management and STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE at 355-8252 from 3-5 p.m. Mon¬ hi. men's professions IS DESIGNED WITH BROAD need more responsibilities and hall advisors. Sponsored By day through Thursday. Refreshments will b ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF MSU COVERAGE AND HIGH BENEFIT Underwritten By PAYMENTS Prop b>al city f. jst The E3i Lansing Chamber of ComF»£i"ce is considering the crea'H. 0 of a post on its Board of directors for an AS¬ MSU rft^X: entative. Leland Bassett. e v jjtive director of the Cham » of Commerce, said Sund-V^ At an in '_^nal dinner meet ing last the Board of Di¬ rectors \'a> presented with a proposal to create four ex-of¬ fice (non-voting) posts on the lenses are made board to create better com of modern plas munication between city offi¬ tics which have en¬ cials. the University adminis¬ tirely different charac tration and the student body. teristics than the tissu Bassett said and fluids of the eye. Conse¬ The four posts would be fil¬ Lensine is the one solutio quently your eye cannot handle led by the m.^yor of East Lans¬ this foreign object without help for complete contact lens i So, in order to correct for Just a drop or two of Lensine coats ing. the president of MSU. the Mother Nature's lack of foresight, and lubricates your lens: This al¬ president pf the Jaycees and the you have to use lens solutions to lows the lens to float more freely Get some Lensine chairmar^jf ASMSU. he said. make your contacts and your eyes in the natural fluids of your eye . Bassett putted out that the Mother's little helper. compatible. Why9 Because Lensine is an "iso¬ four openinf are still in the There was a time when you tonic" solution, very much like development stages, but the needed two or more separate your own tears. Lensine is com¬ Board of ectors is very in¬ patible with the eye. i**" fhe terested proposal and Cleaning your contacts with Lensine retards the build-up of wants the Urnmittee to pursue foreign deposits on the lenses The qui-on being consid¬ ered is n:'^ whether to create the posts. ssett said, but ra ther how V handle the repre¬ Mother Nature sentation. * •5.YSTEM" ME L DIAMOND SEGER • never planned on JAN 26: ASMSU Popular Ent. i AUDITORIUM contact lenses handles hu ager. 351-3800 FAST fitEE DELIVERY Coverage period--January 2,1969 to September 15,1969 Tuesday, J /* : 1, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan UnsungBy MIKE MANLEY State News Sports Writer Although only :VU). Word sparks plays a key part in th«> %>ar tan's attack, both offensively Ward points a game but since coming to MSU he has had to emphasize defense. and not let him go and "Because of anywhere." his speed he plays defense quickness cageto Benington has made it a habit insert Ward into the game when the Spartan offense starts attack in came their first meeting. Ward off the bench to fire in 14 points to bring MSU to life Against Wisconsin he came in For years now. basketball's I still consider myself an of¬ totally different than anyone to drag. On offense. Ward puts and defensively, coming off the when the Spartans couldn't buy a so-called experts have been say¬ else on the team," Coach John movement into the attack by bench numerous times this sea¬ fensive player, but due to our second-half basket and promptly ing that there is no place in the type of play and my size, I Benington said. Lloyd's one of constantly driving to the basket son to ignite a rally hit a three point play to get them in the country who and looking for the open man. .sport for the little man. but At Romulus High School. Ward found it necessary to work more the few guys rolling. somebody forgot to tell MSU's defense.'' Ward said. "I could guard someone like Rick With the Spartans trailing was primarily an offensive on Statistics, which show only a man." Northwestern by 12 at the half. junior guard Lloyd Ward that try to play my man one on one Mount man to 3.9 scoring average, do not come his place is in the bleachers. player, averaging around 25 close to telling the value of Ward. He does the intangible Trackmen appear things on the court (making steals, playing defense and dir¬ ecting the offense i Ward is a mechanical engin¬ eering major and wants to go out of title picture to medical school after gradu¬ ating. On the court. Ward believes the Spartans' season has just Ken Leonowicz coursed 1 1/2 The first home encounter is By DON KOPRIVA slated for February 8 as the State News Sports Writer miles in 6:50. on pace for a "The turning point in our sea¬ The middle-of-the pack Big 9:10 two mile. Spartans host the 46th annual son was the second half of the Dittrich thinks his team is MSU Relays. first Northwestern game when Ten finish that Track Coach further along than the 1968 and we battled back from behind. Fran Dittrich forecasts for the Silver medalist S p a r t a ns looked unavoidable squad at a comparable time, record-holder Jim Rvun Since then we've picked up mo- but the head coach thinks that and v following Friday and Saturday's pace the field of national and mentum with each g; time trials at the Jenison track. better performances will be conference champions LLOYD WARD needed in the sprints, hurdles The Spartans showed strength in the distance events and in the and field events in particular middle distances, but weakness Last year MSU placed fourth SAVE $100 a TEAM in the field events and lack of indoors. behind Wisconsin, depth everywhere which should Michigan and Minnesota. doom MSU to a struggle for the The first meet facing the first division. Spartans is Saturday at the Junior Bill Wehrwein was the Michigan Relays in Ann Arbor. premier performer of the The following week MSU trials, with a :48.3 clocking in the 440 yard dash and a : 31.5 time in the 300-yard sprint. travels to Kalamazoo for the Western Michigan Relays. Men's Cooperative System The former Roseville star also zipped to a :21.8220. Soph Kim Hartman. MSU's British pros Invites You To >p placer in Big Ten cross country, topped all the milers with a 3:06 clocking in the 1320-yard run. followed close- demand Open House - Jan. 21, 23 lv bv senior Dean Rosenberg <3:08.6 Hartman >. followed his 3 4 Palmer 1. Independent off-Campu: Living LONDON (UPIi-The Brit¬ with a 1:56.5 880 while in the ish Professional Golfer's Assn. 2. Savings of $100 a Terrr BILL WE HRWE IN longer distances All-America accused Arnold Palmer of "un¬ 3. Social Events ethical conduct" Monday and demanded his suspension from BOSTON'S BIG GUN sponsored British tournaments. The association made the For Rides or Information Call charge against the Latrobe. Pa. golfer because of his involve¬ Bower;332-4490 Howland: 33< -v$521 Esposito top of 97 points held by Hull and ment in a plan to sell cut-rate golf balls at a nationwide chain of gas stations. Full