Gasoline of gas I sell. It and inconvenient. The biggest winner giveaways tion, 1901 S. Cedar St.. said the give¬ "One or two in the area took it back." By ERNEST COW,DELL I had was for $100. '" aways bring in business, "but people Shatterly said. "The rest have stayed are becoming skeptical. They feel the out. The oil "I don't want it. You can have it. It's Some dealers feel they are being coerc¬ companies, dealers and the "I should have games are rigged. public are sick of it. no good for me. " never ed into the giveaways by the oil com¬ "Some dealers admit that by band¬ That's the attitude of some service he said. panies. They complain the games add to "I don't give stamps station operators toward giveaway their costs and force them to raise ing together they could vote out' the or run con¬ Lyons had a $1,000 v\ tests." he said I build my business on months ago but he does their giveaways.'' he said, "but they're not games. prices. good service and integrity Some deal¬ more giveaways. organized to do it." Estimates of what it costs a dealer to ers are not realistic when it comes to Charles Lyons Jr.. a mobil dealer. Robert Fry, a Gulf dealer. 2713 S. Ce¬ dar St.. is not troubUd by the give¬ offer the games range from $100 to $1,000 giveaways. They end up losing money. " 3330 S. Logan St.. believes that although The giveaway fever continues, but the giveaways bring people in "the ex¬ a month. aways. some dealers feel it will not last much pense of running the thing isn't worth Raymond Shatterly, a Texaco station it. I wasn't too happy with the Sunnv "The Gulf Oil Co. has never had a owner, 2270 Eaton Rapids Rd.. does not longer. They say anew approach to the Dollars'.' he said. It did increase the game or contest."' he said. give stamps and he wants no part of the motoring public is badly needed. "Some people spend only 50 cents or "It lacks imagination, volume of gas I sold and I stayed even "Neither have I. fand I don't want giveaways either. one dealer $1 just to get a stamp or a ticket When "The Sunoco dealers." he said, "de¬ said. "We need a new approach to keep all the way I'm busy, it's more trouble than it's business booming. Giveawavs ain't it worth. I'm supposed to get my money But I found it was time consuming A spokesman at Bob s Service Sta¬ cided to quit the giveaways Wednesday Warme Thanks to. . . MICHIGAN . . . Jimmy Hoffa-for the hood back into brotherhood. Rowan and Martin Laugh-In putting . UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 111 Senate delay Employee strike imminent, keeps Hickel from Cabinet union requires recognition strike if a solution isn't reached their jobs if they d not join the By RON INGRAM WASHINGTON i AP'--President Nixon State News StaffWriter "The men voted in a secret ballot union representing le majority of encountered his first Senate roadblock set up by the state to have the union MSU employes. Mo employes are Employes of MSI's power plants members of Local X.rf* of the Ameri¬ Tuesday when action was delayed for at will strike Jan. 30. cutting off 30 per represent them. Jordan said. The least another 24 hours on his nomina¬ University has since used the tax¬ can Federation of S_ate. County and cent of MSl's electrical power, unless tion of Walter J. Hickel to be secre¬ payers' money and bounced this Municiple Employees the University recognizes their union "We have asked .Si meetings with tary of the interior. thing from one court to another Nixon's 11 other Cabinet members by that date, a campus spokesman for the board of truster* Jordon said the union said Tuesday. trying to prevent it. are scheduled to be sworn in Leonard Glander. MSl's personnel We have sent them letters asking to White House ceremony Wednesday, anc The spokesman would not identify director, declined to comment on the discuss the matter with them, but himself for fear of a move by the there were indications the President University's past relations with the they have all been ignored University against him. However the office handles all promised that the plant had hoped Hickel would win Senate intent to strike was confirmed by the union. Glanders Jordon confirmation in time to make the roster labor relations for the University. workers will keep the power going Detroit office of the union. complete. I have received no communication to the residence halls . married hous¬ Joe Jordon. assist, business manager However. Senate Democratic Leader from the union that they will strike. ing. Olin Health (enter and those for the Detroit office, said Tuesday Mike Mansfield of Montana told report¬ Glander said Tuesday. I could not science buildings wh f e important re¬ that the employes have been fighting ers that objection was raised to taking up Hickel s nomination until the record Getting a for three and a '•ecognrtion for half years to get Local 547 of the speak intelligibly on it until I do" Jordon said that the power plant search is "We those going on intend to buildings Vptify the Tvhere the power people of a five day hearing by the Senate workers have not received proper wage in President Nixon sat at his desk his White House office on the International Union of Operating Engi Interior Committee is available, along increases since joining the union. He will be shut off. . ordon said We First full day of his presidency. N on worked behind a large dark don't want to ruin ?ars of scientific with the committee s report also claimed that some of the men elonged to Woodrow Wilson. We don't like to take this action, These will not be ready until Wed¬ wooden desk T uesday that once have been threatened with the loss of research by our strike - UPI Telephoto he said, "but the men will definitely nesday at the earliest, and Mans¬ field said Senate debate on nickels qualifications may take a day or two. ! Mansfield declined to say who raised , the objection, although he said it was not one of the three Interior Commit Judiciary claims Berman >/\ > A V 1 A / ^ ' tee members who voted against recom mending governor confirmation The committee voted 14 to of the Alaska Y / Y, „ of Confirmation, and there ha suggestion that the Senate will along with the majority recoi tion when it gets around to acting three opposing votes w wrong in obscenity Berman threatened to cut the pay of case the State News and Wolverine must work The together to implement the broad word¬ D-SI) Edward A. Brill, editor-iri-chief: James by Sens. George S Mc-Govern. ing of Article Six. Frank E. Moss. D-l'tah. and Gaylord S Granelli. managing editor; and Trinka The immediate problems to be resol¬ Nelson. D-Wis. They contended Hickel D. Cline. then the campus editor, when ved. the statement said, are the auth¬ lacks the background and sense of they printed a story using allegedly ob¬ ority of the staff adviser, the author¬ I'm in the play, "Oh. What a Lovely War." and I'm supposed to scene words without notifying the print- commitment the nation s chief con ity of the editor-in-chief, the authority play the British version of "reveille." Th only trouble is that servationist should have. McGovern said of the editorial board, the proper func I can't find it anywhere. The Music Dec caij't help and it's there are no plans for a fullscale tion of the advisory board and the ap¬ not in any of the record stores either. >fark Lerner, Lansing Berman said an unwritten agreement floor fight, however, in view of the pointment of members to the advisory sophomore. existed between the printer and the State lopsided committee vote Spartacuss put through a hotline call to the British Embassy News that should any obscene words ap¬ Sen Alan Cranston. D-Calif.. an "The advisory board has a very im¬ in Washington where, after an understandable amount of con¬ nounced he intends to vote against pear in a story, the editor would notify connected with Majdr Wigglesworth who portant function to play in establishing fusion. we were a Hickel's confirmation. the printer to relieve him of legal respon¬ hesitantly offered to hum a few bars. It was the unanimous the authority of the staff adviser and lacks the experience, the in sibility Brill said he knew nothing of He the agreement. the editorial board." the statement said. opinion of the British Embassy and of the Spartacuss staff terest or the outlook of a strongly that Major Wigglesworth s reveille was* none other than the devoted conservationist." Cranston said same "You gotta get up in the morning"^miliar to all of Un¬ The judiciary, which has been consider¬ in a statement. He added cle Sam's boys. Bugle in good health' -fc ing the case since December, said that Criticism of Hickel came also from Rep Richard L. Ottinger. D-N.Y urg such a threat would ference with the constitute "an inter¬ discretion of the editor- Nuclear arms Do non-students have to show an M.S.I. ) in order to get into ing the Senate to reject the nomina in-chief and the editorial board to deter¬ the MHA-WIC movies if they're accompanied b> a student'.' mine the news and editorial content of I'm dating a girl from out of town and I don't think this is fair. the State News It became quite apparent during the treaty awaits Scott Wagner. Birmingham Junior. According to Chris Manners, executive assistant for MHA. Phillips grants special course of the hearing of the so-called only one person has to be a student and he doesn't have to obscenity case that this particular issue was simply one of a series of disagree¬ Nixon's OK live in a residence hall. Your date doesn't reed to show an ID ments arising from the necessarily broad WASHINGTON (AP i- Chairman J language of the Academic Freedom Re¬ freshman hours policy W. Fulbright. D-Ark.. of the Senate port. the judiciary's statement said Foreign Relations Committee is ready to The judiciary suggested that "the par¬ quickly on the long-stalled nu¬ I'd be greatly interested in learning whether Robert and ties to the dispute should look upon Ar move clear proliferation treaty but is await¬ Helen Lynd are still alive! They are the parents of anti-war By DELORES MAJOR tide Six of the Academic Freedom Re¬ ing word the Nixon administration wants professor Staughton Lynd and authors of the famous sociolo¬ State News Staff Writer port as they would on any constitution, prompt action. gical work, "Middletown." George Colburn. Detroit graduate student. Phillips Hall, following the example that is. as a series of broad guidelines Nixon has expressed support for the set by Holmes Hall, implemented a which must be implemented by the Spartacuss reached a Professor Diamond, an associate ot goals of the pact to curb the spread of Drs. Lynd and his Columbia University office The Lynds re¬ special permission policy for freshman parties most directly concerned." nuclear weapons. But. during his election women Tuesday which enables coeds The judiciary said the staff adviser, campaign, he opposed immediate Senate portedly are very much alive, although Mr Lynd is now in a stay out after University closing editorial board and advisory board for New York City nursing home. to ratification because of the Soviet-led hours invasion of Czechoslovakia. Jan Schoff. St. Joseph junior and presi He has since said he wants to appraise Why can't I pick up W'MSN on my radio? Ben Peters, Benton Hall, said that coeds dent were of Phillips granted special permission only Pop Concert tickets the treaty in ditions. the light of current con¬ Harbor freshman. The day you called us the transmitter for Holmes