Friday MICHIGAN Rain. . . Many commit. ... very a cross crown. the same . crimes with a different result. One bears for his crime; another a -Juvenal-Satire- . UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS January 24,1969 snow . . . turning to ligl flurries. temperatures with a of 13. Stead ' ■ < v snow or falling tonight East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 113 HOURS, OPEN HOUSE Youth shoots at cosmonaut ASMSU, faculty grouD during parade MOSCOW (AP) - A youth de¬ to reconsider proposals scribed by the Foreign Ministry as By MARILYN PATTERSON Thursday and for WIC. MHA and the Friday afternoon n it week. Should mentally deranged fired several pistol State News Staff Writer Residence Hall Program Office to both groups approve the new policy, shots Wednesday at a motorcade honor¬ The Men's Halls Assn. (MHA) submit reports evaluating the new pol¬ it could be implemer ,*d within a week ing the four newest space heroes and open house and Women's Inter-resi¬ icy to Milton B. Dicker son. vice presi¬ and a half to two weekf lawkins said. carrying two Soviet leaders. dence Council (WIC> hours propo¬ dent for student affairs, on June 1. I please turn to F :k page) A chauffeur and an escort riding a sals may again be one step nearer final Under the amended proposal there motorcycle were wounded. Cosmonaut affirmation. will be no restriction of hours on Fri¬ Georgy Beregovoy. whose flight in Soyuz 3 last October blazed the way for the four's successful space linkup last Representatives from the Faculty Committee on Student Af¬ fairs will meet Friday to reconsider ASMSU and day and Saturday. The original proposal allowed the U' Judiciar week, was cut on the neck by flying the WIC freshman women's hours pro¬ individual hall to determine hours, glass as a bullet struck the driver of his limousine. posal. Although it was amended by the proper or attire, supervision closed door policy for open and open houses halts Foe There was speculation that the youth faculty committee to include only sec¬ in its hall. Policy-making was to be was aiming at Communist party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev and Nikolai V. Podgorny. riding in a closed President ond and third term freshman women, the ASMSU Board changed the proposal by agreement council, head of the adviser hall governing and manager. for visitatio Tuesday to include all freshman women car behind. But the Foreign Ministry Columnist as stated in the proposal's original The proposal was passed by the ASMSU Board and the Faculty Com¬ ByEDHl State Ne*Vs t :HISON if Writer Thursday in announcing the incident form. mittee on Student Affairs but was re¬ The Student-Facu Judiciary en¬ nearly 24 hours after it happened re¬ Sidney Harris, syndicated columnist for the Chicago Daily News, The amendments to the MHA open jected by Dickerson. His approval is joined West Fee H; Wednesday from fused to comfirm this. was on campus this week as a participant in the American Cities house proposal, passed unanimously necessary before the proposal can go implementing their visitation policy The youth was grabbed by spectators Symposium program. Harris said that to improve our cities, many by WIC and MHA Wednesday, call for into effect. which would have tovided for visita and immediately arrested by the police. different occupations must participate in replanning and rebuilding. open houses to be restricted between tion in student roof s 24 hours a day. The Foreign Ministry refused to identify State News Photo by Lance Lagoni 1 and 8 a.m. Sunday through Dickerson did not approve the pro¬ a.m. seven days a week bef nning tonight. him or give a possible motive. posal because he objected to the In requesting the injunction. Donald It seemed clear, however, that the possibility of halls implementing 24- V. Adams, director 6f Residence Halls youth was not aiming at the cosmonauts hour open houses which might infringe Programs Office < liFiPO >. said "the oriented who rode Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 into upon the rights of roommates of stu¬ action by Fee Hall, is described above City not orbit and achieved the world's first dents having guests late at night. solicits individual • sidents to violate men from one spaceship to the other An informal meeting of Dickerson All-University regula «bk." The four, Vladimir Shatalov, Boris and representatives of MHA. ASMSU Because adviso: staff members Volynov, Alexei Yeliseyev and Yevgeny and the faculty committee was held are obligated to ei iree All-University Khrunov, were standing in the back of Wednesay to try resolve the differences. regulations by refe^ il for judicial ac¬ of people, columnist says an open car. The closed limousine car¬ "Let me emphasize that no deal' tion: and because £ believe the real rying Beregovoy was the second car purpose of Fee H-lL is to challenge, behind that of the four, who would was made (at the meetingi but merely have been easy targets. a better understanding of all views through judicial p^ «cedures. the regu¬ technology before it controls us." he said of the parties concerned was gained." lations prohibiting : idiVidual halls from The reluctance of the Foreign spiritual ghettoes with the same kinds of Ministry and other official channels people doing the same kinds of things." citing the automobile as an example ol Brian Hawkins. MHA president, said. establishing open pouse policies, the Residence Hall Proparps Office requests to rlaborate on the case gave rise He said the problem with the small town uncontrolled technology which has led t< Dickerson indicated Wednesdy that that an injunction I granted to prevent to speculation that there was more The major fault with the American city is that it is senescent-possesses no intel "congestion, air pollution, tawdry roac he would approve the amended pro¬ implementation of „est Fee Hall s visi¬ to the incident than was immediately today is that it is not oriented to the needs lectual ferment. signs and the loss of mass transporta posal. tation policy." the request to the ju¬ made public. of people, i syndicated columnist said "What is right with the city is that it is tion when needed most. " Harris said the great cities of the worlc The latest suggestion is good." diciary said. The shooting incident was kept sec¬ * the most glorious work of man," Harris Thursday Dickerson said. "It will involve the In requesting < e hearing. Adams ret for m.early 24 hours despite the Speaking to an overflowing auditorium said, adding that most of man's intellec¬ "put people first. They use the lane utilized Section ' V4.6 of the Aca halls and people in the halls It gives presence of more than 1,000 spec¬ in Wells Hall for the University College tual achievements have come out of lovingly, not exploitivelv. to create boul demic Freedom E >ort which provides them a chance to have some responsi¬ tators at this climactic point in the evards, malls and squares that are nol Symposium The American City.'' Sid¬ bility and exercise it." for "expedited e< ' ideration of urgent parade near the Kremlin's Borovitsky ney Harris,of the Chicago Daily News Harris said the suburb offers physical only beautiful, but full of people.'' cases in which i is alleged that a Gate. cleanliness, a "peace of earth," and the Two directions that must not be taker light when ar said that what is wrong with the city is regulation or ar ^inistrative decision The news came to small town offers "heterogeneity and are the traditional political means anc Before Dickerson can approve it. that it is " de-humanizing" in its present threatens imrpedia ' and irreparable in unofficial Soviet source with close gov¬ familiarity. traditional city planning. Harris said however, the amended proposal must ernment contacts told some Western "Government itself cannot and wil fringement on stude" rights Harris said the suburbs are ' stultifying "Why is it not possible for the most be approved by the student board and Adams said an fringement on stu ■ reporters about it Thursday. endowed nation to combine the positive not do the job." he said, citing Chicago the faculty committee. dent rights woulcf occur if a student values of these three for a human en¬ which has "almost 1.000 governmental The student board meets Tuesday vironment!" Harris said. He said the (Please turn to the back page) evening and the faculty committee. I please turn backpage) truly human environment would have the Gov. Hickel wins fight intellectual ferment of the city, the clean¬ liness of the suburb and the familiarity of the small town. SOUL CITY "If we can spend billions for space and for Senate confirmation defense programs, it is time to turn our priorities around for human programs," WASHINGTON rporations could and And senators approved also the ap¬ Rights activist, told a meeting of the must maintain con ol over the decisions serve with distinction as secretary. most of their income is derived from nomic theory in which a large corpora¬ Students' Alliance Wednesday, pointment of California industrialist Black He underwent five days of commit¬ property taxes," he said. "The overwork¬ that would affect tb llack community. night in McDonel Kiva that militancy tion sets up a factory but allows its David R. Packard as deputy secretary ed real estate tax is a drain against the McKissick d those critics of of defense, rejecting a protest about tee scrutiny and the nomination was de¬ isn't enough, a strong economic base is workers to eventually own and control the attac bated for two days on the floor. city's own physical body. also necessary. factory itself. black capitalism V- ■) argue that it will his financial holdings. Harris said that the influx of black "You can be as militant as you like, Applying this to Soul City. McKissick be just as exploit! of blacks as white The two nominations are the only All the other 11 new Cabinet members people from the South attracted by higher but when you have to go to the Ford said that businesses would not only be capitalism has been ones by President Nixon that have were confirmed unanimously in rapid- welfare payments and potential jobs in I don't believe ^t black people will stirred any substantial challenge. Foundation for money, you're still being encouraged to establish plants on the fire order immediately after Nixon the Northern cities created swelling ghet¬ 1.810 acres of land but also to train black ever be in a posi; ia to exploit blacks, Hickel was confirmed by a vote of controlled by the Man." he said was inaugurated Monday. They took tos when "intolerant" communities would With this in mind, he and his associ¬ men and women in the necessary skills. as the white peopl' who created the sys¬ 73 to 16. with all opposition from Demo¬ office Wednesday. not accept blacks. tem have done." he id. ates formed the black-owned and con¬ He said that this was necessary "if we crats. Hickel. 49. made a fortune in 17 "The city has been the biggest sufferer white-dominated Several Democrats who voted for him years in Alaska, where he arrived in the explosion of race relations," he trolled McKissick Enterprise, owner of want to survive" in the < said they did so with reservations but from Kansas. He has been governor the much-publicized Soul City. The pro¬ economy. said. Acknowledging that much of the fi- in support of the tradition a new presi¬ ject slated for construction in Warren dent is entitled to have the Cabinet for two years. "Urban suburban decay, clogged highways sprawl are and not isolated ills, McKissick officers he wants. The vote to confirm Packard was but are the symbols of our mismanage¬ Hickel drew criticism for his state¬ 1, with Sen. Albert Gore, D- ments on conservation. Questions were 82 to Tenn., casting the lone negative vote. ment." Two broad directions which must be black sli 'kcabo raised also in the Senate Interior Com¬ Gore said Packard's nomination 'con¬ taken are a "halt to new urban technology" By MAI EICHER mittee and on the floor about his per¬ stitutes a conflict of interest as clear . and "putting people first," Harris said. State Ntv Staff Writer sonal financial holdings and associa¬ as the nose on your face " "We must gain preventive control ol The black Am«r> . in is a new man and he is ready to "PUi his own cake" Floyd McKissick said Wei >sday. Speaking as pi*rt jf the University Col¬ %Wsrerri6ht •rue MM with a pig mm ammfy, Bryan cornivol lege Symposium (a/the American City, the civil rights aclivist and former dir¬ ector of the Cofcgitss of Racial Equality (CORE) defined h : concept of black po¬ JouJ.I Jf Dickerson casino, while the third floor will wer and his plan f<>r Soul City, a budding development based n black capitalism. "America has smother nation in its Bryan Hall's first annual carni¬ midst," McKissicI said. "You-ve got a val this Saturday promises to be a be a gigantic coffee house, com¬ species called the fro-American. This is "pie-eyed affair" for Milton B. plete with folk music a new nation of p*--ple--a nation with its Dickerson. vice-president for stu¬ Anyone attending the carnival own culture and its < ^n philosophy will be able to purchase a ticket dent affairs. for 50 cents allowing spectators "This new cat, }<|u slap him and he'll Dickerson has agreed to drop in slapvou back. He is.tman." at the gala event and allow tic¬ to try the different booths, the fun At times McKissick broke into an an¬ ket-buying students to throw a cream house and watch the women grap- gry voice before the receptive audience that pie or two at him. plers. Door prizes will be awarded filled the main floorlpf the Auditorium. to lucky ticket holders. The pie-throwing booth will be McKissick explained that when he spoke Each house in the residence hall just one of many events planned by of a separate natitlt he meant a separate the hall's residents for the festiv¬ ity. Typ' al carnival booths, a fun will be rponsoring a booth. The proceeds of the carnival will be '•Soul City' culture. The new nation *]oes not mean physical used to furnish a lounge for Bryan house and women's tag-team Floyd McKissick, on leave of absence from CORE, spoke at the separation in. the ii'nse of Black Muslims residents. wrestl'ng matches will also be Auditorium Wednesday as a part of the American Cities Symposium. preach. The carnival is open to the en¬ held McK issick has proposed a "Soul City" in Warren Count/. N.C., aim¬ He labeled Otis Bedding and the Su- The entire fourth floor of Bryan tire university and will be held in Hall will be set up as a gambling Bryan Hall from 8-12 p.m. ed primarily at offering urban job opportunities toblacus and those premes "beautiful >eople" who are part of other races. State News Photo by Hal Caswell (Please turn »the hack page) Friday, Jar ~iry 24, 1969 2 Michigan Siate News, East Lansing, Michigan Daily Cardnal' City council defies censors personal income tax As East Lansing makes the would face, Patriarche said. The low amount from corpo¬ rate incomes is due to the lack The managing editor of the University of Wisconsin's Daily said "Our editc really Steve ging editor. bug£ 1 Reint " The Card *il • ' 4 il policy is what's ' the regents." Cardinal has disagreed mana¬ transition from a small town to "We will not realize such re¬ Cardinal Tuesday that with many * the educational a city, residents will have to venue from MSU students.'" he of corporations in the city li¬ continued use' of four-letter theories of ie board of re¬ local mits, Patriarche said. words and "left of liberal'' edi¬ realize the increase in gents. It al ('pointed out that , said, " but we will get a sizable torials will be the paper's pol¬ government costs and face pro¬ amount from people who work one regent.niay be guilty of con¬ If adopted, the tax would yield icy in spite of an eviction posals such as a personal in¬ at the University and live else- a per capita revenue of $31.05 flict of interest because of his come tax. Mayor Gordoh L threat by the board of regents. which would rank East Lansing position witn a major life in¬ Thomas said recently. The Daily Cardinal, one of the According to the report of the seventh of the 11 Michigan ci¬ surance compfny that does bus¬ oldest campus newspapers in iness with the i njversity. During 1968 the city mana¬ Planning Commission in 1962. ties which have adopted the tax the United States, was threat¬ 43 per cent of the East Lansing since 1964, the report stated. "Out-of-stat students and ger's office conducted a study ened with eviction by the Uni¬ work force is employed by. MSU Wisconsin ta: layers are being on a personal income tax in Patriarche pointed out that and Patriarche said this figure versity of Wisconsin Board of screwed by fe board of re¬ East Lansing at the request of the income tax would be a means is still basically valid. Regents on charges of obsen- gents." -Heine charged. the city council The council of "distributing the financial ity. At their January meeting Currently, -.he Cardinal re¬ wanted information on the ad¬ is burden more equitably." Chemical " Student income tax not last week, the regents voted ceives ""ent ree floor vantages of the income tax. John very large due to the exemp¬ No action has been taken by 4 to 3 to denounce the use space M. Patriarche. city manager, from th^ Uni' ;rsity which would tions involved.'' he said. the city council as yet. The The Chemistry Bldg. proves to be an awesome sight to people visiting campus. of "obscene'' language in the said. amount to ab' Sit $3,300 in rental. Of the projected $650,000 in earliest possible vote would be Directly across from MSU's parking ramp, the building houses facilities used for Cardinal and either to move The V 1 per cent personal income annual city revenue. $585,000 in April as an advisory vote to many upcoming young chemists. State News Photo by Bob Ivins the paper off campus or charge in annual university also orders $900 determine the public sentiment subscriptions for the would raise $650,000 an- would come from residents. administration and offers $5,000 $108,000 from non-residents and toward the proposed tax. Patri¬ ; . lly and aid in limiting the subsidy far the summer term. id a burden the property owners $5,000 from corporate incomes. arche said. After the ofecenity controvery. SAVE ON NO FORCED RETIREMENT the regents 'oted to withdraw all forms of financial aid for MARCH TYPEWRITERS the Cardinal of office's." ace ,nduding the free Hannah's use Reiner sai< the regents failed OF pos to consider* Cardinal prt ; des for the uni¬ versity He* ^aid about $3,000 e advantages the Gov. G. Mennon Williams as a to the spring would be too costly. It would take a constitutional in Cardiff] profits each year DIMES By CHRIS MEAD amendment to change the elec ¬ replacement for Hannah. He also disagreed with putting goes to\v.;rd; the upkeep and State News Staff Writer tion procedure. Stevens said the The MSU Board of Trustees "I don't know where they got the elections on a non-partisan improvement of the equipment that one." Stevens said. basis because it could give rise chances of approval for such an in the ii' is not considering a successor iversity-owned typo¬ Concerning the MHA-WIC pro¬ either to "name candidates" amendment slim. WEEK are to President Hannah and there or graphical Moratory. candidates controlled bv power¬ The non-partisan argument is no possibility that the Demo¬ posals, Stevens maintained that is Reiner *ablt he Cardinal could cratic trustees will call for it was not the prerogative of ful private interests. bad, Stevens said, because it continue 'o 1 net ion even iT-it Hannha's retirement. Don Stev¬ the board of trustees to rule LeRoy Augenstein, chairman "opens the door for corruption moved of- c. rTpus But the main AT ens said Wednesday. Stevens. D-Okemos and chair¬ man of the board of trustees, on the validity of the denial by Milton B. Dickerson, vice president for student affairs. of the Dept. of Biophysics and member of the State Board of Education, recently suggested Partisanship, on the other hand, requires that candidates take de¬ are no )i*' finite stands on issues, he said. problem > traditionally allow the i both paities1 without threat trustees were considering former In other University matters, University of Michigan be on an mitteeonun-Ain central t >ntrol or censorship. A pint of any of our delicious sal* • 5-year Guarantee Stevens reiterated his position elected basis in the fall elec¬ met with Steves o.