consideration will be Ellsworth: 332-3574 Hedrick: 332-0844 Beal 332-5555 Montie: 332- H41 Motts: 332-1 *40 NEW YORK (I PI i-Phil Fs- bid to become the first Bruin to win the title since Herbie teammate Stan Mikita. given to this matter which would to of Boston has finally po: Cain turned the trick during Mikita. who has won the scor¬ seriouslv harm our profession," taken Chicago's Bobby Hull the 1943-44 season. ing title four of the last five Maj. John Bywaters. BPGA n the National Hockey League's Esposito. who was runnerup years, is fourth with 55 points secretary, said Inquiries will ndividual scoring race in a have to be made before action to Hull and the $500 prizSe that and Red Berenson of St. Louis is awarded to the scoring lea¬ is fifth with 50 points. Monte Carlo rally der at the halfway mark in the BOB SEGER TONIGHT "SYSTEM" point lead over the Black* Hawk Union 3oar J 3r-dg:± enters 2nd leg star according to official league Lessons Begin, NEIL DIAMOND figures released Monday JAN. 26th AUDITORIUM MONTE CARLO UPI 6 lessons for $3. i At the present pace Efposito The 167 competitors who is well on his way to breaking Sig.i-up In Union Board Office ASMSU Popular Ent. arrived here Monday all will the individual scoring record leave today on the grueling. 919-mile second leg of the Monte Carlo Rally I read somewhere they're solving Straight questions - ^ * Officials announced that of I've got my interview set and they won't care if ht' between computer lab and econ rapid transit problems the 167 finishers. 121 suffered bus is a little late and helping explore the seas and no penalty points during the hurry up bus I'll be late for class outer space Get together with Alcoa; # 2.200-mile drive from their wonder if Alcoa's doing anything and working with packaging eight starting cities in Europe. and automotive applications The extremely difficult test about traffic jams So when I go in between Monaco-Vals les I'll tell it like it is—for me Bains - Chamber - Monaco in¬ and they'll tell it like it is— cludes nine stretches to be for them covered on set times. 7 00 Wes 8 00 House - Hospici 9 00 Hubbard 4 - 5 GYM I Court 2 6 00 Motts Bower 7 00 Freakmen Pepe 8:00 9 00 West Shaw 2 - 3 Starving Boar Communica GYM II Court 3 Change for the better with Alcoa □ALCOA 6 00 SOC Wildcats • Turtles 7 00 Abelard Abaddon 8 00 Fecundity - Fern 9:00 L'nbeatables - Knights Borr GYM II C Winchester - V i Idea Fenrir Fens 8 00 Hubbard 10 1 GYM III Court 5 6 00 7 00 Wormwood - Woodpec Hubbard 2-3 STUDY COMPANIONS: 8 00 McNab - McBeth 9 00 Playboys Suspect JENISON 8 00 West Shaw 9 HERE: Alleys 8:30 pm Felony -Fegefeuer fym ^ook^ 1-2 3-4 Caribbean - Cameron 5-6 Akarpous Aku-Aku 7-8 9-10 Alleys 1-2 3-4 Hob Nob - House Wisdom Windjammer Akeg - Akat 6:00 pm Arhouse Aristocrats JORes 5-6 Superstition Satans 7-8 McDuff - McFadden 9-10 Wivern-Wilding Across From Due to insufficient entries the dead¬ Berkey Hall Free Parking At Storeside line for entering team paddleball (four man) has been extended until noon Fri- Tuesday, * .luary 21, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan S>ute News State News Classified State News Classifieds Get Results! Call NOW! Classified >5-8255 355-8255 " For Rent For Sale For Sale TNi State News does not AUTOMATIC CAR Wash, only 50 ONE OR 2 bedroom apartments. DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and en¬ STEREO 0 watt amplifier. New permit racial or religious $125 month Unfurnished. $100 gagement ring sets. Save 50 per turntabl Two speakers Must sell discrimination in its ad¬ deposit No children or pets. 351- cent or more Large selection of immedii ' y $175 or best offer. 5323 C-l/27 plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 Diane. 3-' 349 1-1/21 TO vertising columns. The WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. State News will not accept NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: 1 man 509 East Michigan 485-4391 C BIRTH Db V CAKES--7""-$3 64; 8"- neath car An almost perfect • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ job 430 South Clippert, back of for Cedar Village apartment Re¬ $4 16 ? $5 20 Delivered KWAST CHINA-SUITABLE for any occasion BAKE1*' • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, KO-KOBAR C-l 23 duced. 351-3026 5-1/21 484-1317 . C-l/23 or any home Complete service race, color or national or¬ • FOR RENT for 8. Sacrifice! 351-7815. 5-1/23 TWO ST' ' tires 6.50X13 Used one • FOR SALE igin. ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA¬ season st offer Call after 7 MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small SNOWMOBILE: CANADA'S best. 1st • LOST & FOUND p.m. 3!> i 5-1/27 dents to large wrecks American prize winner in Allegan County • PERSONAL and foreign cars Guaranteed work Race Real bargain New-$659 STA- • PEANUTS PERSONAL 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo. C BEHIND THE Gables Two man fur¬ SZUK'S MOVING AND STORAGE nished apartment Male. $120 per 1301 Turner IV5-2241 or IV2- • REAL ESTATE MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ month. 5837 5-1/22 BEAGp" PUPPIES--1 male, 3 fe¬ Utilities included 351-5285 • SERVICE mazoo street Since 1940. Com¬ between 5 and 7 p.m. males 7 weeks. Ready for 10-1/27 . Tape recorder 4-track, hunting this fall. 2217 Meadow • TRANSPORTATION plete auto painting and collision AKAI X IV Lawn stereo, portable, with all accessor¬ PrSve^ Holt. 3-1/21 • WANTED BRAND NEW deluxe colonial apart¬ ments Corner of Burcham and Al¬ ies $100 351-9571 5-1/22 GERMAN SHEPHERDS Black and Employment ton. Available for business, profes¬ Five wedis old TU2-3789. DEADLINE sional. college personnel or grad¬ HEAD COMPETITION Year old silver 5-1/21 LEGAL SECRETARY uate students. Furnished or un¬ 6'2'. Bindings, boots, and poles Experience re¬ matic. good condition $300 Ph furnished 332-3135 20-1 31 $135 351-8267 3-1/21 1 P.M. one class quired Pay commensorate with ex¬ Mobile "tomes fore publication. perience. Established firm Insur¬ PARACHUTES FOR Cancellations - 12 noon one DODGE DART 1962 440 Conve ance. paid vacation, parking and LUXURY to 2-man campus, to sublet apartment, spring close and lent condition. Call sale, for excel¬ details. TWO B?A*OOM. Laundry, carped class day before publica- Call J 351-3186. 5-1/23 ing. *>«« $3400 or best offer, summer Hugh or Dave, 372-5769 - 3*1/22 351-9033 4-1 22 MICHIGAN SOFT WATER COMPANY DOCTORAL GOWN Balck faille Size 2~$30: Boy's figure skates, sizes 3 and 4. 332-1047 3-1/21 PHONE €.&*(/ East Street. IV 7-5953. 3-1 22 ONE GIRL needed. Private room BICYCLE SALES and service Also 355-8255 GIRL BARTENDER, part time, short Walking distance $65 monthly 332- used EAST LANSING CYCLE, 215 hours. 4 nights per week Call 5320 after 6 p.m. 5-122 East Grand River Call 332-8303 C IV9- RATES H614 for interview. TOWN PUMP "Ever since Woodruff went off to College, COCKTAIL LOUNGE. 