Thursday MICHIGAN Cloudy Prejudice. UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS ■ . . and light drizzle. Clou* mik y occasional and mild East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 112 New state budget asks $70 million to aid VU' Proposed Executive Budget Appro iriations total. The MSU Oakland campus would 1969-70 1 168-69 receive $6 million of the executive (in illions) (in millions) r budget. Gov.. Milliken, in his first budget The MSU Agricultural Experiment Station would receive $5 million and MSU $70,119,793 $t;,331,841 message to the legislature Wednesday, the MSU Extension service would re¬ recommended that MSU receive $70 ceive $4 million under the proposed East Lansing 54.8 4^9 million in state aid for the 1969-70 5 0 budget. Oakland 6.2 fiscal year. He also recommended that the legis¬ "The present and increasing need Experiment for more physicians dictates that the 4 0 lature appropriate to MSU $200,000 Station 5.0 MSU program expansion now be au¬ for planning the clinical years of a thorized and developed," Milliken said. Extension full, four-year medical school. President Hannah said that he won't Service 4.0 Milliken's request of $70 million x y; for MSU was $7 million below the $77 comment on the adequacy of the budget University of until he has had a chance to analyze it. "{,272,442 million which MSU requested. But it Michigan 67,333,435 Budget was $8 million over what was received for the current fiscal year. 1968-69. "The governor's proposed budget re¬ quest falls short of our full request Wayne State Gov. William G. Mllliken briefs newsrr ;n on his 1969-70 Budget According to Milliken's proposed and with it many of our needs will go University 42,306,584 .. ,176,287 Wednesday. Glenn Allen budget, MSU (at East Lansingi would unrecognized." Hannah said. Western Michigan Message which he sent to the legislatur ( "The increase appears to be ade¬ UPI receive $54 million of the $70 million Jr., state budget director, looks on. Telephoto quate for us to meet the built-in cost University 18,381,619 16,164,887 increase on the East Lansing cam¬ pus." he said. Hours' proposals Hannah said Milliken's request $200,000 for a he was heartened by that MSU be granted full-degree granting Non-public bypassed by medical school. "'The medical school will make sub¬ Roundfable discussion stantial contributions to meet health at care needs of this state." he said. The University of Michigan's proposed appropriation for the 1969-70 fiscal year After completely bypassing troversial non-public school aid in his $1.5 billion expenditure the con¬ issue budget inner city core area how blacks could beectrie involved in the business community. It would stud> •In the climate of this particular of $67 million was approximately $8 -$250,000 for an hter-agencv trans¬ to the legislature. William G. Milliken. rulings on the Men's Halls Assn. (MHA) time in history it is not likely that the million less than they had originally portation olan whic?" would study all By PAT ANSTETT a 46-vear-old department store presi¬ open house and Women's Inter-resid- board of trustees will overrule the vice- requested. forms of rapid transit Campus Editor dent. became Michigan's 44th governor ence W'IC> freshman women's hours Milliken proposed that MSU receive $800,000 to estabL h a mobile tacti¬ Rt ddence hall determination of open president for student affairs," Hannah He took the oath less than four hours proposals and to push for modified ver¬ said. $4.8 million for capital outlay, the cal unit for the State" Police. They would house policies and the elimination ol sions of the policies was voiced by sev¬ after George Romnev resigned the gov¬ 'No student body, faculty or adminis¬ construction of new buildings and the be trained to handl emergency situa¬ hours for freshman women may be a ernorship following his swearing-in in eral administrators at the Spartan Round- tions such as riots. prolonged reality. trator has any responsibility that doesn't acquisition of new lands. This figure was Washington as secretary of Housing and The suggestion to accept the recent table discussion Tuesday night. also reside in the board of trustees.'' about $18 million short of MSU s re¬ The total cost ot ~iew programs for Urban Development in President Nixon's The MHA proposal, despite reaffir¬ he said. quest of $22.2 million. the next fiscal vea» would be $10 mil¬ Cabinet mation by Faculty Committee on Stu¬ Dickerson also pointed out the prog¬ The $4.8 million figure includes $1.5 lion. dent Affairs, has been rejected by Mil¬ After taking his oath of office. Milliken . Included in th^ b 4get is "$5 million ress of the University in the past few million for a Life Sciences Building told newsmen and some 60 state legis¬ ton B Dickerson vice-president for which would house the College of Human the planning a. 1 the starting of Board toward liberizing social policies. years for lators assembled in the executive office moves The \YI( proposal is now being re¬ (Please turn to the back page) Medicine. where the swearing-in occurred: construction on a new« ipitol building "I don't know if Michigan is ready for (please turn to^tie back page) considered bv the individual residence halls and ASMSl '. Milliken. but I can assure you that I to strengthen Over hall ' 40 student leaders, residence ' hts faculty and administra- New Cabinet sworn in, am ready for the job-and anxious to get started on it." Hatfield bill rn.ssfd the wic MHA proposals stop draft said that his budget for the 1969- He to ■ hours support nt: twice-a-term President Hannah gathering. said that student 70 fiscal year will have a surplus of be balanced and will approximately $12.9 By DAVE SHORT State News Staff Writer could want all take t{ie of it now' far out position if we on the proposals, or they could accept the approved parts of each proposal and wait until a future Nixon WASHINGTON plans budget cut (AP)-President Nix¬ "We have a mandate from the Presi¬ million. for According 1968-69 to the message, revenues will increase $38.4 million, of which $23 1 million will be used for gets re/ised WASHINGTON (.V»--A revised pro¬ posal to abolish tl >. draft was intro¬ ASMS'.' stood firm on its support of date for further action. on saw 11 members of what he called dent to keep the budget under strict supplemental appropriations, leaving a duced Wednesday by y group of nine bi¬ Even if the student position is right control." Mayo reported. "Under pres¬ surplus of $14.4 for 1968-69 selective hours for all freshman women "a working Cabinet" sworn into office partisan senators. ' he bill is a revis¬ and society is wrong, there's nothing ent circumstances, with Vietnam and The current surplus added to last during its board meeting Tuesday Wednesday, then met for three hours ion of a proposal a'dvueated by Sen. Mark like time to educate.' Hannah said. economic conditions as they are. the vear's surplus would leave a total sur The board passed an amended motion with the top men of his administration. Hatfield. R-Ore.. who has urged adop¬ reaffirmed his past views surtax must continue. " approving selective hours for all freshman Dickerson After that marathon Cabinet meeting. plus of $70.3 for the 1969-70 budget tion for the past two years that all students' rights have to be con¬ The $70.3 million surplus added to women. This motion was passed after Budget Director Robert P. Mayo said But when he was asked whether, if The proposal would also upgrade pay the board objected to a proposal by the sidered in the area of open houses in¬ the new administration hopes to cut estimated revenues of $1.5 billion for and fringe benefits a id, increase the pres¬ sufficient budget reductions can be leave the state with a Faculty Committee on Student Affairs, cluding those of the student who does not federal spending-perhaps sufficiently to 1969-70 will tige of a military . reer. The measure achieved, the surtax might be lowered which designated selective hours for only participate in the open house. warrant reduction or elimination of the or eliminated. Mayo replied: surplus of $12.9 million at the end of would give the rtiili»\rv an emphasis on Peter Ellsworth. ASMSU Board Chair¬ the next fiscal year. second and third term freshman coeds 10 per cent income surtax. quality, not quantity. f atfield said man. asked whether the Academic Free¬ Appropriations for new programs Hatfield called t^ present military Because the ASMSU motion differs from dom Report could be amended in the area I think the answer to that is pretty which Milliken proposed include: induction system nefficient. inequit¬ the motion passed by the faculty com of determining social conduct to elimin¬ of the equation. for added vocational mittee, both groups will meet together ate the veto power of one of the three Symposium obvious-it's part $1.1 rehabilitation million to aid 14.000 persons able to producer of low n draft age ."mericans. and the -ale in the armed Friday in an attempt to iron out their Walter J. Hickel* the governor of differences. governing bodies which review student Sidney J. Harris, columnist for the Alaska, whom Nixon chose to be sec¬ made eligible under recent federal policies. amendments. The bill would take* effect six months Several administrators said they doubt¬ Chicago Daily News, will speak at 4 retary of the Interior, was the missing Members of the board voiced reluctance $1.5 million for a start on a state- after passage It als,«j provides that the p.m. today in Fairchild Theater as part man as Chief Justice Earl Warren ad¬ concerning any attempts to compromise ed an amendment of this nature could be supported community school program draft could be reinstated by Congress of the American City symposium. Na¬ ministered the oath of office to Cabinet on its stand. designed to help adults. Junior member-at-large. Tom Samet Hannah also said that final decisions tionally-known theologian Richard Ru- members at a nationally televised and $100.00 for a pilot program on tipo^ the the recommendation event of a national of the Presi emer- benstein will speak at 7:30 p.m. at broadcast ceremonv in the East Room warned that the ASMSU members, who on policies of student conduct resided in 108 Wells. of the White House entrepreneurship and unemployment in will represent the board in the conference the board of trustees. with the faculty committee, should rea lize that they shouldn't be going into control the meeting trying to get a compromise ASMSU Vice-Chairman power to cut down and water down a student proposal as he has done Harv Dzodin supported Samet. I object to the vice- president tor student attairs having the Dzodin WASPs only black man ever to serve on the board In addition to the white-protestant- nati By CHRIS MEAD emphasized. State News Staff Writer of trustees. The other seven members are Republican finding. Hartnett's study also Sue Landers. Women's Inter The White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, decidedly white. noted three major trends among college residence Council president, called the (WASPS), especially of the Republican Protestant: Only Don Stevens. D- and university trustees: situation "frustrating Miss Landers genus, are in control of the nation's insti¬ Okemos and chairman of the board, is a said that although she wanted the issue -Although many trustees say they favor tutions of higher education, according to Catholic. The remaining members are the right of free expression by faculty to get into conference, she was "not a recently released report. various shades of protestantism, including members, they are reluctant to accept a happy with the faculty committees A study by Rodney T. Hartnett. research a Lutheran, a Presbyterian and a part " wider notion of academic freedom " proposal.'' psychologist at Educational Testing Ser¬ time Methodist. " Sixty-nine per cent said all campus The board also passed a motion cal¬ vice, revealed that the majority of college Republican: MSU deviates from the norm speakers should be screened. 53 per cent and university trustees are, in general, in this category. The Democrats have a ling for all residence halls to carefully said the faculty should sign loyalty oaths examine and implement the policy for¬ middle-aged Republican businessmen who precarious lead over the Republicans bv and 49 per cent said students' involved 5 to 3. warded by Phillips Hall Under the Phil¬ range politically from moderate to con¬ in civil disobedience off campus should servative, hesitant to accept prin¬ Clair White. D-Bav City is one tiustee lips Hall policy freshman women can are be disciplined by both college and locgl who is upset over the Republican-white be granted special permission to stay out ciples of academic freedom, oppose authorities. later than University closing hours students and faculty members receiving Protestant dominance of the nations -Most trustees would grant only 'a With student government elections a major role in campus decisions and governing boards of higher education "Trustees MSU and elsewhere i limited decision-making role to the coming up next term. ASMSU approved are not very well read in the field of (at higher education. are essentially WASP's." White said. faculty and practically no decision-mak¬ the drafting of a referendum to the stu Hartnett's study, based on a survey from "And furthermore," he said. these ing responsibilities to students dents in an attempt to clear up the fu of 5,200 trustees of 536 institutions con¬ WASPs are rubber stamps for the WASP (please turn to the back page) -Most trustees are businessmen and cluded that most trustees are white <96 administrations who pick them and fight the decisions they make within the like hell to keep them per cent), Protestant (75 per cent) and educational institutions will reflect a He said the Democrats are the only ones Republican (58 percent). definite " business outlook These statistics may be sobering to say who have been able to out-vote powerful It would appear that the greater the the least-and how does the MSU Board of corporate interests on the board of trust¬ ees such as Michigan Bell. Dow Chemical prestige of the institutional type, the more Trustees fit in this pattern'' and the Farm Bureau likely the trustees are to favor studept White: Of the eight-member board, only and faculty involvemia in decision-mak¬ one is black Blanche Martin, D-East "But I'm a WASP through and through ing according to the Hartnett study. Martin Lansing, was elected in November as the myself," White admitted. Thursday, Janu^J 23, 1969 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Med school By RUSS MORRISON involves refining the instruct¬ earns doctor is the solution of com¬ With an research gift ever-increasing own facilities for the first With the recent award of ional skills of medical teachers. plex problems. This grant human medicine program be¬ This building will house the Dr. John L. Snavely grant, The Snavely award will per will be to explore the specific ing undertaken, the necessity new the human biology laboratories, "With the increased size of the MSU College of Human mit expansion of these efforts steps in problem solving and for new facilities was not long the departments of medicine, the program and the support Medicine has received further to include the training of to study how these techniques in coming. This spring con¬ human development and phar¬ of the latest grants we hope to can best be learned by the struction of the new Life national recognition of its high¬ practicing physicians to! be move rapidly toward the grant¬ effective instructors. The medical student. Science bldg. will begin, with macology, the Office of Medical ly innovative approach to curr¬ Education Research and De¬ ing of graduate degrees in iculum development. purpose of this training is to "We will carefully analyze a proposed completion date of medical the 1970-71. This will give the velopment. plus administrative education," Jason The American Medical provide medical students with process of medical in¬ College of Human Medicine its offices for the Colleges of Association recently presented supervised experiences in quiry and postulate from direct community settings, which will observations of noted diagnosti¬ $125,000 to Dr. Andrew D. Hunt, better prepare them for the cians just what characteristics Jr., dean of the College of they will prove most successful. These criticized Human Medicine, fulfilling a actual conditions bequest of the late Snavely, who estate willed one-sixth of he distributed to re¬ his encounter in medical practice. 