<> «... <> a, The editc*- ,of the Cardinal ads FREE with your contribution of • Free Carrying Case that the present method of elec¬ tions. c,. "If we can't keep our urn ii e consider lg two tactics when 60£ or more to the March of Dimes. • Full 88-Character ting educational board officials Besides the cost element. versities in a free thinking at the regent s c cision to withdraw Hurry, ends January 31. Office Keyboard is best, but gubernatorial appoint¬ Stevens noted that only 30 per support go« into effect next ment would be an acceptable cent of the voters participate mosphere. God help our coun¬ try." he saiu. fall terhi tie Cardinal will "second choice." in spring elections, mostly in either xno\ ; off campus or He said moving the elections rural areas. Regarding the projected strike will continue to occupy its pre¬ against the University by power sent office? thout paying rent col'mnmu' ktarf plant workers. Stevens said he stipulate by the regents. ALL-UNIVERSITY DANCE as 411 so cedar lansing. michigan plans to remain uncommitted Kentucky fried^hickeit HOURS-- because of his position as edu¬ The latte approach. Reiner cation director for the AFL- explained. >Id be a planned Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 featuring CIO. confrontations Sat. 9-6 bun. 2-6 The Rationals and You Never Know What Try our The Sunn System City to 'dry' rema Might Happen, But You GREEK SPECIALTIES Saturday, January 25, 1969 until licenses MSU Student Union Ballroom Can Dress For It Admission $1.50 Liquor may not be sold in t'd tr< Angoleriono Soup East Lansing for another six to per SPONSORED BY months John M Patri¬ Paraphernalia is full of surprises-the trick is to keep Mousaka nine Licenses jftiat allow estab¬ Shish Kab b arche. city manager, said lishments toiserve them happy ones. THE MSU FUND FOR DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN liquor by the Kaparria Applications for liquor licen glass must be approved first by That's the logic behind our clothes by such designers the city amJMhen by the Michi¬ gan Liquor Control Commission as! LCC1 Pat cage liquor deal¬ Betsy Johnson lic-t sed directlv bv the Renault 69 ers are : Michael Mott LCC • • Diana Dew Licenses will be limited so that thet won't be rows and Sally Tuff & Marion Foale rows of liqi V establishments." Walter Holmes Rated Tops By Road-Test according ' Citv Clerk Bev Magazine erly R. Coli/ Fashions for both men & women. Come Rated Tops By Commuters in and see for yourself- Be Surprised!! & Travelers One for every licen^p may be issued 1.300 people living in Kast Lansing to establishments Rated Tops For Winter Driv¬ which wish to serve liquor by s: 10-9 Mon thru F ing & Comfort the glass. This means that not Paraphernalia 10-6 Saturdays 116 E. Michigan Ave. 35 To 40 MPG more issued than 20 licenses can be cruise 70-80 MPH Establishments must serve 541 E. Grand River East Lansing Free Evening Parking food to qua ity for a license to 489-1196 serve liquor '>v the glass. under new management Still Only SONY ST - 80 W AM/FM FEATURES: Features: use as a fine tuner with any tape recorder or music system which has an auxiliary input.Stereo indicator lamp. Stereo/ mono selector switch. Switch-selected AFC PLANETARIUM circuit. Precise FM-AM tuning meter. Ex¬ 12 MONTH FULL WARRANTY Now Pi ssents: traordinarily compact in size. Decorator The ) styled. Built in ferrite bar AM antenna; 300- UNLIMITED MILEAGE ear of the ohm balanced input for external FM antenna. Flywheel mechanism for easy tuning. 'LIVE A LITTLE" GO-RENAULT!! ty la nets Preview of many of the APPLICATION interesting events involv¬ ing the planets this year. ST-80W-Tuner fits into music systems or Car PrOgr im Schedule Sports tape recorders where an auxiliary input is available. Can be used with Sony HP-450 series, HP-460, HP-150 series or equip- Fridays | — 8:C0 p. m. Satvrda>. -.'•3s, 6:00 p.m. Overseas Delivery Sundays t2:30 & 4:00 p.m. 1200 E. OAKLAND PHONE 482-1226 ARSHALL Arranged I nf or nation 355-4672 M USIC 245 ANN Open Monday & Thursday Evenings til 9 Abr.'am.i Planetarium, Sci¬ ence Rand Shaw Lane, VSU, F #r I ->rc'*»g. Friday, January 24, 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS Nixon orders (AP)--Presi- Nixon named council subcom- new with over the "near term." They urban of the antipoverty effort. coun ert P. Mayo to suggest alloca- instances of cil pan riots and that summary WASHINGTON therefore the cwncil would never dent Nixon ordered priority mittees, each headed by a Cab- range from a review of welfare At the same time, it was an- tion of financial resources that have to take • role in that area. studies Thursday of problems inet officer, to look into nine programs to questions of crime, nounced the new chief executive would become available with Nixon wil preside over the affecting the nation's cities. He problem areas. He was said to mass transit, minority business has set up a special committee theThe ending of the Vietnam war mandate he gave the urban council. whi< initially plans to A capsule summary of the day's events from also ordered planning for effect- feel that these must be dealt enterprises and the whole future headed by Budget Director Rob council "" was->-*-•a broad one. Quite meet weeklv- Its members are ive peactime use of money now our wire services. beyond its planned goal in the vice pre dent, the attorney being spent in Vietnam. developing a national urban pol- general, ant^ he secretaries of Nixon signed an executive or¬ PARIS REVOLT icy, it was given assignments agriculture, ommerce, labor, der creating a Cabinet-level that perhaps suggest the bent of health, edu< ^on and welfare, as students Council for Urban Affairs and Flags unfurl Nixon's thinking urban prob- housing and ban development, said that, even though nearly aruHransjsop tton. lems. three-fourths of the population Considerable emphasis was lives in urban areas. "The placed on cooperation with state American national government seize office in Sorbonne and city governments and private "I'm no \egro. I'm your has responded to urban concerns do-good organizations. And the in a haphazard, fragmented and council specifically enjoined conscious problem. V on often woefully short-sighted was 4 /i ne PARIS (AP (--Behind the and student marches -- these At the heart of the discontent to "foster the decentralization of labelled me \egro for lack of manner." interwoven with "cop hatred' government with the object that Brit' 'Hi Comedy a better name." The President challenged the red an black flags of revolution things on a hazy, warm winter and notions of world revolution, program responsibilities will be council, to be directed by and anarchy, students took over day made the events almost a Floy d McKissick new the office of the rector of the flashback to the student revolt was dissatisfaction with the edu- vested to the greatest possible Alec Guinness political scientist Daniel P cational reform program prom- extent in state and local govern- Sorbonne for two hours Thurs- of last spring, as Moynihan, to come up with ised by Charles de Gaulle's gov ments. "coherent, consistent positions day and fought with riot police Police reported 200 arrests, The etective on the streets of the Latin Quar- After the Sorbonne had been ernment and a demand that The council also was desig- as to what the national govern¬ ter. cleared Thursdwv night. 500 un- scholarships be increased by 15 nated to "meet with and advise ment would hope to see happen, per cent. the President on the occasion Ja 24 dergraduates seized the admin- , what it will encourage, what it The flags, the wrecking of the The immediate trigger was a 0f emergency situations, or con- lOtf et Clinic will discourage." rector's office, the police clubs istration building of the branch at Vincennes. outside Paris. Stu¬ banned film showing at the ditions threatening the main- Saint Louis High School, next to S-. i Jan. 25 dent trouble was also reported tenance of civil order or civil 10 -B. Wells International News Mass arrests at Caen in Normandy. Besancon in southeastern France and at the Sorbonne. Students who had been refused permission to show rights." Asked t0 explain this further. .50c the capital's Technical Institute. aWm on last May's riots went Moynihan simply told newsmen .7,^nd 9 p.m. Frisco State "I fear greatly that we're moving into a dangerous peri- ahead anyway, he hoped there would be no future AP)-- Liberation Front. Black Stu- 0d. said the dean of the Paris A Yugoslav youth tried to commit suicide SAN FRANCISCO follow strike Club-swinging police broke up a dents Union and American Fed- Liberal Arts School. Raymond Thursday by setting himself afire in a coffee strike rally Thursday at San eration of Teachers tried to Las Vergnas. He met face to shop in the capital of the state of Slovonia. He hold a rally shortly after lunch. face with a group of rebels in ( Francisco State College and reportedly acted in sympathy of Jan Palach who fatally burned himself to protest Soviet made the first mass arrests since minority students began a violent strike Nov. 6. (OnCGI*t tlclfCtS the Sorbonne and warned them that the situation was fast be¬ coming explosive. HOUSE occupation of Czechoslovakia- At least 380 were arrested. Approximately 1,400 general authentic Britain • • • began discussing with the Soviet About 150 striking students and some union teachers who struck Jan. 6 were surrounded at a Seger admission tickets are left for Sunday's Neil Diamond-Bob concert, according to DONT jf Union possible terms of a Middle East peace speakers' platform on the cen- Roger Anthony, ASMSU Popular Thursday. But the British foreign secretary tral campus. Entertainment chairman. LOOK MEXICAN stressed that the final settlement must come from the Arabs and Israelis. • Up to last week end, • • Americans died in bat¬ about Demonstrators 200 surrounded by police cursed and jeered, shouting, "Power to The People. Pigs off Campus." All reserved seat tickets have been sold. Price of general admission tickets is $2. They can be pur- and assorted obscenities as po- chased at the Union ticket office, NOW INDIA | of 32 a day in the 250 lice methodically continued the Marshall Music, Campbell's Su- But you river;;; POT tle in Vietnam at the rate 101 E. G I and days since preliminary peace talks opened in arrests buiban Shop and will be sold at Paris. The latest disorder at the col- the door Sunda> night. The con- may be about do ■ nstairs lege began when the Third World cert begins at 8 p.m. to blow betwee kesel's and cun* ingham's National News your life U.A.C. J 3!'2-8403 A series of killer tornados swooped through Creativa Arts Festival Presents f A astonishing number of central Mississippi early today, killing at least stupid and tragic 28 persons, injuring more than 100 and causing Aretha Fr• ;e a a put it simply, they careers without really heavy rise. damage. Police said the death toll could Lady • lc result—a dreary life • • • Jan, 25th 8:30 p.m. J happen to you? Could A white black man who admitted firing a rifle at a youth in Jacksonville. Fla.. while cruis¬ U O' M 3p2cial Events Building ^Tickets $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 Tickets available at door^ £ blouse ing through a trouble zone after the assassina¬ ••••••••••••••••••••A tion of Martin Luther King Jr.. was found inno¬ cent of murder Thursday. Two blacks were on the six-member jury that I YOUR PHOTO BLOWN 2 ft. x 3 ft. POSTER!; UP INTO A SENSATIONAL I & shirt acquitted Lee Charles Bradly. 24. The verdict after 75 minutes of deliberation. i came Any black & white or color photo up to 5 in. blown up into a sharp, stunning, giant I MICHIGAN NEWS AJty. Gen. Frank Kelly blasted outlaw motor¬ poster that will excite admiration and envy I everywhere and delight friends and family. Mount in your bedroom, den, dorm, fra- | ternity or sorority house; give as unusual j gifts. Send snapshot (no negatives) of your- ■ self, friend, relative, pet. 2 ft. x 3 ft. poster ■ | special mailed with original photo unharmed. Fast j cycle gangs by saying their activities center delivery at lowest prices by one of county's J around sex, alcohol and drugs, with "motpr- oldest mail order photofinishers. Satisfaction ■ guaranteed. We pay postage. Send remit- I cycle riding being almost secondary." tance and photo to I In speaking to local law enforcement agen¬ . wncTor-o" CAMPUS POSTER CO. | cies Thursday. Kelly said. "New clubs are ' 2 for $6 (from same picture) DEPT. 118 ENGLEWOOD. N. J. 07631 J springing up and there is an unending trial of j decide whether bee prospective members in the petty hoodlinn category." • • • The State News, the student wspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week The margin of defeat on the daylight savings and Orientation issues in June and September Subscription rates are *14 people. And it's dedicated to the time issue continued to narrow Thursday as the per year recount turned up only a 300-vote difference. Member Associated Press, United Press InternaUonal. Inland Daily Press Bernard Apol. state elections director, said Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press AssociaUon, Mich¬ igan Collegiate Press AssociaUon. United States Student Press AssociaUon the recount should be complete by the first Second class postage paid at East Lansing. Michigan of next week. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan people who have disc Campus News 355-8255 Classified Advertising a little truth at this point in your 353-6400 The police and fire chief of Oakland Univer¬ Display Advertising Business-CirculaUon 355-3447 search? sity have resigned because of a " change in Photographic 355-8311 Use the coupon below philosophy" by school officials/in handling ...or the coupon in the 2.99 law enforcement among the students. colorful brochure dis - The "change in philosophy" involves tjie tributed with this pa¬ recent ruling that police officers dress in gray per... to enter your Char¬ GO BAHAMAS ter Subscription to Ca¬ slacks and blazers. Also they do not carry fire¬ reers Today, at the spe¬ arms. • • • $|7900 cial Charter price of just S5 for one year (11 issues) • famous maker • easy care fabrics • University of Michigan President Robert W. March 16-23 instead of the regular • sizes 28 to 38 • long and roll sleeps Flemming declared Thursday it would be worse post-Charter price of$10. "'to make academic decisions in response to Freeport Inn Grand Bahama Island • slightly imperfect •solids, stripes & )ir .its force" than to undergo a disruptive sit-in threatened by students. the only Hotel with 100% students fiinfintnay What a great opportunity to collect a whole Flemming, writing in the student newspaper, Internationally known happy hour wardrobe of shirts to wear with dandy jumpers, said students do not have ' the exclusive right unlimited liquor 50C night kicky skirts and your new flare leg pants. to determine the content of their own educa¬ Hurry! tions," but they deserve to be heard. price includes round trip airfare • • • Hotel, Trans, Transfers & Gratuities Police cleared the office of the rector of the Sorbonne Thursday after students occupiers LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE! held it for more than two hours. The police Call Mike Irvine or Cheryl Killebrew chased hundreds of youths from the Latin 351-6707 332-5031 Quarter's streets with club-swinging charge?;. Campus jan petapiece or call jack lapelle Other rebels at the Sorbonne claimed to have 3*2- 3516 Sfudentours of ed 2-0841 taken over the office of the dean of the Liberal Grosse Pointe 886-0844 Arts School. Michigan MAX LERNER STATE NEWS rr_ I NIVKRSITY Trinkni The Nixon years begjin of the Pacemaker award f »r o have to act. It said little and said it The best comment I heard about Rich¬ passably except the drab i ie < Forward To¬ ard Nixon's inaugural came not from the well. But mainly it fitted in with the mood gether. Other P 'si< nts have tried, of the people-far better than most wishful from Theodore Roo ve New Nation¬ experts but from a waitress in a coffee shop. "He didn't promise anything,"' she Democrats would agree. alism and Wilson's New Freedom, through F.D.R.'s New Deal and ®arrv Truman's EDITORIAL said, "that he can't carry