Hall for "special activities as defined by of planning ahead Over 1,00(1 tickets have been sold Nixon's pre-election opposition set conked out. The Chief Engineer for WMSN assured us he would the Phillips Hall Women's Hours We don't fee- there will be any for the Bob Seger-Neil Diamond Pop¬ the lead for many GOP senators and look into the matter after supper Special Permission Policy." abuse of this polic vs Schoff said. ular Entertainment concert Sunday, was considered a key factor in the de¬ The definition of special activities Phillips is keep¬ cision against bringing the treaty to a according to Roger Anthony, popular in the hall's policy is: "Permission er of the special entertainment chairman. vote before the 90th Congress ended The people in charge of the Women's I.M. pool won't let my shall be granted only for special activi¬ Most of the reserved seats have last October. three-year-old son swim there on Family Night. They say he's ties: special activities are defined as not tall enough and can't swim the length of the pool. But how been sold, Anthony said Tuesday. A White House go-ahead and quick those activities which are academic, is he supposed to learn if he can't swim there? Mrs. Thomas There are still plenty of general ad¬ committee action would not necessarily cultural, athletic, or social exclusively, mission seat® left, he said. assure smooth sailing of the treaty Knatz, Spartan Village. which provide diversion from the student s Women's IM says a child must be 53" tall and be able to The concert begins at 8 p.m. Sun¬ through the Senate. normal routine. swim the length of the pool. In any case, they say. three-year day in the Auditorium. Reserved Some members have argued it lacks Miss Schoff said the Phillips policy seat tickets at $3 and general ad¬ adequate inspection procedures. Others olds can't use the pool because of previous trouble with ^ /Wj designates the coed as sole determiner conditions are too un¬ toilet training. Spartacuss learned that East Lansing's school mission tickets at $2 are on sale hold that world of whether her activities are special at the Union Ticket office and at settled for this country to foreclose the system has a swimming program for three-year olds. Charge y enough to warrant the use of "special is $6.75; get in touch with Jim O'Strike at the Board of Edu¬ Marshall Music and Campbell's Sub¬ possibility it might some day want to permission." cation. 337-1981. urban Shop in East Lansing. provide its allies with nuclear weapons. "The coed is not obliged to put down Wednesday, January 22, 1969 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan City By MARTY CLAUS State News Staff Writer seem for progress a to have program enough money of urban plan¬ architect and editor of "Arch¬ itectural Forum,", a lacks funds trade pub¬ to provide adequate housing, Blake questioned the feas- it all down and start over. Blake said But he voiced op- Lack of funds is causing ning that will make enough lication. ibility of relying on residents timism for the ghetto areas, Blake said ' For some ' The moment you have an of the community who do not The days of the super plan- the delay in rebuilding the sense. American city. Peter Blake said reason we can't afford it." affluent society everyone is understand the mechanisms or ner. who never cared what the Blake is campus this affluent, including the plumbers resources of city planning. He people wanted, are over. Pen- Tuesday at a University College on and electricians." Blake said. said that it is essential, how- itentiary type housing is no American City press conference week participating in the Un¬ in Kellogg Center iversity College Symposium on "Suddenly you can't afford ever, for the people to have longer being built, In this countrv. we don't The American City. He is an plumbing and electricity any- a stake in their environments. People want to have a sense The most difficult thing a- of mobility but they don't In response to a question on bout a federal program like necessarily want to move." he rebuilding the American City, the Model Cities Program is said It we were to have com- 'U' City Symposium to Blake said it is more promising to build a city on the ruins of an old city, to add to an exist¬ that the process is so time plete open housing I consuming. Blake said. that the current neighborhood: "The end results are cer¬ would stay the same in pop ing town rather than to start tainly justified if they are ef¬ ulation." probe race problem from scratch. existing Planners can utilize resources of an old the fective. but with such a slow process the problems multiply symposium's themselves at a fantastic rate Blake will participate in tin televised pane discussion broadcast liv Add another Saul Alinskv and Floyd McKissick will be on campus today Architecture in the ghetto channel 10 at 11:30 a.m. today town." he said. "Cost is enor¬ is part of University College's American City Symposium. mous in starting from scratch." areas is so completely wrong The >ic of the discussion i Students pro ong places take heed. Offii-v'S fori McKissick. who will speak at 7:30 p.m. in Fairchild Auditorium, Sewage systems, physical that some architects have term- Tli American Citv- Mile housed in t residing elsewhere—in he ne> ill discuss Black Power and White Response Lawyer and civil Millstone ^lal v. facilities and power facilities ec* a disaster and want to tear stn ministration Bldg., State News Photo by Ca ghts activist. McKissick was elected national chairman of the classify as existing resources. Congress of Racial Equality and was appointed national director the "basic junk." Blake said. ( rCORE The central blight of the Amer¬ have His ideas for the innovation of a Soul City in North Carolina given McKissick a top role in the interest of the economic ican city simply requires an awful lot of money and planners JURY SELECTION and social welfare ot black Americans. must salvage all they can, he Alinskv. sociologist and community organizer, will speak at 4 p m. in Fairchild Auditorium. Alinsky s topic will be !ne on Your Feet Than to Live on Your Knees. Better to Interested in the resurrection of black and white slum dwellers. Alinsky hasibeen said. Blake said he does not know how effective the Model Cities Program will be. but it is worth State wins point in Shaw active in proposing plans to alleviate ghetto depravity. with conspiring to mi cept a juror before passing him the roof of t trying. Rigid security was? imposed in e building. Inside, dent John F. Kenned • Hi to defense examination. L a n sing, currently involved the courtroom and outside the eight depute ringed the crowd¬ ... t. the 0 n „ . '"V"1VC" program, plans to work Tuesdav . .•. after outliningh its case , e, , , Judge James A. I Chief defense lawyer F Irvin massive courts building as the ed courtroonf and a closed-cir¬ vuth■t. miL, members of( the „ X communitv .. in the trial ot Clav Shaw, charged h of Criminal District Dymond promptly filed an ex long-delayed trial opened. A cuit television camera scanned HOBIE'S confusion in the lav ception as grounds for possible s h o tgun-totinf deputy roamed the area. m that the state did nol appeal. CAREER CHALLENGES < I able *ith real food MICH. CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY affiliate of the AMERICAN NATURAL GAS SYS¬ TEM. Students completing degree requirements in ENGINEERING, CHEMISTRY, ACCOUNTING, an \ Big move und e" way BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MATHEMATICS, INDUSTRIAL ADMINISTRATION and HOME PEACE CORPS to new Ad. Buiding ECONOMICS are invited to explore employment The New Administration Bldg. is nearing )mpietion and oe- and career opportunities with our Company on: cupancy has started. That's what Hobie's delivers. Things like 12- is Here! The following offices have moved and located as indi- inch loaves of French bread packed with stuff JANUARY 30, 1969 eated: like salami, ham, roast beef, turkey, lettuce, In order to take the Peace Corps test, you Office ot Institutional Research - Third Floor tomatoes, onions and special seasonings. You Admission Office Second Floor For more information, visit your Placement Office must have a completed application. They are - know . . real food. available in the Placement Bureau from Ed Registrar's Office Second Fioor Non-Cur-• h j < 'id Floor Fitzpatr'ck. Current It: • t 1 . «or DELIVERED University Servu . - Lhrector - Third Floor College Recruiting Testing Times University Business Office Third Floor FAST! MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED Wednesday Jan. 29, 2 & 4 p.m. Comptroller Purchasing Voucher Audit 4 GAS COMPANY Payroll Division ,351-3800 " :CARRY* OUT • FAST FREE DELIVERY SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER One Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226 Thursday Jan. 30, 1 & 2:15 Friday Jan 31 p.m. Staff Benefits Division Bookkeeping Division Internal Audit Division Research Contracts Division A The Accounts Receivable Office and the CY.s An th i Dean's Conference the University Business Office scheduled t« Equal Opportunity Employer are > Room, Student Ser ; Building. Peace Corps The fo'lowing office to be scheduled f ? representatives av le-in Placement Bureau i moving: President's Office Jan. 29, 30 and : Provost - Office •••••••••••••••••••• BC-B SEGER * SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE S'.i SAVEJ System" NEIL. DIAMOND FINAL REDUCTIONS jfiS 26th AUDITORIUM ASMSU Popular tint, SHEPARD'S SEMI-ANNUAL CLFARANCF Remember MONTIE? SHOE Wed & Thurs. Over 2,500 pairs of Famous Name shoes 7 - 10 p.m. 3 2-8641 MEN'S All patterns, materials, colors and seasonal styles at low, low prices. ^ how $5.97 . . . $9.97 \ to get Special Group of ME N'S BOSTONIANS, Values to $24.00 ttlfOT IC O" ahead in death! WOMEN'S Enjoy" eternal life! You can, Popular year 'round styles—Dress heels, flats, casuals you k*iow, if you read, unde-stand and believe the Bible- So *yhy wait? Let us L97. . . send you cur FREE Bible Correspondence Course. It's an int resting, system¬ atic study, jlan you can do at yourjeisure, in Special Group of LADY BOSTONIANS, Values to $18.00 .97 your horn* Send today! Also the headquarters for personality posters. Use your charge account in both stores — Ask us about FREE PARKING. Bib 1 ^ Studies. Box 85 Grai dville, Michigan 49418 Gentlemen: EAST LANSING [I |' downtown Yes, I'm interested In studying Student ^9ook ^ the 3jble. please send me your ,17East™™. \hepards 326 South Washington \v< tREE Bible Correspondence Course. I understand no one J h cp e: s tore East Lansing Store open 'til 9 p.m. tonight. < 421 at Grand River $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE ' S. . . Wednesday, January 22 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news summary PARIS < the-matter AP) -Heart-of- talks on peace in peace will as a take Viet up such questions through cease-fire, a political first settlement and withdrawal of scheduled last meeting for Saturday, the had early been this with the change of adminis¬ trations in the United States and delay in the arrival here supervises delegation. South Vietnam's In diplomatic circles here, make propaganda the folk Front made. little effort to capital of dela?. •The Hanoi-Front Vietnam will begin Saturday, of South Vietnam's vice presi¬ it was considered remarkable delegations were ready for the with Ambassador Henrv Cabot foreign troops. week. But the