'Too often a stydent who graduates from medical sohool characteristics taught Dr. Lee to Shulman. will then medical students," be co-director Hickel as search in the medical field. has not been prepared for the with Dr. Arthur Elstein of the Inquiry grant, said. Cabin "The intent of the grant is actual problems he will encoun¬ to and develop ways of improving speeding the medical ed¬ ucation process by making more ter." Jason said One of the important functions of the Snavely grant will be to has port The Commonwealth extended its general sup¬ grant for another two Fund for Nixon enable the office to carry on years, which will enable the WASHINGTON (AP)-Gov Sen. Gordon Allott, R-Colo.. chorage, Alaska. ci ective use of community re- sc irces." Dr. Hilleard Jason. its research on better ways to office to continue its research Walter J. Hickel of Alaska was and Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. Metcalf. however, charged that in the field of educational criticized in the Senate Wednes¬ defended Hickel against attacks natural gas prices in Anchor¬ vctor of the Office of Med¬ train doctors in the capacity ical Education Research and of teachers who will present to development. day as unfit to be secretary of by Sens. John O. Pastore. D- age are excessively high. the medical student the actual The grant from this phil¬ the interior, and defended as a R.I.. and Lee Metcalf. D-Mont. Opening the debate. Sen. Hen¬ T. velopment. which will adrriin- i.srer the grant, One of the said. main functions situations a young doctor might encounter. anthropic organization given because of the tie-in with was friend of the consumer The accusation of unfitness Pastore said he was con¬ cerned about Hickel's views on ry M. Jackson. D-Wash., chair¬ man of the Interior Committee, Perfect catch 4 Another of the three grants the medical school's over-all came from Sen. Vance Hartke. New England's fuel oil prob¬ said. "A majority of the com¬ of the Office of Medical Ed¬ It appears that one die-hard baseba-j player Is D-Ind., who said: I believe he lems because of the suit Alaska mittee found no proper grounds ucation Research and Develop¬ recently received by the office design. Eventually the support undaunted by thff temporary thaw. PI - y;Ing in pud¬ of this office will be turned would be miscast as secretary has filed against the proposed on which to negate the Presi¬ ment is to explore and develop was the U.S. Public Health dles is obviously not juSt kid's stuff. to the University, but until of the interior. free trade zone at Machiasport, dent's choice" of Hickel. ways of improving the instruct¬ Service grant for a specific over that Maine State News Photo by J II Porteous ion of medical students. A research project. time support will come "To maintain the momentum from outside source. of the conservationist move¬ Pastore said: He is indus- major segment of that work A major function of the an ment in our nation, we need a trv-minded. he is not consumer- Hunger strike hits Prague; true conservationist as secre¬ minded. For him to change, he will have to make a change tary of the interior-Cov Hickel We Have It! degrees. I pray to God he is not that man." Hartke said in of 180 a speech prepared for the Sen- will make it." honor protester But Allott said Hickel was ing Hickel he was quoted as say¬ opposed "conservation consumer-minded his role in as shown by forming a natural gas mourners just for conservation purposes. company to bring gas to An- PRAGUE (APi - Hunger Police reinforcements at Wen- flags and an biack flag ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ strikes spread to several Czech¬ ceslas Square kept people from The flag be >fers, working in oslovak cities Wednesday in gathering in front of the strik- brief relays, s x>d amid piles of J 4th Annual MSU ** support of the ideals of Jan Pa- lach. Plans were made for a na¬ tionwide observance of his fu¬ ers. las At the statue of St. Wences- students maintained day and night vigil with Czech their 'flowers in m-mory of the 21- year-old. studi, t who died Sun¬ day BIG BAND * neral and there was new evi¬ dence of public resentment at * the presence tion troops. of Soviet occupa¬ Pueblo captain JAZZ FESTIVAL * While police tried to break up hunger strike in Prague, there given a were reports of other strikes no Saturday, January 25 called by students in Cske Bude- CORONAIK). Caiil \V>- uoned f'> direction from any su¬ jovice. Karlovy Vary. Brno and Pueblo skipper, win periors !is he told about North 2 p.m. 8 p.m. Bratislava. Police moved in early Wed¬ The said USS he used communication Korean cannop and machine- Tickets $1.75 Tickets $2.25 nesday morning and forced a priority direct to the White gun fir on ijs vessel and nis House well to his super¬ decisior to surrender group of Prague strikers to as as take down three tents because iors in Japan, said Wednesday Bucht r told a Navy court of Erickson Kiva they did not have a permit. he received no advice or guid¬ inquiry Tuesday he ordered Wayne State, Centr il Michigan, and North Korean gun¬ commuMlfatiui channels open Many of the strikers left, but ance as MSU Jazz Bands, plus the Andy Goodr some remained in the enclosure boats surrounded his intelli¬ as North Ko-eans made their Quintet in front of the fountain where gence ship first attempt put a boarding Palach burned himself last Thurs- ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Cmdr Lloyd M. Bucher men- of Minute* lat' sheila fr r m he said, a a salvo submarine chaser faker his radar mast Engineers, Mathematicians: oundmg hii I was in and three of his \onstant and im- At NSA, our successes depend on yours. lediate *'onf it't w ith the com- iunica(if>ns Bucher fa Jap an. systems. You may also participate in will follow systematically as you as; ' t lid. >id ny rnessages of Because of the nature and scope of the National Security Agency's related studies of electromagnetic additional responsibility. Further, you mrse % wld be re laved to the will enjoy the varied career benefits mission, our successes are in direct propagation, upper atmosphere and other advantages of Federal relation to your achievements phenomena, and solid state devices 'Pan .4; At NSA, we are responsible for using the latest equipment for employment without the necessity of Civil Service certification. I don" kt w ho\v rapidly the designing and developing secure/ advanced research within NSA s KING Features Syndicate Subctfilms LTD. 196^ invulnerable communications and EDP fully instrumented laboratories.^ Check with your Placement Office for ,essag - , .1.1 haive been ve- MATHEMATICIANS define, formulate further information about NSA. or write yed to thC vari ous addres- systems to transmit, receive and analyze much of our nation's most vital and solve complex communications- to: Chief, College Relations Branch. •es Buchef -aid. He had said information. The advancing technologies related problems. Statistical National Security Agency. Ft. George idre eluded the The BEATLES applied in this work are such that they will frequently take you beyond the known and accepted boundaries mathematics, matrix algebra, and combinatorial analysis are but a few of the tools applied by Agency G. Meade. Md. 20755. Alt: M321 An equal opportunity employer. Campus Interview Dates: M&F. White II..use M in\ * hr^f did you request of knowledge. Consequently, you.r mathematicians. Opportunities for .!'!<■< tin' ,t ked Capt. William imagination and resourcefulness are contributions in computer sciences and \ psel for the Navy. FEBRUARY 5, 7 u :: » ( New Album Yellow Submarine >, essential qualifications for success theoretical research are also offered V I iy(|iiested no direc- The Career Scene at NSA Career Benefits NSA's liberal graduate study program Was i"Ui ' or guidance giv¬ ENGINEERS will find work which is performed nowhere else . . . devices permits you to pursue two semesters of en t<> V>-j' g atuitously on the and systems are constantly being full-time graduate study at full salary. surface'1 3.99 developed which are in advance of any Nearly all academic costs are borne by •No si is not.' outside the Agency. As an Agency NSA. whose proximity to seven universities is an additional asset All tN n handle all classified T.C.B.- TEMPTATIONS/SUPREMES— 2.99 BACK HERE ON EARTH LIGHTFOOT 2.99 : peaci corps : FOOL ON THE HILL SERGIO MENDES 3.99 • wi be on • SOULED JOSE FELICIANO 2.99 WAITING FOR THE SUN DOORS 2.99 J campus |an. 29, 30, J • ar^J 31st • NEW JOAN BAEZ (two records) - 6.99 NOW OPEN EVERY SUNDAY CELLULOID "I" Thurs. Only 7 & 8:30 109 Anth. 12:00 Noon to 5 p.m. v> WITH VERY SPECIAL SALES discount records 225 ANN ST. HRS 9:30 9:30 - 8:30 DAILY 6:00 SAT F U Sat. 351-8460 - PH NIGHT ( THE GENERALS 12:00 - 5:00 SUN . where imagination is the essential qualification Thursday, January 23; 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan You Can ORGANIZATION KEY On Us... To NEWS Power cures society's ills Your MoneyProbl' At East Lansing STATE (MK summary By WES THORP tion will bring down this coun¬ L . fought about over 190 years ago, idealist social worker, ..The poor he said, want a pieCe of State News Staff Writer try. are being fought about today. Alinsky said that for the the action of this materialis- tic society we live in." You'll $ave with Saul Alinsky, long time or¬ "We are in danger of losing A capsule summary of the day's events from ganizer of the poor, said Wed¬ our free society," he said "be¬ masses of black people who have Another necessary ingredient ThriftiChecks ■our wire services. nesday that to change the in¬ cause been denied equal opportunity, for successful organization of many people are withdraw¬ that black power is essential for TLeonJy equalities that exist there must communities, he said, was to Low-cost student checking accounts. first be organization. ing from the problem that ex¬ break up the false rationale charge is 10c per check; no other pointing ists." "Where there is the mass or¬ the people hold. or service charges. He warned that unless this ganization of people there is People will rationalize their Speaking before the second withdrawal changes into involve¬ power which is a life force to Students are also encouraged to open .aving ment this country will become objections t0 change the status session of the University Col¬ our way of life, " he said. accounts at the bank that faves you rroney. "/ don't know if Michigan quo, he said. lege Symposium on the Ameri¬ totalitarian. He sand that organization pro¬ is ready for Milliken, but I can can City Alinsky emphasized, Many basic issues which our vides the essential elements for He warned that when there is assure you that I am ready for "for change to occur we must early revolutionary leaders the give and take in society. action as a result of organi¬ Two Convenient Locations have organization." fought for in the 1790's are the "Until the communities are zation there will be "heat", the job—and anxious to get He said that denying large big issues today, Alinsky said. organized you don't have the possibly some conflict. You'll Find ThriftiChe, started it." of people full equality Such issues as taxation with¬ on masses representation necessary for the Gov. \\ illiatn C. Milliken and opportunity for participa¬ out representation, which was functioning of the the demo¬ One of the problems people face is the complete collapse cratic process," he said. of communication between £ast c£> anscno \ Easter tour of Russia One of the necessary ients for successful ingred¬ organiz¬ blacks and whites, he said. "Un¬ less whites learn to listen and GRAND RIVtK AT ABBOTT &FATE EAST BAN; LANSIN6%JAICHIGA talk to blacks like they listen International News offered for students ing, Alinsky said, was accept¬ ing the world as it is. "This must be done to change the world and talk to whites we will be in for a lot of trouble.'' Branches in Okemos, Haslett, & Merrber Federal Brookfl Deposit Insurance Co d Pla/a A tour of the Soviet Union, including the cities of to the way you want it." The U.S. air cavalrymen in a lightning Leningrad, Moscow, Kiev and Prague, is being offeied to students during Easter vacation, April 4-18. People in the slums aren't swoop by helicopters have found an unde¬ interested in vague philosophi¬ ASMSU Popular Entertainment The price, which covers regularly scheduled air concepts muttered by some fended enemy base north of Saigon and seized transportation, first class hotel rooms, meals, sight¬ cal "tsySTh"e presents the second largest munitions dump captured seeing and educational programs, is $595. A modified tour which includes the cities of Tashkent, in the war. the U.S. Command reported Wed¬ Bukhara, and Samarkand is offered for an additional SEC volunteers nesday. cost of $150. The cavalrymen found 30 tons of rockets, This educational tour of the Soviet Union is in cooper¬ off work Friday ation with the Pan American World Airways. mortars, recoilless rifle shells and explosives For information and registration contact: Student Education Corps volun¬ still in crates. There were no guards at the Compass Travel Bureau, Inc.: teers. Lansing schools will be area. 55 West 42 Street; closed all day Friday and East ### New York, New York; Lansing schools will be closed Tel. (212) 244-5600. Friday afternoon. and Foreign minister Abba Eban of Israel ex¬ Volunteer's runs to these pressed belief Wednesday that a withdrawal Satirist to stage 'Kiva side chat' schools will be cancelled this one time only. All other of Israeli forces from occupied Arab lands Max Ferguson. Canadian co- hour daily. He comments on under the Russian proposal for peace would median and satirist, will appear an news events and does humorous SEC volunteers are to go their Neil at a "Kiva side chat" with stu- sketches, schools as scheduled mean further guerrilla efforts to wipe out