out." The fact is there were no promises at all in the The capacity to sense the emerging mood Square Deal, to Kenned* s New Frontier of the large middle class of America and and Johnson's Great Sdf-iety. It has its speech, except the promise to try hard. There was nothing about programs. There the cruel refusal to be swept along by the drawbacks by making th^ -'resident vulner¬ was no talk about priorities, except the current "waves of the future" may be the able on the score of pe;.)rmance. but it MSU and t vague one of peace. It was a speech of ex¬ hortation to unity and of dedication to high moral purpose and. as such, a fitting sequel chief quality that Richard Nixon will bring to the first year of his Presidency. It won't be the quality of a great legis¬ also gives focus and di ministration. What hints from which a are * there slogan for • < ?tion to an Ad¬ Nixon's speech Administration to Dr. Billy Graham's rousing performance lator or an inspiring, imaginative leader, and those of all the other divines of every but don't underestimate it. When Calvin might emerge'.' He isks nericans to "lo¬ Mixed feelings must surround \ University administration. wer our voices.' but $ Quiet Society All in all. the sound of $70 persuasion who seemed to dominate Coolidge came into office Justice Holmes the budget request of Gov. Mil- the day. wrote to a friend. "I don't expect very much would hardly do Ne'tb * would the Re¬ laxed Society, altbcigl" fye does ask in liken. Finally, a governor has million may seem ear-shatter¬ from the President, and I don't want very By candidly telling us that he has been e'ffect for a breathlf-g ;-^ll from all the lent his prestige to the idea of ing. But, in reality, with infla¬ studving the past inaugurals, Mr. Nixon much." I suspect that this expresses the tensions and turmoil In tion what it is and legislators mood of many Americans today. Nixon paid Rotable sentence a four-year medical school at invites a comparison of his own with them. his obeisance to the restless young and to he asked his fellow viti;ejfcs to "surmount what they are hopes should not It was not as long or windy as William what divides anC 7-ent what unites MSU, but the total request is the anguished suffering poor, black and us ce be raised to a point where their Henry Harrison's, nor as short and earthy white, but mainly he talked to middle- us." little more than adequate, and as Andrew Jackson's, not as brilliant and 1 tence with more destruction is inevitable. class Americans. They didn't expect death¬ will surely face legislative cuts. philosophical as Jefferson's, not as pro¬ /<|ler that makes less prose from him. What they want most Milliken's $200,000 recommen¬ The new governor's budget saic as those of Harding. Coolidge. Hoover progress possible an*1 li!< Secure " I trust after all the confrontations and anger and and Eisenhower, not as rhythmic and soph¬ that Nixon didn't rrean his in the law dation for medical school plan¬ request is encouraging in its isticated Wilson and Kennedy's, not as hate, is a quieter breathing spell in which as and order" sense, *hi> would be self- ning is an accomplishment in¬ recognition of the need for the buoyant as Franklin Roosevelt's, not as America can catch up with the gains regis¬ defeating. but in the *_;ise of a social tered on its statute books and its con¬ deed. For several years now medical school and in its gen¬ tragically profound as Lincoln's. order in which we aim gt decent living science. there has been a steadily in¬ eral increase for the Univer¬ While it was not. either in ideas or phras¬ Will the new President achieve this"1 He standards and a decent* quality of life for all and which must "foe both orderly creasing need for physicians in sity, but the battle lines are ing, a speech that will rank anywhere near will try. That, along with all the embellish¬ the immortal ones, it was in its own way a ments of rhetoric, is what I take to be the and dynamic at the same In this sense Michigan while, until now form¬ already forming in the legisla¬ essential message of his inaugural. One I can imagine his ce^tinuing in later ture. good speech, projecting Nixon's self-image er Gov. Romney and the legis¬ faithfully, prudent in not boxing Nixon in notes that Mr. Nixon stayed clear of giving speeches a plea not for rffty Great Society --The Editors but for something n ore nodest and corn- lature could not or would not and thus reducing his options when he will his coming Administration any key phrase. pa ssable-The Decei Soc^jetv. come to terms on support for a four-year. degree-granting school. Cynicism abounds at inauguration Now. with a four-year pro¬ gram proposed by the governor and a prospective $1.5 million in few minutes time for a Life Sciences Bldg. to Bv MICHAEL LANZING a The parade was abtfv in hour late house the College of Human JOHN BRATZEL AND getting started. From <>► antage point Medicine, health services and budget could take care of the across from the Jus LARRY LINCOLN Dept we gelimousine health care in Michigan could high inflationary trend which watched the President • go Spartaeuss Staffers by. top down, the Pr ident smiling be greatly improved. has caused increases in salar¬ from behind the bul .-proof wind- But, in many other respects, ies, cost of services, and other Inauguration Day. 1969. was a lot shield. Next came' the imbers of the costs. But it is that same infla¬ of things to a lot of people. the proposed MSU appropria¬ It was a day of chilly winds and cabinet and several othe dignitaries. tions fall short of what was tion which has caused the lack We moved leaden skies, the atmosphere of re¬ on up P<"#isylvania. As hoped. of additional funds that could straint and somberness, punctuated we got closer to the White House, the have been used for new facili¬ concentration of demonstrators became The original moderate re¬ by the thousands of army troops and ties and programs important military police, complemented the greater, until, at the p< sot where the quest by the trustees was $7 Washington weather perfectly. avenue makes its sudde swing to the million more than the gover¬ to the continued progress of the right, the crowd was >lidly hostile. nor's recommendation. Before On this Jan. 20. as every four years University. Again, there seems at this time, the capital had decked They kept up a continu is barrage of little money for expansion. obscene chants about .ixon. Agnew legislative approval the budget itself out in its finest to pay "tribute ;to • and the police and tro ps lining the will almost certainly be scaled The request of $22.2 million, the new President. street in front of them W^n we reached down even further. This could by MSU. for the construction But there was a difference this time the curve, the car bearir^Gov. Maddox of new buildings and acquisi¬ of Georgia was very r -grly mobbed. threaten the funds for the medi¬ and everyone who stood before the inaugural platform to watch Richard i>ut the lines held. "i cal school and other well-de¬ tion of new lands which was Nixon sworn in as the 37th President serving projects. scaled down to $4.8 million knew it. The new President was not Up ahead we heard veiling and saw the Marines double-timing toward the is an example of the problems - President Hannah has point¬ himself ebullient, a marked departure trouble. We asked on1 police officer ed out that the \ increase ap¬ the University must face. When from the feelings displayed by his two . . what the trouble was • nd he replied. Democratic predecessors, one of whom ton Sunday evening. We parked our car We grabbed a seat on the steps of a cut of close to $18 million is pears to be adequate for us to had called his ceremony a "celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, then walked the Supreme Court, reconciled to be¬ Just a lot of commo'on up there." made before the legislature is Another officer s£i1 tf ft the Yippies meet the built-in cost increase of freedom." The celebration was pre¬ the half mile or so to the Washington ing left out in the cold (literally). Momument where the demonstrators All of a sudden, what can only be des¬ had just thrown tw^'ireb • mbs on the East Lansing campus." to take final action, then there sent all right but it was muted, testi¬ So it seems that the proposed will be some* long faces in the mony to the nerve-shattering events of had been permitted to set up a huge tent cribed as an incredible stroke of luck We learned late' thar^some objects, the last year, to two political assassina¬ for an anti-inaugural ball. We learned appeared in the form of two girls who including some imo .ebombs had tions, to unrest in the cities and on the there had been some scuffling with the stopped in front of us and offered us been thrown at tJ?/i P sidential car. police earlier in the evening but. con¬ two tickets of admission. We couldn't The scene was bedlam*'or some time campuses, and above all, to the fact that the nation was still embroiled in a sidering the magnitude of the crowd, we believe that they could possible be on while the side streets ©t Pennsylvania thought it surprising that nothing more the level. They were genuine, however, and around the ' of the float. Now that the champagne now our by new President a chance, said pointedly. One hippie couple with a small baby believe that the man who was defeated We felt like saying P tter luck next celebrations and gala inaugural building br^tges. "No. We've had it." stood off to one side making loud com¬ by John F. Kennedy and who sat on time ." ^ The three of us arrived in Washing- ments about the "lousy service around this same platform eight years ago as balls are over, and President The spr* id of nuclear weap¬ The pageantry of' tradition and the here.'' The manager walked up to seat part of an outgoing administration had discord of the streS1' demonstrations: Nixon has had time to get th< ons to spr ., ently non-nuclear them, remarking that they wouldn't come back again as President. Even the distant shouts of protesters along contrasting faces of our nation's 46th feel of the leather chair in li e nations Ts tfo important an is¬ have had such a hard day if they had Constitution Avenue, reminding us that inauguration executive office, it is time Ijr sue to*b£ ,»• stponed any* long¬ stayed home. He elaborated at length about how he had lost a son defending it was 1969 and not 1960, could not Whether Mr. NixOi Is tenure of office him to establish his priorities er. Nixon' support of the their right to be here but that he hated entirely dispel the feeling. will be successful ii d *aling with the and designate to the Sena treaty i U show to both our al¬ their guts, adding with a smile. "I The greatest applause during the In¬ "crisis of spirit" b. • '^lked about is and the nation his position t es, ano ihe est of the world happen to be a pretty nastv fella. " augural Address was for Nixon's ob¬ . only a matter of sptculation now. But those tnat he is interested in coop¬ The morning of the inauguration, we servation that "We cannot hope to the problems he con routs as he takes urgent matters now make everyone our friend, but we can office will not easily l»nd themselves eration, and is willing to work drove from our motel in the Maryland awaiting congressional action. suburbs, to Arlington Cemetery where try to make no one our enemy." It was to solution toward that e'ld. Any gesture we had planned to park our car and not a rousing speech at all. but a plea Among his top priorities toward that gc*al, especially at walk to the Capitol. Just before we for unity delivered in a deliberately The frustration of »>alcks in the should be the long debated nu¬ ghettoes and their exp essed indiffer¬ this early date when Nixon's reached Memorial Bridge we saw a low-keyed manner. ence or-distrust of tht new President, clear non-proliferation treaty. taxi and hailed it. The driver was tak¬ Most of the people around us said course is largely unclear, will tfie anger of the anti-ii ugural demon- Although encouragement from ing his passenger to the Senate Office that this was their first inauguration. s rators who are in mood to be demonstrate the desire for Bldg. which was about as close as we the President s office for a go- One gentleman said that the last time reasonable, all contribiPt to a show- peace he stated so strongly in could expect to get to the Capitol had been here had been March he me. I'm from Missouri attitude ahead will not insure ease of his inaugural a idress. grounds without passes. Like all cab 1933 for the inauguration of Franklin Cynicism will yield jnly to solid drivers, he told us he had strong passage through the Senate, The spread )f nuclear weap¬ Roosevelt. Another, who carried a photo¬ achievement fc* opinions and took no pains to conceal grapher's permit for the parade, told Capitol Hill is nonetheless, ons poses % threat not only to them. tThe future is by no ^neans certain, us he was a historian who worked for awaiting executive response be¬ our physical security, but to our the National Archives. He stressed the b^t we left Washington wishing the new As we passed the Rayburn Bldg. fore proceeding with further where officers for the House of Repre¬ continuity symbolized by the ceremonv- administration all the lu -k in the world. diplomatic relations as well. If W*U all need it. deliberations. we are to become known as a sentatives are located, he commented the orderly transfer of enormous power that the building looked like a huge Nixon supported the non-pro¬ peace-seeking nation, every mausoleum inside, that it had cost effort for cooperation will have more than the Pentagon itself and that liferation treaty until the to be made. "of course it had to be the Democrats Czechoslovakia invasion. He who built it." We told him we were Nixon's desire for peace was then expressed desire to inde¬ representing the Michigan State News stated Monday, but that does and he said he thought Romney was finitely postpone the treaty to show our indignation over the not make the image reality. really a great guy-"He ought to be up there today." incident. That was August, and We, as a nation, must make The State News had not been able to our postponement has had no every gesture for peace pos¬ obtain passes for admission to the sible to regain the trust of a impact on the crisis, nor does it Capitol grounds. We had been issued doubtful world. An immediate but we quickly found them appear that delaying it further press passes useless. The military cordon had been will be to any avail. Roadblocks step would be the approval of the nuclear non-proliferation given strict orders to admit no one with¬ placed in the path of interna¬ out the proper credentials, a list of tional understanding have ac¬ treaty. which was posted at each of the four -The Editors entrances. complished nothing. We must Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OUR RIADIRS' MIND Acting, management There is not enough that can existent. have a He tried so hard to Jewish accent, that his to see what a fine play The Fid- dler really is. cause come ruin 'Fiddler' they lack the funds to be- full time students. Why Women still struggle be said about the play Fiddler speech was stilted and he gave The only life in this produc- milst they pay additional funds To the Editor: the Roof. It is an excellent the impression that Tevye tion was in the form of Susan see a special production Since the days of Adam and Eve, man has pointed his musical as is evident by its a very stupid The most Goeppinger who played Hodel. that activity books finger at woman and said, "I didn't do it, she did it She stood out like a professional qujred for? Also, why is it that And since those days, women have struggled, struggled popularity on Broadway and glaring example road shows throughout the Uni- ficiency was in the song "If I among the amateurs. Her voice after paying $6.00 for a seat, for acceptance, struggled for equality, struggled for free¬ ted States. This fact though Were A Rich Man." The song was fabulous and her acting one must share a program with dom and liberty that man assumes. would be hard to prove to the was written to be sung with the superb. his date because there aren't Today, at this great institution of learning, where we have at hand the record of human existance, we still fail to rec¬ people who were unfortunate warmth and lightness of a man Other gripes I had about this enough to go around? A final enough to have tickets for Mon- dreaming about becoming rich. evening were not connected criticism is saved for the us- ognize the equality, (perhaps the superiority?) ol Johl turned it into just another women. Women are demanding no hours, like that of man, day evening's performance. with the production, but rather herette who seated us. After be- song to be sung, the words mean¬ with the administration. In tic- ing seated, we were asked to and yet our distinguished administrators keep perpetuat¬ The star role of Tevye, pub¬ ing nothing. ket distribution at the Union, show our tickets twice more, ing the ancient myth that women are feeble, and inferior. Mr. licized to be played by Joe Cus- no mention was made of the The first time we were asked Dickerson insists they need a transition period from anelli, was instead played by fact that only full time students to move two seats down. The high school to college (whatever tnat means and if it his understudy Peter Johl. Johl does mean anything, why aren't men included in freshman and Grandma Tzeitel before the coming ~~ O of- Federal ed as an irrevocable reality, belief that they can play on ^ Ibo so,diers before the Forces, whole villages in Itu the sooner peace will come the intelligence of the Ameri¬ liberation of the and Calabar provinces minority areas to Nigeria. can public simply because they by the Federal government. wiped out by Ibo soldiers. My are "Biafrans." own village was not only sacked Among those killed was Dr. As early as May 1966. fol- , . - ,. 