5-1.24 WANTED: BACHELOR for sharp ANTIQUE TRUNKS camel back, etc l t & Found 1 day $1.50 Larry's done nothing but sit there and furnished house hear Waverly. $75 $10 to $25. Phone Perry 625- 15£ word per day per month. Call 7318. per $250 332-2414 410 Parjc La reminise about the argujments they had 5 p.m . 489-3094 351-7670 or. after 2-1/22 Call Jackie 353- 3 days ...... $4.00 [U.ERICAL HELP, full I 5-1 27 13 l/2f per word per day Apply in over the establishment" MUSTANG 1967 Blue. 5 days $6.50 V-8j 4.speed, ?dar. Suite 3-122 Personal l3£ per word per day radio. $1,525. 393-2512 2-121 2307 SEWING machine (dial a THE V " LIES'' available for book¬ (based on 10 words per ad) MUSTANG 1967 3 .speed 6 Employment For Rent 1665 HASLETT Road: 2-bedroom du¬ ici with 24 cams. Everything ings 51-7114 Ask for Bill. c\ r. 332-2563 . 3-1 22 Best offer over $1500 :t plex unfurnished. Completely car¬ : in. Fully automatic Cost 5-1/21 There will be a 50£ service Sell for $100 HOUSEKEEPING HELP wanted BAY COLONY Apartments. One or peted. Nice kitchen with eating Phone 393- and bookkeeping charge if bedrooms, furnished and un¬ area. Basement $160 per month *72. C-l 2 EV RYONE KNOWS AND dav per week Phone ED2--Z192. two this ad is not paid withirt < UJ )SMOBILE 19.S9 3-1 22 furnished Call Jack Bartlett. Man¬ Available January 15th. GOVAN 1 MANAGEMENT Phone 351 7910 or KITCHEN CARPETING 12X22 with LOVES GLAMOUR, MONEY, and excitement ager. 337-0511. corner of Haslett 332-5860 O-l 21 moisture barrier and thick foam ENCYC LOPEDIA BRITANNICA RECEPTIONIST WANTED-Hoi can be yours with VIVIANE WOOD- and Hagadorn Road 5-1 /17 rubber OLDSMOBILF 1963 9-p*-s*n« pad (Brand newi Cost V I'Y NOT SELL IT. The State News will be ARD COSMETICS Free make-up OKEMOS ROAD 3711 South Un¬ $290 new-sell for $174 or $7.80 responsible only for the dition*!53-6615 instructions. IV 5-8351 r TWO TO 4 furnished 6 roans. Newly decor¬ month Phone 482-2677 C-l 23 P^C M LEADS ONLY. bath and ated. Students acceptable Im¬ first day's incorrect inser- PONTIAC TEMPTEST < uston HOUSEWIVES - STUDENTS cooking rented?^; J mediate occupancy $145 month SEWING MACHINE clearance sale 484-4475 rary ALL UTILITIES PAID $150 Brand new portables-$49 50. $5 00 RENT V from TV month 6064 Abbott Rd. 351-0630 , . a Company- PARTTIME per month. Large selection of r $9 00 month. Call 337-1300 10-1 22 THREE oned BEDROOM furnished house Singer NEJAvT'" RENTALS C EMPLOYERS ()\ ERLOAD COMPANY 3-5 HRS. PER DAY East Lansing Will Whites. Necchis. New Hot PONTIAC LEMANS 1968 *' accept stu¬ Automotive hardtop Power steering j-Ht Experienced secretaries, typists to DAYTIME ONLY dents. Call ED 7-0922. 5-1 24 many others. $10.95 to $39.95. Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Getting married FREE A Thrilling hour of ^ - speed , ALFA ROMEO 1964 Guilia Spvder Never a fee Phone 487-6071 C-l 23 484-4475 EAST LANSING Marble School dis¬ COMPANY. 1115 North Washington beauty For appointment, call 6992. after 7 p m 1600 Michelin tires, new top trict. Three bedroom duplex, l'a 489-6448 C-l 23 484-451 MERLE NORMAL COS¬ and looks good 355-3728. |X)NS. Ap- METIC Billed? runs PONTIAC 1963 Bonneville bathrooms. Carpeted living room 5TUDIO. 1600 East Mich¬ 3-1 23 ITY SHOP. with fireplace, dining room, kitchen KODAK COLOR Film. 126. 127, 620 igan C-l 23 5-1 21 99 cents 12 print roll processed panelled familv room Call 351- LARGE two .-.pn urnished 5614. 5-1.24 $2 90 with this ad. MEREK REXALL AT LAj ; A talented band at MSU BUICK I960 Must apartment REN VE.Te 351 DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CENTER at THE y Ji GENERATION Call 332- 9561 5-1 21 Frandor. New. lower, everyday dis¬ 3507 " 332-0846 Ask for Fred EAST LAN'SLNG: 2-bedroom duplex count prices C-1'9 PARKING NEAR Berkev Inexpen¬ I 'newLy Married? H sive Several spaces left Call SNOW TIRES 6.85X15 on Volkswagen 355-4802. 3-1 23 , TANGLEWOOD rims. Excellent tread. $25 or offer FERGUSON Also 10 gallon aquarium set TV RENTALS-students only. Low AFARTMENTS up with and quality accessories 351-4048 1-1/21 monthlv and term rates. Call 484- I 1 Bdrm», unfur., from $124.50 2600 to reserve vours. UNIVERSITY WHAT" FLEA Market" Where" CANADIAN HUMOR CHEVROLET BELAIR 1960 Must s WANTED CHUHru- et TV RENTALS C 351-7880 | U.S. 27 North Former Hi-Low now 4-door. 6 cylinder automat FRANCIS AVIATION So easv to learn dav weet TV RENTALS GE 19 portable $8 50 ONE BEDROOM luxury apartment 3-1 21 Market When" Every Thursday. Friday. Sunday. Antiques coins and ; is Coming power steering, brakes, radio, he in the PIPER CHEROKEE Special Call 351-6441. or per month including stand. Call J R near campus. supplies, bottles, buttons, dishes, er $196 Eleanor 332-1036 moi $5 offer 484-1324 C 337-2253. 4-1 24 MISER i the name. Loves the game. CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862. 220 ONE MAN needed t. jewelry, furniture, pictures, primi¬ THE N^iERY LOVES CO At Brodv. Albert Street East Lansing. C tives, newspapers. 393-2211 Lake Lansing Private room. All 3-1 23 Auto Service & Pa RECEPTIONIST: PART time after¬ NEEDED: ONE girl starting March Friday' jht 3-1 23 CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968 COLORED TV RENTAL $8 per week. spring term Duplex. East Lan¬ privileges Fireplace You're want¬ CORVETTE TOP noons and Saturn CO'ings Law or ed $50 month. Call 339-9060. DRY FIREWOOD, seasoned, will de¬ THE R 'UES, 4 years office in \\ V-^.ising Park $24 per month. Call J R. CULVER sing. Call 351-3429. after 6 p.m 3-1 21 liver Red Oak and Beechwood keeping MSU equity 1409 A Spartan Vill COMPANY 351-8862 C 5-1 27 music savy. Telephone 882-2604 ing on pi V X ' Phone 487-3743 355-9110. 4-1 V 1-1 21 12-1 31 RENT A TV from a TV Company- LCC AND downtown vacancies in $9 00 per month. Call 337-1300 five girl house, newly furnished, WHERE HE GIRLS ARE' They'll NEJAC TV RENTALS C kitchen paneled, and carpeted U- tilities paid. $60 per girl plus reading ,-ie "Personal'" column in Don't Get Left Out in the Warm . . MEN CLEAN, ONE 3-girl GIRL needed Reduced desperately for rates 351-3035. deposit and lease 372-6188 6-1 24 ELECTROLUX TANK vacuum cleaner today's1 ssified Ads. Try it now' quiet, cooking, park 3-1 23 with all the attachments (deluxe ing, supervised Close to cam¬ model i Automatic rewind Cost TRV>HIES & PLAQUES pus 487-5753 or 485-8836 O GIRL NEEDED for quiet two girl $140 new-will sell for $25 Phone NICELY FURNISHED for gentleman OVE' 00 TROPHIES ON DISPLAY apartment Near campus, very con¬ 25 or over Parking 487-3069. 393-5072 C-l 23 NO W» ING - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EYDEAL VILLA Apartments Two venient. 351-9457 3-1 23 3-1.22 bedroom apartments for $240 month HEAD STANDARD 6 9 Excellent Uri 1 ^pco'ff/ Prices tor Swimming pool GE appliances, URGENT 1 girl for luxurv apart¬ NEAR CAPITOL Girls Privacv. condition. Asking $50 Phone 489- „ 1 Q-nti 7 Purchases garbage disposals, furnished for ment Reduced. Claudia. 