State Plans Stufloit Posies Bloom Here in Winter Months STATE SCORESStudents' Request Activity Committee Pccause of Tunnel, Not the Weather LATE TO DOWN For Extra Vacation Th.rf Mill" CARNEGIE TECH Refused For Cheering Section WORK BEGUN ON " i»(r Hrala '~H0ME EC MEET by Faculty (hpmf.lwn Cillwl "CrfMI Cirrlf" T.k»n I rom Nntrr ANNII Al PHOTOS TOBEHELDHERE (arts Push Over I 1 Po in Final Unit In Win AtlmitmliMlivr Gtou|i Vntrs In I fold ( liiurt t;ti Friday Alter Blur Cifrlr. i> S«g|rtlril. All Sludrnl iimupi nmwnu I IIV hvv.I. v M K> Third Gamp I li.inkivmi; in Previously (liillinril, Student Council tifftii Animation (on Would H«»f One Rrprrimlalnr in I nmmillrr |)lipr ( omp|ft, | r„hm,n Petition i* Rejected lion W.ll Tali# Place H, V N MIOMM IWr, Rrfn.r End »l Oct 19-20 MISS SCORING CHANCES v.. . I., i II ,V|.. • \ .. ,1. I. ..I- .. Ill H|| WhI l'n R.rhm.n. M.„ |E.v<- Rail Within XII Yard I inr CLUB MEETS TO FROSHTOFORM II III \|s III u \ltl • u .nilil w.'ili chert leittfct with 11 PLAN SCHEDULE DRAMATIC CLUB ineHilwr from all Of Relatione ( lull department Set* ll.ilr ot I » to Hold First temporaneon* ( ontevt at Meeting Inmnrrow Night Novemher I h t oltrirr l.oni|w WKAR CARRIES ALPHA XI DELTA BOOK REVIEWS TO INDUCT EA'S *'"•» Towue Speak» Weekly on Inttallation of Coral Sorority Modern Rookt Ovrr ( amput it Scheduled lor Saturday Radio Station Afternoon CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN UNION Optn In Wl Woman Inlrrnl.d in Contrrvalion UNION TO SPONSOR PLAN UNDERCLASS CO-ED STYLE SHOW RIFLE TEAM HERE Scribe Watches McNamee in Action Representatives From Sororities to Act a* Models lit HAIRY WINMII ml Frrnimn (or Prnhin| Rid* Grrap at .aid' Stole. • a (animation founded l"" tarnpo* without ^ ing field goal. aim. u, t.k: ••■. • Nebraska. is intended for > »aiU adopted as uniform ap¬ a half assisting the famous Gra- mg signals with Reynolds . Political Group Will '*iudents Unless ar Panic®1* Band parel for tiie clas* by that body a charter member hi L*UIW r>n,w itself The following men are the N B ( booth high abrve the in the fr 'warded to the winning platoon vet to be of the game are explaimd by the Pasadena you will no doubt get a Charles R Macieai *n Kappa Alpha Theta. Irene Farley; made Alpha Epsilort sat.-.i,, ^ General The infornatiasi u good picture of how your Alma of the Ingham Count> i- Alpha OiTwcron Pi. Louise Mun- Pershing will award Rumors have been circulated to Everett McClellan. 543 Ever¬ two guides and trusting ***** medals to the three best by the il- would find occasion to be invited League, will outline ic,cie. Zeta Tau Alpha. Thelip^Hoks; the effect that Ben Bernie would green t-ifcro play here some time in November Donald Mac Donald, 302 Al¬ and forceful account by the IhBtnou* Graham, to your friends back here again To be very prciblems w ith which . Alphtan, Mary military science student* Contracts had already been signed bert nouncer. and McNaime gad my friends throughout the frank with you. draham. we cr is confronted during a poiiti appearance ao- has the i bag hope so too. csunpeign Efforts are being made! Konoj); West fLr y Mayo, Mar- to have candidate* for state offices. garet Comey. East Mary Mayv^ artilWry deportment for 1 cording to U*s Hagen who is ' details TWICNEIJ-S ta'k bcfoic interested -ludtnt' ' M.irgaic t Konop. i sponsoring thte affair All. IIK.AN STAI'i: .VKWS TiivhiIiiv. (K'toher |8, )!):]| Has Siirti Holt in Novv CollcfH CoppnS SIGMA EPSILON The Stat* Film Frtdav pat Control Cut-up* — i Sporton HOLDS MEETING ['hacking of Cr.ntptis Cars is • Spoofer S>mp!itird IVdn Sv.trm In P'"""""1' Official. In Appr,, vrnlrd hv IV.. K.omrr lhro..,hm.l Comtaf Y«r XlltOl I'M. I , V 1 f . ( a in pus Rnrh<>r .V iM'SlllfN Shop Mil*, i mil «.rmil l»i\. Barratt s Shoe Repairing 1 iuIT llonl FORD PRODUCTS Sold and Serviced in East Lansing by J. K. REED CO., Inc. WALKOVER'S Theres nothing tough about my throat thats ALL-STAR LINE-UP FOR FALL why I smoke Bid Golds ' .1 C \caiii |.hr fall Irrm siKialitir 4 ollffcr < llt ks fri.llrkrri mrurrs -ihr \li»li.» ( hi. Icfl nf the orchrsti * Ihr Kappa1 Id Kirn I, ki ■one Vnirtiii Ihr hrmhlwi. aU« Iplm lh- Ire ralfclhrnir* wrrr Hiottrr end Hi andatrrttrr Ml lor a «Un. r at nui^'« • U»f thr foot hall J*** HV! 1? I I.HS.B I, % r- ' I M«H TH t ah^irh. - • ' .,.