4 .. .. . . Ekpenyong, former senior lec- lowing the first anti-Ibo riots turer in the University of Ni_ many others, including Mr. bMt my younger brother and in Northern Nigeria. Ibo facul¬ ty members of Ibadan Univer¬ ihn farni- ,riaa 0f Calabar. Odiokine, a Veterinary Medi¬ cine Senior at the University Food... Friends... Fun... sity met and laid out a blue ii. Outright intimidation was of Nigeria, were killed on the print for secession which has the Ibo ruler's method of creat- eve of Federal Liberation of since been meticulously fol- ,ng a faCade of unity in their the area, lowed by Ojukwu et al. new Empire. This " was ac- One aspect of the blue complished by arming all able The facts stated above which print, entitled ■The Handling bodied Ibos in the minority are heavily documented in Ni- of the Minorities.' had the areas an(j recklessly using gerian and foreign papers show following presecriptions: these to nip in the bud any conclusively that not only have i. Arrest of key leaders 0ppOSition. The Okrika incident the minorities refused to go and spokesmen in the minor- 0f February 1967. in which Ibo along with rebellion and seces- ityareas soldiers and armed civilians sion, but they have also paid ii. Establishment of Gestapo slaughtered defenseless Okri- heavily for their stand as a areas in the minority areas of Calabar. Oron, Ogoja and Riv¬ ers. iii. Mass transfer of edu¬ BLOW YOURSELF UP cated and articulate elite from TO POSTER SIZE ■ The Love Inn A $25.00 Value for presents PERFECT POP ART 2x3 $3.50 Friday: Poster rolled and mailed in sturdy tube 3X4 ft.— $7.50 Paula GUIs Original returned undamaged. Tom & Linda Dan Rahfeldt Rex Carter PHOTO JIGSAW PUZZLE 1 ft.x |i/2 ft. $3'50 BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Saturday: Linda Hill Rob Lawton Coca-Cola Bottling Co Farahpress8 PHOTO POSTER, Inc., 210 E. 23d St., Dept. 381, N. Y. 100(0 The Step-Children Shelly Sinclair the stay-neat Blacklight FREE COFFEE men's slac 8 p.m.-12 50tf admission North Case Basement RIDAY 4TO 6 *7.0 *11 STEREO SOUND Always "just pressec^" Even after a day of wear. Hven af¬ BY SONY ter machine washing.' Farah¬ press slacks are i< eal for ' school or just plain; casual wear. Choose your Farah¬ press slacks by Fanlfc from the largest collection n Lan¬ sing. Full ranged o sizes. men's big FROM OUR COUP D'ETAT COLLECTION SONY sweater Wedding set designs that 560 Auto-Reverse Stereo started a revolution. Compact Tape System Priced as sets. 7.99 & 10.99 Emerald cut, $575. Pear shaped, $1,275. Now save on yout favorite Brilliant, $795. Marquise, $750. turtleneck and V-ne^k pull¬ overs of fine wool ,ind as¬ sorted blends. Solid?-^nd pat¬ 5411 SO. CEDAR LANSING, MICHIGAN terns. Great values. , HOURS— Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 JEWELERS ~ £ ,SINCE 1876 STORE FOR MFS--FAST L i\SI\C STREET LEVEL Sat. 9-6 Sun. 2-6 121 S. Washington-Lansing, Michigan k Friday, Jani try 24, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'SOUL ON ICE' Graces play cello piano Book reveals a Soul on Ice, by Eldridge Cleaver. name carried with it my care¬ sational publicity-for all his is much the same as The book "36 Lovdjieff's. Children" is in recitals A ful preconception of the views, power and fury Eldridge Cleav¬ the record of sixth grade Ramparts Book, McGraw- one actions and emotions of a very er has a gentle soul. Hill, 1968. Available at Campus class in Harlem. It is inspiring radical man. Kenneth Clark calls the and Book Store. $5.95. depressing, encouraging and Two Jrada te recitals high¬ 36 Children bv Herbert Kohl. I discovered the unexpected- "purity in Cleaver's ability to frustrating. Several children are , describe horror ahd degradation" light t"' •*Maccjbaeus' by Handel, anc"Sonatas by Hind- FRED CLARK Diamond and the Bob Seger Bang." a spy-thriller starring emith 194,' and Debussy LEE MINOFF Sunday assault • AL BRODAX-GEORGE MICHAEL CONSTANTINE FRANK GORSHIN "System at the Auditorium Tony Randall. Terry-Thomas < 1915) Winifred Sherburn LEE ...AL i at 8 p.m. Sunday. and Senta Berger. will assist at JOHN PHILLIP LAW injures freshman; If your taste runs to either :a<£,p ffiXe?' JACK MENDELSOHN,..ERICH SEGAL BURGESS MEREDITH GEORGE RAFT the " Solitary Man." or even wallet demanded "Rambling. Gambling Man" I COLOR Deluxe United Artiste CESAR ROMERO MICKEY ROONEY GROUCHO MARX An MSU student was assaulted types you might just as well get your tickets now. As of Jazz Festival Sunday around 12:45 a.m. near Thursday, reserved sections for the show have been sold Bessev Hall. University police weekend AUSTIN PENDLETON Shown twice at 7; 14 — 11:00 p.n M ^~ Fun Cartoon & Novelty said. out. General admission tickets at $2 are still available at the two Daniel E. Aebig. New Era Union Ticket Office and at freshman, was jumped by sev¬ Marshall Music, well Festival Sat /day STARTS WEDNESDAY! eral males who demand his wal¬ as as Three outstanding musicians' awards will be given at the Four ;-;f > :higan s collegiate 2nd Color Featur let, police said. He incurred two Campbell's Suburban Shop. •ROMEO & JULIET" cuts several abrasions on his For the shut-ins. about the fourth annual Michigan State jazz gr'-'jps i^Ml perform in two concert* in f|he Erickson Hall face. only other prospect for Sun- Intercollegiate Big Band Jazz Kiva ai < p rr and 8 p.m The conce t incluaes the MSU CALL THE MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES MeN'S HAL L ASSOCIATION Jazz Band. MSU's And >d by George Goodrich Quintet, West; POLICE! presents woMews iNTeR-ReSiDeNce cm. composed o graduate students, led by »Andv. Goodrich: Central Michigan's ySwingin Chips, Inspector led by - ack 5 ^unders: and State's Con^vrt Jazz P^nsemblf. Wayne Clouseau a new :roup directed by Scarf.£id In llearshen. Robert Is Back! Mas Brian IS V % ceren Rubl"n. producer and jazz c nmentator for WKAR. • MSl/r o Tick y ^ are $1.75 for the afternoon performance and $2.25 for the; eve ing concert. They are oC sa at the Campus Music Shop nd Marshall Music Store. East ansing; on campus an theowu^ ^"iSpecW, at the Cap*:.. AND AM> ,:I man. ftaapw- With Pete r O'Toole, Omar Sharif, '-'pm Courtenay, Donald P jasence, Joanna Pettet, xharles Gray, Philippe* olret, Christopher iNlilEj Plummefc ATWC Color COlPR» "i 7 & 9t3J '09 Anthony PACE • MAGG€ "THRE^T NAN MA£HN Captoixh«-Orlfllnally scheduled pe thusiasts, however, will proba¬ erals" sports an excellent cast, It's all bly head for this week's two totally satisfying "Persona" stars Liv Ullman films. to Succeed" almost recreates the original, which makes it including Peter O'Toole. Omar Union ^oar^d annual is sponsoring its flights to Europe special events: the Neil Dia¬ Sharif, Tom Courtenav and I3th "Oh, What a Lovely War" culminates its runon campus and from all appearances, mond-Bob Seger Concert, and and Bibi Andersson as two wo¬ very funny and very refreshing. Donald Pleasence. Tonight and Program giv g students, faculty, the 'lives' of these 'brave* performers also closed. The production was staged the Big Band Jazz Festival. men who may be an actress Maureen Arthur's performance Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m.. 109 and staff ot >1SU an opportun¬ this week at Wonders Kiva and Brody. State News Photo by Wayne Munn and her nurse, but who finally as the buxom secretary. Hedy Those who want their music to ity to fly to Grafton Trout, of the Dept. of Sociology, addresses a workshop for Spanish-speak¬ rock will find Msrs. Diamond emerge as two aspects of a LaRue. whose favorite exclama¬ Anthony. ^urope at reduced single personality. At 7 and 9 tion is a cuccinct Sker-eew!' Finally, the MHA-WIC movie ing community leaders from Lansing, Kalamazoo State and Toledo. News Photo by Hal Caswell and Seger in the Auditorium p.m. tonight in 108 Wells Hall. will not soon be forgotten. At "To Sir With Love" should Two flight to Europe have been chartered by Union board On the opposite extreme, the 7:30 tonight in the Auditorium. please the Sidney Poitier fans, for travel du' ,ng the summer. International Film Series pre¬ who seem to be legion, and Perhaps the most bizarre film The flig is include the trip sents David Swift's film of the those who like good old-fash¬ around is the MSI Film Soc¬ SENIOR INSTRUCTS long-running Broadway mu¬ sical, "How to Succeed in Bus¬ iety's presentation. The Night of the Generals' < which has ioned and 9 sentimentality. p.m. tongiht in Wilson At 7 from Detroi ito London and the return Detroit at the and tomorrow in Conrad. end of the.summer. iness Without Really Trying." Free U'offers be relaxing or studying. How¬ hypnosis Reyher believes that only a cause of this, repressions and BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS TONIGHT from 7:15 p.m. By GREG SCHROEDER ever." Farrell said, hypnosis professional should practice hyp¬ underlying conflicts, which are Students who like to sleep 2nd BiG WEEK! nosis "No professional would ordinarily controlled, might be in class can now join a course can't make a person break his use hypnosis as a class study. brought to the surface." Reyher whose purpose is to put the personal moral code or commit class to sleep. anti-social acts. " Hypnosis is potentially danger¬ said. The word hypnosis comes ous in the hands of the an un¬ "This could be very disturb¬ The Free University is of¬ from the Greek meaning sleep, trained person." he said. ing to the individual who could fering the course, "Hypnosis Reyher further stated that not cope with the sudden situa¬ for Study and Relaxation." It and after a brief history. Far¬ any way of inducing a trance tion," he adddd. is taught by David L. Farrell. rell encouraged the class to on a person could result in a Battle Creek senior, who has follow the definition and go to Reyher believes the Free Uni¬ When a person is re¬ dangerous situation for that per- been studying and practicing sleep. versity should have consulted laxed and asleep, the human ALSO QTARRING hypnosis for 8 years. the Psychology Dept. before it The purpose of the course is mind is more receptive to sug¬ offered the course. defenses are weakenet to teach people how to better gestions and also hypnosis. control themselves whether it "Most of the class will prob¬ Tonight And Tomorrow ITHE SPINNERS Florida ably not reach the state of hyp¬ nosis the first time." Farrell said, "but some may go on a trip of relaxation and suggest- -PUCES 108 Wells - 7 and 9 -75C EDWIN •«« STA4 SO >3 30 >2 50 little beauty into the lives of will not be teaching the methods NEXT WEEK David and Lisa wkmuvMAHb f* KETS AVAILABLE AT PARAMOUNT NEW CENTERS professors The paper. The University of hypnosis or self-hvpnosis. He ammmm °ff£M-k JOHNNY S RECORD THE DISC SHOP SHOP Report. carried a series of felt that hypnosis was a good uma■ classroom subject since the PO BOX 413 EAST LANSING 48823 £ MAIl ORDERS |\ photographs showing a dark- technique could be passed on to °f WMttmtfCMWfQti .v CASH OR MONEY ORDER - NO-CHECKS* PIUS 2' < HANDLING TWIN THEATfl v „ - ' \ haired, nude girl posing in the more people this way SPARTAN /Mhtuis btyqQpsf FOR TICKET INFORMATION-CAll 484-5718 337-1837 351-4186 \ Florida history section of the FRANDOR1 SHOPPING COTTER -3100 CAST SAGINAW PhoiM 3S1-0030 • unmm MUTM library. However, criticism > of the AN S&S ENTERPRISES PRODUCTION FOR 2 DA> Thousands of copies of the pa¬ course has come front several per were handed out free, as professors in the Psychology T oday SHOWN AT at usual-on campus. The university made no public Dept. Joseph Reyher' of that department felt that the hypno¬ sis course could not do much 6:33 And 9:00 p.m. 1:30-3-5 NOW SHOWING! A.LCOLOR! pr otest Lester Hale, vice presi¬ 7 AND 9:30 p.m. dent for student affairs, said good and might have adverse Sat. And Sun. At ELECTRIC IN CAR HE \TERS affects on some merpbers of publications could be distributed 1:30-4-6:30 & 9 p.m COMEDY Hl't the class. so long as they broke no law. He didn't know The Braodway he had courag9 Hi: is Now a until courage Hollywood Howl! was all he had Jeft. ^ "The Fixer" based on The Undergraduates Wi>Sr. the Pulitzer Prize- winning novel by Bernard Malamud. vs. The Over-Thirties! The Excursions BLUE K KETTLEDRUM PfiOOUCTlON --In Your Dorm-- Jan. 22 thru 25 WIS MEADE ROBERTS and RONALD M COHEN m . > ImjHMf SILVIO NARIZZANO manoshadjioakis ~ JUDO BERNARD and IRWIN WINKLER pTtRICIaTaTev SHOWN TWICE -- 7:07 andtcATE SATURDAY ONLY! WESTERN HIT SHOWN AT 9:20 ONLY BOTH FEATURES RELEASED PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1st NOT CLASSIFIED ELECTRIC IN CA Hf ATERS Escalation? If You Renewal? Like Urban Hypocrisy? NOW SHOWING! All COLOR! . . «ill the Human Drives and Urges? A( jM presents the John i rankenhemner- Edward YOULL LOVE L ewis Production of "ITS ALL OUR the fixer injHE VERY SPECIAL METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents mine SNEAK PREVIEW DAVID NIVEN., prjiowr SATURDAY ONLY swung Alan Bates "THE Ge RCe HARRISOn Dirk IMPOSSIBLE 9:10 P.M. Bogarde YEARS" "EXPLOSIVELY FUNNY ...Don't Miss Itl" Hugh Griffith LOW ALBRIGHT-CHAD EVERETT -•L.A, Times Elizabeth Hartman 61# MN ® Spontaneously Performed and FILMED Ian Holm (ill FEME EXACTLY as Presented LIVE in PANAV WON MCTftOCOlOft San Francisco and Los Angeles David Warner I COLOR by Deluxe United Artists |u||Mt*0 '01 'G" "i'eneril Audier See: "The 5th HORESMAN IS at 1:05-3:10-5:15-7:25 p.m. FEAR" 81 Later Carol White ntjiEWAL "YELLOW SUBMARINE" 7:07 1 LATE -• "THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" 9:00 ONLY I «..i»n>» every Saturday to attend it. ing the community in a more munity Center, the North Side It is not part of the regular positive light, than by using any curriculum, but is rather an negative or destructive action." MSU-sponsored experimental The instructor, acting prim¬ U' Water Carnival workshop offered to interested people of Mexican, Cuban or arily as independent faculty To market, Puerto Rican descent. members, devoted free time to the workshop. They include Sesario Durand and his brot¬ The MSU Marketing Club met recently to plan for their April conference. Presi¬ her, Sylvester, are hoping that Gafton Trout and Harvey Choi- dent Dave Pottery, right, discusses the budget with the club's vice president, Fred their participation in this work¬ din, associate professors of State News Photo by Jim Richardson discard old Icok Sanchez shop will help lead to the start sociology; Duane Gibson and to of similar classes in their Robert Anderson, director and home town, Toledo. asst. director, respectively, of Friday - Sat. - Sunday the Institute for Community W3 Initiated by a request for guidance from a Mexican-Amer¬ Development: and Albert Le- val re-evaluation ■fcnmittee peo¬ Any othei problems? 2 Adult Color Hits vak, director of the Office of By DEBORAH FITCH "What ab -ut the residence hall ican group, the Ad Hoc Com¬ Associate Campus Editor ple. who dreamed up "Spring ban mittee, the workshop aims at Human Relations. Water Carnival. Weekend." didn't know that. people9" y<3i say. "Water Carn¬ AH3/3 MILE5 EASTgFMS.U Electric Car Heaters giving Spanish-speaking people They decided that the old Water ival is usually monopolized by "We hope to give them an un¬ "Big deal." you say. or "Who • PHONE ED^JOl2- a basic understanding of the Carnival, by itself, wasn't en¬ Greeks, rig;*i?" derstanding of the nature of needs it?" make-up of politics, religion, ticing enough for most MSU stu¬ something they want to improve Valid comments in the past, This yeai the educational system and so¬ dents. residence hall stu¬ -the community," Anderson certainly, but things are chang¬ dents ater Carnival's fo¬ cio-economic forces in Amer¬ It seemed that Water Carnival are said. ing. ican society. was a tradition only for those cus. Spring Weekend publicity Yeah, right." you say. "What chairman »b Bicek said that Coming from all walks of "This is not an activist move¬ few who worked onits produc¬ ; are they going to do. bring back "Get a good grip life, the 30 participants who at¬ tion. residence ,11 participation is ment. We are making no plans Stuart Rosenthal and put him ^ tend the 10 weekly sessions That had to change the life bl1 i of Water Carni¬ of action or strategy, but we are in the MSU Jazz Band with a come primarily from Lansing The re-evaluation committee's val and jfi^esidence halls are creating more knowledgable in¬ king-size kazoo? singing "The and include truck drivers, fac¬ Spring Weekend creation, now urged to € ter-Water Carnival dividuals and developing alter¬ Monster Mash?" on your popcorn! tory workers and high school natives for power flows." in the production stage, still people will *iswer any questions Ha-ha. teachers. includes Water Carnival, but and help soi -»any problems. This is the first time the Anderson said he Actually, the old Water Carn¬ there's Greek p;. icipation is neces¬ hopes there ival tradition has been virtually more. classroom approach has been will be a transfer and exchange Hint at "big names" sary too. qr jourse: it has been used in meetings between MSU of ideas. "We expect to learn scrapped. Madhatter's Midway (I'm noticeably sweater than other Tossed away. living uni 'participation, but King Leer Russ Meyer explicitly depicts and city government councils something from these people. " late. I'm late, for a very im¬ Discarded. that's and commissions and minority portant datet. pri- ably because the Killed, and Greeks at love a good fight groups, Robert Anderson, co- He expressed enthusiasm over Thieves' Market TI gotta hot a series of violent encounters among a director. said. the different levels of com¬ Reincarnated as "Spring Week¬ little item for ya here, hee hee >. (competiti-, that isi. .. munity involvement with which end." a newly-created MSU tra¬ And other things that the So the V iole story is that a plethora of partners in a variety of Commenting on the estimated the people attending the work¬ dition. Spring Weekend people keep think lot of kids- «>t just a few Greeks, 1.300 Spanish-speaking fami¬ shop were associated. "Hogwash." you say. "Tradi¬ ing up as surprises. but a lot • different kids- are lies in Lansing, Anderson said. While several in the tions evolve, they are not bizarre settings!" - Stephen M. Lovelady group created." They're hinting about "big working or a new entertainment names" coming to MSU to MC "Spring Weekend" idea that t jy want all the other Water Carnival; big FUNNV THE WALL STREET JOURNAL kids to pai, cipate in and enjoy. SPECIAL Apparently the Water Carni- PEOPLE names Anyone want to And want; ain. venture a guess"' Friday and Saturday night DOZEN ROSES But what about Water Carn¬ ival itself?" you say "A river They've ->alized the useless- old hackneyed tra- Lowenbrau Import s3« Cash & Carry and a bunch of floats and a dition and ve sunk it back into theme that no one understands, the Red Ci - ir; they're taking a Draught Jon Anthony usually-what about that?" careful loc .jt the likes and dis- 809 E. Michigan By the Pitcher Contemporary theme likes of M f students and are Well, you have to wait until trying to \e them something next week to find out about this that thev'l %e proud to call an PEACE CORPS year's theme--but it's contem¬ MSU tfidi :ijn Relax in Alt world candlelight atmosphere German and American Cuisine %irauer'* 1861 will be campus Jan. on 29, 30, porary. workable. understandable, and Thert s carniva in Sing to be a NEW 213 South Grand and 31st (next to new parking ramp) SPRING WEEKEND ? A terrific movie -just right for Steve McQueen. Fast, well-acted, written the way people talk, it is dense with detail about the way things work. Do rm skits McQueen embodies his special kind of aware, Findeps Keepers pss One of the best movies I've existential cool-less taut and hardshell than Bogart, less lost and adrift than to explain Mastroianni, a little of both! LcvepsWeepeps An indictment of adulterous America. r 11 p M- seen most this year.... has the exciting fifteen The spirit of Spring Weekend will visit st'^ral campus living units Jan. 28 and 30 through the presents ^pns of the annual minutes of cinema I've STEVE I*1CQUEEI\ AS Water Carnival convocations and continued o'-'^n rush in I don't know seen 'BULLITT' Convocations are skit performances by the iring Weekend exe¬ how long. cutive board which introduce the year's W. £r Carnival theme and continuity and provide living units WitTSdeas for carnival Edge-of-the-seat tension Produced and directed by RUSS MEYER -In Eastmancolor and super-cool perform¬ participation. "After the convocations, women's and men's living units can Starring Anne CHAPMAN • Paul L0CKW00D • Gordon WESCOURT • lavelle ROBY • Jan SINCLAIR begin pairing up and selecting representatives and committees." Duncan McLEOD • Robert RUDELSON • Joey DUPREZ • Pam COLLINS • John EURLONG • Nick WOLCUFE ance by Steve McQueen. Bob Bicek. Spring Weekend publicity chairman, said. An EVE Production * Recommended Adult Entertainment A tight, uncluttered movie, Bicek encouraged the participation of everyone to assist the board in making Water Carnival what he terr led bigger, better, 2nd Adult Color Att as direct and convincing more entertaining and appealing as a punch in the mouth. Open rush for positions on the 1969 Water Carnival committees Whatever you may have will also be conducted at convocations Convocations and rush will be at 7:30 p $i. Tuesday in the heard about the auto Union. 