482 7427, evenings 3-1 23 PROFESSIONAL parking, kitchen, lounge, attractive. 1333. 351-6844 3-1 23 S12-S14 IV 2-2287. 882-4603. 3-1.22 OUR SPECIALTY STEREO: FISHER X-100 amplifier SLNGLE MAN to share verv deluxe and Garrard changer Call Pete ONE GIRL-Single- room in a priv¬ 2-bedroom townehouse Furnished ate house 5 blocks from campus 351-8427 or 337-1721 3-1 23 East Lansing area. $84 485-1265, Furnished. $65 a month plus utili¬ 351-6796. 5-1 27 ties 351-8534 5-1 24 NORTHWINlb SPANISH FOOD FARMS OPENING FOR girl Own bedroom MEN: CLEAN quiet, cooking, park¬ Completely furnished Parking. Utili¬ d Other Food From Most Foreigi r st Phone Faculty Apartments ties provided Haslett-Albert. $65 ing. supervised. Close to campus. jntr.es-including U.S. 351-7880 337-2336 4-1 23 487-5753 or 485-8836 ATTENTION GIRLS' Rooms like home O SHAHEEN S FAMILY FOOD FAIR .«5-06«^ II W I WEST OF SEARS EFFICIENCY APARTMENT carpeted Saginaw 485-408! with cooking priviliges. Call 351- and drapes. $125. Call 332,2627. Michigan Bankard Welcome 0960 or 351-0788 4-1 24 SPARTAN HALL Carpeted rooms ONE BEDROOM apartment for sub¬ lease at Northwind Farms Call 332-2627. C-l. 24 . . . step into the NEED GIRL for attractively furrv URGENT: One man for luxurv apart¬ sparkling utilities included 35U3807 2-1 21 ment in Cedar Village. Sublet from shimmering through Fwbruary 15th Call 351 A NICE home for studious male. Sin¬ glimmering NEEDED ONE girl, spring term. gle. double $50. $60 Full house pri¬ Riverside East Apartments Call vileges 351-5285 between 5 and 7 glittering 351-3381 3-1.22 FEMALE GRAD student glistening For Sale glamorous amorous 5. Main road AUDIO COMPONENT SERVICE. Am 6. Diocese adventurous pex. Sonv. Scott. Fisher and many /. Southern drink other select brands at MAIN ELEC¬ TRONICS. 5558 South Pennsylvania. o. Unwilling exciting 9. Excavated !G. Bombast 11. Split pulse relaxing IT* TO 1 3 and more savings. Com¬ 17. Estate parison welcomed. OPTICAL DIS COUNT. 416 Tussing Building Phone 18. Rolling stock refreshing pools at IV'2-4667 C-l 24 19. Common metal ?! Anticipated QUARTER CARAT diamond with 22 Wealth matching wedding band $200. or 23. Cancel Burcham Woods on Burcham Drive best offer. 351-0778. Karen. 3-1,22 24 Time unit 29. Corrosive 31 On land 34. Light anchor Furnished Apartments For Spring And Summer Terms DOUBLE BED. complete with cherrv 38. Cleopatra^ . headboard Call 351-3848 after 5.30 attendant pm 3-1,22 39. Daunt EAST LANSING MANAGEMENT CO. STEREO: 40 watts. Fisher. Garrard. Wharfedale. Excellent! 8305 $275 353r 3-1/22 40. Squat e 317 M.A.C. SILVERTONE PORTABLE stereo. 351-7880, or 351-4275 after 6 p.m. Harmonv 12-string acoustic guu tar. 355-5498. 3-1/22 Tuesday, January £'•, 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Council plans computer JFK trial proceeds; program By PAUL HANSON has for graduates strong interests in com¬ one of the largest undergrad¬ Garrison businessman, also were ready conducted the en State News Staff Writer puters. uate computer science programs NEW ORLEANS, La.(AP) - in the nation, according to Reid. to go to trial. ficial investig-' on into the By fall term MSU should be Reid added that he didn't think Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison did an The state had asked for a. con¬ sassination, co luded t'erf - able to join the ranks of 50 ot¬ the proposals would be held up The first year's enrollment about-face Monday and agreed to of tinuance last Friday after a no conspiracy. her universities in the nation by the Academic Council or Sen¬ should be about 12 because proceed without further delay Garrison cl the ate since the plan had a strong the small faculty, Reid said, but in the trial of Clay Shaw, ac¬ judge in Washington, D C., de¬ rns by enrolling students in a grad¬ Garrison academic foundation added that University of South¬ cused nearly two years ago of clined to endorse a government h^ delibera > uate program in computer sci- layed Shaw's ial to ern California that had over one conspiring to kill President John subpoena of Kennedy autopsy < Mice. If all goes well the graduate certain facts " the v hundred students in its program photographs and X-rays taken a.> The proposal for the program program will be approved by F. Kennedy. after the assassination in Dal¬ tion. is now before the Graduate March. shortly after it was began. A Garrison assistant, James Reid cited the need for such Alcock, told Judge Edward J. las. "My staff 3 I solv ?h< Council for a preliminary de¬ The will differ assassination ;eks ago new program Alcock asserted then that if cision. Following the council's a program by saying that in a from the present doctorial Haggerty in Criminal District rison said in ?bruary 19- recommendation, the proposal few years the computer industry Court the state would be ready the federal government "blocks course in that candidates will wouldn't say friis if we ci will move on to* the Academic will equal the auto industry. to go ahead as scheduled Tues¬ our attempts to present all of not have to qualify for a degree the evidence, this case cannot have the ev ence beyor Council and Academic Senate He also said there is a short¬ day. The trial will be the first in electrical engineering. This be brought to trial. " shadow of a dt." for final approval. age of educators in the com¬ connected directly with the as¬ will save the student consider¬ Judge Hagg? ty, who will < Richard J. Reid, director of sassination Nov. 22.1963. The autopsy reports were puter field because of the new able course work. turned over to the National Ar¬ a panel of 25 \ spective juro* the computet science program, ness of the industry Alcock withdrew a state mo¬ although the is optimistic about the passage Reid predicted that MSU will Reid said that program might be approved by Flowery ph tion for a delay based on the claim that the federal govern¬ chives by the Kennedy family with the stipulation that they be has said he wi days a week/* lold court »ren through t. sev if the graduate proposal. He be able to greatly alleviate this March, applications could still withheld from the public. festive Mard' Gras, if ne< »_ .aid the Council has given the shortage once the program frets So what could be better than peace and love? This is ment was withholding vital evi¬ be accepted into July. Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark re¬ sary. plan to^a study committee which off the ground. MSU is already one Butterfield bunny who doesn't^jnind airing her dence. leased last week a report by Shaw, a ha! ;ome some? views on the subject. Defense Attorney F. Irvin Dy- mond said he and his client, a four experts who checked the playwright v o for 18 State News Photo by Jim Richardson headed the N v Orleans i 55-year-old retired New Orleans autopsy material and agreed with the Warren Commission national Trad fMart, has Placement that President Kennedy was shot from the rear. Garrison has insisted there were other shots free on $100.0C )ond. Perry Rayn >nd Russo, a ; appoints ton Rouge ins ance man, te The following employers will viewing from January 27 uary 31,1*9. be inter¬ through Jan¬ College of Business and Mathematics (B.M) Location: various. E.I. duPont de Nemours and Com¬ Incorporated: Chemical, Mech- Chemical, Metallurgical Electrical, Mechanical, and Engineering, Materials Science, Labor and Industrial Relations, and Chemistry Majors (B.M). Lo¬ Mayor from the front. Alcock declined to discuss reason for withdrawal of the the fied at a pr' !minary hear: that he over plot the assa .ination. Two r. ard three m- If you are interested in an organization, pany, cations: Chicago, Illinois and various. continuance motion but com¬ them he ident; ied as Shaw, wl please report to the Placement Bureau AT LEAST TWO SCHOOL DAYS in ad¬ vance to sign up for an interview and to obtain additional information. MILITARY OBLIGATIONS: Students General Electric Company Marketing and Transportation Administration and all MBA's Location: various tary tary Elkhart Community Schools: Elemen¬ School: Early and Later Elemen¬ Education, Art, Counselor, Music, Physical Education (Men and Women), to study revampin of plained that Clark had interfere in the case statements." Garrison, who arrested Shaw "tried to with public he said "Clem Bertra1 using the narr was The third r.i jsing the nan d," and Oswal in was Leon Oswald. identifir should interview with employers even ber of Commerce, Board of Edu¬ Mentally Handicapped, Remedial Read¬ By BILL CUMMINGS but the lack of how to carry in March, 1967, claims the as¬ as David V$il am Ferrie, wi though they have not completed their General Electric Company Electri ing. Speech, Correction and Orthopedic cation, Planning Commission. State News Staff Writer out the program'' resulted in military service. Most employers will cal, Mechanical, Chemical, and Metal¬ majors (B.M): Junior High School: Mu¬ sassination conspiracy was died mysteriously in his apai ■ be interested in the student before and sic (Vocal), and Mentally Handicapped The East Lansing Chamber the formation of the new com¬ University personnel, legal hatched in New Orleans by a ment a few c-ays after it w^ lurgical Engineering, Chemistry. Phy¬ counsel and newsmen after his duty with the Armed Forces. of Commerce, in conjunction mittee, he said. sics. Astronomy, Statistics, and Math¬ majors (B.M) ; Junior and Senior High group including Shaw, Lee learned Gan^ ion had said hi January 27, Monday: ematics majors iB.Mi and all MBA s School: Art, History. English, French, with the East Lansing City Bassett outlined the commit¬ The committee welcomes Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby, was linked „ the plot. The Clintondale Public School: All Elemen- (with technical undergraduate degrees) Spanish, Physical Education (Men and Council, has student volunteers to aid in General Science, Home Eco¬ appointed a com¬ tee's four main tasks. Dallas night club operator. official medi 1 verdict on Ferri* ,tary. Secondary, and Special Education Location: various. Women). working for the redevelopment ' majors (B.M). Location: Mt. Clemens, General Mills, Incorporated Agricul¬ nomics, Mathematics, Counselor, and mittee to study the redevelop¬ The first step is to study and Shaw had denied all charges. was natural ?ath of a hemor- of the downtown business of East Lansing's business dis¬ Michigan tural, Chemical, Electrical, and Mech¬ Industrial Arts majors (B.M); Senior ment digest all available information The Warren Commission, which Geigy Agricultural Chemicals: All ma¬ anical Engineering, Biochemistry, High School: German and Driver Ed¬ district. and plans, then determine which trict. jors of the College of Agriculture and Mathematics, Statistics. Marketing. ucation majors: (B.M). Location: Elk¬ Natural Resources and all majors, all General Business Administration, Fin¬ hart. Indiana Appointments to the Joint plan or combination of plans is colleges (with a farm background) ancial Administration. Hotel. Restaur¬ Downtown Redevelopment Com¬ the most feasible, and finally The B.F. Goodrich Company - Tire (B.M, >. Location: Michigan, Indiana, ant, and Institutional Management, and mittee were made by Gordon L. set target dates, he said. Technology: Civil, Mechanical, Electri¬ Gulf Oil Corporation: Geology, Geo¬ physics. and Chemical and Mechanical Accounting majors (B.M) Minneapolis. Minnesota and various. General Mills, Incorporated - Central Location cal, and Chemical Engineering, Applied Mechanics. Chemistry, Mathematics majors (B,M) Location: Physics, and Thomas, mayor of East Lans¬ ing, and Edward A. Trantz The initiation studies of the cost of beautifi- of in-depth End Guard patrol Engineering majors (B.M). Summer Research Laboratories Chemical. Ag¬ president of the Chamber of cation and financing possibili¬ Commerce. ties constitutes the second phase. (continued from page one! bv the police for possession and ties. This s; e committee re- employment: for Geology and Geophy¬ ricultural, and Mechanical Engineering, The B.F. Goodrich Company - Tire sics majors. Location: various Food Science, and Chemistry majors Sales All majors, all colleges (B,M). The Chamber of Commerce In the third stage, the commit¬ discharging of guns. cently inve gated Chicago's Herman and MacLean: Accounting (B,M,D) Location Minneapolis, Minn- guardsmen would risk renewed The youths were associated Blackstone No mem- Location: various. initiated the new committee to tee will act as a coordinating - angers. and Financial Administration majors violence in the city. He believes (B>. Location: Detroit, Michigan North i Rockwell Corpora The B F Goodrich Company-Chem¬ aid planning study and to estab¬ body between public officials with the Wilmington Youth bers of WV ^AC were allowed ical Company: Chemistry, Physics, and that a well-armed Black Libera¬ result of the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Chemical and Mechanical Engineering lish a workable plan of action, and business groups to compile Emergency Ac t i o n Council to testify, > a Company: All majors of the Colleges tion Army may stage an insur¬ (WYEAC). a local organization investigation Whitehorn said, majors of the Colleges of Engi¬ majors Leland Bassett, executive dir¬ data and advise the redevelop¬ All . and Electrical Engineering of Business, Arts and Letters, Commu¬ neering and Natural Science (B.M.D) rection in Wilmington. WYEAC wav ""deprived of its Qf- (B.M) Location: various. ector of the East Lansing Cham¬ ment planning, Bassett said. which has been active in pro¬ nication Arts, and