schedule ran After a sudden rules break- into complications connected dent. Nguyen Cao Ky. Ky that North Vietnam and the opening meeting and waiting A capsule summary of the day's events fron Lodge. President Nixon's for the Americans to set a our wire services. appointee as chief delegate, date, but fai ed to issue any sitting in. U.S. officials announced DOOMS PUEBLO critical bl»' sts. This show of restraint un¬ Tuesday the decision to open derscored speculation that the talks after secret contacts Navy responds too slowly Hanoi is eagf# for movement with the North Vietnamese "This is one of the nicest looking toward a settlement delegation. of the Vietnam war. Some things that ever happened North Vietnam said in a Saigon official say they think to me. To be able to come communique that Hanoi and the Hanoi is more "eager for peace Viet Cong's National Liber¬ COROnXdO. Calif. ylon long rioted Tuesday, smashing windows, setting sleeved turtleneck shi^t.lDng draw¬ up flaming barricades and sending tourists ers in half-foot or cu f 1 g styling. fleeing in panic. Police reported one person Ideal for exercising, oo White or was killed and 32 other were demonstrators were angry injured. The because the gov¬ % SAVE $100 a TERM J black. S, M, L. $5 each. / ernment is behind in their salaries. Men's Cooperative System National News Invites Yoo East Lai The prosecution withdrew its approval Tuesday of jurors at the Sirhan Bishara Sir- To Open House han murder trial in Los Angeles, and the case went deeper into the peremptory chal¬ Jan. 21, 22, 23 lenge phase of jury selection. • • • 1. Independent Off-Campus Living A rare court test has been set of the scienti1 2. Savings of $100 a term 3. Socipl Events fic theory that an extra male chromosome can produce aggresive. antisocial behaviour beyond a person's control. The case concerns a Brooklyn lithographer charged with a rape- For Rides Beal 332-5555 Bower: or 332-4490 Informa Howland: 332-6521 Montie: 332-8641 she's slaving. He has pleaded innocent claiming E llsworth: 332-3574 Motts: 332-1440 that he was not responsible for his actions Hedrlck: 332-0844 because he has an extra male chromosome. Michigan News MICKEY PRESENTS FOR THF FIRST TIMF IN LANSING jean ' Daylight savings time proponents picked another 319 votes Tuesday in a recount girl up of Huron County ballots, narrowing the mar¬ gin of defeat in the state from 1.501 to 782 votes. FEATURING wm A • • Wayne County Circuit Court judge Tues¬ day denied a motion for a new trial for • THE INTRUDERS &&Z The girl when everyone who v ea^S Levi's'® el Se ^ wearing flare leg pants. She'a"Moing her alleged Mafia leader Vito Giacalone and own thing. Always loved the charged Giacalone's defense lawyers "play¬ ALQO STARRING ed a cat and mouse game with the court." jaunty look of jeans and al¬ IT HE SPINNERS ways will. (She knows what looks good or) her.) Picked a nubby textured cctton tur¬ Campus News EDWIN 0 0S0UL STARR tleneck to wear Ith It. Great going! Levi® jea ;s «Jn navy, hundred University of Michigan * stu¬ Five dents announced plans Tuesday for a rent JIMMY RUFFIN sizes neck 6 shirt to 16, in ravy, Turtle- red or AM& strike beginning Feb. 1 against Ann Arbors brown, sizes 36 to 40, 7.98. "all powerful" landlords. A MOTOWN ORCHESTRA A spokesman for the students said the FRIDAY JAN. 31, LANSING CIVIC CENTER 1969 - 8:30PM tenants' group is demanding that landlords recognize its union and change the leases. An unidentified landlord called the group .1 SEATS RESERVED *4 SO >3 SO '2 SO "a bunch of SDS malcontents who are get¬ TICKETS AVAILABLE t PARAMOUNT NEWS CENTERS JOHNNY S RECORD SHOP ting credit form the Sociology Dept. for stir¬ THE DISC SHOP ring up trouble. " A Sociology Dept. spokesman flatly denied MAIL ORDERS CASH OR MONEY ORDER PO BOX 413. EAST LANSING 48873 - NO CHECKS, PLUS 2S< HANDLING Campus fOR TICKET INFORMATION-CALL 484-S7I8. 337 1837 3SI-4I86 the statement calling it "ludicrous and in¬ AN S&S ENTERPRISES PRODUCTION credible." Trinka (.line, executive editor Jame* S. Cranelli, managing editor Patricia instett, campus editor MICHIGAN Carol Budrow, Jerry Pankhurnt, editorial editor Tom Brou n, nportu editor advertising manager Deborah Fitch, associate campus editoi STATE NEWS The State News is a free and editorially independent student newspaper. Editorials express the unanimous opinion of the UNIVERSITY editorial board of the State News unless otherwise indicated. Under the provisions of section fi.l of the "Report on Aca¬ demic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University," final responsibility for all news and editorial content rests with the editor-in-chief. Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. 'UMAC9: lates in legislative the senators would be to leave All we need is an Un-Michi- their preconceptions and preju¬ gan Activities Committee dices at home and come to the (UMAC). Or so apparently thinks Sen. Robert Huber, R- campuses an take a few cour¬ ses. Talk to the students, faculty Troy, and 17 other Michigan and administrators, and with an Senate members. "I am pretty much fed up to open mind try to find out what The inaugural the hilt with having to be sub¬ jected to the type of thing that is going on at our universities higher education is all about. in Sen. Huber is, in fact, correct being fed up, but he and his best in the g today," the Trojan (Is that the right term?) has stated. colleagues fail to realize that the way to end the disruptions is to clean up themselves and The 18 senators have proposed hopes the.promise is as noble the social order we are all a part Monday's inaugural speech is a study committee which now two days old. One can imag¬ as the words; that it is not, in would have the power to sub¬ of, not to chase after chimeras ine the consternation of politi¬ fact, a smokescreen raised to poena, administer oaths and arising out of prejudice and para¬ choke dissent. noic fear. cal-analysts around the world, examine the books and records The President says that "we -The Editors attempting to vivi-sect the bal¬ of any group which the commit¬ loon they find on their labora¬ are approaching the limits of tee might investigate for being tory tables. How to cut it with¬ what government alone can do," "subversive" on campus. out exploding it? that we must now "enlist the Joe McCarthy, stage front! Of course this is a quadren¬ legions of the concerned and Certainly, many "campus dis¬ INER nial dilemma, since most in¬ the committed." Is it unfair to orders" are unnecessary, but augurals deal in generalities. In wonder, however silently, if this history will surely show that the best tradition, speech was couched in brave Nixon's represents an "out" for the new administration on such vital is¬ sues as civil rights, fair hous¬ the majority of activities so classified are symptoms of a The Mideast looks disma new words, carefully selected nation in turmoil-internal tur- from the finest in the green¬ ing and school integration? moil--not because of any "sub¬ If nothing else is self-evident, the fact house. versive conspiracy" but because that the conflict in the Middle East, the We wonder if this is a bone wars in 1948, 1956 and 1967 excluded, has . . Eban has said that only Israel an! hjr Arabian There was an olive branch of real injustices and hypocri¬ thrown to'appease those politi¬ remained relatively constant should cheer adversaries can reach agreement. He hat suggested that extended to the nation's youth. sies. cal powers who would turn their us up. Let's face it-all could have been We are "better educated, more backs on the high costs involved A more worthwhile effort by much worse. the big powers should rule out the possif, lit* of an 'im¬ committed, more passionately in achieving freedom from pov¬ But this is not to say that all is just "a bed of roses" in that area. Tensions posed' peace and, in that way, force tie I ver Jient since the Bei¬ . Velma Rail, Haslett, junior ing considered by the Nixon Administra rut airport atta k ha^een in considerable who stood and fell in action for life, expecting a brief statement on the books on the Sorting Shelves in front tion. turmoil Karrai ;i. the new Premier-desig¬ liberty and pursuit of happiness of his birthday of the great Civil Rights of the elevators or around the walls nate. may not ever* be able to gather martyr from the chairman of the Civil done with them. We people, brotherhood of mankind, and when you are enough support tT> kee| his position unity of black and white of America. Rights Commission One might wonder what happened to all our fraternities, employees can then have them re¬ No comprise on open So. at this moment he future in the Mid¬ He was slain in Memphis last April circulating quicker, and the tables dle East seems bleak at best. The Soviets sororities, faculty, various societies, will be less crowded. 4 Dr Ralph Abernathy's remarks on To the Editor: have rearmed the -Arabs substantially the occasion in the form of a letter and the soaal scientists of our campus hall manager in order to be enacted As May I. for one. try to clear the issue since the war ei( hteef months ago. France to Martin in Heaven are noteworthy community'* HOW COULD WE ALL 4 Faculty member of our comm¬ concerning the Men's Hall Association I see it. Mr. Dickerson. by saying that FORGET HIM" AND SO SOON! Not he is concerned about the possibility of has not only err^arge'ed all their military We call on good people everywhere unity. return books to our Library when open house policy9 products going to Isr»el. but may soon be to spare the life of the man who killed yet are dried the tears of Mrs. Coretta they are needed promptly. If this 1 The MHA policy simply gives each 24-hour policies, is actually saying that Scott King he does not consider the students, the aiding the Ara'is in-' that same depart¬ you. It was the system that took you Dhirendra Sharma privilege is not abused by the majority, individual dormitory the power to make ment. Great Britain has agreed to send 1 know from experience that the few head advisors and the managers ma¬ from us. Mart'n. and it would be wrong its own specific policy regarding fre¬ planes to Jordan. The United States, com¬ Associate Professor. Dept. of Philosophy who abuse it do in the ture and responsible enough to provide to put one man to death because of extreme, & JMC so quency. duration, supervision and reg¬ appropriate safeguards and or restric¬ mitted to Israel s e . student affairs). doubled as a defensive halfback, was '69 Wolverine Lewis, who also • Hall of Fame taps PAY MSU's award-winning JUST $10 thru January YEARBOOK 31 Campy, Musial NEW YORK (UPI)--Stan cent was topped only by 93.3 R E S E RV E YOUR UNION —8:30 to 4 Thurs. and COPY Fri., Jan. 23 and 24 at these convenient locations: per cent logged in 1965 by Ted "The Man" Musial of St. Louis Williams of Boston. INTERNATIONAL CENTER - 11 to 1 Thurs. and Fri., Jan. 23 \nd24 and Roy C a m p a nella of Brooklyn, both three-time win¬ Campanella. who missed by STUDENT SERVICES BLDG. - Room 344, 1-5p.m. daily thru :ri., Jan. 31 seven votes last year when ners of the most valuable player Joe Medwick was inducted, was award and two of the most feared named on 270 ballots, just under sluggers in National League 80 per cent. It took 255 votes history, today were named to baseball's Hall of Fame. to be inducted MAIL THIS AD with a $10 check or money order (payab^j to the Lou Boudreau. former Cleve¬ Musial, holder of more than '69 Wolverine) to: 344 Student Services Bldg., MSU. land manager and shortstop, was 50 major league records and East Lansing, Mich. 48823 third with 218 votes, missing chosen to the shrine his first year of eligibility, was named by 37. on 317 of the 340 ballots cast Campanella. who is still par¬ Student No. Name by members of the Baseball alyzed from the waist down as a result of the auto accident Hall of Writers That gave Assoc. of America. him a whopping 93 11 years ago became the second Local Address _ Black to gain admittance to the per cent, but kept the famed AM Receipt will be Rec mailed to this address Roy Campanella left), the greatest home-run-hitting catcher In National League St. Louis Cardinal outfielder Cooperstown. NY. shrine. history, paralyzed from the waist down since 1958, and Stan Musial (right) from becoming the first un¬ Jackie Robinson, Campanula's offer expires Jan. 31, 1969 are the newest members of baseball's Hall of Fame. former teammate at Brooklyn, animous selection in the his¬ UPI Telephoto was the first. tory of the award. The 93 per More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! < Why Pay UCLA, Tar Heels still 1,2 in ratings SPECIAL PURCHASE! BROILING PANS Smokeless— easy to clec , Family college basket¬ broiling pans, made of b ovy duty NEW YORK (UPI)-The nation's major ball campaign reaches the midway point this week with a pair of familiar powers-UCLA and North Carolina-living up to GIRLS' WARM bright plated steel. 