9:30p.m. Tuesday at Brody. 7:30p.m. Thursday in Wonders chase in Bullitt is probably Kiva, and 9:30 p.m. Thursday in McDonel Kiv . true—a terrifying, "Due to previous interest in Water Cdi m ,1, we find it desir¬ deafening shocker. able to continue open rush simultaneously j/ith convocation," Bicek said. n ► 482-39C Positions are available for students ten sted in production, "AN publicity, public relations, decoration: the ne and continuity, EMOTIONAL MLCHLOAN judging and awards committees. Recent revisions by the executive bo*,~l h; ve combined Water 6th WEEK ROBERf VAMGHIM Carnival with Mad Hatter's Midway an* Thieves' Market during AND SEXUAL Weekdays Feature a JACQUELINE BISSET -DON GORMN ■ wo=: PI the Weekend of May 23-25. TUG OF WAR! SUNDAY ONLY I Shows scheduled at 1:45-4:00-6:20 & 8:30 p, THE NAME OF THE GAME ROTC continues publication SEX! Hockey Hockey Hockey on the of quarterly newspa per Torch' The newest of MSU's pub¬ program 'he Torch has been lications will be published a- distributing, over 500 copies Michigan State Network gain this term after a cessful debut fall term. suc¬ to the on di?fe&-ent residence halls caftipUs and area high FETBR schools. WMSN The Torch, ROTC's quar¬ FMIDR ' IHeBKBRY Stu. Services terly newspaper, will publish FRIDAY 7:55 P.M. again this te^m, according to RUBBHVADim WBRS MICHIGAN HERE co-editors of the publication, $100 c imera unit Joseph M. Byrd. Fairmont. Brody W. Va.. graduate student and namE WMCD SAT 7^55 P.M. Brian R. Doney, East Lansing juniar. stolen rom Aud. IS OVER. McDowe! AT MICHIGAN GET ALL The newly organized Torch, published by the ROTC Public A «amtj&a exposure meter valueC at $100 was taken from WKME the A Jditorium Firday during THE PLAY BY PLAY Affairs offices, is not only at¬ .TT'INA MARQUAND JACQUES MONOD.^ MICHEL PICCOL! Shaw tempting to inform the offi¬ Adam Clayton Powell's speech, JEAN CALL,ROGER VADIM JEAN <; aij ACTION ON YOUR cers and men of ROTC, but to Unive>"sit> police said Wednes¬ SHOWN ONCE ONLY AT 9 P.M. ^r,'aAuK P:NO;R A WARCEAU-COCINOR PROD £7!QU WrAK extend an invitation to new day. MSU RADIO STATION Larry Carr, of Detroit's PANAVISION* TECHNICOLOR* recruits who would be inter¬ Wonders ested in joining the ROTC WJBK-T\ reported the theft. Friday, January 24 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mormons avoid intermarriages The Mormon married to a ually. but socially, culturally, By CAROL CORRIERE temple marriage. Temple mar¬ is looked upon as the ideal Interfaith non-Mormon knows that his mar¬ and even economically. There is no paid ministry J Interfaith marriages involv¬ riage and is only for members in marriages riage will terminate with death in the church, Beckstrand said, Often young, people will go ing members of The Church of and that he will not be able to to Salt Lake City and Brigham pesus Christ of the Latter-day good standing in the church. and consequently the emphasis enjoy family life with his spouse Young University in order to (Mormons), although An interfaith marriage would in the next world, Beckstrand is on volunteer work. The me¬ meet someone of their own faith liot expressly forbidden, are have to be non-temple said. mbers actually run the church to marry, he said. Incommon, Gordon L. Beck¬ Eternal marriage While the Mormon church does and it takes up a great deal of •When are uarried in their time. strand, bishop of the church's the temple you you are married not specifically forbid interfaith ' This type of involvement Although the outlook for a lansing second ward. said. marriages, problems induce the mixed marriage involving a Mor¬ Even in the liberal and di¬ forever. Beck strand said church to discourage it and would put a real strain on a mon is not good. Beckstrand said verse atmosphere of a large 'When side of you the are married out¬ temple, it's like make mixed marriages uncom¬ marriage involving a non-Mor¬ mon." he said that a happy mixed marriage is Papal eulogy Jiniversity like Michigan State, civil ceremony-until death." mon, the bishop said. Most other churches have a not impossible-it depends Pope Paul VI expressed admiration for tl " late Dr. (he number of mixed marriages a Active participation a great deal on the individuals Martin Luther King Jr.'s "untiring and sel sacrific¬ as remained small, he said. This is a very important point "Ours is a very active, part¬ paid, professional clergy, he involved. A point of conflict, arises to a Mormon, he said, for they icipating church,'' he said. "It continued, and the non-Mormon ing struggle in favor of the rights of man* during a trom the Mormon view of mar¬ view heaven as structured a- partner is accustomed to this "Marriage in itself ... is very private audience granted to Mrs. CoretiaKihg, widow requires a lot of involvement round family life. In heaven, arrangement. The non-Mormon difficult." he said. "If you" civil rights leader, and th£ Rev. Andrew riage as an eternal commitment. on the part of the individual." of the slain There are two types of mar¬ is united with his whole The church is the center of cannot understand why his have religion to tie to as a com¬ associate of her late husband. one mon thread, it's helpful. Young (right), an riage in the Mormon church- family, including ancestors and a Mormon's life, not just spirit- spouse devotes so much time to church work that is usually done (temple marriage and non- progeny by a paid minister. Church causes strain Resentment and a hostile at¬ Gospel interactio titude toward the church could grow and put a further strain on an already shaky situation, he said. The Mormon emphasis on family life and its central mean¬ ing in the church's theology is another point of conflict in an interfaith marriage. of missionary conference 1947; his B. D. in 1950: his The church puts a great em¬ "Exploding Forces of Gospel Communication" will be the ThD at Northern Baptist Theo¬ phasis on youth and teaching theme of the 14th annual Mis¬ logical Seminary in 1953: and the children in the home. Beck¬ Ruth McCart will present sionary Conference at East Lan¬ Ph.D. degree from the Uni¬ the Overseas Missionary Fellow¬ strand said. This education is sing Trinity Church this week¬ versity of Edinburgh in 1955. accomplished through a home ship at 7 p.m Sunday. Miss end. The Latin American Mission McCarty is an alumna of MSU. visiting program. William Nigel Kerr, profes¬ will be presented at 7 p.m. Fri¬ where she earned her Master Once a month, two elders of : Arts in administration edu¬ sor of church history at Gor¬ of day by George Taylor, who has the local church visit each don Divinity School. W'enham. been serving with the Latin cational se*vict4s in 1961. She in the ward (this is lUiLED family the basic division of the church). Mass.. will be the principal American Mission in Central America for completed vher * first term of service in W. £>aja. Indonesia, speaker for the conference. Kerr and South nine During their visit they instruct will open the conference with a this year, nd is now studying years. Taylor holds a M.A the family and also discuss Calvin C^ le^. Grand Rapids, build church lecture on "Exploding Forces degree in counseling and gui¬ at St. John's to theological questions with them. of Gospel Communication on the dance from MSU. during her t JrUOgh. A person of another faith American Campus" at 4 p.m. Wesley Kraay. staff worker at Temporal y t s schedules will would probablv resent having Friday in the McDonel Kiva. the Sudan Interior Mission, will be posted i'l t! ■ residence halls largest Catholic congregation in others come into his home this and the largest grant to any Kerr will deliver three ad¬ discuss the mission's work at for students. < _,shing transpor¬ Building construction that will the student parish, will accom¬ the Diocese of Lansing and one way. Beckstrand said. It may ditional lectures doling with tation to any art of the con¬ modate 800 students for Mass project in the Midwest. 7 p.m. Saturday. Kraay pre¬ I nearly double the worship capa- of the largest in Michigan Only seem to him that these people Zipple said that he hoped form¬ gospel communication in Latin viously served as a mission- ference I city for Catholic students at in an all-purpose room used as about 25 per cent of the stu¬ are trying to coerce him into America. Africa and Asia at er students who made pledges to I MSU was announced today by the worship center on Sundays dent parishioners are from the the building fund, who are now 7 p.m. Jan. 24. 25 and 26. LUTHERAN I the Rev. Francis J. Zipple. only. The room will be used 15 counties that compries the SEVENTH-DAY graduated and living in every Few mixed marriages Kerr received a B.A degree I pastor of St. John the Evangel- for other activities during »the county in Michigan, will honor Diocese of Lansing. The other ADVENTIST WOf SHIP In some areas of the country from Wayne State University in | ist Student Parish. their pledges. "We need your 75 per cent come from other where there are few Mormons, Services Saturday Martin L ther Chapel new one-storv brick struc- The building also will provide dioceses in Michigan, the na¬ Lutheran udent Center a lobby-reception area, two of¬ help more than ever,'' he said. the number of mixed marriages Kimberly Downs corner of Ann & Division J ture will be built on a two-acre MSU's student parish is tne tion and foreign countries. 444 Afbott Road I east of South Hagadorn fices. two classrooms for re¬ Church of Christ tract Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. I Road, across from the universi- ligious instruction and a small 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday W.oi ship Services I ty's east complex at 4828 S. chapel. Building cost is esti¬ EAST LANSING Central Methodist see sign at 2729 E. Grand 9:30 - 1 i:.00 a.m. mated at $250,000 with an ad¬ IV 9-7130 Minister L. G. Foil | Hagadorn Rd ditional $30,000 for furnishings, Across From the Capitol FRIENDS MEETING First Baptist Church River SUNDAY SERVICES ReV. Davif A. Kruse Ground-breaking is scheduled Hear the "Voice of Pro¬ for total of $280,000. - WORSHIP SERVICES a of East Lansing Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Missouri Synod [•for "about February 2." Zip- 9:45 and 11:15 meeting for worship 3 p.m. phecy" on radio. See | pie said All Saints Parish 940 S. Harrison Rd. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. "Faith for Today" on Fr-ie Bus Service and Zippld said the parish build¬ 'Like the university itself. ing fund, developed from student 'Change? Who Has To Change? 800 Abblbtt Road Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Television. Nursery ioth services [ St. John Student Parish virtually And Why? And How?" Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Wednesday evening Bible bursting at the seams, the pledges and other sources over Upper level, .corner room Morning Service 11:00 Study 7:30 p.m. Dr. Howard A. Lyman a.m. First Church of Pe)pl&§ Church . the last five years, currently Epastor said The student par- stands at $170,000. The balance Child care provided Training Union 6:00 p.m. For Transportation Call KNh has expereinced a 164 per Evening Service 7:00 Christ Scientist of $110,000 will be solicited All are welcome p.m. ED 2-1960 or ED 2-2434 East anslng ■c pnt congregational growth- from MSU Catholic alumni and Wednesday Evening 709 E. Grand River 3.255 to 8.600 students- Crib Nursery Interder ninational East Lansing the present Catholic students. St. Johns |sir£ce it opened in December. 1957 So Bring the Baby IV 5-9477 T^he present student parish The building fund was strength¬ Student parish Sunday Service 11 a.m. | church, at 327 M A C Ave. ened in November 1965 when the UNIVERSITY University SERMON block north of the campus. Louis Calder Foundation of New 327 M.A.C. Phone ED 7-9778 BAPTIST Christian SL'NDAV SERVICE I currently has nine Masses ev¬ York approved a $75,000 grant Sunday Masses — "TRUTH" 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m, expansion of physical facili¬ - for JRCH Church >rsIty Luthe ery Sunday, using the upper 7:00-8:15-9:45-11:15 church and basement facilities ties of the student parish. SUNDAY SCHOOL "Still, we can't accommodate In announcing the grant. James (American Baptist) Church 12:30-4:45-6:00 p.m. Masses Mon. - Fri. 11:00 regular "The G^en God" I-all the students who come for 1' Foxgrover. a foundation direc¬ Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor a.m. - alc-Ica 1 Sunday Mass.' Zipple said tor. said it was the largest Worship 10:00 a.m. Si 7:30 p.m, 8:00-12:30-4:30-9:00 p.m. 9:30-11:00 a.m. - college class 'l y Re I -ir. G. Smith The new building on Hagadorn grant the foundation had given Church School 11:10 a.m. Masses each class dav WEDNESDAY . Road, which will be part of to a project of this nature. Wednesday prayer Nursery Alumni Chapel 8:00 p.m. - Evening Meeting Church School hour 6:45 p.m. 9:15 & 10:30 a.m. 4:15 p.m. KAIL RUFFNER, Minister Services Saturday masses Free Public Reading Room C'HUR: H SCHOOL Free Bus Service and Nursery 332-1888 332-5193 332-3035 8:15, 9:15, 10:30 & 11:30 a 8:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m.-ll:45 a.m. 134 West Grand River 9:30 a.ns -11:00 a.m. British clergy trades OPEN Weekdays — 9-5 p.m, Crib through Adults FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 469 North Hagadorn Road FOREST VIEW SCHOOL Evenings 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Social pulpits in unity drive Worship Service - 9:30 and 11 a.m. All are welcome to attend Refreshment period in 3119 Stoneleigh, Lansing Church Services and visit and Hall fo'lowi- g worship serv¬ SERMON BY ices. use the reading room. Dr. Truman A. Morrison LONDON < AP - Hundreds those who were less than enthu¬ School--9:30 and 11 a.m.