Social Science and Ac¬ Location: Canoga Park, California Goodrich Company: Pers¬ ber of Commerce, said. The basis for Terry's suspicion fice of Ec' omic Opportunity counting majors (B.M) Summer em¬ The B.F The final step is motivating testing the guard's presence in onnel Administration and Labor and In¬ of a Black Liberation Army is ' North American Rockwell Corpora¬ Bassett pointed out that the their city. funds, destr -ing the organiza- ployment: for Mathematics majors the essential people to the tion Autonetics Division Electrical dustrial Relations majors (B.M) Lo- imust have calculus). Location: Boston - formation of the committee was completion of the project. Con¬ a single incident, Whitehorn said At the time of their arrest tion's ability Engineering, Physics (electronics orient¬ In Wilmington, Cherry Island ed), Mechanical Engineering. Applied Katonah-Lewisvoro Schools: Elemen¬ not the result of dissatisfaction vincing absentee landlords of the youths were wearing buttons Marathon Oil Company: Chemical, is a garbage dump where chil¬ The third emand being made Mechanical, and Civil Engineering ma¬ Mechanics, Statistics, and Mathema¬ tary. Secondary, and Special Education with the proposals of the City the necessity of remodeling is which said, "I have already majors (B.Mi Location: Katonah, New Council and the Planning Com¬ dren have been reported shooting by the Na nal Commiteee is jors (B). Locatiop. Detroit, Mich tics (applied) majors (B.M.D) Lo¬ the most difficult obstacle in been drafted by the Black Liber¬ Paper Mate Company Accounting cation: Anaheim, California York mission. rats. On September 3, some of ation Army." "that corp: i tion control of v North American Rockwell Corpora motivation, Bassett said. and Financial Administration and Mar¬ Lindsay-Schaub Newspapers: Journa¬ "A lack of response in plans these neighborhood youths found ghetto prc- ams. white com- tion - Columbus Division Electrical and The committee includes mem¬ keting majors (Mt Location: Chicago. lism, English, History, Political Science Whitehorn explained that as munity * a' ncies, public of- Illinois. Mechanical Engineering Mathematics, and Home Economics majors (B,M) not due to a lack of interest, bers of the City Council, Cham¬ shooting rodents were arrested far as he knows this is the only fices, and ose areas of juris- Point West: Hotel, Restaurant, and and Physics majors 'B.Mi Location Location: Illinois. Institutional Management and General Columbus. Ohio Pure Oil Division - Union Oil Com¬ evidence, which Whitehorn la¬ diction whi i should be held by North American Rockwell Corpora¬ beled not substantial," Business Administration majors iB) Lo¬ pany of California: Chemical, Civil, and very people thi 'igh their govern- tion Space Division, Rocketdyne. and \ed consolidation could base his cation: Macatawa or Lansing. Michi¬ MHA-WIC oppose - Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry on which Terry ments be se ' gan. Los Angeles' Division Mechanical. majors (B) Location: various. assertions. Public Schools: Elementary Electrical, Metallurgical, Civil, and > has been de Portage Chemical Engineering, and Chemistry St. Regis Paper Company: Packaging Whitehorn sai' that it is Wilmingt School: Early and Later Elementary Technology, Accounting, Marketing, Ec¬ scribed by esidents and visi- Education. Art, Music, Physical Edu¬ majors (B.M.D) Location: Southern onomics. and Chemical and Mechan¬ The third area RHA could ness of areas like the 18-vear- "fairly likely tlu.. tins demand California. (continued from page one) tors as "a ompany town in a cation, Physically Handicapped, Rem¬ ical Engineering majors (B,M,D) Loca- old vote, equalization of appro¬ will be met after the new gover¬ edial Reading. Speech Correction, and She also cited the example develop is in community ser¬ company sf te." The company priations between colleges in nor. Russell Peterson, takes of¬ Visiting Teacher majors 1 Bi. Junior high Jaoury 28, Tuesday: vice. Here Engler suggested referred to' in this 1 Southwest Regional Laboratory for Ed¬ of Fee Hall, which is split¬ Michigan, and funding the MSU fice. However, he continued, it description school: Music (vocal i and Social Science Bethlehem Steel Corporation: Chem¬ expanding residence hall in¬ is the DuPt ^)t English majors (B>; Junior and Senior ical, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical ucational Research and Development: ting its co-ed government due Law School. is harder to predict whether the Corp., whose as- Educational Psychology, Curriculum In¬ volvement with volunteer sets of $7.' billion represents High School English, Spanish, Phys¬ Engineering, Metallurgy, Mechancs, to complications of authority. " Too often it is said that other two demands will be sat- Materials Science, and Accounting maj¬ struction, Instructional Media, and El¬ services and offering credit the largest;i'ngle concentration ical Science, Visiting Teacher, and In¬ The president of the proposed residence halls deal with noth¬ dustrial Arts majors (Br. Senior High ors (B.M) Location: various ementary and Secondary Education ma¬ for participants. of wealth in nation. Burroughs Corporation Economics, jors (Di Location: Inglewood. Califor- system would be assisted by think community ser¬ ing but insignificant problems, le School Mathematics and Coaching i Financial Administration. Accounting, five complex vice presidents such as dress regulations. The second demand being put . iGymnastics, Wrestling) majors vice projects are a trend," The DuP nt family in Wil¬ and Management majors (B.Mi Loca¬ Walker Manufacturing Company: Ac¬ chosen on a complex basis. forth by the National Commit¬ Location: Portage, Michigan This is no longer the case." The Sherwin-Williams Company Ac¬ tion: Detroit, Michigan and various counting, General Business Administra¬ "This system," Engler said. he said. "Other residence tee is "that blacks being held mington rofessor Peanuts Personal D'G's-THANKS work. A for all your great pledge class proves hard ANN Service BROWN: Typist and multilith, Free freshmen (Continued from page 1) would allow funding of projects which would be more beneficial to the student on campus. amid security Terry. WYEAC. a federation of one¬ time neighborhood groups who now participate in community wins- in your success Your appreciative offset printing. Dissertations, theses, h jd " This would seem like a lot (continued from page one) presidents displayed cordiality TO OUR new pledges and Little manuscripts general typing 19 years experience 332-8384 IBM C ' cent of freshmen , . "Were hoping to get 90 per t into residence of able money, to but we would be complement, not g0 forward at forward together. all is to go This means throughout the day. Johnson and his wife. Lady Bird, greeted organization, has been consis¬ tently under attack by the gov¬ ernor. phot'i contest Sisters, FH Actives say WELCOME HOLE IN ONE* Maybe not. but check halls next fall," Robert Hughes, compete with ASMSU. ASMSU. he black and white together, as the Nixons warmly on the steps added. Benjami B. Hickok. profes- TO THE BROTHERHOOD'' 1-1/21 today's Classified Ads for good buys asst. director of housing at e nation, not two.' of the White House as the two During April at least 372 per¬ in golf clubs! jj-M. said --We hope that any There are four areas of con¬ men prepared for the motor- sor of Anf rican Thought and sons were arrested in Wilming¬ MEN OF Pi Kappa Phi, Everything if RHA were to be imple¬ Uncommon Eloquence awarded honor- cern cade to the Capitol Language, ras is coming up Roses Love, Your TYPMCMN '.emE.pehe** oh'w «■«*» will be small, but it is mented. With eloquence uncharac- ton. Wilmington s mayor, John able ment n in the Saturday Little Sisters M/21 on dictaphone, also many other hard to predict, The first area would be to teristic of his past speeches, he E. Barbiaz. who was defeated Review's i6th annual World areas 482-4337 4-i 24 Hughes said that Purdue Uni¬ The inaugural was the most in the November elections, put versity retained roughly 90 per make the residence hall more closed: Travel PI >to Contest, expensive ever. The cost of in- the arrested figure as high as ^ntastudenSsi^5 Cac cent of their women in resident competitive with apartments ,We have endured a long c,^in„ Nixon as Pr„,rt„nl stalling Nlv„„ President 714. Court records are still un¬ Contesta; s. submitting one halls after a similar housing Engler cited as example night of the American spirit, picture ea< i. came from all 50 put at 2.5 million, compared certain of the numbers arres¬ rule was abolished. that RHA could work with mana- But as our eyes catch the dim- to the 2.1 million spent on John¬ ted held in jail during the states. 40 reign countries and Service -r Transportation . .. Last spring the U-M Regents gers to provide more flexibility ness of the first rays of dawn, or six contine ts. Oniy 38 winners son's 1964 inauguration and the nine month period. let us not curse the remaining BABYSITTER AVAILABLE full or RIDERS BREAK -Cheap round trip removed curfews from all wo- of services, with European - 1.6 million laid out for Ken- Hickok's color picture was part tune in Spartan Village 355-2745 home. 3-1/22 Fiorida- Lauderdale Daytnna Mi men living on-campus providing plan meals on weekends, and darkness. Let us gather the The governor's attack on taken.in nsterdam. Holland, ami 351-8491 , o they had parental permission to more options and flexibility in light, WYEAC. lead to investigations ; ' Richard M. Nixon's dream during his Fulbright stay out beyond established hours. room choice. 'ear as a by the Senate's McClellen Com¬ Wanted Almost 90 per cent of U-M wo- " Another concern is in the "Our destiny offers, not the 0f a decade had come true at mittee into WYEAC's activi¬ Lecturer ii" 967-1968 academic area," he said, cup of despair, but the chalice iast as he became the second BLOOD DONERS NEEDED P 50 to, me" "ho "«* Permission to , "where RHA could initiate ex- of opportunity. So let us seize Republican president of the positive, a negative, B negative avoid curfew get it from their HILLEL F01NDATI0N all Typing Service and AB negative $10 00 O negative - parents, " Hughes said perimentation with more flexi- it. not in fear, but in gladness past 36 years, *12.00 Michigan community U-M hopes to keep resident ble curriculum requirements, -and "riders on the earth to- DONNA BOHANNON Professional BLOOD CENTER, 507^ E Grand ha)| rates down to attract more Something more relevant could gether. let us go forward, firm 319 Hlllcrv it Grand River typist Term papers, thesis IBM be tried, like the sexuality in our faith, steadfast in our Hat fits occasion Selectric 353 7922 C Campus Book st£l HouTs Lm" students. Hughes said. Unlimi- colloquy, which has been very purpose, cautious of the dan- 3 30pm Monday, Tuesday and Fri- ted food at meals has been con- but sustained by our con¬ TUESDAY J£ I. 21 9 P.M. TERM PAPERS, theses, manuscripts, day; Wednesday and Thursday, 12- sidered as one lure to keep stu- well received," he said. WASHINGTON (AP)-The general typing IBM selectric JAN fidence in the will of God and 6 30pm 337-7183 C dents on-campus, but definite quadrennial debate over what ET 337-2603 20-2/10 the promise of man. " at Hillel sort of hats a congressman plans have not materialized, PAULA quality ANN HAUGHEY thesis service A unique IBM typ¬ HELP WANTED n^-^s or after noons mins Au 5 ci\LED|er ' b26 North at Ka Larch Hughes cited the free services offered by resident halls as an Lawsuit Former President Johnson, should wear to presidential in- preparing to return to his na- augurations took a new di- OPEN HOUSE AND DISCI'- SlON ing, multilith binding 337-1527 printing and hard C 484-4596 " SOMEONE " „ TO ' ' sail ' " 5-' 21 Great Lakes " ' advantage over apartment living. In-residence counselors, tutors ' tive Texas as a private citizen mension Monday via Rep. Ken for the first time in 32 years. Hechler, D-W. Va. RICHARD l. RUBEN' FEIN BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing wUh ttie this summer Call Tom, and faculty are available to on- Bushnell was not available told newsmen of the address: Hechler was more than pre- Noted theologian, lecturer, author: TER No job too large or too small 484,7351. 3-1/22 campus residents, he said. Ath- for comment but it is assumed "j enjoyed it very much. I wish pared for Monday's 30-degree AUSCHWITZ--RADICAL THEOLOGY D CONTEM¬ Block of campus 332-3255 C -------- letic, social and academic fun- that he would also appeal if him good luck. He'll have my temperatures. * PORARY JUDAISM", 'THE SECULAR ' ITY DEBATE" j ctions also make resident hall TYPING TERM papers and theses FRATERNITY and Sorority houses the decision was adverse to prayers." He wore a fur-lined arctic ESSAY, etc. I the universities. The outgoing and incoming jacket-complete with hood. Electric typewriter Fast service or^oUier Urge rooming houses. board, ,lving hemore added. than room and Call 332-4597 O Tuesday, Jani ry 21, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan VISITORS INVITED Economy reigns in co-ops By SHARON TEMPLETON of providing an economical living room and board charges are gauged to cover mortgage pay¬ to create a close bond of fel¬ lowship and friendship among State News Staff Writer situation. ments and any upkeep needed in their members by providing so¬ Room and board charges very Cooperation is the key to co-op the houses. cial and cultural activities," from $155 to $170 per term and living at MSU's nine supervised, Each co-op also sponsors a Fred Fry, Rockford junior and off-campus living units. represent a savings of more than $100 each