2-piece seamless. 11" x ^6" x* 1 1/2" and expectations as the top-ranked teams. Mighty UCLA, bidding for an unprecedented third straight national championship, hit the halfway mark of the season, with an unblemished record and the no. 1 ranking in the seventh NYLON SLACKS weekly United Press Interna- ^ tional ratings. ^ GIRLS' WEAR DEPT. And North Carolina, building a new six game win streak UPI TQlinQS after an upset loss to St. John's of • New York in the Holiday team poin Festival Tournament, is solidi- i ucla (35> 112-01 Just perfect for Indoor and outdoors are these cozy warm fying its position as the no. 2 * Oara^^i^1' fleece lined stretch slack in team. 4 Davidson U2-1 > Santa Clara and Davidson also 5 Kentucky < 11-21 100 % Nylon. At this fantastic retained their positions as the 6 New Mexico state < 15-01 price, you'll want several — third and fourth ranked teams \ St. 8 Illinois s idle Illinois as the No. 5 team. 11 Kansas New Mexico State advanced to J3 ^xiefcwquesne ai-n SIZES No. 6, St. Johns climbed to se- 14 Notre Dame (12-2) venth, Illinois dropped to No. is Ohio state (9-2 > 3 TO 14 8. Vilianova moved to the No. 16 LaSalle < 12-1 • 9 spot and surprising Tulsa got [J St° Bona'ventuli <7-51 into the select group with a No. 19 (Tie 1 Dayton (12-21 10 ranking. New Mexico (11-6) 1.22 hot off the WIRE Dan Rooney, vice president of the Piitsburth Steelers, said Tuesday the choice down" to a few candidates. Rooney gave no indication of the of a head coach "has narrowed identity of the candidates VACUUM CLEANER BAGS screened, although it had been reported Jim Trimble and Nick Skorich, both former coaches of the Philadelphia carry Hoover, Electrolux, Eagles had applied for the job made vacant when Bill General Electric, Westinghouse, Austin was fired last month. Lewyt, Compact, Eureka, all tank and all upright vacuum cleaner Harlan Svare, an assistant coach of the New York bags. This is a savings you can't Giants for the past two seasons, resigned Tuesday to miss! Save this week only. Our "investigate other possibilities in the coaching field low price 47$. sSAVE 20c reg. Svare was the second assistant to Head Coach Allie Sherman to resign since the end of the season to seek S201 with »»>p>i> toward other coaching jobs. Defensive Line Coach Jack Patera ^0# ifc* pvrchaM •# resigned earlier. » « » The Buffalo's National bid to Hockey League Tuesday turned down take over the franchise now held by Oakland, Calif., but left the door open for further discus¬ sion. C PER PACKAGE j SET BAGS 27' ■ | UMFT ONI CUSTOM!* iI | On the same basis, the NHL, at least temporarily, brushed off a bid to move the franchise to Vancouver. J0* ^ KXUMS SAT., JAW. 7%, | B.C., and the* league Oakland Seals to continue Pitt had another governors top candidate Tuesday decided operating in California to for allow the its'football WITH 200 COUPON BELOW CpmaBHra coaching job-the fourth in less than a month Lloyd Eaton, whose Wyoming teams have conjpiled a 50-20-2 record in seven years, quietly arrived in Pitts¬ burgh to meet with officials of the university Real Madred of Spain and Spartak Brno of Czechos¬ 5125 W. Saginaw & 620U S. Pennsylvania lovakia are expected to provide the stiffest challenges to the Akron Goodyears who go after a third straight Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Wnrirf hin Raslrpthall rhamnionshiD beginning Friday Wednesday, January 2 2, 19 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS SPARTANS ON THE MOVE Simpson, S' frosh Stitches can't to oppose Broncos By PAM BOYCE State News Sports Writer quette junior was the fifth high¬ est scorer on last year's team. Back at defense now, Swanson ' These you crazy." the overtime games drive Bessone should coach added. know after suf¬ ry DeMarco also had stit(' ing the Goph«- ts. nd Randy Sokoll ?s in after play¬ Richard Hout- The MSU hockey team is on teman sustain 1 an injured shou¬ MSU's freshman basketball team gets its first taste of regular should aid the team consider¬ fering through two this weekend. lder. > its way up. The Spartans meet arch rival season competition this Saturday noon when the young Spartans ably in their upcoming Michi¬ Bessone sauf he feels the in¬ The Spartan skaters returned Michigan at the Spartan Ice tangle with the Western Michigan frosh at Jenison prior to the MSU Sunday with one win gan series. Arena Friday night, and Bes¬ juries should "not interfere with to Bessone said that junior goal¬ MSU-University of Michigan game. and one tie stolen from Minne- his team's performance this sone feels his team should be in The game will mark the intercollegiate debut of Spartan star sota-the first time since 1962 ies Rick Duffet and Bob Johnson good physical shape after suf¬ weekend Ralph Simpson, the 6-5 guard from Detroit Pershing who has were two of the Spartans most "Stitches d ^n't bother them as been scoring well over 30 points a game in freshman-alumni they have ever left the Goperh- fering with a broken nose and land without losing a game. valuable players last weekend. stitches, and Bob DeMarco. Jer¬ long as they i«?not on their feet competition. In his last outing Simpson fired in 50, and in the pre-season game with the varsity, he scored 35. "I have to rate them even as usually happy with a | "I'm ' Western will have the advantage of having played four games already but our boys have gained valuable experience playing split at Minnesota,'' Coach Bessone said. Amo far as their goaltending abili¬ ties go," Bessone said. "I 1 MARION'S against the alumni, " Freshman Coach Bob Nordmann said. think Johnson would get the nod ' We are beginning to get the feel of team work, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each other on the court and the Bessone expressed his pleasure with the Spartan defense, which he said is finally playing like a as player of the week from the way he performed this weekend... at Minnesota 1/2 Sale boys are playing much better defense than at the start of prac¬ tice," Nordmann said. unit. A1 Swanson and Bob De- Johnson had 40 saves against Three members of the squad are ineligible to play in the Marco are on one Spartan de¬ the Gophers in an overtime game three regularly scheduled games this winter because of grades. fensive line with sophomore Can¬ Saturday which MSU won when One is Pat Miller who was to be a starting forward for the frosh and the other two are center Craig Larsen and Johnnie Brown. BOB JOHNSON adians Mike DeMarco and Dan O'Connor playing together on the other. Ken Anstey goal at 6:18 period. scored the winning of the overtime Sweaters Reg. $10.00 55 {f'5. ffi Losing these three players Duffet was leading the WCHA with only Swanson played an extremely • leaves the Spartans eight men able to dress for the game and leaves Nordmann with the problem of trying to find Rood lead roily fine game at defense against Minnesota," Bessone said, adding that he and Bob DeMarco "work goalies last week goals-scored-against the lowest in the with a 2.3 league. average, Dresses Reg. $20.00 MO ' a replacement for Miller, a well together." Bessone said the offense has high-scoring forward. Miller's job should go to either Vern Minton or Larry Trybulec. with" 6-5*'Ron of the lineuo is set Gutkowski at ry MONTE CARLO (UPI)--Rau- 10 Aaltonen of Finland and Hen- Liddon of Britain, who won Last reports had Biorn Wal- dergaard and Lars Helmer. in a Waldergaard and Helmer had taken over the lead from a Ford Porsche, leading the rest of Escort driven by Hannu the 1967 Monte Carl° Auto Ral" the pack There were three ^abandoned this year's the first five two Fords among event ^"hesand kola of Finland and Jim Porter of Britain. Mik- Swanson was switched from defense to offense at ning of the season. the begin¬ The Mar¬ to shoot more needs more forwards. and that the team scoring from the Skirts Reg. $10.00 s5 IIf' forward. 6-7 Bill Cohrs at center and Gary Pryzbylo team¬ Tuesday night after slammed into mountain road. the their Lancia side of Wig Special Special For M.S.U. Students Slacks Reg. $12.00 56 i'. ing with Simpson at guard. Neither man was reported Semi-hand tied wigs V Special Offer "Gutkowski has been shoot- jured, but their ing only fair but his defense badly damaged to continue, 100 % human hair This ad is worth $1.00 on any Coats 518 has been outstanding, Nordmann Meanwhile, after 11 hours of Reg. $50.00 pipe purchase of $5.95 or Reg. $35.00 said. "I'm not really worried fast and difficult driving, the All colors for only more. about his shooting though be- lead see-sawed back and forth cause he's beeen a good re- bounder and he never stops between Porsche and Ford in a grinding 25 hour non-stop elimin- $34.95 ^b^H^We medico^^^^selection have the most of pipes complete & acces- moving on the court. He really works out there and in the game ation test in th< hind Monaco. Open Tonight Till 9:00 comoy sories in Central Michigan; MARION'S APP1m that Ralph scored 50, Gutkowski BOB SEGER "SYSTEM" Elegante Wiggery KAYWOODIES SASIENI Stop in! Open 1331 E. Grand River "Brookfiiel i Plaza" ' Carol Peterson & Jenifer Corsaut Mon.-Fri. nights 351-7224 NEIL DIAMOND Lansing MAC'S E ast 120 N. Till 9:00 Pryzbylo has come a long JAN 26th AUDITORIUM Suite 208 507 East Grand River Ph. 332-3341 W ashington I In the E ast I.ansing State Han ^ u i 1 di ng way. Nordmann said, and has ABOVE NEW CAMPUS BOOKSTORE developed into a fine shooter and ASMSU Popular Ent. an outstanding passer. Why Pay More! Why Pay More! A great deal of pressure will fall on center Bill Cohrs, who Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Mc will be counted on to provide board strength. Nordmann says the Vicksburg freshman is com¬ ing around in the pivot. LEAN LONG BONE POD If CTFAK <01 JiV when "The boys look for Simpson things get tight and I wm1 CM l\ think he'll automatically take up the slack left by Miller. "If we get into foul trouble, we could be in real trouble. 