—Crib Room-Senior High SOUTH BAPTIST CHIRCH about the ecumenical Church of churchmen swapped pulpits siastic movement. He said they pic¬ Uni-tfersity Group—6 p.m. last week in the biggest clergy ex¬ tured the church gradually St., Apt. 3 Edgewood Church Bus route, Conrad, Holmes and Hubbard, change ever organized in Brit¬ CAMPUS STUDENT CENTER, 217 Bogue beginning at 10:40 a.m. 1518 S. Washington ain. beginning a worldwide week stripping itself of its doctrines Alvin Hoksbergen, Director Phone 351-6360 Call 332-8693 or 332-0606 for infoi-nation of prayer for Christian unity and authority, which for many FREE BUS SERVICE—See Schedule on Ministers: Truman A. Morrison, Paige Birdwell SUNDAY 7:00 P.M | In London. John Cardinal Heen- was its chief attraction. Residence Hall Bulletin Board. an. head of the Roman Catholic The Archbishop of Canterbury 'Look! There's A Man!" said the Christian faith knew Sunday %t 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. hierarchy in England, made his¬ "The Corporate Character Of Gospel Communication" tory by preaching in a Method where it stood in relation to the claims of scientific human¬ Dr. William Nigel Kerr speaking at all services ist church Moreover, he invited * CASTminSTCR PRCSBYTCRian ChURCh COLf aGIAN a Methodist minister to take his own pulpit in Westminster Ca¬ ism ist He challenged the human¬ diagnosis of man's troub¬ les and the humanist view of the 1315 Abbott Rd. cost cansiog. micniGon 120 EAST LANSING TRINITYInterdenominational Spartan Avenue CHURCH 9:45 A.M. College Bible Class in the fireside room FELLOWSHIP 8:30 p.m. thedral later this week Dr. Michael Ramsey arch¬ answer to them. E. Eugene Williams—PASTORS — Terry A. Smith Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher . Fires "in Room SUNDAY SCHEDULE University Class 9:45 a.m. bishop of Canterbury and pri¬ Bishop Huddleston. himself an mate of the Church of England, Anglican monk preached to Je¬ Worship Services— 9:00 and 11:00 a "Exploding Forces Of Gospel 7.Q0 11:00 A.M. "When Storms Cot Loose" addressed Congregationalists in suits of the English province Assembly for children through third grade 9:00 a Communication in Asia" the City of London Temple and a crowd of hundreds from Church School for children, youth, and adults 10:00 a Trinity Collegiate Fellowship ®:30 P.M. Anglican Bishop Trevor Hud many different denominations. FREE BUS SERVICE Morning ^ind Evening NURSERY PROVIDED ALL TIMES Wednesday: Mid-week discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.m. dleston of Stepney preached to Choirs from the U.S. Navy Cha¬ pel and the Russian Orthodox Rev. Robert David Leas 337-0183 Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm. Call 482-0754 for information. an overflow congregation in the • Jesuits' fasoionable Farm Street Church in London sang at the service, backed by the heavy UNIVERSITY UNITFD church in Mavfair Cardinal Heenan told the Me¬ brass of a Salvation Armv Band METHODIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL SERVICES thodists he could not have been Alumni Chapel invited to their church a gen 1120 South Harrison Phone: 351-7030 eration ago-I might as well (Auditorium Drive" say, five or 10 years ago "We both have the same Sunday school 9:00 A.M. and 5:15 r .M. . ideal," he said "We can teach each other to become holy Holy Communion & S rmc Touching on hesitations about to use Spanish church unity, the cardinal said "Smaller communities wonder Spanish-speaking students will be able to attend a Sunday school if the big churches, especially ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH the Church of Rome, don't in¬ class taught in their language Morning Worship 8:30,9:30, 11:00 Church School 9:30 (for all ages) tend in the blessed name of beginning this Sunday at the 800 Abbott Rd. Church of Jesus Christ of Lat¬ 11:00 thru grade six K Christian unity to absorb the * smaller churches, and this is a ter-Day Saints (Mormon), Nursery under supervision of a 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion ^ real fear among intelligent 431 E Saginaw St.. East Lan¬ registered nurse. 9:30 A.M. Holy Communion anc Sermon Free bus transportation 15 to Christians." sing. 11:15 A.M. Ante-Communion anc[ Sermon 30 minutes before each service. Within the Roman Catholic For transportation calf Sey¬ Church, he said, there were mour Feit at 339-9067 Friday, Jal ary 24, IS 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS S' cagers meet slumping U-M Saturday By MIKE MANLEY For the past two seasons Sul¬ Wolverines' playmaker and While tant one for the Spartans, who admitting that the State News Sports Writer livan has been the Wolverines' floor leader, averaging 7 point road ahead is not easy for the hope to keep their slim confer¬ The University of Michigan, sixth man but he scored 20 a game. Another player who Wolverines, Orr said: "We still ence hopes alive. A win over to snap a three points a starter against will see plenty of action is 6-1 struggling as are determined to have a part Michigan would put the Spar¬ game losing streak, will try Northwestern and Orr has indi¬ leaper Richard Carter, who can in the Big Ten race. With three tans in good shape in the con¬ to climb back into the win cated he will start him against play either forward or guard. losses it would be a miracle if ference standings, boosting column here Saturday against the Spartans. Carter is averaging 9.4 a game we could win it, but we hope their record over .500 and leav¬ arch-rival MSU. Sophomore Dan Fife, who and is leading the U-M marks¬ to have something to say about ing them in striking distance Game time will be 2:15 p.m. has been troubled by a weight men with a 54 per cent shooting who does. of the leaders. with the freshman game be¬ loss problem due to an ulcer, average. "We are trying not to get tween MSU and'Western Mich¬ will probably start at one guard Tuesday's loss to Northwest¬ our spirits down,'' Orr said. "A igan starting at noon. The var¬ Fife has been averaging 13.2 ern dropped the Wolverines out win over the Spartans will heal But all the records can be sity contest will be televised this season and shooting 51 per of a fifth place tie with the a lot of wounds. MSU is playing thrown out in any MSU-U-M as the"'Big Ten Game of the cent from the floor. Spartans. U-M now stands 2-3 well now and is probably the game, which is one of the most Week." Teaming at guard with Fife in the conference and 8-6 over¬ hottest team in the league." hotly contested rivalries in the After opening the Big Ten will be 5-9 Ken Mazey. the all. The game is also an impor¬ college ranks. season with two consecutive ov¬ ertime wins over Iowa and In¬ diana, the Wolverines have SEASON OPENER SATURDAY home against Ohio State. 98- 85. and then dropped another road decision to Northwestern Pollard lost for 'S' winter track on Tuesday. 100-85. "We made too many mis¬ takes ag&inst Northwestern at critical times.'" U-M Coach John Orr said. "We need to im¬ So the three strong legs in the prove our defense. We gave By DON KOPRIVA Michigan id Ray Arrington. them too many easy baskets. State News Sports Writer Spartan attack break down into Wisconsin *Vlr. Everything. Scoring points has not been distance men, middle distance Merc MSU track coach Fran hai,^ will likely run the a problem for the Wolverines Dittrich has lost the services men. and Bill Wehrwein. 1000 and s >rint medley relays this season. They have been Wehrwein, Roseville junior, while Wilson should be available of star hurdler Charlie Pollard hitting over 90 points a game dashed a 48.3 quarter mile and for mile for the entire winter season as 31.5 300 yard dash in rflSy and distance med¬ given up over 90 points a game his a last ley duty squad opens the 1969 season weekend's time trials to further » in eight games, and twice U-M Saturday at the Michigan Relays "We has surrendered 100. jn Ann Arbor. enhance his 1969 possibilities. ear^Lo well in both the Hurdler Pollard, who his shuttle hurriffith tell S' in wrestling hotbeij, J MILWAUKEE. Wis. (UPI> Ihree American League fran¬ Griffith, who moved the old Washington franchise to Minne¬ meet 2 of nation's best chises are struggling to the sota in 1961. indicated Washing¬ loint they should be moved~one ton isn't entitled to a team 7 them preferably to Milwaukee- simply because it is the nation's By GARY WALKOWICZ meet mark, will use their reg¬ Minnesota Twins President Cal- capital. ular lin Griffith said Wednesday. State News Sports Writer lineup both nights. "What does that mean0 he The MSU wrestling team will Two MSU grapplers will take 1 Milwaukee is "no. 1 on the said • I say if a club owner get a good indication of where unbeaten records into the week¬ |?t of cities that should get the learns, Griffith, long a booster is proving he's doing the best it stands as a national wrestl¬ end competition. Heavyweight he can to make a go of it and ing power this weekend. Jeff Smith has won nine matches ■f this city as a baseball town. is still losing money, he doesn't The Spartan grapplers will in as many starts while 160- Told Lou Chapman of the Mil¬ owe that city any obligation and be at Oklahoma tonight and pound wrestler has a 3-0 mark. waukee Sentinel in a telephone literview from Bloomington. should be allowed to move. will meet Oklahoma State Satur¬ Other Spartans wrestling for llinn. • Why should a club continue day evening. Peninger are Gary Bissell to lose big money to the point The Cowboys and Sooner s (9-1) at 123. Mike Ellis (8-2) at I He said one of the three ail- 130. Keith Lowrance (8-11 at 137. where it can no longer afford are two of the nation's peren¬ lig franchises was the Washing- Ion Senators. He wouldn't name to operate at its present lo¬ Wave of th nial wrestling powers and last Ron Oullett (9-2) at 145. John others, although the cation ?" season finished first and third, Abajace (8-1) at 152. Pat Kars- He said Milwaukee was the Hot on the Indianapolis *rail of the swooshmobile turbines comes inventor William respectively, in the NCAA lake (8-1-1) at 167 and Jack Zin- Chicago White Sox and Cleve¬ land Indians have been hurt by best available open city, with P. Lear, father of the Lear Jet, and his 450 horsepower steam car. The white kero¬ Tournament. del (9-2) at 177. Toronto and Buffalo other prime fueled boiler is mounted beside the driver. UPI Telephoto This year Oklahoma is un¬ Oklahoma should provide jailing attendence for several areas for major league teams. sene beaten in dual meet competi¬ MSU with its stiffest test. 1-ears. tion, while Oklahoma State has The Sooners have three stra¬ lost only to their cross-state ight dual meet wins, including Oklahoma :lash here tonight "When you wrestle against a State. 18-9 decision over Coach Tommy Evans' these two schools, that's the squad also has a first place toughest competition you can finish in the UCLA Holiday Wolverine icers stalk Spartans get," Spartan Coach Grady Tournament. G r a d y peninger Peninger said. "These will be Oklahoma, a 16-15 winner our biggest tests of the dual over MSU last season, has a meet season. We'll find out lineup featuring six undefeated sumi Suzuk iti at 167 head grapplers. Stan Keelv at 123. Pete Naff5-0 > By PAM BOYCE U-M goalie Jim Keough was — tans will tangle at 8 p.m. to- * * just how 115 strongandwe are.101 events, David McQuire at 137. Mike Coach Myron R< prick's squad State News Sports Writer selected on the Western All- night at the MSU Ice Arena, Grant at 145. and Cleo McGlory Our team's l good shape The Wolverines stalk the Spar- America team in 1968 Keough and the MSU icers will travel wh»ch are optional for dual at 160 lead the team with 6-0 for this time a# tan lair tonight. allowed only 3.08 goals per to Ann Arbor for the second meets, will be wrestled only marks. Roderick >ai<1 We expect a The Michigan hockey team game last season, but his aver- game of the series at 8 p.m. as exhibitions in both meets, The only apparent weak spot real close rriet?t. th MSI They brings in to MSU Ice Arena All-America goalie and some age this year js a ieSs-im- Saturday. The Spartans with a 3-0 dual in the Sooner lineup is at heavy- have the same >pe of lineup an pressive3.4. ink ~ at 123. these events in the NCAA meet will help MSU. Iowa State, and Kat- us to catch Oklahoma place in the WCHA with a 2-5-1 Sophomore forward Merle By JOHN VIGES to lead the defending Mid- Falk will also aid the Michigan record. State News Sports Writer America Conference champion Five Good Reason: To Michigan returned from Col- ......Iga,. 1CIUI,KU attack. Falk has 11 points in Redskins. Big 10 50 and 100 orado College last weekend with WCHA play with five goai s and Msu swimmers ieave easy freestyle champion Dan Milne a 6-4 win over the Tigers in the first game and a 5-4 loss six assists, and overall has streef this weekend. Tough accumulated 16 points this sea- teams from Miami of Ohio and will pace the Boilermakers in the same events. Shop At The Disc S iop a.,. ~v». to them in the second. MSU split a pair with Colorado two son Sophomore Paul Gamsby Purdue will present stiff chall- 1° Shaw „11U sPa^® ™nbeaten last year in the MAC with and Grant were one-two Yellow Submarine ster3 3.99 60 The Spartans have tangled s second on i theA Wolverine scor- , "Shl« wih hl ™^ first real ShawA scoring a 21 8gave 47.7 time time himin the Beatles lng list with „ ints The % the Wolverines four times this season with little success. The Wolverines swept a two- center has eight points in WCHA play with one goal and seven assists. ™ McCaffree . otb^ttan gjg Jr' said. t certain to be tough and Purdue Miami _ . is victory in the 100 yard event. Steve Wellman gives the Red- skins a champion in the back- stroke Spanky and Our Gang (Including Give A Damn) ster£ : 2.99 cgajne series from thd Spartans The Wolverines have three has the men to pull an upset. Blood Sweat & Tears "in December, defeating them 2-1 in both games. of their four top defense men McCaffree will place much of ste re'o 3.36 In Detroit tournament play from last year back on the his hope for two victories in me(jjev Rav Witte in the breast- Christmas the Spartans team, including captain Paul junior Mike Kalmbach The coach stroke and Jim Ritter and Pat RARE EARTH over handed Michigan a 4-2 loss only Domm, who has scored three praised his double victories §t. Clair, the Redskin divers, (Sunliners) stereo 2.99 PAUL DOMM to lose to the Wolverines in the goals and six assists this sea- against Iowa State and Iowa Saturday the Spartans will be Wisconsin tournament a week son. The Wolverines and the Spar- last weekend. Kalmbach receiv¬ Kalmhaoh rece.v- ed the Bill Campbell necktie. a* sPa"ans Joan Baez later. Sings 5.77 nuiiuxa uu iuc awiui c u icam. » »; iui oc ~r on winning 26 ot 29 meets, but u..» Dylan 2 Stereo i three of the best times travel posting , Minnesota F 5 n Coach McCaffree does not expect Plus 20 other specials yo -men to by Spartan swimmers this year Against the Hawkeyes Kalm- teamshowsuD bach won the 100 and 200-yard them to concede the minute his M„raffroo'c McCaffree's biggest concern wfM want to see. By DAVE WEST Minnesota, a strong floor ex- its only meet oi tne season, isu rings team, having both freestyle events and against Iowa will be Big 10 champion Dan THE DISC ,SHDP showed a lot of muscle scored 8.95against Indiana. State he came away with victor- Milne. His times of 21.4 in the State News Sports Writer ercise and still rings team, finds 323 East Gr$id River The Spartan g-men travel to itself going into the weekend Other ISU power comes from ies in the 50 and 100 yard free- 50 and 47.04 in the 100-yard meet all even for the season styles The 2L9 time in the 50 ^ MON.-FRI.* retimnlineman Jvjinnesota this weekend for a plenty of competition this 1week- Ed Navarro, their top all-around events leaye OPEN \.M.-9 P.M. with two wins and two losses shown established a new dual meet what J the coach ^ ... calls "a class by ■triangular meet Saturday night Navarro SAT. 9 A.M.-r P.M. end from Minnesota's Larry man Korc ronnrf* Indiana State defeated Indiana ... |with Minnesota and Indiana State Peterson and Indiana's Ray strength in the parallel bar . recc» ,himself." Also expected to give PHONE. 351-5380 ■lauch m floor exercise and ISl' s vault and homontal bar. J^tm this w^kend. The ,SPa"a"s, tr°uble 's breast for Miami and Purdue stroker John Lee. Teen 8 ay Dan Wonderlich in the vault. Saturday will be the first time Minnesota also shows strength the MSU trampoline team has t are men both sprinters Bob Shaw and in their all-around men. Fred seen competitive action this Ron Grant from a great combin- Kueffer and Dave Stende. Both season. Complying with the re- ation in the short distance events Igoes into outstanding ringmen and cent NCAA ruling, the tramp- Stende also excels in the Vault men did not count in the scoring GREEN BAY. Wis UPI - Oregg placed college football a"lParal,«lbaJ.s- against Southern Illinois IM News J Offensive tackle Forrest Gregg, i,.. The Golden Gophers have ... . lit¬ Since Minnesota is a con¬ 11 cures at Southern Method lone of the giants of the Green tle to show on the horizontal ference team, the trampoline Entries are now being ; captained the Mustangs in 1955 bar outside of their number Packers will be included in the the MSU Intramural Swirr glory years. The Packers chose him as their score I Thursday announced his retire- one man. Frank Harris, who MSU-Minnesota score. But a- viduali Meet The event be second round draft choice in 195H. p m Monday 1 ment as a pro football player. He also was picked for the All- consistently turns in a high gainst Indiana State the score The « > of t Gregg, a 12-year-veteran with Southwest Conference team in for this event will be omitted. eestyle; 50 butterfly: 50 backstroke: 50 Harlev Roberts and Dave Seal I the Packers, recently was voted I the team's outstanding lineman 1954 and 1955. are the punch of the excellent' ■Both Of these meets will be medle^aSS^eesUte8 100 tough, said MSU Coach George The deadline "for entering independent I for student for 1968 Szypula. team handball (four-man 1 is noon today I been He said, a in retiring, long and enjoyable car- it has HILLEL FOUNDATION I eer. and the game has been very *19 Hillcrest at W. Grand River I good to me and my family, but 1 I wanted to retire before I SABBATH SERVICES I overstayed my leave Gregg, who will be 36 in FRIDAY 7:30 P.M.; SATURDAY 10 A.M. I October, said lie would like to | stay in football as a coach. although I plans right now I have no definite Gregg played in the Pro Bowl I games of 1961. 1965. 1967 and I 1968 and was I to recently selected the 1969 Pro Bowl team SUNDAY JAN. 26 SUPPER-DISCUSSION-SOCIAL Topic: "THE CURRENT POLITICAL SITUATION IN ISRAEL". Israeli Club members will participate in discussion. 6 P.M. unrest. 1 He played on five world cham- . I pionship Packer teams. BUFFET SUPPER. FOR RIDES CALL 332-1916. Rest ordered Do You Dare... for NY coach LIVE Without Wigs! Diag. 74 sq. , The brooding palace and that students are a lot more beehive tombs of Mycenae adventurous and curious than The BERKELEY Z1305 Special of the week • NEW YORK il'PIi-Bernie The royal apartments of the most travelers. So we weren't Compact molded multi-color cabine •Boom Boom Geoffrion. suf- Thru Friday, Jan. 31 in crisp, clean rectangular lines. Sun King. Tutankhamen's afraid to be a little far out when ; I fering from an ailing stomach Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. treasure. The Temple of Venus we planned our itineraries Semi-Hand Tied Wigs Antenna. Choice of exciting colors. But of course we didn't |I and a last place team, was Reg. $50 All Colors $34.95 And, it's handcrafted. at Baalbek. The Labyrinth ordered by doctors Thursday to on Crete. The teeming bazaars neglect any of the more down- ! 