•.1 .s ■ K.ti < \ < • • - *.w And kliurr. firmerr4 iratnlln wbe du» house err, h ihr mm mt on l*d> open TTcvaw FruUx nigh* »..« not uh from Ihr thr bmrhr* *hc ed.-Uir um out of tmm and i>h itodw' g<«i *v |lidn1 Then at mxieraig who thr with Ka'o Catnpbcl! «t *? know how HO' lllllr Ihr am Tnmo*ra too, thr gv<> Wc ' he¬ t. WALKOVER V-.-c. Shaft" : i it.", .urntl aved thr rdi- i ,!vrry evfMiig wn about wltJt the official hHtfM of Natiefca! Prv» convention phtUndn nu and Sunday Strict- "Yeah! ! know they've got a bigger Ray Hauic BURTON'S WALK OVER SHOP fri txgLam Berk n busine;4 of course. butlits important business blurb* thr house, a bigger mortgage, and a football captain, 221 south VitjJlu>|l^a hmm* mrt tfftt is ttiir.sactrd between thr Bay C.ty attae thr We: tfetrrf tjBurrf of s'.end nam* was Maty "Plenty Kranr - ... ... but one of our brothers has a FOfctt y»j' H - (Vt«t:»4 MH H1CAN STATU NKWS rnco.l Pads' Day Activities and MUSICAL GROUP Fraternity Fartien Head COU,KOK State Theatre ZETA'SOBSERVE II £ i • • Social Events For Week i BULLETIN HAS FIRST TEA milWnCD'C nAV rUUNlitK 3 UAl Organising & \7 Hew Judiciary rump and Red Drrnnan Smppl* M«if for Union Pailir* Sigma Alpha Iota F.ntrrlaini al laming Alnmnar Chaptrr F.n- Tropin* Church trrtain* Arlivrt and V " Hrtprrian*. Trimoira*. lambda Chi Alpha*. and . Pki Cbi Alpha* Ha*r Oprn Holiiri Pledge* * .■!> • t «• I.n with the h.> w ere tin c'lili ! . ' n' i, " ■ 11■■ In arc Stnli' win ntratn Tin l'nfTT|»'s and KIMI Drftman'* m ere the iriinl WKdMH, *htl« thi I1ti|'i 'tan? Trimoirn hi Alpha- pfltcrtiiiTH>d at ■ hnu* /IMC I COPPIB AND PLATIS «lf( TROfVPIN 1 1 WHICH SIPRODUC'I VOlUHOPV rAllHlllllV | Dancing Nightly H omen * llii i lit tin I (K\( » |)l M mida. ami \N t-rinexduy) J Good lastc/ u itay 7ai& get in Luckies the finest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos that money can buy—only the clean center leaves—for these are the mild* est leaves—they cost more—they taste better. "It's toasted" NnCHTGAN STATE NEWS Tiii-nlay. tVtnWr 111. l frat bowlers NATIONAL Varsity Reserves to The Sportcastei ! SPORT SUMMARY Battle With Frosh in 0pen schedule tl. 1 \< K \V tllNEK A Hope Chart on Michigan State's Opponents AftKfom Hrlta St|t. and Tin Annual Grid Classic Wm Operins Matrhn Yearling* W.H Prrirnt Stronsrst Team in. Year* for Wedtif*da> |i tllMMI « ItVIH Grinned Miehigan 0 o t'arlelnn T. t hicaco ??. Manhattan 0. < .rorretow n 9 la»t Wn»k A-1 Game at Pattfflfill Field Regular* AI*o Have \ % It Win I» >« l^« Powerful l ine up This \ ear Marquette '0 kan«a« Stale I'! t \M»IIMTI «. 0i tte> SMARTY - WarrcnWIUUm hlhtHeifht i'i" vvi i»\i ^i»\\ nit km»%w While the World Hated . . She lowed Htm \N1> Itll ltmilT IIIM 1«» \ tlVlM. Ill I I WARNER BAXTKR it Mil I I %KI»* "Grand Canary K \MH» Wl RAINBOW RECREATION I u; It til II fw//* enough— tail. about or that monec can bm is used in FROM time eo time »s tell about ChestertnLI ( igarcttcs. making I he Sti rtic let j nnlde r. (setter tast¬ Vt c say that Chesterfields are d.lkrcn; ing e igan lie — ; . igarctti thai Sat.stu s. trom other cigarettes—that the tobaccos loir til it firm r 11 hut Mi¬ IAR arc ditierent. the paper >s diftcrrnt. and le// ton nlmul ( heifer/ie/i/. r . the way thee are made is different Mm in imk ton In Irs lln in VEA1 Everything that modern .Science know s —Mull it tmiiI Mi'iii In he Jmr rimmili- and gulled « C taw**' f en D»,r I lews a Sure, kid I'm going! Yes. she i%