6H With only an eight man squad, there is Nordmann said. no depth at all," TRY E« BREADED PQRK CUTLETS > Famechon stops \Legra for title LONDON (UPI i - Johnny Famechon of Australia, working r « DETERGENT 3K brillantly behind a close-quar¬ ter body attack. Tuesday night scored an upset 15-round deci¬ sion Jose Legra of Spain to win the world times featherweight title. Famechon. hit the canvas pery shoes mostly because of slip¬ Only three were ruled as knockdowns, however, 11 FOOD CLUB ::z:rz" KLIM%2 67$ and he was up before the count hardly had got underway. IM News FOOD CLUB smaflcurd COTTAGE CHEESE m BASKETBALL shorten gy it. T ry a tar pizza or one of o — NAVEL ORANGES SST 59t great sandwiches. A delivered instantly no extra cost. ■ SAVE 16c SSAVEpackages IOC if. PIZZA ■ ■■ 10»>•»196?.»•"» Ig 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. rHffl9j|RR^R^pvilP!^9l)PiVVicPept V0fi(fTfnTTiilltiinitiir[Tiii\sj>ilBM«Ba«aiMi ■ 5125 West Saginaw & 6200 South Pennsylvania Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pav More! Wh Wednesday, Janu iry 22, 1969 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'Skidoo' skids By JIM YOUSLING course, from Otto Preminger. a tively last year), but Prem¬ inger, with a typical lack of as cynical comedy viewpoint of modern commercialism in a society actors are mere cogs in a clock¬ work universe, it leads to sheer State News Reviewer director who can pound heavy¬ humor, demonstrates his con¬ where God is only a gangster disaster in a comedy which While the word "interesting" weight scripts into ponderous dramas like "Exodus" or"The tempt for all levels of human¬ played by Groucho Marx. should be delicately built from has become a polite euphemism ity. making the "heroes" as characterizations. But despite for "awful," it is still the only Cardinal." But when his ma¬ Even the actors suffer under maudlin as the "villains." Jackie Gleason's heroic, if futile, terial is lightweight, Preminger Otto's two-ton fist. A staunch complimentary adjective that For those of you who would efforts at credibility, most of the can be attached to "Skidoo." goes right ahead with his pound¬ believer in Hitchcock's "Actors bounce in at this point, yell¬ very large, very talented cast Usually a bad comedy is boring ing, never stopping to realize are cattle" philosophy, Premin¬ wanders about trying desperately that he has turned a souffle into ing, "But that's the whole idea! because the jokes aren't funny ger is in the habit of forcing his look like they This isn't a comedy, but a pro¬ actors to work, without explana¬ to know what's "Skidoo" on the other hand has a pancake. "Skidoo" should be a joyous found social criticism in the tion or motivation, in a just- going on. Rarely has so stellar no jokes to begin with, result guise of a farce," I hasten to a cast been so utterly wasted celebration of hippies turning do-as-I-tell-you situation. While ing in a bizzarre film which add that Mr. Preminger did in¬ (not since Otto's last movie, never bores but never satis¬ on the squares (something this method works out fine for which "I Love You. Alice B deed have something to say. Hitchcock, most of whose char- anyway). fies, either. The entire film hangs on a This sombre affair comes, of Toklas" handled quite defini¬ And if you think the cast BOB SEGER looks bewildered, wait until you Ladies Day otto preminger "SYSTEM" see the audience leaving the 750 to 6 p.m. ^ID0°" NEIL DIAMOND theatre. 'Skidoo'' is strictly Feature at 1:20 jackie gleason for stoned thrill seekers or JAN. 26th AUDITORIUM those who adore reading 3:20-5:20-7:25-9:30 carol channing frankie avalon ASMSU Popular Ent, for meaning into esoteric muck. If A father's * fred clark you think you would like seeing k michael constantine an all-star version of 'Blow- FIDDLER ON THE ROOF has Joe Cuasanelli, as. TeM, her husband. The pi N » 485-6485 LAST DA Y —— ' ________ cesar romero mickey rooney TOMORROW ro/e, ... austin pendleton alexandra hay INGMAR BERGMAN'S At 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:40 Paxton Quigleywentto rises Pea^awa By STEVE ROBIN luna BIBI ANDERSSON / LIV ULIMANN State News Reviewer 108 Wells — 7-9 - 75$ college to learn about Love. It is most that the lead disconcerting to find on* arriv ig at the theater performer is sick. ESpecia4 in a show like Now he's locked in an attic with Fiddler on the Roof.'' when success the main character, the audience deserves'quality in him depends heavily on rPHOGHAM INFORMATION » 482-39C ' II i¥B'CH,<5AN oaay Feature at 1:10 - 3:15 - 5:15 _ 7:25 - 9:35 P.M. three beautiful girls, who are Joe Cusanelli, who plays Tevye :ifi the company that performed here Monday and Tuesiay nights, is out for an operation. A few of the second leads are out with the « flu. So many expected the worst But it didn't happen STEVE going to teach him, and teach him ^ that way at all. MCQUEEN in an admirable and teach him that Peter Johl. the substitute Tevye. turret performance. If there is a "Best fte'formance by an 4S'BULLITT Understudy-' award, he deserves it.- , ' ,ue. his Russian- too much Jewish characterization was close!" to y ' lellow New York cab driver, but he knew and execi'tf \ e part with sur¬ is a prising polish. Beside that, his voi/- v marvelous. T.he only real complaint about Johl is ;h. ? sings too well! This leaves Zero Mostel and the lef r known Tevyes thing! far behind. or a Luther He did not have the pre /ice of a Mostel Adler. but her certainly (cAjfied the perform¬ ance beyond any understudy expectations Plus Novelty & Fun Cartoon—Next Week "Romeo & Juliet" (Parental Discretion Advised) It should be pointed out that all the :/ouig members of the cast, especially the daughters, were outstanding Corinne Kason. herself an understudy, sang an< danced perfectly BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS as Tzeitel (the eldest). And Susai" Goeppinger and TONIGHT! Andrea Eden, as Hodel and Chava. 'iaoth suited their From 7:15 PJV1. roles and shone in them. All the girl,;, their respective Feature Times suitors, and the singers and dancers rivalled the original cast in competence and enthusiasm. 7:40 and 9:50 Susan Willis was less satisfying as Golde. Tev ve s the fifth not classified wife. She can't sing very well and she created some tense moments missing notes and song cues. But she is a fine HORSEmnn is fehr actress, and the weaknesses were smovthed over by the show s quick pace. And if one facet c a gem has some COMING—NEXT WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY flaws there are still many others to be appreciated. In another way. Lila Teigh was a disappointment as Yente. the matchmaker She was an awfully funny and The Excursions convincing Bronx housewife. As Yente. however, she ran over her lines too fast and missed s me good chances --In Your Dorm-- at scene-stealing. Jan. 22 thru 25 AMERICAN INTERmaTPONAL Also important, and unusual for. a induction of this type, the orchestra was excellent. The4 were never too "WEriE AAiJWiEUx loud or too fast. With subtle skill 'hey rove the music in , beneath the characters, creating th« atn 'jsphere yet never calling attention to the pit The pfesen' *. of the music in SUBSIDIARY OF NATIONAL GENERAL CORP 5C^RIiKHATHC StoP^ERJONEO FOX EASTERN THEATRES • . "Fiddler'' is essential, but its Source "should be care¬ fully played down. And in this case it was SPARTAN TWINSAGINAW FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 EAST THEATRE • Phone 351-0030 The the New production was done on a smaller scale than either York or the National Co. ^ Tbis troupe is limited JUDV PACE • MAGGI'ETHRETT • NAM MA^ITN to the sets that can be carried on two trucks and con¬ structed on a variety of smallish stages. That con¬ "AT 6:30 AND_9:00 P.M. AT 1:30-3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:30 P.M. |r| || sidered. the scenery was not altered but some edges were cut. What we saw here was mwe than adequate Th; the original Boris Arcjison as we could The Fixer \ The Undergraduates SKSft'o0"0 RICHARD WILSON music tY CHAD STUARTJAMES • NORMAN HERMAN -"""K STEPHEN YAFA H.NICHOLSON w. SAMUEL Z.ARKOFF and as hope for. close to ..who didnt know vs.The Over-Thirties! : ASMSU Popular Entertainment Ccvncert series he had courage until courase was al My father My daughter presents plans program he had left. is impossible! He's sore at me because I've been arrested for causing a disturbance on the is impossible! Linda is failing gym class. How can a perfectly healthy young girl fail gym7 All she has to ; # " "tsyS The by Th£ group Lf ture-Concert will prese- t the Hague Philhar¬ Series monic Of hestra at 8:15 p.m. do isshow Thursday Ji the University Aud¬ up and take a and itorium under the direction of shower. its permanent conductor Willem Van Otterloo. Comprises of 106 musicians, and on its third Neil U.S. tour, the Orchestra is. nevertheless, best known to American music lovers through its numerous recordings for the CBS "Epic " lable. January 26, MSU Auditorium 8 p.m. Diamo In Holli id and Europe, the en- semble. Tickets on S the gover hich is subsidized by nent and municipality of The "ague, is known as Metro Het Rt"r ;identie-Orkest" ("Her Goldwyn 7/2 MARSHALL Resident. Orchestra" > in defer- Mayer presents 1 s official patrol Her the John Frankefiheimer- Edward Lewis Production of DAVID NIVEN MSU UNION Jueen Juliana of the "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" the fixer $2.00 and The cef ral feature of tomor¬ row ever ,g's program is Anton «„n,Aldn Bates f Listen for these hit songs: Bruckner# weighty Symphony No. is irf A major, preceded Dirk Bogarde, .Hugh Griffith, . LOLA ALBRIGHT CHAD EVERETT by Mozart's delightful Prague-' Elizabeth Hartman, Ian Holm, OZZIE NELSON CRISTINA FERRARE as "The Impossible Girt" | Symphorijrf in D major. D.504 Play by George Wells Produced by Lawrence Wangarten Directed by Mehael Gordon # DIAMOND- 'CHERRY CHERRY"; "I GOT THE FEELIN* "KENTUCKYWOMAN"; # and "Syntphonic Etude.'" a 1952 David Warner, Carol White Screen I Suggested tor GENERAL Audier l/I #-» w . -THANK TH£ LORD for THE NIGHT TIME"; "SUNDAY SUN" ft work by the Dutch composer Screenplay by Dalton Trumbo, Produced by Edward Lewis, Hendrik Andriessen Wednesday, January 2/\ 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "J believe we've established here a means of communica¬ "If we back off one inch, and delegate any of this power to \ )e legisla¬ ... "/ will be opposed to the students short-cir¬ ture or anyone else, then we are endangering the reason the tion. If there are things in the (Academic Freedom) Report that cuiting the Academic Freedom Report, and not the governing hotly of tkis I nit created this board of trustees ... II < should be amended to make it a stronger, more progressive set following the procedures, just as I was opposed of rules for academic freedom for the students, then such amend¬ sity and nobody else is." to the trustees short-circuiting the report." ments should be considered and acted on in the proper way." Stevens freedom report was adopted. discusses lop here. And I have faith that if that the moves that the Uni¬ they understand the whole thing say that you are satisfied with this country the relationship of the trustees presidents of iny University in to^iay. I think this keep moving the University for¬ versity's making here are ex- agree that the trustees should Q: You were notable for op¬ there are grievances that they have control. They have to ap¬ to