1 take a complete three-week rest aaan Machir *' Wigs of Cairo. The Blarney Stone to-earth details. Like deluxe or from his coaching duties with Reg. $39.95 All Colors $24.95 Archaeologists who tell first-class hotels throughout j | the New York Rangers HOURS: you more about a ruin than Departure dates that fit right Emile Francis, the club's I general manager and the man Elegante Wiggery Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 2-6 just who ruined it. That's just a small sample into your spring or summer vacation. From 15 to 6C days. I whom Geoffrion replaced as Suite 208 507 East Grand ^: -er Ph. 332-3341 5411 So. Cedar, Lansing, Mich. of what's included in Olympic's And. of course, Olympic's oi.y^fFic I coach at the start of this sea- ABOVE NEW CAMPUS BOOKSTORE 11 Student Tours. We figured special student prices I son, wiU handle the coaching Free Nails with each pair Eyelashes purchased at $2.00 I duties during Geoffrin's absence. Friday, tary 24, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan S* 9 News Ads Get Results! Call NOW! State Newt C ossified Classified State News Want £35-8255 355-8255 ft r Rent BRAND NEW deluxe colonial apart CEDAR GR N: One or two men. ONE OR 2 bedroom apartments nf State News does npt VOLKSWAGEN 1960 Mint condition. $125 month. Unfurnished, $100 ments Corner of Burcham and Al¬ Available for business, profes¬ Pool No *?posit, $75 351-3103 petmlt racial or religious Recently new paint, battery, front deposit. No children or pets. 351- ton 3-1/24 3 1/27 sional. college personnel or grad¬ discrimination in its ad* end 484-2358 5323 C1/27 uate students Furnished or un¬ NEED GIF ■ for nicely furnished TOFtOKKFORVOU vertising columns. The furnished 332-3135 20-1 31 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 fastback Black ATTENTION GRADS and working 3 man apai tkrit Pine Forest Apart¬ State News will not accept with red interor 21.00 miles. ments 351 9 # 3-1/24 advertising which discrim¬ personnel: One 3 room unfurnished BEHIND THE Gables Two man fur¬ AUTOMOTIVE $1050 882-7638 5-1/29 at $110: One furnished at $125 • nished apartment Male $120 per inates against religion, Quiet, mature people only Avail¬ month. Utilities included 351-5285 • EMPLOYMENT race, color or national or¬ able immediately FABIAN REALTY between 5 and 7 p.m. 10-1/27 • FOR RENT ED2-0811 or IV5-3033 2-1/24 furnished <■ unfurnished. Convenient igin. to campus .Ad shopping Call Mrs. • FOR SALE Dixon. 372-f !82 5-1/24 VOLVO P1800 High performance LANSING TWO bedrooms, living • LOST & FOUND Excellent throughout. FM engine room, kitchen. Parking and utili¬ • PERSONAL radio, heater. 6 tires. Must sac¬ ties $100 Phone 339-8930 3-1/27 ONE OR H o 1 for spring • PEANUTS PERSONAL rifice 351-5924 M/24 and or sur ir nation, bal- SPRING TERM IS A Call 3>1 2-1/24 • • REAL ESTATE SERVICE Automotive HEATED POOL RENTE0 cony OKEMOS SUBLEASING large 2 • TRANSPORTATION SINGLE MAN to share very deluxe bedroom a.i, ment Plenty of park¬ • WANTED 2-bedroom townehouse Furnished ing Perfect ,or 2 or 3 students or couple 351^01 2-1 24 East Lansing area $84 485-1265. FRANCIS AVIATION: So easv to learn 351-6796 5-1/27 DODGE 1965 Coronet 440 V-8. 4- DEADLINE in the PIPER CHEROKEE". Special CAPITOL sKAR Studios, kitchen door, power brakes, power steering, $5 offer 484-1324. C privileges Single girls On college c, radio, heater $750 487- EAST LANSING, Okemos Duplex, busline 37? 4583 5-1 29 1 P.M. one class day be¬ one bedroom unfurnished Students fore publication. welcome. Swimming pool, all utili¬ Cancellations - 12 noon one FAIRLANE 500 1965 4-door. auto¬ ties furnished $150 month 337- matic Low mileage 6 cylinder ACCIDENT PROBLEM0 Call KALA¬ 0364 after 5 p.m. 3-1/24 3-1/27 class day before publica- Good condition 485-1498 3-1 24 MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP. Small 351-42 EAST LANSING dents to large wrecks American MANAGEMENT CO. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT- carpeted PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South off FAIRLANE 1962 and foreign cars Guaranteed work 351-7880 and drapes $125 Call 332-2627, MICHIGAN Avenue Furnished one new motor, tires, battery $300 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C C-l 24 bedroom, gr «ind floor. Utilities paid. PHONE 337-2304 1 1 24 SUBLET TWO man unfurnished Im¬ Parking *5! 5 month plus deposit. MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ ONE BEDROOM apartment for sub- Phone 62' .54 after 5 p.m. for 355-8255 mediately Norbor Manor Call Mag- FORD 1962 Galaxie-360 engine Over mazoo street Since 1940 Com¬ ie 393-4276 2-1/27 lease at Northwind Farms CaU appointmen 3-1/27 all good condition] Must "sell 485- plete auto painting and collision 332-2627. C-l/24 RATES all good condition Must sell 485- service IV 5-0256 C THREE ROOM and bath. Unfurn¬ THREE RO j and bath Unfurnished, ished, except range and refrigera¬ I NEWLY MARRIED? I except rang - and refrigerator Brand 1 day $1.50 Employment tor Brand new never lived in. new. never -jived in Ground floor. 15^ per word per day MERCEDES BENZ 1961 Grey, red Employment Ground floor, private, good parking, TANGLEWOOD privSt* gc 1 parking, lots of cup¬ 3 days $4.00 leather. Excellent. Must sell $795 Experience re¬ lots of cupboards and closets 12 board? am closets 12 minutes by firm. 351-0454 3-1 27 LEGAL SECRETARY LIGHT CUSTOM- r; Otrk 2 hours NEW GE portables and stands rent¬ minutes by freeway H Jewett. 549 AFARTMENTS freeway 1 Jewett. 549 West Ash, 13 l/2f per word per day quired Pay commensorate with ex¬ ed ONLY to MSU students and fac¬ 5 days perience Established firm. Insur¬ per da. C \V»"* house near month (includes West Ash. Mason OR7-3461: nights i 1 Bdrm.» unfur., from $124.50 Mason OR J461 nights OR7-4693. $6.50 1959 C-" Mason-AlLi. CaU Steve 351-0680 ulty. $8.84 taxi 2-1 24 rsbLD X ffe MGA OR7-4693. ance. paid vacation, parking and STATE MANAGEMENT CORPORA¬ 13< per word per day other benefits. Phone 487-3743. 12-1/31 3-1/24 TION 8687 444 Michigan Avenue 332- C ONE MAN needed for two man apart¬ I 351-7880 | OKEMCS furnished FjOAD x rooms 3711 South Newly decor¬ Un¬ :(based on 10 words per ad) CANVASSING SURVEYOR, to obtain ment Call after 7 pm. 351-7426 GIRL TO share apartment. $82.50 ated Studfj?, acceptable. Immediate leads for water softener sales. 3-1/28 month. Two blocks from campus. There will be a 50tf service NEED FEMALE student for tele¬ TV occupancy -4145 month. 489-6843 Flexible hours, hourly pay plus RENTALS-students only. Low 337-9566. 5-1/24 or 489-7439 5-1 28 and bookkeeping charge if phone work Monday and Wednes¬ commission Must have own trans¬ monthly and term rates. C$11 484- ONE OR two people to share two- day from 9 a m. to 1 p.m.. Thursday 2600 to UNIVERSITY this ad is not paid within OLDSMOBILE 1968. Delmont 88 con¬ 10 30 to 1:30 Call 355- portation Call 332-0881 for ap¬ reserve yours. man apartment, or sublease Avail¬ EAST LANSING: Girl over 21 to vertible Brand new Low mileage am p.m. pointment 5-128 TV RENTALS C able immediately Across the street share luxury apartment. 351-6204 jHouses All the extras Sacrifice $2795 from campus 332-2335.353-8800 after 5 p.m. or 372-5000 ext 291. RENT A TV from a TV Company- 8-5 pm 3-124 FOUR BOY*: East Side Close to The State News will be Call 332-6914. after 4 p m . 2-1 27 24 27 LINE UP your \ $9 00 per month. Call 337-1300 campus Tfio bedrooms Utilities Call 3517319 NEJAC TV RENTALS. C furnished Xmple parking Deposit responsible only for the WEST SAGINAW apartment Furnish¬ first day's incorrect inser¬ OLDSMOBILE 1966-Starfire 2-door HOUSEWIVES - STUDENTS ed. Two bedrooms Large, roomy, ^'RENTED" required. $f each 485-7563 3-1 27 hardtop Automatic, power steer RECEPTIONIST: PART time after¬ clean All uUlities paid 489-1334 tion. ing. brakes. 6 tires ' $1,400 332- PARTTIME noons and Satun\ C V'ings Law 3-1 2S TWO GIRLS (prefer grads* Un¬ LCC AND downtown vacancies in 0363 3-1 24 3-5 HRS. PER DAY office in Vising Park furnished. $50 month Quiet Call five girl tiouse, newly furnished, ing on pi X o. Phone 487-3743 GIRL WANTED to share apartment Kathy 351-6915 3-1 24 kitchen paneled, and carpeted U- OLDSMOBILE 1967 Delta 4-door hard¬ DAYTIME ONLY in Haslett Arms, across from cam¬ tilities pafei $60 per girl plus top Power steering, brakes, h MEN: CLEAN, quiet, cooking, park¬ 6-1 24 Automotive matic. radio, whitewall tires Tilt 484-4475 pus 332-6683 2-127 ONE GIRL needed immediately Brand depqs'tand ease 372-6188. ing. supervised Close to cam¬ new apartment-close to campus AUSTIN HEALEY 1959 Very good steering wheel Loaded with e; One owner Price $2100 Call GIRL BARTENDER, part time, short pus 487-5753 or 485-8836 O 920 room NORTH Pennsylvania One bed¬ Stove, refrigerator, disposal, 351-6204. 3-1 24 "LEBANESE FOOD condition Leaving country $675 hours. 4 nights p«r week Call IVft- And Other time IV4-0838 carpeting Utilities paid. $110 per NEEDED ONE 2 men for ef- 'pod From Most Foreign or best offer Call 355-9432 after 6614 tor interview. TOWN PUMP < month. Phone 1-625-7177 for ap¬ Close 351-3265 Countries*!;.duding lT S 8 p.m. 3-1 28 COCKTAIL LOUNGE. 5-1 24 OLDSMOBILE 1963. 9-passenger sta¬ 5-1 28 ST HEEVS FAMILY tion wagon One owner Good con NORTH WIND pointment. 10-2/6 FOOD FAIR BMW 1800 . 4-door Excellent con¬ dition 353-6615 5-1 24 NEED PART-TIME jobs during the FARMS GIRL NEEDED to sublet winter, ONE GIRL needed Evergreen t lOOfW. S*l jw 48 dition. Private owner seiling--Phone term" Call RENT A-STUDENT at Faculty Apartments spring, summer Cedar Village Perfect location Immediate occu¬ 489-2379 ask for Bill C-l 31 351-5130 between 9-5 p.m. C Jackie. 351-0869 10-2 6 pancy 351-3566 3-1 24 351-7880 CHEVROLET II 1967 . 6 cylinder DONUT BAKER training provided TV RENTALS GE 19" portable $8 50 PONTIAC TEMPEST, custom. 1964 stick 2-door hardtop 485-8918 Can work mornings before classes per month including stand Call J R 5-1 30 V-8, 4-speed. good condition. Sharp' CULVER COMPANY. 351-8862 220 $950 353-1426 after 6 p.m. 3-1 24 No Sundays Prefer married stu- . Albert Street East Lansing C TWO YOUNG students in good humor CORVETTE 1963 Immaculate Two RAMBLER 1960 wagon transpor¬ pus Good pay for good worker. Apply Spudnut Shop. 225 MAC COLORED TV RENTAL $8 per week. to join two others in a large tops 327 350 HP Steve 353-4216 tation special for $25: 351-7688 3-1 24 $24 per month. Call J R. CULVER at 519 Leslie Street. Phone 372- 5-1 28 after 6 p.m 3-127 7336. 5-1 30 COMPANY 351-8862 C Fleaners offers ^ EVERY DAY rCE Drive the exciting new BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS Car and Driver calls this newest spectacular bargain in the entire spectrum of imported cars!" Road and Track calls it one of BMW BMW "the most Germany's famed Bavarian Motor Works, where racing victories are a 50-year tradition. Recent BMW triumphs include winning the last three ANDOR SHOPPING PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANERS AND SHIRT LAUNDERERS also coin operated CENTER and 2801 W. SAGINAW the seven best-made cars in the world. You'll call it unbelievable. A cruising speed of 100 races in a row at Spa Francorchamps in Belgium. This annual 24-hours race is the world's most important event for touring cars. For the driv¬ IMPORTS mph. Up to 30 miles to a gallon of gas. Fantastic roadholding. And more. That's the latest from ing thrill of your life, drive this new BMW today! 1967 Porsche 9-12 "5-Speed" 1966 Porsche 9-12 "5Speed" 1966 Porsche 9-12 "4-Speed" 1966 Sun Beam "Sharp" Advantageous European delivery for tourists. 1966 Volvo 1225 "Like New" Phil Gordon9 1957 Mercedes 2205 2924 E. GRAND RIVER "Runs Excellently" LANSING 484-2552 VOLKSWAGEN, INC. 2845 E. Saginaw • Phone: 484-1341 • LANSING, MICHIGAN Friday, January 24, 19 9 13 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan fr 353-8818 For Rent NEEDED 501 Lexington. immediately for $60 351-8371 5-1/30 ONE GIRL-Single room- in -a priv¬ ate house 5- blocks from campus. Fur-nished. $65 a month ties. 351-8534. plus utili¬ 5-1/24 liver 355-9110 For Sale DRY FIREWOOD, seasoned, will de¬ Red Oak and Beechwood 4.1/24 c.c-./i will be asked 3-1/28 PINNINGS Who's Nancy Anne Halt ;. Saginaw sophomore. Delta Jt'ollege to •1 LANSING: Residential living, Ronald A. Dummeifnger. Mun- ATTENTION GIRLS! Rooms like home Beverlv M. Beach. Grosse jple*. Two bedroom. Stove, re¬ ger (Bay City) uor. Theta with cooking priviliges Call 351- EVERYONE KNOWS AND Point senior to Dirk deLange. frigerator, dishwasher. basement, drapes, disposal, carpeting 0960 or 351-0788 4-1 24 FISHER STEREO amplifier Polaroid Xi • camera and Heathkit shortwave LOVES Farmington junior. Sigma Phi |large yard. Phone 372-8876 4-1/29 353-8248 3-1 27 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A Linda Potts. •t'^skey sen¬ Epsilon. ior. Kappa Kelta-1<. Andy Blad- ' LANSING Marble School dis- PORTABLE SMITH Corona type¬ WHY NOT SELL IT. Linda Siewert, Muskegon jun¬ erson. BethesdV Maryland. Itnct.. .Three bedroom -duplex. I1* writer Electra 120. 12 carriage. FROM LEADS ONLY. ior to Richard Zapala, Grosse 68 Graduate ■bathrooms. -Carpeted living room Pica type. New--never used. $139 95 Pointe Woods junior. Sigma Chi. Bwith fireplace. dining room, kitchen MEN: SINGLE, close, quiet, pn< 353-0745 332-8978 after 6 p.m. 484-4475 Linda McConKev^ Cass City or Constance L. Williams. Mid¬ P ii Beta to ■panelled familv room. Call 351- LOVES CO loves YOU' senior. Gamma 5-1/24 THE MISERY land junior. School of Nursing Norris Walters. I'^aca A NICE home for studious male. Sin¬ at Brodv tonight 1-1/24 to Larry D. Smith. Decatur WASHING MACHINE $50 Child's Christine Kute [Birmingham -JEAR CAMPUS: Three bedrooms. gle. double $50, $60 Full house pri¬ bed $20; Kitchen table and chairs junior. Beta Theta Pi. senior. Gamm£ i1 ii Beta to | furnished, carpeted. $200 351-0598 vileges. 351-5285 between 5 and 7 $30; Girls 16" bicycle $10. 393- Christina Charron, Royal )r 355-6759 3 1 24 2250 2-1 24 Peanuts Personal Jim Holiman. Ricr nond. Vir¬ Oak sophomore to Dave Riddle. ginia. Senior Medial student. JOKEMOS. INDIAN Hills: Nice 3 H A METTE Happy 21st To honor Portage senior. Phi Sigma Medical School < f Vi -^inia. I bedroom ranch $300 including furn- Kappa. I iture and utilities to responsible you. we're giving you the HB award Diann Fox. f 'oil' wood. Flor: 2944. 3-1 24 GDI. 11/24 Sue Anne Wagoner. Lam- I party. February 1 possession. 3-1/24 Call ida senior to Rol ?rt Gerone- I 351-0066 ' bertville junior. Zeta Tau Al¬ For Sale BICYCLE SALES and service Also mus. Hollywood, lorida. sen¬ used. EAST LANSING CYCLE. 215 pha to Ron Shinkle. Temper¬ ior. Cornell Uni ;rsity. Phi ■ farmhouse Prefer studious liberals East Grand River. Call 332-8303 C 2.^ ance junior. Beta Theta Pi. Ruth Horst. Bloomfield Hills junior. Alpha Gamma Delta to Sigma Epsilon. Thomas Busson. Detroit. 1968 - i MSU Graduate. Delta Upsijon. DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and en¬ Patricia Major. Cadillac jun¬ gagement ring sets. Save 50 per cent or more. Large selection of 1/24 ALTERATIONS AND d s making by ior. Alpha Gamma Delta to Placement TJRNISHED HOUSE for four $200 plain and fancy diamonds. $25-$150 AUDIO COMPONENT SERVICE, Am- "Don't worry, Mortimer! Our house mother experienced able charge. 355 5855 seamsti 3-1 27 Steve Anderson. Linwood jun¬ WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE Sigma Al¬ no, three man apartments 509 East Michigan. 485-4391 C pex. Sony, Scott, Fisher and many never interferes in our affairs!" ior. Adrian College. Bureau I available immediately 332-0480; other select brands at MAIN ELEC¬ pha Epsilon. I 351-7153. 5-1'30 TRONICS. 5558 South Pennsylvania. Typing Service Susan Eckles. Plymouth sopho¬ NEW FIRESTONE tire 6 95 x 14 The following employ s will be Two Mustang spinners 351-8944 more to Thomas J. Price. 1-1 24 DONNA BOHANNON Professional viewing from January 7 through Jan¬ EPIPHONE HOLLOW t typist. Term papers, thesis IBM Grosse Pointe junior. Beta uary 31,1969. defer '< Placement Bu¬ Lost & Found Selectric. 353-7922 C Theta Pi. reau Bulletin for additi >■ details.' FISHER 70 watt stereo amplifier perfect condition, very powerful LADIES GOLD WATCH Tuesdav 1:30 Margaret Jacobs. Pontiac TOY POODLE puppies, male and TYPING TERM papers and theses freshman to Steven Green. Pon¬ 351-7485 1 24 p.m. Call Linda ED7-9743 Reward Electric typewriter Fast service female $50 and up Must see to be COMPLETE MEN S ski outfit for tall 3-1 27 O tiac sophomore. Phi Sigma Del¬ JWANTED: I furnished BACHELOR house for sharp hear Waverly. $75 person Skis, poles, boots, boot appreciated. 882-6218 3-1 27 Call 332-4597 ta. I per month Call 351-7670 or. after rack, car rack 623-6101. Dans- PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: A unique iBi Location Pennsylvania 2-1 27 GERMAN SHORT I Dianee Collins. Bloomfield ,489-3094 5-1 27 viHe quality thesis service IBM typ¬ months old Houst Hills sophomore. Delta Zeta bedroom, Call 351-6988 ing. multilith printing and hard EN. SHARE house. 820 Michigan. RAVENSWOOD AREA Nei binding. 337-1527. C to Vern Hartenburg. Eaton Ra¬ paneled AFGHAN PUPPIES or Doberman I $44. Near Kellogg Center 332- BLACK pocket 5-1 27 im and fireplace $32,500 puDpies AKC registered $50 Phone DALMATIANS AKC registered Two secre- pids junior. Farm House 3-1 24 vicinity Grand River- BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing. Jo Ellen Martin. Battle Creek Columbia Gas System Service Corpor¬ neder Builders 332-2057 694-0093 rare, beautiful, liver, i chocolate color) 9 month old puppies. $50. >-3497 2-1/27 No job too large or too small. ation: Chemical, Mectyiical. and El¬ Block of campus. 332-3255 C sophomore. Alpha Gamma Del¬ ectrical Engineering ancCivil Engineer¬ Contact COACH-ACRE DALMATIANS ta to John Oster. Battle Creek Phone 339-8930. 7-1 21 ing majors iB.M1 Loc> ion' Columbus. LADY'S RUBBER Personal TERM PAPERS, theses, manuscripts, -junior. Alpha Kappa Psi general typing IBM selectric JAN¬ Commonwealth A*'ic? ites Incorpora¬ ■ GIRLS ROOM 3 blocks from Union, Custom made. \ NEW YEAR ROUND-UP. ET 337-2600. 20-2/10 ted: Civil, Electrical ! -chanical Engi¬ Bring this ice. 337-1408 after Has been used oi ily for modeling ENGAGEMENTS 5-1 28 Call 351-0574 9 ad in and save 25 per cent on TYPING-IN my home Experience neering majors (B Lotion Jackson, your purchase. Good through Jan¬ Michigan on dictaphone, also many other ' Marie Thomson. Wyandotte R R Donnelley aid Sons Company: 1966 12X60 Ritz-Craft. Like new. uary 31st 1969 Start the New Year areas. 482-4337 ' 4-1 24 off at the DOUBLE D BARR WEST¬ junior. Sigma Alpha Iota to Accounting, all maprj of the College THE JOINT BOSTON TERRIER female Call 655- Priced right for quick sale Phone ERN SHOP 4901 Burchfield. 