the dents Friday. Jewish state. He will give an informal talk at 7:30 p.m. in Erickson Kiva January 26, MSU Auditorium 8 p.m. Diam and then will answer students' at Michigan State University, is National News questions. There will be no charge The State News, the student newspaper published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week The House Committee on Un-American for admission. and OrientaUon issues in June and September Subscription rates are $14 Tickets on S Activities, embroiled in controversy since Ferguson is heard on the Can¬ adian Broadcasting Co. for halt Member Associated Press, United Press InternaUonal, Inland Daily Press its creation nearly 31 years ago. is getting Association. Associated Collegiate Press. Michigan Press Association, AssociaUon. United States Student Press Association Mich¬ MARSHALL a significant change in membership-includ¬ The Slender Thread igan Collegiate Press ing its first black in history. Three Democrats, Anne Bancroft Second class postage paid at East Editorial and business offices at Lansing. Michigan 347 Student Services Building. Michigan MSU UNION usually classed as liberals, have been pick¬ State University. East Lansing Michigan ed for committee posts: Rep. Claude Pep¬ SIDNEY POITIER Phones 355-8252 $2.00 an per of Florida. Louis Stokes of Cleveland Editorial Thursday Jan. 23 355-8255 Listen for these hit songs: and Richardson' Prever of North Carolina. Classified Advertising 353-6400 Display Advertising 355-3447 • •• 7:30 P.M. 106 B Wells Business-Circulation Photographic 355-8311 SEGER: "heavy music"; "two plus two"; "r a mblin" GAMBLIN' MAN"; plus selection from his new album • Georgetown University Medical School has 50* quickened and broadened its research aimed at Students for DIAMOND- xj I "CHERRY CHERRY"; "I GOT 'THANK THE LORD FOR THE FEELIN' "; "KEN CKY WOMAN";# THE NIGHT TIME": "SUND* ) 5LN" M pre-conditioning the hearts of unborn ani¬ White Community Action mals for ultimate transplant into human beingsj Some experimental transplants between calves and dogs have already ta¬ ken place. • •• At Cape Kennedy a complex "sunshine satellite" streaked into earth orbit Wednes¬ RECORD day to study solar flares during a time4 of pe^k activity and to warn astronauts of haz¬ ardous radiation in space. Orbiting Solar Ob¬ THURSDAY servatory 5 was launched at 11:48 a.m., EST. Campus News A Harvard University faculty committee has recommended the establishment of a Mfg. List Our Regular Record Thursday Low Prices PRICES degree course in Afro-American studies on Prices a par with the traditional majors like physics $1.98 $1.69 $1.49 and English. 2.50 1.9# 1.79 It is expected that the recommendation 2.98 2.39 2.19 will be put into effect starting with the next 3.98 2.87 2.59 academic term in September. 3.84 3.49 • •• 4.98 5.98 4.69 4.29 A one-day strike called by a teacher s 6.98 5.79 5.19 union in an effort to disrupt California's statewide college system appeared Wednes¬ day to have failed. The American Federation of Teachers assigned 2,000 pickets to appear at 13 campuses to protest the firing of 28 • Records of the Week • ■ teachers involved in a dispute over working NEW RELEASES Specially Priced At 5 ll conditions and a minorities study program. • BEE GEES—"Rare, Precious & Beautiful" • RICHIE HAVENS— 'Electric Havens" did not show up. Many of the pickets $289 • STEVE MILLER BAND—"Sailor" • "TRAFFIC" University of Florida president Stephen • "BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS" & JUDY COLLINS—"Who Knows Where The Time • C. O'Connell approved a controversial U-F Goes" infirmary policy of dispensing birth control Limited Quantities pills to unmarried coeds as "a sound policy approved for continued use." In part the policy states: "The issuance St— Next Week -- The Associations Greatest Hits of such a prescription is a medical decision made by the individual physician in full accord with the ethics of the medical pro¬ fession. "Such prescriptions will be issued to a ■iv minor only with parental consent, or in emer¬ gencies where consent cannot be obtained immediately." 000 Tokyo University's Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science said Wednesday if has decided to cancel the launching of Japan's first artificial satellite after the failure of Record Department a three-stage Lambda 3H space research Across From The Union Across From Berkey Hall rocket Jan. 16. The Lambda 4H was sched¬ City Parking At Rear Door Free Parking at Store Side uled to be launched Feb: 10. MICHIGAN o politically inept idealist In her review. Miss Restivo thing Tom Brown, whose claim to never Will the Sexualir#*\yiposium on pre¬ point of the book. campus Your criticism of the Nixon cabinet sumes to 4sav that she was tempted Miss Fairbairn is not "to be admired ending frankness is infamous throughout win MSU a Playbc rating of No. 1 party is equally unjustified You call them the SN office. to skip many of the 933 pages. I for her . . . depiction of brutal scenes school in the nation men "devoid of color with a common suggest she go back and read them, of southern bloodletting." Rather, she Brown expertly polled his staff of sports Probably not Bu' F ust might get rid of quality of "low-keyed, quiet perform writers (both indoor and out) asking if they for Miss Fjirbairn has skillfully and should be admired for providing per¬ a few unnecessary r * le class hang-ups. ance." Perhaps what we need after were too embarrassed to name the parts delicately woven into the story the haps for the first time, a true under¬ Belly . . belly .. jy . etc. the flamboyant failures of the Demo¬ motives of the who caused the of the genitalia, to which he received sev¬ men standing of all aspects of feelings, crats is a cabinet of competent ad- events, an element the reviewer claimed both black and white, of our country's eral replies: minstrators who can get things done was missing Motives and character racial conflict, and also for providing Reply no. 1-"The what?" quietly without building impossible ex¬ development are not set down within us with the basis for doing some mental Reply no. 2-"What for?" the crowd! I feared they were getting close- pectations a certain spatial allotment and thus stocktaking and, hopefully, houseclean- Reply no. 3--" You dirty old man." ups. Red Cedar report You further criticize the cabinet be¬ labeled Rather, they are presented ing. I guess even people under Brown's influ¬ The professor then started to get down to cause it lacks effective representatives from many angles, using various writ¬ ence have their hang-ups too. specifics by naming specific parts of the By JIM DeF REST for the poor and the blacks Two exam Covering a speech about the interna¬ genitalia . Yikes. I thought, this could be ing techniques (as any writer and re¬ . . pies should indicate the falsity of your viewer should know i and the reader tionalism of sex during the MSU Sex Sym¬ embarrassing, but not wanting to be con¬ sidered a prude I joined the crowd in chant¬ Ways of crossing Gi id River: charge. David Kennedy. Secretary of the is expected to be intelligent enough to posium proved, if nothing else, to be an Bold Way -- defiantlTinarch across street interesting yet somewhat embarrassing ing foreskin foreskin foreskin . Treasury, headed the successful pro¬ of Continental Bank of Illinois glean these facts from their various Clarification situation to a small-town sheltered girl . . . . all the while not knowing for sure if my . ignoring all traffic npe^ six months in gram Olin for fractures). * to train hard-core unemployed workers Miss Restivo pompously uses the in¬ like me. growing discomfort was only from the Some confusion has arisen 9ver a let¬ Gerhard Neubeck, professor of Human Hesitant way-cross, street in segments and get them jobs Romney. Secre¬ clusive we when speaking of her blazing camera lights. ter by James Sargent concerning the Sexual Behaviour at the University of Min¬ The professor said the reluctance of the pausing for five minutes on white line tary of Housing and Urban Develop¬ own ignorance of the "psychological that seperates lanOs (motorists who ment. received over 40 per cent of environment" prompting the characters Library which appeared in the Jan. 20 nesota. claimed during his lecture that crowd surprised him. He then asked us to State News. Though he is a member of nearly hit you spend six months in" Spar¬ the normally Democratic black vote to action. Perhaps by substituting the supposedly objectionable words lose look at our neighbor as we chanted the row for coronary). the Library Committee, the opinions their objectionability the more they are next words. To my relief, there were girls in Michigan in 1966 Moreover. Rom- pronoun "I" for "we", the reviewer Cautious wav--'*rait until there's no traf¬ expressed are solely his own.--Ed. used. both sides of me. We smiled at one ney's opponent was Zolton Ferency, how on would realize subjectively pointed fic for a quarter m.le then dash across While the CBS cameras were grinding, another as some of the anxiety left us. /i madly (spend orte W ek in East Lansing Think he's beginning^ the professor led us in a ritual chant that After the professor had run down the list AAAUGHHH!! V TO NOT.CE ME.. ) he said sota classroom. took place every day in his Minne¬ He started off with the word belly. This of male genital organs, he started a list of the female organs. To save some of our readers embarrass¬ jail for loitering at ci b until 4:00 a.m. for traffic to clear). Hippy way-get di -,en friends to form of course I thought was a relatively easy ment, perhaps my own, I'll not give any of picket line across sjtfeet, but upon reach¬ word to say in mixed company, so there the sordid details, but in the middle of the ing grass median yc. discover it's Grass (spend various anuh.its of time: consult f j3 I was. chanting after the professor and the chant I heard the girl in the back of me local narcotics laws)^ hundreds of others there . . . belly . . belly whisper to the guy next to her. "I'll tell Affluent way-cal* '-oci to take you across .. . belly . you when we get home. " The news cameras swung around panning The cameras were grinding, the words street (spend rr-one; )' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FLUID ARCHITECTURE City's future lies in By JACK HOHNKE Blake, who is consistently predictions could be made on adaptability ban architecture is people of identity with depriving their people actually inspire many profession*! an hitects. Modern man is only beginning striving to make the American the present situation cities. Blake ,>aid that he was op- of Renaissance public aware of the lasting value Blake said that many of the Most of urban architecture timistic tfcat ti e future Ameri- period-thinking in the field of of good urban design, said that so-called beautiful buildings today says 'don't touch In can 'city *ViH ie designed for architecture and urban planning, he is constantly re-evaluating that people see today are " high other words, a great many of the human b> :ngs it serves, monsters unto them¬ according to a speech given his opinions on the future of fashion selves." us aren't interested in old He said thi»J ie envisions a by architect the American city. civic beauty." he said. fluid archil V. re which will The American cities He pointed out that many Blake said that surprisingly grow in va' io** directions as "The a state of change, he said, but of today's modern buildings. much of the important work people need ti be served The in architecture today is being new archite*.^ e will plan for functional, and esthetic values done by non-architects with growth and eh ige rather than of passed. little concern for artistic or for static existence and resist- Morrill eras Justin Blake said the times reality of our lies in change and the esthetic artistry. He said these ance to change ability to accept it. He said Model City that this is what why our cities and buildings must be designed to adapt to new conditions. Justin Morrill College is spon- recentlv elect®d cou,nt-v co" He cited the Yamanashi soring a seminar on the Model seminar. W1^ speak at the Communications Center of Citv this term. Japan which has ben designed Mexican Americans: the Rev. Walter Sowles. director of the with the future in mind to have J*-* Model City Program in the Lan¬ Eli Lopez, director of the North Side Community Action Center: room for more construction as sing area will speak on the pro its needs expand. Symposium gram at 4 today Soles' speech which will be Ubaldi Patino. director of Migrant °PPortu™ties: the Rev. Ignatio Presently the old images of Participants in the American Cities Symposium relaxed v* i coffee break Dresented in 120 Phvsics-^stron- Marias. Protestant Spanish ing Church: and Demetrio Saenz. Speak- civic beauty are changing and because of this he said future after a press conference. The men are, from left, Sidney Ha Saul Alinsky, omy Bldg.. will open the sem director of Christo Rev Com- cities will bear the imprint inar which will run through Feb¬ Peter Blake, Richard Rubenstein and Floyd McKissick. munitv Center, will speak on Feb. °* mans hands and nature ruary 27. ' He said that present day ur- State News Photo by Mike Beasley 13 The Model City Program has been appropriated funds to renew Blacks change strategy and modernize various cities in Michigan, two are Lansing and Detroit. to solve racial problems Representatives from the Plan¬ ners of Equal Opportunities and other speakers from the Model Nixon in 1969 to do something By ED HUTCHISON eliminate racial strife by pro program wjn offer their than there would have been had vjews on cjty modernization in State News Staff Writer grams such as employing and Nixon won the 1960 election, the following weeks The days of the great civil sPe(lal tram,nf ,n- t|u' Harris said rights organizations are some- hard-core unemplc"little,n ' > Harris attributes Nixon's On Jan. 30. Dean Armstrong thing of the past: the needs inner (>lt> amount of the young people will point than tokenism and at greater chance now'' to a of MSU Planners for Equal both the direction and purpose primarily to be obviou: change in Nixon and the nec- Opportunity, will discuss citizen the black communitv will take outside McKi essitv of dealing with realities participation as an important to achieve its goals. Floyd B claims immediateh tactor in urban Planning. McKissick said in the American Other attempts b\ the com To improve the city. Harris On Feb. 6. representatives City press conference Wed- munity often fail because ot a suggests that engineers, soci- from the -Citizens of Minority neS(jav lack of enforcement McKissick ologists. scientists and many Group Peoples in Lansing.'' will McKissick. on a leave of ab- ('ited the h<)USin^ knvs as bein^ 01 occupations will all have to have present lectures on the topic Walk into Provocative hand in replanning and re- Peggy Benson, director of the sence from the Congress of ""effective largely bee >n,m£ a buildine West Side Community Action Paraphernalia And Prepare Racil Equality (CORK said the lack of control in pr< in or- Both McKissick and Harris fenter David Duncan, special that there has been a change