the University, or would you University y>ll move in the ward. It's a continual job - since to do a great deal more. And next feu yea. s with him as 1955 when the University cele¬ posing the suspension resolution will be handled through the pro¬ we should have the same kind propriate funds, that's why we like to see it changed in some back in fall term. Could you dis¬ per channels. I would be op¬ of Federal way? president betti * than it could brated its centennial year, this have to communicate with the Mr. Stevens, how do you think cuss the history of the resolu¬ posed to the students short-cir¬ support that we've A: I've served on the board move with anyone else that I the new board is going to University has grown in just had in agricultural extension be¬ legislature; we can't be en¬ know of 1-1 thi^ country. And shape about every area you can possi¬ tion and why you opposed it? cuiting the Academic Freedom emies of the legislature because of trustees for 11 years, and dur¬ cause I think that this is a na¬ when the time "homes to pick a up in a way different from the A: I never discussed in great Report and not following the bly think of. Insofar as meet¬ tional crisis and I don't think without their help and appropri¬ ing those 11 years the Univer¬ successor to P "esident Hannah, old board? detail the resolution in itself. procedures, just as I was op- ations, the University would sity has made tremendous pro¬ I would A: Well, I don't think the new ing the obligations to the people hope would be done of the state of Michigan to ad¬ come to a halt. But I think gress. I've supported the Uni¬ with board is going to be a great deal we have to protect the consti¬ versity administration. I'm proper fat jltv-student con¬ mit the youngsters that are grad¬ sultation. cons ltation with the different from the old board. I not half dozen times uating from high school, the Don Stevens, chairman of MSL's Hoard of Trustees since tution of this University, and I sure over a think that the added experience have I opposed the administra¬ alumni, with 'veryone that's enrollment of this University think we're doing so in joining of Mr. Huff and the backgrounds March 1968, was re-elected Jan. 16 to a two-year term as chair¬ tion, because the administration interested in *is University I has increased since 1955 from U-M, and Wayne in this suit. of both Mr. Huff and Mr. Martin don't think it-* on the horizon, about 15,000 to about 40,000. The man of the governing group. There is some discussion that of this University has usually going to add a great deal but if the boar of trustees can are this may be settled finally with¬ been right. I have voted against in their respective areas to the been graduate program has largely- The Okemos Democrat, who has been on the board since do as well in picking a presi¬ out going to court. I hope we can tuition until we're able to get future actions and responsibil¬ developed since 1955, and dent as the I aid of Agricul¬ the Honors College has been !l)ri8, has seen the I niversity's enrollment reach 40,000, and reach an amiable settlement. the abilitv-to-pay proposal ities of the board of trustees Lauds Hannah ture did in 41 in selecting established since the centennial has seen the school change in character from a medium-sized But I think we have to protect Mr. Huff, of course had six years President Hat to\\. we shall be our constitutional status. We're I think that President Hannah year. The program of attracting experience on the board of trus¬ state college tit one of the largest, most complex universities in is probably one of the greatest very fortunaiARD 6 9 Excellent supervised Close to campus AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ office in Vv-using. Park¬ 487-5753 or 485-8836 O condition, king $50 Phone 489- • inates against religion, ins* on piTX- Phone 487-3743 12-1/31 7427, evening 3-1/23 • EMPLOYMENT race, color or national or¬ STEREO F* rIER X-100 amplifier • FOR RENT igin. GLAMOUR, MONEY, and excitement and Garrarf changer Call Pete. • FOR SALE can be yours with VIVIANE WOOD- 351-8427 or 33' -721 3-1 23 LOST & FOUND ATTENTION GIRLS' Rooms like home • ARD COSMETICS. Free make-up !. IV 5-8351 C with cooking priviliges Call 351- STAn£\RDs • PERSONAL 0960 or 351-0788 4-1 24 HEAD 6 6 . Look Go'3 condition . • PEANUTS PERSONAL bindings Call 339- MICHIGAN SOFT WATER COMPANY FURNISHED LUXURY apartments. 2944 3-1 24 • REAL ESTATE time telephone canvas, 225 Division $65 70 351-5119 Automotive wants part hours arranged 3230 North after 2 p.m 3-1.22 • SERVICE ser, BIRTHDAY J'AKES--7"-$3 64 : 8 - East Street. IV 7-5863 3-1 22 *' -$5 A) ' • TRANSPORTATION OLDSMOBILE 1963- 9-passenger sta¬ $4 16 Delivered KWAST 401 South Fairview: 3 room upper • WANTED tion wagon. One owner Good con¬ GIRL BARTENDER, part time, short Utilities paid BAKERIES 4irl3l7 C-l 23 dition 353-6615 5-1 24 Furnished $90 per hours. 4 nights per week Call -IV& month. No children or pets Phone TWO SNOW tires 6 50X13 Used one 6614 for interview. TOWN PUMP 882-5763 3-1 23 DEADLINE OLDSMOBILE 1966-Starfire 2-door COCKTAIL LOUNGE. 5-124 For Sale season Best offer Call after 7 hardtop Automatic, power steer¬ p m 353-3612 5-1,27 URGENT: One man for luxury apart¬ 1 P.M. one class day be¬ ing. brakes. 6 tires ' $1,400 332- ment Cedar Village Sublet from 0363 3-1 24 in CHINA-^Um 3LE for any fore publication. now through summer Rent paid parison welcomed. OPTICAL DIS¬ or anv hci e Complete Cancellations - 12 noon one OLDSMOBILE 1967 Delta 4-door hard¬ 351-5130 between 9-5 prr through Fwbruary 15th. Call 351- COUNT. 416 Tussing Building Phone for8 S^erif; '351-7815 class day before publica- top Power steering, brakes, hydra- LINE UP j IV2-4667 C-l 24 matic. radio, whitewall tires Tilt ANTIQUE 1 . 'NKS camel back, etc Call 351-7319 for steering wheel Loaded with extras. QUARTER CARAT diamond with $10 tc $ Phone Perrv 625- One owner Price $2100 Call any¬ matching wedding band $200 or 2-1 22 PHONE time IV4-0838 3-1 24 best offer 351-0778. Karen 3-1 22 GENERAL OFFICE girl part-time or full Ume. No experience neces¬ OlW)N 3 4 length' i PONTIAC TEMPEST, custom. 1964 BAY COLONY Apartments One or LEICA CAMERA-with accessories 355-8255 sary >1.75 an hour Phone Mr two bedrooms, furnished and un¬ V-8. 4-speed. good condition. Sharp! Taylor 372-5234 C furnished Call Jack Bartlett. Man¬ $950 353-1426 after 6 p.m 3-1 24 RATES ager. 337-0511. corner of Haslett LIGHT CUSTODIAL and Hagadorn Road 5-1 17 PONTIAC TEMPTEST custom 1964 1 day $1.50 Power steering Excellent condi¬ 15^ per word per day tion $650 355-4124 3-1 23 ONE GIRL needed win 3 days ...... $4.00 STEREO 40 « 13 l/2- >4!< :">II $5 00 this ad is not paid within Can work mornings before classes 0364 after 5 p.m 3-1 24 5320 after 6 p.m other select brands at MAIN ELEC TR4A 67-Must sell Take over 5-122 one week. No Sundays Prefer married stu¬ TRONICS. 5558 South Pennsylvania ditioned u^ed machines Singers. NEWLY MARRIED? dent with some years left on cam Whites V ochis New Home and OKEMOS ROAD 3711 South Un- pus Good pav for good worker NEEDED ONE manv oh»?rs.' $10 95 to $39.95 The State News will be Apply Spudnut Shop, 225 MAC TANGLEWOOD SNOWMOBILE: CANADA s best 1st Terms EI ,'ARDS DISTRIBUTING ated Students acceptable Immediate responsible only for the 3-1 24 AFARTMENTS prize winner in Allegan Countv COMPAN 111 r, North Washington first day's incorrectinser- FRANCIS AVIATION So easv to lear Race Real bargain New-$659 STA 489-6448 C-l 23 in the PIPER CHEROKEE Speci; GIRLS WANTED as Beauty Counsel- SZUK'S MOVING AND STORAGE j 1 Bdrm.,» unfur., from $124.50 $5 offer 484-1324 351-7880 -rented,,;;; NEAR CAMPUS: T 00 bedrooms. 351-0598 furnished, carpeted Auto Service & Parts $2 90 with ffs jd MEREK REXALL CEDAR GREEN One or two men or 355-6759 3-1 24 TO SUBLET Lovel AKAI X IV Tape recorder 4 track DRl'GS Pf.ASCRIPTION CENTER at Automotive AUTOMATIC CAR Wash, on RECEPTION 1ST PART-time or full Pool No deposit $75 351-3103 stereo, portable with all accessor¬ Frandor ew lower, everyday dis¬ experience OKEMOS INDIAN cents It's the best in town time No necessary ies $100 351-9571 5-1 22 count price* ' C-l 9 ALFA ROMEO 1964 Guilia Spyder mav sit in vour car for 2'j Gose to campus $1.75 an hour to 1600 runs Michelin tires, and looks good new top 355-3728 start Phone Mr Tavlor 372-5234 NEED 3 man GIRI. for nicely furnished apartment Pine Forest Apart PARACHUTES lent FOR sale, excel¬ details. DIAMOND -^RGALN Wedding and en¬ 3-1 23 ments 351-9423 3 1 24 condition. Call for gagement ' ing sets Save 50 per neath car An almost perfect SPRING TERM IS , .351-3186 5-1 23 job 430 South Clippert. back of WANTED PERSON with car to work EAST LANSING HEATED POOL plain and, ncv diamonds $25-$150 KO-KOBAR C-l 23 5 to 10 hours per week between BICYCLE SALES and service Also WILCOX | CCONDHAND STORE. 8:30 and 4 p.m Monday through used EAST LANSING CYCLE. 215 509 East X: ,gan 485-4391 C ACCIDENT PROBLEM" Call KALA¬ Friday Person will deliver and East Grand River Call 332-8303 C MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small pick-up lightweight materials at local public schools $3 00 per dents to large wrecks American WHAT" FLEA Market" Where" and foreign cars Guaranteed work hour plus mileage 353-6403; after US 27 North Former Hi-Low AFGHAT" -u I'PPIES or Dobermar CHEVROLET BELAIR 1960 Must sell 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo. C 5 p.m 351-7926 2-1 23 Market When" Even Thursdav. p-PP* registered $50 Phone now 4-door. 6 cylinder automatic, TWO GIRLS prefer grads. In Friday. Sunday. Antiques coins and power steering, brakes radio, heat¬ MASON BODV SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ er 1196 Eleanor 332-1036 morn¬ furnished $50 month. Quiet Call mazoo street Since 1940 Com¬ jewelrv. furniture, pictures, primi¬ ings 3-1 23 Kathv 351-6915 3-1 24 plete auto painting and collision NEW GE portables and stands rent¬ tives, newspapers 393-2211 3-1 23 ed ONLY to MSU students and fac¬ CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968 Best ulty. $8 84 month i includes tax1 ONE GIRL needed immediately Brand EAST LANSING $44 Kello* DRY FIREWOOD, seasoned, will de¬ offer or 1963-1965 Volkswagen for STATE MANAGEMENT CORPORA new apartment-close to campus MANAGEMENT CO. liver Red Oak and Beechwood equitv 1409 A Spartan Village Employment TION 444 Michigan Avenue 332 351-6204 3-1 24 351-7880 355-9110 4-1 24 x3-l 23 8687 C THREE BEDROOM fi LEGAL SECRETARY Experience NEEDED ONE or 2 men for ef ONE BEDROOM luxurv ap, East Lansing tti dents. Call ED 7-0922 MOBILE H( VIES MOVE FAST when CHEVROLET -1965 Impala Super TV RENTALS-students only. Low near campus Call 3516 perience Established firm Insur¬ 337-2253 vou ad^rt e in Classified For Sport. 327. dark green, automatic monthly and term rates Call 484- console. power steering, power ance. paid vacation, parking and 2600 to reserve vours UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING Marl other benefits Phone 487-3743 TV RENTALS C ONE GIRL needed Evergreen Arms Three brakes 351-3401 3-1 22 12-1 31 Perfect location. Immediate occu battaro COMET 1962 4-door sedan Auto¬ TV RENTALS GE 19" portable $8 50 pancy 351-3566 3-1 24 CLERICAL HELP full Ume. Must matic. good condition $300 Phone have good tvping abilitv. Apply in per month including stand Call J R Call 351- 393-2250 3-1 23 CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862. 