393- of Business, all maj iry of the Colleges 372-5844 days: and 487-3956 after Larry LeMaster. Flint junior. of Arts and Letters. Ccn-jmunication Arts PRESENTS cellent condi ti 6pm 3 124 Rosemary Motz. St: Johns to and Social Scifhce. ' nancial Admin¬ DALMATIANS AKC registered Two COME AND MEET Paul Tryloff. Mt. Clemens. istration. Economics, 1 majors of the CHARLAMOR 1961 10X50 Two bed¬ ANN BROWN Typist and multilith, RICHARD KEFLAN rare, beautiful liver (chocolate MSU. Immediate oc¬ MAX FERGUSON Graduate MSU 1968 College of Engineeri Mathematics. color) 9 month old puppies. $50. rooms. near offset printing. Dissertations,, theses, Industrial Admimstr. ion, Chemistry, Contact COACH-ACRE DALMATIANS, cupancy. 351-4729 3-1 24 CANADA'S SOCIAL manuscripts general typing IBM Jeanette Dowdle. * Battle 19 years experience 332-8384 C Phvsics. and Person^ Personi and Labor and Phone 339-8930 7-1 31 SATIRIST Creek sophomore to Kim Hal- Industrial Rel;ations nfljors velopment Com¬ 5-1 27 located behind Coral Gables 337- Pam Miller. Grand Rapids 75c FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. pany: Chemical. Civil, Electrical. 8:30 1486 after 5:30 p.m. 3-1 27 RIDERS BREAK-Cheap round trip sophomore. Delta Zeta to Al¬ Metallurgical, and Me. lanical Engineer¬ MODERN FURNITURE: Sofa and r Florida-Lauderdale. Daytona Mi¬ len Eckhoff. Sandusky. Ohio ing, Chemistry iArialy cal. Organic, In¬ chairs, like new Walnut finish 1964 MANATEE 10X52. Two bedroom, ami. 351-8491 SUNDAY: anyone come & play MOBILE HOMES MOVE FAST wh( o senior. Bowling Green Uni¬ organic, and Physical Geology. Math- desk with 0-28V 10A metered pow carpeted, furnished. 10X17 you advertise in Classified. For c versity. Alpha Phi Omega. ematics. and Physics najors iB.M.D). 25c supply, and bookshelves built 00. Can be seen WANTED BUS to Bovne County Jan¬ Houston, *«'exas. Merriam, action-getting ad. dial 355-8255 now! Jean Siegler. Oak Park. Illin¬ Location: uary 31 weekend. Stu, 351-3486 Kansas; and Pittsburgh" Pennsvlvania. 3-1/24 ois senior. Delta Zeta to Jim H.J Henz Comparn Hotel, Restau¬ Maas. Traverse City. MSI rant, and Institutional' Vlanagement and NOTICE TO MARRIED STUDENTS all majors of the Co jges of Business. grad student. Jan Pool. Kalamazoo junior. and Social Science t ejors (B) Loca Join your friends at- Creek Farm Townehouses . . . rapidly becoming tha Delta Zeta to Terry Reinstein. most popular married students' community in ths Lansing area. At Creek Kalamazoo. United States Ar¬ Hercules Incorpor.«t$ Chemistry, and Chemical and Meftiairical Engineering Farm, your money buys more living per dollar than anywhere else in my. Germany. majors (B.M ) Loca tor - various BLOOD DONERS NEEDED $7 50 for Linda S. Kuneman. Redford town . . . and you'll find many other student families with the same in¬ all positive. A negative. B negative Township High <+,pol District 113: Township sophomore to Terry terests that you have. Come and see the beautiful ly-furnished models today. all Elementary, S>coidary. and Spec¬ and AB negative. $10.00 O negative - B. Hoffman. Monroe junior ial Education majt-rs iB.Mt Location $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER. 507>2 E Grand Joan Nelson. Grand Rapids Highland Park. Illinois National YWCA I;ralth. Education, YOU'LL GET THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES River. East Lansing. Above the new Graduate. Muskegon Business and Recreation, C Locatior 'ni inapolis. Indiana * FACULTY COUPLE, no children, ta to Gregory Beauvais. Grosse Separate formal dining area Naval Security Engineering Facility: desire home to rent while * 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms pleting Ph D Near campus. Avail¬ com¬ Pointexunior. Electrical Enginee^pfe and > electronic) mt jots " * 1 or 1 1/2 baths able mid-August Would consider Cynthya Gentry. Howell jun¬ Washington. D C ior. Alpha Gamma Delta to * Modern kitchen with deluxe oven and range, two door refrigeravoi— taking care of teenager of faculty Refere Charles Nothstine. Okemos sen- Ohio Departmeht of Highways Ci¬ vil Engineering and all majors of the freezer, custom cabinets ided. Box A1 State News. 5-1*28 College of Engineering iB.M) Location:. * Full pr'vate basement Susan Margeson. Highland * J.C. Penney Com p. ny Incorporated Private front and rear entrances FRATERNITY AND Soro Park. Illinois junior. Alpha * or other large roomii All majors of the Co eges of Business. Private backyard Gamma Delta to Philip Kline. Arts and Letters. C> lmunicaUon Arts 372-1031 * Only $345 moves you in St. Clair Shores junior. Delta and Social Science ( SUMMER EM¬ ttK * PLOYMENT: For Jui >rs Income tax deductions Upsilon. listed disciplines * No personal mortgage liability Kathy Dietrich. East Lan¬ . lotion New York * Choice of colonial or ranch-type homes sing senior. Alpha Gamma Del¬ Pioneer CamD SI MMER EMPLOY¬ * ta to John Tieman. Birming¬ MENT: for all rn.ijn^ interested in be¬ Landscaping and maintenance included ham. 1968 MSU Graduate, now ing camp courtfMors Locatio; Rochester. New- CREEK FARM TOWNEHOUSES York BABY SITTER in my East Lansing dary. Detroit. MSU Graduate, hooters Part-time Smith. Hinchman , and Grylls. Asso¬ Go 1/2 Mile South of Jolly Road on Logan now attending University of ciates. Incorporated Civil. Mechanical Tuesday. Thursday, alternate Fri¬ Detroit Law School and Electrical Engiir >nng majors iB) Turn left on Haag Road and Follow Model Signs days. Mother with 3 or 4 year Location Detroit Micugan old child preferred. $8 per day. Kay L Stewart. Lakeview Wheelabrator Corporation: 351-4393 1 1 24 junior to Robert L. Breese. Mechan¬ Model townehouses open da'ly and Sunday-Noon to 8 p.m. ical and Chemical ^igineering majors Ball Farmington. MSU Graduate. iB' Location Misha .aka. Indiana Saturday, Noon to 5 p.m. Closed Thursday. Phone: 882-1725 Phi Gamma Delta. Place Your "Circle of Sound" PEOPLE REACHER WMT AD Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. With FM/AM/Ste-eo FM Radio STATE NEWS will bill you Liter. Cylindrical Speaker Enclosures 100 Watt Peak Music Pone-' Micro-Touch 2G Tone Arm Diamond Needle Stylus ON ALL YOUR COLD WEATHER NEEDS! * Model Z590 TIRE CHAINS * FAN BELTS * HOSES * ANTI-FREEZE * WINDSHIELD DE-ICER Consecutive Dates to Run The Troubado * BATTERIES * SPARK PLUGS Heading * MUFFLERS * TAILPIPES Print Ad Here: . * POINTS * TOOLS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CAR "LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN" Peanuts Personals must be placed in per 10 Words or Less: Over 10 Words Add: Mail to: Michigan State News NeJac Guarantee 543 East Grand River Call 337-1300 800 E. KALAMAZOO 346 Student Services MSU East Lansing, Mich. Bldg. Friday, January 24, 1969 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan McKissick Editorial con (Continued from page one) first time in history black folks do not think of themselves as acted oh •,< Fee (continued from page one) decision ot a gov¬ of the separate culture. "Hell, all you've got to do is Negroes," McKissick said. erning gro^j that would subject The he said, him to -juttjcial action by vio¬ delays go home and listen to the top Black capitalism, 10 to find out the real problems should be used for such proj¬ lating *an All-University regu¬ of the cities." ects as Soul City, a develop¬ lation In g^nt lig the injunction, the McKissick said that until re- ment he is founding in North cently'blacks had lied to whites Carolina, in order to give blacks judiciary ;;iid that West Fee's in order to survive. their "piece of cake.' polit'V dit-y.present an "immed¬ "We're in favor of getting political leaflet. I feel you "Every black man has had to Whites have baked a cake. iate iflfr it dement on student By DAVID GLADFELTER radical social changes across have to reach people on other McKissick said, and surrounded right;'. * f isan J. Schurman, State News Staff Writer tell you lies in order to make it. with the aid of posters, pic¬ levels," he said. Manc'^Ln; Mich., junior and Let me tell you it's a new scene it with glass. People concerned about "The Paper.'' underground newspa¬ tures and poems. I didn't read The editor cited past of The Paper as examples of action Ladies in waiting now." "When we asked the trustees chief'fjs" e of the judiciary the lengthy political articles Blacks have their own iden¬ for a piece they sent us to the per of MSU and vicinity which how they must continue. "We The from a has not published yet this term, of The Paper when I was a One of these lucky coeds will be chosen queen of the tity now he said. "I'm no Negro. administrators. The administra¬ 1 <>n*» ;versy stems sophomore, and I was writing analyzed the crisis of the ATL MSU Veteran's Assn. at their annual Winterland tors sent us to the administrative reiereiritjr^Ju'ld recently at both met Wednesday night at the Un¬ I'm your conscious problem. You for them.'" faculty expulsion in the fall of Negro for lack of a assistants and the administrat¬ West ar 3 ®st Fee Halls. ion to find out "what's happen¬ Whirl dance Feb. 1. From left to right, they are Lynne labeled me "66. which had the student sit- Wt sJ "In my opinion they were at¬ better name. " ive assistants sent us to the At Fee. 250 of the 350 ing." or why things haven't in at Bessey Hall." Mason, Cindy Stlmson, Ruth Urbanac and Debby Nylen. tempting to put out a glorified guards. The guards sent us to the residents Voting were in favor been happening.'' We covered the Univer¬ State News Photo by Michael Sirna "Black power means for the side door where we couldn't get of the ^4-hour. 7-day policy to One of the main issues facing sity's response to Rampart's any anyway." be implemented bv Jan 27, re¬ The Paper was determining exposure of MSU's North Viet future editorial policy. Students "To hell with those people." gardless of action taken by Mil¬ Nam Project which, among ton B. Dickerson. vice-presi¬ for a Democratic (SDSi had been closely allign- Society MHA other things bought munitions for Diem and trained his po¬ Volunteer Action Bureau he said our own "We cake." are going to build dent for student affairs. Closed dor policy was A also 25 chologists." munity in the Model Cities Program Boy's Club of Lansing: Volunteers from reation and a variety of clubs aimed a * ifB WHAT'S 11 n wnni a _ v CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES all areas are needed at the Boy's Club helping the children with their studies (3 2 p.m. 8 p.m. m Harris said universities would tion Japanese Students: The Student Educa¬ Corps has a request for two indivi¬ of Lansing. Any individual interested in a Saturdav program including r< * have to play an increasing role working with bovs from 6-18 would be wel- JflPFEfflNG il 5:00 in devising new techniques for duals fluent in the Japanese language The volunteers would work with Japa¬ arts and crafts from 1:" p.m. (41 and field trips and parties which Tickets $1.75 Tsc"cets $2.25 * urban renewal. nese children in the Red Cedar School. the children attend periodically programs include adult Other education. Erickson Ki^r * "The university must lead the The students, because of the language from the city of beasts to Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and a * way teenage program in which local teens par¬ VV ayn ; State, Central Mii'h*an, and cities of men," he said. tutoring North Side Community Action Center: ticipate in all programming as Junior Staff MSU Ja: z Bands, plus the £ndy Goodrich * "If we could orbit three men The Action Center is interested in coop¬ about the moon, then surely we erating with a graduate student, faculty Quintet * member or a combined group of both Divinity School in Wenham, Mass hold an open seminar on the topic "Ex¬ . will have our the capacity to prevent cities from committing the in order to conduct a Senior Citizens Re¬ search Study. This would be an excellent — STUDENTS ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ploring Forces of Gospel Communica- kind of suicide that would make opportunity for a graduate student or an atom bomb almost super- faculty member interested in research It's Great For A Date Perhaps a research methods course might Wonders Hall wiU feature the Muta¬ tions at an all-University mixer from 9- look into this as a class project Operation Shopping Basket: This is a HOBIB'S j 3 Events are never guaranteed to run 12 p.m Saturday Draft calls program conducted at the North Side Ac- two hours a -. Volur month. The volunteer would leeded Bowling We Deliver. MSU Fund for Disadvantaged Children IS TWICE THE FUN Members of the Off-Campus Council pick up a lady from the North Side Com¬ all-University dance from 8- to include will hold an price survey committee can pick up sur¬ munity and take her to pick up her food WHEN THERE'S MORE vey forms from 1-5 p.m today in 316 12 p.m Saturday in the Union Ballroom stamps The volunteer would then take THAN ONE. Fast. Admission is $1.50. her food stamps. The volunteer would Student Services Bldg The survey must be taken Saturday more grads then take her shopping and offer hints on good marketing habits. This opportunity MSI International Film Series will pre¬ The Fourth Annual Intercollegiate Big tand Jazz Festival will be held from 2-8 An ad hoc committee set up Billiards-Refreshments- Good Food sent How To Succeed in Business With¬ : This i: arly out Really Trying'' at 7 30 tonight in the pm in Erickson Kiva Bands from by the Council of Graduate Stu¬ good opportunity for wives of MSU faculty- University Auditorium Tickets are avail- MSU. Wayne State, and Central Michigar dents (COGS) has explored staff 40 Brunswick Lanes For Your Bowling Pleasur draft regulations and reported Lansing Big Brothers: Faculty, staff and that the 1968-69 academic year graduate students are needed as Big Broth recti food. tioiidokLautis And only "Sweden and Lapland, a < ers for fatherless boys in Lansing Big Lutheran Collegiates will sponsor a will show increased call ups for Brother work seeks to help fatherless from the World Travel Series discussion on the Holy Ghost at 5:30 p.m. men with one or more college presented at 8 p.m. Saturday ii boys live in a socially acceptable manner Sunday Call 372-1213 or 351-8114 for fur The boys may have social, emotional or ther information and place of meeting degrees. The committee's report points delinquency problems. The Big Broth¬ er is assigned for the purpose of out that for the first time since assisting JUST NORTH OF FRANDOR Brody Complex will sponsor an all- Union Board will sponsor a talent the boy in becoming a nappy, lndepenaeiu. University mixer from 8 30-12 tonight, ;how at 7 :30 p m Sunday in Philips Hall 1951 graduate students can be featuring The Misery Loves Co Admis¬ ower lounge The "Billy Banana Blues drafted even if they are making sion is 50 cents 3and" wit be featured as an added at- satisfactory progress toward The East Asian Studies Club will hold their degrees. its first meeting at 8 p.m tonight in 124 The report has quoted the E Kedzie Hall MSU Students of Objectivism will meet Scientific Manpower Commission it 7 and 9 p.m Saturday at 2 p m Sunday in the Union Gold Room All those interested in the philosophy of Ayn Rand are invited to attend which claims that of all draftees called up this year, college graduates compose the major 351-3800 CARRY OUT • FAST FRi E DELIVERY in 104 B Wells Hall Student Religious Liberals will meet portion. This is due to the SPAPTAN SHOPPING CENTER at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Old College new regulation which specifies HOURS-Sun.: 3 p.m. - 1 a.m. "Flicks" will show Ingma Trl w ridge at Horrison Rd. Hall of the Union to plan the program that students who have started Fri"°4 Sot": *' 11 aim! I 3 aim! man s "Persona" at 7 and 9pm i From MSU their graduate work before Oct. 1. 1967 are eligible for student The organization of Arab students at Hillel Foundation will hold a supper deferments. MSU will hold its annual Arabian Nights discussion at 6 pm Sunday at Hillel The current draft calls in¬ at 6 30 p m Saturday at the Wesley Foun¬ House, 319 Hillcrest Members of the dation at 1118 S. Harrison Rd Arabian MSU Israeli Club will discuss the Poli¬ clude graduate students who did food backlawa, tabuli will be served tical Situation in Israel Today " not meet this deadline. An Arabian band, with a belly dancer from Detroit will perform along with students on campus No children under 7 will be admitted Tickets are $4.00 per e Union lounge and CAREER CHALLENGES are available with Miss J looks her slickest il Builc MICH. CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY an affiliate of the AMERICAN NATURAL GAS SYS¬ in the "slicket" a jacket ^ r^SSt "The Excursions" will perform Like TEM. Students completing degree requirements musi< and dialogue at 3 today in 't Is in ENGINEERING, CHEMISTRY, ACCOUNTING, planned for action and water the Union and at 10 tonight at Hubbard . Hail They will appear at 8 tomorrow BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MATHEMATICS, evening at Abbot and at lop.rr at Brody INDUSTRIAL ADMINISTRATION and HOME repellency by Pant Her® in ECONOMICS are invited to explore employment Case Hall Coffeehouse, offering free crffee and entertainment, will be open and career opportunities with our Company on: wet-gloss DuPont® cire' nylon 8 - Piece Living Roim Suite from 8-12 p.m tonight and Saturday in the JANUARY 30, 1969 with snapped collar and pockets Why rent when you can -wn his fine furni¬ ture for as Mttle as IC * .. n and $10.87 Scholastic-Cultural committee of For more Information, visit your Placement Office Beige, black, dandelion, red navy, per 24 months, tax inclucf-1! x West Wilson will sponsor a coffeehouse from 9-11 30 pm tonight in the west or write: plum or brown S M L 11.00 All students wishing to sit in Block College Recruiting "S" at home basketball games meet at the northeast seats at Jenison Field- house one half hour before game time MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED s236" Max satirist, Ferguson, political and social will speak at the meeting of the GAS COMPANY One Woodward Avenue •jjK'obSon'S tJA&ap* Committee of Canadian-American Stud¬ ies at 7 30 tonight in Erickson Kiva Detroit, Michigan 48226 Trinity Collegiate Fellowship will meet t p.m 'oday in Conference room B, An Equal Opportunity Employer McDonel Hall. Dr William Nigel Kerr, professor of Church history at Gordon