Price discrimination, e participants in the I niver- yourself For Whatever! from mass demonstrations con- mation withholding and :>ther assjstant to the governor, and ( ollege Svmposium The Dawd Hallister. teacher at Lan- doned by CORE to a strategy measures often adopted by land- American City: Millstone of seeking solutions to the pro- lords sing Eastern High School and Milestone " blems that face both the black McKissick has proposed to and white communities. erect Soul Citv in Warren Paraphernalia To solve the problems. Mc- County. North Carolina, aimed Kissick suggests that people primarily at offering urban job simply deal with them. A danger opportunities to black people, "A Place for CARRY OUT • FAST FREE DELIVERY 541 E. Grand Rivsr exists that blacks are not re- although open to people yf all East Lansing cognized as people, thus the races. white community is unable to understand the demands of the Sotil City has received reaction a a lavor- s the country, at J& UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT from both the white and black blacks are the same desires that are common to all people McKissick suggests that the communities, McKissick said It represents tunity for blacks an and oppor¬ whites jsm United States concentrate on domestic problems and forget to build something together JONES & LAUGHLIN the war in Vietnam again.' he said 1 "We are not going to win. we have already lost, he said Sydney Harris, a syndicated columnist, also expressed hope STEEL CORPORATION for the Nixon administration. The Model Cities program can be a help in solving dom- There is tar greater change for estic problems; it's success Will be Interviewing Candidates mas- will depend on good men and good leadership. McKissick For Career Opportunities said. A new brand of leaders is On needed, he :=aid. that won't Friday and Saturday per¬ mit corruption but will enforce laws, eliminate problems and ^o ifi January 30, 1969 recognize inequities. McKissick hopes President L- 4 hH 4w Nixon and his Cabinet will be some of the men that bring For Further Details Check change "The Nixon Administration INGMAR BERGMAN'S With Your Placement Office The Bob S has the opportunity for changes Pea^owa no other administration has "System" as had." he said. 108 Wells — 7-9 - 75URk \lcP.HERSON Slate News Reviewer want you all to meet Davjd and Julie) and finally Mr. gu. Rowan . . (CLICK-CLICK) ". and Martin's . . the center and is it of this gala event, exciting. There is snarled, yet all the faithful. but wait, that cheering. Is it? . . Health, Education and Welfare. Laugh- ever Tell us, Mr. Secretary, what It was plain to see by the Nixon's Inaugural Balls. Oh In starring. Ah, at last, are thousands of people here; Yes ladies and gentlemen, it . do you think of all this? T.V. Guide that Mr. Nixon's yes, it was a day for the Re¬ I gasped, a port in the storm. they're not dancing, they're is the President and First "Oh, it's all just grand. But inaugural festivities would oc¬ publicans, and I'm afraid, a Yet as I began to watch Dan not eating, they're not drink¬ Lady! They're here at last." I suspect this may be the last cupy most of the air space galling bit of viewing for the and Dick, my curiosity got ing, they're just having a good (A tremendous ovation of the large inaugural balls: Monday night. I hadn't ex¬ now-minority Democrats. Yet the best of me. I kept wonder¬ time..(CLICK) throughout the ballroom, ring¬ somehow, it's just too much of pected otherwise, yet many "excitement was in the air,-' ing what was going on in Wash¬ "Verrry interesting, but stu¬ ing with the joy of Nixonite a good thing. " other viewers were nonethe¬ or so they said. I wouldu't ington. pid." (CLICK-CLICK) "And applause.) The President with "But are you getting your less probably flipping channels know-if it was floating through (CLICK-CLICK) "This now ladies and gentlemen, one his famous dual overhead hand- $35 worth9" sir?" (CLICK) to find some sort of oasis, the ether from station to sta¬ is Mike Wallace, along of this evenings high points, seeks with wave to placate the as I tion, I have my doubts that it Vice-President "Say goodnight to the folks. was. Congresswoman Charlotte Reed the arrival of worshippers. Gradually the Dick." This became no easy thing ever reached my set. of Illinois, broadcasting here and Mrs. Agnew. . ." (En¬ noise subsides. amid the furor of Mr. Nixon's I reached for the knob. "But I just thought they'd from the Washington Hilton ter the Asst. Chief Executive, ". . And I can only say." like to hear what my Aunt parade. Mr. Nixon's swearing- (CLICK-CLICK) 'And npw Ho. (CLICK) looking for all the world like . ". . . says the President for the in. Mr. Nixon's family (I further coverage of the inau- This is Hatty said, after being trap¬ Jack Smith here, in the proverbial AU-American, umpteenth time in a minute, bullet-headed, Saxon-mother's 'let me say it's really a ped in the Jenison Field- house locker room with Joe son. Forehead shining bright¬ pleasure to be here with you band Namath for 16 da vs. Rock . to ly. and a grin befitting someone yet amazed at his own presence here, Spiro smiled and waved, tonight." (The crowd eats it up. They are Nixon people- this is Nixon country. Agnew (CLICK) now Mr. Nixon has concluded his brilliant " . Yes, and and shook hands; and waved. smiles.) extemporaneous (CLICK) "Jack Smith again, "Have speech, and is waving to some met Julie and religion in dorm concerts you and I believe Tom Samson David?" the President asks. of his supporters You know, Here's Dicky many stars have come out to at our remote unit is in the He points, they smile. Thus back him in this jubilant cam¬ ballroom speaking with Mrs. the original fun-couple of 1969 Newly-elected President Nixon dominate- television Mamie Eisenhower. Come in paign. Why. here alone tonight. "Like It is," is the label For four nights, the Chicago- cer Keyes play drums, guitar pay their respects to America. I have seen both Dale Robert¬ air space Monday night as inaugurati nicelebra- Tom. ." (There is ago¬ A sigh issues from the ball¬ and organ. . used bv "The Exkursions" to based group will perform pop, nizing silence-Jack Smith room. "And of course, the son and Lionel Hampton, on tions pre-emptedavid viewers' favoritd programs. describe their combination of rock and soul jazz in two or At Northwestern University 200 the same stage! " students heard Mike Johnson tell still on camera looks nervous¬ one who's been my First Lady hard rock music and religious three different residence halls Nixon: " . which reminds how he had spent eight years ly about. "Tom?" The flop- all along, Pat. (Mrs. dialogue that thev have brought each night. The musicians, Phil sweat' begins on his forehead. Nixon stands out, looking me of when Buchanon said, Revolution on drugs. toMSlJ. Johnson, Mike Johnson and Spen- "Well, folks, there you had of all the people I've hated, proud, silent and thankful that "I had looked for God through it; somewhere out there we this reception is not another my enemies have now become my friends. And all my old cc urse SATURDAY. ONLY! being high on pills and hallucino¬ gather that one of our remote concession speech. Brave friends are dead.' daugh¬ gens. but I couldn't find Him," units might have covered an ter ) I'm just glad my he said. For him. he said. interview with Mrs. Eisenho¬ offered And students ". . we're not going Escalation? "Christ takes the place of drugs. " wer, The group told 1.000 students (CLICK) that grand old. . And . tell us to let you smiling down," concludes the President. "And I friends (Ecstatic hysteria. ". are hear tonight." Is that really what she < CLICK-1 to Congresswoman Reed, are you just want to sav one thing . If You Like Urban at the University of Illinois: Republicans enjoying this ev¬ more. ." (CLICK-CLICK) "Most college students today . Renewal? You bet your sweet Hypocrisy? wouldn't be caught dead being ening?" (Faces behind the report¬ . By BARBARA PARNESS The course as initiated at "Oh yes, Mike. He's our er's booths are looming out for bippy. she did." State News Staff Writer . . .all the Human prejudiced against a man for Sav good-night. American Uni ersity in res¬ boy, and this is our party. attention. Smiling. glassy- ". . Dick ." Student radicals at Ameri¬ Drives and Urges? the color of his skin, and yet " Good-night. Dick." ponse! to sevf al protests -at It is all very gala. You know, eyed, waving figures. draWn University who want to . . can many of your are immediately (CLICK-CLICK i the Washingto' . D C., campus we Republicans love the gay to the mystique of the camera learn more about university in May of YOULL LOVE prejudiced when we mention the And one more thing, 1^* year. James life." (CLICK) to that New Year's Eve- protest movements can enroll . prone Weaver, of name of a man." let's-dance- before Pat and I leave to- American's Dept. OUR . .And this is the only at-the-Waldorf in a course designed to in¬ of Economics.' id. They tell their audience "We ball when both President and near-the-lens phobia.) night-- did you ever hear crease their knowledge. the one about ." Weaver, wl*' has been in¬ ask you to wipe out those pre¬ VERY SPECIAL Vice-President will appear at "And here's the man The three-credit course. . now. strumental in \ ie planning and judices and listen openly as we the same time. We will con¬ Oh please, please, cries "Universities and Revolution," with the news, who without SNEAK PREVIEW talk about Jesus Christ." the viewers conscience of implementatio' of the new cou¬ tinue with the Inaugural Ball the news, wouldn't be the news offered for the first time this rse, believes at the course's America. say good-night. The group is sponsored by coverage after this commer¬ without. h-e-r-e's Dicky." year at the university, has 150 objective is to. • ncourage young SATURDAY ONLY cial break. .(pause) "Ex- (Enter Dick Martin in Laugh- Dick !'! students enrolled in it. the Spartan Christian Fellow¬ people involve ^n protest move¬ . cedrin headache, number 111." in skit) (CLICK i This ments to stui 9:10 P.M. ship, a local chapter of the inter- literature con¬ "EXPLOSIVELY FUNNY Varsity Christian Fellowship, a nationwide interdenominational (CLICK) "...It is now pour¬ ing rain in Washington, traffic is Torn Samson, and we're here with the Secretary of jiCHBGASil TODAY 3:10-5:15-7:25-9:35 cerning past pn test movements. By studying ;he past, stu¬ student organization. dents can be * ime critical ob¬ ...Don't Miss Itl" —L.A. Times Performances will be held at STEVE servers of bo' events in which they are parti, pating and those 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Thursday in McDonel and Shaw Halls, at MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES MCQUEEIM W occurring at >ther American Spontaneously Performed and FILMED 3 p.m. Friday in the Union, college campii - js. Weaver said. EXACTLY as Presented LIVE in and at 10 that evening in Hubbard presents AS A unique fe-' is a guest sp ire of the course San Francisco and Los Angeles Hall. ker program to The last two 'BULLITT' supplement ' terial. Eldrii e textbook ma¬ performances will "A Terrlflb Movie" e Cleaver and be held at 7:30 p.m. and 10 -N.Y. Timss,: Theodore Sor ison have been p.m. Saturday in Abbott and Brody "A Thriller! Fast, Fresh among the s£ .inkers to address Halls. and the class. Exciting - Post Weaver bel* >ves that Cleaver [m] SUGGESTED FOR WATuRE AUDHNCE drew the mi, t response from (Parental Discretion Advised) TECHNICOLOW FROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS WB the students. ■ Ie described Cle¬ aver's spee>' as "provoca¬ . tive." Cleav t attempted in SPARTAN TWIN FRANDOiy SHOPPING CENTER • THEATRE 3100 tAST SAGINAW • Phen« 3S1-0030 his remarks the Black f »ither movement . emphasize that is neither r^ ist or exclusion- SHOWN AT AT 6:30 & 9:00 P.M. 1:30-3-5-7 & 9:30 P.M. Other sp& ters who have been engagei o speak are Carl DAVID NIVEN Oglesby. foi er president of SDS: Robert Theobald, ore of the earliest advocates of the |}M G M presents the guaranteed / dual income: anri tJohn Ffdnkenheimer- Seymour Lip et. aulnor of the f' Edward Lewis Book "Studer' Politics." Fri., Jan. 24-7:30 P.M. Production of In the fi'iire the students UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM 'the fixer hppe to hear Mian Bond. Stok- ely Carmic: el, Eugene Mc¬ based on the Pulitzer Carthy and £ nald Reagan. Admission $1.00 Prize-winning novel by All of tF guest speeches ' Bernard. Mdlamud have been ten to the entire Tickets on Sale at Union Ticket Office |c| PANAVtSION METWOCOiOft university c> nmunity. The text of the speeches are presently being compiled into a book Continuous From 1 p.r 'which will \>i published in the TODAY Feature at 1:15— 3:20-5:25-7:30-9:40 p, fall. *- Besides s' idyi/ig the speech texts, stude is are required to do outside r Riding. Their read¬ Paxton Quigley went to college ing this t* Newfield's m includes Jack \ Pathetic Minor¬ to learn about Love. ity" "The a^d I >nneth Keniston's Young adicals." He learned and learned The eour« within the which is offered chool of Interna¬ tional Studi^, is taken' on a and learned-Too much pass-fail bssis. tions are i ven No examina¬ and the only learning isn't good requirement, is a paper writ¬ ten on anj. subject related to the course c 'ntent for a young Fifteen pi ifessors now teach the courst'; These men are their time. No Join a man. volunteering - university f! ids are provided. Topics f« discussion include rin the fast the black £ dent in the univer¬ field lity, individual a- of sity cpmm wareness i j the revolutionary and missile social visio - the effects of soc¬ ial revolution on the structures EXPLORE ' potential for professional achieve¬ and functio s of the contempor¬ ment at the Naval Ordnance Station. Indian Head. ary univer:vty and the univer¬ Maryland Few technical fields offer you as many oppor " sity in revolution, centering on the United "tates tunities for an exciting and rewarding career as the Weaver lescribed student re¬ rapidly growing field of chemical propulsion. Indian Professional positi ailable i Head is a recognized leader in research, develop¬ action to tie "Universities and ring ment. production, and evaluation of propellants and Aerospace Electronics Electrical Revolution^ course as "very rocket propulsion systems and has advanced the Chemical Industrial Mechanical enthusiast^ " state-of-the-art of chemical propulsion through Other * |>artments of the Liberal career Civil Service t participation with the Department of Defense and university ave taken notice of NASA Indian Head has made important contribu¬ graduate study at nearby umversn expenses reimbursed the succe of and interest in tions to the Polaris. Poseidon, and Sidewinder the coift-s Weaver said. This Naval Ordnance Station propulsion systems as well as virtually every missile interest h; Indian Mead. Maryland 20640 j prompted the im- system in use by the Fleet today. plementati n of two new coursesi ' "'he Meaning of the JUDV MAGGIE NAN Black olution" and "The Representative on Campus Tuesday, February 6 For interview, contact your placement office ' An Egjai opporumt PACE •THRETT-MarTIN EXTRA! "GOOD GUYS ARE FASTER • Cartoon Inner. City " in the Opt. of Both courses are Government. J Thursday, January 23,. 