220 5-1 24 person at 3308 South Cedar. Suite Albert Street East Lansing C DELTA ARMS-1 11. Lansing 3-1 22 COLORED TV RENTAL $8 per week. northwind BL'SBOY OR girl wanted. Meals and $24 per month Call J R. CULVER FARMS NICELY FURNISHED t COMPANY 351-8862 C Faculty Apartments ONE GIRL needed desperately for 25 or over Parkin, 3-girl. Reduced rates 351-3035 351-7880 Tilled^ ED2-2192. 3-1 22 PARKING sive Several NEAR Berkey spaces left Inexpen Call 3-1 23 \EAR CAPITOL Gi BRAND NEW deluxe colonial apart 355-4802 3-1 23 (iIRL NEEDED for quiet two girl ments C orner of Burcham and Ai parking. luUhen Uwng apartment Near campus, very con¬ $12-$14 IV 2-2287. 882-460: •IOMST ton. Available for business, profes RENT A TV from a TV Company- venient 351-9457 3-1 23 Hall. 40 C \V- $9.00 per month Call 337-1300 sional. college personnel or grad GIRI.-.Single roor Fndav 1 r . NEJAC TV RENTALS C uate students Furnished or un- URGENT 1 girl for luxury apart¬ ONE ment Reduced Claudia. 482 FAIRLANE 500 1965 4-door auto¬ 1333. 351-6844 3-1 23 matic Low mileage 6 cylinder LUXURY 2-man apartment close ties. 351-8534 HOUSEWIVES - STUDENTS Good condition 485-1498 3-1 24 MEN CLEAN, quiet, cooking, park to campus, to sublet spring and SINGLE MAN to share very deluxe EAST LANSING Roc PARTTIME summer Call J Hugh or Dave 2-bedroom townehouse Furnished ing. supervised Close to cam 351-9033 4-1 22 pus 487-5753 or 485-8836 ( East Lansing area $84 485-1265. radio Mechani- 3-5 HRS. PER DAY GIRLS ROOM 3 blocl EYDEAL VILLA Apartments Two DAYTIME ONLY Private entrance 337-1408 after bedroom apartments for $240 month 484-4475 4pm 5-1 28 Swimming pool GE appliances, MERCEDES BENZ 1961 Grey, red garbage disposals, furnished for I MSL Ski Club leather Excellent. Must sell $795 EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY four-man or five-man Call 351- ONE BEDROOM . Meeting Tonight firm 351-0454 3 1 24 typists to > :30 109 Anthony 4275 After 5pm C ssignments man $48 75 Those going on first trip GREAT LAKES EMPLOYMENT for 5-1 28 BEHIND THE nished apartment Gables Two man fur Male. $120 per rXRFNTEDjKd^l":a brarv ALL UTILITIES PAID $150 I must attend. First come-first | served . . .15 additional spaces permanent posotions for men and ONE GIRL needed to share apart¬ Utilities included 351-5285 women in office, sales, technical C-l 23 ment Phone 489-7436 after 5:30 month between 5and7p m 10-127 a month 6064 Abbott Rd. 351-0630 j^have been added. I\" 2-1543 pm 3-1 24 Let Us Take The "Leg-Work" Place Your Out Of Apartment-Hunting BULLETINS. .POSTERS PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD FLIERS . NEWSLETTERS. .CARDS .STATIONERY ENVELOPES . . .THESIS Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. ANNOUNCEMENTS STATE NEWS will bill you later. When you need printing! NOW, come to . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 " 12 i 13 ! 1 Wrv 15 \i 22. Hl -io sapiens 1+ 24 Mot.el 0 17 18 19 20 ' 26. Dank 27. Poorest nart ol 22 ~33~ 24 T6 28. Humble 27 28 29~ 3o \ ' 30. Modernistic 34. Frustrate * 33 3* 35 32 % v 36. 38. Swab Mongolian Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 37 38 'd 43 3$ *4 40 H-5 41 -«* yA f7 40. Notwithstand¬ ing 10 Words or Less; % r< 4° 43. Theater box 45. Periods Words Add: East %T *8 Over 10 a Lansing Management Co. 52 53 6^ 47. The Tentmaker" Mail to: Michigan State News 351-7880 55 i 56 48. 49 Born Dowry 346 Student Services Bldg. 317 M.A.C. % 50. Creek 54. Near MSU East Lansing, Mich. Wednesday, January 22, *369 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan flT profs reflect diversity in concern for cities By STEVE WATERBURY Stale News Staff Writer said he believes large scale riots to be mostly over now, and the current move is to¬ the stabilization ulation as goal, and suggested that the a of our pop¬ national policy Lawrence iate R. Krupka. assoc¬ professor of natural science, cited the ills of our cities as Ishino said this maintains, "The types of family point of view life and values poverty-stricken through a combination of these two techniques, with people moving forward both as indiv¬ iduals and as members of the humanities, as one with from stated. viewing the problem that needs to be dealt numerous fronts, "Universities will have to continue to devise ways means to d©a! -vith the social problems >f the < ties and Many professors at MSU in indications that science has in people often have, permeates I numerous and diverse fields ward more highly organized question of population control what they do and prevents them group. to are deeply concerned about the guerrilla warfare by the most problems of the American city. radical fringe of the black mil¬ in the United States is chiefly a matter of education and per¬ part neglected society. its duty from breaking into the middle class." Jeanne Gullahorn. asst. pro¬ ALL-UNIVERSITY DANCE. Reflecting the possibilities itants. suasion. Emphasizing that scientists fessor of psychology, included 1 of a multidisciplinary approach Brian R. Epstein, professor of Grafton Trout, asst. sociology, stated that density professor are members of society, Krupka of Ishino stated that the mahy current anti-povertv concern the differential access in various parts of a city to of people featuring to the problems of the Ameri¬ of social science, said one pro¬ charged that "the large number programs is directed toward can city and the widespread blem currently faced by cities is the key to understanding of scientists that are concerned an effort to break this poverty health care and other facilities significant urban problem. The Rationals * interest in this topic on campus, is to halt and reverse the as a with creating better deodorants Trend toward density and members of the MSU faculty exodus of the middle class from and better dog food when so Possible methods of achieving Although currently the trend Mrs. Gullahorn agreed with made varied responses to the the central city area. many people are crying out for "To do this, we must con¬ is still toward decentralization. this goal were cited changing many others in stating. "Ult¬ The Sunn System j* subject. so many things, gives an in¬ the institutional framework, al¬ Trout said some are beginning imately the problem is one of Bryan Downes. assist, pro¬ vince people that the city is dication that the scientist and tering the motivation base and education." to recognize the many problems Saturday, January 25, fessor of political science, a safe and wholesome place to thought that urban problems rear children." he said. caused by suburbanization and technologist have abandoned the city and the people within it. changing the physical shape of the epressed area. John Manning, professor of 19^? decentralization. He indicated require "a massive infusion Reshape American values Cites immigration MSU Student Union Ballroom that "the trend will eventually "We need a new emphasis BOB SEGER of money and intellect.'' Epstein stated that one step John J. Appel. associate pro¬ have to move back toward higher on the responsibilty of scien¬ Admission $1.50 The necessary resources for toward the solution of urban fessor of American Thought "SYSTEM" tists and technologists to im¬ this assault are not currently ills would be the reshaping density." and Language, viewed many of NEIL DIAMOND toward Trout said those cities that prove the quality of human life." SPONSORED BY obtainable from within the cen¬ of American values the problems of cities as re¬ are most commonly viewed as Krupka said. JAN 26th AUDITORIUM tral city. Downes said, because the recognition of urban pro¬ sults of successive waves of THE MSU FUND FOR DISADVANTAGED v CHILDREN the most interesting and en¬ Iwao Ishino, professor of of the erosion of the tax base blems as nati«nal problems that immigration, formerly from a- ASMSU Popular Ent. joyable are those with a dense anthropology indicated that | that has occured as a result must eventually be dealt with many anthropologists view "the broad. with the most recent of the emigration of middle on the national level. wave consisting of blacks from "If a city is planned properly, culture of poverty" as a crucial class Americans into the Emphasizing that this ques¬ factor in understanding the pro¬ the rural South. suburbs. tion may be looked at from many large densities of population can live together in an exciting blems of cities. Appel maintained that two Create federated systems points of view. Epstein said that ideals, both of which are not Downes maintained that the one of the strengths of the Un- way." he said. This concept holds poverty Trout revealed that the move¬ as being culturally transmitted entirely valid. have been problem could be partially iveristv College Symposium on from generation to generation. successively accepted by many I solved by the creation of fed¬ The American City is that it ment of the middle class away blacks in their efforts to suc¬ erated systems at the metro¬ includes speakers who represent from the center of our cities, SHOE SALE ceed American society. which has created so many ur¬ politan level, and suggested that a broad approach to the issue The first to be accepted by such federated systems may Thomas H. Greer, professor have to be imposed on the of humanities, said that the pro¬ ban problems, was subsidized and accelerated by the federal government through the Housing Phillips blacks was the ideal that holds that "a man succeeds in metropolitan areas by the blems of our cities are bas¬ (continued from page one) state, as occurred in Toronto. ically population problems.' and Home Finance Agency. He also said that journalists An Injunction was issued America he is as an on the basis of what individual and what Women's Ontario. Greer said he felt "any he can do as an individual." Describing current efforts to growth in population beyond often ignore the positive aspects against the hall by the Student- cope with urban ills as "holding what we have now would be un¬ of our cities, stating. "If you ' dn't know anything about cities Faculty Judiciary banning the hall's permitting coeds to stay As blacks realized that this ideal generally did not work BASS WEEJUNS actions." Downes suggested that fortunate The quality of hum - for them, it was subsequently out past closing hours. 'only the state and federal life is being eroded bv the i- 'xcept what you read in journalistic accounts, you would Dec. 6. the All-University rejected by black militants. Discontinued Bass weejuns, tassels and governments have a tax base crease in population because In its place has arisen a sufficient to obtain the funds space on earth is not an ex¬ probably find it difficult to under¬ Student Judiciary approved Holmes Hall implementation second ideal, which holds that kiltie loafer numbers reduced for clear¬ stand why anyone whould want necessary for urban innovation. pandable factor " one can progress by moving Looking to the future. Downes Greer advocated establishing to live in them." procedures. the whole group together. ance. Regularly priced tol6.00. However. Holmes' "special permission policy is a reality Appel said the experience of European immigrant groups 7" to 965 only on record. The govern¬ Open Wednesdays Placement Bureau has shown that success in ment is still tackling legal America comes about only 9 to 9 barriers to its implementation The following employers will be inter¬ viewing from January 27 through January Bank of the Commonwealth: Account¬ Economics, Marketing. General Administration, and Financial Business Adminis¬ IT'S WHAT'S _ ^ ing and Financial Administration majors Redwood f Ross 31. 