term. general improvement campaign president of ICC, said. The eight men's co-ops and at the beginning of each term dur "Friendships formed in co-ops one women's co-op will be spon- In order to provide this eco¬ ing which members work to clean are similar to those of fraterni¬ sor'ng open houses this week nomical living situation, the up the inside and outside of ties, but the members are more for ?11 interested students to members of the houses do all the house for the new term. diverse and serious students," "come in and look around." the work connected wi th the The cooperative system, how¬ Tom Ellison, Royal Oak senior The men's formal open house running of the unit, such as ever, is not all work and no and former resident of Hedrick v>ili be held 7-10 p.m. Tuesday, cooking, dishwashing, cleaning play. The houses compete in all House, said. ¥ edne«day and Thursday. Ulrey and making repairs. major sports in their own IM "The students living in co-ops Hi^u e. the women's co-op, will league with the Inter-Coopera¬ are there to study as well as -pen informally, the entire Each member is required to tive Council (ICC) awarding tro¬ have a good time, as evidenced *eek. work approximately five hours phies to the winning houses. A co-op is a group of stu¬ per week, varying with each unit. by the high grade point average Each unit also sponsors its in the houses." Ellison said. dents who own and operate their Food is purchased in large informal social program. own The cooperative system is (iwn living units with the purpose quantities at wholesale rates and "The members of co-ops strive linked to the University through ICC, which is the governing body of the system and is composed discuss of members from each house. Soviets eager to Each unit has its own faculty adviser and the members of the units are responsible for the en¬ forcement of University rules missile limits with Nixon and vary regulations. Membership r e quirements wih each unit, but as a MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet dominated a flood of messages been scheduled to coincide whole, a 2.2 all U averageis re¬ f ftion let President Nixon know of congratulations to Nixon with the Nixon inauguration. quired for entry into the house. Monday it is eager to start talks from leaders around the Zamyatin said it was not. 'Most houses require that the wit* the United States on limit¬ world. He added, "But, if the Nixon prospective member demon¬ ing ;;uclear missile systems and Earlier, the Soviet Foreign government will take into strate his willingness to coop¬ to ooperate in easing current Ministry held one of its rare consideration our statement, erate with the present members threats to world peace. news conferences and renewed it will help improve the sit¬ and further the interests of the i congratulatory message a call for an early start of uation." house,'' Fry said. 4* i the new American chief ex¬ Moscow-Washington talks on ec e. Premier Alexei N. curbing the nuclear' arms gin and Soviet President race. Nikolai V. Podgorny said both IS £ world powers must strive t" improve relations in the I In a lengthy statement, Leon Zamyatin. head of the Urban life r.terest of international se¬ Foreign Ministry press section, curity. And," they added, "through referred to agreement between the last Union and the United States to summer's Soviet in 'City' symp joint efforts with other states Peter Blake, managing edi¬ The University College spon¬ discuss reduction of strategic 4;V Soviet Union and the United tor of the Architectural Forum, sored symposium on the cities and antimissile missiles. States must do all that is will speak at 7:30 tonight in will last today through Thurs¬ needed to solve ripe internat- 108B Wells Hall at the first of day. All aspects of urban life "The Soviet government onal problems " five lectures on the American will be discussed by the various deems it necessary to re¬ In reporting Nixon's in¬ iterate its readiness to start city this week sponsored by the speakers. Other speakers for augural speech, Tass, the a serious exchange of views University College. the symposium are Saul Alin- official Soviet news agency, Blake, an architect, is op¬ on this important issue," he sky, a sociologist and commun¬ emphasize, in turn, the Ameri¬ posed to short-sighted econo¬ ity organizer. Floyd McKissick. can President's calls for mic or political expediency in a lawyer and Civil Rights acti¬ negotiations, peace and open Soviet government news the cities and is trying to make vist; Sydney Harris, a journal¬ i;nes of communications with conferences of this type are the American public more aware ist and Richard Rubenstein. a '»ther nations. held only two or three times of the lasting value of good ur- theologian. The Soviet leaders' message a year. Asked if this one had ban design. Bucher says Navy failed DATING SERVICE to equip ship for capture was with "fire axes The CORONADO, Calif. (APi --Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher said sledge hammers capable today he could not destroy two and scuttle the one-half hours intelligence ship. to being swung size sailor. by a standard- Interpersonal secret equipment on the USS Pueblo when North Koreans The only way to destroy Bucher. leadoff witness captured it because the Navy the equipment, Bucher said. before a court of inquiry in¬ vestigating seizure of the Pueblo last year, said his Now serving (J. of M. New Cabinet awaits only means secret documents of destroying was an in¬ EMU, MSU, WSU, and WMU campuses with: cinerator, a paper shredder . A matching scheme and some weighted bags in based on psychologi¬ Hickel's confirmation which to sink them. But he added pages had to cal theory. .Data sheets and pict¬ WASHINGTON (AP)--The The only nominee not .given be torn from secret publi¬ ures for each of your cations a few at a time to be Senate gave speedy conforma- immediate approval was Gov. dates. burned, the shredder tion Monday to 11 of 12 of Presi- Walter J. Hickel of Alaska as paper dent Nixon's new Cabinet mem- Secretary of the Interior, took 15 minutes to destroy an For Information Send bers The Senate Interior Commit¬ eight-inch stack of files and A Postcard With Your tee had approved his appoint- he didn't have enough bags The Name and Address to confirmations, coming ment Monday morning after five to sink all the secret docu¬ less than three hours after Nix- ments board. days of close scrutiny that pro- on on took office, took about five of I.D.S. duced controversy over his pol- Bucher has said some minutes. the classified jCy views an(j financial holdings. equipment and P.a Box 2137 A vote on his appointment is documents on board the Pueblo not now expected before Tues¬ destroyed it was being J 99 was as Ann Arbor, Michigan Are Y day. 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