969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JUST 'Animal Farm' revives dying artstill get an occasional "Jungle art films besides college weir¬ Tonight's showing of "An¬ dos'' imal Farm" serves as a re¬ Book" or "Yellow Submarine." But unless these films are And the reasons? There are minder of the glory that was two. the cartoon. I say "was," presold by placing "Walt Dis¬ ney" or "The Beatles" above First, production costs have because the cartoon film has their titles, they are destined risen tremendously, making fallen upon dreadful days, fi¬ to the oblivion of such neglect¬ cartoons, particularly feature nancially as well as artisti- length ones, a great financial ed works as UPA's charming risk. This, in turn, has caused "Animal Farm" is a double "Gay-Purr-ee." Meanwhile. "Yellow Sub¬ producers to utilize cheaper, curiosity. It not only comes less "realistic" animating from a bizarre genre-the an¬ marine" remains strictly a one-shot oddity, and the Dis¬ techniques. An imaginative film imated feature-but is even like "Yellow Submarine" an exception within that genre. ney products emerge with ever- can turn these limitations into Based on George Orwell's fa¬ lessening frequency and imag¬ 'cm Rack mous novel in which a farm¬ ination. Sadder still is the state of than a chuckle from an 8-year- artistic virtues, but most hack- job works have neither the The lack of bicycles in a rack on campus seems to emphasize the indoors orien¬ yard of literate animals stages old moron. time nor the skill for such neo-Bolshevik revolution the cartoon short subject. Dis¬ tation of winter term. The most popular vehicle this .term should be a snowmobile. a ney has abandoned them all- Of course, we have excep¬ details as pacing, characteri¬ State Mews Photo by Jerry McAllister against its farmer overlord, tions like Pintoff's "The Cri¬ zation or artistry. together. except for his two Winnie-the-Pooh creations. tic" or Kaj Pindal's "What Secondly, television has re¬ on Earth" which is current¬ placed the theaters as the home Warner Brothers brilliantly ly running with "The Fifth of the cartoon. And they, in WSU blocks paced Looney Tunes series won an Oscar for Tweetie and moved James Agee to Bugs Bunny's version of Fte call Liszt's Horseman is Fear"), these highly individual works but an effort to churn out week after week of these confections, rarely get seen outside of the have also fallen victim to a member to or action into inject his vork some humor art circuit-and who goes to lack of creativity. os students t Hungarian Rhapsody an im¬ provement on the original. Now they do Road Runner car commercials. UPA. whose Diamond-Seger In TV's early years, cartoon shows tage were forced to use vin¬ masterpieces. But now. Perhaps anim ition will ev¬ entually becorrr • the realm of no one but u e avant-garde By ROGER RAPOPORT In one ot uzell s recent lec¬ already won $34,000 from the Gerald McBoing-Boing also they too are trapped between undergrounders and avant- College Press Service tures, he offered a terse 25- Catholic Church and is work¬ received an Oscar, has sold reserved tickets presold items like the Peanuts undergrounders and adverti¬ DETROIT (CPS) -- Ozell minute lecture on the relation¬ ing on the Ford foundation for specials and the Saturday sing agents. Certainly tele¬ their once-funny Mr. Magoo Bonds walked into Room 2 of the ship of slavery to present-day an additional grant. "We hope character to a cheaper and complete sellout morning series like "King vision's only reative car¬ toons are in tht commercials. Wayne State University Educa¬ conditions in the South. to bring in top black teachers unfunny production company All reserved seat tickets for Kong" and "Courageous Cat." tion Bldg. looking much like any The black man served in the around the which about as animated But whatever 'ts future, the from country to Sunday's Neil Diamond-Bob Se- are ' and is now reduced to making other student. But instead of house during slavery so he had help staff our college," says as sleepwalkers. Only rarely cartoon has qi e a glorious psychedelic sequences for "The ger concert are sold, Roger An¬ heading for a seat, he strode up frequent personal contact with Lonnie Peaks, who is studying Trip." thony. ASMSU Popular Entertain¬ does a clever producer like past. And "£imal Farm" to the podium and put down his whites. That's part of why1 the for a masters degree in Com¬ This leaves us with MGM's ment chairman, announced Wed¬ Jay Ward ("Bullwinkle. is a marvelous (pbute to that "Animal Farm" is the only lecture notes. Dressed in le- southerner today can assoc¬ munity Organization. animated feature ever created brutally tasteless Tom and Jer¬ nesday. "George of the Jungle") re- vis. turtleneck. socks and ten¬ iate freely with the black as General admission tickets at A four-year program will let specifically for adult audi¬ ry films, Walter Lanz's Woc^v nis shoes, all black, he looked long as he stays in his place students work toward a degree ences. YVoodpecker. who is definitely $2 are still available at the down through his sunglasses at After the lecture ended, one Made in England in 1953 the under 12 set. and the Union Ticket Office and at Mar¬ Starts in black studies. "This makes for a classroom full of education teacher launched into alerjghv shall Music and Campbell's Su¬ sense-after all. Wayne is by Halas and Batchelor. "An¬ Mirish Corporation's Pink TOUOP SOW 'school professors-men and argument with Ozell a- really our campus. It was built imal Farm" also represents Panther-Inspector Closeau burban Shop in East Lansing. RIVE^I/M than twice his age bout the use ot violence in The concert begins at 8 p.m. JUJT 3 OAYS right out of our ghetto," says one of the high points of the women more films which are so poorly tim- Ozell's lecture was one of present-day civil right strug¬ Peaks. now dying genre. Certainly we ed that they couldn't get more Sundav in the Auditorium. 3/ 3 MILES EWflrMS.ll * several being offered by mem¬ gle: PHONE ED2-I042.-, bers of the Wayne Assn. of "I see all your aggression TONIGHT Black Students in a course on and racism as defensive 'vio¬ ADULTS ONLY 'Black Social Thought" for Education faculty members. It lence. I see it as tion of your humanity, pushing an asser¬ S SAVE $100 a TERM From 7:15 P.M. FEATURE TIMES 7:40 and 9:50 ELECTRIC -IN-CAR-HE.ATE is all part of the burgeoning, off the oppressor instead of yet peaceful, black movement using a direct hit. But the Men's Cooperative System POINT!" on this campus blocks from the just a 12th few Street problem with using all these threats is that you are away many whites who might scaring "DAZZLING AND TO THE BLACKS' ghetto where the 1967 Detroit riots began. otherwise rally to your side.'' Invites You "BRILLIANT! REMARKABLE!" Black students at Wayne are Ozell replied. "I come fiere busy mapping a new black col¬ to attack you verbally with lege that will offer a full four- words-to call you racist hon- kies. People who react with To Open House the fifth year curriculum as well as courses for students and fac¬ ulty from other departments. fear are too stupid to see: the truth because if we were going Jan. 21, 22, 23 HORSEmnnis ferr to hurt you we would come Released Prior To November lst-Not Classified The Wayne developments, which are moving ahead with with guns. Our function is to 1. - FOR 2 DAYS ONLY - •moral and financial make the whites move intg ac¬ Independent Off-Campus Living support WED. AND THURS. JAN. 29 and 30 from the campus administra¬ tion to join with us to 'help 2. Savings of $100 a term tion. have turned many conven¬ tional educational concepts in¬ civilize a barbaric country." In the end the teacher plead¬ 3. Social Events r'DAZZLING! The decade's most cinematic side out Perhaps most imper¬ ed Uncle:" "It's really the For Rides or Information Calls drama! Fighting, biting, ripping, white man's job to charge white Beal 332-5555 i tant is the idea that students raping, they swarm over the have as much, if not more, to racist attitudes - not the Bower: 351-4490 Howland: 332-6521 guards and the guests and drag contribute to the educational black's." Ellsworth; 332-3574 Montie: 332-8641 the spectator into the delirium." process than teachers. Not only The ABS is currently plan¬ Hedrlck: 332-0844 Motts: 332-1440 TIME MAGAZINE ■ students skillfully orga¬ ning to open its Black College nize new curriculum by them- in September. The group has selves-they can also teach it impressively. Lonnie Davis, head of the NORTHSIDE ABS at Wayne, points out that DRIVE-IN THEATRE the syllabus for the Black •a Social Thought reading list of no 45 books 'from course offered less than Baldwin to Du- Boisi. Some faculty were so I 2 Miles North Starts Tomorrow •» US-27.. 48274091 ★ Car Heaters astounded by the reading list, Lansing they almost dropped the course Graduate student Davis com¬ plains that It's obvious to us that most of the teachers tak¬ Consultants to RUSS M:YER s ing our course aren t reading all their assignments. Many of them ed come to class unprepar¬ Happy Brides Finders Kccpc Since 1917 on Still, they have ting two-hour weekly topics like had stimula¬ sessions "Who is the leverstoWec|Kfs! ...the one see! n eve Induction Black Man Who is the White Man to Us." Black Music, and Third World Revolution farting *A discussion of "White Women. Anne CHAPMAN-Paul LOCKWOOD • Gordon WESCC -JRT • lavelie ROBY Black Men. was so provoca¬ Jan SINCLAIR • Duncan McLEOD • Robert RUDElS ->N • oey DUPREZ Pam COLLINS • John FURLONG • Nick wOlCjFF tive that it was carried over to a second session. 1 RECOMMENDED FOR ONLY THE MOST IX MURE 1 CA M IP OS Shown Twice at 7;M and l^p. ■< NOW I FEATURE AT 1:15-3:20-5:25- 7:30 -9:30 Hilarious Adult Comedy 1 OTTO PREMINGER. JACKIE GLEASON • "SKIDOO \ \ 2nd Top Color Featur "AN EMOTIONAL CAROL CHANNING FRANKIE AVALON FRED CLARK MICHAEL CONSTANTINE FRANK GORSHIN JOHN PHILLIP LAW AND SEXUAL IIIG PETER LAWFORD \ CALL THE BURGESS MEREDITH GEORGE RAFT CESAR ROMERO MICKEY ROONEY \ \ \ POLICE! f v OFWARIH WGROUCHO MARX f&yuycfcf JANE J>ETER Inspector Clouseau FONDA iScENERY Is Back! ROCER VADIM namE Brides-to-Be Alan/ si OUTER You are cQrdially invited to a Bridal Tea and informal Arkin "TIE NAME If Cartoon & i i m modeling of Bridal Fashions Saturday afternoon, January 25th" Tea Setting by LIEBERMANN'S Inspected lA/lOl I COLOR by Deluxe^v HE Ml# IS... VKY I —Wanda Hale. Novelty I— WlOUgCflll panavision* United AptratB I ULA ■ fl. Y Daily News Note: Free Shuttlebus Service from our Shown at 9:09 Starts Wed. East Lansing Store to our Lansing Store once available Saturday 'ROMEO & JULIET Thursday, Jaaua y 23, 1969 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Cagers sneak up on By MIKE MANLEY Stale News Sports Writer guard Rudy Benjamin. In the four conference games, Benja¬ min has been scoring at a 15- said. Johnson and you can't ask much* from Lafayette this more out of him,'' Bennington against Michigan. The run head-long into another team Saturday Spartans contenders will be Stepter. Benjamin and Harrison Stepter has not played a great They are uSJully the game wl^ii- the tack begins t j slow sent Spartan at¬ down. Both into It's hard to single out any one point-a-game clip and has added But with all the talk about that is fighting for its life to deal in the past two games for players lik4 o drive to the bas player responsible for sparking stay alive in the Big Ten. the Spartans, ket and tfce^ aren't afraid to MSU's drive into the first div¬ life to the Spartan offense. everyone else, the man who is usually giving Forward Jim Gibbons has also dominating the offensive sta¬ Bennington expects to start way early to Lloyd Ward, but move the ball ision of the Big Ten, because the the same line up as in the past come into his own since the con¬ tistics is Lee Lafayette. He is Bennington said that he is still Spartans have come up with a ference play began, scoring over the leading Spartan scorer, aver¬ several games, although Torr "I'd be fooli 1 to predict that capable of turning in a 20-point complete team effort from top Lick, who started at Northwest¬ we'll be a cWmpionship con¬ to bottom. 12 points a game and doing aging 18.7 a game and shooting performance like he did against tender with a! the fine teams strong rebounding on the offen¬ 48 per cent from the floor, and ern, will probably be on the Wisconsin. Before the conference schedule bench. in the leag V Bennington sive boards. also tops the club in rebounding Ward and forward John opened the Spartans were picked Gibbons and Bernie Copeland, said, "but ourfberformance on finish anywhere between 'Jim's been playing real with 9.5. Holms will see action against to who is averaging 9 points a the road in th'ast games have ninth and tenth. Things were good. In our last two games MSU will have to have an¬ the Wolverines if past Benning¬ he has offset Northwestern's game, will be the forwards with brightened our outlook.'" so bad that when "Sports Il¬ other outstanding performance ton strategy holds true to form. Don Adams and Iowa's John Lafayette at center. The guards lustrated'' did a story on the Big Ten they mentioned everyone in sight except the Spartans. Now MSU is starting to put GRAPPLER'S TRADEMARK it all together as they prepare Spartan forward Easy does it Bernle Copeland has the ball sur¬ to face Michigan Saturday. And pre-season to look over ter two picks are beginning their shoulders, af¬ impressive road per¬ Pins forte "He convinced of Spart to con¬ rounded on this play In last season's Michigan formances by the Spartans. By GARY WALKOWICZ "I always go to beat my man weight title this year is my me first," Smith said, "but if he centrate just on wrestling and The Wolverine's Bill Fraumann (35) and Bennington says biggest goal," Smith said. "I Coach John State News Sports Writer game. that much of the credit for the gives me an opening when I'm think our team should be in give up football, and he taught Rudy Tomjanovlch watch along with Lee Lafayette. In a day when most collegiate me a lot about wrestling. heavyweight wrestlers prefer to riding him, I'll go for the pin." there fighting for the cham¬ Smith is not only an aggres¬ Smith suffered one of his two fight defensively and out-finesse pionship. We have a lot of guys losses last year to Michigan's • ASMSU Popular Popular jEntertainment • each other. MSU's Jeff Smith is a rare and talented exception. sive heavyweight, but one of the best in the nation. The Bell- coming back from injuries last season and if our sophomores NCAA champion Dave Porter in flower. Calif., senior won the come through we'll have a good the nationals, but defeated the Smith, unbeaten in nine presents matches this season, has record¬ Big Ten heavyweight title last chance to win it." U-M ace twice. season and was third in the Smith transferred to MSU after One victory was in the Big ed 13 pins in less, than a season- NCAA meet, winning 27 of 29 Ten meet and the other was a and-a-hali of wrestling at MSU. an outstanding two-year career matches over the season. atCerritos (Calif.) Junior dramatic pin of Porter to give although his opposition's de¬ MSU a dual meet victory over "I guess Jeff would be rated fensive style often makes a pin College and gives his coach at second behind Jess Lewis of Cerritos. Hal Simonek. a lot the Wolverines here last year. next to impossible to achieve. Oregon since Lewis was second of credit for his wrestling suc¬ That pin was the only one Por¬ •Jeff's just plain poison out in the NCAA last year and Smith ter suffered in his collegiate there." MSU Coach Grady Pen- cess career. inger uid. ' He's a very ag¬ was third. But I think Jeff's the best in the country." Pen- Freshman Smith was a good bet to make gressive heavyweight which is inger said. the U.S. Olympic team last fall, something that's hard to find to¬ but he suffered a dislocated el¬ System day." "Winning the NCAA heavy- swim meet bow in the Olympic trials. The MSU freshman swim "I was very depressed after Make your team meets the University of that injury." Smith said. "It Michigan frosh at 7:30 tonight was such a disappointment not in the Men's I.M. Bldg. pool. Spring Reservations making the team that I plan to Spartan Coach Charles MCCaf- try out for the 1972 team. I'll free said that all 18 members of MOW! probably wrestle for some ath¬ the MSU squad will see action in letic club until then." the 13-event meet. Time is Running out! call Gymnastics depth problem COLLEGE TRAVEL MStWuUDITORIUM 8 JANUAR(^6, TICKETS ON SALE NOW! at P.M. 