1969. Refer to Placement Bureau Bul¬ and Economics majors iB.M) Location: tration majors < B>. Location: Cleveland. letin for additional details. Detroit. Michigan. Detroit Edison Company: SUM¬ iS""* The Central National Bank of Cleveland: MER EMPLOYMENT: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Accounting, traditional excellence Peanuts Personal Marketing,ithcen< Mathematics). Economics, 205 E. Grand River and Financial Administration Sopho¬ LITTLE SISTERS of the Ros mores and above. LocaUon: Detroit. YOU are Love, the mer Michigan. TWO BEDROOM. Urn Kappa Phi. Eastman Kodak Company: Account¬ ing shed $3400 or ing. MBA s (with technical undergradu¬ ' Mathematics, Statistics, \ 372-5769. ate degrees). all majors of the College of Business. 1 Calls will only be accepted 9a ml p.m. daily Economics and all majors, all colleges HOLE IN ONE! Maybe not. but chec* 2. Information should only be called in two days before the date of publication today's Classified Ads for good buys iB.Mi Location: Rochester. New York 3 Events are never guaranteed to run for more than one day due to a lack of space A message for MBA's and other in golf clubs! Graduate Business students from Eastman Kodak Company: Chemical. 1966 12X60 Ritz-Craft Like new Service Civil and Sanitary. Electrical, and Mech¬ the multi-faceted anical Engineering. Chemistry, and Phy¬ Priced right for quick sale Phone STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N.J.) \ 372-5844 days and 487-3956 after sics majors iB> Location: Rochester. Typing Service New York: Kingsport. Tennessee: and Longview. Texas. DONNA BOHANNON Professional The Goss Company Division of MGD CHARLAMOR 1961 10X50 WHERE YOU - thesis IBM Corporation: Mechanical and Electrical rooms, near MSU Imm tvpist Term papers, C "cupancy 351-4729 Selectric 353-7922 Engineering majors 1B) Location: Ci¬ cero. Illinois. The Quaker Oats Company: Packag ARE RESPONSIBLE ANN BROWN Typist ing Technologv. Chemistry, and Food offset printing. Disser Science majors iB.M.D' . SUMMER manuscripts general typing IBM EMPLOYMENT: Fo Juniors and above 19 years experience 332- 8384 C in the listed disciplines. Location: Bar Lost & Found TERM PAPERS, theses, manuscripts, general typing IBM sel. ectric ET 337-2603 JAN rington. Illinois. ical, Rex Chainbelt Incorporated: Chemical. Electrical. Civil Eng¬ ineering majors (B.M> Location: var- Mechan¬ Latin American Studies Center will conduct a seminar at 3:30 today in 106 FOR CORPORATE PROFESSIONAL TYPING cient service and delivery 351-0763 Electric fast, effi Pick up 1 1 22 •y 29. Wednes International Center Rollin Baker will discuss Studies of mals: the interaction of man and animals in rural Latin America Winged Spartan ground school course Neo-Tropical Mam will be held at 7 tonight in31 Union ECONOMIC GROWTH The University of Rochester: Chemistry Personal Biochemistry. Hotel. Restaurant, and ; will hold an open meeting NEW YEAR ROUND-UP: Bring this PAULA ANN HAUGHEY Institutional Management. Medical Tech¬ ■ The most common measure of corpor-" ■ This system implements. <5ur objective nology. Social Work. Nursing. Zoology, and all majors of .the Colleges of Arts ate economic growth is earnings. Though of being a flexible, aggf >ss! e enterprise. your purchase Good through Jan¬ and Letters. Communication Arts, and men's IM Lounge Comptimen- uary 31st 1969 Start the New Year it is simple enough to set an objective of It recognizes the import-lncsr'of a proper the double (Di Barr West Social Science (with clerical skills) Roc n York Burchf I. 393- BARBI MEL Typing, r growth in earnings, achievement requires blend of both short and lor g term invest¬ 0062 3-1 24 No job too large or 29 and 30, Wednes tonight Lessons will Block of campus. 332-3255 7-8:15 p.m dedication, hard work, imagination and ments. It permits a bailee 1 commitment The Interpersonal Dating TYPING TERM papers carefully thought out plans. of money and manpower A*d it assures Service Electric typewriter Fa Call 332-4597 ing. Civil. Electrical, and Mechanic German Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in A 707 Wells Opportunities for s adaptation to the various Sol al and politi¬ For information,send a postcard Engineering. Mathematics, Personi German in Europe will be discussed by M Kistler, professor of Germ and with your name and address and Labor and Industrial Relations, a cal environments in wh\h vv operate. TYPING- IN my K B Odle, director of AMLEC General Business Administration rr ■ Normally such growth stems from cer 11 D S p*0, Box 2137 Jackson. Michi- | Ann Arbor, Michigan | areas 482-4337 jors (B.M) Location tain basic procedures: increased out put of B Our plans for growth in .^rningsi how¬ Mc Donne 1 Douglas Corporation traditional product lines; research and de Chemical. Civil, Electrical. Mechan ever. are only as good fis t » people who ical. and Metallurgical Engineering ma¬ velopment programs; diversification; or jors (B.M.Di LocaUon California develop and implement the« :. For Jersey T ransportation McDonnell Douglas Corporation: Doug¬ acquisition or merger. The larger the com Standard to grow, we must t ive personnel las Aircfaft Company Mechanical. Ci¬ vil, Electrical, and Chemical Engineer¬ pany. the more complex the pattern for of the highest caliber—and ; forward-look ing, Mathematics. Metallurgy. Mech¬ anics, Materials Science, and Physics growth becomes. In the case of Jersey ing aggressive, management, team. Jan- majors iB.M.Di Location Long Beach, WANTED BUS to Boyne County Standard, our international scope adds to EVERYONE KNOWS AND McDonnf 1 Douglas Corpor LOVES Don Stevens, chairman of the MSI Board of Trustees, will meet wi the complexity Accordingly, earnings | Isn't something like tf ip really what amcal Engineering. Metallurgy, Mech¬ Independent Majority at 7 tonight in 38 t'nion for an open question-answ ENCYCLOPEDIA BRIT^NNICA anics. Materials Science. MathemaUcs. sion. Anyone interested in the Independent Majority can call Ken Payne growth has resulted from a piix of the you've been preparing for? WHY NOT SELL rr. and Physics majors (B.M.D) Location above basic procedures. FROM LEADS ONLY. BLOOD DONERS NEEDED $7 50 for all positive. A negative. B negative | Make it a point to see ie Jersey Stan 484-4475 MSU Cycling Club will hold e 7 30 tonight in 208 Men s Int and AB negative $10 00 O negative- dard representative hey visit your $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY of Engineering, Na Bldg / RENT A TV from a TV Company BLOOD CENTER. 507'z E Grand B Under our decentralized system of $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 campus—and tain over the irious manage¬ River, East Lansing Above the new NEJAC TV RENTALS C Free University is sponsoring the following classes tonight Hypnosis for Study management, procedures followed by af Campus Book Store Hours 9am - ment opportunities in our vv rid-wide family 3 30pm Monday. Tuesday and Fri¬ Westinghouse Elec and Relaxation 7 30-9. 131 Anthony Modeling, 7 30. 216 Berkev Poetrv Work COME AND MEET shop, 7:30 in the poetry room Morrill Hall: A Peaceful Revolution Is It Pos filiates world wide in achieving earnings Mechanical and Elecl day; Wednesday and Thursday. 12- of companies. MAX C and Computer Scien< sible° 7 30, 304 Bessey For details, see today's article on the Free University 6 30pm 337-7183 growth are tailored to fit local patterns. CANADA'S SOCIAL FACULTY COUPLE, no children, Petitioning for the ATL Student Advisory Committee is open Petit Affiliate management has latitude and Jersey representati*/ill be here on d 31. Wednesday. Thurs- desire home to rent while com¬ SATIRIST picked up through Friday in the ATL Dept office. 229 Bessey Pet respond to local conditions and February ( pleting Ph D Near campus Avail¬ complete the ATL requirement to be eligible authority to •, FRIDAY NIGHT able mid August Would consider I colleges (B.M). Location: head quarters office provides regional taking care of teenager of faculty the MISERY'S the name. Loves the game member on leave References pro¬ THE MISERY LOVES CO At Brody vided Box A1 State News 5-1/28 IBM Corporation Research and De¬ coordination. velopment Physics, Chemistry, Mathe- Friday night 3-1 23 WHERE THE GIRLS ARE' They're Engineenng (B.M) Location: various Peanuts Personal today s Classified Ads Try it now' IBM Corporation - Systems Engineer ing, Marketing Representative jors of the College of Engineering, Phy All ma¬ Mott Institute will conduct interviews tary inner-city programs in Detroit from Erickson. For information, phone 353-6454 for spring a 9 a m -4 p STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N.J.) FRATERNITY AND Sorority houses sics, Mathematics, all MBA's, and all ano affiliates Humble Oil & Refining Company. Eniay Company. Es*o international Inc t of the Food Science Dept.. a meeting at 7:30 t< or other large rooming houses majors of the Colleges of Business. Arts 372-1031 5.1/27 and Letters, Communication Arts, and Social Science (B.M) Location: var- n Equal Opportunity Employer SOMEONE TO sail Great Lakes Wednesday, Jan ary 22, 1969 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SWIFTS PREMIUM PROTEN SWIFTS PREMIUM PROTEN ROUND SIRLOIN STEAK STEAK LB. PROTEN BONELESS SHIPPERS SWIFTS PROTEN 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVE. • F R T-BONE STEAKS 5J09 MUSHROOMS CHUCK ROAST lb. 79c HW1 17 AT SWIFTS PROTEN BONELESS PIECE & STEM PROTEN BONELESS 15487 NORTH EAST ST. BO I IDT RD RUMP ROAST 99° 4 OZ. WT. CANS BEEF STEW MEAT LB. 79c 921 W. HOLMES RD. SE," PROTEN TENDER CHUCK STEAK 59c ^ FOR SJ TRU TNEDERED SLICED BEEF LIVER LB. 39c Shop WE RESERVE LIMIT ONE all QUANTITY RIGHTS DOZEN PLEASE ?, -m&fc mm ,-GRADl AA Thre JIAA . . . SWIFTS PREMIUM ^ ^ CANNED HAM 8 PESCHKE SLICED )A O39 LARGE EG 5S BACON ENDS FRESH PICNIC STYLE LEAN, TENDER 179 PESCHKE FREE PORK STEAK SKINLESS FRANKS PORK ROAST WITH PURCHASE OF A 5 lb. SWIFT's PREMIUM CANNED HAM ? COnAGE CHEESE 34* 14. "//or TO 2 MONEY SWIFT's A MEATS" BY CLIFF BOWES REGULAR $1 VALUE PREM. SAUSAGE 8 oz BOOK wt BOSTON BUTT PORK ROAST 49c EBERHARD'S FRESH TENDERKRUST PORK CUTLETS LB. 69c SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKS JWfc COUNTRY FRESH CHOCOLATE 19' 79' -A 59c MARSHMALLOW ICE CREAM r WHITE BREAD 6 99 BROWN W SERVE ^ HERRUD's PARTY ASST. HEATH LUNCH MEATS pk£ 85c ICE CREAM OARS 6 49' ECKRICH ALL MEAT __ BOLOGNA pko. 79c JENO's FROZEN CHEESE OR ^8 QUARTERED M SPARTAN MARGARINE SAUSAGE PIZZA - 49 FARMER PEET'S COOKED SALAMI pkg! 59c FARMER PEETS RING BOLOGNA lb 59c F. PEETS ROASTED OR REG. 45C DELUXE MACARONI & CHEESE fiA M C POLISH SAUSAGE 69c KRAFT DINNER a 39 lb. SWIFTS SMOKED CHIPPED MEATS 30pkgWT 33c NEW HOWARD JOHNSON'S FROZEN ORANGE OR l4 oz POLLYANNA FRESH FUDGE LATER CAKE SPLIT TOP BREAD NEW REG. 1.99 PASQUALES FROZEN PARTY PIZZA sp Hl-C ™ 4 4 oz. J jm LOAVES COCA ORE-IDA FROZEN STEWED VEGETARLES 39' COLA ORANGE POLLYANA CARNA ION SHAKESPEARE CURLS OREO CREME INST;NT ■I OR CRAPE COOKIES BREAKFAST l(u( 6 39* POLLY ANNA DANISH keztile C£iv DRINK 5>3r-l IV FRUIT ROLLS 6 p°* 49c HENRI'S SMOKY BITS DRESSING SPARTAN SALAD DRESSING SPARTAN FRESH FLORIDA _ FRESH f-LUKlUA- uo PURE SHORTENING SPARTAN FROZEN GRAPEFRUIT , 5 •>* 59' JUICE URANGES 2 STRAWBERRIES MICHIGAN CALIFORNIA "BUD BR SPARTAN ALL GRINDS VAC-PAC COFFEE IUA-REU APPLES 3 & 59' PASCAL CELERT