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 key to '69 Spartan success last year's all-around All- MARSHALL MUSIC By DAVE WEST America, Dave Thor. State News Sports Writer Uram was all-around champion MSU UNION 1 CAMBELL'S After placing in a three way in Pennsylvania in 1967 and tie for the Big Ten Champion- IIIcmSX began his varsity competition at $2.00 and $3.00 whip last year, the 1969 Spartan MSU in the same fashion. gymnastics team are fighting Last weekend against Southern hard to duplicate their success. Illinois, Uram placed for MSU in MSU lost six veterans to five of his six events. His con¬ FAMOUS BRANDS graduation. Dave Thor. Ed Gunny. Dave Croft. Larry Gold¬ sistency against the Salukis brought him honors as the top berg. Jerry Moore and Mike individual performer of the meet. PASTELS Van Wormer. And now. two Uram was high with 49 points." more through the injury rout. The Spartans will be on the Joe Fedorchik and Cliff Diehl. road this weekend, looking for Fedorchik. a junior, was their first victory, in a tri¬ third in the Big Ten and eleventh angular meet Saturday against nationally last year in all-around. Minnesota and Indiana State at He was lost in November and Minnesota. is gone for the year. A\I'V*KE V URAM The Spartans' do have several excellent performers who re¬ turned for this season. Toby Towson and Dennis Smith, sports of sorts co-captains this year, head the list. Other standouts for the Spartans include Norm Haynie, Astros trade a . Dan Kinsey, Ed Witzke and Craig Kinsey. for Expos' Alou,C/endenon One of the team's biggest sur¬ prises of this young season comes from one of the teams seven now- RUSTY STAUB. the Houston Astros' a.l-star first base¬ comers. Mickey Uram. the man, was traded to the Montreal Exp< s Wednesday for sophomore from Lyndora. Pa., outfielder Jesus Alou and first base ian Donn Clen- RALLY was. at the beginning of the season, expected to combine with Fedorchik to make one of the denon. Staub. 24. the National League only member of the As#;os to make the Ali-Star team last yea* has a lifetime best all-around pairs in the batting average of .273. but hit .333 and 291 the past two MAN 203 E. GRAND RIVER Open Wednesdays nation. was But with Fedorchik out. moved up to the Uram number one seasons. FOOTBALL The University of Pittsburgh was * still without a 9:30 to 9 man. It is now Mickey's un¬ football coach Wednesday after Lloyd la ton returned to SHOP enviable job to fill the shoes of Wyoming without saying ves or no Eaton, the latest in a string of top t. mdidates for the Pitt job. went back home as quietly official line at Pitt remained a terse "no comment he arrived. The MOTOR SPORTS BE A Porsche cars held the upper hand in the Monte Carlo SLACKS automobile rally Wednesday and appealed to win the classic driving test with odl> one the best bet phase of the BIG competition remaining. * BY MALE BOXING Australian Johnny Famechon. th? new world feather¬ weight champion, left for home We>-Vsiay saying he had MAN ON no intention of giving former title holver Jose Legra a return fight. "Why should I?" Famechon aske - If I had lost. I Two-fisted, handsome slacks CAMPUS would never have got another chance, wo-ld 1 in permanent press polyes¬ ter/cotton . . their tatter- BUY YOUR . sall pattern in yellow shouts "sharp" Nationally adver¬ tised pace-setting fashions in sizes 29 to 36. Shop now! BOOKS AT 1050 COMMUNITY NEWSCENTER The fyxcursions LOCATION - AT FRANDOR CENTER --In Your Dorm-- OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS TILL 9 P.M, Jan. 22 thru 25 OPEN 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Open Sunday noon to 6 Phone 351-7562 FRANDOR CENTER - PHONE 351-0150 Thursday, January 23, 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS WOLVES AT THE DOOR 'S' break skaters Michigan took the other "Michigan plays a different game." he said. spar cousin of Bob, has two goals By PAM BOYCE Goalie Bob Johnson has the and six assists to his credit, State News Staff Writer three, topping MSU twice in a brand of hockey than Minneso¬ only win of the season against while sophomore Randy Sokoll A fired-up MSU hockey team two-game series in December ta, but we've got a good chance Michigan. Rick Duffet is lead¬ has four goals and one assist entertains arch-rival Michigan and outscoring them in tourna¬ and there's no reason why we for the fifth time this season ment play in Wisconsin over can't hold our own" Bessone ing the WCHA with a goals- Christmas. said. scored-against average of 2.2. Friday at the MSU Ice Arena will alternate his two Johnson's WCHA average is The Spartans have been pre¬ paring all week for what Coach Coach Bessone takes his tans to Ann Arbor Spar¬ Saturday to Bessone junior goalies this weekend, but 3.7. Broken ankle Senior center Ken Anstey leads Amo Bessone says will be a meet the Wolverines on their is unsure of which one will "tough series." The Spartan icers won only home game ground for the second of the series. play Friday night. the Spartan scoring attack a- "I usually make up my mind gainst the Wolverines this week¬ sidelines end. Ansty has scored seven one of their four previous games "Michigan is still our No. 1 right before the game, judging the way they have looked goals and eight assists to head RICK DUFFET with the Wolverines this year, defeating them 4-1 in a Detroit rival and we are always sure of a tough series with them." on in practice that week and the the Spartan scoring list. The Knicks' Cazzie Christmas he said. way they look right before the Spartan co-captain was respon¬ MANSFIELD SHGPES tournament over sible for the winning goal against NEW YORK i UPI i-Caz¬ Minnesota in overtime last week- zie Russell of the New York swordsmen Knickerbockers, who suffered An up-dated version of the favorite lo^g wing Green Spartan Senior defenseman Bob De- Marco has one goal and 11 a broken right ankle in Tues¬ brogue, in a new burnished grain leather,.{ jperbly assists this season for a total day night's game with the Seat¬ crafted and thoughtfully designed for • who tle Supersonics. will be lost to of 12 points. Junior Pat Rus- tends toward the more shoe" look, heC^ in look, his team for the remainder of Friday in Minnesota so has six goals and five as¬ the regular season but may re¬ yet so soft and flexible on the foot. C^m' tyy a pair, open sists for third place on the scoring roster. Bill Watt, who scored four turn in time for the playoffs. and see for yourself! At the time of his injury. (Mansfield Shoes are made by the makers of historians) By DENNIS COGSWELL "Illinois usually has a power¬ up until Friday." The four in¬ goals in the 4-1 victory over Russell was the Knick's second Entering his 30th season as ful team because it is able to clude Bob Kneitch. Doug McGaw, Michigan in December. has leading scorer with an average MSU fencing coach, Charles recruit a lot ot the high school Harry Mamassian and Harry seven goals and four assists of 18.3 points per game He Schmitter views Friday's sea¬ for the season. fencing talent in the Chicago Sorensen. scored 18 points Tuesday night ! HOLDEN ip ROD son opener at Minnesota with area. It's kind of like having In the lightening quick epee. Nelson DeBenedet will also before being injured in helping mixed emotions. their own farm system. Schmit¬ where touch can be scored a figure in the Spartan scoring the Knicks to a 113-106 tri- ter said. in one twenty-fifth of a second, attack this weekend. The Cop¬ The Spartans face the Illini the Spartans again lack ex¬ per Cliff. Ontario, senior has "Famous Brands for Dad & Lad" sophomores, and with only two in Champaign February 1 perience with Bobby Tyler, scored five goals and three The Knicks. who are down to returning lettermen, Schmitter Michigan State finished fifth Flint senior, the only returnee. assists this season, and also nine men on their roster, will FRANDOR CENTER admits that the 1969 campaign in the Big Ten last year, and Sophomore hopfuls fighting for leads the Spartans in penalty move Bill Bradley into the will be a rebuilding year for is looking for its first con¬ the other two slots are Dana minutes. starting lineup to replace Rus- jj. DOWNTOWN ST. JOHNS LOGAN CENTER the Spartans. ference championship since Day. Bob Rosenberg and Herb CHARLES SCHMITTER Sophomore Mike DeMarco. "A lot depends on how fast Schuenman 1963. our sophomores improve", he With lettermen Glenn William said. "I think some of them The meet with Minnesota and Don Satchel on hand. Dear Mr. have the potential to develop could be an easy test for the Dear Mr. Galvin : Shelby: Schmitter rates the foil as the into real champions." Schmit¬ Spartans, as the Gophers field a Spartans' strong suit. only a club team. The following One mysterious aspect of business today Advertising is one of the most o'ten ter said. "Along with W'illiams and is the mind-bending talent of the criticized and least understood professions. Schmitter singled out Wayne Satchel. I have the Norcutt twins. day Michigan State will meet advertising agency. Increased advertising It is also one of the most comply x, Iowa State and St. Thomas in State, Notre Dame and defending Gary and Larry, returning for a dual meet. sophistication and an indefatigable quest involving consumer needs and c sires, Big Ten Champion Illinois as their final year of competition. for originality have produced campaigns market economics, tastes, sema tics, the the teams which will probably Schmitter Both these We've been practicing six said which subordinate the client's arts, persuasion, and a host of Other give his squad the most trouble boys did a good job last year. days a week since Jan. 2, with chance of future profits. factors. In advertising, as in many other this season. the main emphasis on condit¬ The starting positions in fields, there is a constant quest for saber are still open ioning. Schmitter said. "With originality and creativity. Today s t Advertising theorists maintain if the "This part of the team? is only thirteen men. the squad campaign is creative, the product will consumer' more sophisticated « nd better - IM News completely green. Schmitter is one of our smallest in years. automatically sell. Thus, ads today shock educated than ever before—derr ands it. What our boys need now is some said. "I have four men who rather than sell, stimulate emotions rather BASKETBALL I'm going to let battle it out good competitive experience." than discuss the product. What is selling Different advertising technique are GYM 1 Court 1 merchandise today is not the advantages needed to sell different product*. 6:00 Super H ippies - 69ers Audiences must be carefully fyt uated. 7:00 Ares - Archdukes of the product but the ingenuity of the ad. Advertising that sells soft dri ik; could not ATTENTION CAR OWNERS 8:00 Tau Delta Phi - SAM 9:00 El Birdo - BCBP The omnipresence of television has be successfully used to sell—* a\ -^heavy GYM 1 Court 2 replaced other media in importance. Thus, machinery, surgical instrume itJ or 6 08 Potlickers - Kokomo textbooks. Effective techniques' must be TV commercials have to be more exciting 7 :00 Felch -Fenian * Complete front end repair and than the programming; commercial visually or graphically arresting* and' 8 00 Alpha Kappa Psi - Phi Beta Sig 9 :00 Delta Sig. Phi - Omega Psi Phi alignment breaks cannot bore the viewer. augmented by carefully chosen anguage GYM 2 Court 3 Consequently, heavily advertised products to express/the salient features {,f the 6 :00 Alpha Ep. Pi - Theta Chi have developed distinct personalities : the product or service to the listening, 7 00 Sigma Chi - Theta Xi * Brakes * Suspension 8:00 SAE-ATO Volkswagen, the Lay Potato Chip, the viewing, or reading audience. A "creative" 9:00 Beta Theta Pi - Delta Chi Coca Cola ads all have distinguishable ad that merely displays ingenui y, or GYM 2 Court 4 6 00 Delta Upsilon - Phi Kappa Sig * Wheel balancing * Steering characteristics. Alka-Seltzer's shocks, without presenting the product in such a manner as to persuade it > purchase 7 00 Phi Sig Delta - Phi Kappa Psi introspective conversations between a man and his stomach, Excedrin's on the basis of merit, as well as its USKEY'S Auto Safety Center 8 00 Kappa Sigma Phi Gamma Delta 9:00 Kappa Alpha Psi - Delta Sig. Pi documental analyses of the headache and intangible benefits, cannot be c msidered * GYM 3 Court 5 Goodyear's tire for the woman with no really creative. ^ 6:00 Pi Kappa Phi - Phi Kappa Tau 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 man around are advertising marvels. But is 17:00 Farmhouse - Sigma Phi Ep Advertising is never an end in i*- -elf; its 8:00 LCA - Alpha Phi Alpha selling the product the ultimate purpose, •3:00 Psi Upsilon • Phi Delta Theta or is that purpose proving the goal is to communicate knowledge so that GYM 3 Court 6 ad-man's creative genius? the consumer may exercise his freedom of 6:00 ZBT - Theta Delta Chi choice, his intelligence, and his desire to 7:00 Plasmas - Impressions HAM question : are today's ad buy or not. However, even the most 3k Thus the . 8:00 Phi Kappa Theta - DTD 9:00 Jenison Triangle Sigma Nu Court 1 ]A, FASHIONS "If I were starting life over again, I am inclined to think that I would go into the advertising business campaigns designed to shock a media-controlled public into buying or to creative and persuasive advertr ing will not sustain sales of inferior me chandise in preference to almost any other. This is because for very long. 6:00 BallanUne - Bayard prove the creative splendor of the 7:00 Abel-Abaddon advertising has come to cover the whole range of advertising business? I contend business 8 :00 Bacchus - Balder * human needs and also because it combines real is being trampled upon by the ad Television has not replaced oth ;r media in 9:00 Empowermtnt Empyrean Jenison Court 2 imagination with a deep study of human psychology. agencies' quest for creativity; and, importance. While the impact c, television 6:00 Howland - Montie advertise Because it brings to the greatest number of people therefore, if the product does sell cannot be denied, use of print cdvertising, don t products or make outlandish 7 00 Bacardi - Bardot actual knowledge concerning useful things, it is it is strictly accidental. billboards, direct mail, and other media Abelard - Aborigines ims. We just do-ted $200 351-0598 SOJrk Lane quired Pay commensorate with ex¬ deposit No children or pets. 351- 3-1/24 permit racial or religious 332-24. perience Established firm Insur¬ ulty. $8.84 month (includes tax) 337-9566. 5-1/24 5323 C-l/27 or 355-6759 JJadrimlnation In its ad* ance, paid vacation, parking and STATE MANAGEMENT CORPORA¬ SPRING TERM IS A OKEMOS, IND N Hills Nice 3 vartlsing columns. The other benefits Phone 487-3743 TION 444 Michigan Avenue 332- and working bedroom ranch $300 including furn¬ 12-1/31 8687. HEATED POOL ATTENTION GRADS State News will not accept iture and ut*- «ies to responsible personnel One 3 room unfurnished • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ at $110; One furnished at $125 party Februaij' 1 possession Call OLDSMOBILE 1966-Starfire 2-door BABY SITTER in my home 12- TV RENTALS-students only. Low 351-0066 3-1 24 inates against religion, Quiet, mature people only Avail¬ • EMPLOYMENT hardtop Automatic, power steer¬ 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and monthly and term rates. Call 484- able immediately FABIAN REALTY raoc, color or national or¬ Friday. Also housekeeper for 2600 to reserve yours. UNIVERSITY • FOR RENT ing. brakes, 6 tires $1,400. 332- one ED2-0811 or IV5-3033 2-1/24 Rooi igin. day per week 339-2207 1-1 23 TV RENTALS C 0363 3-1/24 « FOR SALE LANSING TWO bedrooms, living • LOST & FOUND OLDSMOBILE 1967 Delta 4-door hard¬ TV RENTALS GE 19" portable $8.50 Parking and utili¬ LIGHTr custom- c ryi per month including stand. Call J.R room, kitchen. • PERSONAL top Power steering, brakes, hydra- ties $100 Phone 339-8930 3-1/27 • PEANUTS PERSONAL matic. radio, whitewall tires. Tilt da: f \L*-T, >» CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862. 220 Mason-AL ^ Albert Street East Lansi ng C steering wheel. Loaded with extras URGENT One man for luxury apart¬ • REAL ESTATE Automotive One owner. Price $2100. Call any¬ ment in Cedar Village Sublet from SERVICE COLORED TV RENTAL $8 per week, EAST LANSING • time IV4-0838 3-1 24 CANVASSING SURVEYOR, to obtain now through summer Rent paid BMW 1800, 4-door Excellent con¬ $24 per month. Call J R. CULVER • TRANSPORTATION leads for water softener sales. COMPANY 351-8862 C MANAGEMENT CO. through February 15th. Call 351- dition. Private owner selling-Phone OLDSMOBILE 1963. 9-passenger sta¬ Flexible hours, hourly pay plus 351-7880 6783. 3-1/23 • WANTED 489-2379 ask for Bill C-l 31 tion wagon One owner. Good con¬ commission. Must have own trans¬ PARKING NEAR Berkey Inexpen¬ dition 353-6615 5-1/24 ONE BEDROOM luxury apartment EFFICIENCY APARTMENT one block portation. Call 332-0881 for ap¬ sive. Several spaces left Call DEADLINE pointment. 5-1/28 near campus. Call 351-6441. or from campus Male or female Furn¬ 355-4802 3-1 23 337-2253. 4-1 24 ished 337-0132 3-1/27 1 P.M. one class day be¬ DONUT BAKER training provided RENT A TV from a TV Company- NEEDED: ONE girl starting March CHEVROLET BELAIR 1960 Must sell Can work mornings before classes fore publication. 4-door, 6 cylinder automatic, PONTIAC TEMPEST, custom, 1964 ♦i.00 per month Call 337-1300. or spring term. Duplex. East Lan¬ now No Sundays. Prefer married stu¬ NEJAC TV RENTALS. C Cancellations - 12 noon one power steering, brakes, radio, heat¬ V-8. 4-speed. good condition Sharp' dent with some years left on cam¬ sing. Call 351-3429. after 6 p.m. cony. Call 351-3197 2-1 24 ONE CIRJ -*irv4ie room in a priv¬ class day before publica¬ er $196. Eleanor 332-1036 morn¬ $950 353-1426 after6 p.m. 3-1/24 pus Good pay for good worker ate hous« 5. blocks from campus. tion. ings. 3-1 23 Apply Spudnut Shop, 225 MAC OKEMOS: SUBLEASING large 2 Furnished. 565 a month plus utili¬ PONTIAC TEMPTEST custom 1964 3-1/24 bedroom apartment Plenty of park¬ CHEVROLET IMPALA offer or 1963-1965 Volkswagen 1968 Best for • Power steering Excellent condi¬ 3-1 23 MEN: ing, CLEAN, quiet, cooking, park¬ supervised. Close to cam¬ rented ing Perfect for 2 or 3 students or ties. 351-8534 5-1.24 PHONE tion. $650. 355-4124. GIRLS WANTED as Beauty Counsel¬ pus 487-5753 or 485-8836. O couple 351-3602 2-1 24 ATTENTION GIKLS! Rooms like home equity 1409 A Spartan Village. lors. Teach, advise and show this PONTIAC LEMANS I NEAR Studios, kitchen with cooking >riviliges. Call 351- 355-8255 prestige cosmetic line in your free CAPITOL 0960 or 351-0788. 4-1 24 hardtop Power ste< time Call 337-2129; 337-1010. 2-1 23 privileges Single girls. On college speed. Getting n busline. 372-4583 5-1/29 RATES CORVETTE 1963 Immaculate Two 6992. after 7 p.m. tops. 327 350 HP Steve 353-4216 HOUSEWIVES - STUDENTS ONE GIRL needed to share apart¬ GIRL NEEDED for quiet two girl 5-1 28 Phone 489-7436 after 5:30 ONE GIRL needed desperately Lux¬ 1 day $ 1.50 PARTTIME ment. apartment. Near campus, very con¬ ury apartment Chalet Reduced r 15^ per word per day p.m. 3-1/24 venient. 351-9457. 3-123 351-4294. 3-1/27 DODGE 1965 Coronet 440 V-8. 4- 3 days $4.00 door, power brakes, power steering. 3-5 HRS. PER DAY EYDEAL VILLA Apartments. Two PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South off 13 5 l/2tf per word per day days $6.50 : radio, heater. $750 487- 2-1 24 RAMBLER 1960 wagon-transpor¬ DAYTIME ONLY bedroom apartments for $240 month Swimming pool. GE appliances, RREW^SudU MICHIGAN Avenue: Furnished one CLEAN quiet, cooking, park¬ ...... tation special for $25 351-7688 484-4475 garbage disposals, furnished for bedroom, ground floor Utilities paid MEN: I3.-< _ bedroom. new. never lived in. Ground floor, P m io-l 27 one week. end 484-2358 3-1 27 permanent posotions for men and AFARTMENTS Ling. Utili- private, good parking, lots of cup¬ in office, sales, technical rovJY. naslett-Al Albert $65 boards and closets. 12 minutes by women IV 2-1543 C-l 23 I 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 freeway. H Jewett. 549 West Ash. Fo Sale The State News will be FAIRLANE 500 1965. 4-door. auto¬ Mason OR7-3461; nights: OR7-4693 responsible only for the matic. Low mileage. 6 cylinder 351-7880 | UP TO 13 an;, more savings. Com¬ Good condition. 485-1498 3-1 24 parison w«lc< "tied OPTICAL DIS¬ first day's incorrect inser- VOLKSWAGEN 1966 fastback BRAND NEW deluxe colonial apart¬ OKEMOS ROAD 3711 South Un¬ with red interor. 21.00 ments Corner of Burcham and Al¬ furnished, six rooms Newly decor¬ COUNT. 416 Tossing Building Phone FORD 1960 V-8 Automatic, new IV'2-4667 C-l 24 $1050 882-7638 ated Students acceptable. Immediate brakes, good tires, radio Mechani¬ GIRL BARTENDER part-time, short ton. Available for business, profes¬ hours. 4 night* per week. Call IV9r sional. college personnel or grad¬ NEED GIRL for nicely furnished occupancy. $145 month. 489-6843 cally sound Starts in winter $90 or 489-7439 5-1 28 355-0594 . 3-1 24 6614 for .interview. TOWN PUMP uate students. Furnished or un¬ 3 man apartment Pine Forest Apart¬ Automotive COCKTAIL LOUNGE. 5-124 furnished. 332-3135 20-1 31 ments. 351-9423 3-1 24 Large selection of FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to learn FORD 1962 Galaxie-360 engine Over in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Special EAST LANSING: Girl over 21 to plain and fai *y diamonds. $25-$150 NEED PART-TIME jobs during the WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. all good condition) Must sell 485- $5 offer. 484-1324. C share luxurv apartment. 351-6204 good 355-3728 all good condition. Must sell 485- term'' Call RENT-A-STUDENT at after 5 p.m. or 372-5000 ext. 291. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT-carpeted 509 East Michigan 485-4391 C Auto Service & Parts 351-5130 between 9-5 p.m. c and drapes $125 Call 332-2627. WHAT0 FLi'a Market1 Where0 C-l ,24 U S 27 No th Former Hi-Low WANTED: PERSON with car to work AUTOMATIC CAR Wash, only Whe 0 TRY THESE SPECIALS! cents. It's the best in town. \ 10 8 30 and 4 p.rr per f'RENTED" ONE BEDROOM apartment tor sub¬ Market Every Thursday. Friday. Sund*4\ Antiques coins and may sit in your car for 21* northwind lease -at Northwind Farms Call supplies., botyes. buttons, dishes, Revlon Friday Person will deliver and TWO GIRLS i prefer gradsi Un¬ 332-2627 C-l.24 FARMS jewelry, furrwure. pictures, primi¬ pick-up lightweight materials at Aquamarine Shampoo Reg. 2.50 NOW 1.2J and waxed Also cleans under¬ local public schools $3.00 per furnished $50 month. Quiet. Call tives, newspap fs 393-2211 3-1 23 (oily, normal, tinted & bleached) neath car An almost perfect hour plus mileage. 353-6403: after Faculty Apartments Ka thy 351-6915 3-1/24 job. 430 South Clippert. back of AUDIO COMP< VENT SERVICE. Am- i Intimate Moisture lotion reg. 2.95 NOW 1.8J C-l 23 5 p. m 351-7926 2-1 23 351-7880 KOKOBAR ONE GIRL needed immediately Brand FOUR BOYS East Side Close to pex. Sony. S< tt. Fisher and many (once a year special) apartment-close to campus other select t inds at MAIN ELEC reg. 2.15 new campus. Two bedrooms. Utilities Med. Silicare 351-6204 3-1 24 TRONICS, 55. South Pennsylvania. furnished Ample parking Deposit (protection lotion) ACCIDENT PROBLEM0 Call KALA¬ required $50 each 485-7563 3-1 27 Lansing C Max Factor handcream reg. 2.95 MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small (Swedish formula) dents to large wrecks American GLAMOUR, MONEY, and excitement ONE MAN needed Capitol Villa GREEK FOOD THREE BEDROOM furnished house and foreign cars Guaranteed work can be yours with VIVIANE WOOD- Will bargain for rent. 351-0334 And Other Fcod From Most Foi 5-1 23 East Lansing Will accept stu¬ 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C ARD COSMETICS Free make-up State ONE GIRL needed Evergreen Arms dents. Call ED 7-0922 5-124 Countries-incl iding U.S. GufflweiiA IV 5-8351 C Perfect location Immediate occu¬ SHAH BEN'S FAMILY MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ BEHIND THE Gables Two man fur¬ Drug street Since 1940. Com¬ receptionist part time after- pancy 351-3566. 3-1 24 EAST LANSING Marble School dis¬ I OpD FAIR mazoo . . nished apartment. Male. $120 per trict. Three bedroom 1001 W. SagiiU-v 485-4089 plete auto painting and collision nd and Satur^.x C SaturH- CV''«P Uw month Utilities included 351-5285 duplex l'« Michifjs \B^nh%rd Welcome 1105 E. GRAND RIVER at Gunson service IV 5-0256 C ^..sing Park- between 5 and 7 p.m. 10-1/27 EAST LANSING. Okemos Duplex, bathrooms- Carpeted living room Phone 487-3743 one bedroom unfurnished Students with fireplace, dining room, kitchen ED 2-2011 12-1 31 panelled family room Call 351- welcome. Swimming pool, all utili¬ >m upper ties furnished. $150 month. 337- 5614. 5-124 $90 WHERE THE GIRLS ARE' Thev'r per 0364 after 5 p.m. 3-124 reading the "Personal" column i • pets Phone LCC AND dowi SEVEN Don't Get Left Out in the Warm . . . today's Classified Ads Try it now' 3-1 23 TO SUBLET Lovely 2-bedroom a- partment available March to June THIRTY furnished or unfurnished. Convenient to campus and shopping. Call Mrs, a ONE Sales Gail:256% Rochester, New York mmuL-WES!? over the same period last year! The Best A representative Needn't Cost will be on PICK UP & The Most this campus DELIVERY January 29 CALL 484-6504 to interview prospective career opportunities on thi /. k. 220 AI lert "Vulue 351-8862 University staff in a wide variety of fields including: ■ accounting il lab. technology step into the 26. Furmu" sparkling THAT'S I ■ electronics health physics 27 Mopk 30. Hi d shimmering ■ medical photography glimmering glittering glistening TOYOTA o> i I pharmacy physical the 1/ Apportion 19 Death notice t -,J i radiology am pasbipc 42 Wise We know the reason for this progress glamorous amorous adventurous BUT DO YOU? there are many exciting Test drive a TOYOTA attractive job openings for 16. faint, }"8. Alternative women graduates! relaxing 21 Octobei refreshing pools at Before You Buy Any Small Car! The excellent benefits birthitone 22. Fixed charge 23. Indignation program includes a lib< 25. Place of refuge tuition remission plan whicf 26 Frosted enables full time staff You'll be Burcham Woods on Burcham Drive surprised how much more you'll get for so little at: members to continue the appointment or further 27. Crime 28 Imperfect paper details contact your 29. Possessions Furnished Apartments For Spring And Summer Terms Placement Office. 30. Rank 31. Hearsay WHEELS of Lansing EAST LANSING MANAGEMENT CO 2200 S. Cedar 317 M.A.C. only minutes from the campus-go west on 351-7880, or 351-4275 after 6 p.m. Mt. Hope then 2 blocks south on Cedar. Thursday, January 23/1969 ]] Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Personal For Sale For Sale Student RENT A TV from a $9 00 per month - TV Company- Call 337-1300. Placement ■ ELECTROLUX TANK vacuum cleaner HART $70 Giant Slalom 205cm, NEJAC TV RENTALS C lwith all the attachments (deluxe bindings; Head $65 Master 200cb, jors (B.Mi Location Pittsburgh, Penn¬ ■ model). Automatic rewind. Cost bindings Both 2 years old 489- AT LAST! A talented band at MSU liio, and Detroit, DIRECTORY sylvania; Cleveland, 1 1140 new-will seU for $25. Phone THE SIXTH GENERATION Call 332 Michigan I 393-5072 C-l/23 3507 or 332-0846 Ask for Fred. Jones and Laughli' teel Corporation- MODERN FURNITURE: Sofa and two 3-1/23 chairs, like new Walnut finished Industrial Engined > , Mathematics ■HEAD STANDARD 6'9". Excellent January 39, Thursday: and Management an ill majors of the desk with 0-28V 10A metered power 1 condition. Asking $50 Phone 489- EVERYONE KNOWS AND Clarage Fan Company Mechanical Colleges of Engineer g and Natural Sci¬ I 7427, evenings. 3-1/23 supply, and bookshelves built in. Engineering majors (B). Location: De¬ ence 1B1. Location: C. veland, Ohio 351-6502 3-1/27 Learn to Dancel BUD'S LOVES BAUTEL'S troit, Michigan and various Jones and LaughlJ Steel Corporation ■STEREO: FISHER X-100 amplifier It's more fun when you AUTO PARTS ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA Continental Illinois National Bank and Metallurgy Product!* Management Me¬ 1 HURST SYNCRO-LOC shifter Ex Yarns—Supplies Isn't everything and Garrard changer Call Pete. know how. Late Model Motors and WHY NOT SELL IT. Trust Company of Chicago: Accounting tallurgical Engineer* , all majors of the I 351-8427 or 337-1721 3-1/23 cellent condition Carter series and Financial Administration, Eco¬ New hooking, knitting, weaving FRED ASTAIRE Colleges of Engineer «, Natural Science. "E" four barrel, adaptor parts a speciality FROM LEADS ONLY. nomics Management, and Marketing Management, and a! iajors. all colleges Call 482-0423 after 5 p.m. 1-1/23 2916 Turner DANCE STUDIO majors (B,M> Location: Chicago. Il¬ (B) Location Warn' Michigan Halfway between Holt and 484-4475 linois IV 5-9212 541 E. Grand River 332-0838 Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 The Detroit Edison Company Elec¬ Jones and Laughli Steel Corporation- BOB SEGER Thanks for our re¬ cord "The Rogues," Telephone 882- trical and Mechanical Engineering, Learn to fly? Sure youl Typewriters--A 11 Makes • EYES EXAM'NED 2604 1-1 23 Mathematics, Accounting, General Bus¬ Use our Air Taxi-Service iness Administration, Economics, In¬ Metallurgy. Mechar s. and Materials Authorized Olympia Dealer • GLASSES Sconce majors iB. Location: De- Buy a new Piper LAST CHANCE to order THE WOLV¬ dustrial Education. Industrial Adminis¬ Sales—Service • CONTACT LENS tration. and all majors of the Colleges tr lit, Michigan, and < ious All at: ERINE at $10 Save $2 50 buy be¬ ■BICYCLE SALES and service. Also Rental Purchase of Arts and Letters, Communication Arts Michigan Consoli' ed Gas Com¬ C. L. Chase, Optometrist Francis Aviation fore Janauary 31, 344 Student Serv¬ EAST LANSING CYCLE, 215 PORTABLE SMITH Corona type L. E. Lighthart & Co. and Social Science (B,M>. Location pany All majors a, . he College of En¬ I C writer Electra 120. 12 carriage. ices, 1-5 daily or Thursday and Financial Admin¬ East Grand River Call 332-8303 Pica type. New-never used $139.95 4616 N. Grand River Co-Optical Services Capitol City Airport Friday Union 8-4 2-1 24 Detroit. Michigan. gineering, Accountii istration, Managerf it. Chemistry, In¬ 5218 S. 484-1324 Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation: 353-0745 or 332-8978 after 6 p.m Lansing 482-1219 Logan 393-4230 dustrial Admini*ra )n. Foods and Nu¬ 3-1 27 Accounting and Finance Accountine Financial Administration. Econom¬ trition. and Mather tics majors (B.M) Peanuts Personal and Location: Detroit, M NORTON'S VIRGILINE SIMMONS ics. Management, Mathematics ma- higan METAL SKIIS 67" Sears 200. bind¬ Check Rice University: ectrical Engineer¬ Frandor Shell Station RED HAPPY first anniversary. Love ings, good condition. $40 353-2172. School of Dancing ing and Computer ience majors Cost 99 cents. 12 print roll processed - COLLEGE TRAVEL ( ANY JOB Hair Styling T ransportation Ohio January 30 31 Thursday and Fri¬ $290 new-sell fa* $174 or $7 80 ! ANY TIME LINDA. CONGRATULATIONS on your month Phone 482-2677 C-l/23 $2.90 with this ad. MAREK REXALL OFFICE Come to where the action isl activation. Love. Your Alpha Xi day: * DRUGS PRESCRIPTION CENTER at RIDERS BREAK-CWap round SEWING MACHINE clearance sale Frandor. New. lower, everyday dis¬ count prices C-l 23 130 West Grand River Blvd. ! jfiK/ RENT-A- STUDENT Florence Anderson Beauty Salon Florida-Lauderdale, ami 351-8491 Daytona. trip Mi¬ O General Dynamic Electrical, and allurgical Engines ig. Civil (structures 1, hanical, and Met Applied Mech¬ Brand new portables-149.50 $5 00 209 Abbott Rd. Apt. 201 Above anics. Mathematics 3hysics majors (B, per month. Large selection of recon¬ ditioned used machines Singers. HEAD STANDARDS 6 6 Look 351-6010 HrV 351-5130 State Bank. ED 2-4314 M.D) Location: va- is Whites. Necchis. New Home and bindings. Good condition. Call 339- Renting all new Fischer or WHY PAY MORE? "many others," $10.95 to $39.95 2944 3-1 24 B & W Auto Sales Terms EDWARDS DISTRUBUTING Hart metal skis, buckle boots Meijers Thrifty ALTERATIONS AND dress making by COMPANY. 1115 North Washington Jim Earl's 1965-M2rcury, 2-door hard¬ PARACHUTES FOR sale, excel¬ Acres Barber Shop experienced seamstress. Reason¬ 489-6448 C-l/23 top, automatic, power steering lent condition. Call for details. Ski & Skate Shop Pennsylvania Ave. able charge 355-5855 . 3-1 27 1962-Tempest coupe &KI EQUIPMENT 351-3186. 5-1 23 Grand Ledge or Pro Ski Shop 1961-Pontiac, 4-door. Like nev 9-9 Monday-Friday STAT NEWS For Rent at Lansing Ski Area 9-6 Saturday Typing Service BIRTHDAY CAKES-7 $3 64 8 - 627-6826 2046 Depot, Holt 699-2204 - s-: '6 9"-$5 20. Delivered. KWAST DONNA BOHANNON Professional BLOOD DONERS NEEDED $7 50 for WAN." ADS U \KC;-iF.S, 484-1317. C-l 23 ' Campus Western Wear WINDSOR ESTATES BROOKS Imported Cars typist Term papers, thesis IBM all positive. A negative, B negative TWO SNOVV Selectric. 353-7922 C and AB negative. $10.00 O negative- t 11 Evergreen, E. Lansing Mobile Home Park season Best $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY L oots, Moccasins, Ponchos, pm 353-3612 Lots Available For Rent PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: A unique BLOOD CENTER. 507'<2 E Grand BR! JO Fringed Jackets River, East Lansing. Above the new T ill the big opening, shop at 6661 Canal Road quality thesis service. IBM typ¬ Campus Book Store. Hours 9am EPIPHONE HOLLOW bodv two pick WILLIAMSTON WESTERN- 1 mile from 1-96 ing. multilith printing and hard 3:30pm Monday, Tuesday and Fri- SKIS, BOOTS ft POLES ups and hard case. Ampeg Gemini WEAR AND TACK 646-6813 5019 W. Grand River dav: Wednesday and Thursday. 12- FAS' ESUl.TS! Weekend $£50 6. $400 351-3103 3-1 24 6 30pm 337-7183. C Rale ° DIK WATSON'S BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing GENERAL ELECTRIC portable stereo. E LB A-DIANE IF YOU are a careful driver, you FACULTY COUPLE, no children, 332-3255 Larry Cushion BEAUTY-SALON may qualify for STATE FARMS Block of campus desire home to rent while com¬ top-notch protection at rock-bot¬ pleting Ph D Near campus Avail¬ Sporting Goods FENDER JAZZ Bass Excellent < Complete Hair Care of tom rates. Call or see your STATE able mid-August. Would consider PI- >ne H28 Vine IV 5-7465 dition. Also stereo with two 210 1/2 Abbott Rd. WILLIAMSTON FARM agent today. Stan Wilkin¬ taking care of teenager of faculty 332-2554. Open Fri. 'til 8: Daily 'til 6 Over The College Drug "where the deals are" son. 702 Abbott Rd.. coaxial speakers 351-7192 2-1 ED 2-2416 655-2171 vided Box A1 State News. 5-1 28 355 3255 FRATERNITY AND Sorority houses Personal TERM PAPERS, theses, manuscripts, IMPORTS large rooming houses or other For Sale general typing. IBM selectric JAN¬ 372-1031. 5-1 27 FREE ... A Thrilling h< ET 337-2603 20-2 10 CHINA-SUITABLE for anv Animals beauty. For appointment AFGHAN PUPPIES or Doberman 484-4519 MERLE NORMAL COS TYPING TERM papers and theses for 8. Sacrifice' 351-7815 METICS STUDIO. 1600 East Mich Electric typewriter. Fast service 1967 Porsche 9-12 puppies. AKC registered. $50 Phone 694-0093 3-1'24 igan. C-l 23 Call 332-4597 O DRY FIREWOOD, seasoned, will de liver Red Oak and Beechwood POODLE PUPPIES. AKC. miniatures "5-Speed" 355-9110 4-1 24 Chocolate males. Championship line 351-0472 * 3-1/24 Here's one card HOLE IN ONE! May GERMAN SHEPHERDS. Black and silver 6 weeks old TU 2-3789. 1966 Porsche 9-12 5-1/28 MOBILE HOMES MOVE FAST when "5-Speed" What's from the establishment you advertise in Classified For an new action-getting ad. dial 355-8255 now' in hospital TOY POODLE female $50 and up. puppies, male and Must see to be 1966 Porsche 9-12 insurance? appreciated. 882-6218. 3-1 27 "4-Speed " STATE FARM with a that pays you cash. Use it for rent, food, anything. policy GERMAN SHORT hair pointer months old Call 351-6988 House-broken FREE. Six 2-1 24 that no student \ 1966 Sun Beam Costs pennies. Phone for facts. DALMATIANS: AKC registered Two rare, beautiful, liver. colon 9 month old puppies. $50 Contact COACH-ACRE DALMATIANS 1 chocolate will ever burn. MEDi- Phone 339-8930. 7-1 21 "Sharp" ca$H Mobi le Homes 1966 12X60 Ritz-Craft Like new Priced right for quick sale Phone 1966 Volvo 1225 372-5844 6pm davs; and 487 3956 after 3-124 "Like New" CHARLAMOR rooms, near 1961 MSU. 10X50 Two Immediate bed¬ oc¬ cupancy 351-4729 3-1/24 BACHELOR PARADISE: 2 bedroom 1957 Mercedes 2205 Mobile Home with large rustic bar. Located behind Coral Gables 337- I486after 5:30p.m. 3-1 27 "Runs Excellently" JIM RYAN GEO. TOBIN 1964 MANATEE 10X52. Two bedroom, RYAN & TOBIN INSURANCE carpeted, room furnished. $2,600. Can be 10X17 seen at living lot TWA 50/50 CLUB 'Ptui ^ 339 MORGAN LANE no. 4 Midway Terrace. Holt 3-127 VOLKSWAGEN, INC. FRANDOR •o ROYCRAFT 1968 12' by 52 2-bed- 0&Ci€4\_\ . 2845 E. Soginaw • Phone: 484-1341 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 351-0050 room. Call 882-1994 4-1 24 Lost & Found In Lansing LADIES GOLD WATCH Tuesday 1:30 pm Call Linda ED7-9743. Reward 3-1/27 00 Kamins Sets the Price REWARD LITTLE black book lost 00 vicinity Grand River Harrison 393- -:t.v State Zip Code 3497 ' 3-1 27 o Minor i 1 " f ye Color ! I Personal ... F ree SEE I i TUNE-UPS INSTALLATION NEW ad YEAR ROUND-UP Bring in and save 25 per cent this on REVERSE II 6 Good through Jan¬ cylinder 6.95 your uary purchase. 31st 1969 Start the New Year 8- cylinder 8.95 off at the double (D» Barr West Shop. 4901 Burchfield. Plus Name Brand Parts 3-1/2 MUFFLERS NEW YEAR ROUND-UP. Bring this ad in and save 25 per cent on SAVE $6 to $20 your purchase Good through Jan on Every Save $4 to $9 $795 uary 31st 1969 Start the New Year off at the DOUBLE D BARR WEST ERN Burchfield. 393- BRAKE SHOP 4901 0062 3-1 24 It's TWA's 50 50 Club Card. And if you're fly swimming, fly home, fly anywher TWA between the ages of 12 and 2 1, it entitles you to flies just about everywhere. See you .ravel MISERY'S the name. Loves the game THE MISERY LOVES CO At Brody. fly TWA anywhere in the United States at agent, TWA Campus Representativ or stop 1-Year Guarantee Friday night 3-1 23 half-fare (and it's good for discounts on most by the local TWA office. Forget abo» exams other airlines too). Now's the time to get one so and fly TWA somewhere at half-fart 'Even if 5|g»s - S2695 : COME AND MEET you can take off between semestei a. Fly skiing. your parents approve. MAX FERGUSON only five CANADA'S SOCIAL SATIRIST minutes from campus ERICKSON KIVA FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Ja uary 23, 1969 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan II^ WHAT. 5 Roundtab . Spartan Non-public school aid (Continued from page one) He said the point of differ¬ ence between himself and the views of the two governing bod¬ versity records, if needed. Hannah, however, said that the position of the University vould be to "maintain the san¬ dent also asked was a whether there "lack of faith" in the decisions of residence hall ad¬ visory staffs. decisions?"-students, adminis¬ trators or the taxpayers. Howard Neville, that there were provost, said several levels is (continued from page one) Also included $17.9 service wage in million the budget for and salary in¬ civil tures within not bind us our resources to ment'.' He said this is not a year for standing still, or does static govern¬ for UNI ies' proposal was "fairly ctity of its records." Eldon Nonamaker. associate of people who were involved in creases. retrenchment. Nor is it a small.-' Jack Breslin, board of trus¬ dean of students, said that this University decision-making. He Milliken said that his bud¬ year for massive new spend¬ Discussion also centered a- tees secretary, said that he was "not true," and that "hall listed students. Michigan resi¬ ing. get can provide needed ser¬ round the proposed senate com¬ was sure this resolution would administrators have a great deal dents, alumni, and potential vices without any new taxes "None of these approaches freshmen as some of the groups or increase in existing tax notion of how Michi¬ mittee to probe campus acti¬ see the light of day" and that he of responsibility-otherwise we fits any in the which had to be considered be¬ vities. thought no combined effort of wouldn't have hired them gan should enter the 70 s. Nor committee would be the universities would stop the first fore policies could be made balanced do the times permit them,' This place." About a budget Students also asked the ques¬ that might only affect the pre¬ he said, authorized to subpoena wit¬ formation of this committee. "holding our expendi¬ residence hall presi¬ tion of "who should make the sent student body. nesses and investigate Uni¬ One SDS will meet at 7 tonight in the Spartan Room o he Student Services Bldg in Kroger's all new Members are requested to bring ash trays to help keep ! room clean H Every card fun and money game J B Kinsinger, chairman of the Dept of Chemist , will speak at a meeting of the American Chemical Society Student Affiliat* "Kapler at 7 30 tonight in 136 Chemistry Bldg Easy Street Easy-Free-No PurchMft Required* Free Game Card and me free game College Life, the weekly meeting of Campus C sade for Christ, will I piece Per Adult per store visit held at 9 tonight in the College Life House at 544 \bbott Road Everyone on request at end of checkout welcome to attend , lanes or at Kroger store Office. Or mail request to Glendinning P.0. Box 62, Westport Conn. 06880. NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI Radio-teletype equipment will be demonstrated ; "S meeting of the Ama Radio Club at 7 30 tonight in 339 Engineering dg All licensed opera and interested student^ are invited to attend ASMSU hours support (continued from page one: ASMS allocated $50 to cover ture make-up of the board. the exp ses of a Biafran stu- The referendum would ques¬ dent wb < "will be speaking here tion student opinion on changing at 8 p i - January 27 in Wells the current structure of the Hall. board. Issues in question are the ;ration of the motion desirability of the female- for ASM »U to disaffiliate fromthe at-large position and the num¬ the Nat. ;nal Students Assn. was ber of members wanted on the postpon J for two weeks. ASMS announced that Jane In other board action. ASMSU Lau. F ^Hellenic representa- passed five amendments to Ar¬ tive to SMSU. Bob Robinson, ticle 4 of the Academic Free¬ former ssociate chief justice dom Report and appropriated of ttie i University student ju- money for a Biafran speaker. diciarv 59< LIEBERMANN'S FREE! 1 gal of NOW SAVE 20% ON Great American CAN OF Soap KROGER angel food FACIAL WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 AT REGULAR PRICE AND COUPON ICECREAM CAKE TISSUE PLAID LIGGAGE by IRednm of Kroger thru SUN. JAN. 26, 1969 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 775 EXTRA TOP ATLANTIC VALUE STAMPS O.ioo __ with the (urchai* of iftvH-te"" with th« purcha** of □ • . 2—l 50 Boolb«Chuck. Boof Round or Ground or moroGround Storo buy 5 pkgs of regular buy 51-lb ctns buy 2 1 - lb cans of Mado Moat Loaf a vond ale FROZEN homestead GREEN a_50 with purchase 1h-lbthook9 FROZEN MEATS J'PPY e VEGETABLES v eve im dke9 margarine and get a i lb ctn of BEANS and get a pkg of 5 and get a 1-lb can homestead \#24 CD 50 E£KVICH CHIPPED* for $1 kroger margarine for of avondale green| MEATS frozen vegetables! beans for with tho purchaao of 1 S #2s O II4 1 JO ss ^ Q_ _ Cut Up ^ ® KVogIVOI Fryor. lth_tha purchase with tho pur< OLIVES o 4 4 4 ] 4 4 Outfit yourself now with Atlantic f great flyweight luggage and save 20%. It has all th ' quality features that have made Atlantic the favo ite of travelers with tho purchai #27 CDiiz'i-ir.'.r so BUY 3 12-OZ WT PKGS BUY 12 12-FL OZ CANS OF BUY 10 1S-OZ WT CANS everywhere. Choose Black Watch (r Stuart tartans. BUTTERCRUSTBREAD BUBBLE CLUB BUBBLE BATH #2t □ 50 Big K Canned Pop Cat Food Vegetables Now 9.60 AT REGULAR PRICE AND Aerotote 12.0.- ' GET A 12-FL OZ CAN OF 21" Weekend 15.0^ 12.00 BIG K POP FOR 24" Pullman 18.0 14.40 BUY 1 8 FL OZ BTL OF HENRI 26" Pullman 21.0u'- 16.80 SMOKEY BITS DRESSING 29" Pullman 20.00 25.03 Men's Val-a-Pak 26.00 20.80 Ladies Val-a-Pak 28.0$ 22.40 DEODORANT kroger 100% pure 50 '-,k 14 ORANGE JUICE \#33 □ 50 2T£kX HEFTY CARBAGE BAGS #14 O 50 East Lansing - 209 